Q. I have burning irritation in the middle portion of the penis after masturbation. Please help.
Hi doctor, I am an 18-year-old male. For the past four years, I have burning irritation in the middle portion of my penis after masturbation. The irritation gets relieved to some extent after I urinate. Please help me.
Hi. Penile pain occurs due to infections or inflammation of the bladder or prostate. Trauma, persistent erection (priapism), cancers, and Peyronie's disease (the development of scar tissue within the penis) are the other causes. Sickle cell anemia may cause priapism due to blockage of small blood vessels in the penis. I suggest you consult a doctor for a physical investigation.
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. What is the life expectancy of a sickle cell disease patient?
Hello doctor, My fiance got sickle cell SD. He is 27 and does not suffer from anything else. He takes medication and changes blood every 4 to 6 months. My question is does it affect his life expectancy?
Hello. Usually, in sickle cell anemia, blood transfusion is not needed. The prognosis depends on the severity of sickle cell. Dehydration, infection is a usual precipitant for sickle cell anemia. So it is better to avoid them and whenever having such incident, consult a doctor immediately. Sickle cell anemia patient's median age can be considered between 50 to 60 years but still, the exact specific prognosis cannot be predicted.
Q. What causes pain during dehydration in a sickle cell anemia patient?
Hello doctor, Sickle cell anemia is my problem. My age is 30 years, while dehydration time, I am getting pain. Is this issue dangerous?
Hello. Yes, sickle cell anemia is a disease where RBC shape changes while dehydration and oxygen level goes down in body. Usually red blood cell will be round and plate shape. During dehydration and less oxygen time the shape of the red blood cell becomes sickle shape. Now RBC will stick together and block the blood vessels and produce ischemia. So to reduce the obstruction, you need fluids more. If obstruction is in lung, spleen, kidney or any organ, it is dangerous and severe painful. So avoid dehydration conditions, do not do severe exercise, avoid going to hill stations where oxygen is less. Drink adequate water.
Q. Are my weakness and confusion due to low sugar or stroke?
Hello doctor,I am suddenly feeling faint, weak, shaking, confused, and as if moving in slow motion. It has been going on for nearly 24 hours. Is this low blood sugar or stroke?
Hello. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Q. My dad is in coma now. What will be the prognosis?
Hello doctor, My dad is suffering from JE and both his thalamus are infected. Now, he is in coma. What is the prognosis of his condition?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further doubts consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Is there any risk in giving DTwP booster dose to a baby diagnosed with seizure?
Hello doctor, At birth, my son was diagnosed with a seizure. Now he is 18 months old. I am fearing about DTwP booster dose side effect. Earlier three doses had reaction of muscle stiffness and fever.
Hi. I have read your question in detail and I know that you are very concerned about your child but do not worry. Muscle stiffness and fever can occur after a DPT vaccination and is not a contraindication for vaccination. Contraindication for DPT vaccination are seizures, inconsolable crying, and central nervous system infection or encephalitis after giving DPT vaccination. If you want to be on safer side then go for acellular vaccine instead of whole cell vaccine. You should give DTaP vaccine instead of DwPT vaccine. Take care.
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. I am trying to conceive for the past one year with autoimmune hypothyroidism. Please help.
Hello doctor, I am not able to conceive after trying for almost one year. I was diagnosed with pituitary microadenoma and I am on medication. My prolactin levels have now reached normal levels after two months taking medication. I suffer from hypothyroidism and on medication. I have had this for five years now and it is well within the limits as per my endocrinologist now. This is due to an autoimmune disease where my TPO (thyroid peroxidase) antibodies were high during the diagnosis five years ago. My husband and I would like to know how should we best prepare for pregnancy and what to look out for. We would have preferred to visit the clinic. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to visit the doctor due to travel restrictions. It would be great to get in touch with a specialist. I am currently on Euthrox 100 mcg, Cabergoline 0.25 mg once a week, and Folic acid 450 mg daily.
Hello. I have gone through all your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and your prolactin and thyroid levels are well in control. What is missing in the follicular monitoring profile of the dummy cycle and also your husband's semen analysis test? You have been following the correct protocol using LH kits for ovulation and post LH surge if a natural trial or timed intercourse did not work then husband's semen analysis becomes mandatory. Then when both male and female infertility causes are ruled out then comes mechanical causes where positions and version of uterus need to be considered and measures implemented. Anyways please send these two remaining reports before we can proceed further.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. How to reduce the anger of my son?
Hi doctor,My son is very aggressive, sensitive, short temper, get panic, hyper and angry quickly. He could not listen to any good suggestions or guidance. He does not have a mental resistance. However, he is very sincere about his studies. He has got 83% marks in his studies. Now, he is preparing for the board exam. He tries a lot to study but gets pressure. He was suffered from brain fever at the age of 2.5 years. I have tried to give him ayurveda brain tonics like Shankhapushpi, anjeer, etc. But after taking those, he became more violent. There is no problem about sleeping. He plays cricket very well. He has good knowledge about computer, mobile, etc. How to reduce anger and increase the mind resistance of my son? I request you to guide me properly and suggest any medicine to solve his problem. Thank you.
Hi. For further information consult a psychologist counsellor online -->
Q. What causes eye swelling in the morning with itching?
Hello doctor, I have been getting a swollen eye once a week, usually in the mornings. I feel a slight irritation beforehand, itchiness. Then my eyelid swells to the size of a golfball. The eye is not red, I can see perfectly, there is no sign of cuts or scrapes. No discharge, maybe a little dryness beforehand. Please help.
Hello. You are describing an allergic reaction of the eye to some factor. If you are not also suffering from sneezing and dry cough at night then you can use antihistamine eye drops such as Pataday once daily or Patanol or Zyrtec twice daily for a period of 10 days. If you have started using any kind of new cream or make up around the eyes, change it into something hypoallergenic. Best of luck.
Q. What is the reason for on and off toe swelling in a diabetic?
Hello doctor,My mother-in-law 72 years old. She gets swelling in her toe on and off for the past year. Recently there was pus inside, and she is having pain. After soaking the toe in hot water and betadine, discharge came out, but it is relapsing again. She had antibiotic too. She has diabetes but under control with medication.
Hello. She has an infection in the nail bed space. Need to focus on three things. 1. Her diabetics need better control. Better diet modification with medicines. HBA1c is too high. 2. The nail needs to be trimmed well regularly, and the area needs to be cared well daily. She may not have a proper sensation at the region due to diabetes. So regular inspection and care is mandatory. She should not walk barefoot, and slippers need to be correctly selected. 3. She needs control of infection. Visit a nearby surgeon (preferably podiatric) for the drainage of pus if present. Take an X-ray to rule out bone involvement and also need to check the blood supply to the region. I hope your queries have been cleared. Please review if any further questions.
Q. I am suffering from chest pain and I heard a sloshing in my chest. Why?
Hello doctor, I am an 18-year-old female, taking no medications, and I am 5'3" in height and 180 lbs weight. Since last night, I am having severe chest pains. I cannot sleep, and when I try to eat, my chest hurts more. It hurts all the time, but the severity comes and goes in spurts. I am not sure if this has anything to do with the chest pain, but just today, I was lying on my right side and moved to my left side, and I heard and felt a sloshing in my chest or upper abdomen area. What could it be?
Hello. Thanks for providing clear and consistent history about your current medical condition. I can reflect on what you mentioned that it is related to Excedrin as it can cause gastric upset by increasing the secretion of HCl (hydrochloric acid) in the stomach. I suggest that you stop taking Excedrin for the coming period (at least a month), take some dietary precautions including avoiding caffeine, spicy food, dark chocolate, mint, fizzy drinks mainly cola containing ones, deeply fired, chili and spicy food. Avoid NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Voltaren tablets and even injection and aspirin as well. Take the medication mentioned in the treatment part. In case, the condition continues, you need to visit your doctor (general physician or GIT specialist) for further evaluation. Gastritis, Peptic ulcer, and GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease). Zantac (Ranitidine) 150 mg tablet one tablet two times a day for seven to ten days.
Q. I am diagnosed with migraine. Kindly provide me second opinion.
Hello doctor,I am a 15-year-old male with a height of 148 cm and weight 44 kg. I am diagnosed with migraine, and I want a second opinion.
Hello. Migraine is a diagnosis based on symptoms given by the patients. The symptoms are a severe headache, dizziness, vomiting some patients also get migraine by a loud sound, acidity, and excessive heat or cold. If you are having other symptoms like pain in the neck or back or shoulder, excessive acidity or deteriorating eyesight, then maybe the diagnosis of migraine can be challenged. If not Fepanil (Paracetamol) is good medicine, use it as advised by your doctor. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
Q. I am 33 weeks pregnant and suffering from dental abscess. Kindly help.
Hello doctor,I have a dental abscess, and I am 33 weeks pregnant. It is so painful that I cannot eat, sleep, drink, or do anything. My dentist cannot do anything about it until next month. I was wondering if the emergency room can do something about it.
Hello. You could ask your dentist or go to the emergency room to prescribe Antibiotics like Augmentin 625 mg thrice a day for five days along with Tylenol (paracetamol). This will help in pain relief and then go to the dentist to get the tooth extracted. Do not delay, as the pain and infection will affect your baby's growth as you would be avoiding normal diet and infection would not allow nutrition to pass onto your baby. It is okay to take during pregnancy if so much infection and pain are there.
Q. I have sour burps and motions. Please help.
Hello doctor, I am suffering from sour burps and motions. Kindly help.
Hello, Welcome to the Kindly answer the following questions to guide you further. 1. Do you have a fever, abdominal pain, nausea complaint? 2. What is the frequency of your motion? 3. Is there any blood in stool? 4. What is the duration of your symptoms? 5. Have you taken any treatment so far? You can revert with answers. Meanwhile, you can be prescribed antacid like Pantoprazole and Dimethicone (Polydimethylsiloxane) containing acid MPS syrup. I hope this will help you.
Q. When should I dispose the gauze after a tooth have been pulled?
Hello doctor, How long should I keep gauze in after a tooth is pulled?
Hello. After a tooth is extracted, it is advisable to keep the gauze in the site for 30 minutes, in the same position. After 30 minutes, do not spit, take the gauze through your hand and discard. This is to arrest bleeding and help in clot formation by pressure method, and spitting will lead to dislodgement of the clot. So, be careful with splitting (do not do it forcefully) for at least one day. I hope you have got the other instructions from your dentist.
Q. What causes TMJ disorder after wearing of braces?
Hello doctor,I got my braces a year ago, and before that, I did not have any problem in my jaw articulation. Since my orthodontist gave me elastics to put I have TMJ disorder, my left articulation crack every time I open my mouth or eat or speak (I have decided not to put the elastics so that it does not get worse) and I am a bit worried. What causes this? Can this be fixed?
Hello. Based on the given history, it can be due to the extra force you gave to open the mouth while on elastics. Based on your age, it can be due to an impacted wisdom tooth. Sometimes, this can be due to any muscle problem too (myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome), mostly due to physical stress in that area or emotional or mental stress. As for now, do not open your mouth very wide, like during yawning, etc. This is curable. Do not worry much. Do you have pain along with the click? I would suggest you talk to your orthodontist or general dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon to get a final diagnosis after a clinical examination done by them. If possible, send me your OPG (orthopantomogram) and lateral TMJ (open and closed mouth) X-rays to guide you further.
Q. I consume marijuana and I am 22 weeks preganent. How long will it stay in my system?
Hello doctor,I am 22 weeks pregnant. Due date is after three months. I smoked marijuana for the first few months to help with severe morning sickness. I stopped smoking probably last month. I went to a gynecologist this month, and they took a urine sample in which they tested for drugs and marijuana was the only one I tested positive for.After two weeks of my appointment, I smoked once to help with a bout of morning sickness and have not since then. And I have planned not to do ever again during my pregnancy. My next appointment is after one week. Will I be threatened with CPS because of my positive urine from last time? And will they test my urine at my next visit? I am only 18, and I am very nervous. I am concerned because before I got pregnant, I smoked marijuana every day since I was 15. How long will it stay in my system? How can I safely detox it from my body?
Hello. My advice to you that please stop taking marijuana, if you love your baby, then please stop it right now, because it affects your baby growth. And why you want your baby to suffer because of you, so please stop it and the other thing there is no safe antidote of marijuana. So better is to stop it, and yes, marijuana remains in your body system for up to three weeks. Please take medicine regularly and do USG (ultrasound) regularly and please for your child please stop to take marijuana.
Q. Could vomiting cause prominence of the vessels of sclera?
Hi doctor, I am a 21 year old female. I was bulimic for about a year. It happens once or twice a week. I never noticed any permanent changes in my eyes throughout my episodes. However, the last time I ever binged and purged three months ago, I vomited violently. A few weeks after this, I noticed that the vessels in my sclera are indefinitely more prominent than before. Did this happen because of the continuous pressure subjected to my eyes with vomiting? Or could it just be due to many hours of reading and laptop use? I have seen an ophthalmologist and he said that there is nothing wrong with my eyes and suspect a very mild case of blepharitis or bilateral dry eyes. I am using Optive comfort solution. I would like to know if my bulimic phase could have caused the prominent vessels in my eyes, as this has not been mentioned anywhere else online.
Hello. I can understand your concern regarding your complaints. Revert back with the answers to the above questions to an eye care ophthalmologist online -->
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. I am trying for conceive but I have adenomyosis and ovaries endometrioma. Please advice.
Hello doctor, I am a 38-year-old female. Trying for conception since eight years of marriage. Before three months I have been diagnosed with adenomyosis and both ovaries endometrioma I did laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for the same in the month of may and after that they put me on conjugated estrogen tablets and Decca peptide injection after 20 days of the operation but after a month of the operation during my periods I had severe pain and PMS. I had my BP raised severe palpitations along with severe bleeding and have painful periods like before operation I am concerned after operation why there are so many such problems. I asked my gynecologist about this, but he said show to your physician I went to my family physician he started bp medicines. He said it is a temporary increased. But I am concerned about my health now and wants to get rid of all this problem. My gynecologist said conception is the only remedy to solve adenomyosis and endometriosis. I want to have a normal life because I am on bed rest for three months. Please help.
Hello. Let me start by saying that, as your doctor said, pregnancy is the best solution for all these problems. I do not see any need for bed rest. If BP reading is regular, try to reduce and gradually stop the medicine. Reports of infertility workup are missingHave your periods day three or fourth FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and AMH (antimullerian hormone), to find what is your ovarian reserve. I hope your husband's semen report is normal. If everything is fine, please go ahead with ovulation induction with hormone IUI (intrauterine device). This would increase pregnancy chance by four times, thereby resolving other complaints. Do not waste time on other treatments. Try to get pregnant before you lose the benefits of surgery. I cannot comment on pain, as details of findings before surgery and surgical procedure is missing. I hope I have clarified your query, do write back if any more questions and for your feedback.
Q. I had spotting on the next day of my unprotected sex. Is this a sign of pregnancy?
Hello doctor, I had unprotected sex on my infertile day, but I was quite scared, so I took post-pill a week later I had another unprotected sex this time in my fertile days but did not receive the post-pill immediately next day I saw a slight spotting which prompted me into taking the emergency pill. Now a week later, I have been bleeding for two days. I hope this is not a sign of pregnancy. Please help me understand it better.
Hello. Ideally, the emergency contraceptive pill is to be taken within 72 hours of last intercourse to be effective 99 %. It is of no importance if taken after a week. Nevertheless, the bleeding which you got mid cycle before you took the pill was likely to be an ovulation bleed as you had sex in your safe period, then you took the high dose progesterone emergency pill, which initiated a progesterone withdrawal after two days in the form of bleeding as expected. This rules out pregnancy as you had a withdrawal bleed, but it is always best in such cases to get a serum beta hCG test done to be conclusively sure.
Q. 3-year-old son has diarrhea for a week. Is this something serious?
Hello doctor, My 3-year-old son had diarrhea for a week. He has thrown up a couple of times throughout the week as well. He was eating and drinking normally and has appetite. There does not seem to be any blood in the stool. And his belly ache goes away after each diarrhea episode which he has many each day. He is usually drinking as well. His doctors seem to believe that it is a viral infection and will go away in time. We just started a bland diet for him. Should I be overly worried? He is active and wants to eat and drink. So is this something more serious than we think or am I too worried?
Hello. If there is no blood in stools, it is mostly viral. It usually gets settle in five days. Important here is maintaining hydration. Make sure you give him plenty of fluid, ORS (oral rehydration solution). If he is vomiting, you can ask your doctor to prescribe Ondansetron. Give him probiotics and keep a watch on urine output. If he is passing adequate urine, then there is no point of worry.
Q. Does my skin test indicate tuberculosis?
Hello doctor, Looking for an opinion on tuberculosis skin test. Please answer if you have experience with PPD skin tests. I am 34 years old, former cigarette smoker. My friend got diagnosed with tuberculosis due to strong arthritis medications, and I have had some contact with him. I have attached images of my skin test below.
Hi. Montoux test, PPD test is a very non-specific test and does not give you any confirmation for tuberculosis. It is used as an adjuvant test for diagnosis and never as sole test. It is read after 48 hours of injection. You have not mentioned the duration. You have to measure its diameter. It should be less then 10 x 10 mm. I cannot measure it online but apparently it is negative for tuberculosis (attachment removed to protect patient identity).
Q. How can tight foreskin be managed?
Hello doctor, I am 18 years old, boy and I have a very tight foreskin and I have not even pulled it back. I tried to do it once using oil but it was of no use.
Hello. The mentioned history is suggestive of phimosis in which foreskin cannot be retracted back over glans. Topical steroid cream can be beneficial in mild case. But, in severe case like in your case, if foreskin cannot be retracted, then circumcision like day care minor surgery can be done. So, I suggest you consult Urologist for your examination and operation.
Q. What can be the reason for my erection problem?
Hi doctor, I have experienced a problem in erection since last three months. I am a smoker. The testosterone level in my last routine medical checkup was 134. Please help.
Hello. Revert back with the answers to the above questions to a sexologist online -->
Q. What are the ways to stop sugar addiction?
Hello doctor, I am having sugar addiction. I always eat candy non-stop and chips and soda, but I am so addicted that I failed the 30-day sugar free challenge in the first three hours itself. I need help, how can I stop this addiction if all my ways are failing everytime I keep trying.
Hello. Sugar is not an illicit drug, but the brain acts in a similar manner to other substance abuse and addictions. Another reason you could be craving sugar regularly is due to how it makes you feel after consuming it. Generally, a sugary treat causes a rush of both glucose and endorphins in your blood. One of the best things you can do to fight your sugar addiction is to start by swapping sweet foods for healthy alternatives like vegetables. Yes, vegetables can be sweet, but the natural sugars you find in carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, and peas are so much lower than what you will find in treats such as gummies, cookies, or donuts. At the same time, they’ will satisfy your craving for sweetness and you can train yourself to eat these healthier choices over-addictive sugary desserts. The last small tip for fighting your sugar addiction is to generate a plan for how you will eat. You can write this plan out, post it somewhere, or simply keep a mental note of it, but a plan can help you to succeed in various situations. For example, keep carrot sticks cut up in your fridge so that after work, you can plan to snack on those instead of cookies. Or if you are going out to brunch, decide that your plan is to order an omelet with vegetables so that pancakes (basically, a maple syrup delivery device) is not an option. The idea here is to have a plan for how you will succeed in various scenarios that typically create problems for you.
Q. What causes a soft spot in the middle of forehead in a baby?
Hello doctor, My daughter has a soft spot in the middle of her forehead for the past nine months but can only be noticed when she raises her eyebrows or if the lighting is right. When sliding a finger over it you cannot feel anything, the forehead feels normal even when she has her eyebrows raised. It looks like a soft slightly raised lump when you can notice it. I have taken her to the doctors but they could not see anything. I had to show them photos as sometimes it really stands out, other times you cannot see it. What should I do?
Hello. Small spot in center of forehead is seen in some pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity). As you know skull is made up of 16 small bones, these bones are attached with cartilages and get ossified with times. Due to some gaping, this swelling is seen. Give your kid Calcirol sachet once a week for five weeks, dissolve in two spoon water. Syrup Ostebon (Calcium) one teaspoon full twice a day. Feris drops 1 ml once a day. Zincovit drops one ml once a day. Vitanova drops 0.5 ml once a day. All the above for six months.
Q. Is it possible to have infertility due to low progesterone levels?
Hello doctor, I recently took a women's health test to test my hormones. I just got my results back and my Progesterone level is extremely low where as my Estradiol level is in the normal range. I have dealt with many irregular periods since I was young and have not been able to conceive a child with my husband and now I think I know why. I was wondering if my results can be looked at by a doctor to give me anymore information on what is going on with my test results. I am only 25.
Hello. The reports are fairly normal including the hormonal profile but the progesterone levels (attachment removed to protect patient identity). If these levels are from the proliferative phase then they can be considered normal, however, if from the luteal phase, then they are definitely low. Considering that LH was 11, this test may have been done around day 10 to 14 of your cycle, was it? In cases of progesterone deficiency, one tends to get anovulatory cycles and also shortened cycles with mid cycle bleeds and irregular shedding with often passage of clots, so if not so and if you are experiencing delayed irregular cycles then cause is likely PCOS and not progesterone per se. Also, important in any fertility evaluation is the the male fertility factor. It is important to learn if the semen analysis report of your partner is normal or not, whether the quality and quantity of his sperms are good or not, so please share his semen analysis report as well for review.
Q. My intraocular pressure is getting high in the last six years. Why?
Hello doctor,Over the past six years or so, my intraocular pressure (both eyes) has risen to 16, to 19, and now to 21. Will it continue to increase still? Kindly help.
Hello. As you might have been informed, increased eye pressure is mainly associated with the disease called glaucoma. This chronic symptomless disease is very drastic to the optic nerve and might lead to irreversible damage, and in the end, cause blindness. However, this eye disease is never diagnosed or established based on eye pressure measurements and requires a detailed and comprehensive examination including many diagnostic tests like, visual fields, gonioscopy, OCT (optical coherence tomography), multiple measurements of eye pressure during at least three consecutive days and these tests might be repeated twice and even thrice in the first year and then every six months if the only suspicion remains. If you have not undergone these tests, please do, and if you require a second opinion, please upload the results of all these tests and I will gladly provide you with my opinion.
Q. What can be done for swollen gums where wisdom tooth is erupting?
Hello doctor, I think my right side bottom wisdom tooth is coming as there is a ball on the back side of my gum that is really swollen. It almost feels like a pimple and the area around it has white lines on the inner cheek wall. What should I do?
Hello. If there is not much pain, it is better to let it grow fully. It may take a month or two to fully come out. If it does not, and the area gets painful then better to get an X-ray done for its exact position. Use warm salt water gargle twice a day for a week or two. Use a chewing gum on that side, it helps in faster growth of the tooth into occlusion.
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Please comment on the severity of my wife's wrist x-ray.
Hi doctor,My wife is 42 years old. She is feeling pain in the right wrist while moving the palm laterally outward. The movement gets somewhat obstructed slightly and it is not smooth. This has been started after an occasion when she tried to pull or carry one heavy bag a week ago. X-ray has been done on her right wrist which is enclosed herewith. Please comment on the severity of the wound and its medication. Thank you.
Hello. Revert back with the photos to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online -->
Q. Kindly have a look on my chest X-ray and explain.
Hello doctor, I had severe cough and mucus formation which was in yellow. The doctor had prescribed antibiotics, Salbutamol tablet and allergy tablets. Now that cough has reduced but I feel some heaviness at the back right hand side and when waking up in the morning. While I had visited the doctor they had adviced me to take an X-ray. Later they said there is slight pneumonia and to continue antibiotics (Azithromycin) for five days. Also, I have completed my antibiotics dose for four days, still left with one more day. Cough is not there currently and better. I am attaching X-ray that was taken for your advice. Would like to have a second opinion on the X-ray report.
Hello. In attached X-ray report (attachment removed to protect patient identity), there is presence of slight consolidation in right side. So, it is suggestive of pneumonia like infection. For that, you need to complete antibiotic course. If clinically improved well, then no need for further work up.
Q. Which one should I opt for a vision problem, a laser treatment or specs?
Hello doctor, I would like to know to weather the laser treatment is better than continuing specs for vision. What would be the drawbacks of laser treatment, is it very complicated?
Hello. This is quite a common question youngsters ask. The best answer to this is it depends on you and your daily activities, profession, and lifestyle, etc. For example, if you want to take up professional sports, modeling, enjoy adventure sports, few jobs in the armed forces, getting a surgery done would be quite necessary. On the other hand, if you want to pursue higher studies and professions where you work a lot with computers and work on fine parts like watchmaking, then surgery would put you at a slight disadvantage as it slightly reduces image quality and increases chances of getting dry eye diseases. Some surgeons also prefer wearing glasses as it protects against infection and blood spurts during operations. With the latest equipment and techniques, laser refractive surgery is quite safe, and outcomes are good. The risk involved is very less. Although a power of - 5.0 is on the higher side, we can still expect good results given that your corneas are suitable for the surgery. The main thing to consider is of course long term outcomes are, 1. As a woman, your power will naturally change during pregnancy and lactation, and this happens to all women. Some have more, others less. This is unpredictable. 2. Surgery only corrects you for distance vision. Another natural change in eyes is presbyopia. Here you need to wear reading glasses. So even if you were to get surgery now, you would only remain glasses free for up to around 40 years of age after which you need reading glasses. I hope this answers your doubts. In case you have any further questions please let me know.
Q. What are the tests I have to undergo after having unprotected oral sex?
Hello doctor,I had an oral sex with a girl without protection, and I licked her vagina too, later I came to know she has PSV which she had undergone treatment and she was cured, I came to know risks of the STD's via oral sex and I was suggested to have test after four weeks, but they did not tell what test I have to go through in detail. My query is, what is the list of a test I have to go through? Please give me the names of the test in detail, so that I can approach a lab for testing.
Hello. There are many tests, but the below mentioned are usually done to rule out the infection. These are a screening test. 1. Test for HIV. Tridot test. 2.Test for gonorrhea (urine or oral swab) and chlamydia. 3. Test for Hepatitis B (HBsAg) and C virus. 4. Test for syphilis such as VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory test) and if required RPR (rapid plasma reagin) test. 5. Test for HPV (human papilloma virus). Herpes virus test is usually not required if no symptoms are present or there is no outbreak of it. I hope this clarifies your concern. Ask again if anything unanswered,
Q. Is Bimatoprost safe enough for optical nerve damage?
Hello doctor, My mother, is 76 years old, currently suffering from low, blurry vision (both near sight and far sight). Her BP, sugar, and thyroid are normal. A year before, she was critically suffered from urosepsis with AKI, DM II, pleural effusion, etc. but recovered. Though she has the first stage of renal failure and ventricular ectopic in ECG now. Recently she visited an eye hospital where she was told that her eye problem is mainly due to gradual damage of optical nerve, which is irreversible and the doctor cannot do much. In this respect, she was tested with digital fundus photography and OCT (Retina -Tessellated fundus in the right eye, FR dull in left eye). As per doctor's mention, I come to know that she has some cataract in the right eye (nuclear sclerosis grade II diagnosed in both eye) which need to operate soon for better vision, but I am not sure about it as it is not written in prescription as a diagnosis. She is advised to take a drop of Bimatoprost 0.01 % in both eyes every day to control optical damage. Now, I like to know is this medicine helpful if she complains with optical nerve damage without glaucoma or cataract. Is there any other solution to save her vision or further damage at least.
Hello. I understand your concerns, and I am very sorry to hear about your mother's eye changes. I am afraid that the changes in the optic nerve are indeed irreversible and according to the reports is near total. This is known by the part of the reports that say CDR 0.9 in both eyes. To explain it in a very simple manner, the eye is like a camera, both have lenses, and just like the camera has a film, the eye has the retina. If there is a problem in both the lens and the film, simply changing the lens would not improve the quality of the picture as the film (retina) is also compromised. But in few cases may improve to a limited, yet unknown extent. The problem also gets compounded with her poor general condition with heart problems along with the recent sepsis. So operating on her cataract is quite risky. Regarding the eye drops, Brimonidine eye drops have been known to help in neuroprotection and may help in the preservation of whatever optic nerve function is left, theoretically. So this would be the thought process behind this plan of management given to the overall condition. As far as the next step in managing, it depends on the daily activities of your mother and if at all she feels her current vision is not enough for her to carry out the daily routine activities. In case you need more information, please let me know.
Q. Other than Sutent, which medicine can I opt for papillary renal cell carcinoma?
Hello doctor,My father is recently diagnosed with papillary renal cell carcinoma type 1, and he has no BP or sugar. However, he had undergone bypass surgery ten years ago. Our doctor has suggested targeted therapy is better for him as there is another mass found in the lungs too. Our doctor has prescribed Sutent 37.5 mg, to begin with, and slowly increase it to 50 mg.However, due to our financial conditions, we cannot afford Sutent as it is pretty expensive for us. As we do not have any insurance. Is this the only drug available for this type of cancer, or do we have any other affordable and similar drugs with minimal side effects? We want to get your suggestion on this. Kindly help.
Hello. As per history given above. Your father as metastatic renal cell carcinoma. I would have liked to have few additional markers like his general condition, report of CBC (complete blood count) and LFT (liver function test), RFT (renal function test) to look at his risk score. In metastatic RCC, in first-line settings we have three TKI (Tyrosine kinase inhibitor) that are approved and commonly used. Namely, Sunitinib, Pazopanib, and Cabozantinib. Sunitinib and pazopanib have almost the same progression-free and survival benefit. Cabozantinib has benefit in progression, but final overall survival was the same as sunitinib. Toxicities are bit different for Pazopanib with more chances of hepatitis, weight loss, and diarrhea. If you are not affording for Sunitinib, then I would say Pazopanib would be better as it is cheaper with similar benefits and slightly different toxicities. Cabozantinib is costlier and not yet available. I hope it helps. I would be happy to help you further if you have any more queries or questions regarding toxicities of these drugs. TKI.
Q. How to hide the gap that will occur due to the wearing of braces?
Hello doctor,I am going to get braces soon, and I am going to have a large gap, is there anything a dentist could make to hide my gap?
Hello. Braces are placed to align your teeth more esthetically and camouflage the malpositioned teeth. From your question what I have understood is either you have a large gap already, and for that, you do not have to worry, braces will close it, or you are saying that during treatment you are going to have a gap because of the teeth removal. In that case, I want you to know that a few teeth are removed during orthodontic braces treatment to get space for the rest of the teeth to move and align themselves, and ultimately the gap will be closed. So, in both cases, the gap will be minimized or closed. You do not have to worry. Maintain proper oral hygiene, be careful with the brackets, do not break them, follow the advice of the orthodontist and do not miss any follow-ups as these minor steps will help the treatment to finish on time or maybe a little earlier too. Now, if you can elaborate on your question, I can answer more precisely. A picture of the gap will be helpful also.
Q. What is the treatment for a 11-year-old patient with combined type 1 and 2 diabetes?
Hello doctor, The patient is 11 years old, and right from birth, he is suffering from type 1 and 2 diabetics. Initially, he was on injection and now on tablets every day. As per the doctor, his pancreas is not working from his birth. Can you please let me know if there is any treatment available for this? Also, can the bone marrow blood infusion technique help in treating this issue permanently?
Hello. Yes, there is a procedure called pancreatic transplant. It must be taking place in your place as well. You can click on the individual hospital website and check if they have a pancreatic transplant facility, but it could be very expensive. But let me tell you one thing that even after any transplant, the patient has to take immunosuppressive medications all his life and compared to that the diabetes pills are still a better option.
Q. Is it safe to get a filling fixed while running a low-grade fever from a UTI?
Hello doctor, Can I get a filling fixed while running a low-grade fever from a UTI?
Hello. Theoretically, yes. But, practically I would not suggest you get it done as you will not be comfortable (mainly because of the water spray from the handpiece or drilling machine) and that will make it difficult for the dentist too. If it is an emergency or you do not have accompanying stuffed nose or difficulty in breathing through the nose, then you can go for filling. Depends on your comfort level and severity of your condition. I hope this has helped.
Q. What should be done when a 5-year-old has a fever of 102° with TLC 16700?
Hello doctor,My son is having a fever of 102°. He is 5 years and 4 months old. Since last two days, his temperature is not reducing. We have given Ibuprofen plus paracetamol syrup. Tablet Zedocef (100) DT 1 tablet twice a daily for five days after food. Syprup Ondem 5 ml thrice daily 1/2 hour before food, syrup Ibuprofen, paracetamol 7.5 ml 6 hours once after food. We tested his blood, but there was no malaria or typhoid. But his TLC is 16700. He is not taking any food, but sometimes he drinks ORS. So suggest us what to do?
Hello. You are already giving multiple antibiotics and antipyretics. The TLC (total leucocyte count) count in the report is on the higher side, which suggests some bacterial infection. Continue with the advised treatment. Some times fever may take three to four days to respond. Continue to give Ibugesic plus for each episode of fever for now. Cold sponging also helps to bring down the temperature. Get a repeat CBC (complete blood count) and Urine microscopy done. If fever is persisting and not responding to oral medication. The child may require admission for starting IV antibiotics. A complete clinical examination by the pediatrician to find out foci of infection is recommended.
Q. I am suffering from angiomas on the back. Kindly help.
Hello doctor, I have angiomas on the back. Kindly help.
Hello. Yes, these are cherry angioma. What do you want to know specifically about these? These are harmless and will require electrocautery if you want them to get removed. No creams or oral medications are effective.
Q. How to find out if my son is suffering from any communication problem?
Hello doctor, I have twins, a boy and a girl aged 2 years. I noticed that the girl advanced in skills than the boy. In the first few months of life, my son was faster than his sister in the growth and everything. And then, it was reversed. I am a graduate of psychology. I have a brother suffering from autism and frankly, I have a fear of this disease. I do not care and I do not want to surrender to delusions. But, mom and dad insist on reminding me of everything you see them that my son is also the possibility of getting hurt. I started since 10 months; I am watching my son very much. I blame him if he did not implement what I am asking. He says dad and mom. He loves to play, laugh and shake hands if I asked him to do so. He looks into my eyes when I talk, but I do not feel that he understands what I am saying to him always. For example, if I asked him to bring me cheesed off the table, he does not focus with me and ignore me. On the other hand, if he feels he is thirsty, then he will come to me and say a bottle of water. I know this is probably because the rate of a normal IQ and concentration varies from one to another child. I want a word from the doctor that makes me serenely scream in the face of all of the notes that my son is not normal and I tell them that my son safe and sound. The question is how completely I know that my son is not suffering from any problems in communicating diseases or behavior?
Hi. I have gone through the query with keen interest and understand your concerns. Before making any opinions I need to inform you that take the things in objective manner and not on emotions I understand there is history of autism in the family and it does not mean your child suffers with autism. In a normal growing child there are many ups and downs and not responding on some occasions is not indicative of serious pathology like autism. We need to take notice that a child plays well with another child, responds to language on most occasions, cheerful, not having any abnormal repetitive stereotyped movements and communicates with the mother. Having said this I feel it will be appropriate to fill a simple questionnaire called Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ). This is a screening instrument for autism and you will know probably with sure that whether there is problem or not. If you still feel there is something abnormal, then you may contact the specialist doctor nearby for a physical evaluation. For further information consult a psychologist counsellor online -->
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Will taking antibiotics cause diarrhea or loose stools?
Hello doctor,I took antibiotics about a month ago, and ever since the fourth day of antibiotic treatment, I have been suffering from diarrhea or loose stools. On the fourth day, I had bad cramps and loose stools that lasted from the fourth day to the seventh day. This then returned afterward with even worse pains, but this time, I had yellow stool followed by diarrhea. Ever since I have been having loose stools on and off that is foul smelling and mushy. Is this because of the antibiotics, or is it an infection?
Hello. Your diarrhea could be a direct side effect of the antibiotic, in which case, it should resolve after stopping the antibiotic. It could also be due to a condition called Clostridium difficile infection (C. diff for short). C. diff is a bacterium typically found in the intestines of most people. But under certain circumstances (frequent exposure to antibiotics), a couple of strains of this bacteria can multiply and produce toxins (called C diff toxin A and B). This can provide diarrhea-sometimes bloody, with crampy abdominal pain. I suggest getting tested for C diff. You need to submit a stool sample for C diff toxin. If it is positive, there are treatments for it includes oral Vancomycin, Fidaxomicin, or Metronidazole. I hope this helps.
Q. I have a strong history of cancer. Should I concern about the sore in my leg?
Hello doctor, I have sore on my leg for a long time. More than a year, I did shave part of my leg at one point. It became like a sore, but I have a strong history of cancer.
Hello. I have gone through your case. In my opinion, your lesion should be biopsied as early as possible as you have a long-standing history of cutaneous cancer, and I fear it could be slow-growing skin cancer. I have two to three differential diagnosis. 1. Nodular squamous cell carcinoma. 2. Nodular non melanocytic melanoma. 3. Basal cell carcinoma. 4. Keratoacanthoma. 1.Sun-exposed area. 2.White race and, 3 Past history of cancer Biopsy. Need excision as early as possible.
Q. Kindly suggest diet for my 18 months old son with beta thalassemia intermedia.
Hello doctor,My son is 1 and a half years old. A few months ago we came to know that his Hb is 4.3 and Hb F is 92 percent and that he has beta thalassemia intermedia. He was immediately transfused once. Now he is taking vitamin C, and Hydroxy and Folic acid and his Hb are 10.2. Please suggest some diet for him to maintain his health.
Hello. As your child is suffering from thalassemia intermedia, you should avoid giving iron rich food and food that leads to an increase in iron absorption.The foods which decrease its absorption are, (i) cereals and (ii) dairy products. The foods which increase the absorption are, (i) fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C, (ii) meat, fish, shellfish and poultry and (iii) pickles, sauerkraut, soy sauce, vinegar, and alcohol. You can also supplement the child with folic acid 1 mg a day. Give nutritious diet and vegetarian protein sources, avoid meat and liver. Have a regular follow-up with your pediatrician for Hb level and iron overload.
Q. My problem of bad breath persists even after teeth cleaning. What to do?
Hello doctor,I tried teeth cleaning, I avoided non-veg foods and beverage drinks, which produce gas, and I am eating a balanced diet. My bad breath problem is since for the past five years till now, so in this period I realize that I have a white layer on my tongue and when I smell my tongue then I feel very bad breath. Also, I have a hole on my throat back of the tongue, and something comes through that way like thick water and when I smell it so bad.Another is when I eat something, then that smell lasts for a long time. What to do? I have been spent more money to avoid bad breath, so give me a suggestion to get rid of it. Bad breath is the main reason for my unsuccessfulness. Sometimes thinking about this problem, I become depreciate. I needed your help.
Hello. The white coating on your tongue is mostly due to bacteria and debris. And, it seems that you might have a dry mouth. All this must be causing bad breath. Clean or scrape your tongue regularly, maintain proper oral hygiene, drink a lot of water and even empty stomach will cause bad breath, so have food regularly on time. Do mouth rinse with lukewarm water and salt or lukewarm water and a bit of mouthwash diluted in the water. But, better to avoid continuous use of mouthwash as this itself can cause dry mouth sometimes, and discoloration of teeth. Get a consultation from a dentist regarding dry mouth, to rule it out. If you have dry mouth, a Sialogogue (to increase salivary flow) will be prescribed by the dentist. Do not worry. You will be fine. If possible, send me a picture of your tongue and teeth.
Q. Do I need surgery for removal of gallstone?
Hi doctor, I have a 7 mm gallstone as seen in my ultrasound. They gave me Ranitidine, and I tried apple cider vinegar with fresh apples. Do I need surgery?
Hi. Thanks for sharing your concern. Obesity. Cholelithiasis. Gallbladder surgery. For further information consult a general practitioner online.--->
Q. What is the life expectancy in cancer?
Hi doctor, My friend has been having left shoulder pain for months. For the last three weeks, he is also having the hoarseness in his voice (can barely speak) and little energy. He is eating well, but not gaining weight. He has no other symptoms. He is a carpenter and 50 years old. He smokes cigarettes, weed and crack cocaine. I think he has been doing this for 30 years. Today, his blood test and blood pressure are fine. His chest x-ray came back with a large mass on his left lung, it looked large to me. He was given a TB shot other than that they suggested a specialist. It was an ER visit so they did not say much other than it could be a cancer. What does this sound like to you? I deeply appreciate any of your help. Thanking you in advance.
Hi. We are here to help you. I am really sorry to hear about his state. For further information consult an internal medicine physician online -->
Q. Is it possible to get extreme nausea, acid reflux, fatigue, and weight loss due to gallstone?
Hello doctor, I am 41 years old, male. I have symptoms of extreme nausea, acid reflux, fatigue, and weight loss. Ultrasound shows gallstone. I have enclosed the report. The doctor wants to do a HIDA scan and remove the gallbladder. Are my symptoms due to gallstone? Is there a substitute test for a HIDA scan? Should I go for surgery? Please advise diagnosis and treatment.
Hello. First, gallstones in itself require treatment. The only treatment for 10 mm size stone is surgery. Medication will not reduce it. Untreated gallstone at your age may lead to complications. Your second query regarding whether symptoms of acid reflux are associated with gallstones are not. That is difficult to answer. There is an association of the two but difficult to directly link causation of acid reflux to gallstones. Hence, your symptoms may or may not rebate after surgery. Some patients although do show symptom relief. You should also undergo an upper GI endoscopy if your symptoms are persistent after discussion with a gastroenterologist.
Q. I have gas formation, constipation and gallstone. What can be done?
Hello doctor,I am 27 years old, height is 65 inches. Weight 56 kg now. Three months ago weight was 57.5. kg. Sleep 6 to 7 hours. About two years ago, weight was 58.5 kg. Blood pressure usually normal but sometimes low. I have a gas formation problem for about four years. Maximum time no pain but gas and heavy feeling in the abdomen. 11 months ago I did ultrasonography and got that gallbladder stones (3 to 4 stones larger size 0.6 cm). I am taking homeo medicine. Gallstone and constipation. Truly say in a month 12 days I feel good and 18 days I got gas problem but within last seven months sometimes I feel weak (tiredness). Within the last five months, my weight is not increasing and my hands are getting thin. Sometimes, I need to take Ranitidine tablet when much gas. I had a rheumatic fever at age 8 and took allopathic treatment till 20 years of age. Oracink tablet. Please, suggest me. Do I need to do any blood test? I will do an ultrasound after two months. I am taking Iron Vitamin capsule Zilvit according to the suggestion of relative. About four months ago I took Zilvit for 20 days and feel good. Homeo doctor said that he should not give other medicine for weakness.About 2 to 3 years ago I took Mazpro, Omeprazole tablet sometimes but most of the times it took time to remove the gas problem. Now I am taking homeo medicine for gallstones (eight months running) and took homeo medicine for constipation for four months from the same doctor. The allopathic doctor who did ultrasound suggests that there is no need to hurry to surgery and can wait for about one year.
Hello. Your three main concern is the weakness, gallstone, and gas problem. For weakness following workup can be done: Investigate with above investigations as you have a weakness for many days. If still no cause for weakness found than EMG (electromyography) done. For gallstone, if no symptoms mean no abdominal pain present than surgery not needed. Ursodeoxycholic acid tablet 300 mg OD (once daily) can be prescribed for that. Avoid high fatty foods and reduce weight. For gas problem following measures can be taken: Take care. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online -->
Q. Is it possible for PCOS patient with regular periods to conceive?
Hello doctor, I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16, but have had successful pregnancies (other things I had zero breast change and less than once a day of milk production). We have never used any form of birth control yet our youngest is now almost 5. We have been actively trying for almost two years now. My periods during the last six months have been on time and consistent. I am 31. Why are we not able to get pregnant after two babies?
Hello. As I have learned that your last pregnancy was five years back and that your menses have been regular since last six months and you have been trying for last two years without any use of contraceptive practices to conceive. This qualifies for secondary infertility treatment. Now the first thing which needs to be checked is to get your partner's semen analysis done to check for quantity and quality of sperms as of now. There are chances that the count may have gone down or the quality may have depreciated which can be treated accordingly. In middle age men, such male infertility is common and needs to be addressed first before a lady is subjected to tests and examinations for evaluation of secondary infertility. Hence, it is requested that you may please get his semen analysis and culture test done first and review with reports. In the meantime, you may send across any ultrasound pelvis reports or hormonal profile tests (from the last six months) that you may have undertaken for review (if the element of PCOS still persists or not). Semen analysis and culture for the male partner. Male infertility. Secondary infertility. As per reports (awaited).
Q. I have PCOS because of which I am facing difficulty in reducing weight. Please suggest.
Hi doctor, I am 20 years old. I am a college student. Few weeks back, I was told that I have PCOS because of which I am facing difficulty in reducing weight. My weight is 65 kg and I am 5'4" height. It would be really helpful if you could suggest me a diet plan.
Hi. I can give you some guidance which might help you reduce weight with PCOS (polycystic ovaries). For further information consult a dietician online -->
Q. What can I do to straighten my curved lumbar spine and un-cant hips?
Hello doctor,I am a 19-year-old male. Around two months back, I had a hiccup when dead-lifting and my lower back or lumbar spine area had a sharp pain. At the time, I did not think much of it and since then discontinued dead-lifts. Over time, I have developed some sciatica in my left hamstring area. I visited a chiropractor about two weeks ago and he took X-rays of my spine, revealing that my lumbar spine is curved to the right, canting my hips and therefore putting pressure on my sciatic nerve. I went in for three adjustments with him, over a one and half week span. I no longer have access to my chiropractor, being that I am overseas. My question is what can I do by myself in order to straighten out my lumbar spine and un-cant my hips so that my sciatic nerve can get some relief? Am I going to have to find another chiropractor and get more adjustments while I am over here? Note that the discomfort of sciatica only happens with a straight left leg when bending at the waist.
Hi. Based on what you wrote, it sounds as though you may have scoliosis, a wedged vertebrae in the lumbar spine, a disc issue, or even lower cross syndrome. If there is any way to attach images of the X-rays, that would be ideal (though I know the current situation is not ideal). Assuming it is indeed a scoliosis curvature, I can tell you that you will not be able to straighten your spine (anatomically speaking). If it is a lower cross syndrome, your best bet while you are overseas is to work on core stabilization exercises. Bridge exercises, planks, and clams may all be beneficial to the lumbopelvic-hip-complex. All of these exercises can be found online, but essentially we want to strengthen the weak muscles and relax the overactive muscle. Please get the help of internet resources to have a knowledge of lower cross syndrome to get an idea of what muscles may be overactive and underactive. Without examining you myself, or seeing X-rays, this is about all of the information I can provide. When you return to your place, I would recommend continuing treatment with your chiropractor. For more information consult a chiropractor online.-->
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Why do I feel itchy while urinating?
Hi doctor, I feel cramped, itching and lower abdomen pain during urination. I had intercourse with my partner last month and since then I have faced this problem. I went to meet a gynecologist and she prescribed some medicine and felt fine for 10 days. Then, again I am facing the same problem. Also, I have PCOD. Please help me.
Hello. Urine for routine and microscopic examination as well as culture sensitivity. Revert back with the test reports to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online.--->
Q. I have underdeveloped jaw bones, scoliosis, and swollen face. Please help.
Hi doctor, I am 20 years old. I have one kid and I am seven months pregnant. Since I started puberty, I got a lot of health problems. The left side of my underjaw is not fully grown. It feels like pieces are missing. You can also see the big difference between the left side of my chin and the right side. My cheekbones are also not fully grown. I have poor blood circulation and my face gets very very swollen. Mostly in the morning, my face looks quite normal and my skin color as well. Later, in the day, my face gets swollen and big and also when I eat and when I eat a lot and unhealthy it gets more swollen. When I lay down the swelling lessens. I also have mental stress and an anxiety and I have a scoliosis. I get tired quickly and my skin is very dry. I have dark or purple undereyes and dark patches on my ankles, knees, etc.
Hello. I just read your query. See the issues like scoliosis, underjaw shape, and underdeveloped cheekbones are anatomical issues which are related to the natural structure of your body. They can not be corrected with the help of medication. You may take help from artificial modern techniques, which you can learn from a nearby physician. The poor blood circulation, swelling on face, stress and anxiety, tiredness can all be related to pregnancy. I advise you not to take any random treatment or any supplement without consulting your gynecologist. This is the crucial time of your pregnancy. So visit a nearby gynecologist and ask for the help for all the issues you are having.
Q. Can knee arthroscopy cause scoliosis and pain?
Hello doctor,I have mild scoliosis convex to the left and was wondering if a left knee arthroscopy can be the cause of my posture and/or pain issues. For example, sitting, standing. Also, having scoliosis, would that cause a blood clot (pulmonary embolism) after this surgery? With being a severe asthmatic.
Hello. Scoliosis is a structural problem and knee pain will not cause this. Arthroscopy can rarely lead to a clot formation but is not necessarily a known risk factor for DVT (deep vein thrombosis) as you are likely to mobilize very quickly and the procedure is usually short. Scoliosis does not add to the risks either. For more information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online -->
Q. There is white fungal ring infection on forehead. Kindly suggest the ointment.
Hello doctor, There is white fungal ring infection on forehead of my daughter. Can you please suggest some oitnment?
Hi. I have gone through your case. In my opinion, I have two diagnosis of your daighter's lesion. It could be fungus or eczema patch. For this, please mix Hydrocortisone and Clotrimazole creams in equal amount and apply two times a day for 14 days. Also apply any baby lotion at night. Within 14 days, it should heal. If in case, it does not heal, then please see your local dermatologist to evaluate her for other conditions. My second diagnosis is leprosy. Please consult your local dermatologist if the lesion does not heal.
Q. What are the ways to control anxiety while driving?
Hello doctor, I have been suffering with obsessive compulsive disorder- OCD, fear of germs, ordering things, obsessive thoughts. I also have anxiety while driving car at higher speeds. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which is lined to general stress, anxiety levels, which causes the muscles to be held tight. I have been able to accomplish most of the daily tasks and be successful in life. However, the anxiety while driving is troubling me. I need to reduce anxiety while driving, while also maintaining focus. Also, the general level of anxiety or stress is causing other physical ailments. Due to muscles being in constant state of tension. Currently, I do not take any medication. Only supplements 5-HTP (Seratonin) and one sleep aid (Melatonin).
Hi. I understand you experience OCD symptoms, general anxiety symptoms and specific driving anxiety and some anxiety related physical problems. What is your current profession? Your job timings? Family members? For how many years you are having 0CD symptoms? GAD symptoms? Stress? Why? Exercise? Relaxation? Any therapy? Family support? Any other anxiety triggering factors than driving? Sleep? Physical intimacy? Please reply. Take care.
Q. Will a 2 year old baby with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy walk?
Hello doctor,My youngest son is 2 and a half years old. Currently, he is crawling, and he is a delay in walking. I bought him for the child development clinic at the hospital. They have sent his blood sample to another country, and the result says that he has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Kindly advise what should I do. My son can stand at the sofa, but he refrains from standing at the floor. He can lift his body. Is he able to walk?
Hello. It is a genetic disorder. I am sorry to say this, as this disease has a poor prognosis. You need to visit a medical genetic specialist. Physical therapy, braces, etc. are common management. Along with that if you want to go for alternative treatment, then try Ayurvedic panchkarma therapy where Ayurvedic massage can be given to your son. It had good results in muscular dystrophy disorders. You need to visit a nearby Ayurveda physician or a panchkarma center. It can help you up to some extent. I hope you understand my point. For more queries, you can consult me.
Q. Why do I get frustrated easily?
Hello doctor,People called me stupid and annoying it is not that I do not understand. It is that I cannot focus, I have a tough time focusing, and I would not deny I am annoying. I never sit still I am wandering around the house all the time I told my dad I would not sit still even if I was glued to the sit and he said I believe that. People complain about the fact I talk a lot, and I talk fast. I climbed a broken fence I love climbing fences when I was 12 I let my friend push me across the road in a shopping cart, and I let my friend push me around in a shopping cart on a bumpy ground I do not think before I act. I get very mad when people talk badly about me I get easily frustrated I get crazy if I cannot find something or if mess up on something I will pretty much get mad over anything I have a low tolerance when it comes to anger. ADHD runs in my family.
Hello. You are reporting symptoms which are suggestive of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactive disorder). How are you managing at school? Further assessment, including developmental history from parents, corroborative information from school will help to clarify the severity of your symptoms and also to rule out other conditions mimicking ADHD. Effective management of the underlying condition will help you to function better. I will advise discussing with your parents and consult your doctor locally who can refer you for further specialist assessment as needed. Depending on the evaluation, medication or behavioral support may be recommended.Meanwhile, you can try some strategies to improve your functioning. Exercise regularly, make a reminder list for essential weekly activities to avoid missing deadlines, minimize distractions by avoiding TV, mobile during your work hours, etc. I hope this helps.
Q. There is a reddish-sticky part on my foreskin even after having medications. Why?
Hello doctor, I am 39 years old. Since more than a month I had a blister on my foreskin, and I noticed a reddish-sticky part in my foreskin. I saw this after sex because it was painful (but it was not hard sex at all). The blister went away, but the reddish-sticky part stayed. I had also burning and heat in the skin of my testicles. I went to the doctor, and he found an infection. I had antibiotics pills and fungal cream. After a week, everything was improved, but the reddish-sticky part was still there, but the doctor said everything was fine. But it is not. I went to another two doctors (a urologist and a dermatologist), and they said everything is fine. The dermatologist prescription was Vaseline, that was two weeks ago, and this stays. I am worrying about cancer, and I asked them a biopsy, but they refused. Since before five months I also had a red rash in the gland coming and going, but for more than a month, it has not happened again.
Hello. I understand that you are concerned, but I can assure you that in the photographs there is no feature suggestive of any cancer. I understand that you had a blister after intercourse, that might be friction blister as other cause of blister in genitals include herpes, but that present as multiple tiny blisters. Recurrent glans rash can be candida, but right now, I cannot see any changes. It might feel sticky and thin after healing of a blister for some time, but there is nothing to worry. And certainly, there are no features of cancer. Just use some good moisturizer or use the following. 1. Cetaphil moisturizing cream.
Q. Is it advisable to use Neomycin during first month of pregnancy?
Hello doctor, My wife is currently on her sixth month of pregnancy. I am pretty much concerned about using Neomycin 0.5 % and Clobetasol 0.05 % ointment during the first month of our pregnancy. We had itching and burning sensation. We used approximately 4 g of ointment in total. She applied some ointment over her inguinal area and me over head of penis and we also had intercourse after that. This happened two times. Would this have caused vaginal absorption of Neomycin and damaged the fetus? Or as it was the month of conception would it have damaged the sperms, egg or the fertilized egg? I read some articles where topical Neomycin has caused ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity and reduced spermatogenesis in males. Should I have terminated the pregnancy earlier? Should I monitor the baby after birth for these toxicities? We did three scans so far dating scan, NT scan and anomaly scan which are normal.
Hello. There are possibilities of absorption per vaginally and I agree there are reports of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity but as she is six months pregnant now and all scans are normal so there are no morphological anomalies in the child but as far as ear hearing abnormalities are concerned, that cannot be detected by scans. Also, as on date after 20 weeks of gestation, pregnancy cannot be terminated by law unless gross abnormalities are evident in the foetus and permission would have to be sought by high court only.
Q. My Hb is 8 to 9 with normal MCV and spleen enlargement. Please advice.
Hello doctor, My Hb is 8 to 9 always, and MCV is on the normal range, on CBC. I have enlarged spleen (moderate to severe) since childhood and chronic since then. I have a history of blood transfusions but had transfused only 6 to 7 times. My brother has the same problem with the same symptoms also. He is 31, and I am 34 years old. My mother is anemic with Hb 7.5 to 9.0 always, with normal MCV on CBC. She is 51 years old. Father has normal HB 14 always.
Hello, Welcome to the You have to rule out iron deficiency anemia and hemolytic anemia in your case. You need to investigate further as follow. You can revert with reports once done.If you have hemolytic anemia than hemoglobin level usually remains in the borderline range.If your above reports suggest towards iron deficiency anemia than iron tablet will recover your anemia completely. So revert with reports once done. Meanwhile, you can be prescribed ferrous ascorbate tablet for your anemia.I hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Q. Does vaginal itching after sex indicate STD?
Hello doctor,I had sex with a prostitute last week. I used a condom, but I played her vagina with my hand. I came back home that night and had sex with my wife again. I also played her vagina with my hand. Next day, she had her periods and felt itchy at her vagina (I think genital herpes). So she scratched her vagina, and it became a damaged spot under the vagina. But it is better now and is about to heal. Is this STD or not?
Hello. It may be normal, but I cannot deny from STD (sexually transmitted disease), and it may be herpes and vaginitis too. 1. Apply Betnovate-N locally up to deep in the vagina, after proper wash two times a day till required. 2. Ciplox TZ (Ciprofloxacin, Tinidazole) two times a day after food for three days. 3. Candid veginal tablet at night for six nights.It will be fine. And it means you believe in polygamy, which is one day become dangerous. Be loyal, and you can use her ten times a day. So she will remain healthy so as you. If she has vaginitis, you also can get the infection.
Q. Please recommend some treatment for jock itch.
Hi doctor, I am having an abscess on my balls. It is reddish and painful, but not much. I have jock itch right now. I saw terrific images on the internet, but it is not like that. Please help.
Hi. Please put up two to three clear photos of the affected area for proper evaluation and guidance. Revert back with the photos to a dermatologist online -->
Q. What does abutment of the nerve root mean?
Hi doctor,I am just wondering what is abutting and abutment of the nerve root means in a back issue. Please explain. What treatment is required for annular bulging and tear?
Hi. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. For further information consult a neurologist online -->
Q. Will Nano-Leo give permanent solution for erection problem?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. Every time I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Why?
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online -->
Q. Will Kalarchikai cure multiple ovarian cysts in PCOD?
Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well.
Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help.
Q. I masturbate only by rubbing the tip of the penis. Is it a wrong way?
Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help.
Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online -->
Q. I am having PCOS, and trying to conceive for eight months. What is the treatment?
Hello doctor, I am 33 years old. I have been trying to conceive for eight months from now. I have monthly periods and positive OPKs and BBT shifts, but periods are also very light, basically spotting. I had an Ultrasound which showed a few cysts, had mildly elevated testosterone, normal LH and FSH, normal estrogen, low progesterone. My PCP is not convinced. I have PCOS but I am wondering if that is still a possibility and what I should anticipate for treatment in the future (clomid vs. progesterone therapy, etc.)?
Hello. The fact that you are getting positive OPKs each cycle indicates that you have an anovulatory cycle or in simple terms that you are ovulating regularly. PCOD (polycystic ovarian syndrome) cannot be diagnosed alone with just small cysts in ovaries, rather one should have around 10 to 12 multiple small subcenterimetric follicles lining the periphery of the ovary during midcycle scan, one should have featyres of clinical hyperandrogenism like acne, hirsutism (excessive facial and body hair), acanthosis and most importantly oligomenorrhoea or irregular menses. Testosterone alone does not justify the diagnosis. However, if o e needs to be sure, then AMH (ante Mullerian hormone) test can be done, which is more than four indicates PCOD. As mentioned that you are on thyroid medications, I believe your TSH levels are less than five. Please share your ultrasound and hormonal profile reports for review. Now, it would also be essential to check for your partner's semen analysis for quality and quantity of sperms. I am not sure if you have any kids before or not as you have not mentioned, but if you do not yet, then semen analysis of your partner would be mandatory, as your reports are relatively normal. Progesterone deficiency can be treated, and even Clomid can be contemplated only of the male infertility factor has been ruled out first.
Q. Are tonsil stones, sore throat, and swollen gums symptoms of oral or throat cancer?
Hello doctor, I have tonsil stones, sore throat, swollen gums, and dry cough. Is this the symptoms of oral or throat cancer?
Hello. A recurrent sore throat can occur in a number of pathologies. Most often it is as a result of some local pathology like Rhinosinusitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflux). Rather than relapsing and recurring course malignancies tend to have a progressive course. Further age is a crucial factor. Younger people usually do not have malignancies. Your doctor must have checked your throat, and he would for sure have picked something if there was any such thing. GERD and LPR are mainly known to cause recurrent sore throat. Malignancy is the last thing one would suspect at your age.
Q. What are the chances of developing a heart attack in a GAD patient?
Hello,I am a 28-year-old female. I always worried about her heart. I have GAD specifically focus on health anxiety and often experience heart attack symptoms so much so that I have gone to my doctor and the ER many times (always to be cleared). I continue to worry whenever the symptoms come back. I have been cleared so many times, but still, fear that something could go wrong or something might have been missed. Is there a chance that I could develop a risk of a heart attack without making any major changes?
Hello. A heart attack usually occurs in those with risk factors for ischemic heart disease such as high BP, high sugar, high cholesterol, family history of a heart attack in young age, etc. Your tests are normal thats good. To estimate the lifetime risk of development of atherosclerotic diseases such as stroke and heart attack, have a fasting lipid profile done and send to me.
Q. How to get rid of the rashes which exist even after medications?
Hello doctor,I have these rashes appearing in my inner thigh and body, and they started small and now has spread across 60 % of my body. I went to my local general physician and was given antibiotics, but that did not help. I was also given Dermol 500 lotion, Betnovate RD cream and Lyclear dermal cream to no avail. It is probably more comfortable if I send you the picture as it is very annoying. It is not painful, but it is spreading to my buttocks, inner thighs near my penis, both arms and body rib. What could it be?
Hello. I understand your concern. I would have appreciated a bit clearer pictures with good light (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The distribution and morphology point towards a superficial fungal infection, which has been modified by topical steroids use? Has it been itchy at any point, any redness? Kindly consult your doctor to discuss the suggestion and take the treatment with consent. 1. Capsule Itraconazole 100 mg twice a day. 2. Tablet Levocetirizine 5 mg once at night. 3. Terbinafine cream apply twice a day. Do this for a week.