Minecraft Platformer - Episode 1
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nshow variable [/p/ v]\nshow variable [collectable v]\nshow variable [/l/ v]\nforever\n if <(-Music?) > [0]> then\n play sound (-Music?) until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [,current version v] to [1]\nif <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n set [☁ online v] to (,Current Version)\nend\nforever\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [0]> then\n if <(☁ Online) < [0]> then\n broadcast (Off v)\n end\n if <<not <(,Current Version) = (☁ Online)>> and <(☁ Online) > [0]>> then\n broadcast (Please Reload v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\nif <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n set [,gf pressed? v] to [0]\n set [,current version v] to [1]\n set [.my max room v] to [1]\n set [.to peaceful v] to [0]\n set [.to hardcore v] to [0]\n set [kicked v] to [0]\n set [.levels v] to [7]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [do emote v]\nDo Emote\n\ndefine Emote 2\nset [-emote n° v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [-emote n° v] to [5]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [-emote n° v] to [10]\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [-emote n° v] to [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [-emote n° v] to [5]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [-emote n° v] to [14]\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [-emote n° v] to [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [-emote n° v] to [5]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [-emote n° v] to [18]\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [-emote n° v] to [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [-emote n° v] to [4]\nrepeat (3)\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [-doing emote v] to [0]\n\ndefine Do Emote\nif <(-Doing Emote) = [1]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\nelse\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [2]> then\n Emote 2\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [3]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (13)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [4]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [5]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [6]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [5]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [4]\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [7]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (11)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (11)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [8]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (8)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [9]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [10]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (6)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n wait (0.15) seconds\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n set [-emote n° v] to [11]\n wait (0.08) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [12]\n wait (0.08) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [11]\n wait (0.08) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [7]\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [11]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n start sound [Fortnite_default_dance_sound v]\n repeat (22)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.18) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.099) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [12]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n wait (0.08) seconds\n repeat (4)\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n change [-emote n° v] by (pick random (1) to (3))\n wait (1) seconds\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [14]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (8)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [13]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [14]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (8)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [15]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.08) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [4]\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [16]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [17]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [18]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [19]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n forever\n repeat (2)\n wait (pick random (0.00) to (1.00)) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (pick random (0.00) to (1.00)) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [20]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n set [-emote n° v] to [3]\n repeat (11)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [21]> then\n start sound [Zelda v]\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [-emote n° v] to [2]\n wait (0.12) seconds\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.34) seconds\n repeat (6)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.13) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.13) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.16) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.51) seconds\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [22]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (14)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [23]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [24]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (18)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (18)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [25]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [25]> then\n start sound [Clapping v]\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [26]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [27]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (8)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [28]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [29]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n wait (pick random (3.00) to (10.00)) seconds\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (pick random (1.00) to (2.00)) seconds\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [30]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (14)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n set [-emote n° v] to [15]\n repeat (11)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [31]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (17)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [32]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [33]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n forever\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [34]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [35]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [36]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n repeat (9)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (9)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [37]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (8)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.54) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat (14)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.13) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.13) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n wait (0.16) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n wait (0.51) seconds\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [38]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.12) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [39]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (9)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-Doing Emote) = [40]> then\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.08) seconds\n change [-emote n° v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nPress\nif <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>> then\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(.Last Emote) = [0]>> then\n set [-doing emote v] to (.Last Emote)\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n broadcast (Do Emote v)\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n wait until <not <key (e v) pressed?>>\n else\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [2]> then\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n else\n set [-open chat? v] to [2]\n end\n show list [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Press\nrepeat (10)\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n if <not <key (e v) pressed?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [load this v]\nset [stage: -k v] to [1]\nset [load? v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [toload v])\n What C (item (Stage: -k) of [toload v]) [1]\n set [.create type v] to (Stage: -word)\n What C (item (Stage: -k) of [toload v]) [2]\n set [.create form v] to (Stage: -word)\n What C (item (Stage: -k) of [toload v]) [3]\n set [.create x v] to (Stage: -word)\n What C (item (Stage: -k) of [toload v]) [4]\n set [.create y v] to (Stage: -word)\n if <(.Create TYPE) = [clean]> then\n set [.create type v] to (.Create FORM)\n if <(join (.Create FORM) (join (.Create X) (.Create Y))) = [all]> then\n broadcast (Delete for New v) and wait\n delete all of [build v]\n else\n broadcast (Clean This v) and wait\n end\n else\n broadcast (Create v) and wait\n end\n add (item (Stage: -k) of [toload v]) to [build v]\n change [stage: -k v] by (1)\nend\nset [load? v] to [0]\n\ndefine What C (text) (what)\nset [stage: -i v] to [1]\nset [stage: -word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (Stage: -i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(Stage: -i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [stage: -word v] to (join (Stage: -word) (letter (Stage: -i) of (text)))\n change [stage: -i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(what) > [1]> then\n repeat ((what) - (1))\n change [stage: -i v] by (1)\n set [stage: -word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (Stage: -i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(Stage: -i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [stage: -word v] to (join (Stage: -word) (letter (Stage: -i) of (text)))\n change [stage: -i v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [/p/ v]\nhide variable [collectable v]\nhide variable [/l/ v]\nhide variable [xy v]\nhide variable [fps v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nshow list [premium made by v]\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n if <(-Show Names) = [1]> then\n show variable [/p/ v]\n show variable [collectable v]\n show variable [/l/ v]\n if <(show fps?) = [1]> then\n show variable [fps v]\n hide variable [xy v]\n else\n hide variable [fps v]\n if <(show xy?) = [1]> then\n show variable [xy v]\n else\n hide variable [xy v]\n end\n end\n else\n hide variable [/p/ v]\n hide variable [collectable v]\n hide variable [/l/ v]\n hide variable [xy v]\n end\n if <<(.Current Room) = [7]> and <(Defeated?) = [0]>> then\n if <(letter (length of (days since 2000)) of (days since 2000)) < [2]> then\n set [/p/ v] to (join [Players: ] (join (join (.Players in Room) [/]) (.Players Online)))\n else\n if <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [1]> then\n set [/p/ v] to (join [Players: ] [Battle])\n else\n set [/p/ v] to (join [Players: ] [Boss])\n end\n end\n else\n set [/p/ v] to (join [Players: ] (join (join (.Players in Room) [/]) (.Players Online)))\n end\n set [/l/ v] to (join [Level: ] (.Current Room))\n set [xy v] to (join [x: ] (join ((round (([x v] of [player v]) * (10))) / (10)) (join [ y: ] ((round (([y v] of [player v]) * (10))) / (10)))))\nend\n\nset [☁ online v] to [0]\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\ndelete (21502) of [_record 1 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [iterations v] to [0]\nreset timer\nset [last v] to [1]\nset [fps v] to [FPS: ...]\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [iterations v] by (1)\n if <(timer) > (Last)> then\n change [last v] by (1)\n set [fps v] to (join [FPS: ] (iterations))\n set [iterations v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [kick v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [please reload v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [off v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [occuped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [kicked v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\nif <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nadd (join (join ([x v] of [player v]) [⃝]) (join (join ([y v] of [player v]) [⃝]) (join (join (.Current Room) [⃝]) (join (join ([costume # v] of [player v]) [⃝]) (join (join ([super jump v] of [player v]) [⃝]) (join ([direction v] of [player v]) [⃝])))))) to [_record 1 v]\n\nwhen [b v] key pressed\nset [.back? v] to ((1) - (.Back?))\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Game - Win\nstart sound [Tada v]\nrepeat (25)\n switch costume to ((1) + ((19) * <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]>))\n change [x v] by ((((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [-xy final portal v]) + (5)) - (x)) / (5))\n change [y v] by ((((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [-xy final portal v]) - (4)) - (y)) / (5))\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n Save Data\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nset [x v] to ((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [-xy final portal v]) + (5))\nset [y v] to ((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [-xy final portal v]) - (4))\nrepeat (25)\n switch costume to ((2) + ((19) * <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]>))\n change [x v] by ((((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [-xy final portal v]) + (5)) - (x)) / (5))\n change [y v] by ((((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [-xy final portal v]) + (20)) - (y)) / (5))\n Limit\n Position\n Save Data\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nif <(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) - (1))> then\n set [-final? v] to [1]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nelse\n change [.current room v] by (1)\n if <(.Current Room) > (.My Max Room)> then\n set [.my max room v] to (.Current Room)\n end\n Reset Level\n broadcast (Next Level v)\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nstart sound [Oops v]\nset [speed y v] to [15]\nrepeat until <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]>\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n if <(speed y) < [4]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n change [y v] by (speed y)\n Limit\n switch costume to ((3) + ((19) * <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]>))\n Save Data\n Position\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n if <(y) > [-181]> then\n if <(speed y) < [4]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n change [y v] by (speed y)\n end\n Limit\n Position\n Save Data\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nReset Level\nset [zoom v] to [1]\nif <(-Difficulty) = [4]> then\n if <not <(.Current Room) = [1]>> then\n set [.current room v] to [1]\n set [-check point? v] to [0]\n broadcast (Reset Game v) and wait\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nrepeat until <<(showing?) = [1]> or <<(SCROLL X) < [1]> and <(SCROLL Y) < [1]>>>\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nPosition\n\ndefine Tick\nif <(tping?) = [0]> then\n if <(.stop for delete) = [0]> then\n if <(-Moving Scroll) = [0]> then\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n if <<(Grabbed) = [0]> and <<(Last Grabbed) = [-1]> or <(Last Grabbed) = [-5]>>> then\n if <(Last Grabbed) = [-5]> then\n if <(showing?) = [1]> then\n set [right crouch? v] to [1]\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [x v] to (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n end\n else\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (1)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n set [last grabbed v] to [-5]\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (1)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <(crouch?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<(right crouch?) = [1]> or <(Grabbed) = [-1]>> then\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n if <(Grabbed) = [-1]> then\n set [right crouch? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5)))\n if <<(letter (3) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> or <(falling?) < [4]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n Position\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n else\n set [right crouch? v] to [0]\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5))))\n else\n set [right crouch? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(super jump) > [0]> then\n change [super jump v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n if <(falling?) = [0]> then\n if <(super jump) < [100]> then\n change [super jump v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(super jump) > [0]> then\n change [super jump v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Other Achievments\n Levels\n if <(.Jet Pack Time) > [0]> then\n change [.jet pack time v] by (-1)\n if <<(.Jet Pack Time) < [100]> and <(letter (length of (.Jet Pack Time)) of (.Jet Pack Time)) = [5]>> then\n start sound [Clock Ticking v]\n end\n if <(.Jet Pack Time) = [0]> then\n set [-jet pack? v] to [0]\n set [.already jet pack? v] to [0]\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n end\n end\n if <(_Hurt) > [0]> then\n change [_hurt v] by (-1)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to ((0) + (((30) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1500)) ) * (5))) * <(_Hurt) > [0]>))\n if <(super jump) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(time to portal) > [0]> then\n change [time to portal v] by (-1)\n end\n if <(-Moving Scroll) = [0]> then\n if <(Grabbed) = [-1]> then\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n change [.dash v] by (-1)\n else\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n if <(.Current Room) = (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v])> then\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n Controls - Jump, Crouch [1]\n Test Touch [1]\n if <(item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([abs v] of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [13]> or <([abs v] of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [32]>> * (5)))\n else\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n end\n if <(item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) > [0]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n change [.dash v] by (-1)\n else\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n else\n if <<<(crouch?) = [0]> and <(right crouch?) = [0]>> or <(falling?) > [0]>> then\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(left key pressed) = [1]>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(right key pressed) = [1]>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Change Player x by (speed x)\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to (((<not <(direction) < [0]>> * (2)) - (1)) * (10))\n else\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n end\n Controls - Jump, Crouch [0]\n if <(speed y) > [-25]> then\n if <<(speed y) < [4]> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n end\n Change Player y by (speed y)\n Test Touch [1]\n end\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (1)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n Test Touch [2]\n Set Costume\n else\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to ((11) + ((19) * <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]>))\n if <(Grabbed) = [-1]> then\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n if <(.Current Room) = (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v])> then\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n if <(item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([abs v] of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [13]> or <([abs v] of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [32]>> * (5)))\n else\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n end\n if <(item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) > [0]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n end\n set [.touching one? v] to [0]\n add [28] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n Save Data\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-1]> and <(letter (2) of (item (7) of [player v])) > [0]>> and <<(letter (2) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [2]> and <(costume [number v]) < [41]>>> then\n switch costume to (fly v)\n end\n set [last grabbed v] to (Grabbed)\nend\n\ndefine Change Player x by (speed x)\nif <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5)))\n set [-last v] to (costume [number v])\n if <<(letter (3) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> or <(falling?) < [6]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n set [-last v] to (join [+] (-Last))\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n Position\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n change [x v] by (speed x)\n Position\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\n else\n change [x v] by (speed x)\n end\n switch costume to (round (-Last))\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5))))\nelse\n change [x v] by (speed x)\nend\nPosition\nLimit\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5)))\n if <(-Last) = (costume [number v])> then\n else\n set [-last v] to (costume [number v])\n end\n if <<(letter (3) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> or <(falling?) < [6]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n if <(letter (1) of (-Last)) = [+]> then\n else\n set [-last v] to (join [+] (-Last))\n end\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n Position\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n switch costume to (round (-Last))\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5))))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n switch costume to (round (-Last))\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5))))\n end\n else\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<(falling?) > [0]> and <not <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>>>> then\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n set [on wall v] to [1]\n set [crouch? v] to [0]\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <(speed y) < [-3]> then\n set [speed y v] to [-3]\n end\n end\n else\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n end\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> and <<<(falling?) > [0]> and <not <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>>>> and <<<(speed y) < [0]> or <(wall jump) > [0]>> or <(jump key) = [0]>>>> then\n change y by (2)\n set [speed x v] to (((speed x) / ([abs v] of (speed x) )) * (-5))\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n start sound [Jump v]\n replace item (2) of [stats v] with ((item (2) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(item (2) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [4] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (2) of [stats v]) > [49]> then\n add [5] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [on wall v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Change Player y by (speed y)\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nif <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5)))\n if <(-Last) = (costume [number v])> then\n else\n set [-last v] to (costume [number v])\n end\n if <<(letter (3) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> or <<(falling?) < [6]> or <(letter (1) of (-Last)) = [+]>>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n Position\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n change [y v] by (speed y)\n Position\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n set [.fly time v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n end\n else\n change [y v] by (speed y)\n end\n switch costume to (-Last)\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5))))\nelse\n change [y v] by (speed y)\nend\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n set [.fly time v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Test Touch (1/2)\nif <(1/2) = [1]> then\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n if <(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) + (1))> then\n end\n if <touching (items v)?> then\n set [.touching one? v] to [1]\n else\n set [.touching one? v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching (boss v)?> then\n set [_touchingboss v] to [1]\n else\n set [_touchingboss v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching (check point v)?> then\n broadcast (.Touched v)\n add [12] to [new achievments v]\n end\n if <<touching (completed v)?> and <<<(-Final?) = [0]> or <(.Current Room) < (.Levels)>> and <<<(.Current Room) > [2]> and <(HMC) > ((14) + (((.Current Room) - (3)) * (5)))>> or <(.Current Room) < [3]>>>> then\n broadcast (Next Prepare v)\n add [26] to [new achievments v]\n if <(.My Max Room) = (.Levels)> then\n add [27] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(y) < [-180]> then\n if <<(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) + (1))> or <(-Difficulty) = [0]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [20]\n else\n set [exit v] to [die]\n replace item (5) of [stats v] with ((item (5) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(item (5) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [10] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (5) of [stats v]) > [19]> then\n add [11] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dash! v]\nstart sound [Teleport2 v]\nset [.dash v] to [50]\nreplace item (7) of [stats v] with ((item (7) of [stats v]) + (1))\nif <(item (7) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [18] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (7) of [stats v]) > [14]> then\n add [19] to [new achievments v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nset [zoom v] to [1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [-check point? v] to [0]\nset [-vanish? v] to [0]\nset [.stop for delete v] to [0]\nset [last grabbed v] to [0]\nset [tping? v] to [0]\nforever\n if <not <<(Exit) = [win]> and <(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) - (1))>>> then\n Reset Level\n else\n set [exit v] to []\n end\n repeat until <(Exit) > [0]>\n Tick\n broadcast (tick v)\n end\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n if <(Exit) = [win]> then\n if <(-Difficulty) > [2]> then\n set [.to hardcore v] to [1]\n add [45] to [new achievments v]\n end\n Game - Win\n else\n change [.to peaceful v] by (1)\n if <(.To Peaceful) > [24]> then\n add [44] to [new achievments v]\n end\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Jump, Crouch (t)\nif <(t) = [0]> then\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [speed y v] to [21]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n set [super jump v] to [0]\n set [.fly time v] to [0]\n start sound [Zoop v]\n replace item (6) of [stats v] with ((item (6) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(item (6) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [16] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (6) of [stats v]) > [49]> then\n add [17] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5)))\n set [-last v] to (costume [number v])\n if <(letter (3) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n Position\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [speed y v] to [21]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n set [super jump v] to [0]\n set [.fly time v] to [0]\n start sound [Zoop v]\n replace item (6) of [stats v] with ((item (6) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(item (6) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [16] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (6) of [stats v]) > [49]> then\n add [17] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (-Last)\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - ((right crouch?) * (5))))\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> and <<(t) = [0]> or <<(t) = [1]> and <(super jump) > [30]>>>> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <<(falling?) < [3]> or <(t) = [1]>>> then\n if <(t) = [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((14) + (<(super jump) > [30]> * (3)))\n else\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n end\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n replace item ((1) + (<(super jump) > [30]> * (3))) of [stats v] with ((item ((1) + (<(super jump) > [30]> * (3))) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(super jump) > [30]> then\n if <(item (4) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [8] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (4) of [stats v]) > [14]> then\n add [9] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(item (1) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [1] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (1) of [stats v]) > [24]> then\n add [2] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (1) of [stats v]) > [99]> then\n add [3] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [super jump v] to [0]\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n if <<(t) = [0]> or <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> and <(letter (2) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]>>> then\n if <<<<(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> or <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> and <(letter (2) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]>>> and <<(falling?) > [0]> and <(jump key) = [0]>>> and <(.Fly Time) < [50]>> then\n set [speed y v] to ((5) + (<(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) + (1))> * (7)))\n add [35] to [new achievments v]\n if <(.Current Room) < ((.Levels) + (2))> then\n change [.fly time v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <(down key pressed) = [1]>> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n if <(on wall) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Dash) < [1]> or <(t) = [1]>> then\n set [crouch? v] to [1]\n set [right crouch? v] to [1]\n else\n set [crouch? v] to [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n set [crouch? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Reset Level\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(-Check Point?) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Current Room) = [7]> and <(Defeated?) = [1]>> then\n set [x v] to [380]\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n set [x v] to [1920]\n else\n set [x v] to [-100]\n end\n end\n set [y v] to [-100]\nelse\n if <(-Check Point?) > [3]> then\n set [x v] to (item ((((-Check Point?) - (4)) * (2)) + (1)) of [-xy custom check point v])\n set [y v] to ((item ((((-Check Point?) - (4)) * (2)) + (2)) of [-xy custom check point v]) + (15))\n else\n set [x v] to (item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (6)) + ((((-Check Point?) - (1)) * (2)) + (1))) of [-xy check point v])\n set [y v] to ((item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (6)) + ((((-Check Point?) - (1)) * (2)) + (2))) of [-xy check point v]) + (15))\n end\nend\nset [.touching one? v] to [0]\nset [-jet pack? v] to <(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) + (1))>\nset [.dash v] to [0]\nset [.fly time v] to [0]\nset [.jet pack time v] to [0]\nset [.already jet pack? v] to [0]\nset [super jump v] to [0]\nset [on wall v] to [0]\nset [right crouch? v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nset [in platforrm v] to [1]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [wall jump v] to [0]\nset [-moving scroll v] to [0]\nset [zoom v] to [1]\nset [.flag? v] to [0]\nset [_hurt v] to [0]\nset [grabbed v] to [0]\nset [who v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nreplace item (10) of [stats v] with [0]\nreplace item (11) of [stats v] with [0]\nreplace item (12) of [stats v] with [0]\nreplace item (13) of [stats v] with [0]\nreplace item (14) of [stats v] with [0]\nreplace item (15) of [stats v] with [0]\nreplace item (16) of [stats v] with [0]\nbroadcast (rst portals v)\n\ndefine Set Costume\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(speed x) < [-0.1]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (8))\nelse\n if <(speed x) > [0.1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (8))\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<(-Doing Emote) > [0]> and <not <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> or <(Throw) > [0]>>>> then\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ ] (-Emote N°))))\n if <<(-Doing Emote) = [2]> or <(-Doing Emote) = [27]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<([abs v] of (speed x) ) > [0.5]> or <([abs v] of (speed y) ) > [0.5]>> and <<<<not <(-Doing Emote) = [15]>> and <not <(-Doing Emote) = [16]>>> and <not <(-Doing Emote) = [40]>>> and <<not <<(-Doing Emote) = [30]> and <(-Emote N°) > [11]>>> and <<not <<(-Doing Emote) = [22]> and <(-Emote N°) = [15]>>> and <<not <<(-Doing Emote) = [31]> and <(-Emote N°) = [18]>>> and <<not <<(-Doing Emote) = [38]> and <(-Emote N°) = [8]>>> and <<not <<(-Doing Emote) = [39]> and <(-Emote N°) = [10]>>> and <<not <<(-Doing Emote) = [23]> and <(-Emote N°) = [8]>>> and <not <<(-Doing Emote) = [32]> and <(-Emote N°) = [5]>>>>>>>>>>> then\n set [-doing emote v] to [0]\n end\n if <<<(-Doing Emote) = [22]> and <(-Emote N°) = [15]>> or <<<(-Doing Emote) = [31]> and <(-Emote N°) = [18]>> or <<<(-Doing Emote) = [38]> and <(-Emote N°) = [8]>> or <<<(-Doing Emote) = [39]> and <(-Emote N°) = [10]>> or <<<(-Doing Emote) = [23]> and <(-Emote N°) = [8]>> or <<(-Doing Emote) = [32]> and <(-Emote N°) = [5]>>>>>>> then\n if <(on wall) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ ] [wall])))\n else\n if <<(crouch?) = [1]> or <(right crouch?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ ] [crouch])))\n else\n if <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ ] [stand])))\n else\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ run] ([floor v] of ((1) + ((frame) mod (5))) ))))\n end\n else\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ ] [jump])))\n else\n switch costume to (join [emote ] (join (-Doing Emote) (join [ ] [fall])))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <<<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> and <<(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> and <<(falling?) > [0]> and <(jump key) = [0]>>>> and <(.Fly Time) < [50]>> then\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n switch costume to (grab fly v)\n else\n switch costume to (fly v)\n end\n else\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> then\n if <<(crouch?) = [1]> or <(right crouch?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (grab crouch v)\n else\n if <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (grab v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((14) + ((frame) mod (5))) )\n end\n else\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (grab run2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (grab v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(on wall) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (wall v)\n else\n if <(Throw) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (throw v)\n change [throw v] by (-1)\n else\n if <<(crouch?) = [1]> or <(right crouch?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n if <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (stand v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((6) + ((frame) mod (5))) )\n end\n else\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n else\n switch costume to (fall v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + ((19) * <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]>))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [last grabbed v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n hide\n set [showing? v] to [0]\nelse\n if <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n set [showing? v] to [1]\n else\n if <(-Moving Scroll) = [0]> then\n hide\n set [showing? v] to [0]\n else\n show\n set [showing? v] to [0]\n if <(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) > [240]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (90)\n set x to (220)\n end\n if <(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) < [-240]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (-90)\n set x to (-220)\n end\n if <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) > [180]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (0)\n set y to (160)\n end\n if <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (180)\n set y to (-160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) > [240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) > [180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (45)\n go to x: (220) y: (160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) < [-240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) > [180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (-45)\n go to x: (-220) y: (160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) > [240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (135)\n go to x: (220) y: (-160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) < [-240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (-135)\n go to x: (-220) y: (-160)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Update\nchange [,counter v] by (1)\nif <(,Counter) > [999]> then\n set [,counter v] to [0]\nend\nif <<not <(item ((((.Player Slot) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (11)) of [.cloud list v]) = (ID)>> and <(.Player Slot) > [0]>> then\n change [ocupped slot count v] by (1)\n if <((timer) / (2)) > [500]> then\n if <(Ocupped Slot Count) > [520]> then\n broadcast (Occuped v)\n end\n else\n if <(Ocupped Slot Count) > ((20) + ((timer) / (2)))> then\n broadcast (Occuped v)\n end\n end\nend\nTimer\nif <(-Moving Scroll) = [0]> then\n set [oldtime v] to (join (round (x)) (round (y)))\nelse\n set [oldtime v] to (join (round (SCROLL X)) (round (SCROLL Y)))\nend\nif <(.Speak State) > [0]> then\n change [.speak state v] by (() - (.Delta Time))\n if <(.Translate?) = [0]> then\n say (item (.Speak Nº) of [.chat v])\n else\n say (translate (item (.Speak Nº) of [.chat v]) to ((language::translate) v)::translate)\n end\nelse\n say []\nend\n\nwhen I receive [update v]\nUpdate\n\ndefine Save Data\ndelete all of [player v]\nadd (,Counter) to [player v]\nadd (username) to [player v]\nadd (round (x)) to [player v]\nadd (round (y)) to [player v]\nadd (.Current Room) to [player v]\nif <(.Speak State) > [0]> then\n add (.Speak Nº) to [player v]\nelse\n add [n] to [player v]\nend\nadd (join (<(super jump) > [30]> + ()) (join (<<(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> or <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> and <(letter (2) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]>>> + <<<<<<(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> or <(letter (2) of (item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]>> and <(Grabbed) = [-3]>> and <<(falling?) > [0]> and <(jump key) = [0]>>> and <(.Fly Time) < [50]>> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>>>) (right crouch?))) to [player v]\nif <(direction) < [0]> then\n add (() - (costume [number v])) to [player v]\nelse\n add (costume [number v]) to [player v]\nend\nif <(Grabbed) = [-1]> then\n add (Who) to [player v]\nelse\n add (Grabbed) to [player v]\nend\nif <(Tagged) = (.Player Slot)> then\n add (Tag Time) to [player v]\nelse\n add [0] to [player v]\nend\nadd (ID) to [player v]\n\ndefine Separate (cs)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-i v] to [2]\nrepeat (length of (cs))\n if <(letter (-i) of (cs)) = [⃝]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [ ])\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-i) of (cs)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [input v]\nPreUpdate\n\ndefine PreUpdate\nif <(Tagged) = (.Player Slot)> then\n change [tag time v] by (1)\nend\nif <(.Current Room) > (.Max Room)> then\n set [.max room v] to (.Current Room)\nend\n\ndefine Timer\nif <<<<not <(oldtime) = (join (round (x)) (round (y)))>> and <(-Moving Scroll) = [0]>> or <<not <(oldtime) = (join (round (SCROLL X)) (round (SCROLL Y)))>> and <(-Moving Scroll) = [1]>>> and <<<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(right key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(left key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <(down key pressed) = [1]>>>>> or <(Grabbed) > [0]>>> then\n set [.timer v] to [60]\nend\nchange [.timer v] by (() - (.Delta Time))\nif <(item (8) of [can/cant v]) = [0]> then\n if <(.Timer) < [0]> then\n if <(.Players Online) > [7]> then\n broadcast (Kick v)\n end\n end\n if <(.Timer) < [-400]> then\n broadcast (Kick v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\nif <(falling?) = [0]> then\n set [-moving scroll v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close map v]\nset [zoom v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(showing?) = [1]> or <<(SCROLL X) < [1]> and <(SCROLL Y) < [1]>>>\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\nend\nset [right crouch? v] to [1]\nset [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n\ndefine Limit\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [1]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [4320]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [4320]\n end\n if <(x) > [4545]> then\n set [x v] to [4545]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(.Current Room) = [2]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [480]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [480]\n end\n if <(x) > [705]> then\n set [x v] to [705]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [3]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [1920]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [1920]\n end\n if <(x) > [2145]> then\n set [x v] to [2145]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [4]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [9120]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [9120]\n end\n if <(x) > [9345]> then\n set [x v] to [9345]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [5]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x) > [225]> then\n set [x v] to [225]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [4320]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [4320]\n end\n if <(x) > [4545]> then\n set [x v] to [4545]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\n if <<(SCROLL X) < [480]> and <(Defeated?) = [1]>> then\n set [scroll x v] to [480]\n end\n if <(SCROLL X) > ((0) + ((480) * <(Defeated?) = [1]>))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((0) + ((480) * <(Defeated?) = [1]>))\n end\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n if <(x) > [735]> then\n set [x v] to [735]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(x) < [-225]> then\n set [x v] to [-225]\n if <(.Dash) > [0]> then\n set [.dash v] to [0]\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next prepare v]\nset [exit v] to [win]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [-check point? v] to [0]\nReset Level\n\ndefine Levels\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nset [lvl v] to [1]\nif <(.can talk) = [1]> then\n repeat (.Levels)\n if <key ((lvl) v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(.Current Room) = (lvl)>> then\n if <<<(.My Max Room) > ((lvl) - (1))> and <(-Difficulty) < [4]>> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n set [.current room v] to (lvl)\n set [-check point? v] to [0]\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n broadcast (Reset Game v) and wait\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player teleport v]\nif <<[premuim+ v] contains (username)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?>> then\n set [x v] to (((mouse x) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL X))\n set [y v] to (((mouse y) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL Y))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(-Moving Scroll) = [1]> then\n Position\nend\n\ndefine What C (text) (what) (to end?)\nset [-i v] to [2]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(what) > [1]> then\n repeat ((what) - (1))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n set [-word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(to end?) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(-i) > (length of (text))>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Search (player)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n if <<<(item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) = (player)> and <(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]>> and <<(letter (3) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])) = [0]> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nset [-i v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tp to v]\nSearch (-word to)\nif <(-i) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [scroll x v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [scroll y v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n Limit\n Position\nend\n\nwhen I receive [do emote v]\nset [.timer v] to [60]\n\nwhen I receive [jet pack v]\nif <(-Jet Pack?) = [0]> then\n set [-jet pack? v] to [1]\n set [.jet pack time v] to [500]\n set [.fly time v] to [0]\n set [.already jet pack? v] to [1]\n start sound [Connect v]\nelse\n set [.already jet pack? v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jet pack to v]\nset [-jet pack? v] to (((-Jet Pack?) + (1)) mod (2))\n\nwhen I receive [bounce! v]\nset [speed y v] to [21]\nset [falling? v] to [6]\nset [jump key v] to [1]\nset [super jump v] to [0]\nset [.fly time v] to [0]\nstart sound [Zoop v]\n\nwhen I receive [vanish v]\nset [-vanish? v] to (((-Vanish?) + (1)) mod (2))\n\ndefine How Many (txt) (st)\nset [-i v] to (st)\nset [-j v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n if <(letter (-i) of (txt)) = [⃝]> then\n change [-j v] by (0.25)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [-j v] by (-0.25)\n\ndefine Separate for 4 (txt) (nºst) (nºct)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-i v] to (nºst)\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n if <(letter (-i) of (txt)) = [⃝]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [⃝])\n change [-j v] by (1)\n if <(-j) > (((nºct) * (4)) + (1))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(-j) < (((nºct) * (4)) - (1))> then\n set [.custom say v] to []\n end\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-i) of (txt)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [prepare to tp portal v]\nstart sound [Zoop v]\nset [tping? v] to [1]\nrepeat (15)\n switch costume to ((1) + ((19) * <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]>))\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (((tp portal x) - (x)) / (3))\n change [y v] by (((tp portal y) - (y)) / (3))\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n Save Data\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nset [x v] to (tp portal x)\nset [y v] to (tp portal y)\n\nwhen I receive [tp portal v]\nif <(find portal type) = [3]> then\n Reset Level\nelse\n set [x v] to (tp portal x)\n set [y v] to (tp portal y)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.5))\nset [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.5))\nset [falling? v] to [6]\nset [zoom v] to [1]\nPosition\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\nrepeat until <<(showing?) = [1]> or <<(SCROLL X) < [1]> and <(SCROLL Y) < [1]>>>\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\n Limit\n Position\n Save Data\n broadcast (tick v)\nend\nPosition\nset [tping? v] to [0]\nstart sound [Magic Spell v]\nreplace item (8) of [stats v] with ((item (8) of [stats v]) + (1))\nif <(item (8) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [20] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (8) of [stats v]) > [24]> then\n add [21] to [new achievments v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Other Achievments\nif <(.Current Room) = [1]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2230)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (-97)) ) < [10]>> then\n add [29] to [new achievments v]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2125)) ) < [60]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (-97)) ) < [20]>> then\n replace item (10) of [stats v] with [1]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2285)) ) < [60]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (44)) ) < [10]>> then\n replace item (10) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2190)) ) < [18]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (44)) ) < [10]>> then\n if <(item (10) of [stats v]) = [1]> then\n add [30] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (3935)) ) < [18]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (91)) ) < [15]>> then\n replace item (11) of [stats v] with [1]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (4115)) ) < [160]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (-97)) ) < [130]>> then\n replace item (11) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (3935)) ) < [18]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (195)) ) < [15]>> then\n if <(item (11) of [stats v]) = [1]> then\n add [31] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [2]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (300)) ) < [120]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (1222)) ) < [100]>> then\n replace item (12) of [stats v] with [1]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (-205)) ) < [50]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (1430)) ) < [250]>> then\n replace item (12) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (325)) ) < [38]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (1715)) ) < [75]>> then\n if <(item (12) of [stats v]) = [1]> then\n add [32] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [3]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (1705)) ) < [35]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (537)) ) < [20]>> then\n if <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> then\n replace item (13) of [stats v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (13) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (1905)) ) < [100]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (365)) ) < [100]>> then\n if <(item (13) of [stats v]) = [0]> then\n replace item (13) of [stats v] with [2]\n end\n end\n if <<<([abs v] of ((x) - (2130)) ) < [35]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (172)) ) < [20]>> or <<([abs v] of ((x) - (1812)) ) < [40]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (1175)) ) < [20]>>> then\n if <(item (13) of [stats v]) = [2]> then\n add [33] to [new achievments v]\n else\n add [34] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [4]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2000)) ) < [500]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (-97)) ) < [150]>> then\n replace item (14) of [stats v] with [1]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2655)) ) < [15]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (196)) ) < [50]>> then\n if <(item (14) of [stats v]) = [1]> then\n add [36] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (2655)) ) < [15]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (-60)) ) < [80]>> then\n replace item (14) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (5640)) ) < [50]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (127)) ) < [50]>> then\n if <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> then\n replace item (15) of [stats v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (15) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (5955)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (35)) ) < [500]>> then\n if <(item (15) of [stats v]) = [1]> then\n add [37] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [5]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (40)) ) < [200]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (2700)) ) < [230]>> then\n if <<(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> and <(.Dash) = [0]>> then\n replace item (16) of [stats v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (16) of [stats v] with [0]\n end\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (-140)) ) < [25]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (3000)) ) < [50]>> then\n if <(item (16) of [stats v]) = [1]> then\n add [38] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (277)) ) < [50]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (475)) ) < [50]>> then\n if <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> then\n add [39] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (3365)) ) < [50]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (140)) ) < [50]>> then\n if <(-Jet Pack?) = [1]> then\n add [40] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [teleport v]\nset [x v] to (to tp x)\nset [y v] to (to tp y)\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nset [scroll y v] to (y)\nLimit\n\nwhen I receive [change v]\nchange [x v] by (to tp x)\nchange [y v] by (to tp y)\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nset [scroll y v] to (y)\nLimit\n\nwhen I receive [bounce v]\nset [speed y v] to [11]\nset [falling? v] to [6]\nset [jump key v] to [1]\nset [super jump v] to [0]\nset [.fly time v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [defeated v]\nReset Level\n\nwhen I receive [throw v]\nif <(item ((((Who) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [-5]\nelse\n set [speed x v] to [5]\nend\nset [speed y v] to [12]\nset [wall jump v] to [10]\nset [falling? v] to [6]\nset [jump key v] to [1]\nset [super jump v] to [0]\nset [.fly time v] to [0]\nif <(-Moving Scroll) = [1]> then\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [scroll x v] to (x)\n set [scroll y v] to (y)\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n Limit\nend\n\n@Others Player\n\ndefine Get Distance between Player (px) (py) and This (tx) (ty)\nset [distance v] to ([sqrt v] of ((([abs v] of ((px) - (tx)) ) * ([abs v] of ((px) - (tx)) )) + (([abs v] of ((py) - (ty)) ) * ([abs v] of ((py) - (ty)) ))) )\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n hide\n set [showing? v] to [0]\nelse\n if <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n set [showing? v] to [1]\n else\n show\n set [showing? v] to [0]\n if <(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) > [240]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (90)\n set x to (220)\n end\n if <(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) < [-240]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (-90)\n set x to (-220)\n end\n if <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) > [180]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (0)\n set y to (160)\n end\n if <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (180)\n set y to (-160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) > [240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) > [180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (45)\n go to x: (220) y: (160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) < [-240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) > [180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (-45)\n go to x: (-220) y: (160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) > [240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (135)\n go to x: (220) y: (-160)\n end\n if <<(((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) < [-240]> and <(((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) < [-180]>> then\n switch costume to (out v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (-135)\n go to x: (-220) y: (-160)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [init v]\nInit []\n\ndefine Update\nif <(item ((((-CloneID) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (10)) of [.cloud list v]) > [0]> then\n if <<(item ((((-CloneID) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (10)) of [.cloud list v]) < (Tag Time)> or <(Tagged) = (-CloneID)>> then\n set [tagged v] to (-CloneID)\n set [tag time v] to (item ((((-CloneID) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (10)) of [.cloud list v])\n end\nelse\n if <(Tagged) = (-CloneID)> then\n set [tagged v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<(Tagged) = (-CloneID)> and <(Tag Time) > [10]>> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (item (3) of [player v])) ) < [20]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (item (4) of [player v])) ) < [20]>> then\n set [tagged v] to (.Player Slot)\n set [tag time v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Init (spm)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [,counter v] to [0]\nhide\nif <(spm) = [1]> then\n set [-e v] to [1]\n set [-cloneid v] to [8]\n repeat (5)\n change [-cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nelse\n set [-cloneid v] to [0]\n repeat (8)\n change [-cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [-cloneid v] to [0]\n\ndefine Other Player (id)\nif <(item (id) of [.check active v]) = [0]> then\n hide\n if <<<(Grabbed) > [-4]> and <(Grabbed) < [0]>> and <(Who) = (id)>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) = (.Current Room)> then\n show\n switch costume to ([abs v] of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) )\n set [color v] effect to (135)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = (id)>> then\n set [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\n set [y v] to ([y v] of [player v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([costume # v] of [player v]) = [13]> or <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [32]>> * (5)))\n if <<<(costume [number v]) > [42]> and <(costume [number v]) < [64]>> or <<(costume [number v]) > [311]> and <(costume [number v]) < [321]>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n end\n set [-j v] to (item # of (join (letter (7) of (costume [name v])) (letter (8) of (costume [name v]))) in [em v])\n if <<<(costume [number v]) < [41]> and <not <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <(costume [number v]) = [30]>>>> or <(-j) > [0]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <(-j) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join (join [emote ] (item (-j) of [em v])) [ crouch])\n else\n switch costume to ([abs v] of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) )\n if <(costume [number v]) < [20]> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (crouch2 v)\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to ([abs v] of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) )\n end\n end\n if <<(letter (2) of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) > [0]> and <<(letter (2) of (item (7) of [player v])) = [2]> and <(costume [number v]) < [41]>>> then\n switch costume to (fly v)\n end\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-2]> and <not <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) = (.Player Slot)>>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [throw v] to [5]\n end\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-3]> and <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) = [-3]>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [-i v] to (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])\n if <(-i) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [13]> or <([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [32]>> * (5)))\n if <<<(costume [number v]) > [42]> and <(costume [number v]) < [64]>> or <<(costume [number v]) > [311]> and <(costume [number v]) < [321]>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n set [-j v] to (item # of (join (letter (7) of (costume [name v])) (letter (8) of (costume [name v]))) in [em v])\n if <<<(costume [number v]) < [41]> and <not <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <(costume [number v]) = [30]>>>> or <(-j) > [0]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <(-j) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join (join [emote ] (item (-j) of [em v])) [ crouch])\n else\n switch costume to ([abs v] of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) )\n if <(costume [number v]) < [20]> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (crouch2 v)\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to ([abs v] of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) )\n end\n end\n if <<(letter (2) of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) > [0]> and <<(letter (2) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [2]> and <(costume [number v]) < [41]>>> then\n switch costume to (fly v)\n end\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-1]> and <(Who) = (-i)>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n if <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(x) < [240]> and <(item ((((-CloneID) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) = [7]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n if <<<(Grabbed) > [-4]> and <(Grabbed) < [0]>> and <(Who) = (id)>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-4]> and <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) = (.Player Slot)>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [-3]\n set [who v] to (id)\n end\n if <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) = [-4]> then\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-1]> and <(Who) = (id)>> then\n if <not <<(costume [number v]) > [11]> and <(costume [number v]) < [20]>>> then\n switch costume to (grab v)\n end\n else\n if <<((Grabbed) mod (2)) = [0]> and <(Grabbed) < [1]>> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (item (3) of [player v])) ) < [11]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (item (4) of [player v])) ) < [21.5]>> then\n set [-last v] to (costume [number v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [13]> or <([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [32]>> * (5)))\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n Position\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [-1]\n set [who v] to (id)\n end\n change [y v] by (() - ((21.5) - (<<([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [13]> or <([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [32]>> * (5))))\n switch costume to (-Last)\n Position\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Who) = (id)> then\n if <<<(Grabbed) > [-4]> and <(Grabbed) < [0]>> and <<(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) > [-3]> and <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) < [1]>>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n if <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) = [-2]> then\n broadcast (throw v)\n else\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v]) = [-2]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) < [20]> then\n switch costume to (throw v)\n else\n switch costume to (throw2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Get Distance between Player (item (3) of [player v]) (item (4) of [player v]) and This (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v]) (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n if <(letter (1) of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (7)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) = [n]> then\n if <(-Show Names) = [1]> then\n if <(showing?) = [1]> then\n say (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])\n else\n say (join (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [ \(]) (join ((round ((Distance) * (10))) / (100)) [m\)]))\n end\n else\n say []\n end\n set [-last v] to []\n else\n if <(-Show Names) = [1]> then\n if <(.Translate?) = [0]> then\n if <(showing?) = [1]> then\n say (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) (join [: ] (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v])))\n else\n say (join (join (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [ \(]) (join ((round ((Distance) * (10))) / (100)) [m\)])) (join [: ] (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v])))\n end\n else\n if <(showing?) = [1]> then\n say (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) (join [: ] (translate (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v]) to ((language::translate) v)::translate)))\n else\n say (join (join (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [ \(]) (join ((round ((Distance) * (10))) / (100)) [m\)])) (join [: ] (translate (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v]) to ((language::translate) v)::translate)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Chats) = [0]> then\n if <(.Translate?) = [0]> then\n say (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v])\n else\n say (translate (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v]) to ((language::translate) v)::translate)\n end\n else\n say []\n end\n end\n set [-last v] to []\n end\n else\n hide\n if <<<(Grabbed) > [-4]> and <(Grabbed) < [0]>> and <(Who) = (id)>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [-moving scroll v] to [0]\n set [zoom v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Separate (cs)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-i v] to [2]\nrepeat (length of (cs))\n if <(letter (-i) of (cs)) = [⃝]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [ ])\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-i) of (cs)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [input v]\nPreUpdate\n\ndefine PreUpdate\nif <(-CloneID) = (.Player Slot)> then\n\ndefine Timer\nif <<<<not <(oldtime) = (join (round (x)) (round (y)))>> and <(-Moving Scroll) = [0]>> or <<not <(oldtime) = (join (round (SCROLL X)) (round (SCROLL Y)))>> and <(-Moving Scroll) = [1]>>> and <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <(right key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <(left key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> or <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <(down key pressed) = [1]>>>>> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>>> then\n set [.timer v] to [60]\nend\nchange [.timer v] by (() - (.Delta Time))\nif <(.Timer) < [0]> then\n if <(.Players Online) > [7]> then\n broadcast (Kick v)\n end\nend\nif <(.Timer) < [-400]> then\n broadcast (Kick v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(-CloneID) = [0]> then\n hide\nelse\n if <(-CloneID) > [8]> then\n Play ((-CloneID) - (8)) (-e)\n if <<<(-e) < (length of [_record 1 v])> and <(-CloneID) = [9]>> or <<<(-e) < (length of [_record 2 v])> and <(-CloneID) = [10]>> or <<<(-e) < (length of [_record 3 v])> and <(-CloneID) = [11]>> or <<<(-e) < (length of [_record 4 v])> and <(-CloneID) = [12]>> or <<(-e) < (length of [_record 5 v])> and <(-CloneID) = [13]>>>>>> then\n change [-e v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(-CloneID) = (.Player Slot)> then\n hide\n else\n if <<(item (-CloneID) of [.check active v]) = [1]> and <(item ((((-CloneID) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) = (.Current Room)>> then\n Position\n Update\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine What C (text) (what) (to end?)\nset [-i v] to [2]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(what) > [1]> then\n repeat ((what) - (1))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n set [-word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(to end?) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(-i) > (length of (text))>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Search (player)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n if <<<(item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) = (player)> and <(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]>> and <<(letter (3) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])) = [0]> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nset [-i v] to [0]\n\ndefine How Many (txt) (st)\nset [-i v] to (st)\nset [-j v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n if <(letter (-i) of (txt)) = [⃝]> then\n change [-j v] by (0.25)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [-j v] by (-0.25)\n\ndefine Separate for 4 (txt) (nºst) (nºct)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-i v] to (nºst)\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n if <(letter (-i) of (txt)) = [⃝]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [⃝])\n change [-j v] by (1)\n if <(-j) > (((nºct) * (4)) + (1))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(-j) < (((nºct) * (4)) - (1))> then\n set [.custom say v] to []\n end\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-i) of (txt)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nif <<(-Game Mode) = [1]> and <(-CloneID) = [0]>> then\n Init [1]\nend\nforever\n if <(-CloneID) = (.Player Slot)> then\nend\n\ndefine Play (record) (nº)\nshow\nset [color v] effect to (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(record) = [1]> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 1 v])) [3] []\n if <(-word) = (.Current Room)> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 1 v])) [1] []\n set [x v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 1 v])) [2] []\n set [y v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 1 v])) [4] []\n switch costume to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 1 v])) [5] []\n if <(-word) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 1 v])) [6] []\n point in direction (-word)\n Position\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n if <(record) = [2]> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 2 v])) [3] []\n if <(-word) = (.Current Room)> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 2 v])) [1] []\n set [x v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 2 v])) [2] []\n set [y v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 2 v])) [4] []\n switch costume to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 2 v])) [5] []\n if <(-word) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 2 v])) [6] []\n point in direction (-word)\n Position\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n if <(record) = [3]> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 3 v])) [3] []\n if <(-word) = (.Current Room)> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 3 v])) [1] []\n set [x v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 3 v])) [2] []\n set [y v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 3 v])) [4] []\n switch costume to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 3 v])) [5] []\n if <(-word) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 3 v])) [6] []\n point in direction (-word)\n Position\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n if <(record) = [4]> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 4 v])) [3] []\n if <(-word) = (.Current Room)> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 4 v])) [1] []\n set [x v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 4 v])) [2] []\n set [y v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 4 v])) [4] []\n switch costume to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 4 v])) [5] []\n if <(-word) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 4 v])) [6] []\n point in direction (-word)\n Position\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 5 v])) [3] []\n if <(-word) = (.Current Room)> then\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 5 v])) [1] []\n set [x v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 5 v])) [2] []\n set [y v] to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 5 v])) [4] []\n switch costume to (-word)\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 5 v])) [5] []\n if <(-word) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n What C (join [0] (item (nº) of [_record 5 v])) [6] []\n point in direction (-word)\n Position\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Create Clone (x) (y) (for)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [for v] to (for)\nif <(for) = [1]> then\n next costume\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\ndefine Quick (level)\nclear graphic effects\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to ((0) - ())\n repeat (10)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [i v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [360] [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 20 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] ((360) * (i)) [1]\n Create Clone [480] ((360) * (i)) [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (2 level 20 v)\n repeat (5)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat (5)\n change [i v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [360] [1]\n end\n change [i v] by (-1)\n repeat (5)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [720] [1]\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat (5)\n change [i v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [1080] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (3 level 20 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [0] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (4 level 20 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] ((360) * (i)) [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (5 level 20 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [i v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [360] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (6 level 20 v)\n repeat (2)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (i)) [0] [1]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (7 level 2 v)\n change [i v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] [0] [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-9999999]\nset [y v] to [-9999999]\nset [for v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [i v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick (.Current Room)\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [i v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick [1]\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [ground]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [g]>> then\n switch costume to (join (join [ground] ((.Levels) + (1))) (join [_] (.Create FORM)))\n switch costume to (join (join [ground] (.Current Room)) (join [_] (.Create FORM)))\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [0]\n else\n if <(.Create TYPE) = [z]> then\n Separate (.Create FORM) [3]\n if <(.Custom Say) = [0]> then\n Separate (.Create FORM) [1]\n if <(.Custom Say) = ((1) / (0))> then\n set size to (101) %\n end\n set [color v] effect to (.Custom Say)\n Separate (.Create FORM) [2]\n set [brightness v] effect to (.Custom Say)\n Separate (.Create FORM) [4]\n switch costume to (join [z] (.Custom Say))\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [0]\n end\n end\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [.clone? v] to [1]\nif <(size) = [101]> then\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <touching (delete v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) + (3))> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\nif <(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) + (3))> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Separate (cs) (wp)\nset [-j v] to [0]\nrepeat (wp)\n set [.custom say v] to []\n change [-j v] by (1)\n repeat until <(letter (-j) of (cs)) = [¬]>\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-j) of (cs)))\n change [-j v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clean this v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) + (3))> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [ground]> or <<(.Create TYPE) = [g]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [z]>>>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Create Clone (x) (y) (for)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [for v] to (for)\nif <(for) = [1]> then\n next costume\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\ndefine Quick (level)\nif <(-Difficulty) > [0]> then\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to ((0) - ())\n repeat (10)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [j v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [j v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [360] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 20 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] ((360) * (j)) [1]\n Create Clone [480] ((360) * (j)) [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (2 level 20 v)\n repeat (5)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [j v] by (1)\n repeat (5)\n change [j v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [360] [1]\n end\n change [j v] by (-1)\n repeat (5)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [720] [1]\n end\n change [j v] by (1)\n repeat (5)\n change [j v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [1080] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (3 level 20 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [0] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (4 level 20 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] ((360) * (j)) [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (5 level 20 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [j v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [j v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [j v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (j)) [360] [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [y v] to [-999999]\nset [for v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [j v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [j v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick (.Current Room)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [.clone? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [lava]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [l]>> then\n switch costume to (join [lava] (.Create FORM))\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [0]\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <touching (delete v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) + (0))> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\nif <(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) + (0))> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [clean this v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) + (0))> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [lava]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [l]>>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Bounce\n\ndefine Quick (level)\nif <(level) = [1]> then\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [y v] to [-999999]\nset [for v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [k v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick (.Current Room)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [y v] to [-999999]\nset [for v] to [1]\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Create Clone (x) (y) (for)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [for v] to (for)\nif <(for) = [1]> then\n next costume\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [.clone? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [bounce]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [b]>> then\n switch costume to (join [bounce] (.Create FORM))\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [0]\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <touching (delete v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) - (20))> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\nif <(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) - (20))> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [clean this v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (20)) - (20))> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [bounce]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [b]>>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Mobile\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nset [left key pressed v] to [0]\nset [right key pressed v] to [0]\nset [up key pressed v] to [0]\nset [down key pressed v] to [0]\nset [-mobile type v] to [0]\nset [first v] to [0]\nset [x v] to []\nset [where start? v] to []\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n if <(-Mobile Type) = [0]> then\n XShrunk\n else\n griffpatch\n end\nend\n\ndefine griffpatch\nhide\nset [joy timer v] to [1]\nset [joy orig x v] to []\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (130) %\ngo to x: (-174) y: (-116)\nswitch costume to (background v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (joystick v)\nforever\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [0]> then\n set [analog power v] to [1]\n set [left key pressed v] to [0]\n set [right key pressed v] to [0]\n set [up key pressed v] to [0]\n set [down key pressed v] to [0]\n if <<mouse down?> and <(.can drag?) = [1]>> then\n if <not <<(mouse x) > [116]> and <(mouse y) > [136]>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n set [joy timer v] to [-20]\n end\n if <(Joy Orig X) = []> then\n set [joy orig x v] to (mouse x)\n set [joy orig y v] to (mouse y)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n else\n change [joy timer v] by (1)\n if <(Joy Timer) < [0]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n else\n if <(Joy Timer) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n if <not <(Joy Orig X) = []>> then\n go to x: (Joy Orig X) y: (Joy Orig Y)\n set [joy orig x v] to []\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [joy x v] to [0]\n set [joy y v] to [0]\n if <<mouse down?> and <(.can drag?) = [1]>> then\n if <not <<(Joy Orig X) > [116]> and <(Joy Orig Y) > [136]>>> then\n go to x: (Joy Orig X) y: (Joy Orig Y)\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n set [power v] to (distance to [mouse-pointer v])\n if <(power) > ((size) / (4))> then\n set [power v] to ((size) / (4))\n end\n set [analog power v] to ((power) / ((size) / (4)))\n move (power) steps\n if <(power) > [3]> then\n if <<(direction) > [-60]> and <(direction) < [60]>> then\n set [up key pressed v] to [1]\n else\n if <<(direction) < [-120]> or <(direction) > [120]>> then\n set [down key pressed v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <<(direction) > [30]> and <(direction) < [150]>> then\n set [right key pressed v] to [1]\n else\n if <<(direction) > [-150]> and <(direction) < [-30]>> then\n set [left key pressed v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [power v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n set [analog power v] to [1]\n set [left key pressed v] to [0]\n set [right key pressed v] to [0]\n set [up key pressed v] to [0]\n set [down key pressed v] to [0]\n hide\n end\n if <(-Mobile Type) = [0]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [0]> then\n set [analog power v] to [1]\n if <<mouse down?> and <(.can drag?) = [1]>> then\n if <not <<(mouse x) > [116]> and <(mouse y) > [136]>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n set [joy timer v] to [-20]\n end\n if <(Joy Orig X) = []> then\n set [joy orig x v] to (mouse x)\n set [joy orig y v] to (mouse y)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n else\n change [joy timer v] by (1)\n if <(Joy Timer) < [0]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n else\n if <(Joy Timer) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n if <not <(Joy Orig X) = []>> then\n go to x: (Joy Orig X) y: (Joy Orig Y)\n set [joy orig x v] to []\n end\n end\n else\n set [analog power v] to [1]\n set [left key pressed v] to [0]\n set [right key pressed v] to [0]\n set [up key pressed v] to [0]\n set [down key pressed v] to [0]\n hide\n end\n if <(-Mobile Type) = [0]> then\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine XShrunk\nhide\nif <(-Open Chat?) = [0]> then\n if <<not <mouse down?>> or <<(mouse y) < [0]> and <(mouse x) > [50]>>> then\n set [left key pressed v] to [0]\n end\n if <<not <mouse down?>> or <<(mouse y) < [0]> and <(mouse x) < [-50]>>> then\n set [right key pressed v] to [0]\n end\n set [up key pressed v] to [0]\n set [down key pressed v] to [0]\n if <not <mouse down?>> then\n set [x v] to []\n set [first v] to [0]\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(where start?) = []> then\n set [where start? v] to <not <<(mouse x) > [116]> and <(mouse y) > [136]>>>\n end\n else\n set [where start? v] to []\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <(.can drag?) = [1]>> then\n if <<(mouse y) > [0]> and <<not <<(mouse x) > [116]> and <(mouse y) > [136]>>> or <(where start?) = >>> then\n set [up key pressed v] to [1]\n if <(first) = [0]> then\n if <(x) = []> then\n set [x v] to (mouse x)\n end\n else\n if <(x) = []> then\n if <(right key pressed) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to ((mouse x) - (60))\n else\n if <(left key pressed) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to ((mouse x) + (60))\n else\n set [x v] to (mouse x)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(mouse x) > ((x) + (70))> then\n set [x v] to ((mouse x) - (65))\n end\n if <(mouse x) < ((x) - (70))> then\n set [x v] to ((mouse x) + (65))\n end\n if <(mouse x) > ((x) + (35))> then\n set [right key pressed v] to [1]\n else\n if <(mouse x) < ((x) - (35))> then\n set [left key pressed v] to [1]\n else\n set [right key pressed v] to [0]\n set [left key pressed v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(mouse y) < [0]> and <<(mouse x) > [-50]> and <(mouse x) < [50]>>> then\n set [down key pressed v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <<(mouse y) < [0]> and <(mouse x) < [-50]>> then\n set [left key pressed v] to [1]\n set [first v] to [1]\n else\n if <<<(mouse y) < [0]> and <(mouse x) > [50]>> and <not <<(mouse x) > [200]> and <(mouse y) < [-145]>>>> then\n set [right key pressed v] to [1]\n set [first v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [left key pressed v] to [0]\n set [right key pressed v] to [0]\n set [up key pressed v] to [0]\n set [down key pressed v] to [0]\n set [first v] to [0]\n set [x v] to []\nend\n\n@Background\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [l v] to [0]\nset [.back? v] to [1]\nhide\nQuick\nset [x v] to [-9999999]\nset [y v] to [-9999999]\n\ndefine Position\nrepeat until <((Offest X) - (SCROLL X)) > [-2111]>\n change [offest x v] by (4220)\nend\nrepeat until <((Offest X) - (SCROLL X)) < [2111]>\n change [offest x v] by (-4220)\nend\nrepeat until <((Offest Y) - (SCROLL Y)) > [-1486]>\n change [offest y v] by (2970)\nend\nrepeat until <((Offest Y) - (SCROLL Y)) < [1486]>\n change [offest y v] by (-2970)\nend\ngo to x: (([floor v] of ((Offest X) - (SCROLL X)) ) / (3)) y: (([floor v] of ((Offest Y) - (SCROLL Y)) ) / (3))\nset size to (150) %\nif <<(round (([floor v] of ((Offest X) - (SCROLL X)) ) / (3))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (([floor v] of ((Offest Y) - (SCROLL Y)) ) / (3))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(.Back?) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to ((days since 2000) - (7250))\nset [brightness v] effect to ((60) + (((SCROLL Y) / (1000)) * (-1)))\ngo to [back v] layer\nPosition\n\ndefine Quick\nset [offest x v] to [0]\nset [offest y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [offest x v] to [2110]\nset [offest y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [offest x v] to [0]\nset [offest y v] to [1485]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [offest x v] to [2110]\nset [offest y v] to [1485]\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nshow\n\n@Messege\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (init v) and wait\nif <(KICKED) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (kicked3 v)\n show\n stop [all v]\nend\nbroadcast (Play v)\n\nwhen I receive [init v]\nInit\n\ndefine Init\nset [-difficulty v] to [2]\nset [-game mode v] to [0]\nshow\nswitch costume to (peaceful v)\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (connecting... v)\nreset timer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [.current room v] to [1]\nset [.player was in room v] to [8]\nset [.speak state v] to [-1]\nset [.timer v] to [60]\nset [.player indicate v] to [0]\nset [,1st t c player v] to [1]\nset [re? v] to [0]\nset [.the debugger v] to [XShrunk]\nif <<(username) = (.The Debugger)> and <not <is compiled?>>> then\n set [.is debugger? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [.is debugger? v] to [0]\nend\nset [id v] to (([floor v] of ((days since 2000) * (100000000)) ) mod (1000))\nset [ocupped slot count v] to [0]\n\ndefine Found Player Slot\nset [.player slot v] to [0]\nset [.maybe in v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Get Cloud Data v) and wait\ndelete all of [.check value v]\nset [-i v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n add (item (((-i) * (-Max Objects)) + (1)) of [.cloud list v]) to [.check value v]\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n Loop\nend\nset [.player slot v] to (.Maybe in)\nhide\n\ndefine Loop\nwait (0.4) seconds\nbroadcast (Get Cloud Data v) and wait\nset [-i v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n if <(item ((-i) + (1)) of [.check value v]) = (item (((-i) * (-Max Objects)) + (1)) of [.cloud list v])> then\n set [.maybe in v] to ((-i) + (1))\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <<(item (((-i) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) = (username)> and <<not <(username) = []>> and <(.is Debugger?) = [0]>>> then\n broadcast (inUse v)\n end\n if <(item (((-i) * (-Max Objects)) + (10)) of [.cloud list v]) > [0]> then\n set [tagged v] to ((-i) + (1))\n end\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Reset\nCount Players in Room\nset [.max room v] to [1]\n\ndefine Count Players in Room\nset [someone loading? v] to [0]\nset [someone anti create? v] to [0]\nset [someone anti commands? v] to [0]\nset [.players in room v] to [1]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n if <<(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]> and <(item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) = (.Current Room)>> then\n change [.players in room v] by (1)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <<<(.Players in Room) > (.Player was in Room)> and <<(length of [build v]) > [1]> and <not <(item (length of [build v]) of [build v]) = [clean⃝a⃝l⃝l⃝]>>>> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (username)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?>>> then\n add [71] to [new achievments v]\nend\nset [.player was in room v] to (.Players in Room)\n\nif <<<(letter (1) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v])) = [/]> and <(letter (2) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v])) = [^]>> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])?>>> then\n set [someone loading? v] to (-i)\nend\nif <<(letter (4) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])?>>> then\n set [someone anti create? v] to (-i)\nend\nif <<(letter (5) of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])?>>> then\n set [someone anti commands? v] to (-i)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [kick v]\nswitch costume to (kick v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nreset timer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [player join v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [51] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Join v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player left v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [52] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Left v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<<(costume [number v]) < [10]> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [19]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n start sound (costume [name v])\n wait (3) seconds\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n wait (4) seconds\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [24]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [27]> then\n forever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat until <<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((180) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n broadcast (Play v)\n start sound [Pop v]\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((220) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((200) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n else\n forever\n go to x: (((costume [number v]) - (25.5)) * (75)) y: (120)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat until <<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((90) + (<((costume [number v]) - (25)) = (-Game Mode)> * (20))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [-game mode v] to ((costume [number v]) - (25))\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((110) + (<((costume [number v]) - (25)) = (-Game Mode)> * (20))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((100) + (<((costume [number v]) - (25)) = (-Game Mode)> * (20))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [19]> then\n forever\n go to x: (((costume [number v]) - (22)) * (75)) y: (-120)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [Peaceful]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [0]>> then\n if <(.To Peaceful) > [24]> then\n end\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [Hardcore]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [0]>> then\n if <(.To Hardcore) > [0]> then\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat until <<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((90) + (<((costume [number v]) - (20)) = (-Difficulty)> * (20))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [-difficulty v] to ((costume [number v]) - (20))\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((110) + (<((costume [number v]) - (20)) = (-Difficulty)> * (20))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((100) + (<((costume [number v]) - (20)) = (-Difficulty)> * (20))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [error v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [54] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Error v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player mod v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [46] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Join v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player nomod v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [47] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Left v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player new petition v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [50] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Petition v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n forever\n if <(-Moving Scroll) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (500)) ) * (50))\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [please reload v]\nswitch costume to (reload v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nreset timer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [off v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nreset timer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [occuped v]\nif <<(.Player Slot) > [0]> and <(re?) = [0]>> then\n set [re? v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player + v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [48] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Join v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player - v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n add [49] to [new achievments v]\n start sound [Left v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [kicked v]\nchange [kicked v] by (1)\nif <(KICKED) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (kicked3 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (kicked v)\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nreset timer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [inuse v]\nswitch costume to (use v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nreset timer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [4]> then\n show\n Found Player Slot\n if <(.Player Slot) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (isfull! v)\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n add [53] to [new achievments v]\n end\n broadcast (turn page v)\n switch costume to (map v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (connecting... v)\n hide\n reset timer\n forever\n if <<<(.Player Slot) = [0]> and <(.Players Online) < [8]>> or <(re?) = [1]>> then\n add [55] to [new achievments v]\n Found Player Slot\n set [re? v] to [-5]\n if <(.Player Slot) = [0]> then\n add [53] to [new achievments v]\n else\n add [56] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n set [-old time v] to (timer)\n Reset\n broadcast (Input v) and wait\n broadcast (update v) and wait\n set [.delta time v] to ((timer) - (-old time))\n if <(.Delta Time) > [0.5]> then\n set [.delta time v] to [0.5]\n end\n if <(re?) < [0]> then\n change [re? v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nif <(costume [number v]) > [19]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Cloud\n\ndefine Empty Cloud\nset [☁ player 1 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 2 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 3 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 4 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 5 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 6 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 7 v] to [0]\nset [☁ player 8 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [init v]\ndelete all of [.check active v]\ndelete all of [set others? v]\nadd [0] to [set others? v]\nadd [0] to [set others? v]\nset [,last p count v] to [1]\nset [-first on v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n add [0] to [.check active v]\nend\nUpdate Player [1]\n\nwhen I receive [get cloud data v]\nCloud to Player (join (join (join (join (☁ Player 1) (☁ Player 2)) (join (☁ Player 3) (☁ Player 4))) (join (☁ Player 5) (☁ Player 6))) (join (☁ Player 7) (☁ Player 8)))\n\nwhen I receive [update v]\nCloud to Player (join (join (join (join (☁ Player 1) (☁ Player 2)) (join (☁ Player 3) (☁ Player 4))) (join (☁ Player 5) (☁ Player 6))) (join (☁ Player 7) (☁ Player 8)))\nSave to Cloud (.Player Slot)\nCount Players\n\ndefine Cloud to Player (clouddata)\ndelete all of [.cloud list v]\nset [-temp v] to []\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (clouddata)) / (2))\n switch costume to (join (letter (-i) of (clouddata)) (letter ((-i) + (1)) of (clouddata)))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n add (-temp) to [.cloud list v]\n set [-temp v] to []\n else\n set [-temp v] to (join (-temp) (costume [name v]))\n end\n change [-i v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine Save to Cloud (playerid)\nPlayer to Cloud\nif <(playerid) = [1]> then\n set [☁ player 1 v] to (-temp)\nelse\n if <(playerid) = [2]> then\n set [☁ player 2 v] to (-temp)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [3]> then\n set [☁ player 3 v] to (-temp)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [4]> then\n set [☁ player 4 v] to (-temp)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [5]> then\n set [☁ player 5 v] to (-temp)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [6]> then\n set [☁ player 6 v] to (-temp)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [7]> then\n set [☁ player 7 v] to (-temp)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [8]> then\n set [☁ player 8 v] to (-temp)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player to Cloud\nset [-temp v] to []\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [player v])\n set [-j v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (item (-i) of [player v]))\n switch costume to (letter (-j) of (item (-i) of [player v]))\n if <(costume [number v]) < [10]> then\n set [-temp v] to (join (-temp) (join [0] (costume [number v])))\n else\n set [-temp v] to (join (-temp) (costume [number v]))\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\n end\n set [-temp v] to (join (-temp) [01])\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Count Players\nset [.players online v] to [1]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n if <(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]> then\n change [.players online v] by (1)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <not <(,Last p count) = (.Players Online)>> then\n if <(.Players Online) > (,Last p count)> then\n broadcast (Player Join v)\n else\n broadcast (Player Left v)\n end\n set [,last p count v] to (.Players Online)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nUpdate Player [0]\nforever\n Update Player [1]\n wait (4.1) seconds\n Update Player [0]\nend\n\ndefine Update Player (first)\nif <(first) = [1]> then\n set [-c v] to [0]\n delete all of [.check value v]\n repeat (8)\n add (item (((-c) * (-Max Objects)) + (1)) of [.cloud list v]) to [.check value v]\n change [-c v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [-c v] to [0]\n repeat (8)\n if <not <(.Player Slot) = ((-c) + (1))>> then\n if <(item ((-c) + (1)) of [.check value v]) = (item (((-c) * (-Max Objects)) + (1)) of [.cloud list v])> then\n replace item ((-c) + (1)) of [.check active v] with [0]\n if <(Tagged) = ((-c) + (1))> then\n set [tagged v] to [0]\n end\n else\n replace item ((-c) + (1)) of [.check active v] with [1]\n if <<(item (((-c) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) = (username)> and <<not <(username) = []>> and <(.is Debugger?) = [0]>>> then\n broadcast (inUse v)\n end\n end\n end\n change [-c v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@Buttons\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (button v)\nhide\nshow list [-premuim v]\nshow list [premuim+ v]\nshow list [-petitions v]\nshow list [chat v]\nshow list [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nset size to (100) %\nDo Suffs\nforever\n go to x: (220) y: (160)\n if <<(length of [-petitions v]) > [1]> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (username)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?>>> then\n switch costume to (button2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (button v)\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <key (t v) pressed?>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> or <key (t v) pressed?>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>> then\n repeat until <<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((90) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <key (t v) pressed?>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>> then\n set [.creator type v] to [0]\n set [-open chat? v] to (((-Open Chat?) + (1)) mod (2))\n set [.page v] to [0]\n start sound ((((-Open Chat?) + (1)) mod (2)) + (3))\n show list [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\n end\n wait until <not <key (t v) pressed?>>\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((110) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nif <<<(id) < [15]> or <(id) > [15]>> and <<not <(id) = [22]>> and <(id) < [24]>>> then\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n if <(id) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-30) y: (-160)\n switch costume to (chat10 v)\n else\n if <(id) = [11]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-140)\n else\n if <<(id) > [15]> and <(id) < [18]>> then\n go to x: ((265) - ((20) * (id))) y: (-130)\n else\n if <(id) = [18]> then\n go to x: (220) y: (120)\n else\n if <(id) = [19]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (120)\n else\n if <(id) = [20]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (-160)\n else\n if <(id) = [21]> then\n go to x: (60) y: (-160)\n else\n if <(id) = [23]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (120)\n else\n if <(id) > [11]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: ((-520) + ((30) * (id)))\n else\n go to x: (-230) y: ((110) - ((30) * (id)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(id) > [15]> and <(id) < [18]>> then\n switch costume to ((id) + (4))\n else\n if <(id) = [18]> then\n switch costume to ((-Mobile Type) + (22))\n else\n if <(id) = [19]> then\n switch costume to ((.Chats) + (24))\n else\n if <(id) = [20]> then\n switch costume to ((.Page) + (63))\n else\n if <(id) = [21]> then\n switch costume to (update v)\n else\n if <(id) = [23]> then\n switch costume to ((.Translate?) + (115))\n else\n if <<<(id) < [10]> and <(.Page) = [0]>> or <(id) > [9]>> then\n switch costume to ((id) + (2))\n else\n switch costume to ((id) + ((27) + (((.Page) - (1)) * (9))))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<<(-Open Chat?) = [1]> and <not <<(id) > [11]> and <(id) < [15]>>>> or <<(-Open Chat?) = [2]> and <<<(id) > [11]> and <(id) < [15]>> and <<<(id) = [14]> and <(Tagged) = [0]>> or <not <(id) = [14]>>>>>> then\n show\n show list [-premuim v]\n show list [premuim+ v]\n show list [-petitions v]\n if <<<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <key (t v) pressed?>> and <(can press?) = [1]>> and <not <(id) = [20]>>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> or <key (t v) pressed?>> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> and <(can press?) = [1]>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((90) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <key (t v) pressed?>> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n if <<(id) = [10]> and <<[-premuim v] contains (username)?> or <[premium 2 v] contains (username)?>>> then\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((110) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n hide\n show list [-premuim v]\n show list [premuim+ v]\n show list [-petitions v]\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n show list [chat v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nbroadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\nAdd in\n\ndefine Add in\ndelete all of [premium made by v]\ndelete all of [premium v]\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [-premuim v])\n if <not <[premuim+ v] contains (item (-j) of [-premuim v])?>> then\n add (join [-] (join (item (-j) of [-premuim v]) (join [⃝] (join (item (-j) of [wmt v]) (item (-j) of [who made v]))))) to [premium v]\n if <(item (-j) of [wmt v]) = [2]> then\n add (join [-] (join (item (-j) of [-premuim v]) (join [ by ] (item (item (-j) of [who made v]) of [premium+2 v])))) to [premium made by v]\n else\n add (join [-] (join (item (-j) of [-premuim v]) (join [ by ] (item (item (-j) of [who made v]) of [premuim+ v])))) to [premium made by v]\n end\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\nend\ndelete all of [premium + v]\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [premuim+ v])\n add (join [+] (join (item (-j) of [premuim+ v]) (join [⃝] (join (item ((-j) + (length of [premium v])) of [wmt v]) (item ((-j) + (length of [premium v])) of [who made v]))))) to [premium + v]\n if <(item ((-j) + (length of [premium v])) of [wmt v]) = [2]> then\n add (join [+] (join (item (-j) of [-premuim v]) (join [ by ] (item (item ((-j) + (length of [premium v])) of [who made v]) of [premium+2 v])))) to [premium made by v]\n else\n add (join [+] (join (item (-j) of [-premuim v]) (join [ by ] (item (item ((-j) + (length of [premium v])) of [who made v]) of [premuim+ v])))) to [premium made by v]\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\nend\ndelete all of [cant make this v]\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [-cant make this v])\n add (join [/] (join (item (-j) of [-cant make this v]) (join [⃝] (join (item ((-j) + ((length of [premium v]) + (length of [premium + v]))) of [wmt v]) (item ((-j) + ((length of [premium v]) + (length of [premium + v]))) of [who made v]))))) to [cant make this v]\n if <(item ((-j) + ((length of [premium v]) + (length of [premium + v]))) of [wmt v]) = [2]> then\n add (join [/] (join (item (-j) of [-cant make this v]) (join [ by ] (item (item ((-j) + ((length of [premium v]) + (length of [premium + v]))) of [who made v]) of [premium+2 v])))) to [premium made by v]\n else\n add (join [/] (join (item (-j) of [-cant make this v]) (join [ by ] (item (item ((-j) + ((length of [premium v]) + (length of [premium + v]))) of [who made v]) of [premuim+ v])))) to [premium made by v]\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\nend\ndelete all of [petitions v]\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [-petitions v])\n add (item (-j) of [-petitions v]) to [petitions v]\n change [-j v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Search (player) (list)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nif <(list) = [+]> then\n repeat (length of [premuim+ v])\n if <(item (-i) of [premuim+ v]) = (player)> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n repeat (length of [-premuim v])\n if <(item (-i) of [-premuim v]) = (player)> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Fix (text)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-fixed v] to []\nrepeat (length of (text))\n if <(letter (-i) of (text)) = [ ]> then\n set [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) [⃝])\n else\n set [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nset [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) [⃝])\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [15]> then\n set [.hold v] to [0]\n forever\n go to x: (180) y: (160)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (map v)\n say []\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n set [.can drag? v] to [1]\n show\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <key (q v) pressed?>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <<not <(.Current Room) = [7]>> or <(Defeated?) = [1]>>>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> or <key (q v) pressed?>> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n set [.hold v] to [0]\n repeat until <<<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> or <<(.hold) > [25]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>>> and <(can press?) = [1]>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((90) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n change [.hold v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <<(.hold) > [25]> and <<(.is Debugger?) = [1]> and <<not <(.Current Room) = [7]>> or <(Defeated?) = [1]>>>> then\n if <(someone anti commands?) = [0]> then\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n switch costume to (map2 v)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n set [.can drag? v] to [0]\n end\n broadcast (Player Teleport v) and wait\n start sound [Pew v]\n broadcast (Close Map v) and wait\n else\n say (join [You cant teleport here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti commands?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block commands on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <key (q v) pressed?>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(.Current Room) = [7]>>>> then\n if <<(-Moving Scroll) = [0]> and <<(Grabbed) = [0]> or <<(Grabbed) = [-1]> or <(Grabbed) = [-4]>>>> then\n broadcast (Open Map v) and wait\n else\n broadcast (Close Map v) and wait\n end\n start sound ((((-Moving Scroll) + (1)) mod (2)) + (3))\n show list [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\n wait until <not <key (q v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((110) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <(-Moving Scroll) = [1]> then\n if <(Grabbed) = [-3]> then\n broadcast (Close Map v) and wait\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(right key pressed) = [1]>> then\n change [scroll x v] by ((5) + ((.hold) / (5)))\n change [.hold v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(left key pressed) = [1]>> then\n change [scroll x v] by ((-5) - ((.hold) / (5)))\n change [.hold v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> then\n change [scroll y v] by ((5) + ((.hold) / (5)))\n change [.hold v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <(down key pressed) = [1]>> then\n change [scroll y v] by ((-5) - ((.hold) / (5)))\n change [.hold v] by (1)\n end\n if <key ((join [+] []) v) pressed?> then\n change [zoom v] by (0.02)\n end\n if <key ((join [-] []) v) pressed?> then\n change [zoom v] by (-0.02)\n end\n Limit\n if <not <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(right key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(left key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up key pressed) = [1]>> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <(down key pressed) = [1]>>>>>> then\n set [.hold v] to [0]\n end\n else\n set [.hold v] to [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(id) = [22]> then\n forever\n go to x: (140) y: (160)\n switch costume to (emotes v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>> then\n repeat until <<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((90) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <<(can press?) = [1]> and <not <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>>>> then\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [2]> then\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n else\n set [-open chat? v] to [2]\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n show list [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((110) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Limit\nif <(ZOOM) > [1]> then\n set [zoom v] to [1]\nend\nif <(ZOOM) < [0.5]> then\n set [zoom v] to [0.5]\nend\nif <(SCROLL X) < ((0) + (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((0) + (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))\nend\nif <(SCROLL Y) < ((0) + (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))> then\n set [scroll y v] to ((0) + (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [1]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > ((4320) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((4320) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) > ((620) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))> then\n set [scroll y v] to ((620) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))\n end\nelse\n if <(.Current Room) = [2]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > ((480) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((480) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) > ((3400) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))> then\n set [scroll y v] to ((3400) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [3]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > ((1920) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((1920) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) > ((1280) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))> then\n set [scroll y v] to ((1280) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [4]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > ((9120) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((9120) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) > [180]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [180]\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [5]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) > ((7040) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))> then\n set [scroll y v] to ((7040) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > ((4320) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))> then\n set [scroll x v] to ((4320) - (((240) / (ZOOM)) - (240)))\n end\n if <(SCROLL Y) > ((620) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))> then\n set [scroll y v] to ((620) - (((180) / (ZOOM)) - (180)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<(.hold) > [300]> and <(.Current Room) < ((.Levels) + (1))>> then\n set [.hold v] to [300]\nend\n\ndefine Filter (text)\nSeparate to List (text)\nTest\n\ndefine Separate to List (text)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-word v] to []\ndelete all of [words v]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n if <(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> then\n add (-word) to [words v]\n set [-word v] to []\n else\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Test\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-filter v] to []\nrepeat (length of [words v])\n if <(translate (item (-i) of [words v]) to ((language::translate) v)::translate) = []> then\n Censure (item (-i) of [words v])\n set [-filter v] to (join (-filter) (join (-word) [⃝]))\n else\n set [-filter v] to (join (-filter) (join (item (-i) of [words v]) [⃝]))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Censure (word)\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat (length of (word))\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) [*])\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) > [23]> then\n forever\n if <(id) = [38]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (helpc v)\n else\n if <(id) > [29]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction ((90) + (((id) - (30)) * (45)))\n switch costume to (((id) + (105)) + (((.PageE) - (1)) * (8)))\n else\n if <(id) = [24]> then\n go to x: (220) y: (120)\n switch costume to ((-Show Names) + (117))\n else\n if <(id) = [25]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (120)\n switch costume to ((-Help?) + (119))\n else\n if <(id) = [26]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (120)\n switch costume to ((-Music?) + (121))\n else\n if <(id) = [27]> then\n go to x: (175) y: (0)\n switch costume to (next v)\n else\n if <(id) = [28]> then\n go to x: (-175) y: (0)\n switch costume to (previus v)\n else\n go to x: (0) y: (-160)\n switch costume to ((.PageE) + (128))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to ((30) - (<(id) = [38]> * (20)))\n if <(id) = [38]> then\n set size to (100) %\n if <<(-Open Chat?) = [1]> and <(.HelpC) = [1]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [2]> then\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> and <not <(id) = [29]>>> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> and <(can press?) = [1]>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((90) + (<<(id) = [27]> or <(id) = [28]>> * (90))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n if <(id) = [24]> then\n set [-show names v] to (((-Show Names) + (1)) mod (2))\n start sound ((((-Show Names) + (1)) mod (2)) + (3))\n else\n if <(id) = [25]> then\n set [-help? v] to (((-Help?) + (1)) mod (2))\n start sound ((((-Help?) + (1)) mod (2)) + (3))\n else\n if <(id) = [26]> then\n change [-music? v] by (1)\n if <(-Music?) > [5]> then\n set [-music? v] to [0]\n end\n stop all sounds\n if <(-Music?) > [0]> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n else\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [27]> then\n change [.pagee v] by (1)\n if <(.PageE) > [5]> then\n set [.pagee v] to [1]\n end\n start sound [pop v]\n else\n if <(id) = [28]> then\n change [.pagee v] by (-1)\n if <(.PageE) < [1]> then\n set [.pagee v] to [5]\n end\n start sound [pop v]\n else\n set [-doing emote v] to (((id) - (29)) + (((.PageE) - (1)) * (8)))\n set [.last emote v] to (-Doing Emote)\n set [-emote n° v] to [1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n broadcast (Do Emote v)\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((110) + (<<(id) = [27]> or <(id) = [28]>> * (110))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((100) + (<<(id) = [27]> or <(id) = [28]>> * (100))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n hide\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + ((((100) + (<<(id) = [27]> or <(id) = [28]>> * (100))) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine What C1 (text) (1/2)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(1/2) = [2]> then\n change [-i v] by (1)\n set [-word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Do Suffs\nset [-open chat? v] to [0]\nset [can press? v] to [1]\nset [.can talk v] to [1]\nset [.mode v] to [1]\nset [.page v] to [0]\nset [.pagee v] to [1]\nset [.translate? v] to [0]\nset [-doing emote v] to [0]\nset [-show names v] to [1]\nset [-help? v] to [1]\nset [-music? v] to [1]\nset [.last emote v] to [0]\nset [-last c v] to [0]\nset [.helpc v] to [0]\nset [show xy? v] to [0]\nset [show fps? v] to [0]\nset [n o t h i n g v] to [0]\ndelete all of [build v]\nadd [clean⃝a⃝l⃝l⃝] to [build v]\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (38)\n change [id v] by (1)\n if <not <<<<(id) > [9]> and <(id) < [12]>> or <<(id) > [15]> and <(id) < [18]>>> or <<(id) = [20]> or <(id) = [21]>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [3]> then\n delete all of [build v]\n add [clean⃝a⃝l⃝l⃝] to [build v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [send v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [3]> then\n Divide\n set [.can talk v] to [0]\n set [-i v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [divide v])\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0/^⃝] (item (-i) of [divide v]))\n set [.speak state v] to ((.Delta Time) + (0.9))\n wait until <(.Speak State) < [0.1]>\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n set [.can talk v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Divide\ndelete all of [divide v]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat (length of [build v])\n if <(length of (join (-word) (item ((-i) + (1)) of [build v]))) < [70]> then\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (item (-i) of [build v]))\n else\n add (-word) to [divide v]\n set [-word v] to (item (-i) of [build v])\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nadd (-word) to [divide v]\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [3]> then\n Put All Together\n hide list [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\nend\n\ndefine Put All Together\ndelete all of [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat (length of [build v])\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (item (-i) of [build v]))\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nadd (-word) to [triple clic to select and ctrl + c to copy v]\n\ndefine How Many (txt) (st)\nset [-i v] to (st)\nset [-j v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n if <(letter (-i) of (txt)) = [⃝]> then\n change [-j v] by (0.25)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nchange [-j v] by (-0.25)\n\ndefine Separate for 4 (txt) (nºst) (nºct)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-i v] to (nºst)\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n if <(letter (-i) of (txt)) = [⃝]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [⃝])\n change [-j v] by (1)\n if <(-j) > (((nºct) * (4)) + (1))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(-j) < (((nºct) * (4)) - (1))> then\n set [.custom say v] to []\n end\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-i) of (txt)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine What C2 (text) (what)\nset [-i v] to [2]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(what) > [1]> then\n repeat ((what) - (1))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n set [-word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Load (text)\nHow Many (text) [8]\nset [-k v] to [0]\nrepeat (-j)\n What C2 (text) ((2) + ((-k) * (4)))\n set [.create type v] to (-word)\n What C2 (text) ((3) + ((-k) * (4)))\n set [.create form v] to (-word)\n What C2 (text) ((4) + ((-k) * (4)))\n set [.create x v] to (-word)\n What C2 (text) ((5) + ((-k) * (4)))\n set [.create y v] to (-word)\n if <(.Create TYPE) = [clean]> then\n set [.create type v] to (.Create FORM)\n if <(join (.Create FORM) (join (.Create X) (.Create Y))) = [all]> then\n broadcast (Delete for New v) and wait\n delete all of [build v]\n else\n broadcast (Clean This v) and wait\n end\n else\n broadcast (Create v) and wait\n end\n Separate for 4 (text) [3] ((-k) + (1))\n add (.Custom Say) to [build v]\n change [-k v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Chat\nif <(length of (answer)) < [75]> then\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n hide\n if <<<(answer) = [/]> and <(-Last C) > [ 0]>> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (username)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?>>> then\n Fix (-Last C)\n else\n Fix (answer)\n end\n if <<(letter (1) of (answer)) = [/]> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (username)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?>>> then\n What C1 (-fixed) [1]\n if <<(-word) = [/new]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v)\n What C1 (-fixed) [2]\n Add in\n replace item (1) of [petitions v] with (-word)\n broadcast (Save Petition Data v) and wait\n else\n if <(-word) = [/anti]> then\n What C1 (-fixed) [2]\n if <[can/cant commands v] contains (-word)?> then\n replace item (item # of (-word) in [can/cant commands v]) of [can/cant v] with (((item (item # of (-word) in [can/cant commands v]) of [can/cant v]) + (1)) mod (2))\n else\n Add to Can do things\n hide list [can do v]\n wait (5) seconds\n show list [can do v]\n end\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/tag]> then\n if <(someone anti commands?) = [0]> then\n set [tagged v] to (.Player Slot)\n set [tag time v] to [1]\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n say (join [You can't do commands here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti commands?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block commands on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/fps]> then\n set [show fps? v] to (((show fps?) + (1)) mod (2))\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/position]> then\n set [show xy? v] to (((show xy?) + (1)) mod (2))\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/players]> then\n Players\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n say (Players Online) for (3) seconds\n else\n if <(-word) = [/help]> then\n set [.helpc v] to (((.HelpC) + (1)) mod (2))\n set [.mode v] to [0]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/create]> then\n if <(someone anti commands?) = [0]> then\n if <(someone anti create?) = [0]> then\n if <(someone loading?) = [0]> then\n set [.creator type v] to [g]\n set [.creator form v] to [1]\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n set [can press? v] to [1]\n broadcast (Create Section v) and wait\n repeat until <(.Creator TYPE) = [0]>\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0/create⃝] (join (join (join (.Creator TYPE) [⃝]) (.Creator FORM)) (join (join (join [⃝] (.Creator X)) (join [⃝] (.Creator Y))) [⃝])))\n set [.speak state v] to [1.5]\n broadcast (Create Section v) and wait\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n say (join [You can't create right now. "] (join (item ((((someone loading?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" is Loading. Please Wait...])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n say (join [You can't create here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti create?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block the creation on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n say (join [You can't do commands here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti commands?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block commands on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(someone anti commands?) = [0]> then\n if <(-word) = [/clean]> then\n if <(someone anti create?) = [0]> then\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0] (-fixed))\n set [.speak state v] to [1.5]\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n say (join [You can't create here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti create?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block the creation on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0] (-fixed))\n set [.speak state v] to [1.5]\n if <<not <(answer) = [/]>> and <not <(-word) = [/load]>>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n set [-open chat? v] to [1]\n show\n say (join [You can't do commands here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti commands?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block commands on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(.Speak State) < [0.1]> or <<(.Speak State) = ((1) / (0))> or <(.Speak Nº) = [0\(writing...\)]>>> then\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0] [\(processing...\)])\n set [.speak state v] to ((1) / (0))\n end\n Filter (-fixed)\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0] (-filter))\n set [.speak state v] to (((length of (-fixed)) / (10)) + (3))\n replace item (9) of [stats v] with ((item (9) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(item (9) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [24] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (9) of [stats v]) > [19]> then\n add [25] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n end\n start sound [pop v]\nelse\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n say [I'm sorry but the maximum of letters is 75] for (3) seconds\nend\n\ndefine Players\ndelete all of [players online v]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n if <<(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]> or <(-i) = (.Player Slot)>> then\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n add (join (join (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [ \(]) (join (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) [\)])) to [players online v]\n else\n add (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) to [players online v]\n end\n add [&] to [players online v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\ndelete (length of [players online v]) of [players online v]\n\ndefine Add to Can do things\nshow list [can do v]\ndelete all of [can do v]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [can/cant things v])\n add (join (item (-i) of [can/cant things v]) [: ]) to [can do v]\n if <(item (-i) of [can/cant v]) = [0]> then\n replace item (length of [can do v]) of [can do v] with (join (item (length of [can do v]) of [can do v]) [Yes])\n else\n replace item (length of [can do v]) of [can do v] with (join (item (length of [can do v]) of [can do v]) [No])\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <<(-word) = [/by]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n Add in\n hide list [premium made by v]\n wait (5) seconds\n show list [premium made by v]\nelse\n if <(-word) = [/chats]> then\n set [.chats v] to (((.Chats) + (1)) mod (2))\n broadcast (Chats o/f v)\n if <not <(answer) = [/]>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/tell]> then\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0] (-fixed))\n set [.speak state v] to (((length of (-fixed)) / (10)) + (3))\n replace item (9) of [stats v] with ((item (9) of [stats v]) + (1))\n if <(item (9) of [stats v]) > [0]> then\n add [24] to [new achievments v]\n if <(item (9) of [stats v]) > [19]> then\n add [25] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n if <<not <(answer) = [/]>> and <not <(-word) = [/load]>>> then\n set [-last c v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n if <(-word) = [/^]> then\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <(.can talk) = [1]> then\n set [can press? v] to [0]\n if <(.Speak State) < [0]> then\n set [.speak nº v] to (join [0] [\(writing...\)])\n set [.speak state v] to ((1) / (0))\n end\n ask [] and wait\n set [.speak state v] to [0]\n if <not <(length of (answer)) = [0]>> then\n Fix (answer)\n What C1 (-fixed) [1]\n if <<(-word) = [/load]> and <<[premuim+ v] contains (username)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?>>> then\n if <(someone anti commands?) = [0]> then\n if <(someone anti create?) = [0]> then\n if <(someone loading?) = [0]> then\n What C1 (-fixed) [2]\n if <<<(-word) = (username)> or <(-word) = []>> or <<(-word) = [@p]> or <[.cloud list v] contains (-word)?>>> then\n Chat\n else\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n hide\n Load (join [0] (-fixed))\n end\n else\n say (join [You can't load now. "] (join (item ((((someone loading?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" is Loading. Please Wait...])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say (join [You can't load here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti create?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block the creation on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say (join [You can't do commands here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti commands?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block commands on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n Chat\n end\n else\n set [.speak state v] to [-1]\n end\n set [can press? v] to [1]\nend\n\nset [can press? v] to [0]\nask [] and wait\nset [can press? v] to [1]\nif <not <(length of (answer)) = [0]>> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [21]> then\n if <<[.cloud list v] contains (answer)?> and <not < (answer) contains [ ]?>>> then\n if <<not <[-premuim v] contains (answer)?>> and <not <[premium 2 v] contains (answer)?>>> then\n if <not <[petition who v] contains (answer)?>> then\n if <<<not <[-cant make this v] contains (answer)?>> and <not <[cant make this 2 v] contains (answer)?>>> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n Add in\n Fix (join (join (join ["] (answer)) [" by ]) (username))\n add (-fixed) to [petitions v]\n broadcast (Save Petition Data v) and wait\n start sound [Connect v]\n else\n say [Sorry, you are not allowed to Premium this player] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [Player Already Suggested!] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [Player Already Premium!] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [Player not found!] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [Very Long Name!] for (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nhide\nset [can press? v] to [0]\nask [NOTE: PUT THE NAME TO PREMIUM, IF THE PLAYER IS ALREADY PREMIUM, THEN IT BECOMES PREMIUM + IF YOU PUT THE NAME AGAIN. You no longer need to put + or - at the beggining. ALSO, THE PLAYER MUST BE FOLLOWING THE RULES \(in the instrucions\) IF NOT, I WILL REMOVE YOU PREMIUM!] and wait\nset [can press? v] to [1]\nshow\nif <(length of (answer)) > [0]> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [21]> then\n if <<<[.cloud list v] contains (answer)?> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> and <not < (answer) contains [ ]?>>> then\n if <<<not <[-cant make this v] contains (answer)?>> and <not <[cant make this 2 v] contains (answer)?>>> or <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n if <(letter (1) of (answer)) = [/]> then\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n if <[-cant make this v] contains (answer)?> then\n say [Player Already Blocked!] for (3) seconds\n else\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n Add in\n if <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?> then\n add (join (answer) (join [⃝2] (item # of (username) in [premium+2 v]))) to [cant make this v]\n else\n add (join (answer) (join [⃝1] (item # of (username) in [premuim+ v]))) to [cant make this v]\n end\n broadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n else\n say [You are not allowed to do that] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <<[-premuim v] contains (answer)?> or <[premium 2 v] contains (answer)?>> then\n if <<[premuim+ v] contains (answer)?> or <[premium+2 v] contains (answer)?>> then\n say [Player Already Premium!] for (3) seconds\n else\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n Add in\n delete (item # of (answer) in [-premuim v]) of [premium v]\n if <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?> then\n add (join [+] (join (answer) (join [⃝2] (item # of (username) in [premium+2 v])))) to [premium + v]\n else\n add (join [+] (join (answer) (join [⃝1] (item # of (username) in [premuim+ v])))) to [premium + v]\n end\n broadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n else\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n Add in\n if <[premium+2 v] contains (username)?> then\n add (join [-] (join (answer) (join [⃝2] (item # of (username) in [premium+2 v])))) to [premium v]\n else\n add (join [-] (join (answer) (join [⃝1] (item # of (username) in [premuim+ v])))) to [premium v]\n end\n broadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n end\n else\n say [Sorry, you are not allowed to Premium this player] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [Player not found!] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [Very Long Name!] for (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nhide\nset [can press? v] to [0]\nif <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n ask [NOTE: if the player is in the 2 lists, it will be removed first from Premium+ and then if you put the name again, from the Normal.] and wait\nelse\n ask [Put the player name that you want player to be no longer Premium and you send it like a Petition] and wait\nend\nset [can press? v] to [1]\nshow\nif <<not <(length of (answer)) = [0]>> or <<[-premuim v] contains []?> or <[premuim+ v] contains []?>>> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [21]> then\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n if <<(letter (1) of (answer)) = [/]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n if <[-cant make this v] contains (answer)?> then\n Add in\n delete (item # of (answer) in [-cant make this v]) of [cant make this v]\n broadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n else\n say [Player not found!] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <<[premuim+ v] contains (answer)?> or <<[premium+2 v] contains (answer)?> and <(.is Debugger?) = [0]>>> then\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n Add in\n delete (item # of (answer) in [premuim+ v]) of [premium + v]\n broadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n else\n if <not <[petition who v] contains (answer)?>> then\n set [-temp v] to (answer)\n hide\n set [can press? v] to [0]\n ask (join [Tell now the reason of why you want that "] (join (-temp) [" to be no longer Premium+])) and wait\n set [can press? v] to [1]\n show\n if <not <(length of (answer)) = [0]>> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [10]> then\n say [Very Short Reason!] for (3) seconds\n else\n if <(length of (answer)) > [75]> then\n say [Very Long Reason!] for (3) seconds\n else\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n Add in\n Fix (join (join (join [Remove "] (-temp)) (join (join [" because "] (answer)) [" by ])) (username))\n add (-fixed) to [petitions v]\n broadcast (Save Petition Data v) and wait\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n say [Player Already Suggested!] for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <<[-premuim v] contains (answer)?> or <<[premium 2 v] contains (answer)?> and <(.is Debugger?) = [0]>>> then\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n Add in\n delete (item # of (answer) in [-premuim v]) of [premium v]\n broadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n else\n if <not <[petition who v] contains (answer)?>> then\n set [-temp v] to (answer)\n hide\n set [can press? v] to [0]\n ask (join [Tell now the reason of why you want that "] (join (-temp) [" to be no longer Premium])) and wait\n set [can press? v] to [1]\n show\n if <not <(length of (answer)) = [0]>> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [10]> then\n say [Very Short Reason!] for (3) seconds\n else\n if <(length of (answer)) > [75]> then\n say [Very Long Reason!] for (3) seconds\n else\n broadcast (Get Chat Data v) and wait\n Add in\n Fix (join (join (join [Remove "] (-temp)) (join (join [" because "] (answer)) [" by ])) (username))\n add (-fixed) to [petitions v]\n broadcast (Save Petition Data v) and wait\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n say [Player Already Suggested!] for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n say [Player Not Found!] for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n else\n say [Very Long Name!] for (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nAdd in\nbroadcast (Save Premium Data v) and wait\nstart sound [Connect v]\n\nbroadcast (Get Chat Data v)\nAdd in\nrepeat ((length of [petitions v]) - (1))\n delete (2) of [petitions v]\nend\nbroadcast (Save Petition Data v)\nstart sound [Pew v]\n\nchange [.page v] by (-1)\nif <(.Page) < [1]> then\n set [.page v] to [5]\nend\nstart sound [pop v]\n\nchange [.page v] by (1)\nif <(.Page) > [5]> then\n set [.page v] to [1]\nend\nstart sound [pop v]\n\nif <<(.Mode) = [1]> and <(-Open Chat?) = [1]>> then\n hide list [chat v]\nend\n\n@Completed\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [-final? v] to [0]\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> and <(.Current Room) < (.Levels)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nset [fisheye v] effect to ((30) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (500)) ) * (50)))\nif <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n set [color v] effect to (260)\nelse\n if <(.Current Room) = [5]> then\n set [color v] effect to (216)\n else\n set [color v] effect to (((.Current Room) - (1)) * (40))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [x v] to (item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (1)) of [-xy final portal v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (2)) + (2)) of [-xy final portal v])\n if <<<(.Current Room) > [2]> and <(HMC) > ((14) + (((.Current Room) - (3)) * (5)))>> or <(.Current Room) < [3]>> then\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <<(.Current Room) > ((.Levels) - (1))> and <(-Final?) = [1]>>> then\n say [Well Done! Good Job! Be aware! The Boss is Near...]\n else\n say []\n end\n else\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n say (join [To unlock this level you need ] (join ((15) + (((.Current Room) - (3)) * (5))) (join [ Collectables, you need others ] (join (((15) + (((.Current Room) - (3)) * (5))) - (HMC)) [ more...]))))\n else\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [x v] to [-999999]\n\n@Check Point\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((70) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> and <<(.Current Room) < ((.Levels) - (1))> or <(for) > [3]>>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [.clone? v] to [1]\nforever\n if <(for) > [3]> then\n set [x v] to (item ((((for) - (4)) * (2)) + (1)) of [-xy custom check point v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((for) - (4)) * (2)) + (2)) of [-xy custom check point v])\n else\n set [x v] to (item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (6)) + ((((for) - (1)) * (2)) + (1))) of [-xy check point v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((.Current Room) - (1)) * (6)) + ((((for) - (1)) * (2)) + (2))) of [-xy check point v])\n end\n if <(-Check Point?) = (for)> then\n switch costume to (check point2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (check point v)\n end\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (4)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nset [-check point? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [next prepare v]\nset [-check point? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [.touched v]\nif <(x) > [-99999]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <not <(-Check Point?) = (for)>> then\n set [-check point? v] to (for)\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n point in direction (120)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(-Difficulty) < [2]> then\n set [for v] to [1]\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [for v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n if <(-Difficulty) = [2]> then\n set [for v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [y v] to [-999999]\nset [for v] to [3]\ndelete all of [-xy custom check point v]\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nif <(-Difficulty) < [2]> then\n set [for v] to [1]\n repeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [for v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n if <(-Difficulty) = [2]> then\n set [for v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [y v] to [-999999]\nset [for v] to [3]\ndelete all of [-xy custom check point v]\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [checkpoint]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [h]>> then\n change [for v] by (1)\n add (.Create X) to [-xy custom check point v]\n add (.Create Y) to [-xy custom check point v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(.Create TYPE) = [clean]> then\n set [for v] to [3]\n delete all of [-xy custom check point v]\n end\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <touching (delete v)?> then\n if <(for) > [3]> then\n if <(-Check Point?) = (for)> then\n set [-check point? v] to [0]\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\nif <(for) > [3]> then\n if <(-Check Point?) = (for)> then\n set [-check point? v] to [0]\n end\n delete all of [-xy custom check point v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\nset [-check point? v] to [0]\ndelete all of [-xy custom check point v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [clean this v]\nif <<(for) > [3]> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [checkpoint]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [h]>>> then\n if <(-Check Point?) = (for)> then\n set [-check point? v] to [0]\n end\n delete all of [-xy custom check point v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<<<(-Help?) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) > ((.Levels) * (20))>> or <<<<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> and <(.Current Room) = [1]>> or <<<<(costume [number v]) = [22]> or <(costume [number v]) = [25]>> and <(.Current Room) = [2]>> or <<<(costume [number v]) = [78]> or <(costume [number v]) = [79]>> and <(.Current Room) = [4]>>>>> and <<not <<<(x) = [2880]> and <(y) = [0]>> and <(.Current Room) = [1]>>> and <<not <<<(x) = [0]> and <(y) = [720]>> and <(.Current Room) = [2]>>> and <not <<<(x) = [8640]> and <(y) = [0]>> and <(.Current Room) = [4]>>>>>> then\n if <(.Current Room) = [1]> then\n if <<(-Help?) = [0]> and <(costume [number v]) = [4]>> then\n switch costume to (level 7 v)\n else\n if <<<(-Help?) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> and <not <<(x) = [2880]> and <(y) = [0]>>>> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [2]> then\n if <<(-Help?) = [0]> and <(costume [number v]) = [22]>> then\n switch costume to (2 level 5 v)\n else\n if <<<(-Help?) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [25]>> and <not <<(x) = [0]> and <(y) = [720]>>>> then\n switch costume to (2 level 2 v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [4]> then\n if <<(-Help?) = [0]> and <(costume [number v]) = [78]>> then\n switch costume to (4 level 19 v)\n else\n if <<<(-Help?) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [79]>> and <not <<(x) = [8640]> and <(y) = [0]>>>> then\n switch costume to (4 level 18 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Create Clone (x) (y) (for)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [for v] to (for)\nif <(for) = [1]> then\n next costume\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\ndefine Quick (level)\nclear graphic effects\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to ((0) - ())\n repeat (10)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [h v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [h v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [360] [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 20 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] ((360) * (h)) [1]\n Create Clone [480] ((360) * (h)) [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (2 level 20 v)\n repeat (5)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [h v] by (1)\n repeat (5)\n change [h v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [360] [1]\n end\n change [h v] by (-1)\n repeat (5)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [720] [1]\n end\n change [h v] by (1)\n repeat (5)\n change [h v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [1080] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (3 level 20 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [0] [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (4 level 20 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone [0] ((360) * (h)) [1]\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (5 level 20 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [h v] by (1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [0] [1]\n end\n change [h v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [h v] by (-1)\n Create Clone ((480) * (h)) [360] [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-999999]\nset [y v] to [-999999]\nset [for v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [h v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [h v] to [-1]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick (.Current Room)\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n clear graphic effects\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [false]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [f]>> then\n switch costume to (join (join [ground] ((.Levels) + (1))) (join [_] (.Create FORM)))\n switch costume to (join (join [ground] (.Current Room)) (join [_] (.Create FORM)))\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [0]\n else\n if <(.Create TYPE) = [z]> then\n Separate (.Create FORM) [3]\n if <(.Custom Say) = [1]> then\n Separate (.Create FORM) [1]\n set [color v] effect to (.Custom Say)\n Separate (.Create FORM) [2]\n set [brightness v] effect to (.Custom Say)\n Separate (.Create FORM) [4]\n switch costume to (join [z] (.Custom Say))\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [0]\n end\n end\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [.clone? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\nif <(costume [number v]) > (((.Levels) - (1)) * (20))> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <touching (delete v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > (((.Levels) - (1)) * (20))> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Separate (cs) (wp)\nset [-j v] to [0]\nrepeat (wp)\n set [.custom say v] to []\n change [-j v] by (1)\n repeat until <(letter (-j) of (cs)) = [¬]>\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-j) of (cs)))\n change [-j v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clean this v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) > (((.Levels) - (1)) * (20))> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [false]> or <<(.Create TYPE) = [f]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [z]>>>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Items\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [collectable v] to [Collectables: 0]\nset [hmc v] to [0]\nCount []\nQuick [1]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(.clone?) = [1]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > [22]> then\n if <(die?) = [1]> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n Change NPC y by (speed y) [1]\n Costume\n if <(y) < [-180]> then\n change [die? v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(die?) = [0]> then\n if <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [230]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [160]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n Change NPC y by (speed y) [0]\n Costume\n end\n if <(y) < [-160]> then\n set [die? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n change [die? v] by (1)\n if <(die?) > [25]> then\n set [die? v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to (start x)\n set [y v] to (start y)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Position\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Create Clone (x) (y) (type) (created) _ (command)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [created v] to (created)\nset [load ? v] to (load?)\nif <(type) > [8]> then\n set [command v] to (command)\n switch costume to ((type) + (11))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nelse\n if <(type) = [8]> then\n change [key v] by (1)\n add [0] to [key v]\n switch costume to (key edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (key v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(type) = [7]> then\n change [portal v] by (1)\n add [0] to [portal v]\n switch costume to (portal3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (portal3 edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(type) = [6]> then\n if <(wait1) = [0]> then\n change [portal1 v] by (1)\n set [wait1 v] to [1]\n else\n set [wait1 v] to [0]\n end\n change [portal v] by (1)\n add [0] to [portal v]\n switch costume to (locked portal v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (locked portal edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(type) = [5]> then\n if <(wait2) = [0]> then\n change [portal2 v] by (1)\n set [wait2 v] to [1]\n else\n set [wait2 v] to [0]\n end\n change [portal v] by (1)\n add [0] to [portal v]\n switch costume to (portal2 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (portal2 edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(type) = [4]> then\n if <(wait1) = [0]> then\n change [portal1 v] by (1)\n set [wait1 v] to [1]\n else\n set [wait1 v] to [0]\n end\n change [portal v] by (1)\n add [0] to [portal v]\n switch costume to (portal v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (portal edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(type) = [3]> then\n change [dash v] by (1)\n add [0] to [dash v]\n switch costume to (dash edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (dash v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(type) = [2]> then\n change [jet v] by (1)\n add [0] to [jet packs v]\n switch costume to (jet pack edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (jet pack v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n change [for v] by (1)\n change [coin v] by (1)\n add [0] to [coins v]\n if <<(item (for) of [collectable v]) = [0]> or <(item (for) of [collectable v]) = []>> then\n if <(item (for) of [collectable v]) = []> then\n add [0] to [collectable v]\n end\n switch costume to (collectable edge v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (collectable v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) < [5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <<<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> or <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) > [20]>>>>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [21]> then\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [3]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) < [6]> then\n if <(item (for) of [collectable v]) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <(costume [number v]) = [14]>> then\n if <(for this?) = [0]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((-50) + (<(costume [number v]) = [14]> * (10)))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n else\n if <<(.Already Jet Pack?) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [6]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-75)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n change [dash effect v] by (((0) - (dash effect)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (dash effect)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> then\n if <(item (jet) of [jet packs v]) = [D]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n if <(item (dash) of [dash v]) = [D]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> then\n if <(item (portal) of [portal v]) = [D]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [20]>> then\n if <(item (key) of [key v]) = [D]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(item (key) of [key v]) = [C]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [19]> then\n change [x v] by ((([x v] of [player v]) - (x)) / ((5) * (key id)))\n change [y v] by ((([y v] of [player v]) - (y)) / ((5) * (key id)))\n if <(keyed? :VVV) = [0]> then\n set [key id v] to (key?)\n set [keyed? :vvv v] to [1]\n end\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [20]> then\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nset [load? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n If in\n delete this clone\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nQuick (.Current Room)\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to (((100) + ((<(costume [number v]) = [8]> * (([sin v] of (speed y) ) * (5))) + ((20) * <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>>))) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n set [showing? v] to [1]\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <(.Current Room) < ((.Levels) + (2))> then\n if <<(.Touching One?) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n replace item (for) of [collectable v] with [1]\n Count []\n end\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n if <<(.Touching One?) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n broadcast (Jet Pack v)\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n if <<(.Touching One?) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n if <(touching?) = [0]> then\n set [touching? v] to [1]\n replace item (dash) of [dash v] with [1]\n broadcast (Dash! v)\n end\n else\n set [touching? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [16]> or <(costume [number v]) = [17]>>>>> then\n if <<(.Touching One?) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n if <(touching?) = [0]> then\n if <(for this?) = [1]> then\n set [touching? v] to [1]\n if <(tping?) = [0]> then\n if <(time to portal) < [1]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n if <(key?) > [0]> then\n change [key? v] by (-1)\n broadcast (use key v)\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n set [find portal v] to (portal)\n set [find portal type v] to [3]\n else\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <(costume [number v]) = [14]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>> then\n set [find portal v] to (portal1)\n set [find portal type v] to [1]\n else\n set [find portal v] to (portal2)\n set [find portal type v] to [2]\n end\n end\n set [find but not this v] to (portal)\n set [tp portal x v] to (x)\n set [tp portal y v] to (y)\n broadcast (Go Find Portal v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [touching? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [20]> then\n if <<(.Touching One?) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (key) of [key v] with [C]\n change [key? v] by (1)\n add [22] to [new achievments v]\n Count [1]\n if <(-j) > [3]> then\n add [23] to [new achievments v]\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) > [20]> then\n if <<<<(.Touching One?) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> and <(costume [number v]) < [23]>> or <<<([abs v] of ((x) - (item (3) of [player v])) ) < [40]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (item (4) of [player v])) ) < [40]>> and <(costume [number v]) > [22]>>> then\n change [frame v] by (0.075)\n if <(touching?) = [0]> then\n Separate (command) [1]\n If NPC delete <> from (.Custom Say)\n say (.Custom Say)\n set [touching? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [touching? v] to [0]\n set [frame v] to [0]\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-Open Chat?) = [3]>> then\n Separate (command) [1]\n think (.Custom Say)\n else\n think []\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\n set [showing? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Quick (level)\nif <(level) = [<>]> then\n delete all of [collectable v]\n repeat ((.Levels) * (10))\n add [0] to [collectable v]\n end\nelse\n if <(.Current Room) > (.Levels)> then\n set [for v] to (length of [collectable v])\n else\n set [for v] to (((level) - (1)) * (10))\n end\n set [time to portal v] to [0]\n set [coin v] to [0]\n set [jet v] to [0]\n set [dash v] to [0]\n set [portal v] to [0]\n set [portal1 v] to [0]\n set [portal2 v] to [0]\n set [wait1 v] to [0]\n set [wait2 v] to [0]\n set [key v] to [0]\n set [key? v] to [0]\n delete all of [coins v]\n delete all of [jet packs v]\n delete all of [dash v]\n delete all of [portal v]\n delete all of [key v]\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n Create Clone [-200] [70] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [565] [-50] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [940] [200] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1620] [-50] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2230] [270] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2997] [-135] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4545] [450] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3660] [725] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1680] [410] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [280] [470] [] [] _ []\n else\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n Create Clone [465] [40] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-167] [270] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [72] [1230] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [215] [830] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [677] [1500] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [185] [1930] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [705] [1985] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-230] [2480] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [520] [2850] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-225] [3300] [] [] _ []\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n Create Clone [-100] [520] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [105] [1040] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [615] [375] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1165] [-50] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1350] [350] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1430] [725] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1702] [-95] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1850] [880] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [435] [1175] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-225] [1100] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [375] [-40] [2] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2020] [1075] [2] [] _ []\n Create Clone [45] [1150] [2] [] _ []\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n Create Clone [485] [235] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1165] [60] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2520] [-70] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2220] [310] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3210] [350] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4100] [170] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4302] [-55] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4772] [-100] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [6610] [45] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [8340] [-50] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [920] [125] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1650] [-50] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2070] [50] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2740] [-95] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3090] [20] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2780] [140] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3470] [-20] [2] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3780] [-30] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4780] [100] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [6150] [70] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [6950] [140] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [8888] [170] [3] [] _ []\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n Create Clone [150] [7155] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [120] [6225] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [50] [5290] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [85] [5220] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [100] [4350] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-220] [4343] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [85] [3830] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-150] [7165] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [20] [1055] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-150] [2450] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [0] [6740] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-120] [5940] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-200] [5800] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [135] [5510] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [135] [5055] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-35] [4920] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-150] [4450] [2] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-35] [4825] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-125] [4300] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [75] [4040] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [90] [3580] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [135] [3340] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [30] [-70] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [185] [400] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-195] [7180] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-135] [1405] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [180] [970] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [140] [1375] [2] [] _ []\n Create Clone [200] [2905] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [210] [3145] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [185] [100] [4] [] _ []\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n Create Clone [170] [62] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [765] [80] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [945] [370] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-210] [490] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3255] [160] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4337] [60] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4325] [350] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3050] [245] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3507] [485] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-200] [625] [] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1752] [-50] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-200] [-70] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1015] [125] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1570] [110] [8] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1500] [130] [7] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1752] [95] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1630] [250] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1540] [300] [2] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-210] [230] [8] [] _ []\n Create Clone [-210] [300] [7] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2090] [-50] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2230] [-70] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2365] [-85] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [3585] [35] [3] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4525] [130] [8] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4475] [130] [7] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2090] [95] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [4520] [250] [4] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2670] [315] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2200] [245] [5] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2575] [420] [8] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2485] [417] [7] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1920] [145] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1740] [245] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1800] [245] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1890] [245] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1950] [245] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2040] [245] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [2100] [245] [6] [] _ []\n Create Clone [1740] [385] [6] [] _ []\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\n set [for v] to (length of [collectable v])\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [dash effect v] to [0]\nset [touching? v] to [0]\nset [for this? v] to [1]\nset [.clone? v] to [1]\nset [keyed? :vvv v] to [0]\nset [turn v] to [-100]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [start x v] to (x)\nset [start y v] to (y)\nset [die? v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) < [5]> then\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\n end\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n change [speed y v] by (20)\n change [y v] by (([sin v] of (speed y) ) * (0.3))\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n change [speed y v] by (20)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [16]> or <(costume [number v]) = [17]>>>>> then\n set [fisheye v] effect to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) * (20))\n if <<(-Open Chat?) = [3]> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>> then\n think (portal1)\n else\n think (portal2)\n end\n else\n think []\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [19]> then\n change [turn v] by (4)\n turn right (([sin v] of (turn) ) / (2)) degrees\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Count (key?)\nif <(key?) = [1]> then\n set [-i v] to [1]\n set [-j v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [key v])\n if <(item (-i) of [key v]) = [C]> then\n change [-j v] by (1)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [-i v] to [1]\n set [collectable v] to [0]\n set [hmc v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [collectable v])\n if <(item (-i) of [collectable v]) = [1]> then\n change [collectable v] by (1)\n change [hmc v] by (1)\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n set [collectable v] to (join [Collectables: ] (Collectable))\n if <(HMC) > [0]> then\n add [13] to [new achievments v]\n if <(HMC) > [9]> then\n add [14] to [new achievments v]\n if <(HMC) > ((((.Levels) - (1)) * (10)) - (1))> then\n add [15] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dash! v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n if <(item (dash) of [dash v]) = [1]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n set [dash effect v] to [200]\n else\n replace item (dash) of [dash v] with [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [coin]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [c]>> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [] [1] _ []\n else\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [jet]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [j]>> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [2] [1] _ []\n else\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [dash]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [d]>> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [3] [1] _ []\n else\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [portal]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [p]>> then\n if <(.Create FORM) = [1]> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [4] [1] _ []\n else\n if <(.Create FORM) = [2]> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [5] [1] _ []\n else\n if <(.Create FORM) = [3]> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [6] [1] _ []\n else\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [7] [1] _ []\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [key]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [k]>> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) [8] [1] _ []\n else\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [command_block]> or <(letter (1) of (.Create TYPE)) = [y]>> then\n Create Clone (.Create X) (.Create Y) ((9) + (letter (2) of (.Create TYPE))) [1] _ (.Create FORM)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [x v] to [-999999]\n set [y v] to [-999999]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [coins v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n Count []\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nif <touching (delete v)?> then\n if <(Created) = [1]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> then\n replace item (jet) of [jet packs v] with [D]\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n replace item (dash) of [dash v] with [D]\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> then\n replace item (portal) of [portal v] with [D]\n If in\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [20]>> then\n replace item (key) of [key v] with [D]\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [20]> then\n end\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\nif <(Created) = [1]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> then\n replace item (jet) of [jet packs v] with [D]\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n replace item (dash) of [dash v] with [D]\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> then\n replace item (portal) of [portal v] with [D]\n If in\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [20]>> then\n replace item (key) of [key v] with [D]\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [20]> then\n end\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <(.Current Room) = [5]> then\n set [portal1 v] to [4]\n set [portal2 v] to [3]\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n set [portal1 v] to [8]\n set [portal2 v] to [1]\n else\n set [portal1 v] to [0]\n set [portal2 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [wait1 v] to [0]\n set [wait2 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\nIf in\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [go find portal v]\nif <(.clone?) = [1]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> then\n if <<not <(costume [number v]) = [11]>> and <<not <(costume [number v]) = [13]>> and <<not <(costume [number v]) = [15]>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [18]>>>>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n if <<(portal) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [3]>> then\n broadcast (Prepare to tp portal v) and wait\n set [time to portal v] to [10]\n broadcast (tp portal v) and wait\n end\n else\n if <not <(portal) = (find but not this)>> then\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <(costume [number v]) = [14]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>> then\n if <<(portal1) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (unlocked portal v)\n end\n broadcast (Prepare to tp portal v) and wait\n set [tp portal x v] to (x)\n set [tp portal y v] to (y)\n set [time to portal v] to [10]\n broadcast (tp portal v) and wait\n end\n else\n if <<(portal2) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [2]>> then\n broadcast (Prepare to tp portal v) and wait\n set [tp portal x v] to (x)\n set [tp portal y v] to (y)\n set [time to portal v] to [10]\n broadcast (tp portal v) and wait\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(portal1) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (unlocked portal v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tp portal v]\nif <(.clone?) = [1]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [11]> and <(costume [number v]) < [14]>> then\n if <<(portal2) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [2]>> then\n set [for this? v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [rst portals v]\nset [for this? v] to [1]\n\ndefine If in\nif <(tping?) = [1]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> then\n if <<not <(costume [number v]) = [11]>> and <<not <(costume [number v]) = [13]>> and <<not <(costume [number v]) = [15]>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>>>> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [17]> and <(find portal type) = [3]>> then\n if <(portal) = (find portal)> then\n set [time to portal v] to [10]\n broadcast (tp portal v) and wait\n end\n else\n if <not <(portal) = (find but not this)>> then\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <(costume [number v]) = [14]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>> then\n if <<(portal1) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (unlocked portal v)\n end\n set [tp portal x v] to (x)\n set [tp portal y v] to (y)\n set [time to portal v] to [10]\n broadcast (tp portal v) and wait\n end\n else\n if <<(portal2) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [2]>> then\n set [tp portal x v] to (x)\n set [tp portal y v] to (y)\n set [time to portal v] to [10]\n broadcast (tp portal v) and wait\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(portal1) = (find portal)> and <(find portal type) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (unlocked portal v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [use key v]\nif <(.clone?) = [1]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [20]>> then\n if <(key id) = [1]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n replace item (key) of [key v] with [D]\n delete this clone\n end\n set [key id v] to ((key id) - (1))\n end\nend\n\ndefine What C (text) (1/2)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [¬]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(1/2) > [1]> then\n repeat ((1/2) - (1))\n change [-i v] by (1)\n set [-word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [¬]> or <(-i) > (length of (text))>>\n if <<(letter (-i) of (text)) = [_]> and <(1/2) = [3]>> then\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) [¬])\n else\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Separate (cs) (s)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-j v] to (s)\nrepeat (length of (cs))\n if <(letter (-j) of (cs)) = [¬]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [ ])\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-j) of (cs)))\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Fix (text)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-fixed v] to []\nrepeat (length of (text))\n if <(letter (-i) of (text)) = [ ]> then\n set [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) [⃝])\n else\n set [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nset [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) [⃝])\n\ndefine Players\ndelete all of [players online v]\nset [-i v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n if <<(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]> or <(-i) = (.Player Slot)>> then\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n add (join (join (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [ \(]) (join (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) [\)])) to [players online v]\n else\n add (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) to [players online v]\n end\n add [&] to [players online v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\ndelete (length of [players online v]) of [players online v]\n\ndefine Change NPC y by (speed y) (die?)\nchange [y v] by (speed y)\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nPosition\nif <(die?) = [0]> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Costume\nif <(die?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (npcf v)\nelse\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n end\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n set [speed y v] to [8]\n set [die? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(falling?) > [0]> then\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (npcf v)\n else\n switch costume to (npcj v)\n end\n else\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [NPCt] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <(falling?) = [0]> then\n if < (command) contains [super]?> then\n if <((round (frame)) mod (25)) > [7]> then\n if <(falling?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (npcc v)\n if <((round (frame)) mod (25)) = [18]> then\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n else\n if <((round (frame)) mod (25)) > [14]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if < (command) contains [jump]?> then\n if <((round (frame)) mod (15)) = [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [7]\n end\n end\n if < (command) contains [crouch]?> then\n if <((round (frame)) mod (12)) > [7]> then\n switch costume to (npcc v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (npc v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clean this v]\nif <(Created) = [1]> then\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [jet]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [j]>>> then\n replace item (jet) of [jet packs v] with [D]\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [dash]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [d]>>> then\n replace item (dash) of [dash v] with [D]\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [19]>> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [portal]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [p]>>> then\n replace item (portal) of [portal v] with [D]\n If in\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [20]>> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [key]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [k]>>> then\n replace item (key) of [key v] with [D]\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [21]> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [command_block]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [y]>>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [22]> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [sign]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [s]>>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [22]> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [npc]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [n]>>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) < [6]> and <<(.Create TYPE) = [coin]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [c]>>> then\n replace item (coin) of [coins v] with [D]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <(.Current Room) = [5]> then\n set [portal1 v] to [4]\n set [portal2 v] to [3]\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [6]> then\n set [portal1 v] to [8]\n set [portal2 v] to [1]\n else\n set [portal1 v] to [0]\n set [portal2 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [wait1 v] to [0]\n set [wait2 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset coins v]\nif <(Created) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n Quick [<>]\n Count []\n wait (0.1) seconds\n Quick (.Current Room)\nend\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\nif <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n Quick [<>]\n Count []\nend\n\ndefine If NPC delete <> from (text)\nif <(costume [number v]) > [22]> then\n set [.custom say v] to []\n set [-word v] to []\n set [-j v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (text))\n if <(letter (-j) of (text)) = [ ]> then\n if <not <<(letter (1) of (-word)) = [<]> and <(letter (length of (-word)) of (-word)) = [>]>>> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (join (-word) [ ]))\n end\n set [-word v] to []\n else\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-j) of (text)))\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [rg v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Reset Game v) and wait\n broadcast (Next Level v)\nend\n\n@Create\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [create section v]\nif <(costume [number v]) > [17]> then\n set [-open chat? v] to [3]\n wait until <(-Open Chat?) < [3]>\n if <(-Open Chat?) > [0]> then\n set [.creator type v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Create Clones\nset [.creator form v] to [1]\nset [.creator type v] to [0]\nset [-open chat? v] to [0]\nset [.grid? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (form1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n if <(costume [number v]) < [5]> then\n set y to ((90) - ((costume [number v]) * (50)))\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) > [19]> then\n go [backward v] (19) layers\nend\nforever\n if <(-Open Chat?) = [3]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [19]> and <(costume [number v]) < [56]>> then\n if <(.Grid?) = [0]> then\n go to x: ((round ((mouse x) * (10))) / (10)) y: ((round ((mouse y) * (10))) / (10))\n else\n go to x: ((round (((((round ((((mouse x) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL X)) * (0.05))) * (20)) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) * (10))) / (10)) y: ((round (((((round ((((mouse y) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL Y)) * (0.05))) * (20)) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) * (10))) / (10))\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n if <<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [k]> or <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]>>>> then\n switch costume to (.Creator TYPE)\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]> then\n switch costume to (join (.Creator TYPE) (.Creator Form2))\n set [color v] effect to (.Creator Color)\n set [brightness v] effect to (.Creator B)\n else\n switch costume to (join (.Creator TYPE) (.Creator FORM))\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> then\n set size to ((70) * (ZOOM)) %\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n set size to ((120) * (ZOOM)) %\n else\n set size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\n end\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <(.Grid?) = [0]> then\n go to x: ((round ((mouse x) * (10))) / (10)) y: ((round ((mouse y) * (10))) / (10))\n else\n go to x: ((round (((((round ((((mouse x) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL X)) * (0.05))) * (20)) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) * (10))) / (10)) y: ((round (((((round ((((mouse y) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL Y)) * (0.05))) * (20)) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM)) * (10))) / (10))\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n if <<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [k]> or <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]>>>> then\n switch costume to (.Creator TYPE)\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]> then\n switch costume to (join (.Creator TYPE) (.Creator Form2))\n else\n switch costume to (join (.Creator TYPE) (.Creator FORM))\n end\n end\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> then\n set size to ((70) * (ZOOM)) %\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n set size to ((120) * (ZOOM)) %\n else\n set size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<not <<(mouse x) > [116]> and <(mouse y) > [136]>>> and <(mouse y) > [-135]>> and <<<<not <<<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [k]>>> and <<(mouse x) < [-160]> and <(mouse y) < [-95]>>>> and <<not <<not <<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [k]>>>>> and <<(mouse x) < [-160]> and <(mouse y) < [105]>>>> and <not <<(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> and <<(mouse x) < [-160]> and <(mouse y) < [55]>>>>>> and <not <(SCROLL X) < [25]>>> or <<<not <<<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [k]>>> and <<(mouse x) > [160]> and <(mouse y) < [-95]>>>> and <<not <<not <<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [k]>>>>> and <<(mouse x) > [160]> and <(mouse y) < [105]>>>> and <not <<(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> and <<(mouse x) > [160]> and <(mouse y) < [55]>>>>>> and <(SCROLL X) < [25]>>>> then\n if <<(.Current Room) = [7]> and <(Defeated?) = [0]>> then\n say [You can't build here.] for (3) seconds\n else\n if <(someone anti commands?) = [0]> then\n if <(someone anti create?) = [0]> then\n if <(someone loading?) = [0]> then\n set [.creator x v] to ((round ((((x position) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL X)) * (10))) / (10))\n set [.creator y v] to ((round ((((y position) / (ZOOM)) + (SCROLL Y)) * (10))) / (10))\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n start sound [pop v]\n else\n say (join [You can't create right now. "] (join (item ((((someone loading?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" is Loading. Please Wait...])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say (join [You can't build here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti create?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block the creation on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say (join [You can't do commands here. "] (join (item ((((someone anti commands?) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) [" Block commands on this level.])) for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [6]> and <(costume [number v]) < [20]>> then\n go to x: (((-147) - (<(SCROLL X) < [25]> * (76))) + (((costume [number v]) - (7)) * (30.75))) y: (-155)\n set [ghost v] effect to ((40) - (<(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))> * (30)))\n show\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> and <(can press?) = [1]>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((55) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n start sound [pop v]\n if <<(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]>> then\n set [.creator form v] to [1]\n end\n set [.creator type v] to (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))\n if <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> then\n set [.creator type v] to [y0]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n set [.creator color v] to [0]\n set [.creator b v] to [0]\n set [.creator f/b v] to [0]\n set [.creator form2 v] to [1]\n set [.creator form v] to [0¬0¬0¬1¬]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [18]> then\n set [.creator form v] to []\n end\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((75) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((65) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n if <<<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [k]>>> and <(costume [number v]) < [5]>> then\n hide\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) < [25]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-157)\n else\n go to x: (-203) y: (-157)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n else\n if <(SCROLL X) < [25]> then\n set x to (200)\n else\n set x to (-203)\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n set y to (((80) - ((200) * <<<<(.Creator TYPE) = [x]> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [j]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [d]>>> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [c]>> or <<(.Creator TYPE) = [h]> or <(.Creator TYPE) = [k]>>>)) - ((50) * <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]>))\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [59]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((40) - (<(letter (2) of (.Creator TYPE)) = (letter (length of (costume [name v])) of (costume [name v]))> * (30)))\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to ((40) - (<(.Creator FORM) = (letter (length of (costume [name v])) of (costume [name v]))> * (30)))\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [59]> or <(costume [number v]) = [63]>>> then\n show\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (form5 v)\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]> then\n switch costume to (form6 v)\n set [.creator form v] to (join (.Creator Color) (join [¬] (join (.Creator B) (join [¬] (join (.Creator F/B) (join [¬] (join (.Creator Form2) [¬])))))))\n else\n switch costume to (form1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [56]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [60]> or <(costume [number v]) = [64]>>>> then\n show\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n switch costume to (form11 v)\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (formy0 v)\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]> then\n switch costume to (form7 v)\n else\n switch costume to (form2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [57]> or <<<(costume [number v]) = [61]> or <(costume [number v]) = [65]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [66]>>>> then\n show\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n switch costume to (form22 v)\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (formy1 v)\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]> then\n switch costume to (join [Form] ((8) + (.Creator F/B)))\n else\n switch costume to (form3 v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [58]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [62]> or <(costume [number v]) > [66]>>>> then\n show\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n switch costume to (form33 v)\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> then\n switch costume to (formy2 v)\n else\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [z]> then\n switch costume to (join [Formz] (.Creator Form2))\n else\n switch costume to (form4 v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n show\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> then\n if <(.Creator FORM) > [3]> then\n set [.creator form v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(letter (1) of (.Creator TYPE)) = [y]> then\n if <<not <<(.Creator TYPE) = [p]> and <(costume [number v]) < [5]>>> and <not <<(.Creator TYPE) = [y]> and <(costume [number v]) < [5]>>>> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [59]> then\n Separate (.Creator FORM)\n think (.Custom Say)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [63]> then\n if <(.Creator Color) = ((1) / (0))> then\n think [Black]\n else\n think (.Creator Color)\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [64]> then\n think (.Creator B)\n else\n think []\n end\n end\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <<<not <mouse down?>> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> and <(can press?) = [1]>>\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((90) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(can press?) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [59]> then\n ask [] and wait\n if <not <(answer) = []>> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [50]> then\n Fix (answer)\n start sound [pop v]\n set [.creator form v] to (-fixed)\n else\n say [I'm sorry but the maximum of letters is 50] for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n set [.creator type v] to [0]\n set [-open chat? v] to [0]\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n set [.grid? v] to (((.Grid?) + (1)) mod (2))\n start sound ((((.Grid?) + (1)) mod (2)) + (2))\n else\n start sound [pop v]\n if <(costume [number v]) > [59]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [63]> then\n ask [Put a number between 0 and 200. Also put "Black" to set to black color.] and wait\n if <not <(answer) = []>> then\n if <<(length of (answer)) < [5]> or <(answer) = [Black]>> then\n if <<<(answer) > [-1]> and <(answer) < [201]>> or <(answer) = [Black]>> then\n start sound [pop v]\n if <(answer) = [Black]> then\n set [.creator color v] to ((1) / (0))\n else\n set [.creator color v] to (answer)\n end\n else\n say [I'm sorry but just need to be numbers] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [I'm sorry but the maximum of letters is 5] for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [64]> then\n ask [Put a number between -100 and 100.] and wait\n if <not <(answer) = []>> then\n if <(length of (answer)) < [5]> then\n if <<(answer) > [-101]> and <(answer) < [101]>> then\n start sound [pop v]\n set [.creator b v] to (answer)\n else\n say [I'm sorry but just need to be numbers] for (3) seconds\n end\n else\n say [I'm sorry but the maximum of letters is 5] for (3) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [65]> or <(costume [number v]) = [66]>> then\n set [.creator f/b v] to (((.Creator F/B) + (1)) mod (2))\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [66]> then\n change [.creator form2 v] by (1)\n if <(.Creator Form2) > [8]> then\n set [.creator form2 v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [.creator type v] to (join [y] (letter (length of (costume [name v])) of (costume [name v])))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [.creator form v] to (letter (length of (costume [name v])) of (costume [name v]))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((110) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n else\n think []\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n if <(costume [number v]) > [16]> then\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [5]> then\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((80) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\nCreate Clones\n\ndefine Fix (text)\nset [-i v] to [1]\nset [-fixed v] to []\nrepeat (length of (text))\n if <(letter (-i) of (text)) = [ ]> then\n set [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) [¬])\n else\n set [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) (letter (-i) of (text)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\nset [-fixed v] to (join (-fixed) [¬])\n\ndefine Separate (cs)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-j v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (cs))\n if <(letter (-j) of (cs)) = [¬]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [ ])\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-j) of (cs)))\n end\n change [-j v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Delete\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [.clone? v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-99999]\nset [y v] to [-99999]\nset [showing? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nif <(.clone?) = [0]> then\n if <<(.Create TYPE) = [delete]> or <(.Create TYPE) = [x]>> then\n hide\n set [x v] to (.Create X)\n set [y v] to (.Create Y)\n set [showing? v] to [-1]\n wait until <(showing?) = [1]>\n set [ghost v] effect to (99)\n show\n set [.stop for delete v] to [1]\n set [old scroll x v] to (SCROLL X)\n set [old scroll y v] to (SCROLL Y)\n set [scroll x v] to (x)\n set [scroll y v] to (y)\n Limit\n broadcast (Delete v) and wait\n set [scroll x v] to (Old Scroll X)\n set [scroll y v] to (Old Scroll Y)\n set [.stop for delete v] to [0]\n hide\n else\n if <(.Create TYPE) = [clean]> then\n broadcast (Delete for New v)\n delete all of [build v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <(showing?) = [-1]> then\n set [showing? v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [delete for new v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition\n\ndefine Limit\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(.Current Room) = [1]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [4320]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [4320]\n end\nelse\n if <(.Current Room) = [2]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [480]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [480]\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [3]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [1920]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [1920]\n end\n else\n if <(.Current Room) = [4]> then\n if <(SCROLL X) > [9120]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [9120]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Things\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [tagged v] to [0]\nset [tag time v] to ((1) / (0))\nset [clone? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\nPosition\n\ndefine Position\nif <(clone?) > [0]> then\n if <(Defeated?) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(clone?) > [2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n turn right (speed x) degrees\n change x by (speed x)\n change y by (speed y)\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.9))\n change [speed y v] by (-0.5)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <(clone?) = [1]> then\n if <<(_YouLive) < (last)> and <(_YouLive) < [3]>> then\n switch costume to (ylive v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [last v] to (_YouLive)\n switch costume to (join [YouLives] (_YouLive))\n go to x: (-200) y: (-165)\n else\n if <<(_BossLive) < (last)> and <(_BossLive) < [3]>> then\n switch costume to (blive v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [last v] to (_BossLive)\n switch costume to (join [BossLives] (_BossLive))\n go to x: (160) y: (-165)\n end\n end\n set size to (100) %\n show\nelse\n switch costume to (tagged v)\n if <<(Tagged) = [0]> or <<(Tag Time) < [10]> and <((Tag Time) mod (2)) = [0]>>> then\n hide\n else\n if <<<(item (Tagged) of [.check active v]) = [1]> or <(Tagged) = (.Player Slot)>> and <(item ((((Tagged) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) = (.Current Room)>> then\n if <(Tagged) = (.Player Slot)> then\n set [x v] to (item (3) of [player v])\n set [y v] to (item (4) of [player v])\n else\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = (Tagged)>> then\n set [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\n set [y v] to ([y v] of [player v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([costume # v] of [player v]) = [13]> or <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [32]>> * (5)))\n else\n set [-i v] to (item ((((Tagged) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])\n if <(-i) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [13]> or <([abs v] of (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) ) = [32]>> * (5)))\n else\n set [x v] to (item ((((Tagged) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (3)) of [.cloud list v])\n set [y v] to (item ((((Tagged) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (4)) of [.cloud list v])\n end\n end\n end\n set [y v] to ((y) + ((4) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) )))\n go to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\n set size to ((85) * (ZOOM)) %\n if <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(y) < [-180]> then\n hide\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\n if then\n delete this clone\n end\n switch costume to (youlives3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (bosslives3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [rst portals v]\nif <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\n if <(Defeated?) = [0]> then\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [You]?> then\n set [clone? v] to [1]\nelse\n if < (costume [name v]) contains [Boss]?> then\n set [clone? v] to [2]\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [Y]> then\n set [clone? v] to [3]\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (-3.0) to (3.0))\n set [speed y v] to (pick random (3.0) to (5.0))\n if <(_YouLive) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(_YouLive) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(_YouLive) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-165)\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [B]> then\n set [clone? v] to [3]\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (-3.0) to (3.0))\n set [speed y v] to (pick random (3.0) to (5.0))\n if <(_BossLive) = [2]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(_BossLive) = [1]> then\n go to x: (160) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(_BossLive) = [0]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-165)\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Achievments\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Acheivment id: (id)\nif <not <(item (id) of [completed achievments v]) = [1]>> then\n replace item (id) of [completed achievments v] with [1]\n set [id v] to (id)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <[message type v] contains (id)?> then\n broadcast (Message v)\n else\n broadcast (Achievement v)\n end\nend\ndelete (1) of [new achievments v]\nrepeat until <<not <(item (item (1) of [new achievments v]) of [completed achievments v]) = [1]>> or <(length of [new achievments v]) = [0]>>\n delete (1) of [new achievments v]\nend\n\ndefine Reset achievements\nset [-complete all? v] to [0]\ndelete all of [completed achievments v]\ndelete all of [stats v]\ndelete all of [can/cant v]\nrepeat (45)\n add [0] to [completed achievments v]\nend\nrepeat (16)\n add [0] to [stats v]\nend\nrepeat (length of [can/cant things v])\n add [0] to [can/cant v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to ((1) + <(id) = [Player]>)\nset [t v] to [0]\nset [last v] to [0]\nset size to (100000) %\nif <(id) = [Player]> then\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset size to ((85) + ((15) * <(id) = [Player]>)) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (id)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(id) = [Player]> then\n forever\n if <(.Chats) = [1]> then\n if <(item (-Clone ID) of [.check active v]) = [0]> then\n Show / Hide / Half [Hide]\n else\n Do This\n end\n else\n Show / Hide / Half [Hide]\n end\n end\nelse\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n repeat until <(t) > [8]>\n change [t v] by (.Delta Time)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [achievement v]\nif <(clone?) = [1]> then\n if <not <[message type v] contains (id)?>> then\n if <(doing?) = [1]> then\n set y to (to y)\n end\n set [doing? v] to [1]\n set [to y v] to ((y position) + (75))\n repeat (25)\n change y by (((to y) - (y position)) / (4))\n end\n set [doing? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\nif <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n Reset achievements\n if <(clone?) < [2]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset achievments v]\nReset achievements\nif <(clone?) < [2]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message v]\nif <(clone?) = [1]> then\n if <[message type v] contains (id)?> then\n if <(doing?) = [1]> then\n set y to (to y)\n end\n set [doing? v] to [1]\n set [to y v] to ((y position) - (45))\n repeat (25)\n change y by (((to y) - (y position)) / (4))\n end\n set [doing? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Other Players (id)\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) = [n]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(.is Debugger?) = [1]> then\n say (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) (join [ \(Level: ] (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (5)) of [.cloud list v]) [\)])))\n else\n say (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v])\n end\n else\n say []\n end\nelse\n change [frame v] by (0.225)\n if <(.Translate?) = [0]> then\n say (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) (join [: ] (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v])))\n else\n say (join (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) (join [: ] (translate (item (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v]) to ((language::translate) v)::translate)))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Show / Hide / Half (to)\nif <(to) = [Show]> then\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n Player Status (-Clone ID)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [last v] to [1]\n else\n if <(last) = [2]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n Player Status (-Clone ID)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [last v] to [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(to) = [Hide]> then\n if <(last) = [1]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n Player Status (-Clone ID)\n say []\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [last v] to [0]\n else\n if <(last) = [2]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n Player Status (-Clone ID)\n say []\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [last v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(to) = [Half]> then\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n Player Status (-Clone ID)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [last v] to [2]\n else\n if <(last) = [1]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n Player Status (-Clone ID)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [last v] to [2]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set Space (with space?)\ndelete all of [players space v]\nif <(.Chats) = [1]> then\n set [-i v] to [1]\n repeat (8)\n if <(item (-i) of [.check active v]) = [1]> then\n if <(with space?) = [-1]> then\n add [35] to [players space v]\n Closer to (length of [players space v])\n replace item (length of [players space v]) of [players space v] with ((item (length of [players space v]) of [players space v]) + (item (-c) of [players space v]))\n else\n if <(item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) = [n]> then\n add [40] to [players space v]\n Closer to (length of [players space v])\n replace item (length of [players space v]) of [players space v] with ((item (length of [players space v]) of [players space v]) + (item (-c) of [players space v]))\n else\n if <(with space?) = [1]> then\n add ((40) + ((16) * (round ((length of (join (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (2)) of [.cloud list v]) (item (item ((((-i) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (6)) of [.cloud list v]) of [.chat v]))) / (45))))) to [players space v]\n else\n add [40] to [players space v]\n end\n Closer to (length of [players space v])\n replace item (length of [players space v]) of [players space v] with ((item (length of [players space v]) of [players space v]) + (item (-c) of [players space v]))\n end\n end\n else\n add [0] to [players space v]\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\n end\n Closer to [9]\n if <(item (-c) of [players space v]) > [300]> then\n if <(with space?) = [0]> then\n Set Space [0]\n else\n Set Space [-1]\n end\n end\nelse\n repeat (8)\n add [0] to [players space v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Separate (cs)\nset [.custom say v] to []\nset [-i v] to [2]\nrepeat (length of (cs))\n if <(letter (-i) of (cs)) = [⃝]> then\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) [ ])\n else\n set [.custom say v] to (join (.Custom Say) (letter (-i) of (cs)))\n end\n change [-i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine What C (text) (what) (to end?)\nset [-k v] to [2]\nset [-word v] to []\nrepeat until <<(letter (-k) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-k) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-k) of (text)))\n change [-k v] by (1)\nend\nif <(what) > [1]> then\n repeat ((what) - (1))\n change [-k v] by (1)\n set [-word v] to []\n repeat until <<(letter (-k) of (text)) = [⃝]> or <(-k) > (length of (text))>>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-k) of (text)))\n change [-k v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(to end?) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(-k) > (length of (text))>\n set [-word v] to (join (-word) (letter (-k) of (text)))\n change [-k v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Create Chat Clones\nset [id v] to [Player]\nset [-clone id v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [-clone id v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chats o/f v]\nif <(.Chats) = [1]> then\n if <(clone?) = [0]> then\n Set Space [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(clone?) = [2]> then\n Movement (-Clone ID) [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Movement (id) (.)\nif <<(item (id) of [players space v]) > [0]> and <not <(.) = [1]>>> then\n Closer to (id)\n if <<not <(y position) = ((-120) + (item (-c) of [players space v]))>> or <(.) = [1]>> then\n repeat (25)\n Closer to (id)\n change y by ((((-120) + (item (-c) of [players space v])) - (y position)) / (4))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <<not <(y position) = [-160]>> or <(.) = [1]>> then\n repeat (25)\n change y by (((-160) - (y position)) / (4))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [Player]> then\n set [clone? v] to [2]\n set [frame v] to [0]\n set size to (100) %\n if <(id) = [Player]> then\n go to x: (220) y: (-160)\n end\n forever\n if <(.Chats) = [1]> then\n Movement (-Clone ID) []\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Closer to (id)\nset [-c v] to (id)\nchange [-c v] by (-1)\nif <(id) > [1]> then\n repeat until <<(item (-c) of [players space v]) > [0]> or <(-c) < [1]>>\n change [-c v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Do This\nPlayer Status (-Clone ID)\nif <<(letter (3) of (item ((((-Clone ID) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (9)) of [.cloud list v])) = [1]> and <(.is Debugger?) = [1]>> then\n Show / Hide / Half [Half]\nelse\n Show / Hide / Half [Show]\nend\nOther Players (-Clone ID)\n\ndefine Player Status (id)\nif <not <(id) = (.Player Slot)>> then\n set [color v] effect to (135)\n set [-i v] to ([abs v] of (item ((((id) - (1)) * (-Max Objects)) + (8)) of [.cloud list v]) )\n if <<(-i) > [19]> and <(-i) < [41]>> then\n if <(-i) = [30]> then\n switch costume to (jetm v)\n else\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [JetT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (jet v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <<<(-i) > [386]> and <(-i) < [397]>> or <(-i) = [271]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [WarriorT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (warrior v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [201]> and <(-i) < [210]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [WingsT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (wings v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [509]> and <(-i) < [520]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [InvertT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (invert v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [330]> and <(-i) < [338]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [WaitingT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (waiting v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [396]> and <(-i) < [407]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [VoidXCT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (void_xc v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [345]> and <(-i) < [364]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [WhirlybirdT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (whirlybird v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [489]> and <(-i) < [500]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [RobotT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (robot v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [499]> and <(-i) < [510]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [CatT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (cat v)\n end\n else\n if <<(-i) > [486]> and <(-i) < [490]>> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [CapeT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (cape v)\n end\n else\n if <(-i) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (playerm v)\n else\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [PlayerT] (((round (frame)) mod (3)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turn page v]\ndelete all of [new achievments v]\nset [.chats v] to [0]\nset [last v] to [0]\nCreate Chat Clones\nforever\n set [clone? v] to [0]\n set [doing? v] to [0]\n set [frame v] to [0]\n set [-clone id v] to (.Player Slot)\n if <<not <[completed achievments v] contains [0]?>> and <(-Complete All?) = [0]>> then\n add [58] to [new achievments v]\n set [-complete all? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(length of [new achievments v]) > [0]> then\n Acheivment id: (item (1) of [new achievments v])\n end\n Set Space [1]\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (220) y: (-160)\n show\n if <(Grabbed) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n Show / Hide / Half [Half]\n else\n if <(Grabbed) < [-2]> then\n switch costume to (playerg v)\n else\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-2]> or <(Throw) > [0]>> then\n switch costume to (playert v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n Show / Hide / Half [Show]\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(Grabbed) < [1]> then\n if <(Grabbed) = [-3]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [-2]\n else\n if <(Grabbed) = [0]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [-4]\n else\n if <(Grabbed) = [-4]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Set Space [1]\n end\nend\n\n@Boss\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [defeated? v] to [0]\nset [clone? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\n if <(Defeated?) = [0]> then\n Tick\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [defeated? v] to [0]\n hide\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = [10]>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Tick\nif <(clone?) = [0]> then\n if <(_To) = [Die]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (hurt v)\n if <(_Times) = [40]> then\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (5.0) to (7.0))\n else\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (-5.0) to (-7.0))\n end\n set [speed y v] to (pick random (10.0) to (17.0))\n start sound [Crunch v]\n add [42] to [new achievments v]\n end\n if <(_Times) > [40]> then\n if <(y) < [-180]> then\n if <(_Times) > [135]> then\n set [defeated? v] to [1]\n if <(_Times) = [136]> then\n broadcast (Defeated v)\n add [27] to [new achievments v]\n end\n end\n else\n set [_times v] to [100]\n change [x v] by (speed x)\n change [y v] by (speed y)\n change [falling? v] by (1)\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n if <(speed x) < [-0.1]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n if <(speed x) > [0.1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [_times v] by (1)\n Position\n else\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n switch costume to (hitboxboss v)\n if <(crouch?) = [0]> then\n if <(super jump) > [0]> then\n change [super jump v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <(falling?) = [0]> then\n if <(super jump) < [100]> then\n change [super jump v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <(super jump) > [0]> then\n change [super jump v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n Boss Movement\n if <(super jump) > [30]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (((45) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (2000)) ) * (5))) - (((40) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) * (10))) * <(item (6) of [controls v]) > [1]>))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to ((0) - (((25) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) * (10))) * <(item (6) of [controls v]) > [1]>))\n end\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n if <(falling?) < [1]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <<(crouch?) = [0]> or <(falling?) > [0]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [controls v]) = [1]> then\n if <<<(_Doing) = [2]> or <(_Doing) = [3]>> or <(n o t h i n g) = [1]>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (-0.5)\n end\n end\n if <(item (2) of [controls v]) = [1]> then\n if <<<(_Doing) = [2]> or <(_Doing) = [3]>> or <(n o t h i n g) = [1]>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (0.5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(speed x) = [0]>> then\n Change Player x by (speed x)\n else\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n end\n if <(wall jump) = [0]> then\n if <<<(_Doing) = [2]> or <(_Doing) = [3]>> or <(n o t h i n g) = [1]>> then\n if <(_BossLive) < [2]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.8))\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.7))\n end\n else\n if <(_BossLive) < [2]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.93))\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.9))\n end\n end\n end\n Controls - Jump, Crouch\n if <(speed y) > [-25]> then\n if <<(speed y) < [4]> or <(item (3) of [controls v]) = [1]>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n end\n Change Player y by (speed y)\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = [10]>> then\n set [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\n set [y v] to ([y v] of [player v])\n change [y v] by ((21.5) - (<<([costume # v] of [player v]) = [13]> or <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [32]>> * (5)))\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n if <(Grabbed) = [-2]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [throw v] to [5]\n if <(direction) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [speed x v] to [5]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [10]\n replace item (6) of [controls v] with [-1]\n end\n if <(item (6) of [controls v]) = [0]> then\n set [grabbed v] to [0]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [10]\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n else\n if <<(item (6) of [controls v]) = [-1]> and <(falling?) < [1]>> then\n replace item (6) of [controls v] with [1]\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (4.0) to (6.0))\n else\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (-4.0) to (-6.0))\n end\n set [speed y v] to [22]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [7]\n change [_bosslive v] by (-1)\n set [last v] to [0]\n set [_times v] to [0]\n start sound [Crunch v]\n start sound [Pew v]\n if <(_BossLive) < [1]> then\n set [_to v] to [Die]\n else\n set [_to v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<touching (player v)?> and <(_TouchingBoss) = [1]>> and <(item (6) of [controls v]) > [1]>> then\n if <<(item (4) of [player v]) > ((y) + (15))> and <not <([speed y v] of [player v]) > [0]>>> then\n replace item (6) of [controls v] with [1]\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (4.0) to (6.0))\n else\n set [speed x v] to (pick random (-4.0) to (-6.0))\n end\n set [speed y v] to [22]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [7]\n change [_bosslive v] by (-1)\n set [last v] to [0]\n set [_times v] to [0]\n start sound [Crunch v]\n start sound [Pew v]\n broadcast (bounce v)\n if <(_BossLive) < [1]> then\n set [_to v] to [Die]\n else\n set [_to v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <<(Grabbed) = [-4]> and <(item (6) of [controls v]) > [1]>> then\n set [grabbed v] to [-3]\n set [who v] to [10]\n replace item (6) of [controls v] with ((75) + ((25) * (_BossLive)))\n end\n end\n if <(-Difficulty) > [0]> then\n if <<<<touching (player v)?> and <(_Hurt) = [0]>> and <(_TouchingBoss) = [1]>> and <(_YouLive) > [0]>> then\n if <(item (6) of [controls v]) = [0]> then\n change [_youlive v] by (-1)\n add [43] to [new achievments v]\n if <(_YouLive) < [1]> then\n set [_hurt v] to [0]\n broadcast (reset level v)\n else\n start sound [Pew v]\n set [_hurt v] to [75]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n Position\n Set Costume\n end\nelse\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [Now]> or <(costume [name v]) = [Throw]>> then\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = [10]>> then\n switch costume to (throw v)\n else\n switch costume to (now v)\n end\n set [x v] to ([x v] of [boss v])\n set [y v] to ([y v] of [boss v])\n set [y v] to ((y) + ((4) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) )))\n point in direction ([direction v] of [boss v])\n if <(item (6) of [controls v]) < [2]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n clear graphic effects\n Position\n else\n if <(letter (length of (costume [name v])) of (costume [name v])) > [2]> then\n change [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (20))\n Position\n if <(([floor v] of (((frame) mod (5)) + (1)) ) + (2)) > [6]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n switch costume to (join [Shoot] (([floor v] of (((frame) mod (4)) + (1)) ) + (2)))\n else\n switch costume to (hitboxshoot v)\n change [x v] by (speed x)\n change [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (20))\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<(item (6) of [controls v]) = [1]> or <(_BossLive) < [1]>>> then\n start sound [Bite v]\n switch costume to (shoot3 v)\n set [frame v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(_TouchingBoss) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (shoot3 v)\n set [frame v] to [0]\n start sound [Bite v]\n if <<<(_Hurt) = [0]> and <(-Difficulty) > [0]>> and <(_YouLive) > [0]>> then\n set [_hurt v] to [75]\n change [_youlive v] by (-1)\n add [43] to [new achievments v]\n if <(_YouLive) < [1]> then\n broadcast (reset level v)\n end\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n Position\n switch costume to (join [Shoot] ([floor v] of (((frame) mod (2)) + (1)) ))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM)) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))\nset size to ((100) * (ZOOM)) %\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n hide\n set [showing? v] to [0]\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <<(round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (x position))> and <(round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) * (ZOOM))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n set [showing? v] to [1]\n else\n hide\n set [showing? v] to [0]\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Player x by (speed x)\nchange [x v] by (speed x)\nPosition\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<(falling?) > [0]> and <not <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = [10]>>>> then\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n set [on wall v] to [1]\n set [crouch? v] to [0]\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <(speed y) < [-2]> then\n set [speed y v] to [-2]\n end\n end\n else\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n end\n if <<(item (3) of [controls v]) = [1]> and <<(falling?) > [0]> and <<<(speed y) < [0]> or <(wall jump) > [0]>> or <(jump key) = [0]>>>> then\n change y by (2)\n set [speed x v] to (((speed x) / ([abs v] of (speed x) )) * ((-8) - (<(_BossLive) < [2]> * (1))))\n set [speed y v] to ((12) + (<(_BossLive) < [2]> * (2)))\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [1]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\nelse\n set [on wall v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Jump, Crouch\nif <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [speed y v] to [22]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n set [super jump v] to [0]\n start sound [Zoop v]\nend\nif <(item (3) of [controls v]) = [1]> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to ((15) + (<(super jump) > [30]> * (4)))\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n set [super jump v] to [0]\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <(item (4) of [controls v]) = [1]> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n set [crouch? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [crouch? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\n Reset Boss\nelse\n set [defeated? v] to [0]\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Reset Boss\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nset [x v] to [120]\nset [y v] to [250]\nset [falling? v] to [6]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [_youlive v] to [3]\nset [_bosslive v] to [3]\nset [_doing v] to [0]\nset [defeated? v] to [0]\nset [_to v] to [0]\nset [last v] to [0]\nReplace of Movement List [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]\n\nwhen I receive [rst portals v]\nif <(.Current Room) = [7]> then\n if <(Defeated?) = [0]> then\n Reset Boss\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Player y by (speed y)\nchange [y v] by (speed y)\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n set [on wall v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(speed x) < [-0.1]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <(frame) < [0]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n change [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (5))\nelse\n if <(speed x) > [0.1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <(frame) < [0]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n change [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (5))\n else\n if <<(item (5) of [controls v]) = [1]> and <(frame) < [1]>> then\n change [frame v] by (-0.2)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(_Doing) = [5]> then\n change [_times v] by (1)\nend\nif <<(item (6) of [controls v]) > [0]> or <(item (6) of [controls v]) = [-1]>> then\n if <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(item (6) of [controls v]) < [25]> then\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = [10]>> then\n switch costume to (join [Grabbed] ((((round ((timer) * (8))) - (1)) mod (2)) + (3)))\n else\n switch costume to (recovering v)\n end\n else\n if <<<(Grabbed) = [-3]> or <(Grabbed) = [-2]>> and <(Who) = [10]>> then\n switch costume to (join [Grabbed] ((((round ((timer) * (10))) - (1)) mod (2)) + (1)))\n else\n switch costume to (weakened v)\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (hurt v)\n end\nelse\n if <<(_Times) > [60]> and <(_Doing) = [5]>> then\n if <<(_Times) > [60]> and <(_Times) < [70]>> then\n switch costume to (prepare v)\n else\n if <(_Times) = [72]> then\n switch costume to (fire v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [Bite v]\n else\n switch costume to (fire v)\n if <(_Times) > [74]> then\n set [_times v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(on wall) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (wall v)\n else\n if <(crouch?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n if <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [Run] ([floor v] of (((frame) mod (10)) + (1)) ))\n else\n if <(round (frame)) < [0]> then\n if <(round (frame)) = [-1]> then\n switch costume to (side v)\n if <(n o t h i n g) = [0]> then\n if <(item (3) of [player v]) < (x)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(round (frame)) = [-2]> then\n switch costume to (back v)\n else\n if <(round (frame)) = [-3]> then\n switch costume to (otherside v)\n else\n if <(round (frame)) = [-4]> then\n switch costume to (reverse v)\n else\n if <(round (frame)) = [-5]> then\n switch costume to (front v)\n else\n if <(round (frame)) = [-6]> then\n switch costume to (stand v)\n else\n if <<<(round (frame)) > [-10]> and <(round (frame)) < [-6]>> or <<<(round (frame)) > [-14]> and <(round (frame)) < [-11]>> or <<(round (frame)) > [-18]> and <(round (frame)) < [-15]>>>> then\n switch costume to (prepare v)\n else\n if <<<(round (frame)) = [-10]> or <(round (frame)) = [-11]>> or <<<(round (frame)) = [-14]> or <(round (frame)) = [-15]>> or <<(round (frame)) = [-18]> or <(round (frame)) = [-19]>>>> then\n switch costume to (fire v)\n if <<<(frame) > [-10.3]> and <(frame) < [-10.1]>> or <<<(frame) > [-14.3]> and <(frame) < [-14.1]>> or <<(frame) > [-18.3]> and <(frame) < [-18.1]>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [Bite v]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (stand v)\n if <(round (frame)) < [-19]> then\n set [_doing v] to [0]\n change [_to v] by (1)\n set [frame v] to [0]\n replace item (5) of [controls v] with [0]\n if <(_To) > ((1) + <(_BossLive) < [2]>)> then\n replace item (6) of [controls v] with ((75) + ((25) * (_BossLive)))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (fall v)\n else\n switch costume to (jump v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [1]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(item (6) of [controls v]) = [0]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (shoot1 v)\n set [speed x v] to (((-5) - (<(_BossLive) < [2]> * (2))) + (<(direction) > [0]> * ((10) + (<(_BossLive) < [2]> * (4)))))\n change [x v] by ((speed x) * ((7) - (<(_BossLive) < [2]> * (2))))\nelse\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (now v)\nend\nPosition\n\ndefine Boss Movement\nif <(item (6) of [controls v]) > [0]> then\n Replace of Movement List [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] []\n if <(falling?) = [0]> then\n Replace of Movement List [] [] [] [] [] ((item (6) of [controls v]) - (1))\n end\n set [_doing v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(item (6) of [controls v]) > [-1]> then\n if <(n o t h i n g) = [1]> then\n Replace of Movement List (<key (j v) pressed?> + (0)) (<key (l v) pressed?> + (0)) (<key (i v) pressed?> + (0)) (<key (k v) pressed?> + (0)) (<key (space v) pressed?> + (0)) []\n else\n if <(_Doing) = [0]> then\n Replace of Movement List [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] []\n if <(falling?) = [0]> then\n add [41] to [new achievments v]\n if <(_BossLive) = [3]> then\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n Set to [1]\n end\n if <(last) = [1]> then\n Set to [2]\n end\n if <(last) = [2]> then\n Set to [3]\n end\n if <(last) = [3]> then\n Set to [Random]\n end\n else\n if <(_BossLive) = [2]> then\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n Set to [2]\n end\n if <(last) = [2]> then\n Set to [1]\n end\n if <(last) = [1]> then\n Set to [4]\n end\n if <(last) = [4]> then\n Set to [3]\n end\n if <(last) = [3]> then\n Set to [Random]\n end\n else\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n Set to [1]\n end\n if <(last) = [1]> then\n Set to [4]\n end\n if <(last) = [4]> then\n Set to [2]\n end\n if <(last) = [2]> then\n Set to [3]\n end\n if <(last) = [3]> then\n Set to [5]\n end\n if <(last) = [5]> then\n Set to [Random]\n end\n end\n end\n set [last v] to (_Doing)\n end\n end\n if <(_Doing) = [1]> then\n if <(item (3) of [player v]) < (x)> then\n Replace of Movement List [1] [0] [] [] [] []\n else\n Replace of Movement List [0] [1] [] [] [] []\n end\n Replace of Movement List [] [] (<<<<(item (4) of [player v]) > ((y) + (15))> and <(pick random (1) to (25)) = [1]>> or <(pick random (1) to (35)) = [1]>> or <<(item (4) of [player v]) > ((y) + (50))> and <(falling?) > [0]>>> + (0)) [0] [0] []\n change [_time v] by (-1)\n if <(_Time) < [1]> then\n set [_doing v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(_Doing) = [2]> then\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n Replace of Movement List [1] [0] [] [] [] []\n else\n Replace of Movement List [0] [1] [] [] [] []\n end\n if <<(x) < [-120]> or <(x) > [120]>> then\n if <<(_Times) < [15]> or <(_Times) > [20]>> then\n Replace of Movement List [] [] [1] [0] [0] []\n else\n Replace of Movement List [] [] [0] [0] [0] []\n end\n change [_times v] by (1)\n else\n Replace of Movement List [] [] [0] [0] [0] []\n set [_times v] to [0]\n end\n change [_time v] by (-1)\n if <(_Time) < [1]> then\n set [_doing v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(_Doing) = [3]> then\n Replace of Movement List [0] [0] [0] [0] [1] []\n end\n if <(_Doing) = [4]> then\n if <(item (3) of [player v]) < (x)> then\n Replace of Movement List [1] [0] [] [] [] []\n else\n Replace of Movement List [0] [1] [] [] [] []\n end\n if <(falling?) < [4]> then\n change [_times v] by (1)\n else\n set [_times v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(super jump) > [40]> or <(_Times) = [0]>> then\n Replace of Movement List [] [] [1] [0] [0] []\n set [_times v] to [0]\n else\n Replace of Movement List [] [] [0] (<(_Times) > [15]> + (0)) [0] []\n end\n change [_time v] by (-1)\n if <(_Time) < [1]> then\n set [_doing v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(_Doing) = [5]> then\n if <(item (3) of [player v]) < (x)> then\n Replace of Movement List [1] [0] [] [] [] []\n else\n Replace of Movement List [0] [1] [] [] [] []\n end\n Replace of Movement List [] [] (<<<<(item (4) of [player v]) > ((y) + (15))> and <(pick random (1) to (20)) = [1]>> or <(pick random (1) to (30)) = [1]>> or <<(item (4) of [player v]) > ((y) + (50))> and <(falling?) > [0]>>> + (0)) [0] [0] []\n change [_time v] by (-1)\n if <(_Time) < [1]> then\n set [_doing v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set to (status)\nif <<(status) = []> or <(status) = [Random]>> then\n set [_doing v] to (pick random (1) to ((3) + <(_BossLive) < [3]>))\nelse\n set [_doing v] to (status)\nend\nif <(_Doing) = [1]> then\n set [_time v] to (pick random (180) to (220))\nend\nif <(_Doing) = [2]> then\n set [_time v] to (pick random (100) to (150))\n set [_times v] to [0]\nend\nif <(_Doing) = [4]> then\n set [_time v] to (pick random (250) to (320))\n set [_times v] to [0]\nend\nif <(_Doing) = [5]> then\n set [_time v] to (pick random (200) to (275))\n set [_times v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Replace of Movement List (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)\nif <not <(1) = []>> then\n replace item (1) of [controls v] with (1)\nend\nif <not <(2) = []>> then\n replace item (2) of [controls v] with (2)\nend\nif <not <(3) = []>> then\n replace item (3) of [controls v] with (3)\nend\nif <not <(4) = []>> then\n replace item (4) of [controls v] with (4)\nend\nif <not <(5) = []>> then\n replace item (5) of [controls v] with (5)\nend\nif <not <(6) = []>> then\n replace item (6) of [controls v] with (6)\nend\n\n
-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nKeyboard and Mouse Controls:\nWASD to move around\nDrag Cursor to look around\nSpace to jump\nM to mute music\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------Keyboard Only Controls:\nWASD to move around\nArrow Keys to look around\nSpace to jump\nM to mute music\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nTouchscreen Controls:\nUse the Joystick to move\nDrag from the right side of the screen to look around\nPress the jump button to jump\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nA better aspect ratio for phones:\nhttps://turbowarp.org/592772044/fullscreen?hqpen&size=480:960&fps=60\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Move -A Platformer-
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (背景3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n play sound [c418-sweden-minecraft-volume-alpha v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\nset volume to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (intro v)\nwait (2) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (空 v)\n\nwhen stage clicked\nshow list [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen I receive [英語 v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [日本語 v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [英語 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [日本語 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nset [☁ クリア回数☆ v] to [0]\nset [☁ プレイ回数 v] to [0]\nset [☁ 正解回数 v] to [0]\n\nadd (translate [旗を2回以上押してください] to (en v)::translate) to [翻訳よう v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [言語\(1日本語 2英語\) v] to [1]\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (100)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (30)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (-40)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (100)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (30)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (-40)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (75) %\n else\n set size to (70) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [4]>> then\n broadcast (プレイ v)\n change [☁ プレイ回数 v] by (1)\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>> then\n hide list [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <(costume [number v]) = [6]>> then\n if <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n set [言語\(1日本語 2英語\) v] to [2]\n broadcast (英語 v)\n say [English] for (1) seconds\n else\n set [言語\(1日本語 2英語\) v] to [1]\n broadcast (日本語 v)\n say [日本語] for (1) seconds\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nforever\n replace item (2) of [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v] with (join (☁ プレイ回数) [回])\n replace item (5) of [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v] with (join (☁ クリア回数☆) [回])\n replace item (8) of [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v] with (join (((☁ クリア回数☆) / (☁ プレイ回数)) * (100)) [%])\n replace item (11) of [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v] with (join (☁ 正解回数) [回])\nend\n\ndelete all of [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd (join [☁プレイ回数] (join [ ] (join [\(] (join (translate [☁プレイ回数] to (en v)::translate) [\)])))) to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd (join [☁クリア回数] (join [ ] (join [\(] (join (translate [☁クリア回数] to (en v)::translate) [\)])))) to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd (join [☁クリア率] (join [ ] (join [\(] (join (translate [☁クリア率] to (en v)::translate) [\)])))) to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd (join [☁正解回数] (join [ ] (join [\(] (join (translate [☁正解回数] to (en v)::translate) [\)])))) to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd [] to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\nadd (join [他の場所をクリックで戻る] (join [\(] (join (translate [他の場所をクリックで戻る] to (en v)::translate) [\)]))) to [cloud記録\(☁クラウド記録\) v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n say (translate [プレイ] to (en v)::translate) for (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n say (translate [クラウド記録] to (en v)::translate) for (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n say [言語設定] for (0.8) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n say [プレイ] for (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n say [cloud記録] for (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n say (translate [言語設定] to (en v)::translate) for (0.8) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [☁ クリア回数☆ v] to [0]\nset [☁ プレイ回数 v] to [0]\nset [☁ 正解回数 v] to [0]\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [suta-to v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (9)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n change size by (-5.2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nwait (2.4) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (spike v)?> then\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-210) y: (100)\n end\n if <<<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [xのやつ v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [xのやつ v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [xのやつ v] to ((xのやつ) * (0.9))\n change x by (xのやつ)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change x by ((xのやつ) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n if <(xのやつ) > [0]> then\n set [xのやつ v] to [-7]\n else\n set [xのやつ v] to [7]\n end\n set [yだー v] to [15]\n else\n set [xのやつ v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [yだー v] to [16.3]\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [yだー v] by (-1)\n change y by (yだー)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by ((yだー) * (-1))\n set [yだー v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next v)\n start sound [Rip v]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n go to x: (-216) y: (50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nhide\nset size to (60) %\ngo to x: (-220) y: (150)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nbroadcast (next v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (150)\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to x: (-220) y: (150)\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (150)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-220) y: (150)\n\n@road-\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nif <(選択肢番号) = [6]> then\n broadcast (ゴール v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ndelete all of [出題順 v]\nadd [1] to [出題順 v]\nadd [2] to [出題順 v]\nadd [3] to [出題順 v]\nadd [4] to [出題順 v]\nadd [5] to [出題順 v]\nadd [6] to [出題順 v]\nadd [7] to [出題順 v]\nadd [8] to [出題順 v]\nadd [9] to [出題順 v]\nset [出題問題 v] to (item (pick random (1) to (length of [出題順 v])) of [出題順 v])\ndelete (item # of (出題問題) in [出題順 v]) of [出題順 v]\n\nadd [10] to [出題順 v]\nadd [11] to [出題順 v]\nadd [12] to [出題順 v]\nadd [13] to [出題順 v]\nadd [14] to [出題順 v]\nadd [15] to [出題順 v]\nadd [16] to [出題順 v]\nadd [17] to [出題順 v]\nadd [18] to [出題順 v]\nadd [19] to [出題順 v]\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nwait (2.4) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [正解 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [不正解 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <not <(選択肢番号) = [0]>> then\n set [出題問題 v] to (item (pick random (1) to (length of [出題順 v])) of [出題順 v])\n delete (item # of (出題問題) in [出題順 v]) of [出題順 v]\nend\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nadd (translate [え~どれだ?] to (en v)::translate) to [翻訳よう v]\n\n@NEXT\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [動く v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nstart sound [Coin v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\nend\nset [動く v] to [1]\nhide\nbroadcast (next Stage v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Button1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nshow\nwait (0) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (-197.5) y: (-130)\n if <mouse down?> then\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <[30] < (distance to [mouse-pointer v])> then\n move (30) steps\n else\n move (distance to [mouse-pointer v]) steps\n end\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nshow\n\n@選択肢日本語\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [選択肢番号 v] to [1]\ngo to x: (36) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (出題問題)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (出題問題)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nchange [選択肢番号 v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [ゴール v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nif <(出題問題) = []> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム14 v)\nend\n\n@選択肢英語\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [選択肢番号 v] to [1]\ngo to x: (36) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (出題問題)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [2]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (出題問題)\nchange [選択肢番号 v] by (1)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [2]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [ゴール v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nif <(出題問題) = []> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム14 v)\nend\n\n@答え日本語\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [2]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nswitch costume to (出題問題)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@答え英語\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nswitch costume to (出題問題)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nadd (translate [あなたは50番目にゴールしました!] to (en v)::translate) to [翻訳よう v]\n\n@結果発表\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [結果発表 v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [正解 v]\nchange [☁ 正解回数 v] by (1)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [不正解 v]\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ゴール v]\nshow\nchange [☁ クリア回数☆ v] by (1)\nif <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (コスチューム7 v)\nend\n\n@左\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-73) y: (-143)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(出題問題) = [1]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [2]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [3]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [4]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [5]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [6]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [7]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [8]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [9]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n broadcast (結果発表 v)\n end\nend\n\nif <(選択肢番号) = [0]> then\n broadcast (一番左 v)\n change [☁ プレイ回数 v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <(出題問題) = [10]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [11]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [12]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [13]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [14]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [15]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [16]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [17]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = []> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nif <(出題問題) = [18]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\n\n@真ん中\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (33) y: (-143)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(出題問題) = [1]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [2]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [3]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [4]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [5]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [6]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [7]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [8]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [9]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n broadcast (結果発表 v)\n end\nend\n\nif <(選択肢番号) = [0]> then\n broadcast (真ん中 v)\n change [☁ 中級プレイ回数 v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <(出題問題) = [10]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [11]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [12]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [13]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [14]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [15]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [16]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [17]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = []> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nif <(出題問題) = [18]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\n\n@右\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (135) y: (-143)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(出題問題) = [1]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [2]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [3]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [4]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [5]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [6]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [7]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [8]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n if <(出題問題) = [9]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\n end\n broadcast (結果発表 v)\n end\nend\n\nif <(選択肢番号) = [0]> then\n broadcast (一番右 v)\n change [☁ 激ムズプレイ回数 v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <(出題問題) = [10]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [11]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [12]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [13]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [14]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [15]> then\n broadcast (正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [16]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = [17]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\nif <(出題問題) = []> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイ v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nif <(出題問題) = [18]> then\n broadcast (不正解 v)\nend\n\n@クリア回数\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n switch costume to (letter (1) of (☁ クリア回数☆))\n set [長さ v] to [0]\n if <[1] < (length of (☁ クリア回数☆))> then\n change [長さ v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n if <[2] < (length of (☁ クリア回数☆))> then\n change [長さ v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n if <[3] < (length of (☁ クリア回数☆))> then\n change [長さ v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n if <[4] < (length of (☁ クリア回数☆))> then\n change [長さ v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n if <[5] < (length of (☁ クリア回数☆))> then\n change [長さ v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n位\n\ndefine 位\nset [クローン用長さ v] to (長さ)\nswitch costume to (letter ((クローン用長さ) - (-1)) of (☁ クリア回数☆))\nchange x by (((size) * (0.5)) * (クローン用長さ))\nwait (0.2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [ゴール v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(言語\(1日本語 2英語\)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-124) y: (62)\n else\n go to x: (60) y: (57)\n end\nend\n\n@探知機\n\nwhen [timer v] > ((変数) - <<(distance to [(join [素材] []) v]) = [10000]> or <(distance to [(join [探知機2] []) v]) = [10000]>>)\nrepeat until <not <(変数) > ((変数) - <<(distance to [(join [素材] []) v]) = [10000]> or <(distance to [(join [探知機2] []) v]) = [10000]>>)>>\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v)\nend\n\n@探知機2\n\nwhen [timer v] > ((変数) - <<(distance to [(join [素材] []) v]) = [10000]> or <(distance to [(join [探知機] []) v]) = [10000]>>)\nrepeat until <not <(変数) > ((変数) - <<(distance to [(join [素材] []) v]) = [10000]> or <(distance to [(join [探知機] []) v]) = [10000]>>)>>\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v)\nend\n\n@素材\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n show\n go to x: (5) y: (-53)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [report v] to <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n if <(report) = [true]> then\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine クローン1\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\n\ndefine クローン2\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine クローン3\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\n\ndefine クローン4\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\n\ndefine クローン5\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\n\ndefine クローン6\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [メッセージ1 v]\nクローン1\nクローン2\nクローン3\nクローン4\nクローン5\nクローン6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow\nforever\n show\n go to x: (5) y: (-53)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [report v] to <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n if <(report) = [true]> then\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [変数 v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nforever\n set [変数 v] to (timer)\nend\n\n
Disclaimer: It's a engine, not game. Also The Update Broke It So I Just Converted Back. Still Updating.\n\nHow To Play:\nUse Arrow Keys Or WASD To Move Or Mobile\nThere Is Wall Jump On Mobile And PC\nSaws And Spikes = Death\nCoins = Good\nLandscape = Good
Crimson Forest | Multiplayer Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [first boot? v] to [1]\nSet up\nset [level v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nif <(First boot?) = [1]> then\n set [first boot? v] to [0]\n stop all sounds\n set volume to (100) %\n forever\n play sound [menu v] until done\n end\nelse\nend\n\ndefine Set up\ndelete (all) of [level stars v]\nrepeat (12)\n insert [0] at (1) of [level stars v] \nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [stars v] to [0]\nset [blue key? v] to [0]\nset [gold key? v] to [0]\nset [orange key? v] to [0]\nset [green key? v] to [0]\nset [go through door? v] to [0]\nset [toching door? v] to [0]\nset [player control? v] to [yes]\nset [smash? v] to [0]\nset [smash x? v] to [0]\nset [smash y v] to [0]\nset [menu? v] to [no]\n\nwhen I receive [menu sound v]\nrepeat (25)\n change volume by (-4)\nend\nstop [other scripts in stage v]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [menu v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sound v]\nrepeat (25)\n change volume by (-4)\nend\nstop [other scripts in stage v]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [game 2 v]\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Get Touching <>\nif <touching (blocks v)?> then\n set [touch v] to [9]\nelse\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [touch v] to [9]\n else\n if <<check platform?> and <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n set [touch v] to [1]\n else\n set [touch v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\nchange [plyr speed x v] by ((1.5) * (dir))\npoint in direction ((90) * (dir))\nchange [frame v] by (1)\nif <<(falling?) < [4]> and <((frame) mod (4)) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sounds) > [0]> then\n start sound [footstep cloud v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nGet Touching <(in platforrm) = [1]>\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <(touch) = [0]>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\n Get Touching <(in platforrm) = [1]>\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<(touch) = [1]> and <(in platforrm) = [1]>> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n Walk (speed)\n if <(plyr speed x) = [0]> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> and <([abs v] of (speed) ) > [2.5]>> then\n if <<(touch) > [1]> and <(wall jump) < [8]>> then\n set [plyr speed x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [plyr speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n point in direction ((-90) * ((speed) / ([abs v] of (speed) )))\n start sound [173326__soundnimja__jump-1 v]\n else\n set [plyr speed x v] to [0]\n end\n else\n set [plyr speed x v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [plyr speed y v] by (-1)\nelse\n if <(plyr speed y) < [4]> then\n change [plyr speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [plyr speed y v] by (-2)\n end\nend\nchange y by (round (plyr speed y))\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\n\ndefine Controls - Jump, Crouch\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Toching door?) = [1]> then\n Go through door\n else\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [plyr speed y v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n if <(Sounds) > [0]> then\n start sound [173326__soundnimja__jump-1 v]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(falling?) > [6]> then\n set [plyr speed y v] to [-15]\n set [plyr speed x v] to [0]\n set [smash x? v] to (x position)\n broadcast (Smash look v)\n else\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <>\nGet Touching <not >\nif <(touch) = [0]> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<up?> and <(touch) = [1]>> then\n set [in platforrm v] to [2]\n end\nend\nif <not <(touch) < (in platforrm)>> then\n set [slope v] to (([abs v] of (round (plyr speed y)) ) + (4))\n set [last y v] to ((y position) - (round (plyr speed y)))\n repeat until <<(touch) < (in platforrm)> or <(slope) = [0]>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n Get Touching <not <up?>>\n change [slope v] by (-1)\n if <(touch) < [10]> then\n set [last y v] to (y position)\n end\n end\n if <(slope) = [0]> then\n set y to (last y)\n change x by ((0) - ((direction) / (89)))\n set [last y v] to [999]\n if <not <(push x) = [0]>> then\n set [plyr speed x v] to ((push x) * (2))\n Walk (plyr speed x)\n end\n else\n set [plyr speed y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Left and Right\nset [plyr speed x v] to (((plyr speed x) * (0.7)) + ((push x) * (0.3)))\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n Set Walk (-1)\nelse\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n Set Walk (1)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(Smash?) = [yes]> then\n switch costume to (p1_duck v)\nelse\n if <(Go through door?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (p1_back v)\n else\n if <(Hurt) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (p1_hurt v)\n else\n if <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> and <<(plyr speed x) < [0.5]> and <(plyr speed x) > [-0.5]>>> then\n switch costume to (p1_duck v)\n else\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (p1_stand v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((1) + ((frame) mod (11))) )\n end\n end\n else\n if <(plyr speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (p1_jump v)\n else\n switch costume to (p1_jump v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\nchange [scroll x v] by (x)\nchange x by ((0) - (x))\n\nwhen I receive [spawn at scroll v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (150)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [life v] to [6]\nset [player control? v] to [yes]\ngo to [front v] layer\nReset Level\nset [fcount v] to [0]\nforever\n set [lasy sy v] to (plyr speed y)\n change [fcount v] by (1)\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <(die) < [1]> then\n show\n if <(Player control?) = [yes]> then\n Controls - Jump, Crouch\n end\n Gravity\n Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <(plyr speed y) > [0]>\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n else\n if <(Player control?) = [yes]> then\n Controls - Left and Right\n end\n end\n Walk (plyr speed x)\n else\n Die Frame\n end\n Set Costume\n Scroll Level (round ((x position) / (10)))\n set [push x v] to [0]\n broadcast (tick v) and wait\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(y position) < [-170]>> then\n if <(Life) < [3]> then\n broadcast (Menu v)\n broadcast (Menu sound v)\n change [life v] by (-2)\n else\n Reset Level\n broadcast (Reset v)\n change [life v] by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [player flash v]\nrepeat until <(Hurt) = [0]>\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-15)\n end\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nif <(plyr speed x) = [0]> then\n set [die v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Die Frame\nif <(die) = [1]> then\n change [die v] by (1)\nend\nif <(y position) < [-189]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nshow\nGravity\nCheck Hit Ceiling / Floor <(plyr speed y) > [0]>\nWalk (plyr speed x)\nif <(falling?) < [2]> then\n change [die v] by (1)\n set [plyr speed x v] to (((plyr speed x) * (0.7)) + ((push x) * (0.3)))\n if <(die) > [60]> then\n set [die v] to [-60]\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (lift v)?> then\n set [touch v] to [10]\n set [push x v] to (lift push x)\nelse\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Go through door\nif <not <(Go through door?) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (Go through door v)\n set [go through door? v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go through door v]\nset [player control? v] to [no]\nset [plyr speed x v] to [0]\nrepeat (20)\n change x by ((((Door x) + (20)) - (x position)) * (0.5))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (Stars v) and wait\nbroadcast (Menu v)\nbroadcast (Menu sound v)\nif <(Level) < [4]> then\n if <((Level) + (1)) > ((Level at) - (1))> then\n change [level at v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [smash look v]\nset [smash? v] to [yes]\nset [player control? v] to [no]\nwait until <<(falling?) = [0]> or <(plyr speed y) > [0]>>\nstart sound [nsmb_toad_house_appear v]\nwait (0.4) seconds\nset [smash? v] to [no]\nset [player control? v] to [yes]\n\ndefine Reset Level\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nset size to (30) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (180)\nset [plyr speed x v] to [0]\nset [plyr speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nset [in platforrm v] to [1]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [wall jump v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [push x v] to [0]\nset [die v] to [0]\nset [hurt v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Setup v)\n\nset [fcount v] to [4000]\nset [coins# v] to [19]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [coins v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (q v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Menu v)\n broadcast (Menu sound v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spikes hit v]\nstart sound [smw_fireball v]\nset [player control? v] to [no]\nset [plyr speed x v] to [0]\nset [plyr speed y v] to [15]\nset [hurt v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (p1_hurt v)\nchange [life v] by (-1)\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Life) < [1]> then\n broadcast (Menu v)\n broadcast (Menu sound v)\nelse\n set [hurt v] to [2]\n broadcast (Player flash v)\n set [player control? v] to [yes]\n wait (2) seconds\n set [hurt v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [power up 1 v]\nset [hurt v] to [2]\nbroadcast (Player flash v)\nwait (10) seconds\nset [hurt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [toching block v]\nset [touch v] to [9]\n\nwhen I receive [player use spring v]\nset [plyr speed x v] to [0]\nset [plyr speed y v] to [0]\nchange x by ((((Spring x) + (20)) - (x position)) * (0.5))\nchange y by (((Spring y) - (y position)) * (0.5))\n\nwhen I receive [stars v]\nset [plyr speed x v] to [0]\nset [plyr speed y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [toching door v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nset [scroll x v] to [2600]\nbroadcast (spawn at scroll v)\n\nset [coins v] to [23]\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (400) %\nswitch costume to ((Level) + (2))\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n set x to ([x position v] of [level v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <(Loading?) = [no]>\nshow\n\nhide\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (400) %\nswitch costume to ((Level) + (2))\nset y to (0)\nforever\n set x to ((2160) - (Scroll X))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <(Loading?) = [no]>\nshow\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Background 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (background 1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\nset y to (0)\nshow\nforever\n set x to ((1600) - ((Scroll X) / (2)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <(Loading?) = [no]>\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\n\nhide\n\n@Objects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (0.4) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nSet up\nwait (0.4) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone type?) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (spikes v)\n forever\n if <<[-250] < (X pos)> and <[250] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n if <(Hurt) = [0]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Spikes hit v) and wait\n end\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (coin v)\n forever\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [lm_coin v]\n change [coins v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [3]> then\n if <(letter (17) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (water 1 v)\n else\n if <(letter (17) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (water 2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (water 3 v)\n end\n end\n set size to (100) %\n go [backward v] (30) layers\n if <(letter (17) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) = [3]> then\n forever\n if <<[-630] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n else\n forever\n if <<[-440] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (gold key 2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [lm_coin v]\n change [gold key? v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (green key 2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [lm_coin v]\n change [green key? v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (orange key 2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [lm_coin v]\n change [orange key? v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (blue key 2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [lm_coin v]\n change [blue key? v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [8]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n if <<(Blue key?) = [1]> and <<(Gold key?) = [1]> and <<(Green key?) = [1]> and <(Orange key?) = [1]>>>> then\n switch costume to (door2 v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Toching door v)\n set [toching door? v] to [1]\n set [door x v] to (x position)\n else\n set [toching door? v] to [0]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (door1 v)\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [9]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) + (20))>> then\n if <(plyr speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (spring 2 v)\n start sound [mk64_item_drop v]\n set [plyr speed y v] to [28]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (spring 1 v)\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [10]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n if <(plyr speed y) = [0]> then\n if <<([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) + (40))> and <<(Smash?) = [yes]> and <<(Smash x?) > ((x position) - (20))> and <(Smash x?) < ((x position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [smash y v] to []\n set [smash x v] to []\n switch costume to (weight 2 v)\n set [gravity v] to [0]\n repeat (20)\n change [gravity v] by (-1)\n change y by (Gravity)\n move up\n set [smash y v] to (y position)\n set [smash x v] to (x position)\n end\n set [smash y v] to []\n set [smash x v] to []\n forever\n if <<[-245] < (X pos)> and <[245] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (weight 1 v)\n end\n end\n if <<[-245] < (X pos)> and <[245] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [11]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n if <<<(Smash x) > ((x position) + (-10))> and <(Smash x) < ((x position) + (10))>> and <<(Smash y) > ((y position) + (-10))> and <(Smash y) < ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n start sound [nsmb_toad_house_appear v]\n switch costume to (button 2 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [coins v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n switch costume to (button 2 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (button 1 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [12]> then\n switch costume to (enemy 1.1 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (85) %\n set [move v] to [0]\n set [tick v] to [1]\n wait (letter (19) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) seconds\n forever\n if <(Tick) = [1]> then\n change [move v] by (1)\n if <(move) > ((letter (17) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) * (40))> then\n set [tick v] to [0]\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n else\n change [move v] by (-1)\n if <(move) < [0]> then\n set [tick v] to [1]\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n set [x pos v] to ((Start x) + (move))\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((16) + ((((timer) mod (2)) * (3)) mod (2))) )\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(plyr speed y) < [0]> then\n if <not <(Hurt) = [1]>> then\n start sound [smb_kick v]\n set [plyr speed y v] to [15]\n switch costume to (enemy 1.3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (5)\n change [coins v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <(Hurt) = [0]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [hurt v] to [1]\n broadcast (Spikes hit v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [13]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [14]> then\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (power up 1 v)\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Power up 1 v)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [15]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (tp v)\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [scroll x v] to (join (letter (17) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (18) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (19) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (letter (20) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])))))\n broadcast (spawn at scroll v)\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n end\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set up\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n set [clone type? v] to (round (join (letter (1) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (2) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (3) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (0.4) seconds\nif <not <(Clone type?) = [3]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine move up\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n set [gravity v] to [0]\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [coins v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset y to ((-180) + ((40) * (join (letter (11) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (12) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (13) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (14) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (15) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))\nset [x pos v] to (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))))\nset [start x v] to (X pos)\nforever\n if <(Clone type?) = [10]> then\n else\n if <not <<(Clone type?) = [2]> or <<(Clone type?) = [15]> or <<(Clone type?) > [3]> and <(Clone type?) < [8]>>>>> then\n set y to ((-180) + ((40) * (join (letter (11) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (12) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (13) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (14) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (15) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))\n else\n if <<[-240] < (X pos)> and <[240] > (X pos)>> then\n set y to (((-180) + ((40) * (join (letter (11) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (12) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (13) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (14) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (15) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))) + ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (250)) ) * (3)) + (5)))\n else\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Clone type?) = [12]> then\n set x to ((() - (move)) + (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))))\n set [x pos v] to ((() - (move)) + (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))))\n else\n if <not <(Clone type?) = [3]>> then\n set x to (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))))\n else\n set x to (((20) - (((timer) * (10)) mod (40))) + (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))))\n end\n set [x pos v] to (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))))\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (join (letter (1) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (2) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (3) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone type?) = [11]> then\n forever\n if <<[-245] < (X pos)> and <[245] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone type?) = [12]> then\n forever\n if <<[-245] < (X pos)> and <[245] > (X pos)>> then\n if <(Loading?) = [no]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <<[-245] < (X pos)> and <[245] > (X pos)>> then\nend\n\n@HUD\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Clone id) = [1]> then\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <(Life) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (life 1 v)\n end\n if <(Life) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (life 2 v)\n end\n if <(Life) < [1]> then\n switch costume to (life 3 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [2]> then\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <(Life) > [3]> then\n switch costume to (life 1 v)\n end\n if <(Life) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (life 2 v)\n end\n if <(Life) < [3]> then\n switch costume to (life 3 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [3]> then\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n if <(Life) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (life 1 v)\n end\n if <(Life) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (life 2 v)\n end\n if <(Life) < [5]> then\n switch costume to (life 3 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [4]> then\n change y by (2)\n set size to (60) %\n switch costume to (coin v)\nend\nif <<(Clone id) > [4]> and <(Clone id) < [10]>> then\n set size to (60) %\n switch costume to (0 v)\n forever\n switch costume to (letter ((Clone id) - (4)) of (Coin thing))\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [10]> then\n forever\n if <(Gold key?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (gold key 2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (gold key 1 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [11]> then\n forever\n if <(Green key?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (green key 2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (green key 1 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [12]> then\n forever\n if <(Orange key?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (orange key 2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (orange key 1 v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id) = [13]> then\n forever\n if <(Blue key?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (blue key 2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (blue key 1 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [life v] to [6]\n\ndefine Set up\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-237) y: (150)\nhide\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (20)\nend\ngo to x: (128) y: (150)\nset size to (62) %\nchange [clone id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (20)\nrepeat (5)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (18)\nend\ngo to x: (-160) y: (155)\nset size to (58) %\nrepeat (4)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (25)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nSet up\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <(length of (Coins)) = [1]> then\n set [coin thing v] to (join [0000] (Coins))\n end\n if <(length of (Coins)) = [2]> then\n set [coin thing v] to (join [000] (Coins))\n end\n if <(length of (Coins)) = [3]> then\n set [coin thing v] to (join [00] (Coins))\n end\n if <(length of (Coins)) = [4]> then\n set [coin thing v] to (join [0] (Coins))\n end\n if <(length of (Coins)) = [5]> then\n set [coin thing v] to (Coins)\n end\nend\n\n@Menu\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [selected? v] to [0]\nSet up\nreset timer\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone type?) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n if <<[10] > (Clone id?)> and <[0] < (Clone id?)>> then\n if <((Level at) + (1)) > (Clone id?)> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (box 3 v)\n if <[0.2] < (timer)> then\n set [selected? v] to (Clone id?)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [level v] to ((Selected?) - (1))\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (Load v)\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (box 2 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (box 1 v)\n end\n end\n if <<[19] > (Clone id?)> and <[9] < (Clone id?)>> then\n switch costume to (join ((Clone id?) - (9)) [])\n if <((Level at) + (1)) > ((Clone id?) - (9))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n if <(Clone id?) = [19]> then\n switch costume to (kenny v)\n set size to (180) %\n go to x: (-80) y: (110)\n end\n if <(Clone id?) = [20]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-131)\n set size to (150) %\n switch costume to (achievements1 v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (achievements2 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (achievements page v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n switch costume to (achievements1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set up\nset [clone type? v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (menu background v)\ngo to x: (50) y: (65)\nshow\nset [clone id? v] to [0]\nset size to (200) %\nrepeat (3)\n set x to (50)\n change y by (-60)\n repeat (3)\n change [clone id? v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (60)\n end\nend\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-60) y: (79)\nrepeat (3)\n set x to (65)\n change y by (-60)\n repeat (3)\n change [clone id? v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (60)\n end\nend\nchange [clone id? v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nchange [clone id? v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [achievements page v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [load menu v]\nhide\nset [selected? v] to [0]\nset [level at v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Menu v)\n\n@Menu char\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (200) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-90) y: (-50)\nswitch costume to (p1_walk01 v)\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [achievements page v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (400) %\nswitch costume to ((Level) + (2))\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n set x to ([x position v] of [level v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Cover\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nhide\n\nshow\n\nrepeat (100)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (1)\n\n@blocks\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nSet up\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Set up\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n set [clone type? v] to (round (join (letter (1) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (2) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (3) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))\n if <(Clone type?) = [13]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset y to ((-180) + ((40) * (join (letter (11) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (12) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (13) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (14) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (15) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))\nset [x pos v] to (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))))\nset [start x v] to (X pos)\nforever\n set y to ((-180) + ((40) * (join (letter (11) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (12) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (13) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (14) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (15) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) [])))))))\n set x to (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))))\n set [x pos v] to (([x position v] of [level v]) + ((-2381) + ((40) * (join (letter (5) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (6) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (7) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (8) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) (join (letter (9) of (item (Clone id) of [\['concatenate:with:', 'level ', \['readvariable', 'level'\]\] v])) []))))))))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Clone type?) = [13]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (smash block1 v)\n forever\n if <<(plyr speed y) = [0]> and <<([y position v] of [player v]) < ((y position) + (60))> and <<([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) + (30))> and <<(Smash?) = [yes]> and <<(Smash x?) > ((x position) - (20))> and <(Smash x?) < ((x position) + (20))>>>>>> then\n delete this clone\n else\n end\n if <<[-245] < (X pos)> and <[245] > (X pos)>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [toching block? v] to [0]\n\nset [toching block? v] to [1]\n\nif <touching (player v)?> then\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <(Level) = [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (1 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [320]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [670]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (3 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [1050]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (4 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [1420]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (5 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [1615]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (6 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [1880]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (7 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [2440]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (8 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Scroll X) > [2820]>\n Fade\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n switch costume to (9 v)\n Move\n wait until <(Toching door?) = [1]>\n Fade\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\ndefine Move\nrepeat (50)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) * (0.2))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <(Level) = [0]> then\n repeat (70)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\ndefine Fade\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nset [loading? v] to [yes]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.2) seconds\nbroadcast (Play v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (sound v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [loading? v] to [no]\nhide\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n@Stars\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone type?) = [1]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n set size to (15) %\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((20) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n if <(Clone id) = [1]> then\n if <(Stars) = [1]> then\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n end\n if <(Stars) = [2]> then\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change x by (((-25) - (x position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n end\n if <(Stars) = [3]> then\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change x by (((-50) - (x position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Clone id) = [2]> then\n if <(Stars) = [2]> then\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change x by (((25) - (x position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n else\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Clone id) = [3]> then\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) * (0.1))\n change x by (((50) - (x position)) * (0.1))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) * (0.05))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stars v]\nset [clone type? v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(Level) = [0]> then\n if <(Coins) > [27]> then\n set [stars v] to [3]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [20]> then\n set [stars v] to [2]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [13]> then\n set [stars v] to [1]\n else\n set [stars v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n if <(Coins) > [71]> then\n set [stars v] to [3]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [53]> then\n set [stars v] to [2]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [35]> then\n set [stars v] to [1]\n else\n set [stars v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n if <(Coins) > [49]> then\n set [stars v] to [3]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [37]> then\n set [stars v] to [2]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [24]> then\n set [stars v] to [1]\n else\n set [stars v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n if <(Coins) > [67]> then\n set [stars v] to [3]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [50]> then\n set [stars v] to [2]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [33]> then\n set [stars v] to [1]\n else\n set [stars v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n if <(Coins) > [72]> then\n set [stars v] to [3]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [54]> then\n set [stars v] to [2]\n else\n if <(Coins) > [36]> then\n set [stars v] to [1]\n else\n set [stars v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(item ((Level) + (1)) of [level stars v]) < (Stars)> then\n replace item ((Level) + (1)) of [level stars v] with (Stars)\nend\nif <(Stars) > [0]> then\n Move1 (Stars)\nend\n\ndefine None\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nrepeat (stars)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone type?) = [2]> then\n show\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nSet up stars\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [achievements page v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Set up stars\nset [clone type? v] to [2]\nset [counter v] to [0]\ngo to x: (80) y: (100)\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nset size to (40) %\nrepeat (3)\n set x to (80)\n change y by (-60)\n repeat (3)\n change [counter v] by (1)\n if <(item (Counter) of [level stars v]) = [1]> then\n change y by (-20)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (20)\n end\n if <(item (Counter) of [level stars v]) = [2]> then\n change y by (-20)\n change x by (-7)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (14)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-7)\n change y by (20)\n end\n if <(item (Counter) of [level stars v]) = [3]> then\n change y by (-20)\n change x by (-14)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (14)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (14)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-14)\n change y by (20)\n end\n if <(item (Counter) of [level stars v]) = [0]> then\n end\n change x by (60)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\ndefine Show\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (70)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) * (0.2))\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (6)\n change y by (((70) - (y position)) * (0.3))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (2) seconds\nwait until <(achievement?) = [no]>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (70)\nhide\nset [achievement? v] to [no]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <<(Life) < [1]> and <(item (1) of [achievements v]) = [0]>> then\n set [achievement? v] to [yes]\n switch costume to (1 v)\n replace item (1) of [achievements v] with [1]\n Show\n set [achievement? v] to [no]\n end\n if <<(Stars) = [3]> and <(item (2) of [achievements v]) = [0]>> then\n set [achievement? v] to [yes]\n switch costume to (2 v)\n replace item (2) of [achievements v] with [1]\n Show\n set [achievement? v] to [no]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nSet up\n\ndefine Set up\ndelete (all) of [achievements v]\nrepeat (10)\n insert [0] at (1) of [achievements v] \nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait until <mouse down?>\nhide\nbroadcast (load menu v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (continue v)\nrepeat until <mouse down?>\n set [ghost v] effect to ([abs v] of ((((timer) * (100)) mod (200)) - (100)) )\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen I receive [achievements page v]\nSet up\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(item (Clone id?) of [achievements v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (Clone id?) [])\nelse\n switch costume to (loacked v)\nend\nif <(Clone id?) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (back v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Menu v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n switch costume to (back v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id?) = [7]> then\n set y to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (bar v)\n forever\n set x to (-194)\n end\nend\nif <(Clone id?) = [8]> then\n set y to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n forever\n set x to (204)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set up\nset size to (80) %\nset [clone id? v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (150)\nswitch costume to (1.1 v)\nrepeat (6)\n change [clone id? v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (-60)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change [clone id? v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (menu background v)\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ndelete this clone\n\n
WASD or arrow keys to move and jump, you can also use space to jump. There are instructions in the game also. To restart, press r. All levels are possible. Good luck! It will maybe glitch after the last level! XD
Pixel Ninja || A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nswitch backdrop to (fade v)\nforever\n play sound [660775_Mountains.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (back v)\n\n@Pen\n\ndefine LevelRender\nDanger\nLines\nLevel End\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-140)\nset pen color to (#c88330)\nset pen size to (80)\npen down\ngo to x: (240) y: (-140)\nchange pen shade by (-5)\nset pen size to (15)\npen up\nset [x v] to [-240]\nrepeat (10)\n pen up\n go to x: (X) y: (-180)\n pen down\n go to x: ((X) + (40)) y: (-110)\n change [x v] by (50)\nend\npen up\nset pen color to (#5cb712)\nset pen shade to (20)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-105)\npen down\ngo to x: (240) y: (-105)\npen up\ngo to x: (240) y: (-102)\nset pen size to (10)\nchange pen shade by (15)\npen down\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-102)\npen up\n\ndefine None\nset pen color to (#5cb712)\nset pen shade to (35)\npen up\nset pen size to (pensize)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\npen up\n\ndefine Lines\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Draw ground line from (-50) (-102) to (-50) (-40) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (70) (180) to (70) (-50) With pen size (20)\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Draw ground line from (-100) (-102) to (-100) (0) With pen size (30)\n Draw ground line from (60) (40) to (80) (40) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (40) (-60) to (80) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (160) (0) to (180) (0) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-15) (110) to (-60) (110) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-15) (110) to (-15) (100) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-170) (100) to (-240) (100) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Draw ground line from (-30) (-40) to (-50) (-40) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (60) (-20) to (80) (-20) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (170) (0) to (190) (0) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (170) (120) to (190) (120) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-80) (-95) to (-120) (-95) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (80) (100) to (60) (100) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-30) (80) to (-50) (80) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-220) (70) to (-180) (70) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Draw ground line from (-120) (-102) to (-120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-80) (-60) to (-120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-80) (-60) to (-80) (-20) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-40) (-20) to (-80) (-20) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-40) (-20) to (-40) (-110) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (160) (-40) to (15) (-40) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (15) (120) to (15) (-40) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (15) (120) to (-160) (120) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-160) (80) to (-160) (120) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-160) (80) to (-240) (80) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (160) (-40) to (160) (80) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (90) (180) to (90) (20) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (235) (235) to (235) (-100) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Draw ground line from (-120) (-102) to (-120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-50) (180) to (-50) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (20) (120) to (20) (-100) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (120) (180) to (120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (200) (80) to (200) (-100) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (200) (80) to (240) (80) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (200) (80) to (240) (80) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (20) (120) to (60) (120) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Draw ground line from (-100) (-110) to (-100) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-70) (-60) to (-100) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (130) (-110) to (130) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (100) (-60) to (130) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (190) (0) to (210) (0) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (130) (60) to (110) (60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-150) (60) to (-60) (60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-150) (60) to (-150) (180) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Draw ground line from (-100) (-110) to (-100) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (0) (-60) to (-100) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (0) (-60) to (0) (70) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (0) (-60) to (120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-240) (120) to (180) (120) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-240) (120) to (180) (120) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (130) (30) to (130) (-110) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (180) (-60) to (180) (120) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Draw ground line from (-100) (-110) to (-100) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (0) (-60) to (-100) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (0) (-60) to (120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (120) (-120) to (120) (-60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-240) (10) to (180) (10) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (180) (180) to (180) (70) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (180) (10) to (180) (-45) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-240) (120) to (-200) (120) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (-125) (60) to (-100) (60) With pen size (20)\n Draw ground line from (50) (60) to (70) (60) With pen size (20)\n else\n switch backdrop to (back2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\nset pen color to (#632d99)\nset pen shade to (50)\npen up\nset pen size to (30)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npen down\npen up\n\ndefine Level End\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n End Dot X (105) Y (155)\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n End Dot X (-220) Y (150)\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n End Dot X (-210) Y (120)\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n End Dot X (-210) Y (120)\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n End Dot X (220) Y (120)\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n End Dot X (-110) Y (150)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n End Dot X (-210) Y (155)\n else\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n End Dot X (-210) Y (-69)\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\nset pen color to (#ff0000)\nset pen shade to (50)\npen up\nset pen size to (pensize)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\npen up\n\nDraw ground line from (-30) (50) to (-50) (50) With pen size (20)\nDraw ground line from (60) (70) to (80) (70) With pen size (20)\n\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen size to (60)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (180)\npen down\nrepeat (5)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-36)\n end\n change x by (60)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (36)\n end\n change x by (60)\nend\npen up\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n erase all\n LevelRender\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n show variable [score v]\n set [score v] to (round (timer))\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Danger\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Draw lava from (140) (-97) to (240) (-97) With pen size (20)\n Draw lava from (60) (180) to (60) (50) With pen size (16)\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Draw lava from (-85) (-97) to (240) (-97) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Draw lava from (-80) (-100) to (240) (-100) With pen size (20)\n Draw lava from (-30) (50) to (-50) (50) With pen size (20)\n Draw lava from (60) (70) to (80) (70) With pen size (20)\n Draw lava from (170) (90) to (190) (90) With pen size (20)\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Draw lava from (80) (240) to (80) (40) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (170) (70) to (170) (-20) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (-50) (130) to (-50) (130) With pen size (15)\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Draw lava from (10) (-100) to (10) (-20) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (-40) (180) to (-40) (100) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (75) (20) to (115) (20) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (191) (77) to (191) (-110) With pen size (15)\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Draw lava from (10) (-100) to (10) (0) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (-91) (-97) to (120) (-97) With pen size (15)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Draw lava from (50) (115) to (50) (-20) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (-91) (-97) to (120) (-97) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (-240) (0) to (-50) (0) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (240) (-180) to (240) (0) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (190) (80) to (190) (110) With pen size (15)\n else\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Draw lava from (-91) (-97) to (120) (-97) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (-240) (0) to (-50) (0) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (-10) (-52) to (5) (-52) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (-240) (20) to (100) (20) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (100) (110) to (100) (20) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (65) (-52) to (80) (-52) With pen size (15)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Draw lava from (50) (115) to (50) (-20) With pen size (10)\n Draw lava from (-91) (-97) to (120) (-97) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (-240) (0) to (-50) (0) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (240) (-180) to (240) (0) With pen size (15)\n Draw lava from (190) (80) to (190) (110) With pen size (15)\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [score v]\n\n@You\n\ndefine Walk (speed) Wall Jump (x) (y)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Slope) = [8]> or <not <<touching color (#55bf00)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Slope) = [8]> then\n change y by ((0) - (Slope))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(speed) < [0]> then\n set [sx v] to (x)\n else\n set [sx v] to ((0) - (x))\n end\n set [sy v] to (y)\n end\n end\n repeat until <not <<touching color (#55bf00)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n if <(speed) > [0]> then\n change x by (-1)\n else\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Respawn\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nswitch costume to (you v)\nset size to (70) %\ngo to x: (item (((Level) * (2)) - (1)) of [spawnpoints v]) y: (item ((Level) * (2)) of [spawnpoints v])\nshow\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <<touching color (#55bf00)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (levelchange v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nRespawn\nwait (0.4) seconds\nforever\n change [sy v] by (-1.5)\n change y by (SY)\n Touch Ground <(SY) > [0]>\n set [sx v] to ((SX) * (0.8))\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [sx v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [sx v] by (1.5)\n end\n if <not <(SX) = [0]>> then\n Walk (SX) Wall Jump (10) (11)\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <<(Jump Key) = [0]> and <(Falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [sy v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n end\n else\n set [jump key v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n Respawn\n end\n if <touching color (#7f00ff)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (levelchange v)\n Respawn\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@Menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (0) %\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [direction v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (title v)\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (6))\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (Direction) ) * (7)))\n set y to ((40) + (([sin v] of (Y) ) * (7)))\n change [y v] by (8)\n change [direction v] by (4)\nend\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (Direction) ) * (7)))\n set y to ((40) + (([sin v] of (Y) ) * (7)))\n change [y v] by (8)\n change [direction v] by (4)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (-50)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (button v)\nforever\n set y to ((-40) + (([sin v] of (Y) ) * (7)))\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (Direction) ) * (7)))\n change [direction v] by (6)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (6))\n if <mouse down?> then\n reset timer\n broadcast (vanish v)\n end\n else\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (6))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [vanish v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (fade v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n broadcast (start v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\n
If this is full try server 2:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/409085782/\n\nWAD/arrow keys to move/ jump\ndon't touch lava/spikes/saws\ngo to the end, the signs will show you the way\norange is bouncy\ntry to get the highscore :)\ncan you beat my highscore, it's 65.135
Minecraft - A Platformer                           #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nforever\n repeat (1000)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-0.05)\n end\n repeat (1000)\n change [brightness v] effect by (0.05)\n end\nend\n\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\n@Fungi\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change x by (-4)\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) > [11]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change x by (4)\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) > [11]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\n if <not <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n wait until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n switch costume to (costume13 v)\n wait until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n wait until <touching (ground v)?>\n end\nend\n\nstart sound [Squish Pop v]\n\nstart sound [Squish Pop v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to (my friend v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow\n\n@my friend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ndefine starting position\nset [wait v] to [1]\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\nif <<(level) = [2]> and <(talk) = [0]>> then\n set [wait v] to [1]\n broadcast (pigtalk v)\n set [talk v] to [1]\nend\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-100)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\nUP\nset [wait v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [boing v]\nset [fallspeed v] to [18]\n\nbroadcast (coolieu v)\n\nwhen I receive [end of end v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [wait v] to [1]\nset [talk v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [runspeed v] to [0]\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-45)\nforever\n if <(wait) = [0]> then\n change [fallspeed v] by (-1)\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [runspeed v] to [-5]\n end\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [runspeed v] to [5]\n end\n if <not <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [runspeed v] to [0]\n end\n set [my friend x v] to (x position)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change x by ((runspeed) / (3))\n else\n change x by (runspeed)\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (growing and shrinking v)?> then\n set y to ((y of Growing and Shrinking) + (30))\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((runspeed) * (-1))\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change y by ((fallspeed) / (3))\n else\n change y by (fallspeed)\n end\n set [y v] to (y position)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>> then\n change y by ((fallspeed) - ((fallspeed) * (2)))\n set [fallspeed v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>>> then\n set [takeoffspeed v] to [8]\n broadcast (charge v)\n repeat until <<not <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>>>> or <(takeoffspeed) > [16]>>\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (growing and shrinking v)?>>> then\n change [takeoffspeed v] by (0.4)\n end\n if <touching (growing and shrinking v)?> then\n set y to ((y of Growing and Shrinking) + (30))\n end\n end\n broadcast (Jumped v)\n start sound [Low Whoosh v]\n set [fallspeed v] to (takeoffspeed)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (water v)?>> then\n set [fallspeed v] to [5]\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n hide\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [fallspeed v] to [15]\n broadcast (boing v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (transition v)\n set [wait v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (pig v)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n hide\n end\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (transition v)\n set [wait v] to [1]\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n hide\n end\n if <touching (spike log v)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n hide\n end\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n broadcast (die v)\n hide\n end\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n ask [what level do you want to skip too.] and wait\n set [level selected v] to [1]\n broadcast (transition v)\n set [wait v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [fallspeed v] to [12]\n if <([abs v] of (runspeed) ) = (runspeed)> then\n set [runspeed v] to [-4]\n else\n set [runspeed v] to [4]\n end\nelse\n set [runspeed v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\n\nstarting position\n\nwhen I receive [end of transition v]\nset [talk v] to [0]\nif <(level selected) = [1]> then\n if <<<<<(answer) = [1]> or <(answer) = [2]>> or <<(answer) = [3]> or <(answer) = [4]>>> or <<<(answer) = [5]> or <(answer) = [6]>> or <<(answer) = [7]> or <(answer) = [8]>>>> or <<<<(answer) = [9]> or <(answer) = [10]>> or <<(answer) = [11]> or <(answer) = [12]>>> or <<<(answer) = [13]> or <(answer) = [14]>> or <<(answer) = [15]> or <(answer) = [16]>>>>> then\n set [level v] to (answer)\n set [level selected v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [level v] by (1)\nend\nstarting position\nset [wait v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [oooooooffff v]\nbroadcast (die v)\nhide\n\n\n\ndefine UP\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by (4)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level selected v] to [0]\n\nset [level selected v] to [1]\nbroadcast (transition v)\nset [wait v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nstart sound [Squish Pop v]\nstarting position\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow\n\nstart sound [Squish Pop v]\n\nstart sound [Squish Pop v]\n\nwhen I receive [talk with me v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Decor\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [boing v]\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nstart sound [Jump v]\nset [boing speed v] to [-5]\nrepeat until <(boing speed) = [0]>\n change y by (boing speed)\n change [boing speed v] by (1)\nend\nset [boing speed v] to [5]\nrepeat until <(boing speed) = [0]>\n change y by (boing speed)\n change [boing speed v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (200) %\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Characters\n\n@Pig\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(clone type) = [1]> then\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n set [pig rampage v] to [60]\n go to x: (-80) y: (-33)\n function of clone type 1\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n set [pig rampage v] to [60]\n go to x: (150) y: (85)\n function of clone type 1\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n set [pig rampage v] to [80]\n go to x: (150) y: (0)\n function of clone type 1\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n set [pig rampage v] to [40]\n go to x: (200) y: (-80)\n function of clone type 1\n end\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n set [pig rampage v] to [100]\n go to x: (-190) y: (113)\n function of clone type 1\n end\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n set [pig rampage v] to [100]\n go to x: (100) y: (-20)\n function of clone type 1\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n if <(level) = [16]> then\nend\n\ndefine function of clone type 1\nforever\n repeat until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n start sound [Pig-Heavy-Grunting-A-www v]\n if <(wait) = [1]> then\n wait until <not <(wait) = [1]>>\n end\n repeat (pig rampage)\n change x by (1)\n end\n repeat (pig rampage)\n change x by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone type) = [1]> then\n forever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (10)\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (9)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <not <(clone level) = (level)>> then\n stop all sounds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (150) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n set [clone level v] to [2]\n set [clone type v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n set [clone level v] to [3]\n set [clone type v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n set [clone level v] to [5]\n set [clone type v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n set [clone level v] to [8]\n set [clone type v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n set [clone level v] to [11]\n set [clone type v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n set [clone level v] to [14]\n set [clone type v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(clone level) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n if <(level) = [16]> then\nend\n\n@DEKU\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (200) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n set [deku clone level v] to (level)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(level) = [1]> then\nif <(level) = [2]> then\nif <(level) = [3]> then\nif <(level) = [4]> then\nif <(level) = [5]> then\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-4)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-34)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\nif <(level) = [9]> then\nif <(level) = [10]> then\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (30) y: (-145)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-20)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-20)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (24)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [15]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-117)\n be a deku\nend\nif <(level) = [16]> then\n\ndefine be a deku\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>>\n if <[200] > (distance to [fungi v])> then\n start sound [recording1 v]\n start sound [Sneaker Squeak v]\n repeat (14)\n change y by (2)\n end\n repeat until <not <[200] > (distance to [fungi v])>>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [deku clone x v] to (x position)\n set [deku clone y v] to (y position)\n start sound [pop v]\n broadcast (SHOOT v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n repeat (14)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <(My friend X) > (x position)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <not <(Deku Clone LEVEL) = (level)>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\ndelete this clone\n\nbroadcast (transition v)\n\n@SPIKE LOG\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [log spike v] to [10]\n repeat until <(log spike) = [0]>\n change y by (log spike)\n change [log spike v] by (-1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n set [log spike v] to [-10]\n repeat until <(log spike) = [0]>\n change y by (log spike)\n change [log spike v] by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nstart sound [Crank v]\n\n@Transition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nset size to (500) %\nset [size changer v] to [-2]\nrepeat until <(size) < [20]>\n if <(size) > [50]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n change size by (size changer)\n change [size changer v] by (-1)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nbroadcast (end of transition v)\nhide\n\n@tutorial\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [tutorial v]\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait until <not <(level) = [1]>>\nhide\n\n@Text Box\n\nwhen I receive [show on screen v]\nset [clone? v] to [0]\nhide\nrepeat (20)\n go to x: (Text Box X) y: (Text Box Y)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [show on screen v]\nset [text box x v] to [0]\nset [text box y v] to [-480]\nrepeat until <([abs v] of (Text Box Y) ) < [1]>\n set [text box y v] to ((Text Box Y) * (0.6))\nend\nset [text box y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (Letter ID)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n go to x: ((Letter X) + (Text Box X)) y: ((Letter Y) + (Text Box Y))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nif <(Clone?) = [0]> then\n hide\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Say: (what you gonna say?) (title of that?) (icon?) (voice?)\nbroadcast (end v) and wait\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (show on screen v)\nwait (0) seconds\nswitch costume to (icon?)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nTitle: (title of that?)\nset [current letter v] to [0]\nset [letter x v] to [-220]\nset [letter y v] to [-100]\nset [word length v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (what you gonna say?))\n change [current letter v] by (1)\n change [letter x v] by (8)\n if <<<<<(letter (Current Letter) of (what you gonna say?)) = [,]> or <(letter (Current Letter) of (what you gonna say?)) = [!]>> or <(letter (Current Letter) of (what you gonna say?)) = [?]>> or <(letter (Current Letter) of (what you gonna say?)) = [.]>> or <(letter (Current Letter) of (what you gonna say?)) = [ ]>> then\n set [word length v] to [1]\n repeat until <<<<<<(letter ((Current Letter) + (Word Length)) of (what you gonna say?)) = [,]> or <(letter ((Current Letter) + (Word Length)) of (what you gonna say?)) = [!]>> or <(letter ((Current Letter) + (Word Length)) of (what you gonna say?)) = [?]>> or <(letter ((Current Letter) + (Word Length)) of (what you gonna say?)) = [.]>> or <(letter ((Current Letter) + (Word Length)) of (what you gonna say?)) = [ ]>> or <(length of (what you gonna say?)) < ((Current Letter) + (Word Length))>>\n change [word length v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <[220] < (((Word Length) * (8)) + (Letter X))> then\n set [letter x v] to [-220]\n change [letter y v] by (-10)\n end\n set [word length v] to [0]\n set [letter id v] to (letter (Current Letter) of (what you gonna say?))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (icon?)\n start sound (voice?)\nend\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (end v) and wait\nstart sound [normal v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\ndefine Title: (title)\nset [current letter v] to [0]\nset [letter x v] to [-230]\nset [letter y v] to [-74]\nrepeat (length of (title))\n change [current letter v] by (1)\n change [letter x v] by (8)\n set [letter id v] to (letter (Current Letter) of (title))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\n\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (play for real v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (tutorial v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [wait v] to [1]\nSay: [i love being a mushroom] [ biff] [Biff] []\nSay: [i dont…] [ you] [You2] []\nSay: [bro, why!] [ biff] [Biff] []\nSay: [i just want to do something with my life and be a hero] [ you] [You2] []\nSay: [wow! well good luck i guess, but i mean we are just mushrooms] [ biff] [Biff] []\nSay: [why stay planted your whole life?] [ you] [You2] []\nSay: [because thats what mushrooms do!] [ biff] [Biff] []\nSay: [not anymore, well see ya biff!] [ you] [You2] []\nSay: [wait, what!] [ biff] [Biff] []\nset [wait v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [pigtalk v]\nset [wait v] to [1]\nSay: [oink… im starving] [ pig] [Pig] []\nbroadcast (back v)\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset [wait v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [talk with me v]\nwait (1) seconds\nSay: [i see you have finally arrived] [ ?] [SENS] []\nSay: [you have come far.] [ ?] [SENS] []\nSay: [but your training and purpose are only beginning to be realized] [ ?] [SENS] []\nbroadcast (end it all v)\n\n@Shadows\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Particles of sadness\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nif <(priority particle) = [1]> then\n hide\n clone\nend\n\ndefine clone\nshow\ngo to (my friend v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nstart sound [recording1 v]\nset [priority particle v] to [0]\nchange x by (pick random (-20) to (20))\nchange y by (pick random (-20) to (20))\nset [p-x v] to (pick random (-0.1) to (-4.1))\nset [p-y v] to (y position)\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by ((p-x) * (2))\n turn right ((p-x) * (2)) degrees\n move (1) steps\n change [p-y v] by (p-x)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (200) %\nset [priority particle v] to [1]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (1)\n\n@Jump Charge Up\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (160)\nset size to (200) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [charge v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [charger v] to [1]\nshow\nrepeat until <(charger) = [0]>\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [8]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [11]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [12]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [13]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [14]> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n end\n if <(takeoffspeed) > [15]> then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [jumped v]\nset [charger v] to [0]\n\n@shadow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to (my friend v)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nset size to (500) %\nset [size changer 2 v] to [-2]\nrepeat until <(size) < [30]>\n if <(size) > [50]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n change size by (size changer 2)\n change [size changer 2 v] by (-1)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (0.6) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nset size to (90) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end of transition v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end of transition v]\nhide\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n set y to ((0) + ((10) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (50)) * (300)) )))\nend\n\n@DEKU BULLET\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [deku bullet official v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [shoot v]\nif <(DEKU BULLET OFFICIAL) = [1]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (200) %\nshow\ngo to x: (deku clone x) y: (deku clone y)\nchange y by (5)\nif <(My friend X) > (x position)> then\n change x by (18)\nelse\n change x by (-18)\nend\nif <(My friend X) > (x position)> then\n repeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (my friend v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n change x by (10)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\nelse\n repeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (my friend v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n change x by (-10)\n turn right (-5) degrees\n end\nend\nif <touching (my friend v)?> then\n broadcast (OOOOOOOFFFF v)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sensei Mushroom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (1)\nwait until <(level) = [16]>\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [wait v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Talk with me v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end it all v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Fungus v] until done\nend\n\n@PopUps\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset y to (230)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\n repeat (15)\n change y by (-4)\n end\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (4)\n end\n wait (pick random (30) to (60)) seconds\nend\n\n
Mountain / platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nstop all sounds\nplay sound [Monody By TheFatRat v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [Windfall By: TheFatRat v] until done\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (smiley v)\nbroadcast (choose emoji v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart level v]\ngo to x: (Original X) y: (Original Y)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [19]> then\n repeat until <(backdrop [name v]) = [The End]>\n change [color v] effect by (10)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stars v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose emoji v]\nset [customize emoji? v] to [Yes]\ngo to x: (-10) y: (-30)\nset size to (420) %\nswitch costume to (smiley v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(Customize Emoji?) = [No]>\n if <(Customize Emoji?) = [Yes]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Customize Emoji?) = [Yes]> then\n next costume\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n say (join (Deaths) [ deaths]) for (1.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <not <(Customize Emoji?) = [Yes]>> then\n say (join (Deaths) [ deaths]) for (1.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-80]\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-40]\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-70]\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-70]\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n set [original x v] to [-190]\n set [original y v] to [155]\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-60]\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-65]\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [127]\nend\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-40]\nend\nif <(Level) = [18]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-40]\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-40]\nend\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-40]\nend\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-70]\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-70]\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [66]\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [-43]\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n set [original x v] to [-240]\n set [original y v] to [120]\nend\ngo to x: (Original X) y: (Original Y)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nset [original x v] to [-240]\nset [original y v] to [-40]\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-40)\nset size to (90) %\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [name v]) = [18]>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n if <([abs v] of (X) ) = (X)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by ((Y) - ((Y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <<touching color (#007b29)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>>> then\n if <touching (mini trampoline v)?> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n else\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (death v)?> then\n go to x: (Original X) y: (Original Y)\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n end\n if <<(y position) = [-177]> or <<[-177] > (y position)> and <not <touching color (#ffff00)?>>>> then\n go to x: (Original X) y: (Original Y)\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n end\n if <<(x position) = [240]> or <(x position) > [240]>> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n go to x: (Original X) y: (Original Y)\n end\n if <touching (mountain v)?> then\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n move (-2) steps\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (112) y: (-177)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nset [level v] to (costume [number v])\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\n@Death\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\n@Switch Emoji Words\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose emoji v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (110)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [which device v]\nhide\n\n@Box\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose emoji v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-50)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start levels v]\nhide\n\n@Star1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [stars v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-10) y: (140)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (140)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n go to x: (45) y: (-70)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n go to x: (175) y: (150)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-60) y: (50)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (-80) y: (0)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (20) y: (80)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-120) y: (-70)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (70)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (20)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-120) y: (-60)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (12) y: (150)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (50) y: (80)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (140)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n go to x: (45) y: (-70)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n go to x: (175) y: (150)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-60) y: (50)\n show\nend\n\n@Star2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [stars v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (120) y: (150)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (80) y: (0)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (70) y: (50)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (50)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (50) y: (100)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (80) y: (-70)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-70) y: (80)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (120) y: (-60)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-70) y: (150)\n show\nend\n\n@Star3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [stars v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (115) y: (50)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (10) y: (150)\n show\nend\n\n@Star4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [stars v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (50)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (90) y: (150)\n show\nend\n\n@Star5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [stars v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-70) y: (100)\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (170) y: (150)\n show\nend\n\n@Love, Favorite, Follow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\ngo to x: (-140) y: (-150)\nshow\n\n@Finished Customizing Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose emoji v]\ngo to x: (95) y: (-150)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(size) = [110]> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstop all sounds\nset [customize emoji? v] to [No]\nwait (0.02) seconds\nbroadcast (start game v)\nhide\n\n@Mountain\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@Moving Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-120) y: (90)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-70) y: (-100)\n repeat until <(Level) = [6]>\n glide (3) secs to x: (130) y: (-100)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (3) secs to x: (-120) y: (-100)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(Level) = [5]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Screens\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (back screen v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nshow\nwait (20) seconds\nstop all sounds\nswitch costume to (like & favorite v)\nplay sound [Time Lapse By: TheFatRat v] until done\n\n@Congrats\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [stars v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nset [stars v] to (join (Stars) [/30])\nshow variable [stars v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide variable [stars v]\n\n@Choose EMOJI\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [choose emoji v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\n@Credits\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-300)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nglide (20) secs to x: (0) y: (215)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Credits Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (175) y: (-130)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [the end v]\ngo to x: (175) y: (-130)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(size) = [110]> then\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (credits v)\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (pick random (2) to (4))\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Mini Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-80) y: (-110)\n set size to (100) %\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-160) y: (-100)\n set size to (80) %\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (-150) y: (-50)\n set size to (80) %\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-160) y: (-90)\n go to x: (0) y: (-90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Updating Screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nforever\n if <not <(username) = [1TabbyCat]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n
Minefrank Platformer 3 \n\n➊ Use ARROW keys, WASD keys or touchscreen.\n➋ SPACEBAR or ACTION to chop, hit or craft.\n\nTONS of new franks and awesome new gameplay!\n__________________________________________\nMinefrank platformer 1 has a full in game tutorial:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/332477974/\n__________________________________________\n\nFirst 100 to love and comment win chance to be added to the credit crew!\n\n---------- IPad, tablet, and Frank friendly ---------\n\n-----------------------Search Tags-----------------------\n#games #minefrank #platformer #platform #music #1 #2 #animation #atomicmagicfrank #episode #mobile #earth #air #fire #ice #water #scrolling #2019 #awesome #cool #ipad #android #frank\n---------------------------------------------------------------\nPro tip - to thank you for reading this stuff:\n\nHUGE BONUS CHESTS for completing levels FAST!\nMAX of 5 CHEST per level for ULTRA FAT players!\nYes, it is possible to get all the chests... but it is hard - getting even one chest a level is a huge achievement.
Bounce 3 - Platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\nwhen [u v] key pressed\nplay sound [Lil Globglogabgalab v] until done\n\n@character picker\n\nwhen I receive [color v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (green cherry v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (60)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (57)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (63)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [player v] to (costume [name v])\nhide\n\nbroadcast (next v)\n\n@right arrow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [SELECT v]\nbroadcast (color v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (75) y: (60)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@left arrow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [SELECT v]\nbroadcast (back v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (75) y: (60)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@plae\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (play v)\nplay sound [SELECT v] until done\n\n@background\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nwait (2.5) seconds\nhide\n\n@fade\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nbroadcast (walk v)\n\nwhen I receive [lights out v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (200) %\nswitch costume to (flashlight v)\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nhide\n\nbroadcast (next v)\n\n@character\n\ndefine Define Gravity\nchange y by (fallspeed)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <(fallspeed) < [0]> then\n set [reversestep v] to [1]\n else\n set [reversestep v] to [-1]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by (reversestep)\n end\n set [fallspeed v] to [0]\nelse\n change [fallspeed v] by (gravity)\nend\n\ndefine RUNControls\nif <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change x by (RUNSPEED)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((0) - (RUNSPEED))\n end\nend\nif <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change x by ((0) - (RUNSPEED))\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by (RUNSPEED)\n end\nend\n\ndefine starting position\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-140) y: (-39)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstarting position\nhide\nforever\n switch costume to (player)\nend\n\ndefine Jump Control\nif <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [fallspeed v] to (takeoffspeed)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nbroadcast (\[arty v)\n\nbroadcast (\[arty v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nset [runspeed v] to [5]\nset [gravity v] to [-1]\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\nset [takeoffspeed v] to [12]\nforever\n RUNControls\n Jump Control\n Define Gravity\n if <touching color (#0800a3)?> then\n set [takeoffspeed v] to [18]\n set [fallspeed v] to (takeoffspeed)\n set [takeoffspeed v] to [10]\n end\n if <(x position) > [232]> then\n starting position\n broadcast (next v)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n starting position\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [walk v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (ladder v)?> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ladder point) = [1]> then\n glide (0) secs to x: (65) y: (132)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (ladder v)?> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ladder point) = [4]> then\n glide (0) secs to x: (-35) y: (93)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (ladder v)?> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ladder point) = [7]> then\n glide (0) secs to x: (18) y: (143)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <not <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>>\n start sound [walkey v]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <not <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>>\n start sound [walkey v]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n stop all sounds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (egg v)?> then\n starting position\n end\nend\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nhide\n\n@ground\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@ladder\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(ladder point) = [12]>\nbroadcast (lights out v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ladder point v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\n@egg\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@interactives\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(ladder point) = [15]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (report v)\nhide\n\n@report\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nshow\nstart sound [Dead Body Reported v]\ngo to x: (20) y: (0)\nglide (2.3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [black v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cyan v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nhide\n\n@cheat\n\nbroadcast (next v)\n\n@report2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (red v)\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [cyan v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [black v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nhide\n\n@report3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (cyan v)\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [cyan v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [black v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nhide\n\n@report4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (black v)\n\nwhen I receive [report v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [cyan v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [black v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nhide\n\n@ejection\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cyan v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (cyan v)\nglide (3) secs to x: (300) y: (0)\nwait (0.8) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (victory v)\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (red v)\nglide (3) secs to x: (300) y: (0)\nwait (0.8) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (defeat v)\n\nwhen I receive [black v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (black v)\nglide (3) secs to x: (300) y: (0)\nwait (0.8) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (defeat v)\n\n@defeat/victory\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [defeat v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [victory v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
PLANET PLATFORMER!\nTHANKS FOR FEATURE!\nPS: random people get world record because cloud variables broken so thanks scratch\nMovement - Arrow Keys\n\nLearn about the planet while playing a fun platformer!\n
Goodbye, 2.0 || a platformer
@Stage\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-201) y: (154)\nset size to (30) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n Big Chungus Big Chungus\nend\n\ndefine Big Chungus Big Chungus\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\nchange x by (XV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n change y by (-4)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [15]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (YV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <<<<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> or <touching (sprite2 v)?>> or <touching (ai @icmy123 v)?>> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (100)\n broadcast (Reset v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-100)\n go to x: (-201) y: (154)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Alan Walker - Force v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (154)\n broadcast (Reset v)\n next backdrop\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [1 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (7 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nswitch costume to (9 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nswitch costume to (10 v)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [1 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (7 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Particle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (50))\nshow\nset y to (10000)\nset [myx v] to (pick random ((ScrollX) - (400)) to ((ScrollX) + (400)))\nset [bubble speed v] to (pick random (-5) to (-12))\nset size to (pick random (50) to (60)) %\nrepeat (30)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change y by (Bubble speed)\n set x to ((MyX) - (ScrollX))\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(Level) < [9]> then\n wait (pick random (4) to (8)) seconds\n go to x: (pick random (-250) to (250)) y: (-120)\n start sound [Splash v]\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\npoint in direction (pick random (-25) to (25))\nrepeat (pick random (20) to (10))\n move (pick random (8) to (10)) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@AI @icmy123\n\ndefine Game\nshow\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nPosition\nif <(limit) < [5]> then\n if <(xv) > [-7]> then\n if <([abs v] of (([x v] of [player v]) - (x)) ) > [20]> then\n if <([x v] of [player v]) < (x)> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.2)\n else\n change [xv v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<(round (x)) = (round (data x))> and <(round (y)) = (round (data y))>> then\n change [limit v] by (1)\nelse\n set [limit v] to [0]\n set [data x v] to (round (x))\n set [data y v] to (round (y))\nend\nif <(limit) > [5]> then\n change [y v] by (-2)\n Position\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change [xv v] by (-10)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change [y v] by (1)\n change x by (xv)\n Position\n end\n end\nend\nif <(limit) < [5]> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\nend\nchange x by (xv)\nchange [y v] by (-2)\nPosition\nif <<touching (level v)?> and <(y) < ([y v] of [player v])>> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange [y v] by (2)\nPosition\nchange y by (yv)\n\ndefine change x by (xv)\nchange [x v] by (xv)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n set [yv v] to [12]\n Position\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine change y by (yv)\nchange [y v] by (yv)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(yv) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-0.7)\n else\n change [y v] by (0.7)\n end\n Position\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to x: (300) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [300]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n Game\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nReset\n\ndefine Reset\nset [x v] to [204]\nset [y v] to [120]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [limit v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nbroadcast (Tick v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nset [treasure? v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(Treasure?) = [0]>> then\n set [treasure? v] to [1]\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
Use W A S D or arrow keys to move\nThe rest is in the game!\n\nSpeedrun Mode (NEW): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992455715/\n\nPart 2:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/340605280/\n\nPlease change something if you remix
Angry Birds: The Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n forever\n forever\n forever\n forever\n forever\n forever\n play sound [Inferno v] until done\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Controls\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n change [speed_x v] by (1.3)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n change [speed_x v] by (-1.3)\n end\n change x by (speed_X)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change x by ((speed_X) * (-1))\n set [speed_x v] to [0]\n else\n set [speed_x v] to ((speed_X) * (0.8))\n end\n change y by (Speed_Y)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((Speed_Y) * (-1))\n set [speed_y v] to [0]\n if <(Jump) = [0]> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (up v)\n set [speed_y v] to [11]\n set [jump v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n change [speed_y v] by (-1)\n set [jump v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jump v] to [0]\nset [speed_x v] to [0]\nset [speed_y v] to [0]\nControls\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSensing\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-205) y: (114)\nset [level v] to [1]\n\ndefine Sensing\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [240]> or <(x position) > [240]>> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-212) y: (-32)\n end\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (moving ob v)?>> or <<touching (spikes\(enemy\) v)?> or <touching (enemy v)?>>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (100)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n go to x: (-212) y: (-32)\n repeat (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-100)\n end\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <<touching (jump pad v)?> or <touching (jump pad2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (Sense v)\n switch costume to (down v)\n set [speed_y v] to [18]\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (front layered v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (mid layered v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (back layered v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSize\n\ndefine Size\nforever\n if <<(Level) > [50000]> and <key (1 v) pressed?>> then\n repeat (40)\n change size by (1)\n end\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<(Level) > [8888888]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n repeat (40)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n set size to (60) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstart sound [Coin v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [front layered v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (29) y: (-68)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start213123 v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [level v]\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (94) y: (-84)\nswitch costume to (spike 1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [mid layered v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@jump pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nJump Pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [sense v]\nswitch costume to (jump pad v)\nrepeat (2)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (jump pad v)\n\ndefine Jump Pad\nhide\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [4]> or <(Level) = [6]>> then\n show\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-95) y: (-59)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-93) y: (-88)\n show\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [front layered v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Moving Ob\n\nwhen flag clicked\nOb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [mid layered v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine Ob\nhide\ngo to x: (-5) y: (106)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n show\n repeat (100)\n change y by (1)\n end\n wait (0.7) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.2) seconds\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Next Lvl\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (461) y: (0)\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1.5) seconds\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (-461) y: (0)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nbroadcast (finished v)\nhide\n\n@Background\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (21) y: (-11)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [back layered v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (50) to (80)) %\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nif <(side) = [1]> then\n go to x: (300) y: (pick random (150) to (100))\n repeat until <(x position) < [-250]>\n change x by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(side) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-300) y: (pick random (150) to (100))\n repeat until <(x position) > [250]>\n change x by (1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCloud\n\nwhen I receive [mid layered v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine Cloud\nforever\n set [side v] to (pick random (1) to (2))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (5) to (10)) seconds\nend\n\n@jump pad2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (69) y: (-87)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sense v]\nswitch costume to (jump pad v)\nrepeat (2)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (jump pad v)\n\nwhen I receive [front layered v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Enemy\n\ndefine enemy\nhide\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [8]> or <(Level) = [9]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n show\n go to x: (-56) y: (-84)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (right v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (145) y: (-83)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (left v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-56) y: (-84)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nenemy\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (right v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (145) y: (-83)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (left v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-56) y: (-84)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nbroadcast (enemy_clone v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@End\n\n@Spikes(enemy)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nArmor\n\nwhen I receive [enemy_clone v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (right v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (145) y: (-83)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (left v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-56) y: (-84)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n turn right (13) degrees\nend\n\ndefine Armor\nhide\nforever\n go to (enemy v)\n turn right (13) degrees\n if <<(Level) = [9]> or <(Level) = [8]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Bar\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (45)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (hide v)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (11)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (45)\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (45)\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start213123 v]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (45)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (Brodcasting... v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (11)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\n@Text1\n\nwhen I receive [brodcasting... v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start213123 v]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-102) y: (97)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (16)\n next costume\nend\n\n@Text2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (-43) y: (89)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (39)\n next costume\n end\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n hide\nend\nif then\nend\n\n@Text3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (-43) y: (89)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (9)\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Text4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (8)\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Text5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (19)\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Text6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (20)\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Text7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (24)\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Text8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (13)\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Text9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finished v]\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (start v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (thumb2 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (start213123 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [costume v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <not <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>> then\n wait (pick random (15) to (20)) seconds\n switch costume to (follow! v)\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <(Costume) > [0]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (25)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (315) %\ngo to x: (25) y: (4)\nforever\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\n
If there are bugs, tell me in the comments.\nCONTROLS:\nCursor keys/WASD/Tap (Mobile) to move your player\nAvoid spikes, lava, saws, acid and enemies! Be careful, as some spikes move!\nTrampolines make you jump really high!\nJump on enemies to defeat them. However, do NOT run into them. \nSwim in water.\nGet to the far right to advance to the next level.
Platformer Tutorial || ADVANCED
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [change music v]\nif <not <(_MUSIC) = ([ceiling v] of ((_LEVEL) / (15)) )>> then\n repeat (40)\n change volume by (-2.5)\n end\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (_START MUSIC v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_start music v]\nforever\n set volume to (50) %\n set [_music v] to ([ceiling v] of ((_LEVEL) / (15)) )\n play sound (_MUSIC) until done\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nset [___game mode v] to [0]\nbroadcast (_MAIN MENU v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [__outro v]\nswitch costume to (thumbnail4 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Change Y by (y)\nset [check semisolid v] to [0]\nif <touching (semi solid v)?> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(y) < [0.01]> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <[_player moves v] contains [down]?> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [0]\nend\nchange [y v] by (y)\nGet Solid\nif <(is solid) > [0]> then\n if <<(y) < [0.01]> and <<not <[_player moves v] contains [right]?>> and <not <[_player moves v] contains [left]?>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n Position\n Get Solid\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (2)\n Position\n Get Solid\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y) ) )\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by ((0) - ((y) / ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y) ) )))\n Get Solid\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n if <(y) < [0.01]> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n repeat (([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y) ) ) + (4))\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by ((0) - ((y) / ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y) ) )))\n Get Solid\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change X by (x) Slope: (slope)\nif <touching (semi solid v)?> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [0]\nelse\n set [check semisolid v] to [1]\nend\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [old xv v] to (xv)\nGet Solid\nrepeat (slope)\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.8))\n change [y v] by (1)\n Get Solid\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [check semisolid v] to [0]\nchange [y v] by ((0) - (slope))\nset [xv v] to (old xv)\nGet Solid\nif <(is solid) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n repeat (([abs v] of (x) ) + (2))\n Get Solid\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by ((0) - ((x) / ([abs v] of (x) )))\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls (speed)\nif <[_player moves v] contains [right]?> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (speed)\nelse\n if <[_player moves v] contains [left]?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by ((0) - (speed))\n end\nend\nif <<[_player moves v] contains [up]?> and <(in air) < [4]>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n Particle at X: (x position) Y: ((y position) - ((5) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))) Type: [2]\n if <(in air) = [0]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\nend\nif <[_player moves v] contains [Bounce]?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n set [in air v] to [999]\n add (x position) to [_particle spawns v]\n add ((y position) - ((0) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))) to [_particle spawns v]\n add [3] to [_particle spawns v]\nend\nif <<(in air) > [999]> and <(in air) < [1005]>> then\n Particle at X: (x position) Y: ((y position) - ((5) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))) Type: [2]\nend\n\ndefine game loop\nrepeat until \n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n Handle Movement Inputs\n Controls [2]\n if <([abs v] of (yv) ) > [1]> then\n change [in air v] by (1)\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.8))\n Change X by (round ((xv) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))) Slope: ([ceiling v] of ((8) * (_PLAYER SIZE%)) )\n Change Y by (round ((yv) * (_PLAYER SIZE%)))\n Get Solid\n if <<<<touching (obstacles v)?> or <touching (moving spikes v)?>> or <touching (blades v)?>> or <(y) < [-190]>> then\n Die\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Draw\n delete all of [_player moves v]\nend\nset [___game mode v] to [2]\nstart sound [Connect v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nchange [_level v] by (1)\nif <(__UNLOCKED) < (_LEVEL)> then\n set [__unlocked v] to (_LEVEL)\nend\nbroadcast (__Screen Wipe v) and wait\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nDraw\nrepeat (15)\n change y by ((2) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [x v] to (item ((((_LEVEL) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [player spawn v])\nset [y v] to (item ((((_LEVEL) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [player spawn v])\nPosition\nif <(x position) > [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\ndefine Get Solid\nPosition\nif <<<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (doors v)?>> or <touching (platforms v)?>> or <<touching (semi solid v)?> and <(check semisolid) > [0]>>> then\n set [is solid v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<(x) < [-242]> or <(x) > [242]>> then\n set [is solid v] to [1]\n else\n set [is solid v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(___GAME MODE) = [1]> then\n broadcast (delete objects v) and wait\n Begin\n broadcast (begin v) and wait\nend\n\ndefine Draw\nswitch costume to (large v)\nPosition\nif <(in air) > [3]> then\n switch costume to (((0) - (((yv) / ([abs v] of (yv) )) / (2))) + (3.5))\nelse\n if <([abs v] of (xv) ) > [0.4]> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (16)) mod (4)) + (5)) )\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (4.35)) mod (2)) + (1)) )\n end\nend\n\ndefine Begin\nSpawn\nDraw\nbroadcast (change music v)\nset [_keys collected v] to [0]\nset [_total keys v] to [0]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch backdrop to (join [Level] (_LEVEL))\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = (join [Level] (_LEVEL))> then\nScale\nbroadcast (setup level v) and wait\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [prev timer v] to (timer)\nset [fps count v] to [0]\nforever\n change [fps count v] by (1)\n if <(timer) > ((prev timer) + (1))> then\n set [__fps v] to (fps count)\n set [fps count v] to [0]\n set [prev timer v] to (timer)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Handle Movement Inputs\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n add [right] to [_player moves v]\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n add [left] to [_player moves v]\nend\nif <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n add [down] to [_player moves v]\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n add [up] to [_player moves v]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nDie\n\ndefine Die\nstart sound [Hit v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nBegin\n\nwhen I receive [enemy stomp v]\nset [yv v] to [15]\nset [in air v] to [9999999999]\n\nwhen I receive [_start game loop v]\ndelete all of [_player moves v]\nbroadcast (_START JOYSTICK v)\nbroadcast (_LAYER ALL v) and wait\nbroadcast (init particles v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nrepeat until <(_LEVEL) = [46]>\n Scale\n broadcast (delete objects v) and wait\n Begin\n set [___game mode v] to [1]\n broadcast (begin v) and wait\n game loop\nend\nerase all\nbroadcast (delete objects v) and wait\nbroadcast (delete special objects v) and wait\nbroadcast (__STOP PROCESSES v) and wait\nbroadcast (__END GAME v) and wait\nbroadcast (change music v) and wait\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Scale\nif <(_LEVEL) < [34]> then\n set size to (101) %\nelse\n if <(_LEVEL) < [36]> then\n set size to (75) %\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) < [41]> then\n set size to (101) %\n else\n set size to (75) %\n end\n end\nend\nset [_player size% v] to ((size) / (101))\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\nerase all\nbroadcast (draw new level v)\nbroadcast (layer particles v)\nbroadcast (delete special objects v) and wait\nbroadcast (spawn special objects v) and wait\nbroadcast (begin processes v)\n\nwhen I receive [_restart v]\nif <(___GAME MODE) = [1]> then\n broadcast (delete objects v) and wait\n Begin\n broadcast (begin v) and wait\nend\n\ndefine Particle at X: (x) Y: (y) Type: (id)\nadd (x) to [_particle spawns v]\nadd (y) to [_particle spawns v]\nadd (id) to [_particle spawns v]\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [draw new level v]\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (_LEVEL))\nshow\nStamp Shadow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_layer all v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to x: (8) y: (-8)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [__end game v]\nhide\n\n@Doors\n\nwhen I receive [begin processes v]\nrepeat (3)\nwait until <(_KEYS COLLECTED) = [1]>\nrepeat (15)\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (13)\nend\nerase all\nbroadcast (draw new level v)\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (13)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [draw new level v]\nif <(_KEYS COLLECTED) = [0]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (join [Level] (_LEVEL))\n if <(costume [name v]) = (join [Level] (_LEVEL))> then\n show\n Stamp Shadow\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_layer all v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to x: (8) y: (-8)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [__end game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [__stop processes v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Obstacles\n\nwhen I receive [draw new level v]\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (_LEVEL))\nif <(costume [name v]) = (join [Level] (_LEVEL))> then\n Stamp Shadow\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_layer all v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to x: (8) y: (-8)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [__end game v]\nhide\n\n@Moving Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [draw new level v]\nset [correct costume v] to (join [Level] (_LEVEL))\nswitch costume to (correct costume)\nif <(costume [name v]) = (correct costume)> then\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n Stamp Shadow\n set x to (0)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_start game loop v]\nforever\n set [y v] to [0]\n repeat (30)\n repeat (13)\n change [y v] by (-3)\n end\n set [y v] to ((-3) * (13))\n repeat (30)\n repeat (13)\n change [y v] by (3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_layer all v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (2) layers\n\nwhen I receive [_start game loop v]\nforever\n switch costume to (position v)\n set y to ((y) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))\n switch costume to (correct costume)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [__end game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [__stop processes v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Semi Solid\n\nwhen I receive [_layer all v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [draw new level v]\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (_LEVEL))\nif <(costume [name v]) = (join [Level] (_LEVEL))> then\n show\n Stamp Shadow\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to x: (8) y: (-8)\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [__end game v]\nhide\n\n@Flag\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nif <(_LEVEL) < [45]> then\n set size to ([size v] of [player v]) %\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(id) = [0]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n if <(_LEVEL) < (((length of [flag spawn v]) / (4)) + (1))> then\n Flag | X: (item ((((_LEVEL) - (1)) * (4)) + (2)) of [flag spawn v]) Y (item ((((_LEVEL) - (1)) * (4)) + (3)) of [flag spawn v])\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Flag | X: (x) Y (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete objects v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id v] to [flag]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (flag v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] ((7) + (_PARTICLE COUNT)) layers\nshow\npoint in direction (160)\nrepeat until <(direction) < [90.05]>\n turn left (((direction) - (90.05)) / (5)) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (((timer) * (12)) mod (8))\nend\n\n@Keys\n\nwhen I receive [spawn special objects v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset size to ([size v] of [player v]) %\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n if <(_LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Key | X: [138] Y [140]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Key | X: [-110] Y [126]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Key | X: [-112] Y [-74]\n Key | X: [112] Y [118]\n Key | X: [-150] Y [76]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [9]> then\n Key | X: [-124] Y [96]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [10]> then\n Key | X: [134] Y [-24]\n Key | X: [-184] Y [110]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [11]> then\n Key | X: [158] Y [14]\n Key | X: [206] Y [130]\n Key | X: [-166] Y [80]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [12]> then\n Key | X: [144] Y [-120]\n Key | X: [-85] Y [-16]\n Key | X: [-214] Y [76]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [13]> then\n Key | X: [-66] Y [-130]\n Key | X: [66] Y [-130]\n Key | X: [82] Y [120]\n Key | X: [218] Y [72]\n Key | X: [-176] Y [-114]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [14]> then\n Key | X: [190] Y [34]\n Key | X: [4] Y [70]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [15]> then\n Key | X: [114] Y [168]\n Key | X: [196] Y [-78]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [16]> then\n Key | X: [-186] Y [-120]\n Key | X: [164] Y [112]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [17]> then\n Key | X: [116] Y [-64]\n Key | X: [-204] Y [60]\n Key | X: [-218] Y [-118]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [18]> then\n Key | X: [-156] Y [156]\n Key | X: [-40] Y [100]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [20]> then\n Key | X: [-134] Y [24]\n Key | X: [134] Y [24]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [21]> then\n Key | X: [-182] Y [-72]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [22]> then\n Key | X: [4] Y [-44]\n Key | X: [210] Y [-100]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [24]> then\n Key | X: [-198] Y [-130]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [25]> then\n Key | X: [92] Y [124]\n Key | X: [-218] Y [86]\n Key | X: [184] Y [-96]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [27]> then\n Key | X: [143] Y [-18]\n Key | X: [-155] Y [-116]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [28]> then\n Key | X: [-165] Y [-88]\n Key | X: [-31] Y [116]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [30]> then\n Key | X: [-87] Y [142]\n Key | X: [175] Y [-54]\n Key | X: [-175] Y [54]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [32]> then\n Key | X: [0] Y [-26]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [33]> then\n Key | X: [158] Y [-126]\n Key | X: [-82] Y [-42]\n Key | X: [34] Y [-40]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [34]> then\n Key | X: [-15] Y [148]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [35]> then\n Key | X: [-215] Y [-114]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [36]> then\n Key | X: [11] Y [-130]\n Key | X: [185] Y [-28]\n Key | X: [-109] Y [146]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [37]> then\n Key | X: [50] Y [14]\n Key | X: [-50] Y [14]\n Key | X: [0] Y [40]\n Key | X: [96] Y [-132]\n Key | X: [-188] Y [-72]\n Key | X: [-188] Y [-134]\n Key | X: [-188] Y [-6]\n Key | X: [-188] Y [70]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [38]> then\n Key | X: [-108] Y [-18]\n Key | X: [106] Y [-62]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [39]> then\n Key | X: [-222] Y [48]\n Key | X: [198] Y [120]\n Key | X: [-52] Y [-130]\n Key | X: [84] Y [174]\n Key | X: [-50] Y [24]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [41]> then\n Key | X: [-116] Y [-148]\n Key | X: [197] Y [-136]\n Key | X: [-58] Y [39]\n Key | X: [-197] Y [136]\n Key | X: [163] Y [46]\n Key | X: [172] Y [-53]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [42]> then\n Key | X: [-34] Y [50]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [43]> then\n Key | X: [-86] Y [44]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [44]> then\n Key | X: [213] Y [133]\n Key | X: [-209] Y [69]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [45]> then\n Key | X: [-221] Y [-140]\n Key | X: [-155] Y [158]\n Key | X: [-41] Y [-146]\n Key | X: [148] Y [160]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Key | X: (x) Y (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [_total keys v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [delete special objects v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id v] to [key]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (key v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] ((8) + (_PARTICLE COUNT)) layers\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(distance to [player v]) < ((30) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))>\nstart sound [Clang v]\nchange [_total keys v] by (-1)\nif <(_TOTAL KEYS) < [1]> then\n set [_keys collected v] to [1]\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [y v] by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (key v)\n set y to ((y) + ((([sin v] of (((timer) + ((x position) * (2))) * (200)) ) * (7)) * ((size) / (100))))\nend\n\ndefine Particle at X: (x) Y: (y) Type: (id)\nadd (x) to [_particle spawns v]\nadd (y) to [_particle spawns v]\nadd (id) to [_particle spawns v]\n\n@Bouncy\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nSpawn Trampolines\n\ndefine trampoline | X: (x) Y (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [delete objects v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id v] to [bounce]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (idle v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n add [Bounce] to [_player moves v]\n start sound [Big Boing v]\n switch costume to (bounce v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (jump v)\n\ndefine Spawn Trampolines\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset size to ([size v] of [player v]) %\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n if <(_LEVEL) = [3]> then\n trampoline | X: [34] Y [-152]\n trampoline | X: [-146] Y [-152]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [4]> then\n trampoline | X: [-40] Y [-110]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [6]> then\n trampoline | X: [110] Y [-94]\n trampoline | X: [-148] Y [26]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [8]> then\n trampoline | X: [2] Y [-8]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [10]> then\n trampoline | X: [-187] Y [58]\n trampoline | X: [-6] Y [-56]\n trampoline | X: [64] Y [-56]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [11]> then\n trampoline | X: [-98] Y [-18]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [12]> then\n trampoline | X: [-218] Y [-150]\n trampoline | X: [218] Y [-150]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [13]> then\n trampoline | X: [188] Y [-92]\n trampoline | X: [-176] Y [-156]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [14]> then\n trampoline | X: [-200] Y [-142]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [16]> then\n trampoline | X: [-30] Y [-150]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [17]> then\n trampoline | X: [200] Y [-126]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [18]> then\n trampoline | X: [-196] Y [-26]\n trampoline | X: [148] Y [-150]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [22]> then\n trampoline | X: [150] Y [-155]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [24]> then\n trampoline | X: [-68] Y [-77]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [27]> then\n trampoline | X: [144] Y [-47]\n trampoline | X: [-155] Y [-151]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [28]> then\n trampoline | X: [187] Y [-149]\n trampoline | X: [-19] Y [-42]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [30]> then\n trampoline | X: [131] Y [-24]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [34]> then\n trampoline | X: [-201] Y [68]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [35]> then\n trampoline | X: [223] Y [-158]\n trampoline | X: [188] Y [-25]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [38]> then\n trampoline | X: [-80] Y [-138]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [40]> then\n trampoline | X: [-108] Y [-112]\n trampoline | X: [18] Y [-126]\n trampoline | X: [129] Y [-105]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [44]> then\n trampoline | X: [-209] Y [39]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [45]> then\n trampoline | X: [-220] Y [-168]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [draw new level v]\nif <(id) > [0]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (idle v)\n show\nend\n\n@enemy\n\nwhen I receive [delete special objects v]\nset size to ([size v] of [player v]) %\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n hide\n if <(_LEVEL) = [31]> then\n Enemy | X: [-96] Y [-152] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [-90]\n Enemy | X: [112] Y [-50] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [9] Y [48] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [32]> then\n Enemy | X: [0] Y [25] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [-90]\n Enemy | X: [206] Y [-150] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [-90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [33]> then\n Enemy | X: [-142] Y [20] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [-122] Y [20] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [-102] Y [20] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [34]> then\n Enemy | X: [59] Y [-96] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [-131] Y [-96] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [35]> then\n Enemy | X: [77] Y [-26] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [121] Y [-76] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [-90]\n Enemy | X: [71] Y [-128] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [36]> then\n Enemy | X: [-67] Y [122] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [35] Y [122] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [-90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [39]> then\n Enemy | X: [3] Y [36] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [41]> then\n Enemy | X: [-146] Y [86] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [43]> then\n Enemy | X: [-96] Y [-42] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [44]> then\n Enemy | X: [-18] Y [19] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [45]> then\n Enemy | X: [0] Y [-167] Size: [100] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n Enemy | X: [160] Y [-107] Size: [150] Type: [1] Dir: [90]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Enemy | X: (x) Y (y) Size: (size) Type: (typ) Dir: (dir)\nset size to ((size) * (([size v] of [player v]) / (100))) %\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [dir v] to (dir)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [delete special objects v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nDraw\nset [id v] to [enemy]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] ((6) + (_PARTICLE COUNT)) layers\nend\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nDraw\nset [in air v] to [999999]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n point in direction (dir)\n if <(in air) = [0]> then\n get IsSolid at X: ((x position) + ((((dir) / ([abs v] of (dir) )) * (15)) * ((size) / (100)))) Y ((y position) - ((15) * ((size) / (100))))\n if <(is solid) = [0]> then\n set [dir v] to ((0) - (dir))\n end\n end\n Handle Movement Inputs\n Controls [1]\n change [in air v] by (1)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.8))\n Change X by (round ((xv) * (((size) - (1)) / (100))))\n Change Y by (round ((yv) * (((size) - (1)) / (100))))\n Draw\n if <(___GAME MODE) = [1]> then\n if <([abs v] of (((y position) + ((13) * ((size) / (100)))) - ([y position v] of [player v])) ) < ((20) * ((size) / (100)))> then\n if <([abs v] of ((x position) - ([x position v] of [player v])) ) < ((20) * ((size) / (100)))> then\n if <<([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) + ((13) * ((size) / (100))))> and <([in air v] of [player v]) > [0]>> then\n if <(username) = [purple-sparkle]> then\n start sound [Ya v]\n else\n start sound [Pluck v]\n end\n broadcast (enemy stomp v)\n switch costume to (chickensquish v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish2 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish3 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish2 v)\n wait (1.7) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish2 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish3 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish2 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickensquish v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (chickenstand v)\n else\n if <([abs v] of ((x position) - ([x position v] of [player v])) ) < ((9) * ((size) / (100)))> then\n Draw\n broadcast (DIE v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change X by (x)\nif <touching (semi solid v)?> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [0]\nelse\n set [check semisolid v] to [1]\nend\nchange [x v] by (x)\nGet Solid\nrepeat (8)\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n Get Solid\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [check semisolid v] to [0]\nchange [y v] by (-8)\nGet Solid\nif <(is solid) > [0]> then\n set [dir v] to ((0) - (dir))\n set [xv v] to [0]\n repeat (([abs v] of (x) ) + (1))\n Get Solid\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by ((0) - ((x) / ([abs v] of (x) )))\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Y by (y)\nset [check semisolid v] to [0]\nif <touching (semi solid v)?> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(y) < [0.01]> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <[moves v] contains [down]?> then\n set [check semisolid v] to [0]\nend\nchange [y v] by (y)\nGet Solid\nif <(is solid) > [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n if <(y) < [0.01]> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y) ) )\n if <(is solid) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by ((0) - ((y) / ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y) ) )))\n Get Solid\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls (speed)\nif <[moves v] contains [right]?> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (speed)\nelse\n if <[moves v] contains [left]?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by ((0) - (speed))\n end\nend\nif <<[moves v] contains [up]?> and <(in air) < [4]>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\nend\n\ndefine Get Solid\nPosition\nif <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (doors v)?>> or <<<touching (semi solid v)?> and <(check semisolid) > [0]>> or <touching (platforms v)?>>> then\n set [is solid v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<(x) < [-242]> or <(x) > [242]>> then\n set [is solid v] to [1]\n else\n set [is solid v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\ndefine Handle Movement Inputs\ndelete all of [moves v]\nif <(dir) > [0]> then\n add [right] to [moves v]\nend\nif <(dir) < [0]> then\n add [left] to [moves v]\nend\n\ndefine get IsSolid at X: (x) Y (y)\nswitch costume to (point v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (doors v)?>> or <<touching (semi solid v)?> or <touching (platforms v)?>>> then\n set [is solid v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<(x) < [-242]> or <(x) > [242]>> then\n set [is solid v] to [1]\n else\n set [is solid v] to [0]\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\n\ndefine Draw\nswitch costume to (large v)\nPosition\nif <(in air) > [3]> then\n switch costume to (((0) - (((yv) / ([abs v] of (yv) )) / (2))) + (3.5))\nelse\n if <([abs v] of (xv) ) > [0]> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (8)) mod (2)) + (5)) )\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (4.35)) mod (2)) + (1)) )\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [__stop processes v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Blades\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n if <(_LEVEL) = [16]> then\n Saw | X: [25] Y [-6] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [75] Y [-6] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [100] Y [-150] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [150] Y [-150] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [250] Y [-150] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [165] Y [74] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [17]> then\n Saw | X: [37] Y [-50] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-171] Y [-150] Size: [100] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [18]> then\n Saw | X: [-168] Y [72] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-223] Y [152] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [127] Y [16] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [19]> then\n Saw | X: [-6] Y [-2] Size: [115] Type: [2] Speed [6]\n Saw | X: [-200] Y [-118] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [20]> then\n Saw | X: [-133] Y [-24] Size: [65] Type: [2] Speed []\n Saw | X: [133] Y [-24] Size: [65] Type: [2] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [21]> then\n Saw | X: [27] Y [64] Size: [70] Type: [2] Speed []\n Saw | X: [17] Y [-120] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [22]> then\n Saw | X: [7] Y [-86] Size: [85] Type: [2] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-160] Y [-116] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [23]> then\n Saw | X: [0] Y [4] Size: [103] Type: [2] Speed [2]\n Saw | X: [0] Y [4] Size: [100] Type: [2] Speed [1]\n Saw | X: [0] Y [4] Size: [100] Type: [2] Speed [0.4]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [24]> then\n Saw | X: [-68] Y [-100] Size: [60] Type: [2] Speed [5]\n Saw | X: [-158] Y [25] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-239] Y [-35] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-158] Y [-95] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [25]> then\n Saw | X: [-216] Y [51] Size: [75] Type: [2] Speed []\n Saw | X: [120] Y [163] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [186] Y [-151] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [26]> then\n Saw | X: [34] Y [-143] Size: [75] Type: [2] Speed [-4]\n Saw | X: [-218] Y [-151] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [27]> then\n Saw | X: [-92] Y [47] Size: [75] Type: [2] Speed [-5]\n Saw | X: [68] Y [-151] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [28]> then\n Saw | X: [-212] Y [-87] Size: [75] Type: [2] Speed [6]\n Saw | X: [-20] Y [-53] Size: [75] Type: [2] Speed [-6]\n Saw | X: [156] Y [43] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [29]> then\n Saw | X: [68] Y [23] Size: [55] Type: [2] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-84] Y [-105] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-84] Y [0] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [30]> then\n Saw | X: [88] Y [96] Size: [55] Type: [2] Speed [-6]\n Saw | X: [-170] Y [-98] Size: [55] Type: [2] Speed [6]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [31]> then\n Saw | X: [202] Y [142] Size: [75] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [32]> then\n Saw | X: [-165] Y [80] Size: [50] Type: [2] Speed [-8]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [34]> then\n Saw | X: [85] Y [101] Size: [50] Type: [2] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [37]> then\n Saw | X: [0] Y [110] Size: [85] Type: [2] Speed [5]\n Saw | X: [0] Y [-83] Size: [50] Type: [2] Speed [-6.5]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [39]> then\n Saw | X: [86] Y [121] Size: [100] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [41]> then\n Saw | X: [20] Y [47] Size: [55] Type: [2] Speed [3]\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [42]> then\n Saw | X: [-69] Y [-140] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [43]> then\n Saw | X: [3] Y [94] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [35] Y [58] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [35] Y [28] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [35] Y [0] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [44]> then\n Saw | X: [150] Y [-59] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [80] Y [-59] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [10] Y [-59] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [45]> then\n Saw | X: [-181] Y [-116] Size: [55] Type: [2] Speed []\n Saw | X: [-45] Y [65] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n Saw | X: [151] Y [82] Size: [55] Type: [1] Speed []\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Saw | X: (x) Y (y) Size: (size) Type: (typ) Speed (speed)\nswitch costume to (typ)\nset size to (size) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [y v] to (y)\nif <(speed) > []> then\n set [speed v] to (speed)\nelse\n set [speed v] to [7]\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [delete objects v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id v] to [saw]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] ((1) + (_PARTICLE COUNT)) layers\nelse\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] ((10) + (_PARTICLE COUNT)) layers\nend\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(speed) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nforever\n turn right (speed) degrees\nend\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [spawn special objects v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n if <(_LEVEL) = [38]> then\n Platform | X: [100] Y [72] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-12] Y [64] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-88] Y [110] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-210] Y [16] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-210] Y [86] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-210] Y [-54] Size: []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [39]> then\n Platform | X: [137] Y [-92] Size: []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [42]> then\n Platform | X: [-125] Y [-120] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-217] Y [-80] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-125] Y [-40] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-217] Y [0] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-125] Y [40] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-217] Y [80] Size: []\n Platform | X: [185] Y [-120] Size: []\n Platform | X: [75] Y [-80] Size: []\n Platform | X: [185] Y [-40] Size: []\n Platform | X: [75] Y [0] Size: []\n Platform | X: [185] Y [40] Size: []\n Platform | X: [75] Y [80] Size: []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [43]> then\n Platform | X: [-85] Y [-50] Size: []\n Platform | X: [-85] Y [80] Size: []\n else\n if <(_LEVEL) = [45]> then\n Platform | X: [25] Y [-34] Size: [75]\n Platform | X: [-18] Y [-66] Size: [95]\n Platform | X: [150] Y [139] Size: [95]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Platform | X: (x) Y (y) Size: (size)\nif <(size) > []> then\n set [size v] to (size)\nelse\n set [size v] to [100]\nend\nset size to ((size) * (_PLAYER SIZE%)) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [delete special objects v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id v] to [platform]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (platform v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (platform v)\n if <<([abs v] of (([x position v] of [player v]) - (x position)) ) < ((34) * ((size) / (100)))> and <([abs v] of (([y position v] of [player v]) - ((y position) + (3))) ) < ((25) * ((size) / (100)))>> then\n set [pitch v] effect to (pick random (-10.00) to (10.00))\n start sound [Glass Breaking v]\n repeat (3)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (6)\n hide\n repeat (60)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (platform v)\n repair\n end\nend\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to (random position v)\n\nPlatform | X: [-18] Y [-66] Size: [75]\n\ndefine repair\nforever\n show\n if <not <touching (player v)?>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Particles\n\nwhen I receive [init particles v]\ndelete all of [_particle spawns v]\nset [layer v] to [0]\nset [_particle count v] to [0]\nset [id v] to []\nSpawn Initial Particles\nforever\n go to (random position v)\n set y to (-200)\n set [id v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [id v] to []\n Spawn additional particles\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (particle v)\n set [layer v] to (pick random (1) to (4))\n set [ghost v] to (((y position) + (200)) / (layer))\n set size to ([ceiling v] of (((25) * (layer)) * (([size v] of [player v]) / (101))) ) %\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n change [_particle count v] by (1)\n repeat until <(ghost) > [99]>\n change [ghost v] by ((2) / (layer))\n set [ghost v] effect to ((85) + ((ghost) / (4)))\n change y by ((layer) / (1.1))\n end\n change [_particle count v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\nelse\n set rotation style [all around v]\n Point Towards | X: ([x position v] of [player v]) Y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n set size to ((75) * (_PLAYER SIZE%)) %\n switch costume to (particle2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (8) layers\n show\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change size by ((-4) * (_PLAYER SIZE%))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Spawn Initial Particles\nset [id v] to [1]\nrepeat (100)\n go to (random position v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [id v] to []\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [layer particles v]\nif <(layer) > [0]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [__end game v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [__stop processes v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine Spawn additional particles\nrepeat ((length of [_particle spawns v]) / (3))\n go to x: (item (1) of [_particle spawns v]) y: (item (2) of [_particle spawns v])\n set [id v] to (item (3) of [_particle spawns v])\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [id v] to []\n repeat (3)\n delete (1) of [_particle spawns v]\n end\nend\ndelete all of [_particle spawns v]\n\ndefine Point Towards | X: (x) Y: (y)\npoint in direction (([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) ) + ((180) * <(y position) > (y)>))\n\nPoint Towards | X: [0] Y: [0]\n\n@Main Menu\n\nwhen I receive [_main menu v]\nif <(id) = []> then\n switch backdrop to (menu v)\n set [_level v] to [1]\n broadcast (_START MUSIC v)\n set [tile size v] to [33]\n set [_menu offset x v] to [135]\n set [_menu offset y v] to [0]\n set [backdrop width v] to [610]\n set [backdrop width v] to [480]\n Clone | Type: [back] X: [0] Y: [0]\n Clone | Type: [back] X: (backdrop width) Y: [0]\n Clone | Type: [logo] X: [-90] Y: [60]\n Clone | Type: [text] X: (_MENU OFFSET X) Y: [158]\n Create Button Grid | Width: [5] Height: [9]\n Clone | Type: [mello] X: [0] Y: [0]\n Clone | Type: [play] X: [-40] Y: [-65]\nend\n\nClone | Type: [Mute Music] X: [-73] Y: [-135]\nClone | Type: [Sounds] X: [0] Y: [-135]\n\ndefine Create Button Grid | Width: (w) Height: (h)\nset [level button v] to [1]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [_menu offset x v] to (((((0) - ((w) * (tile size))) + (tile size)) / (2)) + (_MENU OFFSET X))\nset [_menu offset y v] to (((0) - ((((0) - ((h) * (tile size))) + (tile size)) / (2))) + (_MENU OFFSET Y))\nset [id v] to [button]\nrepeat (h)\n set [x v] to [0]\n repeat (w)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n change [level button v] by (1)\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\nend\nset [id v] to []\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(id) = [mello]> or <(id) = [back]>> then\n set size to (100) %\nelse\n set size to (20) %\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [backdrop num v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\nrepeat until <(___GAME MODE) = [1]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (8))\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n if <(id) = [button]> then\n Tick Button\n else\n if <(id) = [logo]> then\n Tick Logo\n else\n if <(id) = [play]> then\n Tick Play Button\n else\n if <(id) = [back]> then\n Backdrop Tick\n else\n if <(id) = [text]> then\n switch costume to (text v)\n else\n if <(id) = [mello]> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (6.7)) mod (4)) + (2)) )\n else\n if <<(id) = [Mute Music]> or <(id) = [Sounds]>> then\n switch costume to (id)\n set y to ((y) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (80)) ) * (8)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nfade out\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nset [id v] to []\nhide\n\ndefine Tick Button\nset x to (((x) * (tile size)) + (_MENU OFFSET X))\nset y to ((((y) * (tile size)) + ()) + (_MENU OFFSET Y))\nif <(level button) > (__UNLOCKED)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((level button) + (14)) / (15)) + (12)) )\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (mouse check v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (light v)\n if <(mouse touch) = [0]> then\n start sound [Wood Tap v]\n set [pitch v] effect to (pick random (-20) to (20))\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse down) = [0]>> and <not <(level button) > (__UNLOCKED)>>> then\n set [_level v] to (level button)\n broadcast (_START GAME LOOP v)\n end\n set [mouse touch v] to [1]\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((level button) + (14)) / (15)) + (9)) )\n set [mouse touch v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Tick Logo\nswitch costume to (logo v)\nset y to ((y) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (80)) ) * (11)))\n\ndefine Clone | Type: (id) X: (x) Y: (y)\nset [id v] to (id)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to []\n\ndefine Tick Play Button\nset y to ((y) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (80)) ) * (8)))\nswitch costume to (play v)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (play2 v)\n if <(mouse touch) = [0]> then\n start sound [Wood Tap v]\n set [pitch v] effect to (pick random (-20) to (20))\n end\n set [mouse touch v] to [1]\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse down) = [0]>> then\n set [_level v] to [1]\n broadcast (_START GAME LOOP v)\n end\nelse\n set [mouse touch v] to [0]\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Backdrop Tick\nshow\nswitch costume to ((backdrop num) + (15))\nset [brightness v] effect to (30)\nchange [x v] by (-2)\nif <(x) < ((0) - (backdrop width))> then\n set [x v] to (backdrop width)\n set [backdrop num v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\nend\n\ndefine fade out\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (25)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nClone | Type: (join [funnytext] (pick random (1) to (44))) X: [-140] Y: [15]\n\n@Transition\n\nwhen I receive [__screen wipe v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (transition v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (-500) y: (0)\nshow\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n change x by (20)\nend\nbroadcast (__finish screen wipe v)\n\nwhen I receive [__finish screen wipe v]\nif <(_LEVEL) > [45]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [frame v] to [2]\n set correct costume\n set [ismousedown v] to [1]\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\n repeat until <(frame) > [6]>\n set correct costume\n if <<mouse down?> or <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ismousedown) = [0]> then\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n set correct costume\n end\n change [frame v] by (1)\n set correct costume\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\n set correct costume\n end\n end\n set [ismousedown v] to [1]\n else\n set [ismousedown v] to [0]\n end\n end\n go to [back v] layer\n repeat until <not <<mouse down?> or <key (any v) pressed?>>>\n set correct costume\n end\n wait until <<mouse down?> or <key (any v) pressed?>>\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n end\n broadcast (__OUTRO v) and wait\nelse\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change x by (20)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine set correct costume\nswitch costume to ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (2)) mod (2)) + (((frame) - (1)) * (2))) )\n\n@Mobile\n\nwhen I receive [_start joystick v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nset [id v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset size to (120) %\nset [id v] to [2]\nPosition joystick\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (joystick v)\nforever\n if <key (any v) pressed?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [__stop processes v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (restart v)\nelse\n switch costume to (controller v)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nforever\n if <(id) = [1]> then\n repeat until <key (any v) pressed?>\n operate as restart button\n end\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <<(mouse x) < [-190]> and <(mouse y) > [95]>>>\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n repeat (10)\n change x by (4)\n end\n repeat until <key (any v) pressed?>\n operate as restart button\n end\n else\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(mouse down) = [0]>> then\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n if <key (any v) pressed?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n point towards (mobile v)\n if <(distance to [mobile v]) > ((8) * ((size) / (100)))> then\n if <<(direction) < [150]> and <(direction) > [20]>> then\n add [left] to [_player moves v]\n else\n if <<(direction) > [-150]> and <(direction) < [-20]>> then\n add [right] to [_player moves v]\n end\n end\n if <<(direction) < [50]> and <(direction) > [-50]>> then\n add [down] to [_player moves v]\n else\n if <<(direction) < [-122]> or <(direction) > [122]>> then\n add [up] to [_player moves v]\n end\n end\n if <(distance to [mobile v]) > ((20) * ((size) / (100)))> then\n move ((distance to [mobile v]) - ((20) * ((size) / (100)))) steps\n end\n end\n end\n Position joystick\n else\n set [mouse down v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [mouse down v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (any v) pressed?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position joystick\ngo to x: (195) y: (-135)\n\nwhen I receive [_layer all v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (8) layers\nshow\n\ndefine operate as restart button\ngo to x: (-220) y: (153)\nset [ghost v] to (((0) - ((distance to [player v]) * (2))) + (100))\nif <(ghost) > [100]> then\n set [ghost v] to [100]\nelse\n if <(ghost) < [40]> then\n set [ghost v] to [40]\n end\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [35]> then\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (4))\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse down) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (_RESTART v) and wait\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nelse\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (4))\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n set [mouse down v] to [1]\nelse\n set [mouse down v] to [0]\nend\n\n
◈ Minecraft platformer ◈
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (fantasia1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-209) y: (-127)\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [50]>>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [50]>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (portal v)?> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (-127)\n broadcast (next v)\n end\n if <touching (spike v)?> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (-127)\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n go to x: (-209) y: (-127)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (fantasia2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@ground\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nswitch costume to (fantasia1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\n@landscape\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\nend\n\n@portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\nend\n\n@spike\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\nend\n\n@water\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (-200)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (0.3)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.3)\n end\nend\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (1) to (3)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (40) to (75))\ngo to x: (-242) y: (pick random (28) to (-259))\nforever\n repeat until <(x position) > [171]>\n move (pick random (2) to (7)) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (100)\n end\nend\n\n
[ WARNING: VERY LAGGY ]\n\nRight - A Scrolling Platformer\n___________________________\n\nIn this (randomized) scrolling platformer, you can only go one way, right! It's a one-level scroller, but the level is big. Please notify me of any bugs, I will fix them!\n\nThis was a 12-hour project, so a heart and star are appreciated! (The level is randomized)\n\nYAY! Top-loved!\n\nCredits:\n- @griffpatch for the engine.\n- @theflamingarrow34 for inspiration.\n- Elektronomia for the music, Ibiza.\n- YOU for viewing.\n\nThanks for 750! I got 500 followers from my previous platformer! If so, this should be on trending, right?\n\nThanks for viewing, heart and star, bye!\n\n\nAnnoying, unrelated, awful tags:\n#right #scroller #noob #gray #grey #scale #grayscale #mobile #friendly #love #favourite #follow #squaddlegend #game #tutorials #games #game #all #trending #boi #a #platformer #a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j #k #l #m #n #o #p #q #r #s #t #u #v #w #x #y #z #XD #xD #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #griffpatch #will_wam #wazzotv #glaolaosd #super #cool #platformer #a #1234567890 #art #music #all #games #stories #platsformer #unusal #the #white #box #thewhitebox #black #void #theblackvoid #fun #game #games #platformer #platformers #tutorial #music #black #white #red #grey #poorly #drawn #eyes #platforms #red #orange #hard #easy #medium #terrible #art #terribleart #a #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #I #j #k #l #m #n #o #p #q #r #s #t #u #v #w #x #y #z #animations #art #animation #tutorial #trash #trending #popular #all #games #music #oof #hard #colours #spectrum #colourspectrum #rainbow #stories #all #trending #popular #famous #anthonybug #game #random #mobile #ipad #android #whydotagsexist #poop #poo #urinal #please #stop #reading #this #grabage #or #me #steal #your #cookies #zilbs #duoof #esther_hi #sharkyshar #js_coder #cheekyscuola #stickman #red #orange #yellow #green #cyan #blue #purple #pink #life #boats #water #duoof #skins #shop #tasks #rewards #lots #tons #of #levels #unrelatedtags #lol
~Sketch~A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nplay sound [TheFatRat - Monody \(feat. Laura Brehm\).mp4 v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nstop all sounds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nforever\n play sound [Plugged \(post mastering\)2 v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (4)\n set x to (-1)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat (25)\n set x to ((x position) / (0.9))\n end\n go to x: (300) y: (0)\n next costume\n repeat (30)\n set x to ((x position) * (0.85))\n end\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (lol v)\nhide\n\n@download\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (150) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (9)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (-10)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (message1 v)\nrepeat (1)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (-10)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nhide\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nshow variable [time v]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nset [my variable v] to [1]\nwait (8) seconds\nset [my variable v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [my variable v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(my variable) = [1]> then\n change [time v] by (-15)\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n reset timer\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\n end\n reset timer\n repeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@notif2\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) < [6]>\n change y by (((5) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nwait (3.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) + (5)) / (5))\nend\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (14) to (26)) seconds\n show\n repeat until <(y position) < [6]>\n change y by (((5) - (y position)) / (6))\n end\n wait (3.5) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) + (5)) / (5))\n end\n hide\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [alert v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Player2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (0)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-214) y: (125)\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nshow\nbroadcast (Restart v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (1)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (x vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x vel) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(x vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [10]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-1)\n change y by (y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y vel) - ((y vel) * (2)))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [y vel v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
⭐Instructions:\n Press green Flag 2 times for better experience\n (☞WASD, ARROW KEYS, TAP AROUND TO MOVE)\n ☞ONE MISTAKE =PLAYING FROM STARTING\n ☞ GET HIS CROWN BACK\n PLEASE ♥️AND⭐ MAYBE A FOLLOW?\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n#28 trending on Games! ( TOP LOVED ON: SUN,11 JULY ) \n THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH <3\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n PROJECT WORK:\n 500+ BLOCKS\n 12 SPRITES\n 24+ HOURS\n 40+ASSETS\n GO HERE FOR LESS LAG \n https://turbowarp.org/545789421\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n REMIX IDEAS :\n ADD NEW PLAYER ADD NEW LEVEL \n ADD NEW OBSTACLES ADD NEW BACKGROUND\n AND MORE\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n✅ FEEDBACK\n✅ COMMENT\n✅LOVE AND FAVOURITE FOLLOW\n❌ F4F\n❌HATE\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Tags (ignore)\n#roofrunner#scrollingplatformer#tejasjakka27#love#favorite#follow#trending#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#mobile#wasd#crown#spikes#lava#hard#all#you#clouds#win#lol#i#you#remixe#projects#all#scrolling#platformer#spikes#eazy#hard#mobile#friendly#wasd#lava#level#followers#everything#tgames#tejas#india#everyone#lol#xd#bye#games#mobilefriendly#love#favourite#follow#roofrunner#scrollingplatformer#tejasjakka27#love#favorite#follow#trending#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#mobile#wasd#crown#spikes#lava#hard#all#you#clouds#win#lol#i#you#remixe#projects#all#scrolling#platformer#spikes#eazy#hard#mobile#friendly#wasd#lava#level#followers#everything#tgames#tejas#india#everyone#lol#xd#bye#games#mobilefriendly#love#favourite#follow#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #my #arms #hurt #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 #41 #42 #43 #44 #45 #46 #47 #48 #49 #50 #51 #52 #53 #54 #55 #56 #57 #58 #59 #60 #61 #62 #63 #64 #65 #66 #67 #68 #69 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 #75 #76 #77 #78 #79 #80 #81 #82 #83 #84 #85 #86 #87 #88 #89 #90 #91 #92 #93 #help #me #93 #94 #95 #96 #97 #98 #99 #100 #101 #102 #103 #104 #105 #106 #107 #108 #109 #110 #111 #112 #113 #114\n;)
3D PLATFORMER アクションゲーム Action games 
@Stage\n\n@Platforms\n\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\n\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\n\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [800] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n Clone at x: [900] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [650] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 acural 6 v)\n Clone at x: [600] y: [400]\n Clone at x: [600] y: [-400]\n Clone at x: [600] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (level 7 v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (gaming v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (pizza v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (level 9 acural 5 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nnext costume\nnext costume\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\n\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(portal open?) = [1]>> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [portal open? v] to [0]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-40)\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [1300] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Clone at x: [1000] y: [150]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone at x: [1600] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone at x: [2200] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Clone at x: [2000] y: [50]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Clone at x: [2600] y: [200]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n Clone at x: [1200] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n Clone at x: [1125] y: [350]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n broadcast (Open Portal v)\n set [portal open? v] to [1]\n Clone at x: [1200] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n Clone at x: [1200] y: [100]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [portal open? v] to [1]\n\nClone at x: [920] y: [-28]\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\nnext costume\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [open portal v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (5)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [portal open? v] to [1]\n\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (open v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\n\nswitch costume to (closed v)\n\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\n\nset [portal open? v] to [0]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-40)\nswitch costume to (closed v)\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n\nClone at x: [2000] y: [100]\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n Clone at x: [2300] y: [400]\nend\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [630] y: [-30]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 v)\n Clone at x: [900] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [300] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n Clone at x: [1000] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [50]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [50]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (gaming v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (pizza v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [100]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\nchange y by (10)\n\nchange y by (-10)\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nset [scroll y v] to [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lava rise v] to [5]\n\nrepeat (5)\n change [lava rise v] by (2)\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change [lava rise v] by (-2)\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nforever\n\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\n\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\n\nClone at x: [50] y: [50]\n\nClone at x: [500] y: [50]\nClone at x: [500] y: [50]\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (10) seconds\nforever\n\nif <key (v v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(LEVEL) = [9]>> then\n hide\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [no need v] to [1]\n broadcast (Reset v)\n wait (1) seconds\n set [no need v] to [0]\n wait (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nGame - Win\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\nwait (4) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n show\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nbroadcast (lol v)\n\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(left) = [1]>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [sx v] by (-2)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(right) = [1]>>> then\n change [sx v] by (2)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up) = [1]>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\nend\nif <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nend\nChange Player y by (sy)\nTest - Die\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine Change Player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(up) = [1]>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nbroadcast (die v)\nset [exit v] to []\nhide\nwait until <(respawn) = [1]>\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nrepeat (5)\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nshow\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine Walk\n\nwhen I receive [walk v]\n\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [walk v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\nend\n\n\n\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n if <[3] < (costume [number v])> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\n else\n switch costume to (walk 1 v)\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (idle v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nturn right (15) degrees\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (8) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Encanted-Places v] until done\nend\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\n\nGame - Win\n\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nshow\n\nwait (3) seconds\n\nbroadcast (lol v)\n\n@Platforms2\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [800] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n Clone at x: [900] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [650] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 acural 6 v)\n Clone at x: [600] y: [200]\n Clone at x: [600] y: [-400]\n Clone at x: [600] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [600] y: [200]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (level 8 acural 7 v)\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (gaming v)\n Clone at x: [600] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (pizza v)\n Clone at x: [600] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (level 7 acural 5 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nnext costume\nnext costume\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\n\nClone at x: [600] y: [-400]\n\nClone at x: [600] y: [200]\nClone at x: [600] y: [-400]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [200]\n\nswitch costume to (level 7 acural 5 v)\n\nClone at x: [600] y: [100]\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-300) y: (pick random (0) to (100))\n repeat until <[270] < (x position)>\n change x by (3)\n end\nelse\n go to x: (300) y: (pick random (0) to (100))\n repeat until <(x position) < [-290]>\n change x by (-3)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [630] y: [-30]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n Clone at x: [1800] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n Clone at x: [2000] y: [-100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y) + (lava rise))\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <((y) + (lava rise)) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\nchange y by (-10)\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nchange y by (10)\n\nset [scroll y v] to [10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lava rise v] to [5]\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change [lava rise v] by (2)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [lava rise v] by (-2)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwait (0.01) seconds\n\nwait (0.01) seconds\n\nClone at x: [2000] y: [-100]\n\n@Platforms4\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [800] y: [0]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nnext costume\nnext costume\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\nClone at x: [400] y: [0]\n\n@Collectables2\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [400] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [700] y: [150]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Clone at x: [800] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone at x: [500] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [650] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone at x: [220] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [650] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [800] y: [180]\n Clone at x: [1050] y: [240]\n Clone at x: [1300] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [1800] y: [70]\n Clone at x: [2100] y: [50]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Clone at x: [80] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [337] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [560] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [820] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [1040] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [1320] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [1540] y: [50]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Clone at x: [130] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [350] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [530] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [730] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [900] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [1200] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [1400] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [2100] y: [130]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n Clone at x: [100] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [500] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [900] y: [170]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n Clone at x: [100] y: [50]\n Clone at x: [320] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [550] y: [150]\n Clone at x: [750] y: [190]\n Clone at x: [930] y: [270]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n if <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (Open Portal v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\nnext costume\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nswitch costume to (dot v)\n\nswitch costume to (dot v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\n\nClone at x: [120] y: [27]\n\nClone at x: [220] y: [90]\nClone at x: [130] y: [50]\n\nnext costume\n\nforever\n\nClone at x: [1300] y: [50]\nClone at x: [1800] y: [50]\nClone at x: [2100] y: [50]\n\nClone at x: [337] y: [50]\nClone at x: [560] y: [50]\nClone at x: [820] y: [50]\nClone at x: [1040] y: [50]\nClone at x: [1320] y: [50]\n\nClone at x: [130] y: [150]\nClone at x: [350] y: [150]\nClone at x: [530] y: [150]\nClone at x: [730] y: [150]\nClone at x: [900] y: [150]\nClone at x: [1200] y: [100]\nClone at x: [1400] y: [100]\nClone at x: [2100] y: [130]\n\nClone at x: [500] y: [150]\nClone at x: [900] y: [170]\n\n@Player2\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [player v])\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to (player v)\nrepeat (8)\n change y by (12)\nend\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-179]>\n change y by (-15)\n turn right (20) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nset [respawn v] to [1]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [respawn v] to [0]\n\nturn right (15) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [respawn v] to [0]\n\nwait (0.01) seconds\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\nelse\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (10)\n turn right (-15) degrees\nend\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-179]>\n change y by (-7)\n turn right (-15) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nset [respawn v] to [1]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [respawn v] to [0]\n\nif <(no need) = [0]> then\nend\n\nrepeat (2)\n change y by (-6)\nend\n\ngo to (random position v)\n\n@letters on intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (6) seconds\nshow\nwait (0.5) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\nturn right (15) degrees\n\n@intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (5) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (gsssrfvjuzkvmxmemyjyj5 v)\nrepeat (36)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\n\nforever\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nstart sound [recording1 v]\nstart sound [Unity v]\nstart sound [Alan Walker - Faded \[mp3clan\] v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-100) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (10)\nend\nset size to (100) %\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (25)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-2.5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n turn left (36) degrees\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n turn left (-36) degrees\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nhide\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nchange y by (10)\n\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (36)\n turn left (10) degrees\nend\n\nwait (0.01) seconds\n\nrepeat (100)\n point in direction (45)\n move (10) steps\n if on edge, bounce\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nwait (4) seconds\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-200)\nset [y speed v] to [19]\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (y speed)\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\nend\nrepeat (25)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n change size by (((1800) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nhide\n\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (0) y: (-400)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (5)\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (100) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (-10)\nend\nset size to (100) %\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (25)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-2.5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n turn left (36) degrees\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nrepeat (10)\n turn left (-36) degrees\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nhide\n\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (10)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (10)\nend\n\nturn right (36) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (36)\n turn left (-10) degrees\nend\n\nrepeat (100)\n point in direction (135)\n move (10) steps\n if on edge, bounce\nend\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\n
New Personality Quiz Out! :D\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/510918831/\n\nNew Personality Quiz Out! :D https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/510673554\n\nIf you Enjoyed Then Remeber to Love fav and follow! :)\n\n#7 On Trending 21-3-5 #5 On Games 21-3-5? This is my first Game?\n\n comment Your Best Time! :)\n\nThis is my first project! :)\n\nThanks @-Pickleanimator- For the intro @TimMcCool for the love and fav dector Thanks @StrafordJames for the you win screen and Thanks @0014049 For the Platformer Tutorial on youtube! :)
City Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (questions v)\ndelete all of [💿 playlist 💿 v]\nset [💿 playlist 💿 v] to [0]\nset [🎵 song playing 🎵 v] to [0]\nset [📱 device 📱 v] to [0]\n\ndefine 💿 Playlist Ready! 💿\ndelete (all) of [💿 playlist 💿 v]\nif <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [Direct]> then\n insert [Direct - Wanna Know You \(feat. Holly Drummond\)] at (1) of [💿 playlist 💿 v] \n insert [Direct & Labisch - Make A Move \(feat. Openwater\)] at (2) of [💿 playlist 💿 v] \n insert [Mr FijiWiji & Direct - Tomorrow \(feat. Matt Van & Holly Drummond\)] at (3) of [💿 playlist 💿 v] \nend\nif <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [TheFatRat]> then\n insert [TheFatRat - Fly Away \(feat. Anjulie\)] at (1) of [💿 playlist 💿 v] \n insert [TheFatRat - MAYDAY \(feat. Laura Brehm\)] at (2) of [💿 playlist 💿 v] \n insert [TheFatRat - The Calling \(feat. Laura Brehm\)] at (3) of [💿 playlist 💿 v] \nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [13]> then\n set [🎨 player color 🎨 v] to [Color]\nend\nnext backdrop\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [🎨 player color 🎨 v] to [BlackWhite]\nend\n\ndefine ♫ Play Song ♫\nrepeat until <(length of [💿 playlist 💿 v]) = [0]>\n delete (item # of (🎵 Song playing 🎵) in [💿 playlist 💿 v]) of [💿 playlist 💿 v]\n broadcast (next song v)\n play sound (🎵 Song playing 🎵) until done\n set [🎵 song playing 🎵 v] to (item (random) of [💿 playlist 💿 v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nwait until <not <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [0]>>\nswitch backdrop to (menu v)\nrepeat (10)\n set [color v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(⚡ Turbo Mode ⚡) = [No]> then\n set [🎵 song playing 🎵 v] to (item (random) of [💿 playlist 💿 v])\n 💿 Playlist Ready! 💿\n ♫ Play Song ♫\n if <(length of [💿 playlist 💿 v]) = [0]> then\n forever\n 💿 Playlist Ready! 💿\n ♫ Play Song ♫\n end\n end\nelse\n wait until <(⚡ Confirmation ⚡) = [Yes]>\n set [🎵 song playing 🎵 v] to (item (random) of [💿 playlist 💿 v])\n 💿 Playlist Ready! 💿\n ♫ Play Song ♫\n if <(length of [💿 playlist 💿 v]) = [0]> then\n forever\n 💿 Playlist Ready! 💿\n ♫ Play Song ♫\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Player BlackWhite\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n if <(backdrop [number v]) > [2]> then\n if <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) < [8]> then\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (blackwhite v)\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nelse\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n if <(backdrop [number v]) > [2]> then\n if <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) < [8]> then\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (blackwhite v)\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nelse\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nif <(backdrop [number v]) < [13]> then\n repeat (5)\n change [⬛ opacity ⬛ v] by (20)\n end\n set [⬛ opacity ⬛ v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (blackwhite v)\nset [🎨 player color 🎨 v] to [BlackWhite]\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nwait until <not <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [0]>>\nshow\ngo to x: (-90) y: (120)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (blackwhite v)\nset [#speed y v] to [0]\nset [#falling? v] to [10]\nforever\n go to (hitbox v)\n if <(🎨 Player Color 🎨) = [Color]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(🎨 Player Color 🎨) = [BlackWhite]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (⬛ Opacity ⬛)\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Player Color\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n if <(backdrop [number v]) > [2]> then\n if <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) < [8]> then\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (color v)\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n if <(backdrop [number v]) > [2]> then\n if <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) < [8]> then\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (color v)\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nif <(backdrop [number v]) > [12]> then\n repeat (5)\n change [⬛ opacity ⬛ v] by (20)\n end\n set [⬛ opacity ⬛ v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (color v)\nwait until <(backdrop [number v]) > [13]>\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (⬛ Opacity ⬛)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nwait until <not <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [0]>>\ngo to x: (-90) y: (120)\nwait until <(🎨 Player Color 🎨) = [Color]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (color v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [#speed y v] to [0]\nset [#falling? v] to [10]\nforever\n go to (hitbox v)\n if <(🎨 Player Color 🎨) = [BlackWhite]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(🎨 Player Color 🎨) = [Color]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [#falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (locks v)?>> or <<touching (platform1 v)?> or <touching (platform2 v)?>>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [#falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [#slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(#slope) = [8]> or <not <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (locks v)?>> or <<touching (platform1 v)?> or <touching (platform2 v)?>>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [#slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(#slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (#slope))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nwait until <not <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [0]>>\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (20))>>> then\n change [#speed x v] by (0.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>> then\n change [#speed x v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) < [10]>>> then\n change [#speed y v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [20]>>> then\n change [#speed y v] by (0.5)\n end\n set [#speed y v] to ((#speed y) * (0.8))\n change [#speed y v] by (((#speed y) / (15)) + (0.5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nwait until <not <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [0]>>\nshow\ngo to x: (-90) y: (-63)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nset [#speed y v] to [0]\nset [#falling? v] to [10]\n\nwhen I receive [spring bounce 1 v]\nset [#speed y v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [spring bounce 2 v]\nset [#speed y v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [spring bounce 3 v]\nset [#speed y v] to [20]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [#speed y v] by (-0.000001)\n else\n change [#speed y v] by (-1)\n end\n change y by (#speed y)\n Touch Ground <(#speed y) > [0]>\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n set [#speed x v] to ((#speed x) * (0.7))\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (20))>>> then\n change [#speed x v] by (-2)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>> then\n change [#speed x v] by (2)\n end\n if <(#speed x) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (#speed x)\n else\n if <(#speed x) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (#speed x)\n end\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [20]>>> then\n if <(#falling?) < [3]> then\n set [#speed y v] to [12]\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-179]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (120)\n set [#speed y v] to [3]\n end\n if <<(x position) > [220]> and <not <<<(backdrop [name v]) = [Menu]> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Bonus Level]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 20]>>> or <<<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 4]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 7]>> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 11]> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 16]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 10]>>>>>>> then\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Bonus Level 3]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-217) y: (-130)\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\n set [#falling? v] to [10]\n else\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-217) y: (-10)\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\n set [#falling? v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <touching (brush v)?> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n go to x: (-217) y: (-10)\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\n set [#falling? v] to [10]\n end\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <<<touching (lazer1 v)?> or <touching (lazer2 v)?>> or <touching (lazertimer1 v)?>>> then\n broadcast (reset level v)\n wait until <(⬛ Opacity ⬛) = [100]>\n go to x: (-217) y: (-10)\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\n set [#falling? v] to [10]\n end\n if <<<(x position) > [0]> and <(y position) > [179]>> and <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 18]>> then\n if <(🔑 Key 🔑) = [Yes]> then\n switch backdrop to (bonus level 1.5 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n set [#speed y v] to [3]\n else\n switch backdrop to (bonus level v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n set [#speed y v] to [3]\n end\n end\n if <<(y position) > [179]> and <(backdrop [name v]) = [Bonus Level 2]>> then\n switch backdrop to (level 20 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n set [#speed y v] to [3]\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-160]> and <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Bonus Level]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Bonus Level 1.5]>>> then\n switch backdrop to (level 18 v)\n go to x: (132) y: (145)\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-160]> and <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 20]>> then\n switch backdrop to (bonus level 2 v)\n go to x: (80) y: (-40)\n set [#speed y v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(distance to [platform1 v]) < [50]> and <(y position) > ([y position v] of [platform1 v])>> then\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 1]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 2]>> then\n ⬛ Moving Platform 1 ⬛ (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\n end\n if <<(distance to [platform2 v]) < [50]> and <(y position) > ([y position v] of [platform2 v])>> then\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 2]> then\n ⬛ Moving Platform 2 ⬛ (⏪ Moving Platform 2 ⏩)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine ⬛ Moving Platform 1 ⬛ (number)\nchange x by (number)\n\ndefine ⬛ Moving Platform 2 ⬛ (number)\nchange x by (number)\n\n@Play/Space Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (40)\nhide\nset size to (60) %\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n switch costume to (space_nothover v)\nelse\n switch costume to (play_nothover v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (space_hover v)\n else\n switch costume to (space_nothover v)\n end\n else\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (play_hover v)\n else\n switch costume to (play_nothover v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Phone]> then\n switch backdrop to (level 1 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> and <(backdrop [name v]) = [Menu]>> then\n switch backdrop to (level 1 v)\n hide\nend\n\n@Brush\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 4 v]\ngo to x: (184) y: (-20)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (green v)\nforever\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (10)) - (20))\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 5 v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 8 v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 11 v]\ngo to x: (65) y: (110)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (blue v)\nforever\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (10)) + (110))\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 7 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (25)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (red v)\nforever\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (10)) + (25))\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 12 v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 16 v]\ngo to x: (10) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (orange v)\nforever\n set y to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (10))\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 17 v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (menu v)\nforever\n switch costume to (backdrop [name v])\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 20]> then\n if <(🔑 Key 🔑) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (level 20 with keys v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (menu v)\nforever\n switch costume to (backdrop [name v])\nend\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (menu v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nforever\n switch costume to (backdrop [name v])\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 12 v]\nwait (0.3) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Now Playing\n\nwhen I receive [next song v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (🎵 Song playing 🎵)\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait until <not <(💿 Playlist 💿) = [0]>>\nswitch costume to (🎵 Song playing 🎵)\n\n@Questions?\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (what device? v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next intro question v]\nswitch costume to (which artist? v)\n\n@Button Left\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [0]> then\n set [📱 device 📱 v] to [Computer]\n broadcast (next intro question v)\nelse\n set [💿 playlist 💿 v] to [Direct]\n hide\n broadcast (start game v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (device_nothover v)\nforever\n if <(📱 Device 📱) = [0]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (device_hover v)\n else\n switch costume to (device_nothover v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (artist_nothover v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (artist_hover v)\n else\n switch costume to (artist_nothover v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Button Right\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [0]> then\n set [📱 device 📱 v] to [Phone]\n broadcast (next intro question v)\nelse\n set [💿 playlist 💿 v] to [TheFatRat]\n hide\n broadcast (start game v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (device_nothover v)\nforever\n if <(📱 Device 📱) = [0]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (device_hover v)\n else\n switch costume to (device_nothover v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (artist_nothover v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (artist_hover v)\n else\n switch costume to (artist_nothover v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Instructions\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n if <<<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 1]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 2]>> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 12]> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 17]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 18]>>>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n switch costume to (computer 1 v)\nend\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Phone]> then\n switch costume to (phone 1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 2 v]\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n switch costume to (computer 2 v)\nend\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Phone]> then\n switch costume to (phone 2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 12 v]\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n switch costume to (computer 3 v)\nend\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Phone]> then\n switch costume to (phone 3 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 18 v]\nshow\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n switch costume to (computer 5 v)\nend\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Phone]> then\n switch costume to (phone 5 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 17 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (both 4 v)\n\n@Spring1\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 17 v]\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-67)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 19 v]\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-66)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 20 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (spring1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (spring bounce 1 v)\n wait until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n end\n if <<<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 17]> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 18]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 19]>>> or <<<(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 4]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 5]>> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 6]> or <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 7]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 8]>>>>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spring bounce 1 v]\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (5)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n switch costume to (spring1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 18 v]\ngo to x: (-130) y: (-67)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 4 v]\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-67)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 5 v]\ngo to x: (-116) y: (2)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 6 v]\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-67)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 7 v]\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-67)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-67)\nshow\n\n@Spring2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 19 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (spring1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (spring bounce 2 v)\n wait until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n end\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 18]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 8]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spring bounce 2 v]\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (5)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n switch costume to (spring1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 18 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-67)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\ngo to x: (-80) y: (59)\nshow\n\n@Spring3\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 19 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (spring1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (spring bounce 3 v)\n wait until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 18]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spring bounce 3 v]\nif <(📱 Device 📱) = [Computer]> then\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (5)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n switch costume to (spring1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 18 v]\ngo to x: (130) y: (-67)\nshow\n\n@House\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [🔑 key 🔑 v] to [No]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 20 v]\nshow\nif <(🔑 Key 🔑) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (house_opened v)\nelse\n switch costume to (house_notopened v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level 2 v]\nhide\n\n@Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (171) y: (-28)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level v]\nif <(🔑 Key 🔑) = [Yes]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\n repeat until <(🔑 Key 🔑) = [Yes]>\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (120)) ) * (10)) - (28))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n set [🔑 key 🔑 v] to [Yes]\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 18 v]\nhide\n\n@Platform1\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 2 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (-30) y: (-66)\nshow\nforever\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [2]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [-2]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 3 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (28) y: (2)\nshow\nforever\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [2]\n repeat (25)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [-2]\n repeat (25)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 5 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-120) y: (120)\nshow\nforever\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [2]\n repeat (25)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [-2]\n repeat (25)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 10 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 1 v]\ngo to x: (-30) y: (-66)\nshow\nforever\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [2]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\n set [⏪ moving platform 1 ⏩ v] to [-2]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 1 ⏩)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (platform v)\n\n@Platform2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 3 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (platform v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 2 v]\ngo to x: (50) y: (20)\nshow\nforever\n set [⏪ moving platform 2 ⏩ v] to [2]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 2 ⏩)\n end\n set [⏪ moving platform 2 ⏩ v] to [-2]\n repeat (40)\n change x by (⏪ Moving Platform 2 ⏩)\n end\nend\n\n@Ancient Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 3 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (35) y: (16)\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (7)) + (16))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (open lock v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 3]> then\n repeat (10)\n move (0) steps\n end\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 4]> then\n repeat (10)\n move (0) steps\n end\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 5]> then\n repeat (10)\n move (0) steps\n end\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 6]> then\n repeat (10)\n move (0) steps\n end\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 8]> then\n repeat (10)\n move (0) steps\n end\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Ancient Level 9]> then\n repeat (10)\n move (0) steps\n end\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 4 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (33) y: (-35)\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (3)) - (37))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (open lock v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 5 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (60) y: (150)\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (3)) + (150))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (open lock v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 6 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (175) y: (110)\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (3)) + (110))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (open lock v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-80) y: (115)\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (3)) + (115))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (open lock v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 9 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (140)\nforever\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (3)) + (140))\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n broadcast (open lock v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Locks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (backdrop [name v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open lock v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nrepeat (10)\n move (0) steps\nend\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\n\n@Lazer1\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 6 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (130) y: (104)\nshow\nswitch costume to (lazer on v)\nforever\n wait (3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 7 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (175) y: (104)\nshow\nswitch costume to (lazer on v)\nforever\n wait (3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Lazer2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 7 v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (110) y: (-40)\nshow\nswitch costume to (lazer on v)\nforever\n wait (3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@LazerTimer1\n\nwhen I receive [lazer timer set v]\nswitch costume to (lazer off v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (lazer on v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 7 v]\ngo to x: (30) y: (-40)\nshow\nswitch costume to (lazer on v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 6 v]\ngo to x: (110) y: (-40)\nshow\nswitch costume to (lazer on v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Lazer Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (button off v)\nforever\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n switch costume to (button on v)\n broadcast (lazer timer set v)\n else\n switch costume to (button off v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (122)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [ancient level 8 v]\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nreset timer\nset [⚡ turbo mode ⚡ v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nrepeat (20)\n move (0) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [menu v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nreset timer\nset [⚡ turbo mode ⚡ v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n move (0) steps\nend\nif <(timer) > [0.08]> then\n set [⚡ turbo mode ⚡ v] to [No]\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (turbo mode v)\n set [⚡ turbo mode ⚡ v] to [Yes]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n broadcast (turbo mode question v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turbo mode accept v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n switch costume to (thumbnail v)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Button Turbo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [⚡ confirmation ⚡ v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (turbo mode accept v)\nset [⚡ confirmation ⚡ v] to [Yes]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [turbo mode question v]\nshow\nset [⚡ confirmation ⚡ v] to [No]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (80) %\n else\n set size to (70) %\n end\nend\n\n
newゲーム!「キューブ大戦争!」絶対みてよな!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/692275872/\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/692275872/\n\n\n宝くじ結果発表!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/704914521/\nnew platformer\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/711365829\n\n絶対見て!そして☆と♡だよね((圧⬇︎\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/698868054\nこのプロジェクト上がれえええええええ\n⬆︎傾向載らせてくれよーん!\n♦︎マッシュルーム族です!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31726353/\n\n\n傾向動いた!でも2pに落ちた2週間の傾向6位ありがとう\nフォロワー1kまで頑張るぞお!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/698868054\n⬆︎総集編でた!ぜひ見てほしい!\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/706348716\n⬆︎是非聴いてください!\n…………………………………………………………………\n僕のことを覚えてほしいです!\n有名になりたいから(何言ってんだこいつ\nあっマッシュルームだくらいの感じでいいですからぁ!\n⬆︎よろしくぅ!\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\nremixバシバシお願いします!変更点あればremixOKです!よろしくぅ!\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\n総集編出た!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/698868054\n⬆︎傾向いっけえええええええええ!拡散よろしく!\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\nサムネのネコはどんな意味があると思う?\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\nリミックスはどんどんどうぞ!\nEnglish Is below⬇️\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\n地面は初代マリオなのにプレイヤーはマリオUSAのやつだよとかいうこというなよぉw\nマリオなのに壁ジャンできるとかいうなよぉw\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\nPCでやっている方\n矢印キーで移動です!\n(←・→…移動\n(↑…ジャンプ\n(↓…しゃがむ\nSキーでリスポーン、初期化します!\n\nスマホ、タブレット(モバイルの方)\nプレイヤーの右の方をタップすると右に移動\nプレイヤーの左の方をタップすると左に移動\nプレイヤーの上の方をタップするとジャンプ\nプレイヤーの下の方をタップするとしゃがむ\nプレイヤータップでリスポーンできるようにしました!\n\n地面に埋まるのは私では埋まらないんですが、埋まってしまう場合があります。\nその場合はリスポーンしてください。\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\nEnglish\nThose who are doing on a PC\n Use the arrow keys to move!\n (← ・ →… move\n (↑… Jump\n (↓… crouching\n Respawn and initialize with the S key!\n\n Smartphones and tablets (mobile users)\n Tap to the right of the player to move to the right\n Tap to the left of the player to move to the left\n Tap the top of the player to jump\n Squat when tapping the bottom of the player\n You can now respawn with a player tap!\n\n I don't get buried in the ground, but sometimes it gets buried.\n In that case, please respawn.\n\n宣伝やめてください。\n
Journey- A platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextstage v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@草\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextstage v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (雑草 v)\n\n@イントロ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (200) %\nset [クローン判定 v] to [0]\nswitch costume to ( v)\nrepeat (5)\n change [クローン判定 v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine A・Z・R・I・Y (x)\nshow\ngo to x: (x) y: (180)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by ((-1) - ((y position) / (3)))\n turn right ((30.2) - ((direction) / (3))) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(クローン判定) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (a v)\n A・Z・R・I・Y [-100]\n wait (0.2) seconds\n 三〇 〇三左\nelse\n if <(クローン判定) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (az v)\n A・Z・R・I・Y [-50]\n wait (0.16) seconds\n 三〇 〇三左\n else\n if <(クローン判定) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (azr v)\n A・Z・R・I・Y [0]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (250) y: (0)\n hide\n else\n if <(クローン判定) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (azri v)\n A・Z・R・I・Y [50]\n wait (0.08) seconds\n 三〇 〇三右\n else\n if <(クローン判定) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (azriy v)\n A・Z・R・I・Y [100]\n wait (0.04) seconds\n 三〇 〇三右\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (始まり始まり v)\n\ndefine 三〇 〇三右\nrepeat (16)\n change x by ((x position) * (0.03))\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (40) y: (0)\n start sound [Finger Snap v]\nelse\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (80) y: (0)\nend\nwait (0.7) seconds\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (250) y: (0)\nhide\n\ndefine 三〇 〇三左\nrepeat (16)\n change x by ((x position) * (0.03))\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (-80) y: (0)\nelse\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (-40) y: (0)\nend\nwait (0.7) seconds\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (250) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@とげ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\nforever\n repeat (30)\n change [上下 v] by (-0.05)\n set [上下 v] to ((上下) * (0.9))\n change y by (上下)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change [上下 v] by (0.05)\n set [上下 v] to ((上下) * (0.9))\n change y by (上下)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextstage v]\nnext costume\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@❤️と⭐️を!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (10) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go to x: (128) y: (400)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (128) y: (155)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (128) y: (400)\n hide\n wait (10) seconds\nend\n\n@Next!\n\nwhen I receive [nextstage v]\nうひひひひ\n\ndefine clone (cloneid)\nswitch costume to (cloneid)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nウイー\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nアハ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [はい変数 v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine うひひひひ\nset [はい変数 v] to [1]\nhide\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nclone [1]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [2]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [3]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [5]\n\ndefine アハ\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (2.2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (1.9) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (1.8) seconds\n repeat until <[330] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n set [はい変数 v] to [0]\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine ウイー\nshow\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>>>> then\n go to x: (468) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine ああ\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (-125) y: (140)\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n change [stage v] by (1)\n broadcast (nextstage v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <(stage) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\nああ\n\n@音様や\n\nwhen flag clicked\n軽くしよう\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine 軽くしよう\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n go to x: (-140) y: (138)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set volume to (50) %\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (音様や v)\nforever\n play sound [Tobu_-_Hope_NCS_Release v] until done\nend\n\n@雲\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine 1\ngo to x: (-307) y: (pick random (148) to (110))\nrepeat (100)\n change x by (2)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (2)\nend\nrepeat (30)\n change x by (2)\nend\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\ndefine 2\ngo to x: (307) y: (pick random (148) to (110))\nrepeat (100)\n change x by (-2)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-2)\nend\nrepeat (30)\n change x by (-2)\nend\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\nforever\n 1\n 2\nend\n\n@プレイヤー\n\ndefine 始め\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to x: (-225) y: (-38)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [x v] to [8]\nset [y v] to [5]\n\ndefine 左右\nif <(はい変数) = [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [0]>>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n change [x v] by (0.9)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] > (mouse x)>>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n change [x v] by (-0.9)\n end\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\nend\n\ndefine 上\nif <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <(はい変数) = [0]> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (-3)\n change x by ((X) * (-1.16))\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > [20]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-8]\n else\n set [x v] to [8]\n end\n set [y v] to [14]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > [20]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n set [y v] to [14]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine 1\nreset timer\nhide variable [stage v]\nhide variable [タイム v]\nshow\nset [stage v] to [1]\n始め\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine 2\nif <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (nextstage v)\n change [stage v] by (1)\n wait until <(はい変数) = [1]>\n wait (1) seconds\n 始め\nend\nif <(y position) < [-179]> then\n broadcast (うわ~死んでるだぁさー v)\n start sound [タヒぬ v]\n 始め\nend\nif <touching (とげ v)?> then\n broadcast (うわ~死んでるだぁさー v)\n start sound [タヒぬ v]\n 始め\nend\n\nwhen I receive [始まり始まり v]\nshow\n1\nforever\n 左右\n 上\n 2\nend\n\n
Added a skip button for the intro.\n***********************************************************\nA lot of people have commented that the shield that the enemy puts up is too strong. I'm sorry if that was hard but it is totally possible to defeat them. Scroll to the bottom for how to do that.\n***********************************************************\nTell me in the comments if there were any problems.\n(There probably are)\n***********************************************************\nLove fave follow for part 2.\n***********************************************************\nCheck out my other projects here:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4685976/\n***********************************************************\nHOW TO DEFEAT THE ENEMIES:\nThe code in this project makes it so that when you attack, the enemy puts up their shield (or else it would be too easy, wouldn't it?). The thing you shoot gets stopped when it's touching that shield. To defeat the enemy, you need to get inside his shield when they're not shooting, and then attack. Then the thing you shoot hits the enemy before it gets stopped (however, you have to time it just right).
☆Minecraft Platformer☆エンド編
@Stage\n\nwait (0.0) seconds\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nforever\n\nwait (5) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 2 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\nend\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nshow variable [mouse v]\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [, ] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n switch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (90)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 3 v) and wait\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch backdrop to (level 3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch backdrop to (blue sky 2 2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 2 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Kaled v] until done\n play sound [Heaven and Hell - Jeremy Blake v] until done\n play sound [Vexento - Forever v] until done\n play sound [Heaven and Hell - Jeremy Blake v] until done\n play sound [bensound-summer v] until done\n play sound [Heaven and Hell - Jeremy Blake v] until done\n play sound [mbb-beach v] until done\n play sound [Heaven and Hell - Jeremy Blake v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(music on?) = [yes]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n else\n set volume to (0) %\n end\nend\n\n@blank\n\n@Cube\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nTest Die\nif then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not > then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> and <not <touching (collectibles3 v)?>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <<touching (collectibles11 v)?> or <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <touching (collectibles8 v)?>>>>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> then\n if <(speed 5) < [8]> then\n change [speed 5 v] by (0.3)\n end\n else\n repeat until <(speed 5) < [-1]>\n change [speed 5 v] by (-0.2)\n end\n set [speed 5 v] to [-1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play game v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nset size to (100) %\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to (world)\nforever\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n broadcast (setup v) and wait\n Game on\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n broadcast (Tick v)\n Tick\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n broadcast (win 2 v)\n Game - win\n else\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game on\nhide\nset size to (72) %\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [lives v] to [3]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [12]>> then\n set [x v] to (last check point x)\n set [y v] to (last checkpoint y)\nelse\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [9]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [17]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [13]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [15]> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-2)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [9]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [17]> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-2)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [13]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [15]> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-4)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (-2)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [9]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [17]> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [13]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [15]> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (2)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [9]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [10]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [17]> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (2)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [13]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [14]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [15]> or <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>>>>>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (4)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (2)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (speed x) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (speed x))\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [11]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [12]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [17]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [19]> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>>>>>>>>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n else\n set [sy v] to [20]\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\nif <<touching (water v)?> or <(costume [number v]) = [18]>> then\n set [sy v] to (speed 5)\nend\nif <touching (collectibles4 v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [40]\nend\nif <touching (collectibles9 v)?> then\nif <touching (collectibles9 v)?> then\nif <(sy) > [-15]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(sy) > [0]> then\n set [jump through v] to [yes boiz]\nelse\n set [jump through v] to [no whyyy]\nend\nChange player y by (sy)\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(SCROLL X) > [5795]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [5795]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [restart]\nend\nchange [x v] by (8)\nchange [x v] by (-8)\n\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nTest Die\nrepeat until <not <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles9 v)?> or <touching (collectibles12 v)?>>>>\n if <not <(jump through) = [yes boiz]>> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nrepeat until <not <<<<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <touching (collectibles8 v)?>>> or <touching (collectibles9 v)?>> or <<touching (collectibles12 v)?> or <touching (collectibles11 v)?>>>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\n\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nTest Die\nif <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <touching (collectibles8 v)?>>> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <touching (collectibles8 v)?>>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <touching (collectibles8 v)?>>>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nshow\n\nchange size by (-)\n\ndefine Game - win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (sprite3 v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [sprite3 v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\nbroadcast (home screen v)\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nif <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\nend\n\ndefine tick 2\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\nswitch costume to (cu v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n if <not <<<(costume [number v]) = [9]> or <(costume [number v]) = [10]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [13]>>> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide home screen v]\n\nbroadcast (Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play game v) and wait\n\ndefine win\nplay sound [Win v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [win 2 v]\nset volume to (100) %\nif <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n if <(sound effects) = [on]> then\n win\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [crystal v]\nif <(sound effects) = [on]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n play sound [Collect v] until done\nend\n\nbroadcast (home screen v)\n\nwhen I receive [jump v]\nset [sy v] to [40]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [on]\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nrepeat until <(effect) = [off]>\n change [color v] effect by (3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nset [effect 2 v] to [on]\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume13 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n set [can get hurt v] to [false]\n else\n clear graphic effects\n set [can get hurt v] to [true]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jump 2 v]\nset [sy v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [14 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [13 v]\nset [effect 2 v] to [off]\nset [effect v] to [off]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jumps v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> then\n change [jumps v] by (1)\n wait (0.65) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <touching (collectibles v)?>\n go to [back v] layer\n set [last check point x v] to [0]\n set [last checkpoint y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1000) layers\nend\n\ngo [backward v] (0) layers\n\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [sy v] to [5]\nelse\n set [sy v] to [-0.2]\nend\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [x position v] to (x)\n set [y position v] to (y)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(lives) = [0]> then\n set [exit v] to [restart]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [12]> and <touching (water v)?>> or <<<touching (danger4 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles3 v)?> or <<touching (danger2 v)?> or <<touching (sprite12 v)?> and <(LEVEL) = [4]>>>>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [12]>>>> then\n if <(can get hurt) = [true]> then\n broadcast (show v)\n change [lives v] by (-1)\n broadcast (refresh v)\n repeat (3)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <<<(costume [number v]) = [12]> and <touching (water v)?>> or <<<touching (danger4 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles3 v)?> or <<touching (danger2 v)?> or <<touching (sprite12 v)?> and <(LEVEL) = [4]>>>>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [12]>>>>> then\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [17]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nrepeat until <not <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <<touching (collectibles10 v)?> or <touching (collectibles8 v)?>>>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n change [color v] effect by (3)\n else\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n set [can get hurt v] to [false]\n repeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (80))\n end\n wait (pick random (0) to (2)) seconds\n else\n set [can get hurt v] to [true]\n end\nend\n\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n\ndefine Test Die\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [can get hurt v] to [true]\nset [coins v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [1 v] to []\nset [2 v] to []\nset [3 v] to []\nset [4 v] to []\nset [5 v] to []\nset [6 v] to []\nset [7 v] to []\nset [8 v] to []\nset [9 v] to []\nset [10 v] to []\nset [11 v] to []\nset [12 v] to []\nset [13 v] to []\nset [14 v] to []\nset [15 v] to []\nset [16 v] to []\nset [17 v] to []\nset [18 v] to []\nset [costume # v] to [19]\nforever\n switch costume to (costume #)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\n\n@collectibles\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (cube v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (green flag2 v)\n set [last check point x v] to (x)\n set [last checkpoint y v] to ((y) + (10))\n end\nend\n\nchange [checkpoint v] by (1)\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nchange [coins v] by (1)\nif <(coins) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (Open portal v)\nend\nbroadcast (crystal v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (green flag v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [830] y: [40]\nClone at x: [2600] y: [75]\nClone at x: [4750] y: [-60]\nClone at x: [100000] y: [75]\n\nforever\n if <(checkpoints) = [yes]> then\nend\n\n@danger4\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (50) layers\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [0] y: [500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [600] y: [500]\nClone at x: [-240] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [100]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (100) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [20]> then\n forever\n repeat (100)\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n repeat (100)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\n\n@collectibles2\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (cube v)?> then\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n else\n change [coins v] by (100)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\n\nClone at x: [5700] y: [270]\nClone at x: [5700] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5650] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5650] y: [270]\n\nClone at x: [100000] y: [40]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\nend\n\nif <not <touching (cube v)?>> then\n switch costume to (coin v)\n repeat (15)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (green flag v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [950] y: [40]\nClone at x: [1000] y: [40]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [40]\nClone at x: [1100] y: [40]\nClone at x: [1150] y: [40]\nClone at x: [1800] y: [0]\nClone at x: [1850] y: [0]\nClone at x: [1900] y: [0]\nClone at x: [1950] y: [0]\nClone at x: [2000] y: [0]\nClone at x: [2050] y: [0]\nClone at x: [2100] y: [0]\nClone at x: [2150] y: [0]\nClone at x: [2675] y: [70]\nClone at x: [2725] y: [70]\nClone at x: [2775] y: [70]\nClone at x: [2825] y: [70]\nClone at x: [2875] y: [70]\nClone at x: [4525] y: [120]\nClone at x: [4575] y: [120]\nClone at x: [4625] y: [120]\nClone at x: [4525] y: [170]\nClone at x: [4575] y: [170]\nClone at x: [4625] y: [170]\nClone at x: [4525] y: [220]\nClone at x: [4575] y: [220]\nClone at x: [4625] y: [220]\nClone at x: [4525] y: [270]\nClone at x: [4575] y: [270]\nClone at x: [4625] y: [270]\nClone at x: [4525] y: [320]\nClone at x: [4575] y: [320]\nClone at x: [4625] y: [320]\nClone at x: [1900] y: [815]\nClone at x: [1950] y: [815]\nClone at x: [2000] y: [815]\nClone at x: [3125] y: [840]\nClone at x: [3075] y: [840]\nClone at x: [3025] y: [840]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [800]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [850]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [900]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [950]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [1000]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [1050]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [1100]\nClone at x: [2827] y: [1150]\nClone at x: [5750] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5800] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5850] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5900] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5950] y: [225]\nClone at x: [5750] y: [270]\nClone at x: [5800] y: [270]\nClone at x: [5850] y: [270]\nClone at x: [5900] y: [270]\nClone at x: [5950] y: [270]\nClone at x: [325] y: [390]\nClone at x: [375] y: [390]\nClone at x: [425] y: [390]\nClone at x: [475] y: [390]\nClone at x: [525] y: [390]\nClone at x: [575] y: [390]\nClone at x: [999999] y: [390]\nClone at x: [3425] y: [155]\nClone at x: [3475] y: [185]\nClone at x: [3525] y: [215]\nClone at x: [3575] y: [245]\nClone at x: [3625] y: [275]\nClone at x: [3675] y: [305]\nClone at x: [3725] y: [334]\nClone at x: [3775] y: [363]\nClone at x: [3825] y: [392]\nClone at x: [3875] y: [421]\nClone at x: [3925] y: [450]\nClone at x: [99999999] y: [0]\nClone at x: [4535] y: [720]\nClone at x: [4585] y: [720]\nClone at x: [4635] y: [720]\nset size to (250) %\nClone at x: [4260] y: [725]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [5550] y: [710]\nClone at x: [5600] y: [710]\nClone at x: [5650] y: [710]\nClone at x: [5700] y: [710]\nClone at x: [4385] y: [645]\nClone at x: [4435] y: [645]\nClone at x: [4485] y: [645]\nClone at x: [4535] y: [645]\nset size to (250) %\nClone at x: [5970] y: [715]\nClone at x: [99999999] y: [0]\n\n@collectibles4\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (cube v)?> then\n repeat (8)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (8)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (green flag v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [-100] y: [-65]\nClone at x: [2515] y: [60]\nClone at x: [2830] y: [730]\nClone at x: [-200] y: [380]\nClone at x: [1225] y: [510]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (150) layers\nend\n\n@collectibles3\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nif <touching (cube v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [restart]\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (40) layers\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (green flag v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [4155] y: [-90]\nClone at x: [4350] y: [5]\nClone at x: [4545] y: [-90]\nClone at x: [5020] y: [300]\nClone at x: [5220] y: [300]\nClone at x: [5320] y: [175]\nClone at x: [4920] y: [175]\nClone at x: [5020] y: [50]\nClone at x: [5220] y: [50]\nClone at x: [100000] y: [-75]\n\nClone at x: [5120] y: [175]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\n@collectibles5\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (cube v)?> then\n set [open 4 v] to [yes]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [open 2 v] to [no]\nset [open 4 v] to [0]\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [5120] y: [175]\nClone at x: [1000000] y: [175]\n\n@collectibles6\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(open 4) = [yes]> then\n switch costume to (key2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (key v)\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [4235] y: [195]\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [0] y: [500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [600] y: [500]\nClone at x: [-240] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [1000000] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [999999] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [0] y: [200]\nClone at x: [999900000009] y: [0]\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at y: [360]\nClone at y: [360]\nClone at y: [360]\nClone at y: [360]\nClone at y: [999999]\n\ndefine position (y)\nset y to (y)\nif <(y) = (y position)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go [backward v] (10000000000) layers\nend\n\n@collectibles7\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [open 3 v] to [no]\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [-100] y: [750]\nClone at x: [1000000] y: [175]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n position ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n if <touching (cube v)?> then\n set [open 10 v] to [yes]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\n@Sprite4\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [print v] to [no]\nset [menu v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (280)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n if <(menu) = [yes]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n next costume\n broadcast (clone v)\n set [print v] to [yes]\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (240) speed: (4)\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n broadcast (close v)\n set [print v] to [no]\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (280) speed: (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1000000000) layers\n broadcast (front layer v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\n\nset [menu v] to [no]\nnext costume\nbroadcast (clone v)\nSmooth Glide x: (0) y: (240) speed: (4)\nwait until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nbroadcast (close v)\nSmooth Glide x: (0) y: (280) speed: (5)\nset [menu v] to [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [front layer v]\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1000000000) layers\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nforever\n if <not <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>>>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n if <(sound) = [yes]> then\n start sound [Touch v]\n end\n end\n repeat until <(size) = [110]>\n change size by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n end\n set size to (110) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set size to (100) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwait until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clone v]\nif <(music on?) = [yes]> then\n clone icon at x: [-215] y: [152] icon number [1]\nelse\n clone icon at x: [-215] y: [152] icon number [2]\nend\nif <(sound) = [yes]> then\n clone icon at x: [-165] y: [152] icon number [3]\nelse\n clone icon at x: [-165] y: [152] icon number [4]\nend\nclone icon at x: [-78] y: [152] icon number [5]\nif <(lives) = [1]> then\n clone icon at x: [15] y: [152] icon number [7]\nend\nif <(lives) = [2]> then\n clone icon at x: [15] y: [152] icon number [8]\nend\nif <(lives) = [3]> then\n clone icon at x: [15] y: [152] icon number [9]\nend\n\nclone icon at x: [215] y: [152] icon number [6]\n\ndefine clone icon at x: (x) y: (y) icon number (icon)\nswitch costume to (icon)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\nset size to (110) %\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n set [music on? v] to [no]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n set [music on? v] to [yes]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n set [sound v] to [no]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set [sound v] to [yes]\n switch costume to (3 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n broadcast (open shop v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n set [exit v] to [restart]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [music on? v] to [yes]\nset [sound v] to [yes]\n\nrepeat (2)\n\nwhen I receive [refresh v]\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nbroadcast (refresh v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>>> then\n if <(lives) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (love \(2\)3 v)\n else\n if <(lives) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (love \(2\)2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (love \(2\) v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@water\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [600] y: [0]\nClone at x: [800] y: [0]\nClone at x: [800] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (175) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (5) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n front\nend\n\nfront\n\ndefine front\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [open shop v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nSmooth Glide x: (0) y: (-100) speed: (5)\nset [shop open? v] to [yes]\nwait (2) seconds\nwait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\nset [shop open? v] to [no]\nbroadcast (close shop v)\nSmooth Glide x: (0) y: (-310) speed: (4)\nrepeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (40)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [shop open? v] to [no]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-310)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\n\nwhen I receive [open shop v]\nforever\n front\n go [backward v] (10) layers\nend\n\n@Sprite8\n\ndefine clone (item) at x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (item)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [clone id v] to [item]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [open shop v]\nclone [1] at x: [-190] y: [5]\nclone [2] at x: [-115] y: [5]\nclone [3] at x: [-40] y: [5]\nclone [4] at x: [35] y: [5]\nclone [5] at x: [110] y: [5]\nclone [6] at x: [185] y: [5]\nclone [7] at x: [-190] y: [-70]\nclone [8] at x: [-115] y: [-70]\nclone [9] at x: [-40] y: [-70]\nclone [10] at x: [35] y: [-70]\nclone [11] at x: [110] y: [-70]\nclone [12] at x: [185] y: [-70]\nclone [13] at x: [-190] y: [-145]\nclone [14] at x: [-115] y: [-145]\nclone [15] at x: [-40] y: [-145]\nclone [16] at x: [35] y: [-145]\nclone [17] at x: [110] y: [-145]\nclone [18] at x: [185] y: [-145]\nclone info\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ngo [forward v] (160) layers\n\nwhen I receive [close shop v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone ID) = [item]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n if <(sound) = [yes]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n start sound [Touch v]\n end\n end\n repeat until <(size) = [110]>\n change size by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n end\n set size to (110) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set size to (100) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone ID) = [item]> then\n forever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n change [color v] effect by (3)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n repeat (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\n wait (pick random (0) to (0.1)) seconds\n end\n wait (pick random (0) to (0.5)) seconds\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone ID) = [item]> then\n forever\n check if touching mouse\n end\nend\n\ndefine check if touching mouse\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [item v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (sprite16 v)?> then\n set [touching mouse? v] to [yes]\n else\n set [touching mouse? v] to [no]\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(1) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [9]> then\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [1 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n if <(2) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [9]> then\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [2 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <(3) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [9]> then\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [3 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n if <(4) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [9]> then\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [4 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <(5) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [9]> then\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [5 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n if <(6) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [9]> then\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [6 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n if <(7) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [7 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n if <(8) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [8 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n if <(9) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [9 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n if <(10) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [10 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n if <(11) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [11 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [12]> then\n if <(12) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [12 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [13]> then\n if <(13) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [49]> then\n change [coins v] by (-50)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [13 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n if <(14) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [49]> then\n change [coins v] by (-50)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [14 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [15]> then\n if <(15) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [49]> then\n change [coins v] by (-50)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [15 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [16]> then\n if <(16) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [49]> then\n change [coins v] by (-50)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [16 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [17]> then\n if <(17) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [99]> then\n change [coins v] by (-100)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [17 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [18]> then\n if <(18) > []> then\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n if <(coins) > [99]> then\n change [coins v] by (-100)\n set [costume # v] to (costume [number v])\n set [18 v] to [bought]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine clone info\nset [clone id v] to [info]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone ID) = [info]> then\n forever\n go to x: ((mouse x) + (50)) y: ((mouse y) + (50))\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n costume #\n end\nend\n\ndefine costume #\nswitch costume to ((item) + (18))\n\nset [1 v] to [bought]\n\n@collectibles8\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(open 4) = [yes]> then\n switch costume to (key2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (key v)\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [4235] y: [195]\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ([floor v] of ((x) - ((SCROLL X) / (5))) ) ([floor v] of ((y) - ((SCROLL Y) / (1.5))) )\nif <(SCROLL X) > [3500]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [0] y: [500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [600] y: [500]\nClone at x: [-240] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [100]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (200) layers\nend\n\n@Sprite10\n\n@collectibles10\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [6]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nswitch costume to (costume19 v)\nClone at x: [5125] y: [400]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) > [2]> then\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [open 2 v] to [no]\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [1000000] y: [175]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nClone at x: [4505] y: [584]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nClone at x: [4395] y: [590]\nClone at x: [4220] y: [560]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nClone at x: [4193] y: [635]\nClone at x: [4300] y: [630]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nClone at x: [4613] y: [575]\nClone at x: [4757] y: [607]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nClone at x: [4575] y: [668]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nClone at x: [4700] y: [658]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nClone at x: [5560] y: [600]\nClone at x: [5668] y: [570]\nClone at x: [5985] y: [560]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nClone at x: [5590] y: [645]\nClone at x: [5700] y: [645]\nClone at x: [5792] y: [580]\nClone at x: [5933] y: [625]\nClone at x: [999999999] y: [0]\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\n@Sprite11\n\n@Sprite14\n\ndefine print\nbroadcast (delete v)\nset [element v] to [1]\nif <(length of (coins)) < [3]> then\n go to x: (((length of [22]) * (152)) / (2)) y: (152)\nelse\n go to x: (((length of [22]) * (138)) / (2)) y: (152)\nend\nrepeat (length of (coins))\n switch costume to (letter (element) of (coins))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(length of (coins)) < [3]> then\n change x by (25)\n else\n change x by (20)\n end\n change [element v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(length of (coins)) < [3]> then\n set size to (100) %\nelse\n set size to (75) %\nend\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(print) = [yes]> then\n print\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\nbroadcast (delete v)\n\nset size to (100) %\n\nset size to (75) %\n\n@Sprite16\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\nend\n\n@Sprite18\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to (cube v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (20) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [cube v]) = [11]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite17\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [0] y: [500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [600] y: [500]\nClone at x: [-240] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [100]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [999999999] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (120) layers\nend\n\n@collectibles9\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (200) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [open 2 v] to [no]\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at x: [4925] y: [400]\nClone at x: [100000] y: [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [moving platform x position v] to [4925]\nforever\n repeat (100)\n change [x v] by (5)\n change [moving platform x position v] by (5)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (100)\n change [x v] by (-5)\n change [moving platform x position v] by (-5)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nrepeat (50)\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [y v] by (-8)\n change [platform speed v] by (-1)\nend\nset [platform speed v] to (platform speed)\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nset [moving platform x v] to (x)\n\nset [moving platform x v] to (x)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\ndelete this clone\n\n@fire\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (1 v)\n repeat (10)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [cube v]) = [12]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(shop open?) = [no]> then\n if <([costume # v] of [cube v]) = [12]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [cube v]) y: (([y position v] of [cube v]) + (25))\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go [backward v] (10) layers\n else\n go to [back v] layer\n hide\n end\n else\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (100) layers\n go to x: (185) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(shop open?) = [no]> then\n set y to (([x position v] of [cube v]) - (10))\nend\nmove (pick random (-20) to (20)) steps\nset size to (75) %\nswitch costume to (12 v)\nset [speed y v] to (pick random (0.5) to (1.5))\nrepeat (100)\n change y by (speed y)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n change size by (-0.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (81) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [open shop v]\nset [shop opened? v] to [yes]\nforever\n if <(shop opened?) = [yes]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\ngo [backward v] (81) layers\n\nwhen I receive [close shop v]\nset [shop opened? v] to [no]\n\n@collectibles11\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(open 10) = [yes]> then\n switch costume to (key2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (key v)\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nset [open 10 v] to [no]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [5710] y: [250]\n\n@collectibles13\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (cube v)?> then\n broadcast (win v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nbroadcast (Tick v) and wait\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [892] y: [538]\n\nClone at x: [650] y: [367]\nClone at x: [893] y: [510]\nClone at x: [885] y: [556]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\n\nClone at x: [978] y: [210]\nClone at x: [997] y: [220]\nClone at x: [1020] y: [229]\nClone at x: [1050] y: [211]\nClone at x: [1092] y: [204]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndelete this clone\n\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [open v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoints v] to [yes]\nswitch costume to (key v)\nclear sound effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nClone at x: [5665] y: [258]\nClone at x: [9999999999] y: [258]\n\n@Sprite12\n\nwhen I receive [flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [0] y: [500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [600] y: [500]\nClone at x: [-240] y: [-500]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [100]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [500] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [360] y: [0]\nClone at x: [100000] y: [0]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (50) layers\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [18]> or <(costume [number v]) = [17]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (30) layers\n end\nend\n\ngo [forward v] () layers\n\n@Sprite15\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n front layer\n front layer\n front layer\n front layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to x: ((mouse x) + (50)) y: ((mouse y) - (-25))\nend\n\ndefine front layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine check item\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <<(y position) < [60]> and <(shop open?) = [yes]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n front layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n switch costume to (item)\nelse\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait until <(y position) < [60]>\nend\n\nif <(touching) = [yes]> then\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n check item\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open shop v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@cloud\n\ndefine delete and rewrite code data list\ndelete all of [run:data v]\nset [readdata# v] to [1]\nset [datachars v] to [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-*/~`!@#$%^&*\(\)_=\[\]\{}|;':",./<>?]\nrepeat (99)\n add [] to [run:data v]\nend\nrepeat (length of (datachars))\n add (letter (readdata#) of (datachars)) to [run:data v]\n change [readdata# v] by (1)\nend\nadd [ ] to [run:data v]\n\ndefine encode string (val) and add to encoded value (new encode section?) (boolean)\nswitch costume to (lowercase v)\nif <(boolean) = [true]> then\n set [encoded value v] to []\nend\nset [readdata# v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [word v] to (letter (readdata#) of (val))\n switch costume to (join (word) [\)])\n set [word v] to (item # of (word) in [run:data v])\n if <(costume [name v]) = [lowercase]> then\n if <not <(word) = [0]>> then\n set [encoded value v] to (join (encoded value) (word))\n else\n set [encoded value v] to (join (encoded value) (item # of [*] in [run:data v]))\n end\n else\n if <not <(word) = [0]>> then\n set [encoded value v] to (join (encoded value) ((word) + (26)))\n else\n set [encoded value v] to (join (encoded value) (item # of [*] in [run:data v]))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (lowercase v)\n change [readdata# v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded value v] to (join (encoded value) [000])\n\ndefine decode string (code) and add to value (new decode section?) (boolean)\nset [decoded result v] to []\nif <(boolean) = [true]> then\n set [encoded value v] to (code)\n set [readdata# v] to [1]\nend\nforever\n set [decode idx v] to (join (letter (readdata#) of (encoded value)) (join (letter ((readdata#) + (1)) of (encoded value)) (letter ((readdata#) + (2)) of (encoded value))))\n change [readdata# v] by (3)\n if <(decode IDX) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [decoded result v] to (join (decoded result) (item (decode IDX) of [run:data v]))\nend\n\ndefine add word: (word) into code list\nif <not <[run:data v] contains (word)?>> then\n if <(length of (word)) = [1]> then\n ask [Are you sure that you want to add a new code element into the base list?] and wait\n if < (answer) contains [yes]?> then\n add (word) to [run:data v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@my player #@ v] to [0]\nset [@username@ v] to (username)\nhide\nset up clones [10]\nbroadcast (allocate slot v)\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\ndefine set up clones (amount)\nset [clone# v] to [1]\nset [cloud: offline v] to [100]\nrepeat ((amount) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone# v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine send (data) to cloud: (#)\nif <(#) = [1]> then\n set [☁ c1 v] to (data)\nelse\n if <(#) = [2]> then\n set [☁ c2 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [3]> then\n set [☁ c3 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [4]> then\n set [☁ c4 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [5]> then\n set [☁ c5 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [6]> then\n set [☁ c6 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (data)\n else\n if <(#) = [10]> then\n set [☁ p10 v] to (data)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine value = cloud# (#)\nif <(#) = [1]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ C1)\nelse\n if <(#) = [2]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ C2)\n else\n if <(#) = [3]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ C3)\n else\n if <(#) = [4]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ C4)\n else\n if <(#) = [5]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ C5)\n else\n if <(#) = [6]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ C6)\n else\n if <(#) = [7]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ P7)\n else\n if <(#) = [8]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ P8)\n else\n if <(#) = [9]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ P9)\n else\n if <(#) = [10]> then\n set [decoded result v] to (☁ P10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [allocate slot v]\nbroadcast (conneecting v)\nset [@connected?@ v] to [false]\nvalue = cloud# (clone#)\nset [allocate_last val v] to (join [A] (decoded result))\nwait (2.5) seconds\nvalue = cloud# (clone#)\nif <(join [A] (decoded result)) = (allocate_last val)> then\n set [@my player #@ v] to (clone#)\nend\nset [@connected?@ v] to [true]\nif <(@MY PLAYER #@) > [0]> then\n broadcast (connected v)\nelse\n broadcast (fail v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(@MY PLAYER #@) = (clone#)> then\n hide\n encode string (round ([x v] of [cube v])) and add to encoded value (new encode section?) [true]\n encode string (round ([y v] of [cube v])) and add to encoded value (new encode section?) []\n encode string (@USERNAME@) and add to encoded value (new encode section?) []\n encode string ([costume # v] of [cube v]) and add to encoded value (new encode section?) []\n encode string (round ((days since 2000) * (10000000000))) and add to encoded value (new encode section?) []\n send (encoded value) to cloud: (@MY PLAYER #@)\n else\n disconnection timeout: [10]\n value = cloud# (clone#)\n decode string (decoded result) and add to value (new decode section?) [true]\n change [x v] by (round (((decoded result) - (x)) / (3)))\n set size to (400) %\n set x to ((x) - (SCROLL X))\n set size to (100) %\n decode string [] and add to value (new decode section?) []\n change [y v] by (round (((decoded result) - (y)) / (3)))\n set size to (400) %\n set y to ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\n decode string [] and add to value (new decode section?) []\n if <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n if <(name) = [yes]> then\n say (decoded result)\n end\n end\n decode string [] and add to value (new decode section?) []\n switch costume to (join [player_] (decoded result))\n end\nend\n\ndefine disconnection timeout: (frames)\nvalue = cloud# (clone#)\nif <(join [A] (decoded result)) = (last_val)> then\n change [cloud: offline v] by (-1)\n if <(cloud: offline) < (frames)> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [cloud: offline v] to [100]\n set [last_val v] to (join [A] (decoded result))\n if <(@CONNECTED?@) = [true]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (pick random (28) to (44))\nforever\n set size to (72) %\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [name v] to [no]\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <(name) = [yes]> then\n set [name v] to [no]\n else\n set [name v] to [yes]\n end\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\n@messages\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [conneecting v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [connected v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (connected v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nbroadcast (lf v)\n\nwhen I receive [fail v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (fail v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lf v]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (won v)\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\nbroadcast (delete2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (pick random (10) to (50)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (lf v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite19\n\ndefine print\nbroadcast (delete2 v)\nset [element 2 v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-105) y: (138)\nrepeat (length of (round (timer)))\n switch costume to (letter (element 2) of (round (timer)))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(length of (round (timer))) < [3]> then\n change x by (25)\n else\n change x by (20)\n end\n change [element 2 v] by (1)\nend\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(length of (round (timer))) < [3]> then\n set size to (100) %\nelse\n set size to (75) %\nend\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (10) layers\nend\n\nset size to (75) %\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nprint\n\nwhen I receive [delete2 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
Pixel Platformer 2.0
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit [62] [5064]\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <<(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> or <(@game state) = [game]>> then\n switch backdrop to (level1 v)\n change song (@current_song) [SMG2 - Battle Belt Galaxy]\nelse\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_title]?> then\n switch backdrop to (level1 v)\n change song (@current_song) [Fork Lifter - Rhythm Heaven Fever.mp3]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [amylaser]> then\n if <(@game state) = [game]> then\n if <(@player state) = [pause]> then\n set [@player state v] to [camera_return]\n else\n set [@player state v] to [pause]\n end\n broadcast (change player state v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nif <(@game state) = [game]> then\n set [@player state v] to [pause]\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_title]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nend\n\ndefine init (startx) (starty)\nset [@startx v] to (startx)\nset [@starty v] to (starty)\nset [@camera x v] to (startx)\nset [@camera y v] to (starty)\nset [@player.x v] to (startx)\nset [@player.y v] to (starty)\nset [@checkpt_x v] to (startx)\nset [@checkpt_y v] to (starty)\nset [@game state v] to [transition.target_title]\nset [@player state v] to [pause]\nset [=max_levels v] to [4]\nset [=panel_width v] to [480]\nset [=panel_height v] to [360]\nset [=level_width_panels v] to [4]\nset [=level_height_panels v] to [4]\nset [=level_width_px v] to ((=level_width_panels) * (=panel_width))\nset [=level_height_px v] to ((=level_height_panels) * (=panel_height))\nset [=map_width_panels v] to (=level_width_panels)\nset [=map_height_panels v] to ((=level_height_panels) * (=max_levels))\nset [=map_width_px v] to ((=map_width_panels) * (=panel_width))\nset [=map_height_px v] to ((=map_height_panels) * (=panel_height))\nset [@sound_on? v] to [1]\nset [@curr_level v] to [1]\nset [@camera_speed v] to [10]\nset [@current_song v] to [0]\nhide variable [@camera_speed v]\nhide variable [@camera x v]\nhide variable [@camera y v]\nhide variable [@player.x v]\nhide variable [@player.y v]\nset volume to (100) %\nswitch backdrop to (level1 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(@game state) = [game]> then\n set [@player state v] to [pause]\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_game]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [@curr_level v] to ([ceiling v] of (((@camera y) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=level_height_px)) )\nif <(@player state) = [pause]> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera y v] by (@camera_speed)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera y v] by ((0) - (@camera_speed))\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera x v] by ((0) - (@camera_speed))\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera x v] by (@camera_speed)\n end\nend\nif <not <(backdrop [number v]) = (@curr_level)>> then\n switch backdrop to (@curr_level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change player state v]\nif <(@player state) = [pause]> then\n show variable [@camera_speed v]\n show variable [@camera x v]\n show variable [@camera y v]\n show variable [@player.x v]\n show variable [@player.y v]\nelse\n hide variable [@camera_speed v]\n hide variable [@camera x v]\n hide variable [@camera y v]\n hide variable [@player.x v]\n hide variable [@player.y v]\nend\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [amylaser]> then\n set [@player.x v] to (@camera x)\n set [@player.y v] to (@camera y)\nend\n\ndefine change song (curr_song) (new_song)\nif <not <(curr_song) = (new_song)>> then\n stop all sounds\n set [@current_song v] to (new_song)\n broadcast (change music v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change music v]\nforever\n play sound (@current_song) until done\nend\n\n@player hitbox\n\ndefine get_keyboard_input\nset [@input.down v] to <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) - (60))>>>\nset [@input.up v] to <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (60))>>>\nset [@input.left v] to <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (70))>>>\nset [@input.right v] to <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (70))>>>\nset [@input.action v] to <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [100]>>>\nif <(@Input.ACTION) = [true]> then\n if <<<(@player state) = [go]> or <(@player state) = [talk]>> and <(~timer.action) = [0]>> then\n set [~timer.action v] to [20]\n broadcast (player action v)\n end\nend\nif <(~timer.action) > [0]> then\n change [~timer.action v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player attack v]\nif <<(@player state) = [go]> and <(~air time) < [1]>> then\n set [@player state v] to [attack]\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [attack]\n start sound [Rip v]\nend\n\ndefine respawn\nhide\nset [@camera x v] to (@checkpt_x)\nset [@camera y v] to (@checkpt_y)\nif <(@camera x) > ((=map_width_px) - (=panel_width))> then\n set [@camera x v] to ((=map_width_px) - (=panel_width))\nelse\n if <(@camera x) < [0]> then\n set [@camera x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [@player.x v] to (@checkpt_x)\nset [@player.y v] to (@checkpt_y)\nset [@player.xvel v] to [0]\nset [@player.yvel v] to [0]\nset [@player.animation_type v] to [idle]\nset [~move_mode v] to [walk]\nset [~timer.hurt v] to [0]\nset [~air time v] to [0]\nset [@player state v] to [go]\nset [@player.is_invincible v] to [0]\nset [@is_ghost_floor_active? v] to [0]\ngo to x: ((@player.x) - (@camera x)) y: ((@player.y) - (@camera y))\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset size to (60) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset volume to (100) %\nset [@player.xvel v] to [0]\nset [@player.yvel v] to [0]\nset [~max_health v] to [3]\nset [@player.health v] to (~max_health)\nset [@player.is_invincible v] to [0]\nset [~force.climb v] to [4]\nset [~force.jump v] to [13]\nset [~force.leftright v] to [9]\nset [~force.gravity v] to [-1.1]\nset [~force.push v] to [4]\nset [~friction v] to [0.5]\nset [~camera.max_dist v] to [100]\nset [~camera.springiness v] to [0.13]\nset [~move_mode v] to [walk]\nset [~slope v] to [0]\nset [~slope.max v] to [12]\nset [~air time v] to [0]\nset [~player.yvel_min v] to [-30]\nset [~timer.action v] to [0]\nset [~timer.hurt v] to [0]\nset [@is_ghost_floor_active? v] to [0]\n\ndefine update wrapper\ngo to x: ((@player.x) - (@camera x)) y: ((@player.y) - (@camera y))\nget_keyboard_input\nif <<(@player state) = [go]> or <(@player state) = [hurt]>> then\n update_player_vec <(@Input.UP) = [true]> <(@Input.DOWN) = [true]> <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> <(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]> (~move_mode)\nend\nif <<<(@player state) = [go]> or <(@player state) = [hurt]>> or <<(@player state) = [stunned]> or <(@player state) = [camera_return]>>> then\n update_camera_pos\nend\nupdate_costume <(@Input.UP) = [true]> <(@Input.DOWN) = [true]> <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> <(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]> ((@player.xvel) / ([abs v] of (@player.xvel) )) ((@player.yvel) / ([abs v] of (@player.yvel) ))\ngo to x: ((@player.x) - (@camera x)) y: ((@player.y) - (@camera y))\nif <<([abs v] of (((@player.x) - (@camera x)) - (x position)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of (((@player.y) - (@camera y)) - (y position)) ) < [10]>> then\n show\n if <<(@player state) = [camera_return]> and <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [220]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [160]>>> then\n set [@player state v] to [go]\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(~timer.hurt) > [0]> then\n change [~timer.hurt v] by (-1)\nelse\n set [~timer.hurt v] to [0]\n if <not <<(@player state) = [stunned]> or <(@player state) = [win]>>> then\n set [@player.is_invincible v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(@player.health) > (~max_health)> then\n set [@player.health v] to (~max_health)\nend\n\ndefine state_behavior.drowning\nchange [@player.health v] by (-1)\nstart sound [Plunge v]\nrepeat until <not <touching (water v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n change [@player.y v] by (1)\nend\nstart sound [Meow2 v]\nwait (2) seconds\nif <(@player.health) < [1]> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_game]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nelse\n set [@player state v] to [respawn]\n broadcast (change player state v)\nend\n\ndefine update_player_vec <up> <down> <left> <right> (mode)\nif <(mode) = [walk]> then\n if <<<up> and <(~air time) = [0]>> and <(@player state) = [go]>> then\n set [@player.yvel v] to (~FORCE.Jump)\n start sound [Jump v]\n else\n set [@player.yvel v] to ((@player.yvel) + (~FORCE.Gravity))\n if <(@player.yvel) < (~player.yvel_min)> then\n set [@player.yvel v] to (~player.yvel_min)\n end\n end\n if <<<left> or <right>> and <(@player state) = [go]>> then\n set [@player.xvel v] to ((~FORCE.LeftRight) * (<right> - <left>))\n if <(~slope) > (~slope.max)> then\n if <up> then\n set [@player.yvel v] to (~FORCE.Climb)\n else\n set [@player.yvel v] to (~FORCE.Gravity)\n end\n set [~air time v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <<(~air time) < [2]> or <(@player state) = [go]>> then\n set [@player.xvel v] to ((@player.xvel) * (~FRICTION))\n end\n end\nend\ncheck_horizontal_collision (@player.xvel) (x position) (y position) ((@player.xvel) / ([abs v] of (@player.xvel) ))\ncheck_ghost_platform <(@Input.DOWN) = [true]> (x position) (y position)\ncheck_vertical_collision (@player.yvel) ((@player.yvel) / ([abs v] of (@player.yvel) )) (y position)\nif <(@player.y) < ((([floor v] of ((@curr_level) / (=map_width_panels)) ) - (0.5)) * (=level_height_px))> then\n set [@player state v] to [respawn]\n broadcast (change player state v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine update_camera_pos\nset [@camera x v] to (round ((@camera x) + ((~CAMERA.springiness) * (((@player.x) + (((@player.xvel) / (~FORCE.LeftRight)) * (~CAMERA.max_dist))) - (@camera x)))))\nset [@camera y v] to (round ((@camera y) + ((~CAMERA.springiness) * (((@player.y) + (((@player.yvel) / (~FORCE.Jump)) * (~CAMERA.max_dist))) - (@camera y)))))\nif <(@camera x) > ((=map_width_px) - (=panel_width))> then\n set [@camera x v] to ((=map_width_px) - (=panel_width))\nelse\n if <(@camera x) < [0]> then\n set [@camera x v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine check_horizontal_collision (vel_x) (abs_x) (abs_y) (dir_vel_x)\nset [~slope v] to [0]\nchange x by (vel_x)\nrepeat until <<not <<<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>> or <<touching (ghost floors v)?> and <(@is_ghost_floor_active?) = [1]>>>> or <(~slope) > (~slope.max)>>\n change y by (1)\n change [~slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~slope) > (~slope.max)> then\n set y to (abs_y)\n if <<not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>>> and <<touching (ghost floors v)?> and <(@is_ghost_floor_active?) = [1]>>> then\n set [~slope v] to [0]\n else\n set [@player.xvel v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>>>\n change [@player.xvel v] by (1)\n change x by (((((@player.xvel) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (@player.xvel))\n if <(@player.xvel) > (~slope.max)> then\n set x to (abs_x)\n set [@player.xvel v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>>>\n change [@player.xvel v] by (1)\n change y by (((((@player.xvel) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (@player.xvel))\n end\n set [@player.xvel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [@player.xvel v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change x by ((0) - (round (((~slope) / (~slope.max)) * (vel_x))))\n change y by ((0) - (round (((~slope) / (~slope.max)) * (~slope))))\nend\nset [@player.x v] to ((@player.x) + ((x position) - (abs_x)))\nset [@player.y v] to ((@player.y) + ((y position) - (abs_y)))\n\ndefine check_vertical_collision (vel_y) (dir_vel_y) (abs_y)\nchange [~air time v] by (1)\nchange y by (vel_y)\nif <<<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>> or <<touching (ghost floors v)?> and <(@is_ghost_floor_active?) = [1]>>> then\n set [@player.yvel v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>> or <<touching (ghost floors v)?> and <(@is_ghost_floor_active?) = [1]>>>>\n if <(dir_vel_y) < [0]> then\n set [~air time v] to [0]\n end\n change [@player.yvel v] by (1)\n change y by (((((@player.yvel) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (@player.yvel))\n end\n set [@player.yvel v] to [0]\nend\nset [@player.y v] to ((@player.y) + ((y position) - (abs_y)))\n\ndefine update_costume <up> <down> <left> <right> (xdir) (ydir)\nif <(@player state) = [win]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [win]\nelse\n if <(@player state) = [drowning]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [water]\n else\n if <(@player state) = [hurt]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [hurt]\n if <(~air time) < [1]> then\n set [@player state v] to [go]\n if <(@player.health) < [1]> then\n set [@player state v] to [stunned]\n end\n broadcast (change player state v)\n end\n else\n if <<<(~slope) > (~slope.max)> and <<left> or <right>>> and <(~air time) > [0]>> then\n if <up> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [climb]\n else\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [cling]\n end\n else\n if <(@player state) = [stunned]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [stunned]\n else\n if <(@player state) = [attack]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [attack]\n else\n if <(~air time) > [1]> then\n if <(ydir) > [0]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [jump]\n if <(~air time) > [8]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [jump2]\n end\n else\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [fall]\n end\n else\n if <not <<left> = <right>>> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [walk]\n else\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [idle]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine state_behavior.hurt\nif <<(~timer.hurt) = [0]> and <(@player.is_invincible) = [0]>> then\n set [~timer.hurt v] to [60]\n set [@player.is_invincible v] to [1]\n change [@player.health v] by (-1)\n start sound [Meow2 v]\n start sound [Pew v]\n set [@player.xvel v] to [0]\n change x by (30)\n if <<touching (rats v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n change [@player.xvel v] by ((0) - (~FORCE.LeftRight))\n end\n change x by (-60)\n if <<touching (rats v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n change [@player.xvel v] by (~FORCE.LeftRight)\n end\n change x by (10)\n set [@player.yvel v] to ((~FORCE.Jump) - (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [transition.target_game]> then\n hide\n set [@player state v] to [pause]\n set [@player.health v] to (~max_health)\n set [@checkpt_x v] to (@startx)\n set [@checkpt_y v] to (@starty)\n respawn\nelse\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change player state v]\nif <(@player state) = [respawn]> then\n respawn\n start sound [Oops v]\nelse\n if <(@player state) = [drowning]> then\n state_behavior.drowning\n else\n if <(@player state) = [hurt]> then\n state_behavior.hurt\n else\n if <(@player state) = [stunned]> then\n set [@player.is_invincible v] to [1]\n start sound [Oops v]\n wait (2) seconds\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_game]\n broadcast (change game state v)\n else\n if <(@player state) = [win]> then\n set [@player.is_invincible v] to [1]\n start sound [Tada v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check_ghost_platform <down_key> (startx) (starty)\nif <<(@player.yvel) > [0]> or <<touching (ghost floors v)?> or <down_key>>> then\n set [@is_ghost_floor_active? v] to [0]\nelse\n set [@is_ghost_floor_active? v] to [1]\nend\n\n@player visual\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (idle v)\nset size to (70) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [~animation.frame v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n init\n go to (player hitbox v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (6) layers\nelse\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n else\n if <(@game state) = [game]> then\n forever\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [walk]> then\n play sound [Gallop v] until done\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [climb]> then\n play sound [Shaker v] until done\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate <left> <right>\ngo to (player hitbox v)\nif <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [235]> or <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [175]>> then\n hide\nelse\n show\n if <right> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <left> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n switch costume to (@player.animation_type)\n if <<<(@player.animation_type) = [idle]> or <(@player.animation_type) = [cling]>> or <(@player.animation_type) = [win]>> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.05)) mod (2))\n else\n if <<(@player.animation_type) = [walk]> or <(@player.animation_type) = [climb]>> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (5))\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [water]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (6))\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [stunned]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (4))\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [attack]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n point in direction ((90) * (([abs v] of ((mouse x) - (x position)) ) / ((mouse x) - (x position))))\n end\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (9))\n if <(~animation.frame) > [8]> then\n set [@player state v] to [go]\n end\n else\n set [~animation.frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + ([floor v] of (~animation.frame) ))\nend\nif <<([~timer.hurt v] of [player hitbox v]) > [0]> and <not <(@player.animation_type) = [stunned]>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((30) * ((round (([~timer.hurt v] of [player hitbox v]) / (5))) mod (2)))\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nanimate <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> <(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]>\n\n@level visual\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width))))\nset [~y v] to ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height))))\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\nupdate_costume\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to (join (join (~costume.col_ID) [,]) (~costume.row_ID))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x position) - (~x)) ) < [5]> and <([abs v] of ((y position) - (~y)) ) < [5]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nswitch costume to (0,3 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n set [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [~costume.col_id v] to [-1]\nset [~costume.row_id v] to [-1]\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n scroll\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@level hitbox\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width))))\nset [~y v] to ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height))))\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\nupdate_costume\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to (join (join (~costume.col_ID) [,]) (~costume.row_ID))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n end\n if <<([abs v] of ((x position) - (~x)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of ((y position) - (~y)) ) < [10]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (0,3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n set [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\n@dialogue\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine dialogue\nif <<(@player state) = [go]> or <(@player state) = [talk]>> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <not <(~text.opened_index) = (~text.index)>> then\n set [@player state v] to [talk]\n set [~text.opened_index v] to (~text.index)\n switch costume to (item (~text.index) of [~locations v])\n start sound [Meow v]\n animate_in (~text.BOUNCE)\n else\n start sound [Suction Cup v]\n if <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [_]>> then\n next costume\n animate_in (~text.BOUNCE)\n else\n set [~text.opened_index v] to [0]\n animate_out (~text.BOUNCE)\n set [@player state v] to [go]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate_in (bounce)\nset [~text.bounce_vel v] to [10]\nset size to (~text.MIN_SIZE) %\nrepeat until <([abs v] of (~text.bounce_vel) ) < [0.01]>\n set [~text.bounce_vel v] to (((~text.bounce_vel) * (bounce)) + (((~text.MAX_SIZE) - (size)) * ((1) - (bounce))))\n change size by (~text.bounce_vel)\nend\n\ndefine check_player_dialogue (stride)\nset [~text.index v] to [1]\nset [~text.dist v] to (~text.MAX_DIST)\nrepeat until <<(~text.index) > (length of [~locations v])> or <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)>>\n set [~text.x v] to (item ((~text.index) + (1)) of [~locations v])\n set [~text.y v] to (item ((~text.index) + (2)) of [~locations v])\n get_dist (~text.x) (~text.y) (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera x)) (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera y))\n change [~text.index v] by (stride)\nend\nif <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)> then\n change [~text.index v] by ((0) - (stride))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player action v]\nif <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)> then\n dialogue\nelse\n broadcast (player attack v)\nend\n\ndefine get_dist (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2)\nset [~text.dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\n\ndefine animate_out (bounce)\nrepeat (2)\n set size to ((~text.BOUNCE) * (size)) %\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ncheck_player_dialogue [3]\nif <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)> then\n go to x: ((~text.x) - (@camera x)) y: (((~text.y) - (@camera y)) + (60))\n set [@show icon v] to [1]\nelse\n if <(~text.opened_index) > [0]> then\n animate_out (~text.BOUNCE)\n end\n set [~text.opened_index v] to [0]\n if <(@player state) = [talk]> then\n set [@player state v] to [go]\n end\nend\n\ndefine add_location | title: (title) x: (x) y: (y)\nadd (title) to [~locations v]\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset volume to (100) %\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [~text.min_size v] to [40]\nset [~text.bounce v] to [0.5]\nset [~text.max_size v] to [100]\nset [~text.max_dist v] to [30]\nset [~text.opened_index v] to [0]\nset size to (~text.MIN_SIZE) %\ndelete all of [~locations v]\nadd_location | title: [intro] x: [127] y: [5066]\nadd_location | title: [tutorial_climb] x: [257] y: [5066]\nadd_location | title: [tutorial_attack] x: [497] y: [5276]\nadd_location | title: [tutorial_down] x: [872] y: [5276]\nadd_location | title: [tutorial_push] x: [862] y: [5066]\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <<not <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]>> and < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\n@water\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to (round ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width)))))\nset [~y v] to (round ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height)))))\nanimate [3] [5]\nupdate_costume\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\nif <<([abs v] of ((~x) - (x position)) ) < [5]> and <([abs v] of ((~y) - (y position)) ) < [5]>> then\n show\n check_player_collision\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to (join (join (~costume.col_ID) [,]) (~costume.row_ID))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (null v)\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (6) layers\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nswitch costume to (0,0 v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [~animation.timer v] to [0]\n\ndefine check_player_collision\nif <<touching (player hitbox v)?> and <not <(@player state) = [drowning]>>> then\n set [@player state v] to [drowning]\n broadcast (change player state v)\nend\n\ndefine animate (range) (speed)\nset [~animation.timer v] to (((~animation.timer) + (speed)) mod (360))\nchange [~y v] by (([sin v] of (~animation.timer) ) * (range))\n\n@icons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@show icon v] to [0]\nset [~icon.animation_speed v] to [0.05]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nanimate\n\ndefine animate\nif <<(@show icon) = [1]> and <(@player state) = [go]>> then\n set [@show icon v] to [0]\n if <(~icon.animation_frame) = [-1]> then\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to [0]\n switch costume to (space v)\n show\n end\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) y: (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (50))\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to (((~icon.animation_frame) + (~icon.animation_speed)) mod (2))\n set [~icon.target_costume v] to (([floor v] of (~icon.animation_frame) ) + (1))\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = (~icon.target_costume)>> then\n switch costume to (~icon.target_costume)\n end\nelse\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to [-1]\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [game]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [@show icon v] to [0]\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to [0]\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n hide\nelse\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@score fish\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\nset [~id v] to [0]\n\ndefine animate_idle (speed)\nturn right (([sin v] of (~animation_frame) ) * (2)) degrees\nchange size by (([sin v] of ((~animation_frame) * (5)) ) * (2))\nset [~animation_frame v] to (((~animation_frame) + (speed)) mod (360))\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [game]> then\n if <(~ID) > [0]> then\n reset\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (16) layers\n else\n switch costume to (score v)\n reset timer\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [@score.fish v] to [0]\n set [@score.fish.display v] to (join [0/] (@num_fish))\n set [@score.time v] to [0]\n show variable [@score.fish.display v]\n show variable [@score.time v]\n end\nelse\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.target_]?> then\n hide variable [@score.fish.display v]\n hide variable [@score.time v]\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate_collect\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(size) < [120]> then\n change [~y v] by (1)\n change size by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine scroll\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\nif <<([abs v] of (((~x) - (@camera x)) - (x position)) ) < [5]> and <([abs v] of (((~y) - (@camera y)) - (y position)) ) < [5]>> then\n show\n if <(~collected?) = [0]> then\n animate_idle (~ROTATE_SPEED)\n check_cat_collision [30]\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(~collected?) = [1]> then\n animate_collect\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~ID) = [0]> then\n check_win_condition\nelse\n if <<([abs v] of ((~x) - (@camera x)) ) < (=panel_width)> and <([abs v] of ((~y) - (@camera y)) ) < (=panel_height)>> then\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [collected]>> then\n scroll\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nreset\n\ndefine init\nhide\nswitch costume to (score v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset volume to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow list [~fish_locations v]\ndelete all of [~fish_locations v]\nset [@score.fish v] to [0]\nset [@score.time v] to [0]\nset [~rotate_speed v] to [5]\nset [~animation_frame v] to [0]\nset [~collected? v] to [0]\nset [~id v] to [0]\nhide variable [@score.fish v]\nhide variable [@score.time v]\nhide variable [@score.fish.display v]\nadd location | x: [83] y: [5300] desc: [dojo]\nadd location | x: [360] y: [4562] desc: [small house]\nadd location | x: [114] y: [770] desc: [small house roof]\nadd location | x: [478] y: [1120] desc: [dojo roof]\nadd location | x: [1007] y: [4651] desc: [cistern S cubby]\nadd location | x: [1378] y: [5006] desc: [cistern N cubby]\nadd location | x: [1135] y: [4450] desc: [cistern water]\nadd location | x: [-66] y: [30] desc: [W well]\nadd location | x: [-46] y: [1470] desc: [W pond]\nadd location | x: [1290] y: [1490] desc: [E pond]\nadd location | x: [1250] y: [2189] desc: [SE woods tree]\nadd location | x: [472] y: [2249] desc: [SW woods tree]\nadd location | x: [-17] y: [2415] desc: [W woods cliff]\nadd location | x: [25] y: [3277] desc: [SW pagoda island ledge]\nadd location | x: [-15] y: [3687] desc: [NW sakura tree]\nadd location | x: [575] y: [3977] desc: [W pagoda roof]\nadd location | x: [1035] y: [3977] desc: [E pagoda roof]\nadd location | x: [950] y: [3162] desc: [S sakura tree]\nadd location | x: [1510] y: [3082] desc: [SE sakura tree]\nadd location | x: [1520] y: [3632] desc: [NE sakura tree]\nset [@num_fish v] to ((length of [~fish_locations v]) / (2))\nset [@score.fish.display v] to (join [0/] (@num_fish))\n\ndefine check_cat_collision (dist_thresh)\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n set [~collected? v] to [1]\n change [@score.fish v] by (1)\n change [@player.health v] by (1)\n set [@score.fish.display v] to (join (join (@score.fish) [/]) (@num_fish))\n change [~y v] by (30)\n set size to (100) %\n start sound [Chomp v]\n start sound [Coin v]\nend\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y) desc: (d)\nset [~id v] to ((length of [~fish_locations v]) + (1))\nswitch costume to (salmon v)\nadd (x) to [~fish_locations v]\nadd (y) to [~fish_locations v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\ndefine reset\nset [~x v] to (item (~ID) of [~fish_locations v])\nset [~y v] to (item ((~ID) + (1)) of [~fish_locations v])\nset [~animation_frame v] to [0]\nset [~collected? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (salmon v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndefine check_win_condition\nif <(@score.fish) = (@num_fish)> then\n if <not <(@player state) = [win]>> then\n set [@player state v] to [win]\n broadcast (change player state v)\n end\nend\nif <not <(@player state) = [win]>> then\n if <(timer) > [1]> then\n reset timer\n if <(@score.time) < [1000000]> then\n change [@score.time v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [@num_fish v] to [1]\n\n@checkpoints\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine check_player_dist\nset [~checkpt.index v] to [-1]\nset [~checkpt.dist v] to (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)\nrepeat until <<(~checkpt.index) > (length of [~locations v])> or <(~checkpt.dist) < (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)>>\n change [~checkpt.index v] by (2)\n set [~checkpt.x v] to (item (~checkpt.index) of [~locations v])\n set [~checkpt.y v] to (item ((~checkpt.index) + (1)) of [~locations v])\n get_dist (~checkpt.x) (~checkpt.y) (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera x)) (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera y))\nend\n\ndefine get_dist (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2)\nset [~checkpt.dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ncheck_player_dist\nupdate_checkpt\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y) desc: (desc)\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [@checkpt_x v] to [0]\nset [@checkpt_y v] to [0]\nset [~checkpt.max_dist v] to [50]\nset [~checkpt.spawn_index v] to [0]\nset [~timer v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ndelete all of [~locations v]\n\ndefine update_checkpt\nif <(~checkpt.dist) < (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)> then\n if <not <(~checkpt.spawn_index) = (~checkpt.index)>> then\n set [~checkpt.spawn_index v] to (~checkpt.index)\n set [@checkpt_x v] to (~checkpt.x)\n set [@checkpt_y v] to (~checkpt.y)\n set [~timer v] to [80]\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\nif <(~timer) > [0]> then\n change [~timer v] by (-1)\n if <(~timer) > [74]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n if <[49] > (~timer)> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [game]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@buttons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [~action v] to [0]\nset [~timer v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset size to (80) %\nset volume to (100) %\n\ndefine add_button | action: (act) skin (skin) x: (x) y: (y)\nset [~action v] to (act)\nswitch costume to (skin)\nset [~costume v] to (costume [number v])\nset [~x v] to (x)\nset [~y v] to (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~action v] to [0]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [Suction Cup v]\nset size to (105) %\nbroadcast (~action)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\nrepeat until <(@game state) = [game]>\n animate (0.5) (100) (120)\nend\n\ndefine animate (bounce) (min_size) (max_size)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) < ((min_size) + (1))> then\n start sound [Wood Tap v]\n end\n change size by (((max_size) - (size)) * (bounce))\nelse\n change size by (((min_size) - (size)) * (bounce))\nend\n\ndefine animate_out (bounce)\nif <not <(~action) = [0]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (5)\n set size to ((bounce) * (size)) %\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [title]> then\n add_button | action: [button.reset] skin [start] x: [0] y: [-120]\n add_button | action: [button.leaderboard] skin [leader] x: [75] y: [-120]\n add_button | action: [change_volume] skin (join [sound] (@sound_on?)) x: [-75] y: [-120]\n else\n if <(@game state) = [game]> then\n add_button | action: [button.help] skin [help] x: [125] y: [140]\n add_button | action: [button.reset] skin [reset] x: [165] y: [140]\n add_button | action: [button.title] skin [back] x: [205] y: [140]\n else\n if <(@game state) = [leaderboard]> then\n add_button | action: [button.title] skin [back] x: [-200] y: [140]\n else\n animate_out [0.5]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume v]\nif <(~action) = [change_volume]> then\n set [@sound_on? v] to ((1) - (@sound_on?))\n switch costume to (join [sound] (@sound_on?))\n broadcast (change_volume2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(@game state) = [game]> and <not <<(~action) = [0]> or <<(costume [name v]) = [help2]> or <(costume [name v]) = [help3]>>>>> then\n animate (0.5) (100) (120)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [button.help v]\nif <(~action) = [button.help]> then\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [help]> or <(costume [name v]) = [help2]>> then\n next costume\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n hide variable [@score.fish.display v]\n hide variable [@score.time v]\n set [@player state v] to [talk]\n else\n switch costume to (help v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (125) y: (140)\n show variable [@score.fish.display v]\n show variable [@score.time v]\n set [@player state v] to [go]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen I receive [button.reset v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_game]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [button.title v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_title]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [button.leaderboard v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n set [@game state v] to [transition.target_leaderboard]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change player state v]\nif <(@player state) = [win]> then\n if <(~action) = [0]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n add_button | action: [button.leaderboard] skin [win] x: [0] y: [0]\n else\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@rats\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [220]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [160]>> then\n if <<([abs v] of (((~x) - (@camera x)) - (x position)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of (((~y) - (@camera y)) - (y position)) ) < [10]>> then\n if <not <<(@player state) = [pause]> or <(@player state) = [talk]>>> then\n update_pos\n end\n end\nend\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\nif <<([abs v] of (((~x) - (@camera x)) - (x position)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of (((~y) - (@camera y)) - (y position)) ) < [10]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nanimate\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(~ID) > [0]> and <(~health) > [0]>> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nreset\n\ndefine init\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nswitch costume to (idle v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (60) %\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [~id v] to [0]\nset [~force.gravity v] to [-1.1]\nset [~force.move v] to [5]\nset [~vel_x v] to [0]\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~x v] to [0]\nset [~y v] to [0]\nset [~slope.max v] to [5]\nset [~animation.type v] to [idle]\nset [~animation.frame v] to [0]\nset [~max_health v] to [2]\nset [~health v] to (~max_health)\nset [~timer.hurt v] to [0]\ndelete all of [~locations v]\nadd location | x: [836] y: [3550] desc: [pagodas]\nadd location | x: [226] y: [3470] desc: [E pagodas]\nadd location | x: [656] y: [2920] desc: [S pagodas]\nadd location | x: [1143] y: [2020] desc: [E woods]\nadd location | x: [633] y: [2020] desc: [W woods]\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y) desc: (desc)\nset [~id v] to ((length of [~locations v]) + (1))\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~id v] to [0]\n\ndefine update_pos\nupdate_vec (x position) (y position) (([abs v] of (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) - (x position)) ) / (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) - (x position)))\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\ncheck_horizontal_collision (x position) (y position) (~vel_x) (([abs v] of (~vel_x) ) / (~vel_x))\ncheck_vertical_collision (y position) (([abs v] of (~vel_y) ) / (~vel_y))\n\ndefine check_vertical_collision (abs_y) (dir_y)\nchange y by (~vel_y)\nrepeat until <not <<<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>> or <touching (ghost floors v)?>>>\n change y by ((0) - (dir_y))\n set [~vel_y v] to [0]\nend\nchange [~y v] by ((y position) - (abs_y))\n\ndefine check_horizontal_collision (abs_x) (abs_y) (vel_x) (dir_vel_x)\nset [~slope v] to [0]\nchange x by (vel_x)\nrepeat until <<not <<<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>> or <touching (ghost floors v)?>>> or <(~slope) > (~slope.max)>>\n change y by (1)\n change [~slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~slope) > (~slope.max)> then\n set y to (abs_y)\n set [~vel_x v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>> or <touching (ghost floors v)?>>>\n change [~vel_x v] by (1)\n change x by (((((~vel_x) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (~vel_x))\n change y by (1)\n end\n set [~vel_x v] to [0]\nelse\n set [~vel_x v] to ((vel_x) - (((~slope) * (1.5)) * (dir_vel_x)))\nend\nchange [~x v] by ((x position) - (abs_x))\nchange [~y v] by ((y position) - (abs_y))\n\ndefine reset\nset [~x v] to (item (~ID) of [~locations v])\nset [~y v] to (item ((~ID) + (1)) of [~locations v])\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~health v] to (~max_health)\nset [~timer.hurt v] to [0]\nset [~timer.attack v] to [0]\nset [~animation.type v] to [idle]\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (idle v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (7) layers\n\ndefine update_vec (abs_x) (abs_y) (dir_of_player)\nif <<<(distance to [player hitbox v]) < [200]> and <(~timer.hurt) = [0]>> and <(~health) > [0.5]>> then\n switch costume to (attackbox v)\n set y to ([y position v] of [player hitbox v])\n if <not <touching (player hitbox v)?>> then\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~FORCE.move) * (dir_of_player))\n set [~animation.type v] to [walk]\n set [~timer.attack v] to [10]\n else\n if <([abs v] of ((abs_y) - ([y position v] of [player hitbox v])) ) < [50]> then\n set [~vel_x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set y to (abs_y)\nelse\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~vel_x) * (0.5))\nend\nchange [~vel_y v] by (~FORCE.gravity)\nif <(~health) > [0.5]> then\n check_is_attacking_player (dir_of_player)\n check_player_is_attacking (dir_of_player)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n set [~timer.hurt v] to [100]\n set [~animation.type v] to [die]\n set [~health v] to [0.5]\n start sound [Squeaky Toy v]\n start sound [Plunge v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate\nif <(~animation.type) = [walk]> then\n if <(~vel_x) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(~vel_x) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n if <(~vel_x) = [0]> then\n set [~animation.type v] to [idle]\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (~animation.type)\nif <(~animation.type) = [idle]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.05)) mod (2))\nelse\n if <(~animation.type) = [walk]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (5))\n else\n if <(~animation.type) = [attack]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (5))\n if <([floor v] of (~animation.frame) ) = [4]> then\n set [~animation.type v] to [idle]\n end\n else\n if <(~animation.type) = [hurt]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to [0]\n if <(~vel_y) = [0]> then\n set [~animation.type v] to [idle]\n end\n else\n set [~animation.frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) + ([floor v] of (~animation.frame) ))\nif <(~timer.hurt) > [0]> then\n change [~timer.hurt v] by (-1)\nend\nif <(~timer.attack) > [0]> then\n change [~timer.attack v] by (-1)\nend\nif <(~animation.type) = [die]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (~timer.hurt))\n if <(~timer.hurt) = [0]> then\n hide\n set [~health v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(~timer.hurt) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((30) * ((round ((~timer.hurt) / (5))) mod (2)))\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n reset\n scroll\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n else\n if <(@game state) = [game]> then\n repeat until <not <(@game state) = [game]>>\n if <<(~animation.type) = [walk]> and <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [220]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [160]>>> then\n play sound [Gallop v] until done\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check_player_is_attacking (dir_of_player)\nif <<(~timer.hurt) = [0]> and <(@player state) = [attack]>> then\n if <<(([direction v] of [player visual v]) * (dir_of_player)) < [0]> and <<(distance to [player hitbox v]) < [80]> and <([abs v] of (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) - (y position)) ) < [30]>>> then\n if <(~timer.hurt) = [0]> then\n change [~health v] by (-1)\n set [~timer.hurt v] to [30]\n set [~timer.attack v] to [30]\n start sound [Pew v]\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~FORCE.move) * ((0) - (dir_of_player)))\n set [~vel_y v] to (~FORCE.move)\n if <(~health) < [1]> then\n set [~timer.hurt v] to [100]\n set [~animation.type v] to [die]\n set [~health v] to [0.5]\n start sound [Squeaky Toy v]\n else\n set [~animation.type v] to [hurt]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check_is_attacking_player (dir_of_player)\nif <(@player.is_invincible) = [0]> then\n if <(~timer.attack) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (attackbox v)\n if <<touching (player hitbox v)?> and <((direction) * (dir_of_player)) > [0]>> then\n set [~timer.attack v] to [30]\n set [~animation.type v] to [attack]\n start sound [Rip v]\n set [@player state v] to [hurt]\n broadcast (change player state v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@objects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nif <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [220]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [160]>> then\n if <<([abs v] of (((~x) - (@camera x)) - (x position)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of (((~y) - (@camera y)) - (y position)) ) < [10]>> then\n if <not <<(@player state) = [pause]> or <(@player state) = [talk]>>> then\n update_pos (item ((~ID) + (4)) of [~locations v])\n camera_magnet (@player state)\n end\n end\nend\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\nif <<([abs v] of (((~x) - (@camera x)) - (x position)) ) < [10]> and <([abs v] of (((~y) - (@camera y)) - (y position)) ) < [10]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nreset\n\ndefine init\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [~breakable? v] to [0]\nset [~pushable? v] to [0]\nset [~id v] to [0]\nset [~force.gravity v] to [-1.1]\nset [~force.friction v] to [0.5]\nset [~force.push v] to [4]\nset [~vel_x v] to [0]\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~x v] to [0]\nset [~y v] to [0]\nset [~is_player_pushing? v] to [0]\nset [~in_water? v] to [0]\nset [~slope.max v] to [2]\nset [@camera x v] to [0]\ndelete all of [~locations v]\nadd location | x: [695] y: [5066] breakable? [0] pushable? [1] costume: [crate] desc: [dojo]\nadd location | x: [1315] y: [4624] breakable? [0] pushable? [1] costume: [crate] desc: [cistern]\nadd location | x: [318] y: [2021] breakable? [0] pushable? [1] costume: [crate] desc: [woods]\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y) breakable? (b) pushable? (p) costume: (c) desc: (d)\nset [~id v] to ((length of [~locations v]) + (1))\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\nadd (b) to [~locations v]\nadd (p) to [~locations v]\nadd (c) to [~locations v]\nswitch costume to (c)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~id v] to [0]\n\ndefine update_pos (costume)\nif <(~breakable?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (join (costume) [_hitbox])\n if <(~pushable?) = [1]> then\n update_vec (x position) (([abs v] of (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) - (x position)) ) / (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) - (x position)))\n check_vertical_collision (y position)\n check_horizontal_collision (x position) (y position) (~vel_x) (([abs v] of (~vel_x) ) / (~vel_x))\n end\n switch costume to (costume)\n check_water_collision\nelse\n if <(~in_water?) = [1]> then\n animate [0.25] [5]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player action v]\nif <<(~ID) > [0]> and <(distance to [player hitbox v]) < [70]>> then\n wait until <(@player state) = [attack]>\n set [~breakable? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine check_vertical_collision (abs_y)\nchange [~vel_y v] by (~FORCE.gravity)\nchange y by (~vel_y)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (ghost floors v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n set [~vel_y v] to [0]\nend\nchange [~y v] by ((y position) - (abs_y))\n\ndefine check_horizontal_collision (abs_x) (abs_y) (vel_x) (dir_vel_x)\nset [~slope v] to [0]\nchange x by (vel_x)\nrepeat until <<not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (ghost floors v)?>>> or <(~slope) > (~slope.max)>>\n change y by (1)\n change [~slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~slope) > (~slope.max)> then\n set y to (abs_y)\n set [~vel_x v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (ghost floors v)?>>>\n change [~vel_x v] by (1)\n change x by (((((~vel_x) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (~vel_x))\n end\n set [~vel_x v] to [0]\nelse\n set [~vel_x v] to ((vel_x) - (((~slope) * (1.5)) * (dir_vel_x)))\nend\nchange [~x v] by ((x position) - (abs_x))\nchange [~y v] by ((y position) - (abs_y))\nif <(costume [name v]) = [ball_hitbox]> then\n turn right ((x position) - (abs_x)) degrees\nend\ngo to x: (abs_x) y: (abs_y)\nif <(~is_player_pushing?) = [1]> then\n set [@player.xvel v] to (~vel_x)\n change [@player.x v] by ((x position) - (abs_x))\n change [@player.y v] by ((y position) - (abs_y))\nend\n\ndefine reset\nset [~x v] to (item (~ID) of [~locations v])\nset [~y v] to (item ((~ID) + (1)) of [~locations v])\nset [~breakable? v] to (item ((~ID) + (2)) of [~locations v])\nset [~pushable? v] to (item ((~ID) + (3)) of [~locations v])\nswitch costume to (item ((~ID) + (4)) of [~locations v])\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~in_water? v] to [0]\nset [~is_player_pushing? v] to [0]\nset [~animation.timer v] to [0]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (10) layers\n\ndefine update_vec (abs_x) (dir_of_player)\nchange x by (((2.5) * (~FORCE.push)) * (dir_of_player))\nif <<<<<(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> and <(dir_of_player) = [1]>> or <<(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]> and <(dir_of_player) = [-1]>>> and <(@player.yvel) = [0]>> and <touching (player hitbox v)?>> then\n set [~is_player_pushing? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [~is_player_pushing? v] to [0]\nend\nset x to (abs_x)\nif <(~is_player_pushing?) = [1]> then\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~FORCE.push) * (<(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]> - <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]>))\nelse\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~vel_x) * (~FORCE.friction))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n reset\n scroll\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n else\n if <(@game state) = [game]> then\n repeat until <not <(@game state) = [game]>>\n if <(~is_player_pushing?) = [1]> then\n play sound [Ocean Wave v] until done\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check_water_collision\nif <<(~in_water?) = [0]> and <touching (water v)?>> then\n set [~in_water? v] to [1]\n start sound [Plunge v]\nelse\n if <<(~in_water?) = [1]> and <(~vel_y) = [0]>> then\n set [~breakable? v] to [1]\n set [~vel_y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine camera_magnet (player_state)\nif <<(~breakable?) = [0]> and <<(~vel_y) < ((5) * (~FORCE.gravity))> and <(y position) < [0]>>> then\n set [@player state v] to [camera_magnet]\n change [@camera x v] by ((0.5) * ((~x) - (@camera x)))\n change [@camera y v] by ((0.5) * ((~y) - (@camera y)))\nelse\n if <<<(@player state) = [camera_magnet]> and <(~vel_y) = [0]>> and <(~animation.timer) > [150]>> then\n set [@player state v] to [camera_return]\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate (range) (speed)\nset [~animation.timer v] to (((~animation.timer) + (speed)) mod (360))\nchange [~y v] by (([sin v] of (~animation.timer) ) * (range))\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to (round ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width)))))\nset [~y v] to (round ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height)))))\nupdate_costume\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\nif <<([abs v] of ((~x) - (x position)) ) < [5]> and <([abs v] of ((~y) - (y position)) ) < [5]>> then\n check_player_collision\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to (join (join (~costume.col_ID) [,]) (~costume.row_ID))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (null v)\n end\n end\n animate [2] [5]\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [~animation.timer v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (lvl1_\(0,0\) v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\ndefine check_player_collision\nif <(@player.is_invincible) = [0]> then\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n set [@player state v] to [hurt]\n broadcast (change player state v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate (range) (speed)\nset [~animation.timer v] to (((~animation.timer) + (speed)) mod (360))\nchange [color v] effect by (([sin v] of (~animation.timer) ) * (range))\n\n@false walls\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to (round ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width)))))\nset [~y v] to (round ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height)))))\nupdate_costume\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\nif <<([abs v] of ((~x) - (x position)) ) < [5]> and <([abs v] of ((~y) - (y position)) ) < [5]>> then\n check_player_collision\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to (join (join (~costume.col_ID) [,]) (~costume.row_ID))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (null v)\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [~animation.timer v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (0,0 v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\ndefine check_player_collision\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n if <(~animation.timer) = [0]> then\n set [~animation.timer v] to [1]\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n end\nelse\n if <(~animation.timer) = [1]> then\n set [~animation.timer v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@ghost floors\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to (round ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width)))))\nset [~y v] to (round ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height)))))\nupdate_costume\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\nif <<([abs v] of ((~x) - (x position)) ) < [5]> and <([abs v] of ((~y) - (y position)) ) < [5]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to (join (join (~costume.col_ID) [,]) (~costume.row_ID))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (null v)\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n if < (@game state) contains [transition.to_]?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [~animation.timer v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (lvl1_\(0,0\) v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\n@portals\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit [-285] [1725]\n\ndefine check_player_dist\nset [~portal.index v] to [-1]\nset [~portal.dist v] to (~portal.MAX_DIST)\nrepeat until <<(~portal.index) > ((length of [~locations v]) - (2))> or <(~portal.dist) < (~portal.MAX_DIST)>>\n change [~portal.index v] by (2)\n set [~portal.x v] to (item (~portal.index) of [~locations v])\n set [~portal.y v] to (item ((~portal.index) + (1)) of [~locations v])\n set [~portal.to_x v] to (item (~portal.index) of [~destinations v])\n set [~portal.to_y v] to (item ((~portal.index) + (1)) of [~destinations v])\n get_dist (~portal.x) (~portal.y) (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera x)) (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera y))\nend\n\ndefine get_dist (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2)\nset [~portal.dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ncheck_player_dist\ncheck teleport <(@Input.ACTION) = [true]> <(item (((~portal.index) + (1)) / (2)) of [~automatic? v]) = [1]>\n\ndefine add portal | x: (x) y: (y) to_x: (to_x) to_y: (to_y) automatic? (auto) 2-way? (2way) desc (d)\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\nadd (to_x) to [~destinations v]\nadd (to_y) to [~destinations v]\nadd (auto) to [~automatic? v]\nif <(2way) = [1]> then\n add (to_x) to [~locations v]\n add (to_y) to [~locations v]\n add (x) to [~destinations v]\n add (y) to [~destinations v]\n add [0] to [~automatic? v]\nend\n\ndefine init (xmin) (xmax)\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow list [~locations v]\nshow list [~destinations v]\nshow list [~automatic? v]\nset [~portal.max_dist v] to [50]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ndelete all of [~locations v]\ndelete all of [~destinations v]\ndelete all of [~automatic? v]\nadd portal | x: [468] y: [5064] to_x: [480] to_y: [961] automatic? [0] 2-way? [1] desc [dojo]\nadd portal | x: [117] y: [602] to_x: [240] to_y: [4345] automatic? [0] 2-way? [1] desc [small house]\nadd portal | x: [484] y: [2460] to_x: [316] to_y: [2921] automatic? [0] 2-way? [1] desc [woods-pagoda tunnel]\nadd portal | x: [1410] y: [3] to_x: [1370] to_y: [5270] automatic? [0] 2-way? [1] desc [well tunnel]\nadd portal | x: (xmin) y: [1020] to_x: [1530] to_y: [2460] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [NW village to NE woods]\nadd portal | x: (xmax) y: [2460] to_x: [-130] to_y: [1020] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [NE woods to NW village]\nadd portal | x: (xmin) y: [580] to_x: [1530] to_y: [2020] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [SW village to SE woods]\nadd portal | x: (xmax) y: [2020] to_x: [-130] to_y: [580] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [SE woods to SW village]\nadd portal | x: (xmin) y: [60] to_x: [1570] to_y: [1500] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [well-pond secret tunnel]\nadd portal | x: (xmax) y: [1500] to_x: [-145] to_y: [60] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [pond-well secret tunnel]\nadd portal | x: (xmax) y: [660] to_x: [-105] to_y: [2100] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [E village to W woods]\nadd portal | x: (xmin) y: [2100] to_x: [1530] to_y: [660] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [W woods to E village]\nadd portal | x: (xmin) y: [1500] to_x: [1580] to_y: [4390] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [pond-cistern secret tunnel]\nadd portal | x: (xmax) y: [4390] to_x: [-150] to_y: [1500] automatic? [1] 2-way? [0] desc [cistern-pond secret tunnel]\n\ndefine check teleport <act_key> <automatic>\nif <(~is_teleporting?) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [~is_teleporting? v] to [0.5]\n set [@player state v] to [go]\nelse\n if <(~is_teleporting?) = [0.5]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [~is_teleporting? v] to [0]\n else\n if <(~portal.dist) < (~portal.MAX_DIST)> then\n if <not <automatic>> then\n set [@show icon v] to [1]\n end\n if <<act_key> or <automatic>> then\n set [@player state v] to [pause]\n set [~is_teleporting? v] to [1]\n set [@checkpt_x v] to (~portal.to_x)\n set [@checkpt_y v] to (~portal.to_y)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n start sound [Disconnect v]\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n set [@player.x v] to (~portal.to_x)\n set [@player.y v] to (~portal.to_y)\n set [@camera x v] to (~portal.to_x)\n set [@camera y v] to (~portal.to_y)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@overlay\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nset [~angle v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine title | wiggle: (v) turn: (dr) d_size (ds) d_popup (ds') x: (x) y: (y) size: (s)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (title v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n set [~angle v] to (((~angle) + (v)) mod (360))\n turn right (([sin v] of ((~angle) + (100)) ) * (dr)) degrees\n set size to ((size) + (((s) - (size)) * (ds'))) %\nend\nforever\n set [~angle v] to (((~angle) + (v)) mod (360))\n turn right (([sin v] of ((~angle) + (100)) ) * (dr)) degrees\n change size by (([sin v] of (~angle) ) * (ds))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (health3 v)\n set size to (100) %\n show\nelse\n if <(@game state) = [game]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n if <<(@game state) = [transition.to_title]> or <(@game state) = [title]>> then\n title | wiggle: (10) turn: (0.5) d_size (0.5) d_popup (1) x: (0) y: (50) size: (100)\n else\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n if <(costume [name v]) = [title]> then\n animate_out\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate_out\nrepeat (2)\n set size to ((0.5) * (size)) %\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change player state v]\nif <(@player state) = [pause]> then\n switch costume to (edit v)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nswitch costume to (title v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <not <(@player state) = [pause]>> then\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (join [health] (@player.health))>> then\n switch costume to (join [health] (@player.health))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@leaderboard\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [~leaderboard_max_rank v] to [5]\nset [~bounce_vel v] to [10]\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\ndefine encode_str (string)\nset [~i v] to [0]\nset [~temp v] to []\nrepeat (length of (string))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (? v)\n switch costume to (letter (~i) of (string))\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) ((costume [number v]) + (10)))\nend\n\ndefine decode_str (string)\nset [~i v] to [1]\nset [~temp v] to []\nrepeat until <(~i) > (length of (string))>\n switch costume to (space v)\n set [~char v] to ((join (letter (~i) of (string)) (letter ((~i) + (1)) of (string))) - (10))\n if <(~char) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (~char)\n end\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (costume [name v]))\n change [~i v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine get_cloud_leaderboard\ndelete all of [leaderboard v]\nrepeat ((2) * (~leaderboard_max_rank))\n add [] to [leaderboard v]\nend\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader1) [1]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader2) [2]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader3) [3]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader4) [4]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader5) [5]\n\ndefine update_leaderboard (name) (score)\nget_cloud_leaderboard\nif <[leaderboard v] contains (name)?> then\n set [~i v] to (item # of (name) in [leaderboard v])\n if <<(score) < (item ((~i) + (1)) of [leaderboard v])> or <(item ((~i) + (1)) of [leaderboard v]) = [0]>> then\n repeat (2)\n delete (~i) of [leaderboard v]\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [~i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(~i) > ((~leaderboard_max_rank) * (2))>\n if <<(score) < (item ((~i) + (1)) of [leaderboard v])> or <(item ((~i) + (1)) of [leaderboard v]) = [0]>> then\n insert (name) at (~i) of [leaderboard v] \n insert (score) at ((~i) + (1)) of [leaderboard v] \n set [~i v] to ((~leaderboard_max_rank) * (2))\n repeat until <not <(length of [leaderboard v]) > ((~leaderboard_max_rank) * (2))>>\n delete (length of [leaderboard v]) of [leaderboard v]\n end\n write_cloud_leaderboard\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [~i v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine encode_name&score (name) (score)\nset [~temp v] to ((length of (name)) + (10))\nset [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (name))\nset [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (score))\nencode_str (~temp)\n\ndefine decode_leader_entry (enc) (rank)\nset [~temp v] to (enc)\nif <(enc) = [0]> then\n encode_name&score [-] [0]\nend\ndecode_str (~temp)\nset [~i v] to ((join (letter (1) of (~temp)) (letter (2) of (~temp))) - (10))\nset [~char v] to [2]\nreplace item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [leaderboard v] with []\nrepeat (~i)\n change [~char v] by (1)\n replace item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [leaderboard v] with (join (item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [leaderboard v]) (letter (~char) of (~temp)))\nend\nreplace item ((rank) * (2)) of [leaderboard v] with []\nrepeat ((length of (~temp)) - ((2) + (~i)))\n change [~char v] by (1)\n replace item ((rank) * (2)) of [leaderboard v] with (join (item ((rank) * (2)) of [leaderboard v]) (letter (~char) of (~temp)))\nend\n\ndefine animate_in (bounce) (min_size) (max_size)\nset [~bounce_vel v] to [10]\nset size to (bounce) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (background v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat until <([abs v] of (~bounce_vel) ) < [0.01]>\n set [~bounce_vel v] to (((~bounce_vel) * (bounce)) + (((max_size) - (size)) * ((1) - (bounce))))\n change size by (~bounce_vel)\nend\n\ndefine animate_out\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (background v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (2)\n set size to ((0.5) * (size)) %\nend\nhide\n\ndefine display_leader_entry (rank)\nprint (join (join (rank) [. ]) (item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [leaderboard v])) [-135] ((-25) * ((rank) - (1))) [80] [200] [25]\nprint (item ((rank) * (2)) of [leaderboard v]) [55] ((-25) * ((rank) - (1))) [80] [200] [200]\n\ndefine print (text) (lx) (ly) (size) (color) (rx)\nset size to (size) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (color)\ngo to x: (lx) y: (ly)\nset [~char v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n change [~char v] by (1)\n if <(x position) < (rx)> then\n switch costume to (space v)\n switch costume to (letter (~char) of (text))\n stamp\n change x by ((item ((costume [number v]) - (1)) of [~font_widths v]) * ((size) / (100)))\n else\n switch costume to (. v)\n repeat (3)\n stamp\n change x by ((item ((costume [number v]) - (1)) of [~font_widths v]) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [transition.to_title]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n erase all\nelse\n if <(@game state) = [leaderboard]> then\n switch costume to (background v)\n animate_in [0.5] [40] [110]\n stamp\n hide\n print [Your score:] [-135] [-125] [80] [200] [25]\n if <<(@player state) = [win]> and <(@score.time) > [0]>> then\n update_leaderboard (username) (@score.time)\n print (@score.time) [55] [-125] [80] [200] [200]\n else\n get_cloud_leaderboard\n print [-] [55] [-125] [80] [200] [200]\n end\n set [~i v] to [0]\n repeat (~leaderboard_max_rank)\n change [~i v] by (1)\n display_leader_entry (~i)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [amylaser]> then\n switch backdrop to (title v)\n set_font_widths\n erase all\n print [Test 1234567890 quick, brown foxes jump - over the lazy_dog. Hello?!] [-200] [-125] [80] [200] [240]\nend\n\ndefine set_font_widths\ndelete all of [~font_widths v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (200)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat until <(costume [name v]) = [space]>\n erase all\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n stamp\n repeat until <not <touching color (#ffffff)?>>\n change x by (1)\n end\n change x by (2)\n add (x position) to [~font_widths v]\n next costume\nend\nadd [8] to [~font_widths v]\n\ndefine write_cloud_leaderboard\nencode_name&score (item (1) of [leaderboard v]) (item (2) of [leaderboard v])\nif <not <(☁ leader1) = (~temp)>> then\n set [☁ leader1 v] to (~temp)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nencode_name&score (item (3) of [leaderboard v]) (item (4) of [leaderboard v])\nif <not <(☁ leader2) = (~temp)>> then\n set [☁ leader2 v] to (~temp)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nencode_name&score (item (5) of [leaderboard v]) (item (6) of [leaderboard v])\nif <not <(☁ leader3) = (~temp)>> then\n set [☁ leader3 v] to (~temp)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nencode_name&score (item (7) of [leaderboard v]) (item (8) of [leaderboard v])\nif <not <(☁ leader4) = (~temp)>> then\n set [☁ leader4 v] to (~temp)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nencode_name&score (item (9) of [leaderboard v]) (item (10) of [leaderboard v])\nif <not <(☁ leader5) = (~temp)>> then\n set [☁ leader5 v] to (~temp)\nend\n\ndefine reset leaderboard\nset [☁ leader1 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader2 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader3 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader4 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader5 v] to [0]\nupdate_leaderboard [WitherCroxly] [82]\nupdate_leaderboard [goldbread] [82]\nupdate_leaderboard [BoysRUs] [94]\nupdate_leaderboard [2024hagfe14] [94]\nupdate_leaderboard [pizzaisawsome1] [95]\n\ndecode_leader_entry [1313406260522568604942665265131221] [1]\ndecode_leader_entry [1218236272663942662015] [2]\ndecode_leader_entry [131213211315554854535212152015] [3]\ndecode_leader_entry [131563567373485666487066626052122016] [4]\ndecode_leader_entry [131874742468495275226156604867626574742017] [5]\nwrite_cloud_leaderboard\n\nupdate_leaderboard [--Cube_Animator--] [96]\n\n@parallax\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~col_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (join [level] (@curr_level))>> then\n switch costume to (join [level] (@curr_level))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <<(@game state) = [transition.to_game]> or <(@game state) = [game]>> then\n if <(~col_ID) > [0]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n wait (0.1) seconds\n scroll\n else\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\nelse\n if <<not < (@game state) contains [transition.target]?>> and << (@game state) contains [title]?> or < (@game state) contains [level_select]?>>> then\n title_visuals\n else\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nswitch costume to (title v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~col_id v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [~col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [~col_id v] to [0]\n\ndefine title_visuals\nif <(~col_ID) > [0]> then\n hide\nelse\n switch costume to (title v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n forever\n turn right (5) degrees\n go to x: (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (5)) y: (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (5))\n end\nend\n\ndefine scroll\nset x to (((=panel_width) * ((~col_ID) - (1))) - (((=panel_width) / (=level_width_px)) * (@camera x)))\nset y to ((0) - (((=level_height_px) / (=map_height_px)) * ((@camera y) - (((@curr_level) * (=level_height_px)) - ((=panel_height) * (2))))))\n\n@transitions\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\ncheck transition from [transition.target_game] to [transition.to_game] to [game]\ncheck transition from [transition.target_title] to [transition.to_title] to [title]\ncheck transition from [transition.target_leaderboard] to [transition.to_leaderboard] to [leaderboard]\n\ndefine fade in\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine fade out\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\ndefine check transition from (start) to (bridge) to (end)\nif <(@game state) = (start)> then\n fade in\n set [@game state v] to (bridge)\n broadcast (change game state v)\nelse\n if <(@game state) = (bridge)> then\n wait (1) seconds\n fade out\n set [@game state v] to (end)\n broadcast (change game state v)\n end\nend\n\n@logo3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [_cloneid v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [_cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (3.5) seconds\nset [@game state v] to [transition.target_title]\nbroadcast (change game state v)\nfade [-1] [10]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end logo v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(_cloneID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n fade in and out [0] [1.8]\nelse\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n fade in and out [0.5] [0.8]\nend\n\ndefine fade in and out (delay) (pause)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (delay) seconds\nfade [1] [5]\nwait (pause) seconds\nfade [-1] [5]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine fade (in\(1\)/out\(-1\)) (speed)\nrepeat ((100) / (speed))\n change [ghost v] effect by (((0) - (in\(1\)/out\(-1\))) * (speed))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nset [@game state v] to [transition.target_title]\nbroadcast (change game state v)\n\n
My first game. I hope that you like it! :)\nPlease leave a love or a favorite if you enjoyed!\n \n || INSTRUCTIONS ||\n Use the arrow keys to move. Up arrow to jump, right arrow to move right, and left arrow to move left. The goal of the game is to get to the end. \nAvoid all the red / lava. Green, light blue,and pink are portals. They might be helpful . . . or harmful.
Platformer Engine #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [100 v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [50 v]\nset volume to (50) %\n\nwhen I receive [0 v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nforever\n play sound [Morning v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nswitch backdrop to (town v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (alpha v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (残像 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [動き v] to [!]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-80)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (player v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <(動き) = [!]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.87))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change x by ((x) / (-1))\n change y by (-4)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <[0] < (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-8]\n start sound (pick random (1) to (2))\n else\n set [x v] to [8]\n start sound (pick random (1) to (2))\n end\n set [y v] to [12]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [14.5]\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((y) / (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n broadcast (次のステージに進む v)\n go to x: (-220) y: (-80)\n end\n if <<touching (トゲ v)?> or <(y position) < [-180]>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-80)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージに進む v]\nset [動き v] to [?]\nwait (3) seconds\nset [動き v] to [!]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージに進む v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@トゲ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージに進む v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nshow\n\n@文字\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージに進む v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Next!\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージに進む v]\nhide\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nclone [1]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [2]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [3]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [5]\n\ndefine clone (cloneid)\nswitch costume to (cloneid)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>>>> then\n go to x: (468) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (2.2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (1.9) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (1.8) seconds\n repeat until <[330] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@草\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージに進む v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat until <[101] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n repeat until <[66] > (size)>\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n end\n repeat (7)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n hide\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (square2 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [kirbyzaz]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (8)\n set [clone_size v] to [50]\n set [cloneid v] to [square1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]size v)\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n wait (0.561) seconds\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]spin v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n repeat until <[175] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((174) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((65) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat (15)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (12)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n show\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]end v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nreset timer\nstart sound [Itro & Tobu - Cloud 9 \[NCS Release\] v]\nwait (0.7) seconds\nhide\nset [cloneid v] to [b1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [b2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [cloneid v] to [back]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [logo]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back2]> then\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n set [s v] to [90]\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [back v] layer\n change [clone_dir v] by (((s) - (clone_dir)) / (5))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square3]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square2]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif < (cloneID) contains [square]?> then\n if <[350] < (clone_dir)> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n end\n change [clone_size v] by ((clone_size) * (1.5))\n change [clone_dir v] by (22.5)\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n change [s v] by (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]spin v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\n change size by (30)\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [2]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [-5]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n change y by (1.5)\n repeat until <(y position) > [200]>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n end\n else\n change y by (-1.5)\n repeat until <[-200] > (y position)>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@japan platformer samune\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Just Easy Platformer \nYou have 10 level \nLike and follow\na slightly harder version (normal Platformer)\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/787870445\nAnother of my games \nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/790333092\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/779462607\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/800954973\n\nMore than 550 like and 400 favorites thank you so much!!\n\nMettez vos score en commentaire !\nPut your scores in comment !\nMy personal record is 42.4 seconds.
Draw: The Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x vel v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x vel v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (X vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n end\n change x by ((X vel) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [5]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [13]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (Y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y vel) * (-1))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>>> then\n set [y vel v] to [12]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) = [358]> then\n broadcast (Next level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (slime v)?> then\n go to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [Sunshine v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-196]> then\n go to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (lasers v)?> then\n go to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n go to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (machine v)?> then\n go to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (saws v)?> then\n go to x: (-57) y: (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Game Over v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Slime\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (11)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (11)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Lasers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Machine\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Saws\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\n@Game Over\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [timer v]\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nset [timer v] to (Timer)\nshow variable [timer v]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n
<------------- Grass ------------>\nHow to play: \n~ Use WASD or ARROW keys to move (if on mobile you can tap and drag) \n~ Try not to touch the red spikes and also try not to fall into the void. \n~ Try to beat the game fast and you might get the world record!\n\n[NOTE: This is the non-scrolling version of grass 3, the scrolling ver. had many frame rate issues.]\n\n[I continue this series to show how far I have grown on scratch over these past few years.]\n\nGrass 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/361006173/\nGrass 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/380301611/\nGrass 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/604282960/\n(scrolling but laggy)\n\n\nCredits:\nMe - all code and sprites\nmusic:\n1 - Within The Sadness -1f1n1ty\n2 - Plo's Theme\n3 - the wind can be still\n4 - mines iccles\n\n\n\nwhy not drop me a follow ;)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n#Game #Fun #happy #Moon #space #project #Thepugmen #Play #platformer #Platformer #Mobile #LOVE #Favorite #Music #Art #Animation #Games #Scratch #Space #Orange #Playing #Dodging #Play #Square #Cube #Thumbnail #Colors #Cool #Awesome #Good #Great #Walking #Moving #Comment #Difficulty #city #Hard #Animations #All #Art #Music #Stories #Tutorials #explore
Easy Platformer #platformer #cool
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nforever\n switch backdrop to ((Level) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Vexento-Pollen.mp3 v] until done\n play sound [New Life v] until done\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nplay sound [Connect v] until done\n\n@Sprite1\n\ndefine Reset\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (20) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nelse\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\nend\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nReset\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n Platforming Engine\n if <<touching (moving spikes up/down v)?> or <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (right/left v)?>>> then\n switch costume to (die v)\n start sound [whoop v]\n Go down\n repeat (11)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n broadcast (Retry v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> and <([abs v] of (speed) ) > [3]>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n if <(wall jump) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [max bounce v] to [11]\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(speed) < [0]> then\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (-8))\nelse\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (8))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [retry v]\nReset\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nReset\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((13) + ((Idle Frame) mod (15))) )\n change [idle frame v] by (0.5)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((29) + ((frame) mod (15))) )\n end\nelse\n if <touching (ladder v)?> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((61) + (((timer) * (10)) mod (3))) )\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((15) / ((Max Bounce) * (2))) * ((speed y) + (Max Bounce))) + (45)) )\n end\nend\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Go down\nrepeat until <touching (ground v)?>\n change y by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\ndefine Platforming Engine\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <<(speed y) < [4]> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\nelse\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange y by (speed y)\nTouch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\nif <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\nelse\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.7))\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n end\nend\nif <(speed x) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (speed x)\nelse\n if <(speed x) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (speed x)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [max bounce v] to [14]\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n broadcast (Retry v)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (portal v)?> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n change [level v] by (1)\n Reset\n if <not <(Level) = [9]>> then\n end\nend\nif <touching (bounce v)?> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [max bounce v] to [25]\n set [speed y v] to [25]\nend\nif <(x position) < [-190]> then\n set x to (-190)\nend\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> and <touching (ladder v)?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [5]\nend\nSet Costume\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Bounce\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nhide\nforever\n set [my level v] to (Level)\n Spawn Level (My Level)\n wait until <not <(My Level) = (Level)>>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\nset [my level v] to (Level)\nrepeat until <not <(My Level) = (Level)>>\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n if <not < ([costume name v] of [sprite1 v]) contains [Die ]?>> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n repeat (6)\n next costume\n end\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn Level (level)\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (16) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-162) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-162) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (162) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-140) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (140) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-150) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (134) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-140) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Background stuff\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-220]>\n move (15) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nStart\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n Clone [2]\nend\n\ndefine Start\nrepeat (100)\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (pick random (-70) to (-100))\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\n set size to (pick random (20) to (50)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (90) to (95))\n go to [back v] layer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Clone (clones)\nrepeat (clones)\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (pick random (-70) to (-100))\n go to x: (300) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\n set size to (pick random (20) to (50)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (90) to (95))\n go to [back v] layer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n broadcast (Level)\n turn left (5) degrees\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [my level v] to (Level)\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-70)\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\ngo to x: (180) y: (-70)\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-70)\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (50)\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\ngo to x: (180) y: (-70)\n\n@Moving Spikes Up/Down\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (30)) + (-30))\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Right/left\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to x: ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (30)) + (-30)) y: (3)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (600)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <not <(Level) = [13]>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Retry v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n broadcast (Retry v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (600)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Retry v)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen I receive [shake v]\nchange y by (Shake)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange x by ((Shake) * (-1))\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange y by ((Shake) * (-1))\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange x by (Shake)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange y by ((Shake) * (-1))\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange x by (Shake)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange y by (Shake)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange x by ((Shake) * (-1))\nwait (0.01) seconds\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (63)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nPosition\nglide (pick random (0.5) to (1)) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n\ndefine Position\ngo to (random position v)\npoint in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (-5) steps\nend\nset [direction v] to (pick random (-180) to (180))\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nset [rotation v] to (pick random (-30) to (30))\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [xs v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n turn right (Rotation) degrees\n change x by (Xs)\n change y by (Yv)\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [direction v] to ((Direction) * (0.8))\n point in direction ((Direction) + (90))\nend\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nshow\nset [shake v] to [3]\nswitch costume to (costume 1 v)\nClone\ngo to (random position v)\nglide (pick random (0.5) to (1)) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait until <(timer) > [1.2]>\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (e-hex v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (6)\n broadcast (Shake v) and wait\n change [shake v] by (2)\nend\nhide\nstart sound [Firework Explode 3 v]\nbroadcast (Intro Done v)\nbroadcast (message1 v)\nwait until <(timer) > [14]>\nswitch costume to (costume46 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [direction v] to (pick random (-180) to (180))\nforever\n set [direction v] to ((Direction) * (0.8))\n point in direction ((Direction) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nrepeat (3)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Explosion\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-500) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (coollogo_com-32476158 v)\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (50)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nerase all\nset [rotation v] to (pick random (-15) to (15))\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [xs v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\nrepeat until <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [240]> or <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [360]>>\n turn right (Rotation) degrees\n change x by (Xs)\n change y by (Yv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Green Flag clicked v)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nerase all\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop all sounds\nstart sound [sound1 v]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nstop all sounds\n\n
MORE:\n15 more levels to challenge your skills!\nTell me if there are any bugs.\nCONTROLS:\nArrow Keys/WASD/Mobile to move around.\nAvoid spikes, liquid fire, saws and turrets.\nThe arrows force you until you reach another arrow (opposite)\nBounce on trampolines to get to high places.\nGet to the flag to advance.\nGo into the red and green portals to become a different size.
Rainbow a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n play sound [PIKASONIC - Osaka Express v] until done\nend\n\n@プレイヤー\n\ndefine 初期設定プログラム\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-30)\nset size to (90) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\n初期設定プログラム\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.89))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(X) < [0]> then\n start sound [壁キック v]\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n start sound [壁キック v]\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n start sound [可愛いジャンプ v]\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <[242] < (x position)> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n broadcast (ネクスト v)\n wait (1.3) seconds\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> and <not <(ステージ) = [17]>>> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n end\n if <touching (トゲ v)?> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> and <(ステージ) = [17]>> then\n broadcast (隠し発見!! v)\n 初期設定プログラム\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nrepeat (6)\n change size by (-6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(ステージ) = [30]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [30]> then\n show variable [time v]\n else\n hide variable [time v]\n end\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [ネクスト v]\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [隠し発見!! v]\nforever\n switch costume to (31 v)\nend\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [三角関数 v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [三角関数 v] by (5)\n change size by ([cos v] of (三角関数) )\nend\n\n@NEXT\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ネクスト v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (465) y: (0)\nglide (0.4) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nglide (0.4) secs to x: (-465) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@トゲ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\n if <(ステージ) = [12]> then\n turn left (5) degrees\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [13]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [隠し発見!! v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@ばね\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [13]> then\n 動き\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [14]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine 動き\nshow\nif <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n set [y v] to [22]\nelse\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat until <[101] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n repeat until <[66] > (size)>\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n end\n repeat (7)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n hide\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (square2 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [kirbyzaz]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (8)\n set [clone_size v] to [50]\n set [cloneid v] to [square1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]size v)\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n wait (0.561) seconds\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]spin v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n repeat until <[175] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((174) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((65) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat (15)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (12)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n show\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]end v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(調整中) = [off]> then\n point in direction (90)\n reset timer\n start sound [Foxsky - Kirby Smash v]\n wait (0.7) seconds\n hide\n set [cloneid v] to [b1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [b2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [cloneid v] to [back]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [logo]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back2]> then\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n set [s v] to [90]\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [back v] layer\n change [clone_dir v] by (((s) - (clone_dir)) / (5))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square3]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square2]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif < (cloneID) contains [square]?> then\n if <[350] < (clone_dir)> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n end\n change [clone_size v] by ((clone_size) * (1.5))\n change [clone_dir v] by (22.5)\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n change [s v] by (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]spin v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\n change size by (30)\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [2]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [-5]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n change y by (1.5)\n repeat until <(y position) > [200]>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n end\n else\n change y by (-1.5)\n repeat until <[-200] > (y position)>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@☆と❤\n\nwhen I receive [♥と★ v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (-32)\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (0.8) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(どっち) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [♥ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [♥? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [♥ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(どっち) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [★ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [星? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [★ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nset [★ v] to [0]\nset [♥ v] to [0]\nset [どっち v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [どっち v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(♥) = [1]> and <(★) = [1]>>\nbroadcast (♥と★ v)\n\n@スキップ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [♥と★ v]\n\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [26]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [27]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <not <<(ステージ) = [26]> or <(ステージ) = [27]>>>> then\n change [ステージ v] by (1)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\nhide\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [17]> then\n show\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [17]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [隠し発見!! v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [隠し発見!! v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (34)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-3)\nend\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\n\n@警告\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [調整中 v] to [off]\nif <not <(username) = [takuno]>> then\nend\nforever\n if <(調整中) = [on]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n stop [all v]\n end\n if <(調整中) = [off]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nset [調整中 v] to [on]\n\n
SPECIAL thanks to @oguh12 for adding levels!\nFollow him!
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (menu v)\nforever\n play sound [This is Halloween v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nswitch backdrop to (play v)\n\n@1\n\n@player\n\ndefine Chat\nif <(OpenChat?) = [true]> then\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [1]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [2]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [3]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [4]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [5]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [6]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [7]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [8]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [9]\n say (item (Chat) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n set [chat v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nbroadcast (GREEN FLAG v) and wait\nbroadcast (PLAY GAME v) and wait\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\n\ndefine CHANGE PLAYER Y BY (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [inair v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [inair v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine GAME ON\nhide\nset [x v] to (Spawn_X)\nset [y v] to (Spawn_Y)\nset [scroll x v] to (Spawn_X)\nset [scroll y v] to (Spawn_Y)\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [inair v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine TICK\nif <(MINI_MAP) = [false]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [playertouching v] to [1]\n else\n set [playertouching v] to [0]\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <<mouse down?> and <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [sx v] by (-2)\n end\n if <<<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <<mouse down?> and <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [sx v] by (2)\n end\n set [sx v] to ((SX) * (0.8))\n if <[0.9] < ([abs v] of (SX) )> then\n CHANGE PLAYER X By (round (SX))\n end\n if <<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(inair) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\n end\n if <(SY) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\n end\n CHANGE PLAYER Y BY (SY)\n TEST-DIE\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (8)))\n if <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n end\n if <[2600] < (SCROLL X)> then\n set [scroll x v] to [2600]\n end\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (8)))\n if <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n if <(y) < [-175]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GAME - DIE\nset [exit v] to []\nhide\n\ndefine TEST-DIE\nif <<touching (dangers v)?> or <<touching (moving enemies v)?> and <not <[dead moving enemies v] contains (My Die ID)?>>>> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\n start sound [Crunch v]\nend\n\ndefine CHANGE PLAYER X By (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platform v)?> then\n repeat (18)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-18)\n if <<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [inair v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nset [max players v] to [8]\nset [my player # v] to [0]\nbroadcast (setups v) and wait\nbroadcast (joining v)\nbroadcast (join game v) and wait\nif <(My Player #) > [0]> then\n broadcast (joined v)\nelse\n broadcast (full v)\nend\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (item # of (letter (letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n broadcast (SETUP v) and wait\n GAME ON\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n TICK\n broadcast (tick v)\n if <(My Player #) > [0]> then\n send cloud data\n end\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game-Win\n else\n GAME - DIE\n end\nend\n\ndefine set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine send cloud data\nset [encoded v] to []\nwrite (username) to encoded\nwrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nwrite (x) to encoded\nwrite (y) to encoded\nwrite (direction) to encoded\nwrite (costume [number v]) to encoded\nwrite (Chat) to encoded\nset cloud # (My Player #) to (encoded)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nwait (5) seconds\n\ndefine Game-Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(x) > [2750]> then\n if <(y) < [1800]> then\n if <(y) > [1660]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n broadcast (YOU WIN v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [close achievements v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change x by (-5)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change x by (5)\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n Chat\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [chat v]\nadd [Hi!!!] to [chat v]\nadd [Bye!!!] to [chat v]\nadd [Where is the Castle?] to [chat v]\nadd [Where is the Church?] to [chat v]\nadd [Where is are the Houses?] to [chat v]\nadd [Where is the Hotel?] to [chat v]\nadd [Where is the Sword in The Stone?] to [chat v]\nadd [Where are the Hooded Creatures] to [chat v]\nadd [Come with me] to [chat v]\n\n@opponents\n\ndefine Decode chat (chat)\nif <(chat) = [0]> then\n\ndefine begin decode of (encode)\nset [encodied v] to (encode)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\ndefine value=read from encode\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (letter #) of (encodied)) (letter ((letter #) + (1)) of (encodied)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (value) (item (idx) of [code v]))\nend\n\ndefine setup players\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nset [color v] effect to (90)\nset [offline v] to [100]\nhide\nset [player # v] to [1]\nrepeat ((MAX PLAYERS) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [player # v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(My Player #) = (player #)> then\n hide\n set [offline v] to [100]\n else\n if <(Online) = [true]> then\n tick\n end\n end\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\ndefine value=Cloud # (player)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P1)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P2)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P3)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P4)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P5)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P6)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P7)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P8)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setups v]\nsetup players\n\ndefine tick\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nif <(join [A] (value)) = (last value)> then\n change [offline v] by (1)\n if <(offline) = [100]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [last value v] to (join [A] (value))\n if <(offline) > [99]> then\n show\n end\n set [offline v] to [0]\nend\nbegin decode of (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nif <(names) = [1]> then\n say (join (player #) (join [:] (value)))\nelse\n say []\nend\nvalue=read from encode\nvalue=read from encode\nset x to ((value) - (SCROLL X))\nvalue=read from encode\nset y to ((value) - (SCROLL Y))\nvalue=read from encode\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nswitch costume to (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nbroadcast (Decode Chat v)\n\nwhen I receive [join game v]\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nset [last value v] to (join [A] (value))\nwait (3) seconds\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nif <(join [A] (value)) = (last value)> then\n set [my player # v] to (player #)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [names v] to [1]\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <(names) = [1]> then\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n set [names v] to [0]\n else\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n set [names v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [decode chat v]\nDecode chat (value)\n\nif <(Online) = [true]> then\n\n@mini map\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(MINI_MAP) = [true]> then\n position ((((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)) - (50)) ((((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)) - (50))\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone At (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nset size to (10) %\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(costume [number v]) = [18]> then\n if <(collected) = (treats)> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nclone At [570] [0]\nclone At [1300] [0]\nclone At [1800] [0]\nclone At [2400] [0]\nclone At [1300] [500]\nclone At [700] [900]\nclone At [100] [900]\nclone At [1700] [1100]\nclone At [2200] [1100]\nclone At [2600] [1500]\nclone At [650] [1600]\nclone At [700] [2000]\nclone At [1270] [2210]\nclone At [2120] [2450]\nclone At [2120] [2500]\nclone At [2470] [1700]\nclone At [2470] [1700]\nclone At [2470] [1700]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@PLATFORM\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nclone At [570] [0]\nclone At [1300] [0]\nclone At [1800] [0]\nclone At [2400] [0]\nclone At [1300] [500]\nclone At [700] [900]\nclone At [100] [900]\nclone At [1700] [1100]\nclone At [2200] [1100]\nclone At [2600] [1500]\nclone At [650] [1600]\nclone At [700] [2000]\nclone At [1270] [2210]\nclone At [2120] [2450]\nclone At [2120] [2500]\nclone At [2470] [1700]\nclone At [2470] [1700]\nclone At [2470] [1700]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone At (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [18]> then\n if <(collected) = (treats)> then\n if <(length of [completed achievements v]) = [6]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@DANGER deor\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPOSTION ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone At [100] [-32]\nClone At [300] [-32]\nClone At [630] [90]\nClone At [880] [230]\nClone At [1020] [100]\nClone At [1080] [100]\nClone At [1450] [190]\nClone At [1240] [290]\nClone At [1450] [382]\nClone At [1580] [105]\nClone At [1980] [105]\nClone At [2380] [25]\nClone At [1042] [628]\nClone At [1060] [844]\nClone At [780] [874]\nClone At [310] [874]\nClone At [2310] [1040]\nClone At [510] [1141]\nClone At [690] [1250]\nClone At [520] [1465]\nClone At [520] [1660]\nClone At [370] [1840]\nClone At [740] [1985]\nClone At [980] [2050]\nClone At [1100] [2105]\nClone At [1215] [2145]\nClone At [1640] [2500]\n\ndefine POSTION (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At (x) (y)\nchange [clone id v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [-9999]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n if <(Clone ID) = (zombie die)> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (1 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@DANGERs \n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPOSTION ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone At [100] [-32]\nClone At [300] [-32]\nClone At [630] [90]\nClone At [880] [230]\nClone At [1020] [100]\nClone At [1080] [100]\nClone At [1450] [190]\nClone At [1240] [290]\nClone At [1450] [382]\nClone At [1580] [105]\nClone At [1980] [105]\nClone At [2380] [25]\nClone At [1042] [628]\nClone At [1060] [844]\nClone At [780] [874]\nClone At [310] [874]\nClone At [2310] [1040]\nClone At [510] [1141]\nClone At [690] [1250]\nClone At [520] [1465]\nClone At [520] [1660]\nClone At [370] [1840]\nClone At [740] [1985]\nClone At [980] [2050]\nClone At [1100] [2105]\nClone At [1215] [2145]\nClone At [1640] [2500]\n\ndefine POSTION (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At (x) (y)\nchange [clone id v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [-9999]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (pick random (0) to (1)) seconds\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(zombie die) = (Clone ID)>> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [zombie die v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (sword from stone v)?> then\n set [zombie die v] to (Clone ID)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0.08) seconds\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Haunted Buildings\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nclone At [2400] [0]\nclone At [2400] [0]\nclone At [43] [1050]\nclone At [43] [1050]\nclone At [1770] [1178]\nclone At [1770] [1178]\nclone At [2040] [1915]\nclone At [2040] [1915]\nclone At [2600] [2980]\nclone At [2600] [2980]\nset [x v] to [-99999999]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone At (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>> or <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <(costume [number v]) = [9]>>> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [castle]?> then\n if <not <[completed achievements v] contains [castle]?>> then\n add [castle] to [completed achievements v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [church]?> then\n if <not <[completed achievements v] contains [church]?>> then\n add [church] to [completed achievements v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [houses]?> then\n if <not <[completed achievements v] contains [houses]?>> then\n add [houses] to [completed achievements v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [hotel]?> then\n if <not <[completed achievements v] contains [hotel]?>> then\n add [hotel] to [completed achievements v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?> then\n if <not <[completed achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?>> then\n add [sword from stone] to [completed achievements v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change y by (10)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(length of [dead moving enemies v]) = [3]> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [defeat creatures]?> then\n if <not <[completed achievements v] contains [defeat creatures]?>> then\n add [defeat creatures] to [completed achievements v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@check points\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPOSTION ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Ding - Sound Effect \[HD\] v]\n switch costume to (activated v)\n set [spawn_x v] to ((x) - (10))\n set [spawn_y v] to (y)\n set [checkpoint v] to (#)\n end\nend\nif <not <(CheckPoint) = (#)>> then\n switch costume to (de-activated v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [# v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (de-activated v)\nClone At [755] [155]\nClone At [1250] [525]\nClone At [2400] [1035]\nClone At [1700] [1675]\nClone At [470] [870]\nClone At [1680] [130]\nClone At [2080] [40]\nClone At [730] [1560]\nClone At [1300] [2210]\nset [x v] to [-999999]\n\ndefine POSTION (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [# v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [spawn_x v] to [0]\nset [spawn_y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@sweets\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPOSTION ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine POSTION (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone At (x) (y)\nchange [treats v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nif <(Cloning_Group?) = [false]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset size to (200) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [cloning_group? v] to [false]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone A Group At [-200] [-45]\nClone At [170] [-20]\nClone At [210] [-20]\nClone At [390] [70]\nClone At [530] [110]\nClone At [630] [200]\nClone At [830] [290]\nClone At [1000] [240]\nClone At [1100] [280]\nClone At [1150] [95]\nClone At [1210] [95]\nClone At [1260] [95]\nClone At [1335] [260]\nClone At [1335] [360]\nClone At [1450] [390]\nClone At [1260] [720]\nClone At [1260] [900]\nClone At [1350] [1000]\nClone At [1050] [900]\nClone At [970] [900]\nClone At [800] [950]\nClone At [670] [1100]\nClone At [310] [950]\nClone At [590] [1250]\nClone At [590] [1700]\nClone At [435] [1900]\nClone At [550] [2000]\nClone At [750] [2050]\nClone At [900] [2100]\nClone At [950] [2150]\nClone A Group At [1350] [2300]\nClone At [1550] [2550]\nClone At [1650] [2550]\nClone At [1850] [2550]\nClone A Group At [1850] [2700]\nClone At [1520] [250]\nClone At [1600] [250]\nClone At [1800] [250]\nClone At [1900] [200]\nClone At [2200] [100]\nClone At [2375] [100]\nClone A Group At [2300] [2965]\nClone At [2200] [2520]\nClone A Group At [2440] [2395]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n start sound [Coin v]\n broadcast (coin v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone A Group At (x) (y)\nset [cloning_group? v] to [true]\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nClone At (x) (y)\nClone At (x) ((y) + (42))\nClone At (x) ((y) + (84))\nClone At (x) ((y) + (126))\nClone At ((x) + (50)) (y)\nClone At ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (42))\nClone At ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (84))\nClone At ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (126))\nClone At ((x) + (100)) (y)\nClone At ((x) + (100)) ((y) + (42))\nClone At ((x) + (100)) ((y) + (84))\nClone At ((x) + (100)) ((y) + (126))\nset [cloning_group? v] to [false]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [treats v] to [0]\nset [collected v] to [0]\n\n@Moving enemies\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ndelete all of [dead moving enemies v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nclone At [2750] [1840]\nclone At [160] [855]\nclone At [1800] [2480]\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone At (x) (y)\nchange [clone id v] by (1)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [-999999]\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (80) %\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n if <not <[dead moving enemies v] contains (Clone ID)?>> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (25)\n if <not <[dead moving enemies v] contains (Clone ID)?>> then\n change [x v] by (3)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (25)\n if <not <[dead moving enemies v] contains (Clone ID)?>> then\n change [x v] by (-3)\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (sword from stone v)?> then\n if <not <[dead moving enemies v] contains (Clone ID)?>> then\n set [my die id v] to (Clone ID)\n add (Clone ID) to [dead moving enemies v]\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (1 v)\n repeat (17)\n next costume\n end\n else\n switch costume to (14 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [18]>\n next costume\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (sword from stone v)?> then\n set [timer v] to [0]\n else\n change [timer v] by (1)\n if <(timer) > [2000]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n delete (item # of (Clone ID) in [dead moving enemies v]) of [dead moving enemies v]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Score\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nchange x by ((ID) * (-40))\nswitch costume to (letter ((length of (collected)) - (ID)) of (collected))\nwait (0.000001) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nforever\n set size to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (5)) + (60)) %\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n set size to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (5)) + (60)) %\nend\n\ndefine Rest Number\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nset [id v] to [1]\ngo to x: ((join (length of (collected)) [0]) - (-150)) y: (130)\nswitch costume to (letter (length of (collected)) of (collected))\nrepeat ((length of (collected)) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n Rest Number\nend\n\n@+1 animation\n\nwhen I receive [coin v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to (player v)\nif <(SX) > [0]> then\n set [xdirection v] to [-3]\nelse\n set [xdirection v] to [3]\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (3)\n change x by (XDirection)\n change size by (-3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\ndelete this clone\n\n@play button\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n end\n hide\n broadcast (begin v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (5)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch costume to (button v)\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n repeat until <(size) = [130]>\n change size by (5)\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\n@moon parralax\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to x: ((((costume [number v]) - (1)) * (480)) + ((SCROLL X) / (-50))) y: ((SCROLL Y) / (-110))\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\ndefine Lets clone\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nLets clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@grave yard parralax\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: ((((costume [number v]) - (1)) * (480)) + ((SCROLL X) / (-5))) y: ((SCROLL Y) / (-11))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nLets clone\n\ndefine Lets clone\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\n\n@Achievments\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\ndelete all of [achievements v]\ndelete all of [completed achievements v]\nadd [castle] to [achievements v]\nadd [church] to [achievements v]\nadd [houses] to [achievements v]\nadd [hotel] to [achievements v]\nadd [sword from stone] to [achievements v]\nadd [defeat creatures] to [achievements v]\nforever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [castle]?> then\n if <[achievements v] contains [castle]?> then\n switch costume to (castle v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (7)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-7)\n end\n hide\n delete (item # of [castle] in [achievements v]) of [achievements v]\n end\n end\n if <[achievements v] contains [church]?> then\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [church]?> then\n switch costume to (church v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (7)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-7)\n end\n hide\n delete (item # of [church] in [achievements v]) of [achievements v]\n end\n end\n if <[achievements v] contains [houses]?> then\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [houses]?> then\n switch costume to (houses v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (7)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-7)\n end\n hide\n delete (item # of [houses] in [achievements v]) of [achievements v]\n end\n end\n if <[achievements v] contains [hotel]?> then\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [hotel]?> then\n switch costume to (hotel v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (7)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-7)\n end\n hide\n delete (item # of [hotel] in [achievements v]) of [achievements v]\n end\n end\n if <[achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?> then\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?> then\n switch costume to (sword from stone v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (7)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-7)\n end\n hide\n delete (item # of [sword from stone] in [achievements v]) of [achievements v]\n end\n end\n if <[achievements v] contains [defeat creatures]?> then\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [defeat creatures]?> then\n switch costume to (defeat creatures v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n show\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (7)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-7)\n end\n hide\n delete (item # of [defeat creatures] in [achievements v]) of [achievements v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@sword from stone\n\ndefine hit\nshow\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n switch costume to (sword v)\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (10)\n go to (player v)\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\n hide\nend\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [-90]> then\n switch costume to (sword v)\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (10)\n go to (player v)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\nforever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?> then\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(playertouching) = [1]>>> then\n hit\n wait until <not <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nadd [sword from stone] to [completed achievements v]\n\n@you win\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (playing v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [you win v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (blackout v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (writing v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nelse\n if <(Clone ID) = [2]> then\n hide\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (eyes v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (160) y: (130)\n show\n forever\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (pick random (0.05) to (2)) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (pick random (0.05) to (2)) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(Clone ID) = [3]> then\n hide\n set size to (50) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (eyes v)\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (-160) y: (-100)\n show\n forever\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (pick random (0.05) to (2)) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (pick random (0.05) to (2)) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@map button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (120)\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (5)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) = [110]>\n change size by (5)\n end\n else\n repeat until <(size) = [80]>\n change size by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\nswitch costume to (select v)\nset [mini_map v] to [false]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (select v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n broadcast (Open Map v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (exit v)\nset [mini_map v] to [true]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.2) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (exit v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n broadcast (Close Mini map v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (black v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [playertouching v] to [1]\n else\n set [playertouching v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\ngo to x: (-500) y: (-500)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close achievements v]\nswitch costume to (select v)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (120)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [you win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\n@player mini map\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (((([x v] of [player v]) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)) - (50)) y: (((([y v] of [player v]) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)) - (50))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Achievements3\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(clone ID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n if <(clone ID) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (castle locked v)\n show\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n forever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [castle]?> then\n switch costume to (castle unlocked v)\n else\n switch costume to (castle locked v)\n end\n set y to (Scroll)\n if <(y position) > [65]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone ID) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (church locked v)\n show\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n forever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [church]?> then\n switch costume to (church unlocked v)\n else\n switch costume to (church locked v)\n end\n set y to ((Scroll) + (-70))\n if <(y position) > [83]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone ID) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (houses locked v)\n show\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n forever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [houses]?> then\n switch costume to (houses unlocked v)\n else\n switch costume to (houses locked v)\n end\n set y to ((Scroll) - ((2) * (70)))\n if <(y position) > [90]> then\n hide\n else\n if <[-65] > (y position)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone ID) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (hotel locked v)\n show\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n forever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [hotel]?> then\n switch costume to (hotel unlocked v)\n else\n switch costume to (hotel locked v)\n end\n set y to ((Scroll) - ((3) * (70)))\n if <(y position) > [90]> then\n hide\n else\n if <[-65] > (y position)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone ID) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (sword stone locked v)\n show\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n forever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [sword from stone]?> then\n switch costume to (sword stone unlocked v)\n else\n switch costume to (sword stone locked v)\n end\n set y to ((Scroll) - ((4) * (70)))\n if <(y position) > [90]> then\n hide\n else\n if <[-65] > (y position)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(clone ID) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (defeat creatures unlocked v)\n show\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n forever\n if <[completed achievements v] contains [defeat creatures]?> then\n switch costume to (defeat creatures unlocked v)\n else\n switch costume to (defeat creatures locked v)\n end\n set y to ((Scroll) - ((5) * (70)))\n if <(y position) > [90]> then\n hide\n else\n if <[-65] > (y position)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nset [mini_map v] to [true]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nrepeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close achievements v]\nset [mini_map v] to [false]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nbroadcast (close Achievements v)\nbroadcast (Close Mini map v)\n\n@Achievements2\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nshow\nset y to (45)\nset x to (5)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [scroll v] to ((() - ((y position) * (2.6))) + (145))\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n go to [front v] layer\n set y to (mouse y)\n if <(y position) > [45]> then\n set y to (45)\n end\n if <[-70] > (y position)> then\n set y to (-69)\n end\n set [scroll v] to ((() - ((y position) * (2.6))) + (145))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close achievements v]\nhide\n\n@achievements button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\ngo to x: (-100) y: (120)\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (5)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) = [110]>\n change size by (5)\n end\n else\n repeat until <(size) = [80]>\n change size by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close achievements v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (select v)\nset [mini_map v] to [false]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (select v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n broadcast (Achievements v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nswitch costume to (exit v)\nset [mini_map v] to [true]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (exit v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n broadcast (close Achievements v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [playertouching v] to [1]\n else\n set [playertouching v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\nswitch costume to (select v)\ngo to x: (-100) y: (120)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\ngo to x: (-500) y: (500)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [you win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@chat\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nset [openchat? v] to [false]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [openchat? v] to [true]\n repeat until <(y position) = [-80]>\n change y by (10)\n end\n else\n set [openchat? v] to [false]\n repeat until <(y position) = [-280]>\n change y by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close mini map v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [open map v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [close achievements v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-150)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(Online) = [false]> then\n set [online v] to [true]\n else\n if <(Online) = [true]> then\n set [online v] to [false]\n end\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n switch costume to (Online)\nend\n\n
If you liked this, please check out the second version!\n\nInstructions:\n-Use the arrow keys to move\n-Avoid lava\n-Press space to see the answers to these bad jokes\n-All of the levels are possible
Rescue -Grassland- || A platformer ||
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) < [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n set [xv v] to [10]\n else\n set [yv v] to [10]\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ffff00)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n broadcast (NextLevel v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [-1]\n set [water v] to [1]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [4]\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.3)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.3)\n end\n else\n set [water v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n else\n end\n else\n if <touching color (#002699)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n else\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#006622)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n else\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\nelse\n set [yv v] to [6]\n set [xv v] to [8]\nend\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\nelse\n set [yv v] to [6]\n set [xv v] to [-8]\nend\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\nelse\n set [yv v] to [7]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (cat1-a v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [new costume v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite2\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nbroadcast (go v)\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\n@sound\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\nhide\nstart sound [Ashes Remain - On My Own \[HD Animated Lyrics!\].mp3 v]\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
---------------------------------------------------------------------\nUse arrows to move (↑ to jump, ← & →)\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nTouch the right wall to get to the next level\n---------------------------------------------------------------------
~Breeze Platformer~
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (thumbnail v)\nset [music intro v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nset volume to (40) %\nswitch backdrop to (background1 v)\nforever\n if <<[0] < (Level)> and <[12] > (Level)>> then\n play sound [Tutorial v] until done\n end\n if <<[13] < (Level)> and <[26] > (Level)>> then\n if <(music intro) = [1]> then\n play beginning levels music intro\n end\n Play beginning levels music loop\n end\n if <(Level) = [27]> then\n play sound [BossBattle v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nif <<<(Level) = [13]> or <(Level) = [26]>> or <(Level) = [28]>> then\n stop all sounds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\ndefine Play beginning levels music loop\nplay sound [Beginning levels loop v] until done\n\ndefine play beginning levels music intro\nplay sound [Beginning levels intro v] until done\nset [music intro v] to [0]\n\n@Snowbean\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(ACTION) = [STAND]> then\n switch costume to (still v)\n end\n if <(ACTION) = [JUMP]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n end\n if <(ACTION) = [WALK]> then\n switch costume to (walk v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (still v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (walk2 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (still v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nforever\n go to (hitbox v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [27]>>\n if <touching (slime boss v)?> then\n repeat (4)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(Level) > [13]>> then\n set [farkleshower v] to (direction)\n broadcast (FarklePower v)\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [13.1]\n\nwhen I receive [gotostart v]\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nhide\n\n@HItbox\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [27]> then\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [27]>>\n if <touching (slime boss v)?> then\n go to x: (16) y: (145)\n broadcast (Ow v)\n if <(mode) = [H]> then\n if <[4] < (BossHealth)> then\n change [bosshealth v] by (-5)\n end\n end\n if <(mode) = [M]> then\n if <[1] < (BossHealth)> then\n change [bosshealth v] by (-2)\n end\n end\n if <(mode) = [E]> then\n if <[0] < (BossHealth)> then\n set [bosshealth v] to [-1]\n end\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n Physics\n if <touching (monster v)?> then\n broadcast (Pooof v)\n GoToStart\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (-172) y: (0)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\n\ndefine Physics\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (yv)\nset [j? v] to [0]\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (yv) ) )\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * ((yv) / ([abs v] of (yv) )))\n end\n end\n set [j? v] to [1]\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (-0.7))\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(j?) = [1]>> then\n change [yv v] by (6)\n set [j? v] to [0]\n set [action v] to [JUMP]\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.8))\nchange x by (xv)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (6)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (xv) ) )\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * ((xv) / ([abs v] of (xv) )))\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(j?) = [1]> then\n set [action v] to [STAND]\nend\nif <<not <(j?) = [0]>> and <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [action v] to [WALK]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.02) seconds\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-10]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [startx v] to [-213]\n set [starty v] to [-70]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [startx v] to [-213]\n set [starty v] to [-70]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [startx v] to [-213]\n set [starty v] to [-70]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [58]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-90]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n set [startx v] to [-226]\n set [starty v] to [120]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-137]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n set [startx v] to [-226]\n set [starty v] to [62]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-101]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n set [startx v] to [-230]\n set [starty v] to [-132]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n set [startx v] to [-223]\n set [starty v] to [-107]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n set [startx v] to [-223]\n set [starty v] to [-107]\n GoToStart\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (Cutscene 2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-107]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-107]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n set [startx v] to [-202]\n set [starty v] to [-90]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n set [startx v] to [-202]\n set [starty v] to [-110]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [18]> then\n set [startx v] to [-130]\n set [starty v] to [-142]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n set [startx v] to [-215]\n set [starty v] to [152]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n set [startx v] to [-207]\n set [starty v] to [106]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [21]> then\n set [startx v] to [-200]\n set [starty v] to [-100]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [22]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [160]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [23]> then\n set [startx v] to [-215]\n set [starty v] to [40]\n broadcast (fide hlake v)\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [24]> then\n set [startx v] to [-215]\n set [starty v] to [-107]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [25]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-140]\n GoToStart\nend\nif <(Level) = [26]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-140]\n GoToStart\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (Cutscene 3 v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [27]> then\n set [startx v] to [-220]\n set [starty v] to [-140]\n GoToStart\nend\n\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\n\ndefine GoToStart\nbroadcast (goToStart v)\ngo to x: (startX) y: (startY)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [byebyes v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n broadcast (Pooof v)\n GoToStart\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nhide\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\ndefine setLevelTo (level)\nif <(level) > [0]> then\n set [level v] to ((level) - (1))\n broadcast (nextlevel v)\nend\n\nsetLevelTo [25]\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nhide\n\n@ cutscenes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 1 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (intro cutscene 1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (intro cutscene 2 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (intro cutscene 3 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (intro cutscene 4 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (Start v)\nbroadcast (Music v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 2 v]\nswitch costume to (snowbean cutscenes v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (3.5) seconds\nrepeat (23)\n next costume\n wait (4) seconds\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\nbroadcast (Music v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene 3 v]\nswitch costume to (boss cutscene 1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (4) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nswitch costume to (final cutscene v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene2 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene3 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene4 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene5 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene6 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene7 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (final cutscene8 v)\nwait (6) seconds\nswitch costume to (credits v)\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (snowbean cutscenes v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Level) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Cutscene 1 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nshow\nwait (0.03) seconds\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes3 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes4 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (13) y: (-94)\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes5 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to x: (120) y: (43)\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes6 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to x: (257) y: (148)\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes7 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (80) y: (-3)\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes8 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes9 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (88) y: (66)\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes10 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (86) y: (0)\n switch costume to (snowbean cutscenes11 v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (snowbean cutscenes2 v)\ngo to x: (157) y: (-69)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nhide\n\n@Snowflake\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset size to (130) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\ngo to x: (184) y: (-22)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n wait (0.03) seconds\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (snowbean v)?> then\n broadcast (nextlevel v)\n start sound [GotSnowflake v]\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (184) y: (-22)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (207) y: (-91)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (136)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (213) y: (133)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (210) y: (150)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (210) y: (150)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (177) y: (161)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-221) y: (142)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-221) y: (142)\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (151)\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-192) y: (127)\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [19]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (120)\n end\n if <(Level) = [22]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (140)\n end\n if <(Level) = [24]> then\n go to x: (160) y: (103)\n end\n if <(Level) = [25]> then\n go to x: (213) y: (117)\n end\n if <(Level) = [26]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [toiletpaperflake v]\ngo to x: (tpFX) y: (tpFY)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [fide hlake v]\nhide\n\n@Monster\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-95)\n set [costume v] to [1]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-140)\n set [costume v] to [7]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [2] to [pattern v]\n add [70] to [pattern v]\n add [-133] to [pattern v]\n add [2] to [pattern v]\n add [180] to [pattern v]\n add [-140] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-150) y: (90)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [2] to [pattern v]\n add [-150] to [pattern v]\n add [0] to [pattern v]\n add [3] to [pattern v]\n add [-150] to [pattern v]\n add [90] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-215) y: (90)\n set [costume v] to [1]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [17]> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (180) y: (-125)\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [20] to [pattern v]\n add [-20] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-180] to [pattern v]\n add [0] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [18]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (0)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [20] to [pattern v]\n add [-20] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-180] to [pattern v]\n add [0] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (180) y: (27)\n set [costume v] to [1]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (-80)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n go to x: (-77) y: (-5)\n point in direction (-90)\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (-95)\n point in direction (90)\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [21]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (-40)\n point in direction (90)\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [-75] to [pattern v]\n add [180] to [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [-75] to [pattern v]\n add [-40] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (15) y: (30)\n point in direction (90)\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [15] to [pattern v]\n add [180] to [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [15] to [pattern v]\n add [30] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (80) y: (95)\n point in direction (90)\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [80] to [pattern v]\n add [180] to [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [80] to [pattern v]\n add [95] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (210) y: (140)\n point in direction (90)\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n lvl21block\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [-230] to [pattern v]\n add [140] to [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [210] to [pattern v]\n add [140] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [22]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-50)\n point in direction (90)\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (150) y: (-50)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [0.8] to [pattern v]\n add [-150] to [pattern v]\n add [-50] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [150] to [pattern v]\n add [-50] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [23]> then\n go to x: (245) y: (70)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [0.8] to [pattern v]\n add [-200] to [pattern v]\n add [70] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [245] to [pattern v]\n add [70] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (45)\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (5) y: (50)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [1]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [90] to [pattern v]\n add [0] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [5] to [pattern v]\n add [-50] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-85] to [pattern v]\n add [0] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [5] to [pattern v]\n add [50] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [24]> then\n go to x: (-170) y: (170)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-20] to [pattern v]\n add [170] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-170] to [pattern v]\n add [170] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-13) y: (-100)\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-13] to [pattern v]\n add [170] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-13] to [pattern v]\n add [-100] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (85) y: (-25)\n point in direction (-90)\n set [costume v] to [1]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [25]> then\n go to x: (-145) y: (-150)\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1.5] to [pattern v]\n add [-145] to [pattern v]\n add [0] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-145] to [pattern v]\n add [-140] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-80) y: (-150)\n set [costume v] to [7]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [2] to [pattern v]\n add [-80] to [pattern v]\n add [-150] to [pattern v]\n add [2] to [pattern v]\n add [190] to [pattern v]\n add [-150] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (-207) y: (-9)\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-130) y: (120)\n set [costume v] to [1]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-130) y: (120)\n set [costume v] to [2]\n set [dropflake v] to [0]\n delete all of [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [165] to [pattern v]\n add [125] to [pattern v]\n add [1] to [pattern v]\n add [-130] to [pattern v]\n add [120] to [pattern v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume)\nforever\n if <touching (teleporation sparkle v)?> then\n if <(dropFlake) = [1]> then\n set [tpfx v] to (x position)\n set [tpfy v] to (y position)\n broadcast (ToiletPaperFlake v) and wait\n start sound [59 Dragon Quest 9 - Superstar v]\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(costume) = [10]> then\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (hitbox v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n move (10) steps\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [toilpep v] to [0]\n repeat ((length of [pattern v]) / (3))\n change [toilpep v] by (1)\n glide (item (((toilPep) * (3)) - (2)) of [pattern v]) secs to x: (item (((toilPep) * (3)) - (1)) of [pattern v]) y: (item ((toilPep) * (3)) of [pattern v])\n if <<(costume) = [7]> and <(x position) > (item ((((toilPep) + (1)) * (3)) - (1)) of [pattern v])>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<(costume) = [7]> and <(item ((((toilPep) + (1)) * (3)) - (1)) of [pattern v]) > (x position)>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (fly2 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (fly v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n shoot\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (shooter1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <(costume [number v]) = [6]>>> then\n if <(ploc) = (y position)> then\n switch costume to (hop v)\n end\n if <(ploc) < (y position)> then\n switch costume to (hop2 v)\n end\n if <(y position) < (ploc)> then\n switch costume to (hop3 v)\n end\n set [ploc v] to (y position)\n end\nend\n\ndefine shoot\nswitch costume to (shoot v)\nset [costume v] to [10]\nturn left (180) degrees\nset [flakemem v] to (dropFlake)\nset [dropflake v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [dropflake v] to (flakemem)\nturn left (180) degrees\nset [costume v] to [8]\nswitch costume to (shooter2 v)\n\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\n\ndefine lvl21block\nrepeat (8)\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [210] to [pattern v]\n add [180] to [pattern v]\n add [0.5] to [pattern v]\n add [210] to [pattern v]\n add [140] to [pattern v]\nend\n\n@Teleporation Sparkle\n\nwhen I receive [farklepower v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (snowbean v)\nstart sound [Shoot v]\npoint in direction (FarkleShower)\nrepeat until <<<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>> or <touching (monster v)?>> or <touching (slime boss v)?>>\n move (10) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\n@boom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [pooof v]\nif <not <(Level) = [28]>> then\n change [byebyes v] by (1)\n go to (snowbean v)\n change y by (-10)\n set size to (12) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (88)\n show\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n hide\nend\nhide\n\n@Slime Boss\n\nwhen I receive [walk v]\nrepeat (6)\n switch costume to (roar v)\n wait (.1) seconds\n switch costume to (walk v)\n wait (.1) seconds\n switch costume to (walk2 v)\n wait (.1) seconds\n switch costume to (walk v)\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [27]> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (124) y: (-48)\n show\n switch costume to (roar v)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n switch costume to (roar2 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (roar3 v)\n wait (0.6) seconds\n switch costume to (roar2 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n switch costume to (roar v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [27]>>\n set [attack v] to (pick random (1) to (4))\n broadcast (ATTACKING v) and wait\n end\nelse\n if <(Level) = [28]> then\nend\n\nswitch costume to (roar v)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nswitch costume to (roar2 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (roar3 v)\nwait (0.6) seconds\nswitch costume to (roar2 v)\nwait (0.05) seconds\nswitch costume to (roar v)\nwait (0.05) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [attacking v]\nif <(Level) = [27]> then\n if <(ATTACK) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (walk v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (pick random (-50) to (124)) y: (-48)\n end\n if <(ATTACK) < [3]> then\n broadcast (walk v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-50) y: (-48)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (124) y: (-48)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-50) y: (-48)\n point in direction <(ATTACK) > [3]>\n end\n if <(ATTACK) = [3]> then\n set [jbossstartx v] to (x position)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n point towards (snowbean v)\n turn right (180) degrees\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (jBossStartX) y: (100)\n glide (0.3) secs to x: (jBossStartX) y: (-48)\n end\n if <(ATTACK) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (roar v)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n switch costume to (roar2 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (roar3 v)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n switch costume to (melt v)\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\n end\n repeat (15)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set x to (0)\n switch costume to (flood v)\n set y to (-250)\n glide (7) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (3) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (8) seconds\n glide (4) secs to x: (0) y: (-250)\n switch costume to (roar v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (300) y: (-48)\n glide (1) secs to x: (124) y: (-48)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (slime column v)\ngo to x: (pick random (-230) to (230)) y: (-250)\nglide (3) secs to x: (x position) y: (20)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (x position) y: (120)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (x position) y: (20)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nglide (3) secs to x: (x position) y: (-250)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [27]> then\n set [bosshealth v] to [1]\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [27]>>\n if <touching (teleporation sparkle v)?> then\n if <(mode) = [H]> then\n change [bosshealth v] by (1)\n end\n if <(mode) = [M]> then\n change [bosshealth v] by (2)\n end\n if <(mode) = [E]> then\n change [bosshealth v] by (5)\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n if <[49] < (BossHealth)> then\n broadcast (nextlevel v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mode v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [26]> then\n if <(Byebyes) < [13]> then\n set [mode v] to [H]\n end\n if <<(Byebyes) < [80]> and <(Byebyes) > [12]>> then\n set [mode v] to [M]\n end\n if <(Byebyes) > [79]> then\n set [mode v] to [E]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nif <(Level) = [28]> then\n switch costume to (roar v)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n switch costume to (roar2 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (roar3 v)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n switch costume to (melt v)\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n broadcast (Cutscene4 v)\nend\n\n@1\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [27]> then\n show\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [27]>>\n switch costume to (BossHealth)\n if <(BossHealth) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (0 v)\n end\n if <[50] < (BossHealth)> then\n switch costume to (50 v)\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [51]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [bosshealth v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [cutscene4 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
-Frost- (A Platformer Sequel)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [8]> or > then\n if <<(Level) = [8]> or > then\n switch backdrop to (gem fields v)\n end\n else\n if <<(Level) > [14]> and <(Level) < [20]>> then\n switch backdrop to (forsaken path v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (caves v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [hollow-knight-ost-enter-hallownest-youtubemp3free v] until done\nend\n\n@Body\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Health) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<(Speed Y) < [4]> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n change y by (Speed Y)\n Touch Ground <(Speed Y) > [0]>\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n set [speed x v] to ((Speed X) * (0.7))\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n end\n if <(Speed X) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk [-90] (Speed X)\n else\n if <(Speed X) > [0.5]> then\n Walk [90] (Speed X)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> and <(Falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n end\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\n broadcast (frame v)\nend\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (map v)?> or <<touching (gates v)?> and <(Gate Locked?) = [yes]>>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Slope) = [8]> or <not <<touching (map v)?> or <<touching (gates v)?> and <(Gate Locked?) = [yes]>>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (Slope))\nend\nif <(speed) < [0]> then\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (-8))\nelse\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (8))\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(Falling?) < [3]> then\n if <(Frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (stand v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((3) + ((Frame) mod (6))) )\n end\nelse\n if <(Speed Y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (fall v)\n else\n switch costume to (jump v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [change costume every v] to [4]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nforever\n change [frame v] by ((1) / (Change Costume Every))\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((3) + ((Frame) mod (6))) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n set [health v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [238]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (New Level v)\n go to x: (-230) y: (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (hazards v)?> then\n broadcast (DEAD v)\n end\n if <(Health) < [1]> then\n broadcast (DEAD v) and wait\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [health v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.05) seconds\nset [health v] to [3]\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-6)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [health v] to [3]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nwait (2.5) seconds\nwait until <key (any v) pressed?>\nwait (1.5) seconds\ngo to x: (-50) y: (180)\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [-10]\nswitch costume to (start fall pose v)\nrepeat until <touching (map v)?>\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Speed Y)\nend\nchange y by (2)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (start land1 v)\nwait (0.03) seconds\nswitch costume to (start land2 v)\nwait (0.03) seconds\nswitch costume to (start land3 v)\nwait (0.03) seconds\nswitch costume to (start land4 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (start land5 v)\nwait (0.04) seconds\nbroadcast (START v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n change [speed x v] by (50)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (-50)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nif <(x position) < [-238]> then\n change [level v] by (-1)\n broadcast (New Level v)\n go to x: (230) y: (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nSet Costume\n\n@Head\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\ngo to (body v)\npoint in direction ([direction v] of [body v])\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [helm v] to [Default]\nhide\nforever\n if <(Falling?) > [0]> then\n if <(Speed Y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (join (Helm) [ 4])\n else\n switch costume to (join (Helm) [ 3])\n end\n else\n if <<<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (join (Helm) [ 2])\n else\n switch costume to (join (Helm) [ 1])\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Cloak\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\ngo to (body v)\npoint in direction ([direction v] of [body v])\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [cloak v] to [Default]\nforever\n if <<<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to ((Cloak) + (2))\n wait (0.05) seconds\n else\n switch costume to ((Cloak) + (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Map\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\n@Weapon\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\ngo to (body v)\nif <mouse down?> then\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\nelse\n point in direction ([direction v] of [body v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [weapon damage v] to [-10]\nset [weapon v] to [Dirk]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n switch costume to (join (Weapon) [ 3])\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <([direction v] of [body v]) = [90]> then\n change [speed x v] by (4)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (-4)\n end\n wait (0.05) seconds\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n wait (0.01) seconds\n else\n if <<(Speed X) < [-4]> or <(Speed X) > [4]>> then\n switch costume to (join (Weapon) [ 2])\n else\n switch costume to (join (Weapon) [ 1])\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Front Fog\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (85)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Back Fog\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (70)\n\n@Map2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (90) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [map v])\nend\n\n@level parts\n\n@K\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (k v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <key (any v) pressed?>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (any key v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <key (any v) pressed?>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Black\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Flourishes\n\n@Map3 front\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [map v])\nend\n\n@Passive Creatures\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [talk creature v] to []\nhide\ngo [backward v] (70) layers\nforever\n if <<(distance to [body v]) < [50]> and <(Talking?) = [no]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<(distance to [body v]) < [50]> and <key (e v) pressed?>> then\n set [talking? v] to [yes]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <<(distance to [body v]) > [100]> or <key (e v) pressed?>>\n set [talking? v] to [no]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(Talking?) = [yes]> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ First])\n repeat until <(Talking?) = [no]>\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ Rumours])\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ Advice])\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ Help])\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (Talk Creature)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [talking? v] to [no]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (86) y: (-73)\n switch costume to (worm v)\n set [talk creature v] to [Worm]\n show\n wait until <not <(Level) = [11]>>\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (37) y: (-23)\n switch costume to (giant worm 1 v)\n set [talk creature v] to [Giant Worm]\n show\n wait until <<not <(Level) = [13]>> or <(Talking?) = [yes]>>\n if <(Talking?) = [yes]> then\n set [talking? v] to [no]\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n hide\n set [talking? v] to [no]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Hazards\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [map v])\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [talking? v] to [no]\nhide\nforever\n if <(Talking?) = [yes]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ First])\n wait until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or >>>\n repeat until <(Talking?) = [no]>\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ Rumours])\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ Advice])\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (join (Talk Creature) [ Help])\n end\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(distance to [body v]) < [50]>> then\n set [talking? v] to [no]\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n wait until <<not <(Level) = [13]>> or <(Talking?) = [yes]>>\n if <(Talking?) = [yes]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n reset timer\n repeat until <<(timer) > [3]> or <not <(Level) = [13]>>>\n switch costume to (how rude v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\n go to (body v)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n if <([y position v] of [body v]) > [90]> then\n switch costume to (stop it v)\n show\n go to x: (-79) y: (30)\n end\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n if <(Talking?) = [no]> then\n if <(distance to [body v]) < [50]> then\n switch costume to (talk v)\n go to x: (86) y: (-57)\n show\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Enemies\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [enemy v] to [Stinger]\n repeat (7)\n go to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (pick random (-40) to (120))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Enemy) = [Stinger]> then\n set [enemy health v] to [20]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n show\n forever\n if <(distance to [body v]) < [200]> then\n switch costume to (stinger fly 1 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n switch costume to (stinger fly 2 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n if <<touching (body v)?> and <(distance to [body v]) < [20]>> then\n switch costume to (stinger attack v)\n change [health v] by (-1)\n if <([direction v] of [body v]) = [90]> then\n change [speed x v] by (-20)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (20)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (stinger fly 1 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n end\n else\n switch costume to (stinger fly 1 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n switch costume to (stinger fly 2 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Enemy) = [Forsaken Guard]> then\n set [enemy health v] to [60]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Enemy Health) < [1]> then\n if <(Enemy) = [Forsaken Guard]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n quick ground\n switch costume to (forsaken guard die 1 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (forsaken guard die 2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n stop [this script v]\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (weapon v)?>> then\n change [enemy health v] by (Weapon Damage)\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n if <(Enemy) = [Forsaken Guard]> then\n change [enemy speed why v] by (5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n move (-1) steps\n end\n wait until <not <touching (weapon v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Enemy) = [Stinger]> then\n forever\n if <(distance to [body v]) < [200]> then\n point towards (body v)\n move (pick random (2.5) to (3.5)) steps\n else\n glide (3) secs to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (pick random (-120) to (120))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n set [enemy v] to [Forsaken Guard]\n repeat (1)\n go to x: (19) y: (-54)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n forever\n change [enemy speed why v] by (-1)\n change y by (enemy speed WHY)\n touch ground yeah <(enemy speed WHY) > [0]>\n end\nend\n\ndefine touch ground yeah <up?>\nchange [enemy falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (map v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [enemy falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [enemy speed why v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine clone walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [clone slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(clone slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (map v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [clone slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(clone slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (clone slope))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Enemy) = [Forsaken Guard]> then\n switch costume to (forsaken guard v)\n wait (pick random (0.4) to (1)) seconds\n forever\n if <(distance to [body v]) < [30]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (6) to (7))\n if <touching (body v)?> then\n change [health v] by (-1)\n if <([direction v] of [body v]) = [90]> then\n change [speed x v] by (-25)\n else\n change [speed x v] by (25)\n end\n end\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (forsaken guard v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (forsaken guard walk v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (forsaken guard v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Enemy) = [Forsaken Guard]> then\n forever\n if <(distance to [body v]) > [30]> then\n if <([x position v] of [body v]) > (x position)> then\n clone walk [90] [3]\n else\n clone walk [-90] [-3]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(clone slope) = [8]> then\n repeat until <not <(clone slope) = [8]>>\n change [enemy speed why v] by (12)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nif <not <(Enemy Health) < [1]>> then\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (pick random (-40) to (120))\n end\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (33) y: (-46)\n end\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-46)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine quick ground\nrepeat until <touching (map v)?>\n change y by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nif <(Level) = [18]> then\n set [enemy v] to [Forsaken Guard]\n repeat (1)\n go to x: (141) y: (pick random (-48) to (-54))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Health\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to ((Health) + (1))\nend\n\n@Gates\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nif then\n if <(Level) = [19]> then\n show\n go to x: (179) y: (-51)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Gate Locked?) = [no]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Keys\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n set [gate locked? v] to [yes]\n go to x: (-60) y: (104)\n show\n wait until <<touching (body v)?> or <not <(Level) = [19]>>>\n if <touching (body v)?> then\n set [gate locked? v] to [no]\n hide\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@cover\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n
New Game! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/418518569/\n===================Info===================\nAfter one month of building and testing, Pi Person present to you: Adventurer || A cloud scrolling platformer. Double-Click the flag to make sure coins clone! Find all 50 coins and head to the portal to finish the game! :D ENJOY!\n\nIf you click the green flag but the thumbnail returns, it means the game is full... try again in 5 to 10 minutes :) Also, if you are inactive for too long, the server will kick you out!\n=============Power Up Stations=============\nI'm sorry if the game isn't as good as I promised it would be, but to make up I added power up stations:\n[Jetpack Station] Roam around the sky for 10 secs!\n[Immortality Station] Become spike-proof for 10 secs!\n[Parachute Station] Fall slower to aim better!
List Platformer (Scrolling)
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nswitch backdrop to (galaxy v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nswitch backdrop to (desert v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nswitch backdrop to (mountain v)\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nreset timer\nset volume to (80) %\nforever\n play sound [Elektronomia - Sky High \[NCS Release\] \(1\) v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro start v]\nswitch backdrop to (bühnenbild1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nswitch backdrop to (spaceship v)\n\n@Spieler\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Score) < (☁ Worldrecord)> then\n set [☁ worldrecord v] to (Score)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro start v]\nhide variable [☁ worldrecord v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-138) y: (-140)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (level 2 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [score v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (level 1 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (level 3 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (level 4 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (level 5 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (level 6 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwait (11.8) seconds\nreset timer\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nshow variable [score v]\nset [score v] to (Time)\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n end\n change x by (Speed X)\n if <touching (figur2 v)?> then\n change x by ((Speed X) * (-1))\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((Speed X) * (0.8))\n end\n change y by (Speed Y)\n if <<touching (figur2 v)?> or <touching (figur3 v)?>> then\n change y by ((Speed Y) * (-1))\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n if <(Lock) = [0]> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n set [lock v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n set [lock v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\n\nwhen I receive [nach links v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur3 v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (figur3 v)?>>\n change x by (-6)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level 2 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level 3 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level 5 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level4 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level 6 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (12) seconds\nshow variable [time v]\nforever\n set [time v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 start v]\ngo to x: (-138) y: (-140)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 start v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\n\nwhen I receive [level4 start v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-79)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 start v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nsay [Hello. Arrow Keys to move and s to open the Shop and c to close it.] for (7) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 1! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 2! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 3! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 4! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 5! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 7 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 8 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 start v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 start v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 start v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 6! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [kostüm 6! v]\nchange y by (0)\nswitch costume to (kostüm7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level 8 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Level 7 start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nshow variable [☁ worldrecord v]\n\nset [☁ worldrecord v] to [1000.145]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set drag mode [not draggable v]\nend\n\n@Figur1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (level 2 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (level 3 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (level 4 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (level 5 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (level 6 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n broadcast (level 1 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 7 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 8 geschafft v)\n end\nend\n\n@Figur2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nhide\nhide variable [sterne v]\n\n@Figur3\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\ngo to x: (31) y: (25)\nbroadcast (nach links v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(Level...) = [1]>\n go to x: (31) y: (25)\n glide (5) secs to x: (-345) y: (25)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Figur4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level4 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 6 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 5 Start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm4 v)\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 7 start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm5 v)\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 8 Start v)\n end\nend\n\n@Figur5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 geschafft v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [1]> then\n set [codex v] to [0]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [1]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [2]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [3]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [6]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [7]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [8]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [2]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [3]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [4]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [5]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [4]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [9]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [10]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [11]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [5]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [12]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [13]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [14]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro start v]\nset [level...2 v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [2]\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [3]\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [4]\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [5]\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [6]\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [7]\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nset [level...2 v] to [8]\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [6]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [15]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [16]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [17]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [7]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [21]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [22]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [23]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 geschafft v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level...2) = [8]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [codex v] to [18]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [19]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [codex v] to [20]\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\n@Figur19\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nshow\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Logo+Name]> then\n point in direction (0)\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (.3) seconds\n show\n repeat (40)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n end\n switch costume to (name v)\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (1000)\n Smooth Glide x: [0] y: [0] speed: [4]\n wait (1.2) seconds\n repeat (100)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (350)) ) * (20)) + (90))\n set y to ((([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) ) * (100)) + (-50))\n end\n Smooth Glide x: [0] y: [0] speed: [2]\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (300)\n switch costume to (name v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nforever\n reset timer\n start sound [Domastic - Weird Dream NCS Release v]\n hide\n set [clone id v] to [Logo+Name]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [Arrows]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [Black1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [Black2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [End]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [Background]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [Arrow2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [Arrow1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n Explode\n wait (14) seconds\nend\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x)) = (round (x position))> and <(round (y)) = (round (y position))>>\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / (speed))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\ndefine bounce finished size (size) bounciness (bounciness) elasticity (elasticity)\nset [size v] to [0]\nrepeat (40)\n set [size v] to (((size) * (bounciness)) + (((size) - (size)) / (elasticity)))\n change size by (size)\nend\n\ndefine Smooth Size: (size) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <(round (size)) = (round (size))>\n change size by (((size) - (size)) / (speed))\nend\nset size to (size) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Arrows]> then\n point in direction (90)\n wait (3) seconds\n show\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (arrows v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (-600)\n set [clone y v] to [-360]\n repeat (8)\n change [clone y v] by (100)\n repeat (14)\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n end\n repeat (6)\n change [clone y v] by (100)\n repeat (13)\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Black1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (black up v)\n go [forward v] (100) layers\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n Smooth Glide x: [0] y: [300] speed: [7]\n wait (7.3) seconds\n repeat (25)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n wait (.2) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Black2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (black down v)\n go [forward v] (100) layers\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n Smooth Glide x: [0] y: [-300] speed: [7]\n wait (7.3) seconds\n repeat (25)\n change y by (-3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n wait (.2) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [End]> then\n wait (8.2) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (5) layers\n switch costume to (dot v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (-300)\n show\n set size to (120) %\n set [1 v] to [35]\n repeat until <[0] < (y position)>\n change size by (((30) - (size)) / (8))\n change [1 v] by (-2.1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [3]>\n change size by (((30) - (size)) / (6))\n change [1 v] by (-2.1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (50)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (120)\n switch costume to (dot v)\n end\n wait (.01) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Background]> then\n wait (2.3) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (5) layers\n switch costume to (back dot v)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (-300)\n show\n set size to (120) %\n set [1 v] to [35]\n repeat until <[0] < (y position)>\n change size by (((30) - (size)) / (8))\n change [1 v] by (-2.1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [3]>\n change size by (((30) - (size)) / (6))\n change [1 v] by (-2.1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (120)\n switch costume to (back dot v)\n end\n wait (7) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Arrow2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (blue2 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (4.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (2)\n show\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change x by (-25)\n switch costume to (blue2 v)\n end\n hide\n set size to (100) %\n wait (.8) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Arrow1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (blue v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (4.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (2)\n show\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change x by (25)\n switch costume to (blue v)\n end\n hide\n set size to (100) %\n wait (.8) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Circle]> then\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (0) %\n show\n repeat (5)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n repeat (11)\n next costume\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nwait (4.75) seconds\nforever\n repeat (2)\n set [clone id v] to [Circle]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (.6) seconds\n end\n wait (.4) seconds\n set [clone id v] to [Circle]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (12.4) seconds\nend\n\ndefine Explode\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [clone id v] to [Explode]\nset [clone x v] to [100]\nset [clone y v] to [100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [Explode]\nset [clone x v] to [100]\nset [clone y v] to [-100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [Explode]\nset [clone x v] to [-100]\nset [clone y v] to [100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [Explode]\nset [clone x v] to [-100]\nset [clone y v] to [-100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Explode]> then\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (explode v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (Clone X) y: (Clone Y)\n wait (6) seconds\n show\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (5)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n repeat (11)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Move with ScreenShake | amount (0 to 1) (amount)\nforever\n change x by (((_lastSCX) * (-1)) * (amount))\n change y by (((_lastSCY) * (-1)) * (amount))\n set [_lastscx v] to (ScreenShake_X)\n set [_lastscy v] to (ScreenShake_Y)\n change x by ((_lastSCX) * (amount))\n change y by ((_lastSCY) * (amount))\nend\n\ndefine Screen Shake | strengthX (strengthx) strengthY (strengthy) interval (interval) duration (duration)\nset [_screenshake_starttime v] to (timer)\nset [screenshake_x v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthx))\nset [screenshake_y v] to ((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * (strengthy))\nset [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nrepeat until <(timer) > ((_screenShake_startTime) + (duration))>\n wait ((interval) - ((timer) - (_screenShake_lastTime))) seconds\n set [_screenshake_fraction v] to ((1) - (((timer) - (_screenShake_startTime)) / (duration)))\n set [screenshake_x v] to ((((ScreenShake_X) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_X) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthx))))\n set [screenshake_y v] to ((((ScreenShake_Y) / ([abs v] of (ScreenShake_Y) )) * (-1)) * ((_screenShake_fraction) * ((pick random (0.7) to (1.2)) * (strengthy))))\n set [_screenshake_lasttime v] to (timer)\nend\nset [screenshake_x v] to [0]\nset [screenshake_y v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (6) seconds\nforever\n repeat (10)\n set [animate v] to [26]\n wait (0) seconds\n set [animate v] to [28]\n wait (0) seconds\n set [animate v] to [29]\n wait (0) seconds\n set [animate v] to [30]\n wait (0) seconds\n set [animate v] to [29]\n wait (0) seconds\n set [animate v] to [28]\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n wait (14) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Stars]> then\n wait (3.8) seconds\n go to x: (pick random (-70) to (70)) y: (pick random (-35) to (35))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set size to (pick random (60) to (120)) %\n set [clone x v] to ((x position) * (3.6))\n set [clone y v] to ((y position) * (3.6))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [clone size v] to (pick random (2) to (40))\n show\n repeat (pick random (35) to (45))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n change x by (((Clone X) - (x position)) / (Clone Size))\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (Clone Size))\n switch costume to (Animate)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n else\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change x by (((Clone X) - (x position)) / (Clone Size))\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (Clone Size))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n switch costume to (Animate)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n else\n show\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Intro Start v)\nforever\n repeat (15)\n set [clone id v] to [Stars]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (14) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.9) seconds\nforever\n Explode\n wait (14) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Logoo]> then\n point in direction (0)\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (.3) seconds\n show\n repeat (40)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (8))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (8)) degrees\n end\n set [i v] to [-1]\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n change size by ((I) / (3))\n change [i v] by (join [-] (([abs v] of (I) ) / (4)))\n turn right ((I) / (-3)) degrees\n end\n switch costume to (name v)\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (1000)\n Smooth Glide x: [0] y: [0] speed: [4]\n wait (1.2) seconds\n repeat (100)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (350)) ) * (20)) + (90))\n set y to ((([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) ) * (100)) + (-50))\n end\n Smooth Glide x: [0] y: [0] speed: [2]\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (300)\n switch costume to (name v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Explode-2]> then\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (explode v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (Clone X) y: (Clone Y)\n wait (6) seconds\n show\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (5)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n repeat (11)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Circle-2]> then\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (0) %\n show\n repeat (5)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n repeat (11)\n next costume\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Stars2]> then\n wait (3.8) seconds\n go to x: (pick random (-70) to (70)) y: (pick random (-35) to (35))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set size to (pick random (60) to (120)) %\n set [clone x v] to ((x position) * (3.6))\n set [clone y v] to ((y position) * (3.6))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [clone size v] to (pick random (2) to (40))\n show\n repeat (pick random (35) to (45))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n change x by (((Clone X) - (x position)) / (Clone Size))\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (Clone Size))\n switch costume to (Animate)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n else\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change x by (((Clone X) - (x position)) / (Clone Size))\n change y by (((Clone Y) - (y position)) / (Clone Size))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n switch costume to (Animate)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n else\n show\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (12) seconds\nbroadcast (intro vorbei v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Figur7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (299) y: (113)\nhide variable [sterne v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nshow variable [sterne v]\nset [sterne v] to [0]\nset [codex v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-417) y: (-24)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-142) y: (147)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-105)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (spieler v)?> then\n change [sterne v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 geschafft v]\nset [level... v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [level... v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 geschafft v]\nset [level... v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [level... v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 geschafft v]\nset [level... v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [level... v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 geschafft v]\nset [level... v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [level... v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 geschafft v]\nset [level... v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [level... v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Level...) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-480) y: (26)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-139) y: (-110)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-366) y: (-21)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nbroadcast (level 1 geschafft v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-126) y: (112)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-135) y: (-62)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-118) y: (173)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-253) y: (-67)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-346) y: (148)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-230) y: (166)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-276) y: (-47)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [13]> then\n go to x: (-570) y: (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-448) y: (189)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [15]> then\n go to x: (-290) y: (122)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-386) y: (-13)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [17]> then\n go to x: (-566) y: (-15)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (3) seconds\nwait until <[1] = (Level...)>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [18]> then\n go to x: (-546) y: (36)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [19]> then\n go to x: (-119) y: (-81)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [20]> then\n go to x: (-258) y: (166)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [23]> then\n go to x: (-349) y: (112)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [22]> then\n go to x: (-403) y: (-83)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Codex) = [21]> then\n go to x: (-346) y: (-5)\nend\n\n@Figur6\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [kostüm... v] to [0]\n show\n broadcast (Shop öffnen v)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (kostüm1 v)\n end\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [1]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Kostüm 1 gekauft) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sterne) > [0]> then\n change [sterne v] by (-1)\n set [kostüm 1 gekauft v] to [1]\n broadcast (Kostüm 1! v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\n else\n broadcast (Kostüm 1! v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [7]> then\n set [kostüm... v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [2]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Kostüm 2 gekauft) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sterne) > [1]> then\n change [sterne v] by (-2)\n set [kostüm 2 gekauft v] to [1]\n broadcast (Kostüm 2! v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\n else\n broadcast (Kostüm 2! v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [3]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Kostüm 3 gekauft) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sterne) > [1]> then\n change [sterne v] by (-2)\n set [kostüm 3 gekauft v] to [1]\n broadcast (Kostüm 3! v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\n else\n broadcast (Kostüm 3! v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [4]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Kostüm 4 gekauft) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sterne) > [3]> then\n change [sterne v] by (-4)\n set [kostüm 4 gekauft v] to [1]\n broadcast (Kostüm 4! v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\n else\n broadcast (Kostüm 4! v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [5]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Kostüm 5 gekauft) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sterne) > [5]> then\n change [sterne v] by (-6)\n set [kostüm 5 gekauft v] to [1]\n broadcast (Kostüm 5! v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\n else\n broadcast (Kostüm 5! v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro vorbei v]\nset [kostüm 1 gekauft v] to [0]\nset [kostüm 2 gekauft v] to [0]\nset [kostüm 3 gekauft v] to [0]\nset [kostüm 4 gekauft v] to [0]\nset [kostüm 5 gekauft v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n change [kostüm... v] by (1)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop öffnen v]\nforever\n if <(Kostüm...) = [6]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Kostüm...) = [1]>> then\n if <(Sterne) > [9]> then\n change [sterne v] by (-10)\n set [kostüm 6 gekauft v] to [1]\n broadcast (Kostüm 6! v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n end\n else\n broadcast (Kostüm 6! v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n
UFO | A platformer | #all #games #trending #art
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Bgm v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (60) %\ngo to x: (-220) y: (50)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<touching (spike v)?> or <(y position) < [-165]>> then\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-210) y: (50)\n end\n if <<<(x position) > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [xのやつ v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<(mouse x) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [xのやつ v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [xのやつ v] to ((xのやつ) * (0.9))\n change x by (xのやつ)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change x by ((xのやつ) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n if <(xのやつ) > [0]> then\n set [xのやつ v] to [-7]\n else\n set [xのやつ v] to [7]\n end\n set [yだー v] to [15]\n else\n set [xのやつ v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [yだー v] to [16.3]\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [yだー v] by (-1)\n change y by (yだー)\n if <touching (road- v)?> then\n change y by ((yだー) * (-1))\n set [yだー v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n if <not <(ステージ) = [13]>> then\n broadcast (next v)\n start sound [Rip v]\n set x to (-216)\n end\n end\n if <[-230] > (x position)> then\n if <not <(ステージ) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (戻る v)\n start sound [Rip v]\n set x to (216)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(ハートB) = [Yes]> and <(星B) = [Yes]>> then\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n change [color v] effect by (-5)\n else\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@spike\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [戻る v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (70)\n turn left (5) degrees\n else\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\n@road-\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (1 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (2 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (3 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (4 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (5 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (6 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (7 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (8 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (9 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (10 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (11 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [12]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (12 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [13]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (13 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [戻る v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (1 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (2 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (3 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (4 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (5 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (6 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (7 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (8 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (9 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (10 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (11 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [12]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (12 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [13]> then\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (13 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ステージ v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\n@雪/Snow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nhide\nforever\n switch costume to ( v)\n set size to (pick random (1) to (5)) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (180)\nrepeat until <(y position) = [-180]>\n if <(size) = [1]> then\n turn right (1) degrees\n change y by (-1)\n end\n if <(size) = [2]> then\n turn right (1) degrees\n change y by (-2)\n end\n if <(size) = [3]> then\n turn right (1) degrees\n change y by (-3)\n end\n if <(size) = [4]> then\n turn right (1) degrees\n change y by (-4)\n end\n if <(size) = [5]> then\n turn right (1) degrees\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nif <touching color (#17b2ff)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nelse\n if <touching color (#00a8fc)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n else\n if <touching color (#0097e2)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-20)\n else\n if <touching color (#0078b4)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-30)\n else\n if <touching color (#005e8e)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-40)\n else\n if <touching color (#004668)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n else\n if <touching color (#002f47)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-60)\n else\n if <touching color (#001a27)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-70)\n else\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-80)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (70)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nset size to (50) %\nhide\nset [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v] to [5]\nset [1家 v] to [配っていない]\nset [2家 v] to [配っていない]\nset [3家 v] to [配っていない]\nset [4家 v] to [配っていない]\nset [5家 v] to [配っていない]\nset [time v] to [0]\nshow variable [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v]\nshow variable [time v]\nshow variable [☁ world record v]\nrepeat until <(remaining presents/残りのプレゼント) = [0]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\nhide variable [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v]\nbroadcast (クリア v)\nif <(time) < (☁ world record)> then\n set [☁ world record v] to (time)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(ステージ) = [3]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (15)\n if <(1家) = [配っていない]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait until <<touching (player v)?> or <not <(ステージ) = [3]>>>\n if <not <(ステージ) = [3]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [1家 v] to [配った]\n start sound [Collect v]\n change [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v] by (-1)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (25)\n end\n switch costume to (2 v)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [3]>>\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [3]>>\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(ステージ) = [6]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (15)\n if <(2家) = [配っていない]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait until <<touching (player v)?> or <not <(ステージ) = [6]>>>\n if <not <(ステージ) = [6]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [2家 v] to [配った]\n start sound [Collect v]\n change [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v] by (-1)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (25)\n end\n switch costume to (2 v)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [6]>>\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [6]>>\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (15)\n if <(3家) = [配っていない]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait until <<touching (player v)?> or <not <(ステージ) = [9]>>>\n if <not <(ステージ) = [9]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [3家 v] to [配った]\n start sound [Collect v]\n change [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v] by (-1)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (25)\n end\n switch costume to (2 v)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [9]>>\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [9]>>\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(ステージ) = [11]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (15)\n if <(4家) = [配っていない]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait until <<touching (player v)?> or <not <(ステージ) = [11]>>>\n if <not <(ステージ) = [11]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [4家 v] to [配った]\n start sound [Collect v]\n change [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v] by (-1)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (25)\n end\n switch costume to (2 v)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [11]>>\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [11]>>\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(ステージ) = [13]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (15)\n if <(5家) = [配っていない]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait until <<touching (player v)?> or <not <(ステージ) = [13]>>>\n if <not <(ステージ) = [13]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [5家 v] to [配った]\n start sound [Collect v]\n change [remaining presents/残りのプレゼント v] by (-1)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (25)\n end\n switch costume to (2 v)\n repeat (4)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [13]>>\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait until <not <(ステージ) = [13]>>\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [13 v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nset [星b v] to [No]\nforever\n set [星a v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [星b v] to [Yes]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [ハートb v] to [No]\nforever\n set [ハートa v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [ハートb v] to [Yes]\n end\nend\n\n
WORLDS 4 - A multiplayer platformer
@Stage\n\n@level\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\n\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nset [level x v] to [0]\nrepeat (16)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level x v] by (470)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((sx) * (-1)) + (level X)) y: ((sy) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [Alan Walker - Play \(Lyrics\) ft v] until done\n\n@Player2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\ndefine go\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [my variable v] by (-1)\nchange y by (my variable)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (my variable) ) / (my variable)) * (-1))\n end\n set [my variable v] to (<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(([abs v] of (my variable) ) / (my variable)) = [-1]>> * (12))\nend\nchange x by ((<key (right arrow v) pressed?> * (6)) + (<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (-6)))\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [-8]> or <not <touching (level v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by ((<key (right arrow v) pressed?> * (-6)) + (<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (6)))\n end\nend\nchange [sx v] by (x position)\nchange [sy v] by (y position)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <<(sy) < [-500]> or <touching (level2 v)?>> then\n set [my variable v] to [0]\n set [sx v] to [0]\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\nswitch costume to (state)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [my variable v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nforever\n go\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [state v] to [3]\nforever\n if <not <(my variable) = [0]>> then\n if <(my variable) > [0]> then\n set [state v] to [11]\n else\n set [state v] to [12]\n end\n else\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [state v] by (1)\n if <(state) > [10]> then\n set [state v] to [3]\n end\n wait (.05) seconds\n else\n set [state v] to [2]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\nend\n\nif <touching (level2 v)?> then\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (level4 v)?> then\n change [sy v] by (20)\n end\nend\n\n@Border\n\nwhen I receive [engine_start v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nhide\n\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\n@level2\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\n\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nset [level x v] to [0]\nrepeat (16)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level x v] by (470)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((sx) * (-1)) + (level X)) y: ((sy) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@level3\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\n\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nset [level x v] to [0]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level x v] by (470)\n next costume\nend\n\nrepeat (2)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((sx) * (-1)) + (level X)) y: ((sy) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@level4\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\n\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nset [level x v] to [0]\nrepeat (16)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level x v] by (470)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((sx) * (-1)) + (level X)) y: ((sy) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nplay sound [Alan Walker - Play \(Lyrics\) ft v] until done\n\n@level5\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\n\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nset [level x v] to [0]\nrepeat (16)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level x v] by (470)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((sx) * (-1)) + (level X)) y: ((sy) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\n\n@level6\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\n\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-86)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\nset [level x v] to [0]\nrepeat (16)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level x v] by (470)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((sx) * (-1)) + (level X)) y: ((sy) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n
A decently hard platformer where you fly around to different planets to play new levels.\n\n-Wasd or arrow keys to move.\n-J key to skip a level\n-L key to turn off leaves (reduces lag)\nPress space to leave/go to planets\n\nI probably spent more time than I should have creating a engine that would add decoration automatically so that I didn't have to draw decor for every level.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere is a secret code at the end of all the levels that lets you mess with everything.....
Lost In Space - A Platformer #Games #All
@Stage\n\n@platformer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [yy v] to [-1]\nset [xx v] to [1]\nset [v v] to [0]\nset [startpointx v] to [-165]\nset [startpointy v] to [-133]\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nhide variable [deaths v]\nhide variable [level v]\nswitch backdrop to (intro v)\nhide\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nshow variable [level v]\nshow\ngo to x: (startpointx) y: (startpointy)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [ehee v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (3)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-3)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.7))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [jump v]\n set [yv v] to [19]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n start sound [pop v]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n go to x: (startpointx) y: (startpointy)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yy v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching color (#995900)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\n go to x: (startpointx) y: (startpointy)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yy v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching color (#ff9400)?> then\n start sound [boing v]\n set [yv v] to [24]\n end\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n else\n set [yv v] to [-1.5]\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (-3)\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#844a01)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n switch backdrop to (backdrop34 v)\n go to x: (startpointx) y: (startpointy)\n end\n if <(level) > [50]> then\n hide variable [level v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(level) = [34]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop37 v)\n go to x: (startpointx) y: (startpointy)\nelse\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n go to x: (startpointx) y: (startpointy)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(EHEE) = [0]> then\n show variable [deaths v]\n set [ehee v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(EHEE) = [1]> then\n hide variable [deaths v]\n set [ehee v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@dot\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n show\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingplatform\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop24 v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [24]> then\n show\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop25 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to [55]\nset [y v] to [-20]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop29 v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [29]> then\n show\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@laser\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop28 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop27 v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [27]> then\n show\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@appearingred\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n show\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (105) y: (21)\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n wait (1.5) seconds\n hide\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n wait (1.5) seconds\n hide\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (140) y: (21)\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [35]> then\n show\n wait (4) seconds\n hide\n wait (4) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop39 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [40]> then\n show\n wait (0.85) seconds\n hide\n wait (0.85) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop44 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (14) y: (6)\nforever\n if <(level) = [42]> then\n show\n repeat until <touching color (#000000)?>\n change y by (-4)\n end\n glide (1) secs to x: (14) y: (6)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop46 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (8) y: (-40)\nforever\n if <(level) = [42]> then\n show\n repeat until <not <color (#ff0000) is touching (#ff0000)?>>\n change x by (6)\n end\n if <not <color (#ff0000) is touching (#ff0000)?>> then\n go to x: (8) y: (-40)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop46 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (14) y: (175)\nforever\n if <(level) = [43]> then\n show\n repeat until <touching color (#000000)?>\n change y by (-4)\n end\n glide (2) secs to x: (14) y: (175)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop47 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (8) y: (-40)\nforever\n if <(level) = [43]> then\n show\n repeat until <not <color (#ff0000) is touching (#ff0000)?>>\n change x by (6)\n end\n if <not <color (#ff0000) is touching (#ff0000)?>> then\n go to x: (8) y: (-40)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop47 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [43]> then\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop47 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred14\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [43]> then\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop47 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred15\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (8) y: (-40)\nforever\n if <(level) = [44]> then\n show\n repeat until <not <color (#ff0000) is touching (#ff0000)?>>\n change x by (6)\n end\n if <not <color (#ff0000) is touching (#ff0000)?>> then\n go to x: (8) y: (-40)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop49 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred16\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [44]> then\n show\n wait (1.5) seconds\n hide\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop49 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred17\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [44]> then\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop48 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred18\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (14) y: (-105)\nforever\n if <(level) = [44]> then\n show\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n glide (3) secs to x: (14) y: (200)\n end\n end\n go to x: (14) y: (-105)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop49 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred19\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (14) y: (-105)\nforever\n if <(level) = [45]> then\n show\n if <touching color (#ffffff)?> then\n glide (3) secs to x: (14) y: (200)\n end\n end\n go to x: (14) y: (-105)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop50 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred20\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (8) y: (-40)\nforever\n if <(level) = [45]> then\n show\n if <touching color (#ffffff)?> then\n change x by (6)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n go to x: (8) y: (-40)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop50 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred21\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [48]> then\n show\n wait (1.5) seconds\n hide\n wait (1.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop53 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred22\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [48]> then\n show\n wait (4) seconds\n hide\n wait (4) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop53 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred23\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (14) y: (-105)\nforever\n if <(level) = [50]> then\n show\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n glide (3) secs to x: (14) y: (200)\n end\n end\n go to x: (14) y: (-105)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop55 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred24\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (8) y: (-40)\nforever\n if <(level) = [50]> then\n show\n repeat until <touching color (#00ff55)?>\n change x by (4)\n end\n if <not <touching color (#0aff5b)?>> then\n go to x: (8) y: (-40)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop55 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred25\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [50]> then\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop55 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@appearingred26\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [50]> then\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop55 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@red\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@red2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@red3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [33]> then\n show\n repeat (24)\n turn right (60) degrees\n end\n wait (5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop36 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@draw\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop23 v]\nerase all\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n pen down\n set pen color to (#000000)\n set pen size to (5)\n else\n pen up\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nerase all\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop24 v]\nforever\n erase all\n pen up\nend\n\n@questions\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [31]> then\n ask [Who had a big mouth?] and wait\n end\n if <<(answer) = [Jim]> or <(answer) = [ jim ]>> then\n ask [Do you like this game so far? Yes/No] and wait\n if <<(answer) = [yes]> or <(answer) = [Yes]>> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop32 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<(answer) = [no]> or <(answer) = [No ]>> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop33 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@sound\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (90) %\nforever\n play sound [Waterflame_-_Clownparty_vid-mp3.org.mp3 v] until done\n wait (3) seconds\n play sound [Waterflame_-_Clownparty_vid-mp3.org.mp3 v] until done\n wait (3) seconds\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (2) seconds\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (158) y: (-114)\nset size to (40) %\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\n
THIS GOT TOP REMIXED!! WOW TYSM GUYS!!!\nHi there explorer! Welcome to the Void… Where everything is the same, but each section is a different color. You have been chosen to discover more about this hostile place. Many dangers await you and you must be careful!\n\n ♦︎♦︎♦︎ Controls♦︎♦︎♦︎\n\n✔︎Arrow keys to move.\n✔︎W-A-D keys to move.\n✔︎Mobile controls. (Yay!)\n✔︎M key to mute.\n✔︎U key to unmute.\n\n ♦︎♦︎♦︎Instructions♦︎♦︎♦︎\n✔︎Avoid spikes.\n✔︎Avoid lava.\n✔︎Collect ALL the coins and proceed to the portal.\n\nI made sure you people who were saying my last game was too hard would be happy with this next one. I made it a little easier and all levels ARE POSSIBLE! \n\nNO ADVERTISING! NO ONE WANTS ATTENTION TAKEN AWAY FROM THEIR PROJECTS!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat a waste of scrolling… _:)_
Among Us Platformer - Mobile Friendly
@Stage\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message4 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\nforever\n play sound [overworld v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (25) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-100)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [jump v]\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [jump v]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ffff00)?> then\n start sound [next lvl v]\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-158)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message3 v)\n end\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n start sound [bxsb v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-158)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [5]\n else\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [yv v] to [-1]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n start sound [jump v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n start sound [pop v]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-100)\n point in direction (90)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n wait until <not <key (r v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [message3 v]\nnext costume\nbroadcast (message2 v)\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (message2 v)\nhide\n\n
==================Adventure===============\nYou are an adventurer and you have to survive until the end of this adventure...\n\n================ How To Play ===============\n[Arrows - WASD - Mobile] - Move\n-Avoid Spikes and lava\n-Jump on trampolines
Pink / A Platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (75) %\nforever\n play sound [Overcooked v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (110) %\nswitch costume to (player v)\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nset [death count v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (danger v)?>> then\n broadcast (Die v)\n change [death count v] by (1)\n go to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (On Level v)\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nhide variable [level v]\nset [x speed v] to [0]\nset [y speed v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n if <(Stop) = [0]> then\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((X speed) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(X speed) > [0]> then\n set [x speed v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x speed v] to [5]\n end\n set [y speed v] to [10]\n else\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y speed)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nset [stop v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Stop) = [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x speed v] by (1.1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x speed v] by (-1.1)\n end\n set [x speed v] to ((X speed) * (.9))\n change x by (X speed)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nforever\n if <(Stop) = [0]> then\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y speed) * (-1))\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [y speed v] by (14)\n end\n end\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (toaster v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n go to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Toaster\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (133)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (105)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (23) y: (101)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (-112) y: (139)\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (184) y: (21)\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-185) y: (145)\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
1K FOLLOWER QNA!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/458665071/\n✦ Achievements! ✦\n11/30/20 - #5 on trending all!!! @QuaXX commented!\n12/3/20 - top loved!!!! tysm!\n✦ Bouncy ✦\n- avoid bouncy saws and spikes!\n- arrow keys or w, a, d to move!\n- comment your time!\n- 9 levels!\n- propose to be featured here!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4228481/\n✦ Credits ✦\n- player art by @sk0nk\n- ground art by @alphabetica \n- rest of graphics and all code by @talexat\n- music: Vexento - Happy Robot\n✦ About ✦\nSo I've been working on this game for a while but lost motivation and stopped working on it. Then today I was like hmm why not just finish the game. So I did! I'm thinking of making a sequel. So let me know if I should. Also keep in mind this is still in its testing stages and there could be bugs! Let me know if you find any bugs/glitches! Anyway I hope you enjoy this game! Also check out my new account @-eons-\n✦ Tags ✦\n#games #all #games #all #platformer #platformers \n#games #all #games #all #platformer #platformers \n#games #all #games #all #platformer #platformers \n#games #all #games #all #platformer #platformers \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all \n#all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all \n#all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all \n#games #games #games #games #games #games \n#all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all #all
How to make a platformer
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nreset\nReset player variables\n\ndefine reset\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-160) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nReset player variables\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nReset player variables\nreset\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (10))>>>> then\n change [x v v] by (.9)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) + (-10))>>>> then\n change [x v v] by (-.9)\n end\n set [x v v] to ((X v) * (0.9))\n change x by (X v)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change x by ((X v) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>>> then\n if <(X v) > [0]> then\n set [x v v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y v)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by ((Y v) * (-1))\n set [y v v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>>> then\n set [y v v] to [10]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n reset\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Reset player variables\nset [x v v] to [0]\nset [y v v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-150]> then\n reset\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n reset\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Hide) = [1]> then\n reset\n end\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nLayer Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (Level)\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (Level)\nLayer Level\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (Level)\nLayer Level\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (Level)\nLayer Level\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (Level)\nLayer Level\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (Level)\nLayer Level\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (Level)\nLayer Level\n\ndefine Layer Level\nbroadcast (Delete Level v)\ngo to x: (10) y: (-80)\nchange x by (10)\nchange y by (10)\nrepeat (20)\n broadcast (New Clones v)\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [new clones v]\nif <(x position) = [200]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [sprite2 v]) y: ([y position v] of [sprite2 v])\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [sprite2 v])\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\n@Cover\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [hide v] to [1]\nif <(Level) < [8]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [hide v] to [0]\nelse\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [hide v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [hide v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\n@Front Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [new clones v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (10)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nswitch costume to (level2 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nswitch costume to (level3 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (level4 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (level5 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (level6 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nswitch costume to (level7 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Back Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [new clones v]\ngo to x: (20) y: (-70)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nswitch costume to (level2 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nswitch costume to (level3 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (level4 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (level5 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (level6 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nswitch costume to (level7 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [outro v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n
After one year I've finally made a sequel to the original Apps! I don't think that anything I make can ever top the original, but this is still pretty fun to play.\n\nLike in the original, type skip out on your keyboard while you are in a game to skip it!\n\nUse the arrow keys to move and control your app as you travel through various games to make it to your place on the home screen!\n\nAlso for color switch you have to keep tapping the up key to jump up, and you can only touch things that are the same color as you are.\n\n(Scratchopoly is still in the making, it's just taking a very long time so I decided to make something that people could play while they wait.)
Spooky | Halloween Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nforever\n play sound [Deep Caves - 8 bit original music v] until done\nend\n\n@platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\nswitch costume to (level 3 6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (sx)) ((y) - (scy))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [480] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [800] y: []\n\n@Landscape\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (sx)) ((y) - (scy))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (scape 1 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (1-1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [480] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [800] y: []\n\n@Bounce Pads\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (sx)) ((y) - (scy))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset size to (45) %\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [250] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [480] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [800] y: []\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set size to (45) %\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (45) %\nend\n\n@Obstacles\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (sx)) ((y) - (scy))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1-1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [750] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2-1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [480] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [800] y: []\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (sx)) ((y) - (scy))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [100] y: [0]\nelse\n if <<(LEVEL) = [2]> or <(LEVEL) = [3]>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n Clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [480] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [800] y: []\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n broadcast (green flag v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [timer start v]\n\n\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n\nwhen I receive [timer start v]\nforever\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n point in direction ((90) - ([cos v] of (rotate) ))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n change [rotate v] by (5)\n point in direction ((90) - ([cos v] of (rotate) ))\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nTick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset volume to (100) %\nbroadcast (start! v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\ndefine game on!\nset [sx v] to ((sx) / (5))\nset [scy v] to ((scy) / (5))\nset [sx v] to (round (sx))\nset [scy v] to (round (scy))\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nbroadcast (close space v)\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (base v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (45) %\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [30]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n change player x by [8]\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n change player x by [-8]\n end\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [15]\n end\nend\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\nif <touching (portal v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\nif <touching (bounce pads v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [25]\nend\nchange [sy v] by (-2)\nchange player y by (sy)\nPosition\ntest die\nchange [sx v] by (round (((x) - (sx)) / (10)))\nif <(sx) < [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scy v] by (round (((y) - (scy)) / (10)))\nif <(scy) < [0]> then\n set [scy v] to [0]\nend\nposition\nif <<(y) < [-180]> or <touching (obstacles v)?>> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nposition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine change player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by ((sx) * (1.1))\nposition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (1)\n position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-10)\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n position\n end\nend\n\ndefine game-die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine test die\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine game - win\nstart sound [Win v]\nrepeat (50)\n turn right (55) degrees\n change size by (-0.5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset size to (50) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n broadcast (setup v) and wait\n game on!\n repeat until <(exit) > []>\n broadcast (tick v)\n broadcast (attack? v)\n end\n if <(exit) = [win]> then\n game - win\n set [sx v] to [0]\n set [scy v] to [0]\n else\n game-die\n end\nend\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: ((x) - (sx)) y: ((y) - (scy))\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (50)\n change x by (-1)\n change size by (-2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (25) %\n\nforever\n wait (0.03) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (bounce pads v)?> then\n start sound [Big Boing v]\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n play sound [Jump3 v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@IntroNew\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [OST-Xenogen v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nset [size v] to [1]\nset [level v] to [1000]\nrepeat (100)\n point in direction ((LEVEL) * (0.9))\n set [level v] to ((LEVEL) * (0.9))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (6) seconds\nrepeat (40)\n change volume by (-2.5)\nend\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nhide\nwait (.5) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [size v] to [1]\nset size to (15) %\nrepeat (20)\n change size by ((Size) * (0.9))\n set [size v] to ((Size) * (1.05))\nend\nrepeat (80)\n change size by ((Size) * (0.9))\n set [size v] to ((Size) * (0.95))\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nset [size v] to [-1]\nset [level v] to [2]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by ((Size) * (0.9))\n set [size v] to ((Size) * (1.05))\n set [level v] to ((LEVEL) * (1.3))\nend\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Game v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\nset [loc v] to [200]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (100)\n point in direction ((LEVEL) * (0.9))\n set y to ((LOC) * (0.9))\n set [loc v] to ((LOC) * (0.9))\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (80)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by ((Size) * (0.9))\n point in direction ((LEVEL) * (1.2))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n
After 9 hours of non-stop working,\nI present ————— Cave Explore!\nI’ve made one like this before I am not in this account, an this one is better.\nHave fun!\n\nIt’s a non-generic platformer! Also for @TrentonTNT’s contest!\n\nInstructions:\nArrow keys, WASD, touchscreen to move.\nDodge TNTs, lava, spikes and zombies!\nSpace to sword.\n\nCredits:\n @-Xaf- for the music Inferno.\n @Coltroc for some art.\n\nTags:\n #Games #Platformer #Trending #All\n #Games #Platformer #Trending #All\n #Games #Platformer #Trending #All\n #Games #Platformer #Trending #All\n #Games #Platformer #Trending #All
Pen Platformer Engine
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [makeplayerfollowhitbox v]\ngo to (hitbox v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (1))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n end\n wait (0.04) seconds\nend\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (50) %\nset [spawnx v] to [-203]\nset [spawny v] to [-71]\ngo to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [xvelocity v] to [0]\nset [yvelocity v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n broadcast (MakePlayerFollowHitbox v)\n Up/Down Movement [12] [-1]\n Right/Left Movement [10] [0.6]\n CheckNextLevel\n CheckFallOffScreen\nend\n\ndefine Up/Down Movement (jump height) (fall speed)\nchange y by (yVelocity)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n CheckTouchingLava\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (yVelocity) ) )\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (((yVelocity) / ([abs v] of (yVelocity) )) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<not <(yVelocity) > [0]>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (jump height)\n else\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [yvelocity v] by (fall speed)\nend\n\ndefine Right/Left Movement (move speed) (drag)\nchange x by (xVelocity)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n CheckTouchingLava\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (xVelocity) ) )\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (((xVelocity) / ([abs v] of (xVelocity) )) * (-1))\n end\n end\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [xvelocity v] to (move speed)\nelse\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((move speed) * (-1))\n end\nend\nset [xvelocity v] to ((xVelocity) * (drag))\n\ndefine CheckNextLevel\nif <(x position) > [235]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\ndefine CheckTouchingLava\nif <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\ndefine CheckFallOffScreen\nif <(y position) < [-170]> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nnext costume\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n
WASD, arrow keys / press x to skip a level\n\nmobile support\n\nplot: You are on the moon\n\nreport bugs and faults in the comments\n\n
秋のプラットフォーマー ~Autumn platformer~
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (empty v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) > [7]> then\n broadcast (THE END :\) v)\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nset [already loved/faved? v] to [no]\n\n@Blank\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (clone v)\nset size to (70) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nset size to (70) %\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-225) y: (-40)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x move v] to [0]\nset [y move v] to [0]\nforever\n clear graphic effects\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y move v] to [8.5]\n end\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(y move) > [-15]> then\n change [y move v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n change y by (y move)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (y move))\n set [y move v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [235]> or <(x position) > [235]>> then\n if <(collect coins) = (minum collected)> then\n set [x move v] to [0]\n set [y move v] to [0]\n hide\n change [level v] by (1)\n start sound [Collect v]\n go to x: (-225) y: (-40)\n broadcast (transition v)\n broadcast (next level v)\n show\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n set [x move v] to ((x move) * (0.85))\n change x by (x move)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (x move))\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> and <not <(x move) = [0]>>> then\n set [y move v] to [8]\n set [x move v] to (((x move) / ([abs v] of (x move) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [x move v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (.025) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching (jump pad v)?> then\n set [y move v] to [16]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [x move v] by (4)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (oof v)?>> then\n hide\n set [x move v] to [0]\n set [y move v] to [0]\n go to x: (-225) y: (-40)\n point in direction (90)\n start sound [Crunch v]\n broadcast (transition v)\n broadcast (coin reset v) and wait\n broadcast (coin check v)\n show\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x move v] by (-1.5)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x move v] by (1.5)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [playerx v] to (x position)\n set [playery v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change skin v]\nswitch costume to (orange skin v)\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nwait (.5) seconds\nif <<(username) = [Schoolacc_CD]> or <(username) = [ scracher882]>> then\n switch costume to (cat v)\nelse\n if <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]> then\n switch costume to (orange skin v)\n else\n switch costume to (normal v)\n end\nend\n\n@platform\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\n@deco\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@oof\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@coin\n\ndefine spawn (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (60) %\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [collect coins v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n next costume\n wait (.025) seconds\n end\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (.025) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nwait until <(level) = [1]>\nset [minum collected v] to [2]\nspawn [46] [55]\nspawn [196] [-100]\nwait until <(level) = [2]>\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to [1]\nwait (1) seconds\nspawn [113] [-100]\nwait until <(level) = [3]>\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to [3]\nwait (.7) seconds\nspawn [12] [-100]\nspawn [125] [-60]\nspawn [178] [75]\nwait until <(level) = [4]>\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to [4]\nwait (.7) seconds\nspawn [190] [130]\nspawn [33] [160]\nspawn [200] [11]\nspawn [90] [-97]\nwait until <(level) = [5]>\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to [4]\nwait (.7) seconds\nspawn [-41] [-66]\nspawn [6] [100]\nspawn [136] [148]\nspawn [230] [-104]\nwait until <(level) = [6]>\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to [4]\nwait (.7) seconds\nspawn [-89] [-60]\nspawn [-8] [32]\nspawn [30] [143]\nspawn [202] [-93]\nwait until <(level) = [7]>\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to [5]\nwait (.7) seconds\nspawn [-97] [57]\nspawn [178] [80]\nspawn [67] [-93]\nspawn [142] [-46]\nspawn [86] [133]\n\nspawn [] []\nspawn [] []\nspawn [] []\nspawn [] []\nspawn [] []\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nset [minum collected v] to []\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [coin check v]\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\nhide\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [2]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [46] [55]\n spawn [196] [-100]\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [1]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [113] [-100]\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [3]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [12] [-100]\n spawn [125] [-60]\n spawn [178] [75]\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [4]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [190] [130]\n spawn [33] [160]\n spawn [200] [11]\n spawn [90] [-97]\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [4]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [-41] [-66]\n spawn [6] [100]\n spawn [136] [148]\n spawn [230] [-104]\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [4]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [-89] [-60]\n spawn [-8] [32]\n spawn [30] [143]\n spawn [202] [-93]\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n set [collect coins v] to [0]\n set [minum collected v] to [5]\n wait (.3) seconds\n spawn [-97] [57]\n spawn [178] [80]\n spawn [67] [-93]\n spawn [142] [-46]\n spawn [86] [133]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [coin reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collect coins v] to [0]\n\n@thumbnail \n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n wait (0.025) seconds\nend\n\n@music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n switch costume to (1 - isrg33 - dreams v)\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n wait until <(id) = [2]>\n switch costume to (2 - baryiscool - drive 184 v)\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n wait until <(id) = [3]>\n switch costume to (3 - djjaner - god bless you v)\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n wait until <(id) = [4]>\n switch costume to (4 - xomuedm - midnight flower v)\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [id v] to [1]\n play sound [1 - iSrg33 - Dreams v] until done\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [id v] to [2]\n play sound [2 - baryiscool - Drive 184 v] until done\n wait (2) seconds\n set [id v] to [3]\n play sound [3 - Djjaner - God bless you v] until done\n wait (1) seconds\n set [id v] to [4]\n play sound [4 - XomuEDM - midnight flower v] until done\n wait (1.5) seconds\nend\n\n@notfication\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) < [6]>\n change y by (((5) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nwait (3.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) + (5)) / (5))\nend\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nforever\n wait (pick random (20) to (35)) seconds\n show\n repeat until <(y position) < [6]>\n change y by (((5) - (y position)) / (6))\n end\n wait (3.5) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) + (5)) / (5))\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stop notif v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nwait (.3) seconds\nif <(already loved/faved?) = [yes]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\n@bg\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: ((playerX) / (-10)) y: ((playerY) / (-10))\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Par\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\ngo to x: (pick random (-230) to (230)) y: (-200)\nset size to (pick random (30) to (50)) %\npoint in direction (pick random (-90) to (90))\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n move (2) steps\n change y by (1)\n turn right (5) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@transition\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nwait (.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@win screen \n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nshow\nswitch costume to (text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (1027)\n change y by (1)\nend\nwait (.9) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nswitch costume to (me v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (.9) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (1.3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (thumbnail v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (black screen v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine [Smooth spin] Speed - (speed) [Ending direction] (direction) [Full turn speed] (full speed)\nset [my variable v] to [0]\nrepeat (15)\n change [my variable v] by (full speed)\n turn right (my variable) degrees\nend\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = (direction)>\n turn right (((direction) - (direction)) / (speed)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [full turn speed v] to [1]\nset [ending direction v] to [90]\nset [smooth spin v] to [5]\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (capture2 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-240) y: (0)\nset size to (10) %\nrepeat (2)\n change x by (6)\n change size by (5)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (9)\n change size by (6)\nend\nrepeat (4)\n change x by (12)\n change size by (8)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (12)\n change size by (8)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (12)\n change size by (6)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (9)\n change size by (6)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (7)\n change size by (6)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (5)\n change size by (4)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (3)\n change size by (3)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (3)\n change size by (3)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (2)\n change size by (2)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (1)\n change size by (1)\nend\n[Smooth spin] Speed - (Smooth spin) [Ending direction] (Ending direction) [Full turn speed] (Full turn speed)\nwait (.5) seconds\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (-6)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change size by (-8)\nend\nrepeat (4)\n change size by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-14)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (go v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <key (any v) pressed?>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nbroadcast (transition v)\nbroadcast (go v)\ndelete this clone\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [end v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (200)\nset [brightness v] effect to (45)\nshow\nrepeat (45)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (7))\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\n@timer\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow variable [time v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat until <(level) = [8]>\n change [time v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ world record v]\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nforever\n if <(time) < (☁ World record)> then\n set [☁ world record v] to (time)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nshow variable [☁ world record v]\n\n@skin gain ani\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (30) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (with out text v)\n\nwhen I receive [give skin v]\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (30) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nswitch costume to (with out text v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (transition v)\nshow\nrepeat (56)\n turn left (25) degrees\n change size by (10)\nend\nturn left (25) degrees\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (with text v)\nrepeat until <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1.5)\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (with out text v)\nrepeat (58)\n change size by (-8.4)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat until <touching (player v)?>\n move (10) steps\n point towards (player v)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (flash v)\nbroadcast (change skin v)\n\n@flash\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (300) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\nswitch costume to (white v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nset [already loved/faved? v] to [yes]\nbroadcast (stop notif v)\nbroadcast (give skin v)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n
Grasslands - Mobile Friendly Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\nhide variable [dragon: v]\nhide variable [dragon keys v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nforever\n \nend\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop13 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nrepeat (6)\n next backdrop\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop13 v)\nrepeat (6)\n wait (0) seconds\n next backdrop\nend\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop13 v)\nwait (0.8) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (out1 v)\nrepeat (18)\n wait (0) seconds\n next backdrop\nend\nrepeat (32)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n next backdrop\nend\nwait (0.8) seconds\nnext backdrop\nwait (0.4) seconds\nnext backdrop\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (spoilers v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\n\n@lvl\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nbroadcast (show v) and wait\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 3 v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n\ngo to x: (32) y: (9)\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\nshow\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop7 v)\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [get out v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop5 v)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 9 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop9 v)\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 10 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop10 v)\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\n\nwhen I receive [the game is on v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [burning... v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\nbroadcast (good burn v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-4 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 11 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop12 v)\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Wings of Fire - Starflight the NightWing's Theme v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fates v]\nif <<<key (z v) pressed?> and <(dragon:) = [Fatespeaker]>> and <(costume [number v]) = [5]>> then\n switch costume to (fates v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-111)\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n platform gravity: [-1] jump height: [15] side movement speed: [3] friction: [.7] slope: [8]\nend\n\nshow\n\ndefine platform gravity: (gravity) jump height: (jump height) side movement speed: (side movement speed) friction: (friction) slope: (slope)\nchange [y velocity v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (y velocity)\nif <touching (lvl v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (y velocity) ) / (y velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y velocity v] to (jump height)\n end\nend\nset [x velocity v] to (((x velocity) + ((<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> * ((side movement speed) * (-1))) + (<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> * (side movement speed)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (x velocity)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <touching (lvl v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (x velocity) ) / (x velocity)) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\n\n\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 3 v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\ngo to x: (130) y: (15)\n\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [dragon: v] to [Clay]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nrepeat until <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (57)\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nwhen [4 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Glory]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume41 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume41 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [3 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Sunny]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume31 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume31 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n set size to (150) %\n else\n set size to (250) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Tsunami]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume21 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume21 light v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume21 light v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 light v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Clay]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nrepeat until <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume31 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (sprite5 v)?> and <<(dragon:) = [Sunny]> or <<(dragon:) = [Starflight]> or <<(dragon:) = [Tsunami]> or <<(dragon:) = [Fatespeaker]> or <(dragon:) = [Glory]>>>>>> then\n go to x: (-196) y: (131)\n say [>.< too hot for me!] for (0.2) seconds\n else\n if <<touching (sprite5 v)?> and <(dragon:) = [Clay]>> then\n wait (1.5) seconds\n go to x: (-196) y: (131)\n say [Cant stay in lava for that long...] for (0.6) seconds\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite5 v)?>> then\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (go to background 4 v)\n\n\n\ngo to x: (-185) y: (96)\n\nwhen I receive [get out v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nbroadcast (go to back ground 7 v)\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#60cfff)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 4 v)\n go to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#00b3ff)?> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#43c7ff)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 3 v)\n go to x: (-199) y: (25)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-183) y: (-106)\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\nforever\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (54)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-104)\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 4 v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 6 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-68)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-89)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 8 v]\ngo to x: (-206) y: (-66)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 9 v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [i found u v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (-68)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 10 v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [the game is on v]\nshow\n\nwhen [5 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Fatespeaker]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or >\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume61 v)\n end\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (fates flash v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to 11 v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-81)\n\nwhen [4 v] key pressed\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Spit v)\n wait (3) seconds\n else\n broadcast (Spit G v)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (tsunami v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nforever\n if <<key (z v) pressed?> and <(dragon:) = [Fatespeaker]>> then\n broadcast (fates v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume61 v)\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nforever\n\nrepeat until <not <touching (sprite5 v)?>>\n\nwhen I receive [lavaaaaa v]\ngo to x: (-196) y: (-55)\nsay [>.< too hot for me!] for (0.2) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (get out v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nsay [Hello!] for (2) seconds\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 3 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 4 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 5 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 6 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to back ground 7 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 8 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 9 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 10 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 11 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\n\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nhide\n\nshow\n\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n forever\n wait (5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [dragon keys v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n change y by (3)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n change y by (-3)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\ngo to x: (92) y: (-100)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (49) y: (-157)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (173) y: (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (185) y: (-100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (15) y: (50)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (-81) y: (2)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (171) y: (-18)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [dragon keys v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nhide\n\n@Guards\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (I FOUND U v)\n say [INTRUDERS!] for (0.4) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite14 v)?> then\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (I FOUND U v)\nsay [INTRUDERS!] for (0.4) seconds\n\nif <key (z v) pressed?> then\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-238) y: (-55)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (the game is on v)\nshow variable [dragon: v]\nshow variable [dragon keys v]\n\n@Sprite13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (water v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite14\n\nwhen I receive [spit v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to (player v)\nchange y by (13)\nchange x by (31)\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (lvl v)?>>\n move (17) steps\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 d v)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 d v)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume4 d v)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (guards v)?> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spit g v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to (player v)\nchange y by (13)\nchange x by (-31)\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (lvl v)?>>\n move (-17) steps\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 g v)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 g v)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume4 g v)\nwait (0.02) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite15\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (0.18) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tsunami v]\nrepeat until <not <key (z v) pressed?>>\n show\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [fates flash v]\nrepeat until <not <key (z v) pressed?>>\n show\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite16\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nforever\n go to x: (-400) y: (pick random (142) to (12))\n wait (pick random (0.5) to (3)) seconds\n show\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\n repeat (132)\n move (5) steps\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(Dragon Keys) = [6]> then\n broadcast (opencage:D v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n say [You need 6 Dragon Keys to open this cage!]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [opencage:d v]\nrepeat (11)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-42) y: (29)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nwait (0.6) seconds\nshow\nglide (8.5) secs to x: (593) y: (29)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n broadcast (LAVAAAAA v)\n go to x: (-42) y: (29)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lavaaaaa v]\nwait (0.6) seconds\nshow\nglide (8.5) secs to x: (593) y: (29)\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\ngo to x: (-42) y: (29)\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Spriteee\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (BOOOOM v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [boooom v]\nhide\n\nstop [all v]\n\n@Key\n\nwhen I receive [spoilers v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen I receive [spoilers v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide variable [dragon keys v]\nhide variable [dragon: v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@3 queens\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [spoilers v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\n
Move your cursor to tilt the level and make the ball roll.\n\n ---Space Key to Jump--- Added New Levels, and they are HARD\n (They are all possible)\n\nHow many of you will copy and paste this url? \nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_r_68TMjEA&t=87s\n (Experiment with random video I found that had no views)\n \n WAIT WHAT?!?! I got on Scratch, and it said 206 new notifications. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! A sequel or more levels will for sure be coming soon.\n\nLoved by Will_Wam , kevin_eleven_1234 , and snow-cannon! XD!!!\n#1 On trending!?!?!? Never happened before!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!
Nature Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [TheFatRat - MAYDAY feat v] until done\nend\n\n@P.L.A.Y.E.R\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [y-velocity v] to [0]\nset [x-velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n Platform [11.5] [-2] [0.7] [3]\nend\n\ndefine Platform (jump height) (gravity) (friction) (running speed)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x-velocity v] by (running speed)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x-velocity v] by ((running speed) * (-1))\nend\nset [x-velocity v] to ((X-velocity) * (friction))\nchange x by (X-velocity)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [sprite2: slope v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(Sprite2: Slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change [sprite2: slope v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Sprite2: Slope) * (-1))\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (X-velocity) ) )\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((([abs v] of (X-velocity) ) / (X-velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n set [x-velocity v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (Y-velocity)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (Y-velocity) ) )\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y-velocity) ) / (Y-velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<(([abs v] of (Y-velocity) ) / (Y-velocity)) = [-1]> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [y-velocity v] to (jump height)\n else\n set [y-velocity v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y-velocity v] to [20]\n end\n change [y-velocity v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.005) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-131)\nswitch costume to (player v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (d a n g e r v)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-131)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-131)\n broadcast (Fineshed v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (red v)\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n change [color v] effect by (25)\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-131)\n\nwhen I receive [fineshed v]\nset [x-velocity v] to [0]\nset [y-velocity v] to [0]\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [fineshed v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (2) y: (-31)\n\n@Neon Platformer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [fineshed v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@D A N G E R\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [fineshed v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Goal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (55) y: (15)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Fineshed v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Neon Light\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [fineshed v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Fineshed v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\n\n@Player Light\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to (p.l.a.y.e.r v)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n change [color v] effect by (25)\nend\n\n
~山と旅に出よう!~\n~ Let's go on a trip with the mountains! ~\n<日本語>\n~使い方~\n矢印キー、WASDキー、タップで操作。\n針に当たるか、下に落ちるとゲームオーバーです。\n世界記録目指して頑張ろう!\n<English>\n~ How to use ~\nOperate with arrow keys, WASD keys, and taps.\nThe game is over when you hit the needle or fall down.\nLet's do our best to aim for the world record!
The Red Ninja 5 || A platformer
@Stage\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [new costume v]\nnext costume\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [new costume v]\nnext costume\n\n@Thumbnail \n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\n@Player2\n\ndefine ok\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (5)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-5)\nend\nset [x v] to ((X) * (.9))\nchange x by (X)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-15]\n else\n set [x v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Y)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [y v] by (12)\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <(x position) > [239]> then\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (-193) y: (-94)\n broadcast (New costume v)\nend\nif <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#ff5f5f)?>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-193) y: (-94)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-94)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n ok\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Warriyo - Mortals \(feat. Laura Brehm\) \[NCS Release\] v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n
Press the green flag twice.\nThis is a pixel platformer game. Click on the green flag, then the Start button and follow the in-game directions. \nPress r to restart the level. Press p to pause the game.\nPress c to change the ball's colour.\nComment below on which level you got to and how many deaths it took you to beat this game! (It took me 8 deaths to get to level 25. Can you beat my record?)
Mac & Cheese - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [, ] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n Tester\n Jump Ring?\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [WIN]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n Game Over\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n set [y v] to [-10]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n set [x v] to [-26]\n set [y v] to [-15]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [-10]\n end\nend\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset size to (100) %\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n change [sx v] by (-2.2)\n else\n change [sx v] by (-2.1)\n end\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n change [sx v] by (2.2)\n else\n change [sx v] by (2.1)\n end\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.801))\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player X By (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [17]\n else\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\n end\nend\nif <not <touching (ladders v)?>> then\n if <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\n end\nend\nChange Player Y By (sy)\nTest - Game Over\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROLL X) < [-10]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [-10]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (bouncy v)?> then\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n start sound [Big Boing v]\n set [sy v] to [25]\n else\n start sound [Big Boing v]\n set [sy v] to [28]\n end\nend\nif <touching (right v)?> then\n change [sx v] by (1.4)\nend\nif <touching (ladders v)?> then\n if <touching (ladders v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [sy v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching (ladders v)?> then\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [sy v] to [-8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Player Y By (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player X By (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game Over\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (4)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine Test - Game Over\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (gears v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (wheel v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (pike v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Tester\nchange y by (-2.9)\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\ndefine Jump Ring?\nif <<touching (jump rings v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [17]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nset [exit v] to [win]\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (7) layers\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Ladders\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo [backward v] (30) layers\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(costume [name v]) = [Open]>> then\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n set [exit v] to [WIN]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [1327] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [2050] Y: [10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [2869] Y: [250]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [2394] Y: [-10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [2750] Y: [-15]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [9999] Y: [-15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\nshow\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [open portal v]\nstart sound [Doorbell v]\nswitch costume to (open v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (110) %\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\n\n@Collectables\n\ndefine Counter\nset [counter collect v] to (join (COLLECTED) (join [ of ] (COLLECTED MAX)))\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone At X: [130] Y: [20]\n Clone At X: [250] Y: [60]\n Clone At X: [400] Y: [100]\n Clone At X: [668] Y: [-10]\n Clone At X: [913] Y: [10]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone At X: [167] Y: [-70]\n Clone At X: [340] Y: [-70]\n Clone At X: [588] Y: [130]\n Clone At X: [735] Y: [150]\n Clone At X: [966] Y: [-70]\n Clone At X: [1291] Y: [-60]\n Clone At X: [1565] Y: [180]\n Clone At X: [1760] Y: [230]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone At X: [-100] Y: [-60]\n Clone At X: [289] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [1066] Y: [80]\n Clone At X: [1172] Y: [-60]\n Clone At X: [1531] Y: [-60]\n Clone At X: [1887] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [2050] Y: [-10]\n Clone At X: [2174] Y: [10]\n Clone At X: [2321] Y: [30]\n Clone At X: [2481] Y: [60]\n Clone At X: [2550] Y: [-60]\n Clone At X: [2676] Y: [-60]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone At X: [-220] Y: [110]\n Clone At X: [136] Y: [120]\n Clone At X: [390] Y: [40]\n Clone At X: [451] Y: [-80]\n Clone At X: [581] Y: [-80]\n Clone At X: [775] Y: [-10]\n Clone At X: [1021] Y: [-70]\n Clone At X: [1213] Y: [-70]\n Clone At X: [1719] Y: [15]\n Clone At X: [1835] Y: [125]\n Clone At X: [1980] Y: [-80]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone At X: [90] Y: [-10]\n Clone At X: [-156] Y: [110]\n Clone At X: [86] Y: [185]\n Clone At X: [695] Y: [-80]\n Clone At X: [788] Y: [-80]\n Clone At X: [1365] Y: [-60]\n Clone At X: [1712] Y: [45]\n Clone At X: [1635] Y: [210]\n Clone At X: [1708] Y: [210]\n Clone At X: [1933] Y: [275]\n Clone At X: [2487] Y: [10]\n else\n Clone At X: [-62] Y: [-50]\n Clone At X: [219] Y: [120]\n Clone At X: [377] Y: [-10]\n Clone At X: [571] Y: [-50]\n Clone At X: [728] Y: [-50]\n Clone At X: [893] Y: [-50]\n Clone At X: [1242] Y: [90]\n Clone At X: [1771] Y: [120]\n Clone At X: [2177] Y: [-30]\n Clone At X: [2418] Y: [-30]\n Clone At X: [2612] Y: [300]\n Clone At X: [2723] Y: [-10]\n Clone At X: [2973] Y: [39]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nchange [sine v] by (0.1)\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) (((y) + ((6) * ([sin v] of (((x) + (SINE)) * (10)) ))) - (SCROLL Y))\nCounter\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [collected v] by (1)\n if <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (Open Portal v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nCounter\nshow variable [counter collect v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [counter collect v]\n\nset [exit v] to [WIN]\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (2.4) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (-60)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nset [rotation v] to [-10]\nrepeat (70)\n change [ghost v] effect by (rotation)\n change [rotation v] by (-1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (99999) layers\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [4]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nstart sound [Never Mind v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (-90)\nset size to (300) %\nset [sine v] to [30]\nrepeat (40)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (1))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) * (0.18)) degrees\nend\nset [glide v] to [7]\nrepeat (20)\n change y by ((glide) - (1))\n change [glide v] by (-0.34)\nend\nwait (5.8) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n clear graphic effects\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (bg v)\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n id 2\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n id 3\n else\n id 4\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine id 2\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (dot2 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (7) seconds\nshow\nset size to (0.5) %\nset [vel v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nrepeat (50)\n switch costume to (dot2 v)\n change [vel v] by ((size) / (50))\n change size by (vel)\n switch costume to (dot v)\nend\nbroadcast (Intro Done v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\ndefine id 3\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (dot2 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (7.2) seconds\nshow\nset size to (0.5) %\nset [vel v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nrepeat (50)\n switch costume to (dot2 v)\n change [vel v] by ((size) / (50))\n change size by (vel)\n switch costume to (smaller dot v)\nend\n\ndefine id 4\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (dot2 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (7.4) seconds\nshow\nset size to (0.5) %\nset [vel v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nrepeat (50)\n switch costume to (dot2 v)\n change [vel v] by ((size) / (50))\n change size by (vel)\n switch costume to (crazy dot v)\n turn left (1) degrees\nend\n\n@Bouncy\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (7) layers\n\n@Gears\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n turn right (3.5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n set size to (90) %\nelse\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone x: [936] y: [-110]\n Clone x: [1111] y: [-110]\n Clone x: [2257] y: [-105]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Clone x: [840] y: [50]\n Clone x: [2759] y: [200]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Clone x: [650] y: [-100]\n Clone x: [2800] y: [260]\n end\n end\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nClone x: [2470] y: [70]\n\n@Right\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (45)\n go [backward v] (99) layers\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nset [exit v] to [WIN]\n\n@Music Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nset [deaf v] to [0]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n change size by (((75) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (0.8) seconds\nset volume to (50) %\nforever\n if <(deaf) = [1]> then\n play sound [SpongeBob v] until done\n else\n play sound [Snowy v] until done\n play sound [Popsicle v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(volume) = [50]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set volume to (0) %\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set volume to (50) %\nend\n\n@Jump Rings\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset size to (90) %\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Clone x: [-30] y: [20]\n Clone x: [260] y: [120]\n Clone x: [390] y: [100]\n Clone x: [1081] y: [-30]\n Clone x: [2360] y: [50]\n Clone x: [2296] y: [205]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Clone x: [-200] y: [5]\n Clone x: [1100] y: [-30]\n Clone x: [1896] y: [50]\n Clone x: [2021] y: [33]\n Clone x: [2417] y: [15]\n Clone x: [2560] y: [180]\n Clone x: [2828] y: [1]\n end\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\n@Pike\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n repeat (35)\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n repeat (35)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n set size to (90) %\nelse\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Clone x: [498] y: [-100]\n Clone x: [803] y: [-100]\n Clone x: [1609] y: [30]\n Clone x: [2557] y: [10]\n Clone x: [2669] y: [-110]\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nset [exit v] to [WIN]\n\n
Here is a studio with some projects that use this engine:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1298154/\nIf you put your link in the comments I will add it. :)\n\n\n--If this project can get 200 loves I will upload my new platformer!\nNew platformer for 200 loves:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/113470618/
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Minecraft v] until done\nend\n\n@ぷれ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-198) y: (101)\nset size to (80) %\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (うhb v)?> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (101)\n broadcast (次へ v)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1.75)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1.75)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.8))\n change x by (x)\n if then\n change y by (1)\n if then\n change y by (1)\n if then\n change y by (1)\n if then\n change y by (1)\n if then\n change y by (1)\n if then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-20]\n else\n set [x v] to [20]\n end\n set [y v] to [14.5]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if < and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>>> then\n start sound [ジャンプ v]\n change [y v] by (16)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (ひだり v)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n if then\n go to x: (-198) y: (101)\n set [★ v] to [0]\n set [★ v] to [0]\n end\n if <(あいう) = [0]> then\n if <touching (え v)?> then\n change [hp v] by (-1)\n change [y v] by (15)\n change [x v] by (-10)\n end\n end\n if <[1] > (HP)> then\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\n@ステージ\n\nwhen I receive [次へ v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\n@うhb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@当rfwrf\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@え\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [5]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [6]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [8]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [9]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [11]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [12]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム7 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [13]> then\n show\n switch costume to (コスチューム8 v)\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [14]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (179) y: (112)\nset size to (70) %\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [a v] by (5)\n change size by (([cos v] of (A) ) * (0.5))\nend\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [タイム v] to [0]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ステージ v]) = [14]> then\n change [タイム v] by (0)\n else\n wait (1) seconds\n change [タイム v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@HP\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [hp v] to [20]\nforever\n switch costume to ((HP) + (1))\nend\n\n@拡散もしてほしい\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [あいう v] to [0]\nhide\nset [★ v] to [0]\nset [♥ v] to [0]\nset [どっち v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [どっち v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(♥) = [1]> and <(★) = [1]>>\nset [あいう v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(どっち) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [♥ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [♥? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [♥ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(どっち) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [★ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [星? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [★ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <<(♥) = [1]> and <(★) = [1]>>\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\n show\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (pick random (1) to (10)) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (-150)\n hide\n wait (pick random (1) to (10)) seconds\nend\nhide\n\n
Welcome to the Factory! :)\n\n\nIf your computer is slow, it could LAG or GLITCH! \nCan you beat MY time of: 0:59? Good Luck!\n\n\nCredits: \nHelpers: @StratfordJames & @the_bee_1234 @i_am_very_silly\nMusic - Popsicle by @-Xaf-\nMusic - Force by Alan Walker\nInspiration for Cloud Multiplayer: @StratfordJames\nTheme/Art Inspiration: @krishtheking123 \n@griffpatch for his EPIC tutorials! \n@TimMcCool for the ❤️ /⭐️ detector! \n\nFixes/Updates:\nFixed glitch where more than 10 people could play.. but they would flash in/out. \nFixed time Glitch. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you are reading this, comment some features/skins I can add into the next project! :D \n( Since this was my first try of Multiplayer, I didn't add too many features... YET! )
home 2 (a platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(username) = [stratfordjames]> then\n set [coins v] to [500]\nelse\n set [coins v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen [n v] key pressed\nset [names v] to ((1) - (names))\n\n@Blank\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Xaf - Nebula v] until done\nend\n\n@Graphics\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclone\n\ndefine clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [@offset_x v] to [-230]\nset [@offset_y v] to [-80]\nhide\nswitch costume to (2a v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (2a2 v)\nClone [400] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2b v)\nClone [350] [100]\nswitch costume to (2c v)\nClone [740] [195]\nswitch costume to (2d v)\nClone [480] [-150]\nswitch costume to (2e v)\nClone [500] [200]\nswitch costume to (2f v)\nClone [450] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2g v)\nClone [560] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2h v)\nClone [500] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2j v)\nClone [760] [100]\nswitch costume to (2l v)\nClone [480] [0]\nswitch costume to (2k v)\nClone [170] [400]\nswitch costume to (2m v)\nClone [-600] [300]\nswitch costume to (2n v)\nClone [-600] [200]\nswitch costume to (2p v)\nClone [-640] [0]\nswitch costume to (2q v)\nClone [-670] [200]\nswitch costume to (2r v)\nClone [-670] [-300]\nswitch costume to (2s v)\nClone [-600] [100]\nswitch costume to (2t v)\nClone [-60] [450]\nswitch costume to (2u v)\nClone [700] [300]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offsetx) + ((0) - (SCROLL X)))) (round ((@offsety) + ((0) - (SCROLL Y))))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offsetx v] by (x)\nchange [@offsety v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nGo to (round ((@offsetx) + ((0) - (SCROLL X)))) (round ((@offsety) + ((0) - (SCROLL Y))))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclone\n\ndefine clone\nset [@offsetx v] to [-230]\nset [@offsety v] to [-80]\nhide\nswitch costume to (2a v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (2a2 v)\nClone [400] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2b v)\nClone [350] [100]\nswitch costume to (2c v)\nClone [740] [195]\nswitch costume to (2d v)\nClone [480] [-150]\nswitch costume to (2e v)\nClone [500] [200]\nswitch costume to (2f v)\nClone [450] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2g v)\nClone [560] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2h v)\nClone [500] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2j v)\nClone [760] [100]\nswitch costume to (2l v)\nClone [480] [0]\nswitch costume to (2k v)\nClone [170] [400]\nswitch costume to (2n v)\nClone [-1200] [500]\nswitch costume to (2p v)\nClone [-640] [0]\nswitch costume to (2q v)\nClone [-670] [200]\nswitch costume to (2r v)\nClone [-670] [-300]\nswitch costume to (2s v)\nClone [-600] [100]\nswitch costume to (2t v)\nClone [-60] [450]\nswitch costume to (2u v)\nClone [700] [150]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\n@Hidden\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [sign]> then\n go to (player v)\nelse\n Go to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\nend\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\nset [@collected? v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [sign]> then\n set size to (72) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n show\n repeat until <(size) > [89]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n set size to (90) %\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <(size) < [73]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (((size) - (95)) / (7))\n end\n broadcast (exp v)\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n set size to (100) %\n set [@collected? v] to [0]\n show\n Go to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n check (costume [name v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset [exp v] to [0]\nset [@offset_x v] to [1950]\nset [@offset_y v] to [60]\nhide\nswitch costume to (c1 v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (n1 v)\nClone [2010] [855]\nswitch costume to (r1 v)\nClone [-1980] [-100]\nswitch costume to (t1 v)\nClone [670] [300]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\ndefine check (i)\nswitch costume to (join (letter (1) of (i)) [0])\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (16)\n if <(@collected?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (sign v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [@collected? v] to [1]\n change [exp v] by (10)\n end\nelse\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nswitch costume to (i)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [sign]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@Jump_through\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) (round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y)))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) (round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y)))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [@offset_x v] to [950]\nset [@offset_y v] to [60]\nhide\nswitch costume to (2c v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (2d v)\nClone [1000] [0]\nswitch costume to (2j v)\nClone [1000] [300]\nswitch costume to (2k v)\nClone [1800] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2l v)\nClone [200] [300]\nswitch costume to (2m v)\nClone [-680] [200]\nswitch costume to (2n v)\nClone [-640] [100]\nswitch costume to (2q v)\nClone [-1600] [115]\nswitch costume to (2t v)\nClone [-660] [300]\nswitch costume to (2u v)\nClone [550] [300]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (80) %\nshow\nset [time v] to [0]\nreset\nbroadcast (setup v) and wait\nbroadcast (start! v)\nforever\n Physics\n broadcast (Tick v)\nend\n\ndefine reset\nswitch costume to (3a v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [scroll x v] to [-384]\nset [scroll y v] to [-23]\nset [offset x v] to [-384]\nset [offset y v] to [-10]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\ndefine Physics\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n change player x by (round ((XV) / (1.8)))\n if <<(click2) = [0]> and <<<(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))> and <<mouse down?> and <[0] = (clickShop)>>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [xv v] by (2)\n else\n if <(slope) = [1]> then\n change [xv v] by (3.3)\n change [offset y v] by (1)\n else\n if <(slope) = [4]> then\n change [offset y v] by (-4)\n change [xv v] by (4)\n else\n change [xv v] by (3.6)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse x) < ((x position) + (-20))> and <<mouse down?> and <[0] = (clickShop)>>>> and <(click2) = [0]>> then\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [xv v] by (-2)\n else\n if <(slope) = [1]> then\n change [xv v] by (-3.3)\n change [offset y v] by (1)\n else\n if <(slope) = [4]> then\n change [xv v] by (-4)\n change [offset y v] by (-4)\n else\n change [xv v] by (-3.6)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(click2) = [0]> and <<<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <<mouse down?> and <[0] = (clickShop)>>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n if <(water) > [5]> then\n set [yv v] to [14.4]\n end\n else\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [yv v] to [13.4]\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (water v)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (2)\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n Slope\n if <<<(PARACHUTE) = [1]> and <(YV) < [-5]>> and <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [-5]\n else\n if <(YV) < [-10]> then\n set [yv v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n if <(Offset X) < [-452]> then\n set [offset x v] to [-452]\n end\n change player y by (YV)\n Position\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((Offset X) - (SCROLL X)) / (9)))\n change [scroll y v] by ((round (((Offset Y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (13))) + (2))\n position\n set [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.7))\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n set [yv v] to ((YV) * (0.5))\n change [water v] by (1)\n else\n set [water v] to [0]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine change player x by (sx)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [offset x v] by ((sx) * (1.1))\nposition\nif <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [offset y v] by (0.5)\n position\n if <not <touching (hitbox v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [offset y v] by (-5)\n repeat until <not <touching (hitbox v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [offset x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [offset x v] by (1)\n end\n position\n end\nend\nSet Costume\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: (round ((Offset X) - (SCROLL X))) y: ((Offset Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine change player y by (sy)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [offset y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nposition\nrepeat until <not <touching (hitbox v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [offset y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [offset y v] by (1)\n if <<<not <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))> and <mouse down?>>> and <not <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n end\n position\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nswitch costume to (hitboxjumpth v)\nrepeat until <not <touching (jump_through v)?>>\n switch costume to (hitboxjumpth v)\n position\n if <(YV) > [0]> then\n Set Costume\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [offset y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [offset y v] by (1)\n if <<<not <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))> and <mouse down?>>> and <not <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n end\n position\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nSet Costume\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <not <(chat item) = [0]>> then\n say (item (chat item) of [chat list v])\nelse\n say []\nend\n\nwhen [c v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [stratfordjames]> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [small_bounce v]\nchange [offset y v] by (12)\nset [yv v] to [14]\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nchange [lives v] by (-1)\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n repeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (50)\n end\n wait (0.2) seconds\n repeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-50)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Slope\nswitch costume to (l v)\nif <<touching (hitbox v)?> and <(XV) < [-0.01]>> then\n set [slope v] to [1]\nelse\n switch costume to (r v)\n if <<touching (hitbox v)?> and <(XV) > [0.01]>> then\n set [slope v] to [1]\n else\n switch costume to (left2 v)\n if <<touching (hitbox v)?> and <(XV) > [0.01]>> then\n switch costume to (right3 v)\n if <not <touching (hitbox v)?>> then\n set [slope v] to [4]\n else\n set [slope v] to [0]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (right2 v)\n if <<touching (hitbox v)?> and <(XV) < [-0.01]>> then\n switch costume to (left3 v)\n if <not <touching (hitbox v)?>> then\n set [slope v] to [4]\n else\n set [slope v] to [0]\n end\n else\n set [slope v] to [0]\n end\n end\n Set Costume\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [20]>>>> then\n switch costume to (2a v)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (4a v)\n end\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-20]>>>> then\n switch costume to (1a v)\n if <<<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (5a v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (3a v)\n if <<<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (6a v)\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<(YV) < [-1.5]> and <<(PARACHUTE) = [1]> and <(water) < [3]>>> and <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (costume [name v])) [b])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [y_shake v] to [0]\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n wait (5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [y_shake v] to [12]\nwait (0.06) seconds\nset [y_shake v] to [-12]\nwait (0.06) seconds\nset [y_shake v] to [6]\nwait (0.06) seconds\nset [y_shake v] to [-4]\nwait (0.06) seconds\nset [y_shake v] to [2]\nwait (0.06) seconds\nset [y_shake v] to [-1]\nwait (0.06) seconds\nset [y_shake v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [boucne v]\nchange [offset y v] by (18)\nset [yv v] to [21]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset [open chat v] to ((1) - (open chat))\nif <(open chat) = [1]> then\n ask [Which item of chat?] and wait\n if << [ghjvbn] contains (answer)?> or <<(answer) > [0]> and <(answer) < [10]>>> then\n broadcast (mobile v)\n if << [ghjvbn] contains (answer)?> and <not <(answer) = []>>> then\n if <(EmojiCHAT?) = [1]> then\n if <(answer) = [g]> then\n set [chat item v] to [10]\n else\n if <(answer) = [h]> then\n set [chat item v] to [11]\n else\n if <(answer) = [j]> then\n set [chat item v] to [12]\n else\n if <(answer) = [v]> then\n set [chat item v] to [13]\n else\n if <(answer) = [b]> then\n set [chat item v] to [14]\n else\n set [chat item v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [chat item v] to (answer)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [stratfordjames]> then\n switch costume to (3a v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [scroll x v] to [1296]\n set [scroll y v] to [1212]\n set [offset x v] to [1296]\n set [offset y v] to [1212]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nreset\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nstart sound [Roblox Death Sound - OOF Sound Effect v]\n\nwhen I receive [small_bounce v]\nstart sound [Mario Jump - Gaming Sound Effect \(HD\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [afk v]\nstart sound [Ding Sound Effect v]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (00) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.3)\nif <not <([exit v] of [alertsui v]) = [null]>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\n@multiplayer v3.0\n\ndefine decode (i)\nset [c1 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(c1) > (length of (i))>\n set [output v] to []\n repeat until <(join (letter (c1) of (i)) (letter ((c1) + (1)) of (i))) < [1]>\n switch costume to ((join (letter (c1) of (i)) (letter ((c1) + (1)) of (i))) - (9))\n set [output v] to (join (output) (letter (1) of (costume [name v])))\n change [c1 v] by (2)\n end\n add (output) to [cloud_data v]\n change [c1 v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine encode (i)\nset [c1 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(c1) > (length of (i))>\n switch costume to (join (letter (c1) of (i)) [x])\n set [output v] to (join (output) ((costume [number v]) + (9)))\n change [c1 v] by (1)\nend\nset [output v] to (join (output) [00])\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nsetup\nwait until <(w_Tick) > [3]>\nwait (0.1) seconds\ndetermine_ID\nbroadcast (cloud_players v)\n\ndefine setup\nset [@c v] to [0]\nset [playerid v] to [null]\nset [w_tick v] to [0]\ndelete all of [active_tick v]\ndelete all of [cloud_data v]\ndelete all of [active_check v]\ndelete all of [last_val v]\nset [names v] to [0]\nset [active check v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n add [4] to [active_tick v]\n add [null] to [active_check v]\n add [9999] to [last_val v]\nend\nimport_clouddata\nbroadcast (cloud_start v)\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_start v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n process [0]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n process [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine process (i)\nif <(i) = [0]> then\n set [c1 v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [c1 v] by (1)\n replace item (c1) of [last_val v] with (item (((c1) * (6)) - (3)) of [cloud_data v])\n end\nelse\n set [c1 v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [c1 v] by (1)\n if <(item (((c1) * (6)) - (3)) of [cloud_data v]) = (item (c1) of [last_val v])> then\n if <(item (c1) of [active_tick v]) < [4]> then\n replace item (c1) of [active_tick v] with ((item (c1) of [active_tick v]) + (1))\n end\n else\n replace item (c1) of [active_tick v] with [0]\n end\n replace item (c1) of [active_check v] with ((1) - <(item (c1) of [active_tick v]) = [4]>)\n end\n if <(w_Tick) < [4]> then\n change [w_tick v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_start v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n broadcast (cloud_tick v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine export_clouddata\nset [output v] to []\nencode (round ((SCROLL X) + ([x position v] of [player v])))\nencode (round ((SCROLL Y) + ([y position v] of [player v])))\nencode (pick random (1000) to (9999))\nencode (username)\nencode (chat item)\nencode ([costume name v] of [player v])\nif <(playerID) = [1]> then\n set [☁ cloud1 v] to (output)\nelse\n if <(playerID) = [2]> then\n set [☁ cloud2 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [3]> then\n set [☁ cloud3 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [4]> then\n set [☁ cloud4 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [5]> then\n set [☁ cloud5 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [6]> then\n set [☁ cloud6 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [7]> then\n set [☁ cloud7 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [8]> then\n set [☁ cloud8 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [9]> then\n set [☁ cloud9 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [10]> then\n set [☁ cloud10 v] to (output)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine import_clouddata\ndelete all of [cloud_data v]\ndecode (☁ Cloud1)\ndecode (☁ Cloud2)\ndecode (☁ Cloud3)\ndecode (☁ Cloud4)\ndecode (☁ Cloud5)\ndecode (☁ Cloud6)\ndecode (☁ Cloud7)\ndecode (☁ Cloud8)\ndecode (☁ Cloud9)\ndecode (☁ Cloud10)\nset [active check v] to [0]\nset [c1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [c1 v] by (1)\n if <(item (c1) of [active_check v]) = [1]> then\n change [active check v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine determine_ID\nset [c1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [c1 v] by (1)\n if (item (c1) of [active_check v]) then\nend\nset [playerid v] to [full]\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n forever\n check\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n export_clouddata\n end\nend\n\ndefine check\nif <<(username) = (item (((playerID) * (6)) - (2)) of [cloud_data v])> or <<(playerID) = [null]> or <<(playerID) = [full]> or <(playerID) = [error]>>>> then\nif <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [tick_afk v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_start v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n import_clouddata\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [localfade v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [@c v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (80)\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) < [1]>\n change y by (((-2) - (y position)) / (9))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(w_Tick) > [3]>\nwait (0.6) seconds\nif <(playerID) = [error]> then\nelse\n if <(playerID) = [full]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (full v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-12)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (connected v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-12)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_tick v]\nif <(@c) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_error v]\nif <(@c) = [1]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (error v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-12)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [tick_afk v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [tick_afk v] by (1)\n if <(tick_afk) > [60]> then\n if <<(playerID) = [full]> or <(playerID) = [error]>> then\n end\nend\n\n@Collectibles\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((offsetx) - (SCROLL X))) ((Y_SHAKE) + ((round ((offsety) - (SCROLL Y))) + (y_chagne \(local\))))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\ngo to x: (999999) y: (999999)\nchange [offsetx v] by (x)\nchange [offsety v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [y_chagne \(local\) v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(costume [name v]) = [star]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n set [click2 v] to [1]\n repeat until <(direction) > [130]>\n turn right (((direction) - (85)) / (5)) degrees\n change size by (((177) - (size)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [180]>\n turn right (((195) - (direction)) / (6)) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\n change size by (((200) - (size)) / (8))\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n broadcast (WIN!! v)\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n change size by (((10) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n if <(costume [name v]) = [coin]> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n change [lives v] by (1)\n end\n end\n set size to (110) %\n switch costume to (+1 v)\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (6))\n if <(y_chagne \(local\)) > [15]> then\n change [y_chagne \(local\) v] by (((25.5) - (y_chagne \(local\))) / (6))\n else\n change [y_chagne \(local\) v] by (2)\n end\n end\n repeat until <(y_chagne \(local\)) > [28]>\n if <(y_chagne \(local\)) > [15]> then\n change [y_chagne \(local\) v] by (((28.5) - (y_chagne \(local\))) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n else\n change [y_chagne \(local\) v] by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6)\n end\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [loot x v] to [none]\nset [loot y v] to [none]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine clone\nset [offsetx v] to [-284]\nset [offsety v] to [24]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (coin v)\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [545]\nset [offsety v] to [-66]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [33] [19]\nClone [33] [19]\nClone [33] [19]\nset [offsetx v] to [1414]\nset [offsety v] to [134]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [35] [0]\nClone [35] [0]\nClone [61] [-53]\nClone [35] [0]\nClone [35] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [1946]\nset [offsety v] to [50]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [34] [-34]\nClone [0] [34]\nset [offsetx v] to [2074]\nset [offsety v] to [331]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [2712]\nset [offsety v] to [258]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [3029]\nset [offsety v] to [267]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [68] [0]\nswitch costume to (heart v)\nClone [-34] [0]\nswitch costume to (coin v)\nset [offsetx v] to [3845]\nset [offsety v] to [128]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [4514]\nset [offsety v] to [178]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [5271]\nset [offsety v] to [357]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [0] [34]\nset [offsetx v] to [4657]\nset [offsety v] to [715]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [-34] [0]\nClone [0] [-34]\nset [offsetx v] to [3927]\nset [offsety v] to [755]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [-55] [-5]\nClone [-38] [0]\nClone [0] [38]\nClone [38] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [3684]\nset [offsety v] to [925]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [35] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [3046]\nset [offsety v] to [1150]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [-34] [0]\nClone [0] [-34]\nClone [0] [68]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [2583]\nset [offsety v] to [1288]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [-27] [-21]\nClone [-27] [-21]\nClone [-27] [-21]\nset [offsetx v] to [2120]\nset [offsety v] to [828]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [-34] [0]\nClone [-34] [0]\nClone [0] [-34]\nset [offsetx v] to [1660]\nset [offsety v] to [1520]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [4255]\nset [offsety v] to [698]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nClone [34] [0]\nset [offsetx v] to [2126]\nset [offsety v] to [1007]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [29] [19]\nClone [29] [19]\nClone [29] [19]\nset [offsetx v] to [1350]\nset [offsety v] to [1205]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [0] [34]\nClone [-34] [0]\nClone [0] [-34]\nClone [0] [-34]\nset [offsetx v] to [2820]\nset [offsety v] to [1091]\nClone [0] [0]\nClone [0] [35]\nClone [0] [35]\nClone [-35] [0]\nClone [-35] [0]\nClone [0] [-35]\nClone [0] [-35]\nClone [35] [0]\nswitch costume to (star v)\nset [offsetx v] to [2197]\nset [offsety v] to [1652]\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset [offsetx v] to [null]\n\nwhen I receive [loot v]\nif <(offsetx) = [null]> then\n set [offsetx v] to (loot x)\n set [offsety v] to (loot y)\n wait (0.4) seconds\n switch costume to (coin v)\n Clone [0] [15]\n Clone [0] [34]\n Clone [0] [34]\n switch costume to (blank v)\n set [offsetx v] to [null]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [loot x v] to [none]\nend\n\n@Water\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [offsetx v] to [2300]\nset [offsety v] to [-85]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (1)\n switch costume to (2a v)\n repeat (5)\n Clone [550] [0]\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round (((offsetx) - (SCROLL X)) + ((((days since 2000) * (70000)) * (70)) mod (550)))) ((Y_SHAKE) + (round ((offsety) - (SCROLL Y))))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [offsetx v] by (x)\nchange [offsety v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nGo to (round ((offsetx) - (SCROLL X))) ((Y_SHAKE) + (round ((offsety) - (SCROLL Y))))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> and <(SCROLL X) > [3200]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@parallax\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (((((@ID) * (480)) - ((SCROLL X) / (6))) mod (960)) - (480)) (Y_SHAKE)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [@id v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (item0 v)\nhide\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [-1]\nswitch costume to (item1 v)\n\n@USER_INTERFACE\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSETUP\nforever\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <(openmenu?) = [0]>> then\n set [clickshop v] to [1]\n repeat (7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (15)\n end\n set [clickshop v] to [0]\n set [shop_ghost v] to [100]\n switch costume to (shop v)\n set [y_shop v] to [-105]\n set [openmenu? v] to [1]\n repeat until <(y_shop) > [-1]>\n change [y_shop v] by (((4) - (y_shop)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <(shop_ghost) > [9]> then\n change [shop_ghost v] by (-10)\n end\n end\n repeat until <(close#) = [1]>\n switch costume to (b1 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (shopb v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [close# v] to [1]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (shop v)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [clickshop v] to [1]\n else\n set [clickshop v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [openmenu? v] to [0]\n set [close# v] to [0]\n repeat until <(y_shop) < [-99]>\n change [y_shop v] by (((y_shop) - (21)) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8.5)\n if <(shop_ghost) < [91]> then\n change [shop_ghost v] by (10)\n end\n if <(y_shop) < [-30]> then\n set [clickshop v] to [0]\n end\n end\n switch costume to (button v)\n set [y_shop v] to [0]\n repeat (7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-15)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nif <(costume [name v]) = [coins]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nelse\n if <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [v]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n forever\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (coins)) [a])\n else\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (2) of (coins)) [a])\n if <(letter (1) of (coins)) = [1]> then\n set x to (202)\n else\n set x to (205)\n end\n else\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (3) of (coins)) [a])\n if <<(letter (2) of (coins)) = [1]> or <(letter (1) of (coins)) = [1]>> then\n if <<(letter (1) of (coins)) = [1]> and <(letter (2) of (coins)) = [1]>> then\n set x to (214)\n else\n set x to (217)\n end\n else\n set x to (220)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n forever\n if <(win) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n else\n if <(@clone) > (lives)> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [d]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n if <(letter (2) of (@clone)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (c1 v)\n forever\n set [ghost v] effect to (shop_ghost)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n if <<(coins) > [19]> and <(mousewait) = [0]>> then\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n change [lives v] by (1)\n set [mousewait v] to [1]\n broadcast (purch v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (2) of (@clone)) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (c2 v)\n forever\n set [ghost v] effect to (shop_ghost)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n if <<<(coins) > [29]> and <(mousewait) = [0]>> and <(EmojiCHAT?) = [0]>> then\n change [coins v] by (-30)\n set [emojichat? v] to [1]\n set [mousewait v] to [1]\n broadcast (purch v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n switch costume to (c2a v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(letter (2) of (@clone)) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (c3 v)\n forever\n set [ghost v] effect to (shop_ghost)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n if <<<(PARACHUTE) = [0]> and <(mousewait) = [0]>> and <(coins) > [39]>> then\n change [coins v] by (-40)\n set [parachute v] to [1]\n set [mousewait v] to [1]\n broadcast (purch v)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n switch costume to (c3a v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(@clone) = [shop]> then\n set y to (y_shop)\n if <not <mouse down?>> then\n set [mousewait v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [coins]> or <(costume [name v]) = [heart]>> then\n set y to (Y_SHAKE)\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [v]> then\n set y to ((Y_SHAKE) + (147))\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [d]> then\n set y to (y_shop)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nshow\nif <<<(costume [name v]) = [coins]> or <(@clone) = [shop]>> or <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [v]>> then\n repeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine SETUP\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset [lives v] to [2]\nset [@clone v] to [1]\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (heart v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [@clone v] by (1)\n change x by (35)\nend\nswitch costume to (coins v)\nset [@clone v] to [coins]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [openmenu? v] to [0]\nset size to (35) %\nswitch costume to (3a v)\ngo to x: (190) y: (147)\nset [@clone v] to [val1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [@clone v] to (join [val] ((letter (4) of (@clone)) + (1)))\n change x by (15)\nend\nset [@clone v] to [d1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [@clone v] to (join [d] ((letter (2) of (@clone)) + (1)))\nend\nswitch costume to (button v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nset [close# v] to [0]\nset [@clone v] to [shop]\nset [clickshop v] to [0]\nset [mousewait v] to [0]\nset [emojichat? v] to [0]\nset [parachute v] to [0]\nset [shop_ghost v] to [100]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [v]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\n@@PLAYERS\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset [@id v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n if <(@ID) = (playerID)> then\n change [@id v] by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (3a v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nsay []\nset rotation style [all around v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [names v] to [0]\n\ndefine @Position XY (@player)\nif <(costume [name v]) = [blank]> then\n hide\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [arrow]> then\n move ((0) - (d)) steps\n end\n change x by (((((item (((@player) * (6)) - (5)) of [cloud_data v]) + (([x position v] of [player v]) * (-0.25))) - (SCROLL X)) - (x position)) / (2.5555555))\n change y by (((((item (((@player) * (6)) - (4)) of [cloud_data v]) + (((-28) - ([y position v] of [player v])) * (0.12))) - (SCROLL Y)) - (y position)) / (2.5555555))\n go to x: (round (x position)) y: (round (y position))\n switch costume to (join (item ((@player) * (6)) of [cloud_data v]) [a])\n show\n if <<<(x position) < [-250]> or <(x position) > [250]>> or <<(y position) < [-190]> or <(y position) > [190]>>> then\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n point in direction (([atan v] of ((x position) / (y position)) ) + (<not <[0] > (y position)>> * (180)))\n set [d v] to ((32) + ((([abs v] of (x position) ) / (20)) + (([abs v] of (y position) ) / (25))))\n move (d) steps\n else\n if <<<(x position) > [-250]> and <(x position) < [250]>> and <<(y position) < [190]> and <(y position) > [-190]>>> then\n switch costume to (item ((@player) * (6)) of [cloud_data v])\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n if <(item (@player) of [active_check v]) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n if <<(item (((@player) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) > [9]> or <(item (((@player) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) = [0]>> then\n if <<(names) = [1]> or <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n say (item (((@player) * (6)) - (2)) of [cloud_data v])\n else\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [arrow]>> then\n say (item (((@player) * (6)) - (2)) of [cloud_data v])\n else\n say []\n end\n end\n else\n say (item (item (((@player) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) of [chat list v])\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n say []\n end\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_tick v]\n@Position XY (@ID)\n\n@EMOJI\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nset [@id v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [@id v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (20) %\nshow\nsay []\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n repeat until <<<(item (((@ID) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) < [16]> and <(item (((@ID) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) > [9]>> and <(item (@ID) of [active_check v]) = [1]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change size by (((20) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n switch costume to (join [emoji] (item (((@ID) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]))\n repeat until <<not <(costume [name v]) = (join [emoji] (item (((@ID) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]))>> or <(item (@ID) of [active_check v]) = [0]>>\n set [bvel v] to ((((100) - (size)) / (7)) + ((bvel) * (0.75)))\n change size by (bvel)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n repeat until <(size) < [25]>\n change size by (((20) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine @Position XY (@player)\nif <(@player) = (playerID)> then\n go to (player v)\n change y by (35)\nelse\n change x by (((((item (((@player) * (6)) - (5)) of [cloud_data v]) + (([x position v] of [player v]) * (-0.25))) - (SCROLL X)) - (x position)) / (2.5555555555555556))\n change y by ((15) + (((((item (((@player) * (6)) - (4)) of [cloud_data v]) + (((-28) - ([y position v] of [player v])) * (0.12))) - (SCROLL Y)) - (y position)) / (2.5555555555555555555)))\n go to x: (round (x position)) y: (round (y position))\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_tick v]\n@Position XY (@ID)\n\n@Enemies\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [bounce???? v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine CLONE @ (x) (y) (type) (change)\nswitch costume to (type)\nset [@change v] to (change)\nset [@offsetx v] to (x)\nset [@offsety v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGO_TO (((@offsetx) - (SCROLL X)) + (@Change_OFFSET)) ((Y_SHAKE) + ((@offsety) - (SCROLL Y)))\n\ndefine GO_TO (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<([abs v] of (x position) ) < [240]> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [180]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (30) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [red1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <<([y position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <([yv v] of [player v]) < [-1]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (small_bounce v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n set [loot x v] to (round ((@offsetx) + (@Change_OFFSET)))\n set [loot y v] to (round (@offsety))\n broadcast (loot v)\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (die v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [bot1]> then\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <<([y position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <([yv v] of [player v]) < [-1]>> then\n broadcast (boucne v)\n switch costume to (bot1 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n wait (0.02) seconds\n repeat (4)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [y1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <<([y position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <([yv v] of [player v]) < [-1]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (small_bounce v)\n switch costume to (y1 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n set [loot x v] to (round ((@offsetx) + (@Change_OFFSET)))\n set [loot y v] to (round (@offsety))\n broadcast (loot v)\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (die v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [red1]> then\n forever\n if <<<([abs v] of ((y position) - ([y position v] of [player v])) ) < [30]> and <<(([x position v] of [player v]) + (80)) > ((x position) - (@Change_OFFSET))> and <(([x position v] of [player v]) - (80)) < (((x position) - (@Change_OFFSET)) + (@Change))>>> and <<<(direction) = [90]> and <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)>> or <<(direction) = [-90]> and <([x position v] of [player v]) < (x position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (red1 v)\n repeat (6)\n next costume\n end\n wait (0.01) seconds\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nCLONE @ [2565] [24] [bot1] [81]\nCLONE @ [60] [-86] [red1] [120]\nCLONE @ [2872] [1081] [bot1] [81]\nCLONE @ [1341] [949] [bot1] [81]\nCLONE @ [3514] [68] [red1] [100]\nCLONE @ [4675] [667] [red1] [90]\nCLONE @ [2680] [1310] [y1] [100]\nCLONE @ [1857] [956] [red1] [82]\nCLONE @ [2203] [228] [y1] [63]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [@change_offset v] to [0]\n point in direction (90)\n repeat until <((@Change_OFFSET) + (1)) > (@Change)>\n if <<<<([abs v] of ((y position) - ([y position v] of [player v])) ) < [30]> and <<(([x position v] of [player v]) + (80)) > ((x position) - (@Change_OFFSET))> and <(([x position v] of [player v]) - (80)) < (((x position) - (@Change_OFFSET)) + (@Change))>>> and < (costume [name v]) contains [red]?>> and <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)>> then\n change [@change_offset v] by (3)\n else\n change [@change_offset v] by (1.5)\n end\n end\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat until <(@Change_OFFSET) < [1]>\n if <<<<([abs v] of ((y position) - ([y position v] of [player v])) ) < [30]> and <<(([x position v] of [player v]) + (80)) > ((x position) - (@Change_OFFSET))> and <(([x position v] of [player v]) - (80)) < (((x position) - (@Change_OFFSET)) + (@Change))>>> and < (costume [name v]) contains [red]?>> and <([x position v] of [player v]) < (x position)>> then\n change [@change_offset v] by (-3)\n else\n change [@change_offset v] by (-1.5)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@AlertsUI\n\nwhen I receive [afk v]\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (timeout v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [exit v] to [null]\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nset [win v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (win screen v)\nrepeat until <(size) < [101]>\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (7))\n switch costume to (win screen v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n set x to (((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * ((size) - (100))) * (0.75))\n set y to (((((pick random (0) to (1)) * (2)) - (1)) * ((size) - (100))) * (0.75))\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndraw (round (TIME)) [1]\ndraw (join (exp) (join [/] [40])) [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [@id v] to [button]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nhide variable [time v]\nwait until <<mouse down?> or <key (any v) pressed?>>\nrepeat until <(stop the time) = [1]>\n change [time v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\ndefine draw (i) (c)\nclear graphic effects\nif <(c) = [1]> then\n go to x: ((2) - (((length of (i)) + (5)) * (5.5))) y: (-54)\n set size to (80) %\n set [@id v] to [null]\n switch costume to (time v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (50)\n change y by (3)\nelse\n if <(i) = [0/40]> then\n go to x: (16) y: (-76)\n else\n go to x: (20) y: (-76)\n end\n set size to (100) %\n set [@id v] to [null]\n switch costume to (exp v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(i) = [0/40]> then\n change x by (-53)\n change y by (3)\n else\n change x by (-63)\n change y by (3)\n end\nend\nset size to (27) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (20)\nset [c_! v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (i))\n switch costume to (join (letter (c_!) of (i)) [a])\n set [@id v] to [null]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [c_! v] by (1)\n if <<(costume [name v]) = [/a]> or <(costume [name v]) = [1a]>> then\n change x by (9)\n else\n change x by (12)\n end\nend\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (win screen v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(@id) = [null]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nelse\n if <(@id) = [button]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (continue00 v)\n show\n set size to (80) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat until <(size) > [99]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((102) - (size)) / (7))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (c1 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (continue10 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [win v] to [0]\n broadcast (hide v)\n set [click2 v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (c2 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (continue01 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n switch costume to (continue00 v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@id) = [lovefav]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (lovefav v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set size to (50) %\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((102) - (size)) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <(size) < [50]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((size) - (110)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\ngo to x: (1) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [win v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to [reg]\nhide\nset [pause v] to [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(lives) < [1]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (over v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (50) %\n set [pause v] to [1]\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((102) - (size)) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <(size) < [50]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((size) - (110)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [lives v] to [2]\n set [coins v] to [0]\n set [pause v] to [0]\n broadcast (reset v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [alert v]\nset [@id v] to [lovefav]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nset [stop the time v] to [1]\nshow variable [time v]\nwait (5) seconds\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stop the time v] to [0]\n\n@Chat\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [click2 v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [open chat v] to [0]\ndelete all of [chat list v]\nadd [Hi!] to [chat list v]\nadd [This way!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Bye! :\)] to [chat list v]\nadd [Watch out!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Lol] to [chat list v]\nadd [It's lagging :\(] to [chat list v]\nadd [Which way?] to [chat list v]\nadd [Okay!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Got to go :\)] to [chat list v]\nhide\nset [ghost v] to [100]\nset [open chat v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n if <(ghost) = [100]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <(open chat) = [1]> then\n if <not <(ghost) = [0]>> then\n change [ghost v] by (-20)\n end\n else\n if <not <(ghost) = [100]>> then\n change [ghost v] by (20)\n end\n end\n if <(EmojiCHAT?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (main2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (main v)\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (10) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [chat item v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(open chat) = [1]> then\n if <(EmojiCHAT?) = [1]> then\n if <key (g v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [10]\n wait until <not <key (g v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (h v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [11]\n wait until <not <key (h v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (j v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [12]\n wait until <not <key (j v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (v v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [13]\n wait until <not <key (v v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (b v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [14]\n wait until <not <key (b v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [15]\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [1]\n wait until <not <key (1 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [2]\n wait until <not <key (2 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [3]\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [4]\n wait until <not <key (4 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [5]\n wait until <not <key (5 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [6]\n wait until <not <key (6 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [7]\n wait until <not <key (7 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [8]\n wait until <not <key (8 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [9]\n wait until <not <key (9 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (0 v) pressed?> then\n reset\n set [chat item v] to [10]\n wait until <not <key (0 v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [chat reset v] to [6]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [chat reset v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(chat item) > [9]> then\n if <(chat reset) > [3]> then\n set [chat item v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(chat reset) > [5]> then\n set [chat item v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine reset\nset [open chat v] to [0]\nset [chat reset v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (main v)\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n set [open chat v] to ((1) - (open chat))\n wait until <not <key (t v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mobile v]\nreset\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nhide\n\nadd [Pls Follow me!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Can you be my friend?] to [chat list v]\nadd [Yay!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Thanks! :\)] to [chat list v]\nadd [This is the BEST!] to [chat list v]\nadd [I liked and Faved.] to [chat list v]\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [stared? v] to [0]\nset [loved? v] to [0]\nwait until <<(Stared?) = [1]> and <(Loved?) = [1]>>\nwait (0.1) seconds\nchange [coins v] by (10)\nbroadcast (alert v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [detector di v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(detector DI) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [detector di v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [stared? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (love v)\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\n@Notifications\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (55)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [exp v]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nswitch costume to (join [s] ((exp) / (10)))\ngo to x: (0) y: (55)\nrepeat until <(y position) < [5]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n change y by (((2) - (y position)) / (7))\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [53]>\n change y by (((y position) + (3)) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\nset y to (55)\n\nwhen I receive [purch v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nswitch costume to (buy v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (55)\nrepeat until <(y position) < [5]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n change y by (((2) - (y position)) / (7))\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [53]>\n change y by (((y position) + (3)) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\nset y to (55)\n\n@notif\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nhide\nwait (pick random (15) to (25)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) < [6]>\n change y by (((5) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nwait (3.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) + (5)) / (5))\nend\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (14) to (26)) seconds\n show\n repeat until <(y position) < [6]>\n change y by (((5) - (y position)) / (6))\n end\n wait (3.5) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) + (5)) / (5))\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [alert v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n hide\n wait (pick random (6) to (25)) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n show\n wait (8) seconds\nend\n\n@Confetti3\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (pick random (0) to (70))\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <[-178] > (y position)>\n change y by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (25) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (10) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (5) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (3) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (2) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (1) steps\nend\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nhide\nrepeat (5)\n go to x: (-999) y: (-999)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\nend\n\n@Confetti2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (pick random (0) to (-70))\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <[-178] > (y position)>\n change y by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (25) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (10) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (5) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (3) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (2) steps\nend\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (10))\n move (1) steps\nend\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nhide\nrepeat (5)\n go to x: (999) y: (-999)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\nend\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (pick random (-90) to (90))\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (315) y: (pick random (5) to (170))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (7))\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-280]>\n change x by (-0.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n wait (pick random (10) to (15)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n
PIXILATE\n100th love= @lightwolf476\n200th love= @Flatbunny100\n\n*arrow keys to move\n\n* some levels trampolines are needed\n\nhmmm lets say part 2 at 50 likes\n\nlike and favorite detector by @TimMcCool \n\neverything else by me \n\n\n\nif you read this far coment pixel\n\nlets go tysm on trending!!!
Spring - Platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]>\n play sound [Overworld v] until done\n end\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n forever\n play sound [Win v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Mario\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n初期化\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nforever\n if <touching color (#986230)?> then\n 初期化\n change [落ちた数 v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [16]>\n\ndefine 初期化\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (30)\nswitch costume to (run_r1 v)\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [開始 v]\nshow\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\n初期化\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [0]>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n if <<<<touching color (#e74a08)?> or <touching color (#ffdb8b)?>> or <touching color (#924400)?>> or <touching color (#809390)?>> then\n set [ジャンプしたぁ v] to [0]\n change y by (6)\n end\n if <touching color (#e74a08)?> then\n set [ジャンプしたぁ v] to [0]\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#986230)?> then\n 初期化\n end\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching color (#e74a08)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < [0]>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n 初期化\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [記録なしだった… v]\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [16]> then\n say [記録なし…]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [記録を言って! v]\nsay (Time)\nshow variable [タイム v]\n\nwhen I receive [次だよ! v]\n初期化\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching color (#9e9e9e)?> or <touching color (#00f8ff)?>> then\n 初期化\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen [down arrow v] key pressed\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n repeat until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n初期化\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (150) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat until <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n if <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nend\n\nwhen [up arrow v] key pressed\nrepeat until <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n set [ジャンプしたぁ v] to [1]\n if <(ジャンプしたぁ) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n else\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nrepeat until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (run_r1 v)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<<touching color (#488916)?> or <touching color (#c4e0c3)?>> or <touching color (#109083)?>> or <<touching color (#1d8400)?> or <<touching color (#3a901e)?> or >>> then\n 初期化\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (0)\nglide (1) secs to x: (209) y: (152)\n\nwhen I receive [開始 v]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [16]>\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [16]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext backdrop\nforever\n set [タイム v] to [なし]\n broadcast (記録なしだった… v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@記録管理\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n if <(タイム) < (☁ Time)> then\n set [タイム v] to (タイム)\n if <(タイム) = [記録なしだった…]> then\n set [タイム v] to [x]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [開始 v]\nset [タイム v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]>\n change [タイム v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (記録を言う v)\n end\nend\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (開始 v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n hide variable [タイム v]\nend\n\n@緑の旗\n\nwhen I receive [開始 v]\nhide\nreset timer\nshow\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (199) y: (-52)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mario v)?> then\n broadcast (次だよ! v)\n next backdrop\n 初期化\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次だよ! v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow\n\n@nextボタン\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (0)\nglide (1) secs to x: (209) y: (152)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext backdrop\nforever\n set [time v] to [なし]\n broadcast (記録なしだった… v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [16]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [開始 v]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [16]>\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\n@記録感知器\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [開始 v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]>\n change [time v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (記録を言って! v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n if <(Time) < (☁ Time)> then\n set [☁ time v] to (Time)\n if <(Time) = [記録なしだった…]> then\n set [☁ time v] to [x]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@next2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (16) y: (15)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次だよ! v]\nshow\nwait (0.5) seconds\nhide\n\n@next\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-2) y: (-3)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nshow\nwait (0.5) seconds\nhide\n\n@マリオ7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Next!\n\nwhen I receive [次! v]\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-250) to (250))\nhide\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nclone [1]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [2]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [3]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [5]\n\ndefine clone (cloneid)\nswitch costume to (cloneid)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>>>> then\n go to x: (468) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (2.2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (1.9) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (1.8) seconds\n repeat until <[330] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nshow\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-2) y: (-3)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-2) y: (-3)\nhide\n\n@ターボを対策\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n set [ターボ対策 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(ターボ対策) > [20]> then\n broadcast (ターボ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ターボ v]\nshow\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ターボ対策 v] to [0]\nforever\n change [ターボ対策 v] by (10)\nend\n\n
This is a simple and easy platformer inspired by the struggles that I have been experiencing so far in life.\n\nHow to play:\nUp Arrow or W Key - Jump\nLeft Arrow or A Key - Move Left\nRight Arrow or D Key - Move Right\nDown Arrow or S Key - Crouch\nR Key - Reset Level\nGet to the Yellow Circle on each level to move on to the next.\n(Note: This game is not playable on Mobile)\n\n[Story]\nYou (The Little Cube) are on a small adventure until you lost hope that you have no way home. You will have to face different obstacles along the way back to regain your courage until you are back safe.\n\n(Note: All levels are possible. Just don't give up!)
Snow platformer
@Stage\n\n@Robot\n\ndefine Wall\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by (() - (xv))\n if <(xv) < [0]> then\n change x by (1)\n else\n change x by (-1)\n end\n change y by (-5)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (x position)>>>> then\n Bounce\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Bounce\nif <(xv) < [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [5]\nelse\n set [xv v] to [-5]\nend\nset [yv v] to [10]\n\ndefine Ground\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (() - (yv))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (x position)>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\nset [max players v] to [10]\nset [my player # v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Setup - Other players v) and wait\nbroadcast (Connecting v)\nbroadcast (Join Game v) and wait\nif <(My Player #) > [0]> then\n broadcast (Joined v)\nelse\n broadcast (Full v)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Begin v)\n\ndefine Write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encoded v] to (join (Encoded) (item # of (letter (Letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (Encoded) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(My Player #) > [0]> then\n Send Cloud Data\n end\nend\n\ndefine Set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (value)\n else\n set [☁ p10 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.88))\n change x by (xv)\n Wall\n change [yv v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (yv)\n Ground\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (moving spikes v)?> or <<touching (rotating spikes v)?> or <touching (spinning spikes v)?>>>> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-20)\n end\n if <<touching (trampoline v)?> or <touching (trampoline 2 v)?>> then\n if <<(yv) > [-0.2]> and <(yv) < [0.2]>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [yv v] to ((((yv) * (-1)) * (1.15)) + (1))\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [242]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-20)\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (New Level v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Send Cloud Data\nset [encoded v] to []\nWrite (username) to encoded\nWrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nWrite (x position) to encoded\nWrite (y position) to encoded\nWrite (direction) to encoded\nWrite (Level) to encoded\nSet cloud # (My Player #) to (Encoded)\n\n@Other Robots\n\ndefine Begin decode of (encoded)\nset [encoded v] to (encoded)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\ndefine Value = Read from encoded\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (Letter #) of (Encoded)) (letter ((Letter #) + (1)) of (Encoded)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (Value) (item (idx) of [code v]))\nend\n\ndefine Setup Players\nhide\nset [offline v] to [100]\nset [player # v] to [1]\nrepeat ((Max Players) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [player # v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(My Player #) = (Player #)> then\n set [offline v] to [100]\n hide\n else\n Tick\n end\nend\n\ndefine Value = Cloud # (player)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P1)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P2)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P3)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P4)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P5)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P6)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P7)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P8)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P9)\n else\n set [value v] to (☁ P10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup - other players v]\nSetup Players\n\ndefine Tick\nif <(join [A] (Value)) = (Last Vaule)> then\n change [offline v] by (1)\n if <(Offline) = [100]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [last vaule v] to (join [A] (Value))\n if <(Offline) > [99]> then\n show\n end\n set [offline v] to [0]\nend\nBegin decode of (Value)\nValue = Read from encoded\nsay (join (Player #) (join [: ] (Value)))\nValue = Read from encoded\nValue = Read from encoded\nset x to (Value)\nValue = Read from encoded\nset y to (Value)\nValue = Read from encoded\npoint in direction (Value)\nValue = Read from encoded\nif <(Value) = (Level)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nelse\n say []\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\nValue = Cloud # (Player #)\n\nwhen I receive [join game v]\nValue = Cloud # (Player #)\nset [last vaule v] to (join [A] (Value))\nwait (3) seconds\nValue = Cloud # (Player #)\nif <(join [A] (Value)) = (Last Vaule)> then\n set [my player # v] to (Player #)\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-118) y: (-88)\n show\n else\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-80) y: (-88)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (robot v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (6)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n end\nend\n\n@Moving Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-120)\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (12)\n change y by (3)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (24)\n change y by (-1.5)\n end\n else\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-102)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n repeat (12)\n change y by (3)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (24)\n change y by (-1.5)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\n else\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Rotating Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (185)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n point in direction ((180) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (70)) ) * (45)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Spinning Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-102)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-102)\n turn right (15) degrees\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (135) y: (17)\n turn right (15) degrees\n else\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-102)\n turn right (15) degrees\n else\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (5) y: (-102)\n turn right (15) degrees\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n show\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n else\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n else\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [connecting v]\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\n\nwhen I receive [joined v]\nswitch costume to (connected v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2.5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (tb v)\n\nwhen I receive [full v]\nswitch costume to (server full v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2.5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (tb v)\n\n
新垢建設→ @-Hinomaru-_SIPPAI\n    ↑8/10~8/15にアニメ一斉公開\n\nスイカがあれば、一回のダメージに耐えられます!\nあと矢印キー or タップ(モバイル用)\n\n\nハートと星押してよ\n#ゲーム#プラットフォーマー#スクロール#楽しい#神クオ#Scroll#platformer#high quality#すいか#スターコイン#star#coin#傾向#プラフォ#BLUE WORLD #GREEN WORLD
Toast 2 - Platformer || #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Specification v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss? v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (100)\n change volume by (1)\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Setup\nif <(Stage) = [10]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-50)\nelse\n go to x: (((((Stage) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (-200)) y: (-50)\nend\nset [player_x v] to [0]\nset [player_y v] to [0]\nset [player_jump v] to [0]\nset [player_jumper v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\ndefine Stage? (i) (x_speed) (y_jumping power)\nset [player_walljump? v] to [0]\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(i) < (i)> or <not <<touching (stage v)?> or <touching (jumper v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nif <(i) < (i)> then\n change x by (() - (Player_x))\n change y by (() - (i))\n if <not <touching (jumper v)?>> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [player_walljump? v] to (((Player_x) / ([abs v] of (Player_x) )) * (15))\n set [player_x v] to (((Player_x) / ([abs v] of (Player_x) )) * ((x_speed) * (-1)))\n set [player_y v] to (y_jumping power)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [player_y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Plat (x_speed) (x_friction) (y_gravity) (y_jumping power)\nchange [player_y v] by (y_gravity)\nif <[0] < (Player_walljump?)> then\n change [player_walljump? v] by (-1)\nelse\n if <(Player_walljump?) < [0]> then\n change [player_walljump? v] by (1)\n else\n set [player_walljump? v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Player_walljump?) ) < [1]> then\n change [player_x v] by ((x_speed) * (1))\n end\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Player_walljump?) ) < [1]> then\n change [player_x v] by ((x_speed) * (-1))\n end\nend\nif <(Player_walljump?) = [0]> then\n set [player_x v] to ((Player_x) * (x_friction))\nend\nchange x by (Player_x)\nif <<[210] < ([abs v] of (x position) )> and <(Stage) < [10]>> then\n set x to (((x position) / ([abs v] of (x position) )) * (210))\nend\nif <<touching (stage v)?> or <touching (jumper v)?>> then\n Stage? [5] [5] [10]\nend\nchange y by (Player_y)\nif <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (() - (Player_y))\n set [player_walljump? v] to [0]\n set [player_y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (jumper v)?> then\n change [player_jumper v] by (1)\n set [player_y v] to ((y_jumping power) * (1.3))\nelse\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>> then\n change [player_jump v] by (1)\n set [player_y v] to (y_jumping power)\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <<<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (spike v)?>> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n wait until <not <key (r v) pressed?>>\n start sound [Oops v]\n broadcast (delete v) and wait\n create clone of (player_ v)\n Setup\n set [player? v] to [y]\n broadcast (Player wait v)\n broadcast (re v)\nend\nif <<[235] < (x position)> and <(Stage) = [10]>> then\n broadcast (delete v) and wait\n set [clear? v] to [y]\n broadcast (clear v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [clear? v] to [n]\nset [stage v] to [1]\nSetup\nbroadcast (message1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nPlat [6] [0.5] [-1] [13]\nbroadcast (message2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [ready v]\nSetup\nset [player? v] to [y]\nbroadcast (Player wait v)\n\nwhen I receive [clear v]\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-95)\npoint in direction (90)\nglide (2) secs to x: (-50) y: (y position)\nbroadcast (boss? v)\nglide (0.1) secs to x: (-70) y: (y position)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (end v)\n\nwhen I receive [player wait v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [player? v] to [n]\n\n@Player_\n\ndefine Setup\ngo to (player v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nSetup\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (x v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset [clone_y v] to [5]\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (Clone_y)\n turn right (4) degrees\n change [clone_y v] by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [-]> then\n if <(Player?) = [n]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n else\n change x by ((([x position v] of [player v]) - (x position)) / (2))\n change y by ((([y position v] of [player v]) - (y position)) / (2))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clear v]\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [... v]\nhide\n\n@Player_eyes\n\ndefine Setup\ngo to (player v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [eyes_x v] to [0]\nset [eyes_y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nSetup\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [message2 v]\nchange [eyes_x v] by (((Player_x) - (eyes_x)) / (5))\nchange [eyes_y v] by (((Player_y) - (eyes_y)) / (5))\nif <(Player?) = [n]> then\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) + ((eyes_x) * (1.2))) y: (([y position v] of [player v]) + ((eyes_y) * (1.2)))\nelse\n change x by (((([x position v] of [player v]) + (eyes_x)) - (x position)) / (2))\n change y by (((([y position v] of [player v]) + (eyes_y)) - (y position)) / (2))\nend\nif <(Clear?) = [n]> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clear v]\nforever\n go to (player v)\n change x by ((([direction v] of [player v]) / (90)) * (5))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [... v]\nhide\n\n@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [re v]\nswitch costume to ((10) + (Stage))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to ((0) + (Stage))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (wall v)\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nif <[10] < (costume [number v])> then\n if <(Stage) = [5]> then\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jumper)>\n wait until <(Player_y) < [0]>\n repeat until <(Player_y) = [0]>\n change y by (((-120) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-85) y: (-120)\n hide\n wait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) < [0]> and <(Player_jumper) = [0]>>\n show\n repeat (40)\n change y by (((-45) - (y position)) / (8))\n end\n \n change y by (((-120) - (y position)) / (8))\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nswitch costume to ((10) + (Stage))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to ((0) + (Stage))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (wall v)\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to x: (180) y: (0)\nset [mine v] to [1]\nrepeat (9)\n repeat until <(Mine) < (Stage)>\n change x by (((((((Mine) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (180)) - (x position)) / (5))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (wall v)\n end\n change [mine v] by (1)\n repeat until <(y position) < [-125]>\n change y by (((-150) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n set x to (((((Mine) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (180))\n set y to (-300)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clear v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (stage1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (stage1 v)\nhide\n\n@Spike\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [re v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (Stage)\nhide\nif <(Stage) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [80]>\n show\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((-40) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\nelse\n if <(Stage) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n wait until <[-60] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n show\n repeat until <[10] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((-40) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-280) y: (70)\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jumper)>\n show\n repeat until <[0] < (x position)>\n change x by (((x position) - (-281)) / (6))\n end\n \n change x by (((280) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jumper)>\n show\n repeat until <(Player_y) < [3]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((-40) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [6]> then\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jumper)>\n set [mine v] to [-8]\n show\n repeat until <(y position) < [-160]>\n change y by (Mine)\n change [mine v] by (-1)\n end\n set [mine v] to [5]\n repeat until <(y position) < [-280]>\n change y by (Mine)\n change [mine v] by (-1)\n end\n set [mine v] to [5]\n repeat until <(y position) < [-500]>\n change y by (Mine)\n change [mine v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [7]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n set [mine v] to (days since 2000)\n wait until <[4] < (((days since 2000) - (Mine)) * (86400))>\n show\n repeat until <<(y position) < [-20]> and <[106] < ([x position v] of [player v])>>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((-40) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [8]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (180)\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jumper)>\n show\n \n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [9]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-40)\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jump)>\n show\n repeat until <(Player_y) < [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <[106] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n change x by (((80) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n change y by (((-45) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (stage1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Jumper\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (stage1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [re v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (Stage)\nshow\nif <(Stage) = [3]> then\n wait until <[-60] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n repeat until <[10] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n change y by (((-40) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\nelse\n if <(Stage) = [5]> then\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jumper)>\n wait until <(Player_y) < [0]>\n repeat until <(Player_y) = [0]>\n change y by (((-120) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [7]> then\n set [mine v] to (days since 2000)\n wait until <[2] < (((days since 2000) - (Mine)) * (86400))>\n repeat until <<(y position) < [-20]> and <[106] < ([x position v] of [player v])>>\n change y by (((-45) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until \n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n else\n if <(Stage) = [9]> then\n wait until <[0] < (Player_jump)>\n wait until <(Player_y) < [0]>\n repeat until <[106] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n change x by (((80) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n \n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete v]\nhide\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@C25\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (-140)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset size to (0) %\nshow\nforever\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (5))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n change size by (((50) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\n@exposition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nswitch costume to (stage1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [player_x v] to [0]\nrepeat until <[0] < ([abs v] of (Player_x) )>\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ng\nrepeat until <[1] < (Player_y)>\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ng\nbroadcast (ready v) and wait\nbroadcast (go v)\nrepeat until <[0] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ng\nwait until <[190] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\nrepeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [40]>\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ng\nhide\n\ndefine g\nrepeat (5)\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (-3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nnext costume\n\n@Wall\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-240) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nrepeat (9)\n repeat until <<[190] < ([abs v] of ([x position v] of [player v]) )> and <(([x position v] of [player v]) / ([abs v] of ([x position v] of [player v]) )) = ((((Stage) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1))>>\n if <([abs v] of ([x position v] of [player v]) ) < [190]> then\n change x by (((((((Stage) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (-260)) - (x position)) / (5))\n else\n change x by (((((((Stage) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (-230)) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n change [stage v] by (1)\n set [player_jump v] to [0]\n set [player_jumper v] to [0]\n broadcast (delete v) and wait\n broadcast (re v)\n set x to (((((Stage) mod (2)) * (2)) - (1)) * (-230))\n set y to (-300)\nend\nhide\n\n@end\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nclear graphic effects\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-2)\nend\nstop [all v]\n\n@EndSpike\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-40)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [boss? v]\nshow\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n
============Instructions===============\nTOP LOVED On 9.1.2021 \nThanks You Soo Much!\n========================================\nMade by me - @HDNaufal\n========================================\nUse Key Right To Go Right = ▶\nUse Key Left To Go Left = ◀ = ✅\nUse Key Up To jump = ▲\n\nW,A,S and D = ✅\n========================================\nSpace = Skip R = Restart\nOrange = Bouncy\n========================================\n♬Song♬ : Spirit Run! By HeatleyBros\n========================================\nMy Other Games ▼\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/463984312\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/459511713/\n========================================\n\nIn the Game, I put 2 Easter Egg! \n
My Conviction-A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nhide variable [あなたのタイム v]\nset [今 v] to [1]\nforever\n set [タイム v] to ((round ((timer) * (10))) / (10))\n if <(リプレイ) = [0]> then\n switch backdrop to (今)\n end\n if <(今) = [14]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [リプレイ v] to [0]\nforever\n set [スキップ v] to [0]\n if <(今) = [14]> then\n if <(スキップ) = [0]> then\n set [あなたのタイム v] to (タイム)\n hide variable [タイム v]\n show variable [あなたのタイム v]\n if <(length of (あなたのタイム)) = [2]> then\n set [あなたのタイム v] to (join (あなたのタイム) [.0])\n end\n if <(length of (あなたのタイム)) = [4]> then\n broadcast (更新 v)\n else\n if <not <(length of (あなたのタイム)) = [4]>> then\n broadcast (ランキング v)\n set [あなたの順位 v] to [特定できません]\n show variable [あなたの順位 v]\n hide list [ランキング v]\n end\n end\n show variable [あなたのタイム v]\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(スキップ) = [0]> then\n if <(あなたのタイム) < (☁ 世界記録)> then\n set [☁ 世界記録 v] to (あなたのタイム)\n switch backdrop to (15 v)\n start sound [Tada v]\n end\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (30) %\nforever\n play sound [Alan Walker - Fade \[NCS Release\] v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [a v] to [0]\nforever\n change [a v] by (0.1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [前 v] to [0]\nset [a増加量 v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n set [a増加量 v] to ((A) - (前))\n set [前 v] to (A)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[10] < (A増加量)> then\n broadcast (ターボ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [a v]\nset [スキップ v] to [0]\nhide variable [a増加量 v]\nforever\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n show variable [a v]\n show variable [a増加量 v]\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide variable [a v]\n hide variable [a増加量 v]\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(backdrop [name v]) = [14]> or <(backdrop [name v]) = [15]>> then\n end\nend\n\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n set [リプレイ v] to [1]\n broadcast (リプレイ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [更新 v]\ndelete all of [ランキング v]\nset [どこ2 v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of (☁ クラウドリスト)) / (3))\n add (join (letter ((どこ2) + (1)) of (☁ クラウドリスト)) (join (letter ((どこ2) + (2)) of (☁ クラウドリスト)) (join [.] (letter ((どこ2) + (3)) of (☁ クラウドリスト))))) to [ランキング v]\n change [どこ2 v] by (3)\nend\n特定 (あなたのタイム)\nset [どこ2 v] to [0]\nset [☁ クラウドリスト v] to []\nrepeat (length of [ランキング v])\n change [どこ2 v] by (1)\n set [☁ クラウドリスト v] to (join (☁ クラウドリスト) (join (letter (1) of (item (どこ2) of [ランキング v])) (join (letter (2) of (item (どこ2) of [ランキング v])) (letter (4) of (item (どこ2) of [ランキング v])))))\nend\nshow variable [あなたの順位 v]\nhide list [ランキング v]\n\ndefine 特定 (タイム)\nset [どこ2 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(タイム) < (item (どこ2) of [ランキング v])>\n change [どこ2 v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (タイム) at (どこ2) of [ランキング v] \nset [あなたの順位 v] to (どこ2)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<(backdrop [number v]) = [14]> or <(backdrop [number v]) = [15]>> and <(リプレイ) = [0]>> then\n show variable [あなたの順位 v]\n hide list [ランキング v]\n show variable [全取得のあなたの順位 v]\n if <(コイン) = [10]> then\n show variable [全取得のあなたの順位 v]\n else\n hide variable [全取得のあなたの順位 v]\n end\n else\n hide variable [あなたの順位 v]\n hide variable [全取得のあなたの順位 v]\n show list [ランキング v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ランキング v]\ndelete all of [ランキング v]\nset [どこ2 v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of (☁ クラウドリスト)) / (3))\n add (join (letter ((どこ2) + (1)) of (☁ クラウドリスト)) (join (letter ((どこ2) + (2)) of (☁ クラウドリスト)) (join [.] (letter ((どこ2) + (3)) of (☁ クラウドリスト))))) to [ランキング v]\n change [どこ2 v] by (3)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.01) seconds\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\n\nwhen I receive [更新 v]\n\nwhen I receive [更新2 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwait until <key (c v) pressed?>\nwait until <not <key (c v) pressed?>>\nwait until <key (a v) pressed?>\nwait until <not <key (a v) pressed?>>\nwait until <key (t v) pressed?>\nwait until <not <key (t v) pressed?>>\nset [裏技 v] to [2]\nchange [☁ 裏技見つけた人数 v] by (1)\n\nforever\n create clone of (金 v)\n wait (pick random (0.1) to (0.5)) seconds\nend\n\nif <[0] < (スキップ)> then\n set [あなたのタイム v] to [がんばりました!]\n show variable [あなたのタイム v]\n broadcast (ランキング v)\n set [あなたの順位 v] to [特定できません]\n show variable [あなたの順位 v]\n hide list [ランキング v]\nend\n\nset [今 v] to [14]\n\nset [☁ 世界記録 v] to [40.7]\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-205) y: (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <(リプレイ) = [0]> then\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<[-45] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-6]\n else\n set [x v] to [6]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<[-45] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n broadcast (ジャンプ v)\n end\n if <touching (スプライト6 v)?> then\n if <not <touching color (#3d2966)?>> then\n set [y v] to [3]\n else\n set [y v] to [15]\n broadcast (ジャンプ v)\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change y by (y)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#ffb300)?> or <<<<< or <touching color (#ff6680)?>> or <<touching color (#5cb1d6)?> or <touching color (#9966ff)?>>> or <touching color (#ffab19)?>> or <<touching color (#59c059)?> or <touching color (#ff8c1a)?>>> or <<touching color (#4c97ff)?> or <touching color (#ffbf00)?>>>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if then\n change y by ((y) * (2))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <[239] < (x position)> then\n if <not <<(backdrop [number v]) = [14]> or <(backdrop [number v]) = [15]>>> then\n change [今 v] by (1)\n broadcast (次 v)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (-205) y: (90)\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-169]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n start sound [Pluck v]\n go to x: (-205) y: (90)\n end\n if <<<< or <touching color (#ff5c00)?>> or <touching color (#ff00f5)?>> or <touching color (#1fff00)?>> or <touching color (#00adff)?>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n start sound [Pluck v]\n go to x: (-205) y: (90)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (150) %\ngo to x: (179) y: (-89)\ndelete all of [リプレイ v]\ndelete all of [リプレイ2 v]\ndelete all of [リプレイ3 v]\ndelete all of [リプレイ4 v]\ndelete all of [リプレイ5 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [ジャンプ v]\nplay sound [Jump v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [コイン v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-40)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n\nadd (timer) to [リプレイ3 v]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(リプレイ) = [0]> then\n wait (0.02) seconds\n add (x position) to [リプレイ v]\n add (y position) to [リプレイ2 v]\n add (backdrop [number v]) to [リプレイ3 v]\n add (costume [number v]) to [リプレイ4 v]\n add (direction) to [リプレイ5 v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [リプレイ v]\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nreset timer\nset [どこ v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [リプレイ3 v])\n wait (0.02) seconds\n go to x: (item (どこ) of [リプレイ v]) y: (item (どこ) of [リプレイ2 v])\n switch backdrop to (item (どこ) of [リプレイ3 v])\n switch costume to (item (どこ) of [リプレイ4 v])\n point in direction (item (どこ) of [リプレイ5 v])\n change [どこ v] by (1)\nend\nset [リプレイ v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ブラックホール v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(ブラックホール) = [1]> then\n if <([x position v] of [ブラックホール v]) < (x position)> then\n change [x v] by (-0.6)\n end\n if <(x position) < ([x position v] of [ブラックホール v])> then\n change [x v] by (0.6)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait until <(item (1) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\nwait until <(item (2) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (3 v)\nwait until <(item (3) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (4 v)\nwait until <(item (4) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (5 v)\nwait until <(item (5) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (6 v)\nwait until <(item (6) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (7 v)\nwait until <(item (7) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (8 v)\nwait until <(item (8) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (9 v)\nwait until <(item (9) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (10 v)\nwait until <(item (10) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (11 v)\nwait until <(item (11) of [リプレイ3 v]) < (timer)>\nswitch backdrop to (12 v)\nset [リプレイ v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(リプレイ) = [0]> then\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) < [-90]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [☁ クラウドリスト v] to (join (☁ クラウドリスト) [999])\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nask [❤と★は押しましたか?] and wait\n\nif <(リプレイ) = [0]> then\n change [今 v] by (1)\n broadcast (次 v)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n change [スキップ v] by (1)\n go to x: (-205) y: (-40)\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\nend\n\n\n\nset [ブラックホール v] to [1]\n\nif <([y position v] of [ブラックホール v]) < (y position)> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\nend\nif <(y position) < ([y position v] of [ブラックホール v])> then\n change [y v] by (1)\nend\n\nset [☁ wr v] to [43.8]\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [タイム v]\ngo to x: (-12) y: (15)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nreset timer\nshow variable [タイム v]\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (スタート v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set size to (200) %\n else\n set size to (150) %\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [今 v] to [1]\nset size to (1) %\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-180)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (2)\nend\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (2)\n end\nend\n\nif <not <<(backdrop [number v]) = [8]> or <(backdrop [number v]) = [9]>>> then\n if <(リプレイ) = [0]> then\n if <key (0 v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (0 v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (スタート v)\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\n@スプライト5\n\nwhen I receive [ターボ v]\nhide variable [タイム v]\nhide variable [あなたのタイム v]\nhide variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@金\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (50) %\nhide\nset [裏技 v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (pick random (-235) to (235)) y: (180)\nswitch costume to (裏技)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n repeat until <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <<touching color (#ff4040)?> or <<touching color (#f2ff00)?> or <touching color (#003bff)?>>>>\n turn right (5) degrees\n change y by (-3)\n if <(y position) < [-179]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nelse\n repeat until <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <<touching color (#ff4040)?> or <<touching color (#f2ff00)?> or <touching color (#003bff)?>>>>\n turn left (5) degrees\n change y by (-3)\n if <(y position) < [-179]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@スプライト7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (20) y: (10)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nclear graphic effects\nwait (30) seconds\n\nshow\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\n@ブロック1\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (向き) (大きさ) (種類)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (向き)\nset size to (大きさ) %\nswitch costume to (種類)\nstamp\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nerase all\n配置 [-180] [-150] [90] [200] [1]\n配置 [80] [-150] [70] [200] [4]\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nerase all\nif <(今) = [2]> then\n 配置 [-90] [-150] [90] [200] [2]\n 配置 [80] [-60] [0] [200] [6]\n 配置 [180] [-100] [75] [150] [3]\nend\nif <(今) = [3]> then\n 配置 [0] [-150] [100] [270] [5]\n 配置 [-50] [-50] [0] [150] [7]\n 配置 [100] [100] [170] [120] [8]\nend\nif <(今) = [4]> then\n 配置 [0] [-150] [90] [250] [9]\n 配置 [0] [-90] [90] [100] [1-2]\nend\nif <(今) = [5]> then\n 配置 [-170] [-120] [90] [150] [10]\n 配置 [150] [-120] [100] [100] [8]\nend\nif <(今) = [6]> then\n 配置 [-100] [-140] [80] [150] [4]\n 配置 [0] [-95] [0] [80] [2-1]\nend\nif <(今) = [7]> then\n 配置 [0] [-140] [80] [200] [8]\n 配置 [-50] [-120] [0] [120] [3-2]\n 配置 [150] [-150] [160] [120] [4-2]\nend\nif <(今) = [8]> then\n 配置 [-200] [-140] [0] [100] [6]\n 配置 [0] [-90] [180] [250] [10]\n 配置 [120] [60] [90] [120] [8]\n 配置 [60] [85] [90] [50] [3-2]\n 配置 [190] [85] [90] [50] [3-2]\nend\nif <(今) = [9]> then\n 配置 [-150] [-140] [80] [120] [7]\n 配置 [-30] [-45] [0] [150] [9]\n 配置 [120] [100] [180] [120] [8]\n 配置 [120] [-150] [90] [150] [5]\n 配置 [20] [-120] [90] [50] [1-2]\n 配置 [245] [-50] [0] [120] [4-2]\nend\nif <(今) = [10]> then\n 配置 [-150] [-140] [80] [150] [2]\n 配置 [50] [-140] [85] [150] [5-2]\n 配置 [205] [-140] [170] [150] [3]\n 配置 [-50] [-50] [0] [120] [4]\nend\nif <(今) = [11]> then\n 配置 [-150] [-140] [30] [150] [4]\n 配置 [160] [-150] [150] [150] [2]\n 配置 [205] [140] [85] [150] [7]\nend\nif <(今) = [12]> then\n 配置 [-90] [-20] [31] [150] [4]\n 配置 [120] [-50] [150] [150] [2]\n 配置 [190] [140] [85] [150] [7]\n 配置 [240] [-150] [320] [120] [9]\nend\nif <(今) = [13]> then\n 配置 [-70] [0] [30] [150] [4]\n 配置 [100] [-30] [150] [150] [2]\n 配置 [170] [120] [87] [150] [7]\n 配置 [220] [-130] [320] [120] [9]\nend\nif <(今) = [14]> then\n 配置 [-140] [-150] [80] [150] [4]\n 配置 [100] [-140] [128] [150] [2]\n 配置 [170] [-82] [128] [150] [7]\n 配置 [220] [-173] [308] [120] [9]\nend\n\nclear sound effects\n\nerase all\n\nset [今 v] to [11]\nset [ブラックホール v] to [1]\n\n@ブラックホール\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ブラックホール v] to [0]\nforever\n turn right (2) degrees\n go to x: (0) y: (120)\n change [color v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(今) = [11]>\nset [ブラックホール v] to [1]\nwait until <(今) = [13]>\nset [ブラックホール v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ブラックホール v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(ブラックホール) = [0]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (20) y: (20)\nhide\nforever\n if <<(backdrop [number v]) = [14]> or <(backdrop [number v]) = [15]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nset [☁ クラウドリスト v] to [999]\n\n@スプライト8\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-10) y: (90)\nhide\nforever\n if then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
Move Account https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/480528963/
Classic Chaos (non-generic platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Notes/Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (213)\nswitch costume to (4 v)\nnext costume\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (join [-] ([abs v] of ((round (y position)) / (5)) ))\nend\nwait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [click? v]\nif <not <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [6]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nhide\nif <not <[1] = <[1] = [1]>>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (213)\n switch costume to (4 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (join [-] ([abs v] of ((round (y position)) / (5)) ))\n end\n wait until <mouse down?>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nif <not <(username) = []>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (213)\n switch costume to (1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (join [-] ([abs v] of ((round (y position)) / (5)) ))\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (213)\n switch costume to (2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (join [-] ([abs v] of ((round (y position)) / (5)) ))\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (213)\n switch costume to (3 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (join [-] ([abs v] of ((round (y position)) / (5)) ))\n end\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n hide\n wait until <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [6]>\n go to x: (0) y: (213)\n switch costume to (3 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (join [-] ([abs v] of ((round (y position)) / (5)) ))\n end\n broadcast (click? v)\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n go to [back v] layer\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@backdrop35\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan2 v]\ngo to x: (-322) y: (-38)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop35 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [Be careful, lava is very dangerous!]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan1 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop2 v)\ngo to x: (-319) y: (-40)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [You can wall jump to avoid some obstacles.]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan3 v]\ngo to x: (-405) y: (-33)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop3 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [You must avoid the saws.]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\ngo to x: (-495) y: (-33)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop4 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [The trampoline can get you out of dangerous places.]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan5 v]\ngo to x: (10) y: (30)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop5 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [ Wait for the right moment to pass.]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan9 v]\ngo to x: (-77) y: (-31)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop7 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [The walls are sometimes prickly.]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan10 v]\ngo to x: (33) y: (-30)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop8 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [ You almost got there!]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan11 v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-31)\nshow\nswitch costume to (backdrop9 v)\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say (join (join [ Well done! You made it!Your time is: ] (timeee)) (join [ The world record his: ] (☁ aworldddrecorddd)))\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan7 v]\ngo to x: (-120) y: (-12)\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (backdrop6 v)\n forever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n say [ Four spikes to pass, take your time.]\n else\n if <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n say []\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nset [name v] to (username)\nreset timer\nrepeat until <([backdrop name v] of [_stage_ v]) = [arrière plan11]>\n set [timeee v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan11 v]\nif <(timeee) < (☁ aworldddrecorddd)> then\n set [☁ aworldddrecorddd v] to (timeee)\n set [☁ atimeeerecord v] to (nameee)\n set [☁ names v] to (name)\nelse\nend\n\n@detector\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (20)\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (4 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (33)\n change y by ((y position) / (15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (100) layers\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (500)\nend\n\n@Remember\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nhide\nwait (14) seconds\nstart sound [Ding - Sound Effect \[HD\] v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (85)\nshow\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (85)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nwait (14) seconds\nforever\n wait (20) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (85)\n show\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (85)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Saws3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan5 v]\ngo to x: (196) y: (-64)\nshow\nbroadcast (tourne v)\nforever\n repeat (38)\n change y by (5)\n end\n repeat (38)\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tourne v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (90) y: (25)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (25)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan10 v]\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan11 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan11 v]\nshow\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-100) y: (25)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (25)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan11 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan7 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan9 v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan11 v]\nhide\n\n@Saws5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\ngo to x: (-60) y: (-110)\nshow\nbroadcast (tourne v)\n\nwhen I receive [tourne v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan7 v]\nhide\n\n@Saws4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\ngo to x: (90) y: (-110)\nshow\nbroadcast (tourne v)\n\nwhen I receive [tourne v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan7 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan5 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-55) y: (28)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (25)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (9) y: (28)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (25)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen I receive [intro3 v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (45) to (90))\nset size to (pick random (40) to (70)) %\ngo to x: (240) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\nglide (pick random (1) to (3)) secs to x: (-240) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\n@Bounce\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (240) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (190) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (210) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (165) y: (-2)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [introstage v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait until <(timer) > [2.1]>\nbroadcast (Explosion v)\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [introstage v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait until <(timer) > [3.5]>\nbroadcast (Explosion v)\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait until <(timer) > [6]>\nbroadcast (Explosion v)\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(timer) > [8.5]>\nset [introstage v] to [3]\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Delete Clones/End of Intro v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n reset timer\n forever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) ) * (200)) + (90))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n repeat (10)\n hide\n hide\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-300)\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n forever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) ) * (150)) + (90))\n end\nend\n\nreset timer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n reset timer\n go to x: (-300) y: (-300)\n set [x44 v] to [10]\n set [y44 v] to [30]\n set [t44 v] to [20]\n repeat until <<([ln v] of (x position) ) = [0]> or <(x position) > [-1]>>\n change y by (Y44)\n change x by (X44)\n turn right (T44) degrees\n change [y44 v] by (-1.53)\n change [t44 v] by (-0.3)\n end\n repeat (15)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (3))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (3))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n set size to (100) %\n repeat until <(IntroStage) = [2]>\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) ) * (300)) + (90))\n end\n repeat (15)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) ) * (300)) + (90))\n end\n repeat (10)\n repeat (15)\n change x by (((10) - (x position)) / (3))\n point in direction ((x position) + (90))\n end\n repeat (15)\n change x by (((-10) - (x position)) / (3))\n point in direction ((x position) + (90))\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\n point in direction ((x position) + (90))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set rotation style [all around v]\n reset timer\n go to x: (300) y: (-300)\n set [x43 v] to [-10]\n set [y43 v] to [30]\n set [t43 v] to [-20]\n repeat until <<([ln v] of (x position) ) = [0]> or <[-1] > (x position)>>\n change y by (Y43)\n change x by (X43)\n turn right (T43) degrees\n change [y43 v] by (-1.53)\n change [t43 v] by (0.3)\n end\n repeat (15)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (3))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (3))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n set size to (100) %\n repeat until <(IntroStage) = [2]>\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) ) * (300)) + (90))\n end\n repeat (15)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) ) * (300)) + (90))\n end\n repeat (10)\n repeat (15)\n change x by (((-10) - (x position)) / (3))\n point in direction ((x position) + (90))\n end\n repeat (15)\n change x by (((10) - (x position)) / (3))\n point in direction ((x position) + (90))\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\n point in direction ((x position) + (90))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Intro Music Vexento - New Colours \(edited by leo889\) v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (screen shot 2020-08-04 at 18 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n \n show\n repeat (49)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change x by (-2)\n change y by (2)\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [explosion v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [xvelo49 v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n set [yvelo49 v] to (pick random (5) to (15))\n set size to (pick random (20) to (100)) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-50) to (20))\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (XVelo49)\n change y by (YVelo49)\n change [yvelo49 v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\nforever\n\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ([tan v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) ) * (150)) + (90))\nend\n\nrepeat until <[90] > (direction)>\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n set x to (-600)\n set y to (600)\n repeat (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [number v]) > [1]> and <(costume [number v]) < [5]>> then\n forever\n if <(IntroStage) = [3]> then\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan3 v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan6 v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan7 v]\nhide\n\n@Saws2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan3 v]\ngo to x: (76) y: (-110)\nshow\nbroadcast (tourne v)\n\nwhen I receive [tourne v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\nhide\n\n@Saws\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan3 v]\ngo to x: (-17) y: (-110)\nshow\nbroadcast (tourne v)\n\nwhen I receive [tourne v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [backward v] (-5) layers\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\nhide\n\n@lava\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan2 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (9) y: (28)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (30)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan3 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nglide (0.25) secs to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ma variable v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [jump v] to [0]\nset [left v] to [0]\nset [right v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <(right) = [1]>>> then\n set [right v] to [0]\n change [ma variable v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <(left) = [1]>>> then\n set [left v] to [0]\n change [ma variable v] by (-1)\n end\n set [ma variable v] to ((ma variable) * (0.9))\n change x by (ma variable)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change x by ((ma variable) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <(Jump) = [1]>>> then\n set [jump v] to [0]\n if <(ma variable) > [0]> then\n set [ma variable v] to [-5]\n else\n set [ma variable v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#5c5353)?> or <touching color (#195200)?>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <(Jump) = [1]>>> then\n set [jump v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <[-160] > (y position)> then\n set [ma variable v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n start sound [Oops v]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (.2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (50)\n end\n set size to (15) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (sprite7 v)?> or <<<<<touching (saws4 v)?> or <touching (saws5 v)?>> or <<<<<<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (saws v)?>> or <touching (saws2 v)?>> or <touching (sprite3 v)?>> or <touching (sprite5 v)?>> or <touching (saws3 v)?>>> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> or <touching (sprite8 v)?>>> then\n set [ma variable v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (.2)\n end\n set size to (15) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [ma variable v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n start sound [Oops v]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (.2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (50)\n end\n set size to (15) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan1 v]\nforever\n if <(x position) > [220]> then\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\n go to x: (-211) y: (-90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [arrière plan4 v]\nforever\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [18]\n end\nend\n\nrepeat (22)\n set [yv v] to [-1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nbroadcast (start v)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nswitch backdrop to (arrière plan1 v)\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-90)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [music v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nshow\nforever\n if <(Music) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (music v)\n else\n switch costume to (mute v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nswitch costume to (music v)\nset volume to (100) %\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (215) y: (161)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [95]>\n change size by (2)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(Music) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (mute v)\n set [music v] to [2]\n set volume to (0) %\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n else\n if <(Music) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (music v)\n set [music v] to [0]\n set volume to (100) %\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n end\n else\n repeat until <(size) < [92]>\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones/end of intro v]\nforever\n play sound [DEAF KEV - Invincible \[NCS Release\] \[Mpgun v] until done\nend\n\n
-------------------------CONTROLS------------------------\n>WASD for Orange\n>Arrows keys for Blue\n>Space to use lever/switch\n\n-----------------------INSTRUCTIONS---------------------\n>Blue can only use blue platforms, and orange can only use orange ones.\n>Dark grey ones are usable by either.\n>Grey ones change colors to whichever player touch it.\n\n\n\n\n\n#All #Games #Music #Platformer #Multiplayer
Pencil Player (Platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Popsicle v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mute v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [unmute v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-125)\nset [player x v] to [0]\nset [player y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [player x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [player x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [player x v] to ((Player X) * (0.9))\n change x by (Player X)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((Player X) * (-1))\n change y by (-4)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(Player X) > [0]> then\n set [player x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [player x v] to [5]\n end\n set [player y v] to [12]\n else\n set [player x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [player y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Player Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Player Y) * (-1))\n set [player y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [player y v] to [12]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (--- v)?> then\n play sound [hurt v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) > [235]> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-125)\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (--- v)?> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-125)\n end\nend\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@---\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@tb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [color v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (.5) seconds\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-204) y: (150)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (unmute v)\n else\n broadcast (mute v)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-160) y: (150)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\n
Working on boss fight. Spam green flag \n-----\nWASD or Arrow keys to move. Avoid spikes and grey colored lava.\n-----\n
Minecraft Platformer 2: Slime Quest
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (red squar v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nforever\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [17]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop5 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [25]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop6 v)\n else\n if <<(LEVEL) > [9]> and <(LEVEL) < [17]>> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [9]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [17]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n else\n if <<(LEVEL SELECTION) > [9]> and <(LEVEL SELECTION) < [17]>> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (200) y: (145)\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [menu001 v]\nbroadcast (Back v)\nset [speedrun y/n v] to [No]\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [practive level v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nshow\n\n@Costume Selection\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Clone ID: Costumes Selection) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n go to x: (-62) y: (0)\n forever\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <not <(Costumes: Arrows: Ghost Effect?) = [1]>>> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n if <(Costumes: Arrows: Ghost Effect?) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(Clone ID: Costumes Selection) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (arrow2 v)\n go to x: (62) y: (0)\n forever\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <not <(Costumes: Arrows: Ghost Effect?) = [2]>>> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n if <(Costumes: Arrows: Ghost Effect?) = [2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Clone ID: Costumes Selection) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [White]> then\n set [costumes: arrows: ghost effect? v] to [1]\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Black]> then\n set [costumes: arrows: ghost effect? v] to [2]\n else\n set [costumes: arrows: ghost effect? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n switch costume to ((COSTUMES \(PLAYER\)) + (3))\n end\n else\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(costume [number v]) > [3]>> then\n set size to (600) %\nend\nforever\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <not <(costume [number v]) > [3]>> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n if <not <(COSTUMES \(PLAYER\)) = [1]>> then\n change [costumes \(player\) v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <not <(COSTUMES \(PLAYER\)) = [7]>> then\n change [costumes \(player\) v] by (1)\n end\n end\n wait (.5) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (109) y: (-56)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone id: costumes selection v] to [0]\nset [costumes: arrows: ghost effect? v] to [0]\nset [costumes \(player\) v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Clone ID: Costumes Selection) = [0]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Costumes v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\nrepeat (4)\n change [clone id: costumes selection v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset [clone id: costumes selection v] to [0]\nset [costumes: arrows: ghost effect? v] to [0]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\n@Instructions\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [instructions: button? v] to [0]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-144)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <not <(Instructions: Button?) = [1]>> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Instructions v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nset [instructions: button? v] to [1]\nhide\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset size to (250) %\nset [instructions: button? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-144)\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nshow\n\n@Mobile mode y/n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\nset [mobile mode y/n v] to []\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nwait (.1) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (2)\n change [cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [mobile mode y/n v] to []\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(CloneID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (50) y: (-65)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (-50) y: (-65)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (.3) seconds\nif <(CloneID) = [1]> then\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set [mobile mode y/n v] to [y]\nelse\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set [mobile mode y/n v] to [n]\nend\nstart sound [menu001 v]\nbroadcast (Play v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nhide\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\n\n@Level Selection\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nset [practicing level y/n v] to [No]\nset [level selection v] to [1]\nset [max level v] to [24]\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (32)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nhide\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\nset [level selection v] to [1]\nset [practicing level y/n v] to [No]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(CloneID) = [0]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Level Selection v)\n hide\n repeat (4)\n change [cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nset [practicing level y/n v] to [No]\nset [level selection v] to [1]\nset [cloneid v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to ((CloneID) + (1))\nif <(CloneID) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-62) y: (0)\n set size to (600) %\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <not <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [1]>>> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(CloneID) = [2]> then\n go to x: (62) y: (0)\n set size to (600) %\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <not <(LEVEL SELECTION) = (Max Level)>>> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\n end\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = (Max Level)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(CloneID) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (300) %\n go to x: (193) y: (-140)\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [practicing level y/n v] to [Yes]\n broadcast (Mobile Mode? v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n if <not <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [1]>> then\n change [level selection v] by (-1)\n wait (.3) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <not <(LEVEL SELECTION) = (Max Level)>> then\n change [level selection v] by (1)\n wait (.3) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Pause/Play button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> or <(costume [number v]) = [3]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-155)\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nset [paused? y/n v] to [n]\nset size to (175) %\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(TRANSITION?) = [0]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n go to x: (0) y: (-65)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + ((\(UN\)MUTED) + (1)))\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (350) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [paused? y/n v] to [y]\n broadcast (Paused v)\n repeat until <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [n]>\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n switch costume to (mute v)\n broadcast (\(Un\)Mute v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n switch costume to (unmute v)\n broadcast (\(Un\)Mute v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to ((Clone ID) + (3))\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(Clone ID) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to [back v] layer\nelse\n if <(Clone ID) = [2]> then\n clear graphic effects\n else\n if <(Clone ID) = [3]> then\n set size to (350) %\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\n else\n set size to (350) %\n switch costume to (resume v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-65)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset size to (175) %\nset [paused? y/n v] to [n]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-155)\nclear graphic effects\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\nrepeat (4)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [2]> then\n repeat until <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [n]>\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(costume [number v]) > [4]>> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <<mouse down?> and <(costume [number v]) = [6]>>> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Back to Menu v)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <<mouse down?> and <(costume [number v]) = [7]>>> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Unpased v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-155)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-155)\nswitch costume to (pause v)\nset size to (175) %\nset [paused? y/n v] to [n]\nclear graphic effects\ndelete this clone\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (-56)\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [menu001 v]\nbroadcast (Mobile Mode? v)\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nshow\n\n@Speedrun Mode\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\nrepeat (3)\n change [clone id: speedrun button v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Clone ID: Speedrun Button) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n if <(Clone ID: Speedrun Button) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nforever\n if <not <(Clone ID: Speedrun Button) = [0]>> then\n if <<<<(mouse x) > [-130]> and <(mouse x) < [-75]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-130]> and <(mouse y) < [-70]>>> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (Mobile Mode? v)\n set [speedrun y/n v] to [Yes]\n start sound [menu001 v]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <<<<(mouse x) > [50]> and <(mouse x) < [105]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-130]> and <(mouse y) < [-70]>>> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (Back v)\n set [speedrun y/n v] to [No]\n start sound [menu001 v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nset [speedrun y/n v] to [No]\nset [your timer v] to [0]\nset [did you get the world record? v] to []\nhide variable [your timer v]\nhide variable [did you get the world record? v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [\(un\)muted v] to [0]\nset [your timer v] to [0]\nif <(SPEEDRUN Y/N) = [Yes]> then\n show variable [your timer v]\n forever\n if <<(PAUSED? Y/N) = [n]> and <(TRANSITION?) = [0]>> then\n wait (.01) seconds\n change [your timer v] by (.1)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [25]> then\n show variable [did you get the world record? v]\n if <(Your Timer) < (☁ World Record)> then\n set [☁ world record v] to (Your Timer)\n set [did you get the world record? v] to (join (join [You got the World Record! It is now ] (Your Timer)) [!])\n else\n set [did you get the world record? v] to (join (join [You didn't get the World Record. You were ] ((Your Timer) - (☁ World Record))) [ second\(s\) off.])\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (109) y: (-144)\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide variable [your timer v]\nhide variable [did you get the world record? v]\nset [did you get the world record? v] to []\nset [your timer v] to [0]\nset [speedrun y/n v] to [No]\nset [clone id: speedrun button v] to [0]\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Clone ID: Speedrun Button) = [0]> then\n play sound [menu001 v] until done\n broadcast (Speedrun Mode v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\ngo to x: (109) y: (-144)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [clone id: speedrun button v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\n@Text engine\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nset [level selection or highscore? v] to []\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nwait (.3) seconds\nset [world record v] to (round (☁ World Record))\nset [level selection or highscore? v] to [HighScore]\nset [digits v] to [1]\nrepeat (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [digits v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level Selection or HighScore?) = [Level Selection]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (250) %\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) < [10]> then\n go to x: (((digits) * (30)) - (28)) y: (0)\n else\n go to x: (((digits) * (30)) - (45)) y: (0)\n end\n if <(length of (LEVEL SELECTION)) < (digits)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n switch costume to (letter (digits) of (LEVEL SELECTION))\n end\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (250) %\n go to x: (((digits) * (30)) - (55)) y: (-12)\n if <(length of (World Record)) < (digits)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n switch costume to (letter (digits) of (World Record))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset [level selection or highscore? v] to []\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nwait (.3) seconds\nset [level selection or highscore? v] to [Level Selection]\nset [digits v] to [1]\nrepeat (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [digits v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@World Record\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (-144)\nset [clone v] to [0]\nhide\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (250) %\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Clone) = [0]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Cloud v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset size to (250) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-144)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone v] to [1]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set size to (190) %\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nshow\n\n@Music Selection\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <not <(Music: Clone ID) = [17]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\nswitch costume to ((Music: Clone ID) + (1))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n set [music v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n broadcast (Back v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <(MUSIC) = [16]> then\n play sound (pick random (1) to (14)) until done\n else\n if <(MUSIC) = [15]> then\n wait (.01) seconds\n play sound [Mystery Song v] until done\n set [music v] to [16]\n else\n play sound (MUSIC) until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nwait (((length of (Title)) * (.2)) + (1)) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set [gui helper \(music\) v] to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n set [gui helper \(music\) v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nshow\nstop all sounds\nset [music v] to [16]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\(un\)mute v]\nchange [\(un\)muted v] by (((\(UN\)MUTED) * (-2)) + (1))\nif <(\(UN\)MUTED) = [0]> then\n set volume to (100) %\nelse\n set volume to (0) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-56)\nerase all\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (250) %\nset [pixelate v] effect to (20)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [music v] to [16]\nset [gui helper \(music\) v] to [0]\nset [music: clone id v] to [0]\nset [\(un\)muted v] to [0]\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nstamp\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (60)\nrepeat (4)\n repeat (4)\n change [music: clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (125)\n end\n set x to (-200)\n change y by (-65)\nend\nerase all\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n if <not <(Gui Helper \(Music\)) = [0]>> then\n switch costume to ((Gui Helper \(Music\)) + (18))\n else\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Music: Clone ID) = [0]> then\n start sound [menu001 v]\n broadcast (Music v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (250) %\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-56)\nset [music: clone id v] to [0]\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\n@Title\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (0) %\nset [timer v] to [0]\nset [title v] to [THE MOON]\nset [menu music y/n v] to [Y]\ngo to x: (((length of (Title)) * (15.6)) * (-1)) y: (117)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nrepeat (length of (Title))\n change [timer v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (Timer) of (Title))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (35)\n wait (.2) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (236) y: (-183)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [costumes v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [speedrun mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mobile mode? v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level selection v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nset volume to (100) %\nset [menu music y/n v] to [Y]\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set y to ((110) - (([sin v] of (((timer) - ((Timer) * (3))) * (275)) ) * (7)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro finished v]\nstart sound [Moonlight and Shadows v]\nrepeat (100)\n change volume by (1)\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\nwait (100) seconds\nforever\n if <(Menu Music Y/N) = [N]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n play sound [Moonlight and Shadows v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (0) %\nset [menu music y/n v] to [N]\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nset volume to (0) %\nset [menu music y/n v] to [Y]\nwait (.1) seconds\nstart sound [Moonlight and Shadows v]\nrepeat (100)\n change volume by (1)\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\nwait (100) seconds\nforever\n if <(Menu Music Y/N) = [N]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n play sound [Moonlight and Shadows v] until done\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [pfp v] to (pick random (75) to (100))\nset [js_ v] to (pick random (75) to (100))\nset [dir_js v] to (pick random (200) to (400))\nset [dir_pfp v] to (pick random (200) to (400))\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n if <(Intro CloneID) = [1]> then\n point in direction ((pfp) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (dir_pfp)) ) * (20)))\n else\n if <(Intro CloneID) = [2]> then\n point in direction ((JS_) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (dir_JS)) ) * (20)))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [mp v] to [1]\n wait (0.2) seconds\n set [mp v] to [0]\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n if <(mp) = [1]> then\n set [bounce? v] to ((((bounce?) * (0.65)) + ((((200) + ()) - (size)) * (0.3))) - (25))\n change size by (bounce?)\n else\n set [bounce? v] to ((((bounce?) * (0.6)) + ((((150) + ()) - (size)) * (0.3))) - (25))\n change size by (bounce?)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nset [intro cloneid v] to [0]\nstart sound [Intro v]\nrepeat (3)\n change [intro cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nbroadcast (Intro v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Intro CloneID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (js v)\n go to x: (0) y: (200)\n repeat until <(y position) < [1]>\n change y by (((y position) * (.1)) * (-1))\n end\n wait (7.3) seconds\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(Intro CloneID) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (js_coder v)\n go to x: (-300) y: (-100)\n repeat until <(x position) > [-1]>\n change x by (((x position) * (.1)) * (-1))\n end\n wait (7.3) seconds\n delete this clone\n else\n switch costume to (red squar v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait (3.4) seconds\n repeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-50)\n end\n wait (.2) seconds\n repeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (50)\n end\n wait (4.8) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (.5) seconds\n broadcast (Intro Finished v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.0001) seconds\nhide\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nif <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (LEVEL SELECTION)\nelse\n forever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nif <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (LEVEL SELECTION)\nelse\n forever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (COSTUMES \(PLAYER\))\nReset\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait (.2) seconds\nforever\n if <<(PAUSED? Y/N) = [n]> and <<(TRANSITION?) = [0]> and <(Dead?) = [0]>>> then\n if <(MOBILE MODE Y/N) = [n]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (.7)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-.7)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (.9))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [5]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-.5)\n change y by (Y velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [y velocity v] by (15)\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n else\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (.7)\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-.7)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (.9))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> then\n if <[] > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [5]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-.5)\n change y by (Y velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> then\n change [y velocity v] by (15)\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n if <touching (boost v)?> then\n set [x velocity v] to [30]\n end\n if <touching (inverted boost v)?> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-30]\n end\n if <touching (portal1 v)?> then\n start sound [Teleport v]\n go to (portal2 v)\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-90)\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>> then\n "Animation"1\n Reset\n "Animation"2\n end\nend\n\ndefine "Animation"1\nset [dead? v] to [1]\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (4)\nend\n\ndefine "Animation"2\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-4)\nend\nset [dead? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nReset\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nReset\n\n@Shadow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nforever\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <<(LEVEL) > [9]> and <(LEVEL) < [17]>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n else\n if <<(LEVEL SELECTION) > [9]> and <(LEVEL SELECTION) < [17]>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n end\n go to (player v)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <(Dead?) = [1]> then\n "Animation"1\n "Animation"2\n end\nend\n\ndefine "Animation"2\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\ndefine "Animation"1\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\n@Transition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nset [transition clone id v] to [0]\nset [transition? v] to [0]\nset [clone v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <<<<([x position v] of [player v]) > [234]> and <(TRANSITION?) = [0]>> and <not <(LEVEL) = [25]>>> or <([costume # v] of [skip button v]) = [2]>> then\n set [transition? v] to [1]\n repeat (2)\n change [transition clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone v] to [1]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(Transition Clone ID) = [1]> then\n set x to (-320)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nelse\n set x to (320)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by ((x position) * ((.2) * (-1)))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nif <(Clone) = [0]> then\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [transition clone id v] to [0]\nset [transition? v] to [0]\n\n@Boost\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nif <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (LEVEL SELECTION)\nelse\n forever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\n@Inverted Boost\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nif <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (LEVEL SELECTION)\nelse\n forever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\n@Portal2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [whirl v] effect to (500)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <<(LEVEL) > [9]> and <(LEVEL) < [17]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n go to x: (75) y: (-90)\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (130)\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-215) y: (150)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(LEVEL SELECTION) > [9]> and <(LEVEL SELECTION) < [17]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [6]> then\n go to x: (75) y: (-90)\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (130)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Portal1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-107) y: (-130)\nset [whirl v] effect to (500)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <<(LEVEL) > [9]> and <(LEVEL) < [17]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (-90)\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n go to x: (50) y: (-90)\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <<(LEVEL SELECTION) > [9]> and <(LEVEL SELECTION) < [17]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (-90)\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [11]> then\n go to x: (50) y: (-90)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Particle Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\nset size to (pick random (80) to (150)) %\ngo to x: (240) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\npoint in direction (pick random (-60) to (-105))\nset [speed v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\nrepeat until <<(x position) < [-235]> or <(y position) > [170]>>\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <<(LEVEL) < [17]> and <(LEVEL) > [9]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-90)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [N]> then\n move (Speed) steps\n end\n else\n if <<(LEVEL SELECTION) < [17]> and <(LEVEL SELECTION) > [9]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-90)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [N]> then\n move (Speed) steps\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [N]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine "Animation"1\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (2)\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n hide\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (-125)\n clear graphic effects\n Trampoline\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-125) y: (-125)\n clear graphic effects\n Trampoline\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-55) y: (-125)\n Trampoline\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [19]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-125)\n clear graphic effects\n Trampoline\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-75) y: (-125)\n clear graphic effects\n Trampoline\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-125) y: (-125)\n clear graphic effects\n Trampoline\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-55) y: (-125)\n Trampoline\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n if <(LEVEL SELECTION) = [19]> then\n go to x: (150) y: (-125)\n clear graphic effects\n Trampoline\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Trampoline\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\n repeat (3)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <not <(LEVEL) = (LeVeL)>>\n Trampoline\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nif <[] = [3]> then\n Trampoline\nelse\n if <[] = [16]> then\n Trampoline\n end\nend\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n set [level v] to [3]\n go to x: (0) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (120) y: (-101)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-101)\n wait until <not <(LEVEL) = (LeVeL)>>\nend\n\n@Cave Lights\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]> then\n if <<(LEVEL) > [9]> and <(LEVEL) < [17]>> then\n go to (player v)\n go to [back v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n if <<(LEVEL SELECTION) > [9]> and <(LEVEL SELECTION) < [17]>> then\n go to (player v)\n go to [back v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (.01) seconds\nforever\n if <(Dead?) = [1]> then\n "Animation"1\n "Animation"2\n end\nend\n\ndefine "Animation"1\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (2)\nend\n\ndefine "Animation"2\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\n@Skip Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (.001) seconds\ngo to x: (-155) y: (-156)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nif <<(SPEEDRUN Y/N) = [No]> and <(PRACTICING LEVEL Y/N) = [No]>> then\n show\n forever\n if <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [n]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [25]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(PAUSED? Y/N) = [n]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait (.1) seconds\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [paused v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [unpased v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n
CLICK FLAG 2 TIMES TO MAKE IT WORK\n#6 on Trending (Formerly)\nFan art by @NanoPlex: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/463293026/ \nShoutout:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/users/bc8911/\nThank you all for helping me achieve my dream. Directions: \narrow keys or WASD to move \nM to mute sound. Don't touch the red. \nYou need to get to the blue portal to advance to the next level. \ni for impossible mode \nSpace for skins (r to change back) \nThere are 16 levels in this platformer (all of them are 100% possible) \nStory: You are a person living on earth. One day, you get teleported to another world. You need to get to the final portal to get back to earth.\nThis took about 9 hours to make. So pls love, fav and follow.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ncheck out @Scratch75000, he made a impossible version of this game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/437824175/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbye.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI said bye.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBYE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSERIOUSLY BYE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBYE BYE BYE BYE BYE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nImpossible mode coming soon?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt will ok?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNow bye again.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbye\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbye\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThere's nothing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nsee?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhen will u learn your lesson?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1+1=2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStill down here, are u?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWell congrats, u have a very high IQ if u scrolled down here.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPress c to cheat\n ???\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSkin Codes coming soon!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nnever gonna give you up
Emoji Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [BGM 名前考えてないw v] until done\nend\n\n@キャラ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-193) y: (40)\nset size to (100) %\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nset [動き v] to [はい]\nswitch costume to (黒2 v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <(動き) = [はい]> then\n プログラム\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [time v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(ステージ) = [12]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine プログラム\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Y)\nif <<[0] < (Y)> and <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>>> then\n change y by ((0) - (Y))\nend\nif <touching color (#01d829)?> then\n change y by ((Y) - ((Y) * (1.8)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.6)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n change [x v] by (0.6)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <(Y) < [0.01]> then\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.96))\nelse\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\nend\nchange x by (X)\nif <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching color (#01d829)?> or <touching color (#b1b1b1)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n set [y v] to [13]\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<touching color (#ee0000)?> or <(y position) < [-178]>> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n hide\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-10)\n else\n go to x: (-200) y: (40)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n set pen (transparency v) to (0)\n show\n set [x v] to [0]\nend\nif <<[235] < (x position)> and <not <(ステージ) = [12]>>> then\n broadcast (次 v)\n hide\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-10)\n else\n go to x: (-200) y: (40)\n end\n change [ステージ v] by (1)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [x v] to [0]\nend\nset y to (round (y position))\n\nwhen I receive [keke v]\n1\n\ndefine 1\nset pen color to (#000000)\nset pen size to (22)\npen down\npen up\n\n@背景書かんとね\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n erase all\n set pen size to (1000000)\n set pen color to (#90daff)\n pen down\n broadcast (keke v)\nend\n\n@地面描こうね\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\ndefine 地面 (x) (y) (ペンの上下) (色合いは)\nif <(ペンの上下) = [1]> then\n pen up\nelse\n pen down\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [4]> then\n set pen color to (#ce8a2c)\n set pen size to (60)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [3]> then\n set pen color to (#0e8812)\n set pen size to (10)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [2]> then\n set pen color to (#14b940)\n set pen size to (20)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#02d82a)\n set pen size to (15)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [6]> then\n set pen color to (#02d82a)\n set pen size to (10)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [5]> then\n set pen color to (#ef0000)\n set pen size to (30)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [7]> then\n set pen color to (#ef0000)\n set pen size to (15)\nend\nif <(色合いは) = [8]> then\n set pen color to (#b9b9b9)\n set pen size to (15)\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [次 v]\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [2]> then\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-130] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-130] [-30] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-10] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-10] [10] [2] [1]\n 地面 [110] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [110] [100] [2] [1]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [3]> then\n 地面 [50] [-110] [1] [5]\n 地面 [250] [-110] [2] [5]\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-100] [250] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-100] [-70] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-25] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-25] [-20] [2] [1]\n pen up\n set pen color to (#01d829)\n set pen size to (7)\n go to x: (90) y: ((縦移動変数) - (30))\n pen down\n change x by (120)\n go to x: ((15) + (x position)) y: ((30) + (y position))\n go to x: (70) y: (縦移動変数)\n go to x: ((15) + (x position)) y: ((-30) + (y position))\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [4]> then\n 地面 [-25] [-110] [1] [5]\n 地面 [25] [-110] [2] [5]\n 地面 [130] [-110] [1] [5]\n 地面 [250] [-110] [2] [5]\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-120] [-90] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-120] [-40] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-40] [-40] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-40] [-90] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-120] [-90] [2] [6]\n 地面 [35] [-70] [1] [6]\n 地面 [35] [60] [2] [6]\n 地面 [110] [60] [2] [6]\n 地面 [110] [-70] [2] [6]\n 地面 [35] [-70] [2] [6]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [5]> then\n 地面 [-45] [-110] [1] [5]\n 地面 [300] [-110] [2] [5]\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-110] [-90] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-110] [-80] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-60] [-80] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-10] [-50] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-10] [-40] [2] [6]\n 地面 [40] [-40] [2] [6]\n 地面 [90] [-10] [1] [6]\n 地面 [90] [0] [2] [6]\n 地面 [140] [0] [2] [6]\n 地面 [175] [-110] [1] [6]\n 地面 [175] [120] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-70] [120] [2] [6]\n 地面 [60] [50] [1] [6]\n 地面 [60] [60] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-110] [60] [2] [6]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [6]> then\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ef0000)\n set pen size to (7)\n go to x: (-20) y: (縦移動変数2 red)\n pen down\n change x by (-70)\n change y by (-120)\n go to x: (-20) y: ((縦移動変数2 red) - (120))\n change y by (120)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ef0000)\n set pen size to (7)\n go to x: (160) y: ((縦移動変数2 red) * (-1))\n pen down\n change x by (-70)\n change y by (-120)\n go to x: (160) y: (((縦移動変数2 red) * (-1)) - (120))\n change y by (120)\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-150] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-150] [-10] [2] [1]\n 地面 [240] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [240] [80] [2] [1]\n 地面 [35] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [35] [-50] [2] [1]\n 地面 [35] [-10] [1] [1]\n 地面 [35] [300] [2] [1]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [7]> then\n 地面 [5] [-200] [1] [7]\n 地面 [5] [-80] [2] [7]\n 地面 [115] [-200] [1] [7]\n 地面 [115] [-50] [2] [7]\n 地面 [50] [230] [1] [7]\n 地面 [50] [50] [2] [7]\n 地面 [210] [230] [1] [7]\n 地面 [210] [-30] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-100] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-100] [-200] [2] [1]\n 地面 [10] [-200] [1] [6]\n 地面 [10] [-50] [2] [6]\n 地面 [120] [-200] [1] [6]\n 地面 [120] [70] [2] [6]\n 地面 [210] [-200] [1] [6]\n 地面 [210] [-130] [2] [6]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n 地面 [-120] [-105] [1] [7]\n 地面 [-75] [-105] [2] [7]\n 地面 [100] [-60] [1] [7]\n 地面 [300] [-60] [2] [7]\n 地面 [300] [100] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-140] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-140] [-60] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-55] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-55] [-30] [2] [1]\n 地面 [40] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [40] [-70] [2] [1]\n 地面 [250] [-70] [2] [1]\n pen up\n set pen color to (#01d829)\n set pen size to (7)\n go to x: (90) y: (縦移動変数)\n pen down\n change x by (140)\n change y by (-30)\n go to x: (90) y: ((縦移動変数) - (30))\n change y by (30)\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n 地面 [-75] [-105] [1] [7]\n 地面 [195] [-105] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-25] [100] [1] [7]\n 地面 [35] [100] [2] [7]\n 地面 [95] [100] [1] [7]\n 地面 [155] [100] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-120] [-90] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-120] [-75] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-60] [-75] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-5] [-50] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-5] [-35] [2] [6]\n 地面 [55] [-35] [2] [6]\n 地面 [110] [-10] [1] [6]\n 地面 [110] [5] [2] [6]\n 地面 [170] [5] [2] [6]\n 地面 [210] [-115] [1] [6]\n 地面 [210] [120] [2] [6]\n 地面 [210] [95] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-100] [95] [2] [6]\n 地面 [50] [35] [1] [6]\n 地面 [0] [35] [2] [6]\n 地面 [0] [45] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-50] [35] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-100] [35] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-100] [45] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-150] [35] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-200] [35] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-200] [45] [2] [6]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [10]> then\n pen up\n set pen size to (100)\n set pen color to (#ef0000)\n go to x: (-250) y: (縦移動変数3)\n pen down\n change x by (500)\n pen up\n set pen color to (#b1b1b1)\n set pen size to (10)\n 鉄橋 [-65] [20] \n 鉄橋 [60] [60] \n 鉄橋 [185] [100] \n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-150] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-70] [20] [1] [1]\n 地面 [-10] [20] [2] [1]\n 地面 [55] [70] [1] [1]\n 地面 [115] [70] [2] [1]\n 地面 [180] [115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [240] [115] [2] [1]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [11]> then\n 地面 [125] [-115] [1] [7]\n 地面 [125] [-25] [2] [7]\n 地面 [225] [-115] [1] [7]\n 地面 [225] [60] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-130] [-105] [1] [7]\n 地面 [-130] [-80] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-20] [-105] [1] [7]\n 地面 [-20] [-80] [2] [7]\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [30] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [30] [-40] [2] [1]\n 地面 [80] [-40] [2] [1]\n 地面 [80] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [130] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [130] [40] [2] [1]\n 地面 [180] [40] [2] [1]\n 地面 [180] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [230] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [230] [120] [2] [1]\n 地面 [280] [120] [2] [1]\n 地面 [280] [-115] [2] [1]\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [12]> then\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n 地面 [300] [300] [2] [1]\n 地面 [-90] [110] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-130] [110] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-130] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-90] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-90] [80] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-110] [80] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-40] [110] [1] [6]\n 地面 [-40] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [0] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [0] [110] [2] [6]\n 地面 [-40] [110] [2] [6]\n 地面 [60] [110] [1] [6]\n 地面 [40] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [60] [110] [1] [6]\n 地面 [80] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [45] [70] [1] [6]\n 地面 [70] [70] [2] [6]\n 地面 [120] [110] [1] [6]\n 地面 [120] [55] [2] [6]\n 地面 [160] [55] [2] [6]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [縦移動変数 v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat until <(縦移動変数) < [-59]>\n change [縦移動変数 v] by (((-70) - (縦移動変数)) / (30))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <[85] < (縦移動変数)>\n change [縦移動変数 v] by (((90) - (縦移動変数)) / (30))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [1]> then\n 地面 [-250] [-160] [1] [4]\n 地面 [300] [-160] [2] [4]\n 地面 [-250] [-130] [1] [3]\n 地面 [300] [-130] [2] [3]\n 地面 [-250] [-120] [1] [2]\n 地面 [300] [-120] [2] [2]\n 地面 [-250] [-115] [1] [1]\n 地面 [300] [-115] [2] [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [縦移動変数2 red v] to [0]\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n repeat until <(縦移動変数2 red) < [-49]>\n change [縦移動変数2 red v] by (((-55) - (縦移動変数2 red)) / (30))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <[49] < (縦移動変数2 red)>\n change [縦移動変数2 red v] by (((60) - (縦移動変数2 red)) / (30))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [縦移動変数3 v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat until <(縦移動変数3) < [-169]>\n change [縦移動変数3 v] by (((-180) - (縦移動変数3)) / (50))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <[-129] < (縦移動変数3)>\n change [縦移動変数3 v] by (((-120) - (縦移動変数3)) / (50))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\ndefine 鉄橋 (x) (y) \ngo to x: (x) y: (-180)\npen down\nset y to (y)\npen up\ngo to x: ((x) + (50)) y: (-180)\npen down\nset y to (y)\npen up\nset y to (-180)\n1 (x) (y)\n\ndefine 1 (x) (y)\nset x to (x)\npen down\ngo to x: ((x) + (50)) y: ((y position) + (40))\nchange y by (-40)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y position) + (40))\npen up\nchange y by (10)\nset x to (x)\npen down\ngo to x: ((x) + (50)) y: ((y position) + (40))\nchange y by (-40)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y position) + (40))\npen up\nchange y by (10)\nset x to (x)\npen down\ngo to x: ((x) + (50)) y: ((y position) + (40))\nchange y by (-40)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y position) + (40))\npen up\nchange y by (10)\nset x to (x)\npen down\ngo to x: ((x) + (50)) y: ((y position) + (40))\nchange y by (-40)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y position) + (40))\npen up\nchange y by (10)\nif <[59] < (y)> then\n set x to (x)\n pen down\n go to x: ((x) + (50)) y: ((y position) + (40))\n change y by (-40)\n go to x: (x) y: ((y position) + (40))\n pen up\n change y by (10)\n if <[99] < (y)> then\n set x to (x)\n pen down\n go to x: ((x) + (50)) y: ((y position) + (40))\n change y by (-40)\n go to x: (x) y: ((y position) + (40))\n pen up\n change y by (10)\n end\nend\n\n@タイム表示\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.01) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(ステージ) = [12]>\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n set [場所 v] to [1]\n ちめ\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\nend\n\ndefine ちめ\nrepeat (length of (Time))\n switch costume to (letter (場所) of (Time))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [場所 v] by (1)\n change x by (25)\nend\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nshow\n\n
Hi, this is my game, my list platformer! use arrow keys or WAD to move. Since i am using characters, the platformer can be a bit confusing so here is a quick explanation:\n\n'~' = ground\n'∆' = spikes\n'=' = trampoline\n'_' = empty space\n\nThat's all! Enjoy!\n\nFor all those who are wondering how this works, go here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/479865824
Rainbow— A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [smb_main-theme v] until done\nend\n\n@敵\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [数 v] to [0]\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange [数 v] by (1)\nset [止める? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\ngo to x: (150) y: (50)\nshow\nforever\n if <(止める?) = [0]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <not <touching (地面 v)?>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n set [借2 v] to (y)\n change y by (借2)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [0]\n else\n change y by (y)\n end\n change y by ((0) - (借2))\n if <([x position v] of [自分 v]) > (x position)> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (0.5)\n end\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [自分 v])> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-0.5)\n end\n set [借2 v] to (x)\n change x by (借2)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (15)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (-15)\n else\n 坂を登る\n end\n else\n change x by (借2)\n end\n change x by ((0) - (借2))\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(止める?) = [0]> then\n wait (pick random (0.5) to (2)) seconds\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n if <(size) = [250]> then\n set [y v] to [16]\n else\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (3)\n end\nend\n\ndefine 坂を登る\nif <(止める?) = [0]> then\n change y by (-15)\n repeat (15)\n change y by (1)\n if <not <touching (地面 v)?>> then\n change x by (x)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(size) = [250]> then\n set [hp v] to [3]\nelse\n set [hp v] to [1]\nend\nforever\n if <(止める?) = [0]> then\n if <<touching (自分 v)?> and <<[-5] > (Y)> or <<(size) = [250]> and <[0] > (Y)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n start sound [ポフ v]\n change [hp v] by (-1)\n if <[1] > (HP)> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n set [止める? v] to [1]\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n change [数 v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート地点 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージ v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート地点 v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [数 v] to [0]\nif <not <(ステージ) = [10]>> then\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n set size to (100) %\n repeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n set size to (260) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [削除 v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [削除 v]\nset [止める? v] to [1]\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [スタート地点 v]\nif <(ステージ) = [7]> then\n repeat (1)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\n@棘\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(ステージ) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-45)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n show\n else\n if <(ステージ) = [3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-45)\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n show\n else\n if <(ステージ) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-10) y: (108)\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\n show\n else\n hide\n if <(ステージ) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-45)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@自分\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (スタート地点 v)\nforever\n if <(動ける?) = [0]> then\n if <not <touching (地面 v)?>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n set [借 v] to (Y)\n change y by (借)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [0]\n else\n change y by (Y)\n end\n change y by ((0) - (借))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<touching (地面 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n start sound [ジャンプ2 v]\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (5)\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <((x position) - (20)) > (mouse x)> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n set [借 v] to (X)\n change x by (借)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (15)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (-15)\n change y by (-7)\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n start sound [ジャンプ2 v]\n set [y v] to [12]\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))> then\n set [x v] to [-8]\n end\n if <((x position) - (20)) > (mouse x)> then\n set [x v] to [8]\n end\n else\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [x v] to [-8]\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [x v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (7)\n else\n 坂を登る\n end\n else\n change x by (X)\n end\n change x by ((0) - (借))\n change y by (-1)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート地点 v]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (50)\n\ndefine 坂を登る\nchange y by (-15)\nrepeat (15)\n change y by (1)\n if <not <touching (地面 v)?>> then\n change x by (X)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [スタート地点 v]\nset [動ける? v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nwait until <<(数) = [0]> and <(x position) > [235]>>\nbroadcast (次のステージ v)\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージ v]\nhide\nbroadcast (スタート地点 v)\n\nwhen I receive [スタート地点 v]\nforever\n change y by (15)\n if <touching (敵 v)?> then\n set [動ける? v] to [1]\n change y by (-15)\n start sound [smb_mariodies v]\n broadcast (削除 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n broadcast (スタート地点 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change y by (-15)\n if <touching (棘 v)?> then\n set [動ける? v] to [1]\n start sound [smb_mariodies v]\n broadcast (削除 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n broadcast (スタート地点 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [7]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (1)\n create clone of (敵 v)\n end\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次のステージ v]\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\nnext costume\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [ゴール v]\nclear graphic effects\n\n
(Entry of amazng-c0der 80+ FOLLOWERS contest)\nPOV: Save 2 coming is out!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/654865765/\nMar, 03, 2022: 13.4k views OOOOOO\n450 LOVES AND 400 FAVORITES!\n3th trending all and 3th tending games!!!!!!!!!\nPOV: I have 1553 messages, and growing fast!\nMar, 05, 2022: 52.1k views OOOOOOOOOOO\n1840 LOVES AND 1620 FAVORITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n6TH TRENDING ALL AND GAMES! WHAT THE COMMUNITY IS LOVING!\nPOV: I HAVE ALMOST 6000 MESSAGES!\nMar, 09, 2022: 114K VIEWSSSSSS!!!!!\n4000 LOVES AND 3500 FAVORITES OOOOOOOOO\n7TH TRENDING ALL AND 4TH TRENDING GAMES!!!!!!\nMar, 12, 2022: 140K VIEWS OMG\n4700 LOVES!!!! 4100 FAVORITES!!!!\nFollow, love and fav for more!\nMy first official platformer!\n18 Levels\nAvoid spikes and saws, and lava\nFight the boss and save your parents!\nHope you enjoy!\nWorld record and time playing\n13 sprites, 42 scripts, 498 blocks, 90 assets\nArrow keys, WASD or mobile controls to move\nMute/Unmute music\nTo defeat the boss, touch the orange thing\nMusic: Jim Yosef & Alex Skrindo - Ruby [NCS Release]
Minecraft! // -A Platformer -
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blank v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (end 1 v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n broadcast (Level one complete v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (end 2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n broadcast (level two complete v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (end 3 v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n broadcast (level three complete v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (harmful part v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (end 5 v)?> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n broadcast (level 5 complete v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset 2 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (end 6 v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n broadcast (level 6 complete v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (fake end v)?> then\n broadcast (Fake end v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (end 7 v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n broadcast (End v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nforever\n play sound (pick random (1) to (3)) until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-73)\nset [speedx v] to [0]\nset [speedy v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [speedx v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [speedx v] by (-1)\n end\n change x by (SpeedX)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change x by ((SpeedX) * (-1))\n set [speedx v] to [0]\n else\n set [speedx v] to ((SpeedX) * (0.8))\n end\n change y by (SpeedY)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((SpeedY) * (-1))\n set [speedy v] to [0]\n if <(lock) = [0]> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [speedy v] to [10]\n set [lock v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n change [speedy v] by (-1)\n set [lock v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nforever\n if <touching (end 4 v)?> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (-73)\n broadcast (level 4 complete v)\n switch backdrop to (thumbnail v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nshow\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level one complete v]\nswitch costume to (level 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level two complete v]\nswitch costume to (level 3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\nswitch costume to (level 4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch costume to (you won!! v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\nswitch costume to (level 5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nswitch costume to (level 7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@fake platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level two complete v]\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\nswitch backdrop to (almost blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (blank v)\n\n@end 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level one complete v]\ngo to x: (28) y: (-122)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level two complete v]\nhide\n\n@end 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level one complete v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\ngo to x: (233) y: (14)\nshow\n\n@end 3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level two complete v]\ngo to x: (182) y: (110)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\nhide\n\n@end 4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\ngo to x: (138) y: (142)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\nhide\n\n@end 5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\ngo to x: (241) y: (-2)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nhide\n\n@end 6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nhide\n\n@end 7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\ngo to x: (198) y: (-206)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (reset v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-183) y: (127)\nshow\n\n@hint 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (159) y: (-146)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [invisible something somewhere.] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [level one complete v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [invisible something somewhere.] for (5) seconds\n\n@hint 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (159) y: (-146)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level one complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [invisible everything] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [level two complete v]\nhide\n\n@hint 3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (159) y: (-146)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level two complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [Its the oppisite] for (5) seconds\n\n@hint 4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (159) y: (-146)\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [Look closley] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [level three complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\nhide\n\n@hint 5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\ngo to x: (174) y: (-147)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [Fake something somewhere again.] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nhide\n\n@hint 6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\ngo to x: (184) y: (-148)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [Four fake parts] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\ngo to x: (172) y: (-11)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nsay [The begginig is the end.] for (2) seconds\n\n@fake wall\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level one complete v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin now v]\ngo to x: (211) y: (49)\nshow\n\n@fake platform 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nhide\n\n@harmful part\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 complete v]\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nhide\n\n@reset 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-183) y: (127)\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (reset 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nhide\n\n@fake platform 3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nhide\n\n@fake end\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [fake end v]\nsay [TROLLEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!] for (5) seconds\nsay [But there is a way to get to end maybe look at hint...] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@troll face\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [fake end v]\ngo to x: (-61) y: (-48)\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nrepeat (100)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 complete v]\ngo to x: (-33) y: (-160)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-195) y: (-135)\nswitch costume to (username v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (backgroundblock v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (backgroundblock v)\n change x by (90)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change y by (90)\n set x to (-195)\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to (backgroundblock v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [name v]) = [BackgroundBlock]> then\n set size to (0) %\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (40)\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Username]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (0) %\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((150) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n \n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((timer) * (5)) * (50)) ) * (5)))\n switch costume to (empty v)\n change size by (((introNameSize) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (username v)\n set [color v] effect to (CloneColorEffect)\n end\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Cool Square]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (0) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [color v] effect to (CloneColorEffect)\n \n repeat (33)\n switch costume to (empty v)\n change size by (((350) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (cool square v)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [intronamesize v] to [150]\nwait (0.001) seconds\nrepeat until <(IntroOver) = [1]>\n change [clonecoloreffect v] by (20)\n switch costume to (cool square v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (end v)\n repeat (33)\n change [intronamesize v] by (((150) - (introNameSize)) / (5))\n end\n set [intronamesize v] to [500]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nplay sound [Rob Gasser - Ricochet \[NCS Release\] v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [introover v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nwait (6.96) seconds\nset [introover v] to [1]\nshow\nswitch costume to (end v)\ngo to x: (1000000000000000000) y: (10000000000)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (80)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (15))\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (15))\nend\nbroadcast (IntroOver v)\n\nwhen I receive [introover v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [5]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (BEGIN NOW v)\n\n
Go love and fave my scratch memes and my parallax and enter my contest\n\n\nWell I tried to make it good but then again I used the brush tool.\n\n\n\nRate my art down below in this strawpoll\nhttps://strawpoll.com/adubfj7eq\n\n\nuse arrow keys(Mobile Friendly) and press s key to skip.Press S to skip.Everything in this platformer is made with the brush tool.This project displays great graphics game play and handwriting.\n
Cave Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Prelude v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n wait (pick random (6) to (10)) seconds\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\n@Love and Fav!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (20) seconds\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n switch costume to (nooooo v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (love v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (fav v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (follow v)\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n wait (180) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (cursor v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (140)\nglide (2) secs to x: (60) y: (140)\nstart sound [Click v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (105) y: (140)\nstart sound [Click v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (190) y: (140)\nstart sound [Click v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Little Blue \n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nforever\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n change y by (speed y)\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n Walk (-90) (-4)\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n Walk (90) (4)\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n switch costume to (up v)\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n start sound [Boing v]\n set [speed y v] to [18]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (blue's shadow v)\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (down v)\n end\n if <(speed y) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (forwards v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (thorns v)?>> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n start sound [Crunch v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\n@Little Red\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (little blue v)?>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (little blue v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-170) y: (0)\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nforever\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n change y by (speed y)\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n Walk (-90) (-4)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n Walk (90) (4)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [10]\n switch costume to (up v)\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n wait (0) seconds\n start sound [Boing v]\n set [speed y v] to [18]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (red's shadow v)\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (down v)\n end\n if <(speed y) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (forwards v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-170) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (thorns v)?>> then\n go to x: (-170) y: (0)\n start sound [Crunch v]\n end\nend\n\n@Blue's Shadow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (9) layers\nshow\ngo to (little blue v)\nrepeat (8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (12.5)\n change [color v] effect by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Red's Shadow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (7) layers\nshow\ngo to (little red v)\nrepeat (8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (12.5)\n change [color v] effect by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Red's glow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (little red v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (24) layers\nend\n\n@Blue's glow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (little blue v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (23) layers\nend\n\n@Green Flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (not quite v)\n if <touching (little blue v)?> then\n switch costume to (halfway there v)\n end\n if <touching (little red v)?> then\n switch costume to (halfway there v)\n end\n if <<touching (little blue v)?> and <touching (little red v)?>> then\n switch costume to (level complete v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstart sound [Magic Spell v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to x: (200) y: (-90)\nset [key collected? v] to [0]\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\ngo to x: (-25) y: (-90)\nset [key collected? v] to [1]\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\ngo to x: (200) y: (-60)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\ngo to x: (200) y: (-20)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\ngo to x: (-20) y: (130)\nset [key collected? v] to [1]\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\ngo to x: (200) y: (-90)\nset [key collected? v] to [3]\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\ngo to x: (200) y: (-90)\nset [key collected? v] to [1]\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\ngo to x: (165) y: (50)\nset [key collected? v] to [1]\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\ngo to x: (175) y: (60)\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\ngo to x: (210) y: (20)\nwait until <(Level) = [11]>\nset [key collected? v] to [77777777]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Magic Spell v]\nforever\n if <(Key collected?) = [0]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nswitch costume to (level 2 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nswitch costume to (level 3 v)\nwait until <(log knocked?) = [1]>\nswitch costume to (level 3 knocked v)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (level 4 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (level 5 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nswitch costume to (level 7 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nswitch costume to (level 8 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\nswitch costume to (level 9 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (level 10 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [11]>\nswitch costume to (level 11 v)\n\n@Fake Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Key 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-12.5)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (little blue v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n hide\n change [key collected? v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\nif <not <(Level) = [7]>> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 key v]\nshow\n\n@Key 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-12.5)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (little blue v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n hide\n change [key collected? v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\n\n@Key 3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-12.5)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (little blue v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n hide\n change [key collected? v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\n\n@Prison Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-12.5)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (little blue v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n hide\n change [prison key? v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\n\n@Lvl 3 Log\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0) seconds\nhide\nset [log knocked? v] to [0]\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (70) y: (-95)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\nwait until <<touching (little blue v)?> or <touching (little red v)?>>\nstart sound [Door Creak v]\nrepeat (20)\n turn left (1) degrees\nend\nrepeat (9)\n turn left (2) degrees\nend\nrepeat (8)\n turn left (3) degrees\nend\nrepeat (7)\n turn left (4) degrees\nend\nstart sound [Door Closing v]\nset [log knocked? v] to [1]\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nhide\n\n@Thorns\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 4 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 5 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 7 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 8 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 9 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (level 10 v)\nhide\n\n@Green Cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\ngo to x: (15) y: (30)\nswitch costume to (imprisoned v)\nset [prison key? v] to [1]\nshow\nwait until <(Prison Key?) = [0]>\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-14.5)\nend\ngo to x: (15) y: (-117)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (hooray! v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (happy v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (thanks v)\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (level 7 key v)\nswitch costume to (follow me v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (gotta find! v)\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (nearly there! v)\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (last level! v)\nwait until <(Level) = [11]>\nswitch costume to (victory v)\n\n@trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait until <(Level) = [11]>\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (little red v)?> or <touching (little blue v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
Hello! Welcome to Journey- A platformer! I worked very hard on this game so I hope you enjoy it!\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\nHave fun and please like, favorite, and follow, because it would mean a lot! Put suggestions in the comments!\n\nSorry about any glitches! \n\n
Platformer Creator
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) < [11]> then\n next costume\nend\n\n@p\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [1]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [11]>\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nforever\n Run physics [0.9] [0.9] [-1] [15]\nend\n\ndefine Run physics (speed) (friction) (gravity) (jump height)\nchange [yvel v] by (gravity)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by (speed)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by ((speed) * (-1))\nend\nset [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (friction))\nchange x by (Xvel)\nif then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif then\n change y by (-3)\n change x by ((Xvel) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yvel v] to ((jump height) - (3.5))\n if <[0] < (Xvel)> then\n set [xvel v] to [-6]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [6]\n end\n else\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Yvel)\nif then\n change y by ((Yvel) * (-1))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if then\n set [yvel v] to (jump height)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ndelete this clone\n\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset size to (125) %\nbroadcast (11 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Level) = [22]>\n if <[220] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (Next level v) and wait\n broadcast (11 v) and wait\n wait until <not <[220] < (x position)>>\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching (fgjfg-removebg-preview v)?>> or <<touching (p v)?> or <touching (fireball v)?>>> then\n broadcast (Ded v) and wait\n broadcast (11 v)\n set size to (125) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset size to (125) %\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[2] = (costume [number v])> then\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n wait until <not <[2] = (costume [number v])>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (125) %\nforever\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n set size to (100) %\n broadcast (12 v)\n end\nend\n\nchange y by (1)\n\n\n\nset [yvel v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nstart sound [Roblox Death Sound OOF Sound Effect v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nforever\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nhide\nset size to (125) %\nforever\n wait (0.001) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (player v)\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nset size to (125) %\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (5) layers\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) < [11]> then\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [0138 v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [a v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(a) = [1]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@fgjfg-removebg-preview\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (32) y: (-132)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (fgjfg-removebg-preview v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [5]>\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (fgjfg-removebg-preview2 v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [7]>\n repeat (20)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (fgjfg-removebg-preview2 v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [7]>\n repeat (20)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n forever\n if <not <<(Level) = [4]> or <<(Level) = [10]> or <(Level) = [6]>>>> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@fireball\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-18) y: (-197)\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (193) y: (-197)\nend\nrepeat (21)\n change y by (20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (30)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nrepeat until <(Level) = [10]>\n wait (0.7) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n
Chaos Unleashed - a Platformer v. 2.0
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\n@Thumbail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (24)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Ninja\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (clones v)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-88)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n change [x v] by (0.9)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n change [x v] by (-0.9)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-1)\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [247]> then\n show\n switch costume to (1 v)\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-193) y: (-88)\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n end\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (-193) y: (-88)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nif <touching (enemy v)?> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (-193) y: (-88)\nend\n\n@GG\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n go to x: (([x position v] of [cursor v]) * (-0.1)) y: (([y position v] of [cursor v]) * (-0.1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\n@cursor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\nend\n\n@Gg\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (([x position v] of [cursor v]) * (0.1)) y: (([y position v] of [cursor v]) * (0.1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\n@Word\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-82) y: (133)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n hide\n broadcast (Start v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [attack in progress v] to [0]\nset [direction of sword v] to [right]\nset [sword v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (90) %\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (-17) y: (-12)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (ninja v)?> then\n broadcast (Sword v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sword v]\nshow\nset [sword v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n go to (ninja v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Attack in progress) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n set [direction of sword v] to [right]\n else\n set [direction of sword v] to [right]\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Attack in progress) = [0]> then\n set [direction of sword v] to [left]\n switch costume to (9 v)\n else\n set [direction of sword v] to [left]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(Attack in progress) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Actack v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [actack v]\nif <(sword) = [1]> then\n if <(Attack in progress) = [0]> then\n set [attack in progress v] to [1]\n if <(Attack in progress) = [1]> then\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n end\n if <(Direction of sword) = [right]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (9 v)\n end\n set [attack in progress v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (-2) y: (2)\nset size to (100) %\nset [size v] to [100]\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (size) )\n change [size v] by (5)\nend\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (55) to (59)) %\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nif <(random) = [1]> then\n go to x: (300) y: (pick random (150) to (100))\n repeat until <(x position) < [-200]>\n change x by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(random) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-300) y: (pick random (150) to (100))\n repeat until <(x position) > [200]>\n change x by (1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n set [random v] to (pick random (1) to (2))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (2.5) seconds\nend\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine Clone at : (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v) and wait\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\n else\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\n else\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\n else\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n Clone at : [162] [-83]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [enemy x v] to [0]\nset [enemy y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat until <touching (sword v)?>\n change [enemy y v] by (-1)\n if <([x position v] of [ninja v]) < (x position)> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [enemy x v] by (-.5)\n else\n change [enemy x v] by (.5)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [enemy x v] to ((Enemy X) * (.9))\n change x by (Enemy X)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((Enemy X) * (-1))\n if <([y position v] of [ninja v]) > ((y position) + (5))> then\n set [enemy y v] to [8]\n if <([abs v] of (Enemy X) ) = (Enemy X)> then\n set [enemy x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [enemy x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [enemy x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Enemy Y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Enemy Y) * (-1))\n set [enemy y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<([y position v] of [ninja v]) > ((y position) + (5))> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [enemy y v] to [12]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ninja v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v) and wait\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\n else\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\n else\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n Clone at : [211] [-58]\n else\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n Clone at : [162] [-83]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (33) y: (64)\n glide (1) secs to x: (33) y: (55)\nend\n\n
[Space] - Jump ; [WASD] / [Arrow keys] move \nIf hard press button in top left corner.\nEditor shortcuts:\n[C] - Play/Edit ; [X] Change edit mode,\nWhile choosing type [1-5]\nWhile choosing height [0-9] or hold [Z] + [0-9]\n[Top button] - Edit mode
Colorful! a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (100)\n change volume by (-1)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (6)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (9)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1.5) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nbroadcast (Start v)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set size to (200) %\n change y by (yv)\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nswitch costume to (31 v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nbroadcast (Start v)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set size to (200) %\n change y by (yv)\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-120)\nshow\nforever\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.85))\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-178]> then\n broadcast (Start v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (-175) y: (-145)\nwait (10) seconds\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.85))\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <(y position) > [179]> then\n broadcast (staff v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [staff v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-145)\nset size to (50) %\nset [xv v] to [15]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.85))\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [7]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.5)\n end\n if <<(x position) > [239]> and <(y position) > [150]>> then\n broadcast (end v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Level 1\n\ndefine clones\nset [id v] to [0]\nrepeat (7)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (platform 1 v)\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-50]>\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-125]>\n change x by (((-100) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-100]>\n set x to ((x position) * (0.75))\n end\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [100]>\n change x by (((-100) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [-29]>\n change y by (((-30) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-85]>\n go to x: (-200) y: (25)\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-150]>\n change x by (((-150) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n go to x: (-150) y: (25)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (-150) y: (75)\n hide\n wait (0.35) seconds\n show\n glide (8) secs to x: (-150) y: (275)\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (platform 2 v)\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-50]>\n repeat until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [100]> or <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-100]>>\n change x by (((100) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [-29]>\n change y by (((-30) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n hide\n wait (1.5) seconds\n show\n repeat until <(y position) > [-1]>\n set y to ((y position) * (0.75))\n end\n go to x: (100) y: (0)\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-100]>\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [175]>\n set x to ((x position) * (0.75))\n end\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-150]>\n set x to ((x position) * (0.75))\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [-29]>\n change y by (((-30) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n wait until <([y position v] of [player v]) > [125]>\n wait until <([y position v] of [player v]) < [-100]>\n forever\n set y to ((y position) * (0.75))\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [3]> then\n hide\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-50]>\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (-75)\n switch costume to (text 1 v)\n repeat until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [100]> or <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-100]>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((-50) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > [100]> then\n switch costume to (text 2 v)\n else\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-100]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (((-75) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-100]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (((-75) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n switch costume to (text 3 v)\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [175]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((-50) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (((-75) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [4]> then\n hide\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [175]>\n show\n switch costume to (platform 3 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (200)\n repeat until <([y position v] of [player v]) > [125]>\n set y to ((y position) * (0.75))\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [-359]>\n change y by (((-360) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(id) = [5]> then\n hide\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [175]>\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n go to x: (-75) y: (-100)\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-65]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((-75) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-150]>\n turn right (((180) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (((-100) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [6]> then\n hide\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [-50]>\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-100]>\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [175]>\n wait until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-65]>\n show\n switch costume to (platform 4 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-30)\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-85]>\n set y to ((y position) * (0.75))\n end\n repeat until <(y position) < [-29]>\n change y by (((-30) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [7]> then\n hide\n wait until <([y position v] of [player v]) > [125]>\n show\n switch costume to (platform 5 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-300)\n repeat until <([x position v] of [player v]) > [50]>\n set y to ((y position) * (0.75))\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (platform 6 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0) seconds\nclones\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Errors\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (5) seconds\nstart sound [Error v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nwait (3) seconds\nstart sound [Error v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n start sound [Error v]\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\n@Level 2 Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (6)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (9)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (6)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (7)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (7)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\n\n@Staff Room\n\nwhen I receive [staff v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Ending\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (stop 4 v)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (stop 6 v)\nrepeat (4)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume20 v)\nstart sound [explode v]\nrepeat (12)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n change y by (((360) - (y position)) / (10))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
新作公開!!⇩\n https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/960928524\n\n元傾向1位!!!!!\n♡2000突破!\n♡と☆3000突破でアプデします!!\nなんか傾向1位変なのに抜かれてた;;\n\n    ✨AMONG US PLATFORMER✨\n\n日本語は下です\n\nEnglish\n▶About this work\n This is a platformer of Amongas!\n Please enjoy it!\n\n▶Controls\n Use arrow keys to control.\n Tap the direction you want to go to advance the mobile.\n\n Avoid hitting the imposter or the abyss!\n\nDifficulty\nPC ★★☆☆☆\nmobile★★★☆☆\nCredits\n BGM Taken from YouTube\n Sound Effects Sound Effect Lab\n  \n▶tag/tag\n#game #all #platformer #AMONG US\n\n 日本語\n▶この作品について\n アモングアスのプラットフォーマーです!!\n ぜひ楽しんでください!!\n\n▶操作方法\n 矢印キーで操作します。\n モバイルはいきたい方向をタップで進めます\n\n インポスターや奈落に当たらないようにしてください!\n\n▶難易度\nPC   ★★☆☆☆\nモバイル ★★★☆☆\n\n▶クレジット\n BGM ようつべより引用\n 効果音 効果音ラボ\n アモングアス作者様\n 作品参考\n スク友の@-Lemu-が出してたプラフォ\n  \n▶tag/タグ\n#game #all #platformer #AMONG US
Adventure -A Platformer- #all #games
@Stage\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (35) y: (31)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Net\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n play sound [Portis - Ocean \(2\) v] until done\nend\n\n@Net 2\n\n@Coach\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [Electric by bubblebee3 v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\n@Button2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n change [timer v] by (timer)\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (3)) * (500)) ) * (10)))\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [50]> then\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\n else\n set size to ((size) + (((80) - (size)) / (3))) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-217) y: (-47)\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (38) y: (-34)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [Squish Pop v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Instructions v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nplay sound [Finger Snap v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\n\n@How to play\n\nwhen I receive [hide stuff v]\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen I receive [down v]\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (36) y: (28)\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (24) y: (367)\n\n@x\n\nwhen I receive [hide stuff v]\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\ngo to x: (23) y: (90)\nglide (1) secs to x: (23) y: (361)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n switch costume to (how to play3 v)\n else\n switch costume to (how to play2 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nbroadcast (down v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nplay sound [click v] until done\n\n@Button3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n change [timer v] by (timer)\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (3)) * (500)) ) * (10)))\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [50]> then\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\n else\n set size to ((size) + (((80) - (size)) / (3))) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-219) y: (52)\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (40) y: (44)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [Squish Pop v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Play v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nplay sound [Finger Snap v] until done\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Soccer Ball\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (center v)\nreset x placement [-200]\n\ndefine reset x placement (place)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (place) y: (-30)\npoint in direction (90)\nReset player variables\n\ndefine If touching\nif <touching (spikes and lava v)?> then\n reset x placement [-224]\nend\n\ndefine Reset player variables\nset [x v v] to [0]\nset [y v v] to [0]\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [y v v]\nhide variable [x v v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (net v)?> then\n go to x: (208) y: (-66)\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n play sound [Coin v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nreset x placement [-224]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nreset x placement [-224]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v v] by (.9)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v v] by (-.9)\n end\n turn right (X v) degrees\n set [x v v] to ((X v) * (0.9))\n change x by (X v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X v) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n if <(X v) > [0]> then\n set [x v v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v v] to [15]\n else\n set [x v v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y v) * (-1))\n set [y v v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [y v v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n If touching\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n play sound [Crunch v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (-251) y: (-65)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (kicking boosts v)?> then\n set [y v v] to [20]\n play sound [Big Boing v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [timer v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow variable [timer v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n change [timer v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yup v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-63)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (cactus v)?> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n play sound [Crunch v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\n@Kicking Boosts\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-128) y: (145)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (36) y: (28)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (36) y: (28)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@Cactus\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (33) y: (53)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@The end\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [timer v] to (Timer)\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n
NO MOBILE\n---------------------------------------------------------------\nALL GLITCHES FIXED :D I think...\nWelcome to my best non-scrolling platformer!\nArrow keys/wasd to move. You can wall jump.\nSkip button to skip.\nOther instructions in-game. And btw if you touch the boss's acid particles you will also lose health.\nTell me if there are any glitches.
Toast 3 - Platformer || #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [level 16 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 16 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 1 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 5 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 3 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 4 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 6 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 7 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [portal 1 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 8 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 9 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 9 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 10 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 11 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 12 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 12 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 14 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 14 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 13 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 13 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [portal 2 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 15 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 17 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 17 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 18 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 18 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 19 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 19 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 20 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 20 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 21 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 21 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [portal 3 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 22 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 23 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 23 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 24 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 24 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [portal 4 v]\nswitch backdrop to (final level v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen I receive [code v]\nask [What's the code?] and wait\nif <(answer) = [61453279]> then\n broadcast (good v)\nelse\n broadcast (bad v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 2 v)\nbroadcast (move v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (main menu v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 2 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 20 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 18 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 17 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 16 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 15 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 14 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 13 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 12 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 11 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 10 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 9 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 8 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 6 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 5 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 4 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 3 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 21 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 22 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 23 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [try again v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 23]> then\n broadcast (key and locked door v)\nend\nif <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 24]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (31)\n set [yv v] to [0]\nelse\n go to x: (-150) y: (-74)\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [final level v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 24 v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (31)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 7 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 19 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [change colour v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (-2) y: (-74)\nbroadcast (arrows, show yourselves! v)\n\nwhen I receive [right v]\nchange [costume # v] by (1)\nnext costume\nif <(Costume #) = [8]> then\n if <(Ultimate?) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (playerultimate v)\n set [costume # v] to [Ultimate]\n else\n switch costume to (player1 v)\n set [costume # v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [left v]\nchange [costume # v] by (-1)\nif <(Costume #) = [0]> then\n if <(Ultimate?) = [Yes]> then\n switch costume to (playerultimate v)\n set [costume # v] to [Ultimate]\n else\n switch costume to (player7 v)\n set [costume # v] to [7]\n end\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (player1 v)\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (player2 v)\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (player3 v)\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (player4 v)\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (player5 v)\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (player6 v)\nend\nif <(Costume #) = [-1]> then\n switch costume to (player7 v)\n set [costume # v] to [7]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [done v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nbroadcast (play, show yourself! v)\n\nwhen I receive [good v]\nswitch costume to (playerultimate v)\nset [ultimate? v] to [Yes]\nset [costume # v] to [Ultimate]\nbroadcast (done v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ultimate? v] to [No]\nswitch costume to (player1 v)\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-74)\nset [level # v] to [1]\nset [costume # v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <([costume # v] of [right v]) = [2]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <([costume # v] of [left v]) = [2]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <([costume # v] of [up v]) = [2]>>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <([costume # v] of [up v]) = [2]>>> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <<<touching color (#019c31)?> or <touching color (#7f5723)?>> or <<<touching color (#e14339)?> or <touching color (#9f2e26)?>> or <<touching color (#016edb)?> or <touching color (#0157ae)?>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff6161)?> or <<(y position) < [-179]> or <key (r v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (try again v)\n end\n if <touching color (#b882ff)?> then\n change [level # v] by (1)\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 7]> then\n broadcast (portal 1 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 14]> then\n broadcast (portal 2 v)\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#87c3ff)?> then\n change [level # v] by (1)\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 21]> then\n broadcast (portal 3 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 24]> then\n broadcast (portal 4 v)\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#006666)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n if <touching color (#002699)?> then\n broadcast (code, show yourself! v)\n end\n if <<touching color (#ffdc49)?> or <touching color (#ffbe28)?>> then\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 23]> then\n broadcast (open, sesamo! v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Final Level]> then\n broadcast (final message v)\n hide\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n change [level # v] by (1)\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 1]> then\n broadcast (level 2 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 2]> then\n broadcast (level 3 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 3]> then\n broadcast (level 4 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 4]> then\n broadcast (level 5 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 5]> then\n broadcast (level 6 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 6]> then\n broadcast (level 7 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 8]> then\n broadcast (level 9 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 9]> then\n broadcast (level 10 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 10]> then\n broadcast (level 11 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 11]> then\n broadcast (level 12 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 12]> then\n broadcast (level 13 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 13]> then\n broadcast (level 14 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 15]> then\n broadcast (level 16 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 16]> then\n broadcast (level 17 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 17]> then\n broadcast (level 18 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 18]> then\n broadcast (level 19 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 19]> then\n broadcast (level 20 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 20]> then\n broadcast (level 21 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 22]> then\n broadcast (level 23 v)\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Level 23]> then\n broadcast (level 24 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Change Colour\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (10) y: (-10)\nswitch costume to (button v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (change colour v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [done v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change colour, hide yourself! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [arrows, show yourselves! v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-11)\nswitch costume to (button2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (done v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (button v)\ngo to x: (10) y: (-10)\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nhide\n\n@Play\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change colour v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Change Colour, hide yourself! v)\nif <(Level #) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Play v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Level 2 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [3]> then\n broadcast (Level 3 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [4]> then\n broadcast (Level 4 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [5]> then\n broadcast (Level 5 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [6]> then\n broadcast (Level 6 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [7]> then\n broadcast (Level 7 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [8]> then\n broadcast (Portal 1 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [9]> then\n broadcast (Level 9 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Level 10 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Level 11 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [12]> then\n broadcast (Level 12 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [13]> then\n broadcast (Level 13 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [14]> then\n broadcast (Level 14 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [15]> then\n broadcast (Portal 2 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [16]> then\n broadcast (Level 16 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [17]> then\n broadcast (Level 17 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [18]> then\n broadcast (Level 18 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [19]> then\n broadcast (Level 19 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [20]> then\n broadcast (Level 20 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [21]> then\n broadcast (Level 21 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [22]> then\n broadcast (Portal 3 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [23]> then\n broadcast (Level 23 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) = [24]> then\n broadcast (Level 24 v)\nend\nif <(Level #) > [24]> then\n broadcast (Play v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nhide\n\n@Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 23 v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 24 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [open, sesamo! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [key and locked door v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Locked door\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 23 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (200) y: (89)\n\nwhen I receive [open, sesamo! v]\nglide (2) secs to x: (200) y: (345)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 24 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [key and locked door v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow\ngo to x: (200) y: (89)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Trophy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [final level v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [final message v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Final Message\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [final level v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [final message v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Left Arrow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [arrows, show yourselves! v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Left v)\n\nwhen I receive [done v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [good v]\nhide\n\n@Right Arrow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [arrows, show yourselves! v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (right v)\n\nwhen I receive [done v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [good v]\nhide\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (music1 v)\nset [song # v] to [1]\nset volume to (100) %\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (Song #1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set volume to (0) %\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set volume to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen [k v] key pressed\nchange [song # v] by (1)\nif <(Song #) = [2]> then\n stop all sounds\n broadcast (Song #2 v)\nend\nif <(Song #) = [3]> then\n stop all sounds\n broadcast (Song #3 v)\nend\nif <(Song #) = [4]> then\n stop all sounds\n broadcast (Song #4 v)\nend\nif <(Song #) = [5]> then\n stop all sounds\n broadcast (Song #5 v)\nend\nif <(Song #) = [6]> then\n set [song # v] to [1]\n stop all sounds\n broadcast (Song #1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song #2 v]\nrepeat until <<(Song #) = [1]> or <(Song #) > [2]>>\n play sound [F-777 - Bow Wow v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song #3 v]\nrepeat until <<(Song #) < [3]> or <(Song #) > [3]>>\n play sound [F-777 - Let's Stomp v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song #4 v]\nrepeat until <<(Song #) < [4]> or <(Song #) = [5]>>\n play sound [F-777 - Airborne Robots v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song #5 v]\nrepeat until <(Song #) < [5]>\n play sound [F-777 - A Lost World v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [song #1 v]\nrepeat until <(Song #) > [1]>\n play sound [Foxsky - Kirby Smash v] until done\nend\n\n@Code\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [arrows, show yourselves! v]\nif <(Ultimate?) = [Yes]> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Code v)\n\nwhen I receive [good v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [done v]\nhide\n\n@Message\n\nwhen I receive [bad v]\nswitch costume to (bad v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (2.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [good v]\nswitch costume to (good v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (3.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [code v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Code (numbers)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-185) y: (-164)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [code, show yourself! v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [code v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (-185) y: (-65)\n\nwhen I receive [good v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bad v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (-185) y: (-164)\n\n@Home\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nswitch backdrop to (main menu v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Star\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [code v] to [Off]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 22 v]\nif <(Code) = [Off]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Code) = [On]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 23 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [code, show yourself! v]\nset [code v] to [On]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Level Select\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change colour v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Level Select v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nshow\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Play, show yourself! v)\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\n@1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Play v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <<(Level #) > [1]> or <(Level #) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 2 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 3 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [3]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 4 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [4]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 5 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 6 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [6]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 7 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [7]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Portal 1 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [8]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 9 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [9]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 10 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [10]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 11 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [11]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 12 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [12]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 13 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@14\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [13]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 14 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@15\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [14]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Portal 2 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@16\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [15]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 16 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@17\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [16]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 17 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@18\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [17]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 18 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@19\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [18]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 19 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@20\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [19]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 20 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@21\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [20]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 21 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@22\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [21]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Portal 3 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@23\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [22]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 23 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@24\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <(Level #) > [23]> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Level 24 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\n@25\n\nwhen I receive [move v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nshow\nif <<(Level #) > [25]> or <(Level #) = [25]>> then\n switch costume to (button v)\nelse\n switch costume to (button2 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Portal 4 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play, show yourself! v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Up\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (up_notpressing v)\ngo to x: (213) y: (-138)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]>> then\n show\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> then\n switch costume to (up_pressing v)\n end\n if <not <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>> then\n switch costume to (up_notpressing v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Left\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (left_notpressing v)\ngo to x: (-187) y: (-138)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]>> then\n show\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> then\n switch costume to (left_pressing v)\n end\n if <not <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>> then\n switch costume to (left_notpressing v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Right\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (right_notpressing v)\ngo to x: (-147) y: (-138)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]>> then\n show\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> then\n switch costume to (right_pressing v)\n end\n if <not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>> then\n switch costume to (right_notpressing v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
Worlds 4 - a Multiplayer platformer\n\nSERVER 2 (please play there if this server is full, because it causes some glitches) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/421333408\n\nUpdate: There can now be up to 10 players\nN to toggle names\n\nWelcome to Worlds 4, my biggest project yet! Explore the Frozen World, the Hot Desert, GrassLand, Candy Wonderland, Sky, the Cave and finally the Ocean. Collect coins on your journey to buy items in the shop, which all come with special powers. Find keys to unlock doors. Finish your mission by finding the lost star.\n\nInstructions: \n-Arrow keys or drag to move\n-Avoid anything that looks nasty\n-Collect coins to buy items in the shop. There are two big coins hidden in the whole game that are worth 100 coins each\n-Bounce pads make you jump very high\n-Get keys to unlock doors\n-Find the lost star to win the game. It may be helpful to know that the lost star is hidden in the Cave, and that to get it you need to collect a key that is in Candy WonderLand
Minecraft Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (-90)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (-100)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (platformer boi v)?> then\n wait until <not <touching (platformer boi v)?>>\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Platformer Boi\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nReset\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (50) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (15)\n switch costume to (hello9 v)\n change size by (-3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nReset\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (portal v)?> then\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [previous level v]\nReset\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nReset\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.005) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (trampoline v)?> or <<touching (trampoline2 v)?> or <<touching (trampoline3 v)?> or <touching (trampoline4 v)?>>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [color v] effect by (10)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (hello5 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-216) y: (-70)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>>> then\n if <[4] < (costume [number v])> then\n change [x v] by (0.8)\n else\n switch costume to (hello2 v)\n change [x v] by (0.8)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n if <[4] < (costume [number v])> then\n change [x v] by (-0.9)\n else\n switch costume to (hello3 v)\n change [x v] by (-0.9)\n end\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [4]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>>> then\n if <[4] < (costume [number v])> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [y v] to [10]\n switch costume to (hello4 v)\n end\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (saw1 v)?> or <<[-175] > (y position)> or <<touching (saw2 v)?> or < or >>>>> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n Reset\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-216) y: (-50)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (zoom v)?> then\n change [x v] by (5)\n end\nend\n\n@Grunge\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (95)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [previous level v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n set size to (90) %\nend\n\n@Saw1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (6) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-120)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-65) y: (-120)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-150) y: (150)\n end\nend\n\n@Saw2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn left (6) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-120)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n go to x: (110) y: (-120)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n go to x: (10) y: (5)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [15]> then\n go to x: (75) y: (-120)\n end\nend\n\n@portal\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (10)\n clear graphic effects\nend\nforever\n show\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (130)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (150)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (20)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (150)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (150)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-20)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [12]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nforever\n turn left (3) degrees\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n clear graphic effects\nend\nforever\n show\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (130)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (150)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (20)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-75)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (150)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (150)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-20)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [12]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (0)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\n\n@Decoration\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\n\nhide\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nhide\n\n@Trampoline2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (20) y: (-100)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (platformer boi v)?> then\n wait until <not <touching (platformer boi v)?>>\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (90) %\n go to [front v] layer\n show\nend\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\n@Zoom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [15]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n
★★★★★ Draw ★★★★★\n\n ★★★How to play★★★\n- Arrow keys and WAD to move !\n- Don't touch spikes, lava, ...\n- You can draw and move on it !\n\n ★Goals★\n- Up to #20 on #All\n- Up to #10 on Games\n- 10 000+ views\n- 500+ Loves And Favs\n\n ★★★★★★★★★★Credits★★★★★★★★★★★★\n- Thanks to @JWhandle and @madrid2030 for some codes !\n- The other codes by me ! \n\n ❤️ + ⭐ = Thanks\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n:D
WaterFall - The Platformer (ADDn Version)
@Stage\n\n@Oyuncu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (75) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y2 v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n change [y2 v] by (-1)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change [x v] by (-0.7)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change [x v] by (0.7)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y2 v] to [10]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y2)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y2))\n set [y2 v] to [1]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (platform v)?>> then\n set [y2 v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) > [180]> then\n set [y2 v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<key (b v) pressed?> or <touching (engeller v)?>> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (-50)\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n go to x: (-180) y: (-50)\n broadcast (levelup v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\nend\n\n@Engeller\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (8 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (9 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (7 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (8 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (9 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n change [ghost v] effect by (12)\nend\n\n
currently broken project :(\nfollow @fluffydog1000\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/647059828/\nYou're controlling an army of ninjas.\nadded new level \nYou know the drill. If you've used scratch before you probably know what you're getting into here. But, in case you haven't, on a computer: use arrow keys or WASD to move. On a phone, I pad, or any other mobile device that doesn't have a keyboard, use your finger.
Space|| a platformer #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n play sound [Bossa Nova v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nset size to (80) %\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> and <not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n else\n if <not <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [eat apple v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (eat v)\nplay sound [Bite v] until done\nhide variable [lives v]\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [oh no v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (ouch v)\nplay sound [AAAAAH v] until done\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (restart v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nbroadcast (start v)\n\n@hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nshow\nset size to (80) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n Move\nend\n\ndefine Move\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\nend\nchange x by (x)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\nelse\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\nend\nchange y by (y)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\nelse\n change [y v] by (-1)\nend\nchange [scroll x v] by ((x position) * (-1))\nchange [scroll y v] by ((y position) * (-1))\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lives v] to [3]\nshow variable [lives v]\nforever\n if <(Lives) = [0]> then\n hide variable [lives v]\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (4) layers\nset [level number v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [level number v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [level number v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n broadcast (level v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level v]\nshow\nif <(level number) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n go to x: (scroll x) y: (scroll y)\nelse\n if <(level number) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n go to x: ((scroll x) + (500)) y: (scroll y)\n else\n if <(level number) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n go to x: ((scroll x) + (1000)) y: (scroll y)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Border\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Wall\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to x: (scroll x) y: (scroll y)\nend\n\n@Background\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [background v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (1)\n change [background v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [background v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [level v]\nshow\nif <(background) = [0]> then\n go to x: ((scroll x) * (0.2)) y: ((scroll y) * (0.2))\nelse\n if <(background) = [1]> then\n go to x: (((scroll x) * (0.2)) + (480)) y: ((scroll y) * (0.2))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Goal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (apple v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\nforever\n go to x: ((scroll x) + (976)) y: (scroll y)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n switch costume to (apple eat v)\n broadcast (eat apple v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (6) layers\nforever\n go to x: ((scroll x) + (623)) y: ((scroll y) - (42))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (hitbox v)?> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n broadcast (oh no v)\n change [lives v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
200k views!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!\nGuys I am really sorry for the reshared\nOriginal share date: 28 December\nWelcome to Among Us Platformer\nEVERY level is possible.\nCan you make it???\nLast update: Powers\nMy record is 9 death and no skip. What is your record?
NinjaRun 4™ A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (The Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [tea time - daystar v] until done\nend\n\n@kitty\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1.5)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (0.85))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [10]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Velocity) - ((Y Velocity) * (2)))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n if then\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n change [the level v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (5)\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-184) y: (41)\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (kitty v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (kitty v)\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (kitty2 v)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen [d v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (kitty v)\n\nwhen [a v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (kitty2 v)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n
日本語↓これやる前に一言ほぼ運ゲーですw\n\nFall! ! It's a platformer.\nThis is a game where you keep avoiding obstacles without hitting them.How to operate\nAs usual, the music is the author's favorite music lol\n\nOperate with arrow keys or tap\n\nGood luck aiming for the world record! !\n\n日本語\n\nkee_proさんのハード版作ってみました\nクソむずいですw\n落ちろ!!プラットフォマーです。\n障害物に当たらず避け続けるゲームです操作方法\n矢印きーまたは、タップで操作。上矢印キーでも可能\n\n音楽はいつも通り作者の好きな音楽ですw\n\nめざせ傾向1p!!\nフォロワー5000人目指してます。\nフォローしてね圧\n\n\n\nなんもないよ\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nなんもないって\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nほらなんもないでしょ?w\n
Land - A Mobile Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [theme v] to [g]\nforever\n play sound [vexento-masked-heroes-1-AHM56EBq6 \(1\) v] until done\nend\n\n@Hitbox\n\ndefine Physics\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) < [8]> then\n if then\n change [sx v] by (2)\n else\n if then\n change [sx v] by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\nif then\n if <not <[collision v] contains [4]?>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [8]\n end\n end\nend\nif <[collision v] contains [4]?> then\n start sound [Splash v]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [sy v] to [3]\n else\n change [sy v] by (-1)\n end\nelse\n change [sy v] by (-1)\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.7))\nx (sx)\ny (sy)\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)))\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (3)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [-200]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [-200]\nend\ngoto\nset [die v] to [0]\nif <<[collision v] contains [2]?> or <[collision v] contains [5]?>> then\n set [die v] to [1]\nend\nif <[collision v] contains [3]?> then\n set [sy v] to [14]\n set [bb v] to [100]\nend\nif <(y) < [-400]> then\n set [die v] to [1]\nend\nif <[collision v] contains [10]?> then\n change [x v] by (sx)\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [paused v] to [1]\n broadcast (win v)\nend\nTtest\nif <[collision v] contains [9]?> then\n set [checkpoint v] to (item # of [9] in [collision v])\n start sound [Collect v]\nend\n\ndefine y (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\ngoto\nrepeat until <not <[collision v] contains [1]?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n goto\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine x (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\ngoto\nif <[collision v] contains [1]?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (1)\n goto\n if <not <[collision v] contains [1]?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-10)\n repeat until <not <[collision v] contains [1]?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n goto\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n if <(walljump) = [1]> then\n if then\n if <([abs v] of (sx) ) = (sx)> then\n set [sx v] to [-10]\n else\n set [sx v] to [10]\n end\n set [sy v] to [10]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine goto\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nTtest\n\ndefine Ttest\ndelete all of [collision v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [mode v])\n add [0] to [collision v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <((item (i) of [x v]) - (20.5)) < (x)> then\n if <not <((item (i) of [x v]) - (-20.5)) < (x)>> then\n if <((item (i) of [y v]) - (20.5)) < (y)> then\n if <not <((item (i) of [y v]) - (-20.5)) < (y)>> then\n replace item (i) of [collision v] with (item (i) of [mode v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Die\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [cooldown v] by (-2.7)\n if <(mode) = [playing]> then\n change [last v] by (-1)\n if <(pick random (1) to (60)) = [1]> then\n if <(last) < [0]> then\n set [last v] to [5]\n switch costume to (7 v)\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (1)\n switch costume to (10 v)\n end\n repeat (1)\n switch costume to (8 v)\n end\n repeat (1)\n switch costume to (11 v)\n end\n repeat (1)\n switch costume to (7 v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n else\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[-10] > (mouse x)>>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (6 v)\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[-10] > (mouse x)>>> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n else\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n else\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n else\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Import level\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\ndelete all of [mode v]\ndelete all of [x v]\ndelete all of [y v]\nadd platfom [0] [-100] [1]\nFigureitout\n@CSCHECK\nif <not <(input) = []>> then\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [input v] to []\nbroadcast (edit v)\n\nwhen I receive [edit v]\nset [mode v] to [editor]\nImport level\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [paused v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [blockselected v] to [1]\nforever\n change [direction of the saw v] by (1)\n set size to (50) %\n if <(mode) = [editor]> then\n set [checkpoint v] to [0]\n broadcast (update v)\n hide\n Editormovemnet\n set [sx v] to [0]\n set [sy v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [-75]\n set [paused v] to [0]\n else\n show\n if <(die) = [0]> then\n if <(paused) = [0]> then\n broadcast (update v)\n set [die v] to [0]\n Physics\n end\n else\n Die\n set [die v] to [0]\n set [sy v] to [0]\n set [sx v] to [0]\n if <(checkpoint) = [0]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [-75]\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n else\n set [x v] to (item (checkpoint) of [x v])\n set [y v] to ((item (checkpoint) of [y v]) + (0))\n set [scroll y v] to (y)\n set [scroll x v] to (x)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Editormovemnet\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll x v] by (6.25)\nend\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll x v] by (-6.25)\nend\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(SCROLL Y) > [-100]> then\n change [scroll y v] by (-6.25)\n end\nend\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scroll y v] by (6.25)\nend\nif <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [1]\nend\nif <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [2]\nend\nif <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [3]\nend\nif <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [4]\nend\nif <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [5]\nend\nif <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [9]\nend\nif <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set [blockselected v] to [10]\nend\nif <key (m v) pressed?> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadcode v]\nImport level\n\ndefine Figureitout\nset [status v] to [0]\nset [0 v] to [0]\nset [zeile v] to [1]\nset [zwische v] to []\ndelete all of [ouoot v]\nadd [] to [ouoot v]\nif <not <(input) = []>> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n repeat (length of (input))\n change [status v] by (1)\n if <not <(letter (status) of (input)) = [0]>> then\n set [0 v] to [0]\n set [zwische v] to (join (zwische) (letter (status) of (input)))\n else\n change [0 v] by (1)\n if <(0) = [1]> then\n replace item (zeile) of [ouoot v] with (join (item (zeile) of [ouoot v]) (item (zwische) of [characterst v]))\n set [zwische v] to []\n end\n if <(0) = [2]> then\n change [zeile v] by (1)\n add [] to [ouoot v]\n end\n end\n end\n delete (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v]\n set [status v] to [0]\n set [g v] to [1]\n if <(item (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v]) = [z]> then\n set [mal v] to [25]\n set [theme v] to [g]\n delete (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v]\n else\n if <(item (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v]) = [g]> then\n set [theme v] to (item (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v])\n set [mal v] to [25]\n set [g v] to [0]\n delete (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v]\n else\n set [mal v] to [1]\n set [theme v] to [g]\n end\n end\n repeat (((length of [ouoot v]) - (1)) / (3))\n change [status v] by (1)\n add ((item (status) of [ouoot v]) * (mal)) to [x v]\n end\n repeat (((length of [ouoot v]) - (1)) / (3))\n change [status v] by (1)\n add ((item (status) of [ouoot v]) * (mal)) to [y v]\n end\n repeat (((length of [ouoot v]) - (1)) / (3))\n change [status v] by (1)\n if <<(g) = [1]> and <(item (status) of [ouoot v]) = [6]>> then\n add [10] to [mode v]\n else\n add (item (status) of [ouoot v]) to [mode v]\n end\n end\n if <(item (length of [ouoot v]) of [ouoot v]) = [yes]> then\n set [walljump v] to [1]\n else\n set [walljump v] to [0]\n end\n if <<<<not <(length of [x v]) = (length of [mode v])>> or <not <(length of [y v]) = (length of [mode v])>>> or <[ouoot v] contains []?>> or <not <(length of [x v]) = (length of [y v])>>> then\n set [input v] to []\n Import level\n set [error v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <not <<[ouoot v] contains [no]?> or <[ouoot v] contains [yes]?>>> then\n set [input v] to []\n Import level\n set [error v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(error) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (180)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n say [Invalid code] for (2) seconds\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [input v] to []\nImport level\n\nstart sound [Collect v]\n\ndefine @CSCHECK\ndelete all of [cs v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [mode v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add [0] to [cs v]\n set [e v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [mode v])\n change [e v] by (1)\n if <(item (e) of [y v]) = ((item (i) of [y v]) + (25))> then\n if <(item (e) of [x v]) = (item (i) of [x v])> then\n if <(item (e) of [mode v]) = (item (i) of [mode v])> then\n replace item (length of [cs v]) of [cs v] with [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine remove platform (x) (y)\nset [o v] to [2]\nrepeat until <<<(item (o) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (y)>> or <(o) > (length of [mode v])>>\n change [o v] by (1)\nend\nif <<(item (o) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (y)>> then\n delete (o) of [x v]\n delete (o) of [y v]\n delete (o) of [mode v]\nend\n@CSCHECK\n\ndefine add platfom (xpos) (ypos) (id)\nset [o v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<<(item (o) of [x v]) = (xpos)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (ypos)>> or <(o) > (length of [mode v])>>\n change [o v] by (1)\nend\nif <(o) > (length of [mode v])> then\n add (xpos) to [x v]\n add (ypos) to [y v]\n add (id) to [mode v]\nend\n@CSCHECK\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (6)\n show\n change y by (((y position) - (<(mode) = [editor]> * (-9))) / (-4))\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [edit v]\nset [bruh v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n hide\n wait until <(mode) = [editor]>\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [back v] layer\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-9)\n end\n repeat until <not <(mode) = [editor]>>\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n go to [back v] layer\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (9)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(BRUH) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (w v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n repeat until <not <(mode) = [editor]>>\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> * (20))\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n change [walljump v] by (-1)\n set [walljump v] to ([abs v] of (walljump) )\n repeat (10)\n set y to (pick random (1) to (5))\n end\n end\n if <(walljump) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (w2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (w v)\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n wait until <(mode) = [editor]>\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(mode) = [editor]>\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n wait until <not <(mode) = [editor]>>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n wait until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n start sound [Tap Conga v]\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\nend\n\n@normal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Stamp (theme)\nset size to (100) %\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [mode v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <not <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [1]>> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (i) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) ) < [260]> and <([abs v] of ((item (i) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y)) ) < [200]>> then\n go to x: ((item (i) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((item (i) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y))\n switch costume to (item (i) of [mode v])\n Cc (theme)\n clear graphic effects\n if <<(item (i) of [x v]) = [0]> and <(item (i) of [y v]) = [-100]>> then\n switch costume to (100 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n end\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)) + (20))\n end\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [3]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (bb)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [5]> then\n point in direction (direction of the saw)\n end\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [9]> then\n if <(checkpoint) = (i)> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n end\n end\n stamp\n end\n end\nend\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [mode v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [1]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (i) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) ) < [260]> and <([abs v] of ((item (i) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y)) ) < [200]>> then\n go to x: ((item (i) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((item (i) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y))\n switch costume to (item (i) of [mode v])\n Cc (theme)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n if <<(item (i) of [x v]) = [0]> and <(item (i) of [y v]) = [-100]>> then\n switch costume to (100 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n end\n stamp\n end\n end\nend\nif <(mode) = [editor]> then\n if <(blockselected) < [1000]> then\n if <((SCROLL Y) mod (1)) = [0]> then\n if <((mouse y) - (([floor v] of ((mouse y) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [12]> then\n set y to (((([floor v] of ((mouse y) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (0)) - ())\n else\n set y to (((([floor v] of ((mouse y) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - ())\n end\n else\n if <((SCROLL Y) mod (1)) = [0.25]> then\n if <((mouse y) - (([floor v] of ((mouse y) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [6.25]> then\n set y to (((([floor v] of (((mouse y) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (-6.25)) - ())\n else\n set y to (((([floor v] of (((mouse y) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - (6.25))\n end\n else\n if <((SCROLL Y) mod (1)) = [0.5]> then\n if <((mouse y) - (([floor v] of ((mouse y) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [0]> then\n set y to (((([floor v] of (((mouse y) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (0)) - ())\n else\n set y to (((([floor v] of (((mouse y) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - (12.5))\n end\n else\n if <((SCROLL Y) mod (1)) = [0.75]> then\n if <((mouse y) - (([floor v] of ((mouse y) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [18.75]> then\n set y to (((([floor v] of (((mouse y) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (6.25)) - ())\n else\n set y to (((([floor v] of (((mouse y) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - (-6.25))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <((SCROLL X) mod (1)) = [0]> then\n if <((mouse x) - (([floor v] of ((mouse x) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [12]> then\n set x to (((([floor v] of ((mouse x) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (0)) - ())\n else\n set x to (((([floor v] of ((mouse x) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - ())\n end\n else\n if <((SCROLL X) mod (1)) = [0.25]> then\n if <((mouse x) - (([floor v] of ((mouse x) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [6.25]> then\n set x to (((([floor v] of (((mouse x) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (-6.25)) - ())\n else\n set x to (((([floor v] of (((mouse x) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - (6.25))\n end\n else\n if <((SCROLL X) mod (1)) = [0.5]> then\n if <((mouse x) - (([floor v] of ((mouse x) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [0]> then\n set x to (((([floor v] of (((mouse x) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (-12.5)) - ())\n else\n set x to (((([floor v] of (((mouse x) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - (12.5))\n end\n else\n if <((SCROLL X) mod (1)) = [0.75]> then\n if <((mouse x) - (([floor v] of ((mouse x) / (25)) ) * (25))) < [0]> then\n set x to (((([floor v] of (((mouse x) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (-18.75)) - ())\n else\n set x to (((([floor v] of (((mouse x) + ()) / (25)) ) * (25)) + (25)) - (18.75))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n show\n if <not <<touching (sprite1 v)?> or <touching (sprite2 v)?>>> then\n if <not <<(blockselected) = [10]> and <[mode v] contains [10]?>>> then\n set [a v] to [1]\n repeat until <<<(item (a) of [x v]) = ((SCROLL X) + (x position))> and <(item (a) of [y v]) = ((y position) + (SCROLL Y))>> or <(a) > (length of [mode v])>>\n change [a v] by (1)\n end\n show\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n switch costume to (blockselected)\n if <not <<(item (a) of [x v]) = ((SCROLL X) + (x position))> and <(item (a) of [y v]) = ((y position) + (SCROLL Y))>>> then\n if <not <<((SCROLL X) + (x position)) = [0]> and <<((y position) + (SCROLL Y)) = [-75]> or <<((y position) + (SCROLL Y)) = [-50]> or <<((y position) + (SCROLL Y)) = [-25]> or <((y position) + (SCROLL Y)) = [0]>>>>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <(blockselected) = [5]> then\n point in direction (direction of the saw)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n add platfom ((SCROLL X) + (x position)) ((y position) + (SCROLL Y)) (blockselected)\n end\n stamp\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n set [blockselected v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n switch costume to (1000 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n set [rtr v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [mode v])\n change [rtr v] by (1)\n if <<[-10] < ((mouse x) - (((SCROLL X) * (-1)) + (item (rtr) of [x v])))> and <((mouse x) - (((SCROLL X) * (-1)) + (item (rtr) of [x v]))) < [10]>> then\n if <<[-10] < ((mouse y) - (((SCROLL Y) * (-1)) + (item (rtr) of [y v])))> and <((mouse y) - (((SCROLL Y) * (-1)) + (item (rtr) of [y v]))) < [10]>> then\n remove platform (item (rtr) of [x v]) (item (rtr) of [y v])\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n end\n show\n stamp\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [update v]\nerase all\nStamp (theme)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [bb v] by ((bb) / (-3))\nend\n\ndefine Cc (theme)\nif <(item (i) of [cs v]) = [1]> then\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1w v)\n end\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (1w2 v)\n end\n if <(item (i) of [mode v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (1w3 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine add platfom (xpos) (ypos) (id)\nset [o v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<<(item (o) of [x v]) = (xpos)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (ypos)>> or <(o) > (length of [mode v])>>\n change [o v] by (1)\nend\nadd (xpos) to [x v]\nadd (ypos) to [y v]\nadd (id) to [mode v]\n@CSCHECK\n\ndefine remove platform (x) (y)\nset [o v] to [2]\nrepeat until <<<(item (o) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (y)>> or <(o) > (length of [mode v])>>\n change [o v] by (1)\nend\nif <(o) = (length of [mode v])> then\n if <<(item (o) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (y)>> then\n delete (o) of [x v]\n delete (o) of [y v]\n delete (o) of [mode v]\n end\nelse\n if <<(item (o) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (o) of [y v]) = (y)>> then\n delete (o) of [x v]\n delete (o) of [y v]\n delete (o) of [mode v]\n end\nend\n@CSCHECK\n\ndefine @CSCHECK\ndelete all of [cs v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [mode v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n add [0] to [cs v]\n set [e v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [mode v])\n change [e v] by (1)\n if <(item (e) of [y v]) = ((item (i) of [y v]) + (25))> then\n if <(item (e) of [x v]) = (item (i) of [x v])> then\n if <(item (e) of [mode v]) = (item (i) of [mode v])> then\n replace item (length of [cs v]) of [cs v] with [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait until <(mode) = [editor]>\n wait (1) seconds\n set [clone-id v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [4]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone-id v] to [5]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <(mode) = [playing]>\n wait (1) seconds\n set [clone-id v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\nif <(mode) = [editor]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n if <(clone-id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (196) y: (157)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [color v] effect to (180)\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [2]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (157)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [color v] effect to (150)\n show\n if <(length of [mode v]) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [3]> then\n go to x: (25) y: (157)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [color v] effect to (70)\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-160) y: (157)\n switch costume to (costume13 v)\n set [color v] effect to (150)\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-80) y: (-165)\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n set [color v] effect to (150)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n repeat until <not <(mode) = [editor]>>\n if <(clone-id) = [2]> then\n show\n if <(length of [mode v]) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n change size by (((size) - ((100) + (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> * (10)))) / (-5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> * (20))\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(clone-id) = [1]> then\n set [mode v] to [playing]\n hide\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n set [scroll x v] to [1]\n set [paused v] to [0]\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [2]> then\n if <not <(length of [mode v]) = [1]>> then\n if <(load) = [0]> then\n Decode\n end\n end\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [3]> then\n set [load v] to [1]\n Encode\n set [load v] to [0]\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [4]> then\n set [blockselected v] to [1000]\n end\n if <(clone-id) = [5]> then\n hide\n ask [are you sure you want to delete ALL blocks? \(y/n\)] and wait\n if <(answer) = [y]> then\n broadcast (reset v)\n end\n show\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(mode) = [playing]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n if <(clone-id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (160) y: (158)\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\nend\nrepeat until <not <(mode) = [playing]>>\n change size by (((size) - ((100) + (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> * (10)))) / (-5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> * (20))\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(clone-id) = [1]> then\n set [mode v] to [editor]\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Decode\nListing\ndelete all of [save your level v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nhide list [save your level v]\ndelete all of [save your level v]\nadd [Triple click on the code below and then copy \(Ctrl+C\) and past \(Ctrl+V\) it to] to [save your level v]\nadd [your computer to save the level you made:] to [save your level v]\nadd [] to [save your level v]\nadd (output) to [save your level v]\nask [Enter the code here to confirm that you have all of it] and wait\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat until <(item (4) of [save your level v]) = (answer)>\n ask [You didn't copy the whole code \(please try again\). Remember to TRIPLE click on the code] and wait\nend\nshow list [save your level v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [characterst v]\nadd [1] to [characterst v]\nadd [2] to [characterst v]\nadd [3] to [characterst v]\nadd [4] to [characterst v]\nadd [5] to [characterst v]\nadd [6] to [characterst v]\nadd [7] to [characterst v]\nadd [8] to [characterst v]\nadd [9] to [characterst v]\nadd [0] to [characterst v]\nadd [y] to [characterst v]\nadd [e] to [characterst v]\nadd [s] to [characterst v]\nadd [n] to [characterst v]\nadd [o] to [characterst v]\nadd [-] to [characterst v]\nadd [ ] to [characterst v]\nadd [a] to [characterst v]\nadd [b] to [characterst v]\nadd [c] to [characterst v]\nadd [d] to [characterst v]\nadd [f] to [characterst v]\nadd [g] to [characterst v]\nadd [h] to [characterst v]\nadd [i] to [characterst v]\nadd [j] to [characterst v]\nadd [k] to [characterst v]\nadd [l] to [characterst v]\nadd [m] to [characterst v]\nadd [p] to [characterst v]\nadd [q] to [characterst v]\nadd [r] to [characterst v]\nadd [t] to [characterst v]\nadd [u] to [characterst v]\nadd [v] to [characterst v]\nadd [w] to [characterst v]\nadd [x] to [characterst v]\nadd [z] to [characterst v]\nadd [-] to [characterst v]\nadd [_] to [characterst v]\ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (10) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (20) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (30) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (40) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (50) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (60) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (70) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (80) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (90) of [characterst v] \ninsert [4312414xds] at (100) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (110) of [characterst v] \ninsert [.r.rlekoro] at (120) of [characterst v] \nshow list [save your level v]\n\ndefine Listing\ndelete all of [in v]\nset [status v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [x v]) - (1))\n change [status v] by (1)\n add ((item (status) of [x v]) / (25)) to [in v]\nend\nset [status v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [y v]) - (1))\n change [status v] by (1)\n add ((item (status) of [y v]) / (25)) to [in v]\nend\nset [status v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [mode v]) - (1))\n change [status v] by (1)\n add (item (status) of [mode v]) to [in v]\nend\nif <(walljump) = [1]> then\n add [yes] to [in v]\nelse\n add [no] to [in v]\nend\nadd (theme) to [in v]\nset [status v] to [0]\nset [output v] to []\nrepeat (length of [in v])\n change [status v] by (1)\n set [instatus v] to [0]\n repeat (length of (item (status) of [in v]))\n change [instatus v] by (1)\n set [output v] to (join (output) (item # of (letter (instatus) of (item (status) of [in v])) in [characterst v]))\n set [output v] to (join (output) [0])\n end\n set [output v] to (join (output) [0])\nend\n\ndefine Encode\nhide\nask [Enter your level code] and wait\nif <not <(answer) = []>> then\n set [input v] to (answer)\n broadcast (loadcode v)\nend\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n wait until <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n start sound [Tap Conga v]\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\nend\n\n@counter4\n\nwhen I receive [run game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine new counter @ (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [counter4: mode v] to [6]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (14)\n change [counter4: mode v] by (1)\n set [x v] to ((x) + (((counter4: mode) - (6)) * (9)))\n set [y v] to (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(counter4: mode) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (0 v)\n forever\n if <(mode) = [editor]> then\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n switch costume to (0 v)\n switch costume to (letter ((counter4: mode) - ((15) + ((0) - (length of (join [x ] (round (SCROLL X))))))) of (join [x ] (round (SCROLL X))))\n go to x: ((x) - (((0) - (length of (join [x ] (round (SCROLL X))))) * (0))) y: (y)\n set size to (30) %\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nnew counter @ [140] [-105]\n\n@counter2\n\nwhen I receive [run game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine new counter @ (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [yc v] to [6]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (14)\n change [yc v] by (1)\n set [x v] to ((x) + (((yc) - (6)) * (9)))\n set [y v] to (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(yc) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (0 v)\n forever\n if <(mode) = [editor]> then\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n switch costume to (0 v)\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((15) + ((0) - (length of (join [y ] (round (SCROLL Y))))))) of (join [y ] (round (SCROLL Y))))\n go to x: ((x) - (((0) - (length of (join [y ] (round (SCROLL Y))))) * (0))) y: (y)\n set size to (30) %\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nnew counter @ [140] [-130]\n\n@inf\n\nwhen flag clicked\nClone\n\ndefine Clone\nset size to (90) %\nshow\nset [this var. is dedicated to griffpatch v] to [11]\ngo to x: (245) y: (-165)\nrepeat (2)\n change x by (-30)\n change [this var. is dedicated to griffpatch v] by (-1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nchange [this var. is dedicated to griffpatch v] by (-3)\nrepeat (5)\n change x by (-30)\n change [this var. is dedicated to griffpatch v] by (-1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n hide\n wait until <(mode) = [editor]>\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <not <(mode) = [editor]>>\n show\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (This var. is dedicated to griffpatch)\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n if <(This var. is dedicated to griffpatch) = (blockselected)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n end\n if <(This var. is dedicated to griffpatch) = [5]> then\n point in direction (direction of the saw)\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [blockselected v] to (This var. is dedicated to griffpatch)\n end\n if <(This var. is dedicated to griffpatch) = [10]> then\n if <[mode v] contains [10]?> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Figur1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\nend\nwait until <not <(mode) = [playing]>>\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@REMOVE THIS SPRITE4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (80) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-30000)\nhide\nforever\n wait until <(die) = [1]>\n go to (hitbox v)\n change y by (-20)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set [y v] to [30]\n else\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to (hitbox v)\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait until <(die) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\neff (pick random (-10) to (10))\n\ndefine eff (x)\nset [-1 v] to [1]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (y)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n if <(-1) = [1]> then\n set [-1 v] to [-1]\n else\n set [-1 v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nset [y v] to [30]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (-3000)\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (-3000)\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@counter3\n\nwhen I receive [run game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine new counter @ (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [yc v] to [6]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (30)\n change [yc v] by (1)\n set [x v] to ((x) + (((yc) - (6)) * (7)))\n set [y v] to (y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(yc) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (0 v)\n forever\n if <(mode) = [editor]> then\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n show\n switch costume to (0 v)\n set size to (20) %\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(blockselected) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((27) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [ground]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [ground]))\n go to x: ((x) + ()) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((25) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [lava]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [lava]))\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((27) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [spring]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [spring]))\n go to x: ((x) + ()) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((26) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [water]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [water]))\n go to x: ((x) + ()) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((24) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [saw]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [saw]))\n go to x: ((x) + ()) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((31) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [checkpoint]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [checkpoint]))\n go to x: ((x) + ()) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (letter ((yc) - ((24) + ((0) - (length of (join [selected block: ] [end]))))) of (join [selected block: ] [end]))\n go to x: ((x) + ()) y: (y)\n end\n if <(blockselected) = [1000]> then\n hide\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nnew counter @ [-230] [-136]\n\n@//📊 Scratch Analytics by @TimMcCool2\n\ndefine Send Data (payload)\nset [☁ to_host v] to (payload)\n\ndefine Encode (input)\nset [//output v] to []\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (input))\n change [i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (join [=] (letter (i) of (input)))\n set [//output v] to (join (//output) (costume [number v]))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.6) seconds\nEncode (join (username) (join [,] (join (current [hour v]) (join [,] []))))\nSend Data (//output)\n\n
---------------------------------------------------------------------\nUse arrows to move (↑ to jump, ← & →)\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nTouch the right wall to get to the next level\n--------------------------------------------------------------------
Kirby's Adventure - A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nwait until <(level) = [14]>\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (clone v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-225) y: (-40)\nset [x move v] to [0]\nset [y move v] to [0]\nforever\n clear graphic effects\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y move v] to [7.5]\n end\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(y move) > [-15]> then\n change [y move v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n change y by (y move)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (y move))\n set [y move v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [235]> or <(x position) > [235]>> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n go to x: (-225) y: (-40)\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n set [x move v] to ((x move) * (0.85))\n change x by (x move)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (x move))\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> and <not <(x move) = [0]>>> then\n set [y move v] to [8]\n set [x move v] to (((x move) / ([abs v] of (x move) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [x move v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (.025) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching (jump pad v)?> then\n set [y move v] to [16]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [x move v] by (4)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <<touching color (#c41a00)?> or <touching color (#ff2200)?>>> then\n go to x: (-225) y: (-40)\n start sound (pick random (1) to (3))\n set [x move v] to [0]\n set [y move v] to [0]\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x move v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x move v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\n@deco\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [53]> then\n broadcast (THE END :\) v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@platform\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\n@thumbnail \n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n wait (0.025) seconds\nend\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\nset size to (pick random (90) to (110)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (40))\nset y to (pick random (100) to (185))\nset x to (301)\nshow\nrepeat until <<(x position) < [-290]> or <(x position) = [-290]>>\n change x by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (14.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (.01)\nbroadcast (stop v)\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nforever\n play sound [Dimrain47 - The Prototype v] until done\nend\n\n@music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [glide v] until done\nend\n\n@loves, favs\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nhide\nforever\n wait (.3) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nset size to (0) %\ngo to (random position v)\npoint in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (2)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nbroadcast (THE END :\) v)\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nhide\nforever\n wait (.3) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@jump pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (6)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (6)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-111) y: (-87)\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@introduction 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3) seconds\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (3)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change size by (-3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nswitch costume to (costume40 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (4) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (25)\n change size by (4)\n turn right (14.4) degrees\nend\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nintro\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\ndefine intro\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nstart sound [intro song v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (16)\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nrepeat (16)\n wait (.0003) seconds\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (costume33 v)\nrepeat (6)\n wait (.0003) seconds\n next costume\nend\nwait (6) seconds\nbroadcast (go v)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@signs\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to x: (-51) y: (-87)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait until <(level) = [2]>\ngo to x: (-99) y: (-87)\nwait until <(level) = [3]>\ngo to x: (-147) y: (-87)\nwait until <(level) = [4]>\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [14]>\ngo to x: (-147) y: (-87)\nshow\nwait until <(level) = [15]>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(level) = [1]>> then\n say [Use wasd or arrow keys to move.]\n end\nend\n\ndefine say (text)\nset [say v] to []\nset [letter v] to []\nrepeat (length of (text))\n change [letter v] by (1)\n set [say v] to (join (say) (letter (letter) of (text)))\n say (say)\nend\nwait (1.5) seconds\nsay []\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(level) = [2]>> then\n say [you should wall jump.]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(level) = [3]>> then\n say [don't touch those spikes.]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(level) = [14]>> then\n say [it's night time now.]\n end\nend\n\n
MINECRAFT PLATFORMER 4 IS OUT! 8TH ON TRENDING!?! FIRST FOR MINECRAFT TOO!?!\nDouble Click the Green Flag\nInstructions:\n-Use Arrow Keys\n-Avoid Endermen, Shulkers, End Crystals, and Dragon Breath.\n-Get to the end\n\n***COMMENT YOUR TIME***\nMy Time: 70\n\nTURBOWARP: https://turbowarp.org/780188321
Virus A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (blue sky v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (backdrop3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [19]> then\n switch costume to (backdrop3 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-90)\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((x velocity) * (.9))\n change x by (x velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((x velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(x velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [5]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (y velocity)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [y velocity v] by (15)\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [160]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n go to x: (-214) y: (-91)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((x velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n go to x: (-214) y: (-97)\n else\n go to x: (x position) y: (y position)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [19]> then\n \n set [level v] to [19]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(Level) = [8]>>\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n say [Who are you!?] for (0.00000001) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Message 1 STUFFF) = [50]>\n if <<(Level) = [8]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nset [message 1 stufff v] to [50]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [message 1 stufff v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [message 2 v]\nrepeat until <(MESSAGE 2 STUFFF) = [50]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Message3 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nwait (0.001) seconds\nrepeat until <key (e v) pressed?>\n say [The king of darkness. The one who made the world this way. If you want color back beat all 4 dimensions. Bet you can't. \(Press E to Close\)] for <key (space v) pressed?> seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message 2 v]\nset [message 2 stufff v] to [50]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [message 2 stufff v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nrepeat until <(MESSAGE 2 STUFFF) = [50]>\n if <<(Level) = [8]> and <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (Message 2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Skip Button\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [16]>\n wait (0.03) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n
use your arrow keys to move or A W D S\n\nNot mobile-friendly sorry... I'm not that good at coding...\nI wake up to a million notifications and I'm 4th ON TRENDING ON GAMES!?\nNO ADVERTISING PLEASE!!! THANK YOU :)
Kitchen - A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nforever\n wait (1.75) seconds\n switch backdrop to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound (pick random (1) to (3)) until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Opponents\n\ndefine Decode chat (#)\nif <(#) = [0]> then\n\ndefine begin decode of (encoded)\nset [encoded v] to (encoded)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\ndefine value = read from encoded\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (letter #) of (encoded)) (letter ((letter #) + (1)) of (encoded)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (value) (item (idx) of [code v]))\nend\n\ndefine setup players\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset [offline v] to [100]\nset [player # v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat ((MAX PLAYERS) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [player # v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(MY PLAYER #) = (player #)> then\n set [offline v] to [100]\n else\n tick\n end\nend\n\ndefine value = cloud # (player #)\nif <(player #) = [1]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P1)\nelse\n if <(player #) = [2]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P2)\n else\n if <(player #) = [3]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P3)\n else\n if <(player #) = [4]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P4)\n else\n if <(player #) = [5]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P5)\n else\n if <(player #) = [6]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P6)\n else\n if <(player #) = [7]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P7)\n else\n if <(player #) = [8]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P8)\n else\n if <(player #) = [9]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P9)\n else\n if <(player #) = [10]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [decode chat v]\nDecode chat (value)\n\ndefine tick\nvalue = cloud # (player #)\nif <(join (value) [A]) = (last value)> then\n change [offline v] by (1)\n if <(offline) = [100]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [last value v] to (join (value) [A])\n if <(offline) > [99]> then\n show\n end\n set [offline v] to [0]\nend\nbegin decode of (value)\nvalue = read from encoded\nswitch costume to (value)\nvalue = read from encoded\nif <<<(y position) < [-160]> or <[160] < (y position)>> or <<(x position) < [-220]> or <[220] < (x position)>>> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n go to [front v] layer\n point towards (player v)\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n if on edge, bounce\n think []\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nelse\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n if <(names?) = [1]> then\n say (join (player #) (join [:] (value)))\n else\n if <(names?) = [0]> then\n say []\n end\n end\nend\nvalue = read from encoded\nvalue = read from encoded\nset x to ((value) - (SCROLL X))\nvalue = read from encoded\nset y to ((value) - (SCROLL Y))\nvalue = read from encoded\nbroadcast (Decode chat v)\n\nif <(names?) = [0]> then\nelse\n think []\nend\n\nthink []\n\nwhen I receive [join game v]\nvalue = cloud # (player #)\nset [last value v] to (join (value) [A])\nwait (3) seconds\nvalue = cloud # (player #)\nif <(join (value) [A]) = (last value)> then\n set [my player # v] to (player #)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup opponents v]\nsetup players\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [names? v] to [1]\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <(names?) = [1]> then\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n set [names? v] to [0]\n else\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n set [names? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@Connnect\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\ngo to x: (170) y: (130)\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(CONNECT) = [Connected]> then\n switch costume to (connected v)\n play sound [Connect v] until done\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(CONNECT) = [Full]> then\n switch costume to (full v)\n else\n switch costume to (connecting v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (timeout v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\nplay sound [Disconnect v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1-1 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2-1 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3-1 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4-1 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (9 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (13 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to x: (240) y: (0)\n\n@Spinning wheel of death\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((xxxx) - (SCROLL X)) ((yyyyy) - (SCROLL Y))\nturn right (10) degrees\nturn left (5) degrees\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [xxxx v] to [0]\nset [yyyyy v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone at [908] [-90]\n set [xxxx v] to [-99999]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [908] [-90]\n set [xxxx v] to [-99999]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Clone at [29] [-10]\n set [xxxx v] to [-99999]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Clone at [108] [-99]\n set [xxxx v] to [-99999]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone at [480] [0]\n\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\nset [xxxx v] to (x)\nset [yyyyy v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@shop\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (shop v)\nset [shop v] to []\nset [the shop is open v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [the shop is open v] to [0]\n broadcast (Shop Close v)\n hide\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop open v]\nrepeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (((110) - (size)) / (3))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nset [the shop is open v] to [0]\n\n@Coins\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n change size by ((([sin v] of (((timer) + ((y) - (-400))) * (900)) ) * (10)) - (() * (1000)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((coin x) - (SCROLL X)) ((coin y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (coin v)\n change [coins v] by (1)\n hide\n set [coin x v] to [-99999999999]\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [coin x v] to (x)\nset [coin y v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [coin v]\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [coins v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n Clone at [0] [0]\n Clone at [-100] [0]\n Clone at [108] [-80]\n Clone at [-70] [0]\n Clone at [445] [-70]\n Clone at [420] [-70]\n Clone at [485] [69]\n Clone at [570] [-80]\n Clone at [850] [-80]\n Clone at [1189] [120]\n Clone at [1444] [20]\n set [coin x v] to [-9999999999999]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n Clone at [0] [0]\n Clone at [0] [30]\n Clone at [400] [45]\n Clone at [669] [-40]\n Clone at [669] [-10]\n Clone at [971] [110]\n Clone at [971] [80]\n Clone at [1220] [200]\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n Clone at [0] [50]\n Clone at [0] [15]\n Clone at [108] [40]\n Clone at [224] [100]\n Clone at [336] [170]\n Clone at [570] [-80]\n Clone at [850] [-80]\n Clone at [1444] [20]\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n Clone at [0] [50]\n Clone at [30] [50]\n Clone at [424] [10]\n Clone at [650] [-80]\n Clone at [650] [-50]\n Clone at [791] [-80]\n Clone at [791] [-50]\n Clone at [1096] [120]\n Clone at [1125] [120]\n set [coin x v] to [-99999]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone at [1189] [150]\n\n@Coin_counter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (110) %\nset [clone# v] to [1]\nrepeat (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone# v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((clone#) * (15)) - (-55)) y: (155)\n if <(length of (COINS)) < (clone#)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n switch costume to (letter (clone#) of (COINS))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jumpboost? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (blue v)\nforever\n if < (shop) contains [Green]?> then\n switch costume to (green v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [Yellow]?> then\n switch costume to (yellow v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [1]?> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [2]?> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [3]?> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [chat v]\nadd [Hi!] to [chat v]\nadd [Come with me!] to [chat v]\nadd [Ok!] to [chat v]\nadd [Nice!] to [chat v]\nadd [Look at me!] to [chat v]\nadd [Hard!] to [chat v]\nadd [lol] to [chat v]\nadd [Bye!] to [chat v]\nadd [No thank you.] to [chat v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [chat v]\nset [is the chat open v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n if <(is the chat open) = [1]> then\n set [is the chat open v] to [0]\n else\n set [is the chat open v] to [1]\n end\n wait until <<not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> and <not <key (t v) pressed?>>>\n end\n Chat\nend\n\ndefine Chat\nif <(is the chat open) = [1]> then\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [1]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [2]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [3]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [4]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [5]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [6]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [7]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [8]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [9]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n set [chat v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (item # of (letter (letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(MY PLAYER #) > [0]> then\n send cloud data\n end\nend\n\ndefine set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [10]> then\n set [☁ p10 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine send cloud data\nset [encoded v] to []\nwrite (costume [number v]) to encoded\nwrite (username) to encoded\nwrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nwrite (Player: x) to encoded\nwrite (Player: y) to encoded\nwrite (CHAT) to encoded\nset cloud # (MY PLAYER #) to (encoded)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Reset\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n set [exit v] to []\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset\nset [player: x v] to [-100]\nset [player: y v] to [-60]\nset [scroll y v] to (Player: y)\nset [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [5]\nset [timout v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.65))\nelse\n if <(SpeedBoost?) = [1]> then\n change [sx v] by ((1.7) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.85))\n else\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.75))\n end\nend\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(in air) < [3]> then\n if <(sy) > [-2]> then\n if <(JumpBoost?) = [1]> then\n set [sy v] to [20]\n else\n set [sy v] to [14]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [23]\nend\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (6)\n end\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (20)) < (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (-6)\n end\n set [sy v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-1.3)\n end\nend\nChange player y by (sy)\n Test - Die\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((Player: x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((Player: y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(Player: y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <<<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> or <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>>>> then\n set [timout v] to [0]\nelse\n change [timout v] by (1)\nend\nif <(timout) > [999]> then\n broadcast (timeout v)\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [player: x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (8)\n change [player: y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [player: y v] by (-8)\n if <touching (platforms v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (5)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [sy v] to [12]\n end\n Position\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n change [player: x v] by ((([abs v] of (sx) ) / (sx)) * (-1))\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [player: y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n change [player: y v] by ((([abs v] of (sy) ) / (sy)) * (-1))\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (jump_through v)?> then\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n change [player: y v] by ((sy) * (-1))\n set [sy v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((Player: x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Player: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <<<touching (spinning wheel of death v)?> or <touching (danger v)?>> or <touching (danger2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (die v)\n set [exit v] to [die]\n Reset\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (portal v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [portal v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\n\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [max players v] to [10]\nset [my player # v] to [0]\nset [connect v] to [Connecting]\nbroadcast (setup opponents v) and wait\nbroadcast (join game v) and wait\nif <(MY PLAYER #) > [0]> then\n set [connect v] to [Connected]\nelse\n set [connect v] to [Full]\nend\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nset [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nplay sound [Crunch v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (blue v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [jumpboost? v] to [0]\nset [speedboost? v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nset [coins v] to [100]\n\nset [coins v] to [100]\n\nset [coins v] to [0]\n\nset [coins v] to [0]\n\nif <(sy) > [-2]> then\n if <(JumpBoost?) = [1]> then\n set [sy v] to [20]\n else\n set [sy v] to [14]\n end\nend\n\nif <(SpeedBoost?) = [1]> then\n change [sx v] by ((1.7) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.85))\nelse\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.75))\nend\n\n@Thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Danger2\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((lava x) - (SCROLL X)) ((lava y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [lava x v] by (x)\nchange [lava y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [lava x v] to [0]\nset [lava y v] to [0]\nhide\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (8 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (10 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (13 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [lava y v] to ((([sin v] of (((timer) + ()) * (300)) ) * (8)) - (() * (10)))\nend\n\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nClone at [480] [0]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@portal\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((portal: x) - (SCROLL X)) ((portal: y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset [max collected v] to (COINS)\nif <(COINS) = (MAX COLLECTED)> then\n switch costume to (open v)\nelse\n switch costume to (closed v)\nend\nif <<<(costume [number v]) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> and <not <(Level) = [4]>>> then\n broadcast (nl v)\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\nif <<<(costume [number v]) = [1]> and <touching (player v)?>> and <(Level) = [4]>> then\n broadcast (win v)\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [portal: x v] to [0]\nset [portal: y v] to [0]\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [1590] y: [150]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Clone at x: [1337] y: [260]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Clone at x: [1677] y: [45]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Clone at x: [1525] y: [0]\n else\n set [portal: x v] to [-99999999999999]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nhide\nchange [portal: x v] by (x)\nchange [portal: y v] by (y)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Decor\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [decor: y v] to [0]\nset [decor: x v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((Decor: x) - (SCROLL X)) ((Decor: y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [decor: x v] by (x)\nchange [decor: y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine go\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (5 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (4 v)\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n Clone at [480] [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Win\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nshow\n\n@Chat Button\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [119]>\n change [size v] by (.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [is the chat open v] to [1]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nelse\n repeat until <(size) < [101]>\n set [size v] to [-.8]\n change [size v] by (-.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [size v] to [.8]\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-131) y: (145)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [chat close v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n reset timer\n if <(timer) > [.00000000000001]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Button\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shop open v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-199) y: (145)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [size v] to [.8]\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [119]>\n change [size v] by (0.5)\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [the shop is open v] to [1]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n repeat until <(size) < [101]>\n set [size v] to [-.8]\n change [size v] by (-.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Chat\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(is the chat open) = [1]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [is the chat open v] to [0]\n broadcast (Chat Close v)\n hide\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nrepeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (((110) - (size)) / (3))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\n\nwhen I receive [chat close v]\nset [is the chat open v] to [0]\n\n@Shop Item1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [skins v]\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (-132) y: (-17)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <<(COINS) > [4]> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [2]>>> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [Green])\n change [coins v] by (-5)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <[] > [4]> then\n\n@Shop Item 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (-132) y: (-90)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <<(COINS) > [4]> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [3]>>> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [Yellow])\n change [coins v] by (-5)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Item3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (-50) y: (-90)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <<(COINS) > [9]> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [4]>>> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [1])\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Item4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (-50) y: (-17)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <<(COINS) > [9]> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [5]>>> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [2])\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Item 5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (35) y: (-17)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <<(COINS) > [14]> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [6]>>> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [3])\n change [coins v] by (-15)\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Item6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (118) y: (-17)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching? v] to [1]\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n set [touching? v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(JumpBoost?) = [1]>>> then\n if <(COINS) > [19]> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [jumpboost? v] to [1]\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Item2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (118) y: (-90)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n if <(the shop is open) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching? v] to [1]\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n else\n set [touching? v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(SpeedBoost?) = [1]>>> then\n if <(COINS) > [19]> then\n play sound [Register v] until done\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n set [speedboost? v] to [1]\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shop Info1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n if <(Touching?) = [1]> then\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nhide\n\n@Shop Info2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n if <(touching?) = [1]> then\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nhide\n\n@Coin Effect\n\nwhen I receive [coin v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to (player v)\nset size to (70) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nrepeat (15)\n change x by (-4)\n change y by (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (FREE REWARDS v)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [faved___ v] to [1]\nset [loved__ v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\n@+10 coins for love and fav\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>> then\n change [coins v] by (10)\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [free rewards v]\nchange [coins v] by (10)\n\nwhen I receive [free rewards v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n
WARNING; IF YOU RAGE EASILY DON'T PLAY\n\nPlease read the controls below before commenting suggestions, that would be really appreciated :D\n\nPress 't' to toggle text\n-----------------------------------------------\nWhen the void opened, the world fell into chaos. Spikes grew out of the ground and demons roamed the night. \nThe only hope to restore order is to close the void, but can you get past the demons and spikes? Not to mention the one who began this chaos in the first place; the Void Summoner.\n----------------------------------------------------------\nWelp, that was a long intro, I hope you didn't get too bored reading it (it was very cheesy)\n\nThe instructions are in-game, but I'm going to summaries them here anyway;\n\n- Arrow Keys/WAD; Move\n- Spacebar; Attack\n- Number pad to switch weapons\n - 1; Sword\n - 2; Bow and Arrow\n - 0; Hands\nUsing the bow;\n - Space to nock the arrow\n - Arrow keys to direct\n - Release space to fire\nOpen Chest; Down Arrow Key/'S'\n\nEnemies;\n- Chaos Spawns; normal demons\n- Winged demons; Flying demons\n- Armed Demons; Invulnerable to arrows\n- Void Summoner;\n - High HP\n - Shoot fireballs\n - 33.3% invulnerable to arrows\n\nOther notes;\n- Small fireballs could be deflected by the sword\n- 'm' key o Mute\n- Skip Level; 'p' key\n- Restart Level; 'r' key\n- Toggle text; 't' key\n\nAny other questions could be asked in the comments or answered in the game itself
3D platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (13 v)\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine engine\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n set [costumes v] to [2]\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [costumes v] to [3]\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (rock v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [1.1]\n change [xv v] by (-0.1)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\nchange x by (XV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n change y by (-4)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [15]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (YV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nswitch costume to (costumes)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (saw v)?> or <touching (poison v)?>> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Main Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nplay sound [Connect v] until done\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 \(1\) v)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-150) y: (0)\nset size to (50) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n engine\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n play sound [Unlimited v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (0)\nforever\n if <touching (coin v)?> then\n play sound [Coin v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (7) y: (-25)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nswitch costume to (7 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nswitch costume to (9 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nswitch costume to (10 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nswitch costume to (11 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nswitch costume to (12 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [blue sky v]\nswitch costume to (12 v)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (50) %\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (crystal v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (208) y: (80)\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (60) y: (140)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nelse\n if <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [9]>> then\n go to x: (-32) y: (-93)\n end\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n repeat (6)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (100) y: (60)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (200) y: (120)\nhide\nforever\n repeat (6)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (crystal v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Saw \n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n play sound [Big Boing v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-128)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (170) y: (50)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\n@Main Menu\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (37) y: (22)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Game Start v)\n end\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\n@Instructions Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (38) y: (-61)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n broadcast (Instructions v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (23) y: (-150)\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (Main Menu v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [blue sky v]\nhide\n\n@Coin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\ngo to x: (-8) y: (-146)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (168) y: (-142)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-57) y: (28)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (216) y: (29)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (26)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (65) y: (-143)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (195) y: (61)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (131) y: (-112)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (250) y: (100)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-90)\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@poison\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\ngo to x: (96) y: (28)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [9]>\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (-15)\n end\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n go to x: (96) y: (28)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@pick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (pickaxe2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\n\n@rock\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Crystal\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n go to (player v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ready v] to [1]\nforever\n show\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ready) = [1]> then\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [ready v] to [1]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat until <<<touching (enemy v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (level v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n turn right (4) degrees\n else\n turn right (-1) degrees\n end\nend\nset [ready v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\n@spike_mineable\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <touching (pick v)?>> then\n wait (1.7) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nhide\n\n
New project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/493687843/\n\nWelcome to my very first colorful, artful, and mobile-friendly platformer\n\nUse arrows to move/mobile\n\nThere is a glitch where you die even when not touching spikes, double click the green flag and It'll dissapear...\n\nThank you all soooo much!!! My first project goes on Trending, you are all showing me so much kindness...\n\n3rd on All Trending\n16th on Trending Games\n1st What the community is Loving
Land Escape (Platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n play sound [Red Lights- Tiesto v] until done\nend\n\n@c\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [☁ money v] to [0]\nset size to (50) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (116) y: (-132)\nshow\nforever\n set [my variable v] to [1000]\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nchange x by (20)\nforever\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [☁ money v] by (100)\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [☁ money v] by (100)\n hide\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(my variable) = [100]>\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nswitch costume to (g1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n set [my variable v] to [1000]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [g5]> then\n broadcast (da v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [g6]> then\n broadcast (dada v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [g7]> then\n broadcast (go v)\n end\nend\n\n@player\n\ndefine Platformer Physics (speed) (friction) (jump height)\nchange [y vel v] by (-1)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>>> then\n change [x vel v] by (speed)\n switch costume to (r2 v)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > ((mouse x) + (20))>>>> then\n change [x vel v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n switch costume to (l2 v)\nend\nset [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (friction))\nchange x by (X vel)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (level v)?>> or <(slope) = [-8]>>\n change [slope v] by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (X vel) ) / (X vel)) * (-1))\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-12]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [12]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [12]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y vel)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y vel) ) / (Y vel)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y vel v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y vel v] to (jump height)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to x: (-198) y: (-5)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (l2 v)\nReset Position [-198] [-10]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n Platformer Physics [1] [0.9] [13]\n if <<touching (dan v)?> or <touching (dan2 v)?>> then\n start sound [Prick v]\n Reset Position [-198] [-10]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (effect v)\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (intro v)\n\ndefine Reset Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n key check\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <(x position) = [249]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n Reset Position [-198] [-10]\n end\nend\n\ndefine key check\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (u v)\nelse\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (r2 v)\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (l2 v)\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (l1 v)\n else\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (r1 v)\n else\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (s v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [c v]\nstart sound [Coin v]\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <touching (c v)?> then\n broadcast (c v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nchange [☁ viewers v] by (1)\n\n@Dan\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nswitch costume to (g1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nnext costume\n\n@Dan2\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\ngo to x: (-82) y: (60)\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [da v]\nshow\nforever\n next costume\n wait (.01) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dada v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Love and fave reminder\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-100) y: (105)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sec v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (3) y: (24)\nhide variable [sec v]\nhide variable [☁ money v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nbroadcast (TS v)\n\nwhen I receive [ts v]\nshow variable [sec v]\nshow variable [☁ money v]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [sec v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n
First levels should run with no problem, but, after, it will go too slow (7 fps), so, I recomend to go to turbowarp.\nhttps://turbowarp.org/419379287?hqpen\n\n1.-Move with WASD\n2.-Turn with arrow keys\n3.-Jump with space
Scratch Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@logo citrons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ highscore v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (k-17 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (-14) y: (-238)\nglide (0.7) secs to x: (-14) y: (0)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (message1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nforever\n if <(temps) < (☁ highscore)> then\n set [☁ highscore v] to (round (temps))\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@ice texte\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (24) y: (134)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (250) %\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nset size to (0) %\n\n@Lutin2\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nset [temps final v] to (join [Your time : ] (join (round (temps)) [ s]))\nhide variable [temps v]\nshow variable [temps final v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (6) y: (38)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [temps v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [temps v]\nhide variable [temps final v]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (play v)\nreset timer\nshow variable [temps v]\nset size to (0) %\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [16]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n end\nend\n\n@Lutin4\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (5) to (8)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (pick random (80) to (100)) %\ngo to x: (-265) y: (pick random (88) to (30))\nglide (pick random (8) to (11)) secs to x: (333) y: (y position)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\n@Lutin3\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-185) y: (0)\nchange y by (-15)\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.25)\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-0.7)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (0.7)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ee8900)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ee8900)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ee8900)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y v] to [5]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-0.5))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching color (#ff9400)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<<touching color (#ff9400)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [6.5]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n show\n if <touching color (#dddede)?> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(x position) > [190]>> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (0)\n broadcast (next v)\n end\n if <<touching color (#cb0000)?> or <touching (lutin6 v)?>> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <key (any v) pressed?> then\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide variable [temps v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#cc0000)?> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [health v] to [10]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Health) = [0]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n stop [all v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#cc0000)?> then\n change [health v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nchange y by (-15)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [health v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-185) y: (0)\nchange y by (-15)\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.25)\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-0.7)\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (0.7)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ee8900)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ee8900)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ee8900)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#ff9300)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n set [y v] to [5]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-0.5))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching color (#ff9400)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<<touching color (#ff9400)?> and <not <touching (lutin4 v)?>>> and <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [6.5]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n show\n if <touching color (#dddede)?> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(x position) > [190]>> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (0)\n broadcast (next v)\n end\n if <<touching color (#cb0000)?> or <touching (lutin6 v)?>> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <key (any v) pressed?> then\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Lutin6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [F-777 - 2. Viking Arena \(VIKING DANCE MACHINE\).mp3 v] until done\n set volume to (80) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [9]> then\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (lava monster v)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-45) y: (-197)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-27) y: (-156)\n turn right (15) degrees\n go to x: (-32) y: (-146)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-15) y: (-107)\n turn right (15) degrees\n next costume\n turn right (15) degrees\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (10) y: (-79)\n turn right (15) degrees\n wait (0.1) seconds\n turn right (15) degrees\n wait (0.2) seconds\n turn right (15) degrees\n wait (0.3) seconds\n turn right (15) degrees\n next costume\n turn right (15) degrees\n wait (0.5) seconds\n turn right (15) degrees\n wait (0.5) seconds\n turn right (15) degrees\n wait (0.5) seconds\n turn right (15) degrees\n glide (2) secs to x: (53) y: (-307)\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Lutin7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to x: (-64) y: (-7)\nset size to (200) %\nshow\n\n@Lutin8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(htt) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow variable [☁ highscore v]\ngo to x: (-133) y: (162)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide variable [☁ highscore2 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-128) y: (-162)\nhide variable [☁ highscore2 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n set [☁ highscore2 v] to (☁ highscore)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nforever\n show variable [temps final v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(temps final) < (☁ highscore)> then\n forever\n set [☁ highscore v] to (temps final)\n end\n end\n broadcast (New winner v)\nend\n\n
arrow key operation\nThe bed is a save point\n矢印キー操作\n一応モバイル対応\n今回ちょっとむずいかも\nフォローよろしく
Sketched 2 || A Platformer #Platformer #Capt_Boanerges
@Stage\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\npen up\nerase all\ndelete all of [x v]\ndelete all of [y v]\ndelete all of [大きさ v]\nadd [0] to [x v]\nadd [0] to [y v]\nadd [100] to [大きさ v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [200]\nset [x+ v] to [0]\nset [y+ v] to [0]\nset [作る v] to [-]\nforever\n erase all\n 背景\n 線 (x) (y)\n 作る\n if <(作る) = [0]> then\n 自移動\n 移動\n end\n 書く\nend\n\ndefine 書く\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen size to (20)\npen down\npen up\nset [a v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [a v] by (1)\n go to x: ((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) y: ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y))\n set pen size to (item (a) of [大きさ v])\n set pen color to (#ff0000)\n set pen (color v) to (item (a) of [大きさ v])\n pen down\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine 移動\nset [a v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [a v] by (1)\n set [向き v] to (([atan v] of (((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) / ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y))) ) + (<[0] > ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y))> * (180)))\n set [距離 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) * ((item (a) of [x v]) - (x))) + (((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)) * ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)))) )\n change [x+ v] by ((([sin v] of (向き) ) * ((20) / (距離))) * ((((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) * ((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2))) / (2000)))\n change [y+ v] by ((([cos v] of (向き) ) * ((20) / (距離))) * ((((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) * ((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2))) / (2000)))\nend\nchange [x v] by (x+)\nchange [y v] by (y+)\nset [a v] to [0]\nset [触れる v] to [-]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [a v] by (1)\n set [距離 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) * ((item (a) of [x v]) - (x))) + (((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)) * ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)))) )\n if <(距離) < (((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) + (10))> then\n repeat (10)\n if <(距離) < (((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) + (10))> then\n set [向き v] to (([atan v] of (((x) - (item (a) of [x v])) / ((y) - (item (a) of [y v]))) ) + (<[0] > ((y) - (item (a) of [y v]))> * (180)))\n change [x v] by ([sin v] of (向き) )\n change [y v] by ([cos v] of (向き) )\n set [距離 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) * ((item (a) of [x v]) - (x))) + (((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)) * ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)))) )\n end\n end\n set [触れる v] to (a)\n set [x+ v] to [0]\n set [y+ v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine 自移動\nif <not <(触れる) = [-]>> then\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (([atan v] of (((x) - (item (触れる) of [x v])) / ((y) - (item (触れる) of [y v]))) ) + (<[0] > ((y) - (item (触れる) of [y v]))> * (180)))\n turn right (90) degrees\n change [x+ v] by (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (2))\n change [y+ v] by (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (2))\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (([atan v] of (((x) - (item (触れる) of [x v])) / ((y) - (item (触れる) of [y v]))) ) + (<[0] > ((y) - (item (触れる) of [y v]))> * (180)))\n turn left (90) degrees\n change [x+ v] by (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (2))\n change [y+ v] by (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (2))\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (([atan v] of (((x) - (item (触れる) of [x v])) / ((y) - (item (触れる) of [y v]))) ) + (<[0] > ((y) - (item (触れる) of [y v]))> * (180)))\n change [x+ v] by (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (6))\n change [y+ v] by (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (6))\n end\nend\n\ndefine 作る\nif <mouse down?> then\n if <(作る) = [0]> then\n 確かめ\n if <(確かめ) = [-]> then\n add ((mouse x) + (x)) to [x v]\n add ((mouse y) + (y)) to [y v]\n add [60] to [大きさ v]\n set [作る v] to (length of [x v])\n end\n if <[0] < (確かめ)> then\n delete (確かめ) of [x v]\n delete (確かめ) of [y v]\n delete (確かめ) of [大きさ v]\n set [作る v] to [-]\n end\n else\n if <[0] < (作る)> then\n if <<(確かめ距離) > ((item (作る) of [大きさ v]) / (2))> and <[200] > (item (作る) of [大きさ v])>> then\n replace item (作る) of [大きさ v] with ((item (作る) of [大きさ v]) + (2))\n else\n set [作る v] to [-]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [作る v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine 確かめ\nset [確かめ v] to [-]\nset [a v] to [0]\nset [確かめ距離 v] to [999999]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [a v] by (1)\n go to x: ((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) y: ((item (a) of [y v]) - (y))\n set [距離 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) - (mouse x)) * (((item (a) of [x v]) - (x)) - (mouse x))) + ((((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)) - (mouse y)) * (((item (a) of [y v]) - (y)) - (mouse y)))) )\n if <((距離) - (((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) + (20))) < (確かめ距離)> then\n set [確かめ距離 v] to ((距離) - (((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) + (20)))\n end\n if <(距離) < (((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2)) + (60))> then\n set [確かめ v] to [0]\n if <<(距離) < ((item (a) of [大きさ v]) / (2))> and <not <(length of [x v]) = [1]>>> then\n set [確かめ v] to (a)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine 背景\nset pen color to (#001335)\nset pen size to (200)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (90)\npen down\ngo to x: (240) y: (90)\ngo to x: (240) y: (-90)\ngo to x: (-240) y: (-90)\npen up\n\ndefine 線 (x) (y)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen (transparency v) to (90)\nset pen size to (10)\nset y to ((180) - ((y) mod (60)))\nrepeat (6)\n set x to (240)\n pen down\n set x to (-240)\n pen up\n change y by (-60)\nend\nset x to ((240) - ((x) mod (60)))\nrepeat (8)\n set y to (-240)\n pen down\n set y to (240)\n pen up\n change x by (-60)\nend\nset pen (transparency v) to (0)\n\n
Heyyy!\nPLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE READ!!!!!!\nDISCLAIMER: THE GROUND IS SUPPOSED TO BE INVISIBLE\nWelcome to my first platformer on this account, an introduction to Scratch!\nThe floor is hidden, so think carefully ;)\nIf you need hints on certain levels, scroll wayyy down!\nWASD and arrow keys to move and m to mute music.\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\nN E X T: -Dot Pen!-\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/546509988/\n\nP R E V I O U S: Scratch Character Customizer: \nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/541668528/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHINTS BELOW:\nLevel 1: Hop on top of a featured project\nLevel 2: Jump backwards (not gonna tell you when c;)\nLevel 3: There's a wall!\nLevel 4: Very simple, just jump forwards!\nLevel 5: Hop onto a project and wall jump somewhere\nLevel 6: This one's a hidden freebie :)\nLevel 7: Jump onto some code!
Exρʅσɾҽɾ- A Mobile Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nforever\n play sound (_MUSIC) until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (join [back] (_BACKDROP))\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [@player tick v]\nif <(invincible?) > [0]> then\n change [invincible? v] by (-1)\n if <([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (8)) mod (2)) ) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nCheck States\nif <(_DEAD) < [1]> then\n if <(__POWER UP LEVEL) > [0]> then\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <(__JOYSTICK Y) < [-20]>> then\n if <(down pressed) = [0]> then\n if <(__PLAYER IN AIR) = [0]> then\n set [crouch v] to [1]\n Set Height\n set [down pressed v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n set [crouch v] to [0]\n Set Height\n set [down pressed v] to [0]\n if <(crouch) > [0]> then\n if <([abs v] of (__PLAYER XV) ) < [0.1]> then\n if <(direction) > [0]> then\n set [__player xv v] to [-0.1]\n else\n set [__player xv v] to [0.1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [speed v] to [0.18]\n if <(crouch) > [0]> then\n set [__player xv v] to ((__PLAYER XV) * (0.97))\n else\n if <(__PLAYER IN AIR) > [4]> then\n set [__player xv v] to ((__PLAYER XV) * (0.8))\n else\n set [__player xv v] to ((__PLAYER XV) * (0.75))\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(__JOYSTICK X) > [10]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n set [__player xv v] to (speed)\n else\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(__JOYSTICK X) < [-10]>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set [__player xv v] to ((0) - (speed))\n end\n end\n end\n Change X by (__PLAYER XV)\n if <(__PLAYER XV) > [0.03]> then\n if <(scroll offset x) < [50]> then\n change [scroll offset x v] by (4)\n end\n else\n if <(__PLAYER XV) < [-0.03]> then\n if <(scroll offset x) > [-50]> then\n change [scroll offset x v] by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(__STATE - WATER) = [0]> then\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> or <(__JOYSTICK Y) > [15]>> then\n if <(crouch) = [0]> then\n if <(__PLAYER IN AIR) < [6]> then\n change [__player yv v] by (0.1)\n if <(is jump?) = [0]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [is jump? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(__PLAYER YV) > [0]> then\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.035)\n else\n if <(__PLAYER YV) < [-0.4]> then\n set [__player yv v] to [-0.4]\n else\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.08)\n end\n end\n if <(__STATE - CLOUD) = [1]> then\n if <(__PLAYER YV) > [0]> then\n end\n else\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> or <(__JOYSTICK Y) > [15]>> then\n if <(crouch) = [0]> then\n if <(up key pressed) = [0]> then\n set [up key pressed v] to [1]\n set [__player yv v] to [0.3]\n end\n end\n else\n set [up key pressed v] to [0]\n end\n if <(__PLAYER YV) > [0]> then\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.02)\n else\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.04)\n if <(__PLAYER YV) < [-0.5]> then\n set [__player yv v] to [-0.5]\n end\n end\n set [__player yv v] to ((__PLAYER YV) * (0.9))\n end\n change [__player in air v] by (1)\n Change Y by (__PLAYER YV)\n if <(__PLAYER Y) < [0.01]> then\n set [_dead v] to [1]\n set [invincible? v] to [0]\n end\nend\nScroll [8]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nset [__is mobile? v] to [1]\nbroadcast (_START TRANSITION v) and wait\nif <(_EDITOR) = [1]> then\n broadcast (_SAVE LEVEL v) and wait\nend\nset [__game level v] to [1]\nset [__game sub level v] to [0]\nClear NPC Data\nbroadcast (_CREATE CLONES v) and wait\nbroadcast (_INIT GUI v) and wait\nbroadcast (_INIT INVENTORY v) and wait\nforever\n erase all\n hide\n delete all of [@mob spawns v]\n delete all of [@particle spawns v]\n broadcast (_DELETE OBJECTS v) and wait\n broadcast (_LOAD LEVEL v) and wait\n broadcast (_SIZE v) and wait\n delete all of [_text to write v]\n broadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v) and wait\n set [_tiny v] to [0.01]\n Find Spawn\n set [__player x v] to (spawn x)\n set [__player y v] to (spawn y)\n set [__power up level v] to [0]\n Spawn Mobs and Moving Platforms\n Calculate Remaining Gifts\n Init Player\n set [_editor v] to [0]\n hide variable [zoom v]\n hide variable [_backdrop v]\n Scroll [1]\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Tile Tick v)\n broadcast (@Particle Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Snow Tick v)\n broadcast (@Animate v)\n broadcast (_COMPLETE TRANSITION v) and wait\n repeat until <(_EXIT) > [0]>\n if <(__GAME MODE) > [0]> then\n if <(_DEAD) > [0]> then\n Scroll [99999]\n start sound [Squish Pop v]\n repeat (10)\n change size by (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n broadcast (@First Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Tick v)\n broadcast (@Particle Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Snow Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Mid Layer Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Tile Tick v)\n broadcast (@Animate v)\n end\n hide\n repeat (15)\n broadcast (@First Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Tick v)\n broadcast (@Particle Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Snow Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Mid Layer Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Tile Tick v)\n broadcast (@Animate v)\n end\n Init Player\n end\n if <<key (i v) pressed?> and <key (e v) pressed?>> then\n Clear Text\n set [__player in air v] to [0]\n set [__player xv v] to [0]\n set [__player yv v] to [0]\n delete all of [@mob spawns v]\n delete all of [@particle spawns v]\n broadcast (_DELETE OBJECTS v) and wait\n if <(_EDITOR) = [0]> then\n set [_editor v] to [1]\n show variable [zoom v]\n show variable [_backdrop v]\n broadcast (_LOAD LEVEL v) and wait\n if <(_MAP HEIGHT) < [50]> then\n Grow Level Height by ((50) - (_MAP HEIGHT)) blocks\n end\n if <(_MAP WIDTH) < [200]> then\n Grow Level Width by ((200) - (_MAP WIDTH)) blocks\n end\n else\n set [_editor v] to [0]\n hide variable [zoom v]\n hide variable [_backdrop v]\n broadcast (_SAVE LEVEL v) and wait\n Find Spawn\n Spawn Mobs and Moving Platforms\n Calculate Remaining Gifts\n end\n wait until <not <key (i v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <([abs v] of ((ZOOM) - (_TILE SIZE)) ) > [0.3]> then\n if <(ZOOM) > (_TILE SIZE)> then\n change [_tile size v] by (1)\n else\n change [_tile size v] by (-1)\n end\n broadcast (_SIZE v)\n Scroll [1]\n end\n if <(_EDITOR) > [0]> then\n // [editor]\n broadcast (@First Tick v)\n broadcast (@Editor Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Editor Tile Tick v)\n else\n if <(__GAME MODE) = [1]> then\n // [normal game]\n if <(__STATE - ENEMY COLLISION) > [0]> then\n if <(invincible?) < [1]> then\n set [_dead v] to [1]\n else\n set [_dead v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [__state - enemy collision v] to [0]\n broadcast (@First Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Tick v)\n broadcast (@Player Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Mid Layer Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Tile Tick v)\n else\n if <(__GAME MODE) = [2]> then\n // [text bubble open]\n if <<key (x v) pressed?> or <<(length of [_text to write v]) > [0]> and <(_TEXT TO WRITE) = []>>> then\n Clear Text\n else\n if <(length of [_text to write v]) > [0]> then\n broadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v)\n broadcast (@Text Tick v)\n end\n end\n broadcast (@First Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Tick v)\n broadcast (@Idle Player Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Mid Layer Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Tile Tick v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n broadcast (@Joystick Tick v)\n broadcast (@Particle Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Snow Tick v)\n broadcast (@Animate v)\n end\n if <(_EXIT) = [1]> then\n repeat (30)\n broadcast (@First Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Mob Tick v)\n broadcast (@Idle Player Tick v)\n broadcast (@Particle Spawn Tick v)\n broadcast (@Snow Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Backdrop Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Mid Layer Tick v)\n broadcast (@Stamp Tile Tick v)\n broadcast (@Animate v)\n end\n if <(__GAME LEVEL) < (length of [levels - game v])> then\n change [__game level v] by (1)\n set [__game sub level v] to [0]\n end\n end\n broadcast (_START TRANSITION v) and wait\nend\n\ndefine Get IsSolid at X (x) Y (y)\nif <(isSolid) = [0]> then\n if <<(x) > (_MAP WIDTH)> or <(x) < [0]>> then\n set [issolid v] to [1]\n else\n if <<(y) > (_MAP HEIGHT)> or <(y) < [0]>> then\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change X by (x)\nchange [__player x v] by (x)\nset [issolid v] to [0]\nif <(x) > [0]> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + (width)) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (_TINY))\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + (width)) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2)))\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + (width)) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player x v] to (([floor v] of ((__PLAYER X) + (width)) ) - (width))\n set [__player xv v] to [0]\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n end\n Check For Moving Platforms\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player x v] to (((item (i) of [_moving platforms v]) - (item ((i) + (2)) of [_moving platforms v])) - (width))\n set [__player xv v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - (width)) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (_TINY))\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - (width)) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2)))\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - (width)) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player x v] to (([ceiling v] of ((__PLAYER X) - (width)) ) + (width))\n set [__player xv v] to [0]\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n end\n Check For Moving Platforms\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player x v] to (((item (i) of [_moving platforms v]) + (item ((i) + (2)) of [_moving platforms v])) + (width))\n set [__player xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Y by (y)\nchange [__player y v] by (y)\nset [issolid v] to [0]\nif <(y) > [0]> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (height))\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (height))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player y v] to (([floor v] of ((__PLAYER Y) + (height)) ) - (height))\n set [__player yv v] to [0]\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n end\n Check For Moving Platforms\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player y v] to ((item ((i) + (1)) of [_moving platforms v]) - (height))\n set [__player yv v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y (__PLAYER Y)\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y (__PLAYER Y)\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player in air v] to [0]\n set [__player yv v] to [0]\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n set [is jump? v] to [0]\n if <(__POWER UP LEVEL) = [1]> then\n if <(y) < [-0.1]> then\n Get IsSolid at X (__PLAYER X) Y (__PLAYER Y)\n if <(tile type) = [94]> then\n set [__player yv v] to [0.2]\n set [__player in air v] to [9999999999999]\n Particle Burst at X: (([floor v] of (__PLAYER X) ) + (0.5)) Y: ([floor v] of (__PLAYER Y) ) Size: [8] Type: [6]\n replace item (idx) of [#tile grid v] with [1]\n end\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [__player y v] to ([ceiling v] of (__PLAYER Y) )\n end\n Check For Moving Platforms\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player y v] to ((item ((i) + (1)) of [_moving platforms v]) + (item ((i) + (3)) of [_moving platforms v]))\n set [__player in air v] to [0]\n set [__player yv v] to [0]\n set [is jump? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Scroll (smoothness)\nchange [_scroll x v] by ((((((__PLAYER X) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) + (scroll offset x)) - (_SCROLL X)) / (smoothness))\nif <(_SCROLL X) > (((_TILE SIZE) * ((_MAP WIDTH) - (0.5))) - (240))> then\n set [_scroll x v] to (((_TILE SIZE) * ((_MAP WIDTH) - (0.5))) - (240))\nend\nif <(_SCROLL X) < ((240) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))> then\n set [_scroll x v] to ((240) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))\nend\nchange [_scroll y v] by (((((__PLAYER Y) - (0.1)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y)) / (smoothness))\nif <(_SCROLL Y) > (((_TILE SIZE) * ((_MAP HEIGHT) - (0.5))) - (180))> then\n set [_scroll y v] to (((_TILE SIZE) * ((_MAP HEIGHT) - (0.5))) - (180))\nend\nif <(_SCROLL Y) < ((180) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))> then\n set [_scroll y v] to ((180) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))\nend\n\ndefine Check States\nif <(__STATE - SOLID) = [1]> then\n if <([abs v] of (__MOVING PLATFORM XV) ) > [0]> then\n Check for Player Suffocation\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n change [__player x v] by (__MOVING PLATFORM XV)\n else\n Change X by (__MOVING PLATFORM XV)\n end\n end\n if <([abs v] of (__MOVING PLATFORM YV) ) > [0]> then\n Check for Player Suffocation\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n change [__player y v] by (__MOVING PLATFORM YV)\n else\n Change Y by (__MOVING PLATFORM YV)\n end\n end\n set [__state - solid v] to [0]\nend\nset [old x v] to (__PLAYER X)\nset [old y v] to (__PLAYER Y)\nCheck for Player Suffocation\nif <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n if <(__MOVING PLATFORM YV) < [0]> then\n set [__player y v] to ([ceiling v] of (__PLAYER Y) )\n else\n if <(([ceiling v] of (__PLAYER Y) ) - (__PLAYER Y)) > [0.5]> then\n change [__player y v] by (0.5)\n else\n set [__player y v] to ([ceiling v] of (__PLAYER Y) )\n end\n end\n Check for Player Suffocation\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player y v] to (old y)\n change [__player x v] by (0.5)\n Check for Player Suffocation\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n change [__player x v] by (-1)\n Check for Player Suffocation\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player x v] to (old x)\n change [__player y v] by (-0.2)\n Check for Player Suffocation\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [__player x v] to (old x)\n set [__player y v] to (old y)\n set [_dead v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(__STATE - WATER) = [0]> then\n set [in water v] to [0]\nelse\n set [__state - water v] to [0]\n set [in water v] to [1]\nend\nset [__moving platform xv v] to [0]\nset [__moving platform yv v] to [0]\nGet State at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\nGet State at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\nset [__state - danger v] to [0]\nGet State at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2)))\nGet State at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2)))\nif <(__STATE - DANGER) = [1]> then\n set [_dead v] to [1]\nend\nset [__state - cloud v] to [0]\nGet State at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (_TINY))\nGet State at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (_TINY))\nif <(__STATE - WATER) = [1]> then\n if <(in water) = [0]> then\n set [in water v] to [1]\n start sound [Splash v]\n Particle Burst at X: (__PLAYER X) Y: (__PLAYER Y) Size: [10] Type: [5]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Get State at X (x) Y (y)\nif <<<(x) > (_MAP WIDTH)> or <(y) > (_MAP HEIGHT)>> or <<(x) < [0]> or <(y) < [0]>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n set [idx v] to (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1))\n set [tile type v] to (item (idx) of [#tile grid v])\n set [tile shape v] to []\n set [tile shape v] to (item (tile type) of [#tile shape v])\n if <(tile shape) > []> then\n if <(tile shape) = [~]> then\n set [__state - water v] to [1]\n else\n if <(tile shape) = [m]> then\n set [__state - cloud v] to [1]\n else\n if <(tile shape) = [^]> then\n set [__state - danger v] to [1]\n else\n if <(tile shape) = [$]> then\n replace item (idx) of [#tile grid v] with [1]\n if <(tile type) = [35]> then\n // [checkpoint]\n Particle | Type: [3] X: ([floor v] of (x) ) Y: ([floor v] of (y) )\n set [spawn x v] to (([floor v] of (x) ) + (0.5))\n set [spawn y v] to ([floor v] of (y) )\n else\n if <(tile type) = [69]> then\n // [cookie - large power up]\n set [spawn x v] to (([floor v] of (x) ) + (0.5))\n set [spawn y v] to ([floor v] of (y) )\n set [__power up level v] to [1]\n Set Height\n else\n Particle | Type: [2] X: ([floor v] of (x) ) Y: ([floor v] of (y) )\n end\n end\n start sound (pick random (4) to (14))\n Particle Burst at X: (([floor v] of (x) ) + (0.5)) Y: ([floor v] of (y) ) Size: [10] Type: [1]\n change [_gifts collected v] by (1)\n if <not <(_GIFTS COLLECTED) < (_TOTAL GIFTS)>> then\n if <(__GAME LEVEL) < (length of [levels - game v])> then\n set [_exit v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Check For Moving Platforms\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [_moving platforms v]) / (4))\n if <([abs v] of ((item (i) of [_moving platforms v]) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < (((item ((i) + (2)) of [_moving platforms v]) + (width)) - (_TINY))> then\n if <([abs v] of (((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2))) - ((item ((i) + (1)) of [_moving platforms v]) + ((item ((i) + (3)) of [_moving platforms v]) / (2)))) ) < ((((item ((i) + (3)) of [_moving platforms v]) / (2)) + ((height) / (2))) - (_TINY))> then\n set [issolid v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [i v] by (4)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@first tick v]\ndelete all of [_moving platforms v]\ndelete all of [@particle spawns v]\nchange [timer v] by (0.0333)\nset [__mob count v] to [0]\nset [_targeted npc x v] to []\nset [_targeted npc y v] to []\nerase all\n\ndefine Check for Player Suffocation\nset [issolid v] to [0]\nGet IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (_TINY))\nGet IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2)))\nGet IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\nGet IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + (_TINY))\nGet IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) / (2)))\nGet IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\nCheck For Moving Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [@editor tick v]\nif <key (z v) pressed?> then\n set [speed v] to [0.8]\nelse\n set [speed v] to [0.4]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [__player x v] by (speed)\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [__player x v] by ((0) - (speed))\n end\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [__player y v] by (0.3)\nelse\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [__player y v] by (-0.3)\n end\nend\nScroll [2]\n\ndefine Grow Level Height by (#) blocks\nset [scanner v] to [1]\nrepeat (_MAP WIDTH)\n change [scanner v] by (_MAP HEIGHT)\n repeat (#)\n insert [1] at (scanner) of [#tile grid v] \n insert [0] at (scanner) of [@mob grid v] \n insert [0] at (scanner) of [%data grid v] \n change [scanner v] by (1)\n end\nend\nset [_map height v] to ((_MAP HEIGHT) + (#))\n\ndefine Grow Level Width by (#) blocks\nrepeat ((#) * (_MAP HEIGHT))\n add [1] to [#tile grid v]\n add [0] to [@mob grid v]\n add [0] to [%data grid v]\nend\nset [_map width v] to ((_MAP WIDTH) + (#))\n\ndefine Spawn Mobs and Moving Platforms\nreplace item (item # of [34] in [@mob grid v]) of [@mob grid v] with [0]\nset [idx v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@mob grid v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n if <(item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) > [0]> then\n add (item (item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) of [@mob tiles v]) to [@mob spawns v]\n add (([floor v] of (((idx) - (1)) / (_MAP HEIGHT)) ) + (0.5)) to [@mob spawns v]\n add (((idx) - (1)) - ((_MAP HEIGHT) * ([floor v] of (((idx) - (1)) / (_MAP HEIGHT)) ))) to [@mob spawns v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clear NPC Data\ndelete all of [_npc data v]\nrepeat (1000)\n add [1] to [_npc data v]\nend\n\ndefine Decode Command (command)\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [command id v] to []\nset [command data v] to []\nif <(letter (i) of (command)) = [/]> then\n change [i v] by (1)\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (command)) = [ ]>\n set [command id v] to (join (command id) (letter (i) of (command)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <(i) > (length of (command))> then\n set [command id v] to []\n set [command data v] to []\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n repeat until <(i) > (length of (command))>\n set [command data v] to (join (command data) (letter (i) of (command)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_size v]\nset size to (((_TILE SIZE) / (8)) * (100)) %\n\ndefine Animate | Stand: (stand) Walk: (walk) Jump: (jump) Swim: (swim) Crouch: (crouch)\nif <(crouch) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (crouch)\nelse\n if <(__PLAYER IN AIR) > [2]> then\n if <(__STATE - WATER) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump)\n else\n switch costume to (swim)\n end\n else\n if <([abs v] of (__PLAYER XV) ) > [0.01]> then\n switch costume to (walk)\n else\n switch costume to (stand)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@animate v]\nset [score v] to (join (join (_GIFTS COLLECTED) [/]) (_TOTAL GIFTS))\nswitch costume to (big v)\ngo to x: ((((__PLAYER X) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: ((((__PLAYER Y) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\nif <(__POWER UP LEVEL) = [0]> then\n Animate | Stand: (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (0.3)) mod (1.04)) ) + (1)) Walk: (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (8)) mod (2)) ) + (3)) Jump: [5] Swim: (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (8)) mod (8)) ) + (6)) Crouch: []\nelse\n if <(__POWER UP LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Animate | Stand: (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (0.3)) mod (1.04)) ) + (14)) Walk: (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (8)) mod (2)) ) + (16)) Jump: [18] Swim: (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (12)) mod (8)) ) + (19)) Crouch: [27]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@idle player tick v]\nCheck States\nif <(_DEAD) < [1]> then\n Change X by (__PLAYER XV)\n if <(__PLAYER IN AIR) > [4]> then\n set [__player xv v] to ((__PLAYER XV) * (0.85))\n else\n set [__player xv v] to ((__PLAYER XV) * (0.7))\n end\n if <(__STATE - WATER) = [0]> then\n if <(__PLAYER YV) > [0]> then\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.02)\n else\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.04)\n if <(__PLAYER YV) < [-0.5]> then\n set [__player yv v] to [-0.5]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(__PLAYER YV) > [0]> then\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.02)\n else\n change [__player yv v] by (-0.04)\n if <(__PLAYER YV) < [-0.5]> then\n set [__player yv v] to [-0.5]\n end\n end\n set [__player yv v] to ((__PLAYER YV) * (0.9))\n end\n change [__player in air v] by (1)\n Change Y by (__PLAYER YV)\n if <(__PLAYER Y) < [0.01]> then\n set [_dead v] to [1]\n end\nend\nScroll [8]\n\ndefine Calculate Remaining Gifts\nset [idx v] to [0]\nset [_gifts collected v] to [0]\nset [_total gifts v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [#tile grid v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n if <(item (item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) of [#tile shape v]) = [$]> then\n change [_total gifts v] by (1)\n end\nend\nset [score v] to (join (join (_GIFTS COLLECTED) [/]) (_TOTAL GIFTS))\n\ndefine // (comment)\n\ndefine Particle | Type: (type) X: (x) Y: (y)\nadd (type) to [@particle spawns v]\nadd (x) to [@particle spawns v]\nadd (y) to [@particle spawns v]\n\ndefine Init Player\nset [__joystick x v] to [0]\nset [__joystick y v] to [0]\nset [__player x v] to (spawn x)\nset [__player y v] to (spawn y)\nset [_exit v] to [0]\nset [_dead v] to [0]\nset [_active npc v] to [0]\nset [__player yv v] to [0]\nset [__player xv v] to [0]\nset [in water v] to [1]\nset [__state - solid v] to [0]\nset [__state - water v] to [0]\nset [__state - cloud v] to [0]\nset [__state - enemy collision v] to [0]\nset [__game mode v] to [1]\nset [scroll offset x v] to [0]\nset [_targeted npc x v] to []\nset [_targeted npc y v] to []\nset [invincible? v] to [60]\nset [width v] to [0.2]\nchange [down pressed v] by (0)\nchange [crouch v] by (0)\nSet Height\nbroadcast (_SIZE v) and wait\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndefine Find Spawn\nif <(item # of [34] in [@mob grid v]) > [0]> then\n set [spawn x v] to (([floor v] of (((item # of [34] in [@mob grid v]) - (1)) / (_MAP HEIGHT)) ) + (0.5))\n set [spawn y v] to (((item # of [34] in [@mob grid v]) - (1)) - ((_MAP HEIGHT) * ([floor v] of (((item # of [34] in [@mob grid v]) - (1)) / (_MAP HEIGHT)) )))\nelse\n set [spawn x v] to [4.5]\n set [spawn y v] to [2]\nend\n\ndefine Clear Text\ndelete all of [_text to write v]\nbroadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v)\nset [__game mode v] to [1]\nset [_active npc v] to [0]\n\ndefine Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: (y) Size: (size) Type: (type)\nrepeat (size)\n Particle | Type: (type) X: ((x) - (0.5)) Y: (y)\nend\n\ndefine Set Height\nif <(__POWER UP LEVEL) = [0]> then\n set [height v] to [0.8]\n set [crouch v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(crouch) = [1]> then\n set [height v] to [0.8]\n else\n set [height v] to [1.5]\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\n Get IsSolid at X ((__PLAYER X) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((__PLAYER Y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [crouch v] to [1]\n set [height v] to [0.8]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Tiles\n\ndefine Draw Tile\nswitch costume to (big v)\ngo to x: (((x) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: (((y) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\nif <(tile) < [23]> then\n if <(tile) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of ((((TIMER) * (5)) + (x)) mod (6)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(tile) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of ((((TIMER) * (5)) + (x)) mod (6)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(tile) = [22]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (10)) mod (5)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(tile) < [59]> then\n if <(tile) = [35]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of ((((TIMER) * (5)) + (x)) mod (6)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(tile) = [51]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of ((((TIMER) * (5)) + (x)) mod (6)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(tile) = [58]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (10)) mod (5)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(tile) = [69]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of ((((TIMER) * (5)) + (x)) mod (5)) ) + (tile))\n stop [this script v]\nend\nswitch costume to (tile)\n\ndefine Render Game Tile Grid\nset [y v] to ([floor v] of (((_SCROLL Y) + ((180) + ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))) / (_TILE SIZE)) )\nrepeat (tile grid height)\n set [x v] to ([floor v] of (((_SCROLL X) - ((240) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))) / (_TILE SIZE)) )\n repeat (tile grid width)\n set [idx v] to ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1))\n set [tile v] to (item (idx) of [#tile grid v])\n if <(tile) > [1]> then\n Draw Tile\n stamp\n end\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@stamp tile tick v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\nRender Game Tile Grid\n\nwhen I receive [_size v]\nset size to ([ceiling v] of (((_TILE SIZE) / (8)) * (100)) ) %\nset [tile grid width v] to (([ceiling v] of ((480) / (_TILE SIZE)) ) + (1))\nset [tile grid height v] to (([ceiling v] of ((360) / (_TILE SIZE)) ) + (1))\n\ndefine Draw Mob (mob)\nswitch costume to (big v)\ngo to x: (((x) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: ((((y) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\nswitch costume to (mob)\n\nwhen I receive [@editor tile tick v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [brush x v] to (x)\nset [brush y v] to (y)\nRender Editor Tile Grid\nset [x v] to (brush x)\nset [y v] to (brush y)\nchange [x v] by ((([x v] of [editor v]) - (x)) / (2))\nchange [y v] by ((([y v] of [editor v]) - (y)) / (2))\nset [tile v] to (_EDITOR BRUSH)\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\nif <(item (tile) of [@mob tiles v]) > [0]> then\n Draw Mob (tile)\nelse\n Draw Special Editor Tile\n Draw Tile\nend\nshow\n\ndefine Render Editor Tile Grid\nset [y v] to ([floor v] of (((_SCROLL Y) + ((180) + ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))) / (_TILE SIZE)) )\nrepeat (tile grid height)\n set [x v] to ([floor v] of (((_SCROLL X) - ((240) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))) / (_TILE SIZE)) )\n repeat (tile grid width)\n set [idx v] to ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1))\n set [tile v] to (item (idx) of [#tile grid v])\n if <(tile) > [1]> then\n Draw Special Editor Tile\n Draw Tile\n stamp\n end\n if <(item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) > [0]> then\n Draw Mob (item (idx) of [@mob grid v])\n stamp\n end\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine Draw Special Editor Tile\nif <(tile) = [28]> then\n set [tile v] to [29]\nend\n\n@Editor\n\nwhen I receive [@editor tick v]\nset [x v] to ([floor v] of ((((mouse x) + (_SCROLL X)) / (_TILE SIZE)) + (0.5)) )\nset [y v] to ([floor v] of ((((mouse y) + (_SCROLL Y)) / (_TILE SIZE)) + (0.5)) )\nset [idx v] to ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1))\nif <not <(item (idx) of [%data grid v]) = [0]>> then\n go to x: (((x) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: (((y) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\n say (item (idx) of [%data grid v])\nelse\n say []\nend\nif <key ((join [] [/]) v) pressed?> then\n set [__game mode v] to [0]\n ask (join (join [| Current Data: ] (item (idx) of [%data grid v])) [ | Type a new command or leave blank to close.]) and wait\n if <(answer) > []> then\n replace item (idx) of [%data grid v] with (answer)\n end\n set [__game mode v] to [1]\nelse\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(_EDITOR BRUSH) = [1]> then\n if <(mouse down) = [0]> then\n if <(item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) > [0]> then\n set [layer v] to [2]\n else\n set [layer v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(layer) = [1]> then\n replace item (idx) of [#tile grid v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (idx) of [@mob grid v] with [0]\n end\n replace item (idx) of [%data grid v] with [0]\n else\n if <(item (_EDITOR BRUSH) of [@mob tiles v]) > []> then\n if <(_EDITOR BRUSH) = [34]> then\n replace item (item # of [34] in [@mob grid v]) of [@mob grid v] with [0]\n end\n replace item (idx) of [@mob grid v] with (_EDITOR BRUSH)\n set [layer v] to [2]\n else\n replace item (idx) of [#tile grid v] with (_EDITOR BRUSH)\n set [layer v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(layer) = [1]> then\n Create Recipe | X: (x) Y: (y)\n if <not <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n Create Recipe | X: (x) Y: ((y) + (1))\n Create Recipe | X: ((x) + (1)) Y: (y)\n Create Recipe | X: (x) Y: ((y) - (1))\n Create Recipe | X: ((x) - (1)) Y: (y)\n Create Recipe | X: ((x) + (1)) Y: ((y) + (1))\n Create Recipe | X: ((x) + (1)) Y: ((y) - (1))\n Create Recipe | X: ((x) - (1)) Y: ((y) - (1))\n Create Recipe | X: ((x) - (1)) Y: ((y) + (1))\n end\n end\n set [mouse down v] to [1]\n else\n set [mouse down v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Create Recipe | X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <not <<<not <(x) < (_MAP WIDTH)>> or <not <(y) < (_MAP HEIGHT)>>> or <<(x) < [0]> or <(y) < [0]>>>> then\n set [tile recipe v] to []\n set [check idx v] to ([floor v] of ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1)) )\n Get Tile Type at X (x) Y ((y) + (1))\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X ((x) + (1)) Y (y)\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X (x) Y ((y) - (1))\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X ((x) - (1)) Y (y)\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X ((x) + (1)) Y ((y) + (1))\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X ((x) + (1)) Y ((y) - (1))\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X ((x) - (1)) Y ((y) - (1))\n Add information to recipe\n Get Tile Type at X ((x) - (1)) Y ((y) + (1))\n Add information to recipe\n Find correct tile for recipe (check idx)\nend\n\ndefine Get Tile Type at X (x) Y (y)\nset [get tile v] to (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1))\nset [tile type v] to (item (get tile) of [#tile grid v])\nif <not <(tile type) = [28]>> then\n if <<<not <(x) < (_MAP WIDTH)>> or <not <(y) < (_MAP HEIGHT)>>> or <<(x) < [0]> or <(y) < [0]>>> then\n set [tile shape v] to [#]\n else\n set [tile shape v] to (item (tile type) of [#tile shape v])\n end\nelse\n set [tile shape v] to []\nend\n\ndefine Add information to recipe\nif <<(item (item (check idx) of [#tile grid v]) of [#tile groups v]) > []> and <(item (tile type) of [#tile groups v]) = (item (item (check idx) of [#tile grid v]) of [#tile groups v])>> then\n if <(tile shape) = [#]> then\n set [tile recipe v] to (join (tile recipe) [=])\n else\n set [tile recipe v] to (join (tile recipe) [1])\n end\nelse\n if <(tile shape) = [#]> then\n set [tile recipe v] to (join (tile recipe) [#])\n else\n set [tile recipe v] to (join (tile recipe) [-])\n end\nend\n\ndefine Find correct tile for recipe (idx)\nset [i2 v] to [1]\nset [tile group v] to (item (item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) of [#tile groups v])\nif <(tile group) > []> then\n repeat (length of [#tile recipes v])\n if <(item (i2) of [#tile groups v]) = (tile group)> then\n if <(item (i2) of [#tile recipes v]) = (tile recipe)> then\n replace item (idx) of [#tile grid v] with (i2)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (item (i2) of [#tile recipes v]))\n if <<<(letter (i) of (tile recipe)) = (letter (i) of (item (i2) of [#tile recipes v]))> or <<<(letter (i) of (item (i2) of [#tile recipes v])) = [=]> and <<(letter (i) of (tile recipe)) = [#]> or <(letter (i) of (tile recipe)) = [1]>>> or <(letter (i) of (item (i2) of [#tile recipes v])) = [*]>>> or <<(letter (i) of (item (i2) of [#tile recipes v])) = [0]> and <not <<(letter (i) of (tile recipe)) = [=]> or <(letter (i) of (tile recipe)) = [1]>>>>> then\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <(i) = ((length of (item (i2) of [#tile recipes v])) + (1))> then\n replace item (idx) of [#tile grid v] with (i2)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n change [i2 v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nSelect Brush [1]\n\ndefine Select Brush (key)\nif <(item (_EDITOR BRUSH) of [%editor keys v]) = (key)> then\n change [_editor brush v] by (1)\n repeat until <(item (_EDITOR BRUSH) of [%editor keys v]) = (key)>\n change [_editor brush v] by (1)\n if <(_EDITOR BRUSH) > (length of [%editor keys v])> then\n set [_editor brush v] to (item # of (key) in [%editor keys v])\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nelse\n set [_editor brush v] to (item # of (key) in [%editor keys v])\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nSelect Brush [2]\n\nwhen [3 v] key pressed\nSelect Brush [3]\n\nwhen [4 v] key pressed\nSelect Brush [4]\n\nwhen [5 v] key pressed\nSelect Brush [5]\n\n@Backdrop\n\ndefine Render Tile Grid\nset [y v] to ([floor v] of ((((_SCROLL Y) - (180)) / (2)) / ((360) * (size))) )\nrepeat (([ceiling v] of ((360) / ((360) * (size))) ) + (1))\n set [x v] to ([floor v] of ((((_SCROLL X) - (240)) / (2)) / ((480) * (size))) )\n repeat (([ceiling v] of ((480) / ((480) * (size))) ) + (1))\n Draw Tile\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n change [y v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@stamp backdrop tick v]\nRender Tile Grid\n\ndefine Draw Tile\nset [costume v] to (join (join [back] (_BACKDROP)) (join [ y] (y)))\nswitch costume to (costume)\nif <(costume [name v]) = (costume)> then\n switch costume to (big v)\n go to x: (round ((((x) * ((480) * (size))) - (((_SCROLL X) - (240)) / (2))) - ((240) * ((1) - (size))))) y: (round ((((y) * ((360) * (size))) - (((_SCROLL Y) - (180)) / (2))) - ((180) * ((1) - (size)))))\n switch costume to (costume)\n stamp\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_size v]\nset [size v] to ((_TILE SIZE) / (40))\nset size to ((size) * (400)) %\n\n@Fps Count\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [last timer v] to [0]\nset [fps count v] to [0]\nforever\n change [fps count v] by (1)\n if <(timer) > ((last timer) + (1))> then\n set [_fps v] to (fps count)\n set [fps count v] to [0]\n set [last timer v] to (timer)\n end\nend\n\n@Mob\n\nwhen I receive [_size v]\nset size to (((_TILE SIZE) / (8)) * (100)) %\n\nwhen I receive [@mob tick v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n change [__mob count v] by (1)\n if <(id) < [6]> then\n if <(id) = [1]> then\n // [horizontal moving platform]\n _Tick Moving Platform\n set [costume v] to [2]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n // [vertical moving platform up]\n _Tick Moving Platform\n set [costume v] to [3]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n // [vertical moving platform down]\n _Tick Moving Platform\n set [costume v] to [3]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n // [fast vertical platform]\n _Tick Moving Platform\n set [costume v] to [4]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [5]> then\n // [fast horizontal platform]\n _Tick Moving Platform\n set [costume v] to [5]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [6]> then\n // [full snowman enemy]\n Check For Player Collision\n Smart Mob Tick\n if <(is stomped?) = [1]> then\n bounce player\n start sound (pick random (1) to (4))\n set [id v] to [7]\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: ((y) + (height)) Size: [5] Type: [1]\n set [delay v] to [0]\n set [temp v] to (speed x)\n Init Mob\n end\n set [costume v] to (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (8)) mod (4)) ) + (6))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [7]> then\n // [medium snowman]\n if <(speed x) = [0]> then\n if <(delay) > [5]> then\n set [speed x v] to (temp)\n else\n change [delay v] by (1)\n end\n end\n Check For Player Collision\n Smart Mob Tick\n if <(is stomped?) = [1]> then\n bounce player\n start sound (pick random (1) to (4))\n set [id v] to [8]\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: ((y) + (height)) Size: [5] Type: [1]\n set [delay v] to [0]\n set [temp v] to (speed x)\n Init Mob\n end\n set [costume v] to (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (16)) mod (2)) ) + (10))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [8]> then\n // [snowman bottom]\n if <(speed x) = [0]> then\n if <(delay) > [5]> then\n set [speed x v] to (temp)\n else\n change [delay v] by (1)\n end\n end\n Check For Player Collision\n Smart Mob Tick\n if <(is stomped?) = [1]> then\n bounce player\n start sound (pick random (1) to (4))\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: ((y) + (height)) Size: [5] Type: [1]\n set [id v] to []\n end\n set [costume v] to (([floor v] of (((TIMER) * (16)) mod (2)) ) + (12))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [10]> then\n // [santa npc]\n _Tick NPC\n set [costume v] to [14]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [11]> then\n // [slime]\n Check For Player Collision\n Basic Mob Tick\n if <(is stomped?) = [1]> then\n bounce player\n set [__player yv v] to [0.65]\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: (y) Size: [5] Type: [4]\n start sound [Boing v]\n set [status v] to [-4]\n end\n if <(status) < [0]> then\n set [costume v] to [17]\n change [status v] by (1)\n else\n if <(in air) = [0]> then\n change [delay v] by (1)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n if <(delay) > [15]> then\n set [costume v] to [18]\n if <(delay) > [20]> then\n set [yv v] to [0.2]\n set [delay v] to [0]\n if <([abs v] of ((x) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < [10]> then\n if <([abs v] of ((y) - (__PLAYER Y)) ) < [7]> then\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n if <(__PLAYER X) > (x)> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + (1)) Y ((y) - (0.1))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + (1)) Y (y)\n if <(isSolid) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [0.05]\n end\n end\n else\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - (1)) Y ((y) - (0.1))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - (1)) Y (y)\n if <(isSolid) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to [-0.05]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [costume v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [delay v] to [0]\n if <(yv) > [0]> then\n set [costume v] to [16]\n else\n set [costume v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(id) = [12]> then\n // [frombie]\n Check For Player Collision\n if <([abs v] of ((__PLAYER Y) - (y)) ) < [6]> then\n if <([abs v] of ((__PLAYER X) - (x)) ) < [10]> then\n change [delay v] by (1)\n if <(delay) > (pick random (12) to (45))> then\n set [delay v] to [0]\n if <(__PLAYER X) > ((x) + (1))> then\n set [speed x v] to [0.08]\n else\n if <(__PLAYER X) < ((x) - (1))> then\n set [speed x v] to [-0.08]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((0.04) * ((speed x) / ([abs v] of (speed x) )))\n end\n end\n Smart Mob Tick\n if <(is stomped?) = [1]> then\n bounce player\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: (y) Size: [10] Type: [1]\n start sound [Zombie Death v]\n set [id v] to []\n end\n set [costume v] to (([floor v] of (((timer) * (4)) mod (4)) ) + (19))\n end\n if <(id) = [13]> then\n // [falling icicle]\n if <(status) = [0]> then\n if <([abs v] of ((__PLAYER X) - (x)) ) < [0.7]> then\n if <<(__PLAYER Y) < (y)> and <([abs v] of ((__PLAYER Y) - (y)) ) < [10]>> then\n set [status v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n Check For Player Collision\n Basic Mob Tick\n if <(in air) < [1]> then\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: (y) Size: [10] Type: [1]\n start sound [Glass Breaking v]\n set [id v] to []\n end\n end\n set [costume v] to [23]\n end\n if <(id) = [14]> then\n // [crushy]\n _Tick Moving Platform\n if <(contact y) > [0]> then\n if <(status) = [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0.08]\n set [delay v] to [20]\n if <([abs v] of ((((x) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) ) < [240]> then\n if <([abs v] of ((((y) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y)) ) < [180]> then\n start sound [Thump v]\n Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: (y) Size: [3] Type: [1]\n Particle Burst at X: ((x) - (width)) Y: (y) Size: [3] Type: [1]\n Particle Burst at X: ((x) + (width)) Y: (y) Size: [3] Type: [1]\n change [_scroll y v] by (-5)\n if <(_SCROLL Y) < ((180) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))> then\n set [_scroll y v] to ((180) - ((_TILE SIZE) / (2)))\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(status) = [1]> then\n set [speed y v] to [-0.4]\n set [delay v] to [14]\n end\n end\n change [status v] by (1)\n if <(status) > [1]> then\n set [status v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(status) = [1]> then\n if <(stop time) < ((delay) / (2))> then\n set [costume v] to [26]\n else\n if <(stop time) < (delay)> then\n set [costume v] to [25]\n else\n set [costume v] to [27]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(status) = [0]> then\n set [costume v] to [24]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@animate v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n Animate\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Create Clones\nset [mob# v] to [1]\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [mob# v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_create clones v]\nset [id v] to []\nCreate Clones\n\nwhen I receive [_delete objects v]\nset [id v] to []\n\ndefine Get IsSolid at X (x) Y (y)\nif <(isSolid) = [0]> then\n if <<(x) > (_MAP WIDTH)> or <(x) < [0]>> then\n set [issolid v] to [1]\n else\n if <<(y) > (_MAP HEIGHT)> or <(y) < [0]>> then\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change X by (x)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [issolid v] to [0]\nif <(x) > [0]> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + (width)) Y ((y) + (_TINY))\n if <(height) > [0.999]> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + (width)) Y ((y) + ((height) / (2)))\n end\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + (width)) Y ((y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to (([floor v] of ((x) + (width)) ) - (width))\n end\nelse\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - (width)) Y ((y) + (_TINY))\n if <(height) > [0.999]> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - (width)) Y ((y) + ((height) / (2)))\n end\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - (width)) Y ((y) + ((height) - (_TINY)))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to (([ceiling v] of ((x) - (width)) ) + (width))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Init Mob\nset [delay v] to [0]\nset [status v] to [0]\nset [stop time v] to [99999999999]\nset [dialogue # v] to [1]\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n // [horizontal platform]\n Stats | Width: [1.25] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [2]\n set [issolid v] to [0]\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + ((width) + (0.3))) Y (y)\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n Stats | Width: [1.25] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [-0.1] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [2]\n else\n Stats | Width: [1.25] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [0.1] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [2]\n end\n set [delay v] to [15]\n set [activated? v] to [0]\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n // [vertical platform up]\n Stats | Width: [1.25] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [0.1] Costume: [3]\n set [delay v] to [15]\n set [activated? v] to [0]\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [3]> then\n // [vertical platform down]\n Stats | Width: [1.25] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [-0.1] Costume: [3]\n set [delay v] to [15]\n set [activated? v] to [0]\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [4]> then\n // [fast blackstone up/down]\n Stats | Width: [1] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [-0.15] Costume: [4]\n set [delay v] to [0]\n set [activated? v] to [1]\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [5]> then\n // [fast red left/right]\n Stats | Width: [1] Height: [0.99999] Speed X: [-0.15] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [5]\n set [delay v] to [0]\n set [activated? v] to [1]\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [6]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n // [full snowman enemy]\n Stats | Width: [0.6] Height: [1] Speed X: [-0.05] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [6]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [7]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n // [medium snowman enemy]\n Stats | Width: [0.6] Height: [0.8] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [10]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [8]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n // [tiny snowman enemy]\n Stats | Width: [0.6] Height: [0.5] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [12]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [10]> then\n // [santa]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Stats NPC | id: [1]\n set [costume v] to [14]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [11]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Stats | Width: [0.3] Height: [0.5] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [15]\n set [delay v] to ([floor v] of ((((x) * (5.3)) + (y)) mod (15)) )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [12]> then\n // [frombie]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Stats | Width: [0.3] Height: [0.8] Speed X: [0.04] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [19]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [13]> then\n // [icicle]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Stats | Width: [0.1] Height: [0.8] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [0] Costume: [23]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(id) = [14]> then\n // [crushy]\n if <(item (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1)) of [%data grid v]) > [0]> then\n set [stop time v] to ((0) - (item (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1)) of [%data grid v]))\n end\n set [activated? v] to [1]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n Stats | Width: [1] Height: [2] Speed X: [0] Speed Y: [-0.4] Costume: [24]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nAnimate\n\ndefine _Tick Moving Platform\nset [contact x v] to [0]\nset [contact y v] to [0]\nset [old x v] to (x)\nset [old y v] to (y)\nset [player collision v] to [0]\nif <([abs v] of ((x) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < (((width) + ([width v] of [player v])) - (_TINY))> then\n if <([abs v] of ((((y) + (0.02)) + ((height) / (2))) - ((__PLAYER Y) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2)))) ) < (((((height) / (2)) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2))) + ((0.02) * <(__PLAYER Y) > ((y) + ((height) / (2)))>)) - (_TINY))> then\n set [__state - solid v] to [1]\n set [activated? v] to [1]\n set [player collision v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <(activated?) = [1]> then\n if <not <(stop time) < (delay)>> then\n if <([abs v] of (speed x) ) > [0]> then\n Change X by (speed x)\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [stop time v] to [1]\n if <(item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) = [70]> then\n set [speed y v] to (speed x)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n else\n if <(item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) = [71]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((0) - (speed x))\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((0) - (speed x))\n set [contact x v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <([abs v] of (speed y) ) > [0]> then\n if <not <(stop time) < (delay)>> then\n Change Y by (speed y)\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [stop time v] to [0]\n if <(item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) = [70]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((0) - (speed y))\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n else\n if <(item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) = [71]> then\n set [speed x v] to (speed y)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n else\n set [speed y v] to ((0) - (speed y))\n set [contact y v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n change [stop time v] by (1)\n end\nend\nset [xv v] to ((x) - (old x))\nset [yv v] to ((y) - (old y))\nif <(player collision) = [1]> then\n set [__moving platform xv v] to (xv)\n set [__moving platform yv v] to (yv)\nelse\n if <([abs v] of ((x) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < (((width) + ([width v] of [player v])) - (_TINY))> then\n if <([abs v] of (((y) + ((height) / (2))) - ((__PLAYER Y) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2)))) ) < (((((height) / (2)) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2))) + ((0.02) * <(__PLAYER Y) > ((y) + ((height) / (2)))>)) - (_TINY))> then\n set [__state - solid v] to [1]\n set [__moving platform xv v] to (xv)\n set [__moving platform yv v] to (yv)\n end\n end\nend\nif <([abs v] of ((x) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < ((([width v] of [player v]) + (width)) + (1.5))> then\n if <([abs v] of (((y) + ((height) / (2))) - ((__PLAYER Y) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2)))) ) < ((((height) / (2)) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2))) + (1.5))> then\n add (x) to [_moving platforms v]\n add (y) to [_moving platforms v]\n add (width) to [_moving platforms v]\n add (height) to [_moving platforms v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine // (comment)\n\ndefine Change Y by (y)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nset [issolid v] to [0]\nif <(y) > [0]> then\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((y) + (height))\n if <(width) > [0.4999]> then\n Get IsSolid at X (x) Y ((y) + (height))\n end\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y ((y) + (height))\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [y v] to (([floor v] of ((y) + (height)) ) - (height))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) + ((width) - (_TINY))) Y (y)\n if <(width) > [0.4999]> then\n Get IsSolid at X (x) Y (y)\n end\n Get IsSolid at X ((x) - ((width) - (_TINY))) Y (y)\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [y v] to ([ceiling v] of (y) )\n set [in air v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine _Tick NPC\nif <(__PLAYER X) > (x)> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif <(_ACTIVE NPC) > [0]> then\n if <not <(_ACTIVE NPC) = (npc id)>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <([abs v] of ((x) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < (((width) / (2)) + (0.8))> then\n if <([abs v] of (((y) + ((height) / (2))) - ((__PLAYER Y) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2)))) ) < ((height) + (0.8))> then\n if <((_TARGETED NPC X) + (_TARGETED NPC Y)) > [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set [_targeted npc x v] to (x)\n set [_targeted npc y v] to (y)\n end\n if <(__IS MOBILE?) > [0]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(z pressed) = [0]> then\n if <([abs v] of (([floor v] of ((((mouse x) + (_SCROLL X)) / (_TILE SIZE)) + (0.5)) ) - (x)) ) < [2]> then\n if <([abs v] of (([floor v] of ((((mouse y) + (_SCROLL Y)) / (_TILE SIZE)) + (0.5)) ) - (y)) ) < [2]> then\n Talk\n end\n end\n set [z pressed v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [z pressed v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n if <(z pressed) = [0]> then\n Talk\n set [z pressed v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [z pressed v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nelse\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine Stats | Width: (width) Height: (height) Speed X: (sx) Speed Y: (sy) Costume: (costume)\nset [width v] to (width)\nset [height v] to (height)\nset [speed x v] to (sx)\nset [speed y v] to (sy)\nset [costume v] to (costume)\n\ndefine Stats NPC | id: (id)\nset [npc id v] to (id)\nset [status v] to (item (npc id) of [_npc data v])\n\ndefine Animate\nswitch costume to (large v)\ngo to x: ((((x) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: ((((y) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\nswitch costume to (costume)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [@mob spawn tick v]\nif <(id) = []> then\n if <(length of [@mob spawns v]) > [0]> then\n set [id v] to (item (1) of [@mob spawns v])\n set [x v] to (item (2) of [@mob spawns v])\n set [y v] to (item (3) of [@mob spawns v])\n delete (1) of [@mob spawns v]\n delete (1) of [@mob spawns v]\n delete (1) of [@mob spawns v]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n point in direction (90)\n set [temp v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n Init Mob\n end\nend\n\ndefine Check For Player Collision\nset [is stomped? v] to [0]\nif <([abs v] of ((x) - (__PLAYER X)) ) < (((width) + ([width v] of [player v])) - (_TINY))> then\n if <([abs v] of ((((y) + (0.02)) + ((height) / (2))) - ((__PLAYER Y) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2)))) ) < (((((height) / (2)) + (([height v] of [player v]) / (2))) + ((0.02) * <(__PLAYER Y) > ((y) + ((height) / (2)))>)) - (_TINY))> then\n if <(_DEAD) = [0]> then\n if <<<not <(__PLAYER YV) > [0]>> or <(yv) > [0]>> and <(__PLAYER Y) > (y)>> then\n set [is stomped? v] to [1]\n else\n set [__state - enemy collision v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Basic Mob Tick\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nChange X by (speed x)\nif <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((0) - (speed x))\nend\nif <(speed x) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n if <(speed x) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-0.02)\nChange Y by (yv)\n\ndefine bounce player\nset [__player in air v] to [999999]\nset [__player y v] to (((y) + (height)) + (0.1))\nset [__player yv v] to [0.3]\n\ndefine Particle | Type: (type) X: (x) Y: (y)\nadd (type) to [@particle spawns v]\nadd (x) to [@particle spawns v]\nadd (y) to [@particle spawns v]\n\ndefine Particle Burst at X: (x) Y: (y) Size: (size) Type: (type)\nrepeat (size)\n Particle | Type: (type) X: ((x) - (0.5)) Y: (y)\nend\n\ndefine Smart Mob Tick\nif <(speed x) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n if <(speed x) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nset [issolid v] to [0]\nGet IsSolid at X ((x) + ((width) * ((speed x) / ([abs v] of (speed x) )))) Y ((y) - (0.1))\nif <(isSolid) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((0) - (speed x))\nelse\n Change X by (speed x)\n if <(isSolid) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((0) - (speed x))\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-0.02)\nChange Y by (yv)\n\nwhen I receive [@stamp mid layer tick v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n if <(id) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (large v)\n go to x: ((((x) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: (((((y) + (height)) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\n switch costume to (crushy pillar v)\n stamp\n end\nend\n\ndefine Talk\nif <(__GAME MODE) = [1]> then\n set [__game mode v] to [2]\n set [_active npc v] to (npc id)\n set [status v] to (item (npc id) of [_npc data v])\n set [dialogue # v] to [1]\nend\nif <not <(item (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1)) of [%data grid v]) = [0]>> then\n set [speech v] to (item ((dialogue #) + (item # of (item (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1)) of [%data grid v]) in [npc dialogue v])) of [npc dialogue v])\nelse\n set [speech v] to (item ((dialogue #) + (item # of (join [#NPC] (npc id)) in [npc dialogue v])) of [npc dialogue v])\nend\nif <<(speech) = []> or <(letter (1) of (speech)) = [#]>> then\n set [dialogue # v] to [1]\n add [] to [_text to write v]\n replace item (npc id) of [_npc data v] with (status)\nelse\n delete all of [_text to write v]\n if <(letter (1) of (speech)) = [ ]> then\n add [Player] to [_text to write v]\n add (speech) to [_text to write v]\n else\n add (join [NPC] (npc id)) to [_text to write v]\n add (join [ ] (speech)) to [_text to write v]\n end\n change [dialogue # v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Save/Load\n\ndefine Read Value\nset [invalid code v] to [0]\nset [decoded v] to []\nchange [scanner v] by (1)\nrepeat until <[delimiters v] contains (letter (scanner) of (level to load))?>\n if <(letter (scanner) of (level to load)) = []> then\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (letter (scanner) of (level to load)))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <(decoded) = []> then\n set [decoded v] to [1]\nend\nset [delimiter found v] to (letter (scanner) of (level to load))\n\ndefine Fill level with (tile type)\nif <(tile type) > []> then\n delete all of [level v]\n repeat ((_MAP HEIGHT) * (_MAP WIDTH))\n add (tile type) to [level v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Load Tile Level | Code: (level save code)\nset [level to load v] to (level save code)\nFill level with [1]\nset [y v] to [0]\nrepeat (_MAP HEIGHT)\n set [x v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <(x) < (_MAP WIDTH)>>\n Read Value\n if <(invalid code) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n repeat (item # of (delimiter found) in [delimiters v])\n replace item ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1)) of [level v] with (decoded)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Save Map\nShrink Level Width Intelligently\nShrink Level Height Intelligently\nWrite to save code (join (join (_MAP HEIGHT) [_]) (join (_MAP WIDTH) [_]))\nWrite to save code (join (_BACKDROP) [_])\nWrite to save code (join (_MUSIC) [_])\nset [idx v] to [0]\ndelete all of [level v]\nrepeat (length of [#tile grid v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n add (item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) to [level v]\nend\nsave tile grid\nWrite to save code [|]\nset [idx v] to [0]\ndelete all of [level v]\nrepeat (length of [@mob grid v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n add (item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) to [level v]\nend\nsave tile grid\nWrite to save code [|]\nset [idx v] to [0]\ndelete all of [level v]\nrepeat (length of [%data grid v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n Encode Letters to Numbers (item (idx) of [%data grid v])\n add (encoded) to [level v]\nend\nsave tile grid\nWrite to save code [|]\n\nwhen I receive [_load level v]\nset [game level code v] to (item (__GAME LEVEL) of [levels - game v])\nforever\n if <(game level code) > []> then\n set [scanner v] to [0]\n set [level to load v] to (game level code)\n Read Value\n Decode Numbers to Letters (decoded)\n set [___level name v] to (decoded)\n Read Value\n Decode Numbers to Letters (decoded)\n set [___level creator v] to (decoded)\n Read Value\n set [_tile size v] to (decoded)\n set [zoom v] to (_TILE SIZE)\n change [scanner v] by (1)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#level code v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 1 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 2 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 3 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 4 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 5 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 6 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 7 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 8 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 9 v] to (decoded)\n Separate Sub Levels (game level code)\n set [#sub level 10 v] to (decoded)\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [0]> then\n if <(#LEVEL CODE) > []> then\n Load Map (#LEVEL CODE)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [1]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 1) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 1)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [2]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 2) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 2)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [3]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 3) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 3)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [4]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 4) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 4)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [5]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 5) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 5)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [6]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 6) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 6)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [7]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 7) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 7)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [8]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 8) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 8)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [9]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 9) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 9)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [10]> then\n if <(#SUB LEVEL 10) > []> then\n Load Map (#SUB LEVEL 10)\n else\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(invalid code) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n ask [Invalid level code.] and wait\n set [game level code v] to (answer)\n set [_loaded level code v] to (game level code)\n end\n else\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_save level v]\nCreate Save Code\nreplace item (__GAME LEVEL) of [levels - game v] with (save code)\n\ndefine Write to save code (info)\nset [save code v] to (join (save code) (info))\n\ndefine Load Map (code)\ndelete all of [#tile grid v]\ndelete all of [@mob grid v]\ndelete all of [%data grid v]\nset [scanner v] to [0]\nset [decoded v] to []\nrepeat until <(letter (scanner) of (code)) = [|]>\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (letter (scanner) of (code)))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\n if <(scanner) > (length of (code))> then\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [temp v] to (scanner)\nset [scanner v] to [0]\nset [level to load v] to (decoded)\nRead Value\nset [_map height v] to (decoded)\nRead Value\nset [_map width v] to (decoded)\nRead Value\nset [_backdrop v] to (decoded)\nRead Value\nset [_music v] to (decoded)\nset [_level music v] to (_MUSIC)\nLoad Tile Level | Code: (level to load)\nif <(invalid code) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [idx v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [level v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n add (item (idx) of [level v]) to [#tile grid v]\nend\nset [decoded v] to []\nset [scanner v] to ((temp) + (1))\nrepeat until <(letter (scanner) of (code)) = [|]>\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (letter (scanner) of (code)))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\n if <(scanner) > (length of (code))> then\n set [invalid code v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [temp v] to (scanner)\nset [scanner v] to [0]\nset [level to load v] to (decoded)\nLoad Tile Level | Code: (level to load)\nif <(invalid code) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [idx v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [level v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n add (item (idx) of [level v]) to [@mob grid v]\nend\nset [decoded v] to []\nset [scanner v] to ((temp) + (1))\nrepeat until <(letter (scanner) of (code)) = [|]>\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (letter (scanner) of (code)))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\n if <(scanner) > (length of (code))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [temp v] to (scanner)\nset [scanner v] to [0]\nset [level to load v] to (decoded)\nLoad Tile Level | Code: (level to load)\nif <(invalid code) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [idx v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [level v])\n change [idx v] by (1)\n Decode Numbers to Letters (item (idx) of [level v])\n add (decoded) to [%data grid v]\nend\n\ndefine save tile grid\nset [repeatcount v] to [1]\nset [y v] to [0]\nrepeat (_MAP HEIGHT)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [lastdiscovery v] to (item ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1)) of [level v])\n repeat (_MAP WIDTH)\n change [x v] by (1)\n set [idx v] to ((((x) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + (y)) + (1))\n if <<(item (idx) of [level v]) = (lastDiscovery)> and <(repeatCount) < (length of [delimiters v])>> then\n change [repeatcount v] by (1)\n else\n if <(item ((idx) - (_MAP HEIGHT)) of [level v]) = [1]> then\n Write to save code (item (repeatCount) of [delimiters v])\n set [repeatcount v] to [1]\n else\n Write to save code (join (item ((idx) - (_MAP HEIGHT)) of [level v]) (item (repeatCount) of [delimiters v]))\n set [repeatcount v] to [1]\n end\n end\n set [lastdiscovery v] to (item (idx) of [level v])\n end\n change [y v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Create New Level\nset [_map height v] to [40]\nset [_map width v] to [80]\nset [__player x v] to [5.5]\nset [__player y v] to [4]\nset [_tile size v] to [32]\nset [___level name v] to [UNTITLED WORLD]\nset [___level creator v] to (username)\nset [__game level v] to ((length of [levels - game v]) + (1))\nset [__game sub level v] to [0]\ndelete all of [@mob spawns v]\ndelete all of [#tile grid v]\ndelete all of [@mob grid v]\ndelete all of [%data grid v]\nrepeat ((_MAP HEIGHT) * (_MAP WIDTH))\n add [1] to [#tile grid v]\n add [0] to [@mob grid v]\n add [0] to [%data grid v]\nend\nset [_music v] to [1]\nset [_backdrop v] to [1]\nset [save code v] to []\nSave Map\nSave Map\nEncode Letters to Numbers (___LEVEL NAME)\nEncode Letters to Numbers (___LEVEL CREATOR)\nadd (join (join (join (join (encoded level name) [_]) (join (encoded level creator) [_])) (join (_TILE SIZE) [_])) (save code)) to [levels - game v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Shorten Level Height by (#) blocks\nset [scanner v] to [1]\nrepeat (_MAP WIDTH)\n change [scanner v] by ((_MAP HEIGHT) - (#))\n repeat (#)\n delete (scanner) of [#tile grid v]\n delete (scanner) of [@mob grid v]\n delete (scanner) of [%data grid v]\n end\nend\nset [_map height v] to ((_MAP HEIGHT) - (#))\n\ndefine Grow Level Height by (#) blocks\nset [scanner v] to [1]\nrepeat (_MAP WIDTH)\n change [scanner v] by (_MAP HEIGHT)\n repeat (#)\n insert [1] at (scanner) of [#tile grid v] \n insert [0] at (scanner) of [@mob grid v] \n insert [0] at (scanner) of [%data grid v] \n change [scanner v] by (1)\n end\nend\nset [_map height v] to ((_MAP HEIGHT) + (#))\n\ndefine Separate Sub Levels (code)\nset [decoded v] to []\nrepeat (3)\n repeat until <<(letter (scanner) of (code)) = [|]> or <(scanner) > (length of (code))>>\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (letter (scanner) of (code)))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\n end\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (letter (scanner) of (code)))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Shorten Level Width by (#) blocks\nrepeat ((#) * (_MAP HEIGHT))\n delete (length of [#tile grid v]) of [#tile grid v]\n delete (length of [@mob grid v]) of [@mob grid v]\n delete (length of [%data grid v]) of [%data grid v]\nend\nset [_map width v] to ((_MAP WIDTH) - (#))\n\ndefine Grow Level Width by (#) blocks\nrepeat ((#) * (_MAP HEIGHT))\n add [1] to [#tile grid v]\n add [0] to [@mob grid v]\n add [0] to [%data grid v]\nend\nset [_map width v] to ((_MAP WIDTH) + (#))\n\ndefine Shrink Level Width Intelligently\nrepeat ((_MAP WIDTH) - (18))\n set [idx v] to (length of [#tile grid v])\n repeat (_MAP HEIGHT)\n if <<(item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) > [1]> or <<(item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) > [0]> or <(item (idx) of [%data grid v]) > [0]>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [idx v] by (-1)\n end\n Shorten Level Width by [1] blocks\nend\n\ndefine Shrink Level Height Intelligently\nrepeat ((_MAP HEIGHT) - (13))\n set [idx v] to [0]\n repeat (_MAP WIDTH)\n change [idx v] by (_MAP HEIGHT)\n if <<(item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) > [1]> or <<(item (idx) of [@mob grid v]) > [0]> or <(item (idx) of [%data grid v]) > [0]>>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n Shorten Level Height by [1] blocks\nend\n\ndefine Encode Letters to Numbers (encode)\nset [encoded v] to []\nset [temp v] to (scanner)\nset [scanner v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (encode))\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (item # of (letter (scanner) of (encode)) in [letters v]))\n change [scanner v] by (1)\nend\nset [scanner v] to (temp)\n\ndefine Decode Numbers to Letters (decode)\nset [decoded v] to []\nset [temp v] to (scanner)\nset [scanner v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (decode))\n set [decoded v] to (join (decoded) (item (join (letter (scanner) of (decode)) (letter ((scanner) + (1)) of (decode))) of [letters v]))\n change [scanner v] by (2)\nend\nset [scanner v] to (temp)\n\ndefine Create Save Code\nset [___level creator v] to (username)\nset [save code v] to []\nset [level to load v] to (item (__GAME LEVEL) of [levels - game v])\nSave Map\nset [scanner v] to [0]\nRead Value\nRead Value\nRead Value\nchange [scanner v] by (1)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#level code v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 1 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 2 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 3 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 4 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 5 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 6 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 7 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 8 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 9 v] to (decoded)\nSeparate Sub Levels (level to load)\nset [#sub level 10 v] to (decoded)\nif <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [0]> then\n set [#level code v] to (save code)\nelse\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [1]> then\n set [#sub level 1 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [2]> then\n set [#sub level 2 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [3]> then\n set [#sub level 3 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [4]> then\n set [#sub level 4 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [5]> then\n set [#sub level 5 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [6]> then\n set [#sub level 6 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [7]> then\n set [#sub level 7 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [8]> then\n set [#sub level 8 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [9]> then\n set [#sub level 9 v] to (save code)\n else\n if <(__GAME SUB LEVEL) = [10]> then\n set [#sub level 10 v] to (save code)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nEncode Letters to Numbers (___LEVEL NAME)\nset [encoded level name v] to (encoded)\nEncode Letters to Numbers (___LEVEL CREATOR)\nset [encoded level creator v] to (encoded)\nset [save code v] to (join (join (encoded level name) (join (join [_] (join (encoded level creator) [_])) (join (_TILE SIZE) [_]))) (join (join (join (#LEVEL CODE) (#SUB LEVEL 1)) (#SUB LEVEL 2)) (join (join (join (#SUB LEVEL 3) (#SUB LEVEL 4)) (#SUB LEVEL 5)) (join (join (join (#SUB LEVEL 6) (#SUB LEVEL 7)) (#SUB LEVEL 8)) (join (#SUB LEVEL 9) (#SUB LEVEL 10))))))\n\nwhen I receive [__generate save code v]\nCreate Save Code\ndelete all of [here is your save code! v]\nadd [Select the entire code below by triple clicking it.] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd (save code) to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [Right click and select 'copy'.] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [Paste it in the discussion forum in the Notes and Credits to share your level.] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [Or into a text document to keep it safe.] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [!!DO NOT PASTE CODES IN COMMENTS!!] to [here is your save code! v]\nadd [Click or press any key to close this popup.] to [here is your save code! v]\nhide list [here is your save code! v]\nwait until <not <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>\nwait until <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\nshow list [here is your save code! v]\n\nCreate New Level\n\nCreate New Level\n\nCreate New Level\n\n@Particles\n\ndefine Create Clones\nset [mob# v] to [1]\nrepeat (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [mob# v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_create clones v]\nset [id v] to []\nCreate Clones\n\ndefine Get IsSolid at X (x) Y (y)\nif <(isSolid) = [0]> then\n set [idx v] to (((([floor v] of (x) ) * (_MAP HEIGHT)) + ([floor v] of (y) )) + (1))\n if <(item (item (idx) of [#tile grid v]) of [#tile shape v]) = [#]> then\n set [issolid v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [@animate v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n if <(id) = [1]> then\n // [snowflake]\n change [x v] by (xv)\n change [y v] by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.95))\n change [yv v] by (-0.01)\n change [life v] by (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (life)\n else\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n // [gift]\n change [y v] by (0.1)\n change [life v] by (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (life)\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n // [checkpoint]\n change [y v] by (0.1)\n change [life v] by (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (life)\n else\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n // [slime]\n change [x v] by (xv)\n change [y v] by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.95))\n change [yv v] by (-0.01)\n change [life v] by (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (life)\n else\n if <(id) = [5]> then\n // [water drop]\n change [x v] by (xv)\n change [y v] by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.95))\n change [yv v] by (-0.01)\n change [life v] by (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (life)\n else\n if <(id) = [6]> then\n // [gingerbread]\n change [x v] by (xv)\n change [y v] by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.95))\n change [yv v] by (-0.01)\n change [life v] by (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (life)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(life) > [99]> then\n set [id v] to []\n end\n Animate\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine // (comment)\n\nwhen I receive [@particle spawn tick v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n\ndefine Init Particle\nset size to (((_TILE SIZE) / (8)) * (100)) %\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [costume v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-0.2) to (0.2))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (0.04) to (0.2))\n set [life v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n set [costume v] to [4]\n set [life v] to [0]\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n set [costume v] to [5]\n set [life v] to [0]\n else\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n set [costume v] to [6]\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-0.2) to (0.2))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (0.04) to (0.2))\n set [life v] to [0]\n else\n if <(id) = [5]> then\n set [costume v] to [7]\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-0.2) to (0.2))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (0.04) to (0.2))\n set [life v] to [0]\n else\n if <(id) = [6]> then\n set [costume v] to [8]\n set [xv v] to (pick random (-0.25) to (0.25))\n set [yv v] to (pick random (0.04) to (0.2))\n set [life v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Animate\nswitch costume to (large v)\ngo to x: (((x) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: (((y) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\nswitch costume to (costume)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [_delete objects v]\nset [id v] to []\n\n@Text Engine\n\ndefine Write Text (text) At X: (x) Y: (y) | Width: (width) Size: (size) Colour: (clr) Brightness: (bright)\nset [text i v] to [1]\nset [id v] to (item (1) of [_text to write v])\nswitch costume to (id)\nif <(costume [name v]) = (id)> then\n set [x v] to (x)\n set [y v] to ((y) - (22))\n Position\n set size to (400) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [x v] to ((x) + (30))\n set [y v] to ((y) - (18))\nelse\n set [x v] to (x)\n set [y v] to (y)\nend\nset size to (size) %\nset [color v] effect to (clr)\nset [brightness v] effect to (bright)\nforever\n Position\n set [new i v] to (text i)\n repeat until <<(letter (new i) of (text)) = [ ]> or <(new i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [id v] to (letter (new i) of (text))\n switch costume to (id)\n change x by (((item (costume [number v]) of [letter width v]) - (1)) * ((size) / (100)))\n change [new i v] by (1)\n end\n if <(x position) > ((x) + (width))> then\n set [x v] to (x)\n change [y v] by ((-22) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n repeat until <(letter (text i) of (text)) = [ ]>\n Position\n set [id v] to (letter (text i) of (text))\n if <<(x position) > ((x) + ((width) + (30)))> or <(id) = [|]>> then\n set [x v] to (x)\n change [y v] by ((-22) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n if <not <(id) = [|]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (id)\n change [x v] by (((item (costume [number v]) of [letter width v]) - (1)) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n change [text i v] by (1)\n if <(text i) > (length of (text))> then\n set [id v] to []\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [x v] by (((item (length of [letter width v]) of [letter width v]) - (1)) * ((size) / (100)))\n change [text i v] by (1)\n if <(text i) > (length of (text))> then\n set [id v] to []\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (id)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nPosition\nchange y by (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [delete text clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [@animate v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n if <(text i) > [0]> then\n change [text i v] by (-3)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (8))\n end\nelse\n if <(frame) > [0]> then\n if <(__IS MOBILE?) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (frame mobile v)\n else\n switch costume to (frame v)\n end\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set x to (0)\n change [ghost v] by (((20) - (ghost)) / (8))\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (8))\n show\n if <(__GAME MODE) = [2]> then\n else\n if <(ghost) < [99]> then\n change [ghost v] by (((100) - (ghost)) / (4))\n change y by (((-50) - (y position)) / (4))\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to []\nset [text i v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] to [100]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_init v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [@text tick v]\nif <(id) > []> then\n\n@Z\n\nwhen I receive [@animate v]\nif <(_TARGETED NPC X) > []> then\n switch costume to (big v)\n go to x: ((((_TARGETED NPC X) - (0.5)) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL X)) y: (((((_TARGETED NPC Y) + (1.4)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (0.15))) * (_TILE SIZE)) - (_SCROLL Y))\n if <(__IS MOBILE?) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (([floor v] of (((timer) * (2)) mod (2)) ) + (3))\n else\n switch costume to (([floor v] of (((timer) * (2)) mod (2)) ) + (1))\n end\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_size v]\nset size to ([ceiling v] of (((_TILE SIZE) / (8)) * (100)) ) %\n\n@Snow Particles\n\nwhen I receive [@snow tick v]\nSnow Tick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (400) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [y v] to [360]\nset [x v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [480]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [y v] to [360]\nset [x v] to [480]\n\ndefine Snow Tick\nchange [y v] by (-2)\nrepeat until <((y) - (_SCROLL Y)) > [-360]>\n change [y v] by (720)\nend\nrepeat until <((y) - (_SCROLL Y)) < [360]>\n change [y v] by (-720)\nend\nchange [x v] by (-1)\nrepeat until <((x) - (_SCROLL X)) > [-480]>\n change [x v] by (960)\nend\nrepeat until <((x) - (_SCROLL X)) < [480]>\n change [x v] by (-960)\nend\nswitch costume to (big v)\ngo to x: (round ((x) - (_SCROLL X))) y: (round ((y) - (_SCROLL Y)))\nswitch costume to (snow v)\n\n@Transition\n\nwhen I receive [_start transition v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-480) y: (0)\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_complete transition v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) > [470]>\n change x by (((480) - (x position)) / (6))\nend\nhide\n\n@Score Display\n\nwhen I receive [@animate v]\nset [costume v] to (letter (id) of (SCORE))\nif <(costume) > []> then\n go to x: ((((length of (SCORE)) / (2)) * (-12)) + ((id) * (12))) y: (160)\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (costume)>> then\n switch costume to (costume)\n set size to (140) %\n else\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (101) %\nCreate Score Clones\n\ndefine Create Score Clones\nset [id v] to [1]\nrepeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Joystick\n\nwhen I receive [@joystick tick v]\nif <key (any v) pressed?> then\n set [__is mobile? v] to [0]\nend\nif <(__IS MOBILE?) > [0]> then\n if <(id) > []> then\n show\n switch costume to (stick v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(mouse down?) = [0]> then\n if <not <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > (max power)>> then\n set [joystick active? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n set [mouse down? v] to [1]\n else\n go to (join [Joystick] [])\n set [__joystick x v] to [0]\n set [__joystick y v] to [0]\n set [mouse down? v] to [0]\n set [joystick active? v] to [0]\n end\n if <(joystick active?) = [1]> then\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n move (distance to [mouse-pointer v]) steps\n if <(distance to [(join [Joystick] []) v]) > (max power)> then\n move ((0) - ((distance to [(join [Joystick] []) v]) - (max power))) steps\n end\n set [__joystick x v] to (round ((x position) - ([x position v] of (join [Joystick] []))))\n set [__joystick y v] to (round ((y position) - ([y position v] of (join [Joystick] []))))\n end\n else\n switch costume to (base v)\n go to x: (170) y: (-115)\n show\n end\nelse\n set [__joystick x v] to [0]\n set [__joystick y v] to [0]\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset [id v] to []\nset [joystick active? v] to [0]\nset [max power v] to ((size) / (3))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id v] to [1]\n\n
MADE IT MOBILE-FRIENDLY!\n25000 views? I must be dreaming!\nArrow keys to move. Avoid the obstacles (Spikes, Water, Lava)\nPart 2:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/430471461\nPart 3:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/435709534\nAnd here's this really cool game I made (in my opinion) called Super Phantom Cat, I'd really appreciate if you have a look at it:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/550516118
Century || A Platformer || 100 levels
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [music v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (del v)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (ball v)\nset size to (50) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (-211) y: (0)\nforever\n omega\nend\n\ndefine omega\nif <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> then\n switch costume to (join [ball] (<key (right arrow v) pressed?> + (<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (-1))))\n change [xv v] by ((<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (-3)) + (<key (right arrow v) pressed?> * (3)))\nend\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Xv)\ndetect slope: (8) (15) (13)\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Yv)\nif <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n out2 <(Yv) > [0]>\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\nend\nif <touching (sprite4 v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [18]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <<touching (death v)?> or <(y position) < [-178]>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\nend\nif <(x position) > [239]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [del v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine out <boolean1>\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <boolean1> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> or <(i) > [8]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (-1)\n end\nelse\n if <[0] > (Xv)> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> or <(i) > [8]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine out2 <boolean1>\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <boolean1> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> or <(i) > [24]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [-1]\nelse\n repeat until <<not <touching (sprite1 v)?>> or <(i) > [24]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine detect slope: (maxslope) (walljump) (jumpheight)\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(i) > (maxslope)> or <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\nend\nset [i2 v] to (i)\nif <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n out <(Xv) > [0]>\n change y by ((0) - (i2))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to ((0) - (walljump))\n else\n set [xv v] to (walljump)\n end\n set [yv v] to (jumpheight)\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nswitch costume to (join [costume] (level))\n\n@Death\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nswitch costume to (join [costume] (level))\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (0) layers\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nswitch costume to (join [costume] (level))\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\n
No hate, but I’m open to feedback.\nPlease don’t post things like “too easy”. Post things that I or other people actually might care about.\nCharacter might appear distorted or glitched. I don’t know why.\nMy first platformer. Hope you like it. \n100% possible, but really hard\nEvery level is about the same, but it gets a little harder after each one. Thanks to @Ziyu3 for the engine. I edited it a lot.\nIf you beat this, wow\n\nFirst 30 Winners: \n@DragonTamer2124\n@katiebobby\n@ArtCollex\n@Sickz_\n@DX3V\n@hhhhhhhhhhlll\n@28reedt\n@Jaxprogrammer\n@burnttoast312\n@In_War_Dont_BotherMe\n@DRAGONLORES\n@NoobUncleProductions\n@Molly76543\n@a_big_boy_L\n@LionCoder10\n@Cats_Are_Amazing__\n@Battlecatguy926\n@Coolggcoo\n@toadydog\n@gabeth\n@catboi_2020\n@Battler2021\n@margol387\n@Waterburrer\n@unknown2467\n@animalscratcher555\n@crystaltj\n@Gushaw\n@FernMann01\n@PlaykietheGamer\n
3D platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (intro v)\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nswitch backdrop to (forest v)\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (thumbnail v)\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n switch backdrop to (ice land v)\n end\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (7)\n switch costume to (trail v)\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n set x to (-182)\n set y to (-77)\nelse\n if <<(level) = []> or <(level) = [14]>> then\n set x to (-210)\n set y to (-93)\n else\n set x to (-210)\n set y to (0)\n end\nend\nbroadcast (Game on v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [14]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching (red v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n hide variable [x v]\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (-60)\n else\n if <<(level) = []> or <(level) = [14]>> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-93)\n else\n go to x: (-190) y: (0)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-179]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-177) y: (-60)\n else\n if <<(level) = []> or <(level) = [14]>> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-93)\n else\n go to x: (-190) y: (-50)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n Set Costume\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (15)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (15)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (-20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (direction)\n else\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (-20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (-20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n broadcast (In water v)\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (20))>>>> then\n set [x v] to [-2]\n end\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [x v] to [2]\n end\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) < [10]>>>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <((mouse y) - (y position)) > [20]>>>> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n end\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (0.8))\n change [y v] by (((Y) / (15)) + (0.5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nif <<touching (saw v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n set x to (-210)\n set y to (150)\n broadcast (Game on v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n broadcast (Out water v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (map v)?> then\n broadcast (MAP find v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nset size to (60) %\nswitch costume to (player v)\ngo to x: (-190) y: (50)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\npoint in direction (90)\nbroadcast (Game on v)\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <<touching (smasher v)?> or <<touching (saw2 v)?> or <<touching (saw3 v)?> or <<<touching (saw v)?> or <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>>> or <touching (enemy v)?>>>>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set volume to (100) %\n start sound [GG v]\n broadcast (Hansd v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n broadcast (Mati v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n broadcast (Bounce v)\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (doublejump v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\nend\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n broadcast (Door Open v)\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nswitch costume to (join [level] (level))\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nbroadcast (no rain v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n broadcast (| Snow On | | Rain Off | v)\nend\n\nbroadcast (no rain v)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\nSpawn [Spike 1] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [2]\nSpawn [Spike 2] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [3]\nSpawn [Spike 4] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [9]\nSpawn [Spike 3] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [6]\nSpawn [Spike 6] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level []\nSpawn [Spike 7] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level [9]\nSpawn [Spike 8] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level []\nSpawn [Spike 9] at [0] [0] at the direction of [90] at the level []\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Spawn (name) at (x) (y) at the direction of (dir) at the level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n switch costume to (name)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Saw\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (saw v)\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (242) y: (109)\nelse\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (saw v)\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (180) y: (96)\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (saw v)\n show\n set size to (80) %\n go to x: (-41) y: (-77)\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (saw2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: (22) y: (-93)\n forever\n glide (1) secs to x: (22) y: (-180)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (22) y: (-93)\n wait (2) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (saw v)\n show\n set size to (120) %\n go to x: (1) y: (-83)\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (-77) y: (-102)\n else\n if <(level) = [17]> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (154) y: (-68)\n else\n if <(level) = [20]> then\n show\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (177) y: (-75)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <<(level) = [20]> or <<(level) = [15]> or <<(level) = [17]> or <<(level) = [12]> or <<(level) = [14]> or <<<(level) = [3]> or <(level) = []>> or <(level) = [6]>>>>>>> then\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (15) degrees\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Hands\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hansd v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nbroadcast (Mati v)\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nshow\nset size to (60) %\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nset x to (240)\npoint in direction (pick random (-90) to (90))\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset y to (pick random (50) to (180))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nset size to (pick random (80) to (100)) %\nrepeat (160)\n change x by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (water3.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water3.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (water0 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (water2.0 v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n switch costume to (water3.0 v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water3.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n switch costume to (water2.0 v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Water2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@MAP\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Credits v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@map\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\n@Trampoline\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y) size (size) direction (dir) level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n set size to (size) %\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bounce v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (6)\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0) seconds\nGo to [156] [-72] size [70] direction [90] level [6]\nGo to [113] [-73] size [70] direction [90] level [8]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nstart sound [Sword v]\nset size to (80) %\npoint in direction (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nset rotation style [all around v]\nstart sound [Sword v]\nset size to (80) %\npoint in direction (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (12)\n turn right (30) degrees\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hansd v]\nhide\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nforever\n hide\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bomb v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (download__1_-removebg-preview v)\nshow\n\n@Enemy\n\ndefine Gravity (gravity) Jump Height (jump height) Speed (speed) Friction (friction) Slope (slope)\nchange [yv v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (yv)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (yv) ) / (yv)) * (-1))\n end\n set [yv v] to (<<(y position) < (([y position v] of [player v]) - (10))> and <(([abs v] of (yv) ) / (yv)) = [-1]>> * (jump height))\nend\nset [xv v] to (((xv) + ((<(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> * ((speed) * (-1))) + (<(x position) < ([x position v] of [player v])> * (speed)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (xv)\nset [enemy - slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Enemy - Slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [enemy - slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>> then\n change y by (Enemy - Slope)\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (door v)?>>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (xv) ) / (xv)) * (-1))\n end\nend\npoint towards (player v)\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n Clone at [203] [147] [1]\n Clone at [165] [129] [1]\nelse\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Clone at [-126] [165] [1]\n Clone at [107] [-42] [2]\n else\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (type)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (type)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n forever\n if <not <(Switch In Progress) = [yes]>> then\n Gravity [-1] Jump Height [10] Speed [0.5] Friction [.75] Slope [5]\n if <<<touching (sword v)?> or <touching (shuriken v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n start sound [Hit v]\n set [slime x v] to (x position)\n set [slime type v] to (costume [number v])\n set [slime y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (Slime Particles v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n forever\n if <not <(Switch In Progress) = [yes]>> then\n Gravity [-1] Jump Height [7] Speed [0.2] Friction [.75] Slope [2]\n if <<<touching (sword v)?> or <touching (shuriken v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n start sound [Hit v]\n set [slime x v] to (x position)\n set [slime type v] to (costume [number v])\n set [slime y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (Slime Particles v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n forever\n if <not <(Switch In Progress) = [yes]>> then\n Gravity [-1] Jump Height [16] Speed [0.7] Friction [.75] Slope [2]\n if <<<touching (sword v)?> or <touching (shuriken v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> then\n start sound [Hit v]\n set [slime x v] to (x position)\n set [slime type v] to (costume [number v])\n set [slime y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (Slime Particles v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nif <not <(level) = [1]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n Clone at [203] [147] [1]\n Clone at [165] [129] [1]\nelse\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Clone at [-126] [165] [1]\n Clone at [107] [-42] [2]\n else\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss battle v]\nrepeat until <(HP) < [1]>\n wait (pick random (1) to (2)) seconds\n if <(pick random (0) to (3)) > [1]> then\n Clone at (pick random (100) to (200)) [-65] (pick random (1) to (3))\n else\n Clone at [-200] [-65] (pick random (2) to (3))\n end\nend\n\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [1]\n Clone at [65] [-40] [1]\nelse\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [2]\n Clone at [65] [-40] [2]\n Clone at [-20] [15] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [3]\n Clone at [40] [-30] [3]\n else\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [3]\n Clone at [150] [-30] [2]\n Clone at [100] [0] [1]\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n Clone at [200] [-50] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n Clone at [-168] [80] [3]\n Clone at [-100] [80] [3]\n Clone at [105] [53] [3]\n else\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n Clone at [213] [61] [2]\n Clone at [-117] [88] [2]\n Clone at [-10] [88] [2]\n Clone at [130] [-68] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n Clone at [-118] [116] [2]\n else\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n Clone at [47] [105] [3]\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [155] [-1] [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = []> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = []> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava3.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = []> then\n show\n switch costume to (lava2.0 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n switch costume to (join [Lava2.] (([floor v] of (frame) ) mod (4)))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Slime Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [is clone? v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [slime particles v]\nif <not <(Is clone?) = [1]>> then\n repeat (4)\n Particles\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (SLIME TYPE)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-40) to (10))\nset [is clone? v] to [1]\ngo to x: (SLIME X) y: (SLIME Y)\nshow\nset [xv v] to (pick random (-12) to (12))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (20))\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n change [yv v] by (-2)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Particles\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Credits\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-999999)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (950)\n change y by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nif <(y position) > [566]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@DoubleJump\n\ndefine Spawn (name) go to (x) (y) point in the direction of (dir) in the level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n switch costume to (name)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [-92] [1] point in the direction of [90] in the level [2]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [-52] [-63] point in the direction of [90] in the level [8]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [-52] [4] point in the direction of [90] in the level [8]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [-52] [83] point in the direction of [90] in the level [8]\nSpawn [Double jump] go to [-52] [142] point in the direction of [90] in the level [8]\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CircleExplosion]> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait until <(Zsxgdb) = [1]>\n show\n repeat (22)\n turn right (5) degrees\n move (Move) steps\n change [move v] by (-.04)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (12)\n turn right (5) degrees\n move (Move) steps\n change size by (-4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Cool]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (21) %\n clear graphic effects\n show\n repeat (30)\n change size by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Cool]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n set size to (21) %\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing1]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (217) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing2]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (122) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing3]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (28) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing4]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (-65) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing5]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (-158) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BarThing6]> then\n switch costume to (bar2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-314) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (-250) y: (0) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Particles]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n wait until <(Show) = [1]>\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (70) %\n set [x v] to [0]\n wait until <(Show) = [1]>\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (Y)\n move (8) steps\n change [y v] by (-.07)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-30)\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (speed))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (speed))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n switch costume to (bar v)\n show\n point in direction (51)\n set size to (34) %\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (20)\n turn right (12) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (14)\n turn right (9) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (12)\n turn right (6) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (7)\n turn right (3) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (5)\n turn right (3) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (3)\n turn right (2) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (2)\n turn right (1.5) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (1)\n turn right (1) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (1)\n turn right (1) degrees\n wait (.02) seconds\n change size by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n wait (.02) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [Bars]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [y v] to [8]\nset [show v] to [0]\nwait (.5) seconds\nstart sound [Avicii - Broken Arrows v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset [size v] to [12]\nset [id v] to [Bars]\nrepeat (3)\n go to x: (-216) y: (0)\n hide\n repeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (48)\n end\n change [brightness v] effect by (50)\nend\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Line]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Thing]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1.2) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n set [id v] to [Square]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n wait (.02) seconds\nend\nset [id v] to [BarThing1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing4]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing5]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [id v] to [BarThing6]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Circleeeee]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.2) seconds\nset [id v] to [Circleeeee2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (10)\n set [id v] to [Particles]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (pick random (-90) to (90)) degrees\nend\nset [show v] to [1]\nset [id v] to [Text]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [id v] to [Flash]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.4) seconds\ngo to x: (9) y: (91)\nset [id v] to [CoolThing]\nhide\nrepeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (36)\nend\ngo to x: (-25) y: (91)\nset [id v] to [CoolThing2]\nrepeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-36)\nend\nwait (.2) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (pick random (-90) to (90)) degrees\n set [id v] to [Cool]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait () seconds\nset [zsxgdb v] to [0]\nset [id v] to [CircleExplosion]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [move v] to [12]\nrepeat (12)\n turn right (30) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [zsxgdb v] to [1]\nwait () seconds\nrepeat (30)\n turn right (pick random (-90) to (90)) degrees\n set [id v] to [Cool]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (.05) seconds\nset [id v] to [End]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Line]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-480) y: (0)\n switch costume to (line v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n show\n set size to (100) %\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.5))\n switch costume to (line v)\n turn left ((direction) * (.05)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Thing]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (-201)\n switch costume to (thing v)\n wait (.8) seconds\n show\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (thing v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Particles]> then\n wait until <(Show) = [1]>\n wait (12) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Square]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (45)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n turn left ((direction) * (.2)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (201)\n switch costume to (thing2 v)\n show\n wait (.05) seconds\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (thing2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee]> then\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee2]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (0) y: (201)\n switch costume to (thing v)\n show\n wait (.05) seconds\n repeat (12)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by ((size) * (.3))\n switch costume to (thing v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circleeeee2]> then\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (20) %\n show\n switch costume to (text v)\n repeat (29)\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1)))\n change size by (((70) - (size)) / (12))\n end\n set size to (80) %\n forever\n switch costume to (text v)\n set size to (300) %\n repeat (29)\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (1000)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) * (((size) - (100)) * (0.1)))\n change size by (((70) - (size)) / (12))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Flash]> then\n switch costume to (flash v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n repeat (50)\n wait (.3) seconds\n switch costume to (flash v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CoolThing]> then\n switch costume to (coolthing1 v)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n set y to (255)\n wait (.2) seconds\n show\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (3)\n change y by (-40)\n end\n go to x: (x position) y: (91)\n repeat (17)\n next costume\n end\nelse\n if <(ID) = [CoolThing2]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (-90)\n switch costume to (coolthing1 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set y to (-255)\n show\n repeat (3)\n change y by (40)\n end\n go to x: (x position) y: (-91)\n repeat (17)\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Bars]> then\n wait (8.1) seconds\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-4)\n end\n repeat (1)\n change size by (-3)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change size by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CoolThing]> then\n forever\n set size to (100) %\n end\nelse\n if <(ID) = [CoolThing2]> then\n forever\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [End]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n broadcast (EndIntro v)\n wait (.3) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [End]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [34]> then\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Satisfied v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [map find v]\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endintro v]\nforever\n hide\n set volume to (50) %\n play sound [Lost and stoned v] until done\nend\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\n\n@Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [door open v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (165) y: (-59)\n show\n forever\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (-192) y: (111)\n show\n forever\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (-7) y: (67)\n show\n forever\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (165) y: (-59)\n show\n forever\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (-192) y: (111)\n show\n forever\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (-7) y: (61)\n show\n forever\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Door\n\ndefine Spawn (door) at x (x) y (y) direction (dir) size (size) level (level)\nif <(level) = (level)> then\n switch costume to (door)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n set size to (size) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [door open v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nstart sound [Buzz Whir v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (11)\n wait (0.02) seconds\n next costume\nend\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nSpawn [costume1] at x [6] y [120] direction [90] size [135] level [2]\nSpawn [costume1] at x [219] y [61] direction [90] size [110] level [6]\nSpawn [costume1] at x [218] y [129] direction [90] size [100] level []\nSpawn [costume1] at x [216] y [136] direction [90] size [100] level [10]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [mati v]\nSpawn [costume1] at x [6] y [120] direction [90] size [135] level [2]\nSpawn [costume1] at x [219] y [61] direction [90] size [110] level [6]\nSpawn [costume1] at x [218] y [129] direction [90] size [100] level []\nSpawn [costume1] at x [216] y [136] direction [90] size [100] level [10]\n\n@Rain\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\ngo to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (184)\nglide (pick random (0.005) to (2)) secs to x: (x position) y: (-200)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [no rain v]\nshow\nforever\n repeat (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [| snow on | | rain off | v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Smasher\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (-111) y: (167)\n switch costume to (smasher 1 v)\n forever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-18)\n end\n set volume to (300) %\n start sound [Slam v]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (54)\n change y by (2)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (smasher 2 v)\n forever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-16)\n end\n start sound [Slam v]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (48)\n change y by (2)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (smasher 3 v)\n forever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-10)\n end\n start sound [Slam v]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (30)\n change y by (2)\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@snow\n\ndefine Update\nchange [angle v] by (0.5)\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(i) = (maxParticles)>\n replace item (i) of [y v] with ((item (i) of [y v]) - ((([cos v] of ((Angle) + (item (i) of [d v])) ) + (1)) + ((item (i) of [r v]) / (2))))\n replace item (i) of [x v] with ((item (i) of [x v]) + (([sin v] of (Angle) ) * (2)))\n if <<(item (i) of [x v]) > [245]> or <<(item (i) of [x v]) < [-245]> or <(item (i) of [y v]) < [-180]>>> then\n if <((i) mod (3)) > [0]> then\n replace item (i) of [x v] with (((pick random (0) to (0.99)) * (W)) - (240))\n replace item (i) of [y v] with [190]\n else\n if <([sin v] of (Angle) ) > [0]> then\n replace item (i) of [x v] with [-245]\n replace item (i) of [y v] with (((pick random (0) to (0.99)) * (H)) - (180))\n else\n replace item (i) of [x v] with [245]\n replace item (i) of [y v] with (((pick random (0) to (0.99)) * (H)) - (180))\n end\n end\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Draw\nerase all\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(i) = (maxParticles)>\n go to x: (item (i) of [x v]) y: (item (i) of [y v])\n set pen size to (item (i) of [r v])\n pen down\n pen up\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nUpdate\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [| snow on | | rain off | v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset [h v] to [360]\nset [w v] to [480]\nset [angle v] to [0]\nset [maxparticles v] to [75]\ndelete (all) of [x v]\ndelete (all) of [y v]\ndelete (all) of [r v]\ndelete (all) of [d v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(i) = (maxParticles)>\n add (((W) * (pick random (0) to (0.99))) - (240)) to [x v]\n add (((H) * (pick random (0) to (0.99))) - (180)) to [y v]\n add (((pick random (0) to (0.99)) * (4)) + (1)) to [r v]\n add ((maxParticles) * (pick random (0) to (0.99))) to [d v]\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nforever\n Draw\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nerase all\n\n
Pixel Jump~A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (colour v)\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [platformer actiate v]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (white v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-210) y: (198)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [death v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n Platform [3.5] [11] [0.6] [-1]\n if <<(y position) < [-178]> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-210) y: (198)\n end\n if <<(x position) > [237]> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-210) y: (198)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Platform (move) (jump) (fric) (grav)\nswitch costume to (idle v)\nchange y by (Yv)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat ([abs v] of (Yv) )\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Yv) ) / (Yv)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <not <(Yv) > [0]>>> then\n set [yv v] to (jump)\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [yv v] by (grav)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (move)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by ((move) * (-1))\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nchange x by (Xv)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [slope v] to (y position)\n repeat (([abs v] of (Xv) ) + (1))\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set y to (Slope)\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (Xv) ) )\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((([abs v] of (Xv) ) / (Xv)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (fric))\nswitch costume to (idle v)\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (walk)\nend\nif <(Yv) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\nend\nif <(Yv) < [-2]> then\n switch costume to (fall v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [walk v] to [5]\nforever\n change [walk v] by (1)\n if <(walk) > [8]> then\n set [walk v] to [5]\n end\n wait (0.) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [little man come on down v]\nshow\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@visual level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [platformer actiate v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nbroadcast (little man come on down v) and wait\n\n@thumby\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (designaplatformer v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@title\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (93)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) * (10)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loading screeeen v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n@shapes\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nset size to (0) %\ngo to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\n change size by (1)\n turn right (2) degrees\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) < [0]> then\n change x by (-1)\n else\n change x by (1)\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n change size by (1)\n turn right (2) degrees\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) < [0]> then\n change x by (-1)\n else\n change x by (1)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.05) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [platformer actiate v]\nhide\n\n@Play button\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-116)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (-200)) ) * (10)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (LOADING SCREEEEN v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set size to ((Size) + ((100) + ((50) * (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> / (5))))) %\nend\n\n@loading thing 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [loading screeeen v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (75)\n turn left (15) degrees\nend\nbroadcast (Platformer ACTIATE v)\nhide\n\n@trail\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [color v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (.5) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n set size to (50) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\n@HEART+ STAR\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to x: (194) y: (-152)\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (320)) ) * (15)) + (90))\nend\n\n@backup backgrounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@backup Loady thingy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set size to ((Size) + ((100) + ((50) * (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> / (5))))) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (206) y: (152)\nswitch costume to (on v)\nplay sound (pick random (1) to (2)) until done\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (off v)\n stop all sounds\nelse\n switch costume to (on v)\n broadcast (music v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nplay sound (pick random (1) to (2)) until done\n\n
PART 5: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/870636542\n\n\nPART 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/866823927\nPART 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/867468982\nPART 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/871680370\nPART 5:[TRAILER] \n:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/869956355\nA and D : move :)\nW or SPACE : jump. :)\n_______________________________________:)\nThis project is related to ''MOON PLATFORMER'':)\nAND HERE I took the main idea of the game. :)\nI didn't want to steal something or offend :)\nsomeone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#games #trending #all #art #music #game #platformer #lights #platformers #games #trending #all #art #music #game #platformer #lights #platformers #games #trending #all #art #music #game #platformer #lights #platformers #games #trending #all #art #music #game #platformer #lights #platformers #games #trending #all #art #music
Cubed - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (Level)\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n else\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n else\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n else\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n else\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not > then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\nend\nrepeat (12)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-86)\nforever\n repeat until <(Go) = [1]>\n if then\n change [xv v] by (.8)\n end\n if then\n change [xv v] by (-0.8)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <<[228] < (x position)> or <touching (door v)?>> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-219) y: (-86)\n point in direction (90)\n change [level v] by (1)\n change [money v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<<<touching (dangers v)?> or <touching (saws v)?>> or <touching (boss v)?>> or <touching (lava v)?>> or <touching (enemy v)?>> then\n if <touching (boss v)?> then\n broadcast (do it again v)\n end\n broadcast (ded v)\n repeat (12)\n broadcast (ded v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n broadcast (ded v)\n change size by (-8)\n end\n broadcast (ded v)\n start sound [ouch v]\n broadcast (ded v)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (ded v)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (ded v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n broadcast (ded v)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-86)\n broadcast (ded v)\n set size to (100) %\n broadcast (ded v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n hide variable [yv v]\n hide variable [xv v]\n if <touching (tramps v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [22]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-86)\nforever\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-86)\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> and <not <(Level) = [10]>>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (go v)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Dangers\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nforever\n if <not <[10] < (Level)>> then\n wait (pick random (3) to (7)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset x to (-255)\nset y to (pick random (74) to (165))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\nshow\nrepeat (102)\n change x by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <[10] < (Level)> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@haze\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nforever\n switch costume to ((Level) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@preview\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (2) seconds\nnext costume\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (start v)\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\n@saws\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (-32) y: (-55)\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-28) y: (-128)\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (-28) y: (-125)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\n\n@enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change x by (3)\n end\nend\n\n@Door\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@win screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (300)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Syndrome v] until done\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@boss\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n broadcast (boss battle v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss battle v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nsay [Y] for (0) seconds\nsay [Yo] for (0) seconds\nsay [You] for (0) seconds\nsay [You ] for (0) seconds\nsay [You s] for (0) seconds\nsay [You sh] for (0) seconds\nsay [You sha] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shal] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall ] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall n] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall no] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not ] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not p] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not pa] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not pas] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not pass] for (0) seconds\nsay [You shall not pass!] for (3) seconds\nreset timer\nforever\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <<(timer) = [30]> or <[30] < (timer)>>>\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n change x by (-1)\n end\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\n if <not <touching (player v)?>> then\n broadcast (win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [do it again v]\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(x position) = [0]>\n if <[0] < (x position)> then\n change x by (-3)\n end\n if <(x position) < [0]> then\n change x by (3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Tramps\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
Pro tip:\nGo into the castle.\nRun under boss.\n___________________________________________\n\nControls:\n*WASD, Arrow Keys and Space to move\n*Z to talk and activate checkpoints\n___________________________________________\n\nSorry it's a bit too short and bad, but I didn't really have the time.\n/ =
Gobo's world ✦ Multiplayer cloud scrolling platformer v5
@Stage\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (overworld v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-225) y: (-55)\nset [x move v] to [0]\nset [y move v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<(y position) < [-175]> or <touching (stones v)?>> then\n go to x: (-225) y: (-55)\n start sound [Drum Boing v]\n set [x move v] to [0]\n set [y move v] to [0]\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x move v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x move v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [235]> or <(x position) > [235]>> then\n go to x: (-225) y: (-55)\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#d1ff00)?> then\n set [y move v] to [16]\n end\n if <touching color (#43d0fe)?> then\n set [x move v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching color (#9966ff)?> then\n set [x move v] to [20]\n end\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-225) y: (-70)\n end\n if <touching color (#ff00ba)?> then\n set [y move v] to [11]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching (portals v)?> then\n go to x: (portal X) y: (portal Y)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (cave v)\nset size to (120) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nswitch costume to (overworld v)\nforever\n if <(level) = [43]> then\n repeat until <(level) = [54]>\n switch costume to (space v)\n end\n switch costume to (overworld v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ab45ad)?> then\n set [y move v] to [20]\n broadcast (animation super jump pad v)\n hide\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [show player v]\ngo to x: (-168) y: (-88)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n set [x move v] to ((x move) * (0.85))\n change x by (x move)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (x move))\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> and <not <(x move) = [0]>>> then\n set [y move v] to [8]\n set [x move v] to (((x move) / ([abs v] of (x move) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [x move v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y move v] to (Y)\n end\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(y move) > [-15]> then\n change [y move v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching (real platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (real platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (real platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (real platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (real platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching (real platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n change y by (y move)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (real platformer v)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (y move))\n set [y move v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <key (y v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-225) y: (-55)\n broadcast (next level v)\n wait (9) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (overworld v)\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (cave v)\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n switch costume to (overworld v)\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n switch costume to (candy land v)\n end\n if <(level) = [27]> then\n switch costume to (overworld v)\n end\n if <(level) = [30]> then\n switch costume to (snow v)\n end\n if <(level) = [41]> then\n switch costume to (space v)\n end\n if <(level) = [54]> then\n switch costume to (desert v)\n end\n if <(level) = [65]> then\n switch costume to (overworld v)\n end\nend\n\n@eyes\n\ndefine eye blink \nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (9)\n next costume\nend\nrepeat (9)\n previous costume\nend\n\ndefine previous costume\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [biome v]\nhide\nset size to (150) %\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n wait (pick random (1) to (10)) seconds\n eye blink \nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [b v] key pressed\nshow variable [biome v]\n\n@real platformer \n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@decorations\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [65]> then\n wait (10) seconds\n broadcast (THE END :\) v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nset [y v] to [7]\nforever\n if <(level) = [42]> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n wait until <(level) = [53]>\n set [y v] to [7]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n set [biome v] to [overworld]\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n set [biome v] to [cave]\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n set [biome v] to [overworld]\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n set [biome v] to [candy]\n end\n if <(level) = [27]> then\n set [biome v] to [overworld]\n end\n if <(level) = [30]> then\n set [biome v] to [snow]\n end\n if <(level) = [41]> then\n set [biome v] to [space]\n end\n if <(level) = [41]> then\n set [biome v] to [space]\n end\n if <(level) = [54]> then\n set [biome v] to [desert]\n end\n if <(level) = [65]> then\n set [biome v] to [overworld]\n end\nend\n\n@loves, favs\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nhide\nforever\n wait (.3) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nset size to (0) %\ngo to (random position v)\npoint in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (2)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (capture2 v)\n show\n go to x: (-240) y: (0)\n set size to (10) %\n repeat (2)\n change x by (6)\n change size by (5)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (9)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (12)\n change size by (8)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (12)\n change size by (8)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (12)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (9)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (7)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (5)\n change size by (4)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (3)\n change size by (3)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (3)\n change size by (3)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (2)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (1)\n change size by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (2)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change size by (-8)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change size by (-14)\n end\n broadcast (go v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Snow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (180)\nforever\n move (5) steps\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-237) to (237)) y: (179)\nforever\n repeat until <touching (real platformer v)?>\n repeat (5)\n turn right (pick random (-4) to (4)) degrees\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n wait until <touching (real platformer v)?>\n forever\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (1)\n change x by (-2)\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (1)\n change x by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [30]> then\n repeat until <(level) = [41]>\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@tumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (13) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\nset size to (pick random (90) to (110)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (40))\nset y to (pick random (100) to (185))\nset x to (301)\nshow\nrepeat until <<(x position) < [-290]> or <(x position) = [-290]>>\n change x by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@outro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (capture2 v)\n show\n go to x: (-240) y: (0)\n set size to (10) %\n repeat (2)\n change x by (3)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (7)\n change size by (4)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (10)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (10)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (7)\n change size by (4)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (3)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (2)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (1)\n change size by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 \(1\)2 v)\n show\n go to x: (240) y: (0)\n set size to (10) %\n repeat (2)\n change x by (-3)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-7)\n change size by (4)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (-10)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change x by (-10)\n change size by (6)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-7)\n change size by (4)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-3)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-2)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-1)\n change size by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nhide\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@portals\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n set [portal x v] to [78]\n set [portal y v] to [157]\n go to x: (-141) y: (-75)\n set [portalx2 v] to (x position)\n set [portaly2 v] to (y position)\n spawn portals\n show\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (portal X) y: (portal Y)\n show\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n set size to (120) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: ((portalx2) + (1)) y: ((portaly2) + (1))\n show\n forever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n set size to (120) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: ((portal X) + (-1)) y: ((portal Y) + (1))\n show\n forever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine spawn portals\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n set [level v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\n@animation super jump pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [animation super jump pad v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (24)\n next costume\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (9)\n next costume\nend\nbroadcast (show player v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end :\) v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@animation space\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (clone v)\ngo to x: (pick random (-125) to (125)) y: (pick random (-150) to (-50))\nset size to (500) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (4)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [clone delete v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [animation1 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (8)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (13)\n next costume\nend\nbroadcast (clone delete v)\nrepeat (12)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (next level v)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [animation2 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (moon1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (8)\n go to [front v] layer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (my variable)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((my variable) * (-1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (13)\n next costume\nend\nbroadcast (clone delete v)\nrepeat (11)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (next level v)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n if <<(level) = [53]> or <(level) = [41]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [52]>\nbroadcast (animation2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [41]>\nbroadcast (animation1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [animation2 v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [animation1 v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [animation1 v]\nwait (5) seconds\nbroadcast (clone delete v)\nbroadcast (next level v)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@music nodes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine node\nhide\ngo to x: (-152) y: (125)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait (.5) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n node\n play sound [paths – cactus flower v] until done\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n node\n play sound [glide v] until done\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n node\n play sound [circulate v] until done\nend\n\n
-DAWN 2-\n -BY ENLIGHTENED-\n\n -STORY-\nYou are just taking a brisk walk at the dawn... :D\n\nLOVE AND FAV FOR PART 3\nPART 3 AT 300 LIKES...
Super Mario Maker - A Platformer Creator
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (10) seconds\nbroadcast (ENDED v)\nforever\n play sound [minecraft song v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Call v)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CircExplo1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (circexplo v)\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n set [xvel v] to (SplSpeed)\n set [fisheye v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (25)\n change size by (Svel)\n change [xvel v] by ((Xvel) / (3))\n change [fisheye v] effect by (Xvel)\n set [svel v] to ((Svel) * ((SplGrSpeed) / (10)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Shake (vel) (deter) (domain)\nset [shake? v] to [0]\nset [var v] to [0]\nset [shakevel v] to [0]\nchange [shakevel v] by (vel)\nrepeat until <<(ShakeVel) < [0]> or <(ShakeVel) = [1]>>\n set [camx v] to (([sin v] of ((Var) * (4)) ) * ((ShakeVel) / (10)))\n set [camy v] to (([cos v] of ((Var) * (4)) ) * ((ShakeVel) / (10)))\n set [camd v] to ((([sin v] of ((Var) * (4)) ) * ((ShakeVel) / (10))) + (90))\n change [var v] by (domain)\n set [shakevel v] to ((ShakeVel) - (deter))\nend\nset [shake? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not << (ID) contains [par]?> or << (ID) contains [border]?> or << (ID) contains [shutter]?> or < (ID) contains [line]?>>>>> then\n wait (0) seconds\n set [defx v] to (x position)\n set [defy v] to (y position)\n forever\n go to x: ((DefX) + (CamX)) y: ((DefY) + (CamY))\n point in direction ((CamD) + (Direction))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nif <<(ID) = [text]> or < (ID) contains [end]?>> then\n if <(ID) = [text]> then\n set [svel v] to [2]\n repeat until <[8.9] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (Svel)\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n change [direction v] by ((Svel) / (15))\n switch costume to (text v)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nelse\n if < (ID) contains [fade]?> then\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Clone (id) (#)\nset [id v] to (id)\nset [# v] to [1]\nrepeat (#)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [# v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Turn\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (#)\n turn right ((360) / (7)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Circ1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (circ2 v)\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n set [svel v] to [5]\n show\n repeat (7)\n change size by (Svel)\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n end\n repeat (25)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((590) - (size)) / (7))\n switch costume to (circ2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Spline1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (spline1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n move (1) steps\n point in direction (Direction)\n set [direction v] to (((#) * (45)) + (-45))\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n show\n repeat (12)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n next costume\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Chev1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (chev v)\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to [0]\n set [svel v] to [15]\n show\n if <[5.7] < (timer)> then\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat until <[250] < (size)>\n change size by ((((size) + (100)) / (2)) * (bump))\n end\n repeat until <[1000] < (size)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by ((((size) + (40)) / (4)) * (bump))\n switch costume to (chev v)\n if <[5.7] < (timer)> then\n set [rvel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[6.2] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((450) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (chev v)\n change [rvel v] by ((Rvel) / (3))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n end\n repeat until <[111] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((450) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (chev v)\n change [rvel v] by (((1) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (180) y: (360)\n set [defx v] to [240]\n set [defy v] to [360]\n switch costume to (text v)\n set size to (115) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n set [rvel v] to [5]\n set [direction v] to [200]\n set [yvel v] to [-4]\n set [xvel v] to [-4]\n wait until <[1] < (timer)>\n show\n set [svel v] to [3]\n repeat until <[2] < (timer)>\n set [yvel v] to (((Yvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (DefY)) / (5)))\n change [defy v] by (Yvel)\n set [xvel v] to (((Xvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (DefX)) / (5)))\n change [defx v] by (Xvel)\n set [rvel v] to (((Rvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (Direction)) / (5)))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n end\n set [svel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[2.1] < (timer)>\n set [yvel v] to (((Yvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (DefY)) / (5)))\n change [defy v] by (Yvel)\n set [xvel v] to (((Xvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (DefX)) / (5)))\n change [defx v] by (Xvel)\n set [rvel v] to (((Rvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (Direction)) / (5)))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (5))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat until <[2.9] < (timer)>\n set [yvel v] to (((Yvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (DefY)) / (5)))\n change [defy v] by (Yvel)\n set [xvel v] to (((Xvel) * (0.6)) + (((0) - (DefX)) / (5)))\n change [defx v] by (Xvel)\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n set [svel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[3] < (timer)>\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat until <[3.8] < (timer)>\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n set [svel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[3.9] < (timer)>\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat until <[4.8] < (timer)>\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n set [svel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[4.9] < (timer)>\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat until <[5.7] < (timer)>\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n set [svel v] to [1]\n set [rvel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[5.8] < (timer)>\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n change [rvel v] by ((Rvel) / (3))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat until <[6.2] < (timer)>\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n change [rvel v] by ((Rvel) / (3))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n end\n repeat until <[6.7] < (timer)>\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n change [rvel v] by (((360) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n set [direction v] to (Rvel)\n end\n set [svel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[6.8] < (timer)>\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n change size by (Svel)\n change [rvel v] by (((360) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n set [direction v] to (Rvel)\n end\n repeat until <[7.7] < (timer)>\n set [svel v] to (((Svel) * (0.6)) + (((115) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (Svel)\n change [rvel v] by (((360) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n set [direction v] to (Rvel)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [flash]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n switch costume to (bar full v)\n set size to (150) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Explosion || Amount: (#) Xpos: (xpos) Ypos: (ypos) ID: (splineid) Explosion Speed: (splspeed) Grow Speed: (splgrspeed)\nset [splinex v] to (xpos)\nset [spliney v] to (ypos)\nset [# v] to [1]\nset [id v] to (splineid)\nset [splspeed v] to (splspeed)\nset [splgrspeed v] to (splgrspeed)\nrepeat (#)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [# v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [SplineLeft]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (spline1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n move (1) steps\n point in direction (Direction)\n set [direction v] to (((#) * (45)) + (-45))\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n show\n repeat (12)\n turn right ((Svel) / (-2)) degrees\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n next costume\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Border]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n switch costume to (border1 v)\n set size to (200) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (85)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n show\n if <(#) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-50)\n \n repeat (20)\n change y by (5.1)\n end\n set y to (-50)\n end\n else\n go to x: (220) y: (50)\n \n repeat (20)\n change y by (-5.1)\n end\n set y to (50)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [BrSpline1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (spline1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n move (1) steps\n point in direction (Direction)\n set [direction v] to (((#) * (45)) + (-45))\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n show\n repeat (12)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n next costume\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [flash2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (bar full v)\n set size to (150) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Shutter]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (300)\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(#) = [1]> then\n set [yvel v] to [-25]\n set [xvel v] to [-10]\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (300)\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n else\n set [yvel v] to [25]\n set [xvel v] to [10]\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-300)\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n end\n wait until <[3.1] < (timer)>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Shutter]> then\n hide\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(#) = [1]> then\n set [svel v] to [-3]\n wait until <[1.3] < (timer)>\n show\n repeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (4))\n change y by (Svel)\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n end\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n change y by (((180) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n end\n else\n set [svel v] to [3]\n wait until <[1.3] < (timer)>\n show\n repeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (4))\n change y by (Svel)\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n end\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n change y by (((-180) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (shutter v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [CircExplo2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (circexplo v)\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n set [xvel v] to (SplSpeed)\n set [fisheye v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (25)\n change size by (Svel)\n change [xvel v] by ((Xvel) / (3))\n change [fisheye v] effect by (Xvel)\n set [svel v] to ((Svel) * ((SplGrSpeed) / (10)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [SplineRight]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (spline1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n move (1) steps\n point in direction (Direction)\n set [direction v] to (((#) * (45)) + (-45))\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n show\n repeat (12)\n turn right ((Svel) / (2)) degrees\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n next costume\n change size by (Svel)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [call v]\nreset timer\nwait until <[1.5] < (timer)>\nset [bump v] to [0]\nset [loops2 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <[8] < (timer)>\n Clone [Chev1] [1]\n Clone [ArrowLeft] [3]\n Clone [ArrowRight] [3]\n change [bump v] by (1)\n wait until <((((0.93) * (loops2)) + (2)) - ()) < (timer)>\n change [loops2 v] by (1)\n Clone [Chev2] [1]\n change [bump v] by (1)\n wait until <((((0.93) * (loops2)) + (2)) - ()) < (timer)>\n change [loops2 v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [call v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nreset timer\nstart sound [Sync 2D Gradient Intro Templat v]\nwait until <[1.2] < (timer)>\nClone [circ2] [1]\nwait until <[1.4] < (timer)>\nClone [circ1] [1]\nClone [shutter] [2]\nClone [text] [1]\nwait until <[2] < (timer)>\nClone [Text2] [1]\nClone [fade] [1]\nClone [Fade2] [1]\nClone [pars1] [60]\nClone [pars2] [60]\nClone [pars3] [60]\nClone [pars4] [60]\nwait until <[3.85] < (timer)>\nExplosion || Amount: [16] Xpos: [-180] Ypos: [100] ID: [line1] Explosion Speed: [15] Grow Speed: [5]\nwait until <[4.8] < (timer)>\nExplosion || Amount: [16] Xpos: [180] Ypos: [-100] ID: [line1] Explosion Speed: [15] Grow Speed: [5]\nwait until <[5.6] < (timer)>\nClone [pin] [1]\nClone [dots] [1]\nwait until <[6.7] < (timer)>\nExplosion || Amount: [16] Xpos: [0] Ypos: [0] ID: [line1] Explosion Speed: [30] Grow Speed: [7]\nwait until <[8.6] < (timer)>\nClone [end] [1]\n\nwhen I receive [call v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\nset [camd v] to [90]\nset [direction v] to [0]\nset [shakevel v] to [0]\nset [var v] to [0]\nset [defx v] to [0]\nset [defy v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nShake [1] [2.5] [4]\nShake [20] [3] [6]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Line1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (shrinkline1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (((#) * (22.5)) + (22.5))\n move (1) steps\n point in direction (Direction)\n set [direction v] to (((#) * (22.5)) + (-22.5))\n point in direction (((#) * (22.5)) + (22.5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n show\n repeat (8)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n move (Svel) steps\n next costume\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n move (Svel) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Line2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (SplineX) y: (SplineY)\n switch costume to (shrinkline1 v)\n set size to (50) %\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n move (1) steps\n point in direction (Direction)\n set [direction v] to (((#) * (45)) + (-45))\n point in direction (((#) * (45)) + (45))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [svel v] to (SplSpeed)\n show\n repeat (8)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n move (Svel) steps\n next costume\n end\n repeat (2)\n change [svel v] by (((0) - (Svel)) / (SplGrSpeed))\n move (Svel) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Chev2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (chev v)\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to [90]\n set [svel v] to [15]\n show\n if <[5.7] < (timer)> then\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat until <[250] < (size)>\n change size by ((((size) + (100)) / (2)) * (bump))\n end\n repeat until <[1000] < (size)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by ((((size) + (40)) / (4)) * (bump))\n switch costume to (chev v)\n if <[5.7] < (timer)> then\n set [rvel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[6.2] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((450) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (chev v)\n change [rvel v] by ((Rvel) / (3))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n end\n repeat until <[111] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((450) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (chev v)\n change [rvel v] by (((1) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [call v]\nreset timer\nset [loops v] to [1]\nShake [25] [5] [8]\nwait until <[2] < (timer)>\nrepeat until <[8] < (timer)>\n Clone [flash] [1]\n set [shake? v] to [1]\n Shake [50] [4] [6]\n wait until <((((0.44) * (Loops)) + (2)) - ((0.44) * (1))) < (timer)>\n change [loops v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [call v]\nreset timer\nwait until <[1] < (timer)>\n\n change [bump v] by (((0.03) - (bump)) / (4))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [flash2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n switch costume to (bar full v)\n set size to (150) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7.5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nchange y by (Yvel)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [fade]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (fade3 v)\n set size to (125) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [pars1]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (pick random (-300) to (250)) y: (pick random (-140) to (-160))\n switch costume to (par1 v)\n set size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (9) to (13))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to (pick random (45) to (15))\n set [svel v] to (pick random (1) to (1.25))\n show\n wait ((#) / (5)) seconds\n \n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n point in direction (Direction)\n move ((Svel) + ((bump) * (8))) steps\n switch costume to (par1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [pars2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (pick random (-300) to (250)) y: (pick random (-140) to (-160))\n switch costume to (par2 v)\n set size to (pick random (100) to (125)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (93) to (97))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to (pick random (45) to (15))\n set [svel v] to (pick random (2.5) to (1.3))\n show\n wait ((#) / (10)) seconds\n \n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n point in direction (Direction)\n move ((Svel) + ((bump) * (8))) steps\n switch costume to (par2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [ArrowLeft]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: ((-280) - (((#) * (65)) - (65))) y: (0)\n switch costume to (arrowleft2 v)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (((#) * (30)) - (25))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to [0]\n set [svel v] to [5]\n wait until <[1.9] < (timer)>\n show\n \n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n change [defx v] by ((1) + ((35) * (bump)))\n switch costume to (arrowleft2 v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [ArrowRight]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: ((280) + (((#) * (65)) - (65))) y: (0)\n switch costume to (arrowleft v)\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (((#) * (30)) - (25))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to [0]\n set [svel v] to [-5]\n wait until <[1.9] < (timer)>\n show\n \n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n change [defx v] by ((-1) + (((35) * (bump)) / (-1)))\n switch costume to (arrowleft v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [Text2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [defx v] to [0]\n set [defy v] to [0]\n switch costume to (text2 v)\n set size to (115) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set [direction v] to [0]\n wait until <[1] < (timer)>\n show\n repeat (7)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n repeat until <[5.3] < (timer)>\n repeat until <[6.8] < (timer)>\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<not < (ID) contains [par]?>> and <(timer) < [8.5]>> then\n wait until <[7.7] < (timer)>\n if < (ID) contains [arrow]?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (90)\n end\n repeat (40)\n change [color v] effect by (35)\n set [defx v] to (pick random (-8) to (8))\n set [defy v] to (pick random (-8) to (8))\n set [fisheye v] effect to (-9)\n set [pixelate v] effect to (pick random (5) to (9))\n end\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [defx v] to [0]\n set [defy v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [fade2]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (fade2 v)\n set size to (125) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [dots]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n set size to (800) %\n switch costume to (dotted v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\n set [rvel v] to [-1]\n repeat until <[6.2] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (dotted v)\n change [rvel v] by ((Rvel) / (3))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n end\n repeat until <[111] < (timer)>\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (6))\n switch costume to (dotted v)\n change [rvel v] by (((-1) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [pin]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n switch costume to (pinwheel v)\n set size to (150) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (97)\n show\n set [rvel v] to [1]\n repeat until <[6.2] < (timer)>\n change [rvel v] by ((Rvel) / (3))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\n end\n repeat until <[111] < (timer)>\n change [rvel v] by (((1) - (Rvel)) / (4))\n change [direction v] by (Rvel)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [end]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-180)\n set [defy v] to [-180]\n set y to (-180)\n switch costume to (end2 v)\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n set [svel v] to [5]\n show\n broadcast (End v)\n repeat (7)\n change size by (Svel)\n change [svel v] by ((Svel) / (2))\n end\n repeat (35)\n switch costume to (size hack v)\n change size by (((800) - (size)) / (7))\n switch costume to (end2 v)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [pars3]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (pick random (-250) to (300)) y: (pick random (-140) to (-160))\n switch costume to (par1 v)\n set size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (9) to (13))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to (pick random (315) to (280))\n set [svel v] to (pick random (1) to (1.25))\n show\n wait ((#) / (5)) seconds\n \n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n point in direction (Direction)\n move ((Svel) + ((bump) * (8))) steps\n switch costume to (par1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(ID) = [pars4]> then\n hide\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n go to x: (pick random (-250) to (300)) y: (pick random (-140) to (-160))\n switch costume to (par2 v)\n set size to (pick random (100) to (125)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (93) to (97))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [direction v] to (pick random (315) to (280))\n set [svel v] to (pick random (2.5) to (1.3))\n show\n wait ((#) / (10)) seconds\n \n switch costume to (pos hack v)\n point in direction (Direction)\n move ((Svel) + ((bump) * (8))) steps\n switch costume to (par2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Player \n\nwhen I receive [ended v]\nforever\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(In Air?) < [8]>> or <<key (w v) pressed?> and <(In Air?) < [8]>>> then\n set [y vel v] to [14]\n end\n if <<<touching color (#54983b)?> or <touching color (#428125)?>> or <touching color (#d24b0a)?>> then\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\n if <touching color (#005ed6)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [40]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n move (7) steps\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n move (-7) steps\n end\n if <<[235] < (x position)> or <(x position) = [235]>> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n go to x: (-187) y: (52)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Walk (steps)\nchange x by (steps)\nset [ground lift v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<not <touching color (#000000)?>> and <(Ground Lift) = [8]>>\n change y by (1)\n change [ground lift v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Ground Lift) = [8]> then\n change x by ((-1) * (steps))\n change y by (-8)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\n\ndefine Handle Ground <moving up>\nrepeat until <not <touching color (#000000)?>>\n if <moving up> then\n change y by (-5)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [in air? v] to [0]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ended v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (p l a y e r v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-34)\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y vel v] by (-2)\n change y by (Y Vel)\n change [in air? v] by (1)\n Handle Ground <[0] < (Y Vel)>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-34)\nstart sound [classic_hurt v]\n\n\n\nif <<(x position) = [50]> or <[] < (x position)>> then\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [ended v]\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n
@Stage\n\n@You\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (Unmute v)\nforever\n play sound [Purple%20Planet%20Music%20-%20Molten%20Alloy%20%281%3A50%29%20180bpm v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nchange [☁ players v] by (1)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [220]> then\n broadcast (New v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\n if <[-160] > (y position)> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (.2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (20)\n end\n set size to (15) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (.2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (20)\n end\n set size to (15) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nif <(Time) < (☁ Record)> then\n set [☁ record v] to (Time)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mute v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [unmute v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow variable [☁ record v]\nshow variable [time v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (0) seconds\n change [time v] by (0.03)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ record v]\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Intro v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (bbmlogo v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (0) %\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (5)\n turn right (70) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (5)\n repeat (15)\n change size by (.7)\n end\n repeat (15)\n change size by (-.7)\n end\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (40)\n change volume by (-2.5)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [new v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [15]> then\n broadcast (end v)\nelse\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [new v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Outro2Scratch\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nadd (username) to [finishers v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nforever\n wait (pick random (.02) to (.2)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set size to (25) %\nelse\n set size to (10) %\nend\npoint in direction (pick random (1) to (360))\ngo to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (182)\nshow\nglide (.5) secs to x: (x position) y: (-182)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@OutroForScratch\n\ndefine Change Size (change) (speed)\nset [sizegoal v] to ((size) + (change))\nrepeat until <([abs v] of ((SizeGoal) - (size)) ) < [0.1]>\n change size by (((SizeGoal) - (size)) * ((speed) / (5)))\nend\n\ndefine Glide (x) (y) (speed)\nrepeat (50)\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) * ((speed) / (5)))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) * ((speed) / (5)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [outro: clone id v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Outro: Clone ID) = [1]> then\n set size to (400) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (195)\n Glide (0) (0) (1.5)\nelse\n if <(Outro: Clone ID) = [2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Outro: Clone ID) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n forever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of (rfvdcsx) ) * (7)) + (90))\n change y by ([sin v] of (rfvdcsx) )\n change size by ([sin v] of (rfvdcsx) )\n change [rfvdcsx v] by (10)\n end\n else\n if <(Outro: Clone ID) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n Change Size (900) (0.8)\n else\n if <(Outro: Clone ID) = [5]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Outro: Clone ID) = [1]> then\n wait until <(Outro: Clone ID) = [2]>\n next costume\n go to [front v] layer\n Change Size (250) (0.5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nchange [☁ finishers v] by (1)\nwait (0.8) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n change [outro: clone id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nset [outro: clone id v] to [5]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (3) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Outro v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of (rfvdcsx) ) * (7)) + (90))\n change y by ([sin v] of (rfvdcsx) )\n change size by ([sin v] of (rfvdcsx) )\n change [rfvdcsx v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Poot\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n go to (you v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(costume [name v]) = [0%]> then\n switch costume to (100% v)\n broadcast (Unmute v)\n else\n switch costume to (0% v)\n broadcast (Mute v)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\n
--------------------NEW PLATFORMER-------------------\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/397131412\n_________________________________________\n#10 on trending!!!\n[UPDATE] You can now use mobile!\n[UPDATE] Added 7 new levels!\n============================\nWelcome to land a platformer!\nYou can use Arrow Keys or WASD to Move\nDon't Touch Spikes!\nGet to the far right side of the screen to pass the level\nif you are struggling you can press R to reset the level \nHave fun and enjoy!\n\nPls leave a heart and star!\nLevel art from kenney.nl\nMost code by me!\nThx for my intro @mistaclean\nThe thumbnail text is from cooltext.com\nMusic is Nightcore - Faded by Alan Walker\n\n-Fox Out!\n\n\n\n-----------------------------------------\n#Mobile #GraphicFox #griffpatch #kenney.nl #cool #easy #awesome #Platformers #Platformer #Advertise #F4F #No #Don't #Do #THat #! #trending #platformer
3D Platformer ✦ Demo v1.91 by TimMcCool
@Stage\n\n@Background\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (thumb3 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (140) y: (-5)\nrepeat (12)\n go to x: (140) y: (-5)\n repeat (13)\n change x by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nshow\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (background v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (background v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Circles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (animation v)\nwait (1.4) seconds\nrepeat (6)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.6) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (100)\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Emblem\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (75)\nshow\nset [counter v] to [3]\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (1) degrees\n change size by (Counter)\n change [counter v] by (-1)\nend\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat (12)\n change [counter v] by (2)\n turn right (2) degrees\n change size by (Counter)\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (-3) degrees\n change [counter v] by (-2)\n change size by (Counter)\nend\nhide\n\n@Cover\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (366)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nwait (5) seconds\nshow\nset [counter2 v] to [-2]\nrepeat (17)\n change y by (Counter2)\n change [counter2 v] by (-4)\nend\nbroadcast (Menu v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [counter2 v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nrepeat (17)\n change y by (Counter2)\n change [counter2 v] by (4)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (40) %\nwait (5.4) seconds\nset [counter v] to [-2]\nrepeat (14)\n change [brightness v] effect by (Counter)\n change [counter v] by (-1)\n change volume by ((Counter) + (2))\nend\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nplay sound [MDK - Super Ultra \[320kbps\].mp3 v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cover v]\nshow\nset [counter2 v] to [-2]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nrepeat (17)\n change y by (Counter2)\n change [counter2 v] by (-4)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nset [counter2 v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nrepeat (17)\n change y by (Counter2)\n change [counter2 v] by (4)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [start v] to [False]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-40)\nswitch costume to (button_start v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [counter v] to [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [counter v] to [0]\n repeat (6)\n change [counter v] by (1)\n change size by (Counter)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set [counter v] to [0]\n repeat (6)\n change [counter v] by (-1)\n change size by (Counter)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (60)\nswitch costume to (title2 v)\nforever\n if <(Start) = [True]> then\n stop all sounds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nforever\n if <(Start) = [True]> then\n hide\n play sound [738335_Canonblade---Debug.mp3 v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset size to (100) %\nset [counter v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(Start) = [False]> and <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [start v] to [True]\n broadcast (Cover v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch backdrop to (background v)\n broadcast (Game v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (1) seconds\nplay sound [738335_Canonblade---Debug.mp3 v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset volume to (0) %\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change volume by (10)\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n broadcast (cover v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n broadcast (back to menu v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\n@You\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine Reset\nset [touched v] to [False]\nset [button pressed? v] to [False]\ngo to x: (-213) y: (-11)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [movement v] to [False]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [movement v] to [True]\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nset [movement v] to [False]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nset [movement v] to [True]\ngo to x: (-213) y: (-11)\nshow\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n if <(Movement) = [True]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching color (#666666)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching color (#666666)?> and <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [8.5]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<(x position) > [232]> or <key (n v) pressed?>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n Reset\n end\n if <<<touching color (#cc0000)?> or <key (r v) pressed?>> or <touching (lazers v)?>> then\n Reset\n end\n if <touching color (#6600cc)?> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\nend\n\n@Lazers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <(Button Pressed?) = [True]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@LevelButton\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nforever\n if <touching (you v)?> then\n set [button pressed? v] to [True]\n set y to (-2)\n wait until <not <touching (you v)?>>\n set y to (2)\n set [touched v] to [True]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nforever\n if <<not <touching (you v)?>> and <(Touched) = [True]>> then\n wait (6) seconds\n set [button pressed? v] to [False]\n set [touched v] to [False]\n end\nend\n\n@LevelNumbers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nswitch costume to (10 v)\ngo to x: (-183) y: (166)\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange x by (13)\nforever\n if <(letter (2) of (Level)) = []> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n switch costume to ((letter (2) of (Level)) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(letter (1) of (Level)) = []> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n switch costume to ((letter (1) of (Level)) + (1))\nend\n\n@Level Print\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Lazers2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [back to menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\n@Thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Secret Troll\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (nothing v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n else\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (180)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game v]\nforever\n if <touching (you v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n
☀online☀Stick man platformer!!!Sun
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (intro backdrop v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nset size to (80) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [12]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n if <touching (bounce pad v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n reset\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-177]> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n reset\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Next level! v)\n reset\n end\nend\n\ndefine reset\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Bounce Pad\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-147) y: (-142)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-128) y: (-134)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-126) y: (-106)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n play sound [Nightcore - Faded v] until done\nend\n\n@intro(1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (.5) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nset [jiggle v] to [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (125)\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((Effect) * (2)) ) * (10)) + (25))\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (Effect) ) * (3)))\n change [effect v] by (11)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nbroadcast (swoosh v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [FR Xenogenesis v]\n\n@Intro(2)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [swoosh v]\nshow\nstart sound [Whoosh sound effect v]\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [17]>\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (start v)\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (pick random (60) to (0)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (65) to (112))\ngo to x: (600) y: (pick random (-167.01) to (167))\nglide (pick random (6) to (1)) secs to x: (-300) y: (pick random (-167.01) to (167))\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Peace\n————————————————————————\n\nControls: WASD and Arrow Keys\nDescription: This is an easy, peaceful, calming platformer. Send this to your friends who are having a hard time!\n———————————————————————\n Please follow @Capt_Boanerges for \n more cool games!\n Also consider subbing to me on yt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh18K3f8Xii1uf7rqFoOMQ\n\n
home (a platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [notcompiled v]\nswitch backdrop to (notcompiled v)\nhide list [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\nadd [https://turbowarp.org/463553665?hqpen&size=640:360&fps=60] to [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\nswitch backdrop to (empty v)\n\nwhen I receive [askperformance v]\nswitch backdrop to (askperformance v)\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nswitch backdrop to (mainmenu v)\n\nwhen stage clicked\nif <<(--InGame) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n if <(-MainMenuRoom) = [2]> then\n if <<<(mouse y) > ((100) - (--CanvasSizeY))> and <(mouse y) < ((--CanvasSizeY) - (80))>> and <not <(-LevelMenuSelected) = [0]>>> then\n broadcast (UnselectLevel v)\n end\n else\n if <(-MainMenuRoom) = [4]> then\n broadcast (CreditsBack v)\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [1]\n else\n if <(-MainMenuRoom) = [5]> then\n broadcast (ChangeStoryPart v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\ndelete all of [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nswitch backdrop to (options v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nswitch backdrop to (mainmenu v)\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nswitch backdrop to (credits v)\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nswitch backdrop to (mainmenu v)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nswitch backdrop to (story v)\n\n@Empty\n\n@Main\n\ndefine Update Joystick\nif <(--MobileControls) = [1]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(JoystickState) = [-1]> then\n set [joystickvx v] to [0]\n set [joystickvy v] to [0]\n else\n set [joystickvx v] to ((mouse x) - (JoystickCenterX))\n set [joystickvy v] to ((mouse y) - (JoystickCenterY))\n set [joystickmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((JoystickVx) * (JoystickVx)) + ((JoystickVy) * (JoystickVy))) )\n if <(JoystickState) = [0]> then\n if <(JoystickMag) < (JoystickSize)> then\n set [joystickstate v] to [1]\n else\n set [joystickstate v] to [-1]\n set [joystickvx v] to [0]\n set [joystickvy v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(JoystickMag) > (JoystickSize)> then\n set [joystickvx v] to ((JoystickVx) / (JoystickMag))\n set [joystickvy v] to ((JoystickVy) / (JoystickMag))\n else\n set [joystickvx v] to ((JoystickVx) / (JoystickSize))\n set [joystickvy v] to ((JoystickVy) / (JoystickSize))\n end\n end\n else\n set [joystickstate v] to [0]\n set [joystickvx v] to [0]\n set [joystickvy v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Pause\nif <<<(--InGame) = [1]> and <<(-ResetMode) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>> and <<(-TimeTrialLevel) = [0]> or <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]>>> then\n set [--pausegame v] to ((1) - (--PauseGame))\n broadcast (Pause v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n set [pitch v] effect to ((-1) / (0))\n set [-ingamemenu v] to [1]\nelse\n set [pitch v] effect to (0)\n set volume to (100) %\n set [-ingamemenu v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [music volume v] to [100]\nset [sfx volume v] to [100]\nset [-currentmusic v] to [-1]\nset [-transitionscenes v] to [0]\nforever\n play sound (join [music] (-CurrentMusic)) until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nset [-currentmusic v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n if <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n if <(-TransitionScenes) > [0]> then\n set volume to (((1) - (-TransitionSceneState)) * (Music Volume)) %\n else\n if <<<(-TimeTrialLevel) = [1]> and <(--InGame) = [1]>> and <not <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]>>> then\n set volume to (((Music Volume) * (-TimeTrialFinished)) * (0.5)) %\n else\n set volume to (Music Volume) %\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Get Canvas Size\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [--canvassizex v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <(--CanvasSizeX) > [99999]>>\n change [--canvassizex v] by (1)\n change x by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [--canvassizey v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <(--CanvasSizeY) > [99999]>>\n change [--canvassizey v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\nend\nhide\nif <<(--CanvasSizeX) > [99999]> or <(--CanvasSizeY) > [99999]>> then\n set [--canvassizex v] to [240]\n set [--canvassizey v] to [180]\nend\n\ndefine PreInit\nswitch backdrop to (empty v)\nset [~oldtime v] to (days since 2000)\nset [$jumppressed v] to [0]\nset [#fps v] to [?]\nset [--fast_mode v] to [0]\nset [-mainmenuroom v] to [-1]\nset [--pausegame v] to [0]\nset [-oldmusic v] to [0]\nset [--loading v] to [0]\nset [--ingame v] to [0]\nset [-transitionscenes v] to [0]\nset [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\nset [$pausepressed v] to [0]\nset [-ingamemenu v] to [0]\nset [-coinearnedtimer v] to [0]\nset [-coinsearned v] to [0]\nset [-crystalscoreearned v] to [0]\nset [--completedgame v] to [0]\nset [--isnewgame v] to [1]\nset [pitch v] effect to (0)\nset volume to (100) %\nset [color v] effect to (1)\nset [--debug_mode v] to (<key (q v) pressed?> + ())\nreset timer\nGet Canvas Size\nset [--mobilecontrols v] to [0]\nset [joysticksize v] to [50]\nset [joystickcenterx v] to ((70) - (--CanvasSizeX))\nset [joystickcentery v] to ((70) - (--CanvasSizeY))\nset [joystickstate v] to [0]\nset [jumpcenterx v] to ((--CanvasSizeX) - (70))\nset [jumpcentery v] to ((70) - (--CanvasSizeY))\nset [joysticktype v] to [1]\nset [-dynamiccameraactive v] to [0]\n\ndefine DeltaTime\nset [#deltatime v] to ((86400) * ((days since 2000) - (~oldTime)))\nset [~oldtime v] to (days since 2000)\nset [#fps v] to (round ((1) / (#DeltaTime)))\nif <(#DeltaTime) > (#MaxDeltaTime)> then\n set [#deltatime v] to (#MaxDeltaTime)\nend\nif <(--Fast_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [#deltatime v] to (#MaxDeltaTime)\nend\n\nwhen [i v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [--fast_mode v] to ((1) - (--Fast_MODE))\nend\n\nwhen [o v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [@engineusechunks v] to ((1) - (@EngineUseChunks))\nend\n\nwhen [l v] key pressed\nif <key (q v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (DeleteAllData v) and wait\nend\n\ndefine Controls\nset [joystickvx v] to ((mouse x) - (JumpCenterX))\nset [joystickvy v] to ((mouse y) - (JumpCenterY))\nset [joystickmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((JoystickVx) * (JoystickVx)) + ((JoystickVy) * (JoystickVy))) )\nif <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<<(--MobileControls) = [1]> and <mouse down?>> and <<(JoystickMag) < (JoystickSize)> or <<(JoystickType) = [2]> and <(JoystickState) > [0]>>>>> then\n if <($JumpPressed) = [0]> then\n set [$jumppressed v] to [1]\n if <(--MobileControls) = [1]> then\n set [joystickcenterx v] to (JumpCenterX)\n set [joystickcentery v] to (JumpCenterY)\n set [joysticktype v] to [2]\n end\n else\n set [$jumppressed v] to [2]\n end\nelse\n set [$jumppressed v] to [0]\n if <<(--MobileControls) = [1]> and <not <mouse down?>>> then\n set [joystickcenterx v] to ((70) - (--CanvasSizeX))\n set [joystickcentery v] to ((70) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n set [joysticktype v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <<key (p v) pressed?> or <<(--PauseGame) = [0]> and <<<(mouse y) > ((--CanvasSizeY) - (20))> and <([abs v] of (mouse x) ) < [20]>> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n if <($PausePressed) = [0]> then\n set [$pausepressed v] to [1]\n Pause\n end\nelse\n set [$pausepressed v] to [0]\nend\nUpdate Joystick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nPreInit\nbroadcast (EngineInit v) and wait\nbroadcast (LoadMeshes v) and wait\nbroadcast (MyInit v) and wait\nerase all\nset [--iscompiled v] to (<is compiled?> + ())\nset [--ingame v] to [0]\nif <not <is compiled?>> then\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [0.1]\n broadcast (NotCompiled v) and wait\nelse\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [0.2]\n broadcast (AskPerformance v) and wait\nend\nforever\n Controls\n if <(--InGame) = [1]> then\n if <(--Loading) = [0]> then\n if <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n broadcast (update v)\n else\n broadcast (PauseUpdate v)\n end\n erase all\n broadcast (Predraw v)\n broadcast (draw v)\n broadcast (PostDraw v)\n end\n else\n erase all\n broadcast (MenuPreDraw v)\n broadcast (MenuUpdate v)\n end\n DeltaTime\nend\n\n@Draw3D\n\nCalc Trig\n\nset [@camerarotatex v] to ((~cameraX_Rot_temp) - (item (~g) of [@gameobject_rotx v]))\n\nSet Ver1 (((~GetX1) * (zrotcos)) - ((~GetY1) * (zrotsin))) (((~GetX1) * (zrotsin)) + ((~GetY1) * (zrotcos))) (~GetZ1)\nset [@cameraz v] to (~GetZ1)\n\ndefine Sort Objects (lo) (hi)\nset [_sort0 v] to ((lo) - (1))\nrepeat until <((hi) - (_sort0)) < [17]>\n set [_sort1 v] to ((((hi) - (_sort0)) mod (3)) + (1))\n change [_sort0 v] by (1)\n set [_sort2 v] to (item ((round (((_sort0) + (hi)) / (2))) + ((_sort1) - (2))) of [~layervalues v])\n set [_sort3 v] to (item ((hi) - (_sort1)) of [~layervalues v])\n set [_sort1 v] to (item ((_sort0) + (_sort1)) of [~layervalues v])\n if <not <<(_sort1) > (_sort2)> or <(_sort2) > (_sort3)>>> then\n set [_sort4 v] to (_sort0)\n set [_sort5 v] to ((hi) - (1))\n repeat until <(_sort4) > (_sort5)>\n if <(item (_sort4) of [~layervalues v]) > (item ((_sort4) + (1)) of [~layervalues v])> then\n if <<(_sort1) = (_sort2)> and <(_sort2) = (_sort3)>> then\n if <(item ((_sort4) + (1)) of [~layervalues v]) = (_sort1)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (item (_sort4) of [~layervalues v])\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (item ((_sort4) + (1)) of [~layervalues v])\n end\n end\n set [_sort4 v] to [0]\n set [_sort5 v] to [-1]\n else\n if <(item (_sort5) of [~layervalues v]) > (item ((_sort5) + (1)) of [~layervalues v])> then\n if <<(_sort1) = (_sort2)> and <(_sort2) = (_sort3)>> then\n if <(item ((_sort5) + (1)) of [~layervalues v]) = (_sort1)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (item (_sort5) of [~layervalues v])\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (item ((_sort5) + (1)) of [~layervalues v])\n end\n end\n set [_sort4 v] to [0]\n set [_sort5 v] to [-1]\n end\n end\n change [_sort4 v] by (1)\n change [_sort5 v] by (-1)\n end\n if <(_sort5) > [0]> then\n set [_sort0 v] to (hi)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <(_sort1) < (_sort2)> then\n if <(_sort3) < (_sort2)> then\n if <(_sort3) < (_sort1)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort1)\n else\n if <(_sort1) < (_sort3)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort3)\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort2)\n end\n end\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort2)\n end\n else\n if <(_sort2) < (_sort1)> then\n if <(_sort3) < (_sort1)> then\n if <(_sort3) < (_sort2)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort2)\n else\n if <(_sort2) < (_sort3)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort3)\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort1)\n end\n end\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort1)\n end\n else\n if <(_sort3) < (_sort1)> then\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort1)\n else\n set [_sort1 v] to (_sort3)\n end\n end\n end\n set [_sort2 v] to (_sort0)\n while <(item (_sort2) of [~layervalues v]) < (_sort1)>\n change [_sort2 v] by (1)\n end\n set [_sort3 v] to (hi)\n repeat until <(item (_sort3) of [~layervalues v]) < (_sort1)>\n change [_sort3 v] by (-1)\n end\n while <(_sort2) < (_sort3)>\n set [_sort4 v] to (item (_sort2) of [~layervalues v])\n set [_sort6 v] to (item (_sort2) of [~layerids v])\n set [_sort7 v] to (item (_sort2) of [~layertype v])\n replace item (_sort2) of [~layervalues v] with (item (_sort3) of [~layervalues v])\n replace item (_sort2) of [~layerids v] with (item (_sort3) of [~layerids v])\n replace item (_sort2) of [~layertype v] with (item (_sort3) of [~layertype v])\n replace item (_sort3) of [~layervalues v] with (_sort4)\n replace item (_sort3) of [~layerids v] with (_sort6)\n replace item (_sort3) of [~layertype v] with (_sort7)\n change [_sort2 v] by (1)\n while <(item (_sort2) of [~layervalues v]) < (_sort1)>\n change [_sort2 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_sort3 v] by (-1)\n repeat until <(item (_sort3) of [~layervalues v]) < (_sort1)>\n change [_sort3 v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n Sort Objects (_sort0) (_sort3)\nend\nchange [_sort0 v] by (1)\nset [_sort3 v] to (_sort0)\nrepeat ((hi) - (_sort0))\n set [_sort1 v] to (item ((_sort0) + (1)) of [~layervalues v])\n set [_sort6 v] to (item ((_sort0) + (1)) of [~layerids v])\n set [_sort7 v] to (item ((_sort0) + (1)) of [~layertype v])\n set [_sort2 v] to (_sort0)\n repeat until <<not <(_sort1) < (item (_sort2) of [~layervalues v])>> or <(_sort2) < (_sort3)>>\n replace item ((_sort2) + (1)) of [~layervalues v] with (item (_sort2) of [~layervalues v])\n replace item ((_sort2) + (1)) of [~layerids v] with (item (_sort2) of [~layerids v])\n replace item ((_sort2) + (1)) of [~layertype v] with (item (_sort2) of [~layertype v])\n change [_sort2 v] by (-1)\n end\n replace item ((_sort2) + (1)) of [~layervalues v] with (_sort1)\n replace item ((_sort2) + (1)) of [~layerids v] with (_sort6)\n replace item ((_sort2) + (1)) of [~layertype v] with (_sort7)\n change [_sort0 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Quad (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (brightness) (ogcolor) (lightchange) <transparent> (color) (res)\nset [_b v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((e) - (a)) * ((e) - (a))) + (((f) - (b)) * ((f) - (b)))) )\nset [_a v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (e)) * ((c) - (e))) + (((d) - (f)) * ((d) - (f)))) )\nset [_c v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (a)) * ((c) - (a))) + (((d) - (b)) * ((d) - (b)))) )\nset [_p1 v] to ((_A) + ((_B) + (_C)))\ngo to x: (((((_A) * (a)) + ((_B) * (c))) + ((_C) * (e))) / (_P1)) y: (((((_A) * (b)) + ((_B) * (d))) + ((_C) * (f))) / (_P1))\nset pen color to (ogcolor)\nchange pen (brightness v) by (~lightChange)\nif <transparent> then\n set pen (transparency v) to (90)\nend\nquad intern ((x position) - (a)) ((y position) - (b)) ((x position) - (c)) ((y position) - (d)) ((x position) - (e)) ((y position) - (f)) ([sqrt v] of (((((_P1) - ((_A) * (2))) * ((_P1) - ((_B) * (2)))) * ((_P1) - ((_C) * (2)))) / (_P1)) ) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (brightness) (color) (res)\nset [_a v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((g) - (e)) * ((g) - (e))) + (((h) - (f)) * ((h) - (f)))) )\nset [_c v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((a) - (g)) * ((a) - (g))) + (((b) - (h)) * ((b) - (h)))) )\nset [_p1 v] to ((_A) + ((_B) + (_C)))\ngo to x: (((((_A) * (a)) + ((_B) * (g))) + ((_C) * (e))) / (_P1)) y: (((((_A) * (b)) + ((_B) * (h))) + ((_C) * (f))) / (_P1))\nset pen color to (ogcolor)\nchange pen (brightness v) by (~lightChange)\nif <transparent> then\n set pen (transparency v) to (90)\nend\nquad intern ((x position) - (a)) ((y position) - (b)) ((x position) - (g)) ((y position) - (h)) ((x position) - (e)) ((y position) - (f)) ([sqrt v] of (((((_P1) - ((_A) * (2))) * ((_P1) - ((_B) * (2)))) * ((_P1) - ((_C) * (2)))) / (_P1)) ) (a) (b) (g) (h) (e) (f) (brightness) (color) (res)\nset pen size to (2)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\ngo to x: (c) y: (d)\ngo to x: (e) y: (f)\ngo to x: (g) y: (h)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\ngo to x: (e) y: (f)\npen up\n\ndefine quad intern (ina1) (inb1) (inc) (ind) (ine1) (inf1) (inr1) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (brightness) (color) (res)\nif <<(_A) < (_B)> and <(_A) < (_C)>> then\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr1) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((ina1) * (ina1)) + ((inb1) * (inb1))) ))))\nelse\n if <(_B) < (_C)> then\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr1) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((inc) * (inc)) + ((ind) * (ind))) ))))\n else\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr1) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((ine1) * (ine1)) + ((inf1) * (inf1))) ))))\n end\nend\nset pen size to (inr1)\npen down\nset [_c v] to (_A)\nrepeat ((res) - (([ln v] of (inr1) ) / ([ln v] of (_A) )))\n set pen size to ((_A) * (inr1))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_A) * (ina1))) y: ((b) + ((_A) * (inb1)))\n go to x: ((c) + ((_A) * (inc))) y: ((d) + ((_A) * (ind)))\n go to x: ((e) + ((_A) * (ine1))) y: ((f) + ((_A) * (inf1)))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_A) * (ina1))) y: ((b) + ((_A) * (inb1)))\n set [_a v] to ((_A) * (_C))\n change pen (brightness v) by (brightness)\n change pen (color v) by (color)\nend\n\ndefine Azex Draw (ina) (inb) (inc) (ind) (ine) (inf) (inr) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (brightness) (color) (res)\nif <<(_A) < (_B)> and <(_A) < (_C)>> then\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((ina) * (ina)) + ((inb) * (inb))) ))))\nelse\n if <(_B) < (_C)> then\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((inc) * (inc)) + ((ind) * (ind))) ))))\n else\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((ine) * (ine)) + ((inf) * (inf))) ))))\n end\nend\nset pen size to (inr)\npen down\nset [_b v] to (_A)\nrepeat ((res) - (([ln v] of (inr) ) / ([ln v] of (_A) )))\n set pen size to ((_A) * (inr))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_A) * (ina))) y: ((b) + ((_A) * (inb)))\n go to x: ((c) + ((_A) * (inc))) y: ((d) + ((_A) * (ind)))\n go to x: ((e) + ((_A) * (ine))) y: ((f) + ((_A) * (inf)))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_A) * (ina))) y: ((b) + ((_A) * (inb)))\n set [_a v] to ((_A) * (_B))\n change pen (brightness v) by (brightness)\n change pen (color v) by (color)\nend\nset pen size to (2)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\ngo to x: (c) y: (d)\ngo to x: (e) y: (f)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\npen up\n\ndefine Azex Optimized (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (brightness) (color) (res)\nset [_a v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (e)) * ((c) - (e))) + (((d) - (f)) * ((d) - (f)))) )\nset [_b v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((e) - (a)) * ((e) - (a))) + (((f) - (b)) * ((f) - (b)))) )\nset [_c v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((c) - (a)) * ((c) - (a))) + (((d) - (b)) * ((d) - (b)))) )\nset [_p v] to ((_A) + ((_B) + (_C)))\nif <(_P) > [0]> then\n go to x: (((((_A) * (a)) + ((_B) * (c))) + ((_C) * (e))) / (_P)) y: (((((_A) * (b)) + ((_B) * (d))) + ((_C) * (f))) / (_P))\n Azex Draw ((x position) - (a)) ((y position) - (b)) ((x position) - (c)) ((y position) - (d)) ((x position) - (e)) ((y position) - (f)) ([sqrt v] of (((((_P) - ((_A) * (2))) * ((_P) - ((_B) * (2)))) * ((_P) - ((_C) * (2)))) / (_P)) ) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (brightness) (color) (res)\nend\n\ndefine int draw line (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (start size) (end size) (x normal) (y normal) (size diff) (x diff) (y diff)\nset [~tempx1 v] to (x1)\nset [~tempy1 v] to (y1)\nif <(start size) > [1]> then\n set [~temp v] to (start size)\nelse\n set [~temp v] to [1]\nend\nif <(~temp) < (end size)> then\n repeat until <((~temp) * (2)) > (end size)>\n set [~temp2 v] to ((((2) * (~temp)) - (start size)) / (size diff))\n set [~tempx2 v] to ((x1) + ((x diff) * (~temp2)))\n set [~tempy2 v] to ((y1) + ((y diff) * (~temp2)))\n set pen size to (1)\n go to x: ((~tempX2) - ((~temp) * (x normal))) y: ((~tempY2) - ((~temp) * (y normal)))\n pen down\n set pen size to (~temp)\n go to x: (~tempX1) y: (~tempY1)\n go to x: ((~tempX2) + ((~temp) * (x normal))) y: ((~tempY2) + ((~temp) * (y normal)))\n pen up\n set [~tempx1 v] to (~tempX2)\n set [~tempy1 v] to (~tempY2)\n set [~temp v] to ((~temp) * (2))\n end\n go to x: ((x2) - (((end size) - (~temp)) * (x normal))) y: ((y2) - (((end size) - (~temp)) * (y normal)))\n set pen size to (1)\n pen down\n set pen size to (~temp)\n go to x: (~tempX1) y: (~tempY1)\n go to x: ((x2) + (((end size) - (~temp)) * (x normal))) y: ((y2) + (((end size) - (~temp)) * (y normal)))\n pen up\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n set pen size to (end size)\n pen down\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine draw line from x (x1) y (y1) to x (x2) y (y2) start width (start size) end width (end size)\nif <(start size) = (end size)> then\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n set pen size to (1)\n pen down\n set pen size to (start size)\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n pen up\nelse\n set [~mag v] to (([sqrt v] of ((((x2) - (x1)) * ((x2) - (x1))) + (((y2) - (y1)) * ((y2) - (y1)))) ) * (2))\n if <(end size) > (start size)> then\n int draw line (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (start size) (end size) (((y2) - (y1)) / (~Mag)) (((x1) - (x2)) / (~Mag)) ((end size) - (start size)) ((x2) - (x1)) ((y2) - (y1))\n else\n int draw line (x2) (y2) (x1) (y1) (end size) (start size) (((y1) - (y2)) / (~Mag)) (((x2) - (x1)) / (~Mag)) ((start size) - (end size)) ((x1) - (x2)) ((y1) - (y2))\n end\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder\ndelete all of [debug v]\ndelete all of [~layervalues v]\ndelete all of [~layerids v]\ndelete all of [~layertype v]\nif <(@EngineUseChunks) = [1]> then\n GetDrawOrder - GameObjects\n GetDrawOrder - Sprite3D\n GetDrawOrder - Line3D\n GetDrawOrder - Triangle and Quads\nelse\n GetDrawOrder - GameObjects - NoChunks\n GetDrawOrder - Sprite3D - NoChunks\n GetDrawOrder - Line3D - NoChunks\n GetDrawOrder - Triangles and Quads - NoChunks\nend\nSort Objects [1] (length of [~layerids v])\n\ndefine Fill Tri (x0) (y0) (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) res (resolution) color (color) brightness (brightness)\nset [~t_a1 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\nset [~t_a2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x0) - (x2)) * ((x0) - (x2))) + (((y0) - (y2)) * ((y0) - (y2)))) )\nset [~t_a3 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x0) - (x1)) * ((x0) - (x1))) + (((y0) - (y1)) * ((y0) - (y1)))) )\nif <((~T_a1) + ((~T_a2) + (~T_a3))) = [0]> then\n go to x: (x0) y: (y0)\n set pen size to (1)\n pen down\n pen up\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [~t_s v] to ((1) / ((~T_a1) + ((~T_a2) + (~T_a3))))\nset [~t_cx v] to (((((~T_a1) * (x0)) + ((~T_a2) * (x1))) + ((~T_a3) * (x2))) * (~T_s))\nset [~t_cy v] to (((((~T_a1) * (y0)) + ((~T_a2) * (y1))) + ((~T_a3) * (y2))) * (~T_s))\nset [~t_circlerad v] to ([sqrt v] of (((((~T_a2) + (~T_a3)) - (~T_a1)) * ((((~T_a3) + (~T_a1)) - (~T_a2)) * (((~T_a1) + (~T_a2)) - (~T_a3)))) * (~T_s)) )\nset [~t_vx1 v] to ((~T_cx) - (x0))\nset [~t_vy1 v] to ((~T_cy) - (y0))\nset [~t_vx2 v] to ((~T_cx) - (x1))\nset [~t_vy2 v] to ((~T_cy) - (y1))\nset [~t_vx3 v] to ((~T_cx) - (x2))\nset [~t_vy3 v] to ((~T_cy) - (y2))\nif <<(~T_a1) < (~T_a2)> and <(~T_a1) < (~T_a3)>> then\n set [~t_vmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~T_vx1) * (~T_vx1)) + ((~T_vy1) * (~T_vy1))) )\nelse\n if <(~T_a2) < (~T_a3)> then\n set [~t_vmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~T_vx2) * (~T_vx2)) + ((~T_vy2) * (~T_vy2))) )\n else\n set [~t_vmag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~T_vx3) * (~T_vx3)) + ((~T_vy3) * (~T_vy3))) )\n end\nend\nset [~t_r v] to ((((~T_vMag) * (2)) - (~T_CircleRad)) / ((~T_vMag) * (4)))\nset [~t_vmag v] to [1]\ngo to x: (~T_cx) y: (~T_cy)\nset pen size to ([ceiling v] of (~T_CircleRad) )\npen down\nrepeat ([ceiling v] of (([log v] of ((resolution) / (~T_CircleRad)) ) / ([log v] of (~T_r) )) )\n set [~t_vmag v] to ((~T_vMag) * (~T_r))\n set pen size to ([ceiling v] of ((~T_CircleRad) * (~T_vMag)) )\n go to x: ((x0) + ((~T_vx1) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y0) + ((~T_vy1) * (~T_vMag)))\n go to x: ((x1) + ((~T_vx2) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y1) + ((~T_vy2) * (~T_vMag)))\n go to x: ((x2) + ((~T_vx3) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y2) + ((~T_vy3) * (~T_vMag)))\n go to x: ((x0) + ((~T_vx1) * (~T_vMag))) y: ((y0) + ((~T_vy1) * (~T_vMag)))\n change pen (brightness v) by (brightness)\n change pen (color v) by (color)\nend\nset pen size to ([ceiling v] of ((resolution) * (0.55)) )\ngo to x: (x0) y: (y0)\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\ngo to x: (x0) y: (y0)\npen up\n\nwhen I receive [draw v]\nDraw Everything\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nInit\n\ndefine Init\nhide\nset rotation style [all around v]\ndelete all of [~layerids v]\ndelete all of [~layertype v]\ndelete all of [~layervalues v]\n\ndefine Draw Everything\nGet View Matrix\nGetDrawOrder\nset [~i v] to (length of [~layerids v])\nrepeat (length of [~layerids v])\n if <(item (~i) of [~layerids v]) < [0]> then\n Draw World Quad\n else\n set [~gettype v] to (item (~i) of [~layertype v])\n if <(~getType) > [2]> then\n if <(~getType) = [3]> then\n Draw World Triangle Unit\n end\n else\n if <(~getType) = [1]> then\n Draw World Sprite\n else\n if <(~getType) = [0]> then\n Draw World Meshes\n else\n Draw World Line\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [~i v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - GameObjects\nset [~g v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [#chunkactive_gameobject v])\n change [~g v] by (1)\n set [~getgameobjectid v] to (item (~g) of [#chunkactive_gameobject v])\n if (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectactive v]) then\n Calculate CameraTemp Mag ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (item (((~getGameObjectID) * (3)) - (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v])) ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (item (((~getGameObjectID) * (3)) - (1)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v])) ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (item ((~getGameObjectID) * (3)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v])) [0]\n add (~getGameObjectID) to [~layerids v]\n add [0] to [~layertype v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - Sprite3D\nset [~s v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [#chunkactive_sprites v])\n change [~s v] by (1)\n set [~getspriteid v] to (item (~s) of [#chunkactive_sprites v])\n if (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) then\n Calculate CameraTemp Mag (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) ((80) + (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) [0]\n add (~getSpriteID) to [~layerids v]\n add [1] to [~layertype v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Draw World Meshes\nset [~getgameobjectid v] to (item (~i) of [~layerids v])\ndelete all of [~meshlayervalue v]\ndelete all of [~meshlayerid v]\nGet World Matrix ([sin v] of (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) ) ([sin v] of (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) ) ([sin v] of (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotz v]) ) ([cos v] of (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) ) ([cos v] of (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) ) ([cos v] of (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotz v]) )\nApply Transposed World Matrix (#LightX) (#LightY) (#LightZ)\nset [~lighttempx v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~lighttempy v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~lighttempz v] to (~GetZ1)\ndelete all of [~meshvertexx v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexy v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexz v]\ndelete all of [~meshprojectedx v]\ndelete all of [~meshprojectedy v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexstate v]\nset [~v v] to (item (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) of [#vertexescount v])\nrepeat ((item ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) + (1)) of [#vertexescount v]) - (item (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) of [#vertexescount v]))\n change [~v v] by (1)\n World Matrix ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectsizex v]) * (item (~v) of [#vertex_x v])) ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectsizey v]) * (item (~v) of [#vertex_y v])) ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectsizez v]) * (item (~v) of [#vertex_z v]))\n View Matrix ((~GetX1) + ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (@CameraX))) ((~GetY1) + ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (@CameraY))) ((~GetZ1) + ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (@CameraZ)))\n add ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetX1) / (~GetZ1))) to [~meshprojectedx v]\n add ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetY1) / (~GetZ1))) to [~meshprojectedy v]\n add (~GetX1) to [~meshvertexx v]\n add (~GetY1) to [~meshvertexy v]\n add (~GetZ1) to [~meshvertexz v]\n add (<(~GetZ1) > (#MinCameraDist)> + ()) to [~meshvertexstate v]\nend\nset [~vertexadd v] to (item (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) of [#vertexescount v])\nset [~faceadd v] to ((item (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) of [#facescount v]) / (3))\nset [~normaladd v] to (item (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) of [#normalscount v])\nset [~mtr v] to (~faceADD)\nrepeat (((item ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) + (1)) of [#facescount v]) - (item (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v]) of [#facescount v])) / (3))\n set [~facevertexn1 v] to (item (((~mTr) * (3)) + (1)) of [#meshfacedata v])\n set [~facevertexn2 v] to (item (((~mTr) * (3)) + (2)) of [#meshfacedata v])\n set [~facevertexn3 v] to (item (((~mTr) * (3)) + (3)) of [#meshfacedata v])\n if <(item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshvertexstate v]) and <(item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshvertexstate v]) and (item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshvertexstate v])>> then\n set [~tempx0 v] to ((((item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshvertexx v]) + (item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshvertexx v])) + (item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshvertexx v])) / (3))\n set [~tempy0 v] to ((((item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshvertexy v]) + (item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshvertexy v])) + (item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshvertexy v])) / (3))\n set [~tempz0 v] to ((((item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshvertexz v]) + (item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshvertexz v])) + (item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshvertexz v])) / (3))\n set [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX0) * (~tempX0)) + (((~tempY0) * (~tempY0)) + ((~tempZ0) * (~tempZ0)))) )\n if <<(item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v]) = [0]> or <(((item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshprojectedx v]) - (item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshprojectedx v])) * ((item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshprojectedy v]) - (item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshprojectedy v]))) < (((item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshprojectedx v]) - (item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshprojectedx v])) * ((item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshprojectedy v]) - (item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshprojectedy v])))>> then\n Add Mesh Layer (~Mag) (~mTr)\n end\n end\n change [~mtr v] by (1)\nend\nDraw Mesh Triangles\n\ndefine Draw World Sprite\nset [~getspriteid v] to (item (~i) of [~layerids v])\nView Matrix ((item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) - (@CameraZ))\nif <(~GetZ1) > (#MinCameraDist)> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_costumename v])\n go to x: ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetX1) / (~GetZ1))) y: ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetY1) / (~GetZ1)))\n set [ghost v] effect to (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v])\n set size to (((item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_size v]) * (@FocalLength)) / (~GetZ1)) %\n point in direction (((90) - (@CameraRotateZ)) + (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_rotation v]))\n stamp\n switch costume to (size v)\n set size to (100000000) %\n switch costume to (full v)\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - Line3D\nset [~s v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [#chunkactive_lines v])\n change [~s v] by (1)\n set [~getlineid v] to (item (~s) of [#chunkactive_lines v])\n if (item (~getLineID) of [@lineactive v]) then\n Calculate CameraTemp Mag (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesx1 v]) + (item (~getLineID) of [@linesx2 v])) / (2)) (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesy1 v]) + (item (~getLineID) of [@linesy2 v])) / (2)) (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesz1 v]) + (item (~getLineID) of [@linesz2 v])) / (2)) (`LineDistAdd)\n add (~getLineID) to [~layerids v]\n add [2] to [~layertype v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Draw World Line\nset [~getlineid v] to (item (~i) of [~layerids v])\nView Matrix ((item (~getLineID) of [@linesx1 v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item (~getLineID) of [@linesy1 v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item (~getLineID) of [@linesz1 v]) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~tempx0 v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~tempy0 v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~tempz0 v] to (~GetZ1)\nView Matrix ((item (~getLineID) of [@linesx2 v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item (~getLineID) of [@linesy2 v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item (~getLineID) of [@linesz2 v]) - (@CameraZ))\nif <not <<(~tempZ0) < (#MinCameraDist)> and <(~GetZ1) < (#MinCameraDist)>>> then\n set [~temp v] to (((#MinCameraDist) - (~tempZ0)) / ((~GetZ1) - (~tempZ0)))\n if <(~tempZ0) < (#MinCameraDist)> then\n change [~tempx0 v] by (((~GetX1) - (~tempX0)) * (~temp))\n change [~tempy0 v] by (((~GetY1) - (~tempY0)) * (~temp))\n set [~tempz0 v] to (#MinCameraDist)\n else\n if <(~GetZ1) < (#MinCameraDist)> then\n set [~getx1 v] to ((~tempX0) + (((~GetX1) - (~tempX0)) * (~temp)))\n set [~gety1 v] to ((~tempY0) + (((~GetY1) - (~tempY0)) * (~temp)))\n set [~getz1 v] to (#MinCameraDist)\n end\n end\n set pen color to (item (~getLineID) of [@linecolor v])\n draw line from x ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempX0) / (~tempZ0))) y ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempY0) / (~tempZ0))) to x ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetX1) / (~GetZ1))) y ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetY1) / (~GetZ1))) start width (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesize v]) * (@FocalLength)) / (~tempZ0)) end width (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesize v]) * (@FocalLength)) / (~GetZ1))\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - Triangle and Quads\nset [~s v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [#chunkactive_triangles v])\n set [~gettriangleid v] to (item (~s) of [#chunkactive_triangles v])\n set [~t v] to (((~getTriangleID) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n if (item (~getTriangleID) of [#triangleisquad v]) then\n if <(item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglerendering v]) and (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangle_active v])> then\n Sorting Quads\n add ((0) - (~getTriangleID)) to [~layerids v]\n add [3] to [~layertype v]\n end\n else\n if <(item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglerendering v]) and (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangle_active v])> then\n Sorting triangle units\n add ((~getTriangleID) - (1)) to [~layerids v]\n add [3] to [~layertype v]\n end\n end\n change [~s v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Draw World Triangle Unit\nset [~gettriangleid v] to ((item (~i) of [~layerids v]) + (1))\nset [~gettriangleidadd v] to ((item (~i) of [~layerids v]) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~tempx0 v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~tempy0 v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~tempz0 v] to (~GetZ1)\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~tempx2 v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~tempy2 v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~tempz2 v] to (~GetZ1)\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nif <<(~tempZ0) > (#MinCameraDist)> or <<(~tempZ2) > (#MinCameraDist)> or <(~GetZ1) > (#MinCameraDist)>>> then\n change [~tempz0 v] by (<(~tempZ0) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~tempZ0)))\n change [~tempz2 v] by (<(~tempZ2) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~tempZ2)))\n change [~getz1 v] by (<(~GetZ1) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~GetZ1)))\n set [~lightchange v] to ((((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v]) * (#LightX)) + ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) * (#LightY))) + ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v]) * (#LightZ)))\n set [~lightchange v] to ((@LightAmbient) + ((@LightContrast) * ((~lightChange) * ((<((((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (14)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) * (item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v])) + ((((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (15)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) * (item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])) + (((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (16)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ)) * (item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v])))) < [0]> * (2)) - (1)))))\n set pen color to (item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglecolor v])\n change pen (brightness v) by (~lightChange)\n if (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangletransparentdist v]) then\n if <(((~tempZ0) + ((~tempZ2) + (~GetZ1))) / (3)) < (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangletransparentdist v])> then\n set pen (transparency v) to (90)\n end\n end\n Azex Optimized ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempX0) / (~tempZ0))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempY0) / (~tempZ0))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempX2) / (~tempZ2))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempY2) / (~tempZ2))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetX1) / (~GetZ1))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetY1) / (~GetZ1))) (item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglestylebrightness v]) (item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglestylecolor v]) (((@Resolution) * (-0.5)) - ((item (~i) of [~layervalues v]) * (0.00007)))\nend\n\ndefine Sorting triangle units\nset [~tempx0 v] to ((item ((~t) + (14)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX))\nset [~tempy0 v] to ((item ((~t) + (15)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY))\nset [~tempz0 v] to ((item ((~t) + (16)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nadd ((`TriangleDistAdd) + ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX0) * (~tempX0)) + (((~tempY0) * (~tempY0)) + ((~tempZ0) * (~tempZ0)))) )) to [~layervalues v]\n\ndefine Draw World Quad\nset [~gettriangleid v] to (() - (item (~i) of [~layerids v]))\nset [~gettriangleidadd v] to (((-1) - (item (~i) of [~layerids v])) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~tempx0 v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~tempy0 v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~tempz0 v] to (~GetZ1)\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~tempx2 v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~tempy2 v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~tempz2 v] to (~GetZ1)\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~tempx3 v] to (~GetX1)\nset [~tempy3 v] to (~GetY1)\nset [~tempz3 v] to (~GetZ1)\nView Matrix ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + ((4) + (`TriangleDataPerInst))) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + ((5) + (`TriangleDataPerInst))) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + ((6) + (`TriangleDataPerInst))) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ))\nif <not <<<(~tempZ0) < (#MinCameraDist)> and <(~tempZ3) < (#MinCameraDist)>> and <<(~tempZ2) < (#MinCameraDist)> and <(~GetZ1) < (#MinCameraDist)>>>> then\n change [~tempz0 v] by (<(~tempZ0) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~tempZ0)))\n change [~tempz2 v] by (<(~tempZ2) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~tempZ2)))\n change [~tempz3 v] by (<(~tempZ3) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~tempZ3)))\n change [~getz1 v] by (<(~GetZ1) < (#MinCameraDist)> * ((#MinCameraDist) - (~GetZ1)))\n set [~lightchange v] to ((((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v]) * (#LightX)) + ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) * (#LightY))) + ((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v]) * (#LightZ)))\n set [~lightchange v] to ((@LightAmbient) + ((@LightContrast) * ((~lightChange) * ((<((((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (14)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraX)) * (item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v])) + ((((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (15)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraY)) * (item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])) + (((item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (16)) of [#triangledata v]) - (@CameraZ)) * (item ((~getTriangleIDAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v])))) < [0]> * (2)) - (1)))))\n if (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangletransparentdist v]) then\n set [~temp v] to ((0) + <((((~tempZ3) + (~GetZ1)) + ((~tempZ0) + (~tempZ2))) / (4)) < (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangletransparentdist v])>)\n else\n set [~temp v] to [0]\n end\n Quad ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempX0) / (~tempZ0))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempY0) / (~tempZ0))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempX2) / (~tempZ2))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempY2) / (~tempZ2))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempX3) / (~tempZ3))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~tempY3) / (~tempZ3))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetX1) / (~GetZ1))) ((@FocalLength) * ((~GetY1) / (~GetZ1))) (item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglestylebrightness v]) (item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglecolor v]) (~lightChange) <(~temp) = [1]> (item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglestylecolor v]) (((@Resolution) * (-0.5)) - ((item (~i) of [~layervalues v]) * (0.00007)))\nend\n\ndefine Sorting Quads\nset [~tempx0 v] to ((((item ((~t) + (14)) of [#triangledata v]) + (item ((~t) + ((14) + (`TriangleDataPerInst))) of [#triangledata v])) / (2)) - (@CameraX))\nset [~tempy0 v] to ((((item ((~t) + (15)) of [#triangledata v]) + (item ((~t) + ((15) + (`TriangleDataPerInst))) of [#triangledata v])) / (2)) - (@CameraY))\nset [~tempz0 v] to ((((item ((~t) + (16)) of [#triangledata v]) + (item ((~t) + ((16) + (`TriangleDataPerInst))) of [#triangledata v])) / (2)) - (@CameraZ))\nadd ((`TriangleDistAdd) + ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX0) * (~tempX0)) + (((~tempY0) * (~tempY0)) + ((~tempZ0) * (~tempZ0)))) )) to [~layervalues v]\n\ndefine Add Mesh Layer (zvalue) (id)\nset [~sort_low v] to [1]\nset [~sort_high v] to ((length of [~meshlayervalue v]) + (1))\nrepeat until <not <(~sort_Low) < (~sort_High)>>\n set [~sort_mid v] to ([floor v] of (((~sort_Low) + (~sort_High)) / (2)) )\n if <(zvalue) < (item (~sort_Mid) of [~meshlayervalue v])> then\n set [~sort_low v] to ((~sort_Mid) + (1))\n else\n set [~sort_high v] to (~sort_Mid)\n end\nend\ninsert (zvalue) at (~sort_Low) of [~meshlayervalue v] \ninsert (id) at (~sort_Low) of [~meshlayerid v] \n\ndefine Draw Mesh Triangles\nset [~mtr v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [~meshlayerid v])\n change [~mtr v] by (1)\n set [~getid v] to ((item (~mTr) of [~meshlayerid v]) * (3))\n set [~facevertexn1 v] to (item ((~getID) + (1)) of [#meshfacedata v])\n set [~facevertexn2 v] to (item ((~getID) + (2)) of [#meshfacedata v])\n set [~facevertexn3 v] to (item ((~getID) + (3)) of [#meshfacedata v])\n set [~pointer v] to (((item (((~getID) / (3)) + (1)) of [#pointertonormal v]) * (3)) + (~normalAdd))\n set [~lightval v] to ((((item ((~pointer) - (2)) of [#meshnormal v]) * (~lightTempX)) + ((item ((~pointer) - (1)) of [#meshnormal v]) * (~lightTempY))) + ((item (item (~pointer) of [#meshnormal v]) of [#meshnormal v]) * (~lightTempZ)))\n set [~material_id v] to ((((~getGameObjectID) - (1)) * (`MaxMaterials)) + (item ((item (~mTr) of [~meshlayerid v]) + (1)) of [#meshmaterial v]))\n set pen color to (item (~material_ID) of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v])\n change pen (brightness v) by ((@LightAmbient) + ((@LightContrast) * (~LightVal)))\n change pen (saturation v) by ((-20) * (~LightVal))\n Azex Optimized (item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshprojectedx v]) (item (~faceVertexN1) of [~meshprojectedy v]) (item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshprojectedx v]) (item (~faceVertexN2) of [~meshprojectedy v]) (item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshprojectedx v]) (item (~faceVertexN3) of [~meshprojectedy v]) (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectstylebrightness v]) (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectstylecolor v]) (((@Resolution) * (-0.25)) - ((item (~i) of [~layervalues v]) * (0.00003)))\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - GameObjects - NoChunks\nset [~getgameobjectid v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@gameobjectactive v])\n change [~getgameobjectid v] by (1)\n if (item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectactive v]) then\n Calculate CameraTemp Mag ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (item (((~getGameObjectID) * (3)) - (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v])) ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (item (((~getGameObjectID) * (3)) - (1)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v])) ((item (~getGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (item ((~getGameObjectID) * (3)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v])) [0]\n add (~getGameObjectID) to [~layerids v]\n add [0] to [~layertype v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - Sprite3D - NoChunks\nset [~getspriteid v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@sprite3d_active v])\n change [~getspriteid v] by (1)\n if (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) then\n Calculate CameraTemp Mag (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) ((80) + (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) (item (~getSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) [0]\n add (~getSpriteID) to [~layerids v]\n add [1] to [~layertype v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - Line3D - NoChunks\nset [~getlineid v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@lineactive v])\n change [~getlineid v] by (1)\n if (item (~getLineID) of [@lineactive v]) then\n Calculate CameraTemp Mag (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesx1 v]) + (item (~getLineID) of [@linesx2 v])) / (2)) (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesy1 v]) + (item (~getLineID) of [@linesy2 v])) / (2)) (((item (~getLineID) of [@linesz1 v]) + (item (~getLineID) of [@linesz2 v])) / (2)) (`LineDistAdd)\n add (~getLineID) to [~layerids v]\n add [2] to [~layertype v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GetDrawOrder - Triangles and Quads - NoChunks\nset [~gettriangleid v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of [@triangle_active v]) - (`NumberOfQuads))\n change [~gettriangleid v] by (1)\n set [~t v] to (((~getTriangleID) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n if (item (~getTriangleID) of [#triangleisquad v]) then\n if <(item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglerendering v]) and (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangle_active v])> then\n Sorting Quads\n add ((0) - (~getTriangleID)) to [~layerids v]\n add [3] to [~layertype v]\n end\n change [~gettriangleid v] by (1)\n else\n if <(item (~getTriangleID) of [@trianglerendering v]) and (item (~getTriangleID) of [@triangle_active v])> then\n Sorting triangle units\n add ((~getTriangleID) - (1)) to [~layerids v]\n add [3] to [~layertype v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Get World Matrix (sin rotx) (sin roty) (sin rotz) (cos rotx) (cos roty) (cos rotz)\nset [~wm1 v] to (((cos roty) * (cos rotz)) - ((sin rotx) * ((sin roty) * (sin rotz))))\nset [~wm2 v] to ((0) - ((sin rotz) * (cos rotx)))\nset [~wm3 v] to (((sin roty) * (cos rotz)) + ((sin rotx) * ((cos roty) * (sin rotz))))\nset [~wm4 v] to (((cos roty) * (sin rotz)) + ((sin rotx) * ((sin roty) * (cos rotz))))\nset [~wm5 v] to ((cos rotx) * (cos rotz))\nset [~wm6 v] to (((sin roty) * (sin rotz)) - ((sin rotx) * ((cos roty) * (cos rotz))))\nset [~wm7 v] to ((0) - ((cos rotx) * (sin roty)))\nset [~wm8 v] to (sin rotx)\nset [~wm9 v] to ((cos rotx) * (cos roty))\n\ndefine Get View Matrix\nset [~vm1 v] to (((#CamCosY) * (#CamCosZ)) + (() - ((#CamSinX) * ((#CamSinY) * (#CamSinZ)))))\nset [~vm2 v] to ((() - (#CamSinZ)) * (#CamCosX))\nset [~vm3 v] to (((#CamSinX) * ((#CamCosY) * (#CamSinZ))) - ((() - (#CamSinY)) * (#CamCosZ)))\nset [~vm4 v] to (((#CamSinX) * ((#CamSinY) * (#CamCosZ))) - ((#CamCosY) * (() - (#CamSinZ))))\nset [~vm5 v] to ((#CamCosX) * (#CamCosZ))\nset [~vm6 v] to (((#CamSinY) * (#CamSinZ)) + ((() - (#CamSinX)) * ((#CamCosY) * (#CamCosZ))))\nset [~vm7 v] to ((#CamCosX) * (() - (#CamSinY)))\nset [~vm8 v] to (#CamSinX)\nset [~vm9 v] to ((#CamCosX) * (#CamCosY))\n\ndefine World Matrix (x) (y) (z)\nset [~getx1 v] to (((x) * (~WM1)) + (((y) * (~WM2)) + ((z) * (~WM3))))\nset [~gety1 v] to (((x) * (~WM4)) + (((y) * (~WM5)) + ((z) * (~WM6))))\nset [~getz1 v] to (((x) * (~WM7)) + (((y) * (~WM8)) + ((z) * (~WM9))))\n\ndefine View Matrix (x) (y) (z)\nset [~getx1 v] to (((x) * (~VM1)) + (((y) * (~VM2)) + ((z) * (~VM3))))\nset [~gety1 v] to (((x) * (~VM4)) + (((y) * (~VM5)) + ((z) * (~VM6))))\nset [~getz1 v] to (((x) * (~VM7)) + (((y) * (~VM8)) + ((z) * (~VM9))))\n\ndefine Apply Transposed World Matrix (x) (y) (z)\nset [~getx1 v] to (((x) * (~WM1)) + (((y) * (~WM4)) + ((z) * (~WM7))))\nset [~gety1 v] to (((x) * (~WM2)) + (((y) * (~WM5)) + ((z) * (~WM8))))\nset [~getz1 v] to (((x) * (~WM3)) + (((y) * (~WM6)) + ((z) * (~WM9))))\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\nDelete so game can save\n\ndefine Delete so game can save\ndelete all of [~meshlayerid v]\ndelete all of [~meshlayervalue v]\ndelete all of [~meshprojectedx v]\ndelete all of [~meshprojectedy v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexstate v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexx v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexy v]\ndelete all of [~meshvertexz v]\ndelete all of [~templist v]\ndelete all of [~tempworldtrig v]\ndelete all of [~layerids v]\ndelete all of [~layertype v]\ndelete all of [~layervalues v]\n\ndefine Calculate CameraTemp Mag (x) (y) (z) (offset)\nadd (([sqrt v] of ((((@CameraX) - (x)) * ((@CameraX) - (x))) + ((((@CameraY) - (y)) * ((@CameraY) - (y))) + (((@CameraZ) - (z)) * ((@CameraZ) - (z))))) ) + (offset)) to [~layervalues v]\n\n@Update\n\nrepeat until <<(*boxCollision) = [1]> or <(!sy) < [-200]>>\n change [!sy v] by (-20)\n *Box Shadow Collision (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) size [10]\nend\n\ndefine [T] Multiply Two Quaternions (x1) (y1) (z1) (w1) q2 (x2) (y2) (z2) (w2)\nset [!quatx v] to (((w1) * (x2)) + (((x1) * (w2)) + (((y1) * (z2)) - ((z1) * (y2)))))\nset [!quaty v] to (((w1) * (y2)) + (((y1) * (w2)) + (((z1) * (x2)) - ((x1) * (z2)))))\nset [!quatz v] to (((w1) * (z2)) + (((z1) * (w2)) + (((x1) * (y2)) - ((y1) * (x2)))))\nset [!quatw v] to (((w1) * (w2)) - (((x1) * (x2)) + (((y1) * (y2)) + ((z1) * (z2)))))\n\ndefine [T] Get Euler Angles From Quaternion (x) (y) (z) (w)\nif <([abs v] of ((2) * (((w) * (x)) + ((y) * (z)))) ) = [1]> then\n set [*getangley v] to [0]\n if <((2) * (((w) * (x)) + ((y) * (z)))) = [1]> then\n set [*getanglex v] to [90]\n [T] Atan2 ((2) * (((x) * (y)) - ((w) * (z)))) ((2) * (((w) * (y)) + ((x) * (z))))\n set [*getanglez v] to (*getAngle)\n else\n set [*getanglex v] to [-90]\n [T] Atan2 ((-2) * (((x) * (y)) - ((w) * (z)))) ((-2) * (((w) * (y)) + ((x) * (z))))\n set [*getanglez v] to (*getAngle)\n end\nelse\n set [*getanglex v] to ([asin v] of ((2) * (((w) * (x)) + ((y) * (z)))) )\n [T] Atan2 (((0) - ((2) * (((x) * (z)) - ((w) * (y))))) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) )) (((1) - ((2) * (((x) * (x)) + ((y) * (y))))) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) ))\n set [*getangley v] to (*getAngle)\n [T] Atan2 (((0) - ((2) * (((x) * (y)) - ((w) * (z))))) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) )) (((1) - ((2) * (((x) * (x)) + ((z) * (z))))) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) ))\n set [*getanglez v] to (*getAngle)\nend\n\ndefine [T] Get Quaternion From Axis and angle (x) (y) (z) angle (a)\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + (((y) * (y)) + ((z) * (z)))) )\nset [~ax v] to ((a) * (0.5))\nset [!quatx2 v] to (((x) / (~A_mag)) * ([sin v] of (~ax) ))\nset [!quaty2 v] to (((y) / (~A_mag)) * ([sin v] of (~ax) ))\nset [!quatz2 v] to (((z) / (~A_mag)) * ([sin v] of (~ax) ))\nset [!quatw2 v] to ([cos v] of (~ax) )\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((!quatX2) * (!quatX2)) + (((!quatY2) * (!quatY2)) + (((!quatZ2) * (!quatZ2)) + ((!quatW2) * (!quatW2))))) )\nset [!quatx2 v] to ((!quatX2) / (~A_mag))\nset [!quaty2 v] to ((!quatY2) / (~A_mag))\nset [!quatz2 v] to ((!quatZ2) / (~A_mag))\nset [!quatw2 v] to ((!quatW2) / (~A_mag))\n\ndefine !Slow down slippery velocity (slowval)\nif <(!velX) > [0]> then\n change [!velx v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (slowval)))\n if <(!velX) < [0]> then\n set [!velx v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(!velX) < [0]> then\n change [!velx v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (slowval))\n if <(!velX) > [0]> then\n set [!velx v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(!velZ) > [0]> then\n change [!velz v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (slowval)))\n if <(!velZ) < [0]> then\n set [!velz v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(!velZ) < [0]> then\n change [!velz v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (slowval))\n if <(!velZ) > [0]> then\n set [!velz v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Walk Move\nset [!havecontrol v] to [0]\nif <(--MobileControls) = [1]> then\n if <(JoystickState) > [0]> then\n [T] Atan2 (() - (JoystickVy)) (() - (JoystickVx))\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (*getAngle))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (315))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n else\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (225))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n else\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (270))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (45))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n else\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (135))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n else\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (90))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (0))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n else\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) + (180))\n set [!havecontrol v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [!movex v] to [0]\nset [!movez v] to [0]\nset [!waspreviouslywalking v] to (<<(!isWalking) = [1]> and <(!velGravityY) = [0]>> + ())\nset [!iswalking v] to (!haveControl)\nif <(!haveControl) = [1]> then\n set [!movex v] to (() - ([cos v] of (!targetAngle) ))\n set [!movez v] to (() - ([sin v] of (!targetAngle) ))\n if <(--MobileControls) = [0]> then\n set [!playermovepower v] to [1]\n else\n set [!playermovepower v] to ([sqrt v] of (((JoystickVx) * (JoystickVx)) + ((JoystickVy) * (JoystickVy))) )\n set [!movex v] to ((!moveX) * (!PlayerMovePower))\n set [!movez v] to ((!moveZ) * (!PlayerMovePower))\n end\nend\nset [!playerangle v] to ((!playerAngle) mod (360))\nset [!targetangle v] to ((!targetAngle) mod (360))\n[T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (!playerAngle) ((270) - (!targetAngle))\nif <([abs v] of (*return) ) < ((#DeltaTime) * (100))> then\n set [!playerangle v] to ((270) - (!targetAngle))\nelse\n change [!playerangle v] by (((*return) * ((3) * (#DeltaTime))) + (((<(*return) > [0]> * (2)) + (-1)) * ((90) * (#DeltaTime))))\nend\nreplace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_roty v] with (!playerAngle)\n\ndefine !Walk (x) (z) y per slope (yperslope)\nset [!oldy v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v])\nreplace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (x))\nreplace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (z))\nset [!slope v] to [0]\n[C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\nset [!templocal v] to [0]\nif <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n set [!templocal v] to (*finalCollision)\nend\nif <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Player Vs All AABB\nend\nif <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n if <(!velGravityY) = [0]> then\n repeat until <<not <(!slope) < [6]>> or <(*finalCollision) = [0]>>\n change [!slope v] by (1)\n !T p Y ((#DeltaTime) * (yperslope))\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n set [!templocal v] to (*finalCollision)\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Player Vs All AABB\n end\n end\n !T p Y ((#DeltaTime) * (() - (yperslope)))\n if <not <(!slope) < [6]>> then\n !Slow down slippery velocity ((-VelSlowDown) * (4))\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with (!oldY)\n [G] Translate GameObject (-PlayerGameObjectID) for (() - ((x) * ((1) + ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120)))))) [0] (() - ((z) * ((1) + ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120))))))\n if <(!tempLocal) = [1]> then\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Player Vs All AABB\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n [G] Translate GameObject (-PlayerGameObjectID) for ((x) * ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120)))) [0] ((z) * ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120))))\n end\n end\n end\n else\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with (!oldY)\n [G] Translate GameObject (-PlayerGameObjectID) for (() - ((x) * ((1) + ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120)))))) [0] (() - ((z) * ((1) + ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120))))))\n if <(!tempLocal) = [1]> then\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Player Vs All AABB\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n [G] Translate GameObject (-PlayerGameObjectID) for ((x) * ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120)))) [0] ((z) * ((!tempLocal) * ((#FPS) / (120))))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Coins\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-coins v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-coins v])\n !Coin Update Type [1] costume [c]\nend\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-bigcoins v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-bigcoins v])\n !Coin Update Type [5] costume [bc]\nend\n\ndefine !Translate Triangles and Quads\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-movingplatforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-movingplatforms v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n set [!getangle v] to ((1) - ((([sin v] of (((!timer) * (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v])) + (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v])) ) + (1)) / (2)))\n set [!getx v] to ((!getAngle) * ((item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v])))\n set [!gety v] to ((!getAngle) * ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v])))\n set [!getz v] to ((!getAngle) * ((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v])))\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!getID) to (!getX) (!getY) (!getZ)\nend\n\ndefine !Reset Level\nif <(-BossID) = [0]> then\n if <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [1]> then\n set [-timetrialwait v] to [3]\n set [-timetrialsound v] to [3]\n set [-timetrialfrozen v] to [0]\n set [-timetrialtime v] to [0]\n !Start Level (-CurrentLevel_ID) Soft Reset \n else\n if <<not <(-HiddenEndID) = [-1]>> and <(item ((((-HiddenEndID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (2)) of [^gd v]) = [0]>> then\n [G] Remove GameObject (-HiddenEndID)\n delete (item # of (-HiddenEndID) in [#chunkactive_gameobject v]) of [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\n set [-hiddenendid v] to [-1]\n set [-gamebacktostart v] to [0]\n end\n if <(-CurrentCheckPoint) = [0]> then\n [G] Set Position of (-PlayerGameObjectID) to (-StartX) (-StartY) (-StartZ)\n !Set Camera Pos (item (1) of [@startcamera v]) (item (2) of [@startcamera v]) (item (3) of [@startcamera v])\n [T] Camera Look at position (-StartX) (-StartY) (-StartZ)\n set [!playerangle v] to ((360) - (@CameraRotateY))\n set [!targetangle v] to ((@CameraRotateY) - (90))\n else\n [G] Set Position of (-PlayerGameObjectID) to ((-CheckPointX) + (([cos v] of ((-CheckPointAngle) + (-90)) ) * (100))) (-CheckPointY) ((-CheckPointZ) + (([sin v] of ((-CheckPointAngle) + (-90)) ) * (100)))\n !Set Camera Pos ((-CheckPointX) + (([cos v] of (-CheckPointAngle) ) * (-600))) ((-CheckPointY) + (320)) ((-CheckPointZ) + (([sin v] of (-CheckPointAngle) ) * (-600)))\n [T] Camera Look at position (-CheckPointX) (-CheckPointY) (-CheckPointZ)\n set [!playerangle v] to ((90) - (-CheckPointAngle))\n set [!targetangle v] to ((-CheckPointAngle) - (180))\n end\n set [!velgravityy v] to [0]\n set [!timer v] to [0]\n set [!velx v] to [0]\n set [!vely v] to [0]\n set [!velz v] to [0]\n set [!stepstate v] to [0]\n set [!falling v] to [1]\n set [!stretch v] to [1]\n set [-cameratriggerstate v] to [-1]\n set [-currentactivetrigger v] to [0]\n set [-camerahasfocus v] to [0]\n set [-camerafocusstate v] to [0]\n set [!jumpcooldown v] to [0]\n set [!playerropeid v] to [0]\n set [-dynamiccamerastate v] to [0]\n if <(-SnowInLevel) = [1]> then\n !Starting Snow\n end\n [E] My Update\n !Reload Non Saved Entities\n end\nelse\n !Start Level (-CurrentLevel_ID) Soft Reset \nend\n\ndefine !Player Animation\nif <(!playerOffRope) = [0]> then\n if <(!falling) > [0]> then\n if <(!velGravityY) > [0]> then\n change [!animationstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (30))\n if <(!animationState) > [9.99]> then\n set [!animationstate v] to [9.99]\n end\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&PlayerJumpIn) + ([floor v] of (!animationState) ))\n else\n change [!animationstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (-20))\n if <(!animationState) < [0]> then\n set [!animationstate v] to [0]\n end\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&PlayerJumpIn) + ([floor v] of (!animationState) ))\n end\n else\n if <(!isWalking) = [0]> then\n change [!animationstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (10))\n if <(!animationState) > [9.999]> then\n set [!animationstate v] to [0]\n end\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&PlayerIdle) + ([floor v] of (!animationState) ))\n else\n if <(!WasPreviouslyWalking) = [0]> then\n set [!animationstate v] to [3]\n set [!stepstate v] to [1]\n else\n if <(!collideSlippery) = [0]> then\n change [!animationstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (((-PlayerMoveSpeed) * (!PlayerMovePower)) * (0.035)))\n else\n change [!animationstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * ((0.035) * ([sqrt v] of (((!velX) * (!velX)) + ((!velZ) * (!velZ))) )))\n end\n if <(!animationState) > [9]> then\n set [!stepstate v] to [0]\n change [!animationstate v] by (-9)\n end\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&PlayerWalk) + ([floor v] of (!animationState) ))\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&PlayerHoldRope) + (([floor v] of (!playerOffRope) ) - (1)))\nend\n\ndefine !Player Stretch\nif <(!falling) > [0]> then\n if <(!velGravityY) > [0]> then\n change [!stretch v] by (((#DeltaTime) * ((2) - (!stretch))) * (0.8))\n else\n if <(!falling) > [0.3]> then\n change [!stretch v] by (((#DeltaTime) * (() - (!stretch))) * (0.5))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(!stretch) < [1]> then\n change [!stretch v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (((1) - (!stretch)) * (5)))\n else\n set [!stretch v] to [1]\n end\nend\nreplace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectsizey v] with (!stretch)\n\ndefine !Player Line Collision - VelY (vely)\nset [~collisioncounter v] to [0]\n[C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\nif <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n set [!getlineid v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collidablelines v])\n set [!velgravityy v] to [0]\n set [!wascollided v] to [1]\n set [!collidebounce v] to [0]\n set [!jumppowertri v] to [1]\n set [!collideslippery v] to [0]\n repeat until <(*finalCollision) = [0]>\n if <(~collisionCounter) < [30]> then\n change [~collisioncounter v] by (1)\n if <<(vely) > [0]> and <(*colY) > ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset))>> then\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (-100)) + (-1))\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-4))\n set [!falling v] to [0]\n set [!touchceiling v] to [1]\n set [!jumpcooldown v] to [0.2]\n else\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (50)) + (1))\n if <(!falling) > [0.5]> then\n start sound [FallGround v]\n end\n set [!falling v] to [0]\n set [!isjumpwalk v] to [0]\n set [!wasonground v] to [1]\n set [!touchceiling v] to [0]\n end\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n else\n start sound [Toy Zing v]\n change [!stretch v] by ((-4) * (#DeltaTime))\n if <(!stretch) < [0.25]> then\n set [!stretch v] to [0.25]\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Falling Platforms\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-fallingplatforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-fallingplatforms v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) = [1]> then\n [Tr Q] Translate Triangle or Quad ID: (!getID) for [0] ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) * ((30) * (#DeltaTime))) [0]\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) > [0]> then\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) < [3]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with [3]\n end\n if <not <(item (!getID) of [@triangley v]) < [0]>> then\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!getID) to [0] [0] [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with [0]\n [Tr Q] Reset Translation (!getID)\n end\n else\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) + ((-15) * (#DeltaTime)))\n if <<(item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) < [-80]> and <(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]) = [0]>> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with [200]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Camera Movement\nif <<(-deadState) = [0]> and <not <(-ResetMode) = [1]>>> then\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camerax v] by (((#DeltaTime) * (10)) * ((-CameraMoveSpeed) * (#CamCosY)))\n change [@cameraz v] by (((#DeltaTime) * (10)) * ((-CameraMoveSpeed) * (#CamSinY)))\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camerax v] by (((#DeltaTime) * (10)) * ((() - (-CameraMoveSpeed)) * (#CamCosY)))\n change [@cameraz v] by (((#DeltaTime) * (10)) * ((() - (-CameraMoveSpeed)) * (#CamSinY)))\n end\n set [~vy v] to [0]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [~vy v] to [500]\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [~vy v] to [-200]\n end\n set [~vx v] to ((@CameraX) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]))\n set [~vz v] to ((@CameraZ) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n set [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~vx) * (~vx)) + (() + ((~vz) * (~vz)))) )\n change [@camerax v] by ((((((~vx) / (~mag)) * (650)) + (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (@CameraX)) * ((#DeltaTime) * (10)))\n change [@cameray v] by ((((~vy) + ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (360))) - (@CameraY)) * ((#DeltaTime) * (6)))\n change [@cameraz v] by ((((((~vz) / (~mag)) * (650)) + (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (@CameraZ)) * ((#DeltaTime) * (10)))\n !Dynamic Camera\nend\n[T] Camera Look at position (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])\n\ndefine !Calculate Shadow\nset [!sx v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v])\nset [!sy v] to ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (0))\nset [!sz v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])\nreplace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [1]\n[C] Sphere vs ALL triangles (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) radius (-PlayerRadius)\nif <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Shadow vs all AABB\nend\nif <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) radius [40]\nend\nrepeat until <<(*finalCollision) = [1]> or <(!sy) < ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (1000))>>\n change [!sy v] by (-50)\n [C] Sphere vs ALL triangles (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Shadow vs all AABB\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) radius [40]\n end\nend\nif <(!sy) < ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (1000))> then\n replace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\nelse\n repeat until <(*finalCollision) = [0]>\n change [!sy v] by (2)\n [C] Sphere vs ALL triangles (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n !Shadow vs all AABB\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (!sx) (!sy) (!sz) radius [40]\n end\n end\n replace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with (!sx)\n replace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((!sy) - (-PlayerRadius))\n replace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with (!sz)\n replace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with ((((((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ()) - (-PlayerRadius)) - (!sy)) / (20)) + (50))\n replace item (-ShadowSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_size v] with ((((((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ()) - (-PlayerRadius)) - (!sy)) / (1.5)) + (300))\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Load scene from data (data) multiply (mult) add (add)\n[E] Engine Init\nset [~load_chunks v] to []\nset [~load_points v] to []\nset [~load_lines v] to []\nset [~load_triangles v] to []\nset [~load_camera v] to []\nset [*load_iter v] to [1]\nset [~load_length v] to (length of (data))\nrepeat until <<(*load_iter) > (~load_length)> or <(letter (*load_iter) of (data)) = [~]>>\n set [~load_chunks v] to (join (~load_chunks) (letter (*load_iter) of (data)))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\nend\nchange [*load_iter v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<(*load_iter) > (~load_length)> or <(letter (*load_iter) of (data)) = [~]>>\n set [~load_camera v] to (join (~load_camera) (letter (*load_iter) of (data)))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\nend\nchange [*load_iter v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<(*load_iter) > (~load_length)> or <(letter (*load_iter) of (data)) = [~]>>\n set [~load_points v] to (join (~load_points) (letter (*load_iter) of (data)))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\nend\nchange [*load_iter v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<(*load_iter) > (~load_length)> or <(letter (*load_iter) of (data)) = [~]>>\n set [~load_lines v] to (join (~load_lines) (letter (*load_iter) of (data)))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\nend\nchange [*load_iter v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<(*load_iter) > (~load_length)> or <(letter (*load_iter) of (data)) = [~]>>\n set [~load_triangles v] to (join (~load_triangles) (letter (*load_iter) of (data)))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\nend\n[Ch] Load Chunks data (~load_chunks)\nset [*load_iter v] to [0]\ndelete all of [*load_list v]\nset [~load_temp v] to []\nrepeat (length of (~load_points))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_points)) = [;]> then\n add (~load_temp) to [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_points)) = [|]> then\n add (item (1) of [*load_list v]) to [^load_d_type v]\n add (item (2) of [*load_list v]) to [^load_d_objecttype v]\n add ((item (3) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) to [@loadpointx v]\n add ((item (4) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) to [@loadpointy v]\n add ((item (5) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) to [@loadpointz v]\n set [~load_iter2 v] to [0]\n repeat ((length of [*load_list v]) - (5))\n change [~load_iter2 v] by (1)\n add (item ((5) + (~load_iter2)) of [*load_list v]) to [^load_d v]\n end\n repeat ((^Load_D_Size) - ((length of [*load_list v]) - (5)))\n add [] to [^load_d v]\n end\n delete all of [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n set [~load_temp v] to (join (~load_temp) (letter (*load_iter) of (~load_points)))\n end\n end\nend\nset [*load_iter v] to [0]\ndelete all of [*load_list v]\nset [~load_temp v] to []\nrepeat (length of (~load_lines))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_lines)) = [;]> then\n add (~load_temp) to [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_lines)) = [|]> then\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: ((item (2) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (3) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (4) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) p2: ((item (5) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (6) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (7) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) color [0] [0] [0] [0] size (item (9) of [*load_list v]) chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^ld_type v] with (item (1) of [*load_list v])\n replace item (*newID) of [@linecolor v] with ((item (8) of [*load_list v]) + (add))\n set [~load_iter2 v] to [0]\n set [~load_dataid v] to [1]\n repeat (9)\n delete (1) of [*load_list v]\n end\n [Load] Setting - Line : Type (item (*newID) of [^ld_type v]) new ID (*newID)\n delete all of [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n set [~load_temp v] to (join (~load_temp) (letter (*load_iter) of (~load_lines)))\n end\n end\nend\nset [*load_iter v] to [0]\ndelete all of [*load_list v]\nset [~load_temp v] to []\nrepeat (length of (~load_triangles))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_triangles)) = [;]> then\n add (~load_temp) to [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_triangles)) = [|]> then\n if <(item (2) of [*load_list v]) = [1]> then\n [Q] Add Quad p1 ((item (3) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (4) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (5) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) p2 ((item (6) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (7) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (8) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) p3 ((item (9) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (10) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (11) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) p4 ((item (12) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (13) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (14) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) color [0] [0] [0] [0] style - color (item (16) of [*load_list v]) brightness (item (17) of [*load_list v]) chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with (item (1) of [*load_list v])\n replace item (*newID) of [@trianglecolor v] with ((item (15) of [*load_list v]) + (add))\n set [~load_iter2 v] to [0]\n set [~load_dataid v] to [1]\n repeat (17)\n delete (1) of [*load_list v]\n end\n [Load] Setting - Triangle : Type (item (*newID) of [^td_type v]) new ID (*newID)\n delete all of [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((item (3) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (4) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (5) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) p2: ((item (6) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (7) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (8) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) p3: ((item (9) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (10) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) ((item (11) of [*load_list v]) * (mult)) Color [0] [0] [0] [0] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: (item (13) of [*load_list v]) brightness (item (14) of [*load_list v]) triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with (item (1) of [*load_list v])\n replace item (*newID) of [@trianglecolor v] with ((item (12) of [*load_list v]) + (add))\n set [~load_iter2 v] to [0]\n set [~load_dataid v] to [1]\n repeat (14)\n delete (1) of [*load_list v]\n end\n [Load] Setting - Triangle : Type (item (*newID) of [^td_type v]) new ID (*newID)\n delete all of [*load_list v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n end\n else\n set [~load_temp v] to (join (~load_temp) (letter (*load_iter) of (~load_triangles)))\n end\n end\nend\nset [*load_iter v] to [0]\ndelete all of [@startcamera v]\nset [~load_temp v] to []\nrepeat (length of (~load_camera))\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (*load_iter) of (~load_camera)) = [;]> then\n add (~load_temp) to [@startcamera v]\n set [~load_temp v] to []\n else\n set [~load_temp v] to (join (~load_temp) (letter (*load_iter) of (~load_camera)))\n end\nend\nset [@camerax v] to (item (1) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@cameray v] to (item (2) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@cameraz v] to (item (3) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@camerarotatex v] to (item (4) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@camerarotatey v] to (item (5) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@camerarotatez v] to (item (6) of [@startcamera v])\n[Load] Points Setting\ndelete all of [@loadpointx v]\ndelete all of [@loadpointy v]\ndelete all of [@loadpointz v]\ndelete all of [^load_d_type v]\ndelete all of [^load_d_objecttype v]\ndelete all of [^load_d v]\n\ndefine [T] Atan2 (y) (x)\nif <(x) = [0]> then\n if <(y) < [0]> then\n set [*getangle v] to [-90]\n else\n set [*getangle v] to [90]\n end\nelse\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [*getangle v] to ([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) )\n else\n set [*getangle v] to (([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) ) + (180))\n end\nend\n\ndefine [T] Camera Look at position (tx) (ty) (tz)\nset [~a_vx v] to ((tx) - (@CameraX))\nset [~a_vy v] to ((ty) - (@CameraY))\nset [~a_vz v] to ((tz) - (@CameraZ))\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~A_Vx) * (~A_Vx)) + (((~A_Vy) * (~A_Vy)) + ((~A_Vz) * (~A_Vz)))) )\nset [~a_vx v] to ((~A_Vx) / (~A_mag))\nset [~a_vy v] to ((~A_Vy) / (~A_mag))\nset [~a_vz v] to ((~A_Vz) / (~A_mag))\nif <(~A_Vz) > [0]> then\n set [@camerarotatey v] to ([asin v] of ((~A_Vx) / (() - ([sqrt v] of ((1) - ((~A_Vy) * (~A_Vy))) ))) )\nelse\n set [@camerarotatey v] to ((180) - ([asin v] of ((~A_Vx) / (() - ([sqrt v] of ((1) - ((~A_Vy) * (~A_Vy))) ))) ))\nend\nset [@camerarotatex v] to ([asin v] of (~A_Vy) )\n\nwhen I receive [update v]\n[E] Update\n\ndefine [E] Calc Camera Vector\nset [#camsinx v] to ([sin v] of (@CameraRotateX) )\nset [#camsiny v] to ([sin v] of (@CameraRotateY) )\nset [#camcosx v] to ([cos v] of (@CameraRotateX) )\nset [#camcosy v] to ([cos v] of (@CameraRotateY) )\nset [#camcosz v] to ([cos v] of (@CameraRotateZ) )\nset [#camsinz v] to ([sin v] of (@CameraRotateZ) )\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\n[E] Engine Init\n\ndefine [G] DeleteGameObjectData\ndelete all of [@gameobjectmeshid v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectx v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjecty v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectz v]\ndelete all of [@gameobject_rotx v]\ndelete all of [@gameobject_roty v]\ndelete all of [@gameobject_rotz v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectsizex v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectsizey v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectsizez v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectactive v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectchunk v]\ndelete all of [^gd_type v]\ndelete all of [^gd v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectstylecolor v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectstylebrightness v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v]\ndelete all of [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v]\n\ndefine [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (meshid) material ID (material id) position (x) (y) (z) rotation (rotatex) (rotatey) (rotatez) chunkID [-1 auto] (chunkid)\nset [~newslot v] to [1]\nset [~p v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(~newSlot) = [0]> or <(~p) > (length of [#gameobjectpointers v])>>\n if <(item (~p) of [#gameobjectpointers v]) = [0]> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n change [~p v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n set [*newid v] to (~p)\n add [1] to [#gameobjectpointers v]\n add (meshid) to [@gameobjectmeshid v]\n add (x) to [@gameobjectx v]\n add (y) to [@gameobjecty v]\n add (z) to [@gameobjectz v]\n add (rotatex) to [@gameobject_rotx v]\n add (rotatey) to [@gameobject_roty v]\n add (rotatez) to [@gameobject_rotz v]\n add [1] to [@gameobjectsizex v]\n add [1] to [@gameobjectsizey v]\n add [1] to [@gameobjectsizez v]\n add [1] to [@gameobjectactive v]\n add [0] to [@gameobjectdrawoffset v]\n add [0] to [@gameobjectdrawoffset v]\n add [0] to [@gameobjectdrawoffset v]\n add [0] to [@gameobjectstylecolor v]\n add [-5] to [@gameobjectstylebrightness v]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (x) (z)\n add (~newChunk) to [@gameobjectchunk v]\n else\n add (chunkid) to [@gameobjectchunk v]\n end\n add [0] to [^gd_type v]\n repeat (^GD_Size)\n add [] to [^gd v]\n end\n set [~m v] to [0]\n repeat (`MaxMaterials)\n change [~m v] by (1)\n add (item ((material id) + ((~m) - (1))) of [#meshdefaultmaterialcolor v]) to [@gameobjectmaterialdata v]\n end\n add [1] to [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v]\nelse\n set [*newid v] to ((~p) - (1))\n replace item (*newID) of [#gameobjectpointers v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (meshid)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectx v] with (x)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjecty v] with (y)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectz v] with (z)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobject_rotx v] with (rotatex)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobject_roty v] with (rotatey)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobject_rotz v] with (rotatez)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectsizex v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectsizey v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectsizez v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectactive v] with [1]\n set [~m v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (3))\n replace item ((~m) + (1)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [0]\n replace item ((~m) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [0]\n replace item ((~m) + (3)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectstylecolor v] with [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectstylebrightness v] with [-5]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (x) (z)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectchunk v] with (~newChunk)\n else\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectchunk v] with (chunkid)\n end\n replace item (*newID) of [^gd_type v] with [0]\n set [~dataiter v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n repeat (^GD_Size)\n change [~dataiter v] by (1)\n replace item (~dataIter) of [^gd v] with []\n end\n set [~m v] to [0]\n repeat (`MaxMaterials)\n change [~m v] by (1)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (`MaxMaterials)) + (~m)) of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v] with (item ((material id) + ((~m) - (1))) of [#meshdefaultmaterialcolor v])\n end\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v] with [1]\nend\n\ndefine [E] My Init\nset [pitch v] effect to (0)\nset volume to (100) %\n[E] My Variable Init\n\ndefine [E] Update\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n if <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n delete all of [debug2 v]\n if <<(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]> and <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n !Camera Movement\n end\n if <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [0]> then\n [E] My Update\n else\n if <<not <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]>> and <not <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [1]>>> then\n change [-timetrialfinished v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (1.5))\n if <(-TimeTrialFinished) > [1]> then\n set [-timetrialfinished v] to [1]\n broadcast (TimeTrialFinished v)\n end\n end\n if <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]> then\n if <(-TimeTrialWait) = [0]> then\n if <<(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]> and <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n !Time Trial Update\n end\n [E] My Update\n else\n if <(-ResetMode) = [0]> then\n change [-timetrialwait v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <not <(-TimeTrialWait) > [0]>> then\n set [-timetrialwait v] to [0]\n start sound [timeCountdown0 v]\n else\n if <not <([floor v] of (-TimeTrialWait) ) = ([floor v] of (-TimeTrialSound) )>> then\n start sound [timeCountdown321 v]\n set [-timetrialsound v] to ([floor v] of (-TimeTrialWait) )\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n [E] Set Light\n if <not <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n !Camera Look At Focus\n end\n !Reseting level timers\n [E] Calc Camera Vector\n end\nelse\n !Camera Movement\n [E] Set Light\n !Reseting level timers\n [E] Calc Camera Vector\n if <(-TransitionScenes) = [2]> then\n change [-transitionscenestate v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (2)))\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) < [-0.2]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-TransitionScenes) = [3]> then\n change [-transitionscenestate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (0.35))\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) > [1.2]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [4]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [1]\n set [--ingame v] to [0]\n set [-currentmusic v] to [0]\n set [-oldmusic v] to [0]\n stop all sounds\n if <(-CurrentLevel_ID) = [-10]> then\n broadcast (StartMenu v)\n else\n broadcast (OpenLevelSelect v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [E] My Update\nchange [!timer v] by (#DeltaTime)\n!Update Buttons\nif <<(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]> and <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n [Ch] Check Current Chunk - pos: (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])\nelse\n [Ch] Check Current Chunk - pos: (@CameraX) (@CameraZ)\nend\n!Rotate Triangles and Quads\n!Falling Platforms\nif <<(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]> and <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n !Player Update\nend\n!Translate Triangles and Quads\n!Update Circling Platforms\nif <<(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]> and <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n !Update Player Platform Translate And Rotate\n !Player Update part 2\n !Update Ropes\nend\n!Update Bosses\n!Update Coins\n!Update Enemy Basic\n!Update Enemy Snow\n!Update Enemy Jump\n!Update Snow Projectiles\n!Update Check Points\n!Update signs\n!Update Balancing Platforms\n!Update Axes\n!Update Triggers\n!Update Boosting Circles\nif <(-SnowInLevel) = [1]> then\n !Update Snow\nend\n!Update Final Coins\n!Update Lava\n\ndefine [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name (costumename) at (x) (y) (z) size (size) chunkID [-1 auto] (chunkid)\nset [~newslot v] to [1]\nset [~p v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(~newSlot) = [0]> or <(~p) > (length of [#spritepointers v])>>\n if <(item (~p) of [#spritepointers v]) = [0]> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n change [~p v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n set [*newid v] to (~p)\n add (costumename) to [@sprite3d_costumename v]\n add [1] to [#spritepointers v]\n add (x) to [@sprite3d_x v]\n add (y) to [@sprite3d_y v]\n add (z) to [@sprite3d_z v]\n add (size) to [@sprite3d_size v]\n add [0] to [@sprite3d_rotation v]\n add [0] to [@sprite3d_alpha v]\n add [1] to [@sprite3d_active v]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (x) (z)\n add (~newChunk) to [@spritechunk v]\n else\n add (chunkid) to [@spritechunk v]\n end\n add [0] to [^sd_type v]\n repeat (^SD_Size)\n add [] to [^sd v]\n end\nelse\n set [*newid v] to ((~p) - (1))\n replace item (*newID) of [#spritepointers v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_costumename v] with (costumename)\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with (x)\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with (y)\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with (z)\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_size v] with (size)\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_rotation v] with [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [1]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (x) (z)\n replace item (*newID) of [@spritechunk v] with (~newChunk)\n else\n replace item (*newID) of [@spritechunk v] with (chunkid)\n end\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with [0]\n set [~dataiter v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n repeat (^SD_Size)\n change [~dataiter v] by (1)\n replace item (~dataIter) of [^sd v] with []\n end\nend\n\ndefine [S] DeleteSprite3D data\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_costumename v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_x v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_y v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_z v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_size v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_alpha v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_rotation v]\ndelete all of [@sprite3d_active v]\ndelete all of [@spritechunk v]\ndelete all of [^sd_type v]\ndelete all of [^sd v]\n\ndefine [E] DeleteALL\n[A] Delete AABB data\n[E] Delete My Data\n[G] DeleteGameObjectData\n[S] DeleteSprite3D data\n[L] DeleteLinesData\n[Tr Q] Delete Triangle Data\n[Tx] Delete Text Data\n[E] Delete Pointers\n[E] Delete Load Points Data\n\ndefine [L] DeleteLinesData\ndelete all of [@linesx1 v]\ndelete all of [@linesx2 v]\ndelete all of [@linesy1 v]\ndelete all of [@linesy2 v]\ndelete all of [@linesz1 v]\ndelete all of [@linesz2 v]\ndelete all of [@linecolor v]\ndelete all of [@linesize v]\ndelete all of [@lineactive v]\ndelete all of [@line_chunk v]\ndelete all of [#lines3dpointers v]\ndelete all of [^ld_type v]\ndelete all of [^ld v]\ndelete all of [#linevtxdata v]\n\ndefine [L] Add Line 3D p1: (x1) (y1) (z1) p2: (x2) (y2) (z2) color (r) (g) (b) (a) size (size) chunkID [-1 auto] (chunkid)\nset [~newslot v] to [1]\nset [~p v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(~newSlot) = [0]> or <(~p) > (length of [#lines3dpointers v])>>\n if <(item (~p) of [#lines3dpointers v]) = [0]> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n change [~p v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n set [*newid v] to (~p)\n add (x1) to [@linesx1 v]\n add (x2) to [@linesx2 v]\n add (y1) to [@linesy1 v]\n add (y2) to [@linesy2 v]\n add (z1) to [@linesz1 v]\n add (z2) to [@linesz2 v]\n add (((((a) + (1)) * (16777216)) + ((r) * (65536))) + (((g) * (256)) + (b))) to [@linecolor v]\n add (size) to [@linesize v]\n add [1] to [@lineactive v]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2))\n add (~newChunk) to [@line_chunk v]\n else\n add (chunkid) to [@line_chunk v]\n end\n add [1] to [#lines3dpointers v]\n add [0] to [^ld_type v]\n repeat (^LD_Size)\n add [] to [^ld v]\n end\n add (x1) to [#linevtxdata v]\n add (y1) to [#linevtxdata v]\n add (z1) to [#linevtxdata v]\n add (x2) to [#linevtxdata v]\n add (y2) to [#linevtxdata v]\n add (z2) to [#linevtxdata v]\nelse\n set [*newid v] to ((~p) - (1))\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesx1 v] with (x1)\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesx2 v] with (x2)\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesy1 v] with (y1)\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesy2 v] with (y2)\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesz1 v] with (z1)\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesz2 v] with (z2)\n replace item (*newID) of [@linecolor v] with (((((a) + (1)) * (16777216)) + ((r) * (65536))) + (((g) * (256)) + (b)))\n replace item (*newID) of [@linesize v] with (size)\n replace item (*newID) of [@lineactive v] with [1]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2))\n replace item (*newID) of [@line_chunk v] with (~newChunk)\n else\n replace item (*newID) of [@line_chunk v] with (chunkid)\n end\n replace item (*newID) of [#lines3dpointers v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^ld_type v] with [0]\n set [~dataiter v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size))\n repeat (^LD_Size)\n change [~dataiter v] by (1)\n replace item (~dataIter) of [^ld v] with []\n end\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (6)) + (1)) of [#linevtxdata v] with (x1)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (6)) + (2)) of [#linevtxdata v] with (y1)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (6)) + (3)) of [#linevtxdata v] with (z1)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (6)) + (4)) of [#linevtxdata v] with (x2)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (6)) + (5)) of [#linevtxdata v] with (y2)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (6)) + (6)) of [#linevtxdata v] with (z2)\nend\n\ndefine [Q] Add Quad p1 (x1) (y1) (z1) p2 (x2) (y2) (z2) p3 (x3) (y3) (z3) p4 (x4) (y4) (z4) color (r) (g) (b) (a) style - color (color) brightness (brightness) chunk [-1 auto] (chunk)\n[Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x1) (y1) (z1) p2: (x2) (y2) (z2) p3: (x3) (y3) (z3) Color (r) (g) (b) (a) Is part of quad: [1] style - color: (color) brightness (brightness) triangleChunk[-1 auto] (chunk)\n[Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x3) (y3) (z3) p2: (x4) (y4) (z4) p3: (x1) (y1) (z1) Color (r) (g) (b) (a) Is part of quad: [2] style - color: (color) brightness (brightness) triangleChunk[-1 auto] (chunk)\nchange [`numberofquads v] by (1)\nchange [*newid v] by (-1)\n!Set AABB of Quad (*newID)\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Delete Triangle Data\nset [`numberofquads v] to [0]\ndelete all of [#triangledata v]\ndelete all of [@trianglecolor v]\ndelete all of [@triangle_active v]\ndelete all of [@trianglex v]\ndelete all of [@triangley v]\ndelete all of [@trianglez v]\ndelete all of [#triangleisquad v]\ndelete all of [#trianglecolldata v]\ndelete all of [#triangletranslatevalues v]\ndelete all of [#trianglerotatevalues v]\ndelete all of [#trianglepivotdata v]\ndelete all of [@trianglestylebrightness v]\ndelete all of [@trianglestylecolor v]\ndelete all of [@trianglechunk v]\ndelete all of [^td_type v]\ndelete all of [^td v]\ndelete all of [@trianglerotx v]\ndelete all of [@triangleroty v]\ndelete all of [@trianglerotz v]\ndelete all of [@trianglerendering v]\ndelete all of [#trianglevtxdata v]\ndelete all of [@triangletransparentdist v]\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs Triangle (x) (y) (z) radius (r) Triangle ID: (trid)\nset [*collisionresult v] to [0]\nset [~triadd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\nset [~coladd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst))\nset [~dot v] to ((((x) * (item ((~triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v])) + (((y) * (item ((~triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])) + ((z) * (item ((~triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v])))) - (item ((~triAdd) + (13)) of [#triangledata v]))\nif <<((x) + (r)) > (item ((~colAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> and <((x) - (r)) < (item ((~colAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglecolldata v])>> then\n if <<((y) + (r)) > (item ((~colAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> and <((y) - (r)) < (item ((~colAdd) + (4)) of [#trianglecolldata v])>> then\n if <<((z) + (r)) > (item ((~colAdd) + (5)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> and <((z) - (r)) < (item ((~colAdd) + (6)) of [#trianglecolldata v])>> then\n if <([abs v] of (~dot) ) < (r)> then\n [C] Precise Collision Sphere to current Triangle (x) (y) (z) radius (r)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [E] Set Light\nset [#lightx v] to (([cos v] of (@LightAngle) ) * (0.75))\nset [#lighty v] to [0.5]\nset [#lightz v] to (([sin v] of (@LightAngle) ) * (0.75))\n\ndefine [T] Get Quaternion Look At v1: (v1x) (v1y) (v1z) v2: (v2x) (v2y) (v2z)\ndelete all of [!quaterniondata v]\nset [~a_vx v] to ((v2z) - (v1z))\nset [~a_vy v] to [0]\nset [~a_vz v] to (() - ((v2x) - (v1x)))\n!Quat Look At Part\nset [~a_vx v] to ((() - ((v2x) - (v1x))) * ((v2y) - (v1y)))\nset [~a_vy v] to ((((v2x) - (v1x)) * ((v2x) - (v1x))) + (((v2z) - (v1z)) * ((v2z) - (v1z))))\nset [~a_vz v] to ((() - ((v2z) - (v1z))) * ((v2y) - (v1y)))\n!Quat Look At Part\nset [~a_vx v] to ((v2x) - (v1x))\nset [~a_vy v] to ((v2y) - (v1y))\nset [~a_vz v] to ((v2z) - (v1z))\n!Quat Look At Part\nset [~t_a1 v] to ((item (1) of [!quaterniondata v]) + ((item (5) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (9) of [!quaterniondata v])))\nif <(~T_a1) > [0]> then\n set [~t_a2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((1) + (~T_a1)) )\n set [!quatw v] to ((~T_a2) * (0.5))\n set [~t_a2 v] to ((0.5) / (~T_a2))\n set [!quatx v] to (((item (6) of [!quaterniondata v]) - (item (8) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quaty v] to (((item (7) of [!quaterniondata v]) - (item (3) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quatz v] to (((item (2) of [!quaterniondata v]) - (item (4) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\nelse\n if <<not <(item (5) of [!quaterniondata v]) > (item (1) of [!quaterniondata v])>> and <not <(item (9) of [!quaterniondata v]) > (item (1) of [!quaterniondata v])>>> then\n set [~t_a1 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) + (item (1) of [!quaterniondata v])) - (item (5) of [!quaterniondata v])) - (item (9) of [!quaterniondata v])) )\n set [~t_a2 v] to ((0.5) / (~T_a1))\n set [!quatx v] to ((0.5) * (~T_a1))\n set [!quaty v] to (((item (2) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (4) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quatz v] to (((item (3) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (7) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quatw v] to (((item (6) of [!quaterniondata v]) - (item (8) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n else\n if <(item (5) of [!quaterniondata v]) > (item (9) of [!quaterniondata v])> then\n set [~t_a1 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) + (item (5) of [!quaterniondata v])) - (item (1) of [!quaterniondata v])) - (item (9) of [!quaterniondata v])) )\n set [~t_a2 v] to ((0.5) / (~T_a1))\n set [!quatx v] to (((item (4) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (2) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quaty v] to ((0.5) * (~T_a1))\n set [!quatz v] to (((item (8) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (6) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quatw v] to (((item (7) of [!quaterniondata v]) - (item (3) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n else\n set [~t_a1 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((1) + (item (9) of [!quaterniondata v])) - (item (1) of [!quaterniondata v])) - (item (5) of [!quaterniondata v])) )\n set [~t_a2 v] to ((0.5) / (~T_a1))\n set [!quatx v] to (((item (7) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (3) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quaty v] to (((item (8) of [!quaterniondata v]) + (item (6) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n set [!quatz v] to ((0.5) * (~T_a1))\n set [!quatw v] to (((item (2) of [!quaterniondata v]) - (item (4) of [!quaterniondata v])) * (~T_a2))\n end\n end\nend\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((!quatX) * (!quatX)) + (((!quatY) * (!quatY)) + (((!quatZ) * (!quatZ)) + ((!quatW) * (!quatW))))) )\nset [!quatx v] to ((!quatX) / (~A_mag))\nset [!quaty v] to ((!quatY) / (~A_mag))\nset [!quatz v] to ((!quatZ) / (~A_mag))\nset [!quatw v] to ((!quatW) / (~A_mag))\n\ndefine [Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x1) (y1) (z1) p2: (x2) (y2) (z2) p3: (x3) (y3) (z3) Color (r) (g) (b) (a) Is part of quad: (quadpart) style - color: (color) brightness (brightness) triangleChunk[-1 auto] (chunk)\nset [~newslot v] to [1]\nif <(quadpart) = [0]> then\n set [~p v] to [1]\n repeat until <<(~newSlot) = [0]> or <(~p) > (length of [#trianglepointers v])>>\n if <(item (~p) of [#trianglepointers v]) = [0]> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n change [~p v] by (1)\n end\n if <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n set [*newid v] to (~p)\n else\n set [*newid v] to ((~p) - (1))\n end\nelse\n if <(quadpart) = [1]> then\n set [~p v] to [1]\n repeat until <<(~newSlot) = [0]> or <(~p) > ((length of [#trianglepointers v]) - (1))>>\n if <<(item (~p) of [#trianglepointers v]) = [0]> and <(item ((~p) + (1)) of [#trianglepointers v]) = [0]>> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n change [~p v] by (1)\n end\n if <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n if <<(length of [#trianglepointers v]) > [0]> and <(item (length of [#trianglepointers v]) of [#trianglepointers v]) = [0]>> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n set [*newid v] to (length of [#trianglepointers v])\n else\n set [~newslot v] to [1]\n set [*newid v] to ((length of [#trianglepointers v]) + (1))\n end\n else\n set [*newid v] to ((~p) - (1))\n end\n else\n change [*newid v] by (1)\n if <not <(*newID) > (length of [#trianglepointers v])>> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n repeat (`TriangleDataPerInst)\n add [] to [#triangledata v]\n end\n repeat (`TriangleCollPerInst)\n add [] to [#trianglecolldata v]\n end\n repeat (3)\n add [] to [#triangletranslatevalues v]\n add [] to [#trianglerotatevalues v]\n add [] to [#trianglepivotdata v]\n end\n add [] to [@triangle_active v]\n add [] to [@trianglecolor v]\n add [] to [@trianglex v]\n add [] to [@triangley v]\n add [] to [@trianglez v]\n add [] to [@trianglestylecolor v]\n add [] to [@trianglestylebrightness v]\n add [] to [#triangleisquad v]\n add [] to [#trianglepointers v]\n add [] to [@trianglechunk v]\n add [] to [^td_type v]\n add [] to [@trianglerotx v]\n add [] to [@triangleroty v]\n add [] to [@trianglerotz v]\n repeat (^TD_Size)\n add [] to [^td v]\n end\n repeat (9)\n add [] to [#trianglevtxdata v]\n end\n add [] to [@trianglerendering v]\n add [] to [@triangletransparentdist v]\nend\nreplace item (*newID) of [@triangle_active v] with [1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglecolor v] with (((((a) + (1)) * (16777216)) + ((r) * (65536))) + (((g) * (256)) + (b)))\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglex v] with [0]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@triangley v] with [0]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglez v] with [0]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglerotx v] with [0]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@triangleroty v] with [0]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglerotz v] with [0]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglestylecolor v] with (color)\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglestylebrightness v] with (brightness)\nreplace item (*newID) of [#triangleisquad v] with (quadpart)\nreplace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [0]\nset [~dataiter v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\nrepeat (^TD_Size)\n change [~dataiter v] by (1)\n replace item (~dataIter) of [^td v] with []\nend\nset [~triadd v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v] with (x1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v] with (y1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v] with (z1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v] with (x2)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v] with (y2)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v] with (z2)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v] with (x3)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v] with (y3)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v] with (z3)\nset [~triadd v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (9))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (x1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (y1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (z1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (x2)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (y2)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (z2)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (x3)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (y3)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#trianglevtxdata v] with (z3)\n!Set Triangle Data (*newID)\nset [~triadd v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (3))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (((x1) + ((x2) + (x3))) / (3))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (((y1) + ((y2) + (y3))) / (3))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (((z1) + ((z2) + (z3))) / (3))\nif <(chunk) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (item (11) of [~templist v]) (item (13) of [~templist v])\n replace item (*newID) of [@trianglechunk v] with (~newChunk)\nelse\n replace item (*newID) of [@trianglechunk v] with (chunk)\nend\nreplace item (*newID) of [#trianglepointers v] with [1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@trianglerendering v] with [1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [@triangletransparentdist v] with [0]\n\ndefine [E] Init 3D\nset [@camerax v] to (item (1) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@cameray v] to (item (2) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@cameraz v] to (item (3) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@camerarotatex v] to (item (4) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@camerarotatey v] to (item (5) of [@startcamera v])\nset [@camerarotatez v] to (item (6) of [@startcamera v])\n[E] Calc Camera Vector\n\ndefine [E] My Variable Init\nset [-playerradius v] to [55]\nset [-playerycoloffset v] to [55]\nset [-cameramovespeed v] to [125]\nset [-playermovespeed v] to [300]\nset [-velslowdown v] to [200]\nset [-velslip v] to [3200]\nset [-movepoweronslippery v] to [500]\nset [-triggerwatch v] to [3]\nset [-triggerwait v] to [1]\nset [-snowprojectilegravity v] to [800]\nset [-resetlength v] to [0.75]\nset [-getsigntext v] to []\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs ALL triangles (x) (y) (z) radius (radius)\nset [*col_iter v] to [0]\nset [*finalcollision v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(*col_iter) = (length of [-collidabletriquad v])> or <(*finalCollision) = [1]>>\n change [*col_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v]) of [@triangle_active v]) = [1]> then\n if <(item (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v]) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Quad (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) quad ID (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v])\n else\n [C] Sphere vs Triangle (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) Triangle ID: (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v])\n end\n set [*finalcollision v] to (*collisionResult)\n end\nend\n\ndefine [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (g) radius (r) offset (ox) (oy) (oz)\n[C] Sphere vs ALL triangles ((item (g) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (ox)) ((item (g) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (oy)) ((item (g) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (oz)) radius (r)\n\ndefine [E] My Objects\n[S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [empty] at [0] [0] [0] size [120] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\nset [-signspriteid v] to (*newID)\nreplace item (-SignSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with [100]\nif <(-SnowInLevel) = [1]> then\n !Starting Snow\nend\n\ndefine [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (from) (to)\nset [~left v] to (((to) - (from)) + (360))\nset [~right v] to ((from) - (to))\nif <(from) < (to)> then\n if <(to) > [0]> then\n set [~left v] to ((to) - (from))\n set [~right v] to (((from) - (to)) + (360))\n else\n set [~left v] to (((from) - (to)) + (360))\n set [~right v] to ((to) - (from))\n end\nend\nif <(~left) > (~right)> then\n set [*return v] to (() - (~right))\nelse\n set [*return v] to (~left)\nend\n\ndefine [Tr] Translate Triangle (trid) for (x) (y) (z)\nif <not <<(x) = [0]> and <<(y) = [0]> and <(z) = [0]>>>> then\n replace item (trid) of [@trianglex v] with ((item (trid) of [@trianglex v]) + (x))\n replace item (trid) of [@triangley v] with ((item (trid) of [@triangley v]) + (y))\n replace item (trid) of [@trianglez v] with ((item (trid) of [@trianglez v]) + (z))\n set [~triadd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n !Translate Vec from tri data [1] for (x) (y) (z)\n !Translate Vec from tri data [4] for (x) (y) (z)\n !Translate Vec from tri data [7] for (x) (y) (z)\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (13)) of [#triangledata v] with (((item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item ((~triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v])) + (((item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item ((~triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])) + ((item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item ((~triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v]))))\n !Translate Vec from tri data [14] for (x) (y) (z)\n set [~coladd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst))\n replace item ((~colAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with ((item ((~colAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) + (x))\n replace item ((~colAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with ((item ((~colAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) + (x))\n replace item ((~colAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with ((item ((~colAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) + (y))\n replace item ((~colAdd) + (4)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with ((item ((~colAdd) + (4)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) + (y))\n replace item ((~colAdd) + (5)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with ((item ((~colAdd) + (5)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) + (z))\n replace item ((~colAdd) + (6)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with ((item ((~colAdd) + (6)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) + (z))\nend\nreplace item (((trid) * (3)) - (2)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with (x)\nreplace item (((trid) * (3)) - (1)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with (y)\nreplace item ((trid) * (3)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with (z)\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Translate Triangle or Quad ID: (trid) for (x) (y) (z)\nif <(item (trid) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [0]> then\n [Tr] Translate Triangle (trid) for (x) (y) (z)\nelse\n [Tr] Translate Triangle (trid) for (x) (y) (z)\n [Tr] Translate Triangle ((trid) + (1)) for (x) (y) (z)\nend\n\ndefine [Tr] Set Position Of Triangle (id) to (x) (y) (z)\n[Tr] Translate Triangle (id) for ((x) - (item (id) of [@trianglex v])) ((y) - (item (id) of [@triangley v])) ((z) - (item (id) of [@trianglez v]))\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (id) to (x) (y) (z)\n[Tr Q] Translate Triangle or Quad ID: (id) for ((x) - (item (id) of [@trianglex v])) ((y) - (item (id) of [@triangley v])) ((z) - (item (id) of [@trianglez v]))\n\ndefine [T] Get Min And Max (a) (b) (c)\nif <<(a) > (c)> and <(b) > (c)>> then\n set [*min v] to (c)\n if <(b) > (a)> then\n set [*max v] to (b)\n else\n set [*max v] to (a)\n end\nelse\n if <(b) > (a)> then\n set [*min v] to (a)\n if <(b) > (c)> then\n set [*max v] to (b)\n else\n set [*max v] to (c)\n end\n else\n set [*min v] to (b)\n if <(a) > (c)> then\n set [*max v] to (a)\n else\n set [*max v] to (c)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [C] Precise Collision Sphere to current Triangle (x) (y) (z) radius (r)\n[C] Precise Triangle Collision Init (x) (y) (z)\nset [~pbcx v] to (((~by) * (~cz)) - ((~bz) * (~cy)))\nset [~pbcy v] to (((~bz) * (~cx)) - ((~bx) * (~cz)))\nset [~pbcz v] to (((~bx) * (~cy)) - ((~by) * (~cx)))\nset [~pcax v] to (((~cy) * (~az)) - ((~cz) * (~ay)))\nset [~pcay v] to (((~cz) * (~ax)) - ((~cx) * (~az)))\nset [~pcaz v] to (((~cx) * (~ay)) - ((~cy) * (~ax)))\nset [~pabx v] to (((~ay) * (~bz)) - ((~az) * (~by)))\nset [~paby v] to (((~az) * (~bx)) - ((~ax) * (~bz)))\nset [~pabz v] to (((~ax) * (~by)) - ((~ay) * (~bx)))\nif <not <<(((~PbcX) * (~PcaX)) + (((~PbcY) * (~PcaY)) + ((~PbcZ) * (~PcaZ)))) < [0]> or <(((~PbcX) * (~PabX)) + (((~PbcY) * (~PabY)) + ((~PbcZ) * (~PabZ)))) < [0]>>> then\n set [*colx v] to (~tempX)\n set [*coly v] to (~tempY)\n set [*colz v] to (~tempZ)\n change [~tempx v] by (() - (x))\n change [~tempy v] by (() - (y))\n change [~tempz v] by (() - (z))\n set [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\n if <(~mag) < (r)> then\n set [*collisionresult v] to [1]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v])\nset [~tempx v] to ((*returnX) - (x))\nset [~tempy v] to ((*returnY) - (y))\nset [~tempz v] to ((*returnZ) - (z))\nset [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\nset [*colx v] to (*returnX)\nset [*coly v] to (*returnY)\nset [*colz v] to (*returnZ)\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v])\n[C] Triangle - Closest Line (x) (y) (z)\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v])\n[C] Triangle - Closest Line (x) (y) (z)\nif <(~mag) < ((r) * (1))> then\n set [*collisionresult v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine [C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (px) (py) (pz) Line: (x1) (y1) (z1) | (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [~vx v] to ((x2) - (x1))\nset [~vy v] to ((y2) - (y1))\nset [~vz v] to ((z2) - (z1))\nset [~t v] to (((((px) - (x1)) * (~vx)) + ((((py) - (y1)) * (~vy)) + (((pz) - (z1)) * (~vz)))) / (((~vx) * (~vx)) + (((~vy) * (~vy)) + ((~vz) * (~vz)))))\nif <(~T) > [1]> then\n set [~t v] to [1]\nend\nif <(~T) < [0]> then\n set [~t v] to [0]\nend\nset [*returnx v] to ((x1) + ((~vx) * (~T)))\nset [*returny v] to ((y1) + ((~vy) * (~T)))\nset [*returnz v] to ((z1) + ((~vz) * (~T)))\n\ndefine [G] Translate GameObject (id) for (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectx v] with ((item (id) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (x))\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((item (id) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (y))\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectz v] with ((item (id) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (z))\n\ndefine [E] Delete Pointers\ndelete all of [#spritepointers v]\ndelete all of [#gameobjectpointers v]\ndelete all of [#trianglepointers v]\ndelete all of [-aabb_pointers v]\n\ndefine [S] Remove Sprite (id)\nreplace item (id) of [#spritepointers v] with [0]\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n\ndefine [E] Delete My Data\ndelete all of [debug3 v]\n[E] Delete Class Data\ndelete all of [-triggerstate v]\ndelete all of [-triggerdata v]\ndelete all of [-snowparticles v]\ndelete all of [-enemysnowprojectile v]\n\ndefine [G] Remove GameObject (id)\nreplace item (id) of [#gameobjectpointers v] with [0]\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectactive v] with [0]\n\ndefine [C] AABB vs AABB collision- first (minx1) (maxx1) (miny1) (maxy1) (minz1) (maxz1) second (minx2) (maxx2) (miny2) (maxy2) (minz2) (maxz2)\nset [*collisionresult v] to (<<<(minz1) < (maxz2)> and <(minz2) < (maxz1)>> and <<<(minx1) < (maxx2)> and <(minx2) < (maxx1)>> and <<(miny2) < (maxy1)> and <(miny1) < (maxy2)>>>> + ())\n\ndefine [Ch] Check Current Chunk - pos: (xpos) (zpos)\nset [#currentchunkx v] to ([floor v] of (((xpos) - (#chunkStartX)) / (#chunkSize)) )\nset [#currentchunkz v] to ([floor v] of (((zpos) - (#chunkStartZ)) / (#chunkSize)) )\nif <<not <(item (((#currentChunkX) + ((#currentChunkZ) * (#chunkSizeX))) + (1)) of [#chunkdata v]) = (#currentChunkValue)>> and <not <(item (((#currentChunkX) + ((#currentChunkZ) * (#chunkSizeX))) + (1)) of [#chunkdata v]) = [0]>>> then\n set [#currentchunkvalue v] to (item (((#currentChunkX) + ((#currentChunkZ) * (#chunkSizeX))) + (1)) of [#chunkdata v])\n [Ch] Update Chunks\nend\n\ndefine [Ch] Chunk Init\nset [#currentchunkvalue v] to [-1]\n\ndefine [Ch] Update Chunks\ndelete all of [~getchunks v]\nset [~temp v] to []\nset [~ch v] to [0]\nadd (#currentChunkValue) to [~getchunks v]\nrepeat (length of (item (#currentChunkValue) of [#chunkconnections v]))\n change [~ch v] by (1)\n if <(letter (~ch) of (item (#currentChunkValue) of [#chunkconnections v])) = [;]> then\n add (~temp) to [~getchunks v]\n set [~temp v] to []\n else\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~ch) of (item (#currentChunkValue) of [#chunkconnections v])))\n end\nend\n[Ch] Set Active Chunks\n\ndefine [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (x) (z)\nset [~newchunk v] to (item ((([floor v] of (((x) - (#chunkStartX)) / (#chunkSize)) ) + (([floor v] of (((z) - (#chunkStartZ)) / (#chunkSize)) ) * (#chunkSizeX))) + (1)) of [#chunkdata v])\n\ndefine [Ch] Set Active Chunks\n[E] Delete Class Data\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\nset [~i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@gameobjectchunk v])\n change [~i v] by (1)\n if <(item (~i) of [#gameobjectpointers v]) = [1]> then\n [Ch] Check is chunk active (item (~i) of [@gameobjectchunk v])\n if <(~chunkActive) = [1]> then\n add (~i) to [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\n [G] Add GameObjects into lists (~i) type (item (~i) of [^gd_type v])\n end\n end\nend\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_triangles v]\nset [~i v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of [@trianglechunk v]) - (`NumberOfQuads))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n if <(item (~i) of [#trianglepointers v]) = [1]> then\n [Ch] Check is chunk active (item (~i) of [@trianglechunk v])\n if <(~chunkActive) = [1]> then\n add (~i) to [#chunkactive_triangles v]\n [Tr Q] Add Triangle or Quad into lists (~i) type (item (~i) of [^td_type v])\n end\n end\n if <(item (~i) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [1]> then\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\nend\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\nset [~i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@spritechunk v])\n change [~i v] by (1)\n if <(item (~i) of [#spritepointers v]) = [1]> then\n [Ch] Check is chunk active (item (~i) of [@spritechunk v])\n if <(~chunkActive) = [1]> then\n add (~i) to [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n [S] Add Sprites into lists (~i) type (item (~i) of [^sd_type v])\n end\n end\nend\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_lines v]\nset [~i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@line_chunk v])\n change [~i v] by (1)\n if <(item (~i) of [#lines3dpointers v]) = [1]> then\n [Ch] Check is chunk active (item (~i) of [@line_chunk v])\n if <(~chunkActive) = [1]> then\n add (~i) to [#chunkactive_lines v]\n [L] Add lines into lists (~i) type (item (~i) of [^ld_type v])\n end\n end\nend\ndelete all of [-chunkactive_aabb v]\nset [~i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-aabb_chunk v])\n change [~i v] by (1)\n if <(item (~i) of [-aabb_pointers v]) = [1]> then\n [Ch] Check is chunk active (item (~i) of [-aabb_chunk v])\n if <(~chunkActive) = [1]> then\n add (~i) to [-chunkactive_aabb v]\n [A] Add AABB into lists (~i) Type (item (~i) of [^ad_type v])\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [Ch] Check is chunk active (chunk)\nset [~chunkactive v] to (<<(chunk) = [0]> or <[~getchunks v] contains (chunk)?>> + ())\n\ndefine [C] Precise Collision - Sphere to current Quad (x) (y) (z) radius (r)\n[C] Precise Triangle Collision Init (x) (y) (z)\nset [~dx v] to ((item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempX))\nset [~dy v] to ((item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempY))\nset [~dz v] to ((item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (6)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempZ))\nset [~pabx v] to (((~ay) * (~bz)) - ((~az) * (~by)))\nset [~paby v] to (((~az) * (~bx)) - ((~ax) * (~bz)))\nset [~pabz v] to (((~ax) * (~by)) - ((~ay) * (~bx)))\nset [~pbcx v] to (((~by) * (~cz)) - ((~bz) * (~cy)))\nset [~pbcy v] to (((~bz) * (~cx)) - ((~bx) * (~cz)))\nset [~pbcz v] to (((~bx) * (~cy)) - ((~by) * (~cx)))\nset [~pcax v] to (((~cy) * (~dz)) - ((~cz) * (~dy)))\nset [~pcay v] to (((~cz) * (~dx)) - ((~cx) * (~dz)))\nset [~pcaz v] to (((~cx) * (~dy)) - ((~cy) * (~dx)))\nset [~pdax v] to (((~dy) * (~az)) - ((~dz) * (~ay)))\nset [~pday v] to (((~dz) * (~ax)) - ((~dx) * (~az)))\nset [~pdaz v] to (((~dx) * (~ay)) - ((~dy) * (~ax)))\nif <<<(((~PbcX) * (~PabX)) + (((~PbcY) * (~PabY)) + ((~PbcZ) * (~PabZ)))) > [0]> and <(((~PbcX) * (~PcaX)) + (((~PbcY) * (~PcaY)) + ((~PbcZ) * (~PcaZ)))) > [0]>> and <(((~PdaX) * (~PcaX)) + (((~PdaY) * (~PcaY)) + ((~PdaZ) * (~PcaZ)))) > [0]>> then\n set [*colx v] to (~tempX)\n set [*coly v] to (~tempY)\n set [*colz v] to (~tempZ)\n change [~tempx v] by (() - (x))\n change [~tempy v] by (() - (y))\n change [~tempz v] by (() - (z))\n set [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\n if <(~mag) < (r)> then\n set [*collisionresult v] to [1]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v])\nset [~tempx v] to ((*returnX) - (x))\nset [~tempy v] to ((*returnY) - (y))\nset [~tempz v] to ((*returnZ) - (z))\nset [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\nset [*colx v] to (*returnX)\nset [*coly v] to (*returnY)\nset [*colz v] to (*returnZ)\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) (item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) (item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (6)) of [#triangledata v])\n[C] Triangle - Closest Line (x) (y) (z)\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v])\n[C] Triangle - Closest Line (x) (y) (z)\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) | (item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) (item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) (item (((~triAdd) + (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (6)) of [#triangledata v])\n[C] Triangle - Closest Line (x) (y) (z)\nif <(~mag) < (r)> then\n set [*collisionresult v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs Quad (x) (y) (z) radius (r) quad ID (quadid)\nset [*collisionresult v] to [0]\nset [~triadd v] to (((quadid) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\nset [~coladd v] to (((quadid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst))\nset [~dot v] to ((((x) * (item ((~triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v])) + (((y) * (item ((~triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])) + ((z) * (item ((~triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v])))) - (item ((~triAdd) + (13)) of [#triangledata v]))\nif <<((x) + (r)) > (item ((~colAdd) + (1)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> and <((x) - (r)) < (item ((~colAdd) + (2)) of [#trianglecolldata v])>> then\n if <<((y) + (r)) > (item ((~colAdd) + (3)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> and <((y) - (r)) < (item ((~colAdd) + (4)) of [#trianglecolldata v])>> then\n if <<((z) + (r)) > (item ((~colAdd) + (5)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> and <((z) - (r)) < (item ((~colAdd) + (6)) of [#trianglecolldata v])>> then\n if <([abs v] of (~dot) ) < (r)> then\n [C] Precise Collision - Sphere to current Quad (x) (y) (z) radius (r)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [E] Engine Init\n[E] DeleteALL\n[Ch] Chunk Init\n\ndefine [T] Set Ver1 (x) (y) (z)\nset [~getx1 v] to (x)\nset [~gety1 v] to (y)\nset [~getz1 v] to (z)\n\ndefine [T] Get Color from RGBA (r) (g) (b) (a)\nset [*getcolor v] to (((((a) + (1)) * (16777216)) + ((r) * (65536))) + (((g) * (256)) + (b)))\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs Sphere (X,Y,Z,radius) s1 (x1) (y1) (z1) (r1) s2 (x2) (y2) (z2) (r2)\nset [~tempx v] to ((x1) - (x2))\nset [~tempy v] to ((y1) - (y2))\nset [~tempz v] to ((z1) - (z2))\nset [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\nset [*collisionresult v] to (<not <(~mag) > ((r1) + (r2))>> + ())\n\ndefine [L] Remove Line 3D (id)\nreplace item (id) of [#lines3dpointers v] with [0]\nreplace item (id) of [@lineactive v] with [0]\n\ndefine [Ch] Load Chunks data (data)\nset [#currentchunkvalue v] to [-1]\nset [~tempx v] to [0]\nset [~tempy v] to [0]\nset [~tempz v] to [0]\nset [~temp v] to []\ndelete all of [~loadtemp v]\ndelete all of [#chunkconnections v]\ndelete all of [#chunkdata v]\nrepeat until <((~tempZ) + (1)) > (length of (data))>\n change [~tempz v] by (1)\n if <(~tempX) < [5]> then\n if <(letter (~tempZ) of (data)) = [;]> then\n change [~tempx v] by (1)\n add (~temp) to [~loadtemp v]\n set [~temp v] to []\n if <(~tempX) = [5]> then\n set [#chunkstartx v] to (item (1) of [~loadtemp v])\n set [#chunkstartz v] to (item (2) of [~loadtemp v])\n set [#chunksize v] to (item (3) of [~loadtemp v])\n set [#chunksizex v] to (item (4) of [~loadtemp v])\n set [#chunksizez v] to (item (5) of [~loadtemp v])\n end\n else\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~tempZ) of (data)))\n end\n else\n if <(~tempY) < ((#chunkSizeX) * (#chunkSizeZ))> then\n change [~tempy v] by (1)\n add ((join (letter (~tempZ) of (data)) (letter ((~tempZ) + (1)) of (data))) + ()) to [#chunkdata v]\n change [~tempz v] by (1)\n else\n if <(letter (~tempZ) of (data)) = [|]> then\n add (~temp) to [#chunkconnections v]\n set [~temp v] to []\n else\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~tempZ) of (data)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [myinit v]\n[E] My Init\n\ndefine [E] Delete Load Points Data\ndelete all of [^load_d v]\ndelete all of [^load_d_objecttype v]\ndelete all of [^load_d_type v]\ndelete all of [@loadpointx v]\ndelete all of [@loadpointy v]\ndelete all of [@loadpointz v]\n\ndefine [Load] Get Point Loading (data)\nset [~load_iter3 v] to [1]\nset [*load_getpoint v] to []\nrepeat (length of (data))\n change [~load_iter3 v] by (1)\n set [*load_getpoint v] to (join (*load_getPoint) (letter (~load_Iter3) of (data)))\nend\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs Line3D - sphere (x) (y) (z) radius (sphereradius) Line p1: (x1) (y1) (z1) p2: (x2) (y2) (z2) radius (lineradius)\n[C] Closest Point To Line Segment p: (x) (y) (z) Line: (x1) (y1) (z1) | (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [~tempx v] to ((*returnX) - (x))\nset [~tempy v] to ((*returnY) - (y))\nset [~tempz v] to ((*returnZ) - (z))\nset [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\nif <(~mag) < ((sphereradius) + (lineradius))> then\n set [*collisionresult v] to [1]\n set [*colx v] to (*returnX)\n set [*coly v] to (*returnY)\n set [*colz v] to (*returnZ)\nelse\n set [*collisionresult v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Add Triangle or Quad into lists (id) type (type)\nif <(type) = [0]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [m]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-movingplatforms v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [s]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-slipperyplatforms v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [f]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-fallingplatforms v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [r]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-rotatingplatforms v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [b]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [c]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-circlingplatforms v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [sign]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-signs v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [ba]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n add (id) to [-balanceplatforms v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [mtf]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [inv]> then\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [boss1]> then\n add (id) to [-boss1fence v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [boss3]> then\n add (id) to [-boss3platforms v]\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [la]> then\n add (id) to [-lava v]\n add (id) to [-collidabletriquad v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [E] Delete Class Data\ndelete all of [-collidablelines v]\ndelete all of [-collidabletriquad v]\ndelete all of [-coins v]\ndelete all of [-movingplatforms v]\ndelete all of [-fallingplatforms v]\ndelete all of [-rotatingplatforms v]\ndelete all of [-enemybasic v]\ndelete all of [-circlingplatforms v]\ndelete all of [-collideableaabb v]\ndelete all of [-bigcoins v]\ndelete all of [-checkpoints v]\ndelete all of [-finalcoins v]\ndelete all of [-signs v]\ndelete all of [-balanceplatforms v]\ndelete all of [-buttons v]\ndelete all of [-boss1fence v]\ndelete all of [-slipperyplatforms v]\ndelete all of [-enemysnow v]\ndelete all of [-axes v]\ndelete all of [-boostingcircles v]\ndelete all of [-ropes v]\ndelete all of [-enemyjump v]\ndelete all of [-boss3platforms v]\ndelete all of [-lava v]\n\ndefine [Load] Points Setting\nset [*load_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [^load_d_type v])\n change [*load_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_objecttype v]) < [2]> then\n if <(item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_objecttype v]) = [0]> then\n [Load] Setting - Other : Type (item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_type v]) position (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointx v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointy v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointz v])\n else\n [Load] Setting - GameObject : Type (item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_type v]) position: (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointx v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointy v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointz v])\n end\n else\n if <(item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_objecttype v]) = [2]> then\n [Load] Setting - Sprites : Type (item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_type v]) position (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointx v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointy v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointz v])\n else\n [Load] Setting - Text3D : Type (item (*load_iter) of [^load_d_type v]) position (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointx v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointy v]) (item (*load_iter) of [@loadpointz v])\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Setting - GameObject : Type (type) position: (x) (y) (z)\nif <(type) = [p]> then\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&PlayerIdle) material ID (&matPlayer) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n set [-playergameobjectid v] to (*newID)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [100]\n [G] Set Style - ID (*newID) color [3] brightness [5]\n set [-startx v] to (x)\n set [-starty v] to (y)\n set [-startz v] to (z)\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [shadow] at (x) (y) (z) size [100] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n set [-shadowspriteid v] to (*newID)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [e]> then\n !Add Final Coin at (x) (y) (z) hidden <>\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [button]> then\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size))\n set [!getid v] to (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^load_d v])\n repeat ((!getID) - (length of [-triggerstate v]))\n add [] to [-triggerstate v]\n repeat (9)\n add [] to [-triggerdata v]\n end\n end\n replace item (!getID) of [-triggerstate v] with [0]\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^load_d v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (9))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^load_d v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^load_d v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [-triggerdata v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&Button) material ID (&ButtonMat) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!templocal v] to (*newID)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (1)) of [^gd v] with (y)\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID ((&Button) + (1)) material ID ((&ButtonMat) + (1)) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n [A] Add AABB p1 ((x) + (-20)) (y) ((z) + (-20)) p2 ((x) + (20)) ((y) + (40)) ((z) + (20)) chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^ad_type v] with (type)\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^AD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ad v] with (!getID)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ad v] with (!tempLocal)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v] with [0]\nend\nif <(type) = [boss1]> then\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&Boss_1_Idle) material ID (&Boss_1_mat) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [-bossid v] to (*newID)\n set [-bosstype v] to [1]\n [G] Set Style - ID (*newID) color [1] brightness [-2]\n replace item (*newID) of [^gd_type v] with (type)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [200]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v] with (y)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v] with (z)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [bc]> then\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&BoostCircle) material ID (&BoostCircleMat) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n [G] Set Style - ID (*newID) color [1] brightness [-2]\n replace item (*newID) of [^gd_type v] with (type)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v] with [0]\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [200]\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (1)) of [^load_d v])\n !NV1 ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v]) - (x)) ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v]) - (y)) ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v]) - (z))\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v] with (!getX)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v] with (!getY)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v] with (!getZ)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v] with [0]\n [T] Get Quaternion Look At v1: [0] [0] [0] v2: (!getX) ((!getY) / (!mag)) ((!getZ) / (!mag))\n [T] Get Euler Angles From Quaternion (!quatX) (!quatY) (!quatZ) (!quatW)\n [G] Set Rotation of (*newID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [boss2]> then\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&Boss_2_Idle) material ID (&Boss_2_Mat) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [-bossid v] to (*newID)\n set [-bosstype v] to [2]\n [G] Set Style - ID (*newID) color [1] brightness [-2]\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v] with [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [^gd_type v] with (type)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [100]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v] with (y)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v] with (z)\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&Boss_2_HandPush) material ID (&Boss_2_HandPushMat) position ((x) + (200)) ((y) + (150)) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [@gameobjectbackfaceculling v] with [0]\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [50]\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&Boss_2_HandShoot) material ID (&Boss_2_HandShootMat) position ((x) + (-200)) ((y) + (150)) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectdrawoffset v] with [50]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v] with (*newID)\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [snowball] at [0] [0] [0] size [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v] with (*newID)\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [shadow2] at [0] [0] [0] size [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^gd v] with (*newID)\n set [-bosshealth v] to [3]\n set [-bossmaxhealth v] to [3]\n set [-bossvisualhealth v] to [3]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [boss3]> then\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&Boss_3_Idle) material ID (&Boss_3_Material) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [-bossid v] to (*newID)\n set [-bosstype v] to [3]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v] with (y)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^gd v] with (z)\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (x) (y) (z) p2: (x) (y) (z) color [200] [50] [50] [255] size [50] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [@lineactive v] with [0]\n replace item (*newID) of [^ld_type v] with [d]\n set [!bossvar2 v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Setting - Other : Type (type) position (x) (y) (z)\nif <(type) = [cp]> then\n if <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [0]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size))\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^load_d v])\n set [~t v] to (*load_getPoint)\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^load_d v])\n [A] Add AABB p1 (item (~T) of [@loadpointx v]) (item (~T) of [@loadpointy v]) (item (~T) of [@loadpointz v]) p2 (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v]) (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v]) (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v]) chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!aabbid v] to (*newID)\n replace item (!aabbID) of [^ad_type v] with [cp]\n [T] Rotate Vertex ((x) + (100)) ((y) + (75)) (z) around (x) ((y) + (75)) (z) for angles [0] ((-90) - (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^load_d v])) [0]\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x) ((y) + (50)) (z) p2: (x) ((y) + (100)) (z) p3: (~GetX1) (~GetY1) (~GetZ1) Color [200] [50] [0] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((!aabbID) - (1)) * (^AD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^ad v] with (*newID)\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (x) (y) (z) p2: (x) ((y) + (250)) (z) color [0] [0] [0] [255] size [20] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^ad v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^ad v] with (y)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^ad v] with (z)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (5)) of [^ad v] with (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^load_d v])\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [tree]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size))\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^load_d v])\n set [!_iter v] to [0]\n repeat (!getDataID2)\n !Add tree part at (x) ((y) + ((!_iter) * (100))) (z) size [30] height [100]\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n end\n set [!_iter v] to [0]\n repeat (5)\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n [T] Rotate Vertex [100] [-20] [30] around [0] [0] [0] for angles [0] ((!_iter) * ((360) / (5))) [0]\n set [~ax v] to (~GetX1)\n set [~ay v] to (~GetY1)\n set [~az v] to (~GetZ1)\n [T] Rotate Vertex [100] [-20] [-30] around [0] [0] [0] for angles [0] ((!_iter) * ((360) / (5))) [0]\n set [~bx v] to (~GetX1)\n set [~by v] to (~GetY1)\n set [~bz v] to (~GetZ1)\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) + (~ax)) (((y) + ((!getDataID2) * (100))) + (~ay)) ((z) + (~az)) p2: ((x) + (~bx)) (((y) + ((!getDataID2) * (100))) + (~by)) ((z) + (~bz)) p3: (x) ((y) + ((!getDataID2) * (100))) (z) Color [20] [50] [20] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n end\n if <not <(!getDataID2) = [0]>> then\n [A] Add AABB p1 ((x) - (8)) (y) ((z) - (8)) p2 ((x) + (8)) ((y) + ((!getDataID2) * (90))) ((z) + (8)) chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n end\n [A] Add AABB p1 ((x) - (100)) (((y) + ((!getDataID2) * (100))) - (40)) ((z) - (100)) p2 ((x) + (100)) (((y) + ((!getDataID2) * (100))) + (-10)) ((z) + (100)) chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [sign]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size))\n set [!getangle v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^load_d v]) - (90))\n set [!templocal v] to [50]\n [Q] Add Quad p1 ((x) + (([cos v] of (!getAngle) ) * (!tempLocal))) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (([sin v] of (!getAngle) ) * (!tempLocal))) p2 ((x) + (([cos v] of (!getAngle) ) * (!tempLocal))) ((y) + (100)) ((z) + (([sin v] of (!getAngle) ) * (!tempLocal))) p3 ((x) + (([cos v] of ((!getAngle) + (180)) ) * (!tempLocal))) ((y) + (100)) ((z) + (([sin v] of ((!getAngle) + (180)) ) * (!tempLocal))) p4 ((x) + (([cos v] of ((!getAngle) + (180)) ) * (!tempLocal))) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (([sin v] of ((!getAngle) + (180)) ) * (!tempLocal))) color [120] [60] [45] [255] style - color [2] brightness [-1] chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [sign]\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^td v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^td v] with (y)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^td v] with (z)\n if <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v] with (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^load_d v])\n else\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v] with (join [-] (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^load_d v]))\n end\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (5)) of [^td v] with (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^load_d v])\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (x) ((y) + (0)) (z) p2: (x) ((y) + (50)) (z) color [200] [60] [45] [255] size [10] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^ld_type v] with [d]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [boss3]> then\n [Q] Add Quad p1 ((x) + (-300)) (y) ((z) + (-300)) p2 ((x) + (300)) (y) ((z) + (-300)) p3 ((x) + (300)) (y) ((z) + (300)) p4 ((x) + (-300)) (y) ((z) + (300)) color [88] [150] [66] [255] style - color [-1] brightness [-4] chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst)) + (15)) of [#triangledata v] with ((y) - (300))\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with (y)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v] with (z)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [boss3]\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) + (-300)) (y) ((z) + (-300)) p2: ((x) + (-300)) (y) ((z) + (300)) p3: (x) ((y) - (1000)) (z) Color [50] [40] [15] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [-4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) + (-300)) (y) ((z) + (300)) p2: ((x) + (300)) (y) ((z) + (300)) p3: (x) ((y) - (1000)) (z) Color [50] [40] [15] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [-4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) + (300)) (y) ((z) + (300)) p2: ((x) + (300)) (y) ((z) + (-300)) p3: (x) ((y) - (1000)) (z) Color [50] [40] [15] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [-4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) + (300)) (y) ((z) + (-300)) p2: ((x) + (-300)) (y) ((z) + (-300)) p3: (x) ((y) - (1000)) (z) Color [50] [40] [15] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [-4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Setting - Sprites : Type (type) position (x) (y) (z)\nif <(type) = [d]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (1)) of [^load_d v]) at (x) (y) (z) size (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (2)) of [^load_d v]) chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with (type)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [eB]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [enemyBasic] at (x) ((y) + (30)) (z) size [100] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with (type)\n [Load] Sprite Load Data (*newID) number of data [2] starting from [5]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v] with [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v] with ((y) + (30))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v] with (z)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [c]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [c0] at (x) (y) (z) size [20] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with (type)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v] with [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (y)\n change [-maxcoins v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [bc]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [bc0] at (x) (y) (z) size [30] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with (type)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v] with [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (y)\n change [-maxcoins v] by (5)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [eS]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [enemySnow] at (x) ((y) + (45)) (z) size [150] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with (type)\n [Load] Sprite Load Data (*newID) number of data [2] starting from [5]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v] with [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v] with ((y) + (45))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v] with (z)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [snowball] at (x) ((y) + (90)) (z) size [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [eJ]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [enemyJump] at (x) ((y) + (55)) (z) size [180] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with (type)\n [Load] Sprite Load Data (*newID) number of data [2] starting from [5]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v] with [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (x)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v] with ((y) + (55))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v] with (z)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) p2: ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1)) p3: ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (-1)) Color [0] [50] [0] [100] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [4] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (12)) of [^sd v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [@triangle_active v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n change [!getdataid v] by (1)\n replace item (!getDataID) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n repeat (6)\n change [!getdataid v] by (1)\n [Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) p2: ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1)) p3: ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (-1)) Color [0] [50] [0] [100] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [4] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item (*newID) of [@triangle_active v] with [1]\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n replace item (!getDataID) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [G] Add GameObjects into lists (id) type (type)\nif <(type) = [e]> then\n add (id) to [-finalcoins v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [bc]> then\n add (id) to [-boostingcircles v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [S] Add Sprites into lists (id) type (type)\nif <(type) = [eB]> then\n add (id) to [-enemybasic v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [c]> then\n add (id) to [-coins v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [bc]> then\n add (id) to [-bigcoins v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [eS]> then\n add (id) to [-enemysnow v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [eJ]> then\n add (id) to [-enemyjump v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [L] Add lines into lists (id) type (type)\nif <(type) = [0]> then\n add (id) to [-collidablelines v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [axe]> then\n add (id) to [-axes v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [r]> then\n add (id) to [-ropes v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (x) (y) (z) radius (r)\nset [*col_iter v] to [0]\nset [*finalcollision v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(*col_iter) = (length of [-collidablelines v])> or <(*finalCollision) = [1]>>\n change [*col_iter v] by (1)\n set [~getid_e v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collidablelines v])\n if <(item (~getID_E) of [@lineactive v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Line3D - sphere (x) (y) (z) radius (r) Line p1: (item (~getID_E) of [@linesx1 v]) (item (~getID_E) of [@linesy1 v]) (item (~getID_E) of [@linesz1 v]) p2: (item (~getID_E) of [@linesx2 v]) (item (~getID_E) of [@linesy2 v]) (item (~getID_E) of [@linesz2 v]) radius ((item (~getID_E) of [@linesize v]) / (2))\n set [*finalcollision v] to (*collisionResult)\n end\nend\n\ndefine [Load] GameObject Load Data (id) number of data (datan) starting from (start)\nset [~loaddataiter v] to ((start) - (1))\nset [~loaddataelemiter v] to [0]\nrepeat (datan)\n change [~loaddataelemiter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (~loadDataElemIter)) of [^load_d v])) = [`]> then\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (~loadDataElemIter)) of [^load_d v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (1))) of [^gd v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (2))) of [^gd v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (3))) of [^gd v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (3)\n else\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (1)\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (~loadDataIter)) of [^gd v] with (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (~loadDataElemIter)) of [^load_d v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Sprite Load Data (id) number of data (datan) starting from (start)\nset [~loaddataiter v] to ((start) - (1))\nset [~loaddataelemiter v] to [0]\nrepeat (datan)\n change [~loaddataelemiter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (~loadDataElemIter)) of [^load_d v])) = [`]> then\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (~loadDataElemIter)) of [^load_d v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (1))) of [^sd v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (2))) of [^sd v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (3))) of [^sd v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (3)\n else\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (1)\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + (~loadDataIter)) of [^sd v] with (item ((((*load_iter) - (1)) * (^Load_D_Size)) + (~loadDataElemIter)) of [^load_d v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Setting - Triangle : Type (type) new ID (newid)\nif <(type) = [2]> then\n replace item (newid) of [^td_type v] with [0]\n replace item (newid) of [@triangletransparentdist v] with (item (1) of [*load_list v])\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [d2]> then\n replace item (newid) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n replace item (newid) of [@triangletransparentdist v] with (item (1) of [*load_list v])\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [m]> then\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [4] starting from [1]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [m2]> then\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [4] starting from [1]\n replace item (newid) of [^td_type v] with [m]\n replace item (newid) of [@triangletransparentdist v] with [525]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [f]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with [0]\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [1] starting from [3]\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]) = [-1]>> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v] with [0]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [r]> then\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [1] starting from [1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n [Tr Q] Set Rotating Pivot of Triangle or Quad (newid) pos (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with (item (2) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with (item (3) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v] with (item (4) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v] with (item (5) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v] with (item (6) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v] with (item (7) of [*load_list v])\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [b]> then\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [1] starting from [1]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [c]> then\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [4] starting from [1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n !NV1 ((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v] with (!getX)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with (!getY)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v] with (!getZ)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [ba]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [4] starting from [1]\n [Tr Q] Set Rotating Pivot of Triangle or Quad (newid) pos (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v])\n !NV1 ((item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with (!getX)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with (!getY)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v] with (!getZ)\n !NV1 ((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v]) - (item ((((newid) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [#trianglepivotdata v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) - (item ((((newid) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) - (item ((((newid) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v] with (!getX)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v] with (!getY)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v] with (!getZ)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v] with (!mag)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v] with [0]\nend\nif <(type) = [mtf]> then\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [3] starting from [1]\nend\nif <(type) = [inv]> then\n replace item (newid) of [@trianglerendering v] with [0]\n replace item (newid) of [^td_type v] with (item (1) of [*load_list v])\nend\nif <(type) = [boss1]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (9))\n [Load] Triangle Load Data (newid) number of data [2] starting from [4]\n replace item (newid) of [@trianglerendering v] with [0]\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) (item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) p2: (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (200)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) color [200] [120] [50] [255] size [50] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (160)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) p2: (item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (5)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (160)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (6)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) color [240] [150] [80] [255] size [40] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v] with [-1]\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (100)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) p2: (item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (5)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (100)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (6)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) color [235] [145] [75] [255] size [40] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v] with [-1]\n [L] Add Line 3D p1: (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (40)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) p2: (item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (5)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) + (40)) (item ((!getDataID2) + (6)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) color [230] [140] [70] [255] size [40] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v] with (*newID)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v] with [-1]\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Triangle Load Data (id) number of data (datan) starting from (start)\nset [~loaddataiter v] to ((start) - (1))\nset [~loaddataelemiter v] to [0]\nrepeat (datan)\n change [~loaddataelemiter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (~loadDataElemIter) of [*load_list v])) = [`]> then\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item (~loadDataElemIter) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (1))) of [^td v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (2))) of [^td v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (3))) of [^td v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (3)\n else\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (1)\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (~loadDataIter)) of [^td v] with (item (~loadDataElemIter) of [*load_list v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Setting - Line : Type (type) new ID (newid)\nif <(type) = [axe]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^LD_Size))\n [Load] Line Load Data (newid) number of data [2] starting from [1]\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item (3) of [*load_list v])\n !NVNY1 ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesx2 v])) ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]))\n [Q] Add Quad p1 (item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) + (100)) (item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) p2 (item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) p3 ((item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) + ((-150) * (!getX))) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) + (-50)) ((item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) + ((-150) * (!getZ))) p4 ((item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) + ((-150) * (!getX))) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) + (150)) ((item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) + ((-150) * (!getZ))) color [30] [30] [30] [255] style - color [0] brightness [-2] chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n [Tr Q] Set Rotating Pivot of Triangle or Quad (*newID) pos (item (newid) of [@linesx1 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesy1 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesz1 v])\n [Q] Add Quad p1 ((item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) + ()) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) + (100)) ((item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) + ()) p2 (item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) p3 ((item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) + ((150) * (!getX))) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) + (-50)) ((item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) + ((150) * (!getZ))) p4 ((item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) + ((150) * (!getX))) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) + (150)) ((item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) + ((150) * (!getZ))) color [30] [30] [30] [255] style - color [0] brightness [-2] chunk [-1 auto] [-1]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^ld v] with (*newID)\n replace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n [Tr Q] Set Rotating Pivot of Triangle or Quad (*newID) pos (item (newid) of [@linesx1 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesy1 v]) (item (newid) of [@linesz1 v])\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item (4) of [*load_list v])\n !NV1 ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesx1 v])) ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesy1 v])) ((item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesz1 v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with (!getX)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^ld v] with (!getY)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^ld v] with (!getZ)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^ld v] with (item (5) of [*load_list v])\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [r]> then\n !NV1 ((item (newid) of [@linesx2 v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesx1 v])) ((item (newid) of [@linesy2 v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesy1 v])) ((item (newid) of [@linesz2 v]) - (item (newid) of [@linesz1 v]))\n set [!getdataid v] to (((newid) - (1)) * (^LD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v] with (!mag)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [Load] Line Load Data (id) number of data (datan) starting from (start)\nset [~loaddataiter v] to ((start) - (1))\nset [~loaddataelemiter v] to [0]\nrepeat (datan)\n change [~loaddataelemiter v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (~loadDataElemIter) of [*load_list v])) = [`]> then\n [Load] Get Point Loading (item (~loadDataElemIter) of [*load_list v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (1))) of [^ld v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointx v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (2))) of [^ld v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointy v])\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + ((~loadDataIter) + (3))) of [^ld v] with (item (*load_getPoint) of [@loadpointz v])\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (3)\n else\n change [~loaddataiter v] by (1)\n replace item ((((id) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (~loadDataIter)) of [^ld v] with (item (~loadDataElemIter) of [*load_list v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine [T] Get Falling Slope according to normal (nx) (ny) (nz)\nset [*returnx v] to ((nx) * (ny))\nset [*returny v] to (() - (((nx) * (nx)) + ((nz) * (nz))))\nset [*returnz v] to ((ny) * (nz))\n\ndefine [G] Set Style - ID (id) color (color) brightness (brightness)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectstylecolor v] with (color)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectstylebrightness v] with (brightness)\n\ndefine [T] Normal Rotate (nx) (ny) (nz)\nset [~a_vx v] to (nx)\nset [~a_vy v] to (ny)\nset [~a_vz v] to (nz)\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~A_Vx) * (~A_Vx)) + (((~A_Vy) * (~A_Vy)) + ((~A_Vz) * (~A_Vz)))) )\nset [~a_vx v] to ((~A_Vx) / (~A_mag))\nset [~a_vy v] to ((~A_Vy) / (~A_mag))\nset [~a_vz v] to ((~A_Vz) / (~A_mag))\n[T] Atan2 (() - (~A_Vx)) (~A_Vy)\nset [*getanglez v] to (*getAngle)\nset [*getanglex v] to (([acos v] of ((ny) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleZ) )) ) * ((<(nz) > [0]> * (2)) - (1)))\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Reset Translation (id)\nreplace item (((id) * (3)) - (2)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item (((id) * (3)) - (1)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((id) * (3)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v] with [0]\n\ndefine !Player Platformer Collision - VelY (oldvely)\n[C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\nset [~collisioncounter v] to [0]\nset [!playertargetnormalx v] to [0]\nset [!playertargetnormaly v] to [1]\nset [!playertargetnormalz v] to [0]\nset [!collidingtriangle v] to [0]\nif <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n set [!oldy v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v])\n set [!jumppowertri v] to [1]\n set [!collidebounce v] to [0]\n set [!gettrid v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v])\n set [!collidingtriangle v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v])\n set [!collideslippery v] to [0]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getTrID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n set [!triadd v] to (((!getTrID) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n if <(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [la]> then\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with [-100]\n end\n if <<(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [r]> or <(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [ba]>> then\n if <(item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) < [0.7]> then\n set [!jumppowertri v] to (((item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) / (1.5)) + (0.225))\n [G] Translate GameObject (-PlayerGameObjectID) for ((#DeltaTime) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (17)) of [#triangledata v]) * (([abs v] of (item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) ) * (1200)))) ((#DeltaTime) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) * (([abs v] of (item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) ) * (1200)))) ((#DeltaTime) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (19)) of [#triangledata v]) * (([abs v] of (item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) ) * (1200))))\n end\n if <[0.575] > (item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])> then\n set [!jumppowertri v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [ba]> then\n !NVNY1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (((!getTrID) * (3)) + (-2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item ((!getTrID) * (3)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]))\n set [!getsign v] to ((-1) + ((2) * <(((!getX) * (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v])) + ((!getZ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]))) > [0]>))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) + (((#DeltaTime) + ((<(!velGravityY) < [0]> * (!velGravityY)) * (-0.0018))) * (((!mag) / (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v])) * ((!getSign) * (-BalancePlatformDown)))))\n end\n if <(item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) > [0.1]> then\n set [!playertargetnormalx v] to (item ((!triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v])\n set [!playertargetnormaly v] to (item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])\n set [!playertargetnormalz v] to (item ((!triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v])\n end\n set [!velgravityy v] to [0]\n set [!wascollided v] to [1]\n if <(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [s]> then\n set [!mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((item ((!triAdd) + (17)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item ((!triAdd) + (17)) of [#triangledata v])) + ((item ((!triAdd) + (19)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item ((!triAdd) + (19)) of [#triangledata v]))) )\n set [!getx v] to ((item ((!triAdd) + (17)) of [#triangledata v]) / (!mag))\n set [!getz v] to ((item ((!triAdd) + (19)) of [#triangledata v]) / (!mag))\n change [!velx v] by ((([abs v] of (item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) ) * (item ((!triAdd) + (17)) of [#triangledata v])) * ((#DeltaTime) * (-VelSlip)))\n change [!velz v] by ((([abs v] of (item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) ) * (item ((!triAdd) + (19)) of [#triangledata v])) * ((#DeltaTime) * (-VelSlip)))\n set [!mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((!velX) * (!velX)) + ((!velZ) * (!velZ))) )\n if <(!mag) > [1000]> then\n set [!velx v] to (((!velX) / (!mag)) * (1000))\n set [!velz v] to (((!velZ) / (!mag)) * (1000))\n set [!mag v] to [1000]\n end\n set [!vely v] to ((item ((!triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v]) * (((!getX) * (!velX)) + ((!getZ) * (!velZ))))\n if <([abs v] of (!velY) ) > [800]> then\n set [!vely v] to (((<(!velY) > [0]> * (2)) - (1)) * (800))\n end\n !T p Y ((#DeltaTime) * (!velY))\n set [!collideslippery v] to [1]\n if <(item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) > [0.7]> then\n set [!jumppowertri v] to ((0.9) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])))\n else\n set [!jumppowertri v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [f]> then\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) = [1]>> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with [1]\n start sound (join [fallfloor] (-SoundBuffer))\n set [-soundbuffer v] to (((-SoundBuffer) + (1)) mod (3))\n end\n else\n if <(item (!getTrID) of [^td_type v]) = [b]> then\n set [!getside v] to ((-1) + ((2) * <[0] < (((item ((!triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v])) + ((((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) * (item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v])) + (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) * (item ((!triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v])) - (item ((!triAdd) + (13)) of [#triangledata v]))))>))\n !Set p vel (((100) * (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v])) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v]) * (!getSide))) (((100) * (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v])) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) * (!getSide))) (((100) * (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v])) * ((item ((!triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v]) * (!getSide)))\n set [!wascollided v] to [0]\n set [!collidebounce v] to [1]\n start sound [Boing v]\n end\n end\n end\n repeat until <(*finalCollision) = [0]>\n if <(~collisionCounter) < [30]> then\n change [~collisioncounter v] by (1)\n if <<(oldvely) > [0]> and <(*colY) > ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset))>> then\n if <(item (((!getTrID) * (3)) - (1)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v]) < [0]> then\n !T p Y ((((#DeltaTime) * (-100)) + (-1)) + ((item (((!getTrID) * (3)) - (1)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v]) * (#DeltaTime)))\n else\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (-100)) + (-1))\n end\n set [!touchceiling v] to [1]\n set [!jumpcooldown v] to [0.2]\n else\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (50)) + (1))\n if <<(!falling) > [0.5]> and <(!collideBounce) = [0]>> then\n start sound [FallGround v]\n end\n set [!falling v] to [0]\n set [!isjumpwalk v] to [0]\n set [!wasonground v] to [1]\n set [!touchceiling v] to [0]\n end\n !Sphere vs triangle or quad (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius) trq ID (!getTrID)\n set [*finalcollision v] to (*collisionResult)\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n set [!gettrid v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v])\n end\n end\n else\n start sound [Toy Zing v]\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((!oldY) - ((#DeltaTime) * (-10)))\n set [!jumppowertri v] to [0]\n set [!velgravityy v] to [0]\n change [!stretch v] by ((-4) * (#DeltaTime))\n if <(!stretch) < [0.25]> then\n set [!stretch v] to [0.25]\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n!Player Line Collision - VelY (!velGravityY)\n!Player AABB Collision - old Vely (!velGravityY)\n\ndefine !Player Update\nif <(!PlayerRopeID) = [0]> then\n !Walk Move\n !T p Y ((#DeltaTime) * (!velGravityY))\n change [!velgravityy v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (750)))\n if <(!velGravityY) < [-600]> then\n set [!velgravityy v] to [-600]\n !Slow Down VelY [750]\n end\n change [!falling v] by (#DeltaTime)\n set [!wascollided v] to [0]\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (-250)) + (-5))\n !Player Platformer Collision - VelY (!velGravityY)\n !T p Y ((#DeltaTime) * ((!velY) * (1.5)))\n !Walk ((!velX) * (#DeltaTime)) [0] y per slope (((50) + ([sqrt v] of (((!velX) * (!velX)) + ((!velZ) * (!velZ))) )) * (0.4))\n !Walk [0] ((!velZ) * (#DeltaTime)) y per slope (((50) + ([sqrt v] of (((!velX) * (!velX)) + ((!velZ) * (!velZ))) )) * (0.4))\n if <(!wasCollided) = [0]> then\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (250)) + (5))\n if <(!wasOnGround) = [1]> then\n set [!wasonground v] to [0]\n set [!animationstate v] to [0]\n end\n !Walk (((!moveX) * (-PlayerMoveSpeed)) * (#DeltaTime)) [0] y per slope [100]\n !Walk [0] (((!moveZ) * (-PlayerMoveSpeed)) * (#DeltaTime)) y per slope [100]\n !Slow down slippery velocity ((-VelSlowDown) * (2))\n !Slow Down VelY [100]\n else\n set [!oldropeid v] to [-1]\n if <(!collideSlippery) = [0]> then\n !Walk (((!moveX) * (-PlayerMoveSpeed)) * (#DeltaTime)) [0] y per slope [100]\n !Walk [0] (((!moveZ) * (-PlayerMoveSpeed)) * (#DeltaTime)) y per slope [100]\n set [!vely v] to [0]\n !Slow down slippery velocity ((-VelSlowDown) * (8))\n else\n change [!velx v] by ((!moveX) * ((#DeltaTime) * (-MovePowerOnSlippery)))\n change [!velz v] by ((!moveZ) * ((#DeltaTime) * (-MovePowerOnSlippery)))\n !Slow down slippery velocity (-VelSlowDown)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [T] Rotate Vertex (x) (y) (z) around (ox) (oy) (oz) for angles (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\n[T] Set Ver1 ((x) - (ox)) ((y) - (oy)) ((z) - (oz))\n[T] Set Ver1 (((~GetZ1) * ([sin v] of (roty) )) + ((~GetX1) * ([cos v] of (roty) ))) (~GetY1) (((~GetZ1) * ([cos v] of (roty) )) - ((~GetX1) * ([sin v] of (roty) )))\n[T] Set Ver1 (~GetX1) (((~GetY1) * ([cos v] of (rotx) )) - ((~GetZ1) * ([sin v] of (rotx) ))) (((~GetY1) * ([sin v] of (rotx) )) + ((~GetZ1) * ([cos v] of (rotx) )))\n[T] Set Ver1 (((~GetX1) * ([cos v] of (rotz) )) - ((~GetY1) * ([sin v] of (rotz) ))) (((~GetX1) * ([sin v] of (rotz) )) + ((~GetY1) * ([cos v] of (rotz) ))) (~GetZ1)\n[T] Set Ver1 ((~GetX1) + (ox)) ((~GetY1) + (oy)) ((~GetZ1) + (oz))\n\ndefine [Tr] Rotate Triangle (trid) for (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\nif <not <<(rotx) = [0]> and <<(roty) = [0]> and <(rotz) = [0]>>>> then\n replace item (trid) of [@trianglerotx v] with ((item (trid) of [@trianglerotx v]) + (rotx))\n replace item (trid) of [@triangleroty v] with ((item (trid) of [@triangleroty v]) + (roty))\n replace item (trid) of [@trianglerotz v] with ((item (trid) of [@trianglerotz v]) + (rotz))\n set [~triadd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n !Rotate Triangle Part (trid) vertex ID [1]\n !Rotate Triangle Part (trid) vertex ID [4]\n !Rotate Triangle Part (trid) vertex ID [7]\n !Set Triangle Data (trid)\nend\nreplace item (((trid) * (3)) - (2)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with (rotx)\nreplace item (((trid) * (3)) - (1)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with (roty)\nreplace item ((trid) * (3)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with (rotz)\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Reset Rotation (id)\nreplace item (((id) * (3)) - (2)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item (((id) * (3)) - (1)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with [0]\nreplace item ((id) * (3)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v] with [0]\n\ndefine !Rotate Triangles and Quads\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-rotatingplatforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-rotatingplatforms v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n [Tr Q] Set Rotation of triangle or quad (!getID) to (((!timer) * (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v])) + (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v])) (((!timer) * (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v])) + (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v])) (((!timer) * (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v])) + (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]))\nend\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Rotate Triangle or Quad (trid) for (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\nif <(item (trid) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [0]> then\n [Tr] Rotate Triangle (trid) for (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\nelse\n [Tr] Rotate Triangle (trid) for (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\n [Tr] Rotate Triangle ((trid) + (1)) for (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\n !Set AABB of Quad (trid)\nend\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Set Rotation of triangle or quad (id) to (rotx) (roty) (rotz)\n[Tr Q] Rotate Triangle or Quad (id) for ((rotx) - (item (id) of [@trianglerotx v])) ((roty) - (item (id) of [@triangleroty v])) ((rotz) - (item (id) of [@trianglerotz v]))\n\ndefine !Update Enemy Basic\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-enemybasic v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-enemybasic v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [1]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v])) ) < (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^sd v])> and <([abs v] of ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v])) ) < (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^sd v])>> then\n !NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((!getX) * ((150) * (#DeltaTime))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((!getZ) * ((150) * (#DeltaTime))))\n if <(!mag) < ((-PlayerRadius) * (2))> then\n if <(!velGravityY) < [0]> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n set [!velgravityy v] to [400]\n start sound (join [squash] (pick random (1) to (2)))\n else\n !Set p vel ((!getX) * (600)) [300] ((!getZ) * (600))\n set [!velgravityy v] to [300]\n !T p Y [8]\n start sound [enemyPush v]\n end\n end\n else\n !NV1 ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n if <(!mag) > [13]> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((!getX) * ((100) * (#DeltaTime))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((!getZ) * ((100) * (#DeltaTime))))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Circling Platforms\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-circlingplatforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-circlingplatforms v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n set [!getangle v] to ((!timer) * (item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^td v]))\n set [!getx v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v]))\n set [!gety v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v]))\n set [!getz v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]))\n !Get Vector Rotation Matrix (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) angle ([sin v] of (!getAngle) ) ([cos v] of (!getAngle) )\n !Apply Vec Rot Matrix (!getX) (!getY) (!getZ)\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!getID) to ((!getX) - ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v]))) ((!getY) - ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v]))) ((!getZ) - ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v])))\nend\n\ndefine !Get Vector Rotation Matrix (vx) (vy) (vz) angle (sinangle) (cosangle)\ndelete all of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((cosangle) + (((vx) * (vx)) * ((1) - (cosangle)))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((((vx) * (vy)) * ((1) - (cosangle))) - ((vz) * (sinangle))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((((vx) * (vz)) * ((1) - (cosangle))) + ((vy) * (sinangle))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((((vx) * (vy)) * ((1) - (cosangle))) + ((vz) * (sinangle))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((cosangle) + (((vy) * (vy)) * ((1) - (cosangle)))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((((vy) * (vz)) * ((1) - (cosangle))) - ((vx) * (sinangle))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((((vx) * (vz)) * ((1) - (cosangle))) - ((vy) * (sinangle))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((((vy) * (vz)) * ((1) - (cosangle))) + ((vx) * (sinangle))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\nadd ((cosangle) + (((vz) * (vz)) * ((1) - (cosangle)))) to [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\n\ndefine !Apply Vec Rot Matrix (x) (y) (z)\nset [!getx v] to (((item (1) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (x)) + (((item (2) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (y)) + ((item (3) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (z))))\nset [!gety v] to (((item (4) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (x)) + (((item (5) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (y)) + ((item (6) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (z))))\nset [!getz v] to (((item (7) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (x)) + (((item (8) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (y)) + ((item (9) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) * (z))))\n\ndefine !Player Update part 2\nif <(!PlayerRopeID) = [0]> then\n change [!jumpcooldown v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <(!JumpCooldown) < [0]> then\n set [!jumpcooldown v] to [0]\n end\n if <<<<<($JumpPressed) > [0]> or <key (space v) pressed?>> and <(!falling) < [0.275]>> and <(!JumpCooldown) = [0]>> and <not <(!JumpPowerTri) = [0]>>> then\n if <<(!collideBounce) = [0]> and <(!TouchCeiling) = [0]>> then\n set [!velgravityy v] to ((332) * (!JumpPowerTri))\n set [!vely v] to [0]\n set [!stretch v] to [1]\n if <(!falling) = [0]> then\n if <(!JumpPowerTri) > [0.5]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (((#DeltaTime) * (60)) + (8)))\n set [!isjumpwalk v] to (!isWalking)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) < [-100]> then\n if <<(-deadState) = [0]> and <(-ResetMode) = [0]>> then\n start sound [fallHole v]\n set [-deadstate v] to [1.25]\n end\n end\n !Player Stretch\n !Player Animation\n !Player Step\n [T] Normal Rotate (!playerTargetNormalX) (!playerTargetNormalY) (!playerTargetNormalZ)\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotx v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) + (((*getAngleX) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotx v])) * ((#DeltaTime) * (5))))\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotz v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotz v]) + (((*getAngleZ) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])) * ((#DeltaTime) * (5))))\nend\n!Calculate Shadow\n\ndefine !Update Player Platform Translate And Rotate\n[C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\nif <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n set [!collidingtriangle v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collidabletriquad v])\nend\nif <not <(!CollidingTriangle) = [0]>> then\n set [!triadd v] to (((!CollidingTriangle) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n set [!oldx v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v])\n set [!oldy v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v])\n set [!oldz v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])\n [G] Translate GameObject (-PlayerGameObjectID) for (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (2)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v]) (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (1)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v]) (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (0)) of [#triangletranslatevalues v])\n [T] Rotate Vertex (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) around (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]) (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (1)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]) (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (0)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]) for angles (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (2)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v]) (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (1)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v]) (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (0)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v])\n [G] Set Position of (-PlayerGameObjectID) to (~GetX1) (~GetY1) (~GetZ1)\n change [!playerangle v] by (() - (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (1)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v]))\n change [!targetangle v] by (() - (item (((!CollidingTriangle) * (3)) - (1)) of [#trianglerotatevalues v]))\n if <not <<(item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) = (!oldX)> and <<(item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) = (!oldY)> and <(item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) = (!oldZ)>>>> then\n set [!slope v] to [0]\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n end\n if <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n if <(!velGravityY) = [0]> then\n repeat until <<(!slope) = [4]> or <(*finalCollision) = [0]>>\n change [!slope v] by (1)\n !T p Y [4]\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-PlayerGameObjectID) radius (-PlayerRadius) offset [0] (-PlayerYColOffset) [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs ALL Lines (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius)\n end\n end\n !T p Y [-4]\n if <(!slope) = [4]> then\n [G] Set Position of (-PlayerGameObjectID) to (!oldX) (!oldY) (!oldZ)\n !Slow down slippery velocity ((-VelSlowDown) * (4))\n end\n else\n [G] Set Position of (-PlayerGameObjectID) to (!oldX) (!oldY) (!oldZ)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine [A] Add AABB p1 (x1) (y1) (z1) p2 (x2) (y2) (z2) chunk [-1 auto] (chunkid)\nset [~newslot v] to [1]\nset [~p v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(~newSlot) = [0]> or <(~p) > (length of [-aabb_pointers v])>>\n if <(item (~p) of [-aabb_pointers v]) = [0]> then\n set [~newslot v] to [0]\n end\n change [~p v] by (1)\nend\nif <(x1) < (x2)> then\n set [~ax v] to (x1)\n set [~bx v] to (x2)\nelse\n set [~ax v] to (x2)\n set [~bx v] to (x1)\nend\nif <(y1) < (y2)> then\n set [~ay v] to (y1)\n set [~by v] to (y2)\nelse\n set [~ay v] to (y2)\n set [~by v] to (y1)\nend\nif <(z1) < (z2)> then\n set [~az v] to (z1)\n set [~bz v] to (z2)\nelse\n set [~az v] to (z2)\n set [~bz v] to (z1)\nend\nif <(~newSlot) = [1]> then\n set [*newid v] to (~p)\n add [1] to [-aabb_pointers v]\n add (~ax) to [-aabb_coldata v]\n add (~bx) to [-aabb_coldata v]\n add (~ay) to [-aabb_coldata v]\n add (~by) to [-aabb_coldata v]\n add (~az) to [-aabb_coldata v]\n add (~bz) to [-aabb_coldata v]\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2))\n add (~newChunk) to [-aabb_chunk v]\n else\n add (chunkid) to [-aabb_chunk v]\n end\n add [1] to [-aabb_active v]\n add [0] to [^ad_type v]\n repeat (^AD_Size)\n add [] to [^ad v]\n end\nelse\n set [*newid v] to ((~p) - (1))\n replace item (*newID) of [-aabb_pointers v] with [1]\n set [~m v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (6))\n replace item ((~m) + (1)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with (~ax)\n replace item ((~m) + (2)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with (~bx)\n replace item ((~m) + (3)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with (~ay)\n replace item ((~m) + (4)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with (~by)\n replace item ((~m) + (5)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with (~az)\n replace item ((~m) + (6)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with (~bz)\n if <(chunkid) = [-1]> then\n [Ch] Get Chunk from Coordinate (((x1) + (x2)) / (2)) (((z1) + (z2)) / (2))\n replace item (*newID) of [-aabb_chunk v] with (~newChunk)\n else\n replace item (*newID) of [-aabb_chunk v] with (chunkid)\n end\n set [~dataiter v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n repeat (^AD_Size)\n change [~dataiter v] by (1)\n replace item (~dataIter) of [^ad v] with []\n end\nend\n\ndefine [A] Delete AABB data\ndelete all of [-aabb_coldata v]\ndelete all of [-aabb_chunk v]\ndelete all of [-aabb_pointers v]\ndelete all of [-chunkactive_aabb v]\ndelete all of [-aabb_active v]\ndelete all of [^ad_type v]\ndelete all of [^ad v]\n\ndefine [A] Add AABB into lists (id) Type (type)\nif <(type) = [0]> then\n add (id) to [-collideableaabb v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [cp]> then\n add (id) to [-checkpoints v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(type) = [button]> then\n add (id) to [-collideableaabb v]\n add (id) to [-buttons v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine [C] AABB vs existing AABB (minx) (maxx) (miny) (maxy) (minz) (maxz) AABB id (id)\nset [*collisionresult v] to (<<<(minz) < (item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (6)) of [-aabb_coldata v])> and <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (5)) of [-aabb_coldata v]) < (maxz)>> and <<<(minx) < (item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (2)) of [-aabb_coldata v])> and <(item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (1)) of [-aabb_coldata v]) < (maxx)>> and <<(item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (3)) of [-aabb_coldata v]) < (maxy)> and <(miny) < (item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (4)) of [-aabb_coldata v])>>>> + ())\nset [*coly v] to (((item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (3)) of [-aabb_coldata v]) + (item ((((id) - (1)) * (6)) + (4)) of [-aabb_coldata v])) / (2))\n\ndefine [A] Remove AABB\nreplace item (id) of [-aabb_pointers v] with [0]\nreplace item (id) of [-aabb_active v] with [0]\n\ndefine !Update Check Points\nif <(-CheckPointState) < [1]> then\n change [-checkpointstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\nelse\n set [-checkpointstate v] to [1]\nend\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-checkpoints v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-checkpoints v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^AD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [-aabb_active v]) = [1]> then\n [C] AABB vs existing AABB ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (-PlayerRadius)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (-PlayerRadius)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (2))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (-PlayerRadius)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (-PlayerRadius)) AABB id (!getID)\n if <<(*collisionResult) = [1]> and <not <(-CurrentCheckPoint) = (item (!_iter) of [-checkpoints v])>>> then\n set [-currentcheckpoint v] to (item (!_iter) of [-checkpoints v])\n set [-checkpointstate v] to [0]\n set [-checkpointx v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ad v]) + (0))\n set [-checkpointy v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v])\n set [-checkpointz v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^ad v]) + (0))\n set [-checkpointangle v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ad v])\n !Save with Check Point\n start sound [checkPoint v]\n end\n end\n set [!gettrid v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ad v])\n if <(-CurrentCheckPoint) = (item (!_iter) of [-checkpoints v])> then\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!getTrID) to [0] ((-CheckPointState) * (150)) [0]\n else\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!getTrID) to [0] (((1) - (-CheckPointState)) * (150)) [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Add tree part at (x) (y) (z) size (size) height (height)\n[Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) - ((size) / (2))) ((y) + (height)) ((z) - (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (6))) p2: ((x) + ((size) / (2))) ((y) + (height)) ((z) - (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (6))) p3: (x) ((y) + (height)) ((z) + (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (3))) Color [150] [60] [40] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n[Tr] Add Triangle p1: (x) (y) (z) p2: ((x) + ((size) / (2))) ((y) + (height)) ((z) - (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (6))) p3: (x) ((y) + (height)) ((z) + (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (3))) Color [150] [60] [40] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n[Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) - ((size) / (2))) ((y) + (height)) ((z) - (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (6))) p2: (x) (y) (z) p3: (x) ((y) + (height)) ((z) + (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (3))) Color [150] [60] [40] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n[Tr] Add Triangle p1: ((x) - ((size) / (2))) ((y) + (height)) ((z) - (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (6))) p2: ((x) + ((size) / (2))) ((y) + (height)) ((z) - (((size) * ([sqrt v] of (3) )) / (6))) p3: (x) (y) (z) Color [150] [60] [40] [255] Is part of quad: [0] style - color: [2] brightness [4] triangleChunk[-1 auto] [-1]\nreplace item (*newID) of [^td_type v] with [d]\n\ndefine [C] AABB vs all AABB (minx) (maxx) (miny) (maxy) (minz) (maxz)\nset [*col_iter v] to [0]\nset [*finalcollision v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(*col_iter) = (length of [-collideableaabb v])> or <(*finalCollision) = [1]>>\n change [*col_iter v] by (1)\n set [~getid_e v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collideableaabb v])\n if <(item (~getID_E) of [-aabb_active v]) = [1]> then\n [C] AABB vs existing AABB (minx) (maxx) (miny) (maxy) (minz) (maxz) AABB id (~getID_E)\n set [*finalcollision v] to (*collisionResult)\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Player Vs All AABB\n[C] AABB vs all AABB ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8))) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (1.6))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8)))\n\ndefine !Player AABB Collision - old Vely (vely)\nset [~collisioncounter v] to [0]\n!Player Vs All AABB\nif <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n set [!getaabbid v] to (item (*col_iter) of [-collideableaabb v])\n set [!velgravityy v] to [0]\n set [!wascollided v] to [1]\n set [!collidebounce v] to [0]\n set [!jumppowertri v] to [1]\n set [!collideslippery v] to [0]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getAABBID) - (1)) * (^AD_Size))\n if <(item (!getAABBID) of [^ad_type v]) = [button]> then\n if <(*colY) < ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset))> then\n if <(item (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ad v]) of [-triggerstate v]) = [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * (1.5)))\n end\n end\n end\n repeat until <(*finalCollision) = [0]>\n if <(~collisionCounter) < [30]> then\n change [~collisioncounter v] by (1)\n if <<(vely) > [0]> and <(*colY) > ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset))>> then\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (-100)) + (-1))\n set [!falling v] to [0]\n set [!touchceiling v] to [1]\n set [!jumpcooldown v] to [0.2]\n else\n !T p Y (((#DeltaTime) * (50)) + (1))\n if <(!falling) > [0.5]> then\n start sound [FallGround v]\n end\n set [!falling v] to [0]\n set [!isjumpwalk v] to [0]\n set [!wasonground v] to [1]\n set [!touchceiling v] to [0]\n end\n !Player Vs All AABB\n else\n start sound [Toy Zing v]\n change [!stretch v] by ((-4) * (#DeltaTime))\n if <(!stretch) < [0.25]> then\n set [!stretch v] to [0.25]\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Shadow vs all AABB\n[C] AABB vs all AABB ((!sx) - ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.4))) ((!sx) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.4))) ((!sy) - ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8))) ((!sy) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8))) ((!sz) - ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.4))) ((!sz) + ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.4)))\n\ndefine !Save with Check Point\nset [!c_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@sprite3d_active v])\n change [!c_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [0]> then\n if <<<(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [c]> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [bc]>> or <<(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eB]> or <<(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eS]> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eJ]>>>> then\n replace item ((((!c_iter) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + (1)) of [^sd v] with [1]\n end\n end\nend\nset [!c_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-triggerstate v])\n change [!c_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [-triggerstate v]) = [1]> then\n replace item (!c_iter) of [-triggerstate v] with [2]\n end\nend\nif <not <(-HiddenEndID) = [-1]>> then\n replace item ((((-HiddenEndID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (2)) of [^gd v] with [1]\nend\n\ndefine !Reload Non Saved Entities\nset [!c_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@sprite3d_active v])\n change [!c_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!c_iter) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [0]> then\n if <<<(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [c]> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [bc]>> or <<<(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eB]> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eS]>> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eJ]>>> then\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v]) = [-1]> then\n replace item (!c_iter) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [1]\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [c]> then\n change [-coinsscore v] by (-1)\n else\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [bc]> then\n change [-coinsscore v] by (-5)\n else\n if <<<(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eB]> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eS]>> or <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eJ]>> then\n [S] Set position of (!c_iter) to (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v])\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [^sd_type v]) = [eJ]> then\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((item ((!getDataID) + (12)) of [^sd v]) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n repeat (7)\n change [!getdataid2 v] by (1)\n replace item (item (!getDataID2) of [^td v]) of [@triangle_active v] with [1]\n end\n repeat (5)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n change [!getdataid v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [!c_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-triggerstate v])\n change [!c_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [-triggerstate v]) = [1]> then\n replace item (!c_iter) of [-triggerstate v] with [0]\n end\nend\nset [!c_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [@triangle_active v])\n change [!c_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!c_iter) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [^td_type v]) = [mtf]> then\n if <(item (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) of [-triggerstate v]) = [0]> then\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!c_iter) to [0] [0] [0]\n end\n else\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [^td_type v]) = [f]> then\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!c_iter) to [0] [0] [0]\n [Tr Q] Reset Translation (!c_iter)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v] with [0]\n end\n end\nend\nset [!c_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-aabb_active v])\n change [!c_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (!c_iter) of [^ad_type v]) = [button]> then\n if <(item (item ((((!c_iter) - (1)) * (^AD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ad v]) of [-triggerstate v]) = [0]> then\n replace item ((((!c_iter) - (1)) * (^AD_Size)) + (3)) of [^ad v] with [0]\n [T] Get Color from RGBA [255] [0] [0] [255]\n replace item ((((item ((((!c_iter) - (1)) * (^AD_Size)) + (2)) of [^ad v]) - (1)) * (`MaxMaterials)) + (1)) of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v] with (*getColor)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Final Coins\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-finalcoins v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-finalcoins v])\n if <(item (!getID) of [@gameobjectactive v]) = [1]> then\n [G] Set Rotation of (!getID) to ((!timer) * (10)) ((!timer) * (50)) ((!timer) * (-10))\n [C] Sphere vs Sphere (X,Y,Z,radius) s1 (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) (-PlayerRadius) s2 (item (!getID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (!getID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (!getID) of [@gameobjectz v]) [100]\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n !Complete Level\n end\n if <(~mag) < ((-PlayerRadius) + (500))> then\n if <(-GameBackToStart) = [0]> then\n if <(item ((((-CurrentLevel_ID) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData)) + (7)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]> then\n !Add Final Coin at (-StartX) (-StartY) (-StartZ) hidden \n set [-gamebacktostart v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Before Level Start <soft reset>\nset [!velx v] to [0]\nset [!vely v] to [0]\nset [!velgravityy v] to [0]\nset [!velz v] to [0]\nset [!falling v] to [1]\nset [!playerangle v] to [0]\nset [!targetangle v] to [270]\nset [!stretch v] to [1]\nset [-deadstate v] to [0]\nset [!timer v] to [0]\nset [!wasonground v] to [0]\nset [!animationstate v] to [0]\nset [!isjumpwalk v] to [0]\nset [-currentcheckpoint v] to [0]\nset [-checkpointstate v] to [0]\nset [-coinsscore v] to [0]\nset [-maxcoins v] to [0]\nset [-gamebacktostart v] to [0]\nset [-hiddenendid v] to [-1]\nset [-signstate v] to [1]\nset [-cameratriggerstate v] to [-1]\nset [-currentactivetrigger v] to [0]\nset [-bossid v] to [0]\nset [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\nset [-bossstate v] to [0]\nset [-camerahasfocus v] to [0]\nset [-camerafocusstate v] to [0]\nif <(-CurrentLevel_ID) = [-10]> then\n set [-skyboxname v] to (item ((0) + (item # of [type] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v])\n set [-snowinlevel v] to (<(item ((0) + (item # of [type] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v]) = [2]> + ())\n set [@lightangle v] to (item ((0) + (item # of [lightDir] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v])\nelse\n set [!getvalue v] to (((-CurrentLevel_ID) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelAttributes))\n set [-skyboxname v] to (item ((!getValue) + (item # of [type] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v])\n set [-snowinlevel v] to (<(item ((!getValue) + (item # of [type] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v]) = [2]> + ())\n set [@lightangle v] to (item ((!getValue) + (item # of [lightDir] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v])\nend\nset [-bossangle v] to [0]\nset [-bossstate2 v] to [0]\nset [-bossmovecounter v] to [0]\nset [-bosstype v] to [0]\nset [-bosshealth v] to [0]\nset [-bossmaxhealth v] to [0]\nset [-bossvisualhealth v] to [0]\nset [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\nset [-soundbuffer v] to [0]\nset [!jumpcooldown v] to [0]\nset [!playerropecooldown v] to [0]\nset [!oldropeid v] to [-1]\nset [!playeroffrope v] to [0]\nset [!playerropeid v] to [0]\nset [-timetrialfrozen v] to [0]\nif <not <soft reset>> then\n if <(-CurrentLevel_ID) = [-10]> then\n set [-currentmusic v] to (item ((0) + (item # of [music] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v])\n else\n set [-currentmusic v] to (item ((!getValue) + (item # of [music] in [-levelattributesnames v])) of [-levelattributes v])\n end\n if <not <(-CurrentMusic) = (-OldMusic)>> then\n set [-oldmusic v] to (-CurrentMusic)\n stop all sounds\n end\n set [-resetmode v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine !Start Level (level) Soft Reset <soft reset>\nset [--loading v] to [1]\nset [-currentlevel_id v] to (level)\n[E] Delete My Data\n!Before Level Start <soft reset>\nif <(level) = [-10]> then\n [Load] Load scene from data (-CustomLevelData) multiply [50] add ((256) * ((256) * ((256) * (256))))\nelse\n [Load] Load scene from data (item (level) of [#scenedata v]) multiply [50] add ((256) * ((256) * ((256) * (256))))\nend\n[E] My Objects\n[E] Init 3D\n[E] My Update\nset [--loading v] to [0]\n\ndefine !Update signs\nset [-getsigntext v] to []\nchange [-signstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (2))\nif <(-signState) > [1]> then\n set [-signstate v] to [1]\nend\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-signs v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-signs v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@triangle_active v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Sphere (X,Y,Z,radius) s1 (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) (-PlayerRadius) s2 (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]) [200]\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n replace item (-SignSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_costumename v] with (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v])\n [S] Set position of (-SignSpriteID) to (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) + (85)) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v])\n change [-signstate v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (4)))\n if <(-signState) < [0]> then\n set [-signstate v] to [0]\n end\n set [-getsigntext v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v])\n end\n end\nend\nreplace item (-SignSpriteID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with ((100) * (-signState))\n\ndefine !Update Balancing Platforms\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-balanceplatforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-balanceplatforms v])\n if <(item (!getID) of [@triangle_active v]) = [1]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) * (#DeltaTime)))\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) = [0]>> then\n set [!getsign v] to (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) ) / (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]))\n if <((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) * (!getSign)) > (item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^td v])> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^td v]) * (!getSign))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with [0]\n end\n end\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) = [0]>> then\n set [!getsign v] to (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) ) / (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) + ((!getSign) * ((-20) * (#DeltaTime))))\n if <((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) * (!getSign)) < [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v] with [0]\n end\n end\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) = [0]> then\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) = [0]>> then\n set [!getsign v] to (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) ) / (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) + ((!getSign) * ((-15) * (#DeltaTime))))\n if <((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) * (!getSign)) < [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v] with [0]\n end\n end\n end\n !Get Vector Rotation Matrix (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]) angle ([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) ) ([cos v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^td v]) )\n !Get Euler Angles from Vector Rotation Matrix\n [Tr Q] Set Rotation of triangle or quad (!getID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n if <([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^td v]) ) > [10]> then\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v]) = [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v] with [2]\n start sound (join [creak] (pick random (1) to (5)))\n end\n end\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v]) > [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v]) + (() - (#DeltaTime)))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v]) < [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^td v] with [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Get Euler Angles from Vector Rotation Matrix\nset [*getanglex v] to (([asin v] of (item (8) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) ) - ())\n[T] Atan2 (((0) - (item (7) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v])) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) )) ((item (9) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) ))\nset [*getangley v] to (*getAngle)\n[T] Atan2 (((0) - (item (2) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v])) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) )) ((item (5) of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]) / ([cos v] of (*getAngleX) ))\nset [*getanglez v] to (*getAngle)\n\ndefine [Tr Q] Set Rotating Pivot of Triangle or Quad (newid) pos (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item ((((newid) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (x)\nreplace item ((((newid) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (y)\nreplace item ((((newid) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (z)\nif <(item (newid) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [1]> then\n replace item (((newid) * (3)) + (1)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (x)\n replace item (((newid) * (3)) + (2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (y)\n replace item (((newid) * (3)) + (3)) of [#trianglepivotdata v] with (z)\nend\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [1] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [2] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\nwhen [3 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [3] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\ndefine !Update Buttons\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-buttons v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-buttons v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^AD_Size))\n set [!getgbid v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ad v])\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((!getGBID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n if <(item (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ad v]) of [-triggerstate v]) = [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v]) - ((#DeltaTime) / (2)))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v]) < [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v] with [0]\n end\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v]) > [1]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v] with [1]\n if <(-currentActiveTrigger) = [0]> then\n replace item (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ad v]) of [-triggerstate v] with [1]\n start sound [buttonClick v]\n [T] Get Color from RGBA [0] [255] [0] [255]\n replace item ((((!getGBID) - (1)) * (`MaxMaterials)) + (1)) of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v] with (*getColor)\n !Start Trigger (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ad v])\n end\n end\n replace item (!getGBID) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^gd v]) - ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v]) * (25)))\n replace item ((((!getID) - (1)) * (6)) + (4)) of [-aabb_coldata v] with ((item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^gd v]) + (((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ad v]) * (-25)) + (40)))\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Start Trigger (id)\nset [-cameratriggerstate v] to ((-TriggerWatch) + (-TriggerWait))\n!Set Camera Pos (item ((((id) - (1)) * (9)) + (1)) of [-triggerdata v]) (item ((((id) - (1)) * (9)) + (2)) of [-triggerdata v]) (item ((((id) - (1)) * (9)) + (3)) of [-triggerdata v])\n[T] Camera Look at position (item ((((id) - (1)) * (9)) + (4)) of [-triggerdata v]) (item ((((id) - (1)) * (9)) + (5)) of [-triggerdata v]) (item ((((id) - (1)) * (9)) + (6)) of [-triggerdata v])\nset [-currentactivetrigger v] to (id)\n\ndefine !Update Triggers\nif <not <(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]>> then\n change [-cameratriggerstate v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <(-cameraTriggerState) < [0]> then\n set [-cameratriggerstate v] to [-1]\n set [!getdataid v] to (((-currentActiveTrigger) - (1)) * (9))\n set [@camerax v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [-triggerdata v])\n set [@cameray v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [-triggerdata v])\n set [@cameraz v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [-triggerdata v])\n end\n if <(-cameraTriggerState) > (-TriggerWait)> then\n set [!getvalue v] to ((1) - (((-cameraTriggerState) - (-TriggerWait)) / (-TriggerWatch)))\n else\n set [!getvalue v] to [1]\n end\n set [!_iter v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [@triangle_active v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (!_iter) of [^td_type v]) = [mtf]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!_iter) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^td v]) = (-currentActiveTrigger)> then\n set [!getx v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^td v]))\n set [!gety v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^td v]))\n set [!getz v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^td v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^td v]))\n [Tr Q] Set Position Of Triangle or Quad (!_iter) to ((!getX) * (!getValue)) ((!getY) * (!getValue)) ((!getZ) * (!getValue))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(-cameraTriggerState) < [0]> then\n set [-currentactivetrigger v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Snow\nchange [-snowtimer v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\nif <(-SnowTimer) < [0]> then\n set [-snowtimer v] to [0.08]\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [snow] at ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (pick random (-2000) to (2000))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (500)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (pick random (-2000) to (2000))) size [10] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n add (*newID) to [-snowparticles v]\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with [snow]\nend\nset [!_iter v] to (length of [-snowparticles v])\nrepeat (length of [-snowparticles v])\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-snowparticles v])\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - ((#DeltaTime) * (100)))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with ((((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v])) + (100)) * (-0.25))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) < ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (500))> then\n [S] Remove Sprite (!getID)\n delete (!_iter) of [-snowparticles v]\n delete (item # of (!getID) in [#chunkactive_sprites v]) of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n end\n change [!_iter v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine !Starting Snow\nset [!_iter v] to (length of [-snowparticles v])\nrepeat (length of [-snowparticles v])\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-snowparticles v])\n [S] Remove Sprite (!getID)\n delete (!_iter) of [-snowparticles v]\n delete (item # of (!getID) in [#chunkactive_sprites v]) of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n change [!_iter v] by (-1)\nend\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (19)\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [snow] at ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (pick random (-2000) to (2000))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (((!_iter) * ((800) / (20))) - (500))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (pick random (-2000) to (2000))) size [10] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n add (*newID) to [-snowparticles v]\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n replace item (*newID) of [^sd_type v] with [snow]\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen [4 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [4] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\nwhen [5 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [5] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\nwhen [6 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [6] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\ndefine !Update Bosses\nif <not <(-BossID) = [0]>> then\n if <(-BossType) = [1]> then\n !Update Boss 1\n else\n if <(-BossType) = [2]> then\n !Update Boss 2\n else\n if <(-BossType) = [3]> then\n !Update Boss 3\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Boss 1\nchange [-bossstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\n!NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) * (0.32)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\nif <(!mag) < [50]> then\n !Set p vel ((450) * (!getX)) [100] ((450) * (!getZ))\n !T p Y [8]\nend\n!NVNY2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + ((110) * (!getX)))) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + ((110) * (!getZ))))\n!NV3 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + ((110) * (!getX)))) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) * (0.32)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + ((110) * (!getZ))))\nif <(-BossMoveType) = [1]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Idle) aSp [10] mFr [10]\n if <(-BossState) > [3.5]> then\n if <(!mag) < [1000]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [2]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n else\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [4]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound [sweep v]\n end\n end\n if <(*return) < [20]> then\n if <(!mag) < [150]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [3]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [2]> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <[0] > (-BossSoundState)> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (1.1)\n start sound [boss1walk v]\n end\n Boss Rotate Towards player [3]\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Walk) aSp [10] mFr [5]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for ((!getX) * ((#DeltaTime) * (400))) [0] ((!getZ) * ((#DeltaTime) * (400)))\n if <(!mag) < [175]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [3]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n !Boss 1 vs fence [120]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [8]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [3]> then\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Attack) aSp [10] mFr [10]\n if <(-BossState) > [0.7]> then\n if <(!mag3) < [100]> then\n !Set p vel ((1000) * (!getX)) [600] ((1000) * (!getZ))\n !T p Y [8]\n end\n if <(-BossSoundState) = [0]> then\n start sound [boss1Hit v]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(-BossState) > [1]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound (join [boss1b] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [4]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Charge) aSp [5] mFr [10]\n if <(-BossState) > [2]> then\n set [-bossx v] to (!getX2)\n set [-bossz v] to (!getZ2)\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [5]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [5]> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <[0] > (-BossSoundState)> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (0.7)\n start sound [boss1Run v]\n end\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Run) aSp [20] mFr [5]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for ((-BossX) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1350))) [0] ((-BossZ) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1350)))\n !Boss 1 vs fence [100]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n !Boss 1 Destroy Fence (item (*col_iter) of [-boss1fence v])\n start sound [DestroyFence v]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [6]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n if <(!mag3) < [110]> then\n !Set p vel ((1100) * (-BossX)) [800] ((1100) * (-BossZ))\n !T p Y [8]\n end\n [C] GameObject vs ALL triangles (-BossID) radius [100] offset [0] [0] [0]\n if <(*finalCollision) = [0]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [9]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Camera Enable Focus\n [T] Camera Set Position ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + ((-1350) * (-BossZ))) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-1000)) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + ((1350) * (-BossX)))\n start sound [fallHole v]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [6]> then\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Bounce) aSp [10] mFr [5]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for (((() - (-BossX)) * ((1) - (-BossState))) * ((#DeltaTime) * (500))) [0] (((() - (-BossZ)) * ((1) - (-BossState))) * ((#DeltaTime) * (500)))\n if <not <(-BossState) < [0.5]>> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_1_Bounce) + (4))\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [7]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound [boss1angry v]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [7]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_1_Bounce) + (4))\n if <(-BossState) > [1]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound (join [boss1b] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [8]> then\n !NVNY2 ((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (1)) of [^gd v]) - ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + ((100) * (!getX)))) ((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (3)) of [^gd v]) - ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + ((100) * (!getZ))))\n [T] Atan2 (!getX2) (!getZ2)\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (((*getAngle) + (360)) mod (360))\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v] with (((360) + ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((3) * (*return))))) mod (360))\n !boss mesh (&Boss_1_Walk) aSp [10] mFr [5]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (300))) [0] ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (300)))\n if <(!mag2) < [100]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound (join [boss1b] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n if <(!mag) < [270]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [3]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [9]> then\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for (((-BossX) * ((5) - (-BossState))) * ((#DeltaTime) * (300))) ((-BossState) * ((-700) * (#DeltaTime))) (((-BossZ) * ((5) - (-BossState))) * ((#DeltaTime) * (300)))\n !Cam Set Foc (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])\n if <(-BossState) > [5]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [10]\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectactive v] with [0]\n !Add Final Coin at (item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (1)) of [^gd v]) ((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (650)) (item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (3)) of [^gd v]) hidden <>\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\n add (*newID) to [-finalcoins v]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [10]> then\n replace item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjecty v] with (((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (((3) - (-BossState)) * ((500) / (3)))) + (150))\n !Cam Set Foc (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjectz v])\n [T] Camera Set Position ((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (1)) of [^gd v]) + (800)) (((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (((3) - (-BossState)) * ((1000) / (3)))) + (400)) ((item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (3)) of [^gd v]) + (800))\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [0]\n !Camera Disable Focus\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Boss 1 vs fence (boss radius)\nset [*col_iter v] to [0]\nset [*finalcollision v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(*col_iter) = (length of [-boss1fence v])> or <(*finalCollision) = [1]>>\n change [*col_iter v] by (1)\n if <(item (item (*col_iter) of [-boss1fence v]) of [@triangle_active v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Quad (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (boss radius) quad ID (item (*col_iter) of [-boss1fence v])\n end\n set [*finalcollision v] to (*collisionResult)\nend\n\ndefine !Boss 1 Destroy Fence (quadid)\nset [!getlineid v] to (item ((((quadid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (1)) of [^td v])\nif <(item ((((!getLineID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v]) = [-1]> then\n replace item ((((!getLineID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@lineactive v] with [0]\nelse\n set [!getlineid v] to (item ((((quadid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (2)) of [^td v])\n if <(item ((((!getLineID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v]) = [-1]> then\n replace item ((((!getLineID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@lineactive v] with [0]\n else\n set [!getlineid v] to (item ((((quadid) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (3)) of [^td v])\n replace item ((((!getLineID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size)) + (1)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@lineactive v] with [0]\n replace item (quadid) of [@triangle_active v] with [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Cam Set Foc (x) (y) (z)\nset [-camerafocusx v] to (x)\nset [-camerafocusy v] to (y)\nset [-camerafocusz v] to (z)\n\ndefine !Camera Look At Focus\n[T] Camera Look at position (-CameraFocusX) (-CameraFocusY) (-CameraFocusZ)\nif <(-CameraHasFocus) = [1]> then\n change [-camerafocusstate v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <(-CameraFocusState) < [0]> then\n set [-camerahasfocus v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine [T] Camera Set Position (x) (y) (z)\nset [@camerax v] to (x)\nset [@cameray v] to (y)\nset [@cameraz v] to (z)\n\ndefine !Camera Disable Focus\nset [-camerahasfocus v] to [1]\n\ndefine !Camera Enable Focus\nset [-camerafocusstate v] to [1]\nset [-camerahasfocus v] to [2]\n\ndefine !Add Final Coin at (x) (y) (z) hidden <hidden>\nif <hidden> then\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&FinalCoin) material ID (&FinalCoinMatStart) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\n set [-hiddenendid v] to (*newID)\n [Ch] Check is chunk active (item (*newID) of [@gameobjectchunk v])\n if <(~chunkActive) = [1]> then\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\n add (*newID) to [-finalcoins v]\n end\nelse\n [G] Add GameObject - mesh ID (&FinalCoin) material ID (&FinalCoinMat) position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] chunkID [-1 auto] [-1]\nend\nreplace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (2)) of [^gd v] with [0]\n[G] Set Style - ID (*newID) color [3] brightness [5]\nreplace item (*newID) of [^gd_type v] with [e]\n\ndefine !Slow Down VelY (slowval)\nif <(!velY) > [0]> then\n change [!vely v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (slowval)))\n if <(!velY) < [0]> then\n set [!vely v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(!velY) < [0]> then\n change [!vely v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (slowval))\n if <(!velY) > [0]> then\n set [!vely v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Enemy Snow\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-enemysnow v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-enemysnow v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [1]> then\n !NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n !Calculate Projectile - origin (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) target (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) power [800] mode(-1 or 1) [0] gravity (-SnowProjectileGravity) onlyTest \n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((!getX) * (((!return) * (-150)) * (#DeltaTime))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((!getZ) * (((!return) * (-150)) * (#DeltaTime))))\n if <(!mag) < ((-PlayerRadius) * (2))> then\n if <(!velGravityY) < [0]> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n set [!velgravityy v] to [400]\n start sound (join [squash] (pick random (1) to (2)))\n else\n !Set p vel ((!getX) * (300)) [0] ((!getZ) * (300))\n end\n end\n if <not <([abs v] of ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v])) ) < (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^sd v])>> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((!getX) * (((!return) * (150)) * (#DeltaTime))))\n end\n if <not <([abs v] of ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v])) ) < (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^sd v])>> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((!getZ) * (((!return) * (150)) * (#DeltaTime))))\n end\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) > [2]> then\n !Calculate Projectile - origin (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) target (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) power [900] mode(-1 or 1) ((<([abs v] of ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ())) ) > [250]> * (2)) - (1)) gravity (-SnowProjectileGravity) onlyTest <>\n !Snow projectile (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v])\n if <(!return) = [1]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n end\n else\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) + (#DeltaTime))\n end\n set [!templocal v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v])\n if <<(item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) < [1]> or <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [0]>> then\n replace item (!tempLocal) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (!tempLocal) of [@sprite3d_size v] with (((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) - (1)) * (50))\n replace item (!tempLocal) of [@sprite3d_x v] with (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])\n replace item (!tempLocal) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + ((50) + (((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) - (1)) * (-40))))\n replace item (!tempLocal) of [@sprite3d_z v] with (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v])\n replace item (!tempLocal) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Calculate Projectile - origin (ox) (oy) (oz) target (tx) (ty) (tz) power (power) mode(-1 or 1) (mode) gravity (gravity) onlyTest <onlytest>\nset [~a_vx v] to ((tx) - (ox))\nset [~a_vy v] to ((ty) - (oy))\nset [~a_vz v] to ((tz) - (oz))\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~A_Vx) * (~A_Vx)) + ((~A_Vz) * (~A_Vz))) )\nset [!return v] to [1]\nif <((((power) * (power)) * ((power) * (power))) - ((gravity) * (((gravity) * ((~A_mag) * (~A_mag))) + (((2) * (~A_Vy)) * ((power) * (power)))))) < [0]> then\n set [!return v] to [-1]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <onlytest> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n[T] Atan2 (((power) * (power)) + ((mode) * ([sqrt v] of ((((power) * (power)) * ((power) * (power))) - ((gravity) * (((gravity) * ((~A_mag) * (~A_mag))) + (((2) * (~A_Vy)) * ((power) * (power)))))) ))) ((gravity) * (~A_mag))\nset [*returnx v] to ((((~A_Vx) / (~A_mag)) * ([cos v] of (*getAngle) )) * (power))\nset [*returny v] to (([sin v] of (*getAngle) ) * (power))\nset [*returnz v] to ((((~A_Vz) / (~A_mag)) * ([cos v] of (*getAngle) )) * (power))\n\ndefine !Update Snow Projectiles\nset [!_iter v] to (length of [-enemysnowprojectile v])\nrepeat (length of [-enemysnowprojectile v])\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-enemysnowprojectile v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [1]> then\n !NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v]) * (#DeltaTime)))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) * (#DeltaTime)))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v]) * (#DeltaTime)))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) + (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (-SnowProjectileGravity))))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) < ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (1000))> then\n delete (!_iter) of [-enemysnowprojectile v]\n [S] Remove Sprite (!getID)\n delete (item # of (!getID) in [#chunkactive_sprites v]) of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n end\n if <(!mag) < [50]> then\n delete (!_iter) of [-enemysnowprojectile v]\n [S] Remove Sprite (!getID)\n delete (item # of (!getID) in [#chunkactive_sprites v]) of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n set [!velgravityy v] to ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) * (0.4))\n change [!velx v] by ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^sd v]) * (1.1))\n change [!velz v] by ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v]) * (1.1))\n !T p Y [4]\n start sound [snowHit v]\n end\n end\n change [!_iter v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine !Update Axes\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-axes v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-axes v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size))\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (6))\n if <<(item (!getID) of [@lineactive v]) = [1]> and <<(item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v]) = [0]> or <(item (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v]) of [-triggerstate v]) > [0]>>> then\n set [!getvalue v] to (((!timer) * (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v])) + (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^ld v]))\n !Get Vector Rotation Matrix (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^ld v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^ld v]) angle ([sin v] of (([sin v] of (!getValue) ) * (90)) ) ([cos v] of (([sin v] of (!getValue) ) * (90)) )\n !Axe Part\n [C] Sphere vs Quad (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius ((-PlayerRadius) + (40)) quad ID (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v])\n if <(*collisionResult) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Quad (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius ((-PlayerRadius) + (40)) quad ID (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v])\n end\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n set [!velx v] to (((([cos v] of (!getValue) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v])) * (10)) * (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^ld v]))\n set [!velz v] to (((([cos v] of (!getValue) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v])) * (-10)) * (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]))\n !T p Y [4]\n set [!velgravityy v] to [100]\n end\n else\n !Get Vector Rotation Matrix (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^ld v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^ld v]) angle ([sin v] of (90) ) ([cos v] of (90) )\n !Axe Part\n end\nend\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs single triangle/quad (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) triangleID (id)\nif <(item (id) of [@triangle_active v]) = [1]> then\n if <(item (id) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Quad (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) quad ID (id)\n else\n [C] Sphere vs Triangle (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) Triangle ID: (id)\n end\n set [*finalcollision v] to (*collisionResult)\nend\n\ndefine !Update Boosting Circles\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-boostingcircles v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-boostingcircles v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@gameobjectactive v]) = [1]> then\n [T] Look At (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v]) roll ((45) * (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v]))\n [G] Set Rotation of (!getID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((1) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) / (1)))))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) = [0]> then\n [C] Sphere vs circle - sphere (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius) circle - (item (!getID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (!getID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (!getID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius [100] normal (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v])\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n change [!velx v] by (((<((!velX) + ((!moveX) * (-PlayerMoveSpeed))) > [0]> * (2)) - (1)) * (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v]) ) * (320)))\n change [!velgravityy v] by (<(!velGravityY) > [0]> * (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) ) * (320)))\n change [!velz v] by (((<((!velZ) + ((!moveZ) * (-PlayerMoveSpeed))) > [0]> * (2)) - (1)) * (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v]) ) * (320)))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v] with [5]\n set [!falling v] to [0.3]\n start sound (join [spinCircle] (-SoundBuffer))\n set [-soundbuffer v] to (((-SoundBuffer) + (1)) mod (3))\n end\n else\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) + (() - (#DeltaTime)))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) < [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v] with [0]\n end\n end\n set [!getvalue v] to ([sin v] of ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) * ((180) / (5))) )\n [T] Get Color from RGBA [255] [150] [0] ((255) - ([floor v] of ((!getValue) * (255)) ))\n replace item ((((!getID) - (1)) * (`MaxMaterials)) + (1)) of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v] with (*getColor)\n [T] Get Color from RGBA [255] [200] [0] ((255) - ([floor v] of ((!getValue) * (255)) ))\n replace item ((((!getID) - (1)) * (`MaxMaterials)) + (2)) of [@gameobjectmaterialdata v] with (*getColor)\n replace item (!getID) of [@gameobjectsizex v] with ((1) + (!getValue))\n replace item (!getID) of [@gameobjectsizey v] with ((1) + (!getValue))\n replace item (!getID) of [@gameobjectsizez v] with ((1) + (!getValue))\n end\nend\n\ndefine [G] Set Rotation of (id) to (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobject_rotx v] with (x)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobject_roty v] with (y)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobject_rotz v] with (z)\n\ndefine [C] Sphere vs circle - sphere (sx) (sy) (sz) radius (sr) circle - (cx) (cy) (cz) radius (cr) normal (nx) (ny) (nz)\nset [~tempx v] to ((cx) - (sx))\nset [~tempy v] to ((cy) - (sy))\nset [~tempz v] to ((cz) - (sz))\nset [~mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\nset [*collisionresult v] to <<not <(~mag) > ((sr) + (cr))>> and <not <([abs v] of ((((sx) * (nx)) + (((sy) * (ny)) + ((sz) * (nz)))) - (((cx) * (nx)) + (((cy) * (ny)) + ((cz) * (nz))))) ) > (sr)>>>\n\ndefine !Update Boss 2\nchange [-bossstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\nset [!getdataid v] to (((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\n!NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) * (0.32)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\nif <(!mag) < [100]> then\n !Set p vel ((400) * (!getX)) [-200] ((400) * (!getZ))\n !T p Y [8]\nend\nif <(-BossMoveType) = [1]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n if <(*return) < [10]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_2_Idle)\n else\n !boss mesh (&Boss_2_Walk) aSp [5] mFr [10]\n end\n if <(-BossState) > [2]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_2_Idle)\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [1]\n if <(-BossMoveCounter) < ((((-BossMaxHealth) - (-BossHealth)) * (2)) + (3))> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [2]\n else\n start sound [boss2Arm v]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [51]\n set [-bossmovecounter v] to [0]\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [120] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !Set bval ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [2]> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\n if <(-BossSoundState) > [1]> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (-1)\n start sound (join [robotWalk] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n [T] Atan2 (!getX) (!getZ)\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (-BossAngle) (((*getAngle) + (360)) mod (360))\n set [-bossangle v] to (((360) + ((-BossAngle) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((2) * (*return))))) mod (360))\n [T] Look At ([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) ((0.05) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (360)) )) ([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) roll ((5) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ))\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n !boss mesh (&Boss_2_Walk) aSp [5] mFr [10]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for ((!getX) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((250) * ([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ) )))) [0] ((!getZ) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((250) * ([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ) ))))\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n if <(!mag) < [300]> then\n [T] Rotate Vertex [190] [150] [120] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !Set bval ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [31]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n [T] Look At ([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) [0] ([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) roll ((5) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ))\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_2_Idle)\n start sound [boss2Arm v]\n else\n if <(!mag) > [500]> then\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [120] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !Set bval ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [41]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bossstate2 v] to [-1]\n [T] Look At ([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) [0] ([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) roll ((5) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ))\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_2_Idle)\n start sound [boss2Arm v]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [31]> then\n !NV2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (-BossX)) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (((-BossState) * (400)) - (50))) - (-BossY)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (-BossZ))\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (200))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (200))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (200)))\n if <(-BossState) > [1]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [32]\n start sound [boss2Arm v]\n end\n [T] Rotate Vertex [190] [150] [20] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV3 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n [C] Sphere vs Sphere (X,Y,Z,radius) s1 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) + ((!getX3) * (-150))) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) + ((!getY3) * (-150))) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) + ((!getZ3) * (-150))) [125] s2 (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) (-PlayerRadius)\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n !Set p vel ((!getX3) * (-1100)) [500] ((!getZ3) * (-1100))\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [32]> then\n [T] Rotate Vertex [190] [150] [120] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV2 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n if <(!mag2) > [20]> then\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (200))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (200))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (200)))\n end\n if <(-BossState) > [1.5]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n change [-bossmovecounter v] by (1)\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [41]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [3]\n !NV2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (-BossX)) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) - (-BossY)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (-BossZ))\n if <(!mag2) > [70]> then\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000)))\n else\n !Set bval (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])\n end\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [20] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV3 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n change [-bossstate2 v] by (#DeltaTime)\n if <(-BossState2) > [0.4]> then\n change [-bossstate2 v] by (-0.4)\n !Calculate Projectile - origin (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) + ((!getX3) * (-150))) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) + ((!getY3) * (-150))) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) + ((!getZ3) * (-150))) target (-BossX) (-BossY) (-BossZ) power [1500] mode(-1 or 1) [-1] gravity (-SnowProjectileGravity) onlyTest <>\n !Snow projectile (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) + ((!getX3) * (-150))) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) + ((!getY3) * (-150))) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) + ((!getZ3) * (-150)))\n end\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [42]\n set [-bossstate2 v] to [0]\n start sound [boss2Arm v]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [42]> then\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [120] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV2 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n if <(!mag2) > ((#MaxDeltaTime) * (501))> then\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000)))\n end\n if <(-BossState) > [1.5]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n change [-bossmovecounter v] by (2)\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [51]> then\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [20] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV2 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) ((((~GetY1) + (400)) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n if <(!mag2) > ((#MaxDeltaTime) * (201))> then\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (400))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (400))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (400)))\n end\n if <(-BossState) > [2.5]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [52]\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [20] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV3 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n !Set bval (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) + ((!getX3) * (-250))) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) + ((!getY3) * (-250))) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) + ((!getZ3) * (-250)))\n [S] Set position of (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) to (-BossX) (-BossY) (-BossZ)\n replace item (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) of [@sprite3d_size v] with [0]\n start sound [takeSnow v]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [52]> then\n !Boss 2 take snow\n if <(-BossState) > [5]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [53]\n !Calculate Projectile - origin (item (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) of [@sprite3d_z v]) target (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) power [2000] mode(-1 or 1) [1] gravity (-SnowProjectileGravity) onlyTest <>\n !Boss 2 Set Big Snow Ball\n set [-bosssoundstate v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [53]> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\n if <(-BossSoundState) > [1]> then\n change [-bosssoundstate v] by (-1)\n start sound (join [robotWalk] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n [T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [300] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !NV2 (((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) - (-BossX)) (((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) (((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) - (-BossZ))\n if <(!mag2) > ((#MaxDeltaTime) * (501))> then\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1000)))\n end\n [T] Atan2 (!getX) (!getZ)\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (-BossAngle) (((*getAngle) + (360)) mod (360))\n set [-bossangle v] to (((360) + ((-BossAngle) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((2) * (*return))))) mod (360))\n [T] Look At ([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) ((0.05) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (360)) )) ([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) roll ((5) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ))\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n !boss mesh (&Boss_2_Walk) aSp [5] mFr [10]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for ((!getX) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((250) * ([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ) )))) [0] ((!getZ) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((250) * ([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ) ))))\n !Boss2 Update Big Snow Ball (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) shadow ID (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^gd v])\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [6]> then\n [T] Look At ([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) ((0.1) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (360)) )) ([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) roll ((10) * ([sin v] of ((-BossState) * (180)) ))\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n if <(-BossState) > [5]> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n [T] Look At ([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) [0] ([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) roll [0]\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n if <(-BossHealth) > [0]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n else\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [7]\n [T] Rotate Vertex [0] [0] [500] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n !Set bval ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n !Camera Enable Focus\n start sound [boss2end v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [7]> then\n !NV2 ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (-BossX)) (((1200) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) - (-BossY)) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (-BossZ))\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((-BossState) * (25))))\n if <(!mag2) > ((#MaxDeltaTime) * (901))> then\n !Ch bval ((!getX2) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((-BossState) * (300)))) ((!getY2) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((-BossState) * (300)))) ((!getZ2) * ((#DeltaTime) * ((-BossState) * (300))))\n end\n !Cam Set Foc (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])\n [T] Look At ((-BossX) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((-BossY) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((-BossZ) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) roll [0]\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [8]\n !Add Final Coin at (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v]) ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (650)) (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v]) hidden <>\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\n add (*newID) to [-finalcoins v]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [8]> then\n replace item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjecty v] with (((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (((3) - (-BossState)) * ((500) / (3)))) + (150))\n !Cam Set Foc (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjectz v])\n [T] Camera Set Position ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v]) + (800)) (((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (((3) - (-BossState)) * ((1000) / (3)))) + (400)) ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v]) + (800))\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [0]\n !Camera Disable Focus\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n!Update Boss2 Hands Push\n!Update Boss 2 Hand Shoot\n\ndefine !Update Boss2 Hands Push\nset [-bossgetid v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v])\n[T] Rotate Vertex [190] [150] [20] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n[G] Set Position of (-BossGetID) to ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\nif <<(-BossMoveType) = [31]> or <(-BossMoveType) = [32]>> then\n [T] Get Quaternion Look At v1: ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) v2: (-BossX) (-BossY) (-BossZ)\n [T] Get Euler Angles From Quaternion (!quatX) (!quatY) (!quatZ) (!quatW)\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossGetID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\nelse\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossGetID) to (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\nend\n\ndefine !Update Boss 2 Hand Shoot\nset [-bossgetid v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v])\n[T] Rotate Vertex [-190] [150] [20] around [0] [0] [0] for angles (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\n[G] Set Position of (-BossGetID) to ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\nif <<(-BossState2) > [0]> and <(-BossState) > [1.2]>> then\n replace item (-BossGetID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_2_HandShoot) + ([floor v] of (([sin v] of ((((-BossState2) + (0.2)) mod (0.399)) * ((180) / (0.401))) ) * (5)) ))\nelse\n replace item (-BossGetID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_2_HandShoot)\nend\nif <<<(-BossMoveType) = [41]> or <(-BossMoveType) = [42]>> or <(letter (1) of (-BossMoveType)) = [5]>> then\n [T] Get Quaternion Look At v1: ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((~GetY1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])) v2: (-BossX) (-BossY) (-BossZ)\n [T] Get Euler Angles From Quaternion (!quatX) (!quatY) (!quatZ) (!quatW)\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossGetID) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\nelse\n [G] Set Rotation of (-BossGetID) to (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_roty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobject_rotz v])\nend\n\ndefine !Delete So Game Can Save\n[E] DeleteALL\n[E] Delete Class Data\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_triangles v]\ndelete all of [#chunkactive_lines v]\ndelete all of [#chunkconnections v]\ndelete all of [#chunkdata v]\ndelete all of [~loadtemp v]\ndelete all of [~templist v]\ndelete all of [debug2 v]\ndelete all of [!quaterniondata v]\ndelete all of [!vectorrotationmatrix v]\ndelete all of [~getchunks v]\nset [~load_chunks v] to []\nset [~load_triangles v] to []\nset [~load_points v] to []\nset [~load_lines v] to []\nset [~tempx v] to []\nset [~tempy v] to []\nset [~tempz v] to []\nset [~mag v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\n!Delete So Game Can Save\n\ndefine [T] Look At (x) (y) (z) roll (r)\n[T] Get Quaternion Look At v1: [0] [0] [0] v2: (x) (y) (z)\n[T] Get Quaternion From Axis and angle (x) (y) (z) angle (r)\n[T] Multiply Two Quaternions (!quatX2) (!quatY2) (!quatZ2) (!quatW2) q2 (!quatX) (!quatY) (!quatZ) (!quatW)\n[T] Get Euler Angles From Quaternion (!quatX) (!quatY) (!quatZ) (!quatW)\n\ndefine !Boss 2 take snow\nset [-bossgetid v] to (item ((((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size)) + (6)) of [^gd v])\nreplace item (-BossGetID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [1]\nreplace item (-BossGetID) of [@sprite3d_size v] with (((35) * (#DeltaTime)) + (item (-BossGetID) of [@sprite3d_size v]))\nreplace item (-BossGetID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item (-BossGetID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * (12)))\nset [!_iter v] to (length of [-snowparticles v])\nrepeat (length of [-snowparticles v])\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-snowparticles v])\n set [!getx2 v] to ((-BossX) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]))\n set [!gety2 v] to (((-BossY) + (100)) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]))\n set [!getz2 v] to ((-BossZ) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n set [!mag2 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((!getX2) * (!getX2)) + (((!getY2) * (!getY2)) + ((!getZ2) * (!getZ2)))) )\n [S] Translate Sprite (!getID) for ((!getX2) * (#DeltaTime)) ((!getY2) * (#DeltaTime)) ((!getZ2) * (#DeltaTime))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with ((((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v])) + (100)) * (-0.25))\n if <(!mag2) < [150]> then\n [S] Remove Sprite (!getID)\n delete (!_iter) of [-snowparticles v]\n delete (item # of (!getID) in [#chunkactive_sprites v]) of [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n end\n change [!_iter v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine !Boss 2 Set Big Snow Ball\nif <(!return) = [1]> then\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^sd v] with (*returnX)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (*returnY)\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^sd v] with (*returnZ)\n start sound [throwSound v]\nend\n\ndefine !Boss2 Update Big Snow Ball (snowball_id) shadow ID (shadowid)\nset [!getid v] to (snowball_id)\nset [!getdataid2 v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n[S] Translate Sprite (!getID) for ((item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^sd v]) * (#DeltaTime)) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^sd v]) * (#DeltaTime)) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^sd v]) * (#DeltaTime))\nreplace item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^sd v] with ((item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^sd v]) + (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (-SnowProjectileGravity))))\nreplace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [1]\n[C] Sphere vs ALL triangles (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) radius [100]\nif <(*finalCollision) = [1]> then\n start sound [snowHit v]\n replace item (snowball_id) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n replace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Boss 2 Add smaller snow balls (!getID)\n start sound [boss2idle v]\nend\nif <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) < ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (1000))> then\n replace item (snowball_id) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n replace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n!NV3 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) - (150)) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\nif <(!mag3) < [300]> then\n set [!velgravityy v] to [30]\n change [!velx v] by ((item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^sd v]) * (5))\n change [!velz v] by ((item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^sd v]) * (5))\n !T p Y [4]\n start sound [snowHit v]\n start sound [boss2idle v]\n replace item (snowball_id) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n replace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Boss 2 Add smaller snow balls (!getID)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n!NV3 ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) (((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (150)) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\nif <(!mag3) < [450]> then\n start sound [boss2hit v]\n replace item (snowball_id) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n replace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n change [-bosshealth v] by (-1)\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [6]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Boss 2 Add smaller snow balls (!getID)\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_2_Idle)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n[S] Set position of (shadowid) to (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) + (20)) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v])\nreplace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_size v] with ((((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v])) * (0.125)) + (900))\nreplace item (shadowid) of [@sprite3d_alpha v] with (((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v])) * (0.015))\n\ndefine !Boss 2 Add smaller snow balls (snowballid)\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [snowball] at (item (snowballid) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (snowballid) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (snowballid) of [@sprite3d_z v]) size [50] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n add (*newID) to [-enemysnowprojectile v]\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^sd v] with ((600) * ([cos v] of ((!_iter) * ((360) / (8))) ))\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^sd v] with [150]\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^sd v] with ((600) * ([sin v] of ((!_iter) * ((360) / (8))) ))\nend\n\nwhen [7 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [7] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\nwhen [8 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [8] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\nwhen [9 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [9] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\ndefine !Update Ropes\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-ropes v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-ropes v])\n if <(item (!getID) of [@lineactive v]) = [1]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size))\n if <<(!playerRopeCooldown) = [0]> or <not <(!oldRopeID) = (!getID)>>> then\n [C] Sphere vs Line3D - sphere (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius ((-PlayerRadius) * (0.8)) Line p1: (item (!getID) of [@linesx1 v]) (item (!getID) of [@linesy1 v]) (item (!getID) of [@linesz1 v]) p2: (item (!getID) of [@linesx2 v]) (item (!getID) of [@linesy2 v]) (item (!getID) of [@linesz2 v]) radius (item (!getID) of [@linesize v])\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n if <(!PlayerRopeID) = [0]> then\n !NV1 ((*colX) - (item (!getID) of [@linesx1 v])) ((*colY) - (item (!getID) of [@linesy1 v])) ((*colZ) - (item (!getID) of [@linesz1 v]))\n set [!playerdistrope v] to (!mag)\n if <(!PlayerDistRope) < [100]> then\n set [!playerdistrope v] to [100]\n end\n set [!playerropeid v] to (!getID)\n set [!oldropeid v] to (!getID)\n set [!stretch v] to [1]\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectsizey v] with [1]\n set [!animationstate v] to (!playerOffRope)\n set [!playeroffrope v] to [0]\n [T] Atan2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@linesx1 v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@linesz1 v]))\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) mod (360)) (((90) + (*getAngle)) mod (360))\n set [!templocal v] to (*return)\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) mod (360)) (((270) + (*getAngle)) mod (360))\n if <([abs v] of (!tempLocal) ) < ([abs v] of (*return) )> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v] with (((90) + (*getAngle)) mod (360))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with (([sqrt v] of (((!velX) * (!velX)) + ((!velZ) * (!velZ))) ) / (3))\n else\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v] with (((270) + (*getAngle)) mod (360))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with (([sqrt v] of (((!velX) * (!velX)) + ((!velZ) * (!velZ))) ) / (-3))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) = [0]>> then\n set [!getsign v] to (([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) ) / (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) + ((!getSign) * ((-100) * (#DeltaTime))))\n if <((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) * (!getSign)) < [0]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with [0]\n end\n end\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * (([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) ) * (-1000))))\n if <([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) ) > [250]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with (((<(item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) > [0]> * (2)) + (-1)) * (200))\n end\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v] with (((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^ld v]))) mod (360))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) + (((#DeltaTime) * (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v])) * (0.625)))\n replace item (!getID) of [@linesx2 v] with ((item (!getID) of [@linesx1 v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v]) * (([cos v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) ) * ([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) ))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@linesy2 v] with ((item (!getID) of [@linesy1 v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v]) * (() - ([cos v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) ))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@linesz2 v] with ((item (!getID) of [@linesz1 v]) + ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v]) * (() - (([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) ) * ([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) )))))\n end\nend\nif <(!PlayerRopeID) > [0]> then\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!PlayerRopeID) - (1)) * (^LD_Size))\n if <(!PlayerDistRope) < (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v])> then\n change [!playerdistrope v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (300))\n if <(!PlayerDistRope) > (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v])> then\n set [!playerdistrope v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^ld v])\n end\n end\n change [!animationstate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (30))\n if <(!animationState) > [10]> then\n set [!animationstate v] to [10]\n end\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&PlayerHoldRope) + (([ceiling v] of (!animationState) ) - (1)))\n !NV1 ((item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesx2 v]) - (item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesx1 v])) ((item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesy2 v]) - (item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesy1 v])) ((item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesz2 v]) - (item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesz1 v]))\n [G] Set Position of (-PlayerGameObjectID) to ((item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesx1 v]) + ((!getX) * (!PlayerDistRope))) ((item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesy1 v]) + (((!getY) * (!PlayerDistRope)) + (() - (-PlayerYColOffset)))) ((item (!PlayerRopeID) of [@linesz1 v]) + ((!getZ) * (!PlayerDistRope)))\n !Walk Move\n set [!playertargetnormalx v] to (() - (!getX))\n set [!playertargetnormaly v] to (() - (!getY))\n set [!playertargetnormalz v] to (() - (!getZ))\n [T] Normal Rotate (!playerTargetNormalX) (!playerTargetNormalY) (!playerTargetNormalZ)\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotx v] with (*getAngleX)\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_rotz v] with (*getAngleZ)\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) mod (360)) (((180) - (!targetAngle)) mod (360))\n set [!templocal v] to (*return)\n if <(!isWalking) = [1]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) + (([cos v] of (*return) ) * ((#DeltaTime) * (400))))\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) mod (360)) (((360) - (!targetAngle)) mod (360))\n if <([abs v] of (!tempLocal) ) < ([abs v] of (*return) )> then\n set [*return v] to (!tempLocal)\n end\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) + (([sin v] of (*return) ) * ((#DeltaTime) * (80))))\n end\n if <($JumpPressed) = [1]> then\n set [!playerropeid v] to [0]\n !Set p vel ((([cos v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v])) * (3)) [150] ((([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^ld v]) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v])) * (-3))\n set [!playerropecooldown v] to ((([abs v] of ([sin v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) ) ) * (1.25)) + ((([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) ) / (175)) + (0.2)))\n set [!playeroffrope v] to [10]\n if <([abs v] of (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^ld v]) ) > [10]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n set [!falling v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [!playerropecooldown v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <(!playerRopeCooldown) < [0]> then\n set [!playerropecooldown v] to [0]\n end\n change [!playeroffrope v] by ((-20) * (#DeltaTime))\n if <(!playerOffRope) < [0]> then\n set [!playeroffrope v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine !NV1 (x) (y) (z)\nset [!mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + (((y) * (y)) + ((z) * (z)))) )\nset [!getx v] to ((x) / (!mag))\nset [!gety v] to ((y) / (!mag))\nset [!getz v] to ((z) / (!mag))\n\ndefine [G] Set Position of (id) to (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectx v] with (x)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjecty v] with (y)\nreplace item (id) of [@gameobjectz v] with (z)\n\ndefine !NV2 (x) (y) (z)\nset [!mag2 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + (((y) * (y)) + ((z) * (z)))) )\nset [!getx2 v] to ((x) / (!mag2))\nset [!gety2 v] to ((y) / (!mag2))\nset [!getz2 v] to ((z) / (!mag2))\n\ndefine !Ch bval (x) (y) (z)\nchange [-bossx v] by (x)\nchange [-bossy v] by (y)\nchange [-bossz v] by (z)\n\ndefine !Set bval (x) (y) (z)\nset [-bossx v] to (x)\nset [-bossy v] to (y)\nset [-bossz v] to (z)\n\ndefine !Set p vel (x) (y) (z)\nset [!velx v] to (x)\nset [!velgravityy v] to (y)\nset [!velz v] to (z)\n\ndefine !NV3 (x) (y) (z)\nset [!mag3 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + (((y) * (y)) + ((z) * (z)))) )\nset [!getx3 v] to ((x) / (!mag3))\nset [!gety3 v] to ((y) / (!mag3))\nset [!getz3 v] to ((z) / (!mag3))\n\ndefine [S] Set position of (id) to (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_x v] with (x)\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_y v] with (y)\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_z v] with (z)\n\ndefine [S] Translate Sprite (id) for (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (id) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + (x))\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item (id) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + (y))\nreplace item (id) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (id) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + (z))\n\ndefine !Update Enemy Jump\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-enemyjump v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-enemyjump v])\n set [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [1]> then\n !NVNY2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v])) ) < (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^sd v])> and <([abs v] of ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v])) ) < (item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^sd v])>> then\n !NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v]) = (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])>> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((!getX) * ((400) * (#DeltaTime))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((!getZ) * ((400) * (#DeltaTime))))\n end\n else\n !NV1 ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n if <(!mag) > [13]> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) + ((!getX) * ((100) * (#DeltaTime))))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) + ((!getZ) * ((100) * (#DeltaTime))))\n end\n end\n !NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n if <(!mag) < ((-PlayerRadius) * (2))> then\n if <(item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) > ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + (50))> then\n if <(!velGravityY) < [-100]> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n set [!velgravityy v] to [400]\n start sound (join [squash] (pick random (1) to (2)))\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((item ((!getDataID) + (12)) of [^sd v]) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n repeat (7)\n change [!getdataid2 v] by (1)\n replace item (item (!getDataID2) of [^td v]) of [@triangle_active v] with [0]\n end\n else\n !Set p vel ((!getX2) * (300)) [0] ((!getZ2) * (300))\n end\n else\n !Set p vel ((!getX2) * (600)) [-100] ((!getZ2) * (600))\n end\n end\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) + (#DeltaTime))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v]) > [2]> then\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v])) ) < ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^sd v]) + (300))> and <([abs v] of ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^sd v])) ) < ((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^sd v]) + (300))>> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v] with [800]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^sd v] with [1]\n start sound [jumpenemy v]\n end\n end\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v]) + ((-1250) * (#DeltaTime)))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * (item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v])))\n if <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) < (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v])> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^sd v])\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (8)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^sd v]) = [1]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (10)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^sd v] with [1]\n start sound [enemyjumpsplash v]\n end\n end\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^sd v]) = [1]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v]) + ((#DeltaTime) * (500)))\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v]) > [400]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (11)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v] with [0]\n end\n [C] Sphere vs circle - sphere (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) radius (-PlayerRadius) circle - (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) radius (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v]) normal [0] [1] [0]\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n !Set p vel ((!getX2) * (800)) [200] ((!getZ2) * (800))\n !T p Y [8]\n end\n end\n [T] Get Color from RGBA [0] [100] [0] ([floor v] of ((255) - ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v]) * (0.637))) )\n set [!_iter2 v] to [0]\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((item ((!getDataID) + (12)) of [^sd v]) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n repeat (7)\n change [!_iter2 v] by ((360) / (7))\n change [!getdataid2 v] by (1)\n set [~triadd v] to (((item (!getDataID2) of [^td v]) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v] with (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v])\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + (-20))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v] with (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v])\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v] with ((([cos v] of (!_iter2) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v])) + (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + (-20))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v] with ((([sin v] of (!_iter2) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v])) + (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v] with ((([cos v] of ((!_iter2) + ((360) / (7))) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v])) + (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + (-20))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v] with ((([sin v] of ((!_iter2) + ((360) / (7))) ) * (item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v])) + (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (14)) of [#triangledata v] with ((([cos v] of ((!_iter2) + ((360) / (14))) ) * ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v]) / (2))) + (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (15)) of [#triangledata v] with ((item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v]) + (220))\n replace item ((~triAdd) + (16)) of [#triangledata v] with ((([cos v] of ((!_iter2) + ((360) / (14))) ) * ((item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [^sd v]) / (2))) + (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]))\n replace item (item (!getDataID2) of [^td v]) of [@trianglecolor v] with (*getColor)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !NVNY2 (x) (z)\nset [!mag2 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + ((z) * (z))) )\nset [!getx2 v] to ((x) / (!mag2))\nset [!getz2 v] to ((z) / (!mag2))\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n set [pitch v] effect to ((-1) / (0))\nelse\n set [pitch v] effect to (0)\n set volume to (SFX Volume) %\nend\n\ndefine !NVNY1 (x) (z)\nset [!mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + ((z) * (z))) )\nset [!getx v] to ((x) / (!mag))\nset [!getz v] to ((z) / (!mag))\n\ndefine [C] Precise Triangle Collision Init (x) (y) (z)\nset [~tempx v] to ((x) - ((item ((~triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v]) * (~dot)))\nset [~tempy v] to ((y) - ((item ((~triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v]) * (~dot)))\nset [~tempz v] to ((z) - ((item ((~triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v]) * (~dot)))\nset [~ax v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempX))\nset [~ay v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempY))\nset [~az v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempZ))\nset [~bx v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempX))\nset [~by v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempY))\nset [~bz v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempZ))\nset [~cx v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempX))\nset [~cy v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempY))\nset [~cz v] to ((item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) - (~tempZ))\n\ndefine [C] Triangle - Closest Line (x) (y) (z)\nset [~tempx v] to ((*returnX) - (x))\nset [~tempy v] to ((*returnY) - (y))\nset [~tempz v] to ((*returnZ) - (z))\nset [~temp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~tempX) * (~tempX)) + (((~tempY) * (~tempY)) + ((~tempZ) * (~tempZ)))) )\nif <(~temp) < (~mag)> then\n set [~mag v] to (~temp)\n set [*colx v] to (*returnX)\n set [*coly v] to (*returnY)\n set [*colz v] to (*returnZ)\nend\n\ndefine !Sphere vs triangle or quad (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) trq ID (id)\nif <(item (id) of [#triangleisquad v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Quad (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) quad ID (id)\nelse\n [C] Sphere vs Triangle (x) (y) (z) radius (radius) Triangle ID: (id)\nend\n\ndefine !Update Boss 3\n!Boss 3 Update Platforms\nset [!getdataid v] to (((-BossID) - (1)) * (^GD_Size))\nchange [-bossstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\n!NV1 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\nif <(!mag) < [250]> then\n !Set p vel ((400) * (!getX)) [-200] ((400) * (!getZ))\n set [!velgravityy v] to [-200]\n !T p Y [8]\nend\nif <(-BossMoveType) = [1]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n !boss mesh (&Boss_3_Idle) aSp [10] mFr [10]\n if <<<not <(!BossVar2) = [0]>> and <(-BossState) > [2]>> or <(-BossState) > [4]>> then\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Boss3 Get Player nearest platform [2540]\n if <<(!BossVar1) = [0]> or <(-BossMoveCounter) > [0]>> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [40]\n !Set bval (item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (3)) of [^td v])\n set [-bossmovecounter v] to [0]\n start sound [FrogPrepareJump2 v]\n else\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [20]\n !Set bval (item ((((!BossVar1) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((((!BossVar1) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((((!BossVar1) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (3)) of [^td v])\n start sound [FrogPrepareJump2 v]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [20]> then\n !Boss Rotate Boss Values [1]\n !boss mesh (&Boss_3_PrepJump) aSp [10] mFr [10]\n if <(-BossState) > [2]> then\n !Calculate Projectile - origin [0] [0] [0] target (!getX3) (!getY3) (!getZ3) power [1500] mode(-1 or 1) [-1] gravity [800] onlyTest <>\n !Boss3 Set Jump Velocity\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [21]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound (join [FrogJump] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [21]> then\n !Boss Jump - phase [31] gravity [800]\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [31]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n !boss mesh (&Boss_3_MouthOpen) aSp [2.5] mFr [5]\n if <(-BossState) > [2]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_3_MouthOpen) + (4))\n [T] Rotate Vertex [0] [0] [150] around [0] [0] [0] for angles [0] (-BossAngle) [0]\n !Set bval ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) (((~GetY1) + (100)) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [32]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound [ToungueOut v]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [32]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n !NV3 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (-BossX)) (((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + ((-PlayerYColOffset) + (50))) - (-BossY)) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (-BossZ))\n !Ch bval ((!getX3) * ((520) * (#DeltaTime))) ((!getY3) * ((520) * (#DeltaTime))) ((!getZ3) * ((520) * (#DeltaTime)))\n set [!getlineid v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v])\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@lineactive v] with [1]\n [T] Rotate Vertex [0] [0] [150] around [0] [0] [0] for angles [0] (-BossAngle) [0]\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesx1 v] with ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]))\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesy1 v] with (((~GetY1) + (120)) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]))\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesz1 v] with ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesx2 v] with (-BossX)\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesy2 v] with (-BossY)\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesz2 v] with (-BossZ)\n if <(-BossState) > [3.45]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [33]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound [ToungueIn v]\n end\n if <(!mag3) < ((-PlayerRadius) + (100))> then\n !NVNY2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n !Set p vel ((1000) * (!getX)) [20] ((1000) * (!getZ))\n !T p Y [8]\n !Boss 3 Player off rope\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [33]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n set [!getlineid v] to (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^gd v])\n [T] Rotate Vertex [0] [0] [150] around [0] [0] [0] for angles [0] (-BossAngle) [0]\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesx1 v] with ((~GetX1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]))\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesy1 v] with (((~GetY1) + (120)) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]))\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesz1 v] with ((~GetZ1) + (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n !NV3 ((item (!getLineID) of [@linesx1 v]) - (-BossX)) ((item (!getLineID) of [@linesy1 v]) - (-BossY)) ((item (!getLineID) of [@linesz1 v]) - (-BossZ))\n !Ch bval ((!getX3) * ((1000) * (#DeltaTime))) ((!getY3) * ((1000) * (#DeltaTime))) ((!getZ3) * ((1000) * (#DeltaTime)))\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesx2 v] with (-BossX)\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesy2 v] with (-BossY)\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@linesz2 v] with (-BossZ)\n if <(!mag3) < [100]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [34]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n replace item (!getLineID) of [@lineactive v] with [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [34]> then\n Boss Rotate Towards player [2]\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_3_MouthOpen) + ((4) - ([floor v] of ((-BossState) * (2.5)) )))\n if <(-BossState) > [2]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_3_MouthOpen)\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [1]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n start sound (join [FrogIdle] (pick random (1) to (2)))\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [40]> then\n !boss mesh (&Boss_3_PrepJump) aSp [10] mFr [10]\n if <(-BossState) > [2]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [41]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v] with [0]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v] with [2500]\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v] with [0]\n start sound (join [FrogJump] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [41]> then\n !Boss Jump - phase [42] gravity [4000]\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [51]> then\n !Boss Rotate Boss Values [1]\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for [0] ((item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (4)) of [^td v]) * (#DeltaTime)) [0]\n if <(-BossState) > [2.75]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [52]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Calculate Projectile - origin [0] [0] [0] target (!getX3) (!getY3) (!getZ3) power [1750] mode(-1 or 1) [-1] gravity [1400] onlyTest <>\n !Boss3 Set Jump Velocity\n set [!bossvar2 v] to (!BossVar1)\n start sound (join [FrogJump] (pick random (1) to (3)))\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [52]> then\n !Boss Jump - phase [1] gravity [1400]\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [61]> then\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for [0] ((item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (4)) of [^td v]) * (#DeltaTime)) [0]\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n if <<(!wasCollided) = [1]> or <not <(!PlayerRopeID) = [0]>>> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [62]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Camera Enable Focus\n [T] Camera Set Position ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) + (([sin v] of (-BossAngle) ) * (1200))) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (1000)) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) + (([cos v] of (-BossAngle) ) * (1200)))\n start sound [fallHole v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [62]> then\n [G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for [0] ((item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (4)) of [^td v]) * (#DeltaTime)) [0]\n !Cam Set Foc (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v])\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [63]\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectactive v] with [0]\n !Add Final Coin at (item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) ((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) + (800)) (item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^gd v]) hidden <>\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_gameobject v]\n add (*newID) to [-finalcoins v]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(-BossMoveType) = [63]> then\n replace item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjecty v] with (((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) + (((3) - (-BossState)) * ((500) / (3)))) + (300))\n !Cam Set Foc (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjectx v]) (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjecty v]) (item (item (1) of [-finalcoins v]) of [@gameobjectz v])\n [T] Camera Set Position ((item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [^gd v]) + (1200)) (((item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [^gd v]) + (((3) - (-BossState)) * ((1000) / (3)))) + (700)) ((item ((!getDataID) + (7)) of [^gd v]) + (1200))\n if <(-BossState) > [3]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [0]\n !Camera Disable Focus\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Boss3 Get Player nearest platform (reach)\nset [!bossvar1 v] to [0]\nset [!templocal v] to [0]\nset [!temp2 v] to [0]\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-boss3platforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-boss3platforms v])\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n !NV2 ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^td v])) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^td v])) ((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^td v]))\n if <<<(!mag2) < (reach)> and <(item (!getID) of [@triangley v]) = [0]>> and <not <(!BossVar2) = (!getID)>>> then\n !NV3 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [^td v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [^td v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [^td v]))\n if <<(!mag3) < (!temp2)> or <(!tempLocal) = [0]>> then\n set [!templocal v] to (!getID)\n set [!temp2 v] to (!mag3)\n end\n end\nend\nset [!bossvar1 v] to (!tempLocal)\n\ndefine !Boss3 Set Jump Velocity\nif <(!return) = [1]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v] with (*returnX)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v] with (*returnY)\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v] with (*returnZ)\nend\n\ndefine Boss Rotate Towards player (factor)\n[T] Atan2 (!getX) (!getZ)\n[T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (-BossAngle) (((*getAngle) + (360)) mod (360))\nset [-bossangle v] to (((360) + ((-BossAngle) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((factor) * (*return))))) mod (360))\n[G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to [0] (-BossAngle) [0]\n\ndefine !Boss 3 Update Platforms\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-boss3platforms v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-boss3platforms v])\n set [!getdataid2 v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^TD_Size))\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v]) = [1]>> then\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v] with ((item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v]) - ((#DeltaTime) * (100)))\n [Tr Q] Translate Triangle or Quad ID: (!getID) for [0] ((item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v]) * (#DeltaTime)) [0]\n set [!_iter2 v] to [4]\n repeat (4)\n change [!_iter2 v] by (1)\n set [!gettrid v] to (item ((!getDataID2) + (!_iter2)) of [^td v])\n [Tr Q] Translate Triangle or Quad ID: (!getTrID) for [0] ((item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v]) * (#DeltaTime)) [0]\n end\n if <(item (!getID) of [@triangley v]) < [-5000]> then\n replace item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [^td v] with [1]\n replace item (!getID) of [@triangle_active v] with [0]\n set [!_iter2 v] to [4]\n repeat (4)\n change [!_iter2 v] by (1)\n set [!gettrid v] to (item ((!getDataID2) + (!_iter2)) of [^td v])\n replace item (!getTrID) of [@triangle_active v] with [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Boss Jump - phase (phase) gravity (gravity)\n[G] Translate GameObject (-BossID) for ((item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [^gd v]) * (#DeltaTime)) ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) * (#DeltaTime)) ((item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^gd v]) * (#DeltaTime))\n!NV3 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\nif <(!mag3) < ((-PlayerRadius) + (300))> then\n !NVNY2 ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v])) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n !Set p vel ((1000) * (!getX)) [20] ((1000) * (!getZ))\n !T p Y [8]\n !Boss 3 Player off rope\nend\nreplace item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) - ((#DeltaTime) * (gravity)))\nif <<((item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]) - (-BossY)) < [10]> and <(item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^gd v]) < [0]>> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to (phase)\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n [G] Set Position of (-BossID) to (-BossX) (-BossY) (-BossZ)\n if <(phase) = [31]> then\n set [!bossvar2 v] to (!BossVar1)\n change [-bossmovecounter v] by (1)\n start sound [OpenMouth v]\n end\n if <(phase) = [42]> then\n start sound [breakGround v]\n replace item ((((!BossVar2) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (4)) of [^td v] with [0]\n set [-bossstate v] to [0]\n !Boss3 Get Player nearest platform [2000]\n if <(!BossVar1) = [0]> then\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [61]\n else\n set [-bossmovetype v] to [51]\n !Set bval (item ((((!BossVar1) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (1)) of [^td v]) (item ((((!BossVar1) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (2)) of [^td v]) (item ((((!BossVar1) - (1)) * (^TD_Size)) + (3)) of [^td v])\n end\n else\n start sound [FallGround2 v]\n if <(phase) = [1]> then\n start sound (join [FrogIdle] (pick random (1) to (2)))\n end\n end\nend\nif <([floor v] of ((-BossState) * (7.5)) ) < [5]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_3_JumpIn) + ([floor v] of ((-BossState) * (7.5)) ))\nelse\n if <([floor v] of ((-BossState) * (7.5)) ) < [10]> then\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((&Boss_3_JumpIn) + ((9) - ([floor v] of ((-BossState) * (7.5)) )))\n else\n replace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with (&Boss_3_JumpIn)\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Boss Rotate Boss Values (factor)\nset [!getx3 v] to ((-BossX) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectx v]))\nset [!gety3 v] to ((-BossY) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjecty v]))\nset [!getz3 v] to ((-BossZ) - (item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectz v]))\n[T] Atan2 (!getX3) (!getZ3)\n[T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction (-BossAngle) (((*getAngle) + (360)) mod (360))\nset [-bossangle v] to (((360) + ((-BossAngle) + ((#DeltaTime) * ((factor) * (*return))))) mod (360))\n[G] Set Rotation of (-BossID) to [0] (-BossAngle) [0]\n\ndefine !Boss 3 Player off rope\nset [!playerropeid v] to [0]\nset [!playerropecooldown v] to [2]\nset [!playeroffrope v] to [10]\nset [!falling v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nset volume to (SFX Volume) %\n!Start Level (--StartLevel) Soft Reset <>\n\nwhen [0 v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n if <key (q v) pressed?> then\n !Complete Level\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Set Triangle Data (trid)\nset [~triadd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleDataPerInst))\ndelete all of [~templist v]\nadd ((item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]) - (item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v])) to [~templist v]\nadd ((item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]) - (item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v])) to [~templist v]\nadd ((item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]) - (item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v])) to [~templist v]\nadd ((item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) - (item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v])) to [~templist v]\nadd ((item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) - (item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v])) to [~templist v]\nadd ((item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v]) - (item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v])) to [~templist v]\nadd (((item (2) of [~templist v]) * (item (6) of [~templist v])) - ((item (3) of [~templist v]) * (item (5) of [~templist v]))) to [~templist v]\nadd (((item (3) of [~templist v]) * (item (4) of [~templist v])) - ((item (1) of [~templist v]) * (item (6) of [~templist v]))) to [~templist v]\nadd (((item (1) of [~templist v]) * (item (5) of [~templist v])) - ((item (2) of [~templist v]) * (item (4) of [~templist v]))) to [~templist v]\nif <(((item (3) of [~templist v]) * (item (4) of [~templist v])) - ((item (1) of [~templist v]) * (item (6) of [~templist v]))) < [0]> then\n replace item (7) of [~templist v] with (() - (item (7) of [~templist v]))\n replace item (8) of [~templist v] with (() - (item (8) of [~templist v]))\n replace item (9) of [~templist v] with (() - (item (9) of [~templist v]))\nend\nadd ([sqrt v] of (((item (7) of [~templist v]) * (item (7) of [~templist v])) + (((item (8) of [~templist v]) * (item (8) of [~templist v])) + ((item (9) of [~templist v]) * (item (9) of [~templist v])))) ) to [~templist v]\nreplace item (7) of [~templist v] with ((item (7) of [~templist v]) / (item (10) of [~templist v]))\nreplace item (8) of [~templist v] with ((item (8) of [~templist v]) / (item (10) of [~templist v]))\nreplace item (9) of [~templist v] with ((item (9) of [~templist v]) / (item (10) of [~templist v]))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (10)) of [#triangledata v] with (item (7) of [~templist v])\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (11)) of [#triangledata v] with (item (8) of [~templist v])\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (12)) of [#triangledata v] with (item (9) of [~templist v])\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (13)) of [#triangledata v] with (((item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item (7) of [~templist v])) + (((item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item (8) of [~templist v])) + ((item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) * (item (9) of [~templist v]))))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (14)) of [#triangledata v] with (((item ((~triAdd) + (1)) of [#triangledata v]) + ((item ((~triAdd) + (4)) of [#triangledata v]) + (item ((~triAdd) + (7)) of [#triangledata v]))) / (3))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (15)) of [#triangledata v] with (((item ((~triAdd) + (2)) of [#triangledata v]) + ((item ((~triAdd) + (5)) of [#triangledata v]) + (item ((~triAdd) + (8)) of [#triangledata v]))) / (3))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (16)) of [#triangledata v] with (((item ((~triAdd) + (3)) of [#triangledata v]) + ((item ((~triAdd) + (6)) of [#triangledata v]) + (item ((~triAdd) + (9)) of [#triangledata v]))) / (3))\n[T] Get Falling Slope according to normal (item (7) of [~templist v]) (item (8) of [~templist v]) (item (9) of [~templist v])\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (17)) of [#triangledata v] with (*returnX)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (18)) of [#triangledata v] with (*returnY)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (19)) of [#triangledata v] with (*returnZ)\nset [~coladd v] to (((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst))\n!Set Triangle AABB part [1] colPart [1]\n!Set Triangle AABB part [2] colPart [3]\n!Set Triangle AABB part [3] colPart [5]\n\ndefine !Complete Level\nstart sound [completeLevel v]\nif <(-CurrentLevel_ID) = [-10]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [3]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(-CurrentLevel_ID) > [3]> then\n set [☁ levelscompleted v] to (-CurrentLevel_ID)\n end\n set [!getdataid v] to (((-CurrentLevel_ID) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n if <(!getID) = (-HiddenEndID)> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v] with [1]\n end\n if <(-CoinsScore) > (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v])> then\n set [-coinsearned v] to ((-CoinsScore) - (item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v]))\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v] with (-CoinsScore)\n end\n if <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [1]> then\n set [-isnewrecord v] to [0]\n if <(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]> then\n set [-crystalscoreold v] to [0]\n else\n !Get Score from time (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])\n set [-crystalscoreold v] to (*return)\n end\n if <<(item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]> or <(([floor v] of ((-TimeTrialTime) * (100)) ) / (100)) < (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n replace item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v] with (([floor v] of ((-TimeTrialTime) * (100)) ) / (100))\n set [-isnewrecord v] to [1]\n end\n if <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [0]> then\n set [\(best time\) v] to (([floor v] of ((-TimeTrialTime) * (100)) ) / (100))\n set [\(current level\) v] to (-CurrentLevel_ID)\n broadcast (New Record v)\n end\n !Get Score from time (([floor v] of ((-TimeTrialTime) * (100)) ) / (100))\n set [-crystalscorenew v] to (*return)\n if <<(-CrystalScoreNew) < (-CrystalScoreOld)> or <(-CrystalScoreOld) = [0]>> then\n set [-crystalscoreearned v] to (-CrystalScoreNew)\n else\n set [-crystalscoreearned v] to [0]\n end\n set [-timetrialfinished v] to [0]\n set [-timetrialwait v] to [0]\n else\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [3]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\n end\n if <(-CurrentLevel_ID) > (-LevelsCompleted)> then\n set [-levelscompleted v] to (-CurrentLevel_ID)\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Time Trial Update\nif <(-TimeTrialFrozen) = [0]> then\n change [-timetrialtime v] by (#DeltaTime)\nelse\n change [-timetrialfrozen v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <not <(-TimeTrialFrozen) > [0]>> then\n start sound [clock v]\n change [-timetrialtime v] by (() - (-TimeTrialFrozen))\n set [-timetrialfrozen v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Reseting level timers\nif <(-ResetMode) > [0]> then\n change [-resetstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\n if <(-ResetState) > (-ResetLength)> then\n if <(-ResetMode) = [2]> then\n set [-resetmode v] to [0]\n else\n set [-resetmode v] to [2]\n set [-resetstate v] to [0]\n !Reset Level\n end\n end\nelse\n if <not <(-deadState) = [0]>> then\n change [-deadstate v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <not <(-deadState) > [0]>> then\n set [-deadstate v] to [0]\n set [-resetstate v] to [0]\n set [-resetmode v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Set AABB of Quad (trid)\nset [~co v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n if <(item (((trid) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) < (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> then\n replace item ((((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with (item (((trid) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v])\n end\n change [~co v] by (2)\nend\nset [~co v] to [2]\nrepeat (3)\n if <(item (((trid) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v]) > (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v])> then\n replace item ((((trid) - (1)) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with (item (((trid) * (`TriangleCollPerInst)) + (~co)) of [#trianglecolldata v])\n end\n change [~co v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine !boss mesh (m) aSp (asp) mFr (mfr)\nreplace item (-BossID) of [@gameobjectmeshid v] with ((m) + (([floor v] of ((-BossState) * (asp)) ) mod (mfr)))\n\ndefine !Coin Update Type (value) costume (c)\nset [!getdataid v] to (((!getID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size))\nif <(item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v]) = [1]> then\n [C] Sphere vs Sphere (X,Y,Z,radius) s1 (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_x v]) (item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) (item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_z v]) (-PlayerRadius) s2 (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v]) ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (-PlayerYColOffset)) (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v]) [30]\n if <(*collisionResult) = [1]> then\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_active v] with [0]\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [-coinsscore v] by (value)\n change [-timetrialfrozen v] by (value)\n end\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_y v] with ((item ((!getDataID) + (2)) of [^sd v]) + ((([sin v] of ((180) * (!timer)) ) + (1)) * (20)))\n replace item (!getID) of [@sprite3d_costumename v] with (join (c) (([floor v] of ((!timer) * (16)) ) mod (16)))\nend\n\ndefine !Translate Vec from tri data (id) for (x) (y) (z)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (id)) of [#triangledata v] with ((item ((~triAdd) + (id)) of [#triangledata v]) + (x))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (1))) of [#triangledata v] with ((item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (1))) of [#triangledata v]) + (y))\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (2))) of [#triangledata v] with ((item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (2))) of [#triangledata v]) + (z))\n\ndefine !Set Camera Pos (x) (y) (z)\nset [@camerax v] to (x)\nset [@cameray v] to (y)\nset [@cameraz v] to (z)\n\ndefine !Get Score from time (time)\nif <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (6)) of [-leveldata v]) < (time)>> then\n set [*return v] to [1]\nelse\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (5)) of [-leveldata v]) < (time)>> then\n set [*return v] to [2]\n else\n if <not <(item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [-leveldata v]) < (time)>> then\n set [*return v] to [3]\n else\n set [*return v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Axe Part\n!Get Euler Angles from Vector Rotation Matrix\n[Tr Q] Set Rotation of triangle or quad (item ((!getDataID) + (3)) of [^ld v]) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n[Tr Q] Set Rotation of triangle or quad (item ((!getDataID) + (4)) of [^ld v]) to (*getAngleX) (*getAngleY) (*getAngleZ)\n!Apply Vec Rot Matrix ((item ((!getDataID2) + (4)) of [#linevtxdata v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#linevtxdata v])) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (5)) of [#linevtxdata v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#linevtxdata v])) ((item ((!getDataID2) + (6)) of [#linevtxdata v]) - (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#linevtxdata v]))\nreplace item (!getID) of [@linesx2 v] with ((!getX) + (item ((!getDataID2) + (1)) of [#linevtxdata v]))\nreplace item (!getID) of [@linesy2 v] with ((!getY) + (item ((!getDataID2) + (2)) of [#linevtxdata v]))\nreplace item (!getID) of [@linesz2 v] with ((!getZ) + (item ((!getDataID2) + (3)) of [#linevtxdata v]))\n\ndefine !Rotate Triangle Part (trid) vertex ID (id)\n[T] Rotate Vertex (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (9)) + (id)) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (9)) + ((id) + (1))) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (9)) + ((id) + (2))) of [#trianglevtxdata v]) around (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]) (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]) (item ((((trid) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [#trianglepivotdata v]) for angles (item (trid) of [@trianglerotx v]) (item (trid) of [@triangleroty v]) (item (trid) of [@trianglerotz v])\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + (id)) of [#triangledata v] with (~GetX1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (1))) of [#triangledata v] with (~GetY1)\nreplace item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (2))) of [#triangledata v] with (~GetZ1)\n\ndefine !Set Triangle AABB part (id) colPart (cpart)\n[T] Get Min And Max (item ((~triAdd) + (id)) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (3))) of [#triangledata v]) (item ((~triAdd) + ((id) + (6))) of [#triangledata v])\nreplace item ((~colAdd) + (cpart)) of [#trianglecolldata v] with (*min)\nreplace item ((~colAdd) + ((cpart) + (1))) of [#trianglecolldata v] with (*max)\nadd (((*min) + (*max)) / (2)) to [~templist v]\n\ndefine !Quat Look At Part\nset [~a_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((~A_Vx) * (~A_Vx)) + (((~A_Vy) * (~A_Vy)) + ((~A_Vz) * (~A_Vz)))) )\nadd (<not <(~A_mag) = [0]>> * ((~A_Vx) / (~A_mag))) to [!quaterniondata v]\nadd (<not <(~A_mag) = [0]>> * ((~A_Vy) / (~A_mag))) to [!quaterniondata v]\nadd (<not <(~A_mag) = [0]>> * ((~A_Vz) / (~A_mag))) to [!quaterniondata v]\n\ndefine !T p Y (v)\nreplace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with ((item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v]) + (v))\n\nwhen [k v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n !Start Level [10] Soft Reset <>\nend\n\ndefine !Snow projectile (ox) (oy) (oz)\nif <(!return) = [1]> then\n [S] Add Sprite3D - costume name [snowball] at (ox) (oy) (oz) size [50] chunkID [-1 auto] [0]\n add (*newID) to [-enemysnowprojectile v]\n add (*newID) to [#chunkactive_sprites v]\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + (1)) of [^sd v] with (*returnX)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + (2)) of [^sd v] with (*returnY)\n replace item ((((*newID) - (1)) * (^SD_Size)) + (3)) of [^sd v] with (*returnZ)\n start sound [throwSound v]\nend\n\ndefine !Player Step\nif <<<(!isWalking) = [1]> and <(!velGravityY) = [0]>> and <(!wasCollided) = [1]>> then\n if <(!StepState) = [0]> then\n if <(!animationState) > [0]> then\n !Step Sound\n set [!stepstate v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(!StepState) = [1]> then\n if <(!animationState) > [4.5]> then\n !Step Sound\n set [!stepstate v] to [2]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [!stepstate v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine !Step Sound\nif <(!CollidingTriangle) > [0]> then\n set [!getvalue v] to (item (!CollidingTriangle) of [@trianglecolor v])\n if <<(!getValue) = [4304823346]> or <<(!getValue) = [4301533470]> or <(!getValue) = [4298907155]>>> then\n start sound (join [SW] (pick random (0) to (3)))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<(!getValue) = [4310757631]> or <(!getValue) = [4306159836]>> then\n start sound (join [SS] (pick random (0) to (3)))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(item (!CollidingTriangle) of [^td_type v]) = [s]> then\n start sound (join [SI] (pick random (0) to (3)))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<(!getValue) = [4297599021]> or <(!getValue) = [4296283157]>> then\n start sound (join [SG] (pick random (0) to (3)))\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nstart sound (join [SR] (pick random (0) to (3)))\n\ndefine !Dynamic Camera\nif <(-DynamicCameraActive) = [1]> then\n if <(!haveControl) = [1]> then\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction ((@CameraRotateY) mod (360)) (((360) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_roty v])) mod (360))\n if <([abs v] of (*return) ) > [90]> then\n set [-dynamiccamerastate v] to [0.2]\n else\n set [-dynamiccamerastate v] to [0]\n if <(([abs v] of (*return) ) * (0.02)) > [5]> then\n set [*return v] to ((([abs v] of (*return) ) / (*return)) * (20))\n end\n change [@camerax v] by (((#DeltaTime) * ((*return) * (0.02))) * ((-CameraMoveSpeed) * (#CamCosY)))\n change [@cameraz v] by (((#DeltaTime) * ((*return) * (0.02))) * ((-CameraMoveSpeed) * (#CamSinY)))\n end\n else\n if <(-DynamicCameraState) = [0]> then\n [T] Calculate Shortest Rotation Direction ((@CameraRotateY) mod (360)) (((360) - (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobject_roty v])) mod (360))\n if <(([abs v] of (*return) ) * (0.05)) > [20]> then\n set [*return v] to ((([abs v] of (*return) ) / (*return)) * (20))\n end\n change [@camerax v] by (((#DeltaTime) * ((*return) * (0.05))) * ((-CameraMoveSpeed) * (#CamCosY)))\n change [@cameraz v] by (((#DeltaTime) * ((*return) * (0.05))) * ((-CameraMoveSpeed) * (#CamSinY)))\n else\n change [-dynamiccamerastate v] by (() - (#DeltaTime))\n if <(-DynamicCameraState) < [0]> then\n set [-dynamiccamerastate v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine !Update Lava\nset [!_iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [-lava v])\n change [!_iter v] by (1)\n set [!getid v] to (item (!_iter) of [-lava v])\n [T] Get Color from RGBA (round ((200) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ) * (50)))) (round ((40) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ) * (30)))) [0] [255]\n replace item (!getID) of [@trianglecolor v] with (*getColor)\n replace item (!getID) of [@trianglestylebrightness v] with [2]\n replace item (!getID) of [@trianglestylecolor v] with [1]\nend\n\n@Obj loader\n\ndefine Init\nerase all\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (20)\nDelete Mesh Data\ndelete all of [~temparray v]\nrepeat (6)\n add [] to [~temparray v]\nend\nset [~currentvertexcount v] to [0]\nset [~currentnormalcount v] to [0]\nset [~currentfacecount v] to [0]\nset [~currentmaterialcount v] to [0]\nset [*model_id v] to [1]\nset [*material_id v] to [1]\nset [~barsize v] to [360]\nDrawLoadBarBase (x position) (y position)\n\ndefine File to data (data)\nset [~j v] to [1]\nset [~temp2 v] to []\nrepeat until < [n] contains (letter (~j) of (data))?>\n set [~temp2 v] to (join (~temp2) (letter (~j) of (data)))\n change [~j v] by (1)\nend\nset [~i v] to [1]\nset [~length v] to (length of (~temp2))\nset [~temp v] to []\nrepeat until <(~i) > (~length)>\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add ((~temp) * (~MultiplyObj)) to [#vertex_x v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add ((~temp) * (~MultiplyObj)) to [#vertex_y v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [v] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add ((() - (~temp)) * (~MultiplyObj)) to [#vertex_z v]\nend\nset [~temp2 v] to []\nrepeat until < [u] contains (letter (~j) of (data))?>\n set [~temp2 v] to (join (~temp2) (letter (~j) of (data)))\n change [~j v] by (1)\nend\nset [~i v] to [1]\nset [~length v] to (length of (~temp2))\nset [~temp v] to []\nrepeat until <(~i) > (~length)>\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (~temp) to [#meshnormal v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (~temp) to [#meshnormal v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [n] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (() - (~temp)) to [#meshnormal v]\nend\nset [~temp2 v] to []\nrepeat ((length of (data)) - (~j))\n set [~temp2 v] to (join (~temp2) (letter (~j) of (data)))\n change [~j v] by (1)\nend\nset [~i v] to [4]\nset [~length v] to (length of (~temp2))\nset [~temp v] to []\nset [~m v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(~i) > (~length)>\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (~temp) to [#meshfacedata v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (~temp) to [#meshfacedata v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [ ] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (~temp) to [#meshfacedata v]\n change [~i v] by (1)\n set [~temp v] to []\n repeat until < [f] contains (letter (~i) of (~temp2))?>\n if <not <(letter (~i) of (~temp2)) = [u]>> then\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (letter (~i) of (~temp2)))\n end\n change [~i v] by (1)\n end\n add (~temp) to [#pointertonormal v]\n add (~m) to [#meshmaterial v]\n change [~m v] by <(letter ((~i) - (1)) of (~temp2)) = [u]>\nend\nadd (~currentVertexCount) to [#vertexescount v]\nadd (~currentNormalCount) to [#normalscount v]\nadd (~currentFaceCount) to [#facescount v]\nadd (~currentMaterialCount) to [#materialcount v]\nset [~currentvertexcount v] to (length of [#vertex_x v])\nset [~currentnormalcount v] to (length of [#meshnormal v])\nset [~currentfacecount v] to (length of [#meshfacedata v])\nset [~currentmaterialcount v] to ((~currentMaterialCount) + (~m))\n\ndefine Load model (name) size (size) data (data)\nset [~multiplyobj v] to (size)\nFile to data (data)\nFill Loading ((*model_id) / (~numberOfMeshes)) (x position) (y position)\nchange [*model_id v] by (1)\n\ndefine DrawLoadBarBase (oldx) (oldy)\nset pen size to (32)\nset pen color to (#006fc5)\ngo to x: ((~barSize) / (-2)) y: (-50)\npen down\ngo to x: ((~barSize) / (2)) y: (-50)\npen up\nset pen size to (24)\nset pen color to (#2d96e8)\ngo to x: ((~barSize) / (-2)) y: (-50)\npen down\ngo to x: ((~barSize) / (2)) y: (-50)\npen up\ngo to x: (oldx) y: (oldy)\n\ndefine Fill Loading (percent) (oldx) (oldy)\nset pen size to (32)\nset pen color to (#d3f8ff)\ngo to x: ((~barSize) / (-2)) y: (-50)\npen down\ngo to x: (((~barSize) / (-2)) + ((~barSize) * (percent))) y: (-50)\npen up\ngo to x: (oldx) y: (oldy)\n\ndefine m (r) (g) (b) (a)\nadd (((((a) + (1)) * (16777216)) + ((r) * (65536))) + (((g) * (256)) + (b))) to [#meshdefaultmaterialcolor v]\nchange [*material_id v] by (1)\n\ndefine Set Materials\nset [&matplayer v] to (*material_id)\nm [200] [100] [0] [255]\nm [0] [100] [255] [150]\nm [200] [100] [0] [255]\nm [255] [0] [0] [180]\nset [&finalcoinmat v] to (*material_id)\nm [100] [100] [255] [255]\nm [100] [255] [255] [255]\nset [&finalcoinmatstart v] to (*material_id)\nm [100] [100] [255] [80]\nm [100] [255] [255] [80]\nset [&buttonmat v] to (*material_id)\nm [255] [0] [0] [255]\nm [100] [100] [100] [255]\nset [&boss_1_mat v] to (*material_id)\nm [145] [0] [0] [255]\nm [255] [255] [255] [255]\nm [45] [0] [0] [255]\nm [0] [0] [0] [255]\nm [100] [100] [100] [255]\nm [0] [0] [0] [255]\nset [&boostcirclemat v] to (*material_id)\nm [255] [150] [0] [255]\nm [255] [200] [0] [255]\nset [&boss_2_mat v] to (*material_id)\nm [100] [100] [120] [255]\nm [128] [128] [128] [30]\nm [0] [0] [0] [255]\nm [50] [200] [200] [120]\nset [&boss_2_handshootmat v] to (*material_id)\nm [200] [128] [128] [255]\nm [100] [0] [0] [255]\nset [&boss_2_handpushmat v] to (*material_id)\nm [140] [140] [255] [255]\nm [40] [40] [100] [255]\nset [&boss_3_material v] to (*material_id)\nm [0] [100] [0] [255]\nm [255] [255] [255] [255]\nm [50] [0] [0] [255]\nm [0] [0] [0] [255]\n\ndefine Delete Mesh Data\ndelete all of [#vertex_x v]\ndelete all of [#vertex_y v]\ndelete all of [#vertex_z v]\ndelete all of [#meshfacedata v]\ndelete all of [#meshnormal v]\ndelete all of [#pointertonormal v]\ndelete all of [#meshmaterial v]\ndelete all of [#vertexescount v]\ndelete all of [#facescount v]\ndelete all of [#normalscount v]\ndelete all of [#materialcount v]\ndelete all of [#meshdefaultmaterialcolor v]\n\ndefine Add All Meshes\nset [~numberofmeshes v] to [141]\n// [40]\nAdd Player Mesh\n// [4]\nAdd Other Meshes\n// [45]\nAdd Boss1 Mesh\n// [17]\nAdd Boss2 Mesh\n// [35]\nAdd Boss 3 Mesh\n\ndefine Add Player Mesh\nset [&playeridle v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [pi0] size [40] data [v0 2.972 0.399v-0.279 3.217 0.188v0.279 3.217 0.188v0 2.567 0.048v0 3.3 0.335v0 0.357 -0.536v0.866 0.357 0.5v-0.866 0.357 0.5v0 2.357 0v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.889 1.924 -0.247v0.738 1.773 0.123v1.04 2.075 0.123v1.238 1.575 0v-0.889 1.924 -0.247v-0.738 1.773 0.123v-1.04 2.075 0.123v-1.238 1.575 0v n-0.753 -0.431 0.497n0.499 0.166 0.851n0 0.211 -0.977n0.753 -0.431 0.497n0 0.87 -0.493n-0.499 0.166 0.851n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n-0.423 -0.766 -0.485n-0.707 0.707 0n0.172 -0.171 0.97n0.766 0.423 -0.485n0.423 -0.766 -0.485n0.707 0.707 0n-0.171 -0.171 0.97n-0.766 0.423 -0.485n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi1] size [40] data [v0 2.987 0.386v-0.279 3.223 0.165v0.279 3.223 0.165v0 2.569 0.049v0 3.312 0.31v0 0.359 -0.535v0.866 0.356 0.501v-0.866 0.356 0.501v0 2.357 0.006v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.891 1.926 -0.242v0.749 1.765 0.128v1.032 2.086 0.129v1.261 1.599 0.006v-0.891 1.926 -0.242v-0.749 1.765 0.128v-1.032 2.086 0.129v-1.261 1.599 0.006v n-0.753 -0.412 0.513n0.499 0.197 0.844n0 0.175 -0.985n0.753 -0.412 0.513n0 0.852 -0.524n-0.499 0.197 0.844n0.756 0.171 -0.632n0 -1 -0.002n0 0.24 0.971n-0.756 0.171 -0.632n-0.372 -0.791 -0.486n-0.75 0.661 -0.002n0.18 -0.16 0.971n0.739 0.47 -0.483n0.373 -0.791 -0.486n0.75 0.661 -0.002n-0.179 -0.16 0.971n-0.739 0.47 -0.483n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi2] size [40] data [v0 2.987 0.386v-0.279 3.223 0.165v0.279 3.223 0.165v0 2.569 0.049v0 3.312 0.31v0 0.359 -0.535v0.866 0.356 0.501v-0.866 0.356 0.501v0 2.357 0.006v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.891 1.926 -0.242v0.749 1.765 0.128v1.032 2.086 0.129v1.261 1.599 0.006v-0.891 1.926 -0.242v-0.749 1.765 0.128v-1.032 2.086 0.129v-1.261 1.599 0.006v n-0.753 -0.412 0.513n0.499 0.197 0.844n0 0.175 -0.985n0.753 -0.412 0.513n0 0.852 -0.524n-0.499 0.197 0.844n0.756 0.171 -0.632n0 -1 -0.002n0 0.24 0.971n-0.756 0.171 -0.632n-0.372 -0.791 -0.486n-0.75 0.661 -0.002n0.18 -0.16 0.971n0.739 0.47 -0.483n0.373 -0.791 -0.486n0.75 0.661 -0.002n-0.179 -0.16 0.971n-0.739 0.47 -0.483n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi3] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.901 1.938 -0.213v0.813 1.738 0.155v0.975 2.134 0.16v1.353 1.749 0.041v-0.901 1.938 -0.213v-0.813 1.738 0.155v-0.975 2.134 0.16v-1.353 1.749 0.041v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.085 -0.867 -0.491n-0.925 0.379 -0.014n0.207 -0.097 0.973n0.551 0.688 -0.472n0.085 -0.867 -0.491n0.925 0.379 -0.014n-0.207 -0.097 0.973n-0.551 0.688 -0.472n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi4] size [40] data [v0 3.069 0.284v-0.279 3.236 0.007v0.279 3.236 0.007v0 2.575 0.075v0 3.361 0.122v0 0.371 -0.527v0.866 0.344 0.509v-0.866 0.344 0.509v0 2.357 0.063v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.904 1.945 -0.194v0.845 1.732 0.172v0.945 2.148 0.18v1.378 1.826 0.063v-0.904 1.945 -0.194v-0.845 1.732 0.172v-0.945 2.148 0.18v-1.378 1.826 0.063v n-0.753 -0.256 0.606n0.499 0.42 0.758n0 -0.101 -0.995n0.753 -0.256 0.606n0 0.676 -0.737n-0.499 0.42 0.758n0.756 0.186 -0.627n0 -1 -0.026n0 0.217 0.976n-0.756 0.186 -0.627n0.051 -0.868 -0.495n-0.972 0.235 -0.022n0.211 -0.069 0.975n0.445 0.766 -0.464n-0.051 -0.868 -0.495n0.972 0.235 -0.022n-0.211 -0.069 0.975n-0.445 0.766 -0.464n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi5] size [40] data [v0 3.075 0.286v-0.279 3.234 0.004v0.279 3.234 0.004v0 2.575 0.092v0 3.362 0.115v0 0.376 -0.523v0.866 0.34 0.512v-0.866 0.34 0.512v0 2.356 0.083v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.905 1.949 -0.177v0.858 1.731 0.187v0.932 2.152 0.198v1.384 1.858 0.082v-0.905 1.949 -0.177v-0.858 1.731 0.187v-0.932 2.152 0.198v-1.384 1.858 0.082v n-0.753 -0.238 0.614n0.499 0.443 0.745n0 -0.132 -0.991n0.753 -0.238 0.614n0 0.653 -0.758n-0.499 0.443 0.745n0.756 0.192 -0.626n0 -0.999 -0.035n0 0.208 0.978n-0.756 0.192 -0.626n0.107 -0.86 -0.5n-0.984 0.174 -0.025n0.211 -0.062 0.976n0.398 0.795 -0.458n-0.107 -0.86 -0.5n0.985 0.174 -0.025n-0.211 -0.062 0.976n-0.398 0.795 -0.458n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi6] size [40] data [v0 3.065 0.329v-0.279 3.236 0.055v0.279 3.236 0.055v0 2.574 0.113v0 3.359 0.172v0 0.379 -0.521v0.866 0.336 0.514v-0.866 0.336 0.514v0 2.355 0.097v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.904 1.948 -0.165v0.845 1.73 0.198v0.945 2.145 0.212v1.378 1.825 0.09v-0.904 1.948 -0.165v-0.845 1.73 0.198v-0.945 2.145 0.212v-1.378 1.825 0.09v n-0.753 -0.265 0.602n0.499 0.409 0.764n0 -0.086 -0.996n0.753 -0.265 0.602n0 0.687 -0.727n-0.499 0.409 0.764n0.756 0.195 -0.624n0 -0.999 -0.041n0 0.202 0.979n-0.756 0.195 -0.624n0.051 -0.86 -0.507n-0.972 0.236 -0.018n0.211 -0.083 0.974n0.445 0.772 -0.453n-0.051 -0.86 -0.507n0.972 0.236 -0.018n-0.211 -0.083 0.974n-0.445 0.772 -0.453n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi7] size [40] data [v0 3.04 0.393v-0.279 3.237 0.137v0.279 3.237 0.137v0 2.572 0.131v0 3.348 0.265v0 0.381 -0.52v0.866 0.335 0.515v-0.866 0.335 0.515v0 2.355 0.103v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.901 1.943 -0.161v0.813 1.733 0.201v0.975 2.129 0.217v1.353 1.748 0.088v-0.901 1.943 -0.161v-0.813 1.733 0.201v-0.975 2.129 0.217v-1.353 1.748 0.088v n-0.753 -0.322 0.574n0.499 0.333 0.8n0 0.01 -1n0.753 -0.322 0.574n0 0.754 -0.657n-0.499 0.333 0.8n0.756 0.197 -0.624n0 -0.999 -0.044n0 0.2 0.98n-0.756 0.197 -0.624n-0.085 -0.853 -0.514n-0.925 0.379 -0.004n0.207 -0.123 0.971n0.551 0.7 -0.453n0.085 -0.853 -0.514n0.925 0.379 -0.004n-0.207 -0.123 0.971n-0.551 0.7 -0.453n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi8] size [40] data [v0 3.009 0.424v-0.279 3.23 0.189v0.279 3.23 0.189v0 2.57 0.115v0 3.328 0.327v0 0.375 -0.524v0.866 0.341 0.511v-0.866 0.341 0.511v0 2.356 0.076v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.896 1.936 -0.184v0.777 1.747 0.181v1.008 2.106 0.192v1.309 1.663 0.06v-0.896 1.936 -0.184v-0.777 1.747 0.181v-1.008 2.106 0.192v-1.309 1.663 0.06v n-0.753 -0.378 0.538n0.499 0.251 0.83n0 0.111 -0.994n0.753 -0.378 0.538n0 0.816 -0.578n-0.499 0.251 0.83n0.756 0.19 -0.626n0 -0.999 -0.032n0 0.211 0.978n-0.756 0.19 -0.626n-0.246 -0.825 -0.508n-0.841 0.54 0.006n0.195 -0.155 0.968n0.662 0.588 -0.464n0.246 -0.825 -0.508n0.841 0.54 0.006n-0.195 -0.155 0.968n-0.662 0.588 -0.464n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pi9] size [40] data [v0 2.983 0.412v-0.279 3.221 0.194v0.279 3.221 0.194v0 2.568 0.072v0 3.309 0.339v0 0.363 -0.532v0.866 0.352 0.504v-0.866 0.352 0.504v0 2.357 0.027v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.891 1.928 -0.225v0.749 1.764 0.144v1.032 2.085 0.147v1.261 1.599 0.02v-0.891 1.928 -0.225v-0.749 1.764 0.144v-1.032 2.085 0.147v-1.261 1.599 0.02v n-0.753 -0.417 0.509n0.499 0.19 0.846n0 0.183 -0.983n0.753 -0.417 0.509n0 0.856 -0.517n-0.499 0.19 0.846n0.756 0.177 -0.63n0 -1 -0.011n0 0.232 0.973n-0.756 0.177 -0.63n-0.372 -0.786 -0.493n-0.75 0.661 0.004n0.18 -0.169 0.969n0.739 0.474 -0.479n0.373 -0.786 -0.493n0.75 0.661 0.004n-0.179 -0.169 0.969n-0.739 0.474 -0.479n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nset [&playerwalk v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [pw0] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.507 0.862v-0.226 0.259 1.038v-0.73 0.259 1.038v-0.478 0.105 0.458v0.478 0.4 -0.418v0.226 0.098 -0.389v0.73 0.098 -0.389v0.478 0.254 -0.969v0.889 1.759 -0.127v0.738 1.908 0.245v1.04 2.125 0.035v1.238 1.68 0.294v-0.889 2.109 -0.156v-0.738 1.737 -0.007v-1.04 1.948 0.21v-1.238 1.689 -0.236v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.888 0.183n-0.707 0.508 -0.491n0.172 0.551 0.817n0.766 -0.033 -0.642n0.423 -0.183 -0.888n0.707 0.491 0.508n-0.171 -0.817 0.551n-0.766 0.643 -0.033n0.765 0.457 -0.454n0 0.579 0.815n0 -0.966 0.257n-0.765 0.457 -0.454n-0.765 0.623 -0.164n0 0.094 0.996n0 -0.965 -0.26n0.765 0.623 -0.164 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw1] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.498 0.726v-0.226 0.241 0.888v-0.73 0.241 0.888v-0.478 0.119 0.3v0.478 0.414 -0.287v0.226 0.114 -0.242v0.73 0.114 -0.242v0.478 0.239 -0.829v0.889 1.785 -0.153v0.738 1.876 0.236v1.04 2.123 0.061v1.238 1.643 0.25v-0.889 2.079 -0.178v-0.738 1.734 0.025v-1.04 1.974 0.208v-1.238 1.651 -0.193v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.905 0.047n-0.707 0.577 -0.409n0.172 0.421 0.891n0.766 0.064 -0.64n0.423 -0.315 -0.85n0.707 0.562 0.429n-0.171 -0.724 0.668n-0.766 0.63 -0.13n0.765 0.481 -0.429n0 0.534 0.845n0 -0.979 0.205n-0.765 0.481 -0.429n-0.765 0.613 -0.198n0 0.147 0.989n0 -0.978 -0.208n0.765 0.613 -0.198 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw2] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.475 0.403v-0.226 0.2 0.53v-0.73 0.2 0.53v-0.478 0.154 -0.068v0.478 0.444 0.026v0.226 0.153 0.109v0.73 0.153 0.109v0.478 0.201 -0.489v0.889 1.869 -0.201v0.738 1.805 0.194v1.04 2.099 0.126v1.238 1.584 0.118v-0.889 1.988 -0.211v-0.738 1.747 0.107v-1.04 2.039 0.185v-1.238 1.587 -0.063v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.855 -0.3n-0.707 0.689 -0.159n0.172 0.051 0.984n0.766 0.303 -0.568n0.423 -0.614 -0.666n0.707 0.683 0.183n-0.171 -0.416 0.893n-0.766 0.534 -0.359n0.765 0.533 -0.363n0 0.42 0.908n0 -0.997 0.076n-0.765 0.533 -0.363n-0.765 0.583 -0.276n0 0.274 0.962n0 -0.997 -0.08n0.765 0.583 -0.276 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw3] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.443 0.022v-0.226 0.151 0.105v-0.73 0.151 0.105v-0.478 0.199 -0.494v0.478 0.476 0.402v0.226 0.201 0.529v0.73 0.201 0.529v0.478 0.155 -0.07v0.889 1.988 -0.211v0.738 1.747 0.107v1.04 2.039 0.185v1.238 1.587 -0.063v-0.889 1.869 -0.201v-0.738 1.805 0.194v-1.04 2.099 0.126v-1.238 1.584 0.118v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.614 -0.666n-0.707 0.683 0.183n0.172 -0.416 0.893n0.766 0.534 -0.359n0.423 -0.855 -0.3n0.707 0.689 -0.159n-0.171 0.051 0.984n-0.766 0.303 -0.568n0.765 0.583 -0.276n0 0.274 0.962n0 -0.997 -0.08n-0.765 0.583 -0.276n-0.765 0.533 -0.363n0 0.42 0.908n0 -0.997 0.076n0.765 0.533 -0.363 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw4] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.412 -0.296v-0.226 0.112 -0.251v-0.73 0.112 -0.251v-0.478 0.237 -0.838v0.478 0.499 0.719v0.226 0.243 0.881v0.73 0.243 0.881v0.478 0.12 0.294v0.889 2.079 -0.178v0.738 1.734 0.025v1.04 1.974 0.208v1.238 1.651 -0.193v-0.889 1.785 -0.153v-0.738 1.876 0.236v-1.04 2.123 0.061v-1.238 1.643 0.25v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.315 -0.85n-0.707 0.562 0.429n0.172 -0.724 0.668n0.766 0.63 -0.13n0.423 -0.905 0.047n0.707 0.577 -0.409n-0.171 0.421 0.891n-0.766 0.064 -0.64n0.765 0.613 -0.198n0 0.147 0.989n0 -0.978 -0.208n-0.765 0.613 -0.198n-0.765 0.481 -0.429n0 0.534 0.845n0 -0.979 0.205n0.765 0.481 -0.429 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw5] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.398 -0.429v-0.226 0.096 -0.4v-0.73 0.096 -0.4v-0.478 0.253 -0.98v0.478 0.508 0.854v0.226 0.26 1.029v0.73 0.26 1.029v0.478 0.106 0.449v0.889 2.109 -0.156v0.738 1.737 -0.007v1.04 1.948 0.21v1.238 1.689 -0.236v-0.889 1.759 -0.127v-0.738 1.908 0.245v-1.04 2.125 0.035v-1.238 1.68 0.294v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.183 -0.888n-0.707 0.491 0.508n0.172 -0.817 0.551n0.766 0.643 -0.033n0.423 -0.888 0.183n0.707 0.508 -0.491n-0.171 0.551 0.817n-0.766 -0.033 -0.642n0.765 0.623 -0.164n0 0.094 0.996n0 -0.965 -0.26n-0.765 0.623 -0.164n-0.765 0.457 -0.454n0 0.579 0.815n0 -0.966 0.257n0.765 0.457 -0.454 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw6] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.412 -0.296v-0.226 0.112 -0.251v-0.73 0.112 -0.251v-0.478 0.237 -0.838v0.478 0.499 0.719v0.226 0.243 0.881v0.73 0.243 0.881v0.478 0.12 0.294v0.889 2.079 -0.178v0.738 1.734 0.025v1.04 1.974 0.208v1.238 1.651 -0.193v-0.889 1.785 -0.153v-0.738 1.876 0.236v-1.04 2.123 0.061v-1.238 1.643 0.25v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.315 -0.85n-0.707 0.562 0.429n0.172 -0.724 0.668n0.766 0.63 -0.13n0.423 -0.905 0.047n0.707 0.577 -0.409n-0.171 0.421 0.891n-0.766 0.064 -0.64n0.765 0.613 -0.198n0 0.147 0.989n0 -0.978 -0.208n-0.765 0.613 -0.198n-0.765 0.481 -0.429n0 0.534 0.845n0 -0.979 0.205n0.765 0.481 -0.429 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw7] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.443 0.022v-0.226 0.151 0.105v-0.73 0.151 0.105v-0.478 0.199 -0.494v0.478 0.476 0.402v0.226 0.201 0.529v0.73 0.201 0.529v0.478 0.155 -0.07v0.889 1.988 -0.211v0.738 1.747 0.107v1.04 2.039 0.185v1.238 1.587 -0.063v-0.889 1.869 -0.201v-0.738 1.805 0.194v-1.04 2.099 0.126v-1.238 1.584 0.118v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.614 -0.666n-0.707 0.683 0.183n0.172 -0.416 0.893n0.766 0.534 -0.359n0.423 -0.855 -0.3n0.707 0.689 -0.159n-0.171 0.051 0.984n-0.766 0.303 -0.568n0.765 0.583 -0.276n0 0.274 0.962n0 -0.997 -0.08n-0.765 0.583 -0.276n-0.765 0.533 -0.363n0 0.42 0.908n0 -0.997 0.076n0.765 0.533 -0.363 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw8] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.475 0.403v-0.226 0.2 0.53v-0.73 0.2 0.53v-0.478 0.154 -0.068v0.478 0.444 0.026v0.226 0.153 0.109v0.73 0.153 0.109v0.478 0.201 -0.489v0.889 1.869 -0.201v0.738 1.805 0.194v1.04 2.099 0.126v1.238 1.584 0.118v-0.889 1.988 -0.211v-0.738 1.747 0.107v-1.04 2.039 0.185v-1.238 1.587 -0.063v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.855 -0.3n-0.707 0.689 -0.159n0.172 0.051 0.984n0.766 0.303 -0.568n0.423 -0.614 -0.666n0.707 0.683 0.183n-0.171 -0.416 0.893n-0.766 0.534 -0.359n0.765 0.533 -0.363n0 0.42 0.908n0 -0.997 0.076n-0.765 0.533 -0.363n-0.765 0.583 -0.276n0 0.274 0.962n0 -0.997 -0.08n0.765 0.583 -0.276 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nLoad model [pw9] size [40] data [v0 3.049 0.313v-0.279 3.239 0.051v0.279 3.239 0.051v0 2.574 0.062v0 3.354 0.176v0 0.367 -0.53v0.866 0.349 0.506v-0.866 0.349 0.506v0 2.357 0.041v-0.478 0.498 0.726v-0.226 0.241 0.888v-0.73 0.241 0.888v-0.478 0.119 0.3v0.478 0.414 -0.287v0.226 0.114 -0.242v0.73 0.114 -0.242v0.478 0.239 -0.829v0.889 1.785 -0.153v0.738 1.876 0.236v1.04 2.123 0.061v1.238 1.643 0.25v-0.889 2.079 -0.178v-0.738 1.734 0.025v-1.04 1.974 0.208v-1.238 1.651 -0.193v n-0.753 -0.307 0.582n0.499 0.355 0.791n0 -0.017 -1n0.753 -0.307 0.582n0 0.736 -0.677n-0.499 0.355 0.791n0.756 0.18 -0.629n0 -1 -0.017n0 0.226 0.974n-0.756 0.18 -0.629n-0.423 -0.905 0.047n-0.707 0.577 -0.409n0.172 0.421 0.891n0.766 0.064 -0.64n0.423 -0.315 -0.85n0.707 0.562 0.429n-0.171 -0.724 0.668n-0.766 0.63 -0.13n0.765 0.481 -0.429n0 0.534 0.845n0 -0.979 0.205n-0.765 0.481 -0.429n-0.765 0.613 -0.198n0 0.147 0.989n0 -0.978 -0.208n0.765 0.613 -0.198 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 23f14 15 16 24f15 17 16 25f16 17 14 26 ]\nset [&playerjumpin v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [pj0] size [40] data [v0 2.934 0.264v-0.279 3.121 0.001v0.279 3.121 0.001v0 2.457 0.019v0 3.237 0.125v0 0.239 -0.536v0.866 0.239 0.5v-0.866 0.239 0.5v0 2.239 0v-0.478 0.214 -0.137v-0.226 -0.07 -0.032v-0.73 -0.07 -0.032v-0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.478 0.214 -0.137v0.226 -0.07 -0.032v0.73 -0.07 -0.032v0.478 -0.069 -0.632v0.889 1.806 -0.247v0.738 1.654 0.123v1.04 1.957 0.123v1.238 1.456 0v-0.889 1.806 -0.247v-0.738 1.654 0.123v-1.04 1.957 0.123v-1.238 1.456 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n-0.423 -0.766 -0.485n-0.707 0.707 0n0.172 -0.171 0.97n0.766 0.423 -0.485n0.423 -0.766 -0.485n0.707 0.707 0n-0.171 -0.171 0.97n-0.766 0.423 -0.485n0.765 0.559 -0.32n0 0.348 0.937n0 -1 -0.002n-0.765 0.559 -0.32 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj1] size [40] data [v0 2.943 0.264v-0.279 3.13 0.001v0.279 3.13 0.001v0 2.466 0.019v0 3.246 0.125v0 0.248 -0.536v0.866 0.248 0.5v-0.866 0.248 0.5v0 2.248 0v-0.478 0.211 -0.142v-0.226 -0.071 -0.03v-0.73 -0.071 -0.03v-0.478 -0.083 -0.63v0.478 0.211 -0.142v0.226 -0.071 -0.03v0.73 -0.071 -0.03v0.478 -0.083 -0.63v0.89 1.816 -0.247v0.745 1.659 0.123v1.035 1.973 0.123v1.253 1.481 0v-0.89 1.816 -0.247v-0.745 1.659 0.123v-1.035 1.973 0.123v-1.253 1.481 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n-0.392 -0.782 -0.485n-0.735 0.678 0n0.178 -0.164 0.97n0.748 0.453 -0.485n0.392 -0.782 -0.485n0.735 0.678 0n-0.178 -0.164 0.97n-0.748 0.453 -0.485n0.765 0.552 -0.332n0 0.368 0.93n0 -1 0.02n-0.765 0.552 -0.332 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj2] size [40] data [v0 2.968 0.264v-0.279 3.156 0.001v0.279 3.156 0.001v0 2.491 0.019v0 3.272 0.125v0 0.274 -0.536v0.866 0.274 0.5v-0.866 0.274 0.5v0 2.274 0v-0.478 0.202 -0.154v-0.226 -0.072 -0.026v-0.73 -0.072 -0.026v-0.478 -0.119 -0.624v0.478 0.202 -0.154v0.226 -0.072 -0.026v0.73 -0.072 -0.026v0.478 -0.119 -0.624v0.892 1.845 -0.247v0.766 1.673 0.123v1.019 2.017 0.123v1.29 1.552 0v-0.892 1.845 -0.247v-0.766 1.673 0.123v-1.019 2.017 0.123v-1.29 1.552 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n-0.302 -0.821 -0.485n-0.806 0.592 0n0.195 -0.144 0.97n0.693 0.533 -0.485n0.302 -0.821 -0.485n0.806 0.592 0n-0.195 -0.144 0.97n-0.693 0.533 -0.485n0.765 0.532 -0.364n0 0.422 0.907n0 -0.997 0.078n-0.765 0.532 -0.364 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj3] size [40] data [v0 3.006 0.264v-0.279 3.193 0.001v0.279 3.193 0.001v0 2.529 0.019v0 3.309 0.125v0 0.311 -0.536v0.866 0.311 0.5v-0.866 0.311 0.5v0 2.311 0v-0.478 0.188 -0.171v-0.226 -0.074 -0.019v-0.73 -0.074 -0.019v-0.478 -0.173 -0.611v0.478 0.188 -0.171v0.226 -0.074 -0.019v0.73 -0.074 -0.019v0.478 -0.173 -0.611v0.895 1.888 -0.247v0.8 1.696 0.123v0.991 2.079 0.123v1.338 1.668 0v-0.895 1.888 -0.247v-0.8 1.696 0.123v-0.991 2.079 0.123v-1.338 1.668 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n-0.157 -0.86 -0.485n-0.895 0.446 0n0.217 -0.108 0.97n0.592 0.644 -0.485n0.158 -0.86 -0.485n0.895 0.446 0n-0.217 -0.108 0.97n-0.592 0.644 -0.485n0.765 0.498 -0.409n0 0.5 0.866n0 -0.986 0.165n-0.765 0.498 -0.409 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj4] size [40] data [v0 3.051 0.264v-0.279 3.238 0.001v0.279 3.238 0.001v0 2.574 0.019v0 3.354 0.125v0 0.356 -0.536v0.866 0.356 0.5v-0.866 0.356 0.5v0 2.356 0v-0.478 0.169 -0.19v-0.226 -0.076 -0.011v-0.73 -0.076 -0.011v-0.478 -0.238 -0.589v0.478 0.169 -0.19v0.226 -0.076 -0.011v0.73 -0.076 -0.011v0.478 -0.238 -0.589v0.898 1.941 -0.247v0.846 1.734 0.123v0.95 2.149 0.123v1.377 1.822 0v-0.898 1.941 -0.247v-0.846 1.734 0.123v-0.95 2.149 0.123v-1.377 1.822 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n0.032 -0.874 -0.485n-0.97 0.242 0n0.235 -0.059 0.97n0.438 0.757 -0.485n-0.032 -0.874 -0.485n0.97 0.242 0n-0.235 -0.059 0.97n-0.438 0.757 -0.485n0.765 0.451 -0.46n0 0.59 0.808n0 -0.963 0.27n-0.765 0.451 -0.46 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj5] size [40] data [v0 3.1 0.264v-0.279 3.288 0.001v0.279 3.288 0.001v0 2.623 0.019v0 3.404 0.125v0 0.406 -0.536v0.866 0.406 0.5v-0.866 0.406 0.5v0 2.406 0v-0.478 0.145 -0.209v-0.226 -0.077 -0.002v-0.73 -0.077 -0.002v-0.478 -0.306 -0.557v0.478 0.145 -0.209v0.226 -0.077 -0.002v0.73 -0.077 -0.002v0.478 -0.306 -0.557v0.898 2 -0.247v0.898 1.786 0.123v0.898 2.214 0.123v1.392 2 0v-0.898 2 -0.247v-0.898 1.786 0.123v-0.898 2.214 0.123v-1.392 2 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n0.243 -0.84 -0.485n-1 0 0n0.243 0 0.97n0.243 0.84 -0.485n-0.242 -0.84 -0.485n1 0 0n-0.242 0 0.97n-0.242 0.84 -0.485n0.765 0.394 -0.51n0 0.681 0.733n0 -0.925 0.381n-0.765 0.394 -0.51 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj6] size [40] data [v0 3.15 0.264v-0.279 3.337 0.001v0.279 3.337 0.001v0 2.672 0.019v0 3.453 0.125v0 0.455 -0.536v0.866 0.455 0.5v-0.866 0.455 0.5v0 2.455 0v-0.478 0.12 -0.224v-0.226 -0.077 0.007v-0.73 -0.077 0.007v-0.478 -0.369 -0.518v0.478 0.12 -0.224v0.226 -0.077 0.007v0.73 -0.077 0.007v0.478 -0.369 -0.518v0.897 2.058 -0.247v0.948 1.85 0.123v0.845 2.266 0.123v1.376 2.177 0v-0.897 2.058 -0.247v-0.948 1.85 0.123v-0.845 2.266 0.123v-1.376 2.177 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n0.438 -0.757 -0.485n-0.97 -0.242 0n0.235 0.059 0.97n0.032 0.874 -0.485n-0.438 -0.757 -0.485n0.97 -0.242 0n-0.235 0.059 0.97n-0.032 0.874 -0.485n0.765 0.332 -0.553n0 0.762 0.648n0 -0.873 0.487n-0.765 0.332 -0.553 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj7] size [40] data [v0 3.195 0.264v-0.279 3.382 0.001v0.279 3.382 0.001v0 2.718 0.019v0 3.498 0.125v0 0.5 -0.536v0.866 0.5 0.5v-0.866 0.5 0.5v0 2.5 0v-0.478 0.095 -0.236v-0.226 -0.075 0.015v-0.73 -0.075 0.015v-0.478 -0.422 -0.475v0.478 0.095 -0.236v0.226 -0.075 0.015v0.73 -0.075 0.015v0.478 -0.422 -0.475v0.893 2.111 -0.247v0.989 1.919 0.123v0.798 2.302 0.123v1.335 2.331 0v-0.893 2.111 -0.247v-0.989 1.919 0.123v-0.798 2.302 0.123v-1.335 2.331 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n0.592 -0.644 -0.485n-0.895 -0.446 0n0.217 0.108 0.97n-0.157 0.86 -0.485n-0.592 -0.644 -0.485n0.895 -0.446 0n-0.217 0.108 0.97n0.158 0.86 -0.485n0.765 0.271 -0.585n0 0.827 0.563n0 -0.816 0.578n-0.765 0.271 -0.585 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj8] size [40] data [v0 3.232 0.264v-0.279 3.42 0.001v0.279 3.42 0.001v0 2.755 0.019v0 3.535 0.125v0 0.537 -0.536v0.866 0.537 0.5v-0.866 0.537 0.5v0 2.537 0v-0.478 0.074 -0.243v-0.226 -0.074 0.021v-0.73 -0.074 0.021v-0.478 -0.462 -0.436v0.478 0.074 -0.243v0.226 -0.074 0.021v0.73 -0.074 0.021v0.478 -0.462 -0.436v0.89 2.153 -0.247v1.016 1.981 0.123v0.763 2.326 0.123v1.288 2.446 0v-0.89 2.153 -0.247v-1.016 1.981 0.123v-0.763 2.326 0.123v-1.288 2.446 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n0.693 -0.533 -0.485n-0.806 -0.592 0n0.195 0.144 0.97n-0.302 0.821 -0.485n-0.693 -0.533 -0.485n0.806 -0.592 0n-0.195 0.144 0.97n0.302 0.821 -0.485n0.765 0.218 -0.606n0 0.873 0.488n0 -0.763 0.647n-0.765 0.218 -0.606 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pj9] size [40] data [v0 3.258 0.264v-0.279 3.445 0.001v0.279 3.445 0.001v0 2.78 0.019v0 3.561 0.125v0 0.563 -0.536v0.866 0.563 0.5v-0.866 0.563 0.5v0 2.563 0v-0.478 0.06 -0.247v-0.226 -0.072 0.026v-0.73 -0.072 0.026v-0.478 -0.487 -0.408v0.478 0.06 -0.247v0.226 -0.072 0.026v0.73 -0.072 0.026v0.478 -0.487 -0.408v0.887 2.182 -0.247v1.032 2.025 0.123v0.742 2.339 0.123v1.25 2.517 0v-0.887 2.182 -0.247v-1.032 2.025 0.123v-0.742 2.339 0.123v-1.25 2.517 0v n-0.753 -0.301 0.585n0.499 0.363 0.787n0 -0.027 -1n0.753 -0.301 0.585n0 0.729 -0.685n-0.499 0.363 0.787n0.756 0.169 -0.632n0 -1 0n0 0.243 0.97n-0.756 0.169 -0.632n0.748 -0.453 -0.485n-0.735 -0.678 0n0.178 0.165 0.97n-0.392 0.782 -0.485n-0.748 -0.453 -0.485n0.735 -0.678 0n-0.178 0.165 0.97n0.392 0.782 -0.485n0.765 0.182 -0.618n0 0.9 0.436n0 -0.723 0.691n-0.765 0.182 -0.618 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nset [&playerholdrope v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [pr0] size [40] data [v0 3.028 0.448v-0.279 3.233 0.198v0.279 3.233 0.198v0 2.569 0.172v0 3.34 0.329v0 0.393 -0.53v0.866 0.324 0.504v-0.866 0.324 0.504v0 2.353 0.138v-0.478 0.238 -0.088v-0.226 -0.062 -0.046v-0.73 -0.062 -0.046v-0.478 0.068 -0.632v0.478 0.238 -0.088v0.226 -0.062 -0.046v0.73 -0.062 -0.046v0.478 0.068 -0.632v0.898 1.964 -0.135v0.898 1.726 0.22v0.898 2.153 0.249v1.392 1.948 0.111v-0.898 1.964 -0.135v-0.898 1.726 0.22v-0.898 2.153 0.249v-1.392 1.948 0.111v n-0.753 -0.339 0.564n0.499 0.309 0.81n0 0.04 -0.999n0.753 -0.339 0.564n0 0.773 -0.635n-0.499 0.309 0.81n0.756 0.211 -0.619n0 -0.998 -0.067n0 0.177 0.984n-0.756 0.211 -0.619n0.243 -0.806 -0.54n-1 0 0n0.243 -0.065 0.968n0.243 0.871 -0.428n-0.242 -0.806 -0.54n1 0 0n-0.242 -0.065 0.968n-0.242 0.871 -0.428n0.765 0.615 -0.193n0 0.14 0.99n0 -0.976 -0.216n-0.765 0.615 -0.193 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr1] size [40] data [v0 3.009 0.554v-0.279 3.223 0.312v0.279 3.223 0.312v0 2.56 0.26v0 3.325 0.447v0 0.413 -0.525v0.866 0.304 0.505v-0.866 0.304 0.505v0 2.346 0.218v-0.478 0.28 -0.078v-0.226 -0.021 -0.047v-0.73 -0.021 -0.047v-0.478 0.131 -0.628v0.478 0.28 -0.078v0.226 -0.021 -0.047v0.73 -0.021 -0.047v0.478 0.131 -0.628v0.879 2.051 -0.061v0.889 1.799 0.285v0.869 2.224 0.33v1.372 2.048 0.187v-0.879 2.051 -0.061v-0.889 1.799 0.285v-0.868 2.224 0.33v-1.372 2.048 0.187v n-0.753 -0.361 0.55n0.499 0.278 0.821n0 0.079 -0.997n0.753 -0.361 0.55n0 0.797 -0.604n-0.499 0.278 0.821n0.756 0.235 -0.611n0 -0.994 -0.105n0 0.139 0.99n-0.756 0.235 -0.611n0.283 -0.772 -0.569n-0.999 -0.048 -0.005n0.242 -0.09 0.966n0.202 0.897 -0.393n-0.282 -0.772 -0.57n0.999 -0.047 -0.005n-0.242 -0.091 0.966n-0.203 0.897 -0.392n0.765 0.622 -0.169n0 0.101 0.995n0 -0.967 -0.253n-0.765 0.622 -0.169 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr2] size [40] data [v0 2.962 0.749v-0.279 3.193 0.523v0.279 3.193 0.523v0 2.536 0.424v0 3.285 0.665v0 0.451 -0.514v0.866 0.268 0.506v-0.866 0.268 0.506v0 2.325 0.367v-0.478 0.357 -0.055v-0.226 0.054 -0.046v-0.73 0.054 -0.046v-0.478 0.248 -0.614v0.478 0.357 -0.055v0.226 0.054 -0.046v0.73 0.054 -0.046v0.478 0.248 -0.614v0.829 2.213 0.096v0.868 1.941 0.423v0.79 2.354 0.497v1.315 2.258 0.355v-0.828 2.213 0.096v-0.866 1.94 0.423v-0.789 2.354 0.498v-1.314 2.256 0.355v n-0.753 -0.399 0.523n0.499 0.218 0.839n0 0.15 -0.989n0.753 -0.399 0.523n0 0.838 -0.545n-0.499 0.218 0.839n0.756 0.278 -0.592n0 -0.984 -0.176n0 0.068 0.998n-0.756 0.278 -0.592n0.393 -0.683 -0.615n-0.983 -0.18 -0.032n0.238 -0.127 0.963n0.084 0.942 -0.324n-0.39 -0.683 -0.617n0.984 -0.176 -0.034n-0.237 -0.131 0.963n-0.088 0.943 -0.321n0.765 0.633 -0.124n0 0.029 1n0 -0.947 -0.322n-0.765 0.633 -0.124 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr3] size [40] data [v0 2.931 0.853v-0.279 3.17 0.636v0.279 3.17 0.636v0 2.517 0.511v0 3.257 0.781v0 0.471 -0.507v0.866 0.248 0.505v-0.866 0.248 0.505v0 2.309 0.445v-0.478 0.398 -0.04v-0.226 0.095 -0.043v-0.73 0.095 -0.043v-0.478 0.31 -0.604v0.478 0.398 -0.04v0.226 0.095 -0.043v0.73 0.095 -0.043v0.478 0.31 -0.604v0.762 2.327 0.197v0.845 2.056 0.516v0.678 2.44 0.601v1.216 2.463 0.479v-0.759 2.329 0.197v-0.84 2.054 0.515v-0.677 2.44 0.602v-1.215 2.458 0.481v n-0.753 -0.419 0.507n0.499 0.185 0.847n0 0.188 -0.982n0.753 -0.419 0.507n0 0.859 -0.512n-0.499 0.185 0.847n0.756 0.301 -0.581n0 -0.977 -0.215n0 0.029 1n-0.756 0.301 -0.581n0.551 -0.559 -0.619n-0.921 -0.381 -0.084n0.223 -0.116 0.968n-0.105 0.952 -0.287n-0.547 -0.56 -0.623n0.924 -0.372 -0.087n-0.222 -0.124 0.967n0.096 0.955 -0.281n0.765 0.637 -0.099n0 -0.009 1n0 -0.933 -0.359n-0.765 0.637 -0.099 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr4] size [40] data [v0 2.938 0.831v-0.279 3.175 0.612v0.279 3.175 0.612v0 2.522 0.492v0 3.263 0.757v0 0.466 -0.509v0.866 0.253 0.505v-0.866 0.253 0.505v0 2.313 0.429v-0.478 0.389 -0.044v-0.226 0.086 -0.044v-0.73 0.086 -0.044v-0.478 0.297 -0.606v0.478 0.389 -0.044v0.226 0.086 -0.044v0.73 0.086 -0.044v0.478 0.297 -0.606v0.687 2.373 0.166v0.823 2.151 0.506v0.552 2.478 0.558v1.07 2.643 0.459v-0.683 2.375 0.167v-0.815 2.147 0.504v-0.549 2.478 0.56v-1.07 2.636 0.463v n-0.753 -0.415 0.51n0.499 0.192 0.845n0 0.18 -0.984n0.753 -0.415 0.51n0 0.855 -0.519n-0.499 0.192 0.845n0.756 0.296 -0.583n0 -0.978 -0.206n0 0.037 0.999n-0.756 0.296 -0.583n0.72 -0.415 -0.557n-0.774 -0.625 -0.099n0.188 0 0.982n-0.344 0.87 -0.353n-0.712 -0.42 -0.562n0.784 -0.611 -0.106n-0.188 -0.014 0.982n0.33 0.879 -0.343n0.765 0.636 -0.105n0 -0.001 1n0 -0.936 -0.351n-0.765 0.636 -0.105 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr5] size [40] data [v0 2.955 0.774v-0.279 3.188 0.55v0.279 3.188 0.55v0 2.532 0.444v0 3.279 0.693v0 0.456 -0.513v0.866 0.263 0.505v-0.866 0.263 0.505v0 2.321 0.385v-0.478 0.367 -0.052v-0.226 0.064 -0.046v-0.73 0.064 -0.046v-0.478 0.262 -0.612v0.478 0.367 -0.052v0.226 0.064 -0.046v0.73 0.064 -0.046v0.478 0.262 -0.612v0.61 2.391 0.068v0.792 2.277 0.438v0.43 2.505 0.439v0.873 2.809 0.315v-0.603 2.395 0.069v-0.781 2.27 0.437v-0.425 2.507 0.441v-0.876 2.802 0.323v n-0.753 -0.404 0.519n0.499 0.21 0.841n0 0.159 -0.987n0.753 -0.404 0.519n0 0.843 -0.538n-0.499 0.21 0.841n0.756 0.284 -0.59n0 -0.983 -0.185n0 0.058 0.998n-0.756 0.284 -0.59n0.84 -0.241 -0.486n-0.532 -0.847 0n0.13 0.204 0.97n-0.583 0.653 -0.484n-0.834 -0.253 -0.491n0.553 -0.833 -0.015n-0.135 0.184 0.974n0.566 0.675 -0.472n0.765 0.634 -0.118n0 0.02 1n0 -0.944 -0.331n-0.765 0.634 -0.118 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr6] size [40] data [v0 2.977 0.695v-0.279 3.203 0.465v0.279 3.203 0.465v0 2.544 0.378v0 3.298 0.605v0 0.441 -0.518v0.866 0.278 0.506v-0.866 0.278 0.506v0 2.332 0.325v-0.478 0.336 -0.062v-0.226 0.033 -0.047v-0.73 0.033 -0.047v-0.478 0.215 -0.619v0.478 0.336 -0.062v0.226 0.033 -0.047v0.73 0.033 -0.047v0.478 0.215 -0.619v0.536 2.382 -0.065v0.745 2.413 0.307v0.329 2.51 0.286v0.652 2.904 0.073v-0.525 2.387 -0.066v-0.733 2.403 0.308v-0.321 2.515 0.288v-0.657 2.902 0.084v n-0.753 -0.389 0.531n0.499 0.235 0.835n0 0.13 -0.991n0.753 -0.389 0.531n0 0.827 -0.562n-0.499 0.235 0.835n0.756 0.266 -0.598n0 -0.988 -0.157n0 0.088 0.996n-0.756 0.266 -0.598n0.873 -0.065 -0.484n-0.233 -0.95 0.209n0.058 0.439 0.897n-0.761 0.318 -0.565n-0.872 -0.085 -0.483n0.266 -0.945 0.188n-0.07 0.417 0.906n0.748 0.356 -0.56n0.765 0.63 -0.137n0 0.05 0.999n0 -0.953 -0.303n-0.765 0.63 -0.137 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr7] size [40] data [v0 2.997 0.609v-0.279 3.216 0.372v0.279 3.216 0.372v0 2.555 0.306v0 3.316 0.508v0 0.424 -0.522v0.866 0.294 0.506v-0.866 0.294 0.506v0 2.341 0.26v-0.478 0.302 -0.072v-0.226 0 -0.048v-0.73 0 -0.048v-0.478 0.164 -0.625v0.478 0.302 -0.072v0.226 0 -0.048v0.73 0 -0.048v0.478 0.164 -0.625v0.471 2.351 -0.201v0.686 2.524 0.127v0.259 2.505 0.137v0.447 2.903 -0.196v-0.455 2.357 -0.203v-0.673 2.513 0.131v-0.246 2.511 0.137v-0.454 2.909 -0.184v n-0.753 -0.372 0.543n0.499 0.261 0.827n0 0.099 -0.995n0.753 -0.372 0.543n0 0.809 -0.588n-0.499 0.261 0.827n0.756 0.247 -0.606n0 -0.992 -0.125n0 0.119 0.993n-0.756 0.247 -0.606n0.826 0.041 -0.563n0.05 -0.897 0.439n-0.009 0.644 0.765n-0.852 -0.032 -0.522n-0.832 0.021 -0.554n-0.009 -0.909 0.417n-0.009 0.625 0.78n0.848 0.015 -0.53n0.765 0.625 -0.157n0 0.081 0.997n0 -0.962 -0.273n-0.765 0.625 -0.157 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr8] size [40] data [v0 3.014 0.529v-0.279 3.226 0.286v0.279 3.226 0.286v0 2.562 0.239v0 3.329 0.42v0 0.409 -0.526v0.866 0.309 0.505v-0.866 0.309 0.505v0 2.348 0.2v-0.478 0.271 -0.081v-0.226 -0.031 -0.047v-0.73 -0.031 -0.047v-0.478 0.116 -0.629v0.478 0.271 -0.081v0.226 -0.031 -0.047v0.73 -0.031 -0.047v0.478 0.116 -0.629v0.42 2.314 -0.314v0.628 2.589 -0.06v0.215 2.501 0.011v0.291 2.841 -0.418v-0.4 2.32 -0.317v-0.615 2.579 -0.053v-0.198 2.508 0.009v-0.296 2.855 -0.409v n-0.753 -0.356 0.554n0.499 0.285 0.819n0 0.069 -0.998n0.753 -0.356 0.554n0 0.791 -0.611n-0.499 0.285 0.819n0.756 0.229 -0.613n0 -0.995 -0.096n0 0.148 0.989n-0.756 0.229 -0.613n0.745 0.052 -0.665n0.264 -0.755 0.601n-0.061 0.788 0.613n-0.876 -0.291 -0.384n-0.758 0.036 -0.651n-0.22 -0.78 0.585n0.038 0.774 0.632n0.881 -0.243 -0.407n0.765 0.62 -0.175n0 0.11 0.994n0 -0.97 -0.244n-0.765 0.62 -0.175 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\nLoad model [pr9] size [40] data [v0 3.025 0.471v-0.279 3.231 0.223v0.279 3.231 0.223v0 2.567 0.191v0 3.337 0.354v0 0.397 -0.529v0.866 0.32 0.504v-0.866 0.32 0.504v0 2.352 0.155v-0.478 0.247 -0.086v-0.226 -0.053 -0.046v-0.73 -0.053 -0.046v-0.478 0.081 -0.631v0.478 0.247 -0.086v0.226 -0.053 -0.046v0.73 -0.053 -0.046v0.478 0.081 -0.631v0.387 2.285 -0.391v0.585 2.614 -0.203v0.192 2.502 -0.078v0.194 2.774 -0.558v-0.365 2.291 -0.395v-0.572 2.606 -0.194v-0.172 2.508 -0.081v-0.197 2.792 -0.554v n-0.753 -0.344 0.561n0.499 0.303 0.812n0 0.048 -0.999n0.753 -0.344 0.561n0 0.778 -0.628n-0.499 0.303 0.812n0.756 0.216 -0.617n0 -0.997 -0.075n0 0.169 0.986n-0.756 0.216 -0.617n0.675 0.014 -0.738n0.393 -0.622 0.677n-0.091 0.867 0.491n-0.87 -0.428 -0.246n-0.693 0.003 -0.721n-0.349 -0.656 0.669n0.066 0.857 0.511n0.881 -0.383 -0.277n0.765 0.617 -0.188n0 0.132 0.991n0 -0.975 -0.224n-0.765 0.617 -0.188 ufff1 2 4 1f3 5 1 2f2 3 4 3f3 1 4 4f2 5 3 5f1 5 2 6uf6 9 7 7f6 7 8 8f7 9 8 9f8 9 6 10uf18 21 19 11f18 19 20 12f19 21 20 13f20 21 18 14f22 23 25 15f22 24 23 16f23 24 25 17f24 22 25 18uf10 11 13 19f10 12 11 20f11 12 13 21f12 10 13 22f14 17 15 22f14 15 16 20f15 17 16 21f16 17 14 19 ]\n\ndefine Add Other Meshes\nset [&finalcoin v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [end] size [40] data [v0 1 0v0.943 -0.333 0v-0.471 -0.333 -0.816v-0.471 -0.333 0.816v0 -2.489 0v0.943 -1.156 0v-0.471 -1.156 0.816v-0.471 -1.156 -0.816v0.422 1.345 0.631v-0.058 0.01 1.44v1.241 0.855 1.956v1.327 -0.013 0.575v0.422 1.345 0.631v-0.058 0.01 1.44v1.241 0.855 1.956v1.327 -0.013 0.575v0.417 1.324 -0.731v-0.107 -0.033 -1.474v1.249 -0.072 -0.566v1.248 0.714 -1.997v-2.245 0.828 -0.061v-1.103 0.033 -0.916v-1.119 -0.066 0.714v-0.692 1.332 -0.015v n0.471 -0.333 0.817n-0.943 -0.333 0n0.471 -0.333 -0.816n0 1 0n-0.594 0.562 0.576n0.791 0.539 -0.29n0.311 -0.796 0.519n-0.508 -0.305 -0.805n-0.546 -0.23 0.805n0.809 0.516 0.282n0.285 -0.84 -0.461n-0.547 0.555 -0.626n-0.598 -0.8 -0.054n-0.187 0.499 0.846n0.955 -0.296 -0.008n-0.171 0.598 -0.783n0.471 0.333 -0.816n-0.943 0.333 0n0 -1 0n0.471 0.333 0.817 ufff5 6 7 1f5 7 8 2f5 8 6 3f6 8 7 4f9 10 11 5f9 11 12 6f10 12 11 7f10 9 12 8f13 14 15 5f13 15 16 6f14 16 15 7f14 13 16 8f17 18 19 9f17 19 20 10f18 20 19 11f18 17 20 12f21 22 23 13f21 23 24 14f22 24 23 15f22 21 24 16uf1 2 3 17f1 3 4 18f2 4 3 19f2 1 4 20 ]\nset [&button v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [button1] size [40] data [v1 1.321 -1v1 1.321 1v-1 1.321 -1v-1 1.321 1v-1 0.625 -1v-1 0.625 1v1 0.625 -1v1 0.625 1v n0 1 0n0 0 1n-1 0 0n1 0 0n0 0 -1 ufff3 2 1 1f2 6 8 2f4 5 6 3f1 8 7 4f3 7 5 5f3 4 2 1f2 4 6 2f4 3 5 3f1 2 8 4f3 1 7 5 ]\nLoad model [button2] size [40] data [v1 0.653 -1v1 0.653 1v-1 0.653 -1v-1 0.653 1v-1.458 0 -1.458v-1.458 0 1.458v1.458 0 -1.458v1.458 0 1.458v n0 0.574 0.819n-0.819 0.574 0n0.819 0.574 0n0 0.574 -0.819 ufff4 8 2 1f3 6 4 2f2 7 1 3f1 5 3 4f4 6 8 1f3 5 6 2f2 8 7 3f1 7 5 4 ]\nset [&boostcircle v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [boost] size [100] data [v0 1.25 0.002v0 0.988 0.002v-0.977 0.779 0.002v-0.772 0.616 0.002v-1.219 -0.278 0.002v-0.963 -0.22 0.002v-0.542 -1.126 0.002v-0.429 -0.89 0.002v0.542 -1.126 0.002v0.429 -0.89 0.002v1.219 -0.278 0.002v0.963 -0.22 0.002v0.977 0.779 0.002v0.772 0.616 0.002v n0 0 -1 ufff4 1 2 1f6 3 4 1f8 5 6 1f10 7 8 1f12 9 10 1f14 11 12 1f2 13 14 1uf4 3 1 1f6 5 3 1f8 7 5 1f10 9 7 1f12 11 9 1f14 13 11 1f2 1 13 1 ]\n\ndefine Add Boss1 Mesh\nset [&boss_1_idle v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [1i0] size [100] data [v-1 1.394 -0.958v-0.746 0.562 -1.039v1 1.394 -0.958v0.746 0.562 -1.039v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.5 -0.512v0.483 1.221 -0.779v0.929 1.221 -0.779v0.706 1.972 -1.377v-0.706 1.5 -0.512v-0.483 1.221 -0.779v-0.929 1.221 -0.779v-0.706 1.972 -1.377v0 0.787 -1.047v0 0.876 -1.008v-0.746 0.925 -1.003v0.746 0.925 -1.003v0 1.121 -1.081v0 1.189 -0.978v0.473 1.053 -1.212v0.392 1.287 -1.189v0.157 1.156 -1.202v-0.473 1.053 -1.212v-0.392 1.287 -1.189v-0.157 1.156 -1.202v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.451 -0.825v-0.359 0.048 -0.864v0.561 0.451 -0.825v-0.257 0.434 -0.65v0.257 0.468 -0.999v-0.257 0.468 -0.999v0.257 0.434 -0.65v0.359 0.048 -0.864v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.994 -0.11n0.955 -0.295 0.033n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.048n0 -0.038 -0.999n-0.955 -0.295 0.033n0.987 -0.156 -0.043n-0.987 -0.156 -0.043n0 -0.37 -0.929n0 0.097 -0.995n0.267 0.808 -0.525n-0.267 0.808 -0.525n0.04 0.097 -0.994n-0.04 0.097 -0.994n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.241 -0.023n0.485 -0.16 -0.86n-0.485 -0.323 0.813n-0.97 -0.241 -0.023n-0.485 -0.16 -0.86n0.485 -0.323 0.813n-0.021 0.401 -0.916n0.021 0.401 -0.916n-0.858 0.451 0.246n0 -0.691 0.722n0 -0.623 -0.782n0.858 0.451 0.246n0 0.692 -0.722n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1i1] size [100] data [v-1 1.375 -0.967v-0.746 0.542 -1.032v1 1.375 -0.967v0.746 0.542 -1.032v-0.977 1.61 1v-0.819 0.464 1v0.978 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.702 1.491 -0.524v0.484 1.215 -0.798v0.928 1.199 -0.773v0.768 1.945 -1.396v-0.702 1.491 -0.524v-0.484 1.215 -0.798v-0.928 1.199 -0.773v-0.768 1.945 -1.396v0 0.767 -1.045v0 0.857 -1.007v-0.746 0.906 -1.003v0.746 0.906 -1.003v0 1.101 -1.085v0 1.17 -0.983v0.473 1.03 -1.214v0.393 1.265 -1.196v0.157 1.133 -1.206v-0.473 1.03 -1.214v-0.392 1.265 -1.196v-0.157 1.133 -1.206v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.435 -0.816v-0.359 0.032 -0.847v0.561 0.435 -0.816v-0.257 0.422 -0.641v0.257 0.449 -0.991v-0.257 0.449 -0.991v0.257 0.422 -0.641v0.359 0.032 -0.847v-0.016 1.428 1.561v0.219 1.02 0.576v-0.205 1.023 0.578v-0.026 1.524 1.716v0.13 1.404 1.427v-0.167 1.405 1.424v n0 0.993 -0.119n0.954 -0.295 0.046n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.039n0 -0.057 -0.998n-0.954 -0.295 0.046n0.99 -0.137 -0.041n-0.99 -0.137 -0.041n0 -0.388 -0.922n0 0.078 -0.997n0.267 0.798 -0.54n-0.267 0.798 -0.54n0.041 0.078 -0.996n-0.04 0.078 -0.996n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 -0.019n0.485 -0.176 -0.856n-0.485 -0.307 0.819n-0.97 -0.242 -0.019n-0.485 -0.176 -0.856n0.485 -0.307 0.819n-0.001 0.993 -0.118n0 0 1n-0.021 0.384 -0.923n0.021 0.384 -0.923n-0.853 0.487 0.188n-0.067 -0.676 0.734n0.021 -0.638 -0.769n0.859 0.424 0.286n0.853 0.487 0.188n-0.067 0.676 -0.733n-0.02 -0.638 -0.769n-0.859 0.424 0.286n0.005 0.925 -0.381 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1i2] size [100] data [v-1 1.331 -0.987v-0.746 0.496 -1.014v1 1.331 -0.987v0.746 0.496 -1.014v-0.924 1.608 1.001v-0.819 0.464 1v0.924 1.613 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.694 1.468 -0.552v0.488 1.194 -0.837v0.925 1.15 -0.762v0.883 1.874 -1.43v-0.694 1.468 -0.552v-0.488 1.194 -0.837v-0.925 1.151 -0.763v-0.883 1.874 -1.43v0 0.72 -1.037v0 0.812 -1.004v-0.746 0.861 -1.002v0.746 0.861 -1.002v0 1.052 -1.093v0 1.125 -0.994v0.473 0.975 -1.218v0.393 1.211 -1.211v0.157 1.078 -1.215v-0.473 0.975 -1.218v-0.392 1.211 -1.211v-0.157 1.078 -1.215v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.399 -0.793v-0.359 -0.005 -0.807v0.561 0.399 -0.793v-0.257 0.393 -0.618v0.258 0.405 -0.969v-0.257 0.405 -0.969v0.258 0.393 -0.618v0.359 -0.005 -0.806v-0.015 1.403 1.571v0.218 1.035 0.57v-0.206 1.037 0.573v-0.024 1.493 1.729v0.131 1.385 1.436v-0.166 1.385 1.433v n0 0.99 -0.14n0.953 -0.293 0.078n0 -0.001 1n0 -1 -0.016n0 -0.102 -0.995n-0.953 -0.293 0.077n0.995 -0.091 -0.038n-0.995 -0.091 -0.038n0 -0.429 -0.903n0 0.033 -0.999n0.267 0.773 -0.576n-0.267 0.773 -0.576n0.041 0.032 -0.999n-0.04 0.032 -0.999n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 -0.008n0.485 -0.215 -0.847n-0.485 -0.27 0.832n-0.97 -0.242 -0.008n-0.485 -0.215 -0.848n0.485 -0.27 0.832n-0.003 0.99 -0.138n0.001 0.001 1n-0.02 0.341 -0.94n0.021 0.341 -0.94n-0.833 0.548 0.074n-0.19 -0.634 0.749n0.058 -0.675 -0.735n0.851 0.382 0.36n0.833 0.548 0.074n-0.19 0.634 -0.749n-0.058 -0.675 -0.735n-0.851 0.382 0.36n0.004 0.939 -0.345 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1i3] size [100] data [v-1 1.277 -1.008v-0.745 0.442 -0.99v1 1.277 -1.008v0.746 0.442 -0.99v-0.859 1.606 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.861 1.614 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.69 1.438 -0.583v0.492 1.155 -0.864v0.922 1.103 -0.762v0.944 1.789 -1.468v-0.69 1.438 -0.583v-0.492 1.155 -0.865v-0.922 1.103 -0.762v-0.943 1.789 -1.468v0 0.665 -1.025v0 0.758 -0.997v-0.745 0.807 -0.998v0.746 0.807 -0.998v0 0.993 -1.099v0 1.072 -1.004v0.473 0.909 -1.22v0.393 1.145 -1.225v0.157 1.012 -1.222v-0.472 0.909 -1.22v-0.392 1.145 -1.225v-0.157 1.012 -1.222v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.357 -0.765v-0.358 -0.047 -0.756v0.561 0.357 -0.764v-0.257 0.361 -0.589v0.258 0.353 -0.94v-0.257 0.353 -0.94v0.258 0.361 -0.589v0.359 -0.047 -0.756v-0.013 1.373 1.581v0.217 1.052 0.564v-0.207 1.054 0.568v-0.022 1.456 1.744v0.132 1.361 1.445v-0.165 1.362 1.443v n0 0.986 -0.166n0.951 -0.287 0.114n0 -0.001 1n0 -1 0.011n0 -0.155 -0.988n-0.951 -0.287 0.113n0.999 -0.036 -0.036n-0.999 -0.035 -0.036n0 -0.477 -0.879n0 -0.022 -1n0.267 0.74 -0.617n-0.267 0.74 -0.617n0.041 -0.022 -0.999n-0.04 -0.022 -0.999n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 0.006n0.485 -0.261 -0.835n-0.485 -0.224 0.845n-0.97 -0.242 0.005n-0.485 -0.261 -0.835n0.485 -0.224 0.845n-0.005 0.987 -0.161n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.29 -0.957n0.021 0.29 -0.957n-0.817 0.577 -0.006n-0.255 -0.586 0.769n0.078 -0.716 -0.694n0.841 0.375 0.39n0.817 0.577 -0.005n-0.255 0.586 -0.769n-0.078 -0.716 -0.694n-0.841 0.375 0.39n0.003 0.954 -0.301 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1i4] size [100] data [v-1 1.277 -1.008v-0.745 0.442 -0.99v1 1.277 -1.008v0.746 0.442 -0.99v-0.859 1.606 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.861 1.614 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.69 1.438 -0.583v0.492 1.155 -0.864v0.922 1.103 -0.762v0.944 1.789 -1.468v-0.69 1.438 -0.583v-0.492 1.155 -0.865v-0.922 1.103 -0.762v-0.943 1.789 -1.468v0 0.665 -1.025v0 0.758 -0.997v-0.745 0.807 -0.998v0.746 0.807 -0.998v0 0.993 -1.099v0 1.072 -1.004v0.473 0.909 -1.22v0.393 1.145 -1.225v0.157 1.012 -1.222v-0.472 0.909 -1.22v-0.392 1.145 -1.225v-0.157 1.012 -1.222v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.357 -0.765v-0.358 -0.047 -0.756v0.561 0.357 -0.764v-0.257 0.361 -0.589v0.258 0.353 -0.94v-0.257 0.353 -0.94v0.258 0.361 -0.589v0.359 -0.047 -0.756v-0.013 1.373 1.581v0.217 1.052 0.564v-0.207 1.054 0.568v-0.022 1.456 1.744v0.132 1.361 1.445v-0.165 1.362 1.443v n0 0.986 -0.166n0.951 -0.287 0.114n0 -0.001 1n0 -1 0.011n0 -0.155 -0.988n-0.951 -0.287 0.113n0.999 -0.036 -0.036n-0.999 -0.035 -0.036n0 -0.477 -0.879n0 -0.022 -1n0.267 0.74 -0.617n-0.267 0.74 -0.617n0.041 -0.022 -0.999n-0.04 -0.022 -0.999n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 0.006n0.485 -0.261 -0.835n-0.485 -0.224 0.845n-0.97 -0.242 0.005n-0.485 -0.261 -0.835n0.485 -0.224 0.845n-0.005 0.987 -0.161n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.29 -0.957n0.021 0.29 -0.957n-0.817 0.577 -0.006n-0.255 -0.586 0.769n0.078 -0.716 -0.694n0.841 0.375 0.39n0.817 0.577 -0.005n-0.255 0.586 -0.769n-0.078 -0.716 -0.694n-0.841 0.375 0.39n0.003 0.954 -0.301 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1i5] size [100] data [v-1 1.212 -1.03v-0.745 0.38 -0.958v1 1.212 -1.029v0.746 0.38 -0.958v-0.783 1.603 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.785 1.616 0.998v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.398 -0.611v0.483 1.075 -0.823v0.929 1.075 -0.822v0.707 1.705 -1.547v-0.706 1.398 -0.611v-0.483 1.075 -0.823v-0.928 1.075 -0.823v-0.705 1.705 -1.547v0 0.6 -1.007v0 0.694 -0.985v-0.745 0.744 -0.99v0.746 0.744 -0.989v0 0.922 -1.102v0 1.007 -1.012v0.473 0.831 -1.217v0.393 1.066 -1.237v0.158 0.934 -1.226v-0.472 0.831 -1.218v-0.392 1.066 -1.238v-0.157 0.934 -1.226v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.31 -0.728v-0.358 -0.094 -0.693v0.561 0.31 -0.727v-0.257 0.325 -0.553v0.258 0.294 -0.902v-0.257 0.294 -0.902v0.258 0.325 -0.553v0.359 -0.094 -0.692v-0.011 1.337 1.591v0.216 1.073 0.557v-0.208 1.075 0.562v-0.02 1.411 1.758v0.134 1.333 1.454v-0.164 1.333 1.454v n0 0.981 -0.195n0.948 -0.276 0.156n0 -0.002 1n0 -0.999 0.043n0 -0.219 -0.976n-0.949 -0.276 0.154n0.999 0.03 -0.038n-0.999 0.032 -0.039n0 -0.533 -0.846n0 -0.086 -0.996n0.268 0.699 -0.663n-0.267 0.699 -0.663n0.041 -0.086 -0.995n-0.04 -0.086 -0.995n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 0.021n0.485 -0.314 -0.816n-0.485 -0.169 0.858n-0.97 -0.242 0.02n-0.485 -0.314 -0.816n0.485 -0.169 0.858n-0.009 0.982 -0.188n0.003 0.002 1n-0.02 0.228 -0.973n0.021 0.228 -0.973n-0.858 0.488 0.159n0 -0.549 0.836n0 -0.755 -0.656n0.858 0.488 0.16n0 0.549 -0.836n0.002 0.969 -0.247 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1i6] size [100] data [v-1 1.232 -1.024v-0.745 0.398 -0.968v1 1.232 -1.023v0.746 0.398 -0.967v-0.806 1.604 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.807 1.616 0.998v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.409 -0.601v0.483 1.091 -0.819v0.929 1.091 -0.819v0.706 1.734 -1.532v-0.706 1.409 -0.602v-0.483 1.091 -0.82v-0.928 1.091 -0.82v-0.705 1.734 -1.532v0 0.619 -1.013v0 0.713 -0.989v-0.745 0.762 -0.993v0.746 0.762 -0.992v0 0.943 -1.101v0 1.026 -1.01v0.473 0.854 -1.218v0.393 1.089 -1.234v0.158 0.957 -1.226v-0.472 0.854 -1.219v-0.392 1.089 -1.235v-0.157 0.957 -1.226v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.323 -0.739v-0.358 -0.081 -0.712v0.561 0.323 -0.738v-0.257 0.335 -0.564v0.258 0.312 -0.913v-0.257 0.312 -0.914v0.258 0.335 -0.564v0.359 -0.081 -0.711v-0.012 1.348 1.588v0.217 1.066 0.559v-0.208 1.069 0.564v-0.021 1.424 1.754v0.133 1.341 1.452v-0.164 1.342 1.451v n0 0.982 -0.187n0.949 -0.28 0.144n0 -0.002 1n0 -0.999 0.033n0 -0.2 -0.98n-0.949 -0.28 0.142n0.999 0.01 -0.037n-0.999 0.012 -0.038n0 -0.517 -0.856n0 -0.067 -0.998n0.267 0.712 -0.65n-0.267 0.712 -0.65n0.041 -0.067 -0.997n-0.04 -0.067 -0.997n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 0.017n0.485 -0.298 -0.822n-0.485 -0.186 0.854n-0.97 -0.242 0.016n-0.485 -0.298 -0.822n0.485 -0.186 0.855n-0.007 0.984 -0.18n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.246 -0.969n0.021 0.246 -0.969n-0.858 0.485 0.169n0 -0.564 0.826n0 -0.742 -0.67n0.858 0.485 0.169n0 0.564 -0.825n0.003 0.965 -0.263 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1i7] size [100] data [v-1 1.277 -1.008v-0.745 0.442 -0.99v1 1.277 -1.008v0.746 0.442 -0.99v-0.859 1.606 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.861 1.614 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.436 -0.578v0.483 1.128 -0.81v0.929 1.128 -0.81v0.706 1.802 -1.493v-0.706 1.436 -0.579v-0.483 1.128 -0.811v-0.928 1.128 -0.811v-0.705 1.802 -1.493v0 0.665 -1.025v0 0.758 -0.997v-0.745 0.807 -0.998v0.746 0.807 -0.998v0 0.993 -1.099v0 1.072 -1.004v0.473 0.909 -1.22v0.393 1.145 -1.225v0.157 1.012 -1.222v-0.472 0.909 -1.22v-0.392 1.145 -1.225v-0.157 1.012 -1.222v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.357 -0.765v-0.358 -0.047 -0.756v0.561 0.357 -0.764v-0.257 0.361 -0.589v0.258 0.353 -0.94v-0.257 0.353 -0.94v0.258 0.361 -0.589v0.359 -0.047 -0.756v-0.013 1.373 1.581v0.217 1.052 0.564v-0.207 1.054 0.568v-0.022 1.456 1.744v0.132 1.361 1.445v-0.165 1.362 1.443v n0 0.986 -0.166n0.951 -0.287 0.114n0 -0.001 1n0 -1 0.011n0 -0.155 -0.988n-0.951 -0.287 0.113n0.999 -0.036 -0.036n-0.999 -0.035 -0.036n0 -0.477 -0.879n0 -0.022 -1n0.267 0.74 -0.617n-0.267 0.74 -0.617n0.041 -0.022 -0.999n-0.04 -0.022 -0.999n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 0.006n0.485 -0.261 -0.835n-0.485 -0.224 0.845n-0.97 -0.242 0.005n-0.485 -0.261 -0.835n0.485 -0.224 0.845n-0.005 0.987 -0.161n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.29 -0.957n0.021 0.29 -0.957n-0.858 0.477 0.191n0 -0.601 0.799n0 -0.711 -0.703n0.858 0.477 0.191n0 0.601 -0.799n0.003 0.954 -0.301 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1i8] size [100] data [v-1 1.331 -0.987v-0.746 0.496 -1.014v1 1.331 -0.987v0.746 0.496 -1.014v-0.924 1.608 1.001v-0.819 0.464 1v0.924 1.613 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.466 -0.549v0.483 1.171 -0.798v0.929 1.171 -0.797v0.706 1.881 -1.442v-0.706 1.466 -0.549v-0.483 1.171 -0.798v-0.929 1.171 -0.798v-0.706 1.881 -1.443v0 0.72 -1.037v0 0.812 -1.004v-0.746 0.861 -1.002v0.746 0.861 -1.002v0 1.052 -1.093v0 1.125 -0.994v0.473 0.975 -1.218v0.393 1.211 -1.211v0.157 1.078 -1.215v-0.473 0.975 -1.218v-0.392 1.211 -1.211v-0.157 1.078 -1.215v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.399 -0.793v-0.359 -0.005 -0.807v0.561 0.399 -0.793v-0.257 0.393 -0.618v0.258 0.405 -0.969v-0.257 0.405 -0.969v0.258 0.393 -0.618v0.359 -0.005 -0.806v-0.015 1.403 1.571v0.218 1.035 0.57v-0.206 1.037 0.573v-0.024 1.493 1.729v0.131 1.385 1.436v-0.166 1.385 1.433v n0 0.99 -0.14n0.953 -0.293 0.078n0 -0.001 1n0 -1 -0.016n0 -0.102 -0.995n-0.953 -0.293 0.077n0.995 -0.091 -0.038n-0.995 -0.091 -0.038n0 -0.429 -0.903n0 0.033 -0.999n0.267 0.773 -0.576n-0.267 0.773 -0.576n0.041 0.032 -0.999n-0.04 0.032 -0.999n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 -0.008n0.485 -0.215 -0.847n-0.485 -0.27 0.832n-0.97 -0.242 -0.008n-0.485 -0.215 -0.848n0.485 -0.27 0.832n-0.003 0.99 -0.138n0.001 0.001 1n-0.02 0.341 -0.94n0.021 0.341 -0.94n-0.858 0.466 0.216n0 -0.644 0.765n0 -0.672 -0.74n0.858 0.466 0.216n0 0.644 -0.765n0.004 0.939 -0.345 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1i9] size [100] data [v-1 1.375 -0.967v-0.746 0.542 -1.032v1 1.375 -0.967v0.746 0.542 -1.032v-0.977 1.61 1v-0.819 0.464 1v0.978 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.49 -0.524v0.483 1.207 -0.785v0.929 1.207 -0.785v0.706 1.946 -1.397v-0.706 1.49 -0.524v-0.483 1.207 -0.785v-0.929 1.207 -0.785v-0.706 1.946 -1.397v0 0.767 -1.045v0 0.857 -1.007v-0.746 0.906 -1.003v0.746 0.906 -1.003v0 1.101 -1.085v0 1.17 -0.983v0.473 1.03 -1.214v0.393 1.265 -1.196v0.157 1.133 -1.206v-0.473 1.03 -1.214v-0.392 1.265 -1.196v-0.157 1.133 -1.206v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.435 -0.816v-0.359 0.032 -0.847v0.561 0.435 -0.816v-0.257 0.422 -0.641v0.257 0.449 -0.991v-0.257 0.449 -0.991v0.257 0.422 -0.641v0.359 0.032 -0.847v-0.016 1.428 1.561v0.219 1.02 0.576v-0.205 1.023 0.578v-0.026 1.524 1.716v0.13 1.404 1.427v-0.167 1.405 1.424v n0 0.993 -0.119n0.954 -0.295 0.046n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.039n0 -0.057 -0.998n-0.954 -0.295 0.046n0.99 -0.137 -0.041n-0.99 -0.137 -0.041n0 -0.388 -0.922n0 0.078 -0.997n0.267 0.798 -0.54n-0.267 0.798 -0.54n0.041 0.078 -0.996n-0.04 0.078 -0.996n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.242 -0.019n0.485 -0.176 -0.856n-0.485 -0.307 0.819n-0.97 -0.242 -0.019n-0.485 -0.176 -0.856n0.485 -0.307 0.819n-0.001 0.993 -0.118n0 0 1n-0.021 0.384 -0.923n0.021 0.384 -0.923n-0.858 0.455 0.237n0 -0.678 0.735n0 -0.638 -0.77n0.858 0.455 0.237n0 0.678 -0.735n0.005 0.925 -0.381 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nset [&boss_1_walk v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [1w1] size [100] data [v-1 1.247 -1.019v-0.746 0.412 -0.975v1 1.247 -1.019v0.746 0.412 -0.975v-1.075 1.686 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.009 1.62 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.438 -0.601v0.483 1.075 -0.734v0.929 1.075 -0.734v0.706 1.525 -1.582v-0.706 1.438 -0.601v-0.483 1.075 -0.734v-0.929 1.075 -0.734v-0.706 1.525 -1.582v0 0.634 -1.017v0 0.727 -0.992v-0.746 0.777 -0.994v0.746 0.777 -0.994v0 0.959 -1.101v0 1.041 -1.008v0.473 0.872 -1.219v0.393 1.107 -1.232v0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.473 0.872 -1.219v-0.392 1.107 -1.232v-0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.761 0.366 0.528v-0.559 -0.033 0.601v0.761 0.352 0.53v-0.457 0.397 0.7v0.457 0.427 0.372v-0.457 0.334 0.355v0.457 0.276 0.688v0.559 -0.014 0.356v-0.561 0.334 -0.738v-0.359 -0.036 -0.902v0.561 0.334 -0.743v-0.257 0.263 -0.578v0.26 0.335 -0.924v-0.257 0.405 -0.899v0.255 0.335 -0.573v0.358 -0.07 -0.746v0.003 1.44 1.942v0.332 1.013 0.35v-0.322 1.018 0.366v-0.007 1.557 2.198v0.224 1.431 1.729v-0.234 1.432 1.734v n0 0.983 -0.182n0.956 -0.289 0.049n0 0 1n0 -1 0.026n0 -0.186 -0.983n-0.957 -0.29 0.028n0.986 -0.162 -0.032n-0.978 -0.205 -0.031n0 -0.504 -0.864n0 -0.052 -0.999n0.267 0.721 -0.639n-0.267 0.721 -0.639n0.041 -0.052 -0.998n-0.04 -0.052 -0.998n0.97 -0.238 0.044n0.485 0.141 -0.863n-0.485 -0.087 0.87n-0.97 -0.219 -0.104n-0.485 -0.39 -0.782n0.485 -0.579 0.655n0.97 -0.222 -0.098n0.498 -0.245 -0.832n-0.485 -0.562 0.67n-0.971 -0.239 -0.015n-0.485 0.119 -0.866n0.471 -0.243 0.848n0.031 0.977 -0.211n-0.021 0.261 -0.965n0.021 0.261 -0.965n-0.858 0.511 0.045n0 -0.345 0.939n0 -0.884 -0.468n0.858 0.511 0.045n0 0.345 -0.938n0 0.966 -0.259 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f7 5 6 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1w3] size [100] data [v-1 1.247 -1.019v-0.746 0.412 -0.975v1 1.247 -1.019v0.746 0.412 -0.975v-1.029 1.64 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.054 1.665 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.438 -0.601v0.483 1.075 -0.734v0.929 1.075 -0.734v0.706 1.525 -1.582v-0.706 1.438 -0.601v-0.483 1.075 -0.734v-0.929 1.075 -0.734v-0.706 1.525 -1.582v0 0.634 -1.017v0 0.727 -0.992v-0.746 0.777 -0.994v0.746 0.777 -0.994v0 0.959 -1.101v0 1.041 -1.008v0.473 0.872 -1.219v0.393 1.107 -1.232v0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.473 0.872 -1.219v-0.392 1.107 -1.232v-0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.761 0.356 0.53v-0.559 -0.036 0.431v0.761 0.361 0.529v-0.457 0.313 0.7v0.457 0.364 0.354v-0.457 0.399 0.36v0.457 0.359 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.524v-0.561 0.335 -0.744v-0.359 -0.067 -0.797v0.561 0.329 -0.725v-0.257 0.312 -0.57v0.276 0.386 -0.922v-0.257 0.358 -0.917v0.241 0.292 -0.586v0.357 -0.054 -0.853v0.003 1.565 1.9v0.332 0.941 0.374v-0.322 0.947 0.39v-0.007 1.713 2.139v0.224 1.529 1.689v-0.234 1.531 1.694v n0 0.982 -0.191n0.957 -0.29 0.035n0 0 1n0 -1 0.026n0 -0.186 -0.983n-0.956 -0.289 0.042n0.981 -0.192 -0.031n-0.984 -0.176 -0.032n0 -0.504 -0.864n0 -0.052 -0.999n0.267 0.721 -0.639n-0.267 0.721 -0.639n0.041 -0.052 -0.998n-0.04 -0.052 -0.998n0.97 -0.235 -0.06n0.485 -0.231 -0.843n-0.485 -0.442 0.755n-0.97 -0.242 -0.003n-0.485 -0.028 -0.874n0.485 -0.254 0.837n0.97 -0.24 -0.032n0.565 -0.025 -0.825n-0.485 -0.351 0.801n-0.967 -0.201 -0.157n-0.485 -0.13 -0.865n0.397 -0.474 0.786n-0.012 0.979 -0.203n-0.021 0.261 -0.965n0.021 0.261 -0.965n-0.858 0.511 0.045n0 -0.345 0.939n0 -0.884 -0.468n0.858 0.511 0.045n0 0.345 -0.938n0 0.926 -0.379 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1w5] size [100] data [v-1 1.247 -1.019v-0.746 0.412 -0.975v1 1.247 -1.019v0.746 0.412 -0.975v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.083 1.694 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.438 -0.601v0.483 1.075 -0.734v0.929 1.075 -0.734v0.706 1.525 -1.582v-0.706 1.438 -0.601v-0.483 1.075 -0.734v-0.929 1.075 -0.734v-0.706 1.525 -1.582v0 0.634 -1.017v0 0.727 -0.992v-0.746 0.777 -0.994v0.746 0.777 -0.994v0 0.959 -1.101v0 1.041 -1.008v0.473 0.872 -1.219v0.393 1.107 -1.232v0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.473 0.872 -1.219v-0.392 1.107 -1.232v-0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.761 0.35 0.53v-0.559 -0.001 0.327v0.761 0.367 0.527v-0.457 0.262 0.681v0.457 0.322 0.358v-0.457 0.437 0.378v0.457 0.413 0.696v0.559 -0.024 0.632v-0.561 0.334 -0.747v-0.359 -0.07 -0.726v0.56 0.323 -0.714v-0.257 0.343 -0.572v0.286 0.418 -0.913v-0.257 0.325 -0.922v0.233 0.267 -0.601v0.361 -0.029 -0.918v0.003 1.17 1.978v0.332 1.17 0.33v-0.322 1.17 0.347v-0.007 1.217 2.256v0.224 1.217 1.769v-0.234 1.217 1.775v n0 0.984 -0.178n0.957 -0.29 0.025n0 0 1n0 -1 0.026n0 -0.186 -0.983n-0.956 -0.289 0.052n0.977 -0.21 -0.031n-0.987 -0.156 -0.033n0 -0.504 -0.864n0 -0.052 -0.999n0.267 0.721 -0.639n-0.267 0.721 -0.639n0.041 -0.052 -0.998n-0.04 -0.052 -0.998n0.97 -0.21 -0.121n0.485 -0.452 -0.749n-0.485 -0.63 0.606n-0.97 -0.234 0.063n-0.485 0.21 -0.849n0.485 -0.017 0.874n0.97 -0.242 0.013n0.609 0.111 -0.785n-0.485 -0.198 0.852n-0.958 -0.157 -0.241n-0.485 -0.286 -0.826n0.352 -0.609 0.711n-0.039 0.976 -0.215n-0.021 0.261 -0.965n0.021 0.261 -0.965n-0.858 0.511 0.045n0 -0.345 0.939n0 -0.884 -0.468n0.858 0.511 0.045n0 0.345 -0.938n0 1 0 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1w6] size [100] data [v-1 1.247 -1.019v-0.746 0.412 -0.975v1 1.247 -1.019v0.746 0.412 -0.975v-1.009 1.62 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.075 1.686 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.438 -0.601v0.483 1.075 -0.734v0.929 1.075 -0.734v0.706 1.525 -1.582v-0.706 1.438 -0.601v-0.483 1.075 -0.734v-0.929 1.075 -0.734v-0.706 1.525 -1.582v0 0.634 -1.017v0 0.727 -0.992v-0.746 0.777 -0.994v0.746 0.777 -0.994v0 0.959 -1.101v0 1.041 -1.008v0.473 0.872 -1.219v0.393 1.107 -1.232v0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.473 0.872 -1.219v-0.392 1.107 -1.232v-0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.761 0.352 0.53v-0.559 -0.014 0.356v0.761 0.366 0.528v-0.457 0.276 0.688v0.457 0.334 0.355v-0.457 0.427 0.372v0.457 0.397 0.7v0.559 -0.033 0.601v-0.561 0.334 -0.746v-0.359 -0.07 -0.747v0.56 0.325 -0.717v-0.257 0.334 -0.571v0.283 0.408 -0.916v-0.257 0.335 -0.921v0.235 0.274 -0.596v0.359 -0.037 -0.9v0.003 1.44 1.942v0.332 1.013 0.35v-0.322 1.018 0.366v-0.007 1.557 2.198v0.224 1.431 1.729v-0.234 1.432 1.734v n0 0.983 -0.182n0.957 -0.29 0.028n0 0 1n0 -1 0.026n0 -0.186 -0.983n-0.956 -0.289 0.049n0.978 -0.205 -0.031n-0.986 -0.162 -0.032n0 -0.504 -0.864n0 -0.052 -0.999n0.267 0.721 -0.639n-0.267 0.721 -0.639n0.041 -0.052 -0.998n-0.04 -0.052 -0.998n0.97 -0.219 -0.104n0.485 -0.39 -0.782n-0.485 -0.579 0.655n-0.97 -0.238 0.044n-0.485 0.141 -0.863n0.485 -0.087 0.87n0.97 -0.242 0n0.596 0.072 -0.8n-0.485 -0.244 0.84n-0.961 -0.172 -0.217n-0.485 -0.241 -0.841n0.365 -0.571 0.735n-0.031 0.977 -0.211n-0.021 0.261 -0.965n0.021 0.261 -0.965n-0.858 0.511 0.045n0 -0.345 0.939n0 -0.884 -0.468n0.858 0.511 0.045n0 0.345 -0.938n0 0.966 -0.259 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1w8] size [100] data [v-1 1.247 -1.019v-0.746 0.412 -0.975v1 1.247 -1.019v0.746 0.412 -0.975v-1.054 1.665 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.029 1.64 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.438 -0.601v0.483 1.075 -0.734v0.929 1.075 -0.734v0.706 1.525 -1.582v-0.706 1.438 -0.601v-0.483 1.075 -0.734v-0.929 1.075 -0.734v-0.706 1.525 -1.582v0 0.634 -1.017v0 0.727 -0.992v-0.746 0.777 -0.994v0.746 0.777 -0.994v0 0.959 -1.101v0 1.041 -1.008v0.473 0.872 -1.219v0.393 1.107 -1.232v0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.473 0.872 -1.219v-0.392 1.107 -1.232v-0.157 0.975 -1.225v-0.761 0.361 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.524v0.761 0.356 0.53v-0.457 0.359 0.705v0.457 0.399 0.36v-0.457 0.364 0.354v0.457 0.313 0.7v0.559 -0.036 0.431v-0.561 0.334 -0.741v-0.359 -0.054 -0.856v0.561 0.332 -0.735v-0.257 0.285 -0.573v0.268 0.358 -0.925v-0.257 0.384 -0.909v0.249 0.315 -0.577v0.356 -0.067 -0.796v0.003 1.565 1.9v0.332 0.941 0.374v-0.322 0.947 0.39v-0.007 1.713 2.139v0.224 1.529 1.689v-0.234 1.531 1.694v n0 0.982 -0.191n0.956 -0.289 0.043n0 0 1n0 -1 0.026n0 -0.186 -0.983n-0.956 -0.29 0.034n0.984 -0.176 -0.032n-0.981 -0.192 -0.031n0 -0.504 -0.864n0 -0.052 -0.999n0.267 0.721 -0.639n-0.267 0.721 -0.639n0.041 -0.052 -0.998n-0.04 -0.052 -0.998n0.97 -0.242 -0.003n0.485 -0.028 -0.874n-0.485 -0.254 0.837n-0.97 -0.235 -0.06n-0.485 -0.231 -0.843n0.485 -0.442 0.755n0.97 -0.233 -0.069n0.528 -0.144 -0.837n-0.485 -0.471 0.737n-0.97 -0.227 -0.081n-0.485 0.006 -0.874n0.437 -0.35 0.828n0.012 0.979 -0.203n-0.021 0.261 -0.965n0.021 0.261 -0.965n-0.858 0.511 0.045n0 -0.345 0.939n0 -0.884 -0.468n0.858 0.511 0.045n0 0.345 -0.938n0 0.926 -0.379 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f7 5 6 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nset [&boss_1_attack v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [1a0] size [100] data [v-1 1.299 -1v-0.746 0.464 -1v1 1.299 -1v0.746 0.464 -1v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.448 -0.567v0.483 1.145 -0.806v0.929 1.145 -0.806v0.706 1.834 -1.473v-0.706 1.448 -0.567v-0.483 1.145 -0.806v-0.929 1.145 -0.806v-0.706 1.834 -1.473v0 0.687 -1.03v0 0.779 -1v-0.746 0.829 -1v0.746 0.829 -1v0 1.016 -1.097v0 1.093 -1v0.473 0.935 -1.22v0.392 1.171 -1.22v0.157 1.039 -1.22v-0.473 0.935 -1.22v-0.392 1.171 -1.22v-0.157 1.039 -1.22v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.374 -0.776v-0.359 -0.031 -0.776v0.561 0.374 -0.776v-0.257 0.374 -0.601v0.257 0.374 -0.952v-0.257 0.374 -0.952v0.257 0.374 -0.601v0.359 -0.031 -0.776v-0.002 1.17 1.612v0.211 1.17 0.542v-0.213 1.17 0.553v-0.009 1.2 1.793v0.141 1.2 1.477v-0.157 1.2 1.48v n0 0.988 -0.154n0.956 -0.291 0.045n0 0 1n0 -1 0n0 -0.134 -0.991n-0.956 -0.291 0.045n0.987 -0.156 -0.036n-0.987 -0.156 -0.036n0 -0.458 -0.889n0 0 -1n0.267 0.754 -0.601n-0.267 0.754 -0.601n0.04 0 -0.999n-0.04 0 -0.999n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.021 0.311 -0.95n0.021 0.311 -0.95n-0.858 0.472 0.201n0 -0.618 0.786n0 -0.696 -0.718n0.858 0.472 0.201n0 0.618 -0.786n0 1 0 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 15f39 44 41 16f40 37 38 17f41 44 43 18f37 42 38 19f43 44 39 20f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 21f18 17 19 22uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 23f10 11 9 24f10 12 11 25f11 12 9 26f13 14 16 26f14 15 13 27f14 15 16 25f15 13 16 23uf46 47 45 28f49 50 48 28 ]\nLoad model [1a1] size [100] data [v-0.994 1.261 -1.002v-0.741 0.431 -0.972v0.994 1.261 -1.002v0.741 0.431 -0.972v-1 1.64 0.99v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.639 0.99v0.819 0.464 1v0.702 1.429 -0.581v0.48 1.107 -0.788v0.923 1.107 -0.788v0.702 1.729 -1.507v-0.702 1.429 -0.581v-0.48 1.107 -0.788v-0.923 1.107 -0.788v-0.702 1.729 -1.507v0 0.652 -1.01v0 0.745 -0.983v-0.741 0.794 -0.985v0.741 0.794 -0.985v0 0.977 -1.087v0 1.056 -0.995v0.47 0.892 -1.206v0.39 1.126 -1.214v0.156 0.994 -1.21v-0.47 0.892 -1.206v-0.39 1.126 -1.214v-0.156 0.994 -1.21v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.53v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.53v-0.558 0.35 -0.745v-0.356 -0.05 -0.78v0.558 0.35 -0.745v-0.256 0.335 -0.572v0.256 0.366 -0.918v-0.256 0.366 -0.918v0.256 0.335 -0.572v0.356 -0.05 -0.78v-0.004 1.198 1.612v0.212 1.153 0.543v-0.212 1.154 0.553v-0.011 1.236 1.79v0.139 1.223 1.475v-0.158 1.223 1.478v n0 0.982 -0.187n0.956 -0.289 0.052n0 0.009 1n0 -1 0.017n0 -0.169 -0.985n-0.956 -0.289 0.052n0.988 -0.152 -0.036n-0.988 -0.152 -0.036n0 -0.488 -0.873n0 -0.037 -0.999n0.267 0.73 -0.63n-0.267 0.73 -0.63n0.04 -0.037 -0.998n-0.04 -0.037 -0.998n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.243 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.243 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.241 -0.022n0.483 -0.166 -0.86n-0.483 -0.315 0.817n-0.97 -0.242 -0.022n-0.483 -0.166 -0.86n0.484 -0.315 0.817n-0.021 0.274 -0.961n0.021 0.274 -0.961n-0.858 0.489 0.158n0 -0.542 0.84n0 -0.756 -0.654n0.858 0.489 0.158n0 0.542 -0.84n0 0.999 -0.042 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1a2] size [100] data [v-0.979 1.171 -1.001v-0.73 0.36 -0.9v0.979 1.171 -1.001v0.73 0.36 -0.9v-1 1.707 0.962v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.707 0.962v0.819 0.464 1v0.691 1.381 -0.611v0.473 1.027 -0.74v0.909 1.027 -0.74v0.691 1.473 -1.554v-0.691 1.381 -0.611v-0.473 1.027 -0.74v-0.909 1.027 -0.74v-0.691 1.473 -1.554v0 0.573 -0.956v0 0.666 -0.938v-0.73 0.714 -0.944v0.73 0.714 -0.944v0 0.885 -1.059v0 0.971 -0.976v0.463 0.792 -1.167v0.384 1.021 -1.195v0.154 0.892 -1.179v-0.463 0.792 -1.167v-0.384 1.021 -1.195v-0.154 0.892 -1.179v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.531v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.363 0.705v0.457 0.361 0.354v-0.457 0.361 0.354v0.457 0.363 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.531v-0.549 0.299 -0.668v-0.351 -0.077 -0.788v0.549 0.299 -0.668v-0.252 0.245 -0.507v0.252 0.353 -0.828v-0.252 0.353 -0.828v0.252 0.245 -0.507v0.351 -0.077 -0.788v-0.007 1.266 1.605v0.214 1.114 0.548v-0.21 1.115 0.556v-0.015 1.322 1.779v0.137 1.277 1.468v-0.161 1.277 1.469v n0 0.965 -0.263n0.956 -0.285 0.068n0 0.031 1n0 -0.998 0.055n0 -0.253 -0.967n-0.956 -0.285 0.068n0.989 -0.145 -0.038n-0.989 -0.145 -0.038n0 -0.558 -0.83n0 -0.124 -0.992n0.266 0.668 -0.695n-0.266 0.668 -0.695n0.04 -0.124 -0.991n-0.04 -0.124 -0.991n0.97 -0.242 0.001n0.485 -0.247 -0.839n-0.485 -0.238 0.842n-0.97 -0.242 0.001n-0.485 -0.247 -0.839n0.485 -0.238 0.842n0.97 -0.23 -0.078n0.478 0.029 -0.878n-0.481 -0.487 0.729n-0.97 -0.231 -0.078n-0.478 0.029 -0.878n0.482 -0.487 0.729n0 0.965 -0.263n-0.02 0.185 -0.982n0.02 0.185 -0.982n-0.858 0.511 0.05n0 -0.342 0.94n0 -0.877 -0.48n0.858 0.511 0.05n0 0.342 -0.94n0.001 0.99 -0.143 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1a3] size [100] data [v-0.962 1.068 -0.99v-0.717 0.285 -0.807v0.962 1.068 -0.99v0.717 0.285 -0.807v-1 1.784 0.922v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.784 0.922v0.819 0.464 1v0.679 1.32 -0.643v0.465 0.952 -0.674v0.893 0.952 -0.674v0.679 1.169 -1.546v-0.679 1.32 -0.643v-0.465 0.952 -0.674v-0.893 0.952 -0.674v-0.679 1.169 -1.546v0 0.488 -0.883v0 0.581 -0.876v-0.717 0.627 -0.887v0.717 0.627 -0.887v0 0.783 -1.015v0 0.875 -0.945v0.455 0.682 -1.109v0.378 0.903 -1.161v0.151 0.778 -1.132v-0.455 0.682 -1.109v-0.378 0.903 -1.161v-0.151 0.778 -1.132v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.536v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.365 0.704v0.457 0.359 0.354v-0.457 0.359 0.354v0.457 0.365 0.704v0.559 -0.043 0.536v-0.54 0.247 -0.571v-0.345 -0.071 -0.782v0.54 0.247 -0.571v-0.248 0.15 -0.436v0.248 0.343 -0.707v-0.248 0.344 -0.707v0.248 0.15 -0.436v0.345 -0.071 -0.782v-0.012 1.346 1.589v0.216 1.067 0.559v-0.208 1.07 0.564v-0.021 1.423 1.755v0.133 1.34 1.452v-0.164 1.341 1.451v n0 0.936 -0.351n0.957 -0.279 0.086n0 0.059 0.998n0 -0.995 0.098n0 -0.351 -0.936n-0.956 -0.279 0.086n0.99 -0.138 -0.042n-0.989 -0.138 -0.042n0 -0.636 -0.771n0 -0.227 -0.974n0.264 0.587 -0.766n-0.264 0.587 -0.766n0.039 -0.227 -0.973n-0.039 -0.227 -0.973n0.97 -0.242 0.004n0.485 -0.258 -0.836n-0.485 -0.227 0.844n-0.97 -0.242 0.004n-0.485 -0.258 -0.836n0.485 -0.227 0.844n0.969 -0.201 -0.144n0.476 0.265 -0.839n-0.483 -0.67 0.564n-0.969 -0.202 -0.144n-0.476 0.264 -0.839n0.483 -0.669 0.565n0 0.937 -0.351n0 0.059 0.998n-0.02 0.077 -0.997n0.02 0.077 -0.997n-0.858 0.506 -0.085n0 -0.083 0.997n0 -0.97 -0.242n0.858 0.506 -0.085n0 0.083 -0.997n0.003 0.965 -0.261 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f7 5 6 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1a4] size [100] data [v-0.947 0.985 -0.972v-0.707 0.233 -0.726v0.947 0.985 -0.972v0.707 0.233 -0.726v-1 1.846 0.883v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.846 0.884v0.819 0.464 1v0.669 1.267 -0.667v0.458 0.905 -0.617v0.88 0.905 -0.617v0.669 0.929 -1.487v-0.669 1.267 -0.667v-0.458 0.905 -0.617v-0.88 0.905 -0.617v-0.669 0.929 -1.487v0 0.426 -0.818v0 0.517 -0.819v-0.707 0.562 -0.834v0.707 0.562 -0.834v0 0.704 -0.972v0 0.8 -0.912v0.448 0.597 -1.053v0.372 0.809 -1.123v0.149 0.69 -1.084v-0.448 0.597 -1.053v-0.372 0.809 -1.123v-0.149 0.69 -1.084v-0.761 0.363 0.529v-0.559 -0.042 0.546v0.761 0.363 0.529v-0.457 0.37 0.704v0.457 0.355 0.354v-0.457 0.355 0.354v0.457 0.37 0.704v0.559 -0.042 0.546v-0.532 0.212 -0.489v-0.339 -0.04 -0.757v0.532 0.212 -0.489v-0.244 0.088 -0.38v0.244 0.336 -0.598v-0.244 0.336 -0.598v0.244 0.088 -0.38v0.34 -0.04 -0.757v-0.015 1.411 1.568v0.218 1.03 0.572v-0.206 1.033 0.574v-0.025 1.504 1.725v0.131 1.391 1.433v-0.167 1.392 1.43v n0 0.907 -0.421n0.957 -0.274 0.1n0 0.084 0.997n0 -0.991 0.132n0 -0.43 -0.903n-0.957 -0.274 0.1n0.99 -0.134 -0.047n-0.99 -0.133 -0.047n0 -0.697 -0.717n0 -0.311 -0.95n0.263 0.512 -0.818n-0.263 0.512 -0.818n0.038 -0.311 -0.95n-0.038 -0.311 -0.95n0.97 -0.242 0.01n0.485 -0.278 -0.829n-0.485 -0.206 0.85n-0.97 -0.242 0.01n-0.485 -0.278 -0.829n0.485 -0.206 0.85n0.968 -0.166 -0.189n0.478 0.443 -0.759n-0.484 -0.783 0.389n-0.967 -0.168 -0.191n-0.478 0.442 -0.759n0.485 -0.783 0.39n0 0.907 -0.421n0 0.084 0.997n-0.02 -0.015 -1n0.02 -0.015 -1n-0.858 0.475 -0.195n0 0.136 0.991n0 -1 -0.027n0.858 0.475 -0.195n0 -0.136 -0.991n0.004 0.934 -0.357 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f7 5 6 28f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1a5] size [100] data [v-0.941 0.951 -0.963v-0.702 0.214 -0.69v0.941 0.951 -0.963v0.702 0.214 -0.69v-1 1.871 0.866v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.871 0.866v0.819 0.464 1v0.664 1.243 -0.676v0.455 0.89 -0.594v0.874 0.89 -0.594v0.664 0.833 -1.45v-0.664 1.243 -0.676v-0.455 0.89 -0.594v-0.874 0.89 -0.594v-0.664 0.833 -1.45v0 0.402 -0.788v0 0.492 -0.793v-0.702 0.536 -0.809v0.702 0.536 -0.809v0 0.672 -0.951v0 0.769 -0.896v0.445 0.563 -1.028v0.369 0.772 -1.105v0.148 0.654 -1.062v-0.445 0.563 -1.028v-0.369 0.772 -1.105v-0.148 0.654 -1.062v-0.761 0.364 0.529v-0.559 -0.04 0.563v0.761 0.364 0.529v-0.457 0.378 0.703v0.457 0.349 0.354v-0.457 0.349 0.354v0.457 0.378 0.703v0.559 -0.04 0.563v-0.528 0.199 -0.454v-0.337 -0.023 -0.739v0.528 0.199 -0.454v-0.242 0.067 -0.356v0.242 0.331 -0.552v-0.242 0.332 -0.551v0.242 0.067 -0.357v0.338 -0.023 -0.739v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.893 -0.449n0.957 -0.271 0.106n0 0.095 0.996n0 -0.989 0.146n0 -0.463 -0.887n-0.957 -0.271 0.106n0.99 -0.132 -0.049n-0.99 -0.132 -0.049n0 -0.721 -0.692n0 -0.347 -0.938n0.262 0.479 -0.838n-0.262 0.479 -0.838n0.038 -0.346 -0.937n-0.038 -0.346 -0.937n0.97 -0.242 0.02n0.485 -0.312 -0.817n-0.485 -0.171 0.858n-0.97 -0.242 0.02n-0.485 -0.312 -0.817n0.485 -0.171 0.858n0.967 -0.15 -0.204n0.48 0.508 -0.716n-0.485 -0.817 0.312n-0.967 -0.152 -0.206n-0.479 0.507 -0.717n0.485 -0.816 0.313n0 0.894 -0.449n0 0.095 0.996n-0.02 -0.054 -0.998n0.02 -0.054 -0.998n-0.858 0.454 -0.24n0 0.225 0.974n0 -0.998 0.066n0.858 0.454 -0.24n0 -0.225 -0.974n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f7 5 6 28f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1a6] size [100] data [v-0.941 1.302 -0.88v-0.702 0.516 -0.9v0.941 1.302 -0.88v0.702 0.516 -0.9v-1 1.746 0.943v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.746 0.943v0.819 0.464 1v0.664 1.452 -0.497v0.455 1.118 -0.631v0.874 1.118 -0.631v0.664 1.581 -1.365v-0.664 1.452 -0.497v-0.455 1.118 -0.631v-0.874 1.118 -0.631v-0.664 1.581 -1.365v0 0.727 -0.921v0 0.813 -0.892v-0.702 0.86 -0.891v0.702 0.86 -0.891v0 1.039 -0.973v0 1.109 -0.885v0.445 0.966 -1.084v0.369 1.188 -1.079v0.148 1.063 -1.082v-0.445 0.966 -1.084v-0.369 1.188 -1.079v-0.148 1.063 -1.082v-0.761 0.447 0.528v-0.559 0.047 0.589v0.761 0.447 0.528v-0.457 0.474 0.701v0.457 0.421 0.355v-0.457 0.421 0.355v0.457 0.474 0.701v0.559 0.047 0.589v-0.528 0.425 -0.695v-0.337 0.096 -0.876v0.528 0.425 -0.694v-0.243 0.342 -0.56v0.243 0.508 -0.83v-0.242 0.508 -0.829v0.242 0.341 -0.56v0.338 0.096 -0.876v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.972 -0.236n0.956 -0.292 0.04n0 0.045 0.999n0 -1 -0.028n0 -0.102 -0.995n-0.956 -0.292 0.04n0.988 -0.142 -0.065n-0.988 -0.142 -0.065n0 -0.415 -0.91n0 0.024 -1n0.262 0.754 -0.602n-0.262 0.754 -0.602n0.038 0.024 -0.999n-0.038 0.024 -0.999n0.97 -0.24 0.037n0.485 -0.367 -0.794n-0.485 -0.112 0.867n-0.97 -0.24 0.037n-0.485 -0.367 -0.794n0.485 -0.112 0.867n0.97 -0.209 -0.127n0.468 0.204 -0.86n-0.477 -0.619 0.624n-0.969 -0.21 -0.132n-0.463 0.204 -0.862n0.474 -0.619 0.627n0 0.972 -0.236n0 0.045 0.999n-0.02 0.319 -0.948n0.02 0.319 -0.948n-0.858 0.508 0.076n0 -0.373 0.928n0 -0.846 -0.534n0.858 0.508 0.076n0 0.373 -0.928n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f7 5 6 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 34f14 15 13 35f14 15 16 33f15 13 16 31uf46 47 45 36f49 50 48 36 ]\nLoad model [1a7] size [100] data [v-0.941 1.598 -0.674v-0.702 0.875 -0.982v0.941 1.598 -0.674v0.702 0.875 -0.982v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.664 1.577 -0.265v0.455 1.389 -0.567v0.874 1.389 -0.567v0.664 2.21 -0.883v-0.664 1.577 -0.265v-0.455 1.389 -0.567v-0.874 1.389 -0.567v-0.664 2.21 -0.883v0 1.079 -0.925v0 1.148 -0.866v-0.702 1.191 -0.848v0.702 1.191 -0.848v0 1.387 -0.857v0 1.42 -0.75v0.445 1.361 -0.988v0.369 1.565 -0.901v0.148 1.45 -0.95v-0.445 1.361 -0.988v-0.369 1.565 -0.901v-0.148 1.45 -0.95v-0.761 0.53 0.528v-0.559 0.133 0.606v0.761 0.53 0.528v-0.457 0.564 0.7v0.457 0.496 0.356v-0.457 0.496 0.356v0.457 0.564 0.7v0.559 0.133 0.606v-0.528 0.719 -0.838v-0.337 0.342 -0.891v0.528 0.719 -0.837v-0.243 0.7 -0.682v0.243 0.737 -0.993v-0.242 0.737 -0.992v0.242 0.7 -0.683v0.338 0.342 -0.891v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 1 -0.008n0.953 -0.302 -0.031n0 0 1n0 -0.979 -0.203n0 0.272 -0.962n-0.953 -0.302 -0.031n0.984 -0.155 -0.09n-0.984 -0.155 -0.09n0 -0.049 -0.999n0 0.392 -0.92n0.262 0.923 -0.281n-0.262 0.923 -0.281n0.038 0.392 -0.919n-0.038 0.392 -0.919n0.97 -0.238 0.047n0.485 -0.401 -0.777n-0.485 -0.075 0.871n-0.97 -0.238 0.047n-0.485 -0.401 -0.777n0.485 -0.075 0.871n0.97 -0.242 -0.024n0.472 -0.113 -0.874n-0.467 -0.351 0.812n-0.97 -0.241 -0.032n-0.466 -0.112 -0.878n0.461 -0.351 0.815n-0.02 0.646 -0.763n0.02 0.646 -0.763n-0.856 0.361 0.37n0 -0.848 0.53n0 -0.359 -0.933n0.856 0.361 0.37n0 0.848 -0.53n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1a8] size [100] data [v-0.957 1.538 -0.768v-0.713 0.774 -1.003v0.957 1.538 -0.768v0.713 0.774 -1.003v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.675 1.557 -0.346v0.462 1.342 -0.639v0.888 1.342 -0.639v0.675 2.15 -1.037v-0.675 1.557 -0.346v-0.462 1.342 -0.639v-0.888 1.342 -0.639v-0.675 2.15 -1.037v0 0.986 -0.967v0 1.063 -0.914v-0.713 1.108 -0.9v0.713 1.108 -0.9v0 1.306 -0.932v0 1.35 -0.826v0.452 1.265 -1.063v0.375 1.481 -0.996v0.15 1.36 -1.034v-0.452 1.265 -1.063v-0.375 1.481 -0.996v-0.15 1.36 -1.034v-0.761 0.487 0.528v-0.559 0.086 0.586v0.761 0.487 0.528v-0.457 0.512 0.702v0.457 0.461 0.355v-0.457 0.461 0.355v0.457 0.512 0.702v0.559 0.086 0.586v-0.537 0.631 -0.836v-0.343 0.246 -0.876v0.537 0.631 -0.835v-0.247 0.616 -0.675v0.247 0.646 -0.996v-0.246 0.646 -0.996v0.246 0.616 -0.676v0.343 0.246 -0.876v-0.013 1.371 1.582v0.217 1.053 0.563v-0.207 1.056 0.567v-0.022 1.453 1.744v0.132 1.36 1.445v-0.165 1.36 1.444v n0 0.999 -0.041n0.954 -0.3 -0.011n0 0 1n0 -0.988 -0.153n0 0.169 -0.986n-0.954 -0.3 -0.011n0.985 -0.155 -0.076n-0.985 -0.155 -0.076n0 -0.159 -0.987n0 0.294 -0.956n0.264 0.891 -0.369n-0.264 0.891 -0.369n0.039 0.294 -0.955n-0.039 0.294 -0.955n0.97 -0.24 0.035n0.485 -0.361 -0.796n-0.485 -0.119 0.866n-0.97 -0.24 0.035n-0.485 -0.361 -0.796n0.485 -0.119 0.866n0.97 -0.242 -0.019n0.475 -0.147 -0.868n-0.472 -0.322 0.82n-0.97 -0.242 -0.025n-0.47 -0.147 -0.87n0.468 -0.322 0.823n-0.02 0.567 -0.823n0.02 0.567 -0.823n-0.856 0.392 0.336n0 -0.806 0.592n0 -0.442 -0.897n0.856 0.392 0.336n0 0.806 -0.592n0.003 0.955 -0.297 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1a9] size [100] data [v-0.985 1.393 -0.926v-0.734 0.575 -1.012v0.985 1.393 -0.926v0.734 0.575 -1.012v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.695 1.495 -0.493v0.476 1.222 -0.754v0.915 1.222 -0.754v0.695 1.964 -1.329v-0.695 1.495 -0.493v-0.476 1.222 -0.754v-0.915 1.222 -0.754v-0.695 1.964 -1.329v0 0.796 -1.018v0 0.884 -0.98v-0.734 0.932 -0.975v0.734 0.932 -0.975v0 1.126 -1.049v0 1.191 -0.947v0.466 1.059 -1.176v0.387 1.29 -1.152v0.155 1.16 -1.165v-0.466 1.059 -1.176v-0.387 1.29 -1.152v-0.155 1.16 -1.165v-0.761 0.405 0.529v-0.559 0.001 0.549v0.761 0.405 0.529v-0.457 0.414 0.704v0.457 0.397 0.354v-0.457 0.397 0.354v0.457 0.414 0.704v0.559 0.001 0.549v-0.553 0.464 -0.807v-0.353 0.065 -0.82v0.553 0.464 -0.806v-0.254 0.458 -0.636v0.254 0.469 -0.977v-0.253 0.469 -0.976v0.253 0.458 -0.636v0.353 0.065 -0.82v-0.006 1.241 1.609v0.213 1.128 0.545v-0.211 1.13 0.554v-0.014 1.29 1.785v0.138 1.257 1.471v-0.16 1.257 1.473v n0 0.994 -0.112n0.955 -0.295 0.026n0 0 1n0 -0.998 -0.055n0 -0.028 -1n-0.955 -0.295 0.026n0.987 -0.156 -0.05n-0.986 -0.156 -0.05n0 -0.358 -0.934n0 0.104 -0.995n0.266 0.809 -0.524n-0.266 0.809 -0.524n0.04 0.104 -0.994n-0.04 0.104 -0.994n0.97 -0.242 0.012n0.485 -0.285 -0.827n-0.485 -0.2 0.851n-0.97 -0.242 0.012n-0.485 -0.285 -0.827n0.485 -0.2 0.851n0.97 -0.242 -0.007n0.481 -0.211 -0.851n-0.481 -0.269 0.834n-0.97 -0.242 -0.009n-0.48 -0.211 -0.852n0.48 -0.269 0.835n-0.02 0.404 -0.914n0.02 0.404 -0.914n-0.858 0.449 0.252n0 -0.691 0.722n0 -0.612 -0.79n0.858 0.449 0.252n0 0.692 -0.722n0.001 0.995 -0.105 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nset [&boss_1_charge v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [1c0] size [100] data [v-0.999 1.098 -1.057v-0.745 0.278 -0.894v1.001 1.098 -1.056v0.746 0.278 -0.893v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.328 -0.66v0.484 0.985 -0.835v0.929 0.985 -0.835v0.707 1.53 -1.625v-0.705 1.328 -0.661v-0.483 0.984 -0.836v-0.928 0.984 -0.836v-0.705 1.53 -1.625v0.001 0.491 -0.967v0.001 0.588 -0.955v-0.745 0.636 -0.965v0.746 0.636 -0.964v0.001 0.801 -1.096v0.001 0.896 -1.016v0.474 0.698 -1.201v0.393 0.929 -1.247v0.158 0.799 -1.221v-0.472 0.698 -1.201v-0.392 0.929 -1.247v-0.156 0.799 -1.221v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.561 0.234 -0.657v-0.358 -0.163 -0.578v0.561 0.241 -0.646v-0.257 0.268 -0.485v0.256 0.286 -0.813v-0.257 0.2 -0.829v0.259 0.173 -0.481v0.373 -0.15 -0.776v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.97 -0.242n0.957 -0.283 0.071n0 0 1n0 -0.995 0.098n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.957 -0.283 0.07n0.988 -0.156 -0.023n-0.987 -0.156 -0.023n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.486 0.057 -0.872n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.961 -0.265 -0.081n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.501 -0.481 0.72n0 0.97 -0.242n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.858 0.502 0.105n-0.001 -0.453 0.891n0 -0.822 -0.569n0.858 0.502 0.106n0.001 0.453 -0.891n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f7 5 6 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1c1] size [100] data [v-1.006 1.099 -1.064v-0.75 0.274 -0.9v1.007 1.099 -1.063v0.751 0.274 -0.899v-0.977 1.61 1v-0.819 0.464 1v0.978 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.707 1.332 -0.666v0.488 0.99 -0.856v0.935 0.981 -0.827v0.774 1.534 -1.634v-0.706 1.331 -0.667v-0.486 0.99 -0.857v-0.934 0.981 -0.828v-0.772 1.534 -1.635v0.001 0.488 -0.973v0.001 0.586 -0.961v-0.75 0.634 -0.972v0.751 0.635 -0.971v0.001 0.801 -1.103v0.001 0.896 -1.023v0.477 0.697 -1.209v0.396 0.93 -1.255v0.159 0.799 -1.229v-0.475 0.697 -1.209v-0.394 0.929 -1.256v-0.157 0.799 -1.229v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.564 0.229 -0.661v-0.361 -0.17 -0.582v0.565 0.236 -0.652v-0.259 0.264 -0.488v0.258 0.273 -0.822v-0.259 0.195 -0.834v0.26 0.178 -0.482v0.374 -0.163 -0.762v-0.016 1.428 1.561v0.219 1.02 0.576v-0.205 1.023 0.578v-0.026 1.524 1.716v0.13 1.404 1.427v-0.167 1.405 1.424v n0 0.971 -0.24n0.956 -0.28 0.083n0 0 1n0 -0.995 0.099n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.956 -0.28 0.083n0.99 -0.137 -0.022n-0.99 -0.137 -0.022n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.487 0.008 -0.873n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.962 -0.265 -0.067n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.499 -0.443 0.745n-0.001 0.971 -0.241n0 0 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.853 0.519 0.049n-0.067 -0.453 0.889n0.021 -0.823 -0.568n0.859 0.485 0.161n0.853 0.52 0.05n-0.066 0.453 -0.889n-0.02 -0.823 -0.568n-0.86 0.485 0.16n0.005 0.925 -0.381 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c2] size [100] data [v-1.022 1.102 -1.081v-0.762 0.264 -0.914v1.023 1.102 -1.079v0.763 0.264 -0.913v-0.924 1.608 1.001v-0.819 0.464 1v0.924 1.613 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.71 1.339 -0.678v0.5 1 -0.898v0.947 0.974 -0.814v0.904 1.54 -1.646v-0.709 1.339 -0.679v-0.498 1 -0.899v-0.945 0.974 -0.815v-0.902 1.539 -1.647v0.001 0.482 -0.988v0.001 0.58 -0.976v-0.762 0.63 -0.987v0.763 0.63 -0.986v0.001 0.799 -1.121v0.001 0.895 -1.039v0.484 0.693 -1.228v0.402 0.93 -1.275v0.161 0.797 -1.248v-0.482 0.693 -1.228v-0.4 0.93 -1.275v-0.16 0.797 -1.249v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.573 0.218 -0.672v-0.366 -0.187 -0.591v0.574 0.224 -0.665v-0.263 0.253 -0.496v0.263 0.242 -0.842v-0.263 0.184 -0.847v0.264 0.191 -0.487v0.377 -0.191 -0.723v-0.015 1.403 1.571v0.218 1.035 0.57v-0.206 1.037 0.573v-0.024 1.493 1.729v0.131 1.385 1.436v-0.166 1.385 1.433v n0 0.972 -0.236n0.955 -0.274 0.113n0 -0.001 1n0 -0.995 0.104n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.955 -0.274 0.112n0.996 -0.091 -0.02n-0.996 -0.091 -0.02n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.488 -0.109 -0.866n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.964 -0.263 -0.034n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.494 -0.348 0.797n-0.003 0.971 -0.239n0.001 0.001 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.833 0.551 -0.053n-0.19 -0.448 0.874n0.059 -0.824 -0.563n0.851 0.454 0.265n0.833 0.551 -0.052n-0.189 0.448 -0.874n-0.058 -0.824 -0.563n-0.851 0.454 0.264n0.004 0.939 -0.345 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c3] size [100] data [v-1.041 1.105 -1.101v-0.776 0.252 -0.931v1.042 1.105 -1.099v0.777 0.252 -0.93v-0.859 1.606 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.861 1.614 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.719 1.347 -0.693v0.513 1.006 -0.93v0.961 0.971 -0.815v0.984 1.547 -1.663v-0.718 1.347 -0.694v-0.512 1.006 -0.931v-0.96 0.971 -0.816v-0.982 1.547 -1.664v0.001 0.474 -1.006v0.001 0.574 -0.994v-0.776 0.625 -1.005v0.777 0.625 -1.004v0.001 0.797 -1.141v0.001 0.895 -1.058v0.493 0.689 -1.25v0.41 0.93 -1.298v0.164 0.795 -1.271v-0.491 0.689 -1.251v-0.408 0.93 -1.299v-0.163 0.795 -1.272v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.584 0.206 -0.684v-0.373 -0.208 -0.602v0.584 0.209 -0.68v-0.268 0.241 -0.505v0.268 0.202 -0.862v-0.267 0.17 -0.863v0.268 0.207 -0.497v0.379 -0.215 -0.674v-0.013 1.373 1.581v0.217 1.052 0.564v-0.207 1.054 0.568v-0.022 1.456 1.744v0.132 1.361 1.445v-0.165 1.362 1.443v n0 0.973 -0.232n0.953 -0.266 0.147n0 -0.001 1n0 -0.994 0.109n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.953 -0.267 0.146n0.999 -0.036 -0.018n-0.999 -0.035 -0.018n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.488 -0.247 -0.837n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.967 -0.255 0.004n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.489 -0.225 0.843n-0.005 0.972 -0.236n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.817 0.567 -0.106n-0.255 -0.443 0.859n0.079 -0.826 -0.559n0.841 0.437 0.32n0.817 0.567 -0.105n-0.254 0.443 -0.859n-0.078 -0.826 -0.559n-0.841 0.437 0.318n0.003 0.954 -0.301 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c4] size [100] data [v-1.056 1.108 -1.117v-0.788 0.242 -0.945v1.058 1.108 -1.116v0.789 0.242 -0.944v-0.806 1.604 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.807 1.616 0.998v0.819 0.464 1v0.731 1.354 -0.703v0.52 1.006 -0.941v0.976 0.973 -0.83v0.985 1.558 -1.692v-0.73 1.354 -0.704v-0.518 1.006 -0.941v-0.975 0.973 -0.832v-0.983 1.558 -1.693v0.001 0.467 -1.022v0.001 0.569 -1.009v-0.788 0.621 -1.02v0.789 0.621 -1.019v0.001 0.795 -1.158v0.001 0.895 -1.074v0.501 0.686 -1.269v0.416 0.93 -1.318v0.167 0.793 -1.291v-0.499 0.686 -1.27v-0.414 0.93 -1.318v-0.165 0.793 -1.291v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.593 0.195 -0.694v-0.379 -0.225 -0.611v0.593 0.196 -0.693v-0.272 0.231 -0.512v0.273 0.169 -0.876v-0.272 0.159 -0.876v0.272 0.221 -0.509v0.381 -0.228 -0.632v-0.012 1.348 1.588v0.217 1.066 0.559v-0.208 1.069 0.564v-0.021 1.424 1.754v0.133 1.341 1.452v-0.164 1.342 1.451v n0 0.972 -0.233n0.95 -0.26 0.175n0 -0.002 1n0 -0.994 0.113n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.95 -0.26 0.173n1 0.01 -0.017n-1 0.012 -0.017n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.487 -0.357 -0.797n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.969 -0.244 0.034n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.486 -0.119 0.866n-0.007 0.974 -0.227n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.82 0.564 -0.095n-0.242 -0.444 0.863n0.074 -0.825 -0.56n0.843 0.44 0.308n0.821 0.564 -0.094n-0.241 0.445 -0.863n-0.073 -0.825 -0.56n-0.844 0.44 0.307n0.003 0.965 -0.263 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c5] size [100] data [v-1.063 1.109 -1.124v-0.793 0.238 -0.951v1.064 1.11 -1.123v0.794 0.238 -0.95v-0.783 1.603 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.785 1.616 0.998v0.819 0.464 1v0.738 1.356 -0.706v0.521 1.004 -0.938v0.984 0.975 -0.843v0.956 1.564 -1.71v-0.737 1.356 -0.707v-0.519 1.004 -0.939v-0.983 0.975 -0.845v-0.953 1.564 -1.711v0.001 0.464 -1.028v0.001 0.567 -1.016v-0.793 0.619 -1.026v0.794 0.619 -1.025v0.001 0.794 -1.166v0.001 0.895 -1.081v0.504 0.685 -1.277v0.418 0.931 -1.326v0.168 0.792 -1.299v-0.502 0.684 -1.278v-0.417 0.931 -1.327v-0.166 0.792 -1.299v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.596 0.19 -0.699v-0.381 -0.232 -0.615v0.597 0.191 -0.698v-0.273 0.227 -0.516v0.274 0.154 -0.881v-0.273 0.154 -0.881v0.274 0.227 -0.515v0.382 -0.232 -0.614v-0.011 1.337 1.591v0.216 1.073 0.557v-0.208 1.075 0.562v-0.02 1.411 1.758v0.134 1.333 1.454v-0.164 1.333 1.454v n0 0.973 -0.232n0.948 -0.257 0.186n0 -0.002 1n0 -0.993 0.115n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.948 -0.257 0.185n0.999 0.03 -0.016n-0.999 0.032 -0.017n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.486 -0.402 -0.776n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.97 -0.238 0.047n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.485 -0.074 0.872n-0.009 0.974 -0.225n0.003 0.002 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.829 0.555 -0.065n-0.206 -0.447 0.871n0.063 -0.824 -0.562n0.849 0.45 0.278n0.83 0.555 -0.064n-0.205 0.447 -0.871n-0.062 -0.824 -0.562n-0.849 0.45 0.277n0.002 0.969 -0.247 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c6] size [100] data [v-1.056 1.108 -1.117v-0.788 0.242 -0.945v1.058 1.108 -1.116v0.789 0.242 -0.944v-0.806 1.604 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.807 1.616 0.998v0.819 0.464 1v0.736 1.353 -0.7v0.515 1 -0.92v0.98 0.978 -0.849v0.901 1.563 -1.707v-0.735 1.353 -0.701v-0.514 1 -0.921v-0.979 0.978 -0.85v-0.899 1.562 -1.708v0.001 0.467 -1.022v0.001 0.569 -1.009v-0.788 0.621 -1.02v0.789 0.621 -1.019v0.001 0.795 -1.158v0.001 0.895 -1.074v0.501 0.686 -1.269v0.416 0.93 -1.318v0.167 0.793 -1.291v-0.499 0.686 -1.27v-0.414 0.93 -1.318v-0.165 0.793 -1.291v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.593 0.195 -0.694v-0.379 -0.225 -0.611v0.593 0.196 -0.693v-0.272 0.231 -0.512v0.273 0.169 -0.876v-0.272 0.159 -0.876v0.272 0.221 -0.509v0.381 -0.228 -0.632v-0.012 1.348 1.588v0.217 1.066 0.559v-0.208 1.069 0.564v-0.021 1.424 1.754v0.133 1.341 1.452v-0.164 1.342 1.451v n0 0.972 -0.233n0.95 -0.26 0.175n0 -0.002 1n0 -0.994 0.113n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.95 -0.26 0.173n1 0.01 -0.017n-1 0.012 -0.017n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.487 -0.357 -0.797n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.969 -0.244 0.034n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.486 -0.119 0.866n-0.007 0.974 -0.227n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.84 0.542 -0.025n-0.156 -0.45 0.879n0.048 -0.824 -0.565n0.855 0.462 0.236n0.84 0.542 -0.023n-0.155 0.45 -0.88n-0.047 -0.824 -0.565n-0.855 0.462 0.235n0.003 0.965 -0.263 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f8 7 5 28f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c7] size [100] data [v-1.041 1.105 -1.101v-0.776 0.252 -0.931v1.042 1.105 -1.099v0.777 0.252 -0.93v-0.859 1.606 1.002v-0.819 0.464 1v0.861 1.614 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.729 1.346 -0.689v0.505 0.995 -0.894v0.967 0.981 -0.848v0.834 1.555 -1.688v-0.728 1.346 -0.69v-0.504 0.995 -0.894v-0.966 0.981 -0.849v-0.832 1.555 -1.689v0.001 0.474 -1.006v0.001 0.574 -0.994v-0.776 0.625 -1.005v0.777 0.625 -1.004v0.001 0.797 -1.141v0.001 0.895 -1.058v0.493 0.689 -1.25v0.41 0.93 -1.298v0.164 0.795 -1.271v-0.491 0.689 -1.251v-0.408 0.93 -1.299v-0.163 0.795 -1.272v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.584 0.206 -0.684v-0.373 -0.208 -0.602v0.584 0.209 -0.68v-0.268 0.241 -0.505v0.268 0.202 -0.862v-0.267 0.17 -0.863v0.268 0.207 -0.497v0.379 -0.215 -0.674v-0.013 1.373 1.581v0.217 1.052 0.564v-0.207 1.054 0.568v-0.022 1.456 1.744v0.132 1.361 1.445v-0.165 1.362 1.443v n0 0.973 -0.232n0.953 -0.266 0.147n0 -0.001 1n0 -0.994 0.109n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.953 -0.267 0.146n0.999 -0.036 -0.018n-0.999 -0.035 -0.018n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.488 -0.247 -0.837n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.967 -0.255 0.004n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.489 -0.225 0.843n-0.005 0.972 -0.236n0.002 0.001 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.849 0.528 0.021n-0.102 -0.452 0.886n0.032 -0.823 -0.567n0.858 0.477 0.19n0.849 0.528 0.022n-0.101 0.452 -0.886n-0.031 -0.823 -0.567n-0.859 0.476 0.189n0.003 0.954 -0.301 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c8] size [100] data [v-1.022 1.102 -1.081v-0.762 0.264 -0.914v1.023 1.102 -1.079v0.763 0.264 -0.913v-0.924 1.608 1.001v-0.819 0.464 1v0.924 1.613 0.999v0.819 0.464 1v0.719 1.338 -0.676v0.495 0.99 -0.866v0.95 0.983 -0.843v0.771 1.544 -1.66v-0.718 1.338 -0.677v-0.494 0.99 -0.867v-0.949 0.983 -0.844v-0.769 1.544 -1.661v0.001 0.482 -0.988v0.001 0.58 -0.976v-0.762 0.63 -0.987v0.763 0.63 -0.986v0.001 0.799 -1.121v0.001 0.895 -1.039v0.484 0.693 -1.228v0.402 0.93 -1.275v0.161 0.797 -1.248v-0.482 0.693 -1.228v-0.4 0.93 -1.275v-0.16 0.797 -1.249v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.573 0.218 -0.672v-0.366 -0.187 -0.591v0.574 0.224 -0.665v-0.263 0.253 -0.496v0.263 0.242 -0.842v-0.263 0.184 -0.847v0.264 0.191 -0.487v0.377 -0.191 -0.723v-0.015 1.403 1.571v0.218 1.035 0.57v-0.206 1.037 0.573v-0.024 1.493 1.729v0.131 1.385 1.436v-0.166 1.385 1.433v n0 0.972 -0.236n0.955 -0.274 0.113n0 -0.001 1n0 -0.995 0.104n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.955 -0.274 0.112n0.996 -0.091 -0.02n-0.996 -0.091 -0.02n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.488 -0.109 -0.866n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.964 -0.263 -0.034n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.494 -0.348 0.797n-0.003 0.971 -0.239n0.001 0.001 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.855 0.515 0.062n-0.052 -0.453 0.89n0.016 -0.823 -0.568n0.859 0.489 0.148n0.855 0.516 0.063n-0.05 0.453 -0.89n-0.015 -0.823 -0.568n-0.86 0.489 0.147n0.004 0.939 -0.345 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nLoad model [1c9] size [100] data [v-1.006 1.099 -1.064v-0.75 0.274 -0.9v1.007 1.099 -1.063v0.751 0.274 -0.899v-0.977 1.61 1v-0.819 0.464 1v0.978 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.71 1.331 -0.665v0.487 0.986 -0.844v0.935 0.984 -0.838v0.725 1.534 -1.635v-0.709 1.331 -0.666v-0.486 0.986 -0.845v-0.934 0.984 -0.839v-0.723 1.534 -1.636v0.001 0.488 -0.973v0.001 0.586 -0.961v-0.75 0.634 -0.972v0.751 0.635 -0.971v0.001 0.801 -1.103v0.001 0.896 -1.023v0.477 0.697 -1.209v0.396 0.93 -1.255v0.159 0.799 -1.229v-0.475 0.697 -1.209v-0.394 0.929 -1.256v-0.157 0.799 -1.229v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.529v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.362 0.705v0.457 0.362 0.354v-0.457 0.362 0.354v0.457 0.362 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.529v-0.564 0.229 -0.661v-0.361 -0.17 -0.582v0.565 0.236 -0.652v-0.259 0.264 -0.488v0.258 0.273 -0.822v-0.259 0.195 -0.834v0.26 0.178 -0.482v0.374 -0.163 -0.762v-0.016 1.428 1.561v0.219 1.02 0.576v-0.205 1.023 0.578v-0.026 1.524 1.716v0.13 1.404 1.427v-0.167 1.405 1.424v n0 0.971 -0.24n0.956 -0.28 0.083n0 0 1n0 -0.995 0.099n0.001 -0.325 -0.946n-0.956 -0.28 0.083n0.99 -0.137 -0.022n-0.99 -0.137 -0.022n0.001 -0.623 -0.783n0.001 -0.195 -0.981n0.268 0.622 -0.736n-0.267 0.622 -0.736n0.041 -0.195 -0.98n-0.04 -0.195 -0.98n0.97 -0.242 0n0.485 -0.242 -0.84n-0.485 -0.242 0.84n-0.97 -0.242 0n-0.485 -0.242 -0.84n0.485 -0.242 0.84n0.97 -0.238 0.048n0.487 0.008 -0.873n-0.486 -0.074 0.871n-0.962 -0.265 -0.067n-0.484 -0.402 -0.777n0.499 -0.443 0.745n-0.001 0.971 -0.241n0 0 1n-0.02 0.119 -0.993n0.021 0.119 -0.993n-0.857 0.506 0.093n-0.015 -0.453 0.891n0.005 -0.822 -0.569n0.859 0.499 0.118n0.857 0.506 0.094n-0.014 0.453 -0.891n-0.004 -0.822 -0.569n-0.859 0.499 0.116n0.005 0.925 -0.381 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 28f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 29f18 17 19 30uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 31f10 11 9 32f10 12 11 33f11 12 9 34f13 14 16 35f14 15 13 36f14 15 16 37f15 13 16 38uf46 47 45 39f49 50 48 39 ]\nset [&boss_1_run v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [1r1] size [100] data [v-0.985 0.996 -1.041v-0.734 0.209 -0.801v0.985 0.996 -1.041v0.735 0.209 -0.801v-1.075 1.686 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.009 1.62 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.695 1.276 -0.692v0.476 0.899 -0.732v0.915 0.899 -0.731v0.695 1.13 -1.638v-0.695 1.275 -0.692v-0.476 0.899 -0.732v-0.914 0.899 -0.732v-0.695 1.13 -1.638v0 0.41 -0.893v0 0.506 -0.892v-0.734 0.553 -0.906v0.735 0.553 -0.906v0 0.702 -1.05v0 0.802 -0.982v0.466 0.591 -1.141v0.387 0.813 -1.209v0.155 0.688 -1.17v-0.465 0.591 -1.141v-0.386 0.813 -1.209v-0.155 0.688 -1.171v-0.761 0.366 0.528v-0.559 -0.033 0.601v0.761 0.352 0.53v-0.457 0.397 0.7v0.457 0.427 0.372v-0.457 0.334 0.355v0.457 0.276 0.688v0.559 -0.014 0.356v-0.552 0.328 -0.559v-0.353 -0.063 -0.626v0.553 0.327 -0.564v-0.253 0.298 -0.391v0.256 0.286 -0.734v-0.253 0.359 -0.727v0.251 0.368 -0.403v0.352 -0.06 -0.47v0.003 1.44 1.942v0.332 1.013 0.35v-0.322 1.018 0.366v-0.007 1.557 2.198v0.224 1.431 1.729v-0.234 1.432 1.734v n0 0.956 -0.292n0.957 -0.281 0.075n0 0 1n0 -0.99 0.14n0 -0.416 -0.909n-0.956 -0.287 0.055n0.987 -0.162 -0.023n-0.979 -0.205 -0.017n0 -0.693 -0.721n0 -0.292 -0.956n0.266 0.541 -0.798n-0.266 0.541 -0.798n0.04 -0.292 -0.956n-0.04 -0.292 -0.956n0.97 -0.238 0.044n0.485 0.141 -0.863n-0.485 -0.087 0.87n-0.97 -0.219 -0.104n-0.485 -0.39 -0.782n0.485 -0.579 0.655n0.97 -0.239 -0.043n0.493 -0.437 -0.752n-0.483 -0.38 0.789n-0.971 -0.236 0.042n-0.48 -0.096 -0.872n0.467 -0.028 0.884n0.03 0.947 -0.319n-0.02 0.016 -1n0.021 0.016 -1n-0.858 0.507 -0.078n0 -0.104 0.995n0 -0.969 -0.248n0.858 0.508 -0.078n0 0.104 -0.995n0 0.966 -0.259 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1r3] size [100] data [v-0.985 0.996 -1.041v-0.734 0.209 -0.801v0.985 0.996 -1.041v0.735 0.209 -0.801v-1.029 1.64 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.054 1.665 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.695 1.276 -0.692v0.476 0.899 -0.732v0.915 0.899 -0.731v0.695 1.13 -1.638v-0.695 1.275 -0.692v-0.476 0.899 -0.732v-0.914 0.899 -0.732v-0.695 1.13 -1.638v0 0.41 -0.893v0 0.506 -0.892v-0.734 0.553 -0.906v0.735 0.553 -0.906v0 0.702 -1.05v0 0.802 -0.982v0.466 0.591 -1.141v0.387 0.813 -1.209v0.155 0.688 -1.17v-0.465 0.591 -1.141v-0.386 0.813 -1.209v-0.155 0.688 -1.171v-0.761 0.356 0.53v-0.559 -0.036 0.431v0.761 0.361 0.529v-0.457 0.313 0.7v0.457 0.364 0.354v-0.457 0.399 0.36v0.457 0.359 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.524v-0.552 0.328 -0.564v-0.353 -0.068 -0.519v0.552 0.327 -0.545v-0.253 0.346 -0.395v0.272 0.335 -0.744v-0.253 0.309 -0.734v0.237 0.324 -0.405v0.351 -0.069 -0.575v0.003 1.565 1.9v0.332 0.941 0.374v-0.322 0.947 0.39v-0.007 1.713 2.139v0.224 1.529 1.689v-0.234 1.531 1.694v n0 0.954 -0.301n0.956 -0.286 0.061n0 0 1n0 -0.99 0.14n0 -0.416 -0.909n-0.956 -0.283 0.069n0.981 -0.192 -0.019n-0.984 -0.176 -0.021n0 -0.693 -0.721n0 -0.292 -0.956n0.266 0.541 -0.798n-0.266 0.541 -0.798n0.04 -0.292 -0.956n-0.04 -0.292 -0.956n0.97 -0.235 -0.06n0.485 -0.231 -0.843n-0.485 -0.442 0.755n-0.97 -0.242 -0.003n-0.485 -0.028 -0.874n0.485 -0.254 0.837n0.97 -0.241 0.026n0.56 -0.224 -0.798n-0.481 -0.143 0.865n-0.966 -0.234 -0.106n-0.48 -0.335 -0.811n0.394 -0.266 0.88n-0.011 0.95 -0.311n-0.02 0.016 -1n0.021 0.016 -1n-0.858 0.507 -0.078n0 -0.104 0.995n0 -0.969 -0.248n0.858 0.508 -0.078n0 0.104 -0.995n0 0.926 -0.379 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1r5] size [100] data [v-0.985 0.996 -1.041v-0.734 0.209 -0.801v0.985 0.996 -1.041v0.735 0.209 -0.801v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.083 1.694 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.695 1.276 -0.692v0.476 0.899 -0.732v0.915 0.899 -0.731v0.695 1.13 -1.638v-0.695 1.275 -0.692v-0.476 0.899 -0.732v-0.914 0.899 -0.732v-0.695 1.13 -1.638v0 0.41 -0.893v0 0.506 -0.892v-0.734 0.553 -0.906v0.735 0.553 -0.906v0 0.702 -1.05v0 0.802 -0.982v0.466 0.591 -1.141v0.387 0.813 -1.209v0.155 0.688 -1.17v-0.465 0.591 -1.141v-0.386 0.813 -1.209v-0.155 0.688 -1.171v-0.761 0.35 0.53v-0.559 -0.001 0.327v0.761 0.367 0.527v-0.457 0.262 0.681v0.457 0.322 0.358v-0.457 0.437 0.378v0.457 0.413 0.696v0.559 -0.024 0.632v-0.552 0.326 -0.567v-0.353 -0.055 -0.451v0.551 0.324 -0.534v-0.253 0.376 -0.404v0.282 0.368 -0.743v-0.253 0.277 -0.73v0.229 0.297 -0.413v0.356 -0.06 -0.642v0.003 1.17 1.978v0.332 1.17 0.33v-0.322 1.17 0.347v-0.007 1.217 2.256v0.224 1.217 1.769v-0.234 1.217 1.775v n0 0.958 -0.289n0.956 -0.288 0.053n0 0 1n0 -0.99 0.14n0 -0.416 -0.909n-0.957 -0.281 0.077n0.978 -0.21 -0.016n-0.987 -0.156 -0.024n0 -0.693 -0.721n0 -0.292 -0.956n0.266 0.541 -0.798n-0.266 0.541 -0.798n0.04 -0.292 -0.956n-0.04 -0.292 -0.956n0.97 -0.21 -0.121n0.485 -0.452 -0.749n-0.485 -0.63 0.606n-0.97 -0.234 0.063n-0.485 0.21 -0.849n0.485 -0.017 0.874n0.97 -0.232 0.071n0.604 -0.084 -0.793n-0.481 0.016 0.877n-0.957 -0.212 -0.199n-0.48 -0.476 -0.737n0.35 -0.415 0.84n-0.038 0.946 -0.322n-0.02 0.016 -1n0.021 0.016 -1n-0.858 0.507 -0.078n0 -0.104 0.995n0 -0.969 -0.248n0.858 0.508 -0.078n0 0.104 -0.995n0 1 0 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1r7] size [100] data [v-0.985 0.996 -1.041v-0.734 0.209 -0.801v0.985 0.996 -1.041v0.735 0.209 -0.801v-1.029 1.64 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.054 1.665 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.695 1.276 -0.692v0.476 0.899 -0.732v0.915 0.899 -0.731v0.695 1.13 -1.638v-0.695 1.275 -0.692v-0.476 0.899 -0.732v-0.914 0.899 -0.732v-0.695 1.13 -1.638v0 0.41 -0.893v0 0.506 -0.892v-0.734 0.553 -0.906v0.735 0.553 -0.906v0 0.702 -1.05v0 0.802 -0.982v0.466 0.591 -1.141v0.387 0.813 -1.209v0.155 0.688 -1.17v-0.465 0.591 -1.141v-0.386 0.813 -1.209v-0.155 0.688 -1.171v-0.761 0.356 0.53v-0.559 -0.036 0.431v0.761 0.361 0.529v-0.457 0.313 0.7v0.457 0.364 0.354v-0.457 0.399 0.36v0.457 0.359 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.524v-0.552 0.328 -0.564v-0.353 -0.068 -0.519v0.552 0.327 -0.545v-0.253 0.346 -0.395v0.272 0.335 -0.744v-0.253 0.309 -0.734v0.237 0.324 -0.405v0.351 -0.069 -0.575v0.003 1.692 1.838v0.332 0.867 0.41v-0.322 0.876 0.425v-0.007 1.87 2.055v0.224 1.627 1.634v-0.234 1.63 1.638v n0 0.954 -0.301n0.956 -0.286 0.061n0 0 1n0 -0.99 0.14n0 -0.416 -0.909n-0.956 -0.283 0.069n0.981 -0.192 -0.019n-0.984 -0.176 -0.021n0 -0.693 -0.721n0 -0.292 -0.956n0.266 0.541 -0.798n-0.266 0.541 -0.798n0.04 -0.292 -0.956n-0.04 -0.292 -0.956n0.97 -0.235 -0.06n0.485 -0.231 -0.843n-0.485 -0.442 0.755n-0.97 -0.242 -0.003n-0.485 -0.028 -0.874n0.485 -0.254 0.837n0.97 -0.241 0.026n0.56 -0.224 -0.798n-0.481 -0.143 0.865n-0.966 -0.234 -0.106n-0.48 -0.335 -0.811n0.394 -0.266 0.88n-0.011 0.95 -0.311n-0.02 0.016 -1n0.021 0.016 -1n-0.858 0.507 -0.078n0 -0.104 0.995n0 -0.969 -0.248n0.858 0.508 -0.078n0 0.104 -0.995n0 0.866 -0.5 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f8 5 6 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 27f8 7 5 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nLoad model [1r9] size [100] data [v-0.985 0.996 -1.041v-0.734 0.209 -0.801v0.985 0.996 -1.041v0.735 0.209 -0.801v-1.075 1.686 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1.009 1.62 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.695 1.276 -0.692v0.476 0.899 -0.732v0.915 0.899 -0.731v0.695 1.13 -1.638v-0.695 1.275 -0.692v-0.476 0.899 -0.732v-0.914 0.899 -0.732v-0.695 1.13 -1.638v0 0.41 -0.893v0 0.506 -0.892v-0.734 0.553 -0.906v0.735 0.553 -0.906v0 0.702 -1.05v0 0.802 -0.982v0.466 0.591 -1.141v0.387 0.813 -1.209v0.155 0.688 -1.17v-0.465 0.591 -1.141v-0.386 0.813 -1.209v-0.155 0.688 -1.171v-0.761 0.366 0.528v-0.559 -0.033 0.601v0.761 0.352 0.53v-0.457 0.397 0.7v0.457 0.427 0.372v-0.457 0.334 0.355v0.457 0.276 0.688v0.559 -0.014 0.356v-0.552 0.328 -0.559v-0.353 -0.063 -0.626v0.553 0.327 -0.564v-0.253 0.298 -0.391v0.256 0.286 -0.734v-0.253 0.359 -0.727v0.251 0.368 -0.403v0.352 -0.06 -0.47v0.003 1.311 1.969v0.332 1.089 0.335v-0.322 1.091 0.352v-0.007 1.394 2.237v0.224 1.329 1.755v-0.234 1.329 1.76v n0 0.956 -0.292n0.957 -0.281 0.075n0 0 1n0 -0.99 0.14n0 -0.416 -0.909n-0.956 -0.287 0.055n0.987 -0.162 -0.023n-0.979 -0.205 -0.017n0 -0.693 -0.721n0 -0.292 -0.956n0.266 0.541 -0.798n-0.266 0.541 -0.798n0.04 -0.292 -0.956n-0.04 -0.292 -0.956n0.97 -0.238 0.044n0.485 0.141 -0.863n-0.485 -0.087 0.87n-0.97 -0.219 -0.104n-0.485 -0.39 -0.782n0.485 -0.579 0.655n0.97 -0.239 -0.043n0.493 -0.437 -0.752n-0.483 -0.38 0.789n-0.971 -0.236 0.042n-0.48 -0.096 -0.872n0.467 -0.028 0.884n0.03 0.947 -0.319n-0.02 0.016 -1n0.021 0.016 -1n-0.858 0.507 -0.078n0 -0.104 0.995n0 -0.969 -0.248n0.858 0.508 -0.078n0 0.104 -0.995n0 0.991 -0.135 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 27f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 28f18 17 19 29uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 30f10 11 9 31f10 12 11 32f11 12 9 33f13 14 16 33f14 15 13 34f14 15 16 32f15 13 16 30uf46 47 45 35f49 50 48 35 ]\nset [&boss_1_bounce v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [1b1] size [100] data [v-1 1.393 -0.951v-0.746 0.562 -1.031v1 1.393 -0.951v0.746 0.562 -1.031v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.499 -0.509v0.483 1.224 -0.778v0.929 1.224 -0.778v0.706 1.985 -1.359v-0.706 1.499 -0.509v-0.483 1.224 -0.778v-0.929 1.224 -0.778v-0.706 1.985 -1.359v0 0.787 -1.04v0 0.876 -1.001v-0.746 0.925 -0.996v0.746 0.925 -0.996v0 1.121 -1.074v0 1.188 -0.971v0.473 1.052 -1.203v0.392 1.287 -1.18v0.157 1.155 -1.193v-0.473 1.052 -1.203v-0.392 1.287 -1.18v-0.157 1.155 -1.193v-0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.559 -0.043 0.534v0.761 0.362 0.529v-0.457 0.364 0.705v0.457 0.36 0.354v-0.457 0.36 0.354v0.457 0.364 0.705v0.559 -0.043 0.534v-0.561 0.451 -0.819v-0.359 0.048 -0.863v0.561 0.451 -0.819v-0.257 0.431 -0.646v0.257 0.47 -0.992v-0.257 0.47 -0.992v0.257 0.431 -0.646v0.359 0.048 -0.863v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.994 -0.111n0.955 -0.295 0.033n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.048n0 -0.037 -0.999n-0.955 -0.295 0.033n0.987 -0.156 -0.043n-0.987 -0.156 -0.043n0 -0.367 -0.93n0 0.096 -0.995n0.267 0.806 -0.528n-0.267 0.806 -0.528n0.04 0.096 -0.994n-0.04 0.096 -0.994n0.97 -0.242 0.003n0.485 -0.252 -0.837n-0.485 -0.233 0.843n-0.97 -0.242 0.003n-0.485 -0.252 -0.837n0.485 -0.233 0.843n0.97 -0.241 -0.027n0.483 -0.147 -0.863n-0.483 -0.332 0.81n-0.97 -0.241 -0.027n-0.482 -0.147 -0.863n0.483 -0.332 0.81n-0.02 0.399 -0.917n0.021 0.399 -0.917n-0.858 0.446 0.255n0 -0.701 0.713n0 -0.607 -0.795n0.858 0.446 0.255n0 0.701 -0.713n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1b3] size [100] data [v-1 1.391 -0.904v-0.746 0.559 -0.982v1 1.391 -0.904v0.746 0.559 -0.982v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.488 -0.483v0.483 1.247 -0.769v0.929 1.247 -0.769v0.706 2.07 -1.23v-0.706 1.488 -0.483v-0.483 1.247 -0.769v-0.929 1.247 -0.769v-0.706 2.07 -1.23v0 0.784 -0.99v0 0.873 -0.953v-0.746 0.923 -0.948v0.746 0.923 -0.948v0 1.118 -1.021v0 1.186 -0.923v0.473 1.049 -1.145v0.392 1.284 -1.122v0.157 1.152 -1.135v-0.473 1.049 -1.145v-0.392 1.284 -1.122v-0.157 1.152 -1.135v-0.761 0.364 0.529v-0.559 -0.04 0.563v0.761 0.364 0.529v-0.457 0.378 0.703v0.457 0.349 0.354v-0.457 0.349 0.354v0.457 0.378 0.703v0.559 -0.04 0.563v-0.561 0.449 -0.779v-0.358 0.052 -0.857v0.561 0.449 -0.779v-0.258 0.414 -0.617v0.257 0.483 -0.941v-0.257 0.483 -0.941v0.257 0.414 -0.617v0.359 0.052 -0.857v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.993 -0.115n0.955 -0.295 0.034n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.048n0 -0.033 -0.999n-0.955 -0.295 0.034n0.987 -0.156 -0.044n-0.987 -0.156 -0.044n0 -0.35 -0.937n0 0.094 -0.996n0.262 0.795 -0.548n-0.262 0.795 -0.548n0.038 0.094 -0.995n-0.038 0.094 -0.995n0.97 -0.242 0.02n0.485 -0.312 -0.817n-0.485 -0.171 0.858n-0.97 -0.242 0.02n-0.485 -0.312 -0.817n0.485 -0.171 0.858n0.97 -0.237 -0.05n0.465 -0.064 -0.883n-0.468 -0.394 0.791n-0.97 -0.238 -0.051n-0.464 -0.064 -0.883n0.467 -0.393 0.792n-0.02 0.384 -0.923n0.02 0.384 -0.923n-0.854 0.41 0.32n0 -0.765 0.644n0 -0.489 -0.872n0.854 0.41 0.32n0 0.765 -0.644n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1b5] size [100] data [v-1 1.387 -0.833v-0.746 0.555 -0.909v1 1.387 -0.833v0.746 0.555 -0.909v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.472 -0.446v0.483 1.288 -0.744v0.929 1.288 -0.744v0.706 2.185 -1.03v-0.706 1.472 -0.446v-0.483 1.288 -0.744v-0.929 1.288 -0.744v-0.706 2.185 -1.03v0 0.78 -0.914v0 0.869 -0.88v-0.746 0.919 -0.875v0.746 0.919 -0.875v0 1.114 -0.942v0 1.182 -0.851v0.473 1.045 -1.056v0.392 1.279 -1.035v0.157 1.147 -1.047v-0.473 1.045 -1.056v-0.392 1.279 -1.035v-0.157 1.147 -1.047v-0.761 0.366 0.528v-0.559 -0.031 0.606v0.761 0.366 0.528v-0.457 0.4 0.7v0.457 0.332 0.356v-0.457 0.332 0.356v0.457 0.4 0.7v0.559 -0.031 0.606v-0.561 0.445 -0.719v-0.358 0.063 -0.839v0.561 0.446 -0.719v-0.258 0.388 -0.575v0.258 0.503 -0.863v-0.257 0.503 -0.862v0.257 0.388 -0.575v0.359 0.063 -0.839v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.993 -0.121n0.955 -0.295 0.036n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.048n0 -0.026 -1n-0.955 -0.295 0.036n0.987 -0.156 -0.045n-0.987 -0.156 -0.045n0 -0.323 -0.946n0 0.091 -0.996n0.255 0.774 -0.579n-0.255 0.774 -0.579n0.035 0.091 -0.995n-0.035 0.091 -0.995n0.97 -0.238 0.047n0.485 -0.4 -0.778n-0.485 -0.076 0.871n-0.97 -0.238 0.047n-0.485 -0.4 -0.778n0.485 -0.076 0.871n0.97 -0.227 -0.09n0.436 0.053 -0.898n-0.448 -0.476 0.756n-0.969 -0.229 -0.092n-0.434 0.052 -0.899n0.448 -0.475 0.757n-0.018 0.361 -0.932n0.018 0.361 -0.932n-0.842 0.342 0.418n0 -0.851 0.525n0 -0.303 -0.953n0.842 0.342 0.418n0 0.851 -0.525n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f2 8 6 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 1f7 5 6 3f2 4 8 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1b7] size [100] data [v-1 1.383 -0.762v-0.746 0.552 -0.835v1 1.383 -0.762v0.746 0.552 -0.835v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.456 -0.411v0.483 1.335 -0.706v0.929 1.335 -0.706v0.706 2.278 -0.83v-0.706 1.456 -0.411v-0.483 1.335 -0.706v-0.929 1.335 -0.706v-0.706 2.278 -0.83v0 0.776 -0.839v0 0.866 -0.807v-0.746 0.915 -0.803v0.746 0.915 -0.803v0 1.11 -0.863v0 1.178 -0.78v0.473 1.04 -0.968v0.392 1.275 -0.947v0.157 1.143 -0.959v-0.473 1.04 -0.968v-0.392 1.275 -0.947v-0.157 1.143 -0.959v-0.761 0.368 0.526v-0.559 -0.018 0.648v0.761 0.368 0.526v-0.457 0.421 0.694v0.457 0.315 0.359v-0.457 0.315 0.359v0.457 0.421 0.694v0.559 -0.018 0.648v-0.561 0.442 -0.659v-0.358 0.081 -0.812v0.561 0.442 -0.659v-0.258 0.363 -0.536v0.258 0.521 -0.783v-0.257 0.521 -0.782v0.257 0.363 -0.536v0.359 0.081 -0.812v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.992 -0.128n0.955 -0.295 0.038n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.048n0 -0.02 -1n-0.955 -0.295 0.038n0.987 -0.156 -0.047n-0.987 -0.156 -0.047n0 -0.296 -0.955n0 0.088 -0.996n0.246 0.75 -0.614n-0.246 0.75 -0.614n0.032 0.088 -0.996n-0.032 0.088 -0.996n0.97 -0.231 0.073n0.485 -0.483 -0.729n-0.485 0.021 0.874n-0.97 -0.231 0.073n-0.485 -0.483 -0.729n0.485 0.021 0.874n0.968 -0.212 -0.134n0.408 0.155 -0.9n-0.434 -0.548 0.715n-0.967 -0.215 -0.139n-0.405 0.153 -0.901n0.433 -0.546 0.717n-0.017 0.338 -0.941n0.017 0.338 -0.941n-0.819 0.261 0.511n0 -0.925 0.38n0 -0.13 -0.991n0.819 0.261 0.511n0 0.925 -0.38n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff5 3 1 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f5 7 3 1f7 5 6 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\nLoad model [1b9] size [100] data [v-1 1.381 -0.714v-0.746 0.549 -0.786v1 1.381 -0.714v0.746 0.549 -0.786v-1 1.611 1v-0.819 0.464 1v1 1.611 1v0.819 0.464 1v0.706 1.447 -0.389v0.483 1.369 -0.674v0.929 1.369 -0.674v0.706 2.325 -0.702v-0.706 1.447 -0.389v-0.483 1.369 -0.674v-0.929 1.369 -0.674v-0.706 2.325 -0.702v0 0.774 -0.789v0 0.863 -0.759v-0.746 0.912 -0.755v0.746 0.912 -0.755v0 1.107 -0.811v0 1.176 -0.732v0.473 1.037 -0.91v0.392 1.272 -0.889v0.157 1.14 -0.901v-0.473 1.037 -0.91v-0.392 1.272 -0.889v-0.157 1.14 -0.901v-0.761 0.369 0.525v-0.559 -0.007 0.675v0.761 0.369 0.525v-0.457 0.434 0.688v0.457 0.305 0.362v-0.457 0.305 0.362v0.457 0.434 0.688v0.559 -0.007 0.675v-0.561 0.439 -0.62v-0.358 0.096 -0.789v0.561 0.44 -0.62v-0.258 0.347 -0.51v0.258 0.532 -0.73v-0.257 0.532 -0.729v0.257 0.347 -0.511v0.36 0.096 -0.789v-0.016 1.438 1.557v0.219 1.015 0.579v-0.205 1.018 0.58v-0.027 1.537 1.71v0.129 1.412 1.423v-0.168 1.413 1.42v n0 0.991 -0.133n0.955 -0.295 0.04n0 0 1n0 -0.999 -0.048n0 -0.015 -1n-0.955 -0.295 0.04n0.987 -0.156 -0.048n-0.987 -0.156 -0.048n0 -0.277 -0.961n0 0.086 -0.996n0.239 0.732 -0.638n-0.239 0.732 -0.638n0.03 0.086 -0.996n-0.03 0.086 -0.996n0.97 -0.225 0.089n0.485 -0.535 -0.692n-0.485 0.084 0.87n-0.97 -0.225 0.089n-0.485 -0.535 -0.692n0.485 0.084 0.87n0.966 -0.199 -0.167n0.39 0.213 -0.896n-0.428 -0.59 0.685n-0.964 -0.202 -0.173n-0.387 0.211 -0.898n0.427 -0.588 0.687n-0.016 0.322 -0.946n0.016 0.322 -0.946n-0.798 0.203 0.567n0 -0.965 0.263n0 -0.029 -1n0.798 0.203 0.567n0 0.965 -0.263n0.005 0.918 -0.396 ufff1 7 3 1f4 3 7 2f7 6 8 3f6 4 8 4f4 2 17 5f1 2 5 6f7 8 4 7f6 5 2 8f20 19 21 9f18 19 20 10f20 21 22 11f21 19 22 12f1 3 22 10f17 20 4 13f17 2 19 14f1 19 2 10f3 4 20 10f34 32 30 15f31 36 33 16f32 29 30 17f33 36 35 18f29 34 30 19f35 36 31 20f42 40 38 21f39 44 41 22f40 37 38 23f41 44 43 24f37 42 38 25f43 44 39 26f1 5 7 1f7 5 6 3f6 2 4 4uf20 22 3 10f1 22 19 10uf18 20 17 27f18 17 19 28uf24 23 25 10f27 28 26 10uf9 12 10 29f10 11 9 30f10 12 11 31f11 12 9 32f13 14 16 32f14 15 13 33f14 15 16 31f15 13 16 29uf46 47 45 34f49 50 48 34 ]\n\ndefine Add Boss2 Mesh\nset [&boss_2_idle v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [2i0] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 18f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 17f7 5 8 16uf9 13 11 19f12 13 10 20f9 10 13 21 ]\nset [&boss_2_walk v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [2w0] size [100] data [v0.592 0.062 -0.305v0.31 0.407 -0.651v0.874 0.407 -0.651v0.592 1.022 0.194v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 -0.239 0.459n0 -0.707 -0.707n0 0.809 -0.588n0.855 -0.239 0.459n0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n-0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 17f2 4 3 18f3 4 1 19f5 6 8 20f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w1] size [100] data [v0.592 -0.031 0.039v0.31 0.156 -0.412v0.874 0.156 -0.412v0.592 1.047 0.133v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 -0.045 0.516n0 -0.924 -0.383n0 0.522 -0.853n0.855 -0.045 0.516n0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n-0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 17f2 4 3 18f3 4 1 19f5 6 8 20f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w2] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 18f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 17f7 5 8 16uf9 13 11 19f12 13 10 20f9 10 13 21 ]\nLoad model [2w3] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 -0.026 0.213v-0.31 0.072 -0.265v-0.874 0.072 -0.265v-0.592 1.051 0.101v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n0.855 0.054 0.515n0 -0.98 -0.2n0 0.351 -0.936n-0.855 0.054 0.515n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 19f5 7 6 20f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w4] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 -0.003 -0.133v-0.31 0.266 -0.541v-0.874 0.266 -0.541v-0.592 1.038 0.164v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n0.855 -0.142 0.498n0 -0.834 -0.551n0 0.674 -0.738n-0.855 -0.142 0.498n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 19f5 7 6 20f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w5] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 0.062 -0.305v-0.31 0.407 -0.651v-0.874 0.407 -0.651v-0.592 1.022 0.194v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n0.855 -0.239 0.459n0 -0.707 -0.707n0 0.809 -0.588n-0.855 -0.239 0.459n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 19f5 7 6 20f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w6] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 -0.031 0.039v-0.31 0.156 -0.412v-0.874 0.156 -0.412v-0.592 1.047 0.133v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n0.855 -0.045 0.516n0 -0.924 -0.383n0 0.522 -0.853n-0.855 -0.045 0.516n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 19f5 7 6 20f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w7] size [100] data [v0.592 0.015 0.393v0.31 0.015 -0.096v0.874 0.015 -0.096v0.592 1.047 0.067v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 5f2 4 3 17f3 4 1 18f5 6 8 18f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 17f7 5 8 16uf9 13 11 19f12 13 10 20f9 10 13 21 ]\nLoad model [2w8] size [100] data [v0.592 -0.026 0.213v0.31 0.072 -0.265v0.874 0.072 -0.265v0.592 1.051 0.101v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 0.054 0.515n0 -0.98 -0.2n0 0.351 -0.936n0.855 0.054 0.515n0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n-0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 17f2 4 3 18f3 4 1 19f5 6 8 20f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nLoad model [2w9] size [100] data [v0.592 -0.003 -0.133v0.31 0.266 -0.541v0.874 0.266 -0.541v0.592 1.038 0.164v-0.592 0.015 0.393v-0.31 0.015 -0.096v-0.874 0.015 -0.096v-0.592 1.047 0.067v0.354 1.935 -0.996v-0.354 1.935 -0.996v0.945 2.577 0.773v-0.945 2.577 0.773v0 2.593 0.822v1.122 0.966 -0.996v-1.122 0.966 -0.996v1.122 0.966 1.225v-1.122 0.966 1.225v1.821 1.532 0.062v1.113 1.532 0.062v1.821 1.27 -0.392v1.113 1.27 -0.392v1.821 1.794 -0.392v1.03 1.794 -0.392v-1.821 1.532 0.062v-1.113 1.532 0.062v-1.821 1.27 -0.392v-1.113 1.27 -0.392v-1.821 1.794 -0.392v-1.03 1.794 -0.392v n0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0 -1n0.705 0.559 -0.438n-0.704 0.559 -0.438n0 -1 0n-0.994 0.11 0n0.994 0.11 0n-0.055 0.276 0.96n0 0.24 0.971n-0.983 -0.157 0.091n-0.983 0.157 -0.091n-1 0 0n0 -0.866 0.5n0 0.866 0.5n1 0 0n-0.855 -0.142 0.498n0 -0.834 -0.551n0 0.674 -0.738n0.855 -0.142 0.498n0.855 0.156 0.494n0 0.156 -0.988n-0.855 0.156 0.494n-0.002 0.94 -0.34n0.002 0.94 -0.34n0 0.94 -0.34 ufff13 16 11 1f9 15 10 2f9 11 14 3f10 15 12 4f14 17 15 5f15 17 12 6f14 11 16 7f17 13 12 8f17 16 13 9f9 14 15 2f14 16 17 5f21 19 23 10f27 25 29 11f24 28 26 12uf19 20 18 13f21 22 20 2f22 19 18 14f18 20 22 15f26 25 24 13f28 27 26 2f28 25 29 14f19 21 20 13f21 23 22 2f22 23 19 14f26 27 25 13f28 29 27 2f28 24 25 14uf1 4 2 16f1 2 3 17f2 4 3 18f3 4 1 19f5 6 8 20f5 7 6 5f6 7 8 21f7 5 8 22uf9 13 11 23f12 13 10 24f9 10 13 25 ]\nset [&boss_2_handshoot v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [2s0] size [100] data [v0 0.577 -2.303v0.573 0.003 -2.303v0 -0.57 -2.303v-0.573 0.003 -2.303v0 0.003 -1.157v-0.317 -0.317 0.049v-0.317 0.317 0.049v-0.317 -0.317 -1.618v-0.317 0.317 -1.618v0.317 -0.317 0.049v0.317 0.317 0.049v0.317 -0.317 -1.618v0.317 0.317 -1.618v n-1 0 0n0 0 -1n1 0 0n0 -1 0n0 1 0n0 0 1n0.667 0.667 0.333n0.667 -0.667 0.333n-0.667 -0.667 0.333n-0.667 0.667 0.333 ufff7 8 6 1f9 12 8 2f13 10 12 3f12 6 8 4f9 11 13 5f10 7 6 6f7 9 8 1f9 13 12 2f13 11 10 3f12 10 6 4f9 7 11 5f10 11 7 6uf1 5 2 7f2 5 3 8f2 4 1 2f3 5 4 9f4 5 1 10f2 3 4 2 ]\nLoad model [2s2] size [100] data [v0 0.533 -2.128v0.529 0.003 -2.128v0 -0.526 -2.128v-0.529 0.003 -2.128v0 0.003 -1.069v-0.293 -0.293 0.045v-0.293 0.293 0.045v-0.293 -0.293 -1.495v-0.293 0.293 -1.495v0.293 -0.293 0.045v0.293 0.293 0.045v0.293 -0.293 -1.495v0.293 0.293 -1.495v n-1 0 0n0 0 -1n1 0 0n0 -1 0n0 1 0n0 0 1n0.667 0.667 0.333n0.667 -0.667 0.333n-0.667 -0.667 0.333n-0.667 0.667 0.333 ufff7 8 6 1f9 12 8 2f13 10 12 3f12 6 8 4f9 11 13 5f10 7 6 6f7 9 8 1f9 13 12 2f13 11 10 3f12 10 6 4f9 7 11 5f10 11 7 6uf1 5 2 7f2 5 3 8f2 4 1 2f3 5 4 9f4 5 1 10f2 3 4 2 ]\nLoad model [2s4] size [100] data [v0 0.498 -1.949v0.495 0.003 -1.949v0 -0.493 -1.949v-0.495 0.003 -1.949v0 0.003 -0.969v-0.265 -0.265 0.041v-0.265 0.265 0.041v-0.265 -0.265 -1.356v-0.265 0.265 -1.356v0.265 -0.265 0.041v0.265 0.265 0.041v0.265 -0.265 -1.356v0.265 0.265 -1.356v n-1 0 0n0 0 -1n1 0 0n0 -1 0n0 1 0n0 0 1n0.666 0.666 0.336n0.666 -0.666 0.337n0 0 -1n-0.666 -0.666 0.337n-0.666 0.666 0.336n0 0 -1 ufff7 8 6 1f9 12 8 2f13 10 12 3f12 6 8 4f9 11 13 5f10 7 6 6f7 9 8 1f9 13 12 2f13 11 10 3f12 10 6 4f9 7 11 5f10 11 7 6uf1 5 2 7f2 5 3 8f2 4 1 9f3 5 4 10f4 5 1 11f2 3 4 12 ]\nLoad model [2s6] size [100] data [v0 0.559 -1.969v0.56 0 -1.97v0 -0.558 -1.969v-0.56 0 -1.97v0 0.003 -0.92v-0.252 -0.252 0.039v-0.252 0.252 0.039v-0.252 -0.252 -1.287v-0.252 0.252 -1.287v0.252 -0.252 0.039v0.252 0.252 0.039v0.252 -0.252 -1.287v0.252 0.252 -1.287v n-1 0 0n0 0 -1n1 0 0n0 -1 0n0 1 0n0 0 1n0.662 0.662 0.351n0.661 -0.662 0.354n0 0.002 -1n-0.661 -0.662 0.354n-0.662 0.662 0.351n0 -0.003 -1 ufff7 8 6 1f9 12 8 2f13 10 12 3f12 6 8 4f9 11 13 5f10 7 6 6f7 9 8 1f9 13 12 2f13 11 10 3f12 10 6 4f9 7 11 5f10 11 7 6uf1 5 2 7f2 5 3 8f2 4 1 9f3 5 4 10f4 5 1 11f2 3 4 12 ]\nLoad model [2s8] size [100] data [v0 0.65 -2.07v0.654 -0.002 -2.072v0 -0.654 -2.069v-0.654 -0.002 -2.072v0 0.003 -0.902v-0.247 -0.247 0.038v-0.247 0.247 0.038v-0.247 -0.247 -1.262v-0.247 0.247 -1.262v0.247 -0.247 0.038v0.247 0.247 0.038v0.247 -0.247 -1.262v0.247 0.247 -1.262v n-1 0 0n0 0 -1n1 0 0n0 -1 0n0 1 0n0 0 1n0.658 0.659 0.365n0.657 -0.657 0.37n0 0.003 -1n-0.657 -0.657 0.37n-0.658 0.659 0.365n0 -0.005 -1 ufff7 8 6 1f9 12 8 2f13 10 12 3f12 6 8 4f9 11 13 5f10 7 6 6f7 9 8 1f9 13 12 2f13 11 10 3f12 10 6 4f9 7 11 5f10 11 7 6uf1 5 2 7f2 5 3 8f2 4 1 9f3 5 4 10f4 5 1 11f2 3 4 12 ]\nset [&boss_2_handpush v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [2p0] size [60] data [v-0.007 0.771 -3.284v-0.866 1.906 -2.981v0.866 1.906 -2.981v-0.866 -1.517 -2.981v0.866 -1.517 -2.981v0 -0.722 0.033v0.866 0.444 0.033v-0.866 0.444 0.033v0 0.056 -3.22v0 -1.007 -3.338v n0.795 -0.59 -0.141n0 0.993 -0.119n-0.795 -0.59 -0.141n0 0 1n0.328 0 -0.945n-0.333 0 -0.943n0.396 0.029 -0.918n-0.394 0.026 -0.919 ufff6 9 7 1f7 9 8 2f8 9 6 3f6 7 8 4uf3 5 1 5f1 4 2 6f5 10 1 7f1 10 4 8 ]\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\nDelete So Game Can Save\n\ndefine Delete So Game Can Save\nDelete Mesh Data\nset [~temp v] to []\ndelete all of [~temparray v]\n\ndefine Add Boss 3 Mesh\nset [&boss_3_idle v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [3i0] size [200] data [v-0.79 0.514 -0.808v0.016 0.84 -0.892v0.793 0.514 -0.806v-0.003 0.514 0.726v-0.511 1.408 -0.728v0.54 1.408 -0.715v0.853 1.408 -0.124v-0.849 1.408 -0.145v0.005 1.368 -0.687v0.288 2.037 -0.628v-0.269 2.037 -0.653v0.009 0.592 -0.853v1.375 0.507 0.005v-1.423 0.514 -0.006v-0.264 0.581 -0.649v-0.264 0.001 -0.408v0.246 0.581 -0.649v-0.472 0.581 -0.288v0.038 0.581 -0.288v-0.056 0.581 -0.288v0.454 0.581 -0.288v0.246 0.013 -0.408v0.292 1.524 -0.848v0.232 1.785 -0.848v0.351 1.785 -0.848v-0.27 1.524 -0.848v-0.21 1.785 -0.848v-0.329 1.785 -0.848v-0.739 0.005 -0.029v0.715 0.015 -0.028v n-0.827 -0.369 0.424n-0.157 0.137 -0.978n0.17 0.147 -0.974n0.821 -0.38 0.427n-0.826 0.3 -0.478n0.012 0.288 -0.958n0.847 0.285 -0.448n0.533 0.178 0.827n-0.551 0.162 0.819n-0.009 0.693 0.721n0.001 0.997 -0.073n0.816 0.386 -0.432n-0.806 0.365 -0.466n0.001 -0.509 -0.86n0.382 -0.561 0.735n-0.383 -0.548 0.743n0 -1 0n-0.848 -0.202 -0.49n-0.847 -0.207 -0.489n0 -0.202 0.979n0 1 0n0 -0.207 0.978n0.848 -0.202 -0.49n0.847 -0.207 -0.489n0.007 1 0.004n-0.548 -0.716 -0.433n0.76 -0.519 -0.39n0.559 -0.722 -0.408n-0.768 -0.501 -0.399n-0.061 0.112 -0.992n0.086 0.084 -0.993n0.044 -0.157 -0.987n-0.041 -0.154 -0.987n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 21f13 30 3 28f3 30 4 29uf6 9 10 30f9 5 11 31uf3 12 2 32f2 12 1 33uf24 25 23 34f27 26 28 34 ]\nLoad model [3i1] size [200] data [v-0.797 0.511 -0.809v0.016 0.843 -0.895v0.799 0.511 -0.807v-0.003 0.514 0.726v-0.511 1.418 -0.728v0.54 1.418 -0.715v0.853 1.418 -0.124v-0.849 1.418 -0.145v0.005 1.377 -0.687v0.288 2.053 -0.628v-0.269 2.053 -0.653v0.009 0.59 -0.855v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.514 -0.006v-0.264 0.582 -0.649v-0.264 -0.004 -0.408v0.246 0.582 -0.649v-0.472 0.582 -0.288v0.038 0.582 -0.288v-0.056 0.582 -0.288v0.454 0.582 -0.288v0.246 0.008 -0.408v0.292 1.534 -0.848v0.232 1.798 -0.848v0.351 1.798 -0.848v-0.27 1.534 -0.848v-0.21 1.798 -0.848v-0.329 1.798 -0.848v-0.739 0 -0.029v0.715 0.01 -0.028v n-0.828 -0.361 0.429n-0.16 0.138 -0.977n0.172 0.148 -0.974n0.822 -0.373 0.431n-0.825 0.303 -0.477n0.012 0.289 -0.957n0.846 0.288 -0.448n0.533 0.176 0.827n-0.551 0.16 0.819n-0.009 0.69 0.724n0.001 0.997 -0.074n0.817 0.382 -0.432n-0.807 0.362 -0.467n0.001 -0.518 -0.856n0.383 -0.557 0.737n-0.385 -0.545 0.745n0 -1 0n-0.848 -0.201 -0.49n-0.848 -0.205 -0.489n0 -0.201 0.98n0 1 0n0 -0.205 0.979n0.848 -0.201 -0.49n0.848 -0.205 -0.489n0.005 1 0.001n-0.552 -0.715 -0.428n0.763 -0.513 -0.393n0.001 1 -0.003n0.564 -0.721 -0.403n-0.77 -0.495 -0.403n-0.061 0.111 -0.992n0.086 0.083 -0.993n0.045 -0.155 -0.987n-0.042 -0.153 -0.987n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i2] size [200] data [v-0.813 0.505 -0.812v0.017 0.851 -0.902v0.816 0.505 -0.81v-0.003 0.515 0.726v-0.511 1.439 -0.728v0.54 1.439 -0.715v0.853 1.439 -0.124v-0.849 1.439 -0.145v0.005 1.397 -0.687v0.288 2.089 -0.628v-0.269 2.089 -0.653v0.009 0.584 -0.861v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.515 -0.006v-0.264 0.585 -0.649v-0.264 -0.015 -0.408v0.246 0.585 -0.649v-0.472 0.585 -0.288v0.038 0.585 -0.288v-0.056 0.585 -0.288v0.454 0.585 -0.288v0.246 -0.003 -0.408v0.292 1.558 -0.848v0.232 1.828 -0.848v0.351 1.828 -0.848v-0.27 1.558 -0.848v-0.21 1.828 -0.848v-0.329 1.828 -0.848v-0.739 -0.011 -0.029v0.715 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.83 -0.345 0.439n-0.165 0.141 -0.976n0.178 0.151 -0.972n0.823 -0.356 0.442n-0.823 0.309 -0.476n0.012 0.293 -0.956n0.845 0.295 -0.447n0.534 0.172 0.828n-0.552 0.157 0.819n-0.009 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.819 0.375 -0.434n-0.809 0.355 -0.468n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.386 -0.548 0.742n-0.387 -0.536 0.75n0 -1 0n-0.849 -0.196 -0.49n-0.848 -0.2 -0.49n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.849 -0.196 -0.49n0.849 -0.2 -0.49n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.563 -0.714 -0.417n0.769 -0.498 -0.401n0.005 1 -0.009n0.574 -0.719 -0.391n-0.776 -0.479 -0.411n-0.061 0.109 -0.992n0.086 0.082 -0.993n0.048 -0.152 -0.987n-0.045 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i3] size [200] data [v-0.833 0.496 -0.815v0.018 0.86 -0.91v0.836 0.496 -0.813v-0.003 0.516 0.726v-0.511 1.465 -0.728v0.54 1.465 -0.715v0.853 1.465 -0.124v-0.849 1.465 -0.145v0.005 1.422 -0.687v0.288 2.133 -0.628v-0.269 2.133 -0.653v0.009 0.576 -0.868v1.375 0.509 0.005v-1.423 0.516 -0.006v-0.264 0.588 -0.649v-0.264 -0.029 -0.408v0.246 0.588 -0.649v-0.472 0.588 -0.288v0.038 0.588 -0.288v-0.056 0.588 -0.288v0.454 0.588 -0.288v0.246 -0.016 -0.408v0.292 1.588 -0.848v0.232 1.865 -0.848v0.351 1.865 -0.848v-0.27 1.588 -0.848v-0.21 1.865 -0.848v-0.329 1.865 -0.848v-0.739 -0.024 -0.029v0.715 -0.014 -0.028v n-0.831 -0.326 0.451n-0.171 0.145 -0.975n0.184 0.154 -0.971n0.825 -0.337 0.454n-0.821 0.315 -0.475n0.012 0.298 -0.954n0.843 0.302 -0.446n0.534 0.168 0.829n-0.552 0.153 0.82n-0.009 0.672 0.741n0.001 0.997 -0.078n0.822 0.366 -0.435n-0.812 0.347 -0.47n0.001 -0.558 -0.83n0.389 -0.538 0.748n-0.39 -0.526 0.756n0 -1 0n-0.85 -0.191 -0.491n-0.849 -0.195 -0.49n0 -0.191 0.982n0 1 0n0 -0.195 0.981n0.85 -0.191 -0.491n0.849 -0.195 -0.49n-0.002 1 -0.014n-0.576 -0.712 -0.403n0.775 -0.48 -0.411n0.009 1 -0.018n0.587 -0.717 -0.376n-0.782 -0.461 -0.42n-0.061 0.106 -0.992n0.086 0.079 -0.993n0.051 -0.148 -0.988n-0.048 -0.145 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i4] size [200] data [v-0.849 0.489 -0.818v0.018 0.868 -0.917v0.852 0.489 -0.816v-0.003 0.517 0.726v-0.511 1.487 -0.728v0.54 1.487 -0.715v0.853 1.487 -0.124v-0.849 1.487 -0.145v0.005 1.443 -0.687v0.288 2.169 -0.628v-0.269 2.169 -0.653v0.01 0.57 -0.874v1.375 0.51 0.005v-1.423 0.517 -0.006v-0.264 0.59 -0.649v-0.264 -0.04 -0.408v0.246 0.59 -0.649v-0.472 0.59 -0.288v0.038 0.59 -0.288v-0.056 0.59 -0.288v0.454 0.59 -0.288v0.246 -0.027 -0.408v0.292 1.612 -0.848v0.232 1.895 -0.848v0.351 1.895 -0.848v-0.27 1.612 -0.848v-0.21 1.895 -0.848v-0.329 1.895 -0.848v-0.739 -0.036 -0.029v0.715 -0.024 -0.028v n-0.831 -0.31 0.461n-0.175 0.148 -0.973n0.189 0.157 -0.969n0.825 -0.322 0.464n-0.82 0.321 -0.474n0.012 0.302 -0.953n0.841 0.308 -0.445n0.535 0.165 0.829n-0.552 0.149 0.82n-0.009 0.663 0.748n0.001 0.997 -0.08n0.825 0.36 -0.436n-0.814 0.34 -0.471n0.001 -0.575 -0.818n0.391 -0.53 0.753n-0.392 -0.517 0.76n0 -1 0n-0.851 -0.187 -0.491n-0.85 -0.191 -0.491n0 -0.187 0.982n0 1 0n0 -0.191 0.982n0.851 -0.187 -0.491n0.85 -0.191 -0.491n-0.006 1 -0.021n-0.586 -0.71 -0.39n0.78 -0.465 -0.419n0.013 1 -0.025n0.597 -0.715 -0.362n-0.786 -0.446 -0.428n-0.061 0.104 -0.993n0.086 0.078 -0.993n0.054 -0.145 -0.988n-0.05 -0.142 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i5] size [200] data [v-0.856 0.486 -0.819v0.018 0.871 -0.92v0.859 0.486 -0.817v-0.003 0.517 0.726v-0.511 1.496 -0.728v0.54 1.496 -0.715v0.853 1.496 -0.124v-0.849 1.496 -0.145v0.005 1.452 -0.687v0.288 2.185 -0.628v-0.269 2.185 -0.653v0.01 0.567 -0.876v1.375 0.51 0.005v-1.423 0.517 -0.006v-0.264 0.591 -0.649v-0.264 -0.045 -0.408v0.246 0.591 -0.649v-0.472 0.591 -0.288v0.038 0.591 -0.288v-0.056 0.591 -0.288v0.454 0.591 -0.288v0.246 -0.031 -0.408v0.292 1.622 -0.848v0.232 1.908 -0.848v0.351 1.908 -0.848v-0.27 1.622 -0.848v-0.21 1.908 -0.848v-0.329 1.908 -0.848v-0.739 -0.04 -0.029v0.715 -0.029 -0.028v n-0.831 -0.304 0.465n-0.177 0.149 -0.973n0.191 0.158 -0.969n0.826 -0.316 0.468n-0.819 0.323 -0.474n0.012 0.303 -0.953n0.84 0.31 -0.445n0.535 0.163 0.829n-0.552 0.148 0.82n-0.009 0.66 0.751n0.001 0.997 -0.08n0.826 0.357 -0.437n-0.815 0.337 -0.471n0.001 -0.582 -0.813n0.392 -0.526 0.755n-0.393 -0.514 0.762n0 -1 0n-0.851 -0.186 -0.491n-0.85 -0.189 -0.491n0 -0.186 0.983n0 1 0n0 -0.189 0.982n0.851 -0.186 -0.491n0.85 -0.189 -0.491n-0.008 1 -0.025n-0.591 -0.709 -0.384n0.782 -0.459 -0.422n0.015 1 -0.028n0.602 -0.715 -0.356n-0.788 -0.439 -0.431n-0.061 0.103 -0.993n0.086 0.077 -0.993n0.055 -0.144 -0.988n-0.052 -0.141 -0.989n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i6] size [200] data [v-0.849 0.489 -0.818v0.018 0.868 -0.917v0.852 0.489 -0.816v-0.003 0.517 0.726v-0.511 1.487 -0.728v0.54 1.487 -0.715v0.853 1.487 -0.124v-0.849 1.487 -0.145v0.005 1.443 -0.687v0.288 2.169 -0.628v-0.269 2.169 -0.653v0.01 0.57 -0.874v1.375 0.51 0.005v-1.423 0.517 -0.006v-0.264 0.59 -0.649v-0.264 -0.04 -0.408v0.246 0.59 -0.649v-0.472 0.59 -0.288v0.038 0.59 -0.288v-0.056 0.59 -0.288v0.454 0.59 -0.288v0.246 -0.027 -0.408v0.292 1.612 -0.848v0.232 1.895 -0.848v0.351 1.895 -0.848v-0.27 1.612 -0.848v-0.21 1.895 -0.848v-0.329 1.895 -0.848v-0.739 -0.036 -0.029v0.715 -0.024 -0.028v n-0.831 -0.31 0.461n-0.175 0.148 -0.973n0.189 0.157 -0.969n0.825 -0.322 0.464n-0.82 0.321 -0.474n0.012 0.302 -0.953n0.841 0.308 -0.445n0.535 0.165 0.829n-0.552 0.149 0.82n-0.009 0.663 0.748n0.001 0.997 -0.08n0.825 0.36 -0.436n-0.814 0.34 -0.471n0.001 -0.575 -0.818n0.391 -0.53 0.753n-0.392 -0.517 0.76n0 -1 0n-0.851 -0.187 -0.491n-0.85 -0.191 -0.491n0 -0.187 0.982n0 1 0n0 -0.191 0.982n0.851 -0.187 -0.491n0.85 -0.191 -0.491n-0.006 1 -0.021n-0.586 -0.71 -0.39n0.78 -0.465 -0.419n0.013 1 -0.025n0.597 -0.715 -0.362n-0.786 -0.446 -0.428n-0.061 0.104 -0.993n0.086 0.078 -0.993n0.054 -0.145 -0.988n-0.05 -0.142 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i7] size [200] data [v-0.833 0.496 -0.815v0.018 0.86 -0.91v0.836 0.496 -0.813v-0.003 0.516 0.726v-0.511 1.465 -0.728v0.54 1.465 -0.715v0.853 1.465 -0.124v-0.849 1.465 -0.145v0.005 1.422 -0.687v0.288 2.133 -0.628v-0.269 2.133 -0.653v0.009 0.576 -0.868v1.375 0.509 0.005v-1.423 0.516 -0.006v-0.264 0.588 -0.649v-0.264 -0.029 -0.408v0.246 0.588 -0.649v-0.472 0.588 -0.288v0.038 0.588 -0.288v-0.056 0.588 -0.288v0.454 0.588 -0.288v0.246 -0.016 -0.408v0.292 1.588 -0.848v0.232 1.865 -0.848v0.351 1.865 -0.848v-0.27 1.588 -0.848v-0.21 1.865 -0.848v-0.329 1.865 -0.848v-0.739 -0.024 -0.029v0.715 -0.014 -0.028v n-0.831 -0.326 0.451n-0.171 0.145 -0.975n0.184 0.154 -0.971n0.825 -0.337 0.454n-0.821 0.315 -0.475n0.012 0.298 -0.954n0.843 0.302 -0.446n0.534 0.168 0.829n-0.552 0.153 0.82n-0.009 0.672 0.741n0.001 0.997 -0.078n0.822 0.366 -0.435n-0.812 0.347 -0.47n0.001 -0.558 -0.83n0.389 -0.538 0.748n-0.39 -0.526 0.756n0 -1 0n-0.85 -0.191 -0.491n-0.849 -0.195 -0.49n0 -0.191 0.982n0 1 0n0 -0.195 0.981n0.85 -0.191 -0.491n0.849 -0.195 -0.49n-0.002 1 -0.014n-0.576 -0.712 -0.403n0.775 -0.48 -0.411n0.009 1 -0.018n0.587 -0.717 -0.376n-0.782 -0.461 -0.42n-0.061 0.106 -0.992n0.086 0.079 -0.993n0.051 -0.148 -0.988n-0.048 -0.145 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i8] size [200] data [v-0.813 0.505 -0.812v0.017 0.851 -0.902v0.816 0.505 -0.81v-0.003 0.515 0.726v-0.511 1.439 -0.728v0.54 1.439 -0.715v0.853 1.439 -0.124v-0.849 1.439 -0.145v0.005 1.397 -0.687v0.288 2.089 -0.628v-0.269 2.089 -0.653v0.009 0.584 -0.861v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.515 -0.006v-0.264 0.585 -0.649v-0.264 -0.015 -0.408v0.246 0.585 -0.649v-0.472 0.585 -0.288v0.038 0.585 -0.288v-0.056 0.585 -0.288v0.454 0.585 -0.288v0.246 -0.003 -0.408v0.292 1.558 -0.848v0.232 1.828 -0.848v0.351 1.828 -0.848v-0.27 1.558 -0.848v-0.21 1.828 -0.848v-0.329 1.828 -0.848v-0.739 -0.011 -0.029v0.715 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.83 -0.345 0.439n-0.165 0.141 -0.976n0.178 0.151 -0.972n0.823 -0.356 0.442n-0.823 0.309 -0.476n0.012 0.293 -0.956n0.845 0.295 -0.447n0.534 0.172 0.828n-0.552 0.157 0.819n-0.009 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.819 0.375 -0.434n-0.809 0.355 -0.468n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.386 -0.548 0.742n-0.387 -0.536 0.75n0 -1 0n-0.849 -0.196 -0.49n-0.848 -0.2 -0.49n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.849 -0.196 -0.49n0.849 -0.2 -0.49n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.563 -0.714 -0.417n0.769 -0.498 -0.401n0.005 1 -0.009n0.574 -0.719 -0.391n-0.776 -0.479 -0.411n-0.061 0.109 -0.992n0.086 0.082 -0.993n0.048 -0.152 -0.987n-0.045 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3i9] size [200] data [v-0.797 0.511 -0.809v0.016 0.843 -0.895v0.799 0.511 -0.807v-0.003 0.514 0.726v-0.511 1.418 -0.728v0.54 1.418 -0.715v0.853 1.418 -0.124v-0.849 1.418 -0.145v0.005 1.377 -0.687v0.288 2.053 -0.628v-0.269 2.053 -0.653v0.009 0.59 -0.855v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.514 -0.006v-0.264 0.582 -0.649v-0.264 -0.004 -0.408v0.246 0.582 -0.649v-0.472 0.582 -0.288v0.038 0.582 -0.288v-0.056 0.582 -0.288v0.454 0.582 -0.288v0.246 0.008 -0.408v0.292 1.534 -0.848v0.232 1.798 -0.848v0.351 1.798 -0.848v-0.27 1.534 -0.848v-0.21 1.798 -0.848v-0.329 1.798 -0.848v-0.739 0 -0.029v0.715 0.01 -0.028v n-0.828 -0.361 0.429n-0.16 0.138 -0.977n0.172 0.148 -0.974n0.822 -0.373 0.431n-0.825 0.303 -0.477n0.012 0.289 -0.957n0.846 0.288 -0.448n0.533 0.176 0.827n-0.551 0.16 0.819n-0.009 0.69 0.724n0.001 0.997 -0.074n0.817 0.382 -0.432n-0.807 0.362 -0.467n0.001 -0.518 -0.856n0.383 -0.557 0.737n-0.385 -0.545 0.745n0 -1 0n-0.848 -0.201 -0.49n-0.848 -0.205 -0.489n0 -0.201 0.98n0 1 0n0 -0.205 0.979n0.848 -0.201 -0.49n0.848 -0.205 -0.489n0.005 1 0.001n-0.552 -0.715 -0.428n0.763 -0.513 -0.393n0.001 1 -0.003n0.564 -0.721 -0.403n-0.77 -0.495 -0.403n-0.061 0.111 -0.992n0.086 0.083 -0.993n0.045 -0.155 -0.987n-0.042 -0.153 -0.987n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nset [&boss_3_prepjump v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [3p0] size [200] data [v-0.813 0.505 -0.812v0.017 0.851 -0.902v0.816 0.505 -0.81v-0.003 0.515 0.726v-0.511 1.439 -0.728v0.54 1.439 -0.715v0.853 1.439 -0.124v-0.849 1.439 -0.145v0.005 1.397 -0.687v0.288 2.089 -0.628v-0.269 2.089 -0.653v0.009 0.584 -0.861v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.515 -0.006v-0.264 0.585 -0.649v-0.264 -0.015 -0.408v0.246 0.585 -0.649v-0.472 0.585 -0.288v0.038 0.585 -0.288v-0.056 0.585 -0.288v0.454 0.585 -0.288v0.246 -0.003 -0.408v0.292 1.558 -0.848v0.232 1.828 -0.848v0.351 1.828 -0.848v-0.27 1.558 -0.848v-0.21 1.828 -0.848v-0.329 1.828 -0.848v-0.739 -0.011 -0.029v0.715 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.83 -0.345 0.439n-0.165 0.141 -0.976n0.178 0.151 -0.972n0.823 -0.356 0.442n-0.823 0.309 -0.476n0.012 0.293 -0.956n0.845 0.295 -0.447n0.534 0.172 0.828n-0.552 0.157 0.819n-0.009 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.819 0.375 -0.434n-0.809 0.355 -0.468n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.386 -0.548 0.742n-0.387 -0.536 0.75n0 -1 0n-0.849 -0.196 -0.49n-0.848 -0.2 -0.49n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.849 -0.196 -0.49n0.849 -0.2 -0.49n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.563 -0.714 -0.417n0.769 -0.498 -0.401n0.005 1 -0.009n0.574 -0.719 -0.391n-0.776 -0.479 -0.411n-0.061 0.109 -0.992n0.086 0.082 -0.993n0.048 -0.152 -0.987n-0.045 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p1] size [200] data [v-0.833 0.505 -0.812v0.017 0.851 -0.902v0.835 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.524 1.439 -0.728v0.553 1.439 -0.715v0.873 1.439 -0.124v-0.869 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.295 2.089 -0.628v-0.276 2.089 -0.653v0.009 0.584 -0.861v1.407 0.508 0.005v-1.456 0.515 -0.006v-0.27 0.585 -0.649v-0.27 -0.015 -0.408v0.252 0.585 -0.649v-0.483 0.585 -0.288v0.039 0.585 -0.288v-0.057 0.585 -0.288v0.465 0.585 -0.288v0.252 -0.003 -0.408v0.299 1.558 -0.848v0.238 1.828 -0.848v0.36 1.828 -0.848v-0.276 1.558 -0.848v-0.215 1.828 -0.848v-0.337 1.828 -0.848v-0.756 -0.011 -0.029v0.732 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.823 -0.35 0.446n-0.161 0.141 -0.977n0.174 0.151 -0.973n0.817 -0.362 0.449n-0.817 0.314 -0.484n0.011 0.293 -0.956n0.839 0.3 -0.454n0.525 0.174 0.833n-0.543 0.158 0.825n-0.009 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.813 0.381 -0.44n-0.803 0.36 -0.475n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.378 -0.55 0.745n-0.379 -0.538 0.753n0 -1 0n-0.844 -0.199 -0.499n-0.843 -0.204 -0.498n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.844 -0.199 -0.499n0.843 -0.204 -0.498n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.554 -0.719 -0.42n0.761 -0.505 -0.407n0.005 1 -0.009n0.565 -0.725 -0.394n-0.768 -0.486 -0.416n-0.059 0.109 -0.992n0.084 0.082 -0.993n0.047 -0.152 -0.987n-0.044 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p2] size [200] data [v-0.879 0.505 -0.812v0.018 0.851 -0.902v0.882 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.553 1.439 -0.728v0.583 1.439 -0.715v0.921 1.439 -0.124v-0.917 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.312 2.089 -0.628v-0.291 2.089 -0.653v0.01 0.584 -0.861v1.485 0.508 0.005v-1.537 0.515 -0.006v-0.285 0.585 -0.649v-0.285 -0.015 -0.408v0.266 0.585 -0.649v-0.51 0.585 -0.288v0.041 0.585 -0.288v-0.06 0.585 -0.288v0.49 0.585 -0.288v0.266 -0.003 -0.408v0.315 1.558 -0.848v0.251 1.828 -0.848v0.38 1.828 -0.848v-0.291 1.558 -0.848v-0.227 1.828 -0.848v-0.356 1.828 -0.848v-0.798 -0.011 -0.029v0.772 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.809 -0.363 0.463n-0.153 0.141 -0.978n0.165 0.151 -0.975n0.802 -0.375 0.465n-0.802 0.325 -0.501n0.011 0.293 -0.956n0.825 0.311 -0.472n0.504 0.176 0.845n-0.522 0.16 0.838n-0.008 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.798 0.394 -0.456n-0.787 0.373 -0.492n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.361 -0.554 0.75n-0.362 -0.542 0.758n0 -1 0n-0.83 -0.207 -0.518n-0.829 -0.211 -0.517n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.83 -0.207 -0.518n0.829 -0.211 -0.517n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.533 -0.73 -0.427n0.744 -0.52 -0.42n0.005 1 -0.009n0.545 -0.737 -0.4n-0.751 -0.501 -0.43n-0.056 0.109 -0.992n0.079 0.082 -0.993n0.045 -0.152 -0.987n-0.041 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p3] size [200] data [v-0.933 0.505 -0.812v0.02 0.851 -0.902v0.937 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.587 1.439 -0.728v0.62 1.439 -0.715v0.979 1.439 -0.124v-0.974 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.331 2.089 -0.628v-0.309 2.089 -0.653v0.01 0.584 -0.861v1.578 0.508 0.005v-1.633 0.515 -0.006v-0.303 0.585 -0.649v-0.303 -0.015 -0.408v0.282 0.585 -0.649v-0.541 0.585 -0.288v0.044 0.585 -0.288v-0.064 0.585 -0.288v0.521 0.585 -0.288v0.282 -0.003 -0.408v0.335 1.558 -0.848v0.267 1.828 -0.848v0.403 1.828 -0.848v-0.309 1.558 -0.848v-0.241 1.828 -0.848v-0.378 1.828 -0.848v-0.848 -0.011 -0.029v0.82 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.791 -0.378 0.481n-0.144 0.142 -0.979n0.156 0.152 -0.976n0.784 -0.39 0.483n-0.784 0.338 -0.521n0.01 0.293 -0.956n0.809 0.324 -0.491n0.482 0.179 0.858n-0.499 0.163 0.851n-0.008 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.78 0.41 -0.474n-0.768 0.387 -0.51n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.342 -0.558 0.756n-0.344 -0.546 0.764n0 -1 0n-0.814 -0.216 -0.539n-0.813 -0.22 -0.539n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.814 -0.216 -0.539n0.813 -0.22 -0.539n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.51 -0.742 -0.434n0.723 -0.537 -0.434n0.004 1 -0.009n0.522 -0.75 -0.407n-0.731 -0.518 -0.444n-0.053 0.109 -0.993n0.075 0.082 -0.994n0.042 -0.152 -0.987n-0.039 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p4] size [200] data [v-0.979 0.505 -0.812v0.02 0.851 -0.902v0.983 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.616 1.439 -0.728v0.65 1.439 -0.715v1.027 1.439 -0.124v-1.022 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.347 2.089 -0.628v-0.324 2.089 -0.653v0.011 0.584 -0.861v1.655 0.508 0.005v-1.713 0.515 -0.006v-0.318 0.585 -0.649v-0.318 -0.015 -0.408v0.296 0.585 -0.649v-0.568 0.585 -0.288v0.046 0.585 -0.288v-0.067 0.585 -0.288v0.547 0.585 -0.288v0.296 -0.003 -0.408v0.352 1.558 -0.848v0.28 1.828 -0.848v0.423 1.828 -0.848v-0.325 1.558 -0.848v-0.253 1.828 -0.848v-0.396 1.828 -0.848v-0.89 -0.011 -0.029v0.861 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.777 -0.389 0.495n-0.137 0.142 -0.98n0.148 0.152 -0.977n0.769 -0.401 0.497n-0.769 0.348 -0.536n0.01 0.293 -0.956n0.795 0.334 -0.507n0.464 0.181 0.867n-0.481 0.165 0.861n-0.007 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.765 0.422 -0.487n-0.753 0.398 -0.524n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.328 -0.561 0.76n-0.329 -0.549 0.768n0 -1 0n-0.8 -0.223 -0.557n-0.799 -0.227 -0.556n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.8 -0.223 -0.557n0.8 -0.227 -0.556n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.492 -0.751 -0.439n0.707 -0.551 -0.444n0.004 1 -0.009n0.503 -0.759 -0.412n-0.714 -0.531 -0.455n-0.051 0.109 -0.993n0.071 0.082 -0.994n0.04 -0.152 -0.988n-0.037 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p5] size [200] data [v-0.999 0.505 -0.812v0.021 0.851 -0.902v1.002 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.628 1.439 -0.728v0.663 1.439 -0.715v1.047 1.439 -0.124v-1.042 1.439 -0.145v0.007 1.397 -0.687v0.354 2.089 -0.628v-0.331 2.089 -0.653v0.011 0.584 -0.861v1.688 0.508 0.005v-1.747 0.515 -0.006v-0.324 0.585 -0.649v-0.324 -0.015 -0.408v0.302 0.585 -0.649v-0.579 0.585 -0.288v0.047 0.585 -0.288v-0.069 0.585 -0.288v0.557 0.585 -0.288v0.302 -0.003 -0.408v0.359 1.558 -0.848v0.285 1.828 -0.848v0.432 1.828 -0.848v-0.331 1.558 -0.848v-0.258 1.828 -0.848v-0.404 1.828 -0.848v-0.907 -0.011 -0.029v0.878 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.771 -0.393 0.501n-0.135 0.142 -0.981n0.146 0.152 -0.978n0.763 -0.406 0.503n-0.763 0.352 -0.542n0.01 0.293 -0.956n0.789 0.338 -0.513n0.457 0.181 0.871n-0.474 0.165 0.865n-0.007 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.759 0.426 -0.493n-0.746 0.402 -0.53n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.322 -0.563 0.761n-0.323 -0.55 0.77n0 -1 0n-0.795 -0.225 -0.563n-0.794 -0.23 -0.563n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.795 -0.225 -0.563n0.794 -0.23 -0.563n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.485 -0.755 -0.441n0.7 -0.556 -0.449n0.004 1 -0.009n0.496 -0.763 -0.414n-0.707 -0.537 -0.46n-0.05 0.109 -0.993n0.07 0.082 -0.994n0.039 -0.152 -0.988n-0.036 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p6] size [200] data [v-0.979 0.505 -0.812v0.02 0.851 -0.902v0.983 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.616 1.439 -0.728v0.65 1.439 -0.715v1.027 1.439 -0.124v-1.022 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.347 2.089 -0.628v-0.324 2.089 -0.653v0.011 0.584 -0.861v1.655 0.508 0.005v-1.713 0.515 -0.006v-0.318 0.585 -0.649v-0.318 -0.015 -0.408v0.296 0.585 -0.649v-0.568 0.585 -0.288v0.046 0.585 -0.288v-0.067 0.585 -0.288v0.547 0.585 -0.288v0.296 -0.003 -0.408v0.352 1.558 -0.848v0.28 1.828 -0.848v0.423 1.828 -0.848v-0.325 1.558 -0.848v-0.253 1.828 -0.848v-0.396 1.828 -0.848v-0.89 -0.011 -0.029v0.861 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.777 -0.389 0.495n-0.137 0.142 -0.98n0.148 0.152 -0.977n0.769 -0.401 0.497n-0.769 0.348 -0.536n0.01 0.293 -0.956n0.795 0.334 -0.507n0.464 0.181 0.867n-0.481 0.165 0.861n-0.007 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.765 0.422 -0.487n-0.753 0.398 -0.524n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.328 -0.561 0.76n-0.329 -0.549 0.768n0 -1 0n-0.8 -0.223 -0.557n-0.799 -0.227 -0.556n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.8 -0.223 -0.557n0.8 -0.227 -0.556n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.492 -0.751 -0.439n0.707 -0.551 -0.444n0.004 1 -0.009n0.503 -0.759 -0.412n-0.714 -0.531 -0.455n-0.051 0.109 -0.993n0.071 0.082 -0.994n0.04 -0.152 -0.988n-0.037 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p7] size [200] data [v-0.933 0.505 -0.812v0.02 0.851 -0.902v0.937 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.587 1.439 -0.728v0.62 1.439 -0.715v0.979 1.439 -0.124v-0.974 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.331 2.089 -0.628v-0.309 2.089 -0.653v0.01 0.584 -0.861v1.578 0.508 0.005v-1.633 0.515 -0.006v-0.303 0.585 -0.649v-0.303 -0.015 -0.408v0.282 0.585 -0.649v-0.541 0.585 -0.288v0.044 0.585 -0.288v-0.064 0.585 -0.288v0.521 0.585 -0.288v0.282 -0.003 -0.408v0.335 1.558 -0.848v0.267 1.828 -0.848v0.403 1.828 -0.848v-0.309 1.558 -0.848v-0.241 1.828 -0.848v-0.378 1.828 -0.848v-0.848 -0.011 -0.029v0.82 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.791 -0.378 0.481n-0.144 0.142 -0.979n0.156 0.152 -0.976n0.784 -0.39 0.483n-0.784 0.338 -0.521n0.01 0.293 -0.956n0.809 0.324 -0.491n0.482 0.179 0.858n-0.499 0.163 0.851n-0.008 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.78 0.41 -0.474n-0.768 0.387 -0.51n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.342 -0.558 0.756n-0.344 -0.546 0.764n0 -1 0n-0.814 -0.216 -0.539n-0.813 -0.22 -0.539n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.814 -0.216 -0.539n0.813 -0.22 -0.539n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.51 -0.742 -0.434n0.723 -0.537 -0.434n0.004 1 -0.009n0.522 -0.75 -0.407n-0.731 -0.518 -0.444n-0.053 0.109 -0.993n0.075 0.082 -0.994n0.042 -0.152 -0.987n-0.039 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p8] size [200] data [v-0.879 0.505 -0.812v0.018 0.851 -0.902v0.882 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.553 1.439 -0.728v0.583 1.439 -0.715v0.921 1.439 -0.124v-0.917 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.312 2.089 -0.628v-0.291 2.089 -0.653v0.01 0.584 -0.861v1.485 0.508 0.005v-1.537 0.515 -0.006v-0.285 0.585 -0.649v-0.285 -0.015 -0.408v0.266 0.585 -0.649v-0.51 0.585 -0.288v0.041 0.585 -0.288v-0.06 0.585 -0.288v0.49 0.585 -0.288v0.266 -0.003 -0.408v0.315 1.558 -0.848v0.251 1.828 -0.848v0.38 1.828 -0.848v-0.291 1.558 -0.848v-0.227 1.828 -0.848v-0.356 1.828 -0.848v-0.798 -0.011 -0.029v0.772 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.809 -0.363 0.463n-0.153 0.141 -0.978n0.165 0.151 -0.975n0.802 -0.375 0.465n-0.802 0.325 -0.501n0.011 0.293 -0.956n0.825 0.311 -0.472n0.504 0.176 0.845n-0.522 0.16 0.838n-0.008 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.798 0.394 -0.456n-0.787 0.373 -0.492n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.361 -0.554 0.75n-0.362 -0.542 0.758n0 -1 0n-0.83 -0.207 -0.518n-0.829 -0.211 -0.517n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.83 -0.207 -0.518n0.829 -0.211 -0.517n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.533 -0.73 -0.427n0.744 -0.52 -0.42n0.005 1 -0.009n0.545 -0.737 -0.4n-0.751 -0.501 -0.43n-0.056 0.109 -0.992n0.079 0.082 -0.993n0.045 -0.152 -0.987n-0.041 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3p9] size [200] data [v-0.833 0.505 -0.812v0.017 0.851 -0.902v0.835 0.505 -0.81v-0.004 0.515 0.726v-0.524 1.439 -0.728v0.553 1.439 -0.715v0.873 1.439 -0.124v-0.869 1.439 -0.145v0.006 1.397 -0.687v0.295 2.089 -0.628v-0.276 2.089 -0.653v0.009 0.584 -0.861v1.407 0.508 0.005v-1.456 0.515 -0.006v-0.27 0.585 -0.649v-0.27 -0.015 -0.408v0.252 0.585 -0.649v-0.483 0.585 -0.288v0.039 0.585 -0.288v-0.057 0.585 -0.288v0.465 0.585 -0.288v0.252 -0.003 -0.408v0.299 1.558 -0.848v0.238 1.828 -0.848v0.36 1.828 -0.848v-0.276 1.558 -0.848v-0.215 1.828 -0.848v-0.337 1.828 -0.848v-0.756 -0.011 -0.029v0.732 -0.001 -0.028v n-0.823 -0.35 0.446n-0.161 0.141 -0.977n0.174 0.151 -0.973n0.817 -0.362 0.449n-0.817 0.314 -0.484n0.011 0.293 -0.956n0.839 0.3 -0.454n0.525 0.174 0.833n-0.543 0.158 0.825n-0.009 0.681 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.813 0.381 -0.44n-0.803 0.36 -0.475n0.001 -0.537 -0.844n0.378 -0.55 0.745n-0.379 -0.538 0.753n0 -1 0n-0.844 -0.199 -0.499n-0.843 -0.204 -0.498n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.844 -0.199 -0.499n0.843 -0.204 -0.498n0.002 1 -0.006n-0.554 -0.719 -0.42n0.761 -0.505 -0.407n0.005 1 -0.009n0.565 -0.725 -0.394n-0.768 -0.486 -0.416n-0.059 0.109 -0.992n0.084 0.082 -0.993n0.047 -0.152 -0.987n-0.044 -0.149 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nset [&boss_3_jumpin v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [3j1] size [200] data [v-0.992 0.493 -0.812v0.021 0.842 -0.905v0.996 0.493 -0.81v-0.004 0.517 0.726v-0.624 1.432 -0.737v0.659 1.432 -0.724v1.04 1.438 -0.133v-1.036 1.438 -0.154v0.007 1.391 -0.695v0.352 2.083 -0.644v-0.329 2.083 -0.669v0.011 0.576 -0.862v1.677 0.497 0.005v-1.736 0.504 -0.007v-0.322 0.582 -0.649v-0.322 -0.02 -0.414v0.3 0.582 -0.649v-0.576 0.579 -0.289v0.046 0.579 -0.289v-0.068 0.579 -0.289v0.554 0.579 -0.289v0.3 -0.007 -0.414v0.356 1.55 -0.858v0.284 1.82 -0.861v0.429 1.82 -0.861v-0.329 1.55 -0.858v-0.256 1.82 -0.861v-0.402 1.82 -0.861v-0.901 -0.034 -0.025v0.872 -0.023 -0.024v n-0.773 -0.386 0.503n-0.136 0.132 -0.982n0.147 0.142 -0.979n0.766 -0.398 0.505n-0.766 0.344 -0.544n0.01 0.284 -0.959n0.791 0.331 -0.514n0.459 0.189 0.868n-0.477 0.173 0.862n-0.007 0.686 0.727n0.001 0.996 -0.085n0.761 0.42 -0.495n-0.749 0.396 -0.532n0.001 -0.526 -0.85n0.325 -0.545 0.773n-0.326 -0.532 0.781n0 -1 -0.008n-0.796 -0.22 -0.563n-0.796 -0.225 -0.562n0 -0.203 0.979n0 1 0.008n0 -0.207 0.978n0.797 -0.22 -0.563n0.796 -0.225 -0.562n0.007 1 -0.011n-0.492 -0.749 -0.444n0.709 -0.546 -0.447n-0.001 1 -0.014n0.503 -0.756 -0.418n-0.716 -0.526 -0.458n-0.05 0.099 -0.994n0.07 0.072 -0.995n0.039 -0.161 -0.986n-0.036 -0.159 -0.987n0 -0.01 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3j3] size [200] data [v-0.95 0.417 -0.811v0.02 0.783 -0.927v0.953 0.417 -0.809v-0.004 0.527 0.727v-0.597 1.383 -0.797v0.63 1.384 -0.784v0.996 1.428 -0.195v-0.991 1.426 -0.215v0.006 1.344 -0.753v0.337 2.038 -0.745v-0.315 2.036 -0.771v0.011 0.52 -0.866v1.605 0.423 0.009v-1.661 0.431 -0.003v-0.308 0.564 -0.654v-0.308 -0.05 -0.448v0.287 0.564 -0.654v-0.551 0.541 -0.295v0.044 0.541 -0.295v-0.065 0.541 -0.295v0.53 0.541 -0.295v0.287 -0.038 -0.448v0.341 1.493 -0.926v0.271 1.762 -0.945v0.41 1.762 -0.945v-0.315 1.493 -0.926v-0.245 1.762 -0.945v-0.384 1.762 -0.945v-0.863 -0.184 0.02v0.834 -0.172 0.02v n-0.792 -0.334 0.511n-0.143 0.067 -0.987n0.155 0.077 -0.985n0.785 -0.345 0.514n-0.781 0.293 -0.551n0.01 0.222 -0.975n0.806 0.282 -0.52n0.476 0.243 0.846n-0.493 0.226 0.84n-0.008 0.719 0.695n0.001 0.989 -0.149n0.774 0.377 -0.508n-0.763 0.352 -0.543n0.001 -0.481 -0.877n0.344 -0.431 0.834n-0.345 -0.418 0.84n0 -0.998 -0.065n-0.808 -0.187 -0.558n-0.808 -0.192 -0.558n0 -0.252 0.968n0 0.998 0.065n0 -0.256 0.967n0.809 -0.187 -0.558n0.808 -0.192 -0.558n0.045 0.998 -0.044n-0.534 -0.711 -0.458n0.759 -0.487 -0.432n-0.036 0.998 -0.049n0.548 -0.717 -0.431n-0.764 -0.469 -0.442n-0.052 0.035 -0.998n0.073 0.008 -0.997n0.035 -0.224 -0.974n-0.032 -0.222 -0.974n0 -0.074 -0.997 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3j5] size [200] data [v-0.885 0.301 -0.797v0.019 0.691 -0.952v0.888 0.301 -0.794v-0.004 0.544 0.731v-0.557 1.301 -0.881v0.587 1.303 -0.868v0.928 1.404 -0.286v-0.923 1.401 -0.307v0.006 1.267 -0.833v0.314 1.958 -0.894v-0.293 1.954 -0.919v0.01 0.435 -0.866v1.496 0.314 0.034v-1.548 0.322 0.021v-0.287 0.536 -0.657v-0.287 -0.093 -0.498v0.268 0.536 -0.657v-0.513 0.482 -0.3v0.041 0.482 -0.3v-0.061 0.482 -0.3v0.494 0.482 -0.3v0.268 -0.081 -0.497v0.318 1.398 -1.02v0.253 1.663 -1.066v0.382 1.663 -1.066v-0.293 1.398 -1.02v-0.229 1.663 -1.066v-0.358 1.663 -1.066v-0.804 -0.402 0.123v0.778 -0.388 0.121v n-0.819 -0.257 0.513n-0.156 -0.032 -0.987n0.169 -0.022 -0.985n0.813 -0.268 0.518n-0.805 0.218 -0.552n0.011 0.126 -0.992n0.828 0.21 -0.52n0.502 0.318 0.804n-0.519 0.301 0.8n-0.008 0.767 0.641n0.001 0.97 -0.245n0.796 0.312 -0.519n-0.785 0.285 -0.551n0.001 -0.467 -0.884n0.372 -0.27 0.888n-0.373 -0.258 0.891n0 -0.988 -0.152n-0.827 -0.137 -0.545n-0.826 -0.142 -0.545n0 -0.326 0.945n0 0.989 0.152n0 -0.33 0.944n0.827 -0.137 -0.545n0.826 -0.142 -0.545n0.108 0.99 -0.094n-0.586 -0.668 -0.459n0.81 -0.429 -0.399n-0.095 0.99 -0.102n0.603 -0.671 -0.432n-0.813 -0.414 -0.409n-0.056 -0.062 -0.996n0.079 -0.089 -0.993n0.029 -0.318 -0.948n-0.026 -0.317 -0.948n0 -0.171 -0.985 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3j7] size [200] data [v-0.82 0.188 -0.768v0.017 0.598 -0.968v0.823 0.189 -0.765v-0.003 0.562 0.739v-0.516 1.211 -0.957v0.545 1.215 -0.944v0.86 1.372 -0.375v-0.856 1.366 -0.395v0.005 1.182 -0.906v0.291 1.864 -1.034v-0.272 1.857 -1.058v0.009 0.351 -0.858v1.386 0.21 0.08v-1.435 0.218 0.066v-0.266 0.508 -0.654v-0.266 -0.132 -0.544v0.248 0.508 -0.654v-0.476 0.423 -0.302v0.038 0.423 -0.302v-0.056 0.423 -0.302v0.458 0.423 -0.302v0.248 -0.119 -0.541v0.295 1.294 -1.105v0.234 1.554 -1.176v0.355 1.554 -1.176v-0.272 1.294 -1.105v-0.212 1.554 -1.176v-0.332 1.554 -1.176v-0.745 -0.604 0.269v0.721 -0.588 0.265v n-0.844 -0.185 0.503n-0.17 -0.13 -0.977n0.185 -0.12 -0.975n0.839 -0.194 0.509n-0.828 0.146 -0.541n0.012 0.029 -0.999n0.849 0.142 -0.509n0.531 0.387 0.754n-0.548 0.37 0.75n-0.009 0.812 0.583n0.001 0.941 -0.338n0.817 0.248 -0.521n-0.807 0.219 -0.549n0.001 -0.49 -0.872n0.4 -0.123 0.909n-0.4 -0.112 0.91n0 -0.972 -0.236n-0.846 -0.091 -0.525n-0.845 -0.095 -0.526n0 -0.4 0.916n0 0.972 0.236n0 -0.404 0.915n0.846 -0.091 -0.525n0.845 -0.095 -0.526n0.178 0.974 -0.143n-0.63 -0.638 -0.442n0.846 -0.392 -0.361n-0.162 0.975 -0.154n0.649 -0.637 -0.416n-0.847 -0.381 -0.371n-0.06 -0.159 -0.985n0.085 -0.186 -0.979n0.022 -0.409 -0.912n-0.019 -0.408 -0.913n0 -0.266 -0.964 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3j9] size [200] data [v-0.778 0.116 -0.741v0.016 0.535 -0.974v0.78 0.117 -0.738v-0.003 0.575 0.746v-0.489 1.148 -1.002v0.516 1.152 -0.99v0.815 1.346 -0.432v-0.811 1.339 -0.451v0.005 1.122 -0.949v0.276 1.795 -1.121v-0.258 1.786 -1.145v0.009 0.296 -0.848v1.314 0.146 0.122v-1.36 0.154 0.107v-0.252 0.489 -0.649v-0.252 -0.154 -0.571v0.235 0.489 -0.649v-0.451 0.384 -0.301v0.036 0.384 -0.301v-0.053 0.384 -0.301v0.434 0.384 -0.301v0.235 -0.142 -0.568v0.279 1.221 -1.155v0.222 1.476 -1.243v0.336 1.476 -1.243v-0.258 1.221 -1.155v-0.201 1.476 -1.243v-0.315 1.476 -1.243v-0.706 -0.726 0.387v0.683 -0.709 0.382v n-0.86 -0.14 0.491n-0.181 -0.194 -0.964n0.196 -0.184 -0.963n0.855 -0.148 0.497n-0.843 0.102 -0.528n0.012 -0.036 -0.999n0.862 0.099 -0.496n0.551 0.428 0.716n-0.569 0.411 0.713n-0.01 0.84 0.543n0.001 0.917 -0.398n0.831 0.206 -0.516n-0.822 0.177 -0.542n0.001 -0.516 -0.856n0.419 -0.033 0.907n-0.42 -0.023 0.907n0 -0.957 -0.288n-0.859 -0.062 -0.508n-0.858 -0.066 -0.509n0 -0.448 0.894n0 0.958 0.288n0 -0.452 0.892n0.859 -0.062 -0.508n0.858 -0.066 -0.509n0.229 0.958 -0.175n-0.657 -0.623 -0.424n0.865 -0.375 -0.335n-0.21 0.96 -0.187n0.676 -0.62 -0.398n-0.865 -0.365 -0.344n-0.064 -0.222 -0.973n0.089 -0.248 -0.965n0.017 -0.467 -0.884n-0.014 -0.466 -0.885n0 -0.327 -0.945 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nset [&boss_3_mouthopen v] to (*model_id)\nLoad model [3m1] size [200] data [v-0.79 0.507 -0.808v0.016 0.84 -0.892v0.793 0.507 -0.806v-0.003 0.514 0.726v-0.511 1.41 -0.728v0.54 1.41 -0.715v0.853 1.41 -0.124v-0.849 1.41 -0.145v0.005 1.369 -0.687v0.288 2.04 -0.628v-0.269 2.04 -0.653v0.009 0.585 -0.853v1.375 0.507 0.005v-1.423 0.514 -0.006v-0.264 0.581 -0.649v-0.264 0 -0.408v0.246 0.581 -0.649v-0.472 0.581 -0.288v0.038 0.581 -0.288v-0.056 0.581 -0.288v0.454 0.581 -0.288v0.246 0.012 -0.408v0.292 1.526 -0.848v0.232 1.787 -0.848v0.351 1.787 -0.848v-0.27 1.526 -0.848v-0.21 1.787 -0.848v-0.329 1.787 -0.848v-0.739 0.004 -0.029v0.715 0.014 -0.028v n-0.827 -0.366 0.426n-0.158 0.136 -0.978n0.171 0.146 -0.974n0.821 -0.378 0.428n-0.826 0.297 -0.478n0.012 0.287 -0.958n0.848 0.282 -0.449n0.533 0.178 0.827n-0.551 0.161 0.819n-0.009 0.693 0.721n0.001 0.997 -0.073n0.816 0.385 -0.432n-0.806 0.365 -0.466n0.001 -0.514 -0.858n0.382 -0.56 0.735n-0.384 -0.548 0.744n0 -1 0n-0.848 -0.202 -0.49n-0.847 -0.206 -0.489n0 -0.202 0.979n0 1 0n0 -0.206 0.979n0.848 -0.202 -0.49n0.847 -0.206 -0.489n0.003 1 -0.003n-0.55 -0.717 -0.428n0.76 -0.522 -0.387n0.003 1 -0.006n0.561 -0.723 -0.403n-0.767 -0.504 -0.397n-0.061 0.112 -0.992n0.086 0.084 -0.993n0.045 -0.152 -0.987n-0.041 -0.15 -0.988n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3m3] size [200] data [v-0.79 0.46 -0.808v0.016 0.841 -0.892v0.793 0.46 -0.806v-0.003 0.514 0.726v-0.511 1.421 -0.728v0.54 1.421 -0.715v0.853 1.421 -0.124v-0.849 1.421 -0.145v0.005 1.38 -0.687v0.288 2.059 -0.628v-0.269 2.059 -0.653v0.009 0.531 -0.853v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.514 -0.006v-0.264 0.583 -0.649v-0.264 -0.006 -0.408v0.246 0.583 -0.649v-0.472 0.583 -0.288v0.038 0.583 -0.288v-0.056 0.583 -0.288v0.454 0.583 -0.288v0.246 0.006 -0.408v0.292 1.538 -0.848v0.232 1.803 -0.848v0.351 1.803 -0.848v-0.27 1.538 -0.848v-0.21 1.803 -0.848v-0.329 1.803 -0.848v-0.739 -0.002 -0.029v0.715 0.008 -0.028v n-0.828 -0.352 0.437n-0.163 0.129 -0.978n0.176 0.138 -0.974n0.821 -0.363 0.44n-0.831 0.281 -0.48n0.012 0.282 -0.959n0.852 0.267 -0.451n0.534 0.176 0.827n-0.551 0.16 0.819n-0.009 0.688 0.726n0.001 0.997 -0.074n0.817 0.381 -0.432n-0.807 0.361 -0.467n0.001 -0.547 -0.837n0.383 -0.556 0.738n-0.385 -0.543 0.746n0 -1 0n-0.849 -0.2 -0.49n-0.848 -0.204 -0.489n0 -0.2 0.98n0 1 0n0 -0.204 0.979n0.849 -0.2 -0.49n0.848 -0.204 -0.489n-0.019 0.999 -0.045n-0.562 -0.727 -0.395n0.758 -0.538 -0.369n0.025 0.999 -0.048n0.573 -0.732 -0.368n-0.765 -0.52 -0.379n-0.061 0.111 -0.992n0.086 0.083 -0.993n0.049 -0.126 -0.991n-0.045 -0.124 -0.991n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3m5] size [200] data [v-0.79 0.387 -0.808v0.016 0.842 -0.892v0.793 0.387 -0.806v-0.003 0.515 0.726v-0.511 1.438 -0.728v0.54 1.438 -0.715v0.853 1.438 -0.124v-0.849 1.438 -0.145v0.005 1.396 -0.687v0.288 2.088 -0.628v-0.269 2.088 -0.653v0.009 0.448 -0.853v1.375 0.508 0.005v-1.423 0.515 -0.006v-0.264 0.585 -0.649v-0.264 -0.015 -0.408v0.246 0.585 -0.649v-0.472 0.585 -0.288v0.038 0.585 -0.288v-0.056 0.585 -0.288v0.454 0.585 -0.288v0.246 -0.002 -0.408v0.292 1.557 -0.848v0.232 1.827 -0.848v0.351 1.827 -0.848v-0.27 1.557 -0.848v-0.21 1.827 -0.848v-0.329 1.827 -0.848v-0.739 -0.011 -0.029v0.715 0 -0.028v n-0.828 -0.331 0.452n-0.17 0.12 -0.978n0.184 0.128 -0.975n0.822 -0.342 0.456n-0.836 0.258 -0.484n0.012 0.275 -0.961n0.857 0.245 -0.453n0.534 0.173 0.828n-0.552 0.157 0.819n-0.009 0.682 0.732n0.001 0.997 -0.076n0.819 0.375 -0.434n-0.809 0.355 -0.468n0.001 -0.606 -0.795n0.386 -0.549 0.742n-0.387 -0.536 0.75n0 -1 0n-0.849 -0.196 -0.49n-0.848 -0.2 -0.49n0 -0.196 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.2 0.98n0.849 -0.196 -0.49n0.848 -0.2 -0.49n-0.053 0.993 -0.11n-0.58 -0.74 -0.34n0.752 -0.565 -0.339n0.058 0.992 -0.112n0.59 -0.745 -0.312n-0.76 -0.548 -0.349n-0.061 0.109 -0.992n0.086 0.082 -0.993n0.052 -0.099 -0.994n-0.049 -0.097 -0.994n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3m7] size [200] data [v-0.79 0.312 -0.808v0.016 0.843 -0.892v0.793 0.312 -0.806v-0.003 0.516 0.726v-0.511 1.456 -0.728v0.54 1.456 -0.715v0.853 1.456 -0.124v-0.849 1.456 -0.145v0.005 1.413 -0.687v0.288 2.116 -0.628v-0.269 2.116 -0.653v0.009 0.362 -0.853v1.375 0.509 0.005v-1.423 0.516 -0.006v-0.264 0.586 -0.649v-0.264 -0.024 -0.408v0.246 0.586 -0.649v-0.472 0.586 -0.288v0.038 0.586 -0.288v-0.056 0.586 -0.288v0.454 0.586 -0.288v0.246 -0.011 -0.408v0.292 1.577 -0.848v0.232 1.851 -0.848v0.351 1.851 -0.848v-0.27 1.577 -0.848v-0.21 1.851 -0.848v-0.329 1.851 -0.848v-0.739 -0.019 -0.029v0.715 -0.009 -0.028v n-0.828 -0.313 0.466n-0.176 0.111 -0.978n0.19 0.119 -0.974n0.821 -0.323 0.47n-0.841 0.239 -0.486n0.012 0.269 -0.963n0.861 0.226 -0.456n0.534 0.17 0.828n-0.552 0.154 0.82n-0.009 0.675 0.738n0.001 0.997 -0.077n0.821 0.37 -0.435n-0.811 0.35 -0.469n0.001 -0.677 -0.736n0.388 -0.542 0.746n-0.389 -0.529 0.754n0 -1 0n-0.85 -0.193 -0.491n-0.849 -0.197 -0.49n0 -0.193 0.981n0 1 0n0 -0.197 0.98n0.85 -0.193 -0.491n0.849 -0.197 -0.49n-0.087 0.981 -0.176n-0.597 -0.751 -0.28n0.744 -0.595 -0.302n0.091 0.98 -0.177n0.605 -0.756 -0.251n-0.753 -0.578 -0.314n-0.061 0.107 -0.992n0.086 0.08 -0.993n0.055 -0.082 -0.995n-0.051 -0.08 -0.995n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\nLoad model [3m9] size [200] data [v-0.79 0.261 -0.808v0.016 0.844 -0.892v0.793 0.261 -0.806v-0.003 0.516 0.726v-0.511 1.467 -0.728v0.54 1.467 -0.715v0.853 1.467 -0.124v-0.849 1.467 -0.145v0.005 1.424 -0.687v0.288 2.135 -0.628v-0.269 2.135 -0.653v0.009 0.304 -0.853v1.375 0.509 0.005v-1.423 0.516 -0.006v-0.264 0.588 -0.649v-0.264 -0.03 -0.408v0.246 0.588 -0.649v-0.472 0.588 -0.288v0.038 0.588 -0.288v-0.056 0.588 -0.288v0.454 0.588 -0.288v0.246 -0.016 -0.408v0.292 1.589 -0.848v0.232 1.867 -0.848v0.351 1.867 -0.848v-0.27 1.589 -0.848v-0.21 1.867 -0.848v-0.329 1.867 -0.848v-0.739 -0.025 -0.029v0.715 -0.014 -0.028v n-0.827 -0.301 0.474n-0.179 0.106 -0.978n0.194 0.114 -0.974n0.821 -0.311 0.479n-0.843 0.227 -0.488n0.012 0.265 -0.964n0.863 0.215 -0.457n0.534 0.168 0.829n-0.552 0.152 0.82n-0.009 0.671 0.741n0.001 0.997 -0.078n0.823 0.366 -0.435n-0.812 0.346 -0.47n0.001 -0.732 -0.682n0.389 -0.538 0.748n-0.39 -0.525 0.756n0 -1 0n-0.85 -0.191 -0.491n-0.849 -0.195 -0.49n0 -0.191 0.982n0 1 0n0 -0.195 0.981n0.85 -0.191 -0.491n0.849 -0.195 -0.49n-0.109 0.97 -0.219n-0.608 -0.758 -0.238n0.737 -0.617 -0.275n0.113 0.969 -0.22n0.614 -0.761 -0.208n-0.746 -0.601 -0.287n-0.061 0.106 -0.992n0.086 0.079 -0.993n0.056 -0.073 -0.996n-0.053 -0.071 -0.996n0 0 -1 ufff1 4 8 1f2 1 5 2f3 2 6 3f4 3 7 4f1 8 5 5f2 5 6 6f3 6 7 7f8 9 11 8f9 7 10 9f7 8 4 10f9 8 7 11f7 6 10 12f5 8 11 13f12 3 1 14f4 30 13 15f14 29 4 16f15 20 18 17f18 15 16 18f17 22 19 19f20 18 16 20f17 19 21 21f19 22 21 22f15 20 16 23f21 22 17 24f3 4 13 25f1 29 14 26f4 29 1 27f4 1 14 28f13 30 3 29f3 30 4 30uf6 9 10 31f9 5 11 32uf3 12 2 33f2 12 1 34uf24 25 23 35f27 26 28 35 ]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [loadmeshes v]\nshow\nInit\nAdd All Meshes\nhide\nerase all\nSet Materials\nadd (~currentVertexCount) to [#vertexescount v]\nadd (~currentNormalCount) to [#normalscount v]\nadd (~currentFaceCount) to [#facescount v]\nadd (~currentMaterialCount) to [#materialcount v]\n\n@SkyBox\n\nwhen I receive [predraw v]\nDrawBackGround\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nInit\nr [1.25] w [480] h [360]\n\ndefine s (x) (y) i <i>\nswitch costume to (small v)\nset size to (((480) / (~ImageHeight)) * ((200) * (~SkyBoxRatio))) %\nswitch costume to (full v)\nRotate: pivot [0] [0] point (x) (y)\npoint in direction ((90) - (@CameraRotateZ))\ngo to x: (~getX) y: (~getY)\nswitch costume to (small v)\nset size to (((480) / (~ImageHeight)) * ((101) * (~SkyBoxRatio))) %\nif <i> then\n switch costume to (join (-SkyBoxName) [I])\nelse\n switch costume to (join (-SkyBoxName) [R])\nend\nstamp\n\ndefine DrawBackGround\nset [~negativerotx v] to ((() - (@CameraRotateX)) mod (360))\nset [~valuex v] to ((~negativeRotX) / (360))\nset [~valuey v] to (((@CameraRotateY) mod (360)) / (360))\nif <(~negativeRotX) < [180]> then\n s ((~valueY) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) (((~valueX) + (-0.5)) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i \n s (((~valueY) - (1)) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) (((~valueX) + (-0.5)) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i \n s ((~valueY) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) ((~valueX) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i <>\n s (((~valueY) - (1)) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) ((~valueX) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i <>\n stop [this script v]\nend\ns ((~valueY) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) (((~valueX) + (-1)) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i <>\ns (((~valueY) - (1)) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) (((~valueX) + (-1)) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i <>\ns ((~valueY) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) (((~valueX) + (-0.5)) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i \ns (((~valueY) - (1)) * (~skyBoxRealWidth)) (((~valueX) + (-0.5)) * (~skyBoxRealHeight)) i \n\ndefine Rotate: pivot (x) (y) point (xr) (yr)\nset [~getx v] to ((x) + ((((xr) - (x)) * (#CamCosZ)) - (((yr) - (y)) * (#CamSinZ))))\nset [~gety v] to ((y) + ((((yr) - (y)) * (#CamCosZ)) + (((xr) - (x)) * (#CamSinZ))))\n\ndefine r (r) w (w) h (h)\nset [~imagewidth v] to (w)\nset [~imageheight v] to (h)\nset [~skyboxratio v] to (r)\nset [~skyboxrealwidth v] to (((w) * ((480) / (h))) * (r))\nset [~skyboxrealheight v] to ((960) * (r))\n\n@Data\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nInit\nOptions\nScenes\nTest\n\ndefine Init\ndelete all of [@startcamera v]\nrepeat (6)\n add [0] to [@startcamera v]\nend\ndelete all of [-levelattributes v]\ndelete all of [#scenedata v]\ndelete all of [-levelattributesnames v]\nset [`numberofquads v] to [0]\nset [`triangledataperinst v] to [19]\nset [`trianglecollperinst v] to [6]\nset [^load_d_size v] to [12]\nset [`triangledistadd v] to [130]\nset [`linedistadd v] to [110]\nAdd Level Atribbutes names\nset [-numberoflevelattributes v] to (length of [-levelattributesnames v])\n\ndefine Options\nset [@lightambient v] to [20]\nset [@lightcontrast v] to [30]\nset [#maxdeltatime v] to [0.082]\nset [@focallength v] to [310]\nset [#mincameradist v] to [50]\nset [^gd_size v] to [12]\nset [^sd_size v] to [12]\nset [^td_size v] to [11]\nset [^ld_size v] to [8]\nset [^ad_size v] to [5]\nset [`maxmaterials v] to [10]\n\ndefine Scenes\nAdd Attributes to level - Level Type [1] music [1] light direction [-45]\nAdd Scene - name: [l1] data 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m;1;121;18;70;121;18;72;119;18;72;119;18;70;6561380;2;2;`46;`47;180;36;|m;1;117;18;72;117;18;70;115;18;70;115;18;72;6561380;2;2;`46;`47;180;108;|m;1;113;18;72;113;18;70;111;18;70;111;18;72;6561380;2;2;`46;`47;180;180;|m;1;109;18;72;109;18;70;107;18;70;107;18;72;6561380;2;2;`46;`47;180;252;|m;1;105;18;72;105;18;70;103;18;70;103;18;72;6561380;2;2;`46;`47;180;324;|m;1;119;18;70;119;18;72;117;18;72;117;18;70;16719615;2;2;`46;`47;180;72;|m;1;115;18;70;115;18;72;113;18;72;113;18;70;16719615;2;2;`46;`47;180;144;|m;1;111;18;70;111;18;72;109;18;72;109;18;70;16719615;2;2;`46;`47;180;216;|m;1;107;18;70;107;18;72;105;18;72;105;18;70;16719615;2;2;`46;`47;180;288;|d;0;105;17;110;109;-4;105;103;17;104;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;109;-4;105;103;17;104;106;17;101;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;109;-4;105;106;17;101;111;17;100;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;109;-4;105;111;17;100;114;17;104;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;109;-4;105;114;17;104;110;17;109;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;109;-4;105;110;17;109;105;17;110;7879690;2;-4;|b;1;161;23;38;166;21;38;166;21;44;161;23;44;13158450;-1;-4;9;|b;1;180;23;41;180;23;36;185;25;36;185;25;41;13158450;-1;-4;9;|b;1;187;23;41;187;23;36;191;23;36;191;23;41;13158450;-1;-4;9;|b;1;187;23;49;187;25;44;191;25;44;191;23;49;13158450;-1;-4;10;|b;1;178;26;70;178;23;64;183;23;64;183;26;70;13158450;-1;-4;10;|s;0;177;26;74;184;26;80;191;26;74;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;177;26;74;177;26;86;184;26;80;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;177;26;86;184;26;80;191;26;86;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;184;26;80;191;26;74;191;26;86;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;1;177;26;94;177;26;86;191;26;86;191;26;94;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;177;26;94;184;26;100;191;26;94;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;184;26;100;191;26;94;191;26;107;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;184;26;100;191;26;107;177;26;107;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;0;184;26;100;177;26;107;177;26;94;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;1;182;32;144;182;24;138;186;24;138;186;32;144;-2600427340;2;-4;|s;1;182;24;138;182;26;124;186;26;124;186;24;138;-2600427340;2;-4;|0;1;180;32;151;182;32;144;186;32;144;188;32;151;8388479;2;-4;|0;0;188;32;151;184;32;156;180;32;151;8388479;2;-4;|0;1;180;32;151;184;32;156;175;32;157;171;32;152;8388479;2;-4;|0;1;180;32;151;171;32;152;175;32;147;182;32;144;8388479;2;-4;|c;1;162;32;146;166;32;146;166;32;150;162;32;150;6563850;-2;-4;`84;`81;`82;90;|c;1;154;32;154;158;32;154;158;32;158;154;32;158;6563850;-2;-4;`83;`81;`82;90;|r;1;162;32;154;166;32;154;166;32;158;162;32;158;6563850;-2;-4;`81;0;90;0;0;0;0;|r;1;154;32;146;158;32;146;158;32;150;154;32;150;6563850;-2;-4;`81;0;90;0;0;0;0;|r;1;145;32;145;150;32;145;150;32;149;145;32;149;6563850;-2;-4;`85;30;0;0;0;0;0;|r;1;145;32;155;150;32;155;150;32;159;145;32;159;6563850;-2;-4;`85;30;0;0;0;0;0;|r;1;134;28;149;134;34;149;140;34;149;140;28;149;6563850;-2;-4;`86;30;0;30;0;0;0;|m;1;121;32;150;121;32;146;127;32;146;127;32;150;6563850;-2;-4;`88;`87;27;0;|0;1;127;40;152;127;32;152;120;32;152;120;40;152;-3432765430;-2;-4;|0;1;120;40;152;120;32;152;112;32;152;112;40;152;-3432765430;-2;-4;|0;1;112;40;152;112;32;152;104;32;152;104;40;152;-3432765430;-2;-4;|0;1;104;40;152;104;32;152;96;32;152;96;40;152;-3432765430;-2;-4;|m;1;111;32;146;111;32;150;105;32;150;105;32;146;6563850;-2;-4;`88;`87;27;30;|m;1;113;32;146;119;32;146;119;32;150;113;32;150;6563850;-2;-4;`88;`87;27;15;|m;1;97;32;146;103;32;146;103;32;150;97;32;150;6563850;-2;-4;`88;`87;27;45;|0;1;89;32;148;92;32;152;88;32;156;84;32;152;8388479;2;-4;|0;0;81;32;149;89;32;148;84;32;152;8388479;2;-4;|0;0;84;32;152;88;32;156;81;32;155;8388479;2;-4;|0;1;81;32;149;84;32;152;81;32;155;78;32;152;8388479;2;-4;|r;1;140;28;149;140;34;149;140;34;155;140;28;155;6563850;-2;-4;`86;30;0;30;0;0;0;|r;1;134;28;149;134;28;155;134;34;155;134;34;149;6563850;-2;-4;`86;30;0;30;0;0;0;|r;1;134;34;155;134;34;149;140;34;149;140;34;155;6563850;-2;-4;`86;30;0;30;0;0;0;|r;1;140;28;149;134;28;149;134;28;155;140;28;155;6563850;-2;-4;`86;30;0;30;0;0;0;|r;1;140;28;155;140;34;155;134;34;155;134;28;155;6563850;-2;-4;`86;30;0;30;0;0;0;|d;1;73;32;148;74;32;148;74;32;156;73;32;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;73;32;148;73;33;148;73;33;156;73;32;156;6579300;0;1;|d;1;72;33;156;73;33;156;73;33;148;72;33;148;13158600;0;1;|d;1;72;33;156;72;34;156;72;34;148;72;33;148;6579300;0;1;|d;1;72;34;156;71;34;156;71;34;148;72;34;148;13158600;0;1;|d;1;71;34;156;71;35;156;71;35;148;71;34;148;6579300;0;1;|d;1;71;35;148;70;35;148;70;35;156;71;35;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;70;36;156;70;35;156;70;35;148;70;36;148;6579300;0;1;|d;1;70;36;156;69;36;156;69;36;148;70;36;148;13158600;0;1;|d;1;69;37;156;69;36;156;69;36;148;69;37;148;6579300;0;1;|d;1;69;37;148;68;37;148;68;37;156;69;37;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;68;37;156;68;37;148;68;38;148;68;38;156;6579300;0;1;|d;1;68;38;156;68;38;148;67;38;148;67;38;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;67;39;156;67;38;156;67;38;148;67;39;148;6579300;0;1;|d;1;67;39;156;67;39;148;66;39;148;66;39;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;66;39;156;66;40;156;66;40;148;66;39;148;6579300;0;1;|d;1;66;40;148;65;40;148;65;40;156;66;40;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;65;40;148;65;41;148;65;41;156;65;40;156;6579300;0;1;|d;1;65;41;148;64;41;148;64;41;156;65;41;156;13158600;0;1;|d;1;64;41;148;64;42;148;64;42;156;64;41;156;6579300;0;1;|d;1;64;42;148;63;42;148;63;42;156;64;42;156;13158600;0;1;|0;0;74;32;148;78;32;152;74;32;156;13158600;0;1;|0;0;74;32;148;81;32;149;78;32;152;13158600;0;1;|0;0;78;32;152;81;32;155;74;32;156;13158600;0;1;|inv;1;74;32;148;74;32;156;64;42;156;64;42;148;13158600;0;1;0;|0;1;55;42;148;63;42;148;63;42;156;55;42;156;13158600;0;1;|0;0;55;42;148;50.5;42;152;55;42;156;13158600;0;1;|0;0;55;42;148;46;42;147;50.5;42;152;13158600;0;1;|0;0;50.5;42;152;46;42;157;55;42;156;13158600;0;1;|d;0;180;0;151;175;32;147;182;32;144;7879690;2;-4;|0;1;46;42;147;42;42;151;42;42;153;46;42;157;13158600;0;-4;|0;0;46;42;147;50.5;42;152;46;42;157;13158600;0;1;|d;0;180;0;151;182;32;144;186;32;144;7879690;2;-4;|mtf;1;198;44;157;195;44;157;195;44;154;198;44;154;13158600;0;1;1;`93;`101;|mtf;1;198;44;150;195;44;150;195;44;147;198;44;147;6579300;0;1;1;`94;`100;|mtf;1;206;44;158;202;44;158;202;44;154;206;44;154;13158600;0;1;1;`96;`99;|mtf;1;206;44;150;202;44;150;202;44;146;206;44;146;6579300;0;1;1;`95;`102;|mtf;1;213;44;157;209;44;157;209;44;154;213;44;154;6579300;0;1;1;`97;`104;|mtf;1;213;44;150;209;44;150;209;44;147;213;44;147;13158600;0;1;1;`98;`103;|0;1;226;40;147;225;40;156;219;40;154;220;40;149;13158600;0;1;|0;1;38;42;147;40;42;151;42;42;151;46;42;147;13158600;0;-4;|0;1;40;42;153;42;42;153;46;42;157;38;42;157;13158600;0;-4;|0;1;40;42;151;40;42;153;38;42;157;38;42;147;13158600;0;-4;|0;1;219;40;143;220;40;149;226;40;147;227;40;143;13158600;0;1;|0;1;226;40;139;227;40;143;219;40;143;222;40;139;13158600;0;1;|0;1;226;41;138;226;41;139;222;41;139;222;41;138;13158600;0;1;|0;1;226;43;136;226;43;137;222;43;137;222;43;136;13158600;0;1;|0;1;226;42;137;226;42;138;222;42;138;222;42;137;13158600;0;1;|0;1;226;40;139;226;41;139;222;41;139;222;40;139;6579300;0;1;|0;1;226;41;138;226;42;138;222;42;138;222;41;138;6579300;0;1;|0;1;226;42;137;226;43;137;222;43;137;222;42;137;6579300;0;1;|0;1;228;43;134;228;43;136;226;43;136;226;43;134;6579300;0;1;|0;1;224;43;134;224;43;136;222;43;136;222;43;134;6579300;0;1;|0;1;222;43;132;222;43;134;220;43;134;220;43;132;6579300;0;1;|0;1;224;43;130;224;43;132;222;43;132;222;43;130;6579300;0;1;|0;1;222;43;128;222;43;130;220;43;130;220;43;128;6579300;0;1;|0;1;226;43;132;226;43;134;224;43;134;224;43;132;6579300;0;1;|0;1;228;43;130;228;43;132;226;43;132;226;43;130;6579300;0;1;|0;1;226;43;128;226;43;130;224;43;130;224;43;128;6579300;0;1;|0;1;226;43;134;226;43;136;224;43;136;224;43;134;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;222;43;134;222;43;136;220;43;136;220;43;134;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;224;43;132;224;43;134;222;43;134;222;43;132;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;228;43;132;228;43;134;226;43;134;226;43;132;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;228;43;128;228;43;130;226;43;130;226;43;128;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;226;43;130;226;43;132;224;43;132;224;43;130;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;224;43;128;224;43;130;222;43;130;222;43;128;16777215;0;-4;|0;1;222;43;130;222;43;132;220;43;132;220;43;130;16777215;0;-4;|d;0;180;0;151;186;32;144;188;32;151;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;180;0;151;188;32;151;184;32;156;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;180;0;151;184;32;156;175;32;157;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;180;0;151;175;32;157;171;32;152;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;180;0;151;171;32;152;175;32;147;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;85;12;152;81;32;149;89;32;148;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;85;12;152;89;32;148;92;32;152;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;85;12;152;92;32;152;88;32;156;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;85;12;152;88;32;156;81;32;155;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;85;12;152;81;32;155;78;32;152;7879690;2;-4;|d;0;85;12;152;78;32;152;81;32;149;7879690;2;-4;|~]\n\ndefine Add Scene - name: (name) data (data)\nadd (data) to [#scenedata v]\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v] with (~testX)\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v] with (~testY)\n replace item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v] with (~testZ)\nend\n\nwhen [g v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [~testx v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectx v])\n set [~testy v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjecty v])\n set [~testz v] to (item (-PlayerGameObjectID) of [@gameobjectz v])\nend\n\ndefine Add Attributes to level - Level Type (type) music (music) light direction (lightdir)\nadd (type) to [-levelattributes v]\nadd (music) to [-levelattributes v]\nadd (lightdir) to [-levelattributes v]\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\nDelete So Game Can Save\n\ndefine Delete So Game Can Save\ndelete all of [@startcamera v]\ndelete all of [-levelattributes v]\ndelete all of [#scenedata v]\ndelete all of [-levelattributesnames v]\n\ndefine Add Level Atribbutes names\nadd [type] to [-levelattributesnames v]\nadd [music] to [-levelattributesnames v]\nadd [lightDir] to [-levelattributesnames v]\n\n@UI\n\ndefine Mobile Controls\nif <(--MobileControls) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#9a9a9a)\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n set pen size to ((JoystickSize) * (2))\n go to x: (JoystickCenterX) y: (JoystickCenterY)\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen (transparency v) to (50)\n set pen size to (JoystickSize)\n go to x: ((JoystickCenterX) + ((JoystickVx) * (JoystickSize))) y: ((JoystickCenterY) + ((JoystickVy) * (JoystickSize)))\n pen down\n pen up\n set pen color to (#9a9a9a)\n set pen (transparency v) to (60)\n set pen size to ((JoystickSize) * (2))\n go to x: (JumpCenterX) y: (JumpCenterY)\n pen down\n pen up\n set [ghost v] effect to ((40) - (<($JumpPressed) > [0]> * (50)))\n Draw Text [Jump] at (JumpCenterX) ((JumpCenterY) - (10)) size [1.5] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0.5]\n if <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n set pen color to (#860074)\n set pen (transparency v) to (70)\n set pen size to (0)\n go to x: (-15) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - (10))\n pen down\n set pen size to (20)\n go to x: (15) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - (10))\n pen up\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen (transparency v) to (30)\n set pen size to (0)\n go to x: (-4) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - (5))\n pen down\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: (-4) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - (15))\n pen up\n set pen size to (0)\n go to x: (4) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - (5))\n pen down\n set pen size to (4)\n go to x: (4) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - (15))\n pen up\n end\nend\n\ndefine Draw Text (text) at (x) (y) size (size) color [0 <-> 200] (color) brightness [-100 <-> 100] (brightness) align (0 - 1) (align)\nset [~cc v] to [0]\nset [color v] effect to (color)\nset [brightness v] effect to (brightness)\nswitch costume to (a v)\nset size to ((100) * (size)) %\ngo to x: ((x) - (((length of (text)) * ((size) * (13))) * (align))) y: (y)\nrepeat (length of (text))\n change [~cc v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (~cc) of (text))\n stamp\n change x by ((size) * (13))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [postdraw v]\nDraw In game\n\ndefine Draw In game\nif <not <(-cameraTriggerState) = [-1]>> then\n if <(-cameraTriggerState) < (-TriggerWait)> then\n Draw Cutscene border ((48) * ((-cameraTriggerState) / (-TriggerWait)))\n else\n Draw Cutscene border [48]\n end\nelse\n if <not <(-CameraHasFocus) = [0]>> then\n Draw Cutscene border ((48) * (-CameraFocusState))\n else\n if <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n Reset\n Stamp costume [frameFPS] at ((0) - (--CanvasSizeX)) (--CanvasSizeY) size [100]\n Draw Text (join [FPS: ] (#FPS)) at ((2) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (18)) size [1] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\n end\n if <(-BossType) = [0]> then\n Reset\n Stamp costume [frameCoin] at (--CanvasSizeX) (--CanvasSizeY) size [100]\n Draw Text (join (-CoinsScore) (join [/] (-MaxCoins))) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (40)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (24)) size [1] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [1]\n Reset\n Stamp costume [c0] at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (20)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (16)) size [8]\n if <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [1]> then\n Draw Time Trial Game\n end\n else\n Draw Boss UI\n end\n Draw Sign Text\n end\nend\nMobile Controls\nif <(-ResetMode) > [0]> then\n if <(-ResetMode) = [1]> then\n Draw Transition ((100) - (((100) / (-ResetLength)) * (-ResetState)))\n else\n Draw Transition (((100) / (-ResetLength)) * (-ResetState))\n end\nend\nDraw Pause\nif <(-TransitionScenes) > [0]> then\n Draw Transition ((100) - ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100)))\nend\n\ndefine Draw Cutscene border (size)\nswitch costume to (black v)\nset pen color to (#000000)\nset pen size to (size)\ngo to x: (() - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - ((size) / (2)))\npen down\ngo to x: (--CanvasSizeX) y: ((--CanvasSizeY) - ((size) / (2)))\npen up\ngo to x: (() - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (((size) / (2)) - (--CanvasSizeY))\npen down\ngo to x: (--CanvasSizeX) y: (((size) / (2)) - (--CanvasSizeY))\npen up\n\ndefine Draw Boss UI\nReset\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nStamp costume [BossFrame] at ((0) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((0) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [100]\nStamp costume (join [Boss] (-BossType)) at ((30) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((20) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [100]\nswitch costume to (bosshealth v)\ngo to x: ((25) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: ((12) - (--CanvasSizeY))\nif <(-BossVisualHealth) > (-BossHealth)> then\n change [-bossvisualhealth v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) / (4)))\n if <(-BossVisualHealth) < (-BossHealth)> then\n set [-bossvisualhealth v] to (-BossHealth)\n end\nend\nrepeat (-BossHealth)\n change x by (30)\n stamp\n change [color v] effect by ((80) / (-BossMaxHealth))\nend\nif <((-BossVisualHealth) - (-BossHealth)) > [0]> then\n change x by (30)\n if <((timer) mod (0.2)) > [0.1]> then\n stamp\n end\n change [color v] effect by ((80) / (-BossMaxHealth))\nend\n\ndefine Draw Transition (transparency)\nset pen color to (#000000)\nset pen (transparency v) to (transparency)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset pen size to (1500)\npen down\npen up\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nInit\n\ndefine Level Select Draw\nif <(-MainMenuRoom) = [2]> then\n if <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n Level Select Scroll\n end\n Level Select Background\n Reset\n Stamp costume [LevelSelectBar2] at [0] ((--CanvasSizeY) - (35)) size [100]\n Stamp costume [LevelSelectBar] at [0] ((35) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [100]\n Stamp costume [c0] at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (20)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (36)) size [10]\n set [!getid v] to (((-LevelMenuSelected) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n Draw Text (join ((-TotalCoins) - (-CoinsEarned)) (join [/] (-TotalMaximumCoins))) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (38)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (46)) size [1.2] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [1]\n Draw Time Shard Count\n if <(-LevelMenuSelected) = [0]> then\n if <(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [1]> then\n Reset\n Stamp costume [NameHolder] at [0] ((--CanvasSizeY) - (37)) size [100]\n Draw Text (join (--PerctangeCompleted) [%]) at [0] ((--CanvasSizeY) - (43)) size [1] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0.5]\n end\n else\n Reset\n Stamp costume [NameHolder] at [0] ((--CanvasSizeY) - (37)) size [100]\n Draw Text (item ((!getID) + (8)) of [-leveldata v]) at [0] ((--CanvasSizeY) - (43)) size [1] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0.5]\n if <(item ((!getID) + (7)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]> then\n Reset\n Stamp costume [c0] at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (20)) ((52) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [10]\n Draw Text (join (item ((!getID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v]) (join [/] (item ((!getID) + (2)) of [-leveldata v]))) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (40)) ((43) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [1.2] color [0 <-> 200] [20] brightness [-100 <-> 100] ((<(item ((!getID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v]) = [0]> * (70)) + (30)) align (0 - 1) [1]\n if <(-LevelsUnlocked) > (-LevelMenuSelected)> then\n Time Trial Part level Select\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(-TransitionScenes) > [0]> then\n Draw Transition ((100) - ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nLevel Select Draw\n\ndefine Go To (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset size to (100000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (black v)\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine Reset\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [unselectlevel v]\nUnselect\n\ndefine Level Select Background\nReset\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [1]> then\n set [whirl v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (200))\nend\nGo To ((-480) - ((-LevelSelectScroll) * (0.5333333))) [0]\nswitch costume to (r1 v)\nset size to (101) %\nstamp\nGo To ((0) - ((-LevelSelectScroll) * (0.5333333))) [0]\nswitch costume to (r12 v)\nset size to (101) %\nstamp\nGo To ((480) - ((-LevelSelectScroll) * (0.5333333))) [0]\nswitch costume to (r123 v)\nset size to (101) %\nstamp\nGo To ((960) - ((-LevelSelectScroll) * (0.5333333))) [0]\nswitch costume to (r23 v)\nset size to (101) %\nstamp\nGo To ((1440) - ((-LevelSelectScroll) * (0.5333333))) [0]\nswitch costume to (r3 v)\nset size to (101) %\nstamp\nset [whirl v] effect to (0)\n\ndefine Unselect\nif <not <(-LevelMenuSelected) = [0]>> then\n set [-levelmenuselected v] to [0]\n set [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Time To String (seconds)\nif <(seconds) = [-1]> then\n set [!returnstring v] to [-:--:--]\nelse\n set [!returnstring v] to (join ([floor v] of ((seconds) / (60)) ) [:])\n set [!uitemp v] to ([floor v] of ((seconds) mod (60)) )\n if <(length of (!uiTemp)) = [1]> then\n set [!uitemp v] to (join [0] (!uiTemp))\n end\n set [!returnstring v] to (join (!returnString) (join (!uiTemp) [:]))\n set [!uitemp v] to ([floor v] of (((seconds) * (100)) - (([floor v] of (seconds) ) * (100))) )\n if <(length of (!uiTemp)) = [1]> then\n set [!uitemp v] to (join [0] (!uiTemp))\n end\n set [!returnstring v] to (join (!returnString) (!uiTemp))\nend\n\ndefine Time Trial Part level Select\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\nset pen size to (2)\ngo to x: ((10) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: ((26) - (--CanvasSizeY))\npen down\ngo to x: ((120) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: ((26) - (--CanvasSizeY))\npen up\nTime To String (item ((!getID) + (4)) of [-leveldata v])\nDraw Text (!returnString) at ((40) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((76) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nTime To String (item ((!getID) + (5)) of [-leveldata v])\nDraw Text (!returnString) at ((40) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((54) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nTime To String (item ((!getID) + (6)) of [-leveldata v])\nDraw Text (!returnString) at ((40) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((32) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nTime To String (item ((!getID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])\nDraw Text (!returnString) at ((40) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((8) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nset [!cloud_getlevelid v] to (item # of (-LevelMenuSelected) in [!leveltocloudlevel v])\nTime To String (item ((!Cloud_GetLevelID) * (2)) of [-besttimesdata v])\nDraw Text (join (join [World record - ] (!returnString)) (join [ - ] (item (((!Cloud_GetLevelID) * (2)) - (1)) of [-besttimesdata v]))) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (4)) ((11) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.6] color [0 <-> 200] [50] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [1]\nReset\nset [!uitemp2 v] to [0]\nif <not <(item ((!getID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]>> then\n if <not <(item ((!getID) + (6)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((!getID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n set [!uitemp2 v] to [1]\n else\n if <not <(item ((!getID) + (5)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((!getID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n set [!uitemp2 v] to [2]\n else\n if <not <(item ((!getID) + (4)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((!getID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n set [!uitemp2 v] to [3]\n else\n set [!uitemp2 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <not <(!uiTemp2) = [0]>> then\n Stamp costume (join [timeShard] (!uiTemp2)) at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((13) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [15]\nend\nStamp costume [timeShard1] at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((38) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [15]\nStamp costume [timeShard2] at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((60) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [15]\nStamp costume [timeShard3] at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((82) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [15]\n\ndefine Draw Time Shard Count\nReset\nStamp costume [timeShard1] at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (59)) size [15]\nStamp costume [timeShard2] at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (37)) size [15]\nStamp costume [timeShard3] at ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (15)) size [15]\nStamp costume [timeShardTrio] at ((90) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (37)) size [15]\nDraw Text (join [- ] ((item (3) of [-timeshardcount v]) - <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [3]>)) at ((35) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (20)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nDraw Text (join [- ] ((item (2) of [-timeshardcount v]) - <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [2]>)) at ((35) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (42)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nDraw Text (join [- ] ((item (1) of [-timeshardcount v]) - <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [1]>)) at ((35) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (64)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\nDraw Text (join [- ] ((item (4) of [-timeshardcount v]) - <not <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>>)) at ((110) - (--CanvasSizeX)) ((--CanvasSizeY) - (42)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0]\n\ndefine Level Select Scroll\nif <<<not <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [2]>> and <(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]>> and <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>> then\n if <(-LevelSelectScroll) > [0]> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((41) - (--CanvasSizeX))>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [-levelselectscroll v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (-240))\n if <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [1]> then\n broadcast (UnselectLevel v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(-LevelSelectScroll) < [1800]> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((--CanvasSizeX) - (41))>> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [-levelselectscroll v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (240))\n if <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [1]> then\n broadcast (UnselectLevel v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) > [0]> then\n if <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [1]> then\n change [-levelselectscroll v] by (((-LevelMapTarget) - (-LevelSelectScroll)) * ((#DeltaTime) * (3)))\n else\n change [-levelselectscroll v] by (((-LevelMapTarget) - (-LevelSelectScroll)) * ((#DeltaTime) * (1.5)))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Draw Time Trial Game\nif <not <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]>> then\n Reset\n set [ghost v] effect to (((1) - (-TimeTrialFinished)) * (100))\n Stamp costume [TimeTrialView] at [0] [0] size [100]\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TimeTrialFinished) * (100))\nset [color v] effect to (<(-TimeTrialFrozen) > [0]> * (-125))\nStamp costume [TimeFrame] at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (0)) ((0) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [100]\nStamp costume [timeTrial] at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (120)) ((22) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [100]\nswitch costume to (timetrial2 v)\ngo to x: ((--CanvasSizeX) - (120)) y: ((22) - (--CanvasSizeY))\npoint in direction ((((-TimeTrialTime) mod (60)) * (6)) + (90))\nstamp\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nTime To String (-TimeTrialTime)\nif <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]> then\n if <(-TimeTrialFrozen) = [0]> then\n Draw Text (!returnString) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (10)) ((14) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.9] color [0 <-> 200] [20] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [1]\n else\n Draw Text (!returnString) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (10)) ((5) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [20] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [1]\n Time To String (-TimeTrialFrozen)\n Draw Text (join [-] (!returnString)) at ((--CanvasSizeX) - (10)) ((25) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [0.8] color [0 <-> 200] [30] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [30] align (0 - 1) [1]\n end\nelse\n Draw Text (!returnString) at (((--CanvasSizeX) - (10)) * ((1) - (-TimeTrialFinished))) (((14) - (--CanvasSizeY)) * ((1) - (-TimeTrialFinished))) size ((0.9) + (-TimeTrialFinished)) color [0 <-> 200] [20] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) ((1) - ((-TimeTrialFinished) / (2)))\n if <not <(-CrystalScoreNew) = [0]>> then\n Reset\n set [ghost v] effect to (((1) - (-TimeTrialFinished)) * (100))\n set [brightness v] effect to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (90)) ) + (1)) * (10))\n Stamp costume (join [timeShard] (-CrystalScoreNew)) at [120] [10] size [50]\n Stamp costume (join [timeShard] (-CrystalScoreNew)) at [-120] [10] size [50]\n end\n if <(-IsNewRecord) = [1]> then\n Draw Text [BEST TIME!] at [0] [-70] size [2] color [0 <-> 200] [30] brightness [-100 <-> 100] ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (90)) ) * (30)) + (30)) align (0 - 1) [0.5]\n else\n if <(-IsNewRecord) = [2]> then\n Draw Text [WORLD RECORD!] at [0] [-70] size [2] color [0 <-> 200] [30] brightness [-100 <-> 100] ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (90)) ) * (30)) + (30)) align (0 - 1) [0.5]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(-TimeTrialWait) > [0]> then\n Reset\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (join [wait] ([ceiling v] of (-TimeTrialWait) ))\n if <([ceiling v] of (-TimeTrialWait) ) = (-TimeTrialWait)> then\n set size to ((1) * (200)) %\n else\n set size to (((-TimeTrialWait) - ([floor v] of (-TimeTrialWait) )) * (200)) %\n end\n stamp\nend\n\ndefine Stamp costume (costume) at (x) (y) size (size)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset size to (size) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nstamp\n\nwhen I receive [clickbutton v]\nset volume to (SFX Volume) %\nstart sound [Select v]\n\ndefine Draw Pause\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n Reset\n if <(-InGameMenu) < [2]> then\n Stamp costume [Pause0] at [0] [0] size [100]\n else\n if <(-InGameMenu) = [2]> then\n Stamp costume [Pause1] at [0] [0] size [100]\n else\n if <(-InGameMenu) = [3]> then\n Stamp costume [Pause2] at [0] [0] size [100]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Save Best Time on Cloud- Level (level) time (time)\nset [!cloud_getlevelid v] to (item # of (level) in [!leveltocloudlevel v])\nreplace item (((!Cloud_GetLevelID) * (2)) + (-1)) of [-besttimesdata v] with (username)\nreplace item ((!Cloud_GetLevelID) * (2)) of [-besttimesdata v] with (time)\nif <not <(!Cloud_GetLevelID) > [4]>> then\n Save Cloud Times - Starting from [0] number of elements [8] cloud var ID [1]\nelse\n Save Cloud Times - Starting from [8] number of elements [6] cloud var ID [2]\nend\n\ndefine Load Best Times\ndelete all of [-besttimesdata v]\nLoad Best Times from var (☁ -BestTimes\(1-4\))\nLoad Best Times from var (☁ -BestTimes\(5-8\))\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\ndelete all of [-besttimesdata v]\ndelete all of [!leveltocloudlevel v]\n\ndefine Reset Cloud Times\ndelete all of [-besttimesdata v]\nrepeat (7)\n add [ggenije] to [-besttimesdata v]\n add [599.99] to [-besttimesdata v]\nend\nSave Cloud Times - Starting from [0] number of elements [8] cloud var ID [1]\nSave Cloud Times - Starting from [8] number of elements [6] cloud var ID [2]\n\ndefine Save Cloud Times - Starting from (start) number of elements (enum) cloud var ID (id)\nset [!cloud_i v] to (start)\nset [!cloud_temp v] to []\nrepeat (enum)\n set [!cloud_j v] to [0]\n change [!cloud_i v] by (1)\n repeat (length of (item (!Cloud_i) of [-besttimesdata v]))\n change [!cloud_j v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (!Cloud_J) of (item (!Cloud_i) of [-besttimesdata v]))\n if <(costume [number v]) < [10]> then\n set [!cloud_temp v] to (join (!Cloud_temp) (join [0] (costume [number v])))\n else\n set [!cloud_temp v] to (join (!Cloud_temp) (costume [number v]))\n end\n end\n set [!cloud_temp v] to (join (!Cloud_temp) [01])\nend\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [☁ -besttimes\(1-4\) v] to (!Cloud_temp)\nelse\n set [☁ -besttimes\(5-8\) v] to (!Cloud_temp)\nend\n\ndefine Load Best Times from var (cloudvar)\nset [!cloud_temp v] to []\nset [!cloud_i v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of (cloudvar)) / (2))\n change [!cloud_i v] by (2)\n switch costume to (join (letter ((!Cloud_i) - (1)) of (cloudvar)) (letter (!Cloud_i) of (cloudvar)))\n if <(costume [name v]) = [`]> then\n add (!Cloud_temp) to [-besttimesdata v]\n set [!cloud_temp v] to []\n else\n set [!cloud_temp v] to (join (!Cloud_temp) (costume [name v]))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new record v]\nOn New Record\n\ndefine On New Record\nLoad Best Times\nset [!cloud_getlevelid v] to (item # of (\(Current Level\)) in [!leveltocloudlevel v])\nif <(\(Best Time\)) < (item ((!Cloud_GetLevelID) * (2)) of [-besttimesdata v])> then\n Save Best Time on Cloud- Level (\(Current Level\)) time (\(Best Time\))\n set [-isnewrecord v] to [2]\nend\n\ndefine Init\nhide\npen up\ndelete all of [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [1] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [2] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [4] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [5] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [7] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [8] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\nadd [10] to [!leveltocloudlevel v]\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nLoad Best Times\n\ndefine Draw Sign Text\nif <not <(-getSignText) = []>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((-signState) * (100))\n Stamp costume [SignTextHolder] at [0] ((32) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [100]\n Draw Text (-getSignText) at [0] ((25) - (--CanvasSizeY)) size [1] color [0 <-> 200] [0] brightness [-100 <-> 100] [100] align (0 - 1) [0.5]\nend\n\n@NotCompiled\n\nwhen I receive [notcompiled v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: ((70) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nshow list [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nshow list [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\nset [-mainmenuroom v] to [0.2]\nbroadcast (AskPerformance v) and wait\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@Slow\n\nwhen I receive [askperformance v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-110) y: ((50) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [5]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\n if <(--IsCompiled) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Medium v)\n else\n broadcast (Low v)\n end\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n broadcast (DynamicOFF v)\n broadcast (PC_Controls v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [low v]\nset [@resolution v] to [2]\nset [@engineusechunks v] to [1]\nset [--graphics v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [medium v]\nset [@resolution v] to [1]\nset [@engineusechunks v] to [1]\nset [--graphics v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@Fast\n\nwhen I receive [askperformance v]\nshow\ngo to x: (110) y: ((50) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [5]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\n if <(--IsCompiled) = [1]> then\n broadcast (High v)\n else\n broadcast (Medium v)\n end\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n broadcast (DynamicOFF v)\n broadcast (PC_Controls v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [high v]\nset [@resolution v] to [0]\nset [@engineusechunks v] to [0]\nset [--graphics v] to [2]\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@Mobile\n\nwhen I receive [askperformance v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: ((125) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [5]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\n broadcast (Low v)\n broadcast (DynamicON v)\n broadcast (Mobile_Controls v)\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [high v]\nset [@resolution v] to [0]\nset [@engineusechunks v] to [0]\nset [--graphics v] to [2]\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@New game\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nswitch costume to ((--IsNewGame) + (1))\nshow\ngo to x: ((120) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (50)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <<(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n if <(--IsNewGame) = [1]> then\n set [--isnewgame v] to [0]\n broadcast (NewGame v)\n else\n broadcast (OpenLevelSelect v)\n end\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\n@Load button\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nshow\ngo to x: ((120) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (10)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <<(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n set [-currentlysaveload v] to [1]\n broadcast (LoadGame v) and wait\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\n@Load Game\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\ndelete all of [-loadlist v]\n\ndefine Load (loaddata)\ndelete all of [-loadlist v]\nset [-saveloadtemp v] to []\nset [-saveloaditer v] to [0]\nset [--completedgame v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(-SaveLoadIter) > (length of (loaddata))>\n change [-saveloaditer v] by (1)\n if <(letter (-SaveLoadIter) of (loaddata)) = [;]> then\n add (-SaveLoadTemp) to [-loadlist v]\n set [-saveloadtemp v] to []\n else\n set [-saveloadtemp v] to (join (-SaveLoadTemp) (letter (-SaveLoadIter) of (loaddata)))\n end\nend\nset [-saveloadsecnum v] to [4324]\nset [-saveloaditer v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [-saveloaditer v] by (1)\n set [-saveloadsecnum v] to (((-SaveLoadSecNum) * ((((item (1) of [-loadlist v]) * (311)) + (item (((3) * (-SaveLoadIter)) - (1)) of [-loadlist v])) + (((item ((3) * (-SaveLoadIter)) of [-loadlist v]) * (100)) + (((item (((3) * (-SaveLoadIter)) + (1)) of [-loadlist v]) + (17)) * (375499))))) mod (99719))\nend\nif <(item (((10) * (3)) + (2)) of [-loadlist v]) = (-SaveLoadSecNum)> then\n set [-levelscompleted v] to (item (1) of [-loadlist v])\n if <(-LevelsCompleted) = [9]> then\n set [-levelsunlocked v] to [9]\n else\n if <(-LevelsCompleted) = [10]> then\n set [-levelsunlocked v] to [10]\n else\n set [-levelsunlocked v] to ((-LevelsCompleted) + (1))\n end\n end\n set [-saveloaditer v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [-saveloaditer v] by (1)\n set [-saveloadgetid v] to (((-SaveLoadIter) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n replace item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v] with (item (((3) * (-SaveLoadIter)) - (1)) of [-loadlist v])\n replace item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v] with (item ((3) * (-SaveLoadIter)) of [-loadlist v])\n replace item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v] with (item (((3) * (-SaveLoadIter)) + (1)) of [-loadlist v])\n end\n set [--isnewgame v] to [0]\n if <not <(-LevelsCompleted) < [9]>> then\n set [--completedgame v] to [1]\n end\n broadcast (OpenLevelSelect v)\nelse\n show\n set volume to (SFX Volume) %\n start sound [invalid v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loadgame v]\nhide\nask [Enter save code] and wait\nif <(answer) = [debug]> then\n set [--debug_mode v] to [1]\n Load [10;99;0;1;99;0;1;0;-1;1;99;1.64;1;99;0;1;0;-1;1;0;-1;1;0;-1;1;0;-1;1;0;-1;1;34538;]\nelse\n Load (answer)\nend\nset [-currentlysaveload v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\ngo to x: ((230) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (10)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\n@Options\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nshow\ngo to x: ((120) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (-30)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <<(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n if <(--InGame) = [1]> then\n set [-ingamemenu v] to [2]\n wait (0) seconds\n else\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [3]\n end\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n broadcast (Options v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nset [-mainmenuroom v] to [1]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nshow variable [music volume v]\nshow variable [sfx volume v]\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [areyousure v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\n@options back\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\nhide variable [music volume v]\nhide variable [sfx volume v]\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nhide variable [music volume v]\nhide variable [sfx volume v]\nif <(--InGame) = [1]> then\n set [-ingamemenu v] to [1]\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (OptionsBackInGame v) and wait\nelse\n broadcast (OptionsBack v) and wait\nend\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\n hide variable [music volume v]\n hide variable [sfx volume v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@Credits\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nUpdate Credits\n\ndefine Update Credits\ngo to x: (0) y: ((180) - (((mouse y) - (180)) * (1.6)))\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(--InGame) = [0]> then\n broadcast (CreditsBack v)\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\nend\n\n@CreditsButton\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nshow\ngo to x: ((120) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (-70)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <<(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Credits v)\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [4]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\n@StartLevel\n\nwhen I receive [levelselected v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: ((50) - (--CanvasSizeY))\nset [!getisboss v] to (item ((((-LevelMenuSelected) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData)) + (7)) of [-leveldata v])\nif <(!getIsBoss) = [-1]> then\n if <(-LevelsUnlocked) > (-LevelMenuSelected)> then\n switch costume to (start2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (start v)\n end\n set [!canplay v] to [1]\nelse\n if <(!getIsBoss) = [1]> then\n set [!canplay v] to (<not <(-TotalCoins) < [75]>> + ())\n else\n if <(!getIsBoss) = [2]> then\n set [!canplay v] to (<<not <(-TotalCoins) < [160]>> and <not <(item (4) of [-timeshardcount v]) < [2]>>> + ())\n else\n if <(!getIsBoss) = [3]> then\n set [!canplay v] to (<<not <(-TotalCoins) < [300]>> and <not <(item (4) of [-timeshardcount v]) < [4]>>> + ())\n end\n end\n end\n if <(!canPlay) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (start v)\n else\n switch costume to (join [Boss] (!getIsBoss))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n if <(!canPlay) = [1]> then\n set [-levelsunlocked v] to (-LevelToUnlock)\n Start Level (-LevelMenuSelected)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unselectlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startbutton v]\nset volume to (SFX Volume) %\nstart sound [StartLevel v]\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <<(!canPlay) = [1]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>>)\n\ndefine Start Level (level)\nset [-transitionscenestate v] to [1]\nset [-transitionscenes v] to [2]\nset [-timetriallevel v] to [0]\nset [--startlevel v] to (level)\nset [-transitionscenes v] to [1]\nset [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\nbroadcast (StartButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [newgameopenlevel v]\nStart Level [1]\n\nwhen I receive [startcustomlevel v]\nStart Level [-10]\n\n@Time Trial\n\nwhen I receive [levelselected v]\nif <<(item ((((-LevelMenuSelected) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData)) + (7)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]> and <(-LevelsUnlocked) > (-LevelMenuSelected)>> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: ((50) - (--CanvasSizeY))\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [-levelsunlocked v] to (-LevelToUnlock)\n set [-timetriallevel v] to [1]\n set [-timetrialwait v] to [3]\n set [-timetrialsound v] to [3]\n set [-timetrialfrozen v] to [0]\n set [-timetrialtime v] to [0]\n set [--startlevel v] to (-LevelMenuSelected)\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [1]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\n set [-timetrialfinished v] to [-1]\n broadcast (StartButton v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unselectlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@LevelSelection\n\ndefine Add Part To Map - Coord (x) (y) costume (costume) LevelID (level) levelTransition (transition)\nset [!clonex v] to (x)\nset [!cloney v] to (y)\nset [!cloneid v] to (costume)\nset [!levelid v] to (level)\nset [!rand v] to (pick random (1) to (360))\nset [!transition v] to (transition)\nif <not <(!LevelID) = [-1]>> then\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n replace item (level) of [-levelmappos v] with [0]\n else\n if <(x) > [1800]> then\n replace item (level) of [-levelmappos v] with [1800]\n else\n replace item (level) of [-levelmappos v] with (x)\n end\n end\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [!cloneid v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\nDelete All Data\n\ndefine On Open Level Select\nif <<not <(-LevelsCompleted) < [9]>> and <(--CompletedGame) = [0]>> then\n set [--completedgame v] to [1]\n broadcast (StartMenu v) and wait\n broadcast (Credits v)\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [4]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [-coinearnedtimer v] to [0]\nset [-mainmenuroom v] to [2]\nCalculate Items\nAdd Map Parts\nset [-leveltounlock v] to ((-LevelsCompleted) + (1))\nset [-levelselectscroll v] to (item (-CurrentLevel_ID) of [-levelmappos v])\nif <not <(-LevelsUnlocked) = (-LevelToUnlock)>> then\n if <<(-LevelToUnlock) < [10]> or <<(-LevelToUnlock) = [10]> and <not <(-ReturnStartCount) < [6]>>>> then\n set [-levelmaptarget v] to (item (-LevelToUnlock) of [-levelmappos v])\n set [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [2]\n else\n set [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [0]\n broadcast (ShowLevelSelectButtons v)\n end\nelse\n set [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [0]\n if <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]> then\n broadcast (ShowLevelSelectButtons v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nOn Open Level Select\n\ndefine Update\nif <(!CloneID) = [0]> then\n if <(-TransitionScenes) > [0]> then\n Transition Update\n else\n if <(-LevelToUnlock) > (-LevelsUnlocked)> then\n change [-levelsunlocked v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (1.2))\n if <(-LevelToUnlock) < (-LevelsUnlocked)> then\n set [-levelsunlocked v] to (-LevelToUnlock)\n end\n end\n if <(-CoinsEarned) > [0]> then\n change [-coinearnedtimer v] by (#DeltaTime)\n if <(-CoinEarnedTimer) > ((0.5) / (-CoinsEarned))> then\n set [-coinearnedtimer v] to [0]\n change [-coinsearned v] by (-1)\n start sound [coinEarn v]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n show\n Border ((!cloneX) - (-LevelSelectScroll)) ((25) + ((!cloneY) + (([sin v] of (((timer) * (90)) + (!rand)) ) * (10)))) amount [2]\n Go To ((!cloneX) - (-LevelSelectScroll)) ((25) + ((!cloneY) + (([sin v] of (((timer) * (90)) + (!rand)) ) * (10))))\n switch costume to (join [Level] (!CloneID))\n if <(!unlocked) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <not <(!LevelID) = [-1]>> then\n if <<<<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-LevelMenuSelected) = [0]>> and <(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]>> or <(-LevelMenuSelected) = (!LevelID)>> and <not <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [2]>>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n set size to (105) %\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(-LevelsUnlocked) < (!transition)>> then\n change [!unlocked v] by (#DeltaTime)\n if <(!unlocked) > [1]> then\n set [!unlocked v] to [1]\n if <not <(!LevelID) = [-1]>> then\n if <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [2]> then\n broadcast (ShowLevelSelectButtons v)\n end\n start sound [unlock v]\n set [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n set [brightness v] effect to ((-100) + ((!unlocked) * (100)))\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <(-TransitionScenes) > [0]> then\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) > [0]> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (() - ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100)))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nUpdate\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nStart As Clone\n\ndefine Go To (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (size v)\nset size to (100000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (full v)\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine Delete All Data\ndelete all of [-leveldata v]\ndelete all of [-levelmappos v]\ndelete all of [-timeshardcount v]\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine PreInit\nset [!cloneid v] to [0]\nhide\nDelete All Data\nrepeat (10)\n add [] to [-levelmappos v]\nend\nset [-levelselectscroll v] to [0]\nset [-levelsunlocked v] to [1]\nset [-leveltounlock v] to [1]\nset [-levelmenuselected v] to [0]\nset [-numberofleveldata v] to [9]\nset [-levelscompleted v] to [0]\nset [-currentlevel_id v] to [0]\nset [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [0]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [56] 3rdAwardTime [85] 2ndAwardTime [75] 1stAwardTime [65] IsBoss [-1] Name [Going boing]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [65] 3rdAwardTime [125] 2ndAwardTime [105] 1stAwardTime [85] IsBoss [-1] Name [Clank plank]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [0] 3rdAwardTime [-1] 2ndAwardTime [-1] 1stAwardTime [-1] IsBoss [1] Name [Dull bull]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [54] 3rdAwardTime [140] 2ndAwardTime [110] 1stAwardTime [90] IsBoss [-1] Name [Freeze breeze]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [52] 3rdAwardTime [95] 2ndAwardTime [75] 1stAwardTime [55] IsBoss [-1] Name [Fling ring]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [0] 3rdAwardTime [-1] 2ndAwardTime [-1] 1stAwardTime [-1] IsBoss [2] Name [Tech mech]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [84] 3rdAwardTime [145] 2ndAwardTime [120] 1stAwardTime [95] IsBoss [-1] Name [Jungle bungle]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [60] 3rdAwardTime [155] 2ndAwardTime [130] 1stAwardTime [105] IsBoss [-1] Name [Hope rope]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [0] 3rdAwardTime [-1] 2ndAwardTime [-1] 1stAwardTime [-1] IsBoss [3] Name [Slog frog]\nAdd Level - MaximumCoins [87] 3rdAwardTime [140] 2ndAwardTime [115] 1stAwardTime [95] IsBoss [-1] Name [Hide Guide]\nset [-totalmaximumcoins v] to [0]\nset [!iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [!iter v] by (1)\n set [!getlevelid v] to (((!iter) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n change [-totalmaximumcoins v] by (item ((!getLevelID) + (2)) of [-leveldata v])\nend\n\ndefine Add Level - MaximumCoins (maximumcoins) 3rdAwardTime (time3) 2ndAwardTime (time2) 1stAwardTime (time1) IsBoss (boss) Name (name)\nadd [0] to [-leveldata v]\nadd (maximumcoins) to [-leveldata v]\nadd [-1] to [-leveldata v]\nadd (time3) to [-leveldata v]\nadd (time2) to [-leveldata v]\nadd (time1) to [-leveldata v]\nadd (boss) to [-leveldata v]\nadd (name) to [-leveldata v]\nadd [0] to [-leveldata v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nPreInit\n\ndefine Border (x) (y) amount (amount)\nif <(-LevelMenuSelected) = (!LevelID)> then\n set [!iter v] to [0]\n repeat (17)\n Border Part ((x) + (([cos v] of (((360) / (17)) * (!iter)) ) * (amount))) ((y) + (([sin v] of (((360) / (17)) * (!iter)) ) * (amount)))\n change [!iter v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Border Part (x) (y)\nGo To (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (join [Level] (!CloneID))\nset size to (105) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nif <(-TransitionSceneState) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (((-TransitionSceneState) * (50)) + (50))\nend\nstamp\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\ndefine Calculate Items\nset [-totalcoins v] to [0]\nset [-returnstartcount v] to [0]\ndelete all of [-timeshardcount v]\nrepeat (4)\n add [0] to [-timeshardcount v]\nend\nset [!iter v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [!iter v] by (1)\n set [!getlevelid v] to (((!iter) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n change [-totalcoins v] by (item ((!getLevelID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v])\n change [-returnstartcount v] by (item ((!getLevelID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v])\n if <not <(item ((!getLevelID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]>> then\n if <not <(item ((!getLevelID) + (6)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((!getLevelID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n replace item (1) of [-timeshardcount v] with ((item (1) of [-timeshardcount v]) + (1))\n else\n if <not <(item ((!getLevelID) + (5)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((!getLevelID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n replace item (2) of [-timeshardcount v] with ((item (2) of [-timeshardcount v]) + (1))\n else\n if <not <(item ((!getLevelID) + (4)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((!getLevelID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v])>> then\n replace item (3) of [-timeshardcount v] with ((item (3) of [-timeshardcount v]) + (1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nreplace item (4) of [-timeshardcount v] with ((item (1) of [-timeshardcount v]) + ((item (2) of [-timeshardcount v]) + (item (3) of [-timeshardcount v])))\n\ndefine On Click\nif <<(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> and <<<not <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [2]>> and <(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]>> and <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>>> then\n if <not <(!LevelID) = [-1]>> then\n if <(!LevelID) = (-LevelMenuSelected)> then\n broadcast (UnselectLevel v)\n else\n if <(!unlocked) = [1]> then\n set [-levelmaphavetarget v] to [1]\n set [-levelmenuselected v] to (!LevelID)\n set [-levelmaptarget v] to (item (!LevelID) of [-levelmappos v])\n broadcast (LevelSelected v)\n play sound [LevelSelect v] until done\n else\n broadcast (UnselectLevel v)\n end\n end\n else\n broadcast (UnselectLevel v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Start As Clone\nif <not <(-LevelsUnlocked) < (!CloneID)>> then\n set [!unlocked v] to [1]\nelse\n set [!unlocked v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nOn Click\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [-leveltounlock v] to [9]\n set [-levelscompleted v] to [9]\nend\n\nwhen [n v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [-coinsscore v] to [99]\nend\n\ndefine Transition Update\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [4]> then\n change [-transitionscenestate v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (1)))\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) < [-0.2]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(-TransitionScenes) = [1]> then\n change [-transitionscenestate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (0.7))\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) > [1.5]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [2]\n set [--ingame v] to [1]\n set [--loading v] to [1]\n switch backdrop to (loading v)\n erase all\n hide\n set [-levelmenuselected v] to [0]\n stop all sounds\n broadcast (StartLevel v)\n end\n else\n if <(-TransitionScenes) = [5]> then\n change [-transitionscenestate v] by ((#DeltaTime) * (1))\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) > [1.5]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [6]\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [1]\n broadcast (StartMenu v)\n end\n else\n if <(-TransitionScenes) = [6]> then\n change [-transitionscenestate v] by (() - ((#DeltaTime) * (4)))\n if <(-TransitionSceneState) < [0]> then\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [b v] key pressed\nif <(--DEBUG_MODE) = [1]> then\n set [!iter v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [!iter v] by (1)\n set [!getlevelid v] to (((!iter) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n replace item ((!getLevelID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v] with [1]\n end\nend\nset [-levelscompleted v] to [10]\nset [-leveltounlock v] to [10]\n\ndefine Add Map Parts\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [-100] [0] costume [1] LevelID [1] levelTransition [1]\nif <<not <(-LevelsCompleted) < [9]>> and <not <(-ReturnStartCount) < [6]>>> then\n Add Part To Map - Coord [25] [0] costume [10] LevelID [10] levelTransition [10]\nelse\n Add Part To Map - Coord [-10] [0] costume [1.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [1.33]\n Add Part To Map - Coord [60] [0] costume [1.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [1.66]\nend\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [170] [0] costume [2] LevelID [2] levelTransition [2]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [270] [-20] costume [2.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [2.5]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [450] [0] costume [3] LevelID [3] levelTransition [3]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [650] [0] costume [4] LevelID [4] levelTransition [4]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [740] [0] costume [4.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [4.33]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [810] [0] costume [4.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [4.66]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [900] [0] costume [5] LevelID [5] levelTransition [5]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1000] [40] costume [5.25] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [5.33]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1050] [10] costume [5.75] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [5.66]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1150] [0] costume [6] LevelID [6] levelTransition [6]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1350] [0] costume [7] LevelID [7] levelTransition [7]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1450] [0] costume [7.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [7.5]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1585] [0] costume [8] LevelID [8] levelTransition [8]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1750] [0] costume [8.5] LevelID [-1] levelTransition [8.5]\nAdd Part To Map - Coord [1900] [0] costume [9] LevelID [9] levelTransition [9]\n\n@Right\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nUpdate\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Update\nif <<<<<<(-MainMenuRoom) = [2]> and <(-LevelSelectScroll) < [1800]>> and <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [0]>> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> and <(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]>> and <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>> then\n go to x: ((--CanvasSizeX) - (20)) y: (0)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startbutton v]\nhide\n\n@Left\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nUpdate\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Update\nif <<<<<<(-MainMenuRoom) = [2]> and <(-LevelSelectScroll) > [0]>> and <(-LevelMapHaveTarget) = [0]>> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> and <(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]>> and <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>> then\n go to x: ((20) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (0)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startbutton v]\nhide\n\n@Back to MM\n\nwhen I receive [levelselected v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unselectlevel v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [-mainmenuroom v] to [1]\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n broadcast (StartMenu v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [saveok v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-100) y: ((35) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [showlevelselectbuttons v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@OKsave\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\ndelete all of [save data \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into .txt file on your device\) v]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\nshow list [save data \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into .txt file on your device\) v]\nbroadcast (SaveOK v)\nset [-currentlysaveload v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\nshow\nhide list [save data \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into .txt file on your device\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nshow list [save data \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into .txt file on your device\) v]\ngo to x: (0) y: ((33) - (--CanvasSizeY))\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@Save\n\nwhen I receive [levelselected v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unselectlevel v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset [-currentlysaveload v] to [1]\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\nhide\nSave\nbroadcast (Save v)\n\nwhen I receive [saveok v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nset [-currentlysaveload v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (100) y: ((35) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\ndefine Save\nset [-saveloadtemp v] to []\nset [-saveloaditer v] to [0]\nset [-saveloadsecnum v] to [4324]\nset [-saveloadtemp v] to (join (-SaveLoadTemp) (join (-LevelsCompleted) [;]))\nset [--perctangecompleted v] to ((-LevelsCompleted) * (7))\nrepeat (10)\n change [-saveloaditer v] by (1)\n set [-saveloadgetid v] to (((-SaveLoadIter) - (1)) * (-NumberOfLevelData))\n set [-saveloadtemp v] to (join (-SaveLoadTemp) (join (join (item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v]) [;]) (join (join (item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) [;]) (join (item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v]) [;]))))\n set [-saveloadsecnum v] to (((-SaveLoadSecNum) * ((((-LevelsCompleted) * (311)) + (item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v])) + (((item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) * (100)) + (((item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (9)) of [-leveldata v]) + (17)) * (375499))))) mod (99719))\n if <(item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (7)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]> then\n change [--perctangecompleted v] by ((<not <(item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (3)) of [-leveldata v]) = [-1]>> * (3)) + (<not <(item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (1)) of [-leveldata v]) < (item ((-SaveLoadGetID) + (2)) of [-leveldata v])>> * (3)))\n end\nend\nif <(--PerctangeCompleted) = [99]> then\n set [--perctangecompleted v] to [100b]\nend\nset [-saveloadtemp v] to (join (-SaveLoadTemp) (join (-SaveLoadSecNum) [;]))\ndelete all of [save data \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into .txt file on your device\) v]\nadd (-SaveLoadTemp) to [save data \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into .txt file on your device\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [showlevelselectbuttons v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\n@low\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (-35) y: (16)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Low v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [low v]\nswitch costume to (on v)\n\nwhen I receive [high v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [medium v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@medium\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (55) y: (16)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Medium v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [low v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [high v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [medium v]\nswitch costume to (on v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@high\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (145) y: (16)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (High v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [low v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [high v]\nswitch costume to (on v)\n\nwhen I receive [medium v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@Resume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (SFX Volume) %\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [--pausegame v] to [0]\n broadcast (Pause v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nset volume to (SFX Volume) %\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n start sound [Pause v]\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\nelse\n start sound [Pause2 v]\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [areyousure v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@QuitLevel\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n hide\n set [-ingamemenu v] to [3]\n wait (0) seconds\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n broadcast (AreYouSure v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@ResetLevel\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [--pausegame v] to [0]\n broadcast (Pause v)\n set [-resetstate v] to [0]\n set [-resetmode v] to [1]\n set [-deadstate v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join [Reset] (-TimeTrialLevel))\n go to x: (0) y: (-50)\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [areyousure v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@Yes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [--pausegame v] to [0]\n broadcast (Pause v) and wait\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [3]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [areyousure v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@No\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n set [-ingamemenu v] to [1]\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n hide\n broadcast (OptionsBackInGame v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [areyousure v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-50)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\n@FinishTimeTrial\n\nwhen I receive [timetrialfinished v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: ((70) - (--CanvasSizeY))\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n hide\n set [-transitionscenes v] to [3]\n set [-transitionscenestate v] to [0]\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\n\ndefine Post Draw\nif <<not <(-TimeTrialFinished) = [-1]>> and <(-TimeTrialLevel) = [1]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> * (30))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [postdraw v]\nPost Draw\n\n@Crystal Earned\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nif <not <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (join [timeShard] (-CrystalScoreEarned))\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [-crystalgetstate v] to [0]\n start sound [earnCrystal v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nUpdate\n\ndefine Update\nif <<not <(-CrystalScoreEarned) = [0]>> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n show\n set size to ((((((--CanvasSizeY) - (30)) - (y position)) / (--CanvasSizeY)) * (100)) + (10)) %\n if <(-CrystalGetState) < [1]> then\n change [-crystalgetstate v] by (#DeltaTime)\n set [ghost v] effect to (((1) - (-CrystalGetState)) * (100))\n else\n change x by ((#DeltaTime) * (((70) - (--CanvasSizeX)) - (x position)))\n change y by ((#DeltaTime) * (((--CanvasSizeY) - (30)) - (y position)))\n if <([abs v] of (((--CanvasSizeY) - (40)) - (y position)) ) < [5]> then\n set [-crystalscoreearned v] to [0]\n broadcast (ShowLevelSelectButtons v)\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nset size to (50) %\nshow\ngo to x: ((125) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (110)\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\n@Start Screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nset size to ((--CanvasSizeX) / (2)) %\ngo to x: (100) y: ((120) - ((--CanvasSizeX) / (2)))\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\nswitch costume to (join [A] ([floor v] of ((((timer) * (15)) mod (50)) + (1)) ))\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\n@Story\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (s1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [!storypart v] to [1]\nset [-mainmenuroom v] to [5]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [changestorypart v]\nChange Story\n\ndefine Change Story\nif <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]> then\n broadcast (ClickButton v)\n change [!storypart v] by (1)\n if <(!StoryPart) > [4]> then\n broadcast (NewGameOpenLevel v)\n else\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nChange Story\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\n@version\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\ngo to x: (--CanvasSizeX) y: (() - (--CanvasSizeY))\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\nwhen I receive [loadcustomlevel v]\nhide\n\n@PC_Controls\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (pc_on v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (-115) y: (-80)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nswitch costume to (pc_on v)\nbroadcast (PC_Controls v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\nwhen I receive [mobile_controls v]\nswitch costume to (pc_off v)\n\nwhen I receive [pc_controls v]\nset [--mobilecontrols v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (pc_on v)\n\n@Mobile_controls\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (mobile_off v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (115) y: (-80)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nswitch costume to (mobile_on v)\nbroadcast (Mobile_Controls v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\nwhen I receive [pc_controls v]\nswitch costume to (mobile_off v)\n\nwhen I receive [mobile_controls v]\nset [--mobilecontrols v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (mobile_on v)\n\n@DynamicON\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (55) y: (-31)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (DynamicON v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\nwhen I receive [dynamicon v]\nset [-dynamiccameraactive v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (on v)\n\nwhen I receive [dynamicoff v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\n@DynamicON2\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\ngo to x: (145) y: (-31)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (DynamicOFF v)\nbroadcast (ClickButton v)\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsbackingame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nif <(--PauseGame) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nPU\n\nwhen I receive [pauseupdate v]\nPU\n\ndefine PU\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)\n\nwhen I receive [dynamicon v]\nswitch costume to (off v)\n\nwhen I receive [dynamicoff v]\nset [-dynamiccameraactive v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (on v)\n\n@LevelButton\n\nwhen I receive [startmenu v]\nshow\ngo to x: ((120) - (--CanvasSizeX)) y: (-110)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <<(-CurrentlySaveLoad) = [0]> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (LoadCustomLevel v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startlevel v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [openlevelselect v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [optionsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [creditsback v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menuupdate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to ((30) * <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(-TransitionScenes) = [0]>>)\n\nwhen I receive [newgame v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menupredraw v]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((-TransitionSceneState) * (100))\n\n@Load custom level\n\nwhen I receive [loadcustomlevel v]\nset [-currentlysaveload v] to [1]\nask [Enter your custom level save code] and wait\nset [-currentlysaveload v] to [0]\nset [-customleveldata v] to (answer)\nif <<<<(length of (answer)) > [4]> and < (answer) contains [;]?>> and << (answer) contains [~]?> and < (answer) contains [|]?>>> and < (answer) contains [p]?>> then\n broadcast (StartCustomLevel v)\nelse\n start sound [invalid v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [engineinit v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [deletealldata v]\nset [-customleveldata v] to []\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow list [turbowarp link \(triple click & ctrl+c then paste into url bar\) v]\n\n
Original by @InfinitelyEndless\nCheck out the project I remixed\nI mean, it is AWESOME, if it gets 5,000 loves (the original), it will be a sequel! (Meaning the person who made the game I remixed will make a second version of this :D) so go to theirs instead!!
Scratch cat stretchy platformer engine
@Stage\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nshow variable [mouse v]\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\n\nwhen [h v] key pressed\nhide variable [mouse v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [mouse v]\nforever\n play sound [Theory of Everything 2 v] until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@PLAYER\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Begin Game v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [begin game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [Win]> then\n Game Win\n else\n Game Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n hide\nelse\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [100]\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n set [exit v] to []\n set [collected max v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (60) %\n show\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\ndefine Tick\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xvel v] by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xvel v] by (2)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nset [xvel v] to ((xvel) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (xvel) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player X by (round (xvel))\nend\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(In Air) < [4]> then\n set [yvel v] to [16]\n end\nend\nif <(yvel) > [-20]> then\n change [yvel v] by (-2)\nend\nChange Player Y by (yvel)\nPosition\nTest Die\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((X) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((Y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(Y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [Die]\nend\n\ndefine Change Player Y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player X by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platform v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [xvel v] to [-16]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game Die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine Test Die\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [Die]\nend\n\ndefine Game Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\n\n@PLATFORM\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at X: [0] Y: [240]\n Clone at X: [0] Y: [360]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n else\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@COLLECTABLES\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected maximum v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (coin v)\n Clone at X: [142] Y: [-13]\n Clone at X: [410] Y: [109]\n Clone at X: [802] Y: [48]\n Clone at X: [1167] Y: [169]\n Clone at X: [1310] Y: [172]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (coin v)\n Clone at X: [-190] Y: [-10]\n Clone at X: [-187] Y: [242]\n Clone at X: [221] Y: [325]\n Clone at X: [-219] Y: [634]\n Clone at X: [607] Y: [641]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (coin v)\n Clone at X: [280] Y: [27]\n Clone at X: [374] Y: [-76]\n Clone at X: [451] Y: [105]\n Clone at X: [554] Y: [40]\n Clone at X: [648] Y: [-46]\n Clone at X: [787] Y: [-49]\n Clone at X: [374] Y: [-76]\n Clone at X: [863] Y: [9]\n Clone at X: [927] Y: [100]\n Clone at X: [1015] Y: [10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (coin v)\n Clone at X: [50] Y: [153]\n Clone at X: [139] Y: [38]\n Clone at X: [425] Y: [29]\n Clone at X: [528] Y: [-8]\n Clone at X: [768] Y: [-5]\n Clone at X: [940] Y: [43]\n Clone at X: [1109] Y: [-8]\n Clone at X: [1379] Y: [4]\n Clone at X: [1650] Y: [-3]\n Clone at X: [2214] Y: [-49]\n Clone at X: [398] Y: [455]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at X: (x) Y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected maximum v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@DANGER\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(username) = [SGChase18]> then\n switch costume to (nothing v)\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n else\n switch costume to (nothing v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@EXIT\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAXIMUM)> then\n broadcast (OPEN PORTAL v)\nend\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [exit v] to [Win]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at X: [1567] Y: [253]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at X: [747] Y: [733]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at X: [1200] Y: [170]\n else\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone at X: [2020] Y: [79]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at X: (x) Y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [open portal v]\nswitch costume to (open v)\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@DECOR\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at X: [0] Y: [240]\n Clone at X: [0] Y: [360]\n Clone at X: [420] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n Clone at X: [480] Y: [0]\n else\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n
CLICK FLAG 2 TIMES\nREAD ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS BEOFRE ASKING\nWelcome to Adventure,a scrolling platformer.\nYou are in the wild on a epic adventure,but you are lost,can you find your way back?\ncontrols:arrow keys,wasd,or mobile to move.\nCollect all the orbs and get to the portal to win.\n(the portal will lighten up if you collected all the orbs,if you have not it will be dark and going through it will not bring you to the next level)
Taco Panda -Platformer-
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nnext backdrop\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume20 v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change x by (3)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change x by (-3)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (3)\n end\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n broadcast (die v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [another pixel v]\n\nwhen I receive [another spawn 2 v]\ngo to x: (36) y: (-139)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Radioactive.mp3 v] until done\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nswitch costume to (costume20 v)\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [another spawn v]\ngo to x: (-227) y: (-90)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-4) y: (-6)\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nclear graphic effects\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Another Spawn v)\n wait until \n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Slime v)\n else\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Another Spawn 2 v)\n wait until \n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [20]> then\n broadcast (Win v)\n wait until \n end\nend\n\n@Blocks\n\ndefine Render\nset [a v] to [0]\nset [b v] to [0]\nset [orbx v] to [0]\nset [orby v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-232) y: (-177)\nshow\nerase all\nrepeat (23)\n repeat (50)\n switch costume to (render v)\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n switch costume to (dirt block v)\n stamp\n else\n if <touching color (#006622)?> then\n switch costume to (grass block v)\n stamp\n else\n if <touching color (#001966)?> then\n switch costume to (pixel v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <touching color (#660000)?> then\n switch costume to (bad block v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <touching color (#cc7700)?> then\n switch costume to (stone block v)\n stamp\n else\n if <touching color (#7f00ff)?> then\n switch costume to (sand block v)\n stamp\n else\n if <touching color (#ffd499)?> then\n switch costume to (snow block v)\n stamp\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change x by (16)\n end\n set x to (-232)\n change y by (16)\nend\nbroadcast (hide v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nRender\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [reset tiles v]\nRender\n\ndefine Next Level\nbroadcast (Delete clones v)\nbroadcast (show v)\nbroadcast (Reset Tiles v)\nbroadcast (Another Pixel v)\nbroadcast (Start Level v)\nbroadcast (back v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait until <touching (sprite1 v)?>\n Next Level\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (bad block v)\n forever\n wait until <touching (sprite1 v)?>\n broadcast (die v)\n end\nend\n\n@creeper_2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (7) %\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n broadcast (die v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\ngo to x: (-153) y: (-92)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop12]>\n glide (1.2) secs to x: (-153) y: (103)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n glide (1.2) secs to x: (-153) y: (-92)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\ngo to x: (-29) y: (-92)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [name v]) = [backdrop11]>\n glide (1.2) secs to x: (-146) y: (-92)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n glide (1.2) secs to x: (-29) y: (-92)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n
#4 games trending!! :D\nInstructions\nWAD/Arrow Keys to Move/Jump\nFurther instructions in game.\nIn main menu, choose an option.\nTo show support leave a love and fave!\nminer 2 out now! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/490344698/\ntop loved!! :D\ncredits:\n@thecactusmaster and @KilluaXlikesGon for some coding and art, check out the original\n@coltroc for the helmet and pickaxe\n@glizzygobbler765 for lava art\nmusic: unlimited\ncooltext.com for the logo
The Miner 3 | Platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [22]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop7 v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\nforever\n repeat (12)\n next backdrop\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (12)\n switch backdrop to ((backdrop [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Marshmellow\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to []\nset [x v] to [-10]\n\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nrepeat until <(level) = [13]>\nend\n\nset [☁ hlghscore v] to [200]\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nset [back v] to [0]\n\nchange y by (20)\n\nset x to (10)\n\nchange x by (10)\n\nset [x v] to []\n\nchange [x v] by (10)\n\ngo to x: (-237) y: (-20)\n\nset [y v] to [16]\n\nchange y by (1)\nset [x v] to [10]\nchange y by (10)\n\nwait until \n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nhide\n\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop 1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [score v] to [0]\nhide variable [score v]\nhide variable [☁ hlghscore v]\nforever\n change [score v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [22]> then\n show variable [☁ hlghscore v]\n show variable [score v]\n if <(score) < (☁ HlGHSCORE)> then\n set [☁ hlghscore v] to (score)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [color v] effect by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nif <(letter (length of (score)) of (score)) = [0]> then\n set [score v] to ((score) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.7) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@ground\n\nset [level2 v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\))\nend\n\n@exit\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) > [21]> then\n else\n play sound (pick random (1) to (6)) until done\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (60) %\nforever\n change size by (15)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n change size by (-15)\n wait (0.07) seconds\nend\n\nchange [brightness v] effect by (-50)\nwait (0.07) seconds\n\nchange [brightness v] effect by (50)\n\ngo to x: (-176) y: (88)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (item (LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) of [exit x v]) y: (item (LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) of [exit y v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (15) degrees\n change [color v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) > [21]> then\n hide\n stop all sounds\n play sound [Marshmello - TOGETHER \(1\).mp3 v] until done\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@dead detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nhide\n\n@Marshmellow Lives\n\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nif then\nend\n\nhide\n\n@moving platformer #1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [18]>\ngo to x: (-185) y: (-20)\nshow\nswitch costume to (LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\))\nrepeat until <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [18]>>\n show\n go to x: (-185) y: (-20)\n repeat (60)\n change x by (4)\n if <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [18]>> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n repeat (60)\n change x by (-4)\n if <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [18]>> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nhide\nif <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [18]>> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwait (0.001) seconds\nwait (0.001) seconds\n\nchange y by (4)\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nif <not <(Level) = [19]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nif <not <(Level) = [19]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nchange y by (-4)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [17]>\nswitch costume to (LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\))\nrepeat until <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [17]>>\n show\n go to x: (-95) y: (-36)\n repeat (50)\n change y by (4)\n if <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [17]>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n repeat (50)\n change y by (-4)\n if <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [17]>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nhide\nif <not <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [17]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\n@Mar old (NOT WORKING)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (del v)\n\ndefine omega\nset volume to (1000) %\nset size to (13) %\nif <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n change [xv v] by ((<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (-3)) + (<key (right arrow v) pressed?> * (3)))\nend\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Xv)\ndetect slope: (8) (15) (13)\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Yv)\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (mar-1 v)\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (mar1 v)\nend\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n out2 <(Yv) > [0]>\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\nend\nif <touching color (#ffff99)?> then\n set [yv v] to [24]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <<touching (exit v)?> or <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching color (#ff9999)?>> or <touching (dead detector v)?>>> then\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n start sound [quick dash v]\n change [level v] by (1)\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\n end\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching color (#ff9999)?>> or <touching (dead detector v)?>> then\n start sound [quick dash v]\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [del v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine out <>\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <boolean1> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (ground v)?>> or <(i) > [8]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (-1)\n end\nelse\n if <[0] > (Xv)> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (ground v)?>> or <(i) > [8]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine out2 <>\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <boolean1> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (ground v)?>> or <(i) > [24]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [-1]\nelse\n repeat until <<not <touching (ground v)?>> or <(i) > [24]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine None\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(i) > (maxslope)> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\nend\nset [i2 v] to (i)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n out <(Xv) > [0]>\n change y by ((0) - (i2))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (mar0 v)\n start sound [Jump v]\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to ((0) - (walljump))\n else\n set [xv v] to (walljump)\n end\n set [yv v] to (jumpheight)\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (join [mar] (<key (right arrow v) pressed?> + (<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (-1))))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [level2 v] to (level)\nend\n\nset [level v] to [12]\n\nset [level v] to [12]\n\nbroadcast (message1 v) and wait\n\nset [level v] to [12]\n\nwait until <not <touching color (#f09697)?>>\n\nforever\nend\n\nbroadcast (message1 v)\n\ndefine die\nif then\nelse\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\nif then\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\nelse\nend\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\nif then\n change y by (1)\n start sound [quick dash v]\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\nend\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nforever\n omega\n die\nend\n\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (mar0 v)\nset size to (50) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (-211) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@spikes\n\nset [level2 v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\n@Mar2\n\nwhen I receive [del v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine out2 <>\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <boolean1> then\n repeat until <<not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>>> or <(i) > [24]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [-1]\nelse\n repeat until <<not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>>> or <(i) > [24]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\nswitch costume to (join [mar] (<key (right arrow v) pressed?> + (<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * (-1))))\n\nforever\nend\n\ndefine die\nif then\nelse\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\nif then\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\nelse\nend\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nif then\nend\n\ndefine out <>\nset [i v] to [0]\nif <boolean1> then\n repeat until <<not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>>> or <(i) > [8]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (-1)\n end\nelse\n if <[0] > (Xv)> then\n repeat until <<not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>>> or <(i) > [8]>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [12]\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\nif then\n change y by (1)\n start sound [quick dash v]\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [level \(very important\) v] to (level)\nend\n\nset [level \(very important\) v] to [14]\n\nwait until <not <touching color (#f09697)?>>\n\ndefine None\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(i) > (maxslope)> or <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>>>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\nend\nset [i2 v] to (i)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>> then\n out <(Xv) > [0]>\n change y by ((0) - (i2))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (mar0 v)\n start sound [Jump v]\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to ((0) - (walljump))\n else\n set [xv v] to (walljump)\n end\n set [yv v] to (jumpheight)\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine omega\nset volume to (1000) %\nset size to (13) %\nif <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>>> then\n change [xv v] by ((<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> * (-3)) + (<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> * (3)))\nend\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Xv)\ndetect slope: (8) (15) (13)\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Yv)\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (mar-1 v)\nend\nif <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (mar1 v)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>> then\n out2 <(Yv) > [0]>\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platformer #1 v)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\nend\nif <touching color (#ffff99)?> then\n set [yv v] to [23]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <touching (exit v)?> then\n if <(Level) > [21]> then\n start sound [quick dash v]\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\n else\n start sound [quick dash v]\n change [level v] by (1)\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\n end\nend\nif <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching color (#ff9999)?>> or <touching (dead detector v)?>> then\n hide\n go to x: (-220) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (message1 v) and wait\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [level \(very important\) v] to [1]\nbroadcast (del v)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (mar0 v)\nset size to (50) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (-211) y: (0)\nforever\n omega\n die\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [color v] effect by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@celebration\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [22]>\nshow\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.01) seconds\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(LEVEL \(VERY IMPORTANT\)) = [22]>\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\nset size to (75) %\n\n
THIS PROJECT WAS ORIGINALLY SHARED OCTOBER 21ST, 2020. I HAVE RESHARED IT BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE ARE CLAIMING IT AS THEIR OWN. CHECK THE COMMENTS FOR PROOF THIS IS FROM LIKE 6 MONTHS AGO. \n===========\n(DO NOT WORRY AS THIS WILL NOT GET TRENDING AS IT HAS WAY TOO MANY LOVES AND FAVES ALREADY) THANKS :D\n\n◆◆ Controls ◆◆\n- Use arrow keys, WAD, or mobile controls to move\n- Avoid red lava and use pink bouncers to jump high\n- Feel free to use WITH credit (or I'll find you!!)\n\n◆◆ Ads and hateful comments will be deleted! ◆◆\n◆◆ Feel free to comment remixes on my profile! ◆◆\n\n◆◆ Famous Loves/Faves ◆◆\n- @AUMSUMTHEGREATHULK ❤️⭐\n- @TheInternetIsCoool ❤️⭐\n- @SuperCanon20 ❤️⭐\n- @bestCoconut ❤️⭐\n- @kittengalaxy ❤️⭐\n- @sceptile100 ❤️⭐\n- @Ryham301 ❤️⭐\n- @--Accension-- ❤️\n- @mrcreeper34 ❤️\n- @yotacopaco ❤️\n- @Benelem12 ❤️\n- @Judpomme ❤️\n- @duck-- ❤️\n\n◆◆ Credits ◆◆\n- @StratfordJames for the background art\n- @djpro for the platformer engine (edited by me)\n- @Rishrage for the rest of the code\n- @-Xaf- for the music\n\n◆◆ Tags ◆◆\n#all #art #games #music #tutorials #pen #extension #ground #platformer #engine #rish #rage #rishrage
The Everything Platformer
@Stage\n\n@player\n\ndefine Platformer Physics (speed) (friction) (jump height)\nchange [y vel v] by (-1)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>>> then\n change [x vel v] by (speed)\n switch costume to (r2 v)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > ((mouse x) + (20))>>>> then\n change [x vel v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n switch costume to (l2 v)\nend\nset [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (friction))\nchange x by (X vel)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (level v)?>> or <(slope) = [-8]>>\n change [slope v] by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (X vel) ) / (X vel)) * (-1))\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-12]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [12]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [12]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y vel)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y vel) ) / (Y vel)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y vel v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y vel v] to (jump height)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to x: (-198) y: (-5)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (l2 v)\nReset Position [-198] [-10]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n Platformer Physics [1] [0.9] [13]\n if then\n Reset Position [-198] [-10]\n start sound [Crunch v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (effect v)\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (intro v)\n\ndefine Reset Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n key check\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <(x position) = [249]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n Reset Position [-198] [-10]\n end\nend\n\ndefine key check\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (u v)\nelse\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (r2 v)\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (l2 v)\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (l1 v)\n else\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (r1 v)\n else\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (s v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [c v]\nstart sound [Coin v]\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <touching (c v)?> then\n broadcast (c v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<[219] < (x position)> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n Reset Position [-198] [-10]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n Reset Position [-198] [-85]\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n if <<(level) = [10]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sound v] to [1]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [sound v] by (1)\nif <(sound) = [3]> then\n set [sound v] to [1]\nend\nif <(sound) = [2]> then\n set volume to (-100) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\nif <(sound) = [1]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Moog City v] until done\n play sound [Beginning 2 v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [5]>\nshow\nsay [Touch the chest to open it]\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nsay [You got flint and steel] for (2) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\nsay [Touch the chest to open it]\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nsay [You got a water bucket] for (2) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nchange [level v] by (1)\nhide\n\n
Follow the instructions given to you by the narrator, and everything will be fine! \n\n- @coding_shockwave\n\n\n\n7 Endings...\n\nInfo\n-This is my largest game so far.\n-About 2 months have gone into the making of this.\n-Hope you enjoy playing! :D\n---------------------\nHints\n---------------------\nEnding names:\n-The End\n-Betrayal\n-Secret Ending\n-Super Secret Ending\n-Inactive ending\n-Slow motion fail ending\n-Annoying user ending
Lava- a platformer game
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (2 v)\n if <<(lvl) = [6]> or <<(lvl) = [7]> or <(lvl) = [8]>>> then\n switch backdrop to (3 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Player\n\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (costume 2 v)\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nStart\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [14]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n point in direction ((Y) * (0.5))\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n hide variable [x v]\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n change [lvl v] by (1)\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (-190) y: (0)\n end\n if <<<touching (lava v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (40)\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y v] to [19]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Start\nset [lvl v] to [1]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset size to (40) %\ngo to x: (-190) y: (50)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen I receive [blabla v]\ngo to x: (-190) y: (40)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (normal v)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (up v)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (up-right v)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <<<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (up-left v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [ v] until done\nend\n\n@trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (lvl)\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (lvl)\nend\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (60) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-152)\nforever\n if <(lvl) = [11]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [lvl v] by (1)\nbroadcast (Blabla v)\n\n@cloud\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset [random v] to (pick random (1) to (2))\nif <(Random) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-240) y: (pick random (120) to (160))\n repeat until <[230] < (x position)>\n change x by (3)\n end\nelse\n go to x: (240) y: (pick random (120) to (160))\n repeat until <(x position) < [-230]>\n change x by (-3)\n end\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n wait (pick random (2) to (3)) seconds\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (lvl)\n if <<(lvl) = [3]> and <not <(username) = [-Morni-]>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@ \n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n show\n switch costume to (3 v)\n if <(lvl) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <(lvl) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@words\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (lvl)\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (lvl)\n set y to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10))\nend\n\n
Dαrknєѕѕ— α Plαtfσrmєr\n=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋\nInstructions:\n• Mobile: Click and drag to move\n• PC: WASD or ←↑→\n=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋=≋\n
Normal || Platformer TOTALLY NOTHING UNUSUAL. #Wierd #Platformer #Capt_Boanerges
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (фон 1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nforever\n if <(уровень -) < [6]> then\n switch backdrop to (фон 3 v)\n end\n if <[5] < (уровень -)> then\n switch backdrop to (фон 2 v)\n end\n if <[10] < (уровень -)> then\n switch backdrop to (фон 4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Soundtrack v] until done\nend\n\n@чекинг\n\nwhen I receive [чекинг v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nbroadcast (офф чек v)\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to ( v)\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [провал v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.000000000000000000000000000001)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [побда!1!!!!1 v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nbroadcast (олвловолдовлоалдфыводлафовджлы v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n@Персонаж\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (69)\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (вправо v)\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (влево v)\n else\n switch costume to (прямо v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [побда!1!!!!1 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Поверхность\n\ndefine констроль <контроль?> скорость (скорость) трение (трение) прыжок (высота) гравитация (гравитация)\nchange y by (-5)\nif <<контроль?> and <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [х v] by ((скорость) * (-1))\nend\nif <<контроль?> and <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [х v] by (скорость)\nend\nchange y by (у)\nif <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n repeat ([abs v] of (у) )\n if <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (у) ) / (у)))\n end\n end\n if <<контроль?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <not <[0] > (у)>>>> then\n set [прыжок? v] to [1]\n set [у v] to ((-1) * (высота))\n else\n set [у v] to [0]\n set [прыжок? v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [у v] by (гравитация)\nend\nchange x by (х)\nif <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n set [уу v] to (y position)\n repeat (([abs v] of (х) ) + (1))\n if <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n set y to (уу)\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (х) ) )\n if <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (х) ) / (х)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [х v] to ((х) * (трение))\nchange y by (5)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [уровень - v] to [1]\nset [х v] to [0]\nset [у v] to [0]\nbroadcast (чекинг v)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n if <<(уровень -) = [9]> and <(y position) > [1602]>> then\n "бамп"\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\nbroadcast (провал v)\n\ndefine "бамп"\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nswitch costume to (уровень -)\n"бамп"\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <(уровень -) < [6]> then\n констроль <[1] = [1]> скорость [1.5] трение [0.8] прыжок [10] гравитация [0.9]\n end\n if <<[5] < (уровень -)> and <(уровень -) < [11]>> then\n if <color (#9966ff) is touching (#422626)?> then\n repeat until <color (#0056ff) is touching (#422626)?>\n констроль <[1] = [1]> скорость [1.6] трение [0.8] прыжок [2] гравитация [0.025]\n end\n else\n констроль <[1] = [1]> скорость [1.6] трение [0.8] прыжок [2] гравитация [0.07]\n end\n end\n if <<[10] < (уровень -)> and <(уровень -) < [16]>> then\n if <color (#c8a7cf) is touching (#422626)?> then\n repeat until <color (#0056ff) is touching (#422626)?>\n констроль <[1] = [1]> скорость [0.9] трение [0.8] прыжок [27] гравитация [1.5]\n end\n else\n констроль <[1] = [1]> скорость [2] трение [0.8] прыжок [9] гравитация [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [провал v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\n"бамп"\n\nwhen I receive [побда!1!!!!1 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Декорации\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nswitch costume to (уровень -)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n go to (поверхность v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [побда!1!!!!1 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Плохо\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nswitch costume to (уровень -)\nshow\nforever\n go to (поверхность v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nforever\n if <touching (персонаж v)?> then\n broadcast (провал v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [побда!1!!!!1 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@финиш\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nswitch costume to (уровень -)\nshow\nforever\n go to (поверхность v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nwait until <touching (персонаж v)?>\nbroadcast (чекинг v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nchange [уровень - v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nwait until <(уровень -) = [13]>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (побда!1!!!!1 v)\n\n@ЧЕКАААААААННАЯ монета\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (уровень -)\nshow\nforever\n go to (поверхность v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [офф чек v]\nwait until <touching (персонаж v)?>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [побда!1!!!!1 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@ \n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [олвловолдовлоалдфыводлафовджлы v]\nshow\n\n
Fixed 7/2/2020
Found— A platformer
@Stage\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine Smooth Glide to x (x) y (y) Speed (s)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (x)> and <(round (y position)) = (y)>>\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / (s))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (s))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [end? v] to [0]\nstart sound [Ampyx - LMAO \[Argofox\].mp4 v]\nhide\nset [uservanish v] to [0]\nset [sine v] to [0]\nset [id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nchange [id v] by (1)\nrepeat (3)\n switch costume to (slide v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (slide2 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (background v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.8) seconds\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nchange [id v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n show\n switch costume to (background v)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (700) y: (0)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n go to [front v] layer\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [0] Speed [4]\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(id) = [2]> then\n set size to (0) %\n show\n switch costume to (logo v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (35)\n repeat (16)\n turn right (22.5) degrees\n change size by (6.25)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n forever\n if <(end?) = [0]> then\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((sine) * (18)) ) * (9)) + (90))\n change [sine v] by (1)\n else\n repeat (24)\n turn right (-16.875) degrees\n change size by (-4.6875)\n end\n broadcast (intro_finished v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\nif <(id) = [3]> then\n point in direction (90)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (username v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n go to x: (700) y: (0)\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [0] Speed [4]\n forever\n if <(uservanish) = [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (username v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [25] Speed [3]\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [-100] Speed [3]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nwait (6) seconds\nset [end? v] to [1]\nset [uservanish v] to [1]\n\n@information\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [info v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (0) %\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (12)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (-10)\nend\nrepeat until <mouse down?>\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (10)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-12)\nend\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (10)\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n\n@player\n\ndefine tick\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change player x by [-8]\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change player x by [8]\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\nend\nchange [sy v] by (-2)\nchange player y by (sy)\ntest -die\nset [scrool x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROOL X) < [0]> then\n set [scrool x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round ((((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (50)) / (10)))\nif <[0] < (SCROLL Y)> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nposition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (new-background v)\nforever\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (set up v)\n game on\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n broadcast (tick v)\n tick\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game win\n else\n game-die\n end\nend\n\ndefine game on\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [scrool x v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nbroadcast (grüne Flagge v)\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nposition\nrepeat until <not <touching (figur1 v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROOL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine change player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nposition\nif <touching (figur1 v)?> then\n repeat (8)\n change [y v] by (1)\n position\n if <not <touching (figur1 v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-8)\n repeat until <not <touching (figur1 v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n position\n end\nend\n\ndefine game-die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\ndefine test -die\nif <touching (danger2 v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine Game win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change size by (-1)\n broadcast (playertouchexit v)\nend\nset size to (playersize_selected) %\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (playerdonttouchexit v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (bouncy blue v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [30]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (figur7 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [player_selected v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(Player_selected) = [1]> then\n set size to (60) %\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\n repeat (8)\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\n end\n if <(Player_selected) = [2]> then\n set size to (80) %\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\n repeat (6)\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\n end\n if <(Player_selected) = [3]> then\n set size to (80) %\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume19 v)\n end\nend\n\nset [scrool x v] to [0]\nset [scrool x v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(Player_selected) = [1]> then\n set [playersize_selected v] to [60]\n end\n if <(Player_selected) = [2]> then\n set [playersize_selected v] to [80]\n end\n if <(Player_selected) = [3]> then\n set [playersize_selected v] to [80]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\nend\n\n@bouncy blue\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n show\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nclone at x: [450] y: [0]\nclone at x: [450] y: [0]\nclone at x: [450] y: [0]\nclone at x: [450] y: [0]\n\nclone at x: [380] y: [0]\n\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nclone at x: [370] y: [0]\nclone at x: [380] y: [0]\n\n@collectables\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n broadcast (coin_sound v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n clone at x: [50] y: [0]\n clone at x: [111] y: [30]\n clone at x: [363] y: [80]\n clone at x: [721] y: [50]\n clone at x: [1000] y: [30]\n clone at x: [1200] y: [15]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n clone at x: [50] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [-50]\n clone at x: [800] y: [-50]\n clone at x: [1500] y: [20]\n clone at x: [1700] y: [30]\n clone at x: [1750] y: [15]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (dot v)\n clone at x: [50] y: [0]\n clone at x: [250] y: [15]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [700] y: [45]\n clone at x: [1500] y: [0]\n clone at x: [1800] y: [-50]\n else\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n clone at x: [70] y: [-10]\n clone at x: [420] y: [90]\n clone at x: [500] y: [0]\n clone at x: [780] y: [45]\n clone at x: [1570] y: [30]\n clone at x: [1690] y: [80]\n clone at x: [1810] y: [125]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nif <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (open portal v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [coin_sound v]\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\n@Danger2\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1_1 v)\n clone at x: [400] y: [-100]\n clone at x: [150] y: [0]\n clone at x: [1700] y: [150]\n clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n clone at x: [200] y: [1200]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n clone at x: [250] y: [70]\n switch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n clone at x: [200] y: [-250]\n next costume\n clone at x: [540] y: [90]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (kostüm10 v)\n clone at x: [150] y: [-150]\n clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n clone at x: [100] y: [0]\n clone at x: [200] y: [50]\n clone at x: [100] y: [50]\n switch costume to (kostüm13 v)\n clone at x: [350] y: [-125]\n clone at x: [400] y: [20]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (kostüm18 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\nturn right (10) degrees\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nnext costume\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nclone at x: [425] y: [0]\nclone at x: [410] y: [0]\nclone at x: [420] y: [0]\nclone at x: [420] y: [0]\nclone at x: [420] y: []\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\n@Figur1\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1_1 v)\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n clone at x: [370] y: [0]\n clone at x: [380] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [420] y: [0]\n clone at x: [395] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\n\nset [level v] to [4]\n\nset [level v] to [2]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n broadcast (set up v)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@exit\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n clone at x: [2700] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n clone at x: [2300] y: [15]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n clone at x: [2300] y: [140]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <not <(LEVEL) = [4]>> then\n show\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\n\n \nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (36)\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n end\nend\n\nchange y by (2)\nchange y by (-2)\n\nset [level v] to [2]\n\n@Figur2\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (60) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n else\n set size to (50) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (effect v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (-120)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nshow\n\nchange x by (10)\n\n@Figur6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set size to (120) %\n end\n end\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (button angeklickt v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Figur8\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (11) layers\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n play sound [Pokki_DJ_-_Springtime v] until done\nelse\n stop all sounds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set size to (120) %\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nwait (4) seconds\nhide\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [2]>\n play sound [Pokki_DJ_-_Springtime v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nforever\n if <(mouse y) > [110]> then\n go [forward v] (12) layers\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nplay sound [Plugged \(post mastering\) v] until done\nplay sound [Plugged \(post mastering\) v] until done\n\n@Figur9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set size to (120) %\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (info v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nforever\n if <(mouse y) > [110]> then\n go [forward v] (12) layers\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Figur3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (90)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@exit2\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n clone at x: [2700] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n clone at x: [2300] y: [15]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n clone at x: [2300] y: [140]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n hide\n else\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <not <(LEVEL) = [4]>> then\n show\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\n\nswitch costume to (kostüm3 v)\n\n\n \nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nforever\n turn right (-5) degrees\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (36)\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (2)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\n\nset [level v] to [4]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nshow\n\npoint in direction (110)\nwait (0.3) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Player_selected) > [1]> then\n change [player_selected v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <[3] > (Player_selected)> then\n change [player_selected v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Player_selected) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <(Player_selected) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <(Player_selected) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\n\n@Figur4\n\nwhen I receive [grüne flagge v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROOL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1_1 v)\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [450] y: [0]\n clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n clone at x: [370] y: [0]\n clone at x: [380] y: [0]\n clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n clone at x: [420] y: [0]\n clone at x: [395] y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nset [level v] to [4]\n\nclone at x: [380] y: [0]\n\nclone at x: [420] y: [0]\nclone at x: [420] y: [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nforever\n if <(mouse y) > [110]> then\n show\n else\n set y to (170)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (50) layers\n\nrepeat (5)\n\nstop [this script v]\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Sprite8\n\n@Sprite9\n\n@Figur7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change x by (5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change x by (-5)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change y by (-2)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\nif <touching (exit v)?> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playertouchexit v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playerdonttouchexit v]\nshow\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (15) layers\nset [level v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n set size to (0) %\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat (10)\n change size by (12)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n broadcast (thisisamessage v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nturn left (5) degrees\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\n\nset [level v] to [4]\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nset [level v] to [4]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (105)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (10000) layers\nend\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen I receive [effect v]\nshow\nset y to (400)\nrepeat (18)\n change y by (-20)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (play game v)\nrepeat (20)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (20)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite12\n\n
ーーーーーーーー日本語は下ーーーーーーーーーーー\nUNDERTALE style platformer.\nUse the arrow keys to move. You can also do it on mobile.\nWhen it hits the bone, it returns to the beginning. When you die, it takes time to recover.\nPlease understand.\n\n=日本語=\nUNDERTALE風のプラットフォーマーです。\n矢印キーで移動します。モバイルでもできます。\n骨に当たると最初に戻ります。死ぬと復活までに時間がかかります。\nどうかご了承ください
Icey (#3) - A Platformer #Games #All #Platformer #Trending
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [power v] to [none]\nset [kill v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nwait until <(ready) = [1]>\nforever\n repeat until <([dead v] of [player v]) = [1]>\n switch backdrop to (LEVEL)\n if <(Camera X) > (item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v])> then\n stop all sounds\n play sound [Goal v] until done\n broadcast (win v)\n wait until <(Camera X) < (item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v])>\n end\n end\n stop all sounds\n play sound [Death v] until done\n wait until <([dead v] of [player v]) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nforever\n if <([dead v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n if <(Camera X) < (item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v])> then\n play sound (join [Level ] (LEVEL)) until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nforever\n wait until <(Camera X) > (((((item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v]) - (item (LEVEL) of [spawnx v])) / (2)) * ((checkpoint) + (1))) + (item (LEVEL) of [spawnx v]))>\n change [checkpoint v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Player\n\nset [camera y v] to (Y)\nchange [camera x v] by (((X) - (Camera X)) / (5))\nchange [camera y v] by (((Y) - (Camera Y)) / (5))\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Loop\nPosition\nchange [x v] by (Xvel)\nchange [y v] by (Yvel)\nset [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (0.96))\nset [yvel v] to ((Yvel) * (0.96))\nset [moving v] to [0]\nhit-test\nset [dead v] to [0]\nif <(Y) < [-180]> then\n set [dead v] to [1]\nend\nif <touching (virus v)?> then\n set [dead v] to [1]\nend\nif <(ground pound) = [0]> then\n set [moving v] to [1]\n set [push v] to [0]\n if <(bite) = [1]> then\n set [moving v] to [0]\n else\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ice) = [1]> then\n change [xvel v] by ((3) - ([abs v] of (Xvel) ))\n else\n change [xvel v] by ((5) - ([abs v] of (Xvel) ))\n end\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(ice) = [1]> then\n change [xvel v] by ((-3) - ((0) - ([abs v] of (Xvel) )))\n else\n change [xvel v] by ((-5) - ((0) - ([abs v] of (Xvel) )))\n end\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n set [moving v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(xcollision) = [1]> then\n Collision\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n set [moving v] to [0]\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [push v] to [1]\n else\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [push v] to [1]\n else\n set [moving v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [bite v] to [1]\nend\nif <(ycollision) = [1]> then\n Collision\n if <(Yvel) < [0]> then\n start sound (join [Footstep] (LEVEL))\n end\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n set [jump v] to [0]\n if <(ground pound) > [0]> then\n change [ground pound v] by (-0.25)\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [jump v] to [1]\n set [yvel v] to ((7) + ((Xvel) * (0.25)))\n end\n if <(bite) = [1]> then\nelse\n change [yvel v] by (-0.5)\nend\nif <(ice) = [1]> then\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (0.96))\nelse\n set [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (0.8))\nend\nCollision\n\ndefine Collision\nset [ice v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (up v)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>> then\n change [yvel v] by ((0) - ([abs v] of (Yvel) ))\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>>>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n Position\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (side v)\nif <(xcollision) = [1]> then\n if <(direction) > [0]> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>>>\n change [x v] by (-1)\n Position\n end\n change [x v] by (1)\n Position\n else\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>>>\n change [x v] by (1)\n Position\n end\n change [x v] by (-1)\n Position\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (down v)\nif <(ycollision) = [1]> then\n if <touching (frozen v)?> then\n set [ice v] to [1]\n end\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n Position\nend\n\ndefine hit-test\nswitch costume to (side v)\nset [xcollision v] to [0]\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>> then\n set [xcollision v] to [1]\nend\nswitch costume to (down v)\nset [ycollision v] to [0]\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>> then\n set [ycollision v] to [1]\nend\n\ndefine Animation\nif <(bite) = [1]> then\n change [biteanim v] by (0.25)\n if <(biteanim) > [2]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n set [biteanim v] to [2]\n else\n set [bite v] to [0]\n set [biteanim v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <(ycollision) = [0]> then\n set [animation v] to [1]\n if <([abs v] of (Yvel) ) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (join [Jump1Bite] (round (biteanim)))\n else\n if <([abs v] of (Yvel) ) > [3.5]> then\n switch costume to (join [Jump2Bite] (round (biteanim)))\n else\n if <([abs v] of (Yvel) ) > [2.5]> then\n switch costume to (join [Jump3Bite] (round (biteanim)))\n else\n switch costume to (join [Jump4Bite] (round (biteanim)))\n end\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (join [Bite] (round (biteanim)))\n end\nelse\n set [biteanim v] to [1]\n if <(ycollision) = [0]> then\n set [animation v] to [1]\n if <([abs v] of (Yvel) ) > [5]> then\n switch costume to (jump1 v)\n else\n if <([abs v] of (Yvel) ) > [3.5]> then\n switch costume to (jump2 v)\n else\n if <([abs v] of (Yvel) ) > [2.5]> then\n switch costume to (jump3 v)\n else\n switch costume to (jump4 v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(push) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (pushh v)\n else\n if <(moving) = [1]> then\n change [animation v] by (([abs v] of (Xvel) ) / (5))\n if <(animation) > [9]> then\n start sound (join [Footstep] (LEVEL))\n set [animation v] to [1]\n end\n switch costume to (join [Walk] (round (animation)))\n else\n set [animation v] to [1]\n switch costume to (stance v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset [dead v] to [0]\nset [camera x v] to (((item (LEVEL) of [spawnx v]) + (150)) + ((((item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v]) - (item (LEVEL) of [spawnx v])) / (2)) * (checkpoint)))\nset [camera y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to ((item (LEVEL) of [spawnx v]) + ((((item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v]) - (item (LEVEL) of [spawnx v])) / (2)) * (checkpoint)))\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [100]\nPosition\nswitch costume to (stance v)\nwait until <(ready) = [1]>\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n Loop\n Animation\n if <(X) > (Camera X)> then\n set [camera x v] to (X)\n Position\n end\n if <(dead) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (dead v)\n set [bite v] to [0]\n set [yvel v] to [10]\n wait (0.25) seconds\n repeat until <(Y) < [-240]>\n change [y v] by (Yvel)\n Position\n change [yvel v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change [life v] by (-1)\n set [power v] to [none]\n broadcast (fade v) and wait\n set [ready v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [-50]\n Position\n if <(LIFE) < [1]> then\n broadcast (game over v)\n broadcast (fadeo v)\n else\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (fadeo v)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(X) > (item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v])> then\n set [x v] to (item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v])\n repeat until <touching (level v)?>\n change [y v] by (Yvel)\n Position\n change [yvel v] by (-0.5)\n end\n Collision\n Animation\n switch costume to (goal v)\n wait (6) seconds\n broadcast (pizza v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ready v] to [0]\nif <(played?) = [0]> then\n broadcast (legend v)\n hide\nelse\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (fadeo v)\nend\n\nif <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n set [ground pound v] to [1]\n change [yvel v] by (-5)\nend\n\n@Level\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\nif <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-480]> then\n next costume\n next costume\n change [x v] by (960)\nelse\n set [ready v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n Loop\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (-2) y: (0)\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nLevel\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\ndefine Level\nrepeat (2)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n change [x v] by (480)\nend\n\ndefine Loop\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nPosition\n\n@Heart\n\ndefine Hearts\nrepeat ((LIFE) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (15)\n if <(x position) > [-85]> then\n set x to (-220)\n change y by (-15)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (90)\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nshow\nswitch costume to (heart v)\nset size to (20) %\nHearts\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nforever\n wait until <(kill) > [4]>\n play sound [life v] until done\n go to x: (-220) y: (90)\n repeat (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n set [kill v] to [0]\n change [life v] by (1)\n show\n switch costume to (heart v)\n Hearts\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (heart v)\nset size to (20) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Kills\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (110)\nshow\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nset size to (20) %\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n switch costume to ((kill) + (1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Power\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (205) y: (100)\nshow\nset size to (20) %\nforever\n switch costume to (POWER)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Pizza\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (205) y: (55)\nshow\nset size to (20) %\nforever\n switch costume to (PIZZA)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [legend v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pizza v]\nrepeat (10)\n change x by ((205) / (-10))\n change y by ((55) / (-10))\n change size by (((100) - (20)) / (10))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nstart sound [Get v]\nchange [pizza v] by (1)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (Fade v) and wait\nset [ready v] to [0]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n broadcast (enjoy v)\nelse\n broadcast (reset v)\nend\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nbroadcast (FadeO v)\n\n@Border\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (border v)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nif <(cheated?) = [1]> then\n hide\nend\n\nswitch costume to (newthumb v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [played? v] to [0]\nset [gameovers v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [pizza v] to [1]\nset [life v] to [3]\nset [cheated? v] to [0]\nset [shadow v] to [0]\n\n@Fade\n\nwhen I receive [fade v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fadeo v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait until <(ready) = [1]>\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nhide\n\n@Levelfg\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\nif <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-480]> then\n next costume\n next costume\n change [x v] by (960)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n Loop\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1fg v)\nLevel\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\ndefine Level\nrepeat (2)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n change [x v] by (480)\nend\n\ndefine Loop\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nPosition\n\n@Levelmg\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (mg v)\nif <<(LEVEL) = [1]> or <(LEVEL) = [3]>> then\n Level\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\ndefine Level\nrepeat (2)\n set size to (pick random (75) to (100)) %\n change [y v] by (pick random (-10) to (10))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [x v] by (960)\nend\n\ndefine Position\nset x to (((X) - (Camera X)) / (2))\nset y to (((Y) - (Camera Y)) / (2))\nchange [x v] by ((size) * (-0.01))\nif <(((X) - (Camera X)) / (2)) < [-480]> then\n set size to (pick random (75) to (100)) %\n change [y v] by (pick random (-10) to (10))\n change [x v] by (1920)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n Loop\nend\n\ndefine Loop\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nPosition\n\n@Not Suspicious\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete (all) of [prompt v]\nshow list [prompt v]\nforever\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n set [cheated? v] to [1]\n hide list [prompt v]\n c\n end\nend\n\ndefine c\nforever\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n if <(answer) = [level skip]> then\n broadcast (Fade v) and wait\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (FadeO v)\n else\n if <(answer) = [set level]> then\n add (join [ ] [input level:]) to [prompt v]\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n if <<(answer) > [0]> and <(answer) < ((length of [pizzax v]) + (1))>> then\n broadcast (Fade v) and wait\n set [level v] to (answer)\n add (join [ ] (join [level ] (join (LEVEL) [ selected]))) to [prompt v]\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (FadeO v)\n else\n add (join [ ] (join [invalid request "] (join (answer) ["]))) to [prompt v]\n end\n else\n if <(answer) = [set lives]> then\n add (join [ ] [input lives:]) to [prompt v]\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n set [numeral v] to (answer)\n if <<(answer) > [0]> and <(answer) < [51]>> then\n add (join [ ] [request will reset level, continue?]) to [prompt v]\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n if <(answer) = [yes]> then\n broadcast (Fade v) and wait\n set [life v] to (numeral)\n add (join [ ] (join [lives set to ] (numeral))) to [prompt v]\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (FadeO v)\n else\n add (join [ ] [request cancelled]) to [prompt v]\n end\n else\n add (join [ ] (join [invalid request "] (join (answer) ["]))) to [prompt v]\n end\n else\n if <(answer) = [set power]> then\n add (join [ ] [input power:]) to [prompt v]\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n if <(answer) = [ice]> then\n set [power v] to (answer)\n add (join [ ] (join [power set to ] (answer))) to [prompt v]\n else\n if <(answer) = [lightning]> then\n set [power v] to (answer)\n add (join [ ] (join [power set to ] (answer))) to [prompt v]\n else\n if <(answer) = [fire]> then\n set [power v] to (answer)\n add (join [ ] (join [power set to ] (answer))) to [prompt v]\n else\n if <(answer) = [none]> then\n set [power v] to (answer)\n add (join [ ] (join [power set to ] (answer))) to [prompt v]\n else\n add (join [ ] (join [invalid request "] (join (answer) ["]))) to [prompt v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(answer) = [shadow on = true]> then\n add (join [ ] [request will reset level, continue?]) to [prompt v]\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n if <(answer) = [yes]> then\n broadcast (Fade v) and wait\n set [shadow v] to [1]\n add (join [ ] (join [shadow on set to ] [true])) to [prompt v]\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (FadeO v)\n else\n add (join [ ] [request cancelled]) to [prompt v]\n end\n else\n if <(answer) = [shadow on = false]> then\n add (join [ ] [request will reset level, continue?]) to [prompt v]\n ask [] and wait\n add (join [>] (answer)) to [prompt v]\n if <(answer) = [yes]> then\n broadcast (Fade v) and wait\n set [shadow v] to [0]\n add (join [ ] (join [shadow on set to ] [false])) to [prompt v]\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (FadeO v)\n else\n add (join [ ] [request cancelled]) to [prompt v]\n end\n else\n if <(answer) = [exit]> then\n show list [prompt v]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n add (join [ ] (join [invalid request "] (join (answer) ["]))) to [prompt v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Virus\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (150)\nset [direction v] to [150]\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nwait until <(ready) = [1]>\nset [clone v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [level1virus v])\n set [test v] to [0]\n set [x v] to (item (clone) of [level1virus v])\n set [y v] to [-100]\n switch costume to (join [Virus] (item (clone) of [level1virustype v]))\n set [type v] to (costume [number v])\n wait until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [240]>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-240]>\n repeat (20)\n Loop\n point in direction (direction)\n if <([dead v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n if <(test) = [0]> then\n turn left (3) degrees\n change [x v] by (-1.2)\n else\n turn left (-3) degrees\n change [x v] by (1.2)\n end\n end\n set [direction v] to (direction)\n thing\n end\n repeat (5)\n Loop\n if <((X) - (Camera X)) > [-210]> then\n test\n end\n thing\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Loop\nPosition\nset rotation style [all around v]\nswitch costume to (join [Virus] (item (clone) of [level1virustype v]))\npoint in direction (direction)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\nend\nchange [y v] by (-3)\nif <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-240]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine test\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(test) = [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nswitch costume to (test v)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>> then\n set [test v] to (test)\nelse\n set [test v] to ((1) - (test))\nend\nswitch costume to (test2 v)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (frozen v)?>> then\n set [test v] to ((1) - (test))\nelse\n set [test v] to (test)\nend\nset rotation style [all around v]\nswitch costume to (join [Virus] (item (clone) of [level1virustype v]))\npoint in direction (direction)\nif <((X) - (Camera X)) > [-210]> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n end\n change [y v] by (-3)\nend\n\ndefine thing\nif <touching (projectile v)?> then\n if <(POWER) = [lightning]> then\n if <<(type) = [1]> or <(type) = [2]>> then\n start sound [SystemSE_0.aw_0000000a v]\n repeat (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n change [kill v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <(POWER) = [fire]> then\n if <<(type) = [1]> or <(type) = [3]>> then\n start sound [SystemSE_0.aw_0000000a v]\n repeat (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n change [kill v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <<(type) = [2]> or <(type) = [3]>> then\n set [fx v] to (X)\n set [fy v] to (Y)\n set [ft v] to (type)\n create clone of (frozen v)\n change [kill v] by (1)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <((X) - (Camera X)) > [-210]> then\nend\nif <not <(type) = [1]>> then\nend\n\n@Powerups\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Loop\nPosition\nset size to (15) %\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\nend\nchange [y v] by (-3)\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Powerup v]\n set [power v] to (item (clone) of [level1powertype v])\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nif <[1] > [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nwait until <(ready) = [1]>\nset [clone v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [level1powertype v])\n set [x v] to (item (clone) of [level1powerx v])\n set [y v] to [-100]\n switch costume to (item (clone) of [level1powertype v])\n wait until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [240]>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-240]>\n show\n Loop\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n repeat (25)\n change [brightness v] effect by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\n@Projectile\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [type v] to (POWER)\nif <(POWER) = [lightning]> then\n set [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\n set [y v] to (([y v] of [player v]) + (-10))\n set [xvel v] to (([direction v] of [player v]) / (5))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n start sound [lightning v]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n if <([dead v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n show\n lightning loop\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n set [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\n set [y v] to (([y v] of [player v]) + (10))\n set [xvel v] to (([direction v] of [player v]) / (12))\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n start sound (join (POWER) [ball])\n repeat until <<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (virus v)?>> or <touching (frozen v)?>>\n if <([dead v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n show\n ball loop\n end\n end\n if <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n start sound [Wall v]\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine ball loop\nPosition\npoint in direction (90)\nset [test v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (test v)\nif <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [test v] to [1]\nend\nswitch costume to (type)\nchange [x v] by (Xvel)\nchange [y v] by (Yvel)\nchange [yvel v] by (-0.5)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n if <(test) = [1]> then\n start sound [Wall v]\n delete this clone\n end\n set [yvel v] to [6]\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nforever\n wait until <([bite v] of [player v]) = [1]>\n if <(POWER) = [fire]> then\n switch costume to (POWER)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(POWER) = [ice]> then\n switch costume to (POWER)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(POWER) = [lightning]> then\n switch costume to (POWER)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (15)\n end\nend\n\ndefine lightning loop\nPosition\nchange [x v] by (Xvel)\nchange [y v] by (Yvel)\n\nwait until <([bite v] of [player v]) = [0]>\n\n@Shadow\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Loop\nswitch costume to (down v)\nset [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\nset [y v] to ([y v] of [player v])\nPosition\nrepeat until <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (frozen v)?>>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n Position\nend\nchange [y v] by (-3)\nset [x v] to ([x v] of [player v])\nPosition\nswitch costume to (shadow v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nif <(shadow) = [1]> then\n show\n set [y v] to [0]\n forever\n if <([dead v] of [player v]) = [0]> then\n Loop\n set [ghost v] effect to (((distance to [player v]) * (0.4)) + (50))\n show\n set size to (((distance to [player v]) * (-0.1)) + (20)) %\n else\n set size to (0) %\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Pizza Collect\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nif <[1] > [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [clone v] to [1]\nwait until <(ready) = [1]>\nset [x v] to (item (LEVEL) of [pizzax v])\nset [y v] to [0]\nwait until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [240]>\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-240]>\n show\n Loop\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Loop\nPosition\nset size to (50) %\n\n@Prologue\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [legend v]\nstart sound [Prologue v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (text1 v)\nset [ready v] to [1]\nbroadcast (fadeo v)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nswitch costume to (text2 v)\nrepeat (5)\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (fade v) and wait\n broadcast (pnext v)\n broadcast (fadeo v)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nstart sound [nsmbwiiPressStart v]\nset [played? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [pnext v]\nnext costume\n\n@Frozen\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (150)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nif <[0] = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [clone v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [clone v] to (FT)\nset [x v] to (FX)\nset [y v] to (FY)\nstart sound [Freeze v]\nrepeat until <((X) - (Camera X)) < [-240]>\n Loop\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position\nset x to ((X) - (Camera X))\nset y to ((Y) - (Camera Y))\n\ndefine Loop\nPosition\nswitch costume to (clone)\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\nend\nchange [y v] by (-3)\n\n@GameOver\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nstop all sounds\nchange [gameovers v] by (1)\nwait (0.04) seconds\nswitch costume to (gameover v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nset [life v] to [3]\nstart sound [Game Over v]\n\n@Level Completed!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nset size to (50) %\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nshow\nstart sound [Win v]\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (4)\n change y by (7)\nend\n\n@Enjoy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [enjoy v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.04) seconds\nstop all sounds\nswitch costume to (enjoy v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nwait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nbroadcast (Fade v) and wait\nhide\nset size to (0) %\nbroadcast (reset v)\nbroadcast (FadeO v)\n\n
✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪\nMinecraft Platformer 4\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/554690423/\n✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪\n=========================================\nEpisode 2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/337665977\nEpisode 3 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/348650899/\n\nMinecraft Platformer - Episode 1 \n\n➊ Use ARROW keys, ASDW, touchscreen or mouse.\n➋ Press SPACEBAR to chop, hit or craft.\n\nLevel 1 has a tutorial to get you started...\n\nFirst 100 to love and comment win chance to be added to the credit crew!\n\n---------- IPad, tablet, and mobile friendly ---------\n\n-----------------------Search Tags-----------------------\n#games #minecraft #platformer #platform #music #1 #animation #atomicmagicnumber #episode #mobile\n---------------------------------------------------------------\nPro tip - to thank you for reading this stuff:\n\nHUGE BONUS CHESTS for completing levels FAST!\nMAX of 5 CHEST per level for ULTRA FAST players!\nYes, it is possible to get all the chests... but it is hard - getting even one chest a level is a huge achievement.
fornite platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\nhide variable [dragon: v]\nhide variable [dead fish: v]\n\n@lvl\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop11 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nbroadcast (asteoride v) and wait\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 3 v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\nshow\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop7 v)\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [get out v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop5 v)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 9 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop9 v)\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 10 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop10 v)\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\n\nwhen I receive [the game is on v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [burning... v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\nbroadcast (good burn v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-3 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-4 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5-5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 11 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop12 v)\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Wings of Fire - Tsunami the SeaWing's Theme v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [asteoride v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [levitate v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [disapear v]\nswitch costume to (costume5-2 v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-111)\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n platform gravity: [-1] jump height: [15] side movement speed: [3] friction: [.7] slope: [8]\nend\n\ndefine platform gravity: (gravity) jump height: (jump height) side movement speed: (side movement speed) friction: (friction) slope: (slope)\nchange [y velocity v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (y velocity)\nif <touching (lvl v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (y velocity) ) / (y velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y velocity v] to (jump height)\n end\nend\nset [x velocity v] to (((x velocity) + ((<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> * ((side movement speed) * (-1))) + (<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> * (side movement speed)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (x velocity)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <touching (lvl v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (lvl v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (x velocity) ) / (x velocity)) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\n\n\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 3 v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\ngo to x: (130) y: (15)\n\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [dragon: v] to [Tsunami]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume21 v)\nrepeat until <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (57)\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nwhen [4 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Glory]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume41 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume421 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume421 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume42 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume41 v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume41 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [3 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Sunny]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume31 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume31 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n set size to (150) %\n else\n set size to (250) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Tsunami]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume21 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Clay]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nrepeat until <<key (6 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [5 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Starflight]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume51 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (6 v) pressed?>>>>>\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume51 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume31 v)\n\n\n switch costume to (costume42 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n\nbroadcast (go to background 4 v)\n\n\n\ngo to x: (-185) y: (96)\n\nwhen I receive [get out v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nbroadcast (go to back ground 7 v)\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#60cfff)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 4 v)\n go to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#00b3ff)?> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\nforever\n if <touching color (#43c7ff)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 3 v)\n go to x: (-199) y: (25)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-183) y: (-106)\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\nforever\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n go to x: (-130) y: (54)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-104)\n\nwhen I receive [go to background 4 v]\ngo to x: (-199) y: (25)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 6 v]\nrepeat (10)\n go to x: (-211) y: (-108)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-89)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 8 v]\ngo to x: (-195) y: (-30)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n say [AAAaaaa] for (0.3) seconds\n go to x: (-210) y: (-104)\n end\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [go to 9 v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [i found u v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (-101)\n\nwhen I receive [go to 10 v]\ngo to x: (-234) y: (3)\n\nwhen I receive [the game is on v]\nshow\n\nwhen [6 v] key pressed\nset [dragon: v] to [Anemone]\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or >\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume61 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to 11 v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-81)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-111)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nforever\n if <<key (z v) pressed?> and <(dragon:) = [Anemone]>> then\n ask [Would you like to Animus touch this object?] and wait\n if <<(answer) = [yes]> or <(answer) = [Yes]>> then\n ask [Would you like to Levitate or make Disappear this object] and wait\n if <<(answer) = [Levitate]> or <(answer) = [levitate]>> then\n broadcast (Levitate v)\n end\n if <<<(answer) = [make disappear]> or <(answer) = [disappear]>> or <<(answer) = [make Disappear]> or <(answer) = [Disappear]>>> then\n broadcast (Disapear v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n\n ask [Would you like to Levitate or make Disappear this object] and wait\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fire v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n if <<touching (sprite5 v)?> and <<<(dragon:) = [Tsunami]> or <(dragon:) = [Starflight]>> or <<<(dragon:) = [Sunny]> or <(dragon:) = [Glory]>> or <(dragon:) = [Anemone]>>>> then\n go to x: (-210) y: (-104)\n say [AAA! TO HOT] for (0.2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to back ground 7 v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-81)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (get out v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nsay [Hello!] for (2) seconds\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 3 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to background 4 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 5 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 6 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to back ground 7 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 8 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 9 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 10 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (go to 11 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\n\nrepeat until <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <<key (2 v) pressed?> or <<key (3 v) pressed?> or <<key (4 v) pressed?> or <key (5 v) pressed?>>>>>\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\n\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n forever\n wait (5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [fire v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mud drops: v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n change y by (10)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n change y by (-10)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\ngo to x: (92) y: (-100)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (-12) y: (-85)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (82) y: (50)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (185) y: (-100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (15) y: (50)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (176) y: (20)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (171) y: (-18)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n change [mud drops: v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n if <(dragon:) = [Starflight]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go to 5 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [water v]\nshow\n\n@Sky Wing\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n switch costume to (open v)\n broadcast (I FOUND U v)\n say [I SEE YOU! GET BACK THERE!] for (0.4) seconds\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (open2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\n\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\n\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nif <(dead fish:) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nhide\n\nforever\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-182) y: (-127)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (the game is on v)\nshow variable [dragon: v]\nshow variable [dead fish: v]\n\n@Sprite12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\n\nshow\n\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(dragon:) = [Peril]>> then\n broadcast (burning... v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [good burn v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (fire v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite14\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (10) %\ngo to x: (172) y: (172)\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nglide (1) secs to x: (60) y: (-86)\nbroadcast (asteoride v)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nrepeat (100)\n change size by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [disapear v]\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [levitate v]\nshow\nglide (1) secs to x: (63) y: (134)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (63) y: (120)\n glide (1) secs to x: (63) y: (134)\nend\n\nforever\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nhide\n\n@Sky Wing2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <<<(dragon:) = [Clay]> or <(dragon:) = [Starflight]>> or <<<(dragon:) = [Sunny]> or <(dragon:) = [Glory]>> or <(dragon:) = [Anemone]>>>> then\n switch costume to (open v)\n broadcast (I FOUND U v)\n say [Royal Members ONLY!] for (0.4) seconds\n wait (0.3) seconds\n switch costume to (open2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n
NEON platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (lol v)\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sang v] to [yes]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n broadcast (stopp musikk v)\n else\n broadcast (lol v)\n set [sang v] to [yes]\n end\n end\n wait until <not <key (m v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nset volume to (0) %\n\nbroadcast (lol v)\nwait (0.000000000000001) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\n\nrepeat until <(volume) = [0]>\n play sound [TheFatRat - Fly Away feat v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n stop all sounds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopp musikk v]\nset [musikk på v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(musikk på) = (pick random (1) to (1))>\n set [volume v] to [0]\n stop all sounds\nend\nset [volume v] to [100]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (volume) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [volume v] to [100]\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nset [musikk på v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [lol v]\nforever\n if <(sang) = [yes]> then\n stop all sounds\n play sound [02-green-hill-zo v] until done\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nforever\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n go to [back v] layer\n if <<(x position) > [230]> and <not <(Level) = [15]>>> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n broadcast (Transition v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <[-140] > (y position)>> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n platform physics (12.5) (-1) (0.7) (2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [walk v] to [5]\nforever\n change [walk v] by (1)\n if <(Walk) > [9]> then\n set [walk v] to [2]\n end\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\ndefine platform physics (jump height) (gravity) (friction) (movement speed)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange y by (y vel)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (invis blocks v)?>> then\n repeat ([abs v] of (y vel) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (invis blocks v)?>> then\n change y by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (y vel) ) / (y vel)))\n end\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <not <(y vel) > [0]>>> then\n set [y vel v] to ((jump height) * (1.1))\n switch costume to (sonic_fall v)\n else\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [y vel v] by (gravity)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel v] by (movement speed)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel v] by ((-1) * (movement speed))\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nchange x by (x vel)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (invis blocks v)?>> then\n set [old y v] to (y position)\n repeat ([abs v] of (x vel) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (invis blocks v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (invis blocks v)?>> then\n set y to (old y)\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (x vel) ) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (invis blocks v)?>> then\n change x by ((-1) * (([abs v] of (x vel) ) / (x vel)))\n end\n end\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [x vel v] to ((x vel) * (friction))\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (Walk)\nend\nif <(y vel) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nif <(y vel) < [-3]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y vel v] to [20]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-228) y: (-69)\nset [x vel v] to [0]\nset [y vel v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change size by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen [l v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [100]> then\n broadcast (invis block v)\n end\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [100]>> then\n broadcast (hide invis block v)\n end\nend\n\n@invis blocks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [invis block v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hide invis block v]\nhide\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nnext costume\n\n@text\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\n@cooltext417981579940326\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@cooltext417981547002618\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@costume1 (5)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@sonic8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@thumbmail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@hurt & star\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (10) to (60)) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [ポップ v]\n go to x: (-120) y: (400)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n repeat until <[135] > (y position)>\n change y by (((2) - (y position)) / (20))\n end\n wait (2.9) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [207]>\n change y by ((y position) / (20))\n end\n hide\nend\n\n
Impossible Platformer +59000 views! On what the COMMUNITY IS REMIXING? Check out my official fan club! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/35119410 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/912068280/ try out my other game!\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nThis is a really hard platformer so beware that it may cause anger. Use arrow keys or wasd to move. Mobile friendly! Avoid spikes, enemies, and lava! The counter on the corner is the amount of times you have died. Try to make it to the end! Enjoy!
Blue a Platformer
@Stage\n\n@PLAYER\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nbroadcast (BEGINNING v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nset [clone id v] to []\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Deltarune Chapter 2 OST_ 15 - Smart Race \(1\) v] until done\nend\n\ndefine RESET AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nset [player x v] to (x)\nset [player y v] to (y)\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nset [scroll y v] to (y)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\ndelete all of [respawn x v]\ndelete all of [respawn y v]\nUPDATE CHECKPOINTS [200]\n\ndefine PLAY: GRAVITY: (gravity) JUMP HEIGHT: (jump height) SPEED: (speed) SLOPE: (slope)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [yv v] by (gravity)\nif <(YV) < [-30]> then\n set [yv v] to [-30]\nend\nchange y by (YV)\nchange [player y v] by (YV)\nchange [touching floor v] by (-1)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [touching floor v] to [4]\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (YV) ) / (YV)) * (-1))\n change [player y v] by ((([abs v] of (YV) ) / (YV)) * (-1))\n end\n if <<(([abs v] of (YV) ) / (YV)) = [-1]> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to (jump height)\n start sound [jump v]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (speed)\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (.7))\nchange x by (XV)\nchange [player x v] by (XV)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [slope v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(SLOPE) = (slope)> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [player y v] by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((SLOPE) * (-1))\n change [player y v] by ((SLOPE) * (-1))\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (XV) ) / (XV)) * (-1))\n change [player x v] by ((([abs v] of (XV) ) / (XV)) * (-1))\n end\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nPAINT SPRITE\nSCROLL\nUPDATE CHECKPOINTS [200]\n\ndefine PAINT SPRITE\nswitch costume to (idle v)\nif <<(TOUCHING FLOOR) > [2]> and <([abs v] of (XV) ) > [2]>> then\n switch costume to (join [walk ] ((1) + (([floor v] of ((timer) * (20)) ) mod (5))))\nend\nif <(YV) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\nelse\n if <(YV) < [-3]> then\n switch costume to (fall v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine SCROLL\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((PLAYER X) - (SCROLL X)) / (3)))\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((PLAYER Y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (3)))\nCHECK POSITION\nbroadcast (SCROLL v)\n\ndefine CHECK POSITION\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(SCROLL X) < [-480]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [-480]\nend\nif <[20107] < (SCROLL X)> then\n set [scroll x v] to [20107]\nend\nif <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (RESPAWN v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(PLAYER Y) < [-360]> then\n broadcast (RESPAWN v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <[20107] < (PLAYER X)> then\n broadcast (END v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nset size to (8000) %\ngo to x: ((PLAYER X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((PLAYER Y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine UPDATE CHECKPOINTS (checkpoint length)\nif <touching (checkpoints v)?> then\n delete all of [respawn x v]\n delete all of [respawn y v]\n add (PLAYER X) to [respawn x v]\n add (PLAYER Y) to [respawn y v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n hide\n delete all of [cam pos at death v]\n add (SCROLL X) to [cam pos at death v]\n add (SCROLL Y) to [cam pos at death v]\n set [state v] to [respawn]\n set [player x v] to (item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn x v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn x v])\n set [player y v] to (item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn y v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn y v])\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n SCROLL BACK TO RESPAWN POINT_ SPEED: [15] [80]\n set [scroll x v] to (item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn x v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn x v])\n set [scroll y v] to (item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn y v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn y v])\n set [state v] to [game]\n repeat (4)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7)\n end\n end\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\ndefine RESPAWN ANIMATION (length)\nrepeat (length)\n change [scroll x v] by (((item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn x v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn x v]) - (item (1) of [cam pos at death v])) / (length))\n change [scroll y v] by (((item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn y v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn y v]) - (item (2) of [cam pos at death v])) / (length))\n CHECK POSITION\n broadcast (SCROLL v)\nend\n\nwhen [0 v] key pressed\n\ndefine MOVE CAMERA (speed)\nchange [scroll x v] by ((<key (right arrow v) pressed?> - <key (left arrow v) pressed?>) * (speed))\nchange [scroll y v] by ((<key (up arrow v) pressed?> - <key (down arrow v) pressed?>) * (speed))\nCHECK POSITION\nbroadcast (SCROLL v)\n\ndefine SCROLL BACK TO RESPAWN POINT_ SPEED: (speed) (max)\nif <(round (([abs v] of ((item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn x v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn x v]) - (SCROLL X)) ) / (speed))) > (max)> then\n RESPAWN ANIMATION (max)\nelse\n RESPAWN ANIMATION (round (([abs v] of ((item ([ceiling v] of ((length of [respawn x v]) / (2)) ) of [respawn x v]) - (SCROLL X)) ) / (speed)))\nend\n\nset [yv v] to [100]\n\nset [player x v] to (SCROLL X)\nset [player y v] to (SCROLL Y)\n\nset [scroll x v] to (PLAYER X)\nset [scroll y v] to (PLAYER Y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n RESET AT X: [0] Y: [0]\n set [state v] to [game]\n forever\n if <(STATE) = [game]> then\n PLAY: GRAVITY: [-1] JUMP HEIGHT: [12] SPEED: [3] SLOPE: [8]\n show\n else\n hide\n if <(STATE) = [camera]> then\n MOVE CAMERA [25]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nbroadcast (START v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\n\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n if <(STATE) = [camera]> then\n set [state v] to [game]\n RESET AT X: (SCROLL X) Y: (SCROLL Y)\n else\n if <(STATE) = [game]> then\n set [state v] to [camera]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@GROUND\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nCREATE CLONES\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n LOOP TILES AT X: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) Y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\ndefine CREATE CLONES\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nCREATE TILES\n\ndefine CREATE TILES\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\n\ndefine SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nswitch costume to (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\ndefine LOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-480] > (x)> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile y v] by (-720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-360] > (y)> then\n change [tile y v] by (720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@BACKGROUND 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nCREATE CLONES\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n GO TO X: ((TILE X) - ((SCROLL X) * (.6))) Y: (() - ((SCROLL Y) * (.6)))\nend\n\ndefine CREATE CLONES\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nCREATE TILES\n\ndefine CREATE TILES\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\n\ndefine SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nif <(pick random (1) to (12)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1-1-0 v)\nelse\n if <(pick random (1) to (10)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1-2-0 v)\n else\n if <(pick random (1) to (8)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1-3-0 v)\n else\n switch costume to (1-0-0 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine LOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-480] > (x)> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\n\ndefine GO TO X: (x) Y: (y)\nLOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@BACKGROUND 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nCREATE CLONES\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n GO TO X: ((TILE X) - ((SCROLL X) * (.3))) Y: ((TILE Y) - ((SCROLL Y) * (.3)))\nend\n\ndefine CREATE CLONES\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nCREATE TILES\n\ndefine CREATE TILES\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\n\ndefine SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nif <((TILE Y) / (360)) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (1-0-0 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\ndefine LOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-480] > (x)> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile y v] by (-720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-360] > (y)> then\n change [tile y v] by (720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\n\ndefine GO TO X: (x) Y: (y)\nLOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nset size to (200) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@SPIKES\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nCREATE CLONES\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n LOOP TILES AT X: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) Y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\ndefine CREATE CLONES\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nCREATE TILES\n\ndefine CREATE TILES\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\n\ndefine SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nswitch costume to (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\ndefine LOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-480] > (x)> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile y v] by (-720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-360] > (y)> then\n change [tile y v] by (720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@CHECKPOINTS\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nCREATE CLONES\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n LOOP TILES AT X: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) Y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\n if <(STATE) = [camera]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\n\ndefine CREATE CLONES\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nCREATE TILES\n\ndefine CREATE TILES\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\n\ndefine SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nswitch costume to (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\ndefine LOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-480] > (x)> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile y v] by (-720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-360] > (y)> then\n change [tile y v] by (720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@BACK\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nCREATE CLONES\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n LOOP TILES AT X: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) Y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (200) %\n go to x: ((TILE X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((TILE Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\ndefine CREATE CLONES\nset [clone id v] to [1]\nCREATE TILES\n\ndefine CREATE TILES\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [480]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile x v] to [0]\nset [tile y v] to [360]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\n show\nend\n\ndefine SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nswitch costume to (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = (join (join (CLONE ID) [-]) (join (join ((TILE X) / (480)) [-]) ((TILE Y) / (360))))>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\nend\n\ndefine LOOP TILES AT X: (x) Y: (y)\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile x v] by (-960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-480] > (x)> then\n change [tile x v] by (960)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile y v] by (-720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\nif <[-360] > (y)> then\n change [tile y v] by (720)\n SWITCH TO RIGHT COSTUME\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [del clones v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@CUTSCENES\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nbroadcast (DEL CLONES v)\nset [clone id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [beginning v]\nswitch costume to (start 1 v)\nset [clone id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CLONE ID) = [1]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n wait (6) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n broadcast (START v)\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [2]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n wait (2) seconds\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n start sound [Rip v]\n next costume\n wait (2) seconds\nend\nif <(CLONE ID) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (end 1 v)\n show\n clear graphic effects\n wait (2) seconds\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n start sound [Rip v]\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (2)\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n start sound [Drum Boing v]\n wait (1) seconds\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n next costume\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (DELETE END v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [delete end v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n
Use the arrow keys to move and get to the other side of each level.\n\nLower score is better!
scrolling platformer engine!
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (descarga2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nswitch backdrop to (descarga3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch backdrop to (descarga2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (40) %\n play sound [Waterflame-Electroman-Adventures-V3 v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\ndefine plataform gravity: (gravity) jump heigh: (jump heigh) side movement speed: (side movement) friction (friction) slope: (slope)\nchange [y velocity v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (y velocity)\nif <<touching (plataforma v)?> or <touching (bloqueo v)?>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (plataforma v)?> or <touching (bloqueo v)?>>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (y velocity) ) / (y velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y velocity v] to (<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(([abs v] of (y velocity) ) / (y velocity)) = [-1]>> * (jump heigh))\nend\nset [x velocity v] to (((x velocity) + ((<key (left arrow v) pressed?> * ((side movement) * (-1))) + (<key (right arrow v) pressed?> * (side movement)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (x velocity)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <<touching (plataforma v)?> or <touching (bloqueo v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <<touching (plataforma v)?> or <touching (bloqueo v)?>> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <<touching (plataforma v)?> or <touching (bloqueo v)?>>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (x velocity) ) / (x velocity)) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n plataform gravity: [-1] jump heigh: [15] side movement speed: [3] friction [0.7] slope: [8]\nend\n\nset [y velocity v] to [-4]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level1 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-210) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-51) y: (-80)\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-60)\n\nwhen I receive [jump v]\nstart sound [Boing v]\nrepeat (40)\n change y by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nstart sound [Bonk v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-60)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-60)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-60)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (player v)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [woohoo v]\n broadcast (level 2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [woohoo v]\n broadcast (level3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [woohoo v]\n broadcast (level 4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [woohoo v]\n broadcast (level 5 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [woohoo v]\n broadcast (level 6 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [woohoo v]\n broadcast (level 7 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-22) y: (-153)\nforever\n if <touching (elevator v)?> then\n broadcast (subir v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-93) y: (-152)\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-103) y: (39)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-36) y: (39)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n play sound [Video Game 1 v] until done\n broadcast (end v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-153)\nforever\n if <touching (elevator2 v)?> then\n broadcast (subir v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (39) y: (5)\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (39) y: (130)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (120) y: (130)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nbroadcast (level 8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [egg v]\nset drag mode [draggable v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nbroadcast (LEVEL 9 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nbroadcast (level 11 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nbroadcast (level 12 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nbroadcast (level 13 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-153)\nforever\n if <touching (elevator3 v)?> then\n broadcast (subir v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (39) y: (5)\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (39) y: (130)\n show\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (120) y: (130)\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [13]>\nbroadcast (end v)\n\n@plataforma\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\nswitch costume to (level 2 v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\nswitch costume to (level 3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nswitch costume to (level 4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nswitch costume to (level 5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch costume to (level 7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nswitch costume to (level 8 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nswitch costume to (level 9 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (level 10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nswitch costume to (level 11 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nswitch costume to (level 12 v)\n\n@flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (level1 v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (220) y: (-144)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-144)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (212) y: (-144)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (212) y: (82)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (212) y: (-145)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (212) y: (-145)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (212) y: (-145)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nhide\ngo to x: (212) y: (-145)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@bola\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-98) y: (-136)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (jump v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n switch costume to (4 v)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n switch costume to (3 v)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n switch costume to (2 v)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nshow\nset size to (70) %\ngo to x: (-120) y: (-149)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nshow\nset size to (70) %\ngo to x: (-126) y: (-147)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-154) y: (8)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-145) y: (-150)\n\n@obstacles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\nswitch costume to (spikes v)\nshow\ngo to x: (58) y: (-133)\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nswitch costume to (spikes2 v)\ngo to x: (-16) y: (-44)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nswitch costume to (spikes3 v)\ngo to x: (11) y: (-7)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nswitch costume to (level9 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (11) y: (-7)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (level9 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (11) y: (-7)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nswitch costume to (level 12 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-30) y: (-133)\n\n@elevator\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-100) y: (-141)\n\nwhen I receive [subir v]\nswitch costume to (elevator v)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (elevator2 v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (-101) y: (49)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (elevator2 v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (-101) y: (-141)\nswitch costume to (elevator v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Objeto1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (41) y: (96)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nhide\n\n@elevator2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [subir v]\nswitch costume to (elevator v)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (elevator2 v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (43) y: (140)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (elevator2 v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (43) y: (18)\nswitch costume to (elevator v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (43) y: (18)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nhide\n\n@truco\n\nwhen I receive [revelar truco v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (disfraz1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (8) seconds\nbroadcast (change v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change v]\nswitch costume to (disfraz2 v)\n\n@Objeto2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (-172) y: (66)\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\nswitch costume to (level 2 v)\ngo to x: (46) y: (90)\n\nwhen I receive [level3 v]\nswitch costume to (level 3 v)\ngo to x: (-172) y: (66)\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nswitch costume to (level 4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nswitch costume to (level 5 v)\ngo to x: (200) y: (83)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\ngo to x: (-172) y: (66)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch costume to (level 7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\nswitch costume to (level 8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 9 v]\nswitch costume to (level 9 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (level 10 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nswitch costume to (level 11 v)\ngo to x: (99) y: (24)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [12]>\nswitch costume to (level 12 v)\ngo to x: (191) y: (84)\n\n@boton\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nswitch costume to (disfraz1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-45) y: (-171)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (disfraz1 v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (revelar truco v)\n switch costume to (disfraz2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nswitch costume to (disfraz1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (178) y: (28)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nswitch costume to (disfraz1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-16)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nhide\n\n@bloqueo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [8]>\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [revelar truco v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [9]>\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(level) = [11]>\nhide\n\n
Use arrow keys or WASD and it is mobile friendly\nLove and Fave and you will have a good chance getting a follow tomorrow. :D\nPlease Love, Fave, and Follow it would mean alot!\n1000 love : @FSAL-S-Inc21\nFree panzoid intro for you guys! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/487536522/
Toxic Zone | A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [fps v] to ((frame) - (1))\n set [frame v] to [0]\n reset timer\n repeat until <(timer) > [1]>\n change [frame v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@game\n\ndefine Set Point 1: (x1) (y1) (z1)\nset [x1 v] to (x1)\nset [y1 v] to (y1)\nset [z1 v] to (z1)\n\ndefine Set Point 2: (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [x2 v] to (x2)\nset [y2 v] to (y2)\nset [z2 v] to (z2)\n\ndefine Draw Line (x1) (y1) (z1) to (x2) (y2) (z2)\nSet Point 1: ((x1) - (cam x)) ((y1) - (cam y)) ((z1) - (cam z))\nSet Point 2: ((x2) - (cam x)) ((y2) - (cam y)) ((z2) - (cam z))\nSet Point 1: (((z1) * (sin Y)) + ((x1) * (cos Y))) (y1) (((z1) * (cos Y)) - ((x1) * (sin Y)))\nSet Point 2: (((z2) * (sin Y)) + ((x2) * (cos Y))) (y2) (((z2) * (cos Y)) - ((x2) * (sin Y)))\nSet Point 1: (x1) (((y1) * (cos X)) - ((z1) * (sin X))) (((y1) * (sin X)) + ((z1) * (cos X)))\nSet Point 2: (x2) (((y2) * (cos X)) - ((z2) * (sin X))) (((y2) * (sin X)) + ((z2) * (cos X)))\nif <not <<(z1) < (near plane)> and <(z2) < (near plane)>>> then\n Z Clipping\n Set Screen Point 1: ((view factor) * ((x1) / (z1))) ((view factor) * ((y1) / (z1)))\n Set Screen Point 2: ((view factor) * ((x2) / (z2))) ((view factor) * ((y2) / (z2)))\n if <(resolution) > [2]> then\n XY Clipping\n end\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n pen down\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine Set Screen Point 1: (x1) (y1)\nset [x1 v] to (x1)\nset [y1 v] to (y1)\n\ndefine Set Screen Point 2: (x2) (y2)\nset [x2 v] to (x2)\nset [y2 v] to (y2)\n\ndefine --- (label)\n\ndefine Calculate Trig Values\nset [sin x v] to ([sin v] of (rot X) )\nset [cos x v] to ([cos v] of (rot X) )\nset [sin y v] to ([sin v] of (rot Y) )\nset [cos y v] to ([cos v] of (rot Y) )\n\ndefine Z Clipping\nif <<(z1) < (near plane)> or <(z2) < (near plane)>> then\n set [m v] to (((near plane) - (z1)) / ((z2) - (z1)))\n if <(z1) < (near plane)> then\n Set Point 1: ((x1) + (((x2) - (x1)) * (m))) ((y1) + (((y2) - (y1)) * (m))) (near plane)\n else\n if <(z2) < (near plane)> then\n Set Point 2: ((x1) + (((x2) - (x1)) * (m))) ((y1) + (((y2) - (y1)) * (m))) (near plane)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine XY Clipping\nset [m v] to (((y2) - (y1)) / ((x2) - (x1)))\nif <(x1) > [240]> then\n if <(x2) > [240]> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n Set Screen Point 1: (240) ((y1) + (((240) - (x1)) * (m)))\n end\nend\nif <(y1) > [180]> then\n if <(y2) > [180]> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n Set Screen Point 1: ((x1) + (((180) - (y1)) / (m))) (180)\n end\nend\nif <(x1) < [-240]> then\n if <(x2) < [-240]> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n Set Screen Point 1: (-240) ((y1) + (((-240) - (x1)) * (m)))\n end\nend\nif <(y1) < [-180]> then\n if <(y2) < [-180]> then\n stop [this script v]\n else\n Set Screen Point 1: ((x1) + (((-180) - (y1)) / (m))) (-180)\n end\nend\nif <(x2) > [240]> then\n Set Screen Point 2: (240) ((y1) + (((240) - (x1)) * (m)))\nend\nif <(y2) > [180]> then\n Set Screen Point 2: ((x1) + (((180) - (y1)) / (m))) (180)\nend\nif <(x2) < [-240]> then\n Set Screen Point 2: (-240) ((y1) + (((-240) - (x1)) * (m)))\nend\nif <(y2) < [-180]> then\n Set Screen Point 2: ((x1) + (((-180) - (y1)) / (m))) (-180)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\ngame reset\nforever\n tick\n erase all\n render\n level (level)\nend\n\ndefine tick\nif <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [cam x vel v] by ((() - ([sin v] of (rot Y) )) * (3))\n change [cam z vel v] by (([cos v] of (rot Y) ) * (3))\nend\nif <key (s v) pressed?> then\n change [cam x vel v] by (([sin v] of (rot Y) ) * (3))\n change [cam z vel v] by ((() - ([cos v] of (rot Y) )) * (3))\nend\nif <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [cam x vel v] by (([sin v] of ((rot Y) + (90)) ) * (3))\n change [cam z vel v] by (([cos v] of ((rot Y) + (-90)) ) * (3))\nend\nif <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [cam x vel v] by (([sin v] of ((rot Y) + (-90)) ) * (3))\n change [cam z vel v] by (([cos v] of ((rot Y) + (90)) ) * (3))\nend\nif <<key (space v) pressed?> and <[4] > (falling?)>> then\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n set [cam y vel v] to [18.5]\n else\n set [cam y vel v] to [16]\n end\nend\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [rot x vel v] by (2)\nend\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [rot x vel v] by (-2)\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [rot y vel v] by (-2)\nend\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [rot y vel v] by (2)\nend\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nchange [cam y vel v] by (-0.9)\nchange y by ([floor v] of (cam y vel) )\nset [rot x vel v] to ((rot x vel) * (0.7))\nset [rot y vel v] to ((rot y vel) * (0.7))\nchange [rot x v] by (rot x vel)\nchange [rot y v] by (rot y vel)\nif <(rot X) > [90]> then\n set [rot x v] to [90]\nend\nif <[-90] > (rot X)> then\n set [rot x v] to [-90]\nend\nif <(rot Y) > [180]> then\n set [rot y v] to [-180]\nend\nif <[-180] > (rot Y)> then\n set [rot y v] to [180]\nend\nif <[-1700] > (cam y y)> then\n game reset\nend\nset [cam x vel v] to ((cam x vel) * (0.7))\nset [cam z vel v] to ((cam z vel) * (0.7))\nchange x by (cam x vel)\nchange z by (cam z vel)\nset [cam y v] to ((cam y y) + (100))\nset [cam x v] to (cam x x)\nset [cam z v] to (cam z z)\n\ndefine render\nCalculate Trig Values\nset [letter v] to [0]\nset pen color to (#006aff)\nset pen size to (5)\nrepeat (length of [level blocks v])\n change [letter v] by (1)\n calculate cube location [1]\n draw cube at (x cube) (y cube) (z cube)\nend\nset [letter v] to [0]\nset pen color to (#ff0000)\nset pen size to (5)\nrepeat (length of [level danger v])\n change [letter v] by (1)\n calculate cube location [2]\n draw cube at (x cube) (y cube) (z cube)\nend\nset [letter v] to [0]\nset pen color to (#19ff00)\nset pen size to (5)\nrepeat (length of [level end v])\n change [letter v] by (1)\n calculate cube location [3]\n draw cube at (x cube) (y cube) (z cube)\nend\nset [letter v] to [0]\nset pen color to (#eeff00)\nset pen size to (5)\nrepeat (length of [level bouncers v])\n change [letter v] by (1)\n calculate cube location [4]\n draw cube at (x cube) (y cube) (z cube)\nend\n\ndefine add block at (x) (y) (z) (t)\nif <(t) = [1]> then\n add (join ((x) + (45)) (join ((y) + (45)) ((z) + (45)))) to [level blocks v]\nelse\n if <(t) = [2]> then\n add (join ((x) + (45)) (join ((y) + (45)) ((z) + (45)))) to [level danger v]\n else\n if <(t) = [3]> then\n add (join ((x) + (45)) (join ((y) + (45)) ((z) + (45)))) to [level end v]\n else\n if <(t) = [4]> then\n add (join ((x) + (45)) (join ((y) + (45)) ((z) + (45)))) to [level bouncers v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine level (l)\ndelete all of [level blocks v]\ndelete all of [level danger v]\ndelete all of [level end v]\ndelete all of [level bouncers v]\nif <(l) = [1]> then\n add block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [2] [0] [0] [1]\n add block at [4] [1] [0] [1]\n add block at [4] [2] [-2] [1]\n add block at [4] [3] [-4] [3]\nelse\n if <(l) = [2]> then\n add block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [1] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [2] [0] [0] [2]\n add block at [2] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [3] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [4] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [5] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [5] [0] [0] [2]\n add block at [6] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [7] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [10] [1] [0] [3]\n else\n if <(l) = [3]> then\n add block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [1] [0] [0] [2]\n add block at [2] [1] [0] [1]\n add block at [3] [2] [0] [2]\n add block at [4] [3] [0] [1]\n add block at [8] [-5] [0] [3]\n add block at [10] [2] [0] [2]\n add block at [10] [3] [0] [2]\n add block at [10] [4] [0] [2]\n add block at [10] [5] [0] [2]\n add block at [10] [6] [0] [2]\n add block at [10] [3] [1] [2]\n add block at [10] [3] [-1] [2]\n add block at [10] [4] [2] [2]\n add block at [10] [4] [-2] [2]\n else\n if <(l) = [4]> then\n add block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [1] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [1] [0] [0] [4]\n add block at [3] [4] [0] [4]\n add block at [5] [8] [0] [4]\n add block at [7] [12] [0] [1]\n add block at [8] [12] [0] [1]\n add block at [8] [13] [0] [3]\n else\n if <(l) = [5]> then\n add block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [2] [-3] [-1] [2]\n add block at [1] [-5] [2] [2]\n add block at [1] [-8] [0] [2]\n add block at [3] [-9] [2] [2]\n add block at [2] [-14] [4] [2]\n add block at [2] [-17] [-2] [2]\n add block at [2] [-17] [0] [3]\n else\n if <(l) = [6]> then\n add block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [1] [-1] [0] [1]\n add block at [1] [0] [0] [4]\n add block at [1] [4] [0] [1]\n add block at [4] [4] [0] [1]\n add block at [5] [4] [0] [1]\n add block at [5] [5] [0] [1]\n add block at [6] [5] [0] [1]\n add block at [6] [6] [0] [1]\n add block at [7] [6] [0] [1]\n add block at [7] [6] [-1] [1]\n add block at [7] [6] [-4] [1]\n add block at [7] [6] [-7] [1]\n add block at [7] [6] [-10] [3]\n else\n if <(l) = [7]> then\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine draw cube at (x) (y) (z)\nif <[3] = (resolution)> then\n --- [up cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n --- [down cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50))\n --- [edge cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\nelse\n if <[2] = (resolution)> then\n --- [up cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n --- [down cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50))\n --- [edge cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (-50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n else\n if <[1] = ((resolution) mod (4))> then\n --- [up cube]\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50)) to ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50))\n Draw Line ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (50)) to ((x) + (-50)) ((y) + (50)) ((z) + (-50))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine calculate cube location (i)\nif <(i) = [1]> then\n set [x cube v] to (((join (letter (1) of (item (letter) of [level blocks v])) (letter (2) of (item (letter) of [level blocks v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [y cube v] to (((join (letter (3) of (item (letter) of [level blocks v])) (letter (4) of (item (letter) of [level blocks v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [z cube v] to (((join (letter (5) of (item (letter) of [level blocks v])) (letter (6) of (item (letter) of [level blocks v]))) - (45)) * (100))\nelse\n if <(i) = [2]> then\n set [x cube v] to (((join (letter (1) of (item (letter) of [level danger v])) (letter (2) of (item (letter) of [level danger v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [y cube v] to (((join (letter (3) of (item (letter) of [level danger v])) (letter (4) of (item (letter) of [level danger v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [z cube v] to (((join (letter (5) of (item (letter) of [level danger v])) (letter (6) of (item (letter) of [level danger v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n else\n if <(i) = [3]> then\n set [x cube v] to (((join (letter (1) of (item (letter) of [level end v])) (letter (2) of (item (letter) of [level end v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [y cube v] to (((join (letter (3) of (item (letter) of [level end v])) (letter (4) of (item (letter) of [level end v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [z cube v] to (((join (letter (5) of (item (letter) of [level end v])) (letter (6) of (item (letter) of [level end v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n else\n if <(i) = [4]> then\n set [x cube v] to (((join (letter (1) of (item (letter) of [level bouncers v])) (letter (2) of (item (letter) of [level bouncers v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [y cube v] to (((join (letter (3) of (item (letter) of [level bouncers v])) (letter (4) of (item (letter) of [level bouncers v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n set [z cube v] to (((join (letter (5) of (item (letter) of [level bouncers v])) (letter (6) of (item (letter) of [level bouncers v]))) - (45)) * (100))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine change x by (xs)\nchange [cam x x v] by (xs)\nrepeat until <<not <[level blocks v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>> and <not <[level bouncers v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (160)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>>\n if <(xs) > [0]> then\n change [cam x x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [cam x x v] by (1)\n end\n set [cam z vel v] to [0]\n set [cam x vel v] to [0]\nend\nif <[level danger v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n game reset\nend\nif <[level end v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n game reset\nend\nrepeat until <<not <[level blocks v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>> and <not <[level bouncers v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>>\n if <(xs) > [0]> then\n change [cam x x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [cam x x v] by (1)\n end\n set [cam z vel v] to [0]\n set [cam x vel v] to [0]\nend\nif <[level danger v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n game reset\nend\nif <[level end v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n game reset\nend\n\ndefine change z by (zs)\nchange [cam z z v] by (zs)\nrepeat until <<not <[level blocks v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>> and <not <[level bouncers v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (160)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>>\n if <(zs) > [0]> then\n change [cam z z v] by (-1)\n else\n change [cam z z v] by (1)\n end\n set [cam z vel v] to [0]\n set [cam x vel v] to [0]\nend\nif <[level danger v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n game reset\nend\nif <[level end v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n game reset\nend\nrepeat until <<not <[level blocks v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>> and <not <[level bouncers v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>>\n if <(zs) > [0]> then\n change [cam z z v] by (-1)\n else\n change [cam z z v] by (1)\n end\n set [cam z vel v] to [0]\n set [cam x vel v] to [0]\nend\nif <[level danger v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n game reset\nend\nif <[level end v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n game reset\nend\n\ndefine change y by (ys)\nchange [cam y y v] by (ys)\nrepeat until <not <[level blocks v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>\n if <(ys) > [0]> then\n change [cam y y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [cam y y v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [cam y vel v] to [0]\nend\nif <[level danger v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n game reset\nend\nif <[level end v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round (((cam y y) + (100)) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n game reset\nend\nrepeat until <not <[level blocks v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>\n if <(ys) > [0]> then\n change [cam y y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [cam y y v] by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [cam y vel v] to [0]\nend\nif <[level danger v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n game reset\nend\nif <[level end v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n game reset\nend\nrepeat until <not <[level bouncers v] contains (join ((round ((cam x x) / (100))) + (45)) (join ((round ((cam y y) / (100))) + (45)) ((round ((cam z z) / (100))) + (45))))?>>\n if <(ys) > [0]> then\n change [cam y y v] by (-1)\n set [cam y vel v] to [0]\n else\n change [cam y y v] by (1)\n set [cam y vel v] to [30]\n end\nend\n\ndefine game reset\nset [falling? v] to [666]\nset [rot x v] to [0]\nset [rot y v] to [-90]\nset [cam x x v] to [0]\nset [cam x vel v] to [0]\nset [cam y y v] to [0]\nset [cam y vel v] to [0]\nset [cam z z v] to [0]\nset [cam z vel v] to [0]\nlevel (level)\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nadd block at [0] [-1] [0] [1]\n\n@resolution\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [resolution v] to [3]\nforever\n switch costume to ((resolution) mod (3))\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [resolution v] by (1)\nif <(resolution) > [3]> then\n set [resolution v] to [1]\nend\n\n@the end\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n show\n set [x v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n set [y v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n set [size v] to (pick random (90) to (120))\n repeat (10)\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / (pick random (3) to (10)))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (pick random (3) to (10)))\n change size by (((size) - (size)) / (pick random (3) to (10)))\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nshow variable [fps v]\n\n
Totally Normal Platformer- A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [white1 v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-2)\nend\nbroadcast (endend v)\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nswitch backdrop to (thumbnail v)\nrepeat (50)\n change [brightness v] effect by (2)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (3.8) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [start end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [am v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Dark\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (200) y: (-82)\nglide (2) secs to x: (110) y: (-82)\n\nwhen I receive [random message v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [am v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Black light\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\ngo to x: (110) y: (-82)\nwait (0.8) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [am v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@black light 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\ngo to x: (110) y: (-82)\nglide (0.8) secs to x: (-149) y: (-82)\nbroadcast (random message v)\nrepeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (23.25)\n change y by (8.2)\n change size by (63.5)\nend\nbroadcast (start end v)\n\nwhen I receive [start end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nbroadcast (text stuff v)\n\nwhen I receive [am v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [1 v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-81)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-81)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\ndefine reset\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-81)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [stop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-127)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [z v]\nset [1 v] to [0]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <<key (1 v) pressed?> and <(1) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (protego v)\n set [1 v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (attack v)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n broadcast (No Move z v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [no move v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <<(Level) = [3]> and <touching (attack v)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [no move z v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [20]\nforever\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (sprite 2 v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <<(Yv) = [0]> and <(y position) < [-50]>> then\n broadcast (z v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [x v]\nset [1 v] to [0]\nset [2 v] to [0]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <<key (1 v) pressed?> and <(1) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (protego v)\n set [1 v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (2 v) pressed?> and <(2) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (attack you v)\n set [2 v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (attack v)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n broadcast (No Move x v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [no move x v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [20]\nforever\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <<(Yv) = [0]> and <(y position) < [-50]>> then\n broadcast (x v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [c v]\nset [1 v] to [0]\nset [2 v] to [0]\nset [3 v] to [0]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <<key (1 v) pressed?> and <(1) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (protego v)\n set [1 v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (2 v) pressed?> and <(2) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (attack you v)\n set [2 v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (3 v) pressed?> and <(3) = [0]>> then\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (control platform v)\n set [3 v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (attack v)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n broadcast (No Move c v)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [no move c v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [red attack v] to [1]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nforever\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <<(Yv) = [0]> and <(y position) < [-50]>> then\n broadcast (c v)\n set [red attack v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [v v]\nset [1 v] to [0]\nset [2 v] to [0]\nset [3 v] to [0]\nset [4 v] to [0]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [stunned? v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <<key (1 v) pressed?> and <(1) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (protego v)\n set [1 v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (2 v) pressed?> and <(2) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (attack you v)\n set [2 v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (3 v) pressed?> and <(3) = [0]>> then\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (control platform v)\n set [3 v] to [1]\n end\n if <<key (4 v) pressed?> and <(4) = [0]>> then\n wait until <not <key (4 v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (stun v)\n set [4 v] to [1]\n end\n if <touching (attack v)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n broadcast (No Move v v)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <touching (red 2 stun v)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n broadcast (No Move v v)\n broadcast (you got stunned! v)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [stunned? v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n reset\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [no move v v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [deaths v] to [0]\n forever\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nelse\n broadcast (No Move v2 v)\n set [red attack v] to [1]\n set [red 2 attack v] to [1]\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [deaths v] to [0]\n forever\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [no move v2 v]\nforever\n if <(stunned?) = [0]> then\n if <<(Yv) = [0]> and <(y position) < [-50]>> then\n if <(Level) < [15]> then\n broadcast (v v)\n set [red attack v] to [0]\n set [red 2 attack v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n end\n end\n else\n wait (3) seconds\n broadcast (v v)\n set [red attack v] to [0]\n set [red 2 attack v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endend v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nbroadcast (Stop v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nbroadcast (No Move v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (99) y: (-127)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\nwait until <touching (guy guard v)?>\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Stop v)\nbroadcast (guy v)\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (-127)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nset [yv v] to [0]\nwait until <(Next?) = [0]>\nforever\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n restart\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-38) y: (-3)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (80) y: (-81)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow attack end v]\nset [xv v] to [15]\nset [yv v] to [20]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-50]> and <(yv) < [-23]>> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (60) y: (-80)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [red bye bye bye v]\nset [yv v] to [20]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [portal v] to [Open]\ngo to (portal v)\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (66) y: (-30)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-47) y: (62)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (52) y: (0)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (52) y: (0)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [start position x v] to [52]\nset [start position y v] to [-10]\nforever\n wait (1.5) seconds\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n if <(distance to [player v]) < [50]> then\n set [xv v] to [10]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n if <(distance to [player v]) < [50]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [10]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine restart\ngo to x: (start position x) y: (start position y)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to (portal v)\n\nwhen I receive [13 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to (red 2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [14 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n go to (red 2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [15 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (100) y: (50)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <<(2) = [1]> or <(4) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (No Move v v)\n broadcast (how dare you use.. v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > [0]> then\n broadcast (No Move v v)\n broadcast (wait wait wait v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [red fade v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [portal v] to [Open]\ngo to (portal v)\nbroadcast (v v)\n\n@Sprite 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [next? v] to [1]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nnext costume\nclear graphic effects\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Go v)\nset [next? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Sprite?\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [control platform v]\nforever\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < (x position)> then\n set [direction v] to [1]\n else\n set [direction v] to [2]\n end\n if <(direction) = [1]> then\n set y to (mouse y)\n else\n set y to (mouse y)\n end\n if <(Next?) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [uncontrol platform v]\nclear graphic effects\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <(3) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you got stunned! v]\nbroadcast (uncontrol platform v)\n\nwhen I receive [ha! v]\nbroadcast (uncontrol platform v)\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n set x to (-70)\n set y to (0)\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n set x to (80)\n set y to (-111)\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n set x to (-58)\n set y to (0)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n set x to (37)\n set y to (43)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n set x to (0)\n set y to (25)\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n set x to (170)\n set y to (-88)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [portal v] to [Open]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (210) y: (-75)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <(Portal) = [Open]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n broadcast (End v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n broadcast (Next v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [open v]\nset [portal v] to [Open]\n\nwhen I receive [close v]\nset [portal v] to [Close]\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [portal v] to [Open]\n go to x: (210) y: (-20)\n broadcast (2 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [portal v] to [Open]\n go to x: (210) y: (-111)\n broadcast (3 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [portal v] to [Open]\n go to x: (210) y: (-35)\n broadcast (4 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n set [portal v] to [Open]\n go to x: (200) y: (69)\n broadcast (5 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n broadcast (6 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (200) y: (-50)\n broadcast (7 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (190) y: (-110)\n broadcast (8 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (-212) y: (150)\n broadcast (9 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (200) y: (2)\n broadcast (10 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (210) y: (75)\n broadcast (11 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (-200) y: (120)\n broadcast (12 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (0) y: (145)\n broadcast (13 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (60) y: (130)\n broadcast (14 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n set [portal v] to [Closed]\n go to x: (200) y: (60)\n broadcast (15 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [white1 v]\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\nbroadcast (Go v)\nbroadcast (Start v)\nbroadcast (Allow v)\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [text stuff v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (-384)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (400)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-0.25)\n change y by (0.96)\nend\nrepeat (400)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0.25)\n change y by (0.96)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [am v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [text stuff v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (50) %\nshow\nwait (22) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\n change size by (1)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-0.5)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change size by (0.5)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (white1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [endend v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (50) %\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\n change size by (1)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-0.5)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change size by (0.5)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n change size by (-1)\nend\nbroadcast (thumbnail v)\n\nwhen I receive [am v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Voices\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nletter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\n\nwhen I receive [text v]\nwait (0) seconds\nset [# v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (Text))\n change [# v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [# v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [text v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine letter\ngo to x: (-230) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (letter (#) of (Text))\nrepeat (#)\n change x by (12)\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n change y by (-20)\n set x to (-219)\n end\nend\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [where do you think you're going?]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [never mind.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [you're not going to get past me.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (1.3) seconds\nbroadcast (first attack v)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [text 2 v]\nwait (0) seconds\nset [# v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (Text))\n change [# v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [# v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [text 2 v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [person v] to [me]\n\nwhen I receive [key open talk v]\nbroadcast (Stop v)\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [text v] to [Great! Now I can go!]\nbroadcast (Text 2 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text 2 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (Open v)\nbroadcast (Allow v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [key open v]\nbroadcast (Open v)\nif <(Level) < [12]> then\n broadcast (Allow v)\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n broadcast (z v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [first attack reply v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [text v] to [ow]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (ow v)\n\nwhen I receive [ow v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [want another?]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (second attack v)\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\n\nwhen I receive [guy v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [text v] to [i'll give you help when you need it.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [press "1" to block attacks.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [i'm not saying that that will save you at all times though.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nhide\nbroadcast (z v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nbroadcast (z v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nbroadcast (z v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [i've got you!]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (third attack v)\nset [color v] effect to (35)\nset [text v] to [no you haven't!]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow attack end v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [no...]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (yellow chat v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow chat v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [color v] effect to (35)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [and who are you?]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [i'm uh...]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nset [text v] to [at least you don't seem like one of them.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [if you're after them as well,]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [remember that i'm on your side.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [i'll always be around.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (yellow dissipate v)\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nbroadcast (Stop v)\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [text v] to [it is me again.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [in case you meet any of those red people again,]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [press "2".]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (x v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nbroadcast (x v)\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [can't get past, huh?]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [press "3" and see what happens.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [press "3" again to stop what happens.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (c v)\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nbroadcast (c v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [red byebye v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\nbroadcast (c v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [red byebye v] to [0]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nbroadcast (c v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [red byebye v] to [-1]\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nbroadcast (c v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 talk 1 v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [i knew you were coming.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [text v] to [i can't move...]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [it's over.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (red 2 talk 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 talk 3 v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [aarrgghh!!!]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (retreat v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 talk 4 v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [color v] effect to (35)\nset [text v] to [close call, huh?]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (yellow dissipate v)\n\nwhen I receive [power 12 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [text v] to [you got hit by a stunning attack there.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [press "4" to throw stunning attacks at enemies.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [stunning attacks block stunning attacks.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [good luck.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (v v)\nset [portal v] to [Open]\n\nwhen I receive [13 v]\nbroadcast (v v)\nset [red 2 bye v] to [0]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [14 v]\nbroadcast (v v)\nset [red 2 bye v] to [0]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [15 v]\nbroadcast (No Move v v)\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [text v] to [great job on making it this far.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [just go through the portal.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [let us chat again at the other side.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (v v)\n\nwhen I receive [how dare you use.. v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [how dare you use your powers on me when i'm not even threating you.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (5) seconds\nset [text v] to [i'm here to warn you.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [what lies inside is not pretty.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [brace yourself.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [seriously.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (red fade v)\nset [red 2 bye v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [wait wait wait v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (last v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [text v] to [stop right there.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [i'm here to warn you.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [what lies inside is not pretty.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [text v] to [brace yourself.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to [seriously.]\nbroadcast (Text v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [text v] to []\nbroadcast (Text v)\nbroadcast (red fade v)\nset [red 2 bye v] to [1]\n\n@Attack\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [next? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [first attack v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (99) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nglide (0.4) secs to x: (-190) y: (-126)\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (first attack reply v)\n\nwhen I receive [second attack v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (99) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nglide (0.8) secs to x: (0) y: (-126)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nforever\n if <(red attack) = [0]> then\n if <(red byebye) < [0]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(red byebye) = [0]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(red attack) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<<<touching (protego v)?> or <touching (sprite 2 v)?>> or <(Next?) = [1]>> or <touching (attack you v)?>> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to (sprite5 v)\npoint towards (player v)\nturn right (180) degrees\nglide (0.3) secs to (player v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [red attack v] to [0]\nset [red byebye v] to [0]\nset [red 2 attack v] to [0]\nset [red 2 bye v] to [0]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [third attack v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to (sprite5 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (0) y: (-81)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red bye bye v]\nchange [red byebye v] by (1)\nif <(red byebye) > [0]> then\n broadcast (red bye bye bye v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stop attacks v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 byebye v]\nbroadcast (stop attacks v)\n\n@guy guard\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [second attack v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-240) y: (180)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (67) %\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (8)\n change size by (5)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (8)\n change y by (-8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\n@protego\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [protego v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [1 v] to [0]\n\n@patronus\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [patronus v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (10) %\nshow\nrepeat (18)\n change size by (5)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (18)\n change size by (-5)\nend\nhide\nset [? v] to [0]\n\n@Yellow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nbroadcast (Stop v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nbroadcast (No Move v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-63) y: (-81)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yellow chat v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (-90) y: (-81)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow dissipate v]\nrepeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6.6)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [yellow show! v]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (95) y: (83)\nwait (5.2) seconds\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (85) y: (83)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nwait (3) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (95) y: (83)\nbroadcast (red 2 talk 4 v)\n\n@yellow patronus\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [third attack v]\ngo to (yellow v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (50) %\nshow\nrepeat (13)\n change size by (10)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-26)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (yellow attack v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow dissipate v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to (yellow v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (50) %\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n broadcast (z v)\n set [portal v] to [Open]\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n broadcast (power 12 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yellow to the rescue v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (95) y: (83)\nset size to (0) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (29)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nbroadcast (yellow show! v)\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\n@yellow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yellow attack v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nwait (0.2) seconds\nhide\n\n@yellow2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yellow attack v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (137) y: (0)\nhide\nbroadcast (yellow attack end v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow show! v]\ngo to x: (140) y: (162)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nglide (0.1) secs to x: (84) y: (162)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (80) y: (162)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (100) y: (162)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (77) y: (162)\n\nwhen I receive [retreat v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (5) secs to x: (-103) y: (162)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nglide (0.1) secs to x: (-240) y: (162)\nhide\n\n@Attack You\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [attack you v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [2 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching (red 2 v)?> or <<<touching (protego red v)?> or <<<<touching (attack v)?> or <touching (sprite5 v)?>> or <(Next?) = [1]>> or <touching (sprite 2 v)?>>> or <touching (sprite? v)?>>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to (player v)\npoint towards (sprite5 v)\nturn right (180) degrees\nglide (0.3) secs to (sprite5 v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n broadcast (red bye bye v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <touching (red 2 v)?> then\n broadcast (red 2 bye v)\n set [red 2 bye v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@protego red\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nforever\n go to (sprite5 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [attack you v]\nif <[12] > (Level)> then\n if <(red byebye) < [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n show\n set [red attack v] to [1]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [red attack v] to [0]\n hide\n end\nend\nif <(Level) > [12]> then\n if <(red 2 bye) < [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n show\n set [red 2 attack v] to [1]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [red 2 attack v] to [0]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yellow attack v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (yellow2 v)?> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Control Zap\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [control platform v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [control platform v]\nforever\n if <(direction) = [1]> then\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <<[-180] < (direction)> and <(direction) < [0]>> then\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n else\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (uncontrol platform v)\n set [3 v] to [0]\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <<[0] < (direction)> and <(direction) < [180]>> then\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n else\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (uncontrol platform v)\n set [3 v] to [0]\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <(Next?) = [1]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [uncontrol platform v]\nhide\n\n@Red 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nset [yv2 v] to [0]\nwait until <(Next?) = [0]>\nforever\n set [xv2 v] to ((xv2) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv2)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv2) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv2 v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv2)\n if <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv2) * (-1))\n set [yv2 v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<(red 2 stunned) = [0]> and <<(stunned?) = [0]> and <<key (4 v) pressed?> and <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>>>>> then\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n set [yv2 v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n if <(Level) = []> then\n restart\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 bye v]\nset [yv2 v] to [20]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [portal v] to [Open]\ngo to (portal v)\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-100) y: (100)\nwait until <([y position v] of [player v]) > [75]>\nbroadcast (ha! v)\nbroadcast (No Move c v)\nset [xv v] to [60]\nset [yv v] to [10]\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (red 2 talk 1 v)\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine restart\ngo to x: (start position x) y: (start position y)\nset [xv2 v] to [0]\nset [yv2 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 talk 2 v]\nglide (2) secs to x: (-20) y: (81)\nbroadcast (yellow to the rescue v)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow show! v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (-10) y: (81)\nglide (1) secs to x: (-20) y: (81)\n\nwhen I receive [retreat v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (5) secs to x: (-200) y: (81)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nset [yv2 v] to [15]\nwait (0.7) seconds\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to (portal v)\n\nwhen I receive [13 v]\nset [red 2 bye v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (160) y: (-100)\nbroadcast (STUN! v)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 stunned v]\nbroadcast (stop attacks v)\nset [red 2 stunned v] to [1]\nwait (3) seconds\nset [red 2 stunned v] to [0]\nif <(red 2 bye) = [0]> then\n broadcast (start attacks v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start attacks v]\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n broadcast (STUN! v)\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n broadcast (ATTACK v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n broadcast (STUN! v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [14 v]\nset [red 2 bye v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (80) y: (0)\nbroadcast (ATTACK v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (STUN! v)\n\nwhen I receive [15 v]\ngo to (portal v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@red 2 stun\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ha! v]\ngo to (red 2 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (213) y: (130)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<touching (player v)?> or <<(Next?) = [1]> or <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>>>> or <touching (stun you v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to (red 2 v)\npoint towards (player v)\nturn right (180) degrees\nglide (0.3) secs to (player v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [stun! v]\nforever\n if <(red 2 attack) = [0]> then\n if <(red 2 bye) < [0]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <(red 2 bye) = [0]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n wait (0.5) seconds\n if <(red 2 attack) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 bye v]\nchange [red 2 bye v] by (1)\nif <(red 2 bye) > [0]> then\n broadcast (red 2 byebye v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stop attacks v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@red 2 thing\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yellow show! v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (41) y: (-48)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (34) y: (-48)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (44) y: (-48)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nglide (1) secs to x: (32) y: (-48)\nbroadcast (red 2 talk 3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [retreat v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (5) secs to x: (-148) y: (-48)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nhide\n\n@yellow thing\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yellow show! v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (23) y: (-48)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n next costume\nend\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (17) y: (-48)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nglide (2) secs to x: (27) y: (-48)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nglide (1) secs to x: (15) y: (-48)\n\nwhen I receive [retreat v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (12)\n next costume\n wait ((1) / (4)) seconds\nend\nrepeat (6)\n next costume\n wait ((1) / (6)) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (red 2 dissipate v)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\n@red stufff\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yellow show! v]\ngo to x: (35) y: (162)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nglide (0.1) secs to x: (84) y: (162)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (80) y: (162)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nglide (2) secs to x: (100) y: (162)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nglide (1) secs to x: (77) y: (162)\n\nwhen I receive [retreat v]\nwait (1) seconds\nglide (5) secs to x: (-103) y: (162)\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nhide\n\n@red 2 patronus\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to (red 2 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (50) %\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [red 2 dissipate v]\nforever\n go to (red 2 v)\nend\n\n@Stun You\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stun v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [4 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<touching (red 2 v)?> or <<(Next?) = [1]> or <<touching (sprite 2 v)?> or <touching (sprite? v)?>>>> or <touching (red 2 stun v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to (player v)\npoint towards (red 2 v)\nturn right (180) degrees\nglide (0.3) secs to (red 2 v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (red 2 v)?> then\n broadcast (red 2 stunned v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@You got stunned!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you got stunned! v]\nshow\nwait (3) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\n@skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-169)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (5) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (am v)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (white1 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [white1 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\n\n
☁ ENGINE Multiplayer Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\ndefine render\nClear all\nset [loops v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [loops v] by (1)\n if <(item (loops) of [type v]) = [1]> then\n Fill (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (26))) ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y v]) - (camy)))) (round (((item (loops) of [x2 v]) - (camx)) + (26))) ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) [█] \n end\n if <(item (loops) of [type v]) = [2]> then\n Fill (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (26))) ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y v]) - (camy)))) (round (((item (loops) of [x2 v]) - (camx)) + (26))) ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) [▓] <>\n end\n if <(item (loops) of [type v]) = [3]> then\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (26))) > [0]> then\n Insert [═] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (26)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (27))) > [0]> then\n Insert [╦] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (27)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (28))) > [0]> then\n Insert [═] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (28)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (29))) > [0]> then\n Insert [═] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (29)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (30))) > [0]> then\n Insert [╦] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (30)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (31))) > [0]> then\n Insert [═] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y2 v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (31)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (27))) > [0]> then\n Insert [║] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (27)))\n end\n if <(round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (30))) > [0]> then\n Insert [║] at line ((7) - (round ((item (loops) of [y v]) - (camy)))) pos (round (((item (loops) of [x v]) - (camx)) + (30)))\n end\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (0.2)\nFill (round ((((x) - (6)) - (camx)) + (26))) ((7) - (round (((y) - (1)) - (camy)))) (round ((((x) + ()) - (camx)) + (26))) ((7) - (round (((y) + (1)) - (camy)))) [░] \nif <(eye) = [0]> then\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (2)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (4)) - (camx)) + (26)))\nelse\n if <(xv) > [1]> then\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (1)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (3)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n else\n if <(xv) < [-1]> then\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (3)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (5)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n else\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (2)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n Insert [█] at line ((7) - (round ((y) - (camy)))) pos (round ((((x) - (4)) - (camx)) + (26)))\n end\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (-0.2)\n\ndefine level 1\ncreate rect [-20] [-7] [120] [-5] [1]\ncreate rect (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.5)) mod (100)) - (50)) ) + (120)) [-7] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.5)) mod (100)) - (50)) ) + (140)) [-5] [1]\ncreate rect [190] [-7] [260] [-5] [1]\nSpike at [20] [-5]\nSpike at [50] [-5]\nSpike at [80] [-5]\nSpike at [86] [-5]\nSpike at [220] [-5]\nSpike at [226] [-5]\nSpike at [232] [-5]\nSet level end to [260]\nspring [-15] [-5]\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nset [camx v] to [0]\nset [camy v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\ndefine get collision (x) (y) (x2) (y2)\ndelete all of [collisions v]\nset [loops v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [loops v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (loops) of [x v]) < (x2)> and <(x) < (item (loops) of [x2 v])>> and <<(item (loops) of [y v]) < (y2)> and <(y) < (item (loops) of [y2 v])>>> then\n add (item (loops) of [type v]) to [collisions v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine special detection\nget collision ((x) - (8)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (2)) ((y) + (1))\nif <[collisions v] contains [2]?> then\n broadcast (death v)\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [3]?> then\n set [yv v] to [2]\nend\nif <(y) < [-30]> then\n broadcast (death v)\nend\nif <(x) > (level end)> then\n broadcast (next level v)\nend\nif <(camx) > ((level end) - (30))> then\n set [camx v] to ((level end) - (30))\nend\n\ndefine wall detection\nget collision ((x) - (5)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\nrepeat (10)\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n get collision ((x) - (5)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\n change [y v] by (0.1)\n end\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change [x v] by ((xv) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-2]\n change [x v] by (-2)\n set [yv v] to [1]\n else\n set [xv v] to [2]\n change [x v] by (2)\n set [yv v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine physics\nspecial detection\nleft and right movement\nwall detection\nup-down movement\n\ndefine Internal || fill (x) (y) (x2) (y2) (char) <border?>\nif <border?> then\n if <(y) = (y2)> then\n set [inserted v] to []\n repeat (((x2) - (x)) + (1))\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) [═])\n end\n Insert (inserted) at line (y) pos (x)\n else\n set [inserted v] to []\n if <not <(x) = [0]>> then\n set [inserted v] to [╔]\n end\n repeat (((x2) - (x)) + (-1))\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) [═])\n end\n if <not <(x2) = [52]>> then\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) [╗])\n end\n Insert (inserted) at line (y) pos (x)\n set [inserted v] to []\n if <not <(x) = [0]>> then\n set [inserted v] to [║]\n end\n repeat (((x2) - (x)) + (-1))\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) (char))\n end\n if <not <(x2) = [52]>> then\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) [║])\n end\n set [fill:y v] to ((y) + (1))\n repeat (((y2) - (y)) + (-1))\n Insert (inserted) at line (fill:y) pos (x)\n change [fill:y v] by (1)\n end\n set [inserted v] to []\n if <not <(x) = [0]>> then\n set [inserted v] to [╚]\n end\n repeat (((x2) - (x)) + (-1))\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) [═])\n end\n if <not <(x2) = [51]>> then\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) [╝])\n end\n Insert (inserted) at line (y2) pos (x)\n end\nelse\n set [inserted v] to []\n repeat (((x2) - (x)) + (1))\n set [inserted v] to (join (inserted) (char))\n end\n set [fill:y v] to (y)\n repeat (((y2) - (y)) + (1))\n Insert (inserted) at line (fill:y) pos (x)\n change [fill:y v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine create rect (x) (y) (x2) (y2) (type)\nif <(x2) > (x)> then\n add (x) to [x v]\n add (x2) to [x2 v]\nelse\n add (x2) to [x v]\n add (x) to [x2 v]\nend\nif <(y2) > (y)> then\n add (y) to [y v]\n add (y2) to [y2 v]\nelse\n add (y2) to [y v]\n add (y) to [y2 v]\nend\nadd (type) to [type v]\n\ndefine Fill (x) (y) (x2) (y2) (char) <border?>\nif <(x) > (x2)> then\n Fill (x2) (y) (x) (y2) (char) <border?>\nelse\n if <(y) > (y2)> then\n Fill (x) (y2) (x2) (y) (char) <border?>\n else\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n if <(x2) > [52]> then\n Internal || fill [0] (y) [52] (y2) (char) <border?>\n else\n if <not <(x2) < [0]>> then\n Internal || fill [0] (y) (x2) (y2) (char) <border?>\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(x) > [52]>> then\n if <(x2) > [52]> then\n Internal || fill (x) (y) [52] (y2) (char) <border?>\n else\n if <not <(x2) < [0]>> then\n Internal || fill (x) (y) (x2) (y2) (char) <border?>\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [characters v] to [█▓▒░]\nClear all\n\ndefine Clear all\ndelete all of [game v]\nrepeat (13)\n add [░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░] to [game v]\nend\n\ndefine Insert (text) at line (line #) pos (position)\nset [temp v] to []\nset [my variable v] to [0]\nrepeat (position)\n change [my variable v] by (1)\n set [temp v] to (join (temp) (letter (my variable) of (item (line #) of [game v])))\nend\nset [temp v] to (join (temp) (text))\nchange [my variable v] by (length of (text))\nrepeat until <<(my variable) = [51]> or <(my variable) > [51]>>\n change [my variable v] by (1)\n set [temp v] to (join (temp) (letter (my variable) of (item (line #) of [game v])))\nend\nreplace item (line #) of [game v] with (temp)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [eye v] to [1]\nset [camx v] to [0]\nset [camy v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [follow camera v] to [1]\nset [skipppeedddd v] to [0]\nforever\n Get level\n render\n physics\n if <(Follow camera) = [0]> then\n change [camx v] by (((x) - (camx)) / (10))\n change [camy v] by (((y) - (camy)) / (10))\n else\n change [camx v] by (((x) - (camx)) / (1))\n change [camy v] by (((y) - (camy)) / (1))\n end\n if <(camx) > ((level end) - (30))> then\n set [camx v] to ((level end) - (30))\n end\n Insert [ ] at line [1] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [2] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [3] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [4] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [5] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [6] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [7] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [8] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [9] pos [51]\n Insert [ ] at line [10] pos [0]\n Insert [ ] at line [11] pos [0]\n Insert [ ] at line [12] pos [0]\n Insert [ ] at line [13] pos [0]\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\n\ndefine up-down movement\nchange [yv v] by (-0.1)\nchange [y v] by (yv)\nget collision ((x) - (6)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\nrepeat (5)\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n change [x v] by (2)\n get collision ((x) - (6)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n change [x v] by (-3)\n get collision ((x) - (6)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n change [y v] by ((() - (yv)) * (1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change [x v] by (3)\n end\n change [x v] by (-2)\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (-0.25)\nget collision ((x) - (6)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\nrepeat (5)\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n change [x v] by (2)\n get collision ((x) - (6)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n change [x v] by (-3)\n get collision ((x) - (6)) ((y) - (1)) ((x) + (0)) ((y) + (1))\n if <[collisions v] contains [1]?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [1.5]\n end\n end\n change [x v] by (3)\n end\n change [x v] by (-2)\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (0.25)\nset [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n\ndefine left and right movement\nset [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.5))\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.8)\nend\nif then\n change [xv v] by (0.8)\nend\nchange [x v] by (xv)\n\ndefine Get level\nchange [move v] by (1)\ndelete all of [type v]\ndelete all of [x v]\ndelete all of [y v]\ndelete all of [x2 v]\ndelete all of [y2 v]\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n level 1\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n Level 2\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n Level 3\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n level 4\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n broadcast (win v)\nend\n\ndefine Spike at (x) (y)\ncreate rect ((x) - (2)) (y) ((x) + (2)) (y) [2]\ncreate rect ((x) - (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) [2]\ncreate rect (x) ((y) + (2)) (x) ((y) + (2)) [2]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [camx v] to [0]\nset [camy v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nGet level\n\ndefine Set level end to (x)\nset [level end v] to (x)\n\ndefine spring (x) (y)\ncreate rect ((x) - (2)) (y) ((x) + (2)) ((y) + (1)) [3]\n\ndefine Level 3\ncreate rect [-10] [-7] [5] [-5] [1]\ncreate rect [5] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (20)) - (10)) ) + (-7)) [17] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (20)) - (10)) ) + (-5)) [1]\nSpike at [14] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (20)) - (10)) ) + (-5))\ncreate rect [20] [6] [40] [8] [1]\nSpike at [36] [8]\ncreate rect [45] [6] [50] [8] [1]\nspring [47] [8]\ncreate rect [20] [15] [40] [17] [1]\nSpike at [23] [17]\ncreate rect [5] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (20)) - (10)) ) + (15)) [17] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (20)) - (10)) ) + (17)) [1]\ncreate rect [20] [30] [100] [32] [1]\nSpike at [40] [32]\nSpike at [70] [32]\nSpike at [76] [32]\ncreate rect (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.5)) mod (100)) - (50)) ) + (100)) [30] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.5)) mod (100)) - (50)) ) + (120)) [32] [1]\ncreate rect [170] [30] [300] [32] [1]\nSet level end to [300]\nSpike at [200] [32]\nSpike at [230] [32]\nSpike at [260] [32]\nSpike at [266] [32]\nSpike at [272] [32]\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nset [skipppeedddd v] to [1]\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (death v)\n\ndefine Level 2\ncreate rect [5] [-6] [10] [3] [1]\ncreate rect [20] [-2] [26] [6] [1]\nSpike at [23] [6]\ncreate rect [35] [-6] [40] [3] [1]\ncreate rect [50] [-2] [56] [6] [1]\nSpike at [53] [6]\ncreate rect [65] [-6] [70] [3] [1]\ncreate rect [80] [-2] [86] [6] [1]\nSpike at [83] [6]\ncreate rect [-10] [-7] [200] [-5] [1]\nSpike at [100] [-5]\nSpike at [130] [-5]\nSpike at [160] [-5]\nSpike at [166] [-5]\nSet level end to [200]\n\nwhen [c v] key pressed\nset [follow camera v] to ((1) - (Follow camera))\n\ndefine level 4\ncreate rect [-10] [-7] [110] [-5] [1]\ncreate rect [-10] [5] [100] [7] [1]\nspring [5] [-5]\nspring [26] [-5]\nspring [47] [-5]\nspring [68] [-5]\nspring [105] [-5]\nset [loops v] to [-5]\nrepeat (17)\n Upside down spike at (loops) [3]\n change [loops v] by (6)\nend\nset [loops v] to [-5]\nrepeat (3)\n change [loops v] by (30)\n Spike at (loops) [7]\nend\ncreate rect [-20] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (30)) - (15)) ) + (5)) [-10] (([abs v] of ((((move) * (0.1)) mod (30)) - (15)) ) + (7)) [1]\ncreate rect [-10] [20] [300] [22] [1]\nSpike at [20] [22]\nSpike at [50] [22]\nSpike at [80] [22]\nSpike at [110] [22]\nSpike at [116] [22]\nSpike at [150] [22]\nSpike at [180] [22]\nSpike at [186] [22]\nSpike at [192] [22]\nSpike at [230] [22]\nSpike at [260] [22]\nSet level end to [300]\n\ndefine Upside down spike at (x) (y)\ncreate rect ((x) - ()) (y) ((x) + ()) (y) [2]\ncreate rect ((x) - (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) [2]\ncreate rect ((x) - (2)) ((y) + (2)) ((x) + (2)) ((y) + (2)) [2]\n\nUpside down spike at [5] [3]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete all of [game v]\nadd [List Scrolling Platformer] to [game v]\nadd [by @I8D] to [game v]\nadd [] to [game v]\nadd [] to [game v]\nadd [You Win!] to [game v]\nadd [Congratulations On Completing This Game!] to [game v]\nadd [Hope You Enjoyed =\)] to [game v]\nadd [Sorry if this was a bit hard. ] to [game v]\nadd [Please Love, Favorite, And Follow!!] to [game v]\nadd [] to [game v]\nif <(Skipppeedddd) = [0]> then\n add [Comment "I WON WITHOUT SKIPS UWU!!!!!"] to [game v]\n change [☁ finished without skips v] by (1)\nelse\n add [] to [game v]\nend\nadd [] to [game v]\nadd [] to [game v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nset [eye v] to ((1) - (eye))\n\nplay sound [Marshmello - Alone \(Official Music Video\).mp3 v] until done\n\n
☁【100%PEN】Multiplayer platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [, ] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\nshow variable [mouse v]\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nforever\n repeat until <(EXIT GAME FINISH) = [1]>\n play sound [c418-sweden-minecraft-volume-alpha v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (pick random (1) to (pick random (1) to (pick random (1) to (2))))\n\nwhen I receive [end game! v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [minecraft song v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end game! v]\nif <(EXIT GAME FINISH) = [1]> then\n stop all sounds\n clear sound effects\nend\n\n@Borders\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [end game! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@CheckPoint\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nif <(Checkpoint) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (flag pole v)\nend\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [checkpoint v] by (1)\n switch costume to (flag v)\n end\nend\nif <(Checkpoint) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (flag v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone At x: [917] y: [150]\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\nClone At x: [2132] y: [38]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (flag pole v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (steve 1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nset size to (50) %\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n set [tick v] to [0]\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n GameOn\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n change [tick v] by (1)\n Clock\n broadcast (Clock v) and wait\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game-Win\n else\n Game-die\n end\nend\n\ndefine GameOn\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset size to (50) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nif <(Checkpoint) = [0]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(Checkpoint) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to [917]\n set [y v] to [150]\n else\n if <(Checkpoint) = [2]> then\n set [x v] to [1955]\n set [y v] to [-1]\n else\n if <(Checkpoint) = [3]> then\n set [x v] to [2789]\n set [y v] to [-79]\n else\n if <(Checkpoint) = [4]> then\n set [x v] to [4513]\n set [y v] to [29]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clock\nif <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (regular2 v)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (steve 2 v)\n change [sx v] by (-1.5)\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (steve 1 v)\n change [sx v] by (1.5)\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player X By: (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>> then\n if <(in air) < [5]> then\n switch costume to (up v)\n set [sy v] to [12]\n end\nend\nchange [sy v] by (-2)\nChange Player Y by: (sy)\nTest-die\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>> and <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (up right v)\nend\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>> and <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (up left v)\nend\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [-1.5]\n change [sy v] by (1)\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\nend\nif <<touching (water v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > [0]>>>> then\n change [sy v] by (5)\nend\nif <touching (checkpoint4 v)?> then\n change [exit game finish v] by (1)\n broadcast (End Game! v) and wait\nend\n\ndefine Change Player Y by: (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player X By: (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game-die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (0.5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (steve 1 v)\nhide\nwait (.01) seconds\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (78)\n\ndefine Test-die\nif <touching (lava v)?> then\n start sound [oof v]\n switch costume to (hurt steve v)\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine Game-Win\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [exit game finish v] to [0]\n\nbroadcast (end intro v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nshow\nbroadcast (Game On v) and wait\n\nChange Player X By: (sx)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (33)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nif <(Checkpoint) = [0]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(Checkpoint) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to [1022]\n set [y v] to [85]\n end\nend\n\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\nelse\n set [sx v] to [0]\nend\nhide\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\nforever\n set [timer2 v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (Timer2)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1.1 v)\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1.1 v)\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [360] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@BG\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nPosition (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (3)) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (3))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\nset [brightness v] effect to (5)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@BG2\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nPosition (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [1000] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@BG cool\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (5)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n Clone At x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone At x: [400] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@BG cool2\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nPosition (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (50)) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (50))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n Clone At x: [217] y: [147]\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@tum tum yum yums \n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nPosition (((x) + ((5) * ([sin v] of (((y) + (TICK)) * (5)) ))) - (SCROLL X)) (((y) + ((5) * ([sin v] of (((x) + (TICK)) * (15)) ))) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [burp-random v]\n change [collected v] by (1)\n if <(Collected) = (Collected Max)> then\n broadcast (open portal v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n if <(lol) = [0]> then\n Clone At x: [42] y: [-12]\n Clone At x: [242] y: [5]\n Clone At x: [657] y: [18]\n Clone At x: [705] y: [69]\n Clone At x: [810] y: [169]\n end\n if <(lol) = [0]> then\n Clone At x: [1013] y: [120]\n Clone At x: [1278] y: [30]\n Clone At x: [1424] y: [68]\n Clone At x: [1839] y: [20]\n end\n if <(lol) = [0]> then\n Clone At x: [2133] y: [24]\n Clone At x: [2267] y: [24]\n Clone At x: [2412] y: [24]\n Clone At x: [2703] y: [-81]\n end\n if <(lol) = [0]> then\n Clone At x: [2806] y: [18]\n Clone At x: [3070] y: [33]\n Clone At x: [3213] y: [33]\n Clone At x: [3347] y: [33]\n Clone At x: [4161] y: [9]\n Clone At x: [4290] y: [3]\n end\nelse\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (360)\nnext costume\n\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nchange [collect c. v] by (1)\n\n@intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nif <(intro played?) = [0]> then\n set [id v] to [5]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [id v] to [6]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [intro end animation? v] to [0]\n set volume to (100) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (87) %\n switch costume to (bg v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (75)\n change size by (((125) - (size)) / (50))\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\n float\n end\n forever\n float\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (25))\n end\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n hide\n broadcast (end intro v)\n set [intro played? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [intro: x v] to (mouse x)\nset [intro: y v] to (mouse y)\nwait until <not <mouse down?>>\nif <(mouse y) > [179]> then\n wait until <not <(mouse x) = (Intro: x)>>\n wait until <not <(mouse y) = (Intro: y)>>\nend\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n wait until <<not <mouse down?>> or <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(intro end animation?) = [0]>> then\n set [intro end animation? v] to [1]\n set [id v] to [3]\n start sound [Hit_Hurt4 v]\n broadcast (z intro fade v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n set [id v] to [4]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (15)\n change volume by (-7.5)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n broadcast (end intro v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (2.5) seconds\nif <(intro end animation?) = [0]> then\n set [id v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [brightness v] effect to (20)\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nset size to (150) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (20)\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (0.45) seconds\nrepeat (4)\n set size to (150) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\n end\nend\nrepeat (15)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1.5)\nend\nwait (0.675) seconds\nset size to (150) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (20)\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n point in direction (80)\n switch costume to (logo bg v)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (3))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n wait (44) seconds\n repeat (4)\n change size by (((-15) - (size)) / (3))\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n change y by (-5)\n point in direction (65)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n show\n set size to (0) %\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (3))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n wait (44) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change size by (((-8) - (size)) / (3))\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<(id) = [3]> or <(id) = [4]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (40)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change size by (((2750) - (size)) / (8))\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n else\n change [brightness v] effect by (-4)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n set volume to (75) %\n if <(id) = [5]> then\n set [pan left/right v] effect to (-100)\n play sound [monodyL v] until done\n delete this clone\n else\n set [pan left/right v] effect to (100)\n play sound [monodyR v] until done\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (7.2) seconds\nif <(intro end animation?) = [0]> then\n set [intro end animation? v] to [1]\n set [id v] to [3]\n start sound [Hit_Hurt4 v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n set [id v] to [4]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (end intro v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [float v] to [0]\nwait (0.25) seconds\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n repeat (27)\n float\n end\n repeat (5)\n change x by (50)\n float\n end\n set x to ((x position) * (-1))\n repeat (32)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n set x to (0)\n repeat (2)\n repeat (5)\n change y by (((25) - (y position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (((-25) - (y position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (((25) - (y position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n set [spin! v] to [90]\n repeat (15)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n change [spin! v] by (((135) - (spin!)) / (8))\n point in direction (spin!)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n change [spin! v] by (((45) - (spin!)) / (8))\n point in direction (spin!)\n end\n set [zoom v] to [0]\n repeat (100)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n change [spin! v] by (((90) - (spin!)) / (8))\n point in direction (spin!)\n change [zoom v] by (-2)\n change size by (zoom)\n end\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n repeat (27)\n float\n end\n repeat (5)\n change x by (-50)\n float\n end\n set x to ((x position) * (-1))\n repeat (32)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n set x to (0)\n repeat (2)\n repeat (5)\n change y by (((-25) - (y position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (((25) - (y position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (((-25) - (y position)) / (2))\n float\n end\n set [spin! v] to [90]\n repeat (15)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n change [spin! v] by (((45) - (spin!)) / (8))\n point in direction (spin!)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n change [spin! v] by (((135) - (spin!)) / (8))\n point in direction (spin!)\n end\n set [zoom v] to [0]\n repeat (100)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (2))\n change [spin! v] by (((90) - (spin!)) / (8))\n point in direction (spin!)\n change [zoom v] by (-2)\n change size by (zoom)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine float\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n change [float v] by (3)\n change y by (([sin v] of (float) ) / (4))\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n change [float v] by (6)\n else\n change [float v] by (-6)\n end\n change y by (([sin v] of (float) ) / (3))\n change size by (([sin v] of (float) ) / (4))\n turn right (([sin v] of (float) ) / (5)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [intro played? v] to [0]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (bg2 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n hide\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [z intro fade v]\nif <(id) > [4]> then\n repeat (15)\n change volume by (-7.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (7.2) seconds\nif <(intro end animation?) = [0]> then\n set [intro end animation? v] to [1]\n set [id v] to [3]\n start sound [Hit_Hurt4 v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.15) seconds\n set [id v] to [4]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (end intro v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [intro played? v] to [1]\n\n@intro bg\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\n@CheckPoint2\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nif <(Checkpoint) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (flag pole v)\nend\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [checkpoint v] by (1)\n switch costume to (flag v)\n end\nend\nif <(Checkpoint) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (flag v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone At x: [1955] y: [-1]\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\nClone At x: [2132] y: [38]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (flag pole v)\n\n@Achievements \n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (27) y: (-125)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(Checkpoint) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1- check point 1 v)\nend\nif <(Checkpoint) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2- check point 2 v)\nend\nif <(Checkpoint) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3- check point 3 v)\nend\n\n@CheckPoint3\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nif <(Checkpoint) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (flag pole v)\nend\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [checkpoint v] by (1)\n switch costume to (flag v)\n end\nend\nif <(Checkpoint) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (flag v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone At x: [2785] y: [-90]\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\nClone At x: [2132] y: [38]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\nset size to (40) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (flag pole v)\n\n@CheckPoint4\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [clock v]\nif <(Checkpoint) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (flag pole v)\nend\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [checkpoint v] by (1)\n switch costume to (flag v)\n end\nend\nif <(Checkpoint) > [3]> then\n switch costume to (flag v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone At x: [4513] y: [29]\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\nClone At x: [2132] y: [38]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (flag pole v)\n\n@Ending!\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game! v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nwait (30) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\n
Welcome to Polytopia - A Mobile Friendly Platformer! \nControls:\n ◈ PC:\n◈ WASD or arrow keys\n ◈ Mobile:\n◈ Tap to move!\nInstructions:\n◈ Avoid spikes!\n◈ You can reset a level at any time! \n◈ You can only skip if you die 5 times in one level.\n◈ Good Luck! Don't forget to have fun!\nTry turbo mode (Shift+Green Flag) and hold the right and up arrow keys lol.
Platformer Minecraft Quiz!! 【2】
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n play sound [Just Shapes and Beats - Factory Theme v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext backdrop\nwait () seconds\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [game v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-108)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(game) = [1]> then\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (0.6)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-0.6)\n end\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <[0] < (X)> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to ((X) * (-1.3))\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to [0]\n change x by ((X) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (-0.25))\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Y)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [9]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume v)\n end\n end\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n broadcast (next v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (ouchie v)?> or <<touching (sqisher v)?> or <<touching (sqisher2 v)?> or <<touching (sqisher3 v)?> or <touching (player2 v)?>>>>> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to x: (-200) y: (-108)\n broadcast (oof v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nset [game v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to x: (-179) y: (-108)\n\nbroadcast (start2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [oof v]\n\nset [game v] to [1]\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait () seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n broadcast (sqish v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n broadcast (sqish2 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n broadcast (squish3 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@player2\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (50) y: (100)\nshow\nset [y2 v] to [0]\nset [x2 v] to [0]\nforever\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n change [x2 v] by (0.25)\n else\n change [x2 v] by (-0.25)\n end\n if <<([y position v] of [player v]) > (y position)> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y2 v] to [9]\n end\n set [x2 v] to ((x2) * (0.9))\n change x by (x2)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <[0] < (x2)> then\n set [x2 v] to [-4]\n else\n set [x2 v] to [4]\n end\n set [y2 v] to [9]\n else\n set [x2 v] to ((x2) * (-1.3))\n change x by (x2)\n set [x2 v] to [0]\n change x by ((x2) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y2 v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (y2)\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set [y2 v] to ((y2) * (-0.25))\n change y by (y2)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (y2)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (y2)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (y2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n set [game v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to x: (-200) y: (-108)\n broadcast (oof v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (50) y: (100)\nset [x2 v] to [0]\nset [y2 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\n\nbroadcast (start2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [oof v]\n\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-108)\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-108)\n\nforever\n\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <[0] < (X)> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\nelse\n set [x v] to ((X) * (-1.3))\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to [0]\n change x by ((X) / (5))\nend\nchange y by (-4)\n\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [9]\nend\n\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume v)\nend\n\nchange y by (-4)\n\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\nend\n\nchange y by (-4)\n\nwhen I receive [oof v]\ngo to x: (50) y: (100)\nset [x2 v] to [0]\nset [y2 v] to [0]\n\n@gear background\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\ngo to x: (-222) y: (148)\nforever\n turn right (1.5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\nwait () seconds\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (241) y: (37)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@ouchie\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\nwait () seconds\n\n@sqisher\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-8)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (8)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sqish v]\nwait () seconds\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\n@sqisher2\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (0)\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-8)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change x by (8)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sqish2 v]\nwait () seconds\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\n@sqisher3\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-8)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (8)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [squish3 v]\nwait () seconds\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n
Part 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/634135768/\nPart 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/634736678/\n\n======================================= \n ※Rescue※\n=======================================\nʜɪ ᴀʟʟ!!! ᴍᴇ @hern1 ɪs ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ, ʀᴇsᴄᴜᴇ!!! ɪ ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ 1 ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜɪs ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ! sᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴏɴ ᴛʀᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ 1sᴛ ᴘᴀɢᴇ.\nʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ғᴇᴇʟ ʙᴀᴅ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴀʀ.\nʀᴇᴍɪx ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ.\nғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ @hern1 ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴀᴍᴀᴢɪɴɢ ᴘʟᴀᴛғᴏʀᴍᴇʀ!!!\nɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅᴏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2 ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ 50 ʟᴏᴠᴇs.\nᴘʟᴀʏ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏᴡᴀʀᴘ ɪғ ɪᴛ ɪs ʟᴀɢɢʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʀᴀsʜɪɴɢ.\nᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʟᴏᴀᴅ ғᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ sᴍᴏᴏᴛʜᴇʀ. https://turbowarp.org/629372491\nᴀᴅᴠᴇʀᴛɪsɪɴɢ ɪs ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴀʀ.\nsᴏʀʀʏ ɪғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ғʟᴏᴡ sᴍᴏᴏᴛʜʟʏ.\n======================================= \n ※Story※\n=======================================\nʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴠᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘɪʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ...\nᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ, ʙᴀᴅ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ...\nᴛʜᴇʏ sᴛᴏʟᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛs.\nʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴄᴜᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ!\n=======================================\n ※Stats※\n=======================================\n1 ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ ᴏғ ᴡᴏʀᴋ\n156 ᴀssᴇᴛs\n2090 ʙʟᴏᴄᴋs\n21 sᴘʀɪᴛᴇs ( ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀɴᴋ sᴘʀɪᴛᴇ. )\n20 sᴘʀɪᴛᴇs ( ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀɴᴋ sᴘʀɪᴛᴇ. )\n=======================================\n ※Rules※\n=========================================\nᴡ, ᴀ, s, ᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ.\nᴀᴠᴏɪᴅ sᴘɪᴋᴇs, sᴀᴡ, ʟᴀᴠᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ.\nᴘʀᴇss sᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ sᴡᴏʀᴅ.\nᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴘ ɪs ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ!!!\n\n=======================================\n ※ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs※\n =======================================\nᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ᴛᴏ @JC_ProGold ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ sʟɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏsᴛᴜᴍᴇ. \n \nᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ᴛᴏ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴏ ( ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ\nᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ. ) ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ.\n \nᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ᴛᴏ @-InfinityCode- ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ sʟɪᴍᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ sʟɪᴍᴇ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ.\n \nᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ᴛᴏ @Tao196 ғᴏʀ ʜᴇʟᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ғɪxɪɴɢ sᴏᴍᴇ\nɢʟɪᴛᴄʜ.\n\nᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ᴛᴏ ғᴏʀ @-Zytixon- ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ.\n\nᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴀʟʟ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ.\n \nʟᴏᴠᴇ sᴛᴀʀ ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ.\n\n\n\n\nTags ( Ignore ): \n\n#All #Games #Trending #All #Games #Trending\n#All #Games #Trending #All #Games #Trending\n#All #Games #Trending #All #Games #Trending\n#All #Games #Trending #All #Games #Trending\n#Tutorials #Tutorials #Tutorials #Tutorials #Tutorials \n#games #all #fun #platformer #spikes #awesome #saw\n#lava #text #like #fav #art #follow #hern1 #enjoy #lol #good #water #ground #hope #you #enjoy #thumbnail #music #sword #slime #background #enemy #turbowarp\n#cloud #map #grassland #rescue #map #story #intro \n
Fortnite [A Platformer]
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n play sound [オレンジコーヒー v] until done\nend\n\nswitch backdrop to (コスチューム2 v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-20)\nset [xの力 v] to [0]\nset [yの力 v] to [0]\nset [camera_x v] to [-200]\nset [camera _y v] to [-20]\nset [x v] to [-200]\nset [y v] to [-20]\n\ndefine 動作\nchange [yの力 v] by (-1)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n change [xの力 v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<[0] > (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n change [xの力 v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset [xの力 v] to ((xの力) * (0.88))\nchange x by (xの力)\nrepeat (6)\n if <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n 位置補正x (() - ((xの力) / ([abs v] of (xの力) ))) ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (xの力) ) )\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n set [yの力 v] to [12]\n set [xの力 v] to ((7) - (<(xの力) > [0]> * (14)))\n else\n set [xの力 v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (yの力)\nif <touching (ステージ v)?> then\n 位置補正y (() - ((yの力) / ([abs v] of (yの力) ))) ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (yの力) ) )\nend\nchange y by (-1.1)\nif <<touching (ステージ v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) > [0]> and <mouse down?>>>>> then\n set [yの力 v] to [15]\nend\nchange y by (1.1)\nif <<(Y) < [-400]> or <touching (障害物 v)?>> then\n 初期位置\nend\n処理\nbroadcast (プログラム2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [プログラム v]\n動作\n\ndefine 処理\nchange [x v] by ((x position) - ((X) - (Camera_x)))\nchange [y v] by ((y position) - (((Y) - (Camera _y)) - (20)))\nchange [camera_x v] by ([floor v] of (((X) - (Camera_x)) * (0.1)) )\nchange [camera _y v] by ([floor v] of (((Y) - (Camera _y)) * (0.2)) )\nset x to ((X) - (Camera_x))\nset y to (((Y) - (Camera _y)) - (20))\n\ndefine 位置補正x (向き) (回数)\nif <(xの力) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<not <touching (ステージ v)?>> or <(i) = ((回数) + (1))>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change x by (向き)\nend\nchange x by (() - ((向き) * (((回数) + (1)) * <<(i) = ((回数) + (1))> and <touching (ステージ v)?>>)))\n\ndefine 位置補正y (向き) (回数)\nif <(yの力) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<not <touching (ステージ v)?>> or <(i) = ((回数) + (1))>>\n change [i v] by (1)\n change y by (向き)\nend\nchange y by (() - ((向き) * (((回数) + (1)) * <<(i) = ((回数) + (1))> and <touching (ステージ v)?>>)))\nset [yの力 v] to [0]\n\ndefine 初期位置\ngo to x: (0) y: (-20)\nset [xの力 v] to [0]\nset [yの力 v] to [0]\nset [camera_x v] to [0]\nset [camera _y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 \(1\) v)\nforever\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\nend\n\n@ステージ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nステージ配置 [0] [0] [1]\nステージ配置 [480] [0] [2]\nステージ配置 [960] [0] [3]\nステージ配置 [1440] [0] [4]\nステージ配置 [1920] [0] [5]\nステージ配置 [2400] [0] [6]\nステージ配置 [2880] [0] [7]\nステージ配置 [3360] [0] [8]\nステージ配置 [3840] [0] [9]\nswitch costume to (none v)\nbroadcast (プログラム v)\n\ndefine ステージ配置 (x座標) (y座標) (ステージ番号)\nswitch costume to (none v)\nset [my_x v] to (x座標)\nset [my_y v] to (y座標)\nswitch costume to ((ステージ番号) + (1))\nset [my_n v] to ((ステージ番号) + (1))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine 移動 (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (none v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<([abs v] of (x) ) > ([abs v] of (x position) )> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > ([abs v] of (y position) )>> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nswitch costume to (My_n)\n\nwhen I receive [プログラム2 v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (プログラム v)\nelse\n 移動 ((My_x) - (Camera_x)) ((My_y) - (Camera _y))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [thanks v]\nhide\nステージ配置 [-480] [0] [10]\nステージ配置 [0] [0] [1]\nステージ配置 [480] [0] [2]\nステージ配置 [960] [0] [3]\nステージ配置 [1440] [0] [4]\nステージ配置 [1920] [0] [5]\nステージ配置 [2400] [0] [6]\nステージ配置 [2880] [0] [7]\nステージ配置 [3360] [0] [8]\nステージ配置 [3840] [0] [9]\nステージ配置 [4320] [0] [11]\nswitch costume to (none v)\nbroadcast (プログラム v)\n\n@障害物\n\ndefine ステージ配置 (x座標) (y座標) (ステージ番号)\nswitch costume to (none v)\nset [my_x v] to (x座標)\nset [my_y v] to (y座標)\nswitch costume to ((ステージ番号) + (1))\nset [my_n v] to ((ステージ番号) + (1))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine 移動 (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (none v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<([abs v] of (x) ) > ([abs v] of (x position) )> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > ([abs v] of (y position) )>> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nswitch costume to (My_n)\n\nwhen I receive [プログラム2 v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n 移動 ((My_x) - (Camera_x)) ((My_y) - (Camera _y))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nステージ配置 [0] [0] [1]\nステージ配置 [480] [0] [2]\nステージ配置 [960] [0] [3]\nステージ配置 [1440] [0] [4]\nステージ配置 [1920] [0] [5]\nステージ配置 [2400] [0] [6]\nステージ配置 [2880] [0] [7]\nswitch costume to (none v)\n\n@後ろの\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nステージ配置 [0] [0] [1]\nステージ配置 [480] [0] [2]\nステージ配置 [960] [0] [3]\nステージ配置 [1440] [0] [4]\nステージ配置 [1920] [0] [5]\nステージ配置 [2400] [0] [6]\nステージ配置 [2880] [0] [7]\nswitch costume to (none v)\nbroadcast (プログラム v)\n\ndefine ステージ配置 (x座標) (y座標) (ステージ番号)\nswitch costume to (none v)\nset [my_x v] to (x座標)\nset [my_y v] to (y座標)\nswitch costume to ((ステージ番号) + (1))\nset [my_n v] to ((ステージ番号) + (1))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine 移動 (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (none v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<([abs v] of (x) ) > ([abs v] of (x position) )> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > ([abs v] of (y position) )>> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nswitch costume to (My_n)\n\nwhen I receive [プログラム2 v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (プログラム v)\nelse\n 移動 ((My_x) - (Camera_x)) ((My_y) - (Camera _y))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-5) y: (-25)\nset size to (100) %\nset [sun suze v] to [100]\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (Sun Suze) )\n change [sun suze v] by (7)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n if <<<<<(Stage) = [7]> or <(Stage) = [8]>> or <(Stage) = [9]>> or <(Stage) = [10]>> or <(Stage) = [11]>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (2) to (3)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n画像、Yを設定する\nrepeat (125)\n move (-5) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine 画像、Yを設定する\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [pixelate v] effect to (50)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to x: (300) y: (pick random (-20) to (100))\n\n@Thanks\n\nwhen I receive [thanks v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-210) y: (50)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstart sound [pop v]\nrepeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (3)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (-3)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (6)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (-50)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (-9)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (3)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [costume v] to [2]\n repeat (25)\n change y by (10)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [costume v] to [1]\n repeat (25)\n change y by (15)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <(Costume) > [0.99]> then\n repeat (25)\n change y by (15)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [costume v] to [0.9]\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [costume v] to [0.9]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [costume v] to [0.9]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [costume v] to [0.9]\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [costume v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <not <(title) = [1]>> then\n if <not <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>> then\n wait (pick random (30) to (40)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <(Costume) > [0]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Thanks v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@マイクラの素材\n\n
Sorry mobile users, there are no mobile controls. :\\nplease love and fave and follow i worked very hard\ntheres a little something in level 24\n\nAfter spending hours upon hours of the last week of summer vacation making this, I finally present to you.......... Gemstone!\n================================\nReally, no joke. This was incredibly challenging, and it was pretty much all I could think about for the past week or so. It might not be the best platformer out there, but it's definitely the best I made.\n\nThere may still be a few glitches, though. I'm not the best programmer, and pretty much everything (except for the text box) was made by me. Overall, I think this turned out awesome, and I'm excited for you guys to see!\n\nThanks to @WaveTV, @perrystudios911, and @AAmania for beta testing the project. They pointed out glitches that I didn't notice.\n\n#MCMasterz #game #Gemstone #MCM #games
Sushi Platformer ✩
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [color v] effect by (15)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (-25)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (170) y: (-110)\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\nset [gravity v] to [-2.5]\nset [level v] to [0]\nset [runspeed v] to [5]\nset [takeoffspeed v] to [19]\nforever\n Run Controls\n Simulate Gravity\n Jump Control\nend\n\ndefine Simulate Gravity\nchange y by (FallSpeed)\nif <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <(FallSpeed) < [0]> then\n set [reversestep v] to [1]\n else\n set [reversestep v] to [-1]\n change [fallspeed v] by (-10)\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n change y by (ReverseStep)\n end\nelse\n change [fallspeed v] by (Gravity)\nend\n\ndefine Run Controls\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change x by (RunSpeed)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change x by ((0) - ((6) * (RunSpeed)))\n set [fallspeed v] to [12]\n else\n change x by ((0) - (RunSpeed))\n end\n end\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change x by ((0) - (RunSpeed))\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change x by ((6) * (RunSpeed))\n set [fallspeed v] to [12]\n else\n change x by (RunSpeed)\n end\n end\nend\n\nchange x by (RunSpeed)\n\ndefine Jump Control\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n set [fallspeed v] to (TakeoffSpeed)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n if then\n set [fallspeed v] to (TakeoffSpeed)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [-60]> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [40]>>\nswitch costume to (level 1 2 v)\nwait until <[-100] > ([y position v] of [player v])>\nswitch costume to (level 1 3 v)\nwait until <<[-140] > ([x position v] of [player v])> and <[-120] > ([y position v] of [player v])>>\nswitch costume to (level 1 4 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [120]> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [30]>>\nswitch costume to (level 1 5 v)\nwait until <<[-130] > ([x position v] of [player v])> and <[-110] > ([y position v] of [player v])>>\nswitch costume to (level 1 6 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [170]> and <[-110] > ([y position v] of [player v])>>\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nswitch costume to (level 2 2 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) < [60]> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [90]>>\nswitch costume to (level 2 1 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) < [-70]> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [-100]>>\nswitch costume to (level 2 3 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) < [-70]> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [-100]>>\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nswitch costume to (level 2 3 v)\nwait until <<[50] < ([x position v] of [player v])> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [40]>>\nswitch costume to (level 2 4 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) < [100]> and <([y position v] of [player v]) > [80]>>\nswitch costume to (level 2 6 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) < [-115]> and <[-120] > ([y position v] of [player v])>>\nswitch costume to (level 2 5 v)\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [170]> and <[-110] > ([y position v] of [player v])>>\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [color v] effect by (15)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (-25)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join (mouse x) (join [, ] (mouse y)))\n\nwait until <<([x position v] of [player v]) > [170]> and <[-110] > ([y position v] of [player v])>>\n\n@Light\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (1000) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\n@The Signs\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nswitch costume to ((LEVEL) + (1))\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n stop [all v]\nend\n\nset [level v] to [3]\n\n@Axolotl (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.05)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\n
━━━ ICEY 2 PLATFORMER ━━━\nControls: Arrow Keys/WASD & Mobile Support\nDon't touch ice, spikes, or the enemies\nThis is part TWO of the game series\nPart 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/896420760\nPart 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/887236150\n━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\n\n➤ Like & Star for a chance at a free follow!\n\nComment if you want Part 3\nMake sure to check out Part 1\nI will look at all of your remixes\n\nHave Fun!
Explore [Platformer]
@Stage\n\n@cloud variable\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (40) to (75))\ngo to x: (-242) y: (pick random (28) to (-259))\nforever\n repeat until <(x position) > [171]>\n move (pick random (2) to (7)) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (0.4) to (1.8)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cave time! v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end of cave! v]\nforever\n wait (pick random (0.4) to (1.8)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Lava Variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (70) y: (-200)\nforever\n if <(level) < [5]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n show\n else\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n go to x: (70) y: (-188)\n \n else\n if <(level) > [10]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level! v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change y by (5)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n change y by (4)\n wait (0.06) seconds\n change y by (3)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change y by (2)\n wait (0.06) seconds\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n change y by (-5)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n change y by (-4)\n wait (0.06) seconds\n change y by (-3)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change y by (-2)\n wait (0.06) seconds\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.08) seconds\nend\n\n@Particle variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (230) y: (pick random (230) to (-230))\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (50) to (75))\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-230]>\n go to [back v] layer\n move (-7.5) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (0.01) to (0.05)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cave time! v]\n\nhide\n\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Platform Variable\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n broadcast (Cave Time! v)\n end\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n broadcast (End of cave! v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Cave Time! v)\n\n@player variable\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nset size to (80) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [12]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (platform variable v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n start sound (pick random (3) to (5))\n end\n end\n if <touching (trampoline variable v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n reset\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-177]> or <touching (spike variable v)?>> or <touching (lava variable v)?>> then\n start sound [Death v]\n reset\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Next level! v)\n reset\n end\nend\n\ndefine reset\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\n\n@Spike Variable\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sun variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nforever\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n change size by (1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n repeat (100)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n change size by (-1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@trampoline variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (player variable v)?> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\n repeat (3)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(level) < [6]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (-91) y: (-104)\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level! v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\n@thumbnail variable\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n play sound [HealthyMusic v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n
(Double click sur le drapeau)\n(Double click on flag) ----> (SCROLL DOWN FOR \n THE ENGLISH VERSION)\n\nFrançais: \nOn a atteint les 200 000 vues merci beaucoup :D\nMERCI A TOUS J'AI JAMAIS EU AUTANT DE VUES, DE LIKES ET DE FAVS merci aussi pour le #1 en tendanceee c'est juste incroyable :DDD\nje m'y attendais pas :)))))))))\n\nPour vous remercier je prévois de faire un projet spécial je vous mettrai un lien ici quand il sera prêt, ça sera une sorte de suite :D \n---> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/670567125\n(il n'y a pas de version mobile dans la suite)\n\n(∩^o^)⊃━☆ \n\n-Utilisez les flèches pour bouger (celle du bas pour descendre l'échelle), Vous pouvez également utiliser les touches WESD (en effet, il faut utiliser "E" pour la gauche et non "A")\n-Il y a 10 niveaux, ils sont tous possible\n-Si vous êtes sur mobile, lorsque apparaît le message "press a", cliquez le buisson à la place et le message "press b", cliquez les feuilles. Pour descendre l'échelle, allez à l'échelle et appuyez dessus.\n__________________________________________\n\n AIDE POUR PASSER LES NIVEAUX:\n\n- Niveau 3 et 8: Il suffit de descendre l'échelle et d'aller \n sur le bouton pour baisser les piques, si ça ne \n marche pas, ça peut être un bug que vous pouvez \n signaler dans les commentaires.\n- Niveau 5 et 9: Il faut aller devant le buisson et cliquer \n sur "a" quand le message apparaît, le personnage va \n alors récolter des feuilles, il faut ensuite lâcher les \n feuilles au bon moment, de manière à ce qu'elles \n couvrent les piques/ l'eau en cliquant "b", (après cette \n opération, il est possible de passer sans tomber sur \n les piques.)\n- Niveau 7 (et autres): Il n'y a rien de spécial à faire, \n juste réussir à sauter par-dessus les piques.\n- Niveau 10: il faut descendre l'échelle et appuyer le \n bouton qui va faire remonter la barrière qui empêche \n d'atteindre le deuxième bouton, puis appuyer ce \n deuxième bouton.\n\n(Dites-moi si je devrais ajouter quelque chose)\n_________________________________________\n\nJe m'excuse si vous avez rencontré des bugs, j'ai réussi à en régler une grande partie, et quand je teste mon jeu je n'en ai pas, alors s'il en reste je ne saurai malheureusement pas les fixer :/ Je n'apporterai officiellement plus de changements à ce projet. \n\nMerci d'avoir lu jusqu'ici, n'hésitez pas à écrire un commentaire pour que je puisse m'améliorer la prochaine fois ou à liker si le jeu s'il vous a plu ❤️⭐\n\n=========================================\n\nEnglish:\n\nWe reached 200 000 views thank you so much :D\nThank you everyone for the views, and likes I didn't expect that,(#1 in french trendingggg TYSM) I even add an english version because I get many english comments :D\n\nTo thank you I plan to do a special project I'll put a link here when it's ready, it will be a part 2 but a bit different, you'll see :D\n---> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/670567125\n(there's no mobile version in the part 2)\n\n(∩^o^)⊃━☆\n\n-Use the arrow keys to move (the bottom one to go down the ladder), you can also use WESD keys (yes, use "E" for left instead of "A")\n- There are 10 levels, they are all possible\n- Avoid spikes and water\n---> If you are on mobile, when the message "press a" appears, click on the bush instead and the message "press b", click on the leaves instead. To go down the ladder, go to the ladder and click it.\n__________________________________________\n\n HELP TO PASS THE LEVELS:\n\n- Level 3 and 8: Just go down the ladder and go\n on the button to lower the spikes, if it doesn't\n work, it may be a bug that you can\n report in the comments.\n- Level 5 and 9: You have to go in front of the bush and \n click on "a" when the message appears, the character \n will take some leaves, then you have to drop the\n leaves at the right time, so that they\n cover the spikes/ water by clicking "b", (after doing \n this, it is possible to pass without falling on the\n spikes.)\n- Level 7 (and not only): There is nothing special to do,\n just manage to jump over the spikes.\n- Level 10: go down the ladder and press the\n button that will raise the barrier that prevents\n to reach the second button, then press this\n second button.\n\n(Tell me if I need to add anything else)\n_________________________________________\n\nI apologize if you encountered any bugs, I managed to fix a large part, and when I test my game I don't have any, so if there are still some I won't be able to fix them (sorry) :/ I will officially stop adding any changes to this project.\n\nThank you for reading so far, feel free to write a comment so that I can improve next time or like if you enjoyed the game❤️⭐