[ { "color": "#5cc6d0", "font-family": "YAFdJpYtCxE,0" }, { "color": "#4096c6", "font-family": "YACkoEA0Kc0,0" } ]
[ "Dental\n", "Smile\n" ]
[ [ 659, 1228, 327, 63, 0 ], [ 447, 940, 755, 195, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#2e2635", "font-family": "YAFdJgul-2U,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJgul-2U,0" } ]
[ "Don't use shopping for entertainment.\n", "Keep \"paying\" bills you've paid off.\n", "Trickle effect. Save $1 more each week. \n", "USE THESE 3\nSIMPLE MONEY\n", " SAVING TIPS TO MAKE\nSAVINGS A HABIT WITHOUT\n FEELING THE COST.\n" ]
[ [ 586, 1307, 601, 30, 0 ], [ 658, 1224, 529, 31, 0 ], [ 575, 1144, 604, 33, 0 ], [ 652, 524, 578, 144, 0 ], [ 641, 942, 607, 142, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#faf6f6", "font-family": "YAFdJs07v-8,0" }, { "color": "#faf6f6", "font-family": "YADYEo4t0B4,0" } ]
[ [ 571, 1089, 504, 44, 0 ], [ 336, 943, 973, 91, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#b96a5b", "font-family": "YACgEUFdPdA,0" }, { "color": "#373535", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" } ]
[ "05\n", "Content marketing can position your company as an industry expert\n", "01\n", "You'll gain the trust of your audience\n", "03\n", "Increases brand awareness\n", "04\n", "Your brand will cultivate loyal fans\n", "02\n", "You can generate leads and improve conversions\n", "CONTENT MARKETING\n", "THIS IS WHY YOU NEED\n" ]
[ [ 1003, 1133, 62, 35, 0 ], [ 908, 1239, 259, 136, 0 ], [ 378, 640, 46, 33, 0 ], [ 300, 751, 206, 103, 0 ], [ 1207, 642, 60, 34, 0 ], [ 1125, 754, 230, 64, 0 ], [ 576, 1133, 65, 35, 0 ], [ 501, 1245, 216, 102, 0 ], [ 787, 640, 59, 33, 0 ], [ 693, 753, 267, 101, 0 ], [ 495, 335, 664, 36, 0 ], [ 617, 279, 417, 28, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#15302d", "font-family": "YADXm3pZ1HU,0" }, { "color": "#15302d", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#15302d", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" } ]
[ "Modern Sofa\n", "\n", "SHOP NOW\n", "OFF\n", "75%\n", "UP TO\n", "Borcelle\n" ]
[ [ 173, 274, 778, 104, 0 ], [ 990, 1437, 488, 45, 0 ], [ 1109, 1262, 339, 47, 0 ], [ 1272, 688, 110, 48, 0 ], [ 1171, 601, 211, 76, 0 ], [ 1170, 547, 121, 33, 0 ], [ 1319, 172, 157, 35, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJporQ7M,0" } ]
[ "\n", "NEW ARRIVAL\n" ]
[ [ 536, 795, 572, 44, 0 ], [ 346, 649, 954, 88, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#f2eddb", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD0tAtrwAQ,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD0tAtrwAQ,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" } ]
[ "FROM 4PM UNTIL 7PM \n", "20% OFF\n", "ALL BEERS\n", "Hour\n", "Happy\n", "FAUGET CLUB PRESENT\n", "\n", "123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345\n" ]
[ [ 413, 441, 236, 450, 0 ], [ 413, 441, 781, 456, 0 ], [ 414, 444, 779, 314, 0 ], [ 413, 440, 652, 166, 0 ], [ 413, 222, 687, 361, 0 ], [ 417, 101, 599, 482, 0 ], [ 416, 447, 618, 1123, 0 ], [ 512, 1476, 622, 37, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#540d0f", "font-family": "YAEK94THsCY,0" }, { "color": "#540d0f", "font-family": "YAEK94THsCY,0" } ]
[ "February 14\n", "Valentine's Day\n" ]
[ [ 571, 1196, 503, 77, 0 ], [ 376, 1055, 893, 97, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#2b170e", "font-family": "YAD1aFjegN8,0" }, { "color": "#2b170e", "font-family": "YAD87jbyiH0,0" } ]
[ "@reallygreatsite\n", "Moodboard\n" ]
[ [ 674, 1532, 296, 28, 0 ], [ 520, 101, 535, 192, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJhPTLAc,0" } ]
[ [ 492, 1385, 654, 73, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJriKtFM,0" } ]
[ [ 484, 1472, 399, 30, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e9e5d6", "font-family": "YADZ-fX8WFg,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YADZ-fX8WFg,0" } ]
[ "\n", "@reallygreatsite\n", "Find your style\n", "Ramadhan Outfit\n" ]
[ [ 1077, 1445, 462, 35, 0 ], [ 166, 1445, 290, 35, 0 ], [ 655, 1261, 427, 62, 0 ], [ 358, 217, 1034, 97, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#973c37", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#541d1d", "font-family": "YAFdJkJYP7I,0" }, { "color": "#545454", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" }, { "color": "#545454", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" } ]
[ "\n", "Product Review\n", "\"Excellent product in the Market application always kindly helps with ordering issues, We highly recommend this product!\"\n", "\"Their service of the agent is very good, the price given is also very suitable for me. and We highly recommend this product!\"\n", "Greta Mae Evans\n", "Rachelle Beaudry\n" ]
[ [ 976, 1486, 553, 40, 0 ], [ 168, 331, 600, 62, 0 ], [ 228, 1152, 631, 129, 0 ], [ 228, 695, 620, 129, 0 ], [ 230, 986, 293, 27, 0 ], [ 229, 528, 303, 36, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJn5d8s0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJiLU_Ko,0" } ]
[ "REAL ESTATE\n", "LICERIA & CO.\n" ]
[ [ 550, 1058, 530, 37, 0 ], [ 465, 924, 718, 73, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#393939", "font-family": "YAFdJoLIdPI,0" }, { "color": "#393939", "font-family": "YAFdJoLIdPI,0" }, { "color": "#393939", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#393939", "font-family": "YAFdJoLIdPI,0" }, { "color": "#393939", "font-family": "YAFdJoLIdPI,0" }, { "color": "#393939", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" } ]
[ [ 732, 781, 479, 28, 0 ], [ 733, 858, 215, 22, 0 ], [ 662, 571, 736, 65, 0 ], [ 729, 1012, 451, 23, 0 ], [ 733, 935, 446, 27, 0 ], [ 656, 661, 609, 28, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#222121", "font-family": "YAFdJlTZ1NI,0" }, { "color": "#222121", "font-family": "YAFdJlTZ1NI,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEblMBc9kg,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEblMBc9kg,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEblNfoaG0,0" }, { "color": "#222121", "font-family": "YAEblNfoaG0,0" }, { "color": "#222121", "font-family": "YAEblNfoaG0,0" }, { "color": "#222121", "font-family": "YAEblNfoaG0,0" } ]
[ "AVAILABLE ON OFFLINE AND ONLINE STORE\n", "@Reallygreatsite\n", "Off\n", "Disc\n", "50%\n", "NEW ARRIVAL\n", "LUXURY FASHION\n", "SUPERSALE\n" ]
[ [ 234, 1358, 1175, 41, 0 ], [ 639, 1424, 368, 50, 0 ], [ 1160, 531, 289, 175, 0 ], [ 189, 538, 357, 173, 0 ], [ 642, 528, 447, 180, 0 ], [ 213, 788, 1222, 150, 0 ], [ 216, 215, 1213, 117, 0 ], [ 537, 361, 573, 83, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#4b7428", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" }, { "color": "#354d16", "font-family": "YALBs9DBETo,0" } ]
[ "@reallygreatsite\n", "Stop Dreaming\n", "And Start \nDoing\n" ]
[ [ 613, 1404, 419, 98, 0 ], [ 482, 555, 686, 104, 0 ], [ 349, 701, 839, 473, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD9UdTHECk,0" } ]
[ "@reallygreatsite\n" ]
[ [ 739, 1499, 167, 22, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ac8842", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#605754", "font-family": "YACgEeV8bIQ,0" } ]
[ "yoga studio\n", "JASMINE\n" ]
[ [ 615, 1209, 411, 55, 0 ], [ 376, 1034, 891, 155, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#e75d28", "font-family": "YAD86piO-AI,0" } ]
[ "Name\n", "Date\n", "Find and count the following Halloween items.\n", "HALLOWEEN COUNT\n" ]
[ [ 364, 125, 104, 26, 0 ], [ 858, 125, 83, 26, 0 ], [ 419, 1244, 811, 35, 0 ], [ 541, 200, 562, 70, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJlXyCuc,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJlXyCuc,0" } ]
[ "8 March\n", "International\nWomen Day\n" ]
[ [ 682, 1327, 271, 48, 0 ], [ 797, 1100, 438, 124, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAEwfDWdL1Q,0" } ]
[ "FOR YOUR SUPPORT\n", "Thank You\n" ]
[ [ 480, 1103, 688, 38, 0 ], [ 411, 610, 797, 433, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": null, "font-family": "YAD87juPgMk,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YADK3wExL94,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAD87juPgMk,0" } ]
[ "Birthday\n", "TO YOU\n", "Happy\n" ]
[ [ 861, 784, 529, 279, 0 ], [ 1013, 1056, 276, 45, 0 ], [ 918, 491, 460, 345, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#e14d08", "font-family": "YACgEeV8bIQ,0" }, { "color": "#e9d34e", "font-family": "YAEtM0Whea0,0" } ]
[ "October 31\n", "Happy Halloween\n" ]
[ [ 680, 441, 287, 39, 0 ], [ 404, 185, 825, 202, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#007166", "font-family": "YACgEf5XTk0,0" }, { "color": "#491a20", "font-family": "YAFdJhX-538,0" }, { "color": "#007166", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" }, { "color": "#007166", "font-family": "YAD1bzs0p0Y,0" } ]
[ "Music Store\n", "MORGAN\n", "ES\nTD\n", "20\n22\n" ]
[ [ 600, 1106, 435, 90, 0 ], [ 385, 939, 878, 118, 0 ], [ 521, 782, 52, 61, 0 ], [ 1074, 782, 46, 61, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJvSWHmc,0" } ]
[ "White\n", "Black\n", "Orange\n", "Blue\n", "Violet\n", "Yellow\n", "Green\n", "Red\n" ]
[ [ 1368, 1281, 118, 34, 0 ], [ 1372, 714, 111, 33, 0 ], [ 952, 1283, 143, 42, 0 ], [ 980, 714, 87, 33, 0 ], [ 560, 1281, 118, 34, 0 ], [ 552, 714, 137, 33, 0 ], [ 159, 1283, 116, 32, 0 ], [ 181, 714, 73, 33, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#6b5e32", "font-family": "YACgEXvxf8Q,0" }, { "color": "#6b5e32", "font-family": "YACgEXvxf8Q,0" }, { "color": "#6b5e32", "font-family": "YACgEXvxf8Q,0" }, { "color": "#6b5e32", "font-family": "YACgEXvxf8Q,0" }, { "color": "#6b5e32", "font-family": "YACgEX27qLg,0" } ]
[ "October 11, 2022\n", "RSVP Takehiro at (123) 456 7890\n", "at 4:00 pm\n123 Anywhere St., Any City\n", "You're invited to our wedding\n", "Mallory & \nStefano\n" ]
[ [ 578, 929, 488, 63, 0 ], [ 585, 1227, 475, 36, 0 ], [ 524, 1047, 598, 118, 0 ], [ 597, 389, 451, 34, 0 ], [ 464, 467, 700, 401, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YADXYjqNISY,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YADXYjqNISY,0" }, { "color": "#ff4646", "font-family": "YADXYjqNISY,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" } ]
[ "Buy Classic Phonograph Record and Get Free Special Signature Maple Stick Drum\n", "25%\n", "Discount\n", "Special Offer for you\n", "\n", "@reallygreatsite\n" ]
[ [ 881, 718, 576, 354, 0 ], [ 136, 417, 1338, 784, 0 ], [ 424, 1033, 262, 37, 0 ], [ 136, 431, 1284, 332, 0 ], [ 140, 243, 486, 54, 0 ], [ 1042, 243, 415, 54, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#fffcf5", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#b54501", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#fffcf5", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e0b15e", "font-family": "YAFdJmA6sOY,0" } ]
[ "SEE YOU THERE!\n", "Sunday, November 8th, 6:00pm\n123 Anywhere St., Any City\n", "YOU'RE INVITED TO:\n", "THANKSGIVING DINNER\n" ]
[ [ 282, 622, 1073, 696, 0 ], [ 282, 622, 1073, 518, 0 ], [ 519, 424, 605, 43, 0 ], [ 299, 622, 1045, 247, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEaXF9noCA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEaXF9noCA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEaXF9noCA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEaXF9noCA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7UK6bhCw,0" }, { "color": "#f2eddb", "font-family": "YAD7UK6bhCw,0" } ]
[ "We are ready to assist you with your marketing needs\n", "123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345 \n", "\n", "+123-456-7890\n", "We Are\n", "Marketing\nCompany\n" ]
[ [ 92, 798, 663, 66, 0 ], [ 151, 1073, 599, 75, 0 ], [ 151, 1009, 472, 36, 0 ], [ 151, 948, 260, 27, 0 ], [ 97, 447, 342, 53, 0 ], [ 100, 545, 773, 192, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAEgD4_ouE0,0" }, { "color": "#ff5757", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAEgD4_ouE0,0" } ]
[ "Trace the lines as carefully as you can to catch the runaway beach ball.\n", "Tracing Lines\n", "Name:\n" ]
[ [ 402, 320, 845, 107, 0 ], [ 437, 183, 740, 120, 0 ], [ 359, 88, 165, 54, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEEKFXsRzg,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEnTERS7-o,0" } ]
[ "heaven in the sea\n", "Diving\n" ]
[ [ 161, 1088, 540, 148, 0 ], [ 89, 905, 717, 222, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#daa852", "font-family": "YADK3w_fTc4,0" }, { "color": "#daa852", "font-family": "YAEsdnpVGjo,0" } ]
[ [ 616, 890, 414, 96, 0 ], [ 395, 713, 855, 114, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#00c2cb", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#00ffff", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" } ]
[ "Digital Innovation Service\n", "Dynamx\n" ]
[ [ 464, 1284, 718, 54, 0 ], [ 365, 1043, 928, 201, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEbBJLy8,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEcnJpjs,0" } ]
[ "March 26 th\n", "EARTH HOUR\n" ]
[ [ 359, 1331, 260, 33, 0 ], [ 361, 1211, 578, 74, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#33333d", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#33333d", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#33333d", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YADpK2K4GhA,0" }, { "color": "#33333d", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" } ]
[ "\n", "SHOP NOW\n", "50% OFF\n", "12 GB + 120 GB\n", "Smartphone \n", "BIG SALE\n" ]
[ [ 964, 1326, 541, 50, 0 ], [ 1222, 1168, 255, 35, 0 ], [ 1081, 784, 414, 73, 0 ], [ 1060, 581, 432, 45, 0 ], [ 1011, 389, 478, 146, 0 ], [ 651, 299, 838, 145, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#c42f33", "font-family": "YAD-bcxF3yc,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" } ]
[ "Merry\nChristmas\n", "AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR\n", "WE WISH YOU A\n" ]
[ [ 462, 661, 703, 329, 0 ], [ 495, 1054, 655, 34, 0 ], [ 608, 558, 429, 34, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJsEGkW0,0" }, { "color": "#6c3e22", "font-family": "YAFdJsEGkW0,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAFdJsEGkW0,0" }, { "color": "#6c3e22", "font-family": "YAFdJsEGkW0,0" }, { "color": "#6c3e22", "font-family": "YAFdJsEGkW0,0" } ]
[ "ONLY\n", "$10\n", "\n", "WE CUT THE PRICE OF ALL ITEM TO KNIT YOUR LOVE\n", "Happy Valentine's Day\n" ]
[ [ 626, 983, 113, 53, 0 ], [ 702, 1096, 241, 139, 0 ], [ 647, 1538, 351, 30, 0 ], [ 579, 1332, 487, 66, 0 ], [ 535, 728, 613, 97, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#d76055", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" }, { "color": "#7a7355", "font-family": "YAFdJs2qTWQ,0" }, { "color": "#7a7355", "font-family": "YAFdJs2qTWQ,0" }, { "color": "#7a7355", "font-family": "YAFdJs2qTWQ,0" }, { "color": "#7a7355", "font-family": "YAEEKFXsRzg,0" } ]
[ "SCENTS\n", "LICERIA & CO.\n", "200ml\n", "floral scented soap\n", "Spring\n" ]
[ [ 570, 811, 489, 78, 0 ], [ 675, 556, 308, 25, 0 ], [ 776, 1063, 107, 25, 0 ], [ 652, 949, 334, 32, 0 ], [ 655, 638, 345, 236, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAEtfsBG_F4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEtfsBG_F4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEtfsBG_F4,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAEp1GQxJ-Q,0" } ]
[ "Copy the code below and use them to search for images in the elements tab.\n", "set:nAEyr3Z-dHI\n", "TIP: Select an element. Click the 'Info' icon ⓘ , then select 'See more like this' to view similar elements.\n", "RESOURCES PAGE\n" ]
[ [ 319, 399, 1008, 37, 0 ], [ 1099, 549, 239, 56, 0 ], [ 134, 536, 687, 92, 0 ], [ 621, 317, 412, 54, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#742700", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEQzTJgs,0" } ]
[ "Modern house inspiration\n", "Latest interior design & furniture\n", "Modern & Minimalist\n" ]
[ [ 556, 1404, 275, 24, 0 ], [ 615, 323, 417, 29, 0 ], [ 495, 202, 656, 64, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJgul-2U,0" }, { "color": "#574a4a", "font-family": "YAFdJlXyCuc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEKEiLVjLE,0" } ]
[ "\n", "Random Acts of\n", " Kindness Day\n" ]
[ [ 650, 1195, 344, 25, 0 ], [ 615, 727, 415, 41, 0 ], [ 399, 785, 882, 148, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJl36Ts4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJl36Ts4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJl36Ts4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJl36Ts4,0" }, { "color": "#1c5e6b", "font-family": "YADcrgBnGlo,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YADcrgBnGlo,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJl36Ts4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJl36Ts4,0" } ]
[ "Play his favorite \nmusic\n", "Steak \nand BBQ feast\n", "Get \nhim \ngifts\n", "Do \nsports together\n", "How do we celebrate?\n", "Father's Day\n", "@reallygreatsite\n", "SPECIAL EVENT\n" ]
[ [ 449, 136, 705, 1390, 0 ], [ 541, 1197, 142, 112, 0 ], [ 1085, 911, 68, 119, 0 ], [ 977, 1232, 139, 121, 0 ], [ 529, 261, 588, 83, 0 ], [ 455, 378, 745, 256, 0 ], [ 656, 1485, 333, 41, 0 ], [ 667, 137, 312, 32, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#b500ff", "font-family": "YACgEZml080,0" }, { "color": "#5271ff", "font-family": "YACgEZml080,0" } ]
[ "Sorry\n", "Excuse me\n" ]
[ [ 1082, 1147, 315, 118, 0 ], [ 128, 1149, 569, 86, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#120e11", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#120e11", "font-family": "YAFdJpU7Kkk,0" }, { "color": "#120e11", "font-family": "YAFdJpU7Kkk,0" } ]
[ "Support us and continue to use \nour service\n", "\n", "Thank You\n100 Followers\n" ]
[ [ 798, 495, 395, 55, 0 ], [ 895, 858, 298, 27, 0 ], [ 694, 301, 497, 146, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YACkoGNq-XY,0" }, { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#e7f1ff", "font-family": "YACkoGNq-XY,0" } ]
[ "AROWWAI\nINDUSTRIES\n", "MARKETING MANAGER\n", "123 Anywhere St., Any City\n", " \n", "\n", "123-456-7890\n", "DANI MARTINEZ\n" ]
[ [ 1170, 959, 298, 98, 0 ], [ 330, 618, 700, 35, 0 ], [ 423, 1048, 622, 47, 0 ], [ 428, 948, 450, 46, 0 ], [ 424, 853, 618, 46, 0 ], [ 421, 763, 314, 35, 0 ], [ 327, 530, 697, 60, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD0vtKmslQ,0" } ]
[ [ 298, 539, 1047, 155, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#839d1c", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#839d1c", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#839d1c", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#839d1c", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" } ]
[ "Hanover and Tyke Hamburger\n", "&\n", "T\n", "H\n", "DAY\n", "HAMBURGER\n", "NATIONAL\n" ]
[ [ 663, 371, 319, 105, 0 ], [ 784, 235, 88, 96, 0 ], [ 876, 212, 113, 143, 0 ], [ 657, 212, 112, 143, 0 ], [ 707, 958, 230, 95, 0 ], [ 398, 782, 860, 104, 0 ], [ 555, 618, 544, 101, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#fffcf1", "font-family": "YALBs8ZVRhw,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD86fbDVTI,0" }, { "color": "#fffcf1", "font-family": "YALBs8ZVRhw,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YALBs8ZVRhw,0" } ]
[ "27 November, 2021 | 04:00 PM\nRiberio Ballroom\n123 Anywhere St., Any City\n", "Olivia\nWilson\n", "Join Us For A\n", "Baby Shower\n" ]
[ [ 558, 1105, 529, 170, 0 ], [ 656, 500, 327, 277, 0 ], [ 576, 309, 496, 80, 0 ], [ 534, 880, 583, 122, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAEblLMoH64,0" } ]
[ "beauty and health for your skin\n", "REALLYGREATSITE.COM\n", "ORGANIC COSMETICS\n", "EXCLUSIVE\n" ]
[ [ 301, 182, 1049, 236, 0 ], [ 301, 182, 1049, 1399, 0 ], [ 607, 130, 432, 30, 0 ], [ 301, 182, 1049, 149, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YADW1-vpsoc,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YADW1-vpsoc,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YACgEb2ZvHQ,0" } ]
[ "Visit to learn more.\n", "Repurposed is rewarding.\n", "GO FOR LOW-IMPACT FASHION THAT'S HIGH ON QUALITY.\n" ]
[ [ 164, 1442, 1086, 39, 0 ], [ 167, 1331, 585, 38, 0 ], [ 167, 200, 929, 716, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" } ]
[ "Rosa Maria\n", "Hello, My Name Is\n" ]
[ [ 413, 795, 824, 122, 0 ], [ 575, 681, 495, 66, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#792727", "font-family": "YAFdJjhPExE,0" } ]
[ "Happy\nThanksgiving\n" ]
[ [ 577, 1196, 505, 180, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEfb36U4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD1aU3sLnI,0" } ]
[ "A Consult Co.\n", "Mailing Address\n123 Anywhere St., Any City,\nState, Country 12345\n", "Learn about the work we do for our clients.\n", "cONTACT US\\n(123) 456 7890\n" ]
[ [ 99, 461, 570, 76, 0 ], [ 98, 1011, 672, 199, 0 ], [ 1161, 1029, 384, 169, 0 ], [ 98, 686, 653, 195, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#863400", "font-family": "YAFdJporQ7M,0" }, { "color": "#863400", "font-family": "YAFdJporQ7M,0" }, { "color": "#863400", "font-family": "YAFdJporQ7M,0" }, { "color": "#863400", "font-family": "YACgEdRnAX0,0" } ]
[ [ 92, 508, 382, 22, 0 ], [ 93, 886, 310, 22, 0 ], [ 95, 695, 221, 56, 0 ], [ 94, 758, 762, 79, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#222929", "font-family": "YAD8SnSjSFI,0" }, { "color": "#222929", "font-family": "YACgES4gM44,0" } ]
[ "of Anna & Thomas\n", "The Adventures\n" ]
[ [ 532, 1292, 584, 81, 0 ], [ 447, 1142, 749, 91, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#8d6750", "font-family": "YAFdJhmxbVQ,0" }, { "color": "#8d6750", "font-family": "YACgEVY5j_w,0" }, { "color": "#8d6750", "font-family": "YAFdJhmxbVQ,0" } ]
[ "Knitted fabrics are generally somewhat elastic and have a softer\nhand (feel or drape) than woven fabric. Sweaters that are more\n tightly fitted or have a soft drape may conform well to the body\nwithout requiring tailoring necessary in a woven garment such as\ndarts, flares, and gores. \n", "Sweater Collection\n", "@reallygreatsite\n" ]
[ [ 164, 369, 1292, 294, 0 ], [ 166, 193, 1177, 90, 0 ], [ 1170, 1441, 304, 40, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": null, "font-family": "YAEK94THsCY,0" } ]
[ "Ms. Surprise Quiz\n" ]
[ [ 999, 599, 369, 102, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJsjwyrY,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJsjwyrY,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" } ]
[ "START PRICE $ 20.000.000\n", "REAL ESTATE\n", "BOOK NOW\n" ]
[ [ 751, 1302, 498, 259, 0 ], [ 793, 1450, 418, 53, 0 ], [ 1021, 1302, 207, 27, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": null, "font-family": null }, { "color": null, "font-family": null }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YALBszUSD-E,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YADLjORQ1u4,0" } ]
[ "SHOP NOW\n", "\n", "Fashion\n", "Sale\n" ]
[ [ 664, 1506, 274, 36, 0 ], [ 1116, 599, 96, 841, 0 ], [ 564, 73, 607, 116, 0 ], [ 761, 235, 276, 121, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#cd85c7", "font-family": "YAFdJj8NdaU,0" }, { "color": "#84801f", "font-family": "YAFdJj8NdaU,0" }, { "color": "#84801f", "font-family": "YAFdJj8NdaU,0" } ]
[ "Tutor\n", "Wilson\n", "Olivia\n" ]
[ [ 576, 1029, 254, 81, 0 ], [ 776, 783, 317, 82, 0 ], [ 575, 536, 254, 82, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": null, "font-family": "YAEEKEdj87o,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YAEEKEdj87o,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJu4q1FA,0" } ]
[ "definition\n", "examples\n", "The pie begged me to eat it.\n", "Lightning danced in the sky.\n", "The wind howled all night.\n", "'Personification' is giving human qualities to non-human things.\n", "PERSONIFICATION\n" ]
[ [ 686, 161, 273, 54, 0 ], [ 700, 782, 246, 53, 0 ], [ 556, 1088, 531, 37, 0 ], [ 560, 1000, 526, 37, 0 ], [ 580, 913, 484, 37, 0 ], [ 570, 298, 503, 409, 0 ], [ 533, 60, 579, 49, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#714735", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#714735", "font-family": "YAFdJhX-538,0" } ]
[ "Our store launched a new brand specifically for women's clothing with the latest and most updated style\n", "NEW BRAND\n" ]
[ [ 247, 1436, 1152, 96, 0 ], [ 412, 162, 818, 96, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ebe7df", "font-family": "YAFdJpCEKCQ,0" }, { "color": "#ebe7df", "font-family": "YAFdJpCEKCQ,0" } ]
[ [ 528, 1188, 610, 35, 0 ], [ 474, 522, 700, 312, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#fbfbfb", "font-family": "YAFdJn5d8s0,0" }, { "color": "#fbfbfb", "font-family": "YAFdJh4apno,0" }, { "color": "#fbfbfb", "font-family": "YAFdJh4apno,0" } ]
[ "@reallygreatsite\n", "SA\nLE\n", "50%\nOFF\n" ]
[ [ 645, 75, 404, 55, 0 ], [ 1189, 764, 397, 568, 0 ], [ 117, 344, 299, 248, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#485967", "font-family": "YAEEKKQrAAg,0" } ]
[ "May these candles fill your hearts with the love of Hanukkah!\n" ]
[ [ 980, 643, 504, 330, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJnQq22A,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJnQq22A,0" }, { "color": "#605022", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEEKFXsRzg,0" }, { "color": "#7b6148", "font-family": "YAFdJnQq22A,0" } ]
[ "UP TO\n", "65%\n", "\n", "Flash Sale\n", "Weekend\n" ]
[ [ 434, 1105, 605, 325, 0 ], [ 395, 1151, 644, 279, 0 ], [ 619, 1390, 405, 40, 0 ], [ 585, 300, 488, 192, 0 ], [ 386, 231, 868, 112, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#cf383a", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#cf383a", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#cf383a", "font-family": "YAEDY77AUF4,0" }, { "color": "#f6e3e5", "font-family": "YAEDY77AUF4,0" }, { "color": "#f6e3e5", "font-family": "YAEDY77AUF4,0" }, { "color": "#cf383a", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#cf383a", "font-family": "YAEDY77AUF4,0" }, { "color": "#cf383a", "font-family": "YAEDY77AUF4,0" } ]
[ "\n", "123 Anywhere St., Any City\n", "Valid only in february\n", " this day of love\n", "Let's shop heartily on\n", "Get a lot of high-quality, premium clothing too. You can get all kinds of models, colors, sizes, and other exciting things here. Don't forget to tell others!\n", "Up to 70% off\n", "Valentine's Sale\n" ]
[ [ 1167, 1136, 290, 32, 0 ], [ 1168, 1098, 302, 32, 0 ], [ 1165, 1028, 264, 23, 0 ], [ 1321, 946, 187, 28, 0 ], [ 1057, 940, 260, 30, 0 ], [ 902, 763, 650, 104, 0 ], [ 823, 631, 730, 105, 0 ], [ 675, 504, 876, 97, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJkrxrTY,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJiuMZaE,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJiuMZaE,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJiuMZaE,0" } ]
[ "LINK IN BIO\n", "sale\n", "sale\n", "SALE\n" ]
[ [ 645, 1507, 370, 54, 0 ], [ 776, 938, 478, 209, 0 ], [ 380, 375, 478, 209, 0 ], [ 488, 680, 706, 208, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#6d3a27", "font-family": null }, { "color": "#6d3a27", "font-family": null }, { "color": "#6d3a27", "font-family": null }, { "color": "#6d3a27", "font-family": null }, { "color": "#6d3a27", "font-family": "YAEblIoU62c,0" } ]
[ "2. Identify Cool Undertones\n", "1. Exfoliate and hydrate lips\n", "3. Use a lip pencil in a shade similar to the lipstick color to outline the lips\n", "@reallygreatsite\n", "Tips to appy lipstick\n" ]
[ [ 134, 950, 491, 38, 0 ], [ 135, 808, 497, 38, 0 ], [ 133, 1079, 692, 88, 0 ], [ 203, 1362, 290, 39, 0 ], [ 136, 261, 1033, 406, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJjbTu24,1" }, { "color": "#c64248", "font-family": "YAE2gr0Mbng,0" }, { "color": null, "font-family": "YACgES4gM44,0" } ]
[ [ 621, 1279, 402, 33, 0 ], [ 709, 1025, 227, 30, 0 ], [ 545, 809, 555, 102, 0 ], [ 626, 547, 403, 167, 0 ], [ 280, 463, 1086, 143, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgESME5ew,0" }, { "color": "#010000", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEcYqQ-A,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#fcf818", "font-family": "YAFdJiQUvWc,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEcYqQ-A,0" }, { "color": "#939393", "font-family": "YACgEcYqQ-A,0" }, { "color": "#474747", "font-family": "YACgEcYqQ-A,0" } ]
[ "Contact Us : +123-456-7890\n", "30% OFF\n", "FOR NEW MEMBER\n", "@REALLYGREATSITE\n", "JOIN NOW !\n", "START TO BUILD YOUR BODY !\n", "FOR NEW MEMBER\n", "FOR NEW MEMBER\n" ]
[ [ 438, 1074, 253, 100, 0 ], [ 1037, 191, 117, 103, 0 ], [ 1070, 354, 159, 91, 0 ], [ 438, 1349, 286, 18, 0 ], [ 488, 1244, 161, 33, 0 ], [ 430, 395, 488, 341, 0 ], [ 1069, 248, 160, 95, 0 ], [ 1069, 144, 160, 94, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YADK3w_fTc4,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEap1YR0,0" } ]
[ "Discount 45% Off\n", "Ramadhan\n" ]
[ [ 571, 1509, 512, 58, 0 ], [ 507, 405, 648, 135, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ededed", "font-family": "YAD0tK8KtxA,0" }, { "color": "#ededed", "font-family": "YADK34sD2QM,0" }, { "color": "#ededed", "font-family": "YAD0tK8KtxA,0" }, { "color": "#ededed", "font-family": "YADK34sD2QM,0" }, { "color": "#ededed", "font-family": "YADK34sD2QM,0" } ]
[ "OUR DETAILS\n", "123 Anywhere St.\nAny City, ST 12345\n+123-456-7890\\\n", "FUNERAL\nHOME\n", "Funerals & Cremation\n", "We are committed in personalized service with care and compassion.\n" ]
[ [ 675, 714, 294, 35, 0 ], [ 689, 785, 267, 161, 0 ], [ 1173, 743, 305, 116, 0 ], [ 1203, 902, 243, 18, 0 ], [ 144, 716, 354, 219, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#f8f1ec", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" } ]
[ [ 595, 1513, 469, 24, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffd8bb", "font-family": "YAD1aIFxe3I,0" }, { "color": "#ffd8bb", "font-family": "YAD1aIFxe3I,0" } ]
[ "Lunar New Year\n", "Happy\n" ]
[ [ 441, 471, 757, 268, 0 ], [ 649, 342, 354, 116, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAEY8qS0Of8,0" }, { "color": "#79513f", "font-family": "YAEEKFXsRzg,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJpOISlU,0" } ]
[ "@reallygreatsite\n", "Yoga Classes\n", "WORLD\nHEALTH DAY\n" ]
[ [ 730, 1402, 185, 40, 0 ], [ 660, 599, 331, 116, 0 ], [ 580, 290, 485, 343, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffe300", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#ffe300", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#2b272e", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" } ]
[ "Stars From :\n350$\n", "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.\n", "LOGO\n", "COMPANY\n", "FOR SALE\n", "HOUSE\n", "ELEGANT & MODERN\n", "BOOK NOW\n" ]
[ [ 398, 729, 277, 87, 0 ], [ 403, 209, 335, 123, 0 ], [ 477, 85, 122, 33, 0 ], [ 474, 67, 129, 18, 0 ], [ 406, 572, 459, 56, 0 ], [ 401, 451, 472, 106, 0 ], [ 403, 389, 464, 34, 0 ], [ 370, 1508, 252, 33, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#6f69ac", "font-family": "YAFdJkVWBPo,0" }, { "color": "#6f69ac", "font-family": "YADK4PnlFRs,0" } ]
[ "List the things your students need to get ready before class. It can be a particular textbook, the accomplished homework due for the day, or any specific materials for the topic you're about to discuss. You can also match it with corresponding photos or icons.\n", "Materials Needed\nfor Class\n" ]
[ [ 203, 881, 912, 174, 0 ], [ 193, 573, 928, 193, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#000000", "font-family": "YAFdJjvw9Ps,0" } ]
[ "aldenaire company .\n" ]
[ [ 875, 907, 508, 177, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#624e3e", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdtQi73Xs,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" } ]
[ "Saturday\n5.00 PM\n", "Listen Now\n", "Let's Discuss about Marketing In This Era\n", "LIVE\nPODCAST\n" ]
[ [ 1199, 946, 309, 147, 0 ], [ 1025, 1217, 519, 133, 0 ], [ 918, 693, 589, 129, 0 ], [ 991, 336, 516, 240, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#f8b637", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#fff5f5", "font-family": "YAFdJrEg2ic,0" }, { "color": "#fff5f5", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#fff5f5", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" } ]
[ "FOR EVERY CLASSIC DRINK AT\nWONG & CO. BUBBLE TEA\n", "Free\nSpecialty Drink\n", "Wishing you a Lunar New Year full of happiness and good fortune!\n", "Wong & Co. Bubble Tea\n" ]
[ [ 116, 1031, 645, 101, 0 ], [ 116, 546, 608, 404, 0 ], [ 116, 1174, 611, 88, 0 ], [ 1198, 349, 361, 38, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#2b3137", "font-family": "YAD9UUZHL7I,0" }, { "color": "#161a1c", "font-family": "YAFdJnPX3ZE,0" }, { "color": "#161a1c", "font-family": "YAD9UUZHL7I,0" } ]
[ "FOUNDER & DESIGNER\n", "OLIVIA MAI\n", "(M) +123-456-7890\n(A) 123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345\n(E)\n(W)\n" ]
[ [ 981, 622, 564, 35, 0 ], [ 797, 459, 746, 106, 0 ], [ 489, 972, 1057, 240, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#49722c", "font-family": "YAEFznXsRNE,0" }, { "color": "#49722c", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" } ]
[ "April\n", "HELLO\n" ]
[ [ 0, 1, 1645, 1644, 0 ], [ 712, 678, 223, 53, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJrJllfA,0" }, { "color": "#d11e25", "font-family": "YAFdJsjwyrY,0" } ]
[ "USE CODE: HAPPY4TH\n", "4TH OF JULY SALE\n", "40%\nOFF\n" ]
[ [ 630, 1464, 520, 30, 0 ], [ 586, 123, 440, 33, 0 ], [ 520, 579, 611, 517, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEQY10lw,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEcYqQ-A,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD7Qybjw1I,0" } ]
[ "$7.000.000\n", "START PRICE\n", "FOR SALE\n", "MINIMALIST\nHOUSE\n", "living room \nbedrooms\nopen kichen\ngarage\n", "FEATURES \n", "BOOK NOW\n" ]
[ [ 73, 1272, 291, 50, 0 ], [ 71, 967, 972, 410, 0 ], [ 73, 967, 172, 29, 0 ], [ 72, 751, 331, 174, 0 ], [ 760, 1149, 282, 228, 0 ], [ 728, 1053, 348, 55, 0 ], [ 1242, 329, 355, 46, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" }, { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" }, { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" }, { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" }, { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" }, { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" }, { "color": "#1b1464", "font-family": "YACgEev4gKc,0" } ]
[ "Jasmine Perfume Composition\n", "Top notes are Jasmine, Spices, Gardenia, Fruity Notes, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine and Lotus\n", "Middle notes are Truffle, Gardenia, Black Currant, Ylang-Ylang, Orchid,\n", "Jasmine Perfume\n", "Save up to\n", "Order Now\n", "25%\n" ]
[ [ 286, 508, 440, 124, 0 ], [ 285, 710, 496, 126, 0 ], [ 288, 906, 549, 80, 0 ], [ 288, 286, 838, 81, 0 ], [ 283, 1140, 207, 42, 0 ], [ 736, 1463, 174, 29, 0 ], [ 285, 1224, 192, 78, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#f8f8f8", "font-family": "YAFdJjvw9Ps,0" }, { "color": "#ffcb73", "font-family": "YADK3w_fTc4,0" } ]
[ "KIDS CLUB\n", "Little\nDaisy\n" ]
[ [ 765, 974, 402, 48, 0 ], [ 776, 537, 406, 377, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#684e3c", "font-family": "YAFdJhem5V8,0" }, { "color": "#684e3c", "font-family": "YAFdJhem5V8,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJsjwyrY,0" } ]
[ "Elegant\n", "Casual\n", "OR\n" ]
[ [ 100, 164, 740, 1194, 0 ], [ 100, 164, 1298, 683, 0 ], [ 752, 784, 159, 77, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#2f2c1a", "font-family": "YAD1aYG82rc,0" }, { "color": "#20371b", "font-family": "YAD1aYG82rc,0" }, { "color": "#2f2c1a", "font-family": "YAD1aYG82rc,0" } ]
[ "\n", "for dark rooms\n", "HOUSE PLANTS\n", "10 best\n" ]
[ [ 71, 1071, 1503, 353, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 1645, 1644, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 1645, 1644, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 1645, 1644, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffb000", "font-family": "YACgESME5ew,0" }, { "color": "#f8f5f2", "font-family": "YACgESME5ew,0" }, { "color": "#1b1a46", "font-family": "YACgESME5ew,0" } ]
[ "New Motorbike 1000 cc\n", "SUPER SALE\n", "30%\nOff\n", "Shop Now\n" ]
[ [ 413, 390, 816, 61, 0 ], [ 472, 191, 700, 144, 0 ], [ 434, 888, 127, 164, 0 ], [ 681, 1359, 284, 68, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YACgEQNAr7w,0" } ]
[ "SALFORD & CO\n" ]
[ [ 571, 976, 503, 50, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#ffbd59", "font-family": "YAFdJt8dAY0,0" }, { "color": "#ffffff", "font-family": "YAD86m_J1ck,0" } ]
[ "Casual Look\n", "Dress Wear\n" ]
[ [ 182, 966, 1300, 252, 0 ], [ 182, 966, 1300, 179, 0 ] ]
[ { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YACkoA9eHeY,0" }, { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YACgETiWKS8,0" }, { "color": "#b62c60", "font-family": "YAD87jbyiH0,0" } ]
[ "Toe touch sit ups\n", "Rigorus push ups\n", "Arm circles\n", "Everyday jumping jacks\n", "High knees\n", "workout Challenges\n", "Valentine's day \n" ]
[ [ 616, 1154, 285, 37, 0 ], [ 617, 1038, 286, 36, 0 ], [ 616, 922, 187, 27, 0 ], [ 617, 819, 392, 36, 0 ], [ 617, 690, 179, 37, 0 ], [ 577, 519, 601, 72, 0 ], [ 451, 309, 465, 201, 0 ] ]