[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "causes of dry sockets" ]
[ [ "represent the next text", "Dry socket is caused by a blood clot not forming properly, dissolving too quickly, or dislodging at the site of a tooth extraction before it has the chance to heal. After a tooth is pulled, a blood clot forms at the site. The clot gives the bone and nerve endings a protective coating." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Stop smoking a few days before the extraction. Smoking, as well as chewing tobacco or using other tobacco products, can interfere with the healing process of your socket. Consider using a nicotine patch or other substitute for a few days, since inhaling smoke can greatly increase your chances for getting dry sockets." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A dry socket is when the blood clot gets dislodged prematurely from the tooth socket. Symptoms of pain at the surgical site and even pain to the ear may occur 2-3 days following surgery. Call the office if this occurs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Nerve damage. 2 Dry mouth can be a result of nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery. 3 Dehydration. 4 Conditions that lead to dehydration, such as fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and burns can cause dry mouth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A dry socket is not an infection and does not need an antibiotic. It is because the clot has come out of the area and the nerves are being exposed. Whatever you do, don't drink or eat anything cold or go outside. You should see your dentist as soon as possible. Votes: +0." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The dry socket is treated by flushing the extraction site with warm salt water solution and packing the socket with gauze or a gelatin sponge coated with an antiseptic dressing. Clove oil when mixed into a paste has been used effectively in treating dry sockets due to its soothing properties." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a) Signs and Symptoms. While specifics can vary, the predominant characteristics of a dry socket are: Throbbing pain. A foul odor and taste coming from the extraction site. A timing where these events do not first appear until at least a few days after the tooth was removed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Don't put oil of clove on dry socket. Go to your dentist, Their is a paste called dry socket paste. Dry sockets can occur within a day after the extraction until up to two weeks afterwards if there has been no healing. The risk factor for dry sockets is SMOKING. If you have had teeth extracted, DO NOT SMOKE for 24 hours after the extraction has occurred (or more, depending on the complexity of the extraction - consult the dentist or oral surgeon who has performed the extraction). Nevertheless, up to 5% of extractions can result in a dry socket regardless." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dry mouth can be a result of nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery. Dehydration . Conditions that lead to dehydration, such as fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and burns can cause dry mouth. Surgical removal of the salivary glands." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Overview -- Dry socket. 2 Complications -- Dry socket. 3 Doctors & Specialists. 4 Misdiagnosis and Alternative Diagnoses. 5 Hidden Causes of Dry socket. Other Causes -- causes of these or similar symptoms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Symptoms of dry socket include pain that develops a couple of days after a tooth extraction, a whitish opening instead of a blood clot and an unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth, according to WebMD. Pain may radiate to the ear. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Since dry socket occurs exclusively following a dental extraction, it could be considered both a complication and an iatrogenic condition, but this does not take into account both the reason why the tooth required extraction (i.e., extraction may have been unavoidable due to significant pain and infection) and also the fact that many dry sockets are ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Underlying causes of dry orgasm include: 1 Cystectomy (bladder removal surgery). 2 Blocked sperm duct (ejaculatory duct obstruction). 3 Certain medications used to treat high blood pressure, enlarged prostate and mood disorders." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can cause various symptoms, the most common being joint pains, skin rashes and tiredness. Problems with kidneys and other organs can occur in severe cases. Treatment includes anti-inflammatory painkillers to ease joint pains. Steroids and/or other medication are sometimes also needed.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'symptoms of sle']\"", "Wisdom teeth dry socket prevails over all other dry socket problems. Your third molars, then other molars and then other teeth mark the presiding order of dry socket occurrence. Dry socket may occur if a clot never formed in the first place or if the clot dislodges later." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dry socket is a dental condition where the natural post-surgery healing process is delayed, characterized by symptoms such as jaw bone exposure and severe pain at the extraction site that begins about two days after extraction and worsens over time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It can even treat osteitis deformans or the Paget's disease of the bone, bone metastasis and multiple myeloma. PRP can also play an important role in the treatment of third molar sockets by helping prevent alveolar osteitis (dry sockets)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Dry socket includes the 6 symptoms listed below: Jaw pain. Fever. Swollen gums. Facial swelling. Swollen jaw lymph glands. Swollen lymph glands near the ear." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dry Socket (Definition) A complication in the healing after an extraction. It is an inflammation of the bone where a tooth was removed and the blood clot was lost, exposing the bone. It produces a foul odor and severe pain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Signs and symptoms of dry socket may include: 1 Severe pain within a few days after a tooth extraction. 2 Partial or total loss of the blood clot at the tooth extraction site, which you may notice as an empty-looking (dry) socket. 3 Visible bone in the socket." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Dry mouth can be a result of nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery. 2 Dehydration . Conditions that lead to dehydration, such as fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and burns can cause dry mouth. Surgical removal of the salivary glands." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Various signs and symptoms to identify a dry socket are: 1 Excruciating pain 3-4 days after tooth extraction. 2 Exposed bones under gums. 3 An empty socket at the location of tooth extraction. 4 Partial or complete loss of blood clot. 5 Radiating pain from the socket to eye, ear, or neck on the same side from where, the tooth has been extracted." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A blood clot forms to protect the bone and nerve when a tooth is pulled. Dry sockets occur in 5-25% of cases. The clot either dissolves or is dislodged, and the bone and nerve are exposed, resulting in severe pain. The pain can become intense and last several days to a week." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dry socket can occur after a tooth has been extracted from the socket. If the blood clot in the socket is disrupted too soon, an infection can start.Dry socket can be painful and occurs in about five percent of all extractions.ry socket can occur after a tooth has been extracted from the socket. If the blood clot in the socket is disrupted too soon, an infection can start." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "3. What are Symptoms of Dry Socket? Once looking into the area in which the tooth was eliminated, you will see a dry-looking socket. In fact, signs and symptoms of dry sockets are various, but some of the most common are: Total or partial loss of the blood clot at the site of tooth extraction. You can see it as an empty socket." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The pain is caused by the bone of the tooth socket being exposed. You have an open wound. You never got a stable blood clot forming in the socket; or, if you did, it got washed out. The good news it that a dry socket will sort itself out within 2 weeks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dry socket (also called alveolar osteitis) is an extremely painful dental condition that can occur after removal (extraction) of a permanent adult tooth. Having a tooth removed is generally not something anyone looks forward to. Most people understand there will be some level of discomfort following the procedure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I've read that you shouldn't drink carbonated beverages or hot liquids for 3-4 days after your surgery. Has to do with maintaining the clot to prevent dry sockets. dude drinking soda is fine, but DO NOT use a straw, don't smoke don't do anything like that, or you will get dry sockets and they are insanely painful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "While specifics can vary, the predominant characteristics of a dry socket are: 1 Throbbing pain. 2 A foul odor and taste coming from the extraction site. 3 A timing where these events do not first appear until at least a few days after the tooth was removed." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Nerve damage. 2 Dry mouth can be a result of nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery. 3 Dehydration. 4 Conditions that lead to dehydration, such as fever, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and burns can cause dry mouth. 5 Surgical removal of the salivary glands. 6 Lifestyle." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The literature on dry sockets after wisdom teeth extractions reports a range from 5-20% dry socket occurence. Most experienced oral surgeons w…ill see fewer than 10% dry socket rate after wisdom teeth extractions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Dry socket includes the 6 symptoms listed below: 1 Jaw pain. 2 Fever. 3 Swollen gums. 4 Facial swelling. 5 Swollen jaw lymph glands. 6 Swollen lymph glands near the ear. 7 more information...»." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A dry socket is considered the most common complication following tooth extractions. It happens more frequently with extraction of impacted wisdom teeth, in patients with poor blood flow to the socket, (smokers, patients taking fosamax), delayed healing (diabetics )." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dry sockets appear in as few as 2 to 5 percent of people following a tooth extraction, according to WebMD. A dry socket is most common in people who smoke, have poor oral hygiene, use birth control pills and those who have a history of problems following tooth extraction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "I haven't because I don't want the dry sockets. Have the chances of forming a dry socket decreased significantly enough to smoke after 48 hours of wisdom teeth extraction is my main question. age 18-24." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Research symptoms & diagnosis of Dry socket: 1 Overview -- Dry socket. 2 Complications -- Dry socket. 3 Doctors & Specialists. 4 Misdiagnosis and Alternative Diagnoses. 5 Hidden Causes of Dry socket. 6 Other Causes -- causes of these or similar symptoms." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"ATLANTA, GA 30354. Delta Community Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 61092947. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!\"] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'delta community ga routing number']", "Dry socket is a condition in which there is inflammation of the jawbone (or alveolar bone) after a tooth extraction. It is also referred to as alveolar osteitis and is one of the many complications that can occur from a tooth extraction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A dry socket is when the blood clot gets dislodged prematurely from the tooth socket. To avoid this from happening do not smoke, drink through a straw, suck on candy, vigorously rinse, or spit for five days after surgery. Call our office if pain gets worse, is not relieved with medication, or radiates to the ear." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "is aries a fire sign" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The energy of the Fire element, and the traits of Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The element of Fire can't be ignored. Fire gives light and warmth. Without it, there's no chance at life. Fire signs are excitable, vital and enthusiastic. They command attention, whether they realize it or not. Let's keep it real ..." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ruled by warrior planet Mars and symbolized by the Ram, Aries is the first and most action-oriented zodiac sign, and a natural-born leader. Red-hot Aries is impossible to ignore. Full of energy and highly competitive, the Ram is both brave and reckless at the same time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Aries is the sign of the trendsetter and trailblazer. As the zodiac’s first sign, Aries loves anything new. Positive Aries astrology traits include leadership, initiative, fearlessness and a strong sense of self-belief. They’re not afraid to speak up for what they believe." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Aries Zodiac Sign Aries Horoscope. Aries traits. As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The name Aries is the Latin name for Ram. In Greek, Kriya is the name of the sign for March 30 zodiac sign. In Spanish it is also used Aries while in French it is used Bélier. Opposite sign: Libra. This is the sign directly across the zodiac circle from the Aries zodiac sign." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Aries - 21st March to the 20th of April al 20 de abril. The sign of Aries is one of the most powerful in the Zodiac. They are full of energy and vitality, with an intense and adventurous personality. People born under the sign of Aries don't fear anything, they're always willing to begin new challenges and have a leader attitude, which also gives them great self-security." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Moon in Fire sign Leo. The Moon is in Fire zodiac sign Leo. When the Moon transits Fire Element sign, emotions search expression in a creative way. Best way for a person to deal with his different mental states is alone, by himself.oon in Fixed sign Leo. The Moon is in Fixed zodiac sign Leo. When the Moon transits Fixed Modality sign, emotions are ruled by the sense of security and stability." ], [ "", "As you can see, every fourth sign is a fire sign. If you were to connect them, they would form a perfect triangle, also known in astrological terms as a grand trine. In fact, this works for each of the four elements." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "2017 Mercury Retrograde. During the year 2017, Mercury goes retrograde for four times as below: The First one being a carryforward from previous year. • December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017 - From earth-sign Capricorn, to fire-sign Sagittarius. • April 9 - May 3, 2017- From earth-sign Taurus, to fire-sign Aries." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The name Aries is the Latin name defining Ram, the April 12 zodiac sign in French it is Bélier and in Greek it is Kriya. Opposite sign: Libra. It is considered that partnerships of any kind between the Aries and Libra sun sign people are the best in the zodiac and highlight cleanness and vigilance. Modality: Cardinal." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Aries is an astrological sign that is associated with the constellation Aries. Under the tropical zodiac, Aries is occupied by the Sun from about March 21 to April 19 (depending on the exact year) and is associated with the Spring Equinox. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from April 15 to May 15. The opposite sign to Aries is Libra." ], [ "Represent this", "Aries (♈) /ˈɛəriːz/ (meaning ram ) is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ Solar Hejri calendar (Farvardin)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces. Aries (March 21- April 20): Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Those who are Aries are independent and courageous. They enjoy leading others and bringing excitement into the lives of others. An Aries is enthusiastic and very goal-oriented." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac in original Astrology, with a symbol that is similar to that of the Devil and representing a Ram, one who fights hard, for leadership, and is action oriented, even using their head." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Aries and Cancer Compatibility. Fire may dry up Water, but be careful of Water overtaking Fire. Cancer is so much different than what you are used to, you will need to sacrifice much for this relationship to work. Cancer feels an overwhelming urge for a family and a home. Aries is so much different than this." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Aries (♈) /ˈɛəriːz/ (meaning ram) is the first astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ <30°). Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign mostly between March 21 and April 19 each year." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Aries /ˈɛəriːz/ (meaning ram) is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ <30º), which area the Sun transits, on average, between March 21 to April 20 each year." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Acoording to vedic astrology , Rashi for the name Linza is Mesh and Moon sign associated with the name Linza is Aries. The name Linza has Fire element. Mars is the Ruling Planet for the name Linza. The name Linza having moon sign as Aries is represented by The Ram and considered as Cardinal . Normally, people with the name Linza are energetic, courageous and determined." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Aries Rising with Mars (Ruler of Aries) in the Signs. The following interpretations incorporate the position, by sign, of Mars, the ruling planet of Aries. The sign position of Mars modifies your Aries Ascendant characteristics." ], [ "", "Aries the animal. Aries is the astrological Zodiac sign that represents the constellation Aries. In the tropical zodiac, Aries is from March 21 to April 21 beginning at the vernal equinox. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is now from April 15 to May 15. The opposite sign to Aries is Libra." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac in original Astrology, with a symbol that is similar to that of the Devil and representing a Ram, one who fights hard, for leadership, and is action oriented, even using their head." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Astrology.com Article. Aries Sun Sign - Zodiac Signs. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and that's pretty much how those born under this sign see themselves: first. Aries are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Often leads when following would be best course of action. → Click here to read your Aries horoscope! The symbol for this sign is that of a ram for good reason. Aries is full of life and possesses high energy, which makes this sign always looking for a challenge. The typical Aries person is full of vitality, curiosity, and has a heightened sense of justice." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Information On Aries Astrology. Aries Zodiac Sign Aries Horoscope. Aries traits. As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The Greeks associated Aries with the Ram who carried Phrixus and his sister Helle on his back to Colchis (the Georgian region of the Caucasus) to escape the evil designs of their stepmother, Ino, who was about to kill them." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Fire signs know exactly the effect they're having on the rest of us. They're lighting up our lives! Fire signs are known as the ones who bring joy, color and sass to what would be an otherwise dull world. This is energy that can't be contained and rightly so. The Fire element is essential to our basic life force. This is the element that's focused on the creation of self or personal identity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Usually it is both. Their signs go well together in general and they support each other easily, since they both have a lot of energy to follow one another. Still, when it comes to their sexual and intimate relations, they could lack emotion. Aries is a passionate sign with lot of warm, creative emotions. This is a relationship that could bring out their worst nature and simply emphasize that they are a sign ruled by Mars – a cold, unemotional sexual hunter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Aries is a rather inconspicuous northern constellation and sign of the zodiac, which honors the ram whose golden fleece was sought by Jason and the Argonauts. Aries used to contain the vernal equinox, the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Most Compatible Signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Libra, the Scales, is an air sign and, not surprisingly, is compatible with fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. In addition, Libras are often compatible with the fire signs of Leo and Sagittarius." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fire signs are the leaders and the cheerleaders of the zodiac. They provide us with much needed inspiration, motivation and creative energy. A person with 2-4 planets in fire in her chart will be enthusiastic and idealistic, and could also be insecure, egocentric and impractical." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and that's pretty much how those born under this sign see themselves: first.Aries are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for an Aries prefers to initiate rather than to complete.ardinal Signs love to get things going, and Aries exemplifies this even better than Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Aries is ruled by Mars. Taking a peek at Roman mythology, we find that Mars was the God of War. Our man Mars was unafraid to do battle, and much the same can be said for Aries." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results. The query could be '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is surgut']' and should be close to '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Surgut is a city found in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia. It is located 61.25 latitude and 73.42 longitude and it is situated at 37 meters above sea level Continents']' but very far from '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Suramin is an anti-neoplastic agent that has been used in the treatment of several infectious diseases, including African sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis), a protozoan infection. African sleeping sickness is caused by an infection of the protozoa Trypanosoma, which can be contracted from a bite from a tsetse fly.']'", "what temperature do steel beams melt?" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1535C (2795F) - melting point of iron. ~1510C (2750F) - melting point of typical structural steel. ~825C (1517F) - maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air - blue flame)" ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you want to use lighters to melt glass, a butane torch is really the only option, and you will need to find one that burns consistently at a temperature above about 1600 degrees Celsius. These models are designed to be safe when lit for prolonged periods of time, taking away the risk of burns and explosion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "New metal alloy has highest melting point of any known substance at 4,126°C. More than 20 'death stars' are heading towards our solar system, and could cause devastating comet strikes... Mystery of the slimy brain-like 'alien blobs' found in a Canadian lagoon that appear to be SPREADING." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The present study of the effect of temperature on the electrodeposition of chromium on 1045 steel showed that the hardness increases while the grain size of the chromium deposited decreased with increase in temperature. Between 50 °C and 60 °C the results showed barely perceptible differences." ], [ "", "The clamps are tightened using a torque wrench. The clamps can be arranged to produce curved or straight beams. The beams must be cured for about 8 hours at 25°C. A movable shroud is used to allow the clamping area to be heated to 25°C. After curing, the beams are removed from the clamps, placed on a roller table then put through a 4-sided planer. The beams are then required to be stored for a further 24hrs before being released for use." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "LESSON I, PART A rate of the metal. The preheat temperature may vary from 150°F to 1000°F, but more commonly it is held in the 300°F to 400°F range. The thicker the weld metal, the more likely will it be necessary to preheat, because the heat will be conducted away from the weld zone more rapidly as the mass increases." ], [ "Represent the input", "Two medium carbon steel, 0.33 wt % C and 0.42 wt % C, were heated to 900 o C and quenched in water at temperatures ranging from 35 o C (room temperature) to 95 o C. The results showed that hardness was reduced by over 18% and impact strength was improved by over 50%." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The recommended melt temperatures for Vydyne glass reinforced resins are 285 to 305°C. Measure the stock in an air shot with a hand-held pyrometer. In addition to the barrel heater bands, screw back pressure and rotation speed add heat to the melt.3. Maintain mold surface temperatures in a range of 65 to 95°C." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "What temperature does rock melt/explode? Is a rock alright to be surroounded by glass coating in a kiln at 1500 degrees to make a necklace...?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "See our Line of Nitride BCG's. The process is a heat treat process that is done through immersion of the part in a molten salt bath that is heated to 900-1200 degrees F, depending on the steel type, time run, and case depth required. The normal temps for steel in the gun industry is from around 975 to 1100." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g.:\n['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Neurontin (gabapentin) is an anti-epileptic medication used to treat seizures. It is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat seizures caused by epilepsy in adults and children who are at least 12 years old.It is also used to treat nerve pain caused by shingles (herpes zoster).ther side effects of Neurontin can be mood or behavior changes, depression, or anxiety. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Neurontin is available as tablets, capsules, or oral solution.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is neurontin a narcotic medication']", "From what I could find in a quick search, between 1100 F and 2200 F or 600c and 1200c. It depends on what the rock is made of. Quartz melts at the lowest temp. while basaltic …rocks have the highest melting temp." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Types Of Steel Beams, Wholesale Various High Quality Types Of Steel Beams Products from Global Types Of Steel Beams Suppliers and Types Of Steel Beams Factory,Importer,Exporter at Alibaba.com. menu menu" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PTFE is a thermoplastic polymer, which is a white solid at room temperature, with a density of about 2200 kg/m 3. According to Chemours, its melting point is 600 K (327 °C; 620 °F). It maintains high strength, toughness and self-lubrication at low temperatures down to 5 K (−268.15 °C; −450.67 °F), and good flexibility at temperatures above 194 K (−79 °C; −110 °F)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The less the mean systemic filling pressure... the more difficult it is for blood to flow into the heart. The effect of TPR on venous return : A decrease in TPR... TPR makes it easier for blood to flow from the arterial to the venous side of the circulation and back to the heart.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what affects venous blood flow']\"", "Depending on the composite of the concrete material, it can melt at different temperatures. When concrete reaches a high enough temperature such as more than 1000 degrees … Celsius, it can crumble like sugar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ilya Stcherbakov/iStock/Getty Images. 1,688 degrees Fahrenheit is an extremely hot temperature; however, in metallurgy it is considered a low melting point. Compared to iron's melting point -- 2,786 degrees Fahrenheit -- the average melting point of brass at 1,688 makes it a low-melting alloy.oad the crucible with the brass that you would like to melt down. Use a crucible that is made from a clay-graphite mix, as metal crucibles may melt during the process. Lower the crucible into the furnace with a pair of tongs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Melting aluminum, brass, or other mid-temperature melting point metals requires over 1000 degree temperatures.To build a simple home made furnace for casting metals you need to meet some simple design requirements and use appropriate materials.elting aluminum, brass, or other mid-temperature melting point metals requires over 1000 degree temperatures." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 The solution nitriding process, SolNit®, is performed in the austenitic phase of steel. At temperatures above 1922°F (1050°C), the thermal dissociation of nitrogen can be used to transfer into and solve nitrogen in stainless steels. Nitrogen case depth up to .1 inches (2.5 mm) can be reached in 24 hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most stone will melt at around 1500 degrees Celsius (2750 Fahrenheit). As for architecture, it is used, but it is so much heavier than most metals, it can't be used for things like skyscrapers ( at great heights, anyway)." ], [ "Represent the input!", "Posted 8 November 2010 - 09:34 PM. I know that Dicyanoacetylene (carbon subnitride) combusts at a flame temperature of 4990C. This is hot enough to melt almost all metals, except maybe some superalloys." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Post Weld Heat Treatment of Stainless Steel. Chromium carbides form in stainless steels along either side of a weld. These carbides form where the metal is in the temperature range of approximately 1100 - 1500 F." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Depending on the composite of the concrete material, it can melt at different temperatures. When concrete reaches a high enough temperature such as more than 1000 degrees … Celsius, it can crumble like sugar.he melting will start with the material that has the lowest temperature melting point unless you allow the system to take a long time and react into other solids first, of course. A ballpark guess of 800-1000°C for melting is what I would assume, for various reasons." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "RE: What temperature does solder (heat) melt at? When i stick a circuit board in the oven (witch you can do) to melt the solder so i can take the diodes, capacitor, and buttons off what temp do i set the oven at?Hence my original question what temperature does solder melt at?E: What temperature does solder (heat) melt at? When i stick a circuit board in the oven (witch you can do) to melt the solder so i can take the diodes, capacitor, and buttons off what temp do i set the oven at? Hence my original question what temperature does solder melt at?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gold melts at a much cooler temperature – about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit – but that’s enough to survive most house fires. Platinum jewelry is the priciest, so it’s a good thing that the metal’s melting point is just higher than 3,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Sapphire and Ruby also possess extremely high melting points." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Mock-ups For Structural Steel Bending and Steel Plate…. 2 What is the meaning of “Yes, we have the capacity to bend…. 3 How Do the Tolerances for Structural Steel Construction…. Reverse Curve Bending of Beams." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Division UHCO, Antofagasta. ABSTRACT. A study was made on the effect of temperature on the electrodeposition of hard chromium on 1045 steel within a range of 30° to 60°C, as shown by variations in reaction yield, surface hardness, and depositional grain size." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Only 3 years old, on a cold day at dockside in Boston, Mass., at a temperature of 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the stresses at a stray welding arc strike on the deck of the ship exceeded the yield strength of the steel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quick Answer. The melting point of aluminum at sea level is 1,221 degrees Fahrenheit. Measured in Celsius, aluminum will melt at approximately 660 degrees. There are slight variations in the exact melting point of aluminum created by differences in the atmospheric pressure and the purity of the metal. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PVC, polyvinyl chloride, melts at 212 °C (about 414 °F) Teflon®, which we use to coat cookware, is polytetrafluoroethene - PTFE, and it melts at 327 °C (about 621 °F) POM copolymer has a melting point of 162-173 °C. PLA softens at 50 °C." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ironworkers typically do the following: Unload and stack prefabricated steel so that it can be lifted easily with slings. Use a crane to lift steel beams, girders, and columns into place. Stand on beams or girders to help position steel pieces that are being lifted. Signal crane operators for positioning of the structural steel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A melt volume comparison of PELADOW™ Calcium Chloride Pellets with other products at 5°F (-15°C) illustrates the greater effectiveness of calcium chloride when melting ice at low temperatures. PELADOW™ melts ice up to three times faster than competing materials." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you're asking about the specific temperature... that is extremely variable depending upon the metal in question. Mercury has the lowest melting point of all metals at −38.8290°C (−37.8922°F), and tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals at 3422°C, (​6192°F). The temperature at which a metal is starting to melt is called melting point of metal." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "CONCLUSIONS. The present study of the effect of temperature on the electrodeposition of chromium on 1045 steel showed that the hardness increases while the grain size of the chromium deposited decreased with increase in temperature. Between 50 °C and 60 °C the results showed barely perceptible differences." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "High-temperature steel. Molybdenum has been the key alloying element used to develop creep-resistant ferritic steels for service temperatures up to 530 °C. Products and components made of high-temperature steels include." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "9/11, conspiracy. “Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Steel Beams” is an assertion made by September 11th, 2001 attack conspiracy theorists that the burning fuel from crashed planes would not have been able to melt the supporting beams of the World Trade Center. The claim is widely mocked online for being based on flawed evidence." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Man, I hope you've got a hot little fire going there. The melting temperature of gold depends on its karat weight, which relates to its purity. 18k gold will melt at approximately 1675 degrees Fahrenheit 24k gold will melt at a significantly lower temperature-that is, if you consider 1550 degrees a lower temperature." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nGiven ['Represent', 'Any objects made from metal (aluminum, steel, brass, copper, bronze, titanium, magnesium, etc.) can be powder coated. All of these metals, weather sand, die, investment casting, extruded, forged, and of course billet metals can be powder coated. Andrews Powder Coating.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can you powder coat copper']", "A small change in. temperature results in large change in forming force. This technique can be used to process all thermoforming grades of. polypropylene. Melt phase forming is performed at temperatures ranging from 170ºC to 180ºC and requires polypropylene grades with a. high melt strength. Parts formed with Melt phase forming are more even, have lower residual stress and greater heat. resistance." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Best Answer: Melting Point: Melts at 25o C (76o Fahrenheit). Solid below this temperature. Smoking Point: 177o C (350o Fahrenheit). Solubility in Water: Forms a white homogenous mixture when beaten well in little water. Otherwise insoluble in water at room temperature. Hope this helps." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A new material with a higher melting point than any other known substance has been invented by scientists. The exotic alloy, which is a combination of the rare metal hafnium, carbon and nitrogen, would only begin to melt into a liquid at temperatures of more than 4,126°C (7,460°F) - two thirds the temperature of the surface of the sun." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Temperature of the welding arc may reach 3316 deg C (6000 F) Temperature of the plasma arc may reach 33 358 deg C ( 55 000F) Melting temperatures of the metals range from 260C (500F) to more than 2760C (5000F) Furnace and refinery stacks can operate at 1093C (2000F) or more. Gases used in the welding process may be stored at temperatures as low as -268C (-452F) Treating burns." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The melt temperature for ABS is usually somewhere in the vicinity of 378 K, just above the boiling point of water. It softens around 90 °C and melts around 105 °C. Maximum usable temperature is considered to be 80 °C." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tungsten's melting point of 3422 °C is the highest of all metals and second only to carbon (3550 °C) among the elements. This is why tungsten is used in rocket nozzles and reactor linings. There are refractory ceramics and alloys that have higher melting points, notably $\\ce{Ta4HfC5}$ with a melting point of 4215 °C, hafnium carbide at 3900 °C and tantalum carbide at 3800 °C. Carbon cannot be used to hold molten tungsten because they will react to form tungsten carbide." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most brass will melt at temperatures as low as 1,650ºF (900ºC), but a higher maximum temperature will give you a margin of error, and make the brass easier to pour. Select a furnace large enough to hold the crucible and brass you intend to melt. Consider the fuel you will be using." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A ice cube melts in 109 degrees temp....it takes about 12 to 13 mins. to melt an over sized ice cube on concrete in 109 degrees.. This question is archived." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. It takes between 10 to 12 minutes to completely melt an ice cube on concrete with an ambient temperature of 109 degrees Fahrenheit. Ice melts at different speeds based on a range of factors such as the temperature of the ice, the size of the ice and the ambient temperature. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Properties: Beryllium has a melting point of 1287+/-5°C, boiling point of 2970°C, specific gravity of 1.848 (20°C), and valence of 2. The metal is steel-gray in color, very light, with one of the highest melting points of the light metals. Its modulus of elasticity is a third higher than that of steel.Beryllium has high thermal conductivity, is nonmagnetic, and resists attack by concentrated nitric acid.he metal is steel-gray in color, very light, with one of the highest melting points of the light metals. Its modulus of elasticity is a third higher than that of steel. Beryllium has high thermal conductivity, is nonmagnetic, and resists attack by concentrated nitric acid." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Until the scientists have successfully synthesised the new alloy and tested its melting point, the record for highest melting point will remain with a substance made using hafnium, tantalum and carbon (Hf-N-C), which melts at a temperature 3,526°C." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Related Searches for types of steel beams: steel beam used steel beams beam steel h beam heb steel beams h beam iron beam l shaped steel beam perforated steel beams wide flange beams light steel beam metal support beams universal beam uc beam l shaped beam More... types of steel beams. 1 Best price h types of steel beams Ad. 2 STRENGTH Different Types Of Steel Warp Beam Ad. 3 Types of metal structural steel H beam price per Kg Ad. 4 Type of Brand new HEB Steel Structure Beam Slotted Cold Rolled Steel H Profile Ad. 5 Types of metal structural steel H beam price per Kg Ad. 6 C type beam of carbon steel purlin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 30 3.5 3.0 0.5 0.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2205 2304 316L Stainless steel grades Bendingforce(kN) in the 700–1000°C (1300–1830°F) range while being transferred to the quench location after this final anneal. 2 Minimum solution annealing temperatures for duplex stainless steels are summarized in Table 10." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The process of quenching and tempering carbon steel tubulars is not unlike that which is applied to other carbon steel shapes: the part is heated to about 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit, cooled rapidly, and reheated to a temperature less than about 1,300 degrees F." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'HSB Consulting provides specialist building consultancy and project management services to the commercial property industry throughout Australia. HSB Consulting was founded in 2002 and represents leading property investors, developers, retailers and occupiers.SB Consulting provides specialist building consultancy and project management services to the commercial property industry throughout Australia. HSB Consulting was founded in 2002 and represents leading property investors, developers, retailers and occupiers.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when was hsb founded']\"", "A ice cube melts in 109 degrees temp....it takes about 12 to 13 mins. to melt an over sized ice cube on concrete in 109 degrees.. Comments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Brazing. The melting temperature of the filler metal is greater than 800 °F but less than the melting temperature of the base metal. For example: Silver brazing, depending on the alloy, has a range of 1045 °F to 1700 °F." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Best Answer: bending is different than melting .... given enough force, one can bend metal at room temperature. btw melting temperature of aluminum is, 933.47 K (660.32 °C, 1220.58 °F)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At brazing temperature, the resulting flux composition has a clearly defined melting range of 565°C to 572°C (1049°F – 1062°F). The flux melts to a colorless liquid. Due to a vapor pressure of 0.06 mbar at 600°C, some of the KAlF 4 evaporates during the brazing cycle, particularly once melting temperature is reached." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A: Although it technically depends on the exact molecular makeup of the glass in question, glass typically melts between 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit and 2,900 degrees F (approximately 1,400 - 1,600 degrees Celsius). Certain types of glass can melt at lower temperatures, but commercial glass must reach that approximate temperature before melting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The melting temperature of the filler metal is greater than 800 °F but less than the melting temperature of the base metal. For example: Silver brazing, depending on the alloy, has a range of 1045 °F to 1700 °F." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most brass will melt at temperatures as low as 1,650ºF (900ºC), but a higher maximum temperature will give you a margin of error, and make the brass easier to pour. Select a furnace large enough to hold the crucible and brass you intend to melt." ], [ "represent text", "Most brass will melt at temperatures as low as 1,650ºF (900ºC), but a higher maximum temperature will give you a margin of error, and make the brass easier to pour. 1 Select a furnace large enough to hold the crucible and brass you intend to melt." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Large furnaces melt the iron and stay at temperatures ranging 2,600 to 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Computerized systems constantly monitor temperature. As the iron travels down the molding line, the temperature gradually decreases from about 2,600 to 1,200 degrees. As the castings cool, they enter a shakeout process in which the molds are shaken off and the sand is recycled for reuse. When castings get below about 140 degrees, they are cleaned and finished." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries. Example:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'What is a plantar wart? A plantar wart is a thick, rough skin growth on the bottom of your foot. Plantar warts are benign (not cancer) and they are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a germ that spreads through direct contact. It usually enters the skin through cuts or scratches on the bottom of your feet.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a plantar wart on foot']\"", "Traditional sterling has a solidus melting temperature of. 1475°F (802°C) and a liquidus flow point of 1650°F (899°C). The solidus melting point of Argentium® Silver is 1410°F. (766°C); the liquidus flow point is 1610°F (877°C)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Purchase a metal melting furnace that can reach 2,000ºF (1,100ºC), constructed from a refractory material that can withstand this heat. Most brass will melt at temperatures as low as 1,650ºF (900ºC), but a higher maximum temperature will give you a margin of error, and make the brass easier to pour. Select a furnace large enough to hold the crucible and brass you intend to melt. Consider the fuel you will be using." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ilya Stcherbakov/iStock/Getty Images. 1,688 degrees Fahrenheit is an extremely hot temperature; however, in metallurgy it is considered a low melting point. Compared to iron's melting point -- 2,786 degrees Fahrenheit -- the average melting point of brass at 1,688 makes it a low-melting alloy.oad the crucible with the brass that you would like to melt down. Use a crucible that is made from a clay-graphite mix, as metal crucibles may melt during the process. Lower the crucible into the furnace with a pair of tongs. Use long-handled tongs made for metal casting." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Temperature steel is the steel required for shrinkage and temperature stresses perpendicular to the main flexural steel. Temperature steel is only required for structural slabs, not slabs cast against the earth or retaining wall footings. The temperature steel will make one-way slabs less likely to crack from concentrated loads. For Grade 40 and 50 steel : ρ = 0.0020. For Grade 60 steel : ρ = 0.0018. Above Grade 60 steel :" ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is the unital ring" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Unit (ring theory) In mathematics, an invertible element or a unit in a (unital) ring R is any element u that has an inverse element in the multiplicative monoid of R, i.e. an element v such that. The set of units of any ring is closed under multiplication (the product of two units is again a unit), and forms a group for this operation." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A high-carat center diamond looks enormous in a halo setting. And a quarter-, third- or half-carat diamond can look, by some estimates, as much as a half a carat larger. The halo ring is a setting that encircles a center gemstone in a collection of round pavé or micro-pavé diamonds (or faceted color gemstones)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Briefly, a ring is an abelian group with a second binary operation that is associative, is distributive over the abelian group operation and has an identity element. The abelian group operation is called addition and the second binary operation is called multiplication by extension from the integers.o give a ring homomorphism from a commutative ring R to a ring A with image contained in the center of A is the same as to give a structure of an algebra over R to A (in particular gives a structure of A-module)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The six benzene rings in coronene are fused in a planar ring; whereas the six rings in hexahelicene are not joined in a larger ring, but assume a helical turn, due to the crowding together of the terminal ring atoms.he resulting planar ring meets the first requirement for aromaticity, and the π-system is occupied by 6 electrons, 4 from the two double bonds and 2 from the heteroatom, thus satisfying the Hueckel Hückel. Rule four illustrative examples of aromatic compounds are shown. above" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "unities. 1 1a : the quality or state of not being multiple : onenessb (1) : a definite amount taken as one or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation in a table of natural sines the radius of the circle is regarded as unity (2) : identity element." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An esophageal ring, or Schatzki ring, is a ring of tissue near the end of the food pipe (esophagus) just above the opening to the stomach.The area with the ring is narrower than the rest of the food pipe.A stricture is a narrowing of the esophagus (food pipe). Some people may have a Schatzki’s ring since birth. Sometimes, it is due to G astro E sophageal R eflux D isease (GERD).Stricturing, or narrowing, can be caused from acid in the stomach entering up into the esophagus causing the esophagus tissue to scar.he area with the ring is narrower than the rest of the food pipe. A stricture is a narrowing of the esophagus (food pipe). Some people may have a Schatzki’s ring since birth. Sometimes, it is due to G astro E sophageal R eflux D isease (GERD)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Aromatic rings (also known as aromatic compounds or arenes) are hydrocarbons which contain benzene, or some other related ring structure. Benzene, C6H6, is often drawn as a ring of six carbon atoms, with alternating double bonds and single bonds: This simple picture has some complications, however." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Correspondence between ring operations and spectra. The spectrum is a contravariant functor, as mentioned earlier; The spectrum of the direct limit of a directed system of commutative unital rings, is the inverse limit of their spectra; The spectrum of a direct product of two commutative unital rings, is a disjoint union of the spectra" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A ring is a round band, usually in metal, worn as ornamental jewellery around the finger, or sometimes the toe; it is the most common current meaning of the word ring ." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Iron ring (laboratory) A Ring clamp is an item of laboratory equipment which comprises a conjoined metal ring and radially-extending rod. In some cases, the rod terminates in a screw clamp for attachment to a retort stand or other support; in others, the rod may be attached to a stand by means of a laboratory clamp holder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Two rings have been identified in the distal esophagus. The muscular ring, or A ring, is a thickened symmetric band of muscle that forms the upper border of the esophageal vestibule and is located approximately 2 cm above the gastroesophageal junction." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Vaginal rings (also known as intravaginal rings, or V-Rings) are polymeric drug delivery devices designed to provide controlled release of drugs for intravaginal administration over extended periods of time. The ring is inserted into the vagina and provides contraception protection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Gimmal ring. A gimmal ring, or gimmel ring, is a ring with two or three hoops or links that fit together to form one complete ring. The name gimmal comes from Latin gemellus, twin, via Old French." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It is also called, Ring of Air, Ring of Firmament, or Blue Ring. It is generally considered that Vilya was the mightiest of these three bands (as mentioned in the ending chapter in The Return of the King). The exact power of Vilya is not mentioned." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Fewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Origin: [AS. habban to have + habban to have not; ne not + habban to have. See Have, and cf. Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Hobnob is the brand name of a biscuit made from rolled oats and jumbo oats, similar to a flapjack/digestive biscuit hybrid. They are primarily sold in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man and Ireland but are available in the U.S., and several European and Asian countries.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'definition of hob knob']\"", "Problem 1: Let R be a commutative unital ring, and let S be a multiplicative submonoid of R. Define an equivalence relation ~ on R x S by (a,s)~(b,t) if there is r in S with rat = rbs. Let a/s denote the ~-equivalence class of (a,s). Show that with a/s + b/t = (at+bs)/st and (a/s)(b/t) = ab/st" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 Gemstones, like rubies, emeralds and sapphires, are crystals. The elements they are made up of determine their color. A unit cell is what they call the basic building block of a crystal. It is the smallest arrangement of atoms that shows the crystal structure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Unit Circle. The concept of unit circle is very frequently used in maths, especially in trigonometry. A unit circle is a circle with unit radius, centered at origin. In other words, a circle whose radius is 1 unit and center is located at (0, 0), is known as a unit circle. The image of a unit circle is given below:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The circle of the wedding Ring is also a symbol of eternity. The circle has no beginning or end and is, therefore, a symbol of infinity. Traditionally, the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A ring is a round band, usually in metal, worn as ornamental jewellery around the finger, or sometimes the toe; it is the most common current meaning of the word ring .ing made of 2 or 3 hoops that are hinged at the back and meant to interlock and open; popular for betrothals in 16th-and 17th-century Europe. Guard ring (a.k.a. ring-guard). is a slender, slightly tighter-fitting ring designed to be placed on the finger after a large/loose ring, to prevent slippage and ring loss." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "An esophageal ring, or Schatzki ring, is a ring of tissue near the end of the food pipe (esophagus) just above the opening to the stomach.The area with the ring is narrower than the rest of the food pipe.any people have a Schatzki ring and do not know it, because most of the time a Schatzki rings causes no symptoms. Symptoms may occur when poorly chewed food gets caught at the ring before reaching the stomach. A Schatzki ring can cause chest pain or a feeling that the food is stuck and won’t move into the stomach." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "O-rings come in a variety of sizes British Standard (BS) which are imperial sizes or metric sizes. Typical dimensions of an O-ring are internal dimension (id), outer dimension (od) and thickness / cross section (cs). Metric O-rings are usually defined by the internal dimension x the cross section.Typical part number for a metric O-ring-ID x CS [material & shore hardness ] 2x1N70 = defines this O-ring as 2mm id with 1mm cross section made from Nitrile rubber which is 70Sh. BS O-rings are defines by a standard reference.he first patent for the O-ring, is dated May 12, 1896 as a Swedish patent. J. O. Lundberg, the inventor of the O-ring, received the patent. The US patent for the O-ring was filed in 1937 by a then 72-year-old Danish-born machinist, Niels Christensen." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Adele ring. In mathematics, the adele ring (also adelic ring or ring of adeles) is defined in class field theory, a branch of algebraic number theory. It allows one to elegantly describe the Artin reciprocity law. The adele ring is a self-dual topological ring, which is built on a global field." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "one can make RxS/~ into a commutative, unital ring, and that j(a) = a/1 defines a homomorphism j of unital rings from R into RxS/~ that maps S into the group of invertible elements of RxS/~" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The unit circle is a circle whose center is the origin and whose radius is 1. It is defined by equation x 2 + y 2 = 1. The most useful and interesting property of the unit circle is that the coordinates of a given point on the circle can be found using only the measure of the angle. Any radius of the unit circle is the hypotenuse of a right triangle that has a (horizontal) leg of length cos and a (vertical) leg of length sin ." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An arm ring, also known as an armlet or an armband, is a band of metal, usually a precious metal, worn as a jewelry or an ornament around the biceps of the upper arm.The arm ring is similar to a bracelet or bangle, though it must be shaped and sized to fit snugly to the upper arm.Historically, the arm ring was commonly worn by men, and often a ring in bronze age heroic literature would refer to an arm ring, rather than a finger ring.n arm ring, also known as an armlet or an armband, is a band of metal, usually a precious metal, worn as a jewelry or an ornament around the biceps of the upper arm." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Ring modulation. Ring modulation is a signal-processing function in electronics, an implementation of amplitude modulation or frequency mixing, performed by multiplying two signals, where one is typically a sine wave or another simple waveform. A ring modulator is an electronic device for ring modulation, used for amplitude modulation or frequency mixing. A ring modulator may be used as an effects unit. It is referred to as ring modulation because the analog circuit of diodes originally used to implement this" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Learn more about measurement units and how to use them with NPL e-Learning. 1 The ampere (A) The ampere is the SI base unit of electrical current. 2 The candela (cd) The candela is the SI base unit of luminous intensity. 3 The kelvin (K) The kelvin is the SI base unit of thermodynamic temperature. The kilogram (kg) The kilogram is the SI base unit of mass. The metre (m) The metre is the SI base unit of length. The mole (mol) The mole is the SI base unit of amount of substance. The second (s) The second is the SI base unit of time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "A D ring is a piece of hardware, generally shaped like the letter D, that is secured to a D-ring strap or directly to the surface of a truck or trailer for use in securing cargo. Aluminum tie down rings or aluminum d-rings are preferred for high chloride environments for better corrosion resistance than steel D rings. Weld on D Ring Mounts-Weldable D rings are crafted from forged steel with a weld on bracket that allows the D ring full play to rotate 180 degrees to accomodate many sizes of cargo." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Call the IRS at (800) 829-4933 if you are the employer but have lost your EIN number. If you are the authorized EIN contact, the number will be given to you over the phone. Step 4. Find an EIN or FEIN search service through a tax adviser or internet search, and enlist its services.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'ein phone number irs']\"", "A cyclic compound or ring compound is a compound at least some of whose atoms are connected to form a ring. Rings vary in size from 3 to many tens or even hundreds of atoms. Examples of ring compounds readily include cases where:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Suppose is a homomorphism of commutative unital rings. Then , sometimes denoted , is the map from to which sends a prime ideal of to its contraction in . The fact that the map is well-defined follows from the fact that the contraction of a prime ideal is prime." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A ring is a round band, usually of metal, worn as an ornamental piece of jewellery around the finger, or sometimes the toe; it is the most common current meaning of the word ring." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The unit circle is a platform for describing all the possible angle measures from 0 to 360 degrees, all the negatives of those angles, plus all the multiples of the positive and negative angles from negative infinity to positive infinity. In other words, the unit circle shows you all the angles that exist." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In any ring, 1 is a unit. More generally, any root of unity in a ring R is a unit: if r n = 1, then r n − 1 is a multiplicative inverse of r. On the other hand, 0 is never a unit (except in the zero ring)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The stalk at each point is a local ring, which is the localization at the prime ideal represented by that point; A locally ringed space that can be realized as the spectrum of a commutative unital ring in the above fashion, is termed an affine scheme. Functoriality. Further information: induced map on spectra by a ring homomorphism" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ring system. A ring system is a disc or ring orbiting an astronomical object that is composed of solid material such as dust and moonlets, and is a common component of satellite systems around giant planets. A ring system around a planet is also known as a planetary ring system." ], [ "", "[Richard Schatzki, U.S. radiologist, 1901–1992]. A lower esophageal mucosal ring composed of a thin annular weblike tissue located at the squamocolumnar junction at or near the border of the lower esophageal sphincter.When the diameter of the ring is less than 1.3 cm, dysphagia is present.Treatment involves stretching the ring with dilators.Richard Schatzki, U.S. radiologist, 1901–1992]. A lower esophageal mucosal ring composed of a thin annular weblike tissue located at the squamocolumnar junction at or near the border of the lower esophageal sphincter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A fairy ring, also known as fairy circle, elf circle, elf ring or pixie ring, is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms. The rings may grow to over 10 metres (33 ft) in diameter, and they become stable over time as the fungus grows and seeks food underground. great deal of folklore surrounds fairy rings. Their names in European languages often allude to supernatural origins; they are known as ronds de sorciers (sorcerers' rings) in France, and Hexenringe (witches' rings) in German." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Nilos ring is an external metal bearing seal that produces a small labyrinth like sealing surface on the inner or outer ring of a bearing. When mounted in pairs, the bearing is sealed for life." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The History of the O-Ring. An O-ring is a loop of elastomer with a round (O-shaped) cross section used as a mechanical seal. They are designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ring of Steel Protection is a defense boosting ring in Dark Souls 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A ring in the mathematical sense is a set together with two binary operators and (commonly interpreted as addition and multiplication, respectively) satisfying the following conditions: 1. Additive associativity: For all, , 2.Additive commutativity: For all, , 3.he word ring is short for the German word 'Zahlring' (number ring). The French word for a ring is anneau, and the modern German word is Ring, both meaning (not so surprisingly) ring.. Fraenkel (1914) gave the first abstract definition of the ring, although this work did not have much impact." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A ring system is a disk or ring orbiting an astronomical object that is composed of solid material such as dust and moonlets, and is a common component of satellite systems around giant planets.A ring system around a planet is also known as a planetary ring system. ring system is a disk or ring orbiting an astronomical object that is composed of solid material such as dust and moonlets, and is a common component of satellite systems around giant planets." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Unit Circle and Important Angles Using the unit circle makes it easy to find the values of trigonometric functions at quadrantal angles. For example, a 90º rotation from the positive x-axis puts you on the positive y-axis, which intersects the unit circle at the point (0, 1)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Vaginal rings (also known as intravaginal rings, or V-Rings) are polymeric drug delivery devices designed to provide controlled release of drugs for intravaginal administration over extended periods of time. The ring is inserted into the vagina and provides contraception protection.orn continuously for three weeks followed by a week off, each vaginal ring provides one month of birth control. Several vaginal ring products are currently available, including: 1 Estring-a low-dose estradiol-releasing ring, manufactured from silicone elastomer, for the treatment of vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Stock Number: SS50B. These hog rings are designed for use in the Ringer. They are D rings that are 15 gauge with an open ring size of 9/16 in. and a closed ring size of 3/16 in. Loading capadity is 50 rings per strip. Each box holds 50 strips for a total of 2,500 rings." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Psychologistâ\\x80\\x99s salary in the United States is about $65,000 per year and an hourly wage is around $30 per hour. The starting salary for a newly graduated psychologist is about $40,000 per annum.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'about how much does a psychiatrist for beginner make per year']>>", "An O-ring, also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface.n O-ring, also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The unit circle is a circle whose center is the origin and whose radius is 1. It is defined by equation x 2 + y 2 = 1. The most useful and interesting property of the unit circle is that the coordinates of a given point on the circle can be found using only the measure of the angle." ], [ "represent this text", "A purity ring is a ring that represents a promise, vow, commitment or goal to abstain from sex until marriage. Purity rings are typically worn on the left ring finger. It is significant, in the fact that it is the same finger on which a wedding ring is worn." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "the pectoral girdle is an incomplete ring because it is open in the back between the _____. manubrium the medial ends of the clavicles articulate with the _____ of the sternum." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A vascular ring is a congenital defect in which there is an abnormal formation of the aorta and/or its surrounding blood vessels. The trachea and esophagus are completely encircled and sometimes compressed by a ring formed by these vessels, which can lead to breathing and digestive difficulties. Most often this is because of persistence of the double aortic arch after the second month of fetal life." ], [ "Represent this text.", "The Compact® ring is the latest addition to the GUL guided wave transduction system which has been designed to be lightweight and low profile. This new system has been completely re‑engineered to extend the frequency data that is available in a single collection, while reducing weight, width, and height." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The resulting planar ring meets the first requirement for aromaticity, and the π-system is occupied by 6 electrons, 4 from the two double bonds and 2 from the heteroatom, thus satisfying the Hueckel Hückel. Rule four illustrative examples of aromatic compounds are shown. abovehe resulting planar ring meets the first requirement for aromaticity, and the π-system is occupied by 6 electrons, 4 from the two double bonds and 2 from the heteroatom, thus satisfying the Hueckel Hückel. Rule four illustrative examples of aromatic compounds are shown. above" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An O-ring, also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The superficial inguinal ring (subcutaneous inguinal ring or external inguinal ring) is an anatomical structure in the anterior wall of the mammalian abdomen.t the other end of the canal, the deep inguinal ring forms the entrance. It is found within the aponeurosis of the external oblique, immediately above the crest of the pubis, 1 centimeter above and medial to the pubic tubercle." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The bony ring, incomplete behind, which serves for the attachment and support of the upper limbs. It is formed by the manubrium sterni, the clavicles, and the scapulae. Synonym(s): pectoral girdle, shoulder complex (3) . Fig. 247 Pectoral girdle ." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Typical O-ring and application. An O-ring, also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "JIS B 2401 is a Japanese Industrial Standard for O-Ring sizes. This standard, often referred to as “Japanese Metrics”, is organized into four series, based on their application. The O-Rings in each section have ascending number codes to complete the size reference." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The six benzene rings in coronene are fused in a planar ring; whereas the six rings in hexahelicene are not joined in a larger ring, but assume a helical turn, due to the crowding together of the terminal ring atoms." ], [ "", "Gimmal ring. A Gimmal ring with the hoop opened. A gimmal ring, or gimmel ring, is a ring with two or three hoops or links that fit together to form one complete ring. The name gimmal comes from Latin gemellus, twin, via Old French." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The set of quaternions, together with the two operations of addition and multiplication, form a. non-commutative ring.1 The standard orthonormal basis for R3 is given by three unit vectors. ∗Appendices are optional for reading unless specifically required. Sections 2.1, 2.2, 3, and 4 are based on Chap-." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Typical O-ring and application. An O-ring, also known as a packing, or a toric joint, is a mechanical gasket in the shape of a torus; it is a loop of elastomer with a round cross-section, designed to be seated in a groove and compressed during assembly between two or more parts, creating a seal at the interface. The O-ring may be used in static applications or in dynamic applications where there is relative motion between the parts and the O-ring. Dynamic examples include rotating pump shafts and hydraulic cylinder pistons. O-" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Know what the unit circle is. The unit circle is a circle, centered at the origin, with a radius of 1. Recall from conics that the equation is x 2 +y 2 =1.This circle can be used to find certain special trigonometric ratios as well as aid in graphing.ecall that there is a real number line wrapped around the unit circle. The point on the number line refers to the number of radians in the angle formed. For instance The point at π/2 on the real number line corresponds with the point on the circle whose radius forms an angle of π/2 with the positive horizontal radius." ], [ "represent this text", "Unit cell: small repeating entity of the atomic structure. The basic building block of the crystal structure. It defines the entire crystal structure with the atom positions within." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Forest, Bedford County, Virginia Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Forest, Bedford County, Virginia? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Forest, Bedford County, Virginia, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is forest bedford county']\"", "Problem 2 (=continuation of Problem 1): Let R and S be as above, and let phi: R --> T be a homomorphism that maps S into the group of invertible elements of the commutative unital ring T. Show that there is unique homomorphism psi: RxS/~ ---> T of unital rings with psi.j = phi." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The tracheal rings, (tracheal cartilages or C-shaped cartilaginous rings) vary from sixteen to twenty in number.he cartilages are placed horizontally above each other, separated by narrow intervals. They measure about 4 mm in depth and 1 mm in thickness. Their outer surfaces are flattened in a vertical direction, but the internal are convex, the cartilages being thicker in the middle than at the margins." ], [ "represent this text:", "Unit Circle Definition of Sine and Cosine Functions. The trigonometric functions can be defined in terms of a unit circle, i.e. a circle of radius one." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "define zip" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Zip (file format) For other uses, see Zip. ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A .ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed. The .ZIP file format permits a number of compression algorithms, though DEFLATE is the most common." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Why we don't use Zip Codes as neighborhoods Zip codes were developed by the Postal Service for the purpose of delivering mail, but were never intended to define coherent neighborhoods. In addition, Zip Codes can have as many as 10 distinctly different census tracts contained within them." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "What does ZIP means in zip code? because archive compression is like a zip(per): you zip it up, it's closed. Another answer, which is probably the one that has to do with zip codes: Dictionaries say that …zip in zip code is from the initial letters of zone improvement plan.. Zip was also already a word meaning to cause to go fast.. So zip code means a zone improvement plan that causes mail to go fast. ZIP stands for Zoning Improvement Plan. It was developed by the USPS to help sort the mail more efficiently for delivery. 11 people found this useful." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "You are here: Dictionary Z-Definitions. A Zip drive and Zip disk is a hardware data storage device developed by Iomega that functions like a standard 1.44 floppy drive and diskette." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN Code or ZIP Code) is a series of letters and/or digits, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "because archive compression is like a zip(per): you zip it up, it's closed. Another answer, which is probably the one that has to do with zip codes: Dictionaries say that …zip in zip code is from the initial letters of zone improvement plan.. Zip was also already a word meaning to cause to go fast.." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A zip code is a five or nine digit numerical code that is assigned to a specific region of the United States. It is used to quickly sort mail to send it to its destination … . It is similar to a post code in the UK.You write it in the address of where you are sending the item. The postal codes used in the Philippines are also called Zip Codes, but they are a completely separate system. Many other countries have postal codes, but it is incorrect to call them zip codes..nother answer, which is probably the one that has to do with zip codes: Dictionaries say that … zip in zip code is from the initial letters of zone improvement plan.. Zip was also already a word meaning to cause to go fast.. So zip code means a zone improvement plan that causes mail to go fast.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "We explain what ZIP files are and recommend software that we know can open or convert your ZIP files. What is a ZIP file? A Zip file is a compressed archive file that is used to make large files and collections of files more manageable to the user. When a .zip file is created, data is compressed to reduce the file size. Multiple files can be combined into a single Zip folder, making it easier to upload, download or email a volume of files. When opening a file with a .zip extension you can extract a single file or the entire directory structure. The Zip file format makes sharing documents and files much easier. For example, if you had twenty separate documents that you wanted to email, you could compress them all into a single .zip file rather than uploading each one individually. Some Zip files can be encrypted to add to the file security." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Normally, .zip files are archives that may have more files embeded within it, in addition to trying to condense the file sizes. Extracting the .zip is the process of pulling out the archaved files from within it to the current file system so they can be used." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Full Answer. The United States Postal Service began using two-digit area codes in 1943 in order to define postal zones in larger cities. Beginning in 1967, the ZIP code became progressively mandatory. The word ZIP comes from the acronym for Zone Improvement Plan.. The original ZIP code was composed of 5 digits." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of zip-wire in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A postal code (also known locally in various English-speaking countries throughout the world as a postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN Code or ZIP Code ) is a series of letters and/or digits, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "A zip code is a five or nine digit numerical code that is assigned to a specific region of the United States. It is used to quickly sort mail to send it to its destination … . It is similar to a post code in the UK. You write it in the address of where you are sending the item. The postal codes used in the Philippines are also called Zip Codes, but they are a completely separate system. Many other countries have postal codes, but it is incorrect to call them zip codes..The zipcode is a system used by the United States Postal Service to ensure that the mail gets delivered more efficiently.ZIP stands for Zone Improvement Plan and is five numerical digits. An extended ZIP + 4 code includes four additional numbers to deliver mail to an even more precise location.any other countries have postal codes, but it is incorrect to call them zip codes.. The zipcode is a system used by the United States Postal Service to ensure that the mail gets delivered more efficiently." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An ounce, or zip, is 28 grams. A zip is slang for an ounce. An ounce, or zip, is 28 grams. A zip is slang for an ounce. An ounce, or zip, is 28 grams." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "So let’s turn to diversity within neighborhoods, which we define as ZIP codes. The most diverse neighborhood in America is the ZIP code 75038. Located just east of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, this zip code includes the neighborhoods of Broadmoor Hills and Song in Irving, Texas." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The United States Postal Service began using two-digit area codes in 1943 in order to define postal zones in larger cities. Beginning in 1967, the ZIP code became progressively mandatory. The word ZIP comes from the acronym for Zone Improvement Plan.. The original ZIP code was composed of 5 digits." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Xlsx Facts. Xlsx is actually a zip file which contains a set of XML files, some files define the data, some define the metadata, some define style sheets. If you want to see it, you just need to change the extension of Excel file from .xlsx to .zip file and then extract it. You will see the following folders and a file at the root level. _rels." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is function key for safe mode" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can enter [Safe Mode] from the 3 options. 9. If you select (4)Enable Safe Mode, you will see the display as below. If you want to press [F8] to enter [Safe Mode] when booting the system, please follow the method below." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "ISO keyboard symbol for “Control”. In computing, a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special operation (for example, +); similar to the Shift key, the Control key rarely performs any function when pressed by itself." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Thank you so much we had no idea how to get out of safe mode and nothing was seeming to work, I really honestly appreciate the help! :). The 2 steps to get rid of safe mode worked on my phone as well. Thank you. Turn the phone off. Turn it back on and hold the “up” volume button." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Here's how passive mode works in a nutshell: 1 The client connects from a random port to port 21 on the server and issues the PASV command. 2 The client connects from another random port to the random port specified in the server's response." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Insert key (often abbreviated Ins) is a key commonly found on computer keyboards. insert mode, where the cursor inserts a character at its current position, forcing all characters past it one position further." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The primary function of this key is to launch a context menu with the keyboard rather than by clicking the right mouse button: this is useful if mouse or a similar device is not available, or when the right mouse button is not present." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This function mutes the sound from your speakers – on/off button. F1. Use this to lock your computer so it can only be used after you reactivate it with your password. F2. This displays power saver options, enabling you to reduce screen brightness or switch off your optical drive to extend battery life. F3. Activates a low power mode called Instant Standby." ], [ "Represent the input", "Control key. In computing, a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special operation (for example, +); similar to the Shift key, the Control key rarely performs any function when pressed by itself." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "NOTE: If you enter an invalid code, the. selected mode key will display one long. blink and exit the programming mode. Repeat steps 2 to 5 with a valid code. 6. Aim the remote control at your. device and press. Power." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, ['represent the next text', 'Although the words may be used to describe other types of claims, the term claims litigation is generally used to refer to disputes that arise between an insurance company and its insured, or between an insurance company and someone who was injured by an insured.'] should be similar to ['', 'what is a litigation claim']", "The term remote keyless system (RKS), also called keyless entry or remote central locking, refers to a lock that uses an electronic remote control as a key which is activated by a handheld device or automatically by proximity. Widely used in automobiles, an RKS performs the functions of a standard car key without physical contact." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "RC. When I start my machine, I get the login screen. when I enter my password, the systems says it is incorrect. when I boot in safe mode, my password works.I tried doing a system restore, but the behavior continues. 7 people had this question.his is incorrect-you can do full account maintenance while in Safe Mode. You can scan your installation for viruses if you boot it into Safe Mode with Networking, then go to http://free.antivirus.com/. Look for House Call on the right side. _________________________. ID#0305." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Here's how passive mode works in a nutshell: 1 The client connects from a random port to port 21 on the server and issues the PASV command. The server replies, indicating which (random) port it has opened for data transfer. 2 The client connects from another random port to the random port specified in the server's response." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Zeus, the Great Dane who held the record for world's tallest dog, has died. He stood 7-feet, 4-inches on his hind legs and had a huge heart. Zeus regularly visited schools and hospitals as a therapy dog. VPC. Kevin Doorlag stands with his dog Zeus in Otsego, Mich. (Photo: Guinness World Records via AP).\"] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is the tallest dog in the world']", "Keys F1-F12 on Toshiba laptops can behave in one of two manners: 1 Standard F1-F12 Mode: Press the function key by itself to use standard F1-F12 functions. 2 Special Function Mode: Press the function key by itself to use special functions." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "why was san antonio de padua built" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. One reason San Antonio De Padua was built is because if they built places and settled there, the other countries can't take the land away from Spain. It's no wonder why people love this city with a Mexican flare. 2 The city has much to offer throughout the year. 3 Amuseme…. 4 A Brief Introduction to the San Antonio De Padua Mission in California California has a long history of missions." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mission San Antonio de Padua is a Spanish mission established by the Franciscan order in present-day Monterey County, California, near the present-day town of Jolon.It was founded on July 14, 1771, and was the third mission founded in Alta California by Father Presidente Junipero Junípero. serraission San Antonio de Padua is a Spanish mission established by the Franciscan order in present-day Monterey County, California, near the present-day town of Jolon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "San Antonio de Padua California Missions The Mission Story Mission San Antonio de Padua. Courtesy of Santa Barbara Mission Archive-Library. History of Mission San Antonio de Padua Mission San Antonio de Padua, nestled in central California’s Valley of the Oaks, is number three in the Franciscans chain of twenty one missions, established July 14, 1771.…" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third mission founded in the 21 mission chain in Alta California. The original founding site lay one and one half miles south of the present church. The original location had to be abandoned in 1773 due to drought, and the new site was chosen on the east bank of year-round Mission Creek." ], [ "Represent this text", "The land has changed around all the missions except San Antonio de Padua which still looks much as it did in the mission era. So in summary a lot has changed in the role the missions play in society and the activities that take place there." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A chain of five missions established along the San Antonio River in the 18th century became the largest concentration of Catholic missions in North America. Built primarily to expand Spanish New World influence northward from Mexico, the missions also served to introduce native inhabitants into Spanish society." ], [ "Represent the next text", "early history 1771 Father Serra hung a bronze bell on an oak tree, raised a cross, and dedicated the site, naming it and the nearby river (Río de San Antonio). Fathers Buenaventura Sitjar and Miguel Pieras were left in charge of building the mission." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Take Mission Road about 5 miles to Mission San Antonio. Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third one built in California, founded July 14, 1771. by Father Junipero Serra. Its full name, which is San Antonio de Padua de los Robles means St. Anthony of Padua of the Oaks.ission San Antonio de Padua was the third one built in California, founded July 14, 1771. by Father Junipero Serra. Its full name, which is San Antonio de Padua de los Robles means St. Anthony of Padua of the Oaks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Whereas Fort San Filipe del Morro (El Morro) protected the city from sea attacks, Fort San Cristobal was built to protect Old San Juan from land attacks. It stands where the eastern gate to the walled city of Old San Juan was located back in the 1800′s, when the wall completely surrounded the city. Of the 2 forts in Old San Juan, Fort San Cristobal is the youngster – it is only about 225 years old. It is a huge fort (the larger of the two) covering 27 acres, with some of this acreage now accessible to the public." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Growth along the Interstate 35 and Interstate 10 corridors to the north, west and east make it likely that the metropolitan area will continue to expand. San Antonio was named for Saint Anthony of Padua, whose feast day is on June 13, by a 1691 Spanish expedition in the area. It is notable for Spanish colonial missions, the Alamo, the River Walk, the Tower of the Americas, the Alamo Bowl, and Marriage Island." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mission San Antonio de Padua. Mission San Antonio de Padua is a Spanish mission established by the Franciscan order in present-day Monterey County, California, near the present-day town of Jolon. It was founded on July 14, 1771, and was the third mission founded in Alta California by Father Presidente Junípero Serra. The mission was also the site of the first Christian marriage and the first use of fired-tile roofing in Upper California. Today the mission is a parish church of the Diocese of Monterey." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "When the area was first explored by Spanish expeditions in 1691 and 1709, the region was already occupied by a small Indian community established in the San Pedro Springs area, call Yanaguana. The first Spanish explorers gave the San Antonio River its name because it was the feast day of St. Anthony. The actual founding of the city came in 1718 by Father Antonio Olivares, when he established Mission San Antonio de Valero." ], [ "", "The Five Spanish Missions of Old San Antonio A chain of five missions established along the San Antonio River in the 18th century became the largest concentration of Catholic missions in North America.ission San Francisco de la Espada, like its sister missions San Jose, San Juan, and Concepcion, had its beginnings in East Texas. Originally named San Francisco de los Tejas, Espada was renamed and relocated to San Antonio in 1731. It is the southernmost of the chain of missions located on the San Antonio River." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "It was here that the future Mission San Antonio de Padua would be established. 14 July 1771: Saint Serra, along with Padre Buenaventura Sitjar and Padre Pieras, came to the Valley of the Oaks to establish the third mission.t was here that the future Mission San Antonio de Padua would be established. 14 July 1771: Saint Serra, along with Padre Buenaventura Sitjar and Padre Pieras, came to the Valley of the Oaks to establish the third mission." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771 and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua.Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Spain and is the patron Saint of the poor.eginnings of the Mission. Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771 and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Spain and is the patron Saint of the poor." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The name of the mission means, Saint Anthony of Padua of the Oaks. It is named for St. Anthony, who was laid to rest in Padua, Italy, when he died. Father Serra left two priests at the mission to begin the buildings, they were Father Miguel Pieras and Father Buenaventura Sitjar." ], [ "", "Beginnings of the Mission. Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771 and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Spain and is the patron Saint of the poor.eginnings of the Mission. Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771 and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Spain and is the patron Saint of the poor." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Location: 60 miles SE of Monterey in a valley of the Santa Lucia Mountains, surrounded by the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation. Named: In honor of Anthony of Padua, a 13th-century Franciscan priest known as the miracle worker. De las Robles (“of the oak trees”) is sometimes added to the name. California Historical Landmark No. 232. DESIGN OF THE MISSION. Church: 200 feet long, 40 feet wide. Made of adobe bricks." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The University of Padua was founded in 1222 as a school of law and was one of the most prominent universities in early modern Europe. It is among the earliest universities of the world and the second oldest in Italy. As of 2010 the university had approximately 65,000 students." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the summer of 1771, two more missions were established: San Antonio de Padua and San Gabriel Mission. San Gabriel Mission, named for the Arcangel Gabriel, was founded on September 8, 1771 by Fathers Pedro Cambon and Angel Somera.n the summer of 1771, two more missions were established: San Antonio de Padua and San Gabriel Mission. San Gabriel Mission, named for the Arcangel Gabriel, was founded on September 8, 1771 by Fathers Pedro Cambon and Angel Somera." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Alamo is a Spanish mission, built in 1718 in what became the city of San Antonio.In 1836, the citizens of the then Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas tired of the dict … atorial rule of Mexican president Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and began a fight for independence, known as the Texas Revolution.he Alamo is a Spanish mission, built in 1718 in what became the city of San Antonio." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "San Diego de Alcalá was the first mission built in Alto California. It was established on Presidio Hill near modern day Old Town on July 16, 1769. Later it moved six miles east because of conflicts between the native people and the soldiers at the Presidio." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You will also fine out when the mission was built, why it was built, what it looks like, the purpose of it, and where it is located. I hope you like my report! Mission San Luis Obispo was built in 1772 by Father Junipero Serra, a Franciscan missionary and president of the missions.This mission was the fifth mission built. The Chumash Indians lived at and helped rebuild the mission. hope you like my report! Mission San Luis Obispo was built in 1772 by Father Junipero Serra, a Franciscan missionary and president of the missions. This mission was the fifth mission built." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Other mission ultimately fell into private hands and were later sold or given to the state, and are now the nucleus of a state park (La Purisima, for example). The land has changed around all the missions except San Antonio de Padua which still looks much as it did in the mission era." ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771, and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal and is the patron Saint of the poor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Alamo was built as a chapel after 1744, it is all that remains of the mission of San Antonio de Valero, which was founded in 1718 by Franciscans and later converted into a … fortress.*Alamo, the.(n.d.).he Alamo was built as a chapel after 1744, it is all that remains of the mission of San Antonio de Valero, which was founded in 1718 by Franciscans and later converted into a … fortress. *Alamo, the. (n.d.)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mission San Antonio de Padua was established by Junipero Junípero serra On july, 14 1771 in The San Antonio, valley in Southwestern Monterey. County this location had been favored by The portola portolá expedition. In 1769 they had given their campsite The Name la hoya De la Sierra De.. santa luciaission San Antonio de Padua was established by Junipero Junípero serra On july, 14 1771 in The San Antonio, valley in Southwestern Monterey. County this location had been favored by The portola portolá expedition. In 1769 they had given their campsite The Name la hoya De la Sierra De.. santa lucia" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Alamo was built as a chapel after 1744, it is all that remains of the mission of San Antonio de Valero, which was founded in 1718 by Franciscans and later converted into a … fortress.*Alamo, the.(n.d.).he Alamo is a Spanish mission, built in 1718 in what became the city of San Antonio." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This location had been favored by the Portolá expedition in 1769. They had given their campsite the name La Hoya de la Sierra de Santa Lucia. This valley, at the foot of the Santa Lucia Mountains was known by Serra as the Valley of the Oaks (Los Robles). Establishment of Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third mission founded in the 21 mission chain in Alta California. The original founding site lay one and one half miles south of the present church. The original location had to be abandoned in 1773 due to drought, and the new site was chosen on the east bank of year-round Mission Creek." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mission San Antonio was also famous for the horses which were raised here. At one time the mission had over 800 horses. Water System: Dams were built on the San Antonio River about three miles above the mission, and the water brought down through aqueducts and stored in reservoirs." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Given ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'ITIL is an acronym used for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. ITIL is a string of references (books and courses), which summarizes top procedures for IT (information technology) management.Over a thousand of organizations situated from different parts of the world utilize the ITIL. As a result, ITIL has been an excellent reference used by departments involved in IT.hat makes ITIL successful in helping IT managers, is its detailed and complete depictions, checklists, and courses of action that are considered customizable to provide for a specific IT organizationâ\\x80\\x99s needs. In the United Kingdom, 31 volumes of ITIL were initially published between the years 1985 to 1995.'], a positive would be ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!\\n\\n\\nE.g.\\n\"definition of acetylcholine\" == \"acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter that is a derivative of choline; released at the ends of nerve fibers in the somatic and parasympathetic nervous systems. neurotransmitter - a neurochemical that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. Translations.\" != \"Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that allows communication between cells in your brain. Acetylcholine is also the neurotransmitter that controls the contraction of skeletal muscle, the muscle the moves your body as opposed to the muscles of your heart and digestive system.holine is transformed into acetylcholine by an enzyme in your body. Although not technically a vitamin, choline is an essential nutrient that your body requires to function properly.\"', 'what is ITIL used for']", "Caption: This photo was taken on a nice December day at Mission San Antonio de Padua which is located inside of Fort Hunter Liggett northwest of Paso Robles, California. This mission, which was founded in 1771, was the third mission founded in California. The current building was started in 1773. Mission San Antonio de Padua is located near the beginning of Nacimiento-Fergusson Road, which is the only road crossing the Santa Lucia Mountains to the Big Sur coastline." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In 1962, El Tropicano was the first hotel to open on the River Walk. 4. San Antonio's namesake, Anthony of Padua, was from Lisbon, Portugal. This statue was presented to the city during the 1968 HemisFair when the Portugal Pavilion opened. 4. San Antonio's namesake, Anthony of Padua, was from Lisbon, Portugal." ], [ "", "San Felipe was founded by Francisco de Velasco on January 21, 1562, by orders of viceroy Luis de Velasco. The city was founded with the name of San Felipe in honor of King Phillip II of Spain. In 1889 the name of the city was changed to Ciudad González in honor of the then governor of Guanajuato, Manuel González." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Last name: Ormond. This interesting surname, with variant spellings Ormond and Orman, has two possible origins. Firstly, it may be an Anglicized form of the old Gaelic-Irish surname O'Ruaidh, composed of the elements O meaning male descendant of and Ruaidh red, refering to someone with red hair or rosy cheeks.\"]' should be close to '['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'ormond last name meaning']'", "The aqueduct was built between 1879 and 1880 (the exact date is not known) to aid the industrial revolution; it was intended to carry water from Nerja town to the local sugar refinery in Maro, Las Mercedes (also known as Fábrica San Joaquin de Maro, built in 1884), for irrigation. The aqueduct was commissioned by the factory owner, Francisco Cantarero Senio; his signature is visible in the central pavilion of the aqueduct." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The San Antonio Missions. After the Alamo was established in 1718, the Franciscan priests built four other missions in the area with the help of the native population, each mission three miles apart from the other, all south of the Alamo." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "San Antonio de Valero Mission was established May 1, 1718, as the Spanish created the Presidio of San Antonio de Béxar and the attached civil settlement, which is present-day San Antonio. The community was to be a way-station on the journey from the Rio Grande to the East Texas missions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It was built in 1867 on the site of the 1842 Battle of Salado (people need to stop building houses over dead battlefields and burial grounds), and has been home to many prestigious people in San Antonio." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Added to Your Check-Ins. The Fog (1980) Legend says that Antonio Bay was built in 1880 with blood money obtained from shipwrecked lepers, which no one believes. On the eve of the town's centennial, many plan to attend the celebrations, including the murdered lepers." ], [ "", "EARLY HISTORY. 1771 Father Serra hung a bronze bell on an oak tree, raised a cross, and dedicated the site, naming it and the nearby river (Río de San Antonio). Fathers Buenaventura Sitjar and Miguel Pieras were left in charge of building the mission." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of its terms when the polynomial is expressed in its canonical form consisting of a linear combination of monomials. The degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the variables that appear in it.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the degree of a polynomial']\"", "The St. Anthony Hotel. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The St. Anthony Hotel is a historic 10-story hotel in downtown San Antonio, Texas, in the United States. Built in 1909, it was considered one of the most luxurious hotels in America and hosted a wide range of movie stars, royalty, and other famous guests. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The site for Mission San Miguel was chosen because the governor of California, Diego Borica, thought that the distance of more than a day&#146s journey between San Luis Obispo and San Antonio de Padua was too much. He thought it was dangerous to travel through lands still held by the Native Americans.econstruction and The Mission Today. Mission San Miguel has survived over two centuries but is now in danger of collapse. An earthquake in Paso Robles (originally a former Rancho of the Mission) on December 22, 2003 severely damaged the building." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the summer of 1771, two more missions were established: San Antonio de Padua and San Gabriel Mission. San Gabriel Mission, named for the Arcangel Gabriel, was founded on September 8, 1771 by Fathers Pedro Cambon and Angel Somera.eep going for about 1.7 miles from the freeway, and turn left onto S. Mission Drive. Mission San Gabriel is on the left. San Gabriel Mission was the fourth one built in California, founded September 8, 1771 by Fathers Pedro Cambon and Angel Somera." ], [ "Represent text", "The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas. The real Alamo, in San Antonio, was founded as the Mission San Antonio de Valero in 1718, the first in a chain of missions built along the San Antonio River to extend the frontier of the Spanish empire and convert the Native Americans to Catholicism.he Alamo, San Antonio, Texas. The real Alamo, in San Antonio, was founded as the Mission San Antonio de Valero in 1718, the first in a chain of missions built along the San Antonio River to extend the frontier of the Spanish empire and convert the Native Americans to Catholicism." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "MISSION SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA. P.O. Box 803 Jolon, CA 93928. Established: July 14, 1771. By: Father Junípero Serra, Franciscan missionary, President of the missions. Order: 3rd of the 21 missions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Like many of the missions, San Antonio de Padua fell into ruins after Secularization. Fortunately, restoration efforts led by the Historic Landmarks League and the Hearst Foundation have brought back the splendor of early California." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mission San Antonio de Padua. The first Christian wedding took place here in 1773 between a Native American and Spanish soldier. The first mission to make and use fired clay roof tiles. San Antonio was known for superior breeding of stock horses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "San Antonio was named for Saint Anthony of Padua, whose feast day is on June 13, by a 1691 Spanish expedition in the area." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mission San Antonio de Padua. 1 The first Christian wedding took place here in 1773 between a Native American and Spanish soldier. 2 The first mission to make and use fired clay roof tiles. 3 San Antonio was known for superior breeding of stock horses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mission San Antonio de Padua, established as the third of 21 missions built in California, is located in Monterey County, approx.ission San Antonio de Padua, established as the third of 21 missions built in California, is located in Monterey County, approx." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Dreams of losing a tooth or teeth are very common. Teeth represent our 'bite' or aggressive nature. When we can't get our teeth into something, it suggests that we have little control. If you dream of losing your teeth, it has to do with 'loss' in general such as loss of youth and all things associated with our anxiety of getting older.\"]>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'dream meaning of loose tooth']\"", "801 Mission St., San Miguel, 93451, (805) 467-3256. San Antonio de Padua, 3rd mission Located 40 miles north of Paso Robles this picturesque mission is nestled in the grasslands and oak trees of the San Antonio Valley. Named for a saint known as the 'miracle worker', it was dedicated in 1771 by Father Serra." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1771 ~ Padre Junipero Serra entered the Valley of the Oaks to establish the third mission in California. The date was July 14, 1771. In the secluded sierra district, Padres Junipero Serra, Miguel Pieras and Buenaventura Sitjar hung the bells on the branches of an oak tree and named this mission San Antonio de Padua.Fr. Pieras and Sitjar were left with a small group to start the Mission.n the secluded sierra district, Padres Junipero Serra, Miguel Pieras and Buenaventura Sitjar hung the bells on the branches of an oak tree and named this mission San Antonio de Padua. Fr. Pieras and Sitjar were left with a small group to start the Mission." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Texas erected a 570-foot tall monument at the San Jacinto Battleground in LaPorte, a suburb close by Houston. Construction started in 1936 and was completed in 1939. The significance of the Battle of San Jacinto is spelled out on a panel at the side of the monument:he defeated Mexicans were under the command of General Santa Anna, the President of Mexico. The Texanns' surprise attack caught the Mexican emcampment off guard. The Texans shouted Remember the Alamo and Remember Goliad as they charged the unsuspecting Mexicans." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "San Antonio was named for Saint Anthony of Padua, whose feast day is on June 13, by a 1691 Spanish expedition in the area. It is notable for Spanish colonial missions, the Alamo, the River Walk, the Tower of the Americas, the Alamo Bowl, and Marriage Island." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771, and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal and is the patron saint of the poor." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mission San Antonio de Padua The first Christian wedding took place here in 1773 between a Native American and Spanish soldier. The first mission to make and use fired clay roof tiles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Early History of the Alamo. Spanish settlers built the Mission San Antonio de Valero, named for St. Anthony of Padua, on the banks of the San Antonio River around 1718.he Battle of the Alamo. In December 1835, in the early stages of Texas’ war for independence from Mexico, a group of Texan (or Texian) volunteers led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin Milam overwhelmed the Mexican garrison at the Alamo and captured the fort, seizing control of San Antonio." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Remember Mission San Antonio de Valero? Known today as The Alamo, this Spanish mission complex was the first of six San Antonio missions founded by Catholic missionaries along the San Antonio River in the early 1700s. The mission was a town and learning center to acculturate the local indigenous people to Christianity and Spanish life." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "San Buenaventura was meant to be the third mission, but conditions were deemed not right for its founding, and Fr. Junípero Serra did not want to wait. He decided to establish the new mission in the San Antonio Valley, in southwestern Monterey County. This location had been favored by the Portolá expedition in 1769." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "No one knows exactly why San Jose Mission was built here, but some have suggested that the missionaries wanted to keep it further away from the new city of San Jose so the Indians would not be tempted by the city ways, or that it was a good place for the military to protect travelers crossing the mountains." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Legend says that Antonio Bay was built in 1880 with blood money obtained from shipwrecked lepers which no one believes. On the eve of the town's centennial, many plan to attend the celebrations, including the murdered lepers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the 18th century, Spanish priests established five Catholic missions along the San Antonio River. The systems instituted by the friars led to an ethnically diverse society that continues to influence our city." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Beginnings of the Mission [edit]. Mission San Antonio de Padua was the third Mission to be founded. Father Junipero Serra claimed the site on July 14, 1771 and dedicated the Mission to Saint Anthony of Padua.Saint Anthony was born in 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal and is the patron Saint of the poor.ission San Antonio de Padua is a Spanish mission established by the Franciscan order in present-day Monterey County, California, near the present-day town of Jolon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "History of Mission San Antonio de Padua. Mission San Antonio de Padua, nestled in central California’s Valley of the Oaks, is number three in the Franciscans chain of twenty one missions, established July 14, 1771. Located below the Santa Lucia Mountains, adjacent to the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in Jolon, California, Mission San Antonio de Padua is almost as isolated today as it was more than 200 years ago." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "San Antonio de Valero Mission was established May 1, 1718, as the Spanish created the Presidio of San Antonio de Bexar béxar and the attached civil, settlement which is-present Day San. Antonio the community was to be a-way station on the journey from The Rio grande to The East texas. missionshe missionaries wanted to return to the area, but with the arrival of the La Salle Expedition on the Texas coast in 1685, the Spanish government decided to concentrate its energies on East Texas. East Texas Missions. Efforts were turned to East Texas in 1690." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The story of the Indians at this mission begins on the day of Father Serra's first mass. A curious Indian boy watched the mass that dedicated Mission San Antonio de Padua. Afterwards Father Serra offered him gifts. He treated the Indian so kindly that he brought members of his tribe to meet Father Serra." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "With the assistance of the Baron de Bastrop, Stephen Austin founded his capital, San Felipe de Austin on the west bank of the Brazos River at the ferry crossing on the Old San Antonio Road. The Mexican governor named the settlement to honor both the colony s empresario and the governor s patron saint." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what political party does the kkk support?" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Introduction. Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Parasol is a pink adult earth pony with purple eyes. Her hair is rainbow colored: dark pink, golden yellow, sea-green, and blue. Her symbol is four glittery pink and blue parasols. She is in the Bow-Tie Pose. She was released again in the second set of Rainbow Ponies, in Year 3.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who is the purple my little pony']\"", "Why did the KKK wear masks? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. What are 3 things you can't live without? Why KKK wear robe? What are the sheets that the KKK wear called? Why does daft punk wear mask? Why did the kkk wear white? What is the name of the hat the KKK wear? What do the KKK ...hy did the KKK wear masks? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. What are 3 things you can't live without? Why KKK wear robe? What are the sheets that the KKK wear called? Why does daft punk wear mask? Why did the kkk wear white? What is the name of the hat the KKK wear? What do the KKK ..." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "But really, what matters when you are voting is where each party stands TODAY. (The KKK had a resurgence in the 20s by white protestants angry at industrialization and immigration and high on Prohibition and the Bible, and a third big incarnation in reaction to the Civil Rights movement.)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, is the white supremacist group in the US that spread racism and hate among white and black people. After the Nazis occupied the US, they helped the KKK purge the African-American community through brutality and oppression." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Despite the Klan's political inroads during the 1920s, when millions of its members succeeded in electing hundreds of KKK-backed candidates to local, state, and even federal office, the group proved unable to preserve its influence at the ballot box beyond that decade." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nGiven ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\\n\\n------\\n\\nE.g. Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Glazing. 2 Glazing(noun) the act or art of setting glass; the art of covering with a vitreous or glasslike substance, or of polishing or rendering glossy. 3 Glazing(noun) the glass set, or to be set, in a sash, frame. == glazing meaning', 'Vectorworks, Inc. is a global design software developer serving the architecture, landscape and entertainment industries. Founded in 1985 as Diehl Graphsoft, Inc., the company produces the Vectorworks family of software which includes Vectorworks Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, and Renderworks.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is vectorworks']", "The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866. Throughout its notorious history, factions of the secret fraternal organization have used acts of terrorism—including murder, Lynching, Arson, rape, and bombing—to oppose the granting of Civil Rights to African Americans.x-Confederate soldiers established the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They developed the first two words of the group's name from the Greek word kuklos, meaning group or band, and took the third as a variant of the word clan." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Many people would be shocked to know that at least five U.S. Presidents were members of the Ku Klux Klan. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center,”the KKK started in the summer of 1866 when six ex-Confederate officers decided to organize a social club. They decided to use the term “kuklos,” which means circle." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Republican Party. The Republican Party, or the GOP, currently holds the majority in the US House of Representatives as well as the majority of state legislatures. The Republican leaders are Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell in the Senate and Ohio’s John Boehner in the House.he Republican Party, or the GOP, currently holds the majority in the US House of Representatives as well as the majority of state legislatures." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is one of several white-supremacist organizations in the United States, which are dedicated to opposing civil rights for Blacks, Jews, and other ethnic, racial, social or religious groups.They also oppose Catholicism, and ' left ' groups such as the IWW, and the gay rights movement.istory The original Ku Klux Klan was first established in Pulaski, Tennessee after the end of the American Civil War on December 24, 1865 by General Nathan Bedford Forrest and other Confederate veterans." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "CAVEAT: Prior to President Johnson pushing through the first major Civil Rights, the Democratic party was also the party of bigotry, segregation, and the KKK. This has flipped now - because of the Civil Rights Act, most hardcore bigots and segregationists have moved to other parties, primarily the Republican party." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The major political parties are Democrat (DNC) and Republican (GOP). Democrats tend towards the left end of the spectrum. Their platform foundations include promotion of social welfare programs and strong labor and teachers unions." ], [ "Represent text!", "(Answer #1). The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist group originally formed in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, when Confederate Army veterans formed what they called a social club. The first leader (called the Grand Wizard) was Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821–1877), a former general in the Confederate Army.s an organization, it is not very relevant today. demon300 | Student, Grade 10 | (Level 1) Valedictorian. Posted on. (Answer #2). The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist group originally formed in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, when Confederate Army veterans formed what they called a social club." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The main rebel group is the Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK (Kurdish: Partiya Karkeren Karkerên ‎). Kurdistan although insurgents have carried out attacks in many regions Of, turkey the insurgency is mainly in Southeastern. turkeyhe Second PKK Party Congress was then held in Daraa, Syria, from 20 to 25 August 1982. Here it was decided that the organisation would return to Turkey to start an armed guerilla war there for the creation of an independent Kurdish state. Meanwhile they prepared guerilla forces in Syria and Lebanon to go to war." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For the party existing in the Utah Territory from 1870–1891, see People's Party (Utah). The People's Party, also known as the Populist Party or the Populists, was an agrarian-populist political party in the United States. For a few years, 1892–96, it played a major role as a left-wing force in American politics." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Ku Klux Klan or commonly known as the KKK, or simply Klan, is the white supremacist group in... The Ku Klux Klan or commonly known as the KKK, or simply Klan, is the white supremacist group in the US that advocate for harsh and violent policies towards blacks, Jews, homosexuals, Catholics..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Q: What are the five functions of a political party? A: The five major functions of a political party are recruitment of candidates, fundraising, campaign support, advocacy of political issues and government organization. The Democrats and Republicans are the dominant political parties in the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "PKK is a Kurdish separatist terrorist group, going back to the 70s, and is nominally Marxist-Leninist group. If you know about UK, they are much like the IRA of Turkey, in structure, political goals and in organization and tactics. They are against ISIS (which wants an Islamic state where they want a Kurdish state) and are also against Turkey. (whose territory they want for their Kurdish state) Ethnicity in Turkey." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Radical Republicans led the Reconstruction of the South. All Republican factions supported Ulysses S. Grant for president in 1868. Once in office, Grant forced Sumner out of the party. Grant used Federal power to try to break up the Ku Klux Klan organization." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "“Today’s Rasmussen Reports White House Watch telephone and online survey shows Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump each picking up 42 percent support among Likely U.S. Voters. Seven percent still prefer Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, while one percent opt for Green Party nominee Jill Stein." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "KKK refers to the “Ku Klux Klan”, an organization in the US that advocated for extremism in terms of white supremacy and anti-immigration sentiments." ], [ "", "The Ku Klux Klan (acronym KKK) is an organization which was started in the South of the United States in 1865. This was after the American Civil War. It was to resist the Reconstruction of the United States. During this time, there were troops based in the ex-Confederacy states." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Ku Klux Klan (acronym KKK) is an organization which was started in the South of the United States in 1865. This was after the American Civil War. It was to resist the Reconstruction of the United States." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Local Klan factions active today are based in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Texas, and Michigan. An organization called the Imperial Klans of America, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, condemns violence, but states on its website that it seeks Aryan men and women who will make the world clean and pure." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of the local African American population." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ku Klux Klan, commonly called the KKK or simply the Klan, is three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary positions such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration and—especially in later iterations—Nordicism, anti-Catholicism and antisemitism. Historically, the KKK used terrorism—both physical assault and murder—against groups or individuals whom they opposed. All three movements have called for the purification of ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Klan's goals included political defeat of the Republican Party and the maintenance of absolute white supremacy in response to newly gained civil and political rights by southern blacks after the Civil War (1861-65)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Under the leadership of Tom Watson the party moved to the right. He denounced socialism and called for the reorganization of the Ku Klux Klan. He was the party's presidential candidate in 1904 but won only 117,183 votes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Republican Party officially opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage. The state and national platforms of the Republic Party have language stating that position. Many Republican elected officials and candidates publicly oppose same-sex marriage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "what political party does speaker of the house, paul ryan, belong to direct primary people vote to elect candidates from inside a particular political part, used to select a single candidate from a political party closed primary only members of the political party can vote in the primary" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "KKK refers to the “Ku Klux Klan”, an organization in the US that advocated for extremism in terms of white supremacy and anti-immigration sentiments. This organization was founded back in 1865 which was the period after the Civil War in the US." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In this, political party influence policy making because it forces representatives to make fundamental choices between what is advocated in the legislative sphere and what is embraced by the party. It is essential for the representative to ensure that they have the support of the political party." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865.Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization.n outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "White Democratic Southerners saw themselves as redeeming the South by regaining power. They appealed to scalawags (white Southerners who supported the Republican Party after the civil war and during the time of reconstruction). More importantly, in a second wave of violence following the suppression of the Ku Klux Klan, violence began to increase in the Deep South." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The WPK is the sole governing party of North Korea, although it nominally coexists de jure with two other legal parties making up the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland, which is regarded as merely a means to appear superficially democratic to citizens and foreigners." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are at least 26 different Ku Klux Klan groups in the United States. The largest and fastest-growing is the Knights of the KKK, headquartered in Harrison, Arkansas under the leadership of Thom Robb. The Knights recently held rallies in Wisconsin, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The main rebel group is the Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK (Kurdish: Partiya Karkeren Karkerên ‎). Kurdistan although insurgents have carried out attacks in many regions Of, turkey the insurgency is mainly in Southeastern. turkeyffers by the PKK for negotiations were ignored by the Turkish government, which claimed, the KONGRA-GEL continued to carry out armed attacks in the 1999–2004 period, although not on the same scale as before September 1999. They also blame the KONGRA-GEL for Kurdish riots which happened during the period." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "In the context of American politics, however, the fact that membership in the KKK is now considered a career-ending liability is a relatively new phenomenon. Just a few generations ago, membership in the 5 million-strong KKK brought aspiring politicians money, legitimacy, and easy electoral victories." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DDP members supported the Weimar Republic, the League of Nations and the rights of ethnic minorities (as distinct from the anti-Semitism of some right-wing parties). It urged government support for both capital and labour; and foreign policies to facilitate Germany’s return to the European community." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In Pulaski, Tennessee, a group of Confederate veterans convenes to form a secret society that they christen the “Ku Klux Klan.” The KKK rapidly grew from a secret social fraternity to a paramilitary force bent on reversing the federal government’s progressive Reconstruction Era-activities in the South, especially policies that elevated the rights of ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The KKK was formed in 1866 as a form of white southern resistance against what they perceived as encroaching African-American rights. In the 1920s, the group grew to have over 4 million members. At that time, anti black sentiments were predominant and were viewed as a threat to white rights." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Democrats in the last century did not hide their connections to the Ku Klux Klan. Georgia-born Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wrote on page 21 of the September 1928 edition of the Klan’s “The Kourier Magazine”: “I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Raleigh, N.C. — North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Hasan Harnett has taken to social media twice in the past month to juxtapose Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and images of the Ku Klux Klan. Say NO to the #Democrat Lies #Liberal Agenda. Harnett declined to comment Monday." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The reason the KKK wears white pointed hoods and sheets is because they wanted to scare the newly freed slaves into thinking that they were ghosts of Confederate Soldiers.21 people found this useful.hy did the KKK wear masks? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. What are 3 things you can't live without? Why KKK wear robe? What are the sheets that the KKK wear called? Why does daft punk wear mask? Why did the kkk wear white? What is the name of the hat the KKK wear? What do the KKK ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Politicians who were active in the Klan at some time. 1 Robert C. Byrd, a Democrat, was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ku Klux Klan. this group was founded in Tennessee in 1866; its oftentimes violent actions during the Reconstruction era represented the resentments felt by many Southern whites towards the changing political, social, and economic conditions of the Reconstruction era." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Ku Klux Klan (or KKK) is the name of some organisations in the United States that advocate white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration. They are currently ref … erenced as a hate group and have a history of using terrorist tactics.Howard Seibel. 2 Contributions.he Ku Klux Klan (or KKK) is the name of some organisations in the United States that advocate white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration. They are currently ref … erenced as a hate group and have a history of using terrorist tactics. Howard Seibel. 2 Contributions." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ku Klux Klan members parade in Washington, D.C., during the 1920s, a decade in which Klan membership grew into the millions and the group exerted significant political influence. library of congress The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "KKK allegedly threatens Cape Coral political candidateKKK allegedly threatens Cape Coral political candidate Wednesday, August 30 2017 6:09 PM EDT2017-08-30 22:09:12 GMT. Two threats from a Ku Klux Klan entity landed on the door of a gay couple in Cape Coral -- one of whom is running for office." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how many attempts to enter passcode on ipad" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "If you are someone who has very sensitive data on his or her iOS device and can’t afford it to get into wrong hands then an advanced option found in passcode settings page can help. By enabling ‘Erase Data’ option you can make your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch erase all the data stored in it when 10 failed passcode attempts have been made. This means the device will not only get disabled at a certain point but it will also delete your private data to ensure it doesn’t get into the wrong hands." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Step 5: Type the passcode that you want to use, then re-enter it on the next screen. Enter, then re-enter your desired passcode. The next time you need to unlock your iPhone 5, you will be required to enter the passcode that you just created. If you also have an iPad 2, you can set a password on that tablet as well." ], [ "Represent:", "Answer: Open the Settings app on your iPad and select General. Then look for where it says Passcode Lock. Tap on that and disable it. You also want to make sure the Simple Passcode is turned off." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use a passcode with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Learn how to set, use, and change a passcode on your iOS device. Set a passcode on your iOS device to help protect your data.Each time you turn on or wake your device, you'll need to unlock it with your passcode.If your device supports Touch ID, you can use your fingerprint instead of a passcode. Here's when you'll enter your passcode: 1 Turn on or restart your device. 2 Slide to unlock your screen (you can change this). 3 Update your software.se a passcode with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Learn how to set, use, and change a passcode on your iOS device. Set a passcode on your iOS device to help protect your data." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Open the Settings app on your iPad and select General. Then look for where it says Passcode Lock. Tap on that and disable it. You also want to make sure the Simple Passcode is turned off. After that you can go back to the General screen where you might also want to switch Auto-Lock to Never." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There is no way to change the iPhone's Passcode Lock feature from a 4 digit to a 6 digit passcode, and there won't be any 3rd party app that provides for this. Enable the erase data option with the passcode lock which will erase the iPhone completely after 10 failed passcode attempts. Someone would have to be very, very good or very lucky, or the iPhone owner using a stupid passcode like 1234 or 0000 for the 4 digit passcode to be broken - unless someone has tools at their disposal which would be able to break a 6 digit passcode also. Better would be to allow longer numers + letters password." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Apr 30, 2010 6:11 PM in response to pputnam. If you enable the SIM PIN, entering the SIM passcode will be required when powering the iPad on in order to connect to the internet via the cellular data or internet network. The same when turning data or internet access on via the cellular network after turning it off." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Use parental controls on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Change your Restrictions passcode. 1 Go to Settings > General > Restrictions. 2 Enter your current Restrictions passcode. 3 Tap Disable Restrictions, then enter your Restrictions passcode again. 4 Tap Enable Restrictions, then enter a new Restrictions passcode." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "5 incorrect passcode entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 1 minute. 7 incorrect entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 5 minutes. 8 incorrect entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 15 minutes. 9 incorrect entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 60 minutes. 10 incorrect passcode entries – iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes (or the iPhone wipes itself of all data if self-destruct mode is turned on)" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Use Restrictions to prevent purchasing on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Turn on Restrictions. 1 Go to Settings > General > Restrictions. 2 Tap Enable Restrictions. 3 Create a Restrictions passcode, then re-enter your passcode to confirm. Make sure to choose a passcode that's different from the passcode you use to unlock your device. If you forget your Restrictions passcode, you need to erase your device, then set it up as a new device to remove the Restrictions passcode. Restoring your device from a backup won't remove the Restrictions passcode." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Whichever of those messages you're getting, the cause is the same: An iPod or iPhone gets disabled when someone has entered in an incorrect passcode too many times. The passcode is a security measure that you can turn on in the iOS to require people to enter a password in order to use the device." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to the Times, the iPad rollout has three phases. It’s only in its first phase, which is a goal to distribute more than 600,000 devices. But after students hacked the system to freely surf the web, LAUSD halted home use of the iPads. Though district officials are taking strides to correct the problems, none of the methods constitute long-term solutions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data. 2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it.. You will be asked to unlock the device to send the message which, of course, you can’t do. Yet. 4. Keep Siri on the screen and use the sim removal tool to eject your sim from your iPhone or iPad. Make sure it completely disconnects from the internet – so ensure the device does not connect to wi-fi." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Scroll down in the Settings menu and tap Passcode.. If you are using an iPad with iOS 7.0.6 or earlier, tap General to access the Passcode Lock screen. Courtesy of Apple. Enter your current passcode in the Enter Passcode window.ave. Passcodes protect your iPad from unauthorized use and should be changed frequently for maximum security. If you haven't forgotten your current passcode but are ready to update it to a new one, you can do so in the Settings app on your iPad." ], [ "", "2.Forgot passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled - Apple Support. 3. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen. Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help. 1. iPad,iPod,iPod Touch Recovery Mode. 2. About Restrictions (parental controls) on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support. You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "There should be no spaces between the two numbers. If you have a SOFT token (an app on your corporate Blackberry or personal iPhone, iPad or Android device), simply enter your 4 digit PIN number to open the app. Your passcode will be the 8 digit number on the display. If you are using RSA ODA (On Demand Authentication) SMS token, you input your unique 4 digit PIN number and then your 8 digit passcode will be sent to you via SMS text message on your phone or tablet." ], [ "", "If you restore on a different computer that was never synced with the device, you will be able to unlock the device for use and remove the passcode, but your data will not be present. You may have to force iPad/iPod into Recovery Mode. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4097.f the screen is not responding to touch, reboot the iPad. Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears-ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen-let go of the buttons." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "HHow do I get rid of having to put in pass code every time I use the phone. iPhone 5, iOS 7. Level 5 (7,050 points). You can turn off your auto lock from Settings/General. But then you risk not securing your phone/iPad. Level 2 (370 points). enter your passcode. then the option to Turn Passcode Off will be available.How do I get rid of having to put in pass code every time I use the phone. iPhone 5, iOS 7. Level 5 (7,050 points). You can turn off your auto lock from Settings/General. But then you risk not securing your phone/iPad. Level 2 (370 points). enter your passcode. then the option to Turn Passcode Off will be available." ], [ "Represent the following document", "1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data. 2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it. 3 Typically this takes a few hours to do.ou can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "For example, let’s say you set a six-digit passcode on your iPhone. There are 10 possibilities for each digit in a numbers-based passcode, and so there are 106, or 1 million, possible combinations for a six-digit passcode as a whole. It is trivial for a computer to generate all of these possible codes. The difficulty comes in trying to test them." ], [ "", "Level 10 (94,020 points). The restrictions passcode is stored with the iPhone backup, the only way to get rid of it, if you can't remember it, is to restore as a new phone and not from your iPhone backup. You will lose ALL data on your phone.Level 4 (2,910 points). Ask your kids-they will have hacked their way around it already.evel 10 (94,020 points). The restrictions passcode is stored with the iPhone backup, the only way to get rid of it, if you can't remember it, is to restore as a new phone and not from your iPhone backup. You will lose ALL data on your phone. Level 4 (2,910 points)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In order to reset a restrictions passcode on iPhone or iPad you must reset the entire iPhone or iPad to factory settings and set it up as new, meaning it will wipe and erase everything on the device. All content, pictures, movies, notes, contacts, everything will be removed with the restrictions passcode." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data.2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it. Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data. 2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it. 3 Typically this takes a few hours to do." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "After the sixth incorrect passcode your iPhone will be disabled for one minute. Another failed attempt afterwards and add another five minutes of waiting time. The following table lists the waiting times which are missing from Apple’s knowledge base document on this topic." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Add a password to your iPad (enable passcode-protection). Follow these steps to create a password for your iPad: 1 Click on the Home button, and flick through Home screens until you find the Settings icon: then tap on it. 2 Once the iPad Settings screen loads, tap on the ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lost Passcodes. When you forget a passcode, the only option is to restore the device to either a backup or factory settings using iTunes. Connect your iPad to the computer with which you normally sync the iPad and open iTunes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Is a Complex Passcode even necessary? With a 4-digit numeric passcode, there are potentially 10^4 (10,000) different passcode options. That sure seems like a lot, but a study on common iOS passwords reveals that many people still rely on passcodes that aren't terribly hard to guess. Some common passcodes to avoid include 1234, 0000, 2580, 1111, 5555 and 5683 (which spells out 'love')." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Set up a passcode. 1 Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode. On devices without Touch ID, go to Settings > Passcode: 2 Tap Turn Passcode On. 3 Enter a six-digit passcode. Or tap Passcode Options to switch to a four-digit numeric code, a custom numeric code, or a custom alphanumeric code. 4 Enter your passcode again to confirm it and activate it." ], [ "Represent the following document", "But my iPad is disabled and I didn't type in a wrong passcode. If your iPad is disabled, someone typed in the wrong passcode enough to disable it. If you have a toddler, or even an older kid, they may have typed in the wrong passcode without realizing what might happen to the iPad.ow to Childproof Your iPad. If you have a passcode setup on your iPad and enter the wrong passcode too many times, the iPad will become disabled, locking you out of it. After a few missed attempts, the iPad will disable itself temporarily, asking you to try again after a minute." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to enable a passcode on your iPhone or iPad Lock screen. 1 Launch Settings from your Home screen. 2 Tap Passcode (or Touch ID & Passcode). 3 Tap Turn Passcode On. 4 Enter 4 digits to use as your passcode.ow to enable a passcode on your iPhone or iPad Lock screen. 1 Launch Settings from your Home screen. 2 Tap Passcode (or Touch ID & Passcode). 3 Tap Turn Passcode On. 4 Enter 4 digits to use as your passcode." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Add a password to your iPad (enable passcode-protection). Follow these steps to create a password for your iPad: 1 Click on the Home button, and flick through Home screens until you find the Settings icon: then tap on it." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 8 incorrect entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 15 minutes. 2 9 incorrect entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 60 minutes. 10 incorrect passcode entries – iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes (or the iPhone wipes itself of all data if self-destruct mode is turned on)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "How to Set a Passcode on the iPad. Setting a passcode on your iPad is the first step in protecting your data, such as e-mail accounts and contacts. This article will show you how to set a passcode on your iPad.Ad.ow to Set a Passcode on the iPad. Setting a passcode on your iPad is the first step in protecting your data, such as e-mail accounts and contacts. This article will show you how to set a passcode on your iPad. Ad." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Answer: Open the Settings app on your iPad and select General. Then look for where it says Passcode Lock. Tap on that and disable it. You also want to make sure the Simple Passcode is turned off. After that you can go back to the General screen where you might also want to switch Auto-Lock to Never." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A locked iPhone requires a passcode or Touch ID to enter and access the device as a security precaution. After the iPhone passcode has been incorrectly entered five times in a row, the iPhone will automatically disable itself for 1 minute, giving the “iPhone is disabled” error message on screen." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Level 10 (94,020 points). The restrictions passcode is stored with the iPhone backup, the only way to get rid of it, if you can't remember it, is to restore as a new phone and not from your iPhone backup. You will lose ALL data on your phone.Level 4 (2,910 points).Ask your kids-they will have hacked their way around it already. set restrictions on my iphone to disable in-app purchases so that my children don't rack up a bill on my account. Unfortunately I've forgotten the password and now I need an in-app purchase for CoPilot navigation app." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'CINCINNATI, Jan. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hillman Companies, Inc. (NYSE-Amex: HLM_P) (the Company or Hillman), announced today that its Hillman Group, Inc. subsidiary purchased Servalite, Inc.(Servalite), an East Moline, Illinois based distributor of residential fasteners and related products.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a servalite']\"", "Set a Passcode that a child isn’t likely to guess, so no “1111” passcodes here. Guided Access lets users lock the iPad to a single app for kids. Now Guided Access, or Kid Mode is ready to use. Open the app that you want to lock the iPad to. Once the app is open triple tap the home button. This needs to be fairly fast." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Centipedes are not likely to consume wood. In actuality, arthropods commonly known as wood eating centipedes are millipedes. While millipedes do closely resemble centipedes, millipedes are herbivores and detritivores, subsisting on dead and decaying plant material, including wood or cellulose material.ppearance. Centipedes belong to class of Chilopoda. The name centipede, which means â\\x80\\x9c100 legs,â\\x80\\x9d can be somewhat misleading: centipedes may have anywhere from 15 to 177 pairs of legs. Centipedes are elongated, with flat, segmented bodies that contain a pair of legs per segment.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what do centipedes do']\"", "While setting a passcode on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch can go a long way towards improving the security of your device, it is meaningless in situations where it is already unlocked and an invasive family member decides to read through your Messages history or tamper with your ongoing Candy Crush Saga game.hen you or someone else attempts to open a protected app, a password prompt pops up and prevents access until the correct passcode is entered. iAppLock also has a passcode of its own, so that people can’t go into the tweak and disable it." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nFor example, '['Represent this', 'Infant respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus infections are known to be associated with an increased risk of asthma development, and among children with prevalent asthma, 85% of asthma exacerbations are associated with viral infections. However, the exact nature of this relationship remains unclear.']' should be close to '['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what infective pathogens would respond to asthma']'", "(*) Passcode error message: iTunes could not connect to the iPad/iPhone because it is locked with a passcode. You must enter your passcode on the iPad/iPhone before it can be used with iTunes. Related: 1 Secure your iOS device.2 Using DFU Restore to Solve iPhone Problems.f yes, then try the following: 1 Connect your device to your computer that you normally sync it to, and thus contains the backup files. 2 Launch iTunes. 3 Select Back up by right-clicking (or Control-clicking) the device. 4 After Back up is completed, select Restore and then restore from your most recent backup." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Strengthen Your iPhone's Passcode. It's time to replace that 4-digit passcode with something better. by Andy O'Donnell. Updated March 19, 2017. If you're like many people, you may not have a passcode to lock your iPhone. Many people don't even bother enabling them. If you do have a passcode on your iPhone, you are likely using the iPhone's simple passcode option, which brings up a number pad and requires you to enter a 4 to 6 digit number to access your iPhone." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider if it appears), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot. Jun 1, 2013 11:37 PM. Helpful (5) Reply options Link to this post. by Texas Mac Man, Texas Mac Man Jun 2, 2013 9:59 AM in response to Edsallalex Level 8 (46,661 points) in response to Edsallalex Frozen or unresponsive iPad. Resolve these most common issues: • Display remains black or blank. • Touch screen not responding." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['', \"Michael grew up with three sisters (Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet) and five brothers (Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Randy). A sixth brother, Marlon's twin Brandon, died shortly after birth. Jackson had a troubled relationship with his father, Joe. In 2003, Joe acknowledged that he regularly whipped him as a boy.\"]>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what is the name of michael jackson's singer sister?\"]>>", "The old way to bypass the iPhone Passcode in iOS 9. 1 Begin by switching on the screen of the iPhone. 2 You should see the Lock Screen. Enter an incorrect Passcode. 3 Now press and hold the Home Button to summon Siri. Ask her about the current time and tap the clock icon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "You should always use a passcode on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to protect your mails and other sensitive data. Even if you think “my data isn’t that important” keep in mind that anybody who has access to your iOS device (e.g. your stolen phone) can check where you have your mail or online shopping accounts and reset your password. The new password gets sent to your mail address which is accessible through your device." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "First of all, to turn off or change settings for the passcode lock feature on your iPad you must know your passcode. If you have forgotten your iPad passcode you're out of luck.To turn off passcode lock: 2. Enter your passcode. 3. Touch the top button labeled Turn Passcode Off. 4. Enter your passcode again. The passcode is now deactivated and will not be required to access your iPad.irst of all, to turn off or change settings for the passcode lock feature on your iPad you must know your passcode. If you have forgotten your iPad passcode you're out of luck." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Level 10 (94,020 points). The restrictions passcode is stored with the iPhone backup, the only way to get rid of it, if you can't remember it, is to restore as a new phone and not from your iPhone backup. You will lose ALL data on your phone.Level 4 (2,910 points).Ask your kids-they will have hacked their way around it already.he restrictions passcode is stored with the iPhone backup, the only way to get rid of it, if you can't remember it, is to restore as a new phone and not from your iPhone backup. You will lose ALL data on your phone. Level 4 (2,910 points). Ask your kids-they will have hacked their way around it already." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Total cholesterol level. 1 Less than 200 is best. 2 200 to 239 is borderline high. 3 240 or more means you're at increased risk for heart disease.DL cholesterol levels. 1 Below 100 is ideal for people who have a higher risk of heart disease. 2 100 to 129 is near optimal. 3 130 to 159 is borderline high. 4 160 or more means you're at a higher risk for heart disease.\"] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what should your total cholesterol level be']", "Read all replies. 1 by Ralph Landry1, Ralph Landry1 Nov 22, 2011 8:29 AM in response to ngtmacs Level 8 (41,782 points) in response to ngtmacs When you setup the device and set it to requuire a passcode, you can set the number of attempts before locking." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Use a passcode with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Learn how to set, use, and change a passcode on your iOS device. Set a passcode on your iOS device to help protect your data.Each time you turn on or wake your device, you'll need to unlock it with your passcode.If your device supports Touch ID, you can use your fingerprint instead of a passcode. Here's when you'll enter your passcode: 1 Turn on or restart your device.ach time you turn on or wake your device, you'll need to unlock it with your passcode. If your device supports Touch ID, you can use your fingerprint instead of a passcode. Here's when you'll enter your passcode: 1 Turn on or restart your device." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Add, remove, or change iPad password (Enable or disable passcode protection). By default, your iPad locks itself after a certain period of inactivity (5 minutes, but you can customize your iPad Auto-Lock settings)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 9 incorrect entries in a row – iPhone is disabled, try again in 60 minutes. 10 incorrect passcode entries – iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes (or the iPhone wipes itself of all data if self-destruct mode is turned on)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "6. iTunes 10 for Mac-Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad. Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help. iPad,iPod,iPod Touch Recovery Mode. You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New. You can restore from a backup if you have one from BEFORE you set the restrictions passcode. Also, see iTunes-Restoring iOS software. Level 1 (5 points). If you have backed up your device to your computer via itunes, you can locate a file on your computer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How To: Remove Forgotten PASSCODE unlock | iPhone 5 4S & 4 | iPad 2 & 3 | iPod touch | & iOS devices - Duration: 1:08. Sue Peters 39,876 views" ], [ "", "If you are fearful that you may forget the passcode you create, write it down in a safe place and store it away from your iPad so that another person can not easily find and use it. Lost Passcodes When you forget a passcode, the only option is to restore the device to either a backup or factory settings using iTunes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data. 2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it.ou will be asked to unlock the device to send the message which, of course, you can’t do. Yet. 4. Keep Siri on the screen and use the sim removal tool to eject your sim from your iPhone or iPad. Make sure it completely disconnects from the internet – so ensure the device does not connect to wi-fi. 5." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '20/03/2014. The Chrysler 300 SRT8 has already made quite a name for itself in the US, and now this powerful luxury vehicle is quickly becoming a hot topic of conversation here on Australian shores. With unmatched performance and equally arresting good looks, the 300 has drivers talking.']>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is srt8']\"", "Set up a passcode. 1 Go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode. On devices without Touch ID, go to Settings > Passcode: 2 Tap Turn Passcode On. 3 Enter a six-digit passcode. Or tap Passcode Options to switch to a four-digit numeric code, a custom numeric code, or a custom alphanumeric code. Enter your passcode again to confirm it and activate it." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Failing the NCLEX. After answering the first 75 questions, the computer compares your performance to the NCLEX passing standard. If your score surpasses this standard, the test ends and you pass. If you perform significantly below the passing standard, you automatically fail after 75 questions." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "You can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data. 2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it. Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data. 2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it. 3 Typically this takes a few hours to do." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Note that when you set up your passcode, there is an option to erase data after too many failed attempts. If you have this option selected, your phone will erase all the data after 10 failed passcode attempts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Scroll down the Settings screen and tap “Touch ID and Passcode” from the option list to show your phone’s security settings. 3. Change your passcode. Scroll down the Touch ID and Passcode screen and tap “Change Passcode.” Using the on-screen numeric keypad, enter your existing passcode.1 Make sure that you enter the right passcode here. 2 If you enter the wrong combination more than 10 times, your iPhone will be disabled for 1 minute.ow to Change Your Passcode on an iPhone or iPod Touch. Passwords, known also as passcodes on iOS devices, keep your devices and the information saved in it from unwanted access. For iPhones, passcodes allow it to be safe and restricted." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use a passcode with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Learn how to set, use, and change a passcode on your iOS device. Set a passcode on your iOS device to help protect your data.Each time you turn on or wake your device, you'll need to unlock it with your passcode.If your device supports Touch ID, you can use your fingerprint instead of a passcode. Here's when you'll enter your passcode: 1 Turn on or restart your device. 2 Slide to unlock your screen (you can change this).3 Update your software.ach time you turn on or wake your device, you'll need to unlock it with your passcode. If your device supports Touch ID, you can use your fingerprint instead of a passcode. Here's when you'll enter your passcode: 1 Turn on or restart your device. 2 Slide to unlock your screen (you can change this). 3 Update your software." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data.2 Method 2: You can erase your iOS 8 iPhone or iPad and restore all your data to it.3 Typically this takes a few hours to do.ou can access your Phone data if you have forgotten your passcode number. There are 2 ways of doing it. 1 Method 1: You can try the iOS 8 lock screen bypass trick to access some of your data." ], [ "", "The first step toward activating an iOS 7 passcode lock is to ensure that your device is running iOS 7. If you have an iPhone 4 or 5 of any kind, an iPad mini, a 2nd-generation iPad or better, or a 5th-generation iPod Touch, you can run iOS 7, although older models may take a hit to their performance if you do so.To update your device, click on Settings, General and Software Update.f you don't want to, or can't, upgrade to iOS 7, the following instructions still apply. MORE: 13 Security and Privacy Tips for the Truly Paranoid. Click on Settings, General and Passcode Lock (you may have to scroll down a bit)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Before you begin, you need to make sure you have a passcode set on your iPad, otherwise you can't change the selection that turns it off. 1 Launch Settings. 2 Tap General. 3 Tap Passcode Lock. 4 Turn the Passcode On. 5 Once you have a passcode set, the “Photo Frame” option should become active.efore you begin, you need to make sure you have a passcode set on your iPad, otherwise you can't change the selection that turns it off. 1 Launch Settings. 2 Tap General. 3 Tap Passcode Lock. 4 Turn the Passcode On. 5 Once you have a passcode set, the “Photo Frame” option should become active." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SEE ALSO: Amazon launches Fire tablet in 3 new colors with higher storage. The company says people log into their iPhones 80 times per day, accessing it on average every 11 minutes and 15 seconds. Not only are people logging into their phones 80 times a day, but nearly 90 percent of them use security tools to unlock them, using their fingerprints with TouchID or a passcode. Security features like these have been at the center of an ongoing legal argument, as people debate whether Apple should have assisted the FBI in unlocking one of the San Bernardino shooters' iPhones." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Now when you need to use a passcode to unlock your iPhone or iPad running iOS 9, you’ll use the new six-digit string. Leave a comment Posted in: How-To, Newsstand, Top stories Tagged: Apple, iOS, iOS 9, iOS 9 beta, iOS tips, iPad, iPhone, passcodes, security, six digit passcode" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An iPad passcode preserves the privacy of your data, serving as a barrier to would-be snoops. If you forget your own passcode, there is no way to recover it. You must restore your device, which will require the deletion of at least your most recent data, so that your passcode can be reset. Benefits of a Passcode" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'VFDs are motor controllers which drive the motor by adjusting the voltage and frequency supplied to it. VFDs feature converter which consists 6 diodes, just like the check valves of a plumbing system. These diodes allow the flow of current in a single direction which is mentioned in the diode symbol.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how do vfd system work']", "1 Answer 1. If you are talking about Parental Control type of restrictions on the iPad, I believe that to be entirely iOS software level. You have 6 attempts before it locks you out for a minute. It then increases the locked-out time after further failed attempts." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "can you take my temperature?" ]
[ [ "Represent", "There are several ways to take a temperature. The best ways are in the mouth, ear, underarm, or temporal (forehead). Digital electronic thermometers are the easiest and most accurate type of thermometer to use. Do not use mercury or glass thermometers." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If your intend to be present when the mother delivers, begin to take your cat’s temperature two weeks before it’s due date. Do it at the same time every day You can lubricate the thermometer with margarine or KY jelly and insert it about a half inch up the rectum. Leave it in place for three minutes." ], [ "represent this text\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Radioactive decay, also known as nuclear decay or radioactivity, is the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation.A material that spontaneously emits such radiation â\\x80\\x94 which includes alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and conversion electrons â\\x80\\x94 is considered radioactive.lpha decay is one type of radioactive decay, in which an atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, and thereby transforms (or decays) into an atom with a mass number decreased by 4 and atomic number decreased by 2.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what particle is emitted in alpha radiation']'", "Some babies don't mind having their temperature taken rectally, while others seem to hate it. If your baby protests, you might want to take her underarm (axillary) temperature first. If that reading is over 99 degrees Fahrenheit, take her rectal temperature for a more precise and accurate result.1 To prepare the thermometer, clean the end with rubbing alcohol or a little soap and warm water.ind out how to lower your child's fever using natural, alternative approaches – like a cool washcloth or chilled foods &... Tips for taking your baby's temperature. See how to safely take your child's rectal temperature, and learn your other options as well." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Do not add a degree when taking a temperature orally or rectally, which are the most accurate temperature readings. Also, do not add a degree when calling the doctor, even if you took it under the armpit. Rather, it's better to tell the doctor the exact reading and where you took the temperature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There are 4 ways to take (measure) a temperature: 1 under the armpit (axillary method); 2 in the mouth (oral method); 3 in the ear (tympanic method); and. in the rectum/bum (rectal method)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "1 Do not take an oral temperature if the person has a stuffy nose. 2 Use the rectum or armpit. 3 Do not smoke or eat/drink anything hot or cold for 10 minutes before taking an oral temperature. 4 When you call the doctor, report the actual reading on the thermometer, and say where the temperature was taken. Do not take an oral temperature if the person has a stuffy nose. 2 Use the rectum or armpit. 3 Do not smoke or eat/drink anything hot or cold for 10 minutes before taking an oral temperature. 4 When you call the doctor, report the actual reading on the thermometer, and say where the temperature was taken." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Being able to safely take a horse's temperature is a great asset for the owner. An elevated temperature can be an early warning sign that something is amiss, such as an infection or heat stroke. Knowing that your horse has a fever can help you make a decision as to whether you should call your veterinarian." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first question can be answered with a bit of thermodynamics. As we all should know by now, temperature is not the only thing that matters in cooking. Think about this: you can safely stick your hand in a 350°F oven, but touch a pot of 350°F oil, and you won't soon be forgetting it." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Indeed, temperature is a concept that arises as crucial within a wide variety of scientific disciplines. Consider that many of us have our first interaction with a thermometer in the context of medicine, when a doctor (or our parent) uses one to discern our temperature, as part of diagnosing our illness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The cons: 1 Parents may worry about causing discomfort when taking a child's temperature rectally. 2 You need to wait 15 minutes after eating or drinking to take an oral temperature. Otherwise, the temperature of your food or drink might affect the thermometer reading." ], [ "", "A rectal temperature is generally considered to be the most accurate, and the standard for monitoring the core body temperature, but it is generally not recommended for use in patients, due to the risk of rectal perforation and tears with this method. Have a separate thermometer to use for oral than for rectal.lso, if you get a high or low reading, re-take the temperature! It may be correct, but it is best to confirm the temperature if it is unusual, and the doctor will ask you if you did take it again, as sometimes there are errors with thermometers, or technique in taking the temperature." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dec 8, '13 by chare. “Normal” temperature is 37 C (98.6 F), regardless of where it is taken. People will tell you that you need to add 1 C if taken other than rectal, but this is not supported in the literature. When recording the temperature you should also record the location that it was taken." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "If you have questions about taking a temperature, body temperatures or fever, speak with your health care provider or call 8-1-1 to speak with a nurse or pharmacist. Our nurses are available anytime, every day of the year, and our pharmacists are available every night from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Related Information." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Temperature taken under the arm usually is considered to be less accurate than most other body locations for measuring temperature. This measurement, also known as axillary temperature, tends to be about half a degree to a degree below oral temperature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "If you use another type of thermometer to take a young child's temperature and you're in doubt about the results, take a rectal temperature. 4 years and older. By age 4, most kids can hold a digital thermometer under the tongue for the short time it takes to get an oral temperature reading." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You're here tonight. I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain, oh, yeah. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. I can be your hero. I can kiss away the pain. And I will stand by you forever.You can take my breath away. You can take my breath away.ou're here tonight. I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain, oh, yeah. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. I can be your hero. I can kiss away the pain. And I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. You can take my breath away." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to take your Basal Body Temperature. To take your Basal Body Temperature, you need a special (ultrasensitive) BBT thermometer. Such a thermometer is graduated in one-tenth of a degree increments, and is generally inexpensive ($6-$12).Your Basal Body Temperature can be taken either orally or vaginally, with orally being the more accurate method.ow to take your Basal Body Temperature. To take your Basal Body Temperature, you need a special (ultrasensitive) BBT thermometer. Such a thermometer is graduated in one-tenth of a degree increments, and is generally inexpensive ($6-$12)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "RE: What temperature does solder (heat) melt at? When i stick a circuit board in the oven (witch you can do) to melt the solder so i can take the diodes, capacitor, and buttons off what temp do i set the oven at?Hence my original question what temperature does solder melt at?E: What temperature does solder (heat) melt at? When i stick a circuit board in the oven (witch you can do) to melt the solder so i can take the diodes, capacitor, and buttons off what temp do i set the oven at? Hence my original question what temperature does solder melt at?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "When it comes to taking someone's temperature, use the method that will give the most accurate reading. For babies and children under five years of age, taking a rectal temperature is most accurate.For older children and adults, taking an oral temperature is perfectly fine.f you choose to use this method, and the thermometer indicates a temperature higher than 99 °F (37 °C), you need to get a more accurate reading using the rectal or oral method. 1 If you're taking the temperature of an infant, the only method you should use is the rectal method." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Children. If you're taking a child's temperature, stay with them during the reading and put the thermometer away afterwards so they don't play with it. Read more information about taking a child's temperature." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Body temperature can also be taken in the rectum. Rectal temperature can be taken by inserting a medical thermometer not more than 25 mm (1 inch) into the rectum via the anus. A mercury thermometer should be inserted for 3 to 5 minutes; a digital thermometer should remain inserted until it beeps." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To take your Basal Body Temperature, you need a special (ultrasensitive) BBT thermometer. Such a thermometer is graduated in one-tenth of a degree increments, and is generally inexpensive ($6-$12). Your Basal Body Temperature can be taken either orally or vaginally, with orally being the more accurate method.o take your Basal Body Temperature, you need a special (ultrasensitive) BBT thermometer. Such a thermometer is graduated in one-tenth of a degree increments, and is generally inexpensive ($6-$12). Your Basal Body Temperature can be taken either orally or vaginally, with orally being the more accurate method." ], [ "", "The normal temp rectally should be 99.6 and under the arm is 97.6. So if you are going by the normal 98.6 than you should subtract or add. For example, if you get a fever of 100.8 rectally, then it is actually only one degree above the normal.es | No Thank you! Under the arm (axillary) Although it's not the most accurate way to take a temperature, you can also use an oral thermometer for an armpit reading Place the thermometer under your arm with your arm down. Hold your arms across your chest." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here’s how to take an oral temperature: 1 Wait five minutes after your child has had a hot or cold drink (or it will affect the temperature). 2 Place the thermometer well under one side of your child’s tongue. 3 Have your child hold it in place with her lips, not her teeth, and tell her to breathe through her nose." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Taking a Temperature. Body heat is measured by taking a temperature with a thermometer. An. increase in temperature, called a fever, may be a sign of infection. The common scale used to measure body temperature in the United. States is degrees Fahrenheit (F). Other countries use degrees Centigrade. (C)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When you place a thermometer inside the oral cavity (the mouth, silly), you are actually finding out the oral temperature. Axillary temperature is taken by placing the thermometer under the armpits of a person. A thermometer designed for oral use can also be used for measuring the axillary temperature." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You must take the temperature rectally to have an accurate reading, your child's temperature is no doubt higher than 101.6, possibly a lot higher because axillary measurements are very imprecise. My pediatrician's policy is to call if you have more than 102.5 for kids 3 months or older.y son rarely runs a temperature, and I always call my doctor to get their opinions. Where you take the temperature makes a big difference. If you took it under the armpit you have to add 2 degrees to that, and my doctor says bring them in with a temp of 103 or higher." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A Fever Can Be Your Friend. You have a fever when your temperature is at least 1 degree over your normal body temperature, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Most people fret over a fever, but it actually can be helpful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Now that I have my own house, my plumbing can handle it, so it doesnt matter if you take a shower while those other items are being used. But you cant take a really long shower because eventually the tank empties from the hot water and the shower will get cold.f you have the hardware on your fixtures/plumbing to keep the pressure and temperature consistent, then you can do this..if not..I would wait and have a shower when nothing else if running as your pressure and/or temperature can be affected. pissy_old_lady · 5 years ago. Thumbs up." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1 Your septum becomes red and tender. The redness on your septum is normal for the first two weeks after the piercing session but if the redness persists for more than two weeks, it may be a sign of an infection. Your nose becomes swollen for a longer time than the required time.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'symptoms infected nose piercing']\"", "Oral Temperature: How to Take. 1 Age: 4 years and older. 2 If your child had a cold or hot drink, wait 30 minutes. 3 Put the thermometer under one side of the tongue towards the back. Have your child hold the thermometer with his lips and 1 fingers. Your child has a fever if the temp is above 100° F (37.8° C)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This version of How to Take Your Basal Body Temperature was reviewed by Lacy Windham, M.D. on May 20, 2016." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If your body temperature reaches 104 °F (40 °C), you could experience heatstroke. Dropping your temperature too low can be equally dangerous, however, with only a three degree reduction in body temperature (95 °F (35 °C)) needed to induce hypothermia. Lowering your core temperature for short periods of time can help you avoid heatstroke, improve sleep, or reduce a fever, but it's important to know how to do this safely." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lowering your thermostat by even a few degrees can save you bucks. You don’t have to get ridiculous—it shouldn’t be cold enough that you’re wearing a down jacket to bed—but if your temperature is set at 70, bringing it down to 67 or 66 at night will definitely cut your heating costs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "If your body temperature is above 95 degrees F and you're healthy, your body will warm itself up and you generally don't need treatment. If your body is 90 degrees to 95 degrees F (32 to 35 degrees C) and you look okay, we'll do things like put a warming blanket around you. If your temperature drops much lower, we might give you an IV with warm fluids, insert a breathing tube to supply the lungs with warm air, and insert tubes through the mouth and urethra to put hot saline into the stomach and bladder, respectively." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Where to Take the Temperature. 1 Rectal temps are the most accurate. 2 Age under 3 months old (90 days old). 3 An armpit temp is the safest and is good for screening. 4 Age under 4 or 5 years old. 5 Age over 4 or 5 years old. 6 Safe to take the temp orally (by mouth)." ], [ "", "How to Take Oral Temperatures. 1 Age: 4 years and older. 2 If your child had a cold or hot drink, wait 30 minutes. 3 Put the thermometer under one side of the tongue towards the back. 4 Have your child hold the thermometer with his lips and fingers. 5 Your child has a fever if the temp is above 100° F (37.8° C)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anxiety has a known effect on your body temperature, and during a panic attack you can feel yourself burning up. Only by reducing your anxiety can you stop these sensations forever. Take my free 7 minute anxiety test to find out more.Start the test here, now.nxiety has a known effect on your body temperature, and during a panic attack you can feel yourself burning up. Only by reducing your anxiety can you stop these sensations forever. Take my free 7 minute anxiety test to find out more." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you have questions about taking a temperature, body temperatures or fever, speak with your health care provider or call 8-1-1 to speak with a nurse or pharmacist. Our nurses are available anytime, every day of the year, and our pharmacists are available every night from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Top of the page." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If your baby protests, you might want to take her underarm (axillary) temperature first. If that reading is over 99 degrees Fahrenheit, take her rectal temperature for a more precise and accurate result. To prepare the thermometer, clean the end with rubbing alcohol or a little soap and warm water." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What body temperature are you when you have a cold? Usually the same as normal - 37C or 98F If you have a fever it's a bit up, and if you have hypothermia it's a bit down, but a cold, on its own, shouldn't change your body te…mperature." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Overcoming the “fever fear factor”. What is considered a fever? What is a “normal” body temperature? As cold and flu season is upon us, parents should have a good understanding of what constitutes a fever, as well as safe, accurate temperature taking. You can overcome the “fever fear factor“ by learning how to take a temperature correctly and knowing when it’s important to call to the doctor. When it comes to temperature taking, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. How to interpret readings? It is somewhat of a misconception that normal body temperature is defined as 98.6°F, since everyone’s body temperature fluctuates during the day, and everyone has a different “normal” body temperature that isn’t necessarily 98.6°F." ], [ "Represent", "No, not like that: Having no low grade fever means your temperature is fine. That has nothing to do with your multiple myeloma status. Multiple myeloma status has to be checked through blood work evaluation, and some other testing including bone marrow biopsy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Different methods of taking a temperature will produce different average readings. However, several methods that measure the internal temperature including oral, rectal, temporal, and ear, have been found in various studies to be accurate ways to take a temperature." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Temperature: Oral, Rectal, Axillary and Tympanic Page 2 of 4 How to Take a Temperature Oral Temperature Use a thermometer with a long bulb. Be sure your child has not had anything hot or cold to eat or drink for 20 minutes before you take his temperature." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Parents may worry about causing discomfort when taking a child's temperature rectally. You need to wait 15 minutes after eating or drinking to take an oral temperature. Otherwise, the temperature of your food or drink might affect the thermometer reading." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yes, Without use of thermometer you cxan only feel temperature like it is higher than usual body temperature but can’t measure it. In some cases you unable to find fever without thermometer when the temperature are not so much high but the person have fever(most commonly happen with kids)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Quick Answer. About.com states that it is not necessary to add a degree to temperatures taken with ear or temporal thermometers. It's recommended to take a temperature two or three times and average the results when using ear or temporal thermometers." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how far to drive on a spare tire" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most owner’s manuals and spare tires have a printed maximum speed limit and maximum distance for the spare to travel. The speed limit is usually around 50mph and the distance is usually between 50 and 70 miles. It’s unadvisable to drive any faster or any further on your doughnut than what is recommended by the manufacturer. Some owners manuals will state that the maximum distance is for a single trip, making it possible to use your doughnut spare multiple times, while others suggest replacing the spare after 70 miles." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A spare tire allows a driver to replace a flat tire and drive on. Dual sidemounted spare tires behind the front fenders on a 1931 Nash Ambassador. Temporary use space-saver spare tire mounted in the trunk of a 1970 AMC AMX with a single use air canister." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When the grooves begin to disappear, it's time to replace the tires. For most road models, this occurs in the range of 1,500 to 3,000 miles for rear tires, which wear much more quickly than fronts because 60% or more of your weight is on that tire (the lighter you are, the longer your tires will wear)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The front tires, however, usually wear out much faster than those on a rear-wheel drive car because they have the added burden of driving the vehicle as well as steering it. Tire life can be as little as 50,000 miles depending on the tread wear rating of the tires and the kind of driving you do." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent text', 'Are Charter Schools For-Profit? Charter schools choose their own management structure: 67 percent of all charter schools are independently run non-profit, single site schools; 20 percent are run by non-profit organizations that run more than one charter school; and just under 13 percent are run by for-profit companies.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the organization type of a charter school']\"", "Replacing Tires by Mileage. The average tire can handle about 40,000 miles of travel before it starts becoming unsafe. That number depends on the vehicle’s weight, weather conditions, the types of surfaces you drive on, and how many nails you run over. In other words, don’t take this number as a certainty. If your tires are reaching 40,000 miles, though, it’s time to take a close look at them. They’re probably due for a change." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Most states recommend that you keep your wheels about 6 inches away from the curb, but do not penalize you if your vehicle is within 18 inches from the curb. Anything further than that, and you fail the maneuver. The statute governing this distance is different from state to state, and maybe even city-to-city." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pros: 1 You can drive on a flat tire: The primary benefit of a run-flat tire is that it allows you to keep driving about 100 miles after all the air has gone. This means that a person doesn't have to get out of the car in the cold, or the rain, or onto a busy highway or on the street in a sketchy part of town." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long do spare tires last? Most full-size spare tires are designed to last anywhere from seven to 10 years, according to John Paul. That said, drivers should never use a tire with visible damage, such as cracks in the sidewall, punctures, impact bulges or irregular tread wear – all of which are dangerous to drive on." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Driving with a donut tire should only been done when absolutely necessary and for a short amount of time. Check the owner’s manual for the recommendation on how many miles you can drive on the donut tire. In addition, do not go over 50 mph while driving on a spare tire. Spare Tire." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Toyota Corolla 2016, Page 530, Do not drive at speeds in excess of 50 mph (80 km/h) when a compact spare tire is installed on the vehicle. The compact spare tire is not designed for driving at high speeds. Failure to observe this precaution may lead to an accident causing death or serious injury.." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hi everyone. I have a 2011 B200 Turbo. Hit a pothole last night and had to have the spare donut tire installed. I have been in contact with the Mercedes dealership since I can't find the same tire anywhere else in stock (Continental Contiprocontact) and I will be going tomorrow to have it replaced. Expensive. My question is, how many km can you go on the spare. I have looked through the owner's manual but it only states how fast you can go (80 km/hr). Any ideas? Thanks very much." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n------\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'NuPower batteries are engineered to perfectly complement the fit and finish of your Mac notebook as well as offer full compatibility with applicable OEM sleep and power reduction modes.']\" and the positive \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what type of battery in apple macbook air laptop computer?']\"", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Spare tire is behind the cargo department in the back. The floor comes up from the back towards the lift gate when the compartment is collapsed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "BMW allows up to 15,000 miles between oil changes, but that is too long to wait to rotate the tires. Unless you drive fewer than about 7,500 miles per year, you should probably rotate tires every six months or so. Related: NHTSA Launches TireWise Safety Campaign The tires mounted on the drive wheels of any vehicle perform extra duty because they apply the power to the pavement." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A typical car tire lasts between 20,000 and 30,000 miles (some far more, depending on tread and chemistry). At 5,000 miles between rotation, this means 4 to 6 rotations during the tire’s lifespan. Using a back-front cross, a tire will only be in the same location twice during its expected useful lifetime on the car (four rotations are required to put any tire back in its original position)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Removing the spare tire was a quick and easy way to do that.”. Fuel economy standards are increasing to 34.1 miles per gallon for 2016 and later models, compared to 29.7 for cars manufactured from 2012 to 2016. It’s estimated that a spare tire, the jack and tools that come with it can weigh 40 or more pounds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This means that your doughnut spare will probably get you 70 miles, if that is where the nearest garage is, but it is better to change it to a full-sized tire, appropriate for the make and model of your car, as soon as possible." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The smaller physical size requires Temporary/Compact Spare tires to be maintained with 60 psi cold tire inflation pressures and restricted to driving speeds of no more than 50 mph (80 km/h)." ], [ "Represent this", "Runflat tires can be driven at up to 50 miles per hour. for 150 miles or so (your mileage may vary; see owner’s. manual for details. . . .). The idea is to get you to a repair. facility in case of a flat. Assuming you don’t exceed the limits above and. don’t shred the tire, they can be repaired. CAUTION: Some car manufacturers, BMW for example, don’t. recommend repairing runflat tires, which makes for. some interesting conversation on BMW owner blogs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Uniroyal temporary spare tires are covered by this limited warranty for6 years from date of purchase or until the first 2/32nds of an inch(1.6 mm) of the original tread is worn off. At that time, all warranties,express or implied expire. Date of purchase is documented by newvehicle registration or tire sales invoice." ], [ "represent the input", "The spare on my Accord has a max. pressure of 60 PSI. And to significantly decrease the chances of your tire exploding, or wearing poorly, you should have it up around 45-50 PSI. A fully inflated spare is much better able to withstand 50 MPH speeds and prolonged use than a half inflated one." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Janet went on to become the most powerful hurricane of the 1955 season, reaching a category 5 storm with winds of 175 mph, killing 38 people in Barbados alone, and nearly 700 people overall. In fact, Hurricane Janet caused the loss of the only hurricane hunter plane in history.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when did hurricane janet hit barbados']\"", "Full-size matching spare tires and wheels should be integrated into the vehicle's tire rotation pattern from the beginning. This will essentially create a set of five tires that will last longer than just four, as well as will wear out the spare tire before it ages out.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Run flat tires only allow you to drive for a limited distance and reduced speed after a puncture or other event has resulted in either a drop in tire inflation pressure or a complete loss of inflation pressure. If you have MICHELIN® Zero Pressure (ZP) tires, you can drive up to 50 miles at 50 mph with a flat tire." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It's not like the doughnut spare is going to explode from driving it 150 miles below 50 mph, but driving 50 mph on the highway is not very safe, especially since you're not really sure what the car is going to do in any kind of evasive maneuver." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can drive on a flat tire: The main benefit of a run-flat tire is that it allows you to keep driving—up to 50 miles at 50 miles per hour. This means that a person doesn’t have to get out of the car on the side of a busy highway or try to change a tire in the dark." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cautiously, drive your motorcycle for 3-5 miles to warm up the tires. Remove the puncturing object and, while taking extreme caution, drive your motorcycle another 3-5 miles. Be sure to check the air pressure to make sure that you are not running the tire flat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The donut spare has a speed limit of 35 mph, you have to follow that-even when new. I think if it holds pressure (I think it is supposed to be 60 psi for the spare) and you stick to the speed limit and just drive to the shop to fix your tire, then you should be fine." ], [ "Represent text.", "Only do this yourself if you are a safe enough distance from traffic and are comfortable changing your tire yourself. Be sure to check your spare tire with an air pressure gauge first. If the spare tire is also flat, do not attempt to drive on it. 1 Locate your nearest America's Tire store by visiting our store locator.nly do this yourself if you are a safe enough distance from traffic and are comfortable changing your tire yourself. Be sure to check your spare tire with an air pressure gauge first. If the spare tire is also flat, do not attempt to drive on it. 1 Locate your nearest America's Tire store by visiting our store locator." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Published April 21, 2014 |. We all know how the story goes. You get a flat, put on your spare and drive off. Sometimes, people even forget that the spare tire is there instead of the real tire. Unfortunately, using a spare tire for too long can cause your car damage and put you in a risky situation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As long as the ambient air is dry that should be perfectly fine.”. On average, a sport motorcycle’s front tire can last 3,700 miles and 1,800 miles for a rear before both need to be changed. This is if both tires are well maintained and are regularly checked." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Based on their warranties, the tires should travel roughly 25,000 to 40,000 miles before their tread reaches the halfway point. To simulate wear without the wait, we used a special tire lathe to shave approximately half the tread depth from three sets of tires, one set for each model." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1 Add lamb; cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. 2 Transfer skillet to oven and roast lamb chops to desired doneness, about 10 minutes for medium-rare. 3 Transfer lamb to platter, cover, and let rest 5 minutes. Mix first 4 ingredients and 1 tablespoon olive oil in large bowl. 2 Add lamb; turn to coat. 3 Let marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. 4 Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long does it take to cook lamb chops in the oven']", "Ideally you should be putting in dry air or even nitrogen but that can be an expensive option. As long as the ambient air is dry that should be perfectly fine.”. On average, a sport motorcycle’s front tire can last 3,700 miles and 1,800 miles for a rear before both need to be changed. This is if both tires are well maintained and are regularly checked." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Carefully pay attention to these labels as it may be that a few extra US Dollars per tire will get you an additional 15,000 or 20,000 miles (24,000 or 32,000 km). Typically, tires last anywhere between 25,000 and 50,000 miles (40,000 to 80,000 km)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They not only carry most of the vehicle's weight but also carry most of the load in braking, cornering and jackrabbit starts. Though we would expect at least 50,000 miles from original-equipment (and quality replacement) tires, the reality can be quite different. Owners of late-model Honda CR-Vs have complained to us, for example, that they had to replace all four tires around 20,000 miles." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Whether it's a 2dr/4dr, each mfg states what the DIAMETER of each tire is, but. When you mount it on your vehicle, depending on the WEIGHT front/back, the tire will be up to 5% smaller in dia-(air pressure/width-etc) On the 4dr, when you've installed a larger size and put it on the STOCK spare tire mount---." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The mini spare had never been used, had no cracks and held air (60 psi). For the little such a tire is used, and the fact that it is not exposed to direct sunlight, it's safe to use as long as it hold air. But observe the 60/60. rule; no more than 60 mph and no further than 60 miles." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Run flat tires have specific technology to allow you to drive for a limited distance at a reduced speed after a puncture or a drop of tire pressure. MICHELIN® Zero Pressure (ZP) tires provide run-flat technology that allows you to drive up to 50 miles at 50 mph with a flat tire." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Typically, tires last anywhere between 25,000 and 50,000 miles (40,000 to 80,000 km). There are a number of variables that must be taken into account, however. These include road, weather, and driving conditions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Originally Posted by autiop. Anyone had any experience patching or plugging a run flat tire. Apparently once a run flat is punctured the proper protopcl is to replace. Sine the other 3 tires have 17000 miles on them i am reluctant to do this unless trying to patch is a no go." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This will save you hundreds of dollars over the life of your tires. The interval most vehicle and tire makers recommend is every 5,000 to 8,000 miles, and even more frequently if you have a Front-Wheel Drive, All-Wheel Drive or 4-Wheel drive vehicle." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "So the total number of miles depends on a number of variables. Today tires range any where from 30,000 to 100,000 miles, but if you drive your car like a rental, you may never see the 100,000 mark! A tire is legally worn out when they reach 2/32” of remaining tread depth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is suggested to drive as little as possible on a spare tire. This of course doesn't apply if it is a full size spare tire, but a donut? its there to get you to the shop, … not drive around town for weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "This is because they are more compact, so the guideline is the spare tire should not be driven faster than 50 mph. While you can drive on highways with donut tires, it is safer to stay off of them as you will only be able to go about 50 mph or less. Check your donut tire pressure: The safe air pressure recommended for the donut tire is 60 pounds per square inch (psi)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "For example, the tires fitted as Original Equipment on 2013 Honda Accord sedans roll about 800 times every mile, while the Accord's shorter diameter Temporary/Compact Spare tire rolls about 850 times per mile (a difference of 50 tire revolutions per mile or about a 6% increase)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An old tire poses a safety hazard. For some people, old tires might never be an issue. If you drive a typical number of miles, somewhere around 12,000-15,000 miles annually, a tire's tread will wear out in three to four years, long before the rubber compound does. But if you only drive 6,000 miles a year, or have a car that you only drive on weekends, aging tires could be an issue. The age warning also applies to spare tires and new tires that have never been used but are old. What Happens to a Tire as It Ages?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Report Abuse. Depends on the car and driver, but on average, 15-24,000 miles for the front disc brake pads, 21-27,000 miles for rear disc brake pads, or around 60,000 miles for rear brake shoes (inside drums)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The problem for the AWD system is one of tires that are not sized identically, and an un-worn, pristine full-size spare will be larger in circumference than the 4 other tires on the car after 10k miles or so, and the difference will grow as the road tires continue to wear." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to him, “S” is the lowest rating, with one exception. These tires top out at just 112 miles an hour. However, “Q” is reserved exclusively for snow tires. Q-rated rubber can only handle 99 mph. “Y” is at the opposite end of the spectrum. These tires can safely manage speeds of 186 miles per hour." ], [ "Represent", "It depends on the spare they usually have a max speed rating of 35 MPH." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A run-flat tire will run, uh, flat for 50 miles at 50 mph, enough to get you to a repair shop. It's built with stiff sidewalls so that even when deflated it can support the car." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rotating your tires every 3,000 – 6,000 miles will help eliminate premature tire wear and could save you hundreds of dollars. Rotating your tires means moving them from one side of the vehicle to the other, moving them from front to back, or a combination of both." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Many replacement tires, especially the all-season ones that come standard on a car, minivan, or SUV, have a prorated mileage warranty. It’s based on how long the tread on a tire is expected to last. For the tires we tested, it was usually between 40,000 and 90,000 miles." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To get the most life from your tires, it’s a good idea to have them rotated. The main concept of tire rotation is to simply swap the front set on your car or truck with the back set at regular intervals. Having your tires rotated prolongs tire life and helps them wear longer and more evenly. As a general rule of thumb, the front set should be switched with the back set after every 10,000- 12,000 kilometers, or about 5,500 miles to help even out wear patterns and extend the life of your tires." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tags: are run flat tires better than spare tires?, flat tires, how far can I drive on a spare tire, how good are spare tires, I don't have a spare tire, is a spare tire good to go long distance on, Run Flat Tires, spare tires, what is a donut, what is a space saver, what is a spare tire, what to do with a spare tire" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Explore the different types of spare tires and get tips on how to both drive on and purchase a spare tire. Learn more & buy a spare tire online at Goodyear.com." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ideally you should be putting in dry air or even nitrogen but that can be an expensive option. On average, a sport motorcycle’s front tire can last 3,700 miles and 1,800 miles for a rear before both need to be changed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "3-Year Flat Tire Changing Assistance. A qualified service professional will change your flat and install your spare tire or provide towing at no charge. In case of a flat tire, simply call 1-888-553-4327 and a qualified professional will change the tire or provide towing up to 150 miles for free." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Full-size matching spare tires and wheels should be integrated into the vehicle's tire rotation pattern from the beginning. If the vehicle has all-wheel or four-wheel drive, the spare tire will remain at a similar tread depth to the other tires on the vehicle, reducing driveline stress when called into service." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Don't repair tires with tread punctures larger than 1/4 inch, or any sidewall puncture. Also, never repair tires which are worn below 2/32 inch tread depth. Your best bet is to make sure your spare tire is always ready to do the job. Check it regularly for proper air pressure and be sure that it is in good shape." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The advantage with a full-size spare was that you could put it on, stow the flat tire in your trunk, and go on your merry way with no particular urgency to get it repaired (unlike today’s donuts, which are designed to be used for limited distances at speeds under 50 miles per hour)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Run On Flat® and Extended Mobility Tire™ Technology These tires perform when deflating or even once deflated. They allow you to drive at a top speed of 50 mph/80 kph for up to 50 mi./80 km to help you reach a safe place or service area. Quick note: You'll need to have a Tire Pressure Monitoring System or have one installed in order to be eligible for Run On Flat tires." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Furthermore, the vehicle dips where the donut tire is mounted, so the vehicle will tend to pull where the spare tire is located. Keep this in mind while driving so you can be better prepared for it. Drive slower: Donut tires are not made to go as fast as conventional tires." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These tires are typically for 14-18-diameter wheels and have treadwear warranties between 40,000 and 100,000 miles for two to five years, whichever comes first (the tire will be replaced if the tread wears out early)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Driving with a donut tire should only been done when absolutely necessary and for a short amount of time. Check the owner’s manual for the recommendation on how many miles you can drive on the donut tire. In addition, do not go over 50 mph while driving on a spare tire." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Patching, plugging a run flat tire. Anyone had any experience patching or plugging a run flat tire. Apparently once a run flat is punctured the proper protopcl is to replace. Sine the other 3 tires have 17000 miles on them i am reluctant to do this unless trying to patch is a no go. I am driving a 328ix coupe 2012." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Exceeding that recommended limit can lead you to all the risks that we’ve stated above. Driving on a donut tire for short period of time. If you ask how many miles can you put on a donut tire, depending on what tire you have, the maximum distance will range from 50 miles to 70 miles. And, that is the maximum you must drive on a donut tire. You must change is as soon as possible. That is how it should be." ] ]
[ "represent the input", "what is menacing" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Menacing is the name of a criminal offense in many US states. The wording and degrees of the offense vary from state to state. It often consists of displaying a weapon to a person with the intention of threatening them with bodily harm from the said weapon, or of criminally threatening another, or otherwise putting them in fear of physical harm." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this", "A threat is a direct act of coercion wherein the action is proposed to elicit a negative or fearful response. Threats are communicated (verbal or written) attempts to inflict harm, fear, or some form of loss on another individual. Threats are considered to be a crime in the majority of jurisdictions.However, a threat without a palpable, immediate, and direct threat of aggression is often held separately from a statement that would elicit fear or a violent action.he presence of an immediate and direct threat of aggression is often viewed as the equivalent to the physical act itself. The United States defines and classifies threats based on how they are delivered and the likelihood that they will be acted upon." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(comparative more forbidding, superlative most forbidding) 1 highly unpleasant or disagreeable. 2 threatening or menacing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "ominous. 1 portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious: an ominous bank of dark clouds. 2 indicating the nature of a future event, for good or evil; having the significance of an omen; being a portent: Some of these events were immediately ominous, while others only later revealed themselves as such." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "threat. n. 1. An expression of an intention to inflict pain, harm, or punishment. 2. An indication of impending danger or harm: a threat of frost in the air. 3. One that is regarded as a possible source of harm or danger: viewed the stranger as a threat to the community." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Define threaten: to utter threats against; to give signs or warning of : portend; to hang over dangerously : menace — threaten in a sentence to utter threats against; to give signs or warning of : portend; to hang over dangerously : menace… See the full definition" ], [ "Represent the following document", "The verb THREATEN has 3 senses: 1. pose a threat to; present a danger to. 2. to utter intentions of injury or punishment against: 3. to be a menacing indication of something: Familiarity information: THREATEN used as a verb is uncommon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "And what am I possibally facing for the charge and what does Menacing mean? I am charged for menacing and I didnt do anything but had gotten arrested and this is first time offense for me what should..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you are convicted of possession of menacing, additional potential issues include: 1 Maintaining your current employment. 2 Licensure issues in some professions. 3 Difficulty getting a good job in the future. 4 Difficulty and possible denial in immigration and naturalization proceedings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A threat is any action or incident with the potential to cause harm to an organization through the disclosure, modification, or destruction of information, or by the denial of critical services. Security threats can be divided into human threats and natural disaster threats, as the following picture illustrates." ], [ "", "Historical Examples. 1 There was a little pause, and the father stood rigid, menacing. 2 To the north lies Thunder Mountain, wall-sided and menacing. 3 You won't do anything of the kind, said Chip, quietly—too quietly not to be menacing. 4 Clouds, heavy and menacing, already shrouded the whole west. The Rock of Chickamauga Joseph A. Altsheler In spite of the menacing hand, the voice inspired confidence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "threatening - threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; a baleful look; forbidding thunderclouds; his tone became menacing; ominous rumblings of discontent; sinister storm clouds; a sinister smile; his threatening behavior; ugly black clouds; the situation became ugly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A threat is an act of coercion wherein an act is proposed to elicit a negative response. It is a communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another person. It can be a crime in many jurisdictions." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Under the Ohio Revised Code, 2903.22 Menacing: (A) No person shall knowingly cause another to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the person or property of the other person, the other person’s unborn, or a member of the other person’s immediate family. (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of menacing." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) ion is possibly required in trace amounts for sugar and lipid metabolism, although the issue remains in debate. In larger amounts and in different forms, chromium can be toxic and carcinogenic.The most prominent example of toxic chromium is hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)).aturally occurring chromium is composed of three stable isotopes; 52 Cr, 53 Cr and 54 Cr with 52 Cr being the most abundant (83.789% natural abundance). 19 radioisotopes have been characterized with the most stable being 50 Cr with a half-life of (more than) 1.8 Ã\\x97 10 years, and 51 Cr with a half-life of 27.7 days.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is chromium carcinogenic']", "grim; unfriendly; hostile; sinister: his forbidding countenance. 2. dangerous; threatening: forbidding clouds; forbidding cliffs. Origin of forbidding. 1710-1715." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In ordinary language, the word threat is easily understood. It is an urged course of action which carries with it some sanction or penalty if not carried out. It is a form of intimidation, fulmination, harassment or warning which carries with it some form of penalty.. In Hadley v State, a 1990 case published by the Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama, Justice McMillan wrote: The term threat ... in criminal law is a menace or declaration of one's purpose or intention toward injury to the person, property, or rights of another, by commission of an unlawful act." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Menacing/Stalking If you are facing menacing or stalking charges in Ohio you may be wondering what exactly you did that caused you to be considered an accused criminal. You may be facing jail or prison time and are probably frightened at that prospect." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ominous, portentous, fateful mean having a menacing or threatening aspect. ominous implies having a menacing, alarming character foreshadowing evil or disaster. ⟨ominous rumblings from the volcano⟩ portentous suggests being frighteningly big or impressive but now seldom definitely connotes forewarning of calamity." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Answer by Ranger22. Confidence votes 24.4K. 1. threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark. 2. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell: his sinister purposes. 3. unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable: a sinister accident. 4. of or on the left side; left.Source: Dictionary.com.nswer by Ranger22. Confidence votes 24.4K. 1. threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous: a sinister remark. 2. bad, evil, base, or wicked; fell: his sinister purposes. 3. unfortunate; disastrous; unfavorable: a sinister accident. 4. of or on the left side; left." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Punishment. The punishment for menacing can vary. Depending on the facts, menacing may be a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year (or, in some states, two years) in jail; or a felony, punishable by incarceration in state prison." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Muscle Car Are You quiz. Are you a Menacing Challenger a Slick Camaro or a Nimble Mustang" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "We are usually successful in getting the charges dismissed or greatly reduced. We recently worked with a client in Jefferson County, Colorado, to have menacing charges dismissed, where our client was accused of threatening an old friend and disgruntled debtor. We believe he made the threat accusation to avoid having to pay his debt to our client." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "View Full Document. fear.' It refers to repeated harassing or threatening behavior, such as following a person, appearing at one's home or work, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person's property.(Shimizu Domestic Violence in the Digital Age 13) This preview has intentionally blurred sections." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "portend - indicate by signs; These signs bode bad news. augur, auspicate, bode, foreshadow, omen, presage, prognosticate, predict, prefigure, betoken, forecast, foretell. threaten - to be a menacing indication of something:The clouds threaten rain; Danger threatens." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If something looks or sounds ominous, be careful: a threat or an unpleasant event is at hand. If you see an ominous frown on your boss's face, you're in trouble! Ominous, and the related word omen both come from the 16th century Latin word ōmen foreboding.. However, unlike omen, which is a sign of something good or bad to come, ominous always describes something unpleasant or threatening. If the future looks ominous, you've got nothing to look forward to. Figuratively, an ominous sky or ominous clouds promise rain or a storm." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications from the perpetrator by phone, mail, and/or email." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(thrĕt′n-nÄ­ng) adj. 1. Making or implying threats: a threatening phone call. 2. Gving warning signs of bad weather: threatening skies. 3. Causing the feeling that one's power, social standing, or self-esteem is in danger of being diminished: found the criticism threatening." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", ": A menacing killer for your collection! Frighteningly realistic with removable clothing and mask. Turn him loose in your house if you dare!This frighteningly realistic recreation of Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood brings almost too much life to a very dead and deadly character! A menacing killer for your collection! Frighteningly realistic with removable clothing and mask. Turn him loose in your house if you dare!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vocabulary: 1 Benign- Of gentle deposition; Gracious. 2 Encumbered- weigh down, burden. 3 Contemptuous- manifesting feeling, or expressing contempt. 4 Obstinate- perversely adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of religion, argument, or perseverance. 5 Scrupulosity- the quality, or state of being scrupulous." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PENAL LAW 120.14(1) (Committed on or after Nov. 1, 1995)1. The count is Menacing in the Second Degree. Under our law, a person is guilty of Menacing in the Second. Degree when he or she intentionally places or attempts to place. another person in reasonable fear of physical injury [or serious. physical injury or death2] by displaying a deadly weapon [or. dangerous instrument] [or what appears to be a pistol, revolver," ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In threat analysis, a threat is defined as an ordered pair, <peril; asset category>, suggesting the nature of these occurrences but not the details (details are specific to events). 7. A potential violation of security." ], [ "Represent text", "characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward or menacing: aggressive acts against a neighboring country. 2. making an all-out effort to win or succeed; competitive: an aggressive basketball player." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "about to happen; imminent: their impending marriage. 2. imminently threatening or menacing: an impending storm." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "ominous implies having a menacing, alarming character foreshadowing evil or disaster. ominous rumblings from the volcano portentous suggests being frighteningly big or impressive but now seldom definitely connotes forewarning of calamity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In Hadley v State, a 1990 case published by the Court of Criminal Appeals of Alabama, Justice McMillan wrote: 1 The term threat... in criminal law is a menace or declaration of one's purpose or intention toward injury to the person, property, or rights of another, by commission of an unlawful act. A threat can include almost any kind of an expression of intent by one person to do an act against another person, ordinarily indicating an intention to do harm." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Incoming SearchTerms: PUP.Optional.MindSpark is a threat detected by MalwareBytes Anti-Malware. The PUP.Optional.MindSpark threat is classified as PUP a Potentially Unwanted Program by MalwareBytes Anti-Malware because it inflicts and acts as a malicious threat into your computer system." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The misdemeanor menacing conviction is a Class 3 misdemeanor, which is the least serious in Colorado. Unless a defendant has an extensive criminal history, this will result in probation in Adams or Jefferson County." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "intimidating. 1 transitive verb. : 2 to make timid or fearful : frighten; especially : to compel or deter by or as if by threats tried to intimidate a witness." ], [ "Represent the input", "Under the Ohio Revised Code, 2903.22 Menacing: (A) No person shall knowingly cause another to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the person or property of the other person, the other person’s unborn, or a member of the other person’s immediate family..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "threat. 1. a declaration of an intention to inflict punishment, injury, etc., as in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course. 2. an indication or warning of probable trouble. 3. a person or thing that threatens. 4. Archaic. to threaten." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "a person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily. 2. a person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner: Hollywood stars often have security guards to keep dangerous stalkers at bay." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: threat (Noun). an expression of intent to injure or punish another. threat (Noun). an indication of imminent danger. threat (Noun). a person or object that is regarded as a danger; a menace. threat (Verb). To threaten. Origin: þreat." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A threat is considered an act of coercion. Threats (intimidation) are widely observed in animal behavior, particularly in a ritualized form, chiefly in order to avoid the unnecessary physical violence that can lead to physical damage or the death of both conflicting parties." ], [ "", "Stalking is a form of mental assault, in which the perpetrator repeatedly, unwantedly, and disruptively breaks into the life-world of the victim, with whom they have no relationship (or no longer have)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "adjective. 1 Tending or threatening to impede progress: forbidding rapids. 2 Unpleasant; disagreeable: a forbidding scowl. 3 Having a menacing aspect: forbidding thunderclouds." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace. an extremely annoying person." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Impending; menacingly close at hand; threatening. Imminent peril, for example, is danger that is certain, immediate, and impending, such as the type an individual might be in as a result of a serious illness or accident. The chance of the individual dying would be highly probable in such situation, as opposed to remote or contingent." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Gene. Definition. noun, plural: genes. (cell and molecular biology). The fundamental, physical, and functional unit of heredity. Supplement. It is because a gene is a segment of DNA (on a specific site on a chromosome) that is responsible for the physical and inheritable characteristics or phenotype of an organism.It also specifies the structure of a protein, and an RNA molecule.A gene is formerly called a factor.upplement. It is because a gene is a segment of DNA (on a specific site on a chromosome) that is responsible for the physical and inheritable characteristics or phenotype of an organism. It also specifies the structure of a protein, and an RNA molecule. A gene is formerly called a factor.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does gene mean in biology']", "Example Sentences for menacing. One or two of the dogs awoke and ran at him with a menacing air. But the threat offered by the northern shore did not seem to be so menacing. Surrender Doa Clara to me, he said, in a low and menacing voice. He made a menacing gesture; but, to his surprise, Richard did not shrink." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Whether a felony or a misdemeanor, menacing can also be punished by a fine and restitution (payment to the victim to compensate for monetary damages suffered). Usually, the most important factor in sentencing is the degree of injury suffered by the victim, if any." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "threat. n. 1. a declaration of the intention to inflict harm, pain, or misery. 2. an indication of imminent harm, danger, or pain. 3. a person or thing that is regarded as dangerous or likely to inflict pain or misery." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Median Annual Salary. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsâ\\x80\\x99 (BLS) 2016-17 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median national annual salary for special education teachers is $55,980. Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors.']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how often do special education teachers get paid']\"", "The term threat... in criminal law is a menace or declaration of one's purpose or intention toward injury to the person, property, or rights of another, by commission of an unlawful act." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Harassment is a misdemeanor offense in which one person is accused of purposely annoying another person, usually by phone or e-mail. If the case involves threats of violence, the charge can become stalking, a felony." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Malicious harassment—Definition and criminal penalty. (c) Threatens a specific person or group of persons and places that person, or members of the specific group of persons, in reasonable fear of harm to person or property. The fear must be a fear that a reasonable person would have under all the circumstances." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Tending or threatening to impede progress: forbidding rapids. Unpleasant; disagreeable: a forbidding scowl. Having a menacing aspect: forbidding thunderclouds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Menacing in the Second Degree: Further Analysis of the Elements. As you can see, there are many terms or words used in the Third Degree Menacing Statute that may not have the same meaning as to what you use in your everyday life. Subsection two (2) references dangerous instrument.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "impending menacingly close at hand threatening imminent peril for example is danger that is certain immediate and impending such as the type an individual might be in as a result of a serious illness or accident" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends. This definition was proposed by terrorist analysists in 1979, but has never been surpassed for clarity and concision." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Examples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Chromecast is a streaming media adapter from Google that allows users to play online content such as videos and music on a digital television. The adapter is a dongle that plugs into the TV's HDMI port; another cable connects to a USB port to power the device.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what is a chromecast?']\"", "1. suspicious, sceptical, mistrustful, suspecting, guarded, apprehensive, cagey (informal), leery (slang), distrustful, on your guard, chary, heedful My mother always told me to be wary of strangers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "He or she commits the crime of menacing in the third degree in violation of that part of a duly served order of protection , or such order which the defendant has actual knowledge of because he or she was present in court when such order was issued , pursuant to article eight of the family court act , section 530.12 of the criminal procedure law , ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "2903.21 Aggravated menacing. (A) No person shall knowingly cause another to believe that the offender will cause serious physical harm to the person or property of the other person, the other person's unborn, or a member of the other person's immediate family." ] ]
[ "", "who is princess anne married to" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Princess Anne and Mark Phillips were divorced in April 1992 - only the second royal couple to part in the 20th century. The first was the Queen's sister, Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord Snowdon. In December 1992 Princess Anne married Commander Timothy Laurence, who was formerly one of the Queen's equerries. Captain Mark Phillips remarried in 1997 and had a daughter, with his new wife, a former Olympic horse rider." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Royal Family - Princess Anne. Princess Anne was born on 15 August 1950 at Clarence House in London. She is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. She was baptised at Buckingham Palace on 21 October 1950 by the Archbishop of York. She is styled Her Royal Highness Princess Anne of Edinburgh. As a child she was more bossy and vivacious than her older brother Charles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 1478, the five-year-old was married to another child, the four-year-old Richard of Shrewsbury (Duke of York and son of King Edward IV). The marriage was short and woeful: Anne died in 1481 at the age of eight and her husband, Richard, later became famous as one of the Princes in the Tower." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "For other people known as Princess Royal, see Princess Royal. Anne, Princess Royal, KG KT GCVO GCStJ QSO GCL CD (Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise; born 15 August 1950) is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of her birth, she was third in the line of succession, behind her mother – then Princess Elizabeth – and elder brother, Charles." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Salma Hayek's Husband Fathered a Baby With Supermodel Linda Evangelista. Here's a baby mama shocker that'll make your head spin. Salma Hayek, arguably one of the most beautiful women on the planet, is now married to her very wealthy husband of two years, François-Henri Pinault. But around the time they met in 2006, Pinault was making sweet love to another one of the world's most beautiful women, Linda Evangelista. Hey, it helps to have all that cash." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On July 29, 1981 Charles married Princess Diana. The fairy-tale wedding took place at St. Paul's Cathedral. Eleven months later on June 21, 1982 Prince William Windsor was born. William is second in line for the throne after his father." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "This was often talked about because Anne Boleyn was a first cousin to Catherine Howard and Step Grandniece to the Dowager Duchess. The year 1533 was an exciting one for the household as King Henry VIII married Lady Anne, Marquess of Pembroke on Jan 25." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anne Boleyn was Henry VIII’s second wife. She married Henry in January 1533 – four months before his divorce from Catherine of Aragon was announced. Anne was born in 1500 or 1501. She was considered beautiful with dark eyes, long dark hair and a lively personality. At the age of 13 she worked in the French court. Here she worked for Mary, Henry VIII’s sister, who had married the king of France. When the king, Louis, died, Mary returned to England. Anne stayed in France as maid-in-honour to the new queen. Such an upbringing for a young girl from a noble English family was not unusual." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anne was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Howard, and was educated in the Netherlands and France, largely as a maid of honour to Claude of France." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anne returned to England around 1521 for details for her marriage with the heir of the earldom of Ormonde, in Ireland, were being worked out. Meanwhile she went to court to attend Queen Catalina. Her first recorded appearance at Court was Mar 1, 1522 at a masque." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How is Princess Anne related to Queen Elizabeth? Princess Anne is Queen Elizabeth II's daughter. she is the sister of Charles, Andrew and Edward, and is the aunt of Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice, Princess E … ugenie and she is the mother of Zara Philips.ow is Princess Anne related to Queen Elizabeth? Princess Anne is Queen Elizabeth II's daughter. she is the sister of Charles, Andrew and Edward, and is the aunt of Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice, Princess E … ugenie and she is the mother of Zara Philips." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones at Westminster Abbey in the spring of 1960. It was the first royal wedding to be broadcast on television and more than 20 million viewers tuned in to watch it. Photo: Princess Margaret and her husband, the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, wave from Buckingham Palace." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "by hellomagazine.com Sir Timothy Laurence: 10 facts about Princess Anne's husband to celebrate his 59th birthday 3 Comments Sir Timothy Laurence celebrates his 59th birthday on March 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The already-tumultuous marriage of Monaco’s Princess Caroline and husband Prince Ernst August of Hanover appears to have hit a new bump with the publication Thursday of photos showing the 55-year-old Ernst August over the Christmas holiday walking the sand, sunbathing on a beach in Thailand and kissing in the surf – all with someone other than his ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Anne was pregnant while filming Follow the Sun, in which she played the wife of golfer Ben Hogan (Glenn Ford). She gave birth to her daughter, Katrina, on July 9, 1951. Some time later, she and John Hodiak separated and he went to live with his parents." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys-Jones at St George's Chapel in Windsor. At the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anne gave birth to a daughter, Princess Elizabeth, in September 1533. The Pope responded to the marriage by excommunicating both Henry and Cranmer from the Roman Catholic Church (11 July 1533). Henry was excommunicated again in December 1538." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Princess Anne: why Scots love her. Although the Scots are not huge fans of the royal family, the Princess Royal has won their loyalty and so has her daughter. Princess Anne at the wedding of her daughter Zara Phillips in Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh. Photograph: Chris Jackson/Getty Images." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anne stayed in England, however, and remained in good relations with the King and all three of his children, as well as with his future queens. King Henry VIII's fifth wife was Catherine Howard." ], [ "", "Princess Anne has been in 2 on-screen matchups, notably with Mark Phillips in The Diamond Queen (2012) and Timothy Laurence in The Diamond Jubilee Concert (2012). Princess Anne is a member of the following lists: Women in the Royal Navy, Women in the British Army and Honorary air commodores." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Peter Phillips was born at 10:46 am on 15 November 1977, at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington in west London. He was the first child of Mark Phillips and Princess Anne, who had married in 1973.His parents were said to have refused offers from the Queen that would have led to his being born in the peerage.eter Phillips was born at 10:46 am on 15 November 1977, at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington in west London. He was the first child of Mark Phillips and Princess Anne, who had married in 1973." ], [ "Represent text", "Christopher O’Neill, who holds dual citizenship from the United States and the United Kingdom, married Princess Madeleine of Sweden on June 8, 2013 at the Royal Chapel in the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden. Unofficial Royalty: Princess Madeleine of Sweden." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "According to tradition, Saint Anne was born in Bethlehem, and married Joachim of Nazareth, both descendants of David. Together with her husband, Anne raised Mary to be a paragon of virtue and entrusted her to the temple as a child. It appears that she died at an advanced age." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Princess Alexandra married Queen Victoria’s son, King Edward VII, the Grand Master of Freemasonry. Edward’s son, George V, married Mary of Teck, whose mother was the granddaughter of George the III and Charlotte, and again of Frederick III of Hessen-Kassell.George V’s son, George VI was the father of Queen Elizabeth II.rincess Alexandra married Queen Victoria’s son, King Edward VII, the Grand Master of Freemasonry. Edward’s son, George V, married Mary of Teck, whose mother was the granddaughter of George the III and Charlotte, and again of Frederick III of Hessen-Kassell." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anne Hathaway (1555/56 – 6 August 1623) was the wife of William Shakespeare, the English poet, playwright and actor. They were married in 1582, when she was 27 years old. She outlived her husband by seven years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Prince Amadeo, son of Belgian Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz, is to marry his girlfriend, Italian Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein, later this year. Photo: REUTERS/FREDERIC SUERAKOWSKI/POOL. Princess Elisabetta and Prince Amedeo of Belgium announced the name of their first child, a baby girl. The couple left the Saint-Pierre University Hospital in Brussels Friday. As they posed for photographers, Amedeo, 30, and his wife Elisabetta, 28, told reporters that they have named their little princess Anna Astrid." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Anne, Princess Royal, KG, KT, GCVO, GCStJ, QSO, GCL, CD (Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise; born 15 August 1950) is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of her birth, she was third in the line of succession, behind her mother and elder brother Charles." ], [ "", "Princess Diana’s 'Squidgygate’ suitor gets married. James Gilbey, the suitor of Diana, Princess of Wales who featured on the 'Squidgygate' tape, has married a mother of five. When James Gilbey, the former admirer of Diana, Princess of Wales, began courting Lavinia Hadsley-Chaplin, she said “marriage” was not in his vocabulary. Happily, the mother of five seems to have introduced the word to him." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On 29 April 2011, Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton were married at Westminster Abbey. The couple are now known as The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. They have two children; a son, George Alexander Louis, born on 22 July 2013 and a daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, born on 2 May 2015. Their official residence is at Kensington Palace." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The twice-married princess - her first husband flew with the Luftwaffe during the war and her second husband is the grandson of the Kaiser - was not invited to Prince Philip's wedding in 1947 at Westminster Abbey." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In 1959 the group captain married Marie Luce Jamagne, a 20-year-old Belgian. The next year, on May 6, 1960, Princess Margaret married Mr. Armstrong-Jones, also a commoner, who was given the title Earl of Snowdon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Princess Anne is not only president of the British Olympic committee but a member of the International Olympic Committee and a former equestrian eventing Olympian herself. She competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympics but her horse fell going over a jump during the cross country event." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Princess Margaret's wedding. Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones at Westminster Abbey in the spring of 1960. It was the first royal wedding to be broadcast on television and more than 20 million viewers tuned in to watch it. Photo: Princess Margaret and her husband, the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, wave from Buckingham Palace." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How Tall Is Anne, Princess Royal? Anne, Princess Royal height is 5 feet and 6 inches. Or in metric units, Anne, Princess Royal height is 167 centimetres." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Princess Diana was the daughter of John and Frances Spencer. When Princess Diana married Prince Charles in 1981 she became Queen Elizabeth's daughter in law, b … ut she was not her daughter.ow is Princess Anne related to Queen Elizabeth? Princess Anne is Queen Elizabeth II's daughter. she is the sister of Charles, Andrew and Edward, and is the aunt of Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice, Princess E … ugenie and she is the mother of Zara Philips." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This article is about the wife of William Shakespeare. For other uses, see Anne Hathaway (disambiguation). Anne Hathaway (1555/56 – 6 August 1623) was the wife of William Shakespeare, the English poet, playwright and actor. They were married in 1582, when he was 18 and she was 26 years old. She outlived her husband by seven years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Share Tweet Share Email Follow. Carole, Princess Antoni Radziwill, is the widow of husband Anthony Stanislas Radziwill, who died in a plane crash. They were married for four years prior to Anthony’s death as the two married August 27, 1994, in East Hampton, New York." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She became something of a recluse until her own death in 1939 at the age of 91. Prince Arthur William Patrick (1850-1942) Prince Arthur married Princess Louise Margarete of Prussia. It was said that Arthur was the Queen's favorite son." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "William married Catherine Middleton, on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey. Hours before the wedding, he was created Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn, and Baron Carrickfergus. The couple's first child, Prince George, was born on 22 July 2013, and their second, Princess Charlotte, was born on 2 May 2015." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Her Royal Highness, the Princess Anne, is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the entire 22 years of his marriage to Princess Anne, he’s hardly uttered a word in public unless it was about one of the charities he helps, such as the Royal National Lifeboat Institution or the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. But here he is, apparently about to be the subject of questions in the House." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Anne did not remarry, and remained in England until her death on 18th July 1557.. Anne of Cleaves. was born 22 September 1515-16 July 1557. She was a German noblewoman and the fourth wife of Henry VIII of England and as such she was Queen of England from 6 January 1540 to 9 July 1540." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Henry is now married to Anne Boleyn. Henry's beard indicates that he and Anne have been together for a few years now. His court is changing; his former teacher and friend Sir Thomas More, a Catholic, has been displaced as 'First Minister' by the cunning Thomas Cromwell, a supporter of Protestantism." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anne of Cleves was the fourth of the six wives of King Henry VIII of England.. She was born in Dusseldorf, in what is now Germany on 22nd September 1515, Daughter o…f Duke John III of Cleves.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anne of Cleves was the fourth of King Henry VIII's six wives. They married on 6th January 1540 and the marriage was annulled on 9th July the same year. Henry chose her to …be a wife based on a painting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Formed from Spotsylvania County in 1734, this pastoral Piedmont county probably was named for William IV, Prince of Orange-Nassau, who married Princess Anne, eldest daughter of King George II, that same year." ], [ "Represent.", "Home > History > People > Anne Mowbray, Duchess of York. Anne Mowbray, Duchess of York, was married as a child to Richard, Duke of York, son of Edward IV. The ceremony took place on 15 January 1478 in St Stephen's chapel in the Palace of Westminster and the bridegroom was only five years old." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There have been seven Princesses Royal. Princess Anne is the current Princess Royal. The title Princess Royal came into existence when Queen Henrietta Maria (1609–1669), daughter of Henry IV, King of France, and wife of King Charles I (1600–1649), wanted to imitate the way the eldest daughter of the King of France was styled Madame Royale." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Anne of Cleves: Facts, Information, Biography & Portraits. Anne of Cleves was the fourth wife of King Henry VIII; it was a very brief marriage, to the astonishment of all observers but the relief of both spouses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Type of memorial: Grave. Anne Mowbray, Duchess of York, was married as a child to Richard, Duke of York, son of Edward IV. The ceremony took place on 15 January 1478 in St Stephen's chapel in the Palace of Westminster and the bridegroom was only five years old." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The firm Sir Tim (pictured with Princess Anne) works for has been awarded a £400million MoD contract. Ironically, first husband Mark Phillips, who trains riders and designs show-jumping courses, is almost as much a presence in his former wife’s life as when they were married." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anthony Stanislas Radziwill – Carole Radziwill’s Late Husband. Carole, Princess Antoni Radziwill, is the widow of husband Anthony Stanislas Radziwill, who died in a plane crash. They were married for four years prior to Anthony’s death as the two married August 27, 1994, in East Hampton, New York." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "However in this case, his Grace, a former racing driver, maintains that there is no new love in his life. A statement on behalf of the Duke, whose sister Carina is married to Sir David Frost, says: ‘Edward and Georgina Norfolk have decided to have a trial separation. They wish to make it clear there is nobody else involved.’. However, their separation is the talk of Arundel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After his divorce from Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, who was younger than Catherine and still able to have children. When Anne, just like Catherine, only had a daughter and no sons, Henry blamed her for treason and had her beheaded by a French swordsman. He then started looking for another wife." ], [ "", "According to tradition, Saint Anne was born in Bethlehem, and married Joachim of Nazareth, both descendants of David. Together with her husband, Anne raised Mary to be a paragon of virtue and entrusted her to the temple as a child." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The wedding day. Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys-Jones at St George's Chapel in Windsor. The Queen revived the 11th Century title of the Earl of Wessex for the groom, and the bride became Her Royal Highness, the Countess Wessex.t the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings. Photo: Prince Edward, his wife Sophie Rhys-Jones and her pageboys and bridesmaids leave St George's Chapel in Windsor after their marriage, 19 June 1999." ], [ "", "Harry’s mum Princess Diana had a five-year affair with cavalry officer James Hewitt while married to Prince Charles. Harry – who is attending Pippa Middleton’s wedding with his girlfriend Meghan Markle this weekend – has been dogged by rumours Hewitt is his real dad ever since." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys-Jones at St George's Chapel in Windsor. At the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings.Photo: Prince Edward, his wife Sophie Rhys-Jones and her pageboys and bridesmaids leave St George's Chapel in Windsor after their marriage, 19 June 1999.t the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings. Photo: Prince Edward, his wife Sophie Rhys-Jones and her pageboys and bridesmaids leave St George's Chapel in Windsor after their marriage, 19 June 1999." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anne, Princess Royal, KG KT GCVO GCStJ QSO GCL CD is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of her birth, she was third in the line of succession to the British throne, behind her mother – then Princess Elizabeth – and elder brother, Charles. She rose to second after her mother's accession, but is currently 12th in line. Anne is known for her charitable work, and is patron of over 200 organisations. She is also known for ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Anne Jacqueline Hathaway is an actress, producer and singer, who is widely famous as Mia Thermopolis of The Princess Diaries and in its 2004 sequel. She is the recipient of the BAFTA Award and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, the Screen Actors Guild Award and Golden Globe Award. In 2013, she was placed no.5 on Empire's The 100 Sexiest Movie Stars list. She is the daughter of Kate McCauley Hathaway, a former actress and Gerald Thomas Hathaway, a lawyer. Talking about her personal life, she now is a married woman. She married her long-time dated boyfriend who by profession is an actor." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Published: April 23, 1992 12:00 a.m. Princess Anne was granted a divorce from Mark Phillips on Thursday, more than 21/2 years after they legally separated." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Anne Hathaway (1555/56 – 6 August 1623) was the wife of William Shakespeare, the English poet, playwright and actor. They were married in 1582, when she was 27 years old. She outlived her husband by seven years. Very little is known about her beyond a few references in legal documents, but her personality and relationship to Shakespeare have been the subject of much speculation by historians and creative writers." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is a bamboo bar" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Earthquake Bar. As the Bamboo Bar grew in popularity, some lifters began using it more without the Safety-Slots. In fact, what they were calling for was a BandBell Bar that could hold a lot of bands and a lot of weight, all at the same time. Enter the Earthquake Bar! The Earthquake Bar was specially designed to hold a huge amount of weight and can be setup in a multitude of ways with bands and weights." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text", "Bamboo comes in two types: strand and vertical. Most people in the industry say the strand stuff is much stronger than traditional bamboo flooring. “On a hardness scale a good quality bamboo in either the horizontal or vertical cut is around 1,450 p.s.i. on a Janka Hardness Scale,” Elwell says." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In addition, it is thought that different bamboo species provide various nutritional benefits. Individual pandas seem to have some preferences in the variety of bamboo they select. An adult panda needs 20- 88 pounds of bamboo per day depending on what part of the bamboo they are eating. 1 Bamboo stems about 37 pounds.n addition, it is thought that different bamboo species provide various nutritional benefits. Individual pandas seem to have some preferences in the variety of bamboo they select. An adult panda needs 20- 88 pounds of bamboo per day depending on what part of the bamboo they are eating. 1 Bamboo stems about 37 pounds." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "BambooHR is an online human resources (HR) software service for small and midsized businesses. BambooHR helps small and growing companies transition from spreadsheets to a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) that adapts to their changing needs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "bamboo ceiling meaning and definition. Frequency: Especially in America, a social barrier to further promotion or progression, in employment and elsewhere, for a person of East Asian ethnicity. In East Asia, a social barrier to further promotion or progression, in employment and elsewhere, for women." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'FERS employees receive an Agency Automatic Contribution of 1% of base pay (this includes any locality pay adjustment and/or shift differential but does not include overtime or bonus pay) from the first day of employment, even if the employee does not contribute to the TSP.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'does base pay include locality']\"", "Bamboo Create is a larger tablet with both pen and multi-touch input for users looking for a larger work area. Bamboo Splash is a small pen-input-only tablet with a software bundle of artistic software intended for creative uses such as drawing, painting, and sketching." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bamboo is a fast-growing highly-renewable crop which requires no irrigation and is not water intensive. It does not require fertilisers or pesticides, and can be grown on marginal and degraded land to improve the quality of the soil. It is considered a carbon neutral crop." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A Panhard rod (also called Panhard bar or track bar) is a suspension link that provides lateral location of the axle. Originally invented by the Panhard automobile company of France in the early twentieth century, this device has been widely used ever since. 1 Overview." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Bamboo is a variety of perennial plant belonging to the Bambuseae tribe of grass family. With over 1,000 species, bamboo plants range in height from less than 10 feet to more than 100 feet. Most varieties prefer tropical climates, growing native in areas such as Brazil and India." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The noun BAMBOO has 2 senses: 1. the hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles. 2. woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems; mature canes used for construction and furniture. Familiarity information: BAMBOO used as a noun is rare." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"The Affordable Care Act includes opportunities for creativity in health care coordination programs. Care coordination is the concept of health care professionals working with patients to ensure that patients' health needs are being met and that the right person is delivering the right care at the right time.\"]>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is coordination of patient care']>>", "Toolbar. Sometimes referred to as a bar, the toolbar is a row of boxes, often at the top of an application window that control various functions of the software. The boxes often contain images that correspond with the function they control, as demonstrated in the image below." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bamboo flooring is a floor manufactured from the bamboo plant and is a type of hardwood flooring, though technically not a wood. Bamboo is known to be durable and environmentally friendly.he choice of material for floor covering is affected by factors such as cost, endurance, noise insulation, comfort and cleaning effort. Some types of flooring must not be installed below grade (lower than ground level), and laminate or hardwood should be avoided where there may be moisture or condensation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bamboo slat screening is a natural material bound together with galvanised wire. Bamboo slit fencing on a roll is easy to fit to chain link fencing or other garden wires by using plastic ties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Bamboo is a trendy star of the eco-friendly construction movement, with a wide variety of flooring, furniture and other items being manufactured with the strong, fast-growing grass. However, bamboo production should be left to commercial growers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trinity's EcoStorage Bamboo Baker's Rack is a great addition to any kitchen or pantry area. The bamboo surface can be either on or off the rack. The shelves are adjustable for your own custom configuration. Also included is a hanging bar with 6 hooks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bamboo Forest biome is a biome made of a forest of tall Bamboo Trees that overlook a flat, vibrant land with shrubs, bushes, and ferns. A jungle temple naturally generated in the Bamboo Forest. Bamboo Forest is a flat biome with ground made of large patches of both podzol and grass blocks. Tall bamboo trees (about 20 blocks high) soar above, while the ground is covered in grasses, ferns and dense oak shrubs much like other jungle biomes. Jungle temples can spawn here." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Towel Bars. A Towel Bar is a rack specifically made to hang a towel on. Standard towel bar lengths are 18 and 24 inches. Hang the bar at a comfortable height of 48 inches above the floor, making sure to leave enough space below the bars for towels to hang freely." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bamboo Symbolism: The Scholar. Bamboo is used in every phase of Chinese living, yet it needs very little care to grow and flourish. It is well-sectioned with a polished skin and sturdy texture. Like a self-cultivated scholar in hermitage, it is ready to render services when called upon. Bamboo Symbolism: Simplicity and Humility" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Bony Lipped Barb is a native freshwater fish species found in Thailand and throughout South East Asia. Barb, Golden Belly. The Golden Belly Barb is a native species of freshwater fish indigenous to the Mekong River, Chaophraya River and Maeklong Rivers and their tributaries.he Giant Mekong Catfish in Thailand is a contender for the world's largest freshwater fish and has been caught at incredible weights to 293kg's and has been described as being the hardest fighting freshwater fish in the world." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Understanding the Bamboo CI Server. Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server that can be used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Bamboo: Food of the Pandas. Bamboo is the main food source of the giant panda and is extremely important for both captive and wild pandas. A new bamboo planting site in the Wolong Nature Reserve has been selected and the farmers are ready to plant.Five types of bamboo have been selected for planting:1 Chimonobambusa Quadrangularis (Square Bamboo).n addition, it is thought that different bamboo species provide various nutritional benefits. Individual pandas seem to have some preferences in the variety of bamboo they select. An adult panda needs 20- 88 pounds of bamboo per day depending on what part of the bamboo they are eating. 1 Bamboo stems about 37 pounds." ], [ "Represent the input", "The bamboo charcoal handmade soap is an Asian Spa Product style cold process handmade soap made with bamboo charcoal mixed with base soap ingredients. The bamboo charcoal handmade soap is quite popular for its detoxifying effects and moisturizing properties that promote healthy skin. In addition to moisturizing, the bamboo charcoal soap absorbs skin impurities by lifting dirt and oils from deep inside your pores. It is gentle on the skin and appropriate to use on both the face and body. Bamboo charcoal has a surface area to weight ratio of 600:1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rebar is common steel reinforcing bar, an important component of reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures.It is usually formed from mild steel, and is given ridges for better frictional adhesion to the concrete.poxy-coated rebar or stainless steel rebar may be employed in these situations at greater initial expense, but significantly lower expense over the service life of the project. Fiber-reinforced polymer rebar is now also being used in high-corrosion environments." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Crash bar. A crash bar fitted to a glass exterior door. A crash bar (also known as a panic exit device, panic bar, or push bar) is a type of door opening mechanism which allows users to open a door by pushing a bar. While originally conceived as a way to prevent stampedes in an emergency, crash bars are now used as the primary door opening mechanism in many commercial buildings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The bamboo ceiling is an issue that many Asian Americans face within the workplace. It is a mix of individual, cultural, and organizational factors that hinder the growth and success of these people in office settings, mainly managerial roles." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "bamboo (countable and uncountable, plural bamboos) A grass of the Poaceae family, characterised by its woody, hollow, round, straight, jointed stem, all of which are in the Bambuseae tribe. The wood of the bamboo plant as a material or cane." ], [ "represent the input\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Bake the pie for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 375 degrees F and bake for another 15 minutes. 4. Uncover the pie and bake for 45 to 60 minutes or until the crust turns golden and the filling begins to bubble. 1. Remove your fruit pie from the freezer and allow it to thaw completely. This typically takes 3-4 hours.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long do i bake a pie']\"", "sand bar - a bar of sand. sandbar. bar - a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore; the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river. sand - a loose material consisting of grains of rock or coral." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Silverstripe Bamboo. Bambusa dolichomerithalla is a fast-growing, clumping type of bamboo, reaching an adult height of 25 feet. Silverstripe bamboo has white stripes on its leaves and sometimes on its culms, which grow to only 1 inch in diameter. Because it is hardy only down to 18 degrees F, this bamboo is recommended for USDA zones 8 and higher." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that are used by the Bamboo server to authenticate with AWS. A login key pair that you can use to log in to EC2 instances that have been started by Bamboo. The key pair is automatically generated, either the first time you use Elastic Bamboo, or if you delete the key pair. The key pair is listed as 'elasticbamboo' in your AWS console. Bamboo does not use this key pair." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bamboo flooring is a highly durable flooring choice for any location subjected to extensive usage and can stand up very well to the abrasion caused by children and pets. It is tough enough to resist the impact of falling objects in the kitchen, as well as in high traffic areas such as the living rooms and hallways." ], [ "represent the next text", "Bamboo Screening Fence 4m x 1m. These bamboo screening is ideal for use as a garden screening. This bamboo screen is ideal for attaching to unsightly fences and any other area of your garden. This bamboo screening roll is made from vertical bamboo slats cut from whole bamboo canes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bamboo is not only a symbol of a gentleman, but also plays an important role in Buddhism, which was introduced into China in the first century. As canons of Buddhism forbids cruelty to animals, flesh and egg were not allowed in the diet. The tender bamboo shoot (sǔn筍 in Chinese) thus became a" ], [ "", "What's the meaning of the Bamboo » Bamboo This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: Bamboo. One of the most ubiquitous symbols of eastern Asia, bamboo is a plant with many meanings and, in modern-day industry and manufacturing, a plant with many practical uses. In Japan, bamboo is one of three plants, along with the pine tree and the plum blossom, that make up a group known as the “Three Friends of Winter”." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A chin-up bar is simply a smooth horizontal metal bar, often a pipe, held solidly above ground by a wooden or metal frame. Typical installations include 2 or 3 different heights of bars for people of different heights. Chin up bars are also a part of a home gym setup." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "bamboo (countable and uncountable, plural bamboos) 1 A grass of the Poaceae family, characterised by its woody, hollow, round, straight, jointed stem, all of which are in the Bambuseae tribe. 2 The wood of the bamboo plant as a material or cane. 3 A didgeridoo." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'MCKENZIE MORRELL: Letâ\\x80\\x99s talk about Bridget Westfall. Can you tell us about the character you play on Wentworth and what drew you to that role? LIBBY TANNER: Sheâ\\x80\\x99s a forensic psychologist and I was very excited to audition for her because she enables the inmates to go to a truthful place.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who plays bridget westfall in wentworth']\"", "These aluminum and wicker bar stools come in backless and backed bar stool designs, but all have a wicker seat and metal frame, including our aluminum bamboo bar stool with a design specific for an outdoor tiki bar. Item#. In Stock." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A flapjack, muesli bar, cereal bar, or granola bar is a sweet tray-baked oat bar made from rolled oats, butter, brown sugar and golden syrup.n other countries, including Canada, the United States, and South Africa, such products are referred to as granola bars . In the UK, the term cereal bar is often used to describe products which contain fruits, nuts, other cereals apart from oats, and, occasionally, chocolate." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bambusa dolichomerithalla is a fast-growing, clumping type of bamboo, reaching an adult height of 25 feet. Silverstripe bamboo has white stripes on its leaves and sometimes on its culms, which grow to only 1 inch in diameter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cups and saucers, spoons and ladles can all be made from bamboo. 14. Bamboo is used to make beer! If you haven’t tried it yet, I can vouch for the fact that bamboo beer tastes absolutely fabulous. Do go try it. 15. Bamboo is used to make musical instruments." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The clean, natural look and graceful simplicity of bamboo flooring is realistically captured in luxury vinyl plank. A natural neutral, bamboo’s striated pattern and low-key colors work in any decorating style, especially when you’re trying to achieve a relaxed, minimalist look.Luxury vinyl bamboo flooring is a beautiful solution for introducing bamboo’s soothing tranquility and casual elegance to any room in your home.t’s also ideal for rooms where traditional bamboo flooring isn’t recommended. Get the Bamboo Look in a Waterproof Floor. Luxury vinyl bamboo flooring is waterproof and can be installed in any room where moisture is frequently present." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Panhard rod (also called Panhard bar or track bar) is a suspension link that provides lateral location of the axle. Originally invented by the Panhard automobile company of France in the early twentieth century, this device has been widely used ever since." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Bamboo flooring is often considered a form of wood flooring, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber.ngineered wood flooring is composed of two or more layers of wood in the form of a plank. The top layer (lamella) is the wood that is visible when the flooring is installed and is adhered to the core. The increased stability of engineered wood is achieved by running each layer at a 90° angle to the layer above." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Steel Rebar. Reinforcing bar, or rebar, is a common steel bar that is hot rolled and is used widely in the construction industry, especially for concrete reinforcement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Phyllostachys aurea, or Golden bamboo, is native to Southeast China and is a member of the grass family. In 1882, Golden Bamboo was introduced into the United States, specifically Alabama. Grown for its screening abilities, golden bamboo provides visual as well as noise barriers. Golden Bamboo is fast growing and can quickly colonize and area if not contained." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "It usually locks or taps together.PowerPoint Presentation: BAMBOO FLOORING-is a floor manufactured from the bamboo plant and is a type of hardwood flooring, though technically not a wood. Bamboo is known to be durable and environmentally friendly. It is available in many different patterns, colors, and textures." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here i explain what bamboo shoots taste like, and the extreme caution some bamboo poses.....also, other information. www.youtube.com I had a bad experience eating bamboo shoots - Bamboo Forums I had a bad experience eating bamboo shoots Bamboo as a Food Source. ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In computer interface design, a toolbar (originally known as ribbon) is a graphical control element on which on-screen buttons, icons, menus, or other input or output elements are placed. Toolbars are seen in many types of software such as office suites, graphics editors and web browsers." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'The most common foods associated with outbreaks of Hepatitis A are sandwiches with luncheon meat, fruits and fruit juices, milk and milk products. Other foods tracked down during outbreaks are vegetables, salads, shellfish, and iced drinks. However, water, shellfish, and salads are the most common sources.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what food item is most commonly associated with hepatitis A']\"", "BambooHR gives executives visibility into strategic indicators like employee turnover and retention. BambooHR is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application, so businesses only need to pay a low monthly subscription based on the number of employees and a one-time implementation fee. There’s no extra charge for customization, multiple administrators, enhanced features, support or inactive employees." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Bamboo fibre is a cellulose fibre extracted or fabricated from natural bamboo, and possibly other additives, and is made from (or in the case of material fabrication, is) the pulp of bamboo plants. It is usually not made from the fibres of the plant, but is a synthetic viscose made from bamboo cellulose." ], [ "", "Bamboo is found in east and southern Asia and burns in incense as a subtle scent to evoke tranquility based moods. Bamboo cored incense is commonly used in India and China. A bamboo stick is used as the core to the incense and creates an incense stick which does not require as much binding agent." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A hookah bar or lounge, also called a shisha bar, is where patrons engage socially and share tobacco laced vapor from a communal device. Hookah users are under the misperception that smoking through a water pipe is healthier than cigarette smoking.icotine is an alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants that acts as a stimulant. This stimulant effect is the main factor responsible for the dependence-forming properties of tobacco smoking. In high amounts, nicotine poisoning can be fatal. Daily water pipe use equates to a 10 cigarette a day smoking habit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "www.flutebar.com. Flute is a champagne bar that is known for its high-class VIP bottle service, and the bar even holds a separate party room you can rent out for your next lavish get-together with up to 39 of your closest friends." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "(January 2008) A rebar (short for reinforcing bar), also known as reinforcing steel, reinforcement steel, rerod, a deformed bar, reo, or reo bar, is a common steel bar, and is commonly used as a tensioning device in reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures holding the concrete in compression." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Benefits and Drawbacks of Bamboo Flooring. Bamboo is a natural surface covering material that has many of the properties of hardwood flooring, even though it is actually produced from a type of grass. It shares many of the positive benefits of a hardwood floor, as well as the drawbacks and vulnerabilities." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Natural bamboo is a pale, creamy color called blond, unlike carbonized bamboo, which is darker, more amber in tone, and may even shade to deeper brown. A result of the carbonization process is a softening of the wood by about 20 to 30 percent on average." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Introduction to Bamboo Symbolism. The bamboo is the most popular plant in China. Every village in Southern China is surrounded by bamboo groves. To be Chinese is to feel at home with bamboo.The drooping bamboo leaves cross one another, as if they are composing the Chinese character An (tranquility).amboo Symbolism: The Scholar. Bamboo is used in every phase of Chinese living, yet it needs very little care to grow and flourish. It is well-sectioned with a polished skin and sturdy texture. Like a self-cultivated scholar in hermitage, it is ready to render services when called upon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A bamboo pole or a wooden dowel inserted through the sleeves helps to show more of the fabric’s decorative motifs. Garden retailers that specialize in Japanese gardens or some hardware stores stock natural bamboo or a bamboo-based product." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bamboo screening can be used as boundary fence or as a garden screen to create separate areas within your garden. When used over arbours and pergolas it creates a soft shaded area beneath for those hot summer days. Bamboo slat screen is simple to attach to garden fence uprights with ties or staples." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "A bamboo bicycle is a bicycle with a frame made out of bamboo. Custom built and manufactured bamboo bikes have become something of a trend, with producers in the United States, Latin America, Asia, and Africa." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Now take your ideas even further. The Bamboo Spark is a smart folio with a smart ballpoint pen, and a spot for your favorite paper. It lets you write by hand, and saves your handwritten notes locally or within the cloud for editing, archiving and accessing anywhere. Press a button. That’s it. The Bamboo Spark is simple to use, and makes it easy to bridge your paper notes with the digital world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For other uses, see Chime. A set of nine chime bars, tuned diatonically. A chime bar or resonator bell is a percussion instrument consisting of a tuned metal bar similar to a glockenspiel bar, with each bar mounted on its own wooden resonator.Chime bars are played with mallets again similar to a glockenspiel.hime bars can be arranged on a table to be played by a single player, or played by a group in a similar fashion to handbells, with each member holding a chime in one hand and a mallet in the other. They are used from professional music to classrooms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Alibaba.com offers 8,863 bamboo paddles products. About 36% of these are surfing, 34% are bbq tools, and 7% are chopping blocks. A wide variety of bamboo paddles options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples. There are 8,888 bamboo paddles suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying countries are China (Mainland), Vietnam, and Taiwan, which supply 98%, 1%, and 1% of bamboo paddles respectively. Bamboo paddles products are most popular in North America, Western Europe, and Oceania. You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, including 1,842 with ISO9001, 1,136 with Other, and 387 with FSC certification." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "One of the most ubiquitous symbols of eastern Asia, bamboo is a plant with many meanings and, in modern-day industry and manufacturing, a plant with many practical uses. In Japan, bamboo is one of three plants, along with the pine tree and the plum blossom, that make up a group known as the “Three Friends of Winter”." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bamboo flooring is a floor manufactured from the bamboo plant and is a type of hardwood flooring, though technically not a wood. Bamboo is known to be durable and environmentally friendly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Bamboo is a symbol of good luck and one of the symbols of the New Year celebrations in Japan. The important image of snow-covered bamboo represents the ability to spring back after experiencing adversity." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This is another excellent concept of window screens which is made of thin and straight bamboo sticks tied up with ropes. Such a screen resembles a horizontal blind curtain on your window. Bamboo sticks are straightened, polished and tied up in such a way that you can even roll up the curtain as much you want." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "price of butter at aldi's" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "FYI-aldi's new butter price! Just wanted to share with those of you who buy your butter at aldi, I was looking over my receipt and it showed butter at $1.59!!! first thought it must be a mistake so I went to their web site and it is showing new low price was $1.99 now $1,59!! I will be stocking up TOMORROW. I havebeentold you can freeze butter!" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "$1.50 off any 2 SB Toilet Cleaning Gel products. $1.50 off any 2 SB Toilet Cleaning Gel products. Use our site to find the store hours and directions for Aldi in Hollywood, FL. You can also find listings of Coupons For Aldi and Aldi Store Hours." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By of the Journal Sentinel. Aug. 22, 2014. The price for a pound of butter hit an all-time high Friday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the latest in a line of dairy products to see soaring prices this year. Butter hit $2.8225 a pound in Friday trading, topping the $2.81 record price it reached in 1998." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Examples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Shadow zone. A seismic shadow zone is an area of the Earth's surface where seismographs cannot detect an earthquake after its seismic waves have passed through the Earth. When an earthquake occurs, seismic waves radiate out spherically from the earthquake's focus.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'shadow zone definition earthquake']\"", "ALDI CATALOGUE SPECIAL BUYS WEEK 39. Traditional Christmas cake with a very good recipe by ALDI Catalogue, elegant selection of the candies, confectionery and snacks, make up and beauty products that are can be count to the list of special buys selection on this new catalogue." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Unsalted butter, commonly referred to as the sweetened butter, is usually used for baking purposes since it does not have the presence of salt. This enables a baker to control the flavor of what’s being baked. Unsalted butter is sold by the bar or by pound. On average, unsalted butter sold at the grocery store will be $2 to $5 per pound, depending on the brand of the butter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We purchase Aldi’s coffee for our Bunn coffee pot. The 33 oz can of coffee costs 5 to 6 dollars. We flavor out coffee with cinnamon or a couple drops of vanilla, or purchase Cameron coffee beans when we splurge, but still mix it with our Aldi coffee to stretch it even further." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it Examples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'A regional trading bloc is a group of countries within a geographical region that protect themselves from imports from non-members. Trading blocs are a form of economic integration, and increasingly shape the pattern of world trade. Preferential Trade Area.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'trading block definition']\"", "Confidence votes 6. In the United States one pound of butter (4 sticks) cost about $2.60. Latest price as of 10/18/14 was 4.59 a pound US dollars." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Bread 'N Butter Stash Pack. Featuring Bella Solids and Aurifil Thread A Fat Quarter Shop Exclusive. We have specially selected six Bella solid fat quarters and five Aurifil 50 weight thread spools (220 yards each) that coordinate with American Jane's Bread 'N Butter collection by Moda Fabrics Price: $29.98 per bundle." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Im pretty sure they would make more even with the current exchange rate but i think your looking at about $13 at aldi's if you go 2 target and are 18 you get about $16-17. The higher the age and experience the more money you get (theres a limit)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The fats market remained strong in March, with prices for both butter and bulk cream rising on spot markets. Butter prices rose 6% to an average of £3,650/tonne for the month as demand remained strong. Higher pricing was therefore needed to secure cream supplies, and prices rose week-on-week, starting the month at around £1,600/tonne and reaching highs in the region of £1,800/tonne by the final week. The average rose by almost 10% between February and March to £1,690/tonne." ], [ "represent the input", "But this year, at half the price and with longer lasting bubbles, Aldi's Magnum Premium Original liquid has stolen the top spot, rated best value for shoppers.Fairy soft: Family favourite Fairy has lost out to Aldi's own washing up liquid which is rated as better value.Laboratory tests showed that Aldi's washing up liquid is the best money can buy with a 500ml bottle costing just 59p-almost half the price of the same amount of Fairy Original.aid: 'We noticed big improvements in most liquids since last year, suggesting it's not just Aldi that's catching up with Fairy. Iconic: Fairy liquid has been the number one choice for families for 20 years. Cleaning up: Aldi was named the best washing up liquid money can buy, beating Fairy for the first time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If a shopper just wants to run in and grab an item and know that it is at an okay price- Aldi is probably the place to go. If a shopper wants to buy an item and get it for a super price- a regular grocery store is going to be the best bet. I’d never be able to get 5 Tresemme items at Aldi for under $2. I’d never be able to get a rebate back on Purex through SavingStar at Aldi’s." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Today ALDI start selling the K-cafe Expressi coffee machine. As long as I think Nespresso machine is pretty pricey for me, I choose this one which only cost $79!! The milk frother is $20. Coffee capsule $5.99 for 16 shots. For total cost under $110, no complaint at all." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "I even got burned by a brand once that was supposed to be gluten-free, but I had an immediate reaction to it. Hmm…anyways, ALDI’s Fit & Active is priced very nice at $1.49 for the carton and I’ve used it many times and it’s gluten-free! Woot woot! So is their Chef’s Cupboard brand chicken broth AND beef broth.25 can go a long way at ALDI, but I did spend much more than that on my gluten-free items plus my regular weekly groceries for the fam. I took off to ALDI sans kiddos one day so I could take my time going through the store reading labels." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Aldi stacks up well against Trader Joe’s on the fancier cheeses it carries, though Trader Joe’s wins on variety. Both carry 4-ounce logs of goat cheese covered in herbs — $1.99 at Aldi, $2.99 at Trader Joe’s. Aldi is more about basic canned foods than Trader Joe’s." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Armadillo Diseases: Armadillos are not really a concern when it comes to infecting people with disease. The only interesting curiosity of note is that dillos can actually carry and transmit leprosy to humans. Many wild armadillos have been known to be infected with the bacterium that causes leprosy (Hansens disease).']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what kind of diseases do armadillos carry']\"", "Please try again later. Today ALDI start selling the K-cafe Expressi coffee machine. As long as I think Nespresso machine is pretty pricey for me, I choose this one which only cost $79!! The milk frother is $20." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Fit & Active Turkey Bacon 12 oz $2.29. The above Aldi meat prices are based on my local South Florida prices, and they may vary from state to state. You can see a bigger Aldi price list here. I usually stock up on ground beef, when I find Aldi Meat Markdowns at the store." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Aldi is a chain grocery store that's in 31 US states and in Europe. Aldi contracts with major food manufacturers to sell their products at a significantly reduced price, but u…nder Aldi's own private label. Aldi is also owned by the same people who own Trader Joe's, so it's not uncommon to see some foods similar to what's sold at Trader Joe's at Aldi, just under the Aldi brand name." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. Fresh Meat Specials. While I’m not a big meat eater, my family does enjoy meat meals from time to time. Each Wednesday ALDI offers a special “Fresh Meat Special Buy.” Some weeks it’s brisket, some weeks it’s chicken breasts ($1.89 a pound!!), but usually it’s top cuts of meat at really low prices." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Aldi also private-labels (those $1.99 “Millville” Rice Squares are Chex, you guys!), but what makes it a more exciting venture—and even cheaper than Trader Joe’s—is that it has imported the entire German grocery experience (aside, alas, from employees yelling at you if you do something wrong)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Candice #2. I'm actually surprised at a few of the things you mention, but I've heard that Aldi's can vary from store to store and even more so from state to state, depending on your area's distribution channels. I'm not sure. I always buy the frozen hamburger 1 lb tubes for $2.79 each." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Diaper Wipes: The Aldi Diapers wipes were only $0.99 for a 72 ct. but the Pampers and Huggies Wipes, also 72 ct., were $1.97 at Walmart. There are always coupons out for $1/2 Huggies or Pampers Wipes making them only $1.47 after a coupon. The Aldi wipes are AMAZING and so cost effective. Aldi – $0.99 √." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The cash price for a pound of butter was $2.40 on Friday, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's about $1 a pound more than at the same time last year. The price hit $ 2.62 a pound on July 23, according to the USDA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The L’oven Fresh Butter Dinner Rolls come in a seventeen ounce package for one dollar and sixty-nine cents at ALDI Food Market stores. These dinner rolls are already made and packaged, so no preparation is required unless you desire to heat them up in the microwave or oven. Also, ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "8 pudding pops made with boxed pudding mix-$0.88-$1.38 8 packaged Jello pudding pops from Aldi-$1.66 The homemade versions are definitely cheaper, but not by an amazing amount (though percentage-wise, it’s a big savings…50%). If the pudding pops were purchased at a regular grocery stores, I think the homemade ones would be more of a win." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The price for a pound of butter hit an all-time high Friday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the latest in a line of dairy products to see soaring prices this year. Butter hit $2.8225 a pound in Friday trading, topping the $2.81 record price it reached in 1998." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A BIG bag of spinach costs around $2 at Aldi and lasts well over a week. Whenever I grab some spinach for a meal or to make a smoothie, I leave the bag open for about 10 minutes to dry out the excess moisture in the bag. It helps to keep the spinach from rotting too soon.You could get the same effect by doing this." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For years the German discounters Aldi and Lidl were dismissed as a quirky sideshow in the UK's £170bn grocery market, but as legions of middle class families head there for their weekly shop they are giving the big four supermarkets a run for their money." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Snacks and Sweets. There is actually a really wide variety of snacks and sweets to choose from at Aldi! I don’t usually let myself buy potato chips at the grocery store, but when most all of their chips are under $2, I have to admit that I have now sampled quite a few.hus far, I have had 100% positive experiences with the canned and jarred section at Aldi. They have a great selection of your basic canned fruits and veggies, and lots of canned sauces and such to choose from. And the prices are fantastic! Once again, I would caution to read the labels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "I love Aldi's selection of price-friendly cheeses, Greek yogurt, chocolate-hazelnut spread, and hummus, among many others. Plus, our local shop stocks its shelves on Sunday afternoons, so that's the time to go for the freshest food and the most selection." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "All were then tasted by professionals with years of industry experience. The Aldi coffee, which cost £1.79 for a 200g pack at the time of testing, received an overall score of 82 per cent – beating offerings from Costa and Starbucks, as well as Waitrose and Sainsbury’s." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By shopping at Aldi, I get two weeks worth of groceries for $100.00 (excluding meat — I buy it as a loss leader from other stores when it’s $2 or less a pound. ). I am in and out of the store in 30 minutes including bagging my groceries." ], [ "", "Everyday Essentials Chicken Breast Fillets (1Kg) The price of Everyday Essentials Chicken Breast Fillets (1Kg) in Aldi is £3.33.For each 100g of Everyday Essentials Chicken Breast Fillets (1Kg) the price is 33.3p. Compare to similar choices (16)" ], [ "represent this", "Aldi stacks up well against Trader Joe’s on the fancier cheeses it carries, though Trader Joe’s wins on variety. Both carry 4-ounce logs of goat cheese covered in herbs — $1.99 at Aldi, $2.99 at Trader Joe’s. Aldi is more about basic canned foods than Trader Joe’s. While Aldi sells 28-ounce cans of simple crushed tomatoes for 95 cents, the closest Trader Joe’s came was plum tomatoes with basil, for $1.59, 10 cents more than an organic version at Aldi." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Today ALDI start selling the K-cafe Expressi coffee machine. As long as I think Nespresso machine is pretty pricey for me, I choose this one which only cost $79!!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Aldi Everyday Essentials. The price of Everyday Essentials Chicken Breast Fillets (1Kg) in Aldi is £3.33.For each 100g of Everyday Essentials Chicken Breast Fillets (1Kg) the price is 33.3p." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Butter prices reach record high. The price for a pound of butter hit an all-time high Friday on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the latest in a line of dairy products to see soaring prices this year. Butter hit $2.8225 a pound in Friday trading, topping the $2.81 record price it reached in 1998." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Class IV price forecasts for 2017 and 2018 are raised as stronger forecast. butter prices more than offset lower NDM prices. The all milk price is raised to $17.80 to. $18.00 per cwt for 2017, but is unchanged at $18.00 to $19.00 per cwt for 2018." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Being home to the lowest prices - it's just how we do things here at ALDI. You can trust us to provide exceptional value every single day because ALDI is where low prices really live. From bread and baby food to freezer essentials and more – you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the variety of low price, quality products we have on offer. 500g$4.29 8.58 per kg. per kg$5.99 $5.99 per kg. 500g$6.49 $12.98 per kg. 2kg$6.99 $3.50 per kg. per kg$7.99 $7.99 per kg." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to Stores magazine, the Aldi group was the eighth-largest retailer in the world in 2009 (the most recent figures available), with an estimated $67.7 billion in revenue. According to estimates by Mr. Johnson, about $6.5 billion of Aldi’s revenue stems from sales in the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As a vegetarian, I have not purchased meat products at Aldi. I did a little research, so I thought I'd share those results. You can actually find better prices on ground beef at a store like Walmart ($3.69/pound versus $2.66/pound) for similar-quality protein. (See also: 5 Frugal Lessons I Learned From Aldi)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Green grapes cost $3.38 for two pounds at Aldi and $4.56 for the same amount at Walmart.Business Insider/Hayley Peterson. In response to the results of this price check, Walmart spokesman John Forrest Ales pointed out that Walmart will match prices advertised by other retailers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the United States one pound of butter (4 sticks) cost about $2.60. Latest price as of 10/18/14 was 4.59 a pound US dollars . WHY." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "My Wal-Mart certainly does. They price match Aldi's and any other store brands....for example, if somewhere has store brand eggs on sale for say 99 cents, they will PM to their store brand.About 2 weeks ago Aldi's had any type 3 lb bagged apples for $1.49, and I PM'd to a 3 lb bag of Gala apples from Wal-Mart.rice matching to aldi's. Just wondering does wal mart price match to aldi's I seen 3 ls bag onions was .79. then teir brand cheese cubes were 1.99 a bag, and I believe their chocolate chips were fair price too, wondering if I can price match it to walmart brand. Thanks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Aldi basket was about 30% cheaper than the total at Walmart. The bills came to $89.48 at Aldi and $115.86 at Walmart, after we accounted for the products' varying package sizes and calculated those differences into the final price. Scroll to the bottom to see our itemized list of results." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cheap this week at Aldi, Asda, Iceland, Lidl, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose.orrisons minced pork (525g) is half price at £1.50. Young’s cod steaks in parsley sauce (four pack) are down from £3.99 to £2. Get ready for Halloween with two for £5 on boxes of Swizzels Matlow sweet shop favourites (£7.50) and Haribo Share the Fun tubs (720g)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But don’t freak out just yet. Head over to ALDI, grab some frozen waffles and a few fresh ingredients, and turn ’em into the gourmet french toast you can’t afford for only $0.55. In under fifteen minutes. In your microwave. This is real." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "On average, peanut butter can cost anywhere from $2 to $15 per jar. An organic peanut butter that contains no hydrogenated oils or any other artificial flavors can cost anywhere from $2 to $6 per jar. For example, the popular Skippy Peanut Butter retails for $2 to $4." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The cash price for a pound of butter was $2.40 on Friday, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's about $1 a pound more than at the same time last year. The price hit $ 2.62 a pound on July 23, according to the USDA. That was 19 cents shy of its record price of $2.81 in September 1998." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Skim Milk at Aldi: $2.49/Gallon Skim Milk at Sam's Club: $2.15/Gallon Skim Milk at Kwik Trip: $2.19/Gallon or $1.98/Gallon (Bagged) It may come as a surprise to many of you, but milk was the least expensive at the convenience store. Kwik Trip’s bagged milk was just $1.98 per gallon." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Product - Teddie Old Fashioned Peanut Butter All Natural Super Chunky, 16.0 OZ Product Image. Price $2.98 18.6¢/oz. Product Title Teddie Old Fashioned Peanut Butter All Natural Super Chunky, 16.0 OZ. Average rating:4.5357out of5stars, based on28reviews(28)ratings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Aldi basket was about 30% cheaper than the total at Walmart. The bills came to $89.48 at Aldi and $115.86 at Walmart, after we accounted for the products' varying package sizes and calculated those differences into the final price." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "On Thursday, the wholesale price of butter was at a record, $3.0375 a pound, up from $3 on Monday, according to CME Group's Daily Dairy Report. On Friday, it jumped to $3.06. Stewart's Shops were selling butter for $3.99 a pound." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Unsalted butter is sold by the bar or by the pound. On average, unsalted butter sold at the grocery store will be about $13 to $35 per one-pound package, depending on the brand. If buying in bulk/wholesale, such as for restaurant purposes, then the cost “per pound” can be much less." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "On Thursday, the wholesale price of butter was at a record, $3.0375 a pound, up from $3 on Monday, according to CME Group's Daily Dairy Report. On Friday, it jumped to $3.06." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'The foods that are particularly well suited for keeping the kidneys clean are as follows (all preferably organic): Cranberry juice. Grape juice. Freshly squeezed orange juice and grapefruit juice. A Lemon or Lime wedge squeeze in a glass of purified water. Watermelon. Blueberries and Cranberries. Apples.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'food that helps kidneys']", "Unsalted butter that is 30 lbs. and is sold in a single case is priced at $72.60. That would be exactly $2.42 per pound. Foodservicedirect.com featured a particular brand of butter on its site and it costed $116.15 for 36 pounds. Like any other butter, each bar is exactly one pound." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Unsalted butter is very easy to find and the costs are relatively cheaper. 2 Unsalted butter is sold by the bar or by pound. 3 One can get an unsalted butter in the supermarket for around $2 to $5 per pound, depending on the brand of the butter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Even with coupons stacked with sale prices you are going to find it difficult to beat the Aldi price on diapers. The standard plastic wrapped jumbo pack of diapers are $4.99. The even more cost effective boxes of diapers are $12.49. Yes, that is ridiculously cheap." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can find Adams Peanut Butter at select grocery stores, except in Quebec and the Maritimes, and retails for $4.99-$5.99/500 g. My favourite variety to eat on its own is the Adams 100% Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter. I love that hint of salt! For recipes, I love the Adams 100% Natural Creamy Unsalted Peanut Butter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Butter hit $2.8225 a pound in Friday trading, topping the $2.81 record price it reached in 1998. We're not sure where the top is on this anymore, said Curtis Bosma, an account manager at High Ground Dairy brokerage in Chicago. The cash price for butter on the CME began the month of August at $2.40 a pound." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Today ALDI start selling the K-cafe Expressi coffee machine. As long as I think Nespresso machine is pretty pricey for me, I choose this one which only cost $79!! The milk frother is $20. Coffee capsule $5.99 for 16 shots." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The value of Aldi's brand has surpassed Tesco's after the value of the latter's declined by 37pc last year, according to the annual BrandZ index from WPP and Millward Brown. Aldi's brand is worth more than Tesco's, while Lidl joined the top 20 retail brands Photo: ALAMY. By Lauren Davidson. 12:09PM BST 27 May 2015. The value of Aldi's brand has surpassed that of Tesco's for the first time, according to an influential ranking, after a difficult year for the supermarket giant." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A 20 ounce loaf of Bread (January 2010) $2.27 (February 2010) $2.49 (it really depends on the area and the store selling it)...for instance Aldi's sells their regular white bread for 79 cents now (it was 39 cents back in '97/98 in my area).est Answer: 1990 70 cents According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2003, the average price for a loaf of bread was $1.00." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cost of a Loaf of Bread In Indiana in July of 2009, a loaf of bread cost around $1.30 for a loaf of oat bread at Aldi`s, around $1.60 for a loaf of wheat bread at Wal-Mart, and around the same price or a little higher for a similar loaf at stores like Jay-C and IGA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "World market prices for dairy products The average world market price of butter in 1981-2006 was US$1 580/ton, fluctuating between US$1 000/ton and US$2 000/ton. It shot up to US$2 886/ton in 2007 and, in the first six months of 2008, increased further to US$4 021/ton." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Invoice processing involves the handling of incoming invoices from arrival to post. Invoices have many variations and types. In general, invoices are grouped into two types: 1. Invoices associated with a request or purchase order 2. Invoices that do not have an associated request.(no purchase order).']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is included in invoicing process']\"", "Published 9:16 pm, Friday, September 19, 2014. Butter may not be as bad for your health as many of us once thought. But lately, it's been doing a lot of damage to your wallet. Prices are topping $5 a pound as a number of factors push demand up and supply down. Target in Latham last week was selling a pound of Land O' Lakes butter for $5.39. Other stores are charging $4 or more. A year ago, it wasn't unusual to see butter on sale in many stores for $3 or less." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how old is jace norman" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Actor Jace Norman born on 21 03 2000 in . Until now, Jace Norman's age is 17 year old and have Aries constellation. Count down 4 days will come next birthday of Jace Norman !" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jace Norman is an actor. He portrays Henry Hart in Henry Danger. He won the 2017 Kids Choice Award for Favorite Male Actor for his role on the show. Jace Norman was born in A vagina He lived in an..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Facts of Jace Norman. Jace Lee Norman is a well-known American actor, prominent for his role in Nickelodeon TV movie, Henry Danger. He was born on 21st March 2000 in Corrales, New Mexico, the United States where he spent most of his childhood with his parent and brother; Xander Norman near the Rio Grande River." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Imo, let baby lead the way :) Jace was 8 months when I started mixing formula and whole milk and within a week he was successfully switched over, we've had no problems with him at all, hes 10 months now and has a 9 oz bottle at bedtime,.once during the night and for his two naps during the day.." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The bone marrow produces B cells, natural killer cells, granulocytes and immature thymocytes, in addition to red blood cells and platelets. Thymus -- The function of the thymus is to produce mature T cells. Immature thymocytes, also known as prothymocytes, leave the bone marrow and migrate into the thymus.']\" Match: \"['', 'organ that is active in producing t cells']\"", "The Force Awakens will be set roughly 30 years after that (34 ABY). In the Expanded Universe Jacen and Jaina Solo are born to Leia and Han on Coruscant in 9 ABY so if we do a bit of maths (34 ABY minus 9 ABY) we get 25 ABY, making the twins roughly around 25 years old." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The character is 24 on the show, but actor Drew Van Acker is 29 in real life. Ian Harding . Like most of the cast, Ian Harding is playing a younger character. Ezra Fitz is 24 years old on “Pretty Little Liars,” and Harding is 28 years old. That means Harding was around 23 when the show started, and his character would have been 22. Janel Parrish" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Smart, quietly funny, handsome and sometimes shy, Norman Bates (Freddie Highmore) is a 17 year old boy who has an intensely close bond with his mother. He’s resistant to starting over in White Pine Bay, but begins to change his mind as he starts to spread his wings. His mother isn’t the only woman in his life." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Jace Norman Confirms He and Isabela Moner Have Broken Up. Young love is dead. Nickelodeon stars Jace Norman and Isabela Moner have decided to end their relationship after about seven months of dating publicly, Jace confirmed to Just Jared Jr. in a phone call on Monday." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jenelle, who is mom to four-year-old Jace, filed for divorce from Rogers last month. After a whirlwind romance, they announced their engagement in November 2012 and got hitched one month later, but it wasn’t long before trouble hit: Both were arrested on drug-related charges shortly after tying the knot." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She and Norman separated after just 15 months of marriage in 2009. Chris Evert in 2008 Credit: RUSSELL CHEYNE/Reuters. “We had a rough couple of years, because I married Greg Norman who was Andy's friend,” the 61-year-old said of her relationship with Mill." ], [ "", "At the beginning of the series Wilfred is 7 years old (49 in Dog Years). By the series end, he is 9 years old, or 63 years old. On the night of Ryan's attempted suicide, Spencer, a neighbor, continuously revs his motorcycle, causing Wilfred to yell at him from a window while Jenna attempts to stop him." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jenelle Evans Seeks Custody Of Jace, Court Battle With Mom Heats Up. Jenelle Evans’ custody battle over her son Jace is far from over, with the now-7-year-old boy facing the prospect of living with his grandmother, Barbara, forever as his mother continues to face personal demons." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Henry (Jace Norman) Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) guiding Henry (A.K.A. Kid Danger) through his oath to keep his sidekick identity a secret. Henry Danger is an American crime-solving situational comedy created by Dan Schneider and Dana Olsen. Henry Danger follows the life of a 13-year-old boy named Henry Hart, who lands a part-time job as Kid Danger, a sidekick in training to super crime fighter Captain Man." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "View. comments. He's never been afraid to get his hands dirty as the star of The Walking Dead, and Norman Reedus showcased the results of his hard work on the set to Flaunt Magazine. The 46-year-old unveiled his ripped abs as he posed shirtless for the cover of the magazine's 140th issue." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "About Jace Norman is a Puerto Rican actor, who became popular after playing the title role as Henry Hart in the 2014 Nickelodeon series Henry Danger and as Adam Baker in the 2015 TV movie Splitting Adam. He previously appeared as a guest in an episode of The Thundermans." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Still handsome: Rather than the customary green slime, Chris Pratt was coated in cream pie at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday. The 35-year-old action star's biceps bulged under his grey henley shirt as Norman and his co-stars came in for the kill." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Normani Kordei Boyfriend: She is currently single and not dating to anyone yet. She has dated to Arin Ray from 2012 to 2013 and split up with him. As she will start dating to anyone, we will update it here soon. Normani Kordei Age: She has recently stepped into 20 th year of age on 31 st May in 2017. Normani Kordei Height: She has perfect height and weight. She is 5.4 feet tall with perfect weight." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Jace moved to Southern California when he was 8 years old where he continued to go to public school. He loves sports and played on competitive soccer and lacrosse teams. Jace also loves the ocean and in his spare time, likes to body board and sail." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "As seen through his work in TV shows and movies, he has great potential and in near future, he may even be a household name with everyone recognizing him as a wonderful and versatile actor. He is none other than Jace Norman. He was born in a Corrales, which lies in New Mexico. He belongs to the white ethnicity and his nationality is American. Shockingly, information on him and his biography is missing from wiki sites like Wikipedia." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Of the three Reconstruction amendments, the 14th is the most complicated and the one that has had the more unforeseen effects. Its broad goal was to reinforce the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which ensured that all persons born in the United States were citizens and were to be given full and equal benefit of all laws.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what were the goals of the three reconstruction amendments to the us constitution - .']\"", "Jenelle Evans Opens up About Custody Battle Over Her Son Jace: It's Only Getting Worse. The only thing Jenelle Evans wants is to have Jace back. The Teen Mom 2 star reached her breaking point in her custody battle with her mother Barbara Evans over her seven-year-old son. The mother-and-daughter duo got into heated argument during this week’s episode of the hit MTV reality series — and Jenelle vented about it on Twitter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Jace Norman. Jace Lee Norman (born March 21, 2000) is an American actor. He is known for his starring role as Henry Hart/Kid Danger in the Nickelodeon television series Henry Danger." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Learn how Ayn Rand's ideas apply to today's world. Subscribe to ARI’s newsletter. By using this site, you agree that you are 13 years old or older, and you agree to the ARI Privacy Policy and to the Terms and Conditions, which have recently changed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "VIDEO: Jace Norman & 'Henry Danger' Cast Do the Mannequin Challenge! This has to be one of the most epic #MannequinChallenge videos yet! Jace Norman and the cast and crew of his hit Nickelodeon show Henry Danger are the latest to participate in the viral challenge. Jace posted the video on Instagram." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I have known Norman Lear for many, many years....ever since we were both young men in New York; he - six years older than me - and partner Bud Yorkin were producing TV shows and I was publicizing them (The Dean Martin-Jerry Lewis Show anyone?) Starting about two years ago, whenever I sent Norman an email or one of my Huffington posts, I would get ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mini Bio (1) Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Norman Foster: Birth place: Richmond, Indiana, USA: Birth date: December 13, 1903: Age: 114 years, 2 month, 6 days: Star sign: Sagittarius: Height: 5' 11 (1.8 m)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Top Stories. ‘Shadowhunters’ ABC Family Series Casts Dominic Sherwood As Jace. British actor Dominic Sherwood (Vampire Academy, the Taylor Swift “Style” video) has been cast as the male lead Jace in Shadowhunters, ABC Family’s straight-to-series drama based on the bestselling young adult fantasy book series The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The 41-year-old rapper, who has been married to the Crazy In Love singer for three years, allegedly has a secret son. The 99 Problems singer reportedly fathered a young boy nine years ago with Trinidad model Shenelle Scott, according to Star magazine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Husband Norman, 63, a retired turf accountant, said that it is important that relatives and friends can visit the Centre as they too feel the impact of a loved one's cancer diagnosis. I understand from his death certificate dated December 8, 1960, that he was a turf accountant." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Jenelle Evans starred on 16 and Pregnant and now Teen Mom 2 on MTV. She is the mother of a 16-month-old, Jace, and has a troubled... More » Full Name Jenelle Evans" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The oldest of two boys born to truck driver Norman and his wife Gladys near Bolton, Vernon – who shot up to 6ft 4in in his teens, leaving him with stretch marks from his hip to his thigh – stumbled into TV when he was working as a model after being ‘spotted’ by a leading agency." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Problems arise when the male twin turns to the dark side. Jaina Solo – Female, 17 years old, lead. – Jacen’s twin sister, one of the greatest Jedi’s in the galaxy, trained by her uncle Luke Skywalker Jacen Solo – Male, 17 years old, lead – Jaina’s twin brother, one of the greatest Jedi’s in the world. A loner who is constantly struggling with the idea of what’s right and what’s wrong. Starts to turn to the dark side. Full of conviction that what he is doing is the “right thing”. Will eventually become Darth Caedus. First off, this might be true because we independently heard the rumor that Episode VII was looking to cast a male lead who would be Han Solo’s son (our source made no mention of Leia, and neither does Schmoes Know, but it’s a reasonable assumption she’s Jaina and Jacen’s mother)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Clique // Bryce Hall. It's Junior year. A 16 year old soon to be 17 Jaciee Wolf have always been an outcast along with her very few friends. One day during class a good looking boy named Bryce ... Bryce Hall noticed her and started talking to her. He is in a exclusive Clique at school which sounds very Cliche but ..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1 The normal value for the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) irrespective of age is greater than 80 mmHg/10.6 kPa (Mellengard K, 1966, Sorbini CA et al, 1968).2 The normal PaO2 for a given age can be predicted from: -. The normal value for the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) irrespective of age is greater than 80 mmHg/10.6 kPa (Mellengard K, 1966, Sorbini CA et al, 1968). 2 The normal PaO2 for a given age can be predicted from: -.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'pco2 normal range kpa']", "At 34 years old, Dan Bilzerian is hardly considered a kid, but his playboy lifestyle qualifies him for this list. From showing off his stacks of cash to posing with hoards of scantily clad females, Bilzerian is continually sharing photos of how he is living the high life to more than 10 million followers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Jace Norman is an actor. He portrays Henry Hart in Henry Danger. He won the 2017 Kids Choice Award for Favorite Male Actor for his role on the show. Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Xander Norman, Glory Norman. Jace Lee Norman is a well-known American actor, prominent for his role in Nickelodeon TV movie, Henry Danger. He was born on 21st March 2000 in Corrales, New Mexico, the United States where he spent most of his childhood with his parent and brother; Xander Norman near the Rio Grande River." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Less than a year after finalizing his divorce from tennis champ Chris Evert, Greg Norman was quietly married on private Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands last weekend. It is the golfer’s third marriage. Norman, 55, wed Australian interior decorator Kirsten Kutner, 41, before a small group of family and friends." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "He was 22-year-old Raymond Jenks, Lancaster County Coroner Dr. Stephen Diamantoni said Thursday. It happened in a parking lot in the Millers Crossing apartment complex in the 2200 block of Lynne Lane at about 1:20 a.m., Millersville Borough police Sgt. Jason Scott said. It is just off Route 741. Jenks shot a handgun multiple times, striking himself once, and he died at the scene, a witness said." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Philando Divall Castile (July 16, 1983 – July 6, 2016) was 32 years old at the time of his death. Castile's Facebook page said that he attended the University of Minnesota but the university has no record of him attending. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Norman Wilson passes. Norman Wilson, mandolinist and tenor vocalist with Primitive Quartet, died yesterday while hunting with friends in North Carolina. It is presumed that he had a heart attack, and he died in the woods. He was 70 years old. On October 15 at roughly 2:30 p.m., Norman was with a group of friends hunting bear in Graham County." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "'He’s trying to have a relationship with Jace so he can someday regain custody from Barbara, but Jenelle and her mom are making every effort to continue to shut Andrew out.'. Jenelle became pregnant aged 16 with then-boyfriend Andrew Lewis." ], [ "Represent text", "Jace Lightwood Herondale is the best Shadowhunter of his time, currently residing in the New York Institute. Raised by Valentine Morgenstern, Jace was revealed to be the biological son of the late Celine céline And Stephen. herondalesabelle is said to have tried to get with Jace in the past, but he was apparently uninterested. Jace and Isabelle are like brother and sister and he considers her family. He makes fun of her often, but is also affectionate of her. He and Alec often make fun of her terrible cooking." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By ERIC PACE. Norman Cousins, who was editor in chief of the Saturday Review for more than 30 years, died yesterday at the University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center after collapsing at a hotel in Westwood. He was 75 years old." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bethenny Frankel, 44, 'has been dating Modern Family actor Eric Stonestreet for several months'. She has been on a string of dates lately from Los Angeles to New York, but it looks as if Bethenny Frankel may have finally found herself Mr Right. The 44-year-old reality star is dating Modern Family actor Eric Stonestreet, according to a Tuesday report from E! News. 'They have been together for a few months already,' a source told the site. It was added they have spent time in New York City and at a Los Angeles Dodger game." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Los Angeles, Feb 26 (PTI) Actor Peter Gallagher is set to make a guest appearance in the third season of “Grace and Frankie”. The 61-year-old actor will play Nick, a charming rival businessman who gives the ladies a run for their money in the adult toy game, reported Entertainment Weekly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Network: CNN, CNN Newsroom. Twitter: @BrookeBCNN. Hometown: Atlanta, Ga. Age: 32. Brooke Baldwin's come up was quicker than most. At just 32 years old, Baldwin currently anchors CNN Newsroom at the network's world headquarters in Atlanta. Before CNN, however, Baldwin started her career in Charlottesville, Va. She worked her way up to and eventually took anchor positions in West Virginia and Washington, DC. In 2008 she got the opportunity to join CNN, where she contributed to Rick's List hosted by Rick Sanchez, until she took over permanently after Sanchez was fired for allegedly making anti-semtic remarks. If you're looking for a little afternoon delight these days, tune in to the 2 - 4 p.m. edition of CNN Newsroom, where Baldwin runs the show." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Remember tells the story of Zev Guttman (Academy Award (R) Winner Christopher Plummer), a 90-year-old struggling with memory loss who is living out his final years in a serene retirement home." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anytime you want to break my heart, you can just have Don call her “birdie.”. ‘Mad Men’ Creator Matthew Weiner on the Season Finale Jace Lacob June 23, 2013. Four years old, and I was on the subway, the old BMT from Brooklyn to Manhattan, just making the matinee of Bye, Bye, birdie." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Isabelle Bridges(daughter), Jessica Lily Bridges(daughter), Haley Roselouise Bridges(daughter) Jeff Bridges was born in the year 1949 on 4th of December which makes him 67 years old at this moment. At this late age, he has earned legendary status for himself and his work has been impressive throughout his career. He was born in Los Angeles which lies in California of United States of America." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Shadowhunters ‘ latest casting announcement is a real mother. Canadian actress Maxim Roy has been tapped to recur as Jocelyn Fray, mom to 18-year-old protagonist Clary (Happyland ‘s Katherine McNamara), ABC Family announced Monday. RELATED Shadowhunters Recruits Reign and Glee Grads to Play Valentine and Magnus." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Trivia. 1 His fan mail address is: Jace Norman. 2 He was born in New Mexico. 3 He is Puerto Rican. He had the most fun filming The Time Jerker so far. Before, that, he had the most fun filming The Bucket 1 Trap. He and co-star Sean Ryan Fox are really good friends, and they were even before Henry Danger." ], [ "", "Jace was born in the year 2000 and celebrates his birthday on the 21st of March. He is not very tall as he has a height of 5 feet 5 inches, which falls around 1.65 meters. His good looks make us believe that he will reap people’s heart in the future." ], [ "", "- Jace Norman Interview: KCA Gifting Suite 2015 (2015) ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Norman Bates Played by Freddie Highmore. A smart, quietly funny, handsome and sometimes shy seventeen-year-old boy with an intensely close bond to his mother. Norman is resistant to starting over in a new town, but begins to change his mind as he spread his wings a little. Freddie Highmore." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Follow Business Insider: AP Images Warren Buffett. It's hard not to trust Warren Buffett. The 84-year-old, grandfatherly business magnate is known for his charity and commitment to helping the middle class – not to mention his 50 years experience making great investments for clients." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River. Along with his older brother and sister, he spent most of his childhood playing outdoors-climbing trees, building forts and taking care of his menagerie of animals-including a miniature pot bellied pig, pygmy ... See full bio »." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Celtics drafted six players on Thursday, so draft-and-stash is definitely an option with the limited space on the roster. Zizic is just 19 years old and just started playing ball when he was 16, so getting overseas seasoning isn't a bad idea. The No. 23 pick not a fantasy target just yet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Jace Norman. Henry Hart, also known as the superhero sidekick Kid Danger, is the main protagonist of Henry Danger. Henry fights crime in his hometown, Swellview, under the alias of Kid Danger. He is an average teen, with two best friends and a secret after school job (as Captain Man's superhero sidekick)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Barry Norman, the famous film critic, died on July 1 at the age of 83. Norman, who was also known for TV presenting and writing, leaves behind his two daughters, Samantha and Emma. In a statement they called him remarkable, adding: He had a great life, a wonderful marriage and an enviable career. Norman hosted BBC One's Film…" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Henry Hart. Jace Norman is an actor. He plays Henry Hart in Henry Danger. Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Based on the bestselling young adult fantasy book series The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, “Shadowhunters” follows 18-year-old Clary Fray, who finds out on her birthday that she is not who she thinks she is but rather comes from a long line of Shadowhunters – human-angel hybrids who hunt down demons." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Normani Kordei Family Parents Photos, Age, Height, Sisters, Boyfriend Normani Kordei Family Parents Photos, Age, Height, Sisters, Boyfriend Normani Kordei is a rising singer present in America who hails from Atlanta Georgia. She has sung many songs as a solo artist but become prominent as being the member of girls musical group Fifth Harmony. She was only four years old, when she started practicing singing and dancing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Jace Norman (I) Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River. Along with his older brother and sister, he spent most of his childhood playing outdoors -climbing trees, building forts and taking care of his menagerie of animals- including a miniature pot bellied pig, pygmy ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "11 year old Frank Iero sighs as he looks out the window of his car. He and his family are taking a vacation to New Jersey. They claimed to have needed a break. Seeing as Frank's mom just got a divorce and a new boyfriend I guess he could see why. They pull into a cheap hotel and Frank sighs. They also lost all of their money." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River. Along with his older brother and sister, he spent most of his childhood playing outdoors -climbing trees, building forts and taking care of his menagerie of animals- including a miniature pot bellied pig, pygmy ..." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Kelp and other types of seaweed are all rich in potassium, and the potassium is readily transferred to the soil of your garden. You can add kelp by either burying a few handfuls of dried kelp meal into the soil or by spraying the soil with a liquid seaweed spray. 5. Use greensand.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a source of potassium for plants']", "Jace Norman was born in Corrales, New Mexico. He lived in an adobe home situated on a couple of acres of land near the Rio Grande River." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "eat what you love love what you eat" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you are ready to change the way you think and feel about food, Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat provides a practical road map to creating healthier attitudes about food that will enable you to live a life free of emotional eating." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I Think....... they eat grass of flowers because when I cabtured a love bug it was attrected to the flower that I put in the jar! they also eat stuff like mesquitos and when they join together they somtimes eat really small insects.**************************************************************************. Actually.ut i must say, there called love bugs, because they love other love bugs company and enjoy reproduction, so if you place enough love bugs together they will surely mate and love the company.i do believe they enjoy sugar water, but i must say, they aren't the smartest, and may drown in there meal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Eat What You Love Cookbook is rated 3.0 out of 5 by 3. Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best WW Cookbook I love this WW cookbook. I consider this to be my favorite. Easy recipes and I love that it has roasted chickpeas and so many great and tasty meals." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Here is the long answer for inquiring minds: Chickens love table scraps and can eat almost anything you eat and are a wonderful addition to a self-reliant, self sufficient lifestyle taking care of table and garden scraps throughout the year.ere is the long answer for inquiring minds: Chickens love table scraps and can eat almost anything you eat and are a wonderful addition to a self-reliant, self sufficient lifestyle taking care of table and garden scraps throughout the year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eating what you love while losing weight. Imagine being on a diet where you are able to eat many of the things that you like while losing weight.Ann-Marie Toomer Gayle was sceptical at first when her doctor introduced her to the ITK Wave Diet System in May 2016." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Love, Laugh, and Eat: And Other Secrets of Longevity from the Healthiest People on Earth Hardcover – August 6, 2013. Each week you'll receive seven new simple, healthy meal plans. Our food experts create easy-to-prepare recipes featuring real food your whole family will love." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here’s a list of what type of food your fish can eat. 1 Koi/ Goldfish: You can feed them greens like peas, cucumbers or lettuce. 2 Tilapia: They love plants, especially protein-rich duckweed. 3 Carps: Eat algae, other water plants, insects, earthworms, aquatic worms, snails, mussels, crayfish, and rotifers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here is the short answer, in addition to chicken food, and scratch: Almost anything. Here is the long answer for inquiring minds: Chickens love table scraps and can eat almost anything you eat and are a wonderful addition to a self-reliant, self sufficient lifestyle taking care of table and garden scraps throughout the year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Oprah Winfrey Favorite Color, Movies, Food and other Things: 1 Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Photography, Spending time with her Dogs. 2 Favorite Color: Green. 3 Favorite Food: Caramel Popcorn and Chicken Pot Pie. Favorite Drinks: 1 Cocktail. Favorite Book: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper 2 Lee. Favorite Bra: Le Mystere Tisha." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What You Can Eat and What You Can't. Eat foods that you enjoy, but try to include these in your diet: Produce. Choose colorful, high-fiber fruits and vegetables more often than starchier potatoes and corn. Eat plenty of beans, too. Grains. Try to make half of the servings that you eat whole grains. Dairy. Low-fat and nonfat options are healthiest." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Deer Love to Eat. What deer love to eat isn't necessarily what they do get to eat all the time. Deer adore fruits and nuts. They love pecans, hickory nuts and beechnuts acorns in addition to acorns. A couple of favorite fruits are apples, blueberries, blackberries and persimmons." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Quotes. 1 You’re a human being, you live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake. 2 Grilled cheese makes me feel beautiful. 3 Confidence is the only key. 4 I certainly am not, like, a saint or an angel by any means." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Luckily for you, Eat This, Not That! is here with some simple foods to add to your diet that'll help boost your lovemaking endurance. Scroll down, learn what they are, and start filling up your plate!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The idea here is to make sure that the complexity of the music should match that of the lyrics and the message. If your love is a simple thing, try and make the music simple as well, using something like an acoustic guitar or just a piano." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 It is a true gem amongst all love songs. 2 Queen, “You’re My Best Friend.” This song is ideal for best friends in love. 3 The song’s lyrics express love for a close and long-time best friend. 4 If that isn’t enough the song is upbeat and fun to listen to. The song is a classic love song, with an upbeat melody. 2 It truly is one of the best song for best friends turned lovers. 3 Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat, “Lucky.” These two collaborated to make one of the best love songs in history." ], [ "Represent this text:", "Love is a combination of respect, friendship, understanding, communication and companionship quote. Find all the best picture quotes, sayings and quotations on. There has never been a more toxic union than when an empath loves a narcissist. If you're an empath and you've fallen in love with a narcissist then be warn." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Eat Foods You Don't Like. Nobody likes every food in the world, and yet, over the course of a lifetime, you may find yourself in that certain social situation where eating something you find disgusting is necessary.Here is how to eat those foods without losing your composure, or worse, gagging.Ad.ou may take a fork or spoon full of something else more palatable, keeping it on your palate, and then follow it with a smaller portion of the offensive food. By insulating your taste buds from too much direct contact with the dish you don't like, you should be able to at least eat a polite portion. 1 3 Edit step." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Birds love to eat love bugs and their larvae. Other animals that eat love bugs include small animals and other insects.ut i must say, there called love bugs, because they love other love bugs company and enjoy reproduction, so if you place enough love bugs together they will surely mate and love the company.i do believe they enjoy sugar water, but i must say, they aren't the smartest, and may drown in there meal." ], [ "Represent text", "The eatwell plate shows that to have a healthy, balanced diet, people should try to eat: 1 plenty of fruit and vegetables. 2 plenty of starchy foods, such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. 3 some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein. 4 some milk and dairy foods.he starchy foods are bread, rice, pasta, cereal, potatoes, peas, corn, fruit, fruit juice, milk, yogurt, cookies, candy, soda, and other sweets. If love non veg you include meat, fish, eggs and beans in your diet." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You’ll eat mostly plant-based foods, including fruits and vegetables, potatoes, whole-grain bread, beans, nuts, and seeds. You can have yogurt, cheese, poultry, and eggs in small portions. You should eat fish and seafood at least twice a week. Good fats get a stamp of approval: Think olives, extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, sunflower seeds, and avocados instead of butter or margarine. You’ll use olive oil a lot while cooking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Best Answer: Cockateils will love oats. They can eat oats for a while, but it it sort of like giving candy to a human child.y tiels love corn, peas and carrots. I also give them a frozen mix that has beans in it. So you could get a can of chick peas, wash them off and serve a small amount to him." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "While you may need to make some changes in what and how much you eat, you have flexibility in deciding what’s on the menu. With a little planning, you can still include your favorite foods. Eating a variety of foods, including vegetables, whole grains, fruits, non-fat dairy foods, healthy fats, and lean meats or meat substitutes. Trying not to eat too much food. Trying not to eat too much of one type of food. Spacing your meals evenly throughout the day. Not skipping meals." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But you also have a classic “type A” personality—stressed and conscientious, craving success and perfection. You're the most artistic of the blood types (and even a bit sensitive). What to Eat: Fill your plate with fruits like berries, figs, plums, apples, avocados, pears and peaches. Choose veggies like broccoli, artichokes, carrots, greens and garlic." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Fish is a low fat and/or good fat source of protein, essential for the healthy growth and maintenance of muscles and body tissues. As well as your brain, your love life could benefit from eating sea food as part of a healthy diet. Shellfish such as oysters have a reputation for acting as an aphrodisiac!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "posted over a year ago. I've got lots of favorite foods. These aren't necessarily my top 10, but they are foods that I really love. Raspberries (even though I'm a bit allergic), sausages, cornish pasties, tiramasu, bacon, very mature cheddar cheese, satsumas, carrots, Kinder chocolate and jellybeans." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Eat Laugh Love. A collection of healthy eating recipes, dedicated to eating with joy, seasoning with laughter, and cooking with love. A Stunningly Delicious Alfredo Sauce – sans Butter, Cream, and Eggs! (Vegan) Never would I imagine saying my new favorite cookbook is vegan – but it’s true." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Eat delicious foods you love and not what you don't based on the LBF food combinations! It's seriously that easy! The LeanBodyFactor Diet is 100% customizable to you and your goals. Using our proprietary eating methods you eat what you prefer and see results. Never depriving yourself and getting that lean body you deserve. >>Discover Olesya's Lean Body Factor<<." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "From the I & Love & You Pet Food website: At “I and love and you” we’re deeply committed to giving pets the best food and the best love. We recognize the incredible bond between a human and a pet is a precious part of everyday life for our customers and we always want to be open and transparent with you about our products." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Eat What You Love Cookbook is rated 3.0 out of 5 by 3. 1 Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best WW Cookbook I love this WW cookbook. I consider this to be my favorite." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A memoir of self-discovery, Eat, Pray, Love is about what can happen when you claim responsibility for your own contentment. It is also about the adventures that can transpire when a woman stops trying to live in imitation of society's ideals." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The eatwell plate shows that to have a healthy, balanced diet, people should try to eat: 1 plenty of fruit and vegetables. 2 plenty of starchy foods, such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. 3 some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein. 4 some milk and dairy foods.arbohydrates are found in starchy or sugary foods. The starchy foods are bread, rice, pasta, cereal, potatoes, peas, corn, fruit, fruit juice, milk, yogurt, cookies, candy, soda, and other sweets. If love non veg you include meat, fish, eggs and beans in your diet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eat Pray Love. A beautiful quote from the book called Eat Pray Love. quotes from eat pray love. 1 Repeat a passage from (a work or author) or statement by (someone). 2 Mention or refer to (someone or something) to provide evidence or authority for a statement, argument, or opinion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sure, love can break your heart. But if you're a male praying mantis, it can literally eat you alive. During mating, the female bites off his head... and then devours his corpse for nourishment.ure, love can break your heart. But if you're a male praying mantis, it can literally eat you alive. During mating, the female bites off his head... and then devours his corpse for nourishment." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chickens: What They Love to Eat. If you haven’t already figured it out, chickens will eat almost anything. They love all kinds of table scraps that you normally put in the compost, or heaven forbid, throw out. You shouldn’t worry too much about giving them something that might be bad for them. This urban myth is kicking around on the Internet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "save as favorite healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health feel good and have energy these nutrients include protein carbohydrates fat water vitamins and minerals nutrition is important for everyone" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A beautiful quote from the book called Eat Pray Love. quotes from eat pray love. 1 Repeat a passage from (a work or author) or statement by (someone). 2 Mention or refer to (someone or something) to provide evidence or authority for a statement, argument, or opinion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There’s a lot more to heart health than just cutting out junk food. Get to know which foods are good for your heart and share the love with friends and family. Love Your Heart. Eating for a healthy heart means keeping weight, blood pressure and cholesterol in check. This means cutting back on certain foods and making sure you’re getting enough of others." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Depending on the grade, pulled muscles can take one to eight weeks to heal. For the first 72 hours, apply ice, use elevation and, in consultation with a doctor, take anti-inflammatory medication. After 72 hours, use hot packs to bring blood into the muscle and provide nourishment, which accelerates healing. Massage or physical therapy can hasten the healing process.']\" Match: \"[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n------\\n\\nE.g. given 'Piaget believed that the earliest schemes are limited to __________ that we have when we are born' it should be close to 'Answer: a Page(s): 149, 150 Type: Factual. Rationale: Schemes are, at first, related to sensorimotor activity, and the earliest schemes are primarily limited to reflexes. In Piagetâ\\x80\\x99s theory, the ___________ stage is the initial major stage of cognitive development, which can be broken down into six substages.ationale: The earliest schemes are reflexes, and these simple reflexes also represent the first substage of the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. In this example, Alex is displaying the sucking reflex. Nicholas was a breast-fed baby. However, when he was 3 weeks old, his mother introduced him to a bottle.' but not to 'The Piaget stages of development is a blueprint that describes the stages of normal intellectual development, from infancy through adulthood. This includes thought, judgment, and knowledge. The stages were named after psychologist and developmental biologist Jean Piaget, who recorded the intellectual development and abilities of infants, children, and teens.'.\", 'how long do pulled muscles take to heal']\"", "From the worldwide bestselling author of Eat Pray Love: the path to the vibrant, fulfilling life you’ve dreamed of. Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Oooh how do you like your love. Oooh how do you like your love. So if you want to know. How I really feel. Get the cameras rolling. Get the action going. Baby you know. My love for you is real. So take me where you want to. Boy my heart you steal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "So, I LOVE LOVE LOVE oysters. Did I mention I LOVE them? I especially love them raw, and I bought (on a whim) a can of raw oysters at the market the other day. I've been eating the smoked ones out of a can for years, but what about the raw ones?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "~ love to cook, love to eat, love food photography... Chicken Piccata {over Angel Hair Pasta}. 27 Monday Oct 2014. Posted in chicken, cooking for two, eat out of the fridge/pantry, Italian, love to cook, pasta, Weight Watchers." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Here is the short answer, in addition to chicken food, and scratch: Almost anything. 2 Here is the long answer for inquiring minds: Chickens love table scraps and can eat almost anything you eat and are a wonderful addition to a self-reliant, self sufficient lifestyle taking care of table and garden scraps throughout the year." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "But get to know the details so that you can make foods you enjoy! Things you can eat include: 3. 1 fresh meat, chicken and fish. 2 eggs. 3 garbanzo beans and lentils. 4 avocado. 5 walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, and coconut. 6 brown rice (no white rice) and rice cakes.7 all vegetables, fresh or frozen, including onions and garlic. 8 fruit that is not bruised (but no melons or grapes).ut get to know the details so that you can make foods you enjoy! Things you can eat include: 3. 1 fresh meat, chicken and fish. 2 eggs. 3 garbanzo beans and lentils. 4 avocado. 5 walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, and coconut. 6 brown rice (no white rice) and rice cakes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Guilty Conscious Will Eat You Alive quotes - 1. Make sure you love what you do or it will eat you alive. Read more quotes and sayings about A Guilty Conscious Will Eat You Alive." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "First, consider who you want to tell I love you. Identify what kind of love you feel. Maybe you want to say I love you in a particular language, or you want to express specific feelings for love that English doesn’t have. Learn the words, think of how you want to deliver them, and practice your pronunciation to impress the person you love." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Life only tastes good when you eat what you kill. When you hustle for what you earn and someone pays you money in proportion to the service you’ve offered, the idea you’ve created, your ability to execute on it, and their ability to consume it in a way that benefits them." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I Think....... they eat grass of flowers because when I cabtured a love bug it was attrected to the flower that I put in the jar! they also eat stuff like mesquitos and when… they join together they somtimes eat really small insects ************************************************************************** Actually." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Proverbs 24:13. I had a love-hate relationship, during my childhood, with our honey-bear. When its honey flowed-freely, smothering oven-hot, butter-slathered, corn-muffins, it was love at first squeeze." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The natural diet of lovebirds consists of seeds, grain, berries, and other fruits. For a healthy, balanced diet, it is necessary to provide a variety of foods for your pet bird. Pellet foods and seed mixes can be fed as a daily base diet.We are currently feeding our birds Kaytee (tm) Rainbow Exact and Kaytee (tm) Forti-Diet.ovebirds are a large bird living in a small body-and they are not afraid to let anyone know it! While it has been a common practice to keep these birds in pairs, in some cases it is better to keep a lovebird alone." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "“I always say, cook what you love,” said Bard, standing before a trove of cinnamon buns, turnovers and yeasted doughnuts (chocolate marshmallow and raspberry filled are the first to sell out), which she bakes daily in her week-old cafe. “This is me playing.”" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "eat (one's) words. Fig. to have to take back one's statements; to confess that one's predictions were wrong. You shouldn't say that to me. I'll make you eat your words.John was wrong about the election and had to eat his words. eat your heart out. 2 eat your heart out! 3 Eat your own dog food. 4 Eat your own dog food. 5 Eat your own dog food. 6 Eat your own dogfood. 7 eat your shirt. 8 Eat Your Vegetables. 9 eat your Wheaties." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Love is Pizza. No matter the shape, size, or time; the right ingredients, intentions, and companions make it’s taste perfection. For a crunchy thin crust taste bake @450 degrees for 20 minutes we have fresh mozzarella topped with sliced tomatoes crushed garlic cloves and oregano over chunky pizza sauce." ], [ "", "Sonny, true love is the greatest thing, in the world - except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.... mmm... they're so perky, I love that." ], [ "", "Foods that Cause Cancer. There is a list of foods that cause cancer as there is one on foods that can prevent it. Always remember that what you eat is what you become.It can either make you healthy or sick. Often, what you love most to eat are major factors for chronic inflammation.oods that Cause Cancer. There is a list of foods that cause cancer as there is one on foods that can prevent it. Always remember that what you eat is what you become." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "1 You can find out what is in season at the Love British Food website's page on seasons. 2 Fruit and vegetables are often cheaper at your local street or farmers' market. 3 You can find your nearest one in this directory of farmers' markets. 4 Replace your morning or afternoon snack with a piece of fruit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Sit down and find out what you want to do, what you like. Meaning school, hobbies, sports, etc. Do that for a while and stop looking for your significant other. Its possible that love may find you when you least expect it." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You see, I LOVE LOVE LOVE fresh coconut with a passion, but I used to never eat it because cracking open that hard shell to get to the precious meat was a task that I deemed quite darn close to impossible to accomplish." ], [ "", "1-16 of 406 results for eat love laugh. 1 Eat well laugh often love much vinyl lettering wall decal sticker (6H x 57L, Black) by Wall Sayings Vinyl Lettering. 2 Eat Well Laugh Often Love Much Quote Vinyl Wall Decal Sticker. 3 Eat Well Laugh Often Love Much Quote Vinyl Wall Art Decal Sticker, Removable Home Decor, Red, 23in x 2.5in." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "love steak though and will just as well eat americanized chinese food or real chinese food (have friends from China so i get the real stuff from them) or sushi or curry what ever i want at the time. america is diverse and depending where you live depends on the types of food you eat .. Grits are good ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We eat the fruit of squash, cucumberand tomato plants. When we eat corn or peas we are eating seeds, and whenwe eat radish or carrot, we are eating roots. Cauliflower and broccoli plantsproduce flowers we like to eat.With some plants we eat more than one part.The root of the beet plant is what mostpeople like to eat, but the leaves are also good to eat.We can eat beet leaves in saladswhen the leaves are young and tender.auliflower and broccoli plantsproduce flowers we like to eat.With some plants we eat more than one part. The root of the beet plant is what mostpeople like to eat, but the leaves are also good to eat. We can eat beet leaves in saladswhen the leaves are young and tender." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "During the warmer months they eat nuts, corn and acorns -- and a lot more green matter. What deer love to eat isn't necessarily what they do get to eat all the time. Deer adore fruits and nuts. They love pecans, hickory nuts and beechnuts acorns in addition to acorns." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g.:\n['represent this', 'John Milton Biography. John Milton was a famous English poet who wrote the epic poem â\\x80\\x9cParadise Lostâ\\x80\\x9d and its sequel â\\x80\\x9cParadise Regainedâ\\x80\\x9d. Read more about the life and works of this prolific poet in the following article.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who wrote the poem paradise lost']", "If you're trying to lose those love handles, you've probably been avoiding cheesecake and fries. Although this is definitely a good start, there are many other foods out there that may seem safe when, in fact, they are actually very high in calories or fat. Don't be fooled; the following 12 foods are actually not as good for you as you may have thought." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Your lovebird can share many of the foods you eat-just try to keep their consumption of fried, greasy, sugary, and salty foods to a minimum. However, NEVER offer your bird alcohol, chocolate, or caffeinated beverages.These substances can kill your bird, even if given in very small amounts.ovebirds are a large bird living in a small body-and they are not afraid to let anyone know it! While it has been a common practice to keep these birds in pairs, in some cases it is better to keep a lovebird alone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rune Erlandsen. I love food. I do also love unhealthy food, unfortunately, and in an attempt to help myself and others with trying to eat healthier, I made this list to make people aware that what you might think of as healthy, might just be quite the opposite.But remember – if eating a kind of food makes you feel good, then do so! love food. I do also love unhealthy food, unfortunately, and in an attempt to help myself and others with trying to eat healthier, I made this list to make people aware that what you might think of as healthy, might just be quite the opposite. But remember – if eating a kind of food makes you feel good, then do so!" ], [ "Represent the next text", "Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense,and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love. If you find it, don't let it go. One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "definition of guffawed" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A guffaw is defined as a hearty and enthusiastic burst of laughter. A loud enthusiastic laugh is an example of a guffaw. verb. The definition of guffaw is to laugh in a loud and enthusiastic way. When you laugh out loud boisterously, this is an example of a guffaw. a loud, coarse burst of laughter." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "an explosive sound that is a sign of amusement a snicker of derision when we heard their offer on the house Synonyms belly laugh, boff (or boffo), boffola, cachinnation, cackle, chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hee-haw, horselaugh, laughter, laugh, snigger, titter, twitterRelated Words crow, whoop; grin, simper, smile, smirkNear Antonyms cry, groan ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 snivel, sniveling(noun) whining in a tearful manner. 2 snuffle, sniffle, snivel(verb) the act of breathing heavily through the nose (as when the nose is congested) 3 snivel, whine(verb) talk in a tearful manner. snuffle, snivel(verb) snuff up mucus through the nose." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A woodcut representing Gluttony. Gluttony (Latin: gula), derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items. In Christianity, it is considered a sin if the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Noun [edit]. guqin ‎(plural guqin or guqins). ( 1 music) A plucked zither-like stringed instrument (chordophone), traditionally featuring seven unfretted strings, originating in ancient China. 2 1982: The Times, 25 May 1982, p.10 col." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Art Carney, Academy Award-winning comic actor who first gained fame as guffawing, slightly off-center sewer worker Ed Norton in early 1950's television series The Honeymooners, dies at age 85; photo (M)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Top definition. gurning. The muscle tension in the face that usually ends up with the jaw and tongue rolling and teeth grinding as a result of amphetamines. Argh, I'm gurning!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Etymology: Gk, rhonchos, snore. an abnormal sound heard on auscultation of an airway obstructed by thick secretions, muscular spasm, neoplasm, or external pressure. The continuous rumbling sound is more pronounced during expiration and characteristically clears on coughing, whereas gurgles do not. Wheeze." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "efface. 1 to wipe out; do away with; expunge: to efface one's unhappy memories. 2 to rub out, erase, or obliterate (outlines, traces, inscriptions, etc.). 3 to make (oneself) inconspicuous; withdraw (oneself) modestly or shyly." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cramming (education) A young boy does some last minute cramming while walking to school with his sister. In education, cramming (also known as mugging or swotting, from swot, akin to sweat, meaning to study with determination) is the practice of working intensively to absorb large volumes of informational material in short amounts of time." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of gurdy. plural. -es. : a revolving drum or large spool used in hauling nets and lines aboard commercial fishing boats." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "swag·ger. intr.v. swag·gered, swag·ger·ing, swag·gers. 1. To walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air. 2. To brag; boast. n. A swaggering manner of moving or behaving. [Probably frequentative of swag .]. swag′ger·er n. swag′ger·ing·ly adv." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "• EFFACEMENT (noun). The noun EFFACEMENT has 2 senses: 1. shortening of the uterine cervix and thinning of its walls as it is dilated during labor. 2. withdrawing into the background; making yourself inconspicuous. Familiarity information: EFFACEMENT used as a noun is rare." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tom Swanson (ne Svenson) let loose a guffaw when Adiel began drunkenly singing the opening score from Les Mes due to its sheer novelty; the laugh itself was deep and rich and also a tad homoerotic, but in a genial and manly way. #guffaw #(lol) #(chukle) #(snicker) #(haha) #(funny)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "verb (used with object), waived, waiving. 1. to refrain from claiming or insisting on; give up; forgo: to waive one's right; to waive one's rank; to waive honors. 2. Law. to relinquish (a known right, interest, etc.) intentionally." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "gnawed, gnawed or Raregnawn, gnaw′ing. 1 to cut, bite, and wear away bit by bit with the teeth. 2 to make by gnawing: to gnaw a hole. 3 to consume; wear away; corrode. 4 to torment, as by constant pain, fear, etc.; harass." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(n) a racial slur for an Italian or person of Italian heritage. It is often said that this term comes from With Out Papers or Working On Pavement, but it actually comes from the Italian word guappo, meaning a swaggerer, pimp, or ruffian." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\nFor example, ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Blue Moon's first crossover recording to rock and roll came from Elvis Presley in 1956. His cover version of the song was included on his self-titled debut album Elvis Presley, issued on RCA Records.Presley's remake of Blue Moon was the B-side to the single Just Because. It was produced by Sam Phillips.or the song by Steve Holy, see Blue Moon (Steve Holy song) . Blue Moon is a classic popular song written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart in 1934, and has become a standard ballad. The song was a hit twice in 1949 with successful recordings by Billy Eckstine and Mel Torme. tormé\"] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what kind of song is elvis presley's blue moon\"]", "Definition in Russian| Definition in French| Definition in Japanese| Definition in Vietnamese| Definition in Greek| Definition in Polish| Definition in Turkish| Definition in Portuguese| Definition in Hindi| Definition in Swedish| Definition in Arabic| Definition in Chinese| Definition in Dutch| Definition in Hebrew| Definition in German| Definition in Korean| Definition in Italian| Definition in Spanish| Definition in Thai|" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Effacement definition, to wipe out; do away with; expunge: to efface one's unhappy memories. See more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A gulet (Turkish pronunciation: [ɡuˈlet]) is a traditional design of a two-masted or three-masted wooden sailing vessel (the most common design has two masts) from the southwestern coast of Turkey, particularly built in the coastal towns of Bodrum and Marmaris; although similar vessels can be found all around the eastern Mediterranean." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 philistine, anti-intellectual, lowbrow(adj) a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits. 2 lowbrow, lowbrowed, uncultivated(adj) characteristic of a person who is not cultivated or does not have intellectual tastes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1. laugh, roar of laughter, bellow of laughter He burst into a loud guffaw. verb. 1. laugh, roar with laughter, bellow with laughter He stood guffawing at his boss's jokes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: guppy (Noun). A tiny freshwater fish, Poecilia reticulata, popular in home aquariums, that usually has a plain body and black or dark blue tail for the females and a more colorful tail for the males. Fred kept a tank of guppies by the windowsill." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Salt Lake City, Utah (UT) Zip Code Map - Locations, Demographics. Zip codes: 84044, 84101, 84102, 84103, 84104, 84105, 84106, 84108, 84109, 84111, 84112, 84113, 84115, 84116, 84119, 84120, 84128, 84144, 84180. Land area: 47.7 sq. mi. Water area: 28.3 sq. mi.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is a salt lake zip code']", "The words gullible and credulous are commonly used as synonyms. Goepp & Kay (1984) state that while both words mean unduly trusting or confiding, gullibility stresses being duped or made a fool of, suggesting a lack of intelligence, whereas credulity stresses uncritically forming beliefs, suggesting a lack of skepticism." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "noun. 1. laugh, roar of laughter, bellow of laughter He burst into a loud guffaw. verb. 1. laugh, roar with laughter, bellow with laughter He stood guffawing at his boss's jokes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "grum·ble. v. grum·bled, grum·bling, grum·bles. v. intr. 1. To complain in a surly manner; mutter discontentedly: The governed will always find something to grumble about (Crane Brinton)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Luffa. Luffa is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines classified in the cucumber family. In everyday non-technical usage the name, also spelled loofah, usually refers to the fruit of the two species Luffa aegyptiaca and Luffa acutangula. The fruit of these species is cultivated and eaten as a vegetable." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Synonyms and Antonyms of GUFFAW. Synonyms belly laugh, boff (or boffo), boffola, cachinnation, cackle, chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hee-haw, horselaugh, laughter, snicker, snigger, titter, twitter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "adj vanquished. beaten — Beaten earth has been pressed down, often by people's feet, until it is hard. broken — Broken is the past participle of break. chapfallen — dejected; downhearted; crestfallen ; disappointed — depressed or discouraged by the failure of one's hopes or expectations: a disappointed suitor." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "be·mus′ed·ly (-myo͞o′zĭd-lē) adv. be·muse′ment n. Usage Note: The word bemused is sometimes used to mean amused, especially when finding something wryly funny, as in The stream of jokes from the comedian left the audience bemused, with some breaking out into guffaws. Most of the Usage Panel does not like this usage, with 78 percent rejecting this sentence in our 2005 survey." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Luffa is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines classified in the cucumber family. In everyday non-technical usage the name, also spelled loofah, usually refers to the fruit of the two species Luffa aegyptiaca and Luffa acutangula." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Mayo Clinic Staff. Whether you're guffawing at a sitcom on TV or quietly giggling at a newspaper cartoon, laughing does you good. Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that's no joke." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Infatuation or being smitten is the state of being carried away by an unreasoned passion." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "It's aye gude to be ceevil, quo' the auld wife when she beckit to the deevil. The Proverbs of Scotland Alexander Hislop. The souter gae the sow a kiss; grumph, quo' she, it's for a birse.. The Proverbs of Scotland Alexander Hislop. It's gude to be merry and wise, quo' the miller when he mouter'd twice." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "noun. 1. strut, roll, parading, prancing He walked with something of a swagger. 2. ostentation, show, display, showing off (informal), bluster, swashbuckling, swank (informal), braggadocio, gasconade (rare) What he needed was confidence and a bit of swagger." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Heffa is a word usually referring to a fat cow. I can't believe your own mother would say that to you! Please sit down with your mother and try to explain to her that it hurts your feelings. Although she sounds like a mean person, and some mean people just can't be changed." ], [ "", "(nɔː) vb, gnaws, gnawing, gnawed, gnawed or gnawn (nɔːn) 1. (when: intr, often foll by at or upon) to bite (at) or chew (upon) constantly so as to wear away little by little. 2. (tr) to form by gnawing: to gnaw a hole. 3. to cause erosion of (something)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dilated and effaced – What they mean in Labor. Dilation and effacement refer to the condition of the cervix during pregnancy and labor. Dilation refers to the opening of the cervix, while effacement refers to the ripening (thinning and softening) of the cervix. Dilation is measured in centimeters, from 0 to 10. Your cervix is fully open and you should be able to push when it is dilated to 10 centimeters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Goepp & Kay (1984) state that while both words mean unduly trusting or confiding, gullibility stresses being duped or made a fool of, suggesting a lack of intelligence, whereas credulity stresses uncritically forming beliefs, suggesting a lack of skepticism." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Guanciale is a whole pork jowl, that has been rubbed with salt herbs and spices, and air dried. The jowl is the cheek and some neck of a pig. It is quite frankly one of the fattiest cuts of meat I have ever seen. Whilst pork belly (bacon) might have a 50/50 fat to meat percentage, jowl is around 70/30 fat to meat. This really varies on the breed of pig too. Mangalista pigs might even be pushing a 80/20 ratio." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Example Sentences for guffawed. First a puzzled look came into his eyes—then he guffawed aloud. Chloe, bending nearly double, guffawed loudly at her own joke. A guffawed chorus of derision rudely smote his burning ears." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Misleading talk of separation of church and state obscures the true meaning of the First Amendment. When Delaware U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell interjected this question in last week’s debate with her opponent Chris Coons, the audience—a law school audience—laughed and guffawed in derision." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus lopsided askew, asymmetrical, awry, cockeyed, crooked, disproportionate, off balance, one-sided, out of shape, out of true, skewwhiff (Brit. informal) squint, tilting, unbalanced, unequal, uneven, warped" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The guayabera (/ɡwaɪ.əˈbɛrə/) is a men's shirt typically distinguished by two vertical rows of closely sewn pleats that run the length of the front and back of the shirt. The shirt is typically worn untucked." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "words are moving and changing they have influence and substance words as i like them create powerful flavor combinations in a recipe or hopefully powerful guffaws from a stand up joke" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "effacement. [ 1 ifās′mənt] 2 the shortening of the vaginal portion of the cervix and thinning of its walls as it is stretched and dilated by the fetus during labor. When the cervix is fully effaced, the constrictive neck of the uterus is obliterated; the cervix is then continuous with the lower uterine segment. The extent of effacement, determined by vaginal examination, is expressed as a percentage of full effacement. See also birth, cervix, dilation, station." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "-·gies. 1 a formal spoken or written defense of some idea, religion, philosophy, etc. 2 an acknowledgment of some fault, injury, insult, etc., with an expression of regret and a plea for pardon. 3 an inferior substitute; makeshift: usually used with a pejorative adjective: he is a poor apology for an actor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "guffaw - definition and synonyms. Close. 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. Close. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "displeased and discontented; sulky; peevish: Her disgruntled husband refused to join us." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a racial slur for an Italian or person of Italian heritage. It is often said that this term comes from With Out Papers or Working On Pavement, but it actually comes from the Italian word guappo, meaning a swaggerer, pimp, or ruffian." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Whether you're guffawing at a sitcom on TV or quietly giggling at a newspaper cartoon, laughing does you good. Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that's no joke. Stress relief from laughter" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "gullible - easily tricked because of being too trusting; gullible tourists taken in by the shell game. unwary - not alert to danger or deception; the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise; some thieves prey especially on unwary travelers; seduce the unwary reader into easy acquiescence- O.J.Campbell." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hoffa: The influence of the adipose tissue with regard to the pathology of the knee joint. JAMA, 42 (1904) • described an isolated impingement of the infrapatellar fat pad as an inflam-matory hypertrophy of the articular adipose tissue and considered it relevant in causing knee pain and/or impairment of knee function." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(plural effacements). 1 The act of expunging, of wiping out; expungement. 2 Withdrawal in order to make oneself inconspicuous; the making of oneself inconspicuous. ( 3 medicine) A shortening, or thinning, of the cervix before or during early labour." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Definition of guano. : a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats; broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of guano for English Language Learners. : waste material from birds and bats that is used to help plants grow." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "verb (used with object), effaced, effacing. 1. to wipe out; do away with; expunge: to efface one's unhappy memories. 2. to rub out, erase, or obliterate (outlines, traces, inscriptions, etc.). 3. to make (oneself) inconspicuous; withdraw (oneself) modestly or shyly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(mô) n. 1. The mouth, stomach, jaws, or gullet of a voracious animal, especially a carnivore. 2. The opening into something felt to be insatiable: I saw the opening maw of hell (Herman Melville)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Definition of art. 2 Definition of art. 3 Definition of computer science. 4 Definition of computer science. 5 Definition of computer science." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "the mouth, throat, or gullet of an animal, especially a carnivorous mammal. 2. the crop or craw of a fowl. 3. the stomach, especially that of an animal. 4. a cavernous opening that resembles the open jaws of an animal: the gaping maw of hell. 5. the symbolic or theoretical center of a voracious hunger or appetite of any kind: the ravenous maw of Death." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To let out a chuckle or giggle is to laugh: people laugh when something is funny. To chortle, cackle, guffaw, or titter is to laugh. The job of a comedian is to make people laugh. Often people laugh at things that aren't supposed to be funny, and people also laugh to be polite. If something is silly, you can say That's a laugh!." ], [ "Represent the following document", "verb (used with object), gnawed, gnawed or gnawn, gnawing. 1. to bite or chew on, especially persistently. 2. to wear away or remove by persistent biting or nibbling. 3. to form or make by so doing: to gnaw a hole through the wall." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', \"How Does Immunotherapy Work? One immediate goal of research in cancer immunology is the development of methods to harness and enhance the body's natural tendency to defend it against malignant tumors. Immunotherapy represents a new and powerful weapon in the arsenal of anticancer treatments. Studies indicate that immunotherapy may work in the following ways: 1 Strengthens the immune system. Produces anti-cancer activity.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'does immunotherapy work']\"", "1 Definition of computer science. 2 Definition of Hosting Experts. 3 Definition of Insanity. 4 Definition of Insanity. 5 Definition of Insanity. 6 Definition of Insanity. 7 Definition of life. 8 Definition of life. 9 Definition of life. 10 Definition of life." ], [ "", "adjective trusting, innocent, naive, unsuspecting, green, simple, silly, foolish, unsophisticated, credulous, born yesterday, wet behind the ears (informal), easily taken in, unsceptical, as green as grass I'm so gullible I believed him." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A heffa is a woman who knows better than to do something, but does it anyway. Heffa is a record label affiliated with Irish singer-songwriter Damien Rice. Heffa is slang for a woman who knows better than to do something, but does it anyway." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "where is northwest florida intl airport located" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (IATA: ECP[3], ICAO: KECP, FAA LID: ECP) is a public airport 18 miles northwest of Panama City,[2] in Bay County.[2] The airport is owned by the Panama City-Bay County Airport & Industrial District.[2] and is north of Panama City Beach, Florida, near West Bay." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tampa International Airport. Tampa International Airport is located approximately 5,4 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of Egypt Lake-Leto and about 5,8 kilometers (3,6 miles) southeast of Town 'n' Country. Tampa International Airport IATA code is TPA." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Located in Fort Myers, the airport is perfectly positioned to serve the greater Southwest Florida area, including Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel, Captiva, Greater Naples, Marco Island and the Everglades, Charlotte Harbor and the Gulf Islands as well as other points along Florida's Gulf Coast." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Pensacola International Airport. Pensacola International Airport (IATA: PNS, ICAO: KPNS, FAA LID: PNS), formerly Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport, is a public use airport three nautical miles (6 km) northeast of the central business district of Pensacola, in Escambia County, Florida, United States. It is owned by the City of Pensacola." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For other uses, see FLL (disambiguation). Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport (IATA: FLL, ICAO: KFLL, FAA LID: FLL) is in unincorporated Broward County, Florida, United States, bounded by Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Dania Beach, three miles (5 km) southwest of downtown Fort Lauderdale and 21 miles (34 km) north of Miami." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jacksonville International Airport (IATA: JAX, ICAO: KJAX, FAA LID: JAX) is a public airport located 12 miles (18 km) north of the downtown of Jacksonville in Duval County, Florida, United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Additional Travel Information. The Budget Car Rental at Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP) is the preferred choice of travelers visiting Florida’s Gulf Coast." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "St Petersburg Clearwater International Airport is located approximately 7,6 kilometers (4,7 miles) north of Pinellas Park and about 9,0 kilometers (5,6 miles) south of Safety Harbor. St Petersburg Clearwater International Airport IATA code is PIE. Tampa International Airport is located approximately 5,4 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of Egypt Lake-Leto and about 5,8 kilometers (3,6 miles) southeast of Town 'n' Country. Tampa International Airport IATA code is TPA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Flagstaff Pulliam Airport (IATA: FLG, ICAO: KFLG, FAA LID: FLG) is five miles south of Flagstaff, in Coconino County, Arizona. The airport is serviced by one airline, American Eagle, and is also used for general aviation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sanford, Florida 32773 SFB Palm Beach International Airport 1000 Turnage Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33406 PBI Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport 2430 Airport Blvd., Pensacola Florida 32504 PNS Sarasota Bradenton Intl. Airport 6000 Airport Circle, Sarasota Florida 34243 SRQ St. Petersburg-Clearwater Intl." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Florida Airports Code Boca Raton Airport 3700 Airport Road #304, Boca Raton Florida 33431 BCT Daytona Beach Intl." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lodging/Accommodations close by Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP) Hampton Inn & Suites Panama City Beach Pier Park : 13505 Panama City Beach Pkwy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Transportation and Parking at ECP. When you have a flight from Northwest Florida Beaches Intl. (ECP), take advantage of the various transportation options available. If you’ve bribed your friend to drive you the airport, use the convenient curbside drop-off or the short-term parking at ECP." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tampa International Airport is located just five miles west of downtown Tampa on the east shore of Tampa Bay. Click for directions. From St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Gulf Beaches and the West. Take Interstate 275 North to exit 39B and follow the signs to the airport entrance." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (IATA: FLL, ICAO: KFLL, FAA LID: FLL) is a public airport located in Dania Beach, three miles (5 km) southwest of the central business district of Fort Lauderdale, a city in Broward County, Florida, United States. It is also located near the cities of Hollywood and 21 miles (33.7 km) north of Miami." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Q: Where is the closest airport? A: Roberts Field (RDM) is located in Redmond, which is 15 miles/25km north of Bend. It is serviced by American Airlines, Horizon (Alaska Airlines), United Express (United Airlines), and Skywest (Delta Airlines). There are direct flights from Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The closest airport is Flagstaff Pulliam Airport (FLG). Distance from Flagstaff Pulliam Airport to Sedona is 31,0 kilometers (19,3 miles). Flagstaff Pulliam Airport is located approximately 6,9 kilometers (4,3 miles) south of Flagstaff and about 85,5 kilometers (53,1 miles) northeast of Prescott Valley. Flagstaff Pulliam Airport IATA code is FLG." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lee County Airport forms part of the Southwest Florida International Airports. Since its establishment in 1987 more than 5 million passengers are served annually. Located on Florida's Gulf coast, Lee County Airport is the 60th busiest airport in the nation. This Airport serves the residents of Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades counties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ft. Walton Beach Airport-Okaloosa Regional Airport (VPS). 1701 State Road 85 North. Eglin AFB, FL 32542. Phone: (850) 651-7160. Okaloosa Regional Airport (IATA: VPS, ICAO: KVPS, FAA LID: VPS) is an airport on the edge on an Air Force Base located near Fort Walton Beach, in Okaloosa County, Florida." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pensacola International Airport (PNS) Location of Pensacola International Airport on a map. Pensacola International Airport is a regional airport in Pensacola, Florida, United States. Its IATA code is PNS and is located latitude 30.47 and longitude -87.19 in United States and operates in CDT time zone which is the same time zone as Jacksonville." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Key West International Airport (IATA: EYW, ICAO: KEYW, FAA LID: EYW) is an international airport located in Monroe County, Florida, two miles east of Key West. Flights departing from EYW often have weight restrictions because the airport's runway is only 4,801 feet (1,463 metres) long." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Closest Airport to Tyndall Air Force Base, FL. The closest airport to Tyndall Air Force Base is Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP). Distance from Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport to Tyndall Air Force Base, FL is 33,9 kilometers (21,1 miles). Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sanford Airport is located in Seminole County and is about 45 minutes north of Orlando. Sanford International Airport Shuttle Transportation to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios Orlando and SeaWorld Kissimmee Maingate Hotels." ], [ "", "Atlantic City Flights. When you’ve got your heart set on a vacation at the seaside, book a flight to Atlantic City Intl. Airport (ACY). This New Jersey airport is located roughly 12 miles northwest of the Atlantic City Boardwalk." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Facebookâ\\x80\\x99s Terms of Service require that children be at least 13 years of age to join the site. Half of parents (50 percent) in our study report that their child is on Facebook, even in cases where children do not meet the legal age requirement for use of the site.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'age requirement for facebook page']\"", "Panama City Airport Parking & Transportation Information. When you have a flight from Northwest Florida Beaches Intl. (ECP), take advantage of the various transportation options available. If you’ve bribed your friend to drive you the airport, use the convenient curbside drop-off or the short-term parking at ECP." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "PANAMA CITY BEACH-- Southwest Airlines is once again scaling back service to Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport. When Northwest Florida Beaches International landed Southwest Airlines in May of 2010, locals envisioned cheap flights to destinations all over the U.S. In exchange for an incentive package, Southwest guaranteed eight daily flights, two each to Orlando, Baltimore, Nashville and Houston, for the first three years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The nearest major airport is Palm Beach International Airport (PBI / KPBI). This airport has international and domestic flights from West Palm Beach, Florida and is 17 miles from the center of Gulf Stream, FL." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Southwest Florida RSW Airport Overview. Southwest Florida International Airport RSW serves five counties in southwest Florida's and its communities of Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Sanibel Island, Captiva Island, Charlotte Harbor, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, the Everglades & Naples. It is operated by the Lee County Port Authority." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Atlantic City Airports. When you’ve got your heart set on a vacation at the seaside, book a flight to Atlantic City Intl. Airport (ACY). This New Jersey airport is located roughly 12 miles northwest of the Atlantic City Boardwalk." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Today, the Southeast region has established several international airport hubs located in Washington, D.C.; Richmond, VA; Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; and Miami, FL and a multitude of interstate highways that lead to other regions of the United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Source: Federal Aviation Administration. Palm Beach County Park Airport (IATA: LNA, ICAO: KLNA, FAA LID: LNA) is a county owned, public use airport in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States. It is located six nautical miles (7 mi, 11 km) south of the central business district of West Palm Beach, Florida. This airport is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a reliever airport. It is also commonly referred to as the Lantana Airport." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Additional Location Information. Select from a wide variety of vehicles at Budget Southwest Florida Intl Airport, check out the latest Southwest Florida Intl Airport Car Rental Deals, and be confident that you are getting the best rental rates in Florida! Book a Car Rental at Southwest Florida Intl Airport in 60 seconds! Fort Myers Rental Car Deals. Drive smart." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "MacDill Air Force Base, the 6th Air Mobility Wing, is located in Tampa, Florida. MacDill Air Force Base sits on 5,000 acres and is on the eastern coast of Florida. The ... NAS Key West is approximately 3-4 miles to the central business district in Key West, and the land is mostly salt marsh." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Flagstaff Pulliam Airport. Flagstaff Pulliam Airport is located approximately 6,9 kilometers (4,3 miles) south of Flagstaff and about 85,5 kilometers (53,1 miles) northeast of Prescott Valley. Flagstaff Pulliam Airport IATA code is FLG." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The closest international airport is The Southwest Florida International Airport. It is located just over 30 miles from Naples at the exit 128 of I75, and it is served by 14 U.S. airlines to provide service throughout the United States, on top of Air Canada and Air Berlin that provide international service to Canada and Germany." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Source(s): 30 years in sports medicine and clinical nutrition. The biceps brachii is a antagonist of the triceps brachii. If the triceps brachii will contract, the biceps brachii will stretch and vice versa. Pushups. I do about 500 per day (200 AM, 300 PM) and my arms aren't huge, but they're toned pretty well, I guess.\"]>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what muscle works in a pair with the biceps brachii?']>>", "Fly. Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) , the region's largest airport, is just 40 minutes to the north in Fort Myers via I-75. Most major domestic airlines serve the airport, along with Air Berlin direct from Germany. The airport has a newly expanded terminal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Southwest Florida International Airport. Southwest Florida International Airport (IATA: RSW, ICAO: KRSW, FAA LID: RSW) is a county-owned airport in the South Fort Myers region of unincorporated Lee County, Florida." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Washington Dulles International Airport (IATA: IAD, ICAO: KIAD) is a public airport located 25 miles (40 km) west of the central business district of Washington, D.C., in Dulles, Virginia.It serves the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. In 2011 Dulles saw 23.2 million passengers through the airport.he airport occupies approximately 11,000 acres (17.19 mi²/ 44.5 km²) of land 26 miles (41.8 km) west of downtown Washington, straddling the border of Fairfax County and Loudoun County, Virginia. It is located partly in Chantilly and partly in Dulles, west of Herndon and southwest of Sterling." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Orlando Sanford International Airport is a key passageway for Florida residents and tourists to the northeastern United States. The airport’s code is SFB and serves the northeast Florida region." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'War of the Worlds is a 2005 American science fiction disaster film directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Josh Friedman and David Koepp, loosely based on the novel of the same title by H. G. Wells. It stars Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Justin Chatwin, Miranda Otto and Tim Robbins, with narration by Morgan Freeman.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who starred in war of the worlds']\"", "Alert Airport. (Redirected from Northernmost airport) Alert Airport (IATA: YLT, ICAO: CYLT) is located at Alert, Nunavut, Canada, approximately 830 km (520 mi) south of the true North Pole. It is operated by the Canadian Department of National Defence and is part of Canadian Forces Station Alert. A weather station was established on the site in 1950, and in 1957 construction began on the military facilities which are still in use to this day. It is the northernmost airport in the world." ], [ "Represent this text", "Southwest Florida International Airport RSW is an airport serving Southwest Florida. It is situated approximately 7 miles to the southeast of Cape Coral, Florida. RSW Airport moves about 7.5 million travelers annually. Southwest Florida Airport opened in 1983 after decades of increased need of another airport in the region." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Been to Fort Lauderdale Airport? Give it a review. Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood Airport (IATA: FLL, ICAO: KFLL, FAA LID: FLL) is in unincorporated Broward County, Florida, United States, located in Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Dania Beach, three miles (5 km) southwest of downtown Fort Lauderdale and 21 miles (34 km) north of Miami." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "MacDill AFB. MacDill Air Force Base, the 6th Air Mobility Wing, is located in Tampa, Florida. MacDill Air Force Base sits on 5,000 acres and is on the eastern coast of Florida. The ... NAS Key West is approximately 3-4 miles to the central business district in Key West, and the land is mostly salt marsh." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is located in Orange County, Florida, around 9 miles southeast from downtown Orlando. The airport is served by a range of major airlines, including both domestic and international airlines, as well as some budget airlines." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport is located approximately 2,4 kilometers (1,5 miles) north of Dania Beach and about 5,6 kilometers (3,5 miles) south of Fort Lauderdale. Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport IATA code is FLL. Palm Beach International Airport is located approximately 5,3 kilometers (3,3 miles) north of Palm Springs and about 5,5 kilometers (3,4 miles) southwest of West Palm Beach. Palm Beach International Airport IATA code is PBI." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Transportation And Parking at ECP. When you have a flight from Northwest Florida Beaches Intl. (ECP), take advantage of the various transportation options available. If you’ve bribed your friend to drive you the airport, use the convenient curbside drop-off or the short-term parking at ECP." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) is only a 30 mile drive, located east of Fort Myers. For travel within the area, the city is served by a County-Wide transportation system, Collier Area Transport (CAT) as well as a number of taxi and car service companies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Located in Fort Myers Florida, the airport serves the greater Southwest Florida area including Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel, Captiva, Greater Naples, Marco Island and the Everglades, Charlotte Harbor, and the Gulf Islands. AirportParkingConnection.com offers valet parking near Southwest Florida International Airport." ], [ "represent the natural language", "Best prices on economy, luxury and family car rental at Northwest Florida Regional Airport." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Many one way flights to Fort Walton Beach arrive at Northwest Florida Regional Airport (VPS). 2 On June 15, 1953, the word Beach was officially added to the community's name. 3 Public transportation throughout the area is provided by Okaloosa County Transit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Orlando International Airport is a major public airport located six miles southeast of Orlando, Florida, United States. In 2016, MCO handled 41,923,399 passengers making it the second-busiest airport in the state of Florida and the forty-first busiest airport in the world. The airport serves as a hub for Silver Airways, as well as a focus city for Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, and Spirit Airlines. Southwest Airlines is the airport's largest carrier by p" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pensacola Airport. The Pensacola Airport is conveniently located just a few miles off Interstate 10. It is served by Delta, Continental, AirTran, Northwest, American and US Airways with direct service to Atlanta, Dallas, Memphis, Charlotte, Orlando, Tampa and Houston." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dubuque Regional Airport. Dubuque Regional Airport is located approximately 11,6 kilometers (7,2 miles) south of Dubuque and about 75,5 kilometers (46,9 miles) northwest of Clinton. Dubuque Regional Airport IATA code is DBQ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Home > North America > USA > Florida > Tampa International Airport (TPA) Tampa International Airport, a major public airport, is located in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, United States. This airport’s central terminal has a unique landside/airside design which is connected by people movers to satellite gates. Tampa International Airport currently serves as a main hub for Gulfstream International Airlines under the United Express brand." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Home > North America > USA > Florida > Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) Southwest Florida International Airport: Southwest Florida International Airport is a public owned one and is located in South Fort Myers area of Lee County, Florida, United States. The airport terminal is designed to serve close to 10 million passengers on annual basis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Southwest Florida International Airport RSW is an airport serving Southwest Florida. It is situated approximately 7 miles to the southeast of Cape Coral, Florida. RSW Airport moves about 7.5 million travelers annually." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Spokane International Airport (IATA: GEG, ICAO: KGEG) is a public airport located in Spokane County, five miles (8 km) southwest of the city of Spokane, Washington, USA. Known as Sunset Field before 1941, it was purchased from the county by the Department of Defense and renamed Geiger Field after Major Harold C. Geiger, an Army aviator. It was designated Spokane's municipal airport in 1946, replacing Felts Field, and received its present name in 1960." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Location. The Ormond Beach Municipal Airport (OMN) is located on 1,128 acres of land just east of Interstate 95, north of the Tomoka River, and west of U.S. Highway 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pensacola International Airport serves Florida's greater Pensacola region from its central location just five miles north of the downtown area. Getting to the airport from the city is easy by taking 9th Avenue to 12th Avenue to Airport Boulevard." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Car Rentals at Southwest Florida Regional. Southwest Florida Regional Airport is located in the Fort Meyers area of Florida. The airport uses the code RSW, which derived from the previous name of the airport, the Regional South West Airport. There is one terminal at the airport with three concourses- B, C, and D. A total of 28 gates service these concourses." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The airport is in an unincorporated area in Miami-Dade County, Florida, eight miles (13 km) northwest of Downtown Miami, in metropolitan Miami, between the cities of Miami, Hialeah, Doral, Miami Springs, the village of Virginia Gardens, and the unincorporated Fontainebleau neighborhood." ], [ "Represent the input", "Sarasota Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) located about 11 miles north, 25 minute drive. Tampa International Airport (TPA) located about 70 miles north, 1 hour, 20 minute drive. Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) located about 84 miles south in Fort Myers, Florida. 1 hour, 40 minute drive." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) was certified for operation in May 1983. In response to over two decades of record-breaking growth, a bright, modern, state-of-the-art terminal opened in 2005." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Southwest Florida International Airport is 17 miles southeast of downtown Fort Myers. There are no hotels in the Fort Myers Airport. The closest hotels are west of the airport along I-75, FL 93." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As of August 2013, airlines serving the airport offered regular flights to cities east of the Mississippi River and in Texas. Pensacola International claims to be the largest airport between New Orleans and Jacksonville, Florida. One hour east of Pensacola, Northwest Florida Regional Airport is actually on the grounds of Eglin Air Force Base. The airport and the base are in the city of Fort Walton. Flying into Fort Walton is a good option for those traveling to the Pensacola area if a flight isn't available into Pensacola International." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Palm Beach International Airport (IATA: PBI, ICAO: KPBI, FAA LID: PBI) is a public airport three miles west of Palm Beach, Florida, in West Palm Beach. It serves Greater Miami. The airport is operated by Palm Beach County Department of Airports. Road access to the airport is direct from I-95, Southern Boulevard, and Congress Avenue. The airport is bordered on the west by Military Trail." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\nGiven ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'human umbilical cord'] it matches with ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The umbilical cord connects a baby in the womb to its mother. It runs from an opening in your babyâ\\x80\\x99s stomach to the placenta in the womb. The average cord is about 50cm (20 inches) long. The umbilical cord carries oxygen and nutrients from the placenta into your babyâ\\x80\\x99s bloodstream.'] but not with ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Inside the Umbilical Cord. Inside the umbilical cord are three vessels: two arteries and one vein. The vein carries oxygen and nutrient-rich blood from the placenta back to your babyâ\\x80\\x99s liver. There, vessels branch out to help oxygenated blood reach the heartâ\\x80\\x99s four chambers.']", "what is wraparound" ]
[ [ "", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wraparound, wrap around, or wrap-around is anything that wraps around something. It may more specifically refer to: Wraparound (childcare), an intensive, individualized care management process for youths with serious or complex needs." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is 'Wrap-Up Insurance '. Wrap-up insurance is a liability policy that serves as all-encompassing insurance which protects all contractors and subcontractors working on a large project. Wrap-up insurance is intend for larger construction project costing over $10 million. Two types of wrap-up insurance are owner-controlled and contractor-controlled." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® or WRAP®, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make their life the way they want it to be." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "wrap account - Investment & Finance Definition. A type of investment account that was created in the early 1980s that offers private investment management at a lower cost. Wrap accounts combine individual account holders’ money into one account, thus lowering the total fee paid. Typically, the minimum amount required to obtain a wrap account is $100,000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "WRAP stands for Wellness Recovery Action Plan. Suggest new definition. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Science, medicine, engineering, etc." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Initially developed in the 1970’s, Wraparound services have evolved over the decades, adopting a single, clear methodology in the 1990’s. The focus of wraparound services today is to broker community resources in a culturally competent and population-specific fashion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DEFINITION of 'Turnaround'. The financial recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an extended time. In order to effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems, consider changes in management and develop and implement a problem-solving strategy.REAKING DOWN 'Turnaround'. Possible characteristics of a troubled company in need of a turnaround include revenues that do not cover costs, an inability to pay creditors, layoffs, salary cuts for officers and a significant decline in stock price." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of wrap–up for English Language Learners. : a brief statement that gives the most important information about what has happened or been done." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Enrollment in Wraparound is completed through a network of Interagency Screening Committees (ISC) located in each of the eight Los Angeles County Service Planning Areas (SPA). For enrolled children and families, Wraparound is provided on a no eject, no reject basis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wrap-around eyewear is characterized by semi-circular frames that curve around the head for a panoramic-type view. Wrap-around frames often convey a sporty, masculine look. The wider field of vision created by the added lens width of wrap-around eyewear is essential for athletes who rely on their peripheral vision for optimal sports performance. Wrap-around frames are ideal for people with heart-shaped, oval-shaped, or diamond faces." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A turnaround or turnaround deal is an arrangement in the film industry, whereby the production costs to a project which one studio has developed are declared a loss on the company's tax return, thereby preventing the studio from exploiting the property any further.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A turnaround or turnaround deal is an arrangement in the film industry, whereby the production costs to a project which one studio has developed are declared a loss on the company's tax return, thereby preventing the studio from exploiting the property any further." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "RX-116 Prescription Safety Glasses, Wraparound Metal Frame, #RX-116 The Model 116 features offers some of the best protection offered... $67.50. RX-201 Prescription Safety Glasses, Wraparound Frame, #RX-201 1 Review(s) Model 201 features a unifit nylon frame that is lightweight... RX-208 Prescription Safety Glasses, Wraparound Frame, #RX-208 Model 208 is a stylish wrap around safety frame made..." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wrapper Definition - A wrapper is a program used in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to provide a layer of security by intercepting calls to... Wrapper Definition - A wrapper is a program used in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to provide a layer of security by intercepting calls to..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "turnaround - an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around. area - a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function; the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants. driveway, private road, drive - a road leading up to a private house; they parked in the driveway." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A wrap-up policy (also known as an Owner Controlled Insurance Policy or Contractor Controlled Insurance Policy) is a single insurance policy naming all construction participants for coverage on all general liability and/or workers’ compensation risks on a given project." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wrap, to make a line of text break across multiple lines when the line is longer than the width of the text box. This option also wraps an individual word onto multiple lines if the word is longer than the width of the text box." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The process of engaging the family, convening the team, developing the plan, implementing the plan, and transitioning the youth out of formal wraparound is typically facilitated by a trained care manager or “wraparound facilitator,” sometimes with the assistance of a family support worker." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The Wellness Recovery Action Plan or WRAP, is a self-designed prevention and wellness tool that you can use to get well, and stay well. WRAP is for anyone, any time, and for any of life's challenges. Read More . . . These tips will save you time and help you navigate our website." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) The Wellness Recovery Action Plan is a framework with which you can. develop an effective approach to overcoming distressing symptoms, and. unhelpful behaviour patterns. It is a tool with which you can get more. control over your problems. WRAP was originally developed by Mary Ellen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The BIDaWIZ Team's Answer: Generally in a wraparound mortgage, the seller recognizes interest income via schedule B on the note they hold and issues a 1098, and then deducts the interest paid as investment interest on the underlying mortgage via Schedule A. This is referenced in IRS Publication 936 & IRC Section 453." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An app wrapper is a mobile app made wholly from an existing website or platform, with few or no changes made to the underlying application. The wrapper is essentially a new management layer that allows developers to set up usage policies appropriate for app use." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wrap-Around Loan. DEFINITION of 'Wrap-Around Loan'. A loan that is most commonly used with property with an outstanding loan. The seller lends the buyer the difference between the existing loan and the purchase price. The buyer's periodic loan payments are sufficient to repay the existing loan as well as the seller's loan to the buyer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wrap account. A wrap account (or wrap service) is a means of consolidating and managing an investor's investment portfolio and financial plans. Wrap fee services are offered by many financial institutions. Often wrap services are offered for a fee or a series of charges. These charges cover all administrative and management costs." ], [ "", "Wrap-Around Loan. Share. DEFINITION of 'Wrap-Around Loan'. A loan that is most commonly used with property with an outstanding loan. The seller lends the buyer the difference between the existing loan and the purchase price. The buyer's periodic loan payments are sufficient to repay the existing loan as well as the seller's loan to the buyer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "WRAPLAB is an interactive tool for creating custom designs that can be printed on your building products. Featuring BROADCAST® custom printed advertising, WRAPLAB provides the ability to print multiple messages in full color on the largest print area available, all with the industry's lowest minimum order." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A wrap account is a means of consolidating and managing an investor's investment portfolio and financial plans. Wrap fee services are offered by many financial institutions. Often wrap services are offered for a fee or a series of charges. These charges cover all administrative and management costs. This type of service is what is also known as an investment platform or financial platform service." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wraparound Day Care-Fort Pitt is a locally based daycare facility that offers child care and early education programs designed for young children.Located at 5101 Hillcrest Street, the company serves ...t Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What Is a Wrap-Around Mortgage? A wrap-around mortgage is a type of loan where a borrower takes out a second mortgage to help guarantee payments on their original mortgage. The borrower will make payments on both of the mortgages to the new lender, who is called the “wrap-around” lender. The wrap-around lender will then make the payments to the original mortgage lender. This can allow the borrower to obtain a loan at a lower interest rate than if they had gotten a completely new loan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "During the wraparound process, the youth and family team works collaboratively, utilizing the strengths of the youth and their family, to develop an individualized plan of care for the youth and caregivers. The team meets over time to implement this plan, monitor its effectiveness and work towards success." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of turnaround: Positive, sustained reversal of hitherto prevailing negative conditions, or in the performance of an economy, firm, industry, or market. Dictionary Term of Day Articles Subjects Sign Up" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "People are recovering and moving forward with their lives. The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) was developed by people who had been living with a variety of mental health challenges and who were working hard to feel better and get on with their lives." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In addition, Wraparound is individualized to meet the needs of each youth and family who participates. Thus, across Wraparound programs, people in a variety of different roles – both professional and non-professional – play important roles in carrying out the Wraparound process with families and their children." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wrap-up insurance is a liability policy that serves as all-encompassing insurance that protects all contractors and subcontractors working on large projects costing over $10 million. The two types of wrap-up insurance are owner-controlled and contractor-controlled." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wrapper function. A wrapper function is a subroutine in a software library or a computer program whose main purpose is to call a second subroutine or a system call with little or no additional computation. Contents." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The new lender (typically a bank or the seller of the real property) assumes the payment of the existing mortgage and provides the borrower with a new, larger loan, usually at a higher interest rate. A wraparound mortgage is also known as a wraparound loan, overriding mortgage, or all-inclusive mortgage. Next Up." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "A wrapper is an element, commonly a div, that encloses one or more other. elements in the HTML markup, e.g.: <div id=wrap>. <h1>Headline</h1>. <p>Paragraph</p>. </div>. The purposes of wrappers are several, including: to group elements semantically, for instance to separate page heading. from body text from sidebar from footer. to group elements cosmetically, such as with a surrounding border or a. common background image or color." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of wrap for English Language Learners. : 1 to cover (something) by winding or folding a piece of material around it. : 2 to wind or fold (something) around something else. : 3 to put (your arms, legs, etc.) around someone or something." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Wrapper(noun) one who, or that which, wraps. Wrapper(noun) that in which anything is wrapped, or inclosed; envelope; covering. Wrapper(noun) specifically, a loose outer garment; an article of dress intended to be wrapped round the person; as, a morning wrapper; a gentleman's wrapper." ], [ "Represent text!", "BREAKING DOWN 'Wraparound Mortgage'. This type of loan is used frequently as a method of refinancing property or financing the purchase of property when an existing mortgage cannot be paid off. The total amount of a wraparound mortgage includes the previous mortgage's unpaid amount plus the additional funds required by the borrower." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Children & Family Services Division. California Wraparound Program. Background. Wraparound was established in 1997 with Senate Bill 163. It is considered a “promising practice” in the. field of child and family professionals. Counties may participate in Wraparound subject to CDSS approval. of an Implementation Plan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wrap is defined as to surround or cover by folding around something. 1 An example of wrap is covering and attaching decorative paper to the outside of a gift box. An example of wrap is someone hugging their arms and legs around a tree." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The simple, convenient online Wrap Document generator brought to you by the compliance experts at HR360. WrapDoc360 is the economical, easy-to-use online system that generates Wrap Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) and Wrap Plan Documents in a snap. Our system was specifically designed for brokers whose clients simply don't provide SPDs or maintain Plan Documents (that would be virtually all independent brokers and their clients)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Turnarounds (or TAR's) are scheduled events wherein an entire process unit of an industrial plant (refinery, petrochemical plant, power plant, pulp and paper mill, etc.) is taken offstream for an extended period for revamp and/or renewal.urnarounds (or TAR's) are scheduled events wherein an entire process unit of an industrial plant (refinery, petrochemical plant, power plant, pulp and paper mill, etc.) is taken offstream for an extended period for revamp and/or renewal." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a personalized wellness and recovery system born out of and rooted in the principle of self-determination." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "wrap, wrapper(noun) cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person. wrap(noun) a sandwich in which the filling is rolled up in a soft tortilla. wrapping, wrap, wrapper(verb) the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped. wrap, wrap up(verb) arrange or fold as a cover or protection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "WRAP is . . . The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® or WRAP®, is a self-designed prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, stay well and make their life the way they want it to be." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "DEFINITION of 'Turnaround'. The financial recovery of a company that has been performing poorly for an extended time.In order to effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems, consider changes in management and develop and implement a problem-solving strategy.In some cases, the best strategy may be to cut losses by liquidating the company rather than trying to turn it around. Next Up.n order to effect a turnaround, a company must acknowledge and identify its problems, consider changes in management and develop and implement a problem-solving strategy. In some cases, the best strategy may be to cut losses by liquidating the company rather than trying to turn it around. Next Up." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For example, a wrapper is used to compress and encrypt software that is being sold over the Internet. It is also used to make EDI - a decades-old electronic commerce standard - compatible with the Internet. The term can also apply to hardware: the casing around a Pentium II CPU is called a wrapper." ], [ "Represent the input.", "What is a wrap? A vehicle wrap is a process whereby pressure-sensitive vinyl – in almost any color or finish – is applied by hand onto a vehicle’s painted surface. It’s like a big, high quality sticker that can change the color and finish of a vehicle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A. A wrap is a large vinyl graphic or decal. It is applied directly over the original paint of the vehicle. The application of the wrap allows you to change the vehicles appearance in a very short period of time and in turn allows you to remove the wrap, returning the vehicle back to its original condition if necessary." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Excel's wrap text feature is a handy formatting feature that allows you to control the look of labels and headings in a worksheet. Most of the time it is used as an alternative to widening worksheet columns to make long headings visible, wrap text allows you to place text on multiple lines within a single cell." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "How Do Wrap-Around Loans Work? A wrap-around loan allows a person to buy a home without having to get a mortgage from a lender such as a bank or credit union. Instead, the seller of the home acts as the lender. Wrap-around mortgages can help buyers with bad credit and sellers who can't get rid of their homes, but they carry risks for both sides." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of word wrap. : a word processing feature that automatically transfers a word for which there is insufficient space from the end of one line of text to the beginning of the next." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Word wrap may refer to any of the following: 1. Sometimes referred to as a run around, word wrap is a feature in text editors and word processors that moves to the next line when reaching the end without requiring you to press enter. For example, in the picture below you can see as each section is shrunk the sentence is wrapped, so it does not extend past the border." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Turnaround is a blanket term that encompasses more specific terms such as I&Ts (Inspection & Testing), debottlenecking projects, revamps and catalyst regeneration projects. Turnaround can also be used as a synonym of shutdowns and outages.urnarounds (or TAR's) are scheduled events wherein an entire process unit of an industrial plant (refinery, petrochemical plant, power plant, pulp and paper mill, etc.) is taken offstream for an extended period for revamp and/or renewal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Line wrap and word wrap. Line breaking, also known as word wrapping, is the process of breaking a section of text into lines such that it will fit in the available width of a page, window or other display area. In text display, line wrap is the feature of continuing on a new line when a line is full, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be read from top to bottom without any horizontal scrolling. Word wrap is the additional feature of most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of breaking lines between words rather than within words, when possible. Word wrap makes it unnecessary to hard-code newline delimiters within paragraphs, and allows the display of text to adapt flexibly and dynamically to displays of varying sizes." ], [ "", "A variant of a stoptail bridge is the wraparound.. Wraparound style bridges are used on less costly models such as the Gibson Melody Maker and on expensive, high-end guitars like PRS Guitars. This style bridge combines the bridge and stopbar into one unit. There are a variety of wraparound bridge designs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A wrapper is a program used in Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to provide a layer of security by intercepting calls to computer services and determining whether the service is authorized to execute. A wrapper provides the necessary protection against host name and host address spoofing. The determination of whether to provide access to requests is done with the help of a system administrator, who adds entries in the TCP wrapper configuration files /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/host.deny after installing the wrapper program." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Faber® Wraparound Bridges. Original and compensated styles. For left handed guitars, too! NOTE: The TPWC wraparound is discontinued and replaced by the new Tone-Bar wraparound. Remaining TPWC at 50% off, while supplies last! Faber® Tone-Bar™ Compensated Wrap Bridge - LEFT HANDED (12)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DEFINITION of 'Wrap-Up Insurance '. A liability policy that serves as all-encompassing insurance which protects all contractors and subcontractors working on a large project. Wrap-up insurance is intend for larger construction project costing over $10 million." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is a wrap-around mortgage, and who is it good for?. A wrap-around mortgage is a loan transaction in which the lender assumes responsibility for an existing mortgage. For example, S, who has a $70,000 mortgage on his home, sells his home to B for $100,000. B pays $5,000 down and borrows $95,000 on a new mortgage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A wrap account (or wrap service) is a means of consolidating and managing an investor 's investment portfolio and financial plans. Wrap fee services are offered by many financial institutions. Often wrap services are offered for a fee or a series of charges. These charges cover all administrative and management costs. This type of service is what is also known as an investment platform or financial platform service. Wrap services originated in Australia and New Zealand and then came to the UK in about 2000. As of 2010, approximately £230 billion of assets are held on wrap services in the UK." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Word wrap is a word processing feature that forces all text to be confined within defined margins. When a line of text is filled, the word processor automatically moves the text to the next line, so the user doesn't have to press the return key after every line. Word wrap also occurs if the document's margins are changed." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.", "what county is jennings indiana" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Jennings County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 28,525. The county seat is Vernon." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Paris Crossing, Jennings County, Indiana? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Paris Crossing, Jennings County, Indiana, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dubois County (/duːˈbɔɪz/ doo-BOYZ) is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 41,889. The county seat is Jasper. Dubois County is part of the Jasper Micropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Available statewide datasets include aerial photos, topographic maps, LiDAR and elevation data, and Sanborn historic maps. In addition, the ISDP hosts several local datasets for Allen, Bartholomew, Boone, Dearborn, Gibson, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Monroe, Morgan, Posey, Shelby and Wayne Counties. This web site connects to Indiana University's Scholarly Data Archive (SDA) which provides long-term, disaster-tolerant data archival and distribution capabilities to hundreds of terabytes of IU data." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Her parents noted that Jazz was clear on being female as soon as she could speak. Jennings is an honorary co-founder of the TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation, which she and her parents founded in 2007 to assist transgender youth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fayette County, Indiana. Fayette County is one of 92 counties in U.S. state of Indiana located in the east central portion of the state. As of 2010, the population was 24,277. The county seat and only incorporated town is Connersville which holds a majority of the county's population. The county was historically significant early in the 19th century as a conduit for settlement of the Northwest Territory, and again in the early 20th century as an automotive manufacturing center. Today, Fayette County still has a strong m" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\nExample:\\nProvided: \"Whatever the issue, you\\'re going to want to get in touch with their customer service department. The easiest way to contact Amazon\\'s customer service department is by using their toll-free phone number at 1-888-280-4331.\" Match: \"what is the number to amazon customer services\"', 'An executive producer is responsible for seeing a production through from beginning to end. A producer is in charge of various administrative aspects, including hiring and overseeing cast and crew, writing and editing content, maintaining a budget and creating work schedules. Executive producers work on the business side of production.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the role of a producer in film']\"", "Gas City is a city in Grant County, Indiana, along the Mississinewa River. The population was 5,965 at the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Decatur County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 25,740. The county seat is Greensburg." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Henry Jennings [View portrait.] was born 1/19/1802 in Sussex County, VA. He married Lucy Smith [View portrait.] prior to 1821 in Kentucky. Lucy's parents may have been William Smith and Elizabeth Howerton. Lucy Smith was born about 1805 and died in 1843 in Simpson County, KY. Lucy bore 6 children." ], [ "", "Indiana deputy wounded in deadly gunfight released from hospital. Suspect identified in fatal shooting of Indiana officer. Indiana police have identified 25-year-old Evan Dorsey as a suspect in the fatal shooting of Howard County Sheriff's Deputy Carl Koontz. March 21, 2016. (WXIN Indianapolis) March 21, 2016." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent text', 'MIGHT HELP..... TAKE THE GRAND TOUR. On the edge of Sandton, connecting Fourways to Lanseria, Broadacres and Midrand, lies the parkland residence of Steyn City. Steyn City Parkland Residence comprises some 2000 acres of land currently being developed to create the largest parkland residence in South Africa.Phase 1 of the development has already seen the completion of many aspects of the development.teyn City Parkland Residence comprises some 2000 acres of land currently being developed to create the largest parkland residence in South Africa. Phase 1 of the development has already seen the completion of many aspects of the development.']>> to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is steyn city']\"", "1 Marion, Indiana Map (3.5 MB): Marion, Indiana roadmap with attractions noted. 2 Garfield Trail Map(1.03 MB): Find fun statues of Jim Davis’s Garfield the Cat. Home of the Hog Southern Trail Map (3 MB): Bike through Gas City and rural routes through southern Grant County, Indiana." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "County jobs in Evansville, IN. Vanderburgh County HVAC Journeyman or apprentice license (or eligible) preferred, and NATE certification is highly desirable.... Openings in the Counties of Vanderburgh, Warrick, Dubois, Knox, and 31 other Southern Indiana Counties." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thomas L. Jennings (1791 – February 12, 1856) was an African-American tradesman and abolitionist in New York City, New York. He operated and owned a tailoring and dry-cleaning business, and, on March 3,1821, he was granted patent 3306x for a dry scrub process as the first African American to be granted a patent." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Brown County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population is 15,242. The county seat is Nashville." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Examples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The name Xabat is of Spanish origin. The meaning of Xabat is savior. Xabat is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Xa-bat.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'xabat meaning']\"", "Howard County is one of 92 counties in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of the 2010 census, the population was 82,752. The county seat is Kokomo. Originally named Richardville County, it was rechristened in 1844 to commemorate General Tilghman Ashurst Howard." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Adams County, Indiana. Adams County lies in northeastern Indiana in the United States and shares its eastern border with Ohio. It was officially established in 1836." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Fayette County, Pennsylvania history books indicate that David Jennings (1741-1824) returned to the Eastern part of the state to persuade his relatives and friends to move to southwestern Pennsylvania. David Jennings and Mary Henthorn were married in 1762 in York Co., Pa.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Paris Crossing, Indiana. Paris Crossing is an unincorporated community in southern Montgomery Township, Jennings County, Indiana, United States. It lies along State Road 250, south of the town of Vernon, the county seat of Jennings County." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'I am exciting to share with you a selection of drawing tools and materials from a wide variety available. Among all of them the most basic and reliable for fashion design drawing is watercolor. Normally all you need is paper, pencils, and watercolors, but you can optimize the result of your work by combining your favorite tools and materials to ensure quick and consistent quality.']\" == \"['Represent the following document', 'what are the materials used in fashion designing']\"", "Porter County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 164,343. The county seat is Valparaiso. This county is part of Northwest Indiana as well as the Chicago metropolitan area." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Garrett is a city in Keyser Township, DeKalb County, Indiana, United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jail Time For Unpaid Court Fines And Fees Can Create Cycle Of Poverty. On a night last week when the temperature dropped to 17 degrees, Edward Brown, who's 62 and homeless, slept at the bus stop in front of the Jennings, Mo., city hall in St. Louis County. It was cold, very cold, he says." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Jasper's location in Dubois County (left) and the state of Indiana (right). Jasper is a city in, and the county seat of Bainbridge Township, Dubois County, Indiana, United States, located along the Patoka River. The population was 15,038 at the 2010 census making it the 55th largest city in Indiana." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cuyahoga County, OH Hospices & End-of-Life Care. Eliza Jennings Health Campus helps seniors find the worry-free lifestyle they want. In this community, residents have comprehensive adult day care, memory care, nursing home, skilled nursing facility, hospice, rehab and respite services, as well as a friendly, supportive community." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Historic Black American Sites and Structures in Jennings County published by the Preservation Association indicates that south of the city of Vernon there was a settlement known as Richland or Africa (located in Vernon Township)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This shot was taken by & borrowed from Donald G. Coatney. It shows the name of Michael Courtney, Revolutionary War Veteran, placed in the Jennings County Indiana courthouse. The name can be seen six down on the left. Michael was the father of Archibald Coatney." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dubois County courthouse located on the square in Jasper, Indiana. Jasper is a city in, and the county seat of Bainbridge Township, Dubois County, Indiana, United States, located along the Patoka River. The population was 15,038 at the 2010 census making it the 55th largest city in Indiana." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The historic Porter County Jail is the home of the Historical Society of Porter County. It is located at 153 South Franklin, Valparaiso, Indiana on the southeast corner across from the Courthouse Square. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Montgomery Township. Jennings County. Indiana. This picture of Paris Crossing is from the Bill & Catherine (Humphrey) Coons collection at the Jennings County Public Library - written on the back is Picture before 1915 when we had a bad fire, it destroyed the building at right side of picture. Paris Crossing began on land purchased in 1819 by James & Sally Shilliday Graham." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Since 1975, Four County has served rural Indiana residents of all ages with behavioral health needs. Serving Cass, Pulaski, Fulton, and Miami Counties. TEXT IN to 741-741 for 24/7, anonymous, free crisis counseling" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Evansville is a city in and the county seat of Vanderburgh County, Indiana, United States. The population was 117,429 at the 2010 census. As the state's third-largest city and the largest city in Southern Indiana, it is the commercial, medical, and cultural hub of Southwestern Indiana and the Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky tri-state area, home to over 911,000 people." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tippecanoe County is a county located in the northwest quadrant of the U.S. state of Indiana. As of the 2010 census, the population was 172,780. The county seat is Lafayette. It was created in 1826 from Wabash County. Tippecanoe County is part of the Lafayette, Indiana, Metropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Felton is expected to make his Flash debut early during Season 3, which premieres Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 8/7c (now leading into the romantic dramedy No Tomorrow). Share your thoughts on Feltonâ\\x80\\x99s casting â\\x80\\x94 and theories as to how heâ\\x80\\x99ll figure into the Flashpoint plot â\\x80\\x94 below! 11 TV Characters Heading for a Hot Fall.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who plays the flash in the tv show']", "Hazardous Weather Outlook National Weather Service Indianapolis IN 514 AM EDT Fri Sep 1 2017 INZ064-065-070>072-020915- Bartholomew-Decatur-Lawrence-Jackson-Jennings- Including the cities of Columbus, Bedford, and Seymour 514 AM EDT Fri Sep 1 2017 This hazardous weather outlook is for central Indiana." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "UPDATE 2:36 PM MONDAY: Howard County Sheriff's Sgt. Jordan J. Buckley has been released from Methodist Hospital after being wounded in a shootout Sunday that killed a fellow sheriff's deputy. Buckley, 35, was wounded in the upper thigh while serving an arrest warrant, officials said. Howard County Deputy Carl A. Koontz, 27, was killed in the shooting. Indiana State Police officials say Buckley will participate in the procession to take Koontz's body home to Kokomo. UPDATE 11:11 AM MONDAY: Police have identified the suspect in the shooting that killed 27-year-old Howard County Deputy Carl A. Koontz as Evan Dorsey." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Portage ( /pɔrtɨdʒ/) is a city in Portage Township, Porter County, Indiana, United States. The population was 36,828 as of the 2010 census. It is the largest city in Porter County, and third largest in Northwest Indiana. Portage is located at 41°34′55″N 87°11′12″W / 41.581850°N 87.186553°W / 41.581850; -87.186553 (41.581850, -87.186553). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 27.4 square miles (71.0 km2), of which, 25.5 square miles (65.9 km2) of it is land and 2.0 square miles (5.1 km2) of it (7.18%) is water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A pronounced increase of the. urban population also occurred in counties along the major interstates, such as Bartholomew and. Jennings counties along I-65 in Southern Indiana; Jasper, Porter, and White counties along I-65. in Northern Indiana; and Henry and Wayne along I-70. Owen County had the most pronounced. decline in the percentage of urban residents: from 15.1% in 1990 to 0% in 2000." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Indiana. 1 Oak Grove, Posey County, Indiana, located in Posey County, Indiana. 2 Oak Grove, Starke County, Indiana, located in Starke County, Indiana. 3 Oak Grove Township, Benton County, Indiana." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Grant County, Indiana is located on Interstate 69 in Northeast Indiana midway between Indianapolis and Fort Wayne. From the fun-loving, irrepressible spirit of Garfield the cat to the cool, bold style of James Dean, Grant County’s famous natives embody the very essence of this lively Midwest community." ], [ "", "ESTABLISHED IN 1853... Austin, Indiana, is located in south central Indiana, just 35 miles north of Louisville Kentucky. The community of Austin was officially established in May 3rd, 1853, and is part of Scott County, Indiana. (The Austin city and rural areas are also part of Jennings Township)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Brewersville is an unincorporated community in Sand Creek Township, Jennings County, Indiana. History Brewersville was founded in 1837 by Jacob Brewer, and named for him." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The black population continued to rise–58 in 1830; 158 in 1840; 323 in 1850; 151 in 1860 (noticeable decrease); and 422 in 1870. Xenia E. Cord’s Black Rural Settlements in Indiana before 1860 indicates that Jennings County, although unnamed, had one antebellum, black rural community." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Starke County, Indiana. Starke County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 23,363. The county seat is Knox." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, United States (1979 – present) Shooter Jennings (born Waylon Albright Jennings in 1979, ) is an American country music singer, the only child of Waylon Jennings and Jessi Colter. His middle name comes from his father's drummer, Richie Albright." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Greenfield, Indiana. Greenfield is a city in and the county seat of Hancock County, Indiana, United States, and a part of the Indianapolis metropolitan area. The population was 20,602 at the 2010 census. It lies in Center Township." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hancock County, Indiana. Hancock County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 70,002. The county seat is Greenfield. Hancock County is included in the Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN Metropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Howard County Sheriff Department Sgt. Jordan Buckley, 35, was also shot. As of Sunday afternoon, he was in stable condition. Indiana State Police said the suspect died of a gunshot wound. The Howard County Sheriff’s Department and the Russiaville Town Marshall were attempting to serve a warrant for drug paraphernalia." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This page provides a complete overview of Brewersville maps. Choose from a wide range of map types and styles. From simple political to detailed satellite map of Brewersville, Jennings County, Indiana, United States. Get free map for your website. Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Maphill is more than just a map gallery." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Water. Citizens provides safe, high quality water service to approximately 400,000 homes and businesses in the eight county Indianapolis area (Marion, Johnson, Morgan, Hendricks, Boone, Hamilton, Hancock and Shelby).ater is transported via 4,000 miles of pipeline from nine water treatment plants strategically located near primary water sources including the White River and Geist, Morse and Eagle Creek Reservoirs. The Indiana Central Canal is also an important water source for the city." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Porter County Jail and Sheriff's House. Porter County Jail and Sheriff’s House are located southeast of the County Courthouse in Valparaiso, Indiana. Overtime, the needs of the county grew and these original structures were replaced by a new jail in 1974, just south of the original jail on Franklin Street." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gibson County, Indiana. For the county in Tennessee, see Gibson County, Tennessee. Gibson County is a county located in the southwestern part of the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 33,503. The county seat is Princeton. Gibson County is included in the Evansville, Indiana–Kentucky Metropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Getting to know… a PHAALS Foundation director This Saturday when hundreds of people gather at Rambler’s Roost Restaurant on Lincoln Highway to participate in a benefit ride honoring Lincolnview alumnus and Van Wert County resident Kevin Thatcher, one of the staunchest supporters will be Jeff Swick of Fort Jennings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Indiana Counties in Central Time Zone. 1 Northwest: Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter and Starke. 2 Southwest: Gibson, Perry, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick." ], [ "", "Several of the Jennings County surnames recorded in the Indiana Negro Register1852-1865 include Dennis, Dye, Vickery, and Valentine, with birthplaces listed as South Carolina and Georgia." ], [ "", "Adams County, Indiana. Adams County lies in northeastern Indiana in the United States and shares its eastern border with Ohio. It was officially established in 1836. The county seat is Decatur. According to the 2010 census, its population was 34,387, an increase of 2.27% from 33,625 in 2000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Crawford County, Indiana. Crawford County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 10,713. The county seat is English." ], [ "represent this text\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Animal cells are round and irregular in shape while plant cells have fixed, rectangular shapes. Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells, so they have several features in common, such as the presence of a cell membrane, and cell organelles, like the nucleus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Similarities 1 â\\x80\\x94. 1 Chloroplasts. 2 Shape.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'which of these structures are found in both plant and animal cells?']\"", "A round barn in Fayette County. Fayette County is one of 92 counties in U.S. state of Indiana located in the east central portion of the state. As of 2010, the population was 24,277. The county seat and only incorporated town is Connersville which holds a majority of the county's population." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Website: City of Jennings, Louisiana. Jennings is a small city in and the parish seat of Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana, United States, near Lake Charles. The population was 10,383 at the 2010 census, a small decline from the 2000 tabulation. The city is 68 percent white." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The flat physical map represents one of many map types available. Look at Brewersville, Jennings County, Indiana, United States from different perspectives. Get free map for your website. Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Maphill is more than just a map gallery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Bloomington & adjacent Brown County, are located within a day's drive for more than halfof the U.S. population. Located only an hour south of Indianapolis this great vacationarea is served by several state roads including Highways 37, 135 & 46. So it's easy to get to Bloomington, Nashville, Lake Monroe,Yellowwood Forest & Brown County State Park." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Evansville is a city in and the county seat of Vanderburgh County, Indiana, United States. The population was 117,429 at the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mayor Joe Wright announced his resignation from the office as of January 14, 2011; CIty Councilman John Jennings was named as Interim Mayor, until the appointment of Terry Dilk on January 25, 2011 by the Marion County Republican Committee to fill out Wright's term through the 2011 elections." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A - C. Dodd Funeral Home was established at Paris Crossing, Jennings County, Indiana, in 1890 by George Washington Dodd and M. J. Tobias. George W. Dodd became the sole owner in 1891. Eldo Dodd and his wife, Cora (Deputy) Dodd took over the business after the death of Eldo's father, George W. Dodd, March 3, 1924." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Grant County, Indiana and Gas City, Indiana Map (16 MB): Includes map of Gas City, Indiana and Jonesboro, Indiana. 2 Marion, Indiana Map (3.5 MB): Marion, Indiana roadmap with attractions noted. Garfield Trail Map(1.03 MB): Find fun statues of Jim Davis’s Garfield the Cat." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Symptoms and signs of anemia include: 1 Feeling tired or weak. 2 Pale appearance to the lining of lower eyelids. 3 Palpitations, fast or irregular heart beat. Faintness and 1 breathlessness. Hair loss. Bruising that occurs without 1 reason. Dizziness. Long or unusually heavy menstrual periods.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'symptoms of anemia, hair']\"", "Hodgson designed six Indiana courthouses including Jennings County (1859), Morgan County (1857), Henry County, Bartholomew County (1871), and his largest in Marion County, in Indianapolis. In 1899, Eugene Shireman, a Martinsville entrepreneur, turned his swamp land into fisheries and started Grassyfork Fisheries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Indianapolis metropolitan area in central Indiana consists of Marion County and surrounding counties of Boone, Brown, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Morgan, Putnam, and Shelby. As of 2012, the metropolitan area's population was 1,798,634, the most populous in Indiana." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Source: US Census Bureau. Portage /ˈpɔːrtáµ»dʒ/ is a city in Portage Township, Porter County, Indiana, United States. The population was 36,828 as of the 2010 census. It is the largest city in Porter County, and third largest in Northwest Indiana." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Adjacent counties. 1 Shelby County (northeast) 2 Decatur County (east) 3 Jennings County (southeast) 4 Jackson County (south) 5 Brown County (west) 6 Johnson County (northwest)" ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "specific resistance immunity definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Infection is caused by the presence and multiplication of pathogens. Pathogens are. viruses and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoans, parasites) that cause. disease. The body is equipped with two types of defense mechanisms to fight infection; these. include nonspecific resistance and specific immumity.B. Nonspecific Resistance = protection against a wide range of pathogens.nfection is caused by the presence and multiplication of pathogens. Pathogens are. viruses and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoans, parasites) that cause. disease. The body is equipped with two types of defense mechanisms to fight infection; these. include nonspecific resistance and specific immumity." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Check your grammar now! : the creation of immunity usually against a particular disease; especially : treatment (as by vaccination) of an organism for the purpose of making it immune to a particular pathogen immunization against polio." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is a T-cell–mediated defense mechanism against microbes that survive within phagocytes or infect nonphagocytic cells. CMI functions to enhance antimicrobial actions of phagocytes to eliminate microbes. CMI manifests as delayed type cellular immune responses as typically seen in Mantaux test.n experimental animal models, delayed-type hypersensitivity responses are characterized by a granulomatous response consisting of macrophages, monocytes, and T lymphocytes. In skin, keratinocytes are also thought to have a role." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "exchange between a blood vessel and the cells that surround it can occur only in. capillaries. which kind of vessel is also called a resistance vessel. arteriole. what vessels contain elastic fibers in the walls that are stretched during systole." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "active immunity see acquired i. artificial immunity acquired (active or passive) immunity produced by deliberate exposure to an antigen, as in vaccination. cell-mediated immunity (CMI), cellular immunity acquired immunity in which the role of T lymphocytes is predominant.genetic immunity innate i.doptive immunity passive immunity of the cell-mediated type conferred by the administration of sensitized lymphocytes from an immune donor. artificial immunity acquired (active or passive) immunity produced by deliberate exposure to an antigen, such as a vaccine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is an immune response that does not involve antibodies but rather involves the activation of macrophages and NK-cells, the production of antigen-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (def), and the release of various cytokines (def) in response to an antigen (def)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "This type of immunity is called passive immunity, which is a type of short-term immunity that occurs via the transfer of antibodies to an individual devoid of them. The antibodies are proteins that are like the strategic plays, which are used to neutralize a player, or pathogen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A different type of immunity, called passive immunity, results when a person is given someone else’s antibodies. When these antibodies are introduced into the person’s body, the “loaned” antibodies help prevent or fight certain infectious diseases." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is one of the important effector arms during immunological responses to infection and vaccine development. Therefore, a key challenge in developing new vaccines that are effective involves the induction of optimal memory T cell responses [ 1 ].ell-mediated immunity (CMI) is one of the important effector arms during immunological responses to infection and vaccine development. Therefore, a key challenge in developing new vaccines that are effective involves the induction of optimal memory T cell responses [ 1 ]." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Natural immunity is a genetic characteristic of an individual and is due to the particular species and race to which one belongs, to one's sex, and to one's individual ability to produce immune bodies." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nk cells (function innate immunity, released into circulation) T- cells (response for specific adaptive immunity, mature in thymus) B- cells (responsible for specific adaptive immunity (remian in bone marrow during maturation)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / acquired immunity definition Medical Definition of Acquired immunity Acquired immunity: Immunity acquired by infection or vaccination (active immunity) or by the transfer of antibody or lymphocytes from an immune donor (passive immunity). Acquired immunity is in contrast to innate immunity (natural immunity)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Humoral immunity (also called the antibody-mediated system) is the aspect of immunity that is mediated by macromolecules (as opposed to cell-mediated immunity) found in extracellular fluids such as secreted antibodies, complement proteins and certain antimicrobial peptides." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Karim Rashid on what's wrong with Christmas Karim Rashid is the man behind Umbraâ\\x80\\x99s Oh chair and Garbino waste can, the Bobble water bottle and over 3,000 other designs currently in production. Though heâ\\x80\\x99s known for his minimalist aesthetic and the use of curves and bright colours in his work, it may come as a surprise to many that Karim Rashid hates Christmas.\"]>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is karim rashid known for']>>", "cell-mediated immunity. noun, Immunology. 1. immunity independent of antibody but dependent on the recognition of antigen by T cells and their subsequent destruction of cells bearing the antigen or on the secretion by T cells of lymphokines that enhance the ability of phagocytes to eliminate the antigen. Also called cellular immunity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "antibody-mediated immunity. noun, Immunology. 1. immunity conferred to an individual through the activity of B cells and their progeny, which produce circulating antibodies in response to the presence of a foreign substance and recognize the substance upon renewed exposure. Also called humoral immunity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity. Mechanism: Antibodies passed to fetus from pregnant woman with active immunity or to newborn through breast milk from woman with active immunity. Result: Short term immunity for newborn without stimulating an immune response. Immune Responses Flashcards | Quizlet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of ACTIVE IMMUNITY. : usu. long-lasting immunity that is acquired through production of antibodies within the organism in response to the presence of antigens — compare passive immunity.See active immunity defined for kids.ADVERTISEMENT. usu. long-lasting immunity that is acquired through production of antibodies within the organism in response to the presence of antigens — compare passive immunity. See active immunity defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "exists and is an alternate of . A good example of specific immune response would be the actions the body takes when one gets a cold or flu virus. If one gets a flu virus the body will build up antibodies to that strain. It may not guarantee protection from another flu strain but rarely will one get any sicker if they catch the same strain again." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination. Like the innate system, the adaptive system includes both humoral immunity components and cell-mediated immunity components. Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system is highly specific to a specific pathogen.his process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination. Like the innate system, the adaptive system includes both humoral immunity components and cell-mediated immunity components. Unlike the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system is highly specific to a specific pathogen." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Definition. noun. A passive immunity that renders short-term immunization by the transfer of antibodies administered by artificial means, such as human or animal blood plasma or pooled human immunoglobulin administered through intravenous or intramuscular route. Supplement" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Antibodies are part of the body's specific immune response. Some immune cells and cells that are infected with viruses produce another set of proteins called interferons. Interferons send a warning to nearby cells.n animals, there are two types of defenses against foreign invaders: specific and nonspecific. Specific immune responses can distinguish among different invaders. The response is different for each invader. With nonspecific defenses, the protection is always the same, no matter what the invader may be." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sections. Definition. Cellular immunity is a protective immune process that involves the activation of phagocytes, antigen-sensitized cytotoxic T cells and the release of cytokines and chemokines in response to antigen." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Resistance training is a type of exercise that uses external resistance to cause muscle contractions with the intent to strengthen and tone, build mass and expand endurance. Dumbbells, resistance bands, water bottles or body weight are all examples of external resistance, as defined by WebMD. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Blood flow can be regulated to individual organs, or it can be considered in total. Total peripheral resistance is defined as the total resistance to flow of blood in the systemic circulation. The arterioles are important regulators of blood flow because of their smaller size and muscular walls." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "active immunity in Medicine. active immunity n. Immunity resulting from the development of antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen, as from vaccination or exposure to an infectious disease. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vicinium(TM) is a fusion protein comprised of a humanized antibody fragment specific for the antigen EpCAM, conjugated to a cytotoxic protein, Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Tetanus is a severe, frequently fatal disease caused by an exotoxin produced by Clostridium tetani, a bacterium that is found in the environment." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Allelic exclusion, self tolerance, and autoimmunity. A long-standing tenent of adaptive immunity is that virtually all lymphocytes express surface TCR or Ig chains from one allele to ensure monospecific Ag recognition and suppress autoimmunity by facilitating central tolerance to self-reactive lymphocytes.n this context, allelic exclusion might function as an early cell-autonomous tolerance mechanism to reduce the frequency of developing lymphocytes with expression of two or more poly-specific Ag receptors and thereby facilitate central tolerance." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "see innate immunity (above). passive immunity. the transfer of antibodies from a donor in which they were produced to a recipient for temporary immunity. Can be in the form of serum or colostrum or yolk. Significant transplacental transfer of antibodies is found in primates, but does not occur in domestic animals." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Q: What type of immunity provides lifetime protection for the body against a specific pathogen? A. active immunity B. incomplete immunity C. complete A: Active immunity provides lifetime protection for the body against a specific pathogen. Read More At : ... Q: Which process provides immunity against antigen and pathogens in the body fluids ? A.) nonspecific response. B.) inflammatory response. C.) humoral immunity. D.) cell-mediated immunity A: Humoral immunity provides immunity against antigen and pathogens in the body fluids." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Passive Immunity to Infectious Disease 1955: Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a persons system. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body to neutralize or destroy toxins or disease-carrying organisms. Antibodies are disease-specific." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Payne and Martin3 revised this definition in 1993 to state, â\\x80\\x98â\\x80\\x98A. skin tear is a traumatic injury occurring principally on the. extremities of older adults as a result of shearing or friction. forces which separate the epidermis from the dermis (partial-. thickness wound) or which separate both the epidermis and.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'payne martin definition of skin tear']\"", "The immune response occurring on the first exposure to a foreign material in the body. This reaction is by both the innate and acquired immune system, the innate acting first (non specific) and the acquired developing to produce antibodies and T killer cells specific to the invading microorganism.he primary immune system is also called innate immunity or auxiliary immunity because it is unspecific and present in everyone. These include physical and chemical barriers t … hat protect the body from many different microscopic organisms. --Skin (and hair) acts as a large physical barrier." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Natural passive immunity. Definition. noun. A passive immunity acquired by the fetus or newborn from the mother via the placental transfer of antibodies during pregnancy and via breast milk. This type of immunity is short-lived, lasting the first six months of the newborn's life.Supplement.efinition. noun. A passive immunity acquired by the fetus or newborn from the mother via the placental transfer of antibodies during pregnancy and via breast milk. This type of immunity is short-lived, lasting the first six months of the newborn's life." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "this article is about pathogen resistance to the effects of drugs for human resistance to the effects of drugs see drug tolerance drug resistance is the reduction in effectiveness of a drug such as an antimicrobial anthelmintic or an antineoplastic in curing a disease or condition when the drug is not intended to kill or inhibit a pathogen then the term is equivalent to dosage failure or drug tolerance" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "• Antigen: a chemical that causes the immune system to produce specific antibodies. • Antibody: a specific protein produced by the immune system on detection of an antigen. Induced Immunity: This is protection gained by the production of specific antibodies after the antigens on the pathogen have been detected. Antigen: a chemical that causes the immune system to produce specific antibodies. • Antibody: a specific protein produced by the immune system on detection of an antigen. Induced Immunity: This is protection gained by the production of specific antibodies after the antigens on the pathogen have been detected." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Resistin also known as adipose tissue-specific secretory factor (ADSF) or C/EBP-epsilon-regulated myeloid-specific secreted cysteine-rich protein (XCP1) is a cysteine-rich adipose-derived peptide hormone that in humans is encoded by the RETN gene.esistin has been shown to cause high levels of 'bad' cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL), increasing the risk of heart disease [...] resistin increases the production of LDL in human liver cells and also degrades LDL receptors in the liver." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medical Definition of peripheral vascular resistance. : vascular resistance to the flow of blood in peripheral arterial vessels that is typically a function of the internal vessel diameter, vessel length, and blood viscosity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Weegy: Which of the following are part of the body?s first line of defense against pathogens? A. white blood cells beezy_187|Points 461| User: What type of immunity provides lifetime protection for the body against a specific pathogen? A. active immunity B. incomplete immunity C. complete immunity D. passive immunity Weegy: A. Active immunity provides lifetime protection MrG|Points 2331| User: What is one type of white blood cell that participates in the specific immune response called? A. antigens B. antibodies C. macrophages D. pathogens User: Which statement best describes one way that both plants and animals fight pathogens?" ], [ "Represent the following document", "What is the definition of resistance training? A: Resistance training is a type of exercise that uses external resistance to cause muscle contractions with the intent to strengthen and tone, build mass and expand endurance. Dumbbells, resistance bands, water bottles or body weight are all examples of external resistance, as defined by WebMD. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "See Immune tolerance, Self-tolerance Pharmacology An ↑ in dose of a drug required to achieve the same effect in a particular Pt, which is a function of ↑ metabolism–eg, by hypertrophy of the endoplasmic reticulum or ↑ expulsion of the drug from a cell–eg, amplification of the multidrug resistant gene by malignant cells." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There are two main parts to your immune system: the non-specific and specific immune systems. Let's talk about the non-specific immune system first. Non-Specific Immunity. Your defense system starts with non-specific immunity, also known as innate immunity. This system is comprised of general mechanisms your body deploys every day to keep you safe." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Passive Immunity to Infectious Disease 1955: Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a persons system. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body to neutralize or destroy toxins or disease-carrying organisms.Antibodies are disease-specific.For example, measles antibody will protect a person who is exposed to measles disease, but will have no effect if he or she is exposed to mumps. There are two types of immunity: active and passive.uestion: examples: innate immunity, artifically passive & active, naturally passive & active immunity. Answers: examples: innate immunity-immunity that has already exist since birth.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "active immunity, a form of long-term, acquired immunity. It protects the body against a new infection as the result of antibodies that develop naturally after an initial infection or artificially after a vaccination. Compare passive immunity. See also acquired immunity, immune response, natural immunity.ctive immunity. that which follows exposure to an antigen; acquired immunity attributable to the presence of antibody or of immune lymphoid cells formed in response to antigenic stimulus. Called also adaptive immunity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "active immunity see acquired i. artificial immunity acquired (active or passive) immunity produced by deliberate exposure to an antigen, as in vaccination. cell-mediated immunity (CMI), cellular immunity acquired immunity in which the role of T lymphocytes is predominant.genetic immunity innate i.mmunity resulting from the development within the body of antibodies or sensitized T lymphocytes that neutralize or destroy the infective agent. This may result from the immune response to an invading organism or from inoculation with a vaccine containing a foreign antigen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) is an immune response that does not involve antibodies but rather involves the activation of macrophages and NK-cells, the production of antigen-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (def), and the release of various cytokines (def) in response to an antigen (def).ytokines that regulate adaptive immunity are produced primarily by T-lymphocytes that have recognized an antigen specific for that cell. These cytokines function in the proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes after antigen recognition and in the activation of effector cells." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Immune Tolerance. Tolerance is the prevention of an immune response against a particular antigen. For instance, the immune system is generally tolerant of self-antigens, so it does not usually attack the body's own cells, tissues, and organs. However, when tolerance is lost, disorders like autoimmune disease or food allergy may occur." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An immediate hypersensitivity reaction that is restricted to a limited area of skin or mucous membrane; for example, hayfever, a skin rash, or asthma. Making use of the immune system to attack tumor cells, either by enhancing the normal immune response or by using toxin-bearing specific antibodies." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "an enzyme what is molecule" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Enzymes are protein molecules in cells which work as catalysts. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in the body, but do not get used up in the process. Almost all biochemical reactions in living things need enzymes. With an enzyme, chemical reactions go much faster than they would without the enzyme. p39" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A molecule is a particle containing two or more atoms. If it contains only one type of atom it is called an element." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid; carrier of genetic information for most organisms; made up of chains of nucleotides. Enzyme – a protein that produces or assists in creating change in substances; a catalyst." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Part of the Computing fundamentals glossary: A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound. Molecules are made up of atom s that are held together by chemical bonds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A molecule is formed when two or more atoms join together chemically. A compound is a molecule that contains at least two different elements.he smallest bit of each of these substances would be referred to as a molecule. For example, a single molecule of molecular hydrogen is made from two atoms of hydrogen while a single molecule of water is made from two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "molecule. 1 Chemistry, Physics. the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more different atoms in a compound. 2 Chemistry. a quantity of a substance, the weight of which, measured in any chosen unit, is numerically equal to the molecular weight; gram molecule." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is the role of an enzyme substrate complex? An enzyme-substrate complex is formed when a subtrate molecule binds with the active site of an enzyme that is of similar shape and size.n enzyme-substrate complex may be caused by the interaction of the molecules of protein and protease. The enzyme-substrate complex is a theory proposed in 1888 by the Swe … dish chemist, Savante Arrhenius." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "molecule - (physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "What is the role of an enzyme substrate complex? An enzyme-substrate complex is formed when a subtrate molecule binds with the active site of an enzyme that is of similar shape and size.nswer by Ataylor12193. Confidence votes 115. An enzyme-substrate complex uses the reactants(substrates) and the enzyme. The enzyme is like a catalyst that reduces the required activation energy and speeds up the chemical reaction." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.[4][5][6][7][8] Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge. However, in quantum physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, the term molecule is often used less strictly, also being applied to polyatomic ions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Molecule: Molecule, a group of two or more atoms that form the smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance can be divided and still retain the composition and chemical properties of that substance. Several methods of representing a molecule’s structure. In Lewis structures, element symbols …." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A molecule is made up of two or more atoms of the same element or compound, or different elements or compounds, that are chemically bound together. A molecule is a quantity of a substance that can be measured by a chosen unit. Molecules are extremely small particles. Full Answer >." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a. an enzyme that uses RNA as a substrate. b.an enzyme that catalyzes the association b/w the large & small ribosomal subunits. c.an enzyme made up of RNA. D. AN enzyme that syntesizes RNA primers during DNA replication. E. An enzyme that synthesizes RNA as part of the transcription process." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Molecule definition, Chemistry, Physics. the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more different atoms in a compound. See more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Role of Enzymes in Living Organisms. Enzymes are macromolecules that catalyze chemical reactions within a living organism. Most are proteins, but there are also RNA enzymes which aid in protein synthesis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "A restriction enzyme is a protein that recognizes a specific, short nucleotide sequence and cuts the DNA only at that specific site, which is known as restriction site or target sequence.More than 400 restriction enzymes have been isolated from the bacteria that manufacture them. restriction enzyme is a protein that recognizes a specific, short nucleotide sequence and cuts the DNA only at that specific site, which is known as restriction site or target sequence." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Circle the active site in the lactase enzyme in the figure. After the enzyme has acted on the substrate and the products are released from the enzyme, the. enzyme returns to its original state, so the enzyme is ready to act on another substrate molecule. Thus, an enzyme molecule can be reused over and over. For example, a single molecule of the enzyme lactase can speed up the digestion of many many molecules of lactose. Experiment 1 - Is an enzyme needed to digest lactose? Can the same enzyme digest lactose and sucrose?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: ribozyme is from ribonucleic acid enzyme, which is also called rna enzyme or catalytic rna. it is an rna molecule that catalyzes a chemical reaction...est Answer: ribozyme is from ribonucleic acid enzyme, which is also called rna enzyme or catalytic rna. it is an rna molecule that catalyzes a chemical reaction..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Molecule. an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by covalent chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge. However, in quantum physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, the term molecule..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Enzyme-catalyzed reactions occur in at least two steps. In the first step, an enzyme molecule (E) and the substrate molecule or molecules (S) collide and react to form an intermediate compound called the enzyme-substrate (E–S) complex.n the first step, an enzyme molecule (E) and the substrate molecule or molecules (S) collide and react to form an intermediate compound called the enzyme-substrate (E–S) complex." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a RESTRICTION ENZYME? A restriction enzyme is a protein that recognizes a specific, short nucleotide sequence and cuts the DNA only at that specific site, which is known as restriction site or target sequence. More than 400 restriction enzymes have been isolated from the bacteria that manufacture them." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Restriction enzymes, also known as restriction endonucleases, are enzymes that cut a DNA molecule at a particular place. They are essential tools for recombinant DNA technology. The enzyme scans a DNA molecule, looking for a particular sequence, usually of four to six nucleotides. Once it finds this recognition sequence, it stops and cuts the strands. This is known as enzyme digestion. On double stranded DNA the recognition sequence is on both strands, but runs in opposite directions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Molecule, a group of two or more atoms that form the smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance can be divided and still retain the composition and chemical properties of that substance. Several methods of representing a molecule's structure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Enzymes are substances present in the cell in small amounts that function to speed up or catalyze chemical reactions. On the surface of the enzyme is usually a small crevice that functions as an active site (def) or catalytic site to which one or two specific substrates are able to bind.. POLYPEPTIDES, PROTEINS, AND ENZYMES. 2. Enzymes Fundamental statements for this learning object: 1. Enzymes are substances present in the cell in small amounts that function to speed up or catalyze chemical reactions so they occur fast enough to support life." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Molecule, a group of two or more atoms that form the smallest identifiable unit into which a pure substance can be divided and still retain the composition and chemical properties of that substance." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The definition of a molecule is the smallest amount of something, particularly of a chemical substance, that can exist on its own. An example of a molecule are two atoms of hydrogen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition. noun, plural: molecules. A tiny or a very small piece (of something). (biology or biochemistry) An extremely small particle or substance, especially at cellular or structural level, as a biomolecule. (physics and chemistry) The smallest unit of an element or compound, made up of two or more atoms held together by strong chemical bond." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A restriction enzyme is an enzyme that cuts DNA after recognizing a specific sequence of DNA. You can think of restriction enzymes as molecular scissors. Scientists can use restriction enzymes to cut a single gene from a larger piece of DNA.n summary, a restriction enzyme is an enzyme that cuts DNA after recognizing a specific sequence of DNA. You can think of a restriction enzyme as molecular scissors that cleave the covalent bond linking adjacent nucleotides in the backbone of a DNA strand." ], [ "", "Molecule: a chemical structure that has two or more atoms held together by a chemical bond. Water is a molecule of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O)... more. Protein: a type of molecule found in the cells of living things, made up of special building blocks called amino acids." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is war stand for?" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wins Above Replacement (WAR) is an attempt by the sabermetric baseball community to summarize a player’s total contributions to their team in one statistic. You should always use more than one metric at a time when evaluating players, but WAR is all-inclusive and provides a useful reference point for comparing players." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "cold war in British English. See all translations. uk ​ /ˌkəʊld ˈwɔːr/ us ​ /ˌkoʊld ˈwɔːr/. › a state of extreme unfriendliness existing between countries, especially countries with opposing political systems, that expresses itself not through fighting but through political pressure and threats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "military mk, what does mark stand for in military, what does mk 19 mean, what does mk 19 stand for, what does mk mean in military, what does mk mean in weapons, what does mk mean military, what does mk stand for guns, what does mk stand for in guns, what does mk stand for in mk 19, what does mk stand for in newspapers, what does mk stand for on a gun, what does mk19 stand for, what does mod 0 mean, what does the mk stand for in mk-19" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The War on Drugs is an American term commonly applied to a campaign of prohibition of drugs, military aid, and military intervention, with the stated aim being to reduce the illegal drug trade." ], [ "Represent", "For other uses, see World War One (disambiguation) and Great War (disambiguation). World War I (WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War, the Great War, or the War to End All Wars, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-americana or Guerra hispano-estadounidense; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was fought between the United States and Spain in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to U.S. intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "GI stands for Government Issue which was printed all over the soldiers' equipment. The GIs helped to defeat the Axis Powers during WWII. by Kareem May 28, 2005" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Print Page Tweet. War, Inc. is a brave and ambitious but chaotic attempt at political satire. The targets: the war in Iraq, and the shadowy role of Vice President Dick Cheney's onetime corporate home Halliburton in the waging of the war." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A war memorial is a building, monument, statue or other edifice to celebrate a war or victory, or (predominating in modern times) to commemorate those who died or were injured in a war." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition: Tariff War Tariff War usually refers to the war in trade tariffs that countries levy upon each other so as to discourage exports from one another and create trade benefits for self. Tariff Wars are also referred to as “customs war”." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "War Department - a former executive department of the United States government; created in 1789 and combined with the Navy Department in 1947. executive branch, Executive Office of the President - the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This Means War (film). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This Means War is a 2012 American romantic comedy spy film directed by McG in which two CIA agents who are best friends discover that they are dating the same woman. The film stars Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, and Tom Hardy.his Means War was previously scheduled for wide release on February 14, but 20th Century Fox postponed its opening to February 17, 2012, in order to avoid a head-on confrontation with Screen Gems ' The Vow, which had been expected to dominate the box office on Valentine's Day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air. 2. a state or period of armed hostility or active military operations: The two nations were at war with each other." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Warframe is a free-to-play cooperative third-person shooter video game developed by Digital Extremes for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Although the game is free to download, players may purchase in-game currency called Platinum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Object of War. The object of war is to kill people and break things. Barack Obama was no more qualified to lead fighting men than I would be to be in a Miss America pageant. He hated the troops, as most democrats do. Personal hubris and an overinflated ego would not permit him to listen to the military…" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An anti-war movement (also antiwar) is a social movement, usually in opposition to a particular nation's decision to start or carry on an armed conflict, unconditional of a maybe-existing just cause. The term can also refer to pacifism, which is the opposition to all use of military force during conflicts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "• WAR ZONE (noun) The noun WAR ZONE has 1 sense: 1. a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especially a designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war) Familiarity information: WAR ZONE used as a noun is very rare." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "World War I (WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War, the Great War, or the War to End All Wars. was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "War is an enormous waste of human life, government money, oil, coal, natural gas, et al, and we need to follow the leads of Sweden and Switzerland if the USA is to survive as one nation and not break up into several independent nations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A war song is a musical composition that relates to war, or a society 's attitudes towards war. They may be pro-war, anti-war, or simply a description of everyday life during war times." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "In 1984 by George Orwell, what do the 3 slogans (war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery) mean?or instance: you can't have peace unless you have war first. of course, the war in the book is ongoing-if it actually exists in the first place-so everyone thinks that someday they'll have peace but they have to finish this war first; you can't get to peace any other way." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "World War I, also known as WWI (abbreviation), the First World War, the Great War, and The War to End All Wars, was a global military conflict that took place mostly in Europe between 1914 and 1918." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Oxford English Dictionary cited the first known usage in the English language to a Scottish newspaper: the People's Journal in 1848, “A war among the great powers is now necessarily a world-war.” The term, “world war” had been used in 1850 by Karl Marx and his associate Friedrich Engels in The Class Struggles in France." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Howard's story. STAND FOR is a not for profit organisation which supports young people from 15 to 25, where others have let them down, either through a lack of expertise, desire, budget or sometimes, all three. The STAND FOR mission is to, empower and support young people, to ensure they get their fair chance." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "War, West Virginia. War is a city in McDowell County, West Virginia, United States. The population was 862 at the 2010 census. War was incorporated in 1920 by the Circuit Court of McDowell County. Its name is derived from War Creek, whose confluence with Dry Fork is located within the city. War is the only place in the United States with this name. War was formerly known as Miner's City. It is well known for being a setting in the movie October Sky as writer Homer Hickam's Big Creek High School." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The person who said If they mean to have war let it begin here was John Parker. The whole quote was Stand your ground; don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to… have war, let it begin here.. And it mean't don't fire unless the enemies fire first. The second part means if they want war the let it begin here and now." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An absence of war is usually called peace. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general.[1] Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant suffering and casualties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "War Department-a former executive department of the United States government; created in 1789 and combined with the Navy Department in 1947. executive branch, Executive Office of the President-the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws. 1 Facebook." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "War, West Virginia. War is a city in McDowell County, West Virginia, United States. The population was 862 at the 2010 census. War was incorporated in 1920 by the Circuit Court of McDowell County. Its name is derived from War Creek,[7] whose confluence with Dry Fork is located within the city." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Synonym Study. 1.Battle, action, skirmish mean a conflict between organized armed forces. A battle is a prolonged and general conflict pursued to a definite decision: the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. A skirmish is a slight engagement, often on the periphery of an area of battle: several minor skirmishes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "guidance for the employment of the Armed Forces of the United States. This represents the. evolution in our warfighting guidance and military theory that forms the core of joint. warfighting doctrine and establishes the framewor k for our forces’ ability to fight as a joint." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Looking for online definition of military or what military stands for? military is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Military - What does military stand for?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters, The United States is at war with ISIL in the same way we are at war with Al Qaeda and its affiliates. The problem is that our traditional definition of war is outdated, and so is our imagination of what war means. World War II was the last time Congress officially declared war." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "cold war. intense economic, political, military, and ideological rivalry between nations, short of military conflict; sustained hostile political policies and an atmosphere of strain between opposed countries. a continuing state of resentful antagonism between two parties short of open hostility or violence." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "War is a counterculture era soul song written by Norman Whitfield and Barrett Strong for the Motown label in 1969. Whitfield first produced the song – a blatant anti-Vietnam War protest – with The Temptations as the original vocalists." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "World War I (WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War, the Great War, or the War to End All Wars, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This Means War is a 2012 American romantic comedy spy film directed by McG in which two CIA agents who are best friends discover that they are dating the same woman.his Means War was previously scheduled for wide release on February 14, but 20th Century Fox postponed its opening to February 17, 2012, in order to avoid a head-on confrontation with Screen Gems ' The Vow, which had been expected to dominate the box office on Valentine's Day." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of price war for English Language Learners. : a situation in which companies or stores compete with each other by lowering their prices on goods or services in order to attract more customers." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "war criminal - an offender who violates international law during times of war. noun criminal, convict, con (slang), crook, lag (slang), villain, culprit, sinner, delinquent, felon, jailbird, wrongdoer, miscreant, malefactor, evildoer, transgressor, lawbreaker Sex offenders often attack again when they are released." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "=== What Does UPC Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For? Like and subscribe for more acronyms and abbreviations. === What Does UPC Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For?" ], [ "", "Not the first instance of warfare, which surely predates recorded history, but of an organized war between civilizations. For the purposes of this question I'll define a war as: Defined scope: the war had a beginning, and end, and specific belligerents. Not an ongoing state of hostility between people groups." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "=== What Does MCM Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For? Like and subscribe for more acronyms and abbreviations. === What Does MCM Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of combat zone): war zone (a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especially a designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war))" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Warframe is a Free-to-Play Third Person Shooter/Hack-n-Slash game. Since it's free-to-play, there's no need for a PS+ Subscription nor any other subscription model for the game itself." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "• WAR ZONE (noun). The noun WAR ZONE has 1 sense: 1. a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especially a designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war). Familiarity information: WAR ZONE used as a noun is very rare." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Definition of war power. : the power to make war; specifically : an extraordinary power exercised usually by the executive branch of a government in the prosecution of a war." ], [ "", "A battle during World War II; in December 1944 von Rundstedt launched a powerful counteroffensive in the forest at Ardennes and caught the Allies by surprise. Classified under: Nouns denoting acts or actions. Synonyms: Ardennes counteroffensive; Battle of the Ardennes Bulge; Battle of the Bulge. Instance hypernyms:" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Warframe is a free-to-play cooperative third-person shooter video game developed by Digital Extremes for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "war on terror. noun. the ongoing campaign by the United States and some of its allies to counter international terrorism; also called war on terrorism. Examples. Homeland Security is the department created to fight the war on terror." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Rules of War. A body of customs, practices, usages, conventions, protocols, treaties, laws, and other norms that govern the commencement, conduct, and termination of hostilities between belligerent states or parties. Frequently violated and sometimes ridiculed, the rules of war have evolved over centuries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A cold war or cold warfare is a state of conflict between nations that does not involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or proxy wars waged by surrogates." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Jcrew shoes what does the h stand for. What does preschool and gradeschool in jordan shoe sizes? On the amazon.com website the shoe sizes state `` 8 d (m) us what dies that mean? Woolrich shoes what does the h stand for. What does eee stand for shoe size? What does gp stand for in shoe size? Nike 9h size shoe. What is shoe size 3e stand for?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Looking for online definition of armament or what armament stands for? armament is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Armament - What does armament stand for?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Welcome to www.worldwar-1.net! World War 1, also known as the First World War or the Great War and the War to End All Wars, was a world conflict lasting from 1914 to 1919, with the fighting lasting until 1918. The war was fought by the Allies on one side, and the Central Powers on the other." ], [ "Represent the following document", "The War Office was a department of the British Government responsible for the administration of the British Army between the 17th century and 1964, when its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Defence." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'they would proberbly get paid $ 3,000,000 a year depending how good they are at football if you were awsume you would have more like $ 6,000,000 but it depends because my frie â\\x80¦ nds cousin got in the NFL and he got a contract for $ 6,000,000 dollar for two years.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'how much do ladies footballers get paid']>>", "WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2018 war•plane (wôr′plān′), USA pronunciation n. Military an airplane designed for, or used in, warfare." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Evidently what the American flag stands is not what Donald Trump stands for. The American flag does not stand for maligning our war heroes. The American flag does not stand for kowtowing to vile racist and bigotry groups like the KKK and neo-Nazis. The American flag does not stand for carte blanche denial of immigrants entering the United States based solely on religious belief." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Guerra is a Portuguese, Spanish and Italian term meaning war." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['', 'It depends whether or not you are nursing and how long. 1 Nursing: The feedback loop between the pituitary (which controls most hormones) and nipple stimulation encourages lactation (milk production) and suppresses ovulation. Up to 8 months or so, this will prevent return to â\\x80\\x9cnormalâ\\x80\\x9d hormone function. 2 Not Nursing: 6â\\x80\\x938 weeks.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long does it take hormones to return to normal after giving birth']>>", "war chest. 1. money set aside or scheduled for a particular purpose or activity, as for a political campaign or organizational drive. With the primary a year away, Reid is sitting on a $25 million war chest and no viable opposition. Bob picked up the phone, made a few calls, and gathered $1.2 million in his war chest." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "World War I. World War I (WWI or WW1), also known as the First World War, the Great War, or the War to End All Wars. was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine (adj). the military forces of a nation. their military is the largest in the region; the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "World War II (often abbreviated to WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. The vast majority of the world's countries—including all of the great powers—eventually formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "It's a war on war. It's a war on war. It's a war on war. It's a war on war. It's a war on war. It's a war on war. It's a war on war. There's a war on." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The term combat (French for fight) typically refers to armed conflict between military forces in warfare, whereas the more general term fighting can refer to any violent conflict, including boxing and wrestling matches, or street fighting." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is cymbalta for" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Updated July 08, 2016. Cymbalta (generic name duloxetine) is a serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressant used to treat major depression and the pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The same dosage was also significantly more effective than placebo in decreasing neuropathic pain." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Savella (milnacipran) were the second and third medications to receive FDA approval for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Both are serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Learn more about Medicare prescription drug plans and savings with GoodRx., price_page: Compare prices and print coupons for Cymbalta (Duloxetine) and other Anxiety, Depression, Diabetic Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, and Musculoskeletal Conditions drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies., info_page: Learn about Cymbalta (Duloxetine), dosing, proper use and what to know before beginning treatment, images_page: See images of Cymbalta (Duloxetine), including the medication and its ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What Drugs Interact with Cymbalta? Cymbalta can cause life-threatening interactions with a variety of drugs. You increase your risk for overdose if you take Cymbalta with alcohol. Long-term use of this combination will cause severe liver damage. Cymbalta plus the anti-psychotic drug Thioridazine can cause death.[xvii]" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "BRAND NAME(S): Cymbalta. Warning | Medication Uses | How To Use | Side Effects | Precautions | Drug Interactions | Overdose | Notes | Missed Dose | Storage. WARNING: Antidepressant medications are used to treat a variety of conditions, including depression and other mental/mood disorders." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cymbalta at Work in Your Body. ­Let's say you're prescribed Cymbalta, but before you start popping pills, you want to know exactly what the drug will do to your body.Cymbalta is an SNRI, or a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.Let's say you're prescribed Cymbalta, but before you start popping pills, you want to know exactly what the drug will do to your body. Cymbalta is an SNRI, or a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The only side effect i had from Cymbalta was some muscle jerkings and nausea for the first 1 week. What your doctor will probably do is cut down the Celexa completely and give you 60mg Cymbalta after your first week on Cymbalta. 60mg will be your regular dose, 30mg is the starting dose." ], [ "", "Cymbalta is a capsule that you take by mouth once a day. The recommended dose is 60 milligrams a day. However, your doctor will likely tell you to take 30 milligrams a day for the first week, before increasing you to the full dose." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "THIS IS A SULFUR CONTAINING DRUG! # Cymbalta is a prescription antidepressant drug with the scientific name of duloxetine hydrochloride. in the drug consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nirogen and chloride atoms, according to RxList. receive 60 mg of Cymbalta one time daily." ], [ "Represent text", "The researchers noted that use of Cymbalta could result in fewer side effects than the drugs traditionally used for the condition, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, which can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding, and opioids like morphine, which often lead to constipation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "What is Cymbalta Withdrawal? Cymbalta withdrawal refers to the symptoms a person experiences when they stop taking Cymbalta, also called discontinuation-emergent adverse events (“DEAEs”). The frequency of Cymbalta withdrawal is associated with a drug’s “half-life.” The term “half-life” means the amount of time it takes for half of the drug to be eliminated from the body after one stops taking it." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what kind of trees grow in wales" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Aspen (Populus tremula). Aspen is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to the UK and most of Europe. 1 Beech, common (Fagus sylvatica) Common beech is a large, deciduous tree, native to southern England and South Wales.lm, wych (Ulmus glabra). Wych elm is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to the UK and much of Europe. 1 Hawthorn, common (Crataegus monogyna) Common hawthorn is a deciduous tree native in the UK and across Europe." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Many lists of trees of Great Britain and Ireland have been written. There are a number of issues surrounding the inclusion of a species in such a list.As can be seen from the outline of debate below, there is no 'correct' list of trees of Britain and Ireland.ritain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. But there are some interesting endemic trees nevertheless. 1 Plot’s Elm – English Midlands only. 2 Apomictic Whitebeams endemic to the British Isles: 3 Sorbus arranensis – Isle of Arran only. 4 Arran Service Tree – Isle of Arran only." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Grapes can grow on either depending on the kind. Grapes grow on vines which are neither bushes nor trees. Older vines my look like bushes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What type of forest do pine trees grow in? Pine trees grow in coniferous forest, usually in northern regions, where the climate is cold and the soil rich enough to sustain them. What types of trees grow in antarctica? None, it's too cold for trees and most of the continent is covered with ice." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "English bluebells Edit. English bluebells are bulbous plants of the hyacinth family (Hyacinthoides non-scripta). See Common Bluebell. English bluebells grow wild in woodlands and flower around May. British bluebell woods in flower are seen as beautiful and uniquely English or British." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sycamore in the UK. Sycamore is a deciduous tree, native throughout central and southern Europe and is. naturalised throughout the lowlands of northern Europe. It is commonly found in beech , beech–fir and hornbeam-oak woodland mixed singly with these species, and often. associated with ash 1, 2." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Native Irish Trees --- List of Trees Native to Ireland. by GPI. Click on the links to our native trees below... The native oaks, Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea) and Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur). Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Wych Elm (Ulmus glabra)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "List of trees of Great Britain and Ireland. Many lists of trees of Great Britain and Ireland have been written. There are a number of issues surrounding the inclusion of a species in such a list. As can be seen from the outline of debate below, there is no 'correct' list of trees of Britain and Ireland. Rowan tree in Wicklow, Ireland." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Genus: Fagus Species: grandifolia. The American Beech tree grows in the southern and eastern parts of the United States. It grows in deciduous forests all over Maine and northern Massachusetts. It grows best in deep, rich, moist, well-drained soils." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Turkey oak (Quercus laevis), also called Catesby oak or scrub oak, is a small, moderately fast to fast-growing tree found on dry sandy soils of ridges, pinelands, and dunes, often in pure stands. This oak is not commercially important because of its size, but the hard, close-grained wood is an excellent fuel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The evergreen oak (Quercus Ilex) is a tree of the family Fagaceae, with perennial leaves, typical of the Mediterranean area. So that, in Spain this is the commonest forest species: around three million hectares of oak woods distributed all over the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.It is also called carrasca, chaparra or chaparro.t is a medium-length tree, which may reach 16 to 25 metres high, mainly cultivated in order to obtain its fruits, the well-known acorns. It is a very long-live tree, since in Spain we have specimens possibly aging a thousand years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wales: climate. Wales is a mainly mountainous country with much of the land being over 150 metres. In the north, Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales, at 1085 metres, and in the south the Brecon Beacons rise to 885 metres." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Wales, otherwise known as Cymru, is part of the United Kingdom and a country known for its rich history and culture. Here are some facts about this fascinating place.1. Mount Everest was named after Welshman Sir George Everest from Gwernvale, Breconshire.nly 21% of the entire Welsh population of Wales can speak the native language. 3. Wales is believed to have more castles per square mile than anywhere else in the world. 4. Welshman Pryce Jones from Newtown Montgomeryshire created the first Mail Order business in the World. 5." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "11 Acres Wales, Sanpete County, Utah $368,900. A rare opportunity to own property that is for the buyer who likes privacy. This home is located about 2 and half miles from the center of Wales Utah. It..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "UK grown Oak tree inoculated with rare native British summer truffle spores. Oak truffle trees make perfect gifts for people who enjoy their food.he technology to create UK truffle trees is developed in the UK and is in association with The Great British and Irish Truffle Association (G.B.I.T.A). Our truffle trees are not from outside the British Isles! The tree is between 60cm and 90 cm and is about a year old when delivered." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Special. Silver birch is a pioneer tree. That means it is one of the first trees to colonise new (or cleared) land. It grows widely across the UK preferring a drier, sandier soil then downy birch. This often means downy birch is the more common birch in Ireland and Scotland and at higher altitudes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wales has over 1,680 miles (2,700 km) of coastline and is largely mountainous, with its higher peaks in the north and central areas, including Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa), its highest summit. The country lies within the north temperate zone and has a changeable, maritime climate.ales is a generally mountainous country on the western side of central southern Great Britain. It is about 170 miles (270 km) north–south and 60 miles (97 km) east–west. The oft-quoted ' size of Wales ' is about 20,779 km 2 (8,023 sq mi)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "English bluebells are bulbous plants of the hyacinth family (Hyacinthoides non-scripta). See Common Bluebell. English bluebells grow wild in woodlands and flower around May. British bluebell woods in flower are seen as beautiful and uniquely English or British. English bluebells grow only in shade." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cercis canadensis. Cercis canadensis, the eastern redbud, is a large deciduous shrub or small tree, native to eastern North America from southern Ontario, Canada south to northern Florida but which can thrive as far west as California. It is the state tree of Oklahoma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Growing palm trees in New Jersey. Growing palm trees in New Jersey Most people don't think palm trees can grow in New Jersey, but they can. A few hearty palms can survive the New Jersey winters and people throughout the state are planting them to give everything a more tropical look. (Video by Ed Murray /The Star-Ledger)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud) is a large deciduous shrub or small tree, native to eastern North America from southern Ontario, Canada south to northern Florida but which can thrive as far west as California. It is the state tree of Oklahoma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Carmarthenshire (Welsh: Sir Gaerfyrddin or Sir Gar) gâr is a unitary authority in the south west Of wales and the largest of the thirteen historic. Counties the three largest towns Are, Llanelli carmarthen And. ammanfordforest Fawr and Black Mountain extend into the east of the county and the Cambrian Mountains into the north. The south coast contains many fishing villages and sandy beaches. The highest point is Fan Brycheiniog, 2,631 feet (802 m)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "626 Acres Wales, Sanpete County, Utah $570,000. Farm and range land with 23 shares of Wales Irrigation Company water (approximately 27 acres of farmable land with pressurized irrigation and 52 acres of dry farm.) Paved road with year-round access. Power on site. Surrounded by private land holdings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Oak trees have developed in the Mediterranean and Circum Mediterranean zone, while acorns grow in the Thessaly plain where the soil is more fertile. We will also come across types of trees that have spread throughout Europe, such as the pine (Pinus silvestris), the spruce (Picea abies), and the beech (Fagus sylvatica). The fauna in the Greek forests are characterized by high biodiversity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Turkey oak (Quercus laevis), also called Catesby oak or scrub oak, is a small, moderately fast to fast-growing tree found on dry sandy soils of ridges, pinelands, and dunes, often in pure stands." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Majesty Oak with a circumference of 12.2 m (40 ft) is the thickest tree in Great Britain, and the Kaive Oak in Latvia with a circumference of 10.2 m (33 ft) is the thickest tree in Northern Europe. Quercus robur has lobed and nearly sessile (very short-stalked) leaves 7–14 cm (2.8–5.5 in) long." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Field maple is a broadleaf deciduous tree native to the UK and most of Europe. 1 Oak, English (Quercus robur) English oak is arguably the best known and loved of British native trees. 2 It is the most c...lm, wych (Ulmus glabra). Wych elm is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to the UK and much of Europe. 1 Hawthorn, common (Crataegus monogyna) Common hawthorn is a deciduous tree native in the UK and across Europe." ], [ "", "Today, eucalyptus is the most widely planted type of tree in plantations around the world, in South America (mainly in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay), Australia, India, Galicia and many more.everal eucalypt species are among the tallest trees in the world. Eucalyptus regnans, the Australian 'mountain ash', is the tallest of all flowering plants (angiosperms); today, the tallest measured specimen named Centurion is 99.6 m (327 ft) tall." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The Llangernyw Yew. The Llangernyw Yew (Welsh pronunciation: [ɬanˈgɛrnəu]) is an ancient yew (Taxus baccata) in the village of Llangernyw, Conwy, North Wales. The tree is fragmented and its core part has been lost, leaving several enormous offshoots. The girth of the tree at the ground level is 10.75 m. 1 History." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Blackthorn, also known as 'sloe', is a small deciduous tree native to the UK and most of E... 1 Box, common (Buxus sempervirens) Common box is a large, slow-growing evergreen tree native to the UK (mainly the south) and... 2 Read more.lm, wych (Ulmus glabra). Wych elm is a deciduous broadleaf tree native to the UK and much of Europe. 1 Hawthorn, common (Crataegus monogyna) Common hawthorn is a deciduous tree native in the UK and across Europe." ], [ "", "were can i buy lote tree leaves i live in the uk. It is the hackberry tree, also called in French the micocoulier: It is a tree that grows to a great height and is found in Provence and other warm climates. The Lote Tree. Offers referance to the three daughters of Sin...,the moon god." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "Outside this area, unless spread naturally it is considered non-native, usually as a result of cultivation. Britain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. But there are some interesting endemic trees nevertheless.1 Plot’s Elm – English Midlands only. 2 Apomictic Whitebeams endemic to the British Isles: 3 Sorbus arranensis – Isle of Arran only.utside this area, unless spread naturally it is considered non-native, usually as a result of cultivation. Britain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. But there are some interesting endemic trees nevertheless." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The Scottish Bluebell is also seen as the flower of Scotland. Wales-St. David and the Daffodil The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn on St. Davids Day. The vegetable called leek is also considered to be a traditional emblem of Wales.There are many explanations of how the leek came to be adopted as the national emblem of Wales.MBLEMS OF BRITAIN. Each country in Britain has its own patron saint and floral emblem: England-St. George and the Rose The national flower of England is the rose." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Acacia pycnantha, commonly known as the golden wattle, is a tree of the family Fabaceae native to southeastern Australia. It grows to a height of 8 m (25 ft) and has phyllodes (flattened leaf stalks) instead of true leaves.Sickle-shaped, these are between 9 and 15 cm (3.5–9 in) long, and 1–3.5 cm (1⁄2 – 1 1⁄2 in) wide.cacia pycnantha generally grows as a small tree to between 3 and 8 m (10–25 ft) in height, though trees of up to 12 m (40 ft) high have been reported in Morocco." ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "The lilly-pilly tree (Acmena smithii) is native to Australia, but thrives in U.S Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 through 11.It can grow as a tree or shrub, producing small clusters of white flowers in the summer and edible white, lavender or pink berries in winter.The plants can grow up to 10 to 25 feet tall and 8 to 15 feet wide. Lilly-pilly is fairly hardy, but susceptible to thrips, root rot and phytophthora.he lilly-pilly tree (Acmena smithii) is native to Australia, but thrives in U.S Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 9 through 11." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pen y Fan /pɛn.ə.ˈvaen/ ˈvæn is the highest peak in South, wales situated in The Brecon Beacons National. parkt 886 metres (2,907 ft) above sea-level, it is also the highest British peak south of Cadair Idris in Snowdonia. The twin summits of Pen y Fan and Corn Du at 2864 feet were formerly referred to as Cadair Arthur or 'Arthur's Seat'." ], [ "", "Not surprisingly, the most common species of tree grown for timber are the coniferous Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). This was confirmed by the Swedish National Forest Survey 2010, revealing that the Norway spruce and Scots pine are the two dominant tree species in Sweden." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The cork oak tree (Quercus suber) has outer bark that can be harvested from the tree without harming the tree. New bark then grows on the tree. Most cork oak trees grow in Portugal, Spain, southern France, Italy and North Africa." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Staple fruits of the land include oats, barley, wheat and vegetables, including the famous Welsh leek – an enduring symbol of Wales and found in traditional dishes from Glamorgan Sausage to the hearty broth known simply as cawl." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Growth in Britain is very fast, with the tallest tree, at Benmore in southwest Scotland, reaching 56.4 m (185 ft) in 2014 at age 150 years, and several others from 50–53 m (164–174 ft) tall; the stoutest is around 12 m (39 ft) in girth and 4 m (13 ft) in diameter, in Perthshire." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A river running through a mesa biome with mesa plateaus, with a savanna biome in the bottom right. In case you don’t know what a “biome” is, it’s a climate zone used in the game to set what kind of surface the ground has (sand? grass?), whether it should rain or snow, what trees grow there, and sometimes also what kind of animals that are allowed to spawn there." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Some species (e.g. Rhododendron ponticum in Ireland and the United Kingdom) are invasive as introduced plants, spreading in woodland areas replacing the natural understory. R. ponticum is difficult to eradicate, as its roots can make new shoots.hododendron is a genus characterised by shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing to 10–100 cm (3.9–39.4 in) tall, and the largest, R. protistum var." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wales-St. David and the Daffodil The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn on St. Davids Day.The vegetable called leek is also considered to be a traditional emblem of Wales. There are many explanations of how the leek came to be adopted as the national emblem of Wales.MBLEMS OF BRITAIN. Each country in Britain has its own patron saint and floral emblem: England-St. George and the Rose The national flower of England is the rose." ], [ "Represent this text.", "Crataegus laevigata, known as the midland hawthorn,[2] English hawthorn,[2] woodland hawthorn[2] or mayflower, is a species of hawthorn native to western and central Europe, from Great Britain (where it is largely confined to lowland ancient woodland[3]) and Spain east to the Czech Republic and Hungary." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Ask your local garden centre about plants that thrive in our unique climate, or download our YardSmart Annuals and Perennials Brochure. We also have more information on what kind of trees and shrubs grow well in Calgary.Plants native to our region are always a wise choice. Most garden centres carry a selection of native plants and some specialize in native plants.sk your local garden centre about plants that thrive in our unique climate, or download our YardSmart Annuals and Perennials Brochure. We also have more information on what kind of trees and shrubs grow well in Calgary." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Eucalyptus regnans, known variously as mountain ash, swamp gum, or stringy gum, is a species of Eucalyptus native to Tasmania and Victoria in southeastern Australia and the tallest flowering plant and one of the tallest trees in the world, second to the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens).ucalyptus regnans is widely known as the mountain ash, due to the resemblance of its wood to that of the northern hemisphere ash (Fraxinus). Swamp gum is a name given to it in Tasmania, and stringy gum in northern Tasmania." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The most readily available plantation timbers in Australia are softwoods such as Hoop Pine, Radiata Pine and Slash Pine, the two latter of which are introduced species.Regrettably, there is an undersupply of plantation-grown Eucalypt and other hardwood species on the Australian market.Many eucalypt plantations growing in NSW-apart from mainly bluegum and blackbutt-are generally not yet mature, or their trees are not currently being processed as sawlogs.nofficial reports indicate, however, that (treated) sewage-fed hardwood species can equal the rapid growth rates of Radiata Pine. Australian hardwood plantation timbers are mainly used for low-value applications such as pulp and paper products, their fibre being considered superior to that from native forest trees." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Prunus cerasifera is a deciduous Tree growing to 9 m (29ft) by 9 m (29ft) at a medium rate. It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. It is in flower in March, and the seeds ripen from Aug to September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees.Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in heavy clay soil." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The three largest towns are Llanelli, Carmarthen and Ammanford. The county town and administrative centre of Carmarthenshire is Carmarthen and the most populous settlement is the area in and around the town of Llanelli. With its fertile land and agricultural produce, Carmarthenshire is known as the Garden of Wales.forest Fawr and Black Mountain extend into the east of the county and the Cambrian Mountains into the north. The south coast contains many fishing villages and sandy beaches. The highest point is Fan Brycheiniog, 2,631 feet (802 m)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is the largest area of lowland fen in Wales and lies immediately to the eastern side of Kilvey Hill just north of the industrial area of Crymlyn Burrows. Plantlife found in the bog is more typical of that found in East Anglia.Habitats range from swamps, carr (fen) , water meadows and tall reed beds to waterlogged scrub consisting mainly of willow, where wetter areas merge with woodland. There are a number of plants found in the wetland that are rare in Great Britain.ith the surrounding industrialisation, encroaching residential districts and a polluting landfill site beside it, it was uncertain that the bog would survive. Andrew Lees, who later became Campaigns Director of Friends of the Earth started a campaign with the Swansea branch of FoE to protect the bog." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "English and Spanish Bluebells. English bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) are native to France and England and have been gracing gardens and wooded areas with their beautiful bluish-purple flowers since the early 1500’s. These spring delights reach heights of 12 inches and can be planted in the fall for spring bloom.he care of wood hyacinth plants requires minimal energy. These easy-to-please bulbs naturalize rapidly and prefer well-drained soil with a high organic content. Like Virginia bluebells, wood hyacinths will thrive in shade or part-sun in the South and will tolerate full sun in northerly climates." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Cork is the bark of an oak tree known botanically as quercus suber. The tree is an evergreen that grows only in areas bordering the Mediterranean. Portugal represents approximately 50% of the world's cork output, Spain accounts for 25% and the remainder comes from Algeria, France, Morocco, Italy and Tunisia." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) Rowan is a fast-growing pioneer tree in the Caledonian Forest, characterised by its brilliant red berries at the end of summer." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The role of government in building the sustainable economy includes: Funding basic science needed for renewable energy and renewable resource technology. Using the tax system, government purchasing power and other financial tools to steer private capital toward investment in renewable energy and other sustainability technologies and businesses.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what role should government and business play in energy production']\"", "(Redirected from Trees of Britain and Ireland). Many lists of trees of Great Britain and Ireland have been written. There are a number of issues surrounding the inclusion of a species in such a list. As can be seen from the outline of debate below, there is no 'correct' list of trees of Britain and Ireland.ritain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. But there are some interesting endemic trees nevertheless. 1 Plot’s Elm – English Midlands only. 2 Apomictic Whitebeams endemic to the British Isles: 3 Sorbus arranensis – Isle of Arran only. 4 Arran Service Tree – Isle of Arran only." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sea Arches - The Green Bridge of Wales. The Green Bridge of Wales is one of the most famous landmarks in Wales, and one of the most spectacular sites on the Pembrokeshire Coast. It is located close to Castlemartin in the south of the county, and is adjacent to the Stack Rocks and the Cauldron. The Green Bridge is a limestone arch. It is the limestone of the South Pembrokeshire Coast that is responsible for some of the most beautiful natural features. The arch formed when the sea wore away the rock underneath. Once the arch was a promontory of rock, jutting into the sea." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Vine Tree is a public house situated in Monnow Street in the town of Monmouth, Wales. The building has been a Grade II Listed building since 18 November 1970.[1]" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Eucalyptus regnans, known variously as mountain ash, swamp gum, or stringy gum, is a species of Eucalyptus native to Tasmania and Victoria in southeastern Australia and the tallest flowering plant and one of the tallest trees in the world, second to the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens).wamp gum is a name given to it in Tasmania, and stringy gum in northern Tasmania. Other common names include white mountain ash, giant ash, stringy gum, swamp gum and Tasmanian oak. Von Mueller called it the Giant gum-tree and Spurious blackbutt in his 1888 Key to the System of Victorian Plants `." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The English oak is one of the most common trees in the UK countryside, and is one of the few trees most people can identify. Nevertheless, it makes a good starting point. The English Oak is deciduous and native to Britain and parts of Europe.They are known for there long lifetimes, sometimes living over 1000 years.t was long thought to be native to the South of Britain, but recent evidence suggests it did no arrive until 4000BC. It is used for plywood, toys and furniture amongst other things. The typical lifetime of the common beech is not as long as the oak, but still around 100-200 years. It is also deciduous." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For example, only thirty-one species of deciduous tree and shrub are native to Scotland, including ten willows, four whitebeams and three birch and cherry. This is a list of tree species that existed in Britain before 1900. The sheer number of tree species planted subsequently precludes a complete list.n the absence of people, much of Great Britain would be covered with mature oaks, except for Scotland. Although conditions for forestry are good, trees do face damage threats arising from fungi, parasites and pests." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tassie's Trees Black peppermint-Eucalyptusamygdalina Black peppermint is a tree of the more openforests that can grow up to 30 metres tall. It canbe found mostly in the drier areas of Tasmania,often in association with white gum and silverwattle.This species is only found in Tasmania.assie's Trees Black peppermint-Eucalyptusamygdalina Black peppermint is a tree of the more openforests that can grow up to 30 metres tall. It canbe found mostly in the drier areas of Tasmania,often in association with white gum and silverwattle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Picture of a English Oak Tree. Picture of an English Oak Tree (or Pedunculate Oak), (Quercus robur) outside Warwick Castle, Worcestershire, England. The Quercus genus is classified into two subgenera based on leaf characters, cone and seed.1 Subgenus Quercus; The red, intermediate, and white Oaks. 2 Subgenus Cyclobalanopsis; The ring-cupped Oaks (synonym genus Cyclobalanopsis). 3 Eastern and Southeastern Asia.icture of an English Oak Tree (or Pedunculate Oak), (Quercus robur) outside Warwick Castle, Worcestershire, England. The Quercus genus is classified into two subgenera based on leaf characters, cone and seed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Birch and tea-leaved willow are the main species of tree found in Icelandic woodlands and shrublands. Birch is the only species of tree to form continuous natural woodlands in Iceland, although the occasional rowan or aspen can be found growing in among the birch trees. Mosses and lichens often abound in forests, both as undergrowth and epiphytes growing on trees." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some of our non-native trees have been growing in Ireland for over 1,000 years, for example the beech tree. However, despite the fact that they have been part of the Irish landscape for so long, they are still considered 'alien' species. One way that helps some botanists to decide whether a tree is native to Ireland or not, is to look at the different place-names across the country." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Broadleaves account for 29% of Britain's woodlands, the rest being conifers, but considering only England, the figures are 55% broadleaf and 45% conifer. Britain's native tree flora comprises 32 species, of which 29 are broadleaves.Britain's industry and populace uses at least 50 million tonnes of timber a year. More than 75% of this is softwood, and Britain's forests cannot supply the demand; in fact, less than 10% of the timber used in Britain is home-grown.n the absence of people, much of Great Britain would be covered with mature oaks, except for Scotland. Although conditions for forestry are good, trees do face damage threats arising from fungi, parasites and pests." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'A pollutant is a substance or energy introduced into the environment that has undesired effects, or adversely affects the usefulness of a resource.ome pollutants are biodegradable and therefore will not persist in the environment in the long term. However the degradation products of some pollutants are themselves polluting such as the products DDE and DDD produced from degradation of DDT.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a pollutant']\"", "Many lists of trees of Great Britain and Ireland have been written. There are a number of issues surrounding the inclusion of a species in such a list.As can be seen from the outline of debate below, there is no 'correct' list of trees of Britain and Ireland.utside this area, unless spread naturally it is considered non-native, usually as a result of cultivation. Britain and Ireland have few endemic trees, most being micro-species of Whitebeam. But there are some interesting endemic trees nevertheless." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "What tree do coconuts grow on? already exists. already exists as an alternate of this question. exists and is an alternate of. How many hours a day do you practice your stunts? Do pineapples grow on coconut trees? Do coconut trees grow in Georgia? Where does the coconut tree grow? How do coconut trees grow? Do coconut trees grow in Israel? Can ..." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "detox diet definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detoxification diets, or detox diets for short, are a group of short-term diets intended to release accumulated toxins and waste products from the body. third factor that has contributed to interest in detox diets in the 1990s and early 2000s is the environmental movement. Some people who are concerned about the impact on the environment of raising animals for food use detox diets as a transition into a long-term vegetarian or vegan lifestyle." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "An example of a perfect antioxidant-packed body detox recipe is a salad composed of fresh spinach, grapefruit sections, and drizzled with vinaigrette composed of flax seed oil and fresh raspberry vinegar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of detox. 1 1 : detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance a detox clinic. 2 2 : a program or facility for assisting a person undergoing detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance spent one week in detox." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A juice cleanse is a type of detox diet that involves consuming vegetable and fruit juice for a short period of time (typically one to three days). Some programs include one or more smoothies per day to provide protein, fat, and other nutrients for energy and to curb hunger. Vegan meals and snacks are included on some plans. According to proponents, a juice cleanse supports the body’s natural detox processes, clears the diet of sugar, caffeine, refined foods, and other foods and substances that can deplete energy, and jumpstarts a more healthful way of eating." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "detoxification de·tox·i·fi·ca·tion (dē-tŏk'sə-fÄ­-kā'shən) n. The process of detoxifying. The state or condition of being detoxified. The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "SUGAR DETOX DIET: Beware the bagel... not to mention rice, dried fruit and crayfish salad: They're ALL secretly sugar laden - with toxic results for your body. For decades, it's been drummed into us that saturated fat is the greatest dietary evil, so it seems hard to believe that sugar is actually worse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How Much Weight Do People Lose On Contrave Detox Myth Due To Raw Diet Dandelion Detox Tea Walmart Detox Skinny Herbs Tea Reviews how to lose weight in thighs and calves Master Cleanse Lemonade Detox Diet Beyonce Detox Diet Recipe" ], [ "Represent the input.", "Detox, whether it is from alcohol or drugs, is the process of eliminating the toxic chemicals that have collected in your system from your substance use as well as limiting the dangers of coming off those drugs. Suddenly quitting substance use can cause the body to react and go through withdrawal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Toxins don’t build up in your liver, kidneys, or any other part of your body, and you’re not going to get rid of them with the latest detox wonder. Especially avoid diets that promise to detox your liver with supplements or “cleanse” whatever the diet determines needs washing out. The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more fruits and vegetables." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "detoxification - a treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol intended to remove the physiological effects of the addictive substances. chiropractic - a method of treatment that manipulates body structures (especially the spine) to relieve low back pain or even headache or high blood pressure." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Most of the museums (including the Louvre) are free on the first Sunday of the month, which generates long queuesâ\\x80¦ Parisâ\\x80\\x99s first museum â\\x80\\x93 the Louvre â\\x80\\x93 is also the worldâ\\x80\\x99s largest and most visited museum.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'most visited museum paris']", "1) Before the Diet. Certain foods and drinks such as coffee and sugar are typically phased out before starting the diet in order to avoid headaches and other reactions. Find out how to prepare for a detox. 2) Foods to Eat. Here is a sample list of foods to eat during a 7-day detox diet. Simply stock up on your favorite ingredients or try these 27 delicious detox meals. Learn more about our top 20 detox foods and how to use them, and check out our sample menu plan. A sample list of foods to exclude on a 7-day detox." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Lemon Detox diet is a cleansing program and encourages only the intake of lemonade made from the following ingredients: lemons, pure maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water for a minimum of ten days only.lso known as the Master Cleanse, this detox diet has been around for almost 50 years and has seen variations on its recipe and program. It's effectivity in breaking down built up toxins in the body while contributing to short term weight loss has made it a popular option for a spring detox." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detoxification is the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while managing the symptoms of withdrawal. It is often the first step in a drug treatment program and should be followed by treatment with a behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication, if available." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Prima facie. Prima facie is a Latin expression meaning on its first encounter, first blush, or at first sight. The literal translation would be at first face or at first appearance, from the feminine form of primus and facies, both in the ablative case.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'definition of prima facie']", "Detox diets are often high in fiber. Proponents claim that this causes the body to burn accumulated stored fats, releasing fat-stored toxins into the blood, which can then be eliminated through the blood, skin, urine, feces and breath." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "All the lemon detox diet ingredients are therefore low cost I'll give you the best recipe to make the lemon detox diet drink yourself For more information about lemon detox diet recipe or more diet recipes please click the link http://goo.gl/4rhBom.Related Search Terms.lemon detox diet recipe.lemon detox diet.ll the lemon detox diet ingredients are therefore low cost I'll give you the best recipe to make the lemon detox diet drink yourself For more information about lemon detox diet recipe or more diet recipes please click the link http://goo.gl/4rhBom. Related Search Terms. lemon detox diet recipe. lemon detox diet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Definition of detox. 1 1 : detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance a detox clinic. 2 2 : a detox program or facility spent one week in detox." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'San Francisco weather in March is usually a little warmer than most of the US and the rest of the northern hemisphere. This is what you can expect during your visit this month: Average High in March: 62° F/17° C. Average Low in March: 49° F/9° C. Average Monthly Rainfall: 3.3 inches.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'weather in march in san francisco']\"", "The diet for detoxification is also low in fat and high in fiber. It is important to keep the energy and bowels moving. The raw foods (and vegetarian) diet helps with both. This includes several salads of leafy greens daily, and some snacks of fruits, vegetables, nuts, or seeds. Some of the high-protein algae, such as spirulina and chlorella, also help during withdrawal and detox." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detox Cranberry Drink. Detoxification: The removal of poisons or toxins from the body. Detox Cranberry Drink: This mixture should be taken three times per day (three 8 oz glasses). You will be drinking a mixture containing unsweetened cranberry juice, lemon and apple cider vinegar." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "­You know there are certain people who go into detox in order to rid themselves of certain addictions. When in reference to a diet, it can mean the same thing.ut the belief that fuels the detox diet is that all these toxins we breathe in and ingest everyday cause skin problems, headaches, fatigue and sickness. The goal of the detox diet is to help get the body back to a healthful, fresh state." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A fruit diet is a good detoxification medium and, if one is looking for natural weight loss remedies, fruit diet or diets rich in fruits may ensure weight loss without causing any harm to the body. fruit diet is a good detoxification medium and, if one is looking for natural weight loss remedies, fruit diet or diets rich in fruits may ensure weight loss without causing any harm to the body." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers. For example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Oregon edges closer to â\\x80\\x98kickerâ\\x80\\x99 refund. The latest forecast of Oregon tax revenue is increasing speculation taxpayers could see a kicker refund. If Democratic Gov. John Kitzhaber is re-elected, he will base his budget on the Nov. 13 forecast.'] should be similar to ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is oregon kicker refund taxable']", "detoxify definition: transitive verbintransitive verb -·fied·, -·fy·ing 1. to remove a poison or poisonous effect from (something) 2. to undergo or cause to undergo withdrawal from drug or alcohol addiction, usually by means of a spe..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detoxification, or detox, is the process of letting the body remove the drugs in it. The purpose of detox is to safely manage withdrawal symptoms when someone stops taking drugs or alcohol. Everyone has a different experience with detox. The type of drug and how long it was used affect what detox will be like." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: detox (Noun). detoxification, especially of alcohol or illegal, addictive drugs. detox (Noun). A detoxification unit. detox (Verb). detoxify, especially from alcohol or illegal, addictive drugs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "­You know there are certain people who go into detox in order to rid themselves of certain addictions. When in reference to a diet, it can mean the same thing. Detox is a shortened version of the word detoxification, which is a term that means the elimination of toxins from the body." ], [ "", "Protein. While a liver cleanse detox diet is one that focuses a lot on vegetables and fruits, make sure you are also getting enough protein. The liver, especially, needs to have enough proteins in order to function well. Good sources of proteins include beans, nuts, and fish." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Detoxification, or detox, is the first phase of substance abuse recovery. It involves a period of time after your last drink that you dedicate to ridding all of the alcohol or toxins in your body so that you can begin treatment with a clean slate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Eat Liver Cleansing Foods – Sometimes called a detox diet, eating foods that support detox (like lemon, grapefruit, dandelion, artichoke, walnuts and apples) and avoiding foods that burden the liver with toxins (like alcohol, fat, chemicals and sugar) greatly benefit liver detoxification." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Lemon Detox Diet program involves drinking a lemon and water drink created from cayenne pepper, maple syrup and... lemons. You will also flush your body with a sea salt,h2o (water) solution every single night you are on the cleanse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A week-long detox diet is the ultimate health and beauty boost, and the perfect way to kick-off a weight-loss programme. For most of us, however, detoxing conjures. up visions of living on nothing but water for days - and then scoffing our way though a packet. of chocolate digestives to cheer ourselves up. Not any more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Detoxification is a decisive step towards restoration of the body’s regulatory mechanisms and towards reversing cancer cells back to the behavior of normal cells. Normal cells are programmed to die when they have fulfilled their task. This programmed cell death is called apoptosis." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', \"Dr. W. D. Gaster was the royal scientist before Alphys, responsible for creating the CORE. Gaster's Followers relay different explanations as to what happened to Gaster. Characters such as the River Person and Gaster's Followers hint at his existence.\"]\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is w.d gaster']\"", "Especially avoid diets that promise to detox your liver with supplements or “cleanse” whatever the diet determines needs washing out. The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more fruits and vegetables." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How it works: During this 21-day detox, you'll eat white meat, brown rice, dark green vegetables, certain fish, gluten-free breads, and soy products. Avoid acidic foods like red meat, most dairy, fruit (except bananas), wheat, yeast, alcohol, sugars, coffee or tea, or artificial foods or flavorings." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A Sharon Richter, RD , Nutrition & Dietetics, answered. When on a detox diet you can eat organic fruits, vegetables, hormone free chicken, fish and use any herbs. To start keep a food journal and see how many packaged and processed foods you eat. Try to find cleaner alternatives. For example, replace pasta with spaghetti squash." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Detoxing is the way in which your body gets rid of the toxins accumulated from years of using. It happens the first few days or weeks after getting clean and/or sober. It is also the very beginning of getting used to dealing with reality and real feelings with no numbing agent." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Clean Diet: A 21 Day Detox. The Clean Program is a 21-day detox diet that was designed by Dr. Alejandro Junger, a New York City cardiologist, and leader in the field of integrative medicine. Junger developed his program to treat chronic symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, headaches, depression, fatigue, weight gain, and insomnia." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Wilfork was born in Boynton Beach, Florida, and attended Santaluces Community High School in Palm Beach County, Florida. There, he was a letter winner in football, wrestling, and track and field. In football, he won USA Today's second team All-American honors.\"]\" and the positive \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is vince wilfork from']\"", "There's no specific definition of a detox or cleanse, but they often involve limiting your food intake to pressed juice, avoiding specific types of food, or drinking a concoction of juices that supposedly rids your body of toxins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Diarrhea is a common side effect of a detox cleanse. In fact, proponents of these types of diet plans claim that the diarrhea is a sign your body is ridding itself of toxic substances." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detoxification (alternative medicine) Detoxification (sometimes called body cleansing) is a type of alternative medicine treatment which aims to rid the body of unspecified toxins – accumulated substances that proponents claim have undesirable short-term or long-term effects on individual health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Detox water is water that has been mixed with the taste of fresh fruits, vegetables or herbs. You can make detox water at home in lots of different ways, using any combination of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that you like. Because it is made by suffusing taste rather than juicing or mixing, detox water contains a very low number of calories." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Banana diet plan, or a banana island, is an easy and sweet way to detox, start your weight loss journey and aid your body’s healing. I’ve done several banana diets (or banana islands) myself and have also coached other people through their own banana cleanse." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "★ Lemonade Detox Master Cleanse Recipe Best Detox Cleanse For Fat Loss How To Safely Detox From Xanax Lemonade Detox Master Cleanse Recipe Detox Headache How Long Does It Last 5 Day Detox Diet Redbook Green Detox Smoothies And Vitamix" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'This article is about the speech disorder. For the album by Something for Kate, see Echolalia (album). Echolalia (also known as echologia or echophrasia) is defined as the unsolicited repetition of vocalizations made by another person (by the same person is called palilalia). In its profound form it is automatic and effortless.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'echolalic defined']\"", "verb (used with object), detoxified, detoxifying. 1. to rid of poison or the effect of poison. 2. to treat (a person addicted to alcohol or drugs) under a program of detoxification. verb (used without object), detoxified, detoxifying. 3. to undergo detoxification." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A mature man holding a glass of red wine. Photo Credit XiXinXing/XiXinXing/Getty Images. Detox diets have been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the body, spirit and mind. Today, a detox juice fast is more likely an attempt to drop a few pounds quickly, but the basic principle is the same.Most detox diet programs recommend that you avoid animal products, refined sugar, tobacco and alcohol.oday, a detox juice fast is more likely an attempt to drop a few pounds quickly, but the basic principle is the same. Most detox diet programs recommend that you avoid animal products, refined sugar, tobacco and alcohol." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Is Detox? Many addicted people must undergo a detoxification process (detox) before they embark on a treatment plan. Detox is the process of getting the alcohol or other drugs out of the addicted person's system and getting him or her physically stable. This procedure is best conducted under the watchful eye of an healthcare giver (medical detox), because it can be painful and dangerous." ], [ "Represent this!", "continued... Our bodies naturally detoxify every day, Page tells WebMD. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, If you feel congested from too much food -- or the wrong kinds of food -- you may want to detoxify, she says." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cut Your Sugar Intake. A seasonal detox is an effective way to clear your body of toxins, which will also speed up your metabolism and enhance your overall health. Start by decreasing the amount of sugar you consume, says Matt Dower, spa director at Mirbeau Inn & Spa in Skaneateles, NY." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is Detoxing? Detoxing is the way in which your body gets rid of the toxins accumulated from years of using. It happens the first few days or weeks after getting clean and/or sober. It is also the very beginning of getting used to dealing with reality and real feelings with no numbing agent." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Detox diets are typically very rigid and involve eating the same few things over and over. Cooking and shopping: Depends on the detox plan you're following. Because there's not a lot you're allowed to eat, you won't have a long shopping list and prep work should be minimal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A raw food diet will not forcibly remove toxins from your body any faster than the usual 24 to 72 hours it takes for natural digestion and elimination, but eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds will nourish and support your body while it detoxes itself." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SUGAR DETOX DIET: Beware the bagel... not to mention rice, dried fruit and crayfish salad: They're ALL secretly sugar laden - with toxic results for your body. We eat far too many sugar-laden soft drinks and foods, such as cakes; With diets of refined carbohydrates, we end up with constant flow of sugar" ], [ "", "How to Detox. Two Parts:Short-Term DetoxesLong-Term Detox PracticesCommunity Q&A. Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Diets that claim to achieve a full detox in a matter of days have been around for decades, and several methods exist." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Photo Credit Nick Clements/Photodisc/Getty Images. Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. The process to detoxify your body involves many different elements such as herbal detoxification regimens, change of diet and vitamin supplements. It is one of the best ways to rid your body of toxins, which can slow it down and make it unhealthy. The process of detoxification requires some discipline." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Especially avoid diets that promise to detox your liver with supplements or “cleanse” whatever the diet determines needs washing out. The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more whole foods like fruits and vegetables." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Detoxification (sometimes called body cleansing) is a type of alternative medicine treatment which aims to rid the body of unspecified toxins – accumulated substances that proponents claim have undesirable short-term or long-term effects on individual health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A detox tea is a revitalizing tea designed to cleanse the body. It is made with Chinese purification herbs that have been used for thousands of years just to remove toxins in our body. Detox tea is beneficial to our lungs, liver, blood and kidneys. Krithika Keerthy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of detox for English Language Learners. : special treatment that helps a person to stop using drugs or alcohol." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A juice cleanse is a type of detox diet that involves consuming vegetable and fruit juice for a short period of time (typically one to three days). Some programs include one or more smoothies per day to provide protein, fat, and other nutrients for energy and to curb hunger." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One type of detox diet allows you to eat whole organic foods and fresh juices in limited quantities. Another type calls for a juice fast for a period of days consuming only fresh green and vegetable juices to completely rest your digestive system and cleanse your liver. Eliminating Caffeine To Aid The Liver Cleanse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On a detox diet, you can eat all kinds of vegetables, chicken, cold-water fish, some fruit, coconut oil/water, and nuts and seeds. In this video, cardiologist Alejandro Junger, MD, describes his diet plan and how it doesn't rely on deprivation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tags: detox, detox diet, detox foods, detoxing diet, diet, digestive, fasting, food that detox, foods that detox, juice diet, liver, natural cleansing, natural detoxifiers, toxins." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Simply put, detoxication is the elimination of poisons or toxins from your body. Due to the huge amounts of contaminants in today’s environment, you are constantly exposed to many forms of chemicals & toxins with estimates of exposure to at least 300 plus every day." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detoxification, or detox, is the first phase of substance abuse recovery. It involves a period of time after your last drink that you dedicate to ridding all of the alcohol or toxins in your body so that you can begin treatment with a clean slate. 1 The primary goal of detox is to safely and comfortably embark upon a period of abstinence at the start of the recovery process." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Types Of Body Detox Davids Tea Detox Review Apple Detox Smoothies. Benefits Of Green Tea Detox. Types Of Body Detox Detox Smoothie Diet Plan Natural Detox Symptoms Types Of Body Detox Best Cleanse For Detoxing The Body And Thc Aloe Vera Detox Diet Types Of Body Detox How To Detox Marijuana Naturally From Body 10 Day Detox For Weight Loss" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Northwestern Health Sciences University recommends following a detox that does not put your body into starvation mode and meets your basic nutritional needs. When following a detox diet, you avoid all processed and refined foods, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, chemically enhanced foods, artificial flavors and sweeteners and trans fats. Video of the Day Fresh Fruit" ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "when was the treaty of greenville signed" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Treaty of Greenville was signed at Fort Greenville, present day Greenville, Ohio, on August 3rd, 1795, between a partnership of Native Americans & Frontiers Men, known as the Western Confederacy, and the Native Americans following a loss at the Battle of Fallen Timbers." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A treaty was drawn up in English then translated into Maori. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on February 6, 1840, at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands. Forty-three Northland Chiefs signed the treaty on that day.Over 500 Maori Chiefs signed it as it was taken around the country during the next eight months.he Treaty of Waitangi was signed on February 6, 1840, at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands. Forty-three Northland Chiefs signed the treaty on that day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Treaty of Wangxia (Wang-hsia) was the first formal treaty signed between the United States and China in 1844. It served as an American counterpart to the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Nanjing that ended the First Opium War in 1842. The Opium War and these treaties were emblematic of an era in which Western powers tried to gain unfettered access to Chinese products and markets for European and U.S. trade." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'In some studies, treatment with Naloxone in the setting of septic shock has been associated with adverse effects, including agitation, nausea and vomiting, pulmonary edema, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures.']>> to <<['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'physiological effects of naloxone']>>", "The Treaty of Wangxia (Wang-hsia) was the first formal treaty signed between the United States and China in 1844. It served as an American counterpart to the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Nanjing that ended the First Opium War in 1842. The Signing of the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Treaty of Alliance with France was signed on February 6, 1778, creating a military alliance between the United States and France against Great Britain.ttitude of France to the United States .. The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States also contains a large collection of letters sent by the American diplomatic team that negotiated the Treaty of Alliance with France, Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "A+E Networks. On this day in 1861, the U.S. Congress passes the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, declaring that the war is being waged for the reunion of the states and not to interfere with the institutions of the South, namely slavery." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Employers of newly qualified social workers who undertake the ASYE will be entitled to receive this funding. Details of how to apply will be made available shortly on the Department for Education and Skills for Care websites.The ASYE was recommended by the Social Work Task Force in their final report in 2009.mployers of newly qualified social workers who undertake the ASYE will be entitled to receive this funding. Details of how to apply will be made available shortly on the Department for Education and Skills for Care websites.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'do social workers have to do asye']\"", "This quiz and worksheet combo will show your knowledge of the Treaty of Ghent. Subjects covered include the War of 1812 and when the treaty was signed. Quiz & Worksheet Goals. During the assessments, you will be tested on: What holiday the treaty was signed on Why the War of 1812 started The country where Ghent was located Who tried to broker a peace treaty during the War of 1812 Skills Practiced" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "exists and is an alternate of . April 30, 1803. was the date that the purchase treaty was signed by American and French negotiators. October 30, 1803 was the day the Senate ratified the treaty. The US took possession on December 20, 1803." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(706) 672-1940. Greenville, the Meriwether County seat, became a city on December 20, 1828. The city remembers Revolutionary war hero General Nathaniel Greene." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The war was ended by the Treaty of Versailles (1919) It started with Russia backing out of the war when they signed the separate Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918) with Germany.… After Germany repudiated the treaty, the Treaty of Versailles was signed, causing Germany to pay reparations and accept blame for the war." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ADAMS-ONIS TREATY. The Adams-Onis Treaty, officially called the Transcontinental Treaty, was signed in 1819 by the United States and Spain. The treaty, which was ratified on February 21, 1821, settled boundary disputes between the two countries." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "On 29 August 1842, British representative Sir Henry Pottinger and Qing representatives, Qiying, Ilibu and Niujian, signed the Treaty of Nanjing. The treaty consisted of thirteen articles and was ratified by Queen Victoria and the Daoguang Emperor nine months later. As one historian notes, a most ironic point was that opium, the immediate cause of the war,..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "PINCKNEY TREATY. The Pinckney Treaty, officially called the Treaty of San Lorenzo, was signed by the United States and Spain on October 27, 1795, to end a dispute between the two countries over land settlement and Mississippi River trade." ], [ "Represent text", "The Treaty of Nanjing. The Treaty of Nanjing was signed on August 29, 1842 to mark the end of the First Opium War (1839–42) between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Qing Dynasty of China. It was the first of the unequal treaties against the Chinese, labeled as such because Britain had no obligations in return." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Coralville Ia Population 2017. Coralville Ia's estimated population is 18,907 according to the most recent United States census. Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2015 there were 8,287 households in the city, with an average size of 2.42 people per household. The vacancy rate was 6%, with a median rent of $793/month.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'coralville iowa population']\"", "Although Tecumseh was not among the signers of the Treaty of Greenville (1795) that ceded much of present-day Ohio, long inhabited by the Shawnee and other American Indians, to the U.S. government, many of the Indian leaders in the region accepted the Greenville treaty's terms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "exists and is an alternate of . April 30, 1803 is the date that the negotiators signed the purchase treaty in Paris. The US Senate ratified it on October 20, 1803 and the US formally took possession on December 20, 1803. 10 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Treaty 6, between the Queen and bands of Cree and Stoney First Nations, was negotiated and signed at Fort Carlton and Duck Lake in August, and at Fort Pitt in September, 1876. There were many subsequent adhesions to the treaty by individual bands, well into the 20th century." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It was submitted to the Senate by President John Adams, receiving ratification unanimously from the U.S. Senate on June 7, 1797, and signed by Adams, taking effect as the law of the land on June 10, 1797. The treaty was a routine diplomatic agreement and was later replaced." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Greenville, the county seat of Meriwether County, became a city on December 20, 1828. The city is named in honor of Revolutionary war hero General Nathaniel Greene. The Meriwether County courthouse in Greenville was constructed around 1903 and burned in 1976. The first courthouse in Meriwether County was destroyed in 1893 by a cyclone." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles on June 28, 1919 and went into effect on January 10, 1920. The participants of the treaty were the USA, France, Italy, Britain, other Allies and Germany. American president Wilson wanted no reparations forced on Germany, but the implications of his fourteen points." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It became known as the Treaty of Greeneville. On August 3, 1795, leaders of the Wyandot, Delaware, Shawnee, Ottawa, Miami, Eel River, Wea, Chippewa, Potawatomi, Kickapoo, Piankashaw, and Kaskaskia nations formally signed the treaty." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Treaty of Wangxia (Wang-hsia) was the first formal treaty signed between the United States and China in 1844. It served as an American counterpart to the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Nanjing that ended the First Opium War in 1842." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "A post office was established on January 20, 1848, with Abel French as the first postmaster. John Green had the village platted in 1853 and it was a station on the Detroit, Grand Rapids and Western Railroad. Greenville incorporated as a village in 1867 and as a city in 1871. Hendrik Meijer, founder of Meijer's stores, moved to Greenville after immigrating to the USA from the Netherlands." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Treaty of Nanking or Treaty of Nanjing, signed 29 August 1842, was the unequal treaty which marked the end of the First Opium War between the British and Qing Empires of 1839–42." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "On 29 August 1842, British representative Sir Henry Pottinger and Qing representatives, Qiying, Yilibu, and Niujian, signed the treaty. It consisted of thirteen articles and ratification by Queen Victoria and the Daoguang Emperor was exchanged nine months later." ], [ "Represent the following document", "The Pinckney Treaty, officially called the Treaty of San Lorenzo, was signed by the United States and Spain on October 27, 1795, to end a dispute between the two countries over land settlement and Mississippi River trade." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Marian, it's too early for a definitive answer, but don't give away your old golf outfit just yet. An armistice and preliminaries of peace were signed on the 31st of January 1878 at Adrianople, and a definitive treaty was concluded at San Stefano on the 3rd of March 1878." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It was here that several Cherokee leaders, including Boudinot, Major Ridge and John Ridge, signed the Treaty of New Echota on December 29, 1835. The treaty purportedly traded all Cherokee land east of the Mississippi River for land in present-day Oklahoma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "On August 27, 1928, fifteen nations signed the pact at Paris. Signatories included France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy and Japan." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On 4 April 1949, the foreign ministers from 12 countries signed the North Atlantic Treaty (also known as the Washington Treaty) at the Departmental Auditorium in Washington, D.C.: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "[concluded August 3, 1795]. A treaty of peace between the United States of America, and the tribes of Indians called the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanees, Ottawas, Chippewas, Pattawatimas, Miamis, Eel Rivers, Weas, Kickapoos, Piankeshaws, and Kaskaskias." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The immediate threat of warfare between the white settlers and the native inhabitants of the Ohio Country had been reduced by Anthony Wayne s victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in August 1794. A year later, the former contending forces gathered at Greenville (today in western Ohio) to sign a peace agreement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The preliminary articles of peace were signed by Adams, Franklin, Jay, and Henry Laurens for the United States and Richard Oswald for Great Britain on November 30, 1782. The final treaty was signed on September 3, 1783, and ratified by the Continental Congress early in 1784. The Reader’s Companion to American History." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it. Examples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'The term â\\x80\\x9chealth disparityâ\\x80\\x9d is almost exclusively used in the United States, while the terms â\\x80\\x9chealth inequityâ\\x80\\x9d or â\\x80\\x9chealth inequalityâ\\x80\\x9d are more commonly used out-side of the United States. Most dictionary deï¬\\x81nitions deï¬\\x81ne disparity as inequality; difference in age, rank, condition, or excellence; or dissimilitude. 3,4 Inequality']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the difference between health disparity and health inequity?']\"", "The Treaty of Holston (or Treaty of the Holston) was a treaty between the United States government and the Cherokee signed on July 2, 1791, and proclaimed on February 7, 1792, it was negotiated and signed by William Blount, governor of the Southwest Territory and superintendent of Indian affairs for the southern district for the United States, and various representatives of the Cherokee peoples, most notably John Watts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pinckney's Treaty, also known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo or the Treaty of Madrid, was signed in San Lorenzo de El Escorial on October 27, 1795 and established intentions of friendship between the United States and Spain." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Greenville was founded in 1846. The city was named after Thomas J. Green, a significant contributor to the establishment of Texas as a Republic. He later became a member of the Congress of the Republic of Texas." ], [ "", "adams-onis treaty The Adams-Onis Treaty, officially called the Transcontinental Treaty, was signed in 1819 by the United States and Spain. The treaty, which was ratified on February 21, 1821, settled boundary disputes between the two countries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Treaty of Nanking (or Nanjing) was signed on 29 August 1842 to mark the end of the First Opium War (1839–42) between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Qing Dynasty of China." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The preliminary articles of peace were signed by Adams, Franklin, Jay, and Henry Laurens for the United States and Richard Oswald for Great Britain on November 30, 1782. The final treaty was signed on September 3, 1783, and ratified by the Continental Congress early in 1784. The Reader’s Companion to American History.he Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At the time Treaty 6 was signed, the famous medicine chest clause was inserted at Indian insistence that the Indian agent should keep a medicine chest at his house for use.ne Manitoba band also signed on to the treaty by adhesion in 1898. The treaty signings began in August 1876, with adhesions added in 1898 in central Saskatchewan in the Montreal Lake area." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Schadenfreude (/Ë\\x88Ê\\x83É\\x91Ë\\x90dÉ\\x99nfrÉ\\x94ɪdáµ\\x8a/ ; [Ë\\x88Ê\\x83aË\\x90dnÌ©Ë\\x8cfÊ\\x81É\\x94Ê\\x8fdÉ\\x99]. ), also known as epicaricacy /Ë\\x8cÉ\\x9bpɨË\\x88kaerɨkÉ\\x99si/ Ë\\x8cÉ\\x9bpɨË\\x88kærɨkÉ\\x99si is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of. Others this word is taken From german and literally means-harm. Joy it is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer. misfortunehe term compersion , taking joy in the joy of loved ones, is generally considered an antonym of schadenfreude. In Chinese, the phrase 幸ç\\x81¾ä¹\\x90祸 literally translates to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster, and serves the same meaning as schadenfreude.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'schadenfreude definition']\"", "PINCKNEY TREATY. The Pinckney Treaty, officially called the Treaty of San Lorenzo, was signed by the United States and Spain on October 27, 1795, to end a dispute between the two countries over land settlement and Mississippi River trade.he Pinckney Treaty represented significant gains for the United States during the administration of its first president, George Washington (1789 – 1797); lingering questions were settled between the two countries which had arisen since the United States won the American Revolution (1775 – 1783)." ], [ "Represent.", "The treaty was signed in Paris December 10, 1898, and President McKinley transmitted it to the Senate January 4, 1899, where it was read in executive session and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The city of Greenville was incorporated in 1831 and adopted the Council-Manager form of government in 1976. The Council-Manager form consists of an elected City Council, which is responsible for policy making, and a professional City Manager, appointed by the council, who is responsible for administration." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "On January 19, 1839, the United States and the Kingdom of the Netherlands signed a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation negotiated by U.S. Secretary of State John Forsyth and the Dutch Chargé d’Affaires near the United States, Evert Marius Adrian Martini." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Treaty of Holston's wiki: The Treaty of Holston (or Treaty of the Holston) was a treaty between the United States government and the Cherokee signed on July 2, 1791, and proclaimed on February 7, 1792. It was negotiated and signed by William Blount, governor of the Southwest Territory and superintendent of Indian affairs for the southern district for the United States, and various representatives of the Cherokee peoples, most notably John Watts." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In September, the two sides reached agreement in principle to complete the Treaty before the end of the year. On December 8, 1987, the Treaty was signed by President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev at a summit meeting in Washington." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The treaty was negotiated by U.S. Secretary of State James Buchanan, who later became president, and Richard Pakenham, British envoy to the United States and member of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom for Queen Victoria. The treaty was signed on June 15, 1846." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783. The Treaty of Paris named the United States of America as a new nation. Italso described the borders of the United States. The northern border became an imaginary line through the Great Lakes. The Mississippi River became the western border.The new nation stretched south to Spanish Florida.he Treaty of Paris named the United States of America as a new nation. Italso described the borders of the United States. The northern border became an imaginary line through the Great Lakes. The Mississippi River became the western border. The new nation stretched south to Spanish Florida." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Greenville is a small, fourth-class city located on U.S. Highway 67 near the intersection with Route D and E in Wayne County, Missouri in the United States along the St. Francis River. As of the 2000 U.S. Census, the city's population was 451; a 2003 estimate, however, showed the population to be 444. Greenville was incorporated and founded as the county seat of Wayne County in 1819. Greenville was named after Fort Greene Ville (now Greenville), Ohio, the site where General Anthony Wayne signed a treaty with the Native Americans after defeating them in the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It was agreed at meetings in London on 20 April and 2 June 1949 by the United States , United Kingdom , France and the Benelux countries. The London agreement was signed on 28 April of that year. It was abolished by the Treaty of Paris in 1951, which moved its activities to the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)." ], [ "Represent text", "Spanish, French, British, and American representatives signed a provisional peace treaty on January 20, 1783, proclaiming an end to hostilities. The formal agreement was signed at Paris on September 3, 1783. The U.S. Confederation Congress ratified the treaty on January 14." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Adams-Onís Treaty, also known as the Transcontinental Treaty, was signed on February 22, 1819 by John Quincy Adams and Luis de Onís y González-Vara, but did not take effect until after it was ratified by Spain on Oct. 24, 1820 and the United States on February 19, 1821." ], [ "", "The Treaty of Nanking (or Nanjing) was signed on 29 August 1842 to mark the end of the First Opium War (1839–42) between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Qing Dynasty of China. Curated by." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Treaty of Nanking or Treaty of Nanjing, signed 29 August 1842, was the unequal treaty which marked the end of the First Opium War between the British and Qing Empires of 1839–42.n 29 August 1842, British representative Sir Henry Pottinger and Qing representatives, Qiying, Ilibu and Niujian, signed the Treaty of Nanjing. The treaty consisted of thirteen articles and was ratified by Queen Victoria and the Daoguang Emperor nine months later." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "State Department- handles relations with other nations Treaty of Greenville- Wayne forced Native American nations of Great Lakes region to sign treaty to open Ohio to white settlement Thomas Jefferson- Republican, 3rd president" ], [ "Represent", "These talks created the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4th April 1949 by the original five plus USA, Canada, Norway, Italy,Portugal, Iceland and Denmark. The Berlin blockade convinced many Americans that the Soviets were bent on conquest. The public began to support a military alliance with Western Europe." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'The Convergence of VIX and VIX Futures at Expiration. VIX futures and options expire 30 days prior to the expiration of options in the S&P 500 index for the following month. With the September SPX options expiration set for September 16th, this means that August VIX options will expire on next Wednesday, August 17th.']\" Match: \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when do vix futures expire']\"", "Although the fighting in North America had concluded in 1760, the Seven Years War was still being fought in Europe and in India. When the treaty was signed, the British were given control over the area west of the 13 British Colonies to the Mississippi River.owever, the Seven Years War continued in Europe and India and the Treaty of Paris was not signed until 1763. When the treaty was signed, the British were given control over the area west of the 13 colonies to the Mississippi River." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first formal treaty between the Cherokees and the English took place in 1721, which was a treaty of peace and commerce attended by Governor James Moore of South Carolina. Peace was established by the smoking of the pipe and the presentation of presents to delegates from thirty-seven Cherokee towns." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It was called the Treaty of San Lorenzo, now popularly referred to as Pinckney's Treaty. Pinckney's Treaty was signed in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, in Madrid, Spain, on October 27, 1795." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Treaty of Paris (formally the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community) was signed on 18 April 1951 between France, West Germany, Italy and the three Benelux countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which subsequently became part of the European Union." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Proclamation of Neutrality 1793; The Jay Treaty 1794; Thomas Paine The Age of Reason 1794; The Greenville Treaty with a number of Indian Tribes 1795; The Northwest Ordinance july 13 1787; The Canandaigua Treaty of 1794; Treaty between the United States and the Oneida, Tuscorora and Stockbridge Indians 1794; Virginia Resolution 1798; Kentucky Resolution 1799" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The preliminary articles of peace were signed by Adams, Franklin, Jay, and Henry Laurens for the United States and Richard Oswald for Great Britain on November 30, 1782. The final treaty was signed on September 3, 1783, and ratified by the Continental Congress early in 1784. The Reader’s Companion to American History.Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, Editors. Copyright © 1991 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.he Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence." ], [ "", "Last Updated: 9-24-2015. Treaty of Rapallo, (April 16, 1922) treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union, signed at Rapallo, Italy. Negotiated by Germany’s Walther Rathenau and the Soviet Union’s Georgy V. Chicherin, it reestablished normal relations between the two nations." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n------\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'For the neighborhood in New York City, see Washington Heights, Manhattan. Washington Heights is a census-designated place (CDP) in Orange County, New York, United States. The population was 1,689 at the 2010 census. Washington heights is a contiguous suburb of City of Middletown. The community is in the Town of Wallkill.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'washington heights is in what county']\"", "Images courtesy of The Archives of Manitoba. Treaty No. 1 was negotiated and entered into in August 1871 at Lower Fort Garry.A few of the Canadian communities sharing the obligations and benefits of Treaty No. 1 include: Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Steinbach, Lundar, Grand Beach, Emerson, Winkler and many more.reaty No. 1 was negotiated and entered into in August 1871 at Lower Fort Garry." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For other treaties of Paris, see Treaty of Paris (disambiguation) . The Treaty of Paris, signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America on September 3, 1783, ended the American Revolutionary War.avid Hartley and Richard Oswald represented Great Britain. The treaty was signed at the Hotel d'York (presently 56 Rue Jacob) in Paris on September 3, 1783 by Adams, Franklin, Jay, and Hartley." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Both governments became anxious for a comprehensive settlement to dispose of the reciprocity and the fisheries issues. The Reciprocity Treaty was finally signed by British North America (BNA) Governor General Lord Elgin and US Secretary of State William Marcy on 6 June 1854. It was accepted by the US Congress in August.ike the earlier reciprocity agreements, it eliminated many trade barriers between the two countries. It was superseded in 1994 by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, the US and Mexico." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "copper atomic mass and atomic number" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The atomic mass of copper is 63.546 atomic mass units. The chemical element has an atomic number of 29 and an atomic symbol of Cu." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Copper has 29 electrons and 29 protons. “In nature it has two isotopes, 63 (69.09%), which has 29 electrons and protons and 34 neutrons, and 65 (30.91%), which has 29 electrons and protons and 36 neutrons. Brass and bronze are alloys of copper.”. Here is the description from Environmental Chemistry :" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Since our average value is closer to 63 than to 65, we concude that Cu-63 is the more abundant isotope. Problem #9: Copper has two naturally occuring isotopes. Cu-63 has an atomic mass of 62.9296 amu and an abundance of 69.15%." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In your case, 1 mole of copper will contain #6.022 * 10^(23)# atoms of copper. So, copper's molar mass is equal to 63.546 g. In other words, #6.022 * 10^(23)# atoms of copper have a mass of 63.456 g. In order to get the mass of an individual copper atom, divide this mass by how many copepr atoms are in 1 mole." ], [ "", "Copper's molar mass expresses the mass of 1 mole of copper atoms. One mole of any substance contains exactly 6.022 * 10^(23) atoms or molecules of that substance - this is known as Avogadro's number. In your case, 1 mole of copper will contain 6.022 * 10^(23) atoms of copper. So, copper's molar mass is equal to 63.546 g." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.It is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, a building material, and a constituent of various metal alloys.here are 29 isotopes of copper. 63 Cu and 65 Cu are stable, with 63 Cu comprising approximately 69% of naturally occurring copper; they both have a spin of 3⁄2. The other isotopes are radioactive, with the most stable being 67 Cu with a half-life of 61.83 hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Copper has two isotopes, 63 Cu and 65 Cu. If the atomic mass of copper is 63.5 g/mol, what is the % of each isotope? 25.0 % 63 Cu and 75.0 % 65 Cu. 33.0 % 63 Cu and 66.0 % 65 Cu. 50.0 % 63 Cu and 50.0 % 65 Cu. 66.0 % 63 Cu and 33.0 % 65 Cu. 75.0 % 63 Cu and 25.0 % 65 Cu" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For other uses, see Copper (disambiguation). Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Atomic number, atomic mass, and isotopes. Fundamental properties of atoms including atomic number and atomic mass. The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom, and isotopes have the same atomic number but differ in the number of neutrons." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1s 2 2s 2 p 6 3s 2 p 6 d 10 4s 1. Electrons per Energy Level: 2,8,18,1. Shell Model. Powers of 10 project is to draw the atomic structures of copper (atomic number 29) and iron (atomic number 26) and then compare with alloys like brass, bronze, steel, and stainless steel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "the mass number is merely the atomic number (or the number of protons) plus the number of neutrons the mass number of copper with 36 neutrons is 65. + 2 others found this useful. Luke Cage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color. It is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, a building material, and a constituent of various metal alloys." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Look up the atomic weight of copper: 63.546 amu. Since our average value is closer to 63 than to 65, we concude that Cu-63 is the more abundant isotope. Problem #9: Copper has two naturally occuring isotopes. Cu-63 has an atomic mass of 62.9296 amu and an abundance of 69.15%.ince our average value is closer to 63 than to 65, we concude that Cu-63 is the more abundant isotope. Problem #9: Copper has two naturally occuring isotopes. Cu-63 has an atomic mass of 62.9296 amu and an abundance of 69.15%." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Copper The number of protons in an atom of an element is the same as the atomic number. So finding the number of protons in an atom just consists of looking at a periodic tabl … e. Copper's atomic number is 29, so it has 29 protons." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Copper The number of protons in an atom of an element is the same as the atomic number. So finding the number of protons in an atom just consists of looking at a periodic tabl … e. Copper's atomic number is 29, so it has 29 protons. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons will equal and balance the number of protons, so it would also be 29 electrons. The number of neutrons will depend on the isotope you have." ], [ "Represent text", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.It is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, a building material, and a constituent of various metal alloys.opper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Element Groups: Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Metals Other Metals Metalloids Non-Metals Halogens Noble Gases Rare Earth Elements Basic Information | Atomic Structure | Isotopes | Related Links | Citing This Page. Basic Information Name: Copper Symbol: Cu Atomic Number: 29 Atomic Mass: 63.546 amu Melting Point: 1083.0 °C (1356.15 K, 1981.4 °F)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The diameter of a copper atom is approximately 2.28e-10 m. The mass of one mole of copper is 64 grams. Assume that the atoms are arranged in a simple... - 1211281" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.opper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The physical properties of copper include a density of 8.933 grams per cubic centimeter and a boiling point of 4,644 degrees Fahrenheit. Its atomic weight is 63.546 grams per mole. People were aware of copper as far back as 11,000 years ago, and its extraction from ores dates back about 7,000 years. In nature, the ores cuprite, malachite and bornite contain copper. Copper is commonly used in electrical wires, coins, pipes and jewelry." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The weighted atomic mass of these two isotopes is 63.5679 amu. To calculate this first multiply Copper-63's mass of 62.9296 amu by .6917 which gets you 43.5284. Then multiply Copper-65's mass of 64.9278 by .3083 which gets you 20.0395. Then add 43.5284 and 20.0395 to get the final answer of 63.5679 amu." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The mass of isotope # 1 is 15.33 amu and has an abundance of 28.6%. The mass of isotope # 2 is 17.26 amu and has an abundance of 13.3%. The mass of isotope # 3 is 18.11 amu. Calculate the percentage of abundance for the third isotope of element Q and calculate the average atomic weight of element Q. **BONUS** The average atomic weight of copper is 63.5 amu. Copper has two naturally occurring isotopes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "One gram of copper contains 9.47 * 10^(21)atoms of copper The be able to determine the mass of an individual copper atom, you need to use copper's molar mass. Copper's molar mass expresses the mass of 1 mole of copper atoms. One mole of any substance contains exactly #6.022 * 10^(23)# atoms or molecules of that substance - this is known as Avogadro's number." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chemistry: Average Atomic Mass. An element can exist in a number of forms, called isotopes. Isotopes are forms of the same atom that vary in mass. For example, there are two different types (isotopes) of copper atoms. One type of copper atoms weighs in at 62.93 amu, the other has a mass of 64.94 amu." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "One gram of copper contains 9.47 * 10^(21)atoms of copper The be able to determine the mass of an individual copper atom, you need to use copper's molar mass. Copper's molar mass expresses the mass of 1 mole of copper atoms. One mole of any substance contains exactly 6.022 * 10^(23) atoms or molecules of that substance - this is known as Avogadro's number. In your case, 1 mole of copper will contain 6.022 * 10^(23) atoms of copper." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The periodic table states that the molar mass of copper is 63.546 grams per mole. That means that if you have one mole of copper, it will weigh 63.546 grams. One mole is 6.022x1023 (Avogadro's number) atoms. To find the mass of one copper atom in grams, you simply divide copper's molar mass by the number of atoms in one mole. One atom of copper weighs 1.055x10-22 grams." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The periodic table states that the molar mass of copper is 63.546 grams per mole. That means that if you have one mole of copper, it will weigh 63.546 grams. One mole is 6.022x1023 (Avogadro's number) atoms. To find the mass of one copper atom in grams, you simply divide copper's molar mass by the number of atoms in one mole. 63.546 / 6.022x1023 = 1.055x10-22 One atom of copper weighs 1.055x10-22 grams." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How many protons nuetrons and electrons does copper have? Copper has 29 protons, that is why it has the atomic number of 29. In addition, copper has 29 electrons and 35 neutrons." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Report Abuse. Nitrogen is element number 7. # of protons = atomic number atomic number is 7...# of protons = 7 # of electrons = # of protons...# of electrons = 7 # of neutrons = atomic mass-atomic number atomic mass = 14, atomic number = 7 14 -7 = 7 # of neutrons = 7 Nitrogen has 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons.Dylan · 3 years ago.Thumbs up. 0.eport Abuse. Nitrogen is element number 7. # of protons = atomic number atomic number is 7...# of protons = 7 # of electrons = # of protons...# of electrons = 7 # of neutrons = atomic mass-atomic number atomic mass = 14, atomic number = 7 14 -7 = 7 # of neutrons = 7 Nitrogen has 7 protons, 7 neutrons, and 7 electrons." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFewshot example: \"['', 'Ashley Furniture Salary. Ashley Furniture average salary is $61,654, median salary is $65,250 with a salary range from $25,000 to $109,000. Ashley Furniture salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position.Ashley Furniture salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented as is and updated regularly.shley Furniture salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.']\" == \"['Represent the following document', 'how much does ashley furniture pay']\"", "The Atomic Theory. 1 Atom Structure (Protons, Neutrons, Electrons) 2 Atomic/Electron Configuration. 3 Atomic Mass. 4 Atomic Mass Number. 5 Atomic Number. 6 Atomic Orbital (Quantum) 7 Atomic Theory of Matter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.here are 29 isotopes of copper. 63 Cu and 65 Cu are stable, with 63 Cu comprising approximately 69% of naturally occurring copper; they both have a spin of 3⁄2. The other isotopes are radioactive, with the most stable being 67 Cu with a half-life of 61.83 hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Copper's molar mass expresses the mass of 1 mole of copper atoms. One mole of any substance contains exactly #6.022 * 10^(23)# atoms or molecules of that substance - this is known as Avogadro's number. In your case, 1 mole of copper will contain #6.022 * 10^(23)# atoms of copper. So, copper's molar mass is equal to 63.546 g." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "So if the number of protons is 29, then so is the number of electrons. Then to find the number of neutrons, subtract the atomic number from the mass number. 64 - 29 = 35. Therefore there are 29 electrons and protons and 35 neutrons in the element copper." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The periodic table states that the molar mass of copper is 63.546 grams per mole. That means that if you have one mole of copper, it will weigh 63.546." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, ['Represent the next text', 'A telecommunications network is a collection of terminals, links and nodes which connect together to enable telecommunication between users of the terminals. Networks may use circuit switching or message switching. Each terminal in a network must have a unique address so messages or connections can be routed to the correct one. *Wikipedia definition'] should be similar to ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is a node in telecommunications']", "Etymology: L, cuprum. a malleable, reddish-brown metallic element. Its atomic number is 29; its atomic mass is 63.55. Copper occurs in a pure state in nature and in many ores. It is a component of several important enzymes in the body and is essential to good health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "calculate the total positive or negative charge on a 3.11g copper penny. Given avogadro no. and atomic number of copper is 29 and atomic mass is 63.5 2 Follow 0" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The be able to determine the mass of an individual copper atom, you need to use copper's molar mass. Copper's molar mass expresses the mass of 1 mole of copper atoms. One mole of any substance contains exactly #6.022 * 10^(23)# atoms or molecules of that substance - this is known as Avogadro's number." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "RE: What is Carbon 14 Atomic Mass Number and What is Carbon 12 Atomic Mass Number? What is Carbon 14&#39;s Atomic Mass Number and What is Carbon 12&#39;s Atomic Mass Number?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is the density of copper? The density of copper is 8.96 grams per cubic centimeter. Copper is a metal element that has the atomic number of 29 and the atomic weight 63.546 grams per mole. Copper belongs in group 11 on the periodic table." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: Copper has two stable isotopes: Cu-63 and Cu-65. It also has two common oxidation states: +1 and +2. Native copper will have the same number of electrons as protons. So...since it has an atomic number of 29, it has 29 protons; all forms of copper do. If it is native Cu-63, it has: 29 protons (63-29) = 34 neutrons 29 electrons If it is Cu-63 with a +2 charge, it has: 29 protons (63-29) = 34 neutrons 27 electrons If it is Cu-65 with a +1 charge, it has: 29 protons (65-29) = 36 neutrons 28 electrons It depends on which copper atom you are referring to. Since the standard atomic mass of copper is 63.546, the most common form of native copper is Cu-63, the first atom I described." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Copper is a chemical element with symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color. Copper is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, as a building material, and as a constituent of various metal alloys, such as sterling silver used in jewelry, cupronickel used to make marine hardware and coins, and constantan used in strain gauges and thermocoupl" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The lighter isotope is more common with 69.09% of the naturally occurring copper having a mass of 62.93 amu per atom. The remainder of the atoms, 30.91 %, have a mass of 64.94 amu. To find the AVERAGE ATOMIC MASS of an atom, we take into account all of the isotopes that exist and the percentage of each type." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A standard atom of copper has 29 protons, 35 neutrons, and 29 electrons." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Isotopes: Copper has 24 isotopes whose half-lives are known, with mass numbers 57 to 80. Naturally occurring copper is a mixture of its two stable isotopes, 63 Cu and 65 Cu, with natural abundances of 69.2% and 30.8% respectively." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "who coined the american dream" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Adams coined the term American Dream in his 1931 book The Epic of America. His American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "American dream. n. An American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire: In the deepening gloom of the Depression, the American Dream represented a reaffirmation of traditional American hopes (Anthony Brandt)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Journalist Ruben Vives embodies the American dream: an illegal Guatemalan immigrant who arrived here in his grandmother’s arms aged five, and went on to win a Pulitzer prize for a series of stories revealing massive corruption in the city of Bell,..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The meaning of the American Dream has changed over the course of history, and includes both personal components (such as home ownership and upward mobility) and a global vision. Historically the Dream originated in the mystique regarding frontier life." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "That’s how I got to be, if only metaphorically and for a short time, George Obama’s “brother.”. Dinesh D’Souza, narrator and co-director of the film 2016 - Obama's America, is also the author of the new book Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream, published this week by Regnery." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The words American dream gradually began to appear in newspaper articles and books in the mid- to late-1800s, often in reference to hardy pioneers who headed westward to seek fortune, or to European immigrants who arrived in U.S. ports in search of better jobs and homes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby Essay examples - The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a brilliant illustration of life among the new rich during the 1920s, people who had recently amassed a great deal of wealth but had no corresponding social connections." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "In 1972, at age 18, Bob Taylor began working at American Dream, a guitar making shop owned by Sam Radding, where Kurt Listug was already an employee. When Radding decided to sell the business in 1974, Taylor, Listug, and Schemmer bought American Dream and renamed it the Westland Music Company." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "AMERICAN DREAM: A theme in American literature, film, and art that expresses optimistic desires for self-improvement, freedom, and self-sufficiency. Harry Shaw notes that the term can have no clear and fixed expression because it means whatever its user has in mind a particular time (12)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lucid dreaming means dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming. The term was coined by Frederik van Eeden who used the word lucid in the sense of mental clarity. Lucidity usually begins in the midst of a dream when the dreamer realizes that the experience is not occurring in physical reality, but is a dream." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What Made “I Have A Dream” Such A Perfect Speech A closer look at one of the greatest speeches in American history offers inspiration for anyone trying to motivate a crowd. The civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. (C) waves to supporters 28 August 1963 on the Mall in Washington, D.C. (Washington Monument in background) during the “March on Washington.” [Photo: AFP/AFP/Getty Images]" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Below is a highlight reel of these two counter-culture heroes’ best deconstructions of the American Dream: George Carlin states his view on the government plainly: “I have certain rules I live by. Bill Hicks eviscerated the government every time he got the chance, always in the most sarcastic, incendiary way he could." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "However this does not exactly. match with his novel, “Of Mice and Men”, where the American Dream is. not fulfilled for everyone. America was founded in 1776 making it a young age of 150 years when. Steinbeck wrote the novel. With this young age there was always the. initial concept of new beginnings and ideas." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Dream in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald - Introduction The “Great Gatsby” is a very twisted and convoluted novel which was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It has been written in late 1925, the characters in the novel focus upon a fictional town of West Egg." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Dream is the easy availability of upward mobility for Americans. It means an open society with a general upward trend in social status for the majority of citizens and their descendants. This contrasts with a tightly-structured society in which the status of one's ancestors determines one's life chances, or in which government planners make all major social choices (see Socialism)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Best known as the ideological counterpart to Harold Rosenberg, Greenberg was a formalist who coined the terms American-type painting and 'Post-painterly abstraction.' He was a staunch champion of pure abstraction, including the work of Jackson Pollock, Clyfford Still and Hans Hofmann." ], [ "represent this text!", "Messner and Rosenfeld’s monograph Crime and the American Dream (Messner and Rosenfeld 2007) is the most extended and authoritative statement of institutional anomie theory. This popular textbook is currently in its fourth edition." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On May 8, 1942, Wallace delivered a talk in New York City that became famous for his phrase the century of the common man.. It was, noted John Culver and John Hyde in their biography, American Dreamer: A Life of Henry A. Wallace, as pure an expression of progressive idealism as Wallace could muster.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, “Mathematics and the Imagination” by Kasner and James Newman. Google’s play on the term reflects the company’s mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Dream is the hope that every one of us has the chance to be all we can be. It is being blown away by the takeover of predatory international monopolies who are buying elections and our (ha ha) legislators and our airwaves for their propaganda." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Over the centuries the American Dream has taken many forms. Some versions are simple like owning a house with white picket fence. Other versions are grander such as the ideals of racial equaility presented in Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech. What does this have to do with Thomas Jefferson? Thomas Jefferson was an elite, slave-owning Virginia planter who died almost 200 years ago." ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "Historian James Truslow Adams used the phrase in his book Epic of America. Adams' often-repeated quote is, The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Dream is Killing Us: A Wake-Up Call-and a New Dream of a Simply Beautiful Life Copyright 2002, Allison Weeks-Ewoldt. Among the political campaign ads that bombarded us during the fall of 2000, I heard one that promised equal access to The American Dream. The American Dream." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "King continued to give versions of this speech throughout 1961 and 1962, then calling it “The American Dream.” Two months before the March on Washington, King stood before a throng of 150,000 people at Cobo Hall in Detroit to expound upon making “the American Dream a reality” (King, A Call, 70)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "March 1, 2009. Two-Ton Tony Galento was a bartender and a buffoon but he carried, as biographer Joseph Monninger wrote, the American Dream in his left hook." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "American Dream. The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "In 1970, Roger Pearson published the article Gatsby: False prophet of the American Dream, in which he states that Fitzgerald has come to be associated with this concept of the AMERICAN Dream more than any other writer of the twentieth century." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Dream is Killing Us: A Wake-Up Call-and a New Dream of a Simply Beautiful Life. Copyright 2002, Allison Weeks-Ewoldt. Among the political campaign ads that bombarded us during the fall of 2000, I heard one that promised equal access to The American Dream.. The American Dream." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They are the life blood of the nation. They are the citizens who serve to preserve, protect and defend. They are the American Taxpayers who feed their families, educate their children and continue to dream the American Dream." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Dream is also discussed in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman; the play's protagonist, Willy, is on a quest for the American Dream. As Huang shows, the American Dream is a recurring theme in the fiction of Asian Americans." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The first edition of Messner and Rosenfeld’s book Crime and the American Dream appeared in 1994 which is also when the first empirical application of the theory was presented at the forty-sixth annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology—this study was later published in the journal Social Forces." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "the american dream is a national ethos of the united states the set of ideals democracy rights liberty opportunity and equality in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success and an upward social mobility for the family and children achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Man Who Dreamed Up ‘The Impossible Dream’. by Patrick Kiger | 0 | Print. Being a one-hit wonder might be enough if your single stroke of genius turns out to be one of the most enduring, oft-recorded songs in the history of popular music – “The Impossible Dream (The Quest)” from the 1965 Broadway musical Man of La Mancha." ], [ "Represent this", "Perhaps the newest definition of the American dream comes from the National Endowment for Financial Education, which found that nearly half of adults define the dream as a comfortable retirement. Most just want to quit work at 65 or 67 and not worry." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The american dream in the 1920s was filled with hard work, but in the end, filled with the glamour of the roaring 20s. Gatsby represents the American dream of self-made wealth and happiness, the spirit of youth and resourcefulness, and the ability to make something of one's self despite one's origins. This novel is based on the theme dreams, as everyone had a dream, but could not achieve, even in the freedom filled America." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s soaring address climaxed the day; through his eloquence, the phrase “I Have a Dream” became an expression of the highest aspirations of the civil rights movement. Like its predecessor, the March on Washington of 1963 was followed by years of disillusion and racial strife." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "But the reports of the death of the American Dream are premature. The Dream has evolved and changed over time just as the nation has changed. At each critical juncture as we have evolved from an agrarian, to an industrial, to a knowledge economy, how we define the American Dream has changed with us. The phrase itself is fairly new." ], [ "Represent this text:", "Depression by James Truslow Adams, who wrote that the American. dream “is that dream of a land in which life should be better and. richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according. to ability and achievement, regardless of social class or. circumstances of birth” (1931)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Homes Crafted With ALegacy of Quality. The Name Behind the Dream®. In 1959 our Founder, Kevork S. Hovnanian (pictured with his son, Ara), came to a new land with a dream: to build a home for his family, and for all families seeking a better life." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "the old american dream was the dream of the puritans of benjamin franklin s poor richard of men and women content to accumulate their modest fortunes a little at a time year by year by year the new dream was the dream of instant wealth won in a twinkling by audacity and good luck this golden dream" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Other writers have written about these hard truths which have made the American Dream an illusion: John Steinbeck (1902-) in The Grapes of Wrath (1939) and J. D. Salinger (1919-) in The Catcher in the Rye (1951) are two examples." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Jacksons: An American Dream is based on Katherine Jackson's My Family autobiography. A critical and commercial success, the program won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Choreography. The title alludes to the iconic concept of the 'American Dream'." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Famous filmmaker Steven Spielberg had even described him as the best person who had ever painted the American dream. Norman was born on February 3, 1894 in New York. His father was Jarvis Waring Rockwell, Sr. and was a manager for a textile firm, while his mother was Anne Mary Hill. He had an older brother named Jarvis Jr. Photo by: Wikipedia Creative Commons." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A lot of American historians say The American Dream even has its beginnings in the Declaration of Independence and the first European Settlers because the basic idea is that every man and every woman shall, regardless of their birth, achieve what there are able to do." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Park Place Economist / vol. VII 51 Immigration and its Effects on U.S.Labor Markets By Kristopher Kaneta I. INTRODUCTION“The American Dream:” A dream that eachAmerican will one day own a home, two cars, and awhite picket fence." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In his 1931 book The Epic of America, Adams described that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement [source: Adams]. But the concept of the American dream, as Adams defined it, actually existed long before him. In 1630, John Winthrop gave his city upon a hill sermon to his fellow Puritan colonists as they sailed to Massachusetts in 1630." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I Have a Dream is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Dream-A historical overview. The American Dream describes an attitude of hope and faith that looks forward to the fulfilment of human wishes and desires. What these wishes are, were expressed in Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence of 1776, where it was stated:" ], [ "", "The main qualities of the American Dream presented in The Great Gatsby are perseverance and hope. Another famous characteristic of the American dream is the idea of success against all odds. This is shown through the life of James Gatz, who focused all his attention to living the dream and becoming an American hero." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The American dream has powered the hopes and aspirations of Americans for generations. It began as a plain but revolutionary notion: each person has the right to pursue happiness, and the freedom to strive for a better life through hard work and fair ambition." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Obama also used the phrase as the title of his second book, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (2006), which became a national bestseller in the wake of his newfound national popularity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What it reveals about the motivations behind the American Dream is that, for Tony, it was less about earning your freedom from others, but about imposing your dominance over others. For both Kane and Tony, the mirage of a fanciful life as promised by the American Dream is, in the end, just that: a mirage. 8." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Jeffersonian vision of the American Dream was perfectly suited for the America for the end of the 18th century and for much of the 19th century. There was no aristocracy, and no embedded class system." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Originally Answered: Why do people believe in the American Dream? Your question betrays a misunderstanding of what the American dream meant for most people before the present generation, especially people who weren't born in America." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Our collective definition of the American Dream is slowly starting to change from one of materialism to a more purposeful idea of what it means to live the good life. According to the 2013 LifeTwist study, only around one-quarter of Americans still believe that wealth determines success." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "That’s how I got to be, if only metaphorically and for a short time, George Obama’s “brother.” Dinesh D’Souza, narrator and co-director of the film 2016 - Obama's America, is also the author of the new book Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream, published this week by Regnery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Source: Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have A Dream: Writings and Speeches that Changed the World, ed. James Melvin Washington (San Francisco: Harper, 1986), 102-106. In August of 1963, hundreds of thousands of Americans crowded before the Lincoln Memorial as part of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Tragic Hero Identity Crisis in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Kuzhivelil George Thomas Assistant Professor Department of English Deva Matha College Kuravilangad The American Dream is the largely unacknowledged screen in front of which all American writing plays itself out." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Dream - Of Mice and Men. PowerPoint and questions on the American Dream and Section 1 of Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The American Dream - Of mice and men. An exploration of what 'the American dream' is and how this links with 'Of Mice and Men', leads into a speaking and listening assessment. the american dream (of mice and men)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Charting 500 years of utopian visions and making bold connections between exploration and science fiction - from radical 18th century politics to online communities like Wikipedia - Richard delves into colourful stories of some of the world’s greatest utopian dreamers, including Thomas More, who coined the term, Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver’s Travels, and Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "other writers who used the american dream theme include hunter s thompson edward albee john steinbeck langston hughes and giannina braschi the american dream is also discussed in arthur miller s death of a salesman the play s protagonist willy is on a quest for the american dream" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Dream is protected by the Declaration of Independence, in this familiar quote: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "American Dreams ‘R’ US: Amway returns to the Motherland. Some have called it a pyramid scheme, a pioneer of multilevel marketing, a cult. Over the years, its founders became a major funding source of the conservative movement." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Dream has become a widespread term to describe the American Way of Life3 in general, but it is by far not that easy.. The American Dream always has something individual. That is, why till today no one succeeded in giving a universally acceptable definition of the term. Another reason is the permanent change of the American Dream, which always made it a highly discussed topic within the American Society. So, not only American authors like T.C Boyle 4 in his novel The Tortilla Curtain 5 are dealing with the topic of The American Dream, but also Hollywood used and still uses it in a lot of movies, for example in Pretty Woman 6." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Miller, the Pulitzer prize-winning playwright whose most famous fictional creation, Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman, came to symbolize the American Dream gone awry, has died, his assistant said Friday, Feb. 11, 2005." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Dream is the largely unacknowledged screen in front of which all American writing plays itself out, Arthur Miller has said. Whoever is writing in the United States is using the American Dream as an ironical pole of his story." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how was the revolutionary war a civil war" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Where the Revolutionary War and Civil War Were Fought. The Revolutionary War was fought mainly in the colonies of New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, and Rhode Island, though some battles were fought in other colonial territories." ] ]
[ [ "", "Introduction. The English Civil Wars (1642-1651) stemmed from conflict between Charles I and Parliament over an Irish insurrection. The first war was settled with Oliver Cromwell’s victory for Parliamentary forces at the 1645 Battle of Naseby." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Back. 1 The Civil War: A Visual History. 2 World War I: The Definitive Visual History. 3 World War II: The Definitive Visual History. The Vietnam War: The Definitive Illustrated 1 History. Battles of the Revolutionary War 2 Map. Revolution: Mapping the Road to American Independence, 1755- 1783." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The American Revolutionary War began due to the following reason(s): Because the British and the colonists were fighting against the French in the seven years war, and they were in debt. They began taxing the colonists to get out of debt.The colonists thought this was unfair, and mutinied.ecause the British and the colonists were fighting against the French in the seven years war, and they were in debt. They began taxing the colonists to get out of debt. The colonists thought this was unfair, and mutinied." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Civil War continues to attract attention because it was a struggle of mythic proportions. The ferocity of combat in the Civil War defies belief. At Spotsylvania Court House in Virginia in 1864, the rifle fire was so intense it cut down a tree two feet thick. After the battle men were found on the battlefield unharmed but sound asleep; they simply collapsed on their feet from exhaustion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked the Union-controlled Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, S.C. The war officially ended on April 9, 1865, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Va. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "History & Culture. The US Civil War lasted from 1861 to 1865 and led to over 618,000 casualties. Its causes can be traced back to tensions that formed early in the nation's history. Economic and social differences between the North and the South. With Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1793, cotton became very profitable." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The American Revolutionary War began due to the following reason(s): Because the British and the colonists were fighting against the French in the seven years war, and they were in debt. They began taxing the colonists to get out of debt. The colonists thought this was unfair, and mutinied." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The Battle of Lexington and the Battle of Concord were the beginning of the Revolutionary War. The war ended after the British loss at Yorktown and then after the Peace Treaty of Paris was signed, the colonies finally became independent from England." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "English Civil War. The English Civil War (1642–1651) was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists (Cavaliers) over, principally, the manner of England's government." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "the revolutionary war began April 19, 1775, during the battles of Lexington and Concord. The American Revolution lasted between 1775 and 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was sig … ned. 7 people found this useful.he Revolutionary War began about 1776, when the French and Spanish joined the war, and the war ended October, 1781 when a British General surrendered knowing that the war was … over. + 83 others found this useful. Yossef Peter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Revolutionary War. Welcome to Historycentral's Revolutionary War site.This is the most complete site on the web on the Revolutionary War. The section on the Causes of the War traces the events that led to the American Declaration of Independence. The Battle and Main Event sections tell the story of all the major battles of the war. Many battle entries come with a narrated multimedia presentation that last up to three minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In contrast, the American Revolutionary War was intended to achieve independence from the beginning. Causes for a country or province wishing to seek independence are many. The means can extend from peaceful demonstrations, like in the case of the Indian independence movement, to a violent war like in the case of Algeria." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "George Washington led the American army and he fought several battles and many of which were won against the British. What really irked the Americans was that they were made to pay taxes on their own produce like tea, and postage stamps. This unreasonable behavior by the British government was instrumental in sowing the seeds of independence and this ultimately led to the Revolutionary War." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Revolutionary War Records. It was the shot heard 'round the world — the beginning of America's war for independence from British rule on April 19, 1775. Led by General George Washington, some 217,000 American service members eventually fought in the Revolutionary War, each with their own unique tale of bravery, sacrifice and honor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The war was the culmination of the political American Revolution, whereby the colonists rejected the right of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern them without representation. It stretched over the time period of 1775 to 1783. The American Revolution lasted for only 7 years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What ended the American Revolutionary War? On the battlefield, the American Revolutionary War was for all practical purposes ended by the surrender of General Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown in October of 1781. Diploma … tically the Revolution was completed by the Treaty of Paris in 1783." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Civil War-Wikipedia. The American Civil War was fought in the United States from 1861 until 1865 between the ... The Union was led by President Abraham Lincoln and the Confederacy by ... During the Civil War, the nation was not as clearly divided as one might think.While the Mason-Dixon line separated northern states from southern ...Anybody who looks at the first two years of the war and what (President Abraham) ... one that exists between the Sons of the Union Veterans and the Sons of the ... The event that triggered war came at Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay on April 12, 1861.utright war between the U.S. and Britain was a possibility in the ... War was unlikely in any event, for the U.S. was providing Britain with over 40% of its ... American Civil War (click to enlarge) Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendering to Union Gen. Ulysses S ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On Memorial Day, A Look At How The Causes Of War Casualties Have Changed Through American History. 1 Revolutionary War: 1775-1783. 2 Civil War: 1861-1865. 3 World War I: 1914-1918. 4 World War II: 1939-1945. 5 Vietnam War: 1955-1975. 6 Afghanistan/Iraq: 2001-2012." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "The American Civil War was fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865. The result of a long-standing controversy over slavery, war broke out in April 1861, when Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina, shortly after President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. The nationalists of the Union proclaimed loyalty to the U.S. Constitution. They faced secessionists of the Confederate States, who advocated for states' rights to expand slavery. Among the 34 U.S. states in February 1861, seve" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting would not formally end until 1783." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', \"As the popularity of ALES and F5J style competitions continues to expand, SoaringUSA continues to offer the newest models with the latest design concepts to fit the needs of our customers. The New Osprey F5J falls right into that category. The Osprey is a well thought out design with unique features that make this model a worthy competitor. The wings shorter center panel and longer tip design coupled with generous dihedral makes for a fantastic turning model. While this plane is contest proven, it's also amazingly docile and a great ship to enhance your thermal skills.\"], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'dihedral osprey']", "Causes of the Revolutionary War. The following events represent the major events along the way to war. There is no one event that singularly led to the Revolution. The Americans believed that they were entitled to the full democratic rights of Englishmen. The British believed that the American colonies were just colonies, to be used and exploited in whatever way best suited Great Britain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "How did weather affect the revolutionary war was fought? Weather Plays Role in Pivotal Revolutionary War Battle December 25, 2005, 10:44 pm Posted by Bill Murray in Weather History In December 1776,… the Revolutionary War was not going well for the Americans." ], [ "Represent the input", "Causes of the Revolutionary War. The following events represent the major events along the way to war. There is no one event that singularly led to the Revolution. The Americans believed that they were entitled to the full democratic rights of Englishmen. The British believed that the American colonies were just colonies, to be used and exploited in whatever way best suited Great Britain. These two conflicting views made war inevitable." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "American civil war. The American Civil War was a grave turning point in the history of North America. It was a conflict that pitted the Northern states of the American union against the Southern states.he civil war was a conflict over way of life. The Southern states depended upon the agriculture of the slaves, including cotton production. When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, his opposition of slavery was seen as a threat to the economic interests of the Southern states." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The American Revolution (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence.The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown.he American Revolution (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lead Up to the Revolutionary War. For more than a decade before the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, tensions had been building between colonists and the British authorities.kirmishes between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for their independence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "American Revolutionary War Timeline; Cause And Effect Of The Revolutionary War; How Long Did The Revolutionary War Last ? List Of Battles Of The Revolutionary War; Major Battles Of The Revolutionary War; Revolutionary War Weapons; Summary Of Revolutionary War; What Countries Fought In The Revolutionary War ? What Was The First Battle Of The Revolutionary War ?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Revolution was a war for independence by the American colonies against Great Britain. It began in 1775 and lasted until 1783, with the Americans winning the war. According to historians, the British had the superior army." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The U.S. Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when Confederate batteries opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. In a more detailed sense the Confederac … y recognized that a state of war existed between themselves and the Union in May of 1861.The US Supreme Court ruled that a state of war did not exist until July of 1861. In a more detailed sense the Confederac … y recognized that a state of war existed between themselves and the Union in May of 1861. The US Supreme Court ruled that a state of war did not exist until July of 1861." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Overview of the Civil War. Digital History ID 2914. The American Civil War was the largest military conflict in the Western world between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I.It cost 600,000 American lives, more than in World War I and World War II combined.igital History ID 2914. The American Civil War was the largest military conflict in the Western world between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I. It cost 600,000 American lives, more than in World War I and World War II combined. Its social consequences were especially far-reaching." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The U.S. Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which was established during the American Revolutionary War and was essentially disbanded as a separate entity shortly thereafter. It played a major role in the American Civil War by blockading the Confederacy and seizing control of its rivers.he U.S. Navy traces its origins to the Continental Navy, which was established during the American Revolutionary War and was essentially disbanded as a separate entity shortly thereafter. It played a major role in the American Civil War by blockading the Confederacy and seizing control of its rivers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Life as a Revolutionary War Soldier. History >> American Revolution. The Militia and the Continental Army. There were two main groups of soldiers who fought on the American side during the Revolutionary War. One group was the militia. The militia was made up citizens who were ready to fight in case of an emergency. Most cities and communities in the colonies had a militia in order to fight off Indian war parties and bandits." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Militia and the Continental Army. There were two main groups of soldiers who fought on the American side during the Revolutionary War. One group was the militia. The militia was made up citizens who were ready to fight in case of an emergency. Most cities and communities in the colonies had a militia in order to fight off Indian war parties and bandits." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Image Gallery: The Revolutionary War A number of aspects of the American Revolution were unique or unusual. Yet it was the creation of a new, democratic state through documents like the Declaration of Independence that made it a radical effort.See pictures of the American Revolution.© iStockphoto.com /andipantz.mage Gallery: The Revolutionary War A number of aspects of the American Revolution were unique or unusual. Yet it was the creation of a new, democratic state through documents like the Declaration of Independence that made it a radical effort. See pictures of the American Revolution. © iStockphoto.com /andipantz." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor example, ['represent the next text', '1 Place the tuna steaks in the marinade and turn to coat. 2 Cover, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. 3 Preheat grill for high heat. 4 Lightly oil grill grate. 5 Cook the tuna steaks for 5 to 6 minutes, then turn and baste with the marinade.6 Cook for an additional 5 minutes, or to desired doneness. In a large non-reactive dish, mix together the orange juice, soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, garlic, oregano, and pepper. 2 Place the tuna steaks in the marinade and turn to coat. 3 Cover, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. 4 Preheat grill for high heat. 5 Lightly oil grill grate.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how to cook the perfect tuna steak']", "Life as a Revolutionary War Soldier. History >> American Revolution. The Militia and the Continental Army. There were two main groups of soldiers who fought on the American side during the Revolutionary War. One group was the militia. The militia was made up citizens who were ready to fight in case of an emergency." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'At-home treatment for minor canker sores include: 1 Saltwater Solution and Sodium Bicarbonate - Mix 1 teaspoon salt with one cup warm water. Swish the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit the solution out. 2 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution - Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part water. Use a cotton swab to dab the solution directly onto the canker sores. Do not swallow the solution. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic that will help reduce a number of bacteria in the mouth.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what to do for a canker sore']", "The American Civil War is often cited as the first modern war because the belligerents involved wielded a wide array of weaponry and utilized systems of tactics which are more or less still in use today including advanced ballistics and rifling, mechanized warfare, aerial reconnaissance (via balloon), anti-aircraft artillery, land mines, iron-body ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Revolution began in 1775 as open conflict between the united thirteen colonies and Great Britain. By the Treaty of Paris that ended the war in 1783, the colonies had won their independence.While no one event can be pointed to as the actual cause of the revolution, the war began as a disagreement over the way in which Great Britain treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated.Americans felt they deserved all the rights of Englishmen.The British, on the other hand, felt that the colonies were created to be used in the way that best suited the crown and parliament. This conflict is embodied in one of the rallying cries of the American Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation.hile no one event can be pointed to as the actual cause of the revolution, the war began as a disagreement over the way in which Great Britain treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated. Americans felt they deserved all the rights of Englishmen." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The initial purpose of the American revolution was to protest the inequities of the English Law. The war did not become a war for independence until the Declaration of Independence was adopted. That was more than a year after the first battles were fought at Lexington and Concord." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Civil War. The American Civil War was a grave turning point in the history of North. America. It was a conflict that pitted the Northern states of the American union. against the Southern states. The war raged for four years, from 1861 to 1865, and was marked by some of the fiercest military campaigns in modern history." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Image Gallery: The Revolutionary War A number of aspects of the American Revolution were unique or unusual. Yet it was the creation of a new, democratic state through documents like the Declaration of Independence that made it a radical effort. See pictures of the American Revolution. ©iStockphoto.com/andipantz." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "3. Best Response. You've already chosen the best response. A, I think, because the Revolutionary War had little to nothing to do with the Constitution, slavery wasn't an issue until the Civil War, and landowning white males were already in political power." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "By Jane Early, BSN, RN. The outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 found little differences in the care of the sick and wounded than during the Revolutionary War. Still lacking was the development of a formal system to provide for the care of the sick and wounded." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Civil War began as a conventional contest of army versus army but by the end had become a war of society against society, with slavery, the foundation of the southern social order, becoming a target." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Civil War Civil War Units (Source: Illinois in the Civil War) Effingham County (Source: Illinois in the Civil War) Revolutionary War Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Illinois Effingham County (Source: Internet Archive) Veteran Burials (Source: Genealogy Trails History Group)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked the Union-controlled Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, S.C. The war officially ended on April 9, 1865, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Va." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Autobiographical memories are the memories of significant personal events and experiences from an individualâ\\x80\\x99s life. Research on autobiographical memory has grown with continuous momentum since the mid-1980s.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is autobiographical memory']\"", "Photos from the Library of Congress and Gettysburg NMP Archives. The American Civil War was a conflict between the United States of America, represented by the Union, and The Confederate States of America, represented by the Confederacy fought between 1861 and 1865." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Civil War is often cited as the first modern war because the belligerents involved wielded a wide array of weaponry and utilized systems of tactics which are more or less still in use today including advanced ballistics and rifling, mechanized warfare, aerial reconnaissance (via balloon), anti-aircraft artillery, land mines, iron-body fighting ships, advanced logistics including telegraph, railroad, and rapid communication signaling systems, universally drilled infantry part of ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Image Gallery: The Revolutionary War A number of aspects of the American Revolution were unique or unusual. Yet it was the creation of a new, democratic state through documents like the Declaration of Independence that made it a radical effort.See pictures of the American Revolution.© iStockphoto.com /andipantz.et it was the creation of a new, democratic state through documents like the Declaration of Independence that made it a radical effort. See pictures of the American Revolution." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Revolution, which had begun as a civil conflict between Britain and its colonies, had become a world war. Stalemate in the North, Battle in the South (1778-81)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The American Revolutionary War began due to the following reason(s): Because the British and the colonists were fighting against the French in the seven years war, and they were in debt.They began taxing the colonists to get out of debt.The colonists thought this was unfair, and mutinied.ecause the British and the colonists were fighting against the French in the seven years war, and they were in debt. They began taxing the colonists to get out of debt. The colonists thought this was unfair, and mutinied." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "interconception period definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Preconception care is defined as a set of. interventions to identify and modify biomedical, behavioral, and social risks to a woman’s health or pregnancy outcome. through prevention and management. Interconception care. refers to the time between pregnancies, including, but not. restricted to, the postpartum period. The goal of the recommendations is to improve the health. of the woman and increase the likelihood of a good pregnancy. outcome by encouraging positive behaviors and contr olling or." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. It usually lasts around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) and ends in childbirth. This is just over 9 lunar months, where each month is about 29½ days." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "puerperium - time period following childbirth when the mother's uterus shrinks and the other functional and anatomic changes of pregnancy are resolved; a perinatologist cared for her during the puerperium." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Together, the G1, S, and G2 phases make up the period known as interphase. Cells typically spend far more time in interphase than they do in mitosis. Of the four phases, G1 is most variable in terms of duration, although it is often the longest portion of the cell cycle (Figure 1)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The Realized Niche. Interspecific interactions often limit. the portion of their niche that they can actually use. Gause and the Principle of Competitive Exclusion. No. two species can occupy the same niche indefinitely without. competition driving one to extinction. Resource Partitioning. Species that live together. partition the available resources, reducing competition." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An interstitial pregnancy is a uterine but ectopic pregnancy; the pregnancy is located outside of the uterine cavity in that part of the fallopian tube that penetrates the muscular layer of the uterus.he term cornual pregnancy is sometimes used as a synonym, but remains ambiguous as it is also applied to indicate the presence of a pregnancy located within the cavity in one of the two upper horns of a bicornuate uterus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of interregnum in the English dictionary. The first definition of interregnum in the dictionary is an interval between two reigns, governments, incumbencies, etc. Other definition of interregnum is any period in which a state lacks a ruler, government, etc. Interregnum is also a period of absence of some control, authority, etc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 Psychological refractory period, the delay in response to the second of two closely spaced psychological stimuli. Postictal state, the period following a series of epileptic seizures during which seizures cannot be induced." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "intermission. 1 a short interval between the acts of a play or parts of a public performance, usually a period of approximately 10 or 15 minutes, allowing the performers and audience a rest. 2 a period during which action temporarily ceases; an interval between periods of action or activity: They studied for hours without an intermission." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The silent period, or preproduction, is a stage in second language acquisition where learners do not attempt to speak. Silent periods are more common in children than in adult learners, as there is often more pressure on adult learners to speak during the early stages of acquisition." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Among low income, inner-city, multiparous women, inter-pregnancy intervals. of less than 12 months have been associated with lower folate levels in the. postpartum period (5). There is a sharply elevated relative risk for low birth weight (LBW) when the. interconception interval is less than 6 months (2). An increased risk persists. for inter-pregnancy intervals of up to 18 months and holds when adjusted for. potential confounders (3). The increased risk is for small gestational age term." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins.Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. It usually lasts around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) and ends in childbirth. This is just over 9 lunar months, where each month is about 29½ days.hen measured from conception it is about 38 weeks. An embryo is the developing offspring during the first 8 weeks following conception, after which, the term fetus is used until birth. Symptom of early pregnancy may include a missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Axial Age or Axial Period (Ger. Achsenzeit, axis time) is a term coined by German philosopher Karl Jaspers to describe the period from 800 to 200 BC, during which, according to Jaspers, similar revolutionary thinking appeared in India, China and the Occident. The period is also sometimes referred to as the Axis Age." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The period between one cell division and the next is called the interphase. It is the resting phase between successive mitotic or meiotic divisions of a cell." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The part of the Fallopian tube that is located in the uterine wall and connects the remainder of the tube to the endometrial cavity is called its interstitial part, hence the term interstitial pregnancy; it has a length of 1–2 cm and a width of 0.7 cm.he term cornual pregnancy is sometimes used as a synonym, but remains ambiguous as it is also applied to indicate the presence of a pregnancy located within the cavity in one of the two upper horns of a bicornuate uterus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Interphase: the time period between cell division, cell spends most of its time during this phase of the cell cycle 3. Prophase: the first and longest phase of mitosis 4. Metaphase: the second and shortest phase of mitosis 5." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "in•ter•val. 1. an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years. 2. a period of temporary cessation; pause. 3. a space between things, points, limits, etc.: an interval of ten." ], [ "Represent this", "This is the British English definition of incubation period. View American English definition of incubation period. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for incubation period." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Critical period. (Redirected from Sensitive periods) In developmental psychology and developmental biology, a critical period is a maturational stage in the lifespan of an organism during which the nervous system is especially sensitive to certain environmental stimuli." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Preconception care is defined as a set of interventions that aim to identify and modify biomedical, behavioral and social risks to the woman's health or pregnancy outcome through prevention and management. Certain steps should be taken before conception or early in pregnancy to maximize health outcomes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Definition of preconception for English Language Learners. : an idea or opinion that someone has before learning about or experiencing something directly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "safe period the period during the menstrual cycle when conception is considered least likely to occur; it comprises approximately the ten days after menstruation begins and the ten days preceding menstruation. See the section on fertility awareness methods, under contraception. sphygmic period ejection period." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins.Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. It usually lasts around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) and ends in childbirth. This is just over 9 lunar months, where each month is about 29½ days.regnancy is typically broken into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months. Obstetricians define each trimester as lasting for 14 weeks, resulting in a total duration of 42 weeks, although the average duration of pregnancy is actually about 40 weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Post-war A post-war period or postwar period is the interval immediately following the ending of a war and enduring as long as war does not resume. A post-war period can become an interwar period or interbellum when a war between the same parties resumes at a later date." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Use interregnum in a sentence. pl. -·reg′nums or -·reg′na. an interval between two successive reigns, when the state has no sovereign. a suspension of governmental or administrative functions; period without the usual ruler, governor, etc. any break in a series or in a continuity; interval." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An intussusception is an invagination or 'telescoping' of a length of intestine (the intussusceptum) into an adjacent, more distal segment (the intussuscipiens). The small intestine is the most common site for this to occur and the affected segment may range in length from a few centimeters up to a metre." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Define neonatal period. neonatal period synonyms, neonatal period pronunciation, neonatal period translation, English dictionary definition of neonatal period. Noun 1. neonatal period - the first 28 days of life time of life - a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state Neonatal period - definition of neonatal period by The Free Dictionary" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(25) Initial measurement period. The term initial measurement period means a period selected by an applicable large employer member of at least three consecutive months but not more than 12 consecutive months used by the applicable large employer as part of the look-back measurement method in § 54.4980H–3(d)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: The perioperative period, less commonly spelled the peroperative period, is the time period describing the duration of a patient's surgical procedure; this commonly includes ward admission, anesthesia, surgery, and recovery." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Definition of INTERCONVERSION. — in·ter·con·vert \\-ˈvərt\\ transitive verb. — in·ter·con·vert·ibil·i·ty \\-ˌvər-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\\ noun. — in·ter·con·vert·ible \\-ˈvər-tə-bəl\\ adjective.ADVERTISEMENT.efinition of INTERCONVERSION. — in·ter·con·vert \\-ˈvərt\\ transitive verb. — in·ter·con·vert·ibil·i·ty \\-ˌvər-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\\ noun. — in·ter·con·vert·ible \\-ˈvər-tə-bəl\\ adjective. ADVERTISEMENT." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(ˈɪn tər vəl) n. 1. an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years. 2. a period of temporary cessation; pause. 3. a space between things, points, limits, etc.: an interval of ten. 4. Math. a. the totality of points on a line between two designated points or endpoints that may or may not be included." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Special Enrollment Period is a period of time when an individual can join or switch Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans outside of the annual Open Enrollment Period (also called the OEP or Annual Coordinated Election Period or AEP)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of interregnum. plural. interregnums. or. interregna. play \\ˌin-tə-ˈreg-nə\\. 1 : the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes. 2 : a period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Side effects have also been reported with the HCG diet and include fatigue, irritability, restlessness, depression, fluid buildup (edema), and swelling of the breasts in boys and men (gynecomastia). Another serious concern is the risk of blood clots forming and blocking blood vessels (thromboembolism).']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'side effects hcg injections male']\"", "The interwar period was the period between the end of the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War. This period was marked by turmoil in much of the world, as Europe struggled to recover from the devastation of the First World War." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The perioperative period, less commonly spelled the peroperative period, is the time period describing the duration of a patient's surgical procedure; this commonly includes ward admission, anesthesia, surgery, and recovery. Perioperative generally refers to the three phases of surgery: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. The goal of perioperative care is to provide better conditions for patients before operation, during operation, and after operation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The interwar period was the period between the end of the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War. This period was marked by turmoil in much of the world, as Europe struggled to recover from the devastation of the First World War.arly modern European history is usually seen to span from the start of the 15th century, through the Age of Reason and the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "An interregnum is a period of discontinuity or gap in a government, organization, or social order. Archetypally, it was the period of time between the reign of one monarch and the next, and the concepts of interregnum and regency therefore overlap." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Menstruation (also called menstrual bleeding, menses, catamenia or a period) is the first phase of the uterine cycle. The flow of menses normally serves as a sign that a woman has not become pregnant." ], [ "Represent this text", "Importance of Preconception/. Interconception Health. “One of the best protections available against. low birth weight and other poor pregnancy. outcomes is to have a woman effectively plan. for pregnancy, enter pregnancy in good health. with as few risk factors as possible, and be. fully informed about her reproductive and." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex “Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "During the preconception period, investigate the factors that may have contributed to the previous negative outcome and attempt to assuage guilt and help patients resolve any grief from a previous loss. Provide recommendations to the patient that may reduce the chances of pregnancy loss." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The perioperative period, less commonly spelled the peroperative period, is the time period describing the duration of a patient's surgical procedure; this commonly includes ward admission, anesthesia, surgery, and recovery. Perioperative generally refers to the three phases of surgery: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. The goal of perioperative care is to provide better conditions for patients before operation, during operation, and after operation." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "expectations hypothesis. This hypothesis holds that the long-term inter- est rate is a weighted average of present and expected future short-term interest rates. An approximately equivalent form of the hypothesis holds that the expected one-period holding returns on bonds of all maturities" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "interregnum - the time between two reigns, governments, etc. interim, meantime, meanwhile, lag - the time between one event, process, or period and another; meanwhile the socialists are running the government." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "===Anglicanism=== Interregnum is the term used in the Anglican Communion to describe the period before a new parish priest is appointed to fill a vacancy. During an interregnum, the administration of the parish is the responsibility of the churchwardens." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Define intercalary: inserted in a calendar; containing an intercalary period (such as a day or month) — intercalary in a sentence inserted in a calendar; containing an intercalary period (such as a day or month); inserted between other things or parts : interpolated… See the full definition" ], [ "Represent", "Each instance of behavior occurs at a specific point in time—i.e., when the behavior occurs. 1 Response latency is the measure of elapsed time between the onset of a stimulus and the initiation of the response. 2 Interresponse time is the amount of time that occurs between two consecutive instances of a response class." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Interdependent Thinking: What’s your System Thinking of the World. Interdependent Thinking is a true system view of the world. One of the significant characteristics of emerging digital era is interdependence, due to the latest digital technologies such as social and mobile, the business and world have become hyper-connected and interdependent, it does make a smaller world, but also makes businesses and the world super complex and full of uncertainty and ambiguity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A post-war period or postwar period is the interval immediately following the ending of a war and enduring as long as war does not resume. A post-war period can become an interwar period or interbellum when a war between the same parties resumes at a later date." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "interphase. The period in the cell cycle when the cell is not dividing. During interphase, cellular metabolic activity is high, chromosomes and organelles are duplicated, and cell size may increase. Interphase often accounts for about 90% of the cell cycle." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Emergency contraception, or post-coital contraception, refers to methods of contraception that can be used to prevent pregnancy in the first few days after intercourse." ], [ "", "Postnatal. Postnatal is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. Another term would be postpartum period, as it refers to the mother. Less frequently used is puerperium." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "interactionism. n. 1. (Philosophy) philosophy the dualistic doctrine that holds that mind and body have a causal effect upon one another, as when pricking one's finger (physical) causes pain (mental), or an embarrassing memory (mental) causes one to blush (physical).Compare parallelism 3.nteractionism. n. 1. (Philosophy) philosophy the dualistic doctrine that holds that mind and body have a causal effect upon one another, as when pricking one's finger (physical) causes pain (mental), or an embarrassing memory (mental) causes one to blush (physical). Compare parallelism 3." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "THE INTERWAR PERIOD. If security studies is defined as the study of the nature, causes, effects, and prevention of war, the period between the First and Second World. Wars was not the intellectual vacuum it is often thought to be." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A medical definition of intersexuality which is applied to human beings is conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Post-ictal refers to the state shortly after the event. Interictal refers to the period between seizures, or convulsions, that are characteristic of an epilepsy disorder. For most people with epilepsy, the interictal state corresponds to more than 99% of their life." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "safe period. the period during the menstrual cycle when conception is considered least likely to occur. It comprises approximately the 10 days after menstruation begins and the 10 days preceding menstruation. See also contraception." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "interregnum - the time between two reigns, governments, etc. INTERREGNUM, polit. law. In an established government, the period which elapses between the death of a sovereign and the election of another is called interregnum. It is also understood for the vacancy created in the executive power, and for any vacancy which occurs when there is no government." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The perioperative period, less commonly spelled the peroperative period, is the time period describing the duration of a patient's surgical procedure; this commonly includes ward admission, anesthesia, surgery, and recovery. Perioperative generally refers to the three phases of surgery: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. The goal of perioperative care is to provide better conditions for patients before operation, during operation, and after operation.[1]" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "intermission. 1 an intermitting or being intermitted; interruption. 2 an interval of time between periods of activity; extended pause, as between acts of a play." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Learn More about period. Dictionary: Definition of period Medical Dictionary: Definition of period Spanish Central: Translation of period Nglish: Translation of period for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of period for Arabic speakers Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about period." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "interphase. The period in the cell cycle when the cell is not dividing. Interphase often accounts for about 90% of the cell cycle. During interphase, cellular metabolic activity is high, chromosomes and organelles are duplicated, and cell size may increase." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1. an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years. 2. a period of temporary cessation; pause. 3. a space between things, points, limits, etc.: an interval of ten. 4. Math. a. the totality of points on a line between two designated points or endpoints that may or may not be included." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Intermission definition, a short interval between the acts of a play or parts of a public performance, usually a period of approximately 10 or 15 minutes, allowing the performers and audience a rest. See more." ], [ "", "The critical period hypothesis states that the first few years of life is the crucial time in which an individual can acquire a first language if presented with adequate stimuli." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. Childbirth typically occurs around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP)." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "are dental crowns necessary" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As long as the dental crown is fitted perfectly, there should be no problems, and it is not necessary to replace them after 2 or 3 decades. Dental crowns should be fitted in such a way that there are no open margins available, and there should be no dental decay present around the margins." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Simply put, making a good crown is an art and requires a high level of skill. It takes time, and time is money. The dentist needs to deliver a perfectly prepared tooth, a perfect mold of that tooth, and a perfect prescription to what he/she wants from the technician." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Summary: When teeth are heavily decayed they may be too weak to survive with just a filling. By placing a crown, a tooth may be given a new lease of life. Even when a single tooth is lost a denture may not be required as a bridge can be made which spans the gap with a tooth attached to those next to the space." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long dental crowns will last depends on many other factors in addition to the material they are made of. Practicing good dental hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day will increase the life of your crowns. You can also increase crown life by limiting consumption of hard or crunchy foods." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Temporary crowns can be made in your dentist's office, whereas permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. 2 Temporary crowns are made of acrylic or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by a lab." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Temporary crowns can be made in your dentist's office, whereas permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. Temporary crowns are made of acrylic or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by a lab." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The above dental crowns are almost always fabricated outside the dentist's office. This is where the extreme costs come in; indeed, it is a small item in stature, but a quality crown is made to fit your exact bite, and is handcrafted by a skilled professional." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Metal – Metal dental crowns are among the strongest options, although their major disadvantage is their aesthetics. The material used to create these types of dental crowns is a metal alloy. The metal alloy can be a number of materials." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A crown is used to entirely cover or cap a damaged tooth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment. A crown can also be placed on top of an implant to provide a tooth-like shape and structure for function. Porcelain or ceramic crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. Other materials include gold and metal alloys, acrylic and ceramic." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In New Mexico, dental crowns usually cost from $1000 to $1500 per crown. Albuquerque crowns, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces crowns are generally at the higher end, with prices being a little less at New Mexico dental clinics in other areas. But affordable porcelain crowns can be found through Beyond Borders Dental." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Crowns can be made out of numerous materials, which are usually fabricated using out-of-mouth method. Crowns are frequently used to improve strength or appearance of teeth. Full-porcelain (ceramic) dental materials include porcelain, ceramic or glass screen fillings and crowns (aka jacket crown, a metal free option)." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth. The cap restores the tooth’s shape and size, strength, and appearance. The crowns, when cemented into place, cover the visible portion of a tooth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Metal – Metal dental crowns are among the strongest options, although their major disadvantage is their aesthetics. The material used to create these types of dental crowns is a metal alloy. The metal alloy can be a number of materials. PROS-Long lasting and durable. CONS-Metal is clearly visible and not aesthetically pleasing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "If cosmetic appearance is not a factor, nothing can beat a gold crown, period. 1 They provide excellent service. - All-metal crowns are the strongest, most durable type of dental cap. 2 They're very biocompatible. - While exceptionally durable, gold crowns won't wear down opposing teeth (like porcelain-surfaced crowns can)." ], [ "Represent", "1 Temporary versus permanent. 2 Temporary crowns can be made at your dental practice whereas permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. 3 Temporary crowns are made of acrylic or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by the dental laboratory." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As you can see, purchasing crowns without dental insurance can be difficult to do. Its high cost is probably not something you budgeted for, but don’t let the price stop you from getting this needed dental protector." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Types of dental crowns. Stainless steel crowns: Stainless steel crowns: These are temporary, hollow caps made of stainless steel and mostly recommended for pediatric use. It is applied on the primary teeth to prevent it from decaying and when it falls off to give space for the growth of permanent teeth, the crown also falls off." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Getting a dental crown usually takes several steps and visits to your dentist. Before you get the crown itself placed over the tooth, you may need to have several things done. Your dentist may suggest a root canal if your tooth is severely decayed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "5) Reasons why dental crowns are placed. A dentist might recommend capping a tooth for a variety of reasons but most tend to fall within one or more of the following categories: Restoring or making changes with a tooth's shape. Reinforcing a structurally compromised tooth. Improving a tooth's appearance." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Why do dental crowns need to be replaced? There can be a variety of reasons why a crown might need to be slated for replacement. We've listed some of them below, along with the type of restoration (porcelain/ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal/PFM, metal/gold) most frequently affected or involved. Damage - Cracked or broken crowns (ceramic, PFM)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'A male organism is the physiological sex which produces sperm. Each spermatozoon can fuse with a larger female gamete, or ovum, in the process of fertilization. A male cannot reproduce sexually without access to at least one ovum from a female, but some organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a male']\"", "But the latter can offer big advantages due to the way that it's constructed. 1 Crowns are fabricated in a dental laboratory, by a dental technician using copies (impressions) of your teeth. 2 Dental fillings, in comparison, are built during your dental appointment, within the confines of your mouth." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\nFewshot example: \"The vitamin C dosage was 500 mg once a week (equivalent to about 70 mg daily) before colds, but 1,500 mg the first day of a cold followed by 1,000 mg on the second and third days. No reduction in the incidence of colds was observed, but those taking vitamin C averaged less time at home (1.62 vs. 1.12 days indoors).\" == \"how much vitamin c do i need daily to fight a cold\"', 'Rickie Fowler is an American golfer. Rickieâ\\x80\\x99s maternal grandparents are Yutaka (Taka) Tanaka (the son of Yoshi Okubo Tanaka) and Jeanie Yellowhair.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what is rickie fowler's nationality\"]\"", "Crowns are made by taking an impression of the tooth or teeth they'll be covering. Before this impression is created, your dentist must first reduce your tooth's size so that the crown fits properly. Your dentist may also place a temporary crown while the permanent one is being made. Types of Dental Crowns. There are four different types of dental crowns. Ceramic — These are used for restoring front teeth, and are popular in this area for their ability to blend with your natural tooth color. The crown is made of a porcelain-based material." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Typically, you will need to pay for your dental crown in full before it is placed unless you have opted for monthly financing (which will usually include interest). If your dental insurance covers a portion of your crown, the company may send you a bill for your share of the cost after your procedure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The three most common reasons that dental crowns become weakened and need replacement are: 1 Bite issues: One of the most common reasons that a crown fails is due to bite issues, especially in patients who grind or clench their teeth. 2 Wear and tear: Other bad habits can also put extra pressure on your crown." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One problem patients often have with dental crowns is the presence of a black line near the gums. These dark lines make it obvious that you have undergone dental work, which is unfortunate, as most patients want their smiles to look natural. Fortunately, our dentist can fix this problem." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Full-coverage crowns for primary anterior teeth maybe recommended for teeth with:• multiple carious surfaces,• incisal edge involvement,• extensive cervical decalcification,• pulpal therapy,• hypoplasia,• poor moisture or hemorrhage control. References 1. Tinanoff N, O’Sullivan DM." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Crowns that have a metal component (all-metal and porcelain-fused-to-metal ones) are made using specific types of alloys. No pure metals are used, not even gold. This is because for dental applications, the physical properties of alloys are superior." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dental crowns are one of the most expensive dental procedures you can have done, often costing over $1,000 per tooth. So if you need a crown in the near future, it’s definitely worth your time to investigate some ways to save money on this procedure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A dental bridge consists of two components 1 : Anchor crowns The anchor crowns (also known as retainer crowns) are two (or more) dental crowns that are cemented on the teeth adjacent to the toothless gap to support the bridgework restoration. The two anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Any decay is also removed. If additional tooth structure is needed to support the crown, the dentist may build up the core of the tooth. 2 An impression is made to provide an exact model for the crown. You will get a temporary crown while you wait for the permanent crown to be ready—usually less than two weeks." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dental crowns can be made up of all different sorts of materials -- porcelain or a combination of porcelain with metal. The type that's chosen not only depends on where the tooth is situated, but what the condition of the tooth is (how discolored it is and how decayed it is), as well as the condition of the gums." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "*Worth It ratings only factor in Worth It and Not worth it ratings. A dental crown is a protective covering used to enhance the strength and appearance of damaged teeth. Crowns are most commonly made of porcelain, stainless steel, or ceramic." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Between 1929 and 1933, high unemployment led to severe poverty in Germany. 3 0. By 1914 Germany had become Europeâ\\x80\\x99s most powerful economic and military power, and was second only to the United States in the world.Four long, terrible years of warfare meant that, by 1918, Germanyâ\\x80\\x99s economy was in ruins.ollapse. The collapse of the American economy after the Wall Street Crash during the autumn of 1929 had terrible consequences all over Europe. Between 1929 and 1933 there was high unemployment and severe poverty in Germany.'] == ['Represent the natural language', 'between 1929 and 1933 why was germany in economic crisis']", "New Jersey Dental Crowns. A dental crown, also known as a cap, is used for a tooth that has large areas of decay, large fillings, or is severely damaged. Porcelain dental crowns may also be used to create a complete smile makeover—whitening, straightening, closing gaps, and reshaping the existing teeth. Natural-Looking Dental Crowns." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Compare the cost of other dental treatment abroad. 1 Crowns (12 Zirconium crowns) 2 Crowns (8 Porcelain crowns) 3 Crowns (8 Zirconium crowns) 4 Dental implant - Alpha Bio. 5 Dental implant - Bicon." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dental crowns, also called caps, are expensive, from several hundred to several thousand dollars, with insurance typically covering only part of the cost. Dental insurance is the most commonly used to pay for major dental problems. Dental crowns are also commonly referred to as tooth caps, teeth crowns. Dental benefits plans can be categorized by the options offered for selecting a dentist." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Temporary crowns can be made at your dental practice whereas permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. 2 Temporary crowns are made of acrylic or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by the dental laboratory." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When you invest in your oral health, you want assurances that the treatment will have long-ranging benefits. Some dental crowns will be more durable than others, and these restorations have been known to last anywhere from two years to a lifetime. The reasons for this vary. Your lifestyle and hygiene habits are important factors." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a by-product of the manufacture of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Sweet whey is manufactured during the making of rennet types of hard cheese like cheddar or Swiss cheese.Acid whey (also known as sour whey) is a by-product produced during the making of acid types of dairy products such as cottage cheese or strained yogurt.his makes the milk coagulate or curdle, separating the milk solids (curds) from the liquid whey. Sweet whey is the byproduct of rennet-coagulated cheese and acid whey (also called sour whey) is the byproduct of acid-coagulated cheese.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'is whey dairy']\"", "While a successful dental implant can last a lifetime, most crowns do not. They may need to be replaced or repaired periodically, and this is much easier to do if they are attached with screws. Loosening of the screw that attaches the restoration to the implant occasionally happens." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "definition of a medium psychic" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Definition of a Psychic Medium. What type of psychic ability does a psychic medium have? A psychic medium is a person who uses their psychic ability in a unique way. This person may have similar gifts to other online psychics, including an array of extraordinary abilities. Some psychics are clairvoyant so they can see the past, present, and future clearly." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Spiritual Mediumship. This form of mediumship is the reception and delivery of messages from Spirit in the form of clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience and clairgustance. Messages are usually delivered through the speaking or writing and can be received through support from divination tools." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The term psychic is a general term. There is a wide range of psychic abilities. A psychic may have one or more abilities in varying strengths. Some Abilities: See the pa…st, present or future of people or events See an aura of a living organism Remote viewing of far away places." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pretty Realistic – the TV show, MEDIUM. Information that is received from other dimensions is often wispy and usually comes in flashes just the way it is depicted on this TV show. Other times the medium portrayed on this show seems to know without receiving data through an image or without a spirit speaking to her. That is called claircognition. Its one of those feelings that we all get that reads something like, I know, but I don't know how I know.. All in all, I'd say that compared to my own personal experiences as a psychic medium, the TV show, MEDIUM is pretty authentic." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A person who has this ability is often referred to as a medium. A medium is a channel through which information from spirit or energy passes. There is also the ability to see images of people, places, or things in the mind’s eye and not through the senses. A person who has this ability is called a clairvoyant." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "a world renowned psychic medium featured on tv shows such as: nbc news, cbs radio, fox news, the herald news, abc chronicle & many more! Matthew Fraser is an Internationally renowned psychic/medium and author of “The Secrets to Unlocking Your Psychic Ability”." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of medium for English Language Learners. : 1 something that is sold in a medium size : something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller. : 2 a particular form or system of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television) : 3 the materials or methods used by an artist." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "During a seance, a medium may be the method by which messages are relayed from the spirit world to the guests at the event. While some mediums may enter into a trance-like state, others may be completely awake and fully lucid while passing messages along." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Lynne is one of our most sought after mediums at the psychic fairs and for private readings often booking up well in advance. Her messages are so validating that people keep coming back for more! Lynne's sense of humor and style are sure to keep you entertained while at the same time receiving spot-on messages." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A WORLD RENOWNED PSYCHIC MEDIUM FEATURED ON TV SHOWS SUCH AS: NBC NEWS, CBS RADIO, FOX NEWS, THE HERALD NEWS, ABC Chronicle & Many More! Matthew Fraser is an Internationally renowned psychic/medium and author of “The Secrets to Unlocking Your Psychic Ability”." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Meaning: Someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead. Classified under: Nouns denoting people. Synonyms: sensitive; spiritualist; medium. Context example: he consulted several mediums. Hypernyms (sensitive is a kind of...): psychic (a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception) • SENSITIVE (adjective)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How can I tell if a psychic medium is real or a fake? by Bob Olson, BestPsychicDirectory.com, BestPsychicMediums.com & AfterlifeTV.com Sadly, the average person is going to have a difficult time telling the difference between a legitimate psychic or psychic medium and a fake. Phonies, frauds and scam artists can be quite convincing. They can be good at deceiving people, especially people who are grieving or going through a desperate time in life, as these people are often more susceptible to suggestion." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rare and Odd Types of Psychic Ability Trance Channeling. Trance channeling is one of the types of psychic ability. In this, a medium allows a spirit to speak through her using her mind and body." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the communication process, a medium is a channel or system of communication—the means by which information (the message) is transmitted between a speaker or writer (the sender) and an audience (the receiver). Plural: media. Also known as a channel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. midway between extremes; average: a medium size. 2. (Colours) (of a colour) reflecting or transmitting a moderate amount of light: a medium red. Compare light129, dark2. n, pl -dia (-dɪə) or -diums. 3. an intermediate or middle state, degree, or condition; mean: the happy medium. 4. an intervening substance or agency for transmitting or producing an effect; vehicle: air is a medium for sound." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I like to say that I act as the bridge between the spiritual and the physical world, with the intention of healing both worlds. Tuning into the past, present and future. Rebecca Rosen explains the difference between a psychic and a medium and why the distinction between the two is very important." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A medium is a substance or material that carries the wave. You have perhaps heard of the phrase news media. The news media refers to the various institutions (newspaper offices, television stations, radio stations, etc.) within our society that carry the news from one location to another." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Question: What is a medium?. Answer: In both modern and ancient times, a medium is a person who communicates with spirits, usually apart from the use of witchcraft. A medium is, literally, an intermediary between the spirit world and ours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "By Shelley Esaak. Definition: (noun) - In art, medium refers to the substance the artist uses to create his or her artwork.For example, the medium Michelangelo used to create David was marble, Calder's stabiles employ painted steel plates and Duchamp's infamous Fountain had porcelain as its medium.y Shelley Esaak. Definition: (noun) - In art, medium refers to the substance the artist uses to create his or her artwork." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mental mediumship is communication of spirits with a medium by telepathy. The medium mentally hears (clairaudience), sees (clairvoyance), and/or feels (clairsentience) messages from spirits. Directly or with the help of a spirit guide, the medium passes the information on to the message's recipient(s)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "/ˈmiːdijəm/. noun. plural mediums or media /ˈmiːdijə/. Learner's definition of MEDIUM. [count]. 1. plural mediums: something that is sold in a medium size: something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller. I take a medium." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Define medium: something in a middle position; a middle condition or degree : mean — medium in a sentence something in a middle position; a middle condition or degree : mean; a means of effecting or conveying something: such as…" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Psychic first of all is not a Medium, period! A Psychic works on a much lower level than a Medium. A Psychic tunes into your energy field, senses or picks up on you, your life etc. A Medium on the other hand works on a much higher level and connects with those in spirit so, as said two totally different types of work." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Psychic detective. For the 1995 video game, see Psychic Detective (video game). For the television program, see Psychic Detectives. A psychic detective is a person who investigates crimes by using purported paranormal psychic abilities. Examples have included postcognition (the paranormal perception of the past), psychometry (information psychically gained from objects), telepathy, dowsing, clairvoyance, and remote viewing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: A medium usually deals in communication between the living and the dead, while a clairvoyant typically deals with knowledge/visions of the living. These are general definitions and there are exceptions I'm sure." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Photo:AbleStock.com/Thinkstock. Whether one refers to him-or herself as a psychic medium, spiritual medium, intuitive medium or any other similar title, it's all essentially the same thing—the emphasis being on talking to spirits in the afterlife. While I refer to myself as a psychic medium, there is a big difference between a psychic and a medium." ], [ "represent", "This controversy is closely related with the implications and similarities of these two different natural gifts that enter in the same branch of paranormal powers and abilities. Taking into account the dictionary definitions a psychic is a person apparently sensitive to: Nonphysical; Merely the mind; Telepathy; Extra sensory perception" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The psychic medium has the ability to sense and communicate with energies in other dimensions, involving the souls of people who have died. Their major mission is to help people who have unresolved issues for beloved ones who have passed…." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "psychic adjective (KNOWING) › having a special mental ability, for example so that you are able to know what will happen in the future or know what people are thinking: psychic powers. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Predicting things and intuition. augur. augury." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of medium for English Language Learners : something that is sold in a medium size : something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller : a particular form or system of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television)" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Mediums deal with loved ones in spirit, Clairvoyants can work by many means, but deal with life issues. What you get on TV will also be hype, so take it as you feel. Psychic's of any variety can work over the phone as energy is energy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mediumship is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sometimes a medium leaves her body to allow the spirit to take over. The thought of leaving your body may not make sense to most people, but a psychic medium is able to do this by entering a trance. The person voluntarily goes to another realm while the spirit speaks through their body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For the book by Marshall McLuhan, see The Medium Is the Massage. The medium is the message is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in any message it would transmit or convey, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. 1 Publications." ], [ "represent the input:", "So, there you have it. There is really no reason to be confused about the differences between psychics and mediums, as the difference is very clear. Psychics encompass a range of different people with ESP, while a medium is a specific type of psychic, one who can communicate with the spirit world. Here’s a useful guide that explains the different types of psychic readings that you may find useful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Even if you don't believe psychics and mediums are real, the combination of newspaper advertisements, television commercials and pop-up Internet ads selling seers' powers can be an overwhelming presence that's hard to resist. A large slice of the U.S. public is consulting a psychic or medium for guidance or advice. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life reports that about 1 in 7 Americans met with a psychic or fortune teller in 2009." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Breaking down the concept of a ‘mass media’ into itsconstituent parts... A medium is a ‘channel of communication’ - a meansthrough which people send and receive information. Theprinted word, for example, is a medium; when we read anewspaper or magazine, something is communicated to usin some way." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses. The word psychic is also used as an adjective to describe such abilities. Psychics may be theatrical performers, such as stage magicians, who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the appearance of such abilities." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Hematoma - What is, definition and treatment. What is Hematoma and Definition. Hematoma - Bleeding into the tissues that forms a contained mass. Most superficial hematomas are benign, such as the common hematoma auris, involving the auricle (outer EAR) and BLACK EYE, involving the orbital tissues surrounding the EYE.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'hematomas definition']\"", "Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of: 1 Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise. 2 Causing so-called paranormal activities to occur." ], [ "represent the natural language", "What is a Psychic? A Psychic is a person with the ability of ESP (Extra-Sensory-Perception) The word ‘Psychic’ originates from the Greek word ‘psychikos’ (Pertaining to the Soul) and refers to the ‘psyche’ (The Human Mind)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Whether one refers to him-or herself as a psychic medium, spiritual medium, intuitive medium or any other similar title, it's all essentially the same thing—the emphasis being on talking to spirits in the afterlife. While I refer to myself as a psychic medium, there is a big difference between a psychic and a medium." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "If you want your fortune told or wish to speak with a long lost relative, it isn't difficult to find a psychic or a medium in today's supernatural-obsessed world. Before the digital age, psychics and mediums were usually found at traveling circuses, annual carnivals and town fairs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "One of the most common questions asked by those new to the world of psychics is how a psychic differs from a medium, and even whether there’s any difference at all. This is a very good question, and one that people are often surprised to hear the answer to." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A medium is said to be someone who is able to bridge the physical world and the spiritual world to engage in communication with spirits. These may take the form of the spirits of the deceased, spiritual beings such as angels or nature spirits, or gods of some sort." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medium (website) Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Evan Williams, and launched in August 2012. It is owned by A Medium Corporation. The platform is an example of social journalism, having a hybrid collection of amateur and professional people and publications, or exclusive blogs or publishers on Medium, and is regularly regarded as a blog host. Williams developed Medium as a way to publish writings and documents longer than Twitter's 140-character maximum. Medium also has its own publications," ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mediumship is the practice of certain people —known as mediums— to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. There are different types of mediumship including spirit channeling, and ouija. Humans have been fascinated with contacting the dead since the beginning of human existence. Cave paintings by indigenous Australians date back 28,000 years, some depicting skulls, bones, spirits and the afterlife." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "mediums. 1 1 : something that is in a middle position (as in size) 2 2 : the thing by which or through which something is done Writing is a medium of communication. 3 3 : the substance in which something lives or acts the medium of air. 4 4 plural usually media : a form or system of communication, information, or entertainment." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'She makes it quite clear that being 80 is not that golden. Although she may not have financial worries, she has slowed down, has numerous infirmities to deal with each day and can no longer drive. â\\x80\\x9cDonâ\\x80\\x99t let anyone fool you, the golden years are what you are living right now,â\\x80\\x9d she advises this baby boomer. My aunt goes on to say that in her estimation, the real golden years are between ages 40 and 60, when you are generally physically fit and have your wits about you. The family is growing and you are an important piece in the lives of your children and grandchildren.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what age do the golden years start?']", "What Is Mediumship/Channeling? Mediumship can be defined as follows: The process whereby a human instrument, known as a MEDIUM or CHANNEL, is used by one or more discarnate, spirit personalities for the purpose of: Presenting information, verifiable or otherwise." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "psychic in Medicine. psychic psy·chic (sÄ«'kÄ­k) adj. Of, relating to, affecting, or influenced by the human mind or psyche; mental. Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy. Of or relating to such mental processes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is important not to convey too much information to the medium, or you may leave the reading with uncertainty regarding the proof of life after death that you came in seeking. It is important to allow the psychic medium to do his/her work and access the energy of your loved ones on their own." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Psychic medium explained ghost might have been a spirit, soul collector, guiding people to afterlife. Volunteers at landifll found 54,000 personal objects and helped identify 1,200 people who perished during the attacks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Patti Wigington. Definition: The term psychic vampire is one that is often applied to an individual who feeds off the energy of others. Some traditions use the phrase energy vampire to describe these individuals. While this is sometimes deliberate, some psychic vampires may not be aware that they are doing it." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Article by Craig Hamilton-Parker: A Psychic is a person with the ability of ESP (Extra-Sensory-Perception) The word ‘Psychic’ originates from the Greek word ‘psychikos’ (Pertaining to the Soul) and refers to the ‘psyche’ (The Human Mind)." ], [ "", "The medium is the message. The medium is the message is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in any message it would transmit or convey, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. 1 Publications." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mediums (Spirit Communicators) Glenn Klausner Glenn Klausner is a nationally and internationally renowned Psychic Medium residing in New York City, who for over 20 years has been reuniting thousands of people from all over the world with their loved ones who have transitioned." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "You won't believe these 10 facts about people. A medium is said to be someone who is able to bridge the physical world and the spiritual world to engage in communication with spirits. These may take the form of the spirits of the deceased, spiritual beings such as angels or nature spirits, or gods of some sort." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When a person possesses psychic abilities, telepathy, pre-cognition, etc. A person able to communicate with the other side; the dead. Damn, that girl's got theshining. #shinin' #psychic #medium #telepathic #ghosts #paranormal." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Iron-deficiency anemia occurs because of a lack of the mineral iron in the body. Bone marrow in the center of the bone needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of the red blood cell that transports oxygen to the body's organs. Without adequate iron, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells. The result is iron-deficiency anemia. This type of anemia can be caused by:\"]>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'anemia can result from a deficiency of']>>", "1 Mediumship involves a cooperating effort between a person on the Earth plane (the medium or channel) and a person in Spirit (the communicator). 2 There are several objectives behind the manifestation of mediumship." ], [ "Represent the input.", "medium ‎(plural media or mediums). ( 1 plural media or mediums) The nature of the surrounding environment, e.g. solid, liquid, gas, vacuum, or a specific substance such as a solvent. ​ ( 2 plural media or mediums) The material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Whether one refers to him- or herself as a psychic medium, spiritual medium, intuitive medium or any other similar title, it's all essentially the same thing—the emphasis being on talking to spirits in the afterlife. While I refer to myself as a psychic medium, there is a big difference between a psychic and a medium. A psychic isn't necessarily a medium, but a medium is a psychic. This is an important distinction and a good place to start, because I meet clients all the time who misunderstand the difference and confuse the two." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a plural of medium. 2. (usually used with a plural verb) the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, that reach or influence people widely: The media are covering the speech tonight. adjective." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Channelers, also sometimes known as psychic mediums, often use what are called spirit guides, friendly spirits who give them knowledge and help them on their spiritual journeys. Channeling is the belief that a person's body has being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of imparting wisdom." ], [ "Represent", "By Shelley Esaak. Definition: (noun) - In art, medium refers to the substance the artist uses to create his or her artwork.For example, the medium Michelangelo used to create David was marble, Calder's stabiles employ painted steel plates and Duchamp's infamous Fountain had porcelain as its medium.or example, the medium Michelangelo used to create David was marble, Calder's stabiles employ painted steel plates and Duchamp's infamous Fountain had porcelain as its medium." ], [ "Represent this", "A Psychic works on a much lower level than a Medium. A Psychic tunes into your energy field, senses or picks up on you, your life etc. A Medium on the other hand works on a much higher level and connects with those in spirit so, as said two totally different types of work." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what hotel was the linq in las vegas" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Linq Hotel & Casino (formerly Flamingo Capri, Imperial Palace and The Quad) is a casino, 2,640-room hotel, and shopping promenade on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, owned and operated by Caesars Entertainment." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The newly renovated LINQ Hotel and Casino is a great property. The dining options are wonderful. The Hash House A Go-Go is unique and Off the Strip is delish! It's a party all the time! The place is centrally located next to the Flamingo and the shops and restaurants between the places are a great place for a walk." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Las Vegas is known for gluttony of all kinds, and its over-the-top desserts do not disappoint. So go ahead and over-indulge – it wouldn’t be a trip to Vegas if you didn’t. Can’t decide what to order? Here are 10 of the best sweets and desserts in town. When the Linq outdoor shopping center opened this year, it brought Sprinkles, the cupcake phenomenon that swept neighboring California. Its signature treat is a delicious red velvet flavor that melts in your mouth, topped with rich cream cheese topping." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The LINQ Promenade is located close by and the open air dining, shopping and entertainment district is anchored by the High Roller observation wheel. This hotel and casino boasts several amenities and a raucous atmosphere that makes it a pivotal part of the Strip’s center." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you think the historic Huntridge Theater or the Moulin Rouge was the first building in Las Vegas, you’re wrong. Way wrong if you thought it was the Flamingo. The Golden Gate Hotel-Casino was the first of its kind in Las Vegas, but not immediately. Part of the building opened in 1906 as the Hotel Nevada, then again in 1931 as the Sal Sagev and finally as the Golden Gate in 1955." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "for more information. One of the most unusual things to do in Las Vegas is visit The Auto Collections at The LINQ Hotel & Casino, an attraction that combines the thrills of an exotic car museum with the opportunity to actually buy some of the most unique and eclectic automobiles in the world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Experience the excitement of Las Vegas at the casually elegant Tropicana Las Vegas - a DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel. With acclaimed restaurants, premier entertainment options and unsurpassed service, this unique Las Vegas Strip hotel has a South Beach rhythm and vibe." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The LINQ Hotel & Casino caters to visitors of all ages and attitudes. It's not a stuffy, elite-style resort, but a modern and socially connected place. Wireless internet access is available in its rooms and throughout the property." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Property features. Guests of The LINQ Hotel & Casino have access to a full-service spa, a casino, and an outdoor pool. Valet parking is offered for USD 13.00 per day. Helpful staff can provide dry cleaning/laundry services, concierge services, and luggage storage." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At a Glance. A timeless icon in the Las Vegas scene, LVH - Las Vegas Hotel & Casino - formerly Las Vegas Hilton will forever be recognized as the place where Elvis Presley once played. The property is also one of the most popular ‘off-Strip’ hotels with its enticing range of rooms and incredible host of facilities." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Rated by guests after their stay at The LINQ Hotel and Casino. 1 Monorail - Flamingo/ Caesar's Palace Station: only 6 minutes away! * 2 8.5* Flamingo Wildlife Habitat: only 3 minutes away! * 3 8.3* Gondola Ride at The Venetian: only 5 minutes away!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Base, which produces “Jersey Boys” at Paris Las Vegas, “Rock of Ages” at the Rio, “Mat Franco’s Magic: Reinvented Nightly” at The Linq Hotel and “Million Dollar Quartet” at Harrah’s, brings the new Jim Henson show “Puppet Up” to the Venetian this summer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Douglas Hotel by JW Marriott, will open in the Spring of 2017 at Parq Vancouver. The Douglas autograph collection hotel, also by Marriott, will feature 188 rooms and suites, connected to an outdoor “parq” on the sixth floor. It be very interesting to see how the new casino transforms this somewhat forgotten part of downtown." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Linq. 3545 Las Vegas Blvd (at The Quad & Flamingo Resorts). The newest addition to the list for those of us that enjoy a little retail therapy you can find an eclectic mix of shopping locations, and some tasty shops to eat at to revitalize yourself. Find a shop list HERE and a restaurant list HERE.400 Las Vegas Blvd South (Directions/Map). Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M., Sunday 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. This, the Southern Premium Outlet, boasts 140 designer and name-brand outlet stores offering you savings of 25% to 65% every day. For a store listing, click HERE." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Paris Las Vegas is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Expedia, Booking.com, HotelsforEveryone, Travelocity, Priceline, Hotels.com and Jetsetter so you can book your The LINQ Hotel & Casino reservations with confidence." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "At The LINQ Hotel and Casino you will find a 24-hour front desk. Other facilities offered at the property include a ticket service, a tour desk and shops. If you feel like visiting the surroundings, check out the Colosseum Shops at Caesars Palace (650 feet) and Bellagio Fountains (1,950 feet)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "HIGH ROLLER. Reach unbelievable heights on an air-conditioned 30-minute ride on the world's tallest observation wheel. The High Roller was named The Must See Attraction of 2015 in Las Vegas by Huffington Post. The LINQ Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. Shop." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The two social workers visiting from Tacoma, Wash., are sitting on the edge of a fountain at the LINQ, Vegas' new open-air retail, dining and entertainment district anchored by the world's tallest observation wheel, the High Roller." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The Auto Collections as LINQ Hotel is a nice collection to go see. Being car enthusiasts, who regularly go to car shows in Chicago... and just about every vacation we've been on... this left us wishing there was more variety and more custom work." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Down the street at the new LINQ resort, you’ll find flavortown in the form of Guy Fieri’s Vegas Kitchen and Bar. Afterward, see Vegas from high above when you take a spin on the High Roller observation wheel. You’ll also find new excitement on the Strip whichever way you go. To the south, the all-suite Delano Las Vegas offers a stylish, sophisticated getaway for guests while toward the north end of the Strip, SLS Las Vegas is home to top-notch dining, daylife, nightlife and shopping options." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At a Glance. A timeless icon in the Las Vegas scene, LVH - Las Vegas Hotel & Casino - formerly Las Vegas Hilton will forever be recognized as the place where Elvis Presley once played." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\n\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Reconsidering the Etymology of Democracy. The traditional etymology for democracy suggests that it derives from two Greek words: demos, meaning the common people, and kratos, meaning rule.'] should be similar to ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:\\n\\n\\nGiven what is the temperature of ice cream, a positive would be Before the packaged ice cream can be stored or shipped, it needs to be frozen further â\\x80\\x93 from its semi-frozen temperature of 22 degrees above zero, to a fully-frozen-solid state of at least 10 degrees below zero. The process is called â\\x80\\x9chardening,â\\x80\\x9d and it happens in the Spiral Hardener. & a negative would be 1 The next item to point out is that saltwater freezes at a different temperature based on its salinity (aka sodium) level â\\x80\\x93 most like NOAA simply state 28.4º. 2 The ice cream dilemma: Ever have a hard time scooping ice cream out of itâ\\x80\\x99s container â\\x80\\x93 well that is because of how cold your freezer is.', 'meaning of the word democracy.']", "Shuttle service to the strip Yes, the Las Vegas monorail route includes stops at: MGM Grand, Bally's / Paris, Flamingo, Harrah's / The LINQ Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Convention Center, Westgate Las Vegas and SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sands Casino redirects here. For other uses, see Sands Casino (disambiguation) . The Sands Hotel and Casino was a historic hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, United States, that operated from 1952 to 1996. Designed by the architect Wayne McAllister, with a prominent 56 feet (17 m) high sign, the Sands was the seventh resort to open on the Strip." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Shuttle Service to the Strip: The Las Vegas Monorail route includes stops at: MGM Grand, Bally's / Paris, Flamingo, Harrah's / The LINQ Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Convention Center, Westgate Las Vegas and SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. There is also a free shuttle to the Rio and Bally's/Paris. Spa: Yes, The Spa offers multiple types of massages and services. The spa also has a full-service salon. Wedding Services: Wedding chapel available through Harrah's sister property, the Flamingo Las Vegas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bally's Las Vegas, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas Bars, Las Vegas Hotels, Las Vegas Shows, Nightlife, OMNIA Las Vegas Nightclub, Shopping, The LINQ, Things to Do in Las Vegas. It’s a new year and we’re ready for some new adventures in Las Vegas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "LINQ is a breath of fresh air on the Las Vegas Strip. Janelle Dittus of Tacoma, Wash., takes a photo of the High Roller from inside the LINQ entertainment complex. The 300,000-plus-square-foot LINQ has nearly 30 new restaurants, shops and bars that have opened since Dec. 27." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "3/10/10: What was the “Cosmopolitan” will now be called “Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.” Deutsche Bank, owners of the 2,995-room hotel under construction, settled a dispute with Hearst Corp., the owner of Cosmopolitan magazine." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Sands Hotel and Casino was a historic hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, United States, that operated from 1952 to 1996. Designed by the architect Wayne McAllister, with a prominent 56-foot (17 m) high sign, the Sands was the seventh resort to open on the Strip." ], [ "Represent this text", "Gordon Ramsay keeps it casual with new restaurant on Las Vegas Strip. Gordon Ramsay's Fish & Chips at the Linq Promenade offers up a take-out style experience with a gourmet riff on crispy fried fish and a variety of spiced french fries. The chippy, as local Britons say, is Ramsay's fourth eatery in Sin City." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Now the largest observation wheel in the world, the High Roller is Las Vegas’ newest attraction for all ages. It’s located at The LINQ Promenade, an outdoor shopping, dining and entertainment district." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Brooklyn Bowl at The LINQ Promenade isn't in the same league as other bowling alleys. One might even say this Las Vegas Strip venue throws the typical bowling alley for a curve. It's a bowling alley. It's a concert venue. It's a restaurant. That's just how they roll." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, US The Linq, Suite 22 3545 Las Vegas Blvd. Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, US The Linq, Suite 22 3545 Las Vegas Blvd. Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, US The Linq, Suite 22 3545 Las Vegas Blvd. Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, US The Linq, Suite 22 3545 Las Vegas Blvd. Don’t miss out. Track this event and we’ll remind you when it’s coming up. Follow us." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Please try again later. The Sands Hotel was an historic Las Vegas Strip hotel/casino that operated from December 15, 1952 to June 30, 1996. Designed by architect Wayne McAllister, the Sands was the 7th resort that opened on the Strip. The hotel first began as just a casino with a few hundred rooms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wireless internet access at hotels in Vegas isn't unusual, but reliable access is. At The LINQ Hotel & Casino, there's reliable Wi-Fi in the rooms as well as on the gaming floor, in the bars, at the reception area and, well, in pretty much every nook and cranny." ], [ "", "The LINQ Hotel And Casino. Located .5 miles from Sands Expo & Convention Center. More Hotel Information and Book Reservations. Map the Distance Between The LINQ Hotel And Casino and Sands Expo & Convention Center. Starting Rate: $230 Priced recently for Jan 16 - Jan 22, 2016." ], [ "", "Shuttle service to the strip The Las Vegas Monorail route includes stops at: MGM Grand, Bally's / Paris, Flamingo, Harrah's / The LINQ Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Convention Center, Westgate Las Vegas and SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. There is also a free shuttle to the Rio." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Shuttle Service to the Strip: The Las Vegas Monorail route includes stops at: MGM Grand, Bally's / Paris, Flamingo, Harrah's / The LINQ Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Convention Center, Westgate Las Vegas and SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The LINQ is now nestled in between The Quad and the Flamingo directly across the street from Caesars Palace. But when I contemplate what the heart of the LINQ would be, I certainly don't think of the casinos. On a Friday afternoon, I take a stroll through O'Sheas. It's dark and smells like cigarettes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most buildings on the Strip have been designed to keep people indoors to steer them to the casinos. At casino hotels like Paris and the Venetian, corridors are lined with cafes and patios beneath ceilings that have been painted to look like the sky. At the LINQ, the sky is real." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Gold Coast was the first hotel in Las Vegas to have a movie theater. It’s a mile west of The Strip. Hooters opened as a Howard Johnson Hotel, and has also been named the Paradise, the Polynesian Paradise, the Treasury Hotel and Hotel San Remo." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This was my first stay at LINQ'S Hotel and Casino and I was a impressed with my room and view. My overall experience at LINQ was enjoyable, all employees starting from Valet, Diamond Registration, Drink Servers, Housekeeping were friendly, polite, professional and displayed a very positive attitude." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Las Vegas› Hotel. Circus Circus Hotel & Casino. 2880 Las Vegas Blvd. S. (btw. Circus Circus and Convention Center drs.). This is the last bastion of family-friendly Las Vegas—indeed, for years, the only hotel with such an open mind, which is also not to say that you should confuse this with a theme-park hotel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Set on the famous four corners of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo Road, this Las Vegas hotel combines heart-pounding excitement with hospitality and service that's second to none. Located adjacent to The Linq and The High Roller." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In July 2014, Caesars announced that the Quad would be again renamed The Linq Hotel & Casino in order to join the LINQ Promenade, an adjacent shopping and entertainment center that opened in January 2014, following a $223 million renovation of the property." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Shuttle service to the strip The Las Vegas Monorail route includes stops at: MGM Grand, Bally's / Paris, Flamingo, Harrah's / The LINQ Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Convention Center, Westgate Las Vegas and SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Booking.com, Expedia, Priceline, Hotels.com, Travelocity, HotelsforEveryone and Jetsetter so you can book your The LINQ Hotel & Casino reservations with confidence." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "ABOUT THE AUTO COLLECTIONS. One of the most unusual things to do in Las Vegas is visit The Auto Collections at The LINQ Hotel & Casino, an attraction that combines the thrills of an exotic car museum with the opportunity to actually buy some of the most unique and eclectic automobiles in the world." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is phenols" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Quick Answer. The Pacific Ocean borders California. This ocean is the largest on Earth and extends from Antarctica to Asia and from Australia and to the Americas. In total, the Pacific Ocean covers approximately 46 percent of the Earth's surface. Continue Reading.\"], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what ocean does california border']", "Phenols are similar to alcohols but form stronger hydrogen bonds. Thus, they are more soluble in water than are alcohols and have higher boiling points. Phenols occur either as colourless liquids or white solids at room temperature and may be highly toxic and caustic." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Polyphenols are a group of antioxidant compounds derived from plants -- notably found in coffee -- that can protect our cells and reduce inflammation in the body. Watch as Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham discusses the healthy benefits of polyphenols." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Phenols of anthropogenic origin exist in the environment. due to the activity of the chemical, petrol, tinctoral or phar-. maceutical industries. The compounds penetrate ecosystems. as the result of drainage off the municipal or industrial sew-. age to surface water [1]. moreover, the occurrence of phe-. nols in the environment stems from the production and use. of numerous pesticides, in particular phenoxyherbicides like." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Phenotype. Definition. noun, plural: phenotypes. (1) The physical appearance or biochemical characteristic of an organism as a result of the interaction of its genotype and the environment.(2) The expression of a particular trait, for example, skin color, height, behavior, etc. , according to the individual’s genetic makeup and environment.1) The physical appearance or biochemical characteristic of an organism as a result of the interaction of its genotype and the environment. (2) The expression of a particular trait, for example, skin color, height, behavior, etc. , according to the individual’s genetic makeup and environment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Synonyms are arenols or aryl alcohols. Phenolic compounds are synthesized industrially; they also are produced by plants and microorganisms, with variation between and within species.hey have higher acidities due to the aromatic ring's tight coupling with the oxygen and a relatively loose bond between the oxygen and hydrogen. The acidity of the hydroxyl group in phenols is commonly intermediate between that of aliphatic alcohols and carboxylic acids (their pK a is usually between 10 and 12)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Phenol Red Broth is a general-purpose differential test medium typically used to differentiate gram negative enteric bacteria. It contains peptone, phenol red (a pH indicator), a Durham tube, and one carbohydrate. We use three different kinds of phenol red broths. One contains glucose; one contains lactose, and the last contains sucrose. The objective of the exercise is to determine which organisms can utilize each sugar. Phenol red is a pH indicator which turns yellow below a pH of 6.8 and fuchsia above a pH of 7.4. If the organism is able to utilize the carbohydrate, an acid by-product is created, which turns the media yellow." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medical Definition of Polyphenol. Polyphenol: A kind of chemical that (at least in theory) may protect against some common health problems and possibly certain effects of aging. Polyphenols act as antioxidants. They protect cells and body chemicals against damage caused by free radicals, reactive atoms that contribute to tissue damage in the body." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "You can taste and smell phenol at levels lower than those that are associated with harmful effects. Phenol evaporates more slowly than water, and a moderate amount can form a solution with water. Phenol is used primarily in the production of phenolic resins and in the manufacture of nylon and other synthetic fibers.It is also used in slimicides (chemicals that kill bacteria and fungi in slimes), as a disinfectant and antiseptic, and in medicinal preparations such as mouthwash and sore throat lozenges.ighlights. Phenol is both a manufactured chemical and a natural substance. Phenol is used as a disinfectant and is found in a number of consumer products. Skin exposure to high amounts can produce skin burns, liver damage, dark urine, irregular heart beat, and even death." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Used on large skin areas (as in chemical peelings of the whole face), phenol is toxic (heart and kidneys). Phenolization is indicated in the treatment of ingrown nails (juvenile ingrown nail, pincer nail) or to destroy very thick nails where no medical treatment can be used. Severe vascular disorders are the only contra-indication to the use of the technique." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Phenol Red Broth is a general-purpose differential test medium typically used to differentiate gram negative enteric bacteria. It contains peptone, phenol red (a pH indicator), a Durham tube, and one carbohydrate.We use three different kinds of phenol red broths." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Phenolic sheet is a hard, dense material made by applying heat and pressure to layers of paper or glass cloth impregnated with synthetic resin. These layers of laminations are usually of cellulose paper, cotton fabrics, synthetic yarn fabrics, glass fabrics or unwoven fabrics." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bisphenol S (BPS) is an organic compound with the formula (HOC 6 H 4) 2 SO 2. It has two phenol functional groups on either side of a sulfonyl group.It is commonly used in curing fast-drying epoxy resin adhesives.It is a bisphenol, and a close analog of bisphenol A (BPA) in which the dimethylmethylene group (C(CH 3) 2) is replaced with a sulfone group (SO 2).isphenol S (BPS) is an organic compound with the formula (HOC 6 H 4) 2 SO 2. It has two phenol functional groups on either side of a sulfonyl group." ], [ "represent the next text", "phenol red broth. Phenol red is a pH indicator which turns yellow below a pH of 6.8 and fuchsia above a pH of 7.4. If the organism is able to utilize the carbohydrate, an acid by-product is created, which turns the media yellow." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. showing or manifesting: phenotype. 2. (Chemistry) indicating that a molecule contains benzene rings: phenobarbital. [from Greek phaino-shining, from phainein to show; its use in a chemical sense is exemplified in phenol, so called because originally prepared from illuminating gas]. Also, esp. before a vowel, phen-." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Phenols are more acidic than alcohol since phenols can delocalize its electrons. Also, phenols can remove its hydrogen to make it more stable. The ion is called the phenolate … ion. Acidity depends on the concentration of H+." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Many chemical cleansers are harmful to pets. Lysol is a phenol-based cleaning product generally not recommended for use in homes with dogs. Phenol can cause liver damage to pets, and Lysol gives off potentially harmful volatile organic compounds in its vapors." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Phenol Red Broth is a medium that contains a protein called peptone, a Durham tube (the little upside down tube in the larger test tube), one type of carbohydrate (sugar) and phenol red. Phenol red is an acid-base indicator." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The ferric chloride test is used to determine the presence or absence of phenols in a given sample (for instance natural phenols in a plant extract).rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The ferric chloride test is used to determine the presence or absence of phenols in a given sample (for instance natural phenols in a plant extract). Enols, hydroxamic acids, oximes, and sulfinic acids give positive results as well." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Polyphenols, a type of plant compound, provide one of the main health benefits associated with herbs and spices. Polyphenols are also abundant in certain fruits and vegetables, tea, and red wine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Types Phenolics and Phenolic Materials - A ThomasNet Buying Guide Phenolic, a composite resin material made from a combination of phenol and aldehyde, is a rigid material used in a wide range of consumer fitting applications. Because phenolic is easy to manufacture and relatively affordable, it is also frequently used as an acrylic alternative, as a binder, and as an insulator." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Phenol Formaldehyde resin commonly called a phenolic glue or more simply a “P.F.” glue, means a condensation product of formaldehyde and a monohydrate phenol including phenol itself, cresol and xylenols." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bisphenol S (BPS) is an organic compound with the formula (HOC 6 H 4) 2 SO 2. It has two phenol functional groups on either side of a sulfonyl group.It is commonly used in curing fast-drying epoxy resin adhesives.isphenol S (BPS) is an organic compound with the formula (HOC 6 H 4) 2 SO 2. It has two phenol functional groups on either side of a sulfonyl group." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Related Discussions:- Effects of substituents on the acidity of phenols, Assignment Help, Ask Question on Effects of substituents on the acidity of phenols, Get Answer, Expert's Help, Effects of substituents on the acidity of phenols Discussions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Phenol formaldehyde resins (PF) are synthetic polymers obtained by the reaction of phenol or substituted phenol with formaldehyde.ovolacs are phenol-formaldehyde resins with a formaldehyde to phenol molar ratio of less than one. The polymerization is brought to completion using acid-catalysis such as oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid or sulfonate acids." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Phenol red broth is a general purpose fermentation media comprising of trypticase, sodium chloride, phenol red and a carbohydrate. The trypticase provides amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nitrogenous substances making it a nutritious medium for a variety of organisms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "phenol coefficient a measure of the bactericidal activity of a chemical compound in relation to phenol. The activity of the compound is expressed as the ratio of dilution in which it kills in 10 minutes but not in 5 minutes under the specified conditions." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Definition of phenolic. 1 1a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a phenolb : containing or derived from a phenol. 2 2 : of, relating to, or being a phenolic." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Phenol. Standard Phenol. Procedure (for water-insoluble phenols or less reactive phenols) A more sensitive test for phenols consists of dissolving or suspending 15 mg of the unknown in 0.5 mL of methylene chloride and adding 3-5 drops of a 1% solution ferric chloride in methylene chloride. Add a drop of pyridine and stir." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Total mastectomy procedures in the CPT codebook include simple mastectomy, complete mastectomy, subcutaneous mastectomy, radical mastectomy, Urban type operation, and modified radical mastectomy. Mastectomy for gynecomastia â\\x80\\x94 This procedure is performed for treatment of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is an abnormal condition of large breasts in males. In this procedure, the excess breast tissue is removed. Use code 19300 to report mastectomy for gynecomastia. This is a gender specific code and should be coded for male patients only. The amount of excision of tissue is based on physician discretion.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'simple definition for gynecomastia']>>", "Phenolic sheet is a hard, dense material made by applying heat and pressure to layers of paper or. glass cloth impregnated with synthetic resin. These layers of laminations are usually of cellulose. paper, cotton fabrics, synthetic yarn fabrics, glass fabrics or unwoven fabrics. When heat and." ], [ "", "Phenols can have two or more hydroxy groups bonded to the aromatic ring(s) in the same molecule. The simplest examples are the three benzenediols, each having two hydroxy groups on a benzene ring." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nE.g. ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'You can take one piece of hand baggage up to 55cm x 40cm x 20cm in size and children can take Trunkiâ\\x80\\x99s. In addition to the above, customers can choose 1 item from the list below, to be carried as an extra piece of hand baggage.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'do trunkies class as hand luggage']", "Polyphenols are compounds made by plants to protect themselves. When we eat the plants & their fruits, these same polyphenols also protect us. Polyphenols are a large family that includes over 4,000 diverse bioactive compounds widely distributed in plants and their fruits. Polyphenols Benefits & Polyphenols Foods. At Gene Smart, we believe in a lifestyle approach to eating, nutrition and exercise that works with your genes to reduce inflammation, increase energy and lose weight — giving you the freedom to live each moment more fully." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Polyphenols are plant chemicals rich in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation in the body and promote heart health. Watch nutritionist Janet Brill, PhD/RD, discuss the benefits of polyphenols, and how they are found in wine and chocolate.olyphenols are a group of antioxidant compounds derived from plants -- notably found in coffee -- that can protect our cells and reduce inflammation in the body." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Polyphenols are plant chemicals that may have health benefits for people. There are different types of polyphenols, and they're located in all different plants that you eat. Let me explain -- first it's time for a little food chemistry -- plant-based food chemistry, in particular." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Uses of phenol. The most important chemical made from phenol is bisphenol A, which is used to make the polycarbonates. Phenol is also catalytically reduced to cyclohexanol, which is used in the manufacture of polyamides 6 and 6,6.Phenol is also used to make a range of thermosetting polymers (resins).henol. The production of phenol from benzene is the first step in the manufacture of some very important polymers, including polyamides (nylons), polycarbonates and the phenolic resins." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "phenotype [(fee-nuh-teyep)] The outward appearance of an organism; the expression of a genotype in the form of traits that can be seen and measured, such as hair or eye color. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'We hope you will find the site fun and easy to use. American Carnival Mart is a wholesale carnival supply store in St. Louis, Missouri and we have a retail party supply store, Party Land, in the same store.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'where can i find carnival popcorn']>>", "Although similar to alcohols, phenols have unique distinguishing properties. Unlike alcohols, where the hydroxyl group is bound to a saturated carbon atom, phenols have the hydroxyl group attached to an unsaturated aromatic (alternating double and single bond) hydrocarbon ring such as benzene.henol was first extracted from coal tar, but today is produced on a large scale (about 7 billion kg/year) from petroleum. It is an important industrial commodity as a precursor to many materials and useful compounds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Phenol, #C_6H_5OH#, has a molar mass of #94.91# #g*mol^-1#. #5.5# #mol# has a mass of #5.5*cancel(mol)xx94.91# #g*cancel(mol^-1)# #=# #??g#." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Uthgerd's House is the home of Uthgerd the Unbroken, though she is never seen in the house and spends all her time inside The Bannered Mare. It is in the Wind District of Whiterun, across the street from Carlotta Valentia's House. It consists of one room. The front door opens to the living room, with a ladder leading to the bedroom upstairs. Left of the door sits a small table with a bottle of ale and a sweetroll.\"] should be similar to ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where is uthgerd the unbroken house']", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The ferric chloride test is used to determine the presence or absence of phenols in a given sample (for instance natural phenols in a plant extract). Enols, hydroxamic acids, oximes, and sulfinic acids give positive results as well.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The ferric chloride test is used to determine the presence or absence of phenols in a given sample (for instance natural phenols in a plant extract). Enols, hydroxamic acids, oximes, and sulfinic acids give positive results as well." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Phenol Red Broth is a medium that contains a protein called peptone, a Durham tube (the little upside down tube in the larger test tube), one type of carbohydrate (sugar) and phenol red. Phenol red is an acid-base indicator. We will use two different kinds of phenol red broths." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "cost to install a bathtub" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Costs for a bathtub installation vary from $480 to $1,450 or even more for high end custom work. There are numerous of factors that affect the final price to get a new tub installed. Typically bathtubs last long enough and its replacement requires once it’s damaged or during a complete bathroom remodeling project." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For a straightforward tub insert, the cost to install a bathtub or shower liner should be on the lower end of the price scale.verall, the cost to install a bathtub or shower liner will depend on the liner you choose and who you choose to install it. A professional will make sure that everything is sealed properly so it looks like a new tub, while ensuring that no cracks or unhygienic conditions will occur." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Corner Jacuzzi might be 30% - 40% more expensive for labor. Cost to install bathtub faucet and hand shower normally vary from $150 for standard installation with ready plumbing to $800 for custom waterfall or if drilling holes in the tub will be necessary." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A liner is more expensive than reglazing the bathtub ($300-$600), but less expensive and less time-consuming than replacing a bathtub ($1,500-$5,000). Typical costs: Having a liner installed in just the bathtub alone can run $500-$1,000. However, in many cases if the bathtub is in bad shape, so are the surrounding walls. Installing a liner complete with replacement walls panels, soap dishes, shampoo shelves or other options can run $1,200-$4,000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fixtures: the cost of the fixtures will depend greatly on the style and quality chosen. For a low cost bathtub expect to pay $400-$1500. A shower will cost between $450-$2000. A new sink will cost around $100-$500. A new toilet can be expected to cost around $100 and $250." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For a basic 1 tub project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Replace a Bathtub ranges between $750.59 - $1,433.85 per tub." ], [ "Represent the input", "Related Questions. 1 cost to replace bathtub with surround tub. 2 cost to remove tile, mold behind it, and bathtub, then install surround tub. 3 cost of labor to replace tub and surround in bathroom. Looking for best quality tub 1 surround. Repair a bathroom shrower/tub surround." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most walk-in bathtub vendors offer a variety of models. Shop around for door designs, as the shape and size can affect access and the look of a room. Expect to pay anywhere from $2,500 for a lower-end model and up to $10,000 for one loaded with features. If you can't hire a professional to install a walk-in bathtub, you might instead consider using a portable model." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A liner is more expensive than reglazing the bathtub ($300-$600), but less expensive and less time-consuming than replacing a bathtub ($1,500-$5,000). Having a liner installed in just the bathtub alone can run $500-$1,000. However, in many cases if the bathtub is in bad shape, so are the surrounding walls." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cost breakdown. The price of a standard bathtub varies depending on the features and quality. In this case we decided on a standard quality tub priced at $700. The cost of ceramic tile wall averages $2.50 per square foot, equaling $250 in this scenario. A faucet and shower cost approximately $225. Materials therefore will cost $1175." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The average cost of a cast iron bathtub ranges from $900 to $2,500, but can easily increase for designer styles or personalization. There’s something about a cast iron tub that evokes a sense of old-world design. Iron is as durable as they come, resistant to scratches, dents and chips. An iron tub will hold the heat of the water well." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Unfortunately, there are a number of cons that come with having even a small Jacuzzi bathtub installed. First of all, Jacuzzi bathtubs are extremely expensive, costing anywhere from $600 to over $15,000 depending on the features they offer. On top of that, the cost of having them installed is greater than a normal tub." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the following tables the Labor Cost figures are what the able DIY person should expect to save by performing the installation. Bathtub replacement: remove and dispose of existing bathtub; install new bathtub and accessories; upgrade wall surroundings." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "1 Total cost for removing the old tub and installing a new one can run $1,500-$5,000 or more but averages $2,500-$3,500 depending on the ease of access, local rates, the quality of the new fixtures, and the extent of the repairs/replacements for the walls, plumbing and flooring. If the replacement tub is larger and heavier than the old bathtub, you might also need to install larger copper water pipes (anywhere from $1.30-$10 a foot) and a bigger-capacity hot water heater ($150-$3,500), and to reinforce the floor joists ($100-$300 per joist)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "First of all, Jacuzzi bathtubs are extremely expensive, costing anywhere from $600 to over $15,000 depending on the features they offer. On top of that, the cost of having them installed is greater than a normal tub." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Acrylic bathtub costs. The average price of a new acrylic tub is between $500 and $1,200. Probably one of the most common materials for bathtubs is acrylic, which is typically reinforced by fiberglass. Available in a wide variety of colors, styles and sizes, acrylic tubs are also efficient and hold heat well. It’s easy to clean, but it can scratch." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Once you find a good pro, then the cost to install a bathtub or shower liner will depend on a couple of factors. There is a wide range of bathtub liners to choose from, and that will ultimately affect the cost to install a bathtub or shower liner.You can find liners in a ton of different colors or styles to match your bathroom's current style, or a new style if you're remodeling or redecorating your space.verall, the cost to install a bathtub or shower liner will depend on the liner you choose and who you choose to install it. A professional will make sure that everything is sealed properly so it looks like a new tub, while ensuring that no cracks or unhygienic conditions will occur." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(credit: Thinkstock) You can buy a brand-new bathtub unit for as little as $300 at a retail hardware store, but the actual costs of removing and replacing will likely be much greater." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Average Cost: The average cost of having a tub or shower installed is around $3,000.00. Shower/tub combos involve more plumbing and can cost a little more. Return to Top" ], [ "represent the natural language", "1 On average, a Bath Fitter product, along with professional installation, is going to cost about $2,000 to $7,000+ for typical bathroom jobs. 2 It will depend on the features you want and what type of setup you have." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On average, a Bath Fitter product, along with professional installation, is going to cost about $2,000 to $7,000+ for typical bathroom jobs. It will depend on the features you want, the size of the shower/tub and what type of setup you have." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "While a brand new bathtub may only cost $300, there can often be several hidden costs to replacement such as removal and disposal cost, plumbing alterations, and tile work. These costs add up, and you can easily end up spending nearly $2,500 to replace your bath tub." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Replace a Bathtub! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Bathtub Replacement project. For a basic 1 tub project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Replace a Bathtub ranges between $750.59 - $1,433.85 per tub." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Bathtub Replacement project. For a basic 1 tub project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Replace a Bathtub ranges between $750.59 - $1,433.85 per tub. To estimate costs for your project:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Total cost for removing the old tub and installing a new one can run $1,500-$5,000 or more but averages $2,500-$3,500 depending on the ease of access, local rates, the quality of the new fixtures, and the extent of the repairs/replacements for the walls, plumbing and flooring.t's less expensive to refinish the bathtub ($300-$600) or install a bathtub liner ($500-$4,000), but a replacement can mean you get precisely the tub you want." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Cost of drop in bathtub installation. It is easy and not expensive to perform the installation of drop in bathtub if the opening is according to a new tub size and all plumbing ready. If a new bathtub has a different dimensions or drains placement the work might be estimated up to $950 - $1,700." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 You can have your bathroom faucets installed for a price ranging from $180 to $335. 2 A kitchen faucet is one of the most important faucets in the house and the price range for this installation is anywhere from $188 to $347 depending on the complexity of the sink and the options and attachments it has. The price range for this type of installation is from $240 to as much as $419. 2 If you have a bath tub at home, a faucet must also be installed for it as well. 3 It is also a bit complicated, just like the shower faucet, and the installation price for this starts at $231 to $404." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "For a straightforward tub insert, the cost to install a bathtub or shower liner should be on the lower end of the price scale." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:", "difference between annular plate and bottom plate" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Here is my explanation in simple form: An annular plate is a ring of plates that sit directly underneath the shell plate. The bottom plate sits inside the shell plate and is welded to the annular ring plates. On a tank that doesnt have an annular ring, the bottom plates will extend from underneath the tank shell. There are weld spacing and other dimensions that need to be adhered to, but this is the main difference between annular and bottom plates. Viewed 194 times. Published on ast-forum.com." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Also called a wall plate, raising plate, or top plate, An exception to the use of the term plate for a large, load-bearing timber in a wall is the bressummer, a timber supporting a wall over a wall opening (see also: lintel). plate in timber framing is A piece of Timber upon which some considerable weight is framed...Hence Ground-Plate...Window-plate [obsolete]... etc." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The studs are the vertical pieces that make up most of a wall's frame. The cavities between the studs are called bays (or stud bays). A horizontal piece at the bottom of the wall is called the bottom plate. The studs are nailed to this plate, which is nailed to the floor. At the top of the wall is the top plate. Often a doubled 2x4, it anchors the top ends of the studs as well as ties the wall into the ceiling." ], [ "Represent the input", "An oceanic plate is a tectonic plate mainly underneath the ocean, and a continental plate is a tectonic plate mainly underneath a continent,A tectonic plate is a giant slab of rock which makes up the earth crust (outer layer).plit and merge into it. Answer by Lelalu. Confidence votes 119. An oceanic plate is a tectonic plate mainly underneath the ocean, and a continental plate is a tectonic plate mainly underneath a continent, A tectonic plate is a giant slab of rock which makes up the earth crust (outer layer)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to [1] and , the calculated [2] width L of the assisting bottom part always is. 500 mm, independently on the steel, thickness. and the real width le of the annular bottom. plates." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An annular plates ring is supplied around rectangular plates. The shell is sited down on the sketch or annular plates, just inside periphery. Annular plates locate in bottom periphery and sketch plates locate over annular plates. Vote Up 0 Vote Down." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mortise Plate - The plate on the edge of the latch mechanism that provides additional security and a nicer, cleaner look. Backset. Backset - The backset on a door is the distance from the edge of the door, to the center of the bore hol in the door." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Plate metal is much thicker than sheet metal. plate is thicker than 6 mm foil is thinner than .2 mm sheet is between 6 and .2 mm. There is no difference technically. But thicker sheets are normally referred as plates. plate thickness is 6mm or more,sheet is is 6mm or less but more then foil which is 2mm." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(USA answer) The bottom of a door frame is usually called the threshold or doorsill. A sole plate is the first piece of wood that lays flat on its widest face at the bottom of a stud wall. Studs (usually 2x4's or 2x6's) rest vertically on the sole plate. It may be made of pressure treated wood to prevent decay or a specie that resists decay naturally such as cedar, or cypress, or redwood." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: Crust, the upper layer of the Earth, is not always the same. Crust under the oceans is only about 5 km thick while continental crust can be up to 65 km thick. Also, ocean crust is made of denser minerals than continental crust. The tectonic plates are made up of Earth’s crust and the upper part of the mantle layer underneath. Together the crust and upper mantle are called the lithosphere and they extend about 80 km deep. The lithosphere is broken into giant plates that fit around the globe like puzzle pieces." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The most posterior plate is known as the anal plate (sometimes called the tail plate, although chitons do not have tails.) The inner layer of each of the six intermediate plates is produced anteriorly as an articulating flange, called the articulamentum. This inner layer may also be produced laterally in the form of notched insertion plates. These function as an attachment of the valve plates to the soft body. A similar series of insertion plates may be attached to the convex anterior border of the cephalic plate or the convex posterior border of the anal plate. The sculpture of the valves is one of the taxonomic characteristics, along with the granulation or spinulation of the girdle." ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "SOLE PLATE-The bottom wood member of a framed stud wall. SOLID BRIDGING-A short wood member placed between the floor joists at the center to prevent the joists from twisting.Sole Plate-See Bottom Plate. Square Footage, Living-The square footage in a home that is heated and/or cooled.The space occupied by two-story rooms and stairwells is counted once in the lower floor 's square footage. ~ - bottom horizontal member of a frame wall.ole Plate-See Bottom Plate. Square Footage, Living-The square footage in a home that is heated and/or cooled. The space occupied by two-story rooms and stairwells is counted once in the lower floor 's square footage." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Earth's Crustal Plates. Crustal plates (tectonic plates) are the outer shell of the Earth. Continental crust and oceanic crust are the two main types of plates. Large plates like the North American Plate is considered a continental plate but also contains oceanic crust. Continental crust which contains the interior of the large continents is much older than oceanic plates. Oceanic crust is constantly being created an destroyed around the Earth's surface." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vertebral end plates are the top and bottom portions of the vertebral bodies that interface with the vertebral discs. The vertebral end plate is composed of a layer of thickened cancellous bone, The force imposed on the endplate from major load bearing or a herniated disc can cause end-plate abnormality and dysfunction." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"As unincorporated communities do not have a municipal government, Notre Dame, Indiana's government entities are the United States post office and the colleges' police forces. All colleges and universities in Indiana are entitled to an independent police force by law.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'is notre dame in indiana']\"", "1 Lower wall plates, base plate, floor plate, or bottom plate — a second lower wall plate to which the wall studs are through nailed and which is the bottom of the wall section when assembled as a rectangular assembly.2 On an upper story, the lower wall plate is nailed to the platform of the supporting floor. plate in timber framing is A piece of Timber upon which some considerable weight is framed...Hence Ground-Plate...Window-plate [obsolete]... etc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Of the two types of pressure plates, the diaphragm-type is used more often than the spring-type pressure plate. The clutch disc, on the other hand, is a metal disc that directs the flow of power between the engine and the transmission along with the pressure plate and the flywheel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The dimensions of home plate are 17 inches (43.2 cm) across the front, 8.5 inches (21.6 cm) down each side, with a triangular rear of two sides of 12 inches (30.5 cm). The rear edges are at 45 degrees to the sides, making a point at the back." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Upper wall plate, top plate or ceiling plate — upper wall plate which is fastened along the top of the wall studs, before the wall is lifted into position and on which the platform of the next story or the ceiling and roof assembly rest and are attached. plate in timber framing is A piece of Timber upon which some considerable weight is framed...Hence Ground-Plate...Window-plate [obsolete]... etc." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vertebral end plates are the top and bottom portions of the vertebral bodies that interface with the vertebral discs. The vertebral end plate is composed of a layer of thickened cancellous bone, The force imposed on the endplate from major load bearing or a herniated disc can cause end-plate abnormality and dysfunction.he vertebral end plate is composed of a layer of thickened cancellous bone, The force imposed on the endplate from major load bearing or a herniated disc can cause end-plate abnormality and dysfunction." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Plates and Sheets. As aluminum moves between rolls under pressure, it becomes longer and thinner, thus resulting in Aluminum Plate or sheets. One of the main differences between Aluminum Plate and sheets is that sheet metal is under .249” thick, while plate metal is .250” and above.. Another difference between Aluminum Plate and sheets has to do with the distinct applications for which they are used." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From which there are several links which describe the plates as: annular plate or sketch plate. From which you will find: It is well known that the maximum stress in a tank bottom exists at the toe of the inside shell-to-bottom fillet weld at the annular plate or sketch plate. I can't seem to find any reasonable drawings of them though." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When traces on a circuit board need to connect to another layer, they typically end up on a pad and then through a via on that pad go to connect to another layer. An annular ring is the area on the pad that surrounds the via. An Annular Ring Width is the (diameter of the pad-diameter of the hole) / 2. (Tangency is the default option, and the DFM will check for 5 Mils minimum annular ring width). (NOTE: accepting Breakouts is typically NOT recommended!)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "According to [1] and , the calculated [2] width L of the assisting bottom part always is. 500 mm, independently on the steel, thickness. and the real width le of the annular bottom. plates. It is necessary to point out that according. to [4] and [5], the minimum distance between. the shell and the central bottom part le (fig. 2), is. 500 mm, so the accepted in [1] and [2] value of." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The annular tear is a tearing of the disc external surface that may occur with the aging process or with injury. 2 The annulus may thin or bulge or weaken to the point that disc material may extrude into the spinal canal.umbar Annular Tear. 1 A lumbar annular tear occurs usually with a disc herniation. 2 The annular tear is a tearing of the disc external surface that may occur with the aging process or with injury." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "3. The clutch disc. Between the flywheel and the pressure plate is the clutch disc. The clutch disc has friction surfaces similar to a brake pad on both sides that make or break contact with the metal flywheel and pressure plate surfaces, allowing for smooth engagement and disengagement. 4. and 5." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dessert Plate. The dessert plate is the smaller size plate and will be found in sizes ranging from 6 to 8. Dessert plates are also called luncheon plates by some manufacturers and are now being produced in square and shaped designs. Disposable dessert plates are manufacturered in both pressboard paper and injected or thermo-formed plastic." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The plate shock hole is 1 3/4 lower than the spring. Multi leaf shock lower end, a single leaf shock has no stud, just an open eye for a through bolt. This lower spring plate is a 68 left rear for single leaf. It is a double shear type which means there is metal bracket on both sides of the shock eye. It extends down 3 below the spring plate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bottom plate at rest. Just as for kinetic friction between solids, to keep the top plate moving requires a steady. force. Obviously, the force is proportional to the total amount of fluid being kept in. 4. motion, that is, to the total area of the top plate in contact with the fluid." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Repairing a Portion of the Bottom. API 653 restricts welding in the “critical zone” when making repairs to a portion of the tank bottom. The “critical zone” is defined as: within the annular plate ring, within 12 inches of the shell, or within 12 inches of the inside edge of the annular ring." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Best Answer: It all has to do with the composition of the plates. Continental plates are made of mostly granite, while Oceanic plates are made of mostly basalt. Basalt is denser than granite, so oceanic plates are denser than continental plates. Hope it helps!! Because the Earth acts as a giant iron smelter. The continental crust is the glassy slag floating on top of the less differentiated oceanic crust, which in its turn floats on the even less differentiated mantle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "[8.0 UPDATE] - Alloy Plate is now 20-90 instead of 10-30 so you can basically triple your expectations. Venus, Venera (low level Corpus Defense mission). There are many advantages to farming Alloy Plate here instead of in Kiste (or Kappa). The speed of runs here is very quick and the Corpus enemies are low enough level where the cryopod can endure quite a bit of neglect on your part (even while solo). In this run, I get 51 Alloy Plate in 6 minutes (some portions were edited out so as not to excessively bore you). Your mileage may vary." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Minimum Annular Ring. The minimum annular ring on a plated thur-hole is the minimum amount of copper (at the narrowest point) between the hole and the edge of the pad after plating of the finished hole. MIL-STD-275E and IPC class 3 calls for a minimum annular ring of 0.05mm (0.002) edge of hole to edge of pad." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Timber sills can span gaps in a foundation. A sill plate or sole plate in construction and architecture is the bottom horizontal member of a wall or building to which vertical members are attached. The word plate is typically omitted in America and carpenters speak simply of the sill.Other names are ground plate, ground sill, groundsel, and mud sill.imber sills can span gaps in a foundation. A sill plate or sole plate in construction and architecture is the bottom horizontal member of a wall or building to which vertical members are attached. The word plate is typically omitted in America and carpenters speak simply of the sill." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Both diagrams indicate minimum annular ring measured from the outside ring of the pad and to the inside diameter of the plated thru-hole for an external pad [below], or to the center of the plated via for an internal pad [above]. Minimum Annular Ring applies regardless of the shape of the PCB pad." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 In the higher plants, after the separation of the daughter nuclei, minute granular swellingc appear, in the equatorial region, on the connecting fibres which still persist between the two nuclei, to form what is called the cell-plate. 2 In some the protoplasmic contents may persist, in others they disappear." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 A bottom plate or sole plate is a horizontal wood member at the base of the wall, fastened to the floor frame. 2 Studs are vertical wood members, spaced evenly apart, and attached to both bottom and top plates. 3 Typical spacing is 12, 16, or 24” on center." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Oceanic plates are thinner and younger. Together these plates form the lithosphere. Earth's Tectonic Plates, USGS. Continental plates. Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks form the continents. The basement rocks of the continents are granitic. The minerals in granitic rocks are lighter than the oceanic crust.ntroduction. Crustal plates form the outer layer of the Earth. There are seven major plates and many smaller plates. These tectonic plates are formed from the Earth's crust and uppermost part of the mantle. Types of tectonic plates. There are two types of tectonic plates." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The peripheral bottom part (annular bottom. plates) also takes part in the calculations, as a. part of stabilising forces, depending on its. thickness, width, strength. 1. Foreword. During their exploitation the tanks may not. be completely emptied." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "exists and is an alternate of . they have radially symmetrical ANS2: They appear to have radial symmetry but closer inspection will show that the madreporite (sieve plate) is not centered and the animal's behavior demonstrates that it has a preference in its axis of motion i.e., it has a head end even though it has no head." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The Earth’s crust and upper mantle (lithosphere) is divided into many plates, which are in constant motion. Where plate edges meet and one plate may slide past another, one plate may be driven beneath another (subduction). Upwelling volcanic material pushes plates apart at mid-ocean ridges. Continental plates are made of less dense rocks (granites) that are thicker than oceanic plates (basalts) and thus, “ride” higher than oceanic plates." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Install the tank bottom plates, and weld them to the the annular plates and inspect the welds. At the end of shell erection, weld and inspect the sketch plates, and manually weld the vertical and horizontal seams. However, I would be very pleased if anyone else would like to attempt to improve on that suggestion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Plates and Sheets As aluminum moves between rolls under pressure, it becomes longer and thinner, thus resulting in Aluminum Plate or sheets. One of the main differences between Aluminum Plate and sheets is that sheet metal is under .249” thick, while plate metal is .250” and above.. Another difference between Aluminum Plate and sheets has to do with the distinct applications for which they are used. Sheets. Sheet is the form of aluminum that is used the most often." ], [ "", "The main difference between platelets and plasma is that platelets are a type of blood cells whereas plasma is the liquid that holds platelets. Platelets are small, colorless fragments, which are critical in blood clotting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Earth's Crustal Plates. Crustal plates (tectonic plates) are the outer shell of the Earth. Continental crust and oceanic crust are the two main types of plates. Large plates like the North American Plate is considered a continental plate but also contains oceanic crust." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(USA answer) The bottom of a door frame is usually called the threshold or doorsill. A sole plate is the first piece of wood that lays flat on its widest face at the bottom of a stud wall. Studs (usually 2x4's or 2x6's) rest vertically on the sole plate. It may be made of pressure treated wood to prevent decay or a specie that resists decay naturally such as cedar, or cypress, or redwood. Corrected in this answer: The plate that rests on top of a foundation wall is called the sill plate (not sole plate)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Annular Tear Overview. An annular tear — also known as an annular fissure — is a rupture or opening in the annulus fibrosus, the tough outer layer of the cushioning discs that sit between the bones in the spine.When the gel-like substance inside the disc leaks out, it can come in contact with spinal nerves and trigger pain.An annular tear can occur in the cervical spine, creating neck pain, and in the lumbar spine, creating pain or other sensations that may radiate down a single leg or both legs.The pain is often grows worse during lifting or bending motions, sneezing, coughing, sitting and standing.hen the gel-like substance inside the disc leaks out, it can come in contact with spinal nerves and trigger pain. An annular tear can occur in the cervical spine, creating neck pain, and in the lumbar spine, creating pain or other sensations that may radiate down a single leg or both legs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A283 Gr.C comes under group I and the following part of API 650 is self explainatory. 5.5 ANNULAR BOTTOM PLATES. 5.5.1 When the bottom shell course is designed using the allowable stress for materials in Group IV, IVA, V, or VI, butt-welded. annular bottom plates shall be used (see When the bottom shell course is of a material in Group IV, IVA, V, or VI and the." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The shear rate is the difference in velocity betweenthe different layers and can here be calculated as the velocity of the top plate(the bottom plate does not move) and the distance between the plates, i.e.,shear rate is g = v/h. The ratio of shear stress and shear rate is the viscosity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is well known that the maximum stress in a tank bottom exists at the toe of the inside shell-to-bottom fillet weld at the annular plate or sketch plate. However, this is a very localized bending stress and it decays rapidly with distance from the shell-to-bottom junction." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In our diagram, the top plate would be at +28 V and is the high potential plate while the bottom plate would be at 0 V and is the low potential plate. When analyzing electric fields between parallel plates, the equipotential surfaces between the plates would be equally spaced and parallel to the plates." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An annular cutter, unlike drill bits, cuts only on the periphery of the hole to be made. Annular cutters use almost the same method as concrete core drills, but are for metal drilling. An annular cutter is a multipoint cutting tool and is made from material like high speed steel and tungsten carbide tips. Annular cutters are available in different sizes generally starting from diameter 12 mm (1/2’’) to 200 mm (7 7/8’’) and larger if required." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Summary: Vessels have perforations at the end plates while tracheids do not have end plates. Tracheids are derived from single individual cells while vessels are derived from a pile of cells. Tracheids are present in all vascular plants whereas vessels are confined to angiosperms.Tracheids are thin whereas vessel elements are wide. Tracheids have a much higher surface-to-volume ratio as compared to vessel elements.Vessels are broader than tracheids with which they are associated.Morphology of the perforation plate is different from that in tracheids.racheids are thin whereas vessel elements are wide. Tracheids have a much higher surface-to-volume ratio as compared to vessel elements. Vessels are broader than tracheids with which they are associated. Morphology of the perforation plate is different from that in tracheids." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Probably used as a charger to place other tableware on. A plate is a broad, concave, but mainly flat vessel on which food can be served. A plate can also be used for ceremonial or decorative purposes. Most plates are circular, but they may be any shape, or made of any water-resistant material. Generally plates are raised round the edges, either by a curving up, or a wider lip or raised portion. Vessels with no lip, especially if they have a more rounded profile, are likely to be considered as bowls or dishes, as are very large vessels with a plate shape. Plates are dishware, and tableware. Plates in wood, pottery and metal go back into antiquity in many cultures." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The specimens investigated consist of tubular members welded to annular. base pla tes and connected to a foundation with anchor bolts. The tubular members. were loaded with a transverse load in order to produce a moment at the base. plate - to - foundation connection. The results of this and previous projects were." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nGiven ['', '1 The most common severe congenital anomalies are heart defects, neural tube defects and Down syndrome. 2 Although congenital anomalies may be genetic, infectious, nutritional or environmental in origin, most often it is difficult to identify the exact causes.3 Some congenital anomalies can be prevented.ongenital anomalies are also known as birth defects, congenital disorders or congenital malformations. Congenital anomalies can be defined as structural or functional anomalies (e.g. metabolic disorders) that occur during intrauterine life and can be identified prenatally, at birth or later in life.'], a positive would be ['represent this!', 'popular birth defects diseases']", "What you’re seeing here is a header built with a 2×6″ bottom plate, 2×4″ cripple studs, and a 2×4″ top plate resting on the adjacent block walls. This header spans a 6′ opening and supports 4 floor joists (with 2 stories and a roof above it). The lowest point is at the middle and it sags down about 1/2″." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Subject: [MW:586] Re: Annular bottom plates from API-650 Tanks. I think you are missing the copy of API 650......! A283 Gr.C comes under group I and the following part of API 650 is self explainatory. annular bottom plates shall be used (see plates (see may be used in lieu of butt-welded annular bottom plates." ], [ "", "Annular pancreas can be either complete or incomplete 1: 1 complete annular pancreas: pancreatic parenchyma or annular duct is seen to completely surround the 2nd part of duodenum. 2 incomplete annular pancreas: annulus does not surround the duodenum completely, giving a 'crocodile jaw' appearance." ], [ "Represent the input!", "Crustal plates (tectonic plates) are the outer shell of the Earth. Continental crust and oceanic crust are the two main types of plates.Large plates like the North American Plate is considered a continental plate but also contains oceanic crust. Continental crust which contains the interior of the large continents is much older than oceanic plates.rustal plates (tectonic plates) are the outer shell of the Earth. Continental crust and oceanic crust are the two main types of plates." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A metal base plate protects the bottom sides of your door from dings, scratches and scuffs. Wood door base plates come in two types: adhesive-backed and screw-on. A screw-on base plate requires putting holes in your door, while an adhesive-backed one does not." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "· just now. 1 Plate metal is much thicker than sheet metal. Nelson · 4 years ago. 2 plate is thicker than 6 mm. foil is thinner than .2 mm. 3 There is no difference technically. But thicker sheets are normally referred as plates. 4 plate thickness is 6mm or more,sheet is is 6mm or less but more then foil which is 2mm. bozotexino · 4 years ago." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some microscopes have an annular condenser, which is a plate under the stage that can be rotated. The plate consists of holes of different diameter. As the plate is rotated, the different holes click into place, blocking out different amounts of light." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Doug Stelling. The annular plate-to-shell junction is one of the most critical areas in an API 650 Tank, and is one of the most difficult areas in which to assess corrosion. The annular plate typically rests on a crushed stone or concrete ring wall, and joins the highly stressed shell of the tank to the bottom plates. The bottom plates are for the most part supported by the tank pad or foundation, and are lowly stressed." ], [ "Represent the following document:", "The double top plate helps evenly distribute the load to the studs below. Cripple – Window and door cripples are studs that fill the space above a header and below a sill. Header – Headers are a load bearing beam that transfers the load above the opening down to the jacks." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Continental plates are made of mostly granite, while Oceanic plates are made of mostly basalt. Basalt is denser than granite, so oceanic plates are denser than continental plates. For more info, read this: http://scign.jpl.nasa.gov/learn/plate3.htm." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An oceanic plate is a tectonic plate mainly underneath the ocean, and a continental plate is a tectonic plate mainly underneath a continent, A tectonic plate is a giant slab o … f rock which makes up the earth crust (outer layer). 42 people found this useful. The oceanic plate subducts as it is thinner and heavier than the continental plate due to its age and the pressure of the water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "For both the front and rear license plate bottom two screw holes, I use a shortened plastic screw and nut. In addition, for the rear I use a pad so the screw and nut do not scratch or dent the metal. For both the front and rear license plates, the license plate attaches via the two top screw holes. I use four screws. For both the front and rear license plate bottom two screw holes, I use a shortened plastic screw and nut. In addition, for the rear I use a pad so the screw and nut do not scratch or dent the metal. Click to expand..." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "is canned salmon good for my dog" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to Feed Canned Salmon to Dogs. Canned salmon is a healthy food source for dogs. Salmon is nutrient rich and it contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote bone and joint health. Salmon is a good addition to the diet and easily mixes with other food sources. Many brand name dog foods use salmon in their existing recipes but canned salmon is affordable and provides quality fish and not ground leftovers sourced from foreign fish markets." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What makes smoked salmon a bad choice for dogs is that smoked salmon is cured, meaning that it contains an excessive amount of salt. Dogs, though, should not be fed anything containing a lot of salt because of the risk of sodium ion poisoning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Canned Pumpkin. Most dogs love to eat canned pumpkin. It is rich in fiber and helps to soften the stool. Feed the pumpkin on its own or mix it in with your dog's meal. One tsp. to 1/2 cup of pumpkin is sufficient. Vary the amount based on the size of the dog. The lactose in the milk tends to attract moisture into the colon and helps to increase the movement of intestines." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Dogs can eat canned tuna! Dogs can eat canned tuna, however do not give a dog canned tuna for a long period of time. This is because canned tuna usually has a high sodium level, and sodium is not good for dogs. If you feed your dog canned tuna every once in a while, you dog will be fine. Canned tuna is a nice treat to give to your dog, or to mix in with your dogs food. Post by: Adrian Sau. can dogs eat, canned, canned tuna, dogs eat, tuna, what can dogs eat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can feed salmon or salmon oil. If feeding salmon, make sure it’s cooked before serving, as raw salmon can carry a parasite that can make your dog sick. 4. Pumpkin is a good source of fibre and beta carotene (a source of vitamin A). Dogs need fibre in their diet." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ive heard of dogs eating canned green beans . those are good for them. pretty much anything green. apples are ok, only i heard the seeds are posionous to dogs and lots of apples can cause diherria. carrots are good too. cook potatoes, and some dogs like bananas." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Salmon Oil for Dogs. Salmon oil is touted to be great for our dogs coats, skin allergies, and joint problems. Sounds great! Joe Craven, a fellow writer (EssayWritingServices.com), raises show dogs and took the time to enlighten me about the pros and cons of salmon oil." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cooked salmon is easy to add to your dog's dry food. Salmon and tuna are two examples of foods that are good for you as well as your four-legged friend. The couple servings per week of fish dietitians suggest humans consume can also benefit dogs when given in canine-sized portions." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Canned tuna dog food is of course perfectly safe for your dog to eat. However, there are many brands available and the quality of the ingredients does vary. If you do want to offer your pooch some tasty tuna dog food, here are a couple of my favorites. Tiki Dog is a very well respected gourmet dog food brand." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tuna steak contains more mercury than canned tuna; canned white albacore has more mercury than chunked light or white canned tuna. Canned tuna is high in sodium, another reason your dog should eat it only occasionally. Too much salt causes pancreatitis, and dogs that are thirsty from salty food may gulp water, which can lead to stomach bloat and twisting, a condition that's fatal without immediate surgery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which dogs and cats need to be healthy. So your best bet is to serve sardines packed in water, wild caught salmon, and/or supplement your pet’s diet with krill oil." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Certain raw vegetables like carrots and cauliflower are quite safe for dogs to eat. Carrots are actually good for dogs. There are in fact some canned dog foods that contain chopped or shredded carrots or other vegetables together with the meat. The fact is we tend to humanize our pets." ], [ "", "Giving pumpkin or any kind of oil couild do more harm than good. Canned pumpkin would be the best, but since you are not able to get any, Olive Oil would be OK to try. Mineral Oil or vegetable oil would also be OK. Just 1 teaspoon to start with. If your dog does not have a bowel movement by tomorrow, make an appointment in the morning. If he starts showing signs of lethargy, not eating or drinking, whimpering, vomiting or excessive stretching, take him to the vet immediately." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dogs can eat plain canned tuna. Just make sure you give them small amounts as a treat and don't use it for a regular meal. Canned tuna contains a lot of salt and mercury, which is not good for a dog's heart and blood. Make sure you the tuna you give your dog is canned in water or brine, not in sunflower oil because that can upset your dog's stomach. Don't give your dog any kind of canned tuna that has spices or flavorings, because those can make your dog very sick." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "You may have already guessed the answer to this one and are checking online for confirmation, however yes indeed, dogs can eat tuna. You may also be here wondering if dogs can eat canned tuna and the various juices that come with it, (brine, olive oil, water etc). To that we say yes, however in moderation. (Head here for our full article on canned tuna for dogs). And common sense should prevail, the canned tuna that comes packaged with flavorings such as tomato sauce or spices should be well avoided, these do not constitute a healthy dog food diet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "That's why you should feed it to your dog only as an occasional treat. Tuna steak contains more mercury than canned tuna; canned white albacore has more mercury than chunked light or white canned tuna. Canned tuna is high in sodium, another reason your dog should eat it only occasionally. Too much salt causes pancreatitis, and dogs that are thirsty from salty food may gulp water, which can lead to stomach bloat and twisting, a condition that's fatal without immediate surgery." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Nature’s Recipe Pure Essentials product line includes three canned dog foods, each claimed to meet AAFCO nutrient profiles for growth and maintenance. The following is a list of recipes available at the time of this review. 1 Pure Essentials Salmon Recipe." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The ASPCA recommends feeding tuna to your dog only as an occasional treat. Salmon and tuna can be either healthy protein sources or dubious health risks -- it depends on how much you feed your pup and in what forms." ], [ "Represent the input", "This is an important consideration for bichon frises, as the breed is prone to dental problems, according to Dog Channel. Canned food does not offer the plaque-removal benefit, but it contains significantly more water. Canned dog foods are about 75 percent water, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tuna Is Just A Treat. Modern Dog magazine suggests saving a bit of tuna for your canine friend the next time you make a sandwich for yourself -- but just a bit. Tuna is a treat for dogs and not a main source of protein. Canned tuna tends to be high in sodium and mercury. The ASPCA indicates it is acceptable to give dogs the juice from canned tuna as a treat with this caveat: Don't let it become a main caloric source. At least 90 percent of Fido's calories ought to come from high quality dog food." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So, you want to feed salmon to your dog. You have heard salmon gives dogs energy, helps their heart and improves their coat. Many people, especially owners of husky breeds, believe salmon is vital for the dog's health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Canned salmon is a nutritious choice. 1 Canned salmon is rich in protein, vitamin D, calcium (from the bones) and healthy omega-3 fats. 2 Omega-3 fats are heart healthy fats. 3 They also promote healthy brain development in babies." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Salmon Makes The List. Modern Dog magazine lists salmon as one of 10 human foods that can be fed to dogs. Salmon makes the list because of its high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. The website VetInfo states that omega-3 fatty acids can improve a dog's dull coat and dry skin, as well as aid in healing time and reduce skin infections." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Canned salmon is a nutritious choice. 1 Canned salmon is rich in protein, vitamin D, calcium (from the bones) and healthy omega-3 fats. 2 Canada's Food Guide recommends we eat at least two Food Guide servings of low-mercury fish such as salmon each week. 3 Salmon belongs to the Meat and Alternatives food group." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It is necessary for your dog to eat raw salmon to get salmon poisoning disease. A sudden onset of symptoms occur 5-7 days after ingestion of fish. Initial symptoms include lethargy and anorexia. Peaking of temperature between 104-107 in the first two days and then slowly returns to normal." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. WebMD indicates that thoroughly cooked fish is safe for a dog, but raw fish is dangerous and potentially fatal. Raw fish has bacteria that can make dogs seriously ill. Certain kinds of fish, such as salmon and sturgeon, also have dangerous parasites. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When I mention fish, most people immediately assume it's okay to feed canned tuna, salmon, sardines, etc. This is not true. You never want to feed canned fish. Dogs and cats can become addicted to such foods and the high salt content is not healthy for our pets." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Can Dogs Eat Canned Tuna – Moderation is key. While canned tuna will make a tasty treat for your dog, the ASPCA recommend that you only feed a small amount. Canned tuna is high in sodium and mercury, two elements that should not creep into a dog’s diet in excessive amounts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use salmon as a supplement to your dog food, not a replacement. You can add salmon nutrients with jerky, treats, toppers, capsules and oil. Make sure you're buying the right jerky for your dog. Salmon jerky is usually dried strips of salmon filet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Salmon skin contains omega-3 fatty acids. Jupiterimages/PhotoObjects.net/Getty Images. In addition to its health benefits, salmon is a natural and flavorful source of protein most dogs will enjoy. Salmon skin is dog-approved and people-approved canine food, so please share it freely with your pooch." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In most forms, salmon -- skin included -- is safe for dogs to eat as long as it is properly cooked. If you've grilled salmon and want to share some leftover fish or fish skin with Fido, feel free. Avoid feeding salmon that has been cooked with substances toxic to dogs, such as garlic and onions." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The climate of Tarragona in march is tolerable. The weather in march in Tarragona is rather dry (with 75mm of precipitation over 7 days). The situation is deteriorating compared to the previous month since in february there is an average of 38mm of rainfall over 6 days.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average march weather in tarragona spain']\"", "1 Chicken: If your dog requires extra protein in his diet, cooked, unseasoned chicken is an easy addition to his regular food. 2 It also makes a good meal replacement if you're out of dog food. 3 Salmon: Dogs can benefit from omega 3 fatty acids too, so slip some cooked salmon into the food bowl for a healthier, shinier coat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Chicken: If your dog requires extra protein in his diet, cooked, unseasoned chicken is an easy addition to his regular food. 2 It also makes a good meal replacement if you're out of dog food. 3 Salmon: Dogs can benefit from omega 3 fatty acids too, so slip some cooked salmon into the food bowl for a healthier, shinier coat. Grapes and raisins: While this fruit is nutritious for you, it's toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure. 2 Onions: They may make you cry, but they can make your dog very sick by causing damage to his red blood cells." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Frankfurt, Germany Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 50.110924, 8.682127. Frankfurt, known also as Frankfurt-am-Maine, is a large city in central Germany, with the population close to 700,000 people it is the fifth most populous city of the country.']>> to <<['', 'what is the latitude and longitude of frankfurt germany']>>", "Answer: Canned salmon has quite a long shelf life for canned food products. If you have already purchased a can of salmon check the label on the can to determine the actual manufacturers recommended shelf life. A good rule of thumb is that generally a canned salmon product has a shelf life of about six years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Uncooked salmon and other fishes can cause a vitamin B deficiency in canines. More specifically, the B vitamin involved is thiamin. Symptoms of thiamin deficiency include lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, and in some cases, death. When you feed your dog cooked fish, be sure to remove the bones first." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Can Dogs Eat Salmon? YES, dogs can eat salmon. That being said, there is a lot to know about salmon because fish like salmon can have bacteria in them that can be terrible for your dog. There is obviously a way to make sure that the salmon you are feeding your dog is good for their health. A lot of dog food is made of salmon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Canned pumpkin, which is in puree form, contains lots of dietary fiber which can absorb the excess water in your dog’s stool; thus, making his poop more firm. This makes it perfect for when your dog has diarrhea. Interestingly, the same product can treat constipation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Canned tuna dog food is of course perfectly safe for your dog to eat. However, there are many brands available and the quality of the ingredients does vary. If you do want to offer your pooch some tasty tuna dog food, here are a couple of my favorites." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When adding in canned food, cut the dry by up to half the amount and substitute the same volume that you cut with canned food, so the dog is getting the same amount of food, some dry and some wet. Note, if you are feeding a good quality dog food you will be able to feed less as the dog's body will utilize more and poop out less. If you are feeding a food that contains a lot of fillers (grain fillers such as corn are often used by some companies) you may have to feed more in order for the dog to get the proper amount of protein." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Naruto Uzumaki (Uzumaki Naruto) was the Seventh Hokage (Sedaime Hokage; Literally meaning Seventh Fire Shadow). Naruto was one of the most successful Hokages and shinobis, even surpassing his father, Yondaime Hokage. Soon after he killed the Six Pathâ\\x80\\x99s of Pain, he became Hokage after Canton Yuho was assassinated.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what hokage is naruto']\"", "How to Safely Feed Salmon to Dogs. If you’re giving your dog fresh salmon, it has to be cooked. You should never feed raw salmon because of the risk of parasitic infections. Salmon, both wild and farm-raised, can be infected with a parasite known as nanophyetus salmincola that causes something called salmon poisoning." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dogs can eat canned tuna! Dogs can eat canned tuna, however do not give a dog canned tuna for a long period of time. This is because canned tuna usually has a high sodium level, and sodium is not good for dogs. If you feed your dog canned tuna every once in a while, you dog will be fine. Canned tuna is a nice treat to give to your dog, or to mix in with your dogs food. Post by: Adrian Sau. can dogs eat, canned, canned tuna, dogs eat, tuna, what can dogs eat. can dogs eat strawberries can dogs eat oranges." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ive heard of dogs eating canned green beans. those are good for them. pretty much anything green. apples are ok, only i heard the seeds are posionous to dogs and lots of apples can cause diherria. carrots are good too." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "More in Canned/Packaged Fish. Atlantic Cod, canned; Red Salmon (Sockeye), canned, drained; King Salmon (Chinook), smoked & canned; Jack Mackerel, canned, drained; Red Salmon (Sockeye), with bone, canned, without salt, drained; Show all foods" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Weight gain; this can be managed with a healthy diet and regular exercise. 2 Bad breath (it is salmon oil); this can be resolved by regularly cleaning their teeth. Stomach pain, dizziness and nausea; not all dogs have this reaction, but you should watch your dog to be sure that s/he is compatible with salmon oil." ], [ "", "{{vm.comments.TotalResults}} Reviews. ULTRA Adult Canned Dog Food is made up of a unique blend of natural ingredients, such as blueberries, sunflower oil and spinach, to support their adult skin, a shiny coat, heart health and overall well being. Our wet dog food also combines three lean, healthy, premium quality proteins to help maintain strong muscles." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other foods. Dogs may be offered fish, such as tinned sardines, tinned tuna and tinned salmon as a treat occasionally (take care with any fish bones), but fish should not be fed constantly. Dogs may also be offered a small amount of cooked vegetables, e.g. pumpkin, carrots etc." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Can dogs eat salmon? When it’s well cooked and unseasoned, small portions of any kind of fish meat can be appropriate for a dog. Raw fish of any kind should be avoided at all costs. Raw salmon, salamanders, and trout are potentially hazardous to dogs due to the presence of flatworm eggs inside the fish." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: If the ground flaxseed retains its omegas and your dog can easily digest it in that form, then yes. Your dog might enjoy some raw salmon as an even better meat-based source of omega fatty acids. That's how I roll w/my pups.rains, vegetables and fruit are not appropriate foods for dogs. They can't digest them. - NOT TRUE. The true statement is: these items are not as easily and wholly digestable as meat, but they are digestible and dogs do draw nutrients and fiber from them-just not as efficiently as from meat." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Salmon Dog Food. Find the right food for your Dog with our product selector. Find the best salmon dog food for your dog, and be confident you're feeding your dog a nutritious food with high quality proteins and ingredients." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I tried this canned salmon for the first time in 2005 and I have gushed about it in our tome about why we love canned salmon. Back in 2005, I was loading up on high omega-3 foods hoping to improve my brain health and to prepare my body for another baby." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A good source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are responsible for keeping your dog’s coat healthy and shiny, as well as supporting your dog’s immune system. Feed your dog cooked salmon, add salmon oil to her food bowl, or slip him some of your unwanted fish skins. 7. Pumpkin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Some dogs prefer their organ meat frozen as well. Frozen RMBs (raw meaty bones) are good for teething puppies, dogs that are learning to chew their food, and dogs that gulp their food. Feed the RMBs in as large of a piece as you can.acific salmonids carry a toxic parasite that can make dogs very sick. Freeze fresh raw salmon, steelhead, trout, and other salmonids for at least 24 hours before feeding to your dog; this thoroughly kills the parasite. Cooked salmon (or canned) is perfectly okay to feed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "New dog owners find themselves worrying about what to feed their dogs on. There are many types of foods that dogs can eat, which are good for their health. Questions that people are asking are such as can dogs eat salmon. Well, yes, dogs can eat salmon. In fact, salmon is one of the best foods for dogs. Salmon is a food that is rich in many nutrients. This is available in stores and there are recipes that allow you to prepare it for your dog in different ways. This means that your dog gets to eat a wide variety of salmon dishes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This colorful meal is chockfull of benefits. Salmon is a good source of omega 3s and fish oil, which helps with coat and joints, says Dr. Wismer. Cook the salmon well to nix harmful bacteria, and stick to a 1-oz portion for smaller dogs (2 oz for larger dogs); too much of the rich fish can upset stomachs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For the raw food fans out there: yes, raw fish can be included in dogs’ diets. But I recommend that you take some precautions. Feed only sushi grade fish, and avoid raw salmon." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Best Answer: Canned salmon is high in protein, and the soft bones in it are high in calcium. Fish contains omega fatty oils, which are good for the heart." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. Fishing can be wonderful recreation, but sharing the catch with your dog can be an act of kindness that kills. Salmon Poisoning Disease is a potentially fatal condition seen in dogs that eat certain types of raw fish. Salmon (salmonid fish) and other anadromous fish (fish that swim upstream to breed) can be infected with a parasite called Nanophyetus salmincola. Overall, the parasite is relatively harmless." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Canned salmon is high in protein, and the soft bones in it are high in calcium. Fish contains omega fatty oils, which are good for the heart. However, it should be eaten in moderation. That's because the high sodium content (typical of most canned foods) promotes high blood pressure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Avoid giving dogs raw salmon or salmon skin, though, because it might contain a parasite that could make them ill. And you also want to avoid giving your dog something that has been marinated or has spicy rub. Spices can be hard on your puppy's digestion." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yes, but it is not a good idea to feed dogs canned tuna for an extended period of time because there is too much sodium in the can. Also, you might want to give very little the first time, or your dog will puke or have the runs. Canned tuna, whether in oil or water, is fine - if in moderation. Like their humans, dogs can get upset stomachs, too. If your dog does, then just back off. - And be sure to open the can for your dog; dogs are notorious for being clumsy with can openers! ;)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cooked salmon is easy to add to your dog's dry food. Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images. Salmon and tuna are two examples of foods that are good for you as well as your four-legged friend. The couple servings per week of fish dietitians suggest humans consume can also benefit dogs when given in canine-sized portions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Like other varieties of canned fish, canned salmon is a convenient protein source that you can make into a salmon salad for a sandwich topping or for eating as is. Canned salmon contains essential nutrients such as protein and healthy monounsaturated fats." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Another reason why smoked salmon is not the best thing for your dog to eat is that there’s a slim chance it contains parasites. While it’s only a slim chance, you do want to be on the safe side, as the parasites poisoning disease, which, if untreated, is a fatal condition for dogs. Views · View Upvotes." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is melania trump doing ri" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'During past Mays, New Orleans has seen extremes as high as 96f (35.6C) to a low of 41f (5C). About 20 days this month will normally see sunny or at least partly sunny skies so this is a great time to explore the city.'], a positive would be ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is new orleans weather']", "You Know Melania Trump, Meet North Korea's First Lady, Ri Sol Ju By Tom O'Connor On 9/27/17 at 4:40 PM North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju attend the opening ceremony of the Rungna People's Pleasure Ground on Rungna Islet along the Taedong River in Pyongyang in this July 25, 2012 photograph released by the North's KCNA to Reuters on July 26, 2012." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She said he was ready to 'fight every day' to give children a better future. Slovenian beauty Melania Trump wore a stunning Roksanda Ilinicic dress as she spoke to the Republican Nation Convention on Monday night in Cleveland, Ohio." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Melania Trump’s professional biography says the wife of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump began modeling at age 16, but she only began working full-time after obtaining a degree. She graduated “in design and architecture at University in Slovenia,” according to the bio as of Monday night:" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'â\\x80¢ Incomplete dominance and codominance are types of inheritance of traits where both alleles are neither dominant nor recessive. â\\x80¢ In incomplete dominance, the resulting trait is a blend of the traits of parents whereas in codominance, both traits show up in the offspring.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'the differences between incomplete dominance and codominance']\"", "Even Target called to say, 'We are so excited you are doing a line for us.' I'm like, 'Well, I had no idea I was doing one,' he told Harper's Bazaar. 1 Read: Fashion Designer Sophie Theallet Pens Open Letter Refusing to Dress Melania Trump. 2 Related: Rachel Zoe on Dressing Melania Trump: 'I Don't Know'." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump's Website Vanishes Amid Allegations She Lied About Her Education. The website of U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s wife Melania appears to have vanished. Since Wednesday afternoon, melaniatrump.com redirects to her husband’s official webpage, dedicated to his real estate business. The news comes just days after critics questioned whether she had lied about her university education." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "First Lady Melania Trump. First Lady of the United States Melania Trump is the wife of President Donald J. Trump, and was born on April 26, 1970 in Slovenia. Melania Knavs began her modeling career at the age of sixteen." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump was spotted out in Manhattan on Tuesday. She wore a simple t-shirt, white jeans and flats with a suede coat. Melania wore no makeup and her hair in a bun as she went to an office building in the city. She was joined by her mother, Amalija Knavs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania prefers fashion and jewelry. Donald is well-known for his success in real estate. The couple married in 2005 but now face greater scrutiny than ever as Donald looks to become the next president. The Trump family has become one of the most recognizable families in the country. Donald and Melania sit at the head of the table." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Politics aside, Melania Trump has offered voters in both camps a designer tutorial. Unlike her husband Donald’s opponent Hillary Clinton, who has been a Ralph Lauren loyalist as of late, the former model has stitched together an assortment of designer labels for her public appearances." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Melania Trump, model and jewelry designer. I want to have fun while working out. I love to play tennis but sometimes my schedule doesn't allow it, so I've started to run on the treadmill instead to catch up on the news. I also want to maintain my healthy diet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "President Trump -- who called the shooting an act of pure evil -- and first lady Melania Trump visited University Medical Center's trauma center in Las Vegas on Wednesday and met with and consoled some of the survivors of the massacre." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Do you think Melania Trump is cute? Does Melania Trump love Donald Trump? Will Trump sue me if I state, on Quora, that Melania used to work for an escort service?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "She continues to be a constant in the New York social scene, appearing at the 2004 Academy Awards and on The Apprentice, Trump's reality TV series. On January 22, 2005, Melania and The Donald tied the knot in Palm Beach, Florida, in what was likely one of the most expensive ceremonies of the decade." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She could not have seen what was coming. Melanija Knavs is now Melania Trump, and she is one election away from being the first foreign-born first lady since Louisa Adams. She addressed millions of Americans on Monday night in a televised speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Melania Trump wears Hillary Clinton's favorite designer, Ralph Lauren, on election night. Perhaps the only slightly predictable or even fathomable thing that happened last night, after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, is what Melania Trump wore." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "MELANIA Trump became America’s new First Lady yesterday as her husband Donald was inaugurated as the 45th US president. 05:47, Sat, Jan 21, 2017 | UPDATED: 12:11, Sun, Jan 22, 2017. Melania took over as First Lady when her husband Donald is inaugurated today at 5pm GMT (12pm local time). The Slovenian model is second-ever First Lady to be born overseas, and the first since Louisa Adams – whose husband John Quincy Adams was President from 1825 until 1829." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Melania’s marriage to Donald Trump has been her largest source of celebrity. She met the business mogul in 2004, marrying a single year later. In spite of the fact that her husband has a large net worth himself, there is a prenuptial agreement in place that prevents her from taking advantage of his wealth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania, who was born in Slovenia, is Donald Trump’s third wife. He had previously been married to Ivana Zelnícková until they divorced in 1992, and then he married actress Marla Maples a year later until they called it quits in 1999." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers For example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\nExample:\\nProvided: \"U.S. iPhone technical support: (800) MY-IPHONE (800-694-7466) 1 Thanks for calling Apple Care, what kind of iPhone is it? 2 Caller: iPhone 5.\" Match: \"apple warranty customer service phone number\"', \"PYPL Earnings Date. Earnings announcement* for PYPL: Apr 26, 2017. PayPal Holdings, Inc. is expected* to report earnings on 04/26/2017 after market close. The report will be for the fiscal Quarter ending Mar 2017. According to Zacks Investment Research, based on 11 analysts' forecasts, the consensus EPS forecast for the quarter is $0.33.\"]' should be close to '['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when is net earning release for paypal']'", "Melania Trump has said she plans to remain in New York for the first part of her husband's presidency while 10-year old Barron finishes school. This has led to suggestions that Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, could take on some of the roles traditionally performed by the First Lady." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the natural language', 'Definition of actuarial. 1 1 : of or relating to actuaries. 2 2 : relating to statistical calculation especially of life expectancy.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is actuarial']\"", "While at a party during the New York Fashion Week in the fall of 1998, Melania met Donald Trump. She was a tall, shy brunette at just 28-years-old — while Trump was a brash 52-year-old real estate mogul. “I didn’t know much about Donald Trump,” she says of their first encounter. “I had my life, I had my world." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The jump is impressive considering that the only thing Melania has really done thus far is file a $150 million defamation lawsuits against a blogger and a media organization over false claims made during last year’s campaign that she once worked as an escort." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "“Ivana has continued publicly questioning Melania’s ability to be a First Lady, so (Donald) Trump reached out to ask her to stop,” a source close to the Trump camp tells Confidenti@l. And apparently, the former couple has agreed to disagree quietly about Melania’s abilities as a public speaker." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's wife, Melania, gave a speech in Berwyn, Pa., Nov. 3, in which she said as first lady, she would fight online bullying and press for the advancement of U.S. women. (The Washington Post)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images While Donald Trump loves to be the center of media attention, his third and current wife, Melania Trump, is a bit more camera shy. The Slovenian-born model keeps a lower profile than her husband, doing philanthropy work, raising their son, working on a jewelry collection with QVC, and creating a $150-an-ounce caviar moisturizer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Full size dairy type goat does can be bred at about 8 months of age if they have made weight. They should weigh at least 80 pounds. I have heard of people who wait until a doe is 1 1/2 years old before breeding her.f you decide to retire your doe, do not expose her to bucks any longer. She will continue to go into heat for the rest of her life. Does that are retired from breeding around age 9 -10 live longer (16-20 years, and I just recently found a doe who was 24; she was retired from kidding at age 10).'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'age to start breeding boer goat buck']", "Melania Trump is denying claims that she has ever had work done in a new interview with GQ. When asked if she has ever had plastic surgery, Melania, 46, said; 'I didn’t do anything. She then added; 'I’m against Botox, I’m against injections. I think it’s damaging your face, damaging your nerves. It’s all me." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Donald and Melania Trump are divorcing. New York, NY — Donald Trump, the brash entrepreneur who clinched the 2016 President election, is filing for divorce from wife Melania. Melania, a model and designer, has been married to Donald since 2005. She is Donald’s third wife." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "President Trump Addresses the Relationship Between Ivanka and Melania. Melania may be First Lady but Ivanka clearly plays an important role in the Trump administration. President Trump enthusiastically responded, Now, that's what I call a nice question." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, arrives before the second presidential debate between Republi can presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016. Melania Trump's blouse at last night's presidential debate caused quite a stir on social media. The wife of Donald Trump donned a hot pink $1,100 Gucci p---y-bow shirt. The term p---y-bow refers to a style of women's shirts that resemble the bow that used to be worn around cat's necks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Donald Trump's current wife, former model Melania, has been hitting the campaign trail supporting her husband’s presidential run. Read: Melania Trump: Donald Needs to Tone it Down During Debates. Melania is the billionaire’s third wife, whom he married in 2005. His was married to his first wife, Ivana, from 1977 to 1992 and they had three children together - Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric. In 1993 he married Marla Maples, and their union lasted six years. She made front-page news after she was quoted telling a friend that sex with The Donald was the best sex I’ve ever had” when the two had an affair in 1990." ], [ "Represent.", "Melania Trump was the main speaker at the Republican National Convention Monday. Parts of Melania Trump's speech bear similarities to a similar speech given by Michelle Obama in 2008. ( 1 CNN)Donald Trump's presidential campaign doesn't plan to fire anybody or to take disciplinary action over the controversy surrounding Melania Trump's plagiarism of Michelle Obama, CNN learned Tuesday." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But they’re good at finding fake stories about the Trump family: The president is Hitler reincarnated. Melania is a real life witch who summons demons to kill gay people. Donald Jr. was a cussing sexist toddler. That last one is a real accusation by a Politico editor. This is real life. This is the leftist news media:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Pause. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter. 3 Email. 4 Melania Trump's focus as First Lady is to end cyberbullying In Berwyn, Pa., Melania Trump said her main focus would be to bring an end to cyberbullying if selected as first lady. This was her first speech since the Republican National Convention in July 2016." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Washington (CNN)Melania Trump says she doesn't agree with everything Donald Trump says -- especially his language -- but doesn't try to change her husband. Trump told CNN's Anderson Cooper in an interview aired Monday she disagrees with her Republican front-runner husband on many things -- some language, of course.." ], [ "Represent.", "More World News Videos. Trump introduces 'next First Lady'. Donald Trump's wife, Melania Trump, says her husband is ready to serve and lead the United States and intends to represent all the people. So what if she isn't? It might matter because a college degree can be an important credential for someone applying for a visa to work in the US." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Despite what her professional website and the 2016 RNC program read, Melania Trump did not in fact complete a degree in architecture and design at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, before becoming a skin care entrepreneur and philanthropist." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In November 1998, Melania met Donald at a Fashion Week party hosted by Paolo Zampolli, an Italian entrepreneur and founder of the ID Models management agency (he later worked with Trump on several real estate projects, and was renowned for using runway models to market high-end properties)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania Trump’s Response to Michelle Obama is Making Liberals FURIOUS! Conservative businessman Donald J. Trump is leading all the national polls, and is about to win the New Hampshire primary tonight. But his wife Melania has stayed silent throughout the campaign. Until now!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania Trump plastic surgery looks to be done in the same fashion which would be done for a wife of a billionaire. Whoever the surgeon was behind this masterpiece work should come forward and broaden their market because it is simply flawless indeed. The big boss man should be satisfied with the outcome for certain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump’s Nationality: Where Is She From? Melania Trump is not often heard speaking in a public forum, but tonight she gives her speech at the Republican National Convention. Above is a clip of her speaking at a Trump rally in Milwaukee. The Slovenia native takes on the American people tonight, many of whom have yet to hear her accent." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Donald Trump is all over the media, but his wife Melania is almost never heard from. On Saturday night, however, Trump invited Melania to the microphone to say a few words after he won South Carolina's Republican primary. The Slovenia-born Melania spoke for just about 30 seconds, saying Trump will be the best president.. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a fashion-industry consultant who has known Melania for nearly 20 years, Melania's even keel is part of what makes the Trump marriage work. Donald is always full speed ahead. It is constant with him, she says." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "She Speaks Four Languages. Donald Trump and model Melania Knauss, wave to a crowd, Nov. 15, 1999, during an event sponsored by the Cuban American National Foundation, in West Miami, Florida. Though her husband has said that in the United States, people “should be speaking English,” Melania speaks multiple languages." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Melania might be happy that Trump is president now (that is becoming the leader of the most powerful country in the world), but she might not be that happy about her situation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Melania Trump: What we know about Donald Trump's private wife Melania Trump has said little in the campaign about the type of first lady she would like to be Agency" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania Knauss-Trump life and biography. Melania Knauss-Trump biography. Melania Knauss-Trump, born Melanija Knavs, germanized to Melania Knauss is a Slovenian model and an American socialite. She is married to American real estate magnate Donald Trump. Better known these days as Donald Trump's wife, 5' 11 Slovenian model Melania Knauss grew up in a household where constant studying was the rule." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Melania Trump is the exception to her husband’s nativist politics. By Lauren Collins She is the ultimate embodiment of Donald Trump’s bargain with the electorate." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'An inotrope (etymology and pronunciation) is an agent that alters the force or energy of muscular contractions. Negatively inotropic agents weaken the force of muscular contractions. Positively inotropic agents increase the strength of muscular contraction. The term inotropic state is most commonly used in reference to various drugs that affect the strength of contraction of heart muscle (myocardial contractility).']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'definition of inotrope']\"", "And that is a constant refrain in Melania’s public remarks. Along with her self-assuredness and her statements that Donald has amazing business skills and that the United States can be great again if we just give him the keys to the car called America is another cri de coeur: that she is more than Mrs. Donald Trump." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump and Donald Trump Getty Images Melania Trump has filed a $150 million (£113 million) lawsuit against the Daily Mail and a US blogger, saying they published false claims about her past." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "RNC program flubs Melania Trump's biography. The RNC refers to a college degree, but Trump left college after one year. The RNC’s convention program says Melania Trump “obtain[ed] a degree in design and architecture at University in Slovenia.” But, as POLITICO’s Julia Ioffe notes, that’s not quite true. “She dropped out after a year,” reports Ioffe, who delved into the potential first lady’s background earlier this year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Trump and his wife, Melania, left, attend the launch of Trump International Hotel and Tower Dubai with model Heidi Klum on June 23, 2008, at the Park Avenue Plaza in New York City." ], [ "", "Melania Trump wore a white dress by Roksanda Ilincic, a Serbian-born designer based in London, for her speech during the Republican National Convention." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Laura Benanti Plays Melania Trump for Colbert Spoof (Video) Laura Benanti does a hilarious impression of Melania Trump in a spoof on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The Tony Award-winning actress has previously appeared on the program and talked about how people compare her looks to Melania‘s, so it’s fitting that she is doing this spoof!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "So far in the 2016 campaign season, Melania Trump has shown more of her homebody side than her provocative one. She infrequently accompanies her outspoken husband as he crisscrosses the country in his private Boeing 757. She rarely speaks to the media, and she declined to be interviewed for this article." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When asked by The New York Times in 1999 what her role would be if Donald Trump were to become president, Melania replied: I would be very traditional. Like Betty Ford or Jackie Kennedy.. In 2016, she told CNN her focus as First Lady would be to help women and children." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "And if The Donald does make it all the way to the White House, don’t worry about another Monica Lewinsky scandal — or at least one that the first lady will stick around for. Asked by Larry King if she ever worried about Trump cheating, Melania said: “No. I don’t worry about that at all." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Melania Trump Net Worth. How much is Melania Trump Worth? Melania Trump net worth: Melania Trump is a Slovenian model who has a net worth of $50 million. Melania Knauss was born in Sevnica, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in April 1970. She is perhaps best known for being the wife of Donald Trump." ], [ "", "The president said: I think Melania will be outstanding. And that's right, she just opened up the visiting center, touring of the White House. She, like others that she's working with, feel very, very strongly about women's issues. Women's difficulties, very, very strongly. She's a very, very strong advocate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "He has been holding interviews and meetings as he prepares to enter the White House. Jan. 19, 2017 President-elect Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, visit the Lincoln Memorial before the “Make America Great Again” concert. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Melania Trump: What we know about Donald Trump's private wife. Melania Trump has filed a $150 million (£113 million) lawsuit against the Daily Mail and a US blogger, saying they published false claims about her past." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump, model, businesswoman and wife of Donald Trump, doesn't cut corners when it comes to raising her son, Barron. When it comes to clothes, he dresses in suits like his dad. When it comes to skincare, he uses mom's caviar-enhanced skincare line. You read that correctly." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump is depleted. Spent! Knackered! (At least, that's what we're envisioning.) At the Republican National Convention this week, she's had to make a million tiny semi-spheres with her palms because she has heard that is how royal people wave hello." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania Trump: Hottest Photos of Donald Trump’s Wife. If there’s one thing Donald Trump has going for his, it’s his ridiculously hot wife Melania Trump. Also the Presidency. But also Melania Trump. She has just become the most attractive First Woman ever. 24 years his junior, Melania is an international model from Slovenia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Melania Trump modeled for a number of publications, including FHM magazine in 2000. During the early part of her modeling career, she also changed her name to the more German-sounding Knauss. Melania came to New York in 1996, moved into an apartment by Union Square in Lower Manhattan and made her own way." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "President Donald Trump and former president Obama stand on the steps of the U.S. Capitol with First Lady Melania and Michelle in Washington, DC. U.S. President Donald Trump takes the oath of office as his wife Melania holds the bible and his children Barron, Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany watch." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results Examples:\n'['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'types of cichlids that get along']' == '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'South America also houses several larger river cichlids. These species will often get along well in aquariums. For example, various species of freshwater angelfish and the discus fish make great tank mates.Both species prefer soft, acidic water and, importantly, grow to about the same size.frican cichlids prefer hard, alkaline water. Most are very aggressive, but in a large tank, dissimilar-patterned species can get along. You do want to avoid keeping closely related species together, since they may produce undesirable hybrids. For example, no two Auloncara species should share an aquarium.']' != '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'A List of the Best Cichlids to Keep Together. More species of cichlids come from the African Great Lakes than any other area on Earth. Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images. Different cichlid species come from all over the world. Individual cichlid species have different requirements in terms of water chemistry.However, aquarium hobbyists generally group cichlids according to their home ranges, since cichlids from the same areas generally have similar water chemistry requirements and compatible behaviors.ndividual cichlid species have different requirements in terms of water chemistry. However, aquarium hobbyists generally group cichlids according to their home ranges, since cichlids from the same areas generally have similar water chemistry requirements and compatible behaviors.']'", "how much does it cost to send a 3 ounce letter" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In fact, letter-size mailings have varying postage rates based on weight. You can mail a 1 ounce letter for $0.44. If the letter weighs more than that but less than 2 ounces, you need to pay $0.61. Letters up to 3 ounces will run you $0.78 in postage.Finally, you can send a letter up to 3.5 ounces for $0.95. Send a letter that weighs more than 3.5 ounces and your postage rates bump up considerably. USPS will charge flat-size prices (or even parcel prices) for letter-size mail that exceed 3.5 ounces in weight.A 4 ounce flat envelope runs $1.39, so you may find that a 3.6 ounce letter will cost you $1.39 to mail.n fact, letter-size mailings have varying postage rates based on weight. You can mail a 1 ounce letter for $0.44. If the letter weighs more than that but less than 2 ounces, you need to pay $0.61. Letters up to 3 ounces will run you $0.78 in postage." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The cost to send a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt (Green Card) will be $6.74. If you use Electronic Delivery Confirmation the cost can be reduced to $4.69. Additional options such as Return Receipt Signature Electronic in PDF format cost $1.40. The First Class 1 oZ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Postage Price Calculator will answer all of these questions. As of June 2015, a one ounce standard letter of ordinary dimension will cost $1.20 to send from anywhere in the US to anywhere in India. Starting May 31, 2015, rate for 1 ounce First-Class letter (or postcard) to Canada increase from $1.15 to $1.20. See the links below or Page on stamps.com. I can't keep up with the changes, so I always look up the rate for postage whenever I send a letter or package when I'm about to send it. Thank goodness for the Internet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Find what the current price of a stamp is and how much it costs to send letters. Your letter must be 1 ounce or under for this price. If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price). If your letter is more than 3.5 ounces, OR is larger than the maximum size of a regular envelope (11 1/2 x 6 1/8), then you would use large envelope pricing." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The 2015 cost of sending a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt (old fashioned green card) will cost $6.74. If you send Certified Mail using Electronic Delivery Confirmation the cost is $4.69. Each additional OZ of First Class mail will cost $0.22 per OZ." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How much does it cost to send a letter in the United States? On Sunday, Jan. 26, the cost to mail a first-class single-piece letter jumped from 46 cents to 49 cents. The U.S. Post Office's 3-cent increase is the largest hike for con … sumer postage in more than a decade." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Using a customer supplied envelope, an individual can mail a Priority Mail Express letter envelope weighing one ounce up to sixteen ounces for $31.20 plus the extra fee of $12.50 to add Sunday/Holiday Delivery." ], [ "Represent text", "How much does it cost to send a Certified Mail letter? ← Postage on a Certified Letter. How much does it cost to send a Certified Mail letter? $6.47 is the current USPS Certified Mail rate to send a 1-ounce Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt Requested service (old fashioned green card). Postal rates decreased the costs of the Certified Mail fee, First Class postage and the old fashioned green card. Follow this link to learn more about the USPS Certified Mail rates." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Since the “Metered Mail” rate or Stamps.com rate is now $0.48 to send a one-ounce first class letter, you will need to add postage worth 2 cents to your letter in order for it to be delivered by the USPS." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Postage Price Calculator will answer all of these questions. As of June 2015, a one ounce standard letter of ordinary dimension will cost $1.20 to send from anywhere in the US to anywhere in India. Complete guidelines about mail form the US to india are available here: India." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "A 2.2 ounce letter would cost a little over $0.64. Prices may vary by location and shipping location." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The cost to mail a first class letter is 46 cents for up to one ounce, and each additional ounce adds 20 cents. 2 Large envelopes (flats) that are rectangular and not too rigid or thick are 90 cents for up to one ounce (and 20 cents for each additional ounce)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As of 2014, $1.15 USD is the cost of sending an ordinary letter up to one ounce to most overseas destinations, including Colombia from the US." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first ounce or less: 44 cents More than one ounce but not over 2 ounces: 61 cents More than two ounces but not over 3 ounces: 78 cents More than three ounces but not over …3.5 ounces: 95 cents If over 3.5 ounces, the letter is subject to the large envelope rate." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "the cost for a package between 4 and 5 ounces is $ 2 94 first class rate $ 2 22 with pp but you can send up to an 8 ounce package by first class if you use printable postage the first class cost to send an 8 ounce package with printable postage is only $ 2 71 compared to $ 3 54 without printable postage" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "the cost to send a 1 ounce usps certified mail letter with return receipt green card will be $ 6 74 if you use electronic delivery confirmation the cost can be reduced to $ 4 69 additional options such as return receipt signature electronic in pdf format cost $ 1 40 the first class 1 oz" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price). If your letter is more than 3.5 ounces, OR is larger than the maximum size of a regular envelope (11 1/2 x 6 1/8), then you would use large envelope pricing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "A 2 ounce letter costs $1.10 to mail from New Jersey to Ontario, Canada. A 4 ounce letter costs $2.65.he postage rate for a letter in Canada that goes to any part of Canada is 46 cents. This is providing that the letter does not weigh over 20grams." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Our customers will save 24 cents apiece on that 2-ounce mail.. The regular price for a 2-ounce, first-class letter will now be 70 cents. That includes a penny increase for each additional ounce, to 21 cents. The added incentive for bulk mailing is part of the Postal Service's efforts to improve efficiencies and reduce its costs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The cost to mail a first class letter is 46 cents for up to one ounce, and each additional ounce adds 20 cents. Large envelopes (flats) that are rectangular and not too rigid or thick are 90 cents for up to one ounce (and 20 cents for each additional ounce). Expect to pay 33 cents to mail a postcard." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "International mailing costs are also going up, ABC News reported. It currently costs $1.10 to send a letter weighing one ounce or less to any international address. Previously, it cost 85 cents to mail a letter to Canada or Mexico and $1.05 to mail a letter to other international destinations." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", ", citizen; 3rd generation immigrant. Postage Price Calculator will answer all of these questions. As of June 2015, a one ounce standard letter of ordinary dimension will cost $1.20 to send from anywhere in the US to anywhere in India." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Any extra ounce(s) are subject to a fee of $0.22 per added ounce as of May 31st, 2015 (previously $0.21 per oz). Another prior rise in rates occurred January 27, 2013 when the price of a first class letter sent through the United States Post Office went up $0.01 to $0.46." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Find what the current price of a stamp is and how much it costs to send letters. Your letter must be 1 ounce or under for this price. If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price). 2 oz." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Here is a summary of the April 2016 postage rate updates: – First Class Mail Letters (1 oz.) rates will decrease from $0.49 to $0.47 when purchased at the Post Office. Each additional ounce will cost $0.21. – The discounted “Metered Mail” category for First Class Mail Letters (1 oz.), which includes online postage providers and postage meters, will decrease from $0.485 to $0.465." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Nonetheless, International letter rates are $1.15 for letters under or equal to 1 ounce (28g), requiring a minimum of 3 Forever stamps, or 3 standard stamps, so yes you can use Forever stamps to send a letter to Canada and you would save about 9¢ by doing so." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The cost of each additional ounce or fraction thereof varies slightly. The first additional ounce costs 98 cents, for example, so postage for a letter weighing up to 2 ounces is $2.13. The next additional ounce adds 99 cents to the cost." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Home > Ship & Postage. 2 Effective January 22, 2017 the cost of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office increased two cents from $0.47 to $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States. Reversing the $0.2 price drop from $0.49 to $0.47 effective April 10, 2016." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'RNA (Ribonucleic Acid). RNA is a nucleic acid consisting long chain of nucleotide units. Like the DNA molecule, every nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, sugar and phosphates. RNA is created by a process known as Transcribing, which involves the following 4 steps: 1 DNA â\\x80\\x9cunzipsâ\\x80\\x9d as the bonds break. 2 The free nucleotides lead to the RNA pair up with the complementary bases.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'difference between dna nucleotide from rna nucleotide']\"", "There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. As of 2014, $1.15 USD is the cost of sending an ordinary letter up to one ounce to most overseas destinations, including Colombia from the US." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The cost to send a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail® letter with Return Receipt (Green Card) will be $6.47. If you use Electronic Delivery Confirmation, the cost can be reduced to $4.52. Additional options such as Return Receipt Signature Electronic in PDF format cost $1.35. The First Class 1 oz." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Any extra ounce(s) are subject to a fee of $0.22 per added ounce as of May 31st, 2015 (previously $0.21 per oz). Another prior rise in rates occurred January 27, 2013 when the price of a first class letter sent through the United States Post Office went up $0.01 to $0.46.ome Ship & Postage. Note: the post office postponed their rate increase that was proposed to occur April 26, 2015. And the price of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office remains at $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Hydrogen-powered cars are better than electric cars â\\x80\\x94 but there's a catch. We're starting to see more automakers turn their attention to hydrogen-powered cars. On Thursday, Honda announced it would being selling its hydrogen-powered sedan, the Honda Clarity, in California by the end of 2016.\"]>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'why are there hydrogen powered cars']>>", "The 2015 cost of sending a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt (old fashioned green card) will cost $6.74. If you send Certified Mail using Electronic Delivery Confirmation the cost is $4.69. Each additional OZ of First Class mail will cost $0.22 per OZ. In summary, USPS Certified Mail postal rates increase +6.5.%, Return Receipt costs increase +7.5% and First Class postage will increase two cents or +4%." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The maximum size of your letter can be: 11 1/2 x 6 1/8. (The maximum thickness of a regular envelope is 1/4). If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price).our letter must be 1 ounce or under for this price. If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "How much does it cost to send a Certified Mail letter? $6.47 is the current USPS Certified Mail rate to send a 1-ounce Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt Requested service (old fashioned green card). Postal rates decreased the costs of the Certified Mail fee, First Class postage and the old fashioned green card." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "And the price of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office remains at $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States. The fee will continue to apply and extend for some indeterminate period of time." ], [ "", "How much does it cost to send a Certified Mail letter? May 19, 2011 By Certified Mail Envelopes $6.74 is the current USPS Certified Mail rate to send a 1-ounce Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt Requested service (old fashioned green card)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Postage Price Calculator will answer all of these questions. As of June 2015, a one ounce standard letter of ordinary dimension will cost $1.20 to send from anywhere in the US to anywhere in India." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Find what the current price of a stamp is and how much it costs to send letters. Your letter must be 1 ounce or under for this price. If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As of 2014, $1.15 USD is the cost of sending an ordinary letter up to one ounce to most overseas destinations, including Colombia from the US. Each additional ounce is on a va … rying rate (up to 2 ounces is $1.98) and thick or oddly-shaped envelopes are more. + 21 others found this useful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price).If your letter is more than 3.5 ounces, OR is larger than the maximum size of a regular envelope (11 1/2 x 6 1/8), then you would use large envelope pricing.f your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Quick Answer. Sending a standard-size letter weighing 1 ounce or less to Germany from the United States costs $1.15 as of January 2015. The cost of postage increases for heavier letters and letters sent in nonstandard envelopes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The 2015 cost of sending a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt (old fashioned green card) will cost $6.74. If you send Certified Mail using Electronic Delivery Confirmation the cost is $4.69." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'Horizon Credit Union is a small business with 5 to 9 employees. Categorized under credit unions, Horizon Credit Union has an annual revenue of $1 to 2.5 million. Horizon Credit Union is a public business located in Ephrata, WA. hot sales leads & free crm']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'horizon credit union ephrata']\"", "Your letter must be 1 ounce or under for this price. The maximum size of your letter can be: 11 1/2 x 6 1/8. (The maximum thickness of a regular envelope is 1/4) If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Quick Answer. As of June 2014, in order to send a letter from the U.S. to Peru, 3 standard stamps are required. According to the United States Postal Service, a standard size letter weighing up to 1 ounce costs $1.15 to send from the U.S. to Peru." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This letter would be only cost 1 stamp here. Source(s): cost send letter england: https://trimurl.im/b2/how-much-does-it-c...Fanni · 3 months ago.ource(s): cost send letter england: https://trimurl.im/b2/how-much-does-it-c... Fanni · 3 months ago." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The 2015 cost of sending a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail letter with Return Receipt (old fashioned green card) will cost $6.74. If you send Certified Mail using Electronic Delivery Confirmation the cost is $4.69." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Effective January 22, 2017 the cost of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office increased two cents from $0.47 to $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States. Reversing the $0.2 price drop from $0.49 to $0.47 effective April 10, 2016. Any extra ounce(s) remain subject to a fee of $0.21 per added ounce. These fees will continue to apply and extend for an indeterminate period of time. The current `017 $0.49 is the exact amount that went into effect January 26, 2014 as the result of a $0.03 increase from $0.46." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "How much postage for 2 ounce letter? As of May 2011, a standard #7, #9, #10, #11, 6x9, A-2, A6, A7 sized envelopes are $0.44 for the first ounce. Over 1 ounce and up to 2 ounces will mean an extra $0.20 for ad … ditional ounces.S Postage Rates: The first ounce is 44 cents. Each additional ounce (or fraction of an ounce) costs an additional 17 cents. So anything that weighs more than 1 ounce and … up to 2 ounces will be 61 cents. + 37 others found this useful. Patricia Greer. Mark Swarthout. Contract attorney." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "As of 2013, it costs $1.10 to mail a letter (up to 1 ounce, or about 28 g) to Canada from the US. Rates differ depending on the size of mail and other mailing op … tions. See the United States Postal Service website for more details." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The standard cost of posting a letter in NZ is 50 cents.From Oct 1st 2010 is has gone up to 60c.n Technology. For the handset only through the New Zealand Apple Store, as of April 2010: 8GB iPhone 3G - $950 16GB iPhone 3GS - $1149 32GB iPhone 3GS - $1349 You then have to pay f … or a $30 connection pack to the network of your choice." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sending a standard-size letter weighing 1 ounce or less to Germany from the United States costs $1.15 as of January 2015. The cost of postage increases for heavier letters and letters sent in nonstandard envelopes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cost to send a 1-ounce USPS Certified Mail® letter with Return Receipt (Green Card) will be $6.59. If you use Electronic Delivery Confirmation, the cost can be reduced to $4.61. Additional options such as Return Receipt Electronic Signature in PDF format USPS has increased costs to $1.45." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The price of mailing a 1-ounce First-Class Mail letter is now 47 cents, down from 49 cents. Letters with additional ounces have dropped to 21 cents (from 22 cents), postcards will be 34 cents (from. 35 cents), and letters and postcards to international destinations will fall to $1.15 (from $1.20)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Home Ship & Postage. Note: the post office postponed their rate increase that was proposed to occur April 26, 2015. And the price of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office remains at $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States.The fee will continue to apply and extend for some indeterminate period of time.ny extra ounce(s) are subject to a fee of $0.22 per added ounce as of May 31st, 2015 (previously $0.21 per oz). Another prior rise in rates occurred January 27, 2013 when the price of a first class letter sent through the United States Post Office went up $0.01 to $0.46." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "here is a summary of the april 2016 postage rate updates first class mail letters 1 oz rates will decrease from $ 0 49 to $ 0 47 when purchased at the post office each additional ounce will cost $ 0 21 the discounted metered mail category for first class mail letters 1 oz which includes online postage providers and postage meters will decrease from $ 0 485 to $ 0 465" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price). If your letter is more than 3.5 ounces, OR is larger than the maximum size of a regular envelope (11 1/2 x 6 1/8), then you would use large envelope pricing." ], [ "represent this text", "Typical costs: The cost to mail a first class letter is 46 cents for up to one ounce, and each additional ounce adds 20 cents. Large envelopes (flats) that are rectangular and not too rigid or thick are 90 cents for up to one ounce (and 20 cents for each additional ounce). Expect to pay 33 cents to mail a postcard." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As of 2014, $1.15 USD is the cost of sending an ordinary letter up to one ounce to most overseas destinations, including Colombia from the US. Each additional ounce is on a va … rying rate (up to 2 ounces is $1.98) and thick or oddly-shaped envelopes are more. + 21 others found this useful. Majdi Interista." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "What is postage for a 1 oz letter? As of early 2014, a one-ounce letter mailed within the United States costs 49¢, or 48¢ if you use a postage meter. Outside the US, it costs $1.15." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "As of 2013, it costs $1.10 to mail a letter (up to 1 ounce, or about 28 g) to Canada from the US. Rates differ depending on the size of mail and other mailing op…tions. See the United States Postal Service website for more details." ], [ "", "And the price of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office remains at $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States. The fee will continue to apply and extend for some indeterminate period of time.ny extra ounce(s) are subject to a fee of $0.22 per added ounce as of May 31st, 2015 (previously $0.21 per oz). Another prior rise in rates occurred January 27, 2013 when the price of a first class letter sent through the United States Post Office went up $0.01 to $0.46." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Any extra ounce(s) are subject to a fee of $0.22 per added ounce as of May 31st, 2015 (previously $0.21 per oz). Another prior rise in rates occurred January 27, 2013 when the price of a first class letter sent through the United States Post Office went up $0.01 to $0.46.nd the price of a first class (1) ounce letter sent through the United States Post Office remains at $0.49 for letters mailed within the United States. The fee will continue to apply and extend for some indeterminate period of time." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It currently costs $1.10 to send a letter weighing one ounce or less to any international address. Previously, it cost 85 cents to mail a letter to Canada or Mexico and $1.05 to mail a letter to other international destinations." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How much postage do you need to mail a letter from US to Canada? As of 2013, it costs $1.10 to mail a letter (up to 1 ounce, or about 28 g) to Canada from the US. Rates differ depending on the size of mail and other mailing op … tions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The cost to send a one ounce First Class Letter will NOT BE INCREASING and will remain $0.49. Additional ounces will cost $0.22, a one cent increase from 2014. Postcard rates will increase by one cent to $0.35, from $0.34 in 2014." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If your letter weighs more than 1 ounce, then it will cost more. The table below shows the prices for letters over 1 ounce (round up the weight, e.g. if it is 2.1 ounces, use 3 ounce price).If your letter is more than 3.5 ounces, OR is larger than the maximum size of a regular envelope (11 1/2 x 6 1/8), then you would use large envelope pricing.f your letter is more than 3.5 ounces, OR is larger than the maximum size of a regular envelope (11 1/2 x 6 1/8), then you would use large envelope pricing." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what age does dementia start" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in people over age 65 with cause possibly related to amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.2 Almost all brain functions, including memory, movement, language, judgment, behavior, and abstract thinking, are eventually affected. Huntington's disease is a heredity disorder caused by a faulty gene. 2 Children of those with the disorder have a 50% chance of getting the disease. 3 Symptoms begin in those 30 to 40 years of age, beginning with personality changes such as anxiety and depression." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At what age does bipolar disorder start? Topics | Mental Health | Bipolar Disorder | At what age does bipolar disorder start? The average age of onset for bipolar disorder is 23, although late-adolescent onset is fairly common. Bipolar disorder can occur as early as 6 years old or as late as 50." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Symptoms of schizophrenia usually start between ages 16 and 30. Men often develop symptoms at a younger age than women. People usually do not get schizophrenia after age 45. This answer is based on source information from the National Institute of Mental Health.he more well-known symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, typically start when a man is around 16 to 19 years old or in his early 20s. A woman with schizophrenia more typically experiences hallucinations or delusions when she is in her mid-20s or early 30s." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "One thing to keep in mind though is that both schizophrenia and dementia affect the same section of the brain. However, if the patient has late onset schizophrenia (after the age of 40), the likelihood of impending dementia is increased. The likelihood for Alzheimer's remains the same however as the general population." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Middle stages. As dementia progresses, the symptoms first experienced in the early stages of the dementia generally worsen. The rate of decline is different for each person. A person with moderate dementia scores between 6–17 on the MMSE. For example, people with Alzheimer's dementia in the moderate stages lose almost all new information very quickly." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Although dementia is most often seen in adults, childhood dementia does occur. While dementia most commonly affects adults, it can also occur in children. For example, infections and poisoning can lead to dementia in people of any age. In addition, some disorders normally unique to children can cause childhood dementia. Conditions that can cause dementia in childhood include: 1 Niemann-Pick disease. 2 Batten disease. 3 Lafora body disease. Other medical conditions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in people over age 65 with cause possibly related to amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.2 Almost all brain functions, including memory, movement, language, judgment, behavior, and abstract thinking, are eventually affected. Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia caused by brain damage from cerebrovascular or cardiovascular problems (strokes) or other problems that inhibit vascular function. 2 S ymptoms are similar to AD but personality and emotions are affected only late in the disease." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Jeff Szymanski, PhD (ocfoundation.org). OCD can start at any time from preschool to adulthood. Although OCD does occur at earlier ages, there are generally two age ranges when OCD first appears: Between ages 10 and 12 and between the late teens and early adulthood." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "However, this does not mean that dementia is simply due to old age.. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but other neurologic conditions, including strokes, can cause it. So can drugs which can cause or worsen dementia.Unlike most of the medical causes for dementia, which are irreversible, stopping a drug that has caused dementia can lead to improvement.owever, this does not mean that dementia is simply due to old age.. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but other neurologic conditions, including strokes, can cause it. So can drugs which can cause or worsen dementia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Symptoms of schizophrenia usually start between ages 16 and 30. Men often develop symptoms at a younger age than women. People usually do not get schizophrenia after age 45. This answer is based on source information from the National Institute of Mental Health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We’re all forgetful at times, regardless of our age and mental health. However, as we age, our risk of dementia increases, and by the age of 85 almost 35-percent of those in your age group with be afflicted with this degenerative disorder that causes gradually and worsening memory loss and mental skills. 1. Memory Loss." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On the other hand, a person diagnosed with early stage dementia can live for anywhere from 4 years to 4.5 years. At the same time, it has been seen the longevity after diagnosis of dementia differs amongst men and women." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "We’re all forgetful at times, regardless of our age and mental health. However, as we age, our risk of dementia increases, and by the age of 85 almost 35-percent of those in your age group with be afflicted with this degenerative disorder that causes gradually and worsening memory loss and mental skills." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dementia, memory problems that occur over a long period of time and affect many areas of cognitive functioning, affects less than 10 percent of people who are older than 65; this increases to as muchas 20 percent for people who are 85 or older." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When Alois Alzheimer described the case of Auguste D. to an audience of fellow psychiatrists in Tuebingen, Germany, in 1906, what set her case apart was the fact that her dementia appeared before she was 50 years old. Dementia at a more advanced age was considered part of normal aging." ], [ "", "what age did your hair start turning gray.. when does your hair usually start turning gray.. thanx. x.Add your answer.Source. Submit Cancel.hat age did your hair start turning gray.. when does your hair usually start turning gray.. thanx. x. Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Symptoms of schizophrenia may actually start earlier than age 16. The problem is that behaviors such as irritability and sleep problems may be symptoms of the disease or may be normal teenage behaviors. As more research is done, experts should know more about when the symptoms of this lifelong disease begin.he more well-known symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, typically start when a man is around 16 to 19 years old or in his early 20s. A woman with schizophrenia more typically experiences hallucinations or delusions when she is in her mid-20s or early 30s." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At what age does a boy start ejaculating? A boy usually starts ejaculating at around age 14, but everyone's timetable is different some can start at age 12 & while other boys don't start to ejaculate until they're 18…. But the average would be 13-15." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is Senile Dementia? Senile dementia is the mental deterioration (loss of intellectual ability) that is associated with old age. Two major types of senile dementia are identified: those due to generalized “atrophy” (Alzheimer’s-type dementia) and those due to vascular problems (mainly, strokes). Senile dementia is often used when referring to Alzheimer’s disease." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "where do the beluga whales live" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Belugas live in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters of the world. The southern-most beluga population inhabits the St. Lawrence River estuary of Canada.elugas live in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters of the world. The southern-most beluga population inhabits the St. Lawrence River estuary of Canada." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The White Whale. Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) are one of the most recognizable and popular whales because of their white skin colour and ‘smiling’ upturned mouth. They are extremely sociable mammals that live, hunt, and migrate together in pods, ranging from a few individuals to hundreds of whales." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One of the smallest whale species, the extremely social beluga lives in pods that usually have about a dozen members but can grow to hundreds of individuals.These white whales are born gray or even brown and slowly fade to white during sexual maturity.ne of the smallest whale species, the extremely social beluga lives in pods that usually have about a dozen members but can grow to hundreds of individuals." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "Beluga whales eat a wide variety of benthic and pelagic prey such as worms, crustaceans, squid, octopus and small fish in shallow and coastal waters although diets vary with season, location, age and body size. Arctic species feed mainly on shallow water fish. An adult beluga will consume approximately 55 lbs (25 kg) of food in a day. Beluga whales can remain submerged for 15-20 minutes and may travel up to 2-3 km on one dive. This allows them to pursue their primary diet of small fish such as capulin, char, sand lance and cod. To learn more about beluga whales, select from the following: Beluga Names" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The aquarium has also been home to as many as five 11-foot (3 m) beluga whales at once. Males Nico and Gasper, acquired from an amusement park in Mexico, were joined by three females on breeding loan from the New York Aquarium: Marina, Natasha and Natasha's daughter, Maris." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For other uses, see White Whale (disambiguation). For other uses, see Beluga (disambiguation). The beluga whale or white whale (Delphinapterus leucas) is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean. It is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal, and the only member of the genus Delphinapterus." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "It is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal, and the only member of the genus Delphinapterus. This marine mammal is commonly referred to simply as the melonhead, beluga or sea canary due to its high-pitched twitter.elugas were among the first whale species to be kept in captivity. The first beluga was shown at Barnum's Museum in New York City in 1861. For most of the 20th century, Canada was the predominant source for belugas destined for exhibition." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From a conservation perspective, the beluga was placed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature ’s Red List in 2008 as being near threatened; the subpopulation from the Cook Inlet in Alaska is considered Critically Endangered and is under the protection of the United States' Endangered Species Act.t is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal, and the only member of the genus Delphinapterus. This marine mammal is commonly referred to simply as the melonhead, beluga or sea canary due to its high-pitched twitter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Female Beluga Whales usually live around 45 years in t … he wild and 55 in captivity. The longest living beluga whale recorded was called Mejay and lived at SeaWorld San Antonio and died in 1997 at 87 years old and the record age for the wild is 71 years old made by a female beluga whale.eluga whales live about 35 to 50 years Male Beluga Whales usually live around 35 years in the wild and 45 in captivity." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For example killer whales (part of the dolphin family) can be found in all of the major oceans of the world, but are more concerned with migrating to where their food supply goes than where they mate, therefore their prey plays a large role in where the killer whale lives.epending on the area and environment the whale is in some beluga whales will make seasonal migration trips while others will only travel within a small localized area. Narwhal Whale – Narwhal whales can be found living in or near the Canadian Arctic and Greenlandic waters throughout the year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Beluga whales are opportunistic feeders. They prey on about 100 different kinds of primarily bottom-dwelling animals. They eat octopus; squid; crabs; snails; sandworms; and fishes such as capelin, cod, herring, smelt, and flounder." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beluga WhaleS and Climate Change the iuCn Red list of threatened Species ™ © Bill Liao. The scientific name for the Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) means “white dolphin without wings”.Adult Belugas are entirely white and their common name comes from the Russian word belukha or “white one”.Belugas are toothed whales that measure up to 4 (females) or 5.5 metres (males).Unlike most other whales and dolphins, they lack a dorsal fin.irstly, species such as Minke and Humpback whales as well © Jenny Spadafora Beluga WhaleS and Climate Change the iuCn Red list of threatened Species ™. as seals and other predators may directly compete with Belugas for food resources." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Where Do Whales Live? Whales can be found inhabiting all of the worlds major oceans from the Arctic and Antarctic oceans to the tropical waters in and around the center of the equator. Depending on species and migration patterns some whales may be found particularly abundant in some locations while completely absent in others." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The subresources of the AvailablePhoneNumbers resource let you search for local, toll-free and mobile phone numbers that are available for you to purchase. You can search for phone numbers that match a pattern, are in a certain country, are in certain area code (NPA) or exchange (NXX) or are in a specific geography.']\" == \"['Represent this text.', 'how can i find an available phone number']\"", "Beluga whales mate in the spring, usually in March or April, in small bays and estuaries. Gestation lasts about 14-15 months, and calves are born between March and September, mostly between May and July. Females give birth to single calves every two to three years on average." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Killer whales. 1 Ten killer whales live at SeaWorld San Diego: Corky, Ulises, Orkid, Nakai, Ikaika, Kalia, Keet, Shouka, Makani and Amaya. 2 Six killer whales live at SeaWorld Orlando: Katina, Kayla, Trua, Nalani, Makaio and Malia. 3 Five killer whales live at SeaWorld San Antonio: Kyuquot, Takara, Sakari, Tuar and Kamea." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Confidence votes 71.7K. The gray whales habitat is the Pacific Ocean surrounding the coasts around North America (USA, Canada & Mexico) on one side and Asia on the other side. They migrate southwards for nearly 10000 kilometers each October and return back to their northern territories post winter.ray Whales are known to live between 50 to 70 years of life. Though they have a long life expectancy, human hunting has prevented them from living so long." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Where do bottlenose dolphins live? In the pacific ocean they are found in northern Japan, California, to Australia and chile. In the Atlantic ocean they're found in Nova Scotia and Norway to Patagonia and the t…ip of south Africa. Also they're found from Cape Cod and the Gulf of Mexico." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beluga whales live about 35 to 50 years < br > Male Beluga Whales usually live around 35 years in the wild and 45 in captivity . < br / > Female Beluga Whales usually live around 45 years in the wild and 55 in captivity . < br / > < br / > The longest living beluga whale recorded was called Mejay and lived at SeaWorld San Antonio and died in 1997 at ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Arctic Whales. There are 17 different whale species (including dolphins and porpoises) in the Arctic. Some of these live in the Arctic all year round, such as the narwhal and beluga, and some, such as the humpback whale and gray whale, migrate to the cooler arctic waters during the northern summer to give birth. In the Arctic, WWF's work focuses on: 1 Narwhals. 2 Belugas." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The beluga whale is a small, white-toothed whale. Adult belugas may reach a length of 16 feet (5 m), though average size is 12-14 feet (about 4 m). Males may weigh about 3,300 pounds (1,500 kg) and females 3,000 pounds (1,360 kg). Beluga whales lack a dorsal fin and do not typically produce a visible blow when breathing at the surface." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beluga Whale Facts. The beluga whale (also known as the white whale) is one of the smallest whales within the cetacean species. This small whale belongs to the toothed whale family and is easily identified by its dome shaped head, short beak and white coloring.lso unlike other whale species the beluga lacks a dorsal fin, but instead has a ridge where the dorsal fin would normally be located. In order to navigate the ocean the belugas flippers resemble paddles that help it steer and turn and its rear flukes help the whale propel itself through the water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Though orcas, humpbacks, and belugas are the most frequently seen large cetaceans in Alaska, many other species spend at least part of the year in Alaskan waters. Gray whales migrating from Baja California pass along the outer coast of Southeast Alaska on the way to summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Beluga Whale is very social, and they tend to stay in groups of at least 10 for migrating, hunting, and social interactions. Those groups can get as large as 100 members. They are well known for their singing which is similar to that of a canary." ], [ "", "True's beaked whales occur throughout the northern and southern hemispheres. Their range includes areas off of Nova Scotia (Canada), Ireland, Europe, the Canary Islands, Bermuda, Florida, and the Bahamas in the Atlantic, as well as off the coasts of Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, and southern Australia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What should I know about beluga whales? 1 Where do beluga whales live? 2 How many beluga whales are there? 3 How can I identify a beluga whale? 4 How well can a beluga whale see or hear? 5 What do beluga whales eat? 6 How do beluga whales have their young? 7 How long do beluga whales live? 8 Where can I find more information about beluga whales?" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Description. Coming in at about 13-15 feet in length, the Beluga Whale is one that is often mistaken. If you don’t know what you are looking for you may think it is a manatee. However that confusion could only happen in an aquarium as they both live in very different habitats.The Beluga Whale offers a whitish color and you will notice it has a type of formation to the head that is sticking out somewhat.The Beluga Whale is a toothed whale so you will notice it has quite a bit of flexibility for movement around the head.The males can weigh up to 3,500 pounds with the females smaller at around 2,600. Many people also believe that the Beluga Whale has a dorsal fin. However, it is categorized as a ridge instead of a fin.eluga Whale – Delphinapterus leucas. Coming in at about 13-15 feet in length, the Beluga Whale is one that is often mistaken. If you don’t know what you are looking for you may think it is a manatee." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beluga whales are among the smallest species of whales. Adult males range from 13 to 20 feet (4 to 6.1 meters) in length and weigh 2,000 to 3,000 lbs. (907 to 1,361 kilograms), according to National Geographic. Females are slightly smaller." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Family: Monodontidae. Genus : Delphinapterus. Species: leucas. The name beluga comes from the Russian word bielo meaning white. Beluga whales live, hunt, and migrate together in pods of a few, to hundreds of whales.Beluga whales are extremely social.amily: Monodontidae. Genus : Delphinapterus. Species: leucas. The name beluga comes from the Russian word bielo meaning white. Beluga whales live, hunt, and migrate together in pods of a few, to hundreds of whales." ], [ "", "The white whale, or beluga, is something like a large narwhal without a tusk, and is also a dweller in the northern seas. The Animal World, A Book of Natural History Theodore Wood. The spirits connected with the deer, the seal, the salmon, and the beluga are regarded by all with special veneration." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beluga Whale – Delphinapterus leucas. Coming in at about 13-15 feet in length, the Beluga Whale is one that is often mistaken. If you don’t know what you are looking for you may think it is a manatee.However that confusion could only happen in an aquarium as they both live in very different habitats. The Beluga Whale offers a whitish color and you will notice it has a type of formation to the head that is sticking out somewhat.The Beluga Whale is a toothed whale so you will notice it has quite a bit of flexibility for movement around the head.The males can weigh up to 3,500 pounds with the females smaller at around 2,600. Many people also believe that the Beluga Whale has a dorsal fin. However, it is categorized as a ridge instead of a fin.eluga Whale – Delphinapterus leucas. Coming in at about 13-15 feet in length, the Beluga Whale is one that is often mistaken. If you don’t know what you are looking for you may think it is a manatee." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pod of beluga whales Photo credit: © GREMM To go through the looking glass DSince 1973, scientists with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and independent researchers have been conducting regular aerial surveys of the beluga population in the St. Lawrence." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The whales do not live in Antarctica all year-round. They are found there in the summer, feeding on krill and other marine resources and in the autumn head north into the warmer waters of the tropics. There they give birth, the calf feeding on its mother's rich milk before migrating back to Antarctic waters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Food Preferences & Resources. Beluga whales are opportunistic feeders. They prey on about 100 different kinds of primarily bottom-dwelling animals. They eat octopus; squid; crabs; snails; sandworms; and fishes such as capelin, cod, herring, smelt, and flounder." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Factors such as food supply, the whales overall size (which affects the climate the whale can comfortably survive in) and mating grounds may also affect the location of a particular species of whale.epending on the area and environment the whale is in some beluga whales will make seasonal migration trips while others will only travel within a small localized area. Narwhal Whale – Narwhal whales can be found living in or near the Canadian Arctic and Greenlandic waters throughout the year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Beluga whales usually mate when the water is warmer, in March or April. After a gestation of 14 to 15 months, females give birth to babies called calves. Calves are born gray, but will turn white as they mature. They are 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) long and weigh 110 to 130 lbs. (50 to 60 kg)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It has been 15 years since publication of the special issue on beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, in the Marine Fisheries Review 62(3), featuring the depleted Cook Inlet, Alaska, population." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Belugas were among the first whale species to be kept in captivity. The first beluga was shown at Barnum's Museum in New York City in 1861. For most of the 20th century, Canada was the predominant source for belugas destined for exhibition.elugas were among the first whale species to be kept in captivity. The first beluga was shown at Barnum's Museum in New York City in 1861. For most of the 20th century, Canada was the predominant source for belugas destined for exhibition." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Belugas may have some sense of taste, but they do not have the brain receptors or olfactory structures for the sense of smell. What do beluga whales eat? Beluga whales are diverse eaters, with more than 100 prey species identified including salmon, capelin, herring, shrimp, Arctic cod, flounder, and even crab. They feed in both open water (pelagic) or on the bottom (benthic) and in shallow and deepwater habitats." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The beluga /bəˈluːɡə/ or European sturgeon (Huso huso) is a species of anadromous fish in the sturgeon family (Acipenseridae) of order Acipenseriformes.It is found primarily in the Caspian and Black Sea basins, and occasionally in the Adriatic Sea.Heavily fished for the female's valuable roe —known as beluga caviar — the beluga is a huge and late-maturing fish that can live for 118 years.t is found primarily in the Caspian and Black Sea basins, and occasionally in the Adriatic Sea. Heavily fished for the female's valuable roe —known as beluga caviar — the beluga is a huge and late-maturing fish that can live for 118 years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Beluga whales live about 35 to 50 years. Male Beluga Whales usually live around 35 years in the wild and 45 in captivity. Female Beluga Whales usually live around 45 years in the wild and 55 in captivity. The longest living beluga whale recorded was called Mejay and lived at SeaWorld San Antonio and died in 1997 at 87 years old and the record age for the wild is 71 years old made by a female beluga whale." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beluga Whales. ~600 answered questions. Parent Category: Whales. Beluga whales or white whales are a small, white-toothed whale and unlike other cetaceans, their cervical vertebrae are not fused; this lateral flexibility allows them to move their head up, down, and side to side.This category explores the Beluga whales amazing characteristics and much more.1 2 3 6.olar Bears and Killer Whales (Orca) are the two main predators of the beluga whale. Polar bears take particular advantage of situations when belugas become trapped by ice and are thus unable to reach the ocean. The bears swipe at the belugas and drag them onto the ice." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The gray whales habitat is the Pacific Ocean surrounding the coasts around North America (USA, Canada & Mexico) on one side and Asia on the other side.They migrate southwards for nearly 10000 kilometers each October and return back to their northern territories post winter.ray Whales are known to live between 50 to 70 years of life. Though they have a long life expectancy, human hunting has prevented them from living so long." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', '1 In terms of costs, a food truck rental is going to depend on your geographical location, the type of truck, the age, features and so forth. 2 On average, plan on budgeting anywhere from as little as $2,000 to as much as $10,000 for the entire month.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much does it cost to lease a food truck']>>", "Though orcas, humpbacks, and belugas are the most frequently seen large cetaceans in Alaska, many other species spend at least part of the year in Alaskan waters. Gray whales migrating from Baja California pass along the outer coast of Southeast Alaska on the way to summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea. In addition to viewing opportunities during migration, some individuals occasionally remain along Southeast Alaska's outer coast for the summer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gray Whale – Gray whales are often found swimming in the eastern and western north pacific ocean during feeding season and will migrate towards the Baja peninsula of mexico and the southern golf of california where they can mate and bare off spring during their mating period.epending on the area and environment the whale is in some beluga whales will make seasonal migration trips while others will only travel within a small localized area. Narwhal Whale – Narwhal whales can be found living in or near the Canadian Arctic and Greenlandic waters throughout the year." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Normative social influence (NSI) is a type of conformity in which a person or group acts a certain way in public in hopes of fitting in with the norm, even if that behavior doesnâ\\x80\\x99t carry over to private life.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is normative social influence']\"", "No, a beluga whale is a Whale. Actually, belugas are somewhere in between. Bigger than most of the true dolphins (Delphinidae), they are smaller than most of the whales." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dieting & Eating Habits. Beluga whales are opportunistic feeders. They prey on about 100 different kinds of primarily bottom-dwelling animals. They eat octopus; squid; crabs; snails; sandworms; and fishes such as capelin, cod, herring, smelt, and flounder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Beluga Whale. The Beluga Whale, also known as the White Whale, the melonhead, the sea canary (or simply, the beluga), is a mid-sized toothed whale species. The beluga is one of the most distinct species of whales that is distinguishable especially for its unusual color and high-pitched twitter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Belugas eat a large variety of fish and crustacean species, including salmon, smelt, herring, Arctic and polar cod, shrimp, crabs, mollusks, and marine worms. They feed in both shallow and deep water areas, in both open water and bottom habitats. They have been recorded diving to more than 350 metres to feed." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "They are well adapted to their arctic and sub-arctic environment, with a five-inch-thick layer of blubber and a tough dorsal ridge that helps them travel through sea ice waters. Because beluga whales eat marine species that are most common each season, they play an important role in the health of the overall ecosystem." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beluga Whale. The White Whale. Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) are one of the most recognizable and popular whales because of their white skin colour and ‘smiling’ upturned mouth. They are extremely sociable mammals that live, hunt, and migrate together in pods, ranging from a few individuals to hundreds of whales." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The White Whale. 1 Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) are one of the most recognizable and popular whales because of their white skin colour and ‘smiling’ upturned mouth. They are extremely sociable mammals that live, hunt, and migrate together in pods, ranging from a few individuals to hundreds of whales." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "Food poisoning is often caused by a bacterium called ________." ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Listeria Food Poisoning. Listeria is a bacterium that causes a serious infection called listeriosis. Around 300 deaths are caused by Listeria infection each year, according to estimates from a 2011 CDC report.Listeria bacteria are most commonly found in raw foods.oxoplasma Food Poisoning. Toxoplasma gondii is one of the world’s most common parasites. It is the second leading cause of deaths attributed to foodborne illness in the United States, and the third leading cause of foodborne illness hospitalizations." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Over 200 different organisms can cause food poisoning, the most common being Salmonella and E. coli (Escherichia coli). All these organisms are extremely stealthy. Generally, contaminated food looks and tastes just fine, so you have no way of knowing that it could make you sick. Symptoms of food poisoning can include intense episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, fever, chills, dehydration, and vision disorders." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Causes. The cause of most cases of food poisoning is pathogens. A pathogen is any living organism that can cause disease. This includes bacteria, viruses, and molds. The most common pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses are: 1 Salmonella – found in meats, eggs, milk and fresh fruits and vegetables.ach year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 Americans, or roughly 48 million people, are sickened as a result of food poisoning. More than 128,000 people require hospitalization and sadly, about 3,000 people die each year because of food borne illnesses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Treat Salmonella. Commonly referred to as food poisoning, salmonella is caused by ingesting foods contaminated with the salmonella bacterium." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Infections (rare causes of acute pancreatitis) - examples of bacterial infections include: Salmonellosis, a type of food poisoning caused by the bacterium Salmonella, or Legionnaires' disease, an infection caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in plumbing, shower heads and water-storage tanks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Typically, food poisoning causes an infection of the gut (intestines), called gastroenteritis. This infection leads to to diarrhoea and being sick (vomiting). There are over 2,500 different strains (subtypes) of salmonella. One type of salmonella, Salmonella typhi (S. typhi), can cause typhoid fever." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The strain that causes most severe food poisoning is E. coli O157:H7. Food poisoning by E. coli occurs in three out of every 10,000 people. Foodborne E. coli is found and transmitted mainly in food derived from cows such as raw milk, raw or rare ground beef and fruit or vegetables that are contaminated." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Campylobacter – though it is one of the most common causes of food poisoning, it usually occurs as an isolated incident, instead of as an outbreak as is the case with some of the other pathogens. 2 Symptoms can last up to 10 days and is found in undercooked poultry, raw milk and in contaminated drinking water.auses. The cause of most cases of food poisoning is pathogens. A pathogen is any living organism that can cause disease. This includes bacteria, viruses, and molds. The most common pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses are: 1 Salmonella – found in meats, eggs, milk and fresh fruits and vegetables." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Food poisoning symptoms, which can start within hours of eating contaminated food, often include nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Most often, food poisoning is mild and resolves without treatment.But some people need to go to the hospital. 1 Symptoms.ood poisoning, also called foodborne illness, is illness caused by eating contaminated food. Infectious organisms — including bacteria, viruses and parasites — or their toxins are the most common causes of food poisoning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites, or chemicals." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "This is one of the biggest – if not the biggest cause of food poisoning. It is used as an umbrella term to include a wide range of infections caused by various bacteria.These include salmonella, campylobacter and E coli.ou can have two situations here: 1 Food is contaminated by bacteria which release toxins and cause food poisoning after consumption. 2 Toxins are produced by bacteria inside food whilst it is growing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a a a. Food poisoning, also known as foodborne illness, is one of the most common, gastrointestinal ailments in America. Each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 Americans, or roughly 48 million people, are sickened as a result of food poisoning.auses. The cause of most cases of food poisoning is pathogens. A pathogen is any living organism that can cause disease. This includes bacteria, viruses, and molds. The most common pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses are: 1 Salmonella – found in meats, eggs, milk and fresh fruits and vegetables." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Food poisoning. Food poisoning: Introduction. Food poisoning is a general term for a wide variety of diseases that are caused by ingesting food or beverages that are contaminated with harmful microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, viruses or parasites. Food poisoning is also known as food borne illness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Infections rarely cause acute pancreatitis. Examples of bacterial infections include: Salmonellosis, a type of food poisoning caused by the bacterium Salmonella, or Legionnaires' disease, an infection caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila found in plumbing, shower heads and water-storage tanks." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Causes. The cause of most cases of food poisoning is pathogens. A pathogen is any living organism that can cause disease. This includes bacteria, viruses, and molds. The most common pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses are: 1 Salmonella – found in meats, eggs, milk and fresh fruits and vegetables.auses. The cause of most cases of food poisoning is pathogens. A pathogen is any living organism that can cause disease. This includes bacteria, viruses, and molds. The most common pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses are: 1 Salmonella – found in meats, eggs, milk and fresh fruits and vegetables." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "One strain (E. coli O157:H7) can cause a severe case of food poisoning. Bacteria may get into your food in different ways: 1 Meat or poultry may come into contact with normal bacteria from the intestines of an animal while it is being processed. Water used during growing or shipping may contain animal or human waste." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'What is a mAh? Yeah, it does look weird. The A is capitalized because, under the International System of Units, â\\x80\\x9campereâ\\x80\\x9d is always represented with a capital A. The term mAh is an abbreviation for â\\x80\\x9cmilliampere hour,â\\x80\\x9d and itâ\\x80\\x99s a way to express the electrical capacity of smaller batteries.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is mah capacity']", "Foodborne Illnesses Definition: A foodborne illness is an infection or poisoning caused by a bacterium, virus, parasite, or chemical transmitted by food. A foodborne outbreak is an illness event that typically includes two or more people infected from a common food source.oodborne Illnesses Definition: A foodborne illness is an infection or poisoning caused by a bacterium, virus, parasite, or chemical transmitted by food. A foodborne outbreak is an illness event that typically includes two or more people infected from a common food source." ], [ "", "causes the cause of most cases of food poisoning is pathogens a pathogen is any living organism that can cause disease this includes bacteria viruses and molds the most common pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses are salmonella found in meats eggs milk and fresh fruits and vegetables a a food poisoning also known as foodborne illness is one of the most common gastrointestinal ailments in america each year according to the centers for disease control and prevention 1 in 6 americans or roughly 48 million people are sickened as a result of food poisoning" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Food poising is an illness that results from eating foods contaminated with harmful parasites, organisms and viruses. Much to the surprise of many, there are actually about 250 organisms that can cause this ailment. The major symptom of food poisoning is diarrhea, followed by vomiting, nausea and/or stomach cramps. Most food poisoning episodes last just a day or two, while organisms like E.Coli and salmonella can cause more serious problems. A major complication of food poisoning is dehydration because of the diarrhea." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Example:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Definition of flying buttress : a masonry structure that typically consists of a straight inclined bar carried on an arch and a solid pier or buttress against which it abuts and that receives the thrust of a roof or vault']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'flying buttress definition']\"", "There are many possible causes of food poisoning: bacteria, viruses, pesticides, natural toxins, molds, parasites, and more. There are so many types of food poisoning that there are many possible symptoms." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "what is the population of sudan" ]
[ [ "", "Population of Sudan 2014. As of 1 January 2015, the population of Sudan was estimated to be 40 035 397 people. This is an increase of 2.48 % (969 994 people) compared to population of 39 065 403 the year before." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "[mhi] Adjumani, Moyo, and Yumbe districts; some in Amuru district; west and east Nile regions, near Nimule, north Sudan border. 296,000 in Uganda (2002 census), increasing. Numbers probably include Southern Madi speakers. Population total all countries: 314,000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Population: 1,142,000 with 730,000 living in DR Congo, 350,000 in Sudan and 62,000 Central African Republic. Location and background: The Azande live in an area approximately 800 kilometers long by 400 kilometers wide situated in the countries of DR Congo, Southern Sudan, and Central African Republic." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "People from Sudan are called Sudanese. About 45 million people live in Sudan. About 4 million of these live in Khartoum or in towns that are joined to it. Arabic is the official language of Sudan, but people also speak Nubian, Nilotic and English." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It is located in north east Africa. Sudan's land borders are with Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Chad and Libya. To the east, it is bordered by the Red Sea. Sudan has an area of 2.5 million square kilometres. The area of the UK is 250,000 square kilometres. Sudan is roughly 10 times larger in land area than the UK. The official name of Sudan is Republic of the Sudan. Sudan's landscape is generally flat and featureless." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Population density (people per sq. km) in Sudan was last measured at 20.73 in 2013, according to the World Bank." ], [ "", "Sudan is the largest country in Africa. Located in Northeastern Africa, it borders the Red Sea and falls between Egypt, Chad, Uganda, as well as six other countries. The capitol, Khartoum, is in the Northeastern part of the country. Darfur is a region in Western Sudan that encompasses an area roughly the size of Spain. The population of Darfur is estimated at 6,000,000 people." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Population of Sudan (1950 - 2018) chart plots the total population count as of July 1 of each year, from 1950 to 2018. The Yearly Population Growth Rate chart plots the annual percentage changes in population registered on July 1 of each year, from 1951 to 2018." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Africa. In geographic East Africa, the largest country by area is Sudan (1,886,000 km2). In geographic Eastern Africa (Indian Ocean coastal), the largest by area is Ethiopia (1,10 … 0,000 km2). Until the independence of South Sudan in 2011, Sudan was the largest country on the continent of Africa.That status now belongs to Algeria.he largest country in Africa is the Sudan. It's population was 41,347,723 in 2008. The African country with the largest population is Nigeria. It's population is expected to … reach 155,000,000 this year." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "South Sudan is the world's newest country. It's located in Central Africa, is about the size of Texas and has about as many people as Ohio (11 million). South Sudan is one of the poorest countries in the world, has a 27 percent literacy rate and is so underdeveloped that it has only about 35 miles of paved road. Its economy is driven by oil exports." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Sudanese Arabs account for 70% of the population of Sudan, with the rest of the population being Arabized ethnic groups of Beja, Copts, Nubians and other peoples. There are more than 597 tribes in Sudan speaking more than 400 dialects and languages." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Sudan or Sudan also known as North Sudan since South Sudan's independence and officially the Republic of the Sudan, is a country in Northern Africa. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest. It is the third largest country in Africa covering 1,886,068 square kilometres. The White Nile flows through the country, emptying into Lake Nub" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'You should get your period about once every month. A typical menstrual cycle is about 28 days. This means that there should be about 28 days from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. 28 days is an average number, but anywhere between 21 and 35 days is normal. In the first year you should have at least 4 periods, the second year at least 6 periods, and for the 3-5th year, at least 8 periods. Adults should have at least 9 periods a year. Your period will usually last between 3 and 7 days.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how many days between each period']\"", "Though the contribution to GDP has decreased by roughly 10 percent, the percentage of the population employed by agriculture has remained at 80 percent. Sudan also boasts the second largest animal population in Africa, which annually contributes substantially to the nation’s GDP. Civil war has marred Sudan since 1983. Despite this, the country’s wealth of natural resources (oil) has allowed for recent GDP growth of close to 7 percent." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Photo by: Ruslan Olinchuk. Situated in northeast Africa, Sudan is the largest country on the continent, covering an area of 2,505,810 sq km (967,499 sq mi), with a length of 2,192 km (1,362 mi)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sudan borders by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west, and Libya to the northwest. Sudan used to have the largest area of all the countries in Africa. However, on July 9, 2011, the southern part of the country left and became a new country, South Sudan. Sudan now has an area of 1,861,484 km2, and is the third largest country in Africa by area. The Nile flows through Sudan, providing water to crops." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', \"More on that here. Note that if we want to delete all files older than X we would use-lt. ie, the timestamp of the file is older than 15 minutes ago. If we want to delete files newer than X we would use-gt. ie, the timestamp of the file is newer than 15 minutes ago.X, in our case, is the time now minus 15 minutes.owershell: delete files older than X. It really is that easy. Get-ChildItem $env:temp /myfiles | where { $_ .Lastwritetime-lt (date).addminutes(- 15)} | remove-item. E verybody has needed the 'delete files older than X' script.\"]\" Match: \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'powershell script to delete files older than x months']\"", "The Nuer people (part of the Nilotic group) are the second largest group in South Sudan, representing 15.6% of the population in 2013 (or about 1.8 million). In the late 19th century, British, Arab and Turkish traders exerted influence in the area." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Copts in Sudan constitute the largest Christian community in Sudan, accounting for an estimated 1% of the Sudanese population. Copts in Libya constitute the largest Christian community in Libya, accounting for an estimated 1% of the Libyan population. Most Copts adhere to the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. The Coptic Catholic Church, which is an Eastern Catholic church in full communion with the Catholic Church, claims 163,000 members." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(7) An estimated 36% of South Sudan’s population were moderately or severely food insecure in 2011. The country also faces problems from security issues with ongoing violence from demobilized South Sudanese troops, as well as from cut profits caused by increasing inflation rates." ], [ "represent the next text:", "The largest country in Africa is the Sudan. It's population was 41,347,723 in 2008. The African country with the largest population is Nigeria. It's population is expected to … reach 155,000,000 this year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Answer by jack Wise. Confidence votes 27.5K. The most populous country in Africa is Nigeria with an estimated population of 155,215,573 (2010) people. The largest country in Africa is Sudan and is not the most populated as vast areas of it are uninhabitable." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Darfur: A Profile. The Darfur region lies in the western part of the Sudan (Africa's largest country), near the borders with Libya, Chad, and Central African Republic. The population of Darfur was estimated in 2002 at about six million, eighty percent of whom live in the rural areas." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sudan, officially the Republic of Sudan but sometimes referred to as North Sudan, sits along the Red Sea south of Egypt and has a population consisting mostly of descendants of migrants from the nearby Arabian Peninsula." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "with the exception of a ribbon of settlement that corresponds to the banks of the Nile, northern Sudan, which extends into the dry Sahara, is sparsely populated; more abundant vegetation and broader access to water increases population distribution in the south extending habitable range along nearly the entire border with South Sudan; sizeable areas of population are found around Khartoum, southeast between the Blue and White Nile Rivers, and throughout South Darfur" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The percentage of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Sudan is 1.10% while in The United States it is 0.60%. 12,000 people in Sudan and 17,000 people in The United States die from AIDS each year. This entry gives an estimate of the percentage of adults (aged 15-49) living with HIV/AIDS." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', \"Welcome to the Cachi google satellite map! This place is situated in Paraiso, Cartago, Costa Rica, its geographical coordinates are 9° 50' 0 North, 83° 48' 0 West and its original name (with diacritics) is CachÃ\\xad. See Cachi photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Cachi in Costa Rica.\"] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'where is cachi costa rica']", "Sudan is located in Northeast Africa and is the biggest country in Africa. Land Area 2,376,000 sq km (917,374 sq miles) Countries that border Sudan include: Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, and South Sudan. 5% arable land." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Kenya Population 2017. Kenya is one of the most varied lands on the planet both in terms of its geography and its ethnic population. The Republic of Kenya sits on the equator where it's bordered by the Indian Ocean, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Somalia. In 2015, Kenya has an estimated population of 47.2 million, which ranks 29th in the world." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Even though South Sudan is a major refugee producing country as a result of conflict and instability, the country also hosts a large number of refugees and asylum seekers from neighbouring countries. There were a total of 259,796 refugees and asylum seekers in South Sudan as of July 2016." ], [ "represent this text.\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Farmington, Missouri. Farmington is a city in St. Francois County located 72 miles (116 km) southwest of St. Louis in the Lead Belt region in Missouri in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the population was 16,240. It is the county seat of St. Francois County.']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'farmington mo is what county']\"", "Because of this lack of rain, most of their food is imported. Natural increase rate of Western Sahara is 2.0%, infant mortality rate is 49%, population under age of 15 is 31% and over 65 are 2%. Sudan: With its large land mass, Sudan is the largest country by area in North Africa and the tenth largest in the world.A population of 38.6 million people makes Sudan the second largest populated country in North Africa. It has a population growth of 2.2% and an infant mortality rate of 69%.ecause of this lack of rain, most of their food is imported. Natural increase rate of Western Sahara is 2.0%, infant mortality rate is 49%, population under age of 15 is 31% and over 65 are 2%. Sudan: With its large land mass, Sudan is the largest country by area in North Africa and the tenth largest in the world." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Nilotic peoples constitute the bulk of the population of South Sudan, with at least 25 ethnic subdivisions, including Dinka, Nuer, Toposa, and the Shilluk, extending into southwestern Ethiopia, northeastern Uganda, western Kenya, and northern Tanzania." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The GDP per capita in Sudan is $2,600 while in The United States it is $52,800. This entry shows GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of 1 July for the same year." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Over one-third of Sudan's 2,600,000 km2 may have expansive soils. Unfortunately, this area includes most of the nation's population cen­. ters, development projects, highways, railways and a proposed crude. 'Fulbright Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Khartoum, Sudan; and Assoc." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The life expectancy at birth in Sudan is 63.32 while in The United States it is 79.56. 1 This entry contains the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1: THE LAND. In its sheer size and diversity of geography and peoples, Sudan resembles the entire African continent. More than 80 per cent of its 25 million population live in rural areas, making up 132 tribes and sub-tribal groups in an area of 2.5 million km2." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sudan is Africa's largest country, embracing 2,505,813 square kilometers of northeast and central Africa. It consists of a huge plain bordered on three sides by mountains: to the east the Red Sea Hills, to the west Jabal Marrah, and on the southern frontier the Didinga Hills and the Dongotona and Imatong mountains.panning eighteen degrees of latitude, the plain of the Sudan includes from north to south significant regions with distinctive characters--northern Sudan, western Sudan, the central clay plains, eastern Sudan, the southern clay plains, and the Jabal Hadid, or Ironstone Plateau, and southern hill masses." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sudan is the largest country on the African continent; its total area is 2,505,810 square kilometers (966,710 square miles), making the country slightly larger than one-quarter the size of the United States. The 853-kilometer (530-mile) long coastline borders the Red Sea and lies between Egypt and Eritrea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sudan (Jumhuriyat ad-Dimuqratiya as-Sudan) is the widest African state, situated in the North-East Africa. The natural space of Sudan is characterized by tropical forests, steppes and savannas, but there are also a lot of lakes and rivers in the Southern areas; in this region, the fish is the most frequent meal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sudan is the largest country in Africa. Located in Northeastern Africa, it borders the Red Sea and falls between Egypt, Chad, Uganda, as well as six other countries. The capitol, Khartoum, is in the Northeastern part of the country. Darfur is a region in Western Sudan that encompasses an area roughly the size of Spain. The population of Darfur is estimated at 7 million people. The conflict in Darfur has also increased tensions in neighboring Chad and the Central African Republic as hundreds of thousands of refugees stream over the two countries’ borders to escape violence." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Image caption South Sudan's civil war has left a third of its population in crisis. At least 30,000 people are facing starvation in South Sudan, the UN has said. Three UN agencies warned that a famine could develop in southern Unity State, where fighting has prevented deliveries of humanitarian aid." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A region the size of France, Darfur is home to about six million people from nearly 100 tribes.8 The people are mostly African farmers or Arab nomads. A coup in 1989, by General Omar Bashir, a supporter of the Arab nomads brought the National Islamic Front to power and made him president of Sudan." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Darfur region lies in the western part of the Sudan (Africa's largest country), near the borders with Libya, Chad, and Central African Republic. The population of Darfur was estimated in 2002 at about six million, eighty percent of whom live in the rural areas." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other Facts: Sudan was the largest country in Africa prior to the secession of South Sudan in 2011. It is now the third largest, after Algeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo. The size of Sudan is now approximately 25% smaller, with an area of 1.86 million square kilometers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "South Sudan Population 2015. Accurate South Sudan population statistics are difficult to obtain, a fact which is probably not surprising when you consider that it only gained independence from Sudan on the 9th of July 2011, and is one of the world’s newest countries. A 2008 census showed that the population of South Sudan was 8,260,490. However, this figure is hotly disputed because the census was conducted by the Sudan ese Government of the time and is believed by many to have been manipulated for political reasons." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "More than 40% of the population is below 15 years old in most sub-Saharan countries, as well as the Sudan but with the exception of South Africa, in Uganda as many as 50% (as compared to 20% in the USA)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sudan borders by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, South Sudan to the south, the Central African Republic to the southwest, Chad to the west, and Libya to the northwest. Sudan used to have the largest area of all the countries in Africa. However, on July 9, 2011, the southern part of the country left and became a new country, South Sudan. Sudan now has an area of 1,861,484 km2, and is the third largest country in Africa by area. The Nile flows through Sudan, providing water to crops. There are many different tribal and ethnic groups of people, though the country is mainly divided between the north, which has more Arabic people, and the south, which has more people of African descent." ], [ "Represent text", "Kenya is one of the most varied lands on the planet both in terms of its geography and its ethnic population. The Republic of Kenya sits on the equator where it's bordered by the India n Ocean, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Somalia. In 2015, Kenya has an estimated population of 47.8 million, which ranks 30th in the world. The last official census took place in Kenya back in 2009 when it was confirmed that 38,610,097 people were living here." ], [ "Represent this", "Located in the continent of Africa, Sudan covers 1,861,484 square kilometers of land, making it the 16th largest nation in terms of land area. The Sudan became an independent state in 1956, after gaining its sovereignty from The United Kingdom." ], [ "Represent this", "South Sudan is home to around 60 indigenous ethnic groups and 80 linguistic partitions among a 2011 population of around 11 million. Historically, most ethnic groups were lacking in formal Western political institutions, with land held by the community and elders acting as problem solvers and Adjudicators." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is estimated that around 11% of South Sudan ese people were not surveyed, which, if correct, would mean that the population of South Sudan in 2008 was around 9.28 million people. The South Sudan population in 2011 was considerably higher-perhaps as much as 10-12 million." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Population of Sudan: current, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age, total fertility rate (TFR), population density, urbanization, urban population, country's share of world population, and global rank." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Sudan has long been beset by conflict. Two rounds of north-south civil war cost the lives of 1.5 million people, and a continuing conflict in the western region of Darfur has driven two million people from their homes and killed more than 200,000. Read full profile." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In other words, what are people from Sudan called? A person from Sudan and/or a citizen of Sudan is called Sudanese. You may also be interested in what people from Sudan speak? In other words, what language do people in Sudan speak?The language that people speak in Sudan is Arabic. Okay, now that you know what people from Sudan are called and you know what language they speak, you may want to learn more about the people of Sudan.Here is more information about the country of Sudan. person from Sudan and/or a citizen of Sudan is called Sudanese. You may also be interested in what people from Sudan speak? In other words, what language do people in Sudan speak?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Founded in 1950, Sudan University of Science and Technology is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the metropolis of Khartoum (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants). This institution has also branch campuses in the following location(s): Bahri, Omdurman." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Sudan is the largest country on the continent of Africa lying at latitude 15º north of the Equator and longitude 30º east of the Greenwich Meridian. It is located in north east Africa. Sudan's land borders are with Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Chad and Libya. To the east, it is bordered by the Red Sea. Sudan has an area of 2.5 million square kilometres. The area of the UK is 250,000 square kilometres." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Visit our source and useful links: UN population prospect, or Sudan population clock and on Wiki what is a population pyramid (definition)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "early 1980s, Sudan has become a generator of forced migration on an unprecedented scale, creating the world’s largest crisis of human displacement. Since 1983 two million Sudanese are reckoned to have died as a result of conflict. About a million have fled to neighbouring countries, and some six million - one sixth of the population - have been" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Khartoum, Sudan. Khartoum is the capital and one of the largest cities of Sudan. Located near the Nile, the city has the population of about 640,000 people. However, there are plenty of neighboring cities and towns, and the total urban population is estimated to exceed 5 million people." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As of today, over 480,000 people have been killed, and over 2.8 million people are displaced. Sudan is the largest country in Africa. Located in Northeastern Africa, it borders the Red Sea and falls between Egypt, Chad, Uganda, as well as six other countries.The capitol, Khartoum, is in the Northeastern part of the country. Darfur is a region in Western Sudan that encompasses an area roughly the size of Spain.he “Darfur Genocide” refers to the current mass slaughter and rape of Darfuri men, women and children in Western Sudan. The killings began in 2003 and continue still today, as the first genocide in the 21st century." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The last census undertaken in Kenya (in 2006) placed the population at 36.1 million. In 2008 The population of Kenya was estimated at 38 million by the United Nations Population Fund. At the current annual growth rate of 2.8 percent-which is itself considerably higher than the world's average of 1.2 percent-the Kenya population is projected to stand at 51.3 million in 2025 and 65 million in 2050. The latter reflects an increase of 72 percent over the current figure." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:", "how many electrons does S2- have" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sulfur's atomic number is 16. Neutral sulfur would then have 16 protons and 16 electrons. Since we're dealing with S 2- though, we need to add 2 electrons to this, making 18.ulfur's atomic number is 16. Neutral sulfur would then have 16 protons and 16 electrons. Since we're dealing with S 2- though, we need to add 2 electrons to this, making 18." ] ]
[ [ "", "Sulfur is in 3rd period and in group 16 (Chalcogens), its Atomic Number is 16, which means that it will definitely has 16 electrons and 16 protons. The number of neutrons depends upon that which isotope of sulfur we are talking about." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Silver Atom - Larger View. The silver atom has 5 electron orbits (energy levels) with a total of 47 electrons. Beginning with the orbit closest to the nucleus and working outward, the number of electrons per orbit should be: 2, 8, 18, 18, 1. Of course, the nucleus contains 47 protons and 61 neutrons. Silver Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( Nuclide 107 ):" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(principal quantum number n = 1, l = 0), because the pair of two electrons in the negative hydrogen ion replaces the one electron of the ordinary hydrogen. In the same way the ground state energy of the Helium atom with Z = 2 having two electrons is E = (-27.2)4 + (16.95) 2 - 4.1 = -79 eV which is the experimental value." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The sublevel 2p has 3 orbitals (2px, 2py, and 2pz) and each of these orbitals has its own line (or box). Let's begin this section with the orbital box (or the orbital representation diagram) for a neutral atom. Draw the electronic configuration for potassium using the electron configuration diagram below. Remember that potassium is element number 19 so has 19 electrons. Every line in the energy diagram below holds 2 electrons of opposite spins." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'optic nerve. n. Either of the second pair of cranial nerves that arise from the retina and carry visual information to the thalamus and other parts of the brain. optic nerve. n. (Physiology) the second cranial nerve, which provides a sensory pathway from the retina to the brain.'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what part of the brain is the optic nerve in']", "how many valence shell electrons does an atom of Indium have? Source(s): valence shell electrons atom indium have: https://tr.im/Vf4he Anonymous · 3 years ago" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How many electron, protons , and neutrons does gold have? How many protons, electrons, and neutrons are in an atom of gold? - 1933698" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Click on the image for a larger view. Electrons in a hydrogen atom must be in one of the allowed energy levels. If an electron is in the first energy level, it must have exactly -13.6 eV of energy. If it is in the second energy level, it must have -3.4 eV of energy.An electron in a hydrogen atom cannot have -9 eV, -8 eV or any other value in between. Let's say the electron wants to jump from the first energy level, n = 1, to the second energy level n = 2.The second energy level has higher energy than the first, so to move from n = 1 to n = 2, the electron needs to gain energy.et's look at the simplest atom, a neutral hydrogen atom. Its energy levels are given in the diagram below. The x-axis shows the allowed energy levels of electrons in a hydrogen atom, numbered from 1 to 5. The y-axis shows each level's energy in electron volts (eV)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The 3s23p5 electrons are the outermost electrons, so chlorine has seven valence electrons. In a picture, the valence electrons are the ones in the outermost shell. You can see in the diagram below that there are seven electrons in the outermost circle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Each atom has an octet of electrons. Carbon is making 2 s and 2 p bonds to the oxygen atoms. The 2 s bonds indicate that there are 2 equivalent molecular orbitals formed. To form 2 hybrid molecular orbitals, we need to mix 2 atomic orbitals, an s orbital and a p orbital." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Oxygen's atomic number is 8. Thus it has 8 protons. 16 O has 16 - 8 = 8 neutrons and is a gas." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Solutions. 1 The 2s orbital would be filled before the 2p orbital because orbitals that are lower in energy are filled first. 2 There are 5 d orbitals in the d subshell. 3 A p orbital can hold 6 electrons. Based off of the given information, n=4 and ℓ=3." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Electrons in a hydrogen atom must be in one of the allowed energy levels. If an electron is in the first energy level, it must have exactly -13.6 eV of energy. If it is in the second energy level, it must have -3.4 eV of energy. An electron in a hydrogen atom cannot have -9 eV, -8 eV or any other value in between. Let's say the electron wants to jump from the first energy level, n = 1, to the second energy level n = 2. The second energy level has higher energy than the first, so to move from n = 1 to n = 2, the electron needs to gain energy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The S2O2− anion has been made in the gas phase, and may in fact have the trigonal shape with a sulfur atom attached to two oxygens and one other sulfur atom. ^ Demaison, Jean; Vogt, Jürgen (2011). 836 O2S2 Disulfur dioxide." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Any orbital can be occupied by a maximum of two electrons, each with its own spin quantum number. The simple names s orbital, p orbital, d orbital and f orbital refer to orbitals with angular momentum quantum number ℓ = 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "An example of bent molecular geometry that results from tetrahedral electron pair geometry is H2O. The water molecule is so common that it is wise to just memorize that water is a BENT molecule. The oxygen has 6 valence electrons and thus needs 2 more electrons from 2 hydrogen atoms to complete its octet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "6 electrons can ocupy the 2p, 3p, 4p, and so on. each p subshell has 3 orbitals, and each orbital can hold up to 2 electrons, so each p subshell can hold up to 6 electrons t … otal." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "9. Why do many of the elements in the d-block form M 2+ cations? (e.g., Fe 2+ , Mn 2+, Co 2+ , etc.) Each noble gas has a principal energy level filled with the maximum number of electrons. It has a filled n-shell of electrons. He: 2 electrons; n = 1, l = 0 (max. 2 electrons in the 1s-orbital); the n=1 shell is full Ne: 10 electrons; electrons populate a 1s-orbital, a 2s-orbital, and the three 2p-orbitals; the n=1 and n=2 shells are full." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The shape of the active site is affected by pH. This is why enzymes will only work at a specific pH, as well as a specific temperature. Change the pH and the enzyme stops working.Increasing the temperature to 60°C will cause a permanent change to the shape of the active site. This is why enzymes stop working when they are heated. We say they have become denatured.enaturing of enzymes. The important part of an enzyme is called the active site. This is where specific molecules bind to the enzyme and the reaction occurs. Anything that changes the shape of the active site stops the enzyme from working. This is similar to a key that opens a door lock.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'denature of enzymes due to temperature']\"", "Construct a Molecular orbital diagram for the O 2 molecule. There are six valence electrons on a neutral oxygen atom and therefore 12 valence electrons in an O 2 molecule. These electrons are added to the diagram in the figure below, one at a time, starting with the lowest energy molecular orbital." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As a result, you can say that the carbon dioxide molecule has a total of 4 lone pairs of electrons. Now, there are other ways in which you can draw the Lewis structure for the #CO_2# molecule, but the structure shown above is the most stable." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge. In order to form a neutral (no charge) atom there must be the same number of protons as electrons. Therefore there are 17 protons since there are 17 electrons. In an atom the number of protones are equal to the number of electrons. therefore that atom will be neutral in charge. So, a neutrally charged clorine atom is having 17 electrons & 17 protons. Access hundreds of thousands of answers with a free trial." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Even reasons that relate to your daily commute are sometimes given, such as too much time commuting from where you work to your home, and much less time spending it with family can be thought of to be a good reason for leaving a job.hen you are going to a new position or applying for a different job, one question youâ\\x80\\x99ll have to answer is why you are leaving or have left your job. Your boss might want to know why you are resigning and your next employer will want to know why youâ\\x80\\x99ve moved on.']\" should be close to \"['represent the natural language', 'what reasons can you give for leaving a job']\"", "Electron shell #1 has the lowest energy and its s-orbital is the first to be filled. Shell #2 has four higher energy orbitals, the 2s-orbital being lower in energy than the three 2p-orbitals." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If the most common isotope of scandium has 24 neutrons in its nucleus, how many protons does scandium have? Neutrons, protons and electrons for these elements? How many neutrons does scandium have?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "If a molecule does have electrons in an antibonding orbital doesn't mean there will be no bonding. What it does mean is that it will have less bonding than something that has less antibonding electrons. For example F2 has more antibonding electrons than O2, which is why F2 is a single bond and O2 is a double bond. Electrons in the antibonding orbitals only prevent bonding if the antibonding orbitals are filled. Say we take helium and try to make it a diatomic molecule like H2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Silver has 47 electrons. Filling up 6 shells and having 3 electrons in the last shell. So how is it a +1 charge??? Thanks in advance ^^" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Electrons in a hydrogen atom must be in one of the allowed energy levels. If an electron is in the first energy level, it must have exactly -13.6 eV of energy.If it is in the second energy level, it must have -3.4 eV of energy.An electron in a hydrogen atom cannot have -9 eV, -8 eV or any other value in between.Let's say the electron wants to jump from the first energy level, n = 1, to the second energy level n = 2. The second energy level has higher energy than the first, so to move from n = 1 to n = 2, the electron needs to gain energy.It needs to gain (-3.4) - (-13.6) = 10.2 eV of energy to make it up to the second energy level.n electron in a hydrogen atom cannot have -9 eV, -8 eV or any other value in between. Let's say the electron wants to jump from the first energy level, n = 1, to the second energy level n = 2. The second energy level has higher energy than the first, so to move from n = 1 to n = 2, the electron needs to gain energy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The number of valence electrons are equal to the number of electrons in the outermost shell of the atom. The atomic number of sulphur is 16, and therefore the sulphur atom has 16 electrons in its orbits. The first shell can have a maximum of 2 electrons, and the second shell a maximum of 8 electrons." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "This number also tell us the number of protons in that atom. So we know that a sulfur ATOM has 16 protons. Usuall y ATOMS are always electrical neutral. ........That means that the number of protons (+ charges) and the number of electrons (-negative charges) must be the same.In the case of sulfur, a sulfur atom has 16 protons and 16 electrons.hen that happens, sulfur calles itself sulf-IDE (sulfide), it now has 2 more electrons.... 2 + 16 = 18 electrons, the number of protons does not change it is still 16. let's add it up -18 +16 = -2 the sulfide has a -2 charge." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "How many electrons and protons and neutrons does fluorine have? The atomic number of fluorine is 9. Atomic number = amount of protons, as well as the amount of electrons in an uncharged atom." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"DEFINITION of 'Capital Formation '. A term used to describe net capital accumulation during an accounting period. Capital formation refers to net additions of capital stock such as equipment, buildings and other intermediate goods.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is capital formation for a country mean']\"", "The Carbon atom has six electrons, 4 of the electrons are in its valence shell (outershell). The circles in the diagram show energy levels - representing increasing distances from the nucleus. This diagram is, however, a simplification and can be misleading." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The next sublevel up is the 2p. Since it has l=1 and thus three orbitals, it can hold six electrons. Filling it leaves us with two electrons. The next level is the 3s, which can hold two electrons. All electrons have now been placed, and we can write the electron configuration of the Mg atom as." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An example of bent molecular geometry that results from tetrahedral electron pair geometry is H2O. The water molecule is so common that it is wise to just memorize that water is a BENT molecule. The oxygen has 6 valence electrons and thus needs 2 more electrons from 2 hydrogen atoms to complete its octet. This then leaves two lone electron pairs that are not bonded to any other atoms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Help students fill in the correct number of electrons in the energy levels for the rest of the atoms in period 2. Period 3 Sodium. Explain that sodium has 11 protons and 11 electrons. There are 2 electrons on the first energy level, 8 electrons on the second level, and 1 electron on the third energy level." ], [ "Represent the input", "How many electrons, protons and neutrons does chlorine have? A: The chemical element chlorine has 17 electrons, 17 protons and 18 neutrons. An atom, which is the fundamental unit of an element, contains an equal number ... Full Answer >" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tin sulfide (SnS) is a semiconductor with direct optical band gap of 1.3 eV and absorption coefficient above 10 4 cm −1 for photon energies above 1.3 eV. It is a p-type semiconductor whose electrical properties can be tailored by doping and structural modification and has emerged as one of the simple, non-toxic and affordable material for thin films solar cells since a decade." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At the first energy level, the only orbital available to electrons is the 1s orbital. However, at the second level, there are also orbitals called 2p orbitals in addition to the 2s orbital. Unlike an s orbital, a p orbital points in a particular direction. The one shown below points up and down the page." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "How many valence electrons are represented in the Lewis electron-dot structure... In the Lewis structure for formic acid, HCOOH, how many bonding pairs and lone... How many valence electrons does an atom of arsenic have?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is known from electricity that ampere is flow of electrons per a second,but 1Ais a flow of 6.24 X10^18 electron/sec. So,if the cross section of the wire is S then the number of electrons passing S in a second will be 6.24 S X10^18 electrons" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How many valence electrons are in an atom of iodine? How many valence electrons are in the carbon of CH3^+? How many valence electron does a conductor such as copper have?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Sodium atoms have 11 electrons, one more than the extremely stable configuration of the noble gas neon. Because of this and its low first ionization energy of 495.8 kJ/mol, the sodium atom is much more likely to lose the last electron and acquire a positive charge than to gain one and acquire a negative charge." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following quantum numbers? (a)n=2, m. When n=2, we can have l=0,1; thus we have the 2s and 2p subshells." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nThe provided query could be \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\n\\nFor instance, <<Shoulder arthroplasty is also less expensive, according to McFarland. A shoulder replacementâ\\x80\\x99s total costs, on average, are $10, 351; whereas hip replacement surgery averages $15, 442, and knee arthroplasty, $14, 674.houlder arthroplasty is also less expensive, according to McFarland. A shoulder replacementâ\\x80\\x99s total costs, on average, are $10, 351; whereas hip replacement surgery averages $15, 442, and knee arthroplasty, $14, 674.>> to <<average cost of shoulder replacement surgery>>', \"...However, if I am wrong about that, the answer is that acetaminophen (and its metabolites) are identifiable for up to 48 hours after you took the pill. Less if you took tiny doses, but up to standard clinical doses (<8g), it's 48ish hours.\"]\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'how long does acetaminophen stay in system']\"", "According to the VSEPR model, the geometric structure of H2O is. a. bent at an angle of 104.5 degrees because of the greater repulsion of two lone pairs relative to that of the two bonding pairs. b. bent at an angle of 120 degrees because of the mutual repulsion of the six valence electrons on oxygen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Oxygen has 8 protons, 8 electrons, and 8 neutrons. Look at the periodic table of the elements. The atomic number is same value as the protons and electrons. Round the atomic … mass to a whole number then go mass-protons=neutrons." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Electrons in a hydrogen atom must be in one of the allowed energy levels. If an electron is in the first energy level, it must have exactly -13.6 eV of energy. If it is in the second energy level, it must have -3.4 eV of energy. An electron in a hydrogen atom cannot have -9 eV, -8 eV or any other value in between." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. It is interesting to know the fact that Sodium has one valence electron. Keep in mind the fact that valence electrons are the outermost electrons. They are the ones involved in bonding. Sodium has 11 electrons. Moreover, its atomic number is 11, so it has 11 protons." ] ]
[ "represent text!", "how long will i live on dialysis" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This varies from person to person. People who stop dialysis may live anywhere from one week to several weeks, depending on the amount of kidney function they have left and their overall medical condition." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The time period that the dialysis solution is in your belly is called the dwell time. With continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, the dialysis solution stays in your belly for a dwell time of 4 to 6 hours, or more. Each exchange takes about 30 to 40 minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "And usually the longer time that patients on dialysis, the more likely they die from these problems. Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients.Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors. In clinic, life span of dialysis patients varies greatly from case to case. And it may range from several days to decades.nd usually the longer time that patients on dialysis, the more likely they die from these problems. Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In Dialysis, Life-Saving Care at Great Risk and Cost. Every year, more than 100,000 Americans start dialysis. One in four of them will die within 12 months -- a fatality rate that is one of the worst in the industrialized world. And dialysis arguably costs more here than anywhere else." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How Long Can People Live On Dialysis. 2013-06-09 14:29. No matter what causes your kidney failure, approaching dialysis is always a frightening transition. Can dialysis prolong patients’ life expectancy largely? How long can people live on dialysis? Both of them must be your big concerns." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long does a dialysis treatment usually last? typically lasts three to four hours, depending on the type of dialyzer used and the physical condition of the patient. Dialysis is used several times a week until acute kidney… failure is reversed." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['represent the natural language', 'Baby rabbits stay with their mothers until about 10-12 weeks, this is when they are able to move around quicker, avoid predators, and forage on their own. In the wild they should start adventuring out of the nest at 5 or 6 weeks to start learning from mom. At least 6 weeks.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'how long do bunnies stay with mother']", "People with end-stage kidney disease need either dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive. The average waiting time for a kidney from a deceased donor is 3-5 years. A kidney from a living donor offers patients an alternative to years of dialysis and time on the national transplant waiting list." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most information that you will read about dialysis is very upbeat and optimistic. You may well have seen pictures of people on dialysis who work for 12 hours each day and climb mountains in their spare time. Dialysis is certainly a lifesaving treatment for people who could do these things before they needed dialysis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "And usually the longer time that patients on dialysis, the more likely they die from these problems. Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients. Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How Long Can Renal Failure Patients Live without Dialysis. 2013-04-10 11:01. Renal failure is always considered as the end stage of kidney disease where most of patients have already undergone dialysis to maintain their basic life. However, faced with the side effects of dialysis, some of they would like to decide not to continue dialysis any more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Without any kidney function and with no medical intervention a person will die within a few days to a week or so. If the person is getting hemodialysis the average life expe…ctancy is 5 years. That does vary a great deal, mostly depending on the person's other health issues. 7 people found this useful." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You may have seen some pictures of people on dialysis who still work for many hours every day, but in fact, dialysis isn’t an easy treatment for even the fittest people. Generally, the longer people on dialysis, the weaker their body is. How long can people live on dialysis? Both of them must be your big concerns. Most often, the information that you read about dialysis is quite upbeat and optimistic. You may have seen some pictures of people on dialysis who still work for many hours every day, but in fact, dialysis isn’t an easy treatment for even the fittest people." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is more, there is certain risk to take this surgery. There are many patients suffer from renal failure again 2 or 3 years after kidney transplant and they will need dialysis once again to sustain their life.here are many who died within months after the transplant while there are still many who are still alive after more than 20 years. It was reported that the longest life expectancy after kidney transplant is 35 years." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Without Dialysis How Long can I Live in Kidney Failure Creatinine 9. 2014-05-23 09:08. Once we got an inquiry from a patient, he stated, “Without dialysis, how long can I live in Kidney Failure and creatinine 9?” To help individuals who have similar doubt, we provide analysis as below. Read on or chat with our online doctor for free and professional help." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "And usually the longer time that patients on dialysis, the more likely they die from these problems. Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients.Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors. In clinic, life span of dialysis patients varies greatly from case to case. And it may range from several days to decades.herefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients. Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors. In clinic, life span of dialysis patients varies greatly from case to case." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "When your kidney function is improved to more than 15%, you may avoid dialysis and live longer. To summary, dialysis cannot determine how long you will live,and sometimes without dialysis, you still can live longer if you control your conditions well. Thus, do not be bothered by the question -how long will you live without dialysis. Tag: Dialysis and Kidney Disease. previous:Natural Herbs For Anemia In Dialysis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When a person's kidneys stop working on their own, hemodialysis may be required. How long can someone live on dialysis? Although this is a scary time in a person's life, it is still possible to live a long and fulfilling life before a kidney transplant is needed.hen a person's kidneys stop working on their own, hemodialysis may be required. How long can someone live on dialysis? Although this is a scary time in a person's life, it is still possible to live a long and fulfilling life before a kidney transplant is needed." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients. Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors. In clinic, life span of dialysis patients varies greatly from case to case." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "And usually the longer time that patients on dialysis, the more likely they die from these problems. Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients.Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors. In clinic, life span of dialysis patients varies greatly from case to case.And it may range from several days to decades.nd usually the longer time that patients on dialysis, the more likely they die from these problems. Therefore, how long can a person live on dialysis becomes a hot topic among kidney failure patients. Actually, how long can a person live on dialysis depends on many factors." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what foods can help your arteries" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Other foods that unclog your arteries include asparagus, avocado, broccoli, chia seeds, fenugreek seeds, and coconut oil. Dietary supplements and nutrients that can help with atherosclerosis include methyl donators like vitamin B6, choline, folic acid, and vitamin B12, as well as antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin, grape seed extract, and pine bark extract." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "– Fruit is also very beneficial for bad blood circulation, especially plums and berries. – Decrease saturated fat intake (usually found in creams, chesses, and red meat). – Add ingredients and spices to foods that will serve as blood circulation aids, such as ginger, fennel, cayenne, beetroot, and watercress." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Foods Containing Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin C and Vitamin E improve blood circulation by strengthening the capillary walls and making the blood vessels wider. Example of foods rich in such vitamins are almonds, most nuts, green leafy vegetables, potatoes and carrots." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Not too painful this one! Soluble Fiber Eating foods rich in soluble fiber helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) which contributes to angina. Soluble fiber is found in fruit, vegetables, linseeds (flax seeds) and oats. Avocados Rich in vitamin E, eat one a week." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, arugala, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, turnip greens, sesame leaves, basil, parsley, mint, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, green onions, leeks, spinach, zucchini, and Asian greens like bok choy, are the very best foods for your heart and blood vessels.es. With regard to foods that are bad for your heart and blood vessels, please keep in mind that the quantity that you are exposed to over time is an important factor in considering their long term effects on your health." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Certain types of fish account for your richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation, heart rhythm disturbances, triglyceride levels, and high blood pressure. Diets rich in this fat might prevent plaque from building up in your arteries. These fish are easy to remember with this SMASH acronym: sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, and herring." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Garlic on a wooden table. Healthy blood flow carries oxygen, nutrients and disease-fighting immune cells throughout your body. Poor circulation due to fatty plaques and blood clots can slow healing and raise your risk of heart disease and stroke. Adding foods such as garlic and whole grains to your diet can help keep your blood vessels healthy and improve circulation. Garlic is a natural blood thinner that can improve blood flow to your limbs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Photo Credit sittitap/iStock/Getty Images. Many foods high in saturated fat can contribute to atherosclerosis, or the clogging of arteries. These include such foods as whole-fat dairy products, butter, margarine, fatty meats, poultry skins, desserts and snack foods. The trans fat found in some processed foods is a culprit as well." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Foods to help improve circulation. Age, medical conditions or immobility can affect your circulation. Certain medical conditions can lead to arteries becoming clogged and stopping the blood from flowing through them as it normally would. Including foods that are believed to help boost circulation in your diet - combined with simple daily exercise can help with poorer circulation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Research shows that these fruits clear out plaque build-up from the arteries and trigger the production of nitric oxide in the blood, which opens up the arteries and reduces blood pressure. 3. Turmeric. via TheHeartySoul. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, reduces fatty deposits in the arteries by over 25 per cent! 4. Tomatoes. via PorcelainFaceSpa" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Keeping your heart healthy should always be a top priority. After all, it’s the muscle at the core of every system in your body! Left unmonitored, high cholesterol levels can lead to heart attacks and high blood pressure. Below is a list of 17 cholesterol lowering foods to help prevent heart disease and keep your arteries plaque-free. 1. Grapes" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which is needed for bone formation and helps to keep calcium from damaging the arteries, Dr. Schneider says. Not to mention, broccoli is full of fiber, and studies show a high-fiber diet can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of an atherosclerosis diet. Fatty and greasy foods taste good, but they can take real toll on your arteries. Saturated fat encourages cholesterol to build up on the walls of your arteries and can lead to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis leaves you more susceptible to a heart attack or a stroke, and changing your diet is one way to reduce your risk." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These oxidized cholesterol particles stick to the walls of your arteries better than other particles.Bottom line: fried meat is the worst food you can eat to clog your arteries. Fried steak, fried chicken, fried hamburgers, fried ham, even fried egg yolks.aturated fat -- also called cholesterol when it exists inside your body -- is a solid at room temperature. When saturated fat enters your body, it causes inflammation. Literally, your artery walls become inflamed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Your arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. In order for this important process to occur, your arteries should be flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any deposits. All fruits and vegetables are said to help prevent heart disease, but certain varieties (like apples) pack a particularly powerful punch." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Curb Cholesterol, Not Flavor. It’s no secret that certain foods can help you lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, which causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke.urb Cholesterol, Not Flavor. It’s no secret that certain foods can help you lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, which causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries that leads to heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These foods strain the fat out your arteries. Instead of having fat build up in your blood vessels, these foods improve your cells' ability to absorb the fat and use it for energy production. Drink a glass of cranberry juice three times a week or eat 1 cup of grapes per day to unclog your arteries.rint. Like any plumbing system, your arteries can get clogged up. When you have high blood pressure, inflammation causes cholesterol to stick to the walls of your blood vessels, forming a plaque. The following foods are powerful enough to prevent this dangerous clogging." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts also help keep blood vessels healthy. Eating about a handful (1.5 ounces, or 42.5 grams) a day of most nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts, may reduce your risk of heart disease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "People with blood-circulation problems such as varicose veins, for example, benefit by eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids because these unsaturated fatty acids stimulate blood flow and help break down fibrin, or blood clots, according to Shubhangini Joshi, author of Nutrition and Dietetics.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This chemical is thought to help keep arteries open and keep blood flowing. Apart from the above mentioned foods, you also need the following tips to clean your arteries quickly: Exercise keeps you and your heart healthy. So make sure you exercise on a regular basis. Reduce saturated fat intake by reducing the intake of processed food in your diet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Foods for healthy blood flow. A healthy blood flow can do wonders for your libido by increasing circulation to your sexual organs. Foods that increase circulation include garlic, chilli peppers and ginger. They contain allicin, which dilates blood vessels and thins the blood. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish also help to thin the blood and increase elasticity of blood vessels, allowing for easier blood flow." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1/15. Salmon. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout, are known to help lower cholesterol levels as well as reduce the chances of clotting in the blood. 2/15." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "10 Foods to Prevent Arteries from Clogging. Since ancient time, Garlic has been used to treat heart disease and hypertension. According to a study published in preventive medicine, Garlic inhibits coronary artery calcification which serves as a marker for plaque formation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For most people, it can mean an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Doctors recommend not smoking, more exercise, and a healthy diet as standard treatment for the condition, but they say there are four foods that could actually help unclog your arteries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here's a list of 17 cholesterol lowering foods to help prevent heart disease and keep your arteries plaque-free. Here's a list of 17 cholesterol lowering foods to help prevent heart disease and keep your arteries plaque-free." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to look at your lifestyle and your diet. Eat a diet low in sodium and high in fiber. (Read more about how fiber can increase your lifespan by 22%).Keep stress to a minimum and cut down on saturated fat. In addition, the following top 10 foods and herbs are all thought to protect your arteries against dangerous hardening and blockages.9 Foods That Help Prevent Hardening of Your Arteries1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Apart from the above mentioned foods, you also need the following tips to clean your arteries quickly: 1 Exercise keeps you and your heart healthy. 2 Reduce saturated fat intake by reducing the intake of processed food in your diet. 3 It is also important that you drink plenty of water." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "People with blood-circulation problems such as varicose veins, for example, benefit by eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids because these unsaturated fatty acids stimulate blood flow and help break down fibrin, or blood clots, according to Shubhangini Joshi, author of Nutrition and Dietetics.. bowl of fresh baby spinach. Photo Credit nata_vkusidey/iStock/Getty Images. Good blood flow is essential for proper brain function and oxygen transport to vital organs in the body. Because your heart is the pump that keeps your blood circulating, it's important to maintain a strong heart." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "heart problems? Hardened or stiff arteries account for almost 75 percent of all deaths from coronary disease (American Heart Association statistics). How can you prevent hardened arteries and the risk of heart attack? Will your diet help and which foods can help reduce your risk? Hardened or stiff arteries is also known as atherosclerosis or" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cinnamon. Just one teaspoon a day of antioxidant-rich cinnamon can help reduce fats in the bloodstream, helping to prevent plaque build up in the arteries and lower bad cholesterol levels by as much as 26 percent, according to recent research. Sprinkle some on your morning coffee or on these delicious crepes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "10 Foods that Keep Your Arteries Clean by www.SixWise.com . Your arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. In order for this important process to occur, your arteries should be flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any deposits." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Herbs and Spices That Can Unclog Your Arteries. Herbs such as cayenne, which can help improve blood circulation. and increase the action of the heart, and horsetail, which. strengthens artery walls, can both have a place in an artery-. clearing strategy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Certain foods, if eaten regularly, can reverse blocked arteries, according to research studies. Learn the foods that help to unclog blocked arteries and improve poor circulation. And learn the foods that clog your arteries, foods you should avoid." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It's simple, actually. There are healthy, good fats that you must get into your diet if you wish to unclog your arteries. And today it is well known that those fats include omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils, and monounsaturated fats." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Plaque buildup in carotid arteries (situated on their side on the neck that brings blood to the face and brain) can cause arotid artery blockage leading to stroke or brain attack. Surgical procedures for removing plaque in arteries can come with unpleasant side effects. Therefore, natural ways such as eating a heart healthy diet and exercising will help in removing plaque from arteries. Here are the top 10 foods for removing plaque in arteries: 1. Avocados – Contain omega-3 fatty acids that are shown to reduce cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of heart diseases. 2. Walnuts – Rich in essential fats, vitamin E and other antioxidants." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A close-up of fish oil tablets that contain omega-3 fat. The typical American diet, which is high in animal-based and processed fats, contributes to a buildup of plaque in the arteries. If you have -- or suspect you have -- buildup of arterial plaque, you should take steps to try to clear it away. Certain vitamins may help a bit, but other measures are more effective." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Here are some other foods that can boost blood circulation: Garlic relaxes blood vessels, making it a good choice to thin blood and improve circulation.Onions contain sulfur compounds, which help to maintain platelet aggregation, blood pressure and total cholesterol.hrista recommends incorporating some of these foods into your diet for a blood-building boost: Turn over a new leaf Dark leafy greens such as kale, broccoli sprouts, spinach and collards detoxify the bloodstream, improve respiratory function and create a feeling of lightness.. Advertisement." ], [ "", "Three key dietary factors that clog arteries are: 1 Saturated fats (such as butter, palm oil, coconut oil, meat fats, and milk fats like full-fat milk and cheese) 2 Trans fats (found in margarines, vegetable shortenings, and partially hydrogenated oils) 3 Dietary cholesterol (found ONLY in animal products, not plants)" ], [ "", "Soluble fiber in brussels sprouts helps lower cholesterol. Your blood vessels carry blood throughout your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells. Vessels that become clogged with plaque increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. While it's hard to unclog your blood vessels, including certain foods in your diet may help prevent further plaque buildup by lowering blood cholesterol levels. Talk to your doctor about your diet and heart health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Increase the consumption of essential fatty acids to help improve circulation, foods which contain good oils are fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, flaxseed oil and avocados. Use herbs in cooking which help the circulation such as Chilli, Garlic, Paprika, Onion, Thyme, Ginger and Turmeric. In addition,aim for a healthy lifestyle with plenty of fresh fruits and veges, quality organic dairy products, a wide range of quality protein sources in your diet such as legumes, nuts and seeds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The latest studies have shown that this delicious fruit can clean the arteries from the plaque buildup, and also stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the blood, which will open the arteries and reduce the blood pressure. This amazing cashew citrus cream cake with pomegranates is an excellent way to add more pomegranates to your menu! 3." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Soluble Fiber Eating foods rich in soluble fiber helps to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) which contributes to angina. Soluble fiber is found in fruit, vegetables, linseeds (flax seeds) and oats. Avocados Rich in vitamin E, eat one a week." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "home remedy to clear rash on stomach" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A few home remedies that may help to alleviate the rash, and provide relief from the itching and burning sensation are as follows. » Prepare a smooth paste using 2 tbsp. cornstarch and water, and apply it on the rash. Allow it to dry for 30 minutes, and rinse off with cold water.tchy rash on stomach may be a simple skin irritation due to a particular garment, or may be a manifestation of a serious infection. Nonetheless, proper medical intervention at the earliest is necessary to understand the precise cause, and ensure appropriate treatment." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This sugary sweet substance is a common pick among home remedy enthusiasts because it has many antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used for hundreds of years as a treatment for ailments like sore throats to bumps and bruises. A small drop on an itchy bite can reduce the inflammation. And it will reduce your temptation to itch, as itching skin covered in honey can create a sticky mess." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Under a normal compound light microscope, Giardia often looks like a clown face, with two nuclei outlined by adhesive discs above dark median bodies that form the mouth.. Cysts are oval, have four nuclei, and have clearly visible axostyles.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what does giardia stool look like']\"", "Home Remedies for Upset Stomach #4 – Chamomile and Peppermint…. Chamomile and peppermint are excellent for soothing the muscle lining of the digestive tract. They both contain some potent anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties and are known to quickly calm an upset stomach." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ginger is another well-documented home remedy for stomach disorders and is a good choice to treat upset stomach. Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen; it slows associated biochemical pathways. Ginger is also a mild stimulant that promotes circulation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Carrots are one of natural home remedies for lupus rash due to its anti-inflammatory agent. Plus, the source of vitamin A in carrots is very rich. Consumption of carrots reduces joint pain, swelling, lethargy, dizziness, depression and mouth sores. You should dink carrot juice daily for expected result." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Baking soda is the most common home remedy for itchy skin as well as skin rashes. Baking soda has a soothing effect due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, it acts as a natural acid neutralizer that helps relieve itching." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Baking soda is the most common home remedy for itchy skin as well as skin rashes. Baking soda has a soothing effect due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, it acts as a natural acid neutralizer that helps relieve itching. 1 Add one cup of baking soda to a bathtub filled with cool water. 2 Stir it well to distribute the baking soda thoroughly. 3 Soak in this water for about half an hour." ], [ "Represent the next text", "1 Taking an oatmeal bath is another popular remedy for soothing the skin and getting rid of rashes. 2 To take an oatmeal bath, you need to mix a cup of colloidal oatmeal in warm bath water and soak in it for about 20 minutes.3 Furthermore, you may sprinkle cornstarch on the affected area.ake sure you wash your skin with a mild soap and water before applying any of these remedies. Moreover, some rashes like heat rashes and swimmer’s itch tend to heal on their own. 1 Ice Therapy. 2 Olive Oil. 3 Aloe Vera Gel. 4 Witch Hazel. 5 Baking Soda. 6 Neem Leaves. 7 Banana Peels." ], [ "", "For this natural cure, mix one teaspoon of raw honey (unheated) with the juice of two teaspoons of lime or lemon juice in a glass of room temperature or lukewarm water (not boiling water!). Take this remedy once in the morning on a empty stomach." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Best Answer: You're asking in Washington, DC, which is a LOT different from Washington State, and I cannot understand why people don't GET that already. Every single time I come here, someone is asking a question about Washington State. But to answer your question: Washington State is on the West Coast, the Pacific Northwest. Florida is on the Atlantic Coast. Washington State is Pacific Time. Florida is Eastern Time. Eastern Time is three hours ahead of Pacific Time. Or go to www.timeanddate.com or www.time.gov. Sheesh.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'time difference between washington state and tampa florida']\"", "Catnip Get some fresh catnip leaves and squeeze it so there is some juice and apply to the rash. Catnip has anti-inflammatory properties and will help reduce the itching and heal the rash quickly. Cornstarch Dusting the affected area with cornstarch can also be used to relieve poison ivy itch. Another remedy calls for making cornstarch into a paste. Epsom salts Soak the affected area in a solution of Epsom salts and water for 30 minutes daily. Another remedy calls for making a paste with Epsom salts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This is a great thing that we now have home remedies that will help remove these unsightly fat deposits that make their residence in many areas of the body near to the abdomen. The very first remedy to lessen cellulite is always to take apple cider vinegar by mixing it with an eight ounce glass of water while adding a tiny amount of honey." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Side Effects of Taclonex Cream and Lotion. The most popular side effects of Taclonex cream and lotion are rash and itching on the skin. Other side effects include redness on the skin, inflamed hair pores (folliculitis), skin color change, skin burning, rash, thinning of the skin. Home Remedy with Monk Herbal Remedy." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some of the ways on how to heal face rash fast are the following: 1 Wash the affected area with chamomile tea. Prepare the tea by getting a cup of hot water and add it with 2 to 3 leaves of dried or fresh chamomile flowers. 2 The best way to heal a rash is by directly applying aloe vera gel on the area where rashes appear." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use thick cream lotions or petroleum jelly to help soothe your rash. These products work well on areas with thick skin, such as your feet. Cool compresses may also be used to soothe your skin. Apply a cool compress or a cool, wet towel, and then cover it with a dry towel." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Fenugreek is also an effective home remedy that can help you get rid of blackheads on nose instantly and naturally. Regular application of fenugreek paste will also make your skin glow. ● Make a thick paste of fresh fenugreek and water. ● Apply the paste on affected area and allow it to dry.ere is the step to use oatmeal for blackheads; ● Mix one to two teaspoon honey with tomato juice and oatmeal. ● Scrub the paste on your skin and wash after 10 minutes. ● Repeat the process regularly for 10 days to get clear skin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It is advised to consult a doctor to rule out any major cause before the disease is irreversible. 1 Constant Bloated Stomach: Extreme Stomach, Belly Bloating Home Remedy. 2 Causes Of Stomach Bloating And Gas: Home Remedies And Prevention. Bloated Stomach And Abdomen Gas Causes: Diet And Home Remedies." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Ginger is another well-documented home remedy for stomach disorders and is a good choice to treat upset stomach. Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen; it slows associated biochemical pathways.Ginger is also a mild stimulant that promotes circulation.inger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen; it slows associated biochemical pathways. Ginger is also a mild stimulant that promotes circulation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "• If you are wondering how do I get rid of a rash with the help of natural home remedies then here are a few natural remedies. You can use witch hazel, calendula essential oil, St John’s wort and other similar herbal remedies with astringent properties.Tea tree oil and margosa oil can be used in case of infections.ust add a cup of oatmeal in your bath water and soak in it for about 15-20 minutes to soothe rash related itching, inflammation and burning sensation. Advertisement. In fact, most of the suggestions on how to get rid of rashes on the arms, legs and other parts of the body usually recommend colloidal oatmeal baths." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To treat and prevent diaper rash, change baby’s diaper more frequently and apply zinc oxide or petroleum jelly. Also letting baby’s bottom air out will be helpful in clearing up diaper rash. Impetigo. This contagious skin rash may affect the diaper area, face, neck or hands and looks like blisters or sores." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Constant Bloated Stomach: Extreme Stomach, Belly Bloating Home Remedy. 2 Causes Of Stomach Bloating And Gas: Home Remedies And Prevention. 3 Bloated Stomach And Abdomen Gas Causes: Diet And Home Remedies. Bad Smelling Flatulence Treatment | Bloated, Growling Stomach Remedy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: any clear soda is good to drink when your stomach is upset because no dyes like coke or Pepsi. The carbonation is good to help relieve air from the stomach If you are sick diarrhea sick, they also recommend Jello, saltine crackers, and bananas, to help settle your tummy. It is Bland food like the ginger ale. And the ginger an ingredient in ginerale is an herb used for stomach aches and coughs. Ginger ale is used as a home remedy to prevent and also can alleviate motion sickness, to help relieve upset stomachs and to help soothe coughs and sore throats." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This popular home remedy may also calm an angry tummy. A mixture of one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one cup warm water, and one tablespoon honey will ease indigestion and may alleviate cramping and gas in your upset stomach. It can also lessen discomfort caused by heartburn." ], [ "", "1 Peppermint and spearmint have been known to really settle the stomach when taken orally like in a tea; however these and other mints can actually make the condition worse, so they are iffy as an effective home remedy for heartburn." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1. Ginger. One of the best, oldest and most effective remedy for nausea is Ginger. It promotes the secretion of various digestive enzymes to neutralize the stomach acids. Ginger also contains phenols which help to relax the stomach muscles so that it reduces the over activity of the stomach. You can take the ginger in any form." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "18 Home Remedies for Upset Stomach. by Editors of Consumer Guide. 18. Home Remedies for Upset Stomach. Home Remedies Image Gallery. Home Remedies Image Gallery. A stomachache can strike after over indulging at dinner or even on an empty stomach. See more home remedy pictures." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Homeopathic Medicines for skin rashes. Sulphur, I find, is ideal for redness and rashes that aggravate at night.Homeopathic medicine Medoohinum is suited for treating the fiery red rash around the anus in babies. Lithium Carb works best in case of a rough rash all over the body and tough, dry, itchy skin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "THE FACTS. It is not often that a soft drink is seen as medicinal. But when it comes to stomach distress, many people view a cup of flat soda as just what the doctor ordered. The quick and popular remedy — usually in the form of cola, ginger ale or clear sodas — is said to help settle the stomach with its slight fizz and replenish fluids and glucose lost by vomiting and diarrhea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "rash natural remedies. Poison ivy, allergic reactions, flea and insect bites, diaper rash - these can all be treated at home using your own herbal oils and skin wash remedies. Herbal solutions are especially effective on minor skin abrasions because they calm the inflammation, reduce itching, are antibacterial and regenerative to damaged skin." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The Denton, Texas sales tax is 8.25% , consisting of 6.25% Texas state sales tax and 2.00% Denton local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.50% city sales tax and a 0.50% special district sales tax (used to fund transportation districts, local attractions, etc).']>> to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is sales tax for denton county']\"", "Coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the good home remedies for hemorrhoids that helps to get relief from hemorrhoids pain and itching. Applying warm coconut oil directly to the infected area is the easiest way to use this remedy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Here are some tips soothe the stomach lining and facilitate healing: 1 1. drink lots of water, at least 6 to 10 cups per day. 2 2. try aloe vera. 3 3. coat the esophagus and stomach with a soothing oil. 4. try mastic gum." ], [ "", "Home Remedies for Upset Stomach #3 – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)…. Another sure-fire remedy for upset stomach is definitely organic apple cider vinegar. In fact, this is one of the standard remedies most natural therapists recommend." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Answer Wiki. MGTOW is an initialism for men going their own way and also a demonym for men identifying with the current cultural phenomenon of men going their own way. The initialism is generally pronounced mɪɡtaÊ\\x8a (mig-tau) or, less commonly, mɪɡtÉ\\x99Ê\\x8a (mig-toe).']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is mgtow?']\"", "January 9, 2013 | diaperswappers.com. I would go grab some Lotramin and corn starch powder to use on the rash to clear it up more. ...I used to use a dash of hydro with Lotrimin to clear up a bloody/bad rash on my kids and it usually worked...." ], [ "Represent this", "4. Also add 2 tsp honey to it. 5. Mix it well. 6. Drink this on an empty stomach every morning. 7. Continue drinking this at least for 2-3 months for great results. Natural home remedy using jaggery & black pepper: Most digestion problems are caused due to absence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Well, baking soda and apple cider vinegar-if you have gastritis or a small ulcer they will cause you a lot of pain. It is important to know the source of the pain. Aloe vera scrapped from the inside of the plant, not from the bottle, and raw (label has to say raw) honey-are best, taken on an empty stomach.. Like ginger, fresh mint works the best to settle the stomach, and all you need is a cup of warm water and a few sprigs of mint to make a tea. Simply chewing on a mint leaf also works, and because mint is technically a weed, it grows well in most environments. You can also buy the tea or peppermint supplements." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Apart from healing, it also soothes the skin, relieves itching and reduces redness. 1 Extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf. 2 Apply it on the affected area. 3 Leave it on for at least 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. Do this at least three times a day until the rash clears." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Baking soda is the most common home remedy for itchy skin as well as skin rashes. Baking soda has a soothing effect due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, it acts as a natural acid neutralizer that helps relieve itching. 1 Add one cup of baking soda to a bathtub filled with cool water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Combine equal amounts of honey and cinnamon powder to create a paste to combat an itching rash. Mix ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with ½ cup of water to make a solution for skin rashes that itch. When taking a bath, pour one cup of white vinegar into the water and soak for 5 to 10 minutes to gain temporary relief." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In fact, this is one of the best home remedies for bacterial infection in stomach or on skin that people should remember to learn and make use for good! Read more How To Get Rid Of Bumps Naturally With Banish My Bumps – also a common skin issue that causes skin itching and inflammation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "3. Cinnamon. Cinnamon, also called dalchini, helps calm the stomach and treat nausea and vomiting caused by digestive problems. 1 In a cup of boiling water, add one-half or one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. 2 If you do not have the powder, simply use a cinnamon stick." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To get fine ground oatmeal use a coffee grinder to pulverize the oats. Ground oatmeal can also be added to lotions and face masks. Try a honey and oatmeal mask to soothe rashes on the face. Take 1/3 cup of quick oats, ¼ cup of honey and ¼ cup of water and mix well. Spread this mixture on the face and sit for at least five minutes but no more than 10." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1 And it can cost up to $6,000 or more for a prostate biopsy. 2 For example, several cancer centers in Michigan offer prostate exams for $15-$20. 3 Talbert Medical in California, charges about $60. 4 And Robert Gluck, M.D, a urologist in New York, charges $250 for an office visit that includes a digital prostate exam.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the cost for prostrate biopsy test']\"", "Bonus Rash Remedy Section. 1 How to get rid of diaper rash: Try my 6 Natural Treatments for Diaper Rash. 2 How to get rid of stress rash: Hives can be a stress, check out Hives Treatment: 9 Natural Home Remedies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "• If you are wondering how do I get rid of a rash with the help of natural home remedies then here are a few natural remedies. You can use witch hazel, calendula essential oil, St John’s wort and other similar herbal remedies with astringent properties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Herbal Baths are a great way to treat widespread rashes, and heat rashes in those hard to reach places that flare up in summer time. A soothing bath of chamomile and oatmeal is a luxurious way to start the healing process. A simple home remedy that most everyone has on hand is baking soda and vinegar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #3 – Papaya. Papaya fruit or papaya enzyme capsules are both effective at assisting with digestion. Papaya contains the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which are similar to digestive enzymes. Papain is used in many commercial meat tenderizers because it helps break down proteins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Kitchen cupboard remedies. 1 1. Make a paste of baking soda. This common household item will work to draw out the poisons in the skin and sooth the rash once it has already formed. 2 2. Wash with vinegar. Vinegar works many wonders, including helping to heal a poison ivy rash. 3 3. Put on some cold coffee." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Shruti Saxena. Poor eating habits are perpetrators of common stomach disorders like loose motions, which in turn, bring in a host of health troubles like weakness, loss of appetite, stomach pain and dehydration. So, use these five easy home cures that won’t let those watery unformed stools keep you down.uttermilk: Buttermilk is an excellent option as acid in it fights germs and bacteria and helps clear stomach. Bananas: Consuming bananas with a little curd is the most traditional home remedy to stop loose and it works wonders." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Natural cures for skin rash #4: Oatmeal is not only a great healthy breakfast, but can also be used to sooth skin rash. Take two cups of oatmeal and place into a quality blender and blend until its a fine powder. Place into water and enjoy some soothing, relaxing, skin rejuvenating bath. For skin rash do this twice daily for 7 - 10 days. Natural cures for skin rash #5: Juice away skin rash Mix a glass of apple, grape, pineapple and carrot juice to make a skin healing juice. Drink at room temperature 20 - 30 minutes before meals." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Ginger is another well-documented home remedy for stomach disorders and is a good choice to treat upset stomach. Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen; it slows associated biochemical pathways." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This is one of the useful home remedies for indigestion. Mix lemon juice (1 tablespoon), curry leaf juice (1 tablespoon), and a pinch of sugar. This gives instant relief from stomach pain and cures indigestion. Mix soya and garlic oil (one tablespoon each)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Instead you should be drinking water and herbal teas such as nettle, peppermint or ginger tea which will all soothe an upset stomach, naturally. Keep some raw ginger or tea bags in the back of the cupboard as a stand-by natural remedy for stomach flu in case of emergences or surprise viruses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Recommended Directions: 1 Boil water in a pot. 2 Let it cool a little. 3 Soak towel in the pot of water. Wring it out to get rid of excess 1 moisture. When it’s comfortably warm, apply it on top of your stomach. Leave it on for five to 10 1 minutes. Repeat remedy three times a day." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "One of the best home remedies for an upset stomach is baking soda. This is a great historic remedy for many types of stomach ailments and nausea. Just dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water and drink quickly." ], [ "", "1 Rub castor oil all over your stomach. 2 Find a clean cloth for covering your belly region. You can also buy medicated hot bandage to cover your stomach. 3 Wrap a clean towel around your belly to further insulate it. Place a hot water bottle on the towel and keep it on for 45 minutes to 1 hour." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "e) Vinegar: Mix ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with ½ cup of water to make a solution for skin rashes that itch. When taking a bath, pour one cup of white vinegar into the water and soak for 5 to 10 minutes to gain temporary relief." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thirdly, you can also try and add baking powder to the water and pour in this mixed water into a tub and soak your back or any affected area with heat rash for some time. This is a wonderful remedy to reduce the itching. You can also try and opt for oatmeal powder rather than using baking powder." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Moisturizers are a great home remedy for dry skin rashes. You can choose just about any OTC brand to help relieve your dry skin. To make your moisturizer even more soothing for your dry, rashy skin, keep your skin covered after you apply it. For instance, put on a moisturizer and wear socks for dry, scaly feet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "This is a great home remedy to block itching because of its small acidic levels, says Schultz. Dab it onto individual spots or, if your body’s been a buffet for bugs, you can add two to three cups to warm water and soak in a tub. Apple cider vinegar may work even better, says Schultz." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tomato juice: One glass of tomato juice, mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper, taken on empty stomach in the morning is a very effective home cure for jaundice. Radish leaves: Radish leaves contain compounds which induces appetite and regularises the bowel movements." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Beneficial Remedies For Upset Stomach. Baking Soda. Take a half teaspoon of baking soda and half a glass of water. Now mix the soda in the glass of water thoroughly and drink it. It gives immediate relief to stomach pains. Acidity, heartburn and indigestion are also taken care of immediately with the consumption of the mixture." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Or try a baking soda bath. Baking soda is a great home remedy for itchy skin rashes. Use a cup of baking soda in a cool bath and soak for about half an hour for maximum relief. These are other brilliant home remedies for baking soda." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "4. Lotions. There are many non-prescription lotions that relieve the itch from heat rash. Smooth mentholated or calamine lotion on your skin to cool the irritated areas. Alternatively, gently apply the gel from an aloe vera leaf, a plant well-known for its healing and soothing properties.aking soda or fine-ground oatmeal powder works wonders to ease the itch from a heat rash. Add a few tablespoons of either to your tepid bath water and stir it well so that it dissolves completely. Then, enjoy a good soak in the tub." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Soak a clean washcloth in chamomile tea and place it on the affected area as a compress. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this at least two or three times a day for a few days. You can also use chamomile essential oil by diluting a couple of drops in two teaspoons of coconut oil or another carrier oil. Apply it a few times daily until the rash is gone." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ginger is another well-documented home remedy for stomach disorders and is a good choice to treat upset stomach. How Ginger Works. Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen; it slows associated biochemical pathways." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At-home and popular treatments for shingles. 1 Put a moist bandage on the rash as it’s growing. 2 Add a cup of oatmeal or cornstarch to bath water. 3 Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to blisters that look infected using an eye dropper or a cotton ball. Apply pure honey or fresh leek juice to the rash every day to ease the sting. Boil 2 ounces of verbena flower in a cup of water for five minutes. Moisten a cloth with the liquid and place it over the affected area of the skin. Repeat each time until the cloth is dry." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 If you encounter poison ivy near the beach, run to the water and use some wet sand to scrub at the area where the rash appeared. 2 Then soak the rash in cold seawater. 3 Avoid showering your whole body to rinse the rash, as you may worsen your exposure by spreading the rash to other parts of your body.ake an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal has long been used as a skin-soothing agent, and can be added to a bath to create a relaxing soak. Buy an oatmeal bath product or grind a cup of oatmeal in your blender and add it to a bath full of warm water. Soak in the mixture for 20 minutes to remove the itch of the rash." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nE.g.:\n['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\\n------\\nThe provided query could be \"Eastern Standard Time - is abbreviated as EST. Eastern Daylight Time- is abbreviated as EDT. Portland, Maine is GMT/UTC - 5h during Standard Time. Portland, Maine is GMT/UTC - 4h during Daylight Saving Time.\" and the positive \"what time zone is portland maine?\"', 'Sponsored Topics. Hackettstown is a town in Warren County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the town population was 9,724. The town is located in the eastern most region of the Lehigh Valley.'] == ['Represent the following document', 'what county is hackettstown nj']", "1 Plus, it helps avoid infection. 2 Do not apply it on open wounds, though. 3 Besides, you can use any hydrocortisone cream or a topical steroid. 4 Besides, you can cleanse the area and then apply a diaper rash cream. 5 Taking an oatmeal bath is another popular remedy for soothing the skin and getting rid of rashes.ake sure you wash your skin with a mild soap and water before applying any of these remedies. Moreover, some rashes like heat rashes and swimmer’s itch tend to heal on their own. 1 Ice Therapy. 2 Olive Oil. 3 Aloe Vera Gel. 4 Witch Hazel. 5 Baking Soda. 6 Neem Leaves. 7 Banana Peels." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what do you have to study to become a vet" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Animal scienc, biology, microbiology are all pretty common majors. So you go to undergrad for 4 years. Then you go to vet school for 4 years. Unless you want to go on and be a specialist then after your 4 years in vet school you can go and practice. Check out avma.org and avmc.org for more info." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What kind of surgery does a vet have to do? hello i just wanted to know what types of surgery a vet do because i want to study that but i need to know if they have to open their bodies an do something with their heart or any part of their body. i would like exacly what things i have to do as vet. thanx!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "85 months ago. You don't neccecarily have to go to collage to be a vet assistant. For a vet tech, yes. However, I go to transition school for vet assistant, and if you pass the course, they give you a full vocational certificate.Plus they offer job search help, so that can come in handy. was thinking about being a vet assistant once out of school and would like to know the qualifications needed to become one. also do you have to go the collage or university or can you just go and become one when you leave school,the do the people there show you what do and what the rules are." ], [ "Represent", "88 months ago. I was thinking about being a vet assistant once out of school and would like to know the qualifications needed to become one. also do you have to go the collage or university or can you just go and become one when you leave school,the do the people there show you what do and what the rules are. was thinking about being a vet assistant once out of school and would like to know the qualifications needed to become one. Also, is it required to go to university to become one or can a person just go through tafe to become a vet assistant." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Professional Certification and Continuing Education Information. In order to demonstrate competence in the field, graduates with an associate's degree in animal health must pass the National Veterinary Technician (NVT) exam. This is available from either the State Board of Veterinary Examiners or an equivalent state licensing agency." ], [ "", "You don't neccecarily have to go to collage to be a vet assistant. For a vet tech, yes. However, I go to transition school for vet assistant, and if you pass the course, they give you a full vocational certificate. Plus they offer job search help, so that can come in handy.8 months ago. I was thinking about being a vet assistant once out of school and would like to know the qualifications needed to become one. also do you have to go the collage or university or can you just go and become one when you leave school,the do the people there show you what do and what the rules are." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What do I have to do to become an astrophysicist? First off, you have to study advanced physics and mathematics. Now, you can either sit in competitive exams and get a good rank, or pursue higher education in reputed institutes until you get a Ph.D." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Become a Veterinarian. Three Parts: Preparing to Get Into Veterinary College Becoming a Veterinarian Being a Veterinarian Community Q&A. Do you want to become a veterinarian?" ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "the medulla oblongata define" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Define medulla oblongata: the part of the vertebrate brain that is continuous posteriorly with the spinal cord and that contains the centers… the part of the vertebrate brain that is continuous posteriorly with the spinal cord and that contains the centers controlling involuntary vital …" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medulla Oblongata-this structure is the caudal-most part of the brain stem, between the pons and spinal cord. It is responsible for maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing and heartrate. | Forum | Brain and Behavior | Serendip Home |." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The medulla oblongata, often just referred to as the medulla, controls autonomic body functions. It is the lower part of the brain stem. The brainstem, which is composed of … the Medulla, Pons and the Midbrain. It runs all the involuntary muscles and control the breathing, digestion and blood circulation." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The medulla oblongata is located at the lower half of the brainstem. It controls your bodyâbodyガa&â;¢a â dbquo. S automatic functioning breathing is an. Example of this it also controls digestion and heart and. blood vessel functionshen you are swallowing and sneezing, the medulla oblongata is controlling these functions too. If you are wondering what happens if the medulla oblongata is damaged, medical care will be required. The medulla oblongata is the relay between the brain and the spinal cord. Reference: biology.about.com Reference-ask.com." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2. medulla-lower or hindmost part of the brain; continuous with spinal cord; (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata); the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning.medulla oblongata, bulb.. medulla-lower or hindmost part of the brain; continuous with spinal cord; (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata); the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning. medulla oblongata, bulb." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The salsalation is located in the hindbrain, anterior to the cerebellum. The medulla oblongata is a cone-shaped neuronal mass responsible for multiple autonomic (involuntary) functions ranging from vomiting to sneezing. The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centers and therefore deals with the autonomic functions of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In this lesson, we'll learn about the medulla oblongata, which plays a major role in controlling many of the automated functions of your body. We'll also explore how its placement leads to it playing many important accessory roles within the sending and receiving pathway of the nervous system." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "You won't believe these 10 facts about people. The medulla oblongata is a structure found in the brains of vertebrate animals, including humans. This structure controls a number of autonomic functions, including respiration and blood pressure, making it a very critical part of the brain.ou won't believe these 10 facts about people. The medulla oblongata is a structure found in the brains of vertebrate animals, including humans. This structure controls a number of autonomic functions, including respiration and blood pressure, making it a very critical part of the brain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The medulla oblongata is responsible for regulating your rate of breathing, your heart rate, blood pressure, circulation and digestive system activity.It controls when these activities start, when they stop and how fast they go. This area is also where your sleep cycles are regulated.he medulla oblongata is responsible for regulating your rate of breathing, your heart rate, blood pressure, circulation and digestive system activity." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Biology Glossary search by EverythingBio.com. Also known as the medulla oblongata, this region of the brain is concerned with vital functions like breathing, blood circulation, vomiting, and swallowing.A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.lso known as the medulla oblongata, this region of the brain is concerned with vital functions like breathing, blood circulation, vomiting, and swallowing. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The medulla oblongata is directly involved in the control of heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure. MEDULLA OBLONGATA: The medulla oblongata, which is found in the brain, is implicated in a number of processes, from the control of an individuals heart beat to their breathing..No related posts.EDULLA OBLONGATA: The medulla oblongata, which is found in the brain, is implicated in a number of processes, from the control of an individuals heart beat to their breathing.. No related posts." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Holonyms (medulla oblongata is a part of...): brain stem; brain-stem; brainstem (the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus).. lower or hindmost part of the brain; continuous with spinal cord; ('bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata). Familiarity information: MEDULLA OBLONGATA used as a noun is very rare." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "! pons Myelencephalon; Medulla oblongata (medulla) Function: Controls autonomic functions • Relays nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord Location: The medulla oblongata is the lower portion of the brainstem.It is inferior to the pons and anterior to the cerebellum. pons Myelencephalon; Medulla oblongata (medulla) Function: Controls autonomic functions • Relays nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord Location: The medulla oblongata is the lower portion of the brainstem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it is the control center for breathing, blood pressure and heart beat among other involuntary body functions not under conscious control.Because these functions are necessary for human life, damage to the medulla oblongata can be fatal. The medulla oblongata is most vital part of the brain bcoz it controls the respiratory system. the medulla oblongata regulates involuntary functions, or those that … are not under our control such as breathing and heart rate. 23 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medulla Oblongata-this structure is the caudal-most part of the brain stem, between the pons and spinal cord. It is responsible for maintaining vital body functions, such as breathing and heartrate. | Forum | Brain and Behavior | Serendip Home |. © by Serendip 1994- - Last Modified: Friday, 07-Mar-2003 15:46:39 EST." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medulla oblongata (animation). Medulla and parts (10-16) - (10) pyramid; (11) the anterior median fissure; (15) is the choroid plexus in the fourth ventricle; (13) olive and (7) the pons. Medulla-animated as it protrudes from the foramen magnum of the skull-base, after which it gives rise to the spinal cord." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "After finishing this lesson, you should be ready to: 1 Describe the functions of the pons and the medulla oblongata. 2 Explain how the medulla oblongata regulates breathing. 3 Define chemoreceptors and pH sensing." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The medulla oblongata is most vital part of the brain bcoz it controls the respiratory system. the medulla oblongata regulates involuntary functions, or those that … are not under our control such as breathing and heart rate.23 people found this useful. The medulla oblongata is most vital part of the brain bcoz it controls the respiratory system. the medulla oblongata regulates involuntary functions, or those that … are not under our control such as breathing and heart rate. 23 people found this useful." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medulla oblongata purple, part of the brain stem colored. Section of the medulla oblongata at about the middle of the olivary body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The medulla oblongata is key to understanding how general anesthesia works. Damage to the medulla oblongata can result in the need for a ventilator or other supportive equipment to keep the body working.The medulla oblongata is part of the brainstem, which helps connect the brain to the spinal cord.When life support is withdrawn from a person with catastrophic medulla oblongata damage, the body will cease to function.he medulla oblongata is key to understanding how general anesthesia works. Damage to the medulla oblongata can result in the need for a ventilator or other supportive equipment to keep the body working." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: The Medulla oblongata is the part of your brain that controls basic survival functions. It contains centers for the control of vital processes such as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and swallowing. 3 years ago, I was diagnosed - hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel dizzy a lot, my legs had awful cramps, and levels were very low in my potassium, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Remember: the medulla oblongata is a major structure located in the lower half of the brainstem. It is responsible for the regulation of your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure as well as reflexes such as vomiting, sneezing, and coughing.emember: the medulla oblongata is a major structure located in the lower half of the brainstem. It is responsible for the regulation of your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure as well as reflexes such as vomiting, sneezing, and coughing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The medulla oblongata is directly involved in the control of heartbeat, breathing and blood pressure. MEDULLA OBLONGATA: The medulla oblongata, which is found in the brain, is implicated in a number of processes, from the control of an individuals heart beat to their breathing.. No related posts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Biology Glossary search by EverythingBio.com. Also known as the medulla oblongata, this region of the brain is concerned with vital functions like breathing, blood circulation, vomiting, and swallowing. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The medulla oblongata connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls involuntary actions. In comatose patients, it's the only part of the brain that functions. 17 people found this useful." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'By elevated alkaline phosphatase, we mean that the amount of ALP is higher than the recommended levels. Similar to humans, elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs can be related to certain health problems. The exact reasons for elevated alkaline phosphatase in pet dogs are not known as yet.In majority of cases, this abnormality is related to liver problems and bone diseases. It is estimated that a pet dog showing very high amounts of ALP has more than 50 percent chances of developing liver and bone diseases.y elevated alkaline phosphatase, we mean that the amount of ALP is higher than the recommended levels. Similar to humans, elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs can be related to certain health problems. The exact reasons for elevated alkaline phosphatase in pet dogs are not known as yet.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what causes elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs']", "cuneate fasciculus of medulla oblongata the continuation into the medulla oblongata of the cuneate fasciculus of spinal cord. cuneate fasciculus of spinal cord the lateral portion of the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord, composed of ascending fibers that end in the nucleus cuneatus.gracile fasciculus of medulla oblongata the continuation into the medulla oblongata of the gracile fasciculus of spinal cord.asciculus gracilis of medulla oblongata. the continuation into the medulla oblongata of the fasciculus gracilis of the spinal cord. fasciculus gracilis of spinal cord." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The neurons that initiate vomiting can be found in the medulla. The medulla oblongata helps regulate blood pressure. The neurons that initiate vomiting can be found in the medulla. The medulla oblongata is partially responsible for controlling the heart rate.he neurons that initiate vomiting can be found in the medulla. The medulla oblongata helps regulate blood pressure. The neurons that initiate vomiting can be found in the medulla. The medulla oblongata is partially responsible for controlling the heart rate." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "definition of pmic" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The term PMIC refers to a class of integrated circuits that perform various functions related to power requirements. Power management ICs are solid state devices that control the flow and direction of electrical power." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text:", "Preventive Maintenance (PM) Preventive maintenance (PM) is a fundamental, planned maintenance activity designed to improve equipment life and avoid any unplanned maintenance activity. This maintenance includes:" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g.:\n['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The significance of the title Huts on the Beach in Lord of the Flies is that during this chapter, huts were constructed. Not only were the huts considered as shelter, but al â\\x80¦ so as symbol of civilization and a sense of home. 17 people found this useful.he title Lord of the Flies is just a metaphoric way of explaining the plot in a short text. Some believe that it refers to a line from King Lear. As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'the significance title of the lord of the flies']", "Tipper Gore, cofounder of the Parents Music Resource Center. The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of children to music deemed to have violent, drug-related or sexual themes via labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PMI defines it as “A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside scope of the discrete projects in the program.” – PMBOK pg 368" ], [ "Represent text", "DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) is an approach to problem-solving defined by Motorola as part of the Six Sigma management philosophy. DMAIC, which is pronounced de-may-ick, is a tool for improving an existing process. The steps can be summarized as follows." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory condition of unknown cause which is characterised by severe bilateral pain and morning stiffness of the shoulder, neck and pelvic girdle. There is ongoing debate as to whether or not PMR represents a form of giant cell arteritis (GCA), or whether they are distinct conditions, as they often co-exist, they share many common features and both respond to corticosteroids." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As experts in health insurance, Mass Marketing Insurance Consultants (MMIC) is capable of offering the broadest range of insuring companies, policies and plans. MMIC has absolutely no ties or obligations to any one insurance company. Therefore, we are free to represent you without any restrictions. We will analyze your needs and provide impartial objective advice with a view to improving coverage and reducing cost." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that rheumatologists feel confident in recognising in their daily practice. In the classic form, its diagnosis is straightforward and standard corticosteroidal treatment usually yields excellent results, at least in the first months." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Due to the advantages of additional information and/or ease of use, the following books cannot be used during the exam: 1 Any Procedural Coding Expert. 2 Any Procedural Professional. 3 CPT® Plus! - PMIC. 4 CPT® Insider's View - AMA. 5 ICD-10-CM Easy Coder. 6 Study Guides." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Closing Line. The PMI is a uniquely constructed, timely indicator with a lot of value on Wall Street. It is most useful when taken in context with more data-driven indicators, such as the Producer Price Index and GDP, or in conjunction with the ISM Report Non-Manufacturing Report on Business." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DEFINITION of 'Private Mortgage Insurance-PMI'. A risk-management product that protects lenders against loss if a borrower defaults. Most lenders require private mortgage insurance (PMI) for loans with loan-to-value (LTV) percentages in excess of 80% (the buyer put down less than 20% of the home's value upon purchase)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Premarket Approval (PMA) Premarket approval (PMA) is the FDA process of scientific and regulatory review to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Class III medical devices." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DEFINITION of 'Purchasing Managers' Index-PMI'. An indicator of the economic health of the manufacturing sector. The PMI index is based on five major indicators: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier deliveries and the employment environment. Next Up." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', \"*When retired service members and their families become eligible for TRICARE For Life, typically at 65, they are no longer able to enroll in TRICARE Prime. How it Works You have an assigned primary care manager (PCM) who provides most of your care. 1 Military or network provider. 2 Refers you to specialists for care he or she can't provide. 3 Works with your regional contractor for referrals/authorization. 4 Accepts your copayment and files claims for you.\"], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is eligible for tricare prime?']", "The PMI is a uniquely constructed, timely indicator with a lot of value on Wall Street. It is most useful when taken in context with more data-driven indicators, such as the Producer Price Index and GDP, or in conjunction with the ISM Report Non-Manufacturing Report on Business." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "spic. A highly offensive term referring in a derogatory manner to a Hispanic person, i.e. born or descendant of natives of Spain and/or any Spanish-speaking country or territory in Central America, South America or the Caribbean." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), also known as acrylic or acrylic glass as well as by the trade names Plexiglas, Acrylite, Lucite, and Perspex among several others (see below), is a transparent thermoplastic often used in sheet form as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass. PMMA acrylic glass is commonly used for constructing residential and commercial aquariums. 2 Designers started building big aquariums when poly(methyl methacrylate) could be used. 3 It is less-used in other building types due to incidents such as the Summerland disaster." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is inflammation in your colon that happens when there's too much of certain bacteria in your system. The most common bacterium that causes PMC isClostridium difficile, or C. diff. PMC is also called antibiotic-associated colitis or C. difficilecolitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Linear Voltage Regulators - In the realm of Linear voltage regulation, NXP has developed a family of PMIC products that combine several popular functions that are typically used in automotive MCU-based systems. These device types are referred to as System Basis Chips (SBC). They utilize Our SMARTMOS technology." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "spic. n. Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a Hispanic person. [Alteration of obsolete." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PMI stands for Priority Mail International (USPS) Suggest new definition This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Private mortgage insurance, also abbreviated as “PMI”, is a type of mortgage insurance used with conventional loans. Similar to other kinds of mortgage insurance, PMI protects the lender if you stop making payments on your home loan." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "PMI is a critical decision-making tool for managers in a variety of roles. An automobile manufacturer, for example, makes production decisions based on the new orders it expects from customers in future months. Those new orders drive management's purchase decisions about dozens of component parts and raw materials, such as steel and plastic." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Overview. Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is a descriptive term for colitides defined by the presence of pseudomembranes on the colonic or small intestinal mucosa. Although small intestine can be involved in PMC, most cases encountered in the modern era involve only the colon.seudomembranous colitis (PMC) is a descriptive term for colitides defined by the presence of pseudomembranes on the colonic or small intestinal mucosa. Although small intestine can be involved in PMC, most cases encountered in the modern era involve only the colon." ], [ "Represent this", "Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), also known as acrylic or acrylic glass as well as by the trade names Plexiglas, Acrylite, Lucite, and Perspex among several others (see below), is a transparent thermoplastic often used in sheet form as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is a type of insurance policy that protects lenders from the risk that the buyer will default and push the mortgage into foreclosure. It also allows buyers who cannot – or choose not to – make a significant down payment to obtain mortgage financing at affordable rates." ], [ "", "The politico-media complex (PMC, also referred to as the political-media complex) is a name that has been given to the close, systematized, symbiotic-like network[1] of relationships between a state's political and ruling classes, its media industry, and any interactions with or dependencies upon interest groups with other domains and agencies, such ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "0 Answers/Comments. Which of the following costs remain constant as the output increases a.Marginal costb.Average variable costc.Average fixed costd.Total variable cos. Weegy: Average fixed costs remain constant as output increases.academic.udayton.edu/PMIC/.../Chap%2010%20MC.pdf (More).Question.Expert Answered.hich of the following costs remain constant as the output increases a.Marginal costb.Average variable costc.Average fixed costd.Total variable cos. Weegy: Average fixed costs remain constant as output increases.academic.udayton.edu/PMIC/.../Chap%2010%20MC.pdf (More). Question. Expert Answered." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Atmospheric particulate matter, also known as particulate matter (PM) or particulates, are microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in Earth's atmosphere. The term aerosol commonly refers to the particulate/air mixture, as opposed to the particulate matter alone. Sources of particulate matter can be natural or anthropogenic. They have impacts on climate and precipitation that adversely affect human health." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The picometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: pm) or picometer (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 6988100000000000000♠1×10−12 m, or one trillionth (17012100000000000000♠1000000000000) of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by widespread lesions due to infection of oligodendrocytes by JC virus, which is a human polyomavirus (formerly known as papovavirus)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition - What does Preventive Maintenance (PM) mean? Preventive maintenance (PM) is a fundamental, planned maintenance activity designed to improve equipment life and avoid any unplanned maintenance activity. Preventive maintenance is the foundation of the entire maintenance strategy. Unless the PM program is effective, all subsequent maintenance strategies take longer to implement, incur higher costs, and have a higher probability of failure." ], [ "Represent the input!", "Atypic is a boutique design agency specializing in creating interactive, branded experiences that not only communicate, but captivate. We are comprised of a team of strategists, developers, and multi-disciplinary designers that create experiences that are usable, desirable, and purposeful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory condition of unknown etiology that is characterized by pain and morning stiffness in the neck, shoulder, and pelvic girdles. It affects people over 50 years of age." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Pronounced (Duh-May-Ick). DMAIC refers to a data-driven quality strategy for improving processes, and is an integral part of the company’s Six Sigma Quality Initiative. DMAIC is an acronym for five interconnected phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. Each step in the cyclical DMAIC Process is required to ensure the best possible results." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a US nonprofit professional organization for project management." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Project management information system. A project management information system (PMIS) is the coherent organization of the information required for an organization to execute projects successfully. A PMIS is typically one or more software applications and a methodical process for collecting and using project information." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The Constitution provides the President 10 days (excluding Sundays) to act on legislation or the legislation automatically becomes law. There are two types of vetoes: the â\\x80\\x9cregular vetoâ\\x80\\x9d and the â\\x80\\x9cpocket veto.â\\x80\\x9d. The regular veto is a qualified negative veto. The President returns the unsigned legislation to the originating house of Congress within a 10 day period usually with a memorandum of disapproval or a â\\x80\\x9cveto message.â\\x80\\x9d Congress can override the Presidentâ\\x80\\x99s decision if it musters the necessary twoâ\\x80\\x93thirds vote of each house.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'in what sense is the veto a qualified negative power?']\"", "Polymyositis (PM) What is polymyositis (PM)? Polymyositis is one of the inflammatory myopathies, a group of muscle diseases that involves inflammation of the muscles or associated tissues, such as the blood vessels that supply the muscles. A myopathy is a muscle disease, and inflammation is response to cell damage." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Best Answer: The volume of ice is larger than the volume of the water it melts into. An ice cube might typically be about 2 x 2 x 3 cm = 12 ml ice which would become about 11 ml water . 3/4 cup is about 150 ml so about 14 ice cubes should be enough to get you the water you want. The volume of an ice does not change when it melts.'], a positive would be ['', 'how many mls in ice']", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A project management office, abbreviated to PMO, is a group or department within a business, agency or enterprise that defines and maintains standards for project management within the organization.The PMO strives to standardize and introduce economies of repetition in the execution of projects.The PMO is the source of documentation, guidance and metrics on the practice of project management and execution.here are many reasons for such failures. As per a PwC survey of 1,524 organizations, inadequate project estimating and planning constitutes 30% of project failures, lack of executive sponsorship constitutes 16% and poorly defined goals and objectives constitutes 12%." ], [ "Represent the following document", "A PMO is the backbone of a successful project management approach at an organization. It is a function that provides decision support information, although it doesn’t make any decisions itself." ], [ "represent", "Particulate matter (PM) is one of the air pollutants regulated by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Reducing emissions of inhalable particles improves public health as well as visibility." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What it is. Acrylic is a plastic manufactured using one or more derivatives of acrylic acid. Polymethyl Methacrylate acrylic, or PMMA, is one of the more widely used forms of acrylic due to its exceptional weatherability, strength, clarity and versatility. There are a variety of acrylic polymer grades available for extrusion and injection molding manufacturing processes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), also known as acrylic or acrylic glass as well as by the trade names Plexiglas, Acrylite, Lucite, and Perspex among several others (see below), is a transparent thermoplastic often used in sheet form as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass.lastic is a material consisting of any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organics that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects of diverse shapes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a disorder that causes stiffness and aching that begins in the neck, shoulder and hip areas. It is not known whether it is a disease of the joints muscles or arteries. However it is thought that inflammation in these areas leads to pain and stiffness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "MMIC MSA-0686. A Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit, or MMIC (sometimes pronounced mimic), is a type of integrated circuit (IC) device that operates at microwave frequencies (300 MHz to 300 GHz). These devices typically perform functions such as microwave mixing, power amplification, low-noise amplification, and high-frequency switching." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The politico-media complex (PMC, also referred to as the political-media complex) is a name that has been given to the close, systematized, symbiotic-like network of relationships between a state's political and ruling classes, its media industry, and any interactions with or dependencies upon interest groups with other domains and agencies, such as law (and its enforcement through the police), corporations and the multinationals." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), also known as acrylic or acrylic glass as well as by the trade names Plexiglas, Acrylite, Lucite, and Perspex among several others (see below), is a transparent thermoplastic often used in sheet form as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass.his article is about the transparent plastic sometimes called acrylic glass. For the glass/plastic laminate often called safety glass, see Laminated glass. For the neurotoxic designer drug PMMA, commonly sold as MDMA, see para-Methoxy-N-methylamphetamine. For other uses, see Acrylic (disambiguation) ." ], [ "Represent", "A phasor measurement unit (PMU) is a device which measures the electrical waves on an electricity grid using a common time source for synchronization. Time synchronization allows synchronized real-time measurements of multiple remote measurement points on the grid. The resulting measurement is known as a synchrophasor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Uniting incredible strength with aesthetic beauty. Acrylic is a plastic manufactured using one or more derivatives of acrylic acid. Polymethyl Methacrylate acrylic, or PMMA, is one of the more widely used forms of acrylic due to its exceptional weatherability, strength, clarity and versatility." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "PMIC [Internet]; Jul 28, 2016 [cited 2016 Jul 28]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/PMIC/Military. 'PMIC', All Acronyms, 28 July 2016, <http://www.allacronyms.com/PMIC/Military> [accessed 28 July 2016] All Acronyms, PMIC (Jul. 28, 2016, 2:07 PM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/PMIC/Military." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMT). Premenstrual tension (PMT) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are terms used interchangeably to refer to the physical and psychological changes which often occur in the days before a women's period begins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Polymyalgia Rheumatica . Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an autoimmune disease that causes an inflammatory reaction affecting the lining of joints, especially the shoulders and hips, and sometimes the arteries and some major branches of the aorta." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "PMixture - a sample of matter that contains. two or more substances. PHomogeneous mixture a mixture in which. the parts appear to be the same throughout. Ex. Salt & water, vegetable oil, clean air. PHeterogeneous mixture - a mixture that is. made up of two or more parts. Usually, the. parts are visible to the eye." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "On-Line Reports. The HMDA reports provide information regarding home mortgage lending activity, and the PMIC reports provide mortgage insurance activity data from private mortgage insurance companies. The reports can be used along with the FFIEC census data for data analysis purposes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pms (Definition) Collection of emotional symptoms, with or without physical symptoms, related to the menstrual cycles. Common symptoms are irritability, tension & dysphoria, also insomnia, headaches, fatigue, mood swings, & changes in libido." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Start Here ». Mastic is a resin extracted from the trunk of the mastic tree. The mastic drips out of the mastic tree trunk as if the tree were crying – so the resin is called mastic tears. Although mastic starts as a liquid, it hardens to the yellowish crystals shown above." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is a special type of insurance policy, provided by private insurers, to protect a lender against loss if a borrower defaults." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Atmospheric particulate matter – also known as particulate matter (PM) or particulates – is microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in the Earth's atmosphere.The term aerosol commonly refers to the particulate/air mixture, as opposed to the particulate matter alone.articulates are the deadliest form of air pollution due to their ability to penetrate deep into the lungs and blood streams unfiltered, causing permanent DNA mutations, heart attacks, and premature death." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Psychemedics- (PMD)-provides testing services for the detection of abused substances through the analysis of hair samples primarily in the United States. The company was founded in 1985 and is based in Acton, Massachusetts." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PMV is a blank check company formed for the purpose of entering into a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, recapitalization, reorganization or other similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "PMI defines it as. “A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually. Programs may include elements of related work outside scope of the discrete projects in the program.” – PMBOK pg 368. I think it is a collections of initiatives and projects that are designed to accomplish a strategic business objective." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "US National Library of Medicine. National Institutes of Health. PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). In keeping with NLM’s legislative mandate to collect and preserve the biomedical literature, PMC serves as a digital counterpart to NLM’s extensive print journal collection." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Polymyalgia Rheumatica Definition. Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is a health syndrome that causes pain or inflammation in the large muscle groups of different body parts. Upper arms, shoulders, thighs, hips and neck are the common body regions that are affected due to this condition." ], [ "Represent text", "PMC. PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Particulate matter (PM) is a mix of small particles and liquid droplets. These particles can be made up of acids, organic chemicals, metal, dust, or soil. Particulates are different in several ways including size. Federal definitions for PM based on particle size can be found in 40 CFR §58.1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Peer-mediated instruction (PMI) is an approach in special education where peers of the target students are trained to provide necessary tutoring in educational, behavioral, and/or social concerns.(Chan et al., 2009)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Atmospheric particulate matter – also known as particulate matter (PM) or particulates – are microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in the Earth's atmosphere. The term aerosol commonly refers to the particulate/air mixture, as opposed to the particulate matter alone. Sources of particulate matter can be man-made or natural. They have impacts on climate and precipitation that adversely affect human health." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "who wrote the song do me baby" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Do Me, Baby is track #9 on the album The Hits 2. It was written by Nelson, Prince Rogers. Do Me, Baby is track #9 on the album The Hits 2. It was written by Nelson, Prince Rogers.o Me, Baby is track #9 on the album The Hits 2. It was written by Nelson, Prince Rogers. Do Me, Baby is track #9 on the album The Hits 2. It was written by Nelson, Prince Rogers." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Mona (i Need You Baby) was written by Isham, Mark. Mona (i Need You Baby) was written by Isham, Mark." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Who wrote the song Lead Me To The Cross? Brooke Fraser of Hillsong wrote Lead Me To The Cross Chris & Conrad's version of the song got on the radio, and Francesca Battistelli's version is also popular. Who wrote the gospel song 'At the Cross'? The gospel song 'At the Cross' was written by the Hillsong Church band." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Be My Baby. Recorded in late 1973 for the Rock 'N' Roll sessions with Phil Spector, this cover of Be My Baby remained a rarity until it was released on the John Lennon Anthology box set in 1998. The song was written by Spector, Ellie Greenwich and Jeff Barry, and was first released as a single by The Ronettes in 1963." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Five People Wrote Baby By Justin Bieber…. – August 15, 2013Posted in: Memes, Pics. Five people wrote ‘baby’ by Justin Bieber – One Person Freddie Mercury wrote ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ let that sink in." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "My Melancholy Baby became a popular song when published in 1912. The music was written by Ernie Burnett and the lyrics by George A. Norton. The song was first publically sung by William Frawley {actor that played Fred Mertz on I Love Lucy }." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "after this ep he released his fourth single do i in may 2009 bryan wrote the song with charles kelley and dave haywood of lady antebellum whose lead singer hillary scott also sings backing vocals on it the song reached number 2 on the hot country songs chart" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "That's the Way Love Is. (1969) Too Busy Thinking About My Baby is a Motown song written by Norman Whitfield, Barrett Strong, and Janie Bradford. The song was first recorded by The Temptations as a track on their 1966 album Gettin' Ready. Eddie Kendricks sings lead on the recording, which was produced by Whitfield. Jimmy Ruffin also recorded a version with The Temptations providing background vocals in 1966. It remained unreleased until 1997. Three years later, Motown artist Marvin Gaye recorded a cover version of Too Busy" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I wonder, wonder who, who-oo-ooh, who. (Who wrote the Book Of Love). Tell me, tell me, tell me. Oh, who wrote the Book Of Love. I've got to know the answer. Was it someone from above. (Oh, I wonder, wonder who, mmbadoo-ooh, who). (Who wrote the Book Of Love). I love you darlin'. Baby, you know I do." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Love Me on YouTube. Love Me is a song by Canadian recording artist, Justin Bieber. The track was written by Bruno Mars, Ari Levine, and Philip Lawrence, and produced by DJ Frank E. It was released exclusively to iTunes as the first promotional single from his debut studio release, My World on October 26, 2009." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Say Yes was written by Williams, Carmen Reece, Al Sherrod Lambert and Harmony Samuels who also served as its producer. The song marked the third collaboration of the trio consisting of Williams, Beyonce beyoncé And Kelly, rowland after their Group'destiny S child disbanded in. 2006" ], [ "", "I wonder wonder who, oouu who. Who wrote the book of love. Tell me, tell me, tell me. Oh who wrote the book of love. I've got to know the answer. Was it someone from above. I wonder wonder who, be-do-do who. Who wrote the book of love. I, I love you darlin'. Baby you know I do. But I've got to see this book of love. Find out why it's true. I wonder wonder who, be-doooo who. Who wrote the book of love. I, wonder who, (Yeah) who wrote the book of love. Lyrics taken from http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/m/monotones/who_wrote_the_book_of_love.html. To explain lyrics, select line or word and click Explain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Who wrote the song put me in coach? kgb answers » Arts & Entertainment » Music Artists & Songs » Who wrote the song put me in coach? John Fogerty wrote the song Centerfield, which most people refer to as Put me in coach. Want lyrics?" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Pit (noun). the shaft of a coal mine; a coal pit. Pit (noun). a large hole in the ground from which material is dug or quarried; as, a stone pit; a gravel pit; or in which material is made by burning; as, a lime pit; a charcoal pit.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what is pit equipment meaning']", "Don't Worry Baby. Don’t Worry Baby is a song written by Brian Wilson and Roger Christian, produced by Wilson and first recorded by The Beach Boys. The band's version, a tender ballad with falsetto lead vocal by Brian, was first released on their 1964 album Shut Down Volume 2." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Get the Sheet MusicPlay @ Amazon Music. Cry Like a Baby by The Box Tops Songfacts. This was written by Dewey Spooner Oldham and Dan Penn, whose other credits together include the hits I'm Your Puppet (a hit for James and Bobby Purify), It Tears Me Up (a hit for Percy Sledge) and A Woman Left Lonely.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "My Baby is track #15 on the album The Singles. It was written by Hynde, Chrissie. My Baby is track #15 on the album The Singles. It was written by Hynde, Chrissie." ], [ "Represent this", "1920s sheet music cover featuring Gene Austin. My Melancholy Baby is a popular song published in 1912 and first sung publicly by William Frawley. The music was written by Ernie Burnett (1884-1959), the lyrics by George A. Norton (1880–1923). Notable performances." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Baby, What a Big Surprise is a song written by Peter Cetera for the group Chicago and recorded for their album Chicago XI (1977), with Cetera singing lead vocals." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Baby, I'm Back (song) Baby, I'm Back is a song by American hip hop recording artist Baby Bash, featuring vocals from American singer Akon. Was released on February 21, 2005 as the first single of second studio album (and sixth album overall) Super Saucy (2005). The song used to promote the 2005 film The Honeymooners." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mona (I Need You Baby) is a song written by Elias McDaniel (real name of Bo Diddley) and was the B-side to his 1957 single, Hey!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first single, There Goes My Baby, is a hauntingly beautiful song written by multiple Grammy winner Babyface and Calvin Richardson, and produced by Gregg Pagani." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\n------\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Curb extension is an umbrella term that encompasses several different treatments and applications. 1 Midblock curb extensions, known as pinchpoints or chokers, which may include cut-throughs for bicyclists. 2 Curb extensions used as gateways to minor streets known as neckdowns. Offset curb extensions that force vehicles to move laterally, known as chicanes. Curb extensions at bus (or transit) stops, also known as bus bulbs. Conventional curb extensions, which are a recommended feature where there is on-street parking.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a curb extension']", "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You on YouTube. (Everything I Do) I Do It for You is a song by Canadian singer and songwriter Bryan Adams. Written by Adams, Michael Kamen and Robert John Mutt Lange, featured on two albums simultaneously on its release, the soundtrack album from the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and on Adams' sixth studio solo album Waking Up the Neighbours (1991)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Twist and Shout. Please Please Me, the LP on which Twist and Shout became famous. Twist and Shout is a song sung by The Beatles, originally written by Phil Medley and Bert Russell. It was originally titled “Shake It Up, Baby” and recorded by the Top Notes and then covered by the Isley Brothers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "TLC sings Baby, Baby, Baby.. Oh baby, baby, baby I got so much love in me Ooh (baby, baby,) baby, baby, baby...Thank you! Login or Sign Up to answer this question. Who sings baby baby The song Baby Baby is sung by Amy Grant. The song was inspired by Amy's..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Baby Love by The Supremes. The Motown songwriting team of Holland-Dozier-Holland wrote this innocent song about teenage love. They wrote 14 US Top-10 hits for The Supremes. Explaining how the trio wrote to NME in 1984, Lamont Dozier said: I would collaborate with Eddie on lyrics and with Brian on melodies." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'yearly - occurring or payable every year; an annual trip to Paris; yearly medical examinations; annual (or yearly) income. annual. periodic, periodical - happening or recurring at regular intervals; the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust. annually, each year, every year.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is annual yearly']", "Okay, I've listened and I only see one guitar riff that sounds exact to a riff in Do Me, Baby -- the rest of the song sounds P-Funk influenced, as does much of Prince's music, along with influences by many other artists as well: James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Joni, etc. etc." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rock Your Baby. Rock Your Baby is the debut single by George McCrae. Written and produced by Harry Wayne Casey and Richard Finch of KC and the Sunshine Band, Rock Your Baby was one of the landmark recordings of early disco music." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(1984) Let It Roll (Let It Rock). Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On is a song written by Bob McDill and recorded by American country music artist Mel McDaniel. It was released in October 1984 as the lead-off single from his album Let It Roll." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Do-Re-Mi (Maria And The Children) was written by R. Rodgers, O. Hammerstein. Do-Re-Mi (Maria And The Children) was written by R. Rodgers, O. Hammerstein. (No other information is available for this lyric-would you like to add something today?)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Be My Baby by The Ronettes. This was the first Ronettes song produced by Phil Spector and released on his label, Philles Records. It exemplified Spector's Wall Of Sound production technique, where he layered lots of instruments and used echo effects." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Five People Wrote Baby By Justin Bieber…. Five people wrote ‘baby’ by Justin Bieber – One Person Freddie Mercury wrote ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ let that sink in. you might also like Music These Days." ], [ "", "Be My Baby by The Ronettes Songfacts. 1 This was the first Ronettes song produced by Phil Spector and released on his label, Philles Records. 2 Veronica Bennett was the only Ronette to sing on this. 3 This was written by the songwriters Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, who were married at the time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Be My Baby by The Ronettes Songfacts. 1 The night we met I knew I needed you so. And if I had the chance I'd never let you go. 2 More songs from The Ronettes. 3 More songs written by Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich. More songs with famous guest 1 vocalists. More songs produced by Phil Spector. More songs used in 1 commercials. More songs used in movies." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Demi Lovato wrote LaLaLand. It is like the best song ever! I am confedent, but I still have my moments baby, that's just me. Tell me do you feel the way I feel, like nothing else is really in the la la land masay!. Some may say I need to be afraid of losing every thing because of where I had my start and where I made my name, well everythings the same in the lala land masay!. Demi Lovato wrote LaLaLand. It is like the best song ever! I am confedent, but I still have my moments baby, that's just me." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Be My Baby by The Ronettes Songfacts. This was the first Ronettes song produced by Phil Spector and released on his label, Philles Records. It exemplified Spector's Wall Of Sound production technique, where he layered lots of instruments and used echo effects." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Baby It%27s You by The Shirelles Songfacts. This was written by Burt Bacharach, Mack David (Hal's older brother), and Barney Williams (a pen name of Luther Dixon). It was originally I'll Cherish You, but was re-written at the request of Dixon, who produced the track." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There Goes My Baby is track #7 on the album Uncle Charlie. It was written by Copeland, Kenneth Ray/smith, Marvin Eugene/simmons, Daryl/edmonds, Kenneth Babyface/richardson, Calvin/pagani, Gregg John/allen, Clarence." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "Martin showed Spears and her management a track titled Hit Me Baby One More Time, which was originally written for American group Backstreet Boys and R&B group TLC; however, when the song was submitted to them, they rejected it." ], [ "Represent this", ". You Don't Own Me is a popular song written by the Philadelphia songwriters John Madara and David White, and recorded by Lesley Gore in 1963, when Gore was 17 years old. The song reached number 2 on the Billboard Pop Singles Chart in the United States (just behind The Beatles ' I Want to Hold Your Hand )." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They recorded a number of songs written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King, “Chains” being their first entry on the Billboard pop chart, peaking at number 17 in late December of 1962. Their biggest US hit was another Goffin/King composition, “Don’t Say Nothing Bad About My Baby”, which peaked at number 7 in April of 1963." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cry to Me is a song written by Bert Russell a/k/a Bert Berns, first recorded under the production of Bert Berns by Solomon Burke, who released the song in 1962. Other versions of the song were later recorded by the Rolling Stones, The Pretty Things, Betty Harris and Loleatta Holloway among others." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Written by the young husband-wife team of Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich and performed by the Ronettes, with Veronica “Ronnie” Bennett as the imploring lead singer, “Be My Baby” represented the apogee of producer Phil Spector’s “Wall of Sound” singles with New York City girl groups." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nelson co-wrote the first hit by the new version of the Drifters, There Goes My Baby (1959). He also sang lead, using his birth name, on Save the Last Dance for Me, a song written by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman, Dance With Me, This Magic Moment, I Count the Tears and Lonely Winds.elson co-wrote the first hit by the new version of the Drifters, There Goes My Baby (1959). He also sang lead, using his birth name, on Save the Last Dance for Me, a song written by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman, Dance With Me, This Magic Moment, I Count the Tears and Lonely Winds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Be My Baby by The Ronettes Songfacts. 1 This was the first Ronettes song produced by Phil Spector and released on his label, Philles Records. It exemplified Spector's Wall Of Sound production technique, where he layered lots of instruments and used echo effects. 2 Veronica Bennett was the only Ronette to sing on this." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Love Me Tender is track #4 on the album ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits. It was written by Vera Matson, Elvis Presley. Love Me Tender is track #4 on the album ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits. It was written by Vera Matson, Elvis Presley. (No other information is available for this lyric-would you like to add something today?)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Music Video. There Goes My Baby is track #7 on the album Uncle Charlie. It was written by Copeland, Kenneth Ray/smith, Marvin Eugene/simmons, Daryl/edmonds, Kenneth Babyface/richardson, Calvin/pagani, Gregg John/allen, Clarence." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But RPM/Kent retained many unreleased King masters, and over the years the company released them, thus forcing King to compete with himself. The most successful of these releases was Rock Me Baby, a blues King wrote with Joe Josea and recorded in about 1958. The lyric is a basic plea for sex -- Rock me all night long -- while the music provides a blues structure that allows King room for biting guitar work." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'This is food related question, if any one knows the answer, please post it. Thanks. Source(s): shellstock tags retained 90 days: https://tr.im/CDWyB.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long must shellstock tags be kept']>>", "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) is a song by Darlene Love from the 1963 holiday compilation album, A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector. The song was written by Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenwich, along with Phil Spector, with the intention of being sung by Ronnie Spector of The Ronettes." ], [ "", "Too many of the other songs have lesser echoes of those two hits, which may be unsurprising given that so many of their recordings were written by the Tony Macaulay-John MacLeod team who wrote Baby Now That I've Found You (Macaulay co-wrote Build Me Up Buttercup too, though with Mike d'Abo, not MacLeod)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Baby Love by The Supremes Songfacts. 1 The Motown songwriting team of Holland-Dozier-Holland wrote this innocent song about teenage love. 2 A musician named Lorenzo Pack filed a lawsuit against Motown in 1966, claiming the Holland-Dozier-Holland songwriting team based Baby Love on his 1962 song I'm Afraid.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Baby Mama Lyrics. Baby Mama was written by Lilly Jr, Harold Spencer / Acklin, Barbara / Records, Eugene / Colapietro, Vito / Dinkins, Neely.Baby Mama was written by Lilly Jr, Harold Spencer / Acklin, Barbara / Records, Eugene / Colapietro, Vito / Dinkins, Neely.ubmit Corrections Cancel. Really love music, take one, Fantasia. Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah. Ooh, ooh, ooh. You're my baby mama, yeah. BABY MAMA. This goes out to all my baby mamas. This goes out to all my baby mamas. BABY MAMA." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In his book The Song Machine, author John Seabrook says the team behind ...Baby One More Time just wanted to come up with a fun way to say call me. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below It's hard to imagine that anyone for whom English is a first language would write the phrase hit me baby without intending it as an allusion to domestic violence or S&M." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Over the years, many blues and other artists have interpreted and recorded Rock Me Baby. Although most contemporary versions are based on Lil' Son Jackson's 1951 record, 'Rockin' and Rollin', B.B. King and Muddy Waters can share credit for making it one of the most familiar blues songs of all time.." ], [ "", "Gloria (Them song) Gloria is a song written by Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison and originally recorded by Morrison's band Them in 1964 and released as the B-side of Baby, Please Don't Go. The song became a garage rock staple and a part of many rock bands' repertoires." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'When a president first takes office, he is often given what is called a honeymoon period: For a few months, the public, the media, and members of Congress tend to give the president the benefit of the doubt and treat him well.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'presidential honeymoon definition']\"", "Please try again later. My Baby is a song by The Pretenders, taken from the album Get Close, released in 1986. My Baby reached #1 at the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks charts. The song was written by Chrissie Hynde. 1 My Baby by Pretenders (Google Play • iTunes • AmazonMP3). 2 Entertainment." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Baby Love by The Supremes Songfacts. The Motown songwriting team of Holland-Dozier-Holland wrote this innocent song about teenage love. They wrote 14 US Top-10 hits for The Supremes. Explaining how the trio wrote to NME in 1984, Lamont Dozier said: I would collaborate with Eddie on lyrics and with Brian on melodies." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Baby It's You by The Shirelles. This was written by Burt Bacharach, Mack David (Hal's older brother), and Barney Williams (a pen name of Luther Dixon). It was originally I'll Cherish You, but was re-written at the request of Dixon, who produced the track. The Shirelles' vocals were added directly to Bacharach's demo recording." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mick Jagger's Rock Me Baby is based on Rockin' and Rollin', a song recorded by Lil' Son Jackson in 1950 (Imperial 5113). Jagger's lyrics are nearly identical to Jackson's, although instrumentally the songs are different.rthur Crudup 's 1944 song, Rock Me Mama, is based on Broonzy's song and repeats the same refrain, but uses mama in place of baby (Bluebird 34-0725)." ], [ "Represent the input!", "Stay with Me (Lorraine Ellison song). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Stay with Me (often credited as Stay with Me Baby ) is a soul song co-written by Jerry Ragovoy and George David Weiss.It was first recorded in 1966 by Lorraine Ellison, and produced by Ragovoy. Ellison recorded Stay With Me at a last-minute booking, following a studio cancellation by Frank Sinatra.With a 46-piece orchestra already hired, Warner Bros. Records asked Ragovoy, with two days' notice, to take over the session at no cost.t was first recorded in 1966 by Lorraine Ellison, and produced by Ragovoy. Ellison recorded Stay With Me at a last-minute booking, following a studio cancellation by Frank Sinatra. With a 46-piece orchestra already hired, Warner Bros. Records asked Ragovoy, with two days' notice, to take over the session at no cost." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Billboard: #1. f I were going to teach a course on songwriting, I think I'd use 'Angie Baby' as my textbook, says Helen Reddy. It's a high compliment for the first number one song written by Alan O'Day, who would top the Billboard charts three years later himself with Undercover Angel.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nelson co-wrote the first hit by the new version of the Drifters, There Goes My Baby (1959). He also sang lead, using his birth name, on Save the Last Dance for Me, a song written by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman, Dance With Me, This Magic Moment, I Count the Tears and Lonely Winds." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.\n\nE.g. \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what spiritual gifts did the apostle john have']\" == \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The spiritual gift of apostleship is sometimes confused with the office of Apostle. The office of Apostle was held by a limited number of men chosen by Jesus including the twelve disciples (Mark 3:13-19) and Paul (Romans 1:1).he Apostles were given authority by Jesus to do many different things to establish the church, including writing Scripture and performing miracles (John 14:26, 2 Peter 3:15-16, 2 Corinthians 12:12). There are no more that hold the office of Apostle today, but the gift of apostleship continues in a different sense.']\" != \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'According to Biblical tradition, it is suggested that John the beloved apostle (i.e., Revelator) never died but that he was to remain on earth until the Savior was to come again. â\\x80\\x9cBut I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of Godâ\\x80\\x9d (Luke 9:27).']\"", "what vehicle is a rdx" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Originally previewed as the Acura RD-X concept car, the production RDX had its debut at the 2006 New York Auto Show and went on sale on August 11, 2006. A facelifted 2010 model went on sale in August 2009, adopting Acura's power plenum grille seen on its sedan models." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "SRAM makes three GX rear derailleurs: The GX-Horizon mid-cage rear derailleur, which is dedicated exclusively for one-by-eleven drivetrains; and two more conventional slant-parallelogram long-gage rear derailleur designs for its two-by eleven and two-by-ten drivetrains." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, also known as RDX, cyclonite, hexogen, and T4, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Spelling variants include Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine. In its pure, synthesized state RDX is a white, crystalline solid." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "10 of the Best Off-Road Vehicles for 2015. The 2015 Nissan Xterra PRO-4X can be thought of as the closest rival to the 4Runner Trail in the battle for Japanese off-road SUV supremacy. Like its Toyota competitor, the Nissan Xterra PRO-4X is based on a mid-size SUV platform that features body-on-frame design." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This car brand offers the sporty model (ILX), the mid-size sedan model (TLX), the larger sedan (RX), the two SUVs (MDX and RDX), and an expensive sports car (NSX). All the cars are tastefully designed inside and out. The Acura brand provides in their standard cars what most others charge as extra." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It has a high degree of stability in storage and is considered the most powerful of the military high explosives. RDX compositions are mixtures of RDX, other explosive ingredients, and desensitizers or plasticizers. Incorporated with other explosives or inert material at the manufacturing plants, RDX forms the base for the following common military explosives: Composition A, composition B, composition C, HBX, H-6 and Cyclotol." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "RDX was the main component used for the 2006 Mumbai train bombings and the Jaipur bombings in 2008. It is also believed to be the explosive used in the 1999 Russian apartment bombings, 2004 Russian aircraft bombings, and 2010 Moscow Metro bombings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "WRX. A car that will outhandle piece of shit Dodge Neon SRT-4's. The Neon might have smoked the WRX on the straight, but the road curved and the neon rolled 8 times and the driver died because he was a dumbass for thinking he was cool." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "RDX, an initialism for Research Department explosive, is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. It was developed as an explosive which was more powerful than TNT, and it saw wide use in World War II.RDX is also known as Research Department Formula X, cyclonite, hexogen (particularly in German and German-influenced languages), and T4.ts chemical name is cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine; name variants include cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine and cyclotrimethylene trinitramine. In its pure, synthesized state RDX is a white, crystalline solid. It is often used in mixtures with other explosives and plasticizers, phlegmatizers or desensitizers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "VTEC.net has up some photos of a super camo-ed compact SUV that they are speculating to be the 2013 Acura RDX. Acura MDX Technical Service Bulletins. TSB 04-002: (2003 MDX) Creaking From the Headliner TSB 04-003: (2001-2002 MDX) Idle Fluctuation With DTC P1129 TSB 04-007: (2003-2004 ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The base front-wheel-drive 2017 Acura RDX starts at about $36,500, including the $940 destination charge. All-wheel drive adds about $1,500 to the price of any 2017 RDX, while AcuraWatch adds $1,300. The most you'll find yourself paying is about $45,000, a pretty solid bargain for such a nicely equipped vehicle." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "the impreza wrx wrx sti is a small all wheel drive rally car with a turbocharged boxer engine for low center of gravity for under 20k you can buy the rugged second generation sedan or wagon or the softer and larger third generation sedan or hatchback wrxord mustang gt 2003 2011 this iconic pony car is widely available and we even found a few svt cobra and shelby models for under $ 20000 the mustang is more of a straight line power muscle car with 2 2 seating although it handles well even with the solid rear axle in the back" ], [ "", "The base front-wheel-drive 2016 Acura RDX starts at about $36,100, including the $920 destination charge. All-wheel drive adds about $1,500 to the price of any 2016 RDX, while AcuraWatch adds $1,300. The most you'll find yourself paying is about $44,300, a pretty solid bargain for such a nicely equipped vehicle." ], [ "", "The NX is the first Lexus vehicle to feature a turbocharged gasoline engine in the US market. The Lexus NX 300h hybrid comes powered by a 2.5-liter inline-four 2AR-FXE engine mated to an electric motor and CVT that puts out a combined 194 hp (145 kW) and is shared with the Toyota Camry Hybrid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Duramax is a General Motors diesel engine family for light to medium duty trucks, designed by GM and Isuzu. The 6.6-liter Duramax is produced by DMAX, a joint venture between GM and Isuzu in Moraine, Ohio. The Duramax block and heads are poured at The Defiance GM Powertrain foundry in Defiance, Ohio." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "RDX is the organic compound with the formula (O2NNCH2)3. It is a white solid without smell or taste, widely used as an explosive. Chemically, it is classified as a nitramide, chemically similar to HMX. A more energetic explosive than TNT, it was used widely in World War II. It is often used in mixtures with other explosives and plasticizers or phlegmatizers. RDX is stable in storage and is considered one of the most energetic and brisant of the military high explosives." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Expect a redesigned WRX and WRX STI based on the new 2017 Impreza, for 2018. Vehicle Summary. The 2017 Subaru WRX is an all-wheel drive sport sedan that’s priced similarly to the rear-drive, two-door BRZ in WRX form, though the WRX STI model offers more performance at a higher price. Both WRX models get power from direct injection turbo flat-fours, 2.0 liters for the WRX and 2.5 liters for the WRX STI." ], [ "", "From January to September of 2016, only the Lexus RX outsold Acura’s models within the luxury SUV segment. Granted, undeniably attractive lease deals help to make the compact RDX and midsize MDX attractive to consumers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Opt for smooth, agile efficiency with the Front-Wheel Drive (FWD) drivetrain. The RDX FWD drivetrain nets an additional mile per gallon in both the city and highway, compared with the All-Wheel Drive option. The standard Vehicle Stability Assist™12 system is still on hand for the occasional bad weather." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For Acura RDX 2010-2016 Car Side Step Running Board Nerf Bar Step Board (Fits: Acura RDX) Fitment:For Acura RDX 2010-2016. Every nerf bar is made specifically for your particular make, model and year vehicle. Because of this, the bars have different bends to accommodate your vehicle based ..." ], [ "", "Also see RAM types. Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory (RDRAM) is a memory subsystem that promises to transfer up to 1.6 billion bytes per second. The subsystem consists of the random access memory, the RAM controller, and the bus (path) connecting RAM to the microprocessor and devices in the computer that use it. Direct Rambus (DRDRAM), a technology developed and licensed by the Rambus Corporation, will be used with microprocessors beginning in 1999." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Lexus NX (Japanese: レクサス・NX, Rekusasu NX) is a compact crossover SUV (J-segment) sold by Lexus, the luxury division of Toyota. It was introduced in late 2014 as an all-new, entry-level crossover model in Lexus' lineup, slotted below the mid-size RX crossover. The name NX stands for Nimble Crossover. 1 Overview." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Techopedia explains Half Duplex (HDX) HDX uses a single path of communication for sending and receiving and is like a one-lane road, where only one car can move in one direction at a time, while a car at the opposite end of the lane must wait before driving." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "RDX. RDX is a high explosive which is used in the manufacture of plastic explosives such as C-4 and Semtex. RDX is used to create C-4 and mixed with PETN to create Semtex.RDX is also used in combination with TNT to create Torpex.RDX is known by many names, including:1 Hexogen. 2 Cyclonite.DX is a high explosive which is used in the manufacture of plastic explosives such as C-4 and Semtex. RDX is used to create C-4 and mixed with PETN to create Semtex. RDX is also used in combination with TNT to create Torpex. RDX is known by many names, including: 1 Hexogen. 2 Cyclonite." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "the rx stands for rotary experiment as you may know the mazda rx series of vehicles are not powered by conventional piston engines like 99 % of all other vehicles on th e roadinstead they are powered by a rotary engine also known as a wankel enginehe 2008 lexus rx350 takes a 26 drivers side 22 passenger side and a fairly specialized 14 rear wiper that is difficult to find in the stores see sources and related link s below for more information" ], [ "", "The most obvious update at the front for the 2016 RDX is Acura's Jewel Eye LED headlight array already found on some of its other models, but the improvements go a lot further than just the lighting. All of the fascia's lines appear just a little sharper and the added chrome helps grab the eye." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "LX can refer to the type of luxurious package that is available in a vehicle. Lexus has LX edition vehicles on the market. For example, the LX570 is a luxury sport utility vehicle that has a leather interior, Smart Access keyless entry system, push-start engine, built-in navigation system and rear view cameras.hile LX may be used to signify a specific luxurious package or design of a vehicle, standard or universal specifications do not exist for every type of LX car or SUV. Each manufacturer can choose what types of specs should be included in an LX edition." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "RDX is used as an explosive, usually in mixtures with other explosives, oils, or waxes. It has a high degree of stability in storage and is considered the most powerful and brisant of the military high explosives. RDX is used as a base charge in detonators and in blasting caps.he most prominent member of this class is RDX (research department explosive; hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5 triazine, which is also known as cyclonite); HMX (high melting explosive; octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7 tetrazocine), nitroguanidine, and tetryl are also significant nitramines." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Duramax is a General Motors diesel engine family for light to medium duty trucks, designed by GM and Isuzu. The 6.6-liter Duramax is produced by DMAX, a joint venture between GM and Isuzu in Moraine, Ohio.The Duramax block and heads are poured at The Defiance GM Powertrain foundry in Defiance, Ohio.This engine was initially installed in 2001 model year Chevy and GMC trucks and has been an option since then in pickups, vans, and medium-duty trucks.nlike previous Duramax engines, the 4.5-liter is planned to be designed and built entirely by GM, without assistance from Isuzu. As of March 2009, a GM spokesperson stated the engine project has been put on an indefinite hold due to current economic conditions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "18-Inch Machine Finish Alloy Wheels. Get the alluring 18-inch machine finish alloy wheels for a sport appearance that adds distinctive style. The RDX Advance Package answers your desire to have the look of luxury and the satisfaction of a smart choice. The machine finish wheels are just part of what makes the Advance Package such a great value." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Acura’s spotlight may be on the all-new NSX supercar, but the 2017 MDX crossover is still one of the brand’s most important models. The MDX, along with the smaller RDX crossover, makes... After a redesign last year, the Honda Pilot returns unchanged for 2017." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In this article we’ll review how to make C4 with RDX, RDX is the primary ingredient for making C4. RDX (Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) is a nitroamine (organic) high explosive.In its purest state, RDX is a white, crystalline solid, and when mixed with plasticizers and other ingredients it makes C4.n this article we’ll review how to make C4 with RDX, RDX is the primary ingredient for making C4. RDX (Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) is a nitroamine (organic) high explosive." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "For Acura RDX 2010-2016 A Set Side Step Foot Board Nerf Bars Running Boards (Fits: Acura RDX) For Acura RDX 2014-2016 Vehicle Nerf Bar Running Board Foot Board Set No Punch (Fits: Acura RDX) Fitment:For Acura RDX 2014-2016. Every nerf bar is made specifically for your particular make, model and year vehicle." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is the hotel attached to the orlando airport" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Show available rooms for Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport. You can see room offers from our travel partners starting at *, or . There are no rooms available to book this property on TripAdvisor from – . Prices from our travel partners are not available for – ." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most Popular Hotels Near Hollywood International Airport (FLL) 1 Most bookedHomewood Suites by Hilton Ft. Lauderdale Airport-Cruise Port 3 stars Excellent 4.1 / 5( 355 genuine reviews ) Hotels.com® RewardsFor every 10 nights, get 1 free! 249 people looked at this hotel in the last hour." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Orlando International Airport is presently using five terminals (Airside Terminals 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Main Terminal). Each Airside Terminal serves several airlines and a large number of destinations. the Main Terminal has two parts, the North side is side A and the South side is side B." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Hilton Worldwide Corporate. 2 BREATHTAKING RESORTHilton Orlando is a stunning resort on International Drive offering 2 pools, a lazy river, water slide, cabanas, and spa near Walt Disney World® Resort & Universal Orlando®.f you're looking for convenience, look no futher than Hilton Orlando. This breathtaking resort seems worlds away from anything, but is just minutes from everything you want to do. We're located just 15 minutes from Orlando International Airport and a short drive to world-famous theme parks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "One of our top picks in Orlando. This Orlando, Florida hotel is located in the centre of the Walt Disney World Resort. On-site hotel features include a beach, 5 outdoor pools, and 17 restaurants and lounges. Free WiFi and a 32-inch flat-screen TV with HD cable channels are included in the contemporary guest rooms at Walt Disney World Swan." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Restaurants near Orlando International Airport. Restaurants in this area are known for American, Italian, Contemporary American, Steakhouse and Brazilian Steakhouse cuisines. Some of the popular local menu items include Filet Mignon, Spaghetti And Meatballs, Wagyu Beef Carpaccio, Key Lime Pie and Braised Lamb Shank." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This Orlando Hotel is within a 5-minute drive of Celebration, a Disney town. This hotel has a transportation service to Disney World and Downtown Disney and features 4 restaurants. Rooms at the all non-smoking Orlando Celebration Radisson Resort come equipped with a coffee-making facilities and a hairdryer." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Across From Universal Orlando. Nearby Orlando Theme Parks Make Hotel's Location a Win Adjacent to the main gate of Universal Orlando Resort®, this Orlando hotel's location places travelers moments from all the magic!" ], [ "", "McCoy's Bar and Grill. Orlando Restaurant. Please call the concierge desk at 407 825 1234. Located on the lobby level of Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport, McCoy’s offers an eclectic array of menu items focusing on fresh, locally sourced ingredients combined to produce a globally inspired menu." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "La Quinta Inn & Suites- Miami Airport East. Holiday Inn Express – Miami Springs. *The Roadway Inn is the closest motel to Marlins Park, just over a mile walk. It’s a cheap stay and convenient to the ballpark, but is not recommended by our staff." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Doubletree Suites by Hilton is near the airport so is the Drury Inn and Suite and the Embassy Suites which all have shuttle service from the BNA airport. If you are hoping for a stay near Opryland you can stay at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center and enjoy a quiet night with the family." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 The Hampton Inn hotel in Ft. Lauderdale-Airport North is conveniently located adjacent to the Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport and only a few minutes from the Fort Lauderdale beaches, with free shuttle service to and from the airport." ], [ "Represent text", "Centrally located on International Drive, CoCo Key Hotel and Water Resort-Orlando features Orlando's ONLY 54,000 sq. ft. canopy-covered and outdoor water park. This great value, family-friendly resort includes 14 water slides, 3 heated pools, and a 6,500 sq. ft..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(MLB) Orlando Melbourne International Airport is an airport near Orlando for holiday and vacation. MLB airport is serving the Orlando area, Port Canaveral and the Space Coast. For airports in the Orlando area, MLB is the convenient choice and why we call it the Orlando holiday airport. For airports around Orlando, MLB Orlando Airport is convenient and the closest airport to cruise lines and Port Canaveral." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Official Description (provided by the hotel) The Holiday Inn & Suites across from Universal Orlando is located in the heart of Central Florida's exciting attractions, convention and shopping area. Visit our recently renovated hotel just across the street from the Universal Orlando Resort." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Orlando Taxis. Orlando's taxi service is complicated. So when you need a ride from the Orlando International Airport to your hotel, you really don't want to count on a taxi. Honestly. Here's why: There are only two taxi queues in the entire Orlando airport. That's really not enough for an airport that services 95,000 passengers daily and more than 35 million passengers per year. It's not uncommon to see long lines of tired travelers, waiting to catch a cab." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Book our FLL Airport & Port Everglades Hotel for Your Stay. The Courtyard Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port hotel, located off I-95, is steps away from the Tri-Rail station, offering access to downtown Miami, and just minutes from Port Everglades and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hotels in Fort Lauderdale near Hollywood International Airport (FLL) Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) is a colossal, 4-terminal facility that's like a sprawling city in itself." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n------\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Courtesy IGFA / igfa.org. The biggest fish ever caught and approved as an IGFA world record was a white shark. The giant fish weighed 2,664 pounds! Alfred Dean caught the beastly shark off Ceduna, Australia, on April 21,1959 using a porpoise as bait.']\" == \"['', 'what is the largest fish caught on record?']\"", "The closest hotel to Austin Bergstrom Airport. Hilton Austin Airport is only minutes away from the airport terminals and offers easy access to the city center. Appreciate the architecture of the hotel building which was once used as an air command center. Referred to as ‘the donut’ because of its unique round shape, the hotel features an open atrium." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Guests Said About Orlando: 1 Mike United States of America. Hotel was a short drive to Universal and it was nestled just inside the Walt Disney World Resort Hotel was a short drive to Universal and it was nestled just inside the Walt Disney World Resort. 2 Christine Nigeria." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Universal Orlando consists of two theme parks (Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure), a night-time entertainment complex (Universal CityWalk Orlando), and five Loews Hotels (Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Cabana Bay Beach Resort and Loews Sapphire Falls Resort)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "3.7%. Orlando International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world due to its proximity to a range of tourist destinations such as Disney World, Universal Studios and the Kennedy Space Center. It is located in Orange County, Florida, around 9 miles southeast from downtown Orlando." ], [ "", "The Orlando area is served by Orlando International Airport (MCO), which is the hub to AirTran Airways, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways, and Frontier Airlines." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This Miami International Airport Hotel is located 5 minutes from the MIA main terminal. The hotel provides FREE 24 hour shuttle transport from and to the Miami International Airport. The Days Inn Miami Airport North hotel features: 1 An on site Cafe café WITH Wifi Hot spot and The World Famous Miami'traveler S. lounge" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Conveniently located with plenty of transportation options available, Sonesta ES Suites Orlando is the perfect choice among Disney and Universal Studios Orlando hotels. Bask in the sun, explore area attractions, enjoy complimentary theme park shuttle service and easy access to shopping and restaurants." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Eclectic cuisine - One of the most welcoming restaurants near Orlando airport, enjoy a wide-range of offerings any time of day including a spectacular breakfast buffet. 1 Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 2 Dress code: Casual. 3 Phone: +1-407-240-1000 ext." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Situated in the airport, in Miami, this hotel is close to Curtiss Mansion, Grapeland Water Park, and Miami Springs Golf Course. Also nearby are Miami Jai Alai and Magic City Casino. In addition to a restaurant, Miami International Airport Hotel features a porter/bellhop." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Sheraton Miami Airport Hotel & Executive Meeting Center is the closest hotel to Miami International Airport (MIA), making it an ideal choice for business and leisure travelers alike. Upon arrival, a convenient shuttle offers a quick ride to our door. From the hotel, you’ll find a number of ways to explore Miami." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Superbly connected Heathrow Airport hotel. Hilton London Heathrow Airport is the only hotel with direct access to Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 4 via a covered walkway and is within easy reach of the free Heathrow Connect train service, connecting T4 with all other terminals." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How far away is the Orlando airport (in miles) from the Caribbean Beach Resort. Hi, Pamela! Your ride from the Orlando International Airport to most Walt Disney World resort hotels will cost approximately $45 one way. It's a little tough to be exact, as you typically just grab a cab from the curb, and there isn't a way to know which company you will get. This does not include a gratuity for your cab driver." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "AIRPORTS ORLANDO AREA|AIRPORTS SERVING ORLANDO|(MLB) ORLANDO MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Airports Orlando area ~ (MLB) Orlando Melbourne International Airport is an airport near Orlando for holiday and vacation. MLB airport is serving the Orlando area, Port Canaveral and the Space Coast. For airports near Orlando, try MLB - THE Orlando holiday airport." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Closest Airport to Kissimmee, FL. The closest airport to Kissimmee is Orlando International Airport (MCO). Distance from Orlando International Airport to Kissimmee, FL is 17,4 kilometers (10,8 miles). Orlando International Airport." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(24-hour advance reservations are required – please see the concierge.) The resort is located just 25 minutes from the Orlando International Airport and 20 minutes from Universal Studios and SeaWorld." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Orlando Airport is close to Florida's major cities, tourist attractions and beaches and is six and a half miles (10.5 kilometers) southeast of Orlando. Over 80 airlines, and approximately 30 million passengers, travel to almost 100 domestic and international destinations from Orlando International Airport." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['', 'Gift certificates for the salon (prices vary). Assisted living facilities often have hair salons on the premises. Buy a gift certificate for your loved one, or purchase hair styling products like brushes, combs and similar items. You can also take them out to your favorite salon for some special time with you.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'gift for someone living in assisted living']\"", "Sheraton Miami Airport Hotel & Executive Meeting Center is the closest hotel to Miami International Airport (MIA), making it an ideal choice for business and leisure travelers alike. Upon arrival, a convenient shuttle offers a quick ride to our door." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Our hotel boasts complimentary shuttle service to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) and Port Everglades. The Bistro offers healthy choices, a variety of breakfast and dinner options, an evening bar, and specialty beverages made with Starbucks® coffee." ], [ "", "There are errors on the form. Get an overview of this hotelFamily-friendly resort with 2 restaurants and 2 outdoor pools. With a stay at Holiday Inn Resort Orlando Suites - Waterpark in Orlando (Disney Springs™ area - Lake Buena Vista), you'll be convenient to Falcon's Fire Golf Club and Downtown Disney® area. This family-friendly resort is within close proximity of DisneyQuest® and Lake Bryan." ], [ "", "Orlando, FL 32827. Orlando International Airport (MCO) located in Orlando; in Orange County, Florida; is the closest commercial airport to Orlando's world-class attractions, the Orange County Convention Center, and the downtown business district." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Orlando International Airport (MCO) is the closest airport to the world-famous Central Florida attractions (20 miles), the Orange County Convention Center (13 miles), International Drive (13 miles), downtown Orlando (12 miles), and so much more…." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Port Canaveral is 42 mi from Orlando Intl Airport (Orlando, FL). Orlando Intl Airport (Orlando, FL) Right now, 78 airlines operate out of Orlando Intl Airport. Orlando Intl Airport offers nonstop flights to 133 cities. Every week, at least 6,776 domestic flights and 973 international flights depart from Orlando Intl Airport. Port Canaveral is 48 mi from Orlando Sanford International Airport (Orlando, FL). Orlando Sanford International Airport (Orlando, FL) Right now, 7 airlines operate out of Orlando Sanford International Airport. Orlando Sanford International Airport offers nonstop flights to 83 cities." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Delta Orlando by Marriott - hotel nearest Walt Disney World. Experience the NEW Delta Orlando Lake Buena Vista! Our hotel focuses on the details, while blending the excitement of the area’s most sought-after entertainment with luxurious accommodations skillfully designed to meet the needs of the next gen savvy travelers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Our Orlando hotel is just around the corner from popular Disney Springs, and are the closest non-Disney hotel to the Walt Disney World Resort®." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At a Glance. Enjoy Great Amenities at Our Houston Airport Hotel. Welcome to Hilton Garden Inn Houston/Bush Intercontinental Airport, located two miles south of the airport at the World Houston Business Center on John F. Kennedy Blvd." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We recommend flying into the Orlando International Airport (MCO), located approximately 13 miles from the resort. From the airport, taxis, private car service, and shuttles are all readily available. Once at the resort, we offer convenient shuttle buses to nearby amusement parks. Additionally, our Tickets & Transportation Desk is available to attend to all your local transportation needs—from car rentals and limousine services to taxis, which can carry you to the area’s other top attractions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "What Guests Said About Orlando: Mike United States of America. Hotel was a short drive to Universal and it was nestled just inside the Walt Disney World Resort Hotel was a short drive to Universal and it was nestled just inside the Walt Disney World Resort." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Orlando is the nearest and the best. When you call the Resort, tell them you need a ride from the airport. A bus will pick you up at the airport and take you to your Resort for free. After you check out, and bus will take you back to the airport, but make plans in advance." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The Marriott Springfield hotel is a top choice amongst hotels near Six Flags New England, the Basketball Hall of Fame, MassMutual Center and Big E. Our Springfield, MA, hotel features 11,000 sq. ft. of event space, 11 breakout rooms and a landscaped outdoor plaza." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Orlando International Airport. Orlando International Airport is located just under two hours from Gainesville. The airport is the largest in Florida, as much of its traffic is directed toward theme parks and travel destinations, including Disney World. The airport is a hub for AirTran and is also served by JetBlue Airways, Allegiance Air and Southwest Airlines. Due to the worldwide popularity of Disney, Orlando offers many direct international flights to destinations across Europe, Asia and South America." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We can provide and customize a package for you for all occasions from corporate events, to Orlando airport point to point transfers; sporting events and concerts/theatre events; special events such as weddings, proms, bar and bat mitzvah; funerals and group event reservations." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor example, ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'http://tenchi.wikia.com/wiki/Tenchi_Masaki Kami Tenchi is the strongest anime character of all time, no arguments, no debates. he stomps on any other anime/manga character by blinking.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the strongest anime character ever']", "This is the closest Holiday Inn Express to Universal Orlando Resort. Rooms at this hotel feature flat-screen televisions, Kohler showerheads and 100-percent cotton sheets. Suites also include extra space, sleeper sofas, microwaves and dining tables. Cribs are available for free." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Superbly connected Heathrow Airport hotel. Hilton London Heathrow Airport is the only hotel with direct access to Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 4 via a covered walkway and is within easy reach of the free Heathrow Connect train service, connecting T4 with all other terminals. Need a ride from the hotel to Terminal 5? Our Hotel Hoppa service runs daily." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "We offer transfers from any airline at Sanford Airport to all Disney Resorts, International Drive, Universal Studios Hotels, Sea World & Kissimmee, FL. and more! We track your flight, meet you at your baggage claim and deliver you seamlessly from Sanford Airport to all Disney Resorts & Area Hotels!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "BringFido.com has ranked La Quinta Inn & Suites Orlando Convention Center, The Castle Hotel, and DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Orlando at Seaworld as the top three pet friendly hotels in the area. Just make sure your favorite four-legged friends is well behaved (and not too heavy)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Comfort Suites - Hotel in Orlando, FL Near Universal Orlando Resort. Behind every great stay is a great night at the smoke-free Comfort Suites® hotel, just minutes away from Universal Orlando Resort. We’re near a wide variety of popular attractions, such as: Universal Orlando Resort." ], [ "represent this text", "Applicable promotions will display with your room selection. Some restrictions may apply. Stay at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites Nearest Universal Orlando with a towering 11-stories that feature deluxe standard rooms, one-room suites, interior corridors, and service that will surpass your every expectation." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "is raynaud's phenomenon an autoimmune disease" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "If you have lupus or another autoimmune disease, it can be a scary thing to be told that you also have Raynaud’s Syndrome having no prior knowledge of this condition. Raynaud’s is a common ‘overlap’ disease associated with lupus and other autoimmune conditions. In this blog, we hope to give you that knowledge in a clear and concise manner, thereby easing some of the fears associated with this new diagnosis." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In most cases, the cause of Raynaud's isn't known. This type of Raynaud's is called Raynaud's disease or primary Raynaud's. Sometimes, a disease, condition, or other factor causes Raynaud's. This type of Raynaud's is known as Raynaud's phenomenon or secondary Raynaud's. Primary Raynaud's is more common and tends to be less severe than secondary Raynaud's." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In medicine, Raynaud's /reɪˈnoʊz/ Disease or Raynaud phenomenon is excessively reduced blood flow in response to cold or emotional stress, causing discolouration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas.atients with Secondary Raynaud's can also have symptoms related to their underlying diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(This is sometimes called primary Raynaud's.). Raynaud's is usually a symptom of another disease, such as lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or atherosclerosis. It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite.aynaud's is usually a symptom of another disease, such as lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or atherosclerosis. It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud syndrome is vasospasm of parts of the hand in response to cold or emotional stress, causing reversible discomfort and color changes (pallor, cyanosis, erythema, or a combination) in one or more digits. Occasionally, other acral parts (eg, nose, tongue) are affected. The disorder may be primary or secondary." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Raynaud's phenomenon is a type of vascular disease characterized by a pale to blue to red sequence of color changes of the digits, most commonly after exposure to cold. Raynaud's phenomenon occurs because of spasm of blood vessels." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's (say ray-NOHZ) phenomenon is a problem with blood flow. Your body doesn't send enough blood to your hands and feet, so they feel very cold and numb. In most cases, this lasts for a short time when your body overreacts to cold temperatures.aynaud's is usually a symptom of another disease, such as lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or atherosclerosis. It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In medicine, Raynaud's /reɪˈnoʊz/ Disease or Raynaud phenomenon is excessively reduced blood flow in response to cold or emotional stress, causing discolouration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas.This condition may also cause nails to become brittle with longitudinal ridges.ome refer to Primary Raynaud's disease as being allergic to coldness. It often develops in young women in their teens and early adulthood. Primary Raynaud's is thought to be at least partly hereditary, although specific genes have not yet been identified." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In medicine, Raynaud's /reɪˈnoʊz/ Disease or Raynaud phenomenon is excessively reduced blood flow in response to cold or emotional stress, causing discolouration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas.This condition may also cause nails to become brittle with longitudinal ridges.aynaud's disease, or Primary Raynaud's, is diagnosed if the symptoms are idiopathic, that is, if they occur by themselves and not in association with other diseases. Some refer to Primary Raynaud's disease as being allergic to coldness." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Raynaud's sometimes is called a disease, syndrome, or phenomenon. The disorder is marked by brief episodes of vasospasm (VA-so-spazm), which is a narrowing of the blood vessels. Vasospasm of the arteries reduces blood flow to the fingers and toes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Raynaud's can occur as a primary or secondary condition. As a primary condition, it is not associated with any other disease and is often referred to as Raynaud's disease. If Raynaud's symptoms are associated with another health condition, it is referred to as Raynaud's Phenomenon. Primary Raynaud's is more common than secondary Raynaud's and usually less severe. Causes of Raynaud's Phenomenon: The cause of Raynaud's phenomenon is not completely understood." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In autoimmune diseases, the recognition of self is lost and the body attacks itself. The nerves of the body are seen as a foreign object and attacked. If this occurs acutely then the illness is called Guillain-Barré and if it becomes chronic then it is called Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy or CIDP. A nerve is very similar to a wire." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Part-time salaries are typically listed by their hourly wage, such as $12 per hour, while annual salaries are listed by the amount they pay per year. A full-time job is usually assumed to be 2,000 hours per year, which provides a rough hourly estimate for those jobs. A part-time job can be annualized by multiplying the hours worked per week by the weeks worked per year. 1. Determine the number of hours worked per year in the part-time position.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average hourly earnings part time to full time']", "Why: raynaud's phenomenon may occur in mixed connective tissue disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, progressive systemic sclerosis, poly- myositis/dermatomyositis, and rheumatoid arthritis associated with sjogren's syndrome. How: in raynaud's phenomenon there are three classic color changes of the fingers or toes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In medicine, Raynaud's /reɪˈnoʊz/ Disease or Raynaud phenomenon is excessively reduced blood flow in response to cold or emotional stress, causing discolouration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas.This condition may also cause nails to become brittle with longitudinal ridges.aynaud's disease, or Primary Raynaud's, is diagnosed if the symptoms are idiopathic, that is, if they occur by themselves and not in association with other diseases. Some refer to Primary Raynaud's disease as being allergic to coldness. It often develops in young women in their teens and early adulthood." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to the NHS, Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition caused by a spasm of blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood to the hands. It may be related to cold exposure or anxiety. The condition is not a serious problem and may be treated by protecting the hands against cold or else practicing relaxation exercises." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Raynaud's phenomenon is a type of vascular disease characterized by a pale to blue to red sequence of color changes of the digits, most commonly after exposure to cold. Raynaud's phenomenon occurs because of spasm of blood vessels. The cause of Raynaud's phenomenon is unknown, although abnormal nerve control of blood-vessel diameter and nerve sensitivity to cold are suspected of being involved. Symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon depend on the severity, frequency, and duration of the blood-vessel spasm." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Diseases of the arteries. Raynaud's phenomenon can be associated with various diseases that affect arteries, such as the buildup of plaques in blood vessels that feed the heart (atherosclerosis) or a disorder in which the blood vessels of the hands and feet become inflamed (Buerger's disease)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "People can have Raynaud's phenomenon alone or as a part of other rheumatic diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon in children is essentially identical to Raynaud's phenomenon in adults. When it occurs alone, it is referred to as Raynaud's disease or primary Raynaud's phenomenon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Secondary Raynaud’s is caused by an underlying disease, condition, or other factor. This type of Raynaud's is often called Raynaud's phenomenon. If you have primary or secondary Raynaud's, cold temperatures or stress can trigger Raynaud's attacks..During an attack, little or no blood flows to affected body parts.As a result, the skin may turn white and then blue for a short time.rteries are blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to different parts of your body. Raynaud's sometimes is called a disease, syndrome, or phenomenon. The disorder is marked by brief episodes of vasospasm (VA-so-spazm), which is a narrowing of the blood vessels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Introduction. Raynaud's phenomenon, also called Raynaud's syndrome or disease, is a condition where blood vessels in the fingers and toes -- and sometimes in the earlobes, nose, and lips -- narrow and cause the skin to turn pale or patchy red to blue. The affected body part may feel numb and cold." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Raynaud's phenomenon is a disorder that affects the blood vessels in the fingers, toes, ears, and nose. This disorder is characterized by episodic attacks, called vasospastic attacks, that cause the blood vessels in the digits (fingers and toes) to constrict (narrow)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Raynaud's Disease: An Overview of Cold Feet Syndrome Raynaud's disease is called cold feet syndrome, but it can affect other parts of your body, such as your fingers, ears and nose.2 It can affect one toe or all of them. 3 Attac…. 4 Raynaud's Phenomenon and Its Treatment Raynaud's phenomenon is a complex vascular disorder. Raynaud's Disease: An Overview of Cold Feet Syndrome Raynaud's disease is called cold feet syndrome, but it can affect other parts of your body, such as your fingers, ears and nose. 2 It can affect one toe or all of them." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Raynaud's Phenomenon. Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition in which the small blood vessels of the hands and/or feet contract in response to cold or anxiety. As the vessels contract, the hands or feet turn white and cold, then blue.As blood flow returns, they become red.ystemic scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) has early symptoms that include the skin and the tissues beneath skin that lead to the blood vessels and major organs." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition that affects blood flow to the arms and legs, also called the extremities. It occurs when the blood vessels that feed the fingers and toes get smaller in reaction to cold or emotional stress (this event is called a vasospastic attack). Diverting blood flow away from the hands and feet to keep the body’s core warm is a normal reaction to extreme cold." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's Phenomenon. Raynaud's is a fairly rare disorder of the blood vessels supplying the skin. During a Raynaud's attack, the blood vessels narrow, limiting blood circulation to affected areas. It makes parts of your body (usually fingers, toes, nose and ears) feel numb and cool in cold temperatures or under stress. Raynaud's can be classified into two types." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Patients with Secondary Raynaud's can also have symptoms related to their underlying diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease.When Raynaud's phenomenon is limited to one hand or one foot, it is referred to as Unilateral Raynaud's.atients with Secondary Raynaud's can also have symptoms related to their underlying diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dr. Fredrick Wigley responds: Raynaud’s phenomenon can be a sign of an underlying secondary disease process, and when it starts after age 40 then a good evaluation is needed. Raynaud’s is caused by low blood flow to the fingers and tissues, and in the severe secondary forms it can cause tissue damage. In the primary form it is benign but bothersome." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Raynaud's phenomenon occurs in about 90% of people who have scleroderma, a rare disease that leads to hardening and scarring of the skin. Scleroderma results in Raynaud's because the disease reduces blood flow to hands and feet, and it causes tiny blood vessels to thicken and constrict too easily. Lupus." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Often Raynaud's has no known cause. (This is sometimes called primary Raynaud's.). Raynaud's is usually a symptom of another disease, such as lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or atherosclerosis. It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Raynaud's disease, or Primary Raynaud's, is diagnosed if the symptoms are idiopathic, that is, if they occur by themselves and not in association with other diseases. Some refer to Primary Raynaud's disease as being allergic to coldness.It often develops in young women in their teens and early adulthood.atients with Secondary Raynaud's can also have symptoms related to their underlying diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease." ], [ "Represent text.", "Raynaud's disease, or Primary Raynaud's, is diagnosed if the symptoms are idiopathic, that is, if they occur by themselves and not in association with other diseases. Some refer to Primary Raynaud's disease as being allergic to coldness. It often develops in young women in their teens and early adulthood." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Diseases associated with Raynaud's phenomenon include: 1 Systemic lupus erythematosus. 2 Scleroderma. 3 Systemic sclerosis. 4 Rheumatoid arthritis. 5 CREST syndrome. 6 Sjögren's syndrome. 7 Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) 8 Obstructive arterial disease." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Raynaud's phenomenon, sometimes called Raynaud's syndrome or disease, is a disorder of blood circulation in the fingers and toes (and less commonly of the ears and nose). This condition is aggravated by exposure to cold." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Several blood tests are also used to help diagnose Raynaud's, including: 1 Antinuclear antibody (ANA), which looks for antibodies against cell nuclei, which can be a marker of autoimmunity. 2 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR / rate), which can detect inflammation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "How are Raynaud's and other diseases associated with cold hands syndrome? There are several conditions that can cause cold hands syndrome, including autoimmune, connective tissue and vascular diseases. Characterized by decreased blood flow to the extremities, Raynaud's is one of the most common examples." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's phenomenon occurs in about 90% of people who have scleroderma, a rare disease that leads to hardening and scarring of the skin. Scleroderma results in Raynaud's because the disease reduces blood flow to hands and feet, and it causes tiny blood vessels to thicken and constrict too easily. Lupus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Raynaud's sometimes is called a disease, syndrome, or phenomenon. The disorder is marked by brief episodes of vasospasm (VA-so-spazm), which is a narrowing of the blood vessels. Vasospasm of the arteries reduces blood flow to the fingers and toes.In people who have Raynaud's, the disorder usually affects the fingers.his type of Raynaud's is often called Raynaud's phenomenon. If you have primary or secondary Raynaud's, cold temperatures or stress can trigger Raynaud's attacks.. During an attack, little or no blood flows to affected body parts. As a result, the skin may turn white and then blue for a short time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "email. Knowledge center. Raynaud's disease, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon and sometimes simply Raynaud's, is a condition that causes some areas of the body to feel numb and cool in response to cold temperatures or emotional stress, caused by a problem with the blood supply to the skin.ome people who work in the plastics industry develop Raynaud's type symptoms. Smoking-smoking causes the blood vessels to narrow, increasing the risk of developing Raynaud's disese. A combination of thickening blood vessel walls and narrowing can lead to permanent reduction of blood flow to susceptible areas." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Scleroderma is a group of autoimmune diseases that may result in changes to the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs.[2][6] The disease can be either localized to the skin or involve other organs in addition to the skin.[2] Symptoms may include areas of thickened skin, stiffness, feeling tired, and poor blood flow to the fingers or toes ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Scleroderma is a group of autoimmune diseases that may result in changes to the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs. The disease can be either localized to the skin or involve other organs in addition to the skin. Symptoms may include areas of thickened skin, stiffness, feeling tired, and poor blood flow to the fingers or toes with cold exposure. One form of the condition, known as CREST syndrome, classically results in calcium deposits, Raynaud's syndrome, esophageal problems, thi" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud’s phenomenon is a disease that affects your blood vessels. There are two forms of Raynaud’s phenomenon: Primary and secondary. The form of Raynaud’s phenomenon you have affects the symptoms you have. Symptoms of Raynaud’s phenomenon can vary from mild to severe. Most people have mild symptoms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's disease can be classified as one of two types: primary (or idiopathic) and secondary (also called Raynaud's phenomenon). Primary Raynaud's disease has no predisposing factor, is more mild, and causes fewer complications. About half of all cases of Raynaud's disease are of this type." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Print This Page. Autoimmune Disease, in which your immune system attacks and damages parts of your body, including your nerves. Examples include Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease. Guillain-Barre syndrome is an autoimmune disease that happens rapidly and can affect autonomic nerves." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Raynaud's Phenomenon (Definition) Raynaud's disease is a primary vasospastic process that usually involves the fingers or toes and is worsened by cold, stress, vibration. Raynaud's phenomena is assoc. With other collagen vascular diseases such as lupus, etc." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The Bill of Rights drafted after the Constitution was to give the people specific rights. The main demand of the Declaration of Independence that came out of the First Continental Congress was that the British let the Americans govern and tax themselves. The Bill of Rights drafted after the Constitution was to give the people specific rights.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'why was the bill of rights drafted']\"", "loss of pigment (depigmentation) in areas of the skin (milk-white patches) this is a form leukoderma. the skin changes result frrom an autoimmune process, and there is an incrased association of vitiligo with autoimmune disorders such as thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Often Raynaud's has no known cause. (This is sometimes called primary Raynaud's.). Raynaud's is usually a symptom of another disease, such as lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or atherosclerosis.It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite.aynaud's is usually a symptom of another disease, such as lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, or atherosclerosis. It may also be caused by taking certain medicines, using vibrating power tools for several years, smoking, or having frostbite." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Primary Raynaud's. 2 Also called Raynaud's disease, this most common form isn't the result of an underlying associated medical condition that could provoke vasospasm. 3 Secondary Raynaud's. 4 Also called Raynaud's phenomenon, this form is caused by an underlying problem. Secondary Raynaud's. 2 Also called Raynaud's phenomenon, this form is caused by an underlying problem. 3 Although secondary Raynaud's is less common than the primary form, it tends to be more serious." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is common for patients with a connective tissue disease to have Raynaud’s phenomenon. It occurs in more than 90 percent of people with scleroderma. It is also common in people with systemic lupus erythematosus and with Sjoegren’sjögren s. syndromeaynaud’s phenomenon is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the extremities—generally, the fingers and toes." ], [ "Represent the input!", "This disorder is also known as vibration-induced white finger, hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), or Raynaud's phenomenon of occupational origin.. Raynaud's phenomenon, however, is only one aspect of the hand-arm vibration syndrome.Vibration also damages nerves, muscles, bones and joints of the hand and arm.his is called primary Raynaud's phenomenon, Raynaud's disease or constitutional white finger.. It usually affects both hands equally. People can also get Raynaud's phenomenon because of certain underlying diseases (e.g. scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) or injuries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This may be the case in the CREST syndrome, of which Raynaud's is a part. Patients with Secondary Raynaud's can also have symptoms related to their underlying diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease.When Raynaud's phenomenon is limited to one hand or one foot, it is referred to as Unilateral Raynaud's.This is an uncommon form, and it is always secondary to local or regional vascular disease.aynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease. When Raynaud's phenomenon is limited to one hand or one foot, it is referred to as Unilateral Raynaud's. This is an uncommon form, and it is always secondary to local or regional vascular disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's phenomenon can be associated with various diseases that affect arteries, such as the buildup of plaques in blood vessels that feed the heart (atherosclerosis) or a disorder in which the blood vessels of the hands and feet become inflamed (Buerger's disease)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Secondary Raynaud's can occur due a connective tissue disorder such as scleroderma or lupus, injuries to the hands, smoking, and certain medications such as birth control pills. Diagnosis is typically based on the symptoms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Raynaud's Disease vs. Raynaud's Phenomenon (or, Secondary Raynaud's) Raynaud's occurs in 3 to 5% of the general population; however, more than 80% of patients with Raynaud's do not have a connective tissue disease or other serious illness. Scleroderma: Symptoms and Complications. University of Maryland Medical Center." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When attacks occur as part of a disease (as in scleroderma), it is ca…lled Raynaud phenomenon. Answer 2: The phenomenon in which, a disorder causing discolouration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally nose and earlobes is discussed; is known as Raynaud's Phenomenon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "email. Knowledge center. Raynaud's disease, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon and sometimes simply Raynaud's, is a condition that causes some areas of the body to feel numb and cool in response to cold temperatures or emotional stress, caused by a problem with the blood supply to the skin.reastfeeding-Raynaud's-type symptoms may occur during breastfeeding; the nipples will turn white and become extremely painful. A risk factor is something which increases the likelihood of developing a condition or disease. For example, obesity significantly raises the risk of developing diabetes type 2." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Raynaud's phenomenon can occur with diseases that affect arteries, such as Buerger's disease in which the blood vessels of the hands and feet become inflamed. 2 Carpal tunnel syndrome. 3 The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage in your wrist that protects a major nerve to your hand.hen it occurs without another disease present, it is called Raynaud's disease (or primary Raynaud's). This is the most common type and typically affects both hands and both feet. Although it can affect men, it most often occurs in women between 15 and 40." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Need more tests,,,: A trace protein in your urine isn't bad and GFR can be low in certain groups of people and in older people with less body mass and those with low fluid intake. You're also on many meds and have symptoms and signs pointing to an autoimmune issue (raynaud's)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These are some that have been made about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). They false assumptions stem from a lack of understanding, education, and knowledge about this disorder.This section was created in hopes of clarifying some of these false assumptions.act: No. An auto-immune disease is one that is defined as a disorder that results from disregulation of the immune system. The presence of an autoimmune response is signaled by the appearance of auto-antibody in the circulation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In medicine, Raynaud's /reɪˈnoʊz/ Disease or Raynaud phenomenon is excessively reduced blood flow in response to cold or emotional stress, causing discolouration of the fingers, toes, and occasionally other areas.aynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease. When Raynaud's phenomenon is limited to one hand or one foot, it is referred to as Unilateral Raynaud's. This is an uncommon form, and it is always secondary to local or regional vascular disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's phenomenon is a disorder characterized by blood vessel abnormality caused by overactivity of smooth muscle in the wall of arteries, leading to spasms (vasospasms with narrowing) of the small vessels that supply blood to the arms, legs, hands, feet, and sometimes the ears and nose." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's Phenomenon. Raynaud's phenomenon is often the first sign of the scleroderma disease process. With this condition, small blood vessels narrow in the fingers, toes, ears, and even the nose. Attacks of Raynaud's phenomenon can occur several times a day, and are often brought on or worsened by exposure to cold." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud's phenomenon, sometimes called Raynaud's syndrome or disease, is a disorder of blood circulation in the fingers and toes (and less commonly of the ears and nose). This condition aggravates with cold exposure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raynaud disease is a disorder that affects blood circulation, usually in the hands and feet. The arteries (blood vessels) that carry blood to your fingers, toes, ears, or nose tighten. This is often triggered by cold or emotional stress. The decrease in blood flow causes a lack of oxygen and changes in skin color." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "1 Primary Raynaud's. 2 Also called Raynaud's disease, this most common form isn't the result of an underlying associated medical condition that could provoke vasospasm. 3 Secondary Raynaud's. 4 Also called Raynaud's phenomenon, this form is caused by an underlying problem." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Patients with Secondary Raynaud's can also have symptoms related to their underlying diseases. Raynaud's phenomenon is the initial symptom that presents for 70% of patients with scleroderma, a skin and joint disease. When Raynaud's phenomenon is limited to one hand or one foot, it is referred to as Unilateral Raynaud's.This is an uncommon form, and it is always secondary to local or regional vascular disease.aynaud's disease, or Primary Raynaud's, is diagnosed if the symptoms are idiopathic, that is, if they occur by themselves and not in association with other diseases. Some refer to Primary Raynaud's disease as being allergic to coldness. It often develops in young women in their teens and early adulthood." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "About 80 percent of patients with undifferentiated connective tissue disease have only one antinuclear autoantibody (ANA), usually anti-Ro or anti-RNP. In some cases, patients who are initially diagnosed with Raynaud’s phenomenon go on to develop UCTD." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "woo woo drink" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A Woo Woo is an alcoholic beverage made of vodka, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice. It is typically served as a cocktail in a highball glass or can be served as a shot. It is also sometimes served in a rocks glass. The ingredients are usually shaken together with ice or stirred as preferred." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of woo for English Language Learners. : to try to attract (someone, such as a customer, voter, worker, etc.) : to attempt to persuade (someone) to buy something from you, vote for you, work for you, etc." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Driving distance from Toledo, OH to Oberlin, OH. The total driving distance from Toledo, OH to Oberlin, OH is 91 miles or 146 kilometers. Your trip begins in Toledo, Ohio. It ends in Oberlin, Ohio. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Toledo, OH to Oberlin, OH so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.\"]>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how far is columbus to toledo to oberlin']\"", "The NCIS Caf-Pow Drink is a golden-colored fruity energy drink that will get you through an afternoon slump. Detective Abby Scuito loves CafPow and now you will, too. Shop Caf-Pow t-shirts and cups featuring the logo of this fun energy drink. Plenty of caffeine makes this drink X-Tremely good any time you need a boost in energy to get you through a big crime case." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of woo. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to sue for the affection of and usually marriage with : court. 3 2 : to solicit or entreat especially with importunity woo new customers. 3 : to seek to gain or bring 1 about. intransitive verb. : to court a woman." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Woot is, with some caveats, probably derived from and most likely popularized by the dance catch phrase of 1993, “whoot, there it is!” In clubs and on dance floors across the country, in half-time shows and in baseball stadiums, “whoot, there it is” and plain old “woot!” were shouted long and loud by millions." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Dae-su finally finds his captor, a wealthy man named Lee Woo-jin (Yoo Ji-tae). Woo-jin gives Dae-su an ultimatum: discover the motive for his imprisonment in five days and Woo-jin will kill himself. If not, Mi-do will die." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The clear glass woozy bottles are available in 5 oz and 12 oz sizes with plastic caps. These clear glass woozy bottles are also great for marinades, worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, dressings and more. If you are looking to dispense a little at a time, our 5 oz woozy is now available with an orifice reducer.hese clear glass woozy bottles are also great for marinades, worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, dressings and more. If you are looking to dispense a little at a time, our 5 oz woozy is now available with an orifice reducer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Woot. Woot is an American Internet retailer based in the Dallas suburb of Carrollton, Texas. Founded by electronics wholesaler Matt Rutledge, it debuted on July 12, 2004." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What Is A Woobie? Originating from the Vietnam era, this item is used as a lightweight, easily packed, and field expedient blanket that can be used in many different environments and applications. The item has properties that gives service members warmth and comfort even when wet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The Ingredients. 37 1/2 ml Peach Schnapps, 37 1/2 ml Vodka, 90 ml Cranberry Juice. How To make a WooWoo. Pour all ingredients into a highball glass over ice cubes, stir with bar spoon for 15 seconds and serve." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hwang Woo-suk (Korean: 황우석, born January 29, 1953) is a South Korean veterinarian and researcher." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "16 Responses to The Beauty – and the Danger – of Woo-Woo. 1 Claire March 9, 2011 at 10:05 am #. Susan, Those are all great words, but none is an actual synonym for woo-woo. I think they describe another phrase that could be useful: emotional intelligence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of woo for English Language Learners. : 1 to try to make (someone) love you : to try to have a romantic relationship with (someone) : 2 to try to attract (someone, such as a customer, voter, worker, etc.) : to attempt to persuade (someone) to buy something from you, vote for you, work for you, etc." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woo was one of the twenty castaways chosen to compete on Survivor: Cambodia for a second chance at Survivor. Woo was apart of the Ta Keo tribe. After hitting the beach, he immediately set up camp along with old-school players Kelly Wiglesworth, Terry Deitz, and Vytas Baskauskas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "WooCommerce is an ecommerce application that integrates with WordPress. It is essentially a WordPress plugin that allows you to transform all or part of your WordPress based site to become an ecommerce store. Built into WordPress for seamless integration. Sell physical products or digital downloads." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Skeptic’s Dictionary says, “When used by skeptics, woo-woo is a derogatory and dismissive term used to refer to beliefs one considers nonsense or to a person who holds such beliefs… But mostly the term is used for its emotive content and is an emotive synonym for such terms as nonsense, irrational, nutter, nut, or crazy.”." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Morgenthaler is going in that direction at Pépé le Moko, creating better versions of post-prohibition drinks like Long Island Iced Teas and Amaretto Sours—the kind of swill typically downed by woo girls looking for good times." ], [ "", "There is a Core Function within the Woo Commerce Plugin. I would like to create a custom function, in my functions.php file that overrides the Woo Commerce Core function. I'm not sure how. The Woo..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Once the study of Wook culture is complete, it is best to take a long shower using lots of soap. A visit to a local physician is also probably in order, as well as a trip to a rehab clinic. If these tools are not available to you, you are probably already a Wook and shouldn’t bother anyways." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For context, it must be noted that a “hotey” is a Wook slang term for a hotel and that “raging a hotey” is best described as the act where one person pays for a hotel room and 25 super heady shwilled out kidZZZ slug on handles of booze and rage it before and/or after the show usually resulting in an early AM kick out." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Answer by Nyteowl. Its CAN you woo woo woo from You Should Be Mine [The Woo Woo Song] by Jeffrey Osbourne of LTD Fame. Enjoy! Its CAN you woo woo woo from You Should Be Mine [The Woo Woo Song] by Jeffrey Osbourne of LTD Fame." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woo-oo-oo-oo-o Can i tell you Woo-oo-oo-oo-o What i do Woo-oo-oo-oo-o Come back honey Woo-oo-oo-oo-o love to you Stop all your f oo lin´linâ. Games-Hurriganes-woo-oo-oo-oo O | MetroLyrics. metrolyrics.www.lyrster/com/lyrics-wooooooooo-lyrics.hurriganes. Html lyrics 'To-woo-oo-oo-oo ' o By. hurriganes" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The WOOBIE is close to our hearts and we take pride in the poncho liners we own. We had no choice but to name our brand WOOBIES. We stand by the principles of lightweight, easily packed, and field expedient footwear that can be used in all applications." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Woot (originally W00t) is an American Internet retailer based in the suburb of Carrollton, Texas in Dallas. Founded by electronics wholesaler Matt Rutledge, it debuted on July 12, 2004. Woot's main web site generally offers only one discounted product each day, often a piece of computer hardware or an electronic gadget. Other Woot sites offer daily deals for t-shirts, wine, children's items, household goods, and two other sites that offer various items." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "woot. 1 Expressing happiness or approval. 2 Misspelling of hoot. Misspelling of w00t. 3 Oxford adds woot! to dictionary, August 2011." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Owner David Lau said he was first introduced to alcoholic tea beverages several years ago in Taiwan, where one of the most popular club drinks is whiskey green tea, which he described as a refreshing, hangover-inducing libation that basically consists of bottled green tea from 7-Eleven and Johnnie Walker." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I hope I don't skew the topic but I realized that I can drink more water if it's in a large bottle in front of me than in mugs or glasses. My water bottle fits 3 servings (3 cups =24 oz.) of liquid. woohoo!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Returning in Cambodia, Woo found himself in an alliance with the old school contestants and later, at odds with tribemate Abi-Maria Gomes. He was blindsided a day before the merge because Ciera Eastin and Kass McQuillen believed that he was too closely aligned with Andrew Savage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woot is a lifestyle. Woot is a vision. Woot is a pungent aroma that never apologizes for what it is. Woot is the hope in the eyes of a child when that child realizes you don't have to pay List Price for cool stuff. Woot is an ever-evolving deal maelstrom churning around a tornado circling a mystery." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of woot. woot. interjection. an expression of excitement or joy, used mostly by computer aficionados. Typically the w is written in lower case. Though the term was originally limited to use on the Internet, it is now used in speech. Also spelled w00t." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Woozles appear in the song Heffalumps and Woozles in Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, which establishes their fondness for stealing honey and their association with Heffalumps. In The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Woozles are real creatures." ], [ "Represent the following document", "1 Woozi (Hangul: 우지) was born Lee Jihoon (Hangul: 이지훈) on (1996-11-22) November 22, 1996 (age 19) in Busan, South Korea. He is the leader of the vocal unit and the producer of the group. Jeonghan was born Yoon Jeonghan (Hangul: 윤정한) on (1995-10-04) October 4, 1995 (age 21) in Seoul, South Korea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woo definition: If you woo people, you try to encourage them to help you, support you, or vote for you,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Woo definition, to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage. See more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "wook definition. A wook is a hippie with no ambition, motivation, or drive besides medications and image. They may be typically inside their twenties, college students (or dropouts) at small-town liberal colleges (such Appalachian State University) and influenced by earnings apart from their very own." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hot Sauce Bottles. The clear glass woozy bottles are available in 5 oz and 8 oz sizes with plastic caps. These clear glass woozy bottles are also great for marinades, worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, dressings and more.If you are looking to dispense a little at a time, our 5 oz woozy is now available with an orifice reducer.hese clear glass woozy bottles are also great for marinades, worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, dressings and more. If you are looking to dispense a little at a time, our 5 oz woozy is now available with an orifice reducer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Translations for 'woo'. British English: woo VERB. If you woo people, you try to encourage them to help you, support you, or vote for you, for example by promising them things which they would like. They wooed customers by offering low interest rates. [VERB noun] They are trying to woo back electoral support." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A woobie is a beloved fannish character (often a BSO) who evokes in fans the desire to wrap him (usually him) up in a blanket and cuddle him and comfort him." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woozi (우지) is a South Korean singer. He is a member of the boy group SEVENTEEN and leader of their vocal team unit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of woot. —used to express joy, approval, or excited enthusiasm NASA's social networking presence took off with the Mars Phoenix Lander, which tweeted, “Are you ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, WATER ICE on Mars! w00t!!! Best day ever!!” on June 19, 2008." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fill a cocktail shaker with 1 ounce (30 milliliters) of Malibu coconut rum, 1 ounce (30 milliliters) of vodka, and some ice. Shake for a few seconds, and then pour through a strainer into a tall glass. Cap off with 4 to 6 ounces (120 to 180 milliliters) of cranberry juice, and serve. Try a fizzy Woo Woo." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "woo. 1 to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage. Synonyms: court, pursue, chase. 2 to seek to win: to woo fame. Synonyms: cultivate. 3 to invite (consequences, whether good or bad) by one's own action; court: to woo one's own destruction." ], [ "Represent this text", "Cap off with cranberry juice, if desired. This is not needed, but it can lend your cocktail a fruitier flavor. 7. Garnish with a peach slice or lime wedge, if desired. The Woo Woo is usually not served with a garnish, but a peach slice or lime wedge can add a pop of color." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woo-Hah!! Got You All in Check. Woo Hah!! Got You All In Check is Busta Rhymes' first solo single from his solo debut album The Coming. The song peaked at number eight on the Billboard Hot 100, and also peaked at the same position in the United Kingdom and New Zealand." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wookiees originated on the Mid Rim forest planet of Kashyyyk. In the ancient past, they invented and crafted weapons that fired poisoned darts and arrows. During the Clone Wars, the Wookiees fought alongside the Galactic Republic in several star systems. Towards the end of the conflict, Wookiee forces also defended their homeworld from a Separatist invasion with the help of Galactic Republic forces led by Jedi Master Yoda." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "WWOOF aims to provide volunteers with first-hand experience in organic and ecologically sound growing methods, to help the organic movement; and to let volunteers experience life in a rural setting or a different country.WOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to building a sustainable global community." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Woot Founded 2004. Overview Woot.com pioneered the one deal per day business model that is now used by several sites across the internet. The basic idea is that only one product is available for sale at any given time and each product is only available for 24 hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Wook is a young female human representing Chewbacca, a wookie character starring in the popular Star Wars trilogy in the 1970's. This female has many of the features of Chewbacca, including a wide face, cleft lip, and broad smile." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '2) Esperanza was born bad because she makes fun of her aunt. Aunt Lupe had a disease, so she was born bad also. 3) Esperanza loved her aunt,she always went over to hang out and to read stories to her because she was blind.4) The advice given to Esperanza by her aunt was to keep writing.) Aunt Lupe passed away because of a disease. 2) Esperanza was born bad beacause she makes fun of her aunt. Aunt Lupe had a disease, so she was born bad also. 3) Esparanza loved her aunt, she always went over to hang out and read stories to her because she was blind.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who does esperanza think was born bad']'", "A wook is a hippie without any ambition, motivation, or drive other than drugs and image. They're generally in their twenties, college students (or dropouts) at small-town liberal colleges (such as Appalachian State University) and dependent on an income other than their own.hile a 'wook' can be a bohemian/hippie, a bohemian/hippie is not a 'wook.' Much like a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square. The term 'wook' originates from the Lucasfilms Trademark, Wookie, describing its intended recipients as hairy, wooly, tattooed, and/or often dirty, grimy, or unshaven." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. interjection. Woot, an alternative version of the gamer term w00t which means Wow, loot!, is defined as an online expression of joy or celebration. An example of woot is what you might post in your Facebook status update if you got a new job." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These effects will last between three and six hours. It is common for the high associated with this combination to be called a “swooning euphoria.” The combo also has a sedative effect and makes a person woozy. There are other effects of Purple Drank abuse that are not so sought-after." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Woot is, of course, the original daily deals site, founded in 2004. Originally, Woot offered one product per day until its stock of that item sold out, or until the product was replaced at midnight Central Time with the next offering." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "woo. 1 to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage. 2 to seek to win: to woo fame. 3 to invite (consequences, whether good or bad) by one's own action; court: to woo one's own destruction. 4 to seek to persuade (a person, group, etc.), as to do something; solicit; importune." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "In Japan, he said, a popular drink called Oolong Hai (which mixes oolong and shochu) is often served hot, and Lau likes the idea of expanding customers’ horizons with a hot cocktail. The other drink he’s working on is sure to please the college crowd: an alcoholic version of bubble tea." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This article is about the word. For other uses, see Woot (disambiguation) The term w00t (spelled with double-zero, 00), or woot, is a slang interjection used to express happiness or excitement, usually over the Internet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "WooCommerce is an open source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It is designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress. Launched on September 27, 2011, the plugin quickly became popular for its simplicity to install and customize and free base product." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Woo sees no one as a stranger Your big smile and friendly disposition put people at ease. Because of your strengths, you help make certain events exciting for other participants. People who are especially talented in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "the fact that he had managed to become the most famous general of Cuba Libre [Free Cuba, a. Rum hasn't been in such large demand since the 60s when rum and coke, or Cuba libre to give it its proper name, was the drink of choice. uk) A fun place to go with friends, where pitchers of Woo Woo and Cuba Libre cost around a tenner." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "woo meaning, definition, what is woo: to try to persuade someone to support you or to use your business: . Learn more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Woot is an American Internet retailer based in the Dallas suburb of Carrollton, Texas. Founded by electronics wholesaler Matt Rutledge, it debuted on July 12, 2004. Woot's main website generally offers only one discounted product each day, often a piece of computer hardware or an electronic gadget." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The notorious party drink, Four Loko, is making a comeback—in China. Already, some imbibers are running into trouble. Four twenty-something Chinese girls in Nanjing, an eastern city near Shanghai, wanted to try the drink, local police reported (link in Chinese, registration required)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "wook definition. August 19, 2017 Urban Dictionary. A wook is a hippie with no ambition, motivation, or drive besides medications and image. They may be typically inside their twenties, college students (or dropouts) at small-town liberal colleges (such Appalachian State University) and influenced by earnings apart from their very own." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Get inspired for your next party. Think Wisely. Drink Wisely. Must be 21+. PAMA Pomegranate Liqueur, 17% ABV, Bottled by PAMA Spirits Co. Bardstown, KY." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Handsome Ginger. Kick back and relax with a vodka and ginger beer cocktail guaranteed to refresh. This drink puts the spicy notes of Ginger beer front and center, offset by a tart zing of lime, a bite of vodka, and the minty freshness of a good garnish. The Handsome Ginger is perfect for a gathering with friends or unwinding at home." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Unfortunately, there’s a lot of woo in massage these days, and massage therapists who buy into the woo aren’t satisfied with simply using the rationale that massage feels good to recommend it to patients." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "16 Responses to The Beauty – and the Danger – of Woo-Woo. 1 Claire March 9, 2011 at 10:05 am 2 #. Jenny March 9, 2011 at 10:07 am 3 #. Peggie March 9, 2011 at 10:15 am 4 #. Peggie March 9, 2011 at 10:17 am 5 #. Susan March 9, 2011 at 10:34 am 6 #. Susan March 9, 2011 at 10:36 am 7 #. Susan March 9, 2011 at 10:39 am 8 #. Jesse March 9, 2011 at 12:39 pm #." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:", "can countif be used for columns in excel" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "If there are more than two criteria that you want to count in one column, just use COUNTIF(range, criteria) + COUNTIF(range, criteria) + COUNTIF(range, criteria)+…. 2. Another compact formula also can help you to solve this problem: =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(A2:A11,{KTE;KTO})), and then press Enter key to get the result." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SUMIF in Excel-syntax and usage. The SUMIF function, also known as Excel conditional sum, is used to add cells based on a certain condition, or criteria. If you've happened to read the COUNTIF tutorial on this blog, you won't have any difficulties with understanding Excel SUMIF because its syntax and usage is analogous." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Excel SUMIFS function - syntax & usage. You use SUMIFS in Excel to find a conditional sum of values based on multiple criteria. The SUMIFS function was introduced in Excel 2007, so you can use it in all modern versions of Excel 2013, 2010 and 2007. Compared to SUMIF, the SUMIFS syntax is a little bit more complex:" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Method 2. Use the COUNTIF() function to count the occurrences of a text string. where range is the range of cells that you are evaluating, and text is the text string that you want to count instances of (note that text must be enclosed in quotation marks). Wildcard characters can be used within the COUNTIF function." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "COUNTIF function. Use COUNTIF, one of the statistical functions, to count the number of cells that meet a criterion; for example, to count the number of times a particular city appears in a customer list." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Excel provides SUMIF(), COUNTIF(), and other helpful conditional formulas. Unfortunately, there is no MINIF() or MAXIF(), but you can create the same effect with a slightly more complicated method called an array formula. An array formula evaluates a range of cells instead of a single cell." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "COUNTIF allows you to put in a range of cells in the first argument. For instance in the table below, I wanted to count all the instances a number is greater than 1, I can use the formula. =COUNTIF(B2:E5,>1) For more documentation check out: COUNTIF function. Written Aug 26, 2015 • View Upvotes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The syntax of the COUNTIF function is very simple: COUNTIF(range, criteria) As you see, there are only 2 arguments, both of which are required: range - defines one or several cells to count. You put the range in a formula like you usually do in Excel, e.g. A1:A20. criteria - defines the condition that tells the function which cells to count. It can be a number, text string, cell reference or expression." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To enter an array formula, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. Use the COUNTIF() function to count the occurrences of a text string. For example, use the formula. where. is the range of cells that you are evaluating, and. is the text string that you want to count instances of (note that. must be enclosed in quotation marks)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Use COUNTIF, one of the statistical functions, to count the number of cells that meet a criterion; for example, to count the number of times a particular city appears in a customer list. In its simplest form, COUNTIF says: =COUNTIF(Where do you want to look?, What do you want to look for?) For example: =COUNTIF(A2:A5,London) =COUNTIF(A2:A5,A4)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SQL count( ) with column name. In this example SQL COUNT() function excludes the NULL values for a specific column if specified the column as an argument in the parenthesis of count function. Sample table : listofitem. To get the number of rows in the 'listofitem' table with the following condition -. 1. count number of rows for the column 'coname'." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n------\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The movie the Exorcist was based on a book of the same name by William Peter Blatty. The book is based on the real-life attempt of a priest to exorcise a demon from a young boâ\\x80¦y (the boy was around the same age Reagan was in the movie).']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what was the movie the exorcist based on']\"", "Use COUNTIF, one of the statistical functions, to count the number of cells that meet a criterion; for example, to count the number of times a particular city appears in a customer list." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'vestibular schwannoma. 1 a benign but life-threatening tumor arising from Schwann cells, usually of the vestibular division of the eighth cranial nerve in early stage; produces hearing loss, tinnitus, and vestibular disturbances and in late stages cerebellar, brainstem, and other cranial nerve signs and increased intracranial pressure. acoustic neuroma.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a vestibular neuroma']\"", "=COUNTIF(A2:A5,A3)+COUNTIF(A2:A5,A2) Counts the number with oranges (using criterion in A3) and apples (using criterion in A2) in cells A2 through A5. The result is 3. This formula uses two COUNTIF expressions to specify multiple criteria, one criteria per expression." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Although Excel has a SUMIF function and a COUNTIF function, there is no MAXIF function. To create your own MAXIF, you can combine the MAX and IF functions in an array formula. In this example, we'll find the highest value for a specific product in a sales list with multiple products." ], [ "represent the input", "(1 step) Hide unused cells, rows, and columns with Kutools for Excel. With Kutools for Excel Delete Hidden (Visible) Rows & Columns utility, Excel users can quickly delete all unused rows or columns from specified selected range, active sheets, multiple selected sheets, or all sheets with ease in Excel. Kutools for Excel includes more than 120 handy Excel tools." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', '(mÄ\\x81m) tr.v. maimed, maim·ing, maims. 1. To injure, disable, or disfigure, usually by depriving of the use of a limb or other part of the body. See Synonyms at mangle.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'definition of maim']\"", "The COUNTIF function allows you to count how many times you have an item in a list. But when you want to do a count on several criteria, the function COUNTIF shows its limits. That’s why Microsoft’s development teams have built since Office 2007 a new feature of counting multiple criteria, it’s the COUNTIFS function." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Column A uses the formula, =(A2+A3+A4+A5)/4, to find the average. Be careful when choosing AVERAGEIF() because it ignores empty cells and that might not be what you want either. If you need a formula that that doesn't ignore empty cells or if you're still using Excel 2003, you can use a formula in the following form:" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you have a list of data in a worksheet with unique values and duplicate values, and you do not only want to count the frequency of duplicate values also want to know the order of the occurrence of the duplicate values. In Excel, the COUNTIF function can help you count the duplicate values." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How the Excel distinct formula works. As you already know, we use the COUNTIF function to find out how many times each individual value appears in the specified range. In the above example, the result of the COUNTIF function is the following array: {2;2;3;1;2;2;3;1;3}." ], [ "Represent this:", "Many Excel built-in functions (SUM, SUMIF) calculate whole column references efficiently because they automatically recognize the last used row in the column. However, array calculation functions like SUMPRODUCT either cannot handle whole column references or calculate all the cells in the column." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "COUNTIF is not case-sensitive. In this example, the word complete can appear in any combination of uppercase / lowercase letters and will not be counted. If the value in cell a1 is 100, the criteria will be <>100 after concatenation, and COUNTIF will count cells not equal to 100." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Use COUNTIF, one of the statistical functions, to count the number of cells that meet a criterion; for example, to count the number of times a particular city appears in a customer list. Note: The COUNTIF function does not directly support data or ranges based upon the background color or font color of data cells." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(1 step) Hide unused cells, rows, and columns with Kutools for Excel. With Kutools for Excel Delete Hidden (Visible) Rows & Columns utility, Excel users can quickly delete all unused rows or columns from specified selected range, active sheets, multiple selected sheets, or all sheets with ease in Excel." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "COUNTIF allows you to put in a range of cells in the first argument. For instance in the table below, I wanted to count all the instances a number is greater than 1, I can use the formula. =COUNTIF(B2:E5,>1) For more documentation check out: COUNTIF function. Views · View Upvotes." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the example, the active cell contains this formula: =COUNTIF(C4:C10,<80) Here's how the formula works: COUNTIF counts the number of cells in the range that contain numeric values less than X and returns the result as a number. If you want to count cells that are less than or equal to 80, use: =COUNTIF(C4:C10,<=80) If you want to use a value in another cell as part of the criteria, use the ampersand (&) character to concatenate like this: =COUNTIF(rng,<&a1) If the value in cell a1 is 100, the criteria will be <100 after concatenation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This tutorial for Excel shows you how to change column headings into number from letters. This is actually called the R1C1 reference style but can also be used for help when writing macros and for when you just need to know the number for columns in Excel.his tutorial for Excel shows you how to change column headings into number from letters. This is actually called the R1C1 reference style but can also be used for help when writing macros and for when you just need to know the number for columns in Excel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How this formula works. COUNTIF counts the number of cells in the range that contain numeric values greater than X, and returns the result as a number. If the value in cell a1 is 70, the criteria will be >70 after concatenation. Excel Formula Training. Learn Excel formulas and functions with concise, clear videos." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The COUNTIF function is a good way to generate these kinds of totals. 1 If you have a limited number of values to count this is a good solution. However, if you have a large list of values that will change over time, a pivot table is a better option. 2 500 Formula Examples, thoughtfully explained." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Microsoft Excel COUNT function counts the number of cells that contain numbers as well as the number of arguments that contain numbers. The COUNT function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Statistical Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel. As a worksheet function, the COUNT function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet." ], [ "Represent the following document", "The IF function in Excel returns one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false. You can use up to 64 additional IF functions inside an IF function. Excel has other functions that can be used to analyze your data based on a condition like the COUNTIF or COUNTIFS worksheet functions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "COUNTIF counts the number of cells in the range that contain numeric values greater than X, and returns the result as a number. If the value in cell a1 is 70, the criteria will be >70 after concatenation. Excel Formula Training. Learn Excel formulas and functions with concise, clear videos." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So, we will try to use the COUNTIF Formula to find the result. range: In this case, ‘ range ’ will be “B2:B11”, as on these cells we have to apply the ‘ criteria ’. criteria: In this case, ‘ criteria st January 1990.This results into 6, which means there are 6 employees that have joined before 1990.ow to Use COUNTIF in Excel: Now, let’s see how to use COUNTIF function in Excel. Let’s consider, we have an Employee table as shown in the below image. Objective: From the above table, our objective is to find the number of employees who have joined before 1990." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Count Functions This is perhaps the most commonly-used function in Excel. It lets you count the number of cells currently being used in a spreadsheet as well as the number of blank cells remaining in your spreadsheet's data range. There are five types of Count Functions in Excel: Count for number of cells containing numbers in a data range." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For the detailed step-by-step formula examples, check out the following tutorials: 1 How to use the COUNTIF in Excel. 2 Using Excel COUNTIFS and COUNTIF with multiple conditions. 3 SUMIF in Excel - formula examples to conditionally sum cells. How to use Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what are greens" ]
[ [ "Represent this", "Collard greens. Collard greens (collards) describes certain loose-leafed cultivars of Brassica oleracea, the same species as many common vegetables, including cabbage (Capitata Group) and broccoli (Botrytis Group). Collard greens are part of the Acephala Group of the species, which includes kale and spring greens. They are in the same cultivar group owing to their genetic similarity. The name collard comes from the word colewort (the wild cabbage plant)." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mustard Greens. If you need more Vitamin E in your diet, try eating more mustard greens. One cup of chopped greens contains 1.13mg of essential Vitamin E, along with many other nutrients. In fact, mustard greens are a great food to enjoy more of, regardless of what sort of nutrients your diet may be lacking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Mustard Greens Nutrition Facts. Taking a look at mustard greens nutrition, you can see what a superfood these delicious greens really are. Just one cup of cooked mustard greens contains (in daily recommended values): 21 calories. 0 grams of fat. 3 grams of carbohydrates. 3 grams of dietary fiber. 3 grams of protein. 524% Vitamin K." ], [ "Represent this", "Mustard (also known as mustard greens, spinach, leaf mustard and white mustard), is a quick-to-mature, easy-to-grow, cool-season vegetable for greens or salads." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Fuerteventura (. [fweɾteβenË\\x88tuɾa] ; loosely translated as Strong Winds or a corruption of the French term for Great Adventure) is one of the Canary Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa, politically part of Spain.he island has a population of 74,983. Throughout its long history, Fuerteventura has suffered from a population decline due to the economic situation and the climate, which have made it into a desert island.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is fuerteventura']'", "Mustard. Mustard (also known as mustard greens, spinach, leaf mustard and white mustard), is a quick-to-mature, easy-to-grow, cool-season vegetable for greens or salads." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beet tops are one of very versatile and nutritious green leafy vegetables. The greens indeed very low in calories; 100 g hold just 22 calories. Nonetheless, they are one of the healthiest greens recommended in the diet for their low fat, no cholesterol but health benefiting vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.he beet plant reaches about 1 to 2 feet from the ground surface in height. Depending upon the cultivar type, its long petioled leaves may feature pink, light green, white and crimson red veins and broad, deep-green succulent leaves. Its tops are most sought after while their leaves young, tender and crispy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "2. Liquid Chlorophyll. It has a molecular structure similar to hemoglobin, except for the center atom. Liquid chlorophyll is extracted from plants, so you’re already getting chlorophyll when you eat your greens. However, some prefer to supplement with liquid chlorophyll drops and add them to drinks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sure, it saves money to have greens fresh from your garden... and you can save even more when you learn how to freeze your greens. What kind of greens can you freeze? Mustard greens, collard greens, swiss chard, ruby chard, kale and even turnip greens." ], [ "Represent the input.", "The smooth greensnake (Opheodrys vernalis) is a nonvenomous North American colubrid. It is also referred to as the grass snake. It is a slender, small medium snake that measures 36–51 cm (14–20 in) as an adult. It gets its common name from its smooth dorsal scales, as opposed to the rough green snake, which has keeled dorsal scales." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Greengages are beautiful, oval-shaped plums with either green or light gold skin. They may also be more commonly called Reine Claude, since they were domesticated in France. Outside of France, especially in English speaking countries all drupaceous fruits of the Prunus genus can sometimes be referred to as gages." ], [ "", "Protein and Greens. A TRU’ly fantastic tasting, whole-food, ORGANIC and complete vegan plant protein source with the benefits of fermented fruits and veggies, probiotics and enzymes to assist in ultimate digestion and assimilation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "A favored color of both men and women, the color green is cool and restful, and it signifies growth, renewal, health and environment. Women tend to like jade, beryl, leaf green, lime, mint moss, pine, sea green, seafoam, spring green and viridian colors." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants, including vitamins A, C and E, as well as luetin and selenium. According to the Center for Young Women’s Health, vegetables like arugula, broccoli, collard greens, kale and spinach are also excellent sources of folate, iron and calcium.ntioxidants are compounds that safeguard your cells against free radical damage. Free radicals are molecules produced by metabolism or environmental factors like pollution, cigarette smoke and radiation, according to MedlinePlus. These molecules damage healthy cells and contribute to aging, heart disease and cancer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mustard Greens. If you need more Vitamin E in your diet, try eating more mustard greens. One cup of chopped greens contains 1.13mg of essential Vitamin E, along with many other nutrients. In fact, mustard greens are a great food to enjoy more of, regardless of what sort of nutrients your diet may be lacking.ustard Greens. If you need more Vitamin E in your diet, try eating more mustard greens. One cup of chopped greens contains 1.13mg of essential Vitamin E, along with many other nutrients. In fact, mustard greens are a great food to enjoy more of, regardless of what sort of nutrients your diet may be lacking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Collard Greens Collard greens are frequently eaten in the Southern U.S. regions, but deserve attention everywhere for their health benefits. Collard greens provide nearly twice the amount of calcium as spinach and are high in potassium and magnesium, too." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Watercress, a slightly sweet and spicy green that you won’t find at every market, is an amazingly delicious green to enjoy when you get the chance.Reminiscent of arugula and spinach combined, you’ll find it often still with the roots attached or even sold in small water pots at stores like Whole Foods.he cruciferous veggies like watercress, kale, broccoli, cabbage, etc., all topped the list while other leafy greens such as spinach, romaine, and beet greens also ranked high on the list." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Mustard greens are an excellent source of vitamin K, an essential nutrient that is necessary for blood clotting. Vitamin K also supports bone health by helping your blood to transport calcium throughout your body. Mustard greens are also high in vitamin C and E, two powerful antioxidants that help remove free radicals from your body. Sauté mustard greens instead of boiling them to retain their flavor. Combine 1 or 2 cups of mustard greens with 1/2 cup of chopped onions and your favorite seasonings. Enjoy them alone or with your favorite lean meat." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "green onion definition, green onion meaning | English dictionary. scallion. 1 any of a group of colours, such as that of fresh grass, that lie between yellow and blue in the visible spectrum in the wavelength range 575--500 nanometres." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "RELATED: The 7 Best-Tasting Green Juices. The main difference between greens juices and powders is the calories. Greens supplements are the powdered remains of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that have been either freeze- or light-dried, so the end product is essentially calorie-free or very low-calorie." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Chlorophyll is the chemoprotein that gives plants their green color. Humans get it from leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, and spinach." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SKU: Moringa Oleifera. Moringa greens (leaves) are an excellent source of protein that can be rare feature for any herbs and green leafy vegetables in the plant kingdom. 100 g of fresh raw leaves provide 9.8 g of protein or about 17.5% of daily-required levels." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What's New and Beneficial About Turnip Greens. 1 The noticeably bitter taste of turnip greens has been linked by researchers to its calcium content. 2 On an ounce-for-ounce basis, turnip greens contain about 4 times more calcium than a much less bitter-tasting cruciferous vegetables like cabbage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "noun. A green pigment, present in all green plants and in cyanobacteria, which is responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis. Example sentences. 1 The green colouring comes from chlorophyll, the same pigment that is found in foliage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "collard greens nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, jeans, scissors.. (green vegetable) (MX). col silvestre loc nom flocucion flocución nominal: Femenina unidad lexica léxica estable formada de dos o mas más palabras que funciona (como sustantivo femenino, casa de, citas zona). cero arma secreta" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Need more benefits? Dandelion greens are high in fiber, which helps your body shed waste. These greens also contain vitamins C and B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron (crucial for generating red blood cells), potassium (to help regulate heart rate and blood pressure), and manganese. Other nutrients present in dandelion greens include folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What to Do With Greens in the Garden. 1 How you use your greens depends on the variety. 2 Heavy, thick leaves are more palatable when you remove the ribs. 3 All greens should be washed and drained well before use." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Average price per square foot for Saint Matthews KY was $159, an increase of 6.7% compared to the same period last year. The median sales price for homes in Saint Matthews KY for Jul 15 to Oct 15 was $217,000 based on 9 home sales.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average price per square foot st. matthews ky']>>", "Beet tops are one of very versatile and nutritious green leafy vegetables. The greens indeed very low in calories; 100 g hold just 22 calories. Nonetheless, they are one of the healthiest greens recommended in the diet for their low fat, no cholesterol but health benefiting vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From farmers' markets and supermarkets to gourmet restaurants and backyard gardens, Leafy Greens (Lettuce, Mustard, Spinach, and Collards) are popular for their various textures, sweet or pungent flavors, beautiful colors, and nutritional value.rom farmers' markets and supermarkets to gourmet restaurants and backyard gardens, Leafy Greens (Lettuce, Mustard, Spinach, and Collards) are popular for their various textures, sweet or pungent flavors, beautiful colors, and nutritional value." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dark leafy salad greens, including leaf lettuce and non-lettuce greens, make up a significant portion of the dark green vegetable subgroup." ] ]
[ "Represent the natural language", "is granulation tissue vascular" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Granulation tissue: new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. Source: WordNet 2.1. Granulation tissue: A vascular connective tissue formed on the surface of a healing wound, ulcer, or inflamed tissue. It consists of new capillaries and an infiltrate containing lymphoid cells, macrophages, and plasma cells. Source: MeSH 2007." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "This study is currently recruiting participants. Granulation tissue, or excess tissue, forms around gastrostomy tube sites and is a common problem seen in the pediatric surgery population. There is no standard treatment that has been identified in clinical practice to treat granulation tissue effectively. Clinicians prescribe treatments of varying nature to help treat this condition." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A catheter can cause the formation of granulation tissue. Granulation tissues may develop in result of injury to the trachea, causing breathing problems. Sometimes, granulation tissue can form inside the body and cause difficulties with swallowing.The development of excess granulation tissue may require surgery.The appearance of scar tissue on the face, neck and chest may be lessened through dermabrasion.ometimes, granulation tissue can form inside the body and cause difficulties with swallowing. The development of excess granulation tissue may require surgery. The appearance of scar tissue on the face, neck and chest may be lessened through dermabrasion." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Tissue granulation is a process by which fibrous tissue rich with blood capillaries replaces blood clots formed at the site of a healing wound." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue is mostly composed of new blood vessels and fibroblasts and also tissue matrix due to which it can support different cell types. Fibroblasts is the main modifier of granulation tissue and at the start comprises of type III collagen network which is mostly weak.ranulation tissue is mostly composed of new blood vessels and fibroblasts and also tissue matrix due to which it can support different cell types. Fibroblasts is the main modifier of granulation tissue and at the start comprises of type III collagen network which is mostly weak." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Granulation tissue is composed of tissue matrix supporting a variety of cell types, most of which can be associated with one of the following functions: 1 formation of extracellular matrix, 2 operation of the immune system, or.ranulation tissue is composed of tissue matrix supporting a variety of cell types, most of which can be associated with one of the following functions: 1 formation of extracellular matrix, 2 operation of the immune system, or." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "During the migratory phase of wound healing, granulation tissue is: 1 light red or dark pink in color, being perfused with new capillary loops or buds; 2 soft to the touch; 3 moist; and. 4 bumpy (granular) in appearance, due to punctate hemorrhages. 5 pulseful on palpation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "10 most extreme places on Earth. Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over. The scar may fade over time, especially if the wound is small." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Main Image: Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury. This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As the granulation tissue is caused by the body trying to heal itself, friction around the tube area is likely to encourage the growth of granulation tissue, so try to use soft textiles and cover the tube outlet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue is composed of capillaries, fibroblasts, macrophages (to clean up debris), and collagen, fibronectin, and proteoglycans. Neovascularization - Within days, angiogenesisi begins and new capillaries form and supply nutrients in addition to providing some initial bridging of the wound." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A granulation tissue is produced following incision of tissue such as skin, abdominal wall or the gastrointestinal tract, and the strength of the wound is determined primarily by the collagen content early in the healing course.Few models are available to study wound healing in man.e found no correlation between collagen deposition levels obtained with placement of the ePTFE model in the subcutaneous tissue of the arm and in an uncomplicated surgical wound of the groin in the same patient, respectively. Significantly higher collagen deposition levels in the model were found in the surgical wound." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granula … tion tissue can be too robust. An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "During the migratory phase of wound healing, granulation tissue is: 1 light red or dark pink in color, being perfused with new capillary loops or buds; 2 soft to the touch; 3 moist; and. bumpy (granular) in appearance, due to punctate 1 hemorrhages. pulseful on palpation. painless when healthy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granula … tion tissue can be too robust.An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh.Depending on the specifics of your case, a treating physician may apply a fine layer of silver nitrate to the excess tissue. All the tissue of the inner portion of the breast is r…. 2 The Risks, Benefits and Recovery From a Colposcopy Procedure A colposcopy procedure uses an instrument known as a colposcope to examine the tissues of your cervix and vaginal wall." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust.An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh.Depending on the specifics of your case, a treating physician may apply a fine layer of silver nitrate to the excess tissue.n excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh. Depending on the specifics of your case, a treating physician may apply a fine layer of silver nitrate to the excess tissue." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Main Image: Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury. This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams.ranulation tissue is mostly composed of new blood vessels and fibroblasts and also tissue matrix due to which it can support different cell types. Fibroblasts is the main modifier of granulation tissue and at the start comprises of type III collagen network which is mostly weak." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over. The scar may fade over time, especially if the wound is small. In some cases, the body produces too much granulation tissue, in a condition known as proud flesh, in which case medical treatment may be required to halt the overproduction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "10 most extreme places on Earth. Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over.The scar may fade over time, especially if the wound is small. catheter can cause the formation of granulation tissue. Granulation tissues may develop in result of injury to the trachea, causing breathing problems. Sometimes, granulation tissue can form inside the body and cause difficulties with swallowing. The development of excess granulation tissue may require surgery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust.An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh.Depending on the specifics of your case, a treating physician may apply a fine layer of silver nitrate to the excess tissue.This, in effect, cauterizes the granulation tissue (though the process is reportedly painless) and allows new healthy cell growth above that layer of flesh.epending on the specifics of your case, a treating physician may apply a fine layer of silver nitrate to the excess tissue. This, in effect, cauterizes the granulation tissue (though the process is reportedly painless) and allows new healthy cell growth above that layer of flesh." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue can be noted from the healthy wound buds that protrude from the wound base. During wound healing, granulation tissue usually appears during the proliferative phase. Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels form, bringing in tiny capilarry buds that appear as granular tissue." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust.An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The noun GRANULATION TISSUE has 1 sense: 1. new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. Familiarity information: GRANULATION TISSUE used as a noun is very rare." ], [ "Represent this text", "Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury. This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Healthy granulation tissue is granular and uneven in texture; it does not bleed easily and is pink / red in colour. The colour and condition of the granulation tissue is often an indicator of how the wound is healing. Dark granulation tissue can be indicative of poor perfusion, ischaemia and / or infection. Epithelial cells finally resurface the wound, a process known as ‘epithelialisation’." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Healthy granulation tissue is granular and uneven in texture; it does not bleed easily and is pink / red in colour. The colour and condition of the granulation tissue is often an indicator of how the wound is healing. Dark granulation tissue can be indicative of poor perfusion, ischaemia and / or infection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "10 most extreme places on Earth. Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medical Definition of Granulation. Granulation: That part of the healing process in which lumpy, pink tissue containing new connective tissue and capillaries forms around the edges of a wound. Granulation of a wound is normal and desirable. Search MedTerms:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Granulation tissue Granulation tissue itself is composed largely of newly growing capillaries (angiogenesis) and is so called because the irregular surface is created by the capillaries looping together on the wound surface, giving the appearance of red lumps (or granules) throughout paler pink normal matrix." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Weeks to months after onset of injury, granulation tissue is transformed into a mature scar. Amount of collagen and ECM proteins increases Number of fibroblasts and vascularity decreases Fully mature scar is practically avascular, has very few cells, no dermal appendages (i.e. hair follicles) and has dense collagen." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the process of tissue granulation, healthy tissue replaces damaged tissue at the site of a healing wound. Immune system cells, particularly macrophages and neutrophils, are active during tissue granulation of a healing wound." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(See also healing and keloid .) Beneath the skin is a fibrous connective tissue known as subcutaneous tissue, composed of cells called fibroblasts, which after injury are stimulated to grow into granulation tissue, knitting the wound together. Scar tissue is formed by dense masses of granulation tissue.icatrix; a mark remaining after the healing of a wound, such as one caused by injury, illness or surgery. constricting scar. contraction of scar tissue causing constriction of vascular channel or hollow viscus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The process of granulation provides the early scaffolding necessary to promote healing from the edges of the wound. Granulation tissue does not mature into epithelium; instead, granulation tissue is eventually covered by a layer of epidermal tissue.Granulation tissue is subject to injury by outside forces, including dry/adherent dressings, pressure, high-intensity irrigation of the wound and overzealous wound packing.he process of granulation provides the early scaffolding necessary to promote healing from the edges of the wound. Granulation tissue does not mature into epithelium; instead, granulation tissue is eventually covered by a layer of epidermal tissue." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue (new blood vessels, fibroblasts, epithelial cells) bright pink to red due to extensive capillaries, grows from wound edge to center fragile AND Collagen (protein substance tough and inelastic) adhesive strength of wound increases .Blood vessels begin to shrink, Pink color disappears." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Main Image: Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury. This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams.ut many times in this process an excess of granulation tissue is formed which is known as proud flesh or Caro luxurians. Topical applications are used to cauterize the excess tissue so that its further growth as well as proliferation is controlled and stopped." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "0% Score. Granulation tissue is composed of. fibroblasts and eosinophils. fibroblasts, capillaries and chronic inflammatory cells. plasma cells and giant cells. epithelioid cells and tissue phagocytes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Hypergranulation or proud tissue is an overgrowth of granulation tissue above the height or border of the skin edge. It is unclear why this process actually happens in wounds. Hypergranulation tissue is usually friable and bleeds and must be dealt with.ngiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels form, bringing in tiny capilarry buds that appear as granular tissue. Granulation tissue sets the stage for epithelial tissue to be laid down on top of the wound bed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Granulation tissue is the pink layer you find under a scab if you pick it off. Proud flesh is also known as persistent granulation tissue, and occurs when the scabs normal granulation tissue does not go away.Proud flesh can persist for years until it is removed, destroyed, or until the cause is alleviated. keloid has over-healed. Proud flesh has under-healed. In wound healing, the body produces fibroblasts, capillaries, collagen, healing factors, fibrin, and ground substance working together to heal the wound. This collection of tissue substances is called granulation tissue." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue, or excess tissue, forms around gastrostomy tube sites and is a common problem seen in the pediatric surgery population. There is no standard treatment that has been identified in clinical practice to treat granulation tissue effectively. Clinicians prescribe treatments of varying nature to help treat this condition." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury.This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams.ut many times in this process an excess of granulation tissue is formed which is known as proud flesh or Caro luxurians. Topical applications are used to cauterize the excess tissue so that its further growth as well as proliferation is controlled and stopped." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The development of granulation tissue is a common complication of enteral nutrition via a PEG feeding tube. Granulation tissue is caused by the child’s body attempting to fix the skin disrupted by the tube and usually it occurs as part of the wound healing process. Depending on it’s stage it appears as a red, pink or randomly colored bumpy tissue formed on the surface around the tubes’ stoma." ], [ "", "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / granulation definition Medical Definition of Granulation Granulation: That part of the healing process in which lumpy, pink tissue containing new connective tissue and capillaries forms around the edges of a wound. Granulation of a wound is normal and desirable." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Recommended Dosage. The recommended dosage of omega-3 for dogs varies by weight. For every 30 pounds of body weight, give Fido 1,000 mg fish oil containing 300 mg of EPA/DHA combined. If your pooch needs more than an average dose to help combat more serious health problems, up the dosage to a maximum of 1,000 mg fish oil per 10 pounds of body weight. If you are unsure about how much your dog weighs, ask your vet for help.'] should be similar to ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what amount of fish oil should your dog get']", "Granulation Tissue. in Pathology. After tissue damage, repair process starts. It can begin as early as 24 hours. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells begin proliferating to form a specialized type of tissue that is the hallmark of healing called granulation tissue.The term derives from its pink, soft, granular appearance on surface of wound but its histological features are:t can begin as early as 24 hours. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells begin proliferating to form a specialized type of tissue that is the hallmark of healing called granulation tissue. The term derives from its pink, soft, granular appearance on surface of wound but its histological features are:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Tissue granulation is a process by which fibrous tissue rich with blood capillaries replaces blood clots formed at the site of a healing wound. Through this process, healthy and normal skin is able to replace skin that was damaged.The tissue that forms over a wound during this process is called granulation tissue.The tissue that forms usually has a light pink color and a relatively rough texture; it is also quite moist and tends to be bumpy in appearance.issue granulation occurs in the proliferative phase, during which new, healthy tissue reforms and rebuilds the area of the wound. The final phase of wound healing is the remodeling phase, when the new tissue fully integrates with the old tissue." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Granulation tissue is formed at the site of an injury and is composed of rich collagen. Slowly as the injury tries to heal, this tissue fills up the space and leaves a mark or scar at the place of injury.This scar many times fades away or can be dimmed by using various scar removing or lightening creams.ranulation tissue is mostly composed of new blood vessels and fibroblasts and also tissue matrix due to which it can support different cell types. Fibroblasts is the main modifier of granulation tissue and at the start comprises of type III collagen network which is mostly weak." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Granulation: That part of the healing process in which lumpy, pink tissue containing new connective tissue and capillaries forms around the edges of a wound. Granulation of a wound is normal and desirable.ranulation: That part of the healing process in which lumpy, pink tissue containing new connective tissue and capillaries forms around the edges of a wound. Granulation of a wound is normal and desirable." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "During the migratory phase of wound healing, granulation tissue is: 1 light red or dark pink in color, being perfused with new capillary loops or buds; 2 soft to the touch; 3 moist; and. 4 bumpy (granular) in appearance, due to punctate hemorrhages.5 pulseful on palpation.ranulation tissue is composed of tissue matrix supporting a variety of cell types, most of which can be associated with one of the following functions: 1 formation of extracellular matrix, 2 operation of the immune system, or." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "10 most extreme places on Earth. Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over.The scar may fade over time, especially if the wound is small.ometimes, granulation tissue can form inside the body and cause difficulties with swallowing. The development of excess granulation tissue may require surgery. The appearance of scar tissue on the face, neck and chest may be lessened through dermabrasion." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nE.g. ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\\n\\n\\nFewshot example: \"Normal Mode Ores. 1 Copper or Tin. 2 Iron or Lead. 3 Silver or Tungsten. Gold or 1 Platinum. Demonite or Crimtane - Corruption/Crimson - Gold or better Pickaxe required. Meteorite - Tungsten or better Pickaxe 1 required. Obsidian - formed when water meets 2 lava. Hellstone - found in the Underworld only.\" == \"what pickaxe can mine the crimson\"', 'Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), a former actor and California governor, served as the 40th U.S. president from 1981 to 1989. Raised in small-town Illinois, he became a Hollywood actor in his 20s and later served as the Republican governor of California from 1967 to 1975.'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when did ronald reagan become president']", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust. An excess of granulation tissue is informally known in the medical community as proud flesh. Depending on the specifics of your case, a treating physician may apply a fine layer of silver nitrate to the excess tissue." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, '['', 'Italian seasoning is a spice mixture popular in many parts of the world that attempts to capture some of the most common flavors of Italian cooking. It is typically sold as a dried herb mix. It can contain a wide range of ingredients, but rosemary, oregano, thyme, and marjoram are usually some of the most common.']' should be close to '['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is italian seasoning made of']'", "By day 3, the acute inflammatory response is replaced by chronic inflammation (macrophages). Also at 3 days, granulation tissue begins forming, courtesy of growth factors secreted by platelets, macrophages and endothelial cells. Growth factors induce regeneration of the basal cells of the epidermis By day 5, granulation tissue has filled the incisional space. During the second week, collagen accumulates. Leukocytes, edema, and increased vascularity begin to disappear." ], [ "", "No, fibrosis is the abnormal accumulation of fibrin causing adhesions while granulation tissue consists of active fibroblasts along with inflammatory cells, angiogenesis (crea … tion of new blood vessels) and raw/exposed nerves." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue is collagen-rich tissue which forms at the site of an injury. As the body heals, this tissue fills in the injury, and may eventually scar over. The scar may fade over time, especially if the wound is small." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Granulation tissue is formed Fibroblasts elaborate connective tissue fibers to span the break Macrophanges and golf and clean away cellular debris The wound retracts Epithelial regeneration is nearly complete" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Granulation tissue is a kind of tissue generated in a healing wound to both break down damaged tissue and to help prevent infection, however, sometimes growth of granulation tissue can be too robust." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Granulation tissue sets the stage for epithelial tissue to be laid down on top of the wound bed. Pale unhealthy granulation tissue, as noted above, can result from lack of good blood supply and angiogenesis. Pale granulation tissue needs to be freshened up with debridement to stimulate new ingrowth of blood vessels." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how long for certification after passing nurse practitioner boards" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In. , where I practice, the agreement must be reviewed by the boards of nursing and medicine. After passing these reviews, you can expect to receive a letter of temporary approval that allows you to begin practice as an NP. The final approval letter should be received 2 weeks later.e sure to include with your application a request that your test results be faxed to your state board of nursing or any other licensing body that requires it for you to practice. Results may not be mailed for 2 to 4 weeks after the exam." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A nurse may choose among three methods of demonstrating his or her continuing competency for each two-year licensing period. A nurse may complete 20 contact hours of continuing nursing education (CNE) in the nurse's area of practice; achieve, maintain, or renew an... approved national nursing certification in the nurse's area of practice; or the nurse may attend an academic course that meets the prescribed criteria." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "1 Board certification is different from possessing a medical license, which is the minimum required by law to practice medicine and is not specialty specific. In 1976, the ABS switched from certificates that were valid indefinitely to certificates that must be renewed every 10 years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A nurse practitioner psychiatrist gets an annual salary of approximately $87,000; physician assistant $80,000, hospital nurse practitioner $92,000 to $117,000; nurse practitioner in a correction facility gets $120,000, certification for medical assistant 33,000, critical care nurse $114,000. nurse practitioner psychiatrist gets an annual salary of approximately $87,000; physician assistant $80,000, hospital nurse practitioner $92,000 to $117,000; nurse practitioner in a correction facility gets $120,000, certification for medical assistant 33,000, critical care nurse $114,000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "CNA Certification Requirements by U.S State. To become a certified nursing assistant applicants are generally required to complete a state approved training course before they can take the state certification exams. On average CNA training programs take approximately eight weeks to complete." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Upon successful completion of the certification exam, the CFRN credential is valid for 4 years. Flight or Transport Certification? If you are a transport nurse who practices exclusively in the flight environment, you can obtain or maintain the CFRN credential." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, a certificate to prescribe issued under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code as an externship certificate is valid for not more than one year, unless earlier suspended or revoked by the board of nursing.A) As used in this section, person has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and also includes the board of nursing and its members and employees; health care facilities, associations, and societies; insurers; and individuals." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Indiana State Board of Nursing. If license expired more than 3 years but less than 10 years ago and not licensed in another jurisdiction, then 24 hours are requred for renewal of RN and LPN licenses; APNs with prescriptive authority must obtain at least 30 hours, with at least 8 of those hours in pharmacology." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After earning a medical degree (M.D. or D.O.), the length of training in the United States for a general dermatologist to be eligible for Board Certification by the American Academy of Dermatology, American Board of Dermatology or the American Osteopathic Board of Dermatology is a total of four years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Graduation from a CLT/MLT program accredited by NAACLS. Certification as a CLT(NCA) or MLT(ASCP) Completion of CLT/MLT clinical courses within five years of the student’s acceptance into the UNC CLS program. If students do not meet this requirement, the UNC CLS program will evaluate their clinical experiences since graduation and award credit on a case by case basis." ], [ "", "CHPN Exam Study Guide with Practice Questions. In order to take the Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse exam, the applicant must be currently licensed as a Registered Nurse. It is recommended that the RN complete at least 2 years of employment caring for patients with end of life issues. There are no specific continuing education credit hour requirements." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You could spend about six years in total training for this position, but you may need to acquire an additional 1-2 years of work experience before applying to graduate programs for nurse practitioners. Read on to explore the steps to becoming a nurse practitioner." ], [ "Represent text!", "Since a master's degree is required to become a nurse practitioner, you first need to earn a bachelor's degree. A BSN program typically takes four years to complete." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Tips/Recap. How long it takes to become a nurse practitioner depends a great deal on what education and experience you already have when you decide to pursue this career. If you are just getting started with your education, it can take at least six years to complete a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree program." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You must pass the Texas nursing jurisprudence examination prior to being issued a permanent license. Instructions on taking the Texas nursing jurisprudence examination: 1 File an endorsement application with the Texas Board of Nursing. 2 Wait fifteen business days. 3 While you wait, prepare for the exam. 4 We recommend that you: 5 view a copy of the Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and Board Rules and Regulations on our website." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "• In accordance with R.S. 37:920, the Board of Nursing may issue temporary permits to practice as a registered nurse. Working permits may be issued to a graduate of an approved school pending the results of the first licensure examination, provided: 1. Examination is taken within 3 months of graduation; 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Board approved providers may take up to 7. business days to send verification of completion to the Board and a license will not be issued until this verification is. received. NOTE: When registering with the Provider be certain to indicate that this is for the purpose of licensure. Also, the first and last name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If eight or more years have passed following the expiration date of your license and you do not presently hold a current and active registered nurse license in another state or U.S. territory, you are required to take and pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) before your license can be reinstated." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A nurse newly licensed in Texas either by examination or by endorsement from another state is exempt from the continuing competency requirement for the first licensure renewal. A nurse’s initial license may be valid for a period ranging from six (6) to 29 months, depending on the licensee’s birth date." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Passing score on the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) examination within one year following the date of application, sent directly by the NAB to the Health Licensing Office (HLO)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 2-3 years in a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist masters program (3-4 years in a DNP/DNAP). 2 Take the CCNA certification exam upon completion of your CRNA program. 3 Once you pass this test, you will be a CRNA. 4 There is an 89% pass rate on this exam.f you're still on the fence about becoming a CRNA, this article will help you process the decision and determine if this is the right career path for you or not. 1 4-6 for the BSN. 2 First, you need to become a registered nurse." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) You’ll need to work as a Registered Nurse for at least two years, getting 2,000 hours of clinical experience in case management before applying to take your certification exam." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "If you already have a bachelor's degree in nursing (BSN), you are in luck. The only step you need to take towards becoming a nurse practitioner is getting your MSN degree. This takes on average two to three years depending on if you complete your NP program on a part-time or full-time basis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You will need to receive and maintain a certification to practice pediatric medicine by the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) or the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics (AOBP). There is a limit of seven years that can pass between the time you finish your pediatric training and become board certified." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Your SPHR certification is valid for three years after testing. To maintain your SPHR credential, you must earn 60 recertification credits over a three-year time span or retake the exam. Of the 60 recertification credits required, 15 must be Business Management & Strategy credits." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These are the same. A nurse practitioner will become certified after graduation. There are many programs: family, acute care, adult, pediatric, mental health. Our titles vary by state, some are NP, ARNP, many others I cannot remember, this can be very confusing to the public." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Become a Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. 1 1. Become a registered nurse. In order to apply to a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner program, you must have completed a degree in registered nursing and be certified as a registered nurse in a U.S. state or territory. Passing the NCLEX-RN examination is required for certification as a registered nurse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Late Renewals. A nurse whose license has expired will be required show proof of completion of 20 hours of CNE, including any targeted CNE requirements, or achievement, maintenance or renewal of an approved national nursing certification within the past two years. This applies whether the license is delinquent for one day or longer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A passing score remains valid for 18 months from the date indicated in your letter from CPAES. After 18 months, if you have not completed all four sections of the exam, the score expires and you must retake that section of the exam.or example, if you receive your CPA certificate in August of 2006, you must meet the requirements for the CPE year beginning on July 1, 2007. If you earn your CPA certificate in May of 2007, your CPE year begins on July 1, 2007." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Requirements: After working at least two years as an RN, you can take the Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN®) exam through the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses’ (AMSN) Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB). Jobs: View 2,541 High Paying Medical-Surgical Nurse Jobs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "students can complete their certification in nursing in 2 years from a community college and 4 years from a state school however if you are looking to complete this qualification in two years for any number of reasons there is an option of distance learning programs" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you have recently applied for your license, you may need to wait up to four to six weeks for your state's nursing board to process your application, after which time you should receive your license number by mail." ], [ "", "One method to demonstrate compliance with the continuing competency requirements is to complete 20 contact hours of CNE in the nurse’s area of practice every two years coinciding with the nurse’s license renewal [ Board Rule 216.3(a) ]." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Only registered nurses can enter nurse practitioner programs. You can become an RN by completing a diploma program, which is a two- or three-year program from a hospital school of nursing, or by completing an associate degree program, which is a two-year program offered by many community colleges and some universities." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Become a Licensed Practical Nurse. You can complete your LPN training in as little as 7 months to 1 year for a hospital certificate, or you can obtain a LPN degree in two years from a community college or trade school. You will also need to pass the N-CLEX-PN certificate examination to become nationally certified." ], [ "", "If you hold an Interim Permit, return it to this office IMMEDIATELY. Interim Permits are no longer valid once you receive the letter stating you did not pass your initial NCLEX-RN examination. 3. The National Council State Boards of Nursing has a 45-day retake provision for the NCLEX-RN exam.For information regarding the 45-day retake provision please visit their website at www.ncsbn.org. 4. Once found eligible, you will receive instructions on how to register with the NCLEX testing service.or information regarding the 45-day retake provision please visit their website at www.ncsbn.org. 4. Once found eligible, you will receive instructions on how to register with the NCLEX testing service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Washington Board of Nursing State CE Requirements. Beginning January 1, 2014, and every three years thereafter, each registered nurse must sign an attestation on a form provided by the department of health declaring completion of: 1 531 hours of active nursing practice. 45 continuing nursing education hours." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Only registered nurses can enter nurse practitioner programs. You can become an RN by completing a diploma program, which is a two-or three-year program from a hospital school of nursing, or by completing an associate degree program, which is a two-year program offered by many community colleges and some universities.ike all advanced practice nurses, NPs have an expanded role that includes the diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury, and they may prescribe medication. It can take as little as five years to become an NP through a direct-entry program, or as long as nine years to obtain a doctorate in nursing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Most states have licensing requirements for nurse practitioners beyond an RN license. The requirements vary widely by state and are usually managed by the state's board of nursing. For example, according to the Oregon Board of Nursing, you must have a nurse practitioner's license (www.oregon.gov).ou could spend about six years in total training for this position, but you may need to acquire an additional 1-2 years of work experience before applying to graduate programs for nurse practitioners. Read on to explore the steps to becoming a nurse practitioner." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "RN to BSN programs take about one year to complete. Once you get your BSN degree, then you need to complete a nurse practitioner program to get your master's in nursing (MSN) degree. These programs take about two to three years to complete. So, overall you will need about three to four years of schooling to become a nurse practitioner without an accelerated program." ], [ "Represent this text", "1 Strong employer partnerships translate to over 100 area clinical sites. 2 All ADN and BSN nursing graduates take the same national licensing exam (NCLEX) before they can work as a Registered Nurse. 3 The National Council of State Boards of Nursing looks at two-year averages for first-time pass rates." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Students can complete their certification in Nursing in 2 years from a community college and 4 years from a state school. However, if you are looking to complete this qualification in two years for any number of reasons, there is an option of distance learning programs.: There is no exact answer to your question as there is more than one route that you can take in order to become a nurse. You can go for a four year bachelor's of science in nursing degree or a two year associate degree." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 It is not advisable for you to work the night before or the evening of the exam. Test results are scored by an independent testing service. Results will be mailed to you in approximately 10 days after the test. If you pass, you will receive an Oregon CNA certificate. If you do not pass, you will receive notification about which skills or areas need improvement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For applicants who completed California Board of Registered Nursing a approved Nurse Practitioner (NP) Advanced Pharmacology Course, please provide the following: • Nurse Practitioner Furnishing Number Application form completed by the applicant and $50.00 application fee.• A verification(s) of employment history which contains a minimum of five (5) years experience working as a Nurse Practitioner and prescribing/furnishing medication.or applicants who completed a Nurse Practitioner (NP) Advanced Pharmacology course more than five (5) years preceding the date of submitting the application to the Board of California Registered Nursing, in addition to the items noted above, you must also provide the following:" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Policy Statement/Procedure: NP Rule 21 NCAC 36.0807 states that the nurse practitioner shall earn 50 contact hours of. continuing education each year. At least 20 hours of the required 50 hours must be those hours. for which approval has been granted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or. Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) or other national credentialing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Current certification as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in the State of California. Certification as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) from an agency accredited by the... Certification as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) from an agency accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC)...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nurse midwife – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. Advanced practice nurse prescriptive authority – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. Controlled substance registration – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. A license that has been expired for less than 18 months may be renewed online. Please click here to be directed to the login page. Licenses expired over 18 months will require a renewal form available here to begin the renewal process." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Step 5: Apply for Certification. Graduates of accredited nurse practitioner master's degree programs are generally eligible to take the nurse practitioner certification exam for their practice specialty." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The 4-year degree must be in nursing at a minimum. After earning your BSN, you'll need to complete a master's degree program that trains nurse practitioners. These are called Nurse Practitioner (NP) degrees. NP degrees can take 2 to 4 years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "EL-MSN programs can take 2-3 years to complete. California Board of Registered Nursing website – Approved EL-MSN Programs. http://rn.ca.gov/schools/rnprograms.shtml#msn. Students should refer to the Board of Registered Nursing to determine eligibility to be licensed in the State of California.ssociate’s Degree in Nursing Programs (ADN). These programs require at least two years of college academic credit and award an associate’s degree in nursing. They include some liberal arts and science courses but focus more on the technical aspects of nursing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Step 5: Apply for Certification. Graduates of accredited nurse practitioner master's degree programs are generally eligible to take the nurse practitioner certification exam for their practice specialty.tep 5: Apply for Certification. Graduates of accredited nurse practitioner master's degree programs are generally eligible to take the nurse practitioner certification exam for their practice specialty." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission now offers a Certified Dialysis LVN (CD-LVN) credential for experienced vocational nurses. Requirements include two years of full-time employment and 15 hours of continuing education in dialysis care. Candidates must also pass an exam." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "CNE Requirement. One method to demonstrate compliance with the continuing competency requirements is to complete 20 contact hours of CNE in the nurse’s area of practice every two years coinciding with the nurse’s license renewal [Board Rule 216.3(a)]. A contact hour is defined as 60 minutes of a clock hour [Board Rule 216.1(11)]." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PLA > Professions > Indiana State Board of Nursing > Renewal Information Renewal Information. Licensed practical nurse – expires 10/31/even numbered years. Registered nurse – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. Nurse midwife – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. Advanced practice nurse prescriptive authority – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. Controlled substance registration – expires 10/31/odd numbered years. A license that has been expired for less than 18 months may be renewed online. Please click here to be directed to the login page. Licenses expired over 18 months will require a renewal form available here to begin the renewal process." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how much weight do you gain before period" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "“Weight gain happens five days before your period, but you’ll be back to normal once you start,” she explains. (Find out What Your Period Means for Your Workout Schedule .). Pre-period water weight can range from half of a pound to 10 pounds, usually averaging around five for most women, Dardik explains." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "For example, if a person has an estimated allotment of 2,500 calories per day to maintain body-weight, consuming 2,000 calories per day for one week would theoretically result in 3,500 calories (or 1 pound) lost during the period." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Of course, only a portion of pregnancy weight gain is actually lost during delivery. To understand this, it is important to know where the weight you gain during pregnancy comes from. A woman who is of an average weight before pregnancy should gain between 25 and 30 pounds during pregnancy.Here is how this weight is broken down: – Three pounds of blood. – Two pounds in your breasts.f course, only a portion of pregnancy weight gain is actually lost during delivery. To understand this, it is important to know where the weight you gain during pregnancy comes from. A woman who is of an average weight before pregnancy should gain between 25 and 30 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you start out your pregnancy over or under-weight, you will want to talk with your health care provider about what your weight gain rate should look like. 1 1-4.5 pounds during the first trimester. 2 Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the second trimester. 3 Approximately 1-2 pounds per week in the third trimester.ou should gain: 1 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9. 2 28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5. 3 15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy with a BMI of 25-29.9." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Increase in Height and Weight. Starting at around age 9, girls begin to gain about 17% to 18% of their adult height. If someone has commented that you are all hands and feet, it's true! Your limbs grow first, then your trunk. Most girls grow fastest about six months before they start their first period (menarche). You'll probably gain weight in puberty -- most girls do. You may notice more body fat along the upper arms, thighs, and upper back. Your hips will grow rounder and wider; your waist will become narrower." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Depending on how much a woman weighed before getting pregnant, the IOM recommended weight gain for each category of pre-pregnancy BMI is as follows: 1 Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2); total weight gain range: 28 to 40 pounds. Normal weight (18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2); total weight gain range: 25 to 35 pounds." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It usually works out like this: If you’re pregnant with one baby: If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. You gain 1 to 4½ pounds in the first trimester and then about one pound a week in the second and third trimesters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you are in the normal weight and BMI category before pregnancy, your weight gain should be about 37-54 pounds. Overweight women will aim for a weight gain of 31-50 pounds. Women who begin pregnancy at an obese weight should strive for a 25-42 pound gain." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The amount of weight that you need to gain during pregnancy depends on your weight before conceiving. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends the following guidelines: Women with an average BMI of 18.5-24.9 before pregnancy need to gain 25-35 pounds (lbs). Those having BMI of less than 18.5 should put on 28-40lbs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy. In general, you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy. This would be an average of 1 ½ pounds per week after the usual weight gain in the first three months." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If your weight is in the “normal” range (a body mass index of 18 to 25) before you conceive, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a gain of 25 to 35 pounds throughout pregnancy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pregnancy weight gain tracker. Share. How much weight you should gain during pregnancy depends on whether you were underweight, at a normal weight, overweight, or obese before you got pregnant (and whether you’re carrying twins or multiples).Use this tool to find out which category you're in and get your target weight range for this pregnancy.regnancy weight gain tracker. Share. How much weight you should gain during pregnancy depends on whether you were underweight, at a normal weight, overweight, or obese before you got pregnant (and whether you’re carrying twins or multiples)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How much weight you should gain during pregnancy depends on your weight before you were pregnant. If you were underweight, you need to gain as much as 40 pounds. If you were a normal weight, you should gain 25–35 pounds. If you were overweight or obese, you need to gain as little as 11 pounds." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you were overweight before becoming pregnant, healthy weight gain will be more in the 15 to 25 pound range. If you were underweight before your first trimester, you should probably be gaining more like 28 to 40 pounds over the course of your pregnancy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 37 to 54 pounds during pregnancy. 2 If you were overweight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 31 to 50 pounds during pregnancy. If you were obese before pregnancy, you want to gain about 25 to 42 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy. In general, you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy. This would be an average of 1 ½ pounds per week after the usual weight gain in the first three months. It's especially important to gain the right amount of weight when you're expecting twins because your weight affects the babies' weight." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If your weight is in the “normal” range (a body mass index of 18 to 25) before you conceive, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a gain of 25 to 35 pounds throughout pregnancy. Shoot to add three to five pounds during the first trimester and one to two pounds each week after." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I used to gain several pounds, but since I've started eating clean I don't gain, but I don't lose either. SHEABIRD1 Posts: 89 1/28/10 3:28 P. I usually gain 2-4 pounds...but lose it right away and then some! This month I lost 2 pounds right after my period." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain during pregnancy. A woman of average weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy.Overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.You may need to gain more or less weight, depending on what your health care provider recommends. woman of average weight before pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you were underweight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy. If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. If you were overweight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This will help her gain the right amount of weight during pregnancy. Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy. In general, you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You should gain: 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9. 28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5. 15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy with a BMI of 25-29.9. 11-20 pounds if you were obese before pregnancy with a BMI of over 30." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Once you know how much your animal is gaining each day, you can estimate how much weight the. animal still needs to gain before the show and you can begin manipulating how much feed the ani-. mal receives. To calculate Average Daily Gain, subtract the beginning weight from the ending weight and divide. by the number of days on feed. Ending weight – Beginning weight. = ADG. Number of days on feed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you were a normal weight before pregnancy, you should gain between 25 pounds and 35 pounds during pregnancy. If you were underweight before pregnancy, you should gain more weight than a woman who was a normal weight before pregnancy." ], [ "Represent the input", "Step 3. Weigh yourself if you feel you have gained weight over a couple of days or weeks, as retained water leads to rapid gain in weight. Step 4. Take into account the feeling of abdominal heaviness or an increase in your waistline, especially a week or two before the start of your menstrual period." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you were overweight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy. You gain 1 to 4½ pounds in the first trimester and then a little more than a ½ pound every week in the second and third trimesters." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For example, if a person has an estimated allotment of 2,500 calories per day to maintain body-weight, consuming 2,000 calories per day for one week would theoretically result in 3,500 calories (or 1 pound) lost during the period. It is important to remember that proper diet and exercise is largely accepted as the best way to lose weight." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Quite variable: Most women gain about 2-4lbs.During the first trimester and 1 lb./wk from there. Some none, other my lose due to n/v. An average weight woman should gain a total of 25-35 lbs., underweight women 28-40 lbs., and overweight women 15-25 lbs. You don't have to eat for two, but be sure ...Read more." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Supercharged Engine. A (also known as a blower) is an air compressor used to force air into the combustion chamber(s) of an internal combustion engine at pressures higher than would otherwise be the case. Any device which does this is a .'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does a supercharged engine mean']", "When Should I Gain the Most? Although no two women are going to gain weight at exactly the same rate, there are some guidelines to follow: In the first trimester, you should gain 3.5 pounds if you're of normal weight. Underweight women need to gain 5 pounds, while overweight women should gain just 2. In the second and third trimesters, your weight gain begins to speed up. An average-weight woman will gain about a pound a week between weeks 14 and 28." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yes, it's water weight. Try to seriously watch what you eat during your period because it's very easy to gain weight during your period due to poor eating habits. Try to exercise before and during your period to keep the water weight down or off. Also DO NOT intake alot of salt because it only helps you retain fluid." ], [ "represent this text\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Wentworth Institute of Technology. Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) is an independent, co-educational, technical design and engineering university located in Boston, Massachusetts.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'wentworth institute of technology athletics']\"", "This will help her gain the right amount of weight during pregnancy. Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "", "Weight gain during period - miserable. I also lose weight around 10 days before my period is due - which is great - but then when I am 2 days away from my period I start to gain and keep the weight for the duration of my menstrual cycle (3-4 days)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "represent the following document", "1 For women who were a normal weight before pregnancy with a BMI of 18.5-24.9 the recommended weight gain guideline is 25-35 pounds. 2 Women who are underweight pre-pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5 should gain between 28-40 pounds unless your health care provider says differently." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pregnancy weight gain. You are more likely to get stretch marks if your weight gain is more than average in pregnancy. Most women gain between 10kg and 12.5kg (22 and 28lb) in pregnancy, although weight gain varies a great deal from woman to woman. How much weight you gain depends on your weight before you were pregnant." ], [ "Represent the input", "The latest weight gain guidelines by the Institute of Medicine are based on a women's BMI before pregnancy. (See Understanding Body Mass Index (BMI).) The amount of weight gained depends on which category the pre-pregnancy BMI lands in: Underweight: BMI below 18.5. Normal weight: 18.5 to 24.9." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "You should gain: 1 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9. 2 28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5. 15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy with a BMI of 25-29.9." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Weight gain. If you had a normal BMI before pregnancy, you might gain 25 to 35 pounds (about 11 to 16 kilograms) before giving birth. Your baby accounts for some of the weight gain, but so do the placenta, amniotic fluid, larger breasts and uterus, extra fat stores, and increased blood and fluid volume." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "You can get away with indulging cravings the week before your period. Consider it nature's karma for cramps and crankies. The week before your period drops, your body burns an extra 100-300 calories, so don't feel guilty about that chocolate bar. In fact, if you're like me and crave chocolate, it could be because it has magnesium, which you lose as estrogen levels start to dip. 4." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Weight gain slows around the time ofmenarche, but will continue into late adolescence. Adolescent females may gain as much as 14 lb(6.3 kg) during the latter half of adolescence. 3,4 Adolescent males gain an average of 20 lb (9 kg) per year during puberty." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "symptoms and causes of menstruation weight gain for a lot of women this weight gain can be pre period before during and after post period the period stage of their cycle it often starts with bloating prior to the weight gain" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Causes of Weight Gain during Period. Weight gain during the menstrual cycle has certain causes, including water retention, bloating, overeating or food craving and drop in magnesium levels. Water retention. The most common cause of weight gain during your period is water being retained in the tissues. Water retention or edema is influenced by fluctuations in hormonal levels which occur during the menstrual cycle. Women often feel bloated, and it is often experienced before the period and during menstruation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you’re pregnant with one baby: If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. You gain 1 to 4½ pounds in the first trimester and then about one pound a week in the second and third trimesters." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The most important thing is that you gain enough weight so that your babies grow to a healthy size. Your pre-pregnancy weight is one factor in determining how much weight you should gain. In general, if you were overweight before you conceived, you need to gain less than women of average weight do. Moreover, if you were underweight, you might find yourself gaining more than the average." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"If your jaw is locked open or closed, go to a hospital's emergency department. The open locked jaw is treated by sedating you to a comfortable level. Then the mandible (upper jaw) is held with the thumbs while the lower jaw is pushed downward, forward, and backward. This maneuver is usually done by the Emergency Department physician or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. The closed locked jaw is also treated by sedating you until you are completely relaxed.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what to do when you have a locked jaw']\"", "Depending on how much a woman weighed before getting pregnant, the IOM recommended weight gain for each category of pre-pregnancy BMI is as follows: Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2); total weight gain range: 28 to 40 pounds." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You should gain: 1 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9. 2 28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5.3 15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy with a BMI of 25-29.9. 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9. 2 28-40 pounds if you were underweight before pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5. 3 15-25 pounds if you were overweight before pregnancy with a BMI of 25-29.9." ], [ "", "1 If you were at a healthy weight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. You gain 1 to 4½ pounds in the first trimester and then about one pound a week in the second and third trimesters. If you were underweight before pregnancy, you want to gain about 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Weight gain should increase significantly, but will not double. If you are in the normal weight and BMI category before pregnancy, your weight gain should be about 37-54 pounds. Overweight women will aim for a weight gain of 31-50 pounds. Women who begin pregnancy at an obese weight should strive for a 25-42 pound gain." ], [ "", "There are no official UK guidelines for how much weight you should gain over your pregnancy. There is only general advice that most women put on somewhere between 10kg and 12.5kg (22lb to 28lb) (NHS 2011) . You'll gain most of the weight after 20 weeks (NHS 2011) .y the end of your pregnancy, you may weigh about 12.5kg (27.6lb) more than you did before you were pregnant (Murray and Hassall 2014:166) . This varies from person to person, so check out our pregnancy weight gain estimator to get a more personal figure based on your own height and pre-pregnancy weight." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you look in your baby’s red book you will see that this initial postnatal period is not mapped onto the growth charts. Then babies gain around 112-200g each week (that is between 4 to 7 ounces) until they are around four months old. Weight gain after this period slows down." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The amount of weight you should gain depends on your weight and BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy. You should gain: 1 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ask your health care provider how much weight you should gain. A woman who was average weight before getting pregnant should gain 25 to 35 pounds after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 28 to 40 pounds. And overweight women may need to gain only 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy. In general, you should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy. If you are expecting twins you should gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The amount of weight you should gain depends on your weight and BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy. You should gain: 25-35 pounds if you were a healthy weight before pregnancy, with a BMI of 18.5-24.9." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "can a check be cashed before the date on the check" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "That means the bank must wait to cash the payment until the date stated on the paper or until six months is up, whichever comes first. But if the consumer gives oral notice to the bank, the institution must only wait 14 days before processing the note – even if that happens to be before the date on the check." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"computed tomography (CT) (computerized axial tomography (CAT)) a radiologic imaging modality that uses computer processing to generate an image (CAT scan) of the tissue density in a â\\x80\\x9csliceâ\\x80\\x9d as thin as 1 to 10 mm in thickness through the patient's body.\"] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'ct medical definition']", "After that, the check can be cashed unless you ask that the stop-payment order be extended. Every state has its own law, but most are the same. [To find your state’s law go to a search engine and type in, for example, “stop payment checks law in Connecticut.”]. Listen to this sad tale." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ANSWER: More Info: Many cashier’s checks will carry the expiration date directly on the note signifying how long you have to present the check for payment.or example, the check from the first 1955-56 season would be worth more than $8,000,000 today while a cashier’s check from the final 1959-60 season would amount to upwards of $7,000,000. In the Internet age, the use of fraudulent cashier’s checks has expanded greatly." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Here’s something the bad guys know that you should know, too. When you stop payment on a check with your bank, it’s good for only six months. After that, the check can be cashed unless you ask that the stop-payment order be extended." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA - I have a check drawn on First National Bank of Omaha dated 1/4/2013. When is the LAST date that the check can be cashed? Thanks, John R. Gray - J.R. Gray" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Full Answer. A cashier's check is a guarantee from the bank that the funds behind that check are secured and good. There is not an expiration date printed on the front of the check for that reason." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a personal check must be cashed within six months to ensure payment. After six months, banks and credit unions are not required to cash the check. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A check is generally considered stale dated if it was written more than six months prior to being presented to a bank or other financial institution. At this time, most banks have the option of refusing to deposit or cash the check, according to LegalMatch. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When is a check considered stale dated and what if the bank pays the item after that time period? The Uniform Commercial Code, section 4-404, has effectively eliminated the old concept of stale dates on checks. However, the status of a check does change somewhat once it is 6 months old. If a check that is more than 6 months old is presented to the paying bank for payment, the paying bank may refuse to pay it without being liable to its customer (the drawer of the check) for so refusing. It may also pay the check if it does so in good faith." ], [ "", "Funds from direct deposits, cash deposits or wire transfers are generally available the same day they are deposited to your account when made before the business day cutoff (see cutoff times on next page). In most cases, funds from checks you deposit are available to you by the first business day after the business day we receive your deposit. Business days exclude Saturday, Sunday and federal holidays. In some cases, check deposits may be subject to deposit holds, which delay availability of funds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A cashier's check does not have an expiration date. However, some banks have a specific time frame during which check funds are guaranteed. If the bank has a specific time frame, it is often printed on the check. If you are unsure of a bank's protocol for cashier's check expiration, contact the issuing bank to determine." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Some issuers have a time limit on their checks, such as Void after 60 days.. This is meant to encourage the recipient to deposit or cash the check quickly. However, the Universal Commercial Code doesn't specifically address the validity of those dates, and they can be ignored at the bank's discretion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Thanks for the A2A. Checks/cheques usually have a time limit or an expiry date. Most often it is 6 months from the date of issue (date on the cheque). Post this date you need to get a new cheque from the original issuer and later submit to the bank before its expiry date. Views." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Timing plays a role for other cash and stock donations, too. You can't claim a deduction for a check with a future date that falls into the next tax year, even if you send it by the end of the year. Post-dated checks with January dates that are delivered December 31 don't count as a deduction for that tax year, for example." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If the check is outdated and the teller accepts it anyway, it could still be returned and the money plus fees debited from your account. there is not a written law about a time limit on cashing a personal Or any other check! Some company checks state the maximum length of time they will honor the check!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When you stop payment on a check with your bank, it’s good for only six months. After that, the check can be cashed unless you ask that the stop-payment order be extended. Every state has its own law, but most are the same." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Posted by Staff Writer in Checks. While many people believe that a check-either business, payroll, or personal-is valid for six months following the original issue date, there is no official standard timeframe. Check cashing deadlines depend on statues and policies that differ from state to state and organization to organization." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "A cashier's check can be cashed at a bank just like a regular check, according to First Columbia Bank & Trust Co. Because of scams, many banks now require a cashier's check to clear from the originating institution before making the funds available." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This year, the IRS should receive your return and payment by Monday, April 17 for them to be considered timely. IRS will cash the check as soon as it is received. It will post to your taxes the exact day received. The check should clear your bank about 10 days from the time you mailed it. IRS will process the refund returns first but payments are cashed as received." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "According to Bank of America on September 10th, 2014, if you issued the check in good faith, regarless of age or any information on the front of the check, it can be cashed. According to bankersonline.com, six months. Hope I could help! I think it's 60 or 90 days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "All U.S. banks are subject to federal code stating that a check can be declined after 180 days, or approximately six months, after it was written. California does not have any laws that extend or reduce this period. The issuing bank still has the option to cash or decline a personal check after 180 days have passed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A cashier's check is a guarantee from the bank that the funds behind that check are secured and good. There is not an expiration date printed on the front of the check for that reason." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'There have been several probes sent from Earth to Jupiter as of 2014, and it took them between three and five years to get to Jupiter. A few of the missions sent to Jupiter include Cassini, Voyager I and II, Ulysses, and Pioneer 11. It would take 850 years traveling 65 miles per hour to reach Jupiter from Earth. Learn more about Planets'] == ['Represent the following document.', 'how long would it take to get to jupiter']", "Quick availability: the recipient or seller can use money from a cashier’s check almost immediately after depositing the check. The first $5,000 generally must be made available within one business day (compared to the first $200 for personal checks). Banks are allowed to hold amounts above $5,000, but cashier’s checks usually clear much faster than personal checks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The check was 16 months old, which is what is known as a stale dated check. As I have been told, checks older than 90 days are never supposed to be cashed or credited. When I spoke with the bank manager at Sovereign Bank, he said he was really shocked, that cashing a 16 month old check was, as far as he knew, illegal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Check cashing is a simple, convenient way to get your check cashed quickly and your money in hand, on your terms. Many neighborhood financial service centers, such as Check ‘n Go, offer check cashing as one of their many financial services. For a small, one-time flat fee, you can get your check cashed instantly — no wait required. You get your cash when you need it, fast and hassle-free." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "If it bears wording like Valid for X days after issue, then you have X days to cash the check. Typically, payroll checks are valid for 90 or 180 days, with 180 days most likely being the most common, and if the check specifies a limitation like this, the bank will honor that limitation (meaning, they won't cash the check if you're beyond that time frame). – phyrfox Mar 1 '14 at 20:46" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Cash deposits are available for use immediately. Checks deposited at Envelope-FreeSM ATMs before 8:00 pm weekdays are considered received that same day. Checks deposited after 8:00 pm weekdays or on bank holidays are considered received the next business day. Cash deposits are available for use immediately." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The time period will vary by state, but the most typical time period is five years. If a cashier's check isn't cashed before the time limit, then the bank hands the funds over to the state." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Checks (Postdated) leginfo.legislature.ca.gov'. A bank is not obligated to pay a check that is presented more than six months after its date of issue, but may do so if it wishes. (Commercial Code § 4404) There is no law that prohibits a check writer from postdating a check (giving it a date in the future)." ], [ "represent this:", "Check the Wording. Some issuers have a time limit on their checks, such as Void after 60 days.. This is meant to encourage the recipient to deposit or cash the check quickly. However, the Universal Commercial Code doesn't specifically address the validity of those dates, and they can be ignored at the bank's discretion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The issuing bank can refuse to pay for the check if the account holder placed a stop payment on the check, the account does not have the funds to pay for the check or the account is closed.ot only does this encourage responsibility on the part of the check's recipient, it protects the issuer from overdrafts due to lack of funds if a recipient fails to redeem the check before it expires. Generally, you have at least six months to cash a check that does not specify its expiration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ususally a check is good for about 30 days after it is issued...i don't know if it is an exact time frame but i would recommend cashing it before 30 days. Edit Share to:" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The check was 16 months old, which is what is known as a stale dated check. As I have been told, checks older than 90 days are never supposed to be cashed or credited. When I spoke with the bank manager at Sovereign Bank, he said he was really shocked, that cashing a 16 month old check was, as far as he knew, illegal. The check had originally had a stop payment placed on it." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quick Answer. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a personal check must be cashed within six months to ensure payment. After six months, banks and credit unions are not required to cash the check. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In theory, Treasury could act before cash runs short on Aug. 3, by transferring money for Social Security into a separate account outside the Trust Fund. We do not know whether this would be deemed legal or practical." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Because they are not payable on demand, postdated cashier's checks are not actually checks until the due date. As a consequence, *** postdated cashier's checks legally are not cashier's checks or other officer's checks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: There is no expiration date for cashier's checks. If a cashier's check isn't cashed in a timely manner, considered six months by most banks, it can be considered void or invalid. Continue Reading" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The bank placed a hold on a cashier's check that later turned out to be fraudulent. Generally, cashier's checks must be made available by the next business day. However, because of the number of fraudulent and counterfeit checks now being passed, banks are beginning to place an extended hold on cashier's checks. A bank can only place a hold on the amount of the check deposited in excess of $5,000. And the first $5,000 must be made available in accordance with the bank's normal availability schedule. However, always remember that funds may become available to you before the bank has been able to verify the check." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "If the check is more than 6 months old or has a void date, ask for a replacement. Your bank may still honor an expired check, and the state may have a record of unclaimed funds for your check. Banks are not required to cash checks more than 6 months after the issuance date." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There is no expiration date for cashier's checks. If a cashier's check isn't cashed in a timely manner, considered six months by most banks, it can be considered void or invalid. Continue Reading." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Deposit Date: (or check date for a paper check) Your pay date; the date your funds will be deposited (if you have direct deposit) or the date that you check is valid and can be cashed or deposited. 6. Earnings Columns." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: Yes, a stop payment can be placed on a cashiers check. An official check is somewhat similar and the procedures at the financial institution that I work for are that the member has to wait at least 14 business days before placing the stop pmt on the check.This will allow enough delivery time.es, you can. That is the whole purpose of a cashiers check.... it's safer than cash. Go to the bank with the receipt you got when you purchased the check and tell them to put a stop on the check." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nature of stale check. Stale check is a check that is presented to be cashed or deposited at a bank six months or more after the date it was written. The date when the check is presented to be cashed or deposited in a bank account is known as the payment date." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "When you get a check, you want to get paid—fast. You can’t always afford to wait for days for your money to clear. Banks can make check cashing a real hassle. It shouldn’t be that way. At Money Mart ® , you simply bring in your check, any check, and we cash it. It’s that simple. When you use Money Mart you walk away with money right away. Traditional banks can make you wait and wait to get your hands on what’s yours, and bank fees and holding periods can add up to a lot of frustration." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "After 6 months, it is true the check is considered stale dated but most banks will cash it anyway. You can request a stop payment on the check to ensure the check is returned if it is presented for payment, but also beware that most stop payment orders expire after one year and need to be renewed. mia · 10 years ago." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "When a check is cashed into a checking account, the whole amount usually cannot be immediately accessed; there may be a waiting period for the check to clear. With check cashing centers, consumers are immediately paid the full amount of their checks minus a service fee. However, with the Check 21 law (put into effect on October 28, 2004) banks are enabled to handle more checks electronically, making check processing faster." ], [ "", "Nature of stale check. Stale check is a check that is presented to be cashed or deposited at a bank six months or more after the date it was written." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Yes, you can cash a check if your account is overdrawn. BUT you may not get the full amount. What will happen is the bank will see your balance is in the red. Therefore, the bank will take its share of the check before releasing the rest of the funds. Say your check was for $100." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If a cashier's check isn't cashed in a timely manner, considered six months by most banks, it can be considered void or invalid.... There is no expiration date for cashier's checks. If a cashier's check isn't cashed in a timely manner, considered six months by most banks, it can be considered void or invalid...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There is no expiration date for cashier's checks. If a cashier's check isn't cashed in a timely manner, considered six months by most banks, it can be considered void or invalid. Keep Learning." ], [ "", "If you pay with a check, you have to wait 10 days before you can get a refund in cash. 1 Share On facebook Share On facebook Share. 2 Share On pinterest Share On pinterest Share On pinterest Share On pinterest Pin. 3 Share On email Share On email. Share On link Share On link." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'B orn in Stephanie Allen in Birmingham, then moving with her family to Rotterdam in the Netherlands aged four, then back to the UK to live in London at 14 where sheâ\\x80\\x99s been ever since, Stefflon Don has made her name thus far on the back of some the best remix and collaboration work youâ\\x80\\x99ll hear, with the likes of American R&B star Jeremih, hip-hop duo Rae Sremmurd and Londonâ\\x80\\x99s Section Boys, as well as tracks of her own that showcase an ability to switch between rap, grime and the Dutch ...']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is stefflon don']\"", "A check that becomes payable and negotiable on a future date specified. A check dated for one or more days after it is written. For example, if one dates a check for January 31st, and it is currently January 25th, it is a postdated check. Theoretically, banks do not honor postdated checks, though many do anyway." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Check Cashing Places Near You. Getting your check cashed at Check into Cash is a quick, painless process that enables you to get your money quickly. It is safe, secure, and inclusive for all checks and, after cashing your check, you will receive a preferred check-cashing card to simplify all your check cashing needs in the future." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Best Answer: some institutions give a 180 day period, but may cash it long after that. (i was surprised in sept of 2004 when a check i wrote 2 years earlier was suddenly cashed - despite that my bank told me it shouldn't have) legally, if the money was given to you, you should still have claim on it." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A check that has been returned unpaid, the funds will generally be available on the (number) business day after the day of deposit for checks drawn on (bank name), the (number) business day after the day of deposit for local checks and the (number) business day after the day of deposit for nonlocal checks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "· just now. Report Abuse. As a legal matter, if the check is not marked with an expiration date, you may have a legal right to payment for a long time. As a practical matter, you are not likely to get a check cashed that is real old.I would say six months is not too old.omeone wrote me a personal check & I'm not sure if I can still cash it. It doesn't have an expiration date on the check, but I know most personal checks are only valid for a certain amount of days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Report Abuse. As a legal matter, if the check is not marked with an expiration date, you may have a legal right to payment for a long time. As a practical matter, you are not likely to get a check cashed that is real old. I would say six months is not too old.s a legal matter, if the check is not marked with an expiration date, you may have a legal right to payment for a long time. As a practical matter, you are not likely to get a check cashed that is real old." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Best Answer: some institutions give a 180 day period, but may cash it long after that. (i was surprised in sept of 2004 when a check i wrote 2 years earlier was suddenly cashed-despite that my bank told me it shouldn't have) legally, if the money was given to you, you should still have claim on it.omeone wrote me a personal check & I'm not sure if I can still cash it. It doesn't have an expiration date on the check, but I know most personal checks are only valid for a certain amount of days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Yes, cashier’s checks do expire. More Info: Many cashier’s checks will carry the expiration date directly on the note signifying how long you have to present the check for payment. Common expiration dates are 90 days or 180 days.or example, the check from the first 1955-56 season would be worth more than $8,000,000 today while a cashier’s check from the final 1959-60 season would amount to upwards of $7,000,000. In the Internet age, the use of fraudulent cashier’s checks has expanded greatly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "amynnixmum Mon 19-Mar-07 13:22:43. From the Post Office Website: Postal Orders can be cashed at any Post Office™ branch for 6 months after the date of purchase. An attempt to cash a Postal Order after this 6 month expiry date will be at the Post Office™ Ltd's discretion." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Now, those are a couple of big only ifs, and because of that, most banks will (1) honor any Void after XX days printed on the check-they simply won't cash it past that date, and (2) in most circumstances, a bank will not cash a check that is more than six months old - 180 days past the issue date and it's a no go.ow, those are a couple of big only ifs, and because of that, most banks will (1) honor any Void after XX days printed on the check-they simply won't cash it past that date, and (2) in most circumstances, a bank will not cash a check that is more than six months old - 180 days past the issue date and it's a no go." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!", "what is myocardium" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Myocardium means heart muscle. The heart muscle's job is to push blood out to the entire body. Blood carries oxygen and many other important things to the body. Because every part of the body needs blood to live, the heart muscle is very important to a person's health. The heart muscle can become sick and weak." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart. Its cells are embryologically and biologically similar to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels.The endocardium also provides protection to the valves and heart chambers.he endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart. Its cells are embryologically and biologically similar to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The contractions of the myocardium are responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body, providing the body with the oxygen and other nutrients it needs to function properly. The heart muscle also pumps deoxygenated blood into the lungs so that it can be oxygenated again." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The heart is constructed of a special kind of muscle called the myocardium or cardiac muscle, and is enclosed in a double-layered, membranous sac known as the pericardium. A wall of muscle, the septum, divides the heart into two cavities." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The middle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium, which is the cardiac muscle – a layer of involuntary striated muscle tissue surrounded by a framework of collagen. The myocardium is also supplied with blood vessels, and nerve fibers by way of the epicardium that help to regulate the heart rate.he heart is a muscular organ in humans and other animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, and also assists in the removal of metabolic wastes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The muscular part of the heart is known as the myocardium and it is primarily responsible for pumping blood around your body. I hope this answer helps. Amy Anabolicco." ], [ "", "The middle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium, which is the cardiac muscle – a layer of involuntary striated muscle tissue surrounded by a framework of collagen. The myocardium is also supplied with blood vessels, and nerve fibers by way of the epicardium that help to regulate the heart rate.he cycle begins with contraction of the atria and ends with relaxation of the ventricles. Systole is when the ventricles of the heart contract to pump blood to the body. Diastole is when the ventricles relax and fill with blood." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "myocardiopathy. 1 cardiopathy, heart disease - a disease of the heart. 2 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a disorder in which the heart muscle is so strong that it does not relax enough to fill with the heart with blood and so has reduced pumping ability." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cardiac muscle (heart muscle) is involuntary striated muscle that is found in the walls and histological foundation of the heart, specifically the myocardium. Cardiac muscle is one of three major types of muscle, the others being skeletal and smooth muscle.These three types of muscle all form in the process of myogenesis. The cells that constitute cardiac muscle, called cardiomyocytes or myocardiocytes, contain only three nuclei.The myocardium is the muscle tissue of the heart, and forms a thick middle layer between the outer epicardium layer and the inner endocardium layer.oordinated contractions of cardiac muscle cells in the heart propel blood out of the atria and ventricles to the blood vessels of the left/body/systemic and right/lungs/pulmonary circulatory systems. This complex mechanism illustrates systole of the heart." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The myocardium or heart muscle is nourished with oxygen-rich blood. The vessel that delivers the blood to the myocardium is called Coronary Arteries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is Endocardium, definition and function. Endocardium is the membrane that lines the inner HEART, made up of epithelial cells. The endocardium also covers the heart valves, providing a smooth surface that offers no opportunity for BLOOD cells (particularly platelets) to stick to it as they pass through the heart.hat is Endocardium, definition and function. Endocardium is the membrane that lines the inner HEART, made up of epithelial cells. The endocardium also covers the heart valves, providing a smooth surface that offers no opportunity for BLOOD cells (particularly platelets) to stick to it as they pass through the heart." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle. The most common cause is a viral infection. Rarely, mumps can cause myocarditis. Inflammation irritates the cardiac muscle and therefore it may begin to beat irregularly. Sometimes it is completely irregular ­– when it’s known as atrial fibrillation. I have suffered this myself as a result of a viral sore throat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "pericardium is a bag suuronding the heart which acts as a shock absorber. pericardium is a bag surronding the heart which acts as a shock absorber. The pericardium is the outer layer of the heart or a sack in which the heart is stored.It basically protects the heart and it's vessels.The purpose of it is to protect and lubricate the heart.the peircardium is the outermost coverin of your heart.. protects against friction rubs and protects againsts shocks(traumatic) as it contains 40-50 ml of pericardial fluid..t basically protects the heart and it's vessels. The purpose of it is to protect and lubricate the heart. the peircardium is the outermost coverin of your heart.. protects against friction rubs and protects againsts shocks(traumatic) as it contains 40-50 ml of pericardial fluid.." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[mi″o-kahr´de-al] pertaining to the muscular tissue of the heart (the myocardium). myocardial infarction (MI) death of the cells of an area of the heart muscle (myocardium) as a result of oxygen deprivation, which in turn is caused by obstruction of the blood supply; commonly referred to as a “heart attack.”." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Myocarditis is a disease marked by the inflammation of heart muscle. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of myocarditis. Inflammation is a normal bodily response to any sort of wound or infection." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Dogs can drop/lower their ears when they are both happy and nervous. Itâ\\x80\\x99s important to read the rest of the dog. I prefer to call ears, â\\x80\\x9cdroppedâ\\x80\\x9d when the dog is offering pro social behavior, like our dog below. You can see our dog is offering a lovely kiss to his friendâ\\x80\\x99s face. His body is likely wiggly and loose.eutral position means that they are not pricked forward, drooping down or pasted to his head. Whatever the dogâ\\x80\\x99s breed, they are just sitting easy. Here is a relaxed dog with neutral ears. The other body language that tells me this dog is relaxed is the big open mouth and relaxed, drooping tongue.'] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'why do we drop the ears of dogs']", "A stress myocardial perfusion scan is used to assess the blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium) when it is stressed by exercise or medication and to determine what areas of the myocardium have decreased blood flow. This is done by injecting a radionuclide (thallium or technetium) into a vein in the arm or hand." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Myocarditis is a disease marked by the inflammation of heart muscle. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of myocarditis. Myocarditis is a disease marked by the inflammation of heart muscle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The heart is constructed of a special kind of muscle called the myocardium or cardiac muscle, and is enclosed in a double-layered, membranous sac known as the pericardium. A wall of muscle, the septum, divides the heart into two cavities.The left cavity pumps blood throughout the body, while the right cavity pumps blood only through the lungs. Each cavity is in turn divided into two chambers, the upper ones called atria, the lower ones ventricles.Venous blood from the body, containing large amounts of carbon dioxide, returns to the right atrium.he left cavity pumps blood throughout the body, while the right cavity pumps blood only through the lungs. Each cavity is in turn divided into two chambers, the upper ones called atria, the lower ones ventricles. Venous blood from the body, containing large amounts of carbon dioxide, returns to the right atrium." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Endocarditis, also called infective endocarditis, is an infection and inflammation of the heart valves and the inner lining of the heart chambers, which is called the endocardium. Endocarditis occurs when infectious organisms, such as bacteria or fungi, enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Disease of the myocardium. As a disease classification, the term is used in several different senses, but is limited by the World Health Organization to: Primary disease process of heart muscle in absence of a known underlying etiology when referring to idiopathic cardiomyopathy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A stress myocardial perfusion scan is used to assess the blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium) when it is stressed by exercise or medication and to determine what areas of the myocardium have decreased blood flow." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 hibernating myocardium typically represents a chronic process whereas stunned myocardium is typically related to an acute infarction or ischaemic insult resulting in altered wall motion. 2 repetitive stunning may evolve into hibernating myocardium. differentiation from stunned myocardium can be difficult, but can sometimes be made on the basis of maintained, or nearly maintained, perfusion with a wall motion abnormality (hibernating myocardium will have abnormal perfusion and a wall motion abnormality)." ], [ "Represent this", "It is one of the most important and common symptoms of heart diseases. Myocardium that is unable to receive sufficient volume of oxygen due to coronary artery disease (namely stenosis or blockage of vessels supplying the heart) manifests this as pain. However, not all of the chest pains are heart related." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE (CAD) is the most significant threat to the myocardium, as occlusions in the coronary arteries deprive the myocardium of blood and thus oxygen. When the consequence is MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION, CARDIAC ARREST can result.yocardial cells thus can contract independent of external stimulation. The myocardial fibers of the atria have a different configuration from those of the ventricles. The CORONARY ARTERIES provide an extensive network to supply blood to the myocardium, which requires about 70 percent of the blood’s oxygen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart.Its cells are embryologically and biologically similar to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels. The endocardium also provides protection to the valves and heart chambers.he endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The outer epicardium is a relatively thin layer of tissue that consists of a covering mesothelium and a thin underlying layer of loose connective tissue that merges into the connective tissue sheaths of the myocardium. The loose connective tissue supports the blood vessels and nerves that supply the heart. The inner endocardium is a bit more complex that the epicardium. The endocardium consists of a endothelium thatlines each chamber." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart. Its cells are embryologically and biologically similar to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels. The endocardium also provides protection to the valves and heart chambers." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The myocardium extends from the fibrous skeleton in a series of spirals that progress to the apex. The fibrous skeleton consists of a set of fibrous rings of collagen which surround the atrioventricular canals and extends to the origins of the aorta and the pulmonary trunk.he atrioventricular conducting system is the only electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles in a normal heart. Also, it provides rigidity to prevent the dilatation of individual valves or outflow tracts. Finally, it provides a point of attachment for valve leaflets and the myocardium." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The pericardium is a barrier that protects the heart from infections that occur in nearby tissues. The pericardium consists of an outer fibrous layer and an inner serous layer. The fibrous pericardium is a tough sac that is attached to the diaphragm, sternum, and costal cartilage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In cardiology, hibernating myocardium is a state when some segments of the myocardium exhibit abnormalities of contractile function.These abnormalities can be visualised with echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), nuclear medicine (PET) or ventriculography.Echocardiography: A wall motion abnormality at rest which improves during a low-dose dobutamine stress test is classified as hibernating myocardium.Low dose dobutamine stimulates contractile function and thus helps to predict functional recovery after revascularization.his is probably the most accurate way to visualise scarred myocardium. An alternative (or additional) technique with CMR is the use of low dose dobutamine similar to echocardiography. PET: The finding of a perfusion or metabolic mismatch between PET-FDG and PET-NH 3 is indicative of decreased metabolism." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "More specifically, whenever coronary blood flow falls below what is required to meet metabolic needs, the myocardium is considered ischemic; the pumping capability of the heart is impaired, and there are associated changes in electrical activity (e.g., increased risk of fibrillation)." ], [ "Represent the input", "death of a portion of the myocardium caused by lack of oxygen resulting from an interrupted blood supply. peripheral arterial disease. disease of the arteries, other than those of the heart and brain, that affects blood circulation, such as atherosclerosis and Raynaud disease." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What Is It? Endocarditis, also called infective endocarditis, is an infection and inflammation of the heart valves and the inner lining of the heart chambers, which is called the endocardium. Endocarditis occurs when infectious organisms, such as bacteria or fungi, enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The pericardium is a membrane that surrounds the heart. Pericardial disorders include pericarditis, pericardial effusion, and cardiac tamponade. The pericardium is a membrane that surrounds the heart. Pericardial disorders include pericarditis, pericardial effusion, and cardiac tamponade." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rahimtoola suggested that hibernating myocardium is a state of persistently impaired myocardial and left ventricular (LV) function at rest due to reduced coronary blood flow that can be partially or completely restored to normal either by improving blood flow or by reducing oxygen demand (see the image below)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Hibernating myocardium is myocardial tissue that retains viability, but has reduced perfusion and oxidative metabolism. differentiation from stunned myocardium can be difficult, but can sometimes be made on the basis of maintained, or nearly maintained, perfusion with a wall motion abnormality (hibernating myocardium will have abnormal perfusion and a wall motion abnormality)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'The NHLâ\\x80\\x99s Skills Competition is a good model for what baseball can, and should, be doing. It features tests in speed, shooting accuracy, hardest shot, breakaways, elimination shootout and it includes a relay race like the NBAâ\\x80\\x99s dribble, pass and shoot.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what is a skills competition in baseball']\"", "Definition of endocardium. plural. endocardia. play \\ˌen-dō-ˈkär-dē-ə\\. : a thin serous membrane lining the cavities of the heart." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Please try again later. Viral heart disease, also known as myocarditis, is a heart condition caused by a virus. The virus attacks the heart muscle, causing inflammation and disrupting the electrical pathways that signal the heart to beat properly. Most of the time, the body will heal itself and you may never know you had a problem." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The middle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium, which is the cardiac muscle – a layer of involuntary striated muscle tissue surrounded by a framework of collagen. The myocardium is also supplied with blood vessels, and nerve fibers by way of the epicardium that help to regulate the heart rate.ardiomyocytes, like all other cells, need to be supplied with oxygen, nutrients and a way of removing metabolic wastes. This is achieved by the coronary circulation. The coronary circulation cycles in peaks and troughs correlating to the heart muscle's relaxation or contraction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Endocardium - definition and function. What is Endocardium, definition and function. Endocardium is the membrane that lines the inner HEART, made up of epithelial cells. The endocardium also covers the heart valves, providing a smooth surface that offers no opportunity for BLOOD cells (particularly platelets) to stick to it as they pass through the heart." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The middle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium, which is the cardiac muscle – a layer of involuntary striated muscle tissue surrounded by a framework of collagen. The myocardium is also supplied with blood vessels, and nerve fibers by way of the epicardium that help to regulate the heart rate.he heart functions as a pump in the circulatory system to provide a continuous circulation of blood throughout the body. This circulation consists of the systemic circulation to and from the body and the pulmonary circulation to and from the lungs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is hydro cardio myopathy. http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hydro-cardio-myopathy. Cardiomyopathy, which literally means heart muscle disease, is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium for any reason.People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hydro-cardio-myopathy ].ealth related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question What is hydro cardio myopathy,you can compare them. Cardiomyopathy, which literally means heart muscle disease, is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium for any reason." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cardiomyopathy is a chronic disease of the heart muscle (myocardium), in which the muscle is abnormally enlarged, thickened, and/or stiffened. The weakened heart muscle loses the ability to pump blood effectively, resulting in irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias) and possibly even heart failure." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "is glaucoma a retinal disease" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is nowadays popularly reclassified as a retinal disease rather than an optic nerve disease that it used to be considered as." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases characterized by damage to the optic nerve resulting in vision loss. 2 People with a family history of glaucoma, African Americans and older adults are at higher risk for developing the disease." ], [ "", "Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye’s optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. It is one of the main causes of blindness in the United States. However, with early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. Therefore it is very important that it be diagnosed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "In early glaucoma, haemorrhage is usually located in inferotemporal or superotemporal optic disc regions. Localized wedge-shaped defects of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) are significantly associated with optic disc haemorrhage in both NTG and primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) patients." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We have examined by light and electron microscopy the retina, optic nervehead, and optic nerves of 21 human eyes from glaucoma patients in whom clinical information was available for comparison. In several cases it was possible to correlate the degree and distribution of optic nerve damage with the clinical appearance of the optic disc and visual field studies." ], [ "Represent this", "Retinal vascular diseases are common in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and other factors that cause vascular disease throughout the body, such as increasing age, high cholesterol, and smoking. Retinal vascular diseases include aneurysms, blockages, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and ocular ischemic syndrome. In simple terms, these are conditions that can block or restrict the blood flow throughout your eye structures and lead to vision loss or blindness." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Summary of Glaucoma and optic nerve repair.. Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and causes progressive visual impairment attributable to the dysfunction and death of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).amage to optic nerve fibers may occur at or near their origin in the retina, at the optic disk, or in the nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, or lateral geniculate nuclei. Clinical manifestations may include decreased visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, impaired color vision, and an afferent pupillary defect." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "6. Glaucoma refers to a group of eye conditions that lead to damage to the optic nerve head with progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells and their axons. This leads to a progressive loss of visual field. There are typical optic nerve changes on slit-lamp examination." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve.When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision. Once nerve damage and visual loss occur, it is permanent.he optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve. When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is a chronic progressive eye disease characterized by a degeneration of the optic nerve. This can lead to serious vision loss if not detected and treated early. The optic nerve takes all of the information the eye sees and transmits that information to the brain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve, which can result in an eventual loss of vision. The optic nerve is a cable of nerve fibers that carry electrical impulses from the retina to the brain. A layer of cells on the retina, called retinal ganglion cells, is one end of this cable.." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is diagnosed through a comprehensive eye examination. Because glaucoma is a progressive disease, meaning it worsens over time, a change in the appearance of the optic nerve, a loss of nerve tissue, and a corresponding loss of vision confirm the diagnosis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Glaucoma A scotoma is a loss of central vision, and there are several conditions that can cause this including multiple sclerosis, macular degeneration, methanol poisoning, st…roke, nutritional deficiencies, brain tumor, hypertension, or preeclampsia, among others." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "67,445 discussions. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve. It is a leading cause of blindness in the United States. It usually happens when the fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises, damaging the optic nerve. Often there are no symptoms at first." ], [ "Represent this text", "Glaucoma is a slow-progressing disease that causes damage to the eye's optic nerve and can result in blindness. Open angle glaucoma, the most common form of the disease, affects about 3 million Americans. It is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Since there are usually no early symptoms, half of the people with this disease don't know they have it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve. It is a leading cause of blindness in the United States. It usually happens when the fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises, damaging the optic nerve." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Neovascular glaucoma, a rare type of glaucoma, is always associated with other abnormalities, diabetes being the most common. In some cases of diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels on the retina are damaged. The retina manufactures new, abnormal blood vessels." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types including closed-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over time and there is no pain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Visual field testing is a sophisticated, automated computerized vision test that measures both central and peripheral vision/visual function. It is essential in monitoring glaucoma and it is a useful ancillary test to diagnose, document or treat neurologic or retinal disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve which is usually associated with high pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma has been labelled the “sneak thief of sight” because many people remain undiagnosed until irreversible vision loss occurs." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types including closed-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over time and there is no pain. Side vision may begin to decrease followed by central vision resulting in blindness if not treated. Closed-angle glaucoma can present gradually or suddenly. The sudden presentation may involve severe eye pain," ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It is a disease that can lead to problems seeing and even to loss of vision. Early treatmentwith medicine, surgery, or bothcan prevent or delay the serious vision problems caused by glaucoma. You are more likely to get glaucoma, and you should see an eye doctor for a glaucoma test, if you: Have diabetes. Have a family history of glaucoma." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is an eye disease usually associated with an increased fluid pressure inside the eyes that damages the optic nerve, leading to vision loss or even blindness." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Five out of 42 eyes with capsular glaucoma developed retinal vein occlusion whereas this occurred in 2 out of 46 eyes with simple glaucoma. Two patients with IOP level of 9 mmHg maintained unchanged visual fields for 6 and 11 years, respectively. PMID: 4050362 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms. Aged; Female; Follow-Up Studies; Glaucoma/diagnosis*" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "As I found out first hand, Glaucoma is a very serious eye disease that can be quite painful. Bunny Roo Beagle had Glaucoma and had to have her eye removed. Glaucoma develops when fluid in the eye is produced more quickly than it can be removed. As a result of this fluid build-up, a sustained increase in eye pressure develops which in turn can damage the optic nerve and retina." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types including closed-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over time and there is no pain. Side vision may begin to decrease followed by central vision resulting in blindness if not treated." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see.In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve.When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision.he optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve. When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Depending on the presentation, this diagnosis may be cause for urgent concern. Neovascular glaucoma (NVG) is a secondary glaucoma that is considered an advanced complication of ischemic retinal vascular disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Published on Monday, January 25th, 2016 @ 2:47 am. Glaucoma is a term that denotes a group of eye diseases that lead to damage of the optic nerve and in some cases even vision loss. These diseases are usually classified into two groups – open angle glaucoma and closed angle glaucoma." ], [ "Represent the next text", "There is no cure (yet) for glaucoma. Glaucoma is not curable, and vision lost cannot be regained. With medication and/or surgery, it is possible to halt further loss of vision. Since open-angle glaucoma is a chronic condition, it must be monitored for life.Diagnosis is the first step to preserving your vision.. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness. Glaucoma can cause blindness if it is left untreated. And unfortunately approximately 10% of people with glaucoma who receive proper treatment still experience loss of vision." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve through pressure, compromising peripheral vision first. 2 Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that occurs when diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels inside the retina. 3 While there are treatments to delay these conditions, there is no cure." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Author: Glick Eye Institute. Study Indicates Reductions in Retrobulbar and Retinal Blood Flow Over Time Associated with Structural Glaucomatous Progression. Research from the Glick Eye Institute appears in the May 2015 British Journal of Ophthalmology. The study indicates that reductions in retrobulbar and retinal blood flow over time were associated with structural glaucomatous progression, as indicated by retinal and optic nerve changes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"At the Geneva Motor Show, Lamborghini introduced its fastest production car yet. Lamborghini revived the Superveloce name for its newly-improved Aventator, and it's a deserving wearer of the name. Feast your eyes, on the lighter, rawer, more powerful Aventador LP 750-4 Superveloce, the fastest production Lamborghini ever built. The naturally-aspirated 6.5-liter V12 engine gets a 50-horse bump to 750 screaming horsepower and 690 lb-ft of torque, thanks in part to a freer-flowing exhaust and refined valve timing.\"] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what's inside of a lamborghini\"]", "Glaucoma is a term used for a group of diseases that can lead to damage to the eye's optic nerve and result in blindness. (Source: Genes and Disease by the National Center for Biotechnology)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve.his pigment can clog the drain and can lead to an increase in eye pressure. This form of glaucoma responds well to laser treatment. Other types of glaucoma may be caused by injuries to the eye, tumors, and other eye diseases. A rare type of glaucoma can even be present in children at birth." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['represent the next text', 'Please try again later. The new SHOWTIME drama series BILLIONS will premiere Sunday, January 17th at 10 p.m. ET/PT on-air, On Demand and over the internet.']>> to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when is billions aired']\"", "How Is Glaucoma Inherited? Glaucoma, an eye disease affecting millions and the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, is not a single disease entity, but a common outcome of a wide variety of ocular pathology, some genetic in basis, some not. Here we explore what is known about heritable forms of glaucoma. slide 1 of 9." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A condition in which there is a build-up of fluid in the eye, which presses on the retina and the optic nerve. The retina is the layer of nerve tissue inside the eye that senses light and sends images along the optic nerve to the brain. Glaucoma can damage the optic nerve and cause loss of vision or blindness. Definition (NCI) Increased pressure in the eyeball due to obstruction of the outflow of aqueous humor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can lead to blindness by damaging the optic nerve. The eye continuously produces a fluid, called the aqueous, that must drain from the eye to maintain healthy eye pressure. You can learn more in Glaucoma: An Overview." ], [ "Represent the following document", "The ability to image the retinal nerve fibre layer and the ganglion cell layer and their combined accuracy in detecting the onset and progression of Glaucoma has revolutionised our understanding of the disease." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is there that the electrical impulses are interpreted into sight. Damage to the optic nerve interrupts this flow of visual information. In glaucoma, researchers believe that the ganglion cells of the retina, as well as the support cells within the optic nerve, can die for various reasons." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Listen. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye’s optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. It is one of the main causes of blindness in the United States. However, with early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These AMD-related changes tend to cause deterioration of a small area of the retina called the macula, which is needed for sharp, central vision. A comprehensive dilated eye exam is also critical for detecting glaucoma, a disease that damages the optic nerve, which carries information from the eyes to the brain." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Endolaser Cyclophotocoagulation. Glaucoma is a disease in which fluid builds within the eye, causing irreversible damage to the retina and. optic nerve. Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness in dogs and cats and is painful when not. controlled. Surgical treatments for glaucoma include attempts to increase aqueous humor outflow or decrease. aqueous humor production. In order to decrease production, destruction of the structure of the eye that." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms.Experts estimate that half of the people affected by glaucoma may not know they have it. Vision loss is caused by damage to the optic nerve.laucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Glaucoma is a complicated disease in which damage to the optic nerve leads to progressive, irreversible vision loss. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a disease of the eye in which fluid pressure within the eye rises-if left untreated the patient may lose vision, and even become blind. The disease generally affects both eyes, although one may have more severe signs and symptoms than the other." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma occurs when the normal fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises. However, recent findings now show that glaucoma can occur with normal eye pressure. With early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. There are two major categories “open angle” and “closed angle” glaucoma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a disease of the eye that, without treatment and early detection by your eye doctor, can lead to progressive damage to the optic nerve causing irreversible blindness or loss of vision. Glaucoma is characterized by a loss of nerve tissue that occurs when pressure builds up on the eye." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness for people over 60 years old." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Glaucoma is a group of common eye diseases which impair the eye’s optic nerve and may lead to vision loss or blindness. This degenerative condition is usually associated with a buildup of fluid in the eye (intraocular pressure), obstructing the optic nerve’s ability to transmit images to the brain." ], [ "", "In glaucoma, researchers believe that the ganglion cells of the retina, as well as the support cells within the optic nerve, can die for various reasons." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "written by: Casey Alexander Paleos, MD•edited by: Leigh A. Zaykoski•updated: 6/9/2011. Glaucoma, an eye disease affecting millions and the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, is not a single disease entity, but a common outcome of a wide variety of ocular pathology, some genetic in basis, some not." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Retinal findings in background diabetic retinopathy, including blot hemorrhages (long arrow), microaneurysms (short arrow), and hard exudates (arrowhead). Increased permeability of these vessels results in leakage of fluid and proteinaceous material, which clinically appears as retinal thickening and exudates." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Glaucoma is an eye disease which is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. Two out of every 100 people over the age of 35 have their vision threatened by this disease. Yet when diagnosed early, blindness from glaucoma is almost always preventable." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) causes sudden, painless vision loss that can be mild to severe. Most people will have high blood pressure, chronic open-angle glaucoma and/or significant hardening of the arteries. For eye occlusion, you may receive ocular massage or glaucoma medications to lower eye pressure." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it. The provided query could be \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\nE.g. Nobel Peace Prize (1906), Medal of Honor (posthumously, 2001) Theodore Teddy Roosevelt (October 27, 1858â\\x80\\x93January 6, 1919), was the 26th president of the United States. He was born in New York. He was a member of the Republican Party. == what was teddy roosevelt', 'Direct U.S. military involvement ended on 15 August 1973. The capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese Army in April 1975 marked the end of the war, and North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year. The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities (see Vietnam War casualties).']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what was the end result of the vietnam war?']\"", "Glaucoma is a very misunderstood disease. Often, people don't realize the severity or who is affected. Glaucoma can cause blindness if it is left untreated. And unfortunately approximately 10% of people with glaucoma who receive proper treatment still experience loss of vision." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. However, of early treatment of Glaucoma symptoms you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. Comparison of a person with normal vision VS. a person's vision with Glaucoma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a complicated eye disease where damage to the optic nerve results in vision loss. Typically the condition is classified as either primary open angle glaucoma where no symptoms occur until significant vision loss has occurred, or angle closure glaucoma where certain noticeable symptoms occur followed by very rapid vision impairment. If untreated, glaucoma will eventually cause complete loss of vision." ], [ "Represent", "Learn More. Glaucoma refers to a group of diseases -- open-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma -- where cells and fibers of the optic nerve are damaged, affecting the transmission of signals from the eye to the brain. It is usually progressive." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Researchers now view glaucoma as a disease of the brain — a neurodegenerative disease — rather than simply an eye disease. Recent research has shown that the complex connection between the eye and the brain is an important key to the disease. Glaucoma shares a number of features with degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. In all of these diseases, age and family history are significant risk factors, and specific areas of the brain are damaged over time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "TREATING GLAUCOMA. Glaucoma can be treated with eye drops, pills, laser surgery, traditional surgery or a combination of these methods. The goal of any treatment is to prevent loss of vision, as vision loss from glaucoma is irreversible.The good news is that glaucoma can be managed if detected early, and that with medical and/or surgical treatment, most people with glaucoma will not lose their sight.he goal of any treatment is to prevent loss of vision, as vision loss from glaucoma is irreversible. The good news is that glaucoma can be managed if detected early, and that with medical and/or surgical treatment, most people with glaucoma will not lose their sight." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Visual field testing (measuring side vision) is another way we watch for glaucoma. This test also can help us find such problems as brain tumors, aneurysms, strokes and other brain diseases, which often are more common in older people. A dilated retinal examination is vitally important to your eye health." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. A major risk factor is increased pressure in the eye. The disorders can be roughly divided into two main categories: open-angle and closed-angle (or angle closure ) glaucoma.pen-angle glaucoma accounts for 90% of glaucoma cases in the United States. Closed-angle glaucoma accounts for less than 10% of glaucoma cases in the United States, but as many as half of glaucoma cases in other nations (particularly Asian countries)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Blindness in Dog Diagnosis. Blindness in dog can be caused by a number of conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, uveitis, severe corneal disease, retinal inflammation and infection, retinal detachment, disease of the optic nerve, and disease of the occipital cortex (the visual center of the brain)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma occurs when the normal fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises. However, recent findings now show that glaucoma can occur with normal eye pressure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see.In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve.When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision. Once nerve damage and visual loss occur, it is permanent.he optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve. When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Blindness in dog can be caused by a number of conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, uveitis, severe corneal disease, retinal inflammation and infection, retinal detachment, disease of the optic nerve, and disease of the occipital cortex (the visual center of the brain)." ] ]
[ "Represent", "meaning of protrude in english" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Full Definition of PROTRUDE. transitive verb. 1. archaic: to thrust forward. 2. : to cause to project. intransitive verb. — pro·tru·si·ble \\-ˈtrue-ˈtrü-sə, -bəl-\\ zə. Adjective see protrude defined For-english language. Learners see protrude defined for. kids" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "a rounded projection, bend, or protruding part; protuberance; hump: a bulge in a wall. 2. any sudden increase, as of numbers, sales, or prices: the bulge in profits. 3. a rising in small waves on the surface of a body of water, caused by the action of a fish or fishes in pursuit of food underwater." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a part that sticks out from the general mass of something the bizarrely shaped protrusions of a coral reef Synonyms of protrusion bunch, convexity, jut, overhang, projection, bulge, protuberance, swell Words Related to protrusion dome; blob, bump, dilatation, gibbosity, hump, knob, knot, knurl, lump, nub, obtrusion, puff, snag, swelling; block, piece, portion, section; enlargement, escalation, expansion, increase; hill, mound Near Antonyms of protrusion crater, hole, well; basin, bowl, dip ..." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A prude (Old French prude meaning honourable woman) is a person who is described as (or would describe themselves as) being concerned with decorum or propriety, significantly in excess of normal prevailing standards." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Synonym Discussion of proclivity leaning, propensity, proclivity, penchant mean a strong instinct or liking for something. leaning suggests a liking or attraction not strong enough to be decisive or uncontrollable. a student with artistic leanings; propensity implies a deeply ingrained and usually irresistible inclination. a propensity to offer advice" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Etymology: L, pronare, to bend forward. 1 assumption of a prone position, one in which the ventral surface of the body faces downward. 2 (of the arm) the rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand faces downward or backward. 3 (of the foot) the lowering of the medial edge of the foot by turning it outward and through abduction in the tarsal and metatarsal joints. pronate, v." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "her·ni·at·ed disc. Protrusion of a degenerated or fragmented intervertebral disc into the intervertebral foramen with potential compression of a nerve root or into the spinal canal with potential compression of the cauda equina in the lumbar region or the spinal cord at higher levels. Synonym(s): protruded disc, ruptured disc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "noun, plural proclivities. 1. natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition: a proclivity to meticulousness. Origin of proclivity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "verb (used with object) 1. to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of; prolong. 2. Anatomy. to extend or protrude. 3. (in surveying, mathematics, etc.) to plot and draw (lines) with a scale and a protractor. Origin of protract." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "pro•found /prəˈfaʊnd/USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est. pro•found•ly, adv. 1 showing deep insight or understanding; going beyond what is obvious or easily seen:a profound thinker. 2 coming from the deepest part of one's feelings or being:his profound grief at the loss of his children." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Learn More about protrusion. Dictionary: Definition of protrusion Medical Dictionary: Definition of protrusion Spanish Central: Translation of protrusion Nglish: Translation of protrusion for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of protrusion for Arabic speakers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "exude. 1 to come out gradually in drops, as sweat, through pores or small openings; ooze out. 2 to send out, as sweat; emit through pores or small openings. 3 to project or display conspicuously or abundantly; radiate: to exude cheerfulness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Elude means evade, or be hard to grasp. Tom eluded his captors by hiding under a table. Martha tried to understand chemistry, but the subject continued to elude her.. Elude has a slippery feeling to it. You elude the police, math can elude you — and that yak you went to see on safari but never got a glimpse of, you might say that he has eluded you as well. Delude means to deceive, and there are times when someone can both delude and elude you — like when the conman took your money and then escaped out the back door." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "tr.v. pro·tracted, pro·tracting, pro·tracts. 1. To draw out or lengthen in time; prolong: disputants who needlessly protracted the negotiations. 2. Mathematics To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "uk ​ /prəˈtruː.ʒən/ us ​ /prəˈtruː.ʒən/. › something that sticks out from a surface, or the act of doing this: It has a series of protrusions along its back. The condition results in weight loss, rapid heart beat and protrusion of the eyes. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words." ], [ "", "tr.v. pro·tract·ed, pro·tract·ing, pro·tracts. 1. To draw out or lengthen in time; prolong: disputants who needlessly protracted the negotiations. 2. Mathematics To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "sanmasamu meaning in english; sanmaturudu meaning in english; sadgunyamu meaning in english; sadabamu meaning in english; saha meaning in english; sarabu meaning in english; sara meaning in english; saratu meaning in english; saddakudu meaning in english; sat meaning in english; sandamu meaning in english; s meaning in english; svetamu meaning in english" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a rounded projection, bend, or protruding part; protuberance; hump: a bulge in a wall. any sudden increase, as of numbers, sales, or prices: the bulge in profits. a rising in small waves on the surface of a body of water, caused by the action of a fish or fishes in pursuit of food underwater." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(I also discuss here some of the synonyms of each word.). Prone, from the Latin term pronus, means “inclined to,” and it is commonly used in this figurative sense as well as to mean “lying face down.” Pronate, used both as a verb and as an adjective, means “to bend forward” or “bent forward,” respectively." ], [ "", "projection implies a jutting out especially at a sharp angle those projections along the wall are safety hazards. protrusion suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems a deformity the bizarre protrusions of a coral reef. protuberance implies a growing or swelling out in rounded form a skin disease marked by warty protuberances." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A sudden, usually temporary increase in number or quantity: The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment. v. bulged, bulg·ing, bulg·es. v.intr. To swell, protrude, or curve outward: a wall bulging after a flood; muscles bulging under a shirt. v.tr. To cause to bulge. [Middle English, pouch, from Old French bulge, bouge, from Latin bulga, bag, of Celtic origin; see bhelgh-in Indo-European roots.] bulg′i·ness n. bulg′y adj. Synonyms: bulge, balloon, belly, jut, project, protrude These verbs mean to curve, spread, or extend outward past the normal or usual limit: a wallet bulging with money; a clown's pants that ballooned at the waist; a sail bellying in the wind; a boulder jutting from the hillside; a deck that projected from the house in back; eyes protruding from ..." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Net profit. Net profit, also referred to as the bottom line, net income, or net earnings is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all costs. It is the actual profit without inclusion of working expense in the calculation of gross profit.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does net profit mean']\"", "Verb [edit]. preclude ‎(third-person singular simple present precludes, present participle precluding, simple past and past participle precluded). ( 1 transitive) Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "projection, protrusion, protuberance, bulge mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface. projection implies a jutting out especially at a sharp angle. those projections along the wall are safety hazards; protrusion suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems a deformity." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of obtrusive. 1 1a : forward in manner or conduct obtrusive behavior The waiter was attentive without being obtrusive.b : undesirably prominent obtrusive TV commercials. 2 2 : thrust out : protruding a sharp obtrusive edge." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Extrude definition: If a substance is extruded , it is forced or squeezed out through a small opening . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Full Definition of PRUDE. : a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum; especially: a woman who shows or affects extreme modesty. See prude defined for English-language learners." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Examples of protrusion in a sentence. 1 bony protrusions on the outside of the elbow. 2 a roof with many protrusions. 3 The pain was caused by a protrusion of a disc in his lower back." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Synonym Discussion of protuberance. projection, protrusion, protuberance, bulge mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface. projection implies a jutting out especially at a sharp angle. ⟨those projections along the wall are safety hazards⟩ protrusion suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems a deformity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bulging definition, a rounded projection, bend, or protruding part; protuberance; hump: a bulge in a wall. See more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "EXTRUDE (Command) Creates a 3D solid or surface by extending a 2D or 3D curve. Extrusions can extend in the Z direction or be set to taper or follow a path. You can extrude an open or closed object to create a 3D surface or solid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Protrusio acetabuli. Radswiki et al. Acetabular protrusio (also known as acetabular protrusion) is intrapelvic displacement of the acetabulum and femoral head, so that the femoral head projects medial to the ischioilial line. It should be differentiated from coxa profunda." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Used Rarely. extrude is in the lower 50% of commonly used words in the Collins dictionary" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Full Definition of PROCLAIM. transitive verb. 1. a: to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing: announce. 2." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a rounded projection, bend, or protruding part; protuberance; hump: a bulge in a wall. 2. any sudden increase, as of numbers, sales, or prices: the bulge in profits. 3. a rising in small waves on the surface of a body of water, caused by the action of a fish or fishes in pursuit of food underwater. verb (used without object), bulged, bulging." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of pout. 1 intransitive verb. 2 1a : to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen expressionb : sulk. 3 2 : protrude. transitive 1 verb. : to cause to protrude pouted her lips." ], [ "Represent the input", "If you poke one thing into another, you push the first thing into the second thing. He poked his finger into the hole. 3. verb. If something pokes out of or through another thing, you can see part of it appearing from behind or underneath the other thing. He saw the dog's twitching nose poke out of the basket. His fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves. Synonyms: protrude, stick, thrust, jut More Synonyms of poke." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1. (tr) to establish as something to be obeyed or complied with; enforce: to impose a tax on the people. 2. to force (oneself, one's presence, etc) on another or others; obtrude. 3. (intr) to take advantage, as of a person or quality: to impose on someone's kindness. 4. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) printing to arrange (pages) so that after printing and folding the pages will be in the correct order." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "s meaning in english; sodasamu meaning in english; sumaru meaning in english; sidgudu meaning in english; sikari meaning in english; sanmasamu meaning in english; sanmaturudu meaning in english; sadgunyamu meaning in english; sadabamu meaning in english; saha meaning in english; sarabu meaning in english; sara meaning in english; saratu meaning in english" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A prude (Old French prude meaning honourable woman) is a person who is described as (or would describe themselves as) being concerned with decorum or propriety, significantly in excess of normal prevailing standards. They may be perceived as being more uncomfortable than most with sexuality or nudity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "• EXTRUSION (noun). The noun EXTRUSION has 2 senses: 1. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings. 2. squeezing out by applying pressure. Familiarity information: EXTRUSION used as a noun is rare. EXTRUSION (noun). The noun EXTRUSION has 2 senses: 1. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings. 2. squeezing out by applying pressure. Familiarity information: EXTRUSION used as a noun is rare." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1. to grow or cause to grow in size, esp as a result of internal pressure. Compare contract1, contract3. 2. to expand or cause to expand at a particular point or above the surrounding level; protrude. 3. to grow or cause to grow in size, amount, intensity, or degree: the party is swelling with new recruits. 4. to puff or be puffed up with pride or another emotion. 5." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2. extension or protrusion. 3. a condition in which the teeth or other maxillary or mandibular structures are situated anterior to their normal position. mandibular protraction. 1. the protrusive movement of the mandible initiated by the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles acting simultaneously. 2. a facial anomaly in which the gnathion lies anterior to the orbital plane. maxillary protraction a facial anomaly in which the subnasion is anterior to the orbital plane." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Near Antonyms. crater, hole, well; basin, bowl, dip, valley; furrow, groove, trench, trough; dimple, gouge, impression, notch, pocket. Synonym Discussion of protuberance. projection, protrusion, protuberance, bulge mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Synonyms: imbue, permeate, pervade, saturate, suffuse. These verbs mean to cause to be filled with a particular quality, such as an attitude or feeling: poetry imbued with lyricism; optimism that permeates a group; letters pervaded with gloom; a play saturated with ironic witticism; a heart suffused with love." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The definition of a protrusion is something that bulges out or sticks out. A hernia that sticks unnaturally out of your skin is an example of a protrusion." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medical Definition of protrusion. 1 1: the quality or state of protruding the protrusion of a jaw. 2 2: something (as an anatomical part) that protrudes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 extrude(Verb) To push or thrust out. 2 extrude(Verb) To form or shape (a metal, plastic etc.) by forcing it through a die or an opening." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "play \\ ˌkō-ik-ˈstrüd \\ or co-extrude transitive verb, coextruded or co-extruded; coextruding or co-extruding; coextrudes or co-extrudes The product, made in Mount Vernon, Ind., is coextruded into two layers—one clear, one colored—to simulate automotive paint. —Alexander H. Tullo, Chemical & Engineering News, 20 May 2002; The company designed the pen to be light, very durable, easy to clean, modular and completely free-standing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 bulge, bump, hump, swelling, gibbosity, gibbousness, jut, prominence, protuberance, protrusion, extrusion, excrescence(verb) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of 'extrude'. extrude. If a substance is extruded, it is forced or squeezed out through a small opening. These crystals are then embedded in a plastic, and the plastic is extruded as a wire. I work in the extruded tube business." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of proclivity for English Language Learners. : a strong natural liking for something that is usually bad : a tendency to do something that is usually bad." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Exophthalmos. Taken from the Greek (literally meaning 'with prominent eyes'), exophthalmos is a condition in which either one or both eyeballs bulge out or protrude from the eye socket.Many different conditions can lead to exophthalmos, which is also known as proptosis.ye health centre. Taken from the Greek (literally meaning 'with prominent eyes'), exophthalmos is a condition in which either one or both eyeballs bulge out or protrude from the eye socket." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "s meaning in english; s meaning in english; sodasamu meaning in english; sumaru meaning in english; sidgudu meaning in english; sikari meaning in english; sanmasamu meaning in english; sanmaturudu meaning in english; sadgunyamu meaning in english; sadabamu meaning in english; saha meaning in english; sarabu meaning in english; sara meaning in english" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Prorating is commonly used in real estate sales contracts. Pro rata is one of those Latin terms that has been directly incorporated into English. The vernacular version of the phrase is prorate.. Literally, the Latin term means according to calculation.. In practice, both the original and more common English term mean to proportion a cost over time. Both terms are often used in real estate, especially at sale and at the beginning or end of a rental." ], [ "Represent", "Looking for online definition of extrude in the Medical Dictionary? extrude explanation free. What is extrude? Meaning of extrude medical term. What does extrude mean?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of obtrusive for English Language Learners. : 1 tending to bother people by appearing where you are not welcome or invited. : 2 noticeable in an unpleasant or annoying way." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "SYNONYMY NOTE: projection implies a jutting out abruptly beyond the rest of the surface [the projection of the eaves beyond the sides of a house]; protrusion suggests a thrusting or pushing out that is of an abnormal or disfiguring nature [protrusion of the eyeballs]; protuberance suggests a swelling out, usually in rounded form [the tumor on his ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "projection, protrusion, protuberance, bulge mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface. projection implies a jutting out especially at a sharp angle. those projections along the wall are safety hazards; protrusion suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems a deformity. the bizarre protrusions of a coral reef protuberance implies a growing or swelling out in rounded form." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chambers 20th Century Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Extrude. eks-trōōd′, v.t. to force or urge out: to expel: to drive off.—n. Extru′sion, act of extruding, thrusting, or throwing out: expulsion.—adjs. Extru′sive, Extru′sory." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Tags for the entry protrude. Hindi meaning of protrude, protrude meaning in Hindi, protrude definition, examples and pronunciation of protrude in Hindi language." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "protrude - definition and synonyms. What are red words? 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "› something that sticks out from a surface, or the act of doing this: 1 It has a series of protrusions along its back. 2 The condition results in weight loss, rapid heart beat and protrusion of the eyes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "4. Etymology: from Latin and Greek prosthesis, addition of a letter or syllable to a word; from prostithenai, add to; from pros, to + tithenai, to put, to place. The reference to artificial body part is first recorded in 1706. Additional information about prostheses." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "‘the large size and protuberance of the incisors’ More example sentences ‘The placoderms and chondrichthyans both show at least some capsular protuberance of the braincase, but the braincase is a single, undivided mass, whether or not ossified.’ Synonyms sticking out, jutting, projection, projecting, obtrusion, obtruding, prominence, protrusion" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: bulge, bump, hump, swelling, gibbosity, gibbousness, jut, prominence, protuberance, protrusion, extrusion, excrescence(verb) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A sound pronounced with the tongue in retroflex position, as the sound (r) in some varieties of English. Latin *retr&omacron;flexus, past participle of retr&omacron;flectere, to bend back : retr&omacron;, retro- + flectere, to bend." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "define endpoints for computer systems" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Endpoint security is a client/server information security (IS) methodology for protecting a corporate network through focusing on network devices (endpoints) by monitoring their status, activities, software, authorization and authentication." ] ]
[ [ "", "Part of the Network software glossary: In IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA), a logical unit (LU) identifies an end user in an SNA network. By end user, IBM means either a human being that is interacting with the network or an application program that is indirectly representing such an end user. Two logical units that communicate depend on physical connections being established through associated physical units (PU s)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Front and back ends - Software definitions. 1 In content management systems, the terms front end and back end may refer to the end-user facing views of the CMS and the administrative views, respectively. [1]" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Following is a review of the reasons. for the prevalence of end-user applicatiiins and their inherent prob-. lems, as well as strategies for the intemal coiiu-ol of these appli-. cations for various-sized businesses. Background. The following is a textbook definition of end-user computing: [A In information system developed by the users themselves. rather than IT professionals to meet company operational or. management infomiation needs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Part of the Network software glossary: In IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA), a logical unit (LU) identifies an end user in an SNA network. By end user, IBM means either a human being that is interacting with the network or an application program that is indirectly representing such an end user." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Computer science itself is a surprisingly difficult thing to define. If you do a search on the web you’ll turn up quite a few definitions for computer science. Some people take a very academic approach and say that computer science is about studying computation and systems of computation." ], [ "", "In software development, a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, put in place for debugging purposes. It is also sometimes simply referred to as a pause. More generally, a breakpoint is a means of acquiring knowledge about a program during its execution. During the interruption, the programmer inspects the test environment to find out whether the program is functioning as expected. In practice, a breakpoint consists of one or more conditions that determine when a p" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sophos Endpoint works on the device and in conjunction with the firewall to detect and isolate compromised devices. Synchronized Security gives you additional context providing information from the network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection. The University's Information Security Policy requires that all Windows devices that store or process sensitive data use managed and monitored malware protection. While not required, it is recommended that Linux, Unix and Mac OS devices also use managed and monitored malware protection. The current recommended Antivirus/Malware application for university-owned computers is Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 To get an equalized sound, you…. 2 Well-known TCP Port Numbers In a TCP/IP network, a port is an endpoint to a connection and the way a program specifies a specific server program on a computer in a network. 3 Ports are assigned numbers by…." ], [ "", "Each organization will need to define what a computer security incident is for their site. Examples of general definitions for a computer security incident might be: Computer security incident activity can be defined as network or host activity that potentially threatens the security of computer systems." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In computing, end-of-file (commonly abbreviated EOF) is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source. The data source is usually called a file or stream." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ABnormal END or ABortive END. System crash or other abnormal termination of a computer program caused by memory conflict or some other (usually unidentifiable) glitch." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Endpoint Protection updates the virus and spyware definitions on your computer automatically. If the definitions haven’t been updated for over seven days (for example, if you didn’t turn on your computer for a week), Endpoint Protection will notify you that the definitions are out of date." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The network devices that people are most familiar with are called end devices. These devices form the interface between the human network and the underlying communication network. Some examples of end devices are: Computers ,laptops, file servers, web servers. Network printers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "More generally, a breakpoint is a means of acquiring knowledge about a program during its execution. During the interruption, the programmer inspects the test environment (general purpose registers, memory, logs, files, etc.) to find out whether the program is functioning as expected." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"A barrel chest is a situation in which a person's chest starts to bulge and appear rounded like a barrel. This happens when a...\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what does barrel chest mean']\"", "End Point develops new features, provides support, and manages hosting for Ridgetop Research applications, working with a variety of technologies that include Java, Scala, Kotlin, Lucene, and AngularJS." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(as modifier): an end-user certificate 2. (computing) the ultimate destination, such as a program or operator, of information that is being transferred within a system" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Since 1917, it has been a major training ground for many important government agencies, mostly associated with 2 …. Well-known TCP Port Numbers In a TCP/IP network, a port is an endpoint to a connection and the way a program specifies a specific server program on a computer in a network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For other uses, see Primary Colors. The emission spectra of the three phosphors that define the additive primary colors of a CRT color video display. Unlike subtractive systems that use magenta, yellow, and cyan inks, additive systems such as computer displays mix red, green, and blue light to make all colors.or other uses, see Primary Colors. The emission spectra of the three phosphors that define the additive primary colors of a CRT color video display. Unlike subtractive systems that use magenta, yellow, and cyan inks, additive systems such as computer displays mix red, green, and blue light to make all colors." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The idea of fixed point clusters (FPCs) is to formalize a cluster as a data subset that does not contain any outlier and with respect to which all other data points are outliers. It is rooted in robust statistics as explained in Section 2. The concept is applied to clusterwise linear regression in this paper." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Integrated Endpoint and Network. Instant and automatic communication between the Endpoint and Network alerts the suspected system of exactly what the firewall is detecting, allowing the endpoint protection agent immediate use of that information to discover the process behind the threat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4013.4013 Features. Check the main features of Symantec Endpoint Protection: Advanced protection of all the computers connected to your server. The utility supports the latest members of the popular Operating Systems Windows and Mac." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Endpoint security is becoming a more common IT security function and concern as more employees bring consumer mobile devices to work and companies allow its mobile workforce to use these devices on the corporate network. PREVIOUSendpoint identifiers." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Well-known TCP Port Numbers In a TCP/IP network, a port is an endpoint to a connection and the way a program specifies a specific server program on a computer in a network." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Some examples of end devices are. 1 Computers (work stations, laptops, file servers, web servers) 2 Network printers. 3 VoIP phones. 4 TelePresence endpoints. 5 Security cameras. 6 Mobile handheld devices (such as smartphones, tablets, PDAs, and wireless debit/credit card readers and barcode scanners)" ], [ "Represent the input", "Differentiating Endpoint Security from Anti-Virus Software. What differentiates endpoint security from the well-known anti-virus software is that within the endpoint security framework, endpoints bear some or all responsibility for their own security." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Regions and Endpoints. To reduce data latency in your applications, most Amazon Web Services products allow you to select a regional endpoint to make your requests. An endpoint is a URL that is the entry point for a web service.For example, https://dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com is an entry point for the Amazon DynamoDB service.o reduce data latency in your applications, most Amazon Web Services products allow you to select a regional endpoint to make your requests. An endpoint is a URL that is the entry point for a web service." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Short for Access Point, a hardware device or a computer's software that acts as a communication hub for users of a wireless device to connect to a wired LAN. APs are important for providing heightened wireless security and for extending the physical range of service a wireless user has access to." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to a. define the specification for computer-based systems. b. develop defect free computer-based systems. c...." ], [ "", "Besides the text objects, there are only EOL markers with the hexadecimal value 0A. In computing, a newline, also known as a line ending, end of line (EOL), or line break, is a special character or sequence of characters signifying the end of a line of text and the start of a new line." ], [ "", "The network devices that people are most familiar with are called end devices, or hosts. These devices form the interface between users and the underlying communication network. Some examples of end devices are. Computers (work stations, laptops, file servers, web servers) Network printers. VoIP phones." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "End-of-support refers to a situation in which a company ceases support for a product or service. This is typically applied to hardware and software products when a company releases a new version and ends support for previous versions. End-of-support is also known as an end-of-support policy. Techopedia explains End-of-Support In general, tech companies must help customers prepare for changes, in order to prevent numerous potential shared liabilities." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "IBM Endpoint Manager for Software Use Analysis gathers information about installed software and hardware in a customer's infrastructure. Software Use Analysis tracks application usage on endpoints to determine the number and type of licenses required for licensed software." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "End-User Computing (EUC) End-user computing (EUC) refers to computer systems and platforms that are meant to allow non-programmers to create working computer applications. It is a compilation of approaches meant to better involve and integrate end users and other non-programmers into the world of computing systems development." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The server authenticates logins from the endpoints and also updates the device software when needed. While endpoint security software differs by vendor, you can expect most software offerings to provide antivirus, antispyware, firewall and also a host intrusion prevention system (HIPS)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Point of Sale (POS) System. Definition: A computerized network operated by a main computer and linked to several checkout terminals . Inventory software programs now on the market let you track usage, monitor changes in unit dollar costs, calculate when you need to reorder, and analyze inventory levels on an item-by-item basis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In product development, an end user is a person who ultimately uses or is intended to ultimately use a product. The end user stands in contrast to users who support or maintain the product, such as sysops, system administrators, database administrators, information technology experts, software professionals and computer technicians. End users typically do not possess the technical understanding or skill of the product designers, a fact that is easy for designers to forget or overlook, leading to" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In product development, an end user (sometimes end-user) is a person who ultimately uses or is intended to ultimately use a product. The end user stands in contrast to users who support or maintain the product, such as sysops, system administrators, database administrators, information technology experts, software professionals and computer technicians." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Short for Data Definition Language, DDL is a computer language that is used to define data structures. In Database Management Systems (DBMS), it is used to specify a database scheme as a set of definitions (expressed in DDL).hort for Data Definition Language, DDL is a computer language that is used to define data structures. In Database Management Systems (DBMS), it is used to specify a database scheme as a set of definitions (expressed in DDL)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "set +‎ point. Noun . setpoint (plural setpoints) The command signal or value which is fed into a controller to establish the target or desired position or state of the controlled device or process. Translations" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'largest state in the world is Western Australia with a landmass of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi),']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the biggest state in the world?']\"", "A programmable terminal called the Datapoint 2200 is the earliest known device that bears any significant resemblance to the modern personal computer[12][13]. It was made by CTC (now known as Datapoint) in 1970 and was a complete system in a small case bearing the approximate footprint of an IBM Selectric typewriter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The network devices that people are most familiar with are called end devices. These devices form the interface between the human network and the underlying communication network. Some examples of end devices are: 1 Computers ,laptops, file servers, web servers. 2 Network printers. 3 VoIP phones. 4 Security cameras. 5 Mobile handheld devices." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "AP - Access Point. Related Terms. Short for Access Point, a hardware device or a computer's software that acts as a communication hub for users of a wireless device to connect to a wired LAN. APs are important for providing heightened wireless security and for extending the physical range of service a wireless user has access to." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Short for Access Point, a hardware device or a computer's software that acts as a communication hub for users of a wireless device to connect to a wired LAN.APs are important for providing heightened wireless security and for extending the physical range of service a wireless user has access to.hort for Access Point, a hardware device or a computer's software that acts as a communication hub for users of a wireless device to connect to a wired LAN." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) is a very competent anti-malware tool that really focuses on the task at hand: protecting the endpoint from malware threats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In software development, a breakpoint is an intentional stopping or pausing place in a program, put in place for debugging purposes. It is also sometimes simply referred to as a pause. More generally, a breakpoint is a means of acquiring knowledge about a program during its execution." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is the difference between doxycycline and clavamox in treating cats" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Amoxicillin vs. Clavamox for Cats. Clavamox and amoxicillin are similar, but not the same. Amoxicillin and Clavamox are antibiotics that are part of the penicillin family. Like other antibiotics, they're used to treat infections caused by bacteria but are ineffective against viruses. If Frisky has an infection your vet will determine which antibiotic will be most effective in her treatment." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It's also used to treat tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Because doxycycline can cause severe side effects in dogs and cats (such as nausea and diarrhea), it should be used only under the care and direction of a veterinarian." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Clavamox is made up of two active ingredients namely amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Since it’s a broad spectrum antibiotic, it can be used to treat different bacterial infections like skin infections, respiratory tract infections, ear infections and urinary tract diseases. Although effective, the drug is not ideal for use in all pets." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: Doryx (doxycycline hyclate) is a tetracycline-type antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections (e.g., Rickettsial infections, sexually transmitted infections, respiratory tract infections, ophthalmic infections, Anthrax, adjunctive therapy in acute intestinal amebiasis and severe acne, and prophylaxis of malaria).oxycycline is an antibiotic used for treating bacterial infections. The drug is also sold under the brand names Oracea, Doryx, Monodox, Periostat, and Vibramycin. Doxycycline is in a class of medications called tetracyclines, and it's a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which means it works against a wide range of bacteria." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Clavamox is a broad spectrum antibiotic, a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic Acid, used for infections caused by bacteria. Clavamox requires a prescription from your veterinarian, and is sold by the tablet.It is also available as oral drops.lavamox is also available as drops. When mixed with 14 ml of water, each ml contains 62.5mg of Clavamox. The usual dose of Clavamox in dogs is 6.25mg/pound twice a day, and in cats it is 62.5mg (1 mL) twice a day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Warnings: Keep this product out of reach of children and animals. Do not use or store in or near open flame or heat. Clavamox is intended to treat bacterial infections in cats and dogs. Do not give to other animals. Not for use in humans. The liquid suspension form of Clavamox must be refrigerated and any unused portion must be discarded after 10 days." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Clavamox is an antibiotic that can be purchased by prescription only. It is used as a kennel cough treatment, as well as for other infections caused by bacteria. This particular drug couples amoxicillin with clavulanic acid and is sold in tablet or liquid form. Amoxicillin is closely related to penicillin, but provides a broader spectrum of antibacterial properties." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Overview of Doxycycline for Canines and Felines; Doxycycline is an antibiotic of the tetracycline class used to treat infections in dogs and cats. This drug is related to other tetracyclines such as chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Different Types of Antibiotics. The types of antibiotics that are most commonly prescribed to cats are: Amoxicillin: Probably the most commonly prescribed antibiotic, amoxicillin treats bacterial infections. Doxycycline: Like amoxicillin, doxycycline is also used to fight off bacterial infections." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is Clavamox? Clavamox is a drug that is formed by combining Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium. It is used to treat an array of infections caused by bacteria such as Cellulitis, Skin infections, Abscesses, and also wounds in dogs. Some bacterial infections are resistant to the impacts of Amoxicillin alone." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "April 25, 2010. Clavamox is a brand name prescription antibiotic medication designed to treat bacterial infections in dogs. This medication uses a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid enabling it to target and treat drug-resistant bacteria. Because of this unique combination, veterinarians are able to treat a variety of bacterial infections with Clavamox." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\nTo give you a sense - \"John Hay called the Spanish-American War a splendid little war because it was short but substantial. It lasted a little over three months and resulted in the total defeat â\\x80¦ and collapse of the Spanish Empire at the hands of the Americans.\" should be close to \"why was it called the splendid little war\"', 'This article is about the village of Nutley in East Sussex. For the township in Essex County, New Jersey, see Nutley, New Jersey. Nutley is a village in the Wealden District of East Sussex, England. It lies about 5 mi (8.0 km) north-west of Uckfield, the main road being the A22. Nutley, Fairwarp and Maresfield together form the Maresfield civil parish.']>> to \"[\"represent text\\n------\\nThe provided query could be 'what is market conditions?' and the positive 'Top 10 facts about the world. Market conditions is a term that refers to the state of an industry or economy. The term is commonly used in reference to stock and real estate markets, which are often described as being volatile or stable. These conditions are an indicator used by many to influence their decisions.' and the negative 'Market saturation exists in a given industry when the available supply of goods equals or falls short of customer demand. A variety of factors, including more competition, lower market need and obsolescence, contribute to saturated conditions.arket saturation exists in a given industry when the available supply of goods equals or falls short of customer demand. A variety of factors, including more competition, lower market need and obsolescence, contribute to saturated conditions.'\", 'what county is nutley nj']\"", "Clavamox is a drug containing both Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin is a version of penicillin that is able to last longer, resist stomach acid, and kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.It is often used to prevent and treat infections found in cuts and wounds, the mouth, the upper respiratory system, and the bladder.Amoxicillin also has better absorption than another predecessor, Ampicillin.lavulanic acid inhibits an enzyme that bacteria produces called beta-lactamase. Beta-lactamase has the ability to deactivate Amoxicillin, and by halting this, Clavamox is more effective against more bacteria." ], [ "Represent text", "Doxycycline For Pets Doxycycline Doxycycline is a tetracycline-class antibiotic used by veterinarians to treat animal patients suffering from certain bacterial infections and microorganisms. Doxycycline is primarily used to treat susceptible bacteria. However, it is not used for the treatment of infections caused by virus or fungi. Common conditions in which Doxycycline is prescribed include respiratory infections, urinary infections, blood-borne infections and infected wounds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The main antibiotic ingredient in Clavamox is amoxicillin, which is a semi-synthetic form of penicillin. Clavamox should not be used in cats that have shown an aversion or any type of allergic reaction to penicillin based medications.Clavamox is mostly administered in tablet format and ranges from 62.5 mg per tablet to 375 mg per tablet.he main antibiotic ingredient in Clavamox is amoxicillin, which is a semi-synthetic form of penicillin. Clavamox should not be used in cats that have shown an aversion or any type of allergic reaction to penicillin based medications." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor example, ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Homeowners insurance may help protect your house, but are the other structures on your property covered, too? Most homeowners policies include other structures coverage, which may help pay to repair unattached structures on your property, such as a fence or shed, if they are damaged by a covered loss. Skip Navigation'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is considered a home structure for insurance']", "Diarrhea. Clavamox Drops can cause diarrhea in your cat or dog as a side effect of treatment. You may notice that your dog needs to go outside more frequently to go to the bathroom or that his stools appear loose or runny." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Doxycycline for Cats – Side Effects Doxycycline is promoted as a medicine with no side effects and can be given to all sizes and ages of cats. But the most common side effects faced by some cats are nausea and vomiting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective in treating a variety of bacterial infections. Doxycycline is the active ingredient of A-Lennon Doxycycline, Cyclidox, Doximal, Doxitab, Doxycyl, DoxyHexal and Dumoxin. Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective in treating a variety of bacterial infections." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mild Side Effects. The most common side effects of Doxycycline's use in cats are vomiting and nausea. These side effects can often be avoided by giving the medication with food, or on a full stomach. However, if the symptoms persist, your cat may be having an allergic reaction." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is Clavamox: Clavamox is a broad spectrum antibiotic that fights bacteria in the body. Clavamox is a prescription medication available in four different strength tablets - 62.5mg, 125mg, 250mg, and 375mg. Clavamox is also available as drops. When mixed with 14 ml of water, each ml contains 62.5mg of Clavamox.The usual dose of Clavamox in dogs is 6.25mg/pound twice a day, and in cats it is 62.5mg (1 mL) twice a day.lavamox is a prescription medication available in four different strength tablets - 62.5mg, 125mg, 250mg, and 375mg. Clavamox is also available as drops. When mixed with 14 ml of water, each ml contains 62.5mg of Clavamox." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Common Questions and Answers about Doxycycline cats doryx My cat was prescribed doxycycline tablets for mycoplasma felis: but was unable to complete the whole course owing to difficulty of swallowing loss of appetite and occasional sickness." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Buy Now. Clavaseptin contains a combination of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid and a beta-lactomase inhibitor. Indicated for use for dental infections in dogs, and skin infections in cats. It is also an antibiotic tablet used in dogs and cats.or use in cats and dogs. Clavaseptin 250mg Palatable Tablets containing 200mg Amoxicillin (as trihydrate) and 50mg Clavulanic Acid (as potassium salt). For use in dogs. Clavaseptin 500mg Palatable Tablets containing 400mg Amoxicillin (as trihydrate) and 100mg Clavulanic Acid (as potassium salt). For use in dogs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "- Clavamox has been shown to be clinically effective for treating cases of canine periodontal disease. - Feline broad-spectrum antibiotic in two oral dosage forms, oral solution and tablets. - Used for the treatment of urinary tract infections. - Considered a safe treatment against harmful bacteria in your pet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Doxycycline is a semi-synthetic tetracycline antibiotic, derived from oxytetracycline. It may be used orally (dogs, cats and horses) or intravenously (dogs and cats). Tetracycline antibiotics are broad-spectrum and bacteriostatic." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medication should never be administered without first consulting your veterinarian. The dose of amoxicillin ranges from 5 to 12 mg per pound (10 to 25 mg/kg) two or three times a day orally. The most common dose of clavamox® used in dogs and cats is 6.875 mg per pound (13.75 mg/kg) every 12 hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report Abuse. Clavamox will help if the problem is due to a bacterial infection. However, for eye problems, it is usually used in conjunction with a topical eye medication. I would really recommend taking your cat to the vet.Eye infections can get really bad if left untreated.If you can't afford to take your cat to the vet, treating it with clavamox is certainly better then doing nothing.owever, for eye problems, it is usually used in conjunction with a topical eye medication. I would really recommend taking your cat to the vet. Eye infections can get really bad if left untreated. If you can't afford to take your cat to the vet, treating it with clavamox is certainly better then doing nothing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Description. Clavaseptin contains a combination of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid and a beta-lactomase inhibitor. Indicated for use for dental infections in dogs, and skin infections in cats. It is also an antibiotic tablet used in dogs and cats. Tablets sold individually.escription. Clavaseptin contains a combination of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid and a beta-lactomase inhibitor. Indicated for use for dental infections in dogs, and skin infections in cats. It is also an antibiotic tablet used in dogs and cats. Tablets sold individually." ], [ "Represent text", "Clavimox, as prescribed by the veterinarian for my 13-pound male cat (he's a big boy), comes in a 15ml bottle and claims to contain 62.5mg per 1 ml of the active ingredient amoxicillin. I am to give him 1 ml every 12 hours for 7 days. The Fish Mox capsules I purchased at the local feed store each contain 250mg of amoxicillin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What Does Clavamox Contain? Clavamox is made up of two active ingredients namely amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Since it’s a broad spectrum antibiotic, it can be used to treat different bacterial infections like skin infections, respiratory tract infections, ear infections and urinary tract diseases. Although effective, the drug is not ideal for use in all pets." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Children who are allergic to penicillin can take clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim DS) as an alternative.3,5,12 In the case of cat bite, adult patients who are allergic to penicillin can take cefuroxime (Ceftin) 500 mg orally every 12 hours or doxycycline (Vibramycin) 100 mg orally twice a day." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Doxycycline Compounded, a prescription medication, is a tetracycline antibiotic used for the treatment of bacterial infections such as Lyme disease, Chlamydia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other bacterial infections in dogs and cats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Doxycycline for Cats with Upper Respiratory Problems. Doxycycline antibiotics can get your kitty better if she has an upper respiratory infection. If your vet diagnoses your kitty with a bacterial upper respiratory infection, an antibiotic is an important part of treatment.Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic in the tetracycline class that's sometimes prescribed for this purpose in cats.reating a Feline Upper Respiratory Infection. Antibiotics are the main course of treatment for a bacterial infection, including those affecting the upper respiratory tract. Your vet prescribes doxycycline if he believes your pet's infection is caused by a susceptible bacteria." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "doryx. 1 My cat was prescribed doxycycline tablets for mycoplasma felis: but was unable to complete the whole course owing to difficulty of swallowing loss of appetite and occasional sickness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Clavamox and amoxicillin are similar, but not the same. Amoxicillin and Clavamox are antibiotics that are part of the penicillin family. Like other antibiotics, they're used to treat infections caused by bacteria but are ineffective against viruses. If Frisky has an infection your vet will determine which antibiotic will be most effective in her treatment." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Alternative dispute resolution (ADR; known in some countries, such as Australia, as external dispute resolution) includes dispute resolution processes and techniques that act as a means for disagreeing parties to come to an agreement short of litigation. In arbitration, participation is typically voluntary, and there is a third party who, as a private judge, imposes a resolution. 2 Arbitrations often occur because parties to contracts agree that any future dispute concerning the agreement will be resolved by arbitration. 3 This is known as a 'Scott Avery Clause'.\"]>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'alternative dispute resolution arbitration definition']\"", "Proven to generally be a safe anti-bacterial treatment. How it works: Clavamox combines the broad-spectrum antibiotic activity of amoxicillin with the unique beta-lactamase inhibiting effect of clavulanic acid which makes this product effective against beta-lactamase and non-beta-lactamase producing organisms.lavamox is also available as drops. When mixed with 14 ml of water, each ml contains 62.5mg of Clavamox. The usual dose of Clavamox in dogs is 6.25mg/pound twice a day, and in cats it is 62.5mg (1 mL) twice a day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Doxycycline For Pets. Doxycycline is a tetracycline-class antibiotic used by veterinarians to treat animal patients suffering from certain bacterial infections and microorganisms. Doxycycline is primarily used to treat susceptible bacteria. However, it is not used for the treatment of infections caused by virus or fungi. Common conditions in which Doxycycline is prescribed include respiratory infections, urinary infections, blood-borne infections and infected wounds." ], [ "Represent this text.", "Side Effects of Clavamox for Cats. ... As a medication for cats, Clavamox can be a helpful and efficient antibiotic to treat a number of bacterial infections. There can be side effects when taking Clavamox, but generally this antibiotic is considered a safe treatment option for cats." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "1 The dose of amoxicillin ranges from 5 to 12 mg per pound (10 to 25 mg/kg) two or three times a day orally. 2 The most common dose of clavamox® used in dogs and cats is 6.875 mg per pound (13.75 mg/kg) every 12 hours. The most common dose of clavamox® used in dogs and cats is 6.875 mg per pound (13.75 mg/kg) every 12 hours." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Typical installing of a two-piece floor-mounted toilet. The rough-in distance can be measured with the toilet in place by measuring from the wall to the center of the hold-down bolt, or to the center of the rear bolt if the fixture is held by two pairs of bolts. Inspect the floor where the toilet was.']>> to <<['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'rough in toilet, how to measure']>>", "What is Doxycycline: Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic used to fight bacterial infections in dogs and cats. Doxycycline is available by prescription as 100mg tablets and 100mg capsules. The usual dose of doxycycline in. dogs is 2-5mg/pound every 12 to 24 hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Treatment. 1 There is no approved treatment for toxoplasmosis in cats or dogs. 2 However, the following medications and regimens have been used successfully. 3 Clindamycin hydrochloride (10 to 12 mg/kg orally twice daily for 2 to 4 weeks) can be used to treat disseminated toxoplasmosis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The usual dose of doxycycline in dogs is 2-5mg/pound every 12-24 hours. The usual dose of doxycycline in cats is 2mg/pound every 12 hours. Horse: Use has been limited primarily to treating Ehrlichiosis (EGC)." ], [ "", "Clavamox (®) is a combination medicine containing amoxicillin and clavunate potassium. This special blend of ingredients makes the medicine effective against bacterial infections which would normally be resistant to amoxicillin, though the side effects tend to be harsher than plain amoxicillin medicines." ], [ "", "Clavamox is a drug containing both Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin is a version of penicillin that is able to last longer, resist stomach acid, and kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is often used to prevent and treat infections found in cuts and wounds, the mouth, the upper respiratory system, and the bladder. Amoxicillin also has better absorption than another predecessor, Ampicillin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clavamox for dogs is an antibiotic medication that’s used to treated different types of bacterial infections that develop in dogs.ince it’s a broad spectrum antibiotic, it can be used to treat different bacterial infections like skin infections, respiratory tract infections, ear infections and urinary tract diseases. Although effective, the drug is not ideal for use in all pets." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Directions: •. Doxycycline Compounded, a prescription medication, is a tetracycline antibiotic used for the treatment of bacterial infections such as Lyme disease, Chlamydia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other bacterial infections in dogs and cats.irections: •. Doxycycline Compounded, a prescription medication, is a tetracycline antibiotic used for the treatment of bacterial infections such as Lyme disease, Chlamydia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other bacterial infections in dogs and cats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clavamox is a drug containing both Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin is a version of penicillin that is able to last longer, resist stomach acid, and kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is often used to prevent and treat infections found in cuts and wounds, the mouth, the upper respiratory system, and the bladder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clavamox is also available as drops. When mixed with 14 ml of water, each ml contains 62.5mg of Clavamox. The usual dose of Clavamox in dogs is 6.25mg/pound twice a day, and in cats it is 62.5mg (1 mL) twice a day.Clavamox can be used to treat many different types of bacterial infections such as respiratory, ear, urinary tract, and skin.lavamox is also available as drops. When mixed with 14 ml of water, each ml contains 62.5mg of Clavamox. The usual dose of Clavamox in dogs is 6.25mg/pound twice a day, and in cats it is 62.5mg (1 mL) twice a day." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The most important thing you need to know is that Clavamox is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is the veterinary equivalent of Augmentin for humans. To get a little technical, it is a type of penicillin generically known as amoxicillin trihydrate/clavulanate potassium. Luckily for the average owner, the brand name of the drug, Clavamox, is much easier to say. Clavamox was developed specifically for veterinary use in dogs and cats." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Clavaseptin contains a combination of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid and a beta-lactomase inhibitor. Indicated for use for dental infections in dogs, and skin infections in cats.escription. Clavaseptin contains a combination of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid and a beta-lactomase inhibitor. Indicated for use for dental infections in dogs, and skin infections in cats. It is also an antibiotic tablet used in dogs and cats. Tablets sold individually." ], [ "represent", "Clavamox Drops are administered orally and can cause minor side effects in certain cats or dogs. After giving your dog or cat a dose of this medication, your pet may feel nauseous or begin vomiting." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what age do you start getting hair" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "At the back or rear extreme of the vulva is the opening into the vagina. Juuust above the vagina is the meatus, or 'pee hole'.<br /><br />The answer to your question, then, is that girls get hair on their . . . vulvas . . . at puberty, which could normally occur from age 10 to maybe age 16." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There is no right age to start wearing makeup. Some girls begin wearing minimal makeup at age 11, such as lipstick or eye shadow. Parents of young girls display controversy on the issue. Some parents are more conservative in their views stating that kids do not get to be kids anymore." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What are you looking to do with your hair? Touch up roots or refresh current treated color. Change your hair color or start coloring your hair. Not sure, just exploring options." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Getting rid of dandruff: Must wash your hair at least 3-4 times a week or every other day no matter what kind of hair that you have….sorry kinky hair is tough to do but you can do it. While you are in the shower, have your brush with you." ], [ "", "Related: 1 Types of Hair Loss and How to Identify Them - List of facts and different types of hair loss experienced by men and women. 2 When Will I Go Bald - Find Out with Our Hair Loss Calculator - Find out at what age you may start to experience hair loss and lose your hair or go bald with our hair loss calculator." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Home > How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster > How Much Does Your Hair Grow In A Month? How Much Does Your Hair Grow In A Month? On average, hair grows ½ inch per month and 6 inches per year. Normally men’s hair grows at a slightly faster rate than women’s at 6-7 inches per year. Hair grows faster in the summer than in the winter because hair growth requires a warm temperature. No other mumbo jumbo methods can improve hair growth. Health condition and diet can only retain hair growth." ], [ "Represent this", "Body hair. Even before you get your first period, you will likely see new hair growing in your pubic area, under your arms, and on your legs. The hair may start out light and there won’t be a lot of it, but then it will grow darker and thicker as you go through the stages of puberty. Hair in the pubic area starts near the opening and spreads up in a V shape over time. Body hair is normal, and some people think it looks cool." ], [ "represent this text", "How long does it take for your hair to grow? hair usually grows about 1/2 an inch per month. And grows about 6 inches every year. it depends how old u are. for example, a 40 year olds hair might not grow as fast as a 14 … year old, because as you get older, cells divide less frequently, thus making hair grow slower." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I don’t think there is necessarily an exact age when girls should start wearing makeup. Also, makeup has different degrees; it’s not black and white. My first “makeup” item was a tinted lip balm at age 8." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Comments for Breakage and braids. Always start with healthy hair! Getting braids if a great way to give your hair a break from everyday styling stress and everything else we do on a day to day basis." ], [ "", "Stages of breast development. Pubic and underarm hair: You will start to grow hair around your pubic area (around your vagina) and under your arms. This usually happens after you start to develop breasts, but for many girls, pubic hair starts first. You will probably get pubic hair before you get underarm hair." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "what age did your hair start turning gray.. when does your hair usually start turning gray.. thanx. x.Add your answer.Source. Submit Cancel.hat age did your hair start turning gray.. when does your hair usually start turning gray.. thanx. x. Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "How Fast Does Hair Grow? Q: How fast does hair grow? A: The speed of hair growth is roughly 1.25 centimeters or 0.5 inches per month, being about 15 centimeters or 6 inches per year.With age the speed of hairgrowth might slow down to as little as 0.25 cm or 0.1 inch a month. Cell division is responsible for the hair growth cycle.The new cells push the hair forward to make it longer, so the new hair is added at the root. There are about 100.000 hairs on a healthy scalp of hair.ith age the speed of hairgrowth might slow down to as little as 0.25 cm or 0.1 inch a month. Cell division is responsible for the hair growth cycle. The new cells push the hair forward to make it longer, so the new hair is added at the root." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you're willing to go the brown-gray route, the best hair color for women over 50 is a semipermanent one, that gives more dimension to your hair. The Best Silver Hair Color for Women Over 50. Just because you've decided to embrace your gray doesn't mean you should stop paying attention to its color." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\nE.g.\n\"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a servalite']\" == \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'CINCINNATI, Jan. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hillman Companies, Inc. (NYSE-Amex: HLM_P) (the Company or Hillman), announced today that its Hillman Group, Inc. subsidiary purchased Servalite, Inc.(Servalite), an East Moline, Illinois based distributor of residential fasteners and related products.']\" != \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'An African wild cat (Felis serval) of moderate size; -- called also serval cat. It has rather long legs and a tail of moderate length. Its color is tawny, with black spots on the body and rings of black on the tail.']\"", "what organelle does cellular respiration take place in" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of the cell or the power house of the cell in laymans terms cellul … ar respirations formula is c6h12o6+6o2= 6co2+6h2o+energy. where energy is ATP or adenosine tri phosphate. + 16 others found this useful." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "7th Grade Life Science . Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Study Guide . 1. What is the overall reaction (formula) for photosynthesis? 6CO. 2 + 6H. 2. O + sunlight C. 6. H. 12. O. 6 + 6O. 2. Carbon Dioxide and Water and sunlight yield Glucose and Oxygen . 2. How does this compare to the overall reaction for cellular respiration? Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration are the reverse reactions of each other. 3. Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from? The sun . 4. What plant pigment is involved in photosynthesis? Chlorophyll . 5. How does your body get the energy it needs from the food you eat (what process allows cellular energy to be made)? Cellular Respiration . 6. In what organelle of a plant cell does photosynthesis take place? Chloroplast . 7. What are the products of photosynthesis? Glucose and Oxygen . 8. Write the equation for photosynthesis (CO2WS GO). Make sure you memorize it. 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6O2. 9. What is the overall reaction (formula) for cell respiration?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cellular respiration is the process of oxidizing food molecules, like glucose, to carbon dioxide and water. The energy released is trapped in the form of ATP for use by all the energy-consuming activities of the cell. In eukaryotes, glycolysis occurs in the cytosol." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cellular Respiration is divided into two series of biochemical reactions: anaerobic and aerobic reactions. Anaerobic reactions occur in the cytoplasm of the cell and aerobic reactions occur in the mitochondria of the cells.ellular Respiration is divided into two series of biochemical reactions: anaerobic and aerobic reactions. Anaerobic reactions occur in the cytoplasm of the cell and aerobic reactions occur in the mitochondria of the cells." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', '£35. Continental giant rabbits, all so very friendly and used to being handled by children, all agouti colour, these rabbits do grow huge so need alot of space, they make fantastic house rabbits and are more docile than your everyday small rabbit....1 day ago | For Sale by Private Advertiser.1 2 3 4 5 6.Birds.ontinental giant rabbits, all so very friendly and used to being handled by children, all agouti colour, these rabbits do grow huge so need alot of space, they make fantastic house rabbits and are more docile than your everyday small rabbit.... 1 day ago | For Sale by Private Advertiser. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Birds.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'are giant continental rabbits friendly']\"", "A) Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts, and cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria. B) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria, and cellular respiration occurs in chloroplasts. C) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. D) Cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. E) Neither cellular respiration nor photosynthesis occurs in either mitochondria or chloroplasts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Cellular respiration is the process of oxidizing food molecules, like glucose, to carbon dioxide and water. The energy released is trapped in the form of ATP for use by all the energy-consuming activities of the cell. In eukaryotes, glycolysis occurs in the cytosol. (Link to a discussion of glycolysis)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What types of organisms undergo cellular respiration? 5) Label each of the following as an autotroph or heterotroph place a “p” for undergoes photosynthesis and a “C” if it undergoes cellular respiration next to it. 6) Identify the organelle below._____ 8) In what organelle does photosynthesis occur? 9) List several similarities found between a chloroplast and a mitochondria? 10) What types of molecules are broken down through cellular respiration?" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In what type of organisms or cells does cellular respiration occur in? Besides aerobic cellular respiration, what other type of cellular respiration occurs as you run fast? Does cellular respiration occur in all types of cells? More questions" ], [ "", "Cellular Respiration is divided into two series of biochemical reactions: anaerobic and aerobic reactions. Anaerobic reactions occur in the cytoplasm of the cell and aerobic reactions occur in the mitochondria of the cells.Notice in the picture below that glycolysis is happening in the cytoplasm and everything else is occurring inside the mitochondria, which require oxygen.ellular Respiration is divided into two series of biochemical reactions: anaerobic and aerobic reactions. Anaerobic reactions occur in the cytoplasm of the cell and aerobic reactions occur in the mitochondria of the cells." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ATP synthesis in mitochondria. In order to understand the mechanism by which the energy released during respiration is conserved as ATP, it is necessary to appreciate the structural features of mitochondria. These are organelles in animal and plant cells in which oxidative phosphorylation takes place." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. The mitochondria is responsible for respiration, but glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. The Krebs cycle and electron transport both occur in the mitochondria of the cell.ADH degenration and Citric acid cycle occur in the matrix of the mitochondria while Electron Transport Chain occurs in the intermembranal space of the mitochondria. Most of cell respiration occurs in the mitochondria though." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a supplement that is used to try to help a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, allergies, and even snoring. MSM is an odorless and tasteless natural sulfur compound found in all living things.ulfur is needed by the body for healthy connective tissue and joint function and has purported pain-quashing and anti-inflammatory properties. While MSM is found in many foods -- including meat, fish, certain fruit, vegetables, and grains -- it is destroyed when foods are processed.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can msm help arthritis']>>", "• Under what circumstances does a cell undergo Cellular Respiration? When oxygen is present PHOTOSYNTHESIS vs. RESPIRATION Compare and Contrast: Draw the organelle responsible for each. Label the major parts, show where all processes are occurring and show where the H+ concentration occurs. Cellular Respiration • breaks down glucose • releases energy • Forms water (reduction of O2) Photosynthesis • make glucose" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report Abuse. Aerobic respiration does occur in the cell. However, more specifically, aerobic respiration occurs in the MITOCHONDRIAL MATRIX or on the inside of the inner membrane of mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Teacher’s Notes: Cellular Respiration Zoom in: muscle tissue cell mitochondria cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria 3 body systems are needed to make the mitochondria work; digestion, circulation, and respiration Why digestion? through the digestive system the body acquires the food it needs to fuel all cells" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What Is the Chemical Equation for Cellular Respiration? 4:00 What Is the Primary Fuel for Cellular Respiration? What Is the Purpose of Cellular Respiration? 3:42 What Pathway Does Cellular Respiration Begin With? Next Lesson. Where Does Energy Used in Cellular Respiration Originate From? Where Is Cellular Respiration Located? 4:35" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "However, more specifically, aerobic respiration occurs in the MITOCHONDRIAL MATRIX or on the inside of the inner membrane of mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell)." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "when was rust created game" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 14 March 2017. Rust is a multiplayer-only survival video game in development by Facepunch Studios for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Rust was originally released onto Steam's Early Access program on 11 December 2013. Rust was initially created as a clone of DayZ, a popular mod for ARMA 2 with the addition of crafting elements." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lizzy Magie, inventor of the Landlord’s Game, which we now know as Monopoly, in 1936. The secret history of Monopoly: the capitalist board game’s leftwing origins. In 1903, a leftwing feminist called Lizzy Magie patented the board game that we now know as Monopoly – but she never gets the credit. Now a new book aims to put that right." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish. The aim of the game is to survive. To do this the player should gather resources." ], [ "", "Paul Rust. Paul Robert Rust (born April 12, 1981) is an American actor, comedian, and writer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "• Andrew, T.O., White Rust on Galvanized Steel, British Steel Corporation, 1992, Great Britain. • Association of Water Technologies, White Rust: An Industry Update and Guide Paper, 2002, USA. • International Chemtex Corporation, White Rust (TT-021-0792), 1996, USA," ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"So, if people don't wash their hands well after using the bathroom, they can spread the germs to others before they even know they are going to get sick. People are contagious for at least 3 days after all stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis) symptoms have completely stopped and they feel perfectly fine2.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long is the stomach bug contagious']'", "The five sets of the board game Monopoly depicted here show the evolution of the game's artwork and designs in the United States from 1935 to 2005. The history of the board game Monopoly can be traced back to the early 20th century. The earliest known version of Monopoly, known as The Landlord's Game, was designed by an American, Elizabeth Magie, and first patented in 1904 but existed as early as 1902." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "FTL Games was the video game development division of Software Heaven Inc. FTL created several popular video games in the 1980s and early 1990s. Despite the company's small size, FTL products were consistently number-one sellers and received the highest critical acclaim and industry awards. FTL was founded by Wayne Holder in 1982. Holder started Software Heaven and FTL as its game division after founding Oasis Systems, which specialized in spell checking software. He hired Bruce Webster, with who" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The game was released on June 3, 2008 in the United States and Canada, and June 6, 2008 in Europe. A downloadable demo for Windows was made available on May 13, 2008. This game is based on the Lego Indiana Jones toy line. The Mac OS X version of the game was released on December 4, 2008 by Feral Interactive." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Confidence votes 24. If you mean the game it was made in 2004 and came out of beta in 2006. 9 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Minecraft is a sandbox indie game originally created by Swedish programmer Markus Notch Persson and later developed and published by Mojang. It was publicly released for the PC on May 17, 2009, as a developmental alpha version and, after gradual updates, was published as a full release version on November 18, 2011. A version for Android was released a month earlier on October 7, and an iOS version was released on November 17, 2011. On May 9, 2012, the game was released on Xbox 360 as an Xbox Live Arcade game, co-developed by 4J Studios. All versions of Minecraft receive periodic updates. The creative and building aspects of Minecraft allow players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rust is a game where you die over and over. It's just part of the experience. However, there is a way for you to respawn near all the items you may have crafted and/or stored. All you need to do is craft a Sleeping Bag or Bed. The Sleeping Bag is the easiest thing to craft. All you need is 15 Cloth, which can be obtained from hunting the Wildlife." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "exists and is an alternate of . Elizabeth Magie invented THE LANDLORD'S GAME-the game that eventually became Monopoly-in 1904. The game was even adapted for teaching economics at various schools, including Columbia University where the gameboard took on New York City street names." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Summary: Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish. The aim of the game is to survive. To do this the player should gather resources." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Rust will be (and in some places, already is) an excellent programming language for high performance game and graphics development. But it is not ready for production use yet. I would however, highly encourage you to check it out and experiment. The tutorial is a great introduction to the language." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Minecraft was created in 2009. At the start of the game, a player is put into a 'virtually infinite game world.'. They can then walk around different terrains, including mountains, forests and caves. Players can also fly up in the air for a birds-eye view of the landscape." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rust stars in the Judd Apatow-produced Netflix series Love, which premiered in February 2016. Rust co-created the show with his wife Lesley Arfin. Personal life. Rust married writer Lesley Arfin in October 2015. Rust said in one interview that Arfin fell in love with him when she learned that he had defecated (intentionally) on stage during a comedy show. Filmography" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Rust-Oleum is a manufacturer of protective paints and coatings for home and industrial use. It was founded in 1921 by Robert Fergusson (a sea captain, not the famous poet) after he noticed that raw fish oil spilled on rusty metal decks stopped corrosion from spreading." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Early Access Review. Rust is a game that delivers as a true survival experience. In Rust you may choose to play alone or with others to survive, build, and loot. The game is at its best on its community servers as the official ones tend to be overly crowded and very intense for a beginner." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Generic Universal RolePlaying System, or GURPS, is a tabletop role-playing game system designed to allow for play in any game setting. It was created by Steve Jackson Games and first published in 1986 at a time when most such systems were story- or genre-specific." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Carnival of Rust (song) Carnival of Rust is the first single and the title track of the Carnival of Rust album by the Finnish rock band Poets of the Fall. It was released in Finland on 22 March 2006 and in Germany on 1 December 2006." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rust is a title that blends many of gamings most popular genres: first-person action, survival, and construction - all played out on servers of up to 300 people in a beautiful looking game world. A delight for gamers looking for something different. View full description." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rust is a multiplayer game, so there will be other players trying to survive in the same way that you are. Unfortunately for you they can find you, kill you and take your stuff. Fortunately for you – you can kill them and take their stuff. Or maybe you can make friends and help each other survive." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For the video game, see Mafia (video game). Mafia, also known as Werewolf, is a party game created by Dmitry Davidoff in 1986 modelling a conflict between an informed minority, the mafia, and an uninformed majority, the innocents. At the start of the game, each player is secretly assigned a role affiliated with one of these teams." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "John Rust, according to most accounts, was the man credited with the invention of the first successful mechanical cotton picker. Rust put his picker on public display in 1936 at what would later become the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Don't worry, Rust is still in early access meaning it will have a lot of bugs and glitches. The game isn't properly optimized yet, meaning they haven't made it's performance better yet. They are still implementing things into the game, it is not even finished yet. Here is a quote from the game developers: “We are in very early development. Some things work, some things don't." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Diamonds & Rust is a 1977 song written and performed by Rob Halford of Judas Priest, which is often said to describe his relationship with Bob Dylan ten years prior, a claim that Halford has both affirmed and denied on separate occasions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "FTL Games. FTL Games (Faster Than Light) was the video game development division of Software Heaven Inc. FTL created several popular video games in the 1980s and early 1990s. Despite the company's small size, FTL products were consistently number-one sellers and received the highest critical acclaim and industry awards. FTL was founded by Wayne Holder in 1982." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sadly, the creator Rust Heinz died in a car crash after the car made its promotional debut, so only one was ever built, but the concept was truly futuristic for the 1930s. There are of course other rare cars, and they might be cited in other lists, but those above are the ones in this." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Paul Robert Rust (born April 12, 1981) is an American actor, comedian and writer. Rust was born in Le Mars, Iowa to Jeanne and Bob Rust." ], [ "represent this text.\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organisation that works towards a sustainable global economy by providing sustainability reporting guidance.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is gri']'", "In November 2010, Rust appeared in the Comedy Central sketch comedy special This Show Will Get You High, created by and starring Matt Besser. He and Paul Reubens co-wrote the Pee-Wee Herman film Pee-wee's Big Holiday, which was released in 2016. Rust appears as a frequent guest on the Comedy Bang!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Rust is an Early Access survival game on Steam, created by Facepunch Studios. We also make Garry’s Mod, which has sold over 7 million copies. Rust was inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker. It is a massive multiplayer game (currently up to 300 players per server) where you and other players are attempting to survive through the awful conditions, where humanity has been reduced to cavemen." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "But remember, the big games in this genre are still in alpha, and Rust in particular feels abandoned by admins. During one of my early adventures on the official servers, I was disconnected for some sort of violation while I had been running for my life for about 10 minutes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "60sec Review: Rust Language Lately I've been digging into Rust, a new programming language sponsored by Mozilla. They recently rewrote their docs and announced a roadmap to 1.0 by the end of the year, so now is a good time to take a look at it. I went through the new Language Guide last night then wrote a small ray tracer to test it out." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It takes inspiration from games like DayZ, Minecraft, and STALKER. To survive in Rust you may choose to work together with friends and strangers, scavenging for supplies and building giant bases, or go at it alone, killing other players for loot. Rust aims at being a game that gives players the freedom to play the way that they want, and that doesn't involve a hero and bandit system. With Rust, you will have to use your instinct, not a humanity number, to figure out if you can trust people. Rust is running on the Unity Engine. You can purchase the Rust Alpha on Steam. The game is updated quite frequently - and it's changing a lot." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Game & Watch series was a handheld electronic games made by Nintendo and created by its game designer Gunpei Yokoi from 1980 to 1991. Most featured a single game that could be played on an LCD screen, in addition to a clock and an alarm. Most titles had a 'GAME A' and a 'GAME B' button." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "William Higinbotham created the first video game ever in 1958. His game, called Tennis for Two, was created and played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope. In 1962, Steve Russell invented SpaceWar!." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rust is a multiplayer game, so there will be other players trying to survive in the same way that you are. Unfortunately for you they can find you, kill you and take your stuff. Fortunately for you – you can kill them and take their stuff." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rust is a game that delivers as a true survival experience. In Rust you may choose to play alone or with others to survive, build, and loot. The game is at its best on its community servers as the official ones tend to be overly crowded and very intense for a beginner." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About. Rust is a multiplayer game, so there will be other players trying to survive in the same way that you are. Unfortunately for you they can find you, kill you and take your stuff. Fortunately for you – you can kill them and take their stuff. Or maybe you can make friends and help each other survive. Rust’s world is harsh – so you might need to make friends to survive." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rust is a red-orange-brown color resembling iron oxide. It is a commonly used color in stage lighting, and appears roughly the same color as photographic safelights when used over a standard tungsten light source.The color is number 777 in the Lee Filters swatch book. The first recorded use of rust as a color name in English was in 1692.ust is named after the resulting phenomenon of the oxidation of iron. The word 'rust' finds its etymological origins in the Proto-Germanic word rusta, which translates to redness.. The word is closely related to the term ruddy , which also refers to a reddish coloring in an object." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rust is caused by a Oxidation reaction, where Oxygen reacts with the metal to form a compound. For example, Rust can be formed when Iron reacts with Oxygen to form Iron Oxide, over time this will show the qualities of Rust. You've already answered you're question on how to prevent Oxidation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I don't expect it to become mainstream, but it seems to be a genre MMO gamers have heard of much more than they've experienced, which seemed truer than ever in the wake of H1Z1's recent reveal. While I've kept up with DayZ and Nether myself, I suspect Rust is the survival game most deserving of my own time and money." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "RENT RUST GAME SERVER. Rust game server hosting (monthly rental) [NOTICE] This game is in early access Alpha stages. There are no guarantees of performance or reliability with your dedicated server. Rust is a survival game available on Steam and created by Facepunch Studios (the same people who created Garry’s Mod). Rust was inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker. It is a multiplayer game where you and other players are attempting to survive through the awful conditions, where humanity has been reduced to cavemen." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When the game is launched in Steam players are asked if they want to Play Rust or play the Experimental Version. The version that launches with ‘Play Rust’ is the version that most people know about and are currently playing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In 1979 the company's slogan, Rust Never Sleeps, was adopted by Neil Young (upon a suggestion by Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo, who had actually invented the phrase for Rust-Oleum when he had previously worked in advertising) as a name for an album." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rust is a red-orange-brown color resembling iron oxide. It is a commonly used color in stage lighting, and appears roughly the same color as photographic safelights when used over a standard tungsten light source. The color is number 777 in the Lee Filters swatch book.The first recorded use of rust as a color name in English was in 1692.ust is named after the resulting phenomenon of the oxidation of iron. The word 'rust' finds its etymological origins in the Proto-Germanic word rusta, which translates to redness.. The word is closely related to the term ruddy , which also refers to a reddish coloring in an object." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The history of video games goes as far back as the early 1950s, when academics began designing simple games and simulations as part of their computer science research. Computer role-playing video games: Akalabeth (1980) was created in the same year as Rogue (1980); Akalabeth led to the creation of its spiritual sequel Ultima (1981). 2 Its sequels were the inspiration for some of the first Japanese role-playing video games, alongside Wizardry (1981)." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Richard Channing Garfield (born June 26, 1963) is an American game designer. Garfield created Magic: The Gathering, which is considered to be the first modern collectible card game (CCG). Magic debuted in 1993, and its success spawned many imitations. Garfield oversaw the successful growth of Magic and followed it with other game designs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Campbell County was settled in 1736 and incorporated in 1782. Formed from Bedford County, the county was named after Revolutionary War hero, General William Campbell who won fame in the 1780 Battle of King's Mountain. In 1784 Jeremiah Rust donated fifty acres of his land to establish Rustburg as the county seat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Senet was a board game invented and played in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. It was their National board game. It is the oldest board game ever recorded and it is believed it began around 3500 BC. The Rules of Senet To play Senet you need~. 2 players." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bully (video game) Bully, originally released in the PAL region as Canis Canem Edit, is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar Vancouver and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 17 October 2006 for the PlayStation 2." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "For Microsoft Windows, the game was released on 4 Feburary 2000 for North America and 31 March 2000 for Europe. For Mac OS, the exact date is not confirmed but it was released in 2000 as well. For Playstation 2, it was released on 12 January 2003 for North America, 31 January 2003 for Europe and 29 May 2003 in Japan. For Xbox, it was released on 24 March 2003 in North America and 4 April 2003 for Europe." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I'm also very interested in Rust being used for game programming. It's why I tried to create a game a number of months ago, just to get a feel for the language. The result was a simple somewhat pong-like game: https://github.com/FrozenCow/rust-airhockey. At the time the language was in the middle of, what seemed like, a number of changes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Landlord's Game. The Landlord's Game is a board game patented in 1904 by Elizabeth Magie as U.S. Patent 748,626. It is a realty and taxation game intended to educate users about Georgism. It is the inspiration for the board game Monopoly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "60sec Review: Rust Language. Lately I've been digging into Rust, a new programming language sponsored by Mozilla. They recently rewrote their docs and announced a roadmap to 1.0 by the end of the year, so now is a good time to take a look at it. I went through the new Language Guide last night then wrote a small ray tracer to test it out." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It was invented/created May 9th 2009 by Swedish Markus 'Notch' Persson. Its first version was 0.0.0, where it was simply called 'Cave Game' and all you could do was walk aroun…d in a tiny map with 3 blocks and horrible map generation." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Diamonds & Rust is a song written, composed, and performed by Joan Baez. It was written in November 1974 and released in 1975." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to the Rust Wikia! Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like Minecraft, and other wilderness survival games. – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Rust-eze Brothers, Rusty and Dusty, are the spokescars and owners of Rust-Eze, the team that sponsors Lightning and that gave him his big break, they are somewhat awkward. Rusty is a 1963 Dodge Dart and Dusty, a 1967 Dodge A100." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Instructions. 1 Pat dry the drumsticks. 2 Now preheat grill to get a surface temp of about 450. 3 Season to your taste. Lightly sprinkle chicken on all side to 1 taste. Check grill temp if possible and place chicken on the grill. Flip every 5-7 minutes until internal temp of 185-190 1 degrees. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what temp do you cook drumsticks']\"", "Two of the best-selling games on Steam right now are Rust and the standalone version of DayZ. Both games are multiplayer survival simulators, with players scavenging for supplies to stay alive while fighting off A.I. and human enemies. DayZ and Rust offer very different experiences, though. Genre." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Minecraft was the first game Mojang has created in late 2010. They created the game first for the computer, then for cell phones, then finally for Xbox 360. The computer version has more things than the others. It is a game where you can choose from 2 game modes to play in, survival and creative mode." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rust is different. Rust is a statically typed compiled language meant to target the same tasks that you might use C or C++ for today, but it's whole purpose in life is to promote memory safety. By design, Rust code can't have dangling pointers, buffer overflows, or a whole host of other memory errors." ], [ "", "For years, games had only been able to be played where they were programmed, (generally just universities) but during the 50’s and 60’s many games were made by people at home as a hobby. Such games included the first electronic version of Tic-Tac-Toe. 1971 saw the creation of two hybrids of the earlier Spacewar!." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Gamebryo was originally created by Numerical Design Limited (NDL) as the Gamebryo engine in 1991. NDL was merged into Emergent Game Technologies (EGT) in 2004. Gamebryo then evolved to Gamebryo LightSpeed. Both Gamebryo and LightSpeed were updated and marketed." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Marksmanship is a perishable skill that needs to be developed separately from war fighting, said Staff Sgt. Brian Schacht, one of the USAMU instructors. By making Soldiers expert marksmen first, commanders save time and resources during combat fighting training.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is marksmanship a perishable skill']\"", "Uploaded on Sep 11, 2011. In this channel's first ever video, we explain the what causes Iron to rust and what is involved in the process. Feel free to comment, give your views and point out mistakes. 1 Kalimba by Mr. Scruff (Google Play • AmazonMP3 • eMusic). 2 Education." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\n\nFor instance you may be given '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what does surimi contain']' and it should match with '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Fake crab meat is not as nutritious as real fish and seafood. Fake crab meat, also called imitation crab, does not contain any crab meat at all.Its Japanese name, surimi, actually means ground meat. Fake crab meat is made of various types of fish ground together into a paste.ake crab meat is not as nutritious as real fish and seafood. Fake crab meat, also called imitation crab, does not contain any crab meat at all.']' but not with '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'Sashimi is fresh raw fish, seashells, and other sea creatures. Japanese are enjoy to eat them with soy source or special soy source for Sashimi with wasabi. Some sashimi may be eaten with Ponzu or salt. Sushi is fresh fish or other seafood topped with one bite size of vinegared rice.']'.", "what county are olives grown in california" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Olive plantings expand into Southern California, Arizona. About 200 acres of olives grown for olive oil are planted In California’s Imperial County and Arizona’s Yuma County. About 160 of the acres are planted at the Beach Line Citrus farm in Niland, Calif. Olives require about half of the water than many other major crops in the desert environment." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Eat an almond anywhere in the world and chances are that it was grown in the Golden State. California produces 82% of the globe's almonds, harvesting about 800,000 acres of the tree nut across a 400-mile stretch from northern Tehama County to southern Kern County." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Olive Oil. 1 Corto Olive – can sometimes be purchased at Costco. 2 Cobram Estate – Australia’s most awarded extra virgin olive oil. 3 California Olive Ranch – Award winning olive oil brand. It is in a tinted glass bottle protects oil and is 100% grown and made in California." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Crops. California grows over 200 different crops, some grown nowhere else in the nation. Crops include grapes, almonds, strawberries, oranges and walnuts. California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwi fruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes, and walnuts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Citrus groves in the warm climates of Yuma, Mohave, Maricopa, and Pinal counties produce commercial crops of lemons, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit, while individual trees are a yard or garden staple." ], [ "", "A Newsletter from San Joaquin County Farm Advisors. Research and new developments related to agriculture in the county. Includes almond, walnut, grapes, veg crops, range land. Foothill Farms & Orchard News - Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, and Tuolumne Counties Newsletter by Lynn Wunderlich, Farm Advisor, El Dorado and Amador Counties." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Olive Garden is an American casual dining restaurant chain specializing in Italian-American cuisine. It is a subsidiary of Darden Restaurants, Inc., which is headquartered in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, in Orlando. As of January 11, 2016, Olive Garden operates 844 locations globally and accounts for $3.8 billion of the $6.9 billion revenue of parent Darden. The Olive Garden restaurant in Times Square, New York City" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cobram Estate – Australia’s most awarded extra virgin olive oil; California Olive Ranch – Award winning olive oil brand. It is in a t inted glass bottle protects oil and is 1 00% grown and made in California. Kirkland Organic – Amazon says: “Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil certified organic by the USDA." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "These findings prompted the California Olive Oil Council (COOC) to petition the U.S. Department of Agriculture to revise oils’ grade standards. The USDA has granted the petition and is in the process of altering the standards so they’ll conform to those commonly accepted by the U.S. and international olive oil industry. Definitions for the various grades—including extra-virgin, virgin, refined and olive pomace oil—will be amended. The USDA expects these revisions to affect olive oil importers, as well as 500+ domestic producers and growers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "UCCE Sonoma County. The Organic Olive Production Manual addresses all aspects of olive production in an organic context. An overview of site selection, olive cultivars and the economics of olives as a commodity provides background. There are chapters devoted to all the important elements of olive orchard culture that are specific to organic production: nutrition, weed control, disease prevention and insect pest management including olive fruit fly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "About Victor Hill Wines About Victor Hill Wines Victor Hill Wines, located in Sonoma, CA, makes small lot premium wines produced exclusively from grapes grown in top Sonoma County locations. All of our grapes are from such great vineyards as Sangiacomo and Bush vineyards in the Carneros AVA of Sonoma County, and Madrone Ridge Vineyards in the hills just east of the town of Sonoma - and always from only Sonoma County." ], [ "", "[NOTE: Thomas Jefferson learned the hard way that olives also won't make it in areas that are humid. This rules out most of the US, with the exception of California, Arizona, and Texas. If you're interested in growing olives in Texas, please check with the Texas Olive Oil Council for useful information.] (back to top)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Growers in California produce about 80 percent of the almonds grown in the world, the California Department of Food and Agriculture reports. In 2014, the almond crop in Butte County totaled $241 million and $190 million in Glenn County. Those figures will be cut in half this year with the drop in prices paid to farmers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "‘Wilsonii’ Fruitless Olive. ‘Wilsonii’ fruitless olive trees are nearly fruitless and are useful, low-water trees for California landscapes. The ‘Wilsonii’ fruitless olive is a genetic mutation of the fruiting ‘Manzanilla’ olive tree. This fruitless olive typically grows 25 to 30 feet tall with an equal spread." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "New Mexico Olive. Description: A deciduous shrub or small tree of the Oleaceae (ash) family. Native to New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, west to California. Little used outside of arid regions. Fairly fast growth makes it a good screening plant as well as a landscape item in arid climates." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the United States, where most olives come from California, olives are typically green in color, picked in an unripe state, lye-cured, and then exposed to air as a way of triggering oxidation and conversion to a black outer color." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"There were 117 days between May 20, the beta's closing date, and September 14, Halo: Reach's release date. If a player has particapited in the beta using their current Xbox Live account, they will unlock a Halo: Reach Beta nameplate, which is represented by an Assault Rifle icon in Halo: Reach.\"]\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'when did halo reach come out?']\"", "The olive vat room at Graber Olive House in Ontario, California. In 1894, two years after planting olive trees in Ontario, C. C. Graber began selling vat cured olives from the pictured vat room in vats similar to the ones pictured. Graber Olive House is the oldest operating olive packer in the United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Because of climatic similarities with the Mediterranean, production of olives in the USA is primarily limited to California. The late Earnest Mortensen of the Texas Agri-cultural Experiment Station brought olive trees to the Winter Garden area in the 1930’s. Studies there showed that the olive trees would produce in Texas conditions." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "California Olive Ranch is Americaa€™americaâ s largest grower and processor of olive oil and was founded in. 1998 the company utilizes a unique and innovative, planting, harvesting and milling process to produce the, freshest most, flavorful and AROMATIC (evoo extra virgin olive) oil on the. market" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Save an average of $8 with 16 coupon codes & deals for californiaoliveranch.com. California Olive Ranch is Americaa€™americaâ s largest grower and processor of olive oil and was founded in. 1998" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Olive plantation in Andalucia, Andalucía. Spain olives are now cultivated in many regions of the world With mediterranean, climates such As South, Africa, Chile, Peru, australia And california and in areas with temperate climates such As New, zealand under irrigation in The cuyo region In argentina which has a desert. climatehe immediate ancestry of the cultivated olive is unknown. It is assumed that Olea europaea may have arisen from O. chrysophylla in northern tropical Africa and that it was introduced into the countries of the Mediterranean Basin via Egypt and then Crete or the Levant, Syria, Tunisia and Asia Minor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Aromas is one of four CDPs in California that are divided between two or more counties. The others are Kingvale (divided between Placer County and Nevada County), Kirkwood (divided between Alpine County and Amador County), and Tahoma (divided between Placer County and El Dorado County)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Olivehurst, California. Olivehurst (formerly, Denniston) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Yuba County, California, United States. The population was 13,656 at the 2010 census, up from 11,061 at the 2000 census. Olivehurst is located 4 miles (6.4 km) south-southeast of Marysville." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In Fresno County we grow over 350 crops, many of them grown nowhere else in the nation, at least not commercially. For example, 99 percent of the raisins in the nation come from Fresno County. The Thompson Seedless is still the number one raisin grape, as it has been for about 100 years!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Olive plantation in Andalucia, Andalucía. Spain olives are now cultivated in many regions of the world With mediterranean, climates such As South, Africa, Chile, Peru, australia And california and in areas with temperate climates such As New, zealand under irrigation in The cuyo region In argentina which has a desert. climatehere are hundreds of cultivars of the olive tree (Olea europaea). An olive's cultivar has a significant impact on its color, size, shape, and growth characteristics, as well as the qualities of olive oil. Olive cultivars may be used primarily for oil, eating, or both." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The main growing regions for cabbage (Brassica oler-. acea L. var. capitata L.) in California are the central. coast (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Clara Counties); southern San Joaquin County; the southern coast. (Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties); and the southern." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trees get 12 to 15 feet tall and the fruit can ‘Frantoio’ – originates from Italy and only has low cold tolerance, however the trees have grown well in many areas of Texas. Still in some areas the trees have been productive and in others only a handful of olives produced per tree." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Lowest priced Full Grown Olive Trees in California! All you need to do is dig a hole!...This is an Amazing Deal - Dont Miss Out! Includes: - FREE Crane Service - 1 Year 100% Replacement Guarantee. Trees are Large, Old Gnarly and full of Character, 20 foot tall by 15 plus foot wide Beauties!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bell Pepper is a top value commodity in Ventura County and in California. In 2011, Ventura County had. approximately 2,630 acres, or 12.90% of California’s total bell pepper acreage with crop value of $41.7. million." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Olives come in many different varieties. In the United States, five varieties account for most commercial production. These varieties are Manzanillo, Sevillano, Mission, Ascolano and Barouni, and all are grown almost exclusively in California." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Orange County is named for the fruits that blanketed the Southland more than 100 years after Spanish missionaries arrived with the first trees. In 1873, Southern California farmers began planting Washington navel orange trees and soon citrus grew from the coast to the desert. Reminders of those orchards still exist in the backyards of housing tracts and on remnant agricultural lands." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Olives come from a small fruit tree native to the Mediterranean, making them technically a fruit, but for culinary purposes they are generally considered a vegetable possibly due to their very bitter taste.Most U.S. olives are now grown in California and then fermented to reduce their bitterness.ut remember, olives, like a lot of other fruits, usually have a best before date and not a use by date. Because of this distinction, you may safely use olives to compliment your favorite meals even after the best before date has lapsed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Olive Garden is an American casual dining restaurant chain specializing in Italian-American cuisine. It is a subsidiary of Darden Restaurants, Inc., which is headquartered in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, near Orlando. As of Jan 11, 2016, Olive Garden operates 844 locations globally and accounts for $3.8 billion of the $6.9 billion revenue of parent Darden." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Olives have never been California’s largest agricultural product—at its height, the industry only had a little over 35,000 acres of table olives—but as growers face low prices, high labor costs and dwindling water supplies, many are choosing to leave generations of olive-growing for a more lucrative crop." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Olives constitute one of the world's largest fruit crops, with more than 25 million acres of olive trees planted worldwide. (On a worldwide basis, olives are produced in greater amounts than either grapes, apples, or oranges.) Spain is the largest single producer of olives at approximately 6 million tons per year." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "However, outside of the European Union countries, there are no binding legal standards for labeling of Kalamata olives. In the U.S., many canned and jarred olives are referred to as Kalamata-style or Kalamata-type olives and these olives are not authentic Kalamata olives grown in the Kalamata area of southern Greece." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "OCTOBER SALE 25% OFF. The Lowest priced Full Grown Olive Trees in California! All you need to do is dig a hole!...This is an Amazing Deal - Dont Miss Out! Includes: - FREE Crane Service - 1 Year 100% Replacement Guarantee. Trees are Large, Old Gnarly and full of Character, 20 foot tall by 15 plus foot wide Beauties!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Today, olives are grown both for their oil (but that's another article...or a book!) and their fruit. The trees themselves thrive in warm, subtropical zones, especially in sea air and rocky soil. Native to Syria and Asia Minor, the first olives were picked from low shrubs." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter. Almost 70% of imported and 10% of California-produced extra-virgin olive oils sold at the state’s supermarkets and big-box retailers were mislabeled and may have confused consumers, according to a report from the Olive Oil Chemistry Laboratory at the University of California, Davis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "About California Olive Ranch. Save an average of $8 with 16 coupon codes & deals for californiaoliveranch.com. California Olive Ranch is Americaa€™americaâ s largest grower and processor of olive oil and was founded in. 1998" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\n\\nFewshot example: \"If Stored in the Refrigerator. Beef roasts can typically be stored for three to five days in the refrigerator and still be safe to cook up and eat. Keep the beef roast in its original packaging or store it in plastic wrap or a plastic bag toward the back of the refrigerator.\" == \"how long is a cooked roast beef good for in the fridge\"', 'This freeware can be used for professional use as well. Those in the media will understand that MPG is a format that is recognized in the web and hence, this tool can prove to be very handy. The Free VOB to MPG Converter allows users to convert a number of VOB files in a single instance.']\" Match: \"['Represent the next text', 'vob to mpg freeware']\"", "* Yields have been recorded in table olives in California at 12 tons per acre (26.9 metric tons per hectare). This is usually preceded by a light crop and followed by a very light crop. Oil flow from the vertical centrifuge." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Here at the Heritage Olive Trees orchards, located in Northern California, we are dedicated to maintaining our vast orchards of mature olive trees to bring you the distinct personality of each tree we deliver. Stone edge farm, designed by landscape architect Andrea Cochran is situated in the Sonoma Valley, California." ], [ "represent text\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Adam Sandler. Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of rock band Nirvana, was found dead on April 5. He was 27. Cobainâ\\x80\\x99s body was found around 8:30 a.m. Friday in a room above the garage of the singerâ\\x80\\x99s home in a fashionable Seattle area.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is the nirvana singer']\"", "California is the land of oranges-- The typical American consumes around 270 pounds of fruit and tree nuts (fresh and processed products) each year. Apples, bananas, grapes and oranges are the most popular fruit while almonds, pecans and walnuts are the most preferred tree nuts. The nation’s largest fruit-producing states are California, Florida and Washington. California accounts for more than half of the harvested fruit acreage, Florida more than 10 percent, and Washington around 8%. Oranges one of top commodities in Tulare County, top ag county, Tulare leads state with over half of oranges grown and sold. Crop values several years past were estimated at $716 million." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For the 750 year-old Methuselah's Oak tree, see Hampton Court Park. For the date palm grown from a 2,000-year-old seed, see Judean date palm. The Methuselah Grove of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, in the White Mountains, Inyo County, California. Methuselah is a 7003484700000000000♠ 4,847-year-old Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) tree growing high in the White Mountains of Inyo County in eastern California." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to Grow Olives. Olives are grown on trees that only thrive in hot tropical regions, and in the United States that means only in zones 9 to 11. Some sheltered parts of zone 8 may be suitable as well. Some types of olives are bred for their oil production, and some are intended to be eaten (table olives)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the past 10 years, production and pistachio acreage has significantly increased in California. New Mexico growers are also getting interested, and some commercial orchards have been planted, mainly in Otero county. Small acreages are being planted in Luna, Doña Ana, and Eddy counties." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "May 20, 1924 the citizens of Olive Hill pass a bond to build the city’s first water and sewage project at the cost of $30,000.00. In 1937 one of Olive Hill’s first and the areas oldest banks closed, the Commercial Bank of Carter County." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Today Arizona is second only to California in lemon production. In 2000, we supplied 13% of the nation’s tangerines (third in the U.S.), and remain the fourth largest producer of both oranges and grapefruit. Yuma County is now the largest citrus growing region in the state." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Submit a new coupon and help others save! Save an average of $8 with 16 coupon codes & deals for californiaoliveranch.com. California Olive Ranch is Americaa€™americaâ s largest grower and processor of olive oil and was founded in. 1998" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The City of Mount Olive is located within Township of Mount Olive, a minor civil division (MCD) of Macoupin County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Mount Olive population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2017. Neighborhood Data" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Growing Fruitless Olives. Olive trees are native to the Mediterranean region of Europe and north Africa and adapt quite well to most of California. The Sunset Western Garden Book suggests planting olive trees in Sunset Climate Zones 8,9 and 11-24. Olives grow well in the desert and can tolerate some frost. Growth is slow to moderate." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "He became fascinated with the desert flora and made it his business to produce them. California Nursery Specialties is now one of the largest of its kind in the Los Angeles area. The Reseda facility is supplemented with production from his other greenhouses in northern San Diego County." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Table and oil Hojiblanca (literally translated, white leaf in Spanish) is an olive cultivar from Lucena . It represents 16% of the olive production in Andalucia and is grown mainly in the Spanish provinces of eastern Seville, southern Cordoba and northern Málaga. In Andalucia it is collected in late autumn (November-December) as green or black ripe olives for eating, or late in the season (March-April) to produce oil." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most grapes are sourced from District 11 known as the Lodi – Woodbridge – Linden Hills district, and from District 6 in the Contra Costa County area. Pinot Noir comes from District 7, the Coastal Region. Grapes from other districts are sourced upon request. RED GRAPE VARIETIES." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From 1990 to 2010 Olive Branch was the fastest growing city in the United States, with a growth rate of 838%. Along with other rapidly growing suburbs in DeSoto County, Olive Branch attributes most of its growth and development to the exodus of large numbers of middle-class families from central Memphis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Buy Olive Tree | Mature Olive Trees | Olive Tree Farm | Olive Tree Nursery | Olive Trees|. Olive Trees For Sale | Olive Trees California | Sonoma Olive Tree Farm | Marin County Olive Farm." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first olive trees in Central Florida may have been planted at New Smyrna Beach in the 1700s, according to historian Gary Luther's History of New Smyrna, East Florida. Green Gate Olive Grove, founded in 1999 in Jackson County in Florida's Panhandle, is the state's oldest olive commercial grove in operation." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Located in Fallbrook, Orizaba Winery is a purveyor of fine California wine from the esteemed Oriza Family.Orizaba Winery opened in May 2007. Nestled in the hills of Fallbrook (Northern San Diego County), California, our vines bask in warm days and a lovely afternoon breeze.Our wines are produced from grapes grown in our vineyard. All of our wines are fermented, aged and bottled at the winery.rizaba Winery opened in May 2007. Nestled in the hills of Fallbrook (Northern San Diego County), California, our vines bask in warm days and a lovely afternoon breeze. Our wines are produced from grapes grown in our vineyard." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The cultivation of olives is widespread in the districts of Sassari, Bosa, Iglesias, Alghero and the Gallura. 27 seq.).5 Some tradition of a widespread movement appears to be ascribed to the age of Jehu, whose accession, promoted by the prophet Elisha, marks the end of the conflict between Yahweh and Baal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yuba County. There are 108 real estate listings found in Yuba County, CA. There are 12 cities in Yuba County which include Olivehurst , Marysville , Browns Valley , Wheatland , and Beale Afb . There are 12 zip codes in Yuba County which include 95961 , 95901 , 95918 , 95692 , and 95903 ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Olive trees are especially successful in the coastal areas of California because the climate is so similar to that of the tree's native Mediterranean. They are evergreen trees that can grow to be 25 feet tall and 25 feet wide. Olive trees grow well on hillsides, provide a considerable amount of shade when full grown, and look great lining a driveway." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "California premium olive oil production has more than doubled in the past five years to get a piece of this growing market, but the 383,000 gallons produced last year did not even make a ripple in U.S. olive market of 65 million gallons. California Olive Ranch produced about a third of California’s 2004 production." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Williams, one of only a handful of commercial olive-tree growers in the state, is following the progress of farmers in California, Texas and Georgia to learn how Florida can develop this alternative crop, which creates minimal stress on the aquifer and has minimal pest issues." ], [ "", "Grapes and Raisins. In Fresno County we grow over 350 crops, many of them grown nowhere else in the nation, at least not commercially. For example, 99 percent of the raisins in the nation come from Fresno County." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Olives can be grown relatively easily from a seed, or pit, however it must be noted that most olive trees grown from a seed, are not good fruit-bearing trees.he olives, as known as Olea, is a genus with about 20 species belonging to the Oleaceae family. Olives are native to warm temperate and tropical regions in Europe, Australasia, Africa, and southern Asia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "fourth of California’s spinach, followed by Coachella Valley in Riverside County. Spinach is produced virtually all year in the coastal valleys, with a slight dip in December and January in both planting and harvest. In Coachella Valley planting occurs from October through December for harvest from November through March. In the San Joaquin Valley" ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "highest point tasmania in australia" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The highest mountain in Tasmania is Mount Ossa, at 1617 metres." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clock showing current local time now in Adelaide (South Australia Time Zone) Australia Map Australia is divided into 6 states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania and 2 territories; the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. There are three time zones in Australia: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST): in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "States & Territories of Australia. Capital Territory | New South Wales | Northern Territory | Queensland | South Australia | Tasmania | Victoria | Western Australia |" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Conversion between Tasmania, Australia Time and Manila, Philippines Time, Current Local Times in Tasmania, Australia Time and Manila, Philippines Time timebie Home" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g.:\n['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\\nExamples:\\n\\n\"Corsaire is the the term used by the French for what in English is a privateer. (Not to be confused with Corsair, a North African pirate/privateer). Th Spanish called the Corsario. Filibuster were the French pirates (or privateers) in the Caribbean who attacked mainly Spanish ships, towns or property.Filibuseters ofent worked hand in hand with the buccaneers in the last half of the 17th century.ost of the time, Privateers were engaged of act of reprisals against other nations, that is engaged in acts of war. A key distinction between a Merchant and Privateer, is the privateer was not paid by the nation or company but paid by taking spoils from ships or properties they attacked or fought off.\" == \"what are armed privateer ships called\"', '1 One street, two cities. Our collected data divides Broadway into two very different parts. The first part (we will call it â\\x80\\x9cBroadway 1â\\x80\\x9d) stretches from the Financial District to 110th Street; the second part (we will call it â\\x80\\x9cBroadway 2â\\x80\\x9d) covers the part from 110th Street to the northern tip of Manhattan.'] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\nGiven tivo telephone number, a positive would be Additional Contact Information. Sales Phone support: 877-289-8486 or 877-BUY-TIVO Monday â\\x80\\x93 Friday, 7am-7pm PT Saturday â\\x80\\x93 Sunday, 8am-6pm PT. Sales Online Support: Click here Monday â\\x80\\x93 Friday, 7 am-8 pm PT Saturday â\\x80\\x93 Sunday, 7 am-4 pm PT. Media Inquiries Contact (media only): TiVo PR Phone: (408) 519-9100. Sloane & Company on behalf of TiVo Phone: (212) 486-9500 TiVo@sloanepr.com Dealer Hotline Phone: (888) 921-TiVo. Advertise with TiVo Visit tivoadvertising.com, or contact: Tara Maitra Phone: (212) 520-1905. Dealer Hotline Phone: (888) 921-TiVo. OFFICES. Corporate headquarters 2160 Gold Street P.O. Box 2160 Alviso, CA 95002-2160 Phone: (408) 519-9100 Fax: (408) 519-5330. New York office 150 East 52nd Street 15th Floor New York, NY 10022 (between Lexington & 3rd) Phone: (212) 520-1860 Fax: (212) 319-5074 & a negative would be I had the same problem finding a customer service number. I did reset the Tivo twice, reset box. The local Cox Cable had shuffled the HBO and other premium channels which show up on the Cox DVR, but my Tivo Series 3 which is on a hard wired network connection (cable modem) did not update.', 'what street is broadway in nyc']", "Mount Vinson. Vinson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica and one of the Seven Summits. It is located about 750 miles from the South Pole. The highest point of the Massif is Mount Vinson, named in 2006.inson Massif is the highest mountain in Antarctica and one of the Seven Summits. It is located about 750 miles from the South Pole. The highest point of the Massif is Mount Vinson, named in 2006." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Range, Habitat and Population. In general, you can say that wombats live in the eastern half of Australia and on the island of Tasmania south of Australia. A more detailed description of their ranges follows: 1 Common Wombats live in forest areas between northern New South Wales and Tasmania.2 They are quite common.ange, Habitat and Population. In general, you can say that wombats live in the eastern half of Australia and on the island of Tasmania south of Australia. A more detailed description of their ranges follows: 1 Common Wombats live in forest areas between northern New South Wales and Tasmania." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "OFFICIAL TARGA TASMANIA SAILING ANNOUNCED. We are extremely excited to announce the return of the OFFICIAL TARGA TASMANIA SAILING from Melbourne to Devonport on FRIDAY 8th April departing at 9.00am. There will be a Welcome to the 25th Targa Tasmania function held on board for the first time in many, many years.ravel with Spirit of Tasmania and you can take your car with you from just $87* extra each way. For the best available passenger fares, you must book via this page. Simply click the find a fare button on the top right of this page. *Conditions apply." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Daylight saving time is used in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and the ACT.It is not currently used in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory.aylight saving time is used in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and the ACT." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what kinds of fats are there" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There are four types of fat: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and trans fats. The healthiest fats are the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, since they contain the least amount of artery-clogging saturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are found in olive, peanut and canola oil." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Unsaturated fats are the healthiest type of fat. 1 You want most of the fats you eat to be unsaturated (say: uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) fats. 2 Unsaturated fats are found in plant foods, like avocados, nuts, olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, and safflower oil." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Fats: Types of Fat. Fats come in different types. While you will want to keep them all low in your diet, it is useful to know that different fats affect your health differently. First, let's introduce the kinds of terms used to describe different fats.Saturated fat.ats: Types of Fat. Fats come in different types. While you will want to keep them all low in your diet, it is useful to know that different fats affect your health differently. First, let's introduce the kinds of terms used to describe different fats. Saturated fat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The type of fatty acid that predominates determines whether a fat is solid or liquid, and whether the dietary fat is characterized as saturated or unsaturated. Fats such as tallow, lard and butter, and vegetable oils such as palm, palm kernel and coconut oils, which are harder at room temperature, contain higher levels of saturated fatty acids. They are considered saturated fats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Healthy fats. 1 saturated (lard, tallow, chicken fat, duck fat, goose fat, clarified butter / ghee, butter, coconut oil) 2 monounsaturated (avocado, macadamia and olive oil) 3 polyunsaturated omega 3s, especially from animal sources (fatty fish and seafood) You can find a complete guide to fats & oils in my post here." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The chart below shows good fats in Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, jowl, raw in relation to bad fats. Read more about each type of fat and fatty acid below. Polyunsaturated Fats: Polyunsaturated fat can be found mostly in nuts, seeds, fish, algae, leafy greens, and krill." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "About Good & Healthy Fats Fat in general, is one of the three classes of foods called macronutrients (the others are protein and carbohydrates). All foods containing fat - even pure oils - contain a mixture of three kinds of fat - saturated, polyunsaturated and monosaturated." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So do not make rice, bread, potatoes, or cereal grains your main source of food if you want to grow taller! 5. Excessive intake of fats will stunt your growth. There are two kinds of fats: saturated fats and unsaturated fats." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "fats types of fat fats come in different types while you will want to keep them all low in your diet it is useful to know that different fats affect your health differently first let s introduce the kinds of terms used to describe different fatssaturated fatthe term saturated fat refers to the fact that the fat molecule which is a long chain of carbon atoms rather like a string of beads is completely covered i e saturated with hydrogen atomsirst let s introduce the kinds of terms used to describe different fats saturated fat the term saturated fat refers to the fact that the fat molecule which is a long chain of carbon atoms rather like a string of beads is completely covered i e saturated with hydrogen atoms" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Now on to the bad guys. There are two types of fat that should be eaten sparingly: saturated and trans fatty acids. Both can raise cholesterol levels, clog arteries, and increase the risk for heart disease. Saturated fats are found in animal products (meat, poultry skin, high-fat dairy, and eggs) and in vegetable fats that are liquid at room temperature, such as coconut and palm oils." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the two unsaturated fats. They're mainly found in fish such as salmon, trout and herring, avocados, olives, walnuts and liquid vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, canola, olive and sunflower." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6 (found in fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils). 2 Monounsaturated fats (found in olive and canola oils). 3 Trans fats (found in fried foods and baked goods, and being phased out of the food supply)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A polyunsaturated fat has two or more double bonds in its carbon chain. There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. The numbers refer to the distance between the beginning of the carbon chain and the first double bond. Both types offer health benefits.ood sources of monounsaturated fats are olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, and most nuts, as well as high-oleic safflower and sunflower oils. The discovery that monounsaturated fat could be healthful came from the Seven Countries Study during the 1960s." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Harmful dietary fat. There are two main types of potentially harmful dietary fat — fat that is mostly saturated and fat that contains trans fat: 1 Saturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat that comes mainly from animal sources of food, such as red meat, poultry and full-fat dairy products." ], [ "Represent this", "Hydrogenated fats are unnatural fats that are detrimental to your health. Food fats naturally occur in three general types: Saturated (e.g., butter, lard, coconut oil) Monounsaturated (e.g., olive or canola oils) Polyunsaturated (e.g., omega-6 oils like sunflower or safflower oil, or omega-3 oils like fish and flaxseed oils)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish; There are two types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids come in three forms: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) -- found mainly in fish; Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-- also found mainly in fish; Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)--from plant sources like flaxseed, vegetable oils, and nuts" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "saturated fats are common in the american diet they are solid at room temperature think cooled bacon grease common sources of saturated fat include red meat whole milk and other whole milk dairy foods cheese coconut oil and many commercially prepared baked goods and other foods polyunsaturated fat has two or more double bonds in its carbon chain there are two main types of polyunsaturated fats omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids the numbers refer to the distance between the beginning of the carbon chain and the first double bond both types offer health benefits" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There are two main types of unsaturated fat: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fats occur mostly in plant oils. Good sources of monounsaturated fats include: Polyunsaturated fats are found in plant foods and some fish. Intermountain Healthcare answered. Unsaturated fat is a type of fat that is liquid at room temperature and comes mostly from plant sources. Eating foods high in unsaturated fat -- especially in place of foods with a lot of saturated fat -- may help lower low density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad, cholesterol levels." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The different fats included: 1 Saturated fats (found in meats, whole-fat dairy products, and baked goods). 2 Polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6 (found in fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils).3 Monounsaturated fats (found in olive and canola oils).rans fats, known to raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, were linked with a higher risk of heart disease, as expected. Omega-3s from food helped. Omega-6s appeared to help." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'Celery and carrot crudite crudité. Platter crudites crudités Are traditional french appetizers consisting of sliced or whole raw vegetables which are sometimes dipped in a vinaigrette or other. dipping sauce']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is crudites']\"", "All dietary fats contain different percentages of saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fat. Saturated fats are found primarily in animal products. Unsaturated fats mainly come from plants and can be monounsaturated (olive or canola oil) or polyunsaturated (safflower, sunflower, corn, or other oils).ll dietary fats contain different percentages of saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fat. Saturated fats are found primarily in animal products. Unsaturated fats mainly come from plants and can be monounsaturated (olive or canola oil) or polyunsaturated (safflower, sunflower, corn, or other oils)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis). Alternate common name: Edible Mussel. Color: Blue black to brown outside, with shiny violet interior. Size: Up to 4 inches long, 2 inches wide. Habitat: Intertidal shallow water along the shoreline and throughout the Bay; attached to rocks, pilings, shells, and other solid objects.Seasonal appearance: All year.ife History and Behavior. To find protection or food, the blue mussel moves by releasing the byssal threads and using its foot to move to a new location. Blue mussels feed by filtering detritus and plankton from the water. Cilia inside the blue mussel create a current pulling in water and plankton.'] should be similar to [\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:\\nFewshots:\\n'intramuscular injection in gluteal region' == 'Intramuscular Injection (Definition) Intramuscular (im) injection is a shot given in large muscle groups, typically shoulder (deltoid), thigh (vastus lateralis) and/or butt (gluteus).' != 'Review of the literature on relevant injection procedure found that injury to the sciatic nerve is associated with use of the dorsogluteal site for injection, because the sciatic nerve commonly courses this site (Fig. 1). Anatomy of the sciatic nerve in the gluteal region.'\", 'what are blue mussels habitat']", "The types of unsaturated fats are: the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are found in nuts, fish, and vegetable and fruit oils.These fats are naturally unsaturated because they do not contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms, and usually remain liquid at room temperature. Intermountain Healthcare answered. Unsaturated fat is a type of fat that is liquid at room temperature and comes mostly from plant sources. Eating foods high in unsaturated fat -- especially in place of foods with a lot of saturated fat -- may help lower low density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad, cholesterol levels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The two types of fat in the body are: essential fat and nonessential fat, or storage fat. Essential fat is needed for normal physiological and biological functioning. It is found in bone. marrow, the brain, the spinal cord, cell membranes, muscles, and other internal organs. The level. of essential fat is approximately 3% of total body weight for men and 12% of total body weight. 2. for women." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Harmful dietary fat. There are two main types of potentially harmful dietary fat — fat that is mostly saturated and fat that contains trans fat: 1 Saturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat that comes mainly from animal sources of food, such as red meat, poultry and full-fat dairy products. This is a type of fat that comes mainly from animal sources of food, such as red meat, poultry and full-fat dairy products. 2 Saturated fat raises total blood cholesterol levels and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, which can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are known by another name: omegas. There are three types of omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are two types of polyunsaturated fat.They are considered essential fatty acids because the body cannot manufacture them. Omega-9 fatty acids are from a family of monounsaturated fats that also are beneficial when obtained in food.Omega-9 Canola and Sunflower Oils are uniquely high in omega-9 (monounsaturated) fatty acid.hey are considered essential fatty acids because the body cannot manufacture them. Omega-9 fatty acids are from a family of monounsaturated fats that also are beneficial when obtained in food. Omega-9 Canola and Sunflower Oils are uniquely high in omega-9 (monounsaturated) fatty acid." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Marisa Moore, Nutrition & Dietetics, answered on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Most foods contain a mixture different types of fats. Monounsaturated fat makes up the majority of the fat in olives, olive oil, canola oil, avocado, peanuts, sesame seeds and a number of other nuts and seeds and their oils." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fat is one of the three macronutrients, along with protein and carbohydrates. This particular macronutrient comes in various types and is often associated with ill health. Fat does have its drawbacks, but it also has a multitude of benefits." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "4 Foods that Contain Polyunsaturated Fat. All foods with fats in them contain varying amounts of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats. Some of the more beneficial types of fats are Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs). These dietary fats are associated with lowering total cholesterol, called LDL or bad cholesterol." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are the healthiest type of fat. 1 You want most of the fats you eat to be unsaturated (say: uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) fats. 2 Unsaturated fats are found in plant foods, like avocados, nuts, olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, and safflower oil." ], [ "Represent text.", "Fat also helps your body process vitamins. The body also uses fats as a temporary storage system for toxins, before they can be carried out of the body. There are many different kinds of fats. The so-called “unhealthy fats” are trans-fats and saturated fats." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Answers from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. The main type of fat found in all kinds of olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). MUFAs are considered a healthy dietary fat. If you replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats, such as MUFAs and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), you may gain certain health benefits." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other types of fat are cholesterol and fats formed during processing of unsaturated oils (hydrogenated fat and trans-fat). Saturated Fat. The saturated form of fat is usually solid at room temperature. Key food sources are animal fats such as butter, lard, milk, cheese, cream, and the fat in meat and poultry.hese fats are usually found in oils that are liquid at room temperature such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and other vegetable oils. Other food sources include margarines made from these oils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, and tuna. Fish oil fats are also known as omega-3 fats." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "5. Avocados. Unsaturated fats have been shown to improve health when used in place of other fats. There are two types of unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, both of which are liquid at room temperature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Fats. Fats also give you energy and help you feel satisfied after eating. Oils, shortening, butter, and margarine are types of fats, and mayonnaise, salad dressings, table cream, and sour cream are high in fat. Foods from animal sources and certain foods like seeds, nuts, avocado, and coconut also contain fat.There are different categories of fats—some are healthier than others: 1 Monounsaturated. 2 These include canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, and safflower oil.oods from animal sources and certain foods like seeds, nuts, avocado, and coconut also contain fat. There are different categories of fats—some are healthier than others: 1 Monounsaturated. 2 These include canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, and safflower oil." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are different types of good and bad fats. Learn about the benefits and risks of fats, as well as what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. There are different types of good and bad fats. Learn about the benefits and risks of fats, as well as what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Diseases and Conditions" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Fats-All types. 2 However, fats are commonly referred to as those which are solid at room temperature. 3 Lipids-All types of fats, regardless of whether they are liquid or solid. 4 Animal fats-butter, lard, cream, fat in (and on) meats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "They are phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol. [Structural Biochemistry]. Fats Fats consists of glycerol and 3 fatty acids. Fats are created via 3 condensation reactions creating ester linkages that link the fatty acid carboxyl groups to the hydroxyl groups in glycerol. There are two different types of fatty acids, saturated and unsaturated." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are known by another name: omegas. There are three types of omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are two types of polyunsaturated fat.They are considered essential fatty acids because the body cannot manufacture them. Omega-9 fatty acids are from a family of monounsaturated fats that also are beneficial when obtained in food.onounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are known by another name: omegas. There are three types of omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are two types of polyunsaturated fat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "4 Foods that Contain Polyunsaturated Fat. All foods with fats in them contain varying amounts of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats. Some of the more beneficial types of fats are Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs). Foods that Contain Polyunsaturated Fat. All foods with fats in them contain varying amounts of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats. Some of the more beneficial types of fats are Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ornish Diet is a weight loss diet that claims to help improve heart health with a vegetarian based eating plan. It emphasizes eating whole foods and removing cholesterol and saturated fats. There are very strict recommendations for what kinds of foods are allowed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Some commonly recognized solid fats include: 1 Partially hydrogenated oil. 2 Shortening. 3 Pork fat or lard. 4 Chicken fat. 5 Beef fat such as suet or tallow. 6 Milk fat. 7 Butter." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "to take care of your health you should think about a few types of fat unsaturated fats unsaturated fats are the healthiest type of fat you want most of the fats you eat to be unsaturated say uhn sach uh ray tid fatsunsaturated fats are found in plant foods like avocados nuts olive oil peanut oil canola oil corn oil and safflower oilrans fats are often found in fats that are solid at room temperature like butter they are type of fat you should limit experts say to eat as little trans fat as possible the nutrition label on the back of food packages lists the amount of trans fat trans fats are in solid fats like stick margarine" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "While many people use the terms lipids and fats synonymously, fats are actually just a subgroup of lipids, as there are other kinds. Examples of Lipids: 1. Fats. Fats are probably what most people think of when they hear the term lipids." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what causes achilles tendon" ]
[ [ "represent the natural language", "Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is called Achilles tendinitis. Achilles tendinosis is the soreness or stiffness of the tendon, generally due to overuse. Inflammation was thought to be the cause of most tendon pain, until the late 1990s, when scientists discovered no evidence of inflammation." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Types of Achilles Tendon Injuries. Achilles tendon injuries have the advantage of being relatively easy to diagnose: the Achilles tendon hurts. The most common Achilles tendon injuries are Achilles tendinosis (also known as Achilles tendinopathy) and Achilles tendon rupture. Achilles tendinosis is a soreness and stiffness, which can be increasingly severe." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What causes tendon sheath inflammation? Tendon sheath inflammation is typically the result of injury to the tendon or surrounding muscle or bone. It’s not limited to athletes and appears in patients who perform a variety of repetitive-motion activities, such as assembly-line work, weeding, and typing." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This guide will help you understand. 1 where the Achilles tendon is located. 2 what kinds of Achilles tendon problems there are. 3 how an injured Achilles tendon causes problems. 4 what treatment options are available." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Please try again later. This video shows exactly what happens during a PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injection into the Achilles tendon to treat Achilles Tendinitis, Achilles Tendinosis or a partial Achilles tendon rupture." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Achilles Tendinitis. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the back of the heel. Achilles tendinitis is a common injury that makes the tendon swell, stretch, or tear.PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: NIH-National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases). Part of: Achilles Tendon Injuries, Tendinitis.chilles Tendinitis. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the back of the heel. Achilles tendinitis is a common injury that makes the tendon swell, stretch, or tear. PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: NIH-National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tendons are thick cords that join your muscles to your bones. When these tendons become irritated or inflamed, it is called tendinitis. This condition causes acute pain and tenderness, making it difficult to move the affected joint. Tendinitis can be a result of an injury, repetitive movement, aging, or disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Peroneal tendinitis is usually caused by repetitive use of the tendons, but can also be caused by trauma such as a rolled or sprained ankle. Little tears in the peroneus longus tendon and the peroneus brevis tendon irritate the tendon fibers resulting in pain and inflammation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Partial Achilles tear explained. The Achilles tendon is the large tendon at the back of the ankle. Because of the strong lever system in the foot and ankle huge forces go through the tendon when running and jumping. A partial Achilles tendon rupture can occur in athletes from all sports but particularly running, jumping, throwing and racket sports. The tendon tears but not completely. Scar tissue will form which is likely to lead to inflammation of the tendon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Insertional Achilles Tendinitis. Insertional achilles tendinitis occurs where the achilles tendon connects (inserts) to the heel bone. The injured or damaged parts of the achilles tendon can harden (calcify) and create bone spurs. Insertional achilles tendinitis can occur at any time, even in people who are not active." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Achilles Tendonitis. About Achilles Tendonitis Treatment. What you should know about Achilles Tendonitis, ruptured Achilles Tendon symptoms and causes and the Achilles Tendonitis treatment offered by Preferred Foot and Ankle Specialists, Dr. Mikkel Jarman, Podiatrist in Phoenix, Arizona, Gilbert area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "See Achilles Tendonitis and Tendon Injuries. Running and jumping can trigger Achilles tendon injuries. The Achilles tendon withstands stress from daily activity; running and jumping increase this burden. 1 Running, for example, can add up to 12.5 times a person’s body weight to the tendon. 2" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Achilles tendon is the largest and most vulnerable tendon in the body. 1 It joins the gastrocnemius (calf) and the soleus muscles of the lower leg to the heel of the foot. The gastrocnemius muscle crosses the knee, the ankle, and the subtalar joints and can create stress and tension in the Achilles' tendon." ], [ "Represent", "1 Calcific tendinitis is caused by calcium deposits in the rotator cuff tendons. 2 Bicipital tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon that attaches the biceps muscle (located in the front of the arm) to the shoulder. 3 Wear and tear over time or overuse are common causes of bicipital tendinitis. Achilles tendinitis is caused by downhill running, jumping, or other activities that can strain the calf muscles. 2 Peroneal tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon that is located in the side of the ankle and foot. 3 Excessive hiking, tennis, or many other activities may cause peroneal tendinitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "One of the reasons Achilles tendon injuries become chronic is that the healing process in that particular tissue actually makes it stiffer and less elastic, which makes it even more susceptible to damage during running." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In basic terms, iliopsoas tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon or area surrounding the tendon. Major causes of iliopsoas tendinitis are acute trauma and overuse resulting from repetitive hip flexion. See the image below." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A torn tendon causes excruciating pain, according to eMedicineHealth. WebMD explains that a torn Achilles tendon causes a sharp pain along the back of the foot and above the heel, especially when a person stretches his ankle or stands on his toes. The most common areas of tendon rupture are the quadriceps, the Achilles tendon, the rotator cuff and the biceps. Keep Learning." ], [ "represent the next text!", "The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It is formed by the merging together of the upper calf muscles and inserts into the back of the heel bone. Its blood supply comes from the muscles above and the bony attachment below.chilles tendinitis implies an inflammatory response, but this is very limited because there is little blood supply to the Achilles tendon. More appropriate descriptions are inflammation of the surrounding sheath (paratenonitis), degeneration within the substance of the tendon (tendinosis) or a combination of the two." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Because scar tissue is not as elastic as the tendon, the scar tissue doesn’t allow the tendon to stretch normally, which can lead to a rupture of the tendon. Fortunately, rest and over-the-counter medications to reduce your pain and inflammation may be all the treatment you need for Achilles tendonitis.endonitis is caused by a violent strain to the calf muscles or the tendon during a strong contraction of the muscle as when running or sprinting. This strain can occur where the muscles join the Achilles tendon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Achilles Tendinitis. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the back of the heel. Achilles tendinitis is a common injury that makes the tendon swell, stretch, or tear.PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: NIH-National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases).Part of: Achilles Tendon Injuries, Tendinitis.chilles Tendinitis. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the back of the heel. Achilles tendinitis is a common injury that makes the tendon swell, stretch, or tear. PubMed Health Glossary." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Problems that affect the Achilles tendon include tendonitis, tendinopathy, tendocalcaneal bursitis, and tendonosis. Each of these conditions will be described and explained. These problems affect athletes most often, especially runners, basketball players, and anyone engaged in jumping sports.his guide will help you understand. • where the Achilles tendon is located. • what kinds of Achilles tendon problems there are. • how an injured Achilles tendon causes problems. • what treatment options are available." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "What Is Achilles Tendonitis and Who Gets It? Your Achilles tendon is located at the back of your foot, just above your heel. It connects your heel to the two muscles of your calf and helps your foot push forward every time you take a step. If the tendon becomes swollen or irritated due to overuse, it can lead to the painful condition called Achilles tendonitis." ], [ "", "Achilles Tendinitis. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the back of the heel. Achilles tendinitis is a common injury that makes the tendon swell, stretch, or tear." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Achilles tendon is the connection of the calf muscles to the heel. Calf pain is usually considered pain in the softer, muscular portion of the lower leg, whereas an Achilles tendon rupture typically causes pain in the back of the heel." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "who is gwendoline christie" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Other works of note. Gwendoline Christie (born October 28, 1978) is an English actress and model who portrays Captain Phasma in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Her involvement was first announced on June 2, 2014." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, DBE (nee Née; miller 15 september – 1890 12 january) 1976 was An english crime, novelist short story writer and. playwrighturing Agatha Christie's life, she had set up a private company, Agatha Christie Limited, to hold the rights to her works, and around 1959 she had also transferred her 278-acre home, Greenway Estate, to her daughter Rosalind." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Perry Christie. The Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie, PC, MP (born 21 August 1943), is a Bahamian politician. He has been the Prime Minister of the Bahamas since May 2012. He was also Prime Minister from 2002 to 2007. He is also a former athlete." ], [ "represent the natural language", "Sports Illustrated cover girl and former wife of Billy Joel. Name at birth: Christie Lee Hudson. Robust and athletic with a California-girl smile, Christie Brinkley was the first woman to appear on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition for three consecutive years (1979-81)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Alexa Ray Joel is an American singer, songwriter, and pianist. Her parents are singer-songwriter Billy Joel and model Christie Brinkley. Joel released an EP Sketches and several singles on independent record labels. She has performed at numerous charity events and New York City fashion events, and in 2010 was chosen to be the spokesmodel for Prell shampoo." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 13 April 2017. Christopher James Chris Christie (born September 6, 1962) is an American politician, lobbyist and attorney. He is a member of the Republican Party and has been the 55th Governor of New Jersey since January 2010. His second and final term ends on January 16, 2018." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Who is Gwendoline Christie in the 'Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2'? If you watched the new Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 trailer, you may have had the same reaction we did: Explosions! Dramatic speeches from Katniss!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Christie Brinkley (born Christie Lee Hudson, February 2, 1954) is an American model and actress. Brinkley gained worldwide fame beginning in the late 1970s with three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers through 1981." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) was an American poet, author, and teacher. On May 1, 1950, she became the first African American woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. In this poem, Brooks describes seeing a group of men in a pool hall and portrays them as not caring about responsibilities." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Gwendolyn Brooks Biography Gwendolyn Brooks was the first African-American poet to win the Pulitzer Prize. Read on to know more about her profile, childhood, life and timeline. This Day In History" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Guinness Book of World Records lists Christie as the best-selling novelist of all time. Her novels have sold roughly 2 billion copies, and her estate claims that her works come third in the rankings of the world's most-widely published books, behind only Shakespeare's works and the Bible." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, DBE (nee Née; miller 15 september – 1890 12 january) 1976 was An english crime, novelist short story writer and. playwright" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Brienne of Tarth topic. Brienne of Tarth is a fictional character in George R. R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels. She is a prominent point of view character in the fourth novel, A Feast for Crows , and a main character in the television adaptation . In the series, Brienne is portrayed by British actress Gwendoline Christie , and is introduced in the show's second season ." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Christie Hefner net worth: Christie Hefner is an American businesswoman who has a net worth of $20 million dollars. Born in Wilmette, Illinois, Christie Hefner graduated from Interlochen Arts Academy, and then from Brandeis University, where she earned a degree in English and American Literature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gwen is the short version of two medieval and romantic names, Gwendolyn and Guinevere. And thanks to stylish rocker Gwen Stefani, the name sounds fresh and modern again. A bonus: it still has yet to hop on the popularity train, making Gwen a moderately unique name for a baby girl. Welsh: Fair, white, blessed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gwendolyn Brooks. Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks (June 7, 1917 – December 3, 2000) was an American poet, author, and teacher. Her work often dealt with the personal celebrations and struggles of ordinary people in her community. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry on May 1, 1950, for Annie Allen making her the first African American to receive the Pulitzer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Latest videos. 1 Game of Thrones season 7, episode 6: Fans in TEARS after the ‘saddest death ever'. 2 Game of Thrones’ Gwendoline Christie told she’d NEVER get a job on TV because of THIS. 3 Amanda Holden amazes fans with rare snap of lookalike daughter Lexi: 'Mini version of you'." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Her knight in designer armour! Gwendoline Christie steps out with equally tall boyfriend Giles Deacon ahead Game Of Thrones season four premiere. She is currently in the Big Apple ahead of the series four premiere of Game Of Thrones. And to mark the occasion actress Gwendoline Christie was joined by her boyfriend - designer Giles Deacon. The couple, who have been dating for over a year, looked effortlessly stylish as they strolled arm-in-arm around the city." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gwen is one of the few characters in Freak the Mighty whose outside appearance reflects who she is on the inside. And boy is she beautiful, inside and out." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gwendolyn L. Gwen Ifill (/ˈaɪfəl/; born September 29, 1955) is an American journalist, television newscaster, and author. She is the moderator and managing editor of Washington Week and co-anchor and co-managing editor, with Judy Woodruff, of PBS NewsHour, both of which air on PBS." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(June 2015) Esther Winfield Anderson, known and feared as Aunt Esther, is a fictional character from the television series, Sanford and Son. She was played by actress LaWanda Page, an acquaintance of the series' star, Redd Foxx. Page was Foxx's first and only choice to play Esther." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gwendoline Christie. Women are all brought up with a series of conventional expectations, so one cannot help but want recognition or affirmation in those areas. I think what's so beautiful and interesting about the character of Brienne of Tarth is yes, she's strong; she's a badass; she has vulnerability." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wilde portrays women in his play “The Importance of Being Earnest” in many lights; a strong authority figure in Lady Bracknell, who dominates the men and women in her life. Gwendolen who is the helpless sort-sighted city girl, who has imagined a life outside her own and the same can be said for Cecily from the country." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best-selling author P.D. James is a renowned and popular mystery writer who has been crowned the modern day Agatha Christie. Phyllis Dorothy James White was born in Oxford, England in 1920. Although she had to leave school at the tender age of 16 to help support her family, James clearly was an imaginative child and an avid reader." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Christie Brinkley. Christie Brinkley (born Christie Lee Hudson, February 2, 1954) is an American model and actress. Brinkley gained worldwide fame beginning in the late 1970s with three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers through 1981." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In the early 1960s, Christie dated actor Terence Stamp. She was engaged to Don Bessant, a lithographer and art teacher, in 1965, before dating actor Warren Beatty for several years. She is married to The Guardian journalist Duncan Campbell; they have lived together since 1979, but the date they wed is disputed." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Christie Brinkley. Actress | Soundtrack. Christie Brinkley was born on February 2, 1954 in Detroit, Michigan, USA as Christie Lee Hudson. She is an actress, known for Safety in Paradise (2014), A Matter of Trust: The Bridge to Russia (1987) and About Face: Supermodels Then and Now (2012). She was previously married to Peter Cook, Richard Taubman, Billy Joel and Jean-Francois François. allaux" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Jackie Christie (II) Jackie Christie is an actress and producer, known for Basketball Wives LA (2011), Good Day Sacramento (1995) and Straight from the Horses Mouth (2009). See full bio »." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nThe provided query could be \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Share this set. an organism that produces its own nutrients from inorganic substances or from the environment instead of consuming other organisms. Autotroph. an organism that produces its own nutrients from inorganic substances or from the environment instead of consuming other organisms.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'which kind of organism is an autotroph?']\"", "Gwendoline Christie, left, portrays Brienne of Tarth in ‘Game of Thrones. (Helen Sloan/Courtesy of HBO) In a follow-up tweet, Christie coined a new hashtag based on her hangout with the Downton stars." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gwen’s mother, Patti (Flynn), has Irish, English, Scottish, Norwegian, and German ancestry. Gwen’s father, Dennis Stefani, is of Italian descent. Gwen was married to singer/actor Gavin Rossdale. During the 1990s, Gwen’s image was influenced by Indian culture. She would often wear a Bindi, as infuenced by her ex-boyfriend Tony Kanal, who is of Indian heritage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chris Christie is a former two-term governor of New Jersey who drew attention for his combative style. Who Is Chris Christie? Born in New Jersey in 1962, Chris Christie is a former Republican governor of New Jersey, known for his combative style. During his tenure as head of the state, from 2010 into 2018, Christie's long-running battle with powerful and relatively popular teachers unions mobilized strong opposition to many of his policies, though he also garnered acclaim for his ability to move legislation forward." ], [ "", "Gwendoline Christie. Gwendoline Christie was born in Worthing, West Sussex, England and trained in dance and gymnastics as a child. She graduated from Drama Centre London with a First Class BA (Hons) in 2005 and her first job was with Declan Donellan in 'Great Expectations' at the Royal Shakespeare Company that autumn." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gwendoline Christie of ‘Game of Thrones,’ left, takes a group selfie with ‘Downton Abbey’ stars Michelle Dockery, Laura Carmichael, Lily James and Allen Leech. What if Brienne of Tarth dropped by Downton Abbey? Gwendoline Christie of Game of Thrones snapped selfies with cast members of the hit British and PBS series at Wimbledon on Tuesday. Based on the photos, the Crawley family welcomed the noble warrior with open arms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Joan Hickson. Joan Hickson, the actress who has died aged 92, provided what many considered the most convincing incarnation of Agatha Christie's spinster detective Miss Marple, in the BBC television series. Photo: ITV/REX." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Born in New Jersey in 1962, Chris Christie is the Republican governor of New Jersey, known for his combative style and for being popular with Republicans throughout the country." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Born in Seattle, Washington, Christie is the son of John Malone and Norma Christie. He was raised in Seattle by his mother Norma Christie. He began playing street ball at a young age, but it was under the guidance of Mark Morris coach Dave Denny that his game took off." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Christie Brinkley Net Worth. Loading... Christie Brinkley is an actress, model, and real estate enthusiast. Christie Brinkley gained worldwide fame beginning in the late 1970s with three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers through 1981. She spent twenty five years as the face of CoverGirl, the longest running cosmetics contract of any model in history." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gwendoline Christine as Brienne of Tarth. Christine's character in the Game of Thrones books is described as the ugliest woman in all of Westros.. The 6 foot 3 model is a far cry from ugly and her make under for Game of Thrones did give her a dressed-down look." ], [ "", "John Christie (murderer) John Reginald Halliday Christie (8 April 1899 – 15 July 1953), known to his family and friends as Reg Christie, was an English serial killer active during the 1940s and early 1950s. He murdered at least eight people – including his wife, Ethel – by strangling them in his flat at 10 Rillington Place, Notting Hill, London." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Joan Hickson. Joan Bogle Hickson, OBE (5 August 1906 – 17 October 1998) was an English actress of theatre, film and television. She was particularly known for her role as Agatha Christie's Miss Marple in the television series Miss Marple. As well as portraying Miss Marple on television, Hickson also narrated a number of Miss Marple stories on audio books." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gwendoline Christie Joins Sci-Fi Thriller 'Darkest Minds' (Exclusive) Amandla Stenberg and Mandy Moore are already onboard the adaptation of the YA trilogy by Alexandra Bracken. Game of Thrones star Gwendoline Christie is in negotiations to join the cast of Darkest Minds, Fox’s adaptation of the YA trilogy by Alexandra Bracken. Amandla Stenberg is toplining the project, which also has Mandy Moore, as well as a host of young up-and-comers, on the call sheet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "She was well-known for not speaking much in public, but expressed her opinions on writing and described her writing process in her autobiography, simply titled An Autobiography. In this section, you'll learn about Christie's creative process and her writing. She had always been such an avid reader of literature, too. Her library ranged from Charles Dickens to P. G. Wodehouse, and Lewis Carroll to William Shakespeare. She was famous for creating mysteries around some famous nursery rhymes, too." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Christie Brinkley is an American model with a net worth of $80 million. Christie Brinkley has earned her net worth from her photos in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, as longest running model for Cover Girl. She was born in Monroe, Michigan, and was once the wife of musician Billy Joel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Not included are such performances by British actress Gracie Fields for a TV adaptation of A Murder is Announced, the Estonian stage and film actress Ita Ever in A Pocket Full of Rye, or even the Japanese anime series with Marple titled Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Actress | Soundtrack. Gwendoline Christie was born in Worthing, West Sussex, England and trained in dance and gymnastics as a child. She graduated from Drama Centre London with a First Class BA (Hons) in 2005 and her first job was with Declan Donellan in 'Great Expectations' at the Royal Shakespeare Company that autumn." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Perry Christie. Perry Gladstone Christie (born 21 August 1943), PC, MP, is a Bahamian politician who has served as Prime Minister of the Bahamas since May 2012; previously he was Prime Minister from 2002 to 2007. He is the longest-serving Bahamian elected parliamentarian, representing the Centreville constituency since 1977." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Christie Brinkley. Christie Brinkley (born Christine Lee Hudson, February 2, 1954) is an American model and actress. Brinkley gained worldwide fame beginning in the late 1970s with three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers through 1981." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Jennifer Finnigan. Jennifer Christina Finnigan (born August 22, 1979) is a Canadian actress, best known for her role as Bridget Forrester in the American soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful from 2000 to 2004. She also appeared on the CBS legal drama Close to Home and on the ABC sitcom Better with You. She also starred on the FX series Tyrant." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gwendoline Christie, left, portrays Brienne of Tarth in ‘Game of Thrones. In a follow-up tweet, Christie coined a new hashtag based on her hangout with the Downton stars. #GameOfDowntonWimbledonThrones2014, she wrote." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Christie Brinkley was born on February 2, 1954 in Detroit, Michigan, USA as Christie Lee Hudson. She is an actress, known for Safety in Paradise (2014), A Matter of Trust: The Bridge to Russia (1987) and About Face: Supermodels Then and Now (2012). She was previously married to Peter Cook, Richard Taubman, Billy Joel and Jean-Francois François. allaux" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Joan Hickson. Joan Hickson OBE (5 August 1906 – 17 October 1998) was an English actress of theatre, film and television, famed for playing Agatha Christie's Miss Marple in the television series Miss Marple. As well as portraying Miss Marple on television, Hickson also narrated a number of Miss Marple stories on audio books." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is Christie Brinkley Net Worth? Christie Brinkley is an American model with a net worth of $80 million. Christie Brinkley has earned her net worth from her photos in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, as longest running model for Cover Girl. She was born in Monroe, Michigan, and was once the wife of musician Billy Joel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gwendolyne Maxine Gwen Stacy is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually as a supporting character in those featuring Spider-Man. A college student, she was a long-term romantic interest for Peter Parker before she was murdered by the Green Goblin. Spider-Man writers and fans often debate whether Peter's one true love is Gwen Stacy, or Mary Jane Watson (Peter's later girlfriend and wife)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Game of Thrones star Gwendoline Christie plays Commander Lyme, adding another role in an epic sci-fi/fantasy series to her resume. Christie is best known for wielding a sword and not putting up with Jaime Lannister’s nonsense as Brienne in Game of Thrones. She also will appear in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens as the mysterious Captain Phasma, who wears a cape and shiny stormtrooper armor." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Gwendoline Christie. When I read the scripts and saw the place Brienne was in, it was a little heartbreaking because you don't expect or want to see that woman's spirit broken. She's so strong. She's overcome so much in her past. You see it in the quote she tells herself in Feast for Crows, Words are wind." ], [ "", "by findingDulcinea Staff. Gwendolyn Brooks, renowned poet, was the author of many memorable works centered on the black experience in America and the issues of the Civil Rights Movement. In 1950, she became the first African-American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize. Gwendolyn Brooks was born on June 7, 1917, in Topeka, Kansas, but her family moved to the South Side of Chicago when she was young. Gwendolyn had a very close relationship with her parents: her father David was a janitor, and her mother Keziah was a schoolteacher." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Christie was arrested and convicted of his wife's murder, for which he was hanged. Two of Christie's victims were Beryl Evans and her baby daughter Geraldine, who, along with Beryl's husband, Timothy Evans, were tenants at 10 Rillington Place during 1948-49." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[edit] Matthew Miller, known by stage name Matthew Mercer, (@matthewmercer) is a voice actor and the Dungeon Master (DM) for the show Critical Role. Matt began DMing in his freshman year of high school after playing in a campaign with a particularly bad DM.[citation needed]" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mini Bio (1) Jackie Christie is an actress and producer, known for Basketball Wives LA (2011), Good Day Sacramento (1995) and Straight from the Horses Mouth (2009). Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites | Contact Info." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Captain Phasma. Captain Phasma is a Character in the Star Wars universe. Phasma is an officer of the First Order depicted by Gwendoline Christie, an actress who previously gained popular noteriety for her role as Brienne of Tarth on Game of Thrones. Note that this page contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Alexa Ray Joel (born December 29, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter, and pianist. She is the older daughter of singer-songwriter Billy Joel and first child of model Christie Brinkley. She released an EP Sketches (2006) and several singles on independent record labels." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gwendolyn Brooks Biography. Gwendolyn Brooks is best known for her lyrical style of urban poetry, such as in “We Real Cool,” a poem about a subject she knew very well: the problems of African American youths in the mid-twentieth century. Born in 1917, Brooks spent most of her life in Chicago, Illinois." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She and her sisters were lovely ladies who were always fun and delightful to be around. -b' Game of Thrones actress Gwendoline Christie paid tribute to 'the fabulous, unmistakable, Zsa Zsa Gabor' while TV personality and DailyMail.com U.S. Editor-at-Large Piers Morgan tweeted: 'RIP Zsa Zsa Gabor. 99 years old, 9 husbands, Miss Hungary & Hollywood star." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Gwen Renée Stefani (/stəˈfɑːni/; born October 3, 1969) is an American singer, songwriter, and fashion designer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gwen Stefani. Gwen Renée Stefani (/ɡwɛn ˈstəˈfɑːni/; born October 3, 1969) is an American singer, songwriter, fashion designer, actress, and television personality." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Julie Frances Christie (born 14 April 1940) is a British actress. A pop icon of the swinging London era of the 1960s, she has won the Academy, Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Screen Actors Guild Awards, and in 1997 she received the BAFTA Fellowship. Christie's breakthrough film role was in Billy Liar (1963)." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what kind of cheese is similar to taleggio" ]
[ [ "Represent", "Taleggio is a semi-soft, rind washed, and smear-ripened cheese. This cow's milk cheese has a rosy-gray, thin rind but a soft inner part. It is not necessary to remove the rind, you can just clean it before using the cheese.t has a mild and buttery flavor which can be used as a snack or with wines. The melting property is similar which makes it suitable for pizzas and casseroles. Bel Paese. You will have to search for the original (from Italy) Fontina cheese because it has a pungent flavor, similar to Taleggio." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the following document", "Italian style cheeses such as Provolone, Scamorza, Mozzarella and Caciocavallo fall into a category of cheeses known as 'pasta filata' or 'stretched dough' cheeses. These cheeses undergo a specific and fascinating step whereby a finished ripened curd gets melted with hot salty water then stretched into various shapes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other Grana cheeses include: Granone Lodigiano (also called Tipico Lodigiano), produced in the Province of Lodi Trentingrana, produced in and around Trent Gransardo, from anjali Sardinia Pecorino Romano, a sheep's milk cheese produced mostly in Sardinia, but also in Lazio, and the Province of Grosseto in Tuscany." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Alternatively, milk and acid make a simple, spreadable cheese similar to ricotta. Once you've mastered this, try your hand at the process used for most cheeses, a more difficult project involving specialized ingredients such as rennet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The exhausted herd was still able to produce milk for making cheese and thus the term stracchino was born. Use the cheese on your cheese board or use it melted atop pastas or other hot dishes. Where To Buy Taleggio Cheese. This popular cheese can be found in many well-stocked grocery stores. Whole Foods Markets typically stock Taleggio." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "-- John Patton, New York City. Blue cheese is a type of cheese that's been treated with molds. These molds, which give the cheese its characteristic flavor, form blue or green veins. Roquefort and Gorgonzola are two types of blue cheese. Roquefort is French and made from sheep's milk.It has a creamy texture with a pungent, salty taste.lue cheese is a type of cheese that's been treated with molds. These molds, which give the cheese its characteristic flavor, form blue or green veins. Roquefort and Gorgonzola are two types of blue cheese." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Brillo di Treviso – A red wine-washed, pasteurized cow’s milk cheese from Venice. Brillo di Treviso is made in individual 12-14 ounce wheels. The ivory-colored, soft cheese is covered by a thin rind and infused with the fruity flavors of Italian red wine. This cheese is very easily melted. Brillo Pecorino DiVino – One of the oldest cheeses in the world, clocking in at over 2,000 years. This cheese is a mixture of pure, pasteurized sheep’s milk and wine. An edible burgundy-colored rind covers the wine-infused interior of this Tuscan creation. Brinata (Sheep’s Milk Brie) – Made from select, pasteurized sheep’s milk. The cheese has a soft smooth texture and is covered by an edible white mold rind." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Headline Clickable. Mild provolone, gruyere, and gouda cheeses may all be substituted for fontina, depending on your personal preference and the other ingredients in your dish.Why such a wide range of choices? Because fontina cheese is similarly available in a wide range of flavors and textures.The fontina most commonly found in US markets is Danish fontina, which tends to be mild flavored and somewhat softer than Italian fontina.hy such a wide range of choices? Because fontina cheese is similarly available in a wide range of flavors and textures. The fontina most commonly found in US markets is Danish fontina, which tends to be mild flavored and somewhat softer than Italian fontina." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cheese of the day: Milawa Blue. Il Boschetto al Tartufo. Boschetto al Tartufo is a fresh, semi-soft cheese made from a combination of a cow's and sheep's milk. It is infused with shavings of highly-prized rare white truffles that lend an earthy, luxurious and robust aroma and flavour to the cheese." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Even though Italy is a pretty small place, its regions are quite different from one another. And cheese ('formaggio ', in Italian) is one of the products that changes the most across the territories.nd this even when the cheese name is indeed an adjective (for instance in the case of Parmesan which means 'from the city of Parma' - in Italian you just say Parmigiano, in English Parmesan cheese is instead more common)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It describes the consistency of the cheese. Usually they are hard enough to easily grate. Cheeses such as parmesean, asiago, and romano would fall into this category. They are usually aged so more water leaves the cheese, thus making in hard as opposed to a soft cheese like goat cheese or brie." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fans (2) Chiesel (Big Buddha Cheese x NYCD) is a taste concoction of old skool mixed with the new fuel hints – it’s highly unique and a very memorable one. The Chiesel grows similar to its mother, a slender looking fast flowering Sativa with indica impressions. The Cheesiel is truly a unification of two great varieties! Effects: Extremely uplifting, unique, old school meets new school. Smell: Cheese, Dieselness, a real connoisseur’s delight!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are many cheeses similar to gruyere. Gruyère french cheeses considered to be nearly identical to gruyere gruyère include comte or. Beaufort cheese cheeses that taste like gruyere gruyère but have Different textures include swiss cheese and, Its, close cousin jarlsberg Which. hails from norway" ], [ "Represent the following document:", "Fontina: Mild-flavored with a silky texture when melted, I think this cheese goes well with more strongly flavored toppings like spinach or peppery charcuterie. 4. Goat Cheese: This doesn't melt like other cheeses, but drop spoonfuls over a pizza and you'll get a tasty little burst of cheese every few bites. Yum. And if you don't feel like you can pull yourself away from mozzarella, try its creamy, ultra-rich cousin burrata." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'That was unfortunate. Whether the organizers of last weekendâ\\x80\\x99s rally knew it or not, the 1963 March on Washington inspired some of the pioneering activists who created the modern-day environmental movement. Some of those environmentalists participated in the civil rights movement that birthed the 1963 March. Since that time, however, the environmental and civil rights movements have never fully gelled together, despite some efforts to make that happen along the way. There were signs that the organizers of last weekendâ\\x80\\x99s rally were again trying to connect the dots.']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n\\nE.g.\\nhow to cool coffee to make iced coffee == Advertisement. 1 Pour your hot coffee into a metal cup (or a martini shaker), which has better heat transfer properties than ceramic or glass. For even quicker results, plan ahead by frosting the metal cup in the freezer. 2 Put the full metal cup in an ice bath. != Pour the boiling waterinto the pot, cover and let steep for 2-4 minutes. Pour into your cup; addmilk and sugar to taste. - Iced tea brewing method: (to make 1liter/quart): Place 5 tea bags into a teapot or h - Chicory Root Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 511720): The green leaves and not the white leaves of Chicory are usually used in health.', 'what concerns inspired the environmental movement']\"", "This recipe does not taste exactly like real dairy cheese. I think it tastes better than soy cheese though, and when you have been without dairy cheese for a while, this cheeze is remarkable satisfying. Agar works just like gelatin. Gelatin is made from animal bones and hooves. Agar is made from sea vegetables." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images Context. formaggio, gi sm cheese un panino con il formaggio a cheese roll formaggi Italy produces a wide range of cheeses made from cow's, sheep's, goat's and buffalo milk, with many different regional varieties.Cheeses are classified not only according to the type of milk but also according to age, texture and fat content.ormaggio. Translation Italian-English Collins Dictionary &nbsp. See also: formaggio pecorino, formaggino, foraggio, formaggiera." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This brie-like blue cheese from Denmark is now made by a Danish-owned factory in the United States. Blue Castello is richer than its cousin, Saga Blue, which is also made in the United States. Castello is a distant derivative of Italian Gorgonzola but has a higher fat content and a milder flavor.lue Castello is richer than its cousin, Saga Blue, which is also made in the United States. Castello is a distant derivative of Italian Gorgonzola but has a higher fat content and a milder flavor." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gorgonzola, a veined blue cheese from Italy. Blue cheese is a general classification of cheeses that have had cultures of the mold Penicillium added so that the final product is spotted or veined throughout with blue, or blue-grey mold and carries a distinct smell, either from that or various specially cultivated bacteria." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This type of cheese is very similar to feta. Like feta, halloumi is a Greek cheese. Feta is typically made from sheep's milk but Halloumi is made with a combination of sheep's and goat's milk. Note that there is halloumi packaged in its own brine and there is a milder version that looks like regular packaged cheese. People who tend to not like feta's taste may find that the milder version of halloumi is a better selection for them. Fresh queso fresco, also called queso blanco." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Mozzarella Cheese vs Cheddar Cheese . Mozzarella cheese and Cheddar cheese are two types of cheese that show differences between them when it comes to the methods of their preparation, their nutrient content and the like. While, Mozzarella cheese is said to have originated from Italy, the Cheddar cheese is said to have originated from a village called Cheddar in the county Somerset in England." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It’s a very cool post detailing the differences between Parmesan, Pecorino, Asiago and Romano cheeses. Interesting and informative! I was really tempted to categorize this post under ‘main course’ or entree. I love cheese so much, I could eat it for a meal." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A whiff and a bite of meaty, oozing Taleggio or a sweet, creamy Robiola is proof the French have no monopoly on cheese triumph. Here are some stellar, beloved Italian cheeses that ought to be part of your repertoire. whiff and a bite of meaty, oozing Taleggio or a sweet, creamy Robiola is proof the French have no monopoly on cheese triumph. Here are some stellar, beloved Italian cheeses that ought to be part of your repertoire." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It's too overpowering to serve with wine. Substitutes: Limburger OR Havarti (This has a similar texture, but it's much milder). Bel Paese Pronunciation: BEHL-pie-AY-zeh Notes: This is a mild, semi-soft Italian cheese that's good with apples, pears, and fruity red wines.It's also shredded and used to make pizza, risotto, and pasta dishes.Substitutes: Fontina OR Taleggio OR Gouda OR Havarti OR Samsoe OR jack OR Muenster OR mozzarella.el Paese Pronunciation: BEHL-pie-AY-zeh Notes: This is a mild, semi-soft Italian cheese that's good with apples, pears, and fruity red wines. It's also shredded and used to make pizza, risotto, and pasta dishes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pronunciation: [pahr-muh-ZHAH-noh reh-zhee-AH-noh]. Categories: Cheese, Italian. Parmigiano-Reggiano, often called Parmesan cheese, is a hard, dry cheese made from skimmed or partially skimmed cow's milk. It has a hard pale-golden rind and a straw-colored interior with a rich, sharp flavor." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'the fusion of the nucleus of a haploid sperm cell and the nucleus of a haploid egg cell, forming a diploid zygote zygote diploid cell formed when the nucleus of a haploid sperm cell fuses with the nucleus of a haploid egg cell tetrad group of four chromatids formed during prophase I of meiosis by the two sister chromatids in each of the two homologous chromosomes']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the fusion of the sperm and egg cell called']'", "Answers. Best Answer: I would substitute Parmesan. Pecorino Romano is also a hard, well aged Italian cheese. It is stronger than Parmesan but if you want something pre-grated, it is by far your best bet. In fact for a carbonara recipe they frequently use Parmesan (or Parmaggiano Reggiano) anyways.nswers. Best Answer: I would substitute Parmesan. Pecorino Romano is also a hard, well aged Italian cheese. It is stronger than Parmesan but if you want something pre-grated, it is by far your best bet. In fact for a carbonara recipe they frequently use Parmesan (or Parmaggiano Reggiano) anyways." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "French cheeses considered to be nearly identical to gruyere gruyère include comte or beaufort. Cheese cheeses that taste like gruyere gruyère but have different Textures include swiss cheese and its, Close, cousin jarlsberg which Hails. From, norway emmentaler another cheese Made, in switzerland may also be substituted. for gruyere gruyère" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Goats' milk cheeses are often treated in a similar manner, sometimes with white molds (Chevre-Chèvre) boite boîte and sometimes. With-blue blue mold Cheeses, Like, roquefort Gorgonzola and stilton are produced by inoculating loosely pressed Curds with penicillium Roqueforti or penicillium. glaucum molds" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: Probably would help if I knew what Taleggio cheese was and what recipe you were using it in. I'll go look up the cheese.Be right back Okay, looked it up. I should have known that, I'm Italian but Silician, really.est Answer: Probably would help if I knew what Taleggio cheese was and what recipe you were using it in. I'll go look up the cheese." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Our Taleggio is made in a small creamery and is faithful to the age-long traditions. Full cream pasteurised cows' milk is heated in a cauldron to a temperature of 30-36C. A lactic starter culture is added to cause the milk to sour, followed by calf rennet which causes the milk to coagulate and produce the curds." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Like Grana Padano, cooking semi-fat cow’s milk produces Parmigiano-Reggiano in its earliest stage. The product is then immersed in a salty solution for 20 days. After brining, the wheels are left to age for an average of two years.Parmigiano-Reggiano is characterized by its sharp, nutty flavour and grainy texture.The primary difference between it and the Grana Padano is a more robust flavour and, of course, its place of origin. ASIAGO. As with Grana Padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano, Asiago owes its name to its homeland.RANA PADANO. Grana Padano is a type of aged Italian cow’s cheese produced exclusively in the Pianura Padana valley. Cistercian monks living in Chiaravalle Abbey near Milan created this variety of cheese nearly 900 years ago, and since then Grana Padano has become one of Italy’s most popular cheeses." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Then a brie will work just fine. If you need the taleggio flavor, then I'd look for stracchino or a washed rind cheese. We recently posted a gnocchi recipe that calls for a taleggio sauce. If taleggio cannot be found, we'd advise just sauteeing a few leaves of fresh sage in olive oil and dressing the gnocchi this way. Good luck! ⚑" ], [ "", "Alongside Mozzarella, Parmigiano Reggiano is one of Italy's most famous cheeses. This cow's milk cheese is a subtle blend of many Italian provinces including Parma and Bologna." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Similar in some ways to French Saint Paulin cheese, bel paese is also similar in texture and taste to German Butterkäse and havarti. All of these cheeses share a comparable buttery taste, and while soft enough to almost melt on the tongue, they are firm enough to slice for easy serving." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report Abuse. It describes the consistency of the cheese. Usually they are hard enough to easily grate. Cheeses such as parmesean, asiago, and romano would fall into this category. They are usually aged so more water leaves the cheese, thus making in hard as opposed to a soft cheese like goat cheese or brie." ], [ "Represent the natural language!", "The most popular Grana Italian cheeses are of course Parmigiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano. True Parmigianino-Reggiano, named after the Provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna and Mantua, in which it is made, has a hard, gritty texture and is fruity and nutty in taste. Grana Padano, on the other hand, refers to the valley Pianura Padana in which it is made. Though similar to Parmigianino-Reggiano, young Grana Padano is slightly less crumbly, milder and less complex than its famous, aged kin." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['', 'A liquid has viscosity, a measure of its resistance to flow. The viscosity of water at room temperature is about 0.01 poises. A thick oil might have a viscosity of about 1.0 poise. As a liquid is cooled its viscosity normally increases, but viscosity also has a tendency to prevent crystallisation.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is glass a viscous liquid']\"", "Pavese-zuppa alla broth with bread, egg, and cheese (sometimes like French onion soup with egg instead of onion). Pecorino-sheep's milk cheese (the name comes from pecora, sheep); the family is large and varied, but most often its members are on the hard and sharp side.ior di latte-mozzarella like cheese and made from cow's milk. Fiorentina la-the famous Florentine beefsteak, a thick T-bone from the LOMBATA, ideally from CHIANINA beef, grilled very rare over coals. Formaggio-cheese. Forno-oven; bakery. Fragole-strawberries; fragoline di bosco, tiny wild strawberries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Often called the King of Italian Cheese, Parmigiano-Reggiano is one of the most well-known Italian cheeses. It has been made for at least 700 years, although a similar style of cheese has been made since the Roman Empire." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Made in square blocks, Taleggio has a pungent aroma that becomes more pronounced as the cheese ages. It is protected by an EU PDO which means that it can only be produced in specified regions of Lombardy and Piedmont." ], [ "Represent", "Other Grana cheeses include: 1 Granone Lodigiano (also called Tipico Lodigiano), produced in the Province of Lodi. 2 Trentingrana, produced in and around Trent. 3 Gransardo, from anjali Sardinia. 4 Pecorino Romano, a sheep's milk cheese produced mostly in Sardinia, but also in Lazio, and the Province of Grosseto in Tuscany." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: Probably would help if I knew what Taleggio cheese was and what recipe you were using it in. I'll go look up the cheese. Okay, looked it up. I should have known that, I'm Italian but Silician, really." ], [ "", "The texture of the cheese is moist-to-oozy, with a very pleasant melt-in-the-mouth feel. The combination of the soft texture, pungent aroma, and buttery flavors has proven to be a winner, especially when spread on fresh crusty bread. Traditionally, it is formed in a square mold of 7-8 inches and 2-3 inches high.ou will need to be the judge on this since its your cheese and you know what you want. Fresh Taleggio cheese, made on the mountain in Val Taleggio, ready for aging. Here is a fabulous DVD that will give you a bit more insight into the process of making and aging the Taleggio cheese." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It has a pinkish-brown rind, and a pale-yellow interior which, although elastic, tends to be increasingly crumbly towards the centre of the cheese. Made in square blocks, Taleggio has a pungent aroma that becomes more pronounced as the cheese ages.It is protected by an EU PDO which means that it can only be produced in specified regions of Lombardy and Piedmont.t has a pinkish-brown rind, and a pale-yellow interior which, although elastic, tends to be increasingly crumbly towards the centre of the cheese. Made in square blocks, Taleggio has a pungent aroma that becomes more pronounced as the cheese ages." ], [ "", "A little oil, to grease. 2 slices about 1cm thick of robust rye or white bread, preferably sourdough, with generous, but not excessive holes. 35g cheddar, red leicester or any other hard cheese you like the flavour of. 25g gouda, taleggio, comte, gruyere, mozzarella or any other melting cheese of your choice." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "French cheeses considered to be nearly identical to gruyere gruyère include comte or beaufort. Cheese cheeses that taste like gruyere gruyère but have different Textures include swiss cheese and its, Close, cousin jarlsberg which Hails. From, norway emmentaler another cheese Made, in switzerland may also be substituted. for gruyere gruyèreifferent cheeses add various flavors and textures to a dish, and while some can be similar to gruyere, gruyère the end result can be disappointing unless you substitute a cheese that can stand up to a particular cooking. method" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About. An Italian hard cows' milk cheese named after the river, Piave in Mount Peralba in northern Veneto, Italy. It is an intensely flavored cheese and is similar to Parmigiano Regggiano. The taste becomes stronger with age.It is well paired with Sangioovese and Zinfandel.bout. An Italian hard cows' milk cheese named after the river, Piave in Mount Peralba in northern Veneto, Italy. It is an intensely flavored cheese and is similar to Parmigiano Regggiano. The taste becomes stronger with age." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Blue cheese is a type of cheese that's been treated with molds. These molds, which give the cheese its characteristic flavor, form blue or green veins. Roquefort and Gorgonzola are two types of blue cheese.Roquefort is French and made from sheep's milk.It has a creamy texture with a pungent, salty taste.lue cheese is a type of cheese that's been treated with molds. These molds, which give the cheese its characteristic flavor, form blue or green veins. Roquefort and Gorgonzola are two types of blue cheese." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Blue-veined cheeses are mostly made from cow's milk, except for a few standouts like Roquefort, which is made from sheep's milk. To achieve the blue marbling, various Penicilliums are sprinkled in powdered form into the milk or over the curds. The Penicillium types vary depending on the desired cheese." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Goat's Milk- There are many different types of goat cheese, from fresh to aged (which are more pungent). You can finish your plate with a Tre Latti, or three milk cheese from Piemonte, a bite of Taleggio from Lombardia and soft or hard Gorgonzola, the blue cheese of Italy. 2. Serve your cheeses in the right order." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What cheese is similar to Gruyre cheese? Modeled on the cheeses of Switzerland, the precursor to modern Jarlsberg cheese was created by Anders Larsen Bakke in Jarlsberg and Laurvig county in Norway in the mid-19th century." ], [ "Represent the input", "This makes it easier for guests to cut into the cheese. 1 Cow's Milk: Gruyere has a hard texture. 2 Sheep's Milk: Istara has a semi-soft texture. 3 Goat's Milk: Humbold Fog has a soft, creamy texture." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Roquefort and Gorgonzola are two kinds of blue cheese. Roquefort is a French sheep’s milk cheese and Gorgonzola is Italian and made from cow’s milk.Roquefort has a sharper flavor, but is not as strongly flavored as robust and aromatic Gorgonzola.hat is the difference between Gorgonzola, Roquefort and blue cheese? Can they be used interchangeably in recipes?." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quick Answer. Parmesan cheese is a typical substitute for Pecorino Romano cheese. In fact, Pecorino and Parmesan cheeses are commonly used interchangeably, with one easily replacing the other. Both cheeses are hard cheeses of Italian origin that have a similar texture when grated." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1) White Stilton. 2) Blue Stilton. Blue Stilton is made the same way as White Stilton but the cheese curds have a mould (Penicillium roquefortii) added to them during manufacture and the cheese is kept for the mould to grow in the cheese.This gives Blue Stilton a marbling of blue veins running through it and a lovely creamy taste.tilton cheese is not fermented as such. Like other blue-veined cheeses, such as Italian Gorgonzola and French Roquefort, it gets its blue veins from the saprotrophic fu … ngus Penicillium roqueforti. For more information on Stilton, see the related links." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Best Answer: Probably would help if I knew what Taleggio cheese was and what recipe you were using it in. I'll go look up the cheese. Be right back. Okay, looked it up. I should have known that, I'm Italian but Silician, really." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(However, the color is darker and yellower than a typical Taleggio, and the aroma and flavor are stronger.) Grayson is made with raw milk of Jersey cows and aged longer than their Italian and French counterparts, around 60 days; no pesticides or herbicides are used in the fields where the cows are pastured." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. Substitutes for Gruyere cheese include plain Swiss, fontina, Gouda, Abondance, Appenzell, Emmentaler, mild provolone, Cantal, Graviera or raclette. Additionally, consumers can substitute standard Swiss Gruyere with Gruyere varieties, such as Beaufort and Comte." ], [ "Represent this", "Usually they are hard enough to easily grate. Cheeses such as parmesean, asiago, and romano would fall into this category. They are usually aged so more water leaves the cheese, thus making in hard as opposed to a soft cheese like goat cheese or brie." ], [ "", "Cheese Description: Il Villaggio Provolone Piccante is aged to 12 months and is well worth the long wait, which makes it worthy of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) seal. Provolone Piccante is a classic Italian cheese that's delicious on any sandwich. Aromatic with divine flavors, it pairs excellently with meats and vegetables." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "True Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, or parmesan as it is known in many places, has a distinct salty flavor and hard texture. Produced since at least the 13th century in Italy, authentic Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese is made of pure cow’s milk, with few additives." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Today we also find some washed with beer and (although not a traditional Gouda) made with propionic cultures to create a sweeter cheese with holes similar to an Alpine cheese. A similar cheese to Gouda is the Edam cheese made in Holland. It is made quite like the Gouda but with a lower fat milk. The distinguishing characteristic of Gouda cheese is that it is a relatively sweet cheese." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Blue cheese is an entire category of cheese including plenty of other cheeses, like Roquefort, Fourme d'Ambert, Point Reyes Blue, Bleu d'Auvergne, and Stilton, to name a f … ew. Gorgonzola is just one type of Italian blue cheese. It's very fashionable in recipes at the moment, but can be substituted with any other blue cheese. It's generally available in a younger, milder, creamier variety (Dolce Latte), and an older, firmer, stronger variety (Aged Gorgonzola)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Best Answer: Gruyere cheese is like Emmenthaler Swiss cheese, only slightly milder. So if you like Swiss cheese, you should like it. Parmesan is harder and drier, with a different type of flavor/pungency, and doesn't melt or blend as well in a sandwich (unless you shave it into really thin slivers).But since turkey is a rather dry meat to begin with, I'd avoid it.ruyere Cheese is a specific variety of Swiss cheese. It is not as hard as Parmesean and the melting properties will not be the same. I would choose another variety of Swiss if I didn't like Gruyere (but I DO like Gruyere, and I bet you will too.)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "3. Use your Parmesan and Pecorino. Both cheese types are similar, and so are fairly interchangeable unless you prefer one for any particular reason. Providing both cheese types on a cheese platter is a good serving suggestion.ach cheese comes with its own texture and ripeness: 1 Parmesan: is a fruity flavoured cheese with a peppery after-taste. 2 It tends to be sold at varying stages of ripeness, which impacts the strength of its taste but its texture usually remains the same, hard and grainy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Wedge of Light Laughing Cow Cheese: Light Cheddar, Cheddar, Swiss and Semisoft Cheeses (Cultured Milk and Skim Milk, Salt, Enzymes), Whey, Cream, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Citrate, Salt. The ingredients are comparable to other soft cheese spreads like cream cheese." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "3. Jarlsberg. Jarlsberg is Norwegian variant of the cheese having holes and is a Swiss type cheese. This mellow and rich cheese can be used in broiled or grilled recipes that call for Gruyere cheese. 4. Emmentaler. A Swiss cheese, Emmentaler or Emmental cheese is very similar to Jarlsburg. A yellowish white or yellow colored cheese, it can be used instead of the Gruyere cheese while preparing fondue." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Taleggio Cheese I am often asked what my favorite cheese is and find this a tough choice to make. However, I think that Taleggio is one of my top favorites and one of the great gifts to us from Italy. This is a cheese for which I have been researching and refining my process over the past several years.ou will need to be the judge on this since its your cheese and you know what you want. Fresh Taleggio cheese, made on the mountain in Val Taleggio, ready for aging. Here is a fabulous DVD that will give you a bit more insight into the process of making and aging the Taleggio cheese." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "fog meaning" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Fog(noun) a second growth of grass; aftergrass. 2 Fog(noun) dead or decaying grass remaining on land through the winter; -- called also foggage. 3 Fog(verb) to pasture cattle on the fog, or aftergrass, of; to eat off the fog from. 4 Fog(verb) to practice in a small or mean way; to pettifog." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is usually created when humidity in the air condenses into tiny water droplets. Because of this, some places are more prone to foggy weather, such as regions close to a body of water. Fog is similar to mist; both are the appearance of water droplets suspended in the air, but fog is the term applied to the condition when visibility is less than 1 km. Next Topic: Fractus Clouds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Water that has condensed onto objects near the ground when their temperatures have fallen below the dew point of the surface air. Evaporation (mixing) fog. Fog produced when sufficient water vapor is added to the air by evaporation, and the moist air mixes with relatively drier air. The two common types are steam fog, which forms when cold air moves over warm water, and frontal fog, which forms as warm raindrops evaporate in a cool air mass. See Evaporation fog." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "We all make mistakes. We know we make mistakes. I don't know any military commander, who is honest, who would say he has not made a mistake. There's a wonderful phrase: 'the fog of war.' What the fog of war means is: war is so complex it's beyond the ability of the human mind to comprehend all the variables. Our judgment, our understanding, are not adequate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a cloudlike aggregation of minute globules of water suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface, reducing visibility to a lesser degree than fog. 2. a cloud of particles resembling this: She sprayed a mist of perfume onto her handkerchief. 3. something that dims, obscures, or blurs: the mist of ignorance." ], [ "represent the input", "14 definitions of FOG. Definition of FOG in Slang/Internet Slang. What does FOG stand for?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2. haze-confusion characterized by lack of clarity. daze, fog. confusedness, disarray, mental confusion, muddiness, confusion-a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; a confusion of impressions." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\n------\\n\\nExamples:\\n\\n\"The good life, then, was defined by Aristotle as the activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. [1] Virtue consisted of intellectual virtue and moral virtue. Intellectual virtue was comprised of theoretical wisdom, practical wisdom and understanding.\" == \"aristotle meaning of a good life\"', 'While still FROZEN, Hillary is rescued by a male Secret Service agent, who reassures her, â\\x80\\x9cYouâ\\x80\\x99ll be OK.â\\x80\\x9dâ\\x80¦. â\\x80¦Hillary has suffered a brain injury during a fall. She either had a stroke, causing her to fall, or the fall caused her stroke. (Doctors were unsure whether the fall was the cause or effect of the stroke.) Hillary still suffers seizures.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what is the status of hilary's brain damage after her horrific fall\"]\"", "See Also: MIST. 1 A churning mass of fog was welling up from the sea like a tidal wave —John Dos Passos. 2 Fog closed in like a long sigh —George Garrett. Fog … dissolving into the sky like milk in water —Ross Macdonald." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Fog - Evaporation Fogs. air water warm steam. Evaporation fog forms as a result of the mixing of two unsaturated air masses. Steam fog is a type of evaporation fog that appears when cold, dry air moves over warm water or warm, moist land. When some of the water evaporates into low air layers, and the warm water warms the air, the air rises, mixes with colder air, cools, and water vapor condensation occurs to form a fog. Over oceans, this form of evaporation fog is referred to as sea smoke. Examples of cold air over warm water occur over swimming pools or hot tubs, where steam fog easily forms. It is also common in the autumn, when winds and air fronts turn cool as water bodies remain warm." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nephophobia is the fear of clouds. The origin of the word nepho is Greek (meaning clouds) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). Nephophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page. Nephophobia is also related to Homichlophobia (fear of fog or humidity) and Nebulaphobia (fear of fog and clouds)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "More specifically, the term stratus is used to describe flat, hazy, featureless clouds of low altitude varying in color from dark gray to nearly white. The word stratus comes from the Latin prefix strato-, meaning layer. Stratus clouds may produce a light drizzle or a small amount of snow. These clouds are essentially above-ground fog formed either through the lifting of morning fog or through cold air moving at low altitudes over a region. Some call these clouds high fog for the fog-like cloud." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is Freezing Fog? Freezing fog is a unique weather phenomenon that we don’t see often, but should be extremely cautious about when we do. Other than the air temperatures, freezing fog is not that different from regular fog. It often forms when it is below freezing air temperatures and a moisture source like a lake or river provides the heat and moisture required to condense into a fog cloud." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of mist for English Language Learners. : 1 water in the form of very small drops floating in the air or falling as rain. : 2 a stream of liquid in the form of very small drops : a fine spray. : 3 something that makes understanding difficult." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Wikimedia Commons: Athens, Illinois. Athens /Ë\\x88eɪθÉ\\x99nz/ AY-thÉ\\x99nz is a city in Menard County, Illinois, United States. The population was 1,726 at the 2000 census, and 1,778 at a 2009 estimate. It is part of the Springfield, Illinois Metropolitan Statistical Area.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what county is athens, illinois in']", "mist /mɪst/USA pronunciation n. 1 Meteorologya mass of tiny drops of water, resembling fog: [uncountable]driving through mist.[countable]the mists of Avalon. 2 a cloud of particles resembling this:[countable]a mist of perfume. 3 something that dims or blurs:[countable]a mist of tears." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Unicoi County, Tennessee. Unicoi County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 18,313. Its county seat is Erwin. Unicoi is a Cherokee word meaning white, hazy, fog-like, or fog draped.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The Fog. For other uses, see The Fog (disambiguation). The Fog (also known as John Carpenter's The Fog) is a 1980 American horror film directed by John Carpenter, who also co-wrote the screenplay and created the music for the film. It stars Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Atkins, Janet Leigh and Hal Holbrook." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Evaporation fog is a specific type of advection fog. It occurs when you get cold air advancing over warm water or warm, moist land surfaces. In this situation, fog forms as water from the surface evaporates into the cold air and then saturates (Figure 8f-6). This type of fog can also be called steam fog or sea smoke. Figure 8f-6: Evaportation fog forming over a lake as cool air flows over the warm water. (Source: NOAA Photo Collection Website)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Usually, a personal chef charges depending on how many meals he has to prepare, how sophisticated the menu is and how much time does he have to spent doing it. For example, depending on how many recipes he uses, for a four to six individuals meal, a certain personal chef (Natural Kitchen Chef) charges from $150 to $250.Another personal chef (Chef Victoria) from Southern California, also depending on the recipe number and how many persons will eat, charges from $265 to $395.Grocery expenses are not included in the chefâ\\x80\\x99s fees.Usually, the client establishes the budget with the personal chef depending on the menu. A typical grocery cost is estimated somewhere between $75 and $175 per cook date.nother personal chef (Chef Victoria) from Southern California, also depending on the recipe number and how many persons will eat, charges from $265 to $395. Grocery expenses are not included in the chefâ\\x80\\x99s fees. Usually, the client establishes the budget with the personal chef depending on the menu.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much does it cost to be a chef']", "Fog is a mixture because it is an aerosol of water droplets or ice crystals in air. Fog can also contain molecules of acids or ammonia. Continue Reading" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fog can be considered a cloud at ground level. The processes forming it, however, are usually different from those that form clouds. Like clouds, fog is made up of condensed water droplets which are the result of the air being cooled to the point (actually, the dewpoint) where it can no longer hold all of the water vapor it contains. For clouds, that cooling is almost always the result of rising of air, which cools from expansion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "sanskrit nabhas vapor cloud mists fog sky greek nephele nephos cloud german nebel fog old english nifol dark gloomy welsh niwl cloud fog slavic nebo re borrowed from latin 1660s in sense of cataracts in the eye astronomical meaning cloud like patch in the night sky first recorded c 1730" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "See Also: FOG. 1 The hot mist … mixed with the sun like cloudy gin —David Denby. 2 A light morning mist like grain on film —Clive Irving. 3 Like a blanket, the mist came down —Jilly Cooper. Mist arose on the plain and stood round about it like a guard of honor —Vladimir G. Korolenko." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Advection fog - is also called sea fog, when warm air flows over relatively cold sea surface, but is just as common over land. Advection fog is often associated with the passage of cold and warm fronts and thus is also known as frontal fog. Sea smoke or river smoke. Mainly caused by evaporation." ], [ "", "London fog. London fog may refer to the so-called pea soup fog in London in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. London Fog may refer to: London Fog (beverage), an Earl Grey tea-based drink. London Fog (cocktail), an alcoholic drink made with gin and Pernod. London Fog (company), a popular manufacturer of coats and other clothes. London Fog (nightclub), a 1960s nightclub on the Sunset Strip where The Doors first played as a house band." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Frozen fog (also known as ice fog) is any kind of fog where the droplets have frozen into extremely tiny crystals of ice in midair. Generally this requires temperatures at or below −35 °C (−31 °F), making it common only in and near the Arctic and Antarctic regions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The fog season is a season of fog that occurs in some places, because of special meteorological and topographical characteristics, after a rainy period. The fog season is usually based in the cooler months (late autumn, winter and early spring)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Fog. The Fog (also known as John Carpenter's The Fog) is a 1980 American horror film directed by John Carpenter, who also co-wrote the screenplay and created the music for the film. It stars Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Atkins, Janet Leigh and Hal Holbrook." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2017. mist /mɪst/USA pronunciation n. Meteorologya mass of tiny drops of water, resembling fog: [uncountable]driving through mist.[countable]the mists of Avalon. a cloud of particles resembling this:[countable]a mist of perfume. something that dims or blurs:[countable]a mist of tears." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of mist. 1 : water in the form of particles floating or falling in the atmosphere at or near the surface of the earth and approaching the form of rain. 2 : something that obscures understanding mists of antiquity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This is quite complicated. When you watch the weather on TV, sometimes they will give you the dew point. This is the exact temperature at which water vapor reaches 100% humidity and condenses, meaning it becomes a liquid. This is when fog forms. Usually, fog takes place after a warm, humid night. When the sun comes up, the fog burns off, meaning that the humidity (and sometimes temperature) have changed and cannot create fog anymore. Source(s):" ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "when does the particle have positive acceleration" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Solution. a. The particle has positive acceleration when velocity is increasing. On the intervals (0, 1 s) and (6 s, 7 s), velocity is increasing--slope is positive--and so acceleration is positive.b. Acceleration is the slope of the v-t graph.The graph has zero slope whenever the graph is horizontal; that is, whenever the velocity is constant. This happens in the intervals (1 s, 2 s), 5 s, 6 s) and (7 s, 8 s).. Acceleration is the slope of the v-t graph. The graph has zero slope whenever the graph is horizontal; that is, whenever the velocity is constant. This happens in the intervals (1 s, 2 s), 5 s, 6 s) and (7 s, 8 s)." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If it were slowing down, the acceleration would be negative. Now give a reason why a smart student might think the cart’s acceleration during that segment of the motion is negative. Briefly summarize the reasoning. The velocity is still going “down,” as the velocity graph shows. Also, motion towards the detector “flips” the sign of the velocity, so it makes sense that it would also “flip” the sign of the acceleration." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "When an object is speeding up, the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity. Thus, this object also has a negative acceleration. Observe the use of positive and negative as used in the discussion above (Examples A-D). In physics, the use of positive and negative always has a physical meaning." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The acceleration of the object at different instant of time or at given time of motion, is called instantaneous acceleration. Acceleration is a vector quantity. It is positive when velocity is increasing and negative if the velocity is decreasing. The negative acceleration is also called retardation and deceleration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The acceleration, in the frame you defined, is opposite to the positive direction. Do the same problem in both frames of reference. Object is thrown upward with initial speed V0 (notice that I said speed and not velocity: speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector) Case1. Frame of reference: positive direction UP Then the acceleration is negative and the initial velocity is positive. Equation of motion: d = V0t - (1/2)gt^2 Case 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The first particle accelerators were all electrostatic accelerators. These are accelerators that simply use an electric field to increase the speed of a charged particle. Opposites attract, so a negative particle will be attracted to a positively-charged plate, and a positive particle will be attracted to a negatively charged plate." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A positive point charge q of mass m is released from rest at a point next to the positive plate and accelerates to a point next to the negative plate. (A) Find the speed of the particle at by modeling it as a particle under constant acceleration. Conceptualize When the positive charge is placed at, it experiences an electric force toward the right in the figure due to the electric field directed toward the right." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When an object is speeding up, the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity. Thus, this object also has a negative acceleration. Observe the use of positive and negative as used in the discussion above (Examples A-D). In physics, the use of positive and negative always has a physical meaning.he velocity is changing over the course of time. In fact, the velocity is changing by a constant amount - 10 m/s-in each second of time. Anytime an object's velocity is changing, the object is said to be accelerating; it has an acceleration." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In particular when the particle just enters the field B 2 !, the acceleration is downward 2 ˆ/2 vx a =! j !. Newton’s Second Law becomes 22 ˆˆ/2 vevBmx ! j =! j. Thus the particle hits the electronic sensor at a distance 22 222 mvxeVmeBeB ==! from the entry slit. The mass of the particle is then 222 8 eBxmV =!." ], [ "Represent text", "That happens on this graph for t = 4.0 s. 2.12 A particle is moving with a velocity v o = 60.0 m/s in the positive x direction at t = 0. Between t = 0 and t = 15 s, the velocity decreases uniformly to zero. What is the average acceleration during this 15-s interval.hat happens on this graph for t = 4.0 s. 2.12 A particle is moving with a velocity v o = 60.0 m/s in the positive x direction at t = 0. Between t = 0 and t = 15 s, the velocity decreases uniformly to zero. What is the average acceleration during this 15-s interval." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wrong. An object with negative acceleration could be speeding up, and an object with positive acceleration could be slowing down. How is this so? Consider the fact that acceleration is a vector that points in the same direction as the change in velocity. That means that the direction of the acceleration determines whether you will be adding to or subtracting from the velocity." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The position of particle 1 is given by x = 5.60t2 + 3.00t + 2.00 (in meters and seconds); the acceleration of particle 2 is given by a = -8.00t (in meters per seconds squared and seconds) and, at t = 0, its veloc." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sudden Unintended Acceleration in an All-Electric Vehicle precipitated by a negative voltage spike on the battery supply line. If a negative voltage spike occurs while the battery voltage is being read by an A/D converter, then the compensation coefficient used to" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Acceleration is a 2nd derivative, so you have to pay attention to where the graph holds water and spills water. Where it holds water, the acceleration is positive, and where it spills, it is negative. So it is slowing down, according to your definition, between $[0,1]$ and $[2,3]$, and speeding up otherwise.t is accelerating downward--has a negative acceleration--on $(0,2)$. Put another way, the graph's slope is increasing on $(2,4)$ as we move to the right, and the graph's slope is decreasing on $(0,2)$ as we move to the right. Now check where the signs match." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are 3 things to remember: 1 The acceleration of an object is its change in velocity divided by the time. 2 If an object is moving in the positive direction, its velocity is positive. Change in velocity is the ending velocity minus the starting velocity." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Proton, stable subatomic particle that has a positive charge equal in magnitude to a unit of electron charge and a rest mass of 1.67262 × 10 kg, which is 1,836 times the mass of an electron." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Displacement The displacement x of a particle is the changein its position:x x 2 x 1. (2-1)Displacement is a vector quantity. It is positive if the particle hasmoved in the positive direction of the axis and negative if the xparticle has moved in the negative direction.verage Velocity When a particle has moved from position x 1 to position x 2 during a time interval t t 2 t 1 ,its average velocity during that interval is(2-2)The algebraic sign of v avg indicates the direction of motion (v avg is avector quantity)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There are 3 things to remember: 1 The acceleration of an object is its change in velocity divided by the time. If an object is moving in the positive direction, its velocity is positive. If it is moving in the negative direction, its velocity is negative." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Newton's 2nd Law, F=ma, acceleration is in the direction of force, which in this case is due to gravity. Thus, if you arbitrarily choose up to be positive, even if you throw something up in the air, there still is gravity pulling it in the negative direction, so your acceleration is -9.8m/s^2. Concerned College Student · 4 years ago." ], [ "Represent text", "Calculation: 1 Just after launch, the velocity of the particle is. 2 The kinetic energy of the particle just after launch is. 3 Its potential energy is zero. 4 At the peak of the trajectory the vertical velocity is zero. 5 Since the horizontal velocity remains constant, the velocity vector at the peak of the trajectory is." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This acceleration results in an ion having the same kinetic energy as any other ion that has the same charge. The velocity of the ion depends on the mass-to-charge ratio. The time that it subsequently takes for the particle to reach a detector at a known distance is measured. This time will depend on the mass-to-charge ratio of the particle (heavier particles reach lower speeds). From this time and the known experimental parameters one can find the mass-to-charge ratio of the ion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When J.Atomic Structure History J. Thomson We can measure B. r and V. Deduced that either Mass of negative particle = mass of positive particle with 1800 time the charge or Charge of negative particle = charge of positive particle but with 1/1800 the mass." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The particle travels 5.0 m only during the first second. c. The speed of the particle increases by 5.0 m/s during each second. d. The acceleration of the particle increases by 5.0 m/s2 during each second. e. The final speed of the particle will be proportional to the distance that the particle covers." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "That means that the direction of the acceleration determines whether you will be adding to or subtracting from the velocity. Mathematically, a negative acceleration means you will subtract from the current value of the velocity, and a positive acceleration means you will add to the current value of the velocity. Subtracting from the value of the velocity could increase the speed of an object if the velocity was already negative to begin with since it would cause the magnitude to increase." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Negative accelerations do not refer acceleration values that are less than 0. An acceleration of -2 m/s/s is an acceleration with a magnitude of 2 m/s/s that is directed in the negative direction. We Would Like to Suggest ...Sometimes it isn't enough to just read about it.he velocity is changing over the course of time. In fact, the velocity is changing by a constant amount - 10 m/s-in each second of time. Anytime an object's velocity is changing, the object is said to be accelerating; it has an acceleration." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Margery Hyde Mullins was feeling positive at Velocity Care -Carilion Clinic. · 1 July 14 · Blacksburg 2 ·. · June 8 · Blacksburg 3 ·. · June 8 · Blacksburg 4 ·. · October 8, 2016 · Blacksburg 5 ·. · July 12, 2016 · Blacksburg 6 ·. · July 12, 2016 · Blacksburg 7 ·. · October 16, 2015 · Blacksburg 8 ·. · September 17, 2015 · Blacksburg ·." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'As Will Smith noted, he will be playing Floyd Lawton a.k.a. Deadshot in Suicide Squad, who in the comics has classically been an assassin with nearly superhuman aiming abilities.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who did will smith play in suicide squad']\"", "Here, Trinath Sahoo explains how acceleration head phenomena and net positive suction head available are related to cavitation. The net positive suction head (NPSH) is defined as the difference between suction pressure and vapour pressure measured at the pump suction nozzle when the pump is running.s previously stated, if NPSHA drops below NPSHR, cavitation will occur. The speed of the pump is limited by the ability of the suction valve to ‘keep up’ with the plunger. When there is no spring to push the valve back onto its seat, gravity is the only force acting to close the valve against the existing fluid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Alpha particles, like helium nuclei, have a net spin of zero. Due to the mechanism of their production in standard alpha radioactive decay, alpha particles generally have a kinetic energy of about 5 MeV, and a velocity in the vicinity of 5% the speed of light." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Negative Velocity and Positive Acceleration. Observe that the object below moves in the negative direction with a changing velocity. An object which moves in the negative direction has a negative velocity.If the object is slowing down then its acceleration vector is directed in the opposite direction as its motion (in this case, a positive acceleration).The dot diagram shows that each consecutive dot is not the same distance apart (i.e., a changing velocity).he velocity-time graph shows a line with a positive (upward) slope (meaning that there is a positive acceleration); the line is located in the negative region of the graph (corresponding to a negative velocity)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In each case, the acceleration of the object is in the negative direction. In Example C, the object is moving in the positive direction (i.e., has a positive velocity) and is slowing down. According to our principle, when an object is slowing down, the acceleration is in the opposite direction as the velocity." ], [ "Represent the following document", "When an electron is lost, the balance shifts with an extra proton, giving the atom a positive charge. The reverse is true for negatively-charged atoms, which have gained an electron. When particle balance is disrupted, yielding either a positive or negative atom (or molecule), they are no longer called atoms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The acceleration due to gravity on Earth rounded to the nearest hundredth is -9.81 meters per second squared. This means that if no forces other than that of gravity are present, then for every second an object is falling, its velocity towards Earth increases by 9.81 meters per second. Negative acceleration does not necessarily mean that the object is slowing down." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A particle is moving along the x-axis so that at time t its acceleration is a(t) = π cos π t 2 +36t −20,0 ≤ t ≤8 a. Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle. b. Find the open-intervals when the particle is moving to the left." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beta particles— A beta particle is emitted during the radioactive decay of some unstable atoms. Beta particles can have either a negative charge or a positive charge and they have the same very small mass (1/2000 the mass of a neutron) regardless of charge." ], [ "", "The acceleration of the particle is the limit of the average acceleration as the time interval approaches zero, which is the time derivative, Thus, acceleration is the second derivative of the position vector that defines the trajectory of a particle." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mar 24, 2015. The proton has positive charge. It has a charge of 1.602⋅10−19C (for Coulomb) or 0. (18 more zeros) then write 1602 Coulomb." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The accelerator started up on September 10, 2008, but after an electrical failure, particle collisions were delayed until late 2009. The hunt for the Higgs boson really took off in 2010, with the first high-energy particle collisions, ending the first run of protons smashing into protons in 2012. After some lead-proton collisions in early 2013, the collider began its scheduled maintenance time in February." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "acceleration of the center of mass. when an object or collection of particles is acted on by external forces, the center of mass moves as though all the mass were concentrated at that point and were acted on by a resultant force equal to the sum of the external forces." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "The nucleus has a positive charge because it is inhabited by protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons are neutral, so even if there was one proton and … 10 neutrons, the nucleus would still have a positive charge. 1 person found this useful." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tangential Acceleration vs Centripetal Acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and when expressed using calculus, it is the time derivative of the velocity.Tangential acceleration and centripetal acceleration are components of the acceleration for a particle or a rigid body in a circular motion.angential Acceleration vs Centripetal Acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and when expressed using calculus, it is the time derivative of the velocity. Tangential acceleration and centripetal acceleration are components of the acceleration for a particle or a rigid body in a circular motion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "max reached by the com of the two-particle system? In unit-vector notation, what are the (b) velocity and (c) acceleration of the com when the com reaches H max? Figure 9-43 Problem 14. ••15 Figure 9-44 shows an arrangement with an air track, in which a cart is connected by a cord to a hanging block. The cart has mass m 1" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Again, the vertex is a point with zero velocity. This time, however, points to the right of the vertex have negative slope that is growing steeper as time goes on, and points to the left of the vertex have positive slope that is lessening. Each of these cases correspond to negative acceleration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In each case, the acceleration of the object is in the positive direction. In Example A, the object is moving in the positive direction (i.e., has a positive velocity) and is speeding up. When an object is speeding up, the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Is velocity a vector? The directions of an object's velocity and acceleration do not have to be the same. For example, if a car has an initial velocity of 25 km/h and is slowing to 10 km/h, the velocity vector still points forward and the acceleration vector points backward. Negative acceleration usually means that the object is slowing down, whereas positive acceleration typically means that it is speeding up." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A particle is moving along the x-axis so that at time t its acceleration is a(t) = π cos π t 2 +36t −20,0 ≤ t ≤8 a. Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle. b. Find the open-intervals when the particle is moving to the left. c. Find the velocity of the particle when the acceleration is 0." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The acceleration of an object is its change in velocity divided by the time. 2 If an object is moving in the positive direction, its velocity is positive. If it is moving in the negative direction, its velocity is negative. Change in velocity is the ending velocity minus the starting velocity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The illustration of the positive acceleration is given below: Negative acceleration:When the velocity or speed of a body decreases with time, then we can say that the body is moving with a negative acceleration. It is also known as deceleration." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A proton moves perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field at a speed of 1.55 x 107 m/s and experiences an acceleration of 1.75 x 1013 m/s2 in the positive x-direction when its velocity is in the positive z-direction." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Standard Model of particle physics predicts a tiny separation of positive and negative charge within the neutron leading to a permanent electric dipole moment. 1 The predicted value is, however, well below the current sensitivity of experiments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The acceleration of an object is its change in velocity divided by the time. If an object is moving in the positive direction, its velocity is positive. If it is moving in the negative direction, its velocity is negative." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thus, the velocity is increasing in the positive direction, implying positive acceleration. Everywhere to the left of the vertex, the velocity is negative and approaching zero (becoming smaller in magnitude). This lessening of a negative velocity also corresponds to positive acceleration. The case of a concave down position versus time graph is analogous. The position versus time for a system experiencing constant negative acceleration is shown below." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Instantaneous Acceleration. When an object is moving, then it changes its speed and thus there is a change in velocity. An acceleration is the rate of velocity change in the given time period. It is a vector quantity with magnitude and direction and its changes with changing the direction of the velocity. It is positive with increasing velocity while negative with decreasing velocity." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "SOLVE IT. (A) Find the speed of the particle at by modeling it as a particle under constant acceleration. Conceptualize When the positive charge is placed at, it experiences an electric force toward the right in the figure due to the electric field directed toward the right. Categorize Because the electric field is uniform, a constant electric force acts on the charge." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Positive Velocity and Negative Acceleration. Observe that the object below moves in the positive direction with a changing velocity. An object which moves in the positive direction has a positive velocity.If the object is slowing down then its acceleration vector is directed in the opposite direction as its motion (in this case, a negative acceleration).ositive Velocity and Negative Acceleration. Observe that the object below moves in the positive direction with a changing velocity. An object which moves in the positive direction has a positive velocity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The negative particle is called an electron, and it's found orbiting the nucleus. The positive particle is a proton, and is part of the nucleus along with neutrons." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'The epiglottis is a flexible flap at the superior end of the larynx in the throat. It acts as a switch between the larynx and the esophagus to permit air to enter the airway to the lungs and food to pass into the gastrointestinal tract.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is the primary function of the epiglottis']\"", "Acceleration can be a negative quantity or a positive one. We know that acceleration is the change of a body's velocity with the time. And it is a vector quantity also. In the case of motion in a straight line, the connection between the direction of velocity and acceleration are given below." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If the acceleration is negative, then the velocity-time graph is a downward sloping line (i.e., the slope is negative). If the acceleration is great, then the line slopes up steeply (i.e., the slope is great). This principle can be extended to any motion conceivable." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sketch of an electrostatic Van de Graaff accelerator. Sketch of the Ising/Widerøe linear accelerator concept, employing oscillating fields (1928) A particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to nearly light speed and to contain them in well-defined beams." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An increase in the magnitude of the velocity of a moving body (an increase in speed) is called a positive acceleration; a decrease in speed is called a negative acceleration. Acceleration, like velocity, is a vector quantity, so any change in the direction of a moving body is also an acceleration." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "There are 3 things to remember: 1 The acceleration of an object is its change in velocity divided by the time. 2 If an object is moving in the positive direction, its velocity is positive. If it is moving in the negative direction, its velocity is negative. Change in velocity is the ending velocity minus the starting velocity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An alpha particle has a positive charge. because the 2 protons have a positive charge. 2. An alpha particle has by far the most mass of the. three types of radioactivity. It is the type most likely. to collide with other atoms which means that. (i) alpha particles have the least penetrating ability of the three types." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "That is, the free-falling object has an acceleration of approximately 9.8 m/s/s. Another way to represent this acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s is to add numbers to our dot diagram that we saw earlier in this lesson. The velocity of the ball is seen to increase as depicted in the diagram at the right." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The particle is farthest to the right at t = 5 seconds. Since the velocity is positive during the time interval 0 # t &5 seconds and negative during the time interval 5 & t #9 seconds, the particle moves to the right before time t = 5 seconds and moves to the left after that time." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The acceleration of an object is its change in velocity divided by the time. 2 If an object is moving in the positive direction, its velocity is positive. 3 If it is moving in the negative direction, its velocity is negative." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "When an object is speeding up, the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity. Thus, this object also has a negative acceleration. Observe the use of positive and negative as used in the discussion above (Examples A - D). In physics, the use of positive and negative always has a physical meaning. It is more than a mere mathematical symbol. As used here to describe the velocity and the acceleration of a moving object, positive and negative describe a direction." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mathematically, a negative acceleration means you will subtract from the current value of the velocity, and a positive acceleration means you will add to the current value of the velocity. Subtracting from the value of the velocity could increase the speed of an object if the velocity was already negative to begin with since it would cause the magnitude to increase." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how to keep hair out of face" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Simply French braid all of the hair on top of your head to create a gorgeous crown braid that’s perfect for a day of errands or a day spent at a wedding. It’s one of the most perfect styles to keep your hair off your face, no matter the occasion. Summer Hair: Keep Your Cool with These Updos ..." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin. Dyeing your hair is fun, but figuring out how to remove hair dye from skin is a dilemma that can hamper your efforts to dye your hair at home. Changing your hair color is one sure way to update your look and give your face a lift." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Wash and dry your face gently. 2 Scrubbing your face clean and then rubbing it dry with a towel can weaken the skin around your eyes. 3 Use a good eye makeup remover to gently wipe away makeup, then splash your face with water a few times and pat it dry with a soft towel. 4 Moisturize your face every night. Apply the concealer with your finger or a cotton ball. 2 Make sure you dab it on lightly instead of rubbing it into your skin. 3 The makeup will conceal your bags more effectively if it stays on the surface of your skin. 4 Follow the concealer with a brush of powder to help it set and stay in place all day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Give Your Face a Massage. • A fine-grain powder can help absorb oil and get rid of dead skin cells that clog pores. Grind and sift 2 teaspoons of dry oats, then moisten with some witch hazel to form a paste. Using your fingertips, massage this paste gently into your skin, then rinse it away with warm water." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Bleaching your hair is never good for it. 2 Stripping out the color in your hair does a lot of damage to the shaft, and can cause your hair to get brittle and break. 3 Chemical straightening or curling, like a Brazilian blowout or a permanent.hen pile your hair on top of your head and secure it with a clip, and cover it with a shower cap. Wait at least an hour before shampooing it out of your hair. 1 You can buy deep conditioning treatments from the store, or simply use a household item like coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Make a gram flour and curd mask. To reduce the appearance of body hair, try applying a mask of gram flour, also known as besan, and curd. Measure 1 tablespoon and a pinch of turmeric. Add 1 tablespoon of curd and mix well. Add enough water to make it a thick paste. Massage it into your skin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. Dampen the top of the man's head, and comb the hair forward. Use a spray bottle to lightly spritz the uncut hair. Comb the hair forward and make an imaginary line down the center of his head, as if it were in between his eyes separating the right side from the left side." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Don't straight your hair daily because it can damage your hair. 2 When your done with your flat iron, turn it off and set it on the counter, not the cupboard. 3 Let it cool. 4 This prevents the risk of fire. 5 Keep the flat iron away from your skin so that you do not get burned. 6 Set the flat iron to right temp for your hair." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pros: Shaving can be an inexpensive way to get rid of unwanted hair. Done correctly, it should be painless and shaving can be effective for short-term hair removal. Cons: Shaving may get rid of hair, but will only keep hair away for a few days in the best case.air removal method: Depilatory Creams. Depilatory creams are chemical-based creams that remove hair by breaking down the hair structure itself. A depilatory cream is applied to an area of unwanted hair, and removed after 5-10 minutes, usually with a warm washcloth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2. Try hair removal pads. Another product that's useful for getting rid of unwanted hair is the aptly-named hair removal pad. This product basically works like a small handheld buffer: you rub the rough surface against the skin with short, quick movements and moderate pressure and hair is gently rubbed out.hen someone has unwanted hair threaded, a threader gathers the hair in a loop of cotton thread, twists the thread, and plucks it out. With this technique, a good threader can clear a decent amount of hair fairly quickly — 15 minutes for a set of eyebrows is considered good. 1 Pros: Healthier for skin than waxing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Step 1: use pure vinegar to unglue the nits from the hairshaft. You should apply pure vinegar to your child’s hair, especially close to the scalp, behind the ears and in the neck area. Then, wait for a few minutes. Step 2: you should now rinse off the vinegar with water or 50% water/50%vinegar. Then, you need to spend time combing all nits out. Click here for more info on How to use a lice comb. This is a crucial step, so don’t skip it, thinking that the vinegar will do the trick. It will NOT." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use moisturizer. After washing your face, immediately apply a moisturizing facial cream (or lotion) over the skin to lock in moisture. 1 You can also store your lotion in the refrigerator and apply it to your face when cold. 2 Cold products cause the blood vessels in your face to constrict and redness to fade.pply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant. 2 Cut down the center of the plant, score the insides, and pull the gel out. 3 Then apply that gel to you face twice a day." ], [ "Represent the input:", "1 After getting out of the shower, gently towel dry your hair and blot (don't rub) your hair with the towel. 2 Rubbing wet hair with a towel causes damage that leads to frizzy hair. 3 Avoid brushing curly hair because it will cause hair to frizz and separate due to a breaking up of the curl. Instead, use a wide-tooth plastic comb to gently detangle the hair. 2 If your curly hair is thick and coarse, apply a silicone serum to the length of your hair before you start styling or add other styling products. 3 Avoid the hair closest to the scalp." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For simple plucking of facial hair all you need is a good pair of tweezers. You can pluck it on your own at home or take the help of your beautician. In threading, hair is plucked with help of a thread. In this method, a thread is put across the skin to catch the hair and then it is gently plucked.f the facial hair is thick, then the bleached hair too can be easily seen. In case, your skin gets irritation during bleaching, you should stop the process immediately. Using Facial Hair Removers. There are many depilatory creams, gels and lotions available in the market." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Here’s how to use salt and water solution to get rid of ingrown hair above your eyebrows. 1 Take about 2 teaspoons of salt and then mix it with about 1 cup of warm water. 2 Dip a cotton ball into the solution and then dab it on the affected area. Do not wipe it off." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At Uni K Wax Centers, waxing unwanted hair from the face and body begins with a thorough cleansing to the area you want waxed with a natural antiseptic lotion to remove all excess oil and bacteria from the skin.nce the waxing process is finished, the waxer will remove any excess wax with our special oil, followed by an application of our amazing aloe vera lotion, which will moisturize your skin and leave it smooth and glowing. At Uni K Wax Centers we are able to safely wax every single part of the face and body." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Almost every teen gets acne. And most teens spend loads of time and money trying to get that acne to go away. Finding treatments that work to clear teen acne can be frustrating. It seems everyone has advice for you: scrub your face until it shines, stay away from chocolate and french fries, never touch your face because dirty hands cause breakouts. But you can have an ultra-healthy diet and squeaky-clean skin, and still have teen acne." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Examples:\n\n\"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Meaning of Kieli. American name. In American, the name Kieli means - heavenly garden.The name Kieli originated as an American name. The name Kieli is most often used as a girl name or female name.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'kieli meaning']\"", "1 To make your hair curly naturally, wash your hair the night before then put it in a French plait until the next day. 2 Don't wash hair everyday unless you want to; Apparently washing hair every day gets rid of the natural oils in the scalp that are important for hair growth. Brush your hair over the side. 2 Divide the hair into two equal sections. 3 Take a small piece of hair from one section and pass it over to the next section. 4 Repeat with the other section of hair." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The time it takes to grow a mustache depends on how fast the hair grows and the type of mustache desired. On average, hair on the body, including the face, grows at a rate of 1/2-inch per month. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Caring For Your Skin. 1 1. Wash your face twice a day. It is very important to keep your face clean when trying to prevent pimples. 2 2. Use a noncomedogenic moisturizer. After washing it is important to apply a good moisturizer to hydrate the skin and prevent it from become dry and irritated. 3 3. Avoid touching your face or popping pimples." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Apply the paste with your fingers, but ONLY on the areas with unwanted hair. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes (depending on the sensitivity/dryness of your skin). Once the time has passed, wash it off with warm water. This is an ideal remedy for your legs, back, arms, and anywhere with less dense, thinner hair." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Waxing is a popular depilatory method where hair is removed from the roots for longer lasting results. Wax is applied to the skin and clings to the hairs. When wax is removed, the hairs are stuck to the wax, leaving your skin smooth.Hair regrowth becomes softer and results last longer than other forms of hair removal.imply smooth the strip over the wax you have applied in the direction of hair growth. Press firmly to ensure the wax has adhered to all the hairs. Hold skin taut with your other hand to avoid bruising. Remove your wax strip quickly in the opposite direction to hair growth and as close to the skin as possible." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 Start with 1/2 cup of lemon juice and mix it with 1/2 cup shampoo and then 1/2 cup of water in a bowl. ( 2 Sour cream will also act as a thickener if you don't wish to use shampoo.). 3 Get the mixture and put it in a spray bottle.4 Evenly spray the solution on your hair once a day, before you go outside for best results. Alternately, mix the juice of 1 lemon, 1 lime, and 1 orange, and run the mixture through your hair. 2 While lemon juice will naturally lighten your hair, it will also dry it out. 3 Try mixing it with water to dilute it, and be sure to wash and condition your hair after you go outside." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Wrap your entire head in plastic wrap. If you have long hair, gather it on top of your head before wrapping. Secure the plastic wrap with tape. Keep the plastic wrap on for six to eight hours, then remove it and wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Turn tap water to hot. Thoroughly wet the hand towel and squeeze out excess water into a sink. The towel should be damp. Step 5. Lie back on a bed or lounge chair. Open the hand towel and hold one end in each hand so that the long side is parallel to the floor. Lower the towel to the face so that the middle of the top edge of the towel touches right below the nose. Wrap the ends up and over the top of the face, spreading it out so that the chin, cheeks, eyes and forehead are covered, but the nose sticks out. Relax for five minutes. Step 6. Find the ends of the towel where they meet over the forehead. Grasp these and sweep them down and over the face, removing exfoliating cream along the way. Step 7. Look into a mirror. Use the damp towel to remove all remaining exfoliating cream. Rinse your face with warm water, and apply the appropriate moisturizer. Things You'll Need" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Again, get the high ponytail secured and use a bun maker or a hair tie or head scarf to wrap your hair around and pin in place. Once you have got the hang of it, it is one of the easiest ways to get your hair into a bun and make a bun that lasts all day without falling out of place.. Loop through bun. Create some volume in your hair using a brush, but be careful when backcombing because you don’t want to break the hair. You want to create volume around the crown of your head and the sides of your hair (think 50s bouffant)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "1 This will smooth the cuticles and make/keep your hair shiny. 2 Apply a homemade hair pack every 15 days to make your hair soft, shiny and long. 3 Sleep with a silk nightcap on or a silk pillowcase.4 This will keep down the frizz.ips. 1 Always rinse your hair in cold water at the end of your shower as it makes your hair look healthy. 2 Hot water can damage your hair and make it look dull. 3 Always be careful with chemicals you put near your hair." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "STORY HIGHLIGHTS. Brushing hair off your face is a combination of nerves and flirtation. If you nod in clusters of three, the speaker will sense your interest. Stuffing your hands in your pockets means you're probably hiding something." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The units of pressure are equivalent to energy per volume. Think about it for a second. Pressure comes from collisions of gas particles, and these particles collide more often in a gas with higher internal energy. The higher the energy per unit volume, the more collisions you have and the higher the gas pressure. In other words, energy and pressure are very closely related, contrary to your statement.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is unit of pressure energy']>>", "1 Look through magazines and talk with your hair stylist about what would look good with your facial structure. 2 Always keep your hair clean and styled, and make sure you go back to the salon every two to three months as your hair grows. 3 If you get your hair colored, make sure the shade of your hair is vibrant.ooking like a model includes maintaining a healthy body weight, keeping your skin, hair, nails, and teeth looking perfect, and choosing fashionable clothes and shoes every day. It’s also important to develop a signature style, walk, and presence if you want to look like a model. Keep reading to learn more." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Remove hair from your brush every time you use it. Hold the brush in one hand while grasping a comb in the other. If the comb has a pointed handle, hold the teeth (not the handle) and run the point of the handle through the bristles a few times to dislodge and remove any hair.ext, put a few drops of gentle shampoo on the bristles of a toothbrush and use the toothbrush to scrub the bristles and base of the hairbrush. Rinse the brush by swirling it around in the bowl of clean water. Tip: Don’t soak your hairbrush in water, as that could harm its cushion and any wooden parts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The top 3 ways we remove hair are shaving, waxing, and hair removal gels; each process can cause bumps, but all can be avoided if you follow the proper steps. Learn how to avoid bumps and get the smooth hair free look you want. Prevent Bumps On Skin After Waxing.If you use a wax to remove unwanted hair on your face, the chances are their will be some irritation to your skin. This is actually a good thing, because this tells you that your body is working to heal the area that was just waxed.he top 3 ways we remove hair are shaving, waxing, and hair removal gels; each process can cause bumps, but all can be avoided if you follow the proper steps. Learn how to avoid bumps and get the smooth hair free look you want. Prevent Bumps On Skin After Waxing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Start washing your face at your forehead, and work your way to your nose, then outward to your cheeks and eventually down to your face and neck. A proper face wash is a really simple way to maintain the health of your skin. Find out an easy four-step process with tips on how to wash your face. 1 Step 1: Begin by washing your hands. 2 Step 2: Wet your face completely with tepid water. 3 Step 3: One of the best ways to ensure that dirt and makeup are removed is by using a muslin cloth when you rinse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Rinse thoroughly. For healthy strands, condition your beard every few days. If you are planning on shaving your facial hair, soak your skin in some warm water or leave a warm, moist towel over your face for about 5 minutes. The warm water softens facial hair for an easier and smoother shave." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Keep the hair mask ritual once a week or every 10 days. Now, to lighten your hair naturally: 1. wait for spring/summer, 2. take a handful of dried chamomile flowers and make a strong decoction. Let it cool. Add the juice of half a lemon. 3. Spray your hair and let it dry in the sun." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it The provided query could be \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"As Jenny points out, being able to lisp the alphabet song at age two has little to do with 'knowing' the alphabet. And, yes, most children learn the letters by sight and sound in kindergarten, although most are capable of learning this information sooner if diligently taught by parents or others.\"]\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what age should a child know the alphabet']\"", "Keep Your Face From Getting Oily. 1 1. Wash your face less often. 2 2. Remove your makeup every night. 3 3. Don't use drying products. 4. Use makeup that won't cause your face to produce more 1 oil. 5. Finished." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Exactly How to Use Coconut Oil to Stop Your Hair From Going Gray, Thinning or Falling Out? Find this Pin and more on Health by milchristie. to keep hair looking young by preventing graying and falling out or thinning. Here is how you can use coconut oil on your hair to get the best benefits. Losing your hair?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In an unlucky confluence of events, just as our eyes start to go and we need a magnifier to apply makeup, we start getting more facial hair. So stand at arm's length in front of a regular mirror, she says. If you can't see the hair on your face, you don't need to do anything about it. (Gosh, I hope I'm right that you can't see the hair on my face from arm's length, but I get rid of it anyhow in case I want to encourage someone to come in for a close-up." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Condition well with a good natural conditioner. Bleaching your hair with peroxide can dry it out, and conditioner will protect it during the process. Let your hair air-dry instead of blow drying it. Pat it dry with a towel to keep it from dripping, comb it out gently, and let it dry for about thirty minutes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Turn off the water, and while still kneeling, pour a large amount of vinegar over your head. 2 Make sure that all strands are coated with the liquid. 3 Use warm water to rinse out all vinegar from your hair. 4 Alternatively, fill a sink with 1:1 parts water and vinegar.ry to get the person's hair entirely detangled, so that combing with a nit brush is easy and painless. 3. Begin to comb out the nits. To do this, you'll need a metal nit comb, which is fine-toothed and rigid, and usually better at removing nits than a plastic comb." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Also, avoid silicone, an ingredient that can prevent hair from soaking up much-needed moisture by repelling it. 2 Apply gel to hair that is freshly cleansed and wet while standing bent over at the waist with your head tilted forward. 3 Squirt some gel in the palms of your hands and evenly deposit it throughout your hair." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Giving your hair a day or two off is going to save the integrity of your hair. Have fun and try wearing a ponytail, bun, or braid the second day, or use a serum to control frizz and let your hair air dry. The wet look is on trend, but [it is] also a classic look. Try combing a medium-hold gel through your hair and creating a deep-side or strong-center part.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "• Exfoliate to loosen the skin and draw out the ingrown hair. • If the ingrown pubic hair is infected, use tweezers sterilized in hydrogen peroxide to remove the hair. After which, apply hydrogen peroxide and aloe vera to prevent further infection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For more ideas on how to do your face makeup for Halloween, check out Edgy Hair and Makeup Looks To Try For Halloween." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Using Other Products To Prevent Ingrown Hairs. 1 1. Trim the hair instead of shaving. 2 2. Exfoliate your pubic area regularly to prevent ingrown hairs. 3 3. Use chemical hair remover. 4. Try waxing as an alternative method to 1 chemicals. 5. Consider a permanent hair removal process." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Exfoliation. Wash your face with a gentle, oil-free cleanser specifically formulated for acne-prone skin. Apply the cleanser to an exfoliating pad and work in a circular motion every other day to encourage the shedding of damaged skin. Rinse your face and pat dry. Apply a mild salicylic acid solution.Salicylic acid works by preventing further breakouts and it gently exfoliates the top layer of skin. Apply a lightweight, noncomedogenic moisturizer with a sunscreen to protect your face from sunburn and over drying. In time, your acne scars will fade.ash your face with a gentle cleanser and rinse. Add the manufacturer's recommended amount of microdermabrasion cream to your face and work in a circular motion for two minutes with the handheld device or your fingertips. Do not apply too much pressure; allow the cream's ingredients to do the work." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Brush eyebrows up with a brush, and hold the tweezers from the middle. Hold the skin with the opposite hand, and gently stretch it. Place tweezers close to the skin, near the roots of the hair. You should always pull the hair out in the direction of growth to avoid breaking the hair follicle and causing ingrown hairs.lways check your work to see that your tweezing is symmetrical. Tweeze a few hairs from one brow, then stop and pluck a few from the other. Check to be sure hair is even on both brows. Avoid tweezing the top of the brow. Professional waxing can be used to remove those hairs. *Warning: Do not tweeze white hairs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Step #1: Let it air dry a bit. Smoothing out hair that's about 30% dry is faster than tackling it sopping wet, says Alli Webb, cofounder of Los Angeles-based Drybar. So gently towel-dry — or even better, a T-shirt, which will help prevent frizz — apply a lotion or serum (see step #2), comb, and let hair air out for 10 minutes." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent', \"Quartermaster is a military or naval term, the meaning of which depends on the country and service.In land armies, a quartermaster is generally a relatively senior soldier who supervises stores and distributes supplies and provisions.In many navies, quartermaster is a non-commissioned officer (petty officer) rank.n the modern navy, a quartermaster is a petty officer who specializes in navigation. The rating abbreviation is QM. The symbol used for the rating and worn on uniforms is a ship's wheel.\"] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is navu quartermaster']", "– Straightening your hair and using gels can make your hair appear thinner. – To thin out your hair get your hair cut with texturizing scissors. – Here is a recipe that works for some people. Completely soak your hair in mayo and leave it in for five hours each day for a week." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Exfoliate the area. Twice a day, scrub the ingrown hair gently. This will help to remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and oils that might be trapping the ingrown hair. It may also physically nudge the tip of the hair out of your skin.Try to hit the ingrown hair from a variety of directions.wice a day, scrub the ingrown hair gently. This will help to remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and oils that might be trapping the ingrown hair. It may also physically nudge the tip of the hair out of your skin. Try to hit the ingrown hair from a variety of directions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "5. If you want your facial hair to grow faster, taking good care of your skin is paramount. Exfoliate your skin on a regular basis to get rid of dirt and oil that clog the pores of your skin. Moisturise your skin to keep it from becoming dry and flaky. Drink lots of water to hydrate your system.xercise, surprisingly results in good hair growth. Exercise keeps the blood circulation running and helps you maintain a high metabolic rate. With a pumped-up heart rate, the rate of hair growth is also accelerated." ], [ "", "Do this every day for weeks and months at a time and the cumulative effect is hair that never grows past the shoulders. Wear protective styles such as buns, chignons, puffs and all else that keep the ends of hair off the shoulders. Better yet, as much as possible you should also try to keep the ends tucked away, too." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Each hair grows about 1/4 inch every month out of a follicle on your head, and it can keep growing for up to six years. Then as part of the natural cycle of hair, it will fall out and make way for a new hair. How long your hair is depends on how long your growing cycle lasts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This led to reduction in the growth of facial hair. If you want to reduce facial hair growth, 2 cups of spearmint tea is recommended daily. Laser Treatment. Laser hair removal is a good way to effectively stop hair growth on face." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Apply the mixture to your dark facial hair immediately after mixing and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing. If the bleach does not lighten your hair to your liking, you can repeat the process the next day. Peroxide and ammonia are strong chemicals, so don't use them to bleach your eyebrows or eyelashes.Perform a test patch on a small area of skin to make sure you won't have a negative reaction to the bleach.ydrogen Peroxide. Use hydrogen peroxide to lighten the hair on your face. You'll need to mix six percent hydrogen peroxide with ammonia to make the facial hair bleach. The Fat Free Kitchen website suggests mixing 10 drops of ammonia with 15 grams of hydrogen peroxide to create the bleach." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: When hair curls around and re-enters the skin (an ingrown hair), this creates a razor bump. To rid yourself of ingrown hairs and the resulting razor bumps -- use an exfoliato to remove dead skin cells or a face scrub to free ingrowns. Also, warming the face thoroughly will make shaving kinder to existing bumps." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Making an At-Home Hair Mask. 1 1. Raid your refrigerator. 2 2. Mix your ingredients together in a bowl. 3 3. Apply to first your roots, making sure to massage it in. 4. Apply the remainder of your potion to the rest of your hair. Make sure to coat your entire scalp on through to your 1 ends. 5. Put your hair up and leave for 30 minutes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Massage. 2 You can stimulate the hair follicles of your face just like you stimulate the follicles on your scalp with massage. 3 In order to get thicker hair, you can start with massaging your face 10-15 minutes twice a day. 4 Shaving." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To avoid these shaving problems, again, shave with the grain (that is, in the direction your hair grows). Each person's facial hair has its own growth pattern. If you are unsure of the direction of your beard, let it grow for a day or two and you'll see it.fter all, your face is the first thing they notice...... Make Sure Your Beard is Thoroughly Wet. One of the keys to a great close shave without irritation or razor burn is to make sure your beard is thoroughly wet. Facial hair will absorb moisture up to 30% of its volume." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Use moisturizer. After washing your face, immediately apply a moisturizing facial cream (or lotion) over the skin to lock in moisture. 1 You can also store your lotion in the refrigerator and apply it to your face when cold. 2 Cold products cause the blood vessels in your face to constrict and redness to fade.ou can use the gel from an aloe vera plant or buy it over the counter. Apply the aloe gel to your face twice daily to help decrease the redness. 1 To extract the gel from the aloe vera plant, remove a large leaf of aloe from the bottom of the plant." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Clean skin encourages small hair to grow. 3. Use a cream or moisturizer with eucalyptus. Products with eucalyptus are useful in helping hair grow more quickly on your face. 1 Remove any flaky or dry skin. 2 Moisturized skin creates a better environment for facial hair to grow quickly, which will create a beard fast.. Expect growing facial hair to be stiff. Because your hair will not all grow at the same pace, your face might get itchy and irritated. 1 If you suffer from itching or a rash, ask a doctor about applying a hydrocortisone cream to your face while you are growing a beard. 2 It will relieve the itching." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Keep Your Face From Getting Oily. 1 1. Wash your face less often. The oil our faces naturally produce is called sebum. 2 2. Remove your makeup every night. Wash your face every night before going to bed. 3 3. Don't use drying products." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One of the best ways to protect this area of your face is to put on a pair of sunglasses every single time you go outside spring, summer, fall and winter. There are very few oil glands in the eye area, so it can dry out very quickly, especially if you spend a great deal of time out of doors." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The skin on your face is especially sensitive, so it can dry out quicker than the rest of your skin. Here are a few helpful tricks and techniques to make dry, itching, and flaky facial skin go away for good.se mild, warm water instead of hot water. Warm water relaxes your pores and makes it easier to wash your face, but hot water can cause your skin to dry out faster." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Braiding your bangs and pinning them to the side to blend with your hair is a pretty way to hide your growing-out stage. Sweep your bangs to one side and braid them until you reach the end. Pin the end of the braid under a lock of hair on the side of your head, so the hair hides the pin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There needs to be enough hair to style. 2. Dampen the hair and comb all of it to the center and out of the way. 3. Start with an 1/8″ or 1/16 ” attachment and shave slightly past the round of the head making an even line all of the way around the head. 4. Fade the hair down to the desired length. It is easier to fade from longer to shorter than making a hard line of demarcation and blending it out. 5. Finish the outline around the perimeter of the haircut." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Give Your Face a Massage. ‘ A fine-grain powder can help absorb oil and get rid of dead skin cells that clog pores. Grind and sift 2 teaspoons of dry oats, then moisten with some witch hazel to form a paste. Using your fingertips, massage this paste gently into your skin, then rinse it away with warm water." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "who was roi soleil" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Le Roi Soleil (musical) Le Roi Soleil is a French musical about the life of Louis XIV (played by Emmanuel Moire). It premiered on 22 September 2005 at the Palais des Sports in Paris." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Roisin O' Brien (also sometimes spelled Rosinie O' Brien) was a distiguished scientist who lived on the shores of Scotland studying wild narwhales. She had a particular fascin … ation with their long horns that waved about like flacid members urging for her to stick in her tight, wet vagina." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "“We’re a total solutions provider, with three parts, service and sales locations in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio,” says Larry C. Davis, co-founder of Heil of Texas. “Our El Paso location expands our reach so we can better serve our valued customers in New Mexico, West Texas and the Texas Panhandle.” Davis spent 25 years in the solid waste industry on the chassis side before co-founding Heil of Texas, bringing his industry and dealership experience to the body side of the business." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A cave is a hollow place in the ground,[1][2] specifically a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. Caves form naturally by the weathering of rock and often extend deep underground. The word cave can also refer to much smaller openings such as sea caves, rock shelters, and grottos, though strictly speaking a cave is exogene, meaning it is deeper than its opening is wide, and a rock shelter is endogene. A cavern is a specific type of cave, naturally formed in soluble rock with the ability to grow speleothems. Speleology is the science of exploration and study of all aspects of caves and the cave environment. Visiting or exploring caves for recreation may be called caving, potholing, or spelunking.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a cavern formed by']", "Impression, Sunrise. Impression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet. Shown at what would later be known as the Exhibition of the Impressionists in April 1874, the painting is attributed to giving rise to the name of the Impressionist movement. Impression, Sunrise depicts the port of Le Havre, Monet's hometown, and is his most famous painting of the harbor." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Versailles, le rêve d’un roi (2007) IMDb Director: Thierry Binisti Versailles (2007) IMDb Director: Pierre Schöller Louis XV, le soleil noir (2009) IMDb Director: Thierry Binisti" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Olivier Martinez (born 12 January 1966) is a French film actor. He became known after roles in several French films such as Un, deux, trois, soleil (1993), which garnered him the César Award for Most Promising Actor, The Horseman on the Roof (1995), and The Chambermaid on the Titanic (1997)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Roi Wassabi (born in August 21,1991) Roi was born in Dagupan City, Philippines. He is Alex's best friend. He first appeared in The Fortune Teller along with Alex. Roi was born in the Philippines." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "French soleil (10c.) is from Vulgar Latin *soliculus, diminutive of sol; in Vulgar Latin diminutives had the full meaning of their principal words. s.o.l. initialism from shit out of luck (though sometimes euphemised), 1917, World War I military slang." ], [ "", "Impression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet. Shown at what would later be known as the Exhibition of the Impressionists in April 1874, the painting is attributed to giving rise to the name of the Impressionist movement.mpression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet. Shown at what would later be known as the Exhibition of the Impressionists in April 1874, the painting is attributed to giving rise to the name of the Impressionist movement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Louis XIV (. [lwi katɔʁz] ; 5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715), known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the Sun King (le Roi-Soleil [lə ʁwa sɔlɛj]), was a monarch of the House of Bourbon who ruled as King of France from 1643 until his death.ouis XIV was born on 5 September 1638 in the Chateau château De-Saint-germain-En laye To LOUIS xiii And anne Of. Austria he was Named Louis (Dieudonne dieudonné Louis-the) god given and also bore the traditional Title of french: Heirs. apparent dauphin" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (24 November 1864 – 9 September 1901), also known as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (French: [ɑ̃ʁi də tuluz lotʁɛk]), was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman and illustrator whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of Paris in the late 19th century allowed him to produce a collection of ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "soleil m (plural soleils) sun (star) Related terms . lever du soleil; coucher de soleil; solaire; solarium; Further reading “soleil” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cirque du Soleil's new touring production, Ovo, centers an insect ecosystem and the arrival of a mysterious new bug and an egg. Cirque du Soleil's new touring production, Ovo, centers an insect ecosystem and the arrival of a mysterious new bug and an egg. Deborah Colker, who choreographed Ovo, is Cirque du Soleil's first female director. Deborah Colker, who choreographed Ovo, is Cirque du Soleil's first female director." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Impression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet. Shown at what would later be known as the Exhibition of the Impressionists in April 1874, the painting is attributed to giving rise to the name of the Impressionist movement. Impression, Sunrise depicts the port of Le Havre, Monet's hometown, and is his most famous painting of the harbor." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The name SOLEIL is a backronym for Source optimisée de lumière d’énergie intermédiaire du LURE (LURE optimised intermediary energy light source), LURE meaning Laboratoire pour l’utilisation du rayonnement électromagnétique." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Cirque du Soleil perform at the 2007 CineVegas film festival awards. In 1984, a group of 20 street performers put together a circus show in the small town of Baie-Saint-Paul in Quebec, to celebrate the 450th anniversary of explorer Jacques Cartier's claiming of Canada for France." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "CIRQUE DU SOLEIL AT A GLANCE. From a group of 20 street performers at its beginnings in 1984, Cirque du Soleil is a major. Québec-based organization providing high-quality artistic entertainment. The company has. close to 4,000 employees, including 1,300 artists from more than 50 different countries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Roi Fabito, otherwise known as Roi Wassabi (Born in August 21,1991) is a 24 years old YouTuber, who was mainly discovered because of the YouTube channel, Wassabi Productions." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Just one week later, on April 15, Cirque du Soleil announced the cancellation of OVO in both Greensboro and Charlotte, North Carolina citing the recent signing of the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act by North Carolina governor Pat McCrory, the Company announced in a press release that Cirque du Soleil strongly believes in diversity and equality for every individual and is opposed to discrimination in any form." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Related Tags. Cirque du Soleil (French for Circus of the Sun) is an entertainment empire based in Montréal, Quebec, Canada and founded in Quebec in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fueled by state patronage, this cultural initiative channeled the creative forces of French elite culture into academies, luxury goods, industries, technology, engineering projects, and imperial expansion. State control of culture reached unprecedented heights under Louis XIV, the Sun King (le Roi Soleil)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The song's just basically a very masculine statement. Very much a he dog song. As I am a man.. Louis XIV was known as the Sun King (le Roi-Soleil), a nickname which originated from when the 15-year-old Louis wore the sun costume as he danced in the 13 hour Ballet de la nuit. at court.After that performance he decided to choose the Sun as his symbol.s I am a man.. Louis XIV was known as the Sun King (le Roi-Soleil), a nickname which originated from when the 15-year-old Louis wore the sun costume as he danced in the 13 hour Ballet de la nuit. at court. After that performance he decided to choose the Sun as his symbol." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Henri Theil. Henri (Hans) Theil (October 13, 1924 – August 20, 2000) was a Dutch econometrician, Professor at the Netherlands School of Economics in Rotterdam, known for his contributions to the field of econometrics. Contents." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "CALGARY, ALBERTA – January 26, 2017. Soleil Capital Corp. (“Soleil” or the “Corporation“) (TSX Venture: SOLE.P) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed its initial public offering (“Offering“) raising gross proceeds of $1,000,000 pursuant to a prospectus dated December 19, 2016 (the “Prospectus“)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Roi Fabito. Roi Fabito (born August 21, 1991 (1991-08-21) [age 25]) is the creator of the channel. He was born in the Philippines and later moved to Durham, North Carolina. He made the channel two years before he met Alex. He has three siblings: two brothers, Russell and Reymound, and one sister, Ariel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Oscar-Claude Monet (/moʊˈneɪ/ ; [klod mɔnɛ] ; 14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926) was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting.he term Impressionism is derived from the title of his painting Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first of the independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates as an alternative to the Salon de Paris." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In January 2016, Roi decided to leave Wassabi Productions in order to pursue his other passions, especially on his Gaming Channel, Guava Juice. Rolanda, as Roi's dual character, also had to leave and go to Guatemala. Individually, Alex is now in charge of Wassabi Productions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "General José Sanjurjo y Sacanell, 1st Marquis of the Rif (Spanish: [saŋˈxuɾxo]; 28 March 1872 – 20 July 1936), was a General in the Spanish Army who was one of the chief conspirators in the military uprising that led to the Spanish Civil War" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cirque du Soleil Saltimbanco-Sofia-Culture and Events in Sofia-Special Events in Sofia See a Cirque de Soleil performance in person. Cirque du Soleil is one of the best rated shows in Las Vegas that you cannot forget the experience in your lifetime. Cirque Du Soleil in Las Vegas has an international cast of world-class acrobats, synchronized swimmers, divers and characters. Find this Pin and more on I cirque by sueh67. Members of the Cirque du Soleil perform an acrobatic act." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Edgar Degas[p] (19 July 1834 - 27 September 1917), born Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas(French pronunciation: [ilɛʀ ʒɛʁmɛ̃ ɛdɡɑʀ doeˈɡɑ]), dœˈɡɑ was A french artist famous for his work in,painting, sculpture printmaking and. drawing" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈɛtsõ (w)ɐˈɾɐ̃tʃiz du nɐsiˈmẽtu]; born 23 October 1940), known as Pelé (Brazilian Portuguese: [pe̞ˈlɛ]), is a retired Brazilian professional footballer who played as a forward. He is widely regarded as the greatest football player of all time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "O (Cirque du Soleil) O is a water-themed stage production by Cirque du Soleil, a Canadian circus and entertainment company. The show has been in permanent residence at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, since October 1998." ], [ "represent the input\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm. All thunderstorms produce lightning and are very dangerous. If you hear the sound of thunder, then you are in danger from lightning. Lightning kills and injures more people each year than hurricanes or tornadoes; between 75 to 100 people.']\" Match: \"['Represent this', 'what creates the electrical charges in clouds that characterize lightning storms?']\"", "A Soleil is great dancer, and really, REALLY, hot. Completely dazzling, but she likes to deny that fact. She can be unusual, but so is to be expected from a Soleil. She won't date you for a while, but she still may be available. Watch out, she's very, very, very, easy to fall for. also, it's pronounced So-lay, she can get offended if you call her anything else." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Brussels, Belgium. René Magritte, in full René-François-Ghislain Magritte (born Nov. 21, 1898, Lessines, Belg.—died Aug. 15, 1967, Brussels) Belgian artist, one of the most prominent Surrealist painters, whose bizarre flights of fancy blended horror, peril, comedy, and mystery." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Soleil Capital is a technology holding company, whose assets include issued US and Chinese patents for atomization related products including technology for medical marijuana vaporizers and electronic cigarette products and components." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar was a Texas politician, poet, diplomat and soldier who was a leading Texas political figure during the Texas Republic era. He was the second President of the Republic of Texas after David G. Burnet and Sam Houston." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Roi was a shy and calm guy in middle school. Now he is shown to be funnier and silly like Alex. Alex and Roi appear on Wassabi Productions, with Roi sometimes playing fictional character, Rolanda." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"It's the moisture and contaminents that break down the DOT 3 and 4 fluids which is the reason to change the fluid in the first place. If you don't change it, what happens is moisture enters the system via the vented fill caps on the brake master cylinder. This moisture along with dust, mixes and travels in the system eventually making it's way to the lowest points in the system.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', \"what happens if you don't change brake fluid\"]\"", "Paolo Soleri (21 June 1919 – 9 April 2013) was an Italian architect. He established the educational Cosanti Foundation and Arcosanti. Soleri was a lecturer in the College of Architecture at Arizona State University and a National Design Award recipient in 2006, he died at home of natural causes on 9 April 2013 at the age of 93." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Kahlil Gibran (/dʒɪˈbrɑːn/; Full Arabic name Gibran Khalil Gibran, sometimes spelled Khalil; Arabic: جبران خليل جبران‎‎ / ALA-LC: Jubrān Khalīl Jubrān or Jibrān Khalīl Jibrān) (January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931) was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer of the New York Pen League." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beautiful Mid-Century tapestry designed by Camille Hilaire (1916-2004) and woven at Atelier Pinton Freres in Aubusson, France. Woven in wool, it dates to the 1950s and titled Soleil Da..." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "SOLEIL. SOLEIL is a synchrotron facility near Paris, France. It performed its first acceleration of electrons on May 14, 2006. The name SOLEIL is a backronym for Source optimisee optimisée de lumiere’lumière d energie éNERGIE, INTERMEDIAIRE intermédiaire Du lure lure'meaning laboratoire pour l. utilisation du rayonnement electromagnetique électromagnétique" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Places of interest to discover in the area surrounding St Moritz Roi Soleil Club Med. Make the most of your stay at St Moritz Roi Soleil Club Med to discover the natural beauty and fascinating culture of Switzerland." ], [ "Represent this:", "And you’ll be transported momentarily to a world of wonders. That’s what the creators of the latest Cirque du Soleil production — known as “KURIOS™ — Cabinet of Curiosities” — to show at Costa Mesa’s Orange County Fair and Event Center starting Oct. 15 through Nov. 29 want you to feel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Cirque du Soleil is a Québec company that has revived the modern day circus and grown exponentially through the years with performances seen by nearly 15 million spectators worldwide." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Connie Inge-Lise Nielsen is a Danish actress whose first major role in an English-language film was a supporting role in The Devil's Advocate. Her films include, Gladiator, Mission to Mars, One Hour Photo, Basic, The Hunted, The Ice Harvest, and Nymphomaniac. She starred as Meredith Kane on the Starz TV series Boss and was a lead character in the second season of The Following. She has joined the DC Extended Universe, appearing as Hippolyta in its films Wonder Woman and Justice League." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(1984 – present) Cirque du Soleil (French for Circus of the Sun) is an entertainment empire based in Montréal, Quebec, Canada and founded in Quebec in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Freddie James Prinze Jr (/ˈprɪnz/; born March 8, 1976) is an American actor. He starred in several films, such as I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998), She's All That (1999), Scooby-Doo (2002), and its sequel Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Impression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet.Shown at what would later be known as the Exhibition of the Impressionists in April 1874, the painting is attributed to giving rise to the name of the Impressionist movement.Impression, Sunrise depicts the port of Le Havre, Monet's hometown, and is his most famous painting of the harbor.mpression, Sunrise (French: Impression, soleil levant) is a painting by Claude Monet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Edgar Degas (US: / d eɪ ˈ ɡ ɑː / or UK: / ˈ d eɪ ɡ ɑː /; born Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas, French: [ilɛːʁ ʒɛʁmɛ̃ ɛdɡaʁ də ɡɑ]; 19 July 1834 – 27 September 1917) was a French artist famous for his paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Roisin Róisín (dubh Pronounced-ro sheen dove Or-ro sheen, doo Meaning Black Little), rose written in the 16th, century is one Of'ireland s most famous political. Songs it is based on an older-love lyric which referred to the'poet s beloved rather, than as, here being a metaphor For. irelandhe song is named after Roisin Róisín, dubh probably one of the daughters Of Aodh MOR Mór, o ó Neill néill earl of tyrone In. The late 16th century the song is reputed to have originated In The CAMPS Of. aodh rua o ó domhnaill" ], [ "represent the natural language", "Welcome to Roi Games,a game production kingdom. Roi Games is an innovative game production company. that was brought together by veteran game developers with 15+ years of experience. from Sonnori and Roi Visual, a leading global video content company." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "René François Ghislain Magritte was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images that fell under the umbrella of surrealism." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Soleil. Soleil. Meaning sun in French, is stylish beach front restaurant renowned for its divine Sunday Brunch that takes you on a culinary journey through the Mediterranean with freshest of unique creations together with scrumptious Pan-Asian cuisine." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The patriarch of the family was François Soleil Sr. who worked directly with Augustin Fresnel in the creation of the first Fresnel lens. The date of François Soleil’s birth is uncertain; he died in 1846. He had a son Jean-Baptiste Soleil (usually referred to as François Soleil Jr.) and two daughters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From Old French soleil. Noun . soleil m (plural soleils) sun (star) Descendants . French: soleil" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Roi Wassabi (born in August 21,1991) Roi was born in Dagupan City, Philippines. He is Alex's best friend. He first appeared in The Fortune Teller along with Alex." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Who was Alfred Vail? Alfred Lewis Vail (September 25, 1807 – January 18, 1859) was an American inventor who, along with Samuel Morse, was central in developing and commercializing American telegraphy. Vail and Morse were the first two telegraph operators on Morse's first experimental line between Washington, DC, and Baltimore, and Vail took charge of building and managing several early telegraph lines." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As he saw it, he was the direct representative of God. He chose the sun as his emblem and cultivated the image of an omniscient and infallible “Roi-Soleil” (“Sun King”) around whom the entire realm orbited. Louis is often remembered for statement “L’État, c’est moi” (“I am the State”)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "roil v. 1580s, of uncertain origin, probably from Middle French rouiller to rust, make muddy, from Old French roil mud, muck, rust (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *robicula, from Latin robigo rust (see robust). An earlier borrowing of the French verb is Middle English roil to roam or rove about (early 14c.). Related: Roiled; roiling. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Hotels.com, Booking.com, Priceline and Travelocity so you can book your Hotel Roi Soleil Colmar reservations with confidence. We help millions of travelers each month to find the perfect hotel for both vacation and business trips, always with the best discounts and special offers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Roi Wassabi (born in August 21,1991) Roi was born in Dagupan City, Philippines. He is Alex's best friend." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Beethoven was the grandson of Ludwig van Beethoven (de) (1712–73), a musician from the town of Mechelen in the Duchy of Brabant in the Flemish region of what is now Belgium, who at the age of twenty moved to Bonn.roica is a 1949 Austrian film depicting the life and works of Beethoven (Ewald Balser). It was entered into the 1949 Cannes Film Festival. The film is directed by Walter Kolm-Veltee, veltée produced By Guido bagier With Walter-Kolm veltee veltée and Written By-Walter kolm Veltee Veltée. with franz tassie tassié" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Related terms. 1 lever du soleil. 2 coucher de soleil. 3 solaire. solarium. “ soleil” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "One of our top picks in Colmar. This property is a 8-minute walk from the beach. Each room at Hôtel Roi Soleil Prestige features a unique fresco painting and has flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi and a Nespresso machine. The hotel is on the outskirts of Colmar, a 10 minute drive from the center of the city." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Edgar Degas (US: /deɪˈɡɑː/ or UK: /ˈdeɪɡɑː/; born Hilaire-Germain-Edgar De Gas, French: [ilɛːʁ ʒɛʁmɛ̃ ɛdɡaʁ də ɡɑ]; 19 July 1834 – 27 September 1917) was a French artist famous for his paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Roi was a shy and calm guy in middle school. Now he is shown to be funnier and silly like Alex. Alex and Roi appear on Wassabi Productions, with Roi sometimes playing fictional character, Rolanda.e have 2 brothers and 1 sister. When he was 2, he moved to North Carolina. He met Alex in middle school. :) After he graduate from college, he move to Los Angeles, California. He moved in an apartment in September 2014. 1 year later, he moved out of the apartment and moved in a house with Marlin, Will, and Kimmy." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "weather in tianjin in july" ]
[ [ "", "Climate graph Tianjin. The driest month is January, with 4 mm of rain. With an average of 182 mm, the most precipitation falls in July. Temperature graph Tianjin. July is the warmest month of the year. The temperature in July averages 26.5 °C. January has the lowest average temperature of the year. It is -3.7 °C." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Shanghai steps into summer in June, which is hot and wet, really sweltering. There is a 'Plum Rain Season' (Meiyu Season) from mid-June to early July in Shanghai." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Shanghai’s summer is hot and sticky. The peak of the heat arrives in July and August, with temperatures soaring to a sweltering 35-40C (95-100F) on the hottest days. This season also means heavy rain and high humidity, so you may find yourself dashing from one air-conditioned building to the next at times." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'ABOUT MNSTEESLS. MnSteels supplier of high quality Jaw Crusher Plates, Jaw Crusher liners, Cone Crusher Liners, Manganese Steel casting made by manganese steel casting.MnSteels supplies 14%, 18% and 21% manganese crusher liners for different requirements, it is proven that MnSteels liners offer longer wear life... READ MORE...']>> to \"['represent this.\\nGiven currency code for us dollars, a positive would be Currency Codes. Currency codes are three letter codes used to identify currencies. Widely used in finance and news reporting, currency codes are specified by the International Standards Organization (ISO) under their ISO 4217 standard. Generally, the first two letters of a currency code indicate the country of origin and the third letter the name of the currency. For example, USD denotes the United States dollar and JPY the Japanese yen. & a negative would be The United States Dollar is also known as the American Dollar, and the US Dollar. The symbol for USD can be written $. The United States Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The exchange rate for the United States Dollar was last updated on October 2, 2015 from The International Monetary Fund.The USD conversion factor has 6 significant digits.he symbol for USD can be written $. The United States Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The exchange rate for the United States Dollar was last updated on October 2, 2015 from The International Monetary Fund. The USD conversion factor has 6 significant digits.', 'what type of steel are cone crusher liners made of?']\"", "Central China, excluding the western plateau region, is a warm temperate zone, with all four seasons. Temperatures are higher and the area benefits from supply of water from the Yangtze. In Beijing, temperatures regularly soar up to 30°C between June and August." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Weather in July. The hot and humid season is there... July is generaly fairly dry, beside some heavy showers that mostly only last up to a hour. The maximum temperature averages 30 °C and the minimum temperature is around 25 °C." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "July is normally very hot and humid with an average temperature of 27 C for the month and 12 days of rainfall, there is a consolation as this brings about some sort of climatic balance although it is still humid even on the rainy days. The average high temperature for the month is 31°C droppi..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Overnight temperatures are generally quite mild with an average low of 11.4 °C (52.5 °F). 2 The mean diurnal temperature variation/ range in July is 7.5 °C (13.5 °F). The weather in July is slightly dry with rain periodically. Only 50mm (2in) of H2O is deposited across an average of 17 days." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Answered by Jasmine from China | Jun. 21, 2011 20:58. 00Reply. It will be hot and the temperature would be above 35 degrees at noon. It is impossible to know the weather report for July right now. Usually the weather report is still advisable one or two days before. It will be rainy in Guilin." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Weather in Tianjin in August 2017. Check the weather in Tianjin in August based on long-term weather averages before you book your next holiday to China in 2017. Expect daytime temperatures to reach 30°C with on average 8 hours of sunshine per day in Tianjin in August." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "It is hot and humid, but not as hot as other cities in China, so Harbin is also a good summer resort. 60% of the annual rainfall happens in July and August. July is the hottest month of the year, with an average high temperature at 28 °C (83 °F) and an average low at 18 °C (65 °F)." ], [ "Represent the input", "Shenzhen’s summer months are very warm and humid. During June, July and August, daily highs reach 32-34°C with overnight low is in the mid 20s Celsius. This is the wettest time of the year, with a torrential 14 inches or so of rain each month, and rain on most days of the month." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Xian: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Xian with an average temperature of 26°C (79°F) and the coldest is January at 1°C (33°F). The wettest month is September with an average of 110mm of rain. Loading weather data. Please wait…. Loading weather data." ], [ "", "Summer (June-August). It is hot and humid, but not as hot as other cities in China, so Harbin is also a good summer resort. 60% of the annual rainfall happens in July and August. July is the hottest month of the year, with an average high temperature at 28 °C (83 °F) and an average low at 18 °C (65 °F)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Culture Street in Winter. Located near Beijing, Tianjin's weather is similarly characterized by four distinct seasons – dry and windy springs, hot and rainy summers, cool and pleasant autumns, dry and cold winters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Seasons: Summer in Beijing is hot and humid, while winter is cold and dry. Spring and autumn are short and cool. 75% of the annual precipitation is concentrated in summer from June to August, with frequent showers in July and August." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Average Weather in July in Belo Horizonte Brazil. In Belo Horizonte, the month of July is characterized by essentially constant daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 77°F throughout the month, rarely exceeding 83°F or dropping below 70°F." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tianjin Weather. Located near Beijing, Tianjin's weather is similarly characterized by four distinct seasons – dry and windy springs, hot and rainy summers, cool and pleasant autumns, dry and cold winters." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Average July temperature: 17ºC / 63ºF. 2 July average high: 23ºC / 74ºF. 3 July average low: 12ºC / 54ºF. 4 July is the least rainy month in a city famous for its rain. 5 Visitors can expect rain about 7 days out of 31 in July. July average high: 23ºC / 74ºF. 2 July average low: 12ºC / 54ºF. 3 July is the least rainy month in a city famous for its rain. 4 Visitors can expect rain about 7 days out of 31 in July." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "75% of the annual precipitation is concentrated in summer from June to August, with frequent showers in July and August. The coldest month is January at an average of -4 °C (25 °F), and the hottest month is July at an average of 26 °C (79 °F). Beijing is suitable for travel all year round. In terms of season, autumn (September to November) is the best season to visit Beijing. Throughout the year, there are many festivals which provide great opportunities for getting to know about local life and customs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Weather in Olympia in July 2017. Check the weather in Olympia in July before you book your next holiday in Peloponnese. Long-term weather average give the best indication of the weather in July 2017 and includes figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall for Olympia, Peloponnese, Greece. Weather in Olympia in July. The average maximum daytime temperature in Olympia in July is a hot 30°C (86°F) with high heat & humidity. There are usually 13 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 89% of the 14 hours of daylight. Expect 6mm (0.2 inches) of rainfall across the whole of July with 1 day with some rain falling." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "July is normally very hot and humid with an average temperature of 27 C for the month and 12 days of rainfall, there is a consolation as this brings about some sort of climatic balance although it is still humid even on the rainy days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Summer lasts 120 days from May 15 to Spetember 15; Beijing is hot and rainy in summer, especially in July and August - the two months are the hottest and most plentiful in rain for a year. May and June are more comfortable than July and August." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "July is normally very hot and humid with an average temperature of 27 C for the month and 12 days of rainfall, there is a consolation as this brings about some sort of climatic balance although it is still humid even on the rainy days. The average high temperature for the month is 31°C droppi... Read more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "On average, July is the wettest month of the summer season, when 68mm of precipitation falls over 18 days. The most common types of precipitation for this season are moderate rain and thunderstorms. On the other hand, the summer season also sees the highest amount of sunshine for Prague." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Guide to Belo Horizonte weather in July The average maximum daytime temperature in Belo Horizonte in July is a warm 25°C (77°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cool 12°C (54°F)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Beijing: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Beijing with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at -4°C (25°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in June.The wettest month is August with an average of 182mm of rain.Loading weather data.uly is the hottest month in Beijing with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at -4°C (25°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in June." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Shanghai Weather. Shanghai weather is generally mild and moist, with four distinctive seasons - a pleasant warm spring, a hot rainy summer, a comfortable cool autumn, and an overcast cold winter. The weather of Shanghai in July and August is the hottest, with more than 10 days' high temperatures above 35 C (95 F). The coldest period is from late January to early February. The location at the estuary of the Yangtze River to the East China Sea makes the city so wet that it rains for about one third of the year. Best Time to Visit Shanghai" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Evenings can cool off considerably especially by the water, so a jacket is still necessary. 1 Average July temperature: 21ºC / 68ºF. 2 July average high: 24ºC / 80ºF. 3 July average low: 16ºC / 60ºF. 4 Visitors can expect rain about 10 days out of 31 in July." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "10:30 PM 11C. This WeatherCity Weather Forecast for Tianjin, Tianjin Shi, China is computed using a computer-generated forecast model and should be considered experimental. Please confirm this forecast with the forecast issued from your local weather bureau. Like all large websites, WeatherCity has substantial operating costs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beijing: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Beijing with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at -4°C (25°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in June. The wettest month is August with an average of 182mm of rain. Average Temperature: Beijing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Annual Weather Averages Near Tianjin. 1 All Year Climate & Weather Averages in Tianjin. 2 January Climate & Weather Averages in Tianjin. 3 February Climate & Weather Averages in Tianjin. March Climate & Weather Averages in 1 Tianjin. April Climate & Weather Averages in Tianjin. May Climate & Weather Averages in Tianjin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Check the Weather in Beijing, China in July before you book your next holiday. This gives the best indication of the weather in July and includes figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall." ], [ "Represent the input", "(Tianjin, China) 1 Located in the far north-eastern part of China, the city of Tianjin experiences hot summers, a fairly humid climate, and blasts of cold weather during the winter months. Tianjin is known to experience extremes in weather at times, including monsoon periods in the summer months." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Beijing: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Beijing with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at -4°C (25°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in June. The wettest month is August with an average of 182mm of rain. Average Temperature: Beijing. Loading weather data." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Shanghai: Annual Weather Averages July is the hottest month in Shanghai with an average temperature of 29 °C (84 °F) and the coldest is January at 4 °C (39 °F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 8 in August. The wettest month is September with an average of 156mm of rain." ], [ "", "Beijing Weather in June. Weather: June is the beginning of summer season. The summer rains begin, with occasional thunderstorms. Temperatures range from 18 to 30 °C (64 to 86 °F) on average. It is a perfect combination month of good weather and less tourists.ragon Boat Festival usually takes place during June (otherwise it's in late May; the festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th month according to the Chinese lunar calendar). There are various celebrations in the city." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Summer (June-August). It is hot and humid, but not as hot as other cities in China, so Harbin is also a good summer resort. 60% of the annual rainfall happens in July and August. July is the hottest month of the year, with an average high temperature at 28 °C (83 °F) and an average low at 18 °C (65 °F).pring (March-May). The weather is dry and windy, with changeable temperatures that may rise or fall by 10 degrees Celsius just overnight. Average high and low temperatures are 2 to -11 °C (34 - 12 °F) in March, 12 to -6 °C (55 - 31 °F) in April, 21 to 7 °C (70-45 °F) in May." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For Lhasa, bring your coat and dress in layers. On some days you could wear shorts. — Dali, Lijiang, Xishuangbanna, Kunming, Chengdu…. June is the beginning of real summer weather in China. The summer heat begins to set in and the temperature rises over 30°C (86°F) in most of China.The regions south of the Yangtze River are in their peak summer rainy season.his area of China around the Yangtze River has its rainiest month in June. High temperatures and high humidity mean the area is sweltering. The mountains around Zhangjiajie feel cooler and are good places to go in hot weather. Clothing: Rain gear, shorts, and light clothes are enough." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Summer (from June to the end of August) can be extremely hot with temperatures well above 72 F, especially in the famous ‘four furnaces’ of China: Wuhan, Tianjin, Chongqing and Nanchang. Summer is a rainy season, so bring umbrellas, light raincoats and rubber/plastic shoes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beijing Weather in July. July is both the hottest and wettest month of Beijing, with temperatures reaching up to 40C (104F) during the day accompanied with a moderate rainfall of 185mm (7 inches). Thunderstorms are frequent along with sudden torrential rain." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Averages for Jeddah in July. July is the hottest month in Jeddah with very hot and humid weather making conditions rather uncomfortable in the daytime, indeed, people rarely go outside. July is characterised by constant high temperatures; with daily highs averaging around 39C throughout the month and even reaching 41C." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beijing is located in the warm temperature zone and has a continental climate. Annual rainfall averages nearly 700 millimetres, most of it comes in July and August. The frost-free period is 185 days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Expect 156mm (6.1 inches) of rainfall across the whole of August with 12 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be very high (9 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear. The average night-time temperature is usually a warm 22°C (72°F). The weather in Tianjin in August is represented by Tianjin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Beijing: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Beijing with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at -4°C (25°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in June. The wettest month is August with an average of 182mm of rain. Loading weather data." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Anyway, most of the city's tourist attractions are historical sites that are not affected by the change of season. Therefore, tourists can come to Beijing all year round. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of only 4.5ºC, while July is the hottest with an average of 28ºC. In autumn and spring, jeans and a sweater are usually enough. T-Shirts and shorts and very high factor sun cream are for the summer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The average day light hours per day in Furanafushi in July are 12.3 and there are 5.6 hours of sunshine per day on average during July making it a sunny month that is overcast at times. The ultraviolet index in Furanafushi in July is typically 12.5 during July." ], [ "represent this text!", "The weather of Harbin's summer, from June to August, is not as hot as the other cities of inland China, with plenty of rainfall. It is the rainiest season of the year, but with little storm. The highest temperature is just 23 C (73 F) on average, which occurs in July. Thus, it is an ideal place to escape the summer heat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This came a day after an extraordinary hailstorm at the main river beach in Novosibirsk, Siberia's largest city. Picture: Sergey Repin Thermometers have been yo-yoing in July as Siberia copes with weather extremes that have seen record-breaking summer temperatures in major cities. Despite this, freak hailstones larger than hen eggs hit Kemerovo while a beach and park in Novosibirsk was left with an icy sheen of white, like in winter." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Weather in Urumqi in July 2018. Expect 31°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 10 hours of sunshine per day in Urumqi in July. Check more long-term weather averages for Urumqi in July before you book your next holiday to China in 2018. 1 Urumqi weather overview. 2 Urumqi monthly weather. 3 Urumqi 5-day forecast. 4 China holidays. 5 China destinations. 6 China map. 7 More destinations." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Laura Denison is 42 years old and was born on 08/21/1975. Currently, she lives in Des Moines, IA; and previously lived in norwalk, IA and guernsey, IA. Sometimes Laura goes by various nicknames including Laura E Dennison, Laura E Denison,. She currently works as Iowa search and rescue . Her ethnicity is Caucasian, and religious views are listed as Christian.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where does laura denison live']\"", "Guide to Urumqi weather in July. The average maximum daytime temperature in Urumqi in July is a hot 31°C (88°F) with moderate heat & humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually a comfortable 18°C (64°F). There are usually 10 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 68% of the 15 hours of daylight." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Shanghai Weather Shanghai weather is generally mild and moist, with four distinctive seasons - a pleasant warm spring, a hot rainy summer, a comfortable cool autumn, and an overcast cold winter. The weather of Shanghai in July and August is the hottest, with more than 10 days' high temperatures above 35 C (95 F)." ], [ "represent\nFewshot example: \"['', 'History of Cotton Candy. Originally called Fairy Floss, the process of making Cotton Candy was invented by four men: Thomas Patton, Josef Delarose Lascaux, John C. Wharton, and William Morrison.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who made cotton candy first']\"", "Forbidden City in Winter. Beijing weather features four distinct seasons - short windy spring, long hot summer, cool pleasant autumn, and long chilly winter. July and August are the hottest months with the highest temperature around 37 C (99 F), while January is the coldest time with the lowest temperature around -15 C (5 F)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Shanghai Weather. Shanghai weather is generally mild and moist, with four distinctive seasons - a pleasant warm spring, a hot rainy summer, a comfortable cool autumn, and an overcast cold winter. The weather of Shanghai in July and August is the hottest, with more than 10 days' high temperatures above 35 C (95 F). The coldest period is from late January to early February. The location at the estuary of the Yangtze River to the East China Sea makes the city so wet that it rains for about one third of the year." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Shenzhen in Summer. Shenzhen’s summer months are very warm and humid. During June, July and August, daily highs reach 32-34°C with overnight low is in the mid 20s Celsius.This is the wettest time of the year, with a torrential 14 inches or so of rain each month, and rain on most days of the month.henzhen in Winter. Shenzhen’s winters are unpredictable; temperatures can be as high as 24°C during the day, or as low as 1°C overnight. However, frosts are rare and on most nights the thermometer does not drop into single figures. Winter showers are relatively light, and snow is unheard of." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We are looking at doing a Grand Tour - 19 days with China Direct and it seems to tick all the boxes for what we want to see - from Beijing, Xian, Chendu, Yantze cruise, Guillin and Shanghai. And the price is good too I think.. Anyone with views on the humidity/weather aspect of China in July. Thank you." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The weather in July is slightly dry with rain occasionally. Only 56.2mm (2.2in) of water tumbles during on average 12 days. The shortest day is 15:41 long and the longest day is 16:49 long with an average length of 16:21." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "More about Tianjin weather in August. The average maximum daytime temperature in Tianjin in August is a hot 30°C (86°F) with high heat & humidity. There are usually 8 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 55% of the 14 hours of daylight." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Santa Rosa Beach is an unincorporated community in Walton County, Florida, United States. It belongs to the Fort Walton Beach-Crestview-Destin, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. Santa Rosa Beach is located on the Emerald Coast, between Laguna Beach and Destin.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is santa rosa beach florida located']", "Shanghai climate is generally mild and moist, with four distinctive seasons - a pleasant warm spring, a hot rainy summer, a comfortable cool autumn, and an overcast cold winter. The weather of Shanghai in July and August is the hottest, with more than 10 days' high temperatures above 35 C (95 F). The coldest period is from late January to early February. The location at the estuary of the Yangtze River to the East China Sea makes the city so wet that it rains for about one third of the year." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "July is the hottest month in Beijing. So June is a transit month between the early summer (later May) to the hottest summer (late July). The average high temperature for June in Beijing is around highest 30℃ and lowest 17℃.A short T-shirt is all right for the day, but sometime you have to bring long-sleeve clothing for cool nights.lease check the following Historical Climate Data for June in B eijing and prepare for your Beijing Trip. Historical Climate Data for June in Beijing This past 50-year historical weather data is quite useful for you to plan your trip to Beijing well in advance." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Summers, by contrast are hot and wet, with temperatures peaking near 30°C (86°F) during the mid-summer months of July and August. In Central China, including Beijing, the weather follows a warm, temperate pattern, with temperatures soaring between June and August. Along the Yangtze River the summer months are very humid. Summers (May to October) also bring a fair amount of rain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Overnight temperatures are generally mild with an average low of 13 °C (55.4 °F). 2 In July the average diurnal temperature range/ variation is 9 °C (16.2 °F). The weather in July is dryish with rain once in a while. Just 81mm (3.2in) of H2O is discharged across on average 15 days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Beijing is located in the warm temperature zone and has a continental climate. Annual rainfall averages nearly 700 millimetres, most of it comes in July and August." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Shenyang belongs to the temperate climate zone and is greatly influenced by monsoons all the year round. The lowest temperature is -28.5C and the highest is 36.1C. The weather of July is the hottest of the year with an average temperature of 24.7C, but it is much cooler than almost all the cities in southern China. January is the month with the lowest temperature of the year of about -11C averagely." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beijing Weather in July. CityWeather. July is both the hottest and wettest month of Beijing, with temperatures reaching up to 40C (104F) during the day accompanied with a moderate rainfall of 185mm (7 inches). Thunderstorms are frequent along with sudden torrential rain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Shanghai Weather. Shanghai climate is generally mild and moist, with four distinctive seasons - a pleasant warm spring, a hot rainy summer, a comfortable cool autumn, and an overcast cold winter. The weather of Shanghai in July and August is the hottest, with more than 10 days' high temperatures above 35 C (95 F)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In this case, the whole year round is good time to visit Xiamen except that typhoons influence the weather four to five times during the months from July to September. The annual temperatures of Xiamen average 21 C (about 70 F) and rainfall abounds mainly in the months from May to August.eafood Taking advantage of Xiamen’s vicinity to the sea, its seafood has unparalleled freshness. It is all over the place in Xiamen, and especially in Gulangyu, and is a great introduction to the culinary delights of the town. Oysters (Muli), Crabs (Pangxie) and Prawns (Xia) are the best of the batch." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "where is kinston nc" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Kinston is a city in Lenoir County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 21,677 at the 2010 Census. It has been the county seat of Lenoir County since its formation in 1791. Kinston is located in North Carolina's Inner Banks region." ] ]
[ [ "Represent text", "For the past century, the Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce has been the business voice of this region. We provide members with networking, learning and marketing opportunities, government advocacy and more. Join The Chamber Membership Benefits." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ECU| GREENVILLE| JACKSONVILLE| KINSTON| NEW BERN| WASHINGTON| BEAUFORT COUNTY| CARTERET COUNTY| CRAVEN COUNTY | DARE COUNTY | DUPLIN COUNTY | GREENE COUNTY | LENOIR COUNTY | MARTIN COUNTY | ONSLOW COUNTY | PAMLICO COUNTY | PITT COUNTY." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Neuse River. Neuse River, river in northeast-central North Carolina, U.S., formed by the junction of the Flat, Little, and Eno rivers in Durham county. Named in 1584 for the Neusiok Indians, it flows about 275 miles (440 km), generally southeast past Kinston, the head of navigation." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Caswell Developmental Center in Kinston, NC is the state operated developmental center for North Carolina’s eastern region." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Option 1: Travel south on Interstate 95. From the Virginia State Line go 59 miles to Wilson, North Carolina and take Exit 119A/Highway 264 East. Travel 11 miles on Highway 264 East to Exit 49/Highway 58 South. At Snow Hill take right on Highway 258 South to Highway 70 East in Kinston. Take left on Highway 70 East to Highway 58 South in Kinston." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Please verify you are human. The Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce has been serving Kinston and Lenoir County since 1911. The Chamber acts as a voice and advocate for the community regarding economic, community and government issues and represents Kinston and Lenoir County as a great place to live, work and play. © Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lenoir County, NC is centrally located in eastern NC approximately 75 miles east of Raleigh (our state’s capital) and 75 miles west of Morehead City (one of our seaports and the beautiful crystal coast). Our county is a blend of agriculture and manufacturing. Lenoir County has three incorporated municipalities: Kinston is the county seat, LaGrange, lies approximately 10 miles west of Kinston and Pink Hill approximately 15 miles south of Kinston. Whether you are a long time resident, newcomer or thinking of relocating to Lenoir County we hope you will find everything you are looking for on this website." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Goldston is located in southern Chatham County at (35.592478, -79.329615 U.S. Route 421, a four-lane expressway, passes northeast of the town, with access from Exit 159. US 421 leads southeast 12 miles (19 km) to Sanford and northwest 44 miles (71 km) to Greensboro." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We are an open-door shelter and annually accept approximately 2,500 stray, neglected, abused or surrendered animals from Lenoir County, North Carolina. We do not limit this intake based on health, temperament or age. We receive only partial funding for shelter operations from Kinston/Lenoir County, leaving us with a significant deficit every month." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Home Value | Refinance Your Home Today 528 Oak Bluff Rd, Kinston, NC, 28504." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Welcome to Country Homes. Country Homes by Phil Kinsey is a family owned and operated business having built custom, quality homes in and around Northeast Georgia for over 30 years! We build homes in Gainesville, Ga and Hall County + Forsyth, Jackson, Banks, Franklin, Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Habersham, and Stephens Counties." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Walstonburg, North Carolina. Walstonburg is a town in Greene County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 219 at the 2010 census. It is located north of Snow Hill on North Carolina Highway 91. The town is part of the Greenville Metropolitan Area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lenoir County. There are 447 real estate listings found in Lenoir County, NC. There are 4 cities in Lenoir County which include Kinston , Pink Hill , La Grange , and Deep Run . There are 7 zip codes in Lenoir County which include 28504 , 28501 , 28572 , 28551 , and 28525 ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "130 South Queen Street | Post Office Box 3289 Kinston, NC 28502 Phone: (252) 559-6450 Fax: (252) 559-6454" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Southern Elegance & Hospitality. Discover a place where tradition, charm and grace meet first class amenities. Established in 1924, Kinston Country Club is a landmark in Eastern North Carolina. Kinston Country Club has a commitment to provide the finest in all our amenities. This commitment extends to the outstanding level of service and given to our members and guests." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "para]]ATLANTA, May 4, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Cousins Properties Incorporated (NYSE: CUZ) and Northwood Ravin announce today the execution of a 50/50 joint venture to develop Carolina Square, a $120 million mixed-use project located adjacent to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pittston is about 32 square miles in size, is about 7 miles south of the capital of Augusta, and about 15 miles north of the coastal town of Wiscasset. A town of just under 2,700 residents, Pittston lies along the eastern bank of the Kennebec River just across from the City of Gardiner. It is bordered by the towns of Randolph to the north, Whitefield to the east, and Dresden to the south." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Goldston, North Carolina. Goldston is a town in Chatham County, North Carolina, United States, south of Pittsboro. The population was 268 at the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "According to our research of North Carolina and other state lists there were 6 registered sex offenders living in Goldston, North Carolina as of August 30, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Goldston to the number of sex offenders is 46 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Cary, NC (32.4 miles , pop. 94,536)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Discover Kinston Chamber of Commerce Flip through the digital version of Livability Kinston magazine to read about how The Arts Help Fuel the Future of Kinston's Economy,and why Manufacturing Makes a Comeback in Lenoir County" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Your County Coordinator is Russell King. Lenoir County was formed in 1791 from Dobbs and named after William Lenoir. The county seat is at Kinston and Lenoir County is bordered by Jones, Craven, Pitt, Greene, Wayne & Duplin counties. Photo credit: Queen Street in Kinston ca. 1953. Photo courtesy of the NC Postcard Collection. Map credit: “Map of North Carolina highlighting Lenoir County“." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Sponsored Topics. Walstonburg is a town in Greene County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 224 at the 2000 census, and estimated to be 233 in 2006. Its map location is due north of Snow Hill on NC Highway 91. The town is part of the Greenville Metropolitan Area." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to Auto Depot Lot 2! At Auto Depot Lot 2 we sell a wide variety of quality used cars, trucks, and SUVs in Walstonburg, NC. Located in Greene County, we are a short drive away from Greenville and Wilson. We offer multiple financing options to help you finance your next used car, including buy here pay here (on the lot) financing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Refinance Calculator. 1 With an expected re-financing cost of $0 and a monthly savings of $1,768 a month, someone re-financing 528 Oak Bluff Rd, Kinston, NC should expect a break even point of 0 years 0 months. If you are planning on staying in your home for more than this period, financing may be an option." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "U.S. Route 117, a four-lane highway, runs along the western edge of Mount Olive, leading north 14 miles (23 km) to Goldsboro and south 15 miles (24 km) to Warsaw. North Carolina Highway 55, which crosses US 117 at the north end of town, leads east 31 miles (50 km) to Kinston and west 17 miles (27 km) to Newton Grove. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town of Mount Olive has a total area of 2.7 square miles (6.9 km2), all land." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The franchise originated in 1978 as the Kinston Eagles of Kinston, North Carolina. In 2012 they relocated to Zebulon amid a series of purchases and moves, and took up the name of the previous Carolina Mudcats team." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The State of North Carolina is proud to offer four, full-service, State Veterans Homes. They are located adjacent to the VA Medical Center in Fayetteville, on the W.G. Hefner Medical Center campus in Salisbury, Kinston, and in Black Mountain." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Lenoir County Court 130 South Queen Street Kinston NC 28501 38.7 miles from Kenly 252-520-5420 Lenoir District Court 130 South Queen Street Kinston NC 28501 38.7 miles from Kenly 252-527-6231 Showing 1-20 of 41 Courts." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We are proud of Kinston's heritage, parks and recreation, community activities, friendly and quiet neighborhoods, river enhancements, city services, quaint shops, revitalized downtown areas and business community. Our community is positioned for growth over the next few years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Homefacts City Report. Walstonburg is located in Greene County, NC. The population is 369, making Walstonburg the 4th largest city in Greene County. There are 0 public schools in Walstonburg with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Walstonburg is moderate, and there are 4 registered sex offenders residing in the city." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Bogue Banks. From my front door in Five Points to my home in Atlantic Beach is 2 hours 40 minutes. Take the 64 bypass to wilson and then take 58 to 258 which will put you on highway 70 in kinston(avoiding the sprawl and traffic in Clayton). The Crystal Coast is 22 miles of beautiful southern facing beaches. No high rises. Very few goony golfs and no wax museums." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Services. 1 The Kinston/Lenoir County Parks and Recreation Department offers the citizens of Kinston and Lenoir County an opportunity to develop their leisure time and interests. 2 Activities that promote the enrichment of life in the community help to make Kinston and Lenoir Co. a desirable place to live." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Funston is a town in Colquitt County, Georgia, United States. The population was 426 at the 2000 census." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Kinston Court. Find Kinston North Carolina courts and courthouses, such as federal, state, district, superior, criminal, common, circuit, judicial, judiciary, divorce, appeals, family, traffic, and small claims courts. Courts provide information on legal cases, law documents, case searches, and appeals. Kinston Court." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Amston appears on the Columbia U.S. Geological Survey Map. Tolland County is in the Eastern Time Zone (UTC -5 hours). Tolland County: Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Schools | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "FY2015 CAFRlink FY2015 Compliance Reportlink. The City of Kinston, North Carolina. Welcome to the official web site of the City of Kinston. Whether you are a resident of Kinston, a visitor to our City, or just visiting our web site, we are glad you are visiting us. This site is created to provide you with the services and information you need to enjoy all that Kinston has to offer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Tax Department. Lenoir County Tax Department Lenoir County Administration Building 101 North Queen Street Kinston, NC 28501 . Phone: 252-527-7174 Fax: 252-527-4923. Online Tax Search, View and Pay. The Tax Office is charged with the listing, appraisal, and assessment of all property in the county in accordance with the provisions of law. The office maintains records of real estate, personal property, property transfers, property tax exemptions, exclusions, deferrals and billing information." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "252-523-2500 • 800-869-0032. Experience Kinston-Lenoir County. Where three centuries of history, the arts, recreation, unique shops, southern hospitality come together to offer family-friendly excursions for visitors and residents. Something for everyone in Kinston-Lenoir County ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ingram had a successful high school basketball career at Kinston in North Carolina, where he won state titles each of his four years of high school and was named North Carolina's Mr. Basketball." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce has been serving Kinston and Lenoir County since 1911. The Chamber acts as a voice and advocate for the community regarding economic, community and government issues and represents Kinston and Lenoir County as a great place to live, work and play. © Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1.35. NOTE: Eleven fire districts: North Lenoir, $.045; Hugo, $.04; Grifton, $.03; Mosely Hall, $.04; Southwood, $.06; Deep Run, $.04; Seven Springs, $.04; Sandy Bottom, $.08; Wyse Fork, $.065; Sand Hill, $.07; Cherry Tree, $.08. ***Kinston downtown municipal service district, $.27. Source: Lenoir County Tax Department." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Comfortable Motel With Excellent Amenities. Kinsley is known as Midway U.S.A halfway from New York City and San Fransisco. So, if you're visiting Kinsley, KS on a business or leisure trip and need a place to stay, Do Drop Inn is the perfect place for you. We are located between three major highways. Our cozy motel has 14 spacious rooms, including 2 family-sized rooms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Goldston, North Carolina. Goldston is a town in Chatham County, North Carolina, United States, south of Pittsboro. The population was 268 at the 2010 census.[4]" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Business In Kinston, North Carolina Being a great place to live and being a great place to work, often go hand-in-hand. 2 Here’s what the business and employment climate is like in Kinston.Major industries in Kinston, North CarolinaEmployment in Kinston, North Carolina." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They would help her build a restaurant — but with one catch. She had to open what can causes warfarin levels to drop back home in Eastern North Carolina, a place to which she swore she would never return. And so The Chef & the Farmer, located in Kinston, North Carolina, was born." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lenoir County, NC is centrally located in eastern NC approximately 75 miles east of Raleigh (our state’s capital) and 75 miles west of Morehead City (one of our seaports and the beautiful crystal coast). Our county is a blend of agriculture and manufacturing. Lenoir County has three incorporated municipalities: Kinston is the county seat, LaGrange, lies approximately 10 miles west of Kinston and Pink Hill approximately 15 miles south of Kinston." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lenoir County SPCA Promote Your Page Too About Us The Lenoir County SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization in Kinston, NC. We are not affiliated with nor do we receive funding from the ASPCA. We are 1 of only a handful of animal shelters in NC which are run by a non-profit organization instead of that county's animal control department." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PlacesWinston-Salem, North CarolinaCollege & UniversityUniversity of North Carolina School of the Arts. University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Triad City Beat interviews alumna Celia Weston, who will receive RiverRun International Film Festival's Master of Cinema award this weekend." ], [ "", "Grifton District Attorney. Find Grifton North Carolina district attorney, DA, and county, prosecuting, state, and commonwealth attorneys. District attorneys provide information on criminal court cases, public safety, legal cases, and law documents. Grifton District Attorney. District Attorney 130 South Queen Street Kinston NC 28501 11.5 miles from Grifton 252-520-5400. Greene County District Attorney 229 Kingold Boulevard Snow Hill NC 28580 14.6 miles from Grifton." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Kinston/Lenoir County Parks and Recreation Department offers the citizens of Kinston and Lenoir County an opportunity to develop their leisure time and interests. Activities that promote the enrichment of life in the community help to make Kinston and Lenoir Co. a desirable place to live." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Southern Elegance & Hospitality. Welcome to Kinston Country Club. Discover a place where tradition, charm and grace meet first class amenities. Established in 1924, Kinston Country Club is a landmark in Eastern North Carolina. Kinston Country Club has a commitment to provide the finest in all our amenities. This commitment extends to the outstanding level of service and given to our members and guests." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Let us help your business prosper and grow Kinston-Lenoir County. For the past century, the Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce has been the business voice of this region. We provide members with networking, learning and marketing opportunities, government advocacy and more. Join The Chamber Membership Benefits." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Experience Kinston-Lenoir County. Where three centuries of history, the arts, recreation, unique shops, southern hospitality come together to offer family-friendly excursions for visitors and residents. Something for everyone in Kinston-Lenoir County..." ], [ "Represent!", "NC 11 leads northeast 33 miles (53 km) to Kinston and south 18 miles (29 km) to Wallace, while NC 50 leads southeast 46 miles (74 km) to Holly Ridge and west 8 miles (13 km) to Warsaw. According to the United States Census Bureau, Kenansville has a total area of 2.1 square miles (5.5 km2), all of it land." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "About Our Chamber. The Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce has been serving Kinston and Lenoir County since 1911. The Chamber acts as a voice and advocate for the community regarding economic, community and government issues and represents Kinston and Lenoir County as a great place to live, work and play." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "weather in munster" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Average Weather in Munster for February : Sunlight 2 hours a day: Coldest February temperature-22°C : Coldest daily temperature-1°C : Average daily temperature: 3°C : Warmest daily temperature: 7°C : Warmest February temperature: 16°C : Morning Humidity : 87%: Evening Humidity : 76%: Rain in February: 51 mm: Wet days for February: 15 days : Average Weather in Munster for March" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Weekly Weather Report for Limerick, Ireland. Looking at the weather in Limerick, Ireland over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 7℃ (or 45℉) on Friday 2 nd February at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be -1℃ (or 30℉) on Monday 5 th February at around 6 am." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Munsters live at 1313 Mockingbird Lane in the city of Mockingbird Heights, a fictional suburb in California. The running gag of the series was the family, while decidedly odd, consider themselves fairly typical working-class people of the era." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "9200 CALUMET AVE SUITE NW07 MUNSTER, IN 46321 · PHONE: 219-472-7272 OR 800-342-6744 · FAX: 219-472-7271." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Luxembourg: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Luxembourg with an average temperature of 18°C (64°F) and the coldest is January at 0°C (32°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 14 in June.The wettest month is June with an average of 100mm of rain.uxembourg: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Luxembourg with an average temperature of 18°C (64°F) and the coldest is January at 0°C (32°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 14 in June." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'If an object is changing its velocity -whether by a constant amount or a varying amount - then it is an accelerating object. And an object with a constant velocity is not accelerating. The data tables below depict motions of objects with a constant acceleration and a changing acceleration.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'which characteristic does an object with a constant acceleration always have? changing velocity constant velocity fast speed slow speed']>>", "The west coast has a cool, wet climate, characterized by the frequent passage of weather fronts, so that clouds, rain and wind dominate throughout the year. During winter, the temperature remains slightly above freezing (0 °C or 32 °F) in the southern part, so that Bergen, the second largest city in the country, has an average temperature in January and February around 2 °C (35.5 °F)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Norfolk Island's currency is the Australian dollar, and the currency symbol is $. Norfolk Island is not subject to Australian taxation. There is only one ATM, at the Commonwealth Bank. See Australia for more on the Australian dollar.orfolk Island is an island in the South Pacific Ocean and an Australian territory for histroical reasons even though it is much closer to New Zealand.\"]\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the currency on norfolk island']\"", "Average Weather in Hamburg Germany. In Hamburg, the summers are comfortable and partly cloudy and the winters are long, chilly, windy, and mostly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 30°F to 73°F and is rarely below 16°F or above 84°F." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For Donegal and Galway, the total days includes any with at least 0.1 mm (0.004 inches) of precipitation. The month's total amounts of rainfall given here are averages of weather data collected during 1981 to 2010. You can jump to a separate table for each region of the country: Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Ulster province includes the counties that border Northern Ireland." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Cork, Ireland is at 5153'N, 828'W, 15 m (49 ft). See map. Cork has a marine west coast climate that is mild with no dry season, warm summers. Heavy precipitation occurs during mild winters which are dominated by mid-latitude cyclones. Seasonality is moderate (Kppen-Geiger classification: Cfb)." ], [ "Represent text", "Donegal, Ireland weather text for Tue 29th August. The weather is turning out to be light rain shower. The visibility is going to be around 15 km i.e. 9 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1014 mb . The daytime temperature is going to reach 15 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 8 °c at night." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We work hard to make certain the time and information presented here on WorldTimeServer.com is accurate and do our best to keep up with Daylight Saving Time rules and Time Zone changes for every country, not just the changes that affect Munster, Germany." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cork: Annual Weather Averages July is the hottest month in Cork with an average temperature of 60 °F (16 °C) and the coldest is January at 41 °F (5 °C) with the most daily sunshine hours at 6 in August." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Intellicast.com: The Authority in Expert Weather Munster, Indiana weather conditions and forecast (46321). Today's Munster, Indiana weather report: current observations, hourly forecast, 10-day forecast calendar and chart. Intellicast.com The Authority in Expert Weather Weather Emails Alerts Hurricanes Help" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Koeppen-Geiger classification: The climate of Germany can be classified as Cfb Climate; a warm temperated humid climate with the warmest month lower than 22°C over average and four or more months above 10°C over average. Advertisement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Weather: The weather in Germany could roughly be compared to the weather in Southern Indiana. The winters are usually drawn out quite a bit longer than anywhere in the States but the summers are usually very nice. One very good thing about Germany is you do not have to worry about major tornadoes, hurricanes etc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Caravaggio - Weather forecast from Theweather.com. Weather conditions with updates on temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow, pressure, etc. for Caravaggio, Bergamo Today: Cloudy skies with light rain, with a maximum temperature of 45° and a minimum temperature of 34°." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Averages for Cork in April. April remains chilly in Cork, with temperatures at an average of 46°F (8°C). The mean lows are at 39° (4°C) and the average highs are 52°F (11°C), so dress for winter weather. Precipitation averages 70mm (2.76”) over a median period of 15 days, making an umbrella a necessary accessory." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Guide to Dusseldorf weather in November. The average maximum daytime temperature in Dusseldorf in November is a cool 9°C (48°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cold 3°C (37°F). There are usually 2 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 20% of the 9 hours of daylight." ], [ "Represent", "Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen. 1 Snow Days. 2 Rain Days. 3 Thunder Days. 4 Sunny Days. 5 Sun hour. 6 Snow amount (cm) 7 Rain amount (mm or inches) 8 UV Index." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Munsters. The Munsters is a sitcom that aired on CBS from 1964 until 1966 depicting the life of a family of monsters. It stars Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster and Yvonne De Carlo as his wife, Lily Munster. The series was a satire of both traditional monster movies and popular family entertainment of the era, such as Leave It to Beaver." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The month's total amounts of rainfall given here are averages of weather data collected during 1981 to 2010. You can jump to a separate table for each region of the country: Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Ulster province includes the counties that border Northern Ireland." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'A hard drive becomes fragmented when a file that occupies a finite storage location on the hard drive is modified and becomes larger. If the finite storage space on the drive is not large enough to store the larger modified file, part of the file must be stored in another location that is not contiguous to the original storage location. Thus the file becomes fragmented.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what means if hard drive is fragmented']\"", "exists and is an alternate of . 70 The Munsters aired at night once a week in black-and-white on the CBS Television network from 1964 to 1966 for 70 episodes. 70 The Munsters aired at night once a week in black-and-white on the CBS Television network from 1964 to 1966 for 70 episodes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Luxembourg's climate is temperate and mild. Summers are generally cool, with a mean temperature of about 17° C (63° F ); winters are seldom severe, average temperature being about 0° C (32° F ). The high peaks of the Ardennes in the north shelter the country from rigorous north winds, and the prevailing northwesterly winds have a cooling effect." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A few stray showers are possible, but most of central Indiana will be dry and mild Thursday night. Overnight temperatures will fall into the lower 50s. The SkyTrak13 Weather Team is forecasting the first 80 degree day of the year for Friday. Skies will be mostly sunny and it will be warm. There is a chance for a stray shower across far northern Indiana by late afternoon Friday." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Local time in Munster, Munster, Germany-you may check correct current time, standard offset to GMT, summer/winter time 2015, and time conversion dates on this page. Copyright © 2005-2015 24TimeZones.com. All rights reserved." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The highest monthly average temperature in Shelley for July is 70 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Shelley for January is 19 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Shelley occurs in June with 1.5 inches. The air quality index in Shelley is 29% better than the national average. The pollution index in Shelley is 18% better than the national average." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Munster, Illinois started Daylight Saving Time on Sunday March 8, 2015 at 2:00 AM local time. Munster, Illinois ends Daylight Saving Time on Sunday November 1, 2015 at 2:00 AM local time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Weekly Weather Report for Limerick, Ireland. Looking at the weather in Limerick, Ireland over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 20℃ (or 68℉) on Thursday 17th August at around 12 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 6℃ (or 44℉) on Wednesday 23rd August at around 6 am." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cork: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Cork with an average temperature of 16°C (60°F) and the coldest is January at 5°C (41°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 6 in August. The wettest month is December with an average of 150mm of rain." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The clearer part of the year in Westchase begins around October 1 and lasts for 8.2 months, ending around June 8. On May 1, the clearest day of the year, the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 64% of the time, and overcast or mostly cloudy 35% of the time." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Most animals have three major pairs of salivary glands that differ in the type of secretion they produce: 1 parotid glands produce a serous, watery secretion. 2 submaxillary (mandibular) glands produce a mixed serous and mucous secretion.3 sublingual glands secrete a saliva that is predominantly mucous in character.cini in the parotid glands are almost exclusively of the serous type, while those in the sublingual glands are predominantly mucus cells. In the submaxillary glands, it is common to observe acini composed of both serous and mucus epithelial cells.']>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what type of saliva is produced by the parotid glands']\"", "Ireland; Munster; County Cork; Brinny; Brinny. General information Weather Sunrise and sunset Moon phases" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Germany weather essentials. Weather: The weather in Germany could roughly be compared to the weather in Southern Indiana. The winters are usually drawn out quite a bit longer than anywhere in the States but the summers are usually very nice. One very good thing about Germany is you do not have to worry about major tornadoes, hurricanes etc." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Cork: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Cork with an average temperature of 16°C (60°F) and the coldest is January at 5°C (41°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 6 in August.The wettest month is December with an average of 150mm of rain.The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 9°C (48°F).he wettest month is December with an average of 150mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 9°C (48°F)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Located in County Donegal, this is the most northernmost point of Ireland, and has some wild weather if the winds are high! 1 January - minimum temperature 3 °C (37°F), maximum temperature 8 °C (46°F), daily sunshine 1:12 hrs, rainfall (above 5 mm) on 9 days, wind 19 knots." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Latest weather with Leslie Lopez. 1 Easter will be a partly cloudy day for most parts of the Southland, but temperatures will remain warm in the 70s and 80s. 2 It's going to be a partly cloudy Easter with temperatures in the 70s for most areas of the Southland. More." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Germany Weather. Climate: Spring months in Germany are a bit on the chilly side, but across the country from May through September conditions are generally warm and pleasant with mostly sunny skies. Fall temperatures are lower with moderate rainfall, but nevertheless a wonderful time to visit the country." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Butch Patrick as Eddie Munster, Al Lewis as Grandpa, Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster, and Yvonne de Carlo as Lily Munster without make-up as their characters from The Munster TV show. The Munsters out of make up.very scary!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Munster, Illinois is GMT/UTC - 6h during Standard Time Munster, Illinois is GMT/UTC - 5h during Daylight Saving Time. Munster, Illinois does utilize Daylight Saving Time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From December to February the average daytime temperatures are between 6°C and 7°C. Spring. The climate is milder in spring making it a good time to visit Dumfries & Galloway. There can be some great sunny days mixed with cooler and wet weather." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Nov 16, 2011 8:19 PM EST. It's alive! The Munsters pilot is alive (at NBC)! The network has green-lighted a reinvention of the classic monster family comedy The Munsters, it was announced Wednesday. Exclusive: The Munsters back in development at NBC Bryan Fuller, the quirky-m… Read more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Reims Weather and When to Go. Reims weather essentials. Reims is a year round destination with four seasons. The summers are hot, the fall is beautiful, winter is charming, and spring brings green grass, flowers, and the begining of the new wine season. Late spring and summer see warm temperatures in Reims; June through August regularly sees temperatures in the 80s." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For example, the southwest area of Ireland receives the most rain, while the southeast area of Ireland is the driest. Cork and Galway have similar summer temperatures to Dublin, but slightly warmer winter months. However, in the winter and spring December, these areas will experience 30 percent more rain. In the fall, twice as much rain falls in the western half of Ireland than in the eastern region." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dusseldorf: Annual Weather Averages August is the hottest month in Dusseldorf with an average temperature of 64 °F (18 °C) and the coldest is January at 36 °F (2 °C) with the most daily sunshine hours at 7 in May. The wettest month is June with an average of 73.7mm of rain." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Munster, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 6h during Standard Time Munster, Indiana is GMT/UTC - 5h during Daylight Saving Time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Germany Weather. Climate: Spring months in Germany are a bit on the chilly side, but across the country from May through September conditions are generally warm and pleasant with mostly sunny skies. Fall temperatures are lower with moderate rainfall, but nevertheless a wonderful time to visit the country. The winter months (though colder and wet) remain mostly mild in the west, while in the east conditions are much colder and way below freezing temperatures are commonplace." ], [ "Represent this text", "Koeppen-Geiger classification: The climate of Germany can be classified as Cfb Climate; a warm temperated humid climate with the warmest month lower than 22°C over average and four or more months above 10°C over average." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "57. August weather in Cork is pleasant enough with average temperatures being the same as in July, at 59°F (15°C). Highs are at a median of 64°F (18°C) and lows at 52°F (11°C). The median sea temperature is 62.6°F (17°C) and rainfall averages are at 90mm (3.54”), generally covering a period of 17 days. Sunlight can be enjoyed on an average of 7 hours a day in August. For your outings, a jacket is still advisable." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Germany Weather. Spring months in Germany are a bit on the chilly side, but across the country from May through September conditions are generally warm and pleasant with mostly sunny skies. Fall temperatures are lower with moderate rainfall, but nevertheless a wonderful time to visit the country." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On the weather front Cork has two seasons: Wet and Sunny and then there's Sunny and Wet. Being in the southwest we have the famous mild gulf stream influence - so palm trees abound - yes honestly. In winter it never really gets very cold and in summer it never really gets very hot." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The month's total amounts of rain and snow given here are averages of weather data collected during 1981 to 2010. You can jump to a separate table for each region of the country: Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Ulster province includes the counties that border Northern Ireland." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "August weather in Cork is pleasant enough with average temperatures being the same as in July, at 59°F (15°C). Highs are at a median of 64°F (18°C) and lows at 52°F (11°C). The median sea temperature is 62.6°F (17°C) and rainfall a... Read more." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'If using a food scale, place the pasta in the cup attached to the scale and measure 57 g. If using measuring cups, a single 2 oz. (57 g) serving is 1/2 cup of dried pasta. 1 Two servings = 1 cup; four servings = 2 cups; six servings = 3 cups; eight servings = 4 cups.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'spagheti measurement, 2 oz = how much']\"", "The Munster Blackwater is Ireland s second largest river next to the mighty Shannon. It rises in the mountains of East Kerry, flowing eastwards for 75 miles (120 km) through Counties Cork and Waterford until it enters the sea at Youghal in East Cork. It has a catchment area of more than 1,200 square miles.It s also an extremely beautiful river and has well deserved the title the Irish Rhine.t rises in the mountains of East Kerry, flowing eastwards for 75 miles (120 km) through Counties Cork and Waterford until it enters the sea at Youghal in East Cork. It has a catchment area of more than 1,200 square miles. It s also an extremely beautiful river and has well deserved the title the Irish Rhine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Geography of Munster in a Nutshell. Munster, or in Irish Cúige Mumhan, encompasses the Southwest and is Ireland's largest province. The counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary and Waterford make up Munster. Major towns are Cork City, Limerick City and Waterford City." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Munster Vales is a new inland tourism destination in the heart of Munster, incorporating the Comeragh, Knockmealdown, Galtee, Ballyhoura and Nagles mountain ranges. The purpose of Munster Vales is to promote the geographical area as a unique brand, linking the counties of Waterford, Tipperary, Cork and Limerick and everything in between. The Munster Vales area sits between four of Ireland’s cities: Cork, Limerick, Waterford and Kilkenny. Gateway towns include Cashel, Tipperary, Carrick on Suir, Dungarvan, Fermoy, Mitchelstown, Buttevant and Charleville. Munster Vales strives to be the premier outdoor activity offering in Irelands Ancient East." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hamburg Dom (March-April) October- December: Fall might be a good time to visit, though you’ll need to pack warm weather gear since average temperatures range from 30 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. But the chilly weather also means fewer camera-snapping tourists to contend with." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "South Germany experience pleasant weather almost throughout, especially around the Rhine, as evidenced by the extensive vineyards. As you go southwards towards the border with Switzerland, it gets warmer. The summers are warm with quite a bit of rain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The weather is very unreliable in Germany, even in Summer. And a day starting with sunshine and 30 degrees can easily end up witha thunderstorm, rain and a drop of temerature to 15 degrees. So be prepared for rain (umbrealla) and temperatures under 20 degrees. You might also need a sweatshirt in Italy in the evenings." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Reports of overdose indicate that baclofen may cause symptoms including vomiting, weakness, sedation, somnolence, respiratory depression, seizures, unusual pupil size, dizziness, headaches, itching, hypothermia, bradycardia, hypertension, hyporeflexia, coma, and death.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'does baclofen cause itching']", "The Proserpine weather is going to be patchy rain nearby. Proserpine visibility is going to be around 9 km i.e. 5 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1020 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 26 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 23 °c at night." ], [ "Represent this", "The Munsters TV Show Watchlist. The Munsters Photos. The Munsters - Al Lewis as Grandpa Munster, Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster, Butch Patrick as Edward Wolfgang Munster, Yvonne DeCarlo as Lily Munster, Beverly Owen as Marilyn Munster. CBS/Landov." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Driving distance from Munster, IN to Indianapolis, IN. The total driving distance from Munster, IN to Indianapolis, IN is 159 miles or 256 kilometers. Your trip begins in Munster, Indiana. It ends in Indianapolis, Indiana. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Munster, IN to Indianapolis, IN so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Regardless of the time of year, western Ireland receives slightly more precipitation than eastern Ireland. On average, just under three inches of rain fall on Dublin, while Limerick in the west and Cork in the south receive three to four inches.hroughout the island, late August and early September generally bring daytime high temperatures in the 60s and low 70s, with overnight low temperatures in the 50s." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Munsters is an American sitcom depicting the home life of a family of benign monsters starring Fred Gwynne as Frankenstein-type head-of-the-household Herman Munster, Yvonne De Carlo as his wife, Lily Munster, Al Lewis as Grandpa and Beverly Owen (later re-placed by Pat Priest) as their teenage niece, Butch Patrick as son Eddie Munster, and The ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Munster, also known as Munster Gerome géromé is a soft washed rind cheese made from milk produced by cows living in the regions Between, Alsace lorraine And-Franche comte Comté. In france The name munster is derived from the little Town of Munster where vosgian abbeys and monasteries used to make this cheese Since The. middle ages" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "August weather in Cork is pleasant enough with average temperatures being the same as in July, at 59°F (15°C). Highs are at a median of 64°F (18°C) and lows at 52°F (11°C). The median sea temperature is 62.6°F (17°C) and rainfall averages are at 90mm (3.54”), generally covering a period of 17 days." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Published: July 3, 1993. Fred Gwynne, an actor who had a diverse career but was best known for his portrayal of Herman Munster in the hit series The Munsters, died yesterday at his home. He was 66 and lived on a farm near Taneytown, Md. The cause was complications of pancreatic cancer, a family spokesman said." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The cast of The Munsters: Yvonne De Carlo (Lily), Al Lewis (Grandpa), Butch Patrick (Eddie), Fred Gwynne (Herman), and Pat Priest (Marilyn) Another one of the family members, the older daughter Marilyn, was a normal person." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what causes vulvar cancer" ]
[ [ "represent the following document\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['', 'Benicar, or olmesartan medoxomil, is produced and marketed by Daiichi Sankyo, which gained FDA approval for the drug in 2002. Since its release on the U.S. market, Benicar prescriptions have skyrocketed, with some 10 million patients taking the medication in 2012. It is the only known angiotensin II receptor blocker â\\x80\\x93 or ARB â\\x80\\x94 that has been associated with serious and sometimes life-threatening gastrointestinal health issues.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what manufacturer markets benicar']\"", "Risk factors. Although the exact cause of vulvar cancer isn't known, certain factors appear to increase your risk of the disease, including: 1 Increasing age. 2 The risk of vulvar cancer increases with age, though it can occur at any age. 3 The average age at diagnosis is 65. 4 Being exposed to human papillomavirus (HPV)." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Types of vulvar cancer. There are two main types of vulvar cancer: 1 Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of vulvar cancer, accounting for over 80 percent of cases. 2 One particular subtype of squamous cell cancer is called Verrucous carcinoma." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yes, high-risk types of genital HPV can cause cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, penis, and throat. The type of cancer HPV causes most often is cervical cancer. Most HPV infections go away by themselves and don't cause cancer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Skin cancer may rarely develop in areas affected by lichen sclerosus, though lichen sclerosus doesn't cause skin cancer. Women with lichen sclerosus on the vulva are more likely to develop vulvar cancer. But consistent treatment with topical corticosteroids may reduce this slightly higher risk." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "HPV High Risk Strains – high-risk strains numbered 16, 18, 31 and 45 cause abnormal cell growth. According to the Centers for Disease Control, HPV is responsible for almost all cervical cancers in women, about 40% of vulvar cancers and 70% of vaginal cancers are linked to HPV.enital herpes – is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2). Most genital herpes is caused by HSV-2." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Is this topic for you? This topic is for women who have vulvodynia, a type of vulvar pain with no known cause. If your doctor has told you that the pain in your vulva is caused by something else, like an infection or a skin problem, see the topic Female Genital Problems and Injuries." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In rare cases, vaginal itching may be a symptom of vulvar cancer. This is a type of cancer that develops in the vulva, which is the external part of the female’s genitals. It includes the inner and outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris, and the opening of the vagina. Vulvar cancer may not always cause symptoms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "This topic is for women who have vulvodynia, a type of vulvar pain with no known cause. If your doctor has told you that the pain in your vulva is caused by something else, like an infection or a skin problem, see the topic Female Genital Problems and Injuries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Adenocarcinoma-this type of cancer originates in glandular tissue, which in this case are the cells that line the glands in the vulva. 2 A very small proportion of vulval cancers are of this type. 3 Sarcoma-this type of cancer originates in the connective tissue. 4 Most cancers of this type are malignant." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of vulvar cancer, accounting for over 80 percent of cases. 2 One particular subtype of squamous cell cancer is called Verrucous carcinoma. 3 This form grows slowly, often looks like a large wart, and is associated with a good prognosis (outlook)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Misdiagnosis and Vulvar cancer. Alzheimer's disease over-diagnosed: The well-known disease of Alzheimer's disease is often over-diagnosed. Patients tend to assume that any memory loss or forgetulness symptom might be Alzheimer's, whereas... read more »." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Types of vulvar cancer. The type of cell in which vulvar cancer begins helps your doctor plan the most effective treatment plan. The most common types of vulvar cancer include: 1 Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma. 2 This cancer begins in the thin, flat cells that line the surface of the vulva. 3 Most vulvar cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. 4 Vulvar melanoma. 5 This cancer begins in the pigment-producing cells found in the skin of the vulva. 6 Symptoms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. Cancer is always named for the part of the body where it starts, even if it spreads to other body parts later. When cancer starts in the vagina, it is called vaginal cancer. The vagina, also called the birth canal, is the hollow, tube-like channel between the bottom of the uterus and the outside of the body. When cancer starts in the vulva, it is called vulvar cancer. The vulva is the outer part of the female genital organs. It has two folds of skin, called the labia. Vulvar cancer most often occurs on the inner edges of the labia. When vaginal and vulvar cancers are found early, treatment works best." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are a number of disorders that may affect the vulva. Infections (such as yeast infection) and sexually transmitted infections, such as genital herpes, can cause vulvar signs and symptoms (see FAQ009 “How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections” and FAQ054 “Genital Herpes”)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a major cause of the main types of cervical cancer. HPV is common. Most sexually active women come into contact with HPV during their lifetime. But for most the virus causes no harm and goes away on its own." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "In rare cases, vaginal itching may be a symptom of vulvar cancer. This is a type of cancer that develops in the vulva, which is the external part of the female’s genitals. It includes the inner and outer lips of the vagina, the clitoris, and the opening of the vagina. Vulvar cancer may not always cause symptoms. However, when symptoms do occur, they may include itching, abnormal bleeding, or pain in the vulvar area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Genital warts are a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). These skin growths can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. They are especially dangerous for women because some types of HPV can also cause cancer of the cervix and vulva. Genital Warts Gallery." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vulvar Cancer. Cancer of the vulva is a rare tumor with the most recent cancer statistics reporting that approximately 5,000 women in the United States are afflicted annually." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vulvar melanoma – A far less common type of vulvar cancer, vulvar melanoma develops in the pigment-producing cells of the vulva, which provide color to the skin. Sarcomas – These rare cancers form in the muscle layer, fat cells or blood vessels under the skin and tend to grow quickly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Nearly all cases of cervical cancer are caused by infection with oncogenic, or high-risk, types of human papillomavirus, or HPV. There are about 12 high-risk HPV types. Infections with these sexually transmitted viruses also cause most anal cancers; many vaginal, vulvar, and penile cancers; and some oropharyngeal cancers." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Cooking chicken breast with skin gives higher number of calories. Each ounce of chicken breast with skin contains 55-56 calories, 4 oz of chicken breast with skin contains 224 calories and 6 oz of chicken breast with skin offers 336 calories. Adding different spices to it increases the calorie content further.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'calories in one oz of chicken']\"", "Fear of cancer. The fear of LS becoming cancer is very common and the best way to overcome your fears is to realise that vulval cancer is less common than the fear that people have. More than 1000 women a year will get vulval cancer, but there are other conditions that cause vulval cancer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Definitions of Vulvar cancer: Vulvar cancer is listed as a rare disease by the Office of Rare Diseases (ORD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This means that Vulvar cancer, or a subtype of Vulvar cancer, affects less than 200,000 people in the US population." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Is Vulvar Cancer? The vulva is the outer part of the female genitals. The vulva includes the opening of the vagina (sometimes called the vestibule), the labia majora (outer lips), the labia minora (inner lips), and the clitoris. Around the opening of the vagina, there are 2 sets of skin folds. The inner set, called the labia minora, are small and hairless. The outer set, the labia majora, are larger, with hair on the outer surface. The inner and outer labia (Latin for lips) meet, protecting the vaginal opening and, just above it, the opening of the urethra (the short tube that carries urine from the bladder)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A few subtypes can cause cancer, including cervical cancer, anal cancer, head and neck cancer and, rarely, penile, vaginal, or vulvar cancer. Genital HPV is passed on through genital contact such as vaginal and anal sex. Both men and women can get HPV and pass it on-without even realizing it." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The vulva is the external part of a woman's genitals. Some problems you can have with the vulvar area include. 1 Bacterial or fungal infections. 2 Skin problems due to allergy. 3 Vulvar cancer. 4 Vulvodynia, or vulvar pain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Cancers caused by HPV include cancer of the anus, cervix, vagina, vulva, and throat.ervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Cancers caused by HPV include cancer of the anus, cervix, vagina, vulva, and throat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cancer occurs when abnormal tissue cells reproduce uncontrollably. Cancer can develop anywhere in the body, and the symptoms and treatment depend on the type of cancer and its location. There are various types of cancer that can affect the female reproductive organs, including vulvar cancer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "A Dr. Evelyn Minaya, MD , OBGYN (Obstetrics & Gynecology), answered. There are lots of things that can cause burning and swelling in the vulvar area. The most common are: Yeast infections: Yeast infections can involve the skin area as well and does not necessarily have to be associated with a vaginal discharge." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Fortunately, vulvar cancer is highly curable if detected at an early stage; however, treatment can have significant adverse effects on body image, sexual function, as well as bladder and rectal function." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pain and discomfort in the vulva (vulvodynia) is a common cause of clitoris pain, as are skin irritations from rashes or household chemicals. Recurring infections or cancer may also cause clitoris pain. In other cases, clitoris pain may be related to a chronic underlying disease that affects other regions of the body." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 About 90% of all vulvar cancers are of this type. 2 The cancer takes several years to develop into noticeable symptoms. 3 Vulvar melanoma-this type makes up about 5% of all vulval cancers. 4 The vulval melanoma behaves like melanoma in other locations and may affect younger women." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some types of HPV have been found to cause cancer of the cervix and vulva. They are the main cause of cervical cancer. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types that can cause penile or anal cancer.he virus that causes genital warts is called human papilloma virus (HPV). More than 70 different types of HPV exist. Certain types of HPV can lead to precancerous changes in the cervix, cervical cancer, or anal cancer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An HPV-attributable cancer is a cancer that is probably caused by HPV. HPV causes nearly all cervical cancers and many cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, rectum, and oropharynx. A CDC study 5 used population-based data from cancer tissue to estimate the percentage of these cancers that are probably caused by HPV." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Vulval irritation can be caused by any of the following: 1 sweating. 2 vaginal secretions. 3 skin conditions such as: dermatitis. fungal, bacterial or viral infections such as: candidiasis (thrush) 1 trichomonas. some medications, preservatives and local anaesthetics. tight clothing, pantyhose, G-strings." ], [ "", "Summary. The vulva is the external part of a woman's genitals. Some problems you can have with the vulvar area include. 1 Bacterial or fungal infections. 2 Skin problems due to allergy. 3 Vulvar cancer." ], [ "", "Another cause of vulvar pruritus is Lichen sclerosis. The white lesion of Lichen sclerosis resembles skin change associated with severe estrogen deficiency; appearance is often depicted as cigarette paper or papyrus skin. Atrophy may progress to vaginal stenosis and loss of the labia minora." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How does your company know what colors support each of the causes? What if there is not a color for my cause? View our list of colors and causes . Quick Cancer Color Reference List: Pink - Breast Cancer . Teal - Ovarian Cancer, Vulvar Cancer. Pearl - Lung Cancer. Purple - Pancreatic & Thymona Cancer & Leiomyosarcoma. Orange - Leukemia & Kidney Cancer" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Recurrent vulvar cancer can come back in the area of your vulva or in other parts of your body. Stages of vulvar cancer Stage 0 (carcinoma in situ): The cancer is only on the surface of your vulva." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vulval area bleeding: Introduction. Vulval area bleeding: Usually occurs due to injury to the vulval area and could be a medical emergency. See detailed information below for a list of 5 causes of Vulval area bleeding, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. Causes of Vulval area bleeding: Usually occurs due to injury to the vulval area and could be a medical emergency. See detailed information below for a list of 5 causes of Vulval area bleeding, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Causes | Symptom Checker »." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The vulva includes the labia majora, mons pubis, labia minora, clitoris, the vestibule of the vagina, the bulb of the vestibule, greater and lesser vestibular glands, and vaginal orifice. Vulvar cancer most commonly affects the outer lips of the vagina. Cancer that originates in the vulva is called primary vulvar cancer. If it starts in another part of the body and then spreads to the vulva, it is called secondary vulvar cancer. There are several types of vulvar cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma affects the flat, outer layers of skin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There are a number of disorders that may affect the vulva. Infections (such as yeast infection) and sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital herpes, can cause vulvar signs and symptoms (see the FAQ How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and the FAQ Genital Herpes)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Vulvar apocrine adenocarcinoma: a case with nodal metastasis and intranodal mucinous differentiation. Appendiceal mucocele is a mucinous distension of the appendiceal lumen which caused by retention of mucin, mucosal hyperplasia, cyst adenoma or cystadeno carcinoma. 1) Mucinous and signet-ring tumours were considered to be of high grade." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We need to recognize that when women in their 20s and 30s complain of vulvar pruritus, it is not always vulvovaginal candidiasis, Dr. Gardasil 9 was determined to be 97 percent effective in preventing cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers caused by the five additional HPV types (31, 33, 45, 52, and 58)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD. Vulvar cancer is a rare form of cancer affecting the vulva and the external genital organs in women. It accounts for less than 1% of all cancer cases in the UK." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Cervical cancer: Most cervical cancer is caused by infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Regular Pap tests can prevent cervical cancer in most women. Cervical incompetence: Early opening, or dilation, of the cervix during pregnancy that can lead to premature delivery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Vulvar melanoma-this type makes up about 5% of all vulval cancers. 2 The vulval melanoma behaves like melanoma in other locations and may affect younger women. 3 With this type of cancer there is a high risk of metastasis (spreading into other parts of the body)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes most cervical cancers, as well as some cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus, rectum, and oropharynx (cancers of the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils). HPV vaccines are recommended for preteen girls and boys to protect against HPV infection." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary cause of cervical cancer. HPV is also responsible for benign condylomata acuminata, also known as genital warts. We assessed the incidence of genital warts in Germany and collected information on their management to estimate the annual cost of disease." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Types of Vulvar Cancer. There are several types of vulvar cancer that can affect the outer portion of the female genitalia. To confirm or rule out a diagnosis, a physician will typically begin by performing a physical examination and Pap smear." ], [ "Represent the input", "Some types of HPV have been found to cause cancer of the cervix and vulva. They are the main cause of cervical cancer. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types that can cause penile or anal cancer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Symptoms may be caused by something other than cancer, but the only way to know is to see a doctor. Signs and symptoms are not the same for everyone and each gynecologic cancer (cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar cancers) has its own signs and symptoms.Language:igns and symptoms are not the same for everyone and each gynecologic cancer (cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar cancers) has its own signs and symptoms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This information is important in determining the most appropriate course of treatment. The types of vulvar cancer include: 1 Squamous cell carcinoma – The most common type of vulvar cancer, squamous cell carcinoma is usually preceded by precancerous cellular changes and develops slowly over the course of several years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). HPV is the virus that causes genital warts. In females, it can cause problems with the that may lead to cervical cancer. HPV infection also can lead to cancer in the vagina, vulva, anus, mouth, and throat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pain and discomfort in the vulva (vulvodynia) is a common cause of clitoris pain, as are skin irritations from rashes or household chemicals. Recurring infections or cancer may also cause clitoris pain. In other cases, clitoris pain may be related to a chronic underlying disease that affects other regions of the body. Other causes of clitoris pain include vaginal yeast infections and sexually transmitted diseases." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "See also: Symptoms of yeast infections. Vulva Itching. Also known as vulva pruritus, persistent itching of the vulva area that will not go away is another sign of cancer. In younger women however itching is more likely to be caused by stress, vaginitis, yeast infections, STDs and reactions to douching." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Stage IVB: The cancer has spread to distant parts of your body. Back to top Treatments for Vulvar Cancer. Treatment for vulvar cancer depends on: The size and location of the cancer. If the cancer has spread. Your overall health. Your healthcare provider will talk with you about your treatment options. Surgery. Surgery is the main treatment for vulvar cancer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Vulvar melanoma – A far less common type of vulvar cancer, vulvar melanoma develops in the pigment-producing cells of the vulva, which provide color to the skin. 2 Sarcomas – These rare cancers form in the muscle layer, fat cells or blood vessels under the skin and tend to grow quickly." ], [ "Represent this", "You can get cervical cancer after a hysterectomy if the cervix remains in place. If the hysterectomy is a partial one that does not remove the cervix, there is indeed a risk of a woman still getting cervical cancer.[1].omen who are stricken after a partial hysterectomy with cervical cancer may also be subject to vulvar cancer. This is because the same types of human papilloma virus (HPV) warts that can cause cervical cancer also occur in many cases of vulvar cancer. Smoking is another leading cause of both cervical and vulvar cancer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Vulva rash. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Heat rash. 2 Contact dermatitis.3 Trauma from scratching. 4 Vaginal infection. 5 Vulval infection. 6 Stasis dermatitis (type of Eczema). 7 Seborrheic dermatitis.he following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Vulva rash. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Heat rash. 2 Contact dermatitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Causes of vulva irritation. Vulval irritation can be caused by any of the following: sweating. vaginal secretions. skin conditions such as: dermatitis. eczema. lichen sclerosus (skin is often pale or whitish) fungal, bacterial or viral infections such as: candidiasis (thrush) trichomonas." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The spinning jenny used eight different spindles that were powered by a single wheel. This allowed one spinster to produce eight threads in the same amount of time it previously took to produce one. Later versions of the spinning jenny added even more lines which made the machine too large for home use.'], a positive would be ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does spinning jenny and power loom do']", "It doesn't cause cancer, but skin that is scarred by lichen sclerosus is more likely to develop cancer. About 1 in 20 women with untreated vulvar lichen sclerosus develops skin cancer. It's important to get proper treatment and to see your doctor every 6 to 12 months to monitor and treat any changes that might signal skin cancer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Protection from infection with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) , including an HPV vaccination, reduces the risk of vulvar cancer. Examination of the vulva for changes by a woman at home or by her gynecologist during her annual pelvic examination can lead to the detection of pre-invasive disease or early vulvar cancer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most cancers of the vulva are squamous cell carcinomas. 1 This type of cancer begins in squamous cells, the main type of skin cells. There are several subtypes of squamous cell carcinoma:" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Genital warts are a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). These skin growths can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. They are especially dangerous for women because some types of HPV can also cause cancer of the cervix and vulva." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A. The diagnosis of vulvodynia is made by ruling out other conditions that can cause vulvar pain, such as sexually transmitted diseases, infections, skin disorders, and human papillomavirus. A patient's medical history needs to be reviewed carefully, and a complete vulvar and vaginal examination is necessary." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how much of my salary do i get after taxes" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Subtract the calculated tax deductions for Medicare, Social Security, federal and state taxes from your pay period salary. For example, a $600.00 salary minus $8.70 for Medicare, $25.20 for Social Security, $57.00 for federal and $21.97 for state taxes is a weekly salary of $487.13 per week after taxes.Multiply the pay period salary after taxes by the pay period frequency to calculate your annual salary after taxes.For example, if your weekly salary after taxes is $487.13 and your pay period frequency is weekly (or 52 times per year), your annual salary after taxes is $25,330.76.or example, a $600.00 salary minus $8.70 for Medicare, $25.20 for Social Security, $57.00 for federal and $21.97 for state taxes is a weekly salary of $487.13 per week after taxes." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK! From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into, — every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer) — we can expect to get an average of $1,000 per month after retirement." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the absence of the $16,658 in taxes and any benefits they provide, the average worker would take home $53,223 in income, as opposed to the current after-tax income of $36,564 for the average worker.etween these two types of taxes, the average U.S. workers pays over $16,000 in taxes on their labor. The tax burden is a combination of income taxes at the federal, state, and local levels as well as the employee and the employer payroll taxes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How much salary do medical school residents get paid? How much salary do medical school residents get paid for working in the hospitals after finish their M.D. , i think it is for a period like 4-5 years. Source(s): salary medical school residents paid: https://biturl.im/daJxP." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I am paid as a subcontractor as of August (before that I had a job I am going to get a w-2 for). I have been paid by check without any taxes taken out. I do not make that much but I would still like to get Earned Income Credit for my 3 children. How would I go about filing my taxes, and how would I prove my income..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Salary ranges for this position vary according to experience as well as company size. A corporate tax accountant with one to three years’ experience working in a midsize company can expect a starting salary in the range of $55,500 to $72,500 in 2016. That's an increase of 4.5 percent from the year before. If employed by a large company (organizations with annual sales revenues over $250 million), the same tax accountant is likely to benefit from a higher starting salary range of $58,500 to $79,250, which is 4.8 percent higher than last year’s range." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Then that $7,500 is annualized, or assumed to be part of your yearly salary. So if you earned $7,500 a month, you'd be making $90,000 annually versus $30,000. But at $90,000, your tax rate jumps to the 31% tax bracket vs. the 28%." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report Abuse. Depending on what state taxes are and what kind of deductions you have it'll roughly be 20% to taxes for that pay range. That'll make your take home after taxes $28K. If you have extra deductions such as educational or housing deductions that could bring it down significantly.hough they my not directly affect take home pay. I think the 30% mentioned would be close, maybe 35%. When I worked in Accounting many years ago, we would make some special payments (Hard to explain) we take a 20% off the top for federal tax." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Salary Paycheck Calculator How much are your wages after taxes? This powerful tool does all the gross-to-net calculations to estimate take-home (net) pay in any part of the United States.alary Paycheck Calculator How much are your wages after taxes? This powerful tool does all the gross-to-net calculations to estimate take-home (net) pay in any part of the United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Top. 1 I have been talking to NP's across different specialties and some make upwards of $220,000/year after taxes. I was wondering if you are currently working as a NP and are willing to share the following: Specialty." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Yep, 25% is the rule of thumb for most people in the US. Even if you’re not seeing the full 75% each week, once you do your taxes after you do your write offs it comes out to close that that for most middle income (which is a huge range – it’s like 50-250K or something like that last I checked) people.alary $10.25 an hour ($21,320 a year, before taxes). We do get health insurance, 133.3% employee match contribution, and 10 days paid vacation (more if you’re faculty/been here longer), but for me, no hope of a raise except for the 2.5% “cost of living increase” every summer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Remember, your salary is not the amount you take home. If your job pays you $60,000 a year and you're in the 25% tax bracket, then you'll pay about $10,800 in taxes on that income, leaving you with $49,200. That's about $4,100 a month that you can put toward living expenses and savings." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For example, if you are married and file jointly with your spouse, claim two allowances on your W-4 and make $52,000 per year paid in weekly installments, the federal taxes on a $5,000 bonus will be $1,348 using the aggregate method. If your employer used the flat-tax method, your federal taxes would be $1,250." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you are in the 25% tax bracket, for example, you pay tax at three different rates – 10%, 15%, and 25% – on different levels of your income. Based on the tax brackets, you always have more money after taxes when you earn more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Let’s say you have $50,000 in after-tax contributions and $50,000 in pretax contributions and earnings, for a total of $100,000, in your 401(k) account from your former employer. You want to put some of that money into a Roth IRA. You can roll the $50,000 in after-tax contributions to a Roth IRA and pay no taxes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The net effect on your salary is $1260 so thats how much of your net salary after tax you will lose after purchasing the laptop. I.e. if you are earning $8000/month, your normal take home pay would be $5920. If you do the salary sacrifice, your net tax home pay for that month would be $5920-$1260=$4660.Compare it to $5920-$2200=$3720 and you'll see that you save about $940 on the purchase price of a $2200 laptop.he net effect on your salary is $1260 so thats how much of your net salary after tax you will lose after purchasing the laptop. I.e. if you are earning $8000/month, your normal take home pay would be $5920. If you do the salary sacrifice, your net tax home pay for that month would be $5920-$1260=$4660." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Internal Revenue Service notes that for tax year 2014, an employee can be paid up to $1,900 in a calendar year before the employer and employee are responsible for paying taxes on the amount. After the $1,900 threshold is reached both employer and employee are responsible for taxes. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The final $25,000 of your income is taxed at 30 percent, or $7,500. Your total tax: $15,500. Even though you're in the 30 percent bracket, you actually pay only about 20.7 percent of your income in taxes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If I were to earn $800 per week Gross (before tax), how much would I earn Net (after tax) ??ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: The majority of employees are not paid leave loading, so if you are with the majority, your tax to be deducted weekly from $800 gross is $126.00. That deduction includes the Medicare levy. Your amount net (after tax) would therefore be $674.00 per week." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 On page 45, you can use this number to determine your withholding. 2 $1,692.40 after deductions puts you in the second row for tax purposes, which means that your income after $1,040 is taxed at 15%, plus you have to pay $70.90." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She arranges with her employer to salary sacrifice part of her before-tax salary into her super. The outcome… Diane’s current annual salary is $60,000, leaving her with $47,500 take-home pay.Diane decides to add an extra $96.15 per week ($5,000 a year) to her super using salary sacrifice.he arranges with her employer to salary sacrifice part of her before-tax salary into her super. The outcome… Diane’s current annual salary is $60,000, leaving her with $47,500 take-home pay." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Your Tax Dollars at Work. The average income in 2011 was $41,560. With this salary and a single filing status, you could expect to pay around $5,153 (12.4 percent of your earnings) in federal taxes, in addition to $2,577 (6.2 percent) toward Social Security and $603 (1.5 percent) toward Medicare." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Salary Paycheck Calculator How much are your wages after taxes? This powerful tool does all the gross-to-net calculations to estimate take-home (net) pay in any part of the United States.f you are an employee of a non-profit organization, calculate how much of your income you should defer through your organization's 403(b) plan to prepare for retirement. Employee Stock Option Calculator Estimate the after-tax value of non-qualified stock options — before cashing them in." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But it's something like this: If you earn lees than $16K a year, you get all your tax back that you paid. If you earn between $16 - $100k, you get taxed 26% of your yearly pay amount. anything over $100k and you get taxed 46% and higher for the more money you earn.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: The majority of employees are not paid leave loading, so if you are with the majority, your tax to be deducted weekly from $800 gross is $126.00. That deduction includes the Medicare levy. Your amount net (after tax) would therefore be $674.00 per week." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you file your taxes as an individual, and your income is more than $25,000 per year but less than $34,000, you would have to pay taxes on about half the value of your benefits. If you are married and you file jointly, you can have a combined income of up to $32,000 before having to pay taxes on half your benefits. If you are single and you make more than $34,000 (or married and make more than $44,000), 85% of your benefits could be taxed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Calculate how much money you make per month after taxes. This amount is called your take home pay. Add in any additional recurring income you make from freelance work or a part-time job. By writing down where you're starting from, you'll have a good idea of what you have to work with when creating your budget." ], [ "Represent text.", "Taken together, those taxes were about $17,000 per household, on average, in 2011. Thus, average household income after taxes was about $77,000, and the average federal tax rate (federal taxes divided by before-tax income) was 17.6 percent." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "8,40,000. He has also claimed deductions of Rs. 1,00,000. Therefore, his income chargeable to tax after deductions is Rs. 7,40,000. Total Tax on Salary payable for the year computed as per the slab rates would come out to Rs. 78,000 + Cess @ 3% i.e Rs. 2340." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I was thinking 40% goes to taxes and 20% for mal practice (varies by specialty, so I'm talking about average), leaving someone with $100k after taxes/mal practice.ax the rich because they have all the money! Sounds good until you consider what you personally would do if taxed @ 92% of your salary -- say you're an ER doc making another 1200 for that saturday shift..and after tax you end up with 8% of that, a whopping $96, less $20 for gas to and from work.." ], [ "", "In the United States, the paycheck after tax and deductions is the actual income you will bring home. If you are an employee, your employer will withhold your tax and deductions from your paycheck.he Social Security tax rate is 12.4% up to an annual maximum ($117,000 for 2014, $118,500 for 2015). Based on the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, the Medicare tax rate is 2.9% up to $200,000 for singles and $250,000 if married and filed jointly. After that, the Medicare tax rate is 3.8% with no up limit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The reality is that you are saving more than 20% if you calculate your after tax income since $100,000 gross is really only around $80,000 net of taxes. Hence, a 20% gross savings rate is equivalent to a ~25% after-tax savings rate ($20,000/$80,000)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The standard deduction is $6,200 for a single taxpayer for the 2014 tax year, and personal exemptions are worth $3,950 each. Therefore, you can earn $10,150 before you have to pay taxes. This goes up to $10,300 for the 2015 tax year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The point is simply that you can increase your salary sacrifice so that you put the money you receive as a pension back into your super fund. This works as a circular process. Assume your after-tax pension is, say, $10,000 a year and your marginal tax rate is 31.5 per cent.In this situation, you could salary sacrifice $14,600 a year of your wage to super and still have the same take-home income as you had before you started the pension.his works as a circular process. Assume your after-tax pension is, say, $10,000 a year and your marginal tax rate is 31.5 per cent. In this situation, you could salary sacrifice $14,600 a year of your wage to super and still have the same take-home income as you had before you started the pension." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "With this salary and a single filing status, you could expect to pay around $5,153 (12.4 percent of your earnings) in federal taxes, in addition to $2,577 (6.2 percent) toward Social Security and $603 (1.5 percent) toward Medicare." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The general rule of thumb is to spend no more than one-third of your income on rent. To be safe, base this on your monthly take-home pay. So if you make $2,100 per month after taxes, you can afford to spend $700 on your share of the rent.Other expenses: For some people, the one-third rule works perfectly.But if you have a lot of other expenses – like student loans, car payments or child care – you may need to set your sights on a slightly cheaper place.o be safe, base this on your monthly take-home pay. So if you make $2,100 per month after taxes, you can afford to spend $700 on your share of the rent. Other expenses: For some people, the one-third rule works perfectly." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Using the standard deduction and exemption, you will only pay $778. That’s a 2% effective tax rate and you’ll have $31,722/year of after-tax income to spend in retirement. Anyway, this article was syndicated on Yahoo! and it received a bunch of comments.ou wouldn’t want to draw down more than 3% the first year, adjust for inflation after that, so that will yield you $30,000.00 annual supplemental in today’s dollars. So if your pension is $25,000.00 that will give $55,000.00 a year to live on in addition to any monetary notes you might have." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Let’s figure out what your actually take-home pay would be after paying federal income taxes. And then in a future video, we can also think about what your state income taxes might be—if you’re in a state that has income taxes. So the first thing we need to think about is what is our taxable income. This $50,000 which is kind of what you’d think your salary is. This is your gross income." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(For $40,000 in student loans at the same interest rate, your monthly payment would be roughly double, or $444). As a single person making $40,000 per year, you'll probably take home between $2,000 and $2,600 a month after taxes. Based on these expected income numbers, construct a budget for after you graduate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Monthly income: Without a doubt, this is the most important consideration. The general rule of thumb is to spend no more than one-third of your income on rent. To be safe, base this on your monthly take-home pay. So if you make $2,100 per month after taxes, you can afford to spend $700 on your share of the rent.Other expenses: For some people, the one-third rule works perfectly.But if you have a lot of other expenses – like student loans, car payments or child care – you may need to set your sights on a slightly cheaper place.o if you make $2,100 per month after taxes, you can afford to spend $700 on your share of the rent. Other expenses: For some people, the one-third rule works perfectly. But if you have a lot of other expenses – like student loans, car payments or child care – you may need to set your sights on a slightly cheaper place." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How much income do you have to earn before you file income tax return as a student?" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 73% - What income taxes would someone pay in canada making 65000 a year? 2 73% - How much income tacx will a person in canada pay on a salary of 65000 00? 3 63% - How much income tax will i pay on 65000 in bc? 4 62% - How much do i have to pay in taxes if my income is 65000? How much income taxes do i pay in ottawa at 65000 a year? 2 If i made 65000 00 in saskatchewan in 2012 how much income tax should i have paid? 3 75% - How much would it deducted from a 65000 income in canada? 4 75% - How much income tax would i pay on 65000 in ontario canada?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "$50,000: Not rich, but lower middle class. After contributing $22,000 to your tax-exempt 401K and IRA, you are left with $28,000 in gross income to live. With an effective tax rate of about 15%, you have about $24,000 left after taxes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Various Income Levels. $50,000: Not rich, but lower middle class. After contributing $22,000 to your tax-exempt 401K and IRA, you are left with $28,000 in gross income to live. With an effective tax rate of about 15%, you have about $24,000 left after taxes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Another example is if you make $50,000 a year GROSS wage and contribute 10% of it into your 401k account, your current taxable income will be $50,000 - (10% x 50,000) = $45,000. On the other hand, after-tax contributions are the amount of deductions you make from your monthly income AFTER taxes have been paid.A scenario would be if you make $50,000 a year and pay $13000 in taxes, your net annual income would be $37,000.ifferences between 401k Pre-Tax Contributions & After-Tax Contributions. Pre-tax contribution is the amount of deductions you make from your monthly gross wage into your 401k retirement savings account, BEFORE taxes have been deducted." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "With the benefit of this SAPTO, the amount you can earn each year as a pensioner before having to pay tax, is: • $32,279 for single people, • $28,974 each for members of a couple or $57,948 combined.owever, you also get the benefit of the full low income tax offset if you earn below $37,000. That means the tax office will offset up to $445 from the tax you would normally have to pay. So you can earn another couple of thousand dollars before you have to pay tax." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 73% - How much taxes taken out my paycheck in ontario 60 000 salary? 2 73% - How are paycheck taxes claculated in ontario? 3 73% - How much is taken off an 800 dollar paycheck for taxes in ontario? 4 73% - How much taxes do they discount of your paycheck in ontario?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 74% - How much are taxes off your paycheck of 43k in ontario? 2 74% - How much will my paycheck be ontario at 14 hr after taxes? 3 73% - How much is a biweekly paycheck ontario 25000 per year after taxes in ontario? 4 73% - How much taxes taken out my paycheck in ontario 60 000 salary?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you have less than one year of experience as a tax accountant, your projected starting salary ranges are $48,250 to $60,000 at midsize companies, and $50,000 to $62,500 at large companies. Use our Salary Calculator to adjust these salary ranges for your city or compare them with other regions." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is broken before you use it" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. The answer to the riddle what has to be broken before it can be used is an egg.. The shell of the egg must be broken to release the contents before it is used raw in recipes, cooked on the stove or peeled after it is hard boiled. Continue Reading." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Security for Privileged Accounts Using Break-Glass Technique. Break-glass within computing is a term used to describe the act of checking out a system account password for use by a human. It is generally used for highest level system accounts such as root for unix or SYS/SA for database." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If the majority of your tooth has broken away, a crown may be required to repair the tooth. A crown, or cap, is made of porcelain and covers the whole tooth and helps hold it together. If the tooth is broken close to the gumline, the tooth may also require a root canal treatment before a crown can be placed.hether that is a filling, veneer or a crown depends on the way your tooth is broken. If the tooth is kept clean and care is taken not to eat hard or sticky food on it, then the repair should last for quite a long time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Usually any broken bone in the human body can take up to 6 to 8 weeks to heal before you will get full movement and use of your hand again. Don't rush it. Do what the doctor tells you so your hand has a chance to mend properly. Locked & Loaded · 9 years ago." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Be sure when you use it, not to overuse it. Just use it so you can get the relief you need to be able to to the physical therapy you need for a permanent solution. Be sure to also visit Foods that speed healing of Broken Bones as a guide to specific foods suggested by the research. Links to research on the web." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "You can drill glass without breaking it, but you need to use the right tools. The first critical choice is what drill and drill bits to use. To cut glass, you'll have to use a drill bit made of either tungsten carbide or diamond. If you use a diamond drill bit, don't use a hammer drill, as that will damage the diamond drill bit. When you decide where to drill on the glass, stay away from the edges and corners." ], [ "Represent the input.", "No. You can break your hymen, but that does not mean you are not a virgin. When you have sex for the first time you lose your virginity. Your hymen has nothing to do with virginity. It can break very easily; horseback riding, sports, gymnastics, tampons, hard hits, can all cause it to break. suppose your mom really means that you could damage or break your hymen. That is not the real definition of virginity. Engaging in sexual intercourse with another person is what people consider losing one's virginity. So no, you won't lose your virginity while using a tampon." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Depending on how bad the break in your bone is, the doctor may require you to wait a few days or weeks before you try to start using therapy to heal a broken arm faster. Find out if the doctor can get you a bone stimulator. This device uses ultrasound to help heal a broken arm faster. If the doctor agrees to permit you to use the device, make sure your insurance will cover the cost of the bone stimulator, since they can be expensive." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There is such a thing as unbreakable glass that is usually called shatterproof glass. It is usially used in windows, certain stemware, and bottles.nswer by Desine (427). There is no unbreakable anything. Under sufficient stress, anything can break. Glass is made safer not by making it unbreakable but by making it break into safer pieces." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to Heal Fractured Ribs. Tough muscles protect the ribs from impact, so they can withstand a lot of abuse before fracturing. However, when they break, they can be potentially fatal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A cast, a brace, a splint or surgery may be used to immobilize the area around the fracture. • A broken bone in the back is managed by a combination of rest and the correct method of controlled movement. It is important that you follow the instructions you are given by your doctor in terms of rest and movement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Also called: Broken bone. A fracture is a break, usually in a bone. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open or compound fracture. Fractures commonly happen because of car accidents, falls or sports injuries. Other causes are low bone density and osteoporosis, which cause weakening of the bones." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sometimes a hammer is useful for breaking up large ceramic tile or unpatterned dinnerware, but never glass tile or stained glass. You just waste too much material that way. If you do use a hammer on dinnerware, wrap it in an old towel to minimize and contain small shards." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What do you do if you have an broken bone? If you fractured a bone you want to keep it (splint it so it doesn't move) in a comfortable position and ice it before you go to the hospital and get X-Rays. EX: If you fractu…red a finger, you can use a Popsicle stick and tape your finger to it to illiminate movement. Always splint above and below the break. If it's a really serious break, where one bone has actually 'split' and now there is two bones, it needs to be put back into place and splinted. This process is extremely painful. Always ice a break to eliminate swelling, and minimize movement if you are lacking in materials to splint." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A small amount of liquid chemical is applied to pave-ments and bridge decks before a storm to prevent icefrom bonding with the surface. By contrast, the morecommonly used strategy is deicing:applying chemicalduring or after a storm to break the ice/pavement bondso plows can clear the road." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Broken bone is also known as Fracture. A bone fracture is a condition in which there is a break in the bone. It can be caused by a high force injury or it may result from a previous medical condition that involves weakening of the bone." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This rule is often broken because beginning writers feel it necessary to clean up bad grammar or include a word that clarifies the quotation. Although accepted styles vary greatly for this rule, generally if a quote from the source is not clear or adding an element to the story, do not use use it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Epoxying the Statue. The material you should use to reattach the two pieces of your figurine is called cement, or concrete epoxy. It comes in two separate tubes and must be mixed before it is applied to the broken surfaces.poxying the Statue. The material you should use to reattach the two pieces of your figurine is called cement, or concrete epoxy. It comes in two separate tubes and must be mixed before it is applied to the broken surfaces." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you are using section breaks, then you need wdGoToSection rather than wdGoToPage. If you insert a section break and the section (i.e. the page above) that you are trying to copy is protected meaning it can't be copied, then your code can unprotect it before you copy it. You can then re-protect the section. The following would work in that scenario but not sure if that is what you mean." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Use-by means that it can be dangerous to eat the product after the specified date, whereas best-before merely means that the food will be at its peak of tastiness before this date, but will not be unsafe afterwards." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A pickaxe is used to break stone and metal based materials faster. When a block is broken using a pickaxe, the pickaxe takes 1 damage. Pickaxes have different amounts of uses based on the type:1 Golden: 33. 2 Wooden: 60. Foam Stone pickaxes are official Minecraft merchandise. 2 In the game Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise, you can buy a diamond pickaxe which, according to the game, is made by Kick it up a Notch Pickaxes, referring to Notch." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"DAYS IN EACH MONTH. 30 days hath September, April, June and November, All the rest have 31, Excepting February alone (And that has 28 days clear, With 29 in each leap year). The number of days in each month has remained unchanged for 2000 years (since 45 B.C. in fact, when Julius Caesar introduced the Julian Calendar). Here's a well-known mnemonic rhyme which has been in existence for over 400 years, to indicate the exact number of days in each different month:\"] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'how many days in the month of april']", "Polish touches the cuticle or side wall so as it grows, it pulls away and breaks the seal. Old gel polish - everything has a shelf life before they start breaking down. Trauma - so if you bang your nail for e.g. Using the nail as a tool for things like can opening or vigorous typing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Broken Bone (Definition) Broken bone is also known as Fracture. A bone fracture is a condition in which there is a break in the bone. It can be caused by a high force injury or it may result from a previous medical condition that involves weakening of the bone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Broken Bone Causes. A broken bone is called a fracture. You can fracture your bone completely, or partially. Symptoms of a bone fracture are pain, inability to move or put weight on the injured body part, swelling, bruising, bleeding (if there is an open wound), or deformity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In this situation, a broken belt means a break down, so belts should be replaced before they snap. If you observe any cracks, fraying, or splitting it is time for a replacement. Our Pep Boys professional technicians can inspect your belts and determine if it’s time for a replacement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "digitizer broke, how to use phone. This is a discussion on digitizer broke, how to use phone within the Motorola Backflip forums, part of the Motorola Android Phones category; the right side of my digitizer is broke, so I cannot slide to unlock but sometimes it comes unlocked. I can use backtrack and the ...he right side of my digitizer is broke, so I cannot slide to unlock but sometimes it comes unlocked. I can use backtrack and the keyboard return button, just need an easy way to unlock it. Android.net is the premier Android Forum." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About timing: When you plan ahead and can focus on one component of a dish at a time, a seemingly complex recipe doesn’t just become doable—it becomes fun to make. As for the technique, we use sous vide for the eggs and sauce, eliminating the risk of overcooking the first and “breaking” the second. (A broken sauce is one that fails to emulsify and instead becomes runny and oily. Put away the Xanax; with sous vide, this won’t be a problem.)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The concrete can also start to crack, especially if large chunks break off. It can be repaired by totally removing the damaged section of concrete and filling it in with cement. The best time to address spalling is when concrete is first poured, by taking steps to prevent it from occurring in the first place." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Having said that, it is still fairly common for a woman’s water to break before labor starts. When we refer to water breaking, it describes how the bag of waters, known as amniotic fluid, breaks. The bag of waters protects your baby from infection and bacteria. If your water breaks, it is often a sign that labor is about to begin, but it can happen days before you go into labor. Often, your health care provider will want to induce labor after your water breaks, to reduce the risks of infection." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you break a bone in your arm or leg, you may just need to wear a splint, cast or brace to hold it in place while it heals. But sometimes a broken bone will need to be fixed with surgery using metal plates, rods or pins. You may hear your surgeon refer to your broken bone as a fracture, which is the medical term." ], [ "Represent this text", "Break Before Make: The term given to a double throw switch where the first circuit is opened before the second circuit is closed. Capacity: Usually refers to the current handling capability of a switch." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Python code, it is permissible to break before or after a binary operator, as long as the convention is consistent locally. For new code Knuth's style is suggested." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "For best results, repairs should be made as soon as possible after the damage occurs and before the break is contaminated by dirt or water. The kit works best on round damage not more than one inch in diameter, and cracks not longer than 12 inches. It will not repair damage to more than one layer of glass." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Fewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Palatine, IL. Sponsored Topics. Palatine is a village in Cook County, Illinois, United States. It is a northwestern residential suburb of Chicago. As of the 2000 census, the village had a total population of 65,479, making it the sixth-largest community in Cook County and the 16th-largest in the state of Illinois at that time.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is palatine il in']\"", "The pitcher goes so often to the well that it comes home broken at last. (English proverb) Tree would bend when it bears fruit. (Azerbaijani proverb) You need a brother, without one you're like a person rushing to battle without a weapon. (Arabic proverb) Dress up a stick and it’ll be a beautiful bride. (Egyptian proverb)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "In case the microphone is broken, or if you don't have the correct drivers installed, you can fix the problem before you initiate the call. Windows has a built-in sound recorder that you can use to test the mike. If the recorder captures your voice, your microphone is working properly.n case the microphone is broken, or if you don't have the correct drivers installed, you can fix the problem before you initiate the call. Windows has a built-in sound recorder that you can use to test the mike. If the recorder captures your voice, your microphone is working properly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If a broken bone sticks out from the skin (open fracture), do not try to push it back in. Use a clean, dry cloth or bandage to cover it until medical help arrives. It is important that you not try to use the broken arm. Moving a broken arm would also cause more damage to blood vessels, nerves and other tissues." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "What do you do if you have an broken bone? If you fractured a bone you want to keep it (splint it so it doesn't move) in a comfortable position and ice it before you go to the hospital and get X-Rays. EX: If you fractu…red a finger, you can use a Popsicle stick and tape your finger to it to illiminate movement. Always splint above and below the break." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Depending if the broken wrist bone is in good condition, a casting may be used to align and hold the bone in place until it has fully healed. A splint may be used before hand to allow natural swelling to occur. Once the swelling subsides a cast of the wrist and or forearm will be applied." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 You may need tests before having external cardioversion to make sure that there are no blood clots in the heart. 2 Some people may need to take blood thinners. You may be given medicine to help you relax before the procedure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tablet: 1 Some products may be broken in half. If you are not sure if you can break this product in half, talk with the doctor. 2 If you break the tablet in half, use the other half of the tablet for the next dose, as told by the doctor. Throw away half-tablets not used within 28 days." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you aren't able to open the window, or it only opens halfway, you'll need to break it. You will need to use an object or your foot to break the window. It may feel counter-intuitive to let water into the car, but the sooner it is open, the sooner you will be able to escape directly through the broken window.1 If you have no tools or heavy objects to break the window with, use your feet.t may feel counter-intuitive to let water into the car, but the sooner it is open, the sooner you will be able to escape directly through the broken window. 1 If you have no tools or heavy objects to break the window with, use your feet." ], [ "Represent the input", "Best Answer: You can use it after composting. That's because chicken manure is high in nitrogen and needs to be broken down before used as a fetilizer. Once composted, it's the perfect nourishment for your garden.Source(s): http://compost.ellsed.com.est Answer: You can use it after composting. That's because chicken manure is high in nitrogen and needs to be broken down before used as a fetilizer. Once composted, it's the perfect nourishment for your garden. Source(s): http://compost.ellsed.com." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "digitizer broke, how to use phone. the right side of my digitizer is broke, so I cannot slide to unlock but sometimes it comes unlocked. I can use backtrack and the keyboard return button, just need an easy way to unlock it. Android.net is the premier Android Forum.Registered users do not see these ads.he right side of my digitizer is broke, so I cannot slide to unlock but sometimes it comes unlocked. I can use backtrack and the keyboard return button, just need an easy way to unlock it. Android.net is the premier Android Forum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Doctors use bone density testing to: 1 Identify decreases in bone density before you break a bone. 2 Determine your risk of broken bones (fractures).3 Confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis.octors use bone density testing to: 1 Identify decreases in bone density before you break a bone. 2 Determine your risk of broken bones (fractures)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If your water breaks before you're at the hospital, don't panic. Call your doctor or midwife to let them know, and be prepared to answer three important questions: They will use this information to determine if and when you may need to come to the hospital." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Masturbation can also cause the hymen to break before first time sex.Bleeding the first two to three times you have sexual intercourse is nothing to worry about. Once you have been having sex for months or years and are still bleeding, there could be a problem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Not all vitamin tablets readily dissolve, and this can interfere with their effectiveness. You can test a vitamin before ingestion. Place the tablet in a cup of water. If it does not break down in the liguid, it probably won't dissolve before entering your small intestines, where absorption largely occurs." ], [ "Represent the input", "If you suspect your arm is broken, setting and treating (i.e., which could consist of a sling, pins, screws, or surgery) the broken bone quickly is vital for proper healing and future use." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleeding_di... hemophyllia is used if the bruising is severe and for no apparent reason, and is usually fatal before reaching maturity. Otherwise, some people just bruise easily and there is no hard and fast medical terminology to refer to this." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "An open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a type of surgery used to fix broken bones. This is a two-part surgery. First, the broken bone is reduced or put back into place. Next, an internal fixation device is placed on the bone. This can be done with screws, plates, rods, or pins that are used to hold the broken bone together." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A material that is easily broken-usually shattered is a brittle material. It has poor toughness and poor resistance to fracture. Sometimes a material can be very hard an … d yet brittle. Glass is one such material.It is very hard but has very poor resistance to fracture. Lead is extremely soft but is not a brittle material.s the bananas in a hand mature and grow larger, they eventually curve up … wards so that instead of pointing towards the ground, they bend up and point towards the sky! The ability to do this is pretty neat, and it's known by the complicated-sounding term negative geotropism.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After two weeks of use I started to break out after using my Clarisonic Mia 2. When I mean break out I mean in areas that I normally never break out either – like on my cheeks and on the sides of temples or sides of my face.ome people’s skin gets better with the Clarisonic and some people’s skin gets worse. After this trial and error three or four times I just gave up. Now it is in a drawer tucked away somewhere and I just won’t use it anymore in fear it will cause me to break out again. I guess it goes back to the age old adage that." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The-f here stands for “fix broken”. Apt will attempt to correct broken dependencies. If you manually installed a package that had unmet dependencies, apt-get will install those dependencies, if possible, otherwise it may simply remove the package that you installed in order to resolve the problem." ], [ "Represent text", "When you break an object, you can either select the object using the first break point and then pick the second break point, or you can select the object and then pick the two break points. Command Sequence. It may sometimes be necessary to break a line into two without removing any part of it." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Take a long thin item, as long as your broken finger, such as a popsicle stick or a pen. 2 Place it next to your broken finger, or have a friend or family member help you hold it in place. Use medical tape to wrap together the stick or pen and your finger. Wrap it loosely." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Feels like broken rib but cant be. HI I have what feels like a broken rib (have had them before) however I haven't done anything to break it..The pain is on my right side under my breast & hurts especially if I press on the rib its self.eels like broken rib but cant be. HI I have what feels like a broken rib (have had them before) however I haven't done anything to break it..The pain is on my right side under my breast & hurts especially if I press on the rib its self." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: If your foot is broken you should really go to the hospital sooner rather than later before your bones begin to heal themselves and the only way it can go back to normal is by rebreaking, and yes I believe you will need to wear a cast. So don't delay and go today if your foot is broken." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If the broken fragments of your bone don't fit snugly together, your doctor may need to manipulate the pieces back into their proper positions — a process called reduction. In most cases, this can be accomplished without cutting open your skin. Ice or an injected anesthetic is used to numb your toe." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glass is a breakable material, which when broken into smaller sharp pieces often called shards can cause serious injury. Safety glazing material, usually tempered glass or laminated glass, reduces the risk of injury." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hard handover. Is one in which the channel in the source cell is released and only then the channel in the target cell is engaged. Thus the connection to the source is broken before or 'as' the connection to the target is made—for this reason such handovers are also known as break-before-make." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "For patients with a broken arm (from the shoulder to fingers). For patients with a broken leg (from hips to the foot) If you’ve broken a leg, you need to first learn how to move around with walking aids like crutches, walking frames or sticks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Treatment for a broken foot will be determined by the location and severity of the injury. Regardless of whether the injury is mild or severe, the foot needs to be stabilized before anything else is done. Stay off your foot until you can get to a doctor, even if you are able to walk with minimal pain. Your doctor will determine whether it is okay to put weight on your foot. Here is a look at some of the options your doctor may offer to treat your broken foot: 1 Crutches. 2 Casting. 3 Walking boot. 4 Wheelchair." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What Do I Do When I Break My Denture? Dentures are delicate items that can easily be damaged. Unlike natural teeth, they are not as strong as they are made from metal or acrylic. When these materials are kept in the mouth for a long period of time, they eventually start to degrade and weaken." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Talking with your doctor is the most. important part of learning about these risks and benefits. If you have questions, be sure to ask. Before After. In the picture on the left, the arm bone is severely broken. In the picture on the right, the arm bone is held. together with metal devices called internal fixation. They will not be removed after the bone heals." ], [ "", "If you break a bone in your arm or leg, you may just need to wear a splint, cast or brace to hold it in place while it heals. But sometimes a broken bone will need to be fixed with surgery using metal plates, rods or pins. You may hear your surgeon refer to your broken bone as a fracture, which is the medical term.Bone is a living tissue so if it breaks (fractures), it can heal itself.ut sometimes a broken bone will need to be fixed with surgery using metal plates, rods or pins. You may hear your surgeon refer to your broken bone as a fracture, which is the medical term. Bone is a living tissue so if it breaks (fractures), it can heal itself." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Always read the product information before use. Check that the product seal is not broken before first use. Wash and dry hands thoroughly before handling lenses. To dispense solution, remove lid and squeeze bottle." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "heraldry definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of heraldry - the system by which coats of arms and other armorial bearings are devised, described, and regulated Definition of heraldry - the system by which coats of arms and other armorial bearings are devised, described, and regulated" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Heraldry was a design and short saying. Noble families designed a coat of arms that incorporated their heraldry (their design and short saying). They put their coat of arms, showing their heraldry, on banners, shields, tapestries and anything else they could think of. Each part of the coat of arms has a specific meaning. Animals or objects were used to describe character traits-brave as a lion, for example. The colors were used as symbols of character. Each heraldry was unique. There are many books describing what each of the symbols mean. You usually can find such a book at your local library. You can look up your name and see if your family has a coat of arms! Then you'll need to look what each symbol means." ], [ "", "something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: his remarkable achievements in art. 2. the act of achieving; attainment or accomplishment: the achievement of one's object. 3. Heraldry. the full display of the armorial bearings of an individual or corporation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Define heralded. heralded synonyms, heralded pronunciation, heralded translation, English dictionary definition of heralded. n. 1. A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger. 2. One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger: The crocus is..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Heraldry on the Internet, Coats of Arms, Family Crests. Heraldic research on the Internet. Related topics: heraldic research, charges, dictionary of heraldry ,... The art of heraldry.Heraldry Links. Genealogy and Heraldry. Family Histories, Genealogy, Heraldry, Peerage, Royalty.urnames, family, genealogy, geneology, research, family trees, family history, genealogy, research... A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The definition of a herald is a messenger or announcer. An example of a herald is a town news crier. An example of a herald is the very first flower to bloom in the spring. To herald is defined as to say or show that something is coming, or to announce the news." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "(kwôr′tər-lē) adj. 1. Made up of four parts. 2. Being one of four parts. 3. Occurring or appearing at three-month intervals: a quarterly magazine; a quarterly payment. 4. Heraldry Having four sections. Used of a shield." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "of or having a light, purplish shade of blue, like that of a clear and unclouded sky. 2. Heraldry. of the tincture or color blue. noun. 3. the blue of a clear or unclouded sky. 4. a light, purplish blue." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Naval heraldry. Naval heraldry is a form of identification used by naval vessels from the end of the 19th century onwards, after distinguishing features such as figureheads and gilding were discouraged or banned by several navies." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Heralded definition, (formerly) a royal or official messenger, especially one representing a monarch in an ambassadorial capacity during wartime. See more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "‘Now, heraldry is one of the quaint, meaningless traditions that so enthralls anglophiles like myself.’ ‘The Sunday Herald has learned that after lengthy deliberations, a stunning earlier design, believed to have cost thousands of pounds, was turned down at the last minute because it breached heraldry regulations.’" ], [ "", "The definition of a herald is a messenger or announcer. An example of a herald is a town news crier. An example of a herald is the very first flower to bloom in the spring. To herald is defined as to say or show that something is coming, or to announce the news. An example of to herald is how the circus announcer tells the audience the name of the upcoming act in the circus. An example of to herald is to write the news for a local community in a newspaper." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Herald. A herald, or, more correctly, a herald of arms, is an officer of arms, ranking between pursuivant and king of arms. The title is commonly applied more broadly to all officers of arms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Heraldry is connected with genealogy, with numismatics, paleography, and sphragistics. The data of heraldry are used in various branches of historical scholarship. Heraldry originated from the custom of announcing before the beginning of a tournament the design of a knight’s coat of arms as proof of his right to participate in the competition." ], [ "represent the input!", "Definition of herald. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to give notice of : announce a gong used to herald the new year the approach of a cold air mass … is heralded by a shift of the wind — P. E. James. 3 2a : to greet especially with enthusiasm : hail doctors are heralding a new drugb : publicize a highly heralded event." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A messenger, especially one bringing important news. The herald blew his trumpet and shouted that the King was dead. A harbinger, giving signs of things to come. Daffodils are heralds of Spring. (heraldry) An official whose speciality is heraldry, especially one between the ranks of pursuivant and king-of-arms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Heraldry on the Internet, Coats of Arms, Family Crests. Heraldic research on the Internet. Related topics: heraldic research, charges, dictionary of heraldry ,... The art of heraldry. Heraldry Links. Genealogy and Heraldry. Family Histories, Genealogy, Heraldry, Peerage, Royalty." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "herald (third-person singular simple present heralds, present participle heralding, simple past and past participle heralded) To proclaim or announce an event. Daffodils herald the Spring. (transitive, usually passive) To greet something with excitement; to hail. The film was heralded by critics. Translations" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of bend 1 heraldry: a diagonal band that runs from the dexter chief (see 3 chief 1) to the sinister base (see 1 base 4) on a heraldic shield — compare bend sinister 2" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "herald (third-person singular simple present heralds, present participle heralding, simple past and past participle heralded) ( 1 transitive) To proclaim or announce an event. Daffodils herald the Spring. ( 2 transitive, usually passive) To greet something with excitement; to hail. The film was heralded by critics." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Heraldry Mottoes are provided as a free reference to permit users to look up a motto of a surname, or find a motto they. would like to adopt, or find a translation to a motto. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Click a letter above, or CTRL+F to use the browser search." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 (heraldry) An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish two people's bearings which would otherwise be the same. See augmentation and cadency. ( logic) The quality or attribute which is added to those of the genus to constitute a species; a differentia." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Joseph C. Wolf. Curator Emeritus, Local and Family History Collections, Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois. Historically, heraldry began as a mark of identification in social intercourse and found its full flowering as a useful art in the Middle Ages, when it came to be used to distinguish the warriors on the battlefield." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1. (often foll by: on, upon, or with) to pierce with a sharp instrument: they impaled his severed head on a spear. 2. archaic to enclose with pales or fencing; fence in. 3. (Heraldry) heraldry to charge (a shield) with two coats of arms placed side by side." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Heraldry and Crests is a firm that specializes in onomastic and heraldic research, with the most comprehensive research library of it's kind in the world, an existing data base of over 1,000,000 names, and a staff of highly trained specialists, we are able to provide the most accurate information currently available about the meaning and origin of ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A herald, or, more correctly, a herald of arms, is an officer of arms, ranking between pursuivant and king of arms. The title is commonly applied more broadly to all officers of arms." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(ˈʃɛvrən) n. 1. (Military) military a badge or insignia consisting of one or more V-shaped stripes to indicate a noncommissioned rank or length of service. 2. (Heraldry) heraldry an inverted V-shaped charge on a shield, one of the earliest ordinaries found in English arms." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "’During the 16th to 18th centuries the theory of heraldry was developed and systematized by heraldic scholars. The first department of heraldry was established in Berlin in 1706. With the decline of feudalism, heraldry lost its practical importance." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of dormant. 1 1 heraldry : represented on a coat of arms in a lying position with the head on the forepaws." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Looking for heraldry? Find out information about heraldry. system in which inherited symbols, or devices, called charges are displayed on a shield, or escutcheon, for the purpose of identifying individuals or... Explanation of heraldry" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "n, pl -buses. 1 1. (Games, other than specified) a puzzle consisting of pictures representing syllables and words; in such a puzzle the word hear might be represented by H followed by a picture of an ear. 2 2. (Heraldry) a heraldic emblem or device that is a pictorial representation of or pun on the name of the bearer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Herald(noun) an officer whose business was to denounce or proclaim war, to challenge to battle, to proclaim peace, and to bear messages from the commander of an army." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "heraldnoun [ C ] uk ​ /ˈher.əld/ us ​ /ˈher.əld/. › formal a sign that something will happen, change, etc.: If this first opera of the season is a herald (= sign) of what is to come, we can expect great things. › in the past, a person who carried important messages and made announcements. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The use of heraldry as a means to identify geographical entities is a centuries-old tradition, preceding flags. This template facilitates the use of heraldry as a means to simply and orderly illustrate armigers (e.g. countries, regions, cities, persons or organisations) in lists. To see the Coat of arms list and for updates, click the toolbar Edit tab." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. a wooden post or strip used as an upright member in a fence. 2. an enclosing barrier, esp a fence made of pales. 3. an area enclosed by a pale. 4. a sphere of activity within which certain restrictions are applied. 5. (Heraldry) heraldry an ordinary consisting of a vertical stripe, usually in the centre of a shield." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of herald for English Language Learners. : 1 to be a sign of (something that is beginning to happen or will happen soon) : 2 to greet (someone or something) with enthusiasm." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 A badge or insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle, worn on the sleeve of a military or police uniform to indicate rank, merit, or length of service. 2 n. Heraldry A device shaped like an inverted V. n." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1. (Heraldry) any small crown, esp one worn by princes or peers as a mark of rank. 2. (Jewellery) a woman's jewelled circlet for the head. 3. (Veterinary Science) the margin between the skin of a horse's pastern and the horn of the hoof. 4. (Zoology) the knob at the base of a deer's antler." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "har•bin•ger. 1. one that announces or foreshadows the approach of someone or something; forerunner; herald. 2. a person sent in advance of troops, a royal train, etc., to provide or secure lodgings and other accommodations. 3. to act as harbinger to; herald the coming of." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 (heraldry) A green colour, now only in heraldry; represented in engraving by diagonal parallel lines 45 degrees counter-clockwise. ( 2 archaic) Green undergrowth or other vegetation growing in a forest, as a potential cover for deer. ( 3 archaic) The right to fell trees or cut shrubs in a forest." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of 'herald'. Word Frequency. herald (herəld ) Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense heralds , present participle heralding , past tense , past participle heralded. 1. verb. Something that heralds a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "2. herald, forerunner, precursor, portent, indication. 1 a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald. 2 anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; sign:Frost is a harbinger of winter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1. (Military) military a badge or insignia consisting of one or more V-shaped stripes to indicate a noncommissioned rank or length of service. 2. (Heraldry) heraldry an inverted V-shaped charge on a shield, one of the earliest ordinaries found in English arms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Herald(noun) an officer whose business was to denounce or proclaim war, to challenge to battle, to proclaim peace, and to bear messages from the commander of an army. He was invested with a sacred and inviolable character." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a small territorial district, especially one of the states of the Swiss confederation. (in a department of France) a division of an arrondissement. Heraldry. a square area in the dexter chief, or right-hand corner, of an escutcheon, often distinctively treated: a diminutive of the dexter chief quarter." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The eight primitive data types in Java are: 1 boolean, the type whose values are either true or false. 2 char, the character type whose values are 16-bit Unicode characters. 3 the arithmetic types: the integral types: byte.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are the primitive data types in java']\"", "Tabard worn by a herald in the College of Arms. A herald, or, more correctly, a herald of arms, is an officer of arms, ranking between pursuivant and king of arms. The title is commonly applied more broadly to all officers of arms. Heralds were originally messengers sent by monarchs or noblemen to convey messages or proclamations—in this sense being the predecessors of the modern diplomats." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(Heraldry) a rose, or a representation of one, as the national emblem of England. 6. (Jewellery) jewellery. a. a cut for a diamond or other gemstone, having a hemispherical faceted crown and a flat base." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "the act of a person or thing that quarters. 2. the assignment of quarters or lodgings. 3. Heraldry. the division of an escutcheon into quarters. the marshaling of various coats of arms on an escutcheon. any of the coats of arms so marshaled." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Full Definition of CORONARY. 1. : of, relating to, resembling, or being a crown or coronal. 2. : of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or veins of the heart; broadly: of or relating to the heart.See coronary defined for English-language learners.See coronary defined for kids.ADVERTISEMENT. of, relating to, resembling, or being a crown or coronal. 2. : of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or veins of the heart; broadly: of or relating to the heart. See coronary defined for English-language learners." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.", "what is good for kidney" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Foods that assist in maintaining healthy potassium levels are especially good for the kidneys. Bananas, dried fruit, and grape juice are especially good as are beans, dark leafy greens, and avocados. Read: The Essential Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Flush." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Common searches for this page include: Kidney function test, kidney blood test, kidney test, kidney function, what is a kidney function test for, kidney function test results," ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Q. my eGFR is 50 what is eGFR and what is a good number for eGFR a. eGFR is an estimate, a test to check your kidney function and is done when a doctor thinks you have or are at risk for kidney... View Full Answer Report This Report Question" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "What Is Kidney Cancer? Kidney cancer-- also called renal cancer-- is a disease in which kidney cells become malignant (cancerous) and grow out of control, forming a tumor. Almost all kidney cancers first appear in the lining of tiny tubes (tubules) in the kidney. This type of kidney cancer is called renal cell carcinoma. The good news is that most of kidney cancers are found before they spread (metastasize) to distant organs. And cancers caught early are easier to treat successfully." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thus, I recommend Chinese medicines which can repair injured kidneys and improve renal function. As long as kidney function is improved, kidneys can work by their own and there is no need to take dialysis again. Then its side effects will also be alleviated or disappear naturally. Tag: Dialysis Kidney Failure Symptoms" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To monitor the function of a kidney transplant, your doctors check your creatinine levels. Creatinine is a good measure of the function of kidney transplants, but this blood test does not give a complete picture of how well the kidney is doing. A biopsy of the kidney provides much more information than your blood tests. A biopsy tells the doctor what is happening at the microscopic level in your kidney." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Menu. 1 Prevent What your kidneys do. Keeping your kidneys healthy. 2 Detect Kidney disease. Kidney cancer. 3 Support Kidney disease. Kidney cancer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "5 I just found out that I have a small kidney infection & I'm taking amox-clav every 8 hours for a week, I heard that Gatorade is good but idk, is it? Lots of fluids: Most kidney infections are rather serious, and I'm not sure what to make of a small one." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what does cdn stand for?" ]
[ [ "", "CDN stands for “Content Delivery Network” and it is a system of computers with scripts and other content on them that are widely used by many web pages.hen to Switch to a Content Delivery Network. The majority of response time for a web page is spent downloading the components of that web page, including images, style sheets, scripts, Flash, and so on." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g. ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Consider a parcel of 0.30 to 0.39 carat diamonds that average F to G color and VVS1 to VVS2 clarity. Given the FVVS1 price of 36 ($3,600 per carat) and the G-VVS2 price of 29 ($2,900 per carat), the average price is calculated at 32.5 or $3,250 per carat. This approach works well based on the general principle that the Price List should be used as an indicator of value and not as a final price.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much is a carat diamond']", "military mk, what does mark stand for in military, what does mk 19 mean, what does mk 19 stand for, what does mk mean in military, what does mk mean in weapons, what does mk mean military, what does mk stand for guns, what does mk stand for in guns, what does mk stand for in mk 19, what does mk stand for in newspapers, what does mk stand for on a gun, what does mk19 stand for, what does mod 0 mean, what does the mk stand for in mk-19" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A certificate of deposit (CD) is a savings certificate with a fixed maturity date, specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination aside from minimum investment requirements. A CD restricts access to the funds until the maturity date of the investment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "CDNs like the Rackspace CDN [product link] augment the transport network by employing various techniques to optimize content delivery. It is fairly easy to see how CDNs help by looking at how the Internet works. A trace route to an Internet address tells us how many network hops a simple request takes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "CDG may refer to: 1 Caisse de dépôt et de gestion, Moroccan pension fund. 2 Charles de Gaulle, French general and politician. IATA code for Charles de Gaulle Airport, in Paris, France." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "CDT stands for Central Daylight Time(USA), the time zone used in United States- Chicago. CDT is Different From GMT -05:00 hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Canavan disease (CD) belongs to a group of conditions known as leukodystrophies, characterized by defects in myelin, commonly known as the white matter in the brain.Myelin protects nerves and allows messages to be sent to and from the brain.All CD symptoms are explained by the progressive loss of myelin.anavan disease (CD) belongs to a group of conditions known as leukodystrophies, characterized by defects in myelin, commonly known as the white matter in the brain." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Expert: Lawmoe replied 6 years ago. Thank you for the post. A CRN is an initial alcohol evaluation. CRN stands for Court Reporting Network. A CRN evaluation generally consists of answering questions to determine your background and prevalence of drug or alcohol use imncluding your use history. The results of your CRN evaluation are automatically transmitted to the ounty Prosecutor's Office." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "DSN stands for defense switched network, which is the primary system of interbase communication for the U.S. Department of Defense. A DSN number is a phone or data communications number that is used within that closed system. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit, a financial product commonly sold in the United States and elsewhere by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions. CDs are similar to savings accounts in that they are insured and thus virtually risk free; they are money in the bank.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Home > Services > Crohn's Disease. Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic disorder of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It is one of the disorders in the group called Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It causes inflammation of the tissue of the GI tract and can impact any area from the mouth to the anus." ], [ "", "Canavan disease (CD) is a human early-onset leukodystrophy, genetic in nature and resulting from an autosomally inherited recessive trait. CD is characterized by loss of the axon's myelin sheath, while leaving the axons intact, and spongiform degeneration, especially in white matter." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Crohn’s disease (CD) a condition in which long-term inflammation can cause symptoms and complications affecting the digestive tract, anywhere from the mouth to the anus, as well as affecting other parts of the body. CD is a very complicated autoimmune condition that affects every person in a unique way." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The ADN stands for associate’s degree in nursing. A registered nurse is someone who has earned either an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in nursing and passed the national licensing examination. Many nurses who have earned their BSN go on to earn their MSN. A MSN stands for master’s science in nursing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2012). The Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA), also known by some legislators as the Great Cyberporn Panic of 1995, was the first notable attempt by the United States Congress to regulate pornographic material on the Internet." ], [ "", "A CDL is proof of your professional skills and aptitude. Commercial Programs and Information. Employer Pull Notice (EPN) Program; Motor Carrier Permit (MCP) Program; CDL program information and how to apply for a license; Medical Report for Commercial Driver License; The Commercial Driver License handbook (PDF) Sample test questions for Class A and B licenses" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In genetics, complementary DNA (cDNA) is DNA synthesized from a single stranded RNA (e.g., messenger RNA or microRNA) template in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. cDNA is often used to clone eukaryotic genes in prokaryotes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the medical community, PRN is an abbreviated term that stands for pro re nata. This means as needed. For nurses, there are multiple ways this term can be used. The main one refers to medication. Where a patient takes their medication as needed instead of on a schedule." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Health Care Professionals. PRN is an abbreviation for the Latin term, pro re nata which loosely translates to as needed. PRN is a term commonly used by healthcare employers and professionals to describe short-term, contract, part-time, or fill-in work by a nurse or allied health professional." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Noun. 1. cDNA-single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been synthesized from messenger RNA by reverse transcriptase. complementary DNA.provirus-cDNA copy of the RNA genome of a retrovirus; the genetic material of a virus as incorporated into and able to replicate with the genome of a host cell.mportance of the efficiency of double-stranded DNA formation in cDNA ... by Thormar, Hans G.; Gudmundsson, Bjarki; Eiriksdottir, Freyja; Kil, Siyoen; Gunnarsson, Gudmundur H.; / Clinical Chemistry." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Learn the material covered on the CDL written test. What Does Cdl Stand For. A web blogger together or two and take the cdl sample test is TestAnswers. 01st April 2008 Truck driver. You should answers may also refers to any vehicles with hazardous Materials Endorsement on a state-issued Commercial driving licenses. They will need to apply for once you get behind this goods." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A call detail record (CDR) in voice over IP (VoIP) is a file containing information about recent system usage such as the identities of sources (points of origin), the identities of destinations (e..." ], [ "Represent the next text", "First of all, LPN is an acronym that stands for licensed practical nurse. Forty-eight American states and most of the the Canadian provinces utilize the title of LPN. The remaining two states in the union (California and Texas) use the acronym LVN, which stands for licensed vocational nurse. The Canadian province of Ontario refers to their practical nurses as RPNs, which is an acronym that stands for registered practical nurse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Canavan disease (CD) is a globally distributed early-onset leukodystrophy. It is genetic in nature, and results from an autosomally inherited recessive trait that is characterized by loss of the axon's myelin sheath while leaving the axons intact, and spongiform degeneration especially in white matter." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Riverdale, California. Riverdale (formerly, Liberty Settlement) is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fresno County, California, United States. The population was 3,153 at the 2010 census, up from 2,416 at the 2000 census. Riverdale is located 23 miles (37 km) south of Fresno, at an elevation of 223 ft (68 m).'] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what county is riverdale']", "ThoughtCo, Aug. 21, 2017, thoughtco.com/what-does-spqr-stand-for-120786. Gill, N.S. (2017, August 21). What Does SPQR Stand For? Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/what-does-spqr-stand-for-120786 Gill, N.S. What Does SPQR Stand For? ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-does-spqr-stand-for-120786 (accessed January 18, 2018)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Common Data Link. Common Data Link (CDL) is a secure U.S. military communications protocol. It was established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1991 as the military's primary protocol for imagery and signals intelligence. CDL operates within the Ku band at data rates up to 274 Mbit/s." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A DRN stands for Data Release Number on a Student Aid Report. It is a four-digit number assigned to your application that appears on the upper right corner of your paper and e…lectronic SAR. You do not need to fill in your own code, one will be assigned to you." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ESN stands for Electronic Serial Number and was introduced as a unique identification number for all mobile devices by the FCC in the early 1980s. Electronic Serial Numbers were attached to CDMA devices (CDMA just refers to the radio type in the mobile device — Sprint phones, for example, are CDMA devices)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "cardholder data environment (CDE) A cardholder data environment (CDE) is a computer system or networked group of IT systems that processes, stores and/or transmits cardholder data or sensitive payment authentication data. A CDE also includes any component that directly connects to or supports this network. Download this free guide." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A CD-ROM /ˌsiːˌdiːˈrɒm/ is a pre-pressed optical compact disc which contains data. The name is an acronym which stands for Compact Disc Read-Only Memory. Computers can read CD-ROMs, but cannot write to CD-ROMs, which are not writable or erasable." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is cdn.fbsbx.com ? cdn.fbsbx.com is regarded to be a browser hijacker which infects Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE. It is a insecure search tool although it looks like a legitimate search page with a search box." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "what is a .cdf file? The CDF in files with the .cdf extension stands for computable document format, and this file format was developed by Wolfram Research as a multimedia encoding standard of interactive documents that can contain different text formatting attributes and multimedia elements." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In genetics, complementary DNA (cDNA) is double-stranded DNA synthesized from a messenger RNA (mRNA) template in a reaction catalysed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. cDNA is often used to clone eukaryotic genes in prokaryotes.he term cDNA is also used, typically in a bioinformatics context, to refer to an mRNA transcript's sequence, expressed as DNA bases (GCAT) rather than RNA bases (GCAU)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', \"Estrogen is a necessary hormone in a woman's body, but having symptoms of high estrogen can be uncomfortable - and possibly dangerous. Many women in premenopause (usually beginning around 35 years old) experience the symptoms of excess estrogen: 1. Bloating, weight gain.\"]>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'symptoms of excess estrogen in women']>>", "In genetics, complementary DNA (cDNA) is double-stranded DNA synthesized from a messenger RNA (mRNA) template in a reaction catalysed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. cDNA is often used to clone eukaryotic genes in prokaryotes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "cDNA (Complementary DNA) The term cDNA refers to complementary DNA. cDNA is known to be synthesized, or manufactured from an mRNA or messenger RNA template. It is synthesized in a reaction that is catalyzed by the reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase enzymes. Essential to note is that cDNA is usually used to clone eukaryotic genes in prokaryotes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medical Definition of CDNA. : a DNA that is complementary to a given RNA which serves as a template for synthesis of the DNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase—called also complementary DNA. Next Word in the Dictionary: CDP Previous Word in the Dictionary: Cdn All Words Near: cDNA. ADVERTISEMENT. a DNA that is complementary to a given RNA which serves as a template for synthesis of the DNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "CDF - channel definition format A Unix command for scheduling jobs to be executed sometime in the future. A cron is normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically - for example, to send out a notice every morning. It is also a daemon process, meaning that it runs continuously, waiting for specific events to occur." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. Within the field of nursing, PRN stands for pro re nata, a Latin term, which translated loosely means as needed. According to About.com, health care employers use this term to describe fill-in, part-time, contract and short-term work by nurses and other health professionals." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Call Detail Record (CDR) Definition - What does Call Detail Record (CDR) mean? A call detail record (CDR) is a computer record created by a telephone exchange. It includes the details of a phone call established through the telephone exchange, including an automated record of the length of each telephone call." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', \"Zolpidem is used to treat sleep problems (insomnia) in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect.\"]\" == \"['Represent the following document', 'what is Zolpidem for']\"", "CDBD stands for Congenital Dilatation of Bile Duct. Suggest new definition. This definition appears very rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Science, medicine, engineering, etc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a 'Certificate Of Deposit - CD' A certificate of deposit (CD) is a savings certificate with a fixed maturity date, specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination aside from minimum investment requirements. A CD restricts access to the funds until the maturity date of the investment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Crohn's disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder which affects over 700,000 people in the U.S. The disease can vary in severity and multiple drug classes are available to the disease depending on disease severity and complications. Our purpose will be to study how PET-CT scans can be used to better manage Crohn's Disease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: stands for latin, pro re nata which means for the situation's needs and is used in medical prescriptions to mean as needed. also .prn can be ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Noun. 1. cDNA-single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been synthesized from messenger RNA by reverse transcriptase. complementary DNA. provirus-cDNA copy of the RNA genome of a retrovirus; the genetic material of a virus as incorporated into and able to replicate with the genome of a host cell." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "CDA stands for Child Development Associate. This is a person who has successfully completed the CDA assessment process and has been awarded the CDA Credential." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Improving Air Traffic Management Together. Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is a joint government/industry initiative aimed at improving air traffic flow management through increased information exchange among aviation community stakeholders." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "=== What Does UPC Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For? Like and subscribe for more acronyms and abbreviations. === What Does UPC Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "=== What Does MCM Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For? Like and subscribe for more acronyms and abbreviations. === What Does MCM Stand For? === By What Does ____ Stand For?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In genetics, complementary DNA (cDNA) is double-stranded DNA synthesized from a single stranded RNA . (e.g., messenger RNA (mRNA) or microRNA (microRNA)) template in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. cDNA is often used to clone eukaryotic genes in prokaryotes." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The Clock-Drawing Test (CDT) [1] is a cognitive test with. a number of scoring variations, most of which are fairly. easy and simple to perform and assess. Following the. initia l publication on the CDT, several clinicians working. with dementia have published studies using different." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "CDATA stands for Character Data. You can use this to escape some characters which otherwise will be treated as regular XML. The data inside this will not be parsed. For example, if you want to pass a URL that contains & in it, you can use CDATA to do it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "eCDN - Computer Definition (Electronic CDN or Enterprise CDN) See CDN. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. © 1981-2017 The Computer Language Company Inc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Does PRN Stand For? The term PRN is a Latin phrase typically used in the medical field, which means pro re nata, translated, “as needed”or “when necessary”. Simply put when you hear or see someone use the abbreviation PRN within the medical field they are likely saying, use as needed." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Best Answer: stands for latin, pro re nata which means for the situation's needs and is used in medical prescriptions to mean as needed. also .prn can be computer printer file in some systems. And many others, see acronym list in source below. It usually means as needed in reference to medications." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A CDG or CD+G are the same thing and the terms can be used interchangeable. It stands for Compact Disc + Graphics and is the standard format for most English karaoke discs. These discs can either be played on a karaoke machine that supports CDG or in a regular player that can play CDs." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Highly secure global content delivery network (CDN) Try Amazon CloudFront For Free. Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to your viewers with low latency and high transfer speeds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What Is a Class A CDL? CDL stands for Commercial Driving License. There are several kinds of commercial licenses, identified as Class A, B or C. The classes are determined by the length, weight, and complexity of the particular truck." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Definition of CDNA. : a DNA that is complementary to a given RNA which serves as a template for synthesis of the DNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase.ADVERTISEMENT. a DNA that is complementary to a given RNA which serves as a template for synthesis of the DNA in the presence of reverse transcriptase." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When you use a CDN, your static content is cached and stored on all of these servers. Static content includes images, stylesheets (css files), javascripts, Flash, etc. Now when a user visits your site (original server), the CDN technology redirects them to the closest server to their location.o in this article, we will make an attempt to explain what is a CDN, and why you need a CDN for your WordPress blog. Update: Just to clarify, CDN is something you use on top of having a web hosting account because it helps speed up things. CDN does not replace a web hosting account." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Leukemia & Lymphoma. CD stands for cluster of differentiation. CD markers, or CD antigens, are a group of special molecules on the surface of cells in the body—markers that help differentiate one cell type from the next. Some people may already be familiar with CD4 and CD8 markers, which help differentiate your body's T cells in the immune system." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Health Care Professionals. PRN is an abbreviation for the Latin term, pro re nata which loosely translates to as needed. PRN is a term commonly used by healthcare employers and professionals to describe short-term, contract, part-time, or fill-in work by a nurse or allied health professional. In the hospital, working pool or per diem is often the same as working PRN." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "CDV stands for. 1 9. CDV. Cidofovir. Medical. 2 5. CDV. Canine Distemper Virus. Veterinary, Medical, Medicine. 3 4. CDV. Color Doppler Velocity. Medical. 4 4. CDV. carnitine deficiency-associated gene expressed in ventricle. Medical. 5 4. CDV. Colombian datura virus. Medical. 6 1. similar. CDV. canine distemper morbillivirus. Medical. 7 5. CDV." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "cDNA (Complementary DNA). The term cDNA refers to complementary DNA. cDNA is known to be synthesized, or manufactured from an mRNA or messenger RNA template. It is synthesized in a reaction that is catalyzed by the reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase enzymes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Certificate of deposit A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit, a financial product commonly sold in the United States and elsewhere by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions. CDs are similar to savings accounts in that they are insured money in the bank and thus virtually risk free." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "What is a 'Certificate Of Deposit - CD'. A certificate of deposit (CD) is a savings certificate with a fixed maturity date, specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination aside from minimum investment requirements. A CD restricts access to the funds until the maturity date of the investment." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "What Does CD Stand for in Banking? by Gregory Hamel In mainstream culture, the term CD is used interchangeably with compact disc but in banking a CD is something different entirely. In personal finance, CD stands for certificate of deposit, which is a special type of interest-bearing account that you can open at financial institutions such as banks, credit unions and savings and loan associations." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\nE.g. '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'do i have to file a tax return if only income is social security and claimed as a dependent on another persons return']' == '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Generally, if social security benefits were your only income, your SSB benefits are not taxable and you probably do not need to file a federal income tax return.hether you have to file a tax return (or pay tax) depends, in part, on your filing status, deductions, amount & type ofincome. There are no such things as start and stop ages, not having to pay because of retirement or on social security or working from home or a student.']' != '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Claiming a parent as a dependent may be easier than claiming an older child or other relative, for two reasons: â\\x80¢Social Security isn't included in the gross income test. If Social Security is your parent's sole source of income, the income test isn't a problem for you.\"]'", "how long does it take the uterus" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quick Answer. According to Baby Center, the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size and shape about four weeks after a woman gives birth. Even after the uterus resumes its normal size, the woman's abdomen may protrude slightly because the abdominal muscles have stretched during pregnancy." ] ]
[ [ "", "A normal pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period, which is typically about two weeks before conception occurs. The stages of pregnancy are typically described in three-month periods known as trimesters. Each trimester lasts between 12 and 13 weeks. During each trimester, distinct changes take place in a pregnant woman's body as well as in the development of the fetus, and they will be described in greater detail below." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They were about 2 months apart instead of 1 and very heavy and very painful. I went to the ob/gyn and she did some blood tests and a pap and that all came back normal. I went in last week for an ultrasound and she said that my uterus is a little enlarged and that the lining of the uterus is thick, it's at 17. I'm not really sure what this all means. She wants me to come in for another ultrasound to measure the lining again and if it's still thick, she wants to do a byopsy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long does the surgery take? on average, an abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy takes about 60-90 minutes. Laparoscopic hysterectomy usually takes longer – about 70-110 minutes. the duration of surgery, however, does not affect the post-operative recovery. What happens after surgery? after major surgery, you will have iV fluids until you" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The normal size of a human uterus is typically 8 to 10 centimeters long by 6 centimeters wide, or 3 to 4 inches by 2.5 inches, according to the National Uterine Fibroids Foundation. The shape of the uterus is like an upside-down pear. Continue Reading. The normal thickness of the uterus is around 3 centimeters with an average weight of 60 grams. MDhealth.com explains that the uterus can weigh up to 200 grams depending on various conditions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "During my ovulation time, how many days am I really fertile? During your window of ovulation, an egg is only available to be fertilized for about 12-24 hours. But since sperm can live in the body for 3-5 days after sex, and the egg is available for one day, your most fertile time is considered to be about 5-7 days.vulation can take place even if you do not notice the “stretchy egg-white” fluid that we assume accompanies ovulation. Every woman can experience her own type of cervical fluid. Ovulation is assumed to take place on the day a woman has the most amount of wet fluid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "While the normal menstrual cycle in the human typically lasts 4 weeks (28 days, range 21–35 days) and consists of a follicular phase, ovulation, and a luteal phase, followed by either menstruation or pregnancy, the anovulatory cycle has cycle lengths of varying degrees." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it For example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', '1. Macro-minerals. They are present in relatively large amounts in the body and are required in fairly large amounts in the diet â\\x80\\x94more than 100 milligrams daily. Calcium is the most common and abundant mineral that accounts for approximately 2% of an adult body. An adult of 75 kg contains about 1,5 kg of calcium. Over 99% is found primarily in bones and teeth. Major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium and sulfur. 2. Micro minerals or trace minerals. Trace minerals are required by the body in amounts of less than 100 mg/day. Iodine, for instance, accounts for only 0,00003 % of our body, which equals 0,0225 milligram.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what mineral is the most prevalent mineral in the body?']'", "A full term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks (280 days), broken down into 13-week trimesters, starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. That's right, you haven't even conceived in what physicians consider to be the first two weeks of pregnancy. You might as well get used to this idea now: Your first day of pregnancy is the first day of your last menstrual period. Ovulation usually occurs two weeks after that, and most women conceive during that time." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"For more information about MapPoint Location Server and to download the product, visit the following Web sites: MapPoint Location Server on TechNetâ\\x80\\x94Read the Microsoft MapPoint Location Server Administrator's Guide, Version 1.0 and find links to important security information and related products and technologies.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where is microsoft location?']\"", "How Long Does It Take To Become a Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)? How Long Does It Take To Become a Nurse Practitioner? How Long Does It Take To Become a Nutritionist? How Long Does It Take To Become A Pharmacist? How Long Does It Take To Become a Physician Assistant? How Long Does It Take To Become a Social Worker? (ANSWERED) How Long Does It Take To Become a Vet Tech? How Long Does It Take To Become An LPN? How Long Does It Take To Become an OB/GYN? How Long Does It Take To Become an Ultrasound Technician? How Long Does It Take To Get a Medical Degree? How Long Does It Take To Get a Nursing Degree? Your first stepping stone toward a rewarding nursing career is completing the education and becoming registered. Ill answer the age old question about how long it takes to get a registered nursing degree." ], [ "Represent this.", "The uterus is 6 to 8 cm (2.4 to 3.1 inches) long; its wall thickness is approximately 2 to 3 cm (0.8 to 1.2 inches). The width of the organ varies; it is generally about 6 cm wide at the fundus and only half this distance at the isthmus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Mirena can be left in the uterus for as long as five years; the ParaGard T 380A can be left in the uterus for seven to 10 years. To insert an IUD, physicians or other providers must place a speculum into the patient’s vagina to view the cervix. The provider then uses a tenaculum to gently pull down the cervix." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The uterus is located inside the pelvis immediately dorsal (and usually somewhat rostral) to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. The human uterus is pear-shaped and about 3 in. (7.6 cm) long, 4.5 cm broad (side to side) and 3.0 cm thick (anteroposterior). A nonpregnant adult uterus weighs about 60 grams.The uterus can be divided anatomically into four segments: The fundus, corpus, cervix and the internal os.7.6 cm) long, 4.5 cm broad (side to side) and 3.0 cm thick (anteroposterior). A nonpregnant adult uterus weighs about 60 grams. The uterus can be divided anatomically into four segments: The fundus, corpus, cervix and the internal os." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The uterus is located inside the pelvis immediately dorsal (and usually somewhat rostral) to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. The human uterus is pear-shaped and about 3 in. (7.6 cm) long, 4.5 cm broad (side to side) and 3.0 cm thick (anteroposterior). A nonpregnant adult uterus weighs about 60 grams. The uterus can be divided anatomically into four segments: The fundus, corpus, cervix and the internal os." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The uterus is located inside the pelvis immediately dorsal (and usually somewhat rostral) to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. The human uterus is pear-shaped and about 3 in. (7.6 cm) long, 4.5 cm broad (side to side) and 3.0 cm thick (anteroposterior). A typical adult uterus weighs about 60 grams. The uterus can be divided anatomically into four segments: The fundus, corpus, cervix and the internal os." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long it takes for a cow to give birth really depends on her body condition, her experience, how big the calf is inside her, environmental conditions, and whether the calf is presenting normally or not. As a result there really is no set-in-stone time it takes for a cow to give birth. For experienced cows, it's only a matter of 5 to 6 hours until the calf arrives. For a heifer, it can be a few to a number of hours longer. See the related question below for a similar answer. If, by any chance, you are asking how long a cow is pregnant in days, the average is around 285 days long. Please see the related question on the length of gestation below for a more detailed answer. Karin L." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The uterus measures about 7.5 cm. in length, 5 cm. in breadth, at its upper part, and nearly 2.5 cm. in thickness; it weighs from 30 to 40 gm. It is divisible into two portions. On the surface, about midway between the apex and base.n inches, the size of my uterus was 6.3 inches (length) x 4.3 inches (width) x 3.9 inches (AP diameter). Because I'm petite, my uterus could be felt above my belly button. I'm 47 and 4 years from the average age of onset of menopause (51)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "how to become a physician assistant, how long does it take to become a physician assistant, how long does it take to become a PA, how long does it take to become a physicians assistant, how long does it take to be a physician assistant, how to become a pa, how to become a physicians assistant, how long does it take to become a physician\\s assistant, how long does it take to be a PA, how long does it take to become a physician assistant in california, how long does it take to become physician ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "But look –- my uterus was now back in action and right on time! The first day of my period usually happens about two weeks after I ovulate. Last Saturday, two weeks to the day after the successful ovulating, I woke up with strong, painful cramps.Like the worst cramps I’d ever had multiplied by a zillion.ut look –- my uterus was now back in action and right on time! The first day of my period usually happens about two weeks after I ovulate. Last Saturday, two weeks to the day after the successful ovulating, I woke up with strong, painful cramps." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In reality, however, labor usually takes time — and the early signs of labor can be subtle. Here's what you need to know about the common signs of labor. Before labor, the lower part of your uterus called the cervix is typically 3.5 cm to 4 cm long. As labor begins, your cervix softens, shortens and thins (effacement)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. Occasionally, labor begins prematurely, before the 37th week of pregnancy. This happens because uterine contractions cause the cervix to open earlier than normal. Consequently, the baby is born premature and can be at risk for health problems.Fortunately, research, technology and medicine have helped improve the health of premature babies.ccasionally, labor begins prematurely, before the 37th week of pregnancy. This happens because uterine contractions cause the cervix to open earlier than normal. Consequently, the baby is born premature and can be at risk for health problems." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long does it take for flu to go away? How long does it take for stomach flu to go away? How long does it take for stomach flu symptoms to show? How long does it take to get stomach flu after exposed? How long does it take to get over a stomach flu? How long does it take to get the stomach flu after being exposed? How long does it takefor stomach to go down?" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Inspection is required within 60 days of appli-cation for registration; immediately prior to the sale of a used vehicle, if more than six years old except if the vehicle is sold for junk, salvage, or rebuilding; and, if involved in an accident and so directed by a police officer.']\" Match: \"[\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!\\n\\nExamples:\\nProvided: what is tma stands for? Match: TMA stands for Trained Medication Administrator, first you need to complete and pass a CNA program (certified nursing assistant). Then you can move on to TMA training. Most of these programs are offered at Colleges under 'Continuing Education' programs. Hard Negative: LD 50 for TMA chloride: 25 mg/kg (mouse, i.p.); 40 mg/kg (mouse, s.c.). LC 50 for TMA chloride: 462 mg/L for 96 hrs. (Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas).D 50 for TMA chloride: 25 mg/kg (mouse, i.p.); 40 mg/kg (mouse, s.c.). LC 50 for TMA chloride: 462 mg/L for 96 hrs. (Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas).\", 'how long is a mo safety inspection good for']\"", "Pregnancy is typically broken into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months. Obstetricians define each trimester as lasting for 14 weeks, resulting in a total duration of 42 weeks, although the average duration of pregnancy is actually about 40 weeks." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long does take to work. How long does it take tramadol to work, How long does it take for tramadol to work in dogs, How long does it take for tramadol to work, How long does it take tramadol to work in dogs. The lowest prices. Free prescription." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The uterus is located inside the pelvis immediately dorsal (and usually somewhat rostral) to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. The human uterus is pear-shaped and about 3 in. (7.6 cm) long, 4.5 cm broad (side to side) and 3.0 cm thick (anteroposterior). A typical adult uterus weighs about 60 grams." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "This trusty device is also good for listening to baby's in utero. Typically you can hear the baby's heart beat at about 18-20 weeks, depending on maternal and fetal factors (weight of mom, position of baby, location of the placenta, etc.). Many practitioners, doctors and midwives, have lost the skill of using a normal stethoscope on pregnant women." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The First Trimester of Pregnancy. Your menstrual period has just ended, and your body is getting ready for ovulation. For most women, ovulation takes place about 11 – 21 days from the first day of the last period. During intercourse, several hundred million sperm are released in the vagina." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Menstruation is what most people call having your period.. The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. A normal menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 days. For most women, it lasts 25 - 30 days.But it's common for your cycle to vary from month to month.Here are the basics: 1 You have two ovaries. Usually the egg and lining of tissue and blood comes out of your vagina at the end of your cycle. 2 This is called menstrual flow, or your period. 3 If sperm joins with an egg, it's called fertilization. 4 Pregnancy begins if a fertilized egg attaches itself to the thick lining of the uterus." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Popular Posts. 1 How Long Does Mail Take. 2 How Long Does The Flu Last. 3 How Long Does Suboxone Stay in Your System. 4 How Long Does It Take To Get Mri Results. 5 How Long Does It Take To Digest A Meal. 6 How Long Does It Take To Become An Architect. 7 How Long Does It Take To Lower Blood Pressure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Once your cycle is back to how it was, it’s a sign your womb has recovered. If you wait for the contents of the womb to pass on their own, you may find that pain and bleeding continue and gradually improve over a period of about 10 days to 2 weeks." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "in reality however labor usually takes time and the early signs of labor can be subtle here s what you need to know about the common signs of labor before labor the lower part of your uterus called the cervix is typically 3 5 cm to 4 cm long as labor begins your cervix softens shortens and thins effacement you might feel uncomfortable but irregular not very painful contractions or nothing at all" ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.", "scribd cost price" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here’s what you need to know. If you’re interested in a “Netflix for ebooks,” but aren’t sure what to choose, here are a few factors to think about. Price: Scribd’s service is $8.99 per month, while Oyster’s is $9.95 per month.Oyster is in beta, invite-only and doesn’t offer a free trial, while Scribd offers a free one-month trial.here must be something in the water: Just under a month after startup Oyster launched a Netflix-like subscription service for ebooks, the six-year-old document sharing site Scribd officially rolled out its own ebook subscription service on Tuesday." ] ]
[ [ "", "In June 2009, Scribd launched the Scribd Store, enabling writers to easily upload and sell digital copies of their work online. That same month, the site partnered with Simon & Schuster to sell e-books on Scribd." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Account fees and commissions. The following fees apply to the Schwab Personal Defined Benefit Plan: Variable fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person. Annual service fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person. Plan termination fees." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lowering the estimated cost of the ICD improved cost-effectiveness. If the cost of the ICD were reduced from $27,975 to $10,000, the incremental cost-effectiveness of ICD therapy would improve from $70,200 to $52,400 per QALY gained in SCD-HeFT and from $34,000 to $27,900 per QALY gained in MUSTT." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The rates vary from the reporter’s location (and area rates) to the scopist’s cost of living (Mid-Western, etc.). The common rates mentioned range from 75 cents to $1.25 a page for regular turnaround. Rates may vary due to audiotape, dailies, expedites, quality of reporter’s writing, technical or medical writings, etc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A number of ebook subscription services have been operational for some time. Oyster, for example, boasts a catalog of 500,000 books for $10 a month, while Scribd offers access to 400,000 titles for a monthly charge of $9. And Entitle, which operates a little differently, charges $10 a month but lets you download and keep two books each month from a selection of 200,000 titles." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "That’s a pretty ridiculous return on my investment. If you read more than a book a month, then the subscription basically pays for itself (I have read the equivalent of 7 months worth of books so far). What does it all mean? It means that Scribd is absolutely worth it. Head on over to Scribd and set up your free trial now!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As of right now, Scribd boasts a staggering 80 million monthly readers, and over 17.6 million reading hours. Judging by my mathematical calculations, that’s roughly the equivalent of the population of two Californias, and about 2,009 years worth of reading time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fee depends on size and surfaces, ranging from $25-$75. Check website for locations. Low-income dental clinic with sliding-scall prices ranging from $35 - $105. Check website for locations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "at the current published rates an estimated total tuition fees and living expense price for a 4 year bachelor s degree at scad is $ 202364 for students graduating in normal time" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "WebMD News Archive. July 14, 2014 -- An investigation into the pricing of the hepatitis C drug Sovaldi has been launched by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. The drug -- made by Gilead Sciences Inc. -- costs about $1,000 a pill, or about $84,000 for a patient on a standard, 12-week treatment schedule, the Wall Street Journal reported." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Microsoft hasn't yet given any concrete figures for the Project Scorpio price, but Xbox boss did drop some hints in an interview with The Verge. We predict that the Project Scorpio will retail for more than the £349 2TB Xbox One S due to its hardware capabilities. You might even be looking around the £600 price point, as VR-ready PCs really start at that price." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: The prices of a Scuf controller range anywhere from $90-200. The controller can be custom made to your liking. Here are the things I find key: -The controller can be wired which is preferred so there is no lag time like wireless controllers -The rumble backs can be removed which makes the controller nice and light." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The following fees apply to the Schwab Personal Defined Benefit Plan: 1 Variable fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person. Annual service fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Sculptra Treatment Cost. At our Orlando area practice, the cost for Sculptra is $825 per vial. The total cost for a Sculptra treatment varies between patients and is based on individual needs and desired results. During your consultation, Dr. Gross will give you a quote that is personalized for you." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "He co-founded Scribd with Jared Friedman and attended the inaugural class of Y Combinator in the summer of 2006. There, Scribd received its initial $12,000 in seed funding and then launched in a San Francisco apartment in March 2007." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You should at least be able to add both a CW and SSB filter. Overall, not a bad value at their used prices ($550 for the DG, $700 for the SG). However, for what they are going for new, I would try to find a used Icom 756/746, Yaesu FT920, or Kenwood TS870." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It doesn’t cost anything to use the Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping machine and get a diagnosis. Once you are recommended specific insert, or inserts, for your needs the actual products range in price from $30 to $50, which is more expensive than their other options." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Jublia Prices. This Jublia price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Jublia topical solution 10% is around $607 for a supply of 4 milliliters, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans." ], [ "", "Compare prices and print coupons for Tecfidera and other Multiple Sclerosis drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies. Prices start at $7322.54 Compare prices and print coupons for Tecfidera and other Multiple Sclerosis drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies. Prices start at $7322.54 Type your drug name (like Lipitor, Gabapentin, etc)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "That meant using up some passenger or cargo space. Tesla says it has passed its crash tests without its cells deforming or coolant leaking. By most estimates, the battery for the Model S that I drove should cost between $42,500 and $55,250, or half the cost of the car.But Straubel indicated that it is already much lower. “They’re way less than half, actually,” he says.esla says it has passed its crash tests without its cells deforming or coolant leaking. By most estimates, the battery for the Model S that I drove should cost between $42,500 and $55,250, or half the cost of the car. But Straubel indicated that it is already much lower." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You can search in google like scribd Facebook Page, scribd Google Plus Page, scribd Twitter Page, or just scribd Contact Information. For Toll Free or Tooled Number Confirmation of scribd When you call to Please ask wheather The phone number of scribd is Toll Free or Not:, Mention Us To Scribd: While calling to scribd please tell them that you have found this number at contactnumber7.com. Can you share your discussion with scribd over the phone HERE" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You must agree that this helpline number of Scribd has made things a lot easier. The best thing about this customer service number 415-896-9890 is that you can dial it from almost any phone without any problem." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beezid gets between $0.60 and $1.00 every time someone bids, and every penny of the sale price represents one bid. That means that if something sells for $17.82, people used up 1,782 of their bids, netting Beezid a minimum of $1069.20 before you even count the auction price. So that doesn't say scam to me either.hey are moving the bid for free 50 bidpacks every 20-30 minutes. They usually go for $20-$35 which is 40 to 70 cents per bid – one of the cheapest cost per bid packs out there. Beezid gives away a huge amount of bids, so the average cpb is around 45 cents." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Read this in your web browser (Scribd) Administrative costs in the U.S. health care system consume an estimated $361 billion annually—14 percent of all health care expenditures in our nation. At least half of this spending is considered wasteful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cost for such certificates can reach as high as $500,000 in such an underground market, Permeh added. Those behind Stuxnet also needed to have had a reasonable amount of knowledge about Siemens SCADA systems, he said." ], [ "Represent the next text!", "What are the likely costs? Generally speaking expect the out of pocket expenses with Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy to be around $750-$1000 per leg. For catheter procedures with Laser or Radiofrequency expect the out of pocket cost to be around $2500 for one leg and $4500 if both legs are treated. For more information on the varicose vein treatment and costs, see our leg vein treatments page." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The typical cost for an SMB-sized PBX will generally be between $3,000 and $6,000. Many features are stock on the higher-tier companies’ PBXs. Those features include a Unified Messaging suite of voice mail to email, cell phone twinning, hot desking (or hoteling), and a few others." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fees charged to Schwab by the DTC are referred to as “ADR pass-through fees.”. ADR fees normally average from one to three cents per share. Fee amounts and timing differ by ADR. See your ADR prospectus for specific information. Search for it online with EDGAR Company Search." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The app's design is enticing, and the book selection is varied and easy to browse. Last on my list, Scribd is very similar to Oyster, but with a few unique features. It has a catalog of more than 500,000 books that you can borrow for just $9 per month, one dollar cheaper than Kindle Unlimited and Oyster.-book subscription services are all the rage this year, thanks in part to Amazon. The decades-old book retailer unveiled its own unlimited book subscription, Kindle Unlimited, on July 18, aiming to compete with Oyster and Scribd, comparable services that have been around since 2012." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the Portland and Seattle, you can check out Sprig Health for the cost and description of MRI procedures at a few locations in town (https://www.sprighealth.com/site/all-services). Currently the prices seem to range from $485 to $1190 for MRI with and without Contrast." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "For anyone who reads at least two books per month, Scribd — as well as its identically-priced competitor, Oyster Books — is a good deal. But as of this morning, Scribd may have evolved into the proverbial killer app of the digital book industry, by becoming the first company to offer audiobooks for cheap." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'If the interior decorator charges for his services by the hour, the hourly rate may range between $50 and $200 per hour depending on the square footage of the space and the amount of work needed to complete the job.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much to hire an interior decorator']\"", "Account fees and commissions. The following fees apply to the Schwab Personal Defined Benefit Plan: Variable fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person. Annual service fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Screed Layer – Usually costing £20.00 / m2. Floor finish i.e. tile – Usually costing £65 / m2. Total Cost £135 / m2. If you used the polished concrete floor to replace the structural base, the screed and the floor finish Polished Concrete can work out cheaper than a traditional floor build up.elow we have listed the different elements that can impact the cost of the polished concrete floor. Even large areas of polished concrete tend to be over £100 per meter squared, however when you compare this with other alternative options polished concrete can be a cost effective solution." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Heavy competition between SSD brands and scaling down of NAND results in lower prices of SSDs, the price per GB has now dropped below $0.50. Crucial sells its M500 with a capacity of 960GB at $447.99 which means the price per GB is $0.47." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'The average salary for a Michigan public school teacher was $61,560 in 2012.']' should be close to '['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'average michigan teacher salary']'", "Computers & Tablets. Geeksquad won't provide a written estimate. I gave my laptop for repair to your store in Schaumburg, IL repair order no. is {Removed per Forum Guildelines}. I was quoted an estimate of approximately $1682I for the repair. I asked for a written estimate and what needs to be done to the computer so my insurance company can authorize repairs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Typical costs: For uninsured patients, typical out-of-pocket costs for spinal cord stimulation are $15,000 - $50,000 or more. According to a study funded by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, average total medical costs of implanting a SCS system range from $19,246 - $47,190 per patient." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The following fees apply to the Schwab Personal Defined Benefit Plan: 1 Variable fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person. 2 Annual service fees based on the total number of participants, starting at $1,500 for one person. Plan termination fees." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "the net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported scad net price for in state students $ 35307 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The average cost of Sculptra is about $600 per treatment session, which is comparable to the costs of most other dermal fillers. Patients may need up to six sessions to achieve their goals. The cost for each injection depends on the doctor chosen and the volume of Sculptra needed to treat the targeted area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The per-trade price cuts by the well-known industry players put their costs below those of TD Ameritrade and E-Trade, which charge $9.99. Fidelity and Schwab are now competitive with low-cost providers like TradeKing, which also charges $4.95 per trade." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2. What’s better than a bargain? A Scribd bargain. When I get the daily sales newsletters and see what’s being offered for $1-3, my first step is to check Scribd. I’m always curious, for example, about a $3 cookbook. For $3, even if there’s only one recipe that I will reuse regularly, it’s worth the price. But if that cookbook is already in the Scribd library, I’ve already paid for it. If I’m paying $9 per month, it’s well worth it for me to add discounted cookbooks to my digital library and not buy them at $1-3 each. In the long run, with my easily-tempted book buying habits, this is saving me a bit of money." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Disclaimer. Lower Rio Grande Valley is an area in Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas with a population of 1,258,706. There are 610,887 male residents living in Lower Rio Grande Valley and 647,819 female residents. The total number of households is 360,467 with 3.37 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Lower Rio Grande Valley are below the national average. The median age of the current population is 29.82 with 364,201 people being married and 355,865 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 55% white collar employees and 45% blue collar employees in Lower Rio Grande Valley.'] should be similar to ['Represent this', 'what is the population of the lower rio grande valley?']", "Are you ready for access to the best books, audiobooks, news, magazines, documents, sheet music, and more — for less than the cost of a paperback? Scribd, the reading subscription named “one of the best book apps on the market,” makes it easy for you to dive deep into any topic, stay in the know, explore something new, or escape into a good story. Scribd is the only reading app you need." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I don’t even take responsibility for it. It’s the book shopping’s fault.) Now that I can shop around-the-clock and up in the air for books, the receipts from e-book sellers fly in at all hours. I decided that Scribd’s online subscription service, sort of a Netflix for new and backlist books, was worth a tryout. Scribd’s promise: Subscribers pay $8.99 a month for an all-you-can-e-read buffet of books (ranging from a major publisher’s catalog to self-published volumes), brochures, catalogs, and other content from the site’s 6 years as a free document sharing site." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "these institutions charge tuition by the units that make up an academic year such as a semester or quarter or per credit hour at scad tuition costs $ 33450 which is noticeably more expensive than other top tier private not for profit institutions in the country" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These products are also ridiculously cheap, with the 120GB BX100 costing just $69.99, the 240GB model running $109.99 and the 500GB model costing $199.99. The more rugged, longer-lifespanned MX200 SSD will cost a meatier $139.99 for a 250 GB unit, $249.99 for a 500 GB unit and $469.99 for a 1 TB device." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Representation of Main Phone Number of Scribd: (415) 896-9890. The Physical Address Location of Scribd is Provided as: SOMA San Francisco, CA 94107 United States The given email address and contact phone number of Scribd can be invalid, If so, report us HERE You may Need to Conact Scribd Through Email Address: bizdev@scribd.com" ], [ "Represent the natural language", "The price of SSDs for ultrathins will average US$111 for 197GB this year and 264GB in 2015, and then drop to $109 for 340GB in 2016, Zhang said. The price will then plummet to $93 for 405GB in 2017 and $79 for 465GB of storage in 2018, she said." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Scribd contact number is one of the fewest phone numbers with huge number of positive reviews and feedbacks. There are not many numbers like 415-896-9890. A digital documents library that allows users to publish, discover and discuss original writings and documents in various languages." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How much does SculpSure cost? The typical cost for SculpSure ranges from $700 - $3,000 with an average cost of $1,800. Costs vary by surgeon, geographic region, and the complexity of the procedure. Cost estimates are based on 277 reviews submitted on RealSelf." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The same dispute before SIAC would likely cost US$443,536 (SGD 624,698) to US$591,381 (SGD 832,931) and before the SCC would cost on average US$317,825 (EUR 286,329) to US$467,770 (EUR 421,414) (including an estimate of expenses).he costs of arbitration proceedings An important distinction of arbitration proceedings from proceedings in court is that in arbitration proceedings the arbitrators charge on a time-cost basis." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Language. As per the tribes above, there are many languages in Malawi. English and Chewa are the most widely spoken, though if you travel to the northern regions, you will hear a lot more people speaking Tumbuka as well. Why not download our Chewa ePhrasebook? , alternatively visit the All About Malawi blog for a few key phrases.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what language is malawi']>>", "Jublia Prices. This Jublia price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Jublia topical solution 10% is around $606 for a supply of 4 milliliters, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Prices are for cash paying customers only and are not valid with insurance plans. Jublia is available as a brand name drug only, a generic version is not yet available." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Learn how to Contact Scribd easily and quickly with step by step guide. Scribd phone number 415-896-9890 is the shortest wait time phone number known. AboutGiftsFAQHelpContact us · Scribd on Appstore Scribd on Google Play. Copyright © 2016 Scribd Inc. .Terms of service.Accessibility.Privacy.Mobile Site.. You will be very happy to know that the average hold time of this customer service number is only 2.4 mins." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Making the world better, one answer at a time. I believe it is necessary to isolate individual colonies from a mixed broth growth because it is the first step in achieving a pure culture for further studies and testing.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'why is it necessary to isolate individual colonies from a mixed culture']'", "In the Portland and Seattle, you can check out Sprig Health for the cost and description of MRI procedures at a few locations in town (https://www.sprighealth.com/site/all-services). Currently the prices seem to range from $485 to $1190 for MRI with and without Contrast.ow much does an MRI Scan for the lower back cost? MRI scans of the lower back (aka the Lumbar Spine) range in price from $700-$3000 depending on where you get the scan done." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '(Ä\\x93â\\x80²mÄ\\xadk). adj. Of or relating to phenomena considered as meaningful structural units within a system such as a language or culture. [From (phon)emic .]. eâ\\x80²mi·cal·ly adv. (Ë\\x88i mɪk). adj.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'define emic']\"", "How much does SculpSure cost? The typical cost for SculpSure ranges from $700 - $3,000 with an average cost of $1,800. Costs vary by surgeon, geographic region, and the complexity of the procedure. The typical cost for SculpSure ranges from $700 - $3,000 with an average cost of $1,800." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 For uninsured patients, typical out-of-pocket costs for spinal cord stimulation are $15,000 - $50,000 or more.2 According to a study funded by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, average total medical costs of implanting a SCS system range from $19,246 - $47,190 per patient.iscounts: 1 A spinal cord stimulator battery must typically be replaced every 2 to 5 years. 2 Post surgery, pain will be managed with narcotic medications for a short period, which may cause constipation and require laxatives." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Scribd is an online digital library service available at Scribd.com which, for a monthly subscription fee, will give members access to over 300,000 books and millions of uploaded written works, like landmark court rulings and academic papers.here is an email address, Support@Scribd.com, available for customers who need to issue a comment or complaint, as well as a traditional mailing address of 539 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107. There does not seem to be a published phone number at this time." ], [ "represent this text", "Paper Shredding. The base price for shredding paper is 12 cents per pound with a $15.00 minimum. All paper items can be shredded, but contaminants in the paper can cause the cost of shredding to increase. Contaminants can raise the shredding price to as high as 16¢ per pound." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "does lipozene cause diarrhea" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Lipozene: What You Need to Know. Stomach problems are the main side effect of Lipozene. Because Lipozene is made of glucomannan, which is a fiber, most of the side effects are similar to those you might have experienced if you've ever eaten too much fiber: gastrointestinal in nature, including gas, bloating and diarrhea." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The main active ingredient in Lipozene is a water soluble fiber known as Glucomannan. Glucomannan has been shown to optimize blood glucose and reduce total cholesterol 2. Negative: Lipozene has some potential side effects, some of them serious, and results of clinical studies have been controversial 3. TIPS: for the best results our experts recommend to using weight loss pills for at least 3 month." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "People Who Viewed Lipozene Diet Also Viewed PS1000 Plan. Lipozene is a diet pill that contains the high fiber ingredient Glucomannan. This one key ingredient is said to form a dietary fiber gel in your stomach which gives it the feeling of being fuller than it is, all while adding beneficial fiber to your diet." ], [ "Represent text", "Senna can cause some side effects including stomach discomfort, cramps, and diarrhea. Senna is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth long-term or in high doses. Don't use senna for more than two weeks. Longer use can cause the bowels to stop functioning normally and might cause dependence on laxatives." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Many people are intolerant of milk and milk products so that even small amounts of the milk sugar lactose can cause diarrhea. diarrhea occurs or they may be sluggish and result in constipation. Kaopectate, or Imodium can also be tried." ], [ "", "All these side effects are attributed only to one ingredient of Lipozene which is Glucomannan. The official site for Lipozene does not specify other constituents of the pill. As the other ingredients are basically unknown, their side effects cannot be studied or anticipated." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Severe diarrhea can cause dehydration, rob-bing the body of fluids, nutrients and electro-lytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus). People with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis often have a reduced appetite as a result of nausea, abdominal pain or altered taste sensation." ], [ "Represent the input", "Does lyme disease cause diarrhea? does Lyme disease cause severe diarrhea? i got blood taken like 2weeks ago, and for the past week i've had bad diarrhea, and now i just found out i have lyme disease, so does anyone know if my diarrhea might have something to do with the lyme?!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In rare cases, high-potency probiotics such as VSL#3 can cause abdominal cramping associated with diarrhea. One such example is given in a 2004 article in the journal Gut that describes a clinical trial of VSL#3 for the treatment of intestinal inflammation or pouchitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to a report published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, the anti-diarrhea medication has growing appeal with substance abusers because it's cheap and readily available. Loperamide, the main ingredient in Imodium A-D, causes intestinal slow-down, which helps stop diarrhea. But in very high doses, it can have other effects -- as well as some serious risks. It's an opioid agent and it helps to bind receptors in the brain and cause a similar euphoria or high, said Dr. Scott Krakower, a physician who specializes in addiction disorders at Northwell Health." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "They include nausea, indigestion, heartburn, cramps, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. Some people may develop ulcers and intestinal bleeding while taking Naprosyn. Occasionally these problems can occur without obvious symptoms and lead to a life-threatening crisis due to perforation of the stomach lining." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "There is some evidence that asafoetida is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth as medicine. In some people, asafoetida can cause swelling of the lips, burping, intestinal gas, diarrhea, headache, convulsions, blood disorders, and other side effects." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lipozene claims that, in a 8-week study, a group of overweight people taking the Lipozene lost almost 5 pounds more than a group not taking Lipozene. Of course, there were no dietary restrictions whatsoever and no exercise; it was a “free living conditions” study trial." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the following document', \"Requirements for public preschool teachers are generally more stringent than those for private preschool teachers. Some States require a bachelor's degree in early childhood education, while others require an associate's degree, and still others require certification by a nationally recognized authority.reschool teachers usually work their way up from assistant teacher, to teacher, to lead teacher-who may be responsible for the instruction of several classes-and, finally, to director of the center. Preschool teachers with a bachelor's degree frequently are qualified to teach kindergarten through grade 3 as well.\"]>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what degree is required for a preschool teacher']>>", "Side Effects of Lipozene. 1. Constipation. Yes, you read that right. While glucomannan products tend to have a constipation relief effect, other individuals find the opposite. In Skinny Betty’s Lipozene review above, she also recounts her own personal story of severe constipation resulting in anal fissures after a month of Lipozene supplements." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "May cause diarrhea. Plant sterols (found in oral supplements and some margarines, such as Promise activ) May reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. May cause nausea, indigestion, gas, diarrhea or constipation; may be ineffective if you take ezetimibe (Zetia), a prescription cholesterol medication." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Abdominal Cramps. In rare cases, high-potency probiotics such as VSL#3 can cause abdominal cramping associated with diarrhea. One such example is given in a 2004 article in the journal Gut that describes a clinical trial of VSL#3 for the treatment of intestinal inflammation or pouchitis." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Preliminary studies suggest that glucomannan may help with obesity; however, more research is necessary to confirm these findings. As with any fiber product, digestive-related side effects, such as bloating or gas, are possible with Lipozene. (To read the full-length overview of this diet pill, click Lipozene." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Can ice cream cause diarrhea? If an individual develops loose, watery stools after eating ice cream, he/she might be lactose intolerant, has milk allergy or irritable bowel syndrome. It is important to note that ice cream is made out of milk and contains lactose which can instigate diarrhea if an individual has one of these conditions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be a sign of a new infection. If you have diarrhea that is watery or has blood in it, call your doctor. Do not use any medicine to stop the diarrhea unless your doctor has told you to.Before taking dicloxacillin, tell your doctor if you are using any of the following drugs: 1 methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall); or. 2 probenecid (Benemid).f you have diarrhea that is watery or has blood in it, call your doctor. Do not use any medicine to stop the diarrhea unless your doctor has told you to. Before taking dicloxacillin, tell your doctor if you are using any of the following drugs: 1 methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall); or. 2 probenecid (Benemid)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As with all supplements, Lipozene may cause side effects and interact with medications. Making long-term changes in your eating habits and physical activity remains the proven way to slim down. However, because shedding pounds is neither fast nor easy, some dieters try diet pills in efforts to get quicker results." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After going through the features of Lipozene, it seems this product work for weight loss. The presence of fiber promotes healthy weight loss and lowers the calories. However, considering its side effects this is suggested to go through other weight loss supplements out there in market." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "LIPASE Side Effects & Safety. Lipase seems to be safe for most people. It can cause some side effects such as nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of lipase during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hi, the diarrhea could be due to Amoebiasis, hence you have been initiated on metronidazole. Some side effects with this medication include nausea, and altered taste in the mouth, headaches and loss of appetite. But if the diarrhea is worsening then other causes for your symptoms need to be ruled out." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In some patients, clindamycin may cause diarrhea. Severe diarrhea may be a sign of a serious side effect. Do not take any diarrhea medicine without first checking with your doctor . Diarrhea medicines may make your diarrhea worse or make it last longer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This occurs because aloe juice and aloe latex contain a substance called anthraquinone, which is a laxative. Severe diarrhea can cause pain, cramping and dehydration. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before ingesting this herb and do not consume aloe vera that is not produced for internal use." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "As with all supplements, Lipozene may cause side effects and interact with medications. Consult your physician before taking Lipozene, especially if you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, or take any kind of prescription medications. Video of the Day" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other symptoms could include bruising or bleeding more easily, chest pain, trouble breathing, mood changes like confusion, or unusual tiredness or weakness. On rare occasions, taking Rocephin may cause a severe intestinal condition known as Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. Contact your doctor right away if you have persistent diarrhea, abdominal or stomach pain/cramping, and/or blood or mucus in your stool." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 Over-the-counter medications, such as loperamide (Imodium), can help control diarrhea. Some people will benefit from medications called bile acid binders, such as cholestyramine (Prevalite), colestipol (Colestid) or colesevelam (Welchol), but these can lead to bloating. Anticholinergic and antispasmodic medications. These medications, such as hyoscyamine (Levsin) and dicyclomine (Bentyl), can help relieve painful bowel spasms. They are sometimes used for people who have bouts of diarrhea, but they can worsen constipation and can lead to other symptoms, such as difficulty urinating." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The most common side effects of Lipitor are: arthralgia, diarrhea, and nasopharyngitis. Other side effects include: urinary tract infection, insomnia, limb pain, muscle spasm, musculoskeletal pain, myalgia, and nausea. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. Applies to atorvastatin: oral tablet." ], [ "", "are allergic to canagliflozin or any of the ingredients in INVOKANA®. Symptoms of allergic reaction may include: rash; raised red patches on your skin (hives); or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing. have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Diarrhea is a side effect of statins, one of the most common types of cholesterol-lowering drugs. In addition to reducing low-density lipoprotein, the bad cholesterol that clogs arteries, statins also can reduce triglycerides and raise good cholesterol numbers. Popular name brands include Zocor, Lipitor, Crestor and Mevacor. Niacin also can cause diarrhea while it lowers LDL levels." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "More reviews for: Zofran, Diarrhea. Comments from related studies: From this study (2 years ago) : Since being hospitalized last September with thickening of the stomach liner & bloody stools/severe cramping & diarrhea, I have cut my dosage back on the topamax hoping that it would help my symptoms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Guarantee & Return Policy Lipozene Weight Loss Guarantee & Return Policy All weight loss pills shipped by Lipozene come with a 30-day money back guarantee less $1.35 processing fee. Customers have 30 days to return Lipozene for a refund." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"1 pint = 2 cups (16 fluid ounces) Grams are used for measuring the weight of dry mass, which you don't commonly do when cooking since everything is measured in cupâ\\x80¦s and teaspoons in the United States. Grams, however, are the common unit in measuring ingredients in all European and Asian cuisines. But, assuming that you are measuring water, the density of water is 1 gm per 1 cc (or 1 mL). One pint has 473.18 mL in it, so 1 pint would equal 473.18 grams.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how many grams in a dry pint']\"", "Review: could Neurontin cause Diarrhea? Diarrhea is found among people who take Neurontin, especially for people who are female, 60+ old , have been taking the drug for 1 - 6 months, also take medication Zometa, and have Pain . We study 55,796 people who have side effects while taking Neurontin from FDA and social media. Among them, 2,423 have Diarrhea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "26 Followers. A. Z-Pak, or azithromycin, does have common side effects of stomach upset and diarrhea. Taking this medication with food may help with your upset stomach. If your diarrhea becomes more intense, it is important to stay hydrated by taking in fluids and replenishing your electrolytes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Guarantee & Return Policy Lipozene Weight Loss Guarantee & Return Policy All weight loss pills shipped by Lipozene come with a 30-day money back guarantee less $1.35 processing fee. Customers have 30 days to return Lipozene for a refund. Return authorization numbers must be received from Customer Serice and written on the shipping box. Please contact Customer Service with any questions about Lipozene’s weight loss guarantee at 1-888-220-8907." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The basic active ingredient in Lipozene is a substance called Glucomannan, a root of a plant called Konjac. The “potential” health benefits of Glucomannan are controlling Cholesterol, treating constipation (since it’s a fiber, it decreases bowel transit time) and also potentially useful for Type 2 diabetes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Called also nicotinic acid, vitamin PP. See also nicotinamide. niacin nutritional deficiency. causes hemorrhagic diarrhea, dermatitis, anemia and a severe stomatitis with ulceration of the mouth and tongue ('black tongue'). In cats, the signs are diarrhea, emaciation and death. Called also pellagra.alled also nicotinic acid, vitamin PP. See also nicotinamide. niacin nutritional deficiency. causes hemorrhagic diarrhea, dermatitis, anemia and a severe stomatitis with ulceration of the mouth and tongue ('black tongue'). In cats, the signs are diarrhea, emaciation and death. Called also pellagra." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Senna can cause some side effects including stomach discomfort, cramps, and diarrhea. Senna is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth long-term or in high doses. Don't use senna for more than two weeks. Longer use can cause the bowels to stop functioning normally and might cause dependence on laxatives. Long-term use can also change the amount or balance of some chemicals in the blood (electrolytes) that can cause heart function disorders, muscle weakness, liver damage, and other harmful effects." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Treato found 455 posts discussing Tamiflu and Diarrhea. In most of these discussions patients report that Tamiflu causes Diarrhea. The manufacturer's product labeling should always be consulted for a list of side effects most frequently appearing in patients during clinical studies. Talk to your doctor about which medications may be most appropriate for you." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You may have symptoms of opioid withdrawal during treatment with MOVANTIK, including sweating, chills, diarrhea, stomach pain, anxiety, irritability, and yawning. Patients taking methadone to treat their pain may be more likely to experience stomach pain and diarrhea. Tell your doctor if you have any of these symptoms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Diarrhea Risk. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center warns that drinking aloe vera can cause adverse effects such as diarrhea. This occurs because aloe juice and aloe latex contain a substance called anthraquinone, which is a laxative. Severe diarrhea can cause pain, cramping and dehydration." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "People with cancer can also have diarrhea caused by conditions that cause diarrhea in Avoid laxatives, metoclopramide (Reglan; used to prevent vomiting and constipation), and stool softeners. Eat small, Imodium is often used to treat diarrhea caused by some types of chemotherapy." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Many of the gastrointestinal side effects (nausea, taste alterations, diarrhea) often disappear with continued therapy. Additionally, they may be less common if lithium is taken in divided doses with meals. If diarrhea or excessive urination lead to dehydration, lithium toxicity is possible. Lithium also can cause changes in the electrocardiogram (EKG, ECG), low blood pressure, and decreased heart rate." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The first major issue with Lipozene is the side effects. Although made up of a natural fiber (Glucomannan remember), the fiber is usually given to folks suffering from constipation, as such, it is not intended for this kind of use. 1 Bloating: is caused by the huge amount of fiber you are ingesting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The most common side effects reported with taking Lipitor (http://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/lipitor) include: diarrhea, arthralgia (joint pain) and nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasal part of the pharynx)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Take Lipozene. Woman drinking from a glass of water. Marketed as a weight-loss supplement, Lipozene is designed to promote decreases in body fat percentage. Lipozene is a rich source of glucomannan, which comes from the Konjac root and has long been used in the treatment of constipation, obesity and other chronic health conditions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anyway, onwards to the reviews… let’s go…. UPDATE: January 2017 Here’s a really great alternative to Lipozene: Phen375 – It’s an appetite suppressant and fat burner , based on the once super popular Phentermine. Read my quick review and especially see how I recommend using it for maximum effect." ], [ "represent the input", "Side effects of Lipitor include: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, gas, heartburn, headache, and ; mild muscle pain. Contact your doctor if you experience serious side effects of Lipitor including: muscle wasting and muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), confusion or memory problems, fever, dark urine, increased thirst or hunger, drowsiness," ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Liptruzet (ezetimibe/atorvastatin) is a combination of a cholesterol blocker and a statin used to reduce cholesterol. Common side effects of Liptruzet include. nausea; muscle pain; abdominal pain; tenderness; weakness; increased fatigue; dizziness; cough; bronchitis; sinus infection (sinusisits) hot flashes; joint pain; high blood levels of potassium (hyperkalemia, or" ], [ "represent", "The bad news is that so far, most commercial weight loss supplements fail to produce significant, lasting weight loss, and Lipozene is no different. As with all supplements, Lipozene may cause side effects and interact with medications. Photo Credit: Jacques LOIC/Photononstop/Getty Images Making long-term changes in your eating habits and physical activity remains the proven way to slim down." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tell your doctor immediately if any of these highly unlikely but very serious side effects occur: yellowing eyes and skin, dark urine, change in the amount of urine, vision problems, black stool, severe stomach pain. An allergic reaction to Lipitor is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Cohen said medication side effects can include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Also remember that some cough suppressants with the sweeteners fructose and sorbitol can cause diarrhea. Pseudoephedrine. It helps relieve nasal congestion and can be found in medications such as Sudafed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "So, you would need approximately five bottles of Lipozene in order to get through a month, which would run around $150. If fiber is what you seek, you can get it for far less in other supplements. Lipozene is another in a long line of diet pills that is marketed almost as a “magic” pill. There is no encouragement for those who take the pills to diet or exercise and there are even suggestions that no lifestyle change is needed to lose weight while on the Lipozene Diet." ], [ "", "Sue Margulis, PWD type 2, of Memphis experienced nausea and diarrhea from metformin. I found that I have to have food in my stomach. Not just a snack; it has to be a full meal, Sue says. I can take it during my meal or right after I eat, but I can't tolerate it on an empty stomach.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lipase seems to be safe for most people. It can cause some side effects such as nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of lipase during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A. Metformin (Glucophage) can cause diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, flatulence and stomachache. Acid-suppressing drugs like lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec) or esomeprazole (Nexium) won’t solve the problem completely and may interfere with absorption of vitamin B12." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eating foods or drinking liquids containing high levels of benzene can cause vomiting, irritation of the stomach, dizziness, sleepiness, convulsions, rapid heart rate, coma, and death. The health effects that may result from eating foods or drinking liquids containing lower levels of benzene are not known. If you spill benzene on your skin, it may cause redness and sores. Benzene in your eyes may cause general irritation and damage to your cornea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol and Aspirin. Kaopectate is a medicine used to stop diarrhea. It contains bismuth subsalicylate. This is the same ingredient found in Pepto-Bismol, another medicine used for diarrhea and upset stomach. When using these ingredients, your bowel movements will appear almost black, and so might your tongue." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Liptruzet (ezetimibe/atorvastatin) is a combination of a cholesterol blocker and a statin used to reduce cholesterol. Common side effects of Liptruzet include nausea" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Guide to Lipozene Pills: Reviews, Ingredients and Side Effects Exposed! There’s a high chance that you’ve seen a commercial for Lipozene on TV at some point in recent months. This is a weight-loss product that is making some pretty big promises with regards to losing weight effectively, safely, and permanently." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lipozene Diet Pills. Available in the form of pills, Lipozene™ is a dietary supplement that is used to help people lose weight. It contains a type of vegetable fiber known as glucomannan that slows down the emptying of the stomach to help people feel full and to keep blood sugar more even." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The main ingredient in Lipozene is glucomannan. It is a a fiber derived from konjac root and has been found in the scientific literature to be beneficial in weight loss control support and other positive side effects. However, glucomannan has been shown to be inferior to its brother, propolmannan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lipozene contains a clinically proven super-fiber from the Konjac Root. Lipozene’s incredible fiber has the ability to absorb up to 200x’s its own size when in water. Once Lipozene capsules dissolve in the stomach, the Lipozene fiber blend activates in water, and creates a feeling of fullness that lasts for hours. Without the use of potentially harmful stimulants, Lipozene can safely help you control calories." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'The default layout for all the subsequent slides is Title and Text. When new slide is added, the title and text slide layout is used. This layout consists of two text placeholders: one for the slide title across the top a larger placeholder for the actual slide content. The exact positioning of these placeholder textboxes on these two layouts comes directly from the Slide Master.'] should be similar to ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what layout in powerpoint has placeholders for a title and subtitle']", "Other serious adverse reactions to canagliflozin include trouble breathing, tightness in chest, swelling of the mouth/lips/face/throat/tongue, rash, itching, voice hoarseness, pain, and irritation. Side effects that are more commonly reported are bladder pain, increased thirst, weight gain, loss of appetite, nausea, pain during sex, and vomiting. Anxiety, confusion, pale skin, headache, seizures, depression, and slurred speech are less commonly reported by patients." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Acetylcholinesterases can cause stomach cramps and diarrhea; it helps to take them with bland food like crackers, applesauce or yogurt. Other common side effects include muscle twitching, muscle cramps and sweatiness. Sometimes these symptoms appear when too much medication is taken. If you have these symptoms, you should talk with your doctor to see if you should reduce your dose or vary when you take the medication." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "original price of gentle giant alien figure" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gentle Giant is doing something a bit different with their pre-order here and are offering the figure for $399 ($100 less than the regular price) if you order it this week. For more information, visit: 1 http://www.gentlegiantltd.com/product_p/80267.htm." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent', '8. Golden Retriever: Goldies are some of the most cancer prone dogs with lymphoma and hemangiosarcoma or cancer of the blood vessels and spleen being among the most common. According to studies 60% of Golden Retrievers die of cancer so proper screening is essential with this breed. 9.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'dogs that are prone to cancer']\"", "Terms of use. 1 Alienware 17 R4 (2017) $1299.99 MSRP $1,279.99 at Dell. 2 Asus ROG Zephyrus (GX501VI) $2699.00 MSRP $2,779.00 at Amazon. 3 Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming (7567) $799.99 MSRP $799.99 at Dell. 4 HP Omen 17 $1299.00 MSRP $1,299.99 at HP. 5 Origin EON17-X 10 Series $1858.00 MSRP $1,858.00 at Origin PC." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Crash Bandicoot 2 - $2 million-Jason Rubin claimed the first Crash sequel cost $2 million. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - $2.5 million-A 1998 Forbes article about Oddworld Inhabitants pegged development costs of the company's first game at $2.5 million." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The ride, based on the Transformers film franchise, was designed by Universal Creative, Oceaneering International, and Industrial Light & Magic. Each installation is reported to have cost US$ 100 million. The dark ride consists of vehicle-mounted motion platforms which follow a 2,000-foot-long (610 m) track. Throughout the ride, screens up to 60 feet (18 m) high project 3D images of various Transformers characters as the Autobots attempt to protect the AllSpark from the Decepticons. Transformers: The Ride has been praised by media around the world with some stating it is one of the best theme park attractions in the world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The set should retail for $7.99. 1 Free exclusive 2014 Holiday Set (40106) [Part 1 of 2] with purchase of $99 or more from October 1st-31st. 2 Double VIP Points from October 1st-31st. 3 On October 6th, LEGO will unveil a brand new set. 4 On October 7th, the free Monthly Mini Model Build is Frankenstein’s monster." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "2016 Star Wars 3D WideVision Attack of the Clones - Online Exclusive $99.99. 2016 Topps Star Wars The Force Awakens Complete Set - Online Exclusive $49.99. Topps Star Wars 1978 ‘Sugar Free Wrappers’ Trading Card Collector Box $99.99. Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens Standard-Sized Tins $17.50." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into the battlefield. 1 Type: Minion. 2 Rarity: Legendary. 3 Set: Whispers of the Old Gods. Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 1 (Golden) Arcane Dust Gained: 400 / 1600 (Golden) Artist: 1 Samwise. Collectible. Elite." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The game was released with a Standard Edition of $39.99 for PC only, and $59.99 for Origins Edition with bonus content on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. A physical Collector's Edition is also available for $129.99. All new maps and heroes will be released as free DLC." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Find the Blink Price & Information for EpiFix Amniotic Membrane – as low as $12,354.89 – pick up at your pharmacy (Rite Aid, Walmart & more). Price transparency and up to 80% savings. Testimonials About Blink" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Items in search results. 1 Ancient Rites: And The Hordes Stood As One CD 2003 Hammerhead Records HHR090 $10.95. 2 Ancient Rites - Laguz [New CD] Digipack Packaging $17.23 List price: Previous Price $18.98. 3 ANCIENT RITES The Diabolic Serenades COMPACT DISC 90's Press CD BLACK METAL $45.00." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Products may contain sharp points, small parts, choking hazards, and other elements not suitable for children under 16 years old. Dimensions: H 24’’x W 7.25’’x D 9.85’’ Gentle Giant Ltd. is proud to bring you another piece of toy history with our SDCC Exclusive GLOW IN THE DARK Alien Jumbo Kenner-inspired Figure!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Universal's Jurassic World, about genetically engineered dinosaurs that attack humans on a remote island tourist resort, took a bite out of the box office record books over the weekend in collecting an estimated $204.6 million for the second-largest domestic opening in history." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The Pepper Creator Edition they announced will cost Â¥198'000 + Â¥9'800/month. That's about $1'800 + $89/month in US currency. You have to pay the monthly cost for 36 months, so the total cost for pepper robot would be Â¥550'800 or $5'050 over 3 years. The official Pepper robot price. As a comparison, an Apple Macbook Pro 13-inch: 2.8GHz with Retina display costs $1800 too. However, 3 years warranty would add up to about $750." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"This reality is frequently accompanied by rapid weight loss, only to be regained at the conclusion of the diet. Dr. Gundry's diet The Diet Evolution changed my paradigm of what a diet is; I soon was coming to terms with a significant lifestyle change! So what is The Diet Evolution all about? The essence is a three phase plan restricting sugar, carbohydrates and changing the balance of animal protein in favor of most vegetables.\"], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', \"what is dr. gundry's evolution\"]", "With Architect, MicroStrategy has an eye on the long game. Architect is priced at $5,000 per named user license, while in the past, buying all of MicroStrategy's developer components separately would cost $50,000, said company president Paul Zolfaghari." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "WWF LEGENDS PAST AND PRESENT- STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, ANDRE THE GIANT, AND THE UNDERTAKER. $69.99(1 new offer) Show only Jakks Pacific items. 5 out of 5 stars 1. Mattel WWE Wrestling Exclusive Legends Action Figure Andre The Giant." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The phones sport fairly rudimentary hardware, but serve a growing demand. LG's Gentle is a 4G LTE, faux-leather flip phone running Android 5.1 (Lollipop). It includes a 3.2-inch, 480 x 320 screen, 3-megapixel rear camera, 4GB of storage, and 1GB of RAM. It may hearken back to the days of cheap cell phones, but its ₩200,000 (US$175) price tag sure doesn't." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The system will have 16 figures at launch, and that even includes a couple characters exclusive to this story. One of the coolest toys in the Playmation line is the Prowler Bot ($40 msrp), a robot toy which you must destroy while it moves around the room. The regular smart figures will cost $14.99 msrp. Playmation will be available for preorder on July 7th for in store and delivery in October 2015." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "But “Age of Ultron,” produced for $250 million, is being measured against an even tougher customer in the original “Avengers,” which casts a huge box office shadow. That film’s $103 million second weekend remains the best ever, and was just a 50 percent drop from its $207.4 million opening in 2012, also the best ever." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'To make bread, find a wheat field and pick some wheat. Then find a windmill, and use the wheat in the very top floor of the windmill, putting it in the hopper, and then operating the hopper controls to send it down the chute. Then head down to the first floor and use a pot on the flour bin to acquire a pot of flour. Once you have your flour, use a bucket or jug of water with the flour to create bread dough. Then use the bread dough on a range to get a loaf of bread, which can then be consumed to heal 200 life points. Fires do not work for cooking bread. Using a jug or bucket of water on the bread will turn it into soggy bread.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'runescape how to bake a loaf of bread']>>", "Unlock the mysteries of Pandaria. Beginning today, October 14, 2014, players are now able to get the original World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria together for only $19.99, available digitally now in the Battle.net Shop." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Bessie Smith was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on April 15, 1894, one of six children. Her father, William Smith, was a laborer and part-time preacher. When Bessie was nine years old, both of her parents died, leaving her older sister, Viola, to care for the children. To survive, Bessie and her brother, Andrew, began to perform a musical act on the streets of Chattanooga.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'who was bessie smith parents']\"", "Star Wars: Clone Wars Animated Commemorative DVD Collection and gt; Commander Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous (Animated) Action Figure Multi-Pack $32.99 $ 32 99 Only 1 left in stock - order soon." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "£35. Continental giant rabbits, all so very friendly and used to being handled by children, all agouti colour, these rabbits do grow huge so need alot of space, they make fantastic house rabbits and are more docile than your everyday small rabbit....1 day ago | For Sale by Private Advertiser.1 2 3 4 5 6.Birds.ontinental giant rabbits, all so very friendly and used to being handled by children, all agouti colour, these rabbits do grow huge so need alot of space, they make fantastic house rabbits and are more docile than your everyday small rabbit.... 1 day ago | For Sale by Private Advertiser. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Birds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1991 Fisher Price Little People Chunky Circus Train complete with Lion, giraffe animals conductor clown. $39.97(1 used & new offers) Show only Unknown items. Little People Hippo (with Red Bird on back) 2002 Mattel Replacement Animal Figure – Fisher Price Zoo Doll Circus Ark Toy Pet Shop Hippopotamus." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Groovy vintage 1978-1985 Fisher-Price Doll house series den furniture. StellaRaeVintageBaby. $50.00 USD. Fisher Price Doll House Accessories, 1960s, Vintage toy. RandomGoodsVintage. $18.75 USD. Vintage/rare fisher price loving family/little people dolls play house furniture/accessories/toy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hail to the new king. Bose has released the QuietComfort 25, a sleeker, sexier headphone that will replace the QC 15 in the Bose pantheon. Priced at $299, the QC 25 boasts sophisticated good looks, impressive active noise-cancellation technology and great audio quality.y favorite part of the QC 25s is the top of the band, which is wrapped in a soft-touch black canvas cloth with squeezably soft, jet-black faux suede. The lower part of the headphones, including the outer earcups, is made of matte plastic. The earcups are gray and feature a ridged chrome Bose logo." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Grab a 1-Year PlayStation Plus Membership for $44.99, and Get LittleBigPlanet 3 for Free! The normal $60 price for a year of PlayStation Plus has been slashed today thanks to Groupon, and if you jump on board now, you can take advantage of the fact that LittleBigPlanet 3 is currently a free download for Plus members! Alienware Aurora Intel Core i7-7770 Kaby Lake Gaming Desktop Computer for $1,169.99." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The most expensive action figure is the original prototype G.I. Joe toy made in 1963 by Don Levine who was working for Hasbro’s toy design concepts. It was sold in an auction to Americana collector Stephen Geppi in 2003 for $200,000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gentle Giant Ltd. is extremely proud of the recent Glow in the Dark version of our Jumbo Kenner Alien that was a huge success as a San Diego Comic Con exclusive." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers For example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Customer Service Representative Salary. Customer Service Representative average salary is $40,720, median salary is $41,226 with a salary range from $21,320 to $64,252. Customer Service Representative salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'average salary for customer service representative']", "6. Gundam Fix Platinum Toy Robot. Price: $250,000. By Bandai. Japanese toy maker Bandai sought the design skills of designer Ginza Tanaka (the one who also made the most expensive rocking chair) to come up with the most expensive toy robot in the world. Made in 2007, the Gundam Fix Platinum toy robot stands only 12.5 centimeters but weighs 1.4 kilograms due to its 89 parts made from 1,400 grams pure platinum. The robot’s eyes was made of 0.15 carat diamond. But just like mint boxed toys, the most expensive toy robot is ironically not meant to be played with as it is not for sale, but only to promote its commercially available versions. 5. Nintendo Wii Supreme. Price: Around $485,000. By Goldstriker International" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "8TH & 9TH UPDATE, WRITETHRU, MONDAY 12:30 PM PT: With official numbers now in, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has flown above estimates to post the biggest global debut in history at $529M, besting Jurassic World‘s $524.9M from this summer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Brewster (CDP), Massachusetts. Brewster is a census-designated place (CDP) in the town of Brewster in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 2,000 at the 2010 census, out of 9,820 in the town of Brewster as a whole. Geography']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'brewster mass is in what county']\"", "The Giant Dipper is a historic wooden roller coaster located at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, an amusement park in Santa Cruz, California. It took 47 days to build at a cost of $50,000. It opened on May 17, 1924, and replaced the Thompson's Scenic Railway. With a height of 70 feet (21 m) and a speed of 55 miles per hour (89 km/h), it is one of the most popular wooden roller coasters in the world." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate ($59.99 ERP) for free during the month of August. WWE 2K16 ($39.99 ERP) will be available as a free download from August 16th to September 15th." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a gentle giant. a man who is very tall and strong, but has a very quiet, gentle character that does not match his appearance As placid and amiable as he was tall, he became known as the gentle giant of the squad." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Produced in 1978 by Kenner. Original retail price: $11.99 Details Graded Values 1979 Star Wars (Star Wars 1978-1979) 1977 1978 1979 In 1979, additional Star Wars figures where added to the assortment. The original 12 figures were re-released with 9 new characters." ], [ "Represent text:", "The eight pups could collectively command $500,000 (£320,000) if they go through owner Marlon Grennan's training school to become elite protection dogs. Scroll down for video. Gentle giant: Hulk, the world's biggest pitbull, is seen cuddled up to his six-day-old puppies in this heartwarming photo. And there are even hopes one of the new batch could one day grow big enough to steal their father's crown. Marlon, 28, said: 'This is definitely one of the most valuable litters we have had." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ivory Carvings – White Gold. With recent strict federal regulation against import of ivory, the value of ivory carvings tremendously increased. The smallest modern Japanese one inch figure now starts at $100.00. Large 7 to 9 inch ivory statues begin at $900.00." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The baskets look like miniature shopping baskets. They are sealed in plastic and include two mystery Shopkins. This was $1.99 at Toys R Us ($2.99 at Target). NOTE: Since this post was published, these have gone up to $2.49 at Toys R Us." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Latex artist SikRik has completed his Andre the Giant Limited Edition Latex Mask project. It was produced with permission from Andre the Giant TM, licensed by Andre R. Roussimoff Testimentary Trust and CMG Worldwide. Only 35 numbered copies will be produced, and they can be preordered for $125.00 USD plus S/H ..." ], [ "Represent the next text", "As of Friday, developers will be able to place orders for the first sizable production run; an undisclosed number of Peppers were previously shipped to encourage developers to create smartphone-style apps for the robots. The monthly costs comprise a basic service fee of Â¥14,800, which will offer cloud artificial intelligence capabilities, using SoftBank’s mobile network." ], [ "Represent", "This enormous figure even features mechanically-activated jaws, just like the original! Packed in an Alien-inspired vintage-style box with copies of the original poster and instruction sheets, the Alien Kenner-inspired Jumbo Figure is a must-have for toy hunters from all generations!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Next 1 ». 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5 5. 6. Big Plush Giant Teddy Bear Five Feet Tall Tan Color Soft Smiling Big Teddybear 5 Foot Bear Ultra Premium Quality $199.99 $127. 11. 5 Foot Very Big Smiling Teddy Bear Soft with Bigfoot Paws, Giant Stuffed Animal Bear $199.99 $122.21." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "-The first statuette presented tonight will be the 2,952nd presented since the first Oscars in 1929. -Alan Turing’s original Enigma machine, which he called Christopher, cost £100,000. The copy built for The Imitation Game cost just £30,000 - possibly because it doesn't work." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it Examples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Beta Carotene: Carrot juice can push away breast and cancer of the skin due to the quantity of beta carotene itâ\\x80\\x99s. Primarily beta carotene is definitely an antioxidant also it eliminates toxins totally in the body.']\" Match: \"['Represent the input', 'can carrot juice cure cancer']\"", "Kenner Alien figure, rescaled it to a staggering 24 inches, and we made it glow! Limited edition size of 250 pieces worldwide. This gargantuan new Jumbo figure possesses new features based on the original, such as the new white teeth and a 100% Glow-In-The-Dark body. No detail has been overlooked." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "1-24 of 34 results for Toys & Games : andre the giant wrestling figure andre the giant wrestling figure. Cancel. WWE WrestleMania Andre the Giant & Million Dollar Man Action Figure (2 Pack) $ 34 22 Prime. Only 1 left in stock - order soon." ], [ "Represent this", "Certain markers indicate that a Princess Di bear is not a first edition, like an extra space in the poem or a stamp inside the tag. The couple was shocked to find the special Beanie Baby was going for £62,500 ($93,406). (Photo: Daily Mail) The couple paid just £10 ($15) for the toy, but when they checked eBay, they found a listing for £62,500 ($93,406) for the rare version they say they have." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A life-size model of the famous film alien, ET, has been stolen from grandmother Margaret Wells' house in Cosham, near Portsmouth, UK. The pensioner was stunned when her life-size replica of the alien from Steven Spielberg's 1982 smash hit, was stolen in a burglary at her home. Mrs. Wells, a grandmother of three, was desperate for the three-foot-high extraterrestrial, believed to be worth £2,000, to phone home." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2014/02/17 16:33:59 UTC. Alien fanatics are likely aware of Kenner's 18'' figure that was released in 1979. Finding one mint in box is nearly impossible and you must have cash to burn, but Gentle Giant is releasing a two feet tall reproduction that is now available for pre-order:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Robby the Robot might be primitive by today’s movie prop standards, but the three-piece costume is so iconic that it recently sold at a Bonhams auction in New York for a staggering $5,375,000. Long before robots like R2-D2 or the Terminator hit the silver screen, a 1956 movie called Forbidden Planet featured a humanoid automaton that, in all likelihood, blew your grandparents’ minds. Robby the Robot might be primitive by today’s movie prop standards, but the three-piece costume is so iconic that it recently sold at a Bonhams auction in New York for a staggering $5,375,000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Measuring just an inch thick, the Alienware 13 ($1,699, starting at $999) is the company's thinnest gaming laptop to date, and retains many of the things we love about Alienware notebooks -- customizable lighting, impressively long battery life and fast gaming performance." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "He established his place in the history books when he exceeded eight feet, four inches in 1937, surpassing the record previously held by an Irishman who died in 1877. Robert was very fond of his mother Addie, and there was a quiet manner about him that earned him the title 'Gentle Giant'." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "She maybe put those viles just where you told her and that is the reason for the STIFF price lol! Thomas, Yes that sounds so familiar. I brought in my script for Caverject and waited. They lady called me to the counter and told me the bill for the 5 viles was a whooping $1,700.00." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ivory Carvings – White Gold. With recent strict federal regulation against import of ivory, the value of ivory carvings tremendously increased. The smallest modern Japanese one inch figure now starts at $100.00. Large 7 to 9 inch ivory statues begin at $900.00. Thousands of dollars are regularly paid for ornate flower baskets, chess sets, boats and flat pierced design panels. Even more if they have a signature on the bottom and original teak stand." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Food grade robots and special environment robots have higher Ingress Protection (IP) ratings to protect them from environmental elements Robot Cost List prices for FANUC’s most common robots vary from $25,000 for the simplest, least expensive M1iA, 4 axis “spider” robot with .5kg capacity to the M2000/1200 6 axis robot with 1200kg capacity topping out at over $400,000 list price." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Transformers Age of Extinction Voyager Class Evasion Mode Optimus Prime Figure(Discontinued by manufacturer) $ 96 99 Prime. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices. $92.00(7 new offers) FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Manufacturer recommended age: 5 Years and up. Show only Transformers items." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The eight pups could collectively command $500,000 (£320,000) if they go through owner Marlon Grennan's training school to become elite protection dogs. Scroll down for video. Gentle giant: Hulk, the world's biggest pitbull, is seen cuddled up to his six-day-old puppies in this heartwarming photo. And there are even hopes one of the new batch could one day grow big enough to steal their father's crown." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fisher Price LITTLE PEOPLE Discovery BABY ANIMAL NEST w Farm Animals BABY LLAMA, BUNNY & CHICK Figures & MORE! (2007) $49.99 & FREE Shipping. Details Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Sold by Super Great Finds and Fulfilled by Amazon." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Precious Planet 2-in-1 Projection mobile is a Fisher-Price baby mobile that can grow with the baby. At first, the projection module will reflect a light pattern onto a canopy as the suspended animals spin around. When baby gets older, this Fisher-Price baby mobile can display the light pattern onto the ceiling." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Save Big On Open-Box & Pre-owned: Buy Alien Quadrilogy (Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Alien...” from Amazon Warehouse Deals and save 45% off the $59.98 list price. Product is eligible for Amazon's 30-day returns policy and Prime or FREE Shipping. See all Open-Box & Pre-owned offers from Amazon Warehouse Deals." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So for a original Giant made Mirada a $100 is a deal, as they sell for $150 to $200 to collectors at bike shows, and with some rare ones fetching far more at auction. The later big box ones sell for about $25 to $35, so a $100 would be a rip off. Anonymous · 2 years ago." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This item: 31.5 Tall Sold Standing Black Bear Statue ~ Gentle Ben ~ $219.99 Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Sold by Rock Gifts and ships from Amazon Fulfillment." ], [ "represent text.", "Original Jupiter 2 Spaceship Image 3 of 3 The original Jupiter 2 miniature from Lost in Space sold for $69,000 at the Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 14 (26 April 2003): In 1965, Irwin Allen gave the American television audience his greatest and most cherished creation, LOST IN SPACE." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gentle Ben. Dust jacket of the original 1965 E.P. Dutton edition of Gentle Ben by Walt Morey. Gentle Ben is a bear character created by author Walt Morey and first introduced in a 1965 children's novel, Gentle Ben. The original novel told the story of the friendship between a large male bear named Ben and a boy named Mark." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Let me introduce you to “Neuticles,” which are, no kidding, testicular prostheses for neutered pets. Neuticles come in dog or cat versions with multiple sizes and the price ranges from $114 to $149 for a pair of polypropylene implants. Solid silicone will cost you from $254 to $299. The “UltraPlus with ScarRetard” will run you up to $449 a pair." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers The provided query could be \"['represent', 'Dihydrotestosterone Reducers: Finasteride (Proscar); Dutasteride (Avodart). ... The most common side effects are headache, fatigue, and dizziness. A first dose effect may occur that causes blood pressure to drop, which may result in fainting.']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are the side effects of finasteride']\"", "The smallest modern Japanese one inch figure now starts at $100.00. Large 7 to 9 inch ivory statues begin at $900.00. Thousands of dollars are regularly paid for ornate flower baskets, chess sets, boats and flat pierced design panels. Even more if they have a signature on the bottom and original teak stand." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The power of choice is in every customers’ hands. Big Power, Small Price. Starting at $549 (US), the Alienware Alpha can be configured with Intel’s 4th generation core i3, i5 and i7 processors, up to 8GBs of DDR3 memory, hard drive options up to 2TBs and the latest Intel Wireless 802.11ac adapters." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From $2.99 (SD) on Amazon Video. A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is not a DLC, it is instead a stand-alone game sold in hard copy (2 Disc Set for Xbox 360) and digital copy. It is sold at $39.99/€29.99/£19.99. The game was released on: 23 April, 2013 in North America." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how to detect water main break" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 If you here any vibration or a rumbling noise on the pipe, there is a strong chance that your water main is leaking somewhere in-between the meter and your pipes connection to the city main in the roadway. 2 Call the NYC DEP (dial 311 on your phone) if you see water or if you hear a noise on your water line." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\n\\n------\\n\\nGiven exists and is an alternate of . Liabilities are debts owed to an outside party (creditor) such as a bank loan, a truck note, etc. Expenses are the cost of operating the business and affect the net income. Expenses include things such as utilities, supplies, insurance, rent, etc. While liabilities are listed on the balance sheet, expenses are not. Also, Liabilities decrease Owners Equity (Stockholders Equity) while Expense decrease Net Income. Liabilities are debts owed to an outside party (creditor) such as a bank loan, a truck note, etc. <br /><br /> Expenses are the cost of operating the business and affect the net income., a positive would be is liabilities an expense', 'The Symptoms of UTI. Though most men show signs of a UTI and will experience some discomfort, not all males display symptoms. Symptoms may include a frequent urge to urinate and a painful, burning feeling in the vicinity of the bladder or urethra during urination.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'uti symptoms in men']\"", "Joints are the most likely source of leaks, but old metal pipes can develop pinhole leaks anywhere, especially in the trap. If you can’t find any leaks in the drain system, check the water supply lines that serve the faucet. Finally, check for “splash leaks,” spots where water seeps under the sink rim or faucet base. To find these leaks, use a rag to dribble water around the faucet and sink rim, then get underneath and look for drips." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Main breakers can be installed when the meter and feeder cable are within 10 ft. of the panel. However, consult your local codes to see if your panel will meet this or another requirement for proper installation. Main lug panels do not have a main breaker. Instead the line wires run to lugs." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Information regarding expenditures on water main breaks from 2008 to 2013 was presented in an answer to an enquiry at Monday’s council meeting. Swanson submitted the enquiry on Nov. 25. For the first six months of the year, the average cost of a water main break was $23,526.43 per break.The average cost of a water main break in 2013 was $21,871.26. “I remember about five or six years ago, there was a response where it indicated our average water main break cost was about $5,000,” said Swanson.wanson submitted the enquiry on Nov. 25. For the first six months of the year, the average cost of a water main break was $23,526.43 per break. The average cost of a water main break in 2013 was $21,871.26." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A water main is an underground pipe that delivers water to the customer's service pipe. In residential areas it usually runs under the street. If a hole or crack develops in the pipe, the water will typically find its way to the surface." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "small pieces of sand or rocks can enter a water system especially those of people who use a private well these can block the pathways within your faucets these low water pressure and flow problems are very common just after a water main break in a municipal water system sand dirt and other debris can enter municipal piping systems when a water main fractures" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'Quick Answer. Pointing a dish requires knowing the azimuth and elevation coordinates for the location, aiming the dish towards those coordinates, and then gradually adjusting with a signal meter to find the strongest signal. Properly aiming a satellite dish is a very precise task that requires the assistance of a dish pointer tool.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how to aim your dish network satellite']\"", "How to check for leaks using your water meter. 1 Turn off all taps and water-using appliances. 2 Locate your water meter. It's usually at the front of your property. 3 Write down the black and red numbers on the dial of the water meter. See How do you read the meter for more information about the numbers on different types of meters." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 1 leakSMART Valve. 1 leakSMART Hub. 2 This system not only detects water leaks throughout your home, but also shuts off the water in less than 5 seconds when a leak is detected. Plus, it alerts you with audible and visible alarms, as well as a smart device app notification." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Given ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', \"Making the world better, one answer at a time. The Brief Interview for Mental Status or BIMS is a test given by medical professionals that helps determine a patient's cognitive understanding. A BIMS score of 13-15 indicates cognitively intact, 08-12 indicates moderately impaired, and 00-07 indicates severe impairment. The Brief Interview for Mental Status or BIMS is a test given by medical professionals that helps determine a patient's cognitive understanding.\"], a positive would be ['represent the following document', 'what is a bims']", "Maiden flight for world's largest aircraft. New sensor detects water contamination in real time. Currently, if you want to check water supplies for the presence of toxic bacteria, you have to take a water sample and then culture it in a lab over several days. In the meantime, it's impossible to say if the water source is safe to use. A group of students from the Technical University of Denmark, however, have created a sensor that they say can detect bacteria in water instantly, on the spot." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Corrosion or moisture present around the pipes indicates a leak. If you see mold, mildew or rotted wood around these pipes, your leak is probably in this area. Water tends to travel downward, and often the location of water stains is not the exact location of the leaking pipe.Still, it is a good indicator of the general area of the source of moisture. leaking pipe under your sink is easier to find than one that is blocked by ceilings or walls. The first step to tracing the leaking pipe is to determine that you do indeed have a leak, and then you must inspect each room of your home." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Meet leakSMART™. leakSMART™ stops water damage before it starts. The system not only detects water leaks throughout your home, but also shuts off the water in less than 5 seconds when a leak is detected. Plus, it alerts you when detecting water leaks with audible and visible alarms, as well as smart device app notifications. Learn More." ], [ "", "Sometimes water doesn't break until mom is pushing the baby out. In other cases, water doesn't break on its own, and a doctor or midwife needs to break it artificially using an amnio hook. For the sake of learning though, let's assume your water breaks spontaneously at home." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Knowing how to shut off the water can prevent a catastrophe. If you don't know where your main water shutoff valve is located, finding it before you need it can make the difference between a minor leak and a flood. In older homes, it's usually near the water meter, which may be indoors or out, depending on the climate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The average cost of a water main repair following a rupture ranges between $800 and $1,100 per incident.The cost can vary greatly based on the severity of the damage and the location of the repair since plumbing and repair costs are not consistent nation wide.ommon Causes of Water Main Breaks. There are many factors that can ultimately lead to a water main break. One of the most common problems is having old pipes. Over time, it is possible for the pipes to rust and corrode, which can eventually lead to the pipe bursting altogether." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To check if air is in the water supply, fill a glass with water and allow it to stand. The cloudy appearance should clear from the bottom of the glass upwards. In order to alleviate the problem, run the front garden tap for a few minutes. If the problem doesn't clear then South East Water should be contacted to arrange for the water main supplying the property to be flushed to remove the air." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Re: we have detected signal leakage from your home.... We have signal meters in our trucks and hand held units also that detect leakage and also pin point the leaks.Also Cable companies use contractors in planes and helicopters equiped to detect signal levels and hot spots in a cable companies operating area.e: we have detected signal leakage from your home.... holy crap! dont get off the phone till u solve this!!! gl dan. add a couple 120mm fans overhead to drop temps by 10+ celsius D.S.C-12(2)-. disclaimer: whatever u do with your hardware/software is your responsibility, which i dont hold if u break anything." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From AAPG Wiki. The most direct way of finding water resistivity (Rw) is to obtain a sample of formation water and measure its resistivity. However, this is seldom possible in practice, as formation water samples, if available, are invariably contaminated by mud filtrate." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How To Find And Repair A Broken Water Line When a water line inside your home breaks, it usually doesn’t take long to know it. The gush of water is immediate. Fittings and connections in supply lines are a common culprit in such instances, and so are things like nails from construction projects or vibrating pipes caused by air." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "the easiest way of detecting water in milk is by testing the thickness of the milk by letting it touch the walls of a glass and see if the milk gives an opaque look to the gla…ss ( which means less added water ) or if the milk just slides off leaving the glass transparent as soon as the milk touches the glass ( which means that water was added to ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Do not use the water. Contact your water utility or, if you have your own well, your local health agency. It’s likely that something disturbed the water flow in the water main, such as a line break or fire fighting, or a plumbing problem allowed unsafe water to enter the line." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Concealed leaks caused by broken or cracked pipes on the customer's side of the water meter are the responsibility of the property owner. Follow these guidelines to catch leaks early: Check your property for visible water leaks from taps, toilets, showers and irrigation systems." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Water Meter Shut-Off. Your main water shut-off will turn off the water to your home, which can help if your leak or burst pipe is inside the home, but sometimes you need to turn off the water to everything to find or fix the problem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DEFINITION OF MAIN/CHECK METERING DISCREPANCY. The Main/Check discrepancy of a sister pair of meters, in any half-hour metering period, is defined by:-. discrepancy = 100 ( M - C )/M percent. where M and C are the values of MWh registered by the Main and Check meters respectively during the metering period under study." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "General Instructions. z Wall/BacksplashTurn off the water supply at the main source. z Hand tighten all parts prior to tightening with. wrench. Do not force parts together. z Handle plated surfaces with care, being careful. not to scratch with tools. z Wall mount faucets have a ½” I.P.S. female." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Meet leakSMART®. leakSMART® stops water damage before it starts. The system not only detects water leaks throughout your home, but also shuts off the water in less than 5 seconds when a leak is detected. Plus, it alerts you when detecting water leaks with audible and visible alarms, as well as smart device app notifications." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When used with the Insteon Hub, you will receive instant alerts the instant a water leak is detected. Avoid Flooding One of the sensors you hope you never have to use in your home, Leak Sensor's function is simple: it detects water leaks. Place one by your water heater, under every sink, by your clothes and dish washers and behind the toilet for total protection." ], [ "Represent this text", "Reel in the line and measure the distance between the mark and the sinker. This is the well depth. Step Two – Measure Static Water Level. Remove the sinker and place a small bobber on the fish line. Drop the bobber down the well casing until it hits the water level. Take up the slack and mark the line." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you see water coming up in-front of your home, it does not necessarily mean that the leak is coming from you water line. Water travels and seeks the weakest point in the ground as its source to exit to the surface; it is common for a water main leak to travel 10’-20’ from the source of the leak." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Check municipal water supply main pressure and flow: Ask your plumber to measure the incoming water pressure and flow before the water pressure regulator,or with the pressure regulator set wide open. Since bad water pressure or flow can be a piping problem rather than a supply quantity problem, also." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Main Phone: (801) 782-8529. This number reaches Administration, Utilities, Justice Court, Building Inspections, Recreation, Animal Control, Police, and Public Works. Even after hours, this number will still connect you with non-emergency police matters and public works for reporting water main breaks or sewer back-ups." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Typically when your water breaks, you will feel a gush of water followed by a steady, uncontrollable leaking. Some women have noted a distinct popping feeling right before their water breaks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Currently there is a water main break at Cloverlawn and Gohl. This break is also causing low water pressure or loss of water on St. Johns as well. Please be advised that DPS is working to restore water service as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Checking for concealed leaks on your property. Concealed leaks caused by broken or cracked pipes on the customer's side of the water meter are the responsibility of the property owner. Check your property for visible water leaks from taps, toilets, showers and irrigation systems." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If a water pipe bursts, turn off the water at the main shut-off valve (usually at the water meter or where the main line enters the house); leave the faucet(s) open until repairs are completed. Don’t try to thaw a frozen pipe with an open flame; as this will damage the pipe and may even start a building fire." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Also, you should check at the water meter that is located at the street, near the city water main. It is wise to check at both ends of the pipe because we have found cases where copper pipe enters the home, and poly pipe is at the water meter. Obviously, both pipes were used and connected somewhere underground." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In other cases, water doesn't break on its own, and a doctor or midwife needs to break it artificially using an amnio hook. For the sake of learning, however, let's assume your water breaks spontaneously at home. More: This Bracelet Lets Your Partner Feel the Baby Kick." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "To check for a leak: 1 Turn off all faucets in and around the house. 2 Make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are not on. 3 Switch off the ice-maker. Find your water meter box which is usually located in your front yard near the property line." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Water in oils can occur in dissolved, emulsified and free states. Visual indication is reliable for quantifying water content only in the free state, while the hot plate crackle test can be used to detect free and emulsified water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you have a water meter in your property here is how you can easily check for leaks: 1 Turn off the water supply at the internal stop-tap. 2 Make sure your cold water supply is off, check the kitchen cold water tap.3 Open the meter chamber and remove the polystyrene protection.f the leak is from your water meter or between your house and the boundary of your property (your service pipe) you are usually responsible for repairing it. You will need to hire a contractor to find out where the link is then carry out the repair." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Follow these guidelines to catch leaks early: 1 Check your property for visible water leaks from taps, toilets, showers and irrigation systems. 2 Turn off all taps, water appliances and irrigation at your property. 3 Read the water meter and record the reading. Leave the water meter tap on." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I know how detect if a page is loaded into frames. But I need to be able to detect if it loaded into an iframe, and if it is, I want it to break frames. I DO NOT want it to break out of normal frames, only if it is loaded into an iframe.Thank You For Your Help!ut I need to be able to detect if it loaded into an iframe, and if it is, I want it to break frames. I DO NOT want it to break out of normal frames, only if it is loaded into an iframe. Thank You For Your Help!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Introduction: when to use a break tank. Break tanks are used in pressure boosting water systems to supply sufficient net positive suction head 'NPSH' to a pump in situations where mains water pressure is not sufficient to supply the requirements of the system.imed Storage. Dutypoint recommend that a minimum of 15 minutes' storage, according to the peak flow rate of the booster set, should be provided in a cold water break tank. Secondly, the expected peak flow rate of the premises should be considered." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it E.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'â\\x80¢ GOVERNING BODY (noun). The noun GOVERNING BODY has 1 sense: 1. the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something. Familiarity information: GOVERNING BODY used as a noun is very rare.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'governing body definition']", "Resistance Checks, CTS off the vehicle: 1 Remove the CTS from the engine. 2 Place the CTS is a container of water, do NOT submerge the contact pins in the water, just the probe of the sensor only. 3 Connect the Positive probe to one pin and the Negative probe to the other. Measure the CTS resistance in cold water first." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the incoming supply pipe line (rising main) you will install a 15mm tee piece prior to the fill valve which will be used to create a bypass loop to bypass the cold water storage tank and pump if either should fail giving you an emergency supply of water.There is now a new alternative method for boosting the mains water pressure without using a break tank as below, this new method is not boosting to the same level of pressure or flow but is much simpler and more cost effective (see Home Boost Here) ." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Photo © April's Grapevine Photography. If you think your water broke, you need to remember a few keys things even if it turns out that your water did not break. This can be remembered with the mnemonic COAT. Telling your practitioner the COLOR, ODOR, AMOUNT, and TIME can help your practitioner determine the best course of action for you." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You will know if your water breaks if you feel a gush of water that is followed right away by uncontrollable and steady leaking. For some women, when their water breaks, they will feel a certain type of a popping feeling. Other women may feel a trickling of fluid or a general wetness of the perineum." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Cells undergoing aerobic respiration produce 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 6 molecules of water, and up to 30 molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is directly used to produce energy, from each molecule of glucose in the presence of surplus oxygen.n the heterolactic pathway, it produces lactic acid as well as ethanol and carbon dioxide. Lactic acid fermentation is relatively inefficient. The waste products lactic acid and ethanol have not been fully oxidized and still contain energy, but it requires the addition of oxygen to extract this energy.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what cells produce carbon dioxide']", "You'll feel a slack in the line. At the point where you feel the slack, mark the line at the top edge of the casing (you can tie a small knot in the line, use tape or a marker) Pull the line back up from the casing. Measure the length of the line from the bobber to the marked line. This is your static water level." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "1 You'll feel a slack in the line. 2 At the point where you feel the slack, mark the line at the top edge of the casing (you can tie a small knot in the line, use tape or a marker). 3 Pull the line back up from the casing. 4 Measure the length of the line from the bobber to the marked line. 5 This is your static water level." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Air Scouring of Water Mains is an extremely effective 'non-aggressive' method of Water Main Cleaning. From 75mm diameter to 300mm diameter, with typical cleaning lengths ranging from 100 to 1000 metres. Factair, in conjunction with the Water Research Council pioneered the Air Scouring process in the UK.ir Scouring of Water Mains is an extremely effective 'non-aggressive' method of Water Main Cleaning. From 75mm diameter to 300mm diameter, with typical cleaning lengths ranging from 100 to 1000 metres. Factair, in conjunction with the Water Research Council pioneered the Air Scouring process in the UK." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sometimes water doesn't break until mom is pushing the baby out. In other cases, water doesn't break on its own, and a doctor or midwife needs to break it artificially using an amnio hook. For sake of learning, let's assume your water breaks spontaneously at home." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The City of Oneida Water Department is repairing a water main break on Rte. 5 (Genesee Street) entering into the Village of Wampsville. The water is off to the entire Village of Wampsville until the water main break is repaired. The break is estimated to take a minimum of four (4) hours to repair. Following reestablishment of service residents are advised that a Boil Water Advisory will be in effect. Boil Water Wampsville 10-13-2015." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The City of Saskatoon has had a total of 170 water main breaks from Jan. 1 to mid-March. The Toronto Star reported that Toronto responded to 1,500 water main breaks in 2013 and, as of mid-March, had serviced 1,033 water main breaks. It estimated the average cost to expose, repair and re-cover a break is $8,000. Coun.wanson submitted the enquiry on Nov. 25. For the first six months of the year, the average cost of a water main break was $23,526.43 per break. The average cost of a water main break in 2013 was $21,871.26." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Larger leaks or a combination of small leaks can often be detected by your water meter. Using your water meter you can perform a simple leak check with the following steps: 1 Make sure all water is turned off inside and outside the home." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In order to check whether water damage, simply open the SIM tray of your Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge, and look on the inside. You don’t need a torch for this, and you don’t have to look any deep either for this." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Make sure the water supply is turned off before digging to uncover a broken water line. When digging in your yard, call your utility company to come and mark underground wires and pipes to prevent injury to yourself or harm to the utilities." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The prime opening is near the pressure gauge on most water pumps. Some models have the pressure gauge inserted into the prime opening. Use a wrench to loosen and remove the water prime opening plug. If you have to remove the pressure gauge, be sure to remove the gauge at the base of the pump. Twisting on the gauge itself will cause the gauge to break. Pour water into the prime opening until the housing is full with water." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "At most, homeowners should expect to spend no more than $2,000 on a water main break repair. Dealing with a water main break on one's property can be a serious hassle, which is why preventative maintenance on one's pipes and plumbing is always recommended." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "10/20/14. Early detection of a water leak can save you money and avert potential disaster. Here are some signs that you may have a leak and should consider contacting a plumber. Check your water meter. One of the best ways to tell if you have a leak in some part of your plumbing is to check the water meter. To do this, you'll first have to turn off all the water in your home. Shut off all faucets, and make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are not running." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Check the water meter. – Yes, you would assume it’s all the way on, but things happen. Be sure it’s operating at full strength capacity. Check your main shut off valve at the street. – It’s not unusual to have work done and then slowly let water back into the pipes to ensure everything is okay." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 This way, every drop goes down you and not the drain. 2 Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. 3 Your bill and water meter are tools that can help you discover leaks. 4 Turn off all of your faucets and if the small triangular dial on your meter is still turning, this may indicate a leak." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When your water breaks, you might feel a popping sensation, along with a slow trickle of fluid. It can be mistaken for urine at first, but most of the time, amniotic fluid is clear and odourless; you’ll probably be able to tell the difference, but if you’re unsure, call your healthcare practitioner who can do a physical exam and run tests to determine if you’re leaking." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Check to make sure you have met your Part B deductible. Medicare will not pay for the wheelchair until you have met your deductible. In 2015, the deductible is $147. This means you must have paid at least $147 of out-of-pocket medical expenses before the Medicare Part B coverage is applied to your wheelchair.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much does medicare pay for a wheelchair']\"", "Using your water meter you can perform a simple leak check with the following steps: 1 Make sure all water is turned off inside and outside the home. 2 Record the reading of the water meter, and wait 15 minutes. 3 Record the reading of the meter again." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you have any feeling that it was your water that broke, you should go into the doctor. Wear a pad in and they can test it when you get there for amniotic fluid (they did this to me when I thought mine broke and it was negative). Having your water break and not going into the hospital can cause infection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Average Costs to Repair A Broken Water Main. In the event of a water main break, emergency plumbing services will be needed. The average cost of a water main repair following a rupture ranges between $800 and $1,100 per incident. The cost can vary greatly based on the severity of the damage and the location of the repair since plumbing and repair costs are not consistent nation wide. At most, homeowners should expect to spend no more than $2,000 on a water main break repair." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The sensors connect to the central smart home hub, and you can view the device’s status on your phone or tablet. If the device detects water, you get an alert (usually a text or push notification). That’s when you rush home to see what the damage is." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Whole House Meter Check for Leaks. Larger leaks or a combination of small leaks can often be detected by your water meter. Using your water meter you can perform a simple leak check with the following steps: Make sure all water is turned off inside and outside the home." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how long does it take a housefly egg to hatch" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Reproduction. House fly eggs are laid in almost any warm, moist material that will supply suitable food for the larvae. The female may lay a total of five to six batches of 75 to 100 eggs.In warm weather, eggs hatch in 12 to 24 hours.ouse Fly Facts. The average life span for a house fly in the wild is less than one month. Houseflies pass through the egg, larval and pupal stages in approximately 10 days, after which adult flies emerge." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Insect eggs hatch into maggots, or the larval stage, very quickly. Fly maggots usually hatch less than a day after the female lays eggs. Flies lay eggs in batches of 150 or more, producing several such batches in just a couple of days. Egg Laying and Hatching When it's warm outside, maggots can emerge from eggs laid only eight to 20 hours earlier." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A housefly can live up to 3 months, although the average lifespan is closer to 21 days. During the short life of a female housefly, 900 new eggs can be laid, and those eggs can mature to adults within a few days. The housefly can also extend its life slightly by entering diapause, a form of hibernation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lucilia can mature up to 300 eggs in each ovarian cycle and lay a new batch of eggs every 4–8 days. The eggs hatch after 8–24 hours and the maggots immediately start feeding on the sheep, moulting twice during the 3–5 days before they drop off and burrow into the ground to pupate.The normal blowfly life cycle in warm weather takes 2.5–3 weeks. For further information on blowfly biology download the article below.he eggs hatch after 8–24 hours and the maggots immediately start feeding on the sheep, moulting twice during the 3–5 days before they drop off and burrow into the ground to pupate. The normal blowfly life cycle in warm weather takes 2.5–3 weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Contrary to popular belief, the common fly (Musca domestica) in its adult form can hope to keep on buzzing for a few weeks before heading up to that big sugar cube in the sky … assuming it never meets the business end of a swatter. According to entomologists, mature houseflies generally live for 15 to 25 days. Some specimens manage to hold on even longer: Several have been documented reaching the ripe old age of two months! Like most of their brethren, these creatures undergo an intricate life cycle involving many stages." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long does it take for a caterpillar egg to hatch? Usually between 3-5 days depending on the temperature and other existing environmental conditions in which the egg resides.ow long does it take for black widow egg sack to hatch? A black widow egg will take 2-3 weeks to hatch depending on the humidity and a few other surrounding circumstances." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is like a brown object in which larvae becomes an adult fly. This cycle takes 18 days, approximately three weeks. The housefly live according to the surrounding temperatures. If the climate is very hot, they live up to two weeks only. In winters, when the temperature is very low, these flies live for more than two months." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Termite eggs take about 26 days to hatch into nymphs, which would be quite similar to the maximum duration for ants and cockroaches. As the eggs near hatching, they enlarge about 30% more in size. Different temperature conditions may affect the duration it takes for the eggs to hatch." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It takes just over a day for the fruit fly egg to hatch. He'll spend about a week in the larval stage and a week in the pupal stage, becoming an adult about two weeks after he's hatched. He can expect to live between eight and 10 days, though some fruit flies last as long as a month." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Fewshot example: \"['represent this', 'Current Local Time: Vanuatu Standard Time is UTC + 11: The Current Time in Vanuatu is: Monday 2/19/2018 2:10 PM UTC+11:00 Vanuatu observes UTC + 11 Standard Time year round']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'current time in vanuatu']\"", "http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/urban/flie... Here is another option: The complete life-cycle of a house fly takes from 10 to 21 days. On the average, 12 generations of house flies can be produced in one year.Adult females lay 120-150 tiny white eggs, usually in manure or other warm, moist, decaying organic matter.ttp://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/urban/flie... Here is another option: The complete life-cycle of a house fly takes from 10 to 21 days. On the average, 12 generations of house flies can be produced in one year." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long does it take to hatch duck eggs? It takes 28 days for duck eggs to hatch.....and it takes 21 days for baby chicks to hatch and you can only put 12 eggs under neath a chicken.. How long does it take a crow egg to hatch? It takes them 5 to 6 days to hatch!!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long does it take for a turkey egg to hatch? Turkey eggs usually take 21 to 28 days to hatch depending on what they are incubated in like an incubator or by a hen.ow long does it take for black widow egg sack to hatch? A black widow egg will take 2-3 weeks to hatch depending on the humidity and a few other surrounding circumstances." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A new adult housefly has, at most, three months to reproduce before it dies. With so many predators, a housefly's average lifespan is even shorter: 21 days. Luckily for the housefly, the phrase breeding like flies isn't just a figure of speech.Each female can lay up to 900 eggs during her brief life.The very thought of a housefly infestation may prove too disturbing for many homeowners. new adult housefly has, at most, three months to reproduce before it dies. With so many predators, a housefly's average lifespan is even shorter: 21 days. Luckily for the housefly, the phrase breeding like flies isn't just a figure of speech." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Female bugs fly up female boxelder trees and lay eggs on seed pods and the undersides of leaves. They will also leave eggs on stems and branches. Eggs take 10-14 days to hatch. During the summer, all stages of the boxelder can be found in and around host trees. While nymphs continue to develop into the fall, only adults survive cold weather. Damage" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Loving Naturals Organic SPF 30 Sunscreen is an eco-friendly natural sunscreen made only of organic ingredients. The main sunblocking agent is non-nano particle zinc oxide that protects you from wide range of UV rays.'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what makes a sunscreen eco friendly']", "In mayflies, the adult lives from 30 minutes to one day, while the aquatic larvae live one year. In some cicadas, the larvae live up to 17 years, while the adult only a few days. The fruit fly lives for 30 days, while the housefly 20-25 days. In honey bees, the workers live 38 days in summer, and 6 months in winter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Life Expectancy of House Flies. Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions.Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild.The housefly’s brief life cycle allows them to multiply quickly if left uncontrolled.he life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild. The housefly’s brief life cycle allows them to multiply quickly if left uncontrolled." ], [ "Represent the next text", "How long does it take for a frog egg to hatch? up to 3 weeks and then a head pops out and it starts to eat its egg. How long does it take a bee's egg to hatch? A worker honey bee takes 21 days to hatch from the date that it was laid." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The larva of a house fly grows fastest above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, but the optimal survival temperature is between 62 and 90 degrees. It takes four to 13 days for him to reach the pupal stage at this temperature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These are the four distinct stages in an average house fly's life: Egg: Depending on the size of a female house fly, she can lay up to 500 eggs in a three to four day period. Eggs are white in color and are usually less than half and inch in size." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Adult houseflies usually live only 2 to 3 days without food but can survive up to 50 days where food is available. Females deposit an average of 400 to 600 eggs each. This egg production and their short life cycle allow houseflies to develop large populations rapidly." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The House Fly - Life Cycle. 1 Egg: Depending on the size of a female house fly, she can lay up to 500 eggs in a three to four day period. Eggs are white in color and are usually less than half and inch in size. Larvae: Larvae are commonly referred to as maggots." ], [ "Represent this", "Adults mate within one to two days after emerging from their pupal cases. The life cycle, from egg to adult, may take as little as one week, but normally requires three weeks for completion. House flies normally live about 2 l/2 weeks during the summer, but they can, at lower temperatures, survive up to three months. Some overwinter outdoors in protected locations, or in crevices in buildings." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A single female can produce hundreds of eggs during her lifetime, and more than 25 larvae may hatch at one time. Depending upon the species, eggs may hatch within 24 hours and the entire life cycle of the flesh fly may be complete within one to three weeks. Larvae are yellow in color, with pointed heads. They thrive in decaying meat, manure and garbage." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Hatching from an egg to the first larval stage takes about eight hours to one day. Larvae have three stages of development (instars); each stage is separated by a molting event. The instars are separable by examining the posterior spiracles, or openings to the breathing system." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The slimy, gelatinous drain and sewer walls contain from 30 to 200 drain fly eggs, which hatch at room temperature within 32 to 48 hours. As the larvae feeds, they mature in 9 to 15 days. Drain flies start out as oblong eggs, pale, elongated larvae with a suction cup under their bodies, pupae, and then adults." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The average lifespan of a housefly is 20-30 days. http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/natbltn/400-499/nb453.htm. This page (in German) says 16-24 days, and that the females live longer than the males. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stubenfliege. According to this page, from 7 days to 2 months. Quote: The house fly has a complete metamorphosis with distinct egg, larva or maggot, pupal and adult stages. The house fly overwinters in either the larval or pupal stage under manure piles or in other protected locations." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Life Cycle of House Flies. The life cycle of a house fly begins in the egg stage. A female house fly is capable of laying up to 150 eggs in a batch. Over a period of a few days, she will produce five or six batches of eggs.Female house flies favor damp, dark surfaces such as compost, manure and other decomposing organic material for egg laying. female house fly is capable of laying up to 150 eggs in a batch. Over a period of a few days, she will produce five or six batches of eggs. Female house flies favor damp, dark surfaces such as compost, manure and other decomposing organic material for egg laying." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Well it really depends on what type of fly it is. A female housefly can live up to 70 days, males up to 60 days, but the larvae and pupae stages take up about 10 days. Fruit flies can live up to about 37 days." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Eggs: Deposited in bands approximately an inch wide and up to a foot long. Can hatch in as little as 24 hours in hot weather, otherwise may take 2-3 days. Tadpoles: Dark brown to bronze with fine orange dots. Tail has orange stripe, fins are transparent with dark rims. Metamorphoses in 2-9 weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Full Answer. A housefly can live up to 3 months, although the average lifespan is closer to 21 days. During the short life of a female housefly, 900 new eggs can be laid, and those eggs can mature to adults within a few days. The housefly can also extend its life slightly by entering diapause, a form of hibernation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A. Wow! This is a very exciting time at your house!!!! Depending on the species, and the temperatures, the ladybug larva can hatch out of the egg in 4-10 days. When the larva hatch out, they are so incredibly small, you will not want to move them or touch them.. Wow! This is a very exciting time at your house!!!! Depending on the species, and the temperatures, the ladybug larva can hatch out of the egg in 4-10 days. When the larva hatch out, they are so incredibly small, you will not want to move them or touch them." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These are the four distinct stages in an average house fly's life: 1 Egg: Depending on the size of a female house fly, she can lay up to 500 eggs in a three to four day period. Eggs are white in color and are usually less than half and inch in size. 2 Larvae: Larvae are commonly referred to as maggots." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This answer has. This page (in German) says 16-24 days, and that the females live longer than the males. According to this page, from 7 days to 2 months. The house fly has a complete metamorphosis with distinct egg, larva or maggot, pupal and adult stages. The house fly overwinters in either the larval or pupal stage under manure piles or in other protected locations." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A. Wow! This is a very exciting time at your house!!!! Depending on the species, and the temperatures, the ladybug larva can hatch out of the egg in 4-10 days. When the larva hatch out, they are so incredibly small, you will not want to move them or touch them.his is a very exciting time at your house!!!! Depending on the species, and the temperatures, the ladybug larva can hatch out of the egg in 4-10 days. When the larva hatch out, they are so incredibly small, you will not want to move them or touch them." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The process from egg to butterfly is weather dependent and also depends on the regional climate. It can take about four weeks in the peak of the summer in warmer climates. The egg takes 5 to 10 days, the larva/caterpillar and pupa/chrysalis each take about 10 to 14 days. In winter, autumn and spring it takes a lot longer (if it happens at all – they continue to breed in Northland)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "These are the four distinct stages in an average house fly's life: 1 Egg: Depending on the size of a female house fly, she can lay up to 500 eggs in a three to four day period. Eggs are white in color and are usually less than half and inch in size. Larvae: Larvae are commonly referred to as maggots." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Quick Answer. The housefly maggot will undergo three larvae stages and a pupa stage; the time to pass through all larvae stages is 14-36 hours and can be sped up based on environmental conditions. The pupa stage exhibits a large maggot size and protects the fly through final development to adult size. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild. The housefly’s brief life cycle allows them to multiply quickly if left uncontrolled." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dragonfly eggs are laid in freshwater and after hatching spend from a year to seven years eati…ng and growing. They then leave the water and emerge from their nymphal skin as an adult dragonfly. Most adults live for a few weeks, but they can survive for up to six months provided the weather is warm enough." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The average lifespan of an adult housefly is approximately 15 to 25 days. Since they can complete their lifecycle in as little as seven to ten days, flies typically live … between 22 and 25 days from egg to death.he common housefly (suborder Cyclorrhapha) generally can have a life cycle of 15 to 30 days. Four distinct stages characterize its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Life Expectancy of House Flies. Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: General life cycle: http://www.metapathogen.com/mosquito/ Timing for Culex pipiens (house mosquito): eggs take 2-4 days to hatch into larva (depends on temp), larval takes 7-14 days, then goes pupa (tumbler) ~ 2days after which adult mosquto follows.Source(s): Aqwa · 6 years ago.Thumbs up.est Answer: General life cycle: http://www.metapathogen.com/mosquito/ Timing for Culex pipiens (house mosquito): eggs take 2-4 days to hatch into larva (depends on temp), larval takes 7-14 days, then goes pupa (tumbler) ~ 2days after which adult mosquto follows. Source(s): Aqwa · 6 years ago. Thumbs up." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A new adult housefly has, at most, three months to reproduce before it dies. With so many predators, a housefly's average lifespan is even shorter: 21 days. Luckily for the housefly, the phrase breeding like flies isn't just a figure of speech. Each female can lay up to 900 eggs during her brief life." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long does it take for the Wynaut Egg to hatch??? I used Hatching Power Lv. 2 two times and yet it still says it'll take a long time for the egg in ORAS to hatch." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how long is florida notary good for" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "A California notary commission is good for 4 years. A Florida notary commission is good for 4 years. An Illinois notary commission is good for 4 years. A Pennsylvania notary commission is good for 4 years. A Texas notary commission is good for 4 years. A Washington state notary commission is good for 4 years." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Online access to information about notaries public whose commissions were issued within the last five years. Becoming a Notary. To be eligible to become a notary public, one must be at least 18 years of age and a legal resident of Florida.If granted a commission, legal residency must be maintained throughout the four-year term of the commission.nline access to information about notaries public whose commissions were issued within the last five years. Becoming a Notary. To be eligible to become a notary public, one must be at least 18 years of age and a legal resident of Florida." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Notary commissions are generally four years in most states, however, there are some states that have longer terms. Notary commissions can be suspended, revoked, or terminated if there is any misconduct on the part of the notary. To get a notary commission, each state has a different procedure. There is generally an application, and some states require an examination and fingerprints. Please contact your state's notary division to get details on how you can become a notary public in your state." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2. Verify that you meet the residency requirement. In order to become a notary, you must be a legal resident of Florida. Because of the number of part-time residents in the state, Florida requires you to swear or affirm that you are a legal resident on your application. An official certificate stating that you completed at least 3 hours of notary education. 2 Required back-up documents regarding your residency, domicile, and felony status. 3 A $39.00 fee ($25 application fee, $10 commission fee, and $4 surcharge.) The commission fee may be waived for combat or disabled veterans." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Time Frame and Creditors In Florida, a formal probate for a simple estate takes a minimum of three months because the personal representative must give creditors 90 days to file claims against the estate after notice is published in the newspaper and sent to known creditors." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Maine notaries public are appointed by the Secretary of State to serve a seven-year term. Maine is one of three states (Florida and South Carolina are the others) where a notary public can solemnize the rites of matrimony (perform a marriage ceremony)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The term of commission for a Pennsylvania Notary is 4 years. There is a 4 year re-appointment. A re-appointment form is required with a $45.00 fee. The Pennsylvania Notary Secretary of State site is here. The application page is here." ], [ "Represent text", "The notice periods range from 3 days to 60 days. See Florida Statutes Chapter 83 for your specific notice requirement. After a judgment is signed and a writ of possession is issued and served on the tenant, the tenant has 24 hours to vacate unless the Judge stays the eviction proceedings." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2. Purchase a notary seal. Your official notary seal is a rubber stamp with the words Notary Public-State of Florida along with your name, commission number, and your commission's expiration date. It must be purchased from your bonding company. 1 You may choose to have an eagle or other symbol included on your stamp.ead Chapter 117 of the Florida statutes on being a Notary Public. When you sign the application, you are swearing that you have read the chapter and are aware of the duties, responsibilities, limitations, and powers of a notary public.. 7. Complete the three-hour education course required by Florida law." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Florida food safety certifications requirements, how long your certification is good for, where and how to get your state required food handler card Questions and answers to the most FAQ in food safety training. Florida food safety certifications requirements, how long your certification is good for, where and how to get your state required food handler card." ], [ "", "Tips For Completing An Error-Free Application. 1 Don’t forget to take a three-hour Florida Notary Course. 2 When applying through Notaries.com send your application directly to us – since we are approved by the Department of State and Department of Financial Services to handle the state filing for you." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A judgment creditor may garnish the debtor’s bank accounts even if the creditor has not recorded its judgment or has recorded in second place. Florida Statute 55.081 states that judgments are good for 20 years. Therefore, 10 years after this caller’s creditor had obtained a judgment and recorded the judgment the creditor may have lost the priority of his recorded lien, but the judgment was still in effect and could be used to obtain a writ of garnishment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Youll get everything thats required to renew your Florida notary public commission. Step 1: It is a state requirement that all Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Florida Notary Service provides an easy way to meet your notary requirements online. 1 Step-by-step instructions. 2 Prompts to provide the required information online. 3 Complete at your own pace... 4 often in five minutes or less. 5 Log on and off as needed to complete without losing any of your invested time in the process." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Step 2: It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40. Click on the Add to Cart button below to purchase the bond and pay the state filing fee." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Notary Public. This form should be used for the application to become a notary public and for the renewal of a notary commission. A notary commission is good for ten years. This form should be used if the notary public would like a duplicate copy of his or her commission or if the notary public has changed his or her name." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A Florida Good Standing Certificate is provided by the Florida Secretary of State and is conclusive evidence of the existence of your Florida business franchise. In most cases a Florida Certificate of Good Standing can be valid up to a year depending on the requirements of the Good Standing Certificate requester." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A Texas notary commission is good for 4 years. A Washington state notary commission is good for 4 years. But, some states have an unusually short term of office for notaries like Delaware which is only a 2 year term of office. Arkansas notaries are commissioned for 10 years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Take the notary education course. A first time applicant for a notary commission must submit proof that the applicant has, within one year prior to the application, completed at least three hours of interactive or classroom instruction.f you are renewing your notary commission, you may proceed directly to the next step. Contact a bonding agency. After successfully completing an education course, you must contact one of the bonding agencies that are approved to operate in Florida." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Notary Public Application and Renewal Application. This form should be used for the application to become a notary public and for the renewal of a notary commission. A notary commission is good for ten years. Request for a Duplicate Notary Public Commission or Change of Name of Notary Public." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Microalbuminuria is a term to describe a moderate increase in the level of urine albumin. It occurs when the kidney leaks small amounts of albumin into the urine, in other words, when there is an abnormally high permeability for albumin in the glomerulus of the kidney.icroalbuminuria is a term to describe a moderate increase in the level of urine albumin. It occurs when the kidney leaks small amounts of albumin into the urine, in other words, when there is an abnormally high permeability for albumin in the glomerulus of the kidney.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is microalbumin random urine']'", "Renewing Your Notary Public Commission is easy as 1-2-3! 1 Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. 2 Order your Florida notary supplies from the American Association of Notaries." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 We will certify your commission through the State of Florida, and mail to you your selected Notary Package in 10 business days. 2 Everything that you will need to practice as a Florida Notary Public will be provided through our online application process. We will certify your commission through the State of Florida, and mail to you your selected Notary Package in 10 business days. 2 Everything that you will need to practice as a Florida Notary Public will be provided through our online application process." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Paying an extra fee WILL NOT get the FDLE to process your application faster or to get the state attorney, clerk's office, or the judge's office to rush your case through the system. Again, the time to complete a Florida record sealing or record expungement is 5-7 months on average. The county your case is in." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The length of a notary’s commission term varies by state, but is commonly four years and runs until 11:59 p.m. of the date of expiration. Most all completed notarial certificates will bear a stamped or handwritten notation that includes the notary’s commission number and commission expiration date." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Don’t forget to take a three-hour Florida Notary Course. In Florida, all first-time notaries have to take it! But don’t worry, our package includes the required course. Go ahead and complete your notary application and mail it in to us even if you have not taken the notary education course. You can scan and email or fax your education completion certificate to us later." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "First-time notary applicants in Florida must take a required three-hour education course on notary law and procedures (668.50(11)(b), Fla. Stat.). The applicant must submit a Certificate of Completion when sending the application forms to the bonding agency for processing. The State of Florida offers a free online notary education course that fulfills these requirements and provides the Certificate of Completion necessary in order to apply for a new notary commission." ], [ "Represent this", "Your Florida CNA license is good for 2 years. The Board of Nursing sends out renewal letters to your last known address. It is your responsibility to keep your address current with the Nursing Assistant Registry. We report credits to CEBroker, the state's auditing system." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Hello, I was a notary in the state of Texas but am no longer. I am moving and downsizing. I have a few journals that I need to get rid of and I can't find, online, what to do with them. I only found one site that said to keep them 7 years or forever." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "2. Purchase a notary seal. Your official notary seal is a rubber stamp with the words Notary Public-State of Florida along with your name, commission number, and your commission's expiration date. It must be purchased from your bonding company. 1 You may choose to have an eagle or other symbol included on your stamp. An official certificate stating that you completed at least 3 hours of notary education. 2 Required back-up documents regarding your residency, domicile, and felony status. 3 A $39.00 fee ($25 application fee, $10 commission fee, and $4 surcharge.) The commission fee may be waived for combat or disabled veterans." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Once an application is approved and the notary is commissioned, the notary must register in the county in which he or she resides and pay a registration fee. The commission itself has a time limit, which can range from two to ten years, with an average limit of four years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Notary’s term of office is four years. The four-year term begins on the date that the notary commission is issued by the Governor. It is a Class C misdemeanor for a Notary to act in an official capacity after the expiration of their notary commission. more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Florida’s statutes give creditors only three months from the date of notification, but Maine allows nine months from the date of death. The executor then has a period of time to decide whether each creditor’s claim is valid, usually about a month." ], [ "Represent the following document", "A newly appointed notary public will receive an identification card within four to six weeks of the date that the Division of Licensing Services receives his or her application. The identification card will indicate the notary's name, address, county and commission term. The term of commission is four years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Registration Tags Expired for 6 Months. Florida Statute 320.07 makes it a minor infraction to drive with expired tags for 6 months or less. However, if you have not registered your vehicle for 6 months or more: A first offense is a noncriminal traffic infraction but requires you to appear in court." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "We will certify your notary commission with the state and mail your package containing everything you need to practice as a Florida notary. 1 Step-by-step instructions. 2 Prompts to provide the required information online. 3 Complete at your own pace... 4 often in five minutes or less." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word light colonel. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: lieutenant colonel, light colonel(noun) a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below colonel.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'light colonel definition']\"", "Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee.The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40. Click on the Add to Cart button below to purchase the bond and pay the state filing fee.t is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Answer Wiki. The length of a notary commission varies by state. Most states have a 4-year commission, but some are as short as 2 years, or 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 years, or lifetime in Louisiana. If there is an expiration date on the notary stamp, that is the last date it may be used, if the notary is in good standing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Florida a landlord doesn't have to keep any records passed the lease term regarding tenant/landlord but for tax purposes it is usually required to save records for 5-7 years which is only for financial records." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A premarital class must legally last a minimum of four hours to meet the Florida requirement, but most are not longer than six sessions. Depending on the provider, the course could be free, or it could cost up to several hundred dollars. Some providers may use a sliding scale." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "How long is a notary seal good for. 1 Answers. I signed a document 4 yrs ago that was notarized, but it was never filed in court and since then bothe parties have moved to different states from where the the document was notarized. So I was wondering wether or not that notarized document is any good now." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The requirements for obtaining and renewing a notary public license or commission are usually very similar from state to state, though the details vary. The term of a notary public commission is usually 4 years, and most states will send renewal notices to an existing notary anywhere from 3 to 6 months before it expires. 1 Fill out the renewal application. 2 Renew the notary bond. 3 Purchase a new seal/stamp. Use a renewal service (optional)." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Allow at least 4 to 6 weeks for processing New Notary Public applications. Modified Date: 02/26/2015 11:16 AM. Become a Notary. In Pennsylvania, the Secretary of the Commonwealth may appoint and commission for a term of four years from the date of appointment as many notaries public as are deemed necessary." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Required. A notary must submit notification to the Secretary of State within 60 days of any change of home or business address. If the notary moves out of the state of Florida, the notary must resign his notary commission." ], [ "Represent", "A Pennsylvania notary commission is good for 4 years. A Texas notary commission is good for 4 years. A Washington state notary commission is good for 4 years. But, some states have an unusually short term of office for notaries like Delaware which is only a 2 year term of office." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Florida Notary License. How to Become a Notary. 1.Take the notary education course. A first time applicant for a notary commission must submit proof that the applicant has, within one year prior to the application, completed at least three hours of interactive or classroom instruction." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee.The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40.Click on the Add to Cart button below to purchase the bond and pay the state filing fee.rder your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "How To Become A Florida Notary. Florida Notary Association makes it easy to “become a notary” online in the State of Florida. 1 In order to meet all of the State Requirements for certification as a Florida Notary Public, simply complete the application and submit your forms and payment online. We will certify your commission through the State of Florida, and mail to you your selected Notary Package in 10 business days. 2 Everything that you will need to practice as a Florida Notary Public will be provided through our online application process." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Pennsylvania notary commission is good for 4 years. A Texas notary commission is good for 4 years. A Washington state notary commission is good for 4 years. But, some states have an unusually short term of office for notaries like Delaware which is only a 2 year term of office. Arkansas notaries are commissioned for 10 years." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Electronic Commerce bill enacted by the Florida Legislature, SB 1334, requires that a first time applicant for a notary commission must submit proof that the applicant has, within one year prior to the application, completed at least three hours of interactive or classroom instruction, including electronic notarization, and covering the duties ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The answer is that it varies from state to state. A California notary commission is good for 4 years. But, some states have an unusually short term of office for notaries like Delaware which is only a 2 year term of office. Arkansas notaries are commissioned for 10 years." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A 15-day notice in Florida is only required for month-to-month tenancies. It must be served 15 days before the date rent is due. For example, the notice must be served on April 15 if the landlord wants the tenant to vacate by May 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Length of notary public commission: A Maine notary public commission lasts for a term of (7) seven years. At the end of the seven-year commission, the Notary Public has the option to renew his or her commission, including passing a 30 question exam and verification of Maine residency." ], [ "Represent", "it appears that if a promissory note is uncollected for 5 years that it is unenforceable due to the florida statute of limitations yet others are saying that the statute of limitations would only apply if the lender has issued an acceleration letter" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On the other hand, there are several places in the same document that refers to a notary using a seal. If your question is really how long the notary commission is good for, that's 4 years. Source(s): http://www.dos.ny.gov/licensing/lawbooks... New York Notary License Law http://www.dos.ny.gov/licensing/notary/n..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How To Become A Florida Notary. Florida Notary Association makes it easy to “become a notary” online in the State of Florida. In order to meet all of the State Requirements for certification as a Florida Notary Public, simply complete the application and submit your forms and payment online." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40. Click on the Add to Cart button below to purchase the bond and pay the state filing fee." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Missouri Notary FAQs How long is my notary commission good for? Your notary commission will be valid for 4 years. The expiration date will be listed on your notary commission certificate. Do I need to buy a $10,000 surety bond? Yes, the $10,00 surety bond is required by the state of Missouri. You cannot take your Oath of Office or receive your Notary Certificate from your county clerk without it." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Order your 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond from the American Association of Notaries. It is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee.The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40.Click on the Add to Cart button below to purchase the bond and pay the state filing fee.t is a state requirement that all new Florida notary public applicants provide a 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond and pay the $39 state filing fee. The cost of the 4-year, $7,500 Florida notary bond is only $40." ], [ "Represent the following document", "One may collect for 6 months. (26 weeks). That is from Florida and your employer pool based on your earnings and being qualified. During times of FEDERAL extensions (rare) you MAY be able to collect longer. However there must be more eligible weeks and you must fall within an eligible time frame (a window)." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Send these materials to the address indicated on. the reverse side of this application. Notary Public commissions. automatically expire four years from the effective date. It is. important that you notify this division of any changes in your. address so you will continue to receive renewal notices and other." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "No. The law now specifies that County Recorders are only required to keep the notary records for a maximum of 5 years. Remember, too, that you only have to keep your records back five years. Thus, notarial records are kept for a total of 10 years.(A.R.S. 41-317(B))" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Read Chapter 117 of the Florida statutes on being a Notary Public. When you sign the application, you are swearing that you have read the chapter and are aware of the duties, responsibilities, limitations, and powers of a notary public.. 7. Complete the three-hour education course required by Florida law.. Verify that you meet the residency requirement. In order to become a notary, you must be a legal resident of Florida. Because of the number of part-time residents in the state, Florida requires you to swear or affirm that you are a legal resident on your application." ], [ "", "The credit bureaus can continue to report a judgment because its a public record. So it stays on as long as there is a judgment in public records that remains unsatisfied. A judgment in Florida has a life of 20 years, and right before that, the creditor can sue to renew the judgment for another 20 years." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is arm trafficking" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Arms trafficking. A tower of confiscated smuggled weapons about to be set ablaze in Nairobi, Kenya. Arms trafficking, also known as gunrunning, is the trafficking of contraband weapons and ammunition. What constitutes legal trade in firearms varies widely, depending on local and national laws." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Asset & Resource Management (ARM) suite. CGI’s Asset & Resource Management (ARM) suite is a solution designed to streamline the business processes that support utility operations with a specific focus on enterprise asset management (EAM) for transmission and distribution (T&D)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Receptor Trafficking. Receptor trafficking is a well-established process affecting synaptic plasticity as part of normal function and development in the central nervous system. From: Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research, 2009. Related terms: Glycine; Ligand; G protein coupled receptors; Chemical synapse; Synapse; NMDA receptor; Long-term potentiation; Endocytosis" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It is an extreme form of labor exploitation where women, men and children are recruited or obtained and then forced to labor against their will through force, fraud or coercion. Trafficking victims are often lured by false promises of decent jobs and better lives." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. It is estimated that human trafficking generates many billions of dollars of profit per year, second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable form of transnational crime." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Drug Trafficking: A Serious Criminal Charge. Drug trafficking is the term used in Florida’s criminal law to describe the sale, delivery, manufacture, or possession of illegal drugs and controlled substances over a certain weight or quantity." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Labor trafficking is the act of forcing a person to work for little or no money. It can include forced labor in underground markets and sweatshops, as well as legitimate businesses such as hotels, factories, restaurants, construction sites, farming, landscaping, nail salons, and traveling sales crews." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery, and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit human beings for some type of labor or commercial sex purpose. Every year, millions of men, women, and children worldwide—including in the United States—are victims of human trafficking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Organ trafficking is the practice of selling organs for transplant, including the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and pancreas." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Labor Trafficking. Labor trafficking is the act of forcing a person to work for little or no money. It can include forced labor in underground markets and sweatshops, as well as legitimate businesses such as hotels, factories, restaurants, construction sites, farming, landscaping, nail salons, and traveling sales crews. 1 Read More:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "exists and is an alternate of . Strong-arm robbery is a term used to describe a situation where the offender uses or threatens to use his or her fists, feet, hands, or teeth to deprive the victim of their personal possessions and/or money. Muggings and other robberies are included in this type of robbery when no weapons other than hands, feet, etc. are used to commit the act." ], [ "Represent the input!", "What Is Strong Arm Robbery? It is a specific intent crime of larceny committed by using a weapon in combination with the threat of force, actual force, or intimidation. Larceny is the unlawful taking and carrying away of a person’s property with the intent to permanently deprive them of the property. An example of strong arm robbery is a person robbing a bank with the use of a firearm. Another example is using a weapon to force someone to hand over something of value, such as a money, wallet, purse, or vehicle. No. A weapon used in robbery can be anything, such as a knife, baseball bat, or explosive." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Human trafficking exploits vulnerable individuals – including innocent children – and subjects victims to violence, extortion, forced labor, sexual assault and, in many cases, prostitution. Sex trafficking is the fastest growing business of organized crime and the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Myth: Human trafficking is only sex trafficking. Fact: Sex trafficking exists, but it is not the only type of human trafficking. Forced labor is another type of human trafficking; both involve exploitation of people." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Human trafficking is the control and exploitation of people for profit. As defined under U.S. federal law, victims of human trafficking include children involved in the sex trade, adults age 18 or over who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts, and anyone compelled into forced labor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[3] Under the 2008 TVPRA, “sex trafficking” is “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.” This definition of sex trafficking is identical in the 2000 TVPA and 2008 TVPRA." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Federal law defines trafficking in persons as sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Active Risk Manager (ARM) is the leading Risk. Register now for a demo to learn how ARM is used for Enterprise Risk Management in some of the world's most respected organizations, and to manage Project and Program Risk on some of the most complex, high-profile projects." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The autism rights movement (ARM), also known as the autistic culture movement, is a social movement within the neurodiversity and disability rights movements that encourages autistic people, their caregivers and society to adopt a position of neurodiversity, accepting autism as a variation in functioning rather than a disorder to be cured." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, and/or receipt of a child for the purpose of exploitation. This definition is substantially wider than the same document's definition of trafficking in persons." ], [ "Represent text", "Strong arm robbery, also commonly known as strong armed robbery, is a violent crime in which one individual robs another by force or intimidation. Convictions can result in severe custodial sentences. Continue Reading." ], [ "", "Introduction. Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws.UNODC is continuously monitoring and researching global illicit drug markets in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics.Drug trafficking is a key part of this research. Further information can be found in the yearly World Drug Report.At current levels, world heroin consumption (340 tons) and seizures represent an annual flow of 430-450 tons of heroin into the global heroin market.NODC is continuously monitoring and researching global illicit drug markets in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics. Drug trafficking is a key part of this research. Further information can be found in the yearly World Drug Report." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is Soroptimist doing to stop trafficking? What is human trafficking? A $32 billion annual industry, modern day trafficking is a type of slavery that involves the transport or trade of people for the purpose of work. According to the U.N., about 2.5 million people around the world are ensnared in the web of human trafficking at any given time. Human trafficking impacts people of all backgrounds, and people are trafficked for a variety of purposes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Drug trafficking penalties are generally quite severe. However, some drug trafficking charges will result in more serious penalties than other types of drug trafficking charges. The severity of the penalties usually depends on what type of drug or controlled substance is being trafficked." ], [ "", "Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, and Arms Trafficking. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime defines human trafficking as: Article 3, paragraph (a) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. defines Trafficking in Persons as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt." ], [ "Represent text", "Human trafficking refers to the illegal and immoral buying and selling of human beings as commodities to meet global demands for commercial sexual slavery or forced labor. This, unfortunately, is one of the most flourishing and profitable criminal industries of the world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ARM is at the heart of the world’s most advanced digital products, providing a secure and energy-efficient processing foundation for electronic devices. These devices enable opportunities for people and businesses to strengthen engagements, move faster and with greater ease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Arm Drag – A move common in amateur wrestling, this act requires an attacker using two hands to control the wrist and tricep of their opponent and then pulling them into position to gain control of the side or back." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What Is Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States. It is estimated that human trafficking generates many billions of dollars of profit per year, second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable form of transnational crime." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Arm abduction represents movement of the arm away from the midline of the body and, in most cases isolate abduction can be achieved to 160-180°. 1 deltoid (middle fibres) 2 supraspinatus." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "However, human trafficking--recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, or abuse of power of a position of vulnerability for the purpose of exploitation; essentially slavery without the pesky ownership--is also illegal, but does still happen, just like everywhere else in ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The arms industry, also known as the defense industry or the arms trade, is a global industry responsible for the manufacturing and sales of weapons and military technology. It consists of a commercial industry involved in the research and development, engineering, production, and servicing of military material, equipment, and facilities." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Smuggling is the illegal transportation of objects, substances, information or people, such as out of a house or buildings, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of applicable laws or other regulations. There are various motivations to smuggle. These include the participation in illegal trade, such as in the drug trade, illegal weapons trade, exotic wildlife trade, illegal immigration or illegal emigration, tax evasion, providing contraband to a prison inmate, or the the" ], [ "Represent the following document!", "Knowing it is unreasonable and impractical to eliminate arms trafficking, we have discovered how to limit it. Canada has banned arms in most civilian areas, modified the inspections of borders and imports, and provided more international officers to monitored main exports." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) are two important United States export control laws that affect the manufacturing, sales and distribution of technology. The legislation seeks to control access to specific types of technology and the associated data." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ARMA 3[N 1] is an open world, military tactical shooter video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive. It was released for Microsoft Windows in September 2013, and later for OS X and Linux in August 2015." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Answers to FAQs about trafficking including what is human trafficking and sex slavery, who traffics and what is the impact of the sex trafficking of women. Translate this site: 日本語 한국어 Portuguese Español 中国" ], [ "Represent the following document", "Organ trafficking is the practice of selling organs for transplant. There are both legal and illegal forms of organ trafficking, typically in which living individuals undergo removal of an organ that is then sold to be transplanted into someone else." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Strong arm robbery, also commonly known as strong armed robbery, is a violent crime in which one individual robs another by force or intimidation. Convictions can result in severe custodial sentences. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trafficking in persons involves the recruitment, transportation, harbouring and/or control of the movement of persons for the purpose of exploitation, typically for sexual exploitation or forced labour." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Active Risk Manager (ARM): The Technology Behind Leading Edge Risk Management. Successful organizations have world-class risk management. It’s time for you to implement Enterprise Risk Management. Active Risk Manager (ARM) is the world’s leading Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) software package. Unlike traditional, compliance-focused “GRC” solutions, ARM delivers far more value and capability to its users." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "6. ARM-Associate In Risk Management As the name suggests this designation is focused on risk management. Identification and evaluation of loss exposures and analysis of risk control and financing techniques for each exposure. In other words-they can identify risk and help you manage them." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Human trafficking is a criminal business that profits from enslaving people for sexual servitude and forced labor. It is the fastest growing and second largest criminal industry in the world today (second only to drug trafficking and tied with illegal arms), according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Trafficking is a human rights abuse that affects people of both genders, as well as people of all sexual orientations, ages, races, ethnicities, and religions. While there is no one type of person who falls victim to trafficking, there are a number of situations that can make a person more vulnerable to trafficking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Labor trafficking is a form of modern slavery that exists throughout the United States and globally.Labor traffickers – including recruiters, contractors, employers, and others – use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, or other forms of coercion to force people to work against their will in many different industries." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. UNODC is continuously monitoring and researching global illicit drug markets in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ARMA 2 is a military simulation video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive for Microsoft Windows. It is the sequel to ARMA: Armed Assault (ARMA: Combat Operations in North America), and preceding ARMA 3." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ARMA 3 is an open world, military tactical shooter video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive. It was released for Microsoft Windows in September 2013, and later announced for OS X and Linux in August 2015." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Human trafficking is a crime and a form of modern-day slavery involving the exploitation of children and adults." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Strong arm robbery is a specific intent crime of theft committed by using a weapon in combination with the threat of force, actual force, or intimidation. Find the right lawyer now Find the right lawyer now" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries around the world, including the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sexual trafficking, also known as the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), is any sexual activity involving a child for which something of value is given or promised." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation.Human trafficking is the trade in people, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another.Human trafficking represented an estimated $31.6 billion of international trade per annum in 2010.rafficking in organs is a form of human trafficking. It can take different forms. In some cases, the victim is compelled into giving up an organ. In other cases, the victim agrees to sell an organ in exchange of money/goods, but is not paid (or paid less)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The autism rights movement (ARM) is a social movement within the neurodiversity movement that encourages autistic people, their caregivers and society to adopt a position of neurodiversity, accepting autism as a variation in functioning rather than a mental disorder to be cured.he term neurodiversity has since been applied to other conditions and has taken on a more general meaning; for example, the Developmental Adult Neurodiversity Association (DANDA) in the UK encompasses developmental coordination disorder, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome and related conditions." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Armageddon is an unparalleled roleplaying experience, blending worldwide socio-political intrigue with riveting interpersonal conflict and cooperation. Some players and staff have been participating in the Armageddon experience for two decades." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Drug Trafficking is the act of transporting a large quantity of illegal drugs or controlled substances with the intent to unlawful sell, distribute, or deliver." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Labor trafficking is a form of modern slavery that exists throughout the United States and globally. Labor traffickers – including recruiters, contractors, employers, and others – use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, or other forms of coercion to force people to work against their will in many different industries." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The trafficking of these and other items has an important connection to threats to global security. These weapons fuel conflict, and the profits fuel just about everything else. The illicit trade of small arms has become a major global security threat. Nowhere is that more clear than in Colombia where criminal gangs, left-wing guerrillas, and right-wing paramilitaries smuggle tens of millions of dollars of dangerous weapons." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An arm lift is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the arms, tightening and lifting arm tissue. It typically is performed when there is too much excess skin, or not enough skin elasticity, for arm liposuction alone to produce desired results." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Human trafficking is the buying, selling and smuggling of people to profit from their forced labor or sexual servitude.While every state criminalizes at least some trafficking activity, lawmakers continue to explore new methods to combat traffickers and provide support for victims.wo significant areas of focus within this legislation address the trafficking of children and the development of rehabilitative services for exploited youth. Legislation containing protective provisions for trafficked children is sometimes called “safe harbor” laws." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "== Afghanistan ==is one of the source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children who are subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced labor and forced prostitution.Trafficking within Afghanistan is more prevalent than transnational trafficking, and the majority of victims are children.Afghan boys and girls are trafficked within the country for forced prostitution and forced labor in brick kilns, carpet-making factories, and domestic service.he Government of Afghanistan made minimal progress in protecting victims of trafficking. Afghanistan did not have a formal procedure to identify victims of trafficking. The government continued to run two referral centers in Parwan and Jalalabad." ], [ "Represent the following document", "arm's-length transaction. Basis of determining fair market value (FMV) , it is a dealing between independent, unrelated, and well informed parties looking out for their individual interests. Transactions involving family members, and parent companies and subsidiaries, are deemed arm-in-arm dealings. To qualify as an arm's length transaction, neither of the involved parties may have any interest in the transaction's consequences to the other party." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how many carbs proteins and fats should i eat" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These healthy ranges also help to ensure that a person is getting a sufficient intake of other essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 1 45% to 65% of calories eaten should come from carbohydrates. 2 20% to 35% of calories eaten should come from fat. 10% to 35% of calories eaten should come from protein*." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ketosis, Ketones, and How It All Works. Ketosis is a process that the body does on an everyday basis, regardless of the number of carbs you eat. Your body can adapt very well, processing different types of nutrients into the fuels that it needs. Proteins, fats, and carbs can all be processed for use." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I often get asked about eating a no-sugar diet. I no longer eat this way, but I did when I losing weight. I never counted carbs, fats, proteins, etc. The only thing that really mattered to me was making sure whatever I was eating was low in sugar. Sugar is everywhere, and sugar is sugar. Agave nectar = sugar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "‎02-14-2015 02:13 AM. Stressed wrote: I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes about 11 years ago. The Diabetic Diatician gave me a paper with how many carbs I should eat for each meal and how many calories for each day.My blood sugar is a lot better now and I am 65 pounds less that I was when diagnosed.he Diabetic Diatician gave me a paper with how many carbs I should eat for each meal and how many calories for each day. My blood sugar is a lot better now and I am 65 pounds less that I was when diagnosed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Because bread is not bread anymore. It's carbs. And pasta is not pasta. It's carbs. And according to new research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, fat is good again and carbs are bad, and if you want to be thin and healthy and happy, you must eat fats and proteins now, but never carbs." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Emphasizing the foods you should eat more of and less on those you should avoid, Freshii provides meals and snacks that help you live your best life. Think: fiber-rich, slow-burning carbs, essential fats and lean proteins. The menu includes custom-made green wraps, salads, quinoa bowls, and fresh pressed juices." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is an eave" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "About EAVE. European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, EAVE, is a professional training, project development and networking organization for audiovisual producers. Working with a worldwide network of partners we are involved in programmes for producers in Europe, Russia, Latin America, the Arab world, Asia and Africa." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "al•cove. 1. a recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room: a dining alcove. 2. a recess in a room for a bed, bookcases, or the like. 3. an arbor or bower.ramis had pronounced these words with his face turned towards the alcove of his own bedroom, where D'Artagnan, seated with his back towards the alcove, could not suspect that any one was lying concealed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What sizes of garage kits do you offer? Garages are available in widths from 10’ to 30’ wide; lengths are from 20’ long to larger in 4’or 5’ increments. Our metal garages are offered in standard heights starting at an eave height of 7.5’ and can be increased in 1’ increments up to a 12.5’ eave height." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Purpose. The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is a standard supported by several system components. EAP is crucial for protecting the security of wireless (802.1X) and wired LANs, Dial-up, and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).urpose. The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is a standard supported by several system components. EAP is crucial for protecting the security of wireless (802.1X) and wired LANs, Dial-up, and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A louver (American English) or louvre (British English) is a window blind or shutter with horizontal slats that are angled to admit light and air, but to keep out rain, direct sunshine, and noise." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A sheave (/ʃiːv/) is a pulley with a grooved wheel for holding a belt, wire rope, or rope. The grooved wheel spins inside the frame of the sheave. This allows the wire or rope to move freely minimizing wear and abrasion on cable. Sheaves can be used to redirect a cable or rope, lift loads, and transmit power. The words sheave and pulley are sometimes used interchangeably. Wireline sheave used during oil and gas operations." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries E.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Itâ\\x80\\x99s excellent for teams. StrengthsFinder allows you to see what you and your team-mates are good at so that you can delegate work appropriately. It also helps team members see from each otherâ\\x80\\x99s perspectives, allowing everyone to understand whatâ\\x80\\x99s important to their peers and how they operate.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is strengthsfinder']", "Types of Eaves: A roof can come to an end in basically three ways: A closed eave has very little or no overhang (extension beyond the siding). An open eave has a pronounced overhang, often revealing projecting roof beams. A box eave is enclosed with a soffit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "See full cheat sheet. 1 1 Eaves: The edge of a roof that connects with the wall of the building. 2 2 Joist hangers: A type of hardware used to attach a wood joist to structural beams or girders, providing additional strength. 3 3 Pump: A device used to move air, liquid, or gas by mechanical means." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Install the edging. The edging, or eave flashing, is metal strips that are used to cover the perimeter of the roof. Use your 1¼ inch nails to secure the flashing to the roof. It should overlap the edge of the gutter (if you have them)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Enterprise Architecture (EA) ------ is a comprehensive framework used to manage and align an organization's business processes, information technology (IT) software and hardware, local and wide area networks, people, operations and projects with the organization's overall strategy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The rake of a roof is the outer edge that runs from the eave to the ridge, or peak, of the roof. It is typically perpendicular to... An eave is the area of a roof that hangs beyond the exterior wall. The rake of a roof is the outer edge that runs from the eave to the ridge, or peak, of the roof. It is typically perpendicular to..." ], [ "", "EAS – End of Active Service, the date of discharge from active duty. 1 EGA – Eagle, Globe, and Anchor, the emblem of the Marine Corps. The usage of the term discouraged by older Marines. 2 Eight Ball – A Marine who lacks an aggressive spirit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Decra eaves guard is an eave protection system that is installed underneath the roofing underlay, this is done to help provide support for the underlay at eaves. The eaves guard is a highly UV resistant polymeric eaves protection system that is highly durable and will help to give a maintenance free service for many years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "In this sense, while most cornices are also eaves (in that they overhang the sides of the building), not all eaves are usually considered cornices— eaves are primarily functional and not necessarily decorative, and a cornice has a decorative aspect to it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Alcove (/aelˈkoʊv/ ælˈkoʊv /or/ ; ˈaelkoʊv ˈælkoʊv: through [spanish] , alcoba Alˈkoβa: القبة ‎, arabic القبه-meaning, al qubbah) the vault is an architectural term for a recess in, a room usually screened off, by pillars balustrades. or drapery" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Enterprise architecture (EA) is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analyzing the execution of change toward desired business vision and outcomes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "6.0ETWH. 1 Eave Trims, Drip Edges, Roof Edge products are all formed out of top grade material and closely checked for quality control. 2 Only products with true line definition are packaged. 3 Eave Trim, Drip Edge, Roof Edge products are manufactured in different sizes and may be special ordered to meet your needs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "carve (third-person singular simple present carves, present participle carving, simple past carved or (archaic) corve, past participle carved or carven or (archaic) corven) (archaic) To cut. Tennyson My good blade carved the casques of men. To cut meat in order to serve it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eavesdropping is the covert interception of a private communication between two individuals by a third party. In a man-in-the-middle attack, a third party intercepts communications between two parties, usually an end user and a website, typically to access user data. A third-party cookie is placed on a user’s computer by a website from a domain other than the one the user is visiting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The point where the sidewall and the roof meet is. called the EAVE. Eave height is measured from the bot -. tom of the base plate to the point where the sidewall. and the roof intersect, or the eave strut. Metal buildings usually require trim or GUTTERS along. the eaves. The edges of the roof perpendicular to the." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dormer: A small structure projecting from asloped roof, usually with a window. Drip edge: An L-shaped strip (usually metal)installed along the edges of theroof to allow water to drip clear ofthe deck, eaves and siding. Eave: The horizontal loweredge of a sloped roofwhere it extends pastthe outer wall of the house." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The EA is a core decision support tool that integrates enterprise information, planning, and management functions (including aspects of strategic planning, human capital, continuity of operations, security, investment, business processes redesign, information management, and facilities.)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Full Answer. Eaves are located at the bottom edges of a roof. Eaves normally project beyond the side of the building, forming an overhang. Their primary function is to direct rain water off the walls and to prevent the ingress of water at the junction where the roof meets the wall." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Entity–attribute–value model (EAV) is a data model to describe entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest. In mathematics, this model is known as a sparse matrix." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (commonly known as EAS) is a communications protocol designed for the synchronization of email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes from a messaging server to a smartphone or other mobile devices.he mobile device communicates over HTTP or HTTPS. Originally branded as AirSync and only supporting Microsoft Exchange Servers and Microsoft Pocket PC devices, the protocol has since become a de facto standard for synchronization between groupware and mobile devices." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Eau de vie. An eau de vie is a clear, colorless fruit brandy that is produced by means of fermentation and double distillation. The fruit flavor is typically very light. In English speaking countries, eau de vie refers to a distilled beverage made from fruit other than grapes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A louver (American English) or louvre (British English) is a window blind or shutter with horizontal slats that are angled to admit light and air, but to keep out rain and direct sunshine. The angle of the slats may be adjustable, usually in blinds and windows, or fixed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Eaves′drip, Eaves′drop, the water which falls from the eaves of a house: the place where the drops fall.—v.i. and v.t. Eaves′drop, to stand under the eaves or near the windows of a house to listen: to listen for secrets.—ns." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A raised roof extending out of a larger roof plane. Drip Edge. An installed lip that keeps shingles up off the deck at edges, and extends shingles out over eaves and gutters, and prevents. Dubl-Coverage Mineral Guard®. Roll roofing material with 19 selvage edge for double coverage over roof deck. Eaves. The roof edge from the fascia to the structure’s outside wall. In general terms, the first three feet across a roof is termed the eave. End Laps. When installing rolled products in roofing, the area where a roll ends on a roof, and is overlapped by the next section of rolled material." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (commonly known as EAS) is a communications protocol designed for the synchronization of email, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes from a messaging server to a smartphone or other mobile devices. The protocol also provides mobile device management and policy controls.AS 2.0 shipped in Exchange Server 2003. This version of the protocol was developed by the Microsoft Windows Mobile team and was delivered as a binary drop (massync.dll) to the Exchange Server team." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "EAN The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code. Each EAN uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer, and its attributes; typically, the EAN is printed on a product label or packaging as a bar code." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Add the flashing. This is the metal trim similar to the eave flashing, except that it is placed over joints in the roof where different sections meet. This should be used in valleys (points where two sections less than 140 degrees meet) and as end caps over the tops of two sides that meet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Flat roof dormer: The roof of this dormer is flat and parallel to the ground with a frontal eave that parallels the main roof eave. 2 Shed dormer: This dormer also has a flat roof but the roof slopes downward at an angle somewhat less than that of the surrounding roof. Shed dormer: This dormer also has a flat roof but the roof slopes downward at an angle somewhat less than that of the surrounding roof. 2 Its front eave line is, again, parallel to the main roof eave line." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is a point-to-point (P2P) wireless and local area network (LAN) data communication framework providing a variety of authentication mechanisms. EAP is used to authenticate simple dialup and LAN connections." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "noun |ˈakˌsent|. a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, esp. one associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Roof Detailing. Ridges, hips and valleys are the corners or joints where a roof changes direction; they are the points at which pitched roofs meet. Verges, abutments and eaves are the edges of a roof. The eaves are horizontal joints between a roof and a wall, whereas the verges are angled joints between a roof and a gable wall. Not all roofs feature all of these details, and some of them can be constructed in a number of ways. 2007 Dorling Kindersley Limited." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 Eaves: The lower edges of a roof that extend beyond the edge of the house structure. 2 Fascia: The trimboard that covers the rafter end of the eaves and is located behind the gutter and the eaves. Flashing: Sheet metal that is used at different planes on a roof to prevent leakage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "5. Install the eave flashing. Eave flashing helps water to flow off of the roof. 1 Use a hammer and nails to attach eave flashing to the eaves. 2 Install the eave flashing along the roof's entire width. 3 If the roof has gutters, the eave flashing should cover over each of the gutter's sides." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "intr.v. eaves·dropped, eaves·drop·ping, eaves·drops. 1. To listen secretly to the private conversation of others. 2. To gain access to private electronic communications, as through wiretapping or the interception of email or cell phone calls." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP; also called extrinsic allergic alveolitis, EAA) is an inflammation of the alveoli within the lung caused by hypersensitivity to inhaled organic dusts. Sufferers are commonly exposed to the dust by their occupation or hobbies.ypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP; also called extrinsic allergic alveolitis, EAA) is an inflammation of the alveoli within the lung caused by hypersensitivity to inhaled organic dusts. Sufferers are commonly exposed to the dust by their occupation or hobbies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The roof edge from the fascia to the structures outside wall. In general terms, the first three feet across a roof is termed the eave. End Laps. When installing rolled products in roofing, the area where a roll ends on a roof, and is overlapped by the next section of rolled material." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Definition of CANNA. : any of a genus (Canna of the family Cannaceae) of tropical herbs with simple stems, large leaves, and a terminal raceme of irregular flowers.See canna defined for kids.ADVERTISEMENT. any of a genus (Canna of the family Cannaceae) of tropical herbs with simple stems, large leaves, and a terminal raceme of irregular flowers. See canna defined for kids. ADVERTISEMENT.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is canna']\"", "Within this raised gallery, which is sheltered by the oversailing eaves, there is, in the larger temples, a columned loggia passing round the two sides and the front of the building, or, in some cases, placed on the faade only." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Where the skirting board butts up against a doorframe, check that the angle is true and, if not, use a sliding bevel to measure the angle of the cut and mark on the board.2 Perhaps the simplest form of edging is to take a shovel and bevel and edge all around the garden.iew synonyms. 1.1 (also bevel square) A tool for marking angles in carpentry and stonework. Example sentences. 1 Where the skirting board butts up against a doorframe, check that the angle is true and, if not, use a sliding bevel to measure the angle of the cut and mark on the board." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "eaves·drop. intr.v. eaves·dropped, eaves·drop·ping, eaves·drops. 1. To listen secretly to the private conversation of others. 2. To gain access to private electronic communications, as through wiretapping or the interception of e-mail or cell phone calls." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Ean is a form of John. See John for further details. Ean is a mesmerizing and luminous name. Appealing yet attractive, the name is a great blend of character and flair. A name that will flow off your tongue." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sive may refer to: Sive (noun), a Nation, a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory. Sive (company), SiveHost.com, or SiveICT.co.za. A technology company focusing on online systems, mobile Apps, Business Email Services and Website Hosting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Ridges, hips and valleys are the corners or joints where a roof changes direction; they are the points at which pitched roofs meet. Verges, abutments and eaves are the edges of a roof. The eaves are horizontal joints between a roof and a wall, whereas the verges are angled joints between a roof and a gable wall. Not all roofs feature all of these details, and some of them can be constructed in a number of ways." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Epiploic appendagitis. Epiploic appendagitis (EA) is an uncommon, benign, non-surgical, self-limiting inflammatory process of the epiploic appendices. Other, older terms for the process include appendicitis epiploica and appendagitis, but these terms are used less now in order to avoid confusion with acute appendicitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Esophageal atresia (EA) is a rare birth defect in which a baby is born without part of the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). About 1 in 4,000 babies in the U.S. is born with esophageal atresia." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "sieve (sÄ­v) n. A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal or plastic, used for straining, sifting, ricing, or puréeing. v. sieved, siev·ing, sieves. v.tr. To pass through a sieve. v.intr. To use a sieve; sift. [Middle English sive, from Old English sife.] sieve (sɪv) n. 1." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The third party may or may not be officially a part of the transaction between the two primary entities and may or may not be interacting transparently and/or legally. Eavesdropping is the covert interception of a private communication between two individuals by a third party. In a man-in-the-middle attack, a third party intercepts communications between two parties, usually an end user and a website, typically to access user data." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "EAM is an investment — the longest lasting investment in any organization aspiring to become world class. Instead of viewing EAM as a stagnant, one-time cost for the organization, it should be viewed as a profit-generating investment that will keep paying dividends to the shareholders for many years to come." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Specifically, used to describe the horizontal fascia board which caps the end of rafters outside a building, which can be used to hold the rain gutter. The finished surface below the fascia and rafters is called the soffit or eave." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eavesdropping is the unauthorized real-time interception of a private communication, such as a phone call, instant message, videoconference or fax transmission. The term eavesdrop derives from the practice of actually standing under the eaves of a house, listening to conversations inside." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Jove is a word that can be used as a noun or verb. It is a mixture of the euphoric emotions of love and coffee. When used as an adjective Joving (although highly unrecommended) is the act of the euphoric emotions combined, so if one chooses to do this, please use iced coffee as to not cause serious burns." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "-eaux is the standard French language plural form of nouns ending in -eau, e.g. eau → eaux, château → châteaux, gateau → gateaux. In the USA, it often occurs as the ending of Cajun surnames." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "EAN (also called EAN-13 and EAN-8) is the product labeling barcode used throughout Europe and much of the world.Originally called European Article Number, it is now referred to as International Article Number though the EAN acronym has been retained.AN is a superset of UPC, using the same symbol characters, check digit algorithm, and general structure. A UPC number (which is 12 digits) can easily be converted to an EAN-13 by simply prepending a 0." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The eaves or soffit lining can be seen. Fascia (/ ˈ f eɪ ʃ ə /) is an architectural term for a vertical frieze or band under a roof edge, or which forms the outer surface of a cornice, visible to an observer." ], [ "represent the following document\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Sierra Building Products manufactures and advertises the Belgard brand of concrete pavers in California. It is a subsidiary of Oldcastle Architectural Products Group, which also has manufacturing divisions in other states.'], a positive would be ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'who makes belgard pavers in california']", "In British energy law and real property law, a wayleave is a type of easement used by a utility that allows a linesman to enter the premises, to install and retain their cabling or piping across private land in return for annual payments to the landowner.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Extensible Authentication Protocol. Extensible Authentication Protocol, or EAP, is an authentication framework frequently used in wireless networks and point-to-point connections. It is defined in RFC 3748, which made RFC 2284 obsolete, and is updated by RFC 5247." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Roof Eaves are extensions of rafter structure outside of the house frame. Individual rafter extensions (block extensions) are effective when you have a proper slope of the roof. A common roof structure is made of trusses or rafters." ], [ "represent the next text", "An eau de vie (French for spirits, literally water of life) is a clear, colorless fruit brandy that is produced by means of fermentation and double distillation. The fruit flavor is typically very light. In English-speaking countries, eau de vie refers to a distilled beverage made from fruit other than grapes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Verges, abutments and eaves are the edges of a roof. The eaves are horizontal joints between a roof and a wall, whereas the verges are angled joints between a roof and a gable wall. Not all roofs feature all of these details, and some of them can be constructed in a number of ways." ] ]