Modern humans have been blamed for killing off the Neanderthals by out competing them, breeding with them and even outright murdering them. But new research suggests it may actually have been infectious diseases carried by our modern ancestors as they migrated out of Africa that finished them off. Scientists studying the latest genetic, fossil and archaeological evidence claim that Neanderthals suffered from a wide range of diseases that still plague us today. Scroll down for video. Neanderthals, like the reconstruction above on display at the Natural History Museum in London, may have succumbed to infectious diseases carried to Europe by modern humans as they migrated out of Africa. They have found evidence that suggests our prehistoric cousins would have been infected by diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid, whooping cough, encephalitis and the common cold. But anthropologists from Cambridge University and Oxford Brookes University say that new diseases carried by modern humans may have led to the downfall of Neanderthals. It has been around 30,000 years since the ancestors of modern-day humans are thought to have wiped out the ancient Neanderthals. But the extinct species could be taking revenge on us from beyond the grave by making us more vulnerable to potentially killer diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Neanderthals and modern humans are thought to have co-existed for thousands of years and interbred, meaning Europeans now have roughly two per cent Neanderthal DNA. These 'legacy' genes have been linked to an increased risk from cancer and diabetes by new studies looking at our evolutionary history. However, some genes we inherited could have also improved our immunity to other diseases. Scientists have found that part of our HLA system, which helps white blood cells to identify and destroy foreign material in the body, could have come from Neanderthals. Other researchers have suggested that humans outside Africa are more vulnerable to Type 2 Diabetes because they interbred with Neanderthals. Researchers from Oxford and Plymouth universities have also found that genes thought to be risk factors in cancer were present in the Neanderthal genome. A gene that can cause diabetes in Latin Americans is also thought to have come from Neanderthals, long before their ancestors colonised the New World. Another recent genetic study by scientists at the University at Buffalo has suggested that Neanderthals may have suffered from psoriasis and Crohn's disease, a condition that affects the digestive system. They speculate that pathogens like Heliocbacter pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, were brought to Europe by modern humans from Africa and may have infected Neanderthals, who would have been unable to fight off these new diseases. However, Neandethals may have also helped modern humans by passing on slivers of immunity against some diseases to our ancestors when they interbred. Dr Simon Underdown, a principal lecturer in anthropology at Oxford Brookes University and co-author of the study, said: 'As Neanderthal populations became more isolated they developed very small gene pools and this would have impacted their ability to fight off disease. 'When Homo sapiens came out of Africa they brought diseases with them. 'We know that Neanderthals were actually much more advanced than they have been given credit for and we even interbred with them. 'Perhaps the only difference was that we were able to cope with these diseases but Neanderthals could not.' The findings add to a growing body of evidence that Neanderthals were not as different from modern humans as was originally thought. Recent discoveries have suggested that rather than being brutish cavemen, Neanderthals had sophisticated culture, were master tool makers and may even have had their own language. The new study suggests that Neanderthals also suffered from many of the same afflictions and complaints that modern humans experience. Indeed, there is some evidence from caves that early humans may have burned their bedding in a bid to rid themselves of infestations of lice or bed bugs. Dr Underdown and his colleague Dr Charlotte Houldcroft, a researcher in infectious diseases at Cambridge University and University College London, analysed recent genetic studies on Neanderthals and other early humans. They also examined recent genetic research on common human pathogens that have aimed to trace their origins and combined it with fossil and archaeological evidence. Infectious bacteria like those that cause tuberculosis, shown above, may have been common in Neanderthals. Most evidence from the fossil record suggest that Neanderthals tended to suffer traumatic injuries as a result of their hunter gatherer lifestyle, but there are also signs of inflammation and infection. Their study, which is published on the open source database bioRxiv, contradicts the common view that infectious diseases only really became a problem for humans in the Holocene about 11,000 years ago when humans began living in dense settlements and farming livestock. Instead, they say many of the diseases we see around us today were common during the pleistocene when Neanderthals dominated much of Europe and Asia between 250,000 and 45,000 years ago, when they disappeared. Neanderthals are thought to have numbered up to 70,000 at their peak and lived in hunter gatherer societies. They say pathogens like TB, typhoid and Crimean fever that were thought to be zoonoses caught from herd animals may have actually originated in humans and were only passed to animals during the rise of farming around 8,000 years ago. Genetic sequencing of Neanderthal and Denisovan - another early human ancestor - DNA has shown that modern humans have inherited a number of genes from these extinct species. These include genes that provide immunity to viral infections such as tick-borne encephalitis. Dr Underdown said this virus would probably have been common in the forested areas of northern Europe that Neanderthals inhabited and so immunity would have been an advantage. Other genes found in modern Papua New Guineans that are involved in the immune response against viruses like dengue and influenza may have come from Neanderthals. The fossilised remains of Neanderthals, like the skull above, are revealing more details about their lifestyles. Analysis of ancient DNA has also shown that Neanderthals carried genes that would have protected them against bacterial blood poisoning, or sepsis. Dr Underdown said: 'There are genetic signals in the Neanderthal genome that suggest quite clearly that they were exposed to these types of diseases but also developed some resistance to them. 'It had been thought that many of these diseases began infecting humans with the population increases that came with domestication of animals and permanent settlements. 'Be here we have got Neanderthals being infected by these diseases long before those developments.'
Anthropologists claim that Neanderthals suffered many modern diseases. DNA analysis has shown that they had immunity against common illnesses. But they believe modern humans brought new infectious pathogens such as Heliocbacter pylori with them out of Africa and infected Neanderthals. This suggests infectious diseases are much older than previously thought.
Militants fighting for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq are being led by a highly secretive group of strategists and officials that were once senior figures in Saddam Hussein's army. Despite thousands of foreign fighters flocking to join the Sunni extremist group and starring in their propaganda videos, ISIS' leadership is dominated by ex-members of the late Iraqi dictator's military. Almost all of the regional commanders appointed by ISIS' leader and self-declared caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, played prominent roles in the Baathist army before the 2003 invasion of Iraq and became involved with ISIS either in the resulting insurgency or after the dictator's 2006 execution. Influence: Despite thousands of foreign fighters flocking to join the Sunni extremist group and starring in their propaganda videos, ISIS' leadership is dominated by ex-members of the military of Saddam Hussein (pictured) Militants: Almost all the highly secretive officials overseeing the day-to-day running of the Islamic State (pictured) are former members of Saddam Hussein's Baathist army. One of the most prominent former Iraqi Army generals within ISIS was Abu Muslim al-Turkmani (left) who led the terrorists' operations in Iraq until he was killed in an American airstrike last November. Abu Ayman al-Iraqi (right), a former colonel in Iraqi Air Force intelligence now plays a leading role in ISIS' military council. One former Syrian rebel who became an ISIS regional commander told the Washington Post that he found that almost all of the highly secretive officials overseeing all aspects to the terror group's day-to-day business were ex members of Hussein's Baathist army. During one meeting in which he dared to disagree with fellow commanders at an ISIS meeting, the man calling himself Abu Hamza was placed under arrest on the orders of a masked man who had sat silently and almost unnoticed at the side of the room, listening and taking notes. Although the enigmatic commander's real name was never revealed to him, Hamza said that he later discovered that the man had been an intelligence officer for the Iraqi army before joining ISIS. The same went for the other ISIS commanders Hamza met, who either used code names or no names at all in the hope of concealing their past as members of Hussein's army. As well as their extensive military expertise, another key element of the commanders' appointments has been the fact the ex-Baathists have extensive contacts among oil smugglers thanks to Hussein's efforts to avoid international sanctions in the 1990s. Crucially, oil smuggling is considered the most lucrative aspect of ISIS' £2 billion-a-year income. Leader: Almost all of the regional commanders appointed by ISIS' leader and self-declared caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (pictured), played prominent roles in the Baathist army before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Experience: Former Iraqi Army colonel Haji Bakr (left) was al-Baghdadi's closest advisor and the overall head of his military council until his execution at the hands of Syrian rebels in January 2014. Pictured right is Abu Ahmad al-Alwani - a former Baathist soldier and now an ISIS military council member. The former Iraqi Army generals' connections with oil smugglers are crucial to ISIS' £2 billion-a-year income. Middle East analysts and experts believe one key reason why so many former Iraqi army commanders have joined ISIS is due to the de-Baathification law brought in L.­ Paul Bremer - the American who served as temporary head of the Iraqi state following the ousting of Hussein. The law effectively meant that 400,000 members of the defeated Iraqi army could no longer be employed in government roles and were barred from drawing their military pensions. Many of these highly-trained commanders joined the insurgency in the country in the mid-2000s, which was dominated by ISIS who at the time were known by the name Al Qaeda in Iraq. When al-Baghdadi took control of the group in 2010, many of these commanders were given prominent leadership roles in the hope they might win the support of the Sunni tribes who dominate Western Iraq and who have been largely ignored by the country's Shia-led Baghdad government. The process had, however been started by al-Baghdadi's predecessor Abu Omar al-Baghdadi who was himself a former Iraqi Army officer and therefore more trusted by the military than the Jordanian criminal, former gangster and ex-alcoholic who founded ISIS, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Past: The process of giving former Iraqi commanders senior roles was started by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's predecessor Abu Omar al-Baghdadi (left) who was a former Iraqi Army officer and therefore more trusted than the Jordanian criminal, former gangster and ex-alcoholic who founded ISIS, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (right) Heartbreaking: The highest estimate for the number of recruits killed in the Speicher massacre is about 1,700. Discovery: The graves were found last Wednesday on the late Saddam Hussein's presidential compound. One of the most prominent former Iraqi Army generals within ISIS was Fadel Ahmad Abdullah al-Hiyali, who used the code name Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, and was in charge of all the terrorists' operations in Iraq until he was killed in an American airstrike last November. He had previously been a colonel in military intelligence and served in Hussein's Republican Guard. Other senior figures include Abu Ali al-Anbari, who currently acts as Baghdadi's deputy leader in Syria and is a former military general in Hussein's Iraqi Army, and Abu Ayman al-Iraqi, a former colonel in Iraqi Air Force intelligence and now plays a leading role in ISIS' military council. Less prominent militants with an Iraqi Army backgrounds include Abu Ahmad al-Alwani - a former Baathist soldier and now an ISIS military council member, Abu Kassem - a former Iraqi officer and now in charge of ISIS suicide bombers and foreign fighters. Another former Iraqi Army colonel was Haji Bakr, who is widely considered to have been al-Baghdadi's closest advisor and the overall head of his military council until his execution at the hands of a rebel group known as the Syrian Martyr's Brigade in January 2014. It is widely believed that all of the senior ISIS figures killed over the past year - including Haji Bakr - have been replaced by former members of the Iraqi Army. Horror: Images like this one of the soldiers being led through Tikrit shocked Iraq and the world. This morning Iraqi forensic teams in the newly liberated city of Tikrit have started exhuming bodies from mass graves believed to contain some of the hundreds of soldiers killed by ISIS last year. Kamil Amin, from Iraq's Human Rights Ministry, said the work on eight locations started yesterday inside Tikrit's complex of presidential palaces, where much of the killing is thought to have occured. ISIS overran Saddam Hussein's hometown last June, capturing around 1,700 soldiers as they were trying to flee Camp Speicher, an air base previously used by U.S. troops on the outskirt of Tikrit. The fall of Tikrit was part of the ISIS onslaught that stunned Iraqi security forces and the military, which melted away as the militants advanced and captured key cities and towns in the country's north and west. Later, ISIS group posted graphic images online that showed gunmen massacring scores of the soldiers after forcing them to lay face-down in a ditch with their arms tied behind their backs. After weeks of bitter clashes, Iraqi forces and allied Shiite militias, succeeded in retaking Tikrit from ISIS. Their victory was helped by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes.
ISIS leadership is dominated by former members of Hussein's Iraqi Army. Many joined the terror group in the insurgency after the fall of the dictator. U.S. had barred the men taking government jobs or drawing their pensions. Generals' military experience has been key to the terrorists' spread in Iraq. Their connections with oil smugglers also help ISIS raise £2 billion a year.
The founder of Bikram yoga, who has been accused of sexually assaulting multiple students, has said women love him so much he wouldn't need to rape them to get sex. Speaking out for the first time since six women filed civil lawsuits accusing him of unwanted sexual advances, 69-year-old Bikram Choudhury strongly denied the accusations. 'I never assaulted them,' he said as he spoke to CNN. 'The answer is I feel sorry for them... They're entranced by somebody - lawyers.' Choudhury, who pioneered the practice of working out in a room heated to 105F, has his name attached to 720 yoga schools in 220 countries. Chelsea Clinton, Madonna and Demi Moore are among his followers. Scroll down for video. Denial: Bikram Choudhury, who has been accused of sexual advances by six separate women, has denied the allegations in an interview with CNN - the first time he has spoken out about the accusations. Choudhury told CNN that his success means he would never need to assault anyone. 'Women likes me. Women loves me,' he said. 'So if I really wanted to involve the women, I don't have to assault the women.' When asked how his wife of more than 30 years, fellow yoga instructor Rajashree Choudhury, had responded to the accusations, Choudhury became emotional. 'My wife never look at me anymore,' he said. 'Twenty-four hours a day, I work harder than any human being in this Earth... and this is my reward? I'm a rapist? Shame [on] your Western culture.' 'Targeted': Sarah Baughn, pictured speaking to CNN, said Choudhury told her they should be together and that she needed to have sex with him if she wanted to advance her career. She no longer practises. At work: He pioneered Bikram yoga, in which followers practice 26 yoga moves in temperatures of 105F. Bikram yoga, devised by Bikram Choudhury, is based on regular hatha yoga, but performed in 105F temperatures for 90 minutes. Fans claim that it not only leaves them stronger and more flexible than standard yoga, it also helps them shed weight quickly. Choudhury began practising yoga in Calcutta at the age of three, spending up to six hours a day perfecting his poses. At 13 he won the National India Yoga Championship and went on to devise the 26 'asanas' (poses) and two breathing methods that form the core of Bikram yoga. He claims to have been invited to the U.S. in 1973 by President Richard Nixon to help him improve his health through yoga. After moving to Los Angeles, he started teaching Shirley MacLaine, whom he credits with spreading his name. He also claims to have taught yoga to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton and has a legion of celebrity fans. including Lady Gaga, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston and tennis champion Andy. Murray. Choudhury says Bikram works because the heat loosens the muscles, helping them to go further than they would otherwise. Since 2013, six women have stepped forward to accuse him of unwanted sexual advances, and studios have started to drop his name, signalling that his empire is crumbling. Sarah Baughn, one of his accusers, told CNN that Bikram yoga was 'life changing' and as soon as she took part, she knew she wanted to teach the practice. But when she joined Bikram's teacher training course in the mid-2000s, he quickly targeted her, she claimed. 'I was asked by him to come into his office and he sat down,' she said. 'And immediately went into, "What should we do about this? What should we do about us? We need a relationship".' She was shocked - 'I felt like my whole system just sort of imploded' - and was advised by another staff member to avoid being alone with him. But on another night, he cornered her after the group watched a movie together, she said. 'He crawled on top of me,' she said. 'He put his hand on the inside of my thigh and the other hand he wrapped around me, and he was holding me there.' He told her that he needed someone to massage him, brush his hair and have sex with him, she said - and made it clear that she would only advance in her career if she slept with him. 'Struggle': He said his wife, Rajashree Choudhury, no longer looks at him because of the accusations. Emotional: When asked about his wife's reaction, Choudhury became emotional and questioned why he was being accused of sexual assaults after working so hard. 'Shame on your Western culture,' he said. 'I looked him in the eyes and pushed him off of me and I said, "I can do this by myself",' she said. 'And he said, "No you can't, there's no way". I got up and I left the room.' Baughn has previously likened the atmosphere in the Bikram community to a cult and said she had endured Choudhury's sexual assaults as just something that went with the territory. Others told her to separate the man from the teacher, she said. Baughn's lawsuit is scheduled for trial in August. She no longer practices yoga. Most recently, a Canadian woman, Jill Lawler, filed a civil case against him on February 13, alleging that he raped her during a nine-week class when she was just 18. In her suit, Lawler said she went into the class elated to learn from the master, but things quickly soured as she was expected to massage him while watching Bollywood movies late into the night. As they watched the films, he groped her, she said. He apologized but weeks later, he asked Lawler to come to his hotel room where he sexually assaulted her, it is claimed. Accusers: Larissa Anderson, left, and Jill Lawler, right, have both filed civil lawsuits against Choudhury. 'Throughout the sexual abuse, defendant Bikram Choudhury offered multiple explanations and justifications for his behavior,' her lawsuit said. 'He would say "I'm dying, I need to you to save me. If I don't have sex I will die. You are saving my life, you are helping me".' The lawsuit states that Lawler continued doing Bikram yoga for years and that Choudhury's abuse continued on multiple occasions, the most recent being in February 2013. At the time, Choudhury's lawyers and his Yoga College of India said he never sexually assaulted any of the women and that prosecutors declined to bring charges. The Los Angeles district attorney declined to bring charges in a case against Choudhury in 2013 for lack of evidence, spokesman Ricardo Santiago said. See below for video.
Bikram Choudhury pioneered 'Bikram yoga' - practicing yoga in a room heated to 105F - and has a huge following, including celebrities. He has been accused of unwanted sexual advances in six civil lawsuits. Speaking out about the accusations for the first time, he has denied ever assaulting the women and said he feels sorry for them. He became emotional when asked how his wife of 30 years has reacted to the claims, saying: 'She never looks at me anymore'
As the final episodes of Poldark approach, men across the nation have longed for respite from the hysteria over heartthrob Aidan Turner. But the bad news – for them, at least – is that any well-earned break won’t last for long. TV chiefs yesterday announced the Cornwall-set drama will be coming back for eight more episodes after it helped BBC1 deliver its strongest start to a year for a decade. Scroll down for video. Fans, rejoice! Aidan Turner has been signed up for a second series of BBC period drama Poldark. BBC1 boss Charlotte Moore confirmed that Turner’s broody Ross would return for another series, alongside actress Eleanor Tomlinson, who plays love interest – and now wife – Demelza. ‘I can exclusively announce that Sunday night’s new phenomenon Poldark that has captured the nation’s hearts has been commissioned for a second series,’ Mrs Moore said, adding that the series had helped BBC1 to an ‘outstanding start’ this year. About 8.1million people on average have watched each episode, helping the flagship BBC channel attract more than a quarter of television viewers in evenings, when the battle for attention is most competitive. The series, based on Winston Graham’s novels, follows Ross Poldark after he returns from the American War of Independence only to find that his father has died and his former fiancée, Elizabeth, has married another man. There are 12 Poldark books in total, seven of which are set in the 18th century. The other five then follow Poldark’s children through the 19th century. The first series of Poldark, written by Debbie Horsfield, covers the first of Mr Graham’s two novels, named after Ross Poldark and Demelza. Successful role: Aidan has won legions of dedicated fans since stripping off as the swoon-worthy Captain Ross Poldark in the revival of the 1970s TV show. The second series will move on to the third and fourth books, named after their child, Jeremy, and scheming banker George Warleggan. Women up and down the country watched on tenterhooks as Poldark’s affections shifted to his kitchen maid Demelza. But it is the scenes featuring Turner in a state of undress which sent them into the biggest frenzy. Many have taken to Twitter to express their approval whenever he appears without his shirt – working with a scythe in the fields or swimming naked in the sea. ‘If Poldark gets any hotter we’ll have to call the fire brigade,’ one viewer commented. The current show, with the sixth episode of eight this weekend, has not reached the popularity of the 1970s adaptation, which brought in 15million viewers. Hard worker: The 31-year-old actor recently admitted that working on his honed physique came as a challenge to him, so he'll have to get back to the gym ahead of the second series. Popular: Poldark has garnered audiences of around 8m every Sunday night.
TV chiefs have announced drama Poldark will return for second season. About 8.1million people on average tuned in to watch each episode. Second series will be based on Winston Graham's third and fourth books.
A mother-of-two lost more than ten stone after she became concerned that her size was causing her to look like a man. Kim Callaghan, 39, piled on the pounds after the birth of her two children, reaching a worrying 20st 3lb. However, the determined slimmer has now shrunk down to a slender 9st 10lb after taking up exercise and swapping starchy meals for smaller portions. Kim Callaghan became so worried that her weight was causing her to look like a man that she went on a dramatic diet that saw her lose half of her body weight. Kim's weight loss saw her drop an incredible ten dress sizes to slim down to a slinky size eight. Before she slimmed down Kim's wardrobe was limited to size 28 figure-hiding garments, and she was afraid she was losing her femininity. Kim who lives in Ardee, County Louth, Ireland, says she turned to masculine clothing as a way of hiding her shape. 'I only wore baggy trousers and flappy shirts when I was fat - I was trying to cover up my body because I was embarrassed. I stopped looking like a woman. 'Now I've slimmed down and I feel confident enough to wear dresses again. I feel healthy and very feminine.' Kim married her husband Sean Callaghan, 41, in 1999. After the pair got married they splashed out on a double deep-fat fryer. Kim piled on the pounds after giving birth to her two children, as she became heavier she worried that her husband Sean would not see her as the 'sexy' woman he married. Before her weight loss Kim was limited to a wardrobe of size 28 clothing she is now a slinky size 10. The housewife's diet consisted mainly of convenience foods like chicken kiev, deep-fried chicken, potato croquettes and burgers. She said: 'We loved pizza, chips and chicken kievs. The deep fat fryer was my favourite thing in the house.' Soon after Kim gave birth to her children Owen, now 14, and Shannon, 13, and her weight gain accelerated. Eventually she tipped the scales at 20st 3lb and says that she found it increasingly difficult to find clothes to suit her. The turning point came for Kim when she struggled to keep up with her children she now takes part in regular exercise including cycling around her local area. Kim joined Slimming World in secret and lost a stone in her first three weeks. 'I tried to take pride in my appearance, but at that size it was impossible to find anything flattering, I ordered all my clothes from catalogues. 'Before long I had a wardrobe which could have been owned by a man. I had a signature cropped hairstyle and honestly looked nothing like a woman. I was worried that the the sexy, curvy bride which Sean had married had disappeared forever.' The turning point came for Kim when she was out with her children on St Patrick's Day in 2011. She had to stop and rest after struggling to keep up. She said: 'I was trying to follow the kids up a hill near our home. I was hot and sweaty and I had to stop to catch my breath. 'My weight was getting in the way of my life with my kids - I knew it was time to change. 'When I got home that night I found a Slimming World leaflet had been posted through my door. I thought it was a sign.' Kim started attending her local Slimming World classes in secret and was initially embarrassed to admit she was trying to lose weight. She said: 'It took all my courage to go to the meetings - I was convinced everyone would judge me. Kim feels far more feminine now that she is not limited to catalogue clothing. 'Three weeks later I'd shed a stone and I celebrated by telling my husband and the kids. They were all very supportive and amazed at what I had done.' In a bid to make a dramatic change she swapped greasy fried foods for healthy meals cooked from scratch. Kim even threw out her double deep-fat-fryer. The devoted slimmer also started running and cycling - and the pounds started to fall off. Soon she had slimmed down to the slinky 9st 10lb she is today and ditched her baggy unflattering clothes for good. She said: 'I love being able to go into shops and have everything fit me. I don't need to order from catalogues any more. 'I feel fantastic and I look great. I have a new life now.' Breakfast: Nothing. Lunch: Fry-up with four slices of buttered bread. Dinner: Chicken Kiev with potato croquettes and chips. Snacks: Crisps. Breakfast: Porridge with berries. Lunch: Scrambled eggs with ham and mushrooms. Dinner: Chicken stir-fry. Snacks: Throughout the day she snacks on yoghurt and fresh fruit.
Kim Callaghan, from Ireland, piled on the pounds after having children. Limited to size 28 clothing Kim, 39, worried she resembled a man. She joined Slimming World and dropped ten dress sizes as well as 10st.
Outspoken MP Bob Katter has risked being drawn into a race row after accusing the Queensland Government of believing embattled MP Billy Gordon was 'a little black puppet on a string'. In a bizarre statement on his party's website, Mr Katter said the Government believes Mr Gordon would quit after he was recently accused of domestic violence - and later admitted to his criminal past. Mr Katter, federal MP for Kennedy, is of Lebanese descent. He said he's been personally subjected to racist attitudes from both major parties in the past, and that he sympathised with Mr Gordon's position. Federal MP Bob Katter, who released a statement today accusing the Queensland Government of assuming Billy Gordon would quit after he was recently accused of domestic violence. Mr Gordon was forced to quit the Queensland Labor Party last week in the wake of being accused of domestic violence and withholding his criminal history from Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk . He announced on Wednesday he will remain in the Queensland parliament as an independent, throwing the Government, which holds a razor-thin majority, into chaos. 'In the last two cases where this occurred in the federal parliament, there was never any question raised about the member resigning. So why was it assumed here that Billy Gordon would resign?' Mr Katter's statement reads. 'I can't help but think that the Queensland Government thought they had a little black puppet on a string. Mr Gordon, who  was forced to quit the Queensland Labor Party last week in the wake of being accused of domestic violence and withholding his criminal history. The statement has sparked criticism on social media, with users questioning his terminology. 'Irrespective of his weird use of the term 'black puppet' it's kinda odd how Bob Katter is speaking on Billy Gordon's behalf' wrote Benjamin James. Not that John wrote: 'Wow, Bob Katter calls Billy Gordon, 'black puppet on a string' and the lefty loons stay silent. What if Abbott had said it?' The statement has sparked criticism on social media, with some users questioning his terminology. Mr Katter has since defended the statement, saying he used the term black puppet in light of his personal experiences. Mr Katter has since defended the statement, saying he used the term black puppet 'because I'm dark and I come from Cloncurry.' 'I can understand and I can identify with the attitudes that these people have and I'm going to call it for what it is,' he said. 'I deliberately put that comment in with a forethought, because I think they deserve a belting for the racial overtones.' Mr Katter used federal MPs Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott as examples of independents becoming puppets for the government and sacrificing their independence, but he vowed Mr Gordon would not make that mistake.
Mr Gordon was forced to quit Labor after being accused of domestic violence. Mr Katter accused the Queensland Government of assuming Mr Gordon would quit from the allegations. Mr Katter said he had been personally subjected to racist attitudes from both major parties in the past.
A tribunal found Cambridge graduate Svetlana Lokhova, 33, was a 'resilient person' driven to a mental breakdown by work colleagues at the bank. A high-flying banker falsely branded ‘Crazy Miss Cokehead’ has been awarded £3.2million after her career was destroyed by sexist taunts. Cambridge graduate Svetlana Lokhova was driven to a breakdown by a campaign of sexual harassment by bullying male colleagues, an employment tribunal found. Workmates falsely accused her of being a cocaine user, dubbed her ‘Miss Bonkers’, and said she was hired by the bank only because of her looks. Miss Lokhova, 33, the only woman in her team, won her legal claim that she was the victim of sexual harassment and unfairly forced to leave her £750,000-a-year role. She was awarded £3.14million for lost earnings, £44,000 for hurt feelings and £15,000 in aggravated damages by judges at the Central London Employment Tribunal. They ruled she was a ‘resilient person’ who had suffered ‘disgraceful’ harassment and victimisation by colleagues in the London branch of Russian-based Sberbank CIB. Miss Lokhova said her reputation was ‘shredded’ by the taunts and slurs, which meant she could never get another job in financial services. She has been unable to work for more than three years and the tribunal said it accepted medical evidence that her City career was effectively over. It heard she was tormented by colleagues on the equity sales desk of the bank, who referred to her as ‘mad Svetlana’ and said she was ‘chemically dependent’ and ‘a major car crash’. Giving evidence last year, Miss Lokhova said: ‘My manager and colleagues described me in sexist terms as “Miss Cokehead”, “bitch”… and “Miss Dodgy Septum” in communications made to senior people and clients. My job was made impossible. This persistent unlawful treatment has had a seriously detrimental effect on my health, with severe and long-term consequences.’ She added: ‘I am completely broken down and exhausted by the bank’s campaign against me. I can never return to financial services again, which I loved and where I was enjoying considerable success. ‘Everybody knows everybody’s business in banking and people believe there is no smoke without fire. My reputation has been shredded.’ The tribunal found Miss Lokhova to be a 'resilient person' but ruled that harassment by her colleague at Sberbank (pictured), David Longmuir, triggered 'chronic and long-term symptoms' of mental breakdown. Miss Lokhova (pictured) was falsely accused of being a cocaine addict and branded 'Miss Dodgy Septum' Former manager David Longmuir sent an email to a client in which he said he was ‘awaiting arrival of Ms Cokehead in a puff of sulphurous smoke’. The tribunal said he should have been sacked for gross misconduct but heard he left the bank a year after Miss Lokhova resigned, and received a payout of about £170,000. When Miss Lokhova brought her legal claim against the bank, the false allegation that she was a drug user was put to her in a public hearing, which she said had made her ordeal worse. The tribunal said it was an attempt to bully her and awarded her aggravated damages to compensate for the ‘deliberate, planned and unnecessary misuse of these proceedings’. Miss Lokhova took a drug test during the hearing, which was negative. She joined the bank, which is Russia’s largest lender, in 2008 in an £80,000-a-year post. The tribunal heard her salary and bonuses increased until she was earning more than £750,000 a year. At one point she was awarded a £600,000 cash bonus after generating profits worth millions. Miss Lokhova said yesterday: ‘The case has been a long, difficult and draining process which has all but taken over my life and those of people close to me. But more than three years after my ordeal began, I have found the one thing I was seeking – justice.’ Sberbank said: ‘We are committed to take on board any lessons to be learned.'
Svetlana Lokhova worked in the London office of Russian firm Sberbank. Tribunal found she was driven to breakdown by bullying male colleagues. Falsely branded 'Crazy Miss Cokehead' even though she didn't take drugs. She has now been awarded £3.2 million for sexual harassment by tribunal.
A mother who made the heartbreaking decision to give birth to her sick baby at just 20 weeks had her wedding dress redesigned so her tiny daughter could be buried in it. Jaye Cox and her husband, Matthew, decided to deliver their daughter Annabelle prematurely on May 5 last year after scans showed she had developed a serious form of Spina Bifida. Annabelle was born weighing just 290 grams at Canberra Hospital and her distraught parents were able to cradle her in the short five minutes she survived. Jaye and Matthew Cox delivered their daughter Annabelle at just 20 weeks in Canberra Hospital after scans showed she had developed a serious form of Spina Bifida. 'We were planning a life for her and you think you're going to see her laugh, walk, talk, go to school, get married,' Ms Cox told Daily Mail Australia. 'But we were faced with this decision - do we let her go and free her of the suffering, or do we go ahead and bring her into the world and watch her suffer. 'My husband and I had to make the decision to let her be at peace.' Immediately after they made the decision, Annabelle's parents contacted Angel Gowns - a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to turning donated wedding gowns into outfits for babies who die too soon. 'I wanted something beautiful and meaningful to bury Annabelle in. She'll never get to wear a wedding dress... so this is as close as she will get to that,' Ms Cox said. 'We were able to send her to heaven in something beautiful.' After they made the decision to give birth prematurely, the Cox's contacted Angel Gowns to help the couple create a dress from Jaye's wedding gown to bury Annabelle in. Annabelle was born weighing just 290 grams at Canberra Hospital and her parents and siblings, Charlotte and Sophie, were able to cradle her in the short five minutes she survived. Angel Gowns delivered Annabelle's dress on the day she was born and Ms Cox dressed her so the family could spend time her. 'She was born with a very faint heartbeat. My husband delivered her and she wrapped her finger around his - for him it was really special,' Ms Cox said. 'They put her on my chest and she was alive for about five minutes. She never took a breath because her lungs were to undeveloped. 'My husband and I stayed the night and sat there holding her for most of the night. She looked beautiful in her gown, it was very emotional.' Angel Gowns came and picked up Ms Cox's wedding dress and returned the redesigned version for Annabelle on the day she was going to be born. Angel Gowns is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to turning donated wedding gowns into outfits for babies who pass away too soon. The family, including her two older sisters Charlotte and Sophie, were able to take photos with Annabelle in her gown before the funeral. Angel Gowns created a replica dress for the family to have in their house and Ms Cox says she looks at it every day to remember her daughter. 'This would never have happened if it wasn't for Fiona Kirk and her team at Angel Gowns. Just to know we could bury her in something so meaningful... we are so grateful.' Angel Gowns currently donates outfits to more than 80 hospitals and funeral homes across Australia. They also deal directly with families like the Cox's, as well as a number of different children charities. To donate your wedding dress or volunteer with Angel Gowns, visit Angel Gowns delivered Annabelle's dress on the day she was born and Ms Cox dressed her so the family could spend time her before she was buried. Angel Gowns created a replica dress for the family to have in their house and Ms Cox says she looks at it every day to remember her daughter.
Annabelle Cox was born at just 20 weeks in Canberra on May 5 last year. Parents Jaye and Matthew made decision to give birth prematurely after scans showed she had developed serious form of Spina Bifida. They contacted Angel Gowns after making heartbreaking decision so Jaye's wedding dress could be redesigned. Charity turns donated wedding dresses into outfits for babies. Annabelle was born weighing just 290 grams and survived for five minutes.
Avril Lavigne has revealed she has Lyme disease. In an interview with People Magazine, the 30-year-old explained the debilitating bacterial infection is the reason behind her months-long absence from the public eye. The singer has no idea where she got the tick bite that infected her. Scroll down for video. Struggling: Avril Lavigne has revealed she has Lyme disease. She is pictured here at her 30th birthday party in Las Vegas when she was fully suffering the effects. 'I had no idea a bug bite could do this,' she said. 'I was bedridden for five months. 'I felt like I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk and I couldn't move. I thought I was dying. 'I had complete weakness and fatigue. One night I tried to brush my teeth on the tour bus and couldn't even stand.' 'There were definitely times I couldn't shower for a full week because I could barely stand,' she continued. 'It felt like having all your life sucked out of you.' Symptoms of the disease range from headaches and joint pain to severe fatigue, heart palpitations, paralysis of the face and even dementia. If not caught and treated early enough with antibiotics the condition can persist for years. Sick: The singer, seen her performing at Planet Hollywood in May, told People Magazine she had no idea where she got the tick bite that infected her. The disease was recently highlighted after Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Foster contracted it, who reveled she has lost the ability to read, write or even watch TV because of it. Incubation period from infection to onset of symptoms is typically two weeks, although it can be months or even years between the two, so it is impossible to say when the bites occur. Avril was between the Asian and South American world tour when she first developed symptoms. The musician thinks she may have been bitten last spring, and remembers first waking up on night in April drenched in sweat and feeling feverish. She assumed it was the flu, or even exhaustion and dehydration from touring, but when her symptoms persisted, some friends who were familiar with the disease suggested she might have it. However she said doctors were skeptical and didn't want to test her. After her last public appearance in September she tried to celebrate her 30th birthday in Las Vegas with friends, but she could not muster the energy. Awol: The Sk8er Boi singer said hubby, Nickleback frontman Chad Kroeger, helped take care of her while she was bedridden for five months. 'It was terrible, "I could barely eat, and when we went to the pool, I had to leave and go lie in bed,' she said. 'My friends asked, "What's wrong?" I didn't know.' It was only several months later of, after a number of emergency room visits that a specialist finally diagnosed her. Since October the popstar holed herself up in her Ontario home while she recovers, aided by her mom who came to stay with her, while husband, Nickleback frontman Chad Kroeger took as many breaks as he could from his world tour to be with her. She says support from her fans through social media helped immensely, and she now feels around 80 per cent recovered. She now wanst to raise more awareness about the disease. Around 65,000 people in Europe are infected every year, and 25,000 Americans were diagnosed in 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The tick normally has to be attached to the host for 36 hours to transfer the infection. Ill: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Yolanda Foster also suffers from the disease. Debilitating: Foster recently revealed she can no longer read, write or even watch TV because of the condition.
Singer reveals she was bedridden for five months. Couldn't shower for a full week as she was unable to stand. Has 'no idea' where she got the tick bite which must have been attached for 36 hours in order to transfer the disease. Same condition that has left Real Housewives star Yolanda Foster unable to read, write or watch TV.
The woolly mammoth became extinct as a result of crippling bone disease that left them unable to fend off predators, according to startling new evidence from Russia. It was previously thought that the hairy beast simply died out from post-Ice Age climate change and being hunted to extinction by early man. But now a new theory is set to re-write the history books after the examination of more than 23,500 mammoth bones found them riddled with osteoporosis and lacking in calcium. Dr Leshchinsky, the head of the laboratory of Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental eco-systems, said: 'In some collections that we examined almost 100 per cent of the bones (pictured) had signs of osteoporosis' The major mineral deficiency - which came from the impact of rising temperatures on soil and water - resulted in them breaking their limbs and spines, and left them unable to walk. In turn it meant the giant animal, which stood 10ft (three metres) high, eventually collapsed to the ground and could not forage for food, or flee hunters. According to the Siberian Times, the new evidence was uncovered by Dr Sergey Leshchinsky, from Tomsk State University. He spent a decade analysing bone and teeth samples from mammoths that roamed western Europe and Russia between 10,000 and 30,000 years ago. Until now it was thought that the woolly mammoth simply died out from post-Ice Age climate change and being hunted to extinction by early man (analysis of bones at mammoth 'graveyard' pictured) One mammoth graveyard where many bones have been found is in Lugovskoe, Russia. Shown is a young mammoth jaw riddled with bone disease. According to the Siberian Times , the new evidence was uncovered by Dr Sergey Leshchinsky, from Tomsk State University. The deficiency in calcium - which came from the impact of rising temperatures on soil and water - resulted in mammoths breaking their bones (example pictured) limbs and spines, leaving them unable to walk. Since the 1700s scientists have debated what caused the demise of mammoths. All but a few isolated island populations disappeared between 20,000 and 10,000 years ago. One popular theory, bolstered by this study, is that Ice Age people hunted most of the mammoths out of existence. However, some experts argue that global warming helped make the giant creatures extinct between 20,000 and 25,000 years ago. Other researchers argue that an impact of extraterritorial objects in North America 13,000 years ago, led to rapid climate change, eventually wiping out the mammoths. Today, it's thought that a combination of factors led to extinction. But now a new theory - osteoperosis - might need to be added to the list. Dr Leshchinsky, the head of the laboratory of Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental eco-systems, said: 'In some collections that we examined, almost 100 per cent of the bones had signs of osteoporosis. 'Obviously, this led to a high traumatism among animals, such as sprains and fractures because of the smallest loads. 'Mammoths with damaged limbs or spines could not find food in sufficient quantities and lost the ability to follow the herd. 'Those who lagged behind the herd quickly became the prey of predators.' Roughly the same size as a modern African elephant, the woolly mammoth is widely thought to have become extinct as a direct result of climate change. Most experts say warming temperatures - twinned with rising sea levels - following the last Ice Age all but wiped out their traditional habitats about 20,000 years ago. However, others say they lived long past this era and were finally hunted to death by early humans, with remains found in the Russian Arctic showing they existed just 3,700 years ago. Now the scientific world will be excited by the emerging evidence that bone disease, and a chronic lack of calcium, could instead be to blame. Shown left and right are mammoth statues in Khanty-Mansiysk. The research, if proven true, would provide a somewhat unusual explanation for how woolly mammoths died out. Experts spent a decade analysing bone and teeth samples from mammoths ('graveyard' pictured)  that roamed western Europe and Russia between 10,000 and 30,000 years ago. Dr Leshchinsky, who wrote about his findings in the Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences journal, added: 'The articular surfaces of the limb bones in some specimens were not just damaged, they were mutilated with disease. 'The most typical signs were osteoporosis, osteofibrosis, osteomalacia, osteolysis, cartilage atrophy and fractures resulting in the formation of false joints, ulcers and friction grooves.' The palaeontologist said that in his opinion the cause of the deaths was a metabolic disorder caused by mineral starvation. It is thought that mammoths did try to make up for their calcium shortfall by eating clay on the waterfronts or in mud baths, but it was not in sufficient quantities to strengthen bones. Often dubbed the 'old person's disease' in humans osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones and makes them fragile and more likely to break. It affects about three million people in the UK and one in 10 receives hospital treatment for fractures from falling down.
Mammoth bones found in Russia suggest new theory for their demise. A major mineral deficiency was found in the 23,500-year-old bones. Suggest mammoths may have been riddled with osteoporosis. Animals would have eventually collapsed to the ground under own weight.
While we all know the key to maintaining a healthy weight is finding a middle ground between the amount of food you eat and the amount of exercise you put in, it can sometimes be a bit tricky to anticipate exactly how much exercise is required. With Easter just around the corner we thought it would be helpful to give you a real life gauge on how much cardio you'll need to put in to get the most out of your Easter binge session. Starting at the very bottom of the chocolate egg scale is the mini solid egg, around four of them equate to 550 kilojules. After eating only four mini solid chocolate eggs that contain 550 kilojules you'll need to run for at least 40 minutes to melt the calories away. A 67-kilogram woman who ate only four of these snack sized treats would need to vigorously walk for around 40 minutes before the guilt, and the calories melted away. A man weighing in at around 80 kilograms could achieve the same in 30 minutes. Any child, or grown adult for that matter, out on an Easter scavenger hunt is sure to come across a chocolate replica of the Easter bunny himself. You would need to run for about half an hour to burn off a hollow chocolate egg. What you’ll be surprised to find is that a medium chocolate bunny contains around 4400 kilojules that won’t burn themselves off. If you chose the humble kayak as your weapon against weight gain, ladies you'd be expected to paddle for at least three hours to burn that bunny off. Gents you've lucked out in this department and will only have to spend around two hours in the water. If cycling is more your style, then men you'll need to spend just under two hours pedaling and ladies, you'll need to put in just over that for that bunny to be history. If you wanted to munch on a small bunny there’s no avoiding the 2212 kilojules that come with it. Ladies, you could hop in the pool and swim for just over an hour, or guys just under an hour, before that bunny would have melted away. If you've taken home a large chocolate bunny you can expect to spend at least three hours playing squash before you have worked off the 11060 kilojules added to your daily intake. For those who like their Easter with all the trimmings can expect to spend around three and a half hours on the squash court for women and just under three hours for men, before they’ll be able to burn off a large bunny which adds around 11060 kilojules to your daily calorie intake. Chocolate isn’t the only temptation around Easter time with two hot cross buns containing around 1800 kilojules, and that's without any butter or jam! Fruit hot cross buns will have you hitting the pavement for an hour- and that's if you forgo the generous layer of butter! For those who can go without the extra spread you’ll need to run for about 40-50 minutes to work them off. For those who can’t, expect another 30 minutes of cardio before the calories are gone! If you thought classic hot cross buns were bad, wait until you’re faced with 1030 kilojules of choc-chip hot cross bun- and that’s just for one! Men will need to salute the sun for around an hour and fifteen minutes with ladies putting in an hour and a half of yoga before the singular bun will vanish! Hot cross bun's calorie laden, choc chip counterpart will require around an hour and a half of yoga before it's completely gone!
A balanced diet can get harder to achieve around the holiday times. To keep healthy it's important to maintain regular exercise. To burn off four mini Easter eggs you'll need to exercise for 40 minutes. A large Easter bunny would have you on the squash court for 3 hours. Those who eat hot cross buns would spend an hour hitting the pavement.
Guilty: Adam Rushton, 37, took advantage of his post as a beat officer to have sex with women. A policeman convicted of misconduct in a public office after having sex with women he met on duty was today labelled ‘a disgrace’ to the force. Adam Rushton took advantage of being a beat officer in Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, to have sex with women, Birmingham Crown Court heard. The 37-year-old officer was found guilty of five counts of misconduct and another of breaching data protection rules by obtaining personal data. Rushton, from Newcastle-under-Lyme, denied ten counts of misconduct and two of breaching data protection laws while employed by police. He was acquitted on the remaining counts. Staffordshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Nick Baker called Rushton ‘a disgrace to the police service’ who had ‘brought shame on himself, his colleagues’ and the force. Giving evidence, Rushton, who has been with the force for ten years, conceded some of his actions were ‘not very professional’ but claimed it did not amount to criminal misbehaviour. During the trial, he said he never expected to end up in the dock after going to one woman's home and having oral sex. ‘It's not very professional, I fully accept that, and that it's wrong,’ Rushton told jurors. ‘But no way whatsoever did I think I'd be standing here.’ He was convicted over that offence, and of making a social visit to another victim, while on the clock. Rushton was also convicted of having sex with a different woman at her house. He was found guilty on two counts relating to another woman, whom he met outside work, on one occasion having sex with her while on another exchanging ‘playful and flirty’ text messages before going to her home. Beat officer: Rushton has been with Staffordshire Police (whose headquarters are pictured) for ten years. His conviction for breaching data rules was in relation to looking up information relating to a fifth victim. The offences all happened between 2008 and 2012. When first interviewed over the allegations in April 2013, he denied sleeping with all but one of the women, however later accepted he had sex with several others. However, he denied his actions were criminal misconduct. Rushton had an impressive professional record as a neighbourhood policing officer, with many letters of praise from senior officers. But Crown Prosecutor Duncan Bould said the constable's duties brought him into contact with ‘vulnerable and frightened females, often in extreme circumstances’ and he had ‘sought to take advantage of those situations to have sexual activity of some kind with them’. Criticism: Staffordshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Nick Baker (pictured) called Rushton ‘a disgrace to the police service’ after the verdicts. None of the women made any complaints to police about Rushton. He was conditionally bailed after the verdicts were read out and will be sentenced at the crown court on May 1. After the hearing, Mr Baker apologised to the police officer's victims on behalf of the force. He said: ‘This was an astonishing breach of trust by an individual officer and he has badly let down vulnerable victims and their families. The public must be able to trust their police officers, and on this occasion they have been let down. ‘We made the decision that Rushton should be prosecuted as a police officer, and hope this sends out a very strong message - no matter who you are, and what position you hold, if you commit crime you will be dealt with firmly and robustly.’ He added that after the allegations came to light in 2013, the matter was referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which carried out an investigation. Mr Baker said that, as a result, ‘robust processes’ were now in place to prevent such incidents happening. IPCC commissioner Kathryn Stone said Rushton had abused a position of trust and used his job ‘in a calculated manner to satisfy his own sexual desires’. Ms Stone added: ‘The IPCC has previously expressed concern at the number of cases across England and Wales where officers have targeted vulnerable women for sex. 'And I hope that today's outcome reinforces a message that corrupt officers will be discovered and brought before the courts where appropriate.’
Adam Rushton took advantage of being a beat officer in Stoke-on-Trent. Staffordshire Police says he has 'brought shame on himself' and force. Said he never expected to end up in dock after oral sex with a woman. Tells court: 'It's not very professional, I fully accept that, and it's wrong'
The baby, known as Mary, had been born at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool, pictured, but died six months later with traces of cocaine in her stomach. A six-month-old baby died with traces of cocaine in her stomach despite her drug-user parents being reported to social services five times. Small amounts of painkiller and anti-depressant drugs were also found in the infant, known as Mary, who died suddenly in 2013, after a lengthy stay in Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool. Now a review released today has called for a host of lessons to be learned after several agencies fell short in sharing information that could have highlighted the baby's vulnerability. According to a report, Mary's family, who lived in Liverpool, were well-known to social services and had been reported five times amid concerns of alcohol abuse, domestic violence and child neglect. A school had also raised concerns about the way other children in the family were being brought up. Mary was the youngest child in a family of four children born to a mother aged 30 and a father aged 33. At the time of her death, her siblings were one, eight and 10. Her parents came to the attention of social care unit Careline five times between 2008 and 2012. Mary's siblings' school had already raised concerns that the two eldest children were overweight, staying off school and left to look after their baby brother while their parents stayed in bed. Mary was born 12 weeks early at Alder Hey Children's Hospital in January 2013 and was diagnosed with a number of medical conditions, including a heart murmur. She was kept in hospital for three months during which time there were 'several consecutive days' in which she had no contact with her parents. After she was discharged from hospital and into her parents' care, a number of community nurse follow-up visits were scheduled. But the nurse was unable to get access to the family despite visiting them three times in one week. A fourth visit was successful but later appointments were not kept. A day before Mary died in July 2013, a health visitor went to the home but was stopped at the door. A post-mortem revealed the presence 'at very low levels' of cocaine, tramadol and mirtazapine (an anti-depressant) in her stomach. Police also found empty beer cans, drugs and a syringe on the premises and her mother admitted to the police that she used cocaine and cannabis in the home. Because of a lack of evidence, a coroner ruled the cause of Mary’s death was 'unascertained' as it was ruled the traces of drugs, which could have come from the environment or through resuscitation attempts, were not considered to have directly led to her death. A post-mortem revealed the presence of cocaine, pictured, at 'very low levels' as well as tramadol and mirtazapine, an anti depressant (file picture) The report said: 'Whilst agencies had some concerns about the older children, they generally worked to single rather than multi-agency agendas and processes. 'There was some evidence of good informal liaisons such as between the school and the education welfare officer, or the school and school nurse, but generally the level of inter-agency communication required to support a family with four children was not achieved. 'Child Mary was a vulnerable child and a discussion between health professionals may well have highlighted important information about [the mother’s] history of not engaging with health services in respect of her children and the shared information may have led to further action.' But Liverpool Safeguarding Children Board, which compiled the independent report, said it was impossible to tell if the death of baby Mary – not her real name – could have been avoided. Chairman Howard Cooper said: 'Predicting the likelihood of such an outcome for a vulnerable baby is difficult to achieve with any meaningful degree of accuracy. 'It cannot be inferred that child Mary’s death was preventable, but there are lessons to be learned for all the agencies involved with this family about multi-agency working.” Mr Cooper said a number of recommendations had been made in the wake of the infant's death to improve working relationships between agencies tasked with supporting vulnerable children and their families. The 10 findings made by the board included an assessment that the follow-up services by Mary’s hospital and community health services were “ineffective” for a vulnerable baby in the care of parents with a “very poor history of co-operation”. The panel also criticised the lack of a multi-agency system for monitoring missed medical appointments, resulting in “potentially significant” signs of neglect being missed.
Infant, known as Mary, was also found with two other drugs in her system. She was discharged from hospital despite her parents being drug users. The family from Liverpool were already well-known to local social services. Came amid concerns about alcohol abuse, domestic violence and neglect.
The devastated fiance of the late 'wellness warrior' Jessica Ainscough has written an emotional letter to her followers, revealing she was undergoing radiation treatment in her final weeks and 'giggling and drinking green smoothies' in her hospital bed until the day she died. Ms Ainscough, 30, died in late February following a lengthy fight with a rare and aggressive form of cancer known as epithelioid sarcoma. She spurned chemotherapy and radiation, choosing to fight the cancer with a controversial treatment known as Gerson Therapy, which involves a vegan diet and coffee enemas and does not have scientific support. But after discussions with 'oncologists, healers and specialists around the world', in her final weeks - the most 'difficult' weeks of her fight - Ms Ainscough began a course of targeted radiation, her partner Tallon Pamenter has revealed. 'This was a risky and tough decision, but Jess bravely embraced this last chance option,' he said. Jessica Ainscough (left) was planning to marry her partner Tallon Pamenter this year. She died after a long fight with cancer in February. 'This year has stripped me from the one thing that brought magic to every other aspect of my life,' Mr Pamenter said. Tribute: Jessica Ainscough died in late February after a seven-year-long battle with cancer. 'In true wellness warrior style, we integrated our natural healing regime with the recommended radiation. 'Finally the walls were broken down between conventional and unconventional medicine - I don't know why as a society we must choose one or the other. 'This was something Jess was looking forward with sharing (with her followers). It was an exciting evolution from her earlier days of feeling that she had to be part of one extreme world or the other.' Mr Pamenter said the six weeks of her radiation were among the toughest the couple - who were planning to marry this year - had been through. 'Jess displayed a sense of courage and grace that I am yet to see in anybody else I have ever met - myself included.' The radiation successfully managed to shrink the tumour but 'some complications arose during the final stages of treatment'. 'Not long after, the words I LOVE YOU would leave my lips only to fall softly upon Jess's ears for the last time. 'I said goodbye to the love of my life that day and my heart has been in a million pieces since.' 'Jess displayed a sense of courage and grace that I am yet to see in anybody else I have ever met - myself included,' She 'showed (her partner Tallon) what it means to live in a world full of love', he said in his tribute. 'I said goodbye to the love of my life that day and my heart has been in a million pieces since' 'This year has stripped me from the one thing that brought magic to every other aspect of my life. 'I have been taken to a place so foreign and unknown with no navigational bearing on how to get back. 'Loved ones tell me to be strong during this time... but the thing is I don't want to be strong... I want to cry when I'm sad, yell when I'm angry and smile during those fleeting moments of happiness brought on by the memories we created together. 'I want to sit in silence and be present with every single emotion that decides to show up. 'It's in those moments I feel closest to her.' Ms Ainscough made the decision to undergo radiation after the fungating tumour in her left shoulder became large and painful. It began to interfere with her 'ability to enjoy her favourite things like walking our furbabies on the beach', Mr Parmenter said. Mr Pamenter told Daily Mail Australia she planned to tell her followers about her new treatment just days after she passed away. Ms Ainscough was diagnosed with cancer in 2008 when she was 22 and working at Dolly magazine, a favourite of teenage girls. She initially underwent targeted chemotherapy to her left arm, according to reports, but the cancer returned a year later. She also refused doctors' advice to have her left arm amputated. Jessica's mother was also diagnosed with cancer in 2012, and, inspired by her daughter's fight, she also adopted the Gerson Therapy method. The alternative treatment did not work, and her mother passed away in 2013, an event which Ms Ainscough said brought her to her knees. Mr Pamenter said his partner 'showed me what it means to live in a world full of love'. She was laid to rest in early March.
Devastated fiance of late 'wellness warrior' Jessica Ainscough writes touching tribute to followers. Ainscough, 30, died in February following a lengthy fight with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. She advocated treating cancer with a vegan diet and coffee enemas. Partner Tallon Pamenter, who she was to marry this year, said: 'My heart is in a million pieces' 'This year has stripped me from the one thing that brought magic to every aspect of my life' Mr Pamenter also revealed she underwent radiation in her final weeks.
A charity set up by Brad Pitt to build new houses for people made homeless when Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans a decade ago is embroiled in legal action – after the new homes started to rot. Pitt, 51, vowed to help ‘make it right’ for the city’s thousands of displaced citizens by building eco-friendly homes to replace the ones destroyed. The star personally backed the building of 104 homes in the Lower Ninth quarter of the city, decimated in the 2005 storm, which killed almost 2,000. Scroll down for video. Brad Pitt pictured leaving one of the Make it Right Foundation's houses in the Lower Ninth quarter of New Orleans in 2012. Make it Right: Brad Pitt personally backed the building of 104 homes in the Lower Ninth quarter of the city. ‘He took this personally and was even helping to bang in nails,’ a source told The Mail on Sunday. But in a lawsuit filed in New Orleans’ District Court last week, Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation is suing Timber Treatment Technologies for $500,000 – claiming the wood was defective. It says it was forced to replace decking and other wood on the new homes after using the company’s TimberSIL product. In one case, a house had rotted so badly it had mushrooms growing from it, it is alleged. A spokesman for Pitt could not be reached for comment last night. The source added: 'This has turned the project into a PR nightmare. The homes are literally rotting away because the wood that was used wasn’t as advertised.’ The lawsuit says Pitt’s charity chose to use TimberSIL wood after being told it had undergone a special ‘environmentally friendly glass-wood fusion process’ designed to prevent rot and decay. The timber was advertised as ‘award winning green certified’ and was supposed to be guaranteed against mold, mildew and rotting for 40 years. Brad Pitt gives Ellen DeGeneres a walking tour of the Make it Right Foundation houses in New Orleans. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Brad Pitt before the groundbreaking ceremony for the actor's Make it Right Foundation house construction project. But, the suit adds, a whistleblower informed Make It Right that the company skipped a vital part of the manufacturing process rendering the wood useless and forcing the charity to replace the decks and other wood in all 104 homes - at a cost of more than half a million dollars. ‘Before filing this lawsuit the charity tried to reach an agreement with the wood company but the talks went nowhere,' the source added. Pitt’s charity is suing for the cost of replacing the damaged wood, legals fees and for unspecified costs in relation to the PR damage caused by the debacle. Resident Vanessa Rogers said her front stairs and decking had to be rebuilt: ‘A lot of it got rotten really fast. 'It got so bad I fell down the stairs. The floorboards were rotting and the back porch and deck al has to be replaced. It’s really bad.’ Pitt’s spokesperson did not return calls for comment. Timber Treatment Technologies declined to comment on the row. Pitt vowed to help ‘make it right’ for the city’s thousands of displaced citizens by building eco-friendly homes to replace the ones destroyed. Brad Pitt pictured here speaking to locals. Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation claimed it was lured into buying the special wood only to discover it rotted so badly one home had mushrooms growing out of it.
Brad Pitt set up charity to build new houses after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Make It Right Foundation embroiled in legal action after homes began to rot. Claims it was lured into buying the special wood only to discover it rotted. Charity is suing Timber Treatment Technologies for ‘in excess’ of $500k.
A photographer has captured dozens of Elvis impersonators as they gathered at some of Europe's biggest tributes to The King. Graeme Oxby documented the dedicated fans at events including Europe's Tribute to Elvis in Blackpool, The Elvis Weekender in Bridlington, East Riding of Yorskshire, and The European Elvis Championships in Birmingham. The 50-year-old, from East Yorkshire, even visited their homes to capture images for his photo series, called 'The Kings of England'. He said: 'Elvis was a unique phenomenon, the prototype superstar and his influence has spread far and wide. 'Britain is the European centre for Elvis tribute activity and hosts of the biggest and best contests in the world. The fans I met were in mainly quite old although, there's a new generation of people discovering the music of the King. 'I hope to show the colour, the razzmatazz and the fun of the Elvis Tribute world. Elvis was a one off but all around Europe, and to varying degrees of success, men women and even children are paying tribute to a remarkable performer and cultural phenomenon, having a good time in the process.' A selection of his work is on a UK gallery tour until 2017, ans is currently on show at The Cooper in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. Mr Oxby has also set up aKickstarter page to help fund 'The Kings of England' book - a tribute to the fans and impersonators he has met. Graeme Oxby documented the dedicated impersonators at events across Britain as part of his series called 'The Kings of England' Three men, all with Elvis' trademark sideburns and hairstyle, sip drinks as they attend the Elvis Weekender in Bridlington in 2013. Elvis impersonator Gary Graceland in Birmingham 2014 (left) and Polk Salad Annie at Bridlington Elvis Competition 2013 (right) Mr Oxby said most of the impersonators were older, but some children were also involved. Above, Elvis Boy in Birmingham, 2014. These two fans were photographed at the Elvis Weekender in Bridlington, 2013 (left) and French Elvis, Elvis Gourdon performs in 2014. Impersonator Rob Willis, dressed in a dazzling gold, spangly suit, reclines on a lavish armchair at an event in Birmingham 2014. An Elvis fan at Europe's tribute to Elvis in Blackpool, 2014, left, and impersonator Fisher Stevens performs in Birmingham 2014, right) A four-year-old Elvis impersonator performs in Bridlington, 2014, where fans gathered to share in their love of The King. Impersonator Dean Mack at Europe's Tribute To Elvis in Blackpool, 2014, left, and s Bobby Diamond, the self-described Black Elvis from Hull. Elvis impersonators wait backstage as they prepare for their performances at the Elvis Weekender in Bridlington, 2013. Dressed in a vibrant paisley-print shirt, Elias Boswell, known as Little Elvis, relaxes on a chair in this photograph taken in 2014. Ben Thompson is pictured backstage at the Elvis Weekender in Bridlington 2013 (left) and Italian Elvis Emanuel Febbo in 2014. The photo shows John James Hindle, known as Elvis On Wheels, dressed in a signature Elvis jumpsuit, in Accrington, 2014. German Elvis, Guido Elvoice Regenhard in 2014 (left) and Steve Halliday sings at the Elvis Weekender in Bridlington, 2013, right.
Photographer Graeme Oxby documented dedicated impersonators at a number of Elvis tribute events across Britain. The 50-year-old from East Yorkshire also visited fans' homes for his photo series, called 'The Kings of England' Mr Oxby said most of the fans are old, but that there is a new generation of people discovering Elvis' music.
When Lane Smith passed away in a freak accident last July, he left behind his heavily-pregnant girlfriend and their unborn son. But now, nearly eight months after his passing, the young Oklahoma family has been reunited in their first ever family portrait, thanks to some clever photoshopping by a local photographer. Kayli Henley was snapping pictures of six-month-old Taos and his 20-year-old mother, Sierra Sharry, when the young mom asked the photographer if she could make their family complete. So Henley took a photograph of Smith from the family and, with a ghostly filter, fitted the image around his girlfriend and son, as if he were standing over them. Scroll down for video. Family portrait: A photoshopped image shows Sierra Sharry holding her six-month-old son Taos with her boyfriend, the baby's father, Lane Smith, standing behind them. Smith passed away before his son's birth. Sharry called the ghostly final picture 'amazing'. 'Lane's not physically here with us, of course, but that picture represents to us that he is always watching over us and he will always be there for us no matter what,' she told KOCO. After sharing the image to her Facebook page, the photographer found that other people thought the image was amazing too. It has been liked more than 200,000 times and shared more than 25,000 times, and Henley has been inundated with requests to create other pictures for families who have lost a loved one. In a post shared on the Facebook page, Sharry explained that in July 2014, she and 26-year-old Smith had been nervous about the impending birth of their son. 'We were scared as any new parents would be but ready for the adventure together,' she said. Excitement: 26-year-old Lane Smith, pictured with his girlfriend in the couple's pregnancy announcement, died after hitting his head in an accident in July 2014. His son was born just a few weeks later. When she was around eight months pregnant, they went to jet boat races in El Reno, she recalled. But the weather was too warm for Sharry, so she left her boyfriend there with his family. 'When I left Lane that day I had no clue it would be the last time I'd see him,' she wrote. But in the early hours of the next day, she awoke to a call that Smith had been rushed to the OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City after he had fallen and hit his head. She and her mother raced to his side. They never considered his injuries could be life-threatening, but once they got there, they were given 'absolutely no hope that Lane was going to make it'. 'July 13th 2014 was the absolute worst day of my life,' she explained. 'I lost my best friend. The father of my unborn child. And since that day I have felt so empty inside. A part of me will forever be missing. I loved that man more than life itself.' Strong: Sharry said that part of her has been missing since the death of Taos' father but that the photograph allowed her to see her complete family for the first time. She is pictured in another image from the shoot. Missed: She said she knows that Smith, pictured left, will always be watching over her and their son, right. Their son was born just a few weeks later and when he approached six months, Sharry asked Henley, who is baked in Yukon, if she'd be able to put together a family photo. 'I just got to thinking, we don't have a picture with Lane in it,' Sharry explained to KOCO. So Rene created the photo that has since been shared thousands of times online. 'It brought me to tears,' Sharry wrote about the photograph. 'This is how I picture us. Taos and I living our lives the best we can with Lane ALWAYS watching over our shoulder.' Rene said she was happy to be able to help. 'As soon as I met Taos, he had a smile that was so contagious, the happiest baby boy, and he instantly captured my heart,' she said on her Facebook page. '[I] never knew if I could make this reality for them. So glad I could and they can cherish this forever.'
Lane Smith died after falling and hitting his head in July 2014 - just a few weeks before his girlfriend, Sierra Sharry, gave birth to their son, Taos. When Taos turned six-months-old, Sharry asked a local photographer, Kayli Henley, to make their family complete. The photographer added an image of Smith to one of their photos. 'This is how I picture us,' Sharry said. 'Taos and I living our lives the best we can with Lane ALWAYS watching over our shoulder' The image has been shared thousands of times online and Henley has been inundated with similar requests from other people.
Don't you wish your travel photos looked like this? Young couple Jay Alvarrez and Alexis Rene love nothing more than travelling the world... and then snapping impossibly glamorous pictures at each location. The extreme sportsman is also a photographer and it certainly helps when taking spectacular holiday photos that his girlfriend is a model. The pair share their stunning and carefree images on Jay's tumblr blog as well as on Instagram, where Jay has 735,000 followers and Alexis an impressive 1.1million. Their travels take them across the globe, from their California base to Hawaii and Indonesia. For Jay, the subject of his photos is always his beautiful girlfriend, but the pair also capture intimate shots of themselves together enjoying beach time, sunsets, amazing helicopter journeys and surfing. Jay has even produced a YouTube video to show his lifestyle, jetsetting from LAX Airport, driving a Ferrari, adopting a puppy with his girlfriend and surfing and snowboarding. Parachute jumps from helicopters and hot air balloons also make up the adventurers' existence - all the while looking like Calvin Klein models. At the end of the video, Jay simply asks his girlfriend: 'Where do you want to go next, baby?' Scroll down for video... Jay Alvarrez and Alexis Rene share their amazing travel snaps on their Instagram pages and Jay's tumblr page. The holiday snaps are guaranteed to trump yours, thanks to the model-like subjects and great photography. The beautiful pair love nothing more than snapping amazing photos together enjoying the sunshine around the world. Jay indulges in a variety of adventure sports from surfing to parachuting out of helicopters and hot air balloons. The pair share snaps from Hawaii, Indonesia and their home state of California where they enjoy a carefree life on the beach. While Jay has 750,000 followers on Instagram, Alexis boasts 1.1million for the shots her boyfriend takes of her. Adventurer Jay is also the subject of photos when he is taking part in extreme sports such as parachuting. The enamoured pair share a multitude of photos from Malibu and a particularly good look-out spot on top of a cliff. The pair appear to spend most of their time in swimwear enjoying the sun sea and sand lifestyle they lead. From selfies in helicopters to action surf shots, it's not just romantic pictures the pair share online. The couple appear very much in love in their picture-perfect snaps as they play up to the camera to create fun-loving shots. Jay and Alexis live in an LA apartment together and appear to spend the majority of their lives on the beach. Jay loves nothing more than making his model girlfriend the subject of his snaps which he posts on his tumblr acocunt. Dramatic scenic shots also make up Jay's collection, taken in Hawaii, Indonesia and California. The sportsman also focuses a lot of his photos on surfing, with amazing action shots taken in the sea. The fun-loving couple take a lot of shots of themselves enjoying the amazing views across California. Alexis also joins in with the action, climbing up a terrifying rocky outcrop in this snap.
Jay Alvarrez and Alexis Rene snap amazing photos of their glamorous travel around the world. The sportsman and model enjoy a sunkissed life of beaches, surfing and travel. The pair share their snaps on tumblr and Instagram and have almost two million followers between them.
A shrine created in memory of those killed during the Germanwings crash has revealed the first picture of the hero pilot who tried to break into the plane’s cockpit. Staring straight ahead, eyes firmly on the camera, this is the only photograph to have emerged of Patrick Sonderheimer, the pilot of the doomed flight. Yet the shrine, which was erected in memory of the staff killed during the tragedy, controversially also includes a picture of co-pilot Andreas Lubitz. Scroll down for video. A memorial display at Dusseldorf airport has revealed the first photograph of hero captain Patrick Sondheimer left) who tried to break down the cockpit door to stop killer pilot Andreas Lubitz (second from left) from crashing the aircraft. Mr Lubitz is the man who orchestrated the disaster by steering flight 9525, from Barcelona to Dusseldorf, into the mountains killing all of those on board. It has since emerged that Mr Lubitz had carefully planned the attack using the online pseudonym ‘Skydevil’, according to the German newspaper Bild. As the plane plummeted towards ground, Mr Sondheimer, 36, a father-of-two, tried in vain to save the lives of the 144 passengers and five crew members on board. Moments before, he had left the cockpit in the hands of his co-pilot in order to use the bathroom. When he returned, the door was locked and co-pilot Lubitz, 27, ignored desperate pleas from his colleague to let him back in. In a desperate attempt to stop the fatal crash, Mr Sondheimer spent up to five minutes attempting to smash his way into the cockpit using an axe. Mr Sondheimer used an axe to try to break down the door to the cockpit after Lubitz (right) locked him out before accelerating into a mountain. All of the 144 passengers and five crew members died in the crash. Lubitz, 27, had been plotting the disaster online under the name Skydevil. On recordings retrieved from the plane’s black box Mr Sondheimer can be heard shouting: ‘Open the goddam door’ in the moments before his death. The display in memory of the staff who died was created before it was revealed that Mr Lubitz had intentionally crashed the plane in the French Alps on March 24. Alongside the two men, sit the photographs of the other four crew members killed during the tragedy. All four are seen smiling broadly at the camera. The picture was taken at Dusseldorf airport, according to German newspaper Bild am Sonntag. Last night, Mr Sondheimer’s heartbroken mother paid tribute to her ‘hero’ son at her home 15 miles from the German town of Dusseldorf. Mrs Sondheimer said: ‘He died a hero but he still died, and we are devastated. The light has gone out of our lives. I am too upset to say any more.’ Shortly before the crash, Mr Sondheimer, the father of a six-year-old girl and a three-year-old boy, had switched from long-haul to short-haul flights in order to spend more time with his young family. During a memorial on March 29, his grandmother Marianne Sondheimer said her grandson’s lifelong dream was to become a pilot. She said: ‘My grandson is dead and all because of an idiot who did this to his whole flight and killed so many people.’ During the service, Captain Sondheimer was described as a man who ‘radiated happiness’. Black box recordings revealed Mr Sondheimer frantically appealed to Lubitz to open the door as the plane plunged further towards a mountain. He was described as a hero by his family.
Mr Sondheimer frantically tried to break down cockpit door before crash. Photograph of the captain is the first to have been released since disaster. It has emerged Lubitz was planning the attack online using name Skydevil. Display created before staff learned Lubitz deliberately crashed the aircraft.
It is seen as extremely rude in most human societies, but it appears apes also use whispers to pass on information they do not want others to hear. Gibbons - better known for their deafening songs that reverberate around the forests they inhabit - have been found to regularly use the secretive form of communication. The apes, which are found in the forest of south east Asia, produce a variety of soft call types, known as 'hoos', that are almost inaudible to the human ear. Scroll down for video. Lars gibbons like this one in Khao Yai National Park Thailand use soft 'hoo' calls that are similar to whispers. Yet scientists have found the animals use these whispers to communicate specific information to each other about predators, foraging and when meeting neighbours. The researchers found that predator 'hoos' in particular were produced at frequencies well below the threshold of hearing for eagles and other birds of prey. A dictionary that decodes the calls produced by gibbons is being developed by scientists. Researchers at Wisconsin University in Madison have been using computer algorithms to analyse the whoops and songs produced by the apes. Gibbons singing usually consists of a crescendo of notes, particularly in response to predators. This usually starts with a series of soft 'hoo' noises that are only audible at close range but this rapidly grows to become much louder. In most studied cases these songs are produced in response to predators but they also duet together in social song. This suggests the quiet calls were designed to alert other gibbons nearby without alerting the raptors. Similarly biologists studying lar gibbons found they used a different whisper call to when a tiger or leopard was in the area. Dr Esther Clarke, who led the research at the University of Durham, said the findings could also help to provide valuable clues about human speech evolved and perhaps even why humans began using whispers. She told Mail Online: '(Hoo calls) have been overlooked in favour of the more conspicuous songs. 'We just didn't know they were using context-specific calls at close range. 'It opens up the possibility that their vocal repertoire is much larger than we previously imagined.' She added: 'These animals are extraordinarily vocal creatures and give us the rare opportunity to study the evolution of complex vocal communication in a non-human primate. 'In the future, gibbon vocalisations may reveal much about the processes that shape vocal communication, and because they are an ape species, they may be one of our best hopes at tracing the evolution of human communication.' Gibbons have one of the loudest calls in the natural world, creating whoops that can travel for miles through the dense forests where they live. Most research until now has concentrated on their loud songs which the animals use to communicate with each other over long distances. However, Dr Clarke and her team, whose work is published in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology, decided to focus on the softer hoo call types. While these calls have been known about since the 1940s, they have not been studied in detail due to their low volume and because they are almost indistinguishable to the human ear. Lar gibbons used hoo calls to warn each other of predators but also during more intimate moments like this. The researchers used models like of this snake to test whether certain hoo calls were specific to predators. Different hoo calls appeared to be related to the activity the gibbons were taking part in like foraging (above) Using modern recording technology and computer analysis, Dr Clarke and her colleagues have been able to detect subtle differences in frequency, pitch, length and volume of these calls. They recorded 450 hoo sounds and found there were six different types of calls being produced by the gibbons. The researchers have been able to identify which of these calls are associated with particular situations. The researchers spent almost four months following lar gibbons around the forests of Mo Singto in Khao Yai National Park, north east Thailand recording their calls and behaviour. They found that the gibbons produced individual hoo calls in different situations, including when they were foraging, when they encountered neighbours, during duet songs between paired mates and when they detected predators. This model of a bird of prey produced short, low frequency and extremely quiet calls from the gibbons. This model of a leopard also produced low frequency and quiet calls from the gibbons when they spotted it. The researchers used a series of models of predators to test whether the calls were associated with specific predators. They found raptor hoos were less intense, shorter, lower pitch and had a small frequency span. They were the least audible of the calls. Raptors hear best in the 1-4kHz range while the gibbon hoos were consistently below the 1kHz threshold. Tiger and leopard hoos were similar, suggesting that callers perceived these two predators as belonging to the same ‘big cat’ class. While both gibbon sexes displayed similar hoo calls, female calls were lower in frequency than male ones. The researchers say this is surprising, as among mammals, males tend to have lower frequency voices than females. Females also typically did not produce hoo vocalisations when encountering neighbours and often remained passive. This video shows a white handed gibbon singing the more distinctive and audible calls while in a zoo enclosure. Males, however, often interacted with neighbouring individuals. The gibbons also seemed to use whispering during more intimate moments - much like humans do too. Writing in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology, Dr Clarke and her colleagues said: 'Duet hoos tended to be higher in frequency than the other contexts, significantly so when compared with feeding,leopard, tiger and raptor hoos and raptor and tiger hoos.' The researchers say the study is of direct relevance for the on-going debate about the evolution of human speech. Researchers say the findings could shed light on the evolution of human speech and why we began whispering. The ability to produce calls that are context-specific is necessary for communication to direct the attention of others. This behaviour appears to be widespread and was likely present in the ancestor of modern primates and humans. The acoustic variation seen in gibbon hoos in particular may be similar to human speech, in which subtle acoustic parameters, like pitch, can be important carriers of meaning. Chimpanzees bash out distinctive drum solos on the roots of trees as a form of 'signature' and to tell others in their group where they are. Biologists studying the primates have found over the years that male chimps grip the buttresses of tree roots with their hands and beat them with their feet. The noises produced - which is normally accompanied with loud hooting -  are known as pant calls, and can be heard more than half a mile (1km) away, even in the dense jungle. But now one group of scientists studying the animal in the Sonso Community in the Budongo Forest in Uganda, have found that this drumming contains distinctive rhythmic patterns that can be used to identify a specific individual. Each male used a different number of beats and used a style of doublets and pauses that was distinct to them. The researchers also discovered that the chimps tended to use drumming far more often when their group was travelling. They believe this may help keeps tabs on an individual's whereabouts.
Biologists at Durham University spent four months recording gibbon calls. They recorded gibbons making 450 'hoo' calls from 25 animals that were impossible to distinguish with the human ear and were often inaudible. Each call was found to relate to different contexts like foraging, meeting neighbours, singing to mates or warning others about a predator nearby. Hoos about birds of prey were the quietest so not to alert the predators.
The Afghan Taliban has published a bizarre biography of their 'charismatic' supreme leader Mullah Omar - praising the one-eyed terrorist's 'special' sense of humour and love of grenade launchers. In a clear attempt to counter the growing influence of ISIS in the central Asian country, the Taliban propaganda release lavished praise on the extremist in celebration of his 19th year as leader. The Taliban have reportedly seen defections to ISIS recently, with some insurgents expressing their disaffection with the one-eyed warrior-cleric who has not been seen since the 2001 US-led invasion. The biography, posted just after midnight on the Taliban's main website, described Mullah Omar as being actively involved in 'jihadi activities', dispelling speculation that he died long ago. 'Special sense of humour': In a clear attempt to counter the growing influence of ISIS in Afghanistan, the Taliban propaganda release lavished praise on the one-eyed extremist (pictured left and right) Weapon of choice: The Taliban's bizarre biography of their 'charismatic' supreme leader Mullah Omar praises the one-eyed terrorist's 'special' sense of humour and love of grenade launchers (pictured) Despite being 'regularly tracked by the enemy, no major change and disruption has been observed in the routine works of [Mullah Omar] in... organising the jihadi activities as the leader of the Islamic Emirate,' it said. 'He keenly follows and inspects the... activities against the brutal infidel foreign invaders.' Lionising the militant's 'charismatic personality', the biography also contained several anecdotes of battlefield valour and described the RPG-7 grenade launcher as his 'preferred weapon of choice'. The enigmatic, remote figure has not made a public appearance since the 2001 invasion, and has hardly ever been photographed. The US State Department - which has a $10 million bounty on his head - only describes him as a tall male with a shrapnel wound to the right eye. Enemies: The Taliban (pictured) have reportedly seen defections to ISIS recently, with some insurgents expressing their disaffection with Mullah Omar who has not been seen since the 2001 US-led invasion. Jihadi rivalry: The Taliban clearly fears the growing influence within its ranks of the Islamic State - the terrorist organisation led by Iraqi extremist and self-appointed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (pictured) The Taliban's surprise move to release his richly-detailed biography, even describing his personal and family life, took security analysts by surprise. 'The Taliban have posted Omar's biography for several strategic reasons - the most important of which is to counter Daesh influence in their ranks,' said Ahmad Sayedi, an expert on the Taliban, alluding to the Arabic abbreviation for the Islamic State terror group. 'This announcement is also meant to show that Omar is alive and well and still in control as the supreme leader of the Taliban.' In the past 13 years, Omar has stayed completely out of the public eye amid growing power struggles within the Taliban and fears of ISIS' influence in their ranks as an ideological rival. The Afghan government has also raised the ominous prospect of ISIS making inroads into the country, though the group that has taken over swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria has never formally acknowledged having a presence in Afghanistan. In February a US-led NATO drone strike killed a former Taliban commander and a Guantanamo detainee suspected of links to ISIS in the volatile southern province of Helmand. Former fighters: Three former Taliban members carry their weapons during a handover as they join a government peace and reconciliation process at a ceremony in Herat. A US Department of Defense image obtained from November 2001 shows a leaflet the US were then dropping in Afghanistan showing pictures of Taliban leader Mullah Omar with the warning 'We are watching!' Mullah Abdul Rauf Khadim, who led around 300 men, had reportedly defected from the Taliban to join ISIS. The whereabouts of Omar remain a mystery but he is believed to be leading the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan from a hiding place somewhere in Pakistan. The news comes as Afghanistan's senior Shiite community leader said ISIS was responsible for kidnapping dozens of Shiite men and boys in February. Mohammad Mohaqiq said two former Taliban leaders, who switched allegiance to ISIS, were responsible for the abduction of 31 members of the minority Shiite Hazara community on February 24 in southern Zabul province. It is the first time an Afghan leader has confirmed ISIS involvement in the kidnappings.
Taliban militants have lavished praise on their enigmatic supreme leader. Described jihadi's intense love of his family and RPG missile launchers. Biography was officially said to have been released in celebration of Mullah Omar's 19th year as leader of the Afghan Taliban. But it was also a clear attempt to counter the growing influence of ISIS. Several Afghan Taliban members have defected to ISIS in recent months.
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani (above) has pledged to abide by the commitments of a nuclear agreement that promises to end years of crippling sanctions. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has pledged to abide by the commitments of a nuclear agreement that promises to end years of crippling sanctions. Residents danced in the streets, blared their horns and joyously waved their national flag following the breakthrough deal. The agreement between Iran and the West, struck after a 12-year stand-off, aims to prevent Tehran making a nuclear weapon in exchange for phased sanction relief. Mr Rouhani also called on world powers to fulfil their part of the deal. Speaking after the announcement he said: 'Everything we promised in the nuclear talks ... we will remain loyal to and stand by our promises. 'The world must know that we do not intend to cheat.' David Cameron and Barack Obama insisted the deal was 'strong'. The marathon talks between Iran and the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany in Lausanne, on the shores of Lake Geneva, had run over their deadline by more than two days with many fearing a deal was not possible. But last night, the EU's foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini announced Iran had agreed to restrictions on its enrichment of material that can be used either for energy production or in nuclear warheads. Under its terms, Iran would scale down plans to enrich uranium and make weapons-grade plutonium in return for Western powers dropping stringent economic sanctions. They will also be subjected to inspections. If they are found to be in violation of the terms, the sanctions will be put back in place. Iranians celebrated in Tehran last night after a historic deal was struck between Iran and six world powers. The deal promises to end years of crippling sanctions against Iran and locals could not contain their joy. Mohammad Javad Zarif milks the applause of the crowd after securing the agreement in Lausanne. A man holds up a £5 note out of his car to mark the lifting of stringent sanctions on Iran last night. The powers hope the deal will make it virtually impossible for Iran to make nuclear weapons under the guise of its civilian programme. Iran and the six world powers must now finalise the deal by June 30. Negotiations on a comprehensive deal will begin in days. After learning that economic and financial sanctions will be rolled back, Iranians danced in the streets, flashing victory signs and brandishing US dollar notes. In Tehran, there were jubilant scenes as locals - many hanging out of cars - celebrated by unfurling national flags and punching their fists in celebration. A new chapter of 'cooperation with the world' will begin when the final deal goes into effect after July, Mr Rouhani said. He said: 'Our enrichment and entire nuclear technology is only for the development of Iran. It will not be against regional countries or against the world. There were joyous scenes in Tehran last night as Iranians waved flags and gave the victory salute. Iranians flash the victory sign from their car while celebrating the breakthrough deal in Switzerland last night. The plans agreed in Switzerland lay the ground for a new relationship between Iran and the six world powers. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, arriving home, called the agreement a 'win-win outcome' Crucially for Iranians, economic and financial sanctions relating to its nuclear programmes will be rolled back. 'Some think we have no option except to fight the world or to surrender. But there is a third way, too. We have to have cooperation with the world.' Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was mobbed by ecstatic supporters as he arrived at the Mehrabad airport in Tehran after securing the historic deal in Switzerland. He reassured Iranians that the country's nuclear programme will continue but said any negotiation requires give and take. He said: 'Our programme is exclusively peaceful, has always been and always will remain exclusively peaceful. 'Our facilities will continue. We will continue enriching, we will continue research and development.' He added a planned heavy water reactor will be 'modernised' and that the Iranians would keep their deeply buried underground facility at Fordo. 'We have taken a major step but are still some way away from where we want to be', Mr Zarif said, adding that the preliminary step was a 'win-win outcome'. Tuned in: Philip Hammond said the deal would 'provide reassurance that the programme is peaceful' This map helps demonstrate how Iran's nuclear programme is spread across the country - the agreement hopes to prevent Tehran making a nuclear weapon. A Tehran resident, Alireza, 37, told CNN: 'Things can't get worse than they are so, I'm happy with this news. 'This is pretty historic and I pray that my children will be able to live in an Iran that can play nice with the international community.' But the news was not welcomed by all, with Iran's hard-liners describing it as a disaster for Iran. Hossein Shariatmadari, an adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and editor of the hard-line Kayhan daily, said Iran had exchanged its 'ready-to-race horse with a broken bridle'. On a visit to Chorley today, the Prime Minister hailed the 'strong' deal struck in Lausanne. Mr Cameron said: 'I believe this is a great deal and a strong deal. We are all concerned about Iran getting nuclear weapons but what this deal does is block all the pathways to a nuclear weapon, and then have proper inspection and verification. 'Crucially the sanctions that have done so much to bring Iran back to the table, they don't come off unless Iran implements its side.' Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the deal would 'provide reassurance that the programme is peaceful'. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Wu Hailong, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarifat, an unidentified Russian official, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and US Secretary of State John Kerry, who secured the preliminary agreement in Lausanne. From left Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond speaks to US Secretary of State John Kerry as European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarifat take their positions before making a statement on the Iranian deal. 'This is well beyond what many of us thought possible even 18 months ago and a good basis for what I believe could be a very good deal,' he said last night. 'But there is still more work to do. The fine detail of any deal will be very important, in particular specifics of oversight measures and mechanisms for handling UN Security Council resolutions. 'Diplomats and technical experts from all sides will work intensively over the coming weeks to finalise the detail by the end of June. Sanctions will remain in place until the comprehensive deal is agreed and implemented.' He added: 'Talks were extremely tough. We always said we would never agree a bad deal. This outcome is testament to the persistence and willingness of all sides to be flexible in finding solutions to seemingly intractable problems. 'It demonstrates what can be achieved when international partners work together in pursuit of a common goal.' Speaking at the White House Rose Garden, Mr Obama said that 'if Iran cheats, the world will know it' Mr Obama staked the reputation of his administration on reaching what many believed was an unlikely deal. Mr Obama urged a more cautious note following the breakthrough. Speaking in the White House Rose Garden yesterday, he said: 'If we can get this done, and Iran follows through on the framework that our negotiators agreed to, we will be able to resolve one of the greatest threats to our security, and to do so peacefully. But, he added: 'If Iran cheats, the world will know it.' And 'If there is backsliding' and Iran doesn't meet certain specifications 'there will be no deal.' US Secretary of State John Kerry admitted there was still progress to be made when the deal was signed. He said: 'We have no illusions about the fact that we have a ways to travel. We still have many technical details that have to be addressed.' Following the deal, Israeli leaders immediately raised concerns, vowing to fight any agreement before it is finalized in the coming months. Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Iran nuclear deal, claiming it threatens the Jewish state and puts his people in mortal danger. One of Netanyahu's scathing comments was shared on his Twitter page during his speech. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been a leading critic of the nuclear talks, stressing he believes it will leave too much of Iran's nuclear infrastructure intact. After speaking to the US President on the phone, he said in a televised statement just hours after the agreement was signed: 'A deal based on this framework would threaten the survival of Israel.' He added: 'Such a deal would not block Iran's path to the bomb. It would pave it.' It prompted Netanyahu to urge more pressure to be placed on Iran by Western powers until a better deal is reached. Israel's Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz, who oversees the monitoring of the nuclear programme, claimed the deal was 'disconnected from the sad reality' of the region. He added: 'Since the declaration is far from being a real agreement, we will continue in our efforts to explain and persuade the world in the hope of preventing a bad agreement, or at least to insert corrections and improvements.' The preliminary agreement announced in Switzerland on Thursday is spelled out in a four-page document (below) released by the White House and the State Department. Here's some of what Iran is agreeing to do:. In return, the West will:. Obama insisted that: 'If Iran cheats, the world will know it'. He added if Tehran didn't meet certain conditions there would be no deal.
Hassan Rouhani also urged world powers to fulfil their part of agreement. Iranians celebrated breakthrough deal that promises to end sanctions. David Cameron said: 'I believe this is a great deal and a strong deal' Aims to stop Iran making a nuclear weapon in return for sanction relief.
A prolific gang of thieves who carried out early morning raids on multi-million pound mansions to steal cash, jewellery and luxury cars have been jailed for a total of 17 years. Mohammed Alam, Sayed Juied and Sadek Miah treated burglary 'like a job, a profession,' raiding houses in affluent west London, Herfordshire and Surrey. Over the course of 11 months the gang broke into 21 homes, taking a Ferrari, Porches, Minis, paintings and cash worth £1million, often waiting until home owners were on holiday before striking. Sayed Juied, 32, and Sadek Miah, 31, were jailed for six years each after admitting to raiding 21 muti-million pound homes in west London, Hertfordshire and Surrey. The gang were undeterred by security systems, officers said, instead viewing them as a sign a property was worth raiding. If they found that valuables were locked in a safe inside, they would simply cut the safe out, before cracking it open later. Officers first began hunting the group in July last year after a raid on a £2.6million house in Somerset Road, Wimbledon, next door to the Lawn Tennis Association. Mohammed Alam, 26, was give five years. Police said the gang treated robbery as 'a profession', surveying properties before they struck. The raiders smashed in a back window before ransacking the property, taking keys to a £30,000 Porsche Cayenne and a £20,000 Mini Cooper, along with £13,000 of jewellery and electrical items. The house was so badly damaged the owners also had to foot a £13,000 repair bill. A week later the gang struck two neighbouring homesin Putney, including one £4.6million house, taking jewellery worth £38,700, and a Porsche Cayenne worth £75,000. Continuing their all-night burglary spree, they hit another Putney home where they stole a personalised Ferrari worth £280,000, a matching Cayenne worth £130,000, and a painting worth nearly £50,000. Jewellery worth £8,600 was taken along with £1,400 in foreign notes was taken from a house in Kingston Hill during another raid in July. In another burglary in Kingston Hill last July, the back patio doors were forced open while the homeowners were away and the alarm system was smashed. Jewellery worth £8,600 was taken along with £1,400 in foreign currency. Three homes in Arthur Road, Wimbledon, were targeted between December 2013 and July last year, with damage caused to front doors and property worth £500 taken during one raid. Police tracked the trio after staff at the All England Club, home to the Wimbledon tennis championships, caught their car on CCTV. They passed the details to the Metropolitan Police, who found that the car had been rented by Alam, 26, from Unxbridge, who had used his real name. That in turn led them to Juied, 32, and Miah, 31, both from Maida Vale, west London. When police arrested the trio they found multiple Google searches on their computers on how to disable alarm systems and CCTV, and how to crack open safes. The gang took cars, cash, jewellery, electricals and paintings worth a total of £1million over the course of 11 months. Among their haul were two Porche Cayennes (pictured) worth a total of £205,000. During one raid at a £2.6million opposite the All England Lawn Tennis Association in Wimbledon, the raiders made off with a £20,000 Mini Cooper (pictured) along with a Porsche, cash and jewels. The gang admitted conspiring to commit the burglaries, and were jailed for a total of 17 years at Kingston Crown Court on Wednesday. Alam was given five years behind bars, while Juied and Miah were both given six-year prison terms. Detective Sergeant Dan Mitchell, from Merton burglary team, said: 'They would conduct reconnaissance on big detached houses in really affluent neighbourhoods and then break in. 'They were quite an unusual team, they were not deterred at all by CCTV and alarm systems, that's how they thought somewhere was a worthwhile target. 'They would smash the alarm box as soon as they got in. They would go straight for the safe and try and take the whole safe out, the main thing they wanted was cash. 'They were treating it as a job, a profession. They're the most professional team I have worked on.'
Mohammed Alam, Sayed Juied and Sadek Miah raided a total of 21 homes. Surveyed homes before striking, often waiting until owners were away. Had taught themselves how to disable security systems and CCTV cameras. Took Ferrari, Porches, art and jewels worth total of £1million in 11 months. Were jailed at Kingston Crown Court after admitting burglary offences.
A 12-year-old Israeli girl is missing after a tour boat she was on exploded and caught fire off Thailand's southwestern coast on its way to Phuket. The youngster was thought to have been in the toilet on board the Ao Nang Princess 5 ferry which was carrying more than 100 people, including many foreign tourists, when the incident happened at around 3.30pm local time. Passengers were throwing themselves into the Andaman Sea after the engine exploded and flames ripped through the boat, according to the Bangkok Post. Photos taken by rescuers, including the Krabi Marine Police, showed the abandoned vessel burning down almost to the waterline before sinking. The Ao Nang Princess 5 ferry burns after the engine exploded in the Andaman Sea in Krabi province. A 12-year-old Israeli girl who was reportedly in the toilet at the time is still thought to be missing. Thick black smoke can be seen rising from the stricken vessel. Between 100 and 110 passengers and crew had to be rescued by a dozen fishing trawlers, speed boats and rescue craft. The Associated Press reported that the 12-year-old girl may have been picked up by another boat that was going to the beach resort of Phuket. But Police Captain Sutthiwat Aunsiam, a duty officer at Muang Krabi station, told Jor Sor 100 radio late in the evening that rescue units are still searching for the girl and Krabi Governor Songpol Sawasditham confirmed her disappearance, according to Thai Rath Online. Most of the passengers and crew, totalling between 100 and 110, were taken back to Ao Nang near the resort town of Krabi from where the Ao Nang Princess 5 originally set off. About a dozen fishing trawlers, speed boats and rescue craft from police and marine authorities assisted in the rescue operation. More rescue staff and divers, including personnel from Third Naval Area Command, will join the search for the missing girl tomorrow. None of those brought ashore were reported to be injured, but one person aboard the boat did die, according to Phuket News. Pol Capt Sutthiwat quoted Wirat Jittaraporn, the captain of the 35-metre long, 4.5-metre wide ferry, as saying the vessel was about five miles from Railay beach near Ao Nang when he heard an explosion from the engine room. He immediately ordered everyone to don life jackets and prepare to abandon ship. The fire quickly engulfed the ferry and burned it to the waterline before it sank at around 6pm off Krabi's Noppharat Thara beach. Photos taken by rescuers, including the Krabi Marine Police, showed the abandoned vessel burning down almost to the waterline before sinking. Passenger Panupon Rattanakornpanya, 44, told Thai Rath Online, that crew members told him and his wife and child that a fire had broken out and ordered everyone to gather at the bow. 'The fire then grew stronger. Everyone was in a panic. Some were crying. Many grabbed jackets and passed them on to others before we jumped into the water,' he said. Governor Songpol said the ferry was equipped with fire extinguishers, 'but in this case it appeared [the crew] were not able to control the blaze and this must be investigated again'. The governor went to Ao Nang, a popular hopping off point for Phi Phi, Phuket, Koh Lanta and other islands, as passengers from the sunken vessel milled on the shore. 'We hope the girl is still alive,' said the Director of Marine Office 5 for the region, Wichai Kamwong, according to Phuketwan. 'The ferry burned with remarkable speed so to have the speedboats and fishing trawlers close by to help was wonderful.' The sunken ferry was operated by Ao Nang Travel and Tour Co. Thailand's tourist industry, which welcomes more than 20 million people a year, has suffered a black eye in recent years due to domestic political violence and several high-profile killings and unexplained accidental deaths of Westerners, but serious marine accidents are uncommon.
Ao Nang Princess 5 ferry was in Andaman Sea on way from resort of Krabi. Was five miles from the coast travelling to Phuket when engine exploded. 35-metre-long boat caught fire around 3.30pm before sinking around 6pm. Passengers seen throwing themselves overboard before being rescued. No injuries reported but search will continue into tomorrow for missing girl.
Married father-of-two Steven Christopher Costa, from Devon, plans to head to Iraq to fight against ISIS. A married father-of-two is set to leave his home in Devon to fight against ISIS in Iraq because jihadis 'need to be put down like rabid dogs'. Steven Christopher Costa, 31, plans to head out to the Middle East next month to join the war against the terrorists, leaving his wife and young children behind. Mr Costa, who spent six years in the Navy, will make the 4,000-mile trip after raising the cash to pay for flights. He said: 'When you have a rabid dog, you take it to the vet and put it down. 'Lots of people have said it's an admirable thing I am doing. I think it's a necessary thing.' When he arrives in Iraq, Mr Costa will join up with Kurdish fighters and other foreign ex-servicemen who have joined the battle against the barbaric Islamists. The former seaman was recruited through the Foreign Fighters Against ISIS Facebook group, who help ex-military personnel make the journey to ISIS-controlled territory. He has applied for a visa and plans to fly to northern Iraq via Jordan. Mr Costa said he will take his own life if he is ever captured by the terrorists because he does not want his children to see him being executed in a Jihadi John-style video. 'I will be saving a bullet or keeping a grenade strapped to my chest,' he said. 'If I get captured, I will pull the pin and take my life so there will be nothing for them to parade in any propaganda videos. 'I won't be burnt alive and I certainly won't be beheaded. I don't want my kids to see that in 10 years' time on the internet, because it will still be there. 'I am not going to lie, I am frightened. And anyone who says they are not is lying.' When he arrives in Iraq, Mr Costa will join up with Kurdish fighters and other foreign ex-servicemen who have joined the battle against the barbaric Islamists (file picture) Previous attempts by people to go out to fight ISIS have led to them being arrested for terror offences, but Mr Costa says this will not happen to him. He said: 'I'm going to join the Kurdish Peshmerga - not a terror group - who some European countries are funding and sending weapons to. 'There are a few groups of former soldiers out there so I'll be fine. I'm going as a volunteer, not a mercenary, so I don't think I'll be stopped. I'm not being paid.' The former military man added: 'Not seeing my kids is my biggest fear before death. 'People are going to have to give their lives to stop ISIS and if one of them has to be me, then so be it. Mr Costa (pictured) will leave his wife and children behind to fight against ISIS for three months. 'I am not doing it for any monetary gain and I am not doing it for fame. 'My wife was not impressed when I told her, but she understands. 'The war that's happening over there will happen over here. It's just a matter of how long it will be before it comes here.' Steven said he aims to fight against the extremists for three months before returning to his family. 'If I have committed to something, I have to see it through,' he said. Otherwise it would bug me for the rest of my life.' Terror police warned Mr Costa against the trip but do not have the power to stop him leaving unless they suspect of him of carrying out an offence. Detective Sergeant Martin Lakey from the South West Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit, said: 'Whilst it is not illegal to travel to countries such as Syria and Iraq, if your activities amount to offences against UK terrorism legislation, you could be prosecuted on return to the UK. 'Where there is a creditable likelihood of any British national travelling to high-risk area including Syria and Iraq, we will try to work with that person to ensure that they are fully aware of the risks, including highlighting the threat of kidnapping, and the effect of their travelling to fight could have on friends and family back in the UK. 'Our security advice is always in line with guidance given out by the Home Office in relation to foreign travel advice to high-risk areas.' Sir Edward Garnier QC, the former Solicitor General, warned last year that Britons who fight against terrorists in the Middle East would be interviewed by the police on their return. He told Radio 4's Today programme: 'We are in a terrible grey area, not least because we don’t know enough about what they are doing. 'The United Kingdom is trying to defeat Isil. But freelancers are not acting on behalf of the United Kingdom. They may well be guilty of murder, or other sorts of crimes, or they might not be guilty of anything. 'It goes to the general story who go abroad to fight in other people’s wars place themselves not only in physical danger, but in that legal limbo land where they could, if they get on the wrong side of this almost invisible line, into trouble when they get home.'
Steven Christopher Costa is set to leave Britain to fight against ISIS in Iraq. Married father-of-two says he will take his own life if caught by terrorists. Mr Costa says his wife was 'not impressed' when he revealed his plans. Former Royal Navy seaman's biggest fear is not seeing his children again.
The mother of a New York City TV reporter blamed her sudden death at the age of 49 on her boss in a confrontation at the funeral, a new report has claimed. Lisa Colagrossi had just finished covering a house fire in the borough of Queens on March 19, when the married mother-of-two collapsed from a brain aneurysm and never regained consciousness. The reporter's mother Lois Colagrossi was greeting mourners at her funeral on March 23 when she was approached by her daughter's boss Camille Edwards. Witnesses who overheard the allegedly awkward interaction told the New York Post's Page Six that Mrs Colagrossi refused to hug Edwards and told her: 'You are the reason I am standing in this church'. Scroll down for video. Blame game: The mother of WABC reporter Lisa Colagrossi (left) has allegedly blamed her sudden death by a brain aneurysm to being overworked by boss Camille Edwards (right) Edwards went on to tell Mrs Colagrossi how hard of a worker her daughter was and how everyone at the station respected her. 'I am talking about how you worked my daughter to death,' Mrs Colagrossi responded. Sources told the newspaper that Edwards was then shuffled away. The paper reports that Edwards is feared at the station, where she has been nicknamed 'Camevil'. 'Camille is a bully and will target people she doesn't like, most often women. Lisa's colleagues applaud Lisa's mom for standing up to Camille,' a source told Page Six. Lisa Colagrossi, who lived with her husband and two sons in Stamford, Connecticut, would commute into the city each day as early as 2am and work through the afternoon. Unexpected: Colagrossi (center) was returning from covering a house fire in Queens, New York on March 19 when the married mother-of-two collapsed from a brain aneurysm and never regained consciousness. However, the family has denied any grudge against either Edwards or the station where Colagrossi worked. 'We are extremely thankful and blessed by all the support from Camille and the entire ABC family. Lisa always chose to work the overnight shift because it allowed her to spend the most time with her family,' the family said in a statement. In a separate statement, WABC said: 'Camille is a tireless and compassionate champion for everyone who works here. Under her watch, we’re fortunate to have more women in leadership positions than ever before. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lisa’s family at this sad time.' Colagrossi started at the station in 2001, on the Sunday following the 9/11 attacks, and covered such high-profile stories as the Sandy Hook massacre. Colagrossi is a native of Ohio and had previously worked at stations in Alabama and West Virginia. A former WABC reporter, Sarah Wallace, is currently suing Edwards after she was abruptly fired after 30 years at the station.
WABC reporter Lisa Colagrossi died March 19 while covering a story in New York City. At her funeral on March 23, her mother Lois reportedly blamed her death on station news director Camille Edwards.
The girlfriend of killer co-pilot Andreas Lubtiz is believed to be too scared to return to the small town they both grew up in fearing the she will face the ‘hatred of the world’. Kathrin Goldbach and her family are said to be so afraid of being blamed for the Germanwings crash - caused by Lubitz after he flew the plane he was co-piloting into the French Alps – that they have fled the town and vowed to never return. The 26-year-old maths teacher, her rescue volunteer brother Andreas and their parents told friends they do not plan to return to their home in the centre of the close-knit rural community of Montabaur. Scroll down for video. Kathrin Goldbach, the girlfriend of killer pilot Andreas Lubitz, and her family, including her brother Andreas (pictured left and right), have reportedly fled their home in Montabaur and have no plans to return. A friend of the distraught family said: ‘The girlfriend of the co-pilot has nothing to do with what happened. ‘But the hatred of the world is coming down upon her, and you know this place is so small, it is very hard for them to come back here. ‘They would have to look to find somewhere to stay around here if they wanted to get away. It is just not possible for them to keep a low profile so they are not coming back. ‘It is so much easier if you live in Dusseldorf or somewhere like that. ‘But for the parents to come back here, it was almost impossible for them, it is just too small a town.’ An extremely shaken Miss Goldbach, who is seeking comfort from a priest, told investigators that her long-term boyfriend Lubtiz had whisked her away on holiday just days before his death. Kathrin Goldbach and her family are said to be afraid of being blamed for the Germanwings crash, caused by Andreas Lubitz after he flew the plane he was co-piloting into the French Alps. An extremely shaken Miss Goldbach, who is seeking comfort from a priest, told investigators that her long-term boyfriend Lubtiz had whisked her away on holiday just days before his death. Family members were also said to have joined the couple – who first met while working in a local Burger King as teenagers - on the final holiday. Miss Goldbach left her teaching job in Montabaur after Lubitz qualified as a pilot in 2013 and the pair moved to a flat in Dusseldorf. She got a job in a secondary school in a town called Krefeld just outside of the city. The young teacher also confirmed that in the weeks before the crash he had bought ‘his and her’ luxury Audi’s for himself and Miss Goldbach. Yesterday, it was claimed that footage showing the last few seconds inside the doomed flight had been found among the wreckage of the crash site. French prosecutor Brice Robin has called for anyone with footage of the plane crash which killed 150 people to hand it over to the authorities. A source close to the investigation said: ‘His girlfriend was very nervous in the interview. She had a female minister with her to try to keep her calm but she was wringing her hands and was very tense. ‘She knew he was ill but had no idea he was in this state of mind. He showed no signs of suicidal thoughts.’ Yesterday French prosecutor Brice Robin called for anyone with footage of the plane crash which killed 150 people to hand it over to the authorities. The demand came after German and French media reported having seen a video recording showing the final chaotic scenes of the flight as it hurled towards the Alps mountainside. Mr Robin said investigators were not yet examining mobile phones found at the crash site, and he was not aware of footage from phones having been recovered.
Kathrin Goldbach's family are reportedly afraid to face 'hatred of the world' Her boyfriend Andreas Lubitz flew the plane he was co-piloting into Alps. Kathrin, brother Andreas and their parents have left home in Montabaur. Close friends say family have no plans to return to close-knit community.
Chaos erupted at an Easter egg hunt in Sacramento when adults launched in trying to grab sweets for their children. The event was an attempt at breaking the record for the world's biggest, with 500,000 eggs laid out for thousands of youngsters. But it descended into mayhem as parents raced into the field armed with baskets of their own. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO. Chaos: An attempt at the world's biggest Easter egg hunt in Sacramento became shambolic on Sunday. Mayhem: Children as young as two were pushed to the ground as adults invaded the children-only event. 'There was no organization at all, they all trampled each other. Little two- and three-year-olds were crying. 'The parents were scooping up all of the eggs for their older kids and it was horrible,' mother Tessa Moon told CBS. Another mother, Kori Houser, told Sacramento Bee her toddler Chase only got three eggs: 'It was crazy. Adults were trampling over us.' Footage of the hunt, which did not break the world record because they missed the deadline to apply, shows children as young as two being squashed by teenagers and adults weave between them picking up candy. According to Sacramento Bee, toddlers were seen crying and parents were being pushed around in the calamity. Eventually, the paper reported, a screaming match broke out between parents. Enraged parents said older children were rushing around to snap up candy meant for youngsters. The event, which did not break the world record, was raising money for victims of human trafficking. Children were presented with 500,000 eggs on the Capitol Mall lawn on Sunday. Divided: Some families left half-way through to escape the chaos. However, the organizers urged people to remember the reason for the event: to raise money for survivors of human trafficking. They spent $10,000 transporting 510,000 plastic eggs from Florida. Children raced to collect as many as they could, and later exchanged them for candy. A VIP off-shoot of the event featured some plastic eggs stuffed with food vouchers. It cost $20 to take part. 'We’re doing this to raise awareness for Blue Heart International the nonprofit my wife and I started,' Blake McCall, founder of Blue Heart International, told CBS. 'We’re really passionate about helping children rescued out of human trafficking in our community.' Organizers reminded people the event was planned for a good cause.
Thousands of children turned out for the event in Sacramento, California. It was an attempt to break world record but they missed application deadline. Adults invaded children-only event with baskets picking up candy. Other parents raged that their two-year-olds had been crushed in the chaos.
A series of thought-provoking clothing labels have been photographed in a bid to raise awareness of the horrific plight of those toiling in sweatshops around the world. The Canadian Fair Trade Network is hoping the images will make people think about the garments they are wearing and just where they have come from. Teaming up with the advertsiing agency Rethink, the photographs feature clothing labels telling the tragic stories of factory workers from Bangladesh, Cambodia and Sierra Leone. Each label says that the product is 100 per cent cotton - but adds that is not the whole story and follows on with a snap shot of just who could have made the item. Scroll down for video. The label in the red hooded top highlights the case of 34-year-old Tejan who had been coughing up blood but carried on working for fear of losing his job. One of the labels, sewn into a yellow, cable jumper, reveals a day in the life of Behnly and reads: 'Made in Cambodia by Behnly, nine years old. He gets up at 5am every morning to make his way to the garment factory where he works. 'It will be dark when he arrives and dark when he leaves. He dresses lightly because the temperature in the room he works reaches 30 degrees. 'The dust in the room fills his nose and mouth. He will make less than a dollar, for a day spent slowly suffocating. A mask would cost the company ten cents.The label doesn’t tell the whole story.' A red hooded top focuses on the life of Tejan, a father-of-two, and bears the label: 'Made in Sierra Leone by Tejan. The first few times he coughed up blood he hid it from his family. They couldn’t afford medical treatment and he couldn’t risk losing his long-time job at the cotton plantation. This label describes the story of Behnly, nine, who has been working since 5am. 'When he fell into a seizure one day it could no longer be ignored. The diagnosis was pesticide poisoning. 'The lack of proper protective clothing has left him with leukemia at the age of 34. He has two daughters. One of them starts work at the factory next year. The label doesn’t tell the whole story.' The final image, of a smart jacket, highlights a working day for 12-year-old Joya. The label says: 'Made in Bangladesh by Joya who left school at the age of 12 to help support her two brothers and newly widowed mother. 'Her father was killed when a fire ripped through the cotton factory where he works. She now works in the building across the street from the burned down factory. A constant reminder of the risk she takes everyday.' The jacket was made by 12-year-old Joya, says the label, who has to support her family after losing her father in a factory fire opposite where she is working. 'It's time for change,' said the Canadian Fair Trade Network. 'Buying fairtrade ensures workers are being compensated fairly and not exposed to unsafe working conditions.' Rachel Wilshaw, Oxfam's ethical trade manager, said the charity welcomed the campaign. 'Oxfam welcomes campaigns like this which use a creative approach to making consumers aware of the plight of garment workers on poverty wages,' she said. 'In Bangladesh for instance, the minimum wage is just $68 a month, far too low to support a family, an issue that Oxfam highlights in our report Even it Up! Time to End Extreme Inequality. 'Consumers concerned to find out which brands are tackling poverty wages can refer to Oxfam's new briefing paper Steps towards a living wage in global supply chains.' The conditions of workers in clothing factories came under the spotlight following the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 24 April, 2013. The tragedy resulted in the death of 1,129 people and a further 2,515 people were injured, many of whom were making clothing for big name brands. The incident saw the launch of Fashion Revolution Day, a now annual event which takes place on 24 April and invites people from around the world to turn their clothing inside out to display the label, take a selfie and ask #whomademyclothes via Twitter.
Fair Trade photographs aim to focus on the people in sweatshops. Reveals tragic tales of staff in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Sierra Leone. Highlights daily life for children working in appalling conditions. Campaigners hoping to make buyers think about origin of garments.
Alison Hall, 48, almost choked to death after a false nail in her pocket worked its way into her asthma inhaler. It then shot to the back of her throat when she took a puff. An asthma sufferer almost choked to death when she took a puff on her inhaler and nearly swallowed a false nail. Alison Hall, 48, was at work when she felt her chest tightening and took out her blue salbutamol inhaler. She took a sharp breath and felt something shoot to the back of her throat where it became lodged. The mother-of-one ran outside in a panic when a neighbour came to her rescue and began pounding her back before calling 999. After five minutes of choking, a false nail finally came loose from the back of her throat and fell out onto the pavement. Ms Hall, who works for a local authority, said it was part of a cheap £1.50 set she had used weeks before and had probably fallen in her pocket. She believes the nail may have worked its way inside the inhaler through a gap at the top. She added: 'The inhaler has a lid but the top is open. There is a millimetre gap on each side. I spoke to my doctor and she was mortified.' Ms Hall is now urging others to check their inhalers before use. She said: 'I check my inhaler constantly. I've been using it for about ten years now and I use it regularly. 'I can go days without using it but then at times I need to use it a lot more. 'At about midday I used it and I checked inside the mouth piece. Then I was in work and went in my pocket. I took the lid off and took a puff. 'Something went into the back of my throat and I started choking. I don't know how long that nail had been in there.' She added: 'My brain told me to run outside. There was a neighbour who was two doors down and I was trying to shout help. 'I kept thinking "I'm going to die". Blood started to come out of my mouth. 'The man started hitting and hitting me on my back. Then his wife came out and took over. Her husband then rang 999.' Scroll down for video. Ms Hall said the nail was part of a cheap £1.50 set she had used weeks before and had probably fallen in her pocket. She believes the nail may have worked its way inside the inhaler through a gap at the top. Lee Bray, 45, his wife Tracy, 37, and their daughter Millie, 11, continued to help Ms Hall until the paramedics arrived. She said: 'The next thing I knew there was a nail on the floor and a pile of blood. The nail had been scratching me and causing me to bleed. 'I was choking for about five minutes. It felt like more air was coming out than was going in. 'Even when the nail had come out I kept saying to the ambulance people it was still in there, so they gave me another hard hit and more blood came up.' Ms Hall, of Oldham, Greater Manchester, said: 'The paramedic and the doctor at the hospital said that I was one lucky lady. 'You don't know how scary it is until you go through it. I thought I was going to die.' 'My main concern now is making other people aware of the dangers.'
Alison Hall, 48, says the nail became lodged and she started to choke. Believes nail had come off in her pocket and worked way inside the inhaler. There is a 1mm gap at top of salbutamol inhaler where it may have got in. Now wants to warn others about thoroughly checking inhalers before use.
Kellie Maloney has left hospital after completing her sex change and said: 'I am proud to be the woman I should've always been'. Transsexual Kellie, formerly boxing promoter Frank Maloney, started the process to change gender two years ago and underwent her final surgery last week. The twice-married 61-year-old was expected to stay in hospital for 10 days, but has been released four days early. She now faces a further six weeks recuperation period at her home in Kent with children Sophie, 20, and Libby, 14, and may also go to Europe for some spring sunshine to help her heal. Scroll down for video. Recovery: Kellie Maloney had tweeted these pictures of herself after leaving hospital after her final sex change operation. Message: After her release from hospital Kellie sent this tweet on what was also international Transgender Day of Visibility. She was seen leaving the private Nuffield Heath hospital in Brighton - which was also the international Transgender Day of Visibility. She wrote on Instagram: 'I am proud of who I am on this transgender day of visibility. But more important I am just proud to be the woman and human being I should always been. 'I stand alongside my sisters asking the world to show us respected.' This morning she tweeted: 'First night at home not feeling to bad still very sore and got pain but in good health'. The gruelling transition process has included hormone therapy, electrolysis to remove excess body hair, counselling and voice coaching. She also underwent surgery in November last year to make her face appear more feminine - a process which went drastically wrong when she stopped breathing. The procedure left Ms Maloney, who has three children from two marriages, with a severely swollen face and the former promoter revealed that she thought her head would 'explode' after the agonising surgery. She had been due to have her final surgery in January but due to the previous complications it was delayed. As a boxing promoter she helped Lennox Lewis to become world heavyweight champion. Getting ready: Kellie Maloney went on a fitness regime before her sex change operation (pictured) and six days on from the procedure she has left hospital and is recovering at home. Her highly successful career, which spanned more than 30 years, saw her manage five boxers to world titles as well as many more British, European and Commonwealth champions. Before the final countdown to her last operation, Ms Maloney revealed she was hitting the gym hard to make sure she was in optimum health for the procedure. On March 14, she tweeted: 'One last week of hard gym sessions set myself A target of 4lbs to lose be4 going in to hospital and getting my bmi down by 2 per cent more.' Last year she shocked the macho world of boxing by announcing her decision to change her sex and live as a woman. Ahead of her surgery, Kellie told Lorraine Kelly that she wanted to have her nose made slightly smaller. 'My youngest daughter told me my nostrils were too big,' she said. I was always concerned about my chin but they tell me it's within the female parameters and the gender doctor can do the full operation, hopefully, and breasts in January.' Success: Her highly successful career, which spanned more than 30 years, saw her manage five boxers to world titles as well as many more British, European and Commonwealth champions. Kellie Maloney, pictured last year, completed her sex change with a final four-hour operation. She added: 'I am living really well now, I am pleased that the public are really good to me and my daughters are great. The operation will be the final piece of the jigsaw, then I can start living my life properly. 'Most of my friends are retiring but I am living life all over again.' Kellie is also sharing her story and supporting others within her support group, talking at events and helping other transgender people. She even revealed that she's toying with the idea of getting back into boxing to prove that women can do it too. 'At least it will stop me shopping,' she said.
Transsexual Kellie was formerly boxing promoter Frank Maloney, 61. She has completed her sex change and is at home recovering. Tweeted to her fans: 'Still very sore and got pain but in good health' Started transition to change gender two years ago and has now completed.
A small 'hot spot' in the U.S. Southwest is responsible for producing the largest concentration of the greenhouse gas methane seen over the United States - and is the subject of a major new investigation to find out why. The hot spot, near the Four Corners intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, covers only about 2,500 square miles (6,500 square kilometers), or half the size of Connecticut. A recent Nasa map shows is produces more than triple the standard ground-based estimate - and researchers say they don't know why.. Scroll down for video. The Four Corners area (red) is the major U.S. hot spot for methane emissions in this map showing how much emissions varied from average background concentrations from 2003-2009 (dark colors are lower than average; lighter colors are higher). The hot spot, near the Four Corners intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, covers only about 2,500 square miles. Methane is very efficient at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Like carbon dioxide, it contributes to global warming. To calculate the emissions rate that would be required to produce the observed concentration of methane in the air, the authors performed high-resolution regional simulations using a chemical transport model, which simulates how weather moves and changes airborne chemical compounds. Researchers from several institutions are now in the Four Corners region of the U.S. Southwest with a suite of airborne and ground-based instruments, aiming to uncover reasons for a mysterious methane 'hot spot' detected from space. 'With all the ground-based and airborne resources that the different groups are bringing to the region, we have the unique chance to unequivocally solve the Four Corners mystery,' said Christian Frankenberg, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, who is heading NASA's part of the effort. Other investigators are from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) in Boulder, Colorado; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Last fall, researchers including Frankenberg reported that a small region around the Four Corners intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah had the highest concentration of methane over background levels of any part of the United States. An instrument on a European Space Agency satellite measuring greenhouse gases showed a persistent atmospheric hot spot in the area between 2003 and 2009. The amount of methane observed by the satellite was much higher than previously estimated. The satellite observations were not detailed enough to reveal the actual sources of the methane in the Four Corners. Likely candidates include venting from oil and gas activities, which are primarily coalbed methane exploration and extraction in this region; active coal mines; and natural gas seeps. Researchers from CIRES, NOAA's Earth Systems Research Laboratory and Michigan are conducting a field campaign called TOPDOWN (Twin Otter Projects Defining Oil Well and Natural gas emissions) 2015, bringing airborne and ground-based instruments to investigate possible sources of the methane hot spot. Shiprock, New Mexico, is in the Four Corners region where an atmospheric methane "hot spot" can be seen from space. Researchers are currently in the area, trying to uncover the reasons for the hot spot. The JPL team will join the effort on April 17 and fly two complementary remote sensing instruments on two Twin Otter research aircraft. The Next-Generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRISng), which observes spectra of reflected sunlight, flies at a higher altitude and will be used to map methane at fine resolution over the entire region. Using this information and ground measurements from the other research teams, the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) will fly over suspected methane sources, making additional, highly sensitive measurements of methane. Depending on its flight altitude, the NASA aircraft can image methane features with a spatial resolution better than three feet (one meter) square. In other words, it can create a mosaic showing how methane levels vary every few feet, enabling the identification of individual sources. Hotspot of total column methane anomalies centered over the Four Corners region from 2003 to 2009, when a satellite-based methane-measuring instrument was operational. The April study will focus on verifying the hotspot and determining the methane sources producing the exceptionally elevated methane concentrations. With the combined resources, the investigators hope to quantify the region's overall methane emissions and pinpoint contributions from different sources. They will track changes over the course of the month-long effort and study how meteorology transports emissions through the region. 'If we can verify the methane detected by the satellite and identify its sources, decision-makers will have critical information for any actions they are considering,' said CIRES scientist Gabrielle Pétron, one of the mission's investigators. Part of President Obama's recent Climate Action Plan calls for reductions in methane emissions. The research team also includes scientists from the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado, Boulder; the U.S. Bureau of Land Management; and the state of New Mexico. Is this the cause? The Four Corners coal-fired power plant, near Farmington, is one of the targets Nasa wants to investigate as a possible cause of the methane. In each of the seven years studied from 2003-2009, the area released about 0.59 million metric tons of methane into the atmosphere. This is almost 3.5 times the estimate for the same area in the European Union's widely used Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research. In the study published online today in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, researchers used observations made by the European Space Agency's Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) instrument, which measured greenhouse gases from 2002 to 2012. The atmospheric hot spot persisted throughout the study period. A ground station in the Total Carbon Column Observing Network, operated by the Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory, provided independent validation of the measurement. To calculate the emissions rate that would be required to produce the observed concentration of methane in the air, the authors performed high-resolution regional simulations using a chemical transport model, which simulates how weather moves and changes airborne chemical compounds. Research scientist Christian Frankenberg of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, first noticed the Four Corners signal years ago in SCIAMACHY data. 'We didn't focus on it because we weren't sure if it was a true signal or an instrument error,' Frankenberg said. The study's lead author, Eric Kort of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, noted the study period predates the widespread use of hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, near the hot spot. This indicates the methane emissions should not be attributed to fracking but instead to leaks in natural gas production and processing equipment in New Mexico's San Juan Basin, which is the most active coalbed methane production area in the country. Natural gas is 95-98 percent methane. Methane is colorless and odorless, making leaks hard to detect without scientific instruments. 'The results are indicative that emissions from established fossil fuel harvesting techniques are greater than inventoried,' Kort said. 'There's been so much attention on high-volume hydraulic fracturing, but we need to consider the industry as a whole.' In just one place in the United States do four states meet. The borders of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona intersect at Four Corners, west of the confluence of the Mancos and San Juan Rivers. Coalbed methane is gas that lines pores and cracks within coal. In underground coal mines, it is a deadly hazard that causes fatal explosions almost every year as it seeps out of the rock. After the U.S. energy crisis of the 1970s, techniques were invented to extract the methane from the coal and use it for fuel. By 2012, coalbed methane supplied about 8 percent of all natural gas in the United States. Frankenberg noted that the study demonstrates the unique role space-based measurements can play in monitoring greenhouse gases. 'Satellite data cannot be as accurate as ground-based estimates, but from space, there are no hiding places,' Frankenberg said. In March 2014 the Obama Administration announced a strategy to reduce methane emissions under its Climate Action Plan. The strategy includes improving the measurement and monitoring of methane emissions and assessing current methane emissions data.
Small 'hot spot' responsible for producing the largest concentration of the greenhouse gas methane seen over the United States. Area near the Four Corners intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah covers 2,500 square miles. Hotspot predates widespread fracking in the area.
Antiquities looted from ancient temples and Buddhist sites in India have been found on display at the Honolulu Museum of Art after a tourist spotted they were sourced from an art dealer facing charges in India. The museum yesterday handed over seven rare artifacts in its possession after authorities found, to the shock of museum officials, that they had been smuggled into the U.S. by former New York art dealer Subhash Kapoor. Agents from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will take the items back to New York and, from there, eventually return them to the government of India. Marc Thomas, chief preparator at the Honolulu Museum of Art, holds one of seven stolen artifacts that were on display in the museum's collection. The artifacts are believed to have been smuggled into the U.S. by an art dealer facing charges in India. The items' origin was discovered after a tourist visiting the museum noticed the dealer, Subhash Kapoor, was listed as their source. Dealer Kapoor, was arrested in 2011 and is awaiting trial in India. Officials say he created false provenances for the antiquities. The discovery was made after a visitor last year recognized the name of Kapoor's New York gallery as the source of a 2,000-year-old terra cotta rattle and contacted authorities, said Stephan Jost, the museum's director. Museum officials then pored over their records and determined six other Indian items had ties to Kapoor. He said Kapoor donated one of the items and sold five to the museum, while one was a gift from someone else. Agents are hailing the Honolulu museum for being the first U.S. institution to publicly and easily cooperate with the investigation, dubbed 'Operation Hidden Idol,' involving four arrests and the recovery of thousands of pieces worth a total of $150 million. 'Owning stolen stuff is not part of our mission,' Mr Jost said. 'I'm not sure we've done anything heroic. We just want to do the right thing.' Mr Jost watched as agents inspected the items - the rattle, figurines, architectural fragments and tiles - and them hauled them in packed crates into a truck. The items were found to have been sourced from Subhash Kapoor (pictured), who is facing charges in India. Brenton Easter, a special agent for Homeland Security, inspects the artifacts in the basement of the Honolulu Museum of Art. This tile is believed to have been looted from a religious temple or ancient Buddhist site in India. They have now been packed up and sent to New York, from where they will be returned to India's government. Martinez stressed there was no culpability on the museum's part, as it wasn't aware of the items' provenance when it acquired them between 1991 and 2003. Mr Jost said American art museums are becoming more rigorous in vetting the history of objects they acquire. 'Could we have done a better job? Sure,' he said. 'Were we a victim? Yes.' Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Brenton Easter said it was not uncommon for unsavory dealers to donate ill-gotten items for tax benefits and other reasons. Mr Easter is part of a group of agents in New York that focus on cultural property crime whose work includes dismantling the organizations behind the crimes and repatriating the seized pieces. Some institutions are reluctant to come forward, partly because of the financial loss involved, he said. It's very rare for evidence to come to light to show a museum has items that were illegally obtained, said James Cuno, president and CEO of the J. Paul Getty Trust. An item looted from India is wrapped up in packaging before being sent back to India. The stunning antiquities were sourced from art dealer Subhash Kapoor, who is facing charges in India. 'Claims might come from time to time. But most often those claims are based on just interest or the construction of national identity,' he said. 'If evidence is provided that's convincing, no museum will resist.' He cited an example from about 10 years ago when Italian police uncovered evidence revealing a number of items that were improperly removed from Italy. The U.S. museums where some of the items ended up returned them, he said. Repatriation has become more common in the past couple of decades, said Malcom Bell, a professor of Greek and Roman art and archaeology at the University of Virginia. As a general rule of thumb, museums and art collectors avoid purchasing items exported without clear and valid documentation before 1970 - the year of a United Nations cultural agreement targeting trafficking in antiquities, he said. 'Transparency is important, and if the Honolulu museum has been open, that's probably to be applauded,' Bell said. Kapoor sold six of the items to the museum and donated another, while the seventh was gifted by a second individual. Homeland Security officials remove the looted antiquities from storage at the Honolulu Museum of Art.
Seven artifacts were found to have come from an art dealer facing charges. Unbeknownst to museum officials, they were looted from Indian temples. The discredited source of the display items was noticed by visiting tourist. Immigration and customs agents will now return the artifacts to India.
Her style is followed by women across the globe and whatever she wears is sure to sell out within minutes. Yet the Duchess of Cambridge has been dismissed as an ‘uneventful’ dresser by leading author Margaret Atwood. And most controversially, the 75-year-old said Kate hasn’t lived up to the fashion icon reputation of her husband’s late mother, Princess Diana. Scroll down for video. The author said Kate (pictured right) hasn’t lived up to the fashion icon reputation of Princess Diana (left) Miss Atwood said she thinks the duchess is cautious when it comes to clothes and is told what to wear by advisers. But she added she is right not to follow in Diana’s footsteps. ‘I think she dresses quite uneventfully,’ the author of The Handmaid’s Tale said. ‘I think she’s watching her back, I think she probably has people who pretty much tell her what is appropriate for her to wear. The Duchess of Cambridge was dismissed as an ‘uneventful’ dresser by leading author Margaret Atwood. ‘I don’t think she’s become the fashion plate that Diana was, and I think she’s probably doing that advisably,wouldn’t you say?’ Miss Atwood is just the latest high-profile female writer to apparently attack the duchess’s image and public persona. Author Margaret Atwood (pictured) said she thinks the duchess is cautious when it comes to clothes and is told what to wear by advisers. Double Booker Prize winner and Wolf Hall author Hilary Mantel has described Kate as a ‘shop window mannequin’ and a ‘machine-made’ princess who has been ‘designed by committee’. Meanwhile Sandi Toksvig has said the duchess doesn’t have a ‘single opinion’ of her own, and Joan Smith caused outrage by labelling Kate ‘unambitious and bland’. Speaking at a talk at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, Miss Atwood, who has also won the Booker for The Blind Assassin, admitted she judges women on the clothing they wear. The novelist, who has been described as a feminist writer, said: ‘Let’s pretend you’re meeting a person for the first time, as you do when you meet a character in a book. ‘What do I see? Your dress, I see your face of course, I focus on that. I see your earrings, I see your necklace, and those are all part of you. They are all part of the total image of who I’ve just met.’ Miss Atwood’s latest book Stone Mattress prompted her to be labelled ‘offensive’ and a ‘man hater’ by critics last year. Last month a £35 black polka dot dress from online retailer ASOS sold out within half an hour of Kate wearing it to an event. And in 2013 the £46 Seraphine dress she wore for her first official family portrait with William and Prince George sold out two hours after the photo was published. Miss Atwood said the Duchess of Cambridge is correct not to follow in Diana’s footsteps.
Author Margaret Atwood dismissed Katherine as an 'uneventful' dresser. She says Duchess of Cambridge hasn't lived up to fashion icon Diana. Miss Atwood says Kate is cautious when it comes to clothing.
A Japanese woman has become the latest holidaymaker to face criminal charges in Italy for defacing a historic landmark. The 48-year-old tourist was stopped by police after she wrote her name and the date on the dome of the Florence Cathedral. She used an eyeliner pencil to leave her mark on the marble on Monday morning, but it did not leave any permanent damage, Italian newspaper La Nazione reported. Officials said the tourist used an eyeliner pencil to write her name and the day's date on the cathedral's dome. Staff from Museo dell’Operate del Duomo, a museum which houses artefacts from the cathedral, alerted police, who located the woman and charged her through an interpreter. Completed in 1436, the cathedral is the fourth largest cathedral in the world and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Tuscany. Now a Unesco World Heritage Site, its famous Renaissance dome was designed by architect Filippo Brunelleschi and added in the 15th century. It’s the second time in four weeks that Italian police have charged a holidaymaker for defacing one of the country’s top landmarks. Italian media said the make-up pencil did not leave any permanent marks, but the woman was charged. In March two American tourists were arrested for carving their initials into the Colosseum in Rome. The women, aged 21 and 25, carved a ‘J’ and ‘N’ into a brick wall at the Unesco World Heritage Site and then posed for a selfie. Other visitors saw what had happened and alerted security, with police charging the pair with ‘aggravated damage on a building of historical and artistic interest’, according to reports. With millions of visitors every year, Florence has had its fair share of problems with misbehaving tourists in recent years. Last year an American holidaymaker was caught peeing in Piazza Santa Croce, a historic square, just a few months before two visitors were spotted having sex against a wall near Palazzo Vecchio, the town hall, according to The Local. In 2013, an American tourist upset locals when he accidentally snapped the finger off a 600-year-old statue of the Virgin Mary at Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Museum of the Works of the Cathedral). The 55-year-old man, from New Fairfield, Connecticut, was attempting to compare his finger to that one the statue when the digit broke off.
Tourist used an eyeliner pencil to write her name and the day's date. Italian media said the pencil did not leave any permanent marks. Famous Renaissance dome was designed by architect Filippo Brunelleschi. Last month two Americans were charged for defacing the Colosseum.
A man who spent nearly 30 years on Alabama's death row was freed Friday after a decades-long fight to prove his innocence. According to the Birmingham News, as he walked free, he declared: 'The sun do shine!' Anthony Ray Hinton, 58, was released in the morning from the Jefferson County Jail in Birmingham. He hugged tearful family members as he walked out and was embraced by his sister, Darlene Gardner. His sister sobbed as she hugged her brother: 'Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus.' Scroll down for video. Freedom: Anthony Ray Hinton (center) walked free from the Jefferson County Jail in Alabama on Friday morning after 30 years on death row. Hinton had to wipe away a tear as he spoke outside the jail following his release from prison after 30 years. Hinton says he should not have had to wait 30 years for investigators to test the gun that was seized from his home and determine he could not be linked to the crime. Good morning. The sun do shine. Thirty years ago, the prosecution seemed deemed to take my life from me. They just didn't take me from my family and friends. They had every intention of executing me for something I didn't do. But for all of you that's snapping the cameras, I want you to know there is a God. He sits high but He looks low. He will destroy but yet He will defend and He defends me. And I just want to thank Him. I'm not ashamed to let you know that He sent me not just a lawyer, but the best lawyers. And I couldn't have made it without them. And I want to say to the victims' family, I will continue to pray for you as I have for 30 years. A miscarriage of justice, not only to me, but the victims' family. For all of us that say we believe in justice, this is the case to start showing. Because I shouldn't sit on death row for 30 years. All they had to do was test the gun. But when you think you high and mighty and you above the law, you don't have to answer to nobody. But I've got news for you. Everybody that played a part in sending me to death row, you will answer to God. Hinton was freed after prosecutors admitted earlier this week that they couldn't find evidence that a gun found at his home fired the bullets used in two brutal 1985 murders. 'I shouldn't have sat on death row for 30 years,' Hinton told reporters. 'All they had to do was test the gun,' he said. Hinton had strong words about the prosecutors and jury as he spoke to the crowd. 'I want you to know there is a God. He sits high but he looks low. He will destroy but yet he will defend and he defended me,' Hinton told the gathered. 'I shouldn't have sat on death row 30 years. All they had to do was test the gun. But when you think you are high and mighty and you're above the law you don't have to answer to nobody, but I've got news for you. Everybody who played a part in sending me to death row you will answer to God.' His attorney Brian Stevenson said: 'Mr. Hinton has spent 30 years locked in an 5-by-8 cell and with the state of Alabama trying to kill him every day.' The newly freed man added that is a miscarriage of justice for the victims and their families. The family of one of the men who Hinton was convicted of killing was less happy. He told the Birmingham News that he was not declared innocent - only that there was not enough evidence to uphold his conviction. 'This is a difficult time for my family and at this time the only thing I have to say is God will have the ultimate decision on if he is guilty or not,' said Jason Davidson, the son of John Davidson. Friends say Hinton's first request after his release - finding a buffet to fill up on all the food he missed in prison. Hinton was convicted of the 1985 murders of two Birmingham fast-food restaurant managers. Crime scene bullets were the only evidence that linked Hinton to the crime. However, prosecutors said this week that modern forensic methods did not show the fatal bullets came from a revolver in Hinton's home, or even from the same gun. Hinton grabs the arm of his sister Darlene Gardner (in the white hat) as he is greeted by family, supporters and throngs of media on Friday. Gardner sobbed as she hugged her brother Friday. 'Thank you Lord, than you Jesus,' she could be heard saying. In this undated photo from the Alabama DOC shows Hinton after several years in prison. Hinton said he would continue to pray for the victims' families, as this was a miscarriage of justice for them as well. 'They had every intention of executing me for something I didn't do,' Hinton said. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that Hinton had inadequate counsel and sent the case back for a second trial. Prosecutors had been preparing for a retrial but moved to dismiss the case following the testing on the bullets. The Supreme Court ruled last year that Hinton had 'constitutionally deficient' representation at his initial trial. Hinton's defense lawyer wrongly thought he had only $1,000 to hire a ballistics expert to try to rebut the prosecution testimony about the bullets. The lawyer hired the only person willing to take the job at that price, even though he had concerns about the expert's credentials. At the time, jurors chuckled as the defense expert struggled to answer questions on cross-examination. Bryan Stevenson, Hinton's attorney and director of the Alabama-based Equal Justice Initiative, said he pressed the state for years to re-test the gun, and for years officials refused. He said the case was emblematic of problems with the justice system. Stevenson has said Hinton was convicted based on bad science because he didn't have the money to prove his innocence at trial. 'He was convicted because he was poor,' Stevenson, who first took on the case 16 years ago, said Friday. Hinton was greeted by his emotional family members immediately as he walked out of jail as a free man. This week, prosecutors announced they did not have enough evidence to re-try him for two 1985 murders. Hinton is seen here with his attorney, who is carrying a paper bag with the 58-year-old's posessions from his decades in prison. Hinton hugs a friend, Martha Griggers, as he celebrates his freedom after three decades on death row. Hinton's friend Ms Griggers appeared overjoyed to see him as he left prison on Friday. Hinton became overwhelmed with emotion several times as friends and family members met him outside the jail on Friday. Hinton declared, 'The sun does shine' as he spoke to reporters following his release. Hinton's lawyer says he was convicted because he was a poor man in Alabama and did not have the resources to defend himself.
Ray Hinton was convicted of two brutal 1985 killings based on a gun that was found at his house. The US Supreme Court granted him a new trial because the gun was never definitively matched to the bullets found at the crime scenes. This week, prosecutors announced that they could not find evidence that the gun Hinton had matched the bullets at the scene. 'I shouldn't have sat on death row for 30 years. All they had to do was test the gun,' he said Friday. Family of one of the murdered men issued reminder that Hinton has not been found 'innocent'
The death of a toddler in central west NSW is being treated as suspicious by police. The 20-month-old boy had reportedly been choking and struggling to breathe on March the 23rd and was rushed to Coolah District Hospital by emergency services where he was pronounced dead. Forensic officers attended the property on Merrygoen Rd in Neilrex on Wednesday where they executed a crime scene warrant. The death of a 20-month-old toddler is being treated as suspicious after he was admitted struggling to breathe. Police strongly believe that there are members of the Neilrex community, which is 60 kilometres south of Coonabarabran, that can help them with their investigation. According to the ABC, police have said that inquiries to date suggest the death was suspicious. Detective Inspector Cameron Whiteside said it was not the time to speculate or develop theories. 'This is a very serious matter...this is the death of a young child, a toddler,' he said. 'However I can tell you because of the nature of the information we received, the examination of the crime scene and the medical examination that's taken place in relation to the child, the investigation is being regarded as suspicious,' he told the Seven Network. The infant was rushed to Coolah District Hospital by emergency services but sadly died shortly after. Police are treating the incident as suspicious and executed a crime scene warrant on Wednesday. Detective Whiteside has also said that the child's parents have been spoken to and they are in ongoing contact with them in relation to the investigation. 'Remembering this is the death of a 20-month-old child who didn't get the opportunity to reach his second birthday,' he said. Officers are appealing to the public for any information about the incident.
The death of a toddler two weeks ago is being treated as suspicious. Police issued crime scene warrant on the property in Neilrex, NSW on Wed. Detective Whiteside said that due to inquiries it is regarded as suspicious. The 20-month-old was rushed to hospital after struggling to breathe. Police believe that members of the Neilrex community have information.
The body of Andrew Getty, naked from the waist down, was discovered in a bathroom at his gated, three-storey £2.6 million villa in the Hollywood Hills on Tuesday afternoon. The Los Angeles neighbourhood is home to many of Tinseltown’s most powerful players, but Getty’s surname was all that was needed to ensure his entry into that social set. The 47-year-old grandson of John Paul Getty, once the world’s richest man, Andrew was an heir to the vast Getty oil fortune. Lurid early reports of his death and troubled past suggest a new chapter has opened in the tragic history of a family that epitomises, like no other, the saying that money doesn’t bring you happiness. Scroll down for video. Found dead: Andrew Getty, the 47-year-old grandson of John Paul Getty once the world’s richest man, was an heir to the vast Getty oil fortune. John Paul Getty, a misanthrope so tight-fisted he put a payphone in the hall of his Surrey mansion, failed disastrously in his quest to prevent his huge fortune spoiling his heirs. A string of Gettys have died from drug overdoses, while another grandson of the family patriarch, Jean Paul Getty III, never recovered after he became the victim of a notorious and brutal kidnapping. Other members of the supremely dysfunctional family became embroiled in decades long lawsuits and divorces, always over money. Even Andrew’s father, Gordon, a supposedly squeaky-clean married philanthropist and classical composer, was mired in scandal when it emerged he had a secret second family. In this latest tragedy, police say a woman called them to Andrew Getty’s home on Tuesday, saying that the horror movie buff had suffered a heart attack. Investigators say he had been having severe stomach problems and suffered significant bleeding in his rectal area. However, they believe he died of natural causes or an accident. Andrew Getty’s former girlfriend, identified in the U.S. media as aspiring actress Lanessa De Jonge, 32, raised the alarm. Reportedly she had told him to see a doctor about ‘painful bowel movements’. Andrew Getty’s former girlfriend, identified in the U.S. media as aspiring actress Lanessa De Jonge, 32, raised the alarm. Though investigators do not regard her as a suspect, she allegedly has a history of psychiatric problems and has been arrested a number of times for harassment and disorderly conduct. Reports in America suggest that according to police insiders, officers had previously been called to the house 31 times, usually over domestic disturbances. Lanessa and Andrew were frequently under the influence of drugs when officers visited. Then two weeks ago, Getty took out a restraining order against her, the Los Angeles police said yesterday. At the same time as he took out the order, he said he had a serious medical condition and that doctors had warned him that ‘heated arguments can cause my blood pressure to rise dangerously’, putting him at ‘serious risk’. Twelve years ago, when Getty was being sued over a disagreement with a former employee, he was portrayed in court by ex-colleagues on a film he directed as a threatening, cocaine-snorting gun nut. Educated at the private Dunn School in California, he later studied at New York University and the University of Southern California. Intriguingly, records show he has been prosecuted 12 times for unpaid taxes. In this latest tragedy, police say a woman called them to Andrew Getty’s home on Tuesday, saying that the horror movie buff had suffered a heart attack. The body of Andrew Getty, naked from the waist down, was discovered in a bathroom at his gated, three-storey £2.6 million villa in the Hollywood Hills on Tuesday afternoon. Andrew was the second eldest of four sons of Gordon Getty by his publisher wife, Ann. Gordon was the fourth son of the family patriarch J. Paul Getty, yet still Gordon assumed control of the $4billion family trust when his father died in 1976. J. Paul Getty married five times and produced six children, whom he treated with such disdain he never even bothered to attend their weddings. He became the world’s richest man when he struck oil in the Middle East in 1953. He reportedly showed affection for his youngest son, Timmy. But when he died aged 12 from a brain tumour, his father didn’t go to his funeral. Timmy’s mother claimed the tycoon had even complained about paying for his son’s medical treatment. His other sons fared little better. His eldest son and heir apparent, George, worked himself into an early grave trying to impress his father in the family business. He became so despairing at his failure that he would stab himself in the arms with a letter opener. He turned to drink and drugs, and died in 1973 after overdosing on pills. J. Paul Getty’s second son, Ronald, was virtually disinherited after his mother Adolphine — Getty’s third wife — dared to drag her feet over a divorce when the tycoon decided to move on to wife number four. John Paul Getty III (left) had his ear cut off by Italian mobsters after being held to ransom for a portion of his wealthy family's fortune - which his grandfather initially refused to pay.  Andrew Getty's father Gordon Getty (right) pictured in 1986, a decade before his secret family was revealed. John Paul Junior, the third boy, has gone down in history as the prodigal son. After a first job earning $100 a month as a petrol pump attendant, he joined the family business, but took to drinking heavily. He became a heroin addict soon after meeting his beautiful second wife, the Dutch actress and socialite Talitha Pol. They became darlings of the celebrity hippie set, partying with Mick Jagger and spending most of the Sixties in a druggie haze. When Talitha died of a heroin overdose in 1971, a devastated John Paul Junior holed himself up in his home in England. Unsurprisingly, he was cut off financially by his father, who intoned: ‘No Getty can be a drug addict.’ The shortage of funds proved tragic in 1973 when John Paul Junior’s oldest child, John Paul III, 16, was kidnapped in Rome by the Mafia. When a $17million ransom demand arrived, his skinflint grandfather refused to help. It was only after one of the boy’s ears was sent through the post that Getty coughed up and the hostage was released. Traumatised by his ordeal, the young John Paul Getty III slipped into cocaine and heroin addiction, washed down with a bottle of bourbon a day. John Paul Getty, a misanthrope so tight-fisted he put a payphone in the hall of his Surrey mansion, failed disastrously in his quest to prevent his huge fortune spoiling his heirs. In 1981, he suffered catastrophic liver failure and a severe stroke, emerging from six weeks in a coma virtually blind and paralysed from the neck down. He could communicate by little more than a high-pitched scream. He died aged 54 in 2011. Until now, Andrew Getty’s side of the family lived largely in comparative obscurity. After inheriting the family business empire, his father Gordon sold Getty Oil to Texaco for $10 billion in the mid-Eighties. He then settled in San Francisco to devote his life to philanthropy and his real passion: writing classical music. However, in 1999, he, too, plunged the Getty name into controversy after three previously secret children — then aged eight, ten and 14 — went to court to change their name to Getty. They and their mother, Cynthia Beck, it emerged, had been Gordon’s secret second family in Los Angeles, and the girls had decided to claim their birthright. His wife, Ann, had been aware for two years about the other family. Gordon and Ann’s second son, Andrew, meanwhile, had been trying with little success to become a film director. In 2003, Andrew was sued by a studio assistant, Ingrid Jacobs, for £500 in unpaid wages for his first and only film, a horror movie made in the house where he died this week. The court heard how Getty snorted cocaine, spent heavily on prostitutes and carried a gun — keeping an arsenal of assault rifles at his home and threatening the film crew with them. ‘All of us lived in fear of his dark, violent moods,’ said Ms Jacobs in court. ‘He once screamed at me: “I’m going to kick you in the kidneys so hard that you choke.” ‘He had no worries about spending thousands a week on high-price prostitutes, but he was mean as hell with everyone else.’ Charity Thomson, the movie’s assistant director, said she saw Getty snorting drugs while on the set. She described him as ‘a spoilt rich kid who doesn’t value his own life or that of anyone else’. Money never bought the family patriach J. Paul Getty love, a fact he belatedly acknowledged when he said he would have given half his kingdom for a happy marriage. Now, with another troubled Getty life cut short, his family would no doubt agree the money that brought them such luxury has also brought seemingly endless misery. As one commentator said: ‘They were born with golden ladles in their mouths, and they choked on them.’
Body of Andrew Getty found in a bathroom at his £2.6m villa on Tuesday. Family history epitomises saying that money doesn't bring you happiness. Gettys have died from overdoses, one never recovered from a kidnapping. Other members of the family were embroiled in lawsuits and divorces.
At least 54 sailors are dead and 63 have been rescued after a trawler sank off the Russian coast north of Japan. The freezer trawler with an international crew of 132 sank this morning in the freezing waters of the Sea of Okhotsk 205 miles off Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula. Emergency services in Kamchatka said 63 crew members of the Dalny Vostok were rescued with the sea's temperature near zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) - but a further 15 are still missing. Scroll down for video. The freezer trawler with an international crew of 132 sank this morning in the freezing waters of the Sea of Okhotsk 205 miles off Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula. More than 25 fishing boats in the area helped to pull the crew members to safety, the emergency services said in a statement on their website. The ship was carrying 78 Russian nationals, as well as 54 foreign nationals from Myanmar, Ukraine, Lithuania and Vanuatu. No official cause for the sinking has been given but the Interfax news agency said drifting ice in the chilly Pacific waters may have played a role. Water flooded the engine compartment and the trawler sank within 15 minutes, the BBC said. The trawler sank 205 miles west of Krutogorovsky settlement in the Kamchatka region and 250 km south of the city of Magadan. Emergency services in Kamchatka said 63 crew members of the Dalny Vostok trawler were rescued with the sea's temperature near zero degrees Celsius (file picture of the Sea of Okhotsk) The Russian Emergencies Ministry sent an Mi-8 helicopter with rescuers and doctors aboard to deliver medical assistance and transport rescued crew members to hospitals in Magadan. Viktor Klepikov, coordinating. captain of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky maritime rescue. coordination centre, told Reuters: 'The rescue operation is going on, we are still looking for. 15 people. 'At this time we do not know what. might have caused the tragedy.' Russia's TASS news agency cited a deputy head of the. Kamchatka region as saying the crew might have violated safety. rules by exceeding the capacity of cargo storage. 'According to preliminary information, the shipwreck. occurred while hauling a 100-tonne fishing seine,' TASS reported Sergei Khabarov as saying. A telephone hotline for families of the crew has also been set up. The home port of the trawler, which was owned by Magellan LLC, was Nevelsk in Russia's Sakhalin region.
Freezer trawler with crew of 132 sank 205 miles off Kamchatka Peninsula. At least 54 of the sailors are dead and a further 63 have been rescued. Reports suggest Dalny Vostok may have hit drifting ice in Pacific waters.
Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination because Barack Obama was the picture of cool. This time she's not taking any chances. The former secretary of state's campaign-in-waiting has reportedly signed a lease for two floors of office space in Brooklyn, New York – the epicenter of hipster culture. Brooklyn has transformed itself in recent years from Manhattan's ugly little brother into the Big Apple borough where everyone wants to live. And the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood is among the most hipster-friendly of them all. Scroll down for video. VERY HIP: Hillary's HQ will be in the cooler-than-thou enclave of Brooklyn, New York. COOL: Open floor plans and hardwood floors are part of the hipster appeal of the Clinton campaign's new digs. It's not clear whether the campaign itself or some other legal entity signed on the dotted line, but putting ink to paper at the aristocratic-sounding 1 Pierrepont Plaza has started a countdown clock. The Federal Election Commission's rules require candidates to declare themselves publicly within 15 days of doing anything that's considered campaign activity. So far among serious contenders, only Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has officially entered the 2016 presidential race. Politico reported on the lease-signing, saying that Clinton chief of staff Huma Abedin has been spotted walking around the neighborhood and touring the building. Abedin might have dropped in on the neighbors who will share the 19-story mini-skyscraper, including the mega investtment bank Morgan Stanley and the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. That's the office currently occupied by Loretta Lynch, who's awaiting Senate confirmation for the job of U.S. Attorney General. 1 Pierrepont Plaza will feature Hillary staffers rubbing elbows with a federal prosecutor and Morgan STanley 1-percenters – when they're not browsing Urban Outfitters or eating at Shake Shack. Scoping the neighborhood: Clinton and New York City first lady Chirlane McCray (right) checked out a Brooklyn preschool on Wednesday. But the vibe is decidedly bourgeoisie, with 1 Pierrepont's building management showing off the ambiance with a map showing potential renters where to find the nearest Chipotle, Starbucks, Shake Shack and Urban Outfitters. There are also a Banana Republic, a private squash club, and at least three art galleries nearby. A Republican Party official in Iowa who asked Daily Mail Online to withhold his identity said on Friday that Clinton's choice of digs 'won't matter much in flyover country where most of the votes are.' 'We're more likely to be impressed if you're close to a Wal-Mart,' he joked. 'The tallest building in [my town] is three stories.' A GOP Senate staffer laughed out loud at what he said would be 'Hillary's hipster hell.' 'I guess we can expect all the Clinton campaign t-shirts to have ironic slogans, right?' he said. 'I can't wait to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon at the launch party.'
1 Pierrepont Plaza also houses Morgan Stanley and the federal prosecutor's office. Hillary's campaign will occupy two full floors in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. Upscale hipster neighborhood includes Urban Outfitters, Banana Republic, Shake Shack and a private squash club. 'I guess we can expect all the Clinton campaign t-shirts to have ironic slogans, right?' said a GOP Senate staffer. Campaign has just 15 days to declare itself in the White House hunt after taking a formal step like committing to office space.
It sat on a stark white block in a vast room that resembled a laboratory. I was at the SculptureCenter in the New York borough of Queens, a spot dedicated to all things modern and avant garde. Taking pride of place was a cluster of bottles, each of which contained dog fluff and a photo of the mutt it came from. ‘We’re running a competition to find new talent,’ explained the black-clad curator, brightly. ‘Maybe I’ll shave the cat next time I visit my parents,’ I thought to myself. ‘If I stick the fluff in a bottle, it might just win.’ Cultural revolution: New York is in the throes of a cultural revolution - but MOMA is still brilliant. Welcome, then, to Nu York, a city that bears no resemblance to the version depicted in Friends and Gossip Girl and instead centres around a throbbing contemporary arts scene largely based in Brooklyn and Queens - the latter the beneficiary of a recent gentrification programme. Gone (mostly) are the rough tenements and in their place, a bustling network of shop-lined streets and some seriously classy bars and hotels. Among the latter was the Z Hotel, a stark block of a building decked out in the industrial-chic style so beloved of London hipsters. Stateside Shoreditch, as it were. It was all a far cry from Iceland where I had begun my trip, courtesy of an Icelandair wheeze that gives you the option of stopping off to see the sights of Reykjavik and the spectacular Golden Circle for up to seven days en route to Boston, Anchorage, Washington or, in my case, New York. Although still on the global naughty step thanks to a calamitous economic meltdown in 2009, the Icelandic capital shows signs of recovery – not least in the form of the revellers that lined the street outside the Apotek Hotel, a gloriously Scandinavian-looking place to stay, as I arrived at midnight following an evening flight from London. The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed for a Viking-style cooking class at Salt Eldhus where I learned to cook barley risotto and salt and pepper salmon – the perfect way, as it turned out, to fortify me for the dramatic scenery that came next. Stunning: The Gullfoss Waterfall in Pingvellir National Park is a short hop from Reykjavik. Awe-inspiring: Geysir is home to a row of geysers that fire boiling water and a sulphurous stench into the air. Covered with a thick layer of snow, Pingvellir National Park sits atop the fault line that separates the American continent from the European one and provides Iceland with its volcanoes, geysers and geothermal springs. The site of Iceland’s first parliament, it’s a short hop from Geysir, where a series of geysers explode in a shower of boiling water and revolting sulphurous stench every five minutes or so. Slipping and sliding on the ice, the first explosion caught me unawares and forced me to jump back. At the next one, I held my nerve, looking smugly round at the tourists who had been caught on the hop like I had been. Then came a trip to Friðheimar, a series of greenhouses filled with tomato plants and set next to a stable crammed with hairy Icelandic ponies. The glowing buildings were an odd sight, although the produce was second to none, but even that paled in comparison to the Secret Spring – a bubbling pool flanked by a geyser and lit, on clear nights, by the shimmering green and purple glow of the Northern Lights. Sitting there, watching them ripple, was truly magical. The next morning, it was off to New York which, with its claustrophobic cluster of skyscrapers and determinedly chic inhabitants, was a very different prospect indeed. While Iceland, like the rest of Scandinavia, boasts an effortless flair for design and a natural cool, the Big Apple has clearly worked on it. Beneath the too-cool-for-school surface, however, lies some old-fashioned Americana – not least in the all-American charm of the cheerful locals. Looking cool: Williamsburg, home to Jake Gyllenhaal among others, is awash with artisan bars. New look: Queens has had a makeover, with tough neighbourhoods replaced with cool shops and chic bars. Among them are the staff at the Roger Smith Hotel in Manhattan, who took a break from watching the Super Bowl to ply me with burgers and fries as I arrived, dishevelled, following a five-hour flight from Reykjavik. The next morning, after an all-American breakfast of bacon and waffles, I left the chintzy charms of the Roger Smith behind for a visit to MOMA, the epicentre of New York’s cultural cool. A fabulous place set in a glass and steel building over several floors, it is crammed with modern art dating from the mid-18th century onwards. Matisse, Monet and Picasso are there in numbers, as are Frieda Kahlo and Andy Warhol. Rothko, Malevich and Seurat dot its walls, as does some appalling stuff by the likes of Jean-Pierre Basquiat – avoid that and stick to the good bits on the third floor is my advice. Carrying bags of Warhol prints and a Sunday morning sized MOMA mug, we hopped into one of New York’s iconic yellow taxis for a short ride to low-rise Williamsburg, where another hipster favourite – craft beer – is taking hold. Beneath the pub where we ate lunch was a small collection of stills, where a variety of types, including one containing raw oysters, was being brewed. It was all delicious and a pleasant change from the Budweiser usually found in American bars. Artisan beer, artisan food and artisan art are all staples of New York’s burgeoning hipster culture, although to a cynical Brit like me, some of it felt a little try-hard. Brilliant: The Museum of Moving Image is set to become a New York must-visit - well worth going to. A case in point is the play Sleep No More, which made its début in London to critical rumblings and indifferent audiences but has become a real favourite in New York. Set in a warehouse over several floors, the idea is that you walk in at an unspecified point in the play (I managed to work out that it was a version of Macbeth but not everyone does) and follow the actors around attempting to get a handle on the action. Beginning in a wonderfully old-fashioned red-velvet lined bar, the action was compered by a chap with a British accent taken from the Dick van Dyke school of acting, who showed us into a lift and provided us with Scream-style masks before throwing us into the thick of things. Moving around the huge set, I walked into scene after scene and never really got much sense of the plot, although I did find myself becoming increasingly irritated with the hammy miming. Indeed, so disjointed was Sleep No More, $20 booklets explaining the plot were being flogged to theatregoers, who had already paid $80 to get in, on their way out. Being unable to work out what it was all about is clearly a recurrent problem. Luckily for those whose tastes don’t stretch to baffling plays and bottles of dog fluff, New York still has much to love. Along with MOMA, there’s the brilliant Museum of Moving Image in Queens which takes you on a whistlestop tour through the US’ lengthy cinematic history with the help of a cleverly curated selection of pieces, among them the creepy doll which found fame in the Exorcist. Then there’s the bewildering selection of places to eat. In Queens alone, there’s everything from Brazilian to British and everything in between - and nearly all of it is delicious. And of course, there are all those iconic sights: the slow-moving Hudson River, the Rockerfeller Center, the Statue of Liberty and more. Nu York might not be to everyone’s taste but there’s no shortage of reasons to love the Big Apple – pulsating art scene and a quirky taste in plays included. Just don't make me watch Sleep No More again. Icelandair ( flies from five UK airports including Birmingham to 14 North American destinations. Icelandair offers return Heathrow to JFK flights from £436.61 with a stopover of up to seven nights in Iceland with no extra airfare. The Roger Smith Hotel in Midtown Manhattan ( offers rooms from $250 (approximately £164) per night. Z Hotel in Long Island City, Queens ( offers superior rooms from $125 in low season (approximately £89) and $225 in high season (approximately £146) per night on a B&B basis. For more information on New York City, please visit the NYC & Company website:
New York is currently enjoying a cultural makeover. Highlights include the SculptureCenter in Queens and experimental plays. Classic New York spots such as the marvellous MOMA remain excellent. Another highlight is the Museum of Moving Image in Queens. Icelandair allows travellers flying to the US to stop off en route. Itineraries include visits to Reykjavik and the stunning Golden Circle.
The parents of a six-year-old girl who were traveling home from a screening of Fast and Furious 7 were killed when a drunk driver allegedly sped the wrong up a highway and crashed into their car. Tiffany Sical, 21, and her long-term boyfriend Bryan Rodriguez-Solis, 23, were driving along Route 6 in Providence, Rhode Island, on Sunday after watching the box office hit on its opening weekend. But they were killed when 24-year-old Joel Norman reportedly entered an exit ramp while under the influence and collided head-on with their car, leaving their daughter, Jaylene Rodriguez, an orphan. Now, Norman, of Massachusetts, has been arrested and charged with two counts of driving under the influence - death resulting, and two counts of driving to endanger - death resulting, police said. Scroll down for video. Victims: Tiffany Sical (left), 21, and her boyfriend, Bryan Rodriguez-Solis (right), 23, were killed in the early hours of Sunday when a drunk driver sped the wrong up a highway and crashed into their car, police said. Wreckage: The couple were driving along Route 6 in Providence, Rhode Island, when Joel Norman allegedly entered an exit ramp while under the influence and collided head-on with their car (pictured after the crash) Film: Sical and Rodriguez-Solis had been watching Furious 7, the latest installment in The Fast and The Furious franchise. Above, a scene from the film, starring Paul Walker (second right), who died in a car crash in 2013. The horror car crash comes nearly a year and a half after The Fast and The Furious star Paul Walker was killed aged 40 when the Porshe he was traveling in crashed in California in 2013. The actor, who was a passenger in the car, plays a central role in the franchise's final installment, Furious 7. His work in the film was completed using digital technology and a series of stand-ins. In the seconds leading up to Sunday's incident, Norman drove his Nissan Maxima on to the East off-ramp near the Providence Place mall at around 1.35am, officials told the Providence Journal. He then traveled a staggering 1.2 miles west, before crashing head-on into Sical and Rodriguez-Solis's Honda, which was in the left lane, it is alleged. The impact completely wrecked the vehicle. Emergency crews rushed to the scene and Sical was pronounced dead. Rodriguez-Solis, who lived with Sical and Jaylene in Central Falls, was taken to hospital, where he was also declared dead. The couple, who were high school sweethearts, had been on a date night watching Furious 7 in Warwick. They were both wearing seat belts at the time of the crash, according to Tragic: Sical is pictured smiling with the couple's six-year-old daughter, Jaylene, who has been left orphaned. Arrest: Now, Norman (left), of Massachusetts, has been arrested and charged with two counts of driving under the influence - death resulting, and two counts of driving to endanger - death resulting. Right, the victims. Also damaged: In the seconds leading up to Sunday's incident, Norman drove his Nissan Maxima on to the East off-ramp near the Providence Place mall at around 1.35am. Above, the suspect's Nissan following the crash. After troopers noticed that Norman, whose car sustained serious damage, was acting intoxicated at the scene, they asked him to take a breathalyzer test, the news site reported. However, he refused. This prompted Rhode Island State Police to obtain a warrant to draw his blood, which was later sent off for evaluation. The test results are pending and Norman remains in custody on $100,000 bail. On Monday, Rodriguez-Solis' father, Arnulfo Rodriguez, speaking through a family member, told the Providence Journal that he nor his relatives knew how to tell little Jaylene that her parents are dead. Meanwhile, Sical's best friend, Maria Carrillo, described the couple as 'high school sweethearts' who had met at the Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center and were generous and positive. Family: Emergency crews rushed to the scene and Sical (pictured in a Facebook photo with her daughter, Jaylene) was pronounced dead. Rodriguez-Solis was taken to hospital, where he was also declared dead. Scene: The couple were both wearing seat belts at the time of the crash on Route 6 (pictured), Rhode Island. Sical, a sales associate at Bob's Discount Furniture in Attleboro, and her boyfriend, a manager at Spike's Junkyard Dogs in Cranston, had apparently spoken about getting married this summer. The couple's loved ones have now set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for Jaylene's future. At the weekend, Furious 7 raced to the top of the domestic box office, picking up a massive $143.6 million on its opening two days - and establishing a new high-water mark for the month of April. The film, which blew past the $95 million debut of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, now stands as the highest-grossing opening for any film in the Fast and Furious franchise. It also ranks ninth among the top ten openings in history. Norman, from Webster, is scheduled to appear at Providence District Court on June 12. Celebrity death: The horror car crash comes nearly a year and a half after The Fast and The Furious star Paul Walker (seen in Furious 7) died aged 40 when the Porshe he was traveling in crashed in California in 2013. Demolished: The acclaimed actor, who was a passenger in the car (pictured after the crash), plays a central role in Furious 7. His work in the film was completed using digital technology and a series of stand-ins.
Tiffany Sical, 21, and Bryan Rodriguez-Solis, 23, were driving on highway. They were heading home after watching Fast & Furious 7 in Rhode Island. But they died after 'drunk' Joel Norman, 24, reportedly drove up exit ramp. Norman 'drove wrong way up Providence highway for 1.2 miles at 1.35am' He then smashed into couple's car, leaving their daughter, six, an orphan. Now, suspect is facing charges of driving under influence, causing death. Grieving relatives said they did not know how to tell little girl about crash. Comes nearly a year and a half after The Fast and The Furious star Paul Walker was killed when Porshe he was traveling in crashed in California.
Two Germanwings flights have been forced to make emergency landings in two days - one over a suspected oil leak and another after a passenger and a cabin crew member fell ill. Today, Germanwings flight 4U814 to Venice was diverted to Stuttgart as the Airbus A319 aircraft appeared to be losing oil, the airline said in a statement. The flight, which had 123 passengers and five crew members on board, took off from Cologne at 9.55am local time. Germanwings, a budget unit of German airline Lufthansa , has been in the spotlight after one of its planes crashed into a mountain in the French Alps last week, killing everyone on board. Scroll down for video. Germanwings said a passenger and a flight attendant suffered 'an acute feeling of sickness' The carrier said the pilots shut off one of the aircraft's engines and headed for Stuttgart when the problem was detected. 'This is a standard safety procedure. It was not an emergency landing,' it said, adding the aircraft was being examined by technicians. Yesterday, another Germanwings plane was forced to make an unscheduled landing in Venice after a passenger and a flight attendant fell ill during the flight, the budget carrier says. A statement issued by the Cologne-based airline said the pair required medical treatment for 'an acute feeling of sickness', disputing reports that the twin-engine plane landed after a nervous passenger suffered a panic attack. The unscheduled stop occurred less than two weeks after a Germanwings plane crashed into the French Alps, killing all 150 people on board. In yesterday's incident, an Airbus A319 was carrying 145 passengers and five crew members from Hanover, Germany to Rome when it diverted to Venice. Flight 4U3882 was nearing the conclusion of its one hour and 40 minute journey when it turned around north-east of Bologna and landed at Venice Marco Polo Airport. The Airbus A319 turned around north-east of Bologna and landed at Venice Marco Polo Airport. Passenger Eugenio Bartolini, a schoolteacher from Rome, told Italian newspaper Il Messaggero that a woman seated in the row behind him was assessed by medics because she had 'a fear of flying' and was 'apprehensive'. He said the plane departed 10 minutes behind schedule, but nothing was out of the ordinary until it flew over the Alps, turned around and began to descend. Passengers didn't know what was happening until they landed in Venice and the captain made an announcement over the tannoy. Mr Bartolini, as quoted by The Local, told Il Messaggero: 'The captain, speaking in English, told us that two people, a member of the crew and a passenger, had been taken ill and that was why he had decided to stop at Venice.' Passengers disembarked and waited inside the terminal while the ill passenger and flight attendant were checked over. Germanwings told MailOnline Travel that the flight attendant was unable to reboard, so a replacement aircraft with an additional crew member had to be flown to Venice to pick up the passengers. Once the plane arrived they continued their journey to Rome, where the flight landed about five hours late at Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport. After landing at Venice's seaside airport passengers had to wait for a replacement aircraft to arrive (file photo) In a statement, Germanwings told MailOnline Travel: 'The reason [for the unscheduled landing] was that one passenger and one flight attendant had to go into medical treatment due to acute feeling of sickness. 'A replacing plane coming from Hamburg [transported] the passengers to Rome. Due to one crew member less a continuation of flight 4U3882 is not possible since according to legal regularities an Airbus A319 always needs three crew members.' Germanwings was a little-known subsidiary of Lufthansa until flight 4U9525 crashed into the French Alps while flying from Barcelona to Dusseldorf on 24 March. Investigators believe 27-year-old co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed the Airbus A320 after locking the captain out of the cockpit. Data from the second black box recorder found that Lubitz used the automatic pilot to put the plane into a descent and accelerated the doomed airliner into the mountain.
Germanwings flight 4U3882 was flying from Hanover, Germany to Rome. The Airbus A319 was carrying 145 passengers and five crew members. Passenger and flight attendant suffered 'an acute feeling of sickness' Woman who had 'a fear of flying' was assessed by medics, said passenger. Replacement aircraft had to be flown in with an additional crew member.
A woman armed with guns and hand grenades was shot dead as she tried to attack Istanbul's police headquarters on Wednesday just a day after a deadly hostage situation in the city. A picture of the red-haired woman lying on the ground with a rifle strapped to her body and a handgun by her side has emerged and television footage showed police sealing off the street in the central Aksaray neighbourhood. The attack comes a day after Turkish prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz, 46, died in hospital after members of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) stormed a courthouse and took him hostage. It is not known who fired the fatal shots. Scroll down for video. Shot dead: A picture of the red-haired woman lying on the ground with a rifle strapped to her body and a handgun by her side has emerged. Police HQ: Television footage showed police sealing off the street in the central Aksaray neighbourhood. Armed: The woman was carrying a rifle, two hand grenades and one pistol, it said. Local media said a man had also been detained. 'The Istanbul police headquarters on Vatan street was targeted by rifle fire and a female terrorist was killed in the clash,' the Istanbul governor's office said in a statement today. The woman was carrying a rifle, two hand grenades and one pistol, it said. Local media said a man had also been detained. Separately, police detained a gunman on Wednesday who entered an Istanbul branch of the ruling AK Party and hung from its window a Turkish flag with the emblem of a sword added. It was not immediately clear whether any of the attacks were linked, but Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu warned of the risk of 'provocations' and attempts to cause chaos ahead of June's national election. Today, the grieving family of Mr Kiraz who died after being shot in the head and chest during yesterday's courthouse siege wept over his coffin at his funeral. His coffin was covered with the Turkish flag for his funeral at Eyup Sultan Mosque in Istanbul. Turkish police secure the area in front of the Istanbul police headquarters where an armed woman was shot dead. People react to the shooting of an armed woman in Istanbul. She was carrying a rifle, two hand grenades and one pistol. Plain-clothed police officers block a street leading to the police headquarters in Istanbul on Wednesday April 1. Threat: The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front published disturbing photographs of the terrified prosecutor with a gun to his head on their official Facebook page before he was shot. Two of his captors were killed after security forces took back the building where the far-left group was holding him. Gunshots were heard and smoke could be seen rising from the scene at the end of the six-hour stand-off. Turkish authorities on Wednesday detained 22 suspected members of the group in the southern city of Antalya after receiving a tip-off they were planning further attacks, the Dogan news agency reported. Meanwhile hundreds of lawyers, prosecutors and staff stood in respect on every floor of the giant Istanbul Caglayan Palace of Justice where Kiraz worked and the hostage drama unfolded. 'We will not forget you, our martyr,' read a gigantic banner, as a huge Turkish flag was hung from the top floor. The courthouse is to be renamed after Kiraz. Justice Minister Kenan Ipek said the two members of the DHKP-C who took him hostage had 'held a gun to the nation'. 'We don't see this as an attack on our deceased prosecutor, but on the whole justice system,' he said at a ceremony for Mr Kiraz. 'Our state is powerful enough to track down those behind these lowlifes... The fact these assassins are dead shouldn't put those nefarious and dark forces at ease.' Grief: The family of Mehmet Selim Kiraz grieve over his coffin during his funeral at Eyup Sultan Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. He died in hospital after he was taken hostage by the far-left organisation. Mourning: The coffin of the prosecutor was passed through the crowds of mourners gathered to pay their respects. He had been leading an investigation into the death of teenager Berkin Elvan, who died aged 15. Respects: Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (L), the son of killed prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz (C) and Turkish National Assembly President Cemil Cicek (R) stand by Kiraz' coffin in Istanbul. Gathering: Prosecutors, lawyers and judges stand near a statue of Lady Justice during the funeral ceremony. Defiant: Mourners at the funeral of Kiraz hold a picture of the prosecutor high in tribute to the lawyer. Mr Kiraz, a father of two married to a judge who also worked at the courthouse, was targeted for his part in an investigation into the death of Berkin Elvan. The 15-year-old was severely wounded after being hit on the head by a tear-gas canister fired by a police officer during anti-government protests in Istanbul in June 2013. After spending 269 days in a coma, Elvan eventually died on March 11 last year. His death, and the subsequent investigation, have since become a rallying point for the country's far-left. Police chief Selami Altınok said officers stormed the building on Tuesday after hearing gunshots, and killed two of the gunmen. 'We carried out the negotiation for six hours. But our security forces launched the operation after gunshots were heard while terrorists were speaking on the phone during the negotiation,' he said. Critical: Prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz was taken to hospital with gunshot wounds but died of his injuries. Shattered: The broken window of the room where prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz was held hostage and shot. The emergency began at 2.36pm local time (12.36 GMT) when members of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front stormed into the office of Mr Kiraz. Images of a masked militant holding a gun to Mr Kiraz's head were then posted on the group's Facebook page, along with a demand for police to confess on live TV within the hour. Armed police rushed to the scene and were shown escorting court officials out of the building, but there was no sign of Mr Kiraz before the deadline arrived and live TV feeds were cut. Shots were then heard from inside the building, according to the Dogan news agency. In a statement published by Turkish media, the hostage taking was claimed by the Marxist Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, which has been behind a string of recent attacks. The group published pictures showing one of the militants - his face concealed by a scarf with the group's red and yellow insignia - holding a gun to Kiraz's head. Standing guard: Members of security forces stand outside the main courthouse in Istanbul during the siege. Horror: The prosecutor was leading an investigation into the death of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan. Protesters: Turkish police use water cannons to disperse protesters who expressed support for an alleged militant member of the banned leftist group DHKP-C group who took Turkish Mehmet Selim Kiraz hostage. Emergency: An ambulance leaves the courthouse after police storm the building. Mr Kiraz was taken to hospital where he died from his injuries. Over: Istanbul Security Chief Selami Altinok, centre-right, and Deputy Chief Prosecutor Orhan Kapici speak to the media outside the main courthouse in Istanbul at the end of the siege. They had also plastered their flags and posters on the walls of his office. Turkish media said that the group had given a deadline of 3:36 pm (13.36 BST) for the prosecutor to identify the police officers who they say were behind the killing of Elvan or he would be shot. In a brief video message on a widely-followed Twitter account describing itself as that of Elvan's family, his father appeared to call on the group not to harm the prosecutor. 'We want justice. We don't want anyone to shed even a drop of blood. We don't want other mothers to cry,' Sami Elvan said. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met with the current and former interior and justice ministers at the ruling AK Party headquarters in Ankara to discuss the hostage taking, officials in his office said. Gunshots: According to the Dogan news agency, gunshots were heard from inside the building after the militant group's deadline passed. Demands: The group were demanding that Mr Kiraz name the policemen implicated in Mr Elvan's death, which has become a rallying point for the country's far-left. The DHKP-C said on its website it wanted the police officer it blames for Elvan's death to 'confess' on television, the officers involved to be tried in 'people's courts', and charges against those who attended protests for Elvan to be dropped. The DHKP-C blames the ruling AK Party for the killing of teenager Elvan. He was aged 15 at the time of his death, which was followed by mass nationwide protests that were also largely put down by the police. Elvan has since become an icon for the Turkish far-left and his supporters accuse the authorities of covering up the circumstances and perpetrators of his death. The United States, European Union and Turkey list the DHKP-C as a terrorist organisation. It was behind a suicide bombing at the U.S. Embassy in 2013. In 2001, two policemen and an Australian tourist died in a DHKP-C attack in central Istanbul. Innocent: Berkin was on his way to buy bread during anti-government street protests when he was struck in the head by a high-velocity gas canister. Strength of feeling: Elvan has since become an icon for the Turkish far-left and his supporters accuse the authorities of covering up the circumstances and perpetrators of his death.
WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES. Armed woman was shot dead as she tried to attack Istanbul's police HQ. She was said to be carrying a rifle, two hand grenades and one pistol. A day earlier, prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz died from gunshot wounds. Two terrorists from Revolutionary People's Liberation Front also killed.
They are a stunning visualisation of the art - and how it is orange. A programmer has created these stunning graphs to reveal the dominant colour of artworks through history. They show Orange has always been the most popular colour - although in recent years blue has begun to catch up. The software extracts the relevant colour information from images or artworks found online. The plot above is based on 94,526 images for the years 1800-2000. The graph shows a clear trend toward more blue paintings toward the end of the 20th Century, with all colours increasing except for orange. 'I made a visualization of the change in colors of paintings over time,' said Martin Bellander, a PhD student in psychology at the Karolinska Institute who created the graph. To do this, he wrote software first to scrape the images of the paintings from sites where they were available for free download - BBC, Google Art Project, Wikiart, Wikimedia commons, and various museums. Then, the software extract the relevant colour information from them, and plots it in a nice way. He found the paintings change over time - from orange to blue. 'The changes in color might be a results of a combination of factor,' he wrote. 'One of these could of course be trends in the use of colour. 'If we assume a smooth linear deterioration of certain colours in oil paintings, it would be possible to subtract that change and study the short term fluctuation in colour use. 'For example the marked increase of blue at the time of the First World War, might actually reflect a true trend in colour use.' Two versions of Van Gogh's Sunflowers painting on show at the National Gallery in in London, England: Yellow and orange are the most popular colours in artworks from 1800, it has been found. Bellander used freely available images for the project. 'There are a bunch of different sites where you can access (photos of) paintings,  for instance the BBC, Google Art Project, Wikiart, Wikimedia commons, and various museums. .'One of my favorites is the BBC's site where you can browse through over 200K of well organized paintings - an amazing resource. 'For many of these there is also information on the year they were painted, the artist, etc.' He believes that some experts who have claimed perhaps the change is due top the price of paint are wrong. 'I haven’t found any data on the prices of blue, so that explanation is hard to elaborate on. 'However, it is not only blue that increases but all colors except orange, which might speak against the pigment prices explanation. ' The same graph, but with only oil paintings. 'UnTrou sur l'Orange' by Jesus Rafael Soto: Researcher have found orange is by far the most common colour in art.
Graph show dominant colours of 94,526 artworks from 1800 to 2000. Orange and yellow have always been the most popular colour. In recent years blue has begun to catch up - and nobody is sure why.
A married teacher was caught having sex with his model lover in a classroom at a top Catholic private school. Tutor Colin Turnbull, 69, was found in a 'compromised position' with Rozina Khanim by a governor at the £13,000-a-year independent Priory School in Edgbaston, Birmingham. The fee-paying school's facilities manager Kevin Bird walked in on the pair while they were engaged in a sex act during an entrance exam day. Colin Turnbull (left), 69, was caught having sex with 'model' Rozina Khanim (pictured left and right) in a classroom at a £13,000-a-year Catholic private school in Birmingham. Caught: Mr Turnbull, 69, was found in a 'compromised position' with Ms Khanim by a governor at the school. The school was said to be packed with pupils and parents when Mr Turnbull and 39-year-old Ms Khanim - who describes herself as a model - were walked in on. The teacher has worked at the school for nine years, hiring out a room to offer private tuition to pupils looking to pass the 11+, The Mirror reported. Mr Turnbull has not commented on the tryst, but the school confirmed senior staff had told him to 'never return'. A school spokeswoman said: 'Once Mr Turnbull's behaviour was discovered by the school's facilities manager, he promptly informed the assistant headteacher. 'Mr Turnbull was challenged; he fully admitted improper behaviour and was then instructed by the assistant headteacher to leave the school site immediately and to not return.' She added that the teacher was not directly employed by the school but he did hire out the classroom for tuition. 'As far as the school is concerned, while behaviour of the sort alleged is wholly unacceptable in any circumstances, we understand from the advice taken from social services that Mr Turnbull had not engaged in any illegal activity. The Priory School (pictured) was said to be packed with pupils and parents when Mr Turnbull and Ms Khanim - who describes herself as a model - were walked in on. Elite: The independent Catholic school charges up to £13,000 a year in fees for students to attend. 'There was no pupil involved, the incident was between Mr Turnbull and an adult female,' she added. School regulator Ofsted, Birmingham City Council and the Department for Education were all informed of the incident. A Department for Education spokesman said: 'Independent schools must adhere to the Independent School Standards. Any suggestion that schools are not doing so will be investigated.' Sources close to the school, however, said Mr Turnbull had been allowed to 'leave by the back door' and were angered that he would be able to continue teaching. Ms Khanim declined to comment but told the Birmingham Mail: 'That's not how it all happened.' The Priory School is attended by around 400 pupils, from 'Nursery and Poppets' classes up until sixth form. It charges fees of up to £12,870 a year for its most senior students. On the school's website, its headmaster Jonathan Cramb says 'knowing what is right and wrong' allows teachers to get on with providing an education for pupils. More than 80 per cent of students got five GCSEs graded A* to C last year, well above the national average.
Colin Turnbull was caught having sex in a classroom at a Catholic school. Teacher and model lover were walked in on by private school's governor. He has been told to 'never return' to the £13,000-a-year Birmingham school. Priory School was packed with pupils and parents for entrance exam day.
A florist in eastern Washington state fined $1,000 for refusing to sell a same-sex couple wedding flowers and also facing a consumer-protection lawsuit has netted more than $87,000 in a crowdfunding campaign. The Seattle Times reports that nearly half of the money on the page set up in February for 70-year-old Barronelle Stutzman came in the last several days. Supporters compare Stutzman's benefit page to an Indiana pizza shop that raised more than $800,000 after closing when the owner said the shop wouldn't cater a gay wedding. Supporters: An online campaign for Richland, Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman (pictured) has raised over $87,000 after the florist was fined for refusing to provide a gay couple with flowers for their 2013 wedding. Refused service: Couple Robert Ingersoll (left) and Curt Freed (right) were longtime customers at Stutzman's shop, and while she was fine providing them flowers before, she cited her religious beliefs when declining to service their wedding. Stutzman, owner of Arlene's Flowers and Gifts in Richland, Washington, received the fine in Benton County Superior Court in March after refusing to serve same-sex couple Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed in 2013. When longtime customer Ingersoll came to Arlene's Flowers and asked for the flowers, the devout Southern Baptist told him her 'relationship with Jesus Christ' wouldn't allow her to do the wedding. After they were refused flowers, Ingersoll and Freed went ahead with a smaller wedding than they had planned. They got married in their home with 11 guests and flowers from another florist. In a February ruling, Benton County Superior Judge Alexander Ekstrom found that Stutzman's refusal to provide flowers because of sexual orientation violated Washington's anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws. Along with the fine, the judge's ruling also requires that everything Arlene's Flowers sells to opposite-sex couples has to be available at the same price to same-sex couples. Attorney General Bob Ferguson, whose office requested the fine, said in a statement Friday that the ruling is a reminder of the reach of Washington's anti-discrimination laws. 'My primary goal has always been to end illegal discrimination,' Ferguson said. 'I'm pleased that today's ruling clearly prohibits discrimination against same-sex couples.' Before Ferguson's office filed the consumer-protection lawsuit against Stutzman, it had sent her a letter asking for an agreement to no longer discriminate, which she refused. Ferguson's statement Friday said the office would not have sued if Stutzman had accepted the agreement. Breaking the law: In February,  a Benton County judge ruled that Stutzman's refusal to provide flowers for the ceremony was a violation of anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws. Above, Stutzman's shop.
Baronelle Stutzman was fined $1,000 for refusing to provide flowers for a same-sex marriage in 2013. A campaign on Go Fund Me has raised more than $87,000 for Stutzman's legal fund as of Sunday. In February, a judge ruled that Stutzman violated anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws by not working on the gay couple's wedding.
Shaquille Omar Hallisey (pictured) hit a stranger over the head with a bottle leaving his victim with a fractured skull. A thug who hit a stranger over the head with a bottle leaving his victim with a fractured skull has been jailed for four years. Shaquille Omar Hallisey's attack in Cardiff was described by a judge as 'a savage demonstration of violence in a public place'. The 20-year-old's victim Matthew Leeke, 38, had been out with friends and was making his way home alone when the assault took place. Prosecuting counsel Jeffrey Jones said witnesses described seeing three males behind Mr Leeke in Queen Street. They said the trio were arguing with Mr Leeke. 'They heard one say "Walk away or else you are going to get hurt" and then saw the defendant smashing a bottle over his head. 'He collapsed, hitting his head hard on the pavings and the three ran off.' Mr Leeke told police he remembered someone speaking to him and then people surrounding him trying to help. Cardiff Crown Court heard paramedics treated cuts to the back of his head and his forehead which had to be glued and stapled in hospital. He was taken by ambulance to the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, and a scan showed a fracture. In a statement, he said he was now anxious to leave his house and was suffering dizziness and headaches. He said his wife and parents had also suffered a great deal of upset over what happened to him in June last year. Judge Philip Richards acknowledged that Hallisey's guilty plea to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm had been 'brave' but said it had been a long time coming. Hallisey had been due to stand trial before he changed his plea. 'You used a bottle as a weapon to strike another man over the head and he has been profoundly affected by it,' the judge told him. A judge at Cardiff Crown Court (pictured) jailed Hallisey for four years after he admitted to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. He also said that Hallisey, of Cardiff, had been the victim of violence himself when younger and now had a good partner who was standing by him. The judge said: 'I hope you resolve never to come before these courts again.' Caroline Rees, for Hallisey, said her client had known prison was inevitable but that he had a supportive family. 'He is normally a kind and gentle young man doing his best to live a good life against what has been a tragic background', she told Cardiff Crown.
Shaquille Omar Hallisey attacked Matthew Leeke in Queen Street, Cardiff. The 20-year-old's victim was walking home when the assault took place. He pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Judge describes attack in June 2014 as 'savage demonstration of violence'
Some find them unnerving and even slightly creepy while, to others, they are endearing, mysterious and charming. Whatever your view, one thing’s for certain: when it comes to twins, particularly identical ones, they are an endless source of fascination. Yet, despite all this interest, the rest of us remain baffled, emotionally and scientifically, by the uncanny bonds identical twins share. Having spent a year researching twins for my new novel, I have come to realise that we are only beginning to grasp how strange they truly are and quite why they have compelled us for thousands of years. Ashley (left) and Mary-Kate Olsen (right) are two of the most famous twins in the world and despite their very similar appearances they are not actually identical twins. Take pre-colonial Brazilians, who thought twins were a product of adultery, resulting in the poor innocent mother often being executed for her supposed infidelity. Some primitive African societies abhorred twins because of the way multiple births resemble an animal’s litter. It wasn’t uncommon for the unlucky children to be slaughtered and their mother exiled. In Greek mythology, however, twins were believed to be the product of human intercourse with the gods, meaning they were sacred, while ancient Slavs maintained that twins shared one special soul. Not all monozygotic twins (i.e. twins born from a single fertilised egg) are truly identical. Some are ‘mirror image’ twins. This means that in one twin the hair might swirl clockwise, in the other twin it will swirl anticlockwise — but it will swirl in exactly the same way. For one twin, the left side of the mouth might curve upwards; in the other twin, the right side of the mouth has precisely the same curve. This peculiar ‘looking-glass effect’ extends to the positioning of internal organs. But many identicals are truly identical in ways we are still uncovering. Obviously, identical twins share facial characteristics and body shape. But they also share virtually identical DNA, meaning they are more closely related to each other than to anyone else, including their parents or their own children. Joel (left) and Benji Madden (right) are identical twins, it's likely that they will have grown more alike over time as their identical DNA asserts itself. A daring £5 million jewel heist was carried out at a Berlin department store in 2009. Closed-circuit TV showed one of three masked man removing a glove at the scene, which the police later recovered. The glove provided DNA evidence traced to identical twin brothers. But with no way of pinning it on one brother, both were acquitted. Identicals also share the same blood group, the same hormones, the same serum proteins; they are alike in heart rate, blood pressure, brain waves, respiratory rate and digestive process. Hospitals in America in the past have advised parents to discreetly tattoo one twin — with a tiny dot, or mark on a heel — so that in future the children can be differentiated. Parents often refuse, believing they will be able to distinguish their twins as they age (not least, by dressing them differently). This, however, can be a mistake because twins can grow more identical over time (as their identical DNA asserts itself, following different levels of nourishment in the womb). And twins often end up being dressed in exactly the same clothes anyway, lest one become jealous of the other getting ‘better’ treatment. Here, we enter the peculiar world of twin psychology. Over recent decades, scientists such as Thomas Bouchard, of the Minnesota Centre For Twin And Family Research, have analysed the personalities of twins and discovered seriously uncanny facts. Take the classic example of twins separated at birth. The extent to which they can echo each other in later life is breathtaking. One of my favourite cases is the separated twins who discovered, when reunited, that they both entered the sea on beach holidays by wading backwards up to their knees. Probably the most famous case of eerie identicality is that of Jim Lewis and Jim Springer. These identical American twins were separated when four weeks old, and adopted by different families in Ohio. When reunited at the age of 39, in 1979, they discovered that both of them suffered from tension headaches, both had worked as sheriff’s deputies and both smoked Salem cigarettes. Hunter (left) and Scarlett Johansson (right) are fraternal twins and so do not share the same strong characteristics and traits as identical twins do. They also drove exactly the same kind of car and both enjoyed woodworking in the garage. Both had been named James by their respective adoptive parents, and both had married twice — first to women named Linda, then to women called Betty. Both had produced sons named James Allan. Both had at one time owned dogs named Toy. And they both took their holidays at the very same beach in Florida. Some parents of twins have reported their children having identical dreams. Others recount twins suffering pains, in the same part of the body, when only one of them is hurt. Doctors who observe twins in the womb have watched identicals do a strange kind of matching twin dance: the fetal twins come close to each other, face to face, then one of the twins makes a circle, and the other does the very same. It as if they are, in utero, telepathically aware of each other’s movements. Even in death, twins share an incredible bond. A prime, if rather dark, example is the 72‑year‑old brothers in Finland. In 2002, they were killed on their bicycles on the same road in Northern Finland in two accidents, two hours apart. When one twin survives the death of another, they likewise possess an oddness which startles. Author Joan Woodward, in her 2009 study of twin bereavement, reported several striking examples of twins’ reactions when one of them dies. Some young twins simply do not believe the death, and continue to act as if the lost twin is alive, talking to the dead sibling at breakfast, in a shared twin language, for instance. John and Edward Grimes, commonly known as 'Jedward', are identical twins. Some parents of identical twins have observed them having identical dreams or even suffering pain in the same parts of the body. Other infant twins seem painfully confused as to whether their twin is really gone, because they keep seeing the living image of their dead sibling in the mirror or in a reflecting window; when they see themselves, they see the sibling. By contrast, a few bereaved twin children deliberately seek out mirrors in order to reassure themselves their dead twin lives on. They want to see the living ghost. Other twins react differently still. Woodward records how some, following the death of a co-twin, take over their lost sibling’s characteristics and behaviour, as if trying to make up for the loss by actually becoming the dead sibling. One twin whose brother died at the age of 12 became so eerily like his dead sibling that his parents were convinced he had the ‘spirit of his brother within him’. Another female twin was so grief-stricken she took her dead sister’s name. These strange reactions surrounding the deaths of identicals can have effects beyond the twins themselves. During my research, I came across one wholly remarkable example of twin confusion, following a death. It happened in California in the Nineties (though the details and names have been protected by the authorities, for obvious reasons). One day, driving off on holiday, the Andersons — father, mother and their identical twin daughters Samantha and Katie — had a terrible crash. An ambulance was called and the victims were cut from the car. However, after reaching the hospital, Samantha soon died and Katie was left in a coma. It was a horrific loss, but life had to go on. The family concentrated on helping the hospitalised Samantha get over the death of her twin. A funeral for Katie was held. And yet, as her surviving daughter improved, mum Sally found it strange that Samantha behaved so much like her dead sister. Finally, Sally studied her child’s birthmark very closely (the twins had similar but not identical birthmarks) and realised a terrible mistake had been made — Katie had survived and Samantha had died. This realisation occurred two weeks after the accident. The Andersons had buried the ‘wrong’ daughter. It was reading that extraordinary true-life story — and all these other facts — that gave me the idea for a thriller. What would happen if the Andersons’ experience was repeated, but the family only discovered their error a year later? What ghostly consequences might ensue? Whatever the answer, one thing I know for sure is that twins will continue to fascinate us because they pose so many profound and unsettling questions. S. K. Tremayne’s The Ice Twins is published by HarperCollins.
Pre-colonial Brazilians thought twins were a product of adultery. Greek mythology believed twins were the product of intercourse with gods. Many of us remain baffled by the uncanny bond identical twins share.
Michael Bloomberg wants to be mayor again - but in London rather than New York City, according to reports. Bloomberg, who was elected to the top Big Apple job three times in a row, has reportedly turned his sights across the Atlantic, where he dreams of replacing incumbent Boris Johnson. According to Britain's Sunday Times, Bloomberg, 73, is 'considering' the move, and has the backing of senior officials in Britain's Conservative Party. Scroll down for video. Passing the torch? Michael Bloomberg, right, is pictured above with London mayor Boris Johnson. He is reportedly considering standing for Johnson's job in 2016. Bloomberg has significant business interests in the city. His Bloomberg financial information company has offices there, while he personally owns a $30million mansion. In the past he has described London as his 'second home'. His ex-wife is a British citizen, as are his two daughters. Though Bloomberg holds U.S. citizenship, sources told the Sunday Times that officials could arrange for a switch to make him eligible for high office. London is due a new mayor in 2016. Boris Johnson, who was himself born in New York City, will then have held the position for eight years. 'Job swap': Johnson, right, who is seen as a future Prime Minister, once joked about swapping jobs with Bloomberg, left, who has said he thinks of London as a 'second home' If Michael Bloomberg does become Mayor of London, it would be the latest twist in a long career which has seen him rise to the top in both business and politics. He started his career as an investment banker with Salomon Brothers, and when he was laid off from the firm in 1981 he used his $10million payout to start his own financial information company, Bloomberg LP. The firm is best known for the 'Bloomberg terminals' which provide real-time updates on the financial markets and are now ubiquitous on banks' trading floors. Bloomberg has also spawned an network of news outlets including a cable TV station, financial news website and the magazine Businessweek. In 2001, Mr Bloomberg entered politics by running as the Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, and spent $73million of his own money getting elected. He went on to serve 12 years as mayor, drawing praise for his businesslike management of city government, but he courted controversy with high-profile decisions such as banning smoking indoors and outlawing extra-large sodas. Despite his repeated electoral success, Mr Bloomberg has faced opposition from the Left over his close links to Wall Street, while the Right has reacted with anger against his campaign to impose new restrictions on gun ownership across the US. Johnson is also standing for a seat in Britain's parliament in the country's May elections. He has said if he wins he will stay in the mayor's job until 2016, while serving as MP for the London constituency of Uxbridge and South Ruislip at the same time. He has long been spoken of as a future Prime Minister, and was recently named by incumbent David Cameron as a potential successor. Johnson has spoken before of the advantages of a new mayor coming in, though he could technically run for a third term. Speaking in 2013 to London radio station LBC, he said: 'The reality is that after eight years you've been at it for a long time in a very big job. 'You see what happens to people who do things for too long. You've got to be fair to the electorate, you've got to be sure you are doing your best. 'There will come people who will have fantastic ideas and who will have fresh ways of thinking about things.' Bloomberg and Johnson have met before - and at one meeting in 2013, Johnson even joked about doing a 'job swap' with Bloomberg - though there is no suggestion Johnson has set his sights on New York City. A source close to Johnson told the Sunday Times: 'Mike is an enormous friend of London. He’s a great contributor to the city. He’s got many supporters and admirers of which Boris is definitely one.' If indeed Bloomberg decided on an unlkely run for mayor, he would have to jump through some hoops. As an American citizen he would have to apply for British residency. This process is lengthy but can be speeded up if the person invested $15 million into the country. This would present no difficulties for Bloomberg who is the 13th richest man in the world, worth $36 billion. Ineed, both of Bloomberg's daughter's are British and his ex-wife is Susan Brown, is from the north of England.
Three-time NYC mayor is rumored to be have his sights on London. Sources in Britain's ruling Conservative party said he could stand for them. Bloomberg has business interests, property and family in Great Britain. Incumbent Boris Johnson's term will end in 2016.
Every police force in England and Wales will be required to record anti-Muslim hate crimes and treat them as seriously as anti-Semitic attacks if the Tories win the next General Election, Theresa May has announced. In a move hailed by Islamic groups, Mrs May said that police will have to record Islamophobic attacks as a separate category, just as anti-Semitic crimes are recorded separately. At present some forces, including London’s Metropolitan Police, do record Islamophobic crimes as such. Other forces categorise them as hate crimes or specific offences such as assault or grievous bodily harm. Scroll down for video. Pledge: Home Secretary Theresa May said police will have to record Islamophobic attacks as a separate category. The new requirement will create the first accurate picture of the extent of Islamophobic hate crimes in Britain. Charities say there has been a steady rise of anti-Muslim hate crimes since 9/11. But after incidents such as the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby outside Woolwich barracks in 2013 and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January, there are spikes in incidents in the UK, say experts. Mrs May made her pledge in a speech on counter-extremism to the Foundation for Peace in London just before Parliament was dissolved. She told the conference: ‘We will require police forces to record anti-Muslim crimes as well as anti-Semitic crimes.’ On the same day, Mrs May answered a question from Labour MP Kate Green in Parliament, who asked what steps the Government was taking to record anti-Muslim hate crimes. Mrs May said: ‘A Conservative government would require the police to be recording Muslim hate crime, anti-Muslim incidents, as well as anti-Semitic incidents.’ The Home Office does not publish national statistics for Islamophobic offences. The move by Mrs May, pictured here with Prime Minister David Cameron, has been hailed by Islamic groups. But in 2013-14, police recorded 44,480 hate crimes, an increase of five per cent over the same period the previous year across England and Wales. The vast majority – 37,484 – were race-hate crimes. Tell Mama, a Government-backed Islamic group, said that more than half of all the victims (54 per cent) of Islamophobic incidents are women, perhaps because they ‘appear more Islamic’, wearing the burka or headscarf. Tell Mama figures show that in the ten months after the Lee Rigby attack, a total of 734 incidents were reported to the organisation – an increase of 20 per cent on the same period the previous year. The most serious incident is believed to be the frenzied knife attack on Saudi Arabian student Nahid Almanea, 31, in Colchester, Essex, in June last year. Detectives believe she was attacked because she was wearing Islamic clothes. So far no one has been arrested for the murder. Mohammed Amin, a patron of Tell Mama, said of Mrs May’s speech: ‘This is a positive step forward.’ The Muslim Council of Britain has also welcomed the proposal. Iqbal Sacranie, the group’s former Secretary-General, said: ‘This change will bring parity between Muslim and Jewish groups.’
All police would record anti-Muslim hate crimes if Tories win the Election. Islamophobic attacks would be separate category, like anti-Semitic crimes. At present some police forces, including Met, record these crimes as such. Would create accurate picture of the extent of these hate crimes in Britain.
Cooking a gourmet lunch for family and friends at Easter has never been so easy - or cheap. One of Australia's most loved cooks, Lyndey Milan, has teamed up with Aldi to create Easter lunch recipes that will easily feed six people for less than $6 each. The home cook icon put her skills to the test by trawling the supermarket aisles to find healthy, fresh produce to turn into an Easter feast. Scroll down for video. One of Australia's most loved cooks, Lyndey Milan, has teamed up with Aldi to create Easter lunch recipes that will easily feed six people for less than $6 each. 'I am such of a massive fan of the hospitality of a table. I think sitting down around a table is the loveliest thing,' Milan told Daily Mail Australia. 'The worst homemade disaster is better than the shop bought stuff. You'll be wealthier, healthier and friendlier for cooking for the people you love.' The results of her Aldi experiment include Greek lamb with salad and zucchini pilaf and herb crusted salmon with pea puree, smashed potatoes and carrots. For dessert, Lyndey says her hot cross bun and Easter egg bread & butter pudding with almond praline, which came in at $2 per person, is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser. 'The hot cross bun pudding is so much fun. What I like about it is you can use leftovers – you'll always have stale hot cross buns and Easter eggs,' Lyndey told Daily Mail Australia. 'The salmon is smart enough for a dinner party. I would serve that for people coming for dinner. 'What I love about it is the ease of preparation. All you do it make the crusting, spread the salmon with Dijon mustard – it's not that hard, it's perfect.' The home cook icon put her skills to the test by trawling the Aldi supermarket aisles to find healthy, fresh produce to turn into an Easter feast - including hot cross bun and Easter egg bread & butter pudding. Greek lamb with salad and zucchini pilaf is also on Lyndey's menu for Easter. Lyndey was inspired by the lamb dish after filming a cooking series in Greece a few years back. 'At Easter, some people like to eat fish but then lamb is so traditional. Sometimes families aren't sure of how to cook it – the whole point of Greek lamb is it's well cooked, so you don't have that issue of cooking it rare for some and well done for others,' she said. 1. Use up all of what you buy. 2. Buy fresh produce that’s in season. 3. Store things correctly so they will keep well in your fridge. 4. Take advantage of any deals or specials and build your weekly meals around them. 5. Always try to use leftovers in another meal. 6. Only buy what you need. 7. Use your freezer. 'You can buy it from Aldi already butterflied so you can reduce cooking time. I just did that really simple zucchini pilaf, but you can use any sort of veggie. 'With a recipe, it's only a description of what you've done once… I love it when people change them and make it their own.' Lyndey had never stepped foot inside an Aldi before she partnered with them to create the Easter recipes. 'I did my personal research on Aldi, I went and visited two stores. I was waiting to get arrested by the store detective,' Lyndey said. 'I went around taking photos and making notes of the prices, which I couldn't believe by the way. I then went and bought all my ingredients... I did a spreadsheet of costs and then created. 'All of their meat is grass-fed, they have Australian cheese in there that's won Sydney Royal Medals – I just saw how much of their stuff is Australian. 'I'm now a convert.' Lyndey says her hot cross bun and Easter egg bread & butter pudding with almond praline, which came in at $2 per person, is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser. Lyndey says her herb crusted salmon with pea puree, smashed potatoes and carrots is quick and easy to prepare. Lyndey, who prides herself on never throwing food out, says there's a few simple tips to keep the grocery spend down and minimise waste. 1. Use up all of what you buy. Cooking a whole chicken? Boil up the bones with a carrot, onion, parsley stalks and peppercorns and make your own stock or soup base. Do the same with meat bones. 2. Buy fresh produce that’s in season. Not only does it taste better, it costs less. 3. Store things correctly so they will keep well in your fridge. Soak celery in icy cold water, drain, then wrap well in plastic in the fridge. Store herbs and shallots in damp kitchen paper inside a plastic bag to keep them fresh. Store potatoes and onions in a cool, dark place. 4. Take advantage of any deals or specials and build your weekly meals around them. ALDI has 7 Day Deals each Wednesday, which include amazing specials on meat, produce and some different and exciting products in the fridge. 5. Always try to use leftovers in another meal. Cold roast meat and vegetables can liven up a bland salad. Leftover vegies can go into a pasta, soup, frittata or risotto. Banana muffins or ice-cream can be made using over-ripe bananas and almost anything can be turned into a curry. 6. Only buy what you need. Always check the fridge and pantry before you shop and make a list before you go in store. 7. Use your freezer. Liquids like wine, coconut milk and stock can be frozen to use when needed. Bread stores well in the freezer and once defrosted, makes an excellent savoury breadcrumb topping with grated cheese. Herb Crusted Salmon with Pea Puree:. 6 salmon fillets (140g each)   3 tbsp. (1/4 cup) Dijon mustard. 25g (1/2 packet) fresh parsley   25g (1/2 packet) fresh dill. ½ cup dried bread crumbs   Olive oil. 30g butter   3 green onions (shallots), finely chopped. 2 sprigs mint   500g frozen peas   1 tbsp. lemon juice (optional) METHOD:. Pre-heat oven to 180⁰C [160⁰C fan-forced] and line a baking tray with baking paper. Place salmon on the prepared baking tray. Spread with mustard and season with salt and pepper. Chop parsley and dill in a small processor, then add breadcrumbs and enough olive oil to moisten. Press down on salmon. Roast for 8 minutes for pink or 12 minutes for well done. Serve salmon on pea puree (recipe below), with smashed potatoes and ginger carrots. Melt butter in a medium saucepan, add green onions and stir over medium heat until softened. Add frozen peas, cover with 2cm of water and bring to the boil. Boil for five minutes or until the peas are very tender. Strain the peas, but reserve the cooking liquid. Puree until smooth, adding a splash of the cooking water if needed. Season with salt and pepper and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Greek Lamb. 1.2 kg butterflied leg of lamb   1/3 cup (80ml) extra virgin olive oil. 1 1/2 tbsp. (30ml) wine vinegar   2 tbsp. dried oregano. 2 cloves garlic, crushed   1 tsp. salt or to taste. Freshly ground pepper   1 lemon, cut in wedges, to serve. METHOD:. Preheat oven to 200'C (180'C fan-forced). Remove lamb from fridge 30 minutes before roasting to bring to room temperature. Place 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large frying pan over high heat. Season the lamb with salt and pepper on both sides, then brown in the pan for 2- 3 minutes each side. Place lamb in roasting dish. Combine oil, garlic, vinegar and oregano. Rub mixture over lamb, place in oven and roast uncovered for 55 minutes, turning once. Remove from the oven and rest, covered loosely with foil for 10 minutes. Pour juices off and allow to settle in a jug. Scoop off the fat which rises to the top with either a spoon or kitchen paper. (Or a fat/lean separator jug can do this for you.) Carve lamb into thin slices, drizzle with pan juices and serve with lemon, Zucchini Pilaf and Greek Salad. Easter Bread & Butter Pudding with Almond Praline. 5 - 6 cherry chocolate hot cross buns, sliced thickly. 1 ½ tbsp. (30g) soft butter   275ml milk. 2 cups (500ml) cream   1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar. 1 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)   4 eggs. 100g (1 large) Easter egg, crumbled (optional) Ice-cream to serve (optional)   ½ cup (40g) flaked almonds. 1 cup (220g) caster sugar   1/3 cup (80ml) cold water. METHOD:. Preheat the oven to 180'C (160'C fan forced). Grease a shallow 2-litre (8-cup) ovenproof dish. Spread cut surfaces of buns with butter. Place cut side up in prepared dish. Sprinkle with Easter egg (optional). Combine the milk, cream and sugar in a small saucepan. Stir over heat until warm but not boiling. Whisk eggs in large bowl. Gradually add warm milk mixture as you whisk. Pour hot milk mixture over the hot cross buns. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes, pressing down with your fingers occasionally to help the buns soak up the liquid. Place overproof dish in a large baking tray and add enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the ovenproof dish. Bake uncovered in oven for about 45 - 50 minutes or until pudding almost sets. It will still be wobbly in the middle if you shake the dish Remove the pudding from the oven and stand 5 minutes before serving. Serve Bread & Butter Pudding with almond praline (see recipe below) sprinkled over the top. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Scatter over the almonds and place in the oven until golden about 5 minutes. Meanwhile combine sugar and water in a saucepan and place over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until sugar has dissolved. Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Boil without stirring for 5-7 minutes or until mixture turns golden. Remove from heat and set aside for 2 minutes to allow bubbles to subside. Pour over almonds on the baking tray and allow to cool. Break praline into shards and sprinkle over the pudding.
Lyndey Milan created Easter lunch recipes for $6 per person from Aldi. Home cook icon trawled supermarket aisles to find inspiration for recipes. Result of experiment include Greek lamb and herb crusted salmon dishes. Hot cross bun and Easter egg bread & butter pudding came in at just $2 a person and Lyndey says it is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Eight animals are dead, including at least one alligator that once belonged to Michael Jackson, after a fire last week destroyed two enclosures at a zoological park in Oklahoma. Authorities suspect an arsonist is to blame for the March 26 fire that left seven alligators and a crocodile 'boiled to death' at the Garold Wayne Interactive Zoological Park, News OK reports. The fire was set in the early morning hours that March day and Joe Schreibvogel, the founder of the zoo, said not only did the alleged criminal set the fire, but also stole a large amount of equipment Schreibvogel used to record his independently produced television show, JoeExotic TV. Alligators: At least one of Michael Jackson's alligators (photographed) from his Neverland Ranch died ina fire at the Garold Wayne Interactive Zoological Park in Oklahoma. Escaped: Eight animals died in the fire that destroyed two reptiles enclosures and one alligator reportedly escaped. 'This was personal,' he told News OK. 'They targeted the studio to shut me up. They wanted to get me off the air...or else they would’ve targeted something else [in the Park].' In addition to destroying the two reptile enclosures, the fire also destroyed a video production studio. Garvin County Sheriff Larry Rhodes told KJRH that the fire was arson and most likely an attempt to cover up a burglary or theft. Only one alligator escaped the blaze. KJRH reports that one alligator that reportedly belonged to the self-proclaimed King of Pop suffered severe smoke inhalation but is in recovery. Destroyed: Not only did the alleged criminal set the fire, but also stole a large amount of equipment Joe Schreibvogel, the founder of the zoo, used to record his independently produced television show, JoeExotic TV. Arson: Officials say an arson investigator has not officially declared the incident a case of arson, but has ruled out other likely causes like electrical issues and lightning from recent storms in the area. All Times: Schreibvogel said that, despite the fire, the park will remain open but armed security guards will be on duty at all times. Schreibvogel told News OK he is often targeted by animal rights groups and extremists, calling them 'animal terroristst.' He said it is an 'ongoing pattern,' noting that he has received threats before. 'It is more of disgust,' He told KJRH of his feelings toward the incident. 'If somebody has an issue with the zoo or an issue with me personally then take it up with me. 'These animals didn't deserved to be burned to death.' Rhodes told News OK that an arson investigator has not officially declared the incident a case of arson, but has ruled out other likely causes like electrical issues and lightning from recent storms in the area. King of Pop: After the worldwide mega-star died in 2009, the animals that made up his massive menagerie were spread across the U.S. to animals preserves, sanctuaries, and animal enthusiasts. No one has been arrested or charged in the case. Schreibvogel, who reportedly filed for bankruptcy in 2013, said repairs will cost $250,000. After the worldwide mega-star died in 2009, the animals that made up his massive menagerie were spread across the U.S. to animals preserves, sanctuaries, and animal enthusiasts. Jackson's alligators were taken to the Park along with his albino Python named Madonna, the Telegraph reports. 'The building can be replaced,' Schreibvogel told KXII, 'the equipment can be replaced, but Michael Jackson's alligators cannot be replaced.' Schreibvogel said that, despite the fire, the park will remain open but armed security guards will be on duty at all times.
Eight animals are dead, including at least one alligator that once belonged to Michael Jackson after a fire last week at an Oklahoma zoo. The zoo's founder, Joe Schreibvogel, said the fire was most likely set by rogue animal rights activists who have been targeting the zoo. Schreibvogel: 'The building can be replaced...Michael Jackson's alligators cannot be replaced'
Rutgers University has banned fraternity and sorority house parties at its main campus in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for the rest of the spring semester after several alcohol-related problems this school year, including the death of a student. The probation was decided last week but announced by the university Monday. 'Rutgers takes seriously its commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe campus environment,' the university said in a statement. Last month, a fraternity was shut down because of an underage drinking incident in November in which a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon was taken to a hospital after drinking heavily at the fraternity house. Rutgers University has banned fraternity and sorority house parties at its main campus for the rest of the spring semester after several alcohol-related problems this school year, including the death of a student. Victim: 19-year-old student Caitlyn Kovacs died of alcohol poisoning after attending a fraternity party in September 2014. And in September, a 19-year-old student, Caitlyn Kovacs, died of alcohol poisoning after attending a fraternity party. It's not clear whether she had been drinking there or elsewhere, though. Under the ban, the university's 86 recognized fraternities and sororities will be allowed to hold spring formals and other events where third-party vendors serve alcohol. Rutgers' announcement was made less than one month until the spring semester ends May 4. After two reading days, final exams start May 7 and finish May 13. The ban was first reported by School officials revealed the measure to Greek community leadership at a Wednesday night meeting, according to the media outlet. In a statement to, Rutgers spokesman E.J. Miranda said '[The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs] is taking this step out of caution and concern and will use this time to continue and reinforce its dialogue with the leadership of the university's 86 recognized fraternities and sororities about Greek life at Rutgers and their responsibilities to the campus community at large. The university said last month that six fraternities and one sorority are under review for alcohol violations. It's not clear whether Kovacs had been drinking at the fraternity house or elsewhere, though. Under the ban, the university's 86 recognized fraternities and sororities will be allowed to hold spring formals and other events where third-party vendors serve alcohol. The ban comes at a time when fraternities have had a run of bad publicity. At the University of Oklahoma, fraternity members were caught on video singing a racist song; investigators have been looking into allegations that a Penn State fraternity had a private Facebook group with pictures of nude and partially nude women, some of them asleep or unconscious; there have been allegations that members of a Dartmouth fraternity were being branded in a hazing ritual; and two organizations at North Carolina State have been shut down, one over a sexist and racist book, another over sexual assault allegations. Erin Kearns, president of the Rutgers Panhellenic Association, a governing body for sororities, told, that many leaders of Greek groups accept the house party ban in light of the negative attention at Rutgers and elsewhere. 'Our advisers and administration thought it would be best that Rutgers doesn't fall into that trap,' she said.
Rutgers University has banned fraternity and sorority house parties at its main campus for the rest of the spring semester. The probation was decided last week, but the school announced the move on Monday. 86 recognized fraternities and sororities will be allowed to hold spring formals and other events where third-party vendors serve alcohol. Last month, a fraternity was shut down because of an underage drinking incident in November. A member of Sigma Phi Epsilon was taken to a hospital after drinking heavily at the fraternity house during the incident. In September, a 19-year-old student, Caitlyn Kovacs, died of alcohol poisoning after attending a fraternity party.
If you were spellbound by the death-defying adventures of Katniss Everdeen, you will be very excited by the news that a Hunger Games theme park is in the planning. And fans could have the chance to experience Katniss' life as soon as next year, with the attraction expected to open in October 2016. But those looking to wield their bows and act as tribute will have to travel to Dubai for the chance to emulate the mockingjay. Hopefully the Dubai theme park will have safety measures in place for guests - unlike Katniss' experience in the arena in Hunger Games. The four million square foot Motiongate Dubai is set to attract over three million tourists annually, who will be immersed in a cinematic journey through their favourite movies via 27 different latest-in-technology rides and attractions. Contrasting with the dramatic and nail-biting theme of the Hunger Games is the incorporation of a live stage show based on Step Up: All In and Step Up: Revolution, the two most recent films in Liongate's worldwide franchise. So far there have been three 'Hunger Games' films released, featuring Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, grossing $2.3 billion at box offices worldwide. The final instalment, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, is debuting on Nov 20, 2015, and the theme park attractions will be open for fans less than a year later. Dubai Parks and Resorts Chief Executive Officer, Raed Al Nuaimi, said: 'We are thrilled to be working with a Hollywood studio whose creative resources, spirit of innovation and vision of the entertainment experience are so closely aligned with our own. 'Lionsgate's Hunger Games, Step Up and other signature properties are the perfect centerpiece for one of the most visionary new theme parks in the world. 'Through this partnership we are offering even more for the whole family to enjoy on their visit and are confident that Motiongate Dubai will set a global benchmark as the ultimate movie themed destination.' The theme park is set to open for Hunger Games fans in October 2016, and will include 27 different latest-in-technology rides and attractions. The last movie in the Hunger Games franchise is set to be released in the US in November this year. Lionsgate has partnered with Dubai Parks and Resorts to bring a Lionsgate zone to motiongate™ Dubai, the Hollywood-themed park opening in Dubai in October 2016. 'Motiongate Dubai is poised to become one of the most exciting new entertainment destinations in the world, and we're thrilled that many of our biggest franchises will be an integral part of it,' said Lionsgate Executive Vice President of Global Franchise Management and Strategic Partnerships, Kerry Phelan, and Senior Vice President of Branded Attractions, Jenefer Brown. 'The Lionsgate section of Motiongate Dubai is an important milestone in our ongoing commitment to extend the longevity, broaden the global fan base and enrich the vitality of our most exciting entertainment properties.' If the Hunger Games and Step Up attractions were not enough to draw the crowds, Dubai Parks and Resorts even have plans for Legoland Dubai, the first of its kind in the Middle East. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios, Orlando, proved that if done correctly, theme parks can tap into a large movie fan base. Fans at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter can walk through a replica Hogwarts Castle, and enjoy three rollercoaster rides. Lionsgate were no doubt spurred on by the success of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which opened at Universal Studios, Florida in 2010. Attracting millions of fans from all over the globe, the attraction, which included Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade Village, was a rounding success. Universal opened an extension to the Harry Potter experience, Diagon Alley, last summer which cost an estimated £239million.
Motiongate Dubai will open in October, 2016 with themed zones. Guests can enjoy rides and gift shops based on the billion dollar franchise. There will also be live performances based on Step Up movies. The Dubai Theme Park will be four million square foot in size.
Jamie Carragher believes Chelsea captain John Terry is the best defender to have ever graced the Premier League. Terry, 34, has enjoyed another impressive season at Stamford Bridge and was the star performer as he led Jose Mourinho's side to a 0-0 draw against Arsenal on Sunday. The draw at the Emirates means Chelsea now need just six points from five games to claim their first Premier League title since 2010. John Terry celebrates after the Premier League match between Arsenal and Chelsea at the Emirates Stadium. Jamie Carragher believes the Chelsea captain is the best defender to have played in the Premier League. Carragher insists Terry deserves much of the credit, saying on Sky Sports: 'There’s no doubt that, just behind (Eden) Hazard in this Chelsea team, Terry has been the most influential. 'We’ve seen (Cesc) Fabregas, (Nemanja) Matic and Diego Costa feature in the early part of the season, but if you look at Terry’s display (against Arsenal) he was outstanding. 'We talk about Chelsea being a defensive team, but sometimes you’ve got to say they defend brilliantly, and Terry is the best. Carragher (left) claimed Terry has been almost as influential as Chelsea's star man Eden Hazard. 'There have been a lot of great centre-backs in Premier League history, but I think he has been the best that we’ve seen.' Blues boss Mourinho was also quick to praise his captain after Sunday's draw and even claimed it was Terry's best performance in a Chelsea shirt. Mourinho said: 'I told John Terry in the dressing room that he made fantastic performances with me in six years but for me this was the best I have seen from him. 'It was the best JT has ever played. His defensive performance was absolutely amazing.' Terry looks to get the better of Arsenal striker Olivier Giroud during the 0-0 draw in north London. Blues boss Jose Mourinho hailed Terry's performance against Arsenal as the 'best' he has seen.
John Terry helps Chelsea earn 0-0 Premier League draw against Arsenal. Chelsea captain has been in brilliant form for Jose Mourinho this season. Jamie Carragher believes Terry is the Premier League best centre back. Mourinho: That was Terry best performance for Chelsea. If there was a PFA Defender of the Year category, Terry would clean up!
A woman told she was infertile after undergoing gruelling cancer treatment has spoken of her joy at giving birth to a baby boy. Doctors told Cara Newton, 32, from Fleet, Hampshire, she had a zero per cent chance of conceiving naturally after being diagnosed with bone cancer in 2009. While Mrs Newton and her husband, Chris, 34, were relieved that chemotherapy had worked, they were devastated to be told they would never have a family of their own. Some chemotherapy drugs permanently stop the ovaries from producing eggs. This means a woman can no longer get pregnant and may have symptoms of the menopause, as Mrs Newton did. Cara Newton, 32 (with husband Chris), was told she had a zero per cent chance of conceiving naturally after being diagnosed with bone cancer in 2009. To her utter surprise, she conceived baby Sebastian naturally. Mrs Newton was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma - a rare type of bone cancer - in April 2009. She had to undergo several rounds of chemotherapy which doctors said would destroy her fertility. After IVF failed, the couple feared they would never become parents. But 10 months later they were astounded to discover Mrs Newton had become pregnant naturally with baby Sebastian, who was born last April. The couple tried IVF using a donor egg but when that failed, they feared the worst. Then 10 months later, to their utter surprise, Mrs Newton became pregnant naturally with baby Sebastian, who was born last April. She said: 'I was heartbroken when doctors told me I had zero chance of ever becoming a mum. 'Chemotherapy had taken my hair, made me sick and plummeted by body into early menopause. 'I had always wanted children but my hopes of having my own family had been destroyed overnight.' She added: 'Chris and I decided to try IVF using a donor egg. Even though the baby wouldn't biologically be mine, at least I would experience pregnancy and we would become parents.' 'When it failed I was gutted, but just months later I fell pregnant naturally, it was a dream come true. We had to keep pinching ourselves to check it was real.' Mrs Newton was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma - a rare type of bone cancer - in April 2009. She had become concerned after suffering from pain in her leg - something she first thought was a pulled a muscle. But an MRI confirmed her worst fears - she had bone cancer and could lose her leg. She said: 'I was terrified when I heard the word "cancer" and the amount of treatment I would need.' During surgery, Mrs Newton had 13cm of bone removed from her femur, which was replaced with a metal internal prosthesis. Mrs Newton had 13cm of bone removed from her femur, which was replaced with a metal internal prosthesis. She also underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy, all the time worrying she would lose her leg. She said: 'I ended up in intensive care a couple of times as the chemotherapy made me so ill that my body couldn't cope with the treatment. Chemotherapy can stop a woman's ovaries from working either temporarily or possibly permanently. The extend of the damage on fertility depends on the drugs and doses a patient receives. Some chemotherapy drugs are also more likely than others to cause infertility. Permanent infertility is more likely if a patient have higher doses of the drugs. It is also more likely in older women, especially those nearing the age where they would naturally have a menopause. Some chemotherapy drugs permanently stop the ovaries from producing eggs. If this happens, a woman can no longer get pregnant and may have symptoms of the menopause. While it is not as easy for women to preserve their fertility as it is for men, but there are ways of doing it, such as freezing embryos, freezing eggs or freezing ovarian tissue. These techniques are done before the chemotherapy starts and involve having some eggs collected. Source: Cancer Research UK. 'I was in a situation where I had to continue with chemotherapy or the cancer would kill me - but at times it was a risk that the chemo could kill me. It was terrifying.' It was the support of her now husband that got her through the ordeal, she says. 'Chris was my rock throughout it all and he proposed to me when I finished treatment in 2010 but I wanted to wait until my hair grew back before we got married,' she said. After marrying the following year, the couple were overjoyed to be told Mrs Newton was in remission - and they turned their thoughts to starting a family. But the gruelling treatment Mrs Newton had undergone severely hindered their chance of conceiving. 'The treatment stopped us from trying IVF through using a donor egg straight away,' she said. 'And when it failed in October 2012 and I fought off two serious infections that could have cost me my leg, I felt as though I would never become a mum.' With Mrs Newton on strong medication until July 2013, they were unable to try for a baby. 'So when I fell pregnant naturally in August we both felt like it was a complete miracle,' she said. 'Being a mum to Seb is the best thing in the world, Chris and I finally have the perfect family we have always wanted.' She added: 'If someone could have told me five years ago that I would keep my leg, by cancer free and become a mum I would never have believed them.' She said: 'When I fell pregnant naturally, it was a dream come true. We had to keep pinching ourselves to check it was real' With Sebastian now a year old, she said: 'Being a mum to Seb is the best thing in the world, Chris and I finally have the perfect family we have always wanted' She has now shared her story will give other women hope. 'I hope my story shows other women who have battled cancer that despite going through the menopause after chemotherapy, that miracles do happen and that one day they could have a baby too.' Mrs Newton has also been supported throughout her illness by the Bone Cancer Research Trust. Julie Harrington, Bone Cancer Research Trust chief executive, said: 'Finding out you have primary bone cancer is devastating enough but to be told you may never have children as a result is a real shock. 'Cara has shown incredible bravery and strength throughout her journey and is now blessed to have a beautiful baby boy.' 'Every year in the UK and Ireland 600 families will be affected by this brutal disease which leaves long-lasting physical and emotional scars, even after treatment. 'Cara's story gives a ray of hope to others through their darkest times and we wish her and her husband all the very best for their new life as parents.'
Cara Newton, 32, was told she was infertile after undergoing chemotherapy. Was diagnosed with the rare bone cancer Ewing's sarcoma in 2009. Some chemotherapy drugs permanently stop the ovaries producing eggs. After IVF failed, she was overjoyed to conceive baby Sebastian naturally.
Blown up in Iraq, Hannah Campbell defied the odds to have a miracle baby after shrapnel damaged her womb. But behind the joy of celebrating daughter Lexi-River’s first birthday, the former Army corporal has battled new agony after twice nearly dying from a mystery illness since the birth. Miss Campbell, 30, was struck down with a condition that caused her stomach to rupture, leaving her fighting for her life in intensive care, and feared she would not be there to help Lexi-River blow out the candles on her cake. Scroll down for video. Hannah Campbell, pictured with her daughters Milly (left) and Lexi-River (right), defied the odds to have a miracle baby after shrapnel damaged her womb from a blast in Basra. And as she struggled to recover, her relationship broke down with long-term partner and Lexi-River’s father Anthony McMorrow, who proposed to her on Valentine’s Day last year. Miss Campbell said: ‘I was just so desperately ill that the relationship was put under extreme pressure.’ But the split was amicable, with Miss Campbell and Mr McMorrow, 32, a marketing consultant, making Lexi-River their priority. Miss Campbell suffered horrific injuries when a mortar bomb hit the building in Basra she was guarding while serving with 19 Tank Transporter Squadron in 2007 as a young mum with a then three-year-old daughter, Milly, from a previous relationship. She has since split from long-term partner Anthony McMorrow (left). She was serving with 19 Tank Transporter Squadron (right) in 2007 when the blast happened. The couple, pictured with Hannah's daughter Milly and Anthony's son Leo, have decided to split after Hannah began suffering from a mystery condition. She was blinded in one eye, her left hand was split in two and her left leg was shattered. Shrapnel damaged her abdomen, leading doctors to tell her she’d never be able to have another child. Two years after the blast she elected to have her leg amputated, as unbearable pain had left her housebound. During her recovery she gained weight from being wheelchair-bound, going from 9½ st to 21st, while post-traumatic stress disorder caused her to lose her hair. With the help of doctors Miss Campbell, from Northampton, rebuilt herself with a £52,500 makeover including a prosthetic leg, make-up which is tattooed on, Botox, gastric band weight loss treatment, a tummy tuck and hair extensions. She even treated herself to breast enlargements. She underwent a £52,500 makeover after she gained weight from being wheelchair-bound after her leg was amputated following the blast. Although doctors told her she would never conceive again, she gave birth to Lexi-River on March 31 last year. But when Lexi-River was ten days old, Miss Campbell suffered excruciating stomach pain and was rushed to hospital. Miss Campbell was previously married to husband Jamie, father to their daughter Milly. She said: ‘It was like history was repeating itself as I lost so much of Milly’s childhood having operations and recovering after the blast.’ Doctors found she had a perforated ulcer and operated to stem the bleeding. Six months later she developed a larger ulcer, which perforated. She said: ‘I ended up with 40 staples holding my stomach together. I was in hospital all over Christmas and finally got out in early January this year.’ Last weekend she was readmitted with stomach pains, but she was determined not to miss Lexi-River’s birthday on Tuesday and checked herself out 24 hours before, getting home in time to make cupcakes with Milly for the party. Miss Campbell said: ‘Because of everything I’ve been through celebrating Lexi-River’s first birthday is a milestone not only for her, but also for me. In my darkest times I feared I wasn’t going to make it, but I just couldn’t give up because of my two daughters.’ She will spend the next month having tests as doctors explore the possibility she may have a rare condition which is causing her stomach to ulcerate.
Hannah Campbell, 30, had miracle baby after shrapnel damaged her womb. But since birth she has battled with a mystery illness - nearly dying twice. As she tried to recover her relationship with long-term partner broke down. Anthony McMorrow, 32, agreed new baby Lexi-River will be their priority. She will have tests next month to explore what is causing rare condition. Miss Campbell’s pregnancy appears in My Extraordinary Pregnancy, starting on Monday on TLC.
Prince Harry will go on tough bush patrols and take part in 'indigenous engagement' programmes during his four-week secondment with Australian Defence Force, Kensington Palace has revealed. The prince is due to arrive in Australia on the 6th April and will split his time between capital Canberra, Sydney, Darwin and Perth. On arrival, Harry will be taken straight to the Australian War Memorial on arrival before heading to barracks to report for duty. On his way: Harry will deploy to Australia next week and will begin with a visit to the Australian War Memorial. Last trip: Harry last headed Down Under in 2013 when he took part in Navy celebrations. First though, he will pay his respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where he will be joined by Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove. Afterwards, the 30-year-old will tour the World War I and Afghanistan galleries before meeting members of the public. Harry will then report to Australia's defence chief, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin, and army boss Lieutenant General David Morrison for duty. 'Prince Harry is tremendously looking forward to starting his four week attachment with the ADF,' said a source. 'It has been an opportunity he has been keen to explore for a couple of years now and is delighted to be able to do it before completing his military service with the British Armed Forces later this year.' News of Harry's deployment Down Under emerged two weeks ago, when Kensington Palace announced that the prince would be ending his army career after a decade of service. This month's secondment to Australia will be one of the final acts of his military life, which will come to an end this summer. Afterwards, the prince will travel to Africa to work on charitable projects before returning to the UK to take part in the Walk of Britain with injured veterans to support Walking With the Wounded. During his Australian military career, Captain Wales, as he is known in the Army, will take part in urban training exercises, regional bush patrols and joint fire exercises, and will also spend time meeting the local Aboriginal population. He will also briefly travel back in order to visit Turkey with the Prince of Wales later this month in order to take part in a memorial service for the men who fought and died at Gallipoli. The World War I battle, which pitted British forces against the Ottoman Empire, claimed the lives of 34,000 British soldiers, 8,700 Australians and 2,721 New Zealanders. Making friends: On that occasion, Harry met some of the locals and even pulled faces for a little boy. Warm welcome: Prince Harry was met by crowds of well-wishers during his last visit in October 2013. Harry has visited Australia twice before, most recently in 2013 when he took part in the International Fleet Review in Sydney. Harry has served with the Australian Armed Forces in the past, most notably during his two tours of Afghanistan. 'He has met [Australian troops] during the Invictus Games and even trekked to the South Pole with a couple of Australian soldiers,' added the spokesman. 'Those experiences reinforced the huge admiration and respect he already had for Australian servicemen and women and has stoked his enthusiasm even more to build on those relationships in the next four weeks. Entertainer: Harry also met Prime Minister Tony Abbott, his wife and two daughters Bridget and Frances. 'He knows he will learn a huge amount from his Australian colleagues during this attachment and he is grateful to the ADF for producing such a varied and interesting programme for him. 'He is also looking forward to learning how wounded, injured and ill servicemen and women are supported here in Australia and hopes to pass on some of his experience from his current role in the UK. 'Prince Harry has been to Australia twice before, so he knows he is in for a great experience. He particularly appreciates the opportunity to pay his respects to the fallen by traveling straight to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra upon arrival into the country on Monday, and fully appreciates the significance of commemoration in this centenary year of the Gallipoli campaign.'
Details of Prince Harry's Australian deployment have been released. Prince will arrive in Canberra and will visit the Australian War Memorial. He will then report for duty and will be in Perth and Darwin among others. Duties set to include bush patrols and 'indigenous engagement' Prince Harry will briefly travel back later this month for Gallipoli memorial. 34,000 Britons and 8,700 Australians killed during WWI campaign.
Despite being paraded as a prominent backer of Mr Miliband hours earlier, throughout the television debate on Thursday night she instead tweeted praise for Green Party leader Natalie Bennett. Ed Miliband faced yet more humiliation today as he lost the support of a plus-sized blogger just hours after she signed a high-profile letter backing him. Campaign chiefs had attempted to rebuff a letter from 100 business leaders that criticised the party by publishing its own message calling for a Labour government signed by people ‘from all walks of life’. But the plan quickly unravelled as it was revealed the 100 'working people' supporting Mr Miliband included a benefit fraudster, a boss who has used zero-hours workers, affluent students and a string of union and party activists. Today the move continued to backfire spectacularly as another of the signatories appeared to switch her allegiance to Green Party leader Natalie Bennett. Callie Thorpe was listed on the letter supporting Mr Miliband as a receptionist, but online she also describes herself as a 'plus size style and lifestyle blogger, fan of lipsticks, food, travel and self love'. Despite being paraded as a prominent backer of Mr Miliband hours earlier, throughout the television debate on Thursday night she instead tweeted praise for Miss Bennett. She posted: 'I really like Natalie Bennett', before later writing: 'I honestly believe that Natalie Bennett was wonderful.' In a further snub to Mr Miliband, who she failed to tweet about, she added: 'The female party members were incredible.' The 25-year-old, who signed the letter saying the country needs 'a better plan for prosperity', has boasted on her blog about her exotic holidays. She wrote: ‘Travelling the world has always been a passion of mine, especially Thailand and I thought I would share with you the best five weeks of my life hoping that I can impart some knowledge if you too, are looking to travel around Thailand or Cambodia.’ Labour leader Ed Miliband (left) has faced further embarrassment today after plus-sized blogger Callie Thorpe Right) withdrew her support of a high-profile letter backing him. The party had revealed a letter signed by 100 people ‘from all walks of life' including Ms Thorpe who  describes herself as a 'plus size style and lifestyle blogger, fan of lipsticks, food, travel and self love' She has also posted photographs of trips to Berlin, Paris and Amsterdam. She is a size 18 to 20. The signatories of the letter supporting Mr Miliband said they were ‘all working people’. They warned about the ‘proliferation of zero-hours contracts’, which they claimed were ‘letting down Britain’ and showed that ‘we need a Labour Government to put working people first’. But Labour removed the name of one of the signatories after she was exposed as Nigerian woman convicted of a £27,000 benefit fraud. The blogger posted during the election debate (pictured) that she 'really liked Natalie Bennett', before later writing: 'I honestly believe that Natalie Bennett was wonderful' Others included 21-year-old Manchester University students John-Jo Pierce and Rory Somerville, who were pictured on their Facebook pages smoking cigars whilst dressed in black tie. Mr Pierce's mother, who lives in a £1million house in Surrey, said her son had signed the letter despite knowing 'nothing about politics'. Several of the signatories were also exposed as Labour councillors and even an ex-MP. Miss Thorpe tonight wrote on Twitter that she had signed the letter 'as a woman who grew up on a council estate with a single parent income'. She added: 'I work x2 jobs and feel passionately about supporting the most vulnerable in our society.'
Ed Miliband lost one of the backers of his high profile support letter. Blogger Callie Thorpe was one of the 'ordinary workers' who signed it. Just hours later she tweeted her support for Greens leader Natalie Bennett.
A runaway cab driver ended up sending a pedestrian tumbling through the air before crashing into a bus stop full of waiting passengers. The chilling footage was posted on Facebook and shows the cab throwing 25-year-old Kadeem Brown across a median in the Bronx, New York. The conditions were so icy at the time he slid into the opposite curb before coming to a stop. His green taxi struck and killed little Tierre Clark who was five. She was waiting with her mother at a bus stop when she was hit by the cab. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES. Fatal blow: A store owner posted video that shows the moment a cab hits a pedestrian in the Bronx, killing him. The victim is seen in the red circle. Careening: Kadeem Brown, 25, can be seen sliding across the ice after being knocked over by a passing taxi. Shocking: Brown can be seen laying on the ground as horrified onlookers attempt to summon help. 'Accident happened at 170 and Grand Concourse in front of my bodega,' Facebook user Junior Papi Sanchez posted online. Police say Emilo Garcia, the 44-year-old driver, suffered a seizure moments before the crash on Friday evening. Despite the impact, he reportedly continued driving another 100 feet or so, before jumping a curb and crashing into the group waiting at the bus stop. He finally smashed into the side of a building. Mr Brown died at the scene, while the little girl who is not featured in the video died a short time later. Garcia has since had his TLC license taken away but has not been not been charged with any crime. Gone too soon: Kadeem Brown, 25, was killed. 'A state and city licensed driver has killed two people in broad daylight,' said Charles Komanoff of the safe street group Right of Way. 'The public has every right to demand that everything about the crash and the driver be dug up and made public.' A memorial service was held for Brown Wednesday evening at Mount Carmel Pentecostal Church, and he will be buried Thursday morning. Grieving relatives and friends of Brown posted memories of him on a fundraising page for his family. 'I always admired him, and said that's how our young men should act and carry themselves,' wrote his friend's aunt Tia Linder. 'He was destined for greatness, but God had a much higher calling for him. You can tell a person's true character by what others say about them when they are no longer here.' Another pal wrote that he was always the first friend to wish her a happy birthday. In heaven: Tierre Clarke, 5, was tragically killed on Friday, March 20th when a taxi jumped the curb while waiting for the bus with her mother. 'He was down to earth, and always gave an ear when needed,' wrote Renesha Barrett. 'I miss him already.' Little Tierre Clark died at Lincoln Hospital. 'She loved to sing and dance — that was Tierre,' said the girl's devastated grandmother, Liz Romani, 58 told the Daily News. She would just be walking down the street and break into song. She loved whatever popular music was out.' 'We'd be watching TV, some sitcom, and she would just break into song and start dancing,' Romani said through tears. The family are attempting to raise funds for a funeral for their daughter by also using a crowdfunding page. Crash: The New York City cab driver who killed a five-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man after mounting a curb on Friday has been stripped of his TLC license. Above, the driver's smashed-up taxi. Smashed in: The unidentified male driver, 44, was reportedly traveling along the snowy Grand Concourse service road near 170th Street in the Bronx when he swerved on to the sidewalk. Above, police at the scene. Fatal: The man's green-colored taxi struck and killed Kadeem Brown and little Tierre Clark, who were part of a group of people waiting at a bus stop on the road (pictured). A man, 55, and Tierre's mother were left injured. Police at the scene: Emergency crews arrived at the bustling Grand Concourse, where they discovered Mr Brown and Miss Clark lying unresponsive on the ground. Mr Brown, who lived nearby, was pronounced dead.
Male driver, 44, struck Kadeem Brown, 25, as he walked through the Bronx. Brown's body flipped over once and then went sliding until he hit the curb across the street. Cab driver suffered a seizure moments before the crash and has been stripped of his TLC license. Accident occurred on Grand Concourse in The Bronx on March 20.
Did you blink? There was a total eclipse of the moon on Saturday - but it was an unusually short one. The lunar event - where Earth's shadow completely blocks the moon - lasted only five minutes, making it the shortest eclipse of the century, NASA said. The so-called 'blood moon' could be seen by billions of people across the western U.S., Canada and Australia. Scroll down for video. Blood moon: Skygazers in the western U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand were treated to a total eclipse of the moon before dawn on Saturday (pictured over New Zealand) The eclipse is the third in a series of four blood moons, with the final one expected on September 28. The next one will be visible from Europe. The best spot this morning was at the Mississippi River, where spectators caught the entire five minutes of the orb around 5am PT, astronomers said. Sky-gazers in the Midwest and East Coast only caught part of the lunar show. The eclipse could also be seen in its entirety on Saturday night from eastern Australia, New Zealand and Japan. But observatory staff in Sydney were unable to see the eclipse due to cloudy weather and instead wrote on Twitter: 'Our live feed from the Griffith Observatory [in America] is showing gorgeous totality pink!' Don't blink! The moon may have shone red for three hours but it was only visible to citizens for five minutes (pictured over New Zealand) On the west coast of North America, the total eclipse — what astronomers call totality — began shortly before 5am PT. They accompanied their tweet with a picture of a bright pink moon. 'Blood moon' refers to its orange or red appearance, which is the result of sunlight scattering off Earth's atmosphere. Whether the moon appears dark red, copper, bronze or another shade depends on several factors including the amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere. Unlike more lengthy eclipses, the moon in this case only skimmed the upper part of Earth's shadow. Normally, the moon passes through the middle of the shadow, making the eclipse lasts longer. Sydney Observatory astronomer Andrew Smith said before the event: 'Some sources indicate it will be around 10 minutes of totality, which will make it the shortest since 1917, but other sources say it will be less than five minutes which makes it the shortest since 1592.' 'Blood moon' refers to its orange or red appearance — the result of sunlight scattering off Earth's atmosphere, seen here in Santa Barbara. Unlike solar eclipses which require eye protection, you only need clear skies to view this lunar eclipse (pictured over Santa Barbara) Whether the moon appears dark red, copper or bronze depends on several factors including the amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere. As well as California, the eclipse could also be seen in its entirety on Saturday night from eastern Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The total lunar eclipse is observed above cherry blossoms in Shiraishi city, Miyagi district, northeastern Japan on Saturday. Geoff Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington added that it was the changes in colour that makes lunar eclipses so interesting. The full eclipse of the moon in September will be visible across the U.S. and Canada, as well as western Europe and Africa. 'Totality' will last around an hour and 20 minutes. But those who missed out in Australia will have to wait until January 31, 2018, for the next lunar eclipse. Unlike solar eclipses which require eye protection, you only need clear skies to view a lunar eclipse. A pair of binoculars or backyard telescope will enhance your view, but are not necessary. Japanese sky-gazers caught the moon when it was still white and out of the Earth's shadow. It is the third of four consecutive lunar eclipses separated by six months - a tetrad - which is very rare. Atmospheric: The sky (pictured in Japan) burned a deep red as the gleaming orange light shone through the clouds. In New York, where the sun was rising, the sky glared orange from the reflection of the sun's rays from the moon. The full moon is seen over the Santa Monica Mountains in Topanga, California, shortly before it turns red during the lunar eclipse. The moon is seen behind downtown high-rise buildings during the shortest total lunar eclipse of the century before dawn. Sky-gazers will have a better chance of catching the next full lunar eclipse on September 28, that will last over an hour.
The moon skimmed across the Earth's shadow on Saturday, reflecting the red glare of the sun. It was the shortest lunar eclipse this century, with 'totality' only visible for five minutes.
Small businesses and restaurants will be forced to close over the Easter long weekend as they struggle to cover the costs of penalty rates on public holidays. Many operators across the country will face penalty rates of up to two-and-a-half times regular pay that would allow young workers to earn around $50 an hour as a casual. But the Australian Chamber of Commerce has launched a campaign in a bid for small businesses to voice their concerns and call on the federal government to make changes to the penalty rates. The Too Big to Ignore campaign will allow small retailers and hospitality businesses to put up posters in their windows explaining why they are closed. 'We're sorry we're closed today. We'd like to be able to serve you. We'd like to give local people jobs. But the ­penalty rates are too high,' the posters will read. Some young workers who earn up to $50 on public holidays will not be able to earn money this weekend. The campaign will allow small businesses to put up posters in their windows explaining why they are closed. ACCI chief executive Kate Carnell said businesses that remain open are expected to lose money, with the extra holiday trade cancelled out by the extra wage costs. 'This is a lose-lose situation,' Ms Carnell said. 'Customers lose because the services they want are harder to access; staff lose because they don't get the hours many are seeking at work; and business proprietors lose because they get little benefit from the holiday traffic.' The campaign will also allow businesses that remain open over the public holidays the option to display a sign in their windows to explain why they are operating with reduced staff. 'We will be open today to serve our loyal customers. We will have fewer staff than we wished. We'd like to give local people jobs. But the penalty rates are too high,' the poster will read. The penalty rates will come into force from Good Friday to Easter Monday in retail, restaurant, hotel, pharmacy, fast food, dry cleaning, amusements and hair and beauty sectors. This means a casual retail shop assistant or a fast food employee is paid a minimum $50.94 an hour and a person working behind a bar is paid at least $49.55 an hour on public holidays. The penalty rates will come into force across Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Easter Monday. The campaign will also allow businesses that remain open over the public holidays the option to display a sign in their windows to explain why they are operating with reduced staff. Small businesses will struggle to open their doors due to the cost of penalty rates on public holidays. But the Australian Unions has claimed workers are being subjected to a false and misleading campaign about penalty rates by employer groups in the lead up to Easter. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the business community are using the Easter break as a justification to attack penalty rates by saying it's unaffordable to hire more workers. 'The truth is the share of business income going to wages in retail and hospitality has fallen in recent years,' Ms Kearney said in a statement. 'There is no evidence this will create new jobs, but plenty of evidence it will hurt low-paid workers. 'We know most retail and hospitality workers are paid less than Full Time Average Weekly Total Earnings and working over the Easter break allows them extra disposable income to spend in shops and cafes – the very businesses that are driving this attack. 'Cutting penalty rates have nothing to do with job creation or productivity - it is about cutting people's pay packets and disposable income.'
Small businesses will be forced to close over the Easter long weekend. Penalty rates of up to two-and-a-half times pay are affecting employees. The inflated penalty rates allow casual workers to earn up to $50 an hour. The Australian Chamber of Commerce has called on the federal government to make changes to the penalty rates to help small operators. But Unions has claimed workers are being subjected to a false and misleading campaign.
A personal injury claims company has collapsed after being fined £80,000 for plaguing households with nuisance calls (file picture) A personal injury claims company has collapsed after being fined £80,000 by the privacy watchdog for plaguing households with nuisance calls. Direct Assist, based in Bolton, Lancashire, told one complainant that they were likely to be called for three years until they made a claim, despite repeated requests for their details to be removed. The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) registered 801 concerns about the company between January 2013 and July last year. Every complaint came from someone who was registered with the TPS and who had not given permission for the company to call them, the ICO said. One elderly and deaf complainant said the callers left them in fear of answering the phone that they relied on to maintain contact with family. Direct Assist, which offered access to solicitors for claims, continued to call despite being given this information, the ICO said. The ICO found that Direct Assist instructed its staff to deliberately use phone numbers from lists that included people on the TPS, even claiming that the calls were being made by someone else using their company name. ICO head of enforcement Steve Eckersley said: 'Direct Assist's behaviour shows a blatant disregard for the law and the customers they tried to contact. 'Even though the TPS contacted them 525 times to warn them about complaints being made they continued to market their services through unsolicited phone calls. 'This penalty sends a clear message that this type of irresponsible marketing is totally unacceptable. Companies need to think about their responsibilities, the law and the consequences if they try to break it.' Direct Assist has now gone into liquidation and the ICO said it intended to register as an unsecured creditor in an attempt to obtain the fine. Direct Assist, based in Bolton, Lancashire, told one complainant that they were likely to be called for three years until they made a claim, despite repeated requests for their details to be removed. Which? executive director Richard Lloyd said: 'This company has driven a coach and horses through cold calling rules and it's good the ICO has acted decisively. 'We want to see more fines when the rules change next week to make it easier for regulators to punish firms making these calls. 'We also want to see senior executives held personally responsible for their company's behaviour on nuisance calls, which could include disqualifying company directors if they flout the rules.' From April 6, the legal requirement on the ICO to prove 'substantial damage or distress' will be removed to make it easier to impose fines.
Bolton-based Direct Assist has gone into liquidation after receiving the fine. More than 800 concerns registered about the company in just 18 months. Firm plagued households offering people access to solicitors for claims.
The pizza delivery driver who is accused of stabbing and strangling his roommate then having sex with her corpse seemed to revel her talking about the pain he inflicted on her, prosecutors revealed today at the first day of his trial. Bryan Santana of Orlando, Florida, who is accused of killing Shelby Fazio and her dog last October, was described by prosecutors as 'delighting' in the pain he allegedly caused the young woman. 'He delights in every moment of telling explicitly what he had done to Shelby,' Assistant State Attorney Mark Interlicchio told jurors during opening statements. Jurors also heard the after allegedly wrapping a belt around Fazio's neck and stabbing her in the throat with a pen, Santana then reportedly had sex with her corpse, killed and mutilated her dog and wrote messages in blood on the wall. One of those messages read: 'I'm not sorry for what I did.' Scroll down for video. Bryan Santana (left) of Orlando, Florida has been charged with murder in the death of his former roommate Shelby Fazio (right) He is also charged with attempted murder for allegedly attacking their third roommate with a knife and killing Fazio's dog (above), and using its blood to write messages on the wall. The Orlando Sentinel reports that jurors also heard that Santana even messaged a friend and forewarned what was to come, claiming he was going to 'gut' someone, and then saying; 'I have zero money to pay my $400 rent so I'm going to do what I want. I will fulfill my deepest desires.' Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Charlie Murphy also took the stand on Wednesday, describing the grizzly scene he discovered when he arrived at the residence Fazio and Santana shared. 'I noticed a body laying on the ground, the door hit the left leg of the body,' he said. 'She was naked. I remember she had a belt around her throat and some type of pen or pencil shoved into her neck.' This came just days after Santana's lawyer argued that he is not competent to stand trial following an incident where he smeared feces all over himself and tried to hit a corrections officer at the courthouse during opening statements in the case. 'He has now soiled himself and smeared himself in feces and smeared the wall,' said Judge Renee Roache after the incident, according to WKMG. 'I've ordered security to clean him up and bring him up here in full restraints.' And while she allowed two doctors to examine the young man, she has made it clear that she has no time for this behavior. 'He certainly knows how to behave himself in the courtroom. He behaved himself very well yesterday. Now that the train is coming down the tracks at full speed, we are seeing some other behavior,' she said. 'I will not tolerate disruption in this courtroom. If I have to gag him, I will. If I have to remove him I will.' In earlier court documents, Santana confessed to the strangling, stabbing and sexual intercourse. He is now claiming he has multiple personalities, including one named 'Michael.' In court documents, Santana (right) admitted to strangling and stabbing Fazio (left), a Disney World employee, to death, and then having sex with her corpse. Fazio, 23, had moved in with the young man to begin a job at Disney World. The two had a third roommate who Santana also allegedly tried to kill, and for which he faces an attempted murder charge. That roommate claims Santana pepper sprayed him and came at him with a knife. 'He came at me, pepper sprayed me, I tried to knock the knife out of his hand and was successful in doing that,' said John Heermance. 'And then we wrestled in the living room area.' Heermance then testified on Wednesday that at this point Santana told him to go into his room and everything would be fine. After the incident, Santana is believed to have taken Fazio's car and tried to go to a Walmart to buy a toy gun in hopes that he would be shot dead if he pointed it at police, a jury heard. He also went and got a haircut. Friends say the young man no longer wanted to live. Laura Ramirez, a friend of Santana, said on the stand: 'He just said he was going to fulfill his fantasies.' She then added: 'He said he was going to gut her.'
Bryan Santana of Orlando, Florida has been charged with murder in the death of his former roommate Shelby Fazio. In court documents, Santana admitted to strangling and stabbing Fazio, a Disney World employee, to death, and then having sex with her corpse. He is also charged with attempted murder for allegedly attacking their third roommate with a knife and killing Fazio's dog. His trial was set to begin on Tuesday, but was pushed back after he smeared feces all over his body at the courthouse and tried to hit an officer. In opening statements on Wednesday, prosecutors described how he 'delighted' in the murder of Fazio. They also showed photos of the messages he allegedly wrote on his wall in her dog's blood, including one that said 'I'm not sorry for what I did'
Rip up a piece of paper, and you can piece it back together. Burn a book, and you could theoretically do the same. But send information into a black hole, and it's lost forever – or at least that's what many physicists have been arguing for nearly half a decade. Now, one scientist says this may not be true, and that interactions between particles emitted by a black hole can reveal information about what lies within. For nearly 40 years, physicists have argued that black holes suck in information and then evaporate without leaving behind any clues as to what they once contained. Now, one scientist says this may not be true. 'According to our work, information isn't lost once it enters a black hole,' says Dejan Stojkovic, an associate professor of physics at the University at Buffalo. 'It doesn't just disappear.' His new paper presents explicit calculations demonstrating how information is preserved, he says. This is an important discovery because even physicists who believed information remains in black holes have struggled to show, mathematically, how this happens. The research marks a significant step toward solving the 'information loss paradox,' a problem that has plagued physics for almost 40 years, says Dr Stojkovic. The paradox posed a huge challenge for the field of physics because it meant that information inside a black hole could be permanently lost when the black hole disappeared. Last year, Hawking revised his theory by declaring that black holes were in fact 'grey'. The grey hole theory would allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before being released back into space. In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes were capable of radiating particles, and that the energy lost through this process would cause the black holes to shrink and eventually disappear. But last year, Hawking revised his theory by declaring that black holes were in fact 'grey' The grey hole theory would allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before being released back into space. He says that the idea of an event horizon, from which light cannot escape, is flawed. He suggests that instead light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole’s core will be held as though stuck on a treadmill and that they can slowly shrink by spewing out radiation. Hawking told the journal Nature: 'There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory. [But quantum theory] enables energy and information to escape from a black hole'. A full explanation of the process, Hawking admits, would require a theory that successfully merges gravity with the other fundamental forces of nature. This is a violation of quantum mechanics, which states that information must be conserved. In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking proposed that black holes were capable of radiating particles, and that the energy lost through this process would cause the black holes to shrink and eventually disappear. But last year, Hawking revised his theory by declaring that black holes were in fact 'grey' The grey hole theory would allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before being released back into space. How exactly it's possible to recover information from a black hole has remained a topic of debate. Instead of looking only at the particles a black hole emits, the latest study also takes into account the subtle interactions between the particles. Interactions between particles can range from gravitational attraction to the exchange of mediators like photons between particles. Such 'correlations' have long been known to exist, but many scientists discounted them as unimportant in the past. 'These correlations were often ignored in related calculations since they were thought to be small and not capable of making a significant difference,' Stojkovic says. 'Our explicit calculations show that though the correlations start off very small, they grow in time and become large enough to change the outcome.'
Comments made by Dr Dejan Stojkovic from the University of Buffalo. He says clues to contents lie in interactions between particles emitted. Quantum mechanics states that information is always conserved. It backs up Stephen Hawking's theory that black holes are 'grey'
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slammed the Iran nuclear deal, claiming it threatens the Jewish state and puts his people in mortal danger. After speaking to President Barack Obama on the phone, he said in a televised statement just hours after the agreement was signed on Thursday: 'A deal based on this framework would threaten the survival of Israel. He added: 'Such a deal would not block Iran's path to the bomb. It would pave it.' Scroll down for video. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Iran nuclear deal, claiming it threatens the Jewish state and puts his people in mortal danger. One of Netanyahu's scathing comments was shared on his Twitter page during his speech. The preliminary agreement set out a framework where Iran would scale down plans to enrich uranium and make weapons-grade plutonium in return for Western powers dropping stringent economic sanctions. They will also be subjected to inspections. If they are found to be in violation of the terms, the sanctions will be put back in place. The deal does mean however that Iran's nuclear program will be able to operate for the next 10 years, even though it is ceasing its enrichment activities at Fordow - an underground facility discovered by the Americans. It prompted Netanyahu to urge more pressure to be placed on Iran by Western powers until a better deal is reached. He said: 'This deal would legitimize Iran's nuclear program, bolster Iran's economy, increase Iran's aggression & terror throughout the ME [Middle East] & beyond. 'Such a deal would not block Iran's path to the bomb. It would pave it. 'Such a deal would increase the risks of nuclear proliferation in the region and the risks of a horrific war. 'The alternative is standing firm and increasing the pressure on Iran until a better deal is achieved. In response, The White House said in a statement, seen by NBC, that 'progress on the nuclear issue in no way diminishes our concerns with respect to Iran's sponsorship of terrorism and threats towards Israel,' adding that 'the United States remains steadfast in our commitment to the security of Israel.' The deal made in Lausanne, Switzerland was announced by Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and the European Union's head of foreign policy Federica Mogherini. They said negotiators had reached an agreement with Tehran over its nuclear program and talks would move into the next phase. After speaking to President Barack Obama (pictured Thursday during the announcement of the agreement) on the phone, he said in a statement: 'A deal based on this framework would threaten the survival of Israel. Obama (pictured making a speech on the economy in Louisville, Kentucky' added that if Iran follows through then one of the greatest threats to American security will be resolved. Speaking in the Rose Garden on Thursday, Obama said: 'If we can get this done, and Iran follows through on the framework that our negotiators agreed to, we will be able to resolve one of the greatest threats to our security, and to do so peacefully. But, he added: 'If Iran cheats, the world will know it.' And 'If there is backsliding' and Iran doesn't meet certain specifications 'there will be no deal.' As Zarif and Mogherini were preparing to give a joint statement in Lausanne, Switzerland, this afternoon Iranian President Hassan Rhouianni tweeted: 'Solutions on key parameters of Iran case reached. Drafting to start immediately, to finish by June 30th.' Zarif insisted that the program is 'exclusively peaceful' and will remain that way as the framework takes shape. From left Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond speaks to US Secretary of State John Kerry as European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarifat take their positions before making a statement on the Iranian deal. U.S Secretary of State John Kerry admitted there was still progress to be made when the deal was signed. He said: 'We have no illusions about the fact that we have a ways to travel. We still have many technical details that have to be addressed.' British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond also said there was much more work to be done, but highlighted the success of the talks. He said: 'This is well beyond what many of us thought possible even 18 months ago and a good basis for what I believe could be a very good deal. ' German Chancellor Angela Merkel added: 'We are closer than ever to an agreement that makes it impossible for Iran to possess nuclear weapons. That is a great credit to all negotiating partners.' The White House had repeatedly said that in order for it to enter into a commitment with Tehran it must promise to 'shut down every pathway they have to a nuclear weapon' and 'comply with intrusive inspections that would ensure that they’re living up to the agreement.' The date for work on that accord to be completed is June 30. The preliminary agreement announced in Switzerland on Thursday is spelled out in a four-page document (below) released by the White House and the State Department. Here's some of what Iran is agreeing to do:. In return, the West will:. Obama insisted that: 'If Iran cheats, the world will know it'. He added if Tehran didn't meet certain conditions there would be no deal.
Israeli Prime Minister said agreement puts country in 'mortal danger' He said during a statement the deal 'paves' the way to the bomb for Iran. Urged Western powers to carry on putting pressure on Tehran. The White House reiterated they remain committed to Israel's security.
As the Russian military machine asserts itself in Ukraine and on the borders of the Baltic States, it has also branched out into a new fashion line. The men's clothing label is aimed at cashing in on a new wave of patriotism sweeping Russia. The move comes ahead of a giant military parade in Red Square on May 9 to mark the 70th anniversary of end of the Second World War, underscoring the decisive contribution of the Red Army to defeating the Nazis. Scroll down for video. Masked models: The Russian military unveils a new fashion line at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow to capitalise on the wave of patriotism ahead of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two. From front line to fashion line: The new clothing range comes as the Russian military machine asserts itself in Ukraine and on the borders of the Baltic States and a year after the takeover of the Crimean Peninsula. Unveiled at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow, the brand is called The Army of Russia. The design bureau of the Russian Defence Ministry, headed by Leonid Alexeev, showcased balaclavas, shiny 'military boots', sweat pants and tops emblazoned with the slogans 'Army', 'Polite', and 'Politeness conquests the cities'. The reference to 'polite' is a phrase used by Russians to justify their takeover of Crimea, a region of Ukraine, last year. The Black Sea peninsula fell back into Moscow's hands after 'little green men' in unmarked uniforms - in fact serving Russian soldiers and special forces - blockaded military bases, the airport and government offices. Boots on the catwalk: The move comes ahead of a military parade on May 9 to mark the 70th anniversary of end of the Second World War, underscoring the decisive contribution of the Red Army to defeating the Nazis. Acquired taste: Unveiled at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, the brand is called The Army of Russia. The green men 'politely' asked security men to leave, which they did due to the overwhelming force of the Russians. A fear in the Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is that they may face these 'polite men' too. The fashion line also features the white, blue and red Russian tricolour on the sleeves of leather bomber jackets. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, a special edition aviator jacket has been produced. Warmongering: The design bureau of Russian Defence Ministry showcased balaclavas, shiny 'military boots', sweat pants and tops emblazoned with the slogans 'Army', 'Polite', and 'Politeness conquests the cities' Fashion statement: The reference to 'polite' is a phrase used by Russians to justify their takeover of Crimea. The green men 'politely' asked security to leave, which they did due to overwhelming force of the Russians. On the back is a famous photograph of the Soviet Red Flag being flown over the the Reichstag in Berlin symbolising Hitler's defeat in 1945. Only 1,945 copies of this jacket will be made, it was reported. 'Cold weather kit and combat trousers will hit the fashion rails, targeting buyers also with knitted sports style garments and camouflage patterns,' reported news agency TASS. It cited Yekaterina Korotkova, military clothing manufacturer Voentorg, which is sole supplier to the Russian armed forces. Nostalgic: To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, a special edition aviator jacket has been produced. 'Polite people' was also being launched as a new brand label, she said. 'This accolade applauded Russian soldiers who ensured security when the March 2014 referendum on the Black Sea peninsula called for a split from Ukraine and reunification with Russia,' reported the news agency. 'It has been registered as a trademark, giving the manufacturers rights to use it in their planned range of consumer goods including cosmetics, sports items, toys and printed materials.' Vladimir Putin with military chiefs at the Kirillovsky firing ground in the Leningrad region last March when the Crimea Peninsula was under the de facto occupation of the Russian military before its takeover by Moscow.
Range unveiled amid warmongering in Ukraine and borders of Baltic States. Features the slogan 'polite' - a phrase used to justify takeover of Crimea. Comes ahead of 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
An experimental cancer drug axed over poor results may have the ability to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's, experts have revealed. The drug was developed by the British pharmaceutical giant Astra Zeneca with the original aim of treating certain types of tumour, but was shelved after it proved ineffective. Scientists at Yale University in Connecticut in the US have revealed how the treatment, called AZDO5030, restored memory in mice given Alzheimer's disease. An experimental cancer drug axed over poor results may have the ability to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's, experts have revealed (file picture) The drug worked by blocking a process that breaks nerve connections in the brain used to store memory. Researchers say the study has led to the launch of human trials to test the efficacy of the drug in Alzheimer's patients. Stephen Strittmatter, the author of the report, published in Annals of Neurology, said: 'With this treatment, cells under bombardment by beta amyloid plaques show restored synaptic connections and reduced inflammation, and the animal’s memory, which was lost during the course of the disease, comes back. The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health which launched a programme to test failed drugs on different diseases. Mr Strittmatter and his co-author Christopher van Dyck have already started a 'multi-site clinical trial' to determine whether the drug can also benefit Alzheimer's patients. According to the Alzheimer's Society, there are 850,000 people with dementia in Britain - a figure that includes 40,000 younger people. The charity estimates that 60,000 deaths are attributable to dementia every year and that there will be one million people with the disease in the UK by 2025. It reports that the financial cost of dementia to the UK is £26billion a year. The Daily Express reports the charity's head of research Dr James Pickett as giving the latest treatment a cautious welcome. He said: 'Drug development can take decades, so repurposing pre-existing drugs for dementia is a promising avenue to find new treatments as they have been shown to be safe to use in people and can lead to clinical trials sooner. 'As we learn more about the causes of dementia, there is hope that treatments we routinely use for other diseases may also work for people with dementia.'
Drug called AZDO5030 originally designed to treat certain types of tumour. Scientists say it has restored memory in mice given Alzheimer's disease. Human trials have already been launched to test efficacy of drug in patients.
A Pakistani man suspected of killing his fiancee and nine of her relatives after they appeared to be reluctant to give her permission to marry - months after he allegedly murdered his own parents. The 25-year-old suspect, who has been identified as Gul Ahmad Saeed, is alleged to have shot dead his fiancee, her parents and seven of her siblings on Sunday, police have said. Their deaths came just months after he is alleged to have killed his own parents, brother and sister-in-law after they objected to the match. Frustrated: Gul Ahmad Saeed is alleged to have gone on a killing spree after becoming angry with people obstructing his wedding plans. Pictured: Stock image of Pakistani brides and grooms at a mass wedding. Saeed has been on the run ever since, but returned to his home town in town in north-west Pakistan at the weekend - at which point he is suspected of killing his fiancee's family with the help of accomplices. He is said to have been outraged over her uncle's dithering over the marriage. 'The uncle was being very indecisive about the wedding which infuriated Gul Ahmad,' said police officer Mohammad Jamil. Police were searching for the suspects but they were believed to have fled into the semi-autonomous Pashtun tribal area along the Afghan border, where government authorities hold little sway and police are not legally permitted to go. 'We cannot follow anyone there since it is beyond our jurisdiction, and our security would be threatened,' said Jamil. Fled: Saeed, 25, is now said to be in the semi-autonomous Pashtun area, on the border with Afghanistan. The killings took place in a deeply conservative area where women there are often discouraged from going to school and have little choice when it comes to marriage. Pakistani women are often killed by men who feel their honour has been offended in some way. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported that 869 women were murdered in so-called honour killings in 2013, the last year for which data is available.
Gul Ahmad Saeed suspected of shooting fiancee, her parents and siblings. Said to have been 'infuriated' about her uncle's indecisiveness over match. Saeed, 25, had already allegedly killed four members of his own family. Has been on the run from police since their deaths earlier this year.
Ryanair passengers travelling to Edinburgh and Zadar, Croatia were delayed for hours after two of the budget airline’s planes clipped wings at Dublin Airport this morning. Photos snapped by travellers show the tip of a winglet dangling by a thread after clipping the other plane - and it's the second time in six months two Ryanair planes have collided at Ireland's busiest airport. Passengers escaped injury when the planes collided as they taxied to a runway shortly before 8am, but the incident caused disruption for hundreds of travellers. Passengers snapped photos of the damaged winglet after two Ryanair planes collided at Dublin Airport. Passengers escaped injury after two Ryanair planes clipped wings while taxiing to a runway at Dublin Airport. Passenger Shannen Murphy, who was seated on the Edinburgh-bound plane which lost part of its winglet, told MailOnline Travel: ‘We were just about to approach the runway and there was another Ryanair plane quite close, but I thought maybe it had broken down or something. ‘And then next of all there was a jerk in the plane, which felt like we had gone over a really big pothole.’ Moments later the pilot announced over the tannoy that there had been ‘an incident’ with another plane and passengers would have to return to the terminal. Shannen said passengers were stuck on the plane for up to 90 minutes, as they waited for buses to arrive, and they arrived in Edinburgh about three hours behind schedule. ‘As soon as we were off [the bus] we were taken straight to a new plane and within 30 minutes we were up in the air.’ One of the Ryanair planes' winglets was left dangling after the collision on a taxiway at Dublin Airport. Emergency services attended the scene of the collision as a precaution. Passengers on board both planes were taken back to the terminal by bus and put on replacement aircraft to continue their journeys to Scotland and Croatia. The Boeing 737s involved in the collision were taken out of service to undergo inspections and any necessary repairs. The collision caused delays for other flights, with one passenger tweeting: '2 jets hit at Dublin, my flight to Malaga delayed'. Dublin Airport said in a tweet: ‘No injuries on the two aircraft which clipped each other on a taxiway this am. Passengers in process of being taken off the aircraft.’ A passenger snapped this photo of the Boeing 737s after they collided while taxiing to a runway. Emergency services attended the scene of the collision as a precaution, but were not needed. Dublin Airport sent a series of tweet urging passengers to check their flight status. Referring to a similar incident that occurred in October, one passenger wrote on Twitter: ‘Ryanair have done it again, two aircraft have collided while taxiing to the runway #ryanair #facepalm’. A Ryanair spokesperson said the collision occurred as two planes ‘were taxiing slowly’ to the runway. The spokesperson told MailOnline Travel: ‘The winglet of one aircraft appears to have scraped the tail fin of the other. A Ryanair spokesperson said the collision occurred as two planes ‘were taxiing slowly’ to the runway. The Boeing 737 that was preparing to take off for Edinburgh remained on the taxiway for more than an hour. Passengers disembarked and returned to the terminal by bus after the planes collided. ‘Both aircraft were under the instruction of Dublin Airport Air Traffic Control at the time. ‘Customers have been bussed back to the terminal and will board replacement aircraft to continue their journeys to Edinburgh and Zadar. In October a Ryanair jet had its winglet torn off when it collided with another plane belonging to the budget carrier at Dublin Airport. The Boeing 737s heading to Edinburgh and Brussels were taxiing to a runway when they collided in darkness. Passengers’ photos of the aftermath showed the winglet lodged in the rear wing of the plane it crashed into. Last year in June, two Ryanair planes clipped wings – ripping the tip off of one of them – at London Stansted Airport. Customers faces delays of up to three hours after the planes, one bound for Warsaw and one which had just arrived from Frankfurt, collided. Fire trucks surround the Ryanair planes after they collided at Dublin Airport this morning.
Planes were preparing to depart Dublin for Edinburgh and Zadar, Croatia. Airline said they were under the instruction of air traffic control. Winglet of one aircraft appears to have scraped the tail fin of the other. It's the second time in six months two Ryanair planes have collided.
Uber has poached Facebook's security chief Joe Sullivan in an attempt to double down on rapidly escalating safety concerns. The $40 billion taxi service has been plagued by serious accusations of failing to vet its drivers. Lawsuits have been brought against Uber in San Francisco and Los Angeles. A New Delhi driver was accused of raping a passenger in December. This week in Denver, a driver tried and failed to break into a passenger's home. And in London, a woman was allegedly asked to perform oral sex on her driver. These claims, among others, follow a data leak last May, which saw the details of 50,000 current and former drivers released into the public domain. It is hoped Sullivan, the first federal prosecutor to specialize in high-technology crime, can protect Uber from potentially crippling ramifications. Lifeline? Joe Sullivan, 46, will leave his role as Facebook's security chief to help Uber defend safety concerns. There were three high-profile assault cases involving Uber drivers in December 2014. An Indian woman said her driver raped her in New Delhi, leading to outcries and a temporary ban of Uber in that city. It came days after a driver was charged in Boston with raping a young woman. The same week, a woman in London revealed that she was offered £20 credit from Uber after one of its drivers allegedly sexually harassed her during a cab ride. This week in Denver an UberX driver was arrested after he dropped a passenger off at the airport before allegedly driving back to her house, and trying to break in. The cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles are both suing the company for 'misleading the public' by failing to conduct thorough backgrounds checks. The firm's first security chief, he brings with him an extensive portfolio of experience in cyber security and privacy. He spent two decades tackling cyber crime security in the private and public sector before joining the Justice Department. Cases included child protection, bank privacy, and digital strands of 9/11 investigations. Since, he has headed up the security departments at eBay, PayPal, and Facebook. Though his experience lies in digital protection, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has also entrusted the 46-year-old with tackling physical security. Sullivan's role will involve liaising with city and state governments around the world as the firm rapidly expands. Announcing the hire in a blog post on Thursday Kalanick wrote: 'We are both in cyberspace and on city streets all at once; a bridge between bits and atoms. 'And as we get into tens of millions of rides a week, we continue to challenge ourselves to do even better when it comes to safety and data security.' He added: 'This is a challenge where I get to take what makes Silicon Valley special and apply it to a product that directly impacts people's lives everyday as they move around the world's cities.' Allegations: The rapidly-expanding mobile taxi service has been plagued by claims that drivers are not vetted. Looking forward: The $40 billion firm's CEO Travis Kalanick announced the news in a blog post on Friday. There were three high-profile assault cases involving Uber drivers in December 2014. An Indian woman said her driver raped her in New Delhi, leading to outcries and a temporary ban of Uber in that city. It came days after a driver was charged in Boston with raping a young woman. The same week, a woman in London revealed that she was offered £20 credit from Uber after one of its drivers allegedly sexually harassed her during a cab ride. This week in Denver an UberX driver was arrested after he allegedly dropped a passenger off at the airport before turning around, driving back to her house, and trying to break in. The cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles are both suing the company for 'misleading the public' by failing to conduct thorough backgrounds checks.
Joe Sullivan, 46, was the first federal prosecutor specializing in high-tech. He has worked in security for eBay, PayPal and Facebook. As Uber's first security chief he will attempt to curb growing claims. $40bn taxi firm accused of not adequately vetting drivers. India driver accused of rape, Denver driver of burglary, London driver of sexual assault.
Ex-New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez had access to a black Glock pistol, had a distrustful nature and often described his friends as ungrateful, a former friend testified at Hernandez's murder trial on Wednesday. Alexander Bradley told Bristol County Superior Court Justice Susan Garsh he would be able to testify that Hernandez had access to the type of pistol he is accused of using to murder semipro football player Odin Lloyd, but not about a separate 2013 incident in which Bradley contends Hernandez shot him in the face. Hernandez, 25, is charged with killing Lloyd, who was dating his fiancee's sister. Lloyd was found shot dead in June 2013 in an industrial park near Hernandez's home in North Attleborough, Massachusetts. During one sidebar Bradley stared directly at Hernandez, who refused to make eye contact. Scroll down for video. Alexander Bradley (above) appeared in Bristol County Superior Court on Wednesday for Justice Susan Garsh to decide what he could testify to in front of a jury in the Aaron Hernandez murder trial. Bradley, who says he was Hernandez's (above) former drug dealer and then his best friend, cannot reveal his claim that Hernandez shot him in the eye. Bradley, who has sued Hernandez over a February 2013 shooting incident, will be allowed to tell jurors he saw someone hand Hernandez a black Glock pistol in a Miami hotel. 'Another gentleman passed a firearm to Mr. Hernandez,' said Bradley. 'It appeared to be a Glock.' The murder weapon in the case has not been recovered, but prosecutors have said it was a black Glock pistol. The gun Bradley will testify about 'could have been, might have been, the murder weapon,' Garsh said. Bradley told the judge he was Hernandez's marijuana dealer before they became friends, and described the football star as a 'chain smoker' who bought the drug in quantities of up to 4 ounces at a time. Later, he said, Hernandez became one of his 'best friends.' According to a civil lawsuit filed by Bradley last year, the friendship came to an end during a late night dispute in February 2013, when he claims Hernandez shot him in the face, causing him to lose his right eye. Bradley never filed a criminal complaint. He also said that Hernandez once said Lloyd was 'rude' in passing after the way he ignored the former footballer at his own home. Bradley will be allowed to tell jurors he saw someone hand Hernandez a black Glock pistol (similar to the one above) in a Miami hotel. Prosecutors have contended the February incident is relevant to the Lloyd murder since it shows that Hernandez had no trouble shooting his friends. The defense has argued that Hernandez would not have killed Lloyd because of their friendship. During questioning before testifying to the jury, Bradley said Hernandez often told him he had a hard time trusting people and believed that some of his friends were ungrateful for the things he did. Garsh ruled that Bradley could testify to those points. But the judge blocked Bradley from testifying that Hernandez was 'unreasonably suspicious' and would not allow Bradley to use iPhones around him, or that Hernandez believed he was being tailed by police cruisers and helicopters. The defense meanwhile worked to discredit Bradley, who they said did not mention the gun to a grand jury, once claimed he never sold drugs to Hernandez and has a long list of pending charges against him, among them assault, burglary, reckless endangerment, and multiple gun charges. This as the prosecution is expected to rest their case tomorrow. Meanwhile, Hernandez’s lawyer James Sultan has implied he only plans on calling one witness when they begin their case on Monday.
Alexander Bradley, a key witness in the Aaron Hernandez murder trial, told the jury on Wednesday the football star had access to the murder weapon. Bradley claimed he saw someone hand Hernandez a black Glock pistol in a Miami hotel. Bradley, who says he was Hernandez's former drug dealer and then best friend, was not allowed to testify that Hernandez shot him in the eye. Prosecutors had contended the February shooting is relevant to the Lloyd murder since it shows that Hernandez had no trouble shooting his friends. Bradley is currently suing Hernandez for shooting him. During one sidebar Bradley stared directly at Hernandez, who refused to make eye contact. The prosecution in the case is expected to rest tomorrow. Meanwhile, Hernandez’s lawyer James Sultan has implied he only plans on calling one witness when they begin their case on Monday.
Prince Charles is to name a pub in his designer village Poundbury after the Duchess of Cornwall - it will be built on the centre-piece Queen Mother Square. The inn, which will have 20 bedrooms, is being built in the prince's model village in Dorset as a joint development between the Duchy of Cornwall and brewery Hall & Woodhouse. The estate, which is on his Duchy of Cornwall land near Dorchester, already has a Prince George House. An artist's impression of the pub: The Duchess of Cornwall pub is to be built on Queen Mother Square. Prince Charles - seen here in a file picture enjoying a pint with his wife Camilla while touring the country - named the village's centre-piece square after his grandmother and one building after his grandson George. Poundbury is Prince Charles' personal 20-year social experiment  which aims to design and build a perfect, utopian idyll. Inside the estate there is supposed to be no social classes, and schools, shops and places of work are all within a short walking distance. The pub is expected to open early next year. Poundbury already has a pub, The Poet Laureate, but Prince Charles' estate says there is growing demand for another. Anthony Woodhouse, Hall & Woodhouse's managing director, said: 'It's a great privilege to be entrusted by the Duchy to develop this prestigious site. 'Our inn will blend with and mirror Poundbury's architecture and His Royal Highness's vision. '''The Duchess of Cornwall" is being designed with reference to our flagship site in Bath. 'We are delighted to have received planning permission for 20 beautiful bedrooms above the bar-restaurant for visitors to stay in and use as a base to enjoy Poundbury and Dorset. The new pub named after the Duchess of Cornwall is to be built in Prince Charles' model village Poundbury. 'We'll offer a great menu, lovely coffee, tea and cakes and the full range of our Badger cask and bottled beers. Our aim is to provide a community facility for all occasions that both residents and visitors to Poundbury can cherish and enjoy.' Simon Conibear, the Duchy of Cornwall's Estate Director at Poundbury, said: 'The Duchy of Cornwall is very pleased to be entering a joint venture with Hall & Woodhouse, a well-established Dorset Brewer with a high reputation in both brewing and hospitality. 'We have been particularly impressed with their new establishments in Bath, Portishead and Lulworth and believe they can bring the expertise we require for this important building and facility in Queen Mother Square. 'There has been growing demand for both guest rooms and another pub in Poundbury, and we think it will be popular with local businesses, residents and the thousands of people who visit every year.' Construction is underway at the site. The joint venture between between the Duchy of Cornwall and brewery Hall & Woodhouse is expected to be complete next year. Poundbury is Prince Charles' personal 20-year social experiment which aims to design and build a utopian idyll.
Inn will have 20 bedrooms and is to be completed to meet demand in 2016. It will sit in the Prince's village on a square named after the Queen Mother. The model village 'Poundbury,' Dorset, already has a Prince George House.
Payback: Scammer Rilwan Oshodi has been told he must repay nearly £1million in fraudulent gains. A scammer who was the ringleader of a fraud gang has been ordered to repay nearly £1million which he stole from the life savings of an innocent victim. Rilwan Oshodi bought Karen Budow's bank account details for just £3,200 and spent her savings on cheeseburgers, bottles of champagne and top-of-the-range computers. He now claims he is so broke he can't even pay his lawyers - but a judge told him today that if he does not return his ill-gotten gains he will have to spend four more years in prison. Nigerian Oshodi, 31, bought Ms Budow's Santander details from an Egyptian hacker Tamer Abdulhamid, who had persuaded her to hand them over as part of a fishing scam. His girlfriend Annette Jabeth then posed as the victim and withdrew her £1million life savings, which the gang spent in a three-day shopping splurge in the New Year sales in January 2012. Detectives said that their purchases had ranged from cheeseburgers to high-end computers and gold', while Oshodi spent £1,134 on taxis and bought expensive gadgets including a MacBook and an iPhone. One picture of him even appears to show him holding a 'money sandwich', with Nigerian banknotes stashed between two slices of bread. He was jailed for eight years in 2013 after being convicted of two counts of conspiracy to defraud and conspiracy to conceal criminal property. Appearing at Southwark Crown Court for a confiscation hearing today, Oshodi insisted he had not profited from the scam, and denied hiding money in overseas bank accounts. Money sandwich: This image appears to show Oshodi with Nigerian banknotes in between slices of bread. Champagne: But the scammer insists he does not have enough money to pay what he has been ordered to. He said: 'If I have hidden the goods, if I have got money how come I can't pay my solicitor, how come I can't rent a house, how come I was still broke, how come I am still broke, how come I am still poor? 'Wouldn't I get myself a new car, would I not buy myself some new clothes, Louis Vuitton or something?' But judge Stephen Robbins said: 'I reject what he said today... he was the main mover and architect of this fraud and he has hidden assets most likely outside this jurisdiction. 'He said he got nothing from it at all, no benefit directly.' Determining Oshodi to have made £940,820.34 in profit from the fraud, the judge ordered that he repay the total sum within six months or face a further four years in jail. Girlfriend: Annette Jabeth was also jailed in 2013 for her part in Oshodi's fraud. Abdulhamid was jailed for six years after admitting three counts of conspiracy to defraud, but this year he was ordered to repay just £686 out of the £74,000 profit he made from the scam. During a raid of Oshodi's home, detectives discovered computers with details of more than 11,000 credit cards, including those of almost 8,500 UK customers. In a victim impact statement, Ms Budow said she was 'physically shaking' when she was informed by the bank, adding: 'Since the theft I have been reimbursed the full amount by Santander. 'But the effect it has had on me personally has been one of complete violation of my privacy. People have gained access to my personal details and I fear what they will use the information for.' Jabeth and five others were also jailed for being involved in the scam.
Rilwan Oshodi, 31, bought Karen Budow's bank details and spent her £1million life savings on a luxury lifestyle. He was jailed for eight years and has now been ordered to repay his profits. Insists he has nothing left and did not personally gain from the huge scam. But judge suggests he has hidden money abroad and tells him he will be jailed if he withholds payment.
Many of us enjoy a chilled glass of wine or a cold beer after a hard day at work. But while the majority of people believe their drinking habits are under control, one in five young professionals now considers themselves to have a problem with alcohol, a survey found. A new poll laying bare the public's attitudes to drinking found nearly half of young workers think it is acceptable to regularly get drunk on a night out, compared to a fifth of the general population. It also revealed the risky effects of drinking, as young people admitted to forgetting how they got home, driving themselves home drunk or getting in a car with someone they knew was intoxicated. One in five young professionals now considers themselves to have a dirnking problem, a survey found. The news comes after a shocking report published this week found binge drinking costs the British economy £4.9bn every year in terms of treating drunks in A&E, road crashes, police arrests and court cases. The damning report said current policies on alcohol taxation are failing to keep up with the financial consequences of people drinking to excess, and calls for minimum unit prices to offset these costs. The new poll of 4,000 British adults found 7 per cent reported they have a drinking problem. Among young professionals, this figure rose to 21 per cent, with 28 per cent of men in this saying they believe they have a problem. More than a third (35 per cent) of 18 to 24-year-olds said they had got so drunk they could not remember most of their night out, with one in five (18 per cent) admitting they have not been able to recall how they got home. One in 20 admitted to driving themselves home drunk and one in ten said they have got in a car with someone who they knew was intoxicated. A survey of 4,000 British adults revealed:. 7 per cent reported they have a drinking problem. 21 per cent of young professionals said they had a drinking professionals, with the figure rising to 28 per cent for men alone. 35 per cent of 18-24-year-olds said they had got so drunk they could not remember most of their night out,. 18 per cent admitted they have not been able to recall how they got home. 5 per cent admitted to driving themselves home drunk. 10 per cent got in a car with someone intoxicated. Among 25 to 34-year-olds 16 per cent said they have woken up in a stranger's house. 23 per cent of 35-54-year-olds said they drink at home alone. Another 23 per cent considered alcohol to be more harmful to their health than smoking. 53 per cent said the NHS should refrain from treating alcoholics. 54 per cent said it is not acceptable to drink when pregnant. Among 25 to 34-year-olds 16 per cent said they have woken up in a stranger's house. Meanwhile, nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of those aged 35 to 54 said they drink alone at home, with many saying they do it to relieve stress or relax. When asked about the dangers of drinking, three quarters of those polled said they believed Britain has a heavy drinking culture. Just over a fifth (23 per cent) considered alcohol to be more harmful to their health than smoking. While a sizeable proportion of people admitted to problematic drinking, the survey revealed tough attitudes to alcohol abuse. More than half of those questioned believe the NHS should refrain from treating people who continue to abuse alcohol after warnings about their health. A similar number (54 per cent) said it is not acceptable to drink while pregnant. Alistair Bohm, head of communications at drug and alcohol treatment charity Addaction, said: 'Problems with alcohol use can affect people of any age, from any background. 'As these statistics show, it's not just people who are addicted to alcohol who are damaging their health or risking their safety as a result of drinking. 'If a person is worried about their drinking, the best thing to do is speak to their doctor, or find their nearest addiction services.' The World Health Organisation estimates there are 3.3 million deaths each year as a result of harmful use of alcohol. Doctors warn long term alcohol misuse is a major risk factor for conditions including heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and certain cancers. The survey was carried out by Opinium Research. Almost a quarter (23 per cent) considered alcohol to be more harmful to their health than smoking.
Fifth of young people don't remember how they got home after drinking. Third forgot their entire night while one in 20 drove themselves home drunk. But nearly a quarter considered alcohol to be more harmful than smoking. Half said the NHS should stop treating alcoholics given health warnings.
It tells the story of coal miners in a tough working-class community in Wales. And it seems the film Pride was a little overwhelming for soft-hearted Hampstead socialist Ed Miliband. The Labour leader has confessed he cried when he and his wife Justine watched a DVD of the 2014 movie starring Bill Nighy and Imelda Staunton. Scroll down for video. Ed Miliband , picture today on a David Brown Gear Systems factory in Huddersfield, has finally confessed that he is a geek who spent his childhood obsessing over computer games. Weepy: A scene from the 2014 British film Pride featuring Bill Nighy (in tie) He said: ‘Pride is about the lesbian and gay community in London who go and help the miners in Wales and Justine and I watched it recently. I blubbed.’ In a radio interview, Mr Miliband was asked about Jeremy Paxman’s description of him as a ‘north London geek’ during his television grilling last week. He said: ‘I plead guilty to being a geek. I’m proud.’ The Labour leader claimed never to have been a trainspotter or a member of a chess club, but said that as a 12-year-old he had a ‘big passion’ for the 1983 video game Manic Miner, which he played using his ZX Spectrum computer linked to a TV. The Labour leader said he struggles with hand-eye coordination but when he was 12-years-old drove his parents ‘slightly mad’ playing Manic Miner. Mr Miliband said as Labour leader he used to use an iPhone, but gave it up for a BlackBerry because he spent too much time reading tweets and political commentary. Talking to Absolute Radio’s Geoff Lloyd, he said: ‘I was brilliant. As I remember, there were 20 levels. I’m not sure I’m very good at hand-eye coordination but I was good at Manic Miner. ‘I used to drive my parents slightly mad because you used to play it on the telly, obviously, so they wouldn’t be able to watch.’ Mr Miliband said he used to use an iPhone, but gave it up for a BlackBerry because he had been spending too much time reading tweets and political commentary. He added: ‘The good thing about a BlackBerry... I’m going to insult the BlackBerry makers now, is it’s harder to do those things so it’s got a more limited functionality, I think they call it.’ Despite downgrading his phone, perhaps to avoid having to read negative remarks about himself, Mr Miliband insisted he was thick-skinned. Despite downgrading phone to avoid negative remarks about himself, Mr Miliband insisted he is ‘thick-skinned’ ‘I think it comes with the territory of the job,’ he said. ‘You know what’s kept me going throughout all this, is a sort of inner belief. ‘If I was just running for this job because I wanted my face on the wall inside Downing Street, then that wouldn’t be enough for the motivation. My motivation is to change the country.’ Mr Miliband said that his mother calls him Edward when she is unhappy with him, but claimed she had not done this when he chose to stand against his brother David for the Labour leadership. Mr Miliband said that he was a fan of the singer Ellie Goulding (left) and the band Bastille (right), but claimed he did not spend his time learning about popular culture to try and appear like a normal person. He said: ‘So, I was quite a lot of things. I was an Edward, and partly when I lived in America I was an Eddie. I was a Ted at university. I sort of became a Ted briefly but I’m happy with Ed.’ He joked: ‘My mum calls me Edward if I’m in trouble or if she doesn’t like one of our policies.’ Mr Miliband said that he was a fan of the singer Ellie Goulding and the band Bastille, but claimed he did not spend his time learning about popular culture to try to appear normal. He said: ‘I’m more interested in swotting up on what’s happening in the Middle East rather than Top Gear.’
Ed Miliband says he spent his childhood obsessing over computer games. Labour leader reveals he is a fan of Ellie Goulding and the band Bastille. Poor hand-eye coordination but spent childhood playing Manic Miner. Says he mother calls him 'Edward' if she does not like one of his policies.
Millions of devout Christians around the world have been commemorating the final days of Jesus Christ by taking part in awe-inspiring and shocking Holy Week celebrations. The festival, which marks the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus culminating in Easter Sunday, has been met with mesmerising religious parades across five continents. In a diverse display of traditions, thousands of penitents have marched through streets in hooded cloaks while others have performed alarming religious self-flagellation in demonstrations of commitment to their faith. In northern Philippines, bare-footed men with bloodied backs lie on roads being beaten with sticks and whips in a divisive tradition thought to stem from 13th century Roman Catholics. Impressive effigies to Jesus Christ were erected in the Philippines, Belarus and in Venezuela - where crowds of penitents, some wearing crowns of thorns, gathered for mass at the Santa Teresa's Basilica in the capital city Caracas. In Spain, the week of celebration has seen thousands of haunting, hooded figures take part in entrancing marches through the streets of Seville in Andalucia and Zamora, in the north-west of the country. In Zamora, in the region of Castile and Leon, penitents from 16 Christian brotherhoods were pictured during an enthralling nighttime procession through the town's streets. Fraternities, wearing robes and conical hoods to maintain anonymity, were also seen beating drums in a spellbinding ceremony in Santander. Alarming display: A man uses a stick to whip a penitent in front of a chapel during a ritual in Angeles city, northern Philippines today. Reenactment: Acting the part of Jesus in the final march of his life, a man carries a cross through Manila in the Philippines today. Penance: Among a crowd attending a mass at the Santa Teresa's Basilica in Caracas, Venezuela yesterday, a devotee dons a crown of thorns. Dramatic: A procession of haunting figures wearing cloaks and conical hats beat drums while marching through Santander in Spain this week. Beaten bloody: A flagellant prays by the San Fernando Cathedral in the town of San Fernando, Pampanga in the Philippines yesterday. Religious self-harm: A flagellant covered in blood kneels in front of the San Fernando Cathedral in the Philippines yesterday. Red flares burn while penitents of the Cristo de Viga brotherhood carrying a float with a cross in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain this week. Penitents from 'Las Siete Palabras (Seven words)' brotherhood wait for their turn to leave a church in Zamora, Spain yesterday. Shocking display: Filipino flagellants whip their back along a street in Mabalacat city, Pampanga Province, in the Philippines today. Tradition: Flagellation is a form of religious discipline observed every lenten season by Catholic devotees in the Philippines. Divisive: The Catholic Church has previously expressed disapproval of the gory ritual which takes place in the Philippines every year. Contemplation: A group of penitents gather in front of a portrait of Jesus Christ prior to flagellating themselves in Manila today. Painful: A man with a hooded face swings a rope attached to chains while flagellating himself in a show of religious commitment in Manila. Central America: Children carry a platform holding a small statue of Jesus during a Holy Week procession in Antigua, Guatemala yesterday. Performance: Students perform the Stations of the Cross procession as part of the Holy Week celebrations in Luque, Paraguay yesterday. Global event: An actor wearing a crown of thorns portrays Jesus during a performance in Luque, Paraguay yesterday. Leading commemorations: Pope Francis blesses the Holy Chrism during the Chrism Mass at St. Peter's Basilica at The Vatican today. The Argentine pontiff was pictured during the traditional Chrism Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican this morning. Dedication: Filipino nuns carry wooden crosses as they make the Stations of the Cross at the Philippine Center of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. Mesmerising: Hundreds of hooded penitents march during the Holy Week procession in Santander, Spain, pictured on Tuesday. Holy Week: The ceremonial displays in Santander have also been seen across Spain with notable marches in Sevilla and Zamora. Penitents take part in a ceremonial Holy Week display inside a chapel in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain on Tuesday. Gathering: Catholic faithful attend a mass held at St. Teresa church during Holy Week celebrations in Caracas, Venezuela yesterday. Tribute: An effigy of Jesus on the cross is held up during the Cristo de la Fe parade during a Holy Week procession in Alicante, Spain. Members of the Catholic clergy at the Washing of the Feet ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem today. Passion of Christ: Belarussian Catholics re-enact some of the final moments of Jesus Christ near a Catholic church in Minsk yesterday. Actors yell during a 'Via Crucis' in a free interpretation performance of the catholic tradition at the Carlos Antonio Lopez park in Paraguay. A number of male and female actors were pictured during the spectacular display in Carlos Antonio Lopez park in Asuncion, Paraguay. Penitents of the Via Crucis Brotherhood carry a sculpture of Jesus Christ during the Holy Monday procession in Cordoba, Andalucia. Focused: Filipino flagellants carry a wooden cross on their back along a street in Pampanga Province, north of Manila today. A penitent dressed as a Roman soldier takes part in celebrations in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain on Tuesday. Penitents take part in the 'Procesion del Silencio' in Zamora, Spain yesterday were thousands gathered to witness a nighttime procession. Penitents from 'Cristo de la Buena Muerte' or 'Good Dead Christ' brotherhood take part in a procession in Zamora on Tuesday night. A baby sucks a dummy while dressed in a ceremonial Holy Week cloak in in Zamora, Spain earlier this week. Members of a religious fraternity don cloaks and conical hats while marching through Zamora in northwest Spain on Tuesday night. Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal washes the foot of a priest during the Catholic Washing of the Feet ceremony. A figure of Jesus is carried through the streets of Zamora in northwest Spain by penitents from Cristo de la Buena Muerte brotherhood. While the marches may appear sinister, they are a stunning celebration of emotion as brothers make their way to cathedrals in Zamora. Each confradia (or religious brotherhood) is represented by different coloured robes and masks, designed to protect anonymity. Visitors and locals watch from balconies as the procession weaves its way through the cobblestone streets in Zamora.
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. The week-long festival marks the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ culminating in Easter Sunday. The event has been met with awe-inspiring and shocking displays of faith from Christians across five continents. In Philippines, the week sees thousands of penitents beaten bloody on the streets as part of 13th century tradition.
Scientists claim the computer keyboard could be a powerful new tool in their battle against Parkinson's disease. Researchers in Massachusetts believe a person's keystrokes may reveal a huge amount of information about their motor skills. Now they're working on creating a keyboard that can tell doctors if someone has the neuron impairment, simply by analysing the way they type. Scroll down for video. Scientists claim the common computer keyboard could be a powerful new tool in their battle against Parkinson's disease. Researchers in Massachusetts say a person's keystrokes may reveal a huge amount of information about their motor skills. For the body to begin moving, the brain's primary motor cortex sends signals through several other brain regions, including the supplementary motor area, cerebellum, and basal ganglia. These brain areas activate spinal neurons that stimulate muscles to execute the movement. But many factors can interfere with motor ability, including sleep deprivation, which reduces dexterity. In people with Parkinson's disease, dopamine-producing cells in part of the brain called the substantia nigra are killed off, leading to tremors, slowness of movement, and difficulty walking. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have now created an algorithm that can tell how effectively someone is striking a keypad. For instance, it can distinguish between typing done in the middle of the night, when sleep deprivation impairs motor skills, and typing performed when fully rested. It does this by analysing something known as 'key hold time' - a measure of how long a key is pressed before being released. The study is based on the premise that 'there might be hidden information in the way that we type,' says Ian Butterworth, one of researchers. 'At the moment, pretty much all of the other information in typing is thrown out. We just pay attention to what keys are being pressed, not when or for how long.' Scientists have developed a six-minute test which could give an early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Currently Parkinson's patients only discover they have the debilitating neurological problem when the symptoms have already taken hold. But last year Oxford University academics have come up with a new way of spotting the disease at an early stage. The researchers were able to detect early Parkinson's disease with a remarkable 85 per cent accuracy. The technique uses an MRI scanner to monitor the neural connections in a concentrated area at the very centre of the brain. Even at a very early stage, Parkinson's patients had much weaker connections in the basal ganglia region of the brain, which is associated with motor control. The study, which has been published in the journal Neurology, found that by taking 180 pictures in six minutes they could spot the poor connections. They also found that the test had a very low chance of incorrectly diagnosing healthy people with the disease. This study focused on the effects of fatigue, but the researchers say they could diagnose conditions that impair motor function, such as Parkinson's disease, much earlier than is now possible. Preliminary results from a study of about two dozen Parkinson's patients suggest that the researchers' algorithm for analysing keystrokes can also distinguish people who have the disease from those who don't. The team is now planning a larger study of Parkinson's patients. They are also working on smartphone apps that could be used to gather the same kind of data from mobile devices. 'We thought this was a unique opportunity to have a window into the brain using your normal interactions with an electronic device,' says MIT researcher Alvaro Sanchez-Ferro. 'You already have the hardware. You just have to let someone evaluate the information you collect every day when you use the device, and try to pull it out for health-related purposes.' People are usually diagnosed with Parkinson's disease five to 10 years after the beginning of the disease, and lot of the damage has already been done, the researchers say. John Growdon, director of the Memory and Movement Disorders Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, says it will be important for the researchers to demonstrate in future studies that the typing deficiencies correlate with the severity of Parkinson's disease. 'Overall, it strikes me that this has great potential to detect subtle motor impairments even in advance of a clinician's ability to find them,' adds Growdon, who was not involved in the study. The researchers believe this strategy could also be used to evaluate patients with other diseases that affect motor skills, such as rheumatoid arthritis. 'This might have applications in any disease producing a motor impairment, whether it's in your hands and muscles or the brain,' Sanchez-Ferro says. The team are working on smartphone apps that may be used to gather the same type of data from mobiles.
MIT's algorithm reveals how effectively someone is striking keys. It does this by studying how long key is pressed before being released. Team are working on an app that gathers same data from a smartphone. It could detect other problems that affect movement, such as arthritis.
An archive of images showing the evolution of the Easter Egg over the past 40 years has been released in time for this year's celebrations. Archivists at confectionery giant Nestle have assembled the compendium of photographs dating back as far as the 1970s to highlight how the traditional chocolate treats have changed over the years. And the images are bound to jog a few childhood memories of the vast array of Easter eggs that the famed sweet makers have produced in the past. Scroll down for video. Who knew? Chewy sweets, Tooty Frooties, used to release Easter Eggs. This advert dates back to 1972. A dose of nostalgia: From the Smarties Easter Egg (pictured left), to a selection of funky Easter Eggs (pictured right), both 1970. The collection includes eggs by much-loved brands like Caramac, Yorkie, Rolo, Toffee Crisp, Aero and even Polo. The tradition of Easter eggs can be traced back to the years following the First World War when the egg was adopted as a symbol of new life and hope. Prior to that chocolatiers had made chocolate fish, chickens and shoes at Easter because these were accepted symbols of the celebrations. Matchmakers look very different today! Now mostly associated with mint, back in 1991, a Matchmakers Easter Egg is retailed with 'Orange Chocolate Sticks' Very different from it's distinctive bold style today, a poster advertises Yorkie Easter in 1980.The Easter Egg can be traced back to WWI when eggs symbolised new life and hope. The new egg-shaped treats soared in popularity throughout the 1920s and 1930s but production stopped in the 1940s due to World War Two rationing. Shortages of key ingredients like sugar carried on until the early 1950s until British firm Rowntrees, now owned by Nestle, released their Dairy Egg in 1954. Since then chocolate Easter eggs have been a staple in households across the country. Alex Hutchinson, historian and archivist at Nestle, said: 'Prior to First World War people would celebrate Easter with chocolate fish and chickens which were symbols of the Christian story of Easter. Egg-cellent! Smarties Eggheads (pictured left) and Rowntree's Minty Eggs (pictured right) in 1991 show very different flavours to what is widely-known now. Rowntree's are characterised by their chewy Fruit Pastels. A Kit-Kat Easter egg poster from 1991 shows that the packaging hasn't changed dramatically to today, and has also maintained it's famous 'Have a Break!' tagline. Yorkie's Easter Egg poster from 1991, also shows that the chocolate has maintained its bold yellow and blue branding. 'We also made chocolate shoes, which were pagan symbols of a tradition in the north of England whereby people would buy new shoes and bonnets to wear to church at Easter. 'After the First World War we reintroduced the Easter egg in 1922. The eggs symbolised the spring, new life and hope. 'Easter eggs became hugely popular and the rest is history. 'We put together this archive of photos as a little Easter treat for fans of Easter eggs. 'Our archives go all the way back to the very beginning of the chocolate Easter egg but this selection of images focuses on the 70s, 80s and 90s because the designs and packaging are much cooler. 'A little bit of nostalgia is great fun, and there's bound to be a few eggs in there that people remember from their childhoods.' Retro egg! A Rowntree Easter Egg range was advertised in 1977, and is starting to show hints of Rowntree's colourful branding. Goodies within: A Tooty Frooties Easter Egg (pictured left) and a Quality Street egg (pictured right) made from bundles of their signature wrapped-up chocolates - both from 1976. A Weekend Easter collection from 1970 (pictured left) and a collection of Tots Easter Eggs from 1977 (right) Rowntree's Milk Chocolate Cream Eggs from 1970 are made from the same ingredients as what we've come to love and know as Cadbury's Creme Eggs.
Archivists at Nestle have assembled images dating back to 1970s. Collection includes eggs from Yorkie, Kit Kat, Smarties and Rowntree's. Prior to WWI, people celebrated Easter with chocolate fish and chickens.
It's amazing what a bit of make-up can do. In a startling new tutorial YouTube star Promise Tamang turns herself into Maleficent, Angelina Jolie's character from the movie of the same name. But where the mother-of-six wore cheek prosthetics to achieve the unnaturally sharp cheekbones, Promise's bone structure is a result of clever contouring. Scroll down for video. In a new Youtube tutorial Promise Tamang has turned herself into Maleficent, Angelina Jolie's character from the upcoming movie of the same name. This isn't the first time she has transformed herself into a Disney character though. Promise has previously made videos of herself as Elsa from Frozen and Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. When she posted a picture taken from the tutorial to Instagram many of her followers couldn't believe their eyes. One commented: 'this girl is RIDICULOUSLY TALENTED! She can make herself look like anyone with her makeup shading including lips! Crazy.' On the video she reveals her step-by-step process beginning with a thick all-over pale foundation. Over the top of that she sucked in her cheeks to begin the contouring technique made famous by Kim Kardashian. But while the reality star makes sure her maquillage is properly blended, Promise shows how she draws a sharp line diagonally along the length of her cheekbones to create the character's highly chiselled bone structure. In the four minute film Promise takes her followers through the steps to transform herself into Maleficent. Here promise is seen heavily contouring her face having applied heavy eyebrows and a pale base. To highlight them even more, she added another layer of even paler make-up to the tops of her cheekbones and under her eyes. Next came perfectly applied berry lipstick and long black eyelashes applied with tweezers. The finished result is uncannny as she dons a latex headdress with horns just like Jolie's own in the retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. One commenter wrote: 'Your [sic] amazing at what you do. Promise has been posting YouTube make-up tutorials for six years now having started her channel in 2009 and now has 2.8 million subscribers. On her YouTube profile she writes: 'I use make-up to transform myself into famous celebrities and characters. 'It started out as a hobby 4 years ago and now I am here using this awesome platform to teach and entertain millions around the world.' Promise colours her lips in before adding a Mac lipstick on top - the make-up brand created a collection inspired by the film. Promise uses a pair of tweezers to place false eyelashes onto her eyelid. Her Facebook page states: 'I am not a professional make-up artist nor did take any lessons in it. I am purely self taught!' Along with Disney princesses, she's also transformed herself into the likes of Drake, Johnny Depp and Michael Jackson. In the four minute video Promise talks her viewers through the steps that she took to get her Maleficent look. She uses many products from Mac's Maleficent collection including the eye shadows and eyelashes. Here we look back at some of her other amazing looks... In another look Promise transformed herself into Elsa (left) and Anna (right) from the film Frozen. In this brilliant transformation Promise has turned herself into the rap artist Drake. Here Promise holds a bow and arrow as she tries her hand at being Merida from the film brave. Promise is Princess Esmeralda got this look, when doing her transformations Promise also buys outfits to complete the look. Promise attached facial hair to her chin for this look which saw her become the actor Johnny Depp. With her dark hair and pretty make-up Promise looks just like the character Princess Jasmine from the film Alladin.
YouTube star Promise Tamang often recreates Disney princess make-up. She used contouring to replicate the bad fairy's chiselled cheekbones. Promise has 2.8 million subscribers and often posts tutorial videos.
Older people are more susceptible to emotions when making decisions over their retirement, scientists have warned (file picture) Older people are more susceptible to emotions when making decisions over their retirement, scientists have warned. Experts in America found that more than 50 per cent of pensioners with investments during the 2007 and 2008 global financial crisis panicked and sold them after the stock market fell by 30 per cent. Research carried out by scientists at Texas Tech University showed how those who did follow that path and sold at the lowest point eight years ago with a pension of £100,000 would only have £63,000 today. If they had resisted the temptation to sell, the same pot would be worth £141,000 today provided they had not spent any of the cash. It comes just days before retirees in Britain are given the power to decide how to spend their life savings for the first time ever in the biggest shake-up of pensions for almost a century. The Daily Telegraph quotes the authors of the study, Michael Finke and Chris Browning as saying: ‘Avoiding mistakes requires the ability to regulate emotions through our more rational cognitive process. ‘Consumers are increasingly responsible for managing their retirement savings... (but) we also find that cognitive scores decline with advance age.’ The newspaper says 1,204 retired people with investments between 2006 and 2008 were analysed as part of the study, which has been published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs. It reveals that retirees with better-than-average ability to solve ‘logic problems’ were more unlikely to make misjudgments in the investment market based on their emotions. The authors add: 'Lower levels of cognitive ability in old age can reduce an investor's ability to control emotional responses to a loss. Anyone in Britain turning 55 who isn’t in a final salary scheme will soon be allowed to dip in to their pension and take the income they need, under reforms announced by George Osborne (pictured) 'Greater sensitivity to loss may increase preferences for safety following a market decline, resulting in allocations away from stocks that are associated with long-term underperformance.' Under reforms announced by Chancellor George Osborne, anyone in Britain turning 55 who isn’t in a final salary scheme will simply be allowed to dip in to their pension and take the income they need from April 5. They could keep the money invested in the stock market to boost their profits. And if they die their spouse or loved ones will be able to inherit whatever is left over.
Half of pensioners in US with investments during 2007 financial crisis sold them at wrong time, research finds. Experts analysed 1,204 retirees with investments between 2006 and 2008. Findings come days before UK retirees are given power to decide how to spend life savings.
Murdered: Road rage victim Shahnawaz was returning home from a family function when the shocking attack occurred. At around 10.30pm on Sunday, Turkman Gate lived up to Delhi’s reputation as a city that has lost its soul. Two children, 13 and nine years old, stood wailing and begging bystanders as five local strongmen mercilessly beat their father to death over a traffic quarrel. Road rage claimed another life. No one in the crowd came forward. The police did not arrive from a chowki merely 50 metres away. You could tick every item on Delhi’s infamous check-list. When no one came to their father’s rescue, the hapless children ran to the cops, who asked them to call 100. By the time the police reached the spot, their father was lying in a pool of blood, and was declared dead on arrival at the Lok Nayak Hospital. The death of 40-year-old Shahnawaz has shaken the city. Murders are commonplace in the Capital, but a man being thrashed to death because his motorcycle grazed a car as bystanders watched in silence is a new low even by Delhi’s standards. Also, while Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi boasts about the new police motto “Shanti, Seva or Naya” and compares the force to the best-rated police departments across the globe, his men stood and watched Shahnawaz die without raising a finger. According to the Delhi Police, Shahnawaz was returning home from a family function with his two sons on a motorbike when it grazed a car near Turkman Gate in Daryaganj. Iron rods. The driver of the i20 car, identified as Shadab, got into a verbal spat with Shahnawaz. Shadab reportedly told Shahnawaz to move his bike as he was unable to manoeuvre his car. When Shahnawaz expressed his inability to do so due to heavy traffic, Shadab, along with Khalid Amin, another occupant of the car, started thrashing Shahnawaz with iron rods. Later, three other occupants of the car,  Atif Lala, Mohammed Wasim, and another unidentified person, got out and joined them. Seeing their father being attacked so mercilessly, Fahad and his younger brother Kaif tried to hold back the accused, but were pushed aside. The boys then ran to the nearest barricade where two policemen were standing and begged them to help their father. ‘Dial 100’ The cops allegedly told them to dial 100. The children then ran to their grandmother's house nearby and said: “Abu ki bahar ladai ho gayi hai kuch logo ke saath (Dad is involved in a fight outside with some people)”. By the time the family reached the spot, it was already too late. Shahnawaz, bleeding heavily, was rushed to the nearby Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. Sorrow: A large crowd mourns the death of road rage victim Shahnawaz in the Turkman Gate area. Heart-breaking: Shahnawaz's mother breaks down in the Walled City after hearing the news of her son's death. Numb with grief: Shahnawaz's devastated parents are supported by relatives. On Monday evening, almost 24 hours after the incident, Turkman Gate wore an uneasy calm. Throughout the day, Shahnawaz’s family members and relatives sat in protest on the road with his body. A crowd of 200 choked the entire stretch, causing traffic jams across central Delhi in places like New Delhi railway station, ITO, Mandi House and Connaught Place circle. Protesters held up a banner which had Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s picture along with those of the accused, demanding quick arrests. The victim’s relatives said police are trying to protect Amin. “Amin was the one who triggered the spat and started thrashing Shahnawaz. Police are clueless even after 12 hours of the incident,” Shahnawaz’s relative, Shahbuddin, told Mail Today. Delhi Police chief Bassi has assured that all accused will be arrested soon. “Mohammed Wasim has been arrested and the hunt for the remaining four is on,” he said, while briefing the media. Family of goons on a short fuse claims life. By Ankur Sharma in New Delhi. The arrogance and short temper of a family which has right connections with policemen and local politicians has snuffed out an innocent life. Residents of Delhi’s Turkman Gate, where 40-year-old Shahnawaz was thrashed to death on Sunday night, allege that main accused Khalid Amin alias Amin Pahalwan belongs to a family of goons, and all his 17 brothers are involved in illegal activities. In 2011, Amin was involved in a fight with former MLA Shoaib Iqbal. Three of the other accused in the Turkman Gate killing were also embroiled in that case. Relatives of the road rage victim point to the photos of some of the accused on an AAP hoarding in the area. However, a local AAP leader said they were not members of the party. Amin was initially a petty criminal. He was first arrested along with an associate in 1995 in an attempt to murder case from Seelampur area of North-East Delhi. The rogue element of Chandni Mahal area started a construction business since 2010. “He has a construction and a handicraft business, but he is involved in various criminal cases. His brothers are also facing criminal charges,” a senior police officer said. Amin is allegedly involved in eight criminal cases - robbery, an attempt to murder, rioting and incidents of causing hurt. “He always carries a country-made pistol and a knife,” police sources said. Importantly, Amin enjoys good connections with the local police as his day-to-day work requires their co-operation. Drunk men thrash LS MP's son in another case. The Turkman Gate incident was not the only case of road rage reported in the Capital on Sunday. In another case, the son of a Lok Sabha MP was allegedly thrashed by three men in South Delhi’s South Extension area. The Delhi Police have arrested three accused in connection with the incident after registering a case under five IPC sections. According to police sources, the incident occurred when Ritu Raj, the son of Jahanabad MP Dr Arun Kumar, asked one of the accused to not park his Scooty in front of the gate of his residence. “Around 10pm, the police got a call from South Extension Part-2 that three-four men have beaten up a man. When the police reached the spot, they found the MP’s son lying on the road. A PCR vehicle took the victim to the nearest hospital. “After examining him, the doctors said Ritu Raj had dislocated his shoulder,” a police officer said. Sources said the police have arrested three accused. The main accused has been identified as Manohar Lal Batra. Ritu Raj also told the police that all the accused were drunk when they thrashed him. The accused also allegedly threatened to kill the victim’s sister if she intervened.
Shahnawaz, 40, was beaten to death by five thugs because his bike - stuck in traffic - was blocking their way. His sons, aged nine and 13, begged bystanders and nearby police for help, but were told to 'call 100' Victim was rushed to nearby Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Hospital but died en route. A day later, 200 protesters blocked central Delhi to demand immediate arrest of the attackers.
Residents in San Bernardino County in California were forced to flee their homes after a planned control burn in an area of brush land went out of control due to high winds. The county parks department set the fire on Tuesday to clear the area of highly flammable cattails, although a shift in the wind in the Mojave Narrows Park, between Apple Valley and Victorville caused the fire to spread. At its height, 70 acres of land was ablaze and firefighters were forced to evacuate several rural houses while they tried to contain the blaze. Scroll down for video. An estimated 200 firefighters battled the blaze in California which threatened several outlying ranches. Residents were forced to flee their homes as the fire approached their properties near Victorville. One shed and one vehicle were engulfed in flames but fortunately no homes were damaged by the blaze. By late Tuesday evening, the residents were permitted to return home after fire fighters contained the blaze, which continued to burn overnight. San Bernardino County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig told the Los Angeles Times that he anticipated the fire should be fully doused later today. Park officials had been granted the appropriate permits to attempt their controlled burn, even though it soon spiraled out of control. Mr Hartwig said: 'No homes were lost due to great brush clearance around homes.' One shed and one car was destroyed in the blaze which needed 200 firefighters, four aircraft and a and a pair of bulldozers to counter the flames. The fire was started in the Mojave Narrows Park between Apple Valley and Victorville in California. Firefighters battled to save this home as flames lapped the outskirts of the property in Apple Valley. The fire started as a controlled burn but soon went out of control engulfing an estimated 70 acres. The fire spread through the area due to the tinder-dry conditions and threatened several nearby homes. Park officials in San Bernardino County started the controlled blaze on Tuesday but it soon spread. More than 200 members of San Bernardino Fire Department were engaged in battling the flames. Four aircraft and a pair of bulldozers were deployed in an effort to stop the fire from spreading further. Firefighters managed to get the blaze under control by 7pm Tuesday allowing residents to return home. At the height of the blaze more than 70 acres of land were on fire threatening several homes. Fire officers said they hoped they would be able to extinguish the blaze later today depending on the weather. Nobody was injured by the blaze which was started to protect from an uncontrolled fire later in the year.
Parks department officials had a permit to attempt a controlled burn. Fire officers had to deploy four aircraft and two bulldozers to fight the fire. More than 70 acres of the Mojave Narrows Park were affected by the blaze. Residents were able to return home once firemen controlled the inferno.
Gerry Adams has sparked outrage over comments he made on US television about notorious abduction and murder of Jean McConville. Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has described the notorious abduction and murder of Jean McConville as 'what happens in wars'. In an interview on US television, he sparked outrage by suggesting that incidents like Mrs McConville’s murder happened ‘in every single conflict’. The comments have angered relatives of Mrs McConville, whose abduction, disappearance and subsequent murder became one of the most shocking events of The Troubles. She was 37 when she was taken by a masked gang from her home in Belfast in front of her children. She was accused by republicans of being a British Army informer, suffocated with a plastic bag and shot dead. Her remains were eventually discovered by a dog walker buried in a dune on Shelling Hill Beach in County Louth in 2003, ending decades of torment for her relatives and enabling them to finally give her a proper burial. Last year Mr Adams, who has long denied he was even in the IRA, was arrested by police investigating Mrs McConville’s murder. He denied any involvement and was released without charge. But then last month, the influential American magazine the New Yorker named Gerry Adams as a former IRA commander who personally passed ‘death sentences’ on its enemies. It published a damning 15,000-word assessment of allegations against him and claimed that Adams himself issued the order to ‘disappear’ Mrs McConville. The mother-of-ten, pictured with three of her children, disappeared from her Belfast home in 1972. In an interview with CBS this weekend, Mr Adams insisted that he did not know about Mrs McConville’s killing. He said that he only reported himself to the police last year after a ‘tsunami of stories’ about his alleged involvement that were based on reports of interviews given by former IRA paramilitaries to Boston College in the US. Mr Adams said: ‘They (the police) said that I was a senior manager of the IRA at managerial level so I’m bound to have known. I told them I didn’t. In the preview of the interview, which will be shown in full on Sunday, CBS presenter Scott Pelley said: ‘It was known to the IRA and you’re saying you didn’t know? Mr Adams said: ‘Yes’ McConville's daughter Helen McKendry described Gerry Adams as having 'blood on his hands' Mr Pelley asked: ‘How do you orphan 10 children? What kind of depravity is that?’ Mr Adams said: ‘That’s what happens in wars, Scott. ‘That’s not to minimize it, but that’s what American soldiers do, British soldiers do, Irish Republican soldiers do, that’s what happens in every single conflict.’ The comments sparked anger from Mrs McConville’s family. Helen McKendry, now a grandmother, was one of the 10 McConville children orphaned when she was suffocated with a plastic bag and shot in the head. She said: ‘He’s a liar ... I would like Gerry Adams to stand up and admit he played a part. ‘This man has blood on his hands and I want him to pay for what he did.’ Mr Adams’ arrest last May caused uproar among his supporters and, in his view threatened the peace in Northern Ireland that he helped broker with the Good Friday agreement in 1998. In the CBS interview, Mr Adams said he decided to contact the police himself because he was ‘sick, sore and tired of a tsunami of stories based upon these tapes linking me to Mrs McConville’s death’. Mr Adams told CBS that he never pulled a trigger, ordered a murder or set off a bomb during The Troubles. He said: ‘I don’t disassociate myself from the IRA. I think the IRA was a legitimate response to what was happening here. ‘I never will (disassociate himself from the IRA). But I was not a member of the IRA.’
Jean-McConville, 37, was taken from her Belfast home by masked gang. She was accused of being a British army informer by republicans. The mother-of-ten was suffocated with a plastic bag and shot dead. Gerry Adams said incidents like her murder happen 'in every single conflict'
Boris Johnson today fire an extraordinary attack on the Labour party, claiming Ed Miliband wants to go back to the 'nasty, racist' era of the 1970s. The London Mayor, who today launched the Tory campaign in the capital, said the Labour leader was 'hostile' to people who wanted to own their own home and would embark on an 'orgy of regulation and state socialism'. He also claimed Ukip wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s while the Greens want a return to 'somewhere around the bronze age'. Scroll down for video. London Mayor Boris Johnson today launched the Tory campaign in London with a speech in Hartley Hall, Mill Hill. Mr Johnson told voters that if they vote Conservative they will get broadband but if they vote Ukip they will get Miliband. Mr Johnson was mobbed by fans at the launch in Mill Hill, North London where he posed for selfies with supporters. He was joined at the event by Hendon candidate Matthew Offord and his dog Max, and International Development Secretary Justine Greening. As the mayor arrived he could be heard asking whether he needed to show his ID to get in. Launching his attack on Labour, Mr Johnson told voters that if they vote Conservative they will get broadband but if they vote Ukip they will get Miliband. He also joked the Tories were the party of 'kitchen ownership' while Labour was the party of 'kitchen concealment'. Mr Johnson also said he believed the polls were starting to and would continue to move in favour of the Conservatives. He described the party's formula as 'wealth creation for a moral purpose'. In his speech, Mr Johnson repeatedly mocked Mr Miliband over the revelation he has two kitchens in his £2million North London home. He said: 'I don't mind if he is so lazy he would rather not go downstairs to make a cup of tea shortly before binge-watching Breaking Bad or whatever he does. 'I mind very much that he is instinctively and intuitively hostile to the liberating policy of home ownership. We are the party of home ownership, of kitchen ownership. They are the party of hypocrisy and kitchen concealment.' Mr Johnson cuddled up to a dog wearing a blue rosette supporting local Tory candidate Matthew Offord. Mr Johnson was mobbed by fans wanting pictures and selfies when he visited a cafe Mill Hill, North London. A large media scrum followed Mr Johnson as he went on his walkabout around north west London. He also visited a shop, with Tory party leaflets in hand, to drum up support for the Conservatives. Mr Johnson is expected to campaign across the country as a senior Conservative who appeals to voters which other ministers cannot reach. Progress through the streets of Hendon was slow as he stopped for selfies with supporters. He hailed the Conservatives' record on connectivity, saying: 'If you vote Tory you get broadband, if you vote Ukip you get Miliband.' The 'main problem' with the Labour leader is not his inability to eat a bacon sandwich, the mayor went on, or that he sounds like a 'polytechnic sociology lecturer'. Nor is it that he and Ed Balls drove the car 'so spectacularly off the cliff' the last time they had the keys, he added, calling them the 'Thelma and Louise of British politics'. He said: 'The main problem is not even that they would be the playthings of the SNP and that Ed Miliband would be peeking out of Alex Salmond's sporran like a baby kangaroo. 'The main problem is that Ed Miliband and the Labour Party are now more left-wing than they have ever been at any time since Michael Foot. 'They literally want to take us back to the 1970s with an orgy of regulation and state socialism.' Mr Johnson said he believed the polls were starting to and would continue to move in favour of the Conservatives. It echoed comments made in a speech last night, in which Mr Johnson said Mr Miliband does not see that wealth creation has a moral purpose. 'And by attacking wealth creation both in rhetoric and his actions, he would take this country backwards to those 1970s that I spoke of with an orgy of higher taxation and regulation. I remember the 1970s. I wouldn't want to go back. 'It was a nasty, grim, petty epoch of really foul racism, frankly, and a union-dominated economy,' he told an event organised by the Legatum Institute think tank. Mr Johnson also joked that Ukip wanted to take the country back to the 1950s, the Greens to 'somewhere around the bronze age' and the Liberal Democrats to whatever would give them a boost in the polls. He added: 'We are the only party presenting ourselves for election that thinks, broadly speaking, that today is better than yesterday. 'And tomorrow, broadly speaking, is going to be better than today. We have a fantastic story to tell.'
London Mayor claims Labour would embark on 'orgy of state socialism' Accused Miliband of being 'hostile' to people who wanted to own a home. Swamped by demands for selfies at Conservative launch in London.
It is the brand new accommodation designed to give visitors a taste of the South Pacific, but the latest villas on offer at Walt Disney World Florida are not for the budget traveller. The first phase of Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows has just been unveiled, revealing opulent overwater villas available from $2,000 a night - rising to $4,500 at peak times. And though the luxurious offerings look like they belong in Bora Bora, in reality, they're located just steps from the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. Scroll down for video. Disney has just opened their first-ever overwater bungalows as part of their luxury Polynesian resort. Nestled along the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon, the resort is a quick monorail ride away from the theme park and also conveniently located close by to Disney's Polynesian Village Resort. There, guests will find all of their dining options, as well as several play areas, a children's club, and more. The impressive overwater suites are a first of their kind for Disney, boasting two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a private plunge pool. Each bungalow reportedly sleeps up to eight people and offers a view of both the Magic Kingdom Resort and the lagoon, where an electrical water pageant takes place each night. Nestled on the shores of the Seven Seas Lagoon, the villas feel more like Bora Bora than Florida. All of the bungalows have two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a full kitchen and a large living area. There are 20 overwater villas in total and each of the opulent offering sleeps eight people. Each bungalow has an expansive private deck, complete with private plunge pool overlooking the water. Before being ushered to their private bungalow, all 20 of which are connected via bamboo walkways, guests are welcomed at the Great Ceremonial House, where they are given flower leis. From there, and if you're not headed directly to the theme parks, guests can take advantage of their private decks and sun loungers or explore the sandy shores of the lagoon. There are also a pair of bamboo chairs hanging from the roof on each of the bungalow's decks, providing the perfect spot to tuck into a bit of Dole Whip soft serve ice cream. The pineapple-flavoured concoction is famous on the resort - and one of the only places you can find the sweet treat outside of Hawaii. In one of the bedrooms, the bed's headboard is crafted out of wooden surfboards. Of the two bathrooms, the master even has a television hidden in the mirror. The villas have a mid-century, 60s-era design scheme and a large dining room table that seats eight. The bungalows provide the perfect vantage point from which to watch the electrical water pageant at night. At night, music from the fireworks display, which takes place at the Magic Kingdom, gets piped in to the villa. The villas can be booked by regular holidaymakers but are also available as part of a timeshare programme through Disney's Vacation Club. 'If you'd like to rent one of the bungalows, it's anywhere between $2,100 and $4,500, depending on the time of year you come and visit,' Tracy Powell, Vice Presidents Deluxe Resorts told Fox Orlando. She maintains that the high price will stil offer great value for timeshare programme users as lifetime membership will eventually save them up to 50 per cent on costs.
Disney has just unveiled their latest luxury resort: Bora Bora Bungalows. The overwater villas are located on the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon. Inspired by the South Pacific, they're just minutes from the Magic Kingdom.
These incredible images capture the moment a fearless lion tried and failed to bring down a hippo calf. The big cat was seen at Kruger National Park in South Africa attempting to tackle the hefty mammal when it became temporarily separated from its herd after emerging from the water. Accompanied by a hunting partner, the lion leaps on to the hippo in a ferocious display of power and tries to take a bite out if its back - but ends up being chased away by the infant's angry mother. Scroll down for video. Ferocious attempt: A fearless lion leaps on to a hippo calf's back in Kruger National Park in South Africa. The feline and one of its companions were left hungry and with dented pride as the young hippo escaped from the incident unscathed. Photographer Duncan Fraser captured the encounter at Sunset Dam on his way back to camp at dusk. Mr Fraser, 23, from Action Photography, said: 'The bigger male lion was in front and crouching ready for action. 'Suddenly he pounced up and the surprise caused the adult hippo to split away from the baby. Sizing up their prey: Two lionesses become aware of the calf after it becomes seperated from its mother. 'Seeing this opportunity he swung around and pounced onto the baby - trying to get a grip and take the baby down. 'The adult hippo swung around and came back charging at the lion. The lion quickly released its grip and decided that it was time to exit the scene. 'The baby hippo and its mother moved off away from the lions into the bushes - it did not appear to have suffered any major injuries from the attack.' Preparing to attack: One of the lionesses lies in the dust just moments before launching her attack. The chase: The predator bounds towards the hippo calf, who desperately attempts to flee its attacker. Going for the kill: The big cat seizes the opportunity and mounts the hippo's back in a fierce display of power. Ferocious: The lion tries to puncture the hippo's tough skin with a bite as the calf cries out for its mother. Touch and go: With the hippo calf desperate and tiring, the lioness appears to be winning the epic battle. Chased away: But the calf's angry mother charges on to the scene and is too much of a threat for the lion. Still hungry: With their pride dented after the unsuccessful attack, the two lionesses make a hasty retreat. Unscathed: The hippo calf was not injured in the clash, according to photographer Duncan Fraser.
Predator seen attacking hippo calf in Kruger National Park, South Africa. As the hippo emerges from the water it becomes separated from its mother. Lion seizes opportunity and leaps on to animal attempting to land killer bite. But the hippo's mother charges on to scene forcing the big cat to retreat.
Police in North Carolina say a married couple is dead after an Amtrak train hit them on Easter morning as they lingered on the tracks. Derek Lowe, 38, and Tina Lowe, 33, were hit shortly before 10am on Sunday in Durham by a train heading north. Amtrak spokesman Marc Magliari said train No. 80, the Carolinian, was headed from Charlotte to New York City when the accident occurred on property owned by Norfolk-Southern. Scroll down for video. Derek Lowe, 38, and Tina Lowe, 33, were struck and killed by an Amtrak train shortly before 10am on Easter Sunday in Durham, North Carolina. Authorities say none of the 166 passengers on the train were injured, although a man who fell ill during the delay did receive treatment. The Lowes were both pronounced dead at the scene, WRAL reported. The train continued on its route after a delay of about two hours and 45 minutes, according to Magliari. Authorities say none of the 166 passengers on the train were injured, although a man who fell ill during the delay did receive treatment. A man who met the pair while collecting scrap metal said they may have lived in a homeless camp, ABC 11 reported. James Thompson said: 'The last encounter I had with the man and woman was they had a grocery cart and they had a few items in it. 'They asked me would I use my truck to go over there because crossing the railroad tracks was so bad, and so hard with the cart. After the accident occurred, the train was delayed for almost three hours before continuing on its way. 'They'll come up to me and want me to give them a little something. 'When you see a person that's in dire straits, be kind to them. 'Don't condemn them. They've got a heart.' Durham is located about 25 miles northwest of the train's next destination, Raleigh. The trip from Charlotte to New York City usually takes about 13 hours and 30 minutes.
Accident happened just before 10am on Sunday in Durham, North Carolina. Derek Lowe, 38, and Tina Lowe, 33, were pronounced dead at the scene. Northbound train struck pair on property owned by Norfolk-Southern. Train No. 80, the Carolinian, was headed from Charlotte to New York City. Trip continued after about three-hour delay and no passengers were hurt. Man who met pair while collecting scrap metal said they were homeless.
Church of England schools should stop selecting pupils on faith because it discriminates against the poor, a group of vicars has claimed. They say the system is open to abuse and many oversubscribed schools reject non-churchgoing families even though they may live nearby. Many Christian schools give priority to families who regularly attend services, a practice which they say preserves their faith ethos. Many Christian schools give priority to families who regularly attend services, a practice which they say preserves their faith ethos - but a group of vicars say it can lead to discrimination against the poor. But the clergymen said affluent parents were more likely to cheat the system by going to church just to get their children into a C of E school, which are often high-performing. In an open letter published yesterday, an alliance of Left-leaning clergy and laypeople called for an end to religious selection. They claimed the Church was being ‘turned to the advantage of those who are already advantaged’, and said it presented a ‘slow-burning crisis’. The comments, made in a letter to The Guardian, sparked anger from the Church of England, which labelled their arguments ‘doctrinaire’. The letter’s 20 signatories included Christina Baron, lay member of the General Synod, Barry Sheerman, Huddersfield Labour MP since 1979, and Theo Hobson, a theologian and religious commentator. The letter’s 20 signatories included Christina Baron, lay member of the General Synod, Barry Sheerman (left) Huddersfield Labour MP since 1979, and Theo Hobson, a theologian and religious commentator (right) Simon Barrow and Jonathan Bartley of the Christian think-tank Ekklesia also signed it, as did Reverend Richard Kirker, founding member of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement. Also on the list were Reverend Una Kroll, a women’s equality campaigner, former teachers’ union president John Swallow and Oxford professor Keith Ward. Referring to a 2013 survey by the Sutton Trust, they said 6 per cent of parents with a child at a state-funded school admitted to attending church services in order to get their child into a Church school. They said the level of false Church attendance rose to 10 per cent among affluent parents in the socio-economic group A. The letter said: ‘On a superficial level this is in the Church’s interest, as attendance figures in many parishes are inflated and the standard of our schools boosted by the admittance of children from more affluent families. ‘Ultimately however the universality of the Church is being turned to the advantage of those who are already advantaged. We believe this issue presents a slow-burning crisis. ‘We urge the Church to review and then amend its national guidance on pupil admissions, so that schools are guided towards having open admission arrangements. ‘Church of England schools should look outwards, as an expression of the warmth and generosity of its mission to the whole community.’ Yesterday, a Church spokesman said: ‘The arguments set out in the letter are so flawed and inaccurate they need to be placed in special measures. 'The interpretation of the data cited is mistaken and the arguments doctrinaire.’ Rev Nigel Genders, the Church’s chief education officer, said the Church’s secondary schools have an average of 10 per cent selection by religious criteria and some have more pupils on free school meals than the national average. He continued: ‘We run Christian schools for everyone, providing an inclusive and effective education, we are not – as the article seems to imply – running schools for middle class Christians.’ Simon Calvert, of the Christian Institute, added: ‘There’s a push to try to secularise Church schools and it’s a shame that a group of liberal Anglicans are playing into that.’
Group of vicars say CoE schools should stop selecting pupils on faith. Many Christian schools give priority to those who regularly attend church. But vicars argue the system is open to abuse and oversubscribed schools may reject non-churchgoing families even though they may live nearby. Clergymen said affluent parents were more likely to cheat the system by going to church just to get their children into a high-performing CoE school.
From bear testicles and tiger paws to crocodile jaws and snake heads, these are just some of the bizarre animal parts being sold in China's so-called medicine markets. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) claims all manner of ailments including back ache, poor memory and even cancer can be cured by the natural world. It is often believed that the more endangered the animal is, the greater the healing affect it will have. Such wisdom is widespread in Guangzhou, where markets stock exotic and rare animals destined for restaurant menus, pharmacists and pet cages. However, a movement of fledgling organisations such as the South China Nature Society, run by student conservationists, is challenging centuries of tradition by trying to change consumer appetites in the country. Snapped up: Customers purchase a Crocodile Head at Hunagsha market. The head is commonly used in soups. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that crocodile meat can treat lung illnesses and improve memory. Jaws-dropping: A selection of shark fins for sale at Haizu mjarket. A single great white shark fin can fetch up to $1,000 (£700) Unappetising: A bear penis and testicles for sale at Qingping market. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is considered to be a potent aphrodisiac. With a history of more than 2,000 years, TCM has acquired a list in excess of 1,500 animals, many of which are endangered. Sensitive issue: A tiger penis, which is considered to be a potent aphrodisiac, for sale at Qingping market. China's appetite for endangered wildlife and the 2,000-year practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the main catalyst behind the world's third-largest illicit trade. Guangzhou is the richest and most powerful city in southern China, with a keen taste for exotic animals and plants, seen as extreme even in other regions of China. The main reason for this is 2,000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine that lists curative qualities in thousands of rare and exotic animals, such as the Sumatran Tiger. The pursuit of these traditions is the driving force behind the $20 billion (£13bn) illegal wildlife network, the worlds third largest elicit trade, surpassed only by arms and drugs. The network activity intensifies in South East Asia home to rich biodiversity, well developed transport infrastructures, high profit margins and lax law enforcement, a haven for wildlife smugglers. Vietnamese authorities recently seized a record haul of smuggled wildlife including two tons of tiger bones, bear paws and gall bladders. Brutal@ Crocodile farmers prepare to remove live organs from an illegally traded Vietnamese Crocodile. There are an estimated 6,000 illegally traded crocodiles in Guangzhou's 'legal' crocodile farms. Barbaric: An illegally traded Vietnamese crocodile lays in a pool of blood, while Crocodile farmers remove live organs. Illict trade: Crocodile farmers prepare illegally traded Vietnamese crocodiles for shipment to various markets and restaurants. A dozen crocodile tails at Huangsha restaurant. It is believed that Crocodile meat can treat lung Illnesses and improve memory. The destination was China where Tiger bones can fetch up to $70,000 (£50,000). One may of thought that the rise of Guangzhou's economy and subsequent education would have reduced the consumption of endangered animals, but quite the opposite. Rising incomes have allowed more consumers to indulge in exotic foods once considered exclusive delicacies for the rich. The consumption of these endangered animals have now become a symbol of Guangzhou's new wealth. A recent poll taken in Guangzhou found that half the population had eaten wildlife, with snake being named as the favorite of half of those surveyed. A popular saying has it that people in Guangzhou will eat anything with fours legs accept a chair, anything that flies accept a plane and anything in water except a boat. The greatest defense of animal rights to date was during the SARS outbreak in 2003 when consumption dropped due to public fears about the risk of contracting SARS from wild animals. An illegally traded cobra is killed and prepared in front of customers at the Panyu Restaurant. An illegally traded cobra is prepared in front of customers at the Water Snake Restaurant. The restaurant is a popular haunt for government officials when closing important business deals. Snake blood is considered an aphrodisiac and the meat good for vision and the lower spine. Dried snakes at Qingping market. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, snake meat is said to be good for vision and the lower spine. The demand for civet cats decreased so much that 141 farms released 4,000 of the animals into the wild. Bird flu later added to this concerns. In recent years, consumption has recovered. In the latest line of defense stands, the South China Nature Society (SCNS), a young band of four university graduate conservationists. Established in February 2008 by Feng Minghe under the guidance of NGO - Green Eyes China, SCNS faces the mammoth task of challenging centuries of Chinese wisdom in an international hub of exotic wildlife trade. 'Our key objective is to raise awareness and educate consumers on the impact of their consumption. We hope that targeting the next generation will reduce future demand', explains Feng. Raising awareness and educating consumers takes a number of forms. The group organises various workshops and lectures in the local Guangzhou's universities. Each month, they co-ordinate field investigation among the city's live market and record the number of protected species. A tiger farmer attempts to sell a Bengal tiger paw for $3,000 (£2,000) in the Qingping area of Guangzhou. The global population of tigers has been reduced by 95 per cent as a result of hunting and poaching for their body parts, which are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A seller weighs a tiger claw for a customer. The global population of tigers has been reduced by 95 per cent as a result of hunting and poaching for their body parts, which are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Their findings are reported to the authorities and published on the SCNS and Green Eyes websites. On recent visits to the city's notorious live animal markets of Qingping and Huadiwan, SCNS identified a wealth of protected animals from koala bears to crocodiles to great white sharks. Sun, a veteran snake seller at Qingping, said the market sell fewer protected species than before because many animals are near extinction and government checks are tighter. However, he did admit to selling endangered species 'under the table' including Cobra. 'The demand here is so great if I didn't sell it then someone else would, people will always buy,' he said. A customer inspects an endangered Western-painted turtle at Qingping market. It is illegal to breed endangered turtles for commercial gain, however there are 600million turtles in farms throughout China. Turtle meat is believed to cure cancer. A red-eared slider turtle tries to escape from its net at Huangsha Market. It is believed that the turtle can confer wisdom, health and longevity. A sign advertising critically endangered big-headed turtles for sale. There are 99 species of turtles traded in Guangzhou alone. Turtles are used in a wide range of applications from pets and ornaments to food and medicine. The nearby Water Snake Restaurant, a popular haunt for government officials, illegally offer Cobra. 'It's 200 Yuan (£21) per kilo, we get it from the wild,' a waiter said. In March, SCNS scored a major victory by protesting outside a Guangzhou restaurant in which was holding a nurse shark in a tiny tank in which it could barely move. Banners reading 'no consuming, no killing' in English and Chinese, caught widespread media coverage from local news channels. In the end, the shark was released to a local marine park. Zheng Ying Yuan, from SCNS said: 'We are still a very young organisation but we are moving in the right direction. But, with 15 million people and 2,000 years of history real changes are going to take time.' Caged Iguanas shortly before being freed by members of South China Nature Society which is campaigning to stop.
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. Traditional Chinese Medicine claims to cure all sorts of ailments including back ache, poor memory and cancer. Markets in Guangzhou stock exotic and rare animals destined for restaurant menus, pharmacists and pet cages. But beliefs drive £13billion illegal wildlife network, the world's third-largest elicit trade behind arms and drugs. Network of fledgling organisations are now challenging centuries of tradition in bid to change consumer appetites.
A freezer trawler has sunk in a peninsula off the coast of Russia, killing at least 56 crew members. A massive rescue operation involving more than 1,300 people is now underway after the ship, carrying an international crew of 132, sank in the Sea of Okhotsk in just 15 minutes. Rescued crew members reported that the ship, called the Dalny Vostock, was unstable because of empty fuel tanks and a lack of ballast as it sailed through the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Russian freezer trawler, called the Dalny Vostok, that sank while carrying 132 crew members at 4am on Thursday morning local time. At least 54 bodies have been recovered in the huge rescue operation. Map showing the location of the disaster. There are 13 members of the crew are still missing after the trawler tipped over when a fishing net was pulled in, a regional governor told Russian television on Thursday. It tipped over when a fishing net weighing 80 tons was pulled in, said Oleg Kozhemyako, acting governor of the nearby Sakhalin region. Kozhemyako's comments on Russian television came after the federal Investigative Committee said it was considering all possible causes for the sinking, but it was likely that the trawler hit 'an object' floating in the sea, perhaps drifting ice. More than 26 fishing boats in the area have helped to rescue members of the crew, but have also recovered 56 bodies. The disaster happened at around 4am local time, and the trawler did not send any distress signals before it sank, the Interfax News Agency said. Early reports added that the Dalny Vostok sank in just 15 minutes after its engine compartment had been flooded. So far 63 people have been rescued, with survivors suffering from hypothermia and other injuries being airlifted to hospital. At the latest count there are 13 people still missing. An emergency services representative told local media that two of the bodies were found on Thursday evening - one in a lifeboat 105 kilometres (65 miles) away, and the other in the water nearby. Those saved had managed to get into lifeboats and some had put on wet suits. The Russian Emergencies Ministry sent an Mi-8 helicopter with rescuers and doctors aboard to treat and transport rescued crew members to hospitals in the city of Magadan, it said on its website. A rescuer uses a satellite phone while onboard a helicopter as they fly over the Sea of Okhotsk scouring the waters for survivors. Around 1,300 fishermen and emergency staff are involved in the rescue operation. A Russian Emergencies Ministry ship looks for survivors after the Dalny Vostock sank. Temperatures in the water can dip to as low as -2 degrees celsius, and so far it is confirmed that 56 crew members have drowned. A telephone hotline for families of the crew has also been set up. Among the 132 crew members, 78 are from Russia, 42 from Myanmar and the rest from Latvia, Ukraine and Vanuatu. Pyotr Osichansky, president of the Far Eastern Association of Sea Captains, told Russian television that when the trawler last docked in Russia, in January, it had fewer than 70 crew members. The additional crew members were most likely picked up in Pusan, South Korea, and were working illegally, he said. The Sea of Okhotsk is the coldest sea in East Asia with the air temperature plummeting to -20 degrees Celsius in the winter months. Following the tragedy 63 people have been rescued, but the bodies of 56 sailors have been pulled from the freezing sea. Early reports say the trawler sank in 15 minutes when its engine room was flooded. Between October and April the area the area is 'constantly' covered with ice and there is very little rain, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Survivors of the incident are reportedly being interviewed as well as the owners of the trawler, as the police start investigating the disaster. It is understood they are questioning whether there was a violation of safety procedures that led to more deaths, a report in Russia Today said. The 100-metre long trawler was built in 1989 and was equipped to freeze and can fish.
Trawler was carrying 132 crew members when it sank in Sea of Okhotsk. Fishing boats in the area have helped emergency services with rescue. At least 56 people have died after ship sank in just 15 minutes. Sea is coldest in East Asia with air temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius.
In its turbulent 800 year history, Hay Castle has been besieged, set ablaze and become a frequent target for marauding Welsh rebels. But now the medieval stronghold that has already endured so much is at risk of falling to a new army of invaders… which each measure less than half an inch long. An infestation of deathwatch beetles is putting the imposing castle, which towers above the town of Hay-on-Wye on the Welsh border, at peril. Threat: Hay Castle is infested with deathwatch beetles burrowing in to its timber frames. A £5 million battle plan has been launched to repel the insect attackers, with structural engineers and historical building specialists hoping to repair the damage. The Hay Castle Trust, which is co-ordinating the renovation plans, has already received £500,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and will claim a further £4.9m once they have raised £1.5m from independent sources. Tests have shown the wood-boring beetles are active in the castle’s timbers. The damage is caused by their larvae, which burrow inside the wood, weakening them as they go. The adult beetles live for only a few weeks, but the larvae stage of their life cycle can last for up to 13 years. Hay Castle was built in the late 12th century by the powerful Norman Lord William de Braose and has been added to through the ages. Historic: But the 800-year-old mansion needs a major overhaul to eliminate the threat posed by the beetles. Project: Hay Castle has launched a fundraising drive to ensure its future in the fact of the insect threat. It was sacked by Llewelyn II, the last prince of Wales, in 1233, and rebuilt by Henry III. It was damaged by fire during the rebellion of Welsh chieftain Owain Glyndwr in 1401 and sacked again in 1460. The remains of the castle include a four-storey Norman keep and gateway, a Jacobean mansion was built alongside the tower in 1660, and Victorian terraced gardens. The rescue plan also includes tackling the rambling ivy which is further putting parts of it at risk of collapse after damaging the stonework. Juliet Aston, from historic building specialists Rick Mather Architects, said: ‘The most vulnerable part of the building is the derelict part of the mansion which hasn’t had a roof since 1939. ‘It’s hanging on by hook and by crook. Ivy is holding it together but destroying it at the same time. The walls are flapping about and are not stable. Invader: Deathwatch beetles like this one are living in the timber of the medieval building. ‘When the restoration project is finished it’s hoped it will be possible for visitors to stroll around the castle walls and enjoy a bird’s eye view from the top.’ The walls of the keep, are however, said to remain solid. The plans to restore the castle to its former glory include new driveways, cafe, restaurant, library, a study area and exhibition and display areas. Deathwatch beetles get their name from tapping or ticking sound often heard in the rafters of old buildings. The adult beetles make the noise to attract mates. It is said to be associated with the vigil kept beside dying people. The adult beetles measure 7mm long, and the larvae 11mm. The castle was since the 1960s owned by Richard Booth, the bookseller whose antics turned Hay on Wye in a ‘town of books’ and venue for a famous literary festival, until it was purchased in 2011 by the Hay Castle Trust.
Hay Castle on the Welsh borders faces infestation of deathwatch beetles. The 12th-century building is having its timbers weakened by the insects. Beetle larvae burrow inside the castle's wooden beams and threaten its structural integrity. Renovators launch £7million plan to save the historic castle.
Brian Williams started embellishing his stories because he felt insecure following in Tom Brokaw's very large footsteps at NBC, according to a new report. The network handed Williams a six-month suspension in February after he acknowledged he had lied about being on board a helicopter that came under fire while reporting from Iraq in 2003. But according to a report in Vanity Fair, Williams started exaggerating his stories because he felt insecure about Brokaw, whom he succeeded at Nightly News in 2004. 'I always felt he needed to jack up his stories because he was trying so hard to overcome his insecurities,' one executive told the publication. Clash: Tom Brokaw and Brian Williams are pictured in New York in 2004 - the year Williams took over Brokaw's role on the Nightly News. A new report has claimed Williams always felt insecure following him. 'And he had to follow Tom, which brought its own set of insecurities. He likes to sort of tell these grandiose tales... I just saw it as one of the quirks of his personality.' But according to former correspondents who spoke to Vanity Fair, Brokaw wasn't so accepting of the 'quirks'. The stories left him 'incensed', the publication reported. On one occasion, Williams implied they had both been in Berlin together on the day the wall fell in 1989 - but he actually joined the veteran newscaster there the following day. On hearing the tale, Brokaw went into 'spasms of anger', one former exec told Vanity Fair. 'Tom treated that anchor chair as a public trust,' a former employee said. 'He really was our Walter Cronkite.' Others said that the two men had a troubled relationship after Williams took over the role because even though Brokaw pushed for him to get the job, Williams never 'embraced' him. 'I don't know why,' a source said. '[Williams] knows the rank and file will never love him like they did Tom, so he never tries. That's the reason there's not a lot of support for Brian over there.' Exaggerations: During a report in February, pictured, Williams recounted a tale of how he had been on a Chinook that came under fire while in Iraq in 2003 - but he had actually been in a separate aircraft. It also meant that when Williams found himself in hot water over his claim he had been in a downed Chinook - when he had actually been in a separate aircraft - Brokaw didn't have his back. A friend told the publication that while Brokaw - who was 'livid' about the scandal - didn't call for Williams to be punished, he 'didn't try to save him either.' Following the suspension, Williams reportedly declared to a friend: 'Chalk one up for Brokaw.' Not impressed: Brokaw, pictured in February, came 'incensed' when he heard Williams' exaggerations. The article also claimed that when he was called out for lying in his reports and conversations following the 2003 helicopter incident, Williams couldn't bring himself to admit he had made it up - and instead, he suggested he might have a brain tumor. '(He said,) 'Did something happen to (my) head? Maybe I had a brain tumor, or something in my head',' a source said. 'He just didn't know. We just didn't know. We had no clear sense what had happened. We got the best (apology) we could get.' When it came to uncovering the truth behind what actually happened in the 2003 helicopter incident, NBC quickly learned Williams himself would be of no help. 'He was having a tough enough time coming to grips with the idea that he had gotten it wrong in the first place, slash misrepresented it, slash lied,' one insider said. Others suggested that the problem with Williams' work was because the newscaster, who had never been a war or foreign correspondent before taking over at Nightly News, had no interest in reporting on war stories or 'heavy' news and lacked the experience of his predecessors. His appearance on late-night talk shows and comedy series, such as 30 Rock, suggested that instead of getting into gritty news, he actually wanted his own talk show, Vanity Fair suggested. While some NBC employees say this diversity was admirable and something his predecessors had never mastered, others say it did not go down well with the network. 'He didn't want to leave New York,' one source said. 'Getting him to war zones was real tough... but when he did go, he came back with these great stories that kind of put himself at the center of things.' In February, Williams was forced to admit that he wasn't aboard the helicopter that was hit and forced down by enemy fire in Iraq in 2003 - a story he had often repeated over the past 12 years. 'Overwhelmed': Sources told Vanity Fair that Williams, pictured in Iraq, did not want to report on 'hard' news and didn't enjoy politics or war stories, and lacked the experience of his predecessors. Lies: During a report in 2003, he reported how a Chinook, pictured, had been grounded but he later claimed he had been aboard the aircraft that was shot down. In fact, he was on one about 30 minutes behind. It came after he claimed on the Nightly News in January that his aircraft had been hit, causing outrage from the soldiers who had actually been involved. Crew members on the 159th Aviation Regiment's Chinook that was hit by two rockets and small arms fire had told Stars and Stripes that the NBC anchor was nowhere near the aircraft or two other Chinooks that had been flying in formation when they took fire. According to the crew members, Williams arrived about an hour later on another helicopter after the other three had made an emergency landing. Even though Williams learned about the uproar over his false story on Facebook, he failed to bring it up with NBC execs when he met with them the next day, suggesting deeper flaws within the network and its relationship with staff, former employees told Vanity Fair. Days after the false report, he acknowledged the lie as he spoke to a reporter. 'I would not have chosen to make this mistake,' Williams told Stars and Stripes. 'I don't know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.' While Williams initially believed he'd be back to work within days, he was ultimately suspended for six months, and he accepted that he had to step back, sources said. NBC Nightly News is now being anchored by Lester Holt and it is unclear if Williams will return. Questions: A number of Williams' seemingly outlandish claims also came under scrutiny. Red Bank, New Jersey, 1970s. In a 2011 interview, Brian Williams recalled his time as a teenage volunteer firefighter during which he saved a puppy. But in a 2005 Esquire interview, Williams said he saved two puppies. In the same Esquire interview, Williams also revealed he had been mugged at gunpoint while selling Christmas trees in the sleepy New Jersey town in which he grew up. A number of locals have questioned the credibility of his claim that someone 'stuck a .38-caliber in my face'. Iraq War, 2003. Over the years, Williams has told multiple versions of a story about being in an Army Chinook helicopter during the Iraq War in 2003. Earlier this year, he claimed his helicopter was hit by ground fire, an allegation he was later forced to admit was false after an outcry from soldiers who were present. Williams issued an on-air apology and wrote on Facebook: 'Nobody's trying to steal anyone's valor.' He was later suspended over the incident. Hurricane Katrina, 2005. Williams has told several stories about his experiences reporting from New Orleans. He has claimed to have seen a dead body float past the window of his hotel in the city's French Quarter – even though the area wasn't flooded. The accuracy of other Katrina claims, including that he caught dysentery drinking the flood waters and that his hotel was 'overrun' with gangs, have been called into question by others who were on the ground during the disaster. Israel, 2006. In a 2007 interview with Fairfield University Student Television, Williams recalled 'Katyusha rockets passing just underneath the helicopter I was riding in' during a trip to Israel. In fact he was nowhere near enemy fire and in a broadcast segment filmed that day he described rocket fire 'six miles away'. Boston, 2006. A Navy vet accused Williams of lying to skip an event honoring members of the Armed Forces so that he could appear on Saturday Night Live. On the day of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society event the NBC News anchor told organizers that a 'pressing engagement' meant he wouldn't be able speak at the dinner, but later that evening he appeared in a walk-on role on SNL's Weekend Update.
Williams was suspended from NBC in February after it emerged he'd lied about being in a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq in 2003. A new report in Vanity Fair claims Williams lied because he felt insecure taking over from beloved anchor Tom Brokaw at the Nightly News. While some execs saw his lying as 'quirks' of his personality, the tales left Brokaw 'incensed' and he ultimately didn't support Williams in February. After he was accused of lying, Williams wondered if he had a brain tumor. But other NBC employees said Williams had always been out of his depth because of his lack of experience and disinterest in 'hard' news.
A devastated couple has launched a desperate search for their beloved pet cat after he disappeared following a 14-hour flight from Abu Dhabi to New York. Felix the cat has been missing for almost a week after he escaped from his crate at John F Kennedy International Airport. The two-year-old grey tabby belongs to Jennifer Stewart, 31, and her 34-year-old husband, Joseph Naaman, who said the airline-approved pet carrier was damaged so badly – apparently while being transferred from the plane – that Felix was able to get out and run away. Jennifer Stewart and husband, Joseph Naaman, pictured with their cat, Felix, who disappeared April 1. Jennifer told MailOnline Travel that she isn't satisfied with the way Felix's crate was secured and transported on the Etihad Airways flight. She said his crate was tied down to a large metal pallet and cracked open, apparently when one of the straps got caught on something as it was being moved to a cargo bay after the April 1 flight. She said: 'To find out how he was transported, I was horrified, I was sick. They basically strapped him in like he was an old box. 'If I had known he was going to travel like that we would have looked for other alternatives. 'He is a part of our family. He's like a dog. He plays fetch and hide and seek, and he's the coolest little cat.' The couple was told that the plastic crate broke open after one of the ropes became tangled on something. Felix's plastic pet carrier was tied down to a metal pallet while he was transported on the plane. Jennifer said she isn't sure which company was responsible for transferring Felix from the plane, but a cargo manager called her and her husband into an office after they landed to deliver the bad news. 'We were in shock that this happened. At first I thought he was going to tell me that [Felix] died. 'He told me his cage was crushed.' While in Abu Dhabi she spent weeks researching the best way to transport Felix and she initially booked a ticket with a different airline, but there was a problem with the reservation and she was forced to switch to their flight and Felix's to Etihad Airways. Felix the cat disappeared after his crate was damaged after a flight from Abu Dhabi to New York. Owner Jennifer Stewart said she spent weeks researching the best way to transport Felix to the US. Jennifer, a yoga instructor, and Joseph, a strategy consultant, couple spent $1,200 (£800) to bring Felix to the US with them after living in the United Arab Emirates for three years. They adopted him seven months ago after they found him wandering on the street in their Abu Dhabi neighbourhood, and they never gave any thought to leaving him behind. The couple hasn't given up hope that Felix will be found, and has sought help from a non-profit organisation, Where Is Jack?, which provided a dog that is trained to track down animals based on their scent. Jennifer and Joseph haven't given up hope and plan to return to the airport to search for Felix. The couple adopted the two-year-old cat seven months ago after he was abandoned in their neighbourhood. They searched the airport on Saturday, but were unable to access secure areas, and plan to return tomorrow morning to look for Felix again. An Etihad Airways spokesperson told MailOnline Travel that it is investigating Felix’s disappearance and continues to search for the cat. The spokesperson said: ‘We are working with the ground handlers and other third-party specialists, paid for by Etihad Airways, to locate the cat. ‘We deeply regret this unfortunate incident and are keeping the owner apprised of the progress of the search. Jennifer and Joseph have enlisted the help of a non-profit organisation to locate the cat at JFK Airport. Etihad Airways said it is working with ground handlers and 'third-party specialists' to find the cat. ‘We will review our pet handling procedures in the wake of this incident, as the safety and care of pets travelling with Etihad Airways is a top priority.’ Etihad cargo carries more than 200 animals each year and it is ‘extremely rare’ for one to escape, the spokesperson added. MailOnline Travel has contacted the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which oversees the airport, for comment.
Felix the cat disappeared after he escaped his plastic crate at JFK Airport. Owner Jennifer Stewart said the crate was badly damaged in transit. She is calling for better policies and procedures for the transport of pets. Etihad said it is working with ground handlers and 'specialists' to find Felix.
The Price is Right model who gave away a $21,960 car for free because of dumb mistake has said it's the 'biggest mistake ever in game show history' and the first of her six-year career. Colombian-born Manuela Arbelaez's mind was clearly somewhere else when she removed the wrong price tag during Thursday's show - giving contestant Andrea the prize even though she guessed the wrong price. The model and host Drew Carey both gasped after she revealed the true price of the Hyundai Sonata SE before Andrea had finished guessing. Speaking to the New York Daily News, she described how after the blunder she broke down in tears and 'wanted to go in a wormhole and disappear.' A contestant on The Price is Right has walked away with a $21,960 car for free courtesy of a dumb mistake by model Manuela Arbelaez - who has since said it was the 'biggest mistake ever in game show history' Manuela Arbelaez's mind was clearly somewhere else when she removed the wrong price tag during Thursday's show. She admitted that her body moved quicker than her brain. Model Manuela Arbelaez, left, can't hid her embarassment as contestant Andrea, right, celebrates her win. She added: 'I knew there was no way to fix it. I went to this dark place, and I thought I'd get fired or it would be taken out of my paycheck.' Producers however decided not to punish her, and said there was nothing to worry about during the commercial break. She added that host Carey was 'understanding and supportive' and told her he thought it was the 'funniest thing ever.' ''I'm not in trouble :) phew!,' she wrote on Twitter yesterday. She noted that there have been many model mishaps over the show's 43 seasons. 'There was an occasion when a girl crashed a car into Door 3 and another gave away a trip to Disneyland,' Arbelaez recalled. 'There have been small things like that over the years, but I think my mistake was the most expensive in the history of the show.' However Arbelaez is still mortified by what happened, telling the Daily News: 'I'm a perfectionist. I'm very hard on myself. I do things right,' she said. 'I've never made a mistake in those six years. And of course the one mistake I make, it's the biggest mistake in 'Price is Right' history.' 'I probably would've died if that happened within the first year of me working on the show. In a weird way, I'm kind of glad it happened now.' During the show, when presenters realized what had happened, contestant Andrea shouted out 'I win!' Big-hearted host Carey was left with little opinion but to tell the contestant, 'Congratulations! Manuela just gave you a car! The game is over, folks.' Arbelaez joined the regular rotation of five models on The Price Is Right in April, 2009. In her six-year career, she says this is her first mistake. Despite the blunder, the Colombian said the producers and host were 'supportive and understanding' While Andrea jumps for joy, poor Manuela, 26 didn't know where to hid and she was eventually consoled by both Carey and the delighted contestant. Arbelaez later tweeted about her embarrassment at the heart-warming TV moment. 'I don't usually give expensive gifts, but when I do is a $21,960 CAR,' she tweeted, along with a clip from the show of her looking sheepish. She also tweeted that the producers on the show and Carey couldn't have been more supportive and understanding.' she wrote. Arbelaez joined the regular rotation of five models on The Price Is Right in April, 2009. Manuela was eventually consoled by both host Drew Carey and delighted contestant Andrea. Arbelaez later tweeted about her embarrassment. 'I don't usually give expensive gifts, but when I do is a $21,960 CAR,' she tweeted.
Manuela Arbelaez handed contestant Andrea a $21,960 Hyundai Sonata SE for free on Thursday's show. Model revealed the correct price of the car too early - ending the show. Host Drew Carey was left with little option but to tell the contestant, 'Congratulations! Manuela just gave you a car! The game is over, folks' Arbelaez said she wanted to 'go into a wormhole and disappear' Claimed her body reacted quicker than her brain, leading to the mistake.
A teacher has been banned from the classroom after he let pupils change their exam answers invalidating his whole school's SATs results. Ian Guffick asked pupils to make changes to the the national curriculum tests for 11-year-olds, which assess English, maths and science at Mitton Manor Primary School in Tewskesbury, Gloucestershire. This was despite the exam session finishing, a conduct panel heard. Ian Guffick asked pupils at Mitton Manor Primary School in Tewkesbury, pictured, to make the changes to their SATs exam answers. The 31-year-old also altered a number of the pupil's exam answers himself before the papers were sent off. After the suspected breach of exam rules, school officials were tipped off, resulting in an investigation being launched in June. The probe by the local education authority found that some pupils taking a test had changed answers outside exam conditions and that Guffick had done the same. It then led to the Department for Education annulling all SATs exam results for the entire school last year, the hearing was told. Guffick was later forced to give up his job at the school and had since admitted the allegations and accepted it amounted to unacceptable professional conduct. The Department for Education annulled the whole school's SAT's results after a probe by the local education authority (file picture) However, he insisted in a statement that he did not ask the pupils to change their answers, but to make them more legible. But the panel, run by the National College for Teaching and Leadership, said that no changes of any kind should be made to exam scripts outside test conditions. Panel chair Martin Pilkington said, although the teacher’s conduct had been dishonest, it fell short of fraud or serious dishonesty. But he added: 'Whilst the panel accepts that Mr Guffick may have felt under pressure to achieve good results for himself and the school, that can in no way excuse his behaviour. 'It is clear to the panel that he deeply regrets his conduct and the panel also considered that he was forthcoming in explaining what he had done when it was investigated by the school and local authority.' Paul Heathcote, acting on behalf of Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, banned Guffick from the classroom for at least two years. He said: 'His actions had a serious impact on the school as their SATs results were annulled for 2014. 'Mr Guffick’s actions were deliberate and he was not acting under duress. 'In all the circumstances, I agree with the panel’s recommendation that a prohibition order is an appropriate and proportionate sanction. 'Mr Guffick has shown remorse and insight and he deeply regrets his actions.' He was given 28 days in which to appeal against the decision to the High Court.
Ian Guffick, 31, allowed pupils to make changes outside exam conditions. He also made changes to the pupil's work before the papers were sent off. Probe was launched after officials were tipped off he breached exam rules. A disciplinary panel has now banned Guffick from teaching for two years.
It has long been considered that a lie-flat bed is the only way to get a good night's sleep on a plane. But Boeing has issued a patent for a bizarre 'upright' sleeping support system that could mean economy passengers can sleep on long-haul flights too. Nicknamed the 'cuddle chair,' the somewhat comical idea could revolutionise the plane sleeping experience by eliminating the need for reclining seats at all. Boeing has just filed a patent for a 'transport vehicle upright sleep support system' known as a 'cuddle chair' It looks like a backpack and fastens to the back of the headrest to allow passengers to lean forward and rest their face and chest on the contraption. According to the patent for the 'Transport Vehicle Upright Sleep Support System,' and illustrative animated video from website PatentYogi, the head cushion will have a 'face relief aperture,' which is essentially a face-front pillow with a hole for breathing. The chest cushion supports the passenger's chest in a natural, forward-leaning motion, which will helpfully aid the traveller in a few precious minutes of shut-eye. Sleeping on a plane can be quite a feat - especially for those who don't have the money to splurge on business or first class seats. While some rely on a personal neck pillow, which is readily available to purchase in airports, Boeing's patent insists that the 'cuddle chair' is a far superior option. For those sitting in economy aircraft seats, the 'cuddle chair' offers a more natural way to get some sleep. The backpack will be located under the seat and straps will attach to the passenger's head rest. A 'face relief aperture,' or a face pillow with a hole for breathing, and chest cushion provide added support. The patent insists that this system is far superior to neck pillows due to sleep's 'natural horizontal tendency' Although a patent was filed, Boeing tells MailOnline Travel that no further information is currently available. According to the patent, the inflatable pillow is 'not a highly successful option due to the natural tendency of a sleeper to relax their muscles and fall to a more horizontal point.' If you're using a neck pillow, this may be the moment that it slips and you wake up. However, it may be a while until we see the 'cuddle chair' installed on Boeing aircraft, as the aviation company tells MailOnline Travel that it 'files many patents every year, but that doesn't necessarily mean we end up pursuing them.' A spokesperson for Boeing adds: 'We aren't providing any further information or comment beyond what was detailed in the patent filing.'
Recent patent filing shows plans for an 'upright' sleeping support system. Encased in a backpack, the cushions allow the passenger to lean forward. A breathing hole in the face pillow ensures extra customer comfort. Boeing says: 'We aren't providing any further information or comment'
Protesters opposing the construction of a $1.4billion telescope on a mountain in Hawaii they consider to be sacred were arrested after blocking a road leading to the site. Police arrested 12 protesters Thursday when they tried to block trucks heading to the peak of Mauna Kea where one of the world's largest telescopes is being built. While the Native Hawaiian groups do not oppose the Thirty Meter Telescope itself, they disagree with the location of the construction on Mauna Kea - the highest point in the state which is considered a home of deities. About 300 people took part in the demonstration and those who were arrested were released after they each posted a $250 bail. Scroll down for video. Department of Land and Natural Resources officers arrest a Thirty Meter Telescope protester at the telescope building site on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hilo, Hawaii on Thursday. Thirty Meter Telescope protesters chant after being arrested from the telescope building site on the summit of Mauna Kea. Native Hawaiians believe the site where the telescope is being assembled is sacred because it is where their creation story begins, said Kealoha Pisciotta, an opponent of the telescope project. And scientists believe the site is ideal location for one of the world's largest telescopes because of its remote and sheltered position, nestled in the crater of a dormant volcano. 'It is the burial grounds of some of our most sacred and revered ancestors,' said she said. 'It is a place where we go for sanctuary and release from the world around us, and it is also the home of our god.' All of the highest points in the islands are considered the home of deities, according to Pisciotta. 'I wouldn't consider it civil disobedience. We consider it civil assistance,' protestor Kahookahi Kanuha said reports Hawaii News Now. 'We were attempting to assist the authorities in upholding the law. 'And those who are being disobedient to the law are those with TMT, who are continuing to break the regulations of developing on conservational land.' After the vehicles were allowed to pass, about 40 to 50 people began following the trucks, which moved slowly because of their heavy loads. Protesters are preventing construction of a giant telescope near the summit of a mountain held sacred by Native Hawaiians. Some consider the $1.4 billion Thirty Meter Telescope project as desecrating the Big Island's Mauna Kea (on Monday protesters formed a road block outside the Mauna Kea visitors center) Department of Land and Natural Resources officers lead Thirty Meter Telescope protesters from the telescope building site on the summit of Mauna Kea on Thursday. Work got underway after protesters were arrested and their path was cleared to the summit, Sandra Dawson, a spokeswoman for the project, said in an email to The Associated Press. Police said they warned protesters after an incident Monday that anyone who blocked the road would be arrested. On Monday, more than 50 protesters formed a roadblock Monday that stopped about 15 vehicles carrying workers up Mauna Kea, causing workers to wait more than eight hours before making their way down the mountain. 'We regret that police action had to be taken to enable our legal access to the project site,' Thirty Meter Telescope project manager Gary Sanders said in a statement relating to Thursday's arrests. Opponents who question whether land appraisals were done correctly and whether Native Hawaiian groups had been consulted have tried to prevent the construction of the telescope. A Department of Land and Natural Resources officer, center left, comforts a Thirty Meter Telescope protester on the summit. Protests also disrupted a groundbreaking and Hawaiian blessing ceremony last year, but no one was arrested. In fact, some protesters who yelled during the ceremony later apologized to event organizers and helped put away chairs, Pisciotta said. 'We said aloha to each other, and we hugged,' she said. University of Hawaii spokesman Dan Meisenzahl said in a telephone interview that the university is saddened about the arrests, but that access to site must be maintained. 'If the university had a heart, it would be broken right now,' he said about Thursday's arrests. However, 'we have to make sure the road is safe for whoever wants to be there.' The university sub-leases the land atop Mauna Kea for the telescope project, and it has always maintained that protesters would have free access to the site as long as they were not breaking any laws, he said. Meisenzahl said he was not certain why the arrests were made. The observatory is expected to be operational by 2024, the same year a 39-meter telescope is expected to be completed in Chile.
12 protesters were arrested after blocking road leading to construction site of one of the world's largest telescopes, Thirty Meter Telescope. Critics believe location on Mauna Kea, the highest point in the state, is considered a home of deities. The protesters who were arrested were released after posting $250 bail.
Fame and fortune from reality TV can certainly change your life - but not necessarily for the better, as Pete Bennett revealed on the Jeremy Kyle show today. The Big Brother winner, 33, from Brighton, won a dream £100,000 after coming first in the seventh series of the Channel 4 show in 2006. But the troubled star says he squandered his prize cash on the animal tranquiliser ketamine and is now homeless, spending each night sofa surfing. Scroll down for video. Pete Bennett says he squandered his prize cash on ketamine and is now homeless. Nine years on the Tourette's sufferer says his condition has calmed down and he wants to crack Hollywood as an actor. Coming first can certainly make or break Big Brother contestants' careers - and lives. We look back at what happened to Big Brothers' winners from season one's Scouse DIY man Craig through to escort Helen Wood from series 15. Craig Phillips. Big Brother 1. Builder Craig Phillips was 28 when he appeared on the first series of Big Brother back in 2000. The Liverpudlian, now 43, developed a construction training academy in the North West in 2006 and now works as a presenter and property developer. He is also a spokesperson and fundraiser for several charities. First ever winner Craig Phillips, with Davina McCall, leaves the Big Brother house in 2000 (left) and now, Craig opening the national Self Build and Renovation Show in Swindon on January 30, 2015 (right) Brian Dowling. Big Brother 2. Air steward Brian was 22 when he won the second series of Big Brother in 2001. The Irishman has since worked as a voiceover artist, pantomime star and corporate host, but he is best known for his TV and radio presenting work. The star, 34, presented Big Brother, the show that found him fame, from 2011 to 2013, before Emma Willis took over. Air steward Brian was 22 when he won the second series of Big Brother in 2001 (l) and he presented the show that found him fame from 2011 to 2013 - here seen on Loose Women in 2013 (r) Kate Lawler. Big Brother 3. London technical support administrator Kate was 22 when she entered the house for the third series of Big Brother. After leaving the house she had a stint as a lads' mag model and in 2006 and 2007 she appeared in campaigns for Ann Summers. Now Kate, 34, is a radio presenter for Manchester station Key 103. Kate was 22 when she entered the house for the third series (l) and in 2006 and 2007 she appeared in campaigns for Ann Summers (r) Cameron Stout. Big Brother 4. Fish trader Cameron, from Orkney, was 32 when he won Big Brother in 2003. He's since become a spokesman for the Hall of Clestrain as seen on BBC show Restoration, featured in pantomimes and raised funds for charity. He also regularly writes for newspapers such as The Sunday Post and the Aberdeen Evening Express. Fish trader Cameron, from Orkney, was 32 when he won Big Brother in 2003 (l) and he's since become a spokesman for the Hall of Clestrain in the BBC show Restoration (r) Nadia Almada. Big Brother 5. Nadia's big personality shone when she joined the house at 27, in 2004, and she became the fifth winner of the reality TV show. The transgender store assistant from London returned for Ultimate Big Brother in 2010 where she clashed with rapper Coolio before being evicted tenth. She's now blogging and tweeting to 44,500 followers. Nadia's big personality shone when she joined the house (l) and the transgender store assistant from London returned for Ultimate Big Brother in 2010 (r) Anthony Hutton. Big Brother 6. Newcastle dancer Anthony won Big Brother aged 23, in 2005. He then added hairdresser to his professional repertoire before returning to TV as part of a task for Ultimate Big Brother, where he went on a date with rumoured flame and former housemate Makosi Musambasi. He has 18,900 followers on Twitter. Newcastle dancer Anthony won Big Brother aged 23, in 2005 (l) he then added hairdresser to his professional repertoire (r) Pete Bennett. Big Brother 7. Pete, a singer from Brighton, entered the house aged just 24. Afterwards, he released a successful autobiography, but says his appearance on the reality show meant that he found it impossible to get a job or being taken seriously for his music. His life went rapidly downhill and he squandered his prize cash on ketamine. Since getting clean, Pete admits that he has relapsed but states that he is now back on track. The star is now trying to get his life back together and is attempting to make his name as an actor. Pete, a singer from Brighton, entered the house aged just 24 (l) and he's seen at the opening night of Glastonbury in the Stone Circle last year (r) Brian Belo. Big Brother 8. Lovable Essex boy Brian was a 19-year-old teenager when he appeared on Big Brother in 2007. After winning the show he ditched his job as a data clerk to release a single (which failed to chart). Brian took legal action against the makers of TOWIE in 2013 - claiming they stole the idea for the show from him - eventually agreeing on a settlement with ITV and Lime Pictures. He's worked as a TV segment entertainer for Harry Hill's TV Burp and Big Brother's Big Mouth. Lovable Essex boy Brian was a 19-year-old teenager when he appeared on Big Brother in 2007 (l) and he took legal action against the makers of TOWIE in 2013 (r) Rachel Rice. Big Brother 9. Welsh Actress Rachel was 24 when she appeared on Big Brother in 2008. Now a wife and mother, she has taken a step back from fame and is teaching drama at Abersychan Comprehensive School. Welsh Actress Rachel was 24 when she appeared on Big Brother in 2008 (l) and seen at the OK Magazine Editorial Christmas Party, Dec 2008, she's now a wife and mother, teaching at a school (r) Sophie Reade. Big Brother 10. Sophie was just 20 when she won Big Brother in 2009. The Cheshire glamour model, who has posed for Playboy, still appears in magazines and boasts 85,000 Twitter followers and 13,500 on Instagram. Sophie was just 20 when she won Big Brother in 2009 (l) and now, pictured at the launch of the Playboy Energy Drink in 2010 at the Funky Buddha night club in Mayfair, boasts 85,000 Twitter followers (r) Josie Gibson. Big Brother 11. Josie, from Bristol, worked as a financial sales rep when she won the show in aged 25. She became a guest host on Channel 5 magazine series OK! TV and made a fortune thanks to her incredible weight loss. She now also works as a personal trainer and nutritional advisor. Josie, from Bristol, worked as a financial sales rep when she won the show in aged 25 (l) and she now works as a personal trainer and nutritional advisor (r) Aaron Allard-Morgan. Big Brother 12. Contract manager Aaron, 30, from Weston-super-Mare, won Big Brother's 12th series. He has appeared on TV several times since leaving the house on OK! TV, The Wright Stuff and Big Brother's Bit on the Side. He wrote a book about his experience in Big Brother and up until recently was running a bar in Weston-super-Mare (which has now closed down). Aaron wrote a book about his experience in Big Brother and up until recently was running a bar. Luke Anderson. Big Brother 13. Transgender chef Luke won the hearts of the nation when he won Big Brother in 2012, aged 31. The Welshman is now happily married and working as head chef at The Alvanley Arms, a 400-year-old Coaching Inn in the heart of the Cheshire countryside. In 2012 he was voted number 10 in the Independent on Sunday 'pink list'. Transgender chef Luke was voted number 10 in the Independent on Sunday 'pink list' Sam Evans. Big Brother 14. Welsh Sam joined the Big Brother house at 23 in 2013. The former stock assistant, who was born with 70 to 80 per cent hearing loss, won the show and is now a television star and suit model for a company called JR Events. Welsh Sam is now a television star and suit model for a company called JR Events. Helen Wood. Big Brother 15. Escort Helen Wood, from Bolton, found fame after having a threesome with Wayne Rooney. At 27 she became the shock winner of Big Brother's last series in 2014, and now continues her job as a controversial columnist for the Daily Star. Escort Helen Wood from Bolton found fame after having a threesome with Wayne Rooney, pictured in a promo shot for Big Brother (l) andat the National Reality TV Awards, in Sep 2014 (r)
2006 Big Brother winner Pete squandered prize money on ketamine. He is now clean but homeless - and tells Jeremy Kyle he wants act. We look back at the fates of other winners of the reality TV show. Some work in showbiz, while others returned to everyday life.