-WINTER- (A Scrolling Platformer) || #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nreplace item (12) of [? v] with [0]\ndelete (all) of [costume v]\ndelete (all) of [xpos v]\ndelete (all) of [ypos v]\n\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [director block v])\nreplace item (2) of [? v] with (((round ((mouse x) / (24))) * (24)) + ((X) - (Scrollx)))\nreplace item (3) of [? v] with (((round ((mouse y) / (24))) * (24)) + ((Y) - (Scrolly)))\nset [x v] to ((item (2) of [? v]) + (Scrollx))\nset [y v] to ((item (3) of [? v]) + (Scrolly))\nadd (costume [number v]) to [costume v]\nadd (x) to [xpos v]\nadd (y) to [ypos v]\nset [# v] to (length of [xpos v])\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nset [clone v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n change [clone v] by (1)\n create clone of (page v)\nend\nforever\n set [brightness v] effect to (([x position v] of [light v]) * (220))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\n@Lag reducer\n\n​​breakpoint​​\n\n@Blocks\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [12]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nshow\nif <(item (8) of [? v]) = [0]> then\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [director block v])\n replace item (2) of [? v] with (((round ((mouse x) / (24))) * (24)) + ((X) - (Scrollx)))\n replace item (3) of [? v] with (((round ((mouse y) / (24))) * (24)) + ((Y) - (Scrolly)))\n set [x v] to ((item (2) of [? v]) + (Scrollx))\n set [y v] to ((item (3) of [? v]) + (Scrolly))\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n set size to (38) %\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to x: (((x) - (Scrollx)) + (1.4)) y: (((y) - (Scrolly)) - (1.4))\n else\n go to x: ((x) - (Scrollx)) y: ((y) - (Scrolly))\n end\n end\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [2]> then\n walls\n end\nelse\n if <(letter (? of list) of (answer)) = [0]> then\n if <(join (letter (? of list) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (1)) of (answer))) = [00]> then\n set [x v] to ((letter ((? of list) + (2)) of (answer)) * (24))\n else\n set [x v] to ((join (letter ((? of list) + (1)) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (2)) of (answer))) * (24))\n end\n else\n set [x v] to ((join (join (letter (? of list) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (1)) of (answer))) ((? of list) + (2))) * (24))\n end\n if <(letter ((? of list) + (3)) of (answer)) = [0]> then\n if <(join (letter ((? of list) + (3)) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (4)) of (answer))) = [00]> then\n set [y v] to ((letter ((? of list) + (5)) of (answer)) * (24))\n else\n set [y v] to ((join (letter ((? of list) + (4)) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (5)) of (answer))) * (24))\n end\n else\n set [y v] to ((join (join (letter ((? of list) + (3)) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (4)) of (answer))) ((? of list) + (5))) * (24))\n end\n switch costume to (join (letter ((? of list) + (6)) of (answer)) (letter ((? of list) + (7)) of (answer)))\nend\nadd (costume [number v]) to [costume v]\nadd (x) to [xpos v]\nadd (y) to [ypos v]\nset [# v] to (length of [xpos v])\nforever\n set size to (38) %\n if <<<<mouse down?> and <touching (director block v)?>> and <(item (8) of [? v]) = [0]>> and <<<(round ([x position v] of [director block v])) < ((x position) + (5))> and <(round ([x position v] of [director block v])) > ((x position) - (5))>> and <<(round ([y position v] of [director block v])) > ((y position) - (5))> and <(round ([y position v] of [director block v])) < ((y position) + (5))>>>> then\n delete (#) of [costume v]\n delete (#) of [ypos v]\n delete (#) of [xpos v]\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(item (10) of [? v]) = (#)> then\n if <(length of ((x) / (24))) = [1]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] (join [0] ((x) / (24)))))\n else\n if <(length of ((x) / (24))) = [2]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] ((x) / (24))))\n else\n if <(length of ((x) / (24))) = [3]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) ((x) / (24)))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(length of ((y) / (24))) = [1]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] (join [0] ((y) / (24)))))\n else\n if <(length of ((y) / (24))) = [2]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] ((y) / (24))))\n else\n if <(length of ((y) / (24))) = [3]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) ((y) / (24)))\n end\n end\n end\n if <(length of (costume [number v])) = [1]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] (costume [number v])))\n else\n if <(length of (costume [number v])) = [2]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (costume [number v]))\n end\n end\n wait until <not <(item (10) of [? v]) = (#)>>\n end\n if <<((y) - (Scrolly)) < [-180]> or <<((y) - (Scrolly)) > [180]> or <<((x) - (Scrollx)) > [240]> or <((x) - (Scrollx)) < [-240]>>>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to x: (((x) - (Scrollx)) + (1.4)) y: (((y) - (Scrolly)) - (1.4))\n else\n go to x: ((x) - (Scrollx)) y: ((y) - (Scrolly))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<(item (1) of [? v]) = [2]> and <<not <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> and <(item (9) of [? v]) = [0]>>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [16]>>>> then\n walls\n end\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [15]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> and <(item (9) of [? v]) = [1]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (([sqrt v] of ((((x) - (X)) * ((x) - (X))) + (((y) - (Y)) * ((y) - (Y)))) ) * ([x position v] of [light v]))\n end\n end\n set size to (38) %\n if <(timer) > [5]> then\n replace item (9) of [? v] with [0]\n end\n if <(timer) < [.1]> then\n replace item (9) of [? v] with [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine walls\nif <<<((y) - (Y)) < [25]> and <((y) - (Y)) > [0]>> and <<((x) - (X)) < [22]> and <((x) - (X)) > [-22]>>> then\n set [y v] to ((y) - (23))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n set [grav v] to [0]\n set [move v] to [0]\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n replace item (13) of [? v] with [.85]\n set [grav v] to [1]\n else\n set [grav v] to [-2]\n end\nend\nif <<<<((x) - (X)) > ((-25) + (Move))> and <((x) - (X)) < [10]>> and <<((y) - (Y)) < [20]> and <((y) - (Y)) > [-20]>>> and <(Move) < [0]>> then\n set [x v] to ((x) + (24))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n set [grav v] to [0]\n set [move v] to [0]\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> and <(Move) < [-1]>> then\n set [move v] to ((Move) * (-1))\n else\n set [move v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<((x) - (X)) < ((25) + (Move))> and <((x) - (X)) > [-10]>> and <<((y) - (Y)) < [20]> and <((y) - (Y)) > [-20]>>> then\n set [x v] to ((x) - (25))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n set [grav v] to [0]\n set [move v] to [0]\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> and <(Move) > [1]>> then\n set [move v] to ((Move) * (-1))\n else\n set [move v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [13]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\nend\nforever\n if <<(item (1) of [? v]) = [2]> and <<not <(costume [number v]) = [16]>> and <not <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> and <(item (9) of [? v]) = [0]>>>>> then\n if <<<<((y) - (Y)) > ((-24.5) + (Grav))> and <((y) - (Y)) < [0]>> and <<((x) - (X)) < [20]> and <((x) - (X)) > [-20]>>> and <<(Grav) = [0]> or <(Grav) < [0]>>> then\n repeat until <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<((x) - (X)) > [20]> or <((x) - (X)) < [-20]>> or <((y) - (Y)) < [-40]>>>\n if <<(item (1) of [? v]) = [2]> and <<not <(costume [number v]) = [16]>> and <not <<(costume [number v]) = [6]> and <(item (9) of [? v]) = [0]>>>>> then\n if <<<<((y) - (Y)) > ((-24.5) + (Grav))> and <((y) - (Y)) < [0]>> and <<((x) - (X)) < [20]> and <((x) - (X)) > [-20]>>> and <<<(Grav) = [0]> or <(Grav) < [0]>> and <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [y v] to ((y) + (24.5))\n replace item (4) of [? v] with [1]\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> or <<(Grav) < [-17]> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [8]>>>> then\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n set [grav v] to [0]\n set [move v] to [0]\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [8]> and <(Grav) < [-2.5]>> then\n set [grav v] to ((Grav) * (-0.7))\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n set [grav v] to [15]\n start sound [Lo Gliss Tabla v]\n else\n set [grav v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n replace item (13) of [? v] with [.95]\n else\n if <<not <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [10]>>> then\n replace item (13) of [? v] with [.85]\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n replace item (9) of [? v] with [1]\n reset timer\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [20]> then\n create clone of (light v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n replace item (4) of [? v] with [0]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <<not <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [11]>>> then\n set [grav v] to [7]\n else\n set [grav v] to [0]\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n set [grav v] to [0]\n set [move v] to [0]\n start sound [Pew v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nif <(Save) = [0]> then\n wait until <<(answer) = [y]> or <(answer) = [n]>>\n if <(answer) = [y]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(Save) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [levels v]\nhide\n\n@Director Block\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nwait until <not <mouse down?>>\nforever\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n show\n if <<<mouse down?> and <<<<<not <touching (blocks v)?>> and <not <touching (start block v)?>>> and <not <touching (guy v)?>>> and <not <touching (page v)?>>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [12]>>>> and <not <<(y position) = [180]> or <<(x position) = [-240]> or <(x position) = [240]>>>>> then\n go to x: (((round ((mouse x) / (24))) * (24)) + ((X) - (Scrollx))) y: (((round ((mouse y) / (24))) * (24)) + ((Y) - (Scrolly)))\n create clone of (blocks v)\n set [save v] to [0]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n else\n hide\n end\n go to x: (((round ((mouse x) / (24))) * (24)) + ((X) - (Scrollx))) y: (((round ((mouse y) / (24))) * (24)) + ((Y) - (Scrolly)))\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n hide\n replace item (15) of [? v] with [0]\n hide list [levels v]\n ask [Which level would you like to delete? Leave blank to return] and wait\n if <(length of (answer)) > [0]> then\n delete (answer) of [levels v]\n end\n replace item (15) of [? v] with [1]\n show list [levels v]\n show\n end\nend\n\nset size to (33) %\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nset [save v] to [1]\nshow list [levels v]\npoint in direction (0)\nforever\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\nset [load v] to [0]\nset [last v] to [0]\nreplace item (10) of [? v] with []\nif <(direction) = [0]> then\n add [] to [levels v]\n set [? of list v] to (length of [levels v])\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n replace item (last) of [levels v] with []\n set [? of list v] to (length of [levels v])\nend\nreplace item (1) of [? v] with [1]\nrepeat ((length of [xpos v]) + (1))\n replace item (10) of [? v] with ((item (10) of [? v]) + (1))\nend\nreplace item (10) of [? v] with [-1]\nset [last v] to [1]\nset [save v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nif <(Save) = [0]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n ask [Are you sure you want to load? Unsaved data will be deleted! Y/N] and wait\n if <(answer) = [y]> then\n set [save v] to [1]\n end\nend\nif <(Save) = [1]> then\n hide list [levels v]\n ask [Place code \( For a clean slate, leave answer blank.\)] and wait\n show list [levels v]\n if <(length of (answer)) > [0]> then\n delete (all) of [costume v]\n delete (all) of [xpos v]\n delete (all) of [ypos v]\n set [x v] to ((join (join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (5)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (4)) of (answer))) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (3)) of (answer))) * (24))\n set [y v] to ((join (join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (2)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (1)) of (answer))) (letter (length of (answer)) of (answer))) * (24))\n set [load v] to [1]\n replace item (1) of [? v] with [1]\n replace item (8) of [? v] with [1]\n set [? of list v] to [-7]\n repeat (((length of (answer)) - (6)) / (8))\n change [scrolly v] by (((Y) - (Scrolly)) * (0.1))\n change [scrollx v] by (((X) - (Scrollx)) * (0.1))\n change [? of list v] by (8)\n create clone of (blocks v)\n end\n replace item (1) of [? v] with [2]\n broadcast (create v)\n set [grav v] to [0]\n change [? of list v] by (8)\n wait (0) seconds\n set [? of list v] to [0]\n end\nend\nbroadcast (create v)\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nforever\n if <key (i v) pressed?> then\n repeat until <not <key (i v) pressed?>>\n say (item (costume [number v]) of [info v])\n end\n say []\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nset size to (30) %\n\n@Guy\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [grav v] to [0]\nreplace item (10) of [? v] with [-1]\nreplace item (8) of [? v] with [0]\nif <(load) = [0]> then\n delete (all) of [costume v]\n delete (all) of [xpos v]\n delete (all) of [ypos v]\nend\nreplace item (9) of [? v] with [0]\nset [? of list v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(y position) < [-170]>> then\n start sound [Pew v]\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n set [grav v] to [0]\n set [move v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n go to x: ((X) - (Scrollx)) y: ((Y) - (Scrolly))\n end\n end\n go to x: ((X) - (Scrollx)) y: ((Y) - (Scrolly))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(item (1) of [? v]) = [2]>> and <(item (4) of [? v]) = [1]>> then\n replace item (4) of [? v] with [0]\n wait until <(Grav) = [-2]>\n end\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n wait until <not <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n hide\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [y v] by (24)\n wait until <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [y v] by (-24)\n wait until <not <key (down arrow v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (24)\n wait until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-24)\n wait until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n end\n set [move v] to [0]\n set [grav v] to [0]\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n set [x v] to (item (5) of [? v])\n set [y v] to (item (6) of [? v])\n repeat until <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]>\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [move v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [move v] by (-1)\n end\n set [move v] to ((Move) * (item (13) of [? v]))\n change [x v] by (Move)\n change [y v] by (Grav)\n change [grav v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n wait until <(last) = [1]>\n end\nend\n\nreplace item (1) of [? v] with [1]\nreplace item (8) of [? v] with [0]\ndelete (all) of [costume v]\ndelete (all) of [xpos v]\ndelete (all) of [ypos v]\n\nset size to (38) %\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nforever\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n wait until <(item (15) of [? v]) = [1]>\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n replace item (15) of [? v] with [0]\n broadcast (save v) and wait\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\n replace item (15) of [? v] with [1]\n end\n if <key (l v) pressed?> then\n replace item (15) of [? v] with [0]\n broadcast (load v) and wait\n replace item (15) of [? v] with [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nforever\n if <not <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]>> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n next costume\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Page\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [2]> then\n replace item (1) of [? v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (1) of [? v] with [2]\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> and <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> then\n broadcast (home v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (-38)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n delete this clone\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (5))\n else\n change y by (((-38) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (l v) pressed?>> then\n repeat until <(item (15) of [? v]) = [1]>\n change y by (((-38) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n end\n if <(last) = [0]> then\n repeat until <(last) = [1]>\n change y by (((-38) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to ((Clone) + (1))\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: ([y position v] of [page v])\n if <(round (y position)) > [-20]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n replace item (11) of [? v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (11) of [? v] with [0]\n end\n end\n show\n else\n hide\n replace item (11) of [? v] with [0]\n end\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Start Block\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nset [grav v] to [0]\nif <(load) = [0]> then\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n replace item (5) of [? v] with (x)\n replace item (6) of [? v] with (y)\nelse\n if <(letter ((length of (answer)) - (5)) of (answer)) = [0]> then\n if <(join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (5)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (4)) of (answer))) = [00]> then\n set [x v] to ((letter ((length of (answer)) - (3)) of (answer)) * (24))\n else\n set [x v] to ((join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (4)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (3)) of (answer))) * (24))\n end\n else\n set [x v] to ((join (join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (5)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (4)) of (answer))) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (3)) of (answer))) * (24))\n end\n if <(letter ((length of (answer)) - (2)) of (answer)) = [0]> then\n if <(join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (2)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (1)) of (answer))) = [00]> then\n set [y v] to ((letter (length of (answer)) of (answer)) * (24))\n else\n set [y v] to ((join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (1)) of (answer)) (letter (length of (answer)) of (answer))) * (24))\n end\n else\n set [y v] to ((join (join (letter ((length of (answer)) - (2)) of (answer)) (letter ((length of (answer)) - (1)) of (answer))) (letter (length of (answer)) of (answer))) * (24))\n end\n replace item (5) of [? v] with (x)\n replace item (6) of [? v] with (y)\nend\nshow\nforever\n go to x: ((x) - (Scrollx)) y: ((y) - (Scrolly))\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<not <(((round ((mouse y) / (24))) * (24)) + ((Y) - (Scrolly))) < [-120]>> and <([costume # v] of [director block v]) = [12]>> and <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]>>> then\n set [x v] to ((((round ((mouse x) / (24))) * (24)) + ((X) - (Scrollx))) + (Scrollx))\n set [y v] to ((((round ((mouse y) / (24))) * (24)) + ((Y) - (Scrolly))) + (Scrolly))\n end\n if <(item (1) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n if <<((y) - (Scrolly)) < [-180]> or <<((y) - (Scrolly)) > [180]> or <<((x) - (Scrollx)) > [240]> or <((x) - (Scrollx)) < [-240]>>>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n replace item (5) of [? v] with (x)\n replace item (6) of [? v] with (y)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\nrepeat until <(last) = [1]>\n set [# v] to ((item (last) of [xpos v]) + (1))\nend\nif <(length of ((x) / (24))) = [1]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] (join [0] ((x) / (24)))))\nelse\n if <(length of ((x) / (24))) = [2]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] ((x) / (24))))\n else\n if <(length of ((x) / (24))) = [3]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) ((x) / (24)))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(length of ((y) / (24))) = [1]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] (join [0] ((y) / (24)))))\nelse\n if <(length of ((y) / (24))) = [2]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) (join [0] ((y) / (24))))\n else\n if <(length of ((y) / (24))) = [3]> then\n replace item (? of list) of [levels v] with (join (item (? of list) of [levels v]) ((y) / (24)))\n end\n end\nend\nwait until <not <(item (10) of [? v]) = (#)>>\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nset [x v] to [13176]\nset [y v] to [13176]\n\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [load v] to [0]\nhide\n\n@More\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nreplace item (11) of [? v] with [0]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (100) %\ngo [backward v] (100) layers\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-300)\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-294]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <(item (11) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (10))\n else\n change y by (((-300) - (y position)) / (10))\n end\n change [scrolly v] by (((Y) - (Scrolly)) * (0.1))\n change [scrollx v] by (((X) - (Scrollx)) * (0.1))\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to ((([direction v] of [more v]) / (90)) + (2))\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (20) %\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n change y by (((-80) - (y position)) / (10))\n else\n change y by (((-5) - (y position)) / (10))\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((13) - (size)) / (5))\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (10))\n change [brightness v] effect by (3)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n replace item (1) of [? v] with [1]\n broadcast (create v)\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> and <not <([size v] of [info v]) > [10]>>> then\n replace item (14) of [? v] with [1]\n end\n end\n end\n else\n change size by (((11) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nshow list [levels v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume15 v)\nset size to (0) %\nrepeat until <(round (size)) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (10))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(round (size)) = [40]>\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (5))\nend\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [80]>\n change y by (((80) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\npoint in direction (0)\nrepeat (2)\n turn right (90) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [twist v] to [1]\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((52) - (size)) / (5))\n else\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n if <(direction) > [95]> then\n change [twist v] by (0.1)\n end\n if <(direction) < [85]> then\n change [twist v] by (-0.1)\n end\n turn left (twist) degrees\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n change [scrolly v] by (((Y) - (Scrolly)) * (0.01))\n change [scrollx v] by (((X) - (Scrollx)) * (0.01))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [-295]>\n change y by (((-300) - (y position)) / (10))\nend\n\n@Info\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo [backward v] (1000) layers\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n if <<(length of [xpos v]) > [0]> and <not <touching (blocks v)?>>> then\n delete (all) of [xpos v]\n delete (all) of [ypos v]\n delete (all) of [costume v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nreplace item (14) of [? v] with [0]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(item (14) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <(size) > [50]>> then\n replace item (14) of [? v] with [0]\n end\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n change [lite v] by (((0) - (lite)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (lite)\n change [ghost v] by (((0) - (ghost)) / (5))\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n else\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (5))\n change [lite v] by (((-100) - (lite)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] by (((100) - (ghost)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (lite)\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nforever\n if <(item (14) of [? v]) = [1]> then\n set [pitch v] effect to (20)\n start sound [Jump v]\n wait until <(item (14) of [? v]) = [0]>\n end\nend\n\n@Save\n\nwhen I receive [save v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset size to (15) %\nset [shrink v] to [10]\nrepeat (10)\n change [shrink v] by (-1)\n change size by (shrink)\n turn right (15) degrees\n set [color v] effect to ([abs v] of ((direction) / (3)) )\nend\nrepeat until <(Save) = [1]>\n turn right (15) degrees\n set [color v] effect to ([abs v] of ((direction) / (3)) )\nend\nset [shrink v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [shrink v] by (-1)\n change size by (shrink)\n turn right (15) degrees\n set [color v] effect to ([abs v] of ((direction) / (3)) )\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@light\n\nwhen I receive [create v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-1)\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.8000000000000114)\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.6000000000000227)\n end\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.5)\n end\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.39999999999997726)\n end\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.30000000000001137)\n end\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.19999999999998863)\n end\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-0.10000000000002274)\n end\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (0)\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n repeat until <(item (15) of [? v]) = [1]>\n change x by (((direction) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n end\n change x by (((direction) - (x position)) / (5))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset x to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nif <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-1)\nend\nif <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.8)\nend\nif <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.6)\nend\nif <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.5)\nend\nif <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.4)\nend\nif <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.3)\nend\nif <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.2)\nend\nif <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (-0.1)\nend\nif <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n set x to (0)\nend\nif <key (w v) pressed?> then\n wait until <(item (15) of [? v]) = [1]>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nshow\nset [x v] to (X)\nset [y v] to (Y)\nset [grav v] to (pick random (3) to (10))\nset [ymove v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\npoint in direction (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (1) to (60))\nforever\n change [y v] by (grav)\n change [x v] by (direction)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n change [grav v] by (-1)\n set [brightness v] effect to (([sqrt v] of ((((x) - (X)) * ((x) - (X))) + (((y) - (Y)) * ((y) - (Y)))) ) * (([x position v] of [light v]) / (20)))\n go to x: ((x) - (Scrollx)) y: ((y) - (Scrolly))\n change [color v] effect by (10)\n change size by (ymove)\n go [forward v] (ymove) layers\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change [color v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (220) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n create clone of (thumbnail v)\n wait (.05) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [EXPLORING THE DARK2 v]\nwait (8) seconds\nrepeat (30)\n change volume by (-3)\nend\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\nset [pixelate v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (25)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-5)\nend\nstart sound [Chill v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [smooth v] to [15]\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (smooth)\n change [smooth v] by (-1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [brightness v] effect by (3.3)\nend\nrepeat (50)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\n change [color v] effect by (5)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [color v] effect by (5)\nend\nset [smooth v] to [-10]\nrepeat (30)\n change [smooth v] by (.4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (((smooth) + (5)) * (-1))\n change size by (smooth)\nend\nset [smooth v] to [0]\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change [smooth v] by (-.8)\n change size by ((smooth) * (-1.1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (((smooth) + (5)) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nreset timer\nset size to (80) %\nset [x v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-25)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (Intro v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nset [? v] to (pick random (5) to (30))\nset [size v] to (pick random (-100) to (150))\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (180) to (-180))\npoint in direction (pick random (180) to (-180))\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nmove (1) steps\nforever\n set size to (((distance to [intro v]) * (2)) + (size)) %\n set [ghost v] effect to ((((y position) - (80)) * <(y position) > [0]>) + (((-80) - (y position)) * <(y position) < [0]>))\n change x by ((x position) / (?))\n change y by ((y position) / (?))\n change x by ((y position) / (20))\n change y by ((x position) / (-20))\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [home v]\ndelete this clone\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nshow list [sample v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nwait (9) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (24)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (home v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nhide\nforever\n set volume to (100) %\n play sound [Mini Mania v] until done\n play sound [Anthropologie Music? - 4:6:19, 11 v] until done\n play sound [Island Christmas v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
********Click the flag twice or there will be bugs******\nCONTROLS:\nArrow keys, WASD, or tap (for mobile) to move.\nGet to the far right of the screen to advance.\nAvoid spikes, lava, saws, and lasers.\nTrampolines force you really high!\nSwim in water, but don't fall down too much.\nCollect the keys to unlock doors.
Draw platformer‼︎
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\n if <key (q v) pressed?> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (3.5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine reset\nbroadcast (death v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-73)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n reset\n end\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n reset\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n play sound [so sad D: v] until done\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n set volume to (0) %\n end\n if <key (u v) pressed?> then\n set volume to (40) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [xvelocity v] to [0]\nset [yvelocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-57)\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xvelocity v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xvelocity v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xvelocity v] to ((xvelocity) * (.9))\n change x by (xvelocity)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change x by ((xvelocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(xvelocity) > [0]> then\n set [xvelocity v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xvelocity v] to [5]\n end\n set [yvelocity v] to [10]\n else\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (join [costume2] (weapon number))\n change [yvelocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (yvelocity)\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change y by ((yvelocity) * (-1))\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <touching (lvl v)?> then\n change [yvelocity v] by (15)\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (-73)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nplay sound [death v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [switch of the weapon v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (boss \(unfinished\) v)?> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@lvl\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Effect\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (pick random (0.1) to (0.3)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\ngo to x: (pick random (-230) to (230)) y: (-180)\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) > [170]>\n change y by (3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (18) y: (-25)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Music\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(music) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Munsic v)\n switch costume to (1 v)\nelse\n set [music v] to [0]\n repeat (5)\n change size by (1)\n end\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nset [music v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [sad v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nswitch costume to (1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (20) %\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (220) y: (-160)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(music) = [0]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n else\n set volume to (50) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [munsic v]\nset [music v] to [1]\n\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\n\n@ low quality sword D:\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) > [13]> then\n go to x: (-3) y: (-10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [14]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nset [weapon number v] to [1]\nset [weapon type v] to [1]\nbroadcast (sword v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nforever\n show\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (swing v)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [sword v]\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(weapon number) = [1]>> then\n swing sword\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine swing sword\nshow\nif <([direction v] of [player v]) = [90]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (30)\n repeat (7)\n turn right (20) degrees\n switch costume to (swing v)\n go to (player v)\n broadcast (switch of the weapon v)\n end\nelse\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (150)\n repeat (7)\n turn right (-20) degrees\n switch costume to (swing2 v)\n go to (player v)\n broadcast (switch of the weapon v)\n end\nend\nhide\n\n@boss (unfinished)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (-88)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.4) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(level) > [17]> then\n show\n broadcast (boss fight v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (9) y: (115)\n\nset [level v] to [16]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (boss weapon v)?> then\n broadcast (boss = hurt v)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (25)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@boss weapon\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to (boss \(unfinished\) v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) > [16]> then\n wait (3) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (1) to (1.5)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\npoint towards (player v)\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (lvl v)?>>\n move (15) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching ( low quality sword d: v)?> then\n point towards (boss \(unfinished\) v)\n repeat until <touching (boss \(unfinished\) v)?>\n move (15) steps\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [17]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (boss \(unfinished\) v)?> then\n repeat (1)\n broadcast (boss = hurt v)\n wait (5) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\n
I finally have finished the first part my BEST platformer of all time, Geo!\n\nPC Players:\n-WASD or arrow keys to move and jump\n\nMobile players:\n- Tap the screen to the right to go right, tap the screen to the left to go left, and tap the screen to the upper side to jump!\n\nAvoid obstacles and try to get to the end! :D
☁ Sky - A cloud multiplayer platformer (mobile friendly) #platformer #Scrolling #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nforever\n play sound [Popsicle v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine reset\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nif <(Chackpoint) = [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n set [x pos v] to [0]\n set [y pos v] to [0]\nend\nif <(Chackpoint) = [1]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [3630]\n set [scroll y v] to [175]\n set [x pos v] to [3630]\n set [y pos v] to [175]\nend\nif <(Chackpoint) = [2]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [2850]\n set [scroll y v] to [155]\n set [x pos v] to [2850]\n set [y pos v] to [155]\nend\nset [dead? v] to [no]\nset [win? v] to [no]\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\ndefine physics\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1.8)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1.8)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (.8))\nChange x pos (round (Xv))\nChange y pos (Yv)\nif <(Yv) > [-10]> then\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n if <<touching (ladder v)?> and <not <<<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (dangers v)?>> or <touching (spinny thing v)?>> and <not <touching (thingy v)?>>> then\n set [dead? v] to [yes]\nend\nif <touching (mushrooms v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [22]\nend\nif <<<touching (jump pulses v)?> or <<touching (jump pulses2 v)?> or <touching (jump pulses3 v)?>>> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n broadcast (glow v)\nend\n\ndefine Change y pos (amount)\nchange [y pos v] by (amount)\nPosition\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> then\n set [yv v] to [5]\n end\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [-5]\n end\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>>>\n if <(Yv) > [0]> then\n change [y pos v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y pos v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [y pos v] by (-1)\nPosition\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\nchange [y pos v] by (1)\nPosition\nchange [scroll y v] by ((y position) / (10))\nif <[20] > (SCROLL Y)> then\n set [scroll y v] to [20]\nend\n\ndefine Change x pos (amount)\nchange [x pos v] by (amount)\nPosition\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n change [y pos v] by (1)\n Position\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n change [y pos v] by (1)\n Position\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n change [y pos v] by (1)\n Position\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n change [y pos v] by (1)\n Position\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>> then\n change [y pos v] by (1)\n Position\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y pos v] by (-5)\n repeat until <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving plats v)?> or <touching (moving plats2 v)?>>>>\n change [x pos v] by ((amount) * (-1))\n Position\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [scroll x v] to (X pos)\nif <[0] > (SCROLL X)> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((X pos) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Y pos) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nbroadcast (set up v)\nbroadcast (reset v)\nreset\nforever\n physics\n broadcast (Scroll v)\n if <(dead?) = [yes]> then\n broadcast (reset v)\n broadcast (set up v)\n reset\n end\nend\n\n@ground\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [450] [20] [2]\nClone at [450] [20] [3]\nClone at [900] [20] [4]\nClone at [900] [20] [5]\nClone at [480] [20] [6]\nClone at [450] [20] [7]\nClone at [450] [20] [8]\nClone at [600] [20] [9]\nClone at [450] [20] [10]\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@lava\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: (((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)) + (y)) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\nClone at [450] [20] [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@deco\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nClone at [450] [20] [2]\nClone at [450] [20] [3]\nClone at [900] [20] [5]\nClone at [900] [20] [4]\nClone at [480] [20] [6]\nClone at [450] [20] [7]\nClone at [450] [20] [8]\nClone at [600] [20] [9]\nClone at [450] [20] [10]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@dangers\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nClone at [450] [20] [2]\nClone at [3630] [20] [4]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@mushrooms\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [625]\nset [y v] to [-12]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [2010]\nset [y v] to [318]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [3230]\nset [y v] to [-50]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (2)\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat (2)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@moving plats\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: (((([sin v] of ((timer) * (50)) ) * (200)) + (x)) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [1300]\nset [y v] to [80]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@jump pulses\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [1600] [20] [1]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)) + (100)) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen I receive [glow v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (8)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nrepeat (8)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@coin 1\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <<(collected) > [0]> and <(ive collected?) = [1]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (-186) y: (129)\nelse\n show\n go to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n set [ive collected? v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [2010]\nset [y v] to [550]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [ive collected? v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@ladder\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [450] [20] [2]\nClone at [450] [20] [3]\nClone at [900] [20] [4]\nClone at [900] [20] [5]\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@spinny thing\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [3180] [80] [1]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nturn right (2) degrees\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@coin 2\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(stop?) = [0]> then\n show\n go to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n go to x: (-127) y: (129)\n set [stop? v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n go to x: (-127) y: (129)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [3180]\nset [y v] to [200]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stop? v] to [0]\nset [collected v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@spinny thing2\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [3180] [80] [1]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nturn right (2) degrees\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@jump pulses2\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [3650] [20] [2]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)) + (100)) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen I receive [glow v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (8)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nrepeat (8)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@checkpoint\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nset size to (100) %\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [chackpoint v] to [1]\nend\nif <not <(Chackpoint) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (3 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nset [x v] to [3630]\nset [y v] to [20]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [chackpoint v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@jump pulses3\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [20]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nwait (0) seconds\nClone at [4080] [20] [3]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)) + (100)) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen I receive [glow v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (8)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nrepeat (8)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@coin 3\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nif <(c) = [1]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n go to x: (-67) y: (129)\nelse\n show\n go to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (100) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n set [c v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [4230]\nset [y v] to [-80]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [c v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@moving plats2\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: (((([sin v] of ((timer) * (50)) ) * (70)) + (x)) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [3850]\nset [y v] to [60]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@infinity vault\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(collected) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (90) %\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [win? v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (90) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nshow\nset [x v] to [5100]\nset [y v] to [180]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collected v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [win? v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(win?) = [1]> then\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset [___intro v] to [1]\ngo to x: (200) y: (0)\nrepeat (6)\n switch costume to (filter back v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-80)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nrepeat (6)\n switch costume to (filter blue v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (80)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (200) y: (0)\nrepeat (6)\n switch costume to (filter white v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-80)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nset [___intro v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (background v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nParticles\nswitch costume to (logo\(pt 1\) v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (logo pt 3 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (logo\(pt 2\) v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (logo v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (letter s v)\nset [___intro v] to [4]\nset [x v] to [-140]\nrepeat (11)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n change [x v] by (35)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (end2 v)\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (35)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n repeat (35)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (1000)\n show\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Logo\(pt 1\)]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (30)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n wait until <(___Intro) = [3]>\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Logo pt 3]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (-100) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (30)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n set y to (0)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n set [___intro v] to [3]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Logo\(pt 2\)]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (100) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (30)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Logo]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n wait (0.2) seconds\n repeat (30)\n change y by (((50) - (y position)) / (5))\n point in direction ((90) + ((6) * ([tan v] of ((timer) * (100)) )))\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n repeat until <(___Intro) = [5]>\n point in direction ((90) + ((6) * ([tan v] of ((timer) * (100)) )))\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (((-180) - (y position)) / (4))\n change size by (((20) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n turn right ((join [-] ((direction) / (3))) / (10)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [number v]) > [7]> and <[19] > (costume [number v])>> then\n show\n set size to (0) %\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (30)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n change y by (((-120) - (y position)) / (5))\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (30)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n change y by (((180) - (y position)) / (5))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [19]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n point in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\n set size to (pick random (75) to (150)) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-30) to (50))\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (40))\n set [i v] to (pick random (5) to (9))\n set [v v] to (pick random (10) to (12))\n show\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (i)\n move (v) steps\n set [v v] to ((v) * (0.95))\n change [i v] by (-0.4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particles\nhide\nswitch costume to (particle v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Background]> then\n point in direction (90)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [number v]) > [7]> and <[19] > (costume [number v])>> then\n wait (4) seconds\n set [___intro v] to [5]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [end3]> or <<(costume [name v]) = [end1]> or <(costume [name v]) = [end2]>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (-5000) y: (0)\n repeat until <(x position) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [end3]> or <<(costume [name v]) = [end1]> or <(costume [name v]) = [end2]>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (0)\n go to x: (-5000) y: (0)\n repeat until <(x position) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Ping! v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop all sounds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@thingy\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@checkpoint2\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nset size to (100) %\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [chackpoint v] to [2]\nend\nif <(Chackpoint) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nset [x v] to [2700]\nset [y v] to [20]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (.01) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
This is classic non-generic platformer with some unexpected stuffs! Follow for more!\n\nHow to play?\n- Please spam-click the flag to avoid lag and bugs.\n- Arrow keys or WASD to move.\n- Avoid dangerous stuff.\n- press r to restart.\n- Have fun!\n- ❤️ and ⭐will be appreciated and I will make more games like this! :) A LOT of effort was put on it!\n\nturbowrap:- https://turbowarp.org/625241682\n\nCREDITS! :)\n- Music by Julius Dreisig & Zeus X Crona - Invisible [NCS Release]\n- Some inspiration by @Capt_Boanerges\n- Original platformer tutorial by @xamuil2\n- Thanks to @JC_PROGOLD For the thumbnail movement!\n- Art and coding by me! :)\n\nTags\n- #amazingQ\n- #All\n- #games\n- #art\n- #music\n- #platformer\n- #platformers\n- #ungeneric\n- #followme
NEW Fortnite: Pixel Platformer Online
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen I receive [trumpetss v]\nstart sound [trumpet1 v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.01) seconds\nrepeat until <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [15]>\n play sound [Boss Fight v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.01) seconds\nrepeat until <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [14]>\n play sound [Sweet Safari v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.01) seconds\nrepeat until <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]>\n play sound [Boss Fight v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.01) seconds\nrepeat until <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [20]>\n play sound [Cowboy Country v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.01) seconds\nrepeat until <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [23]>\n play sound [Final Boss v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unleashthebeast v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop19 v)\n\nwhen I receive [phase2 v]\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop20 v)\n\nwhen I receive [deadchicken v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop21 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.01) seconds\nplay sound [Ending v] until done\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop22 v)\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop12 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nrepeat until <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [8]>\n play sound [Party Plant v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop23 v)\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop12 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nshow variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nshow variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop22 v)\n\n@Felix\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if < or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n if < or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\n if < or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n if < or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>>> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-137)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or >>>> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [up arrow v] key pressed\nif <<<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>> and <not <<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n repeat until <<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>>\n change [yv v] by (-0.1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [time v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching color (#009999)?>> then\n play sound [ripples v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (piano v)?> or <touching (piano2 v)?>> then\n start sound [chord v]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (bat v)?> or <touching (bat2 v)?>> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-226) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (sprite27 v)?> then\n go to x: (-229) y: (61)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (pacplant v)?> or <touching (pacplant2 v)?>> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (windmill2 v)?> or <touching (windmill3 v)?>> then\n change [yv v] by (5)\n end\n if <<touching (windmill v)?> or <touching (windmill4 v)?>> then\n change [yv v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (scissor v)?> or <touching (scissor2 v)?>> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite32 v)?> then\n go to x: (-218) y: (19)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (dandelion v)?> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nforever\n if <touching (chickenlittle v)?> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\n end\n if <<touching (chickenlittle2 v)?> and <not <touching color (#ff0000)?>>> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\n end\n if <touching (chickenlittle3 v)?> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-207) y: (-139)\nset [time v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [1]>> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>> then\n set [xv v] to [20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [3]>> then\n set [yv v] to [-20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [4]>> then\n set [xv v] to [-20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [xv v] by (0.65)\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [xv v] by (-0.65)\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (none v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <touching color (#660000)?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n start sound [pop v]\n set [yv v] to [12]\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13.5]\n end\n end\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (none v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n if <not <touching color (#660000)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n start sound [pop v]\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or >> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.36)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (0.37)\n end\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [tambura v]\n end\n if <touching color (#660000)?> then\n start sound [buzz whir v]\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n start sound [horse gallop v]\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n change x by (8)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by (-8)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n change x by (-8)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by (8)\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (soda v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda v]) = [2]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <touching (soda2 v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda2 v]) = [2]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and < or <key (z v) pressed?>>> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n end\n if <<touching (sprite3 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (crab2 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (crabdead2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (crab v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Crabdead v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (sprite7 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flightdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (sprite20 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flightdeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (lord lollipop v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flydeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (swimmylittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Swimmingdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (conkdor v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Swimmingdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (goldminelittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n if <<touching (goldminelittle2 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead2 v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (scarescrow v)?> and <touching color (#663b00)?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (chickenlittle2 v)?> and <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n broadcast (DownDowndown v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (bouncylittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (deaddt v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom v)?> and <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom2 v)?> and <touching color (#002699)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom3 v)?> and <touching color (#ff00bf)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom4 v)?> and <touching color (#006622)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (scarescrow2 v)?> and <touching color (#663b00)?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <touching (sprite15 v)?> then\n go to x: (78) y: (167)\n end\n if <<touching (paintfish v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [3]\n end\n if <touching (jelly v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n if <touching (jellywall v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [xv v] to [30]\n end\n if <touching (jellywall2 v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [xv v] to [-30]\n end\n if <touching (cow2 v)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears3 v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <<touching (conkdor v)?> and <not <touching color (#666666)?>>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-144)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-207) y: (-139)\nset [p v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [1]>> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>> then\n set [xv v] to [20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [3]>> then\n set [yv v] to [-20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [4]>> then\n set [xv v] to [-20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [xv v] by (0.65)\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [xv v] by (-0.65)\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (none v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <touching color (#660000)?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n start sound [pop v]\n set [yv v] to [12]\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13.5]\n end\n end\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (none v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n if <not <touching color (#660000)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n start sound [pop v]\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or >> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.36)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (0.37)\n end\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [tambura v]\n end\n if <touching color (#660000)?> then\n start sound [buzz whir v]\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n start sound [horse gallop v]\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n change x by (8)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by (-8)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or > then\n change x by (-8)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by (8)\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (soda v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda v]) = [2]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <touching (soda2 v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda2 v]) = [2]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and < or <key (z v) pressed?>>> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n end\n if <<touching (sprite3 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (crab2 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (crabdead2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (crab v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Crabdead v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (sprite7 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flightdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (sprite20 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flightdeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (lord lollipop v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flydeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (swimmylittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Swimmingdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (conkdor v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Swimmingdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (goldminelittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n if <<touching (goldminelittle2 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead2 v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (scarescrow v)?> and <touching color (#663b00)?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (chickenlittle2 v)?> and <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n broadcast (DownDowndown v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (bouncylittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (deaddt v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom v)?> and <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom2 v)?> and <touching color (#002699)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom3 v)?> and <touching color (#ff00bf)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom4 v)?> and <touching color (#006622)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (scarescrow2 v)?> and <touching color (#663b00)?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <touching (sprite15 v)?> then\n go to x: (78) y: (167)\n end\n if <<touching (paintfish v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [3]\n end\n if <touching (jelly v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n if <touching (jellywall v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [xv v] to [30]\n end\n if <touching (jellywall2 v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [xv v] to [-30]\n end\n if <touching (cow2 v)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears3 v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <<touching (conkdor v)?> and <not <touching color (#666666)?>>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-144)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nchange [points v] by (20)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (25) y: (35)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (159) y: (35)\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (25) y: (35)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nforever\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (214) y: (-82)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (214) y: (-82)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (90) y: (-82)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (214) y: (-82)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\nend\n\n@Soda\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-217) y: (-135)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-45) y: (82)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (99) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-45) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (99) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-45) y: (82)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (99) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-45) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (99) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-45) y: (82)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (99) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-45) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (99) y: (82)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-45) y: (82)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (69) y: (47)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-115) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (69) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-115) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (69) y: (47)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-115) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (69) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-115) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (69) y: (47)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-115) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (69) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-115) y: (47)\n glide (1) secs to x: (69) y: (47)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [12]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n glide (2) secs to x: (-217) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n glide (2) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n glide (2) secs to x: (-217) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n glide (2) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n glide (2) secs to x: (-217) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-45) y: (82)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (107) y: (-98)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-54)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (106) y: (-103)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (138) y: (-102)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (164) y: (-88)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-250) y: (70)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-261) y: (64)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-165) y: (6)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\ngo to x: (-214) y: (58)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n hide\n change [points v] by (50)\n start sound [laser2 v]\n wait ( seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shw v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (210) y: (-124)\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n hide\n change [points v] by (50)\n start sound [laser2 v]\n wait ( seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (217) y: (35)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (130) y: (-23)\n\nwhen I receive [shakeattack2 v]\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (107) y: (48)\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (209) y: (-28)\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n hide\n change [points v] by (50)\n start sound [laser2 v]\n wait ( seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n hide\n change [points v] by (50)\n start sound [laser2 v]\n wait ( seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [flightdeath v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nhide\nchange [points v] by (25)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (95) y: (110)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-20) y: (110)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-90) y: (56)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (95) y: (110)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nforever\n if <touching (soda v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (flightdeath v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (flightdeath v)\n end\nend\n\n@Goal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\ngo to x: (205) y: (142)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\ngo to x: (214) y: (149)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (219) y: (167)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (170)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (221) y: (152)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (214) y: (-141)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (171)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\ngo to x: (216) y: (145)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\ngo to x: (224) y: (147)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (210) y: (75)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (216) y: (168)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\ngo to x: (207) y: (168)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\ngo to x: (211) y: (137)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\ngo to x: (-211) y: (115)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (207) y: (63)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> or <touching (robin v)?>> then\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Robin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or > then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n end\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or > then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.23) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (e v) pressed?> or <key (q v) pressed?>> then\n play sound [whoop v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nforever\n if <touching (chickenlittle v)?> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\n end\n if <<touching (chickenlittle2 v)?> and <not <touching color (#ff0000)?>>> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\n end\n if <touching (chickenlittle3 v)?> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (bat v)?> or <touching (bat2 v)?>> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-226) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (sprite27 v)?> then\n go to x: (-229) y: (61)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (pacplant v)?> or <touching (pacplant2 v)?>> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (scissor v)?> or <touching (scissor2 v)?>> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite32 v)?> then\n go to x: (-218) y: (19)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (dandelion v)?> and <not <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>>> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-147)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> and <not <key (f v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (windmill2 v)?> or <touching (windmill3 v)?>> then\n change [yv v] by (5)\n end\n if <<touching (windmill v)?> or <touching (windmill4 v)?>> then\n change [yv v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (piano v)?> or <touching (piano2 v)?>> then\n start sound [chord v]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-148)\nset [p v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (f v) pressed?> or > then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.04) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n start sound [laser1 v]\n end\n if <<key (e v) pressed?> or <key (q v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait ( seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n set [yv v] to [8]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [1]>> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>> then\n set [xv v] to [20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [3]>> then\n set [yv v] to [-20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [4]>> then\n set [xv v] to [-20]\n start sound [Spring v]\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [xv v] by (0.65)\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.2)\n end\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [xv v] by (-0.65)\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (none v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n if <not <touching color (#660000)?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n start sound [pop v]\n set [yv v] to [12.5]\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [13.5]\n end\n end\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (none v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n if <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or > then\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or > then\n if <not <touching color (#660000)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n start sound [pop v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <<<touching color (#663b00)?> or <touching color (#00ff55)?>> or >> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.36)\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (0.37)\n end\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [tambura v]\n end\n if <touching color (#660000)?> then\n start sound [buzz whir v]\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (soda v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda v]) = [2]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <touching (soda2 v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda2 v]) = [2]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n end\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n go to x: (-207) y: (-139)\n end\n if <<touching (sprite3 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (crab2 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (crabdead2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (crab v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Crabdead v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (sprite7 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flightdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (sprite20 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flightdeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (lord lollipop v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (flydeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (swimmylittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Swimmingdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (conkdor v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (Swimmingdeath v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (goldminelittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n if <<touching (goldminelittle2 v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead2 v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (scarescrow v)?> and <touching color (#663b00)?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (chickenlittle2 v)?> and <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n broadcast (DownDowndown v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (bouncylittle v)?> and <touching color (#666666)?>> then\n broadcast (deaddt v)\n set [yv v] to [10]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (15)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom v)?> and <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom2 v)?> and <touching color (#002699)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom3 v)?> and <touching color (#ff00bf)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mushrooom4 v)?> and <touching color (#006622)?>> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [15]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (scarescrow2 v)?> and <touching color (#663b00)?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath2 v)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (7)\n end\n end\n if <touching (sprite15 v)?> then\n go to x: (78) y: (167)\n end\n if <<touching (paintfish v)?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [3]\n end\n if <touching (jelly v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\n if <touching (jellywall v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [xv v] to [30]\n end\n if <touching (jellywall2 v)?> then\n start sound [Spring v]\n set [xv v] to [-30]\n end\n if <touching (cow2 v)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <touching (gumbears3 v)?> then\n go to x: (-223) y: (-146)\n end\n if <<touching (conkdor v)?> and <not <touching color (#666666)?>>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-144)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-140)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Key\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (27) y: (-22)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (felix v)?> then\n go to (felix v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (27) y: (-22)\n end\n if <touching (robin v)?> then\n go to (robin v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (27) y: (-22)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (-229) y: (158)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (felix v)?> then\n go to (felix v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-229) y: (158)\n end\n if <touching (robin v)?> then\n go to (robin v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-229) y: (158)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (179) y: (142)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (felix v)?> then\n go to (felix v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (179) y: (142)\n end\n if <touching (robin v)?> then\n go to (robin v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (179) y: (142)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\ngo to x: (-229) y: (157)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (felix v)?> then\n go to (felix v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-229) y: (157)\n end\n if <touching (robin v)?> then\n go to (robin v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-229) y: (157)\n end\nend\n\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [shakeitoff v]\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (-170) y: (102)\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (-123) y: (152)\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (-46) y: (60)\nforever\n if <touching (felix v)?> then\n go to (felix v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-46) y: (60)\n end\n if <touching (robin v)?> then\n go to (robin v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (block v)?> then\n wait (0.25) seconds\n hide\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-46) y: (60)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-199) y: (153)\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@BLOCK\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (74) y: (279)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n hide\n start sound [fairydust v]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (123) y: (331)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n hide\n start sound [fairydust v]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-210) y: (342)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n hide\n start sound [fairydust v]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\ngo to x: (105) y: (253)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n hide\n start sound [fairydust v]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (87) y: (326)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nforever\n if <touching (key v)?> then\n hide\n start sound [fairydust v]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-95) y: (145)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-70) y: (74)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (-95) y: (145)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (123) y: (14)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-18) y: (14)\n glide (2) secs to x: (123) y: (14)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite20\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [flightdeath2 v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nhide\nchange [points v] by (25)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (195) y: (57)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-67) y: (57)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (3) secs to x: (195) y: (57)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (flightdeath2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (soda v)?> then\n if <([costume # v] of [soda v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (flightdeath2 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-48) y: (-126)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (-48) y: (-189)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-48) y: (-126)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (70) y: (-189)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (70) y: (-126)\n glide (1) secs to x: (70) y: (-189)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [bounceback v]\nforever\n change x by (3)\n turn left (-5) degrees\n if <touching color (#663b00)?> then\n broadcast (bounceforward v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (177) y: (-64)\nforever\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n if <not <touching color (#00ff55)?>> then\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bounceforward v]\nforever\n change x by (-3)\n turn left (5) degrees\n if <touching (sprite17 v)?> then\n broadcast (bounceback v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nforever\n change x by (-3)\n turn left (5) degrees\n if <touching (sprite17 v)?> then\n broadcast (bounceback v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (10) y: (18)\nforever\n glide (1.3) secs to x: (-61) y: (18)\n glide (1.3) secs to x: (10) y: (18)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [bounce1 v]\nforever\n change x by (-3)\n turn left (5) degrees\n if <touching color (#ff99e5)?> then\n broadcast (bounce2 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nforever\n change x by (3)\n turn left (-5) degrees\n if <touching color (#663b00)?> then\n broadcast (bounce1 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bounce2 v]\nforever\n change x by (3)\n turn left (-5) degrees\n if <touching color (#663b00)?> then\n broadcast (bounce1 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-19) y: (107)\nforever\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n if <not <touching color (#00ff55)?>> then\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-182) y: (-67)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (12) y: (-67)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (-182) y: (-67)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite14\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-109) y: (23)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (38) y: (23)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-109) y: (23)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ff00bf)?> or <touching (soda v)?>> then\n broadcast (deadgingerbread v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [deadgingerbread v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ff00bf)?> or <touching (soda v)?>> then\n broadcast (deadgingerbread v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite15\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (231) y: (117)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@PaintFish\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-18) y: (-37)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-203) y: (-37)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (3) secs to x: (-18) y: (-37)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite16\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (70) y: (-162)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (-110) y: (-162)\n glide (3) secs to x: (70) y: (-162)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (gingerbreaddead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [gingerbreaddead v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@GumBears\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-78) y: (-141)\nforever\n if <touching (jelly v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-78) y: (-16)\n end\n if <not <touching (jelly v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (jellydead3 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (jellydead3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jellydead3 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@GumBears2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (30) y: (82)\nforever\n if <touching (jelly v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (30) y: (163)\n end\n if <not <touching (jelly v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (jellydead2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (jellydead2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jellydead2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Jelly\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-56) y: (-5)\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@GumBears3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (87) y: (-25)\nforever\n if <touching (jelly v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (87) y: (-25)\n end\n if <not <touching (jelly v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jellydead v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (jellydead v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (jellydead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Conkdor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [crazy conkdor v]\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nforever\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nshow\nset [crazy conkdor v] to [500]\nshow variable [crazy conkdor v]\ngo to x: (157) y: (-66)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-16) y: (-66)\n wait (2.4) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (-183) y: (-66)\n wait (2.4) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-16) y: (-66)\n wait (2.4) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (157) y: (-66)\n wait (2.4) seconds\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [swimmingdeath v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nchange [crazy conkdor v] by (-50)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nforever\n if <(Crazy Conkdor) = [0]> then\n hide\n hide variable [crazy conkdor v]\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [swimmingdeath v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nchange [crazy conkdor v] by (-50)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nforever\n if <(Crazy Conkdor) = [0]> then\n hide\n hide variable [crazy conkdor v]\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Soda2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (215) y: (-135)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-217) y: (-135)\n glide (2) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-217) y: (-135)\n glide (2) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-217) y: (-135)\n glide (2) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (215) y: (-135)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (93) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (93) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (93) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (93) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <touching (fireball v)?> then\n start sound [whoop1 v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (93) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (93) y: (-135)\n glide (1) secs to x: (215) y: (-135)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [12]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite21\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (133) y: (-29)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (6) y: (-29)\n glide (2) secs to x: (133) y: (-29)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Sprite22\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-157) y: (120)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (110) y: (120)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-157) y: (120)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Horse\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (73) y: (-145)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-5) y: (-97)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-101) y: (-145)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-5) y: (-97)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (73) y: (-145)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Horse2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-135) y: (59)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-48) y: (-3)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-135) y: (59)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-200) y: (0)\nend\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (-5) y: (-97)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Cowboy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.25) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (cowboydeath v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (cowboydeath v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (170) y: (106)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (21) y: (106)\n glide (2) secs to x: (170) y: (106)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [cowboydeath v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Cowboy2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.25) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cowboydeath2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (cowboydeath2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (cowboydeath2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (107) y: (106)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-48) y: (106)\n glide (2) secs to x: (107) y: (106)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Piano\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-217) y: (22)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (-63) y: (22)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-217) y: (22)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Piano2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (127) y: (-140)\nforever\n glide (4) secs to x: (-88) y: (-140)\n glide (4) secs to x: (127) y: (-140)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Note\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-36)\nbroadcast (trumpetss v)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (166) y: (-174)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n go to x: (-178) y: (-36)\n show\n broadcast (trumpetss v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Note3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-36)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-61) y: (174)\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n go to x: (-178) y: (-36)\n show\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Note4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-36)\nshow\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (238) y: (149)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n go to x: (-178) y: (-36)\n show\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Minecart\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-11) y: (-149)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (130) y: (-149)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-11) y: (-149)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Minecart2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (102) y: (125)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-57) y: (102)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (102) y: (125)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (89) y: (78)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (89) y: (165)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (89) y: (78)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Lava2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-9) y: (79)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-9) y: (163)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-9) y: (79)\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Bat\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (129) y: (-80)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (33) y: (-123)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-75) y: (-113)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-144) y: (-136)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-208) y: (-80)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (-144) y: (-136)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-75) y: (-113)\n glide (1) secs to x: (33) y: (-123)\n glide (1) secs to x: (129) y: (-80)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (BatDeath v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (BatDeath v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [batdeath v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Bat2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-208) y: (81)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (-122) y: (19)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-36) y: (34)\n wait (2) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (-122) y: (19)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-208) y: (81)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (BatDead v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (BatDead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [batdead v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@GoldMineLittle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-129) y: (-26)\nforever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-23) y: (-26)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-129) y: (-26)\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-129) y: (-26)\nforever\n wait (0.2) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [minedead v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (MineDead v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@GoldMineLittle2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (149) y: (-26)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (16) y: (-26)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (149) y: (-26)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (149) y: (-26)\nforever\n wait (0.2) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [minedead2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (MineDead2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (MineDead2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Pitchfork\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-37) y: (56)\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (-37) y: (-5)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-37) y: (56)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Scarescrow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (193) y: (-68)\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (97) y: (-68)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (224) y: (-68)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [scarydeath v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Pitchfork2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-96) y: (29)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (-96) y: (-34)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-96) y: (29)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Cow2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-209) y: (156)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-144) y: (144)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-80) y: (155)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-49) y: (143)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-81) y: (128)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-119) y: (137)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-175) y: (128)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-206) y: (160)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (cooldeath v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (cooldeath v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cooldeath v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (-209) y: (156)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Scarescrow2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (154) y: (159)\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-19) y: (159)\n glide (2) secs to x: (154) y: (159)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (scarydeath2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [scarydeath2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite12\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (9) y: (-60)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-134) y: (-60)\n glide (2) secs to x: (9) y: (-60)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Train\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-46) y: (126)\nforever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (68) y: (126)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-46) y: (126)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Train2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (60) y: (-39)\nforever\n glide (2.5) secs to x: (-95) y: (-39)\n glide (2.5) secs to x: (60) y: (-39)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite19\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-66) y: (75)\nforever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-152) y: (75)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-29) y: (75)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite23\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-65) y: (-162)\nforever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-111) y: (-162)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-21) y: (-162)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite24\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (103) y: (-159)\nforever\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (148) y: (-159)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (33) y: (-159)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite25\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (206) y: (37)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (206) y: (-112)\n glide (2) secs to x: (206) y: (-3)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@JellyWall\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (2) y: (-45)\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@JellyWall2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (231) y: (101)\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\n@Sprite17\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-32) y: (-2)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite18\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n wait (0.25) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [gingerbread333 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ff00bf)?> or <touching (soda2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (gingerbread333 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (102) y: (-162)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (187) y: (-162)\n glide (1) secs to x: (102) y: (-162)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite26\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (38) y: (23)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-109) y: (23)\n glide (2) secs to x: (38) y: (23)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ff00bf)?> or <touching (soda v)?>> then\n broadcast (Lastgingerbread v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lastgingerbread v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Palmtree\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-192) y: (112)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (shakeitoff v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (shakeitoff v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Palmtree3\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (shakeattack2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (shakeattack2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (133) y: (-82)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Nut\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shakeattack v]\nglide (0.35) secs to x: (114) y: (43)\ngo to x: (43) y: (95)\nbroadcast (herewego v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (43) y: (95)\n\n@Nut2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shakeattack v]\nglide (0.35) secs to x: (-35) y: (42)\ngo to x: (30) y: (95)\nbroadcast (herewego v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (30) y: (95)\n\n@Palmtree2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [herewego v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (shakeattack v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (shakeattack v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (shakeattack v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (shakeattack v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (19) y: (69)\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Crab2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (117) y: (42)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-23) y: (42)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (crabdead2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (crabdead2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [crabdead2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (nut v)?> or <touching (nut2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (crabdead2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-23) y: (42)\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\n@Mushrooom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (-86) y: (-169)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-86) y: (-121)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-86) y: (-169)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Mushrooom2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (-205) y: (4)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-53) y: (4)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-205) y: (4)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Mushrooom3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (137) y: (-126)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (220) y: (-126)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1) secs to x: (137) y: (-126)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Mushrooom4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\n@Sprite27\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (232) y: (50)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@BouncyLittle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nshow\nforever\n if <not <touching (mushrooom4 v)?>> then\n change y by (-3)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <touching (mushrooom4 v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (76) y: (83)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [deaddt v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (deaddt v)\n end\nend\n\n@PacPlant\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-144) y: (-19)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (38) y: (-19)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-144) y: (-19)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff00bf)?> then\n broadcast (pacdead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pacdead v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching color (#00ffff)?> and <touching (wateringcan2 v)?>> or <touching color (#ff00bf)?>> then\n broadcast (pacdead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@PacPlant2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (38) y: (-19)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-144) y: (-19)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (38) y: (-19)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nforever\n if <<<touching color (#00ffff)?> and <touching (wateringcan2 v)?>> or <touching color (#ff00bf)?>> then\n broadcast (pacdead2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pacdead2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@WateringCan\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-99) y: (-148)\nforever\n if <<<touching (felix v)?> or <touching (robin v)?>> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (f v) pressed?>>>> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n if <not <<<touching (felix v)?> or <touching (robin v)?>> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (f v) pressed?>>>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite28\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-27) y: (161)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-27) y: (104)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-27) y: (161)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nhide\n\n@WateringCan2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (112) y: (-42)\npoint in direction (-90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <<<touching (felix v)?> or <touching (robin v)?>> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (f v) pressed?>>>> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n end\n if <not <<<touching (felix v)?> or <touching (robin v)?>> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <key (f v) pressed?>>>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite29\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-168) y: (-135)\nforever\n if <touching (wateringcan v)?> then\n glide (4) secs to x: (66) y: (-135)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nhide\n\n@Windmill\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-108) y: (-133)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Windmill2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (187) y: (-134)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Wood\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-40) y: (-168)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (93) y: (-168)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-40) y: (-168)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Wood2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (27) y: (-38)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (-122) y: (-38)\n glide (2) secs to x: (27) y: (-38)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Windmill3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-205) y: (56)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Windmill4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (84) y: (23)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite30\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-78) y: (104)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (64) y: (104)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-78) y: (104)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@BeeLittle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-142) y: (40)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-47) y: (7)\n glide (1) secs to x: (29) y: (38)\n glide (1) secs to x: (82) y: (34)\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1) secs to x: (29) y: (38)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-47) y: (7)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-142) y: (40)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-201) y: (58)\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-142) y: (40)\nend\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (-142) y: (40)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (beedead v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (beedead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [beedead v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@BeeLittle2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (-142) y: (40)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (191) y: (-135)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1) secs to x: (101) y: (-95)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-6) y: (-112)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-102) y: (-134)\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-102) y: (-134)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-6) y: (-112)\n glide (1) secs to x: (101) y: (-95)\n glide (1) secs to x: (191) y: (-135)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (beedead2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (beedead2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [beedead2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite33\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-111) y: (-52)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-111) y: (-157)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-111) y: (-52)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Scissor\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-121) y: (102)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (77) y: (102)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (-121) y: (102)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (scissordeath v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (scissordeath v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [scissordeath v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite31\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-22) y: (-157)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (-22) y: (-52)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-22) y: (-157)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite35\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (124) y: (-5)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (124) y: (-81)\n glide (4) secs to x: (124) y: (7)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite36\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (196) y: (7)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (196) y: (129)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (196) y: (7)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Scissor2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (185) y: (-158)\nforever\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (2) secs to x: (61) y: (-158)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (185) y: (-158)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n broadcast (scissordeath2 v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (scissordeath2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [scissordeath2 v]\nhide\nstart sound [zoop v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Sprite32\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop16 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (229) y: (-148)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Dandelion\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [dandelion v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nforever\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (167) y: (-103)\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (108) y: (-15)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-5) y: (-103)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-122) y: (-11)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-158) y: (-100)\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1) secs to x: (-122) y: (-11)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-5) y: (-103)\n glide (1) secs to x: (108) y: (-15)\n glide (1) secs to x: (167) y: (-103)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nshow variable [dandelion v]\nset [dandelion v] to [300]\nforever\n if <<touching (soda v)?> or <touching (soda2 v)?>> then\n change [dandelion v] by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nforever\n if <(Dandelion) = [0]> then\n hide\n hide variable [dandelion v]\n broadcast (message1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@ChickenLittle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (121) y: (-107)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (2.7) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (UFOS v)\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume11 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [ufos v]\nglide (2) secs to x: (121) y: (235)\nhide\nbroadcast (Lazers v)\n\n@Eggs\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (196) y: (-121)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\ngo to x: (-15) y: (-121)\n\n@Lazer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lazers v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-174) y: (180)\nstart sound [screech v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (-174) y: (-193)\nhide\n\n@Lazer2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lazers v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (15) y: (180)\nstart sound [screech v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (15) y: (-193)\nhide\n\n@Lazer3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lazers v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (153) y: (180)\nstart sound [screech v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (153) y: (-193)\nhide\nbroadcast (unleashthebeast v)\n\n@ChickenLittle2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [chicken little v]\n\nwhen I receive [downdowndown v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nchange [chicken little v] by (-50)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop19 v]\nforever\n if <(Chicken Little) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n broadcast (Phase2 v)\n end\nend\n\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\n\nwhen I receive [unleashthebeast v]\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <(Chicken Little) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-63) y: (122)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-135) y: (-116)\n wait (2) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n glide (1) secs to x: (2) y: (94)\n glide (1) secs to x: (108) y: (-116)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [phase2 v]\nhide\nhide variable [chicken little v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [unleashthebeast v]\nshow\nset [chicken little v] to [500]\nshow variable [chicken little v]\npoint in direction (90)\nstart sound [space ripple v]\ngo to x: (90) y: (308)\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nglide (1) secs to x: (90) y: (-28)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to x: (90) y: (-19)\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(Chicken Little) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\n\n@ChickenLittle3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [chicken little v]\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [phase2 v]\nwait (2) seconds\ngo to x: (130) y: (277)\nset [chicken little v] to [500]\nshow\nshow variable [chicken little v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nglide (1) secs to x: (130) y: (-64)\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [comebackss v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nchange [chicken little v] by (-50)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop20 v]\nforever\n if <(Chicken Little) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n broadcast (deadchicken v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [deadchicken v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [cooomeheree v]\nstart sound [zoop v]\nchange [chicken little v] by (-50)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\nhide variable [chicken little v]\n\n@Pancake\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [phase2 v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (45) y: (-76)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (24) y: (24)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-100) y: (-167)\n go to x: (45) y: (-76)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (24) y: (24)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-170) y: (-161)\n go to x: (45) y: (-76)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [phase2 v]\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [phase2 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (128) y: (-55)\n broadcast (comebackss v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (128) y: (-55)\n broadcast (comebackss v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [comebackss v]\nshow\ngo to x: (45) y: (-76)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (24) y: (24)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-189) y: (-43)\n go to x: (45) y: (-76)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (24) y: (24)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-36) y: (-158)\n go to x: (45) y: (-76)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [comebackss v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (128) y: (-55)\n broadcast (cooomeheree v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (128) y: (-55)\n broadcast (cooomeheree v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cooomeheree v]\nforever\n if <<touching (felix v)?> and <<key (z v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (128) y: (-55)\n broadcast (comebackss v)\n end\n if <<touching (robin v)?> and <key (f v) pressed?>> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (128) y: (-55)\n broadcast (comebackss v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [cooomeheree v]\nshow\ngo to x: (45) y: (-76)\nforever\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (24) y: (24)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-100) y: (-167)\n go to x: (45) y: (-76)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (24) y: (24)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-170) y: (-161)\n go to x: (45) y: (-76)\nend\n\n@Play!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-151)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (PLAYGAME! v)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@Play!2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (156) y: (-150)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Instructions v)\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@Play!3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-171) y: (-152)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (2-Player v)\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@Felix2\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-64) y: (-29)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@Robin2\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-156) y: (-29)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@ChickenLittle4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (152) y: (3)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@Eggs2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (22) y: (-27)\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Back v)\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-30) y: (-150)\n\nwhen I receive [2-player v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [playgame! v]\nhide\n\n
Part 2 is out: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/395828316/\nReshared on 19th June 2020\n\n-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:\nHi and welcome to my newest game. This is my first game with 100% pixel graphics. \n\n-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-INSTRUCTIONS:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:_:-:\n\nMove with arrows, WASD or mobile controls.\nYou can kill enemys by jumping on their head. \nAvoid Spikes or other dangers. Trampolins are bouncy.\n\n\n\nWOW top-loved!!! Thank you ;D\nAnd #6 on trending :D
#2 space platformer #all #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [score v] to [0]\nforever\n play sound [Throw Down.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nforever\n if <<(score) < (☁ ☁ LOW score)> and <(score) < [300]>> then\n set [☁ ☁ low score v] to (score)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start score v]\nrepeat until <(Level) = [7]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [score v] by (1)\nend\n\n@player shadow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [ghost v]\nset [level v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>> and <(ghost) = [1]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(x) > [200]>> then\n broadcast (Loading v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (-208) y: (-132)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [x v] to (x position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (-208) y: (-132)\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume14 v)\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume15 v)\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <touching color (#00ff55)?>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n change x by (Change)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <touching color (#00ff55)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ffffcc)?> then\n go to x: (-208) y: (-132)\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [0]> then\n show\n switch costume to (play v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n broadcast (start score v)\n switch costume to (start-up v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n switch costume to (level 6 v)\n end\nend\n\n@light\n\ndefine level 2\nrepeat until <(Level) = [3]>\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-48) y: (-14)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (94) y: (-14)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (212) y: (-15)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\ndefine level 1\nhide\n\ndefine level 7\nhide\n\ndefine level 3\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [4]>\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n show\n go to x: (87) y: (-60)\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (-103) y: (0)\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (93) y: (68)\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (-104) y: (107)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n level 1\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n level 2\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n level 3\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n level 4\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n level 5\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n level 6\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n level 7\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\n\ndefine level 4\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [5]>\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n go to x: (8) y: (-131)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n go to x: (-124) y: (-89)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n go to x: (114) y: (-40)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n go to x: (-41) y: (-26)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n go to x: (-137) y: (37)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n go to x: (182) y: (49)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n go to x: (20) y: (76)\nend\n\ndefine level 5\ngo to x: (-61) y: (-31)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [6]>\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (112) y: (-31)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [6]>\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n turn left (15) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine level 6\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-1) y: (29)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (-40) y: (103)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\npoint in direction (0)\ngo to x: (4) y: (117)\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@start-up\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (-7) y: (-3)\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (start v)\n hide\n change [level v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@loading\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loading v]\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-65)\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n
controls - mobile/arrow keys/ WASD\nBuild a nether portal to win\nplz heart and star if u enjoyed!\nalso check out my game space defender https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/557419453/\n\n\n\n\n#games #music #mobile
Kawaii Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@seal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nerase all\npen up\nset [x v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-142) y: (-4)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nreset timer\nforever\n if <touching (end v)?> then\n set [levup v] to [1]\n broadcast (levelup v) and wait\n end\n if <touching color (#99b3ff)?> then\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.8))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.8))\n change [yv v] by (((yv) / (15)) + (0.1))\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n broadcast (dead v) and wait\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (startX) y: (-40)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n if <not <touching color (#99b3ff)?>> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#99b3ff)?> then\n change y by (2)\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change y by (yv)\n set [yv v] to [9]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * (xv))\n set [xv v] to ((-1) * (xv))\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n set [yv v] to ((-1) * (yv))\n end\n change y by (6)\n end\n else\n if <<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n broadcast (dead v) and wait\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (startX) y: (-40)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.85))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * ((xv) + ((xv) / (([abs v] of (xv) ) + (0.0001)))))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <not <(xv) = [0]>>> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n set [xv v] to (((xv) / ([abs v] of (xv) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n change y by (-3)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [9]\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(yv) > [-15]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <(yv) < [3]> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n set [yv v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (-125)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n broadcast (levelup v)\n go to x: (-198) y: (-125)\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (-125)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [exit menu v]\nshow\nerase all\npen up\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nreset timer\nforever\n if <touching (end v)?> then\n set [levup v] to [1]\n broadcast (levelup v) and wait\n end\n if <touching color (#99b3ff)?> then\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.8))\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.8))\n change [yv v] by (((yv) / (15)) + (0.1))\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n broadcast (dead v) and wait\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (startX) y: (-40)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n if <not <touching color (#99b3ff)?>> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#99b3ff)?> then\n change y by (2)\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change y by (yv)\n set [yv v] to [9]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * (xv))\n set [xv v] to ((-1) * (xv))\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n set [yv v] to ((-1) * (yv))\n end\n change y by (6)\n end\n else\n if <<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n broadcast (dead v) and wait\n set [x v] to [0]\n go to x: (startX) y: (-40)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.85))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change x by ((-1) * ((xv) + ((xv) / (([abs v] of (xv) ) + (0.0001)))))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <not <(xv) = [0]>>> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n set [xv v] to (((xv) / ([abs v] of (xv) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n change y by (-3)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [9]\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(yv) > [-15]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n if <(yv) < [3]> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n set [yv v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [pause menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [exit menu v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (-125)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n broadcast (levelup v)\n go to x: (-198) y: (-125)\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (-125)\n end\nend\n\n@resolution\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop22 v]\nshow\n\n@bonus levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop22 v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop23 v)\n\n
Happy Halloween, guys! It's the best time to make a platformer ...\n\n▶ use the arrow keys, WASD or tap (mobile) to move \n▶ don't touch spikes\n▶ you can do walljump\n\nthe story behind this game: halloween is the day of spook ... and the day of pumpkins! But suddenly a wind gust came ... and blow all the pumpkins away! Oh no! can they find the way back home through the daaark night? Well, let's see. Are you ready?\n\nDid you enjoyed it? Then leave a love and fave or follow my (or both, of course). \n\nJust some people that I have to credit:\n▶ some of the art is from @-SparklyBlue101- and from @Kilonap\n▶ the music is "Mysterioso March" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) (Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0) License\nhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/\n▶ the rest of the code of art was made by me\n\nMobile friendly. I hope you enjoy!\n\noh, and I just want to note: If you got stuck somewhere, press b to respawn.
escape! 5 (a platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join ((round (mouse x)) + (round (SCROLL X))) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (round (SCROLL Y)))))\nshow variable [mouse v]\n\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide variable [mouse v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nforever\n play sound [vexento-masked-heroes-1-AHM56EBq6 \(1\) v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset volume to (100) %\nbroadcast (green flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (start! v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\ndefine game on!\nset [scroll x v] to ((SCROLL X) / (5))\nset [scroll y v] to ((SCROLL Y) / (5))\nset [scroll x v] to (round (SCROLL X))\nset [scroll y v] to (round (SCROLL Y))\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nbroadcast (close space v)\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (base v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (75) %\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [30]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n change player x by [8]\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n change player x by [-8]\n end\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\nend\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\nchange [sy v] by (-2)\nchange player y by (sy)\ntest die\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nposition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine change player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nposition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine change player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nposition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [y v] by (1)\n position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-10)\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n position\n end\nend\n\ndefine game-die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine test die\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine game - win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-0.5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n broadcast (setup v) and wait\n game on!\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (tick v) and wait\n broadcast (attack? v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n game - win\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n else\n game-die\n end\nend\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\n@platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [340] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [0]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [100]\n Clone at x: [480] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [615] y: []\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [450] y: []\n Clone at x: [450] y: []\n Clone at x: [800] y: []\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [480] y: []\n Clone at x: [-1200] y: [200]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone at x: [480] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [450] y: []\nClone at x: [800] y: []\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [1554] y: [-28]\n Clone at x: [360] y: []\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone at x: [486] y: [-85]\n Clone at x: [900] y: [200]\n Clone at x: [1200] y: [200]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone at x: [600] y: []\n Clone at x: [1200] y: [303]\n Clone at x: [400] y: [-303]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone at x: [720] y: []\n Clone at x: [360] y: []\n Clone at x: [360] y: []\n Clone at x: [800] y: []\n Clone at x: [360] y: []\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone at x: [360] y: []\n Clone at x: [180] y: []\n Clone at x: [360] y: []\n Clone at x: [] y: [100]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (open v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (-5)))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone at x: [2359] y: [119]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Clone at x: [2952] y: [375]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone at x: [2705] y: [-64]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone at x: [2689] y: [-75]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Clone at x: [225] y: [144]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Clone at x: [10000] y: [144]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nshow variable [mouse v]\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\n\n@bounce\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\npoint in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (turn?)) + (90))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [turn? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y) with rotation (turn)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nset [turn? v] to (turn)\nnext costume\n\n@stages\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (LEVEL)\n\n@THUMBNAIL\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n
I promised I would make the second one when the first one reached 50 favorites, and it did in 2 days! I hope you like this one as much as you did the first one.\n\n1st one https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/647287990\n\n3rd one https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/647290192
Wings of Fire platformer 2
@Stage\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [free rewards v]\nchange [coins v] by (10)\n\ndefine Game On\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [emojichat? v] to [0]\nset [jumpboost? v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <<<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (danger2 v)?>> and <(Lives) = [1]>> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <<<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (danger2 v)?>> and <(Lives) = [2]>> then\n change [lives v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine Change Player Y By (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (graphics v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nsend cloud data\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine Change Player X By (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (graphics v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (graphics v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-15]\n else\n set [sx v] to [15]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (graphics v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (20)\n change y by ((((100) - (y position)) / (4)) - (0.5))\nend\nbroadcast (effect v)\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-179]>\n change y by ((((-180) - (y position)) / (6)) - (0.5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.3) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\nend\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [sx v] by (-2)\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [sx v] by (2)\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player X By (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <(jumpBOOST?) = [0]>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n end\nend\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <(jumpBOOST?) = [1]>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [20]\n end\nend\nchange [sy v] by (-2)\nChange Player Y By (sy)\nTest - Die\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [-100]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [-100]\nend\nPosition\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [sy v] by ((((0) - (sy)) / (3)) - (0.3))\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [sy v] by ((((15.5) - (sy)) / (3.5)) - (0.3))\n end\n else\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset [max players v] to [8]\nset [my player # v] to [1]\nhide\nbroadcast (setup - opponents v) and wait\nswitch backdrop to (joining v)\nbroadcast (join game v) and wait\nif <(MY PLAYER #) > [0]> then\n switch backdrop to (joined v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\n switch backdrop to (blank v)\n broadcast (begin v)\n show\nelse\n switch backdrop to (full v)\nend\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (item # of (letter (letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(MY PLAYER #) > [0]> then\n send cloud data\n end\nend\n\ndefine set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine send cloud data\nset [encoded v] to []\nwrite (join (username) (join [ ] (item (say) of [chat v]))) to encoded\nwrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nwrite ((SCROLL X) + (x position)) to encoded\nwrite ((SCROLL Y) + (y position)) to encoded\nwrite (costume) to encoded\nset cloud # (MY PLAYER #) to (encoded)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (reset v) and wait\n broadcast (setup v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopclicked v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [touch player v]\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [player: in air v] to (in air)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [chat v]\nset [say v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n ask [] and wait\n set [say v] to (answer)\n say (say) for (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(say) > []> then\n wait (5) seconds\n set [say v] to []\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <(say) > []> then\n think (join (join (MY PLAYER #) (join [ : ] (username))) (join [- ] (item (say) of [chat v]))) for (3.5) seconds\nelse\n think (join (MY PLAYER #) (join [ - ] (username))) for (3.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\npoint in direction (-90)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (effect v)\nhide\nwait (0.3) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (player v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jumpboost? v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jumpboost? v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(EmojiCHAT?) = [1]>> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#00ff15)?> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (You won!!! v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lives v] to [1]\n\nwhen [c v] key pressed\nask [] and wait\nif <(answer) = [Jackpot]> then\n change [coins v] by (500)\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [danger: x v] to [-50]\nset [danger: y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [danger: x v] by (x)\nchange [danger: y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((Danger: x) - (SCROLL X)) ((Danger: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [code v]\n\nwhen [c v] key pressed\nshow list [code v]\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <<(Cs) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [13]>> then\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [cs v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(Cs) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [14]>> then\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Graphics\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclone\n\ndefine clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [@offset_x v] to [-230]\nset [@offset_y v] to [-80]\nhide\nswitch costume to (2a v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (2a2 v)\nClone [400] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2b v)\nClone [350] [100]\nswitch costume to (2c v)\nClone [740] [195]\nswitch costume to (2d v)\nClone [480] [-150]\nswitch costume to (2e v)\nClone [500] [200]\nswitch costume to (2f v)\nClone [450] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2g v)\nClone [560] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2h v)\nClone [500] [100]\nswitch costume to (2j v)\nClone [280] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2l v)\nClone [-690] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2k v)\nClone [170] [400]\nswitch costume to (2m v)\nClone [-600] [300]\nswitch costume to (2n v)\nClone [-600] [400]\nswitch costume to (2p v)\nClone [-640] [0]\nswitch costume to (2q v)\nClone [-670] [200]\nswitch costume to (2r v)\nClone [-670] [-300]\nswitch costume to (2s v)\nClone [-600] [100]\nswitch costume to (2t v)\nClone [-60] [450]\nswitch costume to (2u v)\nClone [700] [300]\nswitch costume to (2v v)\nClone [560] [-50]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@Instructions\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclone\n\ndefine clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [@offset_x v] to [-230]\nset [@offset_y v] to [-80]\nhide\nswitch costume to (2a v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (2a2 v)\nClone [400] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2b v)\nClone [350] [100]\nswitch costume to (2c v)\nClone [740] [195]\nswitch costume to (2d v)\nClone [480] [-150]\nswitch costume to (2e v)\nClone [500] [200]\nswitch costume to (2f v)\nClone [450] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2g v)\nClone [560] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2h v)\nClone [500] [100]\nswitch costume to (2j v)\nClone [280] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2l v)\nClone [-690] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2k v)\nClone [170] [400]\nswitch costume to (2m v)\nClone [-600] [300]\nswitch costume to (2n v)\nClone [-600] [400]\nswitch costume to (2p v)\nClone [-640] [0]\nswitch costume to (2q v)\nClone [-670] [200]\nswitch costume to (2r v)\nClone [-670] [-300]\nswitch costume to (2s v)\nClone [-600] [100]\nswitch costume to (2t v)\nClone [-60] [450]\nswitch costume to (2u v)\nClone [700] [300]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@End\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclone\n\ndefine clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [@offset_x v] to [-230]\nset [@offset_y v] to [-80]\nhide\nswitch costume to (2a v)\nClone [0] [0]\nswitch costume to (2a2 v)\nClone [400] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2b v)\nClone [350] [100]\nswitch costume to (2c v)\nClone [740] [195]\nswitch costume to (2d v)\nClone [480] [-150]\nswitch costume to (2e v)\nClone [500] [200]\nswitch costume to (2f v)\nClone [450] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2g v)\nClone [560] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2h v)\nClone [500] [100]\nswitch costume to (2j v)\nClone [280] [-50]\nswitch costume to (2l v)\nClone [-690] [-100]\nswitch costume to (2k v)\nClone [170] [400]\nswitch costume to (2m v)\nClone [-600] [300]\nswitch costume to (2n v)\nClone [-600] [400]\nswitch costume to (2p v)\nClone [-640] [0]\nswitch costume to (2q v)\nClone [-670] [200]\nswitch costume to (2r v)\nClone [-670] [-300]\nswitch costume to (2s v)\nClone [-600] [100]\nswitch costume to (2t v)\nClone [-60] [450]\nswitch costume to (2u v)\nClone [700] [300]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (You won!!! v)\n end\nend\n\n@Coins\n\ndefine Clone me at (x) (y)\nset [collectibles: x v] to (x)\nset [collectibles: y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((Collectibles: x) - (SCROLL X)) ((Collectibles: y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n change [coins v] by (10)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(costume [number v]) = [3]>> then\n change [cs v] by (1)\n broadcast (Hide spikes v)\n change [coins v] by (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [coins v] to (collected)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [costume# v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to < and >\nset [collectibles: x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone me at [310] [150]\n Clone me at [720] [-16]\n Clone me at [690] [-16]\n Clone me at [660] [-16]\n Clone me at [2330] [-270]\n Clone me at [2360] [-270]\n Clone me at [2390] [-270]\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Clone me at [2300] [-270]\n switch costume to (1 v)\n Clone me at [960] [450]\n Clone me at [950] [450]\n Clone me at [1020] [450]\n Clone me at [1050] [450]\n Clone me at [1080] [450]\n Clone me at [2850] [705]\n Clone me at [2880] [705]\n Clone me at [2600] [840]\n Clone me at [2635] [840]\n switch costume to (3 v)\n Clone me at [5000] [-50]\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\nset [collectibles: x v] to [-999999]\nset [collectibles: y v] to [0]\nhide\n\n@USER_INTERFACE\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSETUP\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(openmenu?) = [0]> then\n show\n switch costume to (button v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [0]\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) < [-35]>\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((ypos_menu) - (2)) / (4))\n end\n hide\n set [move_layering v] to [1]\n switch costume to (s000 v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [-225]\n show\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) > [-1]>\n if <(ypos_menu) > [-60]> then\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((3) - (ypos_menu)) / (6))\n else\n change [ypos_menu v] by (13)\n end\n end\n set [openmenu? v] to [1]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n if <<not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (s000 v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [0]\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) < [-225]>\n if <(y position) < [-50]> then\n change [ypos_menu v] by (-14)\n else\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((ypos_menu) - (2)) / (4))\n end\n end\n hide\n set [move_layering v] to [0]\n switch costume to (button v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [-36]\n show\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) > [-0.2]>\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((1) - (ypos_menu)) / (6))\n end\n set [openmenu? v] to [0]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nif <(costume [name v]) = [coins]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nelse\n if <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [v]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n forever\n RenderCoin_Value\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nlayering/movement\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [MXNHD]> then\n change [coins v] by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-158]> and <(mouse y) < [-112]>>>> then\n if <(coins) > [39]> then\n set [bought v] to (join (letter (1) of (bought)) (join (letter (2) of (bought)) [1]))\n change [coins v] by (-40)\n set [emojichat? v] to [1]\n check\n set [@clone v] to [f3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n if <<<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-56]> and <(mouse y) < [-10]>>> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(coins) > [19]> then\n set [bought v] to (join [1] (join (letter (2) of (bought)) (letter (3) of (bought))))\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n change [lives v] by (1)\n check\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n end\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n set [clickshop v] to [1]\n else\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [clickshop v] to [1]\n else\n set [clickshop v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [bought v] to [000]\nset [emojichat? v] to [0]\nset [jumpboost? v] to [0]\nset [move_layering v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-107]> and <(mouse y) < [-61]>>>> then\n if <(coins) > [29]> then\n set [bought v] to (join (letter (1) of (bought)) (join [1] (letter (3) of (bought))))\n change [coins v] by (-30)\n set [jumpboost? v] to [1]\n check\n set [@clone v] to [f2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check\nset [@clone v] to [check]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(@clone) = [check]> then\n switch costume to (zcheck v)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n set size to (10) %\n repeat until <(size) > [90]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-15)\n change size by (((size) - (5)) / (3))\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [135]>\n change size by (((137) - (size)) / (2))\n end\n repeat until <(size) < [90]>\n change size by (((size) - (89)) / (-3))\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [f]> then\n switch costume to (join [front] (letter (2) of (@clone)))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine goto\nset y to (ypos_menu)\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nshow\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine SETUP\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset [lives v] to [2]\nset [@clone v] to [1]\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (heart v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [@clone v] by (1)\n change x by (35)\nend\nswitch costume to (coins v)\nset [@clone v] to [coins]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [openmenu? v] to [0]\nset size to (35) %\nswitch costume to (3a v)\ngo to x: (190) y: (147)\nset [@clone v] to [val1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [@clone v] to (join [val] ((letter (4) of (@clone)) + (1)))\n change x by (15)\nend\nswitch costume to (button v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [ypos_menu v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine RenderCoin_Value\nif <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (coins)) [a])\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nelse\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (2) of (coins)) [a])\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <(letter (1) of (coins)) = [1]> then\n set x to (202)\n else\n set x to (205)\n end\n else\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (3) of (coins)) [a])\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <<(letter (2) of (coins)) = [1]> or <(letter (1) of (coins)) = [1]>> then\n if <<(letter (1) of (coins)) = [1]> and <(letter (2) of (coins)) = [1]>> then\n set x to (214)\n else\n set x to (217)\n end\n else\n set x to (220)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine layering/movement\nif <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n if <(@clone) > (lives)> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n end\nend\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [coins]> or <(costume [name v]) = [heart]>> then\n set y to (Y_SHAKE)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (15) layers\nelse\n if <<<<not <(costume [name v]) = [button]>> and <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]>>> and <not <(costume [name v]) = [Zcheck]>>> and <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [f]>>> then\n set y to ((Y_SHAKE) + (147))\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (9) layers\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [f]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> then\n if <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-56]> and <(mouse y) < [-10]>>> then\n switch costume to (s100 v)\n else\n if <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-107]> and <(mouse y) < [-61]>>> then\n switch costume to (s010 v)\n else\n if <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-158]> and <(mouse y) < [-112]>>> then\n switch costume to (s001 v)\n else\n switch costume to (s000 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> or <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [f]>> and <(move_Layering) = [1]>> then\n goto\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [button]> then\n goto\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [coins v] to [0]\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\n wait (pick random (5) to (15)) seconds\n Fade in\nend\n\ndefine Fade in\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>> then\n change [coins v] by (10)\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [+10 coins v]\nchange [coins v] by (10)\n\nwhen I receive [free rewards v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\nend\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [@offset_x v] by (x)\nchange [@offset_y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [@offset_x v] to [-230]\nset [@offset_y v] to [-80]\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone [500] [80]\nswitch costume to (15 v)\nClone [3000] [-10]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nclone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nGo to (round ((@offset_x) - (SCROLL X))) ((round ((@offset_y) - (SCROLL Y))) + (Y_SHAKE))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@You WIn!!!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [you won!!! v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\nend\n\n@Danger2\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [danger: x v] to [-50]\nset [danger: y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\n clone at x: [360] y: [0]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [danger: x v] by (x)\nchange [danger: y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((Danger: x) - (SCROLL X)) ((Danger: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [code v]\n\nwhen [c v] key pressed\nshow list [code v]\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <<(Cs) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [13]>> then\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [cs v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(Cs) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [14]>> then\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide spikes v]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@multiplayer v3.0\n\ndefine decode (i)\nset [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(multiplayer v3.0: c1) > (length of (i))>\n set [output v] to []\n repeat until <(join (letter (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of (i)) (letter ((multiplayer v3.0: c1) + (1)) of (i))) < [1]>\n switch costume to ((join (letter (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of (i)) (letter ((multiplayer v3.0: c1) + (1)) of (i))) - (9))\n set [output v] to (join (output) (letter (1) of (costume [name v])))\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (2)\n end\n add (output) to [cloud_data v]\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine encode (i)\nset [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(multiplayer v3.0: c1) > (length of (i))>\n switch costume to (join (letter (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of (i)) [x])\n set [output v] to (join (output) ((costume [number v]) + (9)))\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (1)\nend\nset [output v] to (join (output) [00])\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nsetup\nwait until <(w_Tick) > [3]>\nwait (0.1) seconds\ndetermine_ID\nbroadcast (cloud_players v)\n\ndefine setup\nset [@c v] to [0]\nset [playerid v] to [null]\nset [w_tick v] to [0]\ndelete all of [active_tick v]\ndelete all of [cloud_data v]\ndelete all of [active_check v]\ndelete all of [last_val v]\nset [names v] to [0]\nset [active check v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n add [4] to [active_tick v]\n add [null] to [active_check v]\n add [9999] to [last_val v]\nend\nimport_clouddata\nbroadcast (cloud_start v)\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_start v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n process [0]\n wait (0.4) seconds\n process [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine process (i)\nif <(i) = [0]> then\n set [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (1)\n replace item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [last_val v] with (item (((multiplayer v3.0: c1) * (6)) - (3)) of [cloud_data v])\n end\nelse\n set [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (1)\n if <(item (((multiplayer v3.0: c1) * (6)) - (3)) of [cloud_data v]) = (item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [last_val v])> then\n if <(item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_tick v]) < [4]> then\n replace item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_tick v] with ((item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_tick v]) + (1))\n end\n else\n replace item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_tick v] with [0]\n end\n replace item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_check v] with ((1) - <(item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_tick v]) = [4]>)\n end\n if <(w_Tick) < [4]> then\n change [w_tick v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_start v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n broadcast (cloud_tick v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine export_clouddata\nset [output v] to []\nencode (round ((SCROLL X) + ([x position v] of [player v])))\nencode (round ((SCROLL Y) + ([y position v] of [player v])))\nencode (pick random (1000) to (9999))\nencode (username)\nencode (chat item)\nencode ([costume name v] of [player v])\nif <(playerID) = [1]> then\n set [☁ cloud1 v] to (output)\nelse\n if <(playerID) = [2]> then\n set [☁ cloud2 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [3]> then\n set [☁ cloud3 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [4]> then\n set [☁ cloud4 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [5]> then\n set [☁ cloud5 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [6]> then\n set [☁ cloud6 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [7]> then\n set [☁ cloud7 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [8]> then\n set [☁ cloud8 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [9]> then\n set [☁ cloud9 v] to (output)\n else\n if <(playerID) = [10]> then\n set [☁ cloud10 v] to (output)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine import_clouddata\ndelete all of [cloud_data v]\ndecode (☁ Cloud1)\ndecode (☁ Cloud2)\ndecode (☁ Cloud3)\ndecode (☁ Cloud4)\ndecode (☁ Cloud5)\ndecode (☁ Cloud6)\ndecode (☁ Cloud7)\ndecode (☁ Cloud8)\ndecode (☁ Cloud9)\ndecode (☁ Cloud10)\nset [active check v] to [0]\nset [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (1)\n if <(item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_check v]) = [1]> then\n change [active check v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine determine_ID\nset [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [multiplayer v3.0: c1 v] by (1)\n if (item (multiplayer v3.0: c1) of [active_check v]) then\nend\nset [playerid v] to [full]\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n wait (0.3) seconds\n forever\n check\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n export_clouddata\n end\nend\n\ndefine check\nif <<(username) = (item (((playerID) * (6)) - (2)) of [cloud_data v])> or <<(playerID) = [null]> or <<(playerID) = [full]> or <(playerID) = [error]>>>> then\nif <<key (any v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [tick_afk v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_start v]\nif <(@c) = [0]> then\n forever\n import_clouddata\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [localfade v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [@c v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (80)\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\nwait (0.4) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) < [1]>\n change y by (((-2) - (y position)) / (9))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(w_Tick) > [3]>\nwait (0.6) seconds\nif <(playerID) = [error]> then\nelse\n if <(playerID) = [full]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (full v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-12)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (connected v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-12)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_tick v]\nif <(@c) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_error v]\nif <(@c) = [1]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (error v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-12)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [tick_afk v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [tick_afk v] by (1)\n if <(tick_afk) > [60]> then\n if <<(playerID) = [full]> or <(playerID) = [error]>> then\n end\nend\n\n@@PLAYERS\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_players v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset [@id v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n if <(@ID) = (playerID)> then\n change [@id v] by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (3a v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nsay []\nset rotation style [all around v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [names v] to [0]\n\ndefine @Position XY (@player)\nif <(costume [name v]) = [blank]> then\n hide\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [arrow]> then\n move ((0) - (d)) steps\n end\n change x by (((((item (((@player) * (6)) - (5)) of [cloud_data v]) + (([x position v] of [player v]) * (-0.25))) - (SCROLL X)) - (x position)) / (2.5555555))\n change y by (((((item (((@player) * (6)) - (4)) of [cloud_data v]) + (((-28) - ([y position v] of [player v])) * (0.12))) - (SCROLL Y)) - (y position)) / (2.5555555))\n go to x: (round (x position)) y: (round (y position))\n switch costume to (join (item ((@player) * (6)) of [cloud_data v]) [a])\n show\n if <<<(x position) < [-250]> or <(x position) > [250]>> or <<(y position) < [-190]> or <(y position) > [190]>>> then\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n point in direction (([atan v] of ((x position) / (y position)) ) + (<not <[0] > (y position)>> * (180)))\n set [d v] to ((32) + ((([abs v] of (x position) ) / (20)) + (([abs v] of (y position) ) / (25))))\n move (d) steps\n else\n if <<<(x position) > [-250]> and <(x position) < [250]>> and <<(y position) < [190]> and <(y position) > [-190]>>> then\n switch costume to (item ((@player) * (6)) of [cloud_data v])\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n if <(item (@player) of [active_check v]) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n if <<(item (((@player) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) > [9]> or <(item (((@player) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) = [0]>> then\n if <<(names) = [1]> or <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n say (item (((@player) * (6)) - (2)) of [cloud_data v])\n else\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [arrow]>> then\n say (item (((@player) * (6)) - (2)) of [cloud_data v])\n else\n say []\n end\n end\n else\n say (item (item (((@player) * (6)) - (1)) of [cloud_data v]) of [chat list v])\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n say []\n end\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [cloud_tick v]\n@Position XY (@ID)\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (FREE REWARDS v)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nreset timer\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\nend\n\n
日本語 (English↓)\n右キーor右側タップ→右に進む\n左キーor左側タップ→左に進む\n上キーor上側タップ→ジャンプ\nジャンプ台で大ジャンプ!!\n勝手に動くベルトコンベアー!?\nボタンで壁を消去\n動く地面も!?\n\nENGLISH\nRight key or right tap → go right\nLeft key or left tap → Go left\nUp key or upper tap → jump\nBig jump on the jump table! !\nA conveyor belt that moves on its own! ?\nErase wall with button\nEven the moving ground! ?
No Jumping - The Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n play sound [y2mate v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n stop all sounds\n end\nend\n\n@trap\n\nwhen I receive [level2 v]\ngo to x: (-15) y: (-64)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@trap2\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nshow\nforever\n glide (.5) secs to x: (-41) y: (76)\n wait (.5) seconds\n glide (.65) secs to x: (-41) y: (292)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level4 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-41) y: (292)\nhide\n\n@door in anther levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Level2 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (320) y: (-35)\nshow\n\n@arrows\n\nwhen I receive [level6 v]\nshow\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (x position) y: (-75)\n go to x: (pick random (-130) to (130)) y: (148)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (27) y: (148)\nhide\n\n@THUMBNAIL\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (l1a v)\nReset Player Position\nset [force walk v] to [3]\nset [force gravity v] to [-1.5]\nset [force jump v] to [17]\nset [player speed x v] to [0]\nforever\n Check Player Gravity\n Check Player Walk\n Check Player Touching\nend\n\ndefine move out (dx) (dy)\nrepeat until <not <touching color (#2aff1b)?>>\n change x by (dx)\n change y by (dy)\nend\n\ndefine Check Player Gravity\nchange [player speed y v] by (FORCE GRAVITY)\nchange y by (Player Speed Y)\nif <<touching color (#dd8b18)?> or <<touching color (#2aff1b)?> or <touching color (#27e419)?>>> then\n if <(Player Speed Y) > [0]> then\n move out [0] [-1]\n set [player speed y v] to [0]\n else\n move out [0] [1]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [player speed y v] to (FORCE JUMP)\n else\n set [player speed y v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Check Player Walk\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [player speed x v] by ((-1) * (FORCE WALK))\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [player speed x v] by ((1) * (FORCE WALK))\nend\nset [player speed x v] to ((Player Speed X) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Player Speed X)\nif <(Player Speed X) > [0]> then\n move out [-1] [0]\nelse\n move out [1] [0]\nend\n\ndefine Check Player Touching\nif <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n start sound [Boing v]\n switch costume to (broken v)\n wait (.5) seconds\n switch costume to (r1 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n Reset Player Position\nend\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n start sound [Boing v]\n switch costume to (broken v)\n wait (.5) seconds\n switch costume to (r1 v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n Reset Player Position\nend\n\ndefine Reset Player Position\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (11)\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (-201) y: (-63)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (r1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-200) y: (11)\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (-201) y: (-63)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n Reset Player Position\n switch costume to (r1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n say (username)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (r1 v)\n wait (.000001) seconds\n switch costume to (r2 v)\n wait (.000001) seconds\n switch costume to (r3 v)\n wait (.000001) seconds\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (l1 v)\n wait (.000001) seconds\n switch costume to (l2 v)\n wait (.000001) seconds\n switch costume to (l3 v)\n wait (.000001) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level2 v]\nReset Player Position\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nReset Player Position\n\nwhen I receive [level4 v]\nReset Player Position\n\nwhen I receive [level5 v]\nReset Player Position\n\nwhen I receive [level6 v]\nReset Player Position\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow variable [seconds v]\nset [seconds v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [seconds v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (50) %\n play sound [y2mate v] until done\nend\n\n@lava trap animated\n\nwhen I receive [level5 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-97) y: (-83)\nshow\nrepeat until <(level 1 done) = [5]>\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level6 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@SPINING trap\n\nwhen I receive [level4 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n turn right (7) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (104) y: (-204)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@door in anther levels2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 3 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (320) y: (-35)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level2 v]\nshow\n\n@door in anther levels3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Level4 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (320) y: (-35)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\nshow\n\n@door in anther levels4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Level5 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (320) y: (-35)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level4 v]\nshow\n\n@door in anther levels5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Level6 v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (320) y: (-35)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level5 v]\nshow\n\n@door in anther levels6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (End v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (320) y: (-35)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level6 v]\nshow\n\n@SPINING trap2\n\nwhen I receive [level4 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n turn right (7) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level5 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [your time 2 v] to (end time your)\nshow variable [☁ best score v]\nset [end time your v] to (Seconds)\nhide variable [seconds v]\nshow variable [end time your v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [scores v]\nhide variable [☁ best score v]\nhide variable [end time your v]\nset [end time your v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nset [bla bla bla v] to [6]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nforever\n play sound [y2mate v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [bla bla bla v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(bla bla bla) = [6]> then\n if <(end time your) < (☁ best score)> then\n set [☁ best score v] to (end time your)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@snowflake effect\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (pick random (0.1) to (0.4)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-220) to (220)) y: (180)\npoint in direction (pick random (70) to (100))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\nrepeat (50)\n turn left (pick random (0) to (20)) degrees\n change y by (pick random (-5) to (-10))\n turn right (pick random (0) to (20)) degrees\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@snowflake effect2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (pick random (0.1) to (0.4)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (-220) to (220)) y: (180)\npoint in direction (pick random (70) to (100))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\nrepeat (50)\n turn left (pick random (0) to (20)) degrees\n change y by (pick random (-5) to (-10))\n turn right (pick random (0) to (20)) degrees\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
Survival platformer! #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstart sound [Music v]\n\n@player\n\ndefine engine\nif <(x position) > [220]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (go in v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-139)\nend\nif <<<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching color (#ffffff)?>> or <touching (sprite2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (2 v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (-139)\n set [vx v] to [0]\n set [vy v] to [0]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n change [vx v] by (0.5)\n else\n change [vx v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n change [vx v] by (-0.5)\n else\n change [vx v] by (-1)\n end\nend\nset [vx v] to ((vx) * (0.84))\nchange x by (vx)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (vx))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <not <(vx) = [0]>>> then\n set [m v] to [walljump]\n set [vy v] to [8]\n set [vx v] to (((vx) / ([abs v] of (vx) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [m v] to [wallslide]\n set [vx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nchange y by (-3)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <(vy) = [-3]> then\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [m v] to [run]\n else\n if <([abs v] of (vx) ) > [.1]> then\n set [m v] to [slide]\n else\n set [m v] to [stand]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [m v] to [jump]\n set [vy v] to [9]\n end\nend\nif <<<<(m) = [jump]> or <(m) = [walljump]>> and <(vy) < [0]>> or <<<(m) = [run]> or <(m) = [slide]>> and <(vy) < [-3]>>> then\n set [m v] to [fall]\nend\nchange y by (3)\nif <(vy) > [-15]> then\n change [vy v] by (-0.5)\nend\nchange y by (-2)\nif <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange y by (vy)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (vy))\n set [vy v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nif <touching (sprite4 v)?> then\n change [vy v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [vy v] by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [redinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [blue v]\nset [color v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [darkblue v]\nset [color v] effect to (120)\n\nwhen I receive [darkgreen v]\nset [color v] effect to (70)\n\nwhen I receive [green v]\nset [color v] effect to (40)\n\nwhen I receive [orange v]\nset [color v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen I receive [red v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [yellow v]\nset [color v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen I receive [blueinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [orange v]\nset [color v] effect to (20)\n\nwhen I receive [darkblueinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (120)\n\nwhen I receive [darkgreeninchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (70)\n\nwhen I receive [orangeinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (20)\n\nwhen I receive [yellowinchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (30)\n\nwhen I receive [greeninchoose v]\nset [color v] effect to (40)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [done? v] to [0]\nshow\nset [vx v] to [0]\nset [vy v] to [0]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n go to x: (0) y: (75)\n set size to (400) %\n end\nend\nset size to (150) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-139)\nshow\nforever\n engine\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [to start v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-139)\n\ndefine clones\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (150) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-139)\n\nset [triefgh v] to [0]\n\n@color choose\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-75) y: (-200)\nif <(whichcolor?) = [1]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (redinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (red v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [2]> then\n set [color v] effect to (20)\n go to x: (-50) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (orangeinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (orange v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [3]> then\n set [color v] effect to (30)\n go to x: (-25) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (yellowinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (yellow v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [4]> then\n set [color v] effect to (40)\n go to x: (0) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (greeninchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (green v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [5]> then\n set [color v] effect to (70)\n go to x: (25) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (darkgreeninchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (darkgreen v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [6]> then\n set [color v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (50) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (blueinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (blue v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(whichcolor?) = [7]> then\n set [color v] effect to (120)\n go to x: (75) y: (-200)\n repeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (-7))\n end\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n broadcast (darkblueinchoose v)\n end\n if <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (darkblue v)\n set [done? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n hide\n go to x: (1000) y: (1000)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [whichcolor? v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (1000) y: (1000)\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat (7)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [whichcolor? v] by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n change [sellected? v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(done?) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sellected? v] to [0]\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n switch costume to (8 v)\nend\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (kostüm2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nforever\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (thumbnail v)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<(username) = [dn_scrtch]> and <<key (x v) pressed?> and <not <(level) > [12]>>>> then\n set [level v] to ((level) + (1))\n wait until <not <key (x v) pressed?>>\n set [vx v] to [0]\n set [vy v] to [0]\n broadcast (restart v)\n broadcast (go in v)\n end\nend\n\n@outro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\nwait until <(level) = [10]>\nstop all sounds\nshow\nstart sound [Zaza - Be Together v]\nset volume to (50) %\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (n v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (d v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nrepeat (9)\n change x by ((5) - ((x position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (logo v)\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by ((5) - ((y position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (luv fav fuloe v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (logo v)\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n set size to ((100) + ((10) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (200)) ))) %\n point in direction ((90) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (275)) )))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [n]> then\n switch costume to (n v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (180) y: (0)\n repeat (9)\n change x by ((-5) - ((x position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-50)\n repeat (10)\n change y by ((5) - ((y position) * (0.2)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n forever\n set size to ((75) + ((10) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (200)) ))) %\n point in direction ((90) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (275)) )))\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\ndefine engine\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(x position) > ([x position v] of [player v])>> then\n change [xv1 v] by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)>> then\n change [xv1 v] by (-1)\nend\nset [xv1 v] to ((xv1) * (0.9))\nchange x by (xv1)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (xv1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nchange y by (-3)\nchange y by (3)\nif <(yv1) > [-15]> then\n change [yv1 v] by (-0.5)\nend\nchange y by (-2)\nif <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange y by (yv1)\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv1))\n set [yv1 v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\nend\nif <touching color (#ffb236)?> then\n set [yv1 v] to [15]\n start sound [Jump v]\nend\nif <touching color (#36b3ff)?> then\n set [xv1 v] to [35]\nend\nif <touching color (#e236ff)?> then\n set [xv1 v] to [-35]\nend\nif <touching color (#c3ff36)?> then\n set [yv1 v] to [-15]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [xv1 v] to [0]\nset [yv1 v] to [0]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\n go to x: (0) y: (75)\n set size to (400) %\n end\nend\nbroadcast (go in v)\nset size to (150) %\nshow\nforever\n engine\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go in v]\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n set size to (200) %\n show\n go to x: (-175) y: (150)\n point in direction (90)\n repeat until <(level) = [9]>\n move (2) steps\n if on edge, bounce\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (20) y: (0)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nset size to (150) %\nshow\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (-140)\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n set size to (200) %\n show\n go to x: (-175) y: (150)\n point in direction (90)\n repeat until <(level) = [9]>\n move (2) steps\n if on edge, bounce\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n set size to (150) %\n go to x: (20) y: (0)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Sprite2\n\ndefine laser (x) (y) (dir)\nset pen size to (20)\npen up\nset pen color to (#ff0000)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\nset pen (transparency v) to (80)\nrepeat (5)\n make Laser (x) (y) (dir)\nend\nset pen size to (5)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\npen down\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <not <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>>>>\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>> then\n set pen color to (#f1f1f1)\n point in direction (0)\n end\n move (7) steps\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <not <(sellected?) = [1]>> then\n repeat until <(done?) = [1]>\nend\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n erase all\n go to x: (10000) y: (1000)\n else\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n erase all\n laser [13] [-160] [0]\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n erase all\n laser [175] [-140] [-90]\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n erase all\n laser [230] [-141] [-90]\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n erase all\n set [do v] to ((-75) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (25)) )))\n laser [230] [-141] (do)\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n erase all\n laser [200] [-160] [0]\n else\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n erase all\n set [do v] to ((85) + ((5) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (50)) )))\n laser [195] ((do) + (50)) ((do) + (90))\n else\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n erase all\n laser [175] [175] [-180]\n laser [50] [175] [-180]\n laser [-75] [175] [-180]\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n erase all\n set [do v] to ((180) + ((15) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (2)) * (25)) )))\n laser [0] [175] (do)\n laser [175] [-160] [0]\n else\n erase all\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nerase all\ngo to x: (10000) y: (1000)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nerase all\n\nerase all\n\ndefine make Laser (x) (y) (dir)\nset pen color to (#ff0000)\nset pen (transparency v) to (80)\npen down\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <not <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>>>>\n move (7) steps\n if <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([costume # v] of [sprite1 v]) = [2]>> then\n set pen color to (#002eff)\n set pen (transparency v) to (90)\n point in direction (0)\n end\nend\npen up\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\nchange pen size by (([abs v] of ([sin v] of ((timer) * (50)) ) ) * (-5))\n\n@Intro2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mouse v] to [0]\nset volume to (50) %\nshow\nset [brightness v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (logo v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nstart sound [Don'tLetMeDown v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (180)\nset [y v] to [0.1]\nrepeat (16)\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (1.5))\n change y by (join [-] (Y))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((-25) - (x position)) / (3))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((25) - (x position)) / (3))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (3))\nend\nwait (0.7) seconds\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\nwait (.5) seconds\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (((-90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\nend\nrepeat (15)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\nend\nwait (.9) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((-100) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((100) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (((65) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (4))\nend\nwait (1.2) seconds\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\nrepeat (15)\n hide\n switch costume to (trans. v)\n go to x: (450) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n show\n change [brightness v] by (6.66666667)\n change [brightness v] effect by (Brightness)\n repeat (50)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (8))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Mouse) = [1]>\n if <mouse down?> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (15)\n hide\n switch costume to (trans. v)\n go to x: (450) y: (0)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change volume by (-10)\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n end\n stop all sounds\n set volume to (50) %\n broadcast (start v)\n set [mouse v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (small v)\ngo to x: (450) y: (100000)\nset [mouse v] to [1]\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\n if <touching color (#f0f0f0)?> then\n set [1221212 v] to [0]\n else\n set [1221212 v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [done? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [1221212 v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\n if <(1221212) = [0]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-270)\n else\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\n
Move with WASD, or arrow keys. Use space to attack. Defeat the enderdragon to beat the game! Avoid the enderdragon's fireballs.\n\nPlay the new version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/942962737/\n\n❤️ + ⭐ if you enjoyed!\nGoal: 12,000 loves, 11,000 favorites\nFollow if you like Minecraft!\n\nPart 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/832816324/\n\nClick the green flag twice so it won't lag!\n\nThere is a world record system. Beat the game the fastest!\n\nCredits:\nInspired by @kuri-pa-2\nSteve by @kuri-pa-2\nScrolling Engine by @Animator180\nEnderdragon by @-SuperFunnyAnimator-\n@TimMcCool for the love and favorite detector\n\nMusic by C418\n\n✨ Thanks for 4 on trending all, 3 on trending games, top loved, top remixed, 1 on popular games, and 2 on popular all! ✨\n\nThanks for playing! Don't advertise.
Rainforest (Mobile Friendly) | Platformer | #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [afterinfinity try again v]\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Unity v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nset volume to (50) %\n\n@Intro2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (237) y: (-21)\n\nwhen I receive [show p v]\nshow\nglide (0.1) secs to x: (191) y: (-24)\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nhide\n\n@loader\n\nwhen I receive [show p v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\nwait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\nbroadcast (start finish v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (platform1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [switch backdrop v]\nnext costume\nbroadcast (finish v)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform3]> then\n broadcast (spike come v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform4]> then\n broadcast (spike2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform6]> then\n broadcast (spike3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform8]> then\n broadcast (spike4 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform9]> then\n broadcast (spike5 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform10]> then\n broadcast (3spikes v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [project page v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform2]> then\n broadcast (bounce v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform5]> then\n broadcast (spike lvl hard v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform7]> then\n broadcast (new block v)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform11]> then\n broadcast (almost winning v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Platform12]> then\n broadcast (win v)\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Platform Gravity: (gravity) Jump Height: (jump height) Sidemovmentspeed: (side movment) Friction: (friction) Slope: (slope)\nchange [y velocity v] by (gravity)\nchange y by (Y velocity)\nif <touching (platform v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y velocity) ) / (Y velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y velocity v] to (<<<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> and <(([abs v] of (Y velocity) ) / (Y velocity)) = [-1]>> * (jump height))\nend\nset [x velocity v] to (((X velocity) + ((<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> * ((side movment) * (-1))) + (<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> * (side movment)))) * (friction))\nchange x by (X velocity)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = ((slope) * (-1))> or <not <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching color (#ffe200)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (slope)\n repeat until <not <<touching (platform v)?> or <touching color (#ffe200)?>>>\n change x by ((([abs v] of (X velocity) ) / (X velocity)) * (-1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (player v)\nreset timer\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset [time v] to [0]\nset [win v] to [0]\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-203) y: (0)\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (97) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-2)\n change [color v] effect by (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (green-flag v)?> or <touching (green-flag2 v)?>> then\n go to x: (-203) y: (0)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n broadcast (switch backdrop v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ngo to x: (-203) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [project page v]\nhide\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-203) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#00d2ff)?> then\n Platform Gravity: [-1] Jump Height: [20] Sidemovmentspeed: [3] Friction: [.7] Slope: [8]\n else\n Platform Gravity: [-1] Jump Height: [15] Sidemovmentspeed: [3] Friction: [.7] Slope: [8]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nwait (0.02) seconds\nforever\n if <touching (green-flag2 v)?> then\n broadcast (i won v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (hidden player v)\nset [time v] to (timer)\nshow variable [time v]\nstop [all v]\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [switch backdrop v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [project page v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nshow\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (spike 1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [spike come v]\nswitch costume to (spike1 v)\ngo to x: (6) y: (-122)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike2 v]\nswitch costume to (spike2 v)\ngo to x: (6) y: (-122)\n\nwhen I receive [spike3 v]\nswitch costume to (spike 1 v)\ngo to x: (57) y: (67)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [spike4 v]\nswitch costume to (spike6 v)\ngo to x: (59) y: (-73)\n\nwhen I receive [spike5 v]\nswitch costume to (spike7 v)\ngo to x: (59) y: (-73)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [new block v]\nswitch costume to (spike5 v)\ngo to x: (29) y: (-123)\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [spike lvl hard v]\nswitch costume to (spike3 v)\ngo to x: (6) y: (-122)\n\nwhen I receive [spike3 v]\nswitch costume to (spike4 v)\ngo to x: (28) y: (-123)\n\nwhen I receive [3spikes v]\nswitch costume to (spike8 v)\ngo to x: (59) y: (-73)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [almost winning v]\nswitch costume to (spike9 v)\ngo to x: (59) y: (-73)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nswitch costume to (spike10 v)\ngo to x: (59) y: (-73)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\ngo to x: (86) y: (-86)\nshow\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nbroadcast (show P v)\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nhide\n\n@green-flag\n\nwhen I receive [switch backdrop v]\ngo to x: (179) y: (46)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (212) y: (-127)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start finish v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike2 v]\ngo to x: (215) y: (-128)\n\nwhen I receive [spike come v]\ngo to x: (220) y: (-122)\n\nwhen I receive [spike lvl hard v]\ngo to x: (219) y: (62)\n\nwhen I receive [spike3 v]\ngo to x: (219) y: (12)\n\nwhen I receive [new block v]\ngo to x: (218) y: (-110)\n\nwhen I receive [spike4 v]\ngo to x: (195) y: (-40)\n\nwhen I receive [spike5 v]\ngo to x: (141) y: (133)\n\nwhen I receive [3spikes v]\ngo to x: (215) y: (-126)\n\nwhen I receive [almost winning v]\ngo to x: (190) y: (127)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nbroadcast (debug v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [project page v]\nhide\n\n@bounce pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [spike2 v]\ngo to x: (-53) y: (-152)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike come v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bounce v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (long v)\ngo to x: (-10) y: (-153)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike lvl hard v]\nswitch costume to (short v)\ngo to x: (53) y: (-45)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike3 v]\nswitch costume to (long v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [new block v]\nswitch costume to (extra long v)\ngo to x: (12) y: (-150)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike4 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [3spikes v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (medium v)\ngo to x: (-20) y: (-149)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [almost winning v]\nswitch costume to (last v)\ngo to x: (86) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [new block v]\ngo to x: (9) y: (146)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [spike4 v]\nhide\n\n@green-flag2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [debug v]\ngo to x: (111) y: (-59)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\nhide\n\n@Player2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (20) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [i won v]\ngo to x: (50) y: (-105)\nshow\n\n
Seal Adventure Quest Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [halloween-background-music-royalty-free-instrumental-music-for-videos v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Ghost\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nset [xv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.8)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.8)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n if <not <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<(Yv) < [-3]> and <not <key (s v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [-3]\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n end\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n if <(Yv) < [-6]> then\n set [yv v] to [-6]\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n if <not <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n if <not <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching (fire v)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n change y by (1)\n switch costume to (cute melon v)\nend\n\n\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (cute melon v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n broadcast (Return v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [return v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\n\n\nif <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\nend\n\nchange [yv v] by (-0.2)\n\nwhen [o v] key pressed\nchange [level v] by (-2)\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nrepeat (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-75)\n go to x: (-1) y: (-1)\n switch costume to (Level)\n set size to (101) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n glide (8) secs to x: (-500) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n glide (8) secs to x: (-500) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Candy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (60) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (ghost v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (ghost v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n show\n go to x: (-56) y: (-135)\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (50) y: (-145)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-20) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (50) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (95)\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (90) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (180) y: (-80)\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-150)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (180) y: (-150)\nend\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-135)\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Fire\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (60) %\n\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n go to x: (80) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-80) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-130)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-20) y: (-130)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (-130)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (-130)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-20) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (50) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (-80)\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-110)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-160)\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n show\n go to x: (-100) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (100) y: (-100)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Cut scene\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (ghost v)\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (25)\n change [brightness v] effect by (4)\nend\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\nend\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\nend\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n turn right (36) degrees\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) > [20]>\nbroadcast (End v)\nstart sound [Spooky Scary Skeletons \(Remix\) - Extended Mix v]\nswitch costume to (pumpkin2 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine Thumbnail\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n
Hide - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [chillhop v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sound v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [sound on v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@Player\n\ndefine reset\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-50)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset [x v v] to [0]\nset [y v v] to [0]\nset size to (70) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [change? v] to [1]\nreset\nset [change? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset size to (70) %\nreset\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n change [x v v] by (.9)\n end\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n change [x v v] by (-.9)\n end\n set [x v v] to ((X v) * (0.9))\n change x by (X v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X v) * (-2))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n if <(X v) > [0]> then\n set [x v v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v v] to [13]\n else\n set [x v v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (Y v)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving ground v)?>> then\n change y by ((Y v) * (-1))\n set [y v v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving ground v)?>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [y v v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<touching (gears v)?> or <touching (danger v)?>> or <touching (killer wheel2 v)?>> or <touching (lightning v)?>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n Spin off screen\n end\n if <touching (jump pad v)?> then\n set [y v v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n set [direction v] to (direction)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [change? v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [Ding Sound Effect v]\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-179]> then\n Spin off screen\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(dead?) = [0]> then\n reset\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\ndefine Spin off screen\nset [dead? v] to [1]\nchange [player death v] by (1)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nreset\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (center2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (-5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (center v)\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (moving danger v)?> or <touching (moving danger2 v)?>>> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-65)\n play sound [Crunch v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (speed v)?> then\n change [x v v] by (-6)\n end\n if <touching (size o meter v)?> then\n set size to (40) %\n wait (3) seconds\n set size to (70) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> and <touching (orbs v)?>> then\n change [y v v] by (3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n change [y v v] by (33)\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [costume v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <not <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>> then\n wait (pick random (30) to (40)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <(Costume) > [0]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (212) y: (166)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n wait (0.03) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1.5)\n end\n wait (0.03) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1.5)\n end\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (28) y: (18)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (green flag v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Stuff\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (34)\nforever\n go to x: (-26) y: (19)\n glide (7) secs to x: (-300) y: (13)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Moving ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n repeat (90)\n change x by (3)\n end\n repeat (90)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n go to x: (-130) y: (-100)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [10]>\n repeat (60)\n change x by (3)\n end\n repeat (60)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Sound\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n broadcast (Sound v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n broadcast (Sound On v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((60) - (size)) / (3))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (3))\n end\nend\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [12]> then\n change volume by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(volume) = [90]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((60) - (size)) / (3))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (3))\n end\nend\n\n@Moving danger\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [4]>\n repeat (50)\n change x by (3)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (-126) y: (132)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n repeat (50)\n change x by (3)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n go to x: (-126) y: (132)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n repeat (85)\n change x by (3)\n end\n repeat (85)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n go to x: (-36) y: (132)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [11]>\n repeat (40)\n change x by (5)\n end\n repeat (40)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n go to x: (-36) y: (132)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [12]>\n repeat (40)\n change x by (5)\n end\n repeat (40)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (95) y: (-27)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.03)\ngo to x: (95) y: (-1000)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [-27]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nset y to (-27)\n\n@Speed\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\n@Orbs\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\n@Moving danger2\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n repeat (45)\n change x by (3)\n end\n repeat (45)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n go to x: (66) y: (0)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [12]>\n repeat (45)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n repeat (45)\n change x by (5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\n@Size O meter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (28) y: (18)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.2)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Transition\n\ndefine T\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nT\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nT\n\n@Bird\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\nforever\n repeat (6)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nset [bird flight speed v] to [0.1]\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <(x position) < [-248]> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\n show\n end\n change x by (-2)\nend\n\n@Bird2\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\nforever\n repeat (6)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nset [bird flight speed v] to [0.1]\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <(x position) < [-248]> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\n show\n end\n change x by (-2.5)\nend\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
遊ばれた数がついに10万超えました!!あざます!!\n1000❤も!!!!!!!!!!!!\n作者が作っているアニメのスタジオ\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31913000\n\n◆PC…Operate with arrow keys\n    矢印キーで操作\n◆MOBILE…Operate by tapping the left, right, or\n      top of the screen\n      画面の左右や上をタップで操作\n\nなんと75ステージもあるプラットフォーム!\nでもとても軽い!!では\n長い長い冒険を楽しんでください!\nxキーは押さないでください!()\n作者タイム502秒\n\n難易度★★☆☆☆ 初心者も上級者も楽しめます\n\nなんか初めてイントロ使ってみたけどどうかな?\nあと正確には75ステージ+2 (裏ゴールを含めると)\n\nこっちも見てみる?\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/743042193\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nたぴおか?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nたぴおか?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nたぴおか?\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nここまで来たあなたはすごいですね
Cherry - A Scrolling Platformer (Entry)
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [game v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-100)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Game) = [1]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (0.7)\n end\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.7)\n end\n change x by (X)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <[0] < (X)> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to ((X) * (-1.3))\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to [0]\n change x by ((X) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (-0.25))\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (Y)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>> then\n change y by (Y)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (ancient door v)?>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-100)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\ngo to x: (179) y: (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 return v]\ngo to x: (-145) y: (153)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (regular v)\n end\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (crushers v)?> or <touching (big boy crusher v)?>>> or <touching (zombie v)?>> then\n broadcast (oof v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n go to x: (-231) y: (-100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\ngo to x: (-132) y: (-100)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [song v] until done\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (level 1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 v]\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n broadcast (Level 5 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n broadcast (Level 6 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n broadcast (Level 7 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n broadcast (Level 8 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n broadcast (Level 9 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Level 10 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Level 11 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n broadcast (Level 4 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n broadcast (level 3 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 return v]\nswitch costume to (level 6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\nswitch costume to (secret v)\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\nswitch costume to (land of gold v)\nwait (5) seconds\nbroadcast (endend v)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (nothing v)\n\n@Grass\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 v]\nswitch costume to (grass v)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to x: (-135) y: (-121)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [level 2 v]\ngo to x: (-29) y: (-119)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch costume to (sign 1 v)\ngo to x: (-135) y: (-121)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 9 v]\nswitch costume to (sign 2 v)\ngo to x: (-135) y: (-121)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 3 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@background + decorationSprite1\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 v]\nset size to (75) %\ngo to x: (106) y: (-88)\nswitch costume to (sign v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\nswitch costume to (secret background v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch costume to (cave background 3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\nswitch costume to (gold v)\n\n@Sky\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (sky v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nswitch costume to (nighttime v)\n\n@Cloud\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\ngo to x: (135) y: (120)\nforever\n change x by (-1.1)\n if <(x position) = [-306]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (120)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\n@Cloud 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (cloud 2 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\ngo to x: (135) y: (21)\nforever\n change x by (-1.4)\n if <(x position) = [-311]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (21)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Menu\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\n@Play\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [name v]) = [play]> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n broadcast (start v)\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Bounce to Size (target size) Force (force)\nset [speed v] to (((speed) * (0.9)) + (force))\nchange size by (speed)\nif <<(size) > (target size)> = <(force) > [0]>> then\n set size to (target size) %\n set [speed v] to ((-0.8) * (speed))\n if <([abs v] of (speed) ) < [4]> then\n set [speed v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (play v)\ngo to x: (-9) y: (-124)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n Bounce to Size [125] Force [2]\n else\n Bounce to Size [100] Force [-2]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nset [game v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Finish\n\nwhen I receive [level 1 v]\nswitch costume to (full finish v)\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (NEXT v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 return v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (small finish v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (full finish v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\ngo to x: (26) y: (300)\nshow\nswitch costume to (small finish v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\ngo to x: (26) y: (29)\nshow\nswitch costume to (full finish v)\n\n@Location\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\nswitch costume to (secret v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 return v]\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [level 7 v]\nswitch costume to (7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (gold v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Ancient Door\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nswitch costume to (ancient door v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(key) = [1]> then\n repeat (40)\n change y by (2.5)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n else\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (no key v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.05) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 9 v]\nswitch costume to (wooden steps v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\nswitch costume to (artifact v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\nswitch costume to (artifact v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(artifact) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (artifact v)\n else\n broadcast (no artifact v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [artifact ending v]\nswitch costume to (artifact 2 v)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (secret ending v)\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\nhide\n\n@no key + no artifact\n\nwhen I receive [no key v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (no key lol v)\nshow\nwait (1.9) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [no artifact v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (no artifact lol v)\nshow\nwait (1.9) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Ancient Key\n\nwhen I receive [level 5 v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (112) y: (68)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [key v] to [1]\n forever\n go to (player v)\n if <touching (ancient door v)?> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\nset [key v] to [-10]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Zombie\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nset [game v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nset [xc v] to [0]\nset [yc v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Game) = [1]> then\n if <(forward clone 1) = [1]> then\n change [xc v] by (0.7)\n end\n end\n set [xc v] to ((XC) * (0.9))\n if <(backward clone 1) = [1]> then\n change [xc v] by (-0.7)\n end\n change x by (XC)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <(jump clone 1) = [1]> then\n if <[0] < (XC)> then\n set [xc v] to [-7]\n else\n set [xc v] to [7]\n end\n set [yc v] to [10]\n else\n set [xc v] to ((XC) * (-1.3))\n change x by (XC)\n set [xc v] to [0]\n change x by ((XC) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yc v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (YC)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set [yc v] to ((YC) * (-0.25))\n change y by (YC)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (YC)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (YC)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (YC)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<(jump clone 1) = [1]> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [yc v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (128) y: (-100)\nforever\n set [backward clone 1 v] to [1]\n wait (1.2) seconds\n set [backward clone 1 v] to [0]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [forward clone 1 v] to [1]\n wait (1.2) seconds\n set [forward clone 1 v] to [0]\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [oof v]\ngo to x: (128) y: (-100)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 return v]\ngo to x: (128) y: (-100)\nshow\n\n@Ominous Glow\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nswitch costume to (glow v)\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (40) y: (28)\n glide (1) secs to x: (36) y: (28)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level 6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (secret v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Anonymous Dialogue\n\nwhen I receive [secret v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nbroadcast (Ancient Artifact v)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\nswitch costume to (3 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\n@Ancient Artifact\n\nwhen I receive [ancient artifact v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [artifact v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\nforever\n if <touching (ancient door v)?> then\n hide\n broadcast (artifact ending v)\n end\nend\n\n@Level 6 Go Back\n\nwhen I receive [ancient artifact v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Level 6 Return v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Crushers\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (15) y: (261)\nforever\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-40)\n end\n wait (1.7) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change y by (40)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\n@Big Boy Crusher\n\nwhen I receive [level 8 v]\nshow\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (36) y: (261)\nforever\n wait (5) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-45)\n end\n wait (1.7) seconds\n repeat (6)\n change y by (45)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [level 10 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nhide\n\n@Legendary Chest\n\nwhen I receive [level 11 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\nswitch costume to (chest 1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (23) y: (-71)\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <key (e v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (open 1 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (open 2 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (open 3 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (open 4 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (open 5 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (ending v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [land of gold v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@The End\n\nwhen I receive [ending v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (-16)\nswitch costume to (the end v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nwait (7) seconds\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@The End 2\n\nwhen I receive [secret ending v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (-16)\nswitch costume to (the end v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (Land of Gold v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endend v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (8) seconds\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\n@Sound\n\n@SECRET: attention!!\n\n
LOGO CONTEST↓↓\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/899909238/\n\nNEW Platformer↓↓\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/905171028/
Platformer Tutorial - Super Easy!
@Stage\n\ndefine Set Up X Spawn\ndelete all of [x spawn v]\nadd [-205] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-220] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-30] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-205] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-200] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-198] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-150] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-150] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-150] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-150] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-150] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-175] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-175] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-175] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-175] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-105] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-165] to [x spawn v]\nadd [0] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-100] to [x spawn v]\nadd [-185] to [x spawn v]\n\ndefine Set Up Y Spawn\ndelete all of [y spawn v]\nadd [15] to [y spawn v]\nadd [15] to [y spawn v]\nadd [15] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-160] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-40] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-40] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-15] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-160] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-160] to [y spawn v]\nadd [0] to [y spawn v]\nadd [0] to [y spawn v]\nadd [0] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-150] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-50] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-50] to [y spawn v]\nadd [120] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-50] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-100] to [y spawn v]\nadd [100] to [y spawn v]\nadd [-153] to [y spawn v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow variable [level v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide variable [level v]\nSet Up X Spawn\nSet Up Y Spawn\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) > [20]>\nbroadcast (End v)\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine Set Up\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSet Up\nIN\nwait (1) seconds\nOUT\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\ndefine OUT\nrepeat (10)\n turn right ((3.45) - ((direction) * (0.2))) degrees\n change size by ((-2) - ((size) / (5)))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndefine IN\ngo to x: (0) y: (-180)\nset size to (1) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (25)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) * (0.25))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (0.25))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (sfondo v)\nset [counter v] to [0]\nhide variable [counter v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [counter v] to ((timer) + (0.5))\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (Counter)\nhide variable [level v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide variable [level v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (item (Level) of [x spawn v]) y: (item (Level) of [y spawn v])\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nforever\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (0.75)\n end\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.75)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by ((100) / (15))\n end\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n go to x: (item (Level) of [x spawn v]) y: (item (Level) of [y spawn v])\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (item (Level) of [x spawn v]) y: (item (Level) of [y spawn v])\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@SQPDj\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [i v] to [0]\nhide variable [random v]\nhide variable [i v]\nshow list [bruno mars v]\nshow list [songs queue v]\nSet Playlist\nPlay\n\ndefine Set Playlist\ndelete all of [songs queue v]\nrepeat (length of [bruno mars v])\n set [random v] to (pick random (1) to (length of [bruno mars v]))\n repeat until <not <[songs queue v] contains (Random)?>>\n set [random v] to (pick random (1) to (length of [bruno mars v]))\n end\n add (Random) to [songs queue v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n stop all sounds\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\n if <key (p v) pressed?> then\n stop all sounds\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n change [i v] by (-1)\n if <(i) < [1]> then\n set [i v] to (length of [songs queue v])\n end\n wait until <not <key (p v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Play\nforever\n repeat (length of [songs queue v])\n play sound (item (i) of [songs queue v]) until done\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <(i) > (length of [songs queue v])> then\n set [i v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nPlay\n\ndefine Show\ngo to x: (180) y: (120)\npoint in direction (100)\nhide\nset size to (60) %\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (10)\n change x by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (a v)\nShow\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (b v)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (230) y: (150)\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (-8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (8)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n
Treasure Quest -A Platformer-
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n set [items v] to [2]\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n set [items v] to [1]\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine engine\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n set [costumes v] to [2]\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [costumes v] to [3]\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nif <touching (rock v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n change [xv v] by (-0.4)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.9))\nchange x by (XV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((XV) * (-1))\n change y by (-4)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(XV) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [15]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (YV)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((YV) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nswitch costume to (costumes)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (saw v)?> or <touching (bullet v)?>> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Main Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nstart sound [Connect v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 \(1\) v)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-201) y: (0)\nset size to (50) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n engine\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-106)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n if <touching (exit v)?> then\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (-35)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n next backdrop\n go to x: (-201) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Tobu & Itro - Sunburst v]\n\nwhen I receive [boss v]\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-70)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nbroadcast (boss v)\n\nwhen I receive [fight! v]\nforever\n if <touching (boss v)?> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (-35)\n broadcast (reset v)\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (7) y: (-25)\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (6 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nswitch costume to (7 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nswitch costume to (8 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nswitch costume to (9 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nswitch costume to (10 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nswitch costume to (11 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nswitch costume to (12 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [14 v]\nswitch costume to (13 v)\n\nwhen I receive [fight! v]\nswitch costume to (9-2 v)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nswitch costume to (4 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nbroadcast (boss v)\nswitch costume to (5 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nhide\n\nshow\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (208) y: (80)\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [6]>\n point in direction (-75)\n repeat (10)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\n point in direction (60)\n repeat (10)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (140) y: (-112)\npoint in direction (-90)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\ngo to x: (170) y: (-80)\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [7]> then\n wait (pick random (0) to (0.3)) seconds\n repeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [8]>\n glide (1) secs to x: (80) y: (-80)\n point in direction (90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (170) y: (-80)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n go to x: (-32) y: (-93)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [sword ]>> then\n hide\n broadcast (enemy dead v)\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [6]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [7]>\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (200) y: (30)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [sword ]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [9]>\n hide\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n play sound [Big Boing v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\ngo to x: (-69) y: (-128)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-78) y: (-127)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (21) y: (-120)\n\n@Main Menu\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [story v]\nhide\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (37) y: (22)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (story v)\n end\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [story v]\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\nhide\n\n@Instructions Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (38) y: (-61)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n broadcast (Instructions v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [story v]\nhide\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\n\n@Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (23) y: (-150)\nhide\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (Main Menu v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [story v]\ngo to x: (999) y: (999)\nhide\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nhide\nwait until <(item) = [p]>\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nhide\nwait until <(item) = [s]>\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [Unlimited v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [10 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bossdead v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [boss v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (2)\nend\nforever\n play sound [Heartache.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bossdead v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Unlimited v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\nwait until <color (#000000) is touching (#8644b3)?>\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [13 v]\nhide\n\n@Coin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (156) y: (-68)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [4 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (137) y: (79)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (120) y: (-70)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (216) y: (29)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (14) y: (26)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (160) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [11 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-90)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (140) y: (29)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (55) y: (80)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n go to x: (pick random (101) to (158)) y: (pick random (-111) to (-94))\nelse\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (10))\n go to x: (pick random (160) to (240)) y: (pick random (50) to (-25))\nend\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [money v]\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@bullet\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\ngo to x: (96) y: (28)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [7]>\n go to (enemy v)\n show\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change x by (-10)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [7 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat until <(backdrop [number v]) = [8]>\n go to (enemy v)\n show\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n hide\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [enemy dead v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@pick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [item v] to [0]\nset [items v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(item) = [p]> then\n switch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (pickaxe2 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\n end\n if <(item) = [s]> then\n switch costume to (sword v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (sword v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (sword v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [3 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (80) y: (-71)\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nstart sound [Collect v]\nset [items v] to [1]\nset [item v] to [p]\nforever\n go to (player v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(item) = [p]> then\n if <(items) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (sword v)\n set [item v] to [s]\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (pickaxe7 v)\n set [item v] to [p]\nend\n\n@rock\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [Pickaxe2]>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [Pickaxe2]>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [8 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [Pickaxe2]>> then\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [9 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-308) y: (15)\nrepeat (5)\n change x by (70)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [Pickaxe2]>> then\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@story\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [story v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n broadcast (Game Start v)\n else\n next costume\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <key (x v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait until <not <key (x v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\n@item\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [5 v]\nshow\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nstart sound [Collect v]\nset [item v] to [s]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@BOSS\n\ndefine Say (speech) Beats (beats) Note (note) Clear? (clear?) Wait after (wait after) Instrument (instrument)\nif <(clear?) = [y]> then\n delete all of [speech v]\nend\nset [speech letter v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (speech))\n change [speech letter v] by (1)\n add (letter (speech letter) of (speech)) to [speech v]\n say (Speech)\nend\nadd [ ] to [speech v]\nwait (wait after) seconds\nsay []\n\ndefine Game\npoint towards (player v)\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nPosition\nchange [xv v] by (pick random (2) to (-2))\nif <(limit) < [5]> then\n if <(xv) > [-7]> then\n if <([abs v] of (([x v] of [player v]) - (x)) ) > [20]> then\n if <([x v] of [player v]) < (x)> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n else\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<(round (x)) = (round (data x))> and <(round (y)) = (round (data y))>> then\n change [limit v] by (1)\nelse\n set [limit v] to [0]\n set [data x v] to (round (x))\n set [data y v] to (round (y))\nend\nif <(limit) > [5]> then\n change [y v] by (-2)\n Position\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (-2)\n change [xv v] by (-10)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change [y v] by (2)\n change x by (xv)\n Position\n end\n end\nend\nif <(limit) < [5]> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\nend\nchange x by (xv)\nchange [y v] by (-2)\nPosition\nif <<touching (level v)?> and <(y) < ([y v] of [player v])>> then\n set [yv v] to [7]\nend\nchange [y v] by (2)\nPosition\nchange y by (yv)\n\ndefine change x by (xv)\nchange [x v] by (xv)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (level v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n set [yv v] to [12]\n Position\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine change y by (yv)\nchange [y v] by (yv)\nPosition\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <(yv) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGame\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nReset\n\ndefine Reset\nset [hp v] to [3]\nset [x v] to [220]\nset [y v] to [-30]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [limit v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [boss v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (220) y: (-96)\nset [x v] to [220]\nset [y v] to [-30]\nshow\nSay [HA HA HA! You fell for my trap!] Beats [] Note [] Clear? [y] Wait after [2] Instrument []\nSay [You're that new prisoner, aren't you?] Beats [] Note [] Clear? [y] Wait after [2] Instrument []\nSay [Okay, you got this far, so i'll make a deal.] Beats [] Note [] Clear? [y] Wait after [2] Instrument []\nSay [If you beat me, I will let you be free!] Beats [] Note [] Clear? [y] Wait after [2] Instrument []\nshow variable [hp v]\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (fight! v)\nforever\n broadcast (Tick v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [hp v]\nhide\nset [hp v] to [3]\nforever\n if <(HP) < [1]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n play sound [Win v] until done\n broadcast (bossdead v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bossdead v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide variable [hp v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [fight! v]\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [sword ]>> then\n change [hp v] by (-1)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nset [hp v] to [0]\n\n@chest\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [bossdead v]\nwait until <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]>\nswitch costume to (closed v)\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (pick v)?> and <([costume name v] of [pick v]) = [Pickaxe2]>> then\n wait (1.2) seconds\n switch costume to (open v)\n broadcast (money v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nhide\n\n@extra\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (71) y: (-20)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [12 v]\nshow\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nstart sound [Collect v]\nforever\n go to (player v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\nend\n\n
Please ❤️ and⭐!\n---\n⬇️ PLEASE READ (Scroll down too) ⬇️\nTaking too long to load? Use turbowarp: https://turbowarp.org/413072152\nAlso fullscreen can break things, please don't use it.\nSupported controls: Arrow Keys and WASD, plus Space, Z, or X to jump/select. Enter, Backspace, and Esc are also available menu inputs on turbowarp.org.\n\nMobile is now supported! I had to settle with an onscreen circle pad, which isn't the greatest but it works for the most part. I'd still recommend using a keyboard for the best experience though.\n\nLeft/Right + P to skip backwards/forwards a level, Up/Down + P to restart a level (works when stopped!)\nHold a number (1-6) and hit "start" to world warp\n---\nPlease ❤️ and⭐!
home 3 (a platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next backdrop\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Alone For Now v] until done\nend\n\n@スプライト2\n\ngo to x: (218) y: (151)\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (pick random (2) to (3)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change x by (-10)\n change y by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to x: (144) y: (105)\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (50)\n change x by (-10)\n change y by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to x: (144) y: (105)\n\ngo to x: (218) y: (151)\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change y by (変数)\n end\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change y by (変数)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [変数 v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-5) y: (-30)\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [変数 v] by (0.15)\nend\nforever\n repeat (20)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [変数 v] by (-0.15)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [変数 v] by (0.15)\n end\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@ \n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (止まる v)\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-90)\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-201) y: (152)\ngo to x: (-213) y: (-34)\nforever\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (左 v)\n change [x2 v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (右 v)\n change [x2 v] by (1)\n end\n set [x2 v] to ((X2) * (0.9))\n change x by (X2)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1.0)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change x by ((X2) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<[0] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(X2) > [0]> then\n set [x2 v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x2 v] to [5]\n end\n set [y2 v] to [10]\n else\n set [x2 v] to [0.0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<(y position) < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n start sound [ニュッ2 v]\n set [y2 v] to [13]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y2 v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y2)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((Y2) * (-1))\n set [y2 v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (次 v)\n hide\n change [ステージ v] by (1)\n set [x2 v] to [0]\n go to x: (-201) y: (-100)\n show\n end\n if <<touching (スプライト5 v)?> or <<touching (障害物 v)?> or <<touching (バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ v)?> or <<touching (バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ2 v)?> or <<touching (バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ3 v)?> or <touching (バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ4 v)?>>>>>> then\n set [x2 v] to [0]\n set [y2 v] to [0]\n start sound [Oops v]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n go to x: (-201) y: (-100)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n end\n if <touching (バネ v)?> then\n set [y2 v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\n@Screenshot 2022-03-20 22\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@障害物\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nforever\n glide (0.3) secs to x: (0) y: (200)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n glide (0.3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nforever\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (-100) y: (200)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (-100) y: (0)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nforever\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (0) y: (200)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@バーンって降りてきてぶっ刺さったら死んでまうやつ4\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nforever\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (100) y: (200)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (100) y: (0)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト5\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\nforever\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change x by (20)\nend\nforever\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change x by (40)\n end\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change x by (-40)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [10]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
my first comment animation: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/661667050/\n\nUse arrow keys to move and turn your brightness low\n\nthanks for 80000 views and thanks for #9 on trending (used to be) And thanks for top remixed (used to be)\n\nComment your time my best: 55\n\nDON'T ADVERTISE!!! or else i will report it\n\nshould I make a part 3?
Hacked Minecraft Platformer - Episode 1
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (page v)\nwait until <(Level) = [15]>\nswitch backdrop to (page2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nswitch backdrop to (page v)\nwait until <(Level) = [15]>\nswitch backdrop to (page2 v)\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nset [left? v] to [0]\nset [right? v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\ndefine Platformer Physics (speed) (friction) (jump height)\nchange [y velocity v] by (-1)\nif <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> and <<not <(Right?) = [1]>> or <not <(Left?) = [1]>>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (speed)\nend\nif <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> and <<not <(Right?) = [1]>> or <not <(Left?) = [1]>>>> then\n change [x velocity v] by ((0) - (speed))\nend\nset [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (friction))\nchange x by (X Velocity)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (level v)?>> or <(Slope) = [-8]>>\n change [slope v] by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Slope)\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change x by ((0) - (([abs v] of (X Velocity) ) / (X Velocity)))\n end\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (Y Velocity)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y Velocity) ) / (Y Velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y velocity v] to (jump height)\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <(Right?) = [1]> then\n if <(size) = [70]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1.3)\n else\n change [x velocity v] by (1.5)\n end\nend\nif <(Left?) = [1]> then\n if <(size) = [70]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.3)\n else\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.5)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Detection\nif <touching (flag v)?> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n start sound [Ding Sound Effect v]\n set [level v] to ((Level) + (1))\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n set [left? v] to [0]\n set [right? v] to [0]\n go to x: (-205) y: (-82)\nend\nif <<<<<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (bullet v)?>> or <touching (saws v)?>> or <(y position) = [-179]>> and <not <(CHEAT) = [1]>>> then\n set [left? v] to [0]\n set [right? v] to [0]\n start sound [Oops v]\n repeat (3)\n hide\n wait (0.11) seconds\n show\n wait (0.11) seconds\n end\n hide\n wait (0.11) seconds\n show\n go to x: (-205) y: (-82)\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (bouncy v)?> then\n start sound [Big Boing v]\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n set [y velocity v] to [18]\n else\n set [y velocity v] to [14]\n end\nend\nif <touching color (#ff3b3b)?> then\n set size to (70) %\nend\nif <touching color (#60d55a)?> then\n set size to (100) %\nend\nif <touching (super right v)?> then\n set [right? v] to [1]\n set [left? v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (super left v)?> then\n set [left? v] to [1]\n set [right? v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (left v)?> then\n set [right? v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (right v)?> then\n set [left? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nset size to (100) %\nset [cheat v] to [0]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\ngo [forward v] (88) layers\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-82)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (activate v)?> then\n Platformer Physics [2] [0.8] [16]\n Detection\n else\n if <(size) = [70]> then\n if <(username) = [ Abluestopsign]> then\n Platformer Physics [2] [0.78] [9.99]\n Detection\n else\n Platformer Physics [2] [0.79] [9.99]\n Detection\n end\n else\n if <(size) = [100]> then\n if <(username) = [ Abluestopsign]> then\n Platformer Physics [1.99] [0.76] [11.5]\n Detection\n else\n Platformer Physics [1.99] [0.798] [11.5]\n Detection\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n Cheats Menu\n set [x v] to (round (x position))\n set [y v] to (round (y position))\nend\n\ndefine Cheats Menu\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nif <<<key (1 v) pressed?> and <<(username) = [250119code2]> or <(username) = [250119test2]>>> and <not <(CHEAT) = [1]>>> then\n set [cheat v] to [1]\n wait (1) seconds\nelse\n if <<key (1 v) pressed?> and <(CHEAT) = [1]>> then\n set [cheat v] to [0]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(CHEAT) = [1]>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [7]\nend\nif <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> and <(CHEAT) = [1]>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [-6]\nend\n\nset [right? v] to [0]\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-82)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (45)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Bouncy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Turret\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (203) y: (-111)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [2]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (3) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-211) y: (33)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [4]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (3) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-199) y: (141)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [6]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\npoint towards (player v)\ngo to x: (-199) y: (141)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [7]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (3) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (-202) y: (108)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [8]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\npoint in direction (180)\ngo to x: (210) y: (146)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [9]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (3) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [12]>\npoint towards (player v)\ngo to x: (-194) y: (141)\nshow\nrepeat until <not <(Level) = [12]>>\n create clone of (bullet v)\n wait (4) seconds\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nforever\n point towards (player v)\n if <not <(Level) = [7]>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [12]>\nforever\n point towards (player v)\n if <not <(Level) = [12]>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ngo to (random position v)\n\n@Bullet\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to (turret v)\npoint in direction ([direction v] of [turret v])\nrepeat until <<<touching (player v)?> or <touching (level v)?>> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n move (4.5) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Activate\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (2.4) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (-60)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nset [rotation v] to [-10]\nrepeat (70)\n change [ghost v] effect by (rotation)\n change [rotation v] by (-1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nhide\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [4]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nstart sound [Never Mind v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (-90)\nset size to (300) %\nset [sine v] to [30]\nrepeat (40)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (1))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) * (0.18)) degrees\nend\nset [glide v] to [7]\nrepeat (20)\n change y by ((glide) - (1))\n change [glide v] by (-0.34)\nend\nwait (5.8) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (bg v)\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n id 2\n else\n if <(id) = [3]> then\n id 3\n else\n id 4\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine id 2\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (dot2 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (7) seconds\nshow\nset size to (0.5) %\nset [vel v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nrepeat (50)\n switch costume to (dot2 v)\n change [vel v] by ((size) / (50))\n change size by (vel)\n switch costume to (dot v)\nend\nbroadcast (Intro Done v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\ndefine id 3\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (dot2 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (7.2) seconds\nshow\nset size to (0.5) %\nset [vel v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nrepeat (50)\n switch costume to (dot2 v)\n change [vel v] by ((size) / (50))\n change size by (vel)\n switch costume to (smaller dot v)\nend\n\ndefine id 4\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (dot2 v)\nhide\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (7.4) seconds\nshow\nset size to (0.5) %\nset [vel v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nrepeat (50)\n switch costume to (dot2 v)\n change [vel v] by ((size) / (50))\n change size by (vel)\n switch costume to (crazy dot v)\n turn left (1) degrees\nend\n\n@Small\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(volume) = [50]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set volume to (50) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-160)\nset volume to (50) %\nset size to (70) %\nforever\n play sound [Universe In A Nutshell Soundtrack \(2020\) v] until done\n play sound [Termination Shock v] until done\nend\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Normal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nshow\n\n@Saws\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) (y) At Size: (size)\nset size to (size) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n Clone At X: [-2] [-92] At Size: [80]\n Clone At X: [119] [-88] At Size: [80]\n Clone At X: [-12] [42] At Size: [80]\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone At X: [-59] [30] At Size: [80]\n Clone At X: [9] [-94] At Size: [60]\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n Clone At X: [-67] [-103] At Size: [70]\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n Clone At X: [220] [-17] At Size: [90]\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n Clone At X: [15] [20] At Size: [80]\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n Clone At X: [120] [5] At Size: [75]\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n Clone At X: [199] [-176] At Size: [80]\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n Clone At X: [184] [-84] At Size: [70]\n Clone At X: [-149] [19] At Size: [70]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n turn right (4) degrees\nend\n\nbroadcast (Next v)\n\nClone At X: [103] [22] At Size: [70]\n\nbroadcast (Next v)\n\n@Super Right\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nshow\n\n@Left\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nshow\n\n@Super Left\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nshow\n\n@Right\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nshow\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [21]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\ngo to x: (169) y: (-160)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (0.8) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait until <(Level) = [21]>\nhide\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Transition v)\nbroadcast (Next v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n@Transition\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.8) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n
Use arrows keys to move\n
3d platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n play sound [Guardian Of Angels v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (intro v)\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nswitch backdrop to (actual backdrop v)\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Touch Ground\nif <(Yvel) > [0]> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n Position\n end\nelse\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [yvel v] to [0]\n set [falling v] to [0]\n Position\n end\nend\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> and <<touching (ground v)?> or <(falling) < [5]>>> then\n set [yvel v] to [12]\nend\n\ndefine Touch Wall\nrepeat (10)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n end\nend\nPosition\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change [x v] by ((round (Xvel)) * (-1))\n Position\n change [y v] by (-10)\n Position\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Xvel) > [0]> then\n set [xvel v] to [-6]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [6]\n end\n set [yvel v] to [11]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n end\n Position\nend\nPosition\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (round (Offset X))) y: ((y) - (round (Offset Y)))\n\ndefine Scroll\nchange [offset x v] by ((x position) * (0.1))\nchange [offset y v] by ((y position) * (0.1))\n\ndefine Reset\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (40) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [falling v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-100]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [offset x v] to [0]\nset [offset y v] to [0]\nset [game? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [xvel v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [xvel v] by (-1)\nend\nset [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (0.85))\nchange [x v] by (round (Xvel))\nPosition\nTouch Wall\nchange [yvel v] by (-1)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nchange [y v] by (Yvel)\nPosition\nTouch Ground\nScroll\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <<(y) < [-250]> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n Reset\n end\n if <touching (door v)?> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n wait (0.15) seconds\n set [game? v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.5) seconds\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n Reset\n set [game? v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nReset\nforever\n if <(Game?) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nreset timer\nset [timer v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat until <(Level) > [4]>\n if <not <(Level) = [5]>> then\n set [timer v] to (timer)\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nchange [timer v] by (0.1)\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\n\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n if <[] > (Timer)> then\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n Reset\n wait until <not <key (r v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nhide variable [timer v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n show variable [timer v]\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n say (join [Your time is: ] (join (Timer) [ seconds.])) for (2) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [timer v]\n\n@Ground \n\nforever\n set x to ((0) - (Offset X))\n set y to ((0) - (Offset Y))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n Position in view ((x_) - (round (Offset X))) ((y_) - (round (Offset Y)))\nend\n\ndefine Position in view (x) (y)\nset x to (x)\nset y to (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Render Levels\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 1 v)\n Render Level at [0] [0]\n Render Level at [1] [0]\n Render Level at [2] [0]\n Render Level at [3] [0]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 2 v)\n Render Level at [0] [0]\n Render Level at [1] [0]\n Render Level at [2] [0]\n Render Level at [3] [0]\n Render Level at [4] [0]\n Render Level at [-1] [-1]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 3 v)\n Render Level at [0] [0]\n Render Level at [1] [0]\n Render Level at [2] [0]\n Render Level at [3] [0]\n Render Level at [4] [0.8]\n Render Level at [3] [1]\n Render Level at [4] [2]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume16 4 v)\n Render Level at [0] [0]\n Render Level at [1] [0]\n Render Level at [2] [0]\n Render Level at [3] [0]\n Render Level at [4] [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume14 v)\n Render Level at [0] [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Render Level at (x) (y)\nset [x_ v] to ((x) * (480))\nset [y_ v] to ((y) * (360))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nhide\nRender Levels\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nhide\nRender Levels\n\n@Glow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to (player v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Door\n\ndefine Position in view (x) (y)\nset x to (x)\nset y to (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nif <(distance to [player v]) < [50]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [dx_ v] to [2130]\n set [dy_ v] to [180]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [dx_ v] to [2100]\n set [dy_ v] to [710]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [dx_ v] to [1850]\n set [dy_ v] to [-100]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nforever\n Position in view ((dx_) - (round (Offset X))) ((dy_) - (round (Offset Y)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [dx_ v] to [1640]\nset [dy_ v] to [-50]\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <(distance to [player v]) < [100]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((2) * ((100) - (distance to [player v])))\n else\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n switch costume to (dark2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Teleport v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop7 v)\nset [comet v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (comet v)\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (200) y: (100)\nset size to (0) %\nrepeat (25)\n if <(Comet) < [10]> then\n change [comet v] by ((Comet) * (1.01))\n else\n set [comet v] to [10]\n end\n change x by ((0) - (Comet))\n change y by ((0) - ((Comet) / (2)))\n change size by ((Comet) / (3))\nend\nbroadcast (Flash v)\nrepeat (6)\n if <(Comet) < [10]> then\n change [comet v] by ((Comet) * (1.0000001))\n else\n set [comet v] to [10]\n end\n change x by ((0) - (Comet))\n change y by ((0) - ((Comet) / (2)))\n change size by ((Comet) / (3))\nend\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [show v]\nstart sound [Boom Cloud v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (cometblazer v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (Start v)\nwait (1) seconds\nstart sound [pop v]\nswitch costume to (cometblazer2 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (Go v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game on v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Flash\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [flash v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (white v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nbroadcast (Show v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (white v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nbroadcast (Game On v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\n
NEW GAME OUT NOW!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/813731315/\n\nMINECRAFT PLATFORMER 3 IS FINALLY OUT! 6TH ON TRENDING!?! LIKE AND REMIX ROW TOO!?!\nSpam The Green Flag\nFull Screen Recommended\nINSTRUCTIONS:\n-Use Arrow Keys\n-Avoid Piglins, Wither Skeletons, Blazes, and Lava\n-Get to the End\n***COMMENT: YOUR TIME***\nMy Time: 65
Plains 2 - Mobile Friedly Platformer #trending #games # platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Fortnite-Season-9-Battle-Pass-Skins\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-185) y: (18)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch costume to (fortnite-season-9-battle-pass-skins v)\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n switch costume to (fortnite-season-9-battle-pass-skins2 v)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n switch costume to (fortnite-season-9-battle-pass-skins v)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-185) y: (18)\n play sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v] until done\n end\n if <touching (3661-tm_large_default v)?> then\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (backdrop2 v)\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nforever\n play sound [Disco Fever \(FORTNITE Dance Challenge Music\) \[8 Bit Tribute to Fortnite\] - 8 Bit Universe v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\ngo to x: (-190) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (-213) y: (18)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (3661-tm_large_default v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide variable [level v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow variable [level v]\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (-207) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\nif <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-213) y: (18)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (-185) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (-221) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (-209) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\ngo to x: (-203) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\ngo to x: (-212) y: (-95)\n\nwhen I receive [john wick v]\nsay [I Will Defeat You!] for (2) seconds\nbroadcast (your mom v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\ngo to x: (-218) y: (-96)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-200) y: (18)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (18) y: (-39)\n\nmove (10) steps\n\n@3661-tm_large_default\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (210) y: (-116)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\ngo to x: (222) y: (80)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (211) y: (-107)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (211) y: (-104)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (211) y: (-119)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\ngo to x: (210) y: (-40)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (223) y: (-118)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (206) y: (130)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\ngo to x: (206) y: (-115)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\ngo to x: (222) y: (158)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (210) y: (-116)\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <key (space v) pressed?>\n show\n wait (.75) seconds\n hide\n wait (.75) seconds\nend\n\nmove (10) steps\n\n@THE-REAPER-287x300\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\ngo to x: (11) y: (-93)\nshow\nsay [I Am The Almighty John Wick!] for (3) seconds\nsay [You Shall Never Get Past Me!] for (2) seconds\nbroadcast (John Wick v)\n\nwhen I receive [your mom v]\nsay [TRY ME BOI] for (1.5) seconds\nbroadcast (bam bam bam v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide variable [john wick health v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [john wick health v] to [200]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow variable [john wick health v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(John Wick Health) = [0]> or <(John Wick Health) < [0]>> then\n say [Nooo!] for (3.5) seconds\n broadcast (poopy v)\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n change [john wick health v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide variable [john wick health v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nhide variable [level v]\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen I receive [poopy v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nshow\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen I receive [bam bam bam v]\ngo to x: (21) y: (-72)\nshow\nforever\n glide (.4) secs to (fortnite-season-9-battle-pass-skins v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [poopy v]\nhide\n\n
Minecraft Platformer World[DEMO]
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nReset Player Position\nset [force walk v] to [3]\nset [force gravity v] to [-1.5]\nset [force jump v] to [17]\nset [player speed x v] to [0]\nforever\n Check Player Gravity\n Check Player Walk\n Check Player Touching\nend\n\ndefine move out (dx) (dy)\nrepeat until <not <touching color (#54e000)?>>\n change x by (dx)\n change y by (dy)\nend\n\ndefine Check Player Gravity\nchange [player speed y v] by (FORCE GRAVITY)\nchange y by (Player Speed Y)\nif <touching color (#54e000)?> then\n if <(Player Speed Y) > [0]> then\n move out [0] [-1]\n set [player speed y v] to [0]\n else\n move out [0] [1]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [player speed y v] to (FORCE JUMP)\n else\n set [player speed y v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Check Player Walk\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [player speed x v] by ((-1) * (FORCE WALK))\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [player speed x v] by ((1) * (FORCE WALK))\nend\nset [player speed x v] to ((Player Speed X) * (0.7))\nchange x by (Player Speed X)\nif <(Player Speed X) > [0]> then\n move out [-1] [0]\nelse\n move out [1] [0]\nend\n\ndefine Check Player Touching\nif <touching color (#f2ff00)?> then\n broadcast (Complete level v) and wait\n Reset Player Position\n next backdrop\nend\nif <touching color (#7971ff)?> then\n set [player speed y v] to [24]\nend\nif <touching color (#b9b9b9)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n Reset Player Position\nend\n\ndefine Reset Player Position\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-10)\n\n@Collectable\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-22) y: (78)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (3)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [complete level v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop3 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-179) y: (77)\n\n
***Yo Scratch 3.0 kinda broke this (also I didn't make it very well) So this game is broken! Sorry!***\n\n\nTop loved!!!! :D Thanks! ♥\nPLEASE READ\n\nMr. Penguin wanted to travel and find some adventure. So that's exactly what he did.\n\nWelcome to Penguin Platformer! A platformer full of quests and penguins.\n\nA and D keys to move W to jump. Click on the penguins to talk to them. Press space to go through the slides. Get to the right side to advance to the next level. Don't touch the water!\n\nMake sure you finish all of the quests! Otherwise it's Game Over!\n\nNote: I will finish this, even if this isn't too popular.
Minecraft Platformer 4
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [bensound-dubstep v]\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n play sound [Alan Walker - Force v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n play sound [Jim Yosef - Firefly \[NCS Release\] v] until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine SmoothMove (x) (y) (dir) (size) (butteriness)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (x)> and <<(round (y position)) = (y)> and <<(round (direction)) = (dir)> and <(round (size)) = (size)>>>>\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / (butteriness))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (butteriness))\n turn right (((dir) - (direction)) / (butteriness)) degrees\n change size by (((size) - (size)) / (butteriness))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nreset timer\nReset\nMakeClone [Wall1]\nMakeClone [Wall2]\nwait (0.75) seconds\nMakeClone [Pierce]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nMakeClone [Logo]\nwait (2.3) seconds\nMakeClone [W]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [o]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [r]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [k]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [s]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [h]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [o2]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [p]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nMakeClone [X]\nwait (3) seconds\nMakeClone [End]\n\ndefine Reset\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine MakeClone (id)\nset [cloneid v] to (id)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Wall1]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (180)\n show\n switch costume to (wall1 v)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] (direction) (size) [10]\n wait until <[11] < (timer)>\n SmoothMove (x position) [150] (direction) (size) [5]\n broadcast (Menu v)\n broadcast (END v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Wall2]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (-180)\n show\n switch costume to (wall2 v)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] (direction) (size) [10]\n wait until <[11] < (timer)>\n SmoothMove (x position) [-150] (direction) (size) [5]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Pierce]> then\n point in direction (90)\n show\n switch costume to (pierce v)\n set size to (500) %\n go to x: (-500) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n SmoothMove [0] (y position) (direction) (size) [2.5]\n wait until <[7.5] < (timer)>\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [500]>\n set size to (500) %\n change x by (((500) - (x position)) / (2.5))\n set size to (100) %\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Logo]> then\n set size to (25) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (180)\n show\n switch costume to (logo v)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] (direction) [100] [2.5]\n repeat (4)\n Particles [50]\n wait (0.35) seconds\n end\n set [y v] to [12.5]\n repeat (5)\n turn right (6) degrees\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (7.5)\n change y by (y)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Particles (amount)\nset [cloneid v] to [Parts]\nrepeat (amount)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Parts]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\n set size to (pick random (50) to (85)) %\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (pick random (-25) to (25)) y: (pick random (-25) to (25))\n show\n switch costume to (pick random (5) to (7))\n set [py v] to (pick random (10.0) to (12.5))\n set [px v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n set [pd v] to (pick random (-15) to (15))\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (px)\n change y by (py)\n turn right (pd) degrees\n change [py v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [W]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (-107) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (w v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [o]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (-75) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (o v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [r]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (-50) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (r v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [k]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (-25) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (k v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [s]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (s v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [h]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (25) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (h v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [o2]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (50) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (o2 v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [p]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (75) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (p v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [X]> then\n set size to (25) %\n show\n go to x: (107) y: (-180)\n switch costume to (x v)\n point in direction (180)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [100] [3.5]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [ly v] to [13.5]\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-6)\n change y by (ly)\n change [ly v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [End]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (5) %\n go to x: (0) y: (250)\n show\n switch costume to (end v)\n SmoothMove (x position) [0] [90] [125] [7.5]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Platform (jump height) (gravity) (friction) (running speed)\nswitch costume to (still v)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (moving right&left v)\n change [x velocity v] by (running speed)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (moving left v)\n change [x velocity v] by ((running speed) * (-1))\nend\nset [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (friction))\nchange x by (X Velocity)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (edgecollisionbug v)?>> then\n set [slope v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(Slope) = [8]> or <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (edgecollisionbug v)?>>>>\n change [slope v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (edgecollisionbug v)?>> then\n change y by ((Slope) * (-1))\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (X Velocity) ) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (edgecollisionbug v)?>> then\n change x by ((([abs v] of (X Velocity) ) / (X Velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(x position) > [-215]> then\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-15]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y Velocity)\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (edgecollisionbug v)?>> then\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (Y Velocity) ) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (edgecollisionbug v)?>> then\n change y by ((([abs v] of (Y Velocity) ) / (Y Velocity)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<(([abs v] of (Y Velocity) ) / (Y Velocity)) = [-1]> and <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to (jump height)\n else\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\nend\nNext Level Or Restart Level\nif <touching (receive elemental powers!! v)?> then\n broadcast (Receive elemental powers!! v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n broadcast (Go front v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go front v]\ngo to x: (-218) y: (60)\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nif <(Play) = [play]> then\n show\n set [timer v] to [0]\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n broadcast (Player To level placement v)\n \n \n Platform (11.5) (-1) (0.7) (3)\n Looks\n Dead?\n end\n end\nelse\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (trails v)\nrepeat (10)\n go to [back v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-1.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Looks\nif <<mouse down?> or <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> or <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (jumpingright&left v)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (jumpingright&left v)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n else\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (moving right&left v)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (moving right&left v)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (jumping v)\n end\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (still v)\nend\nset size to (30) %\n\ndefine Restart Level\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\n\ndefine Next Level Or Restart Level\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n Restart Level\nend\nif <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <(Speedrun Mode) = [Off]> then\n if <not <[cannotskiplevel v] contains (Level)?>> then\n if <(Timer) = [0]> then\n Next level\n change [level v] by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [timer v] to [15]\n broadcast (Timer v)\n broadcast (Player To level placement v)\n end\n else\n broadcast (Cannot skip level v)\n end\n else\n broadcast (Cannot skip level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [timer v]\nrepeat until <(Timer) < [1]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine Dead?\nif <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> or <<touching (saws v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>>> then\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n broadcast (Dead v)\n broadcast (Enemy Moves v)\n broadcast (Player To level placement v)\nelse\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n if <(EnemyDead?) = [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n broadcast (Dead v)\n broadcast (Enemy Moves v)\n broadcast (Player To level placement v)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Next level\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\nbroadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n\nwhen I receive [player to level placement v]\nif <<(Level) = [16]> or <<(Level) = [17]> or <(Level) = [24]>>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\n clear graphic effects\nelse\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\n clear graphic effects\n else\n go to x: (-215) y: (60)\n clear graphic effects\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete all of [cannotskiplevel v]\nadd [4] to [cannotskiplevel v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <not <[cannotskiplevel v] contains (Level)?>> then\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stop player v]\nif <(Speedrun Mode) = [Off]> then\n repeat (50)\n if <<(Level) = [16]> or <<(Level) = [17]> or <(Level) = [24]>>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\n clear graphic effects\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\n clear graphic effects\n else\n go to x: (-215) y: (60)\n clear graphic effects\n end\n end\n end\n wait (0.08) seconds\nend\nif <<(Level) = [16]> or <<(Level) = [17]> or <(Level) = [24]>>> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\n clear graphic effects\nelse\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (150)\n clear graphic effects\n else\n go to x: (-215) y: (60)\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Level\n\ndefine Next Level\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n Next Level\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [high ground v]\nadd [15] to [high ground v]\nadd [16] to [high ground v]\nadd [17] to [high ground v]\nadd [24] to [high ground v]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\n\n@Thumnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (tn v)\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n set [stop detector v] to ((timer) + (0.1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nbroadcast (Win2 v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n broadcast (Set up Enemy v)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (Stop Detector)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (tn v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(cloneid) = [2]> then\n forever\n glide (1) secs to x: (60) y: (150)\n wait (10) seconds\n glide (1) secs to x: (60) y: (80)\n wait (5) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(cloneid) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (150)\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(cloneid) = [3]> then\n forever\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-315) y: (5)\n glide (0.8) secs to x: (-315) y: (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win2 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (win screen v)\nset [cloneid v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (follow v)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (121) y: (-180)\nset [cloneid v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (love&fav v)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [cloneid v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (20) y: (-26)\ngo [backward v] (28) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Cloud/Snow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Cloneid) = [cloud]> then\n hide\n go to [back v] layer\n set [speed v] to (pick random (-4.5) to (-5.5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-2) to (2))\n set size to (pick random (95) to (105)) %\n go to x: (225) y: (pick random (80) to (170))\n repeat until <(x position) < [-225]>\n change x by (speed)\n end\n repeat (55)\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\nif <(Level) < [16]> then\n forever\n wait (pick random (pick random (1) to (1.5)) to (pick random (1.6) to (2.1))) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (50))\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\n set [cloneid v] to [cloud]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nelse\n broadcast (Snow v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [snow v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n clear graphic effects\n go to (random position v)\n set y to (200)\n switch costume to (snow v)\n set [cloneid v] to [snow]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nif <(Cloneid) = [snow]> then\n forever\n change x by (pick random (-1) to (1))\n change y by (-2.5)\n if <<(y position) < [-170]> or <<touching (fake v)?> or <<<touching (level v)?> or <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (saws v)?>>> or <touching (lava v)?>>>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Cloneid) = [snow]> then\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level transition done v]\nif <(Level) < [16]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n broadcast (Snow v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set y to (([cos v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (5))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (6) layers\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Gem\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [receive elemental powers!! v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [level transition done v]\nif <(Level) > [4]> then\n hide\nelse\n forever\n show\n switch costume to (fire gem v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to (player v)\n change x by (([direction v] of [player v]) / (4.5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [level transition done v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [28]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (146)\n show\n switch costume to (ice gem v)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (Add data to board v)\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (140)\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (500)) ) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [leaderboard board v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Play\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Instructions_B]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (3))\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (350)) ) + (90))\n if <mouse down?> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n broadcast (Delete And Hide v)\n broadcast (Instructions v)\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [play v] to []\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nbroadcast (Delete Timer nums v)\nif <(Play) = [not]> then\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (speedrun v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-40)\nset [clone id v] to [speedrun_B]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [Instructions_B]\nswitch costume to (instructions v)\ngo to x: (195) y: (-145)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [Play_B]\nswitch costume to (play with story mode v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (45)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to ( v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [speedrun_B]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (3))\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (350)) ) + (90))\n if <mouse down?> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [speedrun mode v] to [On]\n set [play v] to [play]\n broadcast (Delete And Hide v)\n broadcast (Play game v)\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete and hide v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [instructions v]\nshow\nset [clone id v] to [Instructions]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (400) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (instructions board v)\nset [play v] to [not]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Instructions]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) + (90))\n if <mouse down?> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [play v] to [not]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (Delete And Hide v)\n broadcast (Menu v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Play_B]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to ((size) + (((120) - (size)) / (3))) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (20)\n point in direction (([cos v] of ((timer) * (350)) ) + (90))\n if <mouse down?> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [speedrun mode v] to [Off]\n set [play v] to [play]\n broadcast (Play game v)\n broadcast (Delete And Hide v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Saws\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n change [rotate v] by (1)\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of ((Rotate) * (2)) ) * (300)))\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Position [-110] [-120]\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Position [0] [-65]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [saw layer v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nbroadcast (Saw Layer v)\n\n@Fire\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (player v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nrepeat until \n move (13) steps\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n if <(EnemyDead?) = [0]> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\n \n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [receive elemental powers!! v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<(Mobile shoot) = [1]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<(Mobile shoot) = [0]> and <mouse down?>>>>\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Mobile control for fire\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mobile shoot v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [mobile shoot v] to [1]\n else\n set [mobile shoot v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [enemy moves v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [100]\nelse\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [2]\n Clone at [150] [100]\n else\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (50)\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [50]\n else\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (50)\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [2]\n Clone at [150] [100]\n else\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [100]\n else\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [2]\n Clone at [150] [100]\n else\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n Direction [10] X [200] Y [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [1]\n Clone at [200] [100]\n set [clonefix v] to [2]\n Clone at [150] [100]\n else\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (200) y: (100)\n set [clonefix v] to []\n set [xv\(enemy\) v] to [0]\n set [yv\(enemy\) v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Touch Ground <something above>\nset [enemydead? v] to [0]\nchange [enemy in air? v] by (1)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <something above> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [enemy in air? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [yv\(enemy\) v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (danger detection for enemy v)?> then\n if <(enemy in air?) < [4]> then\n set [yv\(enemy\) v] to [15]\n set [xv\(enemy\) v] to [-7]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Enemy Physics (value)\nchange [xv\(enemy\) v] by (value)\nset [xv\(enemy\) v] to ((xv\(enemy\)) * (0.88))\nchange x by (xv\(enemy\))\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((0) - (xv\(enemy\)))\n if <(xv\(enemy\)) > [0]> then\n set [xv\(enemy\) v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv\(enemy\) v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv\(enemy\) v] to [12]\nend\nif <<<touching (fire v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> or <<touching (saws v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>>> then\n set [enemydead? v] to [1]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change y by (2)\n turn right (5) degrees\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (Enemy Moves v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Speedrun Mode) = [Off]> then\n wait (2) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\nbroadcast (Enemy Moves v)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nbroadcast (Enemy Moves v)\nbroadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [enemy moves v]\n\ndefine Direction (di) X (x) Y (y)\nshow\npoint in direction (di)\nset [xv\(enemy\) v] to [0]\nset [yv\(enemy\) v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clonefix) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (3)\n point in direction (0)\n end\n repeat (9)\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\n forever\n change [yv\(enemy\) v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv\(enemy\))\n Touch Ground <(yv\(enemy\)) > [0]>\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n Enemy Physics [0.55]\n else\n Enemy Physics [-0.55]\n end\n if <<<touching (fire v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> or <<touching (saws v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>>> then\n broadcast (Dead v)\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete enemy clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clonefix) = [2]> then\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (3)\n point in direction (0)\n end\n repeat (9)\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\n forever\n change [yv\(enemy\) v] by (-1)\n change y by (yv\(enemy\))\n Touch Ground <(yv\(enemy\)) > [0]>\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > (x position)> then\n Enemy Physics [0.55]\n else\n Enemy Physics [-0.55]\n end\n if <<<touching (fire v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> or <<touching (saws v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>>> then\n broadcast (Dead v)\n broadcast (Delete Enemy Clones v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@EdgeCollisionBug\n\nwhen I receive [receive elemental powers!! v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Fake\n\nwhen I receive [level transition done v]\nclear graphic effects\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n switch costume to (fake1 v)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(Level) = [25]> then\n switch costume to (fake3 v)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Level) = [27]> then\n switch costume to (fake2 v)\n show\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nif <<<(Level) = [20]> or <(Level) = [25]>> or <(Level) = [27]>> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Player To level placement v)\n\nchange [level v] by (-1)\n\n@Danger detection for enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [level transition done v]\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\n@Cloud Top Speedruns\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSetup DATA [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-=\[\];'#,./<>?:@~{}+_\)\(*&^%$£"]\nforever\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 1) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 1) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (1) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (1) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 2) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 2) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (2) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (2) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 3) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 3) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (3) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (3) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 4) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 4) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (4) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (4) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 5) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 5) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (5) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (5) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 6) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 6) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (6) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (6) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 7) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 7) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (7) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (7) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 8) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 8) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (8) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (8) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 9) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 9) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (9) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (9) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 10) from data\n set [comparison v] to (Outputted value)\n Get (☁ Cloud 10) from data\n set [comparison v] to (join (Comparison) (join [ - ] (Outputted value)))\n if <not <(Comparison) = (item (10) of [top speedruns v])>> then\n replace item (10) of [top speedruns v] with (Comparison)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Get (value) from data\nset [outputted value v] to []\nforever\n set [letters v] to (join (letter (#) of (value)) (letter ((#) + (1)) of (value)))\n if <(Letters) < [1]> then\n change [# v] by (2)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [outputted value v] to (join (Outputted value) (item (Letters) of [data v]))\n change [# v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine Setup DATA (chars)\ndelete all of [data v]\nrepeat (9)\n add [] to [data v]\nend\nset [# v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (chars))\n add (letter (#) of (chars)) to [data v]\n change [# v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Turn (score) into data\nset [# v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (score))\n set [letters v] to (item # of (letter (#) of (score)) in [data v])\n set [data v] to (join (DATA) (Letters))\n change [# v] by (1)\nend\nset [data v] to (join (DATA) [00])\n\ndefine Add DATA to leaderboard\nset [data v] to []\nTurn (username) into data\nTurn (Speedrun Timer) into data\n\ndefine Reset\nset [data v] to []\nTurn [WorkshopX] into data\nTurn [10:45:9] into data\nset [☁ cloud 10 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 9 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 8 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 7 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 6 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 5 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 4 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 3 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 2 v] to (DATA)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [☁ cloud 1 v] to (DATA)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [minutes v] to [0]\nset [milliseconds v] to [0]\nset [seconds v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Speedrun Mode) = [On]> then\n if <(Milliseconds) = [9]> then\n set [milliseconds v] to [0]\n else\n wait (0.0985) seconds\n change [milliseconds v] by (1)\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(Speedrun Mode) = [On]> then\n if <(Seconds) = [60]> then\n change [minutes v] by (1)\n set [seconds v] to [0]\n else\n wait (0.984) seconds\n change [seconds v] by (1)\n if <<(Seconds) < [10]> or <(Seconds) = [0]>> then\n set [seconds v] to (join [0] (Seconds))\n end\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nif <(Speedrun Mode) = [On]> then\n forever\n set [speedrun timer v] to (join (Minutes) (join (join [:] (Seconds)) (join [:] (Milliseconds))))\n end\nelse\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [add data to board v]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nbroadcast (Add data to board v)\nbroadcast (Add data to board v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [top speedruns v]\n\nwhen I receive [win2 v]\nbroadcast (Add data to board v)\nbroadcast (Add data to board v)\n\ndefine DATA ADDED\nhide list [top speedruns v]\nAdd DATA to leaderboard\nset [# v] to [1]\nGet (☁ Cloud 1) from data\nGet (☁ Cloud 1) from data\nif <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (☁ Cloud 6)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 6 v] to (☁ Cloud 5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 5 v] to (☁ Cloud 4)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 4 v] to (☁ Cloud 3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 3 v] to (☁ Cloud 2)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 2 v] to (☁ Cloud 1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 1 v] to (DATA)\nelse\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 2) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 2) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (☁ Cloud 6)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 6 v] to (☁ Cloud 5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 5 v] to (☁ Cloud 4)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 4 v] to (☁ Cloud 3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 3 v] to (☁ Cloud 2)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 2 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 3) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 3) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (☁ Cloud 6)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 6 v] to (☁ Cloud 5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 5 v] to (☁ Cloud 4)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 4 v] to (☁ Cloud 3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 3 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 4) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 4) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (☁ Cloud 6)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 6 v] to (☁ Cloud 5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 5 v] to (☁ Cloud 4)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 4 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 5) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 5) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (☁ Cloud 6)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 6 v] to (☁ Cloud 5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 5 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 6) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 6) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (☁ Cloud 6)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 6 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 7) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 7) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (☁ Cloud 7)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 7 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 8) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 8) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (☁ Cloud 8)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 8 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 9) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 9) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (☁ Cloud 9)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ cloud 9 v] to (DATA)\n else\n set [# v] to [1]\n Get (☁ Cloud 10) from data\n Get (☁ Cloud 10) from data\n if <(Speedrun Timer) < (Outputted value)> then\n set [☁ cloud 10 v] to (DATA)\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nDATA ADDED\n\n@Cannot Skip Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@Top Speedruns Board\n\ndefine Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (text) At x (x) y (y) Size (size) Colour (c) Brightness (b) Spacing (s)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (size) %\nset [color v] effect to (c)\nset [brightness v] effect to (b)\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (letter (Counter) of (text))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((s) * (size))\n change [counter v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [text v]\nrepeat (2)\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [1st ] (item (1) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [120] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [2nd ] (item (2) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [60] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [3rd ] (item (3) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [0] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [4th ] (item (4) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [-60] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [5th ] (item (5) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [-120] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [text2 v]\nrepeat (2)\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [6th ] (item (6) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [110] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [7th ] (item (7) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [50] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [8th ] (item (8) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [-10] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [9th ] (item (9) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-180] y [-70] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join [10th ] (item (10) of [top speedruns v])) At x [-195] y [-130] Size [30] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.3]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [text2 v]\nbroadcast (Delete L v)\n\nwhen I receive [text v]\nbroadcast (Delete L v)\n\nwhen I receive [delete l v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [n/a v]\nFont [Bubblegum Sans] Write: [n/a] At x [-30] y [-65] Size [100] Colour [0] Brightness [-100] Spacing [0.25]\n\n@Timer\n\ndefine Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (text) At x (x) y (y) Size (size) Colour (c) Brightness (b) Spacing (spacing)\nshow\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (size) %\nset [color v] effect to (c)\nset [brightness v] effect to (b)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n switch costume to (letter (i) of (text))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by ((spacing) * (size))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [delete timer nums v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(Speedrun Mode) = [On]> then\n broadcast (Delete Timer nums v)\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (Speedrun Timer) At x [50] y [-150] Size [80] Colour [0] Brightness [100] Spacing [0.4]\n hide\n else\n if <(Speedrun Mode) = [Off]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (10)\n broadcast (Delete Timer nums v)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nwait (0.4) seconds\nif <(Speedrun Mode) = [On]> then\n Font [Bubblegum Sans] Write: (join (Speedrun Timer) []) At x [-80] y [-75] Size [80] Colour [0] Brightness [-100] Spacing [0.4]\nelse\n broadcast (N/A v)\nend\n\n@Object placer\n\nforever\n show\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Level Designer\n\n@Receive elemental powers!!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (pillar v)\n go to x: (180) y: (11)\n show\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [player has got elemental powers? v] to [true]\n else\n set [player has got elemental powers? v] to [false]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [receive elemental powers!! v]\nhide\nset [player has got elemental powers? v] to [true]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\nstop [this script v]\n\n@LevelTransition\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Speedrun Mode) = [Off]> then\n broadcast (Stop player v)\n forever\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-100)\n wait (1.7) seconds\n if <[leveltransition v] contains (Level)?> then\n broadcast (Level Transition Done v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change x by (20)\n end\n else\n broadcast (Level Transition Done v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change x by (-20)\n end\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nelse\n broadcast (Stop player v)\n broadcast (Level Transition Done v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ndelete all of [leveltransition v]\nadd [1] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [3] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [5] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [7] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [9] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [11] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [13] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [15] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [17] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [19] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [21] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [23] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [25] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [27] to [leveltransition v]\nadd [29] to [leveltransition v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nbroadcast (Level Transition Done v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nbroadcast (Add data to board v)\n\n@Cannot\n\nwhen I receive [cannot skip level v]\nif <key (n v) pressed?> then\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n wait (1.5) seconds\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
New NinjaRun™ game is out!\n3RD] https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/361869605/\nV2Pin] Check this regularly for updates. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\n1] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\nAfter all of those dozens of comments on NinjaRun™, I listened and finally made NinjaRun 2™! PART 3 OUT!\n2] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\n\nNote: This is my platforming engine, I made this from scratch, and used my own.
[75K VIEWS] Sunset | Platformer
@Stage\n\n@Main CharacterSprite1\n\nwhen I receive [superdeeduperdeenextlvl v]\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [-25]\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [75]\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [-25]\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\nif <(level) = [8]> then\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n set [start x v] to [-220]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n set [start x v] to [200]\n set [start y v] to [-70]\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n set [start x v] to [-230]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [13]> then\n set [start x v] to [-220]\n set [start y v] to [120]\nend\nif <(level) = [14]> then\n set [start x v] to [-250]\n set [start y v] to [0]\nend\nif <(level) = [15]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [-100]\nend\nif <(level) = [16]> then\n set [start x v] to [-200]\n set [start y v] to [-50]\nend\nstarting position\n\ndefine starting position\nstart sound [pop v]\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\nset [runspeed v] to [0]\ngo to x: (start x) y: (start y)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [runspeed v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [fallspeed v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nforever\n change [fallspeed v] by (-1)\n set [runspeed v] to ((runspeed) * (0.9))\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [runspeed v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [runspeed v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change x by ((runspeed) / (3))\n else\n change x by (runspeed)\n end\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((runspeed) * (-1))\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change y by ((fallspeed) / (3))\n else\n change y by (fallspeed)\n end\n set [y v] to (y position)\n if <touching (ground 2 v)?> then\n change y by ((fallspeed) - ((fallspeed) * (2)))\n set [fallspeed v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground 2 v)?>> then\n set [fallspeed v] to [12]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (water v)?>> then\n set [fallspeed v] to [5]\n end\n if <(y position) < [-173]> then\n starting position\n end\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n broadcast (superdeeduperdeenextlvl v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n broadcast (jump v)\n set [fallspeed v] to [18]\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n starting position\n end\n if <touching (spike2 v)?> then\n starting position\n end\n if <not <(level) = [17]>> then\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (superdeeduperdeenextlvl v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\n if <touching (enemie v)?> then\n starting position\n end\n if <touching (smasher v)?> then\n starting position\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n broadcast (end v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n set size to (120) %\n show\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@ground 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nset size to (120) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen I receive [jump v]\nstart sound [Jump v]\nset [jump movement v] to [-5]\nrepeat until <(jump movement) = [2]>\n change y by (jump movement)\n change [jump movement v] by (1)\nend\n\ngo to x: (79) y: (-42)\nshow\n\nhide\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-110)\n show\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n go to x: (-86) y: (-52)\n end\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-34) y: (11)\n show\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n show\n go to x: (-101) y: (-61)\n end\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (182) y: (13)\n end\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (20) y: (-78)\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-83)\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n show\n go to x: (198) y: (-90)\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@spike2\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (4) degrees\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (-142) y: (-70)\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n go to x: (-191) y: (84)\n end\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n show\n go to x: (-84) y: (-161)\n end\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-70)\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (76) y: (-62)\n end\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (54) y: (-146)\n end\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (49) y: (55)\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n show\n go to x: (244) y: (14)\n end\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n show\n go to x: (120) y: (-153)\n end\n if <(level) = [16]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@smasher\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [superdeeduperdeenextlvl v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (go v)\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go v]\nforever\n set [stomper fall v] to [0]\n repeat until <touching (ground 2 v)?>\n change y by (stomper fall)\n change [stomper fall v] by (-1)\n end\n set [stomper fall v] to [0]\n repeat (60)\n change y by (4)\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\n@water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n set y to ((0) + ((10) * ([cos v] of (((timer) - (50)) * (300)) )))\nend\n\nchange y by (10)\n\n@Thumbnail2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\nend\n\n@enemie\n\ndefine up/down\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine patrol\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat until <not <(level) = (enemylvlselect)>>\n set size to (65) %\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (30)\n change x by (5)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (30)\n change x by (-5)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [superdeeduperdeenextlvl v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [my lvl # v] to (clone level #)\nif <(level) = [1]> then\nif <(level) = [2]> then\nif <(level) = [3]> then\nif <(level) = [4]> then\nif <(level) = [5]> then\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n if <(enemy number) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-140) y: (-43)\n up/down\n patrol\n end\n if <(enemy number) = [2]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (-43)\n up/down\n patrol\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\nif <(level) = [8]> then\nif <(level) = [9]> then\nif <(level) = [10]> then\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (18)\n up/down\n patrol\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-75)\n up/down\n patrol\nend\nif <(level) = [13]> then\n if <(enemy number) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (105)\n up/down\n patrol\n end\n if <(enemy number) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-30)\n up/down\n patrol\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [14]> then\nend\nif <(level) = [15]> then\nif <(level) = [16]> then\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n set [enemy number v] to [1]\n set [clone level # v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [enemy number v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\n wait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n set [clone level # v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\n wait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [12]> then\n set [clone level # v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\n wait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [13]> then\n set [enemy number v] to [1]\n set [clone level # v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [enemy number v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\n wait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n end\n if <(level) = [14]> then\n end\n if <(level) = [15]> then\n if <(level) = [16]> then\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brightness v] effect to (25)\nforever\n play sound [jaguarrors v] until done\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\nwait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n\nset [clone level # v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\nwait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n\nset [clone level # v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [enemylvlselect v] to (level)\nwait until <not <(enemylvlselect) = (level)>>\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (-10)\nup/down\npatrol\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (PLAY v)\nhide\n\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (175) %\nrepeat (146)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\nend\nrepeat (100)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [sketch land v] until done\nend\n\n
Minecraft -A Platformer-
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound (pick random (1) to (4)) until done\nend\n\n@Ball\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete (all) of [ballx v]\ndelete (all) of [bally v]\nrepeat (3)\n add [-219] to [ballx v]\n add [-153] to [bally v]\nend\nadd [226] to [ballx v]\nadd [134] to [bally v]\nadd [-209] to [ballx v]\nadd [142] to [bally v]\nadd [-223] to [ballx v]\nadd [157] to [bally v]\nadd [0] to [ballx v]\nadd [160] to [bally v]\nadd [-219] to [ballx v]\nadd [160] to [bally v]\nadd [-222] to [ballx v]\nadd [160] to [bally v]\nadd [-219] to [ballx v]\nadd [-153] to [bally v]\nbroadcast (start physics v)\n\nwhen I receive [start physics v]\nset size to (120) %\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (item (Costume2) of [ballx v]) y: (item (Costume2) of [bally v])\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [14]\n end\n end\n if <touching (sprite3 v)?> then\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n go to x: (item (Costume2) of [ballx v]) y: (item (Costume2) of [bally v])\n end\n if <<<<<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <key (r v) pressed?>> or <(y position) < [-175]>> or <touching (lava and spikes v)?>> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n go to x: (item (Costume2) of [ballx v]) y: (item (Costume2) of [bally v])\n end\n if <<(Xv) < [0.5]> and <(Xv) > [-0.5]>> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (((10) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [go to \(x, y\) v]\ngo to x: (item (Costume2) of [ballx v]) y: (item (Costume2) of [bally v])\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait until <(costume [number v]) = [10]>\nbroadcast (End v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set [costume2 v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\n@Words\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [costume v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [var1 v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n wait until <(Costume2) > (Var1)>\n set [var1 v] to (Costume2)\n Wait for space\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (0.02) seconds\nswitch costume to (((Costume2) * (2)) - (2))\n\ndefine Wait for space\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nwait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(Costume2) > [ 1 ]> and <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (((Costume2) * (2)) - (1))\n end\n set [costume v] to (Costume2)\n if <(Costume2) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [var1 v] to [1]\n wait until <not <(Costume2) = [1]>>\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = ((Costume2) * (2))> then\n switch costume to (((Costume2) * (2)) - (1))\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> and <(Costume2) = [12]>> then\n switch costume to (costume23 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ndelete (all) of [go-to x v]\ndelete (all) of [go-to y v]\nadd [210] to [go-to x v]\nadd [-131] to [go-to y v]\nadd [-213] to [go-to x v]\nadd [77] to [go-to y v]\nadd [210] to [go-to x v]\nadd [-131] to [go-to y v]\nadd [-212] to [go-to x v]\nadd [17] to [go-to y v]\nadd [215] to [go-to x v]\nadd [-137] to [go-to y v]\nadd [148] to [go-to x v]\nadd [30] to [go-to y v]\nadd [-3] to [go-to x v]\nadd [-76] to [go-to y v]\nadd [210] to [go-to x v]\nadd [-131] to [go-to y v]\nadd [210] to [go-to x v]\nadd [-135] to [go-to y v]\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (0.1)\n set size to ((100) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (200)) ) * (25))) %\n turn right (2) degrees\n go to x: (item (Costume2) of [go-to x v]) y: (item (Costume2) of [go-to y v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to x: (240) y: (240)\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <(Costume2) = [2]>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set y to (35)\n set x to ((75) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (60)))\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n if <not <(Costume2) = [3]>> then\n hide\n else\n show\n set y to ((230) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (30)))\n set x to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nwait until <(Costume2) = [3]>\nrepeat until <not <(Costume2) = [3]>>\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n set y to ((-3) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (-30)))\n set x to (-20)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Lava and Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ndelete (all) of [front/back v]\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (1) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (1) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (1) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nAdd (1-2) (2) to Front/Back (list)\nforever\n switch costume to (Costume2)\n if <<(item (Costume2) of [front/back v]) = [Front]> or <(Costume2) = [7]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\nif <(1/2) = [1]> then\n add [Front] to [front/back v]\nelse\n add [Back] to [front/back v]\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set y to (0)\n set x to (0)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <key (s v) pressed?>\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (Go to \(x, y\) v)\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Costume2) = [9]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n set y to (1)\n set x to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (150)) ) * (31))\nend\n\n
\nWelcome to Wings of fire platformer (number 1)\n(you don't need to read the book to play this.)\nIn this game, you will be experiencing the escape of the secret cave (the first part of the book: the dragonet prophecy(book 1).) You can change dragonets by pressing 1,2,3,4,5.\n\n1:Clay\n2:Tsunami\n3:Sunny\n4:Glory\n5:Starflight\nEach dragonet will have a unique power:\nClay: invulnerable to lava or fire,\nTsunami: can swim in water\nSunny: can squeeze into tiny places\nGlory: Becomes camouflaged:(enemy can't see her)\nStarflight: can see in the dark\nFor Sunny and Glory, hold "z" to activate the power.\n\nBut most importantly:\nHAVE FUN!\n\n
trapped a 3d platformer #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (The Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Alan Walker, AuRa, Tomine Harket - Darkside.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1.5)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (0.85))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [10]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Velocity) - ((Y Velocity) * (2)))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n change [the level v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (5)\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-216) y: (40)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (Magma)\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [magma v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [magma v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [magma v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [magma v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [costume v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <not <<(Love) = [1]> and <(Favorite) = [1]>>> then\n wait (pick random (30) to (40)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <(Costume) > [0]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Player Trail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n switch costume to ([costume name v] of [player v])\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (21)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n
3D Platformer - Demo\n➨ For no lag and 16:9 resolution, please play this game on turbowarp! Link:\nhttps://turbowarp.org/412608359?hqpen&size=640x360\n\n➨ Controls:\n[WASD] move\n[space] jump\n[arrow keys or drag] rotate screen
Scratch a Platformer #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nforever\n play sound [Unlimited v] until done\nend\n\n@軽量化\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (intro v)\n\n@player\n\ndefine 初期設定プログラム\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset [player: x v] to [0]\nset [player: y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (stand v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-50)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n switch costume to (しゃがむクローン v)\n repeat (4)\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1.34)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n switch costume to (止まるクローン v)\n repeat (4)\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1.34)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nforever\n switch costume to (止まる v)\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n switch costume to (しゃがむ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\n初期設定プログラム\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [player: x v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [player: x v] by (-1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [player: x v] to ((player: x) * (0.9))\n change x by (player: x)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change x by ((player: x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(player: x) < [0]> then\n set [player: x v] to [10]\n else\n set [player: x v] to [-10]\n end\n set [player: y v] to [15]\n else\n set [player: x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [player: y v] to [15]\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [player: y v] by (-1)\n change y by (player: y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((player: y) * (-1))\n set [player: y v] to [0]\n end\n if <[240] < (x position)> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n broadcast (次! v)\n wait (3) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (トゲ v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n end\n if <touching (ジャンプ台 v)?> then\n if <not <(player: y) = [0]>> then\n set [player: y v] to [18.5]\n start sound [Whiz v]\n end\n end\n if <touching (水 v)?> then\n set [player: x v] to ((player: x) / (1.3))\n set [player: y v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (4)\n else\n change [player: y v] by (-2)\n end\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [19]> then\n change [player: x v] by (0.7)\n end\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [time v] to [0]\nhide variable [☁ 世界記録/world record v]\nhide variable [time v]\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [次! v]\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nforever\n repeat until <(ステージ) = [11]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [11]> then\n show variable [time v]\n show variable [☁ 世界記録/world record v]\n if <(☁ 世界記録/World record) > (Time)> then\n set [☁ 世界記録/world record v] to (Time)\n end\n end\nend\n\nshow variable [☁ 世界記録/world record v]\n\n@トゲ\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\n if <(ステージ) = [9]> then\n turn left (5) degrees\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [10]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Next!\n\nwhen I receive [次! v]\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-250) to (250))\nhide\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nclone [1]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [2]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [3]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [5]\n\ndefine clone (cloneid)\nswitch costume to (cloneid)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>>>> then\n go to x: (468) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (2.2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (1.9) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (1.8) seconds\n repeat until <[330] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Kumo\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (288) y: ()\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n set size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\n set [雲の高さ v] to (pick random (60) to (200))\n go to x: (288) y: (雲の高さ)\n glide (pick random (5) to (15)) secs to x: (-348) y: (雲の高さ)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (2) to (10)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nend\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\ngo [backward v] (50) layers\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n change [z v] by (10)\n change size by ([cos v] of (z) )\nend\n\n@地面2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@Intro (by @kako-ken)2\n\ndefine | Setting\npen up\nerase all\nswitch costume to (size hack v)\nset size to (Infinity) %\nclear graphic effects\nhide\ndelete all of [| sc v]\ndelete all of [| effect v]\ndelete all of [| fractal burst v]\ndelete all of [| data v]\nrepeat (9)\n add [0] to [| data v]\nend\ndelete all of [| text v]\nrepeat (5)\n add [0] to [| text v]\nend\ninsert [90] at (3) of [| text v] \ndelete all of [| logo v]\nadd [180] to [| logo v]\nrepeat (3)\n add [0] to [| logo v]\nend\ndelete all of [| chevron v]\ndelete all of [| camera v]\nrepeat (8)\n add [0] to [| camera v]\nend\nset [| 回数 v] to [0]\nreset timer\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [Far Out - Strangers v]\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nset [| shutter v] to [450]\n| Setting\nrepeat until <<[12.8] < (timer)> or <<[0] < (item (9) of [| data v])> and <((item (9) of [| data v]) + (1.3)) < (timer)>>>\n pen up\n erase all\n if <(item (9) of [| data v]) = [0]> then\n if <(timer) < [3.6]> then\n | SC\n | Logo\n end\n if <[2.76] < (timer)> then\n if <[11.01] < (timer)> then\n | Text\n else\n | BG\n | Chevron\n | Pinwheel\n | Effect\n | Text\n | Light\n | Fractal Burst\n | Shutter\n end\n end\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(timer) < [10.13]>> and <(item (6) of [| data v]) = [0]>> then\n replace item (6) of [| data v] with [1]\n replace item (8) of [| data v] with (timer)\n end\n if <(item (6) of [| data v]) = [1]> then\n | Skip\n end\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (THE END v)\n\ndefine | +SC (pattern) (x) (y) (size) (time) (color) (feelings)\nset [| 計算用2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (9)\n change [| 計算用2 v] by (1)\n if < (color) contains (| 計算用2)?> then\n add (pattern) to [| sc v]\n add (x) to [| sc v]\n add (y) to [| sc v]\n add (size) to [| sc v]\n add ((time) + (((| 計算用2) - (1)) * (feelings))) to [| sc v]\n add (| 計算用2) to [| sc v]\n add [0] to [| sc v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine | SC\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of [| sc v]) / (7))\n | SC2 (item ((1) + ((| 計算用1) * (7))) of [| sc v]) ((| 計算用1) * (7))\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine | Movement (x) (y) (d) (s)\nswitch costume to (size hack v)\nset size to (Infinity) %\nset x to (((((x) + ((item (1) of [| camera v]) + (item (5) of [| camera v]))) * ((((item (4) of [| camera v]) + (item (8) of [| camera v])) + (100)) / (100))) * ([cos v] of ((item (3) of [| camera v]) + (item (7) of [| camera v])) )) - ((((y) + ((item (2) of [| camera v]) + (item (6) of [| camera v]))) * ((((item (4) of [| camera v]) + (item (8) of [| camera v])) + (100)) / (100))) * ([sin v] of ((item (3) of [| camera v]) + (item (7) of [| camera v])) )))\nset y to (((((x) + ((item (1) of [| camera v]) + (item (5) of [| camera v]))) * ((((item (4) of [| camera v]) + (item (8) of [| camera v])) + (100)) / (100))) * ([sin v] of ((item (3) of [| camera v]) + (item (7) of [| camera v])) )) + ((((y) + ((item (2) of [| camera v]) + (item (6) of [| camera v]))) * ((((item (4) of [| camera v]) + (item (8) of [| camera v])) + (100)) / (100))) * ([cos v] of ((item (3) of [| camera v]) + (item (7) of [| camera v])) )))\npoint in direction ((d) - ((item (3) of [| camera v]) + (item (7) of [| camera v])))\nif <((s) * ((1) + (((item (4) of [| camera v]) + (item (8) of [| camera v])) / (100)))) < [100]> then\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\nend\nset size to ((s) * ((1) + (((item (4) of [| camera v]) + (item (8) of [| camera v])) / (100)))) %\n\ndefine | SC2 (pattern) (saving)\nif <(item ((5) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) < (timer)> then\n if <(item ((6) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#276bff)\n set pen (transparency v) to (70)\n else\n set pen (transparency v) to (0)\n if <((item ((6) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) mod (2)) = [0]> then\n set pen color to (#276bff)\n else\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n end\n end\n | Movement ((item ((2) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) + (<[4] < (pattern)> * (-550))) ((item ((3) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) + (<(pattern) = [2]> * (600))) [] []\n set pen size to (item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v])\n if <(item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) < ((item ((4) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) / (2.1))> then\n replace item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v] with ((((item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) + (2)) / ((3) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v]))\n else\n replace item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v] with ((((item ((4) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) - (item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v])) / ((3) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v]))\n end\n pen down\n | Movement ((item ((2) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) - (<[4] < (pattern)> * (-550))) ((item ((3) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) - (<(pattern) = [2]> * (360))) [] []\n if <((item ((4) + (saving)) of [| sc v]) - (item ((7) + (saving)) of [| sc v])) < [0.00001]> then\n repeat (7)\n delete (1) of [| sc v]\n end\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (-1)\n end\n pen up\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\n| +SC [5] [0] [0] [361] [0] [1234567] [0.2]\n| +SC [2] [0] [0] [481] [1.4] [1234] [0.2]\n| Wait [2.76]\ndelete all of [| sc v]\n| Wait [3.6]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [8] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [60] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [6] +Number [60] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [0] y [0] Direction [0] Size [60] Color [114] Brightness [0] Ghost [0] Count [3] +Number [120] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [0] y [0] Direction [60] Size [60] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [3] +Number [120] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [4.38] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [8] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [200] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [0] y [0] Direction [90] Size [200] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [8] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [400] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [0] y [0] Direction [90] Size [400] Color [Infinity] Brightness [80] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [4.81] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [8] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [50] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [10] +Number [36] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [0] y [0] Direction [0] Size [50] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [10] +Number [36] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [5.62] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [8] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [150] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [0] y [0] Direction [0] Size [150] Color [Infinity] Brightness [70] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [8] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [300] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [0] y [0] Direction [0] Size [300] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [6.02] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [8] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [150] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [0] y [0] Direction [90] Size [150] Color [Infinity] Brightness [70] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [8] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [300] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [0] y [0] Direction [90] Size [300] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [6.42] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-172] y [142] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-180] y [150] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-172] y [42] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-180] y [50] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-172] y [-58] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-180] y [-50] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-172] y [-158] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-180] y [-150] Direction [90] Size [85] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [4] +Number [120] +Pattern [x] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [6.85] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\nadd (timer) to [| fractal burst v]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [488] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [50] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [10] +Number [36] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [480] y [0] Direction [0] Size [50] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [5] +Number [72] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [480] y [0] Direction [36] Size [50] Color [114] Brightness [0] Ghost [0] Count [5] +Number [72] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [1]\n| Shake Time [7.67] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [488] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [120] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [480] y [0] Direction [90] Size [120] Color [Infinity] Brightness [50] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [488] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [220] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [480] y [0] Direction [90] Size [220] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [488] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [320] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [480] y [0] Direction [90] Size [320] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| Shake Time [8.08] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [488] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [50] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [10] +Number [36] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [480] y [0] Direction [0] Size [50] Color [114] Brightness [0] Ghost [0] Count [5] +Number [72] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [FW1] x [480] y [0] Direction [36] Size [50] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [5] +Number [72] +Pattern [Direction] Mosaic? [1]\n| Shake Time [8.91] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [480] y [0] Direction [90] Size [210] Color [114] Brightness [0] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [488] y [-8] Direction [90] Size [200] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [480] y [0] Direction [90] Size [200] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| Shake Time [9.32] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [480] y [0] Direction [0] Size [210] Color [114] Brightness [0] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [488] y [-8] Direction [0] Size [200] Color [0] Brightness [-100] Ghost [70] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/2] x [480] y [0] Direction [0] Size [200] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [1]\n| Shake Time [9.72] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-472] y [0] Direction [90] Size [250] Color [114] Brightness [0] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| +Effect Pattern [SW1/1] x [-480] y [0] Direction [90] Size [500] Color [0] Brightness [100] Ghost [0] Count [1] +Number [] +Pattern [] Mosaic? [0]\n| Shake Time [10.13] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\nstart sound [Whoosh SFX v]\n| Shake Time [15] Power [20] Speed [7] Limit [1111]\n\ndefine | Logo\nreplace item (1) of [| logo v] with ((((90) - (item (1) of [| logo v])) / ((18) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (1) of [| logo v]))\nif <[1.5] < (timer)> then\n if <(item (4) of [| logo v]) = [0]> then\n replace item (3) of [| logo v] with (item (2) of [| logo v])\n replace item (4) of [| logo v] with [1]\n end\n replace item (2) of [| logo v] with ((((item (2) of [| logo v]) - ((item (3) of [| logo v]) - (1))) / ((4.5) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (2) of [| logo v]))\nelse\n replace item (2) of [| logo v] with ((((150) - (item (2) of [| logo v])) / ((20) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (2) of [| logo v]))\nend\n| Movement [0] [0] (item (1) of [| logo v]) (item (2) of [| logo v])\nswitch costume to (logo v)\nset [ghost v] effect to ((100) - ((timer) * (250)))\nstamp\n\ndefine | BG\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (size hack v)\nset size to (600) %\nswitch costume to (diamond v)\nif <[11.01] < (timer)> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [ghost v] effect to (((timer) - (11.01)) * (220))\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (((timer) - (2.76)) * (220)))\nend\nstamp\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine | Text\nclear graphic effects\nif <[9.72] < (timer)> then\n if <(timer) < [11.01]> then\n if <(item (5) of [| text v]) = [0]> then\n replace item (6) of [| text v] with (item (4) of [| text v])\n replace item (5) of [| text v] with [1]\n end\n replace item (3) of [| text v] with ((((90) - (item (3) of [| text v])) / ((7) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (3) of [| text v]))\n replace item (4) of [| text v] with ((((item (4) of [| text v]) + ((0) - ((item (6) of [| text v]) - (1)))) / ((2.5) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (4) of [| text v]))\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (((timer) - (11.01)) * (200))\n end\nelse\n if <[8.91] < (timer)> then\n | 便利品 [1] [1] [50] [92] [3] [0.86] [大きさ] [ [8.91] ]\n else\n if <[8.08] < (timer)> then\n | 便利品 [1] [1] [92] [50] [3] [0.86] [大きさ] [ [8.08] ]\n else\n if <[6.86] < (timer)> then\n | 便利品 [1] [1] [17] [92] [3] [0.9] [大きさ] [ [6.86] ]\n else\n if <[6.43] < (timer)> then\n replace item (4) of [| text v] with ((((item (4) of [| text v]) - (94)) / ((3.1) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (4) of [| text v]))\n else\n | 便利品 [1] [1] [200] [92] [3] [0.78] [大きさ] [ [2.76] ]\n | 便利品 [1] [1] [-230] [0] [3] [0.78] [y] [ [2.76] ]\n if <[3.6] < (timer)> then\n replace item (3) of [| text v] with ((((450) - (item (3) of [| text v])) / ((7) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (3) of [| text v]))\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (((timer) - (2.76)) * (300)))\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [-960]\nrepeat ((1) + (<(timer) < [10.1]> * (2)))\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (480)\n | Movement ((item (1) of [| text v]) + (| 計算用1)) (item (2) of [| text v]) (item (3) of [| text v]) (item (4) of [| text v])\n switch costume to (text v)\n stamp\nend\n\ndefine | 便利品 (種類) (数値1) (数値2) (数値3) (数値4) (数値5) (数値6) [ (time) ]\nif <(種類) = [1]> then\n replace item (数値1) of [| data v] with (((([cos v] of ((((timer) * (60)) - ((time) * (60.1))) * ((3) * (数値4))) ) * ((数値2) - (数値3))) * ([e ^ v] of (((((timer) * (60)) - ((time) * (60.1))) / (2)) * ([ln v] of (数値5) )) )) + (数値3))\n if <(数値6) = [大きさ]> then\n replace item (4) of [| text v] with (item (数値1) of [| data v])\n else\n if <(数値6) = [y]> then\n replace item (2) of [| text v] with (item (数値1) of [| data v])\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(種類) = [2]> then\n replace item (数値1) of [| camera v] with ((((数値2) - (item (数値1) of [| camera v])) / ((数値3) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (数値1) of [| camera v]))\n else\n replace item (数値1) of [| camera v] with ((((item (数値1) of [| camera v]) + (数値2)) / ((数値3) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (数値1) of [| camera v]))\n end\nend\n\ndefine | Shake Time (time) Power (power) Speed (speed) Limit (limit)\nset [| チェック v] to [0]\n| +Chevron\nrepeat until <(time) < (timer)>\n replace item (5) of [| camera v] with (([sin v] of ((timer) * (400)) ) * ((| Beat) * (letter (1) of (limit))))\n replace item (6) of [| camera v] with (([sin v] of ((timer) * (400)) ) * ((| Beat) * (letter (2) of (limit))))\n replace item (7) of [| camera v] with (([cos v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (((| Beat) * (0.4)) * (letter (3) of (limit))))\n replace item (8) of [| camera v] with (((| Beat) * (0.8)) * (letter (4) of (limit)))\n if <<((power) - (0.5)) < (| Beat)> and <(| チェック) = [0]>> then\n set [| チェック v] to [1]\n end\n if <(| チェック) = [1]> then\n change [| beat v] by (((0) - (| Beat)) / ((speed) / (item (5) of [| data v])))\n else\n change [| beat v] by ((((power) + (0.5)) - (| Beat)) / ((2) / (item (5) of [| data v])))\n end\nend\n\ndefine | Shutter\nswitch costume to (size hack v)\nset size to (Infinity) %\nif <[10.13] < (timer)> then\n change [| shutter v] by (((455) - (| Shutter)) / ((9) / (item (5) of [| data v])))\nelse\n change [| shutter v] by (((385) - (| Shutter)) / ((12) / (item (5) of [| data v])))\nend\nset pen color to (#000000)\npen up\nset pen size to (480)\ngo to x: (-480) y: ((| Shutter) - ((| Beat) * (0.8)))\npen down\ngo to x: (480) y: ((| Shutter) - ((| Beat) * (0.8)))\npen up\ngo to x: (-480) y: (((0) - (| Shutter)) + ((| Beat) * (0.8)))\npen down\ngo to x: (480) y: (((0) - (| Shutter)) + ((| Beat) * (0.8)))\n\ndefine | Chevron\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of [| chevron v]) / (4))\n replace item ((4) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v] with ((item ((4) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v]) + ((1.1) * ((| Beat) * (item (5) of [| data v]))))\n | Movement (item ((1) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v]) (item ((2) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v]) [90] (item ((4) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v])\n switch costume to (diamond v)\n if <(item ((3) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v]) = [1]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n else\n if <(item ((3) + ((| 計算用1) * (4))) of [| chevron v]) = [2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-20)\n end\n end\n stamp\n clear graphic effects\n if <[750] < (item (4) of [| chevron v])> then\n repeat (4)\n delete (1) of [| chevron v]\n end\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (-1)\n end\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine | +Chevron\nset [| 計算用4 v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n set [| 計算用2 v] to [-960]\n repeat (3)\n change [| 計算用2 v] by (480)\n add (| 計算用2) to [| chevron v]\n add [0] to [| chevron v]\n add (((| 計算用4) mod (3)) + (1)) to [| chevron v]\n if <(| 計算用4) = [1]> then\n add ((0) - ((| 計算用4) * (55))) to [| chevron v]\n else\n add ((0) - ((| 計算用4) * (40))) to [| chevron v]\n end\n end\n change [| 計算用4 v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\n| Wait [6.85]\nrepeat until <(item (1) of [| camera v]) < [-220]>\n | 便利品 [3] [1] [-1] [3] [] [] [] [ [] ]\nend\nrepeat until <[8.91] < (timer)>\n | 便利品 [2] [1] [-480] [5] [] [] [] [ [] ]\nend\nrepeat until <[0] < (item (1) of [| camera v])>\n | 便利品 [3] [1] [481] [3] [] [] [] [ [] ]\nend\n\n | 便利品 [2] [1] [480] [5] [] [] [] [ [] ]\nend\n\ndefine | Wait (time)\nwait until <(time) < (timer)>\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\n| Wait [6.85]\nrepeat until <(item (3) of [| camera v]) < [-180]>\n | 便利品 [3] [3] [-1] [3] [] [] [] [ [] ]\nend\n\n | 便利品 [2] [3] [-360] [7] [] [] [] [ [] ]\nend\n\ndefine | Light\nclear graphic effects\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [-960]\nrepeat (3)\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (480)\n | Movement (| 計算用1) [160] [90] [100]\n switch costume to (light v)\n if <[9.72] < (timer)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (((timer) - (9.72)) * (100))\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (((timer) - (2.76)) * (220)))\n end\n stamp\nend\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine | Pinwheel\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [-960]\nset [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (((timer) - (2.76)) * (250)))\nrepeat (3)\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (480)\n | Movement (| 計算用1) (item (2) of [| text v]) ((90) + (((timer) - (2.76)) * (100))) (item (4) of [| text v])\n switch costume to (pinwheel v)\n stamp\nend\n\ndefine | +Effect Pattern (p) x (x) y (y) Direction (d) Size (s) Color (co) Brightness (b) Ghost (g) Count (cu) +Number (+n) +Pattern (+p) Mosaic? (m)\nset [| 計算用2 v] to [0]\nset [| 計算用4 v] to ((0) - ((m) * (960)))\nrepeat ((1) + ((m) * (2)))\n repeat (cu)\n add (p) to [| effect v]\n add (((| 計算用4) + (x)) + (((+n) * (| 計算用2)) * < (+p) contains [x]?>)) to [| effect v]\n add ((y) + (((+n) * (| 計算用2)) * < (+p) contains [y]?>)) to [| effect v]\n add ((d) + (((+n) * (| 計算用2)) * < (+p) contains [Dir]?>)) to [| effect v]\n add ((s) + (((+n) * (| 計算用2)) * < (+p) contains [Size]?>)) to [| effect v]\n add (co) to [| effect v]\n add (b) to [| effect v]\n add (g) to [| effect v]\n add [0] to [| effect v]\n add (< (p) contains [SW]?> * (20)) to [| effect v]\n add [20] to [| effect v]\n add [0] to [| effect v]\n change [| 計算用2 v] by (1)\n end\n change [| 計算用4 v] by (480)\nend\n\ndefine | Effect\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of [| effect v]) / (12))\n | Effect2 ((| 計算用1) * (12))\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine | Effect2 (saving)\nclear graphic effects\nset [color v] effect to (item ((6) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\nset [brightness v] effect to (item ((7) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\nset [ghost v] effect to (item ((8) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\nif < (item ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) contains [SW]?> then\n | Movement (item ((2) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) (item ((3) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) (item ((4) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) (item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\n switch costume to (item ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\n replace item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with (((item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) * (item (5) of [| data v])) + (item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v]))\n replace item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with (((item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) * ((0.2) * (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v]))\n replace item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with ((((item ((5) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) - (item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v])) / ((6) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v]))\n set [fisheye v] effect to (item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\n if <[1000000] < (item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v])> then\n repeat (12)\n delete ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v]\n end\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (-1)\n end\nend\nif < (item ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) contains [FW]?> then\n | Movement ((item ((2) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) + (item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v])) ((item ((3) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) + (item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v])) (item ((4) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) (item ((5) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\n replace item ((12) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with ((item ((12) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) + (item (5) of [| data v]))\n replace item ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with (join [FW] ((round (item ((12) + (saving)) of [| effect v])) - (10)))\n if <(item ((12) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) < [11]> then\n switch costume to (fw1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (item ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v])\n end\n replace item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with (((item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) * (([sin v] of (item ((4) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) ) * (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((9) + (saving)) of [| effect v]))\n replace item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with (((item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) * (([cos v] of (item ((4) + (saving)) of [| effect v]) ) * (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((10) + (saving)) of [| effect v]))\n replace item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v] with ((((0) - (item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v])) / ((5) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item ((11) + (saving)) of [| effect v]))\n if <[26] < (item ((12) + (saving)) of [| effect v])> then\n repeat (12)\n delete ((1) + (saving)) of [| effect v]\n end\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (-1)\n end\nend\nstamp\n\ndefine | Skip\nclear graphic effects\npen up\nif <<[593.4] < (item (7) of [| data v])> and <(item (9) of [| data v]) = [0]>> then\n replace item (9) of [| data v] with (timer)\nend\nif <(item (9) of [| data v]) = [0]> then\n if <(item (7) of [| data v]) < [280]> then\n replace item (7) of [| data v] with ((((item (7) of [| data v]) + (2)) / ((4) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (7) of [| data v]))\n else\n replace item (7) of [| data v] with ((((594) - (item (7) of [| data v])) / ((5) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (7) of [| data v]))\n end\nelse\n if <(item (7) of [| data v]) < [280]> then\n replace item (7) of [| data v] with ((((0) - (item (7) of [| data v])) / ((5) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (7) of [| data v]))\n else\n replace item (7) of [| data v] with ((((item (7) of [| data v]) - (596)) / ((4) / (item (5) of [| data v]))) + (item (7) of [| data v]))\n end\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nif <(item (7) of [| data v]) < [100]> then\n switch costume to (pos hack v)\nelse\n switch costume to (size hack v)\nend\nset size to (item (7) of [| data v]) %\nswitch costume to (diamond v)\nif <[0.5] < (item (7) of [| data v])> then\n stamp\nend\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine | Fractal Burst\npen up\nset [| 計算用1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [| fractal burst v])\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (1)\n | Movement [0] [0] (((timer) - (item (| 計算用1) of [| fractal burst v])) * (100)) (((timer) - (item (| 計算用1) of [| fractal burst v])) * (900))\n switch costume to (fractal burst v)\n set [ghost v] effect to ((((timer) - (0.35)) - (item (| 計算用1) of [| fractal burst v])) * (300))\n stamp\n if <((item (| 計算用1) of [| fractal burst v]) + (2)) < (timer)> then\n delete (| 計算用1) of [| fractal burst v]\n change [| 計算用1 v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine | FPSI (time)\nwait (0) seconds\nreplace item (5) of [| data v] with (((days since 2000) * (2592000)) - (time))\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n | FPSI ((days since 2000) * (2592000))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nforever\n if <(item (6) of [| data v]) = [1]> then\n set volume to ((100) - (((timer) - (item (8) of [| data v])) * (100))) %\n | Skip\n end\nend\n\n
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (100)\n play sound [Rogue Soul 2 THEME - Fast & Deadly v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (level v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\nend\nchange [frame v] by (0.5)\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (stand_1 v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((4) + ((frame) mod (8))) )\n end\nelse\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump_1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (fall_1 v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Griffpatch Platforming Engine (speed)\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\nend\nif <<(speed y) < [4]> or > then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\nelse\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange y by (speed y)\nTouch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\nif then\n Walk (-90) ((speed) * (-1))\nelse\n if then\n Walk (90) (speed)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-210]> then\n broadcast (lost v)\nend\nif <(direction) = [-90]> then\n set [lol v] to [1]\nelse\n set [lol v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [speed y v] to [20]\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [speed y v] to [30]\n end\nend\nif <touching (knifes v)?> then\n broadcast (new knifes v)\nend\nif <<touching (danger4 v)?> or <<touching (danger v)?> or <<touching (danger2 v)?> or <touching (danger3 v)?>>>> then\n if <not <(NO DAMAGE) = [1]>> then\n broadcast ( MINUS LIVE v)\n end\nend\nSet Costume\nScrolling Blocks\n\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nbroadcast (lost v)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine Reset Player\nshow\nset size to (40) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nset [scrollx v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine Scrolling Blocks\nchange [scrollx v] by (x position)\nset x to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nhide\nbroadcast (Transition In v) and wait\nbroadcast (Delete All Clones v) and wait\nbroadcast (SetUp v) and wait\nbroadcast (Level Loop v)\nbroadcast (Play v)\nbroadcast (Transition Out v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play BG Music v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nReset Player\n\ndefine Quick Scroll\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scrollx v] by (300)\nend\nif <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [scrollx v] by (300)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset size to (30) %\nshow\nforever\n Griffpatch Platforming Engine [8]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [double jump v]\nset [speed y v] to [15]\n\nwhen I receive [parachute v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nchange y by ((-1) * ((speed y) - (-1)))\n\nwhen I receive [katana v]\nrepeat (10)\n switch costume to (lol v)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (stand_1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [slide v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nif <(direction) = [90]> then\n change [scrollx v] by (7)\nelse\n change [scrollx v] by (-7)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ minus live v]\nrepeat (3)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [lost v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nhide\n\n@Level ART\n\ndefine Create\nFind Costume Number\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\n@LEVEL \n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\n@katana\n\nwhen I receive [katana v]\ngo to (player v)\npoint in direction ([x position v] of [player v])\nclear graphic effects\nchange y by (40)\nchange x by (10)\nshow\nif <(direction) > [10]> then\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (swing v)\n set [currently sword swinging v] to [1]\n repeat (10)\n turn right (30) degrees\n go to (player v)\n change y by (40)\n change x by (10)\n end\n set [currently sword swinging v] to [0]\n hide\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nelse\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (swing2 v)\n set [currently sword swinging v] to [1]\n repeat (10)\n turn right (-30) degrees\n go to (player v)\n change y by (40)\n change x by (10)\n end\n set [currently sword swinging v] to [0]\n hide\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (17) layers\n\n@knife \n\nwhen I receive [knife v]\nif <not <(lol) = [1]>> then\n change [knifes v] by (-1)\n go to (player v)\n change y by (10)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n show\n repeat until <<touching (people3 v)?> or <<touching (people2 v)?> or <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (people v)?>>>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n hide\n go to (player v)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nset [knifes v] to [5]\n\ngo [backward v] (4) layers\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (katana v)\n end\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(knifes) < [1]>> then\n if <(lol) = [0]> then\n broadcast (knife v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (double jump v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Parachute v)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n repeat (12)\n broadcast (slide v)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new knifes v]\nset [knifes v] to [5]\nbroadcast (* v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nset [knifes lol v] to [0]\nset [knifes v] to [0]\nset [knifes v] to [5]\n\n\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nset [knifes lol v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [knife v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen I receive [* v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\n\n@Trampoline\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (4) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (6) seconds\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Knifes\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (4) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new knifes v]\nrepeat (400)\n hide\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen I receive [* v]\nif <(knifes lol) = [1]> then\n go to (player v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\nend\nchange [knifes lol v] by (1)\nwait (3) seconds\nset [knifes lol v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nhide\n\n@People\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <<touching (katana v)?> or <touching (knife v)?>> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [invincible? v] to [1]\nrepeat (200)\n hide\nend\nshow\nset [invincible? v] to [0]\n\nswitch costume to (tot v)\n\nswitch costume to ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n\n@Danger\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nchange y by (-100)\nrepeat (200)\n hide\nend\nchange y by (95)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen I receive [lost v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nnext costume\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [dead2 v]\nnext costume\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [dead3 v]\nnext costume\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@People2\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <<touching (katana v)?> or <touching (knife v)?>> then\n broadcast (dead2 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead2 v]\nset [invicible v] to [1]\nrepeat (200)\n hide\nend\nshow\nset [invicible v] to [0]\n\n@Danger2\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead2 v]\nchange y by (-100)\nrepeat (200)\n hide\nend\nchange y by (95)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Danger3\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Level ART2\n\ndefine Create\nFind Costume Number\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\n@People3\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <<touching (katana v)?> or <touching (knife v)?>> then\n broadcast (dead3 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead3 v]\nset [invicible v] to [1]\nrepeat (200)\n hide\nend\nshow\nset [invicible v] to [0]\n\n@Danger4\n\ndefine Create\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead3 v]\nchange y by (-100)\nrepeat (200)\n hide\nend\nchange y by (95)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [no damage v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n broadcast (lost v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ minus live v]\nset [no damage v] to [1]\nnext costume\nwait (3) seconds\nset [no damage v] to [0]\n\n@Level ART3\n\ndefine Create\nFind Costume Number\nrepeat ((Level Costumes) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [level_x v] by (480)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level loop v]\nforever\n set x to ((Level_X) - (ScrollX))\n if <([abs v] of ((Level_X) - (ScrollX)) ) > [480]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (end v)\n wait (5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level_x v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nCreate\nhide\n\ndefine Find Costume Number\nset [level costumes v] to [1]\nswitch costume to ((1) / (1))\nnext costume\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n change [level costumes v] by (1)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nbroadcast (hide v)\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n wait (100) seconds\nend\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nrepeat (3)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\n\n
Click the flag, then use arrow keys to play!\nThe Space key at the beginning and end does not work the blue stuff is bouncy use blue to get to the door!\n\n-Credits to another scratcher for the character.\n
A Mobile Platformer 3
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [MUSIC v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n初期化\nforever\n 移動作\nend\n\ndefine 初期化\nset size to (125) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\n\ndefine 移動作\nchange [y v] by (-1)\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset [x v] to ((X) * (0.88))\nchange x by (X)\nrepeat (8)\n if <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (1.1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change x by (() - (X))\n change y by (-8.8)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [11]\n set [x v] to ((7) - ((14) * <[0] < (X)>))\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y)\nif <touching (platformer v)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <touching (platformer v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <[235] < (x position)> then\n 初期化\n change [level v] by (1)\nend\nif <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching (together v)?>> then\n 初期化\nend\n\n@Light\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nshow\nforever\n set size to ((120) + (([cos v] of ((timer) * (180)) ) * (20))) %\nend\n\nchange size by (10)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [timer v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > ((timer) + (0))\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nhide\n\n@膜\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Platformer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (level)) (letter (2) of (level)))\nend\n\n@together\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nhide\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n if <<(level) = [11]> or <<(level) = [10]> or <(level) = [12]>>> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (level)) (letter (2) of (level)))\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [11]\n\n
Note: The leaderboard is your personal scores (or the scores of others who play on your device). It does not compare your times to the times of other players online.\n\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n- Use WSAD or the Arrow Keys to move the ninja around.\n- If you touch the red, you start the level that you are on over.\n- The purple makes you jump higher.\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\nYay! What the community is remixing! (January 23, 2017)\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n - Future Updates -\n- More levels\n- Settings Menu
Larry - a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n play sound [Sunshine v] until done\nend\n\n@intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (10)\n set [移動z v] to [500]\n set [まくy v] to [250]\nend\nset size to ((1) / ()) %\n準備\nrepeat until <[10] < (timer)>\n erase all\n set pen color to (#000000)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set pen size to (1000)\n pen down\n pen up\n 文字絵画 文字 [katsuo777] x [0] y [0] 大きさ [300] 色 [50] 太さ ((10) * ([abs v] of ((500) / (移動z)) )) 明るさ [70] 透明度 []\n 文字絵画 文字 [katsuo777] x [0] y [0] 大きさ [300] 色 [50] 太さ ((5) * ([abs v] of ((500) / (移動z)) )) 明るさ [100] 透明度 []\n 星たちよ!!!\n 幕\nend\nset pen (transparency v) to (0)\nset pen size to (1000)\nset [星 v] to [0]\nrepeat (50)\n change [星 v] by (2)\n erase all\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set pen color to (#ffffff)\n set pen (transparency v) to (星)\n pen down\n pen up\nend\nerase all\nset pen (transparency v) to (0)\n\ndefine 文字へ (x) (y) (大きさ) (色) (太さ) (明るさ) (透明度) (文字ⓜ️)\n文字 (文字ⓜ️)\nset pen color to (#f90000)\nset [文字x v] to (x)\nset [文字y v] to (y)\nset pen size to (太さ)\nset pen (color v) to (色)\nset pen (brightness v) to (明るさ)\nset pen (transparency v) to (透明度)\nset [文字 v] to [0]\n3Dを書く X ((0) - (((文字x) + (item (1) of [3d文字x v])) * ((大きさ) / (100)))) Y ((2) - (((文字y) + (item (1) of [3d文字y v])) * ((大きさ) / (100)))) Z [0]\npen down\nrepeat (length of [3d文字x v])\n change [文字 v] by (1)\n 3Dを書く X ((0) - (((文字x) + (item (文字) of [3d文字x v])) * ((大きさ) / (100)))) Y ((0) - (((文字y) + (item (文字) of [3d文字y v])) * ((大きさ) / (100)))) Z [0]\nend\npen up\n\ndefine 文字 (文字)\ndelete all of [3d文字x v]\ndelete all of [3d文字y v]\nchange [変数 v] by (1)\nset [変数 v] to [0]\nset [記憶 v] to []\nrepeat until <(length of (item (文字) of [3dpen文字x v])) = (変数)>\n change [変数 v] by (1)\n set [記憶 v] to (join (記憶) (letter (変数) of (item (文字) of [3dpen文字x v])))\n if <(letter ((変数) + (1)) of (item (文字) of [3dpen文字x v])) = [、]> then\n change [変数 v] by (1)\n add (記憶) to [3d文字x v]\n set [記憶 v] to []\n end\nend\nadd (記憶) to [3d文字x v]\nset [変数 v] to [0]\nset [記憶 v] to []\nrepeat until <(length of (item (文字) of [3dpen文字y v])) = (変数)>\n change [変数 v] by (1)\n set [記憶 v] to (join (記憶) (letter (変数) of (item (文字) of [3dpen文字y v])))\n if <(letter ((変数) + (1)) of (item (文字) of [3dpen文字y v])) = [、]> then\n change [変数 v] by (1)\n add (記憶) to [3d文字y v]\n set [記憶 v] to []\n end\nend\nadd (記憶) to [3d文字y v]\n\ndefine 文字加工 (文字) (x) (y) (大きさ) (色) (太さ) (明るさ) (透明度)\nset [雑用2 v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of (文字)) / (2))\n change [雑用2 v] by (2)\n if <not <(join (letter ((雑用2) - (1)) of (文字)) (letter (雑用2) of (文字))) = [48]>> then\n 文字へ ((x) + ((((雑用2) - (1)) * (10)) - (((2) * ((length of (文字)) / (4))) * (10)))) (y) (大きさ) (色) (太さ) (明るさ) (透明度) ((join (letter ((雑用2) - (1)) of (文字)) (letter (雑用2) of (文字))) - (9))\n end\nend\nset pen size to (12)\n\ndefine 文字絵画 文字 (文字) x (x) y (y) 大きさ (大きさ) 色 (色) 太さ (太さ) 明るさ (明るさ) 透明度 (透明度)\nset [文字数値化 v] to []\nset [変数 v] to [0]\nset [文字数値化 v] to []\nrepeat (length of (文字))\n change [変数 v] by (1)\n set [文字数値化 v] to (join (文字数値化) (item # of (letter (変数) of (文字)) in [3dpen文字一覧 v]))\nend\n文字加工 (文字数値化) (x) (y) (大きさ) (色) (太さ) (明るさ) (透明度)\n\ndefine 3Dを書く X (x) Y (y) Z (z)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [z v] to (z)\nset [雑用 v] to (x)\nset [x v] to (((雑用) * ([cos v] of (回転x) )) - ((Z) * ([sin v] of (回転x) )))\nset [z v] to (((雑用) * ([sin v] of (回転x) )) + ((Z) * ([cos v] of (回転x) )))\nset [雑用 v] to (y)\nset [y v] to (((雑用) * ([cos v] of (回転y) )) + ((Z) * ([sin v] of (回転y) )))\nset [z v] to ((((0) - (雑用)) * ([sin v] of (回転y) )) + ((Z) * ([cos v] of (回転y) )))\nset [雑用 v] to (X)\nset [x v] to (((雑用) * ([cos v] of (回転z) )) - ((Y) * ([sin v] of (回転z) )))\nset [y v] to (((雑用) * ([sin v] of (回転z) )) + ((Y) * ([cos v] of (回転z) )))\nchange [z v] by (移動z)\ngo to x: ((300) * ((X) / (Z))) y: ((300) * ((Y) / (Z)))\n\ndefine 星たちよ!!!\nset [星 v] to [0]\nrepeat (100)\n change [星 v] by (1)\n set pen size to ((item (星) of [星大きさ v]) * ([abs v] of ((500) / (移動z)) ))\n 3Dを書く X (item (星) of [星x v]) Y (item (星) of [星y v]) Z (item (星) of [星z v])\n pen down\n set pen (color v) to (item (星) of [星色 v])\n 3Dを書く X (item (星) of [星x v]) Y (item (星) of [星y v]) Z (item (星) of [星z v])\n pen up\nend\n\ndefine 準備\ndelete all of [星x v]\ndelete all of [星y v]\ndelete all of [星z v]\ndelete all of [星大きさ v]\nrepeat (100)\n add (pick random (-1000) to (1000)) to [星x v]\n add (pick random (-1000) to (1000)) to [星y v]\n add (pick random (-1000) to (1000)) to [星z v]\n add (pick random (1) to (10)) to [星大きさ v]\n add (pick random (1) to (100)) to [星色 v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[0.1] < (timer)>\nrepeat (100)\n change [まくy v] by (((timer) * (timer)) * ((timer) * (timer)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nset volume to (100) %\nset [回転x v] to [0]\nset [回転y v] to [0]\nset [回転z v] to [0]\nplay sound [Inferno2 v] until done\n\ndefine 幕\nset pen size to (500)\nset pen color to (#ffffff)\ngo to x: (500) y: (まくy)\npen down\ngo to x: (-500) y: (まくy)\npen up\ngo to x: (500) y: ((0) - (まくy))\npen down\ngo to x: (-500) y: ((0) - (まくy))\npen up\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[0.8] < (timer)>\nrepeat (50)\n change [移動z v] by ((0) - ((timer) * (((timer) * (timer)) * ((timer) * (timer)))))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[10] < (timer)>\nbroadcast (オンラインへ v)\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[3] < (timer)>\nrepeat (20)\n change [回転x v] by (((360) - (回転x)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [回転y v] by (((360) - (回転y)) / (4))\n change [移動z v] by (((-1000) - (移動z)) / (4))\nend\nrepeat (40)\n change [回転x v] by (((0) - (回転x)) / (10))\n change [回転y v] by (((0) - (回転y)) / (10))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[5.5] < (timer)>\nrepeat (40)\n change [移動z v] by (((500) - (移動z)) / (7))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[6] < (timer)>\nrepeat (40)\n change [回転z v] by (((180) - (回転z)) / (7))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <[7] < (timer)>\nrepeat (50)\n change [まくy v] by (((250) - (まくy)) / (5))\nend\n\n@prayer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [xx v] to [0]\nset [yy v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine prayer\nif <(!) = [0]> then\n if <not <(username) = []>> then\n say (username)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <[50] < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n change [x v] by (2)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-50]>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-2)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.77))\n change x by (round (x))\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n 壁\n end\n change [y v] by (-2)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n 床\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (stage v)?> and <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [scroll x v] by (round ((x position) / (10)))\n change x by ((0) - ((round ((x position) / (10))) * <not <<(scroll x) < [0]> or <[4500] < (scroll x)>>>))\n if <(scroll x) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n end\n if <[4500] < (scroll x)> then\n set [scroll x v] to [4500]\n end\n change [scroll y v] by (round ((y position) / (10)))\n change y by ((0) - ((round ((y position) / (10))) * <not <(scroll y) < [0]>>))\n if <(scroll y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-150]> and <not <(scroll y) = [0]>>> then\n set y to (-150)\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\nend\n\ndefine 初期化\nstart sound [Rip v]\nhide\nrepeat until <<([abs v] of ((scroll y) - (YY)) ) < [3]> and <([abs v] of ((scroll x) - (XX)) ) < [3]>>\n change [scroll x v] by (round (((XX) - (scroll x)) / (5)))\n change [scroll y v] by (round (((YY) - (scroll y)) / (5)))\nend\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nbroadcast (monster v)\nshow\n\ndefine 壁\nchange y by (-4)\nset [? v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<[100] < (?)> or <not <touching (stage v)?>>>\n change [? v] by (1)\n change x by ((-1) * ((x) / ([abs v] of (x) )))\nend\nif <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n set [x v] to ((-10) * ((x) / ([abs v] of (x) )))\nelse\n set [x v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine 床\nset [? v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<[100] < (?)> or <not <touching (stage v)?>>>\n change [? v] by (1)\n change y by ((-1) * ((y) / ([abs v] of (y) )))\nend\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset [! v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n prayer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n if <not <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <<<mouse down?> and <[50] < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-50]>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム6 v)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <[50] < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム4 v)\n end\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-50]>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム5 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [! v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching (stage3 v)?>> then\n set [! v] to [1]\n 初期化\n set [! v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [初期化 v]\nset [! v] to [1]\n初期化\nset [! v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nhide\n\n@Stage\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: ((1) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = ((1) - (scroll x))> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n配置 [0] [0] [1]\n配置 [500] [0] [2]\n配置 [1000] [0] [3]\n配置 [1500] [0] [4]\n配置 [2000] [0] [5]\n配置 [2500] [300] [6]\n配置 [3000] [200] [7]\n配置 [3500] [0] [8]\n配置 [4000] [0] [9]\n配置 [4500] [0] [10]\n\n@Stage2\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: ((1) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = ((1) - (scroll x))> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n配置 [0] [0] [1]\n配置 [500] [0] [2]\n配置 [1000] [0] [3]\n配置 [1500] [0] [4]\n配置 [2000] [0] [5]\n配置 [2500] [300] [6]\n配置 [3000] [200] [7]\n配置 [3500] [0] [8]\n配置 [4000] [0] [9]\n配置 [4500] [0] [10]\n\n@prayer2\n\nwhen I receive [オンライン! v]\nhide\n配置\n\ndefine 配置\nset [prayer2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [prayer2 v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<(1p?) = (prayer2)> or <<(item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v]) = [0]> or <[1] = (letter (54) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v]))>>> then\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((join (letter (49) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (letter (50) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v]))) - (10))\n say (item (prayer2) of [user v])\n xy (((join (letter (41) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (join (letter (42) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (join (letter (43) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (letter (44) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v]))))) - (1500)) - (scroll x)) (((join (letter (45) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (join (letter (46) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (join (letter (47) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v])) (letter (48) of (item (prayer2) of [p1〜10 v]))))) - (1500)) - (scroll y))\nend\n\ndefine xy (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <not <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@online\n\nwhen I receive [オンライン v]\nset [online v] to [1]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [☁ 1p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 2p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 3p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 4p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 5p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 6p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 7p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 8p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 9p v] to [0]\nset [☁ 10p v] to [0]\nset [1p? v] to [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (START v)\nbroadcast (オンライン! v)\nforever\n if <(☁ 1p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [1]\n set [☁ 1p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 2p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [2]\n set [☁ 2p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 3p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [3]\n set [☁ 3p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 4p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [4]\n set [☁ 4p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 5p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [5]\n set [☁ 5p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 6p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [6]\n set [☁ 6p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 7p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [7]\n set [☁ 7p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 8p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [8]\n set [☁ 8p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 9p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [9]\n set [☁ 9p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n else\n if <(☁ 10p) = [0]> then\n ユーザー名数値化\n forever\n set [1p? v] to [10]\n set [☁ 10p v] to (join (user2) (join (join ((1500) + ((scroll x) + ([x position v] of [prayer v]))) (((scroll y) + ([y position v] of [prayer v])) + (1500))) (join (([costume # v] of [prayer v]) + (10)) (join ((chat) + (10)) (join (letter (length of ([floor v] of (timer) )) of ([floor v] of (timer) )) (!))))))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine ユーザー名数値化\nset [user v] to [0]\nset [user2 v] to []\nrepeat (length of (username))\n change [user v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (user) of (username))\n set [user2 v] to (join (user2) (costume [number v]))\nend\nrepeat ((40) - (length of (user2)))\n set [user2 v] to (join (user2) [0])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [オンライン v]\nbroadcast (言う v)\nforever\n 復元1\nend\n\ndefine 復元1\ndelete all of [user v]\nset [% v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n switch costume to ( v)\n change [% v] by (1)\n set [〜 v] to [0]\n set [4 v] to []\n repeat (20)\n if <not <(join (letter ((〜) + (1)) of (item (%) of [p1〜10 v])) (letter ((〜) + (2)) of (item (%) of [p1〜10 v]))) = [00]>> then\n change [〜 v] by (2)\n switch costume to (join (letter ((〜) - (1)) of (item (%) of [p1〜10 v])) (letter (〜) of (item (%) of [p1〜10 v])))\n set [4 v] to (join (4) (costume [name v]))\n end\n end\n add (4) to [user v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n delete all of [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 1p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 2p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 3p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 4p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 5p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 6p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 7p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 8p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 9p) to [p1〜10 v]\n add (☁ 10p) to [p1〜10 v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [オンライン! v]\nforever\n delete all of [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 1p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 2p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 3p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 4p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 5p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 6p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 7p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 8p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 9p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n add (☁ 10p) to [1〜10 2 v]\n wait (1.5) seconds\n if <(letter (53) of (item (1) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (1) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 1p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (2) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (2) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 2p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (3) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (3) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 3p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (4) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (4) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 4p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (5) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (5) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 5p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (6) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (6) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 6p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (7) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (7) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 7p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (8) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (8) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 8p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (9) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (9) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 9p v] to [0]\n end\n if <(letter (53) of (item (10) of [p1〜10 v])) = (letter (53) of (item (10) of [1〜10 2 v]))> then\n set [☁ 10p v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [オンラインへ v]\nbroadcast (オンライン v)\n\n配置 (monster coin X) ((monster coin Y) + (10)) [1]\n\n@Stage3\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: ((1) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = ((1) - (scroll x))> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n配置 [0] [0] [1]\n配置 [500] [0] [2]\n配置 [1000] [0] [3]\n配置 [1500] [0] [4]\n配置 [2000] [0] [5]\n配置 [2500] [300] [6]\n配置 [3000] [200] [7]\n配置 [3500] [0] [8]\n配置 [4000] [0] [9]\n配置 [4500] [0] [10]\n\n@Stage4\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム) (動かす距離)\nset [+ v] to (動かす距離)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: (((1) + (+X)) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = (((1) + (+X)) - (scroll x))> and <<(OK?) = [0]> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\n if <[0] < (monster X)> then\n switch costume to ((3) + (2))\n else\n switch costume to ((3) + (3))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [+x v] to [0]\nset [monster x v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat (+)\n change [monster x v] by (1)\n set [monster x v] to ((monster X) * (0.85))\n change [+x v] by (monster X)\n end\n repeat (+)\n change [monster x v] by (-1)\n set [monster x v] to ((monster X) * (0.85))\n change [+x v] by (monster X)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ok? v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (prayer v)?> then\n if <(y) < [0]> then\n set [y v] to [20]\n set [monster coin x v] to ((1) + (+X))\n set [monster coin y v] to (2)\n broadcast (monster coin v)\n change [ok? v] by (1)\n else\n broadcast (初期化 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [monster v]\nset [ok? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n配置 [1330] [-17] [1] [40]\n配置 [3300] [100] [1] [20]\n配置 [3550] [-22] [1] [40]\n\n@Stage5\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: ((1) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = ((1) - (scroll x))> and <<(OK?) = [0]> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nset [monster coin? v] to [0]\n配置 [130] [-20] [1]\n配置 [180] [-20] [1]\n配置 [290] [-20] [1]\n配置 [410] [-20] [1]\n配置 [460] [-20] [1]\n配置 [680] [170] [1]\n配置 [730] [170] [1]\n配置 [900] [140] [1]\n配置 [1030] [90] [1]\n配置 [1175] [35] [1]\n配置 [1225] [20] [1]\n配置 [1775] [-15] [1]\n配置 [1825] [-15] [1]\n配置 [1875] [-15] [1]\n配置 [1985] [-15] [1]\n配置 [2100] [120] [1]\n配置 [2150] [120] [1]\n配置 [2550] [285] [1]\n配置 [2825] [270] [1]\n配置 [2950] [215] [1]\n配置 [3000] [200] [1]\n配置 [3050] [180] [1]\n配置 [4250] [-15] [1]\n配置 [4300] [-15] [1]\n配置 [4350] [-15] [1]\n配置 [4465] [-15] [1]\n配置 [4600] [-15] [1]\n\nwhen I receive [monster v]\nset [ok? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (prayer v)?> then\n set [ok? v] to [1]\n change [coin v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [coin v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [monster coin v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [monster coin? v] to [1]\n 配置 (monster coin X) ((monster coin Y) + (10)) [1]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(monster coin?) = [1]> then\n wait until <<(!) = [1]> and <(OK?) = [1]>>\n wait until <(!) = [0]>\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Stage6\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: ((1) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = ((1) - (scroll x))> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n配置 [2250] [122] [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (prayer v)?> then\n start sound [Collect v]\n set [xx v] to (1)\n set [yy v] to (2)\n change [3 v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Stage7\n\ndefine 配置 (x) (y) (コスチューム)\nset [1 v] to (x)\nset [2 v] to (y)\nset [3 v] to (コスチューム)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n go to x: ((1) - (scroll x)) y: ((2) - (scroll y))\n if <<(x position) = ((1) - (scroll x))> and <(y position) = ((2) - (scroll y))>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n配置 [4700] [0] [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (prayer v)?> then\n set [xx v] to (1)\n set [yy v] to (2)\n change [3 v] by (1)\n set [! v] to [1]\n broadcast (クリア v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nstart sound [Rip v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (999)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nstop [all v]\n\n
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A Nᴇᴇᴅʟᴇ ... ? #Platformer #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\nforever\n play sound [Tobu -Hope v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nnext backdrop\n\n@主\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Next stage v)\n\ndefine motion <touch>\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [out v] to [0]\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-60)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [all around v]\nset [向き v] to [90]\nforever\n point in direction (向き)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n change [向き v] by (10)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n change [向き v] by (-10)\n end\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<[-45] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-6]\n else\n set [x v] to [6]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<[-45] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n hide\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n show\n end\n change y by (Y)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <[220] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\n if < or <<touching color (#ff7b00)?> or <<touching color (#ca7500)?> or <<touching color (#21ca00)?> or <touching color (#2bff00)?>>>>> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n set [out v] to [1]\n set [y v] to [15]\n repeat until <(y position) < [-180]>\n set [向き v] to (direction)\n turn right (10) degrees\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y)\n end\n hide\n go to x: (-210) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [向き v] to [90]\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nmotion <>\n\n@地\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\nbroadcast (Next stage v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@影\n\nwhen I receive [next stage v]\nforever\n go to (主 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (50)\n if <(OUT) = [1]> then\n repeat (20)\n point in direction (向き)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n point in direction (向き)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@表\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
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Google T-Rex Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Tick v)\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Setup v)\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [slope v] to [0]\nset [walljump v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nforever\n Platformer [1.8] [22] [-1.5] [0.8] [35] [24] [-50] [-1]\n Camera\nend\n\ndefine Platformer (speed) (jump) (gravity) (friction) (walljump x) (walljump y) (fall) (slide)\nset [old x v] to (x position)\nset [old y v] to (y position)\nif <(RESPAWN) = [no]> then\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> and <not <(walljump) = [right]>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (speed)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> and <not <(walljump) = [left]>>> then\n change [speed x v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n end\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (friction))\n change [speed y v] by (gravity)\n change y by (speed y)\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n repeat until <not <touching (level hitbox v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n set [jump v] to [1]\n end\n else\n repeat until <not <touching (level hitbox v)?>>\n change y by (-1)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n set [jump v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change x by (speed x)\n set [slope v] to [0]\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <(jump) = [1]>> then\n set [speed y v] to (jump)\n set [jump v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (level hitbox v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\n end\n if <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed x))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> and <(speed y) < [0]>> then\n set [speed y v] to (slide)\n set [state v] to [slide]\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (WallJump v)\n set [speed y v] to (walljump y)\n if <(speed x) > [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((walljump x) * (-1))\n set [walljump v] to [right]\n else\n set [speed x v] to (walljump x)\n set [walljump v] to [left]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(speed y) < (fall)> then\n set [speed y v] to (fall)\n end\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(dash) = [100]>> then\n repeat (5)\n change [speed x v] by ((direction) / (10))\n end\n set [dash v] to [0]\n end\n if <(dash) < [100]> then\n change [dash v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <(speed x) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [walljump v]\nwait until <([abs v] of (speed x) ) < [2]>\nset [walljump v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n Animation\nend\n\ndefine Animation\nif <(STATE) = [slide]> then\n set [state v] to [slide]\nelse\n if <(dash) < [50]> then\n set [state v] to [dash]\n else\n if <(speed y) < [-5]> then\n set [state v] to [fall]\n else\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n set [state v] to [jump]\n else\n if <([abs v] of (speed x) ) > [1]> then\n set [state v] to [walk]\n else\n set [state v] to [idle]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(STATE) = [slide]> then\n Frame [11] [1] []\nelse\n if <(STATE) = [fall]> then\n Frame [10] [1] []\n else\n if <(STATE) = [jump]> then\n Frame [9] [1] []\n else\n if <(STATE) = [dash]> then\n Frame [12] [1] []\n else\n if <(STATE) = [walk]> then\n Frame [13] [8] (([abs v] of (speed x) ) / (20))\n else\n Frame [1] [8] [0.3]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [state v] to []\n\ndefine Frame (start) (total) (speed)\nswitch costume to (idle v)\nswitch costume to ([floor v] of ((start) + ((frame) mod (total))) )\nchange [frame v] by (speed)\nif <(frame) > [1000]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Camera\nchange [x v] by ((x position) - (old x))\nchange [y v] by ((y position) - (old y))\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (2)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [480]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [480]\nend\nif <(SCROLL X) > [2000]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [2000]\nend\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [360]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [360]\nend\ngo to x: ((x) + ((0) - (SCROLL X))) y: ((y) + ((0) - (SCROLL Y)))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n set [player spawn x v] to [400]\n set [player spawn y v] to [1060]\nelse\n set [player spawn x v] to [400]\n set [player spawn y v] to [1060]\nend\nbroadcast (Respawn v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n broadcast (Respawn v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset [respawn v] to [yes]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [x v] to (PLAYER SPAWN X)\nset [y v] to (PLAYER SPAWN Y)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [respawn v] to [no]\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (5)\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\n end\n clear graphic effects\nend\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Level\n\ndefine Level\ndelete all of [level v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n add [0,0] to [level v]\n add [0,1] to [level v]\n add [0,2] to [level v]\n add [1,0] to [level v]\n add [1,1] to [level v]\n add [1,2] to [level v]\n add [2,0] to [level v]\n add [2,1] to [level v]\n add [2,2] to [level v]\n add [3,0] to [level v]\n add [3,1] to [level v]\n add [3,2] to [level v]\nelse\n add [0,0] to [level v]\n add [0,1] to [level v]\n add [0,2] to [level v]\n add [1,0] to [level v]\n add [1,1] to [level v]\n add [1,2] to [level v]\n add [2,0] to [level v]\n add [2,1] to [level v]\n add [2,2] to [level v]\n add [3,0] to [level v]\n add [3,1] to [level v]\n add [3,2] to [level v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n Tile (((tile column) * (480)) - (SCROLL X)) (((tile row) * (360)) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\n\ndefine Tile (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (0,0 v)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n if <<<(tile column) > [0]> and <(tile row) > [0]>> and <<(tile column) < ((LEVEL WIDTH) + (1))> and <(tile row) < ((LEVEL HEIGHT) + (1))>>> then\n show\n switch costume to (item ((((tile column) * (LEVEL HEIGHT)) - (LEVEL HEIGHT)) + (tile row)) of [level v])\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile column v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(x) < [-480]> then\n change [tile column v] by (2)\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile row v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(y) < [-360]> then\n change [tile row v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nLevel\nset [level width v] to [4]\nset [level height v] to [3]\nset [tile column v] to [1]\nset [tile row v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [1]\nset [tile row v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [2]\nset [tile row v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [2]\nset [tile row v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Level Hitbox\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n Tile (((tile column) * (480)) - (SCROLL X)) (((tile row) * (360)) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\n\ndefine Tile (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (0,2 v)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n if <<<(tile column) > [0]> and <(tile row) > [0]>> and <<(tile column) < ((LEVEL WIDTH) + (1))> and <(tile row) < ((LEVEL HEIGHT) + (1))>>> then\n show\n switch costume to (item ((((tile column) * (LEVEL HEIGHT)) - (LEVEL HEIGHT)) + (tile row)) of [level v])\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile column v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(x) < [-480]> then\n change [tile column v] by (2)\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile row v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(y) < [-360]> then\n change [tile row v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nLevel\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [level width v] to [4]\nset [level height v] to [3]\nset [tile column v] to [1]\nset [tile row v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [1]\nset [tile row v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [2]\nset [tile row v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [2]\nset [tile row v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Level\ndelete all of [level v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n add [0,0] to [level v]\n add [0,1] to [level v]\n add [0,2] to [level v]\n add [1,0] to [level v]\n add [1,1] to [level v]\n add [1,2] to [level v]\n add [2,0] to [level v]\n add [2,1] to [level v]\n add [2,2] to [level v]\n add [3,0] to [level v]\n add [3,1] to [level v]\n add [3,2] to [level v]\nelse\n add [0,0] to [level v]\n add [0,1] to [level v]\n add [0,2] to [level v]\n add [1,0] to [level v]\n add [1,1] to [level v]\n add [1,2] to [level v]\n add [2,0] to [level v]\n add [2,1] to [level v]\n add [2,2] to [level v]\n add [3,0] to [level v]\n add [3,1] to [level v]\n add [3,2] to [level v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Checkpoint\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (600) %\nset [last checkpoint v] to [1]\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n if <(show) = [yes]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete all of [checkpoint x v]\ndelete all of [checkpoint y v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Checkpoint [1085] [1212]\nelse\n Checkpoint [1085] [1212]\nend\nCycle Checkpoints\n\ndefine Checkpoint (x) (y)\nadd (x) to [checkpoint x v]\nadd (y) to [checkpoint y v]\n\ndefine Cycle Checkpoints\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n if <(last checkpoint) > (length of [checkpoint x v])> then\n set [show v] to [no]\n else\n set [show v] to [yes]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [player spawn x v] to (checkpoint x)\n set [player spawn y v] to (checkpoint y)\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n change [last checkpoint v] by (1)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (((SCROLL X) - (checkpoint x)) * (-1)) (((SCROLL Y) - (checkpoint y)) * (-1))\nset [checkpoint x v] to (item (last checkpoint) of [checkpoint x v])\nset [checkpoint y v] to (item (last checkpoint) of [checkpoint y v])\n\n@Danger\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone [1375] [607]\n Clone [1448] [607]\n Clone [1521] [607]\nelse\n Clone [1375] [607]\n Clone [1448] [607]\n Clone [1521] [607]\nend\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<([abs v] of ((x) - (x position)) ) < [15]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (y position)) ) < [15]>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n Go to (((SCROLL X) - (x)) * (-1)) (((SCROLL Y) - (y)) * (-1))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@End\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset size to (600) %\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n set [x v] to [2150]\n set [y v] to [1175]\nelse\n set [x v] to [2150]\n set [y v] to [1175]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nwait (1) seconds\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (New Level v)\nbroadcast (Setup v)\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (((SCROLL X) - (x)) * (-1)) ((((SCROLL Y) - (y)) * (-1)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n\n@Background\n\ndefine Level\ndelete all of [level v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n add [0,0] to [level v]\n add [0,1] to [level v]\n add [0,2] to [level v]\n add [1,0] to [level v]\n add [1,1] to [level v]\n add [1,2] to [level v]\n add [2,0] to [level v]\n add [2,1] to [level v]\n add [2,2] to [level v]\n add [3,0] to [level v]\n add [3,1] to [level v]\n add [3,2] to [level v]\nelse\n add [0,0] to [level v]\n add [0,1] to [level v]\n add [0,2] to [level v]\n add [1,0] to [level v]\n add [1,1] to [level v]\n add [1,2] to [level v]\n add [2,0] to [level v]\n add [2,1] to [level v]\n add [2,2] to [level v]\n add [3,0] to [level v]\n add [3,1] to [level v]\n add [3,2] to [level v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nLevel\nset [level width v] to [4]\nset [level height v] to [3]\nset [tile column v] to [1]\nset [tile row v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [1]\nset [tile row v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [2]\nset [tile row v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [tile column v] to [2]\nset [tile row v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n Tile (((tile column) * (480)) - (((SCROLL X) / (1.5)) + (100))) (((tile row) * (360)) - (((SCROLL Y) / (1.5)) + (350)))\nend\n\ndefine Tile (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (0,0 v)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n if <<<(tile column) > [0]> and <(tile row) > [0]>> and <<(tile column) < ((LEVEL WIDTH) + (1))> and <(tile row) < ((LEVEL HEIGHT) + (1))>>> then\n show\n switch costume to (item ((((tile column) * (LEVEL HEIGHT)) - (LEVEL HEIGHT)) + (tile row)) of [level v])\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(x) > [480]> then\n change [tile column v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(x) < [-480]> then\n change [tile column v] by (2)\nend\nif <(y) > [360]> then\n change [tile row v] by (-2)\nend\nif <(y) < [-360]> then\n change [tile row v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [new level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Background2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [1300]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (480)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: ((((((SCROLL X) / (8)) - (x)) * (-1)) mod (960)) - (480)) y: ((((SCROLL Y) - (y)) * (-1)) / (8))\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\n\n
日本語は下。三か月前ぐらいに作りましたw\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n*I made this piece about three months ago.\n\n▼Description\nLet's go on an adventure under the blue sky!\nDepart for the goal! !\n\n▼How to operate\nOperate with arrow keys or tap.\nMobile friendly.\n\nIf you touch thorns or magma, you will die.\nPlease be careful.\n\nLet's have a simple conversation with the other party in the chat!\nEx. Hello!\nEx. Hi!\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n▼説明\nあなたは青空の下で冒険をしよう!\nゴールを目指して出発!!\n\n▼操作方法\n矢印キー、またはタップで操作します。\nモバイル対応です。\n\nトゲや、マグマに触れると死んでしまいます。\n気を付けてください。\n\nチャットで相手と簡単な会話をしましょう!\n例.こんにちは!\n例.やあ!
☀️ Polytopia ☀️ - A Mobile-Friendly Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Bighead \n\nchange y by (-1)\nchange x by ((Xv) * (-1))\nchange y by (5)\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nNewton\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-11) y: (-3)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (-3)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (5)\n turn left (15) degrees\n change size by (3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [previous v]\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change size by (-3)\nend\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nrepeat (5)\n turn left (15) degrees\n change size by (3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Dreams v] until done\nend\n\n\n\ndefine Wall detection\nchange y by (-5)\nchange x by ((Xv) * (-1.7))\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Xv) ) > [.2]> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-6]\n else\n set [xv v] to [6]\n end\n set [yv v] to [14]\n else\n if <(Xv) < [-.2]> then\n set [yv v] to [-3]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nset x to (36)\n\ndefine Newton\nset size to (30) %\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [locked v] to [1]\nset [yv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-226) y: (-70)\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [xv v] by (0.6)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [xv v] by (-0.6)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n Wall detection\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) - ((Yv) * (2)))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (portal v)?> and <(Locked) = [0]>> then\n go to x: (-226) y: (-70)\n broadcast (DYEET v)\n end\n if <touching (moomoo v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (bounce pad v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [30]\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-131]> and <not <(Level) = [8]>>> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (sprite5 v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (sprite13 v)?> then\n change [xv v] by (5)\n end\n if <touching (sprite14 v)?> then\n change y by (([abs v] of (Xv) ) + (1))\n change [yv v] by (0.01)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [yv v] by (3)\n set [yv v] to ((Yv) * (0.9))\n else\n change [yv v] by (-0.2)\n end\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n set volume to (30) %\n end\n else\n if <(volume) = [30]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n end\n end\n if <<touching (key v)?> and <<(Locked) = [1]> and <(Costume) = [0]>>> then\n set [locked v] to [0]\n broadcast (Net v)\n end\nend\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (-226) y: (-70)\nset [locked v] to [1]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [yeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Bounce pad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n if <(Level) > [10]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yeet v]\nshow\nshow\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Next v)\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nset [level v] to [0]\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [yeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Let’s do dis v)\nhide\n\n@Sprite13\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [yeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite14\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to [back v] layer\n go to [back v] layer\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [yeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Previous v)\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite16\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nforever\nend\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point in direction ((([cos v] of ((tic) * (1.4)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n change y by (([cos v] of ((tic) * (2.1)) ) * (1.4))\n change size by (([cos v] of ((tic) * (1.4)) ) * (0.3))\n change [tic v] by (5)\nend\n\n@intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set size to (0) %\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (.2))\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set size to (0) %\n wait (0.2) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (.2))\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n hide\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set size to (0) %\n wait (0.3) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) * (.2))\n end\n wait (1.8) seconds\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (500)\n point in direction (180)\n set size to (120) %\n wait (0.8) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <<(round (y position)) = [0]> and <(round (direction)) = [90]>>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) * (.2))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) * (.2)) degrees\n end\n set [size vel v] to [100]\n repeat (30)\n change size by (size vel)\n set [size vel v] to (((size vel) * (0.8)) + (((100) - (size)) * (0.15)))\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n hide\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-500)\n set size to (100) %\n wait (2.2) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) * (.2))\n end\n wait (0.01) seconds\n hide\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-500)\n set size to (100) %\n wait (2.3) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) * (.2))\n end\n broadcast (introMusicStop v)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n broadcast (Start v)\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intromusicstop v]\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-1)\nend\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow list [output text v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (6)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (0) %\nwait (0.17) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\nplay sound [UNSPEAKABLEGAMING-INTRO-SONG-FULL-SOUNDTRACK-.mp3 v] until done\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to (bighead v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nshow\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <<(Locked) = [1]> and <not <(Level) = [14]>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n\nturn right (15) degrees\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\ndefine Position portal\nshow\nif <(Level) = [0]> then\n go to x: (138) y: (-51)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-9) y: (-11)\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-122) y: (140)\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (70) y: (-51)\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-29)\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (210) y: (120)\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (203) y: (-113)\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (210) y: (120)\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (190) y: (-38)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (144) y: (-41)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (111) y: (-52)\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nforever\n broadcast (Portal position v)\nend\n\nset size to (100) %\nturn left (15) degrees\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [portal position v]\nPosition portal\n\n@Key\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\ngo to x: (-205) y: (126)\nforever\n broadcast (Position v)\n if <touching (bighead v)?> then\n hide\n set [locked v] to [0]\n end\n if <(Locked) = [1]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nforever\n Portal position \nend\n\ndefine Portal position \npoint in direction (90)\nif <(Level) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (126)\nend\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (145)\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n point in direction (180)\n go to x: (36) y: (-22)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (96) y: (80)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (170) y: (130)\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (149) y: (-50)\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (128) y: (108)\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (155) y: (42)\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-216) y: (128)\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-201) y: (12)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (92) y: (136)\nend\nif <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (74) y: (15)\nend\nif <[] = [14]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nshow\nset [locked v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nshow\n\n@Sprite17\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (30) %\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (bighead v)\nturn right (pick random (0) to (360)) degrees\nrepeat (15)\n move (5) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (545622145621) layers\n\nshow\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@Sprite15\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nbroadcast (Yeet v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nshow\n\nhide\n\n@Sprite18\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (random position v)\ngo [backward v] (32) layers\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (25) to (80))\nset size to (pick random (30) to (50)) %\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <[] = [11]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Moomoo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-9) y: (-70)\nhide\n\ngo to x: (-66) y: (-70)\n\nwhen I receive [let’s do dis v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n glide (3) secs to x: (102) y: (-68)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-66) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nif then\nend\n\n@560BF1E4-9268-4F8E-9AD3-2AF953D70F48\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n
Epilepsy Warning: The second room involves some flashes of light and may cause discomfort.\n\nLeft / Right Arrow Keys: Move Left / Right\nUp Arrow Key: Jump\nDown Arrow Key: Open Doors, Advance Text\n\nTry to get to the end - the ending is beautiful, and I will not spoil it! If you play the game and see the ending, don't spoil it yourself! Beating the game gives you a special surprise!\n\nCheck out my other game, too!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/56173200/\n\nIf you find a bug, please report it in the comments!
Scrolling Platformer Creator [beta]
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nhide list [save v]\ndelete all of [save v]\nadd (Code) to [save v]\nadd [Triple Click the code to copy all] to [save v]\nadd [https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/407624/] to [save v]\nadd [Post your code there!] to [save v]\nadd [] to [save v]\nadd [To leave this page, type anything to the answer.] to [save v]\nask [Type anything here to leave] and wait\nbroadcast (BACK v)\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nshow list [save v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [TheFatRat - Unity \(Instrumental\) v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\n@Clone Base\n\nwhen flag clicked\nQuick setup\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(Status) = [Editor]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <not <touching (bottommenu v)?>> then\n if <(Status) = [Editor]> then\n switch costume to (@Menu)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set [4? v] to [1]\n set [@menu v] to [6]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n set [5? v] to [1]\n set [@menu v] to [6]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-2)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <key (i v) pressed?> then\n think (costume [name v])\n end\n else\n clear graphic effects\n think []\n end\n replace item (Clone Number) of [position v] with (costume [number v])\n if <(item # of [4] in [position v]) = [0]> then\n set [4? v] to [0]\n else\n set [4? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(item # of [5] in [position v]) = [0]> then\n set [5? v] to [0]\n else\n set [5? v] to [1]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set [player pos v] to (join ((x position) + (2000)) ((y position) + (2000)))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Quick setup\nset [clone number v] to [0]\ndelete all of [position v]\nrepeat (176)\n add [] to [position v]\nend\nhide\nswitch costume to (sky v)\ngo to x: (-225) y: (165)\nrepeat (11)\n change [clone number v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (15)\n change [clone number v] by (1)\n change x by (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n change y by (-30)\n set x to (-225)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n Code count\nend\n\ndefine Code count\nset [count number v] to [0]\nset [code v] to []\nrepeat (176)\n change [count number v] by (1)\n set [code v] to (join (Code) (item (Count Number) of [position v]))\nend\n\nset [player pos v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [read code v]\nask [Paste your code below] and wait\nif <not <(length of (answer)) = [176]>> then\n broadcast (BACK v)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n broadcast (Delete all clones v)\n Quick load (answer)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete all clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Quick load (answer)\nset [clone number v] to [0]\ndelete all of [position v]\nrepeat (176)\n add [] to [position v]\nend\nhide\nswitch costume to (sky v)\ngo to x: (-225) y: (165)\nrepeat (11)\n change [clone number v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (Clone Number) of (answer))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (15)\n change [clone number v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (Clone Number) of (answer))\n change x by (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n change y by (-30)\n set x to (-225)\nend\n\n@BottomMenu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nforever\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\n\n@Menu Tiles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-160)\nswitch costume to (ground v)\nSetup Clones\n\ndefine Setup Clones\nset [4? v] to [0]\nset [5? v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (35)\n next costume\nend\nchange x by (10)\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (35)\n next costume\nend\nchange x by (10)\nrepeat (2)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (35)\n next costume\nend\nchange x by (10)\nrepeat (3)\n change x by (35)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [bottommenu v]) = [1]> then\n if <<not <(costume [number v]) = [4]>> and <not <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(Status) = [Editor]> then\n set size to (120) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n think (costume [name v])\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [@menu v] to (costume [number v])\n end\n end\n else\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n think []\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n if <(4?) = [0]> then\n if <([costume # v] of [bottommenu v]) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <(5?) = [0]> then\n if <([costume # v] of [bottommenu v]) = [1]> then\n if <(Status) = [Editor]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [4? v] to [0]\n\nset [5? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n hide\nend\n\n@Menu Options\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (90) y: (-160)\nswitch costume to (save v)\nSetup Clones\n\ndefine Setup Clones\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (35)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [bottommenu v]) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n think (costume [name v])\n else\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n think []\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n broadcast (Play v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n broadcast (Load v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (READ CODE v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nrepeat (176)\n set [count number v] to [0]\n show\n change [count number v] by (1)\n if <(letter (Count Number) of (Code)) = (item (Count Number) of [position v])> then\n say [111]\n else\n say [No]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Restart v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <<touching color (#2eff35)?> or <<touching color (#27d82d)?> or <<touching color (#1fad24)?> or <<touching color (#f4af48)?> or <touching color (#cc8925)?>>>>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (BACK v)\nhide\nforever\n if <<touching color (#ffcc00)?> or <touching color (#eaae00)?>> then\n set [y v] to [17]\n end\n if <<touching color (#5ba153)?> or <touching color (#17d800)?>> then\n if <(Status) = [Play]> then\n broadcast (Next level v)\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ff00b4)?> then\n set [x v] to [15]\n end\n if <touching color (#b100ff)?> then\n set [x v] to [-15]\n end\n if <<<touching color (#dc0000)?> or <touching color (#ff0000)?>> or <<(y position) < [-170]> and <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> then\n broadcast (Restart v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: ((join (letter (1) of (Player Pos)) (join (letter (2) of (Player Pos)) (join (letter (3) of (Player Pos)) (letter (4) of (Player Pos))))) - (2000)) y: ((join (letter (5) of (Player Pos)) (join (letter (6) of (Player Pos)) (join (letter (7) of (Player Pos)) (letter (8) of (Player Pos))))) - (2000))\npoint in direction (90)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nbroadcast (Restart v)\nset [status v] to [Play]\n\nbroadcast (Next level v)\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nset [status v] to [Editor]\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nrepeat until <(Status) = [Editor]>\n hide\nend\n\n@ \n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (500)\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (10))\n clear graphic effects\nend\nwait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\nbroadcast (BACK v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [260]>\n change y by (((260) - (y position)) / (10))\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\nhide\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
Shadow - a dark platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (0.8) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Starship v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine 初期設定プログラム\nshow\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (ぷれいやあ v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nwait (1.2) seconds\n初期設定プログラム\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\nend\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [地面 v] to [0]\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [x v] to [9]\n else\n set [x v] to [-9]\n end\n set [y v] to [6]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [8.4]\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-0.333)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <[240] < (x position)> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <<touching (トゲ v)?> or <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching (マグマ v)?>>> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (6)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Rocketship\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (-182) y: (80)\npoint in direction (-90)\nrepeat (13)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [メッセージ1 v]\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nwait (1.4) seconds\nrepeat until <(ステージ) = [10]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nforever\n if <(ステージ) = [10]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n show variable [time v]\n end\nend\n\n@トゲ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\n if <(ステージ) = [6]> then\n turn right (-5) degrees\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [7]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\n@サムネイル\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@sozai\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nwait (0.4) seconds\nstart sound [bomb1 \(1\).mp3 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (explode-05-june\[2 v)\nshow\nrepeat (25)\n next costume\nend\nhide\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [メッセージ1 v]\nshow\ngo to x: (470) y: (0)\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (-470) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nhide\n\n@Free INTR\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[1] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (blue v)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (0.7) seconds\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nreset timer\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1.5) seconds\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (6) seconds\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [4]\ngo to x: (-240) y: (0)\npoint in direction (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (9)\n change x by (55)\n turn right (1) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[2] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n go to x: (0) y: (-394)\n switch costume to (x% v)\n show\n glide (2) secs to x: (0) y: (394)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (200)\n set [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[0] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (black v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[3] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (186)\n switch costume to (your name v)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (7))\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait () seconds\n end\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (5)\n point in direction (-90)\n set [π v] to [0]\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (30)\n set [π v] to (((π) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) / (5)))\n turn right (π) degrees\n change size by ((((π) + (10)) * (0.5)) + (((100) - (size)) / (3)))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[1] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n switch costume to (white v)\n set [π v] to (direction)\n set [color v] effect to (((π) mod (2)) * (25))\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-361)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (3))\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (size))\n change x by ((((-240) + ((55) * (π))) - (x position)) / (3))\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (3))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n wait (0.2) seconds\n broadcast (THE END v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nif <(ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ) = [4]> then\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n wait ((1) / ()) seconds\n delete this clone\nelse\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Blooom - Be Around \[NCS Release\] v]\n\n
Lava- a platformer game \nThis took me a while to make.\n\nYou know the rules and so do i\nI ADDED LEVELS!!! :DDDDDDDDD\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/459181114/\n\n\n\n\nComment cheezy buRgEr
Never Stop Dreaming: a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [page v] to [—]\nbroadcast (Intro v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait until <(PAGE) = [GAME]>\nrepeat until <(PAGE) = [Title]>\n broadcast (tick v)\n wait until <(D) = [3]>\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\nset [d v] to [3]\nwait until <(PAGE) = [GAME]>\nrepeat until <(PAGE) = [Title]>\n broadcast (b.tick v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (LOAD v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nset [page v] to [Intro]\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nset [page v] to [Title]\nbroadcast (PAGE)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [page v] to [GAME]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nset [page v] to [Title]\nset [d v] to [-]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sizing v] to [480]\nset [x vel type v] to [1]\nset [x speed v] to [7]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [deaths v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [deaths v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nset [page v] to [Options]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nset [d v] to [3]\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\nConfigure Logs - [PLAY]\n\ndefine Configure Logs - [PLAY]\nwait (.1) seconds\nif <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [1]> then\n add (join (join [LOG] [ ~ ]) (join [Time: \[] (join (join (current [hour v]) (join [:] (join (current [minute v]) [\]]))) (join [ Date: \[] (join (join (current [month v]) (join (join [/] (current [date v])) (join [/] (current [year v])))) [\]]))))) to [play log v]\nend\nif <not <([backdrop # v] of [_stage_ v]) = [1]>> then\n Error - Request Denied\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nif <(SFX) = [On]> then\n start sound [DEATH v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [impact v]\nif <(SFX) = [On]> then\n start sound [knock v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [d v] to [-]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (Newscreen v)\nwait (1) seconds\nNext level ((level) + (1))\n\nwait (.01) seconds\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\ndefine Next level (lvl id)\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n set [d v] to [0]\n set [level v] to (lvl id)\n broadcast (play v)\n wait (.01) seconds\n set [level v] to (lvl id)\nelse\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n set [d v] to [0]\n broadcast (STATS v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nbroadcast (_function v)\nwait (.01) seconds\nset [page v] to [GAME]\n\ndefine SETUP UL\nset [ul counter v] to [1]\ndelete all of [update logs v]\nrepeat (length of [bk ul v])\n add (item (UL counter) of [bk ul v]) to [update logs v]\n change [ul counter v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Add U Log (update)\nif <<[bk ul v] contains (update)?> = [false]> then\n add (join [Update : ] (join (join [\[ ] (join (update) [ \]])) (join [ Date: \[] (join (join (current [month v]) (join (join [/] (current [date v])) (join [/] (current [year v])))) [\]])))) to [bk ul v]\nend\n\ndefine Reboot UL\ndelete all of [bk ul v]\nAdd U Log [Logs Created]\nAdd U Log [Game Art Finalized]\nAdd U Log [Edited TB, mobile controls added]\nSETUP UL\n\ndefine Reset Play Log\ndelete all of [play log v]\n\ndefine Green Flag Logs\nif <(length of [gfl v]) < [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n FirstTimeSinceRefresh\n add (join (join [FIRST GFL LOG] [ ~ ]) (join [Time: \[] (join (join (current [hour v]) (join [:] (join (current [minute v]) [\]]))) (join [ Date: \[] (join (join (current [month v]) (join (join [/] (current [date v])) (join [/] (current [year v])))) [\]]))))) to [gfl v]\n Run system\nelse\n add (join (join [GFL LOG] [ ~ ]) (join [Time: \[] (join (join (current [hour v]) (join [:] (join (current [minute v]) [\]]))) (join [ Date: \[] (join (join (current [month v]) (join (join [/] (current [date v])) (join [/] (current [year v])))) [\]]))))) to [gfl v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nGreen Flag Clicked\n\ndefine Green Flag Clicked\nGreen Flag Logs\n\ndefine Show Logs\nwait (0) seconds\nhide list [play log v]\nwait (0) seconds\nhide list [gfl v]\nwait (0) seconds\nhide list [update logs v]\nwait (0) seconds\n\ndefine Hide Logs\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [play log v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [gfl v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [update logs v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [temporary file storage v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [portal position\(s\) v]\nwait (0) seconds\n\ndefine FirstTimeSinceRefresh\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\ndelete all of [gfl v]\ndelete all of [play log v]\ndelete all of [play log v]\ndelete all of [gfl v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nHide Logs\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nHide Logs\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\ndelete all of [bk ul v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n[NEW] Configure portal positions [LVL]\n\ndefine [OLD] Configure Portal Positions (qty: current levels)\ndelete all of [portal position\(s\) v]\ndelete all of [temporary file storage v]\nadd [1] to [temporary file storage v]\nrepeat (qty: current levels)\n add [Loading PORTAL SCRIPT...] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nend\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nrepeat ((qty: current levels) / (qty: current levels))\n if <[1] = (temporary file storage)> then\n replace item (temporary file storage) of [portal position\(s\) v] with (join (join (join (join [x: ] (join [529] [ ~ ])) [y: ]) [-214]) [ ~])\n add ((temporary file storage) + (1)) to [temporary file storage v]\n delete ((length of [temporary file storage v]) - (1)) of [temporary file storage v]\n end\n wait (.1) seconds\n if <[2] = (temporary file storage)> then\n replace item (temporary file storage) of [portal position\(s\) v] with (join (join (join (join [x: ] (join [-653] [ ~ ])) [y: ]) [140]) [ ~])\n add ((temporary file storage) + (1)) to [temporary file storage v]\n delete ((length of [temporary file storage v]) - (1)) of [temporary file storage v]\n end\nend\nshow list [portal position\(s\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nset [page v] to [STATS]\n\ndefine run backround timer (start) (delay)\nset [backround timer v] to (start)\nwait (delay) seconds\nforever\n change [backround timer v] by (.0158695286373141592654)\nend\n\ndefine reset backround timer\nset [backround timer v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n check for pass input\nend\n\ndefine check for pass input\nif <key ((letter (1) of (super secret)) v) pressed?> then\n set [input1 v] to []\n set [pass counter v] to [1]\n set [ssp timer v] to [14]\n repeat until <<(input1) = (super secret)> or <(ssp timer) < [1]>>\n change [ssp timer v] by (-0.569)\n if <key ((letter (pass counter) of (super secret)) v) pressed?> then\n set [input1 v] to (join (input1) (letter (pass counter) of (super secret)))\n change [pass counter v] by (1)\n change [ssp timer v] by (7)\n end\n if <(input1) = (super secret)> then\n [NEW] Configure portal positions []\n broadcast (AH v)\n end\n if <(ssp timer) < [1]> then\n end inputs\n end\n end\nelse\n set [input1 v] to []\n set [ssp timer v] to [READY]\nend\n\ndefine end inputs\ncheck for pass input\nset [input1 v] to []\nset [ssp timer v] to [READY]\nset [ssp timer v] to [10]\n\ndefine Error - Request Denied\nbroadcast (System Errors v)\ndouble-stop project\n\ndefine double-stop project\nrepeat (2)\n stop [all v]\nend\n\ndefine Run system\nrepeat until <[1999999] < (backround timer)>\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nwait until <(PAGE) = [TITLE]>\nError - Request Denied\n\nwhen I receive [dialog v]\nset voice to (tenor v)::tts\nspeak [SYSTEM ERROR]::tts\nwait (0) seconds\nspeak [THE SERVER TIMED OUT! PLEASE REFRESH PROJECT!]::tts\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\ndefine Clear logs (log1) and (log2)\nif <(log1) = [Play Log]> then\n delete all of [play log v]\nend\nif <(log2) = [Play Log]> then\n delete all of [play log v]\nend\nif <(log1) = [GFL]> then\n delete all of [gfl v]\nend\nif <(log2) = [GFL]> then\n delete all of [gfl v]\nend\n\ndefine Clear GFL and PL\nClear logs [Play Log] and [GFL]\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nset [page v] to [STATS]\nset [d v] to [-]\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\n [OLD] Configure Portal Positions [2]\n\nwhen I receive [ah v]\nchange [gametimecounter v] by (555)\n\ndefine [NEW] Configure portal positions (shortcut)\nrepeat (3)\n add [placeholder] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nend\ndelete all of [portal position\(s\) v]\nset [decode prtl length v] to (length of (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 1c:]) (join [ ] [])) [ |]))\nadd [529] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd [-214] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd [-653] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd [140] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd [0] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd [0] to [portal position\(s\) v]\n\nrepeat (3)\n add [placeholder] to [portal position\(s\) v]\nend\ndelete all of [portal position\(s\) v]\nset [decode prtl length v] to (length of (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 1c:]) (join [ ] [])) [ |]))\nadd (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 1x:]) (join [ ] [529])) [ |]) to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 1y:]) (join [ ] [-214])) [ |]) to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 2x:]) (join [ ] [-653])) [ |]) to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 2y:]) (join [ ] [140])) [ |]) to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 3x:]) (join [ ] [0])) [ |]) to [portal position\(s\) v]\nadd (join (join (join (shortcut) [ 3y:]) (join [ ] [0])) [ |]) to [portal position\(s\) v]\n\n@blank\n\n@intro\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nclone\nset volume to (100) %\n\ndefine clone\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nset [cloneid v] to [back]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [logo1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [logo2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [swipe]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [me]\nswitch costume to (intro v)\nwait (3.2) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [beat v] to [.715]\nif <(cloneID) = [swipe]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (dot v)\n go to x: (-500) y: (0)\n set size to (300) %\n switch costume to (end.swipe v)\n go to x: (-500) y: (0)\n wait (6) seconds\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (.4) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n broadcast (end intro v)\n glide (.4) secs to x: (0) y: (500)\n go to [front v] layer\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n switch costume to (back v)\n show\n end\n if <(cloneID) = [logo1]> then\n switch costume to (logo1 v)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n repeat (50)\n change size by (size1)\n set [size1 v] to ((((140) + ((size) * (-1))) / (2)) + ((.7) * (size1)))\n end\n end\n if <(cloneID) = [logo2]> then\n switch costume to (logo2 v)\n set [beat v] to [.715]\n set size to (0) %\n wait (1.16) seconds\n show\n repeat (50)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (size1)\n set [size1 v] to ((((138) + ((size) * (-1))) / (2)) + ((.2) * (size1)))\n end\n wait (.4) seconds\n switch costume to (logo2 v)\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (.04) seconds\n end\n set [x v] to [-15]\n repeat (20)\n change x by (x)\n change [x v] by (.9)\n end\n set [x v] to [40]\n repeat (30)\n set [x2 v] to (x position)\n set [y2 v] to (y position)\n bubblessss (x2) (y2)\n change x by (x)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9059))\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [logo2 8]>> then\n next costume\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [beat v] to [.715]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo1]> then\n wait (2.89) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n set size to (134) %\n switch costume to (back v)\n wait (4.359) seconds\n swipe\nend\n\ndefine swipe\nswitch costume to (back v)\nrepeat (13)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nif <not <(cloneID) = [swipe]>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [me]> then\n repeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [Bubble]> then\n set size to (pick random (25) to (pick random (35) to (pick random (45) to (60)))) %\n switch costume to (bubble v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set x to (x2)\n set y to (y2)\n set y to (pick random (-30) to (30))\n repeat (pick random (2) to (4))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine bubblessss (x2) (y2)\nset [x2 v] to (x2)\nset [y2 v] to (y2)\nset [cloneid v] to [bubble]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nEraseMemory\n\ndefine EraseMemory\nset [beat v] to [0]\nset [beat v] to [0]\nset [delay v] to [0]\nset [size1 v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [x2 v] to [0]\nset [y2 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [Back]> then\n play sound [FIX v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Player Hitbox\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nset size to (100) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait until <(D) = [0]>\nbroadcast (Glide v)\n\nwhen I receive [fade-in v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (.78) seconds\nset [d v] to [3]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nif <<touching color (#bc66ff)?> or <<touching color (#9966ff)?> or <touching color (#8d54ff)?>>> then\n broadcast (BOUNCE v)\nend\nif <<touching color (#feff66)?> or <<touching color (#e7e75c)?> or <touching color (#d6dd63)?>>> then\n broadcast (BOUNCE2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#00cc39)?> then\n broadcast (SetCHKPT v)\n change [lvl ckpt v] by (1)\n wait until <not <touching color (#01e442)?>>\n set [saved x v] to (SCROLL X)\n set [saved y v] to (SCROLL Y)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nchange [deaths v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#0096db)?> or <touching color (#00adff)?>> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n wait until <not <(D) = [3]>>\n wait until <(D) = [3]>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [lvl ckpt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\nforever\n if <<touching color (#1d609f)?> or <touching color (#4b3d4b)?>> then\n broadcast (Portal v)\n wait (3) seconds\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n wait until <not <<touching color (#1d609f)?> or <touching color (#4b3d4b)?>>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [portal v]\nrepeat (10)\n set [d v] to [POR]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <key (c v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n change [deaths v] by (0)\n wait until <not <key (c v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nif <(D) = [0]> then\nend\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\nrepeat (10)\n set [d v] to [Pending]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Snow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait until <(PAGE) = [GAME]>\nrepeat until <(PAGE) = [Title]>\n if <(SNOW) = [On]> then\n if <not <(D) = [-]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (e4) seconds\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nLAYER SET\nif <(stopped?) = [false]> then\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n set size to (pick random (100) to (150)) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (900)\n switch costume to (pick random (2) to (4))\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (55) to (70))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (300)\n else\n go to x: (500) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [2]> then\n repeat until <<(x position) < [-239]> or <(y position) < [-179]>>\n turn left (1) degrees\n change y by (((PLAYER YV) / (1.5)) + (-3))\n show\n if <(D) = [3]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change x by ((((X SPEED) * (-1)) / (1.5)) + (-2.14))\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change x by (-1.2)\n end\n if <not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>>>> then\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\n if <[13] < (PLAYER YV)> then\n if <[170] < (y position)> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat until <<(x position) < [-239]> or <(y position) < [-179]>>\n turn left (-1) degrees\n change y by (((PLAYER YV) / (1.5)) + (-3))\n show\n if <(D) = [3]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change x by ((((X SPEED) * (-1)) / (1.5)) + (-2.14))\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change x by (-1.2)\n end\n if <not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>>>> then\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\n if <[13] < (PLAYER YV)> then\n if <[170] < (y position)> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nelse\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n set size to (pick random (100) to (150)) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (900)\n switch costume to (pick random (2) to (4))\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (55) to (70))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [2]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (300)\n else\n go to x: (500) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\n end\n if <(pick random (1) to (3)) = [2]> then\n repeat until <<(x position) < [-239]> or <(y position) < [-179]>>\n turn left (1) degrees\n change y by (((PLAYER YV) / (1.5)) + (-3))\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(D) = [3]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change x by ((((X SPEED) * (-1)) / (1.5)) + (-2.14))\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change x by (-1.2)\n end\n if <not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>>>> then\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\n if <[13] < (PLAYER YV)> then\n if <[170] < (y position)> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n repeat until <<(x position) < [-239]> or <(y position) < [-179]>>\n turn left (-1) degrees\n change y by (((PLAYER YV) / (1.5)) + (-3))\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(D) = [3]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change x by ((((X SPEED) * (-1)) / (1.5)) + (-2.14))\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change x by (-1.2)\n end\n if <not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>>>> then\n change x by (-3)\n end\n end\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\n if <[13] < (PLAYER YV)> then\n if <[170] < (y position)> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (e4) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <not <<touching (playerart v)?> or <touching (player hitbox v)?>>>> then\n if <(stopped?) = [false]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine LAYER SET\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(stopped?) = [true]> then\n set [player yv v] to [0]\nend\n\n@PlayerArt\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nset rotation style [all around v]\nif <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (player22 v)\nelse\n if <not <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>>>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n else\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n end\n else\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n switch costume to (player5 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait until <(D) = [0]>\nbroadcast (Glide v)\n\nwhen I receive [fade-in v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (.78) seconds\nset [d v] to [3]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (.15) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nwait (.2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine TypeTalk (text) (delay) (a)\nset [talk1 v] to [0]\nset [talk2 v] to []\nrepeat ((length of (text)) + (1))\n say (Talk2)\n set [talk2 v] to (join (Talk2) (letter (Talk1) of (text)))\n wait (delay) seconds\n change [talk1 v] by (1)\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\nend\nsay (Talk2) for (a) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\nsay [] for (0) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [portal v]\nspiral\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nReset Graphics\n\ndefine spiral\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(SFX) = [On]> then\n broadcast (sound v)\nend\nrepeat (50)\n move (3.141592654) steps\n turn right (20) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change size by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\ndefine Reset Graphics\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\nReset Graphics\n\nwhen I receive [sound v]\nstart sound [Magic Spell v]\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@LEVEL DEC\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nif <(D) = [3]> then\n go to x: (SCROLL X) y: (SCROLL Y)\n show\nelse\n go to (-level- v)\nend\nswitch costume to (join (join (join [Level] [ ]) (level)) (join [ ] ((Lvl CKPT) + (1))))\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Calibrate to size: (s)\nResetV\nswitch costume to (c v)\nset size to (s) %\nswitch costume to ((1) + (1))\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nCalibrate to size: (Sizing)\n\nwhen I receive [setchkpt v]\nchange [lvl ckpt v] by (0)\n\nwhen I receive [new lvl v]\nset [lvl ckpt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [lvl ckpt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@-LEVEL-\n\ndefine ResetV\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\n\ndefine Calibrate to size: (s)\nResetV\nswitch costume to (c v)\nset size to (s) %\nswitch costume to ((.5) + (1.5))\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(X VEL TYPE) = [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n if <(X VEL TYPE) = [1]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>>> then\n change x by ((X SPEED) * (-1))\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change x by (X SPEED)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change x by (X SPEED)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change x by ((X SPEED) * (-1))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (7)\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v] to [-10]\n broadcast (Jump v)\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [y v] by (1)\nchange y by (round (y))\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse y)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [-13]\n end\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nset [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\nchange x by (round (x))\n\ndefine Pos\nResetV\ngo to x: (SAVED X) y: (SAVED Y)\nResetV\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(D) = [3]> then\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n if <[900] < (y position)> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n wait until <not <(D) = [3]>>\n wait until <(D) = [3]>\n end\n end\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n if <[859] < (y position)> then\n broadcast (Death v)\n wait until <not <(D) = [3]>>\n wait until <(D) = [3]>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nDeath.pos\nResetV\n\ndefine Death.pos\nif <not <(D) = [POR]>> then\n set [d v] to [5]\n wait (.2) seconds\n set [d v] to [0]\nend\nResetV\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [d v] to [3]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nResetLVL\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nset [scroll x v] to (round (x position))\nset [scroll y v] to (round (y position))\n\nwhen I receive [glide v]\nglide (.25) secs to x: (SAVED X) y: (SAVED Y)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Fade-IN v)\nResetV\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nResetLVL\nCalibrate to size: (Sizing)\nResetLVL\nPos\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nset [player xv v] to (x)\nset [player yv v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [bounce v]\nset [y v] to [-20]\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-2)\nend\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (10)\n hide\nend\n\ndefine ResetLVL\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n set [saved x v] to [990]\n set [saved y v] to [550]\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n set [saved x v] to [900]\n set [saved y v] to [430]\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n set [saved x v] to [900]\n set [saved y v] to [430]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nResetLVL\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [_function v]\nrepeat (3)\n ResetLVL\n ResetLVL\nend\n\ndefine decode portal position (qty: cur lvls) (value) (level)\ndelete all of [decoded v]\ndelete all of [decoded v]\nrepeat (qty: cur lvls)\n add [] to [decoded v]\nend\nset [decode char counter v] to [4]\nset [counter char 2 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(letter (decode char counter) of (item (level) of [portal position\(s\) v])) = (value)>\n replace item (counter char 2) of [decoded v] with (join (item (counter char 2) of [decoded v]) (letter (decode char counter) of (item (level) of [portal position\(s\) v])))\n change [decode char counter v] by (1)\nend\nset [decode char counter v] to [13]\nchange [counter char 2 v] by (1)\nrepeat until <(letter (decode char counter) of (item (level) of [portal position\(s\) v])) = (value)>\n replace item (counter char 2) of [decoded v] with (join (item (counter char 2) of [decoded v]) (letter (decode char counter) of (item (level) of [portal position\(s\) v])))\n change [decode char counter v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [portal v]\nnew portal function\n\ndefine Glide to: x: (x) y: (y) speed: (-)\nglide (-) secs to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [decoded v]\nshow list [decoded v]\n\nwhen I receive [bounce2 v]\nset [y v] to [-40]\n\ndefine Hack\nset [d v] to [0]\ndecode portal position [2] [ ] []\nGlide to: x: (item (1) of [decoded v]) y: (item (2) of [decoded v]) speed: [.25]\nset [d v] to [3]\n\ndefine check for pass input\nif <key ((letter (1) of (super secret)) v) pressed?> then\n set [input1 v] to []\n set [pass counter v] to [1]\n set [ssp timer v] to [14]\n repeat until <<(input1) = (super secret)> or <(ssp timer) < [1]>>\n change [ssp timer v] by (-0.569)\n if <key ((letter (pass counter) of (super secret)) v) pressed?> then\n set [input1 v] to (join (input1) (letter (pass counter) of (super secret)))\n change [pass counter v] by (1)\n change [ssp timer v] by (7)\n end\n if <(input1) = (super secret)> then\n stop [all v]\n end\n if <(ssp timer) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nelse\n set [input1 v] to []\n set [ssp timer v] to [READY]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [input1 v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [ah v]\nbroadcast (Portal v)\n\nwhen I receive [ah v]\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [y to 0 v]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [player yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ndefine old portal function\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n decode portal position [2] [ ] (level)\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n decode portal position [2] [~] [2]\nend\nGlide to: x: (item (1) of [decoded v]) y: (item (2) of [decoded v]) speed: [.25]\n\ndefine new portal function\nchange [level v] by (0)\nGlide to: x: (item ((-1) + ((2) * (level))) of [portal position\(s\) v]) y: (item ((0) + ((2) * (level))) of [portal position\(s\) v]) speed: [.25]\n\n@LEVEL PRTL\n\nwhen I receive [b.tick v]\nif <(D) = [3]> then\n go to x: (SCROLL X) y: (SCROLL Y)\nelse\n go to (-level- v)\nend\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Calibrate to size: (s)\nResetV\nswitch costume to (c v)\nset size to (s) %\nswitch costume to (level)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nCalibrate to size: (Sizing)\n\nwhen I receive [setchkpt v]\nchange [lvl ckpt v] by (0)\n\nwhen I receive [new lvl v]\nset [lvl ckpt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [lvl ckpt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Swiper\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset volume to (50) %\nCalibrate\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset volume to (20) %\nif <(SFX) = [On]> then\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\nend\nglide (.4) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (.5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nchange volume by (-10)\nif <(SFX) = [On]> then\n start sound [Low Whoosh v]\nend\nglide (.4) secs to x: (0) y: (500)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Calibrate\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (0)\nset size to (800) %\ngo to x: (-1000) y: (0)\nchange x by (-70)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@TitleScreen\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nClone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Clone\nset [myid v] to [Back]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Title]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Play]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Options]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Return]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Help]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [HelpTab]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (options v)\nif <(myID) = [Back]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (back v)\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (100) %\nend\nif <(myID) = [Title]> then\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (title v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\nend\nif <(myID) = [Play]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-20)\n switch costume to (play v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set size to (148) %\nend\nif <(myID) = [Options]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\n switch costume to (options v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set size to (148) %\nend\nif <(myID) = [Return]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-163)\n switch costume to (return v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\nend\nif <(myID) = [Help]> then\n go to x: (207) y: (-151)\n switch costume to (help v)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end intro v]\nif <<<<(myID) = [Options]> or <(myID) = [Play]>> or <(myID) = [Title]>> or <(myID) = [Back]>> then\n show\n repeat (6)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nif <<<<<(myID) = [Options]> or <(myID) = [Play]>> or <(myID) = [Title]>> or <(myID) = [Back]>> or <(myID) = [Help]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(myID) = [Play]> or <(myID) = [Options]>> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (50)) ) * (5)))\n set size to ((162) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (150)) ) * (5))) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n else\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (5)))\n set size to ((150) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (150)) ) * (5))) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-1)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(myID) = [Title]> then\n forever\n set y to ((90) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (75)) ) * (10)))\n end\nend\nif <(myID) = [Help]> then\n forever\n switch costume to (help v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (50)) ) * (2)))\n set size to ((122) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (150)) ) * (5))) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n else\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (100)) ) * (2)))\n set size to ((110) + (([sin v] of (((backround timer) - (0)) * (75)) ) * (10))) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(myID) = [Play]> or <(myID) = [Options]>> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(PAGE) = [Title]> then\n broadcast (Newscreen v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (myID)\n if <[Play] = (myID)> then\n broadcast (start recording stats v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nif <<(myID) = [Return]> or <<(myID) = [Back]> or <(myID) = [Title]>>> then\n repeat (10)\n show\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nif <(myID) = [Return]> then\n forever\n if <(PAGE) = [Options]> then\n show\n go to x: (-200) y: (-163)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (107) %\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Newscreen v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Title v)\n end\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\n else\n if <(PAGE) = [GAME]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <not <(PAGE) = [GAME]>>\n show\n go to x: (208) y: (166)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (86) %\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (AUS v)\n wait until <(AUS) = [5]>\n wait until <(AUS) = [0]>\n end\n else\n set size to (80) %\n end\n end\n else\n if <(PAGE) = [STATS]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go to x: (-200) y: (-163)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (107) %\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Newscreen v)\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Title v)\n end\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(myID) = [HelpTab]> then\n switch costume to (helptab v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(myID) = [Help]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(PAGE) = [Title]> then\n broadcast (help v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nset [page v] to [help]\nif <not <<(myID) = [HelpTab]> or <(myID) = [Back]>>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n wait until <(PAGE) = [Title]>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nelse\n if <(myID) = [HelpTab]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n broadcast (Title v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(myID) = [Back]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(myID) = [CHECKPOINT]> then\n go to x: (-206) y: (167)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nif <(myID) = [Return]> then\n show\n repeat (6)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Backround \n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: ((SCROLL X) / (2)) y: ((SCROLL Y) / (2))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nCalibrate to size: [400]\n\ndefine Calibrate to size: (s)\nResetV\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (s) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@music\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nwait (6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [StoneSteps v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nwait (7) seconds\nforever\n if <(MSC) = [Off]> then\n set volume to (0) %\n else\n if <(MSC) = [On]> then\n set volume to (100) %\n end\n end\nend\n\n@AUS\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [aus v]\nset [aus v] to [5]\nset [aus ans v] to [0]\nhide\nset [myid v] to [B]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Q]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [Y]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [N]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (myID)\n\nwhen I receive [answered v]\nif <(myID) = [0]> then\n if <(AUS ANS) = [y]> then\n broadcast (Newscreen v)\n set [aus v] to [0]\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Title v)\n else\n if <(AUS ANS) = [n]> then\n broadcast (resume v)\n set [aus v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [resume v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [aus ans v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\nwait (.5) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [aus v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(myID) = [N]> then\n go to x: (35) y: (-27)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(myID) = [Y]> then\n go to x: (-35) y: (-27)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(myID) = [Q]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(myID) = [B]> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(myID) = [N]> or <(myID) = [Y]>> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (105) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-14)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [aus ans v] to (myID)\n broadcast (Answered v)\n end\n else\n set size to (100) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [aus ans v] to [N]\n broadcast (Answered v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Game Options\n\nwhen I receive [load v]\nCLONE\n\ndefine CLONE\nset [mystatus v] to [On]\nset [myid v] to [SFX]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [MUSIC]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [SNOW]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [VSL]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [E]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [LOGO]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [MYSELF]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nSETUP ACC TO (MyID)\nforever\n if <(PAGE) = [Options]> then\n if <<(MyID) = [SNOW]> or <<(MyID) = [MUSIC]> or <(MyID) = [SFX]>>> then\n set size to (96) %\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<((y position) - (dis)) < (mouse y)> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) - ((0) - (dis)))>> and <<((x position) - (dis)) < (mouse x)> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - ((0) - (dis)))>>>> then\n if <(myStatus) = [On]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [Off]\n else\n if <(myStatus) = [Off]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n end\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <<<((y position) - (dis)) < (mouse y)> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) - ((0) - (dis)))>> and <<((x position) - (dis)) < (mouse x)> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - ((0) - (dis)))>>>>>\n if <(SFX) = [On]> then\n start sound [Clock Ticking v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(MyID) = [VSL]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [brightness v] effect to (-14)\n if <mouse down?> then\n Show Logs\n wait until <not <(Log show?) = [true]>>\n end\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (115) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine SETUP ACC TO (id)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nif <(id) = [SFX]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n go to x: (-130) y: (-9)\n switch costume to (sfx-on v)\nend\nif <(id) = [MUSIC]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n go to x: (-130) y: (-50)\n switch costume to (music-on v)\nend\nif <(id) = [SNOW]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n go to x: (-130) y: (-91)\n switch costume to (snow-on v)\nend\nif <(id) = [VSL]> then\n set size to (115) %\n set [mystatus v] to []\n go to x: (95) y: (-87)\n switch costume to (vsl v)\nend\nif <(id) = [LOGO]> then\n set size to (50) %\n set [mystatus v] to []\n go to x: (95) y: (-27)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\nif <(id) = [E]> then\n set size to (115) %\n set [mystatus v] to []\n go to x: (0) y: (-168)\n switch costume to (e v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [options v]\nHide Logs\nif <not <<(MyID) = [E]> or <(MyID) = [MYSELF]>>> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nHide Logs\nif <not <(MyID) = [MYSELF]>> then\n hide\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(MyID) = [SFX]> then\n set [sfx v] to (myStatus)\n if <(myStatus) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (sfx-on v)\n end\n if <(myStatus) = [Off]> then\n switch costume to (sfx-off v)\n end\n end\n if <(MyID) = [MUSIC]> then\n set [msc v] to (myStatus)\n if <(myStatus) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (music-on v)\n end\n if <(myStatus) = [Off]> then\n switch costume to (music-off v)\n end\n end\n if <(MyID) = [SNOW]> then\n set [snow v] to (myStatus)\n if <(myStatus) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (snow-on v)\n end\n if <(myStatus) = [Off]> then\n switch costume to (snow-off v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [dis v] to [22]\nchange [dis v] by (1)\n\ndefine Show Logs\nwait (0) seconds\nhide list [play log v]\nwait (0) seconds\nhide list [gfl v]\nwait (0) seconds\nhide list [update logs v]\nwait (0) seconds\nset [log show? v] to [true]\nbroadcast (SL v)\n\ndefine Hide Logs\nbroadcast (HL v)\nset [log show? v] to [false]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [play log v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [gfl v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [update logs v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [temporary file storage v]\nwait (0) seconds\nshow list [portal position v]\nwait (0) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nHide Logs\nset [log show? v] to [false]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [sl v]\nif <(MyID) = [E]> then\n if <(Log show?) = [true]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat until <(Log show?) = [false]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-14)\n set size to (105) %\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [log show? v] to [false]\n Hide Logs\n hide\n end\n else\n set size to (100) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n hide\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Splash / TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [stopped? v] to [false]\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (500)\nset size to (500) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (500)\nset size to (215) %\nswitch costume to (bit v)\nset [y v] to [-25]\nshow\nforever\n reset timer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (.01)\nset [stopped? v] to [true]\nbroadcast (stopped v)\nGLIDE\n\ndefine GLIDE\nrepeat until <[0] < (Y)>\n change [y v] by (1.6)\n change y by (Y)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nbroadcast (Y to 0 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (bit v)\n show list [temporary file storage v]\n wait (0) seconds\n show list [portal position v]\n wait (0) seconds\n if <(MSC) = [On]> then\n play sound [StoneSteps v] until done\n end\nend\n\ndefine run forever\nforever\n wait (e4) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n reset timer\n show list [gfl v]\n show list [play log v]\n show list [update logs v]\n show list [bk ul v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stopped v]\nforever\n set [d v] to [STOPPED]\nend\n\n@Logo\n\n@STAT DATA/PAGE\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nRunTimer\n\ndefine REFRESH CLOUD\n\nset [☁ wr deaths v] to (☁ WR DEATHS)\nset [☁ wr time v] to (☁ WR TIME)\n\ndefine REBOOT RECORDS (value) (value2)\nset [☁ wr deaths v] to (value)\nset [☁ wr time v] to (value2)\nREFRESH CLOUD\n\ndefine NORMAL : Reset records\nREBOOT RECORDS [0] [999]\n\ndefine UPDATE LISTS (timeunit)\nPRESET LISTS\nREFRESH CLOUD\nreplace item (item # of [TIME] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [TIME: ] (join ([abs v] of (gametimecounter) ) (timeunit)))\nreplace item (item # of [WR TIME] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [WR TIME: ] (join (☁ WR TIME) (timeunit)))\nreplace item (item # of [DEATHS] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [DEATHS: ] (join (DEATHS) []))\nreplace item (item # of [WR DEATHS] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [WR DEATHS: ] (join (☁ WR DEATHS) []))\n\ndefine PRESET LISTS\ndelete all of [stats v]\nadd [TIME] to [stats v]\nadd [WR TIME] to [stats v]\nadd [DEATHS] to [stats v]\nadd [WR DEATHS] to [stats v]\n\ndefine SEE LIST FUNCTION <status>\nif <<status> = [True]> then\n hide list [stats v]\nelse\n show list [stats v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nPRESET LISTS\n\ndefine CHECKDEATHRECORDS <newdeathrecord?>\nif <<newdeathrecord?> = [True]> then\n if <<newdeathrecord?> = [True]> then\n if <<newdeathrecord?> = [True]> then\n if <<newdeathrecord?> = [True]> then\n setdeathrecord ([abs v] of (DEATHS) )\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine setdeathrecord (value)\nset [☁ wr deaths v] to (value)\n\ndefine RunTimer\nset [gametimecounter v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(PAGE) = [STATS]> or <(PAGE) = [TITLE]>>\n if <(AUS) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [gametimecounter v] to ((gametimecounter) + (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n SEE LIST FUNCTION <key (space v) pressed?>\n UPDATE LISTS [ sec]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [aus v]\nshow list [stats v]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nshow list [stats v]\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\nif <(PAGE) = [GAME]> then\n repeat until <<(PAGE) = [STATS]> or <(PAGE) = [TITLE]>>\n show list [stats v]\n end\nelse\n show list [stats v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stats v]\nPrepare Print\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nPrint txt - broadcast: [Print STATS]\n\ndefine wait for incoming data\nwait (.1) seconds\n\ndefine finalize stat data\nPRESET LISTS\nREFRESH CLOUD\nreplace item (item # of [TIME] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [TIME: ] (join ([abs v] of (gametimecounter) ) (timeunit)))\nreplace item (item # of [WR TIME] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [WR TIME: ] (join ([abs v] of (☁ WR TIME) ) (timeunit)))\nreplace item (item # of [DEATHS] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [DEATHS: ] (join (DEATHS) []))\nreplace item (item # of [WR DEATHS] in [stats v]) of [stats v] with (join [WR DEATHS: ] (join (☁ WR DEATHS) []))\n\ndefine Hide LIST\nrepeat (1)\n show list [stats v]\nend\n\ndefine REFRESH CLOUD VAR\n\nset [☁ wr deaths v] to ([abs v] of (☁ WR DEATHS) )\nset [☁ wr time v] to ([abs v] of (☁ WR TIME) )\n\ndefine Check for records\nREFRESH CLOUD\nCHECKDEATHRECORDS <(☁ WR DEATHS) < (DEATHS)>\nCHECKTIMERECORDS <(gametimecounter) < (☁ WR TIME)>\nREFRESH CLOUD\n\ndefine CHECKTIMERECORDS <newtimerecord?>\nif <<newtimerecord?> = [true]> then\n if <<newtimerecord?> = [true]> then\n if <<newtimerecord?> = [true]> then\n if <<newtimerecord?> = [true]> then\n set new time rec ([abs v] of ((1) * ((gametimecounter) - (0))) )\n REFRESH CLOUD\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine set new time rec (new record value )\nREFRESH CLOUD\nset [☁ wr time v] to (new record value )\n\ndefine Prepare Print\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nHide LIST\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nREFRESH CLOUD VAR\nHide LIST\nwait for incoming data\nCheck for records\nfinalize stat data\nCheck for records\n\ndefine Print txt - broadcast: (message)\nbroadcast (message)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nset [color v] effect to (0)\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [gametimecounter v] to [0]\n\n@text\n\ndefine (print) x: (x) y: (y) size: (size) color: (color) brightness: (brightness)\nset [brightness v] effect to (brightness)\nhide\nset [color v] effect to (color)\nset size to (size) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [txt v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (print))\n change [txt v] by (1)\n switch costume to (letter (txt) of (print))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n stamp\n change x by ((size) / (9))\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [print stats v]\nPrint Stats [-75]\n\ndefine Print Stats (x pos)\nDelete all txt\n(join (gametimecounter) [ sec]) x: (x pos) y: [41] size: [134.5] color: [0] brightness: [100]\n(join (☁ WR TIME) [ sec]) x: (x pos) y: [16] size: [134.5] color: [0] brightness: [100]\n(join (DEATHS) []) x: (x pos) y: [-34] size: [134.5] color: [0] brightness: [100]\n(join (☁ WR DEATHS) []) x: (x pos) y: [-59] size: [134.5] color: [0] brightness: [100]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (2)\n set drag mode [not draggable v]\nend\nbroadcast (txt noise v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n if <(delete txt) = [1]> then\n erase all\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine Delete all txt\nerase all\nset [delete txt v] to [0]\nwait (0) seconds\nset [delete txt v] to [1]\nwait (0) seconds\nset [delete txt v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [newscreen v]\nDelete all txt\n\nwhen I receive [txt noise v]\nset volume to (40) %\nstart sound [click v]\n\n@timer\n\ndefine run backround timer (start) (delay)\nset [backround timer v] to (start)\nwait (delay) seconds\nforever\n change [backround timer v] by (.0158695286373141592654)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrun backround timer [0] [0]\n\n@(DELETE THIS)\n\ndefine CLONE\nset [mystatus v] to [On]\nset [myid v] to [SFX]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [MUSIC]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [SNOW]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [VSL]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [E]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [myid v] to [LOGO]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nhide\nSETUP ACC TO (MyID)\nforever\n if <(PAGE) = [settings]> then\n if <<(MyID) = [SNOW]> or <<(MyID) = [MUSIC]> or <(MyID) = [SFX]>>> then\n set size to (96) %\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<((y position) - (dis)) < (mouse y)> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) - ((0) - (dis)))>> and <<((x position) - (dis)) < (mouse x)> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - ((0) - (dis)))>>>> then\n if <(myStatus) = [On]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [Off]\n else\n if <(myStatus) = [Off]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n end\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <<<((y position) - (dis)) < (mouse y)> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) - ((0) - (dis)))>> and <<((x position) - (dis)) < (mouse x)> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - ((0) - (dis)))>>>>>\n if <(SFX) = [On]> then\n start sound [Clock Ticking v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine setup\nCLONE\npreset ID to [MYSELF]\n\ndefine preset ID to (value)\nset [myid v] to (value)\n\ndefine SETUP ACC TO (id)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nif <(id) = [SFX]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n go to x: (-130) y: (-9)\n switch costume to (sfx-on v)\nend\nif <(id) = [MUSIC]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n go to x: (-130) y: (-50)\n switch costume to (music-on v)\nend\nif <(id) = [SNOW]> then\n set [mystatus v] to [On]\n go to x: (-130) y: (-91)\n switch costume to (snow-on v)\nend\n\n
    ※報告乱用されたので再共有しました。\n   日本語は下。❤️&⭐️&Followよろしく!\n      【Method of operation】\n・Left/Right movement:You can tap the arrow keys right or left, and the A of D key to move the main character to the right or left. ・Jump can de operated dy tapping the up arrow key, the W key, or the main character'stop.\n・ Crouch Can be operated by pressing the left arrow key, S key, or tapping below the main character.\nYou can go to the next stage by pressing the K key. If you find a stage difficult, press the K key.\nIf you find this work even a little interesting, please press ♡ and ☆ and follow me!\n        【操作方法】\n・左/右の動き:矢印キーを右または左に、AまたはDキーをタップすると、主人公を右または左に移動できます。\n・ジャンプは、上矢印キー、Wキー、または主人公の上をタップして操作できます。\nKキーを押すと、次の段階に進むことができます。ステージが難しい場合は、Kキーを押してください。\nこの作品が少しでも面白いと思ったら、♡と☆を押してフォローしてください!
The moon || a mobile platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (sky v)\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [Intro Music v]\nwait (13) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop all sounds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n play sound [Ninja Music v] until done\n if <(level) = [26]> then\n switch backdrop to (secret v)\n end\nend\n\n@Red Ninja\n\ndefine Reset Level\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [turn v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n change [y v] by (-0.3)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n set [y v] to ((y) * (.9))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [which ninja? v] to [1]\nset [equipped? v] to [0]\nset [level deaths v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nbroadcast (Next v)\nReset Level\nforever\n if <(equipped?) > [1]> then\n set [equipped? v] to [0]\n end\n if <(jump boost on/off) > [1]> then\n set [jump boost on/off v] to [0]\n end\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n show\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n Reset Level\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (.9)\n change [turn v] by (.9)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-.9)\n change [turn v] by (-.9)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (.9))\n change x by (x)\n set [turn v] to ((turn) * (.9))\n turn right (turn) degrees\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change [x v] by (((x) * (-1)) - (turn))\n change x by ((turn) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n if <(equipped?) = [1]> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n else\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (long grass v)?> or <touching (water v)?>>> or <(y position) < [-188]>> then\n change [level deaths v] by (1)\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\n else\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [turn v] to [0]\n set [equipped? v] to [0]\n set [jump boost on/off v] to [0]\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [green ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [green ninja v])\n else\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [blue ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [blue ninja v])\n else\n go to x: ([x position v] of [blue ninja v]) y: (([y position v] of [blue ninja v]) + (20))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(x position) > [253]> then\n go to x: (-255) y: (y position)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [level deaths v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Jump Boost v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [death x v] to (x position)\nset [death y v] to (y position)\nReset Level\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [jump boost v]\nchange [equipped? v] by (1)\nchange [jump boost on/off v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Skip v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [skip v]\nif <(allowed to skip) = [1]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [level deaths v] to [0]\n Reset Level\n broadcast (Next v)\n wait until <not <key (s v) pressed?>>\nend\n\n@Green Ninja\n\ndefine Reset Level\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [turn v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [equipped? v] to [0]\nReset Level\nforever\n if <(equipped?) > [1]> then\n set [equipped? v] to [0]\n end\n if <(speed boost on/off) > [1]> then\n set [speed boost on/off v] to [0]\n end\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n show\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n if <(equipped?) = [1]> then\n change [x v] by (1.3)\n change [turn v] by (1.3)\n else\n change [x v] by (.9)\n change [turn v] by (.9)\n end\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n if <(equipped?) = [1]> then\n change [x v] by (-1.3)\n change [turn v] by (-1.3)\n else\n change [x v] by (-.9)\n change [turn v] by (-.9)\n end\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (.9))\n change x by (x)\n set [turn v] to ((turn) * (.9))\n turn right (turn) degrees\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change [x v] by (((x) * (-1)) - (turn))\n change x by ((turn) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (water v)?>>> or <(y position) < [-188]>> then\n change [level deaths v] by (1)\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\n else\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [turn v] to [0]\n set [equipped? v] to [0]\n set [speed boost on/off v] to [0]\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [red ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [red ninja v])\n else\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [blue ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [blue ninja v])\n else\n go to x: ([x position v] of [blue ninja v]) y: (([y position v] of [blue ninja v]) + (20))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(x position) > [253]> then\n go to x: (-255) y: (y position)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [level deaths v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Speed Boost v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <touching (long grass v)?> then\n change [y v] by (-0.3)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n set [y v] to ((y) * (.9))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [death x v] to (x position)\nset [death y v] to (y position)\nReset Level\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [speed boost v]\nchange [equipped? v] by (1)\nchange [speed boost on/off v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [skip v]\nif <(allowed to skip) = [1]> then\n Reset Level\nend\n\n@Blue Ninja\n\ndefine Reset Level\ngo to x: (-180) y: (0)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [turn v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset size to (80) %\nset [equipped? v] to [0]\nReset Level\nforever\n if <(equipped?) > [1]> then\n change y by (10)\n set size to (80) %\n set [equipped? v] to [0]\n end\n if <(shrink boost on/off) > [1]> then\n set [shrink boost on/off v] to [0]\n end\n if <(which ninja?) = [3]> then\n show\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n change [x v] by (.9)\n change [turn v] by (.9)\n else\n change [x v] by (.7)\n change [turn v] by (.7)\n end\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-.9)\n change [turn v] by (-.9)\n else\n change [x v] by (-.7)\n change [turn v] by (-.7)\n end\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (.9))\n change x by (x)\n set [turn v] to ((turn) * (.9))\n turn right (turn) degrees\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change [x v] by (((x) * (-1)) - (turn))\n change x by ((turn) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (long grass v)?>>> or <(y position) < [-188]>> then\n change [level deaths v] by (1)\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\n else\n if <<<touching (spikes v)?> or <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (long grass v)?>>> or <(y position) < [-177]>> then\n change [level deaths v] by (1)\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n set size to (80) %\n point in direction (90)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n set [turn v] to [0]\n set [equipped? v] to [0]\n set [shrink boost on/off v] to [0]\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n go to x: ([x position v] of [red ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [red ninja v])\n else\n go to x: ([x position v] of [green ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [green ninja v])\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [3]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Shrink v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n if <(x position) > [253]> then\n go to x: (-255) y: (y position)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [level deaths v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\n else\n if <(x position) > [236]> then\n go to x: (-238) y: (y position)\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [level deaths v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (-0.3)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n change [y v] by (2)\n end\n set [y v] to ((y) * (.9))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [death x v] to (x position)\nset [death y v] to (y position)\nReset Level\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [0]> then\n set size to (80) %\n else\n set size to (35) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shrink v]\nchange [equipped? v] by (1)\nchange [shrink boost on/off v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [skip v]\nif <(allowed to skip) = [1]> then\n Reset Level\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Words\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level deaths v] to [0]\nset [allowed to skip v] to [0]\nforever\n if <not <(level) = [26]>> then\n if <(level deaths) > [4]> then\n show\n set [allowed to skip v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [is clone? v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nstart sound [Punch Sound Effect v]\nif <not <(is clone?) = [1]>> then\n repeat (2)\n Particles\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\nelse\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (pick random (4) to (6))\n else\n switch costume to (pick random (7) to (9))\n end\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-20) to (0))\nset [is clone? v] to [1]\ngo to x: (death x) y: (death y)\nshow\nset [x v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [y v] to (pick random (5) to (30))\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (-2)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n set [y v] to ((y) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n change y by (y)\n set x to ((x position) + (pick random (shake) to ((shake) - ((shake) * (2)))))\n set y to ((y position) + (pick random (shake) to ((shake) - ((shake) * (2)))))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Particles\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Slime Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [is clone? v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [slime die v]\nstart sound [Punch Sound Effect v]\nif <not <(is clone?) = [1]>> then\n repeat (2)\n Particles\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-20) to (0))\nset [is clone? v] to [1]\ngo to x: (slime death x) y: (slime death y)\nshow\nset [x v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [y v] to (pick random (5) to (30))\nrepeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (-2)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n set [y v] to ((y) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n change y by (y)\n set x to ((x position) + (pick random (shake) to ((shake) - ((shake) * (2)))))\n set y to ((y position) + (pick random (shake) to ((shake) - ((shake) * (2)))))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n change y by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Particles\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Change Explosion\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [switch v]\nstart sound [BOOM!!!!! v]\nswitch costume to (exploding a v)\nshow\nset size to (500) %\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [red ninja v]) y: ([y position v] of [red ninja v])\nrepeat (13)\n next costume\n wait (0.00000001) seconds\nend\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Switch Ninja\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) > [3]> then\n set [which ninja? v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [switch in progress v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (195) y: (-145)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(switch in progress) = [0]> then\n set [switch in progress v] to [1]\n broadcast (Switch v)\n change [which ninja? v] by (1)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [switch in progress v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n if <(switch in progress) = [0]> then\n set [switch in progress v] to [1]\n broadcast (Switch v)\n change [which ninja? v] by (1)\n wait until <not <key (z v) pressed?>>\n set [switch in progress v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Attack\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (110) y: (-140)\nforever\n if <(sword) = [1]> then\n show\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(attack in progress) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Attack v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Jump Boost On/Off\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-155)\nset [jump boost on/off v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n show\n switch costume to (jump boost on/off)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Jump Boost v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Speed Boost On/Off\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-155)\nset [speed boost on/off v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (speed boost on/off)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Speed Boost v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Shrink Boost On/Off\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-155)\nset [shrink boost on/off v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (shrink boost on/off)\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [3]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Shrink v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sword\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [attack in progress v] to [0]\nset [direction of sword v] to [right]\nset [sword v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (88) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait until <(level) > [14]>\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <<touching (red ninja v)?> or <<touching (green ninja v)?> or <touching (blue ninja v)?>>> then\n broadcast (Sword v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sword v]\nshow\nset [sword v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n if <(which ninja?) = [1]> then\n go to (red ninja v)\n else\n if <(which ninja?) = [2]> then\n go to (green ninja v)\n else\n go to (blue ninja v)\n end\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> and <(brightness on?) = [0]>>> then\n if <(attack in progress) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n set [direction of sword v] to [right]\n else\n set [direction of sword v] to [right]\n end\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> and <(brightness on?) = [0]>>> then\n if <(attack in progress) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (9 v)\n set [direction of sword v] to [left]\n else\n set [direction of sword v] to [left]\n end\n end\n if <(shrink boost on/off) = [1]> then\n set size to (40) %\n else\n set size to (80) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nif <(attack in progress) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Attack v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n if <(level) > [15]> then\n broadcast (Sword v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [attack v]\nif <(sword) = [1]> then\n if <(attack in progress) = [0]> then\n set [attack in progress v] to [1]\n if <(attack in progress) = [1]> then\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\n if <(direction of sword) = [right]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (9 v)\n end\n set [attack in progress v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n wait until <not <key (t v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat until <<touching (sword v)?> or <(y position) < [-184]>>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <([x position v] of [red ninja v]) < (x position)> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (-.6)\n else\n change [x v] by (.6)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <([y position v] of [red ninja v]) > ((y position) + (5))> then\n set [y v] to [8]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<([y position v] of [red ninja v]) > ((y position) + (5))> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (red ninja v)?> or <<touching (green ninja v)?> or <touching (blue ninja v)?>>> then\n change [level deaths v] by (1)\n broadcast (Die v)\n end\nend\nset [slime death x v] to (x position)\nset [slime death y v] to (y position)\nbroadcast (Slime Die v)\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v) and wait\nif <(level) = [16]> then\n Clone at [135] [0]\nelse\n if <(level) = [17]> then\n Clone at [60] [-30]\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [175] [110]\n else\n if <(level) = [21]> then\n Clone at [60] [60]\n else\n if <(level) = [22]> then\n Clone at [15] [35]\n else\n if <(level) = [23]> then\n Clone at [0] [60]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v) and wait\nif <(level) = [16]> then\n Clone at [135] [0]\nelse\n if <(level) = [17]> then\n Clone at [60] [-30]\n else\n if <(level) = [19]> then\n Clone at [175] [110]\n else\n if <(level) = [21]> then\n Clone at [60] [60]\n else\n if <(level) = [22]> then\n Clone at [15] [35]\n else\n if <(level) = [23]> then\n Clone at [0] [60]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Long Grass\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (level)\nend\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (effect) ) * (7)))\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n change [effect v] by (11)\n if <mouse down?> then\n start sound [Wood Tap v]\n broadcast (Play Game v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nhide\nbroadcast (Play Game v)\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n set size to (100) %\n set x to ((mouse x) / (30))\n set y to ((mouse y) / (30))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nhide\n\n@Falling Items\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (200)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nbroadcast (End of Falling v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\ngo to x: (pick random (-140) to (140)) y: (184)\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-180]>\n change y by (-30)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (Start v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (30)\nset size to (140) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [end of falling v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (125)\n set y to ((([cos v] of ((effect) * (2)) ) * (10)) + (25))\n point in direction ((90) + (([cos v] of (effect) ) * (3)))\n change [effect v] by (11)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n@Screen\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\n@Name\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end of falling v]\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\nset size to (140) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n
◆ Pumpkin Dash ◆\n    ◆ Platformer ◆\n\n>> Note that this game is SUPER glitchy\n>> Minimalistic I guess...\n>> 840+ blocks\n>> 20+ hours of work\n>> The only reason I wasn't able to do the score is a cloning reason. It will not show for some reason. If you can help me, please do!\n\n    ◆ Instructions ◆\n\n>> Press any key or click to jump\n>> Avoid spikes!\n\n    ◆ Credits ◆\n\n>> @leo889 for the EPIC intro!\n>> @griffpatch for the scrolling engine\n>> @icmy123 for the ground\n>> @-SparkyBlue101- for most of the background\n\n    ◆ Music ◆\n\n>> From @crystalkeeper7 (idk what it's called)\n\n    ◆ Tags ◆\n#all #games #halloween #pumpkin #laggy #glitchy #I #don't #know #why #leo889 #spooktober #haveagreatspooktoberwhileeatingretsandhonkingairhorns #airhorns4life #Ieatratswhilehonkingairhorns\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#rats4life :>
Adversity - A Prideful Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Intro End v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green flag v)\n\n@Assets\n\nwhen flag clicked\nchange [☁ delete me, for view purpose only v] by ((☁ delete me, for view purpose only) + (1))\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Reset\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n change [snoy y v] by (0)\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n set [exit v] to []\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset\nset [player: y v] to [-42]\nset [player: x v] to [0]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [5]\nset [timout v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.65))\n switch costume to (ladder v)\n end\nelse\n if <not <[] = [Text]>> then\n if <(in air) < [3]> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.75))\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n if <not <<(x position) = [-249]> and <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>>> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <not <[] = [Text]>> then\n if <(in air) < [3]> then\n if <(sy) > [-2]> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n set [sy v] to (Jump height)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n set [sy v] to [23]\nend\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (6)\n end\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (20)) < (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (-6)\n end\n set [sy v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (Fall Speed)\n end\nend\nChange player y by (sy)\n Test - Die\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((Player: x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((Player: y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(Player: y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\n broadcast (die v)\nend\nif <touching (end v)?> then\n broadcast (win v)\n hide\nend\nif <(in air) < [3]> then\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [player: x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (8)\n change [player: y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [player: y v] by (-8)\n if <touching (platforms v)?> then\n Position\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n change [player: x v] by ((([abs v] of (sx) ) / (sx)) * (-1))\n set [sx v] to [0]\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [player: y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n change [player: y v] by ((([abs v] of (sy) ) / (sy)) * (-1))\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (jump_through v)?> then\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n change [player: y v] by ((sy) * (-1))\n set [sy v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((Player: x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Player: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <<<touching (spinning wheel of death v)?> or <touching (danger v)?>> and <not <(username) = [Weirdify]>>> then\n broadcast (die v)\n set [exit v] to [die]\n Reset\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nplay sound [Throw v] until done\n\nwhen I receive [intro end v]\nbroadcast (Green flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (stand v)\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (stand v)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <not <<<<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (30))> and <mouse down?>>>> and <(in air) < [3]>>> then\n switch costume to (stand v)\n else\n if <not <(sx) = [0]>> then\n if <<<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> or <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (30))> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n if <not <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>>> then\n if <(in air) < [3]> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n next costume\n end\n if <[2] < (costume [number v])> then\n switch costume to (run1 v)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\n end\n if <(in air) < [2]> then\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [player: x v] to [0]\nset [player: y v] to [-42]\nset x to (-2)\nset y to (-42)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> and <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (pick random (5) to (10)) seconds\n play sound [amb_bird_1 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <(openmenu?) = [1]>> then\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Run1]> then\n play sound [grass1 v] until done\n end\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Run2]> then\n play sound [grass2 v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [-150]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nClone at [400] []\nClone at [800] []\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (15) layers\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (15) layers\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [spikes x v] to [0]\nset [spikes y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((Spikes x) - (SCROLL X)) ((Spikes y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [spikes x v] by (x)\nchange [spikes y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Art\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [platforms_art3: x v] to [0]\nset [platforms_art3: y v] to [-150]\nset [w v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [400] [0] moving: []\nClone at [0] [0] moving: []\nClone at [700] [4] moving: []\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition (((Platforms_Art3: x) - (SCROLL X)) - (([sin v] of (Effects) ) * (w))) ((Platforms_Art3: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) moving: (w)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [platforms_art3: x v] by (x)\nchange [platforms_art3: y v] by (y)\nset [w v] to (w)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (10) layers\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (10) layers\n\n@Ladder\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) moving: (w)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [ladder: x v] by (x)\nchange [ladder: y v] by (y)\nset [w v] to (w)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [ladder: x v] to [680]\nset [ladder: y v] to [130]\nset [w v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition (((Ladder: x) - (SCROLL X)) - (([sin v] of (Effects) ) * (w))) ((Ladder: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (sprite v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (ladder v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Collectibles\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (coin v)\nforever\n change [effects v] by (4)\n set size to ((8000) / ((80) + (([sin v] of (Effects) ) * (9)))) %\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (coin v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((coin x) - (SCROLL X)) (((coin y) - (SCROLL Y)) + ((0) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (300)) ) * (2))))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (coin v)\n change [coins v] by (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = [Sprite]>> then\n show\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nset [coins v] to [0]\nset [coin x v] to [0]\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [coin y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [120] []\nClone at [345] [-80]\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\nset [coin x v] to (x)\nset [coin y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [coin v]\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\n switch costume to (sprite v)\nend\n\n@Shade\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Coineffect\n\ndefine Effect (c)\nswitch costume to (c)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [disappearing v] to [0]\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (0) %\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (3) layers\nforever\n change size by (((300) - (size)) / (20))\n change [disappearing v] by (((1000) - (Disappearing)) / (20))\n change [fisheye v] effect by (Disappearing)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [coin v]\ngo to (player v)\nEffect [E1]\n\nwhen I receive [crystal v]\ngo to (player v)\nEffect [E2]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (1) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\n@Invisible Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [-150]\nswitch costume to (level 1 1 v)\nClone at [400] []\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n else\n repeat (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n end\nend\n\n@Moving Background Front\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (bg1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [px v] to [0]\nset [py v] to [-356]\nchange [px v] by (453)\nswitch costume to (bg1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [px v] by (474)\nswitch costume to (bg1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to x: ((((px) - ((SCROLL X) / (4))) mod (954)) - (478)) y: (((((py) - ((SCROLL Y) / (4))) + (snoy y)) mod (712)) - (358))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\n\n@Moving Background Back\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (bg1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [px v] to [0]\nset [py v] to [-356]\nchange [px v] by (453)\nswitch costume to (bg1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [px v] by (474)\nswitch costume to (bg1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to x: ((((px) - ((SCROLL X) / (8))) mod (954)) - (478)) y: (((((py) - ((SCROLL Y) / (8))) + (snoy y)) mod (712)) - (358))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (100) %\n\n@Interface\n\nwhen I receive [loved&faved v]\nset [@id v] to [lovefav]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nSETUP\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(openmenu?) = [0]> then\n show\n switch costume to (button v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [0]\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) < [-35]>\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((ypos_menu) - (2)) / (4))\n end\n hide\n set [move_layering v] to [1]\n switch costume to (s000 v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [-225]\n show\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) > [-1]>\n if <(ypos_menu) > [-60]> then\n set [openmenu? v] to [1]\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((3) - (ypos_menu)) / (6))\n else\n change [ypos_menu v] by (13)\n end\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n if <<not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (s000 v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [0]\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) < [-225]>\n if <(y position) < [-50]> then\n change [ypos_menu v] by (-14)\n else\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((ypos_menu) - (2)) / (4))\n end\n end\n hide\n set [move_layering v] to [0]\n switch costume to (button v)\n set [ypos_menu v] to [-36]\n show\n repeat until <(ypos_menu) > [-0.2]>\n change [ypos_menu v] by (((1) - (ypos_menu)) / (6))\n end\n set [openmenu? v] to [0]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nif <(costume [name v]) = [coins]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nelse\n if <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [v]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n forever\n RenderCoin_Value\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nlayering/movement\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n set [clickshop v] to [1]\n else\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [clickshop v] to [1]\n else\n set [clickshop v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [jump height v] to [14]\nset [bought v] to [000]\nset [emojichat? v] to [0]\nset [jumpboost? v] to [0]\nset [move_layering v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-107]> and <(mouse y) < [-61]>>>> then\n if <(COINS) > [29]> then\n set [bought v] to (join (letter (1) of (bought)) (join [1] (letter (3) of (bought))))\n change [coins v] by (-30)\n set [jump height v] to [18]\n check\n set [@clone v] to [f2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine check\nset [@clone v] to [check]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [f]> then\n switch costume to (join [front] (letter (2) of (@clone)))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine goto\nset y to (ypos_menu)\n\nwhen I receive [win!! v]\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nshow\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine SETUP\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nhide\nset [lives v] to [2]\nset [@clone v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (coins v)\nset [@clone v] to [coins]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [openmenu? v] to [0]\nset size to (35) %\nswitch costume to (3a v)\ngo to x: (190) y: (147)\nset [@clone v] to [val1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [@clone v] to (join [val] ((letter (4) of (@clone)) + (1)))\n change x by (15)\nend\nswitch costume to (button v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nset [ypos_menu v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine RenderCoin_Value\nif <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (1) of (COINS)) [a])\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nelse\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (2) of (COINS)) [a])\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n if <(letter (1) of (COINS)) = [1]> then\n set x to (202)\n else\n set x to (205)\n end\n else\n if <(letter (4) of (@clone)) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (3) of (COINS)) [a])\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n if <<(letter (2) of (COINS)) = [1]> or <(letter (1) of (COINS)) = [1]>> then\n if <<(letter (1) of (COINS)) = [1]> and <(letter (2) of (COINS)) = [1]>> then\n set x to (214)\n else\n set x to (217)\n end\n else\n set x to (220)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine layering/movement\nif <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n if <(@clone) > (lives)> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n end\nend\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [coins]> or <(costume [name v]) = [heart]>> then\n set y to (Y_SHAKE)\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n if <<<<not <(costume [name v]) = [button]>> and <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]>>> and <not <(costume [name v]) = [Zcheck]>>> and <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [f]>>> then\n set y to ((Y_SHAKE) + (147))\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [f]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> then\n if <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-56]> and <(mouse y) < [-10]>>> then\n switch costume to (s100 v)\n else\n if <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-107]> and <(mouse y) < [-61]>>> then\n switch costume to (s010 v)\n else\n if <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-158]> and <(mouse y) < [-112]>>> then\n switch costume to (s001 v)\n else\n switch costume to (s000 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [S]> or <(letter (1) of (@clone)) = [f]>> and <(move_Layering) = [1]>> then\n goto\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [button]> then\n goto\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@id v] to []\nforever\n if <(@id) = [lovefav]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (lovefav v)\n set size to (150) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat until <(size) < [101]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <(size) > [150]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (((size) - (90)) / (5))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [fall speed v] to [-1.2]\nforever\n if <(openmenu?) = [1]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse x) > [72]> and <(mouse x) < [154]>> and <<(mouse y) > [-158]> and <(mouse y) < [-112]>>>> then\n if <(COINS) > [39]> then\n set [bought v] to (join (letter (1) of (bought)) (join (letter (2) of (bought)) [1]))\n change [coins v] by (-40)\n set [fall speed v] to [-0.8]\n check\n set [@clone v] to [f3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[99] < (COINS)> then\n set [coins v] to [99]\n end\nend\n\n@TM\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
and the reviews are in!! " BEST GAME OF THE YEAR PHENOMONAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHICS INSANE 10/10 WOULD PLAY AGAIN!!!!! " - @snoopywoodstock13\n\n
Drive - A Platformer #Games #All
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nswitch backdrop to (ancient egypt v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nswitch backdrop to (museum v)\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nswitch backdrop to (settings v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nswitch backdrop to (ancient egypt v)\nforever\n play sound [17 - Garden Of Hope - Day v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nset [able to restart? v] to [1]\nif <(SCENE #) = [1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [popup mini do v] to [1]\n broadcast (popup mini v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [2]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [popup mini do v] to [3]\n broadcast (popup mini v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [5]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [popup mini do v] to [5]\n broadcast (popup mini v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [8]> then\n switch backdrop to (dark v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [7]> then\n switch backdrop to (museum v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [16]> then\n switch backdrop to (dark v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [17]> then\n switch backdrop to (light v)\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [18]> then\n switch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nend\nif <<<(SCENE #) = [4]> or <<(SCENE #) = [6]> or <<(SCENE #) = [8]> or <(SCENE #) = [18]>>>> or <<(SCENE #) = [19]> or <<<(SCENE #) = [20]> or <(SCENE #) = [36]>> or <<(SCENE #) = [37]> or <(SCENE #) = [38]>>>>> then\n set [able to restart? v] to [0]\nend\n\n\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [music v]\nset volume to (music?) %\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nset [timer v] to (timer)\n\nset [timer v] to [0]\nset [stop timer v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(stop timer) = [1]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nswitch backdrop to (museum v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n play sound [17 - Garden Of Hope - Day v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss music v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n play sound [200 - Golden Arachnorb Battle v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nreset timer\n\nrepeat (10)\n broadcast (layer v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait () seconds\n delete all of [z order v]\n broadcast (Order Sprites v)\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nbroadcast (popup mini v)\n\n@Pyramid\n\nsay [Riley Foster is my friend's name]\nsay [But in order to get a follow]\nsay [you need to comment, "grat]\nsay [game" on my profile, otherwise]\nsay [people may cheat. This is how]\nsay [I will know you didn't cheat]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (111) y: (-59)\n\n@Settings\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (205) y: (-150)\nshow\nbroadcast (Main Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [show? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [how to play v]\nset [show? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nset [show? v] to [1]\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [15]> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn right (1) degrees\n if <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [12]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(show?) = [1]> then\n set volume to (Sound fx vol) %\n start sound [A Elec Piano v]\n set [show? v] to [0]\n broadcast (Settings v)\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [learn v]\nset [show? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nset [show? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nset [show? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [STG] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [STG] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Play\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nshow variable [artifacts v]\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [A Bass v]\nset [invulnerable v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Play v)\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (play again v)\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [how to play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu/ play again button v]\nswitch costume to (play again v)\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((110) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu/ play again button v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide variable [artifacts v]\nhide variable [lives v]\nswitch costume to (play v)\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((110) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [learn v]\nhide\n\nshow variable [scene # v]\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\n\nshow variable [coins v]\nshow variable [lives v]\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [activated/defeated enemies v]) - (item # of [PLY] in [activated/defeated enemies v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [PLY] in [activated/defeated enemies v])\n\n@How to Play\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-31)\n\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [A Bass v]\nbroadcast (How To Play v)\nset [big screen v] to [How to play]\nset [x do v] to [Main Menu]\nbroadcast (Popup v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((110) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [learn v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nhide\n\n@Learn\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (118) y: (-31)\n\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [A Bass v]\nbroadcast (Learn v)\nset [learn change to: v] to [Learn]\nbroadcast (learn change costume v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [how to play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu/ play again button v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((110) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nshow variable [coins v]\nshow variable [lives v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nhide\n\n@Main Menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (114) y: (-31)\nhide variable [artifacts2 v]\nhide variable [deaths v]\nhide variable [timer v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [A Bass v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [big screen v] to [Overview]\n set [artifacts2 v] to (Artifacts)\n set [x do v] to [Main Menu]\n hide variable [artifacts v]\n show variable [deaths v]\n show variable [timer v]\n show variable [artifacts2 v]\n broadcast (Popup v)\n switch backdrop to (ancient egypt v)\n hide\nelse\n broadcast (Main Menu v)\n switch backdrop to (ancient egypt v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [how to play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu/ play again button v]\nswitch costume to (anubis-egyptian-god-removebg-preview3 v)\ngo to x: (114) y: (-31)\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((110) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [after win mn menu v]\nswitch costume to (anubis-egyptian-god-removebg-preview2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((110) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\n@Switch1\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nDo assignment\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [voice gender v] to [1]\nset [txt to speech? v] to [0]\nset [sound fx vol v] to [100]\nset [music? v] to [1]\nhide\ngo to x: (-117) y: (85)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\nnext costume\nnext costume\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [9]>> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nforever\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [sound fx vol v] to [100]\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [sound fx vol v] to [100]\n\nif <[] = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [sound fx vol v] to [100]\nend\n\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nnext costume\n\ndefine Do assignment\nif <((costume [number v]) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n next costume\nelse\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nend\nif <([ceiling v] of ((costume [number v]) / (2)) ) = [1]> then\n if <((costume [number v]) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n set [sound fx vol v] to [0]\n else\n set [sound fx vol v] to [100]\n end\nelse\n if <([ceiling v] of ((costume [number v]) / (2)) ) = [2]> then\n if <((costume [number v]) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n set [music? v] to [0]\n else\n set [music? v] to [100]\n end\n broadcast (music v)\n else\n if <([ceiling v] of ((costume [number v]) / (2)) ) = [3]> then\n if <((costume [number v]) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n set [txt to speech? v] to [0]\n else\n set [txt to speech? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <((costume [number v]) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n set [voice gender v] to [0]\n set voice to (alto v)::tts\n else\n set [voice gender v] to [1]\n set voice to (tenor v)::tts\n end\n speak [hello]::tts\n end\n end\nend\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nif <not <([ceiling v] of ((costume [number v]) / (2)) ) = [4]>> then\n start sound [pop v]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nrepeat (4)\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\n\nset language to (en v)::tts\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nadd to list\nswitch costume to (scene1 v)\nerase all\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nerase all\nStamp Outline [4] ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nerase all\nhide\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nchange y by (-20)\nstamp\nchange y by (20)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Stamp Outline (thickness) (scene)\nif <[edited scenes v] contains (scene)?> then\n switch costume to (join [Scene] ((scene) + (0.5)))\nend\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nrepeat ((thickness) * (3))\n turn right ((360) / ((thickness) * (3))) degrees\n move (thickness) steps\n stamp\n move ((0) - (thickness)) steps\nend\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (scene))\n\nwhen I receive [changescene2 v]\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nerase all\nStamp Outline [4] (costume [name v])\n\nerase all\nStamp Outline [4] (costume [name v])\n\nif <(scene) = [Scene5]> then\n switch costume to (scene5.5 v)\nend\nif <(scene) = [Scene32]> then\n switch costume to (scene32.4 v)\nend\n\ndefine add to list\ndelete all of [edited scenes v]\nadd [1] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [2] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [3] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [5] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [32] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [25] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [37] to [edited scenes v]\nadd [38] to [edited scenes v]\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [LVL] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [LVL] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nset [slope speed v] to ((size) / (50))\nset [acceleration v] to ((size) / (30))\nset [friction v] to [0.8]\nset [jump force v] to (((size) / (5)) + (3))\nset [already done? v] to [0]\nset [jump duration v] to [4]\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nset [artifacts v] to [0]\nset [gravity v] to [-1]\nbroadcast (Reset Game v) and wait\nbroadcast (Setup v) and wait\nset [able to restart? v] to [1]\nset [lives v] to [3]\nset [spawn x v] to [-215]\nset [spawn y v] to [-50]\nset [spawn scene v] to [1]\nset [control? v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nreset and begin level []\n\nbroadcast (Play v)\n\ndefine fix in steps (steps)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [last value v] to (x position)\n change x by ((speed x) / (steps))\n check touching solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Collide X - Slope or Wall?\n end\n set [last value v] to (y position)\n change y by ((speed y) / (steps))\n check touching solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Collide Y - Ceiling or Floor?\n end\nend\n\ndefine check touching solid\nif <<touching (level v)?> or <<<touching (moving platform v)?> or <touching (invisible level v)?>> or <touching (back layer level v)?>>> then\n set [touching v] to [1]\n if <touching (moving platform v)?> then\n set [touching moving platform v] to [1]\n else\n set [touching moving platform v] to [0]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [touching v] to [0]\nset [hit costume v] to (costume [name v])\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Hitbox v2]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox feet v)\nend\nif <touching (jump through v)?> then\n if <(jump through) < [1]> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Hitbox v2]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox feet2 v)\n end\n if <touching (jump through v)?> then\n set [touching v] to [1]\n else\n set [jump through v] to [1]\n end\n change y by (6)\n end\nelse\n set [jump through v] to [0]\nend\nswitch costume to (hit costume)\n\nwhen I receive [tick- player v]\nif <(touching moving platform) = [1]> then\n Moved by moving platform\nend\nControls - up and down\ncontrols - left and right\nfix in steps (([abs v] of (speed y) ) + ([abs v] of (speed y) ))\nSet Costume\n\nswitch backdrop to (ancient egypt v)\n\ndefine Controls - up and down\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <[0.2] < (stick y)>>> then\n if <(control?) = [1]> then\n if <(crouch) = [0]> then\n if <<(wall slide) > [0]> and <(jumping) = [0]>> then\n set [jumping v] to [1]\n set [falling v] to [2]\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [dir v] to (direction)\n set [speed x v] to (((direction) / (90)) * ((size) / (7)))\n set [long jump v] to ((size) / (4))\n end\n if <<(falling) < [2]> and <(jumping) = [0]>> then\n set [jumping v] to [1]\n set [falling v] to [2]\n end\n if <<(jumping) < (JUMP DURATION)> and <(jumping) > [0]>> then\n change [jumping v] by (1)\n set [speed y v] to (JUMP FORCE)\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [jumping v] to [0]\nend\nchange [speed y v] by (GRAVITY)\nif <(wall slide) > [0]> then\n Check Can Wall Slide\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((speed y) * ((size) / (60)))\n end\nend\nif <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <(stick y) < [-0.2]>>> then\n if <(control?) = [1]> then\n if <(falling) = [0]> then\n set [crouch v] to [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(crouch) = [1]> then\n Allow not crouch?\n end\nend\n\ndefine controls - left and right\nif <(long jump) > [0]> then\n change [long jump v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(control?) = [1]> then\n set [key x v] to (<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <(stick x) > [0]>>> - <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <[0] > (stick x)>>>)\nelse\n set [key x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(KEY X) = [0]> then\n if <<(falling) > [2]> and <(wall slide) < [1]>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.95))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <([abs v] of (speed x) ) < [1]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n else\n if <(crouch) = [1]> then\n change [frame v] by (0.25)\n else\n change [frame v] by (1)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(crouch) = [1]> then\n point in direction ((KEY X) * (90))\n change [frame v] by (0.5)\n set [speed x v] to ((KEY X) * (2))\n stop [this script v]\n else\n change [speed x v] by ((KEY X) * (ACCELERATION))\n if <not <(direction) = ((KEY X) * (90))>> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n end\n change [frame v] by (2)\n point in direction ((KEY X) * (90))\n end\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (FRICTION))\n\ndefine reset and begin level (died?)\nshow\nset [invulnerable v] to <(stick y) < [0]>\nset [front v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [falling v] to [99]\nset [wall slide v] to [0]\nset [jumping v] to [0]\nset [long jump v] to [0]\nif <(SPAWN SCENE) = [36]> then\n begin scene # [36] go to x, y: [-168] [-79] dir [90] []\nelse\n begin scene # (SPAWN SCENE) go to x, y: (SPAWN X) (SPAWN Y) dir [90] (died?)\nend\n\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n broadcast (Tick - First v)\n broadcast (Tick - Platforms v)\n broadcast (Tick- player v)\n broadcast (Tick- Last v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick- last v]\nif <(x position) > [235]> then\n begin scene # ((SCENE #) + (1)) go to x, y: [-235] [] dir [90] []\nend\nif <(x position) < [-235]> then\n begin scene # ((SCENE #) - (1)) go to x, y: [235] [] dir [-90] []\nend\nif <<<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> or <<(y position) < [-185]> or <<(x position) > [100]> and <(SCENE #) = [36]>>>> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\nend\n\ndefine begin scene # (scene #) go to x, y: (x) (y) dir (dir) (died?)\nset [scene # v] to (scene #)\nset [spawn scene v] to (scene #)\nif <(dir) > []> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n point in direction (dir)\nend\nif <(x) > []> then\n set x to (x)\nend\nif <(y) > []> then\n set y to (y)\nend\nset [spawn y v] to (y position)\nbroadcast (Exit Scene v)\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (0) seconds\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nif <(x) > []> then\n fix collision in direction [0]\nelse\n fix collision in direction [90]\nend\nSet Costume\nif <(touching) = [1]> then\n Allow not crouch?\n if <(crouch) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\nend\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\nif <(SCENE #) = [17]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-40)\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(died?) = []> then\n\ndefine fix collision in direction (dir)\nset [old x v] to (x position)\nset [old y v] to (y position)\nset [temp v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to []\npoint in direction (dir)\nrepeat (64)\n check touching solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temp)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n move (distance) steps\n turn right (180) degrees\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (old x) y: (old y)\npoint in direction (temp)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [artifacts v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick - first v]\nif <(crouch) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (crouch hitbox v)\nend\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [platform dx v] to []\nset [platform dy v] to []\n\ndefine Set Costume\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(wall slide) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (wallslide01 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(falling) > [1]> then\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n else\n switch costume to (jump2 v)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(frame) > [0]> then\n if <(crouch) = [1]> then\n switch costume to ((29) + ((frame) mod (7)))\n else\n switch costume to ((10) + ((frame) mod (18)))\n end\nelse\n if <(crouch) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\nend\n\n\n\ndefine Collide X - Slope or Wall?\nCheck Can Wall Slide\nchange y by (1)\ncheck touching solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n change y by (1)\n check touching solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n change y by (-2)\n set x to (last value)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * ((SLOPE SPEED) * (SLOPE SPEED)))\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (SLOPE SPEED))\nSlip\n\ndefine Collide Y - Ceiling or Floor?\nset y to (last value)\nif <(speed y) > [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n set [jumping v] to [0]\nend\nif <(falling) > [0]> then\n set [falling v] to [0]\n Slip\nend\nset [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.8))\n\ndefine Slip\nchange y by (-2)\nchange x by (1)\ncheck touching solid\nif <(touching) < [1]> then\n set [falling v] to [9]\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange x by (-2)\ncheck touching solid\nif <(touching) < [1]> then\n set [falling v] to [9]\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange x by (1)\n\nswitch costume to (hit angle 0 v)\nrepeat (5)\n check touching solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (5))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (stand v)\n\ndefine Check Can Wall Slide\nif <(falling) < [2]> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox wallslide v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ncheck touching solid\nset [wall slide v] to (touching)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nif <[0] < (touching)> then\n set [jumping v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lose life v]\nset [able to restart? v] to [0]\nset [invulnerable v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [Oops v]\nset [speed y v] to [5]\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nswitch costume to (stand2 v)\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-180]>\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (speed y)\n change [speed y v] by (GRAVITY)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nchange [deaths v] by (1)\nreset and begin level [1]\nset [able to restart? v] to [1]\nchange [lives v] by (-1)\nif <[0] < (LIVES)> then\nelse\n reset and begin level [1]\nend\n\nif <[0] < (wall slide)> then\n if <(dir) = [90]> then\n if <(KEY X) = [1]> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(KEY X) = [-1]> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [wall slide v] to [0]\n\ndefine Moved by moving platform\nchange x by (PLATFORM DX)\nchange y by (PLATFORM DY)\ncheck touching solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n Find closest space to (x position) (y position) max [16]\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Find closest space to (x) (y) max (max)\nset [temp v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (0)\nrepeat (max)\n repeat (16)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n move (distance) steps\n check touching solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temp)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n turn right (22.5) degrees\n end\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (temp)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\n\nwhen I receive [player - bounce v]\nif <(bounce height) = [9]> then\n set [speed y v] to [9]\nelse\n set [speed y v] to (([abs v] of (speed y) ) * (0.8))\nend\n\nstart sound [Jump v]\n\nstart sound [Jump v]\n\nforever\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nchange y by (-5)\nstamp\nchange y by (5)\nclear graphic effects\n\nerase all\n\n\n\nswitch costume to ((9) + ((frame) mod (18)))\n\ndefine Allow not crouch?\nset [prev costume v] to (costume [name v])\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\ncheck touching solid\nset [crouch v] to (touching)\nswitch costume to (prev costume)\n\n\n\nset [invulnerable v] to [0]\n\nif <(y position) > [180]> then\n begin scene # ((SCENE #) + (100)) go to x, y: [] [-160] dir [] []\nend\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n begin scene # ((SCENE #) - (100)) go to x, y: [] [180] dir [] []\nend\n\ndefine Say: (text) (wait)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nset [text so far v] to []\nif <(txt to speech?) = [1]> then\n set [txt to speech say player v] to (text)\n broadcast (txt2speech \(player\) v)\nend\nrepeat (length of (text))\n set [text so far v] to (join (Text so far) (letter (Letter #) of (text)))\n if <(wait) = [2]> then\n think (Text so far)\n else\n say (Text so far)\n end\n if <<(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [.]> or <<(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [!]> or <(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [?]>>> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nwait ((length of (text)) / (50)) seconds\nif <not <(wait) = [-1]>> then\n if <(wait) = [2]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n stop [this script v]\n end\n wait until <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\n say []\nend\n\nwhen I receive [say name v]\nSay: (join [You can call me ] (join (name) [.])) []\nbroadcast (said name v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nset [control? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [say answer v]\nif <(yes/no quest) = [2]> then\n Say: [Yeah, sure.] []\n set [yes/no quest v] to [1]\nelse\n Say: [No, I don't have the time. You'll have to find someone else.] []\n set [yes/no quest v] to [-1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [changescene2 v]\nhide\n\ndefine HACK - Go to Scene: (scene)\nshow\nif <(scene) > [19]> then\n switch backdrop to (jungle v)\nend\nbegin scene # (scene) go to x, y: [0] (SPAWN Y) dir [90] []\n\nHACK - Go to Scene: [7]\n\nwhen I receive [lights out v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [front v] to [1]\nwait (1) seconds\nSay: [Hmm. Looks like the lights went out. Better use the flashlight.] [2]\nclear graphic effects\nset [front v] to [0]\nbroadcast (on flash v)\nset [control? v] to [1]\n\nHACK - Go to Scene: [35]\n\nadd [Map 1] to [collected v]\n\nwhen I receive [changescene2 v]\nif <(SCENE #) = [19]> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nHACK - Go to Scene: [25]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [jungle v]\nif <(SCENE #) = [20]> then\n show\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n begin scene # [20] go to x, y: [-180] [-50] dir [90] []\nend\n\nswitch backdrop to (jungle v)\n\nset [acceleration v] to [0]\n\nHACK - Go to Scene: [35]\n\nFind closest space to [-95] [-47] max [100]\n\nsay []\n\nHACK - Go to Scene: ((SCENE #) + (-1))\n\ndefine temporary pen for (seconds) seconds\npen down\nwait (seconds) seconds\npen up\n\ntemporary pen for [4] seconds\n\nchange pen (color v) by (10)\n\nSet Costume\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\nif <(SCENE #) = [17]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-40)\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nHACK - Go to Scene: [36]\n\nwhen I receive [txt2speech \(player\) v]\nif <(voice gender) = [1]> then\n set voice to (tenor v)::tts\nelse\n set voice to (alto v)::tts\nend\nspeak (txt to speech say player)::tts\n\nSay: [Hello!] []\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [PLAYER] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndelete all of [back to front sprites v]\nadd [Joy1] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [Joy2] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [STG] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [GMO] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [PLY] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [X] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [LNB] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [BGS] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [DRK] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [NLF] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [YNQ] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [PUM] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [PLAYER] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [ENM] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [NPC] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [LVL] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [MVP] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [SPK] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [LVA] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [JUMP] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [BLL] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [NLB] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [INV] to [back to front sprites v]\n\nStamp Shadow\nclear graphic effects\n\nbroadcast (layer v)\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nbegin scene # [38] go to x, y: [-88] [-47] dir [90] []\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nif <(front) = [1]> then\n Order sprites by [-100]\nelse\n Order sprites by (item # of [PLAYER] in [back to front sprites v])\nend\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\ndelete all of [back to front sprites v]\nadd [INV] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [NLB] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [BLL] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [JUMP] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [LVA] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [SPK] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [MVP] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [LVL] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [NPC] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [ENM] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [PLAYER] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [PUM] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [YNQ] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [NLF] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [DRK] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [BGS] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [LNB] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [X] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [PLY] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [GMO] to [back to front sprites v]\nadd [STG] to [back to front sprites v]\n\nsay (i)\n\nif <<key (r v) pressed?> and <(able to restart?) = [1]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n reset and begin level []\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (map v)\n\n@Back layer level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (scene1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nerase all\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = [Blank]>> then\n Stamp Outline [4] (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nerase all\nhide\n\ndefine Stamp Outline (thickness) (scene)\nif <<(scene) = [Scene1]> or <<(scene) = [Scene3]> or >> then\n switch costume to (scene0.5 v)\nend\nif <(scene) = [Scene5]> then\n switch costume to (scene5.5 v)\nend\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nrepeat ((thickness) * (3))\n turn right ((360) / ((thickness) * (3))) degrees\n move (thickness) steps\n stamp\n move ((0) - (thickness)) steps\nend\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (scene)\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [BLL] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nstart sound [pop v]\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [BLL] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [blue sky 2 2 v]\nset size to (600) %\ngo to x: (585) y: (0)\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n wait (1) seconds\n set size to (pick random (90) to (150)) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nbroadcast (Screen fade v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\nbroadcast (hide helicopter v)\nbroadcast (Destroy Clones v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (524) %\ngo to x: (585) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset y to (pick random (-180) to (180))\nglide (5) secs to x: ((x position) * (-1)) y: (y position)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [destroy clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Learn buttons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [my scene v] to []\nhide\nAdd to list\nClone\n\nwhen I receive [learn change costume v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nif <([costume name v] of [big screens v]) = (my scene)> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine Clone\nswitch costume to (b v)\nset [index v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\n set [my scene v] to (item (index) of [my scene v])\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n change [index v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [pop v]\nhide\nset [learn change to: v] to (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))\nbroadcast (learn change costume v)\n\ndefine Add to list\ndelete all of [my scene v]\nadd [I] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [A] to [my scene v]\nadd [A] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [G] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [C] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [F] to [my scene v]\nadd [I] to [my scene v]\nadd [A] to [my scene v]\nadd [H] to [my scene v]\nadd [I] to [my scene v]\nadd [D] to [my scene v]\nadd [J] to [my scene v]\nadd [G] to [my scene v]\nadd [K] to [my scene v]\nadd [F] to [my scene v]\nadd [L] to [my scene v]\nadd [K] to [my scene v]\nadd [M] to [my scene v]\nadd [1] to [my scene v]\nadd [G] to [my scene v]\nadd [2] to [my scene v]\nadd [G] to [my scene v]\nadd [3] to [my scene v]\nadd [G] to [my scene v]\nadd [C] to [my scene v]\nadd [N] to [my scene v]\nadd [C] to [my scene v]\nadd [O] to [my scene v]\nadd [C] to [my scene v]\nadd [P] to [my scene v]\nadd [D] to [my scene v]\nadd [Q] to [my scene v]\nadd [D] to [my scene v]\nadd [R] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [S] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [T] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [U] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [V] to [my scene v]\nadd [H] to [my scene v]\nadd [W] to [my scene v]\nadd [H] to [my scene v]\nadd [X] to [my scene v]\nadd [F] to [my scene v]\nadd [4] to [my scene v]\nadd [F] to [my scene v]\nadd [5] to [my scene v]\nadd [L] to [my scene v]\nadd [6] to [my scene v]\nadd [L] to [my scene v]\nadd [7] to [my scene v]\nadd [K] to [my scene v]\nadd [Y] to [my scene v]\nadd [K] to [my scene v]\nadd [Z] to [my scene v]\nadd [9] to [my scene v]\nadd [!] to [my scene v]\nadd [@] to [my scene v]\nadd [#] to [my scene v]\nadd [$] to [my scene v]\nadd [%] to [my scene v]\nadd [^] to [my scene v]\nadd [&] to [my scene v]\nadd [J] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [8] to [my scene v]\nadd [*] to [my scene v]\nadd [J] to [my scene v]\nadd [\(] to [my scene v]\nadd [J] to [my scene v]\nadd [I] to [my scene v]\nadd [\)] to [my scene v]\n\nbroadcast (learn change costume v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nshow\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [Learn]?> then\n set [learn change to: v] to [Learn]\nelse\n if < (costume [name v]) contains [Pharaohs]?> then\n set [learn change to: v] to [Pharaohs]\n else\n if < (costume [name v]) contains [History]?> then\n set [learn change to: v] to [History]\n end\n end\nend\n\nadd [I] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [A] to [my scene v]\nadd [A] to [my scene v]\nadd [B] to [my scene v]\nadd [G] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\nadd [C] to [my scene v]\nadd [E] to [my scene v]\n\nset [learn change to: v] to (letter (1) of [X])\nbroadcast (learn change costume v)\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [LNB] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [LNB] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [SPK] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [SPK] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nset [up/down v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) = (lava swell height)>\n set y to ((lava swell height) * ([sin v] of ((up/down) * (5)) ))\n change [up/down v] by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) = ((-1) * (lava swell height))>\n set y to ((lava swell height) * ([sin v] of ((up/down) * (5)) ))\n change [up/down v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nforever\n set y to ((3) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\nend\n\nset [lava swell height v] to [10]\n\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [LVA] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [LVA] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@Moving Platform\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nhide\nif <(SCENE #) = [5]> then\n Spawn [Key 1] turn []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [x]> then\n Spawn [xx] turn [5]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick - platforms v]\nTick (x position) (y position)\nset [last x v] to (x position)\nset [last y v] to (y position)\n\ndefine Tick (new x) (new y)\nif <(turn) > []> then\n change y by (4)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n Rotation Maths CCW ((0) - (turn))\n end\nelse\n if <(new y) > (last y)> then\n change y by (1)\n else\n set y to ((last y) + (1))\n end\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [platform dx v] to ((x position) - (last x))\n set [platform dy v] to ((y position) - (last y))\n end\nend\ngo to x: (new x) y: (new y)\n\ndefine Animate Platform - xy1 (x1) (y1) time1 (time1) xy2 (x2) (y2) time2 (time2) costume (costume) wait1 (wait1) wait2 (wait2) Turn (degrees) dir (dir)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nif <(turn) = []> then\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\nelse\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nif <not <(turn) = []>> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n forever\n turn right (turn) degrees\n end\nelse\n forever\n glide (time1) secs to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n wait (wait1) seconds\n glide (time2) secs to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n wait (wait2) seconds\n end\nend\n\ndefine Door at (x) (y) key name (key name) move x y (move x) (move y) dir (dir) ghost? (0/1)\nshow\nswitch costume to (key name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\nforever\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n if <[collected v] contains (key name)?> then\n if <(0/1) = [0]> then\n repeat (24)\n change x by (move x)\n change y by (move y)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (24)\n change x by (() - (move x))\n change y by (() - (move y))\n end\n else\n add (key name) to [opened doors v]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [opened doors v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [exit scene v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Spawn (type) turn (degrees)\nswitch costume to (type)\nset [costume v] to (costume [name v])\nset [turn v] to (degrees)\nif <not <[opened doors v] contains (type)?>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(SCENE #) = [5]> then\n Door at [-119] [-39] key name [Key 1] move x y [] [] dir [] ghost? [1]\nend\n\nif <(SCENE #) = [x]> then\n Animate Platform - xy1 [0] [0] time1 [] xy2 [] [] time2 [] costume [Line] wait1 [] wait2 [] Turn [] dir [90]\nend\n\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (dir)\n\n\n\nDoor at [-74] [-78] key name [Key 1] move x y [0] [4] dir [] ghost? []\n\nshow\nswitch costume to (key 1 v)\ngo to x: (-74) y: (-78)\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n if <[collected v] contains [Key 1]?> then\n repeat (24)\n change x by ()\n change y by (4)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (24)\n change x by (() - ())\n change y by (() - (4))\n end\n start sound [Crunch v]\n else\n start sound [Low Squeak v]\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine Rotation Maths CCW (ccw)\nset [dx v] to (([x position v] of [player v]) - (x position))\nset [dy v] to (([y position v] of [player v]) - (y position))\nset [sin v] to ([sin v] of (ccw) )\nset [cos v] to ([cos v] of (ccw) )\nset [platform dx v] to ((((dx) * (cos)) - ((dy) * (sin))) - (dx))\nset [platform dy v] to ((((dx) * (sin)) + ((dy) * (cos))) - (dy))\n\nset [platform # v] to [2]\nSpawn [Square] turn [3]\n\nset [platform # v] to [1]\n\ngo to x: (20) y: (-204)\n\nif <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n Spawn [Key 1] turn []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [0]> then\n set [platform # v] to [1]\n Spawn [costume1] turn []\n set [platform # v] to [2]\n Spawn [Square] turn [1]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [4]> then\n Spawn [Cross] turn [-3]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [-1]> then\n Spawn [Circle] turn [1]\nend\n\nerase all\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nchange y by (-20)\nstamp\nchange y by (20)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Stamp Outline (thickness)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-20)\nrepeat ((thickness) * (3))\n turn right ((360) / ((thickness) * (3))) degrees\n move (thickness) steps\n stamp\n move ((0) - (thickness)) steps\nend\nclear graphic effects\n\nif <(costume) = [Key 1]> then\n Door at [-74] [-78] key name [Key 1] move x y [0] [4] dir [90] ghost? []\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [0]> then\n if <(platform #) = [1]> then\n else\n end\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [4]> then\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [-1]> then\n Animate Platform - xy1 [0] [-411] time1 [] xy2 [] [] time2 [] costume [Circle] wait1 [] wait2 [] Turn [3] dir [90]\nend\n\nAnimate Platform - xy1 [104] [10] time1 [2] xy2 [104] [-90] time2 [2] costume [costume1] wait1 [1] wait2 [1] Turn [] dir [90]\n\nAnimate Platform - xy1 [0] [-90] time1 [2] xy2 [0] [10] time2 [2] costume [Square] wait1 [1] wait2 [1] Turn [2] dir [90]\n\nAnimate Platform - xy1 [88] [-3] time1 [] xy2 [] [] time2 [] costume [Square2] wait1 [] wait2 [] Turn [-3] dir [90]\n\nif <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [MVP] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [MVP] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Collectible\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = (my scene)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nswitch costume to (apple v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [frame v] to (pick random (1) to (10000))\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat until <(touching player) = [1]>\n repeat (10)\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of (frame) ))\n change [frame v] by (5)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [touching player v] to [1]\n end\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [1]> and <(LIVES) = [0]>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\nset [my scene v] to []\nif <<(costume [name v]) = [1]> or <(costume [name v]) = [10]>> then\n change [artifacts v] by (costume [name v])\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Green Flag]> then\n set [spawn scene v] to (SCENE #)\n set [spawn x v] to (x position)\n set [spawn y v] to (y position)\n else\n add (costume [name v]) to [collected v]\n end\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [1]> then\n start sound [Collect v]\nelse\n repeat (20)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\nend\nhide\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Map 1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [popup mini do v] to [Map 1]\n broadcast (popup mini v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete all of [collected v]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [coins v] to [0]\nPlace [Key 1] scene [0] xy [33] [-46]\nPlace [10] scene [23] xy [-98] [40]\nPlace [1] scene [25] xy [-63] [-8]\nPlace [1] scene [25] xy [60] [26]\nPlace [10] scene [25] xy [124] [-65]\nPlace [Map 1] scene [6] xy [166] [72]\nPlace [1] scene [1] xy [-41] [35]\nPlace [1] scene [1] xy [45] [45]\nPlace [1] scene [1] xy [5] [63]\nPlace [1] scene [2] xy [-39] [25]\nPlace [1] scene [2] xy [25] [45]\nPlace [1] scene [3] xy [85] [-34]\nPlace [1] scene [3] xy [130] [-34]\nPlace [1] scene [3] xy [175] [-34]\nPlace [1] scene [5] xy [-29] [25]\nPlace [1] scene [5] xy [-78] [100]\nPlace [10] scene [5] xy [223] [52]\nPlace [1] scene [20] xy [223] [-43]\nPlace [1] scene [21] xy [-83] [-47]\nPlace [1] scene [21] xy [11] [-47]\nPlace [1] scene [21] xy [116] [-47]\nPlace [1] scene [21] xy [72] [126]\nPlace [1] scene [22] xy [72] [-31]\nPlace [1] scene [22] xy [53] [53]\nPlace [1] scene [22] xy [9] [117]\nPlace [1] scene [22] xy [-95] [4]\nPlace [1] scene [23] xy [-155] [-7]\nPlace [1] scene [23] xy [-44] [-7]\nPlace [1] scene [23] xy [-10] [132]\nPlace [1] scene [23] xy [135] [132]\nPlace [1] scene [23] xy [-189] [132]\nPlace [1] scene [23] xy [-100] [132]\nPlace [1] scene [24] xy [14] [-71]\nPlace [1] scene [24] xy [-103] [-44]\nPlace [1] scene [26] xy [37] [-11]\nPlace [1] scene [26] xy [112] [63]\nPlace [1] scene [26] xy [194] [63]\nPlace [1] scene [27] xy [-7] [26]\nPlace [10] scene [27] xy [16] [129]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [19] [-5]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [-134] [89]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [-49] [140]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [76] [140]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [186] [140]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [215] [51]\nPlace [1] scene [28] xy [219] [-48]\nPlace [1] scene [29] xy [-29] [56]\nPlace [1] scene [29] xy [-192] [140]\nPlace [1] scene [29] xy [-83] [140]\nPlace [1] scene [29] xy [35] [140]\nPlace [1] scene [30] xy [-152] [134]\nPlace [10] scene [30] xy [179] [-32]\nPlace [1] scene [31] xy [41] [-47]\nPlace [1] scene [32] xy [-160] [-61]\nPlace [1] scene [32] xy [-110] [-61]\nPlace [1] scene [32] xy [-60] [-61]\nPlace [1] scene [32] xy [-10] [-61]\nPlace [1] scene [32] xy [72] [-55]\nPlace [1] scene [33] xy [-42] [-36]\nPlace [10] scene [33] xy [56] [-36]\nPlace [1] scene [34] xy [26] [5]\nPlace [1] scene [34] xy [26] [77]\nPlace [1] scene [34] xy [199] [9]\nPlace [1] scene [35] xy [-81] [12]\nPlace [1] scene [35] xy [23] [12]\nPlace [1] scene [35] xy [112] [12]\nPlace [1] scene [35] xy [64] [134]\nPlace [1] scene [35] xy [215] [83]\nPlace [10] scene [36] xy [-107] [-71]\n\ndefine Place (costume name) scene (scene) xy (x) (y)\nset [touching player v] to [0]\nset [my scene v] to (scene)\nswitch costume to (costume name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [my scene v] to []\n\ndefine check touching player (costume)\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n set [touching player v] to [1]\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume)\nswitch costume to (join [h-] (costume))\n\nwhen I receive [reset game v]\ndelete this clone\n\nPlace [Key 2] scene [1] xy [-180] [95]\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [94] [6]\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [40] [45]\nPlace [apple] scene [1] xy [-54] [38]\nPlace [Green Flag] scene [2] xy [12] [-20]\nPlace [Key 1] scene [2] xy [175] [-136]\n\ncheck touching player (costume [name v])\n\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide variable [artifacts2 v]\nhide variable [deaths v]\nhide variable [timer v]\n\n@Big Screens\n\nwhen I receive [popup v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (big screen)\nset [show v] to [1]\nshow\n\nif <(dark) = [1]> then\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [show v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [big screen v] to []\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nhide\nset [show v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [screen fade v]\nhide variable [artifacts v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost effect v] to [100]\nswitch costume to (screen fade v)\nshow\nset [control? v] to [0]\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2)\n change [ghost effect v] by (-2)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change [ghost effect v] by (2)\nend\nshow variable [artifacts v]\nhide\nset [control? v] to [1]\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nbroadcast (map v)\n\nwhen I receive [hide popup v]\nhide\nset [show v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nhide\nset [show v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [learn v]\nset [x do v] to [Main Menu]\nset [big screen v] to [A]\nbroadcast (Popup v)\n\nwhen I receive [learn change costume v]\nswitch costume to (learn change to:)\n\nsay [Hello!]\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [BGS] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [BGS] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [map v]\nif <[collected v] contains [Map 1]?> then\n if <(SCENE #) < [8]> then\n set [big screen v] to [Map 1]\n else\n if <[17] < (SCENE #)> then\n set [big screen v] to [Map 11]\n else\n set [big screen v] to (join [Map ] ((SCENE #) - (7)))\n end\n end\n set [x do v] to [Hide Popup]\n broadcast (Popup v)\nend\n\n@X\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [x do v] to []\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [x do v] to [Main Menu]\ngo to x: (194) y: (135)\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [pop v]\nbroadcast (x do)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [popup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hide popup v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [x do v] to [Main Menu]\ngo to x: (194) y: (135)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [lights out v]\nbroadcast (Hide Popup v)\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [X] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [X] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Game Over\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nswitch costume to (game over v)\nshow\nbroadcast (Main menu/ Play again button v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [GMO] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [gameovershow v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nswitch costume to (game over v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [GMO] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = [22]> then\n Spawn [Bounce] at [71] [-62] dir [90] speed [] id [Bounce1]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [23]> then\n Spawn [Frog] at [41] [-64] dir [90] speed [2] id [Frog1]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [27]> then\n Spawn [Frog] at [175] [-63] dir [-90] speed [] id [Frog2]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [36]> then\n set [hitboss v] to [0]\n Spawn [BOSS] at [156] [-15] dir [90] speed [] id [BOSS]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [frame v] to [0]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Frog]> then\n set size to (50) %\n forever\n Jump [5] Times\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Bounce]> then\n set size to (100) %\n if <[activated/defeated enemies v] contains (id)?> then\n switch costume to (bounce5 v)\n else\n switch costume to (bounce v)\n end\n forever\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <<touching (player v)?> and <([speed y v] of [player v]) < [-3]>>> then\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Bounce]> then\n add (id) to [activated/defeated enemies v]\n set [bounce height v] to [9]\n broadcast (Player - Bounce v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n end\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Bounce5]> then\n set [bounce height v] to [20]\n broadcast (Player - Bounce v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [1]> and <(LIVES) = [0]>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [BOSS]> then\n set [hitboss v] to [0]\n set size to (100) %\n if <(already done?) = [0]> then\n wait until <([y position v] of [player v]) < [-70]>\n set [control? v] to [0]\n broadcast (Boss Music v)\n wait (1) seconds\n Say: [HAHAHA!] []\n Say: [I finally have you within my grasp!] []\n Say: [I am Set, the god of Evil, and you were so easy to lure here.] []\n Say: [Oh? Why you? Because you were the only one who could possibly stop me! AND NOW I WILL RULE THE WORLD!] []\n end\n set [control? v] to [0]\n Say: [Prepare for battle! HAHAHA!] []\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [mummy repeat v] to [300]\n set [control? v] to [1]\n set [already done? v] to [1]\n wait (3) seconds\n set [my costume v] to (costume [name v])\n switch costume to (d v)\n broadcast (be boss v)\n forever\n if <(hitboss) = [1]> then\n set [hitboss v] to [0]\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n next costume\n say []\n wait (1) seconds\n Say: (item (letter (5) of (costume [name v])) of [responses v]) [-3]\n wait (3) seconds\n set [my costume v] to (costume [name v])\n switch costume to (d v)\n broadcast (be boss v)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Mummy]> then\n forever\n switch costume to (mummy v)\n repeat (mummy repeat)\n Locate player (direction)\n move (2) steps\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (4)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (13)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (3)\n wait (1) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Lightning]> then\n repeat (3)\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n end\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (100)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-100)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [Thunder Storm v]\n switch costume to (lightning2 v)\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(INVULNERABLE) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\n wait (0.4) seconds\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <(INVULNERABLE) = [0]>> then\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [exit scene v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Move-Down\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (speed y)\nrepeat until <not <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (jump through v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Move - Left / Right\nmove (speed) steps\nrepeat (4)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> then\n if <not <<touching (safe zones v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n if <not <touching (jump through v)?>> then\n set [turn v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\nset [turn v] to [1]\nchange y by (-4)\nmove (-2) steps\n\ndefine Touching Player\nif <<([speed y v] of [player v]) < [-3]> and <[0] < (([y position v] of [player v]) - (y position))>> then\n add (join [defeat] (id)) to [activated/defeated enemies v]\n set [bounce height v] to [9]\n broadcast (Player - Bounce v)\n switch costume to (frog squish2 v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nbroadcast (Lose Life v)\n\ndefine Spawn (type) at (x) (y) dir (dir) speed (speed) id (id)\nif <not <[activated/defeated enemies v] contains (join [defeat] (id))?>> then\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n point in direction (dir)\n set [id v] to (id)\n set [speed v] to (speed)\n switch costume to (type)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [id v] to []\nend\n\nswitch costume to (red squish v)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\ndelete all of [activated/defeated enemies v]\ndelete this clone\n\n\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < [0]> then\n Spawn [Red] at [134] [-143] dir [-90] speed [] id []\n else\n Spawn [Red] at [136] [-139] dir [90] speed [] id []\n end\n Spawn [Red] at [-2] [107] dir [-90] speed [] id []\n Spawn [Red] at [-9] [28] dir [-90] speed [] id []\nend\n\n\n\nTouching Player\n\ndelete this clone\n\n\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nchange [frame v] by (0.33)\nset size to (50) %\nswitch costume to ([floor v] of ((1) + ((frame) mod (4))) )\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nMove - Left / Right\nMove-Down\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n Touching Player\nend\nif <<(INVULNERABLE) = [1]> and <(LIVES) = [0]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(turn) = [1]> then\n repeat (50)\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n Touching Player\n end\n end\n set [frame v] to [0]\n repeat (19)\n change [frame v] by (0.33)\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((5) + ((frame) mod (6))) )\n end\n set [frame v] to [0]\n turn right (180) degrees\n repeat (50)\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n Touching Player\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Jump (jumps) Times\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nrepeat (jumps)\n See if jump possible (x position) (y position) (direction)\n if <(possible) = [1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (frog jump2 v)\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n repeat until <<(costume [name v]) = [Frog Jump3]> and <(speed y) = [0]>>\n Move-Down\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (frog jump3 v)\n end\n change x by (((direction) / (90)) * (5))\n end\n Move-Down\n switch costume to (frog v)\n end\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nturn right (180) degrees\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndefine See if jump possible (x) (y) (dir)\npoint in direction (dir)\nswitch costume to (frog jump2 v)\nset [speed y v] to [12]\nrepeat until <<(costume [name v]) = [Frog Jump3]> and <(speed y) = [0]>>\n Move-down2\n if <(possible) = [3]> then\n set [possible v] to [0]\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n switch costume to (frog v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (frog jump3 v)\n end\n change x by (((direction) / (90)) * (5))\nend\nswitch costume to (frog v)\nMove-down2\nif <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (jump through v)?>> or <<touching (moving platform v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> then\n set [possible v] to [0]\nelse\n set [possible v] to [1]\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (frog v)\n\ndefine Move-down2\nchange [speed y v] by (-1)\nchange y by (speed y)\nrepeat (([abs v] of (speed y) ) + (5))\n if <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (jump through v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (jump through v)?>> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n set [possible v] to [3]\n change y by (-5)\nend\n\nturn right (180) degrees\n\nSpawn [Frog] at [182] [-63] dir [-90] speed [] id [test]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ndelete all of [activated/defeated enemies v]\ndelete this clone\n\nif <(SCENE #) = [27]> then\n Spawn [Frog] at [175] [-63] dir [-90] speed [] id [Frog2]\nend\n\ndefine Say: (text) (wait)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nset [text so far v] to []\nif <(txt to speech?) = [1]> then\n set [txt to speech say \(enemy\) v] to (text)\n broadcast (txt2speech \(enemy\) v)\nend\nrepeat (length of (text))\n set [text so far v] to (join (Text so far) (letter (Letter #) of (text)))\n say (Text so far)\n if <<(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [.]> or <<(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [!]> or <(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [?]>>> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n change [letter # v] by (1)\n if <(hitboss) = [1]> then\n say []\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(wait) = [-2]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n say []\nelse\n if <(wait) = [-3]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n say []\n else\n if <not <(wait) = [-1]>> then\n wait until <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [txt2speech \(enemy\) v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [BOSS]> then\n set voice to (giant v)::tts\n speak (txt to speech say \(enemy\))::tts\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [ENM] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Spawn a mummy\nswitch costume to (mummy v)\ngo to x: (108) y: (-84)\nset size to (40) %\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (my costume)\ngo to x: (156) y: (-15)\nset size to (100) %\n\nSpawn [Mummy] at [98] [-79] dir [90] speed [2] id [xxx]\n\ndefine Locate player (dir)\npoint towards (player v)\nif <([abs v] of (([x position v] of [player v]) - (x position)) ) < [30]> then\n point in direction (dir)\nelse\n point in direction (((direction) / ([abs v] of (direction) )) * (90))\nend\n\nrepeat (500)\n\n\n\ndefine mummy touching player?\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(INVULNERABLE) = [0]>> then\n if <<([speed y v] of [player v]) < [-3]> and <<(([y position v] of [player v]) - (y position)) > [10]> and < (costume [name v]) contains [MummyFall]?>>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [bounce height v] to [9]\n broadcast (Player - Bounce v)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (mummygood v)\n repeat until <(x position) > [100]>\n change x by (2)\n end\n set [hitboss v] to [1]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\nend\n\nforever\n\ndefine Spawn lightning\nswitch costume to (lightning v)\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (my costume)\ngo to x: (156) y: (-15)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Mummy]> then\n forever\n mummy touching player?\n end\nend\n\nmummy touching player?\n\nSpawn lightning\n\nSpawn a mummy\n\n\n\nwhen I receive [next boss v]\n\nadd [AARGH!] to [responses v]\n\ndelete all of [responses v]\nadd [OW! My toe!] to [responses v]\nadd [Using my henchmen against me? That's not fair!] to [responses v]\nadd [I will destroy you!] to [responses v]\nadd [AARGH! Time to amp it up a notch.] to [responses v]\nadd [You pest! I will smash you like a bug! ] to [responses v]\nadd [STOP IT!] to [responses v]\nadd [uggghh...] to [responses v]\n\nwhen I receive [only 1 boss v]\n\ngo to (random position v)\n\n\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nadd [] to [responses v]\nadd [I will destroy you!] to [responses v]\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [BOSS]?> then\n forever\n if <(hitboss) = [1]> then\n set [hitboss v] to [0]\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n next costume\n say []\n Say: (item (letter (5) of (costume [name v])) of [responses v]) [-3]\n set [my costume v] to (costume [name v])\n switch costume to (d v)\n broadcast (next boss v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nif < (costume [name v]) contains [Kill]?> then\n switch costume to (my costume)\n forever\n if <(hitboss) = [1]> then\n set [hitboss v] to [0]\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n next costume\n say []\n end\n end\nend\n\nsay ([abs v] of (([x position v] of [player v]) - (x position)) )\n\nSpawn lightning\nwait (3) seconds\n\ndefine Be boss (wait1) (repeat1) (wait2)\nSay: [By the power of evil...] [-2]\nSay: [I summon MUMMY!] [-2]\nSpawn a mummy\nwait (wait1) seconds\nrepeat (repeat1)\n Say: [By the power of evil...] [-2]\n Spawn lightning\n Say: [I summon LIGHTNING!] [-2]\n wait (wait2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [be boss v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [d]> then\n switch costume to (my costume)\n forever\n if <(costume [name v]) = [BOSS7]> then\n Say: [Nooooo! After all my efforts, a puny human is the one who banishes me to the underworld?] []\n Say: [GAAAAH! I will have my revenge! Mark my word!] []\n Say: [I... will... come back...] []\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (2)\n end\n broadcast (Screen fade v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\n set [able to restart? v] to [0]\n broadcast (WIN v)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<<(costume [name v]) = [BOSS4]> or <(costume [name v]) = [BOSS5]>> or <(costume [name v]) = [BOSS6]>> then\n Be boss [1] [6] [1]\n else\n Be boss [3] [3] [3]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nforever\n Say: [By the power of evil...] [-2]\n Say: [I summon MUMMY!] [-2]\n Spawn a mummy\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (6)\n Say: [By the power of evil...] [-2]\n Spawn lightning\n Say: [I summon LIGHTNING!] [-2]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nforever\n Say: [By the power of evil...] [-2]\n Say: [I summon MUMMY!] [-2]\n Spawn a mummy\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (3)\n Say: [By the power of evil...] [-2]\n Spawn lightning\n Say: [I summon LIGHTNING!] [-2]\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (d v)\nbroadcast (next boss v)\n\nforever\n if <(hitboss) = [1]> then\nend\n\nset [mummy repeat v] to [600]\n\nbroadcast (Normal Music v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Frog]> then\n forever\n if <<(INVULNERABLE) = [0]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n Touching Player\n end\n end\nend\n\nBe boss [1] [6] [1]\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [ENM] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Safe Zones\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\n@Jump through\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = [Blank]>> then\n Stamp Outline [3] (SCENE #)\nend\n\ndefine Stamp Outline (thickness) (scene)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nrepeat ((thickness) * (3))\n turn right ((360) / ((thickness) * (3))) degrees\n move (thickness) steps\n stamp\n move ((0) - (thickness)) steps\nend\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (scene))\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [JUMP] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [JUMP] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@NPC\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ngo to x: (33) y: (-46)\ndelete all of [shown scenes v]\nset [yes/no quest v] to [0]\nset [name v] to []\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <not <(clone id) = [0]>> then\n hide\nelse\n if <(SCENE #) = [4]> then\n if <not <[shown scenes v] contains [4]?>> then\n Become: [1]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (33) y: (-46)\n show\n wait until <(distance to [player v]) < [150]>\n set [control? v] to [0]\n add [4] to [shown scenes v]\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (1) seconds\n Say: [ Hello. I'm Matt. I'll tell you why I summoned you here shortly. <space or click to continue>] []\n Say: [What was your name again?] [-1]\n ask [What was your name again?] and wait\n set [name v] to (answer)\n broadcast (say name v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n else\n if <(SCENE #) = [6]> then\n if <not <[shown scenes v] contains [6]?>> then\n Become: [1]\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (25) y: (-46)\n show\n wait until <(distance to [player v]) < [180]>\n set [control? v] to [0]\n add [6] to [shown scenes v]\n wait (3) seconds\n Say: [Three days ago, a servant of the evil god, Set, broke in to this museum and stole the amulet of Ra.] []\n wait (1) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n Say: [If he delivers it to Set, The evil god will have enough power to control the world.] []\n Say: [This information is highly confidential. That's why I didn't tell you until now.] []\n Say: [I'm hoping you will go on a quest to retrieve the amulet. Will you?] [-1]\n broadcast (yes/no quest v)\n wait until <<(yes/no quest) = [2]> or <(yes/no quest) = [-2]>>\n say []\n wait until <<(yes/no quest) = [1]> or <(yes/no quest) = [-1]>>\n if <(yes/no quest) = [-1]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n Say: [Ok, well, thanks for coming, at least.] []\n broadcast (gameovershow v)\n wait (5) seconds\n broadcast (Main Menu v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n wait (1) seconds\n Say: [Good. As I said earlier, we have no time to waste! Meet me on the helipad in 15 minutes.] []\n Say: [Here's a map to help you get there.] []\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Screen fade v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\n hide\n end\n end\n else\n if <(SCENE #) = [18]> then\n hide\n if <not <[shown scenes v] contains [18]?>> then\n wait until <[-200] < ([x position v] of [player v])>\n set [control? v] to [0]\n add [18] to [shown scenes v]\n set [clone id v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [clone id v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(SCENE #) = [20]> then\n if <not <[shown scenes v] contains [20]?>> then\n add [20] to [shown scenes v]\n set [control? v] to [0]\n show\n go to x: (-100) y: (-48)\n Become: [1]\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [100]>\n set [dontmove v] to [0]\n broadcast (don't move v)\n Say: [It's time for us to part ways. Good luck!] []\n broadcast (Screen fade v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [100]>\n set [dontmove v] to [1]\n set [control? v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <(SCENE #) = [38]> then\n show\n set size to (40) %\n go to x: (33) y: (-46)\n point in direction (-90)\n if <not <[shown scenes v] contains [38]?>> then\n add [38] to [shown scenes v]\n set [control? v] to [0]\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [100]>\n wait (1) seconds\n set [control? v] to [0]\n Say: (join [Congratulations, ] (join (name) [!])) []\n Say: [You saved the world from Set's rule!] []\n Say: [And as a reward, the Egyptian Archeological Society and I have decided to give you...] []\n Say: [The Amulet of Ra!] []\n Say: [You have proven through your mission that you are more than capable of handling this big of a responsibility.] []\n Say: [And I especially trust that you will keep it safe.] []\n Say: [Thanks to you, Set is banished to the underworld! You saved us all.] []\n wait (1) seconds\n set [control? v] to [1]\n broadcast (after win mn menu v)\n broadcast (Stop Timer v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwait (3) seconds\nSay: [Three days ago, a servant of the evil god, Set, broke in to this museum and stole the amulet of Ra.] []\nwait (1) seconds\npoint in direction (-90)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nSay: [If he delivers it to Set, The evil god will have enough power to control the world.] []\nSay: [This information is highly confidential. That's why I didn't tell you until now.] []\nSay: [I'm hoping you will go on a quest to retrieve the amulet. Will you?] [-1]\nbroadcast (yes/no quest v)\nwait until <<(yes/no quest) = [2]> or <(yes/no quest) = [-2]>>\nsay []\nwait until <<(yes/no quest) = [1]> or <(yes/no quest) = [-1]>>\nif <(yes/no quest) = [-1]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n Say: [Ok, well, thanks for coming, at least.] []\n broadcast (Game over v)\n stop [this script v]\nelse\n wait (1) seconds\n Say: [Good. As I said earlier, we have no time to waste! Meet me on the helipad in 15 minutes.] []\n Say: [Here's a map to help you get there.] []\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Screen fade v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\n broadcast (Map v)\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Say: (text) (wait)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nset [text so far v] to []\nif <(txt to speech?) = [1]> then\n set [txt to speech say: v] to (text)\n broadcast (Text to speech v)\nend\nrepeat (length of (text))\n set [text so far v] to (join (Text so far) (letter (Letter #) of (text)))\n say (Text so far)\n if <<(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [.]> or <<(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [!]> or <(letter (Letter #) of (text)) = [?]>>> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n end\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nif <not <(wait) = [-1]>> then\n wait until <<key (space v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>\n say []\nend\n\nwhen I receive [said name v]\nSay: (join (join [Okay, ] (answer)) [. I'm happy to finally meet you.]) []\nSay: [It must've been a long journey, but there's no time to waste!] []\nSay: [Meet me in the Egyptian Artifacts section when you're ready. It's right behind me.] []\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (2) seconds\npoint in direction (-90)\nwait (1) seconds\nSay: [Uh oh- I lost my key somewhere! You'll have to find it, because the Egyptian artifacts section is for employees only.] []\nSay: [I think I left it somewhere around the dinosaurs...] []\nSay: [It'll be around here somewhere. Good luck!] []\nbroadcast (Screen fade v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\ndelete all of [shown scenes v]\ndelete all of [opened doors v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ndelete all of [shown scenes v]\ndelete all of [opened doors v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [give key v]\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (25) y: (-46)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n set size to (100) %\n point in direction (90)\n hide\n wait (3) seconds\n go to x: (144) y: (246)\n switch costume to (helicopter v)\n show\n glide (5) secs to x: (28) y: (83)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (3) secs to x: (28) y: (-15)\n broadcast (out of helicopter v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [out of helicopter v]\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n Become: [1]\n wait (2) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n go to x: (1) y: (-83)\n show\n wait (1) seconds\n Say: [Good! You found your way here.] []\n Say: [Our thief has fled to the Egyptian Rainforest, a place filled with water, wildlife, and lots of danger.] []\n Say: [Are you ready? Then let's go!] []\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Screen fade v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [0]>\n change [scene # v] by (1)\n broadcast (changescene2 v)\n broadcast (Destroy Clones v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n switch backdrop to (blue sky 2 2 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-38)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (helicopter2 v)\n point in direction (95)\n show\n set [up down v] to [0]\n repeat until <([ghost effect v] of [big screens v]) = [50]>\n change y by (([sin v] of ((up down) * (3)) ) * (2))\n turn left (([sin v] of (((up down) + (20)) * (3)) ) * (0.5)) degrees\n change [up down v] by (1)\n end\n forever\n change y by (([sin v] of ((up down) * (3)) ) * (2))\n turn left (([sin v] of (((up down) + (20)) * (3)) ) * (0.5)) degrees\n change [up down v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [destroy clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\ndefine Become: (what)\nif <(what) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (40) %\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\nend\n\nforever\n say ([ghost effect v] of [big screens v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide helicopter v]\nswitch backdrop to (jungle v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [scene # v] to [20]\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\n\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [0]\n\nrepeat (10)\n\nrepeat until <[] = [50]>\n\nwhen I receive [don't move v]\nrepeat until <(dontmove) = [1]>\n set [control? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [text to speech v]\nset voice to (tenor v)::tts\nspeak (txt to speech say:)::tts\n\nSay: [Hello. I'm Matt.] []\n\nset voice to (tenor v)::tts\nspeak [Hello. I'm Matt.]::tts\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [NPC] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nSay: (join (join [You beat the game with ] (Artifacts)) [ artifacts.]) []\n\nbroadcast (Stop Timer v)\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [NPC] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Non-level fg\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = [Blank]>> then\n forever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait until <not <touching (player v)?>>\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <(SCENE #) = [5]> then\n wait until <[opened doors v] contains [Key 1]?>\nend\n\n\n switch costume to (scene.1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [NLF] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [NLF] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@Non-level bg\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\nif <(SCENE #) = [5]> then\n wait until <[opened doors v] contains [Key 1]?>\nend\n\n\n switch costume to (scene.1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [NLB] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [NLB] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@Yes/no quest\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-129)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yes/no quest v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n repeat (100)\n change size by (0.1)\n end\n repeat (100)\n change size by (-0.1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [pop v]\nif <(mouse x) < [0]> then\n set [yes/no quest v] to [2]\n broadcast (say answer v)\n hide\nelse\n set [yes/no quest v] to [-2]\n broadcast (say answer v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [YNQ] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [YNQ] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Dark\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [dark v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [on flash v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n go to (player v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <<(SCENE #) = [8]> and <(dark) = [0]>> then\n wait until <([y position v] of [player v]) < [-40]>\n wait (1) seconds\n set [control? v] to [0]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\n wait (0.5) seconds\n hide\n wait (0.2) seconds\n show\n wait (0.2) seconds\n hide\n wait (0.2) seconds\n show\n wait (0.5) seconds\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n broadcast (lights out v)\n set [dark v] to [1]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [16]> then\n show\n set [dark v] to [1]\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [17]> then\n hide\n set [dark v] to [0]\nend\n\nhide\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nif <[collected v] contains [Map 1]?> then\n if <([show v] of [big screens v]) = [1]> then\n end\nend\n\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\n\nwhen I receive [hide popup v]\nif <(dark) = [1]> then\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nset [acceleration v] to [0]\n\nset [control? v] to [1]\n\ngo [forward v] (6) layers\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [DRK] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [DRK] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\n@Popup mini\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [popup mini do v] to []\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nhide\nset [id v] to [1]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nset volume to (Sound fx vol) %\nstart sound [pop v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nset [popup mini do v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [popup mini v]\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [id v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (popup mini do)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(SCENE #) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n set [id v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nhide\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nset [id v] to [1]\ndelete this clone\n\nwait (3) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\n\ngo to (random position v)\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [PUM] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [PUM] in [back to front sprites v])\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nswitch costume to (6 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Invisible level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (scene1 v)\nerase all\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nerase all\nhide\n\ndefine Stamp Shadow\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nchange y by (-20)\nstamp\nchange y by (20)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Stamp Outline (thickness) (scene)\nif <<(scene) = [Scene1]> or <<(scene) = [Scene3]> or >> then\n switch costume to (scene0.5 v)\nend\nif <(scene) = [Scene5]> then\n switch costume to (scene5.5 v)\nend\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nrepeat ((thickness) * (3))\n turn right ((360) / ((thickness) * (3))) degrees\n move (thickness) steps\n stamp\n move ((0) - (thickness)) steps\nend\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (scene)\n\nwhen I receive [changescene2 v]\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nerase all\n\nStamp Outline [4] (costume [name v])\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\nwait (((length of [back to front sprites v]) - (item # of [INV] in [back to front sprites v])) / (100)) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by (item # of [INV] in [back to front sprites v])\n\n@Achievements\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-204) y: (-140)\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Achievements v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (achievements v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [how to play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\n\nshow\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((0.2) * ((90) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((0.2) * ((80) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\n@Achievements2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclone\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nif <not <(costume [name v]) = [Blank]>> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\nhide\n\nforever\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [sound fx vol v] to [100]\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [sound fx vol v] to [100]\n\nif <[] = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [sound fx vol v] to [100]\nend\n\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nnext costume\n\ndefine Do assignment\nif <((costume [number v]) mod (2)) = [0]> then\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nDo assignment\n\ndefine clone\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (blank v)\n\n@THUMB\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nOrder sprites by []\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\ndelete all of [z order v]\nbroadcast (Order Sprites v)\n\n@control stick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [base sprite v] to [control stick]\nset size to (100) %\nset [max stick v] to ((size) / (5))\nswitch costume to (base v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (stick v)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\nforever\n set [stick power v] to []\n set [stick x v] to [0]\n set [stick y v] to [0]\n repeat until <mouse down?>\n go to (base sprite)\n end\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < ((size) * (0.4))> then\n stick drag\n else\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine stick drag\nrepeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n point towards (base sprite)\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [stick direction v] to (direction)\n set [stick power v] to (distance to [(base sprite) v])\n if <(max stick) < (stick power)> then\n move ((max stick) - (stick power)) steps\n set [stick power v] to (max stick)\n end\n set [stick power v] to ((stick power) / (max stick))\n set [stick x v] to ((stick power) * ([sin v] of (stick direction) ))\n set [stick y v] to ((stick power) * ([cos v] of (stick direction) ))\nend\n\nadd [Joy1] to [activated/defeated enemies v]\nadd [Joy2] to [activated/defeated enemies v]\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n Order sprites by [8]\nelse\n Order sprites by [7]\nend\n\ndefine Order sprites by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [z order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [z order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [after win mn menu v]\nhide\n\n
Among Us Flappy Game https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/434895986/\n————————————————————\nPac-Man Platformer\n\n➊ USE arrow keys, WASD, touchscreen or mouse.\n➋ Dodge GHOSTS and grab the cherries to ESCAPE!\n❸ Finish quickly to earn a TIME BONUS!\n➍ Press M to change the music.\n\nTip to say thanks for reading this- press p or click the clock to skip a level.\n\n---------- IPad, tablet, and mobile friendly ---------\n\n-----------------------Search Tags-----------------------\n#games #fruit #ninja #platformer #platform #music #animation #mobile #atomicmagicnumber #2020\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n
Cobalt Forest | Multiplayer Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [halloween-background-music-royalty-free-instrumental-music-for-videos v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Ghost\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nset [xv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.8)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.8)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n if <not <(Ghost) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <<(Yv) < [-3]> and <not <(Ghost) = [1]>>> then\n set [yv v] to [-3]\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n if <not <(Ghost) = [1]>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (levels v)?> then\n if <not <(Ghost) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching (fire v)?>> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n change y by (1)\n switch costume to (ghost v)\nend\n\n\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (ghost v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n broadcast (Return v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [return v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (bounce v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\n\n\nif <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\nend\n\nchange [yv v] by (-0.2)\n\nwhen [o v] key pressed\nchange [level v] by (-2)\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nrepeat (5)\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (0) to (50))\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nrepeat until <touching (levels v)?>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [ghost v] to [0]\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n repeat until <not <touching (levels v)?>>\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n if <(Yv) < [-6]> then\n set [yv v] to [-6]\n end\n set [ghost v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\n set size to (100) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-75)\n go to x: (-1) y: (-1)\n switch costume to (Level)\n set size to (101) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n glide (8) secs to x: (-500) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n glide (8) secs to x: (-500) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Candy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (60) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (ghost v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (ghost v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n show\n go to x: (-56) y: (-135)\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (50) y: (-145)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-20) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (50) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (95)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (95)\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (90) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (180) y: (-80)\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-150)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (180) y: (-150)\nend\nif <(Level) = [19]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-135)\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Fire\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (55) %\n\nswitch costume to (Level)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.05) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nwait (0) seconds\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n go to x: (80) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-80) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-130)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-20) y: (-130)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (-130)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (-130)\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-20) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (50) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (125) y: (-80)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (200) y: (-80)\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-110)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-160)\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n show\n go to x: (-100) y: (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (100) y: (-100)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Cut scene\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (ghost v)\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (25)\n change [brightness v] effect by (4)\nend\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\nend\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\nend\nnext costume\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\nend\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n turn right (36) degrees\nend\nhide\nwait until <(Level) > [20]>\nbroadcast (End v)\nstart sound [Spooky Scary Skeletons \(Remix\) - Extended Mix v]\nswitch costume to (pumpkin2 v)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (36) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\ndefine Thumbnail\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n
This is the final game in the NinjaRun™ series, thank you for playing all of the NinjaRun™ games!!! Enjoy!\nV2Pin] Check this regularly for updates. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\n1] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\nWow... We have come so far...\n2] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\n\nNote: This is my platforming engine, I made this from scratch, and used my own.\n3] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\n
Life || Mobile Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nforever\n play sound [Undertale OST 072 - Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nrepeat (50)\n change volume by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [game v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-108)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(game) = [1]> then\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (0.7)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-0.7)\n end\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <[0] < (X)> then\n set [x v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x v] to [7]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to ((X) * (-1.3))\n change x by (X)\n set [x v] to [0]\n change x by ((X) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n set [y v] to ((Y) * (-0.25))\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (Y)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <touching (level v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [game v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to x: (-179) y: (-108)\n\nbroadcast (start2 v)\n\nset [game v] to [1]\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-108)\nbroadcast (oof v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (saws v)?> or <<touching (crusher v)?> or <<touching (spike v)?> or <touching (wall v)?>>>> then\n broadcast (oof v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Text\n\ndefine (text) at (x) (y) with color (red/white) with sound (value)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n if <(red/white) = [red]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (50)\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n start sound (value)\n end\n else\n if <(red/white) = [gray]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ()\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n start sound (value)\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n start sound (value)\n end\n end\n end\n set [letter v] to (letter (i) of (text))\n change [i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (null v)\n switch costume to (letter)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join (letter) [_])\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (16)\n if <(letter (i) of (text)) = [@]> then\n set x to (-180)\n change y by (-30)\n end\n wait () seconds\nend\nif <(tak) = [1]> then\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nbroadcast (zrtext v) and wait\n\nbroadcast (zrtext v) and wait\n\nbroadcast (zrtext v) and wait\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait until <(i) = [0]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [tak v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [zrtext v]\ndelete this clone\n\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [i v] to [1]\n[Hello there. @\(Press Z\)] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nset [i v] to [1]\n[You haven't been@ here before.] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nset [i v] to [1]\n[That's fine.] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nset [i v] to [1]\n[You won't stand@ a chance either@ way.] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nset [i v] to [1]\n[Get ready.] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nbroadcast (1 v)\nbroadcast (1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [5 v]\nset [i v] to [1]\n[You think this@ is the best I can@ do?] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nset [i v] to [1]\n[I'm only getting@ started.] at [-145] [125] with color [red] with sound [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nwait until <key (z v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (zrtext v)\nbroadcast (6 v)\n\n@saws\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (112) y: (204)\nrepeat (40)\n change y by (-10)\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (2 v)\nbroadcast (fade v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nset size to (80) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-261) y: (-115)\nrepeat (80)\n change x by (7)\n turn right (10) degrees\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (5 v)\nbroadcast (fade v)\n\n@crusher\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-105) y: (51)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (51)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (6.5 v)\nbroadcast (fade v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (-239) y: (-71)\nrepeat (30)\n change x by (15)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nrepeat (30)\n change x by (-15)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (7 v)\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@spike\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (pick random (100) to (-100)) y: (pick random (100) to (0))\npoint towards (player v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\ngo to x: (pick random (100) to (-100)) y: (pick random (100) to (0))\npoint towards (player v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\ngo to x: (pick random (100) to (-100)) y: (pick random (100) to (0))\npoint towards (player v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (4 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\ngo to (random position v)\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (165)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (7.5 v)\nbroadcast (fade v)\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (165)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change y by (-10)\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (8 v)\nbroadcast (fade v)\n\nwhen I receive [9 v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (pick random (100) to (-100)) y: (pick random (100) to (0))\npoint towards (player v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to x: (pick random (100) to (-100)) y: (pick random (100) to (0))\npoint towards (player v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to x: (pick random (100) to (-100)) y: (pick random (100) to (0))\npoint towards (player v)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (20) steps\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (10 v)\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-175)\nrepeat (17)\n change y by (2)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@wall\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (225) y: (-161)\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n turn left (4.5) degrees\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (9 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [10 v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (254) y: (0)\nrepeat (50)\n change x by (-10)\nend\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (11 v)\n\n@warning\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [4 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [7 v]\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [6 v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [6.5 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fade v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [7.5 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [8 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1.5) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nswitch costume to (costume9 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1.2) seconds\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nbroadcast (end v)\n\n@hp\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (193) y: (158)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n broadcast (dead v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [oof v]\nnext costume\nrepeat (10)\n go to x: (pick random (192) to (194)) y: (pick random (157) to (159))\nend\ngo to x: (193) y: (158)\n\n@thing\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nplay sound [Tada v] until done\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nstop [all v]\n\n@thumb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n
=====Info=====\nTOP LOVED OWO, then TOP REMIXED\nRed Ninja 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/402521703/\nRed Ninja 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/402980379/\nRed Ninja 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/404940060/\nRed Ninja 5: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406739724/\nWelcome to my new game! The Red Ninja. It might lag occasionally on slow devices because of too many clones, but still, enjoy! This is also mobile friendly.\n=====Controls=====\nMove and Swim || Arrow keys or mobile tap\nShoot || Space or “Use weapon” button\nSwitch Weapon || Z or “Switch weapon” button\nAll levels are possible!
2.5D Pen Platformer Engine
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nchange [☁ green flag v] by (1)\nswitch backdrop to (start v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow list [level v]\nhide variable [☁ green flag v]\nhide variable [☁ play v]\nhide variable [☁ 300% v]\nhide variable [☁ 100% v]\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [level.completed v]\nhide variable [clones v]\nhide variable [level.1 v]\nhide variable [touch button? v]\nhide variable [size? v]\nhide variable [story v]\nhide variable [easy? v]\nhide variable [normal? v]\nhide variable [hard? v]\nhide variable [touch button? +4 v]\nhide variable [music? v]\nhide variable [sound? v]\nhide variable [game? v]\nhide variable [difficulty? v]\nhide variable [turn? v]\nhide variable [lives? v]\nhide variable [lives 2? v]\nhide variable [wait? v]\nhide variable [touch lives v]\nhide variable [x2 v]\nhide variable [y2 v]\nhide variable [move? v]\nhide variable [ok? v]\nset [game? v] to [Start]\nif <(username) = [mathias1706]> then\n wait (2) seconds\nelse\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (history v)\nif <(username) = [mathias1706]> then\n forever\n wait until <key (down arrow v) pressed?>\n show variable [☁ green flag v]\n show variable [☁ play v]\n show variable [☁ 100% v]\n show variable [☁ 300% v]\n wait until <not <key (down arrow v) pressed?>>\n wait until <key (down arrow v) pressed?>\n hide variable [☁ green flag v]\n hide variable [☁ play v]\n hide variable [☁ 100% v]\n hide variable [☁ 300% v]\n wait until <not <key (down arrow v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\n\nwait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\nrepeat until <<(Game?) = [menu]> or <(Level) = [21]>>\n if <(Move?) = [0]> then\n set [x2 v] to ([x position v] of [player v])\n set [y2 v] to ([y position v] of [player v])\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [menu]>\n repeat until <(Level.Completed) = [1]>\n if <(Level.1) = [0]> then\n switch backdrop to ((length of [level v]) + (5))\n end\n end\n wait until <(Game?) = [Won]>\n repeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n switch backdrop to ((length of [level v]) + (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [menu]>\n wait until <<not <(item (last) of [level v]) = (join [Level ] (Level))>> or <not <(length of [level v]) = (Level)>>>\n set [level.1 v] to [1]\n if <(Level) > (length of [level v])> then\n set [level v] to (length of [level v])\n set [level.1 v] to [0]\n else\n set [level.1 v] to [1]\n delete (all) of [level v]\n repeat until <(length of [level v]) = (Level)>\n insert (join [Level ] (Level.1)) at (last) of [level v] \n change [level.1 v] by (1)\n end\n set [level.1 v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Wait\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Game?) = [menu]> then\n set size to (80) %\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (30) layers\n switch costume to (background v)\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n show\n wait until <(Ok?) = [yes]>\n repeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <(y position) < [-32]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (20)\n end\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.09) seconds\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [wait? v] to [yes]\ngo to x: (-600) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (wait v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) = [-50]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((-50) - (round (x position))) / (9))\nend\nset [game? v] to [Play]\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\nwait (0.75) seconds\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) < [-510]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((-580) - (round (x position))) / (6))\nend\nset [wait? v] to [no]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level completed! v]\nset [wait? v] to [yes]\ngo to x: (-600) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (wait v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) = [-50]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((-50) - (round (x position))) / (9))\nend\nset [game? v] to [Won]\nwait (1.75) seconds\nset [game? v] to [Play]\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) < [-510]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((-580) - (round (x position))) / (6))\nend\nhide\nset [wait? v] to [no]\nif <(Level) = [21]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [turn? v] to [1]\nif <<(Game?) = [Play]> and <(Level) = [21]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (-115)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (9) layers\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (level completed hard v)\n show\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (15))\n end\n repeat until <(Turn?) > [50]>\n set [turn? v] to ((Turn?) * (1.02))\n turn right (Turn?) degrees\n end\n repeat (100)\n set [turn? v] to ((Turn?) * (1.005))\n turn right (Turn?) degrees\n end\n repeat (200)\n set [turn? v] to ((Turn?) * (1.005))\n turn right (Turn?) degrees\n change [brightness v] effect by (0.25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (0.5)\n end\n hide\n broadcast (menu v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(Game?) = [Play]> and <(Lives?) = [0]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (400)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (game over! v)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((0) - (round (y position))) / (12))\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n broadcast (menu v)\n wait until <(Game?) = [MENU]>\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\nwait until <<(Lives?) = [0]> or <(Game?) = [menu]>>\nif <(Lives?) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [wait? v] to [yes]\ngo to x: (-600) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (wait v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) = [-50]>\n change x by (((-50) - (round (x position))) / (9))\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nset [game? v] to [Menu]\nswitch backdrop to (menu v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Ok?) = [yes]>\nrepeat until <(round (x position)) < [-510]>\n change x by (((-580) - (round (x position))) / (6))\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nset [wait? v] to [no]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [wait? v] to [No]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [history v]\nset [story v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n set [wait? v] to [yes]\n go to x: (-600) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (wait v)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n change [story v] by (1)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [-50]>\n change x by (((-50) - (round (x position))) / (8))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n switch backdrop to (join [Story ] (Story))\n repeat until <(round (x position)) < [-510]>\n change x by (((-580) - (round (x position))) / (10))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n set [wait? v] to [no]\n hide\n wait until <not <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>>\n wait until <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>>>\nend\nbroadcast (menu v)\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Controls - Left and Right\nset [x v] to ((X) * (0.7))\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (-1.5)\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x v] by (1.5)\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed) max steep (max steep)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nchange [frame v] by (([abs v] of (speed) ) / (8))\nset [slope v] to [0]\nGet Touching <(In.Platform) = [1]>\nrepeat until <<(Slope) = (max steep)> or <(Touch) = [0]>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\n Get Touching <(In.Platform) = [1]>\nend\nif <(Slope) = (max steep)> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (Slope))\n if <<(Touch) = [1]> and <(In.Platform) = [1]>> then\n set [in.platform v] to [2]\n Walk (direction) (speed) max steep (max steep)\n if <(X) = [0]> then\n set [in.platform v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<([abs v] of (speed) ) > [3.5]> and <(Touch) > [1]>>> then\n set [x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [y v] to [11]\n set [falling v] to [6]\n set [wall.jump v] to [15]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Jump, Crouch\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <<(Jump.Key) = [0]> and <(Falling) < [3]>> then\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n set [y v] to [14]\n set [falling v] to [6]\n set [jump.key v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n set [jump.key v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <up?>\nGet Touching \nif <(Touch) = [0]> then\n set [in.platform v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<up?> and <(Touch) = [1]>> then\n set [in.platform v] to [2]\n end\nend\nrepeat until <(Touch) < (In.Platform)>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling v] to [0]\n end\n Get Touching <not <up?>>\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Get Touching <check platform?>\nif <<<touching color (#39b54a)?> or <touching color (#000000)?>> or <touching color (#d06454)?>> then\n set [touch v] to [9]\nelse\n if <<check platform?> and <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n set [touch v] to [1]\n else\n set [touch v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <<(y) < [4]> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\nelse\n change [y v] by (-2)\nend\nchange y by (y)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [MENU]>\n if <<(Game?) = [Won]> and <(Clones) = [0]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\n if <<(Clones) = [1]> and <not <(Level) = [1]>>> then\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n end\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n set [clones v] to [0]\n hide\n stop all sounds\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n play sound [All Level Completed v] until done\n end\n if <(Music?) = [on]> then\n reset timer\n play sound [2 v] until done\n set volume to (100) %\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n wait until <<(Level.Completed) = [1]> and <(Clones) = [0]>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [MENU]>\n hide\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n go to [front v] layer\n hide\n wait until <<(Game?) = [Won]> and <(Clones) = [0]>>\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n switch costume to ((Level) + (3))\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\n end\n set [clones v] to [1]\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [music? v] to [On]\nset [sound? v] to [On]\nhide variable [x v]\nhide variable [y v]\nhide variable [falling v]\nhide variable [slope v]\nhide variable [in.platform v]\nhide variable [touch v]\nhide variable [frame v]\nhide variable [jump.key v]\nhide variable [wall.jump v]\nhide variable [speed y v]\nshow list [y v]\ndelete (all) of [y v]\ndelete (all) of [y v]\nrepeat (10)\n insert [-110] at (last) of [y v] \nend\nrepeat (4)\n insert [150] at (last) of [y v] \nend\ninsert [0] at (last) of [y v] \nrepeat (5)\n insert [130] at (last) of [y v] \nend\ninsert [-110] at (last) of [y v] \nshow list [y-2 v]\ndelete (all) of [y-2 v]\ninsert [-105] at (last) of [y-2 v] \nrepeat (3)\n insert [-92] at (last) of [y-2 v] \nend\ninsert [66] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [130] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [61] at (last) of [y-2 v] \nrepeat (4)\n insert [-92] at (last) of [y-2 v] \nend\ninsert [-105] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [145] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [-100] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [145] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [-155] at (last) of [y-2 v] \ninsert [68] at (last) of [y-2 v] \nrepeat (2)\n insert [-100] at (last) of [y-2 v] \nend\ninsert [-105] at (last) of [y-2 v] \n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (50) %\nswitch costume to (arrow1-a v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (225) y: (item (Level) of [y-2 v])\npoint in direction (90)\nwait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\nshow\nrepeat until <<(Game?) = [MENU]> or <(Lives?) = [0]>>\n wait until <(Clones) = [1]>\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n clear graphic effects\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (arrow1-a v)\n go to x: (225) y: (item (Level) of [y-2 v])\n show\n repeat until <<<(x position) < [216]> or <(Clones) = [0]>> or <(Lives?) = [0]>>\n go to x: ((x position) - (1)) y: (y position)\n wait (0) seconds\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n if <(Clones) = [1]> then\n go to x: (215) y: (item (Level) of [y-2 v])\n end\n repeat until <<<(x position) > [224]> or <(Clones) = [0]>> or <(Lives?) = [0]>>\n go to x: ((x position) + (1)) y: (y position)\n wait (0) seconds\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nwait until <(Game?) = [MENU]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nwait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\ndelete (all) of [level v]\ninsert [Level 1] at (1) of [level v] \ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [level.completed v] to [0]\nset [clones v] to [1]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset size to (45) %\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-110)\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [Menu]>\n switch costume to (join [Player \(] (join (Difficulty?) [\)]))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n show\n wait until <not <touching (wait v)?>>\n go to [front v] layer\n Controls - Jump, Crouch\n Gravity\n Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <(y) > [0]>\n if <(Wall.Jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall.jump v] by (-1)\n else\n Controls - Left and Right\n end\n if <(X) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (X) max steep (([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of ((X) * (1.3)) ) ) + (1))\n else\n if <(X) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (X) max steep (([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of ((X) * (1.3)) ) ) + (1))\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <<(x position) > [210]> and <<touching color (#ee2a7b)?> and <(Move?) = [0]>>> then\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n start sound [Level Completed v]\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [level v] by (1)\n insert (join [Level ] (Level)) at (last) of [level v] \n set [level.completed v] to [1]\n set [clones v] to [0]\n broadcast (level completed! v)\n wait until <(Game?) = [Won]>\n go to x: (-215) y: (item (Level) of [y v])\n point in direction (90)\n wait until <not <touching (wait v)?>>\n set [level.completed v] to [0]\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n if <(Difficulty?) = [easy]> then\n set [easy? v] to [ok]\n else\n if <(Difficulty?) = [normal]> then\n set [normal? v] to [ok]\n else\n set [hard? v] to [ok]\n end\n end\n go to x: (-215) y: (-140)\n Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <(y) > [0]>\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [-30]>\n change x by (((-30) - (round (x position))) / (10))\n end\n change [☁ 100% v] by (1)\n if <<(Easy?) = [ok]> and <<(Normal?) = [ok]> and <(Hard?) = [ok]>>> then\n change [☁ 300% v] by (1)\n end\n wait until <(Game?) = [menu]>\n hide\n end\n end\n if <<touching color (#767676)?> or <(y position) < [-180]>> then\n wait (0) seconds\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n start sound [Death v]\n else\n start sound [hurt v]\n end\n end\n if <(Lives 2?) = [1]> then\n if <(Lives?) = [1]> then\n set [lives? v] to ((Lives?) - (1))\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n wait until <(Game?) = [menu]>\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set [lives 2? v] to [3]\n set [lives? v] to ((Lives?) - (1))\n end\n else\n set [lives 2? v] to ((Lives 2?) - (1))\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n go to x: (-215) y: (item (Level) of [y v])\n point in direction (90)\n Check Hit Ceiling / Floor <(y) > [0]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n end\n if <(X) > [5]> then\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [move? v] to [0]\nwait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\nrepeat until <<(Game?) = [menu]> or <(Level) = [21]>>\n wait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\n set [move? v] to [1]\n hide\n wait until <<not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n go to x: (X2) y: (Y2)\n set [move? v] to [0]\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset volume to (0) %\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (5)\nend\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [MENU]>\n if <(Music?) = [ON]> then\n reset timer\n set volume to (99) %\n start sound [1 v]\n repeat until <<(Game?) = [MENU]> or <(Music?) = [OFF]>>\n if <<(timer) > [81.6]> and <(volume) = [99]>> then\n stop all sounds\n start sound [2 v]\n reset timer\n set volume to (100) %\n end\n if <(timer) > [121.2]> then\n stop all sounds\n start sound [2 v]\n reset timer\n end\n end\n else\n stop all sounds\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\n\n@Buttons\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide variable [brightness? v]\nhide variable [touch? v]\nset [touch button? v] to [0]\nset [size? v] to [No]\nset [touch? v] to [1]\nset [ok? v] to [NO]\nwait until <(Game?) = [menu]>\nhide\nrepeat (12)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [touch? v] by (1)\nend\nset [ok? v] to [YES]\n\ndefine Button 5 ( Touch? 11 12 )\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(Touch?) = [11]> then\n if <(Sound?) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (sound on v)\n else\n switch costume to (music off v)\n end\nelse\n if <(Music?) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (music on v)\n else\n switch costume to (music off v)\n end\nend\nshow\nwait until <(Wait?) = [no]>\nif <(Touch?) = [11]> then\n if <(Sound?) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (sound on v)\n else\n switch costume to (music off v)\n end\n repeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n start sound [Button v]\n end\n if <(Sound?) = [On]> then\n set [sound? v] to [Off]\n switch costume to (sound off v)\n else\n set [sound? v] to [On]\n switch costume to (sound on v)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <(Wait?) = [yes]> then\n wait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(Touch?) = [12]> then\n if <(Music?) = [On]> then\n switch costume to (music on v)\n else\n switch costume to (music off v)\n end\n repeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n start sound [Button v]\n end\n if <(Music?) = [On]> then\n set [music? v] to [Off]\n switch costume to (music off v)\n else\n set [music? v] to [On]\n switch costume to (music on v)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <(Wait?) = [yes]> then\n wait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n end\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Button 4 ( Touch? 8 9 10 )\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nif <<<(Touch?) = [8]> and <(Easy?) = [ok]>> or <<<(Touch?) = [9]> and <(Normal?) = [ok]>> or <<(Touch?) = [10]> and <(Hard?) = [ok]>>>> then\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <(costume [number v]) = (Touch Button? +4)> then\n repeat until <<[110] = (round (x position))> or <not <(Touch Button? +4) = (costume [number v])>>>\n change x by (((110) - (round (x position))) / (4))\n end\n end\n if <not <(Touch Button? +4) = (costume [number v])>> then\n repeat until <<[0] = (round (x position))> or <(Touch Button? +4) = (costume [number v])>>\n change x by (((0) - (round (x position))) / (4))\n end\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (Touch?)\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(Touch?) < [4]> then\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n go to x: (0) y: ((110) - ((Touch?) * (80)))\n Button 1 ( Touch? 1 2 3 )\nend\nif <(Touch?) < [7]> then\n go [backward v] (4) layers\n go to x: (0) y: ((75) - (((Touch?) - (3)) * (80)))\n Button 2 ( Touch? 4 5 6 )\nend\nif <(Touch?) = [7]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (130)\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n Buton 3 ( Touch? 7 )\nend\nif <(Touch?) < [11]> then\n go [backward v] (9) layers\n go to x: (0) y: ((80) - (((Touch?) - (7)) * (80)))\n Button 4 ( Touch? 8 9 10 )\nend\nif <(Touch?) < [13]> then\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n go to x: ((230) - (((Touch?) - (10)) * (55))) y: (-170)\n Button 5 ( Touch? 11 12 )\nend\n\ndefine Button 1 ( Touch? 1 2 3 )\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (90) %\nshow\nset [size? v] to [Ok]\nwait until <not <mouse down?>>\nwait until <(Wait?) = [No]>\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n start sound [Button v]\n end\n set [brightness? v] to [0]\n set [touch button? v] to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\n set [touch button? +4 v] to ((costume [number v]) + (7))\n repeat until <<<<(Game?) = [Play]> or <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> or <(Brightness?) = [13]>> or <mouse down?>>\n change [brightness? v] by (((13) - (Brightness?)) / (4))\n set [brightness v] effect to ((Brightness?) / (2))\n set size to ((95) + ((Brightness?) / (2))) %\n end\n end\n wait until <<mouse down?> or <<not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> or <(Game?) = [Play]>>>\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [difficulty? v] to [Easy]\n set [lives? v] to [5]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [difficulty? v] to [Normal]\n set [lives? v] to [3]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set [difficulty? v] to [Hard]\n set [lives? v] to [1]\n end\n set [lives 2? v] to [3]\n change [☁ play v] by (1)\n broadcast (play v)\n wait until <(Game?) = [PLAY]>\n end\n if <<not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> or <(Brightness?) = [0]>> then\n set [touch button? v] to [0]\n set [touch button? +4 v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> or <(Game?) = [play]>>\n change [brightness? v] by (((0) - (Brightness?)) / (3))\n set [brightness v] effect to (Brightness?)\n set size to ((90) + ((Brightness?) / (2))) %\n end\n set [touch button? v] to ((costume [number v]) + (3))\n set [touch button? +4 v] to ((costume [number v]) + (7))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Button 2 ( Touch? 4 5 6 )\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (90) %\nshow\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <(Touch Button?) = (costume [number v])> then\n repeat until <<[-120] = (round (x position))> or <not <(Touch Button?) = (costume [number v])>>>\n change x by (((-120) - (round (x position))) / (4))\n end\n end\n if <not <(Touch Button?) = (costume [number v])>> then\n repeat until <<[0] = (round (x position))> or <(Touch Button?) = (costume [number v])>>\n change x by (((0) - (round (x position))) / (4))\n end\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Buton 3 ( Touch? 7 )\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nwait until <(Wait?) = [NO]>\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(Sound?) = [on]> then\n start sound [Button v]\n end\n if <(round (direction)) = [-90]> then\n repeat until <(round (direction)) = [90]>\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n point in direction (round (direction))\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n else\n repeat until <(round (direction)) = [-90]>\n turn right (((-90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n point in direction (round (direction))\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n end\n if <(Wait?) = [yes]> then\n wait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop all sounds\nwait until <(Game?) = [MENU]>\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (5)\nend\nreset timer\nstart sound [Music 1 v]\nrepeat until <(Game?) = [Play]>\n if <(timer) > [169]> then\n reset timer\n start sound [Music 1 v]\n else\n repeat (20)\n change volume by (5)\n end\n end\n wait until <<<(timer) > [169]> or <(Music?) = [off]>> or <(Game?) = [play]>>\n if <(Music?) = [off]> then\n repeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\n end\n wait until <<(Game?) = [play]> or <(Music?) = [ON]>>\n end\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ok? v] to [YES]\nset [easy? v] to [no]\nset [normal? v] to [no]\nset [hard? v] to [no]\nhide\n\n@Lives\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [clone lives? v] to [1]\nwait until <(Game?) = [Play]>\nrepeat (Lives?)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone lives? v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (3 v)\ngo to x: (((250) - ((24) * (Clone Lives?))) - ((1) * (Clone Lives?))) y: (165)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (6) layers\nset size to (60) %\nshow\nrepeat until <<(Level) = [21]> or <(Game?) = [MENU]>>\n if <not <(Clone Lives?) > (Lives?)>> then\n if <(Clone Lives?) = (Lives?)> then\n switch costume to ((Lives 2?) + (2))\n else\n switch costume to (3 v)\n end\n set size to (60) %\n else\n switch costume to (0 v)\n repeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (50)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [clone lives? v]\nhide\n\n
日本語説明は下 \n▢How to operate \n△ Operate with arrow key or tap \nThere are hidden passages, so make good use of them! \n⭐&❤!\n\n▢操作方法 \n△矢印キーまたはタップで操作 \n隠し通路などもあるので上手く駆使してください!\n⭐&❤!
Strange [Platformer]
@Stage\n\n@Thumbnail\n\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [levelnumber v] to [1]\nforever\n set [levelnumber v] to (backdrop [number v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <<(x position) = [237]> or <(x position) > [237]>>\n change [levels beaten v] by (1)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [resetplayer v]\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-80)\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n if <<<(PlatformerMode) = [Platformer]> or <(PlatformerMode) = [PlatformerInfinity]>> and <(DisablePlatformer) = [False]>> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (-80)\n show\n switch costume to (default v)\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n forever\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <(y position) < [-180]>> then\n start sound [Lose v]\n change [deathcounter v] by (1)\n broadcast (ResetPlayer v)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <(Stick X) < [0]>> then\n change [xvelocity v] by (-0.75)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <(Stick X) > [0]>> then\n change [xvelocity v] by (0.75)\n end\n change x by (XVelocity)\n set [xvelocity v] to ((XVelocity) * (0.85))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (0.5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(Stick Button) > [0]>> then\n if <(XVelocity) > [0]> then\n set [xvelocity v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xvelocity v] to [10]\n end\n set [yvelocity v] to [8]\n else\n set [xvelocity v] to ((XVelocity) * (-1.3))\n change x by (XVelocity)\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n change x by ((XVelocity) / (5))\n end\n change y by (-4)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [yvelocity v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (YVelocity)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set [yvelocity v] to ((YVelocity) * (-0.25))\n change y by (YVelocity)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (YVelocity)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (YVelocity)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (YVelocity)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <(Stick Button) > [0]>>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n set [yvelocity v] to [8]\n end\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nforever\n if <<(x position) = [237]> or <(x position) > [237]>> then\n start sound [Win v]\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [StageLast]> then\n set [platformermode v] to [PlatformerInfinity]\n switch backdrop to (pick random (6) to (NumberofLevels))\n go to x: (-205) y: (-74)\n else\n go to x: (-205) y: (-74)\n if <(PlatformerMode) = [Platformer]> then\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\n else\n if <(PlatformerMode) = [PlatformerInfinity]> then\n switch backdrop to (pick random (6) to (NumberofLevels))\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [deathcounter v] to [0]\nset [numberoflevels v] to [184]\nset [platformermode v] to [Platformer]\nset [levels beaten v] to [0]\nswitch backdrop to (stage1 v)\nswitch costume to (default v)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (-50)\npoint in direction (-75)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nshow\nbroadcast (StartGame v)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (ResetPlayer v)\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-80)\nif <(PlatformerMode) = [Platformer]> then\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\nelse\n if <(PlatformerMode) = [PlatformerInfinity]> then\n switch backdrop to (pick random (6) to (NumberofLevels))\n end\nend\n\nwhen [y v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\n@Menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [disableplatformer v] to [False]\nhide variable [deathcounter v]\nhide variable [levels beaten v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (ResetPlayer v)\n set [disableplatformer v] to [True]\n show variable [deathcounter v]\n show variable [levels beaten v]\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n wait until <not <key (m v) pressed?>>\n set [disableplatformer v] to [False]\n hide\n hide variable [deathcounter v]\n hide variable [levels beaten v]\n end\nend\n\n@Stick\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (80) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\nset [range v] to ((size) / (2.5))\nforever\n switch costume to (base v)\n go to x: (-177) y: (-121)\n repeat until <not <mouse down?>>\n Keyboard Controls\n end\n repeat until <mouse down?>\n Keyboard Controls\n end\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < (size)> then\n Stick Active\n end\nend\n\ndefine Keyboard Controls\nset [stick x v] to <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>\nchange [stick x v] by ((0) - <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>)\nset [stick y v] to <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>\nchange [stick y v] by ((0) - <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>>)\nif <key (space v) pressed?> then\n change [stick button v] by (1)\nelse\n set [stick button v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Stick Active\ngo to (mouse-pointer v)\nswitch costume to (ready v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (stick v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (base active v)\nset [stick button v] to []\nrepeat until <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > ((size) * (1.5))>\n Detect Stick Movement\n Detect Stick Button\nend\nbroadcast (Deactivate Stick v)\n\ndefine Detect Stick Movement\nset [stick x v] to (((mouse x) - (x position)) / (Range))\nset [stick y v] to (((mouse y) - (y position)) / (Range))\nif <([abs v] of (Stick X) ) > [1]> then\n set [stick x v] to ((Stick X) / ([abs v] of (Stick X) ))\nend\nif <([abs v] of (Stick Y) ) > [1]> then\n set [stick y v] to ((Stick Y) / ([abs v] of (Stick Y) ))\nend\n\ndefine Detect Stick Button\nif <mouse down?> then\n if <(Stick Button) > []> then\n change [stick button v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [stick button v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [deactivate stick v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Stick]> then\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n forever\n go to (stick v)\n change x by ((Stick X) * (Range))\n change y by ((Stick Y) * (Range))\n end\nend\ngo to x: (177) y: (-121)\nwait until <not <mouse down?>>\nswitch costume to (base active v)\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (75)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ismobile v] to [True]\nforever\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>>>>>> then\n set [ismobile v] to [False]\n if <(IsMobile) = [False]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(IsMobile) = [False]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n
Sᴜɴɴʏ Dᴀʏ【Platformer/プラットフォーマー】
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nstop [all v]\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (Slope))\nend\nchange [frame v] by (0.5)\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(Falling?) < [3]> then\n if <(Frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((4) + ((Frame) mod (7))) )\n end\nelse\n if <(Speed Y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n else\n switch costume to (fall v)\n end\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-226) y: (0)\nshow\nset [falling? v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n change y by (Speed Y)\n if <<(Falling?) < [4]> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n Touch Ground <(Speed Y) > [1]>\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n Walk [-90] [-6]\n else\n if <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n Walk [90] [6]\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n if <<(Jump Key) = [0]> and <(Falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n end\n else\n set [jump key v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(x position) > [237]> or <key (p v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-226) y: (-100)\n broadcast (Next level v)\n if <(Level) > [21]> then\n broadcast (End v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <key (p v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait until <not <key (p v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\n end\n if <<touching (bad v)?> or <touching (moving bad v)?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-226) y: (-100)\n end\n Set Costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n play sound [The Storm - Strange I and II Soundtrack v] until done\n wait (0.01) seconds\n play sound [The Storm \(Reprise\) - Strange I and II Soundtrack v] until done\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) > [3]> then\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (1-3 v)\nset [level v] to [0]\nshow\nbroadcast (Next level v)\n\n@Effects\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\nshow\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nif <<(Level) = [1]> or <<(Level) = [2]> or <<(Level) = [3]> or <<(Level) = [9]> or <<(Level) = [10]> or <<(Level) = [11]> or <<(Level) = [12]> or <<(Level) = [13]> or <<(Level) = [16]> or <<(Level) = [17]> or <<(Level) = [18]> or <(Level) = [19]>>>>>>>>>>>> then\n forever\n switch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n show\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < [-20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ((-1) * ([x position v] of [player v]))\n else\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) > [20]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to ([x position v] of [player v])\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Bad\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) > [3]> then\n forever\n switch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n show\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Moving Bad\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (250)\nchange y by (60)\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n repeat (200)\n change y by (-5)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (join [Level] (Level))\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n hide\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [8]>>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (3.1) seconds\n end\n else\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Cut-scene\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (clouds1 v)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n next costume\n wait (0.04) seconds\nend\nwait (0.8) seconds\nswitch costume to (buildingview1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [9]>\n next costume\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\nwait (0.4) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [14]>\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\nwait (2.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [19]>\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\nwait (0.4) seconds\nswitch costume to (lightningrod1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [40]>\n next costume\n wait (0.025) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (climbtower1 v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [44]>\n next costume\n wait (0.035) seconds\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [48]>\n next costume\n wait (0.035) seconds\nend\nwait (0.4) seconds\nswitch costume to (reachinghand1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [61]>\n next costume\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (placingrod1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [75]>\n next costume\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (rodstruck1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [79]>\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [83]>\n next costume\n wait (0.06) seconds\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [100]>\n next costume\n wait (0.06) seconds\nend\nswitch costume to (closeup1 v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [106]>\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [111]>\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nswitch costume to (rootsshrinking1 v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [123]>\n next costume\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nwait (0.6) seconds\nswitch costume to (rootsgrableg1 v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [141]>\n next costume\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nswitch costume to (pulledunder1 v)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [147]>\n next costume\nend\nswitch costume to (underground1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [173]>\n next costume\n wait (0.02) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (building1 v)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [187]>\n next costume\n wait (0.04) seconds\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n
MUSIC\nnumber 2\nWelcome to Wings of fire platformer (number 2)\n(you don't need to read the book to play this.)\nIn this game, you will have to find the mud kingdom to find Clay's parents (the 2nd part of the book: the dragonet prophecy (book 1).) You can change dragonets by pressing 1,2,3,4,5,46.\n\n1:Clay\n2:Tsunami\n3:Sunny\n4:Glory\n5:Starflight\n6:Peril\nEach dragonet will have a unique power:\nClay: invulnerable to lava or fire,\nTsunami: can swim in water\nSunny: can squeeze into tiny places\nGlory: Becomes camouflaged:(enemy can't see her)\nStarflight: can see in the dark\nPeril: burns wood and trees when touches them\nFor Sunny and Glory, hold "z" to activate the power.\n\nBut most importantly:\nHAVE FUN!\n\n
- Platformer Tutorial -
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Pixel Party v] until done\nend\n\n@Death Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nrepeat (8)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (player v)\nset [px v] to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset size to (pick random (80) to (120)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (60))\nset [py2 v] to (pick random (4) to (8))\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change size by (([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (0.5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (0.5))\n change x by (Px)\n change y by (Py2)\n change [py2 v] by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [back v]\nswitch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Newton\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-226) y: (7)\nforever\n change [yv v] by (1)\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n set [xv v] to [5]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n set [xv v] to [-5]\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yv v] to [-15]\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <(x position) > [235]> then\n broadcast (DYEET v)\n change [my variable v] by (1)\n go to x: (-226) y: (-129)\n end\n if <<<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (lava v)?>> or <<(my variable) = [3]> and <(y position) < [-167]>>> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n end\n \n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to x: (-226) y: (7)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nNewton\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (trampolines v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [-23]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [retry level v]\ngo to x: (-226) y: (7)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Trampolines\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\nchange [color v] effect by (25)\n\n@Clouds\n\ngo to (random position v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (-230) y: (pick random (-83) to (-156))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (1.4) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (20) to (50))\nrepeat until <(x position) > [300]>\n change x by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n turn right (1.5) degrees\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-153)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (DYEET v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (192) y: (-154)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (retry level v)\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\n@Moving Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-132) y: (78)\nforever\n glide (3) secs to x: (178) y: (78)\n glide (3) secs to x: (-132) y: (78)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dyeet v]\nnext costume\n\n
✦ ʜᴇʟʟᴏ! ✦Look at this too!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/817598084\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/817598084 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/817598084\n\n\n✢ How-to-use ✢\n【English】\n\nTap or use the arrow keys or WASD keys.\nDo not touch the red pen.\nAll the stages and buttons in this piece are made of pens!\nEnjoy!\n\n▶︎Following recommended!\n@Donguri_sg \n\n▶︎ studio\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32852947\n\n\n【日本語】\nタップ又は矢印キー又はWASDキーで操作します。\n赤いペンに触れてはいけません。\nこの作品のステージやボタンは全てペンでできています!\nお楽しみください!\n\n▶︎僕は宣伝を許可しています。\n\n\n▶︎スタジオ\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/328529
Gold - A Monochromatic Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Time To Leaf v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine 初期設定プログラム\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (stand v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\n初期設定プログラム\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [地面 v] to [0]\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n start sound [ニュッ v]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n if <[240] < (x position)> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n broadcast (メッセージ1 v)\n end\n if <<touching (トゲ v)?> or <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching (マグマ v)?>>> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n end\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [メッセージ1 v]\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow variable [time v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat until <(ステージ) = [11]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\n@日光\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (太陽cos) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\ngo to x: (200) y: (165)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n change [太陽cos v] by (5)\nend\n\n@トゲ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (太陽cos) )\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\ngo to x: (200) y: (165)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n change [太陽cos v] by (5)\nend\n\n@マグマ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n@影\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n point in direction (55)\n go to (player v)\nend\n\n@サムネイル\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\n@Free INTR\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[1] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (blue v)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (0.7) seconds\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nreset timer\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1.5) seconds\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (6) seconds\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [4]\ngo to x: (-240) y: (0)\npoint in direction (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (9)\n change x by (55)\n turn right (1) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[2] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n go to x: (0) y: (-394)\n switch costume to (x% v)\n show\n glide (2) secs to x: (0) y: (394)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (200)\n set [ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.8) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[0] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (black v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[3] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (186)\n switch costume to (your name v)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (7))\n end\n repeat (2)\n wait () seconds\n end\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (5)\n point in direction (-90)\n set [π v] to [0]\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (30)\n set [π v] to (((π) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) / (5)))\n turn right (π) degrees\n change size by ((((π) + (10)) * (0.5)) + (((100) - (size)) / (3)))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[1] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nglide (2) secs to x: (0) y: (394)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (your name v)\nshow\n\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] = (ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ)> then\n switch costume to (white v)\n set [π v] to (direction)\n set [color v] effect to (((π) mod (2)) * (25))\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-361)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (3))\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - (size))\n change x by ((((-240) + ((55) * (π))) - (x position)) / (3))\n change y by ((() - (y position)) / (3))\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (3)) degrees\n end\n wait (0.2) seconds\n broadcast (THE END v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nif <(ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ) = [4]> then\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n wait ((1) / ()) seconds\n delete this clone\nelse\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstart sound [Blooom - Be Around \[NCS Release\] v]\n\nrepeat (1)\n\n@説明\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [the end v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\n
-- - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - Blue a Platformer-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - \nHow to play\n➡ Use Arrow keys, WASD, or tap to use (Mobile)\n➡ Watch out for spikes, lava, and saws\n➡ Press the Sound button to mute and unmute\n➡ Press the Skip button to skip to the next level\n\nIf laggy use Turbo wrap -- https://turbowarp.org/589652804\n\nTags --\n\n#Games #All #Art #Music #Contest entry #Mobile-friendly #Blue-bulb #Games #All #Art #Music #Contest entry #Mobile-friendly #Blue-bulb #Games #All #Art #Music #Contest entry #Mobile-friendly #Blue-bulb #Games #All #Art #Music #Contest entry #Mobile-friendly #Blue-bulb
Darkness–  A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen stage clicked\nbroadcast (mouse_down v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (45) %\nset [@music? v] to [0]\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\ntoggle music\n\ndefine toggle music\nif <(@music?) = [1]> then\n stop music\nelse\n start music\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start music v]\nstart music\n\ndefine start music\nset [@music? v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(@music?) = [0]>\n play sound (@music_name) until done\nend\n\ndefine stop music\nset [@music? v] to [0]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [restart music v]\nset [@music? v] to [0]\nstop all sounds\nwait (0) seconds\nstart music\n\nwhen I receive [stop music v]\nstop music\n\n@blank\n\n@Settings\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset @enums\n// [General settings]\nset [@shadows? v] to [1]\nset [@show_tris? v] to [0]\nset [@res v] to [2]\nset [@edit_mode? v] to [0]\nset [@show_prims/dynamic/objs v] to [0]\nset [@show_bsp_tree? v] to [0]\nset [@fps v] to [30]\nset [@glide/walk v] to [1]\nset [@first_person? v] to [1]\nset [@ground_plane? v] to [1]\nset [@mobile_controls v] to [0]\nset [@auto_disable_shadows_fps_thresh v] to [18]\n// [Camera settings]\nset [@c_roll v] to [0]\nset [@c_pitch v] to [0]\nset [@c_yaw v] to [0]\nset [@cam_tilt v] to [20]\nset [@camx v] to [0]\nset [@camy v] to [1]\nset [@camz v] to [10]\nset [@z_near v] to [-1.5]\nset [@z_far v] to [100]\nset [@cam_z_offset v] to [1.7]\nset [@z_clip_dist v] to [-0.01]\n// [Light direction and strength settings]\nset [@lightx v] to ((1) * ([sqrt v] of ((1) / (4)) ))\nset [@lighty v] to ((-1) * ([sqrt v] of ((5) / (12)) ))\nset [@lightz v] to ((-1) * ([sqrt v] of ((1) / (3)) ))\nset [@ambient_max v] to [0.65]\nset [@time_of_day v] to [12]\n// [Physics engine settings]\nset [@player_r v] to [0.2]\nset [@μ v] to [0.1]\nset [@penetration_thresh v] to [0.0001]\nset [@restitution v] to [0.2]\nset [@gravity_x v] to [0]\nset [@gravity v] to [-0.009]\nset [@ground_y v] to [0]\nset [@collision_sounds? v] to [1]\nset [@collision_pitch/volume? v] to [1]\n// [Player Start Location]\nset [@player_x v] to [0]\nset [@player_y v] to ((0.5) + (@player_r))\nset [@player_z v] to [0]\n// [BSP settings]\nset [@gen_bsp? v] to [1]\nset [@coplanar_thresh v] to [0.023]\n// [Other]\nset [@rot_speed v] to [1.5]\nset [@max_tilt v] to [20]\nset [@zn*180 v] to ((@z_near) * (180))\nset [@skybox_width v] to ((1063) * (2))\nset [@dev? v] to [0]\n\nwhen [v v] key pressed\ntoggle settings\n\ndefine show vars\nshow variable [@show_tris? v]\nshow variable [@tris visible v]\nshow variable [@fps v]\nshow variable [@cam_z_offset v]\nshow variable [@z_far v]\nshow variable [@show_prims/dynamic/objs v]\nshow variable [@shadows? v]\nshow variable [@time_of_day v]\nshow variable [@glide/walk v]\nshow variable [@player_x v]\nshow variable [@player_y v]\nshow variable [@player_z v]\nshow variable [@player_x_vel v]\nshow variable [@player_y_vel v]\nshow variable [@player_z_vel v]\nshow variable [@first_person? v]\nshow variable [@show_bsp_tree? v]\nshow variable [@mobile_controls v]\nshow variable [@bsp: split count v]\n\ndefine hide vars\nhide variable [@show_tris? v]\nhide variable [@tris visible v]\nhide variable [@fps v]\nhide variable [@cam_z_offset v]\nhide variable [@z_far v]\nhide variable [@show_prims/dynamic/objs v]\nhide variable [@shadows? v]\nhide variable [@time_of_day v]\nhide variable [@glide/walk v]\nhide variable [@player_x v]\nhide variable [@player_y v]\nhide variable [@player_z v]\nhide variable [@player_x_vel v]\nhide variable [@player_y_vel v]\nhide variable [@player_z_vel v]\nhide variable [@first_person? v]\nhide variable [@show_bsp_tree? v]\nhide variable [@mobile_controls v]\nhide variable [@bsp: split count v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [_show_vars v] to [0]\nset [_show_fps v] to [1]\nhide vars\nshow variable [@fps v]\n\ndefine set @enums\nset [@enum p:shad_off_scale v] to [2]\nset [@enum p:sprite_scale_y v] to [3]\nset [@enum p:*subtree_root v] to [2]\nset [@enum p:radius v] to [4]\nset [@enum p:*node v] to [5]\nset [@enum p:*object v] to [6]\nset [@enum p:material v] to [7]\nset [@enum p:illumination v] to [8]\nset [@enum p:normal v] to [9]\nset [@enum p:*bsphere v] to [10]\nset [@enum p:zclip? v] to [11]\nset [@enum p:show_front? v] to [12]\nset [@enum p:size v] to [13]\nset [@enum v:size v] to [4]\nset [@enum o:hidden? v] to [11]\nset [@enum o:*vleft v] to [12]\nset [@enum o:*nleft v] to [14]\nset [@enum o:**pleft v] to [16]\nset [@enum o:dynamic_parent v] to [18]\nset [@enum o:*container_prim v] to [19]\nset [@enum o:*bsphere v] to [20]\nset [@enum o:size v] to [21]\nset [@enum t:middle v] to [1]\nset [@enum t:tail v] to [2]\nset [@enum t:ori v] to [3]\nset [@enum t:edge_a v] to [4]\nset [@enum t:parent v] to [8]\nset [@enum t:size v] to [9]\nset [@enum m:size v] to [9]\n\ndefine toggle settings\nif <(_show_vars) = [1]> then\n set [_show_fps v] to [0]\n hide vars\nelse\n set [_show_fps v] to [1]\n show vars\nend\nset [_show_vars v] to ((1) - (_show_vars))\n\nwhen I receive [toggle settings v]\ntoggle settings\n\nwhen [f v] key pressed\nif <(_show_fps) = [1]> then\n hide variable [@fps v]\nelse\n show variable [@fps v]\nend\nset [_show_fps v] to ((1) - (_show_fps))\n\ndefine // (label)\n\n@Setup\n\ndefine _tmp = SquaredDist ( A (ax) (ay) (az) B (bx) (by) (bz) )\nset [_tmp v] to (((((ax) - (bx)) * ((ax) - (bx))) + (((ay) - (by)) * ((ay) - (by)))) + (((az) - (bz)) * ((az) - (bz))))\n\ndefine _inside = point in tri (concise) (px) (py) (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) (cx) (cy)\nset [_inside? v] to <(((px) - (ax)) * ((by) - (ay))) > (((bx) - (ax)) * ((py) - (ay)))>\nif <<(((px) - (bx)) * ((cy) - (by))) > (((cx) - (bx)) * ((py) - (by)))> = (_inside?)> then\n set [_inside? v] to <<(((px) - (cx)) * ((ay) - (cy))) > (((ax) - (cx)) * ((py) - (cy)))> = (_inside?)>\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_inside? v] to \n\ndefine _*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (*obj) mat (mat) pen radius (pen radius) )\nset [_ptr v] to ((length of [idxs_poly v]) + (1))\nadd (item (1) of [_idxs_tmp v]) to [idxs_poly v]\nadd [] to [idxs_poly v]\nset [i v] to [2]\nrepeat ((length of [_idxs_tmp v]) - (1))\n _ptr_to_node = idxs_poly.insert_after ( ((length of [idxs_poly v]) - (1)) (item (i) of [_idxs_tmp v]) )\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nreplace item (length of [idxs_poly v]) of [idxs_poly v] with (_ptr)\n_*prim = primitives.add_prim ( [POLYGON] (_ptr) [] [] (pen radius) *obj (*obj) material (mat) has_normal? <not <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) < [3]>> )\n\ndefine Polygon Tessellation ( (node num) (direction) (principal_axis) )\nchange [debug v] by (1)\nset [_n v] to (node num)\nset [_n+1 v] to (((_n) mod (length of [_idxs_tmp v])) + (1))\nset [_n+2 v] to (((_n+1) mod (length of [_idxs_tmp v])) + (1))\ndelete all of [_tmp v]\nadd (item (_n) of [_idxs_tmp v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item (_n+1) of [_idxs_tmp v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item (_n+2) of [_idxs_tmp v]) to [_tmp v]\nif <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) = [3]> then\n idxs_tri.add_tri_indices ( (item (1) of [_tmp v]) (item (2) of [_tmp v]) (item (3) of [_tmp v]) )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(direction) > [0]> then\n add_tri_to_tmp ( (item (1) of [_tmp v]) (item (2) of [_tmp v]) (item (3) of [_tmp v]) )\nelse\n add_tri_to_tmp ( (item (3) of [_tmp v]) (item (2) of [_tmp v]) (item (1) of [_tmp v]) )\nend\ndelete ((10) + (principal_axis)) of [_tmp v]\ndelete ((7) + (principal_axis)) of [_tmp v]\ndelete ((4) + (principal_axis)) of [_tmp v]\n_angle = MvG's angle ( (item (8) of [_tmp v]) (item (9) of [_tmp v]) (item (6) of [_tmp v]) (item (7) of [_tmp v]) (item (4) of [_tmp v]) (item (5) of [_tmp v]) )\nif <(debug) > [300]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<[179.95] < (_angle)> and <(_angle) < [180.05]>> then\n delete (_n+1) of [_idxs_tmp v]\n if <(_n+1) < (_n)> then\n change [_n v] by (-1)\n end\n Polygon Tessellation ( (_n) (direction) (principal_axis) )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(_angle) > [180]> or <(_angle) < [0.05]>> then\n Polygon Tessellation ( (_n+1) (direction) (principal_axis) )\n stop [this script v]\nend\n_inside? = is point inside tri (item (4) of [_tmp v]) (item (5) of [_tmp v]) (item (6) of [_tmp v]) (item (7) of [_tmp v]) (item (8) of [_tmp v]) (item (9) of [_tmp v]) (((_n+2) mod (length of [_idxs_tmp v])) + (1))\nif <(_inside?) = [1]> then\n Polygon Tessellation ( (_n+1) (direction) (principal_axis) )\nelse\n idxs_tri.add_tri_indices ( (item (1) of [_tmp v]) (item (2) of [_tmp v]) (item (3) of [_tmp v]) )\n delete (_n+1) of [_idxs_tmp v]\n if <(_n+1) < (_n)> then\n change [_n v] by (-1)\n end\n Polygon Tessellation ( (_n) (direction) (principal_axis) )\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@rendering_active? v] to [0]\nset [@*player_obj v] to [0]\nset [@*player_prim v] to [0]\nset [@*player_shadow_prim v] to [0]\nset volume to (100) %\nhide\nsetup\n\ndefine _angle = MvG's angle ( (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) )\nset [_x v] to ((x1) - (x2))\nset [_x2 v] to ((x3) - (x2))\nset [_y v] to ((y1) - (y2))\nset [_y2 v] to ((y3) - (y2))\nset [_dot v] to (((_x) * (_x2)) + ((_y) * (_y2)))\nset [_det v] to (((_x) * (_y2)) - ((_y) * (_x2)))\n_atan2 = atan2( (_det) (_dot) )\nset [_angle v] to (_atan2)\n\ndefine _idxs_tmp.set_range ( (left) (right) (step) <reverse?> )\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\nset [i v] to (left)\nrepeat until <(i) = (right)>\n add (i) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n repeat (step)\n if <(i) = [null]> then\n set [i v] to [null]\n else\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n end\n end\nend\nif <reverse?> then\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [_idxs_tmp v])\n insert (item (length of [_idxs_tmp v]) of [_idxs_tmp v]) at (i) of [_idxs_tmp v] \n delete (length of [_idxs_tmp v]) of [_idxs_tmp v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine add_tri_to_tmp ( (idx_1) (idx_2) (idx_3) )\nadd (item ((idx_1) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_1) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_1) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_2) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_2) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_2) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_3) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_3) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\nadd (item ((idx_3) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n\ndefine _x, _y, _z = calc_unit_normal (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3)\n_x, _y, _z = 3D_cross_prod ( ((x2) - (x1)) ((y2) - (y1)) ((z2) - (z1)) ((x3) - (x1)) ((y3) - (y1)) ((z3) - (z1)) )\nset [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((_x) * (_x)) + (((_y) * (_y)) + ((_z) * (_z)))) )\nset [_x v] to ((_x) / (_tmp))\nset [_y v] to ((_y) / (_tmp))\nset [_z v] to ((_z) / (_tmp))\n\ndefine draw_tri (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3)\npen up\ngo to x: ((x1) * (100)) y: ((y1) * (100))\npen down\ngo to x: ((x2) * (100)) y: ((y2) * (100))\ngo to x: ((x3) * (100)) y: ((y3) * (100))\ngo to x: ((x1) * (100)) y: ((y1) * (100))\nchange pen (color v) by (3)\n\ndefine _inside? = is point inside tri (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (start)\nset [i v] to (start)\nset [_inside? v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(_inside?) = [1]> or <(i) = ((start) + ((length of [_idxs_tmp v]) - (3)))>>\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((((i) - (1)) mod (length of [_idxs_tmp v])) + (1)) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n _inside = point in tri (concise) (item (_tmp) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3)\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine idxs_tri.add_tri_indices ( (idx_1) (idx_2) (idx_3) )\nadd (idx_1) to [idxs_tri v]\nadd (idx_2) to [idxs_tri v]\nadd (idx_3) to [idxs_tri v]\n\ndefine setup scene objects\nset [@ground_y v] to [-1]\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Blue] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [71, 188, 255] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [0] )\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Yellow] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [230,255,20] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Green] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [70,250,90] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Red] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [255,0,0] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nGameObjects.createPlayer ( position [0] [1] [0] first person view? <> Fixed shadow? \nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [2] [0.2] [2] Position [0] [0] [0] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Yellow] name [Start] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [1.6] [0.2] [1.2] Position [1.2] [1.4] [-2.5] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Blue] name [Platform 2] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [1.3] [0.2] [1.2] Position [0.6] [3.6] [-5.2] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Blue] name [Platform 3] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [0.5] [0.2] [3] Position [0] [5.2] [-9.2] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Blue] name [Platform 4] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [1.3] [0.2] [6.4] Position [0] [5.6] [-14.6] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Blue] name [Platform 5] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [2.4] [0.2] [3.4] Position [0] [5.2] [-20] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Blue] name [Platform 6] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [1.7] [0.2] [1.7] Position [0] [5.2] [-23] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Green] name [End] )\nGameObjects.createCone ( Radius [0.2] Height [0.3] Number of sides [4] Position [0] [5.3] [-8.6] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Red] name [Spike 1] )\nGameObjects.createCone ( Radius [0.2] Height [0.3] Number of sides [4] Position [0] [5.3] [-9.8] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Red] name [Spike 2] )\nGameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale [0.4] [0.4] [0.4] Position [0] [5.6] [-20] Rotation [] [] [] Material [Red] name [Enemy] )\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Eye] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [Eye] Colour (R,G,B,A) [] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nGameObjects.create3DPoint ( material name [Eye] radius [0.2] scale y [] position [0] [0] [-0.3] parent [Enemy] shadow offset dist [] name [Eye] )\nGameObjects.create3DLine ( Pt A [0] [5.2] [-23] Pt B [0] [6.4] [-23] material [Yellow] radius [0.02] parent [] name [Flag Pole] )\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Flag] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [70,250,90] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nMaterials.setDoubleSided (comma separated list of materials: [Flag] )\nGameObjects.createTri/Quad (Pt A [0] [6.1] [-23] Pt B [0] [6.4] [-23] Pt C [-0.5] [6.4] [-23] Pt D (leave blank if tri) [-0.5] [6.1] [-23] parent [Flag Pole] material [Flag] name [Flag Fabric] )\nMaterials.setSfx ( material [Yellow] sound effect label [Concrete Step] )\nMaterials.setSfx ( material [Blue] sound effect label [Concrete Step] )\nMaterials.setSfx ( material [Green] sound effect label [Concrete Step] )\nGameObjects.setDynamic ( object name [Enemy] parent object [] )\nGameObjects.setDynamic ( object name [Platform 3] parent object [] )\nGameObjects.setDynamic ( object name [Platform 5] parent object [] )\nGameObjects.offsetDynamicCenter ( object name [Platform 3] offset [0] [-1] [0] )\n\ndefine _*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position (x) (y) (z) rotation (α) (β) (γ) hidden? <hidden?> name (name) dynamic? <dynamic?> )\nset [_*obj v] to ((length of [gameobjects v]) + (1))\nset [_tmp v] to (name)\nset [i v] to [2]\nrepeat until <not <[_obj v] contains (_tmp)?>>\n set [_tmp v] to (join (_tmp) (i))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nadd (_tmp) to [gameobjects v]\nadd (x) to [gameobjects v]\nadd (y) to [gameobjects v]\nadd (z) to [gameobjects v]\nadd (α) to [gameobjects v]\nadd (β) to [gameobjects v]\nadd (γ) to [gameobjects v]\nadd [1] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [1] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [1] to [gameobjects v]\nadd (colour) to [gameobjects v]\nadd <<hidden?> = [1]> to [gameobjects v]\nadd [v_left] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [v_right] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [n_left] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [n_right] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [p_left] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [p_right] to [gameobjects v]\nif <dynamic?> then\n add [ROOT] to [gameobjects v]\nelse\n add [0] to [gameobjects v]\nend\nadd [] to [gameobjects v]\nadd [*bsphere] to [gameobjects v]\nif <not <<<<<<(x) = [0]> and <(y) = [0]>> and <(z) = [0]>> and <(α) = [0]>> and <(β) = [0]>> and <(γ) = [0]>>> then\n GameObjects.set_updated ( (_*obj) )\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.createPrismUsing@polygon ( height (height) Position (x) (y) (z) Rotation (yaw) (pitch) (roll) Material (mat) name (name) )\nset [_n v] to ((length of [@polygon v]) / (2))\nset [_*vstart v] to ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1))\n_*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position (x) (y) (z) rotation (yaw) (pitch) (roll) hidden? <> name (name) dynamic? <> )\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [_ptr v] to (@*vertex_buff_tail)\nrepeat (_n)\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (item (i) of [@polygon v]) ((-1) * ((height) / (2))) (item ((i) + (1)) of [@polygon v]) *node (_ptr) *obj (_*obj) )\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (item (i) of [@polygon v]) ((height) / (2)) (item ((i) + (1)) of [@polygon v]) *node (_ptr) *obj (_*obj) )\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\nset [j v] to [0]\nrepeat (_n)\n delete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\n add ((_*vstart) + (j)) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n add ((_*vstart) + (((j) + ((2) * (@enum v:SIZE))) mod (((2) * (@enum v:SIZE)) * (_n)))) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n add ((_*vstart) + (((j) + ((3) * (@enum v:SIZE))) mod (((2) * (@enum v:SIZE)) * (_n)))) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n add ((_*vstart) + (((j) + ((1) * (@enum v:SIZE))) mod (((2) * (@enum v:SIZE)) * (_n)))) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n _*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius [] )\n change [j v] by ((2) * (@enum v:SIZE))\nend\n_idxs_tmp.set_range ( (_*vstart) [null] [2] )\n_*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius [] )\n_idxs_tmp.set_range ( ((_*vstart) + (@enum v:SIZE)) [null] [2] <> )\n_*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius [] )\n\ndefine _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (x) (y) (z) *node (*node) *obj (*obj) )\nif <<(length of [vertex_buff v]) < (*node)> or <((*node) + (0)) = [0]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to [null]\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*node) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n replace item ((*node) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v] with ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1))\nend\nadd (x) to [vertex_buff v]\nset [_ptr v] to (length of [vertex_buff v])\nadd (y) to [vertex_buff v]\nadd (z) to [vertex_buff v]\nadd (_tmp) to [vertex_buff v]\nif <not <(*obj) = [*obj]>> then\n if <<(length of [vertex_buff v]) = [0]> or <(item ((*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [v_left]>> then\n replace item (((@*vertex_buff_tail_obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n replace item ((*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n replace item (((*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with [null]\n end\nend\nif <(*node) = (@*vertex_buff_tail)> then\n set [@*vertex_buff_tail v] to (_ptr)\n if <not <(*obj) = (@*vertex_buff_tail_obj)>> then\n set [@*vertex_buff_tail_obj v] to (*obj)\n end\nend\n\ndefine setup\nreset all ()\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [None] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [255,255,255] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nsetup scene objects\nbroadcast (init gameobject transforms v) and wait\nGameObjects.generate_bounding_spheres()\nprimitives.compute_normals()\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [vertex_buff v])\n add (item (i) of [vertex_buff v]) to [vertex_world v]\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nbroadcast (world_transform v) and wait\nif <(@gen_BSP?) = [1]> then\n broadcast (gen bsp v) and wait\nend\nprimitives.generate_bounding_spheres ()\nbroadcast (world_transform v) and wait\nbroadcast (final prim setup v) and wait\nrepeat ((length of [vertex_world v]) * (2))\n add [] to [vertex v]\nend\nset [@days_since_2000 v] to (days since 2000)\nset [@rendering_active? v] to [1]\n\ndefine GameObjects.importFromOBJFile ( CW orientated? <is_clockwise?> scale (s) align_center? <center?> .obj file data (leave blank if using _OBJ list) (data) )\nif <not <(data) = []>> then\n _OBJ.decode_from_data ( (data) )\nend\nset [_*vstart v] to ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1))\nset [_*vstart_obj v] to (_*vstart)\nset [_*nstart v] to ((length of [normal_buff v]) + (1))\nset [_*obj v] to [null]\nset [_*obj v] to [1]\nset [_radius v] to []\nset [_material v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(_*OBJ) = ((length of [_obj v]) + (1))>\n _cmd,_*OBJ + 1 = _OBJ.read_line ( )\n handle cmd (_cmd) <is_clockwise?>\nend\nvertex_buff.scale ( left (_*vstart_obj) right ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1)) scale (<(s) = []> + (s)) )\nif <center?> then\n vertex_buff.center_range (*left (_*vstart_obj) *right ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1)) )\nend\nif <(length of [bsp.tree v]) > [0]> then\n insert ((length of [bsp.tree v]) / (@enum t:SIZE)) at (1) of [bsp.tree v] \n insert [2] at (1) of [bsp.tree v] \n set [@bsp._*prims.tail v] to ((item # of [null] in [bsp.tree v]) - (2))\n set [@gen_bsp? v] to [0]\n set [i v] to [3]\n repeat (item (2) of [bsp.tree v])\n set [j v] to (item (i) of [bsp.tree v])\n repeat until <<(item ((j) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (item ((i) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v])> or <(j) = [null]>>\n replace item ((item (j) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v] with (i)\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n change [i v] by (@enum t:SIZE)\n end\nend\n\ndefine _cmd,_*OBJ + 1 = _OBJ.read_line ( )\nset [_cmd v] to (item (_*OBJ) of [_obj v])\nchange [_*obj v] by (1)\n\ndefine _split_buff = split ( (s) (delim) )\ndelete all of [_split_buff v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [_tmp2 v] to []\nrepeat (length of (s))\n set [_tmp v] to (letter (i) of (s))\n if <(_tmp) = (delim)> then\n add (_tmp2) to [_split_buff v]\n set [_tmp2 v] to []\n else\n set [_tmp2 v] to (join (_tmp2) (_tmp))\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nadd (_tmp2) to [_split_buff v]\n\ndefine vertex_buff.center_range (*left (*l) *right (*r) )\ndelete all of [_tmp v]\nset [j v] to [0]\nrepeat (3)\n set [_min v] to ((1) / (0))\n set [_max v] to ((-1) / (0))\n set [i v] to (*l)\n repeat (((*r) - (*l)) / (4))\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((i) + (j)) of [vertex_buff v])\n if <(_tmp) < (_min)> then\n set [_min v] to (_tmp)\n end\n if <(_tmp) > (_max)> then\n set [_max v] to (_tmp)\n end\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n end\n add ((_max) - (_min)) to [_tmp v]\n set [i v] to (*l)\n repeat (((*r) - (*l)) / (4))\n replace item ((i) + (j)) of [vertex_buff v] with ((item ((i) + (j)) of [vertex_buff v]) - (((_max) + (_min)) / (2)))\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n end\n change [j v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine _idxs_tmp.set_from_f_cmd ( (cmd) (idx_offset) <reverse?> )\n_split_buff = split ( (cmd) [ ] )\ndelete (1) of [_split_buff v]\ndelete all of [_tmp v]\nrepeat until <(length of [_split_buff v]) = [0]>\n add (item ((<reverse?> * (length of [_split_buff v])) + <not <reverse?>>) of [_split_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n delete ((<reverse?> * (length of [_split_buff v])) + <not <reverse?>>) of [_split_buff v]\nend\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\nrepeat until <(length of [_tmp v]) = [0]>\n _split_buff = split ( (item (1) of [_tmp v]) [/] )\n add ((((item (1) of [_split_buff v]) - (1)) * (4)) + (idx_offset)) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n delete (1) of [_tmp v]\nend\n\ndefine primitives.triangulate ( (*prim) )\nreplace item ((*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v] with ((length of [idxs_tri v]) + (1))\nset [_plane v] to [2]\n_winding_num = calc_winding_num ( (_plane) )\nif <([abs v] of (_winding_number) ) < [0.01]> then\n set [_plane v] to [1]\n _winding_num = calc_winding_num ( (_plane) )\n if <([abs v] of (_winding_number) ) < [0.01]> then\n set [_plane v] to [0]\n _winding_num = calc_winding_num ( (_plane) )\n end\nend\nset [debug v] to [0]\nPolygon Tessellation ( [1] (_winding_number) (_plane) )\nif <(debug) > [300]> then\n primitives.add_prim_to_idxs_tmp ( (*prim) ((1) / (0)) )\n debug_polygon_tesselation (_winding_number) (_plane)\n ​​breakpoint​​\nend\nreplace item ((*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v] with ((length of [idxs_tri v]) + (1))\n\ndefine primitives.convert_and_triangulate_primitives()\ndelete all of [idxs_tri v]\nset [_ptr v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [primitives v]) / (@enum p:SIZE))\n primitives.add_prim_to_idxs_tmp ( (_ptr) ((1) / (0)) )\n if <(item (_ptr) of [primitives v]) = [POLYGON]> then\n primitives.convert_prim ( (_ptr) )\n end\n change [_ptr v] by (@enum p:SIZE)\nend\n\ndefine primitives.add_prim_to_idxs_tmp ( (*prim) (max_len) )\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\nset [_tmp v] to (item (*prim) of [primitives v])\nif <(_tmp) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n add (item (_tmp) of [idxs_poly v]) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\n repeat until <<(_tmp) = (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])> or <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) > (max_len)>>\n add (item (_tmp) of [idxs_poly v]) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\n end\nelse\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat ((<(_tmp) = [POINT]> * (1)) + ((<(_tmp) = [LINE]> * (2)) + ((<(_tmp) = [TRIANGLE]> * (3)) + (<(_tmp) = [QUAD]> * (4)))))\n add (item ((*prim) + (i)) of [primitives v]) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine primitives.compute_normals()\ndelete all of [normal_buff v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [primitives v]) / (@enum p:SIZE))\n if <not <(item ((i) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>> then\n set [_x v] to (item (item ((i) + (1)) of [primitives v]) of [idxs_poly v])\n set [_y v] to (item (item ((item ((i) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v]) of [idxs_poly v])\n set [_z v] to (item (item ((item ((item ((i) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v]) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v]) of [idxs_poly v])\n _x, _y, _z = calc_unit_normal (item (_x) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_x) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_x) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) (item (_y) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_y) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_y) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) (item (_z) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_z) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) (item ((_z) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v])\n set [_*obj v] to (item ((i) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v])\n set [_ptr v] to ((length of [normal_buff v]) + (1))\n if <<(length of [normal_buff v]) = [0]> or <(item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*NLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [n_left]>> then\n if <(@*normal_buff_tail_obj) > [0]> then\n replace item (((@*normal_buff_tail_obj) + (@enum o:*NLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n end\n replace item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*NLEFT)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n replace item (((_*obj) + (@enum o:*NLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with [null]\n end\n if <not <(_*obj) = (@*normal_buff_tail_obj)>> then\n set [@*normal_buff_tail_obj v] to (_*obj)\n end\n add (_x) to [normal_buff v]\n add (_y) to [normal_buff v]\n add (_z) to [normal_buff v]\n end\n change [i v] by (@enum p:SIZE)\nend\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [normal_buff v])\n add (item (i) of [normal_buff v]) to [normal_world v]\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine primitives.generate_shadows ()\nif <(@shadows?) = [1]> then\n Materials.newMaterial ( label [Shadow] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) (join (join ((77) * ((@ambient_max) + (0.1))) [,]) (join ((168) * ((@ambient_max) + (0.1))) (join [,] ((56) * ((@ambient_max) + (0.1)))))) no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\n Materials.newMaterial ( label [Point Shadow] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [shadow] Colour (R,G,B,A) [] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nend\nset [@*shadow_seg v] to (length of [vertex_buff v])\nset [_*prim v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [primitives v]) / (@enum p:SIZE))\n set [_tmp2 v] to (_*prim)\n set [_*obj v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v])\n if <(@shadows?) = [1]> then\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp v] to ((length of [idxs_tri v]) + (1))\n set [j v] to (item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v])\n repeat until <(j) = (item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v])>\n add ((item (j) of [idxs_tri v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) to [idxs_tri v]\n change [j v] by (1)\n end\n _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( (item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) (item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) (_tmp) (length of [idxs_tri v]) [] *obj (_*obj) material [Shadow] has_normal? <> )\n else\n if <<(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [TRIANGLE]> or <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [QUAD]>> then\n _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( (item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) ((item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) ((item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) ((item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) ((item ((_*prim) + (4)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) *obj (_*obj) material [Shadow] has_normal? <> )\n else\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [LINE]> then\n _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( (item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) ((item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) ((item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) (item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v]) (item ((_*prim) + (4)) of [primitives v]) *obj (_*obj) material [Shadow] has_normal? <> )\n end\n end\n end\n add (_tmp2) to [@shadow_to_*prim v]\n end\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POINT]> then\n if <<(@shadows?) = [1]> or <not <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SHAD_OFF_SCALE)) of [primitives v]) = []>>> then\n if <(_tmp2) = (@*player_prim)> then\n set [_tmp v] to [Player Shadow]\n else\n set [_tmp v] to [Point Shadow]\n end\n _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( (item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) ((item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (@*shadow_seg)) (item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v]) (item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v]) (item ((_*prim) + (4)) of [primitives v]) *obj (_*obj) material (_tmp) has_normal? <> )\n if <(@shadows?) = [0]> then\n add (_tmp2) to [@shadow_to_*prim v]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(@shadows?) = [1]> then\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v] with [100]\n end\n if <(_tmp2) = (@*player_prim)> then\n set [@*player_shadow_prim v] to (_*prim)\n end\n set [_*prim v] to ((_tmp2) + (@enum p:SIZE))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [final prim setup v]\nadd [--dynamic data--] to [primitives v]\nset [*dynamic_seg v] to (length of [primitives v])\nprimitives.convert_and_triangulate_primitives()\nprimitives.generate_shadows ()\n\ndefine reset all ()\ndelete all of [_tmp v]\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\ndelete all of [_intersection_t_vals v]\ndelete all of [vertex_buff v]\nset [@*vertex_buff_tail v] to [0]\nset [@*vertex_buff_tail_obj v] to [0]\nset [@*normal_buff_tail_obj v] to [0]\nset [@gameobjects._*prims.tail v] to [0]\ndelete all of [vertex_world v]\ndelete all of [vertex v]\ndelete all of [primitives v]\ndelete all of [idxs_poly v]\ndelete all of [idxs_tri v]\ndelete all of [gameobjects v]\ndelete all of [@updated_objects v]\ndelete all of [normal_buff v]\ndelete all of [normal_world v]\ndelete all of [bsp.tree v]\ndelete all of [bsp._*prims v]\ndelete all of [bsphere_buff v]\ndelete all of [bsphere_world v]\ndelete all of [gameobjects._*prims v]\ndelete all of [materials v]\ndelete all of [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v]\ndelete all of [@shadow_to_*prim v]\ndelete all of [@dynamic_objects v]\n\ndefine GameObjects.create3DPoint ( material name (mat) radius (radius) scale y (scale y) position (x) (y) (z) parent (parent) shadow offset dist (shad_off_scale) name (name) )\nif <<(parent) = []> or <not <[gameobjects v] contains (parent)?>>> then\n _*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position (x) (y) (z) rotation [0] [0] [0] hidden? <> name (name) dynamic? <> )\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz [0] [0] [0] *node (@*vertex_buff_tail) *obj (_*obj) )\nelse\n set [_*obj v] to (item # of (parent) in [gameobjects v])\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (x) (y) (z) *node (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) *obj (_*obj) )\nend\nset [_ptr_to_vert v] to (_ptr)\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\nadd (_ptr) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n_*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius (radius) )\nif <not <(scale y) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v] with (scale y)\nelse\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v] with []\nend\nreplace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SHAD_OFF_SCALE)) of [primitives v] with (shad_off_scale)\n\ndefine primitives.convert_prim ( (*prim) )\n_idx_tmp.remove_consecutive_duplicates()\nif <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) > [4]> then\n primitives.triangulate ( (*prim) )\nelse\n replace item (*prim) of [primitives v] with [POINT]\n replace item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v] with (item (1) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n if <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) > [1]> then\n replace item (*prim) of [primitives v] with [LINE]\n replace item ((*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v] with (item (2) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n end\n if <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) > [2]> then\n replace item (*prim) of [primitives v] with [TRIANGLE]\n replace item ((*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v] with (item (3) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n end\n if <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) > [3]> then\n replace item (*prim) of [primitives v] with [QUAD]\n replace item ((*prim) + (4)) of [primitives v] with (item (4) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine _OBJ = exportScene ()\ndelete all of [_obj v]\nadd [# ChromeEngine v1] to [_obj v]\nadd [# https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/779272331] to [_obj v]\nset [_vert_count v] to [1]\ndelete all of [_new_vert_loc v]\nrepeat ((length of [vertex_buff v]) / (4))\n add [] to [_new_vert_loc v]\nend\nset [_prim_count v] to [1]\ndelete all of [_new_prim_loc v]\nrepeat ((length of [primitives v]) / (@enum p:SIZE))\n add [] to [_new_prim_loc v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [gameobjects v]) / (@enum o:SIZE))\n add (join [o ] (item (_*obj) of [gameobjects v])) to [_obj v]\n set [i v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(i) = (item (((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])> or <(i) = [null]>>\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n add [v] to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n _tmp = join_tmp ( delim [ ] )\n add (_tmp) to [_obj v]\n replace item ((((i) - (1)) / (4)) + (1)) of [_new_vert_loc v] with (_vert_count)\n change [_vert_count v] by (1)\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n end\n set [_material v] to [1]\n repeat ((length of [materials v]) / (@enum m:SIZE))\n add (join [usemtl ] (item (_material) of [materials v])) to [_obj v]\n set [_*prim v] to [1]\n set [_has_prim? v] to [0]\n repeat until <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [--dynamic data--]>\n if <<(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v]) = (_material)> and <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) = (_*obj)>> then\n set [_has_prim? v] to [1]\n primitives.add_prim_to_idxs_tmp ( (_*prim) ((1) / (0)) )\n if <<(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) < [3]> and <not <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v]) = []>>> then\n add (join [fs ] (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])) to [_obj v]\n end\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n add [f] to [_tmp v]\n repeat until <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) = [0]>\n set [_tmp v] to ((((item (1) of [_idxs_tmp v]) - (1)) / (4)) + (1))\n add (item (_tmp) of [_new_vert_loc v]) to [_tmp v]\n delete (1) of [_idxs_tmp v]\n end\n _tmp = join_tmp ( delim [ ] )\n add (_tmp) to [_obj v]\n replace item ((((_*prim) - (1)) / (@enum p:SIZE)) + (1)) of [_new_prim_loc v] with (_prim_count)\n change [_prim_count v] by (1)\n end\n change [_*prim v] by (@enum p:SIZE)\n end\n if <(_has_prim?) = [0]> then\n delete (length of [_obj v]) of [_obj v]\n end\n change [_material v] by (6)\n end\n change [_*obj v] by (@enum o:SIZE)\nend\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [bsp._*prims v]) / (4))\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n add [bp] to [_tmp v]\n set [_tmp v] to ((((item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) - (1)) / (@enum p:SIZE)) + (1))\n add ((((item (_tmp) of [_new_prim_loc v]) - (1)) * (@enum p:SIZE)) + (1)) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [_tmp v]\n _tmp = join_tmp ( delim [ ] )\n add (_tmp) to [_obj v]\n change [i v] by (4)\nend\nset [i v] to [3]\nrepeat (item (2) of [bsp.tree v])\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n add [bt] to [_tmp v]\n set [j v] to [0]\n repeat (@enum t:SIZE)\n add (item ((i) + (j)) of [bsp.tree v]) to [_tmp v]\n change [j v] by (1)\n end\n _tmp = join_tmp ( delim [ ] )\n add (_tmp) to [_obj v]\n change [i v] by (@enum t:SIZE)\nend\n\ndefine _tmp = join_tmp ( delim (delim) )\nset [_tmp v] to []\nrepeat until <(length of [_tmp v]) = [0]>\n if <(length of [_tmp v]) = [1]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (join (_tmp) (item (1) of [_tmp v]))\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (join (_tmp) (join (item (1) of [_tmp v]) [ ]))\n end\n delete (1) of [_tmp v]\nend\n\ndefine handle cmd (cmd) <is_clockwise?>\n_split_buff = split ( (cmd) [ ] )\nset [_cmd v] to (item (1) of [_split_buff v])\ndelete (1) of [_split_buff v]\nif <(_cmd) = [o]> then\n set [_*vstart v] to ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1))\n set [_*nstart v] to ((length of [normal_buff v]) + (1))\n _*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position [0] [0] [0] rotation [0] [0] [0] hidden? <> name (item (1) of [_split_buff v]) dynamic? <> )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [v]> then\n if <(_*obj) = [null]> then\n _*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position [0] [0] [0] rotation [0] [0] [0] hidden? <> name [default] dynamic? <> )\n end\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz ((item (1) of [_split_buff v]) + ()) ((item (2) of [_split_buff v]) + ()) ((item (3) of [_split_buff v]) + ()) *node (@*vertex_buff_tail) *obj (_*obj) )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [f]> then\n _idxs_tmp.set_from_f_cmd ( (cmd) (_*vstart_obj) <is_clockwise?> )\n _*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (_material) pen radius (_radius) )\n set [_radius v] to []\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [mtllib]> then\n Materials.useMtlLib (item (1) of [_split_buff v])\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [usemtl]> then\n if <[materials v] contains (item (1) of [_split_buff v])?> then\n set [_material v] to (item (1) of [_split_buff v])\n else\n set [_material v] to [None]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [bp]> then\n repeat until <(length of [_split_buff v]) = [0]>\n add (item (1) of [_split_buff v]) to [bsp._*prims v]\n delete (1) of [_split_buff v]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [bt]> then\n repeat until <(length of [_split_buff v]) = [0]>\n add (item (1) of [_split_buff v]) to [bsp.tree v]\n delete (1) of [_split_buff v]\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_cmd) = [fs]> then\n set [_radius v] to (item (1) of [_split_buff v])\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine _winding_num = calc_winding_num ( (principal_plane) )\nset [_winding_number v] to [0]\nset [_n v] to (length of [_idxs_tmp v])\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [_idxs_tmp v])\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n add_tri_to_tmp ( (item ((((i) + (0)) mod (_n)) + (1)) of [_idxs_tmp v]) (item ((((i) + (1)) mod (_n)) + (1)) of [_idxs_tmp v]) (item ((((i) + (2)) mod (_n)) + (1)) of [_idxs_tmp v]) )\n delete ((7) + (principal_plane)) of [_tmp v]\n delete ((4) + (principal_plane)) of [_tmp v]\n delete ((1) + (principal_plane)) of [_tmp v]\n change [_winding_number v] by ((((item (3) of [_tmp v]) - (item (1) of [_tmp v])) * ((item (6) of [_tmp v]) - (item (2) of [_tmp v]))) - (((item (4) of [_tmp v]) - (item (2) of [_tmp v])) * ((item (5) of [_tmp v]) - (item (1) of [_tmp v]))))\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nset [_winding_number v] to ((_winding_number) / (length of [_idxs_tmp v]))\n\ndefine debug_polygon_tesselation (direction) (principal_axis)\nerase all\nset pen color to (#ff00c3)\nset pen size to (2)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [_idxs_tmp v]) + (1))\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n add (item ((item (i) of [_idxs_tmp v]) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((item (i) of [_idxs_tmp v]) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((item (i) of [_idxs_tmp v]) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n delete ((1) + (principal_axis)) of [_tmp v]\n go to x: ((item (1) of [_tmp v]) * (100)) y: ((item (2) of [_tmp v]) * (100))\n pen down\n set [i v] to (((i) mod (length of [_idxs_tmp v])) + (1))\n change pen (color v) by (10)\nend\ngo to x: ((item (1) of [_tmp v]) * (100)) y: ((item (2) of [_tmp v]) * (100))\npen up\n\ndefine vertex_buff.scale ( left (*l) right (*r) scale (s) )\nset [i v] to (*l)\nrepeat (((*r) - (*l)) / (4))\n set [j v] to [0]\n repeat (3)\n replace item ((i) + (j)) of [vertex_buff v] with ((item ((i) + (j)) of [vertex_buff v]) * (s))\n change [j v] by (1)\n end\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\nend\n\ndefine primitives.generate_bounding_spheres ()\nset [_*prim v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [primitives v]) / (@enum p:SIZE))\n if <not <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [CONTAINER]>> then\n primitives.add_prim_to_idxs_tmp ( (_*prim) ((1) / (0)) )\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [_idxs_tmp v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item (i) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n add (item ((_tmp) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n _x, _y, _z, _r = RitterSphere ( _tmp )\n add (_x) to [bsphere_buff v]\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v] with (length of [bsphere_buff v])\n add (_y) to [bsphere_buff v]\n add (_z) to [bsphere_buff v]\n if <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) < [3]> then\n change [_r v] by (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])\n end\n add (_r) to [bsphere_buff v]\n add (_*prim) to [bsphere_buff v]\n end\n change [_*prim v] by (@enum p:SIZE)\nend\ndelete all of [bsphere_world v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [bsphere_buff v])\n add (item (i) of [bsphere_buff v]) to [bsphere_world v]\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine _x, _y, _z, _r = RitterSphere ( _tmp )\n_x,_y,_z,_r = SphereFromDistantPoints (_tmp)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [_tmp v]) / (3))\n _x,_y,_z,_r = SphereOfSphereAndPt ( Sphere (_x) (_y) (_z) (_r) Pt (item (i) of [_tmp v]) (item ((i) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((i) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) )\n change [i v] by (3)\nend\n\ndefine _x,_y,_z,_r = SphereFromDistantPoints (_tmp)\n_min, _max = MostSeparatedPointsOnAABB (_tmp)\nset [_x v] to (((item (_min) of [_tmp v]) + (item (_max) of [_tmp v])) / (2))\nset [_y v] to (((item ((_min) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) + (item ((_max) + (1)) of [_tmp v])) / (2))\nset [_z v] to (((item ((_min) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) + (item ((_max) + (2)) of [_tmp v])) / (2))\nset [_r v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((item (_max) of [_tmp v]) - (_x)) * ((item (_max) of [_tmp v]) - (_x))) + ((((item ((_max) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) - (_y)) * ((item ((_max) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) - (_y))) + (((item ((_max) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) - (_z)) * ((item ((_max) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) - (_z))))) )\n\ndefine _min, _max = MostSeparatedPointsOnAABB (_tmp)\nset [_minx v] to [1]\nset [_miny v] to [1]\nset [_minz v] to [1]\nset [_maxx v] to [1]\nset [_maxy v] to [1]\nset [_maxz v] to [1]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [_tmp v]) / (3))\n if <(item (i) of [_tmp v]) < (item (_minx) of [_tmp v])> then\n set [_minx v] to (i)\n end\n if <(item (i) of [_tmp v]) > (item (_maxx) of [_tmp v])> then\n set [_maxx v] to (i)\n end\n if <(item ((i) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) < (item ((_miny) + (1)) of [_tmp v])> then\n set [_miny v] to (i)\n end\n if <(item ((i) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) > (item ((_maxy) + (1)) of [_tmp v])> then\n set [_maxy v] to (i)\n end\n if <(item ((i) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) < (item ((_minz) + (2)) of [_tmp v])> then\n set [_minz v] to (i)\n end\n if <(item ((i) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) > (item ((_maxz) + (2)) of [_tmp v])> then\n set [_maxz v] to (i)\n end\n change [i v] by (3)\nend\n_tmp = SquaredDist ( A (item (_maxx) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_maxx) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_maxx) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) B (item (_minx) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_minx) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_minx) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) )\nset [_x v] to (_tmp)\n_tmp = SquaredDist ( A (item (_maxy) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_maxy) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_maxy) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) B (item (_miny) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_miny) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_miny) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) )\nset [_y v] to (_tmp)\n_tmp = SquaredDist ( A (item (_maxz) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_maxz) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_maxz) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) B (item (_minz) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_minz) + (1)) of [_tmp v]) (item ((_minz) + (2)) of [_tmp v]) )\nset [_z v] to (_tmp)\nif <<(_x) > (_y)> and <(_x) > (_z)>> then\n set [_min v] to (_minx)\n set [_max v] to (_maxx)\nelse\n if <(_y) > (_z)> then\n set [_min v] to (_miny)\n set [_max v] to (_maxy)\n else\n set [_min v] to (_minz)\n set [_max v] to (_maxz)\n end\nend\n\ndefine _x,_y,_z,_r = SphereOfSphereAndPt ( Sphere (sx) (sy) (sz) (sr) Pt (px) (py) (pz) )\nset [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((px) - (sx)) * ((px) - (sx))) + ((((py) - (sy)) * ((py) - (sy))) + (((pz) - (sz)) * ((pz) - (sz))))) )\nif <(_tmp) > (sr)> then\n set [_r v] to (((sr) + (_tmp)) / (2))\n set [_tmp v] to (((_r) - (sr)) / (_tmp))\n set [_x v] to ((sx) + (((px) - (sx)) * (_tmp)))\n set [_y v] to ((sy) + (((py) - (sy)) * (_tmp)))\n set [_z v] to ((sz) + (((pz) - (sz)) * (_tmp)))\nend\n\ndefine Materials.importFromMTL ( .MTL file data (mtl file) )\n_split_buff = split ( (mtl file) [ ] )\nrepeat until <(length of [_split_buff v]) = [0]>\n import_mtl.handle_line ( (item (1) of [_split_buff v]) )\n delete (1) of [_split_buff v]\nend\n\ndefine import_mtl.handle_line ( (line) )\nif <(line) = [newmtl]> then\n Materials.newMaterial ( label (item (2) of [_split_buff v]) pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) [] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(line) = [Kd]> then\n Materials.setLastKD ( (item (2) of [_split_buff v]) (item (3) of [_split_buff v]) (item (4) of [_split_buff v]) [] )\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(line) = [d]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (((length of [materials v]) - (@enum m:SIZE)) + (5))\n replace item (_tmp) of [materials v] with ((item (_tmp) of [materials v]) + ((round ((item (2) of [_split_buff v]) * (255))) * (16777216)))\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine Materials.useMtlLib (lib)\n\ndefine Materials.setLastKD ( (r) (g) (b) (a) )\nset [_tmp v] to ((a) - <(a) = [1]>)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (((length of [materials v]) - (@enum m:SIZE)) + (5))\nreplace item (_tmp2) of [materials v] with (((round ((_tmp) * (255))) * (16777216)) + (((round ((r) * (255))) * (65536)) + (((round ((g) * (255))) * (256)) + (round ((b) * (255))))))\nif <<(r) > (g)> and <(r) > (b)>> then\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [materials v] with (r)\nelse\n if <(g) > (b)> then\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [materials v] with (g)\n else\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [materials v] with (b)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Materials.setDoubleSided (comma separated list of materials: (mat_double_list) )\n_split_buff = split ( (mat_double_list) [,] )\nrepeat until <(length of [_split_buff v]) = [0]>\n set [_tmp v] to (item (1) of [_split_buff v])\n delete (1) of [_split_buff v]\n if <[materials v] contains (_tmp)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (_tmp) in [materials v]) + (1)) of [materials v] with (item # of (_tmp) in [materials v])\n end\nend\n\ndefine Materials.setSecondaryColour ( Material (mat) Colour (R,G,B,A) (rgba) )\nif <[materials v] contains (mat)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (mat) in [materials v]) + (1)) of [materials v] with ((length of [materials v]) + (1))\n Materials.newMaterial ( label (join (mat) [:secondary]) pointer to secondary colour material ((length of [materials v]) + (1)) sfx sound name [] texture costume name [] Colour (R,G,B,A) (rgba) no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.create3DLine ( Pt A (ax) (ay) (az) Pt B (bx) (by) (bz) material (mat) radius (r) parent (parent) name (name) )\nif <<(parent) = []> or <not <[gameobjects v] contains (parent)?>>> then\n _*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position [0] [0] [0] rotation [0] [0] [0] hidden? <> name (name) dynamic? <> )\n set [_ptr_to_node v] to (@*vertex_buff_tail)\nelse\n set [_*obj v] to (item # of (parent) in [gameobjects v])\n set [_ptr_to_node v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\nend\n_ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (ax) (ay) (az) *node (_ptr_to_node) *obj (_*obj) )\nset [_*vstart v] to (_ptr)\n_ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (bx) (by) (bz) *node (_ptr) *obj (_*obj) )\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\nadd (_*vstart) to [_idxs_tmp v]\nadd (_ptr) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n_*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius (r) )\n\ndefine _**prim = GameObjects._*prims.insert_after( (*prim) (*elem) )\nif <(*elem) = []> then\n add (*prim) to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n set [_**prim v] to (length of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n add [null] to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n if <(@GameObjects._*prims.tail) = [0]> then\n set [@gameobjects._*prims.tail v] to [1]\n else\n replace item ((@GameObjects._*prims.tail) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v] with (_**prim)\n set [@gameobjects._*prims.tail v] to (_**prim)\n end\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*elem) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n add (*prim) to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n set [_**prim v] to (length of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n add (_tmp) to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n replace item ((*elem) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v] with (_**prim)\n if <(*elem) = (@GameObjects._*prims.tail)> then\n set [@gameobjects._*prims.tail v] to (_**prim)\n end\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.generate_bounding_spheres()\nset [_*obj v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [gameobjects v]) / (@enum o:SIZE))\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n set [i v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:*VLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(i) = (_tmp)> or <(i) = [null]>>\n add (item ((i) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n add (item ((i) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) to [_tmp v]\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n end\n _x, _y, _z, _r = RitterSphere ( _tmp )\n add (_x) to [bsphere_buff v]\n set [_ptr v] to (length of [bsphere_buff v])\n add (_y) to [bsphere_buff v]\n add (_z) to [bsphere_buff v]\n if <not <(length of [_tmp v]) > [6]>> then\n change [_r v] by (item ((item (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) of [gameobjects._*prims v]) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])\n end\n add (_r) to [bsphere_buff v]\n add (_*obj) to [bsphere_buff v]\n replace item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n change [_*obj v] by (@enum o:SIZE)\nend\ndelete all of [bsphere_world v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [bsphere_buff v])\n add (item (i) of [bsphere_buff v]) to [bsphere_world v]\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine _idx_tmp.remove_consecutive_duplicates()\nif <(length of [_idxs_tmp v]) = [3]> then\n set [_x v] to []\n set [_y v] to []\n set [_z v] to []\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [_idxs_tmp v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item (i) of [_idxs_tmp v])\n set [_x2 v] to ((round ((item ((_tmp) + (0)) of [vertex_buff v]) * (10000))) / (10000))\n set [_y2 v] to ((round ((item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v]) * (10000))) / (10000))\n set [_z2 v] to ((round ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v]) * (10000))) / (10000))\n if <<(_x2) = (_x)> and <<(_y2) = (_y)> and <(_z2) = (_z)>>> then\n delete (i) of [_idxs_tmp v]\n change [i v] by (-1)\n end\n set [_x v] to (_x2)\n set [_y v] to (_y2)\n set [_z v] to (_z2)\n set [i v] to (((i) mod (length of [_idxs_tmp v])) + (1))\n end\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.setDynamic ( object name (obj) parent object (parent) )\nif <<not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> or <<not <(parent) = []>> and <not <[gameobjects v] contains (parent)?>>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nif <(parent) = []> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v] with [ROOT]\nelse\n replace item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v] with (item # of (parent) in [gameobjects v])\nend\nGameObjects.set_updated ( (_*obj) )\n\ndefine Materials.setSfx ( material (mat) sound effect label (sfx) )\nif <[materials v] contains (mat)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (mat) in [materials v]) + (2)) of [materials v] with (sfx)\nend\n\ndefine Materials.newMaterial ( label (label) pointer to secondary colour material (*secondary) sfx sound name (sfx) texture costume name (tex) Colour (R,G,B,A) (rgba) no collider? <nocollider?> bounciness (0-1) (bounciness) )\nadd (label) to [materials v]\nadd (((0) * <(*secondary) = []>) + ((*secondary) * <not <(*secondary) = []>>)) to [materials v]\nif <(sfx) = []> then\n add [null] to [materials v]\nelse\n add (sfx) to [materials v]\nend\nif <(tex) = []> then\n add [] to [materials v]\nelse\n _tmp = costume_name_to_# ( (tex) )\n add (_tmp) to [materials v]\nend\nadd [argb] to [materials v]\nadd [value] to [materials v]\nadd <<nocollider?> = [1]> to [materials v]\nadd (((@μ) * <(friction) = []>) + ((friction) * <not <(friction) = []>>)) to [materials v]\nadd (((@restitution) * <(bounciness) = []>) + ((bounciness) * <not <(bounciness) = []>>)) to [materials v]\n_split_buff = split ( (rgba) [,] )\nMaterials.setLastKD ( ((item (1) of [_split_buff v]) / (255)) ((item (2) of [_split_buff v]) / (255)) ((item (3) of [_split_buff v]) / (255)) ((item (4) of [_split_buff v]) / (255)) )\n\nwhen I receive [setup scene v]\nsetup\n\ndefine _OBJ.decode_from_data ( (data) )\ndelete all of [_obj v]\ndelete all of [_tmp v]\n_split_buff = split ( (data) [ ] )\nrepeat until <(length of [_split_buff v]) = [0]>\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item (1) of [_split_buff v])\n delete (1) of [_split_buff v]\n if <[_obj_cmds v] contains (_tmp2)?> then\n set [_cmd v] to (_tmp2)\n if <(length of [_tmp v]) > [0]> then\n _tmp = join_tmp ( delim [ ] )\n add (_tmp) to [_obj v]\n delete all of [_tmp v]\n end\n end\n add (_tmp2) to [_tmp v]\nend\n_tmp = join_tmp ( delim [ ] )\nadd (_tmp) to [_obj v]\nadd [] to [_obj v]\n\ndefine GameObjects.createPlayer ( position (x) (y) (z) first person view? <first person?> Fixed shadow? <fixed_shadow>\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Player Shadow] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [shadow2] Colour (R,G,B,A) [] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nMaterials.newMaterial ( label [Player] pointer to secondary colour material [] sfx sound name [] texture costume name [ball] Colour (R,G,B,A) [] no collider? <> bounciness (0-1) [] )\nif <fixed_shadow> then\n set [_tmp v] to (@player_r)\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to []\nend\nGameObjects.create3DPoint ( material name [Player] radius (@player_r) scale y [] position (x) (y) (z) parent [] shadow offset dist (_tmp) name [Player] )\nGameObjects.setDynamic ( object name [Player] parent object [] )\nset [@*player_obj v] to (_*obj)\nset [@*player_prim v] to (_*prim)\nset [@first_person? v] to (<first person?> + ())\nset [@player_x v] to (x)\nset [@player_y v] to (y)\nset [@player_z v] to (z)\n\ndefine GameObjects.offsetDynamicCenter ( object name (obj) offset (x) (y) (z) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nif <<not <(item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]>> and <not <[@dynamic_obj_center_offset v] contains (join [*obj:] (_*obj))?>>> then\n add (join [*obj:] (_*obj)) to [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v]\n add (x) to [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v]\n add (y) to [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v]\n add (z) to [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v]\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.createCuboid ( Scale (sx) (sy) (sz) Position (x) (y) (z) Rotation (yaw) (pitch) (roll) Material (mat) name (name) )\ndelete all of [@polygon v]\nadd ((-0.5) * (sx)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((0.5) * (sz)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((0.5) * (sx)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((0.5) * (sz)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((0.5) * (sx)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((-0.5) * (sz)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((-0.5) * (sx)) to [@polygon v]\nadd ((-0.5) * (sz)) to [@polygon v]\nGameObjects.createPrismUsing@polygon ( height (sy) Position (x) (y) (z) Rotation (yaw) (pitch) (roll) Material (mat) name (name) )\n\ndefine GameObjects.createCone ( Radius (r) Height (h) Number of sides (n) Position (x) (y) (z) Rotation (yaw) (pitch) (roll) Material (mat) name (name) )\nset [_*vstart v] to ((length of [vertex_buff v]) + (1))\n_*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position (x) (y) (z) rotation (yaw) (pitch) (roll) hidden? <> name (name) dynamic? <> )\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (n)\n set [_tmp v] to ((((i) + (0.5)) / (n)) * (360))\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz ((r) * ([cos v] of (_tmp) )) [0] ((r) * ([sin v] of (_tmp) )) *node (@*vertex_buff_tail) *obj (_*obj) )\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n_ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz [0] (h) [0] *node (@*vertex_buff_tail) *obj (_*obj) )\nset [_tmp2 v] to (_ptr)\n_idxs_tmp.set_range ( (_*vstart) (_tmp2) [1] <> )\n_*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius [] )\nset [j v] to [0]\nrepeat (n)\n delete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\n add (_tmp2) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n add ((_*vstart) + (((j) + (@enum v:SIZE)) mod ((@enum v:SIZE) * (n)))) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n add ((_*vstart) + ((j) mod ((@enum v:SIZE) * (n)))) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n _*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius [] )\n change [j v] by (4)\nend\n\ndefine _tmp = costume_name_to_# ( (name) )\nset [@temp v] to (name)\nbroadcast (render.change_costume_to_\(@tmp\) v) and wait\nif <([costume name v] of [render v]) = (name)> then\n set [_tmp v] to ([costume # v] of [render v])\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [destroy shadows v]\nprimitives.destroy_shadows\n\ndefine primitives.destroy_shadows\nset [i v] to (*dynamic_seg)\nrepeat until <(length of [primitives v]) = (*dynamic_seg)>\n repeat (@enum p:SIZE)\n delete ((*dynamic_seg) + (1)) of [primitives v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [generate shadows v]\nprimitives.generate_shadows ()\n\ndefine Materials.setPhysics ( material (mat) no collider? <nocollider> bounciness (bounciness) )\nif <[materials v] contains (mat)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (mat) in [materials v]) + (6)) of [materials v] with <nocollider>\n if <not <(bounciness) = []>> then\n replace item ((item # of (mat) in [materials v]) + (8)) of [materials v] with (bounciness)\n end\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.createTri/Quad (Pt A (ax) (ay) (az) Pt B (bx) (by) (bz) Pt C (cx) (cy) (cz) Pt D (leave blank if tri) (dx) (dy) (dz) parent (parent) material (mat) name (name) )\nif <<(parent) = []> or <not <[gameobjects v] contains (parent)?>>> then\n _*obj = GameObjects.instantiate ( position [0] [0] [0] rotation [0] [0] [0] hidden? <> name (name) dynamic? <> )\n set [_ptr_to_node v] to (@*vertex_buff_tail)\nelse\n set [_*obj v] to (item # of (parent) in [gameobjects v])\n set [_ptr_to_node v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\nend\ndelete all of [_idxs_tmp v]\n_ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (ax) (ay) (az) *node (_ptr_to_node) *obj (_*obj) )\nadd (_ptr) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n_ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (bx) (by) (bz) *node (_ptr) *obj (_*obj) )\nadd (_ptr) to [_idxs_tmp v]\n_ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (cx) (cy) (cz) *node (_ptr) *obj (_*obj) )\nadd (_ptr) to [_idxs_tmp v]\nif <not <(dx) = []>> then\n _ptr = vertex_buff.insert_after (xyz (dx) (dy) (dz) *node (_ptr) *obj (_*obj) )\n add (_ptr) to [_idxs_tmp v]\nend\n_*prim = primitives.add_polygon_from_idxs_tmp( *object (_*obj) mat (mat) pen radius [] )\n\ndefine // (label)\n\ndefine _atan2 = atan2( (y) (x) )\nif <(x) = [0]> then\n set [_atan2 v] to ((<(y) < [0]> * (-90)) + (<not <(y) < [0]>> * (90)))\nelse\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [_atan2 v] to ((180) + ([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) ))\n else\n set [_atan2 v] to ([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) )\n end\nend\nset [_atan2 v] to ((_atan2) mod (360))\n\ndefine _x, _y, _z = 3D_cross_prod ( (ax) (ay) (az) (bx) (by) (bz) )\nset [_x v] to (((ay) * (bz)) - ((az) * (by)))\nset [_y v] to (((az) * (bx)) - ((ax) * (bz)))\nset [_z v] to (((ax) * (by)) - ((ay) * (bx)))\n\ndefine Materials.setTexture ( material (mat) texture costume name (tex) )\n_tmp = costume_name_to_# ( (tex) )\nif <[materials v] contains (mat)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (mat) in [materials v]) + (3)) of [materials v] with (_tmp)\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.set_updated ( (*obj) )\nif <not <[@updated_objects v] contains (*obj)?>> then\n add (*obj) to [@updated_objects v]\nend\n\ndefine _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( (type) (first) (second) (third) (fourth) *obj (*obj) material (material) has_normal? <has_normal?> )\nadd (type) to [primitives v]\nset [_*prim v] to (length of [primitives v])\nadd (first) to [primitives v]\nadd (second) to [primitives v]\nadd (third) to [primitives v]\nadd (fourth) to [primitives v]\nadd [*node] to [primitives v]\nadd (*obj) to [primitives v]\nif <<[materials v] contains (material)?> and <not <(material) = []>>> then\n add (item # of (material) in [materials v]) to [primitives v]\nelse\n add [1] to [primitives v]\nend\nadd [null] to [primitives v]\nif <has_normal?> then\n repeat (3)\n add [0] to [normal_buff v]\n end\n add ((length of [normal_buff v]) - (2)) to [primitives v]\nelse\n add [null] to [primitives v]\nend\nadd [*bsphere] to [primitives v]\nadd [zclip?] to [primitives v]\nadd [show_front?] to [primitives v]\nif <not <(*obj) = [*obj]>> then\n if <<(length of [gameobjects._*prims v]) = [0]> or <(item ((*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [p_left]>> then\n set [_ptr v] to (((item ((item (@GameObjects._*prims.tail) of [gameobjects._*prims v]) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) + (1))\n _**prim = GameObjects._*prims.insert_after( (_*prim) [] )\n if <not <(_ptr) = ((@enum o:**PLEFT) + (1))>> then\n replace item (_ptr) of [gameobjects v] with (_**prim)\n end\n replace item ((*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v] with (_**prim)\n replace item (((*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with [null]\n else\n _**prim = GameObjects._*prims.insert_after( (_*prim) (item ((*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) )\n end\nend\n\ndefine _ptr_to_node = idxs_poly.insert_after ( (*node) (val) )\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*node) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\nreplace item ((*node) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v] with ((length of [idxs_poly v]) + (1))\nadd (val) to [idxs_poly v]\nset [_ptr_to_node v] to (length of [idxs_poly v])\nadd (_tmp) to [idxs_poly v]\n\n@BSP\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [_frames_since_full_reinsert v] to [0]\nhide\n\ndefine bsp.gen ( (lowerbound) (upperbound) (parent_node) <right?> )\nif <<<(lowerbound) = [null]> or <(upperbound) = [null]>> or <(item ((upperbound) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (lowerbound)>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n_pivot = bsp.greedy_pivot_selection (lowerbound) (upperbound)\nif <(_pivot) = [null]> then\n _tmp = bsp.tree.add_node ( (lowerbound) (upperbound) (parent_node) [null] [] [] )\nelse\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (_pivot)\n if <not <(upperbound) = (lowerbound)>> then\n _upper, _*pivot_prims_tail = bsp.partition ( (lowerbound) (upperbound) )\n set [_pivot v] to (_upper)\n end\n _*middle = bsp._*prims.group_by_orientation( (_pivot) (_*pivot_prims_tail) )\n _tmp = bsp.tree.add_node ( (_pivot) (_*pivot_prims_tail) (parent_node) (_*middle) [] [] )\nend\nset [_ptr_to_node v] to (_tmp)\nif <not <(parent_node) = [null]>> then\n _tmp = bsp.tree.set_edge ( (parent_node) [1] (_ptr_to_node) (<right?> + (1))\nend\nif <<(upperbound) = (lowerbound)> or <(_pivot) = [null]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nbsp.recurse on low&up ( (lowerbound) (_upper) (_*pivot_prims_tail) (upperbound) (_ptr_to_node)\n\ndefine bsp.__init__ ()\ndelete all of [_bsp.node_tombstones v]\ndelete all of [bsp.tree v]\nadd [2] to [bsp.tree v]\nadd [0] to [bsp.tree v]\ndelete all of [tmp v]\nrepeat (9)\n add [0] to [tmp v]\nend\nset [@bsp: split count v] to [0]\nbsp._*prims.__init_non_dynamic__()\n\ndefine bsp.recurse on low&up ( (lowerbound) (*pivot_list_head) (*pivot_list_tail) (upperbound) (*parent_node)\nbsp.gen ( (lowerbound) (item ((*pivot_list_head) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) (*parent_node) )\nbsp.gen ( (item ((*pivot_list_tail) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) (upperbound) (*parent_node) )\n\nwhen I receive [gen bsp v]\nbsp.__init__ ()\nif <(length of [bsp._*prims v]) > [0]> then\n bsp.gen ( [1] ((length of [bsp._*prims v]) - (3)) [null] <> )\nend\nbsp.handle_dynamic_objects ()\nvertex_buff = inverse_world_tranform()\n\ndefine _*prim = primitives.split_prim ( *prim (*prim) *intersectA (*a) *intersectB (*b) )\nchange [@bsp: split count v] by (1)\n_ptr_to_node = idxs_poly.insert_after ( (*a) (item (*a) of [idxs_poly v]) )\nset [_x v] to (_ptr_to_node)\n_ptr_to_node = idxs_poly.insert_after ( (*b) (item (*b) of [idxs_poly v]) )\nreplace item ((*a) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v] with (_ptr_to_node)\nreplace item ((*b) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v] with (_x)\n_*prim = primitives.add_prim ( [POLYGON] (*b) (item ((*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v]) (item ((*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v]) (item ((*prim) + (4)) of [primitives v]) (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) (item (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v]) of [materials v]) (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) )\n\ndefine bsp._*prims.__init_non_dynamic__()\ndelete all of [bsp._*prims v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nset [_*prim v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(_*prim) < (length of [primitives v])>>\n if <(item ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]> then\n add (_*prim) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add ((((i) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add ((((i) + (1)) * (4)) + (1)) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add [FRONT] to [bsp._*prims v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <not <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v])\n if <<not <(_tmp) = [0]>> and <not <(item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [materials v]) = [0]>>> then\n add (_*prim) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add ((((i) - (1)) * (4)) + (1)) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add ((((i) + (1)) * (4)) + (1)) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add [BACK] to [bsp._*prims v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n change [_*prim v] by (@enum p:SIZE)\nend\nreplace item (2) of [bsp._*prims v] with [null]\nreplace item ((length of [bsp._*prims v]) - (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with [null]\nset [@bsp._*prims.tail v] to (((length of [bsp._*prims v]) - (3)) * <(length of [bsp._*prims v]) > [0]>)\nbsp._*prims.randomize_order() [1] (@bsp._*prims.tail)\n\ndefine _upper, _*pivot_prims_tail = bsp.partition ( (l) (u) )\nset [_lower v] to (l)\nset [_upper v] to (u)\nset [_pivot v] to (item (u) of [bsp._*prims v])\nset [_pivot_ori v] to (item ((u) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nset [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (u)\nidx_poly.add_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (item ((_pivot) + (1)) of [primitives v]) [1]\n_Nx, _Ny, _Nz = primitives.get_prim_normal ( (_pivot) )\nset [_node_curr v] to (item ((_upper) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nrepeat until <(_upper) = (_lower)>\n _node_curr, _ori, _intersects = get_orientation_of_*poly_to_plane (P, N) ( *poly (item (_node_curr) of [bsp._*prims v]) plane (P,N) (item (1) of [tmp v]) (item (2) of [tmp v]) (item (3) of [tmp v]) (_Nx) (_Ny) (_Nz) do split? **Prim (_node_curr) )\n if <(_intersects?) = [0]> then\n if <<(_ori) = [0]> or <(_ori) = [null]>> then\n replace item (_upper) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (_*pivot_prims_tail) of [bsp._*prims v])\n replace item (_*pivot_prims_tail) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (_node_curr) of [bsp._*prims v])\n replace item ((_upper) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item ((_*pivot_prims_tail) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n replace item ((_*pivot_prims_tail) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item ((_node_curr) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n set [_tmp v] to (_node_curr)\n set [_node_curr v] to (item ((_node_curr) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n set [_upper v] to (_tmp)\n if <<not <(_ori) = [null]>> or <(item ((item (_tmp) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>> then\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((_*pivot_prims_tail) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n else\n bsp._*prims.swap ( *a (_node_curr) *b (_lower) )\n set [_lower v] to (item ((_lower) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n end\nend\nreplace item (_upper) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_pivot)\nreplace item ((_upper) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_pivot_ori)\n\ndefine _pivot = bsp.greedy_pivot_selection (l) (u)\nset [_node_curr v] to (l)\nset [_pivot v] to [null]\nset [_min_splits v] to ((1) / (0))\n_min_splits, _pivot = test_prim_as_pivot (_node_curr) (l) (u)\nrepeat until <<(_node_curr) = (u)> or <(_min_splits) = [0]>>\n set [_node_curr v] to (item ((_node_curr) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n _min_splits, _pivot = test_prim_as_pivot (_node_curr) (l) (u)\nend\nif <not <(_pivot) = [null]>> then\n bsp._*prims.swap ( *a (_pivot) *b (u) )\nend\n\ndefine _min_splits, _pivot = test_prim_as_pivot (**prim) (l) (u)\nif <(item ((item (**prim) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nidx_poly.add_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (item ((item (**prim) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (1)) of [primitives v]) [1]\n_Nx, _Ny, _Nz = primitives.get_prim_normal ( (item (**prim) of [bsp._*prims v]) )\nset [j v] to (l)\nset [_split_count_tmp v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(j) = (item ((u) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])>\n if <not <(j) = (**prim)>> then\n _node_curr, _ori, _intersects = get_orientation_of_*poly_to_plane (P, N) ( *poly (item (j) of [bsp._*prims v]) plane (P,N) (item (1) of [tmp v]) (item (2) of [tmp v]) (item (3) of [tmp v]) (_Nx) (_Ny) (_Nz) do split? <> **Prim (j) )\n if <(_intersects?) = [1]> then\n change [_split_count_tmp v] by (1)\n if <not <(_split_count_tmp) < (_min_splits)>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nend\nset [_min_splits v] to (_split_count_tmp)\nset [_pivot v] to (**prim)\n\ndefine _ptr = vertex_world.insert_after ( prevNode (*node) data (x) (y) (z) *object (*obj) )\nif <<(length of [vertex_world v]) < (*node)> or <(*node) = [0]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to [null]\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*node) + (3)) of [vertex_world v])\n replace item ((*node) + (3)) of [vertex_world v] with ((length of [vertex_world v]) + (1))\nend\nadd (x) to [vertex_world v]\nset [_ptr v] to (length of [vertex_world v])\nadd (y) to [vertex_world v]\nadd (z) to [vertex_world v]\nadd (_tmp) to [vertex_world v]\nif <not <(*obj) = [*obj]>> then\n if <<(length of [vertex_buff v]) = [0]> or <(item ((*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [v_left]>> then\n replace item (((@*vertex_buff_tail_obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n replace item ((*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v] with (_ptr)\n replace item (((*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with [null]\n end\nend\nif <(*node) = (@*vertex_buff_tail)> then\n set [@*vertex_buff_tail v] to (_ptr)\n if <not <(*obj) = (@*vertex_buff_tail_obj)>> then\n set [@*vertex_buff_tail_obj v] to (*obj)\n end\nend\n\ndefine _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (*prim) (*elem) (*mem_loc) (orientation) )\nif <(length of [bsp._*prims v]) = [0]> then\n add (*prim) to [bsp._*prims v]\n set [_**prim v] to (length of [bsp._*prims v])\n add [null] to [bsp._*prims v]\n add [null] to [bsp._*prims v]\n add (orientation) to [bsp._*prims v]\n set [@bsp._*prims.tail v] to (_**prim)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*elem) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nif <(_tmp) = (*mem_loc)> then\n replace item (*mem_loc) of [bsp._*prims v] with (*prim)\n replace item ((*mem_loc) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (orientation)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(*mem_loc) = []> then\n add (*prim) to [bsp._*prims v]\n set [_**prim v] to (length of [bsp._*prims v])\n add (*elem) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add (_tmp) to [bsp._*prims v]\n add (orientation) to [bsp._*prims v]\nelse\n set [_**prim v] to (*mem_loc)\n replace item (*mem_loc) of [bsp._*prims v] with (*prim)\n replace item ((*mem_loc) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (*elem)\n replace item ((*mem_loc) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_tmp)\n replace item ((*mem_loc) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (orientation)\nend\nif <<not <(_tmp) = (*mem_loc)>> and <not <(_tmp) = [null]>>> then\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_**prim)\nend\nif <(_tmp) = [null]> then\n set [@bsp._*prims.tail v] to (_**prim)\nend\nreplace item ((*elem) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_**prim)\n\ndefine bsp._*prims.randomize_order() (*left) (*right)\n\nset [i v] to (*left)\nrepeat until <(i) > (*right)>\n set [_tmp v] to ((([floor v] of (((pick random (i) to (length of [bsp._*prims v])) - (1)) / (4)) ) * (4)) + (1))\n bsp._*prims.swap ( *a (*left) *b (_tmp) )\n change [i v] by (4)\nend\n\ndefine _Nx, _Ny, _Nz = primitives.get_prim_normal ( (*prim) )\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\nset [_nx v] to (item (_tmp) of [normal_world v])\nset [_ny v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [normal_world v])\nset [_nz v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [normal_world v])\n\ndefine _node_curr, _ori, _intersects = get_orientation_of_*poly_to_plane (P, N) ( *poly (*poly) plane (P,N) (px) (py) (pz) (nx) (ny) (nz) do split? <do_split?> **Prim (**prim) )\nset [_intersects? v] to [0]\nset [_count v] to [0]\nset [_polyidx_prev v] to (item ((*poly) + (1)) of [primitives v])\nset [_polyidx_curr v] to (item ((_polyidx_prev) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\nidx_poly.add_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (_polyidx_prev) [3]\n_dot = dot_prod ((item (7) of [tmp v]) - (px)) ((item (8) of [tmp v]) - (py)) ((item (9) of [tmp v]) - (pz)) (nx) (ny) (nz)\nset [_dot_curr v] to (_dot)\nset [_sign_prev v] to (((-1) * <(_dot_curr) < ((-1) * (@coplanar_thresh))>) + <(_dot_curr) > (@coplanar_thresh)>)\nset [_ori v] to [null]\nif <not <([abs v] of (_dot_curr) ) < (@coplanar_thresh)>> then\n set [_ori v] to <(_dot_curr) < [0]>\nend\ndelete all of [intersect v]\nrepeat until <<<(_polyidx_prev) = (item ((*poly) + (1)) of [primitives v])> and <(_count) > [0]>> or <(_polyidx_curr) = (_polyidx_prev)>>\n idx_poly.add_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (_polyidx_prev) [2]\n idx_poly.add_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (_polyidx_curr) [3]\n _dot = dot_prod ((item (7) of [tmp v]) - (px)) ((item (8) of [tmp v]) - (py)) ((item (9) of [tmp v]) - (pz)) (nx) (ny) (nz)\n set [_dot_prev v] to (_dot_curr)\n set [_dot_curr v] to (_dot)\n set [_sign_curr v] to (((-1) * <(_dot_curr) < ((-1) * (@coplanar_thresh))>) + <(_dot_curr) > (@coplanar_thresh)>)\n if <<(_ori) = [null]> and <not <([abs v] of (_dot_curr) ) < (@coplanar_thresh)>>> then\n set [_ori v] to <(_dot_curr) < [0]>\n end\n if <<not <(_sign_prev) = (_sign_curr)>> and <not <(_sign_curr) = [0]>>> then\n set [_sign_prev v] to (_sign_curr)\n if <not <([abs v] of (_dot_prev) ) < (@coplanar_thresh)>> then\n if <do_split?> then\n _dot = dot_prod ((item (7) of [tmp v]) - (item (4) of [tmp v])) ((item (8) of [tmp v]) - (item (5) of [tmp v])) ((item (9) of [tmp v]) - (item (6) of [tmp v])) (nx) (ny) (nz)\n set [_α v] to ((-1) * ((_dot_curr) / (_dot)))\n set [_x v] to ((item (7) of [tmp v]) + (((item (7) of [tmp v]) - (item (4) of [tmp v])) * (_α)))\n set [_y v] to ((item (8) of [tmp v]) + (((item (8) of [tmp v]) - (item (5) of [tmp v])) * (_α)))\n set [_z v] to ((item (9) of [tmp v]) + (((item (9) of [tmp v]) - (item (6) of [tmp v])) * (_α)))\n set [_*obj v] to (item ((*poly) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v])\n _ptr = vertex_world.insert_after ( prevNode (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) data (_x) (_y) (_z) *object (_*obj) )\n _ptr_to_node = idxs_poly.insert_after ( (_polyidx_prev) (_ptr) )\n end\n add (_ptr_to_node) to [intersect v]\n else\n add (_polyidx_prev) to [intersect v]\n end\n if <(length of [intersect v]) = [2]> then\n set [_intersects? v] to [1]\n if <not <do_split?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n _*prim = primitives.split_prim ( *prim (*poly) *intersectA (item (1) of [intersect v]) *intersectB (item (2) of [intersect v]) )\n _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (_*prim) (**prim) [] (item ((**prim) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) )\n set [_polyidx_prev v] to ((length of [idxs_poly v]) - (1))\n delete all of [intersect v]\n set [_node_curr v] to (item ((_node_curr) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n end\n change [_count v] by (1)\n set [_polyidx_prev v] to (_polyidx_curr)\n set [_polyidx_curr v] to (item ((_polyidx_prev) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\nend\n\ndefine idx_poly.add_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (*idx_poly) (pos)\nset [_tmp v] to (item (*idx_poly) of [idxs_poly v])\nreplace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [tmp v] with (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v])\nreplace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [tmp v] with (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])\nreplace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [tmp v] with (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])\n\nwhen I receive [bsp.reinsert_prims v]\nbsp.tree.reinsert_updated_objects\n\ndefine _tmp = bsp.tree.set_edge ( (*u) (w) (*v) (edge_index)\nset [_tmp v] to ((*u) + ((((edge_index) - (1)) * (2)) + (@enum t:EDGE_A)))\nreplace item (_tmp) of [bsp.tree v] with (w)\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsp.tree v] with (*v)\n\ndefine _tmp = bsp.tree.add_node ( (*prim_list_head) (*prim_list_tail) (*parent) (*prim_list_middle) (*left_child) (*right_child) )\nreplace item (2) of [bsp.tree v] with ((item (2) of [bsp.tree v]) + (1))\nif <(length of [_bsp.node_tombstones v]) > [0]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item (1) of [_bsp.node_tombstones v])\n delete (1) of [_bsp.node_tombstones v]\n replace item (_tmp) of [bsp.tree v] with (*prim_list_head)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsp.tree v] with (*prim_list_middle)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsp.tree v] with (*prim_list_tail)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsp.tree v] with [-1]\n replace item ((_tmp) + (4)) of [bsp.tree v] with []\n replace item ((_tmp) + (5)) of [bsp.tree v] with (*left_child)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (6)) of [bsp.tree v] with []\n replace item ((_tmp) + (7)) of [bsp.tree v] with (*right_child)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (8)) of [bsp.tree v] with (*parent)\nelse\n add (*prim_list_head) to [bsp.tree v]\n set [_tmp v] to (length of [bsp.tree v])\n add (*prim_list_middle) to [bsp.tree v]\n add (*prim_list_tail) to [bsp.tree v]\n add [-1] to [bsp.tree v]\n add [] to [bsp.tree v]\n add (*left_child) to [bsp.tree v]\n add [] to [bsp.tree v]\n add (*right_child) to [bsp.tree v]\n add (*parent) to [bsp.tree v]\nend\nif <not <(*prim_list_head) = [null]>> then\n set [i v] to (*prim_list_head)\n replace item ((item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v] with (_tmp)\n repeat until <(i) = (*prim_list_tail)>\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n replace item ((item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v] with (_tmp)\n end\nend\n\ndefine bsp.tree.remove_leaf_node ( (*node) )\nreplace item (2) of [bsp.tree v] with ((item (2) of [bsp.tree v]) + (-1))\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*node) + (@enum t:PARENT)) of [bsp.tree v])\nif <(item ((_tmp) + ((@enum t:EDGE_A) + (1))) of [bsp.tree v]) = (*node)> then\n _tmp = bsp.tree.set_edge ( (_tmp) [] [] [1]\nelse\n _tmp = bsp.tree.set_edge ( (_tmp) [] [] [2]\nend\nif <(*node) = ((length of [bsp.tree v]) - ((@enum t:SIZE) + (1)))> then\n repeat (@enum t:SIZE)\n delete (*node) of [bsp.tree v]\n end\nelse\n add (*node) to [_bsp.node_tombstones v]\n replace item (*node) of [bsp.tree v] with [TOMBSTONE]\nend\n\ndefine primitives.add_first_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (*prim) (pos)\nif <(item (*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) of [idxs_poly v])\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\nend\nif <<not <(_*player_container_prim) = [0]>> and <(*prim) = (_*player_container_prim)>> then\n set [_x v] to ((@camX) - (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v]))\n set [_y v] to ((@camY) - (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v]))\n set [_z v] to ((@camZ) - (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v]))\n set [_tmp2 v] to (([sqrt v] of (((_x) * (_x)) + (((_y) * (_y)) + ((_z) * (_z)))) ) / (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v]))\n replace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [tmp v] with ((item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v]) + ((_x) / (_tmp2)))\n replace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [tmp v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v]) + ((_y) / (_tmp2)))\n replace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [tmp v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v]) + ((_z) / (_tmp2)))\nelse\n replace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (1)) of [tmp v] with (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v])\n replace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (2)) of [tmp v] with (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])\n replace item ((((pos) - (1)) * (3)) + (3)) of [tmp v] with (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])\nend\n\ndefine _tmp, _tmp2 = bsp._*prims.pop ( (*elem)\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*elem) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item ((*elem) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nif <not <(_tmp) = [null]>> then\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_tmp2)\nend\nif <not <(_tmp2) = [null]>> then\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_tmp)\nelse\n set [@bsp._*prims.tail v] to (_tmp)\nend\nset [_tmp v] to (item (*elem) of [bsp._*prims v])\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item ((*elem) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nreplace item (*elem) of [bsp._*prims v] with [TOMBSTONE]\nreplace item ((*elem) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with []\nreplace item ((*elem) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with []\nreplace item ((*elem) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with []\n\ndefine _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (x) (y) (z) )\nset [_x v] to ((((x) * (_rm1)) + ((y) * (_rm2))) + ((z) * (_rm3)))\nset [_y v] to (((x) * (_rm4)) + (((y) * (_rm5)) + ((z) * (_rm6))))\nset [_z v] to (((x) * (_rm7)) + (((y) * (_rm8)) + ((z) * (_rm9))))\n\ndefine set_inv_rot_matrix_αβγ( (cos α) (sin α) (cos β) (sin β) (cos γ) (sin γ) )\nset [_rm1 v] to (((cos α) * (cos γ)) + ((sin α) * ((sin β) * (sin γ))))\nset [_rm2 v] to ((cos β) * (sin γ))\nset [_rm3 v] to ((((cos α) * (sin β)) * (sin γ)) - ((cos γ) * (sin α)))\nset [_rm4 v] to ((((cos γ) * (sin α)) * (sin β)) - ((cos α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm5 v] to ((cos β) * (cos γ))\nset [_rm6 v] to (((cos α) * ((cos γ) * (sin β))) + ((sin α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm7 v] to ((cos β) * (sin α))\nset [_rm8 v] to ((-1) * (sin β))\nset [_rm9 v] to ((cos α) * (cos β))\n\ndefine _*middle = bsp._*prims.group_by_orientation( (*head) (*tail) )\ndelete all of [tmp2 v]\ndelete all of [tmp3 v]\n_Nx, _Ny, _Nz = primitives.get_prim_normal ( (item (*head) of [bsp._*prims v]) )\nset [_x v] to (_Nx)\nset [_y v] to (_Ny)\nset [_z v] to (_Nz)\nset [i v] to (*head)\nrepeat until <<(item ((i) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (*tail)> or <(i) = [null]>>\n _Nx, _Ny, _Nz = primitives.get_prim_normal ( (item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) )\n if <((((_x) * (_Nx)) + ((_y) * (_Ny))) + ((_z) * (_Nz))) > [0]> then\n if <(item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = [FRONT]> then\n add (item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp2 v]\n add (item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp2 v]\n else\n add (item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp3 v]\n add (item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp3 v]\n end\n else\n if <(item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = [FRONT]> then\n add (item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp3 v]\n add (item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp3 v]\n else\n add (item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp2 v]\n add (item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) to [tmp2 v]\n end\n end\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nend\nset [i v] to (*head)\nrepeat ((length of [tmp2 v]) / (2))\n replace item (i) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (1) of [tmp2 v])\n delete (1) of [tmp2 v]\n replace item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (1) of [tmp2 v])\n delete (1) of [tmp2 v]\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nend\nif <(length of [tmp3 v]) > [0]> then\n set [_*middle v] to (i)\nelse\n set [_*middle v] to [null]\nend\nrepeat ((length of [tmp3 v]) / (2))\n replace item (i) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (1) of [tmp3 v])\n delete (1) of [tmp3 v]\n replace item ((i) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (1) of [tmp3 v])\n delete (1) of [tmp3 v]\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nend\n\ndefine bsp.handle_dynamic_objects ()\nif <(length of [bsp.tree v]) < [3]> then\n _tmp = bsp.tree.add_node ( [null] [null] [null] [null] [] [] )\nend\nset [_*obj v] to [1]\ndelete all of [_dynamic _obj_queue v]\nrepeat ((length of [gameobjects v]) / (@enum o:SIZE))\n if <not <(item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]>> then\n add (_*obj) to [@dynamic_objects v]\n add (_*obj) to [_dynamic _obj_queue v]\n end\n change [_*obj v] by (@enum o:SIZE)\nend\nrepeat until <(length of [_dynamic _obj_queue v]) = [0]>\n set [_*obj v] to (item (1) of [_dynamic _obj_queue v])\n delete (1) of [_dynamic _obj_queue v]\n set [_dynamic_parent v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v])\n if <<not <(_dynamic_parent) = [ROOT]>> and <(item ((_dynamic_parent) + (@enum o:*CONTAINER_PRIM)) of [gameobjects v]) = []>> then\n add (_*obj) to [_dynamic _obj_queue v]\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n if <[@dynamic_obj_center_offset v] contains (join [*obj:] (_*obj))?> then\n set [_α v] to (item # of (join [*obj:] (_*obj)) in [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v])\n add ((item ((_tmp) + (0)) of [bsphere_world v]) + (item ((_α) + (1)) of [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v])) to [vertex_world v]\n set [_*vertex v] to (length of [vertex_world v])\n add ((item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v]) + (item ((_α) + (2)) of [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v])) to [vertex_world v]\n add ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v]) + (item ((_α) + (3)) of [@dynamic_obj_center_offset v])) to [vertex_world v]\n else\n add (item ((_tmp) + (0)) of [bsphere_world v]) to [vertex_world v]\n set [_*vertex v] to (length of [vertex_world v])\n add (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v]) to [vertex_world v]\n add (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v]) to [vertex_world v]\n end\n add (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [vertex_world v]) to [vertex_world v]\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [vertex_world v] with (_*vertex)\n set [j v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_upper v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:**PLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(j) = (_upper)> or <(j) = [null]>>\n set [_*prim v] to (item (j) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (_*prim) (@bsp._*prims.tail) [] [FRONT] )\n if <(j) = (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])> then\n set [_lower v] to (_**prim)\n end\n if <not <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>> then\n if <not <(item ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v]) + (1)) of [materials v]) = [0]>> then\n _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (_*prim) (@bsp._*prims.tail) [] [BACK] )\n end\n end\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n end\n set [_root v] to ((length of [bsp.tree v]) + (1))\n bsp._*prims.randomize_order() (_lower) ((_**prim) + (3))\n bsp.gen ( (_lower) (_**prim) [null] <> )\n _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( [CONTAINER] (_*vertex) (_root) [] (item ((item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v]) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]) (_*obj) [] [null] )\n if <(_*obj) = (@*player_obj)> then\n set [_*player_container_prim v] to (_*prim)\n end\n replace item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*CONTAINER_PRIM)) of [gameobjects v] with (_*prim)\n if <(_dynamic_parent) = [ROOT]> then\n bsp.tree.insert_prim ( (_*prim) [] [3] [FRONT] level [1] local_var_stack [] )\n else\n bsp.tree.insert_prim ( (_*prim) [] (item ((item ((_dynamic_parent) + (@enum o:*CONTAINER_PRIM)) of [gameobjects v]) + (@enum p:*SUBTREE_ROOT)) of [primitives v]) [FRONT] level [1] local_var_stack [] )\n end\n end\nend\nif <[@dynamic_objects v] contains (@*player_obj)?> then\n delete (item # of (@*player_obj) in [@dynamic_objects v]) of [@dynamic_objects v]\n add (@*player_obj) to [@dynamic_objects v]\nend\n\ndefine _**prim = bsp.tree.remove_prim_from_node ( (*node) (*prim) )\nset [_*head v] to (item (*node) of [bsp.tree v])\nset [_**prim v] to (_*head)\nset [_*middle v] to (item ((*node) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v])\nset [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((*node) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v])\nif <(_*head) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> then\n bsp.tree.remove_leaf_node ( (*node) )\nelse\n repeat until <(item (_**prim) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (*prim)>\n set [_**prim v] to (item ((_**prim) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n if <(_**prim) = (_*head)> then\n replace item (*node) of [bsp.tree v] with (item ((_*head) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n else\n if <(_**prim) = (_*middle)> then\n if <(_*middle) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> then\n replace item ((*node) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v] with [null]\n else\n replace item ((*node) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v] with (item ((_*middle) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n end\n if <(_**prim) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> then\n replace item ((*node) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v] with (item ((_*pivot_prims_tail) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((_*pivot_prims_tail) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine bsp.tree.insert_prim ( (*prim) (old_**prim) (*root) (orientation) level (level) local_var_stack (stack:_current) )\nset [_current v] to (*root)\nprimitives.add_first_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (*prim) [2]\nset [_*prim v] to (item (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) of [bsp._*prims v])\nset [_r v] to (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])\nset [_orientation v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(_current) = []> or <<(_orientation) = [0]> or <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>>>\n primitives.add_first_prim_vert_to_tmp ( (_*prim) [1]\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n set [_dot v] to ((((item (4) of [tmp v]) - (item (1) of [tmp v])) * (item (_tmp2) of [normal_world v])) + ((((item (5) of [tmp v]) - (item (2) of [tmp v])) * (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [normal_world v])) + (((item (6) of [tmp v]) - (item (3) of [tmp v])) * (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [normal_world v]))))\n if <<([abs v] of (_dot) ) < ((_r) * (0.9))> and <(*prim) = (_*player_container_prim)>> then\n end\n set [_orientation v] to (<(_dot) > [0]> - <(_dot) < [0]>)\n set [_ptr_to_node v] to (_current)\n if <not <(_orientation) = [0]>> then\n set [_current v] to (item (((_current) + ((@enum t:EDGE_A) + (1))) + ((2) * <(_orientation) = [1]>)) of [bsp.tree v])\n set [_*prim v] to (item (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\nend\nset [_orientation v] to ((_orientation) + <(_orientation) = [0]>)\nif <<(_current) = []> or <(item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) = [TOMBSTONE]>> then\n _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (*prim) (@bsp._*prims.tail) (old_**prim) (orientation) )\n _tmp = bsp.tree.add_node ( (_**prim) (_**prim) (_ptr_to_node) [null] [] [] )\n set [_current v] to (_tmp)\n _tmp = bsp.tree.set_edge ( (_ptr_to_node) [1] (_current) (<(_orientation) = [1]> + (1))\n replace item ((*prim) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v] with (_current)\nelse\n if <(*prim) = (item ((@*player_obj) + (@enum o:*CONTAINER_PRIM)) of [gameobjects v])> then\n _tmp = bsp.tree.try_to_insert_in_container ( *prim (*prim) old_**prim (old_**prim) orientation (orientation) level (level) )\n else\n set [_tmp v] to [0]\n end\n if <(_tmp) = [0]> then\n if <(item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) = [null]> then\n _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (*prim) (@bsp._*prims.tail) (old_**prim) (orientation) )\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v] with (_**prim)\n else\n _**prim = bsp._*prims.insert_after ( (*prim) (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) (old_**prim) (orientation) )\n end\n if <(item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) = [null]> then\n replace item (_current) of [bsp.tree v] with (_**prim)\n replace item (2) of [bsp.tree v] with ((item (2) of [bsp.tree v]) + (1))\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v] with (_**prim)\n else\n if <(item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) = (item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v])> then\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v] with (_**prim)\n end\n end\n replace item ((*prim) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v] with (_current)\n end\nend\nif <(level) > [1]> then\n set [_current v] to (stack:_current)\nend\n\ndefine bsp._*prims.swap ( *a (*a) *b (*b) )\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item (*a) of [bsp._*prims v])\nreplace item (*a) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item (*b) of [bsp._*prims v])\nreplace item (*b) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_tmp2)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item ((*a) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nreplace item ((*a) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item ((*b) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v])\nreplace item ((*b) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_tmp2)\n\ndefine _**prim = GameObjects._*prims.insert_after( (*prim) (*elem) )\nif <(*elem) = []> then\n add (*prim) to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n set [_**prim v] to (length of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n add [null] to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n if <(@GameObjects._*prims.tail) = [0]> then\n set [@gameobjects._*prims.tail v] to [1]\n else\n replace item ((@GameObjects._*prims.tail) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v] with (_**prim)\n set [@gameobjects._*prims.tail v] to (_**prim)\n end\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*elem) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n add (*prim) to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n set [_**prim v] to (length of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n add (_tmp) to [gameobjects._*prims v]\n replace item ((*elem) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v] with (_**prim)\nend\n\ndefine bsp.tree.reinsert_updated_objects\nset [_*update_obj v] to [1]\nrepeat (((length of [@dynamic_objects v]) * <(_frames_since_full_reinsert) = [5]>) + ((length of [@updated_objects v]) * <not <(_frames_since_full_reinsert) = [5]>>))\n set [_*obj v] to (((item (_*update_obj) of [@dynamic_objects v]) * <(_frames_since_full_reinsert) = [5]>) + ((item (_*update_obj) of [@updated_objects v]) * <not <(_frames_since_full_reinsert) = [5]>>))\n if <not <(item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*CONTAINER_PRIM)) of [gameobjects v])\n _**prim = bsp.tree.remove_prim_from_node ( (item ((_tmp) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v]) (_tmp) )\n _tmp, _tmp2 = bsp._*prims.pop ( (_**prim)\n set [_dynamic_parent v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:DYNAMIC_PARENT)) of [gameobjects v])\n if <(_dynamic_parent) = [ROOT]> then\n bsp.tree.insert_prim ( (_tmp) (_**prim) [3] (_tmp2) level [1] local_var_stack [] )\n else\n bsp.tree.insert_prim ( (_tmp) (_**prim) (item ((item ((_dynamic_parent) + (@enum o:*CONTAINER_PRIM)) of [gameobjects v]) + (@enum p:*SUBTREE_ROOT)) of [primitives v]) (_tmp2) level [1] local_var_stack [] )\n end\n end\n change [_*update_obj v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bsp.sanity_check v]\nbsp._*prims.sanity_check ( [1] ((length of [bsp._*prims v]) - (3)) )\n\ndefine bsp._*prims.sanity_check ( (*left) (*right) )\nset [debug:i v] to (*left)\nset [debug:_tmp v] to [true]\nrepeat ((((*right) - (*left)) / (4)) + (1))\n if <not <((item (DEBUG:i) of [bsp._*prims v]) mod (@enum p:SIZE)) = [1]>> then\n ​​breakpoint​​\n end\n set [debug:_**prim v] to (item ((DEBUG:i) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n if <not <(DEBUG:_**prim) = [null]>> then\n set [debug:_tmp v] to <(item ((DEBUG:_**prim) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (DEBUG:i)>\n if <(DEBUG:_tmp) = [false]> then\n ​​breakpoint​​\n end\n end\n set [debug:_**prim v] to (item ((DEBUG:i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n if <not <(DEBUG:_**prim) = [null]>> then\n set [debug:_tmp v] to <(item ((DEBUG:_**prim) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (DEBUG:i)>\n if <(DEBUG:_tmp) = [false]> then\n ​​breakpoint​​\n end\n end\n change [debug:i v] by (4)\nend\n\ndefine _tmp = bsp.tree.try_to_insert_in_container ( *prim (*prim) old_**prim (old_**prim) orientation (orientation) level (level) )\nset [_**prim v] to (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v])\nset [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((_current) + (2)) of [bsp.tree v])\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\nset [_x v] to (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v])\nset [_y v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])\nset [_z v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])\nset [_min v] to ((1) / (0))\nset [_tmp2 v] to [null]\nif <<not <(_**prim) = [TOMBSTONE]>> or <(item (_**prim) of [bsp._*prims v]) = [TOMBSTONE]>> then\n repeat until <<(item ((_**prim) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> or <(_**prim) = [null]>>\n set [_*prim v] to (item (_**prim) of [bsp._*prims v])\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [CONTAINER]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n set [_x2 v] to (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v])\n set [_y2 v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])\n set [_z2 v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])\n set [_dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((_x2) - (_x)) * ((_x2) - (_x))) + ((((_y2) - (_y)) * ((_y2) - (_y))) + (((_z2) - (_z)) * ((_z2) - (_z))))) )\n if <(_dist) < (_min)> then\n set [_min v] to (_dist)\n set [_tmp2 v] to (_*prim)\n end\n end\n set [_**prim v] to (item ((_**prim) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\nend\nif <not <(_tmp2) = [null]>> then\n bsp.tree.insert_prim ( (*prim) (old_**prim) (item ((_tmp2) + (@enum p:*SUBTREE_ROOT)) of [primitives v]) (orientation) level ((level) + (1)) local_var_stack (_current) )\n set [_tmp v] to [1]\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to [0]\nend\n\nif <(_frames_since_full_reinsert) = [5]> then\n set [_frames_since_full_reinsert v] to [0]\nelse\n change [_frames_since_full_reinsert v] by (1)\nend\n\nset [_z v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v])\nset [_z v] to (((((@camX) - (item (_z) of [bsphere_world v])) * ((@camX) - (item (_z) of [bsphere_world v]))) + (((@camY) - (item ((_z) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v])) * ((@camY) - (item ((_z) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v])))) + (((@camZ) - (item ((_z) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v])) * ((@camZ) - (item ((_z) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v]))))\nset [_z2 v] to (((((@camX) - (item (4) of [tmp v])) * ((@camX) - (item (4) of [tmp v]))) + (((@camY) - (item (5) of [tmp v])) * ((@camY) - (item (5) of [tmp v])))) + (((@camZ) - (item (6) of [tmp v])) * ((@camZ) - (item (6) of [tmp v]))))\nset [_dot v] to (((_z) - (_z2)) * ((((@camX) - (item (1) of [tmp v])) * (item (_tmp2) of [normal_world v])) + ((((@camY) - (item (2) of [tmp v])) * (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [normal_world v])) + (((@camZ) - (item (3) of [tmp v])) * (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [normal_world v])))))\n\ndefine vertex_buff = inverse_world_tranform()\nrepeat until <(length of [vertex_buff v]) = (length of [vertex_world v])>\n add [] to [vertex_buff v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [gameobjects v])\n set [_x2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_y2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_z2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_α v] to (item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_γ v] to (item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_sx v] to (item ((_*obj) + (7)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_sy v] to (item ((_*obj) + (8)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_sz v] to (item ((_*obj) + (9)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [j v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:*VLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n set_inv_rot_matrix_αβγ( ([cos v] of (_α) ) ([sin v] of (_α) ) ([cos v] of (_β) ) ([sin v] of (_β) ) ([cos v] of (_γ) ) ([sin v] of (_γ) ) )\n repeat until <<(j) = (_tmp)> or <(j) = [null]>>\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( ((item (j) of [vertex_world v]) - (_x2)) ((item ((j) + (1)) of [vertex_world v]) - (_y2)) ((item ((j) + (2)) of [vertex_world v]) - (_z2)) )\n replace item (j) of [vertex_buff v] with ((_x) / (_sx))\n replace item ((j) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v] with ((_y) / (_sy))\n replace item ((j) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v] with ((_z) / (_sz))\n replace item ((j) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v] with (item ((j) + (3)) of [vertex_world v])\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (3)) of [vertex_world v])\n end\n change [_*obj v] by (@enum o:SIZE)\nend\n\ndefine _dot = dot_prod (ax) (ay) (az) (bx) (by) (bz)\nset [_dot v] to (((ax) * (bx)) + (((ay) * (by)) + ((az) * (bz))))\n\ndefine _ptr_to_node = idxs_poly.insert_after ( (*node) (val) )\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((*node) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\nreplace item ((*node) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v] with ((length of [idxs_poly v]) + (1))\nadd (val) to [idxs_poly v]\nset [_ptr_to_node v] to (length of [idxs_poly v])\nadd (_tmp) to [idxs_poly v]\n\ndefine _*prim = primitives.add_prim ( (type) (first) (second) (third) (fourth) (*obj) (material) (*normal) )\nadd (type) to [primitives v]\nset [_*prim v] to (length of [primitives v])\nadd (first) to [primitives v]\nadd (second) to [primitives v]\nadd (third) to [primitives v]\nadd (fourth) to [primitives v]\nadd [*node] to [primitives v]\nadd (*obj) to [primitives v]\nadd (item # of (material) in [materials v]) to [primitives v]\nadd [illumination] to [primitives v]\nadd (*normal) to [primitives v]\nadd [*bsphere] to [primitives v]\nadd [zclip?] to [primitives v]\nadd [show_backside?] to [primitives v]\nif <not <(type) = [CONTAINER]>> then\n _**prim = GameObjects._*prims.insert_after( (_*prim) (item ((*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v]) )\nend\n\n@Render\n\ndefine Azex 2 (ina) (inb) (inc) (ind) (ine) (inf) (inr) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)\nif <<(_A) < (_B)> and <(_A) < (_C)>> then\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((ina) * (ina)) + ((inb) * (inb))) ))))\nelse\n if <(_B) < (_C)> then\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((inc) * (inc)) + ((ind) * (ind))) ))))\n else\n set [_a v] to ((0.5) - ((inr) / ((4) * ([sqrt v] of (((ine) * (ine)) + ((inf) * (inf))) ))))\n end\nend\nset pen size to (inr)\npen down\nset [_b v] to (_A)\nrepeat ((-1) - (([ln v] of (inr) ) / ([ln v] of (_A) )))\n set pen size to (((_A) * (inr)) + (2))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_A) * (ina))) y: ((b) + ((_A) * (inb)))\n go to x: ((c) + ((_A) * (inc))) y: ((d) + ((_A) * (ind)))\n go to x: ((e) + ((_A) * (ine))) y: ((f) + ((_A) * (inf)))\n go to x: ((a) + ((_A) * (ina))) y: ((b) + ((_A) * (inb)))\n set [_a v] to ((_A) * (_B))\nend\nset pen size to (2.5)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\ngo to x: (c) y: (d)\ngo to x: (e) y: (f)\ngo to x: (a) y: (b)\npen up\n\ndefine STTF2 (inner) (p1.x') (p1.y') (p2.x') (p2.y') (θ_base) (size)\nset [△f v] to ((-17.63348937376391) / ([ln v] of ((((p2.x') * (p2.x')) + ((p2.y') * (p2.y'))) / (((p1.x') * (p1.x')) + ((p1.y') * (p1.y')))) ))\nset [△tmp v] to ((1) - ([e ^ v] of ((-28.65260025725912) / (△f)) ))\nset [△w v] to ((((((((180) * <not <(p2.y') < [0]>>) - ([atan v] of ((p2.x') / (p2.y')) )) + (θ_base)) + (180)) mod (360)) - (180)) / (([e ^ v] of (([ln v] of ((1) - ([e ^ v] of ((-37.46934494414107) / (△f)) )) ) * (2)) ) - ((△tmp) * (△tmp))))\npoint in direction (((θ_base) + ((△w) * ((△tmp) * (△tmp)))) + (90))\nset [fisheye v] effect to ((△f) - (100))\nset [whirl v] effect to (△w)\nswitch costume to (<((size) / ((1) - (△tmp))) < [100]> + (1))\nset size to ((size) / ((1) - (△tmp))) %\n\ndefine STTF2 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (tex)\nset [△a v] to ((((x1) - (x3)) * ((x1) - (x3))) + (((y1) - (y3)) * ((y1) - (y3))))\nset [△b v] to ((((x3) - (x2)) * ((x3) - (x2))) + (((y3) - (y2)) * ((y3) - (y2))))\nset [△c v] to ((((x2) - (x1)) * ((x2) - (x1))) + (((y2) - (y1)) * ((y2) - (y1))))\nswitch costume to (small v)\nset size to ((1) / (0)) %\nif <<(△a) > (△b)> and <(△a) > (△c)>> then\n go to x: ((((x1) + (x3)) / (2)) + ((10.392304845413262) * ((y3) - (y1)))) y: ((((y3) + (y1)) / (2)) - ((10.392304845413262) * ((x3) - (x1))))\n STTF2 (inner) ((x1) - (x position)) ((y1) - (y position)) ((x2) - (x position)) ((y2) - (y position)) (((180) * <not <(x3) < (x1)>>) - ([atan v] of (((y3) - (y1)) / ((x3) - (x1))) )) (([sqrt v] of (△a) ) / (0.24605149764209298))\n switch costume to (tex)\nelse\n if <(△b) > (△c)> then\n go to x: ((((x3) + (x2)) / (2)) + ((10.392304845413262) * ((y2) - (y3)))) y: ((((y3) + (y2)) / (2)) - ((10.392304845413262) * ((x2) - (x3))))\n STTF2 (inner) ((x3) - (x position)) ((y3) - (y position)) ((x1) - (x position)) ((y1) - (y position)) (((180) * <not <(x2) < (x3)>>) - ([atan v] of (((y2) - (y3)) / ((x2) - (x3))) )) (([sqrt v] of (△b) ) / (0.24605149764209298))\n switch costume to ((tex) + (1))\n else\n go to x: ((((x2) + (x1)) / (2)) + ((10.392304845413262) * ((y1) - (y2)))) y: ((((y2) + (y1)) / (2)) - ((10.392304845413262) * ((x1) - (x2))))\n STTF2 (inner) ((x2) - (x position)) ((y2) - (y position)) ((x3) - (x position)) ((y3) - (y position)) (((180) * <not <(x1) < (x2)>>) - ([atan v] of (((y1) - (y2)) / ((x1) - (x2))) )) (([sqrt v] of (△c) ) / (0.24605149764209298))\n switch costume to ((tex) + (2))\n end\nend\nstamp\n\ndefine bsp._*prims.insertion_sort_by_point_prim_z( *left = **prim, *right = *pivot_prims_tail)\nset [_tmp v] to [0]\nset [j v] to (_**prim)\nrepeat until <<(j) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> or <(j) = [null]>>\n set [i v] to (j)\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n repeat until <<not <(item ((item ((item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (2)) of [vertex v]) > (item ((item ((item (j) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (1)) of [primitives v]) + (2)) of [vertex v])>> or <(i) = (item ((_**prim) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])>>\n set [i v] to (item ((i) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n if <not <(i) = (item ((j) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((j) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_**prim) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n if <(j) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> then\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((_*pivot_prims_tail) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n if <(j) = (@bsp._*prims.tail)> then\n set [@bsp._*prims.tail v] to (item ((@bsp._*prims.tail) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n if <not <(item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = [null]>> then\n replace item ((item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_tmp)\n end\n replace item ((j) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (i)\n if <not <(i) = [null]>> then\n replace item ((item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (j)\n replace item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n replace item ((i) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (j)\n else\n replace item ((_**prim) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (j)\n replace item ((j) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v] with (_**prim)\n end\n if <(i) = (_tmp2)> then\n set [_**prim v] to (j)\n end\n set [j v] to (_tmp)\n end\nend\n\ndefine draw line from x (x1) y (y1) to x (x2) y (y2) start width (start size) end width (end size)\nif <([abs v] of ((start size) - (end size)) ) < [0.1]> then\n go to x: (x1) y: (y1)\n set pen size to (1)\n pen down\n set pen size to (start size)\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n pen up\nelse\n set [_tmp v] to (([sqrt v] of ((((x2) - (x1)) * ((x2) - (x1))) + (((y2) - (y1)) * ((y2) - (y1)))) ) * (2))\n if <(end size) > (start size)> then\n int draw line (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (start size) (end size) (((y2) - (y1)) / (_tmp)) (((x1) - (x2)) / (_tmp)) ((end size) - (start size)) ((x2) - (x1)) ((y2) - (y1))\n else\n int draw line (x2) (y2) (x1) (y1) (end size) (start size) (((y1) - (y2)) / (_tmp)) (((x2) - (x1)) / (_tmp)) ((start size) - (end size)) ((x1) - (x2)) ((y1) - (y2))\n end\nend\n\ndefine int draw line (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (start size) (end size) (x normal) (y normal) (size diff) (x diff) (y diff)\nset [_x v] to (x1)\nset [_y v] to (y1)\nif <(start size) > [1]> then\n set [_α v] to (start size)\nelse\n set [_α v] to [1]\nend\nif <(_α) < (end size)> then\n repeat until <((_α) * (2)) > (end size)>\n set [_t1 v] to ((((2) * (_α)) - (start size)) / (size diff))\n set [_x2 v] to ((x1) + ((x diff) * (_t1)))\n set [_y2 v] to ((y1) + ((y diff) * (_t1)))\n set pen size to (1)\n go to x: ((_x2) - ((_α) * (x normal))) y: ((_y2) - ((_α) * (y normal)))\n pen down\n set pen size to (_α)\n go to x: (_x) y: (_y)\n go to x: ((_x2) + ((_α) * (x normal))) y: ((_y2) + ((_α) * (y normal)))\n pen up\n set [_x v] to (_x2)\n set [_y v] to (_y2)\n set [_α v] to ((_α) * (2))\n end\n go to x: ((x2) - (((end size) - (_α)) * (x normal))) y: ((y2) - (((end size) - (_α)) * (y normal)))\n set pen size to (1)\n pen down\n set pen size to (_α)\n go to x: (_x) y: (_y)\n go to x: ((x2) + (((end size) - (_α)) * (x normal))) y: ((y2) + (((end size) - (_α)) * (y normal)))\n pen up\n go to x: (x2) y: (y2)\n set pen size to (end size)\n pen down\n pen up\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [_δt_buffer v]\nswitch costume to (paint-brush v)\nhide\nset [_shadows_turned_off v] to [0]\nset [_elapsed_time v] to [0]\nforever\n tick ()\nend\n\nwhen I receive [world_transform v]\nrender.world_tranform()\n\ndefine render.view_transform\nset rot_matrix_γβα ( ([cos v] of (@C_roll) ) ([sin v] of (@C_roll) ) ([cos v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([sin v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([cos v] of (@C_yaw) ) ([sin v] of (@C_yaw) ) )\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [vertex_world v]) / (@enum v:SIZE))\n set [_x v] to ((item (i) of [vertex_world v]) - (@camX))\n set [_y v] to ((item ((i) + (1)) of [vertex_world v]) - (@camY))\n set [_z v] to ((item ((i) + (2)) of [vertex_world v]) - (@camZ))\n replace item (i) of [vertex v] with ((((_x) * (_rm1)) + ((_y) * (_rm2))) + ((_z) * (_rm3)))\n replace item ((i) + (1)) of [vertex v] with (((_x) * (_rm4)) + (((_y) * (_rm5)) + ((_z) * (_rm6))))\n replace item ((i) + (2)) of [vertex v] with (((_x) * (_rm7)) + (((_y) * (_rm8)) + ((_z) * (_rm9))))\n change [i v] by (@enum v:SIZE)\nend\nend timing [view transform]\nif <(@shadows?) = [1]> then\n start timing [view transform \(shadows\)]\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( [0] [1] [0] )\n set [_nx v] to (_x)\n set [_ny v] to (_y)\n set [_nz v] to (_z)\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (@lightX) (@lightY) (@lightZ) )\n set [_lightx_rot v] to (_x)\n set [_lighty_rot v] to (_y)\n set [_lightz_rot v] to (_z)\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( ((-1) * (@camX)) ((@ground_y) - (@camY)) ((-1) * (@camZ)) )\n set [_tmp2 v] to ((-1) * (((_lightX_rot) * (_Nx)) + (((_lightY_rot) * (_Ny)) + ((_lightZ_rot) * (_Nz)))))\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat ((length of [vertex_world v]) / (@enum v:SIZE))\n set [_tmp v] to (((((item (i) of [vertex v]) - (_x)) * (_Nx)) + ((((item ((i) + (1)) of [vertex v]) - (_y)) * (_Ny)) + (((item ((i) + (2)) of [vertex v]) - (_z)) * (_Nz)))) / (_tmp2))\n replace item ((i) + (@*shadow_seg)) of [vertex v] with ((item (i) of [vertex v]) + ((_tmp) * (_lightX_rot)))\n replace item (((i) + (@*shadow_seg)) + (1)) of [vertex v] with ((item ((i) + (1)) of [vertex v]) + ((_tmp) * (_lightY_rot)))\n replace item (((i) + (@*shadow_seg)) + (2)) of [vertex v] with ((item ((i) + (2)) of [vertex v]) + ((_tmp) * (_lightZ_rot)))\n change [i v] by (@enum v:SIZE)\n end\n end timing [view transform \(shadows\)]\nend\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( [0] [-1] [0] )\nset [_shad_off_x v] to (_x)\nset [_shad_off_y v] to (_y)\nset [_shad_off_z v] to (_z)\n\ndefine bsp.traversal ( (*root) (bsp._stack.len) local_var_stack: (stack:current) (stack:_**prim) (stack:_*pivot_prims_tail) (stack:_dot) (stack:_tmp2) )\nif <(length of [bsp.tree v]) < (*root)> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_current v] to (*root)\nrepeat until <<(_current) = []> and <(length of [bsp._stack v]) = (bsp._stack.len)>>\n repeat until <(_current) = []>\n insert (_current) at (1) of [bsp._stack v] \n set [_tmp v] to (item (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) of [bsp._*prims v])\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_tmp) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n if <(_tmp2) = [null]> then\n set [_current v] to []\n else\n if <(item (_tmp) of [primitives v]) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [primitives v]) of [idxs_poly v])\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n end\n set [_dot v] to ((((@camX) - (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v])) * (item (_tmp2) of [normal_world v])) + ((((@camY) - (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])) * (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [normal_world v])) + (((@camZ) - (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])) * (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [normal_world v]))))\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:ORI)) of [bsp.tree v] with <(_dot) < [0]>\n set [_current v] to (item (((_current) + ((@enum t:EDGE_A) + (1))) + ((2) * <(_dot) < [0]>)) of [bsp.tree v])\n end\n end\n set [_current v] to (item (1) of [bsp._stack v])\n delete (1) of [bsp._stack v]\n if <not <(item ((_current) + (@enum t:ORI)) of [bsp.tree v]) = [1]>> then\n set [_**prim v] to (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v])\n if <(item ((_current) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v]) = [null]> then\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v])\n else\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((item ((_current) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v]) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n else\n set [_**prim v] to (item ((_current) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v])\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v])\n end\n if <(item ((item (item (_current) of [bsp.tree v]) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]> then\n bsp._*prims.insertion_sort_by_point_prim_z( *left = **prim, *right = *pivot_prims_tail)\n if <not <(_tmp) = [0]>> then\n if <not <(item ((_current) + (@enum t:ORI)) of [bsp.tree v]) = [1]>> then\n replace item (_current) of [bsp.tree v] with (_**prim)\n if <(item ((_current) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v]) = [null]> then\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v] with (_*pivot_prims_tail)\n end\n else\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:MIDDLE)) of [bsp.tree v] with (_**prim)\n replace item ((_current) + (@enum t:TAIL)) of [bsp.tree v] with (_*pivot_prims_tail)\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(_**prim) = [null]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((item (_**prim) of [bsp._*prims v]) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n if <(_tmp) = [null]> then\n set [_tmp2 v] to (((@ambient_max) / ((0.7) + ((0.3) * <(@ambient_max) > [0.7]>))) * ((_darkness_fac) * (100)))\n else\n set [_dot v] to (((item (_tmp) of [normal_world v]) * (@lightX)) + (((item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [normal_world v]) * (@lightY)) + ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [normal_world v]) * (@lightZ))))\n set [_tmp2 v] to ((((@ambient_max) * (_darkness_fac)) + (<(_dot) < [0]> * (((_dot) * (-1)) * ((_darkness_fac) - ((@ambient_max) * (_darkness_fac)))))) * (100))\n end\n repeat until <<(item ((_**prim) + (1)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = (_*pivot_prims_tail)> or <(_**prim) = [null]>>\n set [_*prim v] to (item (_**prim) of [bsp._*prims v])\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [CONTAINER]> then\n bsp.traversal ( (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*SUBTREE_ROOT)) of [primitives v]) (length of [bsp._stack v]) local_var_stack: (_current) (_**prim) (_*pivot_prims_tail) (_dot) (_tmp2) )\n else\n if <(item ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) + (@enum o:HIDDEN?)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]> then\n add (_*prim) to [depth order v]\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v] with (_tmp2)\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SHOW_FRONT?)) of [primitives v] with <(item ((_**prim) + (3)) of [bsp._*prims v]) = [FRONT]>\n end\n end\n set [_**prim v] to (item ((_**prim) + (2)) of [bsp._*prims v])\n end\n end\n set [_current v] to (item (((_current) + ((@enum t:EDGE_A) + (1))) + (<(item ((_current) + (@enum t:ORI)) of [bsp.tree v]) = [0]> * (2))) of [bsp.tree v])\nend\nif <not <(stack:current) = []>> then\n set [_current v] to (stack:current)\n set [_**prim v] to (stack:_**prim)\n set [_*pivot_prims_tail v] to (stack:_*pivot_prims_tail)\n set [_dot v] to (stack:_dot)\n set [_tmp2 v] to (stack:_tmp2)\nend\nif <(*root) = [3]> then\n end timing [bsp traversal]\n if <(@shadows?) = [1]> then\n start timing [insert shadows]\n render.depth_buffer.insert_shadows ()\n end timing [insert shadows]\n end\nend\n\ndefine render.primitive_shader()\ndelete all of [depth order v]\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (@lightX) (@lightY) (@lightZ) )\nset [_lightx_view v] to (_x)\nset [_lighty_view v] to (_y)\nset [_lightz_view v] to (_z)\nset_inv_rot_matrix_γβα ( ([cos v] of (@C_roll) ) ([sin v] of (@C_roll) ) ([cos v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([sin v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([cos v] of (@C_yaw) ) ([sin v] of (@C_yaw) ) )\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( [0] [0] [-1] )\nset [_camdirx v] to (_x)\nset [_camdiry v] to (_y)\nset [_camdirz v] to (_z)\nbroadcast (bsp.reinsert_prims v)\n\ndefine start timing (timing label)\nif <[timings v] contains (timing label)?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [timings v] with (days since 2000)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v]) + (1))\nelse\n add (timing label) to [timings v]\n add (days since 2000) to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\nend\nif <(timer) = [5]> then\n delete all of [timings v]\nend\n\ndefine end timing (timing label)\nset [_tmp v] to (days since 2000)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\nreplace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v] with ((((86400) * ((_tmp) - (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [timings v]))) - ((3.71) / (1000000))) + (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v]))\n\ndefine render.rasterisation ()\nset [_mouse_touching_textured_tri v] to [0]\nset [_shadow v] to (item # of [Shadow] in [materials v])\nrender.rasterisation.skybox ()\nswitch costume to (small v)\nset size to ((1) / (0)) %\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [depth order v])\n set [_*prim v] to (item (i) of [depth order v])\n set [_mat v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v])\n if (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SHOW_FRONT?)) of [primitives v]) then\n set pen color to (item ((_mat) + (4)) of [materials v])\n set pen (brightness v) to ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v]) * (item ((_mat) + (5)) of [materials v]))\n else\n set pen color to (item ((item ((_mat) + (1)) of [materials v]) + (4)) of [materials v])\n set pen (brightness v) to ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v]) * (item ((item ((_mat) + (1)) of [materials v]) + (5)) of [materials v]))\n end\n set [_α v] to (item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [TRIANGLE]> then\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v])\n set [_γ v] to (item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v])\n z-clip triangle and fill (item (_α) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_β) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_γ) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (2)) of [vertex v]) z clip distance (@z_clip_dist) texture (item ((_mat) + (3)) of [materials v])\n else\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [QUAD]> then\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v])\n set [_γ v] to (item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v])\n set [_δ v] to (item ((_*prim) + (4)) of [primitives v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_mat) + (3)) of [materials v])\n z-clip triangle and fill (item (_β) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_γ) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_α) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]) z clip distance (@z_clip_dist) texture (_tmp)\n z-clip triangle and fill (item (_δ) of [vertex v]) (item ((_δ) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_δ) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_α) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_γ) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (2)) of [vertex v]) z clip distance (@z_clip_dist) texture (<not <(_tmp) = []>> * ((_tmp) + (3)))\n else\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [LINE]> then\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v])\n z clip line and fill ( (item (_α) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_β) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (2)) of [vertex v]) z clip distance (@z_clip_dist) diameter ((2) * (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])) )\n else\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POINT]> then\n if <(item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]) < (@z_clip_dist)> then\n if <(item ((_mat) + (3)) of [materials v]) = []> then\n set [_z v] to ((@zN*180) / (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]))\n go to x: ((item (_α) of [vertex v]) * (_z)) y: ((item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) * (_z))\n set pen size to (((2) * (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])) * (_z))\n pen down\n pen up\n else\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v])\n if <(_*prim) = (@*player_prim)> then\n if <<(@first_person?) = [0]> or <(@edit_mode?) = [1]>> then\n set [_z v] to (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v])\n set [_γ v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v])\n set [_x2 v] to ((_lightX_view) * (-1))\n set [_y2 v] to ((_lightY_view) * (-1))\n set [_z2 v] to ((1) - (_lightZ_view))\n _atan2 = atan2( (_y2) ((-1) * (_x2)) )\n render_sprite (((item (_α) of [vertex v]) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) (((item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) ((2) * ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v]) * ((@zN*180) / (_z)))) (item ((_mat) + (3)) of [materials v]) (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v]) (_atan2) (((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v]) * (1.1)) - (100)) costume_width [100]\n set [ghost v] effect to ((100) - ((((_tmp2) / (2)) * ((_tmp2) / (2))) * (100)))\n set [_tmp2 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((_x2) * (_x2)) + (((_y2) * (_y2)) + ((_z2) * (_z2)))) )\n set [_z v] to ((@zN*180) / ((_z) + ((_γ) * ((_z2) / (_tmp2)))))\n set [_x v] to ((item (_α) of [vertex v]) + ((_γ) * ((_x2) / (_tmp2))))\n set [_y v] to ((item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) + ((_γ) * ((_y2) / (_tmp2))))\n render_sprite ((_x) * (_z)) ((_y) * (_z)) ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v]) * (_z)) [specular] (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v]) [90] (((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v]) - (100)) + (15)) costume_width [100]\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n else\n set [_z v] to ((@zN*180) / (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]))\n render_sprite ((item (_α) of [vertex v]) * (_z)) ((item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) * (_z)) ((2) * ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v]) * (_z))) (item ((_mat) + (3)) of [materials v]) (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v]) [90] (((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v]) * (1)) - (100)) costume_width ((100) - ((36) * <<(_tmp) = [shadow]> or <(_tmp) = [shadow2]>>))\n end\n end\n end\n else\n set [j v] to (item ((_*prim) + (2)) of [primitives v])\n repeat (((item ((_*prim) + (3)) of [primitives v]) - (j)) / (3))\n set [_α v] to (item (j) of [idxs_tri v])\n set [_β v] to (item ((j) + (1)) of [idxs_tri v])\n set [_γ v] to (item ((j) + (2)) of [idxs_tri v])\n z-clip triangle and fill (item (_α) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_β) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_β) + (2)) of [vertex v]) . (item (_γ) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (1)) of [vertex v]) (item ((_γ) + (2)) of [vertex v]) z clip distance (@z_clip_dist) texture (item ((_mat) + (3)) of [materials v])\n change [j v] by (3)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nif <not <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [0]>> then\n render.visualise_primitives\nend\nif <(@show_BSP_tree?) = [1]> then\n render.show_bsp_tree ()\nend\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (paint-brush v)\n\ndefine tick ()\nif <(@rendering_active?) = [1]> then\n set [_tri_counter v] to [0]\n set [_darkness_fac v] to ((([sin v] of (((@time_of_day) / (24)) * (180)) ) + (0.2)) / (1.2))\n set [_tmp v] to ((((@time_of_day) / (24)) * (360)) - (90))\n if <([abs v] of ((@time_of_day) - (12)) ) < [6]> then\n set [@lightx v] to (((-1) * ([cos v] of (_tmp) )) / ([sqrt v] of ((3) / (2)) ))\n set [@lighty v] to (((-1) * ([sin v] of (_tmp) )) / ([sqrt v] of ((3) / (2)) ))\n set [@lightz v] to ((-1) * ([sqrt v] of ((1) / (3)) ))\n else\n set [@lightx v] to (((-1) * ([cos v] of (_tmp) )) / ([sqrt v] of ((3) / (2)) ))\n set [@lighty v] to (((1) * ([sin v] of (_tmp) )) / ([sqrt v] of ((3) / (2)) ))\n set [@lightz v] to ((1) * ([sqrt v] of ((1) / (3)) ))\n end\n erase all\n start timing [world transform]\n render.world_tranform()\n end timing [world transform]\n start timing [view transform]\n render.view_transform\n start timing [bsp reinsert]\n render.primitive_shader()\nend\nbroadcast (wait for bsp.reinsert broadcast v)\n\ndefine _x, _y, _z = apply_rot_matrix + trans (x) (y) (z) (tx) (ty) (tz)\nset [_x v] to ((((x) * (_rm1)) + ((y) * (_rm2))) + (((z) * (_rm3)) + (tx)))\nset [_y v] to (((x) * (_rm4)) + (((y) * (_rm5)) + (((z) * (_rm6)) + (ty))))\nset [_z v] to (((x) * (_rm7)) + (((y) * (_rm8)) + (((z) * (_rm9)) + (tz))))\n\ndefine render_sprite (x) (y) (size) (*costume) (scaley) (rotation) (brightness) costume_width (costume_width)\nif <<<([abs v] of (x) ) > ((240) + ((size) / (2)))> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > ((180) + ((size) / (2)))>> or <<(scaley) < [0.03]> and <not <(scaley) = []>>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [brightness v] effect to (brightness)\npoint in direction (rotation)\nswitch costume to (small v)\nset size to ((1) / (0)) %\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y) + (((-0.5) * ((((scaley) / (2)) - (0.64)) * (size))) * <not <(scaley) = []>>))\nif <((size) * ((100) / (costume_width))) < [100]> then\n switch costume to (big v)\nelse\n switch costume to (small v)\nend\nset size to ((size) * ((100) / (costume_width))) %\nswitch costume to (*costume)\nif <not <<(scaley) = []> or <(scaley) = [1]>>> then\n set [fisheye v] effect to ((100) * (([abs v] of ((-0.1249387366) / ([log v] of ((1) - ((scaley) / (4))) )) ) - (1)))\nend\nshow\nstamp\nhide\nswitch costume to (small v)\nset size to ((1) / (0)) %\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine render_tri (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (tex)\nif <<<<<(x1) > [240]> and <(x2) > [240]>> and <(x3) > [240]>> or <<<(x1) < [-240]> and <(x2) < [-240]>> and <(x3) < [-240]>>> or <<<<(y1) > [180]> and <(y2) > [180]>> and <(y3) > [180]>> or <<<(y1) < [-180]> and <(y2) < [-180]>> and <(y3) < [-180]>>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <((tex) + (0)) = [0]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to ((((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v]) * (item ((_mat) + (5)) of [materials v])) * (1.8)) - (80))\n STTF2 (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (tex)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [_mouse_touching_textured_tri v] to [1]\n end\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (small v)\n set size to ((1) / (0)) %\n point in direction (90)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(@show_tris?) = [1]> then\n change pen (color v) by ((2) * ((i) + (j)))\nend\nchange [_tri_counter v] by (1)\nset [_a v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x2) - (x3)) * ((x2) - (x3))) + (((y2) - (y3)) * ((y2) - (y3)))) )\nset [_b v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x3) - (x1)) * ((x3) - (x1))) + (((y3) - (y1)) * ((y3) - (y1)))) )\nset [_c v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x2) - (x1)) * ((x2) - (x1))) + (((y2) - (y1)) * ((y2) - (y1)))) )\nset [_p v] to ((_A) + ((_B) + (_C)))\ngo to x: (((((_A) * (x1)) + ((_B) * (x2))) + ((_C) * (x3))) / (_P)) y: (((((_A) * (y1)) + ((_B) * (y2))) + ((_C) * (y3))) / (_P))\nAzex 2 ((x position) - (x1)) ((y position) - (y1)) ((x position) - (x2)) ((y position) - (y2)) ((x position) - (x3)) ((y position) - (y3)) ([sqrt v] of ((((((_C) + (_B)) - (_A)) * (((_A) + (_C)) - (_B))) * ((_P) - ((_C) * (2)))) / (_P)) ) (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3)\n\ndefine _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (x) (y) (z) )\nset [_x v] to ((((x) * (_rm1)) + ((y) * (_rm2))) + ((z) * (_rm3)))\nset [_y v] to (((x) * (_rm4)) + (((y) * (_rm5)) + ((z) * (_rm6))))\nset [_z v] to (((x) * (_rm7)) + (((y) * (_rm8)) + ((z) * (_rm9))))\n\nwhen I receive [wait for bsp.reinsert broadcast v]\ntick.secondhalf()\n\ndefine set_inv_rot_matrix_γβα ( (cos γ) (sin γ) (cos β) (sin β) (cos α) (sin α) )\nset [_rm1 v] to (((cos α) * (cos γ)) - ((sin α) * ((sin β) * (sin γ))))\nset [_rm2 v] to ((((sin α) * (sin β)) * (cos γ)) + ((cos α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm3 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin α)))\nset [_rm4 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm5 v] to ((cos β) * (cos γ))\nset [_rm6 v] to (sin β)\nset [_rm7 v] to (((cos γ) * (sin α)) + (((cos α) * (sin β)) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm8 v] to (((sin α) * (sin γ)) - ((cos α) * ((cos γ) * (sin β))))\nset [_rm9 v] to ((cos α) * (cos β))\n\ndefine z-clip triangle and fill (ax) (ay) (az) . (bx) (by) (bz) . (cx) (cy) (cz) z clip distance (z) texture (tex)\nif <(((az) + ((bz) + (cz))) / (-3)) > (@z_far)> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(<(az) < (z)> + (<(bz) < (z)> + <(cz) < (z)>)) > [1]> then\n if <<(az) < (z)> = <(bz) < (z)>> then\n if <(cz) < (z)> then\n render_tri ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((cx) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) ((cy) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) (tex)\n else\n set [_t1 v] to (((z) - (bz)) / ((cz) - (bz)))\n set [_t2 v] to (((z) - (az)) / ((cz) - (az)))\n render_tri (((bx) + ((_t1) * ((cx) - (bx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((by) + ((_t1) * ((cy) - (by)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) (tex)\n render_tri (((bx) + ((_t1) * ((cx) - (bx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((by) + ((_t1) * ((cy) - (by)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ax) + ((_t2) * ((cx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t2) * ((cy) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) (tex)\n end\n else\n set [_t1 v] to (((z) - (az)) / ((bz) - (az)))\n if <(az) < (z)> then\n set [_t2 v] to (((z) - (cz)) / ((bz) - (cz)))\n render_tri (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((cx) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) ((cy) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) (tex)\n render_tri (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((cx) + ((_t2) * ((bx) - (cx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((cy) + ((_t2) * ((by) - (cy)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((cx) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) ((cy) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) (tex)\n else\n set [_t2 v] to (((z) - (cz)) / ((az) - (cz)))\n render_tri (((cx) + ((_t2) * ((ax) - (cx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((cy) + ((_t2) * ((ay) - (cy)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((cx) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) ((cy) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) (tex)\n render_tri (((cx) + ((_t2) * ((ax) - (cx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((cy) + ((_t2) * ((ay) - (cy)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) (tex)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <<(az) < (z)> = <(bz) < (z)>> then\n if <(cz) < (z)> then\n set [_t1 v] to (((z) - (bz)) / ((cz) - (bz)))\n set [_t2 v] to (((z) - (az)) / ((cz) - (az)))\n render_tri (((ax) + ((_t2) * ((cx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t2) * ((cy) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((bx) + ((_t1) * ((cx) - (bx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((by) + ((_t1) * ((cy) - (by)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((cx) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) ((cy) * ((@zN*180) / (cz))) (tex)\n end\n else\n set [_t1 v] to (((z) - (az)) / ((bz) - (az)))\n if <(az) < (z)> then\n set [_t2 v] to (((z) - (az)) / ((cz) - (az)))\n render_tri (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ax) + ((_t2) * ((cx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t2) * ((cy) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) (tex)\n else\n set [_t2 v] to (((z) - (bz)) / ((cz) - (bz)))\n render_tri (((bx) + ((_t2) * ((cx) - (bx)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((by) + ((_t2) * ((cy) - (by)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) (tex)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine set rot_matrix_γβα ( (cos γ) (sin γ) (cos β) (sin β) (cos α) (sin α) )\nset [_rm1 v] to (((cos α) * (cos γ)) - ((sin α) * ((sin β) * (sin γ))))\nset [_rm2 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm3 v] to ((((cos α) * (sin β)) * (sin γ)) + ((sin α) * (cos γ)))\nset [_rm4 v] to ((((sin α) * (sin β)) * (cos γ)) + ((cos α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm5 v] to ((cos β) * (cos γ))\nset [_rm6 v] to (((sin α) * (sin γ)) - ((cos α) * ((sin β) * (cos γ))))\nset [_rm7 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin α)))\nset [_rm8 v] to (sin β)\nset [_rm9 v] to ((cos α) * (cos β))\n\ndefine render.rasterisation.skybox ()\nif <(@C_pitch) < [0]> then\n switch backdrop to (sky v)\nelse\n switch backdrop to (ground v)\nend\nrender_sprite (((((((@C_yaw) + (@W_yaw)) / (360)) + (0.5)) mod (1)) - (0.5)) * ((@skybox_width) * (-1))) (([tan v] of ((@C_pitch) + (@W_pitch)) ) * ((-1) * (@zN*180))) ((@skybox_width) - (0)) [skybox_day] [] [90] (((100) * (_darkness_fac)) - (100)) costume_width ((@skybox_width) / (2))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((100) * ([sin v] of (((@time_of_day) / (24)) * (180)) ))\nrender_sprite (((((((@C_yaw) + (@W_yaw)) / (360)) + (0.5)) mod (1)) - (0.5)) * ((@skybox_width) * (-1))) (([tan v] of ((@C_pitch) + (@W_pitch)) ) * ((-1) * (@zN*180))) ((@skybox_width) - (2)) [skybox_night] [] [90] [0] costume_width ((@skybox_width) / (2))\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrender_sprite ((((((@C_yaw) + (@W_yaw)) / (360)) mod (1)) - (0.5)) * ((@skybox_width) * (-1))) (([tan v] of ((@C_pitch) + (@W_pitch)) ) * ((-1) * (@zN*180))) ((@skybox_width) - (1)) [skybox_day] [] [90] (((100) * (_darkness_fac)) - (100)) costume_width ((@skybox_width) / (2))\nset [ghost v] effect to ((100) * ([sin v] of (((@time_of_day) / (24)) * (180)) ))\nrender_sprite ((((((@C_yaw) + (@W_yaw)) / (360)) mod (1)) - (0.5)) * ((@skybox_width) * (-1))) (([tan v] of ((@C_pitch) + (@W_pitch)) ) * ((-1) * (@zN*180))) ((@skybox_width) - (4)) [skybox_night] [] [90] [0] costume_width ((@skybox_width) / (2))\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nif <(@ground_plane?) = [1]> then\n render_sprite ((((((@C_yaw) + (@W_yaw)) / (360)) mod (1)) - (0.5)) * ((@skybox_width) * (-1))) (([tan v] of ((@C_pitch) + (@W_pitch)) ) * ((-1) * (@zN*180))) ((@skybox_width) - (0)) [ground] [] [90] ((-100) + ((100) * ([sin v] of (((@time_of_day) / (24)) * (180)) ))) costume_width ((@skybox_width) / (2))\n render_sprite (((((((@C_yaw) + (@W_yaw)) / (360)) + (0.5)) mod (1)) - (0.5)) * ((@skybox_width) * (-1))) (([tan v] of ((@C_pitch) + (@W_pitch)) ) * ((-1) * (@zN*180))) ((@skybox_width) - (0)) [ground] [] [90] ((-100) + ((100) * ([sin v] of (((@time_of_day) / (24)) * (180)) ))) costume_width ((@skybox_width) / (2))\nend\nif <(_lightZ_view) > [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set [_tmp v] to (((_lightX_view) * (@zN*180)) / (_lightZ_view))\n set [_tmp2 v] to (((_lightY_view) * (@zN*180)) / (_lightZ_view))\n if <([abs v] of ((@time_of_day) - (12)) ) < [6]> then\n set [_α v] to ((0.5) * ([sqrt v] of (((_tmp) * (_tmp)) + ((_tmp2) * (_tmp2))) ))\n render_sprite (_tmp) (_tmp2) [150] [sun] [] [90] [0] costume_width [208]\n set [ghost v] effect to (_α)\n render_sprite ((0.4) * (_tmp)) ((0.4) * (_tmp2)) [18] [flare] [] [90] [0] costume_width [51]\n set [ghost v] effect to (_α)\n render_sprite ((-0.2) * (_tmp)) ((-0.2) * (_tmp2)) [15] [flare2] [] [90] [0] costume_width [102]\n set [ghost v] effect to (_α)\n render_sprite ((-0.8) * (_tmp)) ((-0.8) * (_tmp2)) [10] [flare] [] [90] [0] costume_width [51]\n set [ghost v] effect to (_α)\n render_sprite ((-1.4) * (_tmp)) ((-1.4) * (_tmp2)) [8] [flare2] [] [90] [0] costume_width [102]\n else\n render_sprite (_tmp) (_tmp2) [100] [moon] [] [90] [0] costume_width [281]\n end\nend\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine z clip line and fill ( (ax) (ay) (az) . (bx) (by) (bz) z clip distance (z) diameter (diameter) )\nif <<(az) < (z)> or <(bz) < (z)>> then\n set [_t1 v] to (((z) - (az)) / ((bz) - (az)))\n if <(az) > (z)> then\n draw line from x (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) y (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) to x ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) y ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) start width ((diameter) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) end width ((diameter) * ((@zN*180) / (bz)))\n else\n if <(bz) > (z)> then\n draw line from x ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) y ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) to x (((ax) + ((_t1) * ((bx) - (ax)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) y (((ay) + ((_t1) * ((by) - (ay)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z))) start width ((diameter) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) end width (((diameter) + ((_t1) * ((end_w) - (diameter)))) * ((@zN*180) / (z)))\n else\n draw line from x ((ax) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) y ((ay) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) to x ((bx) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) y ((by) * ((@zN*180) / (bz))) start width ((diameter) * ((@zN*180) / (az))) end width ((diameter) * ((@zN*180) / (bz)))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine render.visualise_primitives\nset rot_matrix_γβα ( ([cos v] of (@C_roll) ) ([sin v] of (@C_roll) ) ([cos v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([sin v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([cos v] of (@C_yaw) ) ([sin v] of (@C_yaw) ) )\nset [brightness v] effect to (-100)\nshow\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((((length of [gameobjects v]) / (@enum o:SIZE)) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + (((*dynamic_seg) / (@enum p:SIZE)) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\n if <<(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]> or <<<not <(item (i) of [primitives v]) = [CONTAINER]>> and <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [1]>> or <<(item (i) of [primitives v]) = [CONTAINER]> and <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [2]>>>> then\n if <<<<(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]> and <(item ((i) + (@enum o:HIDDEN?)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]>> or <<(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [1]> and <(item ((item ((i) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) + (@enum o:HIDDEN?)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]>>> or <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [2]>> then\n if <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [2]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((i) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n set [_x v] to (item (_tmp) of [vertex_world v])\n set [_y v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])\n set [_z v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (((item ((i) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v]) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + ((item ((i) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v]) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\n set [_x v] to (item (_tmp) of [bsphere_world v])\n set [_y v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v])\n set [_z v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v])\n end\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( ((_x) - (@camX)) ((_y) - (@camY)) ((_z) - (@camZ)) )\n if <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [2]> then\n set [_α v] to [7]\n set [_β v] to [container]\n else\n set [_α v] to ((((2) * (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v])) * (@zN*180)) / (_z))\n set [_β v] to [bsphere]\n end\n render_sprite (((_x) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) (((_y) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) (_α) (_β) [] [90] [] costume_width [100]\n if <key ((join [shift] []) v) pressed?> then\n if <key ((join [<] []) v) pressed?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (((i) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + ((item ((item ((i) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v]) + (@enum t:PARENT)) of [bsp.tree v]) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (((i) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + ((item ((i) + (@enum p:*NODE)) of [primitives v]) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\n end\n else\n if <key ((join [<] []) v) pressed?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (((i) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + ((item ((i) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v]) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (((i) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + ((i) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\n end\n end\n render_number ( value (_tmp) x (((_x) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) y (((_y) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) size ((((0.01) * ((((6) * (@zN*180)) / (_z)) * <(_z) < [0]>)) * <(_α) < [8]>) + (((0.04) * (_α)) * <not <(_α) < [8]>>)) )\n end\n end\n change [i v] by (((@enum o:SIZE) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) = [3]>) + ((@enum p:SIZE) * <(@show_prims/dynamic/objs) < [3]>))\nend\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (paint-brush v)\nhide\n\ndefine render_number ( value (value) x (x) y (y) size (size) )\nif <<([abs v] of (x) ) > ((240) + ((size) / (2)))> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > ((180) + ((size) / (2)))>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\ngo to x: ((x) - (((length of (value)) / (2)) * (size))) y: (y)\nif <(((size) / (13)) * (100)) < [100]> then\n switch costume to (big v)\nelse\n switch costume to (small v)\nend\nset size to (((size) / (13)) * (100)) %\nset [_tmp v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (value))\n switch costume to (join [text_] (letter (_tmp) of (value)))\n stamp\n change x by (size)\n change [_tmp v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <not <((item (i) of [bsp._*prims v]) mod (@enum p:SIZE)) = [1]>> then\n ​​breakpoint​​\nend\n\ndefine tick.secondhalf()\nif <(@rendering_active?) = [1]> then\n delete all of [bsp._stack v]\n end timing [bsp reinsert]\n start timing [bsp traversal]\n bsp.traversal ( [3] [0] local_var_stack: [] [] [] [] [] )\n start timing [rasterisation]\n render.rasterisation ()\n end timing [rasterisation]\n switch costume to (paint-brush v)\n set [@tris visible v] to (_tri_counter)\n set [_tmp v] to (((days since 2000) - (@days_since_2000)) * (86400))\n change [_elapsed_time v] by (_tmp)\n set [@time v] to (([floor v] of ((_elapsed_time) * (10)) ) / (10))\n if <(length of [_δt_buffer v]) > [5]> then\n delete (1) of [_δt_buffer v]\n end\n add (_tmp) to [_δt_buffer v]\n set [@fps v] to [0]\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [_δt_buffer v])\n change [@fps v] by (item (i) of [_δt_buffer v])\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\n set [@fps v] to (([floor v] of (((1) / ((@fps) / (length of [_δt_buffer v]))) * (10)) ) / (10))\n if <<<(@fps) < (@auto_disable_shadows_fps_thresh)> and <(_elapsed_time) > [3]>> and <<(@shadows?) = [1]> and <(_shadows_turned_off) = [0]>>> then\n set [_shadows_turned_off v] to [1]\n set [@shadows? v] to [0]\n end\n set [@days_since_2000 v] to (days since 2000)\n broadcast (game logic v)\n broadcast (physics v)\nelse\n set [@days_since_2000 v] to (days since 2000)\nend\nbroadcast (gui v)\n\ndefine render.depth_buffer.insert_shadows ()\nset [_*prim v] to ((*dynamic_seg) + (1))\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (((length of [primitives v]) - (*dynamic_seg)) / (@enum p:SIZE))\n if <(item ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) + (@enum o:HIDDEN?)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n if <<((((@lightX) * (item (_tmp) of [normal_world v])) + ((@lightY) * (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [normal_world v]))) + ((@lightZ) * (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [normal_world v]))) < [0]> or <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>> then\n if <<not <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [CONTAINER]>> and <not <<(@first_person?) = [1]> and <(_*prim) = (@*player_shadow_prim)>>>> then\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:ILLUMINATION)) of [primitives v] with (((((_darkness_fac) + (0.17)) * ((_darkness_fac) + (0.17))) - (0.3689)) * (100))\n insert (_*prim) at (1) of [depth order v] \n if <<(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POINT]> or <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [LINE]>> then\n set [_α v] to (item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SHAD_OFF_SCALE)) of [primitives v])\n if <<not <(_β) = []>> and <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POINT]>> then\n set [_z v] to ((item (((_α) - (@*shadow_seg)) + (2)) of [vertex v]) + ((_shad_off_z) * (_β)))\n set [_x v] to ((item ((_α) - (@*shadow_seg)) of [vertex v]) + ((_shad_off_x) * (_β)))\n set [_y v] to ((item (((_α) - (@*shadow_seg)) + (1)) of [vertex v]) + ((_shad_off_y) * (_β)))\n replace item (_α) of [vertex v] with (_x)\n replace item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v] with (_y)\n replace item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v] with (_z)\n delete (1) of [depth order v]\n insert (_*prim) at (item # of (item (i) of [@shadow_to_*prim v]) in [depth order v]) of [depth order v] \n else\n set [_z v] to (item ((_α) + (2)) of [vertex v])\n set [_x v] to (item (_α) of [vertex v])\n set [_y v] to (item ((_α) + (1)) of [vertex v])\n end\n set [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((_x) * (_x)) + ((_y) * (_y))) + ((_z) * (_z))) )\n set [_tmp v] to (((((_shad_off_x) * (_x)) + ((_shad_off_y) * (_y))) + ((_shad_off_z) * (_z))) / (_tmp))\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POINT]> then\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:SPRITE_SCALE_Y)) of [primitives v] with (_tmp)\n else\n replace item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v] with (([sqrt v] of (_tmp) ) * (item (((_*prim) - (*dynamic_seg)) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v]))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [_*prim v] by (@enum p:SIZE)\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [render.change_costume_to_\(@tmp\) v]\nswitch costume to (@temp)\n\ndefine set rot_matrix_αβγ ( (cos α) (sin α) (cos β) (sin β) (cos γ) (sin γ) )\nset [_rm1 v] to (((cos α) * (cos γ)) + ((sin α) * ((sin β) * (sin γ))))\nset [_rm2 v] to ((((cos γ) * (sin α)) * (sin β)) - ((cos α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm3 v] to ((cos β) * (sin α))\nset [_rm4 v] to ((cos β) * (sin γ))\nset [_rm5 v] to ((cos β) * (cos γ))\nset [_rm6 v] to ((-1) * (sin β))\nset [_rm7 v] to ((((cos α) * (sin β)) * (sin γ)) - ((sin α) * (cos γ)))\nset [_rm8 v] to (((sin α) * (sin γ)) + ((cos α) * ((sin β) * (cos γ))))\nset [_rm9 v] to ((cos α) * (cos β))\n\ndefine render.show_bsp_tree ()\nswitch costume to (ballgreen v)\nset pen color to (#1d0063)\nrender.draw_binary_tree ( *node [3] node xy [0] [140] parent xy [] [] depth [1] )\npen up\n\ndefine render.draw_binary_tree ( *node (*node) node xy (nx) (ny) parent xy (px) (py) depth (depth) )\nif <(*node) = []> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\npen up\nset [_tmp v] to ((40) / ([sqrt v] of (depth) ))\nset size to ((_tmp) * (0.5)) %\nif <not <(depth) = [1]>> then\n go to x: (px) y: (py)\n pen down\n go to x: (nx) y: (ny)\n go to x: (px) y: (py)\n stamp\nelse\n go to x: (nx) y: (ny)\n stamp\nend\nrender.draw_binary_tree ( *node (item ((*node) + ((@enum t:EDGE_A) + (1))) of [bsp.tree v]) node xy ((nx) - (_tmp)) ((ny) - (20)) parent xy (nx) (ny) depth ((depth) + (1)) )\nrender.draw_binary_tree ( *node (item ((*node) + ((@enum t:EDGE_A) + (3))) of [bsp.tree v]) node xy ((nx) + (_tmp)) ((ny) - (20)) parent xy (nx) (ny) depth ((depth) + (1)) )\n\ndefine _x, _y, _z = 3D_cross_prod ( (ax) (ay) (az) (bx) (by) (bz) )\nset [_x v] to (((ay) * (bz)) - ((az) * (by)))\nset [_y v] to (((az) * (bx)) - ((ax) * (bz)))\nset [_z v] to (((ax) * (by)) - ((ay) * (bx)))\n\ndefine _atan2 = atan2( (y) (x) )\nif <(x) = [0]> then\n set [_atan2 v] to ((<(y) < [0]> * (-90)) + (<not <(y) < [0]>> * (90)))\nelse\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [_atan2 v] to ((180) + ([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) ))\n else\n set [_atan2 v] to ([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) )\n end\nend\nset [_atan2 v] to ((_atan2) mod (360))\n\ndefine render.world_tranform()\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [@updated_objects v])\n set [_*obj v] to (item (i) of [@updated_objects v])\n set [_x2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_y2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_z2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_α v] to (item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_β v] to (item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_γ v] to (item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_sx v] to (item ((_*obj) + (7)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_sy v] to (item ((_*obj) + (8)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_sz v] to (item ((_*obj) + (9)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_scale_mag v] to ([sqrt v] of (((_sx) * (_sx)) + (((_sy) * (_sy)) + ((_sz) * (_sz)))) )\n if <<(_sx) > (_sy)> and <(_sx) > (_sz)>> then\n set [_scale_max v] to (_sx)\n else\n if <(_sy) > (_sz)> then\n set [_scale_max v] to (_sy)\n else\n set [_scale_max v] to (_sz)\n end\n end\n set rot_matrix_αβγ ( ([cos v] of (_α) ) ([sin v] of (_α) ) ([cos v] of (_β) ) ([sin v] of (_β) ) ([cos v] of (_γ) ) ([sin v] of (_γ) ) )\n set [j v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*VLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n if <not <(j) = [v_left]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:*VLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(j) = (_tmp)> or <(j) = [null]>>\n _x, _y, _z = apply_rot_matrix + trans ((_sx) * (item (j) of [vertex_buff v])) ((_sy) * (item ((j) + (1)) of [vertex_buff v])) ((_sz) * (item ((j) + (2)) of [vertex_buff v])) (_x2) (_y2) (_z2)\n replace item (j) of [vertex_world v] with (_x)\n replace item ((j) + (1)) of [vertex_world v] with (_y)\n replace item ((j) + (2)) of [vertex_world v] with (_z)\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (3)) of [vertex_buff v])\n end\n end\n set [j v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*NLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:*NLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(j) = (_tmp)> or <(j) > (length of [normal_world v])>>\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (item (j) of [normal_buff v]) (item ((j) + (1)) of [normal_buff v]) (item ((j) + (2)) of [normal_buff v]) )\n replace item (j) of [normal_world v] with (_x)\n replace item ((j) + (1)) of [normal_world v] with (_y)\n replace item ((j) + (2)) of [normal_world v] with (_z)\n change [j v] by (3)\n end\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v])\n _x, _y, _z = apply_rot_matrix + trans ((_sx) * (item (_tmp2) of [bsphere_buff v])) ((_sy) * (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [bsphere_buff v])) ((_sz) * (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [bsphere_buff v])) (_x2) (_y2) (_z2)\n replace item (_tmp2) of [bsphere_world v] with (_x)\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v] with (_y)\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v] with (_z)\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v] with ((_scale_max) * (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_buff v]))\n set [j v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:**PLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(j) = (_tmp)> or <(j) = [null]>>\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((item (j) of [gameobjects._*prims v]) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v])\n if <not <((_tmp2) + (0)) = [0]>> then\n _x, _y, _z = apply_rot_matrix + trans ((_sx) * (item (_tmp2) of [bsphere_buff v])) ((_sy) * (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [bsphere_buff v])) ((_sz) * (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [bsphere_buff v])) (_x2) (_y2) (_z2)\n replace item (_tmp2) of [bsphere_world v] with (_x)\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v] with (_y)\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v] with (_z)\n set [_*normal v] to (item ((item (j) of [gameobjects._*prims v]) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n if <not <(_*normal) = [null]>> then\n set [_dot v] to (((_sx) * (item (_*normal) of [normal_buff v])) + (((_sy) * (item ((_*normal) + (1)) of [normal_buff v])) + ((_sz) * (item ((_*normal) + (2)) of [normal_buff v]))))\n set [_x v] to ((_sx) - ((_dot) * (item (_*normal) of [normal_buff v])))\n set [_y v] to ((_sy) - ((_dot) * (item ((_*normal) + (1)) of [normal_buff v])))\n set [_z v] to ((_sz) - ((_dot) * (item ((_*normal) + (2)) of [normal_buff v])))\n if <<(_x) > (_y)> and <(_x) > (_z)>> then\n set [_scale v] to (_x)\n else\n if <(_y) > (_z)> then\n set [_scale v] to (_y)\n else\n set [_scale v] to (_z)\n end\n end\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v] with ((_scale) * (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_buff v]))\n else\n replace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v] with ((_scale_max) * (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_buff v]))\n end\n end\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine _dot = dot_prod (ax) (ay) (az) (bx) (by) (bz)\nset [_dot v] to (((ax) * (bx)) + (((ay) * (by)) + ((az) * (bz))))\n\n@Physics\n\ndefine add collision forces (normal: (nx) (ny) (nz) *prim (*prim) )\nset [_*obj v] to (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v])\nif <[@updated_objects v] contains (_*obj)?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (join [*obj:] (_*obj)) in [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])\n set [_x v] to (((item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])) * ((@fps) / (30)))\n set [_y v] to (((item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])) * ((@fps) / (30)))\n set [_z v] to (((item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])) * ((@fps) / (30)))\n set [_α v] to ((((((item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (4)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])) + (180)) mod (360)) - (180)) * (((3.141) / (180)) * ((@fps) / (30))))\n set [_β v] to ((((((item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (5)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])) + (180)) mod (360)) - (180)) * (((3.141) / (180)) * ((@fps) / (30))))\n set [_γ v] to ((((((item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (6)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])) + (180)) mod (360)) - (180)) * (((3.141) / (180)) * ((@fps) / (30))))\n set [_rx v] to ((@player_x) - (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]))\n set [_ry v] to ((@player_y) - (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]))\n set [_rz v] to ((@player_z) - (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]))\n set [_x v] to ((_x) + (((_α) * (_rz)) - ((_γ) * (_ry))))\n set [_y v] to ((_y) + (((_γ) * (_rx)) - ((_β) * (_rz))))\n set [_z v] to ((_z) + (((_β) * (_ry)) - ((_α) * (_rx))))\nelse\n set [_x v] to [0]\n set [_y v] to [0]\n set [_z v] to [0]\nend\nset [_tmp2 v] to ((-1) * ((((@player_x_vel) - (_x)) * (nx)) + ((((@player_y_vel) - (_y)) * (ny)) + (((@player_z_vel) - (_z)) * (nz)))))\nif <(_tmp2) > [0]> then\n add (item (_*obj) of [gameobjects v]) to [@player forces v]\n add (*prim) to [@player forces v]\n set [_restitution v] to (item ((item ((*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v]) + (8)) of [materials v])\n add (((1) + ((_restitution) * (1.15))) * ((_tmp2) * (nx))) to [@player forces v]\n add (((1) + ((_restitution) * (1.15))) * ((_tmp2) * (ny))) to [@player forces v]\n add (((1) + ((_restitution) * (1.15))) * ((_tmp2) * (nz))) to [@player forces v]\nend\nset [_tmp2 v] to ((-1) * ((((_player_x_vel_physical) - (_x)) * (nx)) + ((((_player_y_vel_physical) - (_y)) * (ny)) + (((_player_z_vel_physical) - (_z)) * (nz)))))\nadd tangential forces (((_player_x_vel_physical) - (_x)) + ((_tmp2) * (nx))) (((_player_y_vel_physical) - (_y)) + ((_tmp2) * (ny))) (((_player_z_vel_physical) - (_z)) + ((_tmp2) * (nz))) ((_tmp2) * (nx)) ((_tmp2) * (ny)) ((_tmp2) * (nz)) *prim (*prim)\n\ndefine _tmp = vec_length ( (x) (y) )\nset [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((x) * (x)) + ((y) * (y))) )\n\ndefine _tmp = clamp ( (value) (min) (max) )\nif <(value) < (min)> then\n set [_tmp v] to (min)\nelse\n if <(value) > (max)> then\n set [_tmp v] to (max)\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (value)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Add collision and pos. correction if min TOI (A= Closest pt polygon, B= closest pt sphere: Ax-Bx (ax-bx) Ay-By (ay-by) Az-Bz (az-bz) sphere Centre: (cx) (cy) (cz) )\nset [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((ax-bx) * (ax-bx)) + (((ay-by) * (ay-by)) + ((az-bz) * (az-bz)))) )\nif <(_tmp) > [0]> then\n if <(_tmp) > (@penetration_thresh)> then\n set [_new_sphere_x v] to ((cx) + (ax-bx))\n set [_new_sphere_y v] to ((cy) + (ay-by))\n set [_new_sphere_z v] to ((cz) + (az-bz))\n else\n set [_new_sphere_x v] to (cx)\n set [_new_sphere_y v] to (cy)\n set [_new_sphere_z v] to (cz)\n end\n set [_tmp2 v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((_new_sphere_x) - (_b_x_old)) * ((_new_sphere_x) - (_b_x_old))) + ((((_new_sphere_y) - (_b_y_old)) * ((_new_sphere_y) - (_b_y_old))) + (((_new_sphere_z) - (_b_z_old)) * ((_new_sphere_z) - (_b_z_old))))) )\n add (_tmp2) to [_collision_candidates v]\n if <(_tmp2) < (_min_toi_val)> then\n set [_min_toi_idx v] to (length of [_collision_candidates v])\n set [_min_toi_val v] to (_tmp2)\n end\n add (_new_sphere_x) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (_new_sphere_y) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (_new_sphere_z) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (ax-bx) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (ay-by) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (az-bz) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (_tmp) to [_collision_candidates v]\n add (_*prim) to [_collision_candidates v]\nend\n\ndefine add tangential forces (vtx) (vty) (vtz) (nx) (ny) (nz) *prim (*prim)\nset [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((nx) * (nx)) + (((ny) * (ny)) + ((nz) * (nz)))) )\nset [_tmp2 v] to ([sqrt v] of (((vtx) * (vtx)) + (((vty) * (vty)) + ((vtz) * (vtz)))) )\nadd (join [t:] (item (item ((*prim) + (@enum p:*OBJECT)) of [primitives v]) of [gameobjects v])) to [@player forces v]\nadd (join [t:] (*prim)) to [@player forces v]\nif <([abs v] of (_tmp2) ) > ((_µ) * (_tmp))> then\n set [_tmp v] to (((_µ) * (_tmp)) / ([abs v] of (_tmp2) ))\n add ((-1) * ((vtx) * (_tmp))) to [@player forces v]\n add ((-1) * ((vty) * (_tmp))) to [@player forces v]\n add ((-1) * ((vtz) * (_tmp))) to [@player forces v]\nelse\n add (((-1) * (vtx)) * (_µ)) to [@player forces v]\n add (((-1) * (vty)) * (_µ)) to [@player forces v]\n add (((-1) * (vtz)) * (_µ)) to [@player forces v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [physics v]\nif <(@edit_mode?) = [0]> then\n physics\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [_counter v] to [0]\nhide\nswitch costume to (force v)\ndelete all of [@player forces v]\nset [_player_x_vel_physical v] to [0]\nset [_player_y_vel_physical v] to [0]\nset [_player_z_vel_physical v] to [0]\nset [_player_x_vel_controlled v] to [0]\nset [_player_y_vel_controlled v] to [0]\nset [_player_z_vel_controlled v] to [0]\ndelete all of [_debug v]\ndelete all of [@player_forces_controlled v]\nrepeat (3)\n add [0] to [@player_forces_controlled v]\nend\n\ndefine _Collision = sphere-polygon collision test ( *prim (*prim) Normal (nx) (ny) (nz) sphere (x) (y) (z) (r) )\ndelete all of [_collision v]\ndelete all of [idxs_tmp v]\nset [_tmp v] to (item (*prim) of [primitives v])\nif <(_tmp) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) of [idxs_poly v])\nelse\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\nend\nset [_dist_to_plane v] to ((((x) - (item (_tmp2) of [vertex_world v])) * (nx)) + ((((y) - (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [vertex_world v])) * (ny)) + (((z) - (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [vertex_world v])) * (nz))))\nif <([abs v] of (_dist_to_plane) ) > (r)> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(_tmp) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n add (item (_tmp) of [idxs_poly v]) to [idxs_tmp v]\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\n repeat until <(_tmp) = (item ((*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])>\n add (item (_tmp) of [idxs_poly v]) to [idxs_tmp v]\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [idxs_poly v])\n end\nelse\n set [i v] to [1]\n repeat ((<(_tmp) = [POINT]> * (1)) + ((<(_tmp) = [LINE]> * (2)) + ((<(_tmp) = [TRIANGLE]> * (3)) + (<(_tmp) = [QUAD]> * (4)))))\n add (item ((*prim) + (i)) of [primitives v]) to [idxs_tmp v]\n change [i v] by (1)\n end\nend\ndelete all of [_poly v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [idxs_tmp v])\n add (item (item (i) of [idxs_tmp v]) of [vertex_world v]) to [_poly v]\n add (item ((item (i) of [idxs_tmp v]) + (1)) of [vertex_world v]) to [_poly v]\n add (item ((item (i) of [idxs_tmp v]) + (2)) of [vertex_world v]) to [_poly v]\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\n_intersects,_edge_idx,_x,_y,_z, = testPolygonEdgeSphereIntersection (sphere x (x) y (y) z (z) r (r) )\nif <(_intersects?) = [0]> then\n set [_x v] to ((x) - ((_dist_to_plane) * (nx)))\n set [_y v] to ((y) - ((_dist_to_plane) * (ny)))\n set [_z v] to ((z) - ((_dist_to_plane) * (nz)))\n set [_edge_idx v] to [NULL]\n set [i v] to (length of [_poly v])\n if <([abs v] of (ny) ) > (@coplanar_thresh)> then\n repeat ((length of [_poly v]) / (3))\n delete ((i) - (1)) of [_poly v]\n change [i v] by (-3)\n end\n _intersects = PointInPolygon ( (_x) (_z) )\n else\n if <([abs v] of (nz) ) > (@coplanar_thresh)> then\n repeat ((length of [_poly v]) / (3))\n delete (i) of [_poly v]\n change [i v] by (-3)\n end\n _intersects = PointInPolygon ( (_x) (_y) )\n else\n repeat ((length of [_poly v]) / (3))\n delete ((i) - (2)) of [_poly v]\n change [i v] by (-3)\n end\n _intersects = PointInPolygon ( (_y) (_z) )\n end\n end\n if <(_intersects?) = [1]> then\n add (_x) to [_collision v]\n add (_y) to [_collision v]\n add (_z) to [_collision v]\n set [_tmp v] to ((r) * (([abs v] of (_dist_to_plane) ) / (_dist_to_plane)))\n add ((x) - ((_tmp) * (nx))) to [_collision v]\n add ((y) - ((_tmp) * (ny))) to [_collision v]\n add ((z) - ((_tmp) * (nz))) to [_collision v]\n end\nelse\n add (_x) to [_collision v]\n add (_y) to [_collision v]\n add (_z) to [_collision v]\n set [_x v] to ((x) - (_x))\n set [_y v] to ((y) - (_y))\n set [_y v] to ((z) - (_z))\n set [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of (((_x) * (_x)) + (((_y) * (_y)) + ((_z) * (_z)))) )\n add ((x) + (((_x) / (_tmp)) * (r))) to [_collision v]\n add ((y) + (((_y) / (_tmp)) * (r))) to [_collision v]\n add ((z) + (((_z) / (_tmp)) * (r))) to [_collision v]\nend\nif <(_intersects?) = [1]> then\n add (_t) to [_collision v]\n add (_edge_idx) to [_collision v]\n add (_dist_to_plane) to [_collision v]\nend\n\ndefine _intersects = PointInPolygon ( (cx) (cy) )\nif <(length of [_poly v]) = [6]> then\n _intersects = PointInTri (cx) (cy) (item (1) of [_poly v]) (item (2) of [_poly v]) (item (3) of [_poly v]) (item (4) of [_poly v]) (item (5) of [_poly v]) (item (6) of [_poly v])\nelse\n if <(length of [_poly v]) < [15]> then\n _intersects = PointInPoly (method1) ( (cx) (cy) )\n else\n set [_low v] to [1]\n set [_high v] to ((length of [_poly v]) + (1))\n repeat until <((_low) + (2)) = (_high)>\n set [_mid v] to (((round ((((_low) + (_high)) + (2)) / (4))) * (2)) - (1))\n set [_tmp v] to ((((cx) - (item (1) of [_poly v])) * ((item ((_mid) + (1)) of [_poly v]) - (item (2) of [_poly v]))) - (((item (_mid) of [_poly v]) - (item (1) of [_poly v])) * ((cy) - (item (2) of [_poly v]))))\n if <(_tmp) < [0]> then\n set [_low v] to (_mid)\n else\n set [_high v] to (_mid)\n end\n end\n if <<(_low) = [1]> or <(_high) = ((length of [_poly v]) + (1))>> then\n set [_intersects? v] to [0]\n else\n set [_intersects? v] to <(((cx) - (item (_low) of [_poly v])) * ((item ((_high) + (1)) of [_poly v]) - (item ((_low) + (1)) of [_poly v]))) < (((item (_high) of [_poly v]) - (item (_low) of [_poly v])) * ((cy) - (item ((_low) + (1)) of [_poly v])))>\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine _x,_y,_z,_t,_intersects = IntersectionLineSegmentSphere( segment AB (ax) (ay) (az) (bx) (by) (bz) Sphere (cx) (cy) (cz) (cr) )\nset [_t v] to ((((((cx) - (ax)) * ((bx) - (ax))) + (((cy) - (ay)) * ((by) - (ay)))) + (((cz) - (az)) * ((bz) - (az)))) / ((((bx) - (ax)) * ((bx) - (ax))) + ((((by) - (ay)) * ((by) - (ay))) + (((bz) - (az)) * ((bz) - (az))))))\nset [_t v] to (<(_t) > [1]> + (<<not <(_t) < [0]>> and <not <(_t) > [1]>>> * (_t)))\nif <<not <(_t) < [0]>> and <(_t) < [1]>> then\n set [_x v] to ((ax) + ((_t) * ((bx) - (ax))))\n set [_y v] to ((ay) + ((_t) * ((by) - (ay))))\n set [_z v] to ((az) + ((_t) * ((bz) - (az))))\n set [_intersects? v] to <not <((((cx) - (_x)) * ((cx) - (_x))) + ((((cy) - (_y)) * ((cy) - (_y))) + (((cz) - (_z)) * ((cz) - (_z))))) > ((cr) * (cr))>>\nelse\n set [_intersects? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine _intersects = PointInTri (px) (py) (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) (cx) (cy)\nset [_tmp v] to <(((px) - (ax)) * ((by) - (ay))) < (((bx) - (ax)) * ((py) - (ay)))>\nif <<(((px) - (bx)) * ((cy) - (by))) < (((cx) - (bx)) * ((py) - (by)))> = (_tmp)> then\n set [_intersects? v] to <<(((px) - (cx)) * ((ay) - (cy))) < (((ax) - (cx)) * ((py) - (cy)))> = (_tmp)>\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_intersects? v] to [false]\n\ndefine start timing (timing label)\nif <[timings v] contains (timing label)?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [timings v] with (days since 2000)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v]) + (1))\nelse\n add (timing label) to [timings v]\n add (days since 2000) to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\nend\n\ndefine end timing (timing label)\nset [_tmp v] to (days since 2000)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\nreplace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v] with ((((86400) * ((_tmp) - (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [timings v]))) - ((3.71) / (1000000))) + (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v]))\n\ndefine physics\nstart timing [physics]\nchange [_counter v] by (1)\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [_delta_t v] to ((((30) / (@fps)) * <(@fps) > [6]>) + ((5) * <not <(@fps) > [6]>>))\nrepeat ((length of [@player forces v]) / (5))\n change [_player_x_vel_physical v] by (item ((i) + (2)) of [@player forces v])\n change [_player_y_vel_physical v] by (item ((i) + (3)) of [@player forces v])\n change [_player_z_vel_physical v] by (item ((i) + (4)) of [@player forces v])\n change [i v] by (5)\nend\nchange [_player_x_vel_controlled v] by (item (1) of [@player_forces_controlled v])\nchange [_player_y_vel_controlled v] by (item (2) of [@player_forces_controlled v])\nchange [_player_z_vel_controlled v] by (item (3) of [@player_forces_controlled v])\nset [@player_x_vel v] to (((_player_x_vel_controlled) * (_delta_t)) + (_player_x_vel_physical))\nset [@player_y_vel v] to (((_player_y_vel_controlled) * ((_delta_t) * (_delta_t))) + (_player_y_vel_physical))\nset [@player_z_vel v] to (((_player_z_vel_controlled) * (_delta_t)) + (_player_z_vel_physical))\nset [_tmp v] to ([10 ^ v] of (([log v] of (0.99) ) * (_delta_t)) )\nset [_player_x_vel_physical v] to ((_player_x_vel_physical) * (_tmp))\nset [_player_y_vel_physical v] to ((_player_y_vel_physical) * (_tmp))\nset [_player_z_vel_physical v] to ((_player_z_vel_physical) * (_tmp))\nset [_tmp v] to ([10 ^ v] of (([log v] of (0.5) ) * (_delta_t)) )\nset [_player_x_vel_controlled v] to ((_player_x_vel_controlled) * (_tmp))\nset [_player_y_vel_controlled v] to ((_player_y_vel_controlled) * (_tmp))\nset [_player_z_vel_controlled v] to ((_player_z_vel_controlled) * (_tmp))\nset [_µ v] to (((1) * <(@glide/walk) = [1]>) + ((@μ) * <(@glide/walk) = [0]>))\ndelete all of [@player forces v]\nset [_b_x_old v] to (@player_x)\nset [_b_y_old v] to (@player_y)\nset [_b_z_old v] to (@player_z)\nchange [@player_x v] by ((@player_x_vel) * (_delta_t))\nchange [@player_y v] by ((@player_y_vel) * (_delta_t))\nchange [@player_z v] by ((@player_z_vel) * (_delta_t))\nCollision Resolution: Detect all collisions and resolve collision with min Time Of Impact\nif <(length of [_collision_candidates v]) > [0]> then\n Collision Resolution: Resolve all remaining collisions in random order\nend\nset_inv_rot_matrix ( ([cos v] of (@W_roll) ) ([sin v] of (@W_roll) ) ([cos v] of (@W_pitch) ) ([sin v] of (@W_pitch) ) ([cos v] of (@W_yaw) ) ([sin v] of (@W_yaw) ) )\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( [0] (@gravity) [0] )\nadd [gravity] to [@player forces v]\nadd [] to [@player forces v]\nadd ((_x) * (_delta_t)) to [@player forces v]\nadd ((_y) * (_delta_t)) to [@player forces v]\nadd ((_z) * (_delta_t)) to [@player forces v]\nget primitive below player\nend timing [physics]\n\ndefine _intersects = PointInPoly (method1) ( (px) (py) )\nset [_tmp v] to <(((px) - (item (1) of [_poly v])) * ((item (4) of [_poly v]) - (item (2) of [_poly v]))) > (((py) - (item (2) of [_poly v])) * ((item (3) of [_poly v]) - (item (1) of [_poly v])))>\nset [i v] to [3]\nrepeat (((length of [_poly v]) / (2)) - (1))\n if <not <<(((px) - (item (i) of [_poly v])) * ((item ((((i) + (2)) mod (length of [_poly v])) + (1)) of [_poly v]) - (item ((i) + (1)) of [_poly v]))) > (((py) - (item ((i) + (1)) of [_poly v])) * ((item ((((i) + (1)) mod (length of [_poly v])) + (1)) of [_poly v]) - (item (i) of [_poly v])))> = (_tmp)>> then\n set [_intersects? v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\nset [_intersects? v] to [1]\n\ndefine sphere-bounded polygon test ( sphere (x) (y) (z) (r) poly bounding-sphere (x2) (y2) (z2) (r2) )\nif <([sqrt v] of ((((x) - (x2)) * ((x) - (x2))) + ((((y) - (y2)) * ((y) - (y2))) + (((z) - (z2)) * ((z) - (z2))))) ) < ((r) + (r2))> then\n set [_*normal v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n _Collision = sphere-polygon collision test ( *prim (_*prim) Normal (item (_*normal) of [normal_world v]) (item ((_*normal) + (1)) of [normal_world v]) (item ((_*normal) + (2)) of [normal_world v]) sphere (x) (y) (z) (r) )\n if <(length of [_collision v]) > [0]> then\n Add collision and pos. correction if min TOI (A= Closest pt polygon, B= closest pt sphere: Ax-Bx ((item (1) of [_collision v]) - (item (4) of [_collision v])) Ay-By ((item (2) of [_collision v]) - (item (5) of [_collision v])) Az-Bz ((item (3) of [_collision v]) - (item (6) of [_collision v])) sphere Centre: (x) (y) (z) )\n change [_num_collisions v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine set_inv_rot_matrix ( (cos γ) (sin γ) (cos β) (sin β) (cos α) (sin α) )\nset [_rm1 v] to (((cos α) * (cos γ)) - ((sin α) * ((sin β) * (sin γ))))\nset [_rm2 v] to ((((sin α) * (sin β)) * (cos γ)) + ((cos α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm3 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin α)))\nset [_rm4 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm5 v] to ((cos β) * (cos γ))\nset [_rm6 v] to (sin β)\nset [_rm7 v] to ((((cos α) * (sin β)) * (sin γ)) + ((sin α) * (cos γ)))\nset [_rm8 v] to (((sin α) * (sin γ)) - ((cos α) * ((sin β) * (cos γ))))\nset [_rm9 v] to ((cos α) * (cos β))\n\ndefine _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (x) (y) (z) )\nset [_x v] to ((((x) * (_rm1)) + ((y) * (_rm2))) + ((z) * (_rm3)))\nset [_y v] to (((x) * (_rm4)) + (((y) * (_rm5)) + ((z) * (_rm6))))\nset [_z v] to (((x) * (_rm7)) + (((y) * (_rm8)) + ((z) * (_rm9))))\n\ndefine get primitive below player\nset [@ground_force v] to [0]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [@player forces v]) / (5))\n set [_tmp v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((item ((i) + (2)) of [@player forces v]) * (item ((i) + (2)) of [@player forces v])) + ((item ((i) + (3)) of [@player forces v]) * (item ((i) + (3)) of [@player forces v]))) + ((item ((i) + (4)) of [@player forces v]) * (item ((i) + (4)) of [@player forces v]))) )\n if <(_tmp) > [0.002]> then\n set [_tmp2 v] to ((item ((i) + (3)) of [@player forces v]) / (_tmp))\n if <(_tmp2) > (@ground_force)> then\n set [@ground_force v] to (_tmp2)\n set [@ground_force_label v] to (item ((i) + (1)) of [@player forces v])\n end\n end\n change [i v] by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [physics.set_zero_velocity v]\nset [_player_x_vel_controlled v] to [0]\nset [_player_y_vel_controlled v] to [0]\nset [_player_z_vel_controlled v] to [0]\nset [_player_x_vel_physical v] to [0]\nset [_player_y_vel_physical v] to [0]\nset [_player_z_vel_physical v] to [0]\nset [@player_x_vel v] to [0]\nset [@player_y_vel v] to [0]\nset [@player_z_vel v] to [0]\n\ndefine _intersects,_edge_idx,_x,_y,_z, = testPolygonEdgeSphereIntersection (sphere x (x) y (y) z (z) r (r) )\nset [j v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [_poly v]) / (3))\n set [i v] to (j)\n set [j v] to ((((i) + (2)) mod (length of [_poly v])) + (1))\n _x,_y,_z,_t,_intersects = IntersectionLineSegmentSphere( segment AB (item (i) of [_poly v]) (item ((i) + (1)) of [_poly v]) (item ((i) + (2)) of [_poly v]) (item (j) of [_poly v]) (item ((j) + (1)) of [_poly v]) (item ((j) + (2)) of [_poly v]) Sphere (x) (y) (z) [] )\n if <(_intersects?) = [1]> then\n set [_edge_idx v] to ((((i) - (1)) / (3)) + (1))\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Collision Resolution: Detect all collisions and resolve collision with min Time Of Impact\nset [_px v] to ((@player_x) - (_b_x_old))\nset [_py v] to ((@player_y) - (_b_y_old))\nset [_pz v] to ((@player_z) - (_b_z_old))\nset [_squared_dist v] to (((_px) * (_px)) + (((_py) * (_py)) + ((_pz) * (_pz))))\nset [_use_anti_tunneling v] to <(_squared_dist) > ((@player_r) * (@player_r))>\nset [_num_collisions v] to [0]\nset [_mtl_tex_id v] to (item # of [MTL_TEX] in [materials v])\ndelete all of [_collision v]\ndelete all of [_collision_candidates v]\nobject level collision check\nprim level collision check\nif <(length of [_collision_candidates v]) > [0]> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_min_toi_idx) + (7)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n if <(_tmp) > (@penetration_thresh)> then\n set [@player_x v] to (item ((_min_toi_idx) + (1)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n set [@player_y v] to (item ((_min_toi_idx) + (2)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n set [@player_z v] to (item ((_min_toi_idx) + (3)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n end\n add collision forces (normal: ((item ((_min_toi_idx) + (4)) of [_collision_candidates v]) / (_tmp)) ((item ((_min_toi_idx) + (5)) of [_collision_candidates v]) / (_tmp)) ((item ((_min_toi_idx) + (6)) of [_collision_candidates v]) / (_tmp)) *prim (item ((_min_toi_idx) + (8)) of [_collision_candidates v]) )\n repeat (9)\n delete (_min_toi_idx) of [_collision_candidates v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Collision Resolution: Resolve all remaining collisions in random order\ndelete all of [_collision_candidates_*prims v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [_collision_candidates v]) / (9))\n add (item ((i) + (8)) of [_collision_candidates v]) to [_collision_candidates_*prims v]\n change [i v] by (9)\nend\ndelete all of [_collision_candidates v]\nrepeat until <(length of [_collision_candidates_*prims v]) = [0]>\n set [_*prim v] to (item (1) of [_collision_candidates_*prims v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v])\n sphere-bounded polygon test ( sphere (@player_x) (@player_y) (@player_z) (@player_r) poly bounding-sphere (item (_tmp) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]) )\n delete (1) of [_collision_candidates_*prims v]\n if <(length of [_collision v]) > [0]> then\n set [i v] to ((length of [_collision_candidates v]) - (8))\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((i) + (7)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n if <(_tmp) > (@penetration_thresh)> then\n set [@player_x v] to (item ((i) + (1)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n set [@player_y v] to (item ((i) + (2)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n set [@player_z v] to (item ((i) + (3)) of [_collision_candidates v])\n end\n add collision forces (normal: ((item ((i) + (4)) of [_collision_candidates v]) / (_tmp)) ((item ((i) + (5)) of [_collision_candidates v]) / (_tmp)) ((item ((i) + (6)) of [_collision_candidates v]) / (_tmp)) *prim (item ((i) + (8)) of [_collision_candidates v]) )\n end\nend\n\ndefine object level collision check\ndelete all of [_collision_candidates_*prims v]\nset [_*obj v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [gameobjects v])\n if <<not <(_*obj) = (@*player_obj)>> and <(item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:HIDDEN?)) of [gameobjects v]) = [0]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_x v] to (item (_tmp) of [bsphere_world v])\n set [_y v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v])\n set [_z v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v])\n if <(_use_anti_tunneling) = [1]> then\n set [_t v] to (((((_x) - (_b_x_old)) * (_px)) + ((((_y) - (_b_y_old)) * (_py)) + (((_z) - (_b_z_old)) * (_pz)))) / (_squared_dist))\n set [_t v] to (((((_t) * <(_t) > [0]>) * <(_t) < [1]>) + <not <(_t) < [1]>>) - ((0.01) * <(_t) > [0.01]>))\n set [_x2 v] to ((_b_x_old) + ((_px) * (_t)))\n set [_y2 v] to ((_b_y_old) + ((_py) * (_t)))\n set [_z2 v] to ((_b_z_old) + ((_pz) * (_t)))\n set [_tmp v] to <([sqrt v] of ((((_x2) - (_x)) * ((_x2) - (_x))) + ((((_y2) - (_y)) * ((_y2) - (_y))) + (((_z2) - (_z)) * ((_z2) - (_z))))) ) < ((@player_r) + (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]))>\n else\n set [_tmp v] to <([sqrt v] of ((((@player_x) - (_x)) * ((@player_x) - (_x))) + ((((@player_y) - (_y)) * ((@player_y) - (_y))) + (((@player_z) - (_z)) * ((@player_z) - (_z))))) ) < ((@player_r) + (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]))>\n end\n if <(_tmp) = [1]> then\n set [j v] to (item ((_*obj) + (@enum o:**PLEFT)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*obj) + ((@enum o:**PLEFT) + (1))) of [gameobjects v])\n repeat until <<(j) = (_tmp)> or <(j) = [null]>>\n set [_*prim v] to (item (j) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n if <<not <(item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v]) = [null]>> and <(item ((item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v]) + (6)) of [materials v]) = [0]>> then\n add (_*prim) to [_collision_candidates_*prims v]\n end\n set [j v] to (item ((j) + (1)) of [gameobjects._*prims v])\n end\n end\n end\n change [_*obj v] by (@enum o:SIZE)\nend\n\ndefine prim level collision check\nset [_min_toi_val v] to ((1) / (0))\nset [_candidate_idx v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [_collision_candidates_*prims v])\n set [_*prim v] to (item (_candidate_idx) of [_collision_candidates_*prims v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:*BSPHERE)) of [primitives v])\n if <(_use_anti_tunneling) = [1]> then\n if <(item (_*prim) of [primitives v]) = [POLYGON]> then\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item (item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v]) of [idxs_poly v])\n else\n set [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_*prim) + (1)) of [primitives v])\n end\n set [_tmp3 v] to (item ((_*prim) + (@enum p:NORMAL)) of [primitives v])\n set [_nx v] to (item (_tmp3) of [normal_world v])\n set [_ny v] to (item ((_tmp3) + (1)) of [normal_world v])\n set [_nz v] to (item ((_tmp3) + (2)) of [normal_world v])\n set [_t v] to (((((item (_tmp2) of [vertex_world v]) - (_b_x_old)) * (_Nx)) + ((((item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [vertex_world v]) - (_b_y_old)) * (_Ny)) + (((item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [vertex_world v]) - (_b_z_old)) * (_Nz)))) / (((_Nx) * ((@player_x) - (_b_x_old))) + (((_Ny) * ((@player_y) - (_b_y_old))) + ((_Nz) * ((@player_z) - (_b_z_old))))))\n set [_t v] to (((((_t) * <(_t) > [0]>) * <(_t) < [1]>) + <not <(_t) < [1]>>) - ((0.01) * <(_t) > [0.01]>))\n set [_prev_len v] to (length of [_collision v])\n sphere-bounded polygon test ( sphere ((_b_x_old) + (((@player_x) - (_b_x_old)) * (_t))) ((_b_y_old) + (((@player_y) - (_b_y_old)) * (_t))) ((_b_z_old) + (((@player_z) - (_b_z_old)) * (_t))) (@player_r) poly bounding-sphere (item (_tmp) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]) )\n else\n sphere-bounded polygon test ( sphere (@player_x) (@player_y) (@player_z) (@player_r) poly bounding-sphere (item (_tmp) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v]) (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]) )\n end\n change [_candidate_idx v] by (1)\nend\nif <<((@player_y) - (@player_r)) < (@ground_y)> and <(@ground_plane?) = [1]>> then\n set [_*prim v] to [ground]\n Add collision and pos. correction if min TOI (A= Closest pt polygon, B= closest pt sphere: Ax-Bx [0] Ay-By ((@ground_y) - ((@player_y) - (@player_r))) Az-Bz [0] sphere Centre: (@player_x) (@player_y) (@player_z) )\nend\n\n@Logic\n\ndefine Controllers.targetGameObjWithOffset ( object name (object name) offset (tx) (ty) (tz) interpolate movement? <lerp?>\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (object name) in [gameobjects v])\nif <not <(_*obj) = [0]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to [0.4]\n set_inv_rot_matrix ( ([cos v] of (@C_roll) ) ([sin v] of (@C_roll) ) ([cos v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([sin v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([cos v] of (@C_yaw) ) ([sin v] of (@C_yaw) ) )\n _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (tx) (ty) (tz) )\n set [@camx v] to (((@camX) * ((1) - (_tmp))) + (((item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]) + (_x)) * (_tmp)))\n set [@camy v] to (((@camY) * ((1) - (_tmp))) + (((item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]) + (_y)) * (_tmp)))\n set [@camz v] to (((@camZ) * ((1) - (_tmp))) + (((item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]) + (_z)) * (_tmp)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@show_mobile_control_button? v] to [1]\nreset timer\ndelete all of [_mouse_pos v]\nrepeat (2)\n add [0] to [_mouse_pos v]\nend\nhide\nset [_w_xrot v] to [0]\nset [_w_yrot v] to [0]\nset [_rot_velx v] to [0]\nset [_rot_vely v] to [0]\nset [_rot_velz v] to [0]\nset [_velyaw v] to [0]\nset [_velpitch v] to [0]\nset [_sound_start_time v] to [0]\nset [_current_sound_duration v] to [0]\nset [@splashscreenvisible? v] to [1]\nset [@tutorial_popup v] to [1]\nset [_prev_shadows? v] to (@shadows?)\nset [_time_mouse_down v] to (days since 2000)\nset [_button_activated v] to [0]\nset [_jump? v] to [0]\nset volume to (80) %\nstart sound [Splash intro v]\n\nwhen I receive [game logic v]\nlogic\n\ndefine Play Logic\nControllers.playerController ( speed [1] jump height [1.6] glide/walk mode \nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n reset player\nend\nif <(_has_started?) = [0]> then\n if <(([abs v] of (item (1) of [@player_forces_controlled v]) ) + (([abs v] of (item (2) of [@player_forces_controlled v]) ) + ([abs v] of (item (3) of [@player_forces_controlled v]) ))) > [0]> then\n set [_has_started? v] to [1]\n set [_start_time v] to (days since 2000)\n end\nend\nif <key (any v) pressed?> then\n set [@mobile_controls v] to [0]\n set [@show_mobile_control_button? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.transform ( object name (obj) translate (x) (y) (z) rotate (α) (β) (γ) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nGameObjects.set_updated ( (_*obj) )\nreplace item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with ((item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]) + (x))\nreplace item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v] with ((item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]) + (y))\nreplace item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v] with ((item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]) + (z))\nreplace item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v] with (((item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v]) + (α)) mod (360))\nreplace item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v] with (((item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v]) + (β)) mod (360))\nreplace item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v] with (((item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v]) + (γ)) mod (360))\n\ndefine start timing (timing label)\nif <[timings v] contains (timing label)?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [timings v] with (days since 2000)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v]) + (1))\nelse\n add (timing label) to [timings v]\n add (days since 2000) to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\nend\nif <(timer) = [5]> then\n delete all of [timings v]\nend\n\ndefine end timing (timing label)\nset [_tmp v] to (days since 2000)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\nreplace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v] with ((((86400) * ((_tmp) - (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [timings v]))) - ((3.71) / (1000000))) + (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v]))\n\ndefine _tmp = atan2 (y) (x)\nset [_tmp v] to (([atan v] of ((y) / (x)) ) + ((180) * <(x) < [0]>))\n\ndefine set_inv_rot_matrix ( (cos γ) (sin γ) (cos β) (sin β) (cos α) (sin α) )\nset [_rm1 v] to (((cos α) * (cos γ)) - ((sin α) * ((sin β) * (sin γ))))\nset [_rm2 v] to ((((sin α) * (sin β)) * (cos γ)) + ((cos α) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm3 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin α)))\nset [_rm4 v] to ((-1) * ((cos β) * (sin γ)))\nset [_rm5 v] to ((cos β) * (cos γ))\nset [_rm6 v] to (sin β)\nset [_rm7 v] to ((((cos α) * (sin β)) * (sin γ)) + ((sin α) * (cos γ)))\nset [_rm8 v] to (((sin α) * (sin γ)) - ((cos α) * ((sin β) * (cos γ))))\nset [_rm9 v] to ((cos α) * (cos β))\n\ndefine _x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (x) (y) (z) )\nset [_x v] to ((((x) * (_rm1)) + ((y) * (_rm2))) + ((z) * (_rm3)))\nset [_y v] to (((x) * (_rm4)) + (((y) * (_rm5)) + ((z) * (_rm6))))\nset [_z v] to (((x) * (_rm7)) + (((y) * (_rm8)) + ((z) * (_rm9))))\n\ndefine Edit logic\nControllers.freeLook ()\n\ndefine Controllers.freeLook ()\nset [_rot_velx v] to ((_rot_velX) * (0.6))\nset [_rot_vely v] to ((_rot_velY) * (0.6))\nset [_rot_velz v] to ((_rot_velZ) * (0.6))\nset [_dx v] to ((<key (d v) pressed?> - <key (a v) pressed?>) * (0.1))\nset [_dy v] to ((<key (e v) pressed?> - <key (q v) pressed?>) * (0.1))\nset [_dz v] to ((<key (w v) pressed?> - <key (s v) pressed?>) * (0.1))\n_dx, _dy, _dz = Controllers.xyz movement in cam direction ( (_dx) (_dy) (_dz) )\nchange [_rot_velx v] by (_dx)\nchange [_rot_vely v] by (_dy)\nchange [_rot_velz v] by (_dz)\nControllers.camera_rotation()\nchange [@camx v] by (_rot_velX)\nchange [@camy v] by (_rot_velY)\nchange [@camz v] by (_rot_velZ)\nset [@player_x v] to (@camX)\nset [@player_y v] to (@camY)\nset [@player_z v] to (@camZ)\n\ndefine logic\nstart timing [Logic]\nif <<<mouse down?> and <([_prev_mouse_down? v] of [gui v]) = [0]>> and <(_using_joystick?) = [0]>> then\n replace item (1) of [_mouse_pos v] with (mouse x)\n replace item (2) of [_mouse_pos v] with (mouse y)\nend\nif <not <(_prev_shadows?) = (@shadows?)>> then\n if <(@shadows?) = [1]> then\n broadcast (generate shadows v)\n else\n broadcast (destroy shadows v)\n end\nend\nif <(@splashScreenVisible?) = [1]> then\n if <<<(timer) > [3]> and <(@rendering_active?) = [1]>> or <<(@rendering_active?) = [1]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n set [@splashscreenvisible? v] to [0]\n stop all sounds\n if <(@edit_mode?) = [0]> then\n broadcast (start game v)\n end\n end\nend\ndelete all of [interactions v]\ndelete all of [@updated_objects v]\ndelete all of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\nif <(@edit_mode?) = [1]> then\n if <<key (p v) pressed?> and <not <[_prev_keys_down v] contains [p]?>>> then\n set [@edit_mode? v] to [0]\n broadcast (start game v)\n else\n Edit logic\n end\nelse\n if <<key (p v) pressed?> and <not <[_prev_keys_down v] contains [p]?>>> then\n set [@edit_mode? v] to [1]\n broadcast (stop music v)\n else\n Play Logic\n end\nend\nPlay and Edit Logic\nif <[@updated_objects v] contains (@*player_obj)?> then\n delete (item # of (@*player_obj) in [@updated_objects v]) of [@updated_objects v]\nend\nif <not <(@*player_obj) = [0]>> then\n GameObjects.set_updated ( (@*player_obj) )\nend\nstore prev_frame keys down\nset [_prev_shadows? v] to (@shadows?)\nend timing [Logic]\n\ndefine GameObjects.setPosition ( object name (obj) position (x) (y) (z) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nset [_x v] to <<not <(x) = []>> and <not <(x) = (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])>>>\nset [_y v] to <<not <(y) = []>> and <not <(y) = (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])>>>\nset [_z v] to <<not <(z) = []>> and <not <(z) = (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])>>>\nif <<<(_x) = [1]> or <(_y) = [1]>> or <(_z) = [1]>> then\n GameObjects.set_updated ( (_*obj) )\nend\nif <not <(x) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v] with (x)\nend\nif <not <(y) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v] with (y)\nend\nif <not <(z) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v] with (z)\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.setRotation ( object name (obj) rotation (yaw, pitch, roll) (α) (β) (γ) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nGameObjects.set_updated ( (_*obj) )\nif <not <(α) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v] with (α)\nend\nif <not <(β) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v] with (β)\nend\nif <not <(γ) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v] with (γ)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [init gameobject transforms v]\nGameObjects.setup()\n\ndefine store prev_frame keys down\ndelete all of [_prev_keys_down v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [_keys v])\n set [_tmp v] to (item (i) of [_keys v])\n if <key ((_tmp) v) pressed?> then\n add (_tmp) to [_prev_keys_down v]\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\nif <mouse down?> then\n add [mouse] to [_prev_keys_down v]\nend\n\ndefine Controllers.playerController ( speed (speed) jump height (jump height) glide/walk mode <glide/walk>\nControllers.camera_rotation()\nif <[gameobjects v] contains [Player]?> then\n GameObjects.setPosition ( object name [Player] position (@player_x) (@player_y) (@player_z) )\n Controllers.targetGameObjWithOffset ( object name [Player] offset [0] ((<(@first_person?) = [0]> * (0.4)) + (<(@first_person?) = [1]> * (0.6))) ((<(@first_person?) = [0]> * (@cam_z_offset)) + (<(@first_person?) = [1]> * (0))) interpolate movement? \nend\nif <(@mobile_controls) = [1]> then\n Controllers.joystick_movement()\nend\nControllers.movementControls ( speed (speed) glide/walk mode? <glide/walk> jump height (jump height) )\nif <(@ground_force) > [0]> then\n set [_start_height v] to (@player_y)\nend\nif <<not <(@*player_shadow_prim) = [0]>> and <not <(item ((@*player_shadow_prim) + (@enum p:SHAD_OFF_SCALE)) of [primitives v]) = []>>> then\n replace item ((@*player_shadow_prim) + (@enum p:SHAD_OFF_SCALE)) of [primitives v] with (((([abs v] of ((@player_y) - (_start_height)) ) + (@player_r)) * <(@ground_force) = [0]>) + (((@player_r) * (1.2)) * <not <(@ground_force) = [0]>>))\n replace item ((@*player_shadow_prim) + (@enum p:RADIUS)) of [primitives v] with ((((@player_r) * (((90) - ([atan v] of ((0.1) * ([abs v] of ((@player_y) - (_start_height)) )) )) / (90))) * <(@ground_force) = [0]>) + ((@player_r) * <not <(@ground_force) = [0]>>))\nend\nset [_prev_isgrounded? v] to (@ground_force)\n\ndefine _dx, _dy, _dz = Controllers.xyz movement in cam direction ( (x) (y) (z) )\nset [_dx v] to [0]\nset [_dy v] to [0]\nset [_dz v] to [0]\nset [_tmp v] to ((30) / (@fps))\nset_inv_rot_matrix ( ([cos v] of (@C_roll) ) ([sin v] of (@C_roll) ) ([cos v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([sin v] of (@C_pitch) ) ([cos v] of (@C_yaw) ) ([sin v] of (@C_yaw) ) )\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( (_tmp) [0] [0] )\nchange [_dx v] by ((x) * (_x))\nchange [_dy v] by ((x) * (_y))\nchange [_dz v] by ((x) * (_z))\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( [0] (_tmp) [0] )\nchange [_dx v] by ((y) * (_x))\nchange [_dy v] by ((y) * (_y))\nchange [_dz v] by ((y) * (_z))\n_x, _y, z = apply_rot_matrix ( [0] [0] ((-1) * (_tmp)) )\nchange [_dx v] by ((z) * (_x))\nchange [_dy v] by ((z) * (_y))\nchange [_dz v] by ((z) * (_z))\n\ndefine Controllers.camera_rotation()\nset [_tmp v] to ((30) / (@fps))\nset [_velyaw v] to ((_velYaw) * (0.6))\nset [_velpitch v] to ((_velPitch) * (0.6))\nif <<(_using_joystick?) = [0]> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [_velyaw v] to ((_velYaw) * (0.9))\n set [_velpitch v] to ((_velPitch) * (0.9))\n change [_velyaw v] by ((((mouse x) - (item (1) of [_mouse_pos v])) / (80)) * (_tmp))\n change [_velpitch v] by ((((mouse y) - (item (2) of [_mouse_pos v])) / (-80)) * (_tmp))\nelse\n change [_velyaw v] by ((<key (right arrow v) pressed?> - <key (left arrow v) pressed?>) * ((1.2) * (_tmp)))\n change [_velpitch v] by ((<key (down arrow v) pressed?> - <key (up arrow v) pressed?>) * ((1.2) * (_tmp)))\nend\nchange [@c_yaw v] by (_velYaw)\nchange [@c_pitch v] by (_velPitch)\nif <([abs v] of (@C_pitch) ) > [90]> then\n set [@c_pitch v] to (((@C_pitch) / ([abs v] of (@C_pitch) )) * (90))\nend\n\ndefine _interacted = Interactions.checkInteractionBetweenObjects ( object 1 name (obj1) object 2 name (obj2) interaction distance (dist) label (label) add to Interactions list? <add_to_list?>\nif <<not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj1)?>> or <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj2)?>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((item # of (obj1) in [gameobjects v]) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v])\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item ((item # of (obj2) in [gameobjects v]) + (@enum o:*BSPHERE)) of [gameobjects v])\nset [_x v] to (item ((_tmp) + (0)) of [bsphere_world v])\nset [_y v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v])\nset [_z v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v])\nset [_x2 v] to (item ((_tmp2) + (0)) of [bsphere_world v])\nset [_y2 v] to (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [bsphere_world v])\nset [_z2 v] to (item ((_tmp2) + (2)) of [bsphere_world v])\nset [_dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((_x) - (_x2)) * ((_x) - (_x2))) + ((((_y) - (_y2)) * ((_y) - (_y2))) + (((_z) - (_z2)) * ((_z) - (_z2))))) )\nset [_interacted v] to [0]\nif <(dist) = []> then\n if <(_dist) < ((item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]) + (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [bsphere_world v]))> then\n if <add_to_list?> then\n add (label) to [interactions v]\n add (_dist) to [interactions v]\n end\n set [_interacted v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n if <(_dist) < (dist)> then\n if <add_to_list?> then\n add (label) to [interactions v]\n add (_dist) to [interactions v]\n end\n set [_interacted v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GameState.new_state ( state label (lable) initial value (value) )\nadd (lable) to [gamestate v]\nadd (value) to [gamestate v]\n\ndefine GameObjects.setup()\nreset timer\n\ndefine Materials.setColour ( material name (mat) rgba (r) (g) (b) (a) )\nif <not <[materials v] contains (mat)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_tmp v] to (item # of (mat) in [materials v])\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item ((_tmp) + (4)) of [materials v])\nset [_a v] to ([floor v] of ((_tmp2) / (16777216)) )\nset [_tmp2 v] to ((_tmp2) mod (16777216))\nset [_r v] to ([floor v] of ((_tmp2) / (65536)) )\nset [_tmp2 v] to ((_tmp2) mod (65536))\nset [_g v] to ([floor v] of ((_tmp2) / (256)) )\nset [_b v] to ((_tmp2) mod (256))\nif <not <(a) = []>> then\n set [_a v] to (a)\nend\nif <not <(r) = []>> then\n set [_r v] to (r)\nend\nif <not <(g) = []>> then\n set [_g v] to (g)\nend\nif <not <(b) = []>> then\n set [_b v] to (b)\nend\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (4)) of [materials v] with (((round (_a)) * (16777216)) + (((round (_r)) * (65536)) + (((round (_g)) * (256)) + (round (_b)))))\nif <<(_r) > (_g)> and <(_r) > (_b)>> then\n replace item ((_tmp) + (5)) of [materials v] with ((_r) / (255))\nelse\n if <(_g) > (_b)> then\n replace item ((_tmp) + (5)) of [materials v] with ((_g) / (255))\n else\n replace item ((_tmp) + (5)) of [materials v] with ((_b) / (255))\n end\nend\n\ndefine _yaw, _pitch = euler angle from direction vector ( (dx) (dy) (dz) )\nset [_yaw v] to (((180) * <(dz) > [0]>) + ([atan v] of ((dx) / (dz)) ))\nset [_pitch v] to ([asin v] of ((dy) / ([sqrt v] of (((dx) * (dx)) + (((dy) * (dy)) + ((dz) * (dz)))) )) )\n\ndefine GameObjects.pointTowardsPosition ( object name (obj) Position (x) (y) (z) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\n_yaw, _pitch = euler angle from direction vector ( ((x) - (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])) ((y) - (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])) ((z) - (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])) )\nGameObjects.setRotation ( object name (obj) rotation (yaw, pitch, roll) (_yaw) (_pitch) [0] )\n\ndefine GameObjects.pointTowardsObject ( object 1 name (obj1) object 2 name (obj2) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj2)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj2) in [gameobjects v])\nGameObjects.pointTowardsPosition ( object name (obj1) Position (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]) (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]) (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]) )\n\ndefine GameObjects.move ( object name (obj) steps (steps) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\n_dx, _dy, _dz = direction vector from euler angle ( (item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v]) (item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v]) )\nGameObjects.transform ( object name (obj) translate ((_dx) * (steps)) ((_dy) * (steps)) ((_dz) * (steps)) rotate [] [] [] )\n\ndefine _dx, _dy, _dz = direction vector from euler angle ( (yaw) (pitch) )\nset [_dx v] to ((-1) * (([cos v] of (pitch) ) * ([sin v] of (yaw) )))\nset [_dy v] to ([sin v] of (pitch) )\nset [_dz v] to ((-1) * (([cos v] of (yaw) ) * ([cos v] of (pitch) )))\n\ndefine _dist = GameObjects.distanceBetween ( object 1 (obj1) object 2 (obj2) )\nif <<not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj1)?>> or <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj2)?>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj1) in [gameobjects v])\nset [_tmp v] to (item # of (obj2) in [gameobjects v])\nset [_x v] to ((item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]))\nset [_y v] to ((item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]))\nset [_z v] to ((item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]) - (item ((_tmp) + (4)) of [gameobjects v]))\nset [_dist v] to ([sqrt v] of (((_x) * (_x)) + (((_y) * (_y)) + ((_z) * (_z)))) )\n\ndefine _x, _y, _z = GameObjects.getPosition ( object name (obj) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nset [_x v] to (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])\nset [_y v] to (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])\nset [_z v] to (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])\n\ndefine Play and Edit Logic\nset [_time v] to (round ((((days since 2000) - (_start_time)) * (86400)) * (10)))\nGameObjects.setPosition ( object name [Platform 3] position [0.6] ((3.6) + ((1.8) * ([cos v] of ((timer) * (50)) ))) ((-5.2) + ((-1.4) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (50)) ))) )\nGameObjects.setRotation ( object name [Platform 5] rotation (yaw, pitch, roll) (([sin v] of ((timer) * (30)) ) * (90)) [] [] )\n_interacted = Interactions.checkInteractionBetweenObjects ( object 1 name [Player] object 2 name [Enemy] interaction distance [10] label [] add to Interactions list? <>\nif <(_interacted) = [1]> then\n GameObjects.pointTowardsPosition ( object name [Enemy] Position (@player_x) [] (@player_z) )\n GameObjects.setRotation ( object name [Enemy] rotation (yaw, pitch, roll) [] [0] [] )\n if <<([abs v] of ((@player_x) - (0)) ) < [1.25]> and <([abs v] of ((@player_z) - (-20)) ) < [1.85]>> then\n GameObjects.move ( object name [Enemy] steps ((0.04) * ([_delta_t v] of [physics v])) )\n end\nend\n_touching? = Interactions.playerIsTouching? ( object name [Spike 1] label [hazard] )\n_touching? = Interactions.playerIsTouching? ( object name [Spike 2] label [hazard] )\n_touching? = Interactions.playerIsTouching? ( object name [Enemy] label [hazard] )\nif <<[interactions v] contains [hazard]?> or <<(@player_y) < ((@ground_y) + (1))> and <(@edit_mode?) = [0]>>> then\n reset player\nend\n_touching? = Interactions.playerIsTouching? ( object name [End] label [] )\nif <<<(_touching?) = [1]> and <not <(has_won) = [1]>>> or <<key (9 v) pressed?> and <(username) = [Chrome_Cat]>>> then\n set [has_won v] to [1]\n start sound [win_sound v]\n hide list [tutorial link v]\n set [time v] to (_time)\n broadcast (SAVE TIME TO CLOUD v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nstart sound [game begin v]\nset [@game_start_time v] to (days since 2000)\nset [@music_name v] to [1]\nbroadcast (start music v)\nGameObjects.setup()\nif <[gameobjects v] contains [Player]?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of [Player] in [gameobjects v])\n set [@player_x v] to (item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [@player_y v] to (item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])\n set [@player_z v] to (item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])\nend\n\ndefine _touching? = Interactions.playerIsTouching? ( object name (obj) label (label) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<[@player forces v] contains (obj)?> or <[@player forces v] contains (join [t:] (obj))?>> then\n add (label) to [interactions v]\n add [touching] to [interactions v]\n set [_touching? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [_touching? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.setVisibility ( object name (obj) visible? <visible?> )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nreplace item ((item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v]) + (@enum o:HIDDEN?)) of [gameobjects v] with <not <visible?>>\n\ndefine GameObjects.setScale ( object name (obj) scale xyz (sx) (sy) (sz) )\nif <not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nGameObjects.set_updated ( (_*obj) )\nif <not <(sx) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (7)) of [gameobjects v] with (sx)\nend\nif <not <(sy) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (8)) of [gameobjects v] with (sy)\nend\nif <not <(sz) = []>> then\n replace item ((_*obj) + (9)) of [gameobjects v] with (sz)\nend\n\ndefine GameObjects.SetZeroVelocityUpdate ( object name (obj) )\nset [_*obj v] to (item # of (obj) in [gameobjects v])\nif <<not <[gameobjects v] contains (obj)?>> or <not <[@updated_objects_prev_ori v] contains (join [*obj:] (_*obj))?>>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [_tmp v] to (item # of (join [*obj:] (_*obj)) in [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v] with (item ((_*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v])\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v] with (item ((_*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v])\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (3)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v] with (item ((_*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v])\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (4)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v] with (item ((_*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v])\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (5)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v] with (item ((_*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v])\nreplace item ((_tmp) + (6)) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v] with (item ((_*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v])\n\nwhen I receive [start edit v]\nbroadcast (stop music v)\n\ndefine start timing (timing label)\nif <[timings v] contains (timing label)?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [timings v] with (days since 2000)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v]) + (1))\nelse\n add (timing label) to [timings v]\n add (days since 2000) to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\nend\n\ndefine end timing (timing label)\nset [_tmp v] to (days since 2000)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\nreplace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v] with ((((86400) * ((_tmp) - (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [timings v]))) - ((3.71) / (1000000))) + (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v]))\n\ndefine GameObjects.unset_updated( (*obj) )\nif <<<(*obj) > [0]> and <(*obj) < (length of [gameobjects v])>> and <[@updated_objects v] contains (*obj)?>> then\n delete (item # of (*obj) in [@updated_objects v]) of [@updated_objects v]\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (join [*obj:] (*obj)) in [@updated_objects_prev_ori v])\n repeat (8)\n delete (_tmp) of [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine GameState.setup()\ndelete all of [gamestate v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nset [has_won v] to [0]\nshow list [tutorial link v]\nset [_has_started? v] to [0]\nset [state:@game_won v] to []\nset [_using_joystick? v] to [0]\n\ndefine Controllers.movementControls ( speed (speed) glide/walk mode? <glide/walk> jump height (jump height) )\nset [_dy v] to [0]\nif <<(_using_joystick?) = [1]> and <(@mobile_controls) = [1]>> then\n set [_dx v] to (((mouse x) - (item (1) of [_mouse_pos v])) / (40))\n set [_dz v] to (((mouse y) - (item (2) of [_mouse_pos v])) / (40))\nelse\n set [_dx v] to (<key (d v) pressed?> - <key (a v) pressed?>)\n set [_dz v] to (<key (w v) pressed?> - <key (s v) pressed?>)\nend\nif <([abs v] of (@C_pitch) ) = [90]> then\n _dx, _dy, _dz = Controllers.xyz movement in cam direction ( (_dx) (_dz) (_dy) )\nelse\n _dx, _dy, _dz = Controllers.xyz movement in cam direction ( (_dx) (_dy) (_dz) )\nend\nset [_dy v] to [0]\nif <<(@mobile_controls) = [0]> or <([sqrt v] of (((_dx) * (_dx)) + ((_dz) * (_dz))) ) > [1]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to ((1) / ([sqrt v] of (((_dx) * (_dx)) + ((_dz) * (_dz))) ))\n set [_dx v] to ((_dx) * (_tmp))\n set [_dz v] to ((_dz) * (_tmp))\nend\nset [_dx v] to ((_dx) * ((speed) * ((1) / (190))))\nset [_dz v] to ((_dz) * ((speed) * ((1) / (190))))\nset [_dy v] to ((([atan v] of (@ground_force) ) / (45)) * ((jump height) * (((@gravity) * (-12.5)) * <<key (space v) pressed?> or <(_jump?) = [1]>>)))\ndelete all of [@player_forces_controlled v]\nadd [controller] to [@player forces v]\nadd [] to [@player forces v]\nif <glide/walk> then\n add [0] to [@player forces v]\n add (_dy) to [@player forces v]\n add [0] to [@player forces v]\n add ((_dx) * (7)) to [@player_forces_controlled v]\n add [0] to [@player_forces_controlled v]\n add ((_dz) * (7)) to [@player_forces_controlled v]\nelse\n add ((_dx) * (_tmp)) to [@player forces v]\n add (_dy) to [@player forces v]\n add ((_dz) * (_tmp)) to [@player forces v]\n add [0] to [@player_forces_controlled v]\n add [0] to [@player_forces_controlled v]\n add [0] to [@player_forces_controlled v]\nend\nif <<glide/walk> and <<<not <(@ground_force) = [0]>> and <(((days since 2000) * (86400)) - (_sound_start_time)) > [0.3]>> and <<<not <(_dx) = [0]>> or <not <(_dy) = [0]>>> or <<not <(_dz) = [0]>> or <<(@ground_force) = [1]> and <(_prev_isGrounded?) = [0]>>>>>> then\n if <(@ground_force_label) = [ground]> then\n set [_tmp v] to [Grass Step]\n else\n set [_tmp v] to (@ground_force_label)\n if < (@ground_force_label) contains [t:]?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (join (letter (3) of (_tmp)) (join (letter (4) of (_tmp)) (join (letter (5) of (_tmp)) (join (letter (6) of (_tmp)) (letter (7) of (_tmp))))))\n end\n set [_tmp v] to (item ((item ((_tmp) + (@enum p:MATERIAL)) of [primitives v]) + (2)) of [materials v])\n end\n start sound (join (_tmp) (join [ ] (pick random (1) to (4))))\n set [_sound_start_time v] to ((days since 2000) * (86400))\nend\n\ndefine Controllers.joystick_movement()\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (big v)\nif <<mouse down?> and <(_using_joystick?) = [1]>> then\n go to x: (item (1) of [_mouse_pos v]) y: (item (2) of [_mouse_pos v])\nelse\n go to x: (-160) y: (-105)\nend\nset size to (35) %\nswitch costume to (joystick outer v)\nstamp\nswitch costume to (joystick inner v)\nif <(_using_joystick?) = [1]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n move ((<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [33]> * (33)) + (<not <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [33]>> * (distance to [mouse-pointer v]))) steps\n else\n set [_using_joystick? v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<(_using_joystick?) = [0]> and <mouse down?>> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [_using_joystick? v] to [1]\nend\nstamp\ngo to x: (165) y: (-112)\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (75) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nswitch costume to (jump button v)\nif <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n switch costume to (jump button2 v)\n set [_jump? v] to [1]\nelse\n set [_jump? v] to [0]\nend\nstamp\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\n\ndefine reset player\nshow list [video tutorial v]\nset [@player_x v] to [0]\nset [@player_y v] to [1]\nset [@player_z v] to [0]\nset [_has_started? v] to [0]\nset [has_won v] to [0]\nstart sound [death_sound v]\nreset timer\nshow list [tutorial link v]\n\ndefine GameObjects.set_updated ( (*obj) )\nif <<<(*obj) > [0]> and <(*obj) < (length of [gameobjects v])>> and <not <[@updated_objects v] contains (*obj)?>>> then\n add (*obj) to [@updated_objects v]\n add (join [*obj:] (*obj)) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n add (item ((*obj) + (1)) of [gameobjects v]) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n add (item ((*obj) + (2)) of [gameobjects v]) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n add (item ((*obj) + (3)) of [gameobjects v]) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n add (item ((*obj) + (4)) of [gameobjects v]) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n add (item ((*obj) + (5)) of [gameobjects v]) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\n add (item ((*obj) + (6)) of [gameobjects v]) to [@updated_objects_prev_ori v]\nend\n\ndefine Materials.SetTexture ( mat (mat) texture costume name/# (tex) )\nif <[materials v] contains (mat)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (mat) in [materials v]) + (3)) of [materials v] with (tex)\nend\n\ndefine GameState.toggle_boolean_state ( state label (label) )\n_tmp = GameState.get_value ( state label (label) )\nGameState.set ( state label (label) state value <(_tmp) = [0]> )\n\ndefine GameState.set ( state label (label) state value (value) )\nif <[gamestate v] contains (label)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (label) in [gamestate v]) + (1)) of [gamestate v] with (value)\nend\n\ndefine _tmp = GameState.get_value ( state label (label) )\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((item # of (label) in [gamestate v]) + (1)) of [gamestate v])\n\n@GUI\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nswitch costume to (trophy v)\nset [_prev_mouse_down? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [gui v]\ngui_main()\n\ndefine gui_main()\nshow list [video tutorial v]\nshow list [website tutorial v]\nshow\nif <not <(@splashScreenVisible?) = [1]>> then\n Game GUI\nend\nengine_GUI ()\nset [_prev_mouse_down? v] to <mouse down?>\nswitch costume to (gui thumbnail v)\nhide\n\ndefine GUI.scaleOnTouch ( scale factor (scale factor) )\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to ((scale factor) * (size)) %\nelse\n set size to (size) %\nend\n\ndefine GUI.reset\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine GUI.BroadcastOnClick ( message label (message label) )\nif <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(_prev_mouse_down?) = [1]>>> then\n broadcast (message label)\nend\n\ndefine engine_GUI ()\nGUI.reset\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(@splashScreenVisible?) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (splash screen bg v)\n stamp\n set [ghost v] effect to (((1) - ((timer) * (2))) * (100))\n switch costume to (splash screen fg v)\n stamp\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (40) y: (-126)\n switch costume to (join [loading] ((([floor v] of ((timer) * (30)) ) mod (16)) + (1)))\n set size to (50) %\n stamp\nelse\n switch costume to (gui bg v)\n stamp\n set size to (130) %\n if <(@edit_mode?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (play v)\n else\n switch costume to (stop v)\n end\n go to x: (-212) y: (-167)\n GUI.scaleOnTouch ( scale factor [1.3] )\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(_prev_mouse_down?) = [1]>>> then\n start sound [pop v]\n if <(@edit_mode?) = [1]> then\n broadcast (start game v)\n else\n broadcast (start edit v)\n end\n set [@edit_mode? v] to <(@edit_mode?) = [0]>\n end\n stamp\n change x by (25)\n set size to (130) %\n switch costume to (settings v)\n GUI.scaleOnTouch ( scale factor [1.3] )\n GUI.BroadcastOnClick ( message label [toggle settings] )\n stamp\n change x by (25)\n set size to (130) %\n switch costume to (trophy v)\n GUI.scaleOnTouch ( scale factor [1.3] )\n GUI.BroadcastOnClick ( message label [toggle leaderboard] )\n stamp\n if <(@show_mobile_control_button?) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-161)\n set size to (90) %\n switch costume to (mobile control button v)\n GUI.scaleOnTouch ( scale factor [1.1] )\n GUI.BroadcastOnClick ( message label [turnOnMobileControls] )\n stamp\n end\n if <(@tutorial_popup) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (tutorial popup v)\n stamp\n hide list [website tutorial v]\n hide list [video tutorial v]\n hide variable [@fps v]\n if <<mouse down?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n set [@tutorial_popup v] to [0]\n show list [website tutorial v]\n show list [video tutorial v]\n show variable [@fps v]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine GUI.set/toggleStateOnClick ( (state label) (state value) <toggle?> )\nif <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(_prev_mouse_down?) = [1]>>> then\n if <toggle?> then\n GameState.toggle_boolean_state ( state label (state label) )\n else\n if <not <(state label) = []>> then\n GameState.set ( state label (state label) state value (state value) )\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine GUI.playSoundOnClick ( sound label (sound) )\nif <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(_prev_mouse_down?) = [1]>>> then\n start sound (sound)\nend\n\ndefine Game GUI\nif <(has_won) = [1]> then\n set size to (100) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n if <(STATE:@game_won) = [WORLD RECORD]> then\n switch costume to (world record v)\n else\n switch costume to (win screen v)\n end\n stamp\nend\nif <<(has_won) = [0]> and <([_has_started? v] of [logic v]) = [1]>> then\n set [_tmp v] to (([_time v] of [logic v]) / (10))\n repeat ((3) - (length of ([floor v] of (_tmp) )))\n set [_tmp v] to (join [0] (_tmp))\n end\n if <(_tmp) = ([floor v] of (_tmp) )> then\n set [_tmp v] to (join (_tmp) [.0])\n end\n GUI.write_number ( value (_tmp) pos [150] [155] size [20] )\nend\n\ndefine GUI.write_number ( value (value) pos (x) (y) size (size) )\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (((size) / (42)) * (100)) %\nset [_tmp v] to [1]\nset [_tmp2 v] to ((size) * (1.15))\nrepeat (length of (value))\n if <(letter (_tmp) of (value)) = [.]> then\n switch costume to (splash screen bg v)\n set size to (((size) / (42)) * (40)) %\n change y by ((-0.4) * (size))\n set [_tmp2 v] to ((size) * (0.45))\n end\n switch costume to (join [char_] (letter (_tmp) of (value)))\n stamp\n change x by (_tmp2)\n change [_tmp v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [turnonmobilecontrols v]\nset [@mobile_controls v] to [1]\nset [@show_mobile_control_button? v] to [0]\n\ndefine _tmp = GameState.get_value ( state label (label) )\nset [_tmp v] to (item ((item # of (label) in [gamestate v]) + (1)) of [gamestate v])\n\ndefine GameState.set ( state label (label) state value (value) )\nif <[gamestate v] contains (label)?> then\n replace item ((item # of (label) in [gamestate v]) + (1)) of [gamestate v] with (value)\nend\n\ndefine GameState.toggle_boolean_state ( state label (label) )\n_tmp = GameState.get_value ( state label (label) )\nGameState.set ( state label (label) state value <(_tmp) = [0]> )\n\nif <(@show_mobile_control_button?) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-161)\n set size to (90) %\n switch costume to (mobile control button v)\n GUI.scaleOnTouch ( scale factor [1.1] )\n GUI.BroadcastOnClick ( message label [turnOnMobileControls] )\n stamp\nend\n\n@Timing\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete all of [timings v]\nshow list [timing report v]\ngo to x: (178) y: (156)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (timer v)\n\ndefine get percentage times\nhide list [timing report v]\nset [i v] to [0]\nset [_total real time v] to [0]\nrepeat ((length of [timings v]) / (4))\n change [_total real time v] by (item (((i) * (4)) + (4)) of [timings v])\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ndelete all of [timing report v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [timings v]) / (4))\n set [_tmp v] to (([floor v] of (((item ((i) + (3)) of [timings v]) / (item ((i) + (2)) of [timings v])) * ([10 ^ v] of (5) )) ) / ([10 ^ v] of (2) ))\n set [_tmp v] to (join (_tmp) (join [ms ] (join (round (((item ((i) + (3)) of [timings v]) / (_total real time)) * (100))) [%])))\n add (join (item (i) of [timings v]) (join [: ] (_tmp))) to [timing report v]\n change [i v] by (4)\nend\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nget percentage times\n\ndefine end timing (timing label)\nset [_tmp v] to (days since 2000)\nset [_tmp2 v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\nreplace item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v] with ((((86400) * ((_tmp) - (item ((_tmp2) + (1)) of [timings v]))) - ((3.71) / (1000000))) + (item ((_tmp2) + (3)) of [timings v]))\n\ndefine start timing (timing label)\nif <[timings v] contains (timing label)?> then\n set [_tmp v] to (item # of (timing label) in [timings v])\n replace item ((_tmp) + (1)) of [timings v] with (days since 2000)\n replace item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v] with ((item ((_tmp) + (2)) of [timings v]) + (1))\nelse\n add (timing label) to [timings v]\n add (days since 2000) to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\n add [0] to [timings v]\nend\nif <(timer) = [5]> then\n delete all of [timings v]\nend\n\n@Cloud List\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [c v] to (letter (letter #) of (val))\n switch costume to (join (c) [_])\n set [c v] to (item # of (c) in [codes v])\n if <(costume [name v]) = [lower]> then\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (c))\n else\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) ((c) + (26)))\n switch costume to (lower v)\n end\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) [00])\n\ndefine value = read from encoded\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (letter #) of (encoded)) (letter ((letter #) + (1)) of (encoded)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (value) (item (idx) of [codes v]))\nend\n\ndefine Begin Encode/Decode (encoded)\nset [encoded v] to (encoded)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (lower v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [cloud list - save v]\nhide\nSave\nshow\nwrite to cloud [0.1]\nhide\n\ndefine write number (val) to encoded\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (join (length of (val)) (val)))\n\nwhen I receive [cloud list - load v]\nLoad\n\ndefine Save\nBegin Encode/Decode []\nset [cvar id v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of [cloud list v]) / (2))\n write (item (cvar id) of [cloud list v]) to encoded\n change [cvar id v] by (1)\n write number (item (cvar id) of [cloud list v]) to encoded\n change [cvar id v] by (1)\nend\nset [idx v] to [1]\ndelete all of [cloud out v]\nset [c v] to []\nrepeat (length of (encoded))\n set [c v] to (join (c) (letter (idx) of (encoded)))\n change [idx v] by (1)\n if <(length of (c)) > [255]> then\n add (c) to [cloud out v]\n set [c v] to []\n end\nend\nif <(length of (c)) > [0]> then\n add (c) to [cloud out v]\nend\n\ndefine write to cloud (wait)\nset [☁ cloud lock v] to (lock id)\nwait (wait) seconds\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 1)) = (join [a] (item (1) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 1 v] to (item (1) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 2)) = (join [a] (item (2) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 2 v] to (item (2) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 3)) = (join [a] (item (3) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 3 v] to (item (3) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 4)) = (join [a] (item (4) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 4 v] to (item (4) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 5)) = (join [a] (item (5) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 5 v] to (item (5) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 6)) = (join [a] (item (6) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 6 v] to (item (6) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\nif <not <(join [a] (☁ cloud list 7)) = (join [a] (item (7) of [cloud out v]))>> then\n set [☁ cloud list 7 v] to (item (7) of [cloud out v])\n wait (wait) seconds\nend\n\ndefine value = read number from encoded\nset [value v] to []\nset [idx v] to (letter (letter #) of (encoded))\nif <(idx) = []> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange [letter # v] by (1)\nrepeat (idx)\n set [value v] to (join (value) (letter (letter #) of (encoded)))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Load\ndelete all of [cloud list v]\nset [encoded v] to (☁ cloud list 1)\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 2))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 3))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 4))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 5))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 6))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 7))\nBegin Encode/Decode (encoded)\nrepeat until <(letter #) > (length of (encoded))>\n value = read from encoded\n add (value) to [cloud list v]\n value = read number from encoded\n add (value) to [cloud list v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloud - lock v]\nset [lock id v] to (pick random (0) to (10000000000))\nforever\n read lock (☁ cloud lock)\n set [value v] to (encoded)\n set [encoded v] to []\n repeat until <(value) = (encoded)>\n wait (0.7) seconds\n read lock (☁ cloud lock)\n end\n set [☁ cloud lock v] to (lock id)\n read lock (lock id)\n set [value v] to (encoded)\n wait (0.7) seconds\n read lock (☁ cloud lock)\n if <(value) = (encoded)> then\n set [☁ cloud lock v] to (lock id)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n show\n stop [this script v]\n end\n wait (pick random (0) to (2.0)) seconds\nend\n\ndefine read lock (lock)\nset [encoded v] to (join [lock] (☁ cloud list 2))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 2))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 3))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 4))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 5))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 6))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (☁ cloud list 7))\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (lock))\n\nwhen I receive [cloud - lock v]\nswitch costume to (lower v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n wait (0.7) seconds\n hide\n wait (0.3) seconds\n show\nend\n\n@Leaderboard\n\nwhen I receive [show high score table v]\nbroadcast (CLOUD LIST - Load v)\nbroadcast (Show high score table - 2 v)\n\ndefine Show Top 25\nshow variable [☁ latest v]\nshow variable [☁ fastest v]\nset [_highscore table open v] to [1]\ndelete all of [top 25 v]\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (25)\n format (i)\n add (format) to [top 25 v]\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\nhide list [top 25 v]\n\ndefine format (i)\nset [format v] to (item (i) of [cloud list v])\nif <(format) = []> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [format v] to (join ((item ((i) + (1)) of [cloud list v]) / (10)) (join [ ... ] (format)))\n\nwhen I receive [save time to cloud v]\nset [☁ latest v] to (TIME)\nif <(TIME) < (☁ FASTEST)> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ fastest v] to (TIME)\n set [state:@game_won v] to [WORLD RECORD]\nend\nbroadcast (CLOUD LIST - Load v)\nbroadcast (SAVE TIME TO CLOUD - 2 v)\n\ndefine Save to Top 25 (user) (time)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat (25)\n if <<(item (i) of [cloud list v]) = []> or <(time) < (item ((i) + (1)) of [cloud list v])>> then\n insert (time) at (i) of [cloud list v] \n insert (user) at (i) of [cloud list v] \n change [i v] by (2)\n repeat until <<(i) > [50]> or <(item (i) of [cloud list v]) = (user)>>\n change [i v] by (2)\n end\n delete (i) of [cloud list v]\n delete (i) of [cloud list v]\n set [cloud_needs_updating? v] to \n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(item (i) of [cloud list v]) = (user)> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [i v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ fastest v]\nhide variable [☁ latest v]\nhide\nHide Top 25\nbroadcast (CLOUD LIST - Load v)\n\nwhen I receive [new game v]\nshow list [top 25 v]\n\nwhen I receive [hide highscore table v]\nHide Top 25\n\ndefine Hide Top 25\nset [_highscore table open v] to [0]\nhide variable [☁ latest v]\nhide variable [☁ fastest v]\nshow list [top 25 v]\n\ndefine reset\nset [cloud_needs_updating? v] to []\ndelete all of [top 25 v]\ndelete all of [cloud list v]\nrepeat (8)\n add [] to [cloud list v]\nend\nset [☁ fastest v] to [1000]\nset [☁ latest v] to []\nbroadcast (CLOUD LIST - Save v)\n\nwhen I receive [toggle leaderboard v]\nif <(_highscore table open) = [1]> then\n Hide Top 25\nelse\n broadcast (CLOUD LIST - Load v)\n broadcast (Show high score table - 2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [save time to cloud - 2 v]\nset [cloud_needs_updating? v] to []\nSave to Top 25 (username) (TIME)\nif <(cloud_needs_updating?) = > then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (CLOUD - LOCK v) and wait\n broadcast (CLOUD LIST - Load v)\n broadcast (SAVE TIME TO CLOUD - 3 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [show high score table - 2 v]\nShow Top 25\n\nwhen I receive [save time to cloud - 3 v]\nset [cloud_needs_updating? v] to []\nSave to Top 25 (username) (TIME)\nif <(cloud_needs_updating?) = > then\n broadcast (CLOUD LIST - Save v)\nend\n\n
Use the arrow keys or WASD to move. Press up to jump. Press down to crouch and slide on slopes. This game isn't mobile friendly.\n\nThis is a short game I made. There is a world record. Collect coins and stomp on enemies.\n\n\n\nInspired By:\nSuper Mario\n@griffpatch for sprites and music.\n@DuckGoose9254 for the platformer concept.\n\nMusic: Itty Bitty 8 Bit - Kevin Macleod\n\nNo Advertising
Jᴜᴍᴘᴇʀ ... ? #Platformer #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\n\n@Bluish\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <(право) = [1]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n Ходьба [10]\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <(лево) = [1]>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n Ходьба [-10]\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(вверх) = [1]>> then\n if <(В воздухе) = [0]> then\n set [скорость y v] to [15]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Земля\nrepeat until <not <touching (земля v)?>>\n set [в воздухе v] to [0]\n set [скорость y v] to [0]\n change y by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Ходьба (шаг)\nchange x by (шаг)\nset [наклон v] to [0]\nrepeat until <not <touching (земля v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n change [наклон v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Наклон) > [5]> then\n change x by ((-1) * (шаг))\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (70)\nrepeat (4)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Ходьба (шаг)\nchange x by (шаг)\nset [наклон v] to [0]\nrepeat until <not <touching (земля v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n change [наклон v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Наклон) > [5]> then\n change x by ((-1) * (шаг))\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-145) y: (95)\nset [в воздухе v] to [0]\nset [скорость y v] to [0]\nforever\n change [в воздухе v] by (1)\n change [скорость y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Скорость Y)\n Земля\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У2 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у2 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n go to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [2]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У3 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [3]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У4 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у4 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen I receive [у12 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (шипы v)?> then\n go to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (шипы 2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [4]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У5 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у5 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [5]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У6 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у6 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [6]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У7 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у7 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [7]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У8 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у8 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [8]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (у9 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у9 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [9]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У10 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [10]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (у11 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у10 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen I receive [у11 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n Ходьба [10]\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n Ходьба [-10]\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(В воздухе) = [0]> then\n set [скорость y v] to [15]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [11]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У12 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у3 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [12]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (У13 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [13]> then\n if <touching (спрайт 1 v)?> then\n broadcast (у14 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [у13 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\nwhen I receive [у14 v]\ngo to x: (-189) y: (-80)\n\n@Земля\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 уровень v)\n\nwhen I receive [у2 v]\nswitch costume to (2 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у3 v]\nswitch costume to (3 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у4 v]\nswitch costume to (4 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (4 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у5 v]\nswitch costume to (5 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (5 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у6 v]\nswitch costume to (6 уровень! v)\nswitch backdrop to (6 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у7 v]\nswitch costume to (7 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (7 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у8 v]\nswitch costume to (8 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (8 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у9 v]\nswitch costume to (9 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (9 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у10 v]\nswitch costume to (10 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (10 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у11 v]\nswitch costume to (11 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (11 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у12 v]\nswitch costume to (12 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (12 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у13 v]\nswitch costume to (13 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (13 v)\n\nwhen I receive [у14 v]\nswitch costume to (14 уровень v)\nswitch backdrop to (14 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (СТОП v)\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у2 v]\ngo to x: (9) y: (-172)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у3 v]\ngo to x: (98) y: (-164)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у5 v]\ngo to x: (98) y: (-164)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у6 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (-9) y: (-195)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у8 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у9 v]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (-9) y: (-195)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у12 v]\nhide\n\n@Спрайт 1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (236) y: (61)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Шипы \n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у4 v]\ngo to x: (-70) y: (-80)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у8 v]\ngo to x: (-3) y: (-39)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у9 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у13 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-102)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у14 v]\nhide\n\n@Шипы 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у4 v]\ngo to x: (108) y: (-82)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у5 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [у7 v]\ngo to x: (118) y: (-107)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [у8 v]\nhide\n\n@Group 42\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [стоп v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [tunetank v] until done\nend\n\n@Спрайт 9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [право v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-130) y: (-149)\nhide\nforever\n repeat until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n set [право v] to [1]\n end\n set [право v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nshow\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nhide\n\n@Спрайт 8\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-209) y: (-150)\nhide\nforever\n repeat until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n set [лево v] to [1]\n end\n set [лево v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nshow\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nhide\n\n@Спрайт 6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-149)\nhide\nforever\n repeat until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n set [вверх v] to [1]\n end\n set [вверх v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen [2 v] key pressed\nshow\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nhide\n\n
WORLDS 3 - a scrolling platformer
@Stage\n\n@Note\n\n@Spiderman\n\ndefine Move - in steps (steps)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [last value v] to (x position)\n change x by ((speed x) / (steps))\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Collide X - Slope or Wall?\n end\n set [last value v] to (y position)\n change y by ((speed y) / (steps))\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n Collide Y - Ceiling or Floor\n end\nend\n\ndefine Check Touching Solid\nif <<touching (levelhitbox v)?> or <<touching (crushers v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>>> then\n set [touching v] to [1]\nelse\n set [touching v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - player v]\nMoved - by Moving Platform\nControls - Up and Down\nControls - Left and Right\nMove - in steps (([abs v] of (speed x) ) + ([abs v] of (speed y) ))\nSet Costume\n\ndefine Controls - Up and Down\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <<(wall slide) > [0]> and <(Jumping) = [0]>> then\n set [jumping v] to [1]\n set [falling v] to [3]\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n turn right (180) degrees\n set [speed x v] to (((direction) / (90)) * (7))\n set [long jump v] to [12]\n end\n if <<(falling) < [3]> and <(Jumping) = [0]>> then\n set [jumping v] to [1]\n set [falling v] to [3]\n end\n if <<(Jumping) > [0]> and <(Jumping) < (JUMP DURATION)>> then\n change [jumping v] by (1)\n set [speed y v] to (JUMP FORCE)\n end\nelse\n set [jumping v] to [0]\nend\nchange [speed y v] by (GRAVITY)\nif <(wall slide) > [0]> then\n Check Can Wall Slide\n if <(speed y) < [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.6))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Controls - Left and Right\nif <(long jump) > [0]> then\n change [long jump v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [key x v] to (<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> - <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>)\nif <(KEY X) = [0]> then\n if <<(falling) > [2]> and <(wall slide) < [1]>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.98))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <([abs v] of (speed x) ) < [1]> then\n set [frame v] to [0]\n set [key x v] to [0]\n else\n change [frame v] by (0.5)\n end\nelse\n change [speed x v] by ((KEY X) * (ACCELERATION))\n if <not <(direction) = ((KEY X) * (90))>> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n end\n point in direction ((KEY X) * (90))\n change [frame v] by (1)\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (RESISTANCE))\n\ndefine Reset and Begin Level\nset size to (50) %\nset [wall slide v] to [0]\nset [long jump v] to [0]\nset [jumping v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [falling v] to [99]\npoint in direction (90)\nbroadcast (transition - game on v)\nBegin Scene # (SPAWN SCENE) go to x: (SPAWN X) (SPAWN Y)\n\nwhen I receive [game loop v]\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n broadcast (Tick - First v)\n broadcast (Tick -Platforms v)\n broadcast (Tick - player v)\n broadcast (Tick - Last v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - last v]\nif <(x position) > [235]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (1)) go to x: [-230] []\nend\nif <(x position) < [-235]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (-1)) go to x: [235] []\nend\nif <(y position) > [180]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (100)) go to x: [] [-160]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n Begin Scene # ((SCENE #) + (-100)) go to x: [] [180]\nend\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\nend\n\ndefine Begin Scene # (scene #) go to x: (x) (y)\nset [scene # v] to (scene #)\nif <(x) > []> then\n set x to (x)\nend\nif <(y) > []> then\n set y to (y)\nend\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwait (0) seconds\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nif <(x) > []> then\n Fix Collision in Direction [0]\nelse\n Fix Collision in Direction [90]\nend\nSet Costume\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\n\ndefine Fix Collision in Direction (dir)\nset [temp v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (dir)\nrepeat (64)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temp)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n move (distance) steps\n turn right (180) degrees\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick - first v]\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [platform dx v] to []\nset [platform dy v] to []\n\ndefine Set Costume\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(wall slide) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (hangon01 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(falling) > [1]> then\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump01 v)\n else\n switch costume to (run_j2 v)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(frame) > [0]> then\n switch costume to ((1) + ([floor v] of ((frame) mod (16)) ))\nelse\n switch costume to (hit angle 0 v)\n repeat (5)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (5))\n stop [this script v]\n end\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (stand v)\nend\n\ndefine Collide X - Slope or Wall?\nCheck Can Wall Slide\nchange y by (1)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n change y by (1)\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n change y by (-2)\n set x to (last value)\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.8))\nend\nset [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.95))\nSlip\n\ndefine Collide Y - Ceiling or Floor\nset y to (last value)\nif <(speed y) > [0]> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(falling) > [0]> then\n set [falling v] to [0]\n Slip\nend\nset [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.8))\n\ndefine Slip\nchange y by (-2)\nchange x by (1)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) < [1]> then\n set [falling v] to [9]\n change [speed x v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange x by (-2)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) < [1]> then\n set [falling v] to [9]\n change [speed x v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange y by (2)\nchange x by (1)\n\ndefine Check Can Wall Slide\nif <(falling) < [2]> then\n set [wall slide v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox wallslide v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nCheck Touching Solid\nset [wall slide v] to (touching)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v2 v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\ndefine Moved - by Moving Platform\nchange x by (PLATFORM DX)\nchange y by (PLATFORM DY)\nCheck Touching Solid\nif <(touching) > [0]> then\n Find Closest Space to (x position) (y position) max [16]\n if <(touching) > [0]> then\n start sound [squishy v]\n broadcast (Lose Life v)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Find Closest Space to (x) (y) max (max)\nset [temp v] to (direction)\nset [distance v] to [1]\npoint in direction (0)\nrepeat (max)\n repeat (16)\n go to x: (x) y: (y)\n move (distance) steps\n Check Touching Solid\n if <(touching) < [1]> then\n point in direction (temp)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n turn right (22.5) degrees\n end\n change [distance v] by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (temp)\n\nwhen I receive [lose life v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstart sound [boom 1 v]\nrepeat (10)\n switch costume to (death v)\n change size by (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (transition - die v) and wait\nReset and Begin Level\n\nwhen I receive [begin-game v]\nset [jump duration v] to [6]\nset [gravity v] to [-1.5]\nset [jump force v] to [15]\nset [acceleration v] to [2]\nset [resistance v] to [0.8]\nset [spawn scene v] to [101]\nset [spawn x v] to [-206]\nset [spawn y v] to [127]\nbroadcast (Change Scene v)\nbroadcast (Game Loop v)\nbroadcast (Setup v) and wait\nReset and Begin Level\n\n@LevelART\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (scene1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nbroadcast (Buildings v)\n\n@LevelHitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (scene1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nhide\nif <<(SCENE #) = [2]> or <<(SCENE #) = [3]> or <<(SCENE #) = [103]> or <<(SCENE #) = [8]> or <<(SCENE #) = [117]> or >>>>> then\n show\n Animate Platform\nend\nif <(SCENE #) = [108]> then\n Animate Platform\nend\n\ndefine Animate Platform\nif <(SCENE #) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-69) y: (-89)\nend\nforever\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <(SCENE #) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (car v)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (295) y: (-89)\n hide\n wait (0.5) seconds\n change [color v] effect by (pick random (-25) to (-50))\n show\n go to x: (-300) y: (-89)\n end\n if <(SCENE #) = [3]> then\n hide\n change [color v] effect by (pick random (-25) to (-50))\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (car v)\n show\n go to x: (-300) y: (-89)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (2.5) secs to x: (295) y: (-89)\n end\n if <(SCENE #) = [103]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (platform v)\n show\n go to x: (70) y: (-212)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (109) y: (-17)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (70) y: (-212)\n end\n if <(SCENE #) = [8]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n go to x: (-223) y: (36)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (4) secs to x: (243) y: (36)\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (-223) y: (36)\n end\n if <(SCENE #) = [117]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (platform3 v)\n show\n go to x: (-47) y: (-119)\n wait until <touching (spiderman v)?>\n glide (1) secs to x: (-47) y: (-72)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (3) secs to x: (181) y: (-72)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick -platforms v]\nTick (x position) (y position)\nset [last x v] to (x position)\nset [last y v] to (y position)\n\ndefine Tick (new x) (new y)\nif <(new y) > (last y)> then\n change y by (1)\nelse\n set y to ((last y) + (1))\nend\nif <touching (spiderman v)?> then\n set [platform dx v] to ((new x) - (last x))\n set [platform dy v] to ((new y) - (last y))\nend\ngo to x: (new x) y: (new y)\n\nglide (2) secs to x: (22) y: (121)\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@Music/Sound-Effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Super_Spiffy v] until done\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (scene1 v)\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (join [Scene] (SCENE #))\nbroadcast (Buildings v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <<(SCENE #) = [8]> or <<(SCENE #) = [9]> or <<(SCENE #) = [12]> or <(SCENE #) = [19]>>>> then\n go to [back v] layer\n forever\n set y to ((5) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (180)) ))\n set [whirl v] effect to ((10) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ))\n end\nend\nif then\n go to [back v] layer\n forever\n change y by ((5.5) * ([sin v] of (frame) ))\n change [frame v] by (5)\n end\nend\n\n@Collectable\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = (My Scene)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <touching (spiderman v)?>\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Collectable]> then\n change y by ((0.5) * ([sin v] of (frame) ))\n change [frame v] by (5)\n end\nend\nset [my scene v] to []\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Collectable]> then\n switch costume to (collectable2 v)\n start sound [Suction Cup v]\n repeat (20)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Collectable]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [FlagOff]> then\n show\n switch costume to (flagon v)\n start sound [Flag v]\n set [spawn scene v] to (SCENE #)\n set [spawn x v] to ([x position v] of [spiderman v])\n set [spawn y v] to ([y position v] of [spiderman v])\n else\n start sound [Flag v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nswitch costume to (collectable v)\nset [frame v] to [0]\nhide\nPlace [Collectable] scene [101] xy [34] [5]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [101] xy [-49] [110]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [1] xy [103] [-64]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [2] xy [-11] [9]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [3] xy [-192] [79]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [4] xy [-52] [118]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [4] xy [-177] [-7]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [5] xy [-24] [-7]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [6] xy [42] [-10]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [6] xy [-167] [9]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [7] xy [84] [22]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [8] xy [-102] [71]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [8] xy [-34] [71]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [8] xy [44] [71]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [8] xy [121] [71]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [9] xy [-80] [-42]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [9] xy [201] [-78]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [10] xy [40] [35]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [11] xy [85] [10]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [12] xy [-125] [-76]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [12] xy [79] [46]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [13] xy [9] [-49]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [14] xy [138] [-76]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [15] xy [24] [51]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [15] xy [-105] [-42]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [16] xy [-105] [-42]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [16] xy [51] [41]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [16] xy [133] [135]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [16] xy [-85] [132]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [19] xy [54] [91]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [19] xy [116] [91]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [20] xy [85] [-87]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [20] xy [-166] [-84]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [21] xy [-39] [-83]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [22] xy [-139] [-83]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [22] xy [-45] [-83]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [22] xy [58] [-83]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [22] xy [174] [-83]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [104] xy [-92] [-31]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [116] xy [148] [-140]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [116] xy [-130] [-52]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [116] xy [99] [-55]\nPlace [Collectable] scene [118] xy [-5] [-26]\nPlace [FlagOff] scene [3] xy [72] [113]\nPlace [FlagOff] scene [7] xy [-192] [-72]\nPlace [FlagOff] scene [12] xy [-170] [-72]\nPlace [FlagOff] scene [117] xy [-166] [-41]\nPlace [FlagOff] scene [20] xy [-192] [-72]\nPlace [FlagOff] scene [22] xy [191] [28]\nhide\n\ndefine Place (costume name) scene (scene) xy (x) (y)\nset [my scene v] to (scene)\nswitch costume to (costume name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [my scene v] to []\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (pick random (50) to (75)) %\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\n point in direction (pick random (180) to (-180))\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (400) y: (pick random (180) to (0))\n else\n go to x: (-400) y: (pick random (180) to (0))\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (50) to (70))\nif <(x position) < [0]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n repeat until <(x position) = (_XPosition)>\n go to [back v] layer\n set [_xposition v] to (x position)\n change x by ((2) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\nelse\n repeat until <(x position) = (_XPosition)>\n go to [back v] layer\n set [_xposition v] to (x position)\n change x by ((-2) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@PARRALAX\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(SCENE #) < [100]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n else\n Hide\n end\nend\n\ndefine Hide\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [buildings v]\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (2))\n\n@Crushers\n\nwhen I receive [tick -platforms v]\nTick (x position) (y position)\nset [last x v] to (x position)\nset [last y v] to (y position)\n\ndefine Animate Platform\nwait (pick random (0.5) to (1.5)) seconds\nforever\n repeat (40)\n change y by ((5.5) * ([sin v] of (frame) ))\n change [frame v] by (5)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Tick (new x) (new y)\nif <(new y) > (last y)> then\n change y by (1)\nelse\n set y to ((last y) + (1))\nend\nif <touching (spiderman v)?> then\n set [platform dx v] to ((new x) - (last x))\n set [platform dy v] to ((new y) - (last y))\nend\ngo to x: (new x) y: (new y)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nAnimate Platform\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nswitch costume to (collectable v)\nset [frame v] to [0]\nhide\nPlace [Crusher1] scene [20] xy [-1] [-95]\nPlace [Crusher1] scene [20] xy [171] [-95]\nPlace [Crusher1] scene [21] xy [-133] [-95]\nPlace [Crusher1] scene [21] xy [54] [-95]\n\ndefine Place (costume name) scene (scene) xy (x) (y)\nset [my scene v] to (scene)\nswitch costume to (costume name)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [my scene v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [change scene v]\nif <(SCENE #) = (My Scene)> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@Transitions\n\nwhen I receive [setup transitions v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (splash2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [transition - game on v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (black v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nrepeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) * (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #1 v)\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to ((size) * (0.5)) %\nrepeat (2)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) * (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #2 v)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) * (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #3 v)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) * (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #4 v)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) * (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #5 v)\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transition - die v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (mini v)\nset size to (1116) %\nswitch costume to (mask #5 v)\nshow\nrepeat (4)\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) / (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #5 v)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) / (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #4 v)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) / (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #3 v)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) / (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #2 v)\nend\nswitch costume to (mini v)\nset size to (250) %\nrepeat (5)\n switch costume to (mini v)\n set size to ((size) / (1.2)) %\n switch costume to (mask #1 v)\nend\nswitch costume to (black v)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [transition win v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (win v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n wait (10) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [transition - splash to black v]\nrepeat (13)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-8)\nend\nswitch costume to (black v)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (paused v)\nset size to (80) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change size by (4)\nend\nrepeat until <not <key (p v) pressed?>>\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nrepeat until <key (p v) pressed?>\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nrepeat until <not <key (p v) pressed?>>\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change size by (-4)\nend\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [transition - game on v]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Game Menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (3)\n next costume\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n forever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (120) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n forever\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (transition - die v) and wait\n broadcast (Begin-Game v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin-game v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to (mouse-pointer v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\n
LONG!! PLATFORMER!! 長編!!プラットフォーマー!
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Overcooked v] until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Toast Player\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (110) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (player v)\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nset [death count v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(y position) < [-165]> or <touching (danger v)?>> then\n broadcast (Die v)\n change [death count v] by (1)\n go to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (On Level v)\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nhide variable [level v]\nset [x speed v] to [0]\nset [y speed v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n if <(Stop) = [0]> then\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by ((X speed) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(X speed) > [0]> then\n set [x speed v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x speed v] to [5]\n end\n set [y speed v] to [10]\n else\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y speed)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nset [stop v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Stop) = [0]> then\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n if <touching (soap v)?> then\n change [x speed v] by (2.1)\n else\n change [x speed v] by (1.1)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n if <touching (soap v)?> then\n change [x speed v] by (-2.1)\n else\n change [x speed v] by (-1.1)\n end\n end\n set [x speed v] to ((X speed) * (.9))\n change x by (X speed)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nforever\n if <(Stop) = [0]> then\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y speed) * (-1))\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [y speed v] by (14)\n end\n end\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#5ac7ff)?> and <touching (trampoline v)?>> then\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n change [y speed v] by (15)\n end\n if <touching (toaster v)?> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n go to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-215) y: (-75)\n\nwhen I receive [on level v]\nforever\n if <touching (jar v)?> then\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n forever\n if <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (player4 v)\n else\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Toaster\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-90)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-100) y: (105)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (100) y: (-85)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (205) y: (-90)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-185) y: (145)\nshow\nforever\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Jar\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (52) y: (90)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@soap\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@level6cupboard\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\n\n
— ______Normal Platformer_______—\nThere is defenitely no wierd things going on with this platformer…Not sure what you guy's are talking about? You say there is living spikes? And fish that kill you? What?! Man ya'll are strange. Sorry in advance for the end )=P [Controls below]\n________________________________________________\nControls: WASD, Arrow Keys, N to skip\n\nThis was fun to make…. =P\n\n ✅ Please follow @Capt_Boanerges for \n more cool games!\nAlso consider subbing to me on yt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNh18K3f8Xii1uf7rqFoOMQ\n\n\n\n#fun #platformer #Capt_Boanerges #square #Troll #spike #Totally #Normal #Paranormal #XXLordIceXX
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (The Level)\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nbroadcast (Reset v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1.5)\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X Velocity) * (0.85))\n change x by (X Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X Velocity) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X Velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [10]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y Velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Velocity) - ((Y Velocity) * (2)))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (crouch v)\n else\n switch costume to (player v)\n end\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [y velocity v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n change [the level v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n if <touching (lava v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (spikes v)?> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (5)\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-216) y: (40)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\n@Lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set y to (Magma)\n switch costume to (The Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [magma v] to [0]\n repeat (10)\n change [magma v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [magma v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [magma v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [costume v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <not <<(Love) = [1]> and <(Favorite) = [1]>>> then\n wait (pick random (30) to (40)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n end\n if <(Costume) > [0]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Player Trail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n point in direction ([direction v] of [player v])\n switch costume to ([costume name v] of [player v])\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player v]) y: ([y position v] of [player v])\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (21)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [scroll v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n
BASKETBALL || A Platformer! #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen [b v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [StratfordJames]> then\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [exit status v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<(Heart) > [9]> and <(Star) > [9]>> then\n set [exit status v] to [1]\n broadcast (you win!!! v) and wait\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [acheivements! v]\nadd [0] to [acheivements! v]\nadd [0] to [acheivements! v]\nadd [0] to [acheivements! v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(item (1) of [acheivements! v]) > [49]>\nbroadcast (jumps v)\nwait until <(item (1) of [acheivements! v]) > [99]>\nbroadcast (jumps2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(item (2) of [acheivements! v]) > [20]>\nbroadcast (swimmer v)\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nwait until <key (r v) pressed?>\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (restarted v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [IMG_5803 2 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(item (3) of [acheivements! v]) = [1]>\nbroadcast (chat v)\n\n@Blank\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (13) layers\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nif <(exit status) = [0]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (0) layers\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (150) %\n switch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\n show\n repeat until <(size) < [102]>\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (4))\n switch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7)\n end\nelse\n if <(exit status) = [2]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (150) %\n switch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\n show\n repeat until <(size) < [102]>\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (8))\n switch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n else\n if <(exit status) = [timeout]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (150) %\n switch costume to (timeout v)\n show\n repeat until <(size) < [102]>\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (8))\n switch costume to (timeout v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n else\n if <(exit status) = [error]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (150) %\n switch costume to (error v)\n show\n repeat until <(size) < [102]>\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change size by (((101) - (size)) / (8))\n switch costume to (error v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [heart v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n switch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transfer v]\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n switch costume to (thmbnail2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [completition1 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nif <(intro done?) = [1]> then\n\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stiop v]\n\nwhen I receive [trap v]\nset [exit status v] to [2]\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [admin v]\nadd [krishtheking123] to [admin v]\nadd [vincentfait] to [admin v]\nadd [TimMcCool] to [admin v]\nadd [ElectricEnt] to [admin v]\nadd [IcedSnow] to [admin v]\nadd [Lukas1410] to [admin v]\nadd [Darkstar177] to [admin v]\nadd [NightTaco9672] to [admin v]\nadd [Sterlon] to [admin v]\nadd [ILoveHotDogz] to [admin v]\nadd [Icmy123] to [admin v]\nadd [Khushi_Strawberry] to [admin v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [creator v]\nadd [ivanbb3] to [creator v]\nadd [StratfordJames] to [creator v]\nadd [StratfordJamesTest] to [creator v]\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [old v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [init clone v]\nset [old v] to [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n change [old v] by (1)\n if <(old) > [50]> then\n set [exit status v] to [timeout]\n stop [all v]\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nrepeat (2)\n switch costume to (real thmbs v)\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n set [intro done? v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [@player v] to [1]\n\nwhen [any v] key pressed\nset [old v] to [0]\n\n@Game_player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nshow\nset [sy2 v] to (YV)\nset [clike v] to <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n\ndefine reset\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to (checkpoint x)\nset [scroll y v] to (checkpoint y)\nset [local x v] to (checkpoint x)\nset [local y v] to (checkpoint y)\n\ndefine game on!\nbroadcast (close space v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nreset\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nset [level v] to [1]\n\ndefine Tick\nchange player x by (round ((Xv) / (1.9)))\nif <<<(clikc2?) = [0]> and <[] = []>> and <<<<(mouse x) > ((x position) + (10))> and <mouse down?>> and <(click for chat mobiel) = [false]>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n change [xv v] by (1.4)\n change [frame v] by (0.2)\n else\n change [xv v] by (2)\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n end\nelse\n if <<(clikc2?) = [0]> and <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) + (-10))>> and <(click for chat mobiel) = [false]>>>> then\n if <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1.4)\n change [frame v] by (-0.2)\n else\n change [xv v] by (-2)\n change [frame v] by (0.4)\n end\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<<<(click) = [0]> and <(clikc2?) = [0]>> and <[1] = [1]>> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))> and <mouse down?>> and <(click for chat mobiel) = [false]>>>> then\n if <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n if <(water) > [3]> then\n change [yv v] by (4)\n end\n change [water v] by (1)\n else\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [yv v] to [8]\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n change [yv v] by (-1.2)\nelse\n change [yv v] by (-0.6)\nend\nchange player y by (YV)\nPosition\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((local x) - (SCROLL X)) / (7)))\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((local y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (7)))\nposition\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.75))\n\ndefine change player x by (sx)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [local x v] by ((sx) * (1.15))\nposition\nif <touching (game_level_hitbox v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [local y v] by (1)\n position\n if <not <touching (game_level_hitbox v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [local y v] by (-10)\n repeat until <not <touching (game_level_hitbox v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [local x v] by (-0.1)\n else\n change [local x v] by (0.1)\n end\n position\n end\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>>> then\n switch costume to (join [2a] (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (username)?>))\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>>> then\n switch costume to (join [1a] (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (username)?>))\n else\n switch costume to (join [3a] (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (username)?>))\n end\nend\nset [localcostume v] to (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nTick\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: (round ((local x) - (SCROLL X))) y: ((local y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine test die\n\ndefine change player y by (sy)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nchange [local y v] by ((sy) * (1.1))\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nposition\nrepeat until <not <touching (game_level_hitbox v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [local y v] by (-0.5)\n else\n change [local y v] by (1)\n if <<not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> or <touching (game_level_liquid v)?>> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n end\n position\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>>> then\n if <[creator v] contains (username)?> then\n switch costume to (2ac v)\n else\n switch costume to (join [2a] (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (username)?>))\n end\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>>> then\n if <[creator v] contains (username)?> then\n switch costume to (1ac v)\n else\n switch costume to (join [1a] (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (username)?>))\n end\n else\n if <[creator v] contains (username)?> then\n switch costume to (3ac v)\n else\n switch costume to (join [3a] (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (username)?>))\n end\n end\nend\nset [localcostume v] to (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (68) %\nset size to (68) %\n\ndefine Set Costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n set [yv v] to ((YV) * (0.5))\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\n\ndefine Run\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ndefine game - win\n\ndefine \n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nchange player y by [5]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\nend\n\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\n\ndefine game-die\n\nif <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Setup v)\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (fade v) and wait\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nreset\n\nwhen I receive [offline v]\nset [local x v] to [-220]\nset [local y v] to [71]\nwait (0) seconds\nforever\n if <<(don?) = [n]> and <(turbo/) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\nend\n\nchange [yv v] by (5)\n\nchange [yv v] by (10)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [don? v] to [n]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n wait until <(turbo/) = [1]>\n broadcast (stop that turbo v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nforever\n if <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n wait (1) seconds\n replace item (2) of [acheivements! v] with ((item (2) of [acheivements! v]) + (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nforever\n wait until <(in air) > [2]>\n replace item (1) of [acheivements! v] with ((item (1) of [acheivements! v]) + (1))\n wait until <(in air) < [2]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [online v]\nforever\n if <(chat item) = [0]> then\n say []\n else\n say (item (chat item) of [chat list v])\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [online v]\n\nwhen I receive [prog v]\nwait (0) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n reset\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (5)\nset [@player v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [offline v]\nrepeat (5)\n reset\nend\n\nif <(@Player) = [11]> then\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (3af v)\nreset\n\nwhen I receive [online v]\nbroadcast (prog v)\n\nwhen I receive [prog v]\nset [local x v] to [-220]\nset [local y v] to [71]\nbroadcast (Tick v)\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n if <<(don?) = [n]> and <(turbo/) = [0]>> then\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\nend\n\n@Game_Player_waterParticles\n\nwhen I receive [water v]\nrepeat (1)\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [costume2]> then\n set [idwater v] to [1]\n repeat (pick random (7) to (8))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [watervel v] to [5]\nshow\nParticle (pick random (-3.0) to (3.0))\n\ndefine Particle (xvel)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume22 v)\ngo to (game_player v)\nset size to (pick random (55) to (70)) %\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (0) to (0))\nrepeat (30)\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by ((Xv) * (-0.2))\n change x by (xvel)\n change y by (watervel)\n change [watervel v] by (-0.15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (game_level_liquid v)?> then\n repeat (9)\n change [ghost v] effect by (12)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Game_lights\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [size v] to [0]\nerase all\nhide\ndelete all of [light x v]\ndelete all of [light y v]\nAdd Light @ [70] [105]\nAdd Light @ [180] [38]\nAdd Light @ [-10] [-60]\nAdd Light @ [145] [-250]\nAdd Light @ [180] [-367]\nAdd Light @ [0] [-375]\nAdd Light @ [-180] [-475]\nAdd Light @ [-210] [110]\nAdd Light @ [-40] [30]\nAdd Light @ [-160] [-280]\nAdd Light @ [-30] [-170]\nAdd Light @ [-398] [-376]\nAdd Light @ [-580] [-426]\ndelete all of [light x v]\ndelete all of [light y v]\n\ndefine Add Light @ (x) (y)\nadd (x) to [light x v]\nadd (y) to [light y v]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nDraw [1]\n\ndefine Draw (mode)\nif <(mode) = [1]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n erase all\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point towards (game_player v)\n move ((distance to [game_player v]) / (6)) steps\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (-30)\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (100)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (100)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n stamp\n hide\nelse\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n erase all\n show\n show\n set [counter1 v] to [1]\n switch costume to (1 v)\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n stamp\n repeat (length of [light x v])\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (50)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n go to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) + (item (counter1) of [light x v])) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (item (counter1) of [light y v]))\n stamp\n change [counter1 v] by (1)\n end\n set [counter1 v] to [1]\n switch costume to (2 v)\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n stamp\n repeat (length of [light x v])\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (50)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n change size by (-3)\n go to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) + (item (counter1) of [light x v])) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (item (counter1) of [light y v]))\n stamp\n change [counter1 v] by (1)\n end\n set [counter1 v] to [1]\n switch costume to (3 v)\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n stamp\n repeat (length of [light x v])\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (50)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n change size by (-7)\n go to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) + (item (counter1) of [light x v])) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (item (counter1) of [light y v]))\n stamp\n change [counter1 v] by (1)\n end\n set [counter1 v] to [1]\n switch costume to (4 v)\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n stamp\n repeat (length of [light x v])\n switch costume to (4 v)\n set size to (((([cos v] of (size) ) + (50)) * ((([cos v] of (size) ) + (90)) * (([cos v] of (size) ) + (120)))) / (13200)) %\n change size by (-12)\n go to x: (((x) - (SCROLL X)) + (item (counter1) of [light x v])) y: (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (item (counter1) of [light y v]))\n stamp\n change [counter1 v] by (1)\n switch costume to (5 v)\n stamp\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [online? v] to [0]\nforever\n change [size v] by (4)\n set [size2 v] to (size)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\ndefine other (number or text)\nset [c1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [connection v])\n if <(@Player) = (((c1) / (2)) + (0.5))> then\n hide\n else\n go to x: (((item (c1) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) - (SCROLL X)) y: (((item ((c1) + (1)) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) - (SCROLL Y))\n if <(letter (((c1) / (2)) + (0.5)) of (number or text)) = [0]> then\n hide\n else\n show\n set [brightness v] effect to (-30)\n stamp\n hide\n end\n end\n change [c1 v] by (2)\nend\n\nif <(online?) = [yes]> then\n other (join (join (letter (12) of (☁ Player1)) (letter (12) of (☁ Player2))) (letter (12) of (☁ Player3)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [online v]\nset [online? v] to [yes]\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Game_Level_Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Delete all clones v)\nbroadcast (Setup v)\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (round ((Level-Hitbox: x) + ((0) - (SCROLL X)))) (round ((Level-Hitbox: y) + ((0) - (SCROLL Y))))\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [level-hitbox: x v] by (x)\nchange [level-hitbox: y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ground: i am a clone? v] to [1]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(Ground: I am a clone?) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nClone [0] [0]\n\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [ground: i am a clone? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1a v)\nset [level-hitbox: x v] to [0]\nset [level-hitbox: y v] to [0]\nhide\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1a v)\n Clone [0] [0]\n switch costume to (2a v)\n Clone [0] [-360]\n switch costume to (b1 v)\n Clone [-480] [-64]\n switch costume to (1b v)\n Clone [960] [334]\n switch costume to (1b2 v)\n Clone [480] [0]\n switch costume to (1b3 v)\n Clone [0] [-360]\n set [level-hitbox: x v] to [-900]\n set [level-hitbox: y v] to [-497]\n switch costume to (2c v)\n Clone [0] [0]\n switch costume to (2d v)\n Clone [0] [360]\n switch costume to (4f v)\n Clone [-480] [100]\n switch costume to (5f v)\n Clone [300] [300]\n switch costume to (5a v)\n Clone [480] [-200]\n switch costume to (5f@ v)\n Clone [-100] [350]\nend\n\n@Game_Level-Graphics\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to ((Ground: x) + ((0) - (SCROLL X))) ((Ground: y) + ((0) - (SCROLL Y)))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(Ground: I am a clone?) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Delete all clones v)\nbroadcast (Setup v)\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [ground: i am a clone? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1ay v)\nset [ground: x v] to [0]\nset [ground: y v] to [0]\nhide\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1ay v)\n Clone [0] [0]\n switch costume to (2a v)\n Clone [0] [-360]\n switch costume to (b1 v)\n Clone [-480] [-64]\n switch costume to (1b v)\n Clone [960] [334]\n switch costume to (1b2 v)\n Clone [480] [0]\n switch costume to (1b3 v)\n Clone [0] [-360]\n set [ground: x v] to [-900]\n set [ground: y v] to [-497]\n switch costume to (2c v)\n Clone [0] [0]\n switch costume to (2d v)\n Clone [0] [360]\n switch costume to (4f v)\n Clone [-480] [100]\n switch costume to (5f v)\n Clone [300] [300]\n switch costume to (5a v)\n Clone [480] [-200]\n switch costume to (5f2 v)\n Clone [-100] [350]\nend\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [ground: x v] by (x)\nchange [ground: y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ground: i am a clone? v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Game_collectable\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (game_player v)?> then\n set [xlocheart v] to (x position)\n set [ylocheart v] to (y position)\n if <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n broadcast (heart particle v)\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [star]> then\n broadcast (star particle v)\n end\n end\n repeat (25)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n if <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n change [heart v] by (1)\n broadcast (heart v)\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [star]> then\n change [star v] by (1)\n broadcast (star v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [heart v] to [0]\nset [star v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\ndefine back\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n back\nend\n\nset [checkpoint x v] to [-982]\nset [checkpoint y v] to [-191]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\npoint in direction (90.01)\ndelete all of [artifact x v]\ndelete all of [artifact y v]\nClone [143] [16] [heart]\nClone [90] [-257] [star]\nClone [40] [-510] [heart]\nClone [570] [-490] [star]\nClone [570] [-390] [heart]\nClone [637] [-185] [heart]\nClone [498] [-7] [star]\nClone [-56] [15] [star]\nClone [-521] [-447] [heart]\nClone [-1004] [-474] [heart]\nClone [-1105] [-312] [star]\nClone [-1344] [-55] [star]\nClone [-604] [-536] [star]\nClone [-456] [-153] [star]\nClone [-636] [-131] [heart]\nClone [-996] [166] [heart]\nClone [-711] [404] [star]\nClone [-576] [259] [heart]\nClone [-508] [133] [star]\nClone [-377] [430] [heart]\nClone [12] [-395] [star]\nClone [-293] [-395] [heart]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (24) %\nshow\nforever\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (((0) - (SCROLL X)) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [artifact x v])) y: ((item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [artifact y v]) + (() - (SCROLL Y)))\n if <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [235]> or <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [175]>> then\n hide\n else\n if <<not <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [235]>> and <not <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [175]>>> then\n show\n end\n end\n if <(costume [name v]) = [heart]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-5)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (-7)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y) (costume)\nadd (x) to [artifact x v]\nadd (y) to [artifact y v]\nswitch costume to (costume)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nturn right (0.01) degrees\n\n@Game_collectible_particles\n\ndefine add particle (x) (y) (costume)\nadd (x) to [particle x v]\nadd (y) to [particle y v]\nadd [0] to [particle change y v]\nif <(costume) = [heart]> then\n set [color v] effect to (170)\nelse\n set [color v] effect to (0)\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nturn right (0.01) degrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [particle change y v]\ndelete all of [particle x v]\ndelete all of [particle y v]\nhide\npoint in direction (90.01)\nrepeat (3)\n add particle [143] [16] [heart]\n add particle [90] [-257] [star]\n add particle [40] [-510] [heart]\n add particle [570] [-490] [star]\n add particle [570] [-390] [heart]\n add particle [637] [-185] [heart]\n add particle [498] [-7] [star]\n add particle [-56] [15] [star]\n add particle [-521] [-447] [heart]\n add particle [-1004] [-474] [heart]\n add particle [-1105] [-312] [star]\n add particle [-1344] [-55] [star]\n add particle [-604] [-536] [star]\n add particle [-456] [-153] [star]\n add particle [-636] [-131] [heart]\n add particle [-996] [166] [heart]\n add particle [-711] [404] [star]\n add particle [-576] [259] [heart]\n add particle [-508] [133] [star]\n add particle [-377] [430] [heart]\n add particle [12] [-395] [star]\n add particle [-293] [-395] [heart]\n wait ((1) / (3)) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nset size to (23) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n wait (pick random (0.2) to (0.4)) seconds\n switch costume to (pick random (5) to (1))\n replace item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v] with [-5]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n replace item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v] with ((1) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v]))\n end\n repeat (10)\n replace item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v] with ((0.75) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v]))\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n replace item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v] with ((0.5) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v]))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to x: (((0) - (SCROLL X)) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle x v])) y: ((item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle y v]) + ((item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [particle change y v]) - (SCROLL Y)))\n if <<([abs v] of (y position) ) < [170]> and <([abs v] of (x position) ) < [235]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(distance to [game_player v]) < [30]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Game_Notifications\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [heart v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [heart] []\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [untilwait v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set size to (100) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\n\ndefine pop-in/out (costume) (long)\nset [untilwait v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume)\nif <(long) = [yes]> then\n broadcast (longmoveon v)\nelse\n broadcast (moveon v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [star v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [star] []\n\nwhen I receive [player joined v]\n\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [joined] []\n\nwhen I receive [online on checked status v]\nwait (0) seconds\nwait until <(untilwait) = [2]>\npop-in/out [game_on] []\n\nwhen I receive [player left v]\n\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [left] []\n\nwhen I receive [checkpoint saved v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [checkpoint] []\n\nwhen I receive [moveon v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nshow\nrepeat (19)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-6)\n change y by (((-1) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nwait (1.5) seconds\nrepeat (25)\n change y by ((y position) / (3.5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\nset [untilwait v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [transfer v]\nset [untilwait v] to [1]\nwait (2) seconds\npop-in/out [full] []\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [offline_auto] [yes]\n\nwhen I receive [offline v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [game_on] []\n\nwhen I receive [alert v]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [thanks] []\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [free] []\n\nwhen I receive [sad v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [sad] []\n\nwhen I receive [stop that turbo v]\nbroadcast (trap v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\nif <(exit status) = [2]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [untilwait v] to [1]\n switch costume to (turbo v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (200)\n go to x: (0) y: (200)\n show\n set size to (100) %\n repeat (19)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-6)\n change y by (((134) - (y position)) / (6))\n wait (0.001) seconds\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (25)\n change y by (((y position) - (135)) / (3.5))\n wait (0.00001) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.01)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [you win!!! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [swimmer v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [water] []\n\nwhen I receive [restarted v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [restarted] []\n\nwhen I receive [jumps v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [jumps] []\n\nwhen I receive [longmoveon v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (105)\nshow\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-6)\n change y by (((-2) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (25)\n change y by (((y position) + (2)) / (4))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\nset [untilwait v] to [2]\n\nwhen I receive [chat v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [chat] []\n\nwhen I receive [jumps2 v]\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\npop-in/out [jumps2] []\n\n@Game_Level_liquid\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nGo to (((Ground: x) + ((0) - (SCROLL X))) + ()) (((Ground: y) + ((0) - (SCROLL Y))) + (([cos v] of (size2) ) * (5)))\n\ndefine Go to (x) (y)\nset [color v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x position) = (x)> and <(y position) = (y)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <(Ground: I am a clone?) = [0]> then\n hide\nend\nset [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Delete all clones v)\nbroadcast (Setup v)\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [ground: i am a clone? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (b2 v)\nset [ground: x v] to [0]\nset [ground: y v] to [0]\nhide\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (b3 v)\n Clone [-480] [-424]\n switch costume to (1b v)\n Clone [960] [334]\n set [ground: x v] to [-454]\n set [ground: y v] to [-100]\n switch costume to (5a v)\n Clone [0] [0]\nend\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nchange [ground: x v] by (x)\nchange [ground: y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [ground: i am a clone? v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Game_Quests\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (0s v)\nshow\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n set [id v] to [2]\n switch costume to (0s v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n forever\n set size to (125) %\n go to x: ((96) + (xpos)) y: (48)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to (join ((Heart) + (0)) [s])\n if <(xpos) > [70]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n forever\n set size to (125) %\n go to x: ((96) + (xpos)) y: (-23)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to (join ((Star) + (0)) [s])\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n if <(xpos) > [70]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\ndefine frontttt\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n frontttt\nend\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [xpos v] to (x position)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nshow\ngo to x: (125) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [menu]> then\n forever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (menu v)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(mouse x) < [240]>> then\n repeat (5)\n set [open v] to [1]\n if <(x position) > [50]> then\n change x by (-8)\n else\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (6))\n end\n end\n else\n repeat (5)\n set [open v] to [0]\n if <(x position) < [75]> then\n change x by (8)\n else\n change x by (((125) - (x position)) / (6))\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [open v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (menu v)\ngo to x: (130) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [you win!!! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\n@Game_Checkpoints\n\ndefine Checkpoint @ (scrollx) (scrolly) (costume)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nadd (scrollx) to [checkpoint x v]\nadd (scrolly) to [checkpoing y v]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nturn right (0.01) degrees\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: ((() - (SCROLL X)) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [checkpoint x v])) y: ((() - (SCROLL Y)) + (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [checkpoing y v]))\n set [ghost v] effect to (99)\nend\n\ndefine Save Checkpoint (x) (y)\nadd (x) to [save x v]\nadd (y) to [save y v]\n\ndefine save\ndelete all of [save x v]\ndelete all of [save y v]\nSave Checkpoint [-221] [67]\nSave Checkpoint [208] [-399]\nSave Checkpoint [-1106] [-496]\n\ndefine make\ndelete all of [checkpoint x v]\ndelete all of [checkpoing y v]\nCheckpoint @ [-220] [50] [1a]\nCheckpoint @ [208] [-399] [1b]\nCheckpoint @ [-900] [-496] [c1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (game_player v)?> then\n if <not <(join (checkpoint x) (checkpoint y)) = (join (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [save x v]) (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [save y v]))>> then\n set [checkpoint x v] to (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [save x v])\n set [checkpoint y v] to (item (join (letter (4) of (direction)) (letter (5) of (direction))) of [save y v])\n broadcast (checkpoint saved v)\n wait until <not <touching (game_player v)?>>\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint x v] to [-221]\nset [checkpoint y v] to [67]\npoint in direction (90.01)\nhide\nsave\nmake\n\n@Game_PlayMenu\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset [level v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (offline v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (online v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (20) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Offline]> then\n if <(until) = [1]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (-60)\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(until) = [0]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n change y by (((-80) - (y position)) / (6))\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(LEVEL) = [0]>> and <(until) = [0]>> then\n repeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n change size by (((105) - (size)) / (6))\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (hide v)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((10) - (size)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n wait until <(until) = [2]>\n broadcast (offline v)\n broadcast (green flag v)\n broadcast (start! v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n else\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (6))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Online]> then\n if <(until) = [1]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (-105)\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(until) = [0]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n end\n change y by (((-125) - (y position)) / (6))\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <(LEVEL) = [0]>> and <(until) = [0]>> then\n repeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8)\n change size by (((105) - (size)) / (6))\n if <mouse down?> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\n broadcast (hide v)\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((10) - (size)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n broadcast (online v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n else\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (6))\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (green flag v)\nbroadcast (start! v)\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nset [until v] to [1]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\nset [until v] to [2]\n\ndefine turn\npoint in direction ((([cos v] of (size2) ) * (5)) - (-90))\nset [deg v] to (direction)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n turn\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n point in direction (deg)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [until v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [intro_finished v]\nswitch costume to (play v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-80)\npoint in direction (85)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (20) %\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [size2 v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n change y by (((-100) - (y position)) / (6))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n change size by (((125) - (size)) / (6))\n if <mouse down?> then\n repeat (13)\n change size by (((10) - (size)) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\n end\n hide\n wait (0.3) seconds\n broadcast (menu v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n else\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (12))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Game_fade\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n front\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fade v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nbroadcast (reset v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\ndefine front\nrepeat (1)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Game_Quests_Fill\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [currentid v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (10)\nif <(currentid) = [1]> then\n set [currentid v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n forever\n show\n frontttt\n go to x: (xpos) y: (0)\n switch costume to (join [s] (Heart))\n end\nelse\n forever\n show\n frontttt\n go to x: (xpos) y: (-70)\n switch costume to (join [s] (Star))\n end\nend\n\ndefine frontttt\nrepeat (1)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\n@Player Arrow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (90) %\nif <(item (cloneid2) of [connection v]) = [1]> then\n if <(names???) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\nshow\nif <(cloneid3) = [1]> then\n forever\n Go to [1] ((item (1) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (2) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player1)) (item (1) of [connection v])\n end\nelse\n if <(cloneid3) = [2]> then\n forever\n Go to [2] ((item (3) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (4) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player2)) (item (2) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [3]> then\n forever\n Go to [3] ((item (5) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (6) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player3)) (item (3) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [4]> then\n forever\n Go to [4] ((item (7) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (8) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player4)) (item (4) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [5]> then\n forever\n Go to [5] ((item (9) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (10) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player5)) (item (5) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [6]> then\n forever\n Go to [6] ((item (11) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (12) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player6)) (item (6) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [7]> then\n forever\n Go to [7] ((item (13) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (14) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player7)) (item (7) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [8]> then\n forever\n Go to [8] ((item (15) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (16) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player8)) (item (8) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [9]> then\n forever\n Go to [9] ((item (17) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (18) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player9)) (item (9) of [connection v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid3) = [10]> then\n forever\n Go to [10] ((item (19) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (20) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player10)) (item (10) of [connection v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Go to (id) (x) (y) (costume) (show?)\nshow\nchange x by (((((x) - (SCROLL X)) - (0)) - (x position)) / (3))\nchange y by (((((y) - (SCROLL Y)) - (0)) - (y position)) / (3))\nswitch costume to (arrow v)\npoint towards (center v)\nturn right (180) degrees\nmove (-30) steps\nif <(names???) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nelse\n if <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [205]> or <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [145]>> then\n if <(show?) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [init clone v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\nset [cloneid3 v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n if <not <(@Player) = (cloneid3)>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [cloneid3 v] by (1)\nend\n\n@Cloud ENGINE\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [StratfordJames]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player1 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player2 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player3 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player4 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player5 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player6 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player7 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player8 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player9 v] to (save)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [☁ player10 v] to (save)\nend\n\ndefine Position @ (playerid) (input)\nif <(playerid) = [1]> then\n set [☁ player1 v] to (input)\nelse\n if <(playerid) = [2]> then\n set [☁ player2 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [3]> then\n set [☁ player3 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [4]> then\n set [☁ player4 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [5]> then\n set [☁ player5 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [6]> then\n set [☁ player6 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [7]> then\n set [☁ player7 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [8]> then\n set [☁ player8 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [9]> then\n set [☁ player9 v] to (input)\n else\n if <(playerid) = [10]> then\n set [☁ player10 v] to (input)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Pulse\nif <(Connection) = [9]> then\n set [connection v] to [1]\nelse\n change [connection v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloudtick v]\nPosition @ (@Player) (join (join (join (join (join (join ((SCROLL X) + (50000)) ((SCROLL Y) + (50000))) (Connection)) (item (@Player) of [connection v])) (Local-Encoded)) (localcostume)) (chat item))\n\ndefine Timeout @Other\nif <not <(@Player) = [1]>> then\n if <(item (1) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player1))> then\n replace item (1) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (1) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [2]>> then\n if <(item (2) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player2))> then\n replace item (2) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (2) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [3]>> then\n if <(item (3) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player3))> then\n replace item (3) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (3) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [4]>> then\n if <(item (4) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player4))> then\n replace item (4) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (4) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [5]>> then\n if <(item (5) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player5))> then\n replace item (5) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (5) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [6]>> then\n if <(item (6) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player6))> then\n replace item (6) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (6) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [7]>> then\n if <(item (7) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player7))> then\n replace item (7) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (7) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [8]>> then\n if <(item (8) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player8))> then\n replace item (8) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (8) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [9]>> then\n if <(item (9) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player9))> then\n replace item (9) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (9) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\nif <not <(@Player) = [10]>> then\n if <(item (10) of [pulse_cloud v]) = (letter (11) of (☁ Player10))> then\n replace item (10) of [connection v] with [0]\n else\n replace item (10) of [connection v] with [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Import (input)\ndelete all of [cloudcoord v]\nset [counter6 v] to [1]\nset [counter5 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (input)) / (54))\n repeat (2)\n add [] to [cloudcoord v]\n repeat (5)\n replace item (counter6) of [cloudcoord v] with (join (item (counter6) of [cloudcoord v]) (letter (counter5) of (input)))\n change [counter5 v] by (1)\n end\n change [counter6 v] by (1)\n end\n change [counter5 v] by (44)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloudstart v]\nforever\n Import (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (☁ Player1) (☁ Player2)) (☁ Player3)) (☁ Player4)) (☁ Player5)) (☁ Player6)) (☁ Player7)) (☁ Player8)) (☁ Player9)) (☁ Player10))\nend\n\ndefine determine players (input)\nset [old player# v] to (active players)\nset [active players v] to [0]\nset [counter7 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [connection v])\n if <(letter (counter7) of (input)) = [1]> then\n change [active players v] by (1)\n end\n change [counter7 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(old player#) > (active players)> then\n broadcast (player left v)\nelse\n if <(old player#) < (active players)> then\n broadcast (player joined v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [online v]\nshow variable [active players v]\nset [save v] to (join (join ((-220) + (50000)) ((69) + (50000))) [10656565656565656565656565656565656565656520])\nset [connection v] to [1]\ndetermine id\nbroadcast (detect v)\nbroadcast (cloudstart v)\nbroadcast (starttcik v)\nbroadcast (connecting v) and wait\nbroadcast (online on checked status v)\nbroadcast (green flag v)\nbroadcast (start! v)\nbroadcast (init clone v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [rdy v] to [0]\nhide variable [active players v]\nhide variable [☁ player1 v]\nhide variable [☁ player2 v]\nhide variable [☁ player3 v]\nforever\n if <(mouse y) < [-100]> then\n if <<(username) = [NightTaco9672]> or <<(username) = [StratfordJames]> or <(username) = [IcedSnow]>>> then\n hide list [clouddatadecoded v]\n show variable [☁ player10 v]\n show variable [☁ player2 v]\n show variable [☁ player3 v]\n show variable [@player v]\n show variable [☁ player1 v]\n show variable [☁ player4 v]\n show variable [☁ player5 v]\n show variable [☁ player6 v]\n show variable [☁ player7 v]\n show variable [☁ player8 v]\n hide list [connection v]\n show variable [☁ player9 v]\n end\n else\n show list [clouddatadecoded v]\n hide variable [☁ player1 v]\n hide variable [☁ player2 v]\n hide variable [☁ player3 v]\n hide variable [@player v]\n show list [connection v]\n hide variable [☁ player4 v]\n hide variable [☁ player5 v]\n hide variable [☁ player6 v]\n hide variable [☁ player7 v]\n hide variable [☁ player8 v]\n hide variable [☁ player9 v]\n hide variable [☁ player10 v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloudstart v]\nforever\n wait (0.4) seconds\n Pulse\nend\n\ndefine determine id\nassign\nif <not <(@Player) = [full]>> then\n Position @ (@Player) (join (join (join (join (join (join (((round ()) + (SCROLL X)) + (50000)) (((round ()) + (SCROLL Y)) + (50000))) (Connection)) [1]) (Local-Encoded)) (localcostume)) (chat item))\n broadcast (connecthold v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [starttcik v]\nforever\n broadcast (cloudtick v)\nend\n\ndefine detect overlap\nset [counter8 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [connection v])\n if <(username) = (item (counter8) of [clouddatadecoded v])> then\n set [@player v] to (counter8)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [counter8 v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [connecthold v]\nwait (0) seconds\nforever\n replace item (@Player) of [connection v] with [1]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [pulse_cloud v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [1] to [pulse_cloud v]\nend\ndelete all of [connection v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [0] to [connection v]\nend\nforever\n if <not <(@Player) = [1]>> then\n replace item (1) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player1))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [2]>> then\n replace item (2) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player2))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [3]>> then\n replace item (3) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player3))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [4]>> then\n replace item (4) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player4))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [5]>> then\n replace item (5) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player5))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [6]>> then\n replace item (6) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player6))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [7]>> then\n replace item (7) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player7))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [8]>> then\n replace item (8) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player8))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [9]>> then\n replace item (9) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player9))\n end\n if <not <(@Player) = [10]>> then\n replace item (10) of [pulse_cloud v] with (letter (11) of (☁ Player10))\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n Timeout @Other\n determine players (connection)\nend\n\ndefine assign\nif <(item (1) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [1]\nelse\n if <(item (2) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [2]\n else\n if <(item (3) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [3]\n else\n if <(item (4) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [4]\n else\n if <(item (5) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [5]\n else\n if <(item (6) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [ 6]\n else\n if <(item (7) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [7]\n else\n if <(item (8) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [8]\n else\n if <(item (9) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [9]\n else\n if <(item (10) of [connection v]) = [0]> then\n set [@player v] to [10]\n else\n set [@player v] to [full]\n broadcast (transfer v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [connecthold v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <not <(username) = (item (@Player) of [clouddatadecoded v])>> then\n set [exit status v] to [error]\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\n@Encoder/Decoder\n\ndefine Encode (input)\nset [local-encoded v] to []\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat (20)\n if <(letter (counter) of (input)) = []> then\n switch costume to ( v)\n else\n if < [0123456789] contains (letter (counter) of (input))?> then\n switch costume to (join (letter (counter) of (input)) [x])\n else\n switch costume to (letter (counter) of (input))\n end\n end\n set [local-encoded v] to (join (Local-Encoded) ((costume [number v]) + (10)))\n change [counter v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [cloudstart v]\nEncode (username)\nforever\n Import (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (☁ Player1) (☁ Player2)) (☁ Player3)) (☁ Player4)) (☁ Player5)) (☁ Player6)) (☁ Player7)) (☁ Player8)) (☁ Player9)) (☁ Player10))\n Decode (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (join (item (1) of [clouddataencoded v]) (item (2) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (3) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (4) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (5) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (6) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (7) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (8) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (9) of [clouddataencoded v])) (item (10) of [clouddataencoded v]))\nend\n\ndefine Decode (clouddata)\ndelete all of [clouddatadecoded v]\nset [counter2 v] to [1]\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (clouddata)) / (40))\n add [] to [clouddatadecoded v]\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to ((join (letter (counter) of (clouddata)) (letter ((counter) + (1)) of (clouddata))) - (10))\n if <(costume [name v]) = [ ]> then\n replace item (counter2) of [clouddatadecoded v] with (item (counter2) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n else\n replace item (counter2) of [clouddatadecoded v] with (join (item (counter2) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (1) of (costume [name v])))\n end\n change [counter v] by (2)\n end\n change [counter2 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Import (couldjoined)\ndelete all of [clouddataencoded v]\nset [counter4 v] to [1]\nset [counter3 v] to [1]\nrepeat ((length of (couldjoined)) / (54))\n add [] to [clouddataencoded v]\n change [counter3 v] by (12)\n repeat (40)\n replace item (counter4) of [clouddataencoded v] with (join (item (counter4) of [clouddataencoded v]) (letter (counter3) of (couldjoined)))\n change [counter3 v] by (1)\n end\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n change [counter3 v] by (2)\nend\n\n@Player Clones Blur\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (90) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(cloneID) = [1]> then\n forever\n Go to [1] ((item (1) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (2) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player1)) (item (1) of [connection v]) (item (1) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\nelse\n if <(cloneID) = [2]> then\n forever\n Go to [2] ((item (3) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (4) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player2)) (item (2) of [connection v]) (item (2) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [3]> then\n forever\n Go to [3] ((item (5) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (6) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player3)) (item (3) of [connection v]) (item (3) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [4]> then\n forever\n Go to [4] ((item (7) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (8) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player4)) (item (4) of [connection v]) (item (4) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [5]> then\n forever\n Go to [5] ((item (9) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (10) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player5)) (item (5) of [connection v]) (item (5) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [6]> then\n forever\n Go to [6] ((item (11) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (12) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player6)) (item (6) of [connection v]) (item (6) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [7]> then\n forever\n Go to [7] ((item (13) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (14) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player7)) (item (7) of [connection v]) (item (7) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [8]> then\n forever\n Go to [8] ((item (15) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (16) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player8)) (item (8) of [connection v]) (item (8) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [9]> then\n forever\n Go to [9] ((item (17) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (18) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player9)) (item (9) of [connection v]) (item (9) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneID) = [10]> then\n forever\n Go to [10] ((item (19) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (20) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player10)) (item (10) of [connection v]) (item (10) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Go to (id) (x) (y) (costume) (show?) (dialogue)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-30)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nchange x by (((((x) - (SCROLL X)) - (0)) - (x position)) / (1.5))\nchange y by (((((y) - (SCROLL Y)) - (0)) - (y position)) / (1.5))\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nset size to (68) %\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(show?) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nelse\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nbackk!\n\nwhen I receive [init clone v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\nset [cloneid v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n if <not <(@Player) = (cloneID)>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [cloneid v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine backk!\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Player Clones Body\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange y by (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (68) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nshow\nif <(cloneid2) = [1]> then\n forever\n Go to [1] ((item (1) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (2) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player1)) (item (1) of [connection v]) (item (1) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\nelse\n if <(cloneid2) = [2]> then\n forever\n Go to [2] ((item (3) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (4) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player2)) (item (2) of [connection v]) (item (2) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [3]> then\n forever\n Go to [3] ((item (5) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (6) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player3)) (item (3) of [connection v]) (item (3) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [4]> then\n forever\n Go to [4] ((item (7) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (8) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player4)) (item (4) of [connection v]) (item (4) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [5]> then\n forever\n Go to [5] ((item (9) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (10) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player5)) (item (5) of [connection v]) (item (5) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [6]> then\n forever\n Go to [6] ((item (11) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (12) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player6)) (item (6) of [connection v]) (item (6) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [7]> then\n forever\n Go to [7] ((item (13) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (14) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player7)) (item (7) of [connection v]) (item (7) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [8]> then\n forever\n Go to [8] ((item (15) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (16) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player8)) (item (8) of [connection v]) (item (8) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [9]> then\n forever\n Go to [9] ((item (17) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (18) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player9)) (item (9) of [connection v]) (item (9) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n else\n if <(cloneid2) = [10]> then\n forever\n Go to [10] ((item (19) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (20) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player10)) (item (10) of [connection v]) (item (10) of [clouddatadecoded v])\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Go to (id) (x) (y) (costume) (show?) (diag)\nchange x by (((((x) - (SCROLL X)) - (0)) - (x position)) / (2))\nchange y by (((((y) - (SCROLL Y)) - (0)) - (y position)) / (1.4))\nif <[creator v] contains (diag)?> then\n switch costume to (join (join (costume) [a]) [C])\nelse\n switch costume to (join (join (costume) [a]) (letter (1) of <[admin v] contains (diag)?>))\nend\nif <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [250]> or <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [190]>> then\n hide\nelse\n show\nend\nif <(show?) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nelse\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\n\nset size to (68) %\n\nwhen I receive [init clone v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\nset [cloneid2 v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n if <not <(@Player) = (cloneid2)>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [cloneid2 v] by (1)\nend\n\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Player Clones Dialogue\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange y by (10)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (68) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nif <(id4) = [1]> then\n forever\n Go to [1] ((item (1) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (2) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player1)) (item (1) of [connection v]) (item (1) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player1))\n end\nelse\n if <(id4) = [2]> then\n forever\n Go to [2] ((item (3) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (4) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player2)) (item (2) of [connection v]) (item (2) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player2))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [3]> then\n forever\n Go to [3] ((item (5) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (6) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player3)) (item (3) of [connection v]) (item (3) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player3))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [4]> then\n forever\n Go to [4] ((item (7) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (8) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player4)) (item (4) of [connection v]) (item (4) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player4))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [5]> then\n forever\n Go to [5] ((item (9) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (10) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player5)) (item (5) of [connection v]) (item (5) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player5))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [6]> then\n forever\n Go to [6] ((item (11) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (12) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player6)) (item (6) of [connection v]) (item (6) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player6))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [7]> then\n forever\n Go to [7] ((item (13) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (14) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player7)) (item (7) of [connection v]) (item (7) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player7))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [8]> then\n forever\n Go to [8] ((item (15) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (16) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player8)) (item (8) of [connection v]) (item (8) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player8))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [9]> then\n forever\n Go to [9] ((item (17) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (18) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player9)) (item (9) of [connection v]) (item (9) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player9))\n end\n else\n if <(id4) = [10]> then\n forever\n Go to [10] ((item (19) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) ((item (20) of [cloudcoord v]) - (50000)) (letter (53) of (☁ Player10)) (item (10) of [connection v]) (item (10) of [clouddatadecoded v]) (letter (54) of (☁ Player10))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Go to (id) (x) (y) (costume) (show?) (diag) (chatttt)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nchange x by (((((x) - (SCROLL X)) - (0)) - (x position)) / (1.5))\nchange y by (((((y) - (SCROLL Y)) - (-2)) - (y position)) / (1.5))\nif <(show?) = [1]> then\n if <(names???) = [1]> then\n if <(chatttt) = [0]> then\n say (diag)\n else\n say (item (chatttt) of [chat list v])\n end\n else\n if <(chatttt) = [0]> then\n say []\n else\n say (item (chatttt) of [chat list v])\n end\n end\nelse\n say []\nend\n\nif <<([abs v] of (x position) ) > [230]> or <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [170]>> then\n if <(chatttt) = [0]> then\n say []\n else\n say (item (chatttt) of [chat list v])\n end\nelse\nend\n\nsay []\n\nwhen I receive [init clone v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\nset [id4 v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n if <not <(@Player) = (id4)>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [id4 v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [names??? v] to [1]\n\nsay (diag)\n\nwhen I receive [online v]\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n set [names??? v] to ((1) - (names???))\n wait until <not <key (n v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Connecting...\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [connecting v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset size to (150) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(size) < [101]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (6))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(size) < [20]>\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat until <(size) > [98]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (6))\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(size) < [20]>\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (8)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transfer v]\nwait (2) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat until <(size) < [30]>\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (6))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n@Center\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine Follower (y/n)\nif <[yes] = (y/n)> then\n switch costume to (followers v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (base v)\nend\n\ndefine Glide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nswitch costume to (sizer v)\nset size to (30) %\nswitch costume to (base v)\nrepeat until <(size) > [89]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (sizer v)\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (4))\n switch costume to (base v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Followers]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (70) y: (85)\n show\n set size to (1) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat until <(size) > [85]>\n change size by ((size) / (4.3))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-8.5)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [110]>\n change size by (((111) - (size)) / (2.6))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n repeat until <(size) < [91]>\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (2))\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n wait (2.5) seconds\n broadcast (Completition1 v)\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Mask1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-250) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (sizer v)\n set size to (300) %\n switch costume to (mask1 v)\n repeat until <(x position) > [-100]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (15)\n end\n repeat until <(x position) > [-1]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((2) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\n point in direction (90)\n broadcast (Completition1 v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat until <(direction) > [179.9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n turn right (((180.1) - (direction)) / (6)) degrees\n end\n point in direction (180)\n set y to (0)\n broadcast (intro_finished v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [250]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((y position) - (-20)) / (10))\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [Mask2]> then\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (sizer v)\n set size to (300) %\n switch costume to (mask2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n show\n go to x: (250) y: (0)\n repeat until <(x position) < [100]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (-15)\n end\n repeat until <(x position) < [1]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change x by (((-2) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\n point in direction (90)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat until <(direction) > [179.9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n turn right (((180.1) - (direction)) / (6)) degrees\n end\n point in direction (180)\n set y to (0)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) < [-250]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((y position) - (20)) / (10))\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [name v]) = [background]> then\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (background v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n else\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Mask\nswitch costume to (mask1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (mask2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (base v)\n\nwhen I receive [completition1 v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nif <<<(costume [name v]) = [Base]> or <(costume [name v]) = [Followers]>> or <(costume [name v]) = [background]>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (background v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nGlide\nwait (0.3) seconds\nFollower [yes]\nwait (2) seconds\nMask\nwait (1) seconds\nset [intro done? v] to [1]\n\nif <(intro done?) = [1]> then\nelse\nend\n\nset [intro done? v] to [0]\nset [intro done? v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [both??? v] to [0]\nset [star v] to [false]\nset [heart v] to [false]\nshow\nset [stared? v] to [0]\nset [loved? v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [both??? v] to [0]\nset [stared? v] to [0]\nset [loved? v] to [0]\nforever\n wait until <<(Stared?) = [1]> and <(Loved?) = [1]>>\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [loved? v] to [0]\n set [stared? v] to [0]\n set [both??? v] to ((1) - (both???))\n if <(both???) = [1]> then\n broadcast (alert v)\n change [heart v] by (1)\n change [star v] by (1)\n else\n broadcast (sad v)\n change [heart v] by (-1)\n change [star v] by (-1)\n end\n wait until <<(heart) = [false]> and <(star) = [false]>>\n set [stared? v] to [0]\n set [loved? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [detector di v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(detector DI) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [detector di v] to [2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n forever\n set [star v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [stared? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (love v)\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n show\n forever\n set [heart v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved? v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Tutorial\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [tutorial???? v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to x: ((join (join (join (letter (1) of (costume [name v])) (letter (2) of (costume [name v]))) (letter (3) of (costume [name v]))) (join (letter (4) of (costume [name v])) (letter (5) of (costume [name v])))) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((join (join (join (letter (6) of (costume [name v])) (letter (7) of (costume [name v]))) (letter (8) of (costume [name v]))) (join (letter (9) of (costume [name v])) (letter (10) of (costume [name v])))) - (SCROLL Y))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [utt v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (5) layers\n if <<(SCROLL X) > [-70]> and <<(SCROLL X) < [70]> and <<(SCROLL Y) > [-80]> and <(SCROLL Y) < [37]>>>> then\n switch costume to (-010000011 v)\n if <(tutorial????) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n else\n if <<(SCROLL X) > [-250]> and <<(SCROLL X) < [-50]> and <(SCROLL Y) > [35]>>> then\n switch costume to (0000000010 v)\n if <(tutorial????) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n else\n if <<(SCROLL X) > [30]> and <<(SCROLL X) < [250]> and <<(SCROLL Y) < [100]> and <(SCROLL Y) > [-5]>>>> then\n switch costume to (0000000011 v)\n if <(tutorial????) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n else\n if <<<(SCROLL X) > [-146]> and <(SCROLL Y) < [-350]>> and <(SCROLL Y) > [-450]>> then\n if <(tutorial????) = [1]> then\n if <not <(costume [name v]) = (join [00050-0390] (letter (1) of <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [60]>))>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n switch costume to (join [00050-0390] (letter (1) of <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [60]>))\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n else\n if <<(SCROLL X) > [-360]> and <<(SCROLL X) < [-150]> and <(SCROLL Y) < [-400]>>> then\n switch costume to (-0300-0500 v)\n if <(tutorial????) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(SCROLL X) < [-400]> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you win!!! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\nend\nhide\n\n@Menu_tutorial\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nwait (10) seconds\nwait until <(untilwait) = [0]>\nset [untilwait v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) < [167]>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (((165) - (y position)) / (6))\n switch costume to (menu v)\n set [untilwait v] to [1]\nend\nforever\n set [untilwait v] to [1]\n if <<key (n v) pressed?> or <<<(mouse y) > [136]> and <(mouse y) < [159]>> and <<(mouse x) < [35]> and <(mouse x) > [2]>>>> then\n switch costume to (over no v)\n if <<key (n v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [tutorial???? v] to [0]\n broadcast (utt v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [250]>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (((y position) - (150)) / (5))\n switch costume to (over no v)\n set [untilwait v] to [1]\n end\n set [untilwait v] to [0]\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <<key (y v) pressed?> or <<<(mouse x) < [1]> and <(mouse x) > [-38]>> and <<(mouse y) > [136]> and <(mouse y) < [159]>>>> then\n switch costume to (over yes v)\n if <<key (y v) pressed?> or <mouse down?>> then\n set [tutorial???? v] to [1]\n broadcast (utt v)\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat until <(y position) > [250]>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change y by (((y position) - (150)) / (5))\n switch costume to (over yes v)\n set [untilwait v] to [1]\n end\n set [untilwait v] to [0]\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (menu v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (250)\nswitch costume to (menu v)\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [clikc2? v] to [1]\n else\n set [clikc2? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Game_Heart_Particle\n\nwhen I receive [heart particle v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [costume2]> then\n repeat (pick random (5) to (7))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [heargvel v] to [7]\nshow\nParticle (pick random (-3.2) to (3.2))\n\ndefine Particle (xvel)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume22 v)\ngo to (game_player v)\nset size to (pick random (55) to (70)) %\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (0) to (0))\nrepeat (30)\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by ((Xv) * (-0.3))\n change x by (xvel)\n change y by (heargvel)\n change [heargvel v] by (-0.15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Game_Star_Particle\n\nwhen I receive [star particle v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [costume2]> then\n repeat (pick random (5) to (7))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [starvel v] to [7]\nshow\nParticle (pick random (-3.2) to (3.2))\n\ndefine Particle (xvel)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume22 v)\ngo to (game_player v)\nset size to (pick random (55) to (70)) %\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (0) to (0))\nrepeat (30)\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by ((Xv) * (-0.3))\n change x by (xvel)\n change y by (starvel)\n change [starvel v] by (-0.15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Turbo Mode Detec\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [tmer v] to [0]\n wait (0.0001) seconds\n if <(tmer) > [130]> then\n set [turbo/ v] to [1]\n else\n set [turbo/ v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [tmer v] to [0]\nforever\n change [tmer v] by (99)\nend\n\n@Game_Win_Particles\n\nwhen I receive [you win!!! v]\nif <(costume [name v]) = [costume2]> then\n repeat (pick random (12) to (16))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [winve; v] to [7]\nshow\nParticle (pick random (-4.1) to (4.1))\n\ndefine Particle (xvel)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (costume24 v)\ngo to (game_player v)\nset size to (pick random (45) to (55)) %\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (pick random (0) to (0))\nrepeat (30)\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by (xvel)\n change y by (winve;)\n change [winve; v] by (-0.07)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3.5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nchange [heart v] by (4)\nchange [star v] by (4)\n\nforever\n broadcast (you win!!! v)\n wait (2) seconds\nend\n\n@Win\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1menu v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [you win!!! v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [costume1menu]> then\n set [don? v] to [ty]\n go to x: (0) y: (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (fron v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set size to (1) %\n repeat until <(size) > [99]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n wait (0.7) seconds\n set [localid v] to [0]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat until <(y position) > [34]>\n change y by (((35) - (y position)) / (6))\n end\n draw (timer)\n set [localid v] to [end]\n wait (1.4) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1menu v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine draw (number or text)\nhide\nset [localid v] to [n]\nset size to (97) %\ngo to x: (-7) y: (-45)\nset [conet v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (number or text))\n switch costume to (join [s] (letter (conet) of (number or text)))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(costume [name v]) = [s1]> then\n change x by (12)\n else\n change x by (14)\n end\n change [conet v] by (1)\nend\nchange x by (4)\nswitch costume to (sec v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1menu v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (35)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [fron v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nforever\n front\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(localid) = [0]> then\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat until <(y position) < [-19]>\n change [ghost v] effect by (-100)\n change y by (((-20) - (y position)) / (6))\n end\nelse\n if <(localid) = [n]> then\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set y to (-30)\n repeat until <(y position) < [-44]>\n change y by (((-45) - (y position)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n else\n if <(localid) = [end]> then\n switch costume to (play again!!! v)\n set size to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n show\n go to x: (-370) y: (186)\n repeat until <(x position) > [-140]>\n change x by (((x position) + (400)) / (10))\n end\n repeat until <(x position) > [-100]>\n change x by (((-99) - (x position)) / (2))\n end\n repeat until <(x position) < [-111.5]>\n change x by (((x position) - (69)) / (40))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine front\nif <(costume [name v]) = [costume1menu]> then\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n if <(costume [name v]) = [costume2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1menu v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n front\nend\n\nbroadcast (you win!!! v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume1menu v)\n\n@Chat\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [open caht v] to [0]\ndelete all of [chat list v]\nadd [Hello!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Help me!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Bye!] to [chat list v]\nadd [I found one!] to [chat list v]\nadd [This way!] to [chat list v]\nadd [It's lagging :\(] to [chat list v]\nadd [Which way?] to [chat list v]\nadd [Okay!] to [chat list v]\nadd [Got to go :\)] to [chat list v]\nhide\nset [ghost v] to [100]\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(open caht) = [1]> then\n change [ghost v] by (((-1) - (ghost)) / (5))\n else\n change [ghost v] by (((101) - (ghost)) / (5))\n end\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [init clone v]\nshow\nforever\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n set [open caht v] to ((1) - (open caht))\n wait until <not <key (t v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <(clike) = [true]> then\n set [open caht v] to ((1) - (open caht))\n wait until <not <(clike) = [true]>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [chat item v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(open caht) = [1]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [66]> and <(mouse y) < [83]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [1]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [49]> and <(mouse y) < [66]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [2]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [30]> and <(mouse y) < [49]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [3]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [13]> and <(mouse y) < [30]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [4]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [-4]> and <(mouse y) < [13]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [5]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [-21]> and <(mouse y) < [-4]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [6]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [-38]> and <(mouse y) < [-21]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [7]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [-55]> and <(mouse y) < [-38]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [8]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <<<(mouse y) > [-72]> and <(mouse y) < [-55]>> and <<(mouse x) > [-210]> and <(mouse x) < [-105]>>>> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [9]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [1]\n wait until <not <key (1 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [2]\n wait until <not <key (2 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [3]\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [4]\n wait until <not <key (4 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [5]\n wait until <not <key (5 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [6]\n wait until <not <key (6 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [7]\n wait until <not <key (7 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [8]\n wait until <not <key (8 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n hide\n set [timerx v] to [0]\n set [chat item v] to [9]\n wait until <not <key (9 v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timerx v] to [6]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timerx v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(timerx) > [5]> then\n set [chat item v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine hide\nreplace item (3) of [acheivements! v] with [1]\nset [open caht v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [click for chat mobiel v] to <<(ghost) < [30]> and <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n
||#8 ☆ごく普通のPLATFORMER☆/☆Very ordinary platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n wait until <(scroll x) > [6140]>\n broadcast (levelfin v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (desert v)\nforever\n play sound [10000 Pounds of Sunshine \(by EternalSushi\) v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [the piano moosic v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelfin v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nplay sound [YOU WON! v] until done\n\n@cacti\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (scroll x)) ((y) - (scroll y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 0 0 v)\n New platform at ((470) * (3)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (3)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (4)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (6)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (7)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (11)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (12)) [800]\n New platform at ((470) * (13)) [800]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine New platform at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lag v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Danger\n\nNew platform at ((470) * (10)) [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 0 0 v)\n New platform at [-470] [0]\n New platform at [-470] [0]\n New platform at [0] [0]\n New platform at [470] [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (2)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (4)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (5)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (6)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (7)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (9)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (10)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (11)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (12)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (13)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (13)) [800]\n New platform at ((470) * (17)) [800]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine New platform at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (scroll x)) ((y) - (scroll y))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lag v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 0 0 v)\n New platform at [-470] [0]\n New platform at [0] [0]\n New platform at [470] [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (2)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (3)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (4)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (5)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (6)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (7)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (9)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (10)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (9)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (10)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (12)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (12)) [800]\n New platform at ((470) * (13)) [800]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine New platform at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (scroll x)) ((y) - (scroll y))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lag v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Super jump\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nset [jump y v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [jump y v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [jump y v] by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (super jump v)?> then\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (scroll x)) ((y) - (scroll y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 0 0 v)\n New platform at ((470) * (5)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (6)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (7)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [0]\n New platform at ((470) * (8)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (10)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (11)) [400]\n New platform at ((470) * (12)) [400]\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y) - (jump y))\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <((y) - (jump y)) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine New platform at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [lag v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Figur1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <mouse down?>\nbroadcast (play v)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <mouse down?>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@images2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (images2 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n point in direction ((90) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)))\n set [title size change vel v] to ((((title size change vel) * (1.6)) + ((((500) + ((100) * <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>)) - (size)) + ([cos v] of ((timer) * (100)) ))) / (2))\n change size by (title size change vel)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <mouse down?>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <mouse down?>\nbroadcast (play v)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nbroadcast (play v)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\n@images3\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nset size to (20) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nset [cy2 v] to (pick random (10) to (20))\nset [cx1 v] to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (cx1)\n change y by (cy2)\n change [cy2 v] by (-2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (0.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [levelfin v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (levelfin v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset size to (100) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n repeat until <(exit) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v) and wait\n end\n if <(exit) = [win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n Game - Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n set [sx v] to [-8]\nend\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n switch costume to (player v)\n set [sx v] to [8]\nend\nif <touching (cacti v)?> then\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (-1))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (3))\nend\nChange Player x by (sx)\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [11]\n end\nend\nif <touching (super jump v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [20]\nend\nif <(sx) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (player4 v)\nend\nchange [sy v] by (-1)\nChange Player y by (sy)\nPosition\nTest - Die\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (scroll y)) / (10)))\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <touching (portal v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [win]\nend\nif <not <(sx) = [0]>> then\n if <([abs v] of (sx) ) = (sx)> then\n change [sx v] by (-1)\n else\n change [sx v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (scroll x)) y: ((y) - (scroll y))\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n set [sx v] to [0]\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game - Die\nrepeat (3)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nbroadcast (end v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (2) seconds\nset [level v] to [2]\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n@Ashampoo_Snap_2020\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [main menu v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\n@//📊 Scratch Analytics by @TimMcCool2\n\ndefine Send Data (payload)\nset [☁ to_host v] to (payload)\n\ndefine Encode (input)\nset [//output v] to []\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (input))\n change [i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (join [=] (letter (i) of (input)))\n set [//output v] to (join (//output) (costume [number v]))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.6) seconds\nEncode (join (username) (join [,] (join (current [hour v]) (join [,] []))))\nSend Data (//output)\n\n
Evening || Multiplayer Platformer #games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@Intro\n\ndefine Circle Spiral at X: (x) Y: (y) Amount: (amnt) Speed: (speed)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [circlex v] to (x)\nset [circley v] to (y)\nset [clone id v] to [CircleSpiral]\nset [circleidx v] to (speed)\nrepeat (amnt)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right ((360) / (amnt)) degrees\nend\n\ndefine Line Explosion at x: (x) y: (y) Amount (amt) Speed: (speed)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [linex v] to (x)\nset [liney v] to (y)\nset [clone id v] to [LineExplosion]\nset [idx v] to (speed)\nrepeat (amt)\n turn right ((360) / (amt)) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine Smooth glide to x: (x:) y: (y) size: (size) direction (direction) smoothness: (speed)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (x:)> and <<(round (y position)) = (y)> and <<(round (size)) = (size)> and <(round (direction)) = (direction)>>>>\n change x by (((x:) - (x position)) / (speed))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (speed))\n change size by (((size) - (size)) / (speed))\n turn right (((direction) - (direction)) / (speed)) degrees\nend\n\ndefine Clone ID (id)\nset [clone id v] to (id)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [1/1]> then\n wait ((1/1 Delay) / (10)) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (1/1 v)\n set size to (10) %\n show\n set [1/1 cs v] to [0]\n repeat (18)\n change size by (((1/1 Size) - (size)) / (5))\n set [fisheye v] effect to (([ceiling v] of (([tan v] of (1/1 CS) ) * (68.6)) ) * (1/1 CS))\n change [1/1 cs v] by (5)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change size by (((1/1 Size) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 1/1 Circle Shockwave at x: (x) y: (y) size: (size)\nset [1/1 delay v] to [0]\nset [1/1 size v] to (size)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nClone ID [1/1]\n\ndefine Set Effects: Color: (color) Brightness: (brightness) Ghost: (ghost) Pixelated: (pixelated)\nclear graphic effects\nset [color v] effect to (color)\nset [brightness v] effect to (brightness)\nset [ghost v] effect to (ghost)\nset [pixelate v] effect to (pixelated)\n\ndefine Spread Particles Amount: (amount)\nrepeat (amount)\n Clone ID [Particles]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Particles]> then\n point in direction (pick random (-179) to (180))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (particle v)\n set size to (100) %\n set [particles x v] to (pick random (9) to (15))\n show\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (Particles X) steps\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 1/4 Circle Shockwave at x: (x) y: (y) size: (size)\nset [1/4 delay v] to [0]\nset [1/4 size v] to (size)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nrepeat (2)\n repeat (2)\n Clone ID [1/4]\n change [1/4 delay v] by (1)\n turn right (180) degrees\n end\n turn right (90) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [1/4]> then\n wait ((1/4 Delay) / (10)) seconds\n switch costume to (1/4 v)\n set size to (10) %\n show\n set [1/4 cs v] to [0]\n repeat (18)\n change size by (((1/4 Size) - (size)) / (5))\n set [fisheye v] effect to (([ceiling v] of (([tan v] of (1/4 CS) ) * (68.6)) ) * (1/4 CS))\n change [1/4 cs v] by (5)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change size by (((1/4 Size) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine 1/8 Circle Shockwave at x: (x) y: (y) size: (size)\nset [1/8 size v] to (size)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [1/8 delay v] to [0]\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (2)\n repeat (4)\n Clone ID [1/8]\n turn right (90) degrees\n end\n turn right (45) degrees\n change [1/8 delay v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [1/8]> then\n wait ((1/8 Delay) / (10)) seconds\n switch costume to (1/8 v)\n set size to (10) %\n show\n set [1/8 cs v] to [0]\n repeat (18)\n change size by (((1/8 Size) - (size)) / (5))\n set [fisheye v] effect to (([ceiling v] of (([tan v] of (1/8 CS) ) * (68.6)) ) * (1/8 CS))\n change [1/8 cs v] by (5)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change size by (((1/8 Size) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Shake: Start X (startx) Start Y: (starty) Start Size: (start size) End Size: (end size)\nset size to (start size) %\nrepeat (50)\n go to x: (([sin v] of ((timer) * ((startx) * (100))) ) * (((size) - (end size)) / (10))) y: (([sin v] of ((timer) * ((starty) * (100))) ) * (((size) - (end size)) / (10)))\n change size by (((end size) - (size)) / (10))\nend\n\ndefine Bounce Effect from X: (x) Y: (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (0) %\nset [bounce v] to [20]\nset [bounce x v] to [0]\nset [bounce y v] to [0]\nset [bounce rotate v] to [0]\nrepeat (40)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (.8)) + (((100) - (size)) / (20)))\n change size by (Bounce)\n set [bounce x v] to (((Bounce X) * (.8)) + (((0) - (x position)) / (10)))\n change x by (Bounce X)\n set [bounce y v] to (((Bounce X) * (.8)) + (((0) - (y position)) / (10)))\n change y by (Bounce Y)\n set [bounce rotate v] to (((Bounce Rotate) * (.8)) + (((0) - (direction)) / (10)))\n turn right (Bounce Rotate) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Rotator]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n switch costume to (rotator13 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [turn v] to [0]\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (6)\n turn left (Turn) degrees\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change [turn v] by (.3)\n end\n repeat (6)\n turn left (Turn) degrees\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n change [turn v] by (.8)\n end\n repeat (7)\n turn left (Turn) degrees\n change [turn v] by (2)\n end\n turn left (5) degrees\n repeat (8)\n turn left (Turn) degrees\n change [turn v] by (-1.9)\n end\n repeat (2)\n turn left (Turn) degrees\n change [turn v] by (-1)\n end\n repeat (7)\n turn left (Turn) degrees\n change [turn v] by (-.5)\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (12)\n next costume\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Rotator\nClone ID [Rotator]\n\ndefine Stars Amount: (amount)\nrepeat (amount)\n Clone ID [Stars]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [NormalParticles]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (90)\n turn right (pick random (0) to (360)) degrees\n set size to (pick random (75) to (125)) %\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-50) to (50))\n switch costume to (particle v)\n set [i v] to (pick random (2) to (5))\n set [velocity v] to (pick random (-12) to (12))\n show\n repeat until <(round (y position)) < [-170]>\n change [i v] by (-0.3)\n change y by (I)\n move (Velocity) steps\n set [velocity v] to ((Velocity) * (0.95))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Normal Particles Amount: (amount)\nrepeat (amount)\n Clone ID [NormalParticles]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Stars]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (star1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (pick random (-180) to (180.))\n set [i v] to (pick random (5) to (20))\n set size to (pick random (50) to (134.)) %\n show\n repeat until <(round (I)) = (round (1))>\n change [i v] by (((1) - (I)) / (pick random (2) to (30)))\n move (I) steps\n change size by (-2)\n end\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (join [Star] (pick random (1) to (4)))\n change size by (-4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n move (I) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Pinwheel Speed: (speed)\nset [pinwheel speed v] to (speed)\nClone ID [Pinwheel]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Pinwheel]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (pinwheel v)\n show\n forever\n turn right (Pinwheel Speed) degrees\n end\nend\n\ndefine 360 Degree Turn\nrepeat (3)\n turn right (33) degrees\nend\nrepeat (40)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (4)) degrees\nend\n\ndefine Switch LE\nClone ID [SwitchLE]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [SwitchLE]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (switch le 1 v)\n show\n repeat (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-33)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (16)\n next costume\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [LineExplosion]> then\n switch costume to (lineexplosion v)\n go to x: (LineX) y: (LineY)\n set size to (30) %\n show\n repeat (11)\n move (IDX) steps\n set [idx v] to ((IDX) * (1))\n next costume\n end\n repeat (10)\n move (IDX) steps\n set [idx v] to ((IDX) * (1))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [CircleSpiral]> then\n switch costume to (circle v)\n go to x: (CircleX) y: (CircleY)\n set size to (30) %\n show\n repeat (23)\n move (CircleIDX) steps\n turn right (CircleIDX) degrees\n set [circleidx v] to ((CircleIDX) * (1))\n end\n repeat (10)\n move (CircleIDX) steps\n turn right (CircleIDX) degrees\n set [circleidx v] to ((CircleIDX) * (1))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Flash: Options: (1=full 2=top 3=bottom 4=right 5=left)\nif <(1=full 2=top 3=bottom 4=right 5=left) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (full v)\n Clone ID [Flash]\nelse\n if <(1=full 2=top 3=bottom 4=right 5=left) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (top v)\n Clone ID [Flash]\n else\n if <(1=full 2=top 3=bottom 4=right 5=left) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (bottom v)\n Clone ID [Flash]\n else\n if <(1=full 2=top 3=bottom 4=right 5=left) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n Clone ID [Flash]\n else\n switch costume to (left v)\n Clone ID [Flash]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Flash]> then\n Set Effects: Color: [0] Brightness: [100] Ghost: [100] Pixelated: [0]\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Frame Animation Size: (size) Speed: (speed) Costume: (costume)\nrepeat until <(round (size)) = (size)>\n switch costume to (sizehack v)\n change size by (((size) - (size)) / (speed))\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\ndefine Gauge Explosion at X: (x) Y: (y) Amount: (amount) Speed: (speed)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [gaugex v] to (x)\nset [gaugey v] to (y)\nset [clone id v] to [Gauge]\nset [gaugeidx v] to (speed)\nrepeat (amount)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right ((360) / (amount)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Gauge]> then\n switch costume to (gaugeexplosion v)\n go to x: (GaugeX) y: (GaugeY)\n set size to (50) %\n show\n repeat (9)\n move (GaugeIDX) steps\n set [gaugeidx v] to ((GaugeIDX) * (.999))\n next costume\n wait (.02) seconds\n end\n repeat (10)\n set [gaugeidx v] to ((GaugeIDX) * (.999))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine LightRay Amount: (amount)\nrepeat (amount)\n Clone ID [LightRay]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [LightRay]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (pick random (-179) to (180))\n switch costume to (l13 v)\n set size to (200) %\n show\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (pick random (1) to (3))\n switch costume to (join [l] (pick random (9) to (10)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Move (# steps) steps in run without screen refresh\nmove (# steps) steps\n\ndefine TileX\nswitch costume to (tile v)\nset x to (-225)\nrepeat (13)\n Clone ID [Tiles]\n change x by (40)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Tiles]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n Smooth glide to x: (x position) y: (y position) size: [100] direction (direction) smoothness: [8]\nend\n\ndefine Tiles\nset y to (165)\nrepeat (10)\n TileX\n change y by (-40)\nend\n\ndefine EnterUserList\ndelete all of [username v]\nset [userindex v] to [1]\nset [userlength v] to (length of (Username))\nrepeat until <(UserIndex) = ((UserLength) + (1))>\n add (letter (UserIndex) of (Username)) to [username v]\n change [userindex v] by (1)\nend\nif <[10] < (length of [username v])> then\n repeat until <not <[10] < (length of [username v])>>\n delete (round ((length of (Username)) / (2))) of [username v]\n end\nend\nset [username v] to (join (join (item (1) of [username v]) (join (item (2) of [username v]) (join (item (3) of [username v]) (join (item (4) of [username v]) (join (item (5) of [username v]) (join (item (6) of [username v]) (join (item (7) of [username v]) (join (item (8) of [username v]) (join (item (9) of [username v]) (item (10) of [username v])))))))))) (join (item (11) of [username v]) (join (item (12) of [username v]) (join (item (13) of [username v]) (join (item (14) of [username v]) (join (item (15) of [username v]) (join (item (16) of [username v]) (join (item (17) of [username v]) (join (item (18) of [username v]) (join (item (19) of [username v]) (item (20) of [username v])))))))))))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextA]> then\n switch costume to (a3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\ndefine Your Text Here: (text)\nset [username v] to (text)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextB]> then\n switch costume to (b3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextC]> then\n switch costume to (c3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextD]> then\n switch costume to (d3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextE]> then\n switch costume to (e3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextF]> then\n switch costume to (f3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextG]> then\n switch costume to (g3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextH]> then\n switch costume to (h3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextI]> then\n switch costume to (i3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextJ]> then\n switch costume to (j3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextK]> then\n switch costume to (k3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextL]> then\n switch costume to (l3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextM]> then\n switch costume to (m3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextN]> then\n switch costume to (n3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextO]> then\n switch costume to (o3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextP]> then\n switch costume to (p3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextP]> then\n switch costume to (p3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextQ]> then\n switch costume to (q3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextR]> then\n switch costume to (r3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextS]> then\n switch costume to (s3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextT]> then\n switch costume to (t3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextU]> then\n switch costume to (u3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextV]> then\n switch costume to (v3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextW]> then\n switch costume to (w3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextX]> then\n switch costume to (x3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextY]> then\n switch costume to (y3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [TextZ]> then\n switch costume to (z3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text0]> then\n switch costume to (03 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text1]> then\n switch costume to (13 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text2]> then\n switch costume to (23 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text3]> then\n switch costume to (33 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text4]> then\n switch costume to (43 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text5]> then\n switch costume to (53 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text6]> then\n switch costume to (63 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text7]> then\n switch costume to (73 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text8]> then\n switch costume to (83 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text9]> then\n switch costume to (93 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text-]> then\n switch costume to (-3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text_]> then\n switch costume to (_3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [Text]?> then\n Set Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\n set size to (0) %\n set size to (0) %\n set size to (0) %\n hide\n hide\n hide\n wait (2.0) seconds\n show\n Smooth glide to x: (x position) y: (y position) size: (SizeAssign) direction (direction) smoothness: [5]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Cir1]> then\n wait (.25) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (circle v)\n show\n Frame Animation Size: [2200] Speed: [8] Costume: [55]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Cir2]> then\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (circle v)\n show\n Frame Animation Size: [2200] Speed: [8] Costume: [55]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Cir3]> then\n wait (.75) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (circle v)\n show\n Frame Animation Size: [2200] Speed: [8] Costume: [55]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Text ]> then\n switch costume to ( 3 v)\n point in direction (90)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [Text]?> then\n wait (4) seconds\n set rotation style [all around v]\n 360 Degree Turn\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [Text]?> then\n wait (4.8) seconds\n set size to ((SizeAssign) + (100)) %\n Smooth glide to x: (x position) y: (y position) size: (SizeAssign) direction (direction) smoothness: [10]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID) = [Chevron]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n switch costume to (chevron3 v)\n Smooth Size Change\n Frame Animation Size: [200] Speed: [5] Costume: [94]\n Frame Animation Size: [350] Speed: [5] Costume: [94]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [Text]?> then\n delete all of [cam control dir v]\n forever\n add (direction) to [cam control dir v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Smooth Size Change\nrepeat until <(round (size)) = [100]>\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [Text]?> then\n wait (4.5) seconds\n forever\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [End]?> then\n go to (random position v)\n point in direction (90)\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (circle v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n Frame Animation Size: [2200] Speed: [10] Costume: [55]\n broadcast (End v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not < (Clone ID) contains [End]?>> then\n wait (10) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (Clone ID) contains [Text]?> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (6) layers\n end\nend\n\ndefine Start Intro\nbroadcast (Start Intro v)\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nswitch costume to (movehack v)\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (7.44) seconds\nFlash: Options: [2]\nwait (.1) seconds\nFlash: Options: [3]\nwait (.1) seconds\nFlash: Options: [4]\nwait (.1) seconds\nFlash: Options: [5]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (3.34) seconds\nFlash: Options: [2]\nwait (.1) seconds\nFlash: Options: [3]\nwait (.1) seconds\nFlash: Options: [4]\nwait (.1) seconds\nFlash: Options: [5]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (0.001) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nSet Effects: Color: [-100] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nTiles\nSet Effects: Color: [-80] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nClone ID [Cir1]\nSet Effects: Color: [-80] Brightness: [-50] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nClone ID [Cir2]\nSet Effects: Color: [-80] Brightness: [-100] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nClone ID [Cir3]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (2.8) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\n1/4 Circle Shockwave at x: [50] y: [50] size: [100]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (2.8) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [100] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nGauge Explosion at X: [0] Y: [0] Amount: [20] Speed: [5]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (3.3) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nSwitch LE\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (3.3) seconds\nStars Amount: [40]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (3.8) seconds\nRotator\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (8.8) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nLine Explosion at x: [0] y: [0] Amount [40] Speed: [5]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (2.25) seconds\nrepeat (9)\n Set Effects: Color: [-100] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\n Clone ID [Chevron]\n wait (.725) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (4.3) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nNormal Particles Amount: [40]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (9) seconds\nClone ID [End1]\nClone ID [End2]\nClone ID [End3]\nClone ID [End4]\nClone ID [End5]\nClone ID [End6]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (2.25) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nLine Explosion at x: [0] y: [0] Amount [40] Speed: [5]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (7.8) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\nCircle Spiral at X: [0] Y: [0] Amount: [30] Speed: [5]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (7.8) seconds\nSet Effects: Color: [50] Brightness: [0] Ghost: [0] Pixelated: [0]\n1/8 Circle Shockwave at x: [0] y: [0] size: [200]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nYour Text Here: [Cade]\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nhide\nEnterUserList\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nwait (.45) seconds\nText Length Detection\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\nplay sound [All My Love - Ariana Grande + Major Lazer v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\ndefine Text Length Detection\nif <(length of [username v]) = [3]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\nelse\n if <(length of [username v]) = [4]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n else\n if <(length of [username v]) = [5]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-100) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (100) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n else\n if <(length of [username v]) = [6]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n go to x: (125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (6) of (Username)))\n else\n if <(length of [username v]) = [7]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-100) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n go to x: (100) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (6) of (Username)))\n go to x: (150) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (7) of (Username)))\n else\n if <(length of [username v]) = [8]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-175) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n go to x: (75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (6) of (Username)))\n go to x: (125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (7) of (Username)))\n go to x: (175) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (8) of (Username)))\n else\n if <(length of [username v]) = [9]> then\n set size to (80) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n switch costume to (movehack v)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-100) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n go to x: (50) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (6) of (Username)))\n go to x: (100) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (7) of (Username)))\n go to x: (150) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (8) of (Username)))\n switch costume to (movehack v)\n go to x: (200) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (9) of (Username)))\n else\n if <(length of [username v]) = [10]> then\n set size to (80) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-225) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-175) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n go to x: (25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (6) of (Username)))\n go to x: (75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (7) of (Username)))\n go to x: (125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (8) of (Username)))\n go to x: (175) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (9) of (Username)))\n go to x: (225) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (10) of (Username)))\n else\n say [] for (0) seconds\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro end v]\nStart Intro\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nif <(length of [username v]) = [13]> then\n set size to (40) %\n set [sizeassign v] to (size)\n go to x: (-325) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (1) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (2) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-175) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (3) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (4) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (5) of (Username)))\n go to x: (-25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (6) of (Username)))\n go to x: (25) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (7) of (Username)))\n go to x: (75) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (8) of (Username)))\n go to x: (125) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (9) of (Username)))\n go to x: (175) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (10) of (Username)))\n go to x: (225) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (11) of (Username)))\n go to x: (275) y: (0)\n Clone ID (join [Text] (letter (12) of (Username)))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start Intro v)\n\n@shadow\n\nchange [color v] effect by (25)\n\ndefine Up/Down Movement (jump height) (fall speed)\n\ndefine Right/Left Movement (move speed) (drag)\n\nwhen I receive [makeplayerfollowhitbox v]\ngo to (hitbox v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (1))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n switch costume to (normal v)\n end\n end\n wait (0.04) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (normal v)\nend\n\nwhen [up arrow v] key pressed\nrepeat until <not <key (up arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (up v)\nend\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\nrepeat until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (right v)\nend\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\nrepeat until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n switch costume to (right v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (spring v)?> then\n set [yvelocity v] to [18]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [yvelocity v] to [-10]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset instrument to (17 v)\nforever\n if <<touching (jump v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [yvelocity v] to [13]\n start sound [A Guitar v]\n end\nend\n\nset [yvelocity v] to [13]\n\nplay note (67) for (1) beats\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [tetris v] until done\nend\n\n@hitbox\n\ndefine CheckNextLevel\nif <(x position) > [235]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset size to (50) %\nset [spawnx v] to [-219]\nset [spawny v] to [-10]\nhide variable [time v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nset [xvelocity v] to [0]\nset [yvelocity v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n switch costume to (hit box v)\n broadcast (MakePlayerFollowHitbox v)\n Up/Down Movement [12] [-1]\n Right/Left Movement [10] [0.6]\n CheckNextLevel\n Check VOID\nend\n\ndefine Up/Down Movement (jump height) (fall speed)\nchange y by (yVelocity)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n Check spikes on wheel\n check touching lava\n Check KABOOOOOM\n check portal hi\n check SPIKES\n check mines\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (yVelocity) ) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (spikes on wheel v)?>> then\n change y by (((yVelocity) / ([abs v] of (yVelocity) )) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<not <(yVelocity) > [0]>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (jump height)\n else\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [yvelocity v] by (fall speed)\nend\n\ndefine Right/Left Movement (move speed) (drag)\nchange x by (xVelocity)\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n Check spikes on wheel\n check touching lava\n Check KABOOOOOM\n check portal hi\n check SPIKES\n check mines\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (xVelocity) ) )\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (spikes on wheel v)?>> then\n change x by (((xVelocity) / ([abs v] of (xVelocity) )) * (-1))\n end\n end\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\nend\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [xvelocity v] to (move speed)\nelse\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((move speed) * (-1))\n end\nend\nset [xvelocity v] to ((xVelocity) * (drag))\n\ndefine check touching lava\nif <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\ndefine Check VOID\nif <(y position) < [-170]> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\ndefine check mines\nif <touching color (#661e1e)?> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\ndefine check SPIKES\nif <touching color (#000000)?> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\ndefine Check KABOOOOOM\nif <touching color (#ff00ea)?> then\n broadcast (KABOOMEEE v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jump v]\nrepeat (30)\n change y by (15)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [time: v] to [0]\nforever\n repeat (1)\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time: v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine check portal hi\nif <<touching color (#666eff)?> or <touching color (#66ffd0)?>> then\n broadcast (u won v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [time v]\nshow variable [time v]\nhide variable [time: v]\nset [time v] to (Time:)\n\nshow variable [time: v]\n\nset [yvelocity v] to [-10]\n\ndefine Check spikes on wheel\nif <touching (spikes on wheel v)?> then\n go to x: (SpawnX) y: (SpawnY)\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@follows cube\n\nwhen I receive [lvl start v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-30)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-30)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to (shadow v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [kaboomeee v]\nwait (3) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [u won v]\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nbroadcast (time v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time: v]\nhide\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (dissapear v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow variable [time: v]\nset [time: v] to [0]\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nchange [level v] by (-10)\n\nset [level v] to [6]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [your time: v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n hide variable [time: v]\n show variable [your time: v]\n set [your time: v] to (Time:)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nshow variable [time: v]\n\n@skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (110) %\n else\n set size to (90) %\n end\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((Direction) * (300)) ) * (10)) + (90))\n change [direction v] by (0.025)\nend\n\nshow\n\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-142)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-203) y: (-157)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\ngo to x: (-115) y: (-159)\nstop [this script v]\n\n@spring\n\ndefine Jump On Command (touch) (jump) <y> <hight>\nclear graphic effects\nif <y> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (40)\nelse\n if <hight> then\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n end\nend\nif <touching (shadow v)?> then\n change [velocity v] by (1)\n Jump\nelse\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-141) y: (-89)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Insert clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <touching (shadow v)?> then\n start sound [Big Boing v]\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat (3)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n wait (0) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Insert clone at x: [69] y: [-103]\n wait until <(Level) = [2]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Insert clone at x: [1] y: [-148]\n wait until <(Level) = [3]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Insert clone at x: [-112] y: [-90]\n Insert clone at x: [-5] y: [-90]\n Insert clone at x: [100] y: [-90]\n Insert clone at x: [218] y: [-90]\n wait until <(Level) = [5]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n Insert clone at x: [-171] y: [-101]\n Insert clone at x: [-42] y: [-8]\n wait until <(Level) = [15]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n Insert clone at x: [-39] y: [-109]\n wait until <(Level) = [21]>\n end\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\n@Jump\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <not > then\n delete this clone\n end\n set size to ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10)) + (100)) %\n if <(Gravity) = [0]> then\n if <<touching (shadow v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (15)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-15)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Insert clone at (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nset [gravity v] to [0]\nforever\n if <not <<<<<(Level) = [6]> or <(Level) = [14]>> or > or > or >> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Insert clone at [-120] [-80]\n Insert clone at [0] [-80]\n Insert clone at [120] [-80]\n wait until <not <(Level) = [6]>>\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n Insert clone at [28] [-150]\n Insert clone at [148] [-141]\n wait until <not <(Level) = [14]>>\n end\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Jump On Command (touch) (jump) <g> <l>\nclear graphic effects\nif <g> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (40)\nelse\n if <l> then\n change [color v] effect by (25)\n end\nend\nif <touching (shadow v)?> then\n Jump\nelse\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine Jump\nif <<g> = <l>> then\n broadcast (jump)\nelse\n go to x: ([abs v] of ((20) * ((2) / (((3) - ((1) / (touch))) + (5)))) ) y: (pick random (15) to (-15))\nend\n\n@spikes on wheel\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\ndefine Insert clone at (x) (y) size (size)\nset size to (size) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Insert clone at [0] [-125] size [100]\n wait until <(Level) = [8]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n wait until <(Level) = [14]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [18]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [19]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n Insert clone at [240] [-103] size [100]\n wait until <(Level) = [21]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n Insert clone at [111] [145] size [100]\n wait until <(Level) = [22]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [22]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [23]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [24]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(Level) = [25]> then\n Insert clone at [107] [68] size [100]\n wait until <(Level) = [26]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [26]> then\n Insert clone at [243] [134] size [100]\n wait until <(Level) = [27]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [27]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nInsert clone at [-88] [24] size [50]\n\n@Testing for X and Y\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [actions \(love/fave\) v] to [0]\nforever\n set [touching v] to [none]\n Detect [love] at [-201] [-220]\n Detect [fave] at [-201] [-220]\nend\n\ndefine Detect (thing) at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset size to (27000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thing)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [love]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [love]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [fave]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [fave]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Actions \(love/fave\)) = [2]>\n\n@Thank u\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Actions \(love/fave\)) = [2]>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (3 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (3 v)\n\n@light\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nforever\n show\n go to (shadow v)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Thumbanil\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
難易度/degree of difficulty\n★★★★☆\n\n ◇◇◇How to play/遊び方◇◇◇ \nOperate with arrows or WASD keys\nタップ、矢印またはWASDキーで操作\n\nLaser can be changed with switch\nレーザーはスイッチで変えることができます\n\nThe shaking needle will fall.\n揺れている針は落ちてきます。\n\nSkins can be unlocked by pressing hearts and stars.\nスキンはハートと星を押すことで解除できます。\n\nPlease enjoy the game./ゲームを楽しんでください\n\nハートと星が多ければ、続きを作ります\nIf there are many hearts and stars, I will make more\n
|ROOF RUNNER|scrolling platformer #games#all#platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [load save code v]\nask [Uploading or saving? type u to upload and s to save \(type something else to exit\)] and wait\nif <<(answer) = [u]> or <(answer) = [s]>> then\n if <(answer) = [u]> then\n ask [Please paste code in:] and wait\n reset letters\n cleared to pass (answer)\n Analyze (answer) <not <(item (1) of [illegal save letters v]) = [bad save]>>\n else\n create save code\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n show list [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Analyze (code) <code?>\nif <code?> then\n delete all of [save components v]\n repeat (12)\n add [0] to [save components v]\n end\n set [analyze1 v] to [1]\n repeat until <not <(letter (analyze1) of (code)) = [1]>>\n replace item (1) of [save components v] with ((item (1) of [save components v]) + (1))\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\n end\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\n repeat until <not <(letter (analyze1) of (code)) = [1]>>\n replace item (2) of [save components v] with ((item (2) of [save components v]) + (1))\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\n end\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\n set [analyze2 v] to [3]\n repeat (10)\n if <(letter (analyze1) of (code)) = [1]> then\n replace item (analyze2) of [save components v] with [1]\n else\n replace item (analyze2) of [save components v] with [0]\n end\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\n change [analyze2 v] by (1)\n end\n set [chapters unlocked v] to (item (1) of [save components v])\n delete all of [levels unlocked per chapter v]\n repeat ((item (1) of [save components v]) - (1))\n add [5] to [levels unlocked per chapter v]\n end\n add (item (2) of [save components v]) to [levels unlocked per chapter v]\n repeat (10)\n add [0] to [levels unlocked per chapter v]\n end\n set [analyze1 v] to [1]\n repeat (10)\n replace item (analyze1) of [achievements v] with (letter ((((item (1) of [save components v]) + (item (2) of [save components v])) + (2)) + (analyze1)) of (code))\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\n end\n set [boss unlocked? v] to (letter (length of (code)) of (code))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [3 v] to [1]\nreset letters\n\ndefine reset letters\nset [letters v] to [ ◻abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz23456789!@#$%^&*\(\)-+=_\[\]"'./?:,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<>¬\;]\ndelete all of [illegal save letters v]\nset [analyze1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (letters))\n add (letter (analyze1) of (letters)) to [illegal save letters v]\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine cleared to pass (hmm)\nset [analyze1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (hmm))\n if <[illegal save letters v] contains (letter (analyze1) of (hmm))?> then\n replace item (1) of [illegal save letters v] with [bad save]\n end\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine create save code\nhide variable [save code v]\nset [save code v] to []\nrepeat (chapters unlocked)\n set [save code v] to (join (save code) [1])\nend\nset [save code v] to (join (save code) [0])\nrepeat (item (chapters unlocked) of [levels unlocked per chapter v])\n set [save code v] to (join (save code) [1])\nend\nset [save code v] to (join (save code) [0])\nset [analyze1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n set [save code v] to (join (save code) (item (analyze1) of [achievements v]))\n change [analyze1 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(boss unlocked?) = [1]> then\n set [save code v] to (join (save code) [1])\nelse\n set [save code v] to (join (save code) [0])\nend\ndelete all of [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\nadd (save code) to [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\nhide list [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <(3) = [1]> then\n set [3 v] to [0]\n broadcast (3 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [3 v]\nforever\n play sound [The Avengers Theme Song v] until done\n play sound [Alan Silvestri - Portals \(From Avengers Endgame Audio Only\) v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow list [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nshow list [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [your save code, triple click it and press ctrl+c to copy it. \(press space to hide\) v]\n\n@Intro1\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (12)\n turn left (30) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (223) y: (0)\nrepeat (12)\n glide (.3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [times dead v] to [0]\nset [levels passed without death v] to [0]\nshow\nreset timer\nset [button color v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nwait (.45) seconds\nbroadcast (1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [button color v] by (1)\n change size by (button color)\nend\nrepeat until <(timer) > [4]>\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (-1)\n change size by (button color)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (1)\n change size by (button color)\n end\nend\nbroadcast (2 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (50)\n change size by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nwait (.45) seconds\nrepeat until <(timer) > [4]>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.6) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nreset timer\nset [button color v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nwait (.45) seconds\nstart sound [Jackpot! The fat rat2 v]\nwait until <(timer) > [9.5]>\nrepeat (16)\n change volume by (-5)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change volume by (-1)\nend\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nset [everything unlocked code: v] to [1111111111011111011111111111]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [#playing v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nset [#playing v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [start2 v]\nset [#playing v] to [0]\n\n@Intro2\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (12)\n turn left (30) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (0) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (12)\n change size by (8.333)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nwait (.45) seconds\nrepeat until <(timer) > [4]>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (3)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-3)\n end\nend\nset size to (150) %\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Intro3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (300) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (75)\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn left (15) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nset [momentum v] to (pick random (10) to (15))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (2) to (3))\nchange size by (pick random (-150) to (0))\nchange [brightness v] effect by (pick random (-20) to (20))\nturn right (pick random (-10) to (10)) degrees\nshow\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n go to [back v] layer\n move (Momentum) steps\n change y by (Yv)\n change [yv v] by (-0.4)\n set [momentum v] to ((Momentum) * (0.95))\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Intro4\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (12)\n turn left (30) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-300)\nglide (.3) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nwait (.45) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (6)\nend\nrepeat until <(timer) > [4]>\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-6)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (6)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Main Logo\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (the-avengers-icons-emblem-png-logo-14 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-273)\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [logo rotation v] to [0]\nset [logo yv v] to [25]\nrepeat (35)\n change y by (logo yv)\n change [logo yv v] by (-1)\nend\nreset timer\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (logo rotation)\n change x by (logo rotation)\n change [logo rotation v] by (0.125)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (25)) + (90))\nend\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (logo rotation)\n change x by ((logo rotation) * (2))\n change [logo rotation v] by (-0.125)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (25)) + (90))\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (logo rotation)\n change x by ((logo rotation) * (2))\n change [logo rotation v] by (0.125)\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (25)) + (90))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (35)\n change size by (1.5)\nend\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat ((size) / (2))\n change size by (-2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\npoint in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (25)) + (90))\n\nwhen I receive [clean-up v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (50)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (10)\n show\nend\n\n@secondary logo\n\nwhen I receive [start2 v]\nrepeat (35)\n change size by (7)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (Start2 v)\nclone\nswitch costume to (play v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-273)\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nset [logo 2 yv v] to [15]\nrepeat (35)\n change y by (logo 2 yv)\n change [logo 2 yv v] by (-0.72)\nend\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (5)) + (90))\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (clean-up v)\n broadcast (menu v)\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (300) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (269) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nAchievement setup\nhide\n\ndefine clone\nswitch costume to (save v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-100) y: (-273)\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nset [logo 2 yv v] to [15]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (achieve v)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (100) y: (-273)\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nset [logo 2 yv v] to [15]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset y to (-90)\nwait (1.25) seconds\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (-5)) + (90))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (230) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (200) %\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(costume [name v]) = [save]> then\n broadcast (load save code v)\n else\n broadcast (clean-up v)\n broadcast (Achievements v)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat (35)\n change size by (5)\nend\nset [size v] to (size)\n\nwhen I receive [clean-up v]\nhide\nrepeat (50)\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine Achievement setup\ndelete all of [achievements v]\nrepeat (10)\n add [0] to [achievements v]\nend\n\n@level selector\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(menu selection) = [ch]> then\n switch costume to (id)\n set size to (400) %\n show\n repeat until <[-5] > (button yv)>\n if <<(chapters unlocked) = (id)> or <(id) < (chapters unlocked)>> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n end\n change [button yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (button yv)\n end\n set [button yv v] to [-0.8]\n forever\n repeat (8)\n if <<(chapters unlocked) = (id)> or <(id) < (chapters unlocked)>> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n end\n change [button yv v] by (0.2)\n change y by (button yv)\n end\n repeat (8)\n if <<(chapters unlocked) = (id)> or <(id) < (chapters unlocked)>> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n end\n change [button yv v] by (-0.2)\n change y by (button yv)\n end\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (id)\n set size to (400) %\n show\n repeat until <[-5] > (button yv)>\n if <<(item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v]) = (id)> or <(id) < (item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v])>> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n end\n change [button yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (button yv)\n end\n set [button yv v] to [-0.8]\n forever\n repeat (8)\n if <<(item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v]) = (id)> or <(id) < (item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v])>> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n end\n change [button yv v] by (0.2)\n change y by (button yv)\n end\n repeat (8)\n if <<(item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v]) = (id)> or <(id) < (item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v])>> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((1) / (0))\n end\n change [button yv v] by (-0.2)\n change y by (button yv)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <[21] = (costume [number v])> then\n broadcast (setup from menu v)\n set [selected ch v] to [7]\n set [selected lvl v] to [1]\n broadcast (level setup v)\n broadcast (final battle v)\nelse\n if <(menu selection) = [ch]> then\n if <<(chapters unlocked) = (id)> or <(id) < (chapters unlocked)>> then\n set [selected ch v] to (id)\n broadcast (menu 2 v)\n end\n else\n if <<(item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v]) = (id)> or <(id) < (item (selected ch) of [levels unlocked per chapter v])>> then\n set [selected lvl v] to (id)\n broadcast (setup from menu v)\n if <<(selected lvl) = [5]> and <<(selected ch) = [2]> or <<(selected ch) = [4]> or <<(selected ch) = [6]> or <<(selected ch) = [8]> or <(selected ch) = [10]>>>>>> then\n set [entrance v] to [1]\n wait (2.5) seconds\n broadcast (boss enter v)\n wait until <(entrance) = [0]>\n end\n broadcast (level setup v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [menu selection v] to [ch]\nhide\nset [button color v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-205) y: (-180)\nset [button yv v] to [23]\nset [id v] to [1]\nset [m1 v] to [-5]\nhide\nset [button color v] to [165]\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change x by (79)\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [id v] by (1)\nset [id v] to [99]\nchange [button yv v] by (m1)\nset x to (-197)\nchange [m1 v] by (-0.5)\nclear graphic effects\nif <(boss unlocked?) = [1]> then\n set [color v] effect to (165)\n broadcast (level select boss v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-130)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-25)\n end\n forever\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (250)) ) + (90))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (260) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (250) %\n end\n set [color v] effect to (button color)\n end\nend\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu 2 v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nif <(id) = [99]> then\n hide\n set [menu selection v] to [lvl]\n set [button color v] to [0]\n level setup\n set [button color v] to [165]\n forever\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (-1)\n end\n end\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine level setup\ngo to x: (-188) y: (150)\nswitch costume to ((selected ch) + (10))\nset size to (300) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nstamp\ngo to x: (-188) y: (-180)\nset [button yv v] to [21.5]\nset [id v] to [1]\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change x by (90)\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [id v] by (1)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-188) y: (150)\nswitch costume to ((selected ch) + (10))\nset size to (250) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [boss unlocked? v] to [0]\nset [chapters unlocked v] to [1]\ndelete all of [levels unlocked per chapter v]\nadd [1] to [levels unlocked per chapter v]\nrepeat (9)\n add [0] to [levels unlocked per chapter v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nerase all\nforever\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((timer) * (250)) ) + (90))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (450) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (400) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nerase all\nrepeat (4)\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [level select boss v]\nif <(id) = [99]> then\n forever\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (-1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nset [level # v] to ((((selected ch) - (1)) * (5)) + (selected lvl))\nwait (0.2) seconds\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\nhide\nerase all\nrepeat (4)\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@acheivements\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (id)\nset size to (300) %\nshow\nrepeat until <[-5] > (button yv)>\n if <(item (id) of [achievements v]) = [1]> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n set [brightness v] effect to (-60)\n end\n change [button yv v] by (-1)\n change y by (button yv)\nend\nset [button yv v] to [-0.8]\nforever\n if <(item (id) of [achievements v]) = [1]> then\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n else\n set [color v] effect to ((button color) + (id))\n set [brightness v] effect to (-60)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\nset [acheive v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (-180)\nset [button yv v] to [26]\nset [id v] to [1]\nset [m1 v] to [-2]\nhide\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change x by (300)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change [button yv v] by (m1)\n change [m1 v] by (-0.4)\n set x to (-150)\nend\nset [button color v] to [175]\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (1)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [button color v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nrepeat (2)\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine State Farms\nif <(acheive) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [flashcard id v] to (id)\n set [x v] to (x position)\n set [y v] to (y position)\n broadcast (flashcard grow v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (8) y: (0)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n wait until <mouse down?>\n glide (1) secs to x: (x) y: (y)\nend\n\nset size to (1400) %\n\nwhen I receive [flashcard grow v]\nif <(id) = (flashcard id)> then\n set [acheive v] to [0]\n repeat (15)\n change size by (((1950) - (size)) / (30))\n change [pixelate v] effect by (3)\n end\n switch costume to ((id) + (10))\n repeat (15)\n change size by (((1950) - (size)) / (30))\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-3)\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n wait until <mouse down?>\n repeat (15)\n change size by (((size) - (1950)) / (30))\n change [pixelate v] effect by (3)\n end\n switch costume to (id)\n repeat (15)\n change size by (((size) - (1950)) / (30))\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-3)\n end\n set [acheive v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <not <mouse down?>>\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n State Farms\n end\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n set size to (350) %\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (300) %\n set [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nif <(chapters unlocked) = [2]> then\n unlock [1]\n unlock [5]\nend\nif <(chapters unlocked) = [4]> then\n unlock [2]\nend\nif <(chapters unlocked) = [7]> then\n unlock [3]\nend\nif <(chapters unlocked) = [3]> then\n unlock [4]\nend\nif <(chapters unlocked) = [4]> then\n unlock [6]\nend\nif <(levels passed without death) = [5]> then\n unlock [9]\nend\nif <(Achievements) = [1111111110]> then\n unlock [10]\nend\n\ndefine unlock (#)\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(item (#) of [achievements v]) = [0]> then\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (600) %\n show\n replace item (#) of [achievements v] with [1]\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (200)\n switch costume to (#)\n glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (120)\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (4)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n switch costume to ((#) + (10))\n repeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [pixelate v] effect by (-4)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n go to [front v] layer\n end\n hide\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ahhh you win! v]\nunlock [8]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nforever\n if <(times dead) = [20]> then\n unlock [7]\n end\nend\n\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Home button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-154)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [achievements v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2.5)\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (140) %\n else\n set size to (120) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2.5)\nend\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (140) %\n else\n set size to (120) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2.5)\nend\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set size to (140) %\n else\n set size to (120) %\n end\nend\n\n@load from menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [setup from menu v]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [loading y v] to [150]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat until <(loading y) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change [loading y v] by (-5)\n set y to (loading y)\nend\nset y to (loading y)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat (pick random (1) to (2))\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (2)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\n end\nend\nbroadcast (level start v)\nhide\n\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nrepeat until <(loading y) = [0]>\n go to [front v] layer\n set y to ((loading y) * (-1))\nend\nset y to ((loading y) * (-1))\nwait (0.1) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (3) seconds\n\n@decor/ speech\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (level #)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait (0.2) seconds\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (level #)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nif <(Selected Stone) = [4]> then\n set [#mind!!!!! v] to [1]\n set [reality v] to [1]\n clone at [-200] [-132]\n clone at [-100] [-66]\n clone at [0] [0]\n clone at [100] [66]\n wait (25) seconds\n set [reality v] to [0]\n set [#mind!!!!! v] to [0]\n wait (4) seconds\n set [next stone? v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(Selected Stone) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (costume31 v)\n set [reality v] to [1]\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (100)\n change [fisheye v] effect by (-1)\n change [whirl v] effect by (5)\n end\n wait (17) seconds\n repeat (100)\n change [whirl v] effect by (-5)\n change [fisheye v] effect by (1)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n set [reality v] to [0]\n wait (4) seconds\n set [next stone? v] to [0]\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (costume32 v)\n\nset [selected stone v] to [4]\nbroadcast (Stone v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [# v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(#) = [0]>\n set x to ((x) + (pick random (-2) to (2)))\nend\nset x to (x)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume33 v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (-999999)\nshow\nglide (((180) + (y)) / (100)) secs to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [# v] to [0]\nwait until <(#MIND!!!!!) = [0]>\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone at (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nif <(selected ch) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (costume32 v)\nend\n\n@spikes/lava/whatever\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (level #)\nshow\n\n@goal\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nhide\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\ngo to x: (item (level #) of [x's v]) y: (item (level #) of [y's v])\nif <<(selected lvl) < [5]> or <not <<(selected ch) = [2]> or <<(selected ch) = [4]> or <<(selected ch) = [6]> or <<(selected ch) = [7]> or <(selected ch) = [10]>>>>>>> then\n show\nend\nif <(selected ch) = [7]> then\n hide\nend\n\nadd (x position) to [x's v]\nadd (y position) to [y's v]\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nif <(level #) = [24]> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (20)\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n end\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nreplace item (18) of [x's v] with (x position)\nreplace item (18) of [y's v] with (y position)\n\n@hero\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [fuel v]\nhide\n\ndefine Iron man\nbroadcast (Iron Man v)\npen up\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nshow\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [fuel v] to [100]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nshow variable [fuel v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(level #) = [20]> then\n set [fuel v] to [100]\n hide variable [fuel v]\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (0)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (null v)?> then\n change x by (10)\n end\n change x by (0)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (turrets v)?>> then\n set [levels passed without death v] to [0]\n change [times dead v] by (1)\n set [fuel v] to [100]\n broadcast (restart v)\n go to x: (-178) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n set [times dead v] to [0]\n change [levels passed without death v] by (1)\n set [fuel v] to [100]\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n if <<(Fuel) > [0]> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n change [fuel v] by (-1)\n set [yv v] to [7]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nset [#mind!!!!! v] to [0]\nset [time stop? v] to [0]\npick a hero\n\ndefine pick a hero\nswitch costume to (selected ch)\nif <(selected ch) = [1]> then\n Captain America\nelse\n if <(selected ch) = [2]> then\n the hulk\n else\n if <(selected ch) = [3]> then\n Scarlet Witch\n else\n if <(selected ch) = [4]> then\n Iron man\n else\n if <(selected ch) = [5]> then\n vision\n else\n if <(selected ch) = [6]> then\n Thor\n else\n if <(selected ch) = [7]> then\n Thor\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [#playing v] to [0]\nhide variable [fuel v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide variable [fuel v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\ndefine Captain America\nbroadcast (Captain America v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (null v)?> then\n change x by (10)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (turrets v)?>> then\n set [levels passed without death v] to [0]\n change [times dead v] by (1)\n go to x: (-178) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n set [times dead v] to [0]\n change [levels passed without death v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (shield v)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\ndefine the hulk\nbroadcast (The Hulk v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.7)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (0)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (null v)?> then\n change x by (10)\n end\n change x by (0)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (turrets v)?>> then\n change [times dead v] by (1)\n set [levels passed without death v] to [0]\n broadcast (restart v)\n go to x: (-178) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n set [times dead v] to [0]\n change [levels passed without death v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss enter v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [boss loss v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change y by (0.5)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\ndefine Scarlet Witch\nshow\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.7)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (0)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (null v)?> then\n change x by (10)\n end\n change x by (0)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (turrets v)?>> then\n change [times dead v] by (1)\n set [levels passed without death v] to [0]\n broadcast (restart v)\n go to x: (-178) y: (-140)\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n change [levels passed without death v] by (1)\n set [times dead v] to [0]\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nset [fuel v] to [100]\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nbroadcast (restart v)\n\ndefine vision\nbroadcast (vision v)\nshow\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (null v)?> then\n change x by (10)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <<touching (turrets v)?> or <touching (enemies v)?>>> then\n set [levels passed without death v] to [0]\n change [times dead v] by (1)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (restart v)\n go to x: (-178) y: (-150)\n wait until <not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>>\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n set [times dead v] to [0]\n change [levels passed without death v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Thor\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nbroadcast (Thor v)\nshow\nset [time stop? v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(time stop?) = [1]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.25)\n else\n if <(#MIND!!!!!) = [1]> then\n change [yv v] by (pick random (-0.7) to (0.1))\n else\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <(time stop?) = [1]> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.95))\n else\n if <(#MIND!!!!!) = [1]> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (pick random (0.85) to (1.1)))\n else\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n end\n end\n if <(time stop?) = [1]> then\n change x by ((xv) / (2))\n else\n change x by (xv)\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change x by ((xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n if <touching (null v)?> then\n change x by (10)\n end\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(time stop?) = [1]> then\n change y by ((yv) / (2))\n else\n change y by (yv)\n end\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n change y by ((yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <<touching (enemies v)?> or <touching (turrets v)?>>> then\n if <(selected ch) = [7]> then\n end\n if <touching (goal v)?> then\n set [times dead v] to [0]\n change [levels passed without death v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (box v)?>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [12]\n end\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\nbroadcast (next level v)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (-178) y: (-140)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\n@Mini Bosses\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nswitch costume to ((selected ch) / (2))\nif <<<(selected ch) = [2]> or <<(selected ch) = [4]> or <<(selected ch) = [6]> or <<(selected ch) = [8]> or <(selected ch) = [10]>>>>> and <(selected lvl) = [5]>> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [back v] layer\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n sort\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss enter v]\npoint in direction (90)\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(nothing) = [0]>\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (250) %\nshow\nswitch costume to (((selected ch) / (2)) + (5))\ngo to x: (0) y: (-30)\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\nend\n\ndefine Abomination\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (240) y: (0)\nset [xv v] to [-9.75]\nset [yv v] to [12]\nrepeat until <(x position) < [0]>\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.96))\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n rise\nend\nrepeat until <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>>\n broadcast (Mini Boss Main Attack v)\n if <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>> then\n win\n end\n wait (pick random (3) to (5)) seconds\n if <([x position v] of [hero v]) > (x position)> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n broadcast (Mini Boss Special Attack v)\n wait (pick random (1) to (3)) seconds\n set [yv v] to [10]\n change y by (yv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n rise\n repeat until <touching (ground v)?>\n change y by (yv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n rise\n end\nend\nwin\n\ndefine sort\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (-90)\nif <(selected ch) = [2]> then\n Abomination\nelse\n if <(selected ch) = [4]> then\n Mandarin\n else\n if <(selected ch) = [6]> then\n Loki\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine rise\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n change y by (1)\nend\nchange y by (-1)\n\ndefine win\nif <(boss hp) < [1]> then\n broadcast (Boss Beat v)\n repeat (50)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\nelse\n broadcast (boss loss v)\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (menu v)\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine Mandarin\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (240) y: (0)\nrepeat until <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>>\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (1) secs to x: (200) y: (150)\n broadcast (heli attack v)\n glide (3) secs to x: (200) y: (-120)\nend\nwin\n\nwhen I receive [heli attack v]\nwait until <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nwin\n\ndefine Loki\nbroadcast (restart v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (240) y: (0)\nset [xv v] to [-9.75]\nset [yv v] to [12]\nrepeat until <(x position) < [0]>\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.96))\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n rise\nend\nrepeat until <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>>\n clone\n hide\n wait until <(hammer hit?) = [1]>\n glide (1) secs to x: (-200) y: (-20)\n show\n repeat (20)\n clear graphic effects\n glide (0.2) secs to x: ((x position) + (20)) y: (y position)\n broadcast (loki mad v)\n if <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>> then\n if <(boss hp) < [1]> then\n set [boss unlocked? v] to [1]\n end\n win\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n if <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>> then\n if <(boss hp) < [1]> then\n set [boss unlocked? v] to [1]\n end\n win\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(boss hp) < [1]> then\n set [boss unlocked? v] to [1]\nend\nwin\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [id2 v] to (id)\nif <not <(id2) = (id3)>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\nend\nif <(id) = [5]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n repeat (50)\n move (3) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n change size by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(id) = [4]> then\n clear graphic effects\n show\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n change x by (pick random (-4) to (4))\n change y by (pick random (-4) to (4))\n repeat (50)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(id) = [1]> then\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (-175) y: (-50)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n show\n else\n if <(id) = [2]> then\n hide\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (175) y: (-50)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n show\n else\n hide\n point in direction (90)\n glide (2) secs to x: (0) y: (50)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n show\n end\n end\n wait until <<touching (stormbreaker v)?> or <(hammer hit?) = [1]>>\n set [hammer hit? v] to [1]\n if <touching (stormbreaker v)?> then\n if <(id2) = (id3)> then\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n set [hammer hit? v] to [1]\n broadcast (render lives v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-200) y: (-20)\n delete this clone\n else\n h\n end\n else\n h\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine clone\nset [hammer hit? v] to [0]\nset [id v] to [1]\nset [id3 v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] > (id)> then\n \n set [id v] to [4]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.025) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [lolki v]\nif <(id) < [5]> then\n set [id v] to [4]\n forever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.025) seconds\n end\nelse\n repeat (1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine h\nset [id v] to [5]\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (24)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (pick random (30) to (40)) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (10)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Turrets\n\ndefine point towards x: (x) y: (y)\nif <not <(y) < (y position)>> then\n point in direction ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) )\nelse\n point in direction ((180) + ([atan v] of (((x) - (x position)) / ((y) - (y position))) ))\nend\n\ndefine Turret at X: (x pos) Y: (y pos) tracking: <track> Direction: (direction) Reload: (reload) Arc? <arc> Xv (xv) Yv (yv) Speed (speed) Delay: (delay)\nhide\ngo to x: (x pos) y: (y pos)\nif <track> then\n set [track v] to [1]\nelse\n set [track v] to [0]\nend\npoint in direction (direction)\nset [reload v] to (reload)\nif <arc> then\n set [arc v] to [1]\n set [xv v] to (xv)\n set [yv v] to (yv)\n point towards x: ((x position) + (xv)) y: ((y position) + (yv))\nelse\n set [arc v] to [0]\n set [speed v] to (speed)\nend\nset [delay v] to (delay)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [building turrets v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(building turrets) = [1]> then\n be a turret\nelse\n be a bullet\nend\n\ndefine be a turret\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (45) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [building turrets v] to [0]\nwait until <(turret build?) = [0]>\nwait (delay) seconds\nforever\n wait (reload) seconds\n if <<(arc) = [0]> and <(track) = [1]>> then\n point towards (hero v)\n end\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\ndefine be a bullet\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (10) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <(arc) = [1]> then\n repeat until <<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <<touching (shield v)?> or >>>\n change x by (xv)\n change y by (yv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.99))\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n repeat until <<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <<touching (shield v)?> or >>>\n move (speed) steps\n if <touching (hulk smash v)?> then\n point in direction ((180) - (direction))\n move (speed) steps\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\nset [turret build? v] to [1]\nplace towers\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nset [turret build? v] to [0]\n\ndefine place towers\nif <(level #) = [3]> then\n Turret at X: [0] Y: [150] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [180] Reload: [0.1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\nelse\n if <(level #) = [4]> then\n Turret at X: [10] Y: [-130] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [10] Delay: [0.5]\n Turret at X: [130] Y: [-130] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [10] Delay: [0]\n else\n if <(level #) = [5]> then\n Turret at X: [-79] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [0] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [79] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [158] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n else\n if <(level #) = [8]> then\n Turret at X: [200] Y: [150] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [-135] Reload: [0.25] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n else\n if <(level #) = [9]> then\n Turret at X: [-80] Y: [-150] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.5] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n else\n if <(level #) = [14]> then\n Turret at X: [-100] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [-50] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [0] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [50] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [100] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n Turret at X: [150] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [0.33] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0]\n else\n if <(level #) = [19]> then\n Turret at X: [-100] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [0.5]\n Turret at X: [-50] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [1]\n Turret at X: [0] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [1.5]\n Turret at X: [50] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [2]\n Turret at X: [100] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [2.5]\n Turret at X: [150] Y: [-132] tracking: <[1] = [0]> Direction: [0] Reload: [1] Arc? <[1] = [0]> Xv [15] Yv [7] Speed [7] Delay: [3]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [turret build? v] to [1]\nplace towers\nset [turret build? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@backdrop\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(start) = [0]> then\n go to x: (1555) y: (0)\nelse\n set [start v] to [0]\nend\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-200]>\n change x by (-3)\nend\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-676]>\n change x by (-3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost bc effect)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [ghost bc effect v] to [80]\nhide\nset [start v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-265) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost bc effect v] by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (pick random (-200) to (1050)) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@level load1\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(#m) = [1]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (ahhh you win! v)\n set [#m v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(selected lvl) = [5]> then\n if <(selected ch) = (chapters unlocked)> then\n change [chapters unlocked v] by (1)\n replace item (chapters unlocked) of [levels unlocked per chapter v] with ((item (chapters unlocked) of [levels unlocked per chapter v]) + (1))\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (clean-up v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n broadcast (menu v)\nelse\n if <(selected ch) = [7]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (clean-up v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [#m v] to [1]\n broadcast (Start v)\n else\n if <(selected lvl) = (item (chapters unlocked) of [levels unlocked per chapter v])> then\n replace item (chapters unlocked) of [levels unlocked per chapter v] with ((item (chapters unlocked) of [levels unlocked per chapter v]) + (1))\n end\n change [selected lvl v] by (1)\n if <<(selected lvl) = [5]> and <<(selected ch) = [2]> or <<(selected ch) = [4]> or <<(selected ch) = [6]> or <<(selected ch) = [8]> or <(selected ch) = [10]>>>>>> then\n set [entrance v] to [1]\n wait (2.5) seconds\n broadcast (boss enter v)\n wait until <(entrance) = [0]>\n end\n broadcast (level setup v)\n wait (2.5) seconds\n broadcast (level start v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [boss enter v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [#m v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nreplace item (8) of [achievements v] with [0]\n\n@level load2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nset [color v] effect to (color)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\npoint in direction (direction)\nshow\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine turn\nrepeat (5)\n change [direction v] by (3)\n change [color v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [direction v] to [90]\nset [color v] to [0]\ngo to x: (00) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nforever\n turn\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss enter v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@shield\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine move/detect\nif <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>> then\n repeat (7)\n move (1) steps\n end\nend\nif <(direction) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [captain america v]\nset size to (10) %\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n show\n go to (hero v)\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n move (20) steps\n repeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n move/detect\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (spikes/lava/whatever v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>> then\n go to [back v] layer\n end\n end\n move (10) steps\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [next hero v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Iron man pulse\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (hero v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <([direction v] of [hero v]) = [90]> then\n point in direction (90)\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (mini bosses v)?>>>\n move (10) steps\n end\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (mini bosses v)?>>>\n move (10) steps\n end\nend\nif <touching (mini bosses v)?> then\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [iron man v]\nhide\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.75) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next hero v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@hulk smash\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (hero v)\nshow\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [the hulk v]\nhide\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next hero v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@box\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(type) = [1]> then\n if <(build) = [1]> then\n set [build v] to [0]\n show\n set [byv v] to [0]\n repeat until <<touching (hulk smash v)?> or <<touching (laser v)?> or <<touching (iron man pulse v)?> or >>>\n change y by (byv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <<(y position) > [175]> or <touching (box v)?>>>> then\n change y by ((byv) * (-1))\n set [byv v] to [0]\n end\n change [byv v] by (-1)\n end\n smashed\n delete this clone\n else\n delete this clone\n end\nelse\n show\n set [byv v] to [0]\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n forever\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to ((#c) + (4))\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change x by (-5)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <touching (box v)?>>> then\n change x by (5)\n end\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change x by (5)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <touching (box v)?>>> then\n change x by (-5)\n end\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n change [byv v] by (1)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (#c)\n end\n if <not <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [byv v] by (-1)\n end\n change y by (byv)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <touching (box v)?>>> then\n change y by ((byv) * (-1))\n set [byv v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(y position) > [175]> or <touching (box v)?>> then\n set [byv v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine smashed\nset [#x v] to (x position)\nset [#y v] to (y position)\nbroadcast (# v)\n\ndefine block #: (costume) at X: (x) Y: (y) Type (type)\nset [build v] to [1]\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [#c v] to (costume)\nswitch costume to (costume)\nset [type v] to (type)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nplace boxes\n\ndefine place boxes\nif <(level #) = [6]> then\n block #: [4] at X: [10] Y: [-102] Type [1]\nelse\n if <(level #) = [7]> then\n block #: [4] at X: [10] Y: [-102] Type [1]\n block #: [4] at X: [10] Y: [50] Type [1]\n else\n if <(level #) = [9]> then\n block #: [3] at X: [30] Y: [-130] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [70] Y: [-130] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [30] Y: [-90] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [70] Y: [-90] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [30] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [70] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [30] Y: [-10] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [70] Y: [-10] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [30] Y: [30] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [70] Y: [30] Type [1]\n else\n if <(level #) = [11]> then\n block #: [4] at X: [0] Y: [0] Type [2]\n else\n if <(level #) = [12]> then\n block #: [3] at X: [-220] Y: [0] Type [2]\n else\n if <(level #) = [13]> then\n block #: [1] at X: [-60] Y: [0] Type [2]\n block #: [1] at X: [60] Y: [0] Type [2]\n else\n if <(level #) = [14]> then\n block #: [3] at X: [-150] Y: [75] Type [2]\n else\n if <(level #) = [15]> then\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [-100] Type [2]\n else\n if <(level #) = [17]> then\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [-130] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [-90] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [-10] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [30] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [70] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [110] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [0] Y: [150] Type [1]\n else\n if <(level #) = [21]> then\n block #: [4] at X: [120] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n block #: [4] at X: [10] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n block #: [4] at X: [-100] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n else\n if <(level #) = [23]> then\n block #: [2] at X: [128] Y: [100] Type [1]\n block #: [3] at X: [136] Y: [170] Type [1]\n else\n if <(level #) = [26]> then\n block #: [4] at X: [60] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n block #: [4] at X: [-50] Y: [-50] Type [1]\n else\n if <(level #) = [29]> then\n block #: [2] at X: [180] Y: [-120] Type [1]\n block #: [2] at X: [180] Y: [-40] Type [1]\n block #: [2] at X: [-205] Y: [150] Type [1]\n block #: [2] at X: [-205] Y: [65] Type [1]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\nplace boxes\n\nblock #: [3] at X: [136] Y: [170] Type [1]\n\n@boss entrance\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [boss enter v]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [nothing v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [1 v] to [15]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [1 v] by (-20)\nend\nwait until <(nothing) = [0]>\nset [brightness v] effect to (1)\nrepeat (25)\n change [brightness v] effect by (1)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nrepeat (75)\n change [color v] effect by (5)\nend\nset [entrance v] to [0]\nrepeat (35)\n change [color v] effect by (5)\nend\nrepeat (50)\n change [color v] effect by (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset size to (300) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (1)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (4000) y: (0)\nset [xv v] to [-28]\nrepeat (65)\n change x by (xv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.97))\nend\nset [nothing v] to [0]\ndelete this clone\n\nchange [brightness v] effect by (-50)\n\n@boulders\n\ndefine spikes\nset [player hurt? v] to [0]\nhide\nset [type v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-230) y: (-180)\nset [id v] to [10]\nrepeat (11)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (-1)\n change x by (20)\nend\nchange x by (20)\nchange [id v] by (1)\nrepeat (13)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [id v] by (1)\n change x by (20)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(type) = [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait ((id) * (0.175)) seconds\n repeat (7)\n change y by (10)\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n set [player hurt? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n repeat (7)\n change y by (-10)\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n set [player hurt? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n broadcast (render lives v)\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(selected ch) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to (mini bosses v)\n change y by (50)\n set [boulder xv v] to ((([x position v] of [hero v]) - (x position)) / (15))\n set [boulder yv v] to ((3) + ((distance to [hero v]) / (25)))\n repeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <touching (hulk smash v)?>>>\n change y by (boulder yv)\n change x by (boulder xv)\n set [boulder xv v] to ((boulder xv) * (0.95))\n change [boulder yv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <touching (hulk smash v)?> then\n set [boulder xv v] to ((([x position v] of [mini bosses v]) - (x position)) / (15))\n set [boulder yv v] to ((3) + ((distance to [mini bosses v]) / (25)))\n repeat until <touching (mini bosses v)?>\n change y by (boulder yv)\n change x by (boulder xv)\n set [boulder xv v] to ((boulder xv) * (0.95))\n change [boulder yv v] by (-1)\n end\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n delete this clone\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n else\n set size to (80) %\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to (thanos v)\n change y by (50)\n if <(#5) = [0]> then\n glide (1) secs to x: (#2) y: (([y position v] of [thanos v]) + (180))\n reset timer\n repeat (((10) * (pick random (1) to (10))) + (100))\n turn right (((#2) / (50)) + (1)) degrees\n go to x: (#2) y: (([y position v] of [thanos v]) + (180))\n end\n else\n glide (1) secs to x: (#2) y: (([y position v] of [thanos v]) + (80))\n repeat ((pick random (1) to (10)) * (10))\n turn right (((#2) / (50)) + (1)) degrees\n go to x: (#2) y: (([y position v] of [thanos v]) + (80))\n end\n end\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [#1 v] to [0]\n repeat until <<touching (hero v)?> or <<touching (thanos v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (#1)\n change [#1 v] by (-0.25)\n end\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mini boss main attack v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(selected ch) = [2]> then\n spikes\nend\n\ndefine stone\nhide\nset [type v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [mini boss special attack v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(selected ch) = [2]> then\n stone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Selected Stone) = [2]> then\n power\nend\n\ndefine power\nset [next stone? v] to [1]\nset [#2 v] to [-180]\nset [#5 v] to [0]\nrepeat (6)\n stone\n change [#2 v] by (75)\nend\nset [#2 v] to [-180]\nset [#5 v] to [1]\nrepeat (6)\n stone\n change [#2 v] by (75)\nend\nwait (11) seconds\nset [next stone? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\npower\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Lives\n\nwhen I receive [boss enter v]\nset [hurtable v] to [1]\nshow\nset [boss hp v] to [3]\nset [player hp v] to [3]\nrender lives\n\ndefine render lives\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (15) %\ngo to x: (23) y: (-170)\nrepeat (player hp)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (25)\nend\ngo to x: (166) y: (-170)\nrepeat (boss hp)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (25)\nend\ngo to x: (71) y: (-170)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [render lives v]\nif <(selected ch) = [7]> then\n booooos\nelse\n render lives\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [render lives v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <<<(player hurt?) = [1]> and <(hurtable) = [1]>> and <(selected ch) = [2]>> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n set [hurtable v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mini boss main attack v]\nset [hurtable v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [final battle v]\nset [hurtable v] to [1]\nshow\nset [boss hp v] to [3]\nset [player hp v] to [6]\nbooooos\n\ndefine booooos\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (15) %\ngo to x: (-60) y: (-170)\nrepeat (player hp)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (25)\nend\ngo to x: (166) y: (-170)\nrepeat (boss hp)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (25)\nend\ngo to x: (71) y: (-170)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@missiles\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [# v] to [0]\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\nset rotation style [all around v]\nshow\ngo to (mini bosses v)\npoint in direction (-90)\nrepeat until <<touching (hero v)?> or <<touching (iron man pulse v)?> or <<touching (ground v)?> or <(x position) < [-235]>>>>\n point towards (hero v)\n move (4) steps\nend\nif <touching (hero v)?> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n delete this clone\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [heli attack v]\nif <(#) = [1]> then\n hide\n repeat (6)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nset [# v] to [1]\n\n@Enemies\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine enemy move <move> speed (speed) shoot? <shoot?> bullet speed (bspeed) direction (direction) X and Y pos (x) (y) (x2) (wait)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (direction)\nset [wait v] to (wait)\nif <move> then\n set [x1 v] to (x)\n set [y1 v] to (y)\n set [x2 v] to (x2)\n set [move? v] to [1]\n set [speed v] to (speed)\nelse\n set [move? v] to [0]\n set [speed v] to [0]\nend\nif <shoot?> then\n set [shoot v] to [1]\n set [bullet speed v] to (bspeed)\nelse\n set [shoot v] to [0]\n set [bullet speed v] to [0]\nend\nset [enemy? v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(exclusive?) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n glide (3) secs to x: (200) y: (y position)\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(enemy?) = [0]> then\n bullet\n else\n set [enemy? v] to [0]\n set [timer v] to [0]\n forever\n if <<(shoot) = [1]> and <(timer) = (wait)>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [timer v] to [0]\n else\n change [timer v] by (1)\n end\n if <(move?) = [1]> then\n move (speed) steps\n if <<(x position) > (x1)> and <(x position) > (x2)>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n if <<(x position) < (x1)> and <(x position) < (x2)>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\n if <<touching (box v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>> then\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n move\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine bullet\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or >>\n move (bullet speed) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine place enemies\nset [exclusive? v] to [0]\nif <(level #) = [21]> then\n enemy move <(level #) = [21]> speed [5] shoot? <(level #) = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [90] X and Y pos [-75] [90] [150] [30]\nelse\n if <(level #) = [22]> then\n enemy move <[0] = [1]> speed [4] shoot? <[1] = [1]> bullet speed [20] direction [90] X and Y pos [-200] [150] [50] [1]\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [4] shoot? <[1] = [1]> bullet speed [10] direction [90] X and Y pos [-100] [-50] [50] [4]\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [4] shoot? <[1] = [1]> bullet speed [10] direction [90] X and Y pos [-100] [0] [50] [4]\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [4] shoot? <[1] = [1]> bullet speed [10] direction [90] X and Y pos [-100] [50] [50] [4]\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [4] shoot? <[1] = [1]> bullet speed [10] direction [90] X and Y pos [-100] [100] [50] [4]\n else\n if <(level #) = [23]> then\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [5] shoot? <[] = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [90] X and Y pos [190] [140] [-200] [30]\n else\n if <(level #) = [24]> then\n grid\n else\n if <(level #) = [25]> then\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [5] shoot? <[21] = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [90] X and Y pos [-50] [0] [50] [30]\n enemy move <[1] = [1]> speed [5] shoot? <[21] = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [90] X and Y pos [-50] [150] [50] [30]\n else\n if <(level #) = [26]> then\n enemy move <[0] = [1]> speed [5] shoot? <[0] = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [-90] X and Y pos [130] [-130] [50] [30]\n else\n if <(level #) = [27]> then\n enemy move <[0] = [1]> speed [5] shoot? <[0] = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [-90] X and Y pos [-95] [-40] [50] [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nwait until <(loading y) = [0]>\nplace enemies\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\nplace enemies\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(exclusive?) = [1]> then\n wait until <<touching (laser v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <<touching (stormbreaker v)?> or <<touching (hero v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>>>>>\nelse\n wait until <<touching (laser v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or >>\nend\nif <touching (hero v)?> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine move\nrepeat until <not <<touching (box v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>>>\n move (1) steps\nend\n\ndefine grid\ngo to x: (-200) y: (140)\nrepeat (6)\n repeat (3)\n enemy move <[0] = [1]> speed [5] shoot? <[] = [21]> bullet speed [7] direction [90] X and Y pos (x position) (y position) [] [30]\n change y by (-120)\n end\n change x by (80)\n set y to (140)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nif <(Selected Stone) = [3]> then\n repeat (4)\n wait (2) seconds\n space stone\n end\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine space stone\nset [exclusive? v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (140)\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (-85)\nend\nset [exclusive? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@laser\n\ndefine render laser\nmove (10) steps\nset y to (([y position v] of [hero v]) + (10))\n\nwhen I receive [vision v]\nforever\n pen up\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: ([x position v] of [hero v]) y: (([y position v] of [hero v]) + (10))\npoint in direction ([direction v] of [hero v])\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n render laser\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next hero v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Stormbreaker\n\ndefine remove right\nrepeat until <not <<color (#ba7608) is touching (#000000)?> and <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change x by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine throw right\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to (hero v)\nchange y by (20)\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change x by (20)\n turn right (87) degrees\nend\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (135) %\npoint in direction (135)\nremove right\n\ndefine throw left\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to (hero v)\nchange y by (20)\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change x by (-20)\n turn right (-87) degrees\nend\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nset size to (135) %\npoint in direction (45)\nremove left\n\ndefine remove left\nrepeat until <not <<color (#ba7608) is touching (#000000)?> and <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change x by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [return hammer v]\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [hammer speed v] to [3]\nrepeat until <<(#playing) = [0]> or <touching (hero v)?>>\n point towards (hero v)\n move (Hammer speed) steps\n if <(Hammer speed) < [15]> then\n change [hammer speed v] by (1)\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level setup v]\nif <not <<(selected lvl) = [5]> or <<(selected ch) = [7]> and <(selected lvl) = [1]>>>> then\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to (hero v)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <<(#playing) = [1]> and <<(selected ch) = [6]> or <(selected ch) = [7]>>> then\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n set rotation style [all around v]\n show\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n erase all\n if <([direction v] of [hero v]) = [90]> then\n throw right\n else\n throw left\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (return hammer v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss loss v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@loki thing\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [id v] to [1]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (300)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [loki mad v]\nif <(id) = [1]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(selected ch) = [6]> then\n set [id v] to [0]\n show\n go to (mini bosses v)\n set size to (150) %\n point in direction (180)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [yv v] to [0]\n repeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (hero v)?>>>\n change y by (yv)\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n delete this clone\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n set [id v] to [0]\n show\n go to (thanos v)\n point towards (hero v)\n set size to (150) %\n go to [front v] layer\n set [yv v] to [0]\n repeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (hero v)?>>>\n move (5) steps\n end\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next hero v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nset [time stop? v] to [0]\nif <(Selected Stone) = [1]> then\n set [time stop? v] to [1]\n repeat (6)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (2) seconds\n end\n wait (4) seconds\n set [next stone? v] to [0]\n set [time stop? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Thanos\n\nwhen I receive [final battle v]\nclear graphic effects\nset [#soul v] to [1]\nset [reality v] to [0]\nwait (4) seconds\nshow\nwait (8) seconds\nset [next stone? v] to [0]\nset [selected stone v] to [0]\nforever\n set [selected stone v] to [0]\n repeat (6)\n wait until <(next stone?) = [0]>\n change [selected stone v] by (1)\n broadcast (Stone v)\n set [next stone? v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [final battle v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (-90)\ngo to x: (200) y: (-70)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(#soul) = [0]> then\n else\n if <(Reality) = [0]> then\n change y by (yv)\n if <(y position) > [-80]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.25)\n else\n change [yv v] by (0.25)\n end\n else\n repeat until <(y position) > [80]>\n change y by (yv)\n change [yv v] by (0.25)\n end\n wait until <(Reality) = [0]>\n wait (4) seconds\n set [yv v] to [0]\n repeat until <[-60] > (y position)>\n change y by (yv)\n change [yv v] by (-0.25)\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nchange [selected stone v] by (1)\nif <(Selected Stone) = [7]> then\nwait (5) seconds\n\nset [selected stone v] to [4]\nbroadcast (Stone v)\n\nset [next stone? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nif <(Selected Stone) = [5]> then\n set [#soul v] to [0]\n Clone\n glide (1) secs to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (pick random (-100) to (100))\n wait until <touching (stormbreaker v)?>\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n glide (1) secs to x: (200) y: (-70)\n set [#soul v] to [1]\n wait (4) seconds\n set [next stone? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Clone\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(pick random (0) to (1)) = [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nglide (1) secs to x: (pick random (-200) to (200)) y: (pick random (-100) to (100))\nwait until <<(#soul) = [1]> or <touching (stormbreaker v)?>>\ndelete this clone\n\ngo to x: (200) y: (-70)\n\ndefine win\nif <(boss hp) < [1]> then\n broadcast (Boss Beat v)\n repeat (50)\n change y by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nelse\n broadcast (boss loss v)\n wait (2) seconds\n broadcast (menu v)\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I receive [final battle v]\nwait until <<(player hp) < [1]> or <(boss hp) < [1]>>\nwin\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nset [boss hp v] to [0]\n\n@Stones effect\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\ndefine glow (#)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (175) %\nswitch costume to (#)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nset [# v] to [13]\nrepeat (13)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by ((#) * (-1))\n change [# v] by (-1)\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (13)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by ((#) * (1))\n change [# v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nglow (Selected Stone)\n\n@Portals\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nif <(Selected Stone) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (140)\n repeat (4)\n Clone at x: (x position) y: (y position)\n change y by (-85)\n end\n wait (15) seconds\n set [next stone? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (10) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@lava\n\nwhen I receive [stone v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (check v)\nif <<(Selected Stone) = [4]> or <(Selected Stone) = [6]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-444444444)\n wait (5) seconds\n show\n repeat (200)\n change y by (1)\n end\n wait (5) seconds\n repeat (200)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nrepeat (10)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [check v]\nif <<(Selected Stone) = [4]> or <(Selected Stone) = [6]>> then\n forever\n wait until <touching (hero v)?>\n change [player hp v] by (-1)\n broadcast (render lives v)\n wait until <not <touching (hero v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss beat v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen I receive [# v]\nif <(#1) = [1]> then\n clone\nelse\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [level start v]\nset [#1 v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [#2 v] to [1]\nset [#1 v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (1) to (4))\nrepeat (60)\n change x by (xv)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.9))\n if <<(#2) = [1]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>> then\n change y by (yv)\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n ground\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine clone\ngo to x: (#x) y: (#y)\nrepeat (pick random (3) to (4))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine ground\nset [# v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(#) > [15]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [# v] by (1)\nend\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-15)\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (-0.5))\n change x by ((xv) * (2))\nelse\nend\n\n
--------------------------Among us --------------------------------- \nHelp me report hate :/\n\nAdvertise friendly if you follow me \nRead more |\n V\nNew game 10000000X better \nspoon \nPLAY THIS\n\n\n\n\n\n\n72 + hours (3 days) \nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/438481246/ PART 2 YASSS\nNOTES: \n-This Took soo Much time so, Please Like and Fave and follow \n-If Tell Me If There Are Any Glitches\n- This ate Half of my brain\n- It Doesn't work in editor \n- the Detectors don't work in fullscreen\n- Like and fave for more \n\n\n\n\nInstructions \nArrow keys\nM to Mute music \nP to Play music \nR to Respawn\nthat's all\n\nIntroductory-\nHey, I know I haven't posted in a while. I am doing so many collabs and I should do my own work well \n1) it's school so I am busy \n2) I do the coding and the others do the art \n3) I do my own work \n4) Don't call me a kid \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#games #fun #amongus #good #orginal #this #loved #trending #curated #Spanishforanimation #animation #awesome #cool #fun #funny #game #description(MY MOST POPULAR PORJECT, altho i have better projects, you have to have a computer for this)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSince you came here Press W while up arrow and you jump higher-@REHAN_STICKS
Darkness | Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(con 1) = [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [2]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [3]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [4]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [5]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop5 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [6]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop6 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [7]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop4 v)\n end\n if <(con 1) = [8]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop6 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Vexento - Pixel Party v] until done\nend\n\n@Platformer\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <([abs v] of (speed) ) > [3]>> then\n if <(wall jump) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(speed) < [0]> then\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (-8))\nelse\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (8))\nend\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (stand_1 v)\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((4) + ((frame) mod (8))) )\n end\nelse\n if <(speed y) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump_1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (fall_1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#00ff55)?> then\n go to x: (-230) y: (0)\n broadcast (nyps v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (25) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-230) y: (0)\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<(speed y) < [4]> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n change y by (speed y)\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.7))\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n end\n end\n if <(speed x) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (speed x)\n else\n if <(speed x) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (speed x)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [jump key v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> or <touching color (#ff0000)?>> then\n go to x: (-230) y: (0)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n end\n Set Costume\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nyps v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [con 1 v] to (costume [number v])\nend\n\n
=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈=≈• WASD, arrow keys or click and drag to move!\n• Avoid spikes!\n• More coming soon everybody!\n• Also, I'm NOT leaving.\n• Adding more levels!\n• Type "skip" or "retry" and "lag" to skip, retry or enable lag mode.
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <<<(Transition) = [-1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [10]>> and <<not <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]>> or <not <(sound) = [teehee]>>>> then\n switch backdrop to (sky v)\n set [sound v] to [Teehee]\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [11]>> and <not <(sound) = [woohoo]>>> then\n set [sound v] to [woohoo]\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [12]>> and <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [2]>>> then\n switch backdrop to (fortress v)\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [19]>> and <not <(sound) = [Downtown intro]>>> then\n set [sound v] to [Downtown intro]\n switch backdrop to (night v)\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [-1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [18]>> and <not <(sound) = [woohoo]>>> then\n set [sound v] to [woohoo]\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [-1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [17]>> and <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [2]>>> then\n switch backdrop to (fortress v)\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [-1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [27]>> and <<not <(backdrop [number v]) = [3]>> or <not <(sound) = [Downtown intro]>>>> then\n switch backdrop to (night v)\n set [sound v] to [Downtown intro]\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [28]>> and <not <(sound) = [Hoohoo]>>> then\n set [sound v] to [Hoohoo]\n stop all sounds\n end\n if <<<(Transition) = [1]> and <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [29]>> and <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [4]>>> then\n switch backdrop to (brick wall v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\nset [sound v] to [blank]\n\nwhen I receive [where2 v]\nswitch backdrop to (where? v)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [sound v] to [Under Intro]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nset [sound v] to [blank]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n play sound (sound) until done\n wait (0) seconds\n if <(sound) = [Downtown intro]> then\n set [sound v] to [Downtown]\n end\n if <(sound) = [Under Intro]> then\n set [sound v] to [Under Where]\n end\nend\n\nif <<(Slow Motion) = [1]> and <(Is slow on?) = [1]>> then\n if <(volume) > [10]> then\n change volume by (-15)\n end\nend\nif <(Slow Motion) = [0]> then\n if <(volume) < [100]> then\n change volume by (15)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) > [35]> then\n switch backdrop to (where? v)\n set [sound v] to [Under Intro]\nelse\n switch backdrop to (sky v)\n set [sound v] to [Teehee]\nend\n\n@Marco\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<not <touching (ground v)?>> and <not <touching (gate v)?>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox_foot v)\nif <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n set [platform bug fix v] to [0]\nend\nif <<touching (platform v)?> and <(Platform bug fix) = [0]>> then\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n set [platform bug fix v] to [1]\n else\n if <not <up?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-100)\nset [transition v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nset [speed x v] to [0]\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nset [slow motion v] to [0]\nbroadcast (frame v)\n\nif <<(Slow Motion) = [1]> and <(Is slow on?) = [1]>> then\n wait (0.15) seconds\nend\nwait (0) seconds\n\nif <not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n\nif <not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange x by (-3)\nchange y by (10)\nwait (0) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nrepeat (2)\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <not <[] = [22]>> then\n if <(timer) > [1]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [slow motion v] to [1]\n else\n if <(Slow Motion) = [1]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > [19]> then\n create clone of (arrow v)\n end\n end\n set [slow motion v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [brightness v] effect to (-25)\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [22]>> then\n if <<([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [10]> or <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [19]>> then\n if <touching color (#dbab1f)?> then\n say [Fortress entrance is that way.]\n else\n say []\n end\n end\n if <([costume # v] of [ground2 v]) = [27]> then\n if <touching color (#dbab1f)?> then\n say [This temple uses ancient security technology. You need to hit all the targets in 4 seconds or else they will come back.]\n else\n say []\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Animate\nif <(costume [number v]) = [22]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nswitch costume to (Previous Costume)\nif <(Slow Motion) = [0]> then\n if <<<(Speed Y) = [0]> and <(Falling?) < [4]>> and <not <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>>>> then\n if <not <<(costume [number v]) > [2]> and <(costume [number v]) < [7]>>> then\n set [frames pause v] to [0]\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\n if <(Frames pause) = [6]> then\n set [frames pause v] to [0]\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [2]> and <(costume [number v]) < [6]>> then\n next costume\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (stand v)\n else\n switch costume to (stand v)\n end\n end\n end\n change [frames pause v] by (1)\n end\n if <(Speed Y) > [0]> then\n if <not <<(costume [number v]) > [6]> and <(costume [number v]) < [9]>>> then\n set [frames pause v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [7]> and <(Frames pause) = [4]>> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n else\n switch costume to (going up v)\n change [frames pause v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Speed Y) < [-5]> then\n switch costume to (falling v)\n end\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> and <<<(Speed Y) > [-5.1]> and <(Speed Y) < [0.1]>> and <(Falling?) < [4]>>> then\n if <not <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [16]>>> then\n set [frames pause v] to [0]\n switch costume to (walk 1 v)\n end\n if <(Frames pause) = [2]> then\n set [frames pause v] to [0]\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [9]> and <(costume [number v]) < [15]>> then\n next costume\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [15]> then\n switch costume to (walk 1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (walk 1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n change [frames pause v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <(costume [number v]) < [16]> then\n switch costume to (arrow1 v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) > [20]> then\n switch costume to (arrow7 v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (arrow8 v)\n else\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(Wall jump) = [0]> then\n start sound [hute v]\n set [speed x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n end\nelse\n set [speed x v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [22]>> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n set [previous costume v] to (costume [number v])\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<(Speed Y) < [4]> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n if <(Speed Y) < [-16]> then\n set [speed y v] to [-16]\n end\n change y by (Speed Y)\n Touch Ground <(Speed Y) > [0]>\n if <(Wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n else\n if <<(Falling?) < [4]> or <([abs v] of (Speed X) ) > [4]>> then\n set [speed x v] to ((Speed X) * (0.625))\n end\n set [speed x v] to ((round ((Speed X) * (100))) / (100))\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (((-0.9) * (Run speed)) - (0.6))\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed x v] by (((0.9) * (Run speed)) + (0.6))\n end\n end\n if <(Speed X) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (Speed X)\n else\n if <(Speed X) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (Speed X)\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(Falling?) < [4]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [12]\n if <(Falling?) = [2]> then\n start sound [hut v]\n end\n end\n Animate\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n if <(x position) = [-220]> then\n set [transition v] to [0]\n end\n else\n change x by (45)\n if <(x position) = [220]> then\n set [transition v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nif <(x position) > [229]> then\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [35]> then\n broadcast (where? v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [42]> then\n broadcast (here! v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set x to (230)\n set [transition v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(x position) < [-229]> then\n set x to (-230)\n set [transition v] to [-1]\nend\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(Slope) = [8]> or <<not <touching (ground v)?>> and <not <touching (gate v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(Slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (Slope))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nstart sound [A Bad Dream. v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [where2 v]\ngo to x: (-150) y: (150)\nset [transition v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nset [slow motion v] to [0]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (frame v)\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\nstart sound [A Bad Dream. v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [22]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwait (0) seconds\n\nif <(Is slow on?) = [1]> then\n wait (0.15) seconds\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset volume to (50) %\nforever\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n else\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n else\n change x by (45)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nbroadcast (where? v)\n\nwhen I receive [where2 v]\nswitch costume to (where?1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset volume to (100) %\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\nshow\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) > [35]> then\n switch costume to (where?1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (savannah1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n else\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n else\n change x by (45)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (savannah1 v)\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset volume to (50) %\nforever\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n else\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n else\n change x by (45)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [where2 v]\nswitch costume to (where?1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset volume to (100) %\nshow\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) > [35]> then\n switch costume to (where?1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (savannah1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n if <(x position) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n set [my x v] to [450]\n end\n change [my x v] by (-45)\n set x to (My X)\n else\n if <(x position) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n set [my x v] to [-450]\n end\n change [my x v] by (45)\n set x to (My X)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n else\n change x by (45)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Ground2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset volume to (100) %\nshow\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) > [35]> then\n switch costume to (where?1 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (savannah1 v)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (-1) layers\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: ((-60) * (Transition)) y: (0)\nset volume to (50) %\nif <<(Transition) = [1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [28]>> then\n switch costume to (temple bugfix v)\nend\nforever\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (temple1 v)\n end\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n if <(x position) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n set [my x v] to [450]\n end\n change [my x v] by (-45)\n set x to (My X)\n else\n if <<<(Transition) = [-1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [28]>> and <(x position) < [-15]>> then\n switch costume to (temple bugfix v)\n end\n if <(x position) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n set [my x v] to [-450]\n end\n change [my x v] by (45)\n set x to (My X)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n else\n change x by (45)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [where2 v]\nswitch costume to (where?1 v)\nset volume to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (temple1 v)\n end\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n if <(x position) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n set [my x v] to [450]\n end\n change [my x v] by (-45)\n set x to (My X)\n else\n if <<<(Transition) = [-1]> and <(costume [number v]) = [28]>> and <(x position) < [-15]>> then\n switch costume to (temple bugfix v)\n end\n if <(x position) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n set [my x v] to [-450]\n end\n change [my x v] by (45)\n set x to (My X)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(Transition) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(Transition) = [1]> then\n change x by (-45)\n else\n change x by (45)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Targets\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n block name2\nend\n\ndefine Make (number) clones\nset [clone id v] to (item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [first target of this level v])\nrepeat (number)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone id v] by (1)\nend\n\nif <(Transition) = [-1]> then\n set [targets left v] to [0]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nhide\nset [targets left v] to [0]\nset [farthest screen v] to [1]\ndelete (all) of [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [4] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [3] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [4] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [3] to [targets per level v]\nadd [4] to [targets per level v]\nadd [5] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [2] to [targets per level v]\nadd [3] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [0] to [targets per level v]\nadd [3] to [targets per level v]\nadd [4] to [targets per level v]\nadd [8] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\nadd [1] to [targets per level v]\n\nadd (x position) to [x positions v]\nadd (y position) to [y positions v]\nadd (direction) to [directions v]\n\nswitch costume to (target4 v)\n\nswitch costume to (target3 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [move v] to [3]\nswitch costume to (target3 v)\ngo to x: (item (Clone ID) of [x positions v]) y: (item (Clone ID) of [y positions v])\npoint in direction (item (Clone ID) of [directions v])\nset volume to (100) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n 4\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n 3\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nadd (x position) to [x2 v]\nadd (y position) to [y2 v]\n\ndefine block name\nif <<<touching (arrow v)?> or <<(volume) < [100]> or <key (x v) pressed?>>> and <<(costume [number v]) > [2]> and <(costume [number v]) < [5]>>> then\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n start sound [clap beatbox v]\n end\n change volume by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n if <<(volume) < [1]> or <<(Clone ID) > [33]> and <(volume) < [35]>>> then\n if <(Clone ID) < [34]> then\n change [targets left v] by (-1)\n if <(Targets left) = [0]> then\n replace item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [targets per level v] with [0]\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n switch costume to (target5 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (70)\n set [timer v] to [110]\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [39]> then\n set [timer v] to [160]\n end\n change [targets left v] by (-0.1)\n if <((round ((Targets left) * (10))) / (10)) = ((item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [targets per level v]) - ((item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [targets per level v]) / (10)))> then\n set [targets left v] to [0]\n replace item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [targets per level v] with [0]\n start sound [The Sphinx's Puzzle Solved! v]\n set volume to (100) %\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine block name2\nif <<(Transition) = [1]> or <(Transition) = [-1]>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) > [2]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n set [targets left v] to [0]\n switch costume to (target2 v)\nend\nif <<(Transition) = [0]> and <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n switch costume to (target v)\n set [targets left v] to (item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [targets per level v])\n Make (item ([costume # v] of [ground v]) of [targets per level v]) clones\nend\n\ndefine 3\nif <<(Clone ID) > [33]> and <(costume [number v]) = [5]>> then\n if <(Targets left) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(timer) = [0]> then\n change [targets left v] by (0.1)\n switch costume to (target3 v)\n set volume to (100) %\n clear graphic effects\n show\n end\n change [timer v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine 4\nif <<<(Clone ID) > [13]> and <<(Clone ID) < [26]> or <(Clone ID) > [58]>>> and <(costume [number v]) > [2]>> then\n if <(Move) = [3]> then\n change x by (((item (Clone ID) of [x2 v]) - (item (Clone ID) of [x positions v])) / (60))\n change y by (((item (Clone ID) of [y2 v]) - (item (Clone ID) of [y positions v])) / (60))\n end\n if <<(x position) = (item (Clone ID) of [x2 v])> and <(y position) = (item (Clone ID) of [y2 v])>> then\n set [move v] to [4]\n end\n if <(Move) = [4]> then\n change x by (((item (Clone ID) of [x positions v]) - (item (Clone ID) of [x2 v])) / (60))\n change y by (((item (Clone ID) of [y positions v]) - (item (Clone ID) of [y2 v])) / (60))\n end\n if <<(x position) = (item (Clone ID) of [x positions v])> and <(y position) = (item (Clone ID) of [y positions v])>> then\n set [move v] to [3]\n end\nend\n\nstart sound [The Sphinx's Puzzle Solved! v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n block name2\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n 3\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n 4\nend\n\n@Arrow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset volume to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to (marco v)\npoint towards (mouse-pointer v)\nset [x velocity v] to (((mouse x) - ([x position v] of [marco v])) / (10))\nset [y velocity v] to (((mouse y) - ([y position v] of [marco v])) / (8))\nchange x by (X velocity)\nchange y by (Y velocity)\nchange [y velocity v] by (-0.8)\nif <(X velocity) > [0]> then\n point in direction ((90) - ([atan v] of ((Y velocity) / (X velocity)) ))\nelse\n point in direction ((-90) - ([atan v] of ((Y velocity) / (X velocity)) ))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <<<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) < [160]>> and <not <(round (((volume) mod (1)) * (10))) = [3]>>> then\n set volume to (88.3) %\n end\n if <(round (((volume) mod (1)) * (10))) = [3]> then\n change x by (X velocity)\n change y by (Y velocity)\n change volume by (1)\n if <(volume) > [90]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n if <<<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <([abs v] of (y position) ) > [170]>> and <<(Y velocity) > [10]> and <(volume) = [100]>>> then\n set volume to (95) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <not <(Transition) = [0]>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <not <(round (((volume) mod (1)) * (10))) = [3]>> then\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (targets v)?> or <(volume) < [100]>>> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change volume by (-5)\n if <<(volume) = [95]> and <touching (targets v)?>> then\n move (4) steps\n end\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n change x by (X velocity)\n change y by (Y velocity)\n change [y velocity v] by (-0.8)\n if <(X velocity) > [0]> then\n point in direction ((90) - ([atan v] of ((Y velocity) / (X velocity)) ))\n else\n point in direction ((-90) - ([atan v] of ((Y velocity) / (X velocity)) ))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Gate\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset volume to (100) %\nswitch costume to (savannah1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nif <touching (marco v)?> then\n say [You need to hit all of the targets before you can move on.]\nelse\n say []\nend\n\ndefine block name\nif <(Transition) = [0]> then\n if <(Targets left) > [0]> then\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\n show\n else\n change volume by (-10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nelse\n set volume to (100) %\n hide\n switch costume to ([costume # v] of [ground v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (where?1 v)\n\nforever\n block name\nend\n\n@Scope\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [is slow on? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (full cover v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (0.8) seconds\nbroadcast (where2 v)\nset volume to (100) %\nstart sound [out v]\nrepeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\nend\nhide\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nreset timer\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (full cover v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (0.8) seconds\n\ndefine block name\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <<(Slow Motion) = [1]> and <(Is slow on?) = [1]>> then\n show\n go to (marco v)\n if <(volume) = [20]> then\n start sound [in v]\n end\n if <(volume) < [100]> then\n change volume by (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n end\n if <(Slow Motion) = [0]> then\n go to (marco v)\n if <(volume) = [100]> then\n start sound [out v]\n end\n if <(volume) > [0]> then\n change volume by (-20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine block name2\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(timer) > [0]> then\n change [timer v] by (-1)\n else\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [timer v] to [45]\n if <(Is slow on?) = [0]> then\n set [is slow on? v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n set [is slow on? v] to [0]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine block name3\nif <(costume [number v]) > [1]> then\n if <<(y position) < [0]> and <(timer) = [0]>> then\n change y by (3)\n else\n if <(timer) > [30]> then\n if <(y position) > [-15]> then\n change y by (-3)\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n change [timer v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nforever\n block name2\nend\n\nforever\n block name2\nend\n\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nif <(Is slow on?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-15)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [timer v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\nforever\n block name3\nend\n\nforever\n block name3\nend\n\nswitch costume to (scope v)\nforever\n play sound [Stellardrone - To The Great Beyond.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nswitch costume to (scope v)\nclear graphic effects\nset volume to (0) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n play sound [Stellardrone - To The Great Beyond.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Guide\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n erase all\n if <<mouse down?> and <(Guide) = [1]>> then\n Draw\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [guide v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (dot v)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Draw\nshow\ngo to (marco v)\nset [x velocity v] to (((mouse x) - ([x position v] of [marco v])) / (10))\nset [y velocity v] to (((mouse y) - ([y position v] of [marco v])) / (8))\nrepeat until <<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>> or <touching (targets v)?>>\n change x by (X velocity)\n change y by (Y velocity)\n change [y velocity v] by (-0.8)\n switch costume to (dot v)\n stamp\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nif <(Guide) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (-15)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [timer v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\nforever\n block name2\nend\n\nwhen I receive [where? v]\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nerase all\n\ndefine block name\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(timer) > [0]> then\n change [timer v] by (-1)\n else\n if <<key (1 v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>> then\n set [timer v] to [45]\n if <(Guide) = [0]> then\n set [guide v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n set [guide v] to [0]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine block name2\nif <(costume [number v]) > [1]> then\n if <<(y position) < [0]> and <(timer) = [0]>> then\n change y by (3)\n else\n if <(timer) > [30]> then\n if <(y position) > [-15]> then\n change y by (-3)\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n change [timer v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n block name\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n block name2\nend\n\n@Run\n\nwhen I receive [frame v]\n\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <(timer) > [0]> then\n change [timer v] by (-1)\n else\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [timer v] to [45]\n if <(Run speed) < [3]> then\n change [run speed v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n set [run speed v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [run speed v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (bug fix v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to ((Run speed) + (1))\ngo to x: (0) y: (-15)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [timer v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) > [1]> then\n if <<(y position) < [0]> and <(timer) = [0]>> then\n change y by (3)\n else\n if <(timer) > [30]> then\n if <(y position) > [-15]> then\n change y by (-3)\n else\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n change [timer v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Epic Photos\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set [timer v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > ((timer) + (0.4))\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (picture v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [here! v]\nwait (4.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (temple9 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstart sound [Morning v]\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1)\nend\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-1)\nend\nswitch costume to (picture v)\nstop [all v]\n\n
1st project!\n ???How to play???\n\nComputer:\n- Use the arrows or WASD (thanks to @NinjaNathan for proposing the idea) to move\n- Avoid the light green\n- The darker green is bouncy \nPhone:\n- Click to jump \n- Avoid the light green\n- The darker green is bouncy \nMusic:\n- Press m to mute/ stop all sounds\n- The song should start automatically but if it stops or u want to play the song press p\n \nFor more go on my profile @-Serenety- to check out more games!\n
Minecraft Platformer 2
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\n@Ninja\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n change [y v] by (20)\n end\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (2)\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [y v] by (-2.5)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n set [direction-player v] to [-90]\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n set [direction-player v] to [90]\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (slip))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [12]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <touching (ground v)?>> then\n set [y v] to (jump height)\n end\n if <(y) < [-1]> then\n set [force v] to [T]\n else\n set [force v] to [F]\n end\n change y by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <touching (dinosaur2 v)?> then\n set [y v] to [9]\n set [x v] to [-18]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (traps v)?> then\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\nwait (3.6) seconds\nset x to (-200)\nset y to (-20)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) > [215]> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n set x to (-200)\n set y to (-20)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(timer) > [3]> then\n reset timer\n end\n if <<(timer) < [1]> and <key (x v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to ((y) * (1.2))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (3.6) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3.6) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n broadcast (Win v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n broadcast (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Traps\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(End?) = [yes]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@CustomEnding\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume12 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume13 v)\nstart sound [End v]\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume14 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume15 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume16 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume17 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume18 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume19 v)\nwait (4) seconds\nbroadcast (Ending v)\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2 v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (-387) y: (0)\n glide (40) secs to x: (432) y: (0)\nend\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (15)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (35)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (55)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (75)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nhide\n\n@LogoScreen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nstop all sounds\nplay sound [LogoScreen v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-30)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange size by (10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nchange size by (-10)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nhide\n\n@AThumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Ending\n\nwhen I receive [ending v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\n
Sea Floor - A Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to (50) %\n play sound [Demons v] until done\nend\n\n@ground\n\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [level-up v]\nnext costume\nset [level v] to (costume [number v])\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@Smiley\n\ndefine touch ground <up?>\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-227) y: (170)\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nforever\n change y by (speed y)\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n touch ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n walk (90) (5)\n end\n if <<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n walk (-90) (-5)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [13]\n set [falling v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [jump key v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [225]> then\n broadcast (level-up v)\n go to x: (-227) y: (170)\n end\n if <<<<(y position) < [-165]> or <touching color (#82d2ff)?>> or <touching color (#9fe1ff)?>> or <touching (sprite2 v)?>> then\n go to x: (-227) y: (170)\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n end\n if <touching (double2 v)?> then\n change [deaths v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nset size to (60) %\nset [deaths v] to [0]\nhide variable [deaths v]\n\ndefine walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (play v)\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (98)\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-4) y: (-110)\n else\n if <(level) = [5]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (47) y: (-70)\n else\n if <(level) = [6]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (35) y: (-62)\n else\n if <(level) = [7]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n go to x: (95) y: (-85)\n else\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n go to x: (63) y: (-110)\n else\n if <(level) = [9]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n go to x: (-1) y: (-67)\n else\n if <(level) = [10]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n go to x: (-1) y: (-63)\n else\n if <(level) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lag v] to [0]\nhide\ngo [forward v] (10) layers\nforever\n if <(lag) = [0]> then\n wait (pick random (0) to (0.02)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (80) to (90))\nset size to (pick random (25) to (45)) %\ngo to x: (pick random (240) to (-240)) y: (180)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nglide (pick random (2) to (8)) secs to x: (pick random (240) to (-240)) y: (-180)\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n if <(lag) = [0]> then\n set [lag v] to [1]\n else\n set [lag v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\n
Hi!! xXMobile Friendly!!!Xx\nAfter a quite long time I came up with this platformer.\nIt contains 20 levels and you can't wall jump.\nA special feature is, that the ball is bouncy!!\nInstructions:\n- Move with Arrow keys or just tap on the screen\n- Have fun!!!
Scratch Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [mosaic v] effect to (10)\nset [brightness v] effect to (-5)\nset [color v] effect to (110)\nforever\n play sound [10 Arpanauts v] until done\nend\n\n@player\n\ndefine Platform Physics jump height: (y) move speed: (speed) fricton: (friction)\ngo to [front v] layer\nif < or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel. v] by (speed)\n point in direction (90)\nend\nif < or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x vel. v] by ((speed) * (-1))\n point in direction (-90)\nend\nset [x vel. v] to ((x vel.) * (friction))\nchange x by (x vel.)\nif then\n set [slope v] to [0]\n repeat until <<not > or <(slope) = [8]>>\n change [slope v] by (1)\n change y by (1)\n end\n if then\n change y by ((slope) * (-1))\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (x vel.) ) )\n if then\n change x by ((([abs v] of (x vel.) ) / (x vel.)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (y vel.)\nif then\n repeat ([ceiling v] of ([abs v] of (y vel.) ) )\n if then\n change y by ((([abs v] of (y vel.) ) / (y vel.)) * (-1))\n end\n end\n if <<(([abs v] of (y vel.) ) / (y vel.)) = [-1]> and > then\n set [y vel. v] to (y)\n else\n set [y vel. v] to [0]\n end\nelse\n change [y vel. v] by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [walk v] to [6]\nforever\n change [walk v] by (1)\n if <(walk) > [10]> then\n set [walk v] to [6]\n end\n wait (0.035) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [idle v] to [2]\nforever\n change [idle v] by (1)\n if <(idle) > [5]> then\n set [idle v] to [2]\n end\n wait (0.06) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nbroadcast (SETUP v) and wait\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n Platform Physics jump height: [10] move speed: [2.75] fricton: [0.7]\n if <<touching (door v)?> and <([costume name v] of [door v]) = [opena]>> then\n repeat (25)\n switch costume to (idle)\n point towards (door v)\n move ((distance to [door v]) / (10)) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (SETUP v)\n end\n if <<<<<touching (traps v)?> or <(y position) < [-180]>> or <key (r v) pressed?>> or <touching (spikes v)?>> or <touching (dark wizards v)?>> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n switch costume to (idle)\n broadcast (SETUP v)\n end\n if <(level requirements) = [0]> then\n set [door status v] to [0]\n else\n set [door status v] to [1]\n end\n switch costume to (idle)\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (walk)\n end\n if <(y vel.) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n end\n if <(y vel.) < [-1]> then\n switch costume to (idle 3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nset size to (175) %\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-110)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [x vel. v] to [0]\nset [y vel. v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [3]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [3]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [2]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [4]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [5]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [4]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [1]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [3]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [3]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n set [level requirements v] to [5]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n stop [all v]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@LEVEL\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\nset [color v] effect to (105)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@collectibles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (175) %\nhide\n\ndefine SPAWN at (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ngo to x: ((round ((x position) / (15))) * (15)) y: ((round ((y position) / (15))) * (15))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (150) %\nforever\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [level requirements v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n SPAWN at [-30] [-140]\n SPAWN at [0] [-140]\n SPAWN at [30] [-140]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n SPAWN at [-82] [-122]\n SPAWN at [15] [-87]\n SPAWN at [110] [-52]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n SPAWN at [-45] [-120]\n SPAWN at [45] [-120]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n SPAWN at [-47] [-100]\n SPAWN at [63] [-60]\n SPAWN at [178] [-23]\n SPAWN at [40] [40]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n SPAWN at [0] [-130]\n SPAWN at [196] [-80]\n SPAWN at [-194] [15]\n SPAWN at [0] [100]\n SPAWN at [135] [75]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n SPAWN at [158] [-65]\n SPAWN at [51] [-28]\n SPAWN at [-60] [15]\n SPAWN at [-157] [55]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n SPAWN at [0] [-110]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n SPAWN at [0] [-75]\n SPAWN at [-85] [-75]\n SPAWN at [85] [-75]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n SPAWN at [56] [-35]\n SPAWN at [-45] [-65]\n SPAWN at [0] [15]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n SPAWN at [-84] [-115]\n SPAWN at [37] [-115]\n SPAWN at [-45] [-15]\n SPAWN at [150] [60]\n SPAWN at [-24] [120]\n else\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@Door\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (150) %\n switch costume to (door status)\n set [color v] effect to (110)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n go to x: (185) y: (-133)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n go to x: (185) y: (-42)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n go to x: (185) y: (-133)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-110) y: (88)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-32)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n go to x: (140) y: (130)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n go to x: (185) y: (-133)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n go to x: (185) y: (-80)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n go to x: (199) y: (67)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-197) y: (98)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [color v] effect to (105)\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n set size to (150) %\nend\n\n@dark wizards\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (175) %\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0.06) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine SPAWN at (x) (y) (direction) range: (range) (1)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (direction)\nset [attack dir v] to (1)\nset [range v] to (range)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nif <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n SPAWN at [45] [-146] [90] range: [90] [1]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n SPAWN at [100] [-101] [90] range: [135] [1]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n SPAWN at [100] [-39] [90] range: [275] [1]\n SPAWN at [-200] [-39] [-90] range: [275] [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n repeat ((range) / (1.2))\n move (1.2) steps\n end\n point in direction ((direction) * (-1))\n repeat ((range) / (1.2))\n move (1.2) steps\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset size to (175) %\nhide\n\n
Trending?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I can't believe it!!!! 16 March 2022\nTop Loved!! 17 March 2022 (900+ Loves)\n◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉INSTRUCTIONS◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉\n⫸Arrow keys, WASD or mobile controls to move\n⫸Don't touch spilt food\n⫸You slip if you touch the marbles\n⫸Walk on the ground XD\n⫸Press the skip button to skip\n⫸Smash the ♥ and ⭐ and even the follow button for more! :D\n⫸All the parts- https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31261892/\n⫸ Ads and hate will be reported!\n◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉FACTS◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉◉\n⫸ Story inside -\n -\n⨞ - - - - -\n⫸ Based on school life\n⫸ A sequel\n\nPropose this to be featured here- https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28715018/
Adventurer || A cloud scrolling platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch backdrop to (level)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [27 World of Goo v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\ngo to x: (-184) y: (-40)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nforever\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <not <touching (sprite2 v)?>> then\n change y by (-5)\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (-184) y: (-40)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n switch costume to (level)\n if <key (q v) pressed?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\n\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nset [level v] to [19]\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\n
Spidey Sense | A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide list [mitdk's list platformer v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [player y v] to [12]\nset [player x v] to [1]\nforever\n if <(round (Player Y)) = [1]> then\n change [player y v] by (2)\n end\n set [player v] to [🙂]\n if <(letter ((Player X) + (3)) of (item (Player Y) of [mitdk's list platformer v])) = [~]> then\n change [player x v] by (-2)\n end\n if <(letter ((Player X) + (0)) of (item (Player Y) of [mitdk's list platformer v])) = [~]> then\n change [player x v] by (2)\n end\n if <[1] > (Player X)> then\n set [player x v] to [2]\n end\n if <(Player X) > [60]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n set [player y v] to [12]\n set [player x v] to [1]\n end\n if <(letter ((round (Player X)) + (1)) of (item ((Player Y) - (1)) of [mitdk's list platformer v])) = [~]> then\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n change [player y v] by (1)\n end\n if <(letter (round (Player X)) of (item ((Player Y) - (-1)) of [mitdk's list platformer v])) = [∆]> then\n set [player v] to [😖]\n change [player y v] by (-1)\n render\n wait (1) seconds\n set [player y v] to [12]\n set [player x v] to [1]\n end\n if <(block_replaced) = [∆]> then\n set [player v] to [😖]\n change [player y v] by (-2)\n render\n wait (1) seconds\n set [player y v] to [12]\n set [player x v] to [1]\n end\n if <(letter (round (Player X)) of (item ((Player Y) - (-1)) of [mitdk's list platformer v])) = [=]> then\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [-1.3]\n end\n if <(Player Y) > [13]> then\n set [player v] to [😖]\n change [player y v] by (((round (Player Y)) - (11)) * (-1))\n render\n wait (1) seconds\n set [player y v] to [12]\n set [player x v] to [1]\n end\n if <(letter ((round (Player X)) + (1)) of (item (round ((Player Y) - (-1))) of [mitdk's list platformer v])) = [~]> then\n if <[0] > (y vel)> then\n change [y vel v] by (0.1)\n set [in air? v] to [1]\n change [player y v] by (y vel)\n end\n set [in air? v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n else\n change [y vel v] by (0.1)\n set [in air? v] to [1]\n change [player y v] by (y vel)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [player x v] by (-2)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [player x v] by (2)\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <(in air?) = [0]>> then\n set [y vel v] to [-0.8]\n end\n render\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\ndefine render\ndelete all of [mitdk's list platformer v]\ndelete all of [rows v]\nrepeat (13)\n add [ _________________________________________________________________] to [mitdk's list platformer v]\nend\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________Use ^, > , < to move________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (11) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________________~~~~~~~~~~___________________]\n replace item (12) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________________~~~~~~~~~~___________________]\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n add [11] to [rows v]\n add [12] to [rows v]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________Spikes!______________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (10) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [___________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~______________________]\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆]\n add [10] to [rows v]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_______________Use the trampoline to get to the top of the wall!______________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆]\n replace item (12) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________~~~~~~________________________________]\n replace item (11) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________~~~~~~________________________________]\n replace item (10) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________~~~~~~________________________________]\n replace item (9) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________~~~~~~________________________________]\n replace item (8) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________~~~~~~________________________________]\n replace item (7) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________~~~~~~________________________________]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n add [12] to [rows v]\n add [11] to [rows v]\n add [10] to [rows v]\n add [9] to [rows v]\n add [8] to [rows v]\n add [7] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________Don't fall!______________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~_____________________________________________________]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n replace item (10) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [___________________________________~~~~~~~~~~~___________________]\n add [10] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________Tight jumps...______________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~_____________________~~~__________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________Be careful!_____________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n replace item (9) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [____________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___________________]\n replace item (8) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [____________________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___________________]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n add [9] to [rows v]\n add [8] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [___________________________Leap of Faith!____________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____________________________________]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_______________________Hard, but not impossible...______________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n replace item (9) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n add [9] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [__________________________Can you make it?__________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n replace item (10) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_________~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆~~~~~_________________________________________]\n add [10] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [____________________________Last level!______________________________]\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========~~~~~~]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n replace item (9) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_____________~~~~]\n add [9] to [rows v]\n replace item (8) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~∆∆∆∆∆∆∆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_____________~~~~]\n add [8] to [rows v]\n replace item (12) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [12] to [rows v]\n replace item (11) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [11] to [rows v]\n replace item (10) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [10] to [rows v]\n replace item (11) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [11] to [rows v]\n replace item (4) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~______________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n add [4] to [rows v]\n replace item (7) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [7] to [rows v]\n replace item (6) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [6] to [rows v]\n replace item (5) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [5] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n draw player (player)\n replace item (13) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]\n add [13] to [rows v]\n replace item (12) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [12] to [rows v]\n replace item (11) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [11] to [rows v]\n replace item (10) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [10] to [rows v]\n replace item (9) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [9] to [rows v]\n replace item (8) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [8] to [rows v]\n replace item (7) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [7] to [rows v]\n replace item (6) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [6] to [rows v]\n replace item (5) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [5] to [rows v]\n replace item (4) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [4] to [rows v]\n replace item (3) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [______________________________________________________________~~~~]\n add [3] to [rows v]\n replace item (2) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_________________________Thanks for playing!______________________~~~~]\n add [2] to [rows v]\n replace item (1) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with [_____________________________You Win!__________________________~~~~]\n add [1] to [rows v]\n if <[rows v] contains (round (Player Y))?> then\n convert (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) to list\n set [block_replaced v] to (item (round ((Player X) + (1))) of [str v])\n replace item ((Player X) + (1)) of [str v] with (player)\n convert (str) to string\n replace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (str return)\n end\nend\n\ndefine draw player (player)\nset space (round (Player X))\nreplace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (join (space) (player))\nset space ((63) - (Player X))\nreplace item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v] with (join (item (round (Player Y)) of [mitdk's list platformer v]) (space))\n\ndefine set space (space)\nset [space v] to []\nrepeat (space)\n set [space v] to (join (space) [_])\nend\n\ndefine convert (string) to list\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (string))\n add (letter (counter) of (string)) to [str v]\n change [counter v] by (1)\nend\ndelete (item # of [_] in [str v]) of [str v]\n\ndefine convert (list) to string\nset [str return v] to []\nrepeat (length of [str v])\n set [str return v] to (join (str return) (item (1) of [str v]))\n delete (1) of [str v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow list [mitdk's list platformer v]\n\n
❗️Get me to 1K! @theGamerverse ❗️ \n ⚡Part 2 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/966173209/ ❗️If you enjoy follow me at @theGamerverse ❗️\n▶️ Use W,A,S,D or Arrow Keys to Move. Collect All the \n Coins, Comment your Time!\n ❤️ + ⭐+ Follow if you enjoy!\n\n ⚡You can advertise if you follow @theGamerverse⚡\n Otherwise I'll delete your comment\n\n⚡Try to collect all 53 Coins and beat the platformer as \n fast you can can. Comment your time!⚡\n \n \n ⚡Try to beat my Record⚡\n ⚡37.8 With All Coins⚡\n ⚡30.2 Without all coins⚡\n⚡World Record Glitchless @\nTristan751_2 26.8 ⚡\n09/02/23 Shared ✅\n10/02/23 100 Views, 25 Likes, 1 Remix✅\n11/02/23 25th on trending #games !\n11/02/23 120th on #all trending\n11/02/23 500 views 60 likes, 55 faves ✅\n11/02/23 15 remixes!!! ✅\n11/02/23 Added Mobile and way to go back levels\n12/02/23 15th on trending #games !!!\n12/02/23 3800 Views, 180 loves! ✅\n12/02/23 63rd on trending #all !\n12/02/23 Added an unlockable skin when u ❤️ + ⭐\n13/02/23 300 loves, 6k views! #4 on trending #games and #17 on #all !!!\n13/02/23 500 Loves 8.3k views!\n13/02/23 Top-Loved❤️!!!\n13/02/23 10k views, 650 loves, 600 faves, 40 remixes\n14/02/23 #1 on #games! #3 on #all WHAT? 15k views 1.2k loves 1.1k faves! 85 remixes! I woke up to 1200 messages lol\n14/02/23 I have 4.3k messages rn what is happening\n14/02/23 2.5k loves 2.3k faves\n15/02/23 4k loves, 3.7 faves, 57k, 150 remixes, #1 On ALL and GAMES!\n\n17/02/23 6k loves 5.7k faves 91k views 230 remixes, #6 on all #1 on games\n18/02/23 6.8k loves 6.3k faves 101k views 275 remixes! 3rd on #games 10th on #all , still top-loved! Most loved thing on top-loved by 4,000 loves woah!\n23/02/23 i forgot to update this lol, 8.5k loves 8k faves 137k views! 380 remixes!\n\n\nCredits\n@griffpatch for the Scratch cat art\nInspired by @NormanTheGamer\nLove and fave detector by @TimMcCool\nRest of art by me.\n\nAll code by me.\nSong is Wallpaper by Kevin Macleod\n\n\n⚡Tags⚡\n#games #games #games #games #games
Baking a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change [x v] by (0.75)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-0.75)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (-217) y: (-5)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-217) y: (-5)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [restart v]\ngo to x: (-217) y: (-5)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-217) y: (-5)\nset [level v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n change [y v] by (0.5)\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-6)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < (y position)>>>> then\n set [y v] to [-10]\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> then\n set [y v] to [-10]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n go to x: (-217) y: (-5)\n broadcast (Next level v)\n end\n if <(y position) > [175]> then\n go to x: (-217) y: (-5)\n end\n if <touching (kah-nee-fay2 v)?> then\n go to x: (-217) y: (-5)\n end\n if <touching (bouncies v)?> then\n set [y v] to [-10]\n end\n if <touching (speedys v)?> then\n change x by (30)\n end\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Kah-nee-fay2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n@Music\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nforever\n play sound [thefatrat-xenogenesis-youtubemp3free v] until done\nend\n\n@Restart\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to x: (-149) y: (154)\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (10)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Restart v)\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (25)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-215) y: (154)\nshow\nforever\n point in direction ((([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (10)) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Next level v)\n\n@Intro (noodle)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (z v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (generation v)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nstart sound [Dr. Dre - The Next Episode \(San Holo Remix\).mp3 v]\nset size to (0) %\nrepeat (15)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\nend\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = [0]>\n turn right (([sin v] of ((0) - (direction)) ) * (20)) degrees\nend\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = [180]>\n turn right (([sin v] of ((180) - (direction)) ) * (20)) degrees\nend\nbroadcast (message1 v)\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\nrepeat (85)\n set size to ((100) + ((20) * ([cos v] of ((timer) * (1200)) ))) %\n point in direction ((90) + ((10) * ([tan v] of (((timer) + (2)) * (100)) )))\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = [90]>\n turn right (([sin v] of ((90) - (direction)) ) * (20)) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [150]>\n change y by (([sin v] of ((150) - (y position)) ) * (20))\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nbroadcast (Green Flag clicked v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [message1 v]\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = [90]>\n turn right (([sin v] of ((90) - (direction)) ) * (20)) degrees\nend\n\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100000) %\nrepeat (20)\n set [bounce v] to (((Bounce) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (1.5)))\n change size by (Bounce)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nhide\n\n@Particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (pick random (-221) to (240)) y: (300)\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (55) to (80))\nset size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-150]>\n change y by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n wait (.00000000000001) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Bouncies\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Speedys\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Help MarioCube find and rescue Princess Peach in 15 levels of platforming fun!\n\n< < < How to Play > > >\n<> WASD or Arrow Keys to move!\n<> Run against a wall and hold jump to wall jump!\n<> You can skip levels 11 and 15 if you die five times
-Grassland - Platformer Engine
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n play sound [Open Secrets v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nif <<(Level) = [9]> or <<(Level) = [16]> or <<(Level) = [17]> or <<(Level) = [24]> or <(Level) = [25]>>>>> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (-90)\nelse\n go to x: (-198) y: (0)\nend\n\ndefine trick\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>> then\n if <(size) = [7]> then\n set [y velocity v] to [8]\n else\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\n end\n wait until <not <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>>>>>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n trick\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nif <<(Level) = [11]> or <<(Level) = [15]> or <(Level) = [26]>>> then\n set size to (10) %\nend\nif <<(Level) = [12]> or <<(Level) = [16]> or <(Level) = [18]>>> then\n set size to (7) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset size to (10) %\nbroadcast (Reset v)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>>> then\n switch costume to (player2 v)\n if <(size) = [7]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1.75)\n else\n change [x velocity v] by (1.5)\n end\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (player3 v)\n if <(size) = [7]> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.75)\n else\n change [x velocity v] by (-1.5)\n end\n end\n set [x velocity v] to ((X velocity) * (0.85))\n change x by (X velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((X velocity) * (-1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y velocity v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y velocity)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y velocity) - ((Y velocity) * (2)))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\n end\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n end\n if <[-174] > (y position)> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (tiny portals v)?> then\n set [restart v] to [1]\n set size to (7) %\n end\n if <touching (normal portals v)?> then\n set [restart v] to [0]\n set size to (10) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [timer v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(Level) = [26]>\n change [timer v] by (0.1)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n repeat until <touching (ground v)?>\n point in direction ((90) + (X velocity))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (play v)\n\n@ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@tiny portals\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@normal portals\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [timer v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [timer v]\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow variable [level v]\nshow variable [timer v]\n\n@your time\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [actions \(love/fave\) v] to [0]\nforever\n set [touching v] to [none]\n Detect [love] at [-201] [-220]\n Detect [fave] at [-201] [-220]\nend\n\ndefine Detect (thing) at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset size to (27000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thing)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [love]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [love]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [fave]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [fave]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Actions \(love/fave\)) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Golden v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [golden v]\nchange [timer v] by (-10)\n\n@Timer decreased 10 seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [golden v]\nshow\nwait (2.5) seconds\nhide\n\n
新作ゲーム公開!A new game has been released!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/952054271/\n\nIf you press ❤️ and ⭐️, you can become invincible.\n❤️と⭐️で無敵になれます。\n↓見てね!Take a look!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/968229789/\nControl with arrow keys or tap\nPlease score in the comments section!\nPromotion is for followers only\n矢印キーまたはタップで操作してください\nスコアはコメント欄で!\n宣伝はフォローしてからです
Bouncy // a platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (backgroundlv v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nswitch backdrop to (backgroundlv2 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nswitch backdrop to (backgroundlv v)\n\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\nswitch backdrop to (backgroundlv2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [imthemap v]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nbroadcast (fadedbubububu v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.05) seconds\nrepeat until <(songchoice) = [1]>\n play sound [Disco Fever \(FORTNITE Dance Challenge Music\) \[8 Bit Tribute to Fortnite\] - 8 Bit Universe v] until done\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Da Fault \(Inspired by FORTNITE\) - 8 Bit Universe v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(songchoice) = [1]>\nwait (0.02) seconds\nstop all sounds\n\n@Player\n\nset [shield v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [okbub v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nshow\nswitch costume to (skin1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-183) y: (180)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [30]>\n if <<touching (goal v)?> and <(coinsleft) = [0]>> then\n set [storm v] to [0]\n go to x: (-183) y: (-85)\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next backdrop v)\n set [shield v] to [0]\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-0.9)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (2.5)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (-2.5)\n end\n change x by (X vel)\n set [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (0.6))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (3)\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n end\n change x by (-6)\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n end\n change x by (3)\n change x by ((X vel) * (-2))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(jump) = [1]>> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-6]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [6]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Y vel)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by ((Y vel) * (-1))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n end\n change y by (3)\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(jump) = [1]>> then\n if <(shield) = [1]> then\n set [y vel v] to [19]\n else\n set [y vel v] to [13]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-183) y: (-85)\n broadcast (dead v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n repeat (50)\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nwait until <(levup) > [1]>\nhide\ngo to x: (startX) y: (-40)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nshow\nchange [levup v] by (1)\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen [left arrow v] key pressed\npoint in direction (-90)\n\nwhen [right arrow v] key pressed\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nbroadcast (dead v)\nswitch costume to (b68a7a2e0af92e1f9df6ba7a81451fc8 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nif <not <(Level) = [28]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (65)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (10)\n go to x: (0) y: (65)\n change size by (10)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n go to x: (0) y: (65)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n go to x: (0) y: (95)\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (10)\n go to x: (0) y: (95)\n change size by (10)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n go to x: (0) y: (95)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <touching (llamas v)?>\n set [y vel v] to [20]\nend\n\nbroadcast (candy v)\n\nrepeat until <not <touching (llamas v)?>>\n change [y vel v] by (1)\nend\n\nchange y by (5)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [skin v] to [1]\nset size to (100) %\nwait until <(skipused?) = [1]>\ngo to x: (-183) y: (-85)\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (next backdrop v)\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwait until \n\nwait until <not <touching (llama2 v)?>>\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <touching (llamas v)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\nend\n\nforever\n wait until <touching (dynamite v)?>\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [1.6]>\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = [4]>> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-214) y: (-139)\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [4]>> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\nend\n\nhide\n\ngo to x: (-214) y: (-139)\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [4]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n end\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [x v] to (x position)\n set [y v] to (y position)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) > [20]>\nforever\n wait until <<<touching (storm v)?> and <(storm) = [1]>> and <(dead?) = [0]>>\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n wait until <not <touching (storm v)?>>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [31]>\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (20)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [30]>\nset size to (55) %\nforever\n if <<touching (goal v)?> and <(coinsleft) = [0]>> then\n set [storm v] to [0]\n go to x: (-183) y: (-85)\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (next backdrop v)\n set [shield v] to [0]\n end\n change [y vel v] by (-0.9)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (2.5)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (-2.5)\n end\n change x by ((X vel) / (2))\n set [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (0.6))\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change x by (3)\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> and <not <touching (enemy v)?>>> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n end\n change x by (-6)\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> and <not <touching (enemy v)?>>> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n end\n change x by (3)\n change x by (((X vel) * (-2)) / (2))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(jump) = [1]>> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-6]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [6]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [10]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(Level) = [30]>> then\n change y by (Y vel)\n else\n change y by ((Y vel) / (2))\n end\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n change y by (((Y vel) * (-1)) / (2))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n change y by (-3)\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> and <not <touching (enemy v)?>>> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (-75)\n broadcast (dead v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n end\n change y by (3)\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching (level v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <(jump) = [1]>> then\n if <(shield) = [1]> then\n set [y vel v] to [19]\n else\n set [y vel v] to [13]\n end\n end\n end\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> and <not <touching (enemy v)?>>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-183) y: (-85)\n broadcast (dead v)\n start sound [8-bit-explosion v]\n start sound [Eliminated - SOUND EFFECT \(Fortnite Battle Royale\) v]\n repeat (50)\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [30]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (join [Skin] (skin))\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(skipused?) = [1]>\ngo to x: (-183) y: (-85)\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (next backdrop v)\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [fadedbubububu v]\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nbroadcast (okbub v)\nreset timer\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) > [17]>\nforever\n wait until <key (r v) pressed?>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [level v] to (Level)\n wait until <<not <(Level) = (level)>> or <(dead?) = [1]>>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to (player v)\npoint towards (player v)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (x) y: ((y) - (4))\nset [level v] to (Level)\nwait until <<not <(Level) = (level)>> or <(dead?) = [1]>>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nstart sound [Building Sound Effect _ Fortnite _ Free To Download! _ My First Most Viewed Video !!! v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [color v] effect to (90)\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nset [level v] to [30]\n\n@Goal\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n@Logo\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (30)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (80) %\nforever\n glide (1) secs to x: (-7) y: (30)\n glide (1) secs to x: (7) y: (30)\nend\n\nturn right (0.1) degrees\nchange size by (0.05)\n\nchange size by (-0.05)\nturn right (-0.1) degrees\n\nrepeat (50)\n change size by (0.05)\n turn right (-0.1) degrees\nend\nrepeat (50)\n change size by (-0.05)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\nend\n\nchange [pixelate v] effect by (1)\n\nchange [pixelate v] effect by (-1)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [imthemap v]\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (2)\nend\nrepeat (25)\n change size by (-4)\nend\nhide\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nset [level v] to [17]\n\n@Fortnite lobbynb2\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (REALLYCERMON v)\nswitch costume to (fortnite lobbynb2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (fortnite lobbynb v)\ngo to x: (-209) y: (49)\nset size to (130) %\n\nwhen I receive [cermonfortnite v]\n\nwhen I receive [imthemap v]\nhide\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n@Fortnite lobbynb\n\nwhen I receive [cermonfortnite v]\n\nwhen I receive [reallycermon v]\nset [imthemap v] to [0]\nrepeat (6)\n next costume\n wait (pick random (0.3) to (1)) seconds\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [imthemap v] to [1]\nbroadcast (imthemap v)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (fortnite lobbynb v)\ngo to x: (-211) y: (50)\nset size to (130) %\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n@Loaded\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reallycermon v]\nset [imthemap v] to [0]\nshow\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(imthemap) = [1]>\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [imthemap v]\nhide\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n@V-bucks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [v-bucls v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (60) %\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (-125)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nchange [v-bucls v] by (100)\nbroadcast (babysfirstvbuck v)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-67) y: (-58)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-6) y: (5)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (47) y: (66)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-208) y: (35)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [9]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-40) y: (-79)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (125) y: (-35)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [12]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-20) y: (145)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [15]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-128) y: (81)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [17]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (27) y: (-122)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [20]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-11) y: (-66)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nshow\ngo to x: (94) y: (-66)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nshow\ngo to x: (136) y: (-66)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [23]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-182) y: (64)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [25]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-35) y: (-125)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [26]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (143) y: (-161)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [28]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (103) y: (-124)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (17) y: (16)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [29]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-5) y: (-17)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-98) y: (57)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (90) y: (135)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (184) y: (-97)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [30]>\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (35) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-5) y: (-17)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nstart sound (pick random (1) to (3))\nchange [v-bucls v] by (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nset size to (60) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nhide\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [level v] to ((Level) + (1))\nwait until <(Level) = (level)>\ndelete this clone\n\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nclear graphic effects\nshow\ngo to x: (-208) y: (35)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nset [level v] to [30]\n\nset [v-bucls v] to [5000]\n\n@Shield\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [0]\ngo to x: (174) y: (-108)\nset [shield v] to [0]\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\ngo to x: (174) y: (-98)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (25) %\nforever\n repeat (15)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (15)\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [13]\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n start sound [Shield \(Fortnite\) - QuickSounds v]\n clear graphic effects\n set [shield v] to [1]\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Shield (x) (y) (lvl)\nwait until <(Level) = (lvl)>\nclear graphic effects\nset [shield v] to [0]\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = ((lvl) + (1))>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nShield [174] [-98] [6]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nShield [-24] [139] [13]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nShield [76] [150] [22]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nShield [189] [5] [7]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nShield [163] [-11] [25]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(enemydead) = [1]>\nset size to (18) %\nwait (1) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (2) seconds\nShield [-205] [20] [30]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (-205) y: (20)\nshow\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nwait (1.4) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\n@V-buck count\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<not <(V-Bucls) = [0]>> and <not <(V-Bucls) > [2000]>>> then\n switch costume to (((V-Bucls) / (100)) + (1))\n else\n if <(V-Bucls) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume22 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume21 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [babysfirstvbuck v]\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [30]>\nhide\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (70)\nset size to (75) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait until <(Level) = [1]>\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (arrow v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (vbuck v)\nset size to (66) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <<(V-Bucls) > [0]> or <(Level) = [5]>>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\ngo to x: (-70) y: (70)\nswitch costume to (shield v)\nset size to (66) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(shield) = [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (115)\nswitch costume to (dynamite v)\nset size to (75) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(x) > [83]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\nwait until <(x) > [136]>\nwait until <(dead?) = [1]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (10)\nswitch costume to (coins v)\nset size to (75) %\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(coinsleft) = [0]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [11]>\ngo to x: (-70) y: (82)\nswitch costume to (llamas v)\nset size to (85) %\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(y) > [-50]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [18]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (82)\nswitch costume to (ramp v)\nset size to (75) %\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <key (r v) pressed?>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nwait until <(Level) = [21]>\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (110)\nswitch costume to (storm v)\nset size to (75) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(y) > [80]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Shop\n\nwhen I receive [babysfirstvbuck v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait until <(Level) = [30]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [skipused? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (backgroundlv v)\nhide\nset [songchoice v] to [0]\nset [shop v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <(shop) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [shop v] to [1]\n else\n set [shop v] to [0]\n end\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <not <(costume [number v]) > [3]>> then\n switch costume to (download \(13\) v)\n repeat until <(shop) = [0]>\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n if <<(mouse x) > [-195]> and <<(mouse x) < [-87]> and <<(mouse y) > [-95]> and <(mouse y) < [60]>>>> then\n if <<(V-Bucls) > [399]> and <(songchoice) = [0]>> then\n switch costume to (download \(13\)2 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (download \(13\) v)\n change [v-bucls v] by (-400)\n set [songchoice v] to [1]\n wait (0.1) seconds\n start sound [purchase v]\n else\n repeat (2)\n play note (30) for (0.1) beats\n end\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n else\n if <<(mouse x) > [-79]> and <<(mouse x) < [28]> and <<(mouse y) > [-95]> and <(mouse y) < [60]>>>> then\n if <<(skipused?) = [0]> and <(V-Bucls) > [499]>> then\n switch costume to (download \(13\)3 v)\n start sound [purchase v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (download \(13\) v)\n set [skipused? v] to [1]\n change [v-bucls v] by (-500)\n else\n repeat (2)\n play note (30) for (0.1) beats\n end\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n else\n if <<(mouse x) > [21]> and <<(mouse x) < [128]> and <<(mouse y) > [-95]> and <(mouse y) < [60]>>>> then\n if <<(skin) = [1]> and <(V-Bucls) > [699]>> then\n switch costume to (download \(13\)4 v)\n start sound [purchase v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (download \(13\) v)\n set [skin v] to [2]\n change [v-bucls v] by (-700)\n else\n repeat (2)\n play note (30) for (0.1) beats\n end\n end\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n forever\n wait until <(shop) = [0]>\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n wait until <(shop) = [1]>\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nset [v-bucls v] to [5000]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) > [3]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nstart sound [purchase v]\n\nset [v-bucls v] to [5000]\n\n@Llamas\n\nset [level v] to [14]\n\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\n\n\nwait until <(Level) = [13]>\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [14]>\ngo to x: (-82) y: (-113)\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [15]>\nhide\n\nset [level v] to [12]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [14]>\ngo to x: (82) y: (-113)\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [15]>\nhide\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange y by (200)\n\nwhen I receive [candy v]\nset [jumpx v] to (x)\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (jumpx) y: (-500)\npoint in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\nswitch costume to (download \(34\)-costume2 v)\nrepeat (20)\n move (2) steps\n change y by (-2)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n wait until <touching (level v)?>\n turn left (180) degrees\n wait until <not <touching (level v)?>>\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nset y to (-113)\n\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (30) y: (-122)\n show\n else\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (30) y: (-122)\n show\n end\n end\nend\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (join [l] (Level))\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n if <(join [l] (Level)) = (costume [name v])> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Dynamite\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (l8 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (join [l] (Level))\n if <(join [l] (Level)) = (costume [name v])> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Respawn\n\nwhen I receive [dead v]\nset [dead? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n show\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n end\n repeat (1)\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-0.5)\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n glide (0.7) secs to x: (0) y: (25)\n glide (0.7) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-217) to (-197)) y: ((y position) - (134))\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (67)\n point in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\n for each [i v] in (10)\n move (0.8) steps\n change y by ((join [-] (i)) / (8))\n end\n for each [i v] in (10)\n move (0.8) steps\n change y by ((join [-] ((i) + (10))) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [dead? v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n wait until <(dead?) = [1]>\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.25) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [dead? v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n repeat (13)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Gold_Coin_icon\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Level) = [30]> then\n set size to (50) %\nend\nforever\n switch costume to (asset 2 v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n forever\n repeat (9)\n wait (0) seconds\n next costume\n end\n turn right (180) degrees\n repeat (9)\n wait (0) seconds\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Coin (x) (y) (lvl)\nwait until <(Level) = (lvl)>\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange [coinsleft v] by (1)\nwait until <<touching (player v)?> and <(dead?) = [0]>>\nchange [coinsleft v] by (-1)\nfor each [i v] in (10)\n change y by (i)\n change [brightness v] effect by (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [coinsleft v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nwait until <(Level) = [10]>\nchange [coinsleft v] by (1)\nwait until <(x) > [205]>\nwait until <(dead?) = [1]>\nCoin [76] [-113] [10]\nwait (1) seconds\nchange [coinsleft v] by (-1)\n\nset [level v] to [30]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [180] [-117] [13]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [100] [86] [15]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-108] [-121] [20]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [13] [-121] [20]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [116] [-121] [20]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [203] [-122] [22]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [0] [0] [23]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [53] [-68] [24]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [106] [148] [24]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-156] [124] [25]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [203] [54] [26]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-227] [94] [27]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [227] [94] [27]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-19] [48] [28]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [218] [155] [28]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-3] [54] [29]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [184] [55] [29]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [91] [-23] [29]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-97] [-103] [29]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [136] [-55] [30]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [23] [-149] [30]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [226] [-149] [30]\n\nset [level v] to [30]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nCoin [-226] [166] [30]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(skipused?) = [0]> then\n wait until <(skipused?) = [1]>\n set [coinsleft v] to [0]\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Storm\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nStorm [21]\n\ndefine Storm (lvl)\nwait until <(Level) = (lvl)>\nstart sound [Fortnite Storm Incoming Sound Effect \(HD\) v]\nwait (2) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [storm v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-465) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2.5)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n end\nend\nset [storm v] to [1]\nbroadcast (storm mode v)\nrepeat until <<<(storm) = [0]> or <(dead?) = [1]>> or <not <(Level) = (lvl)>>>\n change x by (2)\nend\nhide\nrepeat until <<(storm) = [0]> or <not <(Level) = (lvl)>>>\n set [storm v] to [0]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n wait (2) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n repeat (40)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2.5)\n end\n repeat (3)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n end\n end\n set [storm v] to [1]\n broadcast (storm mode v)\n repeat until <<<(storm) = [0]> or <(dead?) = [1]>> or <not <(Level) = (lvl)>>>\n change x by (2)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [storm mode v]\nrepeat until <<(storm) = [0]> or <(dead?) = [1]>>\n go to x: (x position) y: (y position)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: ((x position) + (240)) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (67)\npoint in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\nfor each [i v] in (10)\n move (0.8) steps\n change y by ((join [-] (i)) / (8))\nend\nfor each [i v] in (10)\n move (0.8) steps\n change y by ((join [-] ((i) + (10))) / (8))\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(x position) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next backdrop v]\ngo to x: (-465) y: (0)\nset [storm v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nStorm [25]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nStorm [23]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nStorm [24]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [30]>\nwait (20) seconds\nrepeat until <(Level) = [31]>\n wait until <(y) > [94]>\n while <(y) > [94]>\n start sound [Fortnite Storm Incoming Sound Effect \(HD\) v]\n wait (2) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n set [storm v] to [0]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (40)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-2.5)\n end\n repeat (3)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-5)\n go to x: (-465) y: (0)\n end\n end\n set [storm v] to [1]\n broadcast (storm mode v)\n repeat until <<<(storm) = [0]> or <(dead?) = [1]>> or <not <(Level) = [30]>>>\n change x by (2)\n end\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Victory\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (mxehx9r20t911-costume13 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [31]>\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (0) %\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change size by (11)\nend\nrepeat (14)\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\nend\nforever\n repeat (30)\n change size by (0.2)\n end\n repeat (30)\n change size by (-0.2)\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [17]\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [deathcount v] to [0]\nforever\n wait until <(dead?) = [1]>\n wait (1) seconds\n wait until <(dead?) = [0]>\n change [deathcount v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [31]>\nset [time v] to ((time) / (60))\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (80) %\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-77)\nforever\n turn right (3) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [okbub v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\n@End Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [31]>\ngo to x: (136) y: (-15)\nset [counter v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (deathcount))\n switch costume to (letter (counter) of (deathcount))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (23)\n change [counter v] by (1)\nend\nset [counter v] to [1]\ngo to x: (107) y: (-107)\nif <(length of (time)) < [5]> then\n repeat (length of (time))\n switch costume to (letter (counter) of (time))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <not <<(letter ((counter) + (1)) of (time)) = [.]> or <(letter (counter) of (time)) = [.]>>> then\n change x by (23)\n else\n change x by (17)\n end\n change [counter v] by (1)\n end\n hide\nelse\n repeat (5)\n switch costume to (letter (counter) of (time))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <not <<(letter ((counter) + (1)) of (time)) = [.]> or <(letter (counter) of (time)) = [.]>>> then\n change x by (23)\n else\n change x by (17)\n end\n change [counter v] by (1)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwait until <(shield) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nset [shield v] to [1]\n\nset [shield v] to [0]\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [enemydead v] to [0]\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nwait until <(Level) = [30]>\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nwait until <(y) > [-20]>\nrepeat until <touching (player v)?>\n if <(y) > [-20]> then\n start sound [Fortnite tactical shotgun sound effect \(Rare\) v]\n wait (0.7) seconds\n repeat (8)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.7) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (pick random (50) to (120))\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (-165) y: (0)\nrepeat until <<(x position) > [240]> or <touching (level v)?>>\n move (3) steps\nend\nrepeat (3)\n move (3) steps\n change [ghost v] effect by (33)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nglide (4) secs to x: (243) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nset [enemydead v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-20)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nset [level v] to [30]\n\n
╔∘ ★ ∘════════════════════════════╗ \n\nInstructions\n❖ Use Arrow keys or WASD\n❖ Don't touch spikes or lava\n❖ Its mobile friendly\n––\nPart 2 - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/652892480\n––\nStory\nYou are a young cube and want to be the youngest cube to climb Mt. Everest, you will face many problems in your way. Can you reach the top of the worlds highest mountain?\n––\nIts my first platformer ( in this account ) so pls ❤️ & ⭐ :D\n––\nCredits\n@Alphabetica for mobile icon\n@Ziyu3 for some art\nAnd all beta testers\nAll codes by me\n\nHope you enjoy :D \n\n250 ❤️ for part 2\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n––\n#Tags\n#all #games #art #stories #music #-morni- #adventure #scratch #mobilefriendly #platformer #fun #trending\n#all #games #art #stories #music #-morni- #adventure #scratch #mobilefriendly #platformer #fun #trending\n#all #games #art #stories #music #-morni- #adventure #scratch #mobilefriendly #platformer #fun #trending\n#all #games #art #stories #music #-morni- #adventure #scratch #mobilefriendly #platformer #fun #trending\nIt got unshared by mistake\n\n╚════════════════════════════∘ ★ ∘╝
Troll platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Fortnite OST - Battle Royal Menu Music \(Rock Version\).mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (-30)\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo [backward v] (100000) layers\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nrepeat (120)\n change x by (-10)\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (33)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n hide\n broadcast (Land v)\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n go to x: (-205) y: (105)\n show\n set [boom v] to [1]\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to x: (121) y: (-64)\n show\n set [boom v] to [1]\n else\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n hide\n set [boom v] to [0]\n else\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to x: (121) y: (-64)\n show\n set [boom v] to [1]\n else\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n set [boom v] to [0]\n hide\n else\n set [boom v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\nset size to (35) %\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <(PlayerX) > (x position)> then\n point in direction (-90)\n else\n if <(PlayerX) < (x position)> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\nend\n\nset [boom v] to [0]\n\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to x: (121) y: (-64)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\n@Sprite10\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (35) %\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-219) y: (-60)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [jump v]\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-8]\n else\n set [xv v] to [8]\n end\n set [yv v] to [10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<touching color (#006622)?> or <touching color (#cccccc)?>> or <<touching color (#995900)?> or <touching color (#663b00)?>>> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [jump v]\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [225]> then\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-60)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n broadcast (LevelUp v)\n end\n if <<touching color (#ff0000)?> or <touching color (#4a4a4a)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n start sound [bxsb v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-60)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <touching color (#00ffff)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [5]\n else\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [-5]\n else\n set [yv v] to [-1]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#005eba)?> then\n broadcast (win v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <(y position) < [-170]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n start sound [bxsb v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-219) y: (0)\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n clear graphic effects\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nstart sound [next lvl v]\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\nforever\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n start sound [pop v]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (-219) y: (-100)\n point in direction (90)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n wait until <not <key (r v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [land v]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> then\n next costume\n wait (.1) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\nend\n\n\n\ngo to x: (115) y: (-71)\n\ngo to x: (115) y: (-71)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [playerx v] to (x position)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to (sprite7 v)\n if <(Boom) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(Boom) = [0]>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (2) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (sprite7 v)\nshow\npoint towards (sprite5 v)\nrepeat until <<<touching (sprite10 v)?> or <touching (sprite5 v)?>> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n wait (.03) seconds\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Boom) = [0]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\n go to x: (-75) y: (-80)\n else\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (174) y: (9)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\n go to x: (90) y: (-89)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (-123) y: (-78)\n else\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n show\n go to x: (-101) y: (-89)\n else\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n show\n go to x: (-101) y: (-89)\n else\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n show\n go to x: (-101) y: (-89)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\n\nhide\n\n@Winn\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nshow\n\n@Sprite12\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n
Darkness to Rise\n___________________________________________\nAfter a year in the making, this game is finally here :)\nThis was mostly cuz I haven't been working on this project consistently. The demo was posted a year ago. \n___________________________________________\n5/1/23 - 3rd page on trending!?!\n5/17/23 - Thx for over 1k likes :D\nCONTROLS:\n\n-Arrow keys\n-WASD\n-Mobile Friendly\n\nTIPS:\n\nI realize that this game might be a little challenging for those who are new to platformers on scratch. Here are some tips to help you.\n\nLevel 8 dips down into a small jump. When taking this jump, remember that the slope will make it so that when you move forward, you might not be able to jump. My tip is that instead of holding --> and then ^. Start with ^ so the slope doesn't interfere with the jump.\n\nLevel 12 is very tricky. Two blades of the saw are particularly larger than the others. Time it right so that you slip past the big blades and go into the small hole. Time it again so that you jump without hitting the two blades.\n\nLevel 13 is the hardest level in the game. It will take precise timing to patiently move a small amount for each spike interval. There are no exact tips for this level except to move slowly and take your time and move as soon as the top spikes go up.\n\nLevel 16 is Level 13 but easier.\n\nLevel 17 requires the same tactic as Level 13 but is easier to do. Jump when the two blades are facing away from you.\n\nLevel 18 stay at the very side of the level and wait for the saw to reach you. When it passes you, run as fast as you can to the other side if the level. This might take a couple of tries as it takes up much patience and timing to master.\n\nCREDITS:\n@TimMcCool lots of inspo and some of the plant art.\n@Chipm0nk for colored mountain background\n@Griffpatch for fogformer\n@Rest of the art by me
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [pixelate v] to [0]\nforever\n change [pixelate v] effect by (Pixelate)\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch backdrop to (menu v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\n\nwhen I receive [mobile v]\nswitch backdrop to (menumobile v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nswitch backdrop to (thumbnail v) and wait\n\nforever\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [background v] to (backdrop [number v])\n if <(Player) = [2]> then\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [25]> then\n \n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 10f v]\n\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n\nwait () seconds\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [love and fave v]\nforever\n if <(Player) = [2]> then\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [25]> then\n broadcast (End 2P v)\n if <(P1 Score) > (P2 Score)> then\n switch backdrop to (p1 win v) and wait\n end\n if <(P2 Score) > (P1 Score)> then\n switch backdrop to (p2 win v) and wait\n end\n if <(P1 Score) = (P2 Score)> then\n switch backdrop to (tie v) and wait\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nswitch backdrop to (thumbnail v)\n\nbroadcast (Thumbnail v)\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (1.2) seconds\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [next level v] to [1]\nnext backdrop\nwait (1) seconds\nset [pixelate v] to [20]\nwait (.5) seconds\nnext backdrop\nset [pixelate v] to [-20]\nwait (.5) seconds\nset [pixelate v] to [0]\nclear graphic effects\nwait (.5) seconds\nset [next level v] to [0]\n\nnext backdrop\n\nswitch backdrop to ((backdrop [number v]) + (2))\n\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nwait (1.4) seconds\nswitch backdrop to ((backdrop [number v]) - (1))\n\nwait (.1) seconds\n\nset [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [died v]\n\nbroadcast (Thumbnail v)\n\n@Sound\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nif <<(Death FX) = [1]> and <(Next Level) = [0]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\nwait (.1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nset [sound v] to [1]\nstop all sounds\nwait (.1) seconds\nhide\nforever\n if <(Sound) = [1]> then\n repeat until <<(Sound) = [2]> or <<(Sound) = [0]> or <(Sound) = [3]>>>\n play sound [Free Video Game Music - HeatleyBros - 8 Bit Summer v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sound 2 v]\nset [sound v] to [2]\nstop all sounds\nhide\nforever\n if <(Sound) = [2]> then\n repeat until <(Sound) = [1]>\n play sound [Free Video Game Music - HeatleyBros - 8 Bit Select v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end 2p v]\nset [sound v] to [3]\nstop all sounds\nhide\nforever\n if <(Sound) = [3]> then\n repeat until <(Sound) = [2]>\n play sound [Free Video Game Music - HeatleyBros - 8 Bit Win v] until done\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [death fx v]\n\n@Title\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (Menu v)\nbroadcast (Sound 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\n@Play\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [background v] to (backdrop [number v])\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-10)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (Play v)\nbroadcast (Bug v)\nset [pixelate v] to [20]\nwait (.5) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (level 1f v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [pixelate v] to [-20]\nwait (.5) seconds\nset [pixelate v] to [0]\nwait (1.4) seconds\nswitch backdrop to (level 1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nhide\n\n@Levelselct\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (-100) y: (-120)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Level select v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\n@Levels\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nswitch backdrop to (level 1 v)\nswitch costume to (costume s v)\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nif <<(backdrop [number v]) < [25]> and <(backdrop [number v]) > [2]>> then\n next backdrop\n next backdrop\nelse\n switch backdrop to (level 1 v)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nend\n\n@Help\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [clone count1 v] to [0]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nbroadcast (Help v)\nif <(clone count1) = [0]> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nhide\n\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange [clone count1 v] by (1)\nset [menu v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <(Menu) = [1]> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\n if <(Menu) = [0]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n next costume\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\nset [menu v] to [1]\n\n@Settings\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (100) y: (-120)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Settings v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nhide\n\n@Menu\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-110)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [sound v] to [2]\nbroadcast (Menu v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nbroadcast (Sound 2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unpause 2 v]\nhide\n\n@retry\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nswitch costume to (costume 1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (30)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\nbroadcast (Play v)\nswitch backdrop to (Background)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\n\nforever\nend\n\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (Unpause v)\n switch backdrop to (Background)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unpause 2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@pause\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (135)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Pause v)\nset [background v] to (backdrop [number v])\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nbroadcast (Thumbnail v)\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (135)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unpause 2 v]\ngo to x: (-193) y: (135)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nnext backdrop\n\nnext backdrop\n\nswitch backdrop to (Background)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [pixelate v] effect by (Pixelate)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nwait (2.2) seconds\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (1.2) seconds\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@RPause\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Unpause 2 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\nshow\n\nwait (.1) seconds\n\nif <(backdrop [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (level 1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\nhide\n\nswitch backdrop to (Background)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [pixelate v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen I receive [pause v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-40)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Next Level) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n set [background v] to (backdrop [number v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [unpause 2 v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@UpArrow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nforever\n\nif then\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Computer) = [0]> then\n if <(Player) = [1]> then\n wait (.1) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n go to x: (185) y: (-130)\n forever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [up v] to [1]\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n set [up v] to [0]\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [computer v]\n\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@LeftArrow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Computer) = [0]> then\n if <(Player) = [1]> then\n wait (.1) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n go to x: (-185) y: (-130)\n forever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [left v] to [1]\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n set [left v] to [0]\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (Help v)\nhide\n\nif then\n\nforever\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [computer v]\n\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@RightArrow\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Computer) = [0]> then\n if <(Player) = [1]> then\n wait (.1) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n go to x: (-85) y: (-130)\n forever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [right v] to [1]\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n set [right v] to [0]\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (Help v)\n\nif then\n\nforever\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [computer v]\n\nforever\nend\n\nhide\n\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@RightArrow2\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Computer) = [0]> then\n if <(Player) = [1]> then\n wait (.1) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go to x: (185) y: (125)\n forever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [next v] to [1]\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n set [next v] to [0]\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (Help v)\n\nif then\n\nforever\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [computer v]\nforever\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@1 Player\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (-75) y: (-20)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((95) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((80) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [control select v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Play v)\nbroadcast (1 Player v)\nswitch backdrop to (level 1 v)\nhide\n\nbroadcast (Computer v)\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2 players v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@2 Player\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (75) y: (-20)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((95) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((80) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [control select v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Play v)\nbroadcast (2 Players v)\nbroadcast (Computer v)\nswitch backdrop to (level 1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@Player1\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (1.2) seconds\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [speed v] to [3]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n forever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or > then\n if <touching color (#ffffff)?> then\n hide\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n change [p1 score v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n if <(Falling) < [3]> then\n set [yv v] to [16]\n end\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [xs v] by (Speed)\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [xs v] by ((0) - (Speed))\n end\n if <touching color (#b00000)?> then\n hide\n go to x: (-300) y: (300)\n if <(Reset) = [1]> then\n set [reset v] to [0]\n switch backdrop to (Background)\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\n if <(Reset) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [reset v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ffa640)?> then\n hide\n go to x: (-300) y: (300)\n if <(Reset) = [1]> then\n set [reset v] to [0]\n switch backdrop to (Background)\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\n if <(Reset) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [reset v] to [1]\n end\n end\n set [xs v] to ((xs) * (.8))\n change [yv v] by (Gravity)\n Steps [1]\n end\nend\n\nshow\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nbroadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [p1 score v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 3 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (50)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (35) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 2 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (50)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (35) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 4 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (40) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 5 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-120) y: (140)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 6 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (100)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nend\n\ngo to x: (-120) y: (150)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 7 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-100) y: (120)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 8 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (145) y: (9)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set drag mode [not draggable v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n\n\nif <not <(backdrop [number v]) = [2]>> then\n\nset [color v] effect to (0)\n\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\n\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 11 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-135) y: (-50)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (37) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nchange x by (10)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n hide\n wait (2.2) seconds\n show\nend\n\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\nswitch backdrop to (Background)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 10 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (200) y: (100)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end 2p v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-80) y: (50)\n\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [1 player v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 9 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (155) y: (25)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\ndefine Steps (steps)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [last value v] to (x position)\n change x by ((xs) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set x to (last value)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n set [last value v] to (y position)\n change y by ((yv) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set y to (last value)\n if <(yv) < [0]> then\n set [falling v] to [0]\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@Player2\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (1.2) seconds\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n set [speed v] to [3]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n forever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <touching color (#ffffff)?> then\n hide\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n change [p2 score v] by (1)\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(Falling) < [3]> then\n set [yv v] to [16]\n end\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (Speed)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by ((0) - (Speed))\n end\n if <touching color (#b00000)?> then\n hide\n go to x: (-300) y: (300)\n if <(Reset) = [1]> then\n set [reset v] to [0]\n switch backdrop to (Background)\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\n if <(Reset) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [reset v] to [1]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ffa640)?> then\n hide\n go to x: (-300) y: (300)\n if <(Reset) = [1]> then\n set [reset v] to [0]\n switch backdrop to (Background)\n broadcast (Play v)\n end\n if <(Reset) = [0]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n set [reset v] to [1]\n end\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (.8))\n change [yv v] by (Gravity)\n Steps [1]\n end\nend\nwait (1) seconds\n\nshow\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nbroadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nset [p2 score v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 3 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (35) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 2 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (35) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 4 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (40)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (40) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 5 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-120) y: (110)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 6 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-90) y: (150)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\nend\n\ngo to x: (-120) y: (150)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 7 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-100) y: (70)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-150) y: (50)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 8 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (145) y: (72)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set drag mode [not draggable v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\nset [reset v] to [1]\n\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 11 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (-135) y: (0)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (37) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nhide\n\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 10 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (200) y: (50)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end 2p v]\nshow\ngo to x: (130) y: (50)\n\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n hide\n wait (2.4) seconds\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [1 player v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 9 v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n show\n go to x: (155) y: (50)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\ndefine Steps (steps)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [last value v] to (x position)\n change x by ((xv) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set x to (last value)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n set [last value v] to (y position)\n change y by ((yv) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set y to (last value)\n if <(yv) < [0]> then\n set [falling v] to [0]\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n show\n set [speed v] to [3]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n forever\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> or <(Next) = [1]>> then\n if <touching color (#ffffff)?> then\n switch costume to (costume0 v)\n hide\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n end\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <(Up) = [1]>>> then\n if <(Falling) < [3]> then\n set [yv v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <(Right) = [1]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (Speed)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <(Left) = [1]>>> then\n change [xv v] by ((0) - (Speed))\n end\n if <touching color (#b00000)?> then\n wait (.1) seconds\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n if <touching color (#ffa640)?> then\n wait (.1) seconds\n broadcast (Death v)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (.8))\n change [yv v] by (Gravity)\n Steps [1]\n end\nend\n\nclear graphic effects\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\ngo to x: (180) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 2 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set size to (35) %\n set [gravity v] to [-2]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\nend\n\nwait (.5) seconds\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 5 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n set size to (40) %\n set [gravity v] to [-2]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-120) y: (150)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 6 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n set size to (40) %\n set [gravity v] to [-2]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-120) y: (75)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 7 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n set size to (40) %\n set [gravity v] to [-2]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-120) y: (150)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 8 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n set size to (45) %\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (145) y: (27)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [next level v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n set drag mode [not draggable v]\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Bonus Level F]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(backdrop [name v]) = [Love and Fave]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 10 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n set size to (45) %\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (200) y: (50)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [unpause v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch backdrop to (Background)\n clear graphic effects\n show\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 11 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n set size to (37) %\n set [gravity v] to [-1.4]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-135) y: (0)\nend\n\nshow\n\nbroadcast (Sound v)\n\nbroadcast (Unpause v)\n\nshow variable [death fx v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n set size to (37) %\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-135) y: (0)\nend\n\nshow\n\nswitch costume to (costume0 v)\n\nwait (.1) seconds\n\nwait (1.2) seconds\n\nwhen [b v] key pressed\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n hide\n wait (2) seconds\n show\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 4 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n set size to (40) %\n set [gravity v] to [-1.6]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-150) y: (20)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 3 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set size to (35) %\n set [gravity v] to [-2]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\nend\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-150) y: (0)\n set [gravity v] to [-2]\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n show\n set size to (50) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [death v]\nif <<(Death FX) = [1]> and <(Next Level) = [0]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-50)\n set [yv v] to [15]\n set [sound v] to [0]\n stop all sounds\n wait (.1) seconds\n start sound [Emotional Piano v]\n wait (1.1) seconds\n hide\n wait (7) seconds\n clear graphic effects\nend\nswitch backdrop to (Background)\nbroadcast (Play v)\nset [sound v] to [1]\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nshow\n\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 1f v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nhide\n\ndefine Steps (steps)\nchange [falling v] by (1)\nrepeat (steps)\n set [last value v] to (x position)\n change x by ((xv) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set x to (last value)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n set [last value v] to (y position)\n change y by ((yv) / (steps))\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set y to (last value)\n if <(yv) < [0]> then\n set [falling v] to [0]\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level 9 v]\nif <(Player) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n set size to (45) %\n set [gravity v] to [-1]\n wait (.5) seconds\n go to x: (155) y: (125)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [2 players v]\nforever\n go to x: (-300) y: (300)\n hide\nend\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nwait (.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (110)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [control select v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [2 players v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@X\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\ngo to x: (195) y: (135)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (Menu v)\nset [menu v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\ngo to x: (195) y: (135)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\ngo to x: (195) y: (135)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level select v]\ngo to x: (195) y: (135)\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\n@wr\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n go to x: (148) y: (-143)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n show\n forever\n switch costume to (P1 Score)\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\nelse\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [1 player v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end 2p v]\ngo to x: (-102) y: (130)\n\n@P2 Score\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nif <(Player) = [2]> then\n go to x: (203) y: (-143)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n show\n forever\n switch costume to (P2 Score)\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((120) - (size)))\nelse\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [1 player v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end 2p v]\ngo to x: (102) y: (130)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\n@Death effect\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (75)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [death fx v] to [1]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [death fx v] to [0]\nend\n\nbroadcast (Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nshow variable [death fx v]\n\n\n\n\nbroadcast (Sound 2 v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nglide (.5) secs to x: (0) y: (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [death fx v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@Touch Controls\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [computer v] to [0]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [computer v] to [1]\nend\n\nbroadcast (Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nshow variable [death fx v]\n\n\n\n\nbroadcast (Sound 2 v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nglide (.5) secs to x: (0) y: (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [computer v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nbroadcast (Computer v)\n\n@2 Player2\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-75)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by ((.2) * ((115) - (size)))\n else\n change size by ((.2) * ((100) - (size)))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player select v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [player v] to [2]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [player v] to [1]\nend\n\nbroadcast (Menu v)\n\nwhen I receive [thumbnail v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [settings v]\nhide\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [menu v]\nhide\n\nshow variable [death fx v]\n\n\n\n\nbroadcast (Sound 2 v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nglide (.5) secs to x: (0) y: (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [player v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\nbroadcast (Computer v)\n\n@Fav\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(backdrop [number v]) = [25]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n wait (3) seconds\n switch backdrop to (bonus level v)\n broadcast (Unpause v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <key (b v) pressed?> then\n switch backdrop to (bonus level v)\n broadcast (Unpause v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Virus\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [bug v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n if <(Bug) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <(Bug) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\n\nwhen I receive [bug v]\ngo to x: (-365) y: (-12)\nwait (1.2) seconds\nshow\nglide (2) secs to x: (365) y: (-12)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [bonus level tfp v]\ngo to x: (-365) y: (-12)\nwait (1.2) seconds\nshow\nglide (2) secs to x: (150) y: (6)\nset [bug v] to [0]\nnext backdrop\nglide (2) secs to x: (150) y: (240)\nhide\nnext backdrop\n\nnext costume\n\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [clone v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.4) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [0]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (600) %\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n end\n set [clone v] to [1]\n repeat (21)\n change x by (10)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n go to x: (200) y: (-10)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n repeat (20)\n change x by (-10)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\n
WASD to move\nArrow Keys to look around\nSpacebar to jump\nPress N to toggle Neon Mode(Laggier but Cooler) SEIZURE WARNING\nGet to the Green Cube(jump inside it)\nAvoid red Cubes\nYellow Cubes make you jump as high as you were, You need to jump on the same yellow cube more than once.
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (10) %\nforever\n play sound [Wake Me up When September Ends v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n broadcast (Tick v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set volume to ((MUSIC VOLUME) - (70)) %\n if <(LEVEL) < [5]> then\n switch backdrop to (normal v)\n else\n switch backdrop to (cave v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch backdrop to (fade v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n switch backdrop to (fade v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n switch backdrop to (normal v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n switch backdrop to (normal v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n switch backdrop to (normal v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n switch backdrop to (fade2 v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [12]> then\n switch backdrop to (fade2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Grunge\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nbroadcast (Layer v)\n\nrepeat until <(timer) > [5]>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite1\n\ndefine Reset\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (20) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nif <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-100)\nelse\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\nend\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nReset\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n Platforming Engine\n if <<touching (moving spikes v)?> or <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (right/left v)?>>> then\n switch costume to (die v)\n if <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound [whoop v]\n end\n Go down\n repeat (11)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n broadcast (Retry v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (moving platforms v)?>>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> and <([abs v] of (speed) ) > [3]>> then\n if <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n if <(Wall Jump) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [max bounce v] to [11]\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(speed) < [0]> then\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (-8))\nelse\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (8))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [retry v]\nReset\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nReset\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <(falling?) < [6]> then\n if <(frame) = [0]> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((13) + ((Idle Frame) mod (15))) )\n change [idle frame v] by (pick random (0.3) to (0.7))\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((29) + ((frame) mod (15))) )\n end\nelse\n if <touching (ladder v)?> then\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((61) + (((timer) * (10)) mod (3))) )\n else\n switch costume to ([floor v] of ((((15) / ((Max Bounce) * (2))) * ((speed y) + (Max Bounce))) + (45)) )\n end\nend\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [29]> or <(costume [number v]) = [37]>> then\n if <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound (join [Walking Sound] (pick random (2) to (8)))\n end\nend\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (moving platforms v)?> or <touching (ground v)?>>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Go down\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (moving platforms v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>>\n change y by (-2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\ndefine Platforming Engine\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <<(speed y) < [4]> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\nelse\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\nend\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> then\n change [speed y v] by (5)\n end\n set [speed y v] to ((speed y) * (0.6))\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\nend\nchange y by (speed y)\nTouch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\nif <(Wall Jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\nelse\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.7))\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>>> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n end\nend\nif <(speed x) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (speed x)\nelse\n if <(speed x) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (speed x)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n if <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n set [max bounce v] to [14]\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n broadcast (Retry v)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (portal v)?> then\n if <not <(LEVEL) = (MAX LEVEL)>> then\n broadcast (Respawn v)\n if <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n end\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n change [level v] by (1)\n Reset\n end\nend\nif <touching (bounce v)?> then\n if <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n end\n set [max bounce v] to [25]\n set [speed y v] to [25]\nend\nif <(x position) < [-190]> then\n set x to (-190)\nend\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>>> and <touching (ladder v)?>> then\n set [speed y v] to [5]\nend\nSet Costume\n\nbroadcast (Green Flag clicked v)\n\nwhen I receive [retry v]\nReset\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nforever\n if <<touching (moving platforms v)?> and <(LEVEL) = [6]>> then\n change x by ((([x position v] of [moving platforms v]) - (x position)) / (4))\n end\nend\n\nif <[] = [right]> then\n change x by (3)\nelse\n change x by (-3)\nend\n\nset x to (-190)\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green Flag clicked v)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@grass\n\ndefine Grass from (xpos1) to (xpos2) (y)\nshow\ngo to x: (xpos1) y: (y)\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat until <(x position) = (xpos2)>\n change x by (1)\n set size to (pick random (80) to (100)) %\n if <not <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nPosition Grass [3]\nforever\n if <touching (sprite1 v)?> then\n Sway\n wait until <not <touching (sprite1 v)?>>\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position Grass (x pos amount)\nswitch costume to (base hitbox v)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n repeat until <<not <touching (ground v)?>> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\nelse\n repeat until <touching (ground v)?>\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\nchange y by (-5)\nchange x by ((0) - (x pos amount))\nif <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nchange x by ((2) * (x pos amount))\nif <not <touching (ground v)?>> then\n delete this clone\nend\nchange x by ((0) - (x pos amount))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (5))\nchange y by (10)\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n delete this clone\nend\nchange y by (-10)\n\ndefine Sway\nset [velocity v] to ((([speed x v] of [sprite1 v]) + (pick random (-2.0) to (2.0))) * (6))\nset [sine v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<[0] = (round ((Velocity) * (2)))> or <<touching (sprite1 v)?> and <([abs v] of (Velocity) ) < ([abs v] of ((speed x2) * (2)) )>>>\n point in direction ((90) - (([sin v] of (Sine) ) * (Velocity)))\n change [sine v] by (-10)\n set [velocity v] to ((0.95) * (Velocity))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.05) seconds\nGrass from [-240] to [240] [150]\n\nwhen I receive [--explosion-- v]\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nbroadcast (--Explosion-- v)\n\nGrass from [-28] to [240] [-150]\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nRespawn\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Grass from [-240] to [240] [0]\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Grass from [-240] to [240] [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [retry v]\nbroadcast (Respawn v)\n\ndefine Respawn\nGrass from [-240] to [240] [150]\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Grass from [100] to [240] [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@1s GUI\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nClone\n\ndefine Clone\nset [menu showing? v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-220) y: (160)\nswitch costume to (skip level v)\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (30)\n next costume\nend\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-160)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [old x v] to (x position)\nset [old y v] to (y position)\nset [target x v] to (x position)\nset [target y v] to (y position)\nset [ghost v] to [60]\nset [size vel v] to [0]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nforever\n Tick\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nClicked Action\n\nwhen I receive [close menu v]\nif <(costume [number v]) < [5]> then\n set [target x v] to (Old X)\n set [target y v] to (Old Y)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [close settings v]\nif <[4] < (costume [number v])> then\n set [target x v] to (Old X)\n set [target y v] to (Old Y)\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] by (1)\n\ndefine Clicked Action\nif <(SFX VOLUME) = [1]> then\n start sound [Mouse Click v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n switch costume to (music on v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (music off v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (sfx on v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (sfx off v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n if <not <(LEVEL) = [12]>> then\n broadcast (Retry v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (Retry v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n if <(MENU SHOWING?) = [1]> then\n set [menu showing? v] to [0]\n else\n set [menu showing? v] to [1]\n broadcast (Close menu v)\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n if <(SETTINGS SHOWING?) = [1]> then\n set [settings showing? v] to [0]\n else\n set [settings showing? v] to [1]\n broadcast (Close Settings v)\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (help menu v)\n set [ghost v] to [100]\n set [ghost v] effect to (Ghost)\n set [old x v] to (x position)\n set [old y v] to (y position)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] by (((-1000) - (Ghost)) / (3))\n set [ghost v] effect to (Ghost)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n set [target x v] to (Old X)\n set [target y v] to (Old Y)\n switch costume to (help v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] by (((60) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n set [ghost v] effect to (Ghost)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Tick\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [8]>> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (Ghost)\n go to x: ((x position) + (((Target X) - (x position)) / (3))) y: ((y position) + (((Target Y) - (y position)) / (3)))\n if <<(MENU SHOWING?) = [0]> and <(costume [number v]) < [5]>> then\n set [target x v] to [-220]\n set [target y v] to [160]\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [ghost v] by (((40) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (2))\n else\n change [ghost v] by (((60) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (2))\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] by (((100) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (2))\n end\n else\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change [ghost v] by (((40) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (2))\n else\n change [ghost v] by (((60) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (2))\n end\n end\nend\nif <<(SETTINGS SHOWING?) = [0]> and <(costume [number v]) > [4]>> then\n set [target x v] to [-220]\n set [target y v] to [-160]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) > [4]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n change [ghost v] by (((60) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (2))\n else\n if <(SETTINGS SHOWING?) = [0]> then\n change [ghost v] by (((150) - (Ghost)) / (2))\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (2))\n end\n end\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Music Off]> then\n set [music volume v] to [0]\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Music On]> then\n set [music volume v] to [100]\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [SFX Off]> then\n set [sfx volume v] to [0]\nend\nif <(costume [name v]) = [SFX On]> then\n set [sfx volume v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n\nwait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\nwait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [7]>> then\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [layer v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (200) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (70)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n set size to (50) %\n turn right (5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n turn left (5) degrees\n set size to (50) %\nend\n\ndefine Position Portal (level)\nshow\nif <(level) < [4]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-50)\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-30)\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-10)\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (50)\nend\nif <(level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-50)\nend\nif <(level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (100)\nend\nif <(level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (200) y: (-100)\nend\nif <(level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-50) y: (120)\nend\nif <(level) = [12]> then\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition Portal (LEVEL)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (20)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [me v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change y by (-5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n change [me v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (60)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n set y to ((([sin v] of (((timer) + (me)) * (300)) ) * (8)) - ((me) * (10)))\nend\n\n@Torches\n\ndefine Make torch (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\nSet size to [100]\nSet size to [150]\nSet size to [200]\nSet size to [250]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Set size to (size)\nset size to ((size) + (([sin v] of (((timer) + ((size) / (100))) * (300)) ) * (10))) %\nstamp\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (pick random (80) to (90)) %\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [color v] effect to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (40) to (60))\nset [rotation v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nset [xv v] to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nset [yv v] to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nrepeat until <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n turn right (Rotation) degrees\n go to x: ((x position) + (Xv)) y: ((y position) + (Yv))\n change [yv v] by (-1)\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [mouse v] to (join (mouse x) (join [,] (mouse y)))\n Refresh\nend\n\ndefine Refresh\nerase all\nif <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Make torch [21] [-63]\n Make torch [-226] [62]\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n Make torch [-126] [-111]\n Make torch [165] [-73]\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n Make torch [29] [11]\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [11]> then\n Make torch [-138] [12]\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nsay (join (mouse x) (join [,] (mouse y))) for (2) seconds\n\n@Decor\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@Moving Platforms\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n set y to (-110)\n repeat until <(x position) > [110]>\n change x by (3)\n set [direction #2 v] to [right]\n end\n repeat until <[-110] > (x position)>\n change x by (-3)\n set [direction #2 v] to [left]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Moving Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat until <(y position) < [0]>\n change y by (-3)\n end\n repeat until <[70] < (y position)>\n change y by (3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [8]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n
Use WASD or arrow keys to move.\nComplete 25 levels of this simple platformer to win! The levels get harder!\n\n❤️ + ⭐ if you liked this game!\nFollow me for more games!\n\nThere is a challenge with 5 hard levels! All the levels are possible. There is a personal record and a world record. This is mobile friendly.\n\nCredits:\n@janek-polski for platformer engine\nOrbs inspired by Geometry Dash\n\nMusic:\nGonna Fly Now - Rocky\nPump It Instrumental\n\nThis is so generic... This was made to appear here #platformer
> skeld: among us platformer <
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nbroadcast (Restart game v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [TheFatRat - Time Lapse v] until done\nend\n\n@ enemies\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [17]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [17]> then\n if <(enemy died?) = [no]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (-65)\n glide (2) secs to x: (200) y: (-65)\n glide (2) secs to x: (0) y: (-65)\n else\n hide\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset [enemy died? v] to [no]\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [17]> then\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(y) < [-3]> then\n hide\n set [enemy died? v] to [yes]\n broadcast (jump v)\n else\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(enemy died?) = [yes]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [enemy died? v] to [no]\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [max players v] to [9]\nset [my player # v] to [0]\nbroadcast (setups v) and wait\nswitch backdrop to (blank v)\nbroadcast (join game v) and wait\nif <(My Player #) > [0]> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n switch backdrop to (blank2 v)\nelse\n switch backdrop to (blank3 v)\nend\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encodied v] to (join (encodied) (item # of (letter (letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encodied v] to (join (encodied) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(My Player #) > [0]> then\n send cloud data\n end\nend\n\ndefine set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine send cloud data\nset [encodied v] to []\nwrite (username) to encoded\nwrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nwrite (x position) to encoded\nwrite (y position) to encoded\nwrite (LEVEL) to encoded\nwrite (direction) to encoded\nset cloud # (My Player #) to (encodied)\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [restart game v]\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [x v] by (0.25)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restart game v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <not <touching (water v)?>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n if <([abs v] of (x) ) = (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (platform v)?>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(x position) > [233]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (bad wahle v)?>> then\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restart game v]\nforever\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [y v] by (0.7)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n change [y v] by (0.5)\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n change [y v] by (-0.5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [jump v]\nset [y v] to [15]\n\n@Joining\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [blank v]\nswitch costume to (joining v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [blank3 v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (game full :\( v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [blank2 v]\nswitch costume to (joined v)\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nwait (3) seconds\nrepeat (30)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\n@opponents\n\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\ndefine begin decode of (encode)\nset [encodied v] to (encode)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\ndefine value=read from encode\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (letter #) of (encodied)) (letter ((letter #) + (1)) of (encodied)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (value) (item (idx) of [code v]))\nend\n\ndefine setup players\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [offline v] to [100]\nhide\nset [player # v] to [1]\nrepeat ((MAX PLAYERS) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [player # v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(My Player #) = (player #)> then\n hide\n set [offline v] to [100]\n else\n tick\n end\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (1)\n\ndefine value=Cloud # (player)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P1)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P2)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P3)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P4)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ p5)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ p6)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ p7)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ p8)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P9)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setups v]\nsetup players\n\ndefine tick\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nif <(join [A] (value)) = (last value)> then\n change [offline v] by (1)\n if <(offline) = [100]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [last value v] to (join [A] (value))\n if <(offline) > [99]> then\n show\n end\n set [offline v] to [0]\nend\nbegin decode of (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nsay (join (player #) (join [:] (value)))\nvalue=read from encode\nvalue=read from encode\nset x to (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nset y to (value)\nvalue=read from encode\nif <(value) = (LEVEL)> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nelse\n say []\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\nvalue=read from encode\npoint in direction (value)\n\nwhen I receive [join game v]\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nset [last value v] to (join [A] (value))\nwait (3) seconds\nvalue=Cloud # (player #)\nif <(join [A] (value)) = (last value)> then\n set [my player # v] to (player #)\nend\n\n@platform\n\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@Water\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n set y to ((0) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (1)) * (250)) ) * (8)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@Decorrations!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (3) layers\nwait (0.01) seconds\nforever\n wait (1.5) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to x: (400) y: (pick random (60) to (160))\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\nset size to (50) %\nchange [ghost v] effect by (pick random (25) to (75))\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-200]>\n go to [back v] layer\n change x by (pick random (-1) to (-4))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Timer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [time v] to [0\]\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [restart game v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [time v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n show variable [time v]\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\n if <<(LEVEL) > [16]> or <(Time) > [150]>> then\n hide variable [time v]\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <<(LEVEL) < [16]> and <(Time) > [150]>> then\n hide variable [time v]\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (Restart game v)\n end\n if <(LEVEL) > [16]> then\n hide variable [time v]\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Leaves\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange [count v] by (1)\nhide\ngo to x: (-230) y: (pick random (175) to (-175))\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (6))\nshow\nrepeat until <(x position) > [220]>\n move (((speed) * (10)) + (10)) steps\n turn right (pick random (-5) to (5)) degrees\nend\nchange [count v] by (-1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [count v] to [0]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\n@Water Drop2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (pick random (-250) to (220)) y: (300)\nshow\nforever\n change y by (-10)\n change x by (5)\n if <<touching (platform v)?> or <<touching (water v)?> or <(x position) > [232]>>> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (-21) y: (300)\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n if <(LEVEL) > [18]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Bad wahle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (240) y: (-70)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-100) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale2 v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (240) y: (-70)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-220) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-120) y: (-85)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (0) y: (-85)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-120) y: (-85)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-100) y: (-70)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (210) y: (-70)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-100) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [13]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (210) y: (-70)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1.5) secs to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n hide\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n glide (1) secs to x: (210) y: (-70)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n hide\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n show\n switch costume to (whale v)\n go to [back v] layer\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n glide (1) secs to x: (210) y: (-70)\n point in direction (-90)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-150) y: (-70)\n point in direction (90)\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n hide\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [9]> then\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [13]> then\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [14]> then\n show\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [16]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@ Water Bubbles\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nswitch costume to (trail v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (pick random (-220) to (220)) y: (-400)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [i v] to (pick random (2) to (5))\nset [v v] to (pick random (-5) to (5))\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change x by (v)\n change y by (i)\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Fish\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [fish: x v] to [0]\nset [fish: y v] to [0]\ngo [forward v] (99) layers\nset size to (pick random (25) to (60)) %\nshow\nif <(rv) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set [fish: x v] to [-240]\n set [fish: y v] to (pick random (-100) to (-170))\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(x position) > [239]>>\n go to x: ((Fish: x) + (sx)) y: ((Fish: y) + (sy))\n change [fish: x v] by (v)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [fish: x v] to [240]\n set [fish: y v] to (pick random (-100) to (-170))\n repeat until <<touching (_edge_ v)?> and <(x position) < [-239]>>\n go to x: ((Fish: x) + (sx)) y: ((Fish: y) + (sy))\n change [fish: x v] by ((v) * (-1))\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\nchange [fish# v] by (-1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [fishlimit v] to [5]\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nset [fish# v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(fish#) < (fishLimit)> then\n set [rv v] to (pick random (1) to (2))\n set [v v] to (pick random (5) to (9))\n change [fish# v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (pick random (0.5) to (3)) seconds\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\n@Sprite2\n\n@Background!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (([x position v] of [player v]) / (10)) y: (([y position v] of [player v]) / (10))\nend\n\n@Loading!\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-60)\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-60)\nforever\n set y to ((-40) + (([cos v] of (((timer) - (3)) * (100)) ) * (20)))\n turn right (1) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@TB\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\n
マイクラプラットフォーマー!絶対見てね⇩\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/676569542\nーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー\n《操作方法》\n矢印キーorWASDキーで操作。モバイルの場合はタップで操作できます。\n《遊び方》\nいろんな所にコインがあるので、たくさん回収しましょう!スターコインは3枚あり、1つ取るだけでコイン10枚分です。コインは全部で100枚あるので頑張ってください!\n《難しさ》\n★★☆☆☆ ややかんたん\n《どーでもいい話》\nkuri-pa-2はとりあえず動けばいい精神で作っているので、中はめちゃくちゃです!\n《お願い》\n♡と☆押しt((というのは冗談で、バグや提案などありましたら気軽にコメントしてください。\n《クレジット》\nコイン、NEXT、壁キック効果音    @YY-H\nイントロ              @t9decode\n背景                @logic_lab\nターボ対策プログラム     @sosukeyamakawa\n看板、トゲ、プレイヤーコスチューム @-Grystal\nBGM                @-Xaf-\nサムネの「a platformer」の文字 @maluyuu\nサムネの「コイン」などのフォント @KohakuKitune\nバネコスチューム          @taichi2323\nサムネの集中線           @kutytya\n《タグ》\n#game #games #platformer #Platformer#All\n実績 \n6/1 すべての傾向18p
Cave Explore | A Platformer #Games #Platformer #Trending #All
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (level 1 v)\n\n@Pacman\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow variable [level v]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (item (1) of [pacman x's v]) y: (item (1) of [pacman y's v])\nswitch costume to (pacman2 v)\nset [pacman-y v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (pacman v)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n move (5) steps\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n move (5) steps\n end\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n move (-5) steps\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [pacman-y v] by (-1)\n change y by (Pacman-Y)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n change y by ((Pacman-Y) * (-1))\n set [pacman-y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (platform v)?>> then\n set [pacman-y v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n if <<<touching (yellow v)?> or <touching (red v)?>> or <<touching (blue v)?> or <<touching (green v)?> or <(y position) < [-175]>>>> then\n broadcast (died v)\n set [coins v] to [0]\n go to x: (item (Level) of [pacman x's v]) y: (item (Level) of [pacman y's v])\n end\n if <<touching (finish v)?> and <([costume # v] of [finish v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n set [coins v] to [0]\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (item (Level) of [pacman x's v]) y: (item (Level) of [pacman y's v])\n set [pacman-y v] to [0]\n end\n switch costume to (pacman2 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (next level v)\n set [coins v] to [0]\n change [level v] by (1)\n go to x: (item (Level) of [pacman x's v]) y: (item (Level) of [pacman y's v])\n set [pacman-y v] to [0]\n wait until <not <key (t v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Yellow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n Clone (1)\n Clone (2)\n wait until <(Level) = [2]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Clone (3)\n Clone (4)\n wait until <(Level) = [7]>\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\ngo to x: (item (number) of [yellow x's v]) y: (item (number) of [yellow y's v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Red\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n Clone (1)\n wait until <(Level) = [3]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Clone (2)\n wait until <(Level) = [6]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Clone (3)\n wait until <(Level) = [7]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone (4)\n Clone (5)\n wait until <(Level) = [8]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n Clone (6)\n Clone (7)\n wait until <(Level) = [9]>\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\ngo to x: (item (number) of [red x's v]) y: (item (number) of [red y's v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change y by (5)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-5)\n end\nend\n\n@Blue\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n Clone (1)\n Clone (2)\n wait until <(Level) = [4]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Clone (3)\n Clone (4)\n wait until <(Level) = [6]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n Clone (5)\n wait until <(Level) = [7]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone (6)\n Clone (7)\n wait until <(Level) = [8]>\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\ngo to x: (item (number) of [blue x's v]) y: (item (number) of [blue y's v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to ((distance to [pacman v]) + (20))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Green\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n Clone (1)\n Clone (2)\n wait until <(Level) = [5]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n Clone (3)\n wait until <(Level) = [6]>\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n Clone (4)\n wait until <(Level) = [8]>\n end\nend\n\ndefine None\ngo to x: (item (number) of [green x's v]) y: (item (number) of [green y's v])\nswitch costume to (ghost green v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n forever\n if <(distance to [pacman v]) < [100]> then\n switch costume to (bullet green v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (ghost green v)\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nelse\n point towards (pacman v)\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (7) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Finish\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [coins v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (item (Level) of [finish x's v]) y: (item (Level) of [finish y's v])\n if <(Coins) = (item (Level) of [coins collect v])> then\n switch costume to (finish v)\n else\n switch costume to (finish2 v)\n end\n if <<([x position v] of [pacman v]) < [-150]> and <([y position v] of [pacman v]) < [-155]>> then\n hide variable [level v]\n else\n show variable [level v]\n end\nend\n\n@Coins\n\ndefine None\nswitch costume to (coin2 v)\ngo to x: (item (number) of [coin x's v]) y: (item (number) of [coin y's v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (coin v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (coin v)\nhide\nClone (1)\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nClone (2)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nClone (3)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nClone (4)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nClone (5)\nClone (6)\nClone (7)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nClone (8)\nClone (9)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nClone (10)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nClone (11)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (pacman v)?> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n hide\n wait until <not <touching (pacman v)?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [died v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (not clone v)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nClone (1)\n\nwhen I receive [died v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n Clone (1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (platform v)\n forever\n repeat (54)\n change y by (5)\n end\n repeat (54)\n change y by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine None\ngo to x: (item (number) of [platform x's v]) y: (item (number) of [platform y's v])\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\n
Welcome to Platformer! A game that is a platformer xD It is completely rendered in pen! Instructions in game as you go! There are no glitches! :D\nYour goal is to get to the tiny yellow dot. Pink makes you jump higher.\nTook a while to make the platforms :P\n\nHave fun! ;D\n\nTHERE IS A SEQUEL GO CHECK IT OUT ON MY PROFILE
BLOCKY ✦ scrolling platformer creator by TimMcCool
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [n v]\n\nwhen I receive [w v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nshow variable [time v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [minecraft song v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [びょ v]\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [ネクスト v]\nhide variable [time v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow variable [time v]\n\n@NEXTページ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ネクスト v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nstart sound [超高速ダッシュ v]\nshow\ngo to x: (465) y: (0)\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (0.6) seconds\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (-465) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@すてーじ\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\ngo to x: (-20) y: (-11)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [ネクスト v]\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [びょ v]\nhide\n\n@プ・ラットフォーマーくん\n\ndefine 初期設定プログラム\nshow\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-30)\nset size to (90) %\nswitch costume to (みぎ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\n初期設定プログラム\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (みぎ v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (ひだり v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.89))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <(X) < [0]> then\n start sound [壁キック v]\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n start sound [壁キック v]\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-0.9)\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <touching (すてーじ v)?> then\n start sound [可愛いジャンプ v]\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <[242] < (x position)> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n broadcast (ネクスト v)\n wait (1.3) seconds\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> and <not <(ステージ) = [17]>>> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n end\n if <touching (ゾンビ v)?> then\n 初期設定プログラム\n end\n if <<(y position) < [-180]> and <(ステージ) = [17]>> then\n broadcast (隠し発見!! v)\n 初期設定プログラム\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\nrepeat (6)\n change size by (-6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(ステージ) = [18]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [w v]\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (スタート v)\nshow\n\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <touching color (#ff0000)?>\n change [time v] by (1)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (しゅうう v)\n\n@ゾンビ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\n if <(ステージ) = [7]> then\n turn left (2) degrees\n end\n if <(ステージ) = [8]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\n@しゅわしゅわ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [a v] to (pick random (30) to (100))\nset size to (a) %\nset [ghost v] effect to ((100) - ((a) / (5)))\nshow\ngo to x: (pick random (240) to (-240)) y: (-180)\nrepeat until <[170] < (y position)>\n if <(変なエフェクト) = [1]> then\n if <not <mouse down?>> then\n change y by ((a) / (15))\n end\n else\n change y by ((a) / (15))\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(変なエフェクト) = [1]> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n change x by (((mouse x) - (x position)) / (20))\n change y by (((mouse y) - (y position)) / (20))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [びょ v]\nhide\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nforever\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nset [こs v] to [0]\nforever\n change size by ([cos v] of (こs) )\n change [こs v] by (7)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\nforever\n if < ([backdrop name v] of [_stage_ v]) contains [洞窟]?> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [びょ v]\nhide\n\n@イントロ\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (kksm1 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (90)\n go to x: (5) y: (-5)\n repeat until <(Ok) = [1]>\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n end\n switch costume to (kksm2 v)\n repeat until <(Ok) = [2]>\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n end\n switch costume to (kksm3 v)\n forever\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n end\nend\n\nset [a v] to [0]\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [2]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set size to (100) %\n show\n switch costume to (dotted1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n show\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (17)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (6))\n end\n wait until <(Ok) = [1]>\n repeat until <(Ok) = [2]>\n switch costume to (dotted3 v)\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n end\n forever\n switch costume to (dotted5 v)\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n end\nend\n\nset [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [3]> then\n set [fisheye v] effect to (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (smoke v)\n go to x: (pick random (-50) to (50)) y: (0)\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n set size to (pick random (50) to (100)) %\n set [煙x v] to (pick random (-2.0) to (2.0))\n set [煙y v] to (pick random (1.0) to (5.0))\n set [か v] to (pick random (-1.0) to (1.0))\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [whirl v] effect to (pick random (0) to (20))\n show\n set [定 v] to [1]\n repeat until <(定) > [50]>\n go to x: ((x position) + (煙x)) y: (y position)\n turn right (か) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by ((<(定) > [25]> * (2)) - (1))\n change [定 v] by (1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [0]> then\n set size to (100) %\n show\n switch costume to (logo v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (90)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nrepeat (8)\n change [a v] by (-100)\nend\nset [変数 v] to [3]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [4]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (end v)\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (20)\n switch costume to (sh v)\n change size by (300)\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (end v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\n\nrepeat (8)\n\nrepeat (12)\n\nset [変数 v] to [3]\n\nforever\n switch costume to (sh v)\n set size to (350) %\n switch costume to (p v)\nend\n\nset [k v] to [5]\nrepeat (5)\n turn right (K) degrees\n change [k v] by (-1)\nend\n\nrepeat (3)\n\nrepeat (3)\n repeat (3)\nend\n\nrepeat (3)\n switch costume to (dotted4 v)\n repeat (3)\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (dotted6 v)\nrepeat (3)\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [5]> then\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (end2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (-800) y: (0)\n set [しゃきん! v] to [0]\n repeat (12)\n change [しゃきん! v] by (2)\n change x by (しゃきん!)\n end\n start sound [Slice v]\n repeat (22)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) * (0.3))\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (1) seconds\n set [end v] to [1]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\nelse\n wait until <(End) = [1]>\n delete this clone\nend\n\nswitch costume to (sw 2 v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [-1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [whirl v] effect to (-200)\n forever\n switch costume to (sh v)\n turn right (5) degrees\n go to [back v] layer\n set size to (350) %\n switch costume to (p v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(変数) = [-10]> then\n show\n switch costume to (back v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n forever\n go to [back v] layer\n end\nend\n\nset [変数 v] to [-10]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\n\nwhen I receive [すたーと v]\nset [a v] to [0]\nshow\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [end v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nset [a v] to [0]\nstart sound [Laszlo - Here We Are _NCS Release_ v]\nset [ok v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (kksm1 v)\nwait () seconds\nset [変数 v] to [-1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [変数 v] to [4]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [変数 v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [変数 v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [変数 v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait () seconds\nset [a v] to [0]\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (4)\n change [a v] by (100)\nend\nset [変数 v] to [3]\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [a v] by (100)\nend\nrepeat (4)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nrepeat (8)\n change [a v] by (-100)\nend\nswitch costume to (kksm2 v)\nset [ok v] to [1]\nset [a v] to [0]\nrepeat (8)\n change [a v] by (100)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [変数 v] to [3]\nrepeat (8)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [a v] by (-100)\nend\nset [ok v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (kksm3 v)\nrepeat (8)\n change [a v] by (100)\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [変数 v] to [3]\nrepeat (8)\n change [a v] by (-100)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nrepeat (12)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset [変数 v] to [5]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (w v)\n\nwhen I receive [すたーと v]\nforever\n set [fisheye v] effect to (A)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (すたーと v)\n\n@スプライト9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (pick random (15) to (25)) seconds\n show\n go to x: (-72) y: (136)\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n repeat (3)\n change y by (-20)\n end\n start sound [Connect v]\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n next costume\n end\n play sound [Coin v] until done\n next costume\n repeat (3)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n next costume\n end\n play sound [Coin v] until done\n next costume\n wait (0.2) seconds\n next costume\n repeat (10)\n change y by (20)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [しゅうう v]\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nhide\nset [cloud_num v] to [0]\nset [cloud x v] to [-100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud_num v] by (1)\nset [cloud x v] to [100]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud_num v] by (1)\nforever\n if <(Cloud_Num) < [10]> then\n if <(pick random (1) to (5)) = [1]> then\n set [cloud x v] to [300]\n change [cloud_num v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <[7] < (item (1) of [情報 v])>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[4] < (item (1) of [情報 v])> then\n hide\n delete this clone\nelse\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n repeat until <[5] < (backdrop [number v])>\n set [cloud y v] to (pick random (100) to (170))\n if <(#Biome) = [2]> then\n go [forward v] (5) layers\n set [cloud y v] to (pick random (-80) to (0))\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n end\n switch costume to ((1) + (pick random (1) to (10)))\n set y to (cloud y)\n repeat until <(cloud x) < [-400]>\n show\n set x to (cloud x)\n change [cloud x v] by (-0.4)\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n end\n change [cloud_num v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Find many amazing level codes you can try to import:\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/403600/?page=100\n\nRun this project without LAG and better graphics: https://forkphorus.github.io/#394572893\nor here\nhttps://sites.google.com/view/timmccool/projects#h.5sqh2qfxod9f\nIf the screen freezes after you imported a level, wait a few seconds\n\nThis scrolling platformer creator contains 8 different types of blocks, 2 different themes, an import/export feature, an option to turn on/off walljump and an undo / redo button.\nPost your level codes here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/403600/?page=80\n\nREAD THIS:\n\nUse the arrow keys to scroll in the editor\nUse 1 - 8 keys to select a block\nTo set a block, click on the place where you want to have it\nThose blocks can be selected:\n1) ground\n2) lava\n3) spring\n4) water\n5) saw\n6) sign (beta): the text that is on the sig appears then the player touches the sign\n7) checkpoint\n8) end flag\nOnce you're finished set an end flag to mark the end of your level\nTo save your level, click on "Export"\n\nHaving trouble with something? Read the FAQ below!\n\nFAQ:\nF: How do I change the theme?\nA: Click on the button in the right upper corner and then click on "change theme"\n\nF: I accidentelly deleted something. What can I do know?\nA: Click on the "Redo" button in the upper left corner\n\nF: Are level codes from the previous version of this working in here?\nA: No, sorry\n\nF: Wanna do F4F?\nA: Nope ><\n\nCREDITS\ncode 100% by me\nart 100% by me\nsome sounds are from @Game-Cloud\nMusic:\nBorrowed from @jotony and @griffpatch\n\n3000+ blocks
✦ A Platformer ✦
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n\n@player\n\ndefine Die\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (4)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\n\ndefine Test- dying\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <touching (bounce v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [30]\nend\n\ndefine Win\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (portal v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [portal v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n if <(TURBO?) = [1]> then\n wait ((1) / (FPS)) seconds\n end\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [left-right v]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow variable [collect v]\nset [fps v] to [40]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Set up v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n reset timer\n broadcast (Tick v)\n if <(TURBO?) = [1]> then\n wait ((1) / (FPS)) seconds\n end\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Win\n else\n Clone [20]\n Die\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nclear graphic effects\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\nset [scroll y v] to [0]\nshow\n\ndefine Tick <right> <up> <left>\nif <left> then\n Change Player X by [-10]\nend\nif <right> then\n Change Player X by [10]\nend\nif <<up> and <(in air) < [4]>> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\nend\nchange [sy v] by (-2)\nChange Player Y by (sy)\nTest- dying\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nset [collect v] to (join (COLLECTED) (join [ of ] (join (COLLECTED MAX) [ coins])))\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((Y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((X) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)))\nPosition\nif <(y position) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\n\ndefine Change Player Y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n set [sy v] to [0]\n Position\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player X by (sx)\nif <(sx) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n set [color v] to [0]\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n set [color v] to [120]\nend\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n set [color v] to [160]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nbroadcast (Ready v)\nTick <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>> and <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [20]>>>> <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>> and <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [20]>>>>> <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>> and <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) > [20]>>>>\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [collect v] to [0 of 9 coins]\n\ndefine Clone (num)\nrepeat (num)\n create clone of (particles v)\nend\n\n@platforms\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\nClone [0] [0]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [0] [360]\n Clone [0] [360]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n else\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nClone [450] [0]\n\nClone [450] [0]\nClone [450] [0]\n\n@Collectables\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [,] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\nshow variable [mouse v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide variable [mouse v]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) (((Y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (300)) ) * (5)))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n change [collected v] by (1)\n if <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (Open Portal v)\n start sound [smb3_nspade_match v]\n else\n start sound [card pick v]\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Clone [150] [-86]\n Clone [356] [-16]\n Clone [555] [74]\n Clone [843] [-40]\n Clone [929] [82]\n Clone [1034] [150]\n Clone [1165] [200]\n Clone [1432] [123]\n Clone [1566] [123]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Clone [97] [-70]\n Clone [180] [12]\n Clone [463] [25]\n Clone [744] [-41]\n Clone [1108] [97]\n Clone [836] [134]\n Clone [681] [222]\n Clone [1600] [300]\n Clone [1121] [403]\n Clone [1618] [487]\n Clone [1378] [437]\n Clone [984] [178]\n Clone [1291] [929]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone [35] [31]\n Clone [-239] [-36]\n Clone [360] [69]\n Clone [476] [69]\n Clone [416] [-144]\n Clone [769] [-103]\n Clone [769] [-19]\n Clone [769] [60]\n Clone [770] [164]\n Clone [924] [123]\n Clone [1128] [107]\n Clone [1306] [208]\n Clone [1493] [322]\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) ((Y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [720]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n Clone [450] [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 4 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen I receive [open portal v]\nswitch costume to (exit open v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag clicked v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((X) - (SCROLL X)) (((Y) - (SCROLL Y)) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (20)))\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> and <touching (player v)?>> then\n set [exit v] to [Win]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [set up v]\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (exit closed v)\n Position Portal at [1692] [150]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (exit closed v)\n Position Portal at [1458] [974]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (exit closed v)\n Position Portal at [1618] [385]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (exit closed v)\n Position Portal at [999999] [999999]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position Portal at (x) (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green Flag Clicked v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Play game v)\nrepeat (10)\n set [color v] to [0]\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (200)\n change [color v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nforever\n play sound [POL-bright-future-short v] until done\nend\n\n@Background stuff\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\npoint in direction (pick random (-70) to (-100))\ngo to x: (300) y: (pick random (-180) to (180))\nset size to (pick random (20) to (50)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (90) to (95))\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat until <(x position) < [-220]>\n move (10) steps\n if <(TURBO?) = [1]> then\n wait ((1) / (FPS)) seconds\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(TURBO?) = [1]> then\n wait ((1) / (FPS)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\n@Transitions\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\n\nwhen I receive [ready v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n move (10) steps\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <(x position) > [50]> then\n set [turbo? v] to [1]\n show variable [fps v]\n else\n set [turbo? v] to [0]\n hide variable [fps v]\n end\nend\n\n@Particles\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (player v)\nset [xv v] to (pick random (-10) to (10))\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nset size to (pick random (80) to (120)) %\nset [color v] effect to (COLOR)\nset [yv v] to (pick random (5) to (30))\nrepeat (50)\n change [yv v] by (-2)\n go to x: ((x position) + (Xv)) y: ((y position) + (Yv))\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(TURBO?) = [1]> then\n wait ((1) / (FPS)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Welcome to Trolled - A platformer!\nAs it says in the title, there are trolls!\nThere are also hidden passages to get past the trolls.\nComment how many trolls you fell for!\nShared in Sep 06, 2019 (not Apr 14 2020)\n\n\nThis is extremely overrated!\n
O C O | platformer |
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [gamemusic v]\nforever\n stop all sounds\n play sound [minecraft_holder_trap_remix v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (gamemusic v)\nforever\n switch backdrop to (Level)\nend\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timesofar v] to [0]\nreset timer\nhide\n\ndefine PlatformLeft\nchange y by (-1)\nif <not <touching (font v)?>> then\n change x by (-2)\nend\nif <touching (font v)?> then\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n change x by (2)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\ndefine PlatformRight\nchange y by (-1)\nif <not <touching (font v)?>> then\n change x by (2)\nend\nif <touching (font v)?> then\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n change x by (-2)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\ndefine SmoothenMovement\nswitch costume to (Level)\nif <not <(Level) = [2]>> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((XVelocity) * (0.85))\n if <<(XVelocity) < [1]> and <(XVelocity) > [-1]>> then\n set [xvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nbroadcast (PlatformPosition v)\n\nwhen I receive [platformleft v]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (HeroPointRight v)\n change [xvelocity v] by (-1.2)\n if <(XVelocity) < ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))\n end\n end\n if <(XVelocity) < [-1]> then\n PlatformLeft\n if <(XVelocity) < [-2]> then\n PlatformLeft\n if <(XVelocity) < [-3]> then\n PlatformLeft\n if <(XVelocity) < [-4]> then\n PlatformLeft\n if <(XVelocity) < [-5]> then\n PlatformLeft\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [platformright v]\nforever\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (HeroPointLeft v)\n change [xvelocity v] by (1.2)\n if <(XVelocity) > (MaxXVelocity)> then\n set [xvelocity v] to (MaxXVelocity)\n end\n end\n if <(XVelocity) > [1]> then\n PlatformRight\n if <(XVelocity) > [2]> then\n PlatformRight\n if <(XVelocity) > [3]> then\n PlatformRight\n if <(XVelocity) > [4]> then\n PlatformRight\n if <(XVelocity) > [5]> then\n PlatformRight\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [-tntdestroywall v]\nchange y by (428)\n\nwhen I receive [platformgoingright v]\nchange x by (-1)\n\nwhen I receive [platformgoingleft v]\nchange x by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (PlatformPosition v)\n\nwhen I receive [platformposition v]\nchange [timesofar v] by (round (timer))\nreset timer\nset [maxxvelocity v] to [4]\nshow\nset [holdingitem v] to [Nothing]\nswitch costume to (Level)\nset [xvelocity v] to [0]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (917) y: (-570)\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (650) y: (-570)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (650) y: (-185)\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (800) y: (-570)\nend\nbroadcast (PlatformLeft v)\nbroadcast (PlatformRight v)\nforever\n SmoothenMovement\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nbroadcast (PlatformPosition v)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nif <(Mode) = [Trainer]> then\nend\n\nif <(XVelocity) < ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))\nend\n\n@Controller!\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n go to (font v)\n if <touching (movingplatforms v)?> then\n set [touchingmovingplatforms? v] to [Yes]\n else\n set [touchingmovingplatforms? v] to [No]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\n\nif <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n broadcast (SlideDown v)\nend\n\n@HERO\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (normal v)\n\nwhen I receive [heropointleft v]\npoint in direction (-90)\n\nwhen I receive [heropointright v]\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [footsteps v]\nbroadcast (WalkSounds v)\nforever\n if <<(Level) = [4]> and <<not <key (any v) pressed?>> and <(TouchingMovingPlatforms?) = [Yes]>>> then\n switch costume to (normal v)\n else\n if <not <(OldPlatformX\(Walking?\)) = ([x position v] of [platforms v])>> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (normal v)\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [21]> then\n switch costume to (horse v)\n else\n next costume\n end\n end\n end\n set [oldplatformx\(walking?\) v] to ([x position v] of [platforms v])\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nset [holdingitem v] to [Normal]\nwait (0.05) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [holding v]\nif <(HoldingItem) = [Horse]> then\n switch costume to (horse v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [walksounds v]\n\nforever\n if <not <(OldPlatformX\(Walking?\)) = (x position)>> then\n play sound [Walk v] until done\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [saddlehorse v]\nswitch costume to (horse v)\n\nwhen I receive [dismount v]\nswitch costume to (normal v)\n\nwhen I receive [tnt_explosionprompt v]\nsay [Can I eat the door?] for (4) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [l1ladderprompt v]\nsay [Go higher then frank again.] for (4) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [-showladder v]\nrepeat (2)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (Footsteps v)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n show\n go to (font v)\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n if <touching color (#ff0000)?> then\n broadcast (RestartLevel v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n say [Frank is too big!] for (3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n say [Frank is big!] for (3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nstart sound [oof v]\n\n@Controller\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [#showleveltransition v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nbroadcast (DropCongrats v)\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\nend\nchange [level v] by (1)\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n broadcast (gameover v)\nelse\n broadcast (LevelUp v)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nhide\n\nwait (3) seconds\nwait (3) seconds\n\nset [level v] to [0]\n\n@Collectables\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (31) layers\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset size to (400) %\nhide\nforever\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + ((XVelocity) * (1.6)))\n if <([x position v] of [platforms v]) = ((x position) - ((XVelocity) * (1.6)))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [-positionitem v]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (l1 v)\n set y to (-560)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n set [holdingitem v] to [Sword]\n set y to (-1000)\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (l2 v)\n set y to (-732)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n broadcast (NextCraftingStage v)\n change y by (350)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n broadcast (NextCraftingStage v)\n change y by (350)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n broadcast (NextCraftingStage v)\n change y by (350)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n set [holdingitem v] to [Pickaxe]\n change y by (-3000)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (l3 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n set y to (-560)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n set [holdingitem v] to [Water]\n change y by (350)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n set [holdingitem v] to [Water]\n change y by (-500)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (l4 v)\n set y to (-400)\n wait until <touching (font v)?>\n broadcast (NextCraftingStage v)\n set [holdingitem v] to [Nothing]\n set y to (-1000)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (-PositionItem v)\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nbroadcast (-PositionItem v)\n\nshow\n\nset y to (-600)\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nbroadcast (-PositionItem v)\n\n@L1\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-173)\nset size to (70) %\nset [lavax v] to [-900]\nrepeat (12)\n next costume\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [lavax v] by (260)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n repeat (2)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (LavaX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (LavaX))> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n next costume\n else\n hide\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nwait (0.2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\n@Trees2\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nShowTrees\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (500) y: (500)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen I receive [#action v]\nif <<(distance to [hero v]) < [50]> and <not <(costume [number v]) > [4]>>> then\n next costume\n broadcast (NextCraftingStage v)\n if <(costume [number v]) > [4]> then\n hide\n go to x: (500) y: (500)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nShowTrees\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nShowTrees\n\ndefine ShowTrees\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\nset [color v] effect to (25)\nswitch costume to (tree v)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n forever\n set y to (0)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (750))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (750))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (tree2 v)\n set y to (43)\n forever\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (150))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (150))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@portal\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (33) %\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nPortalPositioning\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nPortalPositioning\n\ndefine PortalPositioning\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n set [portalx v] to [58]\n set y to (90)\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [portalx v] to [430]\n set y to (29)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [portalx v] to [-100]\n set y to (19)\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [portalx v] to [-930]\n set y to (-118)\nend\nforever\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (PortalX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (PortalX))> then\n show\n next costume\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n hide\n if <(Mode) = [Normal]> then\n broadcast (#ReleaseTheFruit v)\n set [levelwas v] to (Level)\n start sound [minecraft-rare-achievements-sound v]\n wait until <(Level) > (LevelWas)>\n else\n if <(Mode) = [Hardcore]> then\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n broadcast (gameover v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (LevelUp v)\n else\n broadcast (Training level complete v)\n end\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Ladders\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [-showladder v]\nswitch costume to (Level)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\nforever\n go to (platforms v)\n if <(x position) = ([x position v] of [platforms v])> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@MineBlocks\n\nforever\n wait until <(Level) = [2]>\n switch costume to (l2sand v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (40) layers\n repeat until <(Level) = [3]>\n go to (platforms v)\n if <(x position) = ([x position v] of [platforms v])> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nPositionItem\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nPositionItem\n\ndefine PositionItem\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (l2sand v)\n repeat until <(Level) = [3]>\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (40) layers\n go to (platforms v)\n if <(x position) = ([x position v] of [platforms v])> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#crafting v]\nif <touching (cloudscore v)?> then\n if <(HoldingItem) = [Pickaxe]> then\n next costume\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n broadcast (NextCraftingStage v)\n set [holdingitem v] to [Nothing]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nPositionItem\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nset size to (250) %\nswitch costume to (water v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n set y to (-270)\n switch costume to (Level)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) / (4))\nend\n\n@Land\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\nshow\nset size to (250) %\nset y to (-290)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nset [lavacoloureffect v] to [0]\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) / (3))\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n if <(LavaColourEffect) > [10]> then\n change [lavacoloureffect v] by (-4)\n else\n if <(LavaColourEffect) < [-25]> then\n change [lavacoloureffect v] by (4)\n else\n change [lavacoloureffect v] by (pick random (-1) to (1))\n end\n end\n set [color v] effect to (LavaColourEffect)\n else\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen I receive [#releasethefruit v]\nif <[1] = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [numberofxpbonusclones v] to [5]\nset [timerstampforchests v] to (timer)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n repeat until <(TimerStampForChests) < [22]>\n change [numberofxpbonusclones v] by (-1)\n change [timerstampforchests v] by (-3)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n repeat until <(TimerStampForChests) < [34]>\n change [numberofxpbonusclones v] by (-1)\n change [timerstampforchests v] by (-3)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n repeat until <(TimerStampForChests) < [23]>\n change [numberofxpbonusclones v] by (-1)\n change [timerstampforchests v] by (-3)\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n repeat until <(TimerStampForChests) < [23]>\n change [numberofxpbonusclones v] by (-1)\n change [timerstampforchests v] by (-3)\n end\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <[1] = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n set [chestx v] to [-111]\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ChestX)) y: (-130)\n set [chestsplaced v] to [0]\n repeat (NumberofXPbonusClones)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [chestsplaced v] by (1)\n if <(ChestsPlaced) = [2]> then\n change [chestx v] by (132)\n else\n change [chestx v] by (68)\n end\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n set [chestx v] to [260]\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ChestX)) y: (10)\n set [chestsplaced v] to [0]\n repeat (NumberofXPbonusClones)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [chestsplaced v] by (1)\n change [chestx v] by (34)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [chestx v] to [-10]\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ChestX)) y: (4)\n set [chestsplaced v] to [0]\n repeat (NumberofXPbonusClones)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [chestsplaced v] by (1)\n if <(ChestsPlaced) = [1]> then\n change [chestx v] by (68)\n else\n change [chestx v] by (34)\n end\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [chestx v] to [-567]\n go to x: (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ChestX)) y: (-130)\n set [chestsplaced v] to [0]\n repeat (NumberofXPbonusClones)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [chestsplaced v] by (1)\n change [chestx v] by (34)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (400) y: (400)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nrepeat until <touching (font v)?>\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ChestX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ChestX))> then\n next costume\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\nstart sound [456966__funwithsound__success-fanfare-trumpets v]\nchange [score v] by (1000)\nset [streamofcashx v] to (x position)\nset [streamofcashy v] to (y position)\nbroadcast (StreamOfCash v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Powerups Collection\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [streamofcash v]\nset [distancetoscore v] to (distance to [score v])\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [color v] effect to (150)\nshow\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (StreamofCashX) y: (StreamOfCashY)\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (7)\n point towards (score v)\n move ((DistanceToScore) / (20)) steps\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@XP\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [myx v] to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (x position))\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-175]>\n if <(YVelocityXP) > [-6]> then\n change [yvelocityxp v] by (-0.2)\n end\n set [xvelocityxp v] to ((XVelocityXP) * (0.95))\n change y by (YVelocityXP)\n turn right (FruitTwistLocal) degrees\n change [myx v] by (XVelocityXP)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))\n if <(distance to [font v]) < [36]> then\n glide (0.6) secs to x: (-100) y: (168)\n start sound [xp-sound-minecraft v]\n change [score v] by (100)\n delete this clone\n end\n if <([abs v] of (x position) ) > [237]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [#releasethefruit v]\nset [#xp seconds left v] to [10]\nswitch costume to (frank-a v)\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-237) y: (pick random (0) to (150))\nforever\n set [fruittwistlocal v] to (pick random (-3) to (3))\n set [xvelocityxp v] to (pick random (-16) to (-10))\n set [yvelocityxp v] to [4.5]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <(#XP seconds left) < [0]> then\n broadcast (#ShowLevelTransition v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n switch costume to (frank-a v)\nend\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\ngo to x: (237) y: (pick random (60) to (150))\nset [fruittwistlocal v] to (pick random (-3) to (3))\nset [xvelocityxp v] to (pick random (-14) to (-10))\nset [yvelocityxp v] to [2]\nswitch costume to (((pick random (1) to (5)) * (3)) - (2))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [#xp seconds left v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nif <[1] = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@explosion\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tnt_balst v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset y to (13)\nrepeat (30)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (370))\nend\nstart sound [boom v]\nset [localcount v] to [0]\nrepeat (25)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (370))\n change [localcount v] by (1)\n if <(LocalCount) = [5]> then\n set [localcount v] to [0]\n next costume\n end\nend\nbroadcast (-TNTDestroyWall v)\nrepeat (20)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (370))\n change [localcount v] by (1)\n if <(LocalCount) = [5]> then\n set [localcount v] to [0]\n next costume\n end\nend\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <([costume # v] of [crafting v]) = [11]>\nforever\n go to x: (214) y: (119)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n next costume\n set size to (20) %\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\n@crafting\n\ndefine StartLevelWithRightCostume\nwait (0.5) seconds\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (3 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nStartLevelWithRightCostume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nset size to (100) %\nforever\n if <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [*]> then\n set size to (100) %\n repeat (10)\n change size by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-0.5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextcraftingstage v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (#Crafting v)\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nbroadcast (#Crafting v)\n\nwhen I receive [#crafting v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n next costume\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n if <([y position v] of [font v]) > [-10]> then\n next costume\n broadcast (-ShowLadder v)\n stop [this script v]\n else\n broadcast (L1LadderPrompt v)\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n next costume\n set [holdingitem v] to [TNT]\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [22]> then\n next costume\n set [holdingitem v] to [BowAndArrow]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nStartLevelWithRightCostume\n\nwhen I receive [joycrafting v]\nbroadcast (#Crafting v)\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nStartLevelWithRightCostume\n\nwhen I receive [#crafting v]\nstart sound [Chop v]\nbroadcast (#ACTION v)\n\nwhen I receive [tnt_balst v]\nset [holdingitem v] to [Nothing]\nnext costume\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n say (timer)\nend\n\n@Snow etc\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nforever\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [1]>>\n set [myx v] to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (-235))\n set y to (pick random (80) to (150))\n set [ghost v] effect to (5)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait ((pick random (1) to (10)) / (5)) seconds\n end\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [2]>>\n set y to (180)\n set [ghost v] effect to (5)\n switch costume to (snowflake v)\n set size to (200) %\n set [myx v] to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (pick random (-250) to (319)))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [4]>>\n set [myx v] to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (-235))\n set y to (pick random (80) to (150))\n set [ghost v] effect to (5)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set size to (100) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait ((pick random (1) to (10)) / (5)) seconds\n end\n repeat until <not <(Level) = [3]>>\n set y to (pick random (140) to (175))\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (shooting star2 v)\n set [myx v] to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (pick random (0) to (320)))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (pick random (1) to (16)) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [-y v] to (pick random (-15) to (15))\nshow\nif <<(Level) = [1]> or <(Level) = [4]>> then\n repeat until <(x position) < [-235]>\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <not <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n change [myx v] by (3)\n change y by ((pick random (-1) to (1)) / (3))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n repeat until <(y position) < [-170]>\n turn right (-y) degrees\n change y by (-3)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))\n if <not <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n change [myx v] by (1)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n repeat until <(y position) < [-170]>\n change y by (-1)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n if <not <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MyX))>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n change [myx v] by (-8)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Blaze\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (holding v)?> then\n if <(HoldingItem) = [Water]> then\n start sound [Splash v]\n set [holdingitem v] to [EmptyWater]\n if <(y position) < [0]> then\n set [zombiex2 v] to [-450]\n set y to (27)\n broadcast (UpperBlazePath v)\n else\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n end\n else\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n broadcast (BombHit v)\n broadcast (RestartLevel v)\n start sound [Low Whoosh v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nPositionZombie\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nPositionZombie\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nPositionZombie\n\ndefine PositionZombie\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [zombiex2 v] to [80]\n broadcast (UpperBlazePath v)\n set y to (-107)\n show\n forever\n repeat (2)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ZombieX2))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ZombieX2))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [upperblazepath v]\nforever\n repeat (100)\n change [zombiex2 v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n repeat (100)\n change [zombiex2 v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\n@Zombie1\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nbroadcast (LocalZombie v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n set [zombiex v] to [145]\nend\nbroadcast (LocalZombie v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset y to (-120)\nforever\n if <touching (holding v)?> then\n start sound [explodes v]\n switch costume to (hit v)\n if <(y position) < [0]> then\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n set [zombiex v] to [-50]\n end\n if <(Level) = [????]> then\n set [zombiex v] to [0]\n end\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n hide\n set y to (83)\n broadcast (LocalZombie v)\n else\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (3)\n change x by (-3)\n next costume\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n broadcast (BombHit v)\n broadcast (RestartLevel v)\n start sound [mine v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nbroadcast (LocalZombie v)\n\nwhen I receive [zombiecostume v]\nforever\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (vtinyz16 v)\n change [zombiex v] by (-3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (right v)\n change [zombiex v] by (-3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (vtinyz18 v)\n change [zombiex v] by (-3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (right v)\n change [zombiex v] by (-3)\n end\n repeat (8)\n next costume\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (vtinyz2 v)\n change [zombiex v] by (3)\n repeat (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (vtinyz3 v)\n change [zombiex v] by (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (left v)\n change [zombiex v] by (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (vtinyz5 v)\n change [zombiex v] by (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n switch costume to (left v)\n change [zombiex v] by (3)\n end\n repeat (8)\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n set [color v] effect to (130)\n set [zombiex v] to [200]\n broadcast (ZombieCostume v)\n set y to (-124)\n show\n forever\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ZombieX))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [localzombie v]\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nbroadcast (ZombieCostume v)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n forever\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ZombieX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (ZombieX))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@MovingPlatforms\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch costume to (blank v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (400) %\nswitch costume to (slidersset1 v)\ngo to x: (650) y: (-570)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n set [airplatformx v] to [-25]\n repeat (50)\n change [airplatformx v] by (1)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (AirPlatformX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (AirPlatformX))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (controller! v)?> then\n broadcast (PlatformGoingRight v)\n end\n end\n repeat (50)\n change [airplatformx v] by (-1)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (AirPlatformX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) + (AirPlatformX))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (controller! v)?> then\n broadcast (PlatformGoingLeft v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nbroadcast (PlatformLeft v)\nbroadcast (PlatformRight v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (slidersset2 v)\nforever\n repeat (50)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (AirPlatformX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (AirPlatformX))> then\n show\n if <touching (controller! v)?> then\n broadcast (PlatformGoingLeft v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n repeat (50)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (AirPlatformX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (AirPlatformX))> then\n show\n if <touching (controller! v)?> then\n broadcast (PlatformGoingRight v)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <touching (controller! v)?> then\n broadcast (PlatformGoingLeft v)\nend\n\n@Score\n\nwhen I receive [deletemyball v]\nset size to (215) %\nset [color v] effect to (-25)\nwait (1) seconds\nset size to (190) %\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen I receive [dollarcollected v]\n\nbroadcast (DollarCollected v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (10 v)\n switch costume to (letter ((length of (Score)) - (Numeral)) of (Score))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset size to (60) %\ngo to x: (-90) y: (160)\nset [numeral v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-15)\n change [numeral v] by (1)\nend\nswitch costume to (score v)\nshow\nset size to (60) %\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nrepeat (2)\nend\n\nset size to (215) %\nset [color v] effect to (-25)\nwait (1) seconds\nset size to (190) %\nclear graphic effects\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nset [score v] to [0]\nhide\n\n@Score2\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nset size to (40) %\ngo to x: (-150) y: (140)\nset [numeral v] to [0]\nwait (0.5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-10)\n change [numeral v] by (1)\nend\nswitch costume to (score v)\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nforever\n if <(☁ #BestScore) > (ReadHighScore)> then\n set [readhighscore v] to (☁ #BestScore)\n end\n switch costume to (10 v)\n switch costume to (letter ((length of (ReadHighScore)) - (Numeral)) of (ReadHighScore))\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(Score) > (ReadHighScore)> then\n set [☁ #bestscore v] to (Score)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\nif <(username) = [atomicmagicnumber]> then\n\n@CloudScore\n\nwhen I receive [saddlehorse v]\nswitch costume to (horse v)\nwait until <touching (piston v)?>\nbroadcast (Dismount v)\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen [up arrow v] key pressed\nJump\n\ngo to x: (-19) y: (-126)\n\nwhen [w v] key pressed\nJump\n\nwhen I receive [positioncontrolcharacter v]\ngo to x: (-19) y: (-109)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nbroadcast (PositionControlCharacter v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\ngo to x: (-210) y: (50)\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nif <(Mode) = [Hardcore]> then\n repeat (5)\n set y to (-109)\n end\nend\nbroadcast (PositionControlCharacter v)\n\nwhen I receive [holding v]\nif <(HoldingItem) = [Horse]> then\n switch costume to (horse v)\nend\n\nshow\n\ndefine Jump\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<touching (platforms v)?> or <<touching (mineblocks v)?> or <touching (movingplatforms v)?>>> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (MaxYJump)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [dismount v]\nswitch costume to (normal v)\n\ndefine Gravity\nif <(YVelocity) < [0]> then\n if <not <<touching (platforms v)?> or <<touching (mineblocks v)?> or <touching (movingplatforms v)?>>>> then\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine GoingUp\nchange y by (1)\nif <not <<touching (<touching (platforms v)?> v)?> or <touching (movingplatforms v)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (platforms v)?> or <touching (movingplatforms v)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [yvelocity v] to [0]\n\nchange y by (-1)\n\ndefine LadderCheck\nif <<touching (ladders v)?> and <<([costume name v] of [joystick v]) = [N]> or <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <([costume name v] of [joystick v]) = [Action]>>>> then\n if <<(y position) < [45]> and <(Level) = [1]>> then\n glide (1) secs to x: (x position) y: (100)\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<touching (ladders v)?> and <<([costume name v] of [joystick v]) = [Action]> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <<(y position) > [45]> and <(Level) = [1]>> then\n glide (1) secs to x: (x position) y: (3)\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (-19) y: (-109)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nset [yvelocity v] to [0]\nset [xvelocity v] to [0]\nbroadcast (PositionControlCharacter v)\nbroadcast (Walk v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (normal v)\n change [yvelocity v] by (-0.5)\n LadderCheck\n if <(YVelocity) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (goingdown v)\n Gravity\n if <(YVelocity) < [-1]> then\n Gravity\n if <(YVelocity) < [-2]> then\n Gravity\n if <(YVelocity) < [-3]> then\n Gravity\n if <(YVelocity) < [-4]> then\n Gravity\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-125]> then\n start sound [Mine v]\n broadcast (RestartLevel v)\n end\n if <(YVelocity) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (goingup v)\n GoingUp\n if <(YVelocity) > [2]> then\n GoingUp\n if <(YVelocity) > [3]> then\n GoingUp\n if <(YVelocity) > [4]> then\n GoingUp\n if <(YVelocity) > [5]> then\n GoingUp\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nsay [Ow]\n\nsay [Ouch!] for (2) seconds\n\ngo to x: (-19) y: (-109)\n\nwhen I receive [jump v]\nJump\n\n@Timer\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (10 v)\n switch costume to (letter ((length of (#XP seconds left)) - (Numeral)) of (#XP seconds left))\n if <(#XP seconds left) > [0]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#releasethefruit v]\nset [#xp seconds left v] to [16]\nif <[1] = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nhide\nswitch costume to (0 v)\nwait (0.5) seconds\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-147) y: (120)\nset [numeral v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n wait (0) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-13)\n change [numeral v] by (1)\nend\nswitch costume to (score v)\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n change [#xp seconds left v] by (-1)\n if <(#XP seconds left) = [0]> then\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n broadcast (gameover v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n broadcast (#ShowLevelTransition v)\n end\n if <(#XP seconds left) > [0]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nhide\n\n@MobB\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nforever\n if <touching (arrow v)?> then\n start sound [Squawk v]\n if <(y position) > [-10]> then\n set [mobbx v] to [-800]\n set y to (-80)\n broadcast (MobBPath v)\n else\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n end\n else\n if <touching (hero v)?> then\n broadcast (BombHit v)\n broadcast (RestartLevel v)\n start sound [Seagulls v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nPositionZombie\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nPositionZombie\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nPositionZombie\n\ndefine PositionZombie\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n set [mobbx v] to [-600]\n broadcast (MobBPath v)\n set y to (0)\n show\n forever\n repeat (2)\n set x to (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MobBX))\n if <(x position) = (([x position v] of [platforms v]) - (MobBX))> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n next costume\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mobbpath v]\nforever\n repeat (100)\n change [mobbx v] by (2)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n repeat (100)\n change [mobbx v] by (-2)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\n@HOLDING\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-500) y: (-500)\nif <[1] = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [holdingitem v] to [Nothing]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\ngo to x: (500) y: (500)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [#crafting v]\n\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n if <(x position) < [-158]> then\n broadcast (Level3Mining v)\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [crafting v]) < [17]> then\n say [Go left to mine.] for (4) seconds\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n if <<<(x position) > [-140]> and <(x position) < [-70]>> and <<(y position) > [-20]> and <(y position) < [-10]>>> then\n broadcast (L4Mining v)\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [crafting v]) < [17]> then\n say [Go left to mine.] for (4) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [#crafting v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <(costume [number v]) = [2]>> then\n switch costume to (pickaxe v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (pickaxe2 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n if <<([x position v] of [platforms v]) > [226]> and <<([x position v] of [platforms v]) < [360]> and <(y position) > [0]>>> then\n broadcast (TNT_Balst v)\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n create clone of (arrow v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n show\n switch costume to (HoldingItem)\n go to (hero v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [hero v])\n if <(HoldingItem) = [BowAndArrow]> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n change y by (-10)\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n turn right ([costume # v] of [hero v]) degrees\n else\n turn right ([costume # v] of [hero v]) degrees\n end\n else\n go to [front v] layer\n if <<(HoldingItem) = [TNT]> or <<(HoldingItem) = [Water]> or <(HoldingItem) = [EmptyWater]>>> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n else\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n turn right ([costume # v] of [hero v]) degrees\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [localpixaxe v]\nforever\n switch costume to (pickaxe v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\n switch costume to (pickaxe2 v)\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [madesaddle v]\nset [holdingitem v] to [Saddle]\nswitch costume to (saddle v)\n\nwhen I receive [saddlehorse v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nset [holdingitem v] to [Nothing]\ngo to x: (500) y: (500)\n\n@Arrow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (holding v)\nif <([direction v] of [holding v]) < [0]> then\n point in direction (-90)\nelse\n point in direction (90)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n change x by (10)\n else\n change x by (-10)\n end\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Start End screens\n\nwhen I receive [showmodeoptions v]\nswitch costume to (explosion v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (explosion v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (bigblock v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nbroadcast (gamemusic v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (LaunchMinecraftVictory v)\n\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen [9 v] key pressed\nif <mouse down?> then\n show\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (thumb v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (explosion v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (bigblock v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nbroadcast (gamemusic v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (LaunchMinecraftSign v)\n\nwhen I receive [movelogoforinstructions v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n repeat (33)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\n end\n switch costume to (instructions v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (100) %\n repeat (33)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (ShowPlayButton v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [name v]) = [Instructions]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n switch costume to (instructions3 v)\n repeat (33)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\n end\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nif <(Mode) = [Hardcore]> then\n broadcast (gameover v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (explosion v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n broadcast (Hardcore Death v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [training level complete v]\nif <(Mode) = [Trainer]> then\n broadcast (gameover v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (explosion v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n broadcast (ShowTrainingLevelComplete v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nif <(Mode) = [Trainer]> then\n broadcast (gameover v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n switch costume to (explosion v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n broadcast (ShowTrainingLevelComplete v)\nend\n\n@minecraft\n\nwhen I receive [showmodeoptions v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [movelogoforinstructions v]\nrepeat (33)\n change y by (3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [instructionspage v]\nrepeat (40)\n change size by (-1)\n change y by (1.5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (80) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-300)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (platformer v)\nshow\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (50)\nbroadcast (Bump v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nbroadcast (ShowEpisode v)\n\nwhen I receive [bump v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [bump v] to [5]\n repeat (11)\n change y by (Bump)\n change [bump v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [bump v] to [7]\n repeat (5)\n change x by ((0) - (Bump))\n change [bump v] by (-1)\n end\nelse\n set [bump v] to [7]\n repeat (5)\n change x by ((0) - (Bump))\n change [bump v] by (-1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [launchminecraftsign v]\nswitch costume to (minecraft v)\nwait (0.4) seconds\ngo to x: (0) y: (300)\nset size to (80) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nudgelogoleft v]\nchange x by (-15)\n\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\n@Episode 2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [showepisode v]\nhide\nwait (0.6) seconds\nset size to (200) %\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (600) y: (00)\nshow\nglide (0.5) secs to x: (260) y: (0)\nbroadcast (NudgeLogoLeft v)\nglide (0.4) secs to x: (280) y: (0)\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (240) y: (0)\nbroadcast (NudgeLogoLeft v)\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (260) y: (0)\nglide (0.2) secs to x: (220) y: (0)\nbroadcast (NudgeLogoLeft v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (MoveLogoForInstructions v)\n\nwhen I receive [movelogoforinstructions v]\nrepeat (33)\n change y by (3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fadeoutinstructions v]\nbroadcast (Start v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nif <[1] = [1]> then\n delete this clone\nend\nwait (3) seconds\nset size to (170) %\nshow\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-300) y: (130)\nswitch costume to (centre2 v)\nglide (0.9) secs to x: (182) y: (130)\n\nwhen I receive [showmodeoptions v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (-400)\n\nwhen I receive [showplaybutton v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nshow\nset size to (50) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (-450)\nglide (0.8) secs to x: (0) y: (-80)\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change size by (0.2)\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (ShowModeOptions v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-0.2)\n if <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> or <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n broadcast (ShowModeOptions v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ndelete this clone\n\n@gAMEPLAYsELECTION\n\nwhen I receive [showmodeoptions v]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nset [clickable v] to [Yes]\nrepeat (6)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n start sound [249615__vincentm400__confirm v]\n repeat until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n repeat (7)\n change size by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change size by (-0.5)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(Clickable) = [Yes]> then\n reset timer\n set [clickable v] to [No]\n set [mode v] to [Normal]\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [level v] to [1]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set [level v] to [1]\n set [mode v] to [Hardcore]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set [level v] to [1]\n set [mode v] to [Trainer]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n set [level v] to [2]\n set [mode v] to [Trainer]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n set [level v] to [3]\n set [mode v] to [Trainer]\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n set [level v] to [4]\n set [mode v] to [Trainer]\n end\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (Start v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore death v]\nset [clickable v] to [No]\nswitch costume to (hardcore v)\ngo to x: (-170) y: (-80)\nset size to (1) %\nshow\nrepeat (30)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [showtraininglevelcomplete v]\nset [clickable v] to [No]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nset size to (300) %\nchange [level v] by (0)\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (earth v)\n go to x: (525) y: (600)\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (ice v)\n go to x: (200) y: (600)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (fire v)\n go to x: (-175) y: (600)\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (air v)\n go to x: (-525) y: (600)\nend\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nglide (1) secs to x: (x position) y: (350)\nbroadcast (ShowBestTimes v)\n\n@ShowLevel\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset y to (0)\nforever\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n set x to ((([x position v] of [platforms v]) * (1.5)) - (1000))\n if <(x position) = ((([x position v] of [platforms v]) * (1.5)) - (1000))> then\n switch costume to (Level)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n else\n set x to ((([x position v] of [platforms v]) * (1.5)) - (1111))\n if <(x position) = ((([x position v] of [platforms v]) * (1.5)) - (1111))> then\n switch costume to (Level)\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\nthink [Hmm...] for (2) seconds\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [hardcore death v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (hardcore v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\nset size to (1) %\nrepeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (5)\nend\n\nbroadcast (Training level complete v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [showtraininglevelcomplete v]\n\nshow\nswitch costume to (trainin v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-120)\nset size to (1) %\nrepeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (5)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nif <[] = [50]> then\n\n@minecraft font\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [digitx v] to (x position)\nset [digity v] to (y position)\nif <(y position) > [160]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (x position) y: (LineHeight)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (0.25) secs to x: (x position) y: ((LineHeight) + (50))\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (0.25) secs to x: (x position) y: (LineHeight)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (x position) y: ((LineHeight) + (20))\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (x position) y: (LineHeight)\n set [digitclonenumber v] to [0]\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n wait (0) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (1)\n change [digitclonenumber v] by (1)\n end\n hide\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (3DTextRipple v)\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (1)\nend\n\ngo to x: (DigitX) y: (DigitY)\npoint towards (textcentredot v)\nmove (DigitCloneNumber) steps\n\ndefine CapitalsCheck\nset [costumetoswitchto v] to (letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow))\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [A]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [a]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [B]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [b]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [C]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [c]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [D]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [d]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [E]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [e]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [F]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [f]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [G]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [g]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [H]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [h]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [I]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [i]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [J]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [j]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [K]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [k]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [L]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [l]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [M]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [m]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [N]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [n]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [O]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [o]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [P]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [p]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [Q]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [q]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [R]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [r]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [S]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [s]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [T]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [t]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [U]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [u]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [V]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [v]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [W]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [w]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [X]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [x]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [Y]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [y]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [Z]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [z]\nend\nif <(letter (WhichLetterToSwitchTo?) of (TextToShow)) = [ ]> then\n set [costumetoswitchto v] to [space]\nend\n\ndefine ShowTextOnScreen\ngo to x: (0) y: (300)\nrepeat (length of (TextToShow))\n change x by ((size) * (-0.1))\nend\nif <not <((length of (TextToShow)) / (2)) = (round (length of (TextToShow)))>> then\n change x by ((size) * (0.1))\nend\nset [whichlettertoswitchto? v] to [1]\nstart sound [FunWin v]\nrepeat (length of (TextToShow))\n switch costume to ( v)\n CapitalsCheck\n switch costume to (CostumeToSwitchTo)\n if <not <(CostumeToSwitchTo) = [space]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n change x by ((size) * (0.2))\n wait (0.05) seconds\n change [whichlettertoswitchto? v] by (1)\nend\nset [secondline? v] to [Yes]\ngo to x: (0) y: (300)\n\nwhen I receive [showbesttimes v]\nset [timetakenonlevel v] to (round (timer))\nset [timertexttosay v] to (join (TimeTakenOnLevel) [ seconds])\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n if <(TimeTakenOnLevel) < (☁ L1Time)> then\n set [☁ l1time v] to (TimeTakenOnLevel)\n end\n set [wr v] to (☁ L1Time)\nend\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n if <(TimeTakenOnLevel) < (☁ L2Time)> then\n set [☁ l2time v] to (TimeTakenOnLevel)\n end\n set [wr v] to (☁ L2Time)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n if <(TimeTakenOnLevel) < (☁ L3Time)> then\n set [☁ l3time v] to (TimeTakenOnLevel)\n end\n set [wr v] to (☁ L3Time)\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n if <(TimeTakenOnLevel) < (☁ L4Time)> then\n set [☁ l4time v] to (TimeTakenOnLevel)\n end\n set [wr v] to (☁ L4Time)\nend\nbroadcast (ShowTheFont v)\n\nwhen I receive [showthefont v]\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset [color v] effect to (-100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (130) %\nset [lineheight v] to [130]\nset [texttoshow v] to (join [WR ] (join (WR) [ seconds]))\nShowTextOnScreen\nset size to (120) %\nset [lineheight v] to [-120]\nset [texttoshow v] to (username)\nShowTextOnScreen\nset size to (140) %\nset [lineheight v] to [-160]\nset [texttoshow v] to (TimerTextToSay)\nShowTextOnScreen\n\nset [wr v] to (☁ L1Time)\n\nset [wr v] to (☁ L3Time)\n\nwhen I receive [launchminecraftvictory v]\nif <(Mode) = [Hardcore]> then\n if <(TimeSoFar) < (☁ HardcoreTime)> then\n set [☁ hardcoretime v] to (TimeSoFar)\n end\n set [wr v] to (☁ HardcoreTime)\n set [timertexttosay v] to (join (TimeSoFar) [ seconds])\nend\nif <(Mode) = [Normal]> then\n if <(TimeSoFar) < (☁ NormalTime)> then\n set [☁ normaltime v] to (TimeSoFar)\n end\n set [wr v] to (☁ NormalTime)\n set [timertexttosay v] to (join (TimeSoFar) [ seconds])\nend\nbroadcast (ShowTheFont v)\n\nset [☁ l1time v] to [60]\nset [☁ l2time v] to [60]\nset [☁ l3time v] to [60]\nset [☁ l4time v] to [60]\nset [☁ normaltime v] to [260]\nset [☁ hardcoretime v] to [260]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\npoint towards (textcentredot v)\nmove (2) steps\n\nchange [digitclonenumber v] by (1)\n\ngo to x: (DigitX) y: (DigitY)\npoint towards (textcentredot v)\nmove (DigitCloneNumber) steps\nchange [color v] effect by (1)\n\nchange y by (10)\n\nset y to (DigitY)\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\nset [☁ #bestscore v] to [0]\nset [☁ l1time v] to [60]\nset [☁ l2time v] to [60]\nset [☁ l3time v] to [60]\nset [☁ l4time v] to [60]\nset [☁ normaltime v] to [300]\nset [☁ hardcoretime v] to [240]\n\n@hifive\n\nwhen I receive [showthefont v]\nif <(Mode) = [Trainer]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nwait (10) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (hifive2 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (8) y: (300)\nglide (1) secs to x: (8) y: (-30)\nforever\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nbroadcast (gameover v)\n\n@Final talking\n\nwhen I receive [showthefont v]\nif <(Mode) = [Trainer]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nwait (13) seconds\nshow\nset x to (-30)\nset y to (10)\nif <(length of (username)) < [3]> then\n set [username v] to [YOU]\nelse\n set [username v] to (username)\nend\nsay (join [You beat ] (join (Mode) [ mode!])) for (4) seconds\nwait (3) seconds\nsay [High 5 time!] for (4) seconds\nwait (2) seconds\nsay (join (username) [ is the GREATEST!]) for (2) seconds\nforever\n wait (2) seconds\n say [How about a love, fav and FOLLOW?] for (5) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n say (join (username) [ THRASHED episode 3!]) for (4) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n say (join [Please be awesome ] (join (username) [ and follow me!])) for (4) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Still there?] for (2) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Ok...] for (2) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Free jokes coming up!] for (4) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n set x to (-30)\n say [Where do you search for lost spiders?] for (10) seconds\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set x to (30)\n say [Websites] for (5) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n set x to (-30)\n say [Why was the computer annoyed?] for (10) seconds\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set x to (30)\n say [It had a chip on its shoulder!] for (5) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n set x to (-30)\n say [What do tiny robots eat?] for (10) seconds\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set x to (30)\n say [Microchips!] for (5) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n set x to (-30)\n say [Why did the computer cross the road?] for (10) seconds\n wait (0.5) seconds\n set x to (30)\n say [To get a byte to eat!] for (5) seconds\n wait (2) seconds\n set x to (-30)\n say [What did Steve say to his girlfriend?] for (10) seconds\n set x to (30)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n say [I dig you!] for (5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (10) y: (0)\n\nwait (13) seconds\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Font\n\nwhen I receive [gameover v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nbroadcast (Walk v)\nbroadcast (PositionControlCharacter v)\nset [yvelocity v] to [0]\nset [xvelocity v] to [0]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\ngo to x: (-19) y: (-126)\nforever\n set y to ([y position v] of [cloudscore v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [positioncontrolcharacter v]\ngo to x: (-19) y: (-109)\nswitch costume to (normal v)\n\nwhen I receive [restartlevel v]\nbroadcast (PositionControlCharacter v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-210) y: (50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\nset [maxyjump v] to [6]\nset [maxxvelocity v] to [4]\n\nwhen I receive [levelup v]\nbroadcast (PositionControlCharacter v)\n\nif <<touching (ladders v)?> and <<([costume name v] of [joystick v]) = [N]> or <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <([costume name v] of [joystick v]) = [Action]>>>> then\n if <<(y position) < [45]> and <(Level) = [1]>> then\n glide (1) secs to x: (x position) y: (100)\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<touching (ladders v)?> and <<([costume name v] of [joystick v]) = [Action]> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>>>> then\n if <<(y position) > [45]> and <(Level) = [1]>> then\n glide (1) secs to x: (x position) y: (3)\n set [yvelocity v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\n@modeonly\n\nwhen I receive [launchminecraftvictory v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nif <(Mode) = [Hardcore]> then\n switch costume to (hard v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\nend\nif <(Mode) = [Normal]> then\n switch costume to (norm v)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Joystick\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to x: (162) y: (-102)\nbroadcast (JoyMouseSenseDown v)\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < [30]>> then\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n if <<(direction) > [-23]> and <(direction) < [23]>> then\n switch costume to (n v)\n broadcast (Jump v)\n end\n if <<(direction) > [-68]> and <(direction) < [-23]>> then\n switch costume to (nw v)\n change [xvelocity v] by (1.2)\n if <(XVelocity) > (MaxXVelocity)> then\n set [xvelocity v] to (MaxXVelocity)\n end\n broadcast (HeroPointLeft v)\n broadcast (Jump v)\n end\n if <<(direction) > [-140]> and <(direction) < [-68]>> then\n switch costume to (w v)\n broadcast (HeroPointLeft v)\n change [xvelocity v] by (1.2)\n if <(XVelocity) > (MaxXVelocity)> then\n set [xvelocity v] to (MaxXVelocity)\n end\n end\n if <<(direction) > [23]> and <(direction) < [68]>> then\n switch costume to (ne v)\n change [xvelocity v] by (-1.2)\n if <(XVelocity) < ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))\n end\n broadcast (HeroPointRight v)\n broadcast (Jump v)\n end\n if <<(direction) > [68]> and <(direction) < [140]>> then\n broadcast (HeroPointRight v)\n change [xvelocity v] by (-1.2)\n if <(XVelocity) < ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))> then\n set [xvelocity v] to ((0) - (MaxXVelocity))\n end\n switch costume to (e v)\n end\n if <<(direction) < [-140]> or <(direction) > [140]>> then\n broadcast (#ACTION v) and wait\n broadcast (#Crafting v)\n switch costume to (action v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [joymousesensedown v]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < [30]>> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n set [joyshowcounter v] to [0]\n else\n change [joyshowcounter v] by (1)\n if <(JoyShowCounter) > [25]> then\n switch costume to (neutral v)\n end\n if <(JoyShowCounter) > [50]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nif <(ControlOnGround) = [Yes]> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (MaxYJump)\nend\n\nif <(ControlOnGround) = [Yes]> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (MaxYJump)\nend\n\nif <(ControlOnGround) = [Yes]> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (MaxYJump)\nend\n\nif <(ControlOnGround) = [Yes]> then\n set [yvelocity v] to (MaxYJump)\nend\n\nbroadcast (HeroPointRight v)\nbroadcast (Jump v)\n\nswitch costume to (e v)\n\n@Frank\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
Arrow keys\n
scroll Minecraft platformer!
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [Popsicle v] until done\nend\n\n@light\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to (character v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (40)\nend\n\n@level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@effects, grass and lamps\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n broadcast (show blade v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n broadcast (show moving platform v)\n else\n broadcast (hide moving platform v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n broadcast (hide blade v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n broadcast (hide blade v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (show blade v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nbroadcast (lava v)\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nnext costume\nbroadcast (lava v)\n\nwhen I receive [lava v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n repeat (8)\n change y by (0.25)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change y by (1)\n end\n repeat (8)\n change y by (-0.25)\n end\n repeat (4)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\n repeat (2)\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\n\n@next\n\nset x to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nset [transition on? v] to [off]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (348)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nset [transition on? v] to [on]\nstart sound [Low Whoosh v]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (348)\nrepeat until <(y position) = [10]>\n set y to ((y position) + (((10) - (y position)) / (2)))\nend\nbroadcast (nextlevel v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nset [transition on? v] to [off]\nhide\n\n@clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (70) to (88))\nset [speed v] to (pick random (2.5) to (5))\ngo to x: (pick random (216) to (-216)) y: (-160)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nchange size by (pick random (0) to (-25))\ngo to [back v] layer\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change [ghost v] effect by (.3)\n change y by (speed)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nclear graphic effects\nforever\n wait (pick random (.5) to (.8)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@text\n\n@blade\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (hide blade v)\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (-150)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n turn right (10) degrees\n else\n turn right (3) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide blade v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [show blade v]\nshow\n\n\n\n@moving platform base\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nbroadcast (hide moving platform v)\ngo to x: (-93) y: (-111)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (133) y: (-111)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (-93) y: (-111)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide moving platform v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [show moving platform v]\nshow\n\n@moving platform design\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-93) y: (-111)\nforever\n glide (2) secs to x: (133) y: (-111)\n wait (1) seconds\n glide (2) secs to x: (-93) y: (-111)\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [show moving platform v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hide moving platform v]\nhide\n\n@character\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (2) to (4)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (3)\n next costume\n end\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (3)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nset [speedx v] to [0]\nset [speedy v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-28)\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-28)\nset [speedx v] to [0]\nset [speedy v] to [0]\ngo [forward v] (10) layers\nset size to (90) %\nforever\n change [speedy v] by (-0.5)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [speedx v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [speedx v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [speedx v] to ((speedX) * (0.9))\n change x by (speedX)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((speedX) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [speedy v] to [8]\n if <(speedX) > [0]> then\n set [speedx v] to [-8]\n else\n set [speedx v] to [8]\n end\n else\n set [speedx v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (SpeedY)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> then\n set [jumplock v] to [0]\n change y by ((SpeedY) * (-1))\n set [speedy v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-0.5)\n if <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> and <(jumplock) = [0]>> then\n set [speedy v] to [9]\n set [jumplock v] to [1]\n end\n change y by (0.5)\n if <<[240] < (x position)> and <not <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [11]>>> then\n broadcast (transition v)\n go to x: (-190) y: (-28)\n end\n if <<<touching (blade v)?> or <touching (danger v)?>> and <(transition on?) = [off]>> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n go to x: (-190) y: (-28)\n set [speedx v] to [0]\n set [speedy v] to [0]\n end\n if <touching (moving platform base v)?> then\n moving platform detection\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (9)\n change y by (5)\n change size by (4)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine moving platform detection\nchange y by (30)\n\n@nextlevel button\n\ndefine fade\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [distance v] to (distance to [mouse-pointer v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextlevel v]\nbroadcast (button v)\n\nwhen I receive [button v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (256) y: (150)\nforever\n set x to ((x position) + (((-200) - (x position)) / (10)))\n if <[30] > (distance)> then\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (transition v)\n fade\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <<(lets just keep it simple.) = [0]> or <([costume # v] of [level v]) = [11]>>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nset [lets just keep it simple. v] to [1]\nshow\nbroadcast (button v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lets just keep it simple. v] to [0]\nhide\n\n@rain\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nchange [ghost v] effect by (pick random (0) to (20))\nset [speed v] to (pick random (-12) to (-15))\nif <(speed) > [4]> then\n set size to (pick random (110) to (130)) %\nend\ngo to x: (pick random (224) to (-224)) y: (167)\nrepeat until <<<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform base v)?>> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change y by (speed)\nend\nrepeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.001) seconds\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [startgame v]\nclear graphic effects\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (0) to (0.001)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\n@thingy\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [thing v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\nend\nbroadcast (startgame v)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\n@Intro \n\ndefine size: (size) Speed: (speed)\nset [bouncy v] to ((((size) - (size)) * (speed)) + ((bouncy) * (0.7)))\nchange size by (bouncy)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [particles]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go [forward v] (7) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\n switch costume to (particle v)\n set [color v] effect to (pick random (10) to (-10))\n set [ghost v] effect to (pick random (3) to (20))\n point in direction (pick random (0) to (360))\n set [particle move v] to [10]\n repeat (50)\n move (Particle Move) steps\n change [particle move v] by (pick random (-.4) to (-.45))\n end\n repeat (50)\n move (Particle Move) steps\n change [particle move v] by (pick random (.4) to (.45))\n end\n repeat (50)\n move (Particle Move) steps\n change [particle move v] by (pick random (-.4) to (-.45))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [Tiles]> then\n go [forward v] (0) layers\n switch costume to (squares 1 v)\n set size to (0) %\n show\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [98]>\n change size by (((98) - (round (size))) / (3))\n end\n wait (7) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Smooth Glide x: (x) y: (y) speed: (i)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (round (x))> and <(round (y position)) = (round (y))>>\n change x by (((round (x)) - (round (x position))) / (i))\n change y by (((round (y)) - (round (y position))) / (i))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Star]\nrepeat (10)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Snow]\nrepeat (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to (bars v)\nhide\nstart sound [Intro v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (-207)\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Color background]\nset [position v] to [207]\nrepeat (6)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [position v] by (-80)\n change [color v] effect by (3)\n wait (.05) seconds\nend\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Tiles]\nswitch costume to (squares 1 v)\ngo to x: (-200) y: (140)\nrepeat (4)\n repeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (100)\n end\n change y by (-100)\n set x to (-200)\nend\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [top]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [bottom]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [icon]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Circle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.1) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [particles]\nparticles\nwait (.75) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Triangle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.65) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [circle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.6) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Triangle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.75) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [circle]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (2) seconds\nset [idididididididididididididididididid v] to [Wipe]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [Color background]> then\n show\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (Position) speed: (5)\n wait (4) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [icon]> then\n point in direction (180)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set size to (0) %\n switch costume to (icon v)\n show\n go [forward v] (5) layers\n repeat (10)\n change size by (((100) - (round (size))) / (3))\n end\n wait (1.2) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (30)\n change size by (((200) - (round (size))) / (3))\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [Circle]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go [forward v] (6) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (100) %\n switch costume to (circle v)\n repeat (400)\n change size by (((800) - (round (size))) / (7))\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [particles]> then\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [Triangle]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go [forward v] (10) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n switch costume to (triangle v)\n show\n set size to (0) %\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [150]>\n change size by (((150) - (round (size))) / (3))\n end\n wait (.5) seconds\n repeat until <(round (size)) = [300]>\n change size by (((300) - (round (size))) / (3))\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [Wipe]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (wipe v)\n go to x: (-2000000) y: (2000)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n go [forward v] (80) layers\n go to [front v] layer\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (3)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n broadcast (Delete all clones v)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete all clones v]\nbroadcast (thing v)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [bottom]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (bottom v)\n go to x: (0) y: (-219)\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (6) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [top]> then\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n switch costume to (top v)\n go to x: (0) y: (219)\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (6) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [top]> then\n forever\n go [forward v] (1000000000000) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [bottom]> then\n forever\n go [forward v] (10000) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <[Wipe] = (IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID)> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\ndefine particles\nrepeat (60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [icon]> then\n forever\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [Star]> then\n wait (pick random (2) to (4)) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (pick random (20) to (80)) %\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (pick random (-230) to (230)) y: (pick random (-61) to (61))\n show\n switch costume to (star 1 v)\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n go to [front v] layer\n set size to (pick random (20) to (80)) %\n go to x: (pick random (-230) to (230)) y: (pick random (-61) to (61))\n show\n switch costume to (star 1 v)\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n go to [front v] layer\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (pick random (20) to (80)) %\n go to x: (pick random (-230) to (230)) y: (pick random (-61) to (61))\n show\n switch costume to (star 1 v)\n repeat (7)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n next costume\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [top]> then\n wait (1.8) seconds\n change y by (300)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n change y by (300)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [bottom]> then\n wait (1.7) seconds\n change y by (-300)\n wait (1.5) seconds\n change y by (-300)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [bg dots]> then\n show\n switch costume to (bg dots v)\n Smooth Glide x: (pick random (228) to (-228)) y: (pick random (88) to (-88)) speed: (5)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [bottom]> then\n forever\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(IDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDID) = [top]> then\n forever\n Smooth Glide x: (0) y: (0) speed: (10)\n end\nend\n\n
Halloween - A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [musicy v] until done\nend\n\n@p\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [lvl v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<key (b v) pressed?> or <touching (s2 v)?>> then\n broadcast (die v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [242]> then\n if <not <[] = [14]>> then\n if <not <[] = [15]>> then\n broadcast (lvl v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(y position) < [-171]> then\n broadcast (die v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (r v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [lvl v] to [1]\nset [x? v] to [0]\nset [y?? v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n change [y?? v] by (-1)\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [x? v] by (-0.8)\n switch costume to (l v)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n switch costume to (r v)\n change [x? v] by (0.8)\n end\n set [x? v] to ((x?) * (0.9))\n change x by (x?)\n if <touching (g v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (g v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (g v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (g v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching (g v)?> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((x?) * (-1))\n if <<<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y?? v] to [10]\n if <([abs v] of (x?) ) = (x?)> then\n set [x? v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x? v] to [5]\n end\n else\n set [x? v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (y??)\n if <touching (g v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y??))\n set [y?? v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<<<key (space v) pressed?> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> and <touching (g v)?>> then\n set [y?? v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <(y position) > [180]> then\n set [y?? v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.01) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (70)\nrepeat (4)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\n\nwhen I receive [lvl v]\nchange [lvl v] by (1)\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\n\n@g\n\nwhen I receive [ed v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nbroadcast (lvl v)\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\n\nwhen I receive [lvl v]\nnext costume\n\n@s2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nbroadcast (lvl v)\n\nwhen I receive [lvl v]\nnext costume\n\n@tn\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@sb\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (s v)\nset [d v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-195) y: (155)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <not <(d) = [1]>> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (30)\n repeat until <(size) = [110]>\n change size by (2.5)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <not <(d) = [1]>> then\n if <not <(lvl) = [15]>> then\n broadcast (lvl v)\n broadcast (die v)\n set [d v] to [1]\n switch costume to (s2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change size by (-2.5)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n set [d v] to [0]\n switch costume to (s v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n clear graphic effects\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (-2.5)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@s\n\nwhen I receive [lvl v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n next costume\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [15]> then\n wait (0.5) seconds\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [brightness v] effect to (-50)\nset [color v] effect to ((-5) * (2))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nbroadcast (lvl v)\n\n@r\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-6) y: (105)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n wait (pick random (15) to (20)) seconds\n switch costume to (reminder v)\n go to x: (0) y: (105)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nswitch costume to (reminder v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (105)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (3)\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nrepeat (15)\n change y by (7)\nend\nhide\n\n
Top loved 9/11/2020\nTop remixed 21/09/2020\nCONTROLS:\nArrow keys/WASD/Mobile Controls to move your player\nAvoid spikes, lava and saws.\nGet to the green flag to advance to the next level.\nBounce on trampolines.\nEnjoy the heavily decorated levels
Platformer for squirrels(chipm0nk) contest
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nswitch backdrop to (sky v)\nforever\n play sound [SMG2 - Battle Belt Galaxy v] until done\nend\n\nwhen [e v] key pressed\nif <(username) = [amylaser]> then\n set [@unlocked_levels v] to (=max_levels)\n if <(@game state) = [go]> then\n set [@game state v] to [edit]\n else\n if <(@game state) = [edit]> then\n set [@game state v] to [go]\n end\n end\n broadcast (change game state v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [@game state v] to [title]\nbroadcast (title v)\n\ndefine init_levels\nset [@camera lock v] to [0]\ndelete all of [level spawns v]\nrepeat ((=max_levels) * (2))\n add [] to [level spawns v]\nend\nadd level spawn [1] [-50] [-110]\nadd level spawn [2] [-130] [740]\nadd level spawn [3] [-120] [1440]\n\ndefine add level spawn (level#) (x) (y)\nreplace item ((level#) * (2)) of [level spawns v] with (y)\nreplace item (((level#) * (2)) - (1)) of [level spawns v] with (x)\n\ndefine init\nset [@camera x v] to [0]\nset [@camera y v] to [0]\nset [@game state v] to [title]\nset [@fish_collected v] to [0]\nset [=max_levels v] to [3]\nset [=panel_width v] to [480]\nset [=panel_height v] to [360]\nset [=level_width_panels v] to [3]\nset [=level_height_panels v] to [2]\nset [=level_width_px v] to ((=level_width_panels) * (=panel_width))\nset [=level_height_px v] to ((=level_height_panels) * (=panel_height))\nset [=map_width_panels v] to (=level_width_panels)\nset [=map_height_panels v] to ((=level_height_panels) * (=max_levels))\nset [=map_width_px v] to ((=map_width_panels) * (=panel_width))\nset [=map_height_px v] to ((=map_height_panels) * (=panel_height))\nset [@sound_on? v] to [1]\nset [@curr_level v] to [1]\nset [@unlocked_levels v] to [1]\nset [@score v] to [0]\nset [@camera_speed v] to [10]\nhide variable [@camera_speed v]\nset volume to (100) %\nswitch backdrop to (cat_wallpaper v)\ninit_levels\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nset [@game state v] to [respawn]\nbroadcast (change game state v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(@game state) = [edit]> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera y v] by (@camera_speed)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera y v] by ((0) - (@camera_speed))\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera x v] by ((0) - (@camera_speed))\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [@camera x v] by (@camera_speed)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [edit]> then\n show variable [@camera_speed v]\nelse\n hide variable [@camera_speed v]\n if <<(@game state) = [win]> and <(@curr_level) = (@unlocked_levels)>> then\n change [@unlocked_levels v] by (1)\n change [@score v] by ([floor v] of ((10000) / (timer)) )\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nif <not <(backdrop [name v]) = [cat_wallpaper]>> then\n switch backdrop to (cat_wallpaper v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nif <not <(backdrop [name v]) = [cat_wallpaper]>> then\n switch backdrop to (cat_wallpaper v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [leaderboard v]\nif <not <(backdrop [name v]) = [cat_wallpaper]>> then\n switch backdrop to (cat_wallpaper v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [cat_wallpaper v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nforever\n play sound [Fork Lifter - Rhythm Heaven Fever.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\n@player hitbox\n\ndefine get_keyboard_input\nset [@input.down v] to <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) < ((y position) - (100))>>>\nset [@input.up v] to <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (100))>>>\nset [@input.left v] to <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (100))>>>\nset [@input.right v] to <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (100))>>>\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [player action v]\nif <<(@game state) = [go]> and <(~air time) < [2]>> then\n if <<not <<(@game state) = [attack]> or <(@game state) = [talk]>>> and <(@player.animation_type) = [idle]>> then\n set [@game state v] to [attack]\n start sound [Rip v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset size to (60) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset volume to (100) %\nset [~player_x v] to [0]\nset [~player_y v] to [0]\nset [~vel_x v] to [0]\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~force.climb v] to [4]\nset [~force.jump v] to [12]\nset [~force.leftright v] to [8]\nset [~force.gravity v] to [-1.1]\nset [~friction v] to [0.5]\nset [~camera.max_dist v] to [50]\nset [~camera.springiness v] to [0.2]\nset [~move_mode v] to [walk]\nset [~slope v] to [0]\nset [~slope.max v] to [9]\nset [~air time v] to [0]\nset [~player_vel_y.min v] to [-30]\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [respawn]> then\n if <(~touching_water) = [1]> then\n start sound [Meow2 v]\n start sound [Plunge v]\n wait (2) seconds\n end\n respawn\n start sound [Oops v]\n wait (2) seconds\n set [@game state v] to [go]\nend\n\ndefine update wrapper\nget_keyboard_input\nif <(@game state) = [go]> then\n update_player_vec <(@Input.UP) = [true]> <(@Input.DOWN) = [true]> <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> <(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]> (~move_mode)\n update_camera_pos\nend\nupdate_costume <(@Input.UP) = [true]> <(@Input.DOWN) = [true]> <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> <(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]> ((~vel_x) / ([abs v] of (~vel_x) )) ((~vel_y) / ([abs v] of (~vel_y) ))\ngo to x: ((~player_x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~player_y) - (@camera y))\nif <<(round ((~player_x) - (@camera x))) = (round (x position))> and <(round ((~player_y) - (@camera y))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine check_water_collision\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n set [~touching_water v] to [1]\n repeat until <not <touching (water v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n change [~player_y v] by (1)\n end\n if <(@game state) = [go]> then\n set [@game state v] to [respawn]\n broadcast (change game state v)\n end\nelse\n set [~touching_water v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine update_player_vec <up> <down> <left> <right> (mode)\nif <(mode) = [walk]> then\n if <<<up> and <(~air time) = [0]>> and <(@game state) = [go]>> then\n set [~vel_y v] to (~FORCE.Jump)\n start sound [Jump v]\n else\n set [~vel_y v] to ((~vel_y) + (~FORCE.Gravity))\n if <(~vel_y) < (~player_vel_y.min)> then\n set [~vel_y v] to (~player_vel_y.min)\n end\n end\n if <<<left> or <right>> and <(@game state) = [go]>> then\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~FORCE.LeftRight) * (<right> - <left>))\n if <(~slope) > (~slope.max)> then\n if <up> then\n set [~vel_y v] to (~FORCE.Climb)\n else\n set [~vel_y v] to (~FORCE.Gravity)\n end\n set [~air time v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [~vel_x v] to ((~vel_x) * (~FRICTION))\n end\nend\ncheck_vertical_collision (~vel_y) ((~vel_y) / ([abs v] of (~vel_y) )) (y position)\ncheck_horizontal_collision (~vel_x) (x position) (y position) ((~vel_x) / ([abs v] of (~vel_x) ))\ncheck_water_collision\nif <(~player_y) < ((([floor v] of ((@curr_level) / (=map_width_panels)) ) - (0.5)) * (=level_height_px))> then\n set [@game state v] to [respawn]\n broadcast (change game state v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nreset timer\nset [@checkpt_x v] to (item (((@curr_level) * (2)) - (1)) of [level spawns v])\nset [@checkpt_y v] to (item ((@curr_level) * (2)) of [level spawns v])\nrespawn\nset [@game state v] to [go]\nforever\n update wrapper\n broadcast (tick v) and wait\nend\n\ndefine update_camera_pos\nset [@camera x v] to (round ((@camera x) + ((~CAMERA.springiness) * (((~player_x) + (((~vel_x) / (~FORCE.LeftRight)) * (~CAMERA.max_dist))) - (@camera x)))))\nset [@camera y v] to (round ((@camera y) + ((~CAMERA.springiness) * (((~player_y) + (((~vel_y) / (~FORCE.Jump)) * (~CAMERA.max_dist))) - (@camera y)))))\n\ndefine check_horizontal_collision (vel_x) (abs_x) (abs_y) (dir_vel_x)\nset [~slope v] to [0]\nchange x by (vel_x)\nrepeat until <<not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>>> or <(~slope) > (~slope.max)>>\n change y by (1)\n change [~slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(~slope) > (~slope.max)> then\n set y to (abs_y)\n set [~vel_x v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>>>\n change x by ((0) - (dir_vel_x))\n end\n change x by ((2) * ((0) - (dir_vel_x)))\nelse\n set [~vel_x v] to ((vel_x) - (((~slope) * (1.5)) * (dir_vel_x)))\nend\nset [~player_x v] to ((~player_x) + ((x position) - (abs_x)))\nset [~player_y v] to ((~player_y) + ((y position) - (abs_y)))\n\ndefine check_vertical_collision (vel_y) (dir_vel_y) (abs_y)\nchange [~air time v] by (1)\nchange y by (vel_y)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (objects v)?>>>\n if <(dir_vel_y) < [0]> then\n set [~air time v] to [0]\n end\n change y by ((0) - (dir_vel_y))\n set [~vel_y v] to [0]\nend\nset [~player_y v] to ((~player_y) + ((y position) - (abs_y)))\n\ndefine update_costume <up> <down> <left> <right> (xdir) (ydir)\nif <(~touching_water) = [1]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [water]\nelse\n if <<<(~slope) > (~slope.max)> and <<left> or <right>>> and <(~air time) > [0]>> then\n if <up> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [climb]\n else\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [cling]\n end\n else\n if <(@game state) = [respawn]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [respawn]\n else\n if <(@game state) = [attack]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [attack]\n else\n if <(~air time) > [1]> then\n if <(ydir) > [0]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [jump]\n if <(~air time) > [10]> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [jump2]\n end\n else\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [fall]\n end\n else\n if <<left> or <right>> then\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [walk]\n else\n set [@player.animation_type v] to [idle]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen [space v] key pressed\nif <not <(@game state) = [title]>> then\n broadcast (player action v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ndefine respawn\nhide\nset [@camera x v] to (@checkpt_x)\nset [@camera y v] to (@checkpt_y)\nset [~player_x v] to (@checkpt_x)\nset [~player_y v] to (@checkpt_y)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [~vel_x v] to [0]\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~move_mode v] to [walk]\nset [~touching_water v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\n@player visual\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (60) %\nset [~animation.frame v] to [0]\nset [@fish_collected v] to [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine animate <left> <right>\ngo to (player hitbox v)\nif <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\nelse\n show\n if <right> then\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <left> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n end\n switch costume to (@player.animation_type)\n if <<(@player.animation_type) = [idle]> or <(@player.animation_type) = [cling]>> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.05)) mod (2))\n else\n if <<(@player.animation_type) = [walk]> or <(@player.animation_type) = [climb]>> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (5))\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [water]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (6))\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [respawn]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.5)) mod (4))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n if <(@player.animation_type) = [attack]> then\n set [~animation.frame v] to (((~animation.frame) + (0.25)) mod (5))\n if <(~animation.frame) > [4.5]> then\n set [@game state v] to [go]\n end\n else\n set [~animation.frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + ([floor v] of (~animation.frame) ))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (3) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nanimate <(@Input.LEFT) = [true]> <(@Input.RIGHT) = [true]>\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ninit\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (player action v)\n\n@level visual\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\n update_costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width))))\nset [~y v] to ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height))))\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to ((((=map_width_panels) * (~costume.row_ID)) + (~costume.col_ID)) + (1))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nhide\n\ndefine init\nhide\nswitch costume to (lvl1_\(1,1\) v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n set [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nhide\n\n@level hitbox\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\n update_costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width))))\nset [~y v] to ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height))))\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to ((((=map_width_panels) * (~costume.row_ID)) + (~costume.col_ID)) + (1))\nif <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nhide\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (lvl1_\(0,0\) v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n set [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nhide\n\n@dialogue\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine dialogue\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <not <(~text.opened_index) = (~text.index)>> then\n set [@game state v] to [talk]\n set [~text.opened_index v] to (~text.index)\n switch costume to (item (~text.index) of [~locations v])\n start sound [Meow v]\n animate_in (~text.BOUNCE)\nelse\n start sound [Suction Cup v]\n if <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = [_]>> then\n next costume\n animate_in (~text.BOUNCE)\n else\n set [~text.opened_index v] to [0]\n animate_out (~text.BOUNCE)\n set [@game state v] to [go]\n end\nend\n\ndefine animate_in (bounce)\nset [~text.bounce_vel v] to [10]\nset size to (~text.MIN_SIZE) %\nrepeat until <([abs v] of (~text.bounce_vel) ) < [0.01]>\n set [~text.bounce_vel v] to (((~text.bounce_vel) * (bounce)) + (((~text.MAX_SIZE) - (size)) * ((1) - (bounce))))\n change size by (~text.bounce_vel)\nend\n\ndefine check_player_dialogue (stride)\nset [~text.index v] to [1]\nset [~text.dist v] to (~text.MAX_DIST)\nrepeat until <<(~text.index) > (length of [~locations v])> or <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)>>\n set [~text.x v] to (item ((~text.index) + (1)) of [~locations v])\n set [~text.y v] to (item ((~text.index) + (2)) of [~locations v])\n get_dist (~text.x) (~text.y) (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera x)) (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera y))\n change [~text.index v] by (stride)\nend\nif <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)> then\n change [~text.index v] by ((0) - (stride))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player action v]\nif <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)> then\n dialogue\nend\n\ndefine get_dist (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2)\nset [~text.dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\n\ndefine animate_out (bounce)\nrepeat (2)\n set size to ((~text.BOUNCE) * (size)) %\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ncheck_player_dialogue [3]\nif <(~text.dist) < (~text.MAX_DIST)> then\n go to x: ((~text.x) - (@camera x)) y: (((~text.y) - (@camera y)) + (60))\n set [@show icon v] to [1]\nelse\n set [@show icon v] to [0]\n if <(~text.opened_index) > [0]> then\n animate_out (~text.BOUNCE)\n end\n set [~text.opened_index v] to [0]\n if <(@game state) = [talk]> then\n set [@game state v] to [go]\n end\nend\n\ndefine add_location | title: (title) x: (x) y: (y)\nadd (title) to [~locations v]\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset volume to (100) %\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [~text.min_size v] to [40]\nset [~text.bounce v] to [0.5]\nset [~text.max_size v] to [100]\nset [~text.max_dist v] to [30]\nset [~text.opened_index v] to [0]\nset size to (~text.MIN_SIZE) %\ndelete all of [~locations v]\nadd_location | title: [tutorial_walk] x: [0] y: [-108]\nadd_location | title: [tutorial_climb] x: [206] y: [-43]\nadd_location | title: [water] x: [-107] y: [739]\nadd_location | title: [frog] x: [267] y: [741]\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nhide\n\n@water\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\n update_costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine scroll\nset [~x v] to (round ((=panel_width) - (((@camera x) + (((~panel_set.col_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_width))) mod ((2) * (=panel_width)))))\nset [~y v] to (round ((=panel_height) - (((@camera y) + (((~panel_set.row_ID) mod (2)) * (=panel_height))) mod ((2) * (=panel_height)))))\ngo to x: (~x) y: (~y)\n\ndefine update_costume\nset [~costume.col_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~x) + (@camera x)) + ((=panel_width) / (2))) / (=map_width_px)) * (=map_width_panels)) )\nset [~costume.row_id v] to ([floor v] of (((((~y) + (@camera y)) + ((=panel_height) / (2))) / (=map_height_px)) * (=map_height_panels)) )\nset [~costume.target_id v] to ((((=map_width_panels) * (~costume.row_ID)) + (~costume.col_ID)) + (1))\nif <<(round (~x)) = (round (x position))> and <(round (~y)) = (round (y position))>> then\n if <<<(~costume.row_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.row_ID) < (=map_height_panels)>> and <<(~costume.col_ID) > [-1]> and <(~costume.col_ID) < (=map_width_panels)>>> then\n show\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = (~costume.target_ID)>> then\n switch costume to (~costume.target_ID)\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~panel_set.row_ID) > [0]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (lvl1_\(0,0\) v)\nrepeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.row_id v] by (1)\n repeat (2)\n change [~panel_set.col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n next costume\n end\nend\nset [~panel_set.row_id v] to [0]\nset [~panel_set.col_id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@icons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [~icon.animation_speed v] to [0.05]\nhide\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nanimate\n\ndefine animate\nif <(@show icon) = [1]> then\n if <(~icon.animation_frame) = [-1]> then\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to [0]\n switch costume to (space v)\n show\n end\n go to x: ([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) y: (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (50))\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to (((~icon.animation_frame) + (~icon.animation_speed)) mod (2))\n set [~icon.target_costume v] to (([floor v] of (~icon.animation_frame) ) + (1))\n if <not <(costume [number v]) = (~icon.target_costume)>> then\n switch costume to (~icon.target_costume)\n end\nelse\n if <(~icon.animation_frame) > [-1]> then\n set [~icon.animation_frame v] to [-1]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@fish\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\nset [~id v] to [0]\nset [~level v] to [0]\n\ndefine animate_idle (speed)\nchange [~y v] by ([sin v] of (~animation_frame) )\nset [~animation_frame v] to (((~animation_frame) + (speed)) mod (360))\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n reset\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n switch costume to (fish0 v)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine animate_collect\nif <(size) > [40]> then\n change [~y v] by (1)\n change size by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine scroll\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\nif <<(round ((~x) - (@camera x))) = (round (x position))> and <(round ((~y) - (@camera y))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\n if <(~collected?) = [1]> then\n animate_collect\n else\n animate_idle (~BOB_SPEED)\n check_cat_collision [30]\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n if <(@curr_level) = (~level)> then\n scroll\n else\n hide\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (join [fish] (@fish_collected))\n go to [front v] layer\n if <(@fish_collected) = (item (@curr_level) of [fish_per_level v])> then\n if <not <(@game state) = [win]>> then\n set [@game state v] to [win]\n broadcast (change game state v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nreset\n\ndefine init\nhide\nswitch costume to (fish v)\nset size to (95) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset volume to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [~bob_speed v] to [5]\nset [~animation_frame v] to [0]\nset [~collected? v] to [0]\nset [~id v] to [0]\nset [~level v] to [0]\ndelete all of [~locations v]\ndelete all of [fish_per_level v]\nrepeat (=max_levels)\n add [0] to [fish_per_level v]\nend\nadd location | x: [340] y: [75] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [720] y: [-57] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [820] y: [-57] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [690] y: [123] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [42] y: [378] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [-93] y: [276] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [639] y: [330] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [811] y: [228] level: [1]\nadd location | x: [170] y: [798] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [570] y: [798] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [940] y: [748] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [1120] y: [838] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [870] y: [919] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [740] y: [1009] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [500] y: [1149] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [250] y: [1079] level: [2]\nadd location | x: [167] y: [1457] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [167] y: [1542] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [113] y: [1715] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [465] y: [1715] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [425] y: [1507] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [505] y: [1507] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [941] y: [1640] level: [3]\nadd location | x: [941] y: [1463] level: [3]\n\ndefine check_cat_collision (dist_thresh)\nif <touching (player hitbox v)?> then\n set [~collected? v] to [1]\n change [@fish_collected v] by (1)\n change [~y v] by (30)\n start sound [Coin v]\n start sound [Chomp v]\nend\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y) level: (level)\nset [~id v] to ((length of [~locations v]) + (1))\nset [~level v] to (level)\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\nreplace item (level) of [fish_per_level v] with ((item (level) of [fish_per_level v]) + (1))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~id v] to [0]\nset [~level v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nhide\n\ndefine reset\nset [~x v] to (item (~ID) of [~locations v])\nset [~y v] to (item ((~ID) + (1)) of [~locations v])\nset [~animation_frame v] to [0]\nset [~collected? v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (fish v)\nset size to (60) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@checkpoints\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\ndefine check_player_dist (stride)\nset [~checkpt.index v] to [1]\nset [~checkpt.dist v] to (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)\nrepeat until <<(~checkpt.index) > (length of [~locations v])> or <(~checkpt.dist) < (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)>>\n set [~checkpt.x v] to (item (~checkpt.index) of [~locations v])\n set [~checkpt.y v] to (item ((~checkpt.index) + (1)) of [~locations v])\n get_dist (~checkpt.x) (~checkpt.y) (([x position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera x)) (([y position v] of [player hitbox v]) + (@camera y))\n change [~checkpt.index v] by (stride)\nend\nif <(~checkpt.dist) < (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)> then\n change [~checkpt.index v] by ((0) - (stride))\n set [@checkpt_x v] to (~checkpt.x)\n set [@checkpt_y v] to (~checkpt.y)\nend\n\ndefine get_dist (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2)\nset [~checkpt.dist v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((x1) - (x2)) * ((x1) - (x2))) + (((y1) - (y2)) * ((y1) - (y2)))) )\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ncheck_player_dist [2]\nupdate_checkpt\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y)\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\n\ndefine init\nhide\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [@checkpt_x v] to [0]\nset [@checkpt_y v] to [0]\nset [~checkpt.max_dist v] to [50]\nset [~checkpt.spawn_index v] to [0]\nset [~timer v] to [0]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ndelete all of [~locations v]\nadd location | x: [273] y: [738]\nadd location | x: [713] y: [738]\nadd location | x: [312] y: [1576]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine update_checkpt\nif <(~checkpt.dist) < (~checkpt.MAX_DIST)> then\n if <not <(~checkpt.spawn_index) = (~checkpt.index)>> then\n set [~checkpt.spawn_index v] to (~checkpt.index)\n set [~timer v] to [80]\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\nif <(~timer) > [0]> then\n change [~timer v] by (-1)\n if <(~timer) > [74]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n end\n if <[49] > (~timer)> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nhide\n\nadd location | x: [720] y: [1442]\n\n@buttons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [~action v] to [0]\nset [~timer v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset size to (80) %\nset volume to (100) %\n\ndefine add_button | action: (act) skin (skin) x: (x) y: (y)\nset [~action v] to (act)\nswitch costume to (skin)\nset [~costume v] to (costume [number v])\nset [~x v] to (x)\nset [~y v] to (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~action v] to [0]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(~action) = [locked level]> then\n start sound [Crunch v]\n set size to (105) %\nelse\n if <(~action) = [start level]> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n set size to (105) %\n else\n start sound [Suction Cup v]\n set size to (105) %\n end\nend\nbroadcast (~action)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\nrepeat until <(@game state) = [go]>\n animate (0.5) (100) (120)\nend\n\ndefine animate (bounce) (min_size) (max_size)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) < ((min_size) + (1))> then\n start sound [Wood Tap v]\n end\n change size by (((max_size) - (size)) * (bounce))\nelse\n change size by (((min_size) - (size)) * (bounce))\nend\n\ndefine animate_out (bounce)\nif <not <(~action) = [0]>> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (5)\n set size to ((bounce) * (size)) %\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n add_button | action: [help] skin [help] x: [200] y: [140]\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n set [@curr_level v] to [1]\n add_button | action: [prev_lvl_thumb] skin [prev] x: [-200] y: [0]\n add_button | action: [next_lvl_thumb] skin [next] x: [200] y: [0]\n add_button | action: [start level] skin [level1] x: [0] y: [0]\n add_button | action: [title] skin [back] x: [200] y: [140]\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume v]\nif <(~action) = [change_volume]> then\n set [@sound_on? v] to ((1) - (@sound_on?))\n switch costume to (join [sound] (@sound_on?))\n broadcast (change_volume2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [prev_lvl_thumb v]\nif <<(~action) = [start level]> or <(~action) = [locked level]>> then\n set [@curr_level v] to (((=max_levels) - (((((=max_levels) - (@curr_level)) + (1)) mod (=max_levels)) + (1))) + (1))\n if <(@curr_level) > (@unlocked_levels)> then\n set [~action v] to [locked level]\n switch costume to (join [locked] (@curr_level))\n else\n set [~action v] to [start level]\n switch costume to (join [level] (@curr_level))\n end\n set size to (80) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~action) = [help]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n animate (0.5) (100) (120)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n add_button | action: [level_select] skin [start] x: [0] y: [-100]\n add_button | action: [leaderboard] skin [leader] x: [75] y: [-100]\n add_button | action: [change_volume] skin (join [sound] (@sound_on?)) x: [-75] y: [-100]\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\nif <(~action) = [help]> then\n if <(costume [name v]) = [help]> then\n switch costume to (help2 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n else\n switch costume to (help v)\n go to x: (200) y: (140)\n end\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next_lvl_thumb v]\nif <<(~action) = [start level]> or <(~action) = [locked level]>> then\n set [@curr_level v] to (((@curr_level) mod (=max_levels)) + (1))\n if <(@curr_level) > (@unlocked_levels)> then\n set [~action v] to [locked level]\n switch costume to (join [locked] (@curr_level))\n else\n set [~action v] to [start level]\n switch costume to (join [level] (@curr_level))\n end\n set size to (80) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [leaderboard v]\nif <(~action) = [0]> then\n add_button | action: [title] skin [back] x: [200] y: [140]\nelse\n animate_out [0.5]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [change_volume2 v]\nset volume to ((100) * (@sound_on?)) %\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <(@game state) = [win]> then\n if <(~action) = [0]> then\n play sound [Tada v] until done\n add_button | action: [level_select] skin [win] x: [0] y: [0]\n else\n animate_out [0.5]\n end\nend\n\n@overlay\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nhide\n\ndefine title | wiggle: (v) turn: (dr) d_size (ds) d_popup (ds') x: (x) y: (y) size: (s)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (title v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nset [~angle v] to [0]\nrepeat (10)\n set [~angle v] to (((~angle) + (v)) mod (360))\n turn right (([sin v] of ((~angle) + (100)) ) * (dr)) degrees\n set size to ((size) + (((s) - (size)) * (ds'))) %\nend\nforever\n set [~angle v] to (((~angle) + (v)) mod (360))\n turn right (([sin v] of ((~angle) + (100)) ) * (dr)) degrees\n change size by (([sin v] of (~angle) ) * (ds))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (border v)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nanimate_out\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ntitle | wiggle: (10) turn: (0.5) d_size (0.5) d_popup (1) x: (0) y: (50) size: (100)\n\nwhen I receive [leaderboard v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nanimate_out\n\ndefine animate_out\nrepeat (2)\n set size to ((0.5) * (size)) %\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\nif <<(@game state) = [edit]> and <(costume [name v]) = [border]>> then\n switch costume to (edit v)\n go to [front v] layer\nelse\n if <<(@game state) = [go]> and <(costume [name v]) = [edit]>> then\n switch costume to (border v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nswitch costume to (thumbnail2 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nshow\n\n@leaderboard\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [~leaderboard_max_rank v] to [5]\nset [~bounce_vel v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\ndefine encode_str (string)\nset [~i v] to [0]\nset [~temp v] to []\nrepeat (length of (string))\n change [~i v] by (1)\n switch costume to (? v)\n switch costume to (letter (~i) of (string))\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) ((costume [number v]) + (10)))\nend\n\ndefine decode_str (string)\nset [~i v] to [1]\nset [~temp v] to []\nrepeat until <(~i) > (length of (string))>\n switch costume to (space v)\n set [~char v] to ((join (letter (~i) of (string)) (letter ((~i) + (1)) of (string))) - (10))\n if <(~char) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (~char)\n end\n set [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (costume [name v]))\n change [~i v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine get_cloud_leaderboard\ndelete all of [~leaderboard v]\nrepeat ((2) * (~leaderboard_max_rank))\n add [] to [~leaderboard v]\nend\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader1) [1]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader2) [2]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader3) [3]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader4) [4]\ndecode_leader_entry (☁ leader5) [5]\n\ndefine update_leaderboard (name) (score)\nget_cloud_leaderboard\nif <[~leaderboard v] contains (name)?> then\n set [~i v] to (item # of (name) in [~leaderboard v])\n if <(score) > (item ((~i) + (1)) of [~leaderboard v])> then\n repeat (2)\n delete (~i) of [~leaderboard v]\n end\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [~i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(~i) > ((~leaderboard_max_rank) * (2))>\n if <(score) > (item ((~i) + (1)) of [~leaderboard v])> then\n insert (name) at (~i) of [~leaderboard v] \n insert (score) at ((~i) + (1)) of [~leaderboard v] \n set [~i v] to ((~leaderboard_max_rank) * (2))\n end\n change [~i v] by (2)\nend\nrepeat until <not <(length of [~leaderboard v]) > ((~leaderboard_max_rank) * (2))>>\n delete (length of [~leaderboard v]) of [~leaderboard v]\nend\nencode_name&score (item (1) of [~leaderboard v]) (item (2) of [~leaderboard v])\nset [☁ leader1 v] to (~temp)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nencode_name&score (item (3) of [~leaderboard v]) (item (4) of [~leaderboard v])\nset [☁ leader2 v] to (~temp)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nencode_name&score (item (5) of [~leaderboard v]) (item (6) of [~leaderboard v])\nset [☁ leader3 v] to (~temp)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nencode_name&score (item (7) of [~leaderboard v]) (item (8) of [~leaderboard v])\nset [☁ leader4 v] to (~temp)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nencode_name&score (item (9) of [~leaderboard v]) (item (10) of [~leaderboard v])\nset [☁ leader5 v] to (~temp)\n\ndefine encode_name&score (name) (score)\nset [~temp v] to ((length of (name)) + (10))\nset [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (name))\nset [~temp v] to (join (~temp) (score))\nencode_str (~temp)\n\ndefine decode_leader_entry (enc) (rank)\nset [~temp v] to (enc)\nif <(enc) = [0]> then\n encode_name&score [-] [0]\nend\ndecode_str (~temp)\nset [~i v] to ((join (letter (1) of (~temp)) (letter (2) of (~temp))) - (10))\nset [~char v] to [2]\nreplace item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [~leaderboard v] with []\nrepeat (~i)\n change [~char v] by (1)\n replace item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [~leaderboard v] with (join (item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [~leaderboard v]) (letter (~char) of (~temp)))\nend\nreplace item ((rank) * (2)) of [~leaderboard v] with []\nrepeat ((length of (~temp)) - ((2) + (~i)))\n change [~char v] by (1)\n replace item ((rank) * (2)) of [~leaderboard v] with (join (item ((rank) * (2)) of [~leaderboard v]) (letter (~char) of (~temp)))\nend\n\nupdate_leaderboard [-Zoinks-] [1475]\n\nwhen I receive [leaderboard v]\nupdate_leaderboard (username) (@score)\nswitch costume to (background v)\nanimate_in [0.5] [40] [110]\nstamp\nhide\nset [~i v] to [0]\nrepeat (~leaderboard_max_rank)\n change [~i v] by (1)\n display_leader_entry (~i)\nend\nprint [Your current score:] [-135] [-125] [80] [200] [25]\nprint (@score) [55] [-125] [80] [200] [200]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nerase all\nanimate_out\n\ndefine animate_in (bounce) (min_size) (max_size)\nset [~bounce_vel v] to [10]\nset size to (bounce) %\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (background v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat until <([abs v] of (~bounce_vel) ) < [0.01]>\n set [~bounce_vel v] to (((~bounce_vel) * (bounce)) + (((max_size) - (size)) * ((1) - (bounce))))\n change size by (~bounce_vel)\nend\n\ndefine animate_out\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (background v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (2)\n set size to ((0.5) * (size)) %\nend\nhide\n\ndefine display_leader_entry (rank)\nprint (join (join (rank) [. ]) (item (((rank) * (2)) - (1)) of [~leaderboard v])) [-135] ((-25) * ((rank) - (1))) [80] [200] [25]\nprint (item ((rank) * (2)) of [~leaderboard v]) [55] ((-25) * ((rank) - (1))) [80] [200] [200]\n\ndefine print (text) (lx) (ly) (size) (color) (rx)\nset size to (size) %\nset [brightness v] effect to (color)\ngo to x: (lx) y: (ly)\nset [~char v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n change [~char v] by (1)\n if <(x position) < (rx)> then\n switch costume to (space v)\n switch costume to (letter (~char) of (text))\n stamp\n if <(costume [name v]) = [space]> then\n change x by (6)\n else\n repeat until <not <touching color (#ffffff)?>>\n change x by (1)\n end\n change x by (1)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (. v)\n repeat (3)\n stamp\n repeat until <not <touching color (#ffffff)?>>\n change x by (1)\n end\n change x by (1)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nupdate_leaderboard (username) (@score)\n\ndefine reset_leaderboard\nset [☁ leader1 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader2 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader3 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader4 v] to [0]\nset [☁ leader5 v] to [0]\nupdate_leaderboard [earth7] [1968]\nupdate_leaderboard [Coding_Guy8648] [1836]\nupdate_leaderboard [scarleg37] [1715]\nupdate_leaderboard [-Party-] [1683]\nupdate_leaderboard [AnimationsTV-com] [1663]\n\n@parallax\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~col_ID) > [0]> then\n set x to (((=panel_width) * ((~col_ID) - (1))) - ((((=level_width_px) - (=panel_width)) / ((=map_width_px) + (=panel_width))) * ((@camera x) - (item (((@curr_level) * (2)) - (1)) of [level spawns v]))))\n set y to ((0) - (((=level_height_px) / (=map_height_px)) * ((@camera y) - (item ((@curr_level) * (2)) of [level spawns v]))))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~col_ID) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [level] (@curr_level))\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nelse\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\ndefine init\nhide\nswitch costume to (level1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [don't rotate v]\nset [~col_id v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [~col_id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [~col_id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\ntitle_visuals\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\ntitle_visuals\n\ndefine title_visuals\nif <(~col_ID) > [0]> then\n hide\nelse\n switch costume to (cat_wallpaper v)\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n forever\n turn right (5) degrees\n go to x: (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (5)) y: (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [leaderboard v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@objects\n\nwhen flag clicked\ninit\n\nwhen I receive [start level v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n reset\n show\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\ndefine scroll\nif <<(round ((~x) - (@camera x))) = (round (x position))> and <(round ((~y) - (@camera y))) = (round (y position))>> then\n update_pos (x position) (y position) (costume [name v])\nend\ngo to x: ((~x) - (@camera x)) y: ((~y) - (@camera y))\nif <<(round ((~x) - (@camera x))) = (round (x position))> and <(round ((~y) - (@camera y))) = (round (y position))>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n scroll\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nreset\n\ndefine init\nset rotation style [all around v]\npoint in direction (90)\nhide\nset size to (100) %\nshow list [~locations v]\nset [~hanging? v] to [0]\nset [~pushable? v] to [0]\nset [~id v] to [0]\nset [~force.gravity v] to [-1.1]\nset [~force.friction v] to [0.5]\nset [~vel_x v] to [0]\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\nset [~x v] to [0]\nset [~y v] to [0]\ndelete all of [~locations v]\nadd location | x: [477] y: [859] hanging? [1] pushable? [0] costume: [log]\nadd location | x: [950] y: [859] hanging? [1] pushable? [0] costume: [log]\nadd location | x: [426] y: [1663] hanging? [1] pushable? [0] costume: [flowerpot]\nadd location | x: [505] y: [1663] hanging? [1] pushable? [0] costume: [flowerpot]\n\ndefine add location | x: (x) y: (y) hanging? (h) pushable? (p) costume: (c)\nset [~id v] to ((length of [~locations v]) + (1))\nadd (x) to [~locations v]\nadd (y) to [~locations v]\nadd (h) to [~locations v]\nadd (p) to [~locations v]\nswitch costume to (c)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [~id v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [title v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\ndefine update_pos (abs_x) (abs_y) (costume)\nif <(~hanging?) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (join [hitbox_] (costume))\n check_vertical_collision (y position)\n if <(~pushable?) = [1]> then\n check_horizontal_collision (x position)\n end\n switch costume to (costume)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player action v]\nif <<(~ID) > [0]> and <(distance to [player hitbox v]) < [70]>> then\n wait until <(@game state) = [attack]>\n set [~hanging? v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine check_vertical_collision (abs_y)\nchange [~vel_y v] by (~FORCE.gravity)\nchange y by (~vel_y)\nrepeat until <not <touching (level hitbox v)?>>\n change y by (1)\n set [~vel_y v] to [0]\nend\nchange [~y v] by ((y position) - (abs_y))\n\ndefine check_horizontal_collision (abs_x)\nset [~vel_x v] to ((~vel_x) * (~FORCE.friction))\nchange x by (4)\nif <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (player hitbox v)?>> then\n change [~vel_x v] by (-4)\n if <(~vel_x) < [-4]> then\n set [~vel_x v] to [-4]\n end\nend\nset x to (abs_x)\nchange x by (-4)\nif <<touching (level hitbox v)?> or <touching (player hitbox v)?>> then\n change [~vel_x v] by (4)\n if <(~vel_x) > [4]> then\n set [~vel_x v] to [4]\n end\nend\nset x to (abs_x)\nchange x by (~vel_x)\nchange [~x v] by ((x position) - (abs_x))\nturn right ((x position) - (abs_x)) degrees\n\nwhen I receive [change game state v]\n\nif <(@game state) = [respawn]> then\n reset\nend\n\nwhen I receive [level_select v]\nif <(~ID) > [0]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\nend\n\ndefine reset\nset [~x v] to (item (~ID) of [~locations v])\nset [~y v] to (item ((~ID) + (1)) of [~locations v])\nset [~hanging? v] to (item ((~ID) + (2)) of [~locations v])\nset [~pushable? v] to (item ((~ID) + (3)) of [~locations v])\nset [~vel_y v] to [0]\n\n@logo3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (backdrop1 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [_cloneid v] to [0]\nrepeat (2)\n change [_cloneid v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nwait (3.5) seconds\nfade [-1] [10]\nhide\nbroadcast (title v)\n\nwhen I receive [end logo v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(_cloneID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n fade in and out [0] [1.8]\nelse\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n fade in and out [0.5] [0.8]\nend\n\ndefine fade in and out (delay) (pause)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (delay) seconds\nfade [1] [5]\nwait (pause) seconds\nfade [-1] [5]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine fade (in\(1\)/out\(-1\)) (speed)\nrepeat ((100) / (speed))\n change [ghost v] effect by (((0) - (in\(1\)/out\(-1\))) * (speed))\nend\n\n
Use arrow keys or w,a,s,d to move.\nAlso is mobile!\nPress s to skip and press r to reset
Jump! A scrolling platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (50) %\nplay sound [videoplayback.mp3 v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n set volume to (0) %\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <key (m v) pressed?>\n set volume to (50) %\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-13) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [23]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [16]> then\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n end\nend\n\nset [dead v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [break v]\nplay sound [Light Bulb Breaking-SoundBible.com-53066515 v] until done\nswitch costume to (costume26 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [29]> then\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [fin. v]\nplay sound [thefatrat windfall 2.mp3 v] until done\n\nbroadcast (fin. v)\n\n@You\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (5)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\nend\n\ndefine Walk (direction) (speed)\npoint in direction (direction)\nchange x by (speed)\nset [slope v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(slope) = [8]> or <not <touching (ground v)?>>>\n change y by (1)\n change [slope v] by (1)\nend\nif <(slope) = [8]> then\n change x by ((0) - (speed))\n change y by ((0) - (slope))\n if <<key (w v) pressed?> and <([abs v] of (speed) ) > [3]>> then\n if <(wall jump) = [0]> then\n set [speed x v] to ((-1.2) * (speed))\n set [speed y v] to [11]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [wall jump v] to [15]\n end\n else\n set [speed x v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <(speed) < [0]> then\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (-8))\nelse\n change [frame v] by ((speed) / (8))\nend\n\ndefine Touch Ground <up?>\nchange [falling? v] by (1)\nrepeat until <not <touching (ground v)?>>\n if <up?> then\n change y by (-1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n set [falling? v] to [0]\n end\n set [speed y v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset size to (25) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-204) y: (-122)\nshow\nset [speed y v] to [0]\nset [falling? v] to [10]\nforever\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <<(speed y) < [4]> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [speed y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [speed y v] by (-2)\n end\n change y by (speed y)\n Touch Ground <(speed y) > [0]>\n if <(wall jump) > [0]> then\n change [wall jump v] by (-1)\n else\n set [speed x v] to ((speed x) * (0.7))\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n change [speed x v] by (-1.5)\n end\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n change [speed x v] by (1.5)\n end\n end\n if <(speed x) < [-0.5]> then\n Walk (-90) (speed x)\n else\n if <(speed x) > [0.5]> then\n Walk (90) (speed x)\n else\n set [frame v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n if <<(jump key) = [0]> and <(falling?) < [3]>> then\n set [speed y v] to [14]\n set [falling? v] to [6]\n set [jump key v] to [1]\n end\n else\n set [jump key v] to [0]\n end\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (100)\n set [speed y v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x position) = [240]> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (5)\n broadcast (next v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n set [dead v] to [1]\n go to x: (-204) y: (5)\n else\n set [dead v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(Dead) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-204) y: (5)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#99b2ff)?> then\n broadcast (next v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [23]> then\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [23]>>\n think [Now I just need to go home.] for (2) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\ngo to x: (-204) y: (5)\n\nrepeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [23]>>\n think [Now I just need to go home.] for (2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [24]> then\n if <(x position) > [-57]> then\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n broadcast (oh no! v)\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [oh no! v]\nwait (3) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (53) y: (-125)\nwait (5) seconds\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (-1)\n turn right (2) degrees\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (next v)\ngo to x: (32) y: (-138)\npoint in direction (-90)\nshow\nwait (0.4) seconds\nsay [Help! Help, I'm stuck!] for (3) seconds\nwait (0.2) seconds\nbroadcast (i'm chilling in a hole. v)\n\nwhen I receive [it's time to climb baby. v]\nglide (0.7) secs to x: (-34) y: (-125)\nglide (1) secs to x: (-72) y: (100)\nglide (0.3) secs to x: (-99) y: (100)\nbroadcast (okay. let's go home i'm so lazy of making another scene of this game so let's make it fade out and fade back in. v)\n\nwhen I receive [finally this game is done hooray now people will stop commenting that i'm lazy and haven't finished this. time to go to sleep and watch youtube. the moment everyone has been waiting for. v]\ngo to x: (-11) y: (-74)\n\nwhen I receive [y'all need a friend v]\nsay [Sure! How does Tuesday at my place sound?] for (3) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [it's finished. time to sleep :\) v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-86) y: (-75)\nwait (4.6) seconds\nthink [Finally. Time for sleep.] for (2) seconds\nthink [I think I'll go on an adventure tomorrow too.] for (3) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (next v)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (fin. v)\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nbroadcast (fin. v)\n\nbroadcast (next v)\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [divide v] to [0]\nrepeat (40)\n change [divide v] by (((1500) - (divide)) / (5))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nset [size v] to [10]\nforever\n set [size v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (10))\n point in direction ((Size) + (90))\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <color (#003fff) is touching ([direction v] of [you v])?> then\n set [dead v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (-189) y: (172)\nforever\n set x to (pick random (-227) to (227))\n wait (1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Penguin Traveler\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point towards (you v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [4]> then\n show variable [coins v]\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [4]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > [61]> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [8]> then\n if <(Coins) = [3]> then\n hide variable [coins v]\n end\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [9]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > [61]> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [4]> then\n broadcast (Speak v)\nelse\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [8]> then\n broadcast (Speak2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Traveler Dioluague\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [speak v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [speak2 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nif <(Coins) < [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n broadcast (Game Over v)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [10]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [coins v] to [0]\nhide variable [coins v]\ngo to x: (216) y: (131)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [5]> then\n go to x: (216) y: (131)\n show\n repeat until <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [6]>\n if <touching (you v)?> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n hide\n play sound [Mario-coin-sound.mp3 v] until done\n end\n end\n go to x: (-25) y: (132)\n show\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-25) y: (132)\n show\n repeat until <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [7]>\n if <touching (you v)?> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n hide\n play sound [Mario-coin-sound.mp3 v] until done\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [7]> then\n go to x: (195) y: (141)\n show\n repeat until <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [8]>\n if <touching (you v)?> then\n change [coins v] by (1)\n hide\n play sound [Mario-coin-sound.mp3 v] until done\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <<([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [5]> or <<([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [6]> or <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [7]>>> then\n forever\n repeat (5)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [game over v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nstop all sounds\nplay sound [medieval1 v] until done\n\n@Penguin Mom\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point towards (you v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [10]> then\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [10]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > [61]> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [14]> then\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [14]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > [61]> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [27]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [10]> then\n broadcast (Help v)\nelse\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [14]> then\n broadcast (Yay v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [i'm chilling in a hole. v]\ngo to x: (-206) y: (100)\nwait (8) seconds\nforever\n show\nend\n\ngo to x: (-157) y: (99)\n\nwhen I receive [i'm chilling in a hole. v]\nwait (8) seconds\nsay [Oh dear! You're the penguin who saved my daughter!] for (6) seconds\nsay [Hold on, we'll help you! Thanks for helping us!] for (5) seconds\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Oh no! #2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [ladder v]\nwait (11) seconds\nsay [Be careful! The ladder is made out of ice.] for (3) seconds\nbroadcast (It's time to climb baby. v)\n\nwhen I receive [finally this game is done hooray now people will stop commenting that i'm lazy and haven't finished this. time to go to sleep and watch youtube. the moment everyone has been waiting for. v]\ngo to x: (-175) y: (-73)\nwait (2) seconds\nsay [Well, I'm glad I could help.] for (2) seconds\nsay [I need to go home now. My daughter is waiting.] for (3) seconds\nsay [Stay safe!] for (1) seconds\nforever\n hide\nend\n\n@Mom Dioluague\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [help v]\ngo to x: (2) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [4]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [yay v]\ngo to x: (2) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nif <(Follow) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [7]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide\nelse\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide\n broadcast (Game Over v)\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Penguin Daughter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point towards (you v)\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [13]> then\n broadcast (Thank you! v)\nelse\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [13]> then\n show\n go to x: (150) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [13]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > [61]> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [14]> then\n if <(Follow) = [1]> then\n show\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [follow v]\nrepeat until <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [14]>\n glide (0.4) secs to x: ([x position v] of [you v]) y: ([y position v] of [you v])\nend\ngo to x: (150) y: (-126)\n\n@Daughter Dioluague\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [follow v] to [0]\nhide variable [follow v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [thank you! v]\ngo to x: (2) y: (-127)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nhide\nbroadcast (Follow v)\nset [follow v] to [1]\n\n@Trapped Penguin\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n point towards (you v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]> then\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > []> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [21]> then\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [21]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > []> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [22]> then\n show\n go to x: (141) y: (-126)\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [22]>>\n if <([x position v] of [you v]) > [61]> then\n think [\(Click to Talk\)] for (1) seconds\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]> then\n broadcast (Get me out! v)\nelse\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [21]> then\n broadcast (You Found Me! v)\n else\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [22]> then\n broadcast (Hooray!! v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [i'm chilling in a hole. v]\ngo to x: (-149) y: (100)\nforever\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [i'm chilling in a hole. v]\nsay [Hey! It's tuxedo guy!] for (3) seconds\nsay [We need to get you out of there.] for (5) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [ladder v]\nwait (1) seconds\nsay [There, we built you a ladder! I don't know how we did it so fast...] for (5) seconds\nsay [Oh well, this a game, right? Not reality. Building stuff takes a few seconds.] for (6) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [finally this game is done hooray now people will stop commenting that i'm lazy and haven't finished this. time to go to sleep and watch youtube. the moment everyone has been waiting for. v]\ngo to x: (-121) y: (-73)\nwait (7.8) seconds\nsay [Hey, you're one cool penguin.] for (2) seconds\nsay [Maybe we could hang out sometime?] for (2) seconds\nbroadcast (y'all need a friend v)\nwait (3) seconds\nsay [R-Really?? I've never actually hung out with someone before...everyone turned me down!] for (4) seconds\nsay [Alrighty! It's a deal! But you should get some rest. You must be exhausted. ] for (4) seconds\nsay [See you on Tuesday!] for (2) seconds\nbroadcast (it's finished. Time to sleep :\) v)\nforever\n hide\nend\n\nwait until <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [27]>\n\nbroadcast (finally this game is done hooray now people will stop commenting that I'm lazy and haven't finished this. Time to go to sleep and watch YouTube. the moment everyone has been waiting for. v)\n\n@Trapped Penguin Dialouge\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [get me out! v]\ngo to x: (2) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [17]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [5]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide\nelse\nend\n\nwhen I receive [you found me! v]\ngo to x: (2) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [21]> then\n if <(Hammer) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [8]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide\n else\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide\n broadcast (Game Over v)\n end\nelse\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hooray!! v]\ngo to x: (2) y: (-127)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nif <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [22]> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [11]>\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n next costume\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n wait until <key (space v) pressed?>\n hide\nelse\nend\n\nswitch costume to (costume8 v)\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nhide\nbroadcast (Game Over v)\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (35) y: (98)\nhide\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [19]> then\n show\n repeat until <not <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [19]>>\n change y by (-6)\n if <touching color (#003fff)?> then\n start sound [water drop v]\n go to x: (35) y: (98)\n end\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Hammer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-36) y: (-100)\nhide variable [hits until ice breaks v]\nset [hits until ice breaks v] to [5]\nset [hammer v] to [0]\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nrepeat until <touching (you v)?>\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [20]> then\n show\n repeat until <touching (you v)?>\n repeat (5)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n hide\n broadcast (Hammer v)\n set [hammer v] to [1]\n else\n hide\n end\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Hammer v)\n\nwhen I receive [hammer v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nforever\n go to (you v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hammer v]\nshow\nforever\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hammer v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [21]> then\n show variable [hits until ice breaks v]\n if <(Hits Until Ice Breaks) = [0]> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n hide\n hide variable [hits until ice breaks v]\n else\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching color (#ccffff)?>> then\n play sound [zoop v] until done\n change [hits until ice breaks v] by (-1)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nif <<mouse down?> and <touching color (#ccffff)?>> then\n play sound [zoop v] until done\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nstop [this script v]\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen I receive [oh no! v]\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nstop all sounds\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nbroadcast (Break v)\n\nwhen I receive [oh no! #2 v]\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\nbroadcast (Ladder v)\n\nwhen I receive [okay. let's go home i'm so lazy of making another scene of this game so let's make it fade out and fade back in. v]\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (Next v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (finally this game is done hooray now people will stop commenting that I'm lazy and haven't finished this. Time to go to sleep and watch YouTube. the moment everyone has been waiting for. v)\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [it's finished. time to sleep :\) v]\nshow\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nstop all sounds\nbroadcast (Next v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-52) y: (-48)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ladder v]\nrepeat until <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [27]>\n show\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset size to (40) %\n\nwhen I receive [fin. v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nrepeat (6)\n set size to (40) %\n show\n show\n go to x: (-275) y: (-40)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-111) y: (0)\n glide (3) secs to x: (115) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (275) y: (-40)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n next costume\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n\nwhen I receive [fin. v]\nrepeat (6)\n repeat until <(size) = [100]>\n change size by (2)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n repeat until <(size) = [40]>\n change size by (-2)\n end\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n\nrepeat (30)\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nbroadcast (fin. v)\n\nwhen I receive [fin. v]\nrepeat (6)\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-4)\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n show\n wait (4) seconds\nend\n\n
—————MY SCRATCH CONVICTION—————\n I have noticed some things on scratch that I think need to change… This is a fun platformer that also explains my convictions. Every time you jump you have a 1/5 chance of landing on your bottom, meaning times you mess up! The Animation is pretty funny!\nI made the classic spikes since I have never done something like that before…\nPLAY IN GOOGLE CHROME PLAY WITH SOUNDd\nCONTROLS\n-W jump\n-A left\n-D right\n-N skip
☆Minecraft Platformer☆
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [へー v] to [0]\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 v)\nforever\n play sound [Time To Leaf v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [へー v]\nswitch backdrop to (blue sky 2 2 v)\nif <(へー) = [0]> then\n change [time v] by (-1)\n set [へー v] to [1]\nend\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉ v]\nif <(ステージ) = [1]> then\n change [☁ あ v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nif <not <(time) = (☁ ログ)>> then\n set [☁ ログ v] to (join (time) [000])\nend\n\n@ばね\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (-125)\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\nhide variable [time v]\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉ v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉしゅーりょー v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\n@マグマ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [time v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉ v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉしゅーりょー v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (ステージ)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nshow variable [time v]\nset [☁ ログ v] to (time)\nif <(かくしようそぉ) = [0]> then\n if <(☁ 世界記録) > (time)> then\n set [☁ 世界記録 v] to (time)\n end\nend\nshow variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [time v]\nhide variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\nwait until <(costume [number v]) = [1]>\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [11]>\n change [time v] by (1)\n wait (0.99) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉしゅーりょー v]\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉ v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@プレイヤー\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (65) %\nwait (0.01) seconds\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [ステージ v] to [1]\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n if <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse x) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<(x position) < (mouse x)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.92))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change x by ((0) - (x))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<[0] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <[0] < (x)> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<[0] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>> and <touching (地面 v)?>> then\n start sound [jump-cute1 v]\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<(y position) < [-165]> or <touching (マグマ v)?>> or <touching (プレイヤー2 v)?>> then\n start sound [Teleport2 v]\n broadcast (てーん v)\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n end\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n show\n end\n if <[239] < (x position)> then\n if <not <(ステージ) = [11]>> then\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n broadcast (ねくすとぉ v) and wait\n show\n if <(ステージ) = [11]> then\n broadcast (クリア v)\n end\n end\n end\n if <(x position) < [-239]> then\n if <<(time) = [2]> and <(ステージ) = [2]>> then\n set [かくしようそぉ v] to [1]\n hide\n clear graphic effects\n go to x: (-200) y: (0)\n set [x v] to [0]\n set [y v] to [0]\n broadcast (ねくすとぉ v) and wait\n set [ステージ v] to [11]\n show\n broadcast (クリア v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (ばね v)?> then\n start sound [jump-anime1 v]\n set [y v] to [22.5]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse y) < [-50]> and <mouse down?>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-200) y: (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n if <[] = [50]> then\n wait (0.2) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(ステージ) = [1]>\nforever\n if <<(ステージ) = [11]> and <(x position) > [239]>> then\n broadcast (へー v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [かくしようそぉ v] to [0]\n\n@NEXT\n\ndefine ドーナツ‼\nset pen color to (#7dccc6)\nset pen size to (80)\npen down\nset [変数 v] to [50]\nrepeat (15)\n set pen (transparency v) to (80)\n change pen size by (30)\n change [変数 v] by (30)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\nset [2 v] to [80]\nset pen size to (80)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n set pen color to (#7dcdc6)\n set pen size to (変数)\n change [変数 v] by (30)\n set pen (transparency v) to (80)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set pen color to (#f1fff7)\n set pen size to (2)\n set pen (transparency v) to (0)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n change [2 v] by (30)\nend\n\ndefine なんだこれ\nset pen size to (0)\npen down\nset pen color to (#f1fffd)\nrepeat (20)\n change pen (saturation v) by ((34) / (20))\n change pen (brightness v) by (-1)\n change pen size by (30)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\nset pen color to (#7dccb4)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\ndefine ポワン【逆】\npen up\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (107) %\nset [変数 v] to [22]\nrepeat (18)\n change [変数 v] by (-1)\n change y by (join [-] (変数))\n change size by (join [-] ((変数) / (2)))\nend\n\ndefine 普通【逆】\nset pen color to (#7dccc4)\nset pen size to (880)\npen down\nrepeat (25)\n erase all\n change pen size by (-32)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉ v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nerase all\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nhide\nstart sound [Rip v]\nドーナツ‼\nなんだこれ\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nchange [ステージ v] by (1)\n普通【逆】\nbroadcast (ねくすとぉしゅーりょー v)\nerase all\nポワン【逆】\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nerase all\npen up\n\n@プレイヤー2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nおいつくぞー\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\ngo to x: (-200) y: (150)\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉしゅーりょー v]\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nおいつくぞー\n\ndefine おいつくぞー\ngo to x: (-200) y: (120)\nshow\nforever\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n change x by (-4)\n else\n change x by (4)\n end\n if <(y position) > ([y position v] of [プレイヤー v])> then\n change y by (-4)\n else\n change y by (4)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ねくすとぉ v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (120)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [てーん v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (120)\nwait (0.7) seconds\nおいつくぞー\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\nhide variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\n\nwhen I receive [クリア v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n
The pigs have taken your eggs and you want it back.\nUse the mouse to launch the bird. After making contact with the level, you can use WASD or arrow keys to move like a normal platformer. Your goal is to take out all pigs on a level and it will reveal the secret egg. Reach it to beat the level. \nPress r to restart a level\nWith the white bird press e to shoot a egg beneath you\nWIth the black bird press q to shoot benath you\n\nFor the first boss fight, you want to hit the boss 2 times to take him out. Avoid flying pigs.\nFor the 2nd boss fight, y ou want to hit him enough times with your boomerangs,that can be deflected by his sword. If the sword touches you you will have to restart the boss fight.\nThe levels aren't too hard because there is no skip button\n
Taken 2 A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@p\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [1]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nhide\n\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [8]>\nhide\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nforever\n Run physics [0.9] [0.9] [-1] [15]\nend\n\ndefine Run physics (speed) (friction) (gravity) (jump height)\nchange [yvel v] by (gravity)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by (speed)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by ((speed) * (-1))\nend\nset [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (friction))\nchange x by (Xvel)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n change y by (-3)\n change x by ((Xvel) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yvel v] to ((jump height) - (3.5))\n if <[0] < (Xvel)> then\n set [xvel v] to [-6]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [6]\n end\n else\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Yvel)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n change y by ((Yvel) * (-1))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or > then\n set [yvel v] to (jump height)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ndelete this clone\n\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset size to (125) %\nbroadcast (11 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Level) = [22]>\n if <[220] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (Next level v) and wait\n broadcast (11 v) and wait\n wait until <not <[220] < (x position)>>\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-170]> or > or <<touching (p v)?> or <touching (vfgs-removebg-preview v)?>>> then\n broadcast (Ded v) and wait\n broadcast (11 v)\n set size to (125) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset size to (125) %\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <[2] = (costume [number v])> then\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n wait until <not <[2] = (costume [number v])>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (125) %\nforever\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n set size to (100) %\n broadcast (12 v)\n end\nend\n\nchange y by (1)\n\n\n\nset [yvel v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nstart sound [Roblox Death Sound OOF Sound Effect v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nhide\nset size to (125) %\nforever\n wait (0.001) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (player v)\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nset size to (125) %\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (5) layers\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [0138 v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (2) seconds\npoint in direction (180)\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\nrepeat until <(Level) = [6]>\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [7]>\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nrepeat until <(Level) = [8]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nhide\n\nforever\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nturn left (10) degrees\ngo to x: (pick random (-239) to (230)) y: (178)\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (-13)\n change x by (2)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change y by (-13)\n change x by (2)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nset size to (50) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nmove (15) steps\n\nmove (15) steps\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n repeat until <<touching (player v)?> or <touching (player v)?>>\n wait (0.1) seconds\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n broadcast (Ded v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n\n\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nforever\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwait (0.2) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@VFsv-removebg-preview\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-28) y: (6)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\ngo to x: (-97) y: (26)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nhide\n\ngo to x: (-97) y: (26)\n\n@vfgs-removebg-preview\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\ngo to x: (15) y: (-30)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [5]>\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (7)\n show\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (7))\n wait (0.05) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\ngo to x: (-63) y: (54)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [6]>\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (7)\n show\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (7))\n wait (0.05) seconds\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwait (0.1) seconds\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [a v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(a) = [1]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n
Ok tuşları ile oynanır\n\n↪ 2. part için 15+ beğeni 5+ yıldız 10+ görüntülenme\n↪ Umarım beğenirsiniz\n\nTrend Rekoru #1\n\n(PART 2 YOLDA!!!!)
TEST - MMO Platformer v0.7
@Stage\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [mouse v] to (join ((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) (join [, ] ((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y))))\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nforever\n switch backdrop to (costume2 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (costume1 v)\n\n@Blank\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [gravity v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\nset [exit v] to [win]\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nIntro\n\ndefine Intro\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\npoint in direction (90)\nclear graphic effects\nset [sequence v] to [1]\nset [i v] to [0]\nset [i2 v] to [0]\nstart sound [Template v]\nswitch costume to (pink v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (circle 1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Sequence) = [2]>\nwait (.2) seconds\nswitch costume to (circle 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (.01) seconds\nswitch costume to (white bg v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Sequence) = [3]>\nwait (.1) seconds\nswitch costume to (filler 1 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Sequence) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (logo v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Sequence) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (name v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Sequence) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (filler 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <(Sequence) = [7]>\nbroadcast (Delete Clones v) and wait\nset [sequence v] to [8]\nwait until <(Sequence) = [9]>\nwait (.2) seconds\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n show\n wait until <(Sequence) = [2]>\n wait (.2) seconds\n delete this clone\nelse\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [1]> and <[4] > (costume [number v])>> then\n show\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (13)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((1600) - (size)) / (4))\n switch costume to (circle 1 v)\n end\n wait (.1) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (7)\n switch costume to (circle 1 v)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n set [sequence v] to [2]\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<(costume [number v]) > [3]> and <[6] > (costume [number v])>> then\n show\n switch costume to (blank2 v)\n set size to (1600) %\n go to [front v] layer\n clear graphic effects\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (6)\n switch costume to (circle 2 v)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n set [sequence v] to [3]\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [6]> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n wait until <(Sequence) = [7]>\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (360)\n repeat (17)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (4.5))\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [sequence v] to [4]\n wait until <(Sequence) = [7]>\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n show\n point in direction (-45)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n set [sequence v] to [5]\n repeat (23)\n change size by (((85) - (size)) / (5))\n change y by (((40) - (y position)) / (5))\n end\n wait until <(Sequence) = [7]>\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n show\n go to x: (-240) y: (-60)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n repeat (23)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (5))\n end\n wait (.2) seconds\n set [sequence v] to [6]\n wait until <(Sequence) = [7]>\n delete this clone\n else\n if <(costume [number v]) = [10]> then\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (360)\n repeat (17)\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (4.5))\n end\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [sequence v] to [7]\n wait until <(Sequence) = [8]>\n wait (.01) seconds\n set [sequence v] to [9]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n broadcast (Play Scene v)\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete clones v]\nif <not <(costume [number v]) = [10]>> then\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo [backward v] (40) layers\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n Tester\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [WIN]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n Game Over\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game On\nset [gravity v] to [1]\nshow\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n set [x v] to [-160]\n set [y v] to [-10]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n set [x v] to [-160]\n set [y v] to [-10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n set [x v] to [-160]\n set [y v] to [-10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n set [x v] to [-30]\n set [y v] to [-60]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n set [x v] to [-25]\n set [y v] to [-20]\n else\n set [x v] to [-160]\n set [y v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset size to (95) %\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\npoint in direction (90)\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n set [dir v] to [left]\n if <(crouching?) = [1]> then\n change [sx v] by (-1.5)\n switch costume to (crouchleft v)\n else\n change [sx v] by (-2.1)\n switch costume to (left v)\n end\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n set [dir v] to [right]\n if <(crouching?) = [1]> then\n change [sx v] by (1.5)\n switch costume to (crouchright v)\n else\n change [sx v] by (2.1)\n switch costume to (right v)\n end\nend\nif <touching (ice v)?> then\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.87))\nelse\n if <touching (honey v)?> then\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.68))\n else\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.801))\n end\nend\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player X By (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n if <touching (honey v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [16]\n else\n set [sy v] to [16.5]\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <<touching (water v)?> and <[20] > (sy)>> then\n change [sy v] by (0.8)\n end\nend\nif <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <<touching (water v)?> and <[20] > (sy)>> then\n change [sy v] by (-0.4)\n end\nend\nif <not <touching (poles v)?>> then\n if <(sy) > [-20]> then\n if <touching (water v)?> then\n change [sy v] by (-0.2)\n else\n change [sy v] by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\nChange Player Y By (sy)\nTest - Game Over\nset [scroll x v] to (x)\nif <(SCROLL X) < [-10]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [-10]\nend\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(y) < [-180]> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (bouncy v)?> then\n start sound [Bounce v]\n set [sy v] to [29]\nend\nif <touching (right v)?> then\n change [sx v] by (1.4)\nend\nLadder Physics\nif <touching (moving platfoms v)?> then\n change [x v] by (CHANGE)\nend\nif <touching (moving p1 v)?> then\n change [x v] by (CHANGE)\nend\nif <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> and <not <touching (poles v)?>>> then\n set [crouching? v] to [1]\nelse\n if <touching (can't go through v)?> then\n set [crouching? v] to [1]\n else\n set [crouching? v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<(LEVEL) = [4]> or <(LEVEL) = [5]>> then\n change y by (-0.55)\nend\n\ndefine Change Player Y By (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or >>\n if <(sy) > [10]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\nif <<[0] > (sy)> and <<touching (jump through v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (jump through v)?> or <touching (level v)?>>>\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n Position\n change [sy v] by (0)\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Change Player X By (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nif <<touching (level v)?> or > then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or >> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or >>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <<touching (level v)?> or >>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\nif <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\nelse\n set [sx v] to [16]\nend\nset [in air v] to [0]\n\ndefine Game Over\nset [exit v] to []\nrepeat (4)\n hide\n wait (0.1) seconds\n show\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nbroadcast (Block Reset v)\n\ndefine Test - Game Over\nif <touching (downsaws v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (boiling honey v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (upsaws v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (leftsaws v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (danger v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (saws v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (wheel v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (pike v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (boiling honey v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <<touching color (#ba5b5b)?> or <touching color (#964a4a)?>> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\nif <touching (smash v)?> then\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [exit v] to [DIE]\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nclear graphic effects\nbroadcast (Block Reset v)\n\ndefine Tester\nif <not <touching (water v)?>> then\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\ndefine Jump Ring?\nif <<touching (jump rings v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [20]\nend\nif <<touching (down rings v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [-35]\nend\nif <<touching (blue rings v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [28]\nend\nif <<touching (green rings v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n if <(GRAVITY) = [1]> then\n set [gravity v] to [2]\n wait (1) seconds\n else\n if <(GRAVITY) = [2]> then\n set [gravity v] to [1]\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\ngo [backward v] (60) layers\n\ndefine Ladder Physics\nif <touching (poles v)?> then\n if <touching (poles v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or >> then\n set [sy v] to [8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching (poles v)?> then\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>> then\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or >> then\n set [sy v] to [-8]\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) > (mouse y)>>>>> then\n set [sy v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [checkpoint # v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Block Reset v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Block Reset v)\nforever\n Jump Ring?\nend\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nstart sound [Oops v]\nset [exit v] to [DIE]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nwait until <(Level) = [1]>\nset [checkpoint # v] to [0]\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nset [checkpoint # v] to [0]\n\ndefine Touching Platform?\nif <touching (moving p1 v)?> then\n change [x v] by (CHANGE)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <touching (water v)?>\n wait until <not <touching (water v)?>>\n start sound [Splash v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nset [gravity v] to [2]\n\nset [scroll x v] to (pick random ((SCROLL X) - (5)) to ((SCROLL X) + (5)))\n\ndefine Should Crouch?\nif <(dir) = [left]> then\n switch costume to (crouchleft v)\nend\nif <(dir) = [right]> then\n switch costume to (crouchright v)\nend\n\nset [crouching? v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(crouching?) = [1]> then\n Should Crouch?\n if <(dir) = [left]> then\n switch costume to (crouchleft v)\n end\n if <(dir) = [right]> then\n switch costume to (crouchright v)\n end\n else\n Should Crouch?\n if <(dir) = [left]> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n end\n if <(dir) = [right]> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n end\n end\n if <touching (can't go through v)?> then\n set [crouching? v] to [1]\n end\n change y by (-0.55)\nend\n\nforever\n\nwhen I receive [bang v]\n\nrepeat (6)\n set [scroll y v] to (pick random ((SCROLL Y) - (5)) to ((SCROLL Y) + (5)))\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\n\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [5]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (7) layers\n\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Text\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Poles\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n point in direction (90)\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (8) layers\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Decoration\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (7) layers\n\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go [backward v] (9) layers\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Exit\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <<touching (player v)?> and <(costume [name v]) = [Open]>> then\n start sound [Complete v]\n set [exit v] to [WIN]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [1710] Y: [95]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [2369] Y: [44]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [3520] Y: [-10]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [9999] Y: [-50]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [9999] Y: [-15]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (closed v)\n Clone At X: [9999] Y: [-15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n turn right (2) degrees\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\nshow\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\nwhen I receive [open portal v]\nstart sound [Doorbell v]\nswitch costume to (open v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (110) %\ngo [backward v] (55) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Collectables\n\ndefine Counter\nset [counter collect v] to (join (COLLECTED) (join [ of ] (COLLECTED MAX)))\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [collected v] to [0]\nset [collected max v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Clone At X: [-71] Y: [-29]\n Clone At X: [78] Y: [1]\n Clone At X: [323] Y: [80]\n Clone At X: [817] Y: [30]\n Clone At X: [1099] Y: [35]\n Clone At X: [1536] Y: [64]\n Clone At X: [1819] Y: [106]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Clone At X: [125] Y: [49]\n Clone At X: [253] Y: [106]\n Clone At X: [543] Y: [-62]\n Clone At X: [1009] Y: [165]\n Clone At X: [1674] Y: [131]\n Clone At X: [1890] Y: [133]\n Clone At X: [2046] Y: [141]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Clone At X: [-40] Y: [-25]\n Clone At X: [56] Y: [46]\n Clone At X: [272] Y: [122]\n Clone At X: [392] Y: [118]\n Clone At X: [448] Y: [181]\n Clone At X: [511] Y: [134]\n Clone At X: [825] Y: [253]\n Clone At X: [1534] Y: [110]\n Clone At X: [1686] Y: [108]\n Clone At X: [1961] Y: [154]\n Clone At X: [2037] Y: [124]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n Clone At X: [-137] Y: [186]\n Clone At X: [582] Y: [211]\n Clone At X: [1045] Y: [2]\n Clone At X: [1592] Y: [140]\n Clone At X: [1733] Y: [213]\n Clone At X: [1985] Y: [54]\n Clone At X: [2330] Y: [125]\n Clone At X: [2432] Y: [125]\n Clone At X: [2330] Y: [210]\n Clone At X: [2432] Y: [210]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n set size to (90) %\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nchange [collected max v] by (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nchange [sine v] by (0.05)\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) (((y) + ((6) * ([sin v] of (((x) + (SINE)) * (10)) ))) - (SCROLL Y))\nCounter\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n start sound [Coin v]\n change [collected v] by (1)\n if <(COLLECTED) = (COLLECTED MAX)> then\n broadcast (Open Portal v)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nCounter\nshow variable [counter collect v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [counter collect v]\n\nbroadcast (Setup v)\n\nClone At X: [-130] Y: [165]\n\nClone At X: [750] Y: [472]\n\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\nwhen [d v] key pressed\n\nClone At X: [1733] Y: [213]\n\n@Saws\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (2 v)\n turn right (5) degrees\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n change [x v] by (SAW X VEL)\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n change [y v] by (SAW Y VEL)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n turn right (3.5) degrees\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset size to (80) %\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\nset [y v] to [-9999999]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nClone x: [926] y: [11]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (1 v)\n set [saw x vel v] to ((SAW X VEL) * (0.65))\n set [saw y vel v] to ((SAW Y VEL) * (0.65))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n repeat (30)\n change [saw x vel v] by (1.5)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (30)\n change [saw x vel v] by (-1.5)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n repeat (30)\n change [saw y vel v] by (1.5)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (30)\n change [saw y vel v] by (-1.5)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\n@TN\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Music Button\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nset [deaf v] to [0]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((90) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n else\n change size by (((75) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (0.8) seconds\nset volume to (70) %\nforever\n play sound [Theme v] until done\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(volume) = [50]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set volume to (0) %\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n set volume to (50) %\nend\n\n@Jump Rings\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n start sound [Jump1 v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n set size to ((([sin v] of (((timer) + ((0) * (400))) * (200)) ) * (12)) + (80)) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset size to (90) %\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Clone x: [726] y: [87]\n Clone x: [845] y: [107]\n Clone x: [1539] y: [65]\n Clone x: [1956] y: [24]\n Clone x: [2190] y: [46]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone x: [160] y: [50]\n Clone x: [1381] y: [74]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone x: [-215] y: [107]\n Clone x: [1850] y: [79]\n Clone x: [2581] y: [45]\n end\n end\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nClone x: [2417] y: [15]\n\n@Boiling Honey\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n set [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n set [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\n show\n point in direction (90)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ngo to [back v] layer\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\ngo [backward v] (20) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Water\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n set [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go [backward v] (9999) layers\n set [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Laser\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nchange [count v] by (2)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go [backward v] (55) layers\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [count v] to [1]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\nend\nset [y v] to [-9999999]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <((current [second v]) mod (4)) < [2]> then\n switch costume to (count)\nelse\n switch costume to ((count) + (1))\nend\n\nClone x: [1023] y: [-29]\n\nset [exit v] to [win]\n\nset [exit v] to [win]\n\nClone x: [-7] y: [127]\n\nchange [count v] by (2)\n\n@Smash\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\nset [old y v] to (y)\nforever\n show\n go to [back v] layer\n wait until <([abs v] of (((x) - (SCROLL X)) / (10)) ) < [5]>\n start sound [Ricochet v]\n set [ice vel v] to [0]\n repeat until <not <touching (level v)?>>\n change [y v] by (ice vel)\n change [ice vel v] by (-0.8)\n end\n repeat until <touching (level v)?>\n change [y v] by (ice vel)\n change [ice vel v] by (-0.8)\n end\n start sound [BOOM v]\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nrepeat until <(y) > (old y)>\n change [y v] by (5)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone x: [869] y: [81]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\nend\nset [y v] to [-9999999]\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ndelete this clone\n\nrepeat (3)\n set [scroll y v] to (pick random ((SCROLL Y) - (7)) to ((SCROLL Y) + (7)))\nend\n\nset size to (80) %\n\nwait (5) seconds\n\n@Ice\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [5]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (7) layers\n\nPosition [] []\n\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (99)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\n@TITLE\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [screen v] to [1]\ngo [backward v] (99) layers\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\ngo [forward v] (4) layers\nforever\n if <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n change [titleturn v] by (1)\n end\n if <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <(SCREEN) = [0]> then\n go [backward v] (6) layers\n end\nend\n\n@Play Button\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nshow\nwait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\nset [screen v] to [0]\nbroadcast (Transition v)\nbroadcast (Intro Done v)\nstart sound [Start v]\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <<(SCREEN) = [1]> and <<not <(IN) = [1]>> and <not <(IN2) = [1]>>>> then\n set volume to (100) %\n start sound [click v]\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [screen v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n else\n change size by (((75) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\n@Instructions\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nforever\n set [in v] to [0]\n show\n wait until <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(IN) = [1]>>>\n broadcast (IN v)\n wait until <not <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(IN) = [1]>>>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <<(SCREEN) = [1]> and <<not <(IN) = [1]>> and <not <(IN2) = [1]>>>> then\n set volume to (100) %\n start sound [click v]\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [screen v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(IN) = [0]> then\n broadcast (IN v)\n set [in v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change size by (((75) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\nset [in v] to [1]\n\n@Credits\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nforever\n set [in2 v] to [0]\n show\n wait until <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(IN2) = [1]>>>\n broadcast (CREDITS v)\n wait until <not <<<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> and <not <(IN2) = [1]>>>>\nend\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <<(SCREEN) = [1]> and <<not <(IN) = [1]>> and <not <(IN2) = [1]>>>> then\n set volume to (100) %\n start sound [click v]\n wait until <not <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [screen v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [play scene v]\nshow\nforever\n if <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (5)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [in2 v] to [1]\n if <(IN2) = [0]> then\n broadcast (IN2 v)\n set [in2 v] to [1]\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change size by (((75) - (size)) / (5))\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nend\n\n@Background\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (0)\nPosition ((x) - ((SCROLL X) / (2))) ((-30) + ((y) - ((SCROLL Y) / (2))))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n repeat (10)\n Clone At X: [480] Y: [0]\n end\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n repeat (10)\n Clone At X: [480] Y: [0]\n end\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n repeat (10)\n Clone At X: [480] Y: [0]\n end\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n repeat (10)\n Clone At X: [480] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [x v] to [-99999999]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go to [back v] layer\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\n\n@title screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [in v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [in v]\nset [in v] to [1]\nif <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n set [in v] to [1]\n set size to (10) %\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n set [in v] to [0]\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n set [in v] to [0]\n end\n hide\n set [in v] to [0]\nend\n\n@Down rings\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n start sound [Jump 2 v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n set size to ((([sin v] of (((timer) + ((0) * (400))) * (200)) ) * (12)) + (80)) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset size to (90) %\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Clone x: [1125] y: [178]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone x: [2709] y: [196]\n end\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nClone x: [2417] y: [15]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nstart sound [Jump 2 v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Honey\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n set [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (1.4))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go [backward v] (9999) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (5)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\n@Credits2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [in v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [credits v]\nset [in v] to [1]\nif <(SCREEN) = [1]> then\n show\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (10) %\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n wait until <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n set [in2 v] to [0]\n set [in v] to [0]\n end\n hide\n set [in2 v] to [0]\n set [in v] to [0]\nend\n\nset [in2 v] to [0]\n\n@Blue rings\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n start sound [Jump 2 v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n set size to ((([sin v] of (((timer) + ((0) * (400))) * (200)) ) * (12)) + (80)) %\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset size to (90) %\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone x: [355] y: [25]\n Clone x: [849] y: [82]\n Clone x: [2208] y: [-36]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone x: [2775] y: [-26]\n end\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nClone x: [2417] y: [15]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nstart sound [Jump 2 v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Jump Through\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [5]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [150]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (7) layers\n\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Bouncy\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n set size to (110) %\n point in direction (90)\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n end\n repeat (5)\n switch costume to ((costume [number v]) - (1))\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset size to (110) %\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Clone x: [1869] y: [-14]\n Clone x: [2560] y: [46]\n Clone x: [3041] y: [-7]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone x: [-65] y: [-43]\n Clone x: [2333] y: [-19]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n end\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nClone x: [2417] y: [15]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nClone x: [2560] y: [43]\n\nClone x: [1869] y: [-10]\n\n@next\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0) seconds\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nset [ghost v] effect to (-100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (550) y: (0)\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((x position) - (0)) / (-5))\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (((x position) - (-550)) / (-5))\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nwait (0) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (15)\nwait (0) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (40)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (75)\nwait (0) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (90)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [transition v]\nforever\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@Ice blocks\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nforever\n point in direction (90)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Clone x: (x) y: (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nset size to (90) %\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Clone x: [380] y: [-33]\n Clone x: [480] y: [38]\n Clone x: [380] y: [100]\n Clone x: [1738] y: [144]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\nend\nset [y v] to [-99999999999]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nwait until <touching (player v)?>\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n@Can't Go through\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nforever\n set [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (1.4))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nPosition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset [y v] to (([sin v] of ((timer) * (100)) ) * (3))\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nif <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\nelse\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (level 5 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n else\n if <(LEVEL) = [6]> then\n switch costume to (level 6 1 v)\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n Clone At X: [360] Y: [30]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nClone At X: [360] Y: [0]\n\ndefine Position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\n go [backward v] (9999) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (99)\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Clone At X: (x) Y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nset [exit v] to [die]\n\n
Hi and welcome to part two for minecraft platfomer. This is a sequel\nPART 1 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/492378103\nInstructions\narrow keys to move\nPART 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/508146928\nPART 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/508327517\nfollow @siquonic547
Platformer v.1.2 #Platformer #Games #All
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [startplat v]\nswitch backdrop to (level1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [nextbackdrop v]\nnext backdrop\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set size to (115) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nshow\nstart sound [\(DownloadLagu321 v]\nwait until <key (space v) pressed?>\nbroadcast (StartCinematics v)\nstop all sounds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [endthumbnail v]\nshow\n\n@Cinematics\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [startcinematics v]\nwait (2) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (cinematic1 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (cinematic2 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (cinematic3 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (cinematic4 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (cinematic5 v)\nwait (3) seconds\nbroadcast (StartPlat v)\n\nwhen I receive [startplat v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <key (t v) pressed?> then\n broadcast (StartPlat v)\nend\n\n@Hue\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level1 v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#afafaf)?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (sushi friends v)?> then\n hide\n switch backdrop to (end v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [level1 v]\nset [gravity v] to [5]\nforever\n change [y vel v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (0.7)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x vel v] by (-0.7)\n end\n if <touching color (#b3b3b3)?> then\n change [y vel v] by (25)\n end\n set [x vel v] to ((X vel) * (0.9))\n change x by (X vel)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change x by ((X vel) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(X vel) > [0]> then\n set [x vel v] to [-8]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [8]\n end\n set [y vel v] to [8]\n else\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Y vel)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n change y by ((Y vel) * (-1))\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#767676)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [y vel v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#8a55d7)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-120)\n set [x vel v] to [0]\n set [y vel v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n end\n if <key (t v) pressed?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n wait (.25) seconds\n broadcast (NextBackdrop v)\n end\n if <touching (miniaturemaker v)?> then\n set size to (5) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [startplat v]\nset size to (12) %\nshow\nset [level v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (hue v)\ngo to x: (-204) y: (-48)\nforever\n if <not <touching (<touching color (#7f6927)?> v)?>> then\n change y by (1.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching color (#8d8d8d)?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [nextbackdrop v]\ngo to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n if <touching color (#313131)?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n repeat (10)\n if <touching (enemy v)?> then\n go to x: (-204) y: (-48)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [becomenormal v]\nset size to (12) %\n\nwhen I receive [endofgame v]\nhide\n\n@cooltext373423488865996\n\nwhen I receive [startcinematics v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to x: (3) y: (-153)\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [brightness v] effect to (25)\nshow\nforever\n wait (.25) seconds\n next costume\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Hitbox\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (80)\n\n@Portal\n\nwhen I receive [startplat v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <touching (hue v)?> then\n broadcast (NextBackdrop v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n broadcast (FirstTramp v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n broadcast (HideFirstTramp v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n broadcast (SecondTramp v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n broadcast (HideSecondTramp v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n broadcast (ThirdTramp v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n broadcast (HideThirdTramp v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n broadcast (MiniPotion v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n broadcast (NewMiniSpawn v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n broadcast (BecomeNormal v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n broadcast (nop'rend v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n switch costume to (goal2 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n broadcast (ENDOFGAME v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (goal v)\nhide\ngo to x: (126) y: (-22)\n\nwhen I receive [startplat v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nextbackdrop v]\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [endofgame v]\nhide\n\n@BlackScreen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\nwhen I receive [startcinematics v]\nshow\nchange [pixelate v] effect by (25)\nwait (1) seconds\nchange [pixelate v] effect by (-25)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\n\n@Loading\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (-1) y: (-155)\nshow\nrepeat (53)\n next costume\nend\nhide\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\n@MiniatureMaker\n\nwhen I receive [minipotion v]\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-7)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-6)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-5)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-4)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-3)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-2)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [minipotion v]\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (7)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (6)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (5)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (4)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (3)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (2)\nend\nrepeat (6)\n change x by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (175) y: (-54)\n\nwhen I receive [minipotion v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [newminispawn v]\nhide\n\n@Banner\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\n@Bouncer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (19) y: (27)\n\nwhen I receive [firsttramp v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hidefirsttramp v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-41) y: (27)\n\nwhen I receive [secondtramp v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hidesecondtramp v]\nhide\ngo to x: (-240) y: (27)\n\nwhen I receive [thirdtramp v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hidethirdtramp v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [becomenormal v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [nop'rend v]\nhide\n\n@Bouncer2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-119) y: (27)\n\nwhen I receive [thirdtramp v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hidethirdtramp v]\nhide\n\n@Skull\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (147) y: (37)\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endofgame v]\nhide\n\n@Bouncer3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-1) y: (27)\n\nwhen I receive [thirdtramp v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [hidethirdtramp v]\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set size to (115) %\nend\n\nwhen I receive [endofgame v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\nshow\nplay sound [The-Island-of-Dr-Sinister v] until done\n\n@TimerHitbox\n\nwhen I receive [startplat v]\nset [timer v] to [0]\nchange [timer v] by (0.1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n if <(☁ Highscore) < (Timer)> then\n set [☁ highscore v] to (Timer)\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\n@Music Box\n\nwhen I receive [endofgame v]\nclear sound effects\n\nwhen I receive [startcinematics v]\nwait (.5) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\nplay sound [Super Mario World Game Over LoFi Hip Hop Remix v] until done\nplay sound [BTS \(방탄소년단\) - Fake Love \(Jaydon Lewis Remix\) v] until done\nplay sound [Dark-Things v] until done\nplay sound [BTS - Black Swan v] until done\nplay sound [Into-the-Haunted-Forest v] until done\n\n
---------------------Grass 2----------------------\nstory: it's grassy \n\nHow to play: use wasd or arrow keys to move. Don't touch the red spikes or you die. Get to the right side of the screen to proceed to the next level. (mobile is compatible)\n\nThepugmen: scripts and sprites\nCactus flower: music\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-------------------\n#game #Game #GAME #Fun #FUN #happy #HAPPY #GRASS #grass #unstoppable #project #Thepugmen #Play #platfomer #Platfomer #Mobile #Mobilefrendly #LOVE #Favrote #Now #trending #dimrain47 #Music #Art #Animation #Games #Scratch #Dodge #Ar #Music #Enemy #Enemies #Space #Orange #Playing #Dodging #Play #Square #Cube #Thumbnail #Colors #Cool #Awesome #Good #Great #Walking #Moving #Comment #Sequel #Difficulty #Wave #Easy #Normal #Hard #Animations #All #Art #Music #Stories #Tutorials
Rescue 2 -Cave- || A platformer ||
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start v)\nforever\n play sound [Alan Walker - Force v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(volume) = [2]> then\n set volume to (50) %\n else\n set volume to (0) %\n end\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Game On\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-222]\nset [y v] to [-125]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nset [finish v] to []\nshow\n\ndefine Movement\nif <<<key (a v) pressed?> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [sx v] by (-1.5)\nend\nif <<<key (d v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n change [sx v] by (1.5)\nend\nset [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.8))\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n set [sy v] to [14]\n end\nend\nif <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-2)\nend\nChange Player y by (sy)\nDie\nPosition\nif <<touching (flag v)?> and <not <(Level) = [21]>>> then\n start sound [Connect v]\n set [finish v] to [Yes]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Game On\n repeat until <(Finish) > []>\n Movement\n end\n if <(Finish) = [Yes]> then\n Game Con\n else\n Game End\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change Player y by (sy)\nchange [y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platform v)?> then\n repeat (12)\n change [y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platform v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-12)\n if <<<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n if <(volume) = [2]> then\n start sound [Wall Jump v]\n end\n set [sx v] to [-15]\n else\n if <(volume) = [2]> then\n start sound [Wall Jump v]\n end\n set [sx v] to [15]\n end\n set [in air v] to [0]\n else\n set [sx v] to [0]\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platform v)?>>\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n else\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Game End\nset [finish v] to []\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Die\nif <<touching (danger v)?> or <<touching (spikes v)?> or <touching (enemy v)?>>> then\n set [finish v] to [No]\nend\n\ndefine Game Con\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(volume) = [2]> then\n start sound [Die v]\nend\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [8]\nrepeat (12)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change y by (sy)\n change [sy v] by (-1)\nend\nrepeat until <[-180] > (y position)>\n change y by (sy)\n change [sy v] by (-1)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [next v]\nGame Con\nGame On\nbroadcast (Reset v) and wait\nbroadcast (Setup v) and wait\nGame On\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(x) < [-225]> then\n set [x v] to [-225]\n end\n if <(x) > [228]> then\n set [x v] to [228]\n end\nend\n\n@Platform\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Flag\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-105)\n end\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-30)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-33)\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (128)\n end\n if <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-107)\n end\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (101)\n end\n if <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-70)\n end\n if <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-107)\n end\n if <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-107)\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-107)\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (74)\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-107)\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-17)\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (102)\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-55)\n end\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (128)\n end\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n go to x: (214) y: (-107)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nforever\n if <not <(Level) = [21]>> then\n switch costume to (green flag v)\n set size to (90) %\n else\n switch costume to (text v)\n set size to (110) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Level)\n go to [back v] layer\n go to x: (-1) y: (-21)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (55) %\nshow\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <([x position v] of [player v]) < ((x position) - (10))> then\n change [x v] by (-.5)\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <((x position) - (-10)) < ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n change [x v] by (.5)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by (-3)\n change x by ((x) * (-1))\n if <(y position) < ([x position v] of [player v])> then\n if <(x) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v] to [12]\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (platform v)?> then\n change y by ((y) - ((y) * (2)))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ndefine Create A Clone at x: (x) y: (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [setup v]\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [207] y: [-130]\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [-7] y: [-130]\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [87] y: [-130]\nend\nif <(Level) = [14]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [-16] y: [32]\n Create A Clone at x: [217] y: [-36]\nend\nif <(Level) = [15]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [134] y: [-77]\nend\nif <(Level) = [16]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [-210] y: [15]\n Create A Clone at x: [47] y: [-62]\n Create A Clone at x: [187] y: [53]\nend\nif <(Level) = [20]> then\n Create A Clone at x: [173] y: [-128]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (danger v)?> then\n wait (0.05) seconds\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Deco\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (Level)\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\nend\n\n@Volume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [volume v] to [2]\nset size to (60) %\nforever\n go to x: (-215) y: (158)\n if <(volume) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (2 v)\n end\n if <(volume) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) < [70]> then\n change size by (2)\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <(volume) = [0]>> then\n set [volume v] to [2]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n if <<mouse down?> and <(volume) = [2]>> then\n set [volume v] to [0]\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n if <(size) > [60]> then\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [volume v] to [2]\nset size to (60) %\nforever\n go to x: (195) y: (-158)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <(size) < [64]> then\n change size by (2)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Next v)\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\n else\n if <(size) > [60]> then\n change size by (-2)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <(Level) = [21]>> then\n show\n else\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n
New Game! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406527472 [Orbit || A 360* Platformer]
@Stage\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset size to (100) %\nhide variable [タイム v]\nhide\nwait (12) seconds\nbroadcast (表示してくれー v)\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-8)\nshow\nbroadcast (ゆき降らせるぞ v)\nforever\n 操作\nend\n\ndefine 操作\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nforever\n change [y v] by (-1)\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((X) * (0.9))\n change x by (X)\n if <touching color (#58ac6a)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#d69000)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#5eb972)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#93d5a1)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching (ufo v)?> then\n set [y v] to [0]\n change y by (Y)\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [-10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#e6bd9e)?> then\n change x by ((X) * (-1))\n set [x v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [10]\n if <(direction) = [-90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [10]\n end\n end\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n if <(X) > [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n end\n else\n set [x v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change y by (Y)\n if <touching color (#58ac6a)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#5eb972)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#93d5a1)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <touching (ufo v)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#e6bd9e)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#d69000)?> then\n change y by (() - (Y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [y v] to [13]\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#adadad)?> then\n start sound [Rip v]\n 初期化\n end\n if <touching color (#8c8c8c)?> then\n start sound [Rip v]\n 初期化\n end\n if <touching (岩 v)?> then\n start sound [Rip v]\n 初期化\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n hide\n broadcast (次! v)\n wait (3) seconds\n 初期化\n show\n end\n if <(y position) = [-185]> then\n start sound [Rip v]\n 初期化\n end\n if <touching (バネ v)?> then\n start sound [ボヨン v]\n set [y v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\ndefine 初期化\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-186) y: (-10)\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nset rotation style [all around v]\nshow\npoint in direction (83)\ngo to x: (57) y: (25)\nset size to (200) %\nhide variable [タイム v]\n\nwhen I receive [表示してくれー v]\nforever\n start sound [Syn Cole - Feel Good _NCS Release_ v]\n wait (182.05) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [最後 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [次いくでー v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n broadcast (2表示 v)\nend\n\ndefine タイマースタート\nset [タイム v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(costume [number v]) = [11]>\n wait (1) seconds\n change [タイム v] by (1)\nend\nshow variable [タイム v]\nshow variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\nif <(☁ 世界記録) > (タイム)> then\n set [☁ 世界記録 v] to (タイム)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [表示してくれー v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nタイマースタート\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [タイム v]\nhide variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (3) y: (14)\nswitch backdrop to (背景3 v)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\npoint in direction (100)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\ngo to x: (-351) y: (27)\nset size to (130) %\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide variable [☁ 世界記録 v]\nhide variable [タイム v]\n\nset [☁ 世界記録 v] to [50]\n\n@intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (rogo v)\n repeat until <[101] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (rogo v)\n end\n repeat until <[66] > (size)>\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n end\n repeat (7)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n switch costume to (rogo v)\n end\n hide\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (square2 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [kirbyzaz]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (8)\n set [clone_size v] to [50]\n set [cloneid v] to [square1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]size v)\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n wait (0.561) seconds\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]spin v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n repeat until <[175] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((174) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((65) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat (15)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (12)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n show\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]end v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nreset timer\nwait (0.7) seconds\nhide\nset [cloneid v] to [b1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [b2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [cloneid v] to [back]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [logo]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch backdrop to (背景3 v)\nstart sound [DEAF KEV - Invincible _NCS Release_ v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back2]> then\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n set [s v] to [90]\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [back v] layer\n change [clone_dir v] by (((s) - (clone_dir)) / (5))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square3]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square2]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif < (cloneID) contains [square]?> then\n if <[350] < (clone_dir)> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n end\n change [clone_size v] by ((clone_size) * (1.5))\n change [clone_dir v] by (22.5)\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n change [s v] by (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]spin v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\n change size by (30)\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (始まり v)\n broadcast (表示してくれー v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [2]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [-5]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]end v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n change y by (1.5)\n repeat until <(y position) > [200]>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n end\n else\n change y by (-1.5)\n repeat until <[-200] > (y position)>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [最後 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Next!\n\nwhen I receive [次! v]\nif <([costume # v] of [地面 v]) = [7]> then\n broadcast (変えろ v)\nend\nhide\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\nclone [1]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [2]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [3]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [4]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nclone [5]\n\ndefine clone (cloneid)\nswitch costume to (cloneid)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nif <<(costume [number v]) = [1]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [3]> or <<(costume [number v]) = [4]> or <(costume [number v]) = [5]>>>>> then\n go to x: (468) y: (0)\n repeat until <(round (x position)) = [0]>\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (7))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n wait (2.2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n wait (2.1) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n wait (1.9) seconds\n repeat until <[465] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (1.8) seconds\n repeat until <[330] < (x position)>\n change x by ((1) + ((x position) / (4)))\n end\n broadcast (次いくでー v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@タイトル\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@ぴょん\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\ngo to x: (98) y: (-85)\nwait (0.0001) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Yzx\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@ラストの表示\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [地面 v]) = [11]> then\n show\n end\nend\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [表示してくれー v]\nset [costume v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (15) to (20)) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide\n\n@太陽\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [表示してくれー v]\nshow\nset size to (150) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@富士山\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [表示してくれー v]\nshow\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow\n\n@草原\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [表示してくれー v]\nshow\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0)\nhide variable [タイム v]\nhide variable [世界記録 v]\n\n@ターボ対策⚡\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ターボ対策 v] to [0]\nforever\n change [ターボ対策 v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [ターボ対策 v] to [0]\nforever\n wait (0.000000001) seconds\n set [ターボ対策 v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(ターボ対策) > [5]> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n broadcast (最後 v)\n stop [all v]\n end\nend\n\n
@TimMcCool loved and favorited!\n\nWORLDS 3 - a scrolling platformer\n\nWelcome to WORLDS 3 - a scrolling platformer! Explore 8 different levels full of fun! GrassLand, Sky, ScratchLand, Crystal Cave, Candy Wonderland, a challenging boss level, WordLand, the land made of words, and finally Winter! Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!\n\nINSTRUCTIONS: \n▻ Arrow keys or tap to move (this is mobile friendly :D)\n▻ Jump pads make you go very high \n▻ Avoid spikes, lava and enemies (falling also hurts you)\n▻ Defeat enemies by jumping on them\n▻ Collect diamond to get cool skins from the shop \n▻ Get to the portal to go to next level\n▻ ❤︎, ☆ and follow!\n\nAchievements: \n✓ Shared\n✓ 10 views\n✓ 10 loves\n✓ 10 favorites\n✓ 50 views\n✓ 50 loves\n✓ 50 favorites\n✓ 100 views\n✓ 100 loves\n✓ 100 favorites\n✓ 500 views\n✓ 500 loves\n✓ 500 favorites\n✓ 1000 views\n✓ 1000 loves\n✓ 1000 favorites\n\nFamous scratchers who love or faved this:\n\n@StratfordJames ❤️ and ⭐️\n@TimMcCool ❤️ and ⭐️\n@Benelem12 ❤️\n@noodlebot743 ❤️\n@0014049 ❤️ and ⭐️!\n@QuaXX ❤️ and ⭐️!\n@-PandaMC- ❤️\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
@Stage\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nforever\n Run physics [0.9] [0.9] [-1] [15]\nend\n\ndefine Run physics (speed) (friction) (gravity) (jump height)\nchange [yvel v] by (gravity)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by (speed)\nend\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by ((speed) * (-1))\nend\nset [xvel v] to ((Xvel) * (friction))\nchange x by (Xvel)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((Xvel) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n set [yvel v] to ((jump height) - (3.5))\n if <[0] < (Xvel)> then\n set [xvel v] to [-6]\n else\n set [xvel v] to [6]\n end\n else\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Yvel)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n change y by ((Yvel) * (-1))\n set [yvel v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (sprite6 v)?>> then\n set [yvel v] to (jump height)\n end\nend\nif <touching (sprite9 v)?> then\n set [yvel v] to [20]\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nstart sound [Roblox Death Sound OOF Sound Effect v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ndelete this clone\n\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset size to (125) %\nbroadcast (11 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(Level) = [22]>\n if <[220] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (Next level v) and wait\n broadcast (11 v) and wait\n wait until <not <[220] < (x position)>>\n end\n if <<<(y position) < [-170]> or <touching (sprite1 v)?>> or > then\n broadcast (Ded v) and wait\n broadcast (11 v)\n set size to (125) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [respawn v]\nset size to (125) %\ngo to x: (-180) y: (-50)\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <[2] = (costume [number v])> then\n set [xvel v] to [0]\n wait until <not <[2] = (costume [number v])>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (125) %\nforever\n if <touching (sprite2 v)?> then\n set size to (100) %\n broadcast (12 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (sprite8 v)?> then\n go to (sprite7 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n end\n if <touching (sprite7 v)?> then\n go to (sprite8 v)\n wait (2) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nshow\ngo to x: (20) y: (50)\nrepeat until <(Level) = [6]>\n repeat (20)\n change y by (10)\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n wait (1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-20)\n if <(Level) = [6]> then\n hide\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\nhide\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <touching (player v)?>\n broadcast (1 v)\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-98) y: (130)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nshow\ngo to x: (42) y: (97)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-162) y: (88)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\nend\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (5) layers\n set [level v] to (costume [number v])\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [0138 v] until done\nend\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen I receive [1 v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\nend\n\n@p\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [1]>\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [2]>\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nwait until <(Level) = [7]>\nhide\n\nshow\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nshow\ngo to x: (195) y: (-115)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nhide\n\nshow\ngo to x: (195) y: (-115)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nset size to (90) %\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (1)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-1)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite9\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\ngo to x: (37) y: (29)\nshow\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\ngo to x: (202) y: (29)\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nhide\n\nshow\n\ngo to x: (202) y: (29)\n\n@Sprite8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-210) y: (70)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nset size to (90) %\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (1)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-1)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.0001) seconds\nhide\nset size to (125) %\nforever\n wait (0.001) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to (player v)\nrepeat (5)\n wait (0.001) seconds\n change size by (-10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [12 v]\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [11 v]\nset size to (125) %\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [a v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.5) seconds\nrepeat (100)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(a) = [1]> then\n show\nend\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.001) seconds\nhide\nwait until <(Level) = [3]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-201) y: (-136)\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-215) y: (68)\nwait until <(Level) = [5]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-215) y: (68)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [ded v]\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n show\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n show\nend\n\nwait until <(Level) = [6]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-212) y: (90)\n\nwait until <(Level) = [4]>\nshow\ngo to x: (-212) y: (30)\n\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n show\n go to x: (-212) y: (90)\nend\n\ngo to x: (-201) y: (-136)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (90) %\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change size by (1)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (-1)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n end\nend\n\n
---------------------------------------------------------------------\nUse arrows to move (↑ to jump, ← & →)\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nTouch the right wall to get to the next level\n---------------------------------------------------------------------
Factory || Multiplayer Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(pause) = [0]> then\n switch backdrop to (join [c] (theme))\n end\nend\n\n@blank\n\n@blocks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [timer v] to [0]\nset [pause v] to [0]\nset [history_current v] to [1]\nhide\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow list [export v]\ndelete all of [history v]\ndelete all of [x v]\ndelete all of [y v]\ndelete all of [type v]\ndelete all of [c v]\ndelete all of [sign_text v]\nadd [] to [sign_text v]\nadd [0] to [x v]\nadd [-30] to [y v]\nadd [g] to [type v]\nadd [1] to [c v]\nadd [0] to [x v]\nadd [0] to [y v]\nadd [c] to [type v]\nadd [1] to [c v]\nadd [] to [sign_text v]\nset [ask_wait v] to [0]\nset [current block v] to [g]\nset [theme v] to [0]\nBlock costume @ [1]\nexport\nadd (export_code) to [history v]\nset [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ntick\nstop [this script v]\n\ndefine tick\nif <(pause) = [0]> then\n erase all\n if <<(MODE) = [edit]> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(current block) = [e]> then\n remove block xy ((round (((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) / (30))) * (30)) ((round (((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y)) / (30))) * (30))\n else\n add block xy ((round (((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) / (30))) * (30)) ((round (((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y)) / (30))) * (30))\n end\n end\n BLOCKS\n mouse\nend\nchange [timer v] by (0.3)\n\ndefine BLOCKS\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nset [counter1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter1 v] by (1)\n if <<([abs v] of ((item (counter1) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) ) < [255]> and <([abs v] of ((item (counter1) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y)) ) < [195]>> then\n switch costume to (blank v)\n go to x: ((item (counter1) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((item (counter1) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y))\n set costume @ (item (counter1) of [type v]) (item (counter1) of [c v])\n stamp\n end\nend\n\ndefine add block xy (x) (y)\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nshow\nif <<<<<<<<<(ASK_WAIT) = [1]> or <touching (main-menu v)?>> or <<[type v] contains [f]?> and <(current block) = [f]>>> or <touching (mobile_ui v)?>> or <touching (current block v)?>> or <touching (mask v)?>> or <touching (menu v)?>> or <touching (mask_preview v)?>> or <touching (ui v)?>> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\nhide\nset [counter3 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter3 v] by (1)\n if <<(item (counter3) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (counter3) of [y v]) = (y)>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(current block) = [n]> then\n add [] to [sign_text v]\n add (x) to [x v]\n add (y) to [y v]\n add (current block) to [type v]\n add [1] to [c v]\n Block costume @ (length of [x v])\n set [sign_length v] to (length of [x v])\n set [ask_wait v] to [1]\n broadcast (sign v)\nelse\n add [] to [sign_text v]\n add (x) to [x v]\n add (y) to [y v]\n add (current block) to [type v]\n add [1] to [c v]\n Block costume @ (length of [x v])\n export\n add (export_code) to [history v]\n set [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\nend\n\ndefine Block costume @ (val)\nif <(item (val) of [type v]) = [p]> then\n set [counter4 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (counter4) of [x v]) = (item (val) of [x v])> and <(item (counter4) of [y v]) = ((item (val) of [y v]) + (-30))>> and <(item (counter4) of [type v]) = [p]>> then\n replace item (val) of [c v] with [0]\n end\n end\n set [counter4 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (counter4) of [x v]) = (item (val) of [x v])> and <(item (counter4) of [y v]) = ((item (val) of [y v]) - (-30))>> and <(item (counter4) of [type v]) = [p]>> then\n replace item (counter4) of [c v] with [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(item (val) of [type v]) = [b]> then\n set [counter4 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (counter4) of [x v]) = (item (val) of [x v])> and <(item (counter4) of [y v]) = ((item (val) of [y v]) + (30))>> and <(item (counter4) of [type v]) = [b]>> then\n replace item (val) of [c v] with [0]\n end\n end\n set [counter4 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (counter4) of [x v]) = (item (val) of [x v])> and <(item (counter4) of [y v]) = ((item (val) of [y v]) - (30))>> and <(item (counter4) of [type v]) = [b]>> then\n replace item (counter4) of [c v] with [0]\n end\n end\n else\n set [counter4 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (counter4) of [x v]) = (item (val) of [x v])> and <(item (counter4) of [y v]) = ((item (val) of [y v]) + (30))>> and <not < [ersfcpbn] contains (item (counter4) of [type v])?>>> then\n replace item (val) of [c v] with [0]\n end\n end\n set [counter4 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter4 v] by (1)\n if <<<(item (counter4) of [x v]) = (item (val) of [x v])> and <(item (counter4) of [y v]) = ((item (val) of [y v]) - (30))>> and <<not < [ersfcn] contains (item (val) of [type v])?>> and <not < [pb] contains (item (counter4) of [type v])?>>>> then\n replace item (counter4) of [c v] with [0]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine set costume @ (val) (val2)\nif <(val) = [g]> then\n switch costume to (join (val) (((theme) * (2)) + (val2)))\nelse\n if <<(val) = [l]> or <(val) = [w]>> then\n switch costume to (join (val) ((val2) + <(join ((round ((timer) * (6))) mod (2)) (val2)) = [1]>))\n else\n if <(val) = [s]> then\n switch costume to (s1 v)\n else\n if <(val) = [f]> then\n if <<(counter1) = (checkpoint#)> and <not <(MODE) = [edit]>>> then\n switch costume to (f0 v)\n else\n switch costume to (f1 v)\n end\n else\n if <(val) = [b]> then\n switch costume to (join [b] (val2))\n else\n if <(val) = [p]> then\n switch costume to (join [p] (val2))\n else\n if <(val) = [n]> then\n switch costume to (n1 v)\n else\n if <(val) = [c]> then\n if <<(counter1) = (checkpoint#)> and <not <(MODE) = [edit]>>> then\n switch costume to (c0 v)\n else\n switch costume to (c1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine mouse\nif <<(MODE) = [edit]> and <(ASK_WAIT) = [0]>> then\n if <(current block) = [e]> then\n switch costume to (e v)\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (30)\n stamp\n else\n go to x: (((round (((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) / (30))) * (30)) - (SCROLL X)) y: (((round (((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y)) / (30))) * (30)) - (SCROLL Y))\n set size to (99) %\n if <(current block) = [g]> then\n switch costume to (join [g] ((theme) * (2)))\n else\n if <<(current block) = [l]> or <(current block) = [w]>> then\n switch costume to (join (current block) [0])\n else\n if <(current block) = [s]> then\n switch costume to (s1 v)\n else\n if <(current block) = [f]> then\n switch costume to (f1 v)\n if <[type v] contains [f]?> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n if <(current block) = [c]> then\n switch costume to (c1 v)\n else\n if <(current block) = [b]> then\n switch costume to (b1 v)\n else\n if <(current block) = [p]> then\n switch costume to (p1 v)\n else\n if <(current block) = [n]> then\n switch costume to (n1 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [counter5 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of [x v])\n change [counter5 v] by (1)\n if <<(item (counter5) of [x v]) = ((round (((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) / (30))) * (30))> and <(item (counter5) of [y v]) = ((round (((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y)) / (30))) * (30))>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n stamp\n end\nend\n\ndefine remove block xy (x) (y)\ngo to x: ((x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nshow\nif <<<<<<<<touching (mobile_ui v)?> or <(ASK_WAIT) = [1]>> or <touching (current block v)?>> or <touching (mask v)?>> or <touching (menu v)?>> or <touching (mask_preview v)?>> or <touching (ui v)?>> or <<[0] = (x)> and <<[0] = (y)> or <[-30] = (y)>>>> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\nend\nhide\nset [counter0 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(counter0) > (length of [x v])> or <<(item (counter0) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (counter0) of [y v]) = (y)>>>\n change [counter0 v] by (1)\nend\nset [erased_ground? v] to [0]\nif <<(item (counter0) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (counter0) of [y v]) = (y)>> then\n set [erased_ground? v] to [1]\n set [deleted_type v] to (item (counter0) of [type v])\n delete (counter0) of [x v]\n delete (counter0) of [y v]\n delete (counter0) of [type v]\n delete (counter0) of [c v]\n delete (counter0) of [sign_text v]\nend\nset [counter0 v] to [1]\nif <(deleted_type) = [p]> then\n repeat until <<(counter0) > (length of [x v])> or <<(item (counter0) of [x v]) = (x)> and <(item (counter0) of [y v]) = ((y) + (30))>>>\n change [counter0 v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n repeat until <<(counter0) > (length of [x v])> or <<(item (counter0) of [x v]) = (x)> and <((item (counter0) of [y v]) + (30)) = (y)>>>\n change [counter0 v] by (1)\n end\nend\nreplace item (counter0) of [c v] with [1]\nif <(erased_ground?) = [1]> then\n export\n add (export_code) to [history v]\n set [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\nend\n\ndefine export\nset [c2 v] to [0]\nset [export_code v] to (join (join (theme) (walljump)) [{])\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) ((item (c2) of [x v]) / (30)))\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [}])\nend\nset [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [{])\nset [c2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) ((item (c2) of [y v]) / (30)))\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [}])\nend\nset [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [{])\nset [c2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) (item (c2) of [type v]))\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [}])\nend\nset [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [{])\nset [c2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) (item (c2) of [c v]))\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [}])\nend\nset [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [{])\nset [c2 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [x v])\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) (item (c2) of [sign_text v]))\n set [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [}])\nend\nset [export_code v] to (join (export_code) [{])\n\ndefine import (i)\nset [c2 v] to [4]\ndelete all of [x v]\nrepeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [{]>\n set [c3 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [}]>\n set [c3 v] to (join (c3) (letter (c2) of (i)))\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n if <(c2) > (length of (i))> then\n set [import v] to [invalid]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n add ((c3) * (30)) to [x v]\n change [c2 v] by (1)\nend\nchange [c2 v] by (1)\ndelete all of [y v]\nrepeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [{]>\n set [c3 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [}]>\n set [c3 v] to (join (c3) (letter (c2) of (i)))\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n if <(c2) > (length of (i))> then\n set [import v] to [invalid]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n add ((c3) * (30)) to [y v]\n change [c2 v] by (1)\nend\nchange [c2 v] by (1)\ndelete all of [type v]\nrepeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [{]>\n set [c3 v] to (letter (c2) of (i))\n add (c3) to [type v]\n change [c2 v] by (2)\n if <(c2) > (length of (i))> then\n set [import v] to [invalid]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nchange [c2 v] by (1)\ndelete all of [c v]\nrepeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [{]>\n set [c3 v] to (letter (c2) of (i))\n add (c3) to [c v]\n change [c2 v] by (2)\n if <(c2) > (length of (i))> then\n set [import v] to [invalid]\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nchange [c2 v] by (1)\ndelete all of [sign_text v]\nrepeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [{]>\n set [c3 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (c2) of (i)) = [}]>\n set [c3 v] to (join (c3) (letter (c2) of (i)))\n change [c2 v] by (1)\n if <(c2) > (length of (i))> then\n set [import v] to [invalid]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n add (c3) to [sign_text v]\n change [c2 v] by (1)\nend\nif <not <(length of [x v]) = (length of [y v])>> then\n set [import v] to [invalid]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [redo v]\nif <<(history_current) < (length of [history v])> and <(ASK_WAIT) = [0]>> then\n change [history_current v] by (1)\n import (item (history_current) of [history v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [undo v]\nif <<(history_current) > [1]> and <(ASK_WAIT) = [0]>> then\n change [history_current v] by (-1)\n import (item (history_current) of [history v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [export v]\nexport\ndelete all of [export v]\nadd [Triple-click on the code below and copy \(ctrl+c\) it to save your level:] to [export v]\nadd (export_code) to [export v]\nadd [] to [export v]\nif <(length of (export_code)) < [501]> then\n add [Next, paste \(ctrl+v\) it in the comments!] to [export v]\nelse\n add [Your code is too long to fit in one comment. Share your level here:] to [export v]\n add [https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/428128/] to [export v]\n add [] to [export v]\n add [Your code is separated below so you can fit in multiple comments:] to [export v]\n separate\n if <(length of [export v]) > [9]> then\n repeat (4)\n add [] to [export v]\n end\n end\nend\nhide list [export v]\nask [Paste your code here to confirm that you copied the whole thing:] and wait\nif <<not <(answer) = (item (2) of [export v])>> or <not <(answer) = (join (item (2) of [export v]) [ 3])>>> then\n repeat until <<(answer) = (join (item (2) of [export v]) [ 3])> or <(answer) = (item (2) of [export v])>>\n ask [You didn’t copy the entire code! Remember to triple click on the code, and copy it. Try again:] and wait\n end\nend\nshow list [export v]\n\nwhen I receive [import v]\nask [Paste your code below:] and wait\nif <not <(answer) = []>> then\n set [pause v] to [1]\n set [import v] to (answer)\n import (import)\n if <(import) = [invalid]> then\n set [pause v] to [0]\n import (item (length of [history v]) of [history v])\n broadcast (invalid v)\n else\n broadcast (preview v)\n set [theme v] to (letter (1) of (import))\n set [walljump v] to (letter (2) of (import))\n add (import) to [history v]\n set [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\n wait until <(MODE) = [preview]>\n set [pause v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete all v]\nif <(length of [x v]) > [2]> then\n delete all of [c v]\n delete all of [x v]\n delete all of [y v]\n delete all of [type v]\n add [0] to [x v]\n add [-30] to [y v]\n add [g] to [type v]\n add [1] to [c v]\n add [0] to [x v]\n add [0] to [y v]\n add [c] to [type v]\n add [1] to [c v]\n export\n add (export_code) to [history v]\n set [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\nend\n\ndefine separate\nset [i2 v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(i2) > (length of (export_code))>\n set [i3 v] to []\n repeat (500)\n change [i2 v] by (1)\n if <(i2) > (length of (export_code))> then\n add (i3) to [export v]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [i3 v] to (join (i3) (letter (i2) of (export_code)))\n end\n add (i3) to [export v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [go to v]\nask [enter X position:] and wait\nif <not <(answer) = []>> then\n set [scroll x v] to (round (answer))\nend\nask [enter Y position:] and wait\nif <not <(answer) = []>> then\n set [scroll y v] to (round (answer))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [sign v]\nask [Enter the text for the sign. \(follow Community Guidelines please\)] and wait\nif <<(answer) = []> or << (answer) contains [{]?> or < (answer) contains [}]?>>> then\n delete (sign_length) of [sign_text v]\n delete (sign_length) of [x v]\n delete (sign_length) of [y v]\n delete (sign_length) of [type v]\n delete (sign_length) of [c v]\nelse\n replace item (sign_length) of [sign_text v] with (answer)\n export\n add (export_code) to [history v]\n set [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\nend\nset [ask_wait v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [rename v]\nask [What do you want to rename the sign to?] and wait\nif <<not <(answer) = []>> and <<not < (answer) contains [{]?>> and <not < (answer) contains [}]?>>>> then\n replace item (sign#) of [sign_text v] with (answer)\n export\n add (export_code) to [history v]\n set [history_current v] to (length of [history v])\nend\nset [ask_wait v] to [0]\n\n@player\n\ndefine tick-play\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > ((x position) + (20))>>> and <(click) = [0]>> then\n if <(play-pause) = [0]> then\n if <[collisions v] contains [w]?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n else\n change [xv v] by (1.2)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < ((x position) - (20))>>> and <(click) = [0]>> then\n if <(play-pause) = [0]> then\n if <[collisions v] contains [w]?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n else\n change [xv v] by (-1.2)\n end\n end\n else\n end\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [w]?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n if <(play-pause) = [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [5.5]\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-1)\n set [yv v] to ((YV) * (0.76))\nelse\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>> and <(click) = [0]>> then\n if <(in air) < [4]> then\n if <(play-pause) = [0]> then\n set [yv v] to [9]\n end\n end\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.82)\nend\nset [xv v] to ((XV) * (0.73))\nif <(YV) < [-13]> then\n set [yv v] to [-13]\nend\nchange x by (round ((XV) * (1.4)))\nchange y by (round (YV))\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((Offset X) - (SCROLL X)) / (7)))\nchange [scroll y v] by ((round (((Offset Y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (5))) + (2))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [-88]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [-88]\nend\nposition\nif <<<[collisions v] contains [s]?> or <[collisions v] contains [l]?>> or <(Offset Y) < [-430]>> then\n reset\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [b]?> then\n set [yv v] to [14]\nelse\n if <[collisions v] contains [p]?> then\n set [yv v] to [-9]\n end\nend\nif <[collisions v] contains [c]?> then\n set [checkpoint# v] to (item # of [c] in [collisions v])\nelse\n if <[collisions v] contains [f]?> then\n set [checkpoint# v] to (item # of [f] in [collisions v])\n end\nend\ncollision test\n\ndefine change y by (sy)\nchange [offset y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nif <<[collisions v] contains [p]?> and <(sy) > [0]>> then\n change [offset y v] by ((0) - (sy))\nend\nposition\nrepeat until <not <[collisions v] contains [g]?>>\n if <(sy) > [0]> then\n change [offset y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [offset y v] by (1)\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n position\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine change x by (sx)\nchange [offset x v] by (sx)\nposition\nif <[collisions v] contains [g]?> then\n repeat (10)\n change [offset y v] by (0.5)\n position\n if <not <[collisions v] contains [g]?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [offset y v] by (-5)\n repeat until <not <[collisions v] contains [g]?>>\n if <(sx) < [0]> then\n change [offset x v] by (1)\n else\n change [offset x v] by (-1)\n end\n position\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n if <(walljump) = [1]> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (10))>>> then\n if <(play-pause) = [0]> then\n if <[collisions v] contains [w]?> then\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine position\ngo to x: ((Offset X) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Offset Y) - (SCROLL Y))\ncollision test\n\ndefine collision test\ndelete all of [collisions v]\nset [c1 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of [type v])\n add [0] to [collisions v]\n change [c1 v] by (1)\n if <(item (c1) of [type v]) = [s]> then\n if <<<not <((item (c1) of [x v]) - (-17.5)) < (Offset X)>> and <((item (c1) of [y v]) - (23.5)) < (Offset Y)>> and <<not <((item (c1) of [y v]) - (-9.5)) < (Offset Y)>> and <((item (c1) of [x v]) - (17.5)) < (Offset X)>>> then\n replace item (c1) of [collisions v] with (item (c1) of [type v])\n end\n else\n if <<<not <((item (c1) of [x v]) - (-24.5)) < (Offset X)>> and <((item (c1) of [y v]) - (23.5)) < (Offset Y)>> and <<not <((item (c1) of [y v]) - (-23.5)) < (Offset Y)>> and <((item (c1) of [x v]) - (24.5)) < (Offset X)>>> then\n replace item (c1) of [collisions v] with (item (c1) of [type v])\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Tick-edit\ngo to [back v] layer\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (3a v)\nposition\nchange [scroll x v] by ((<<<(mobile_click??????) = [2]> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (d v) pressed?>> - <<<(mobile_click??????) = [4]> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (a v) pressed?>>) * (4))\nchange [scroll y v] by ((<<<(mobile_click??????) = [1]> or <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> - <<<(mobile_click??????) = [3]> or <key (down arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (s v) pressed?>>) * (4))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [-88]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [-88]\nend\nset [play-pause v] to [0]\nset [win? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n Tick-edit\nelse\n if <(MODE) = [preview]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [35]\n set [offset x v] to [0]\n set [offset y v] to [-5]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n set [play-pause v] to [0]\n set [win? v] to [0]\n position\n else\n if <(MODE) = [play]> then\n repeat (1)\n tick-play\n Set Costume\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start! v]\nforever\n broadcast (Tick v)\nend\n\ndefine reset\nset [play-pause v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [0]\nif <(MODE) = [play]> then\n set [scroll x v] to (item (checkpoint#) of [x v])\n set [scroll y v] to (item (checkpoint#) of [y v])\n set [offset x v] to (item (checkpoint#) of [x v])\n set [offset y v] to (item (checkpoint#) of [y v])\nelse\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [30]\n set [offset x v] to [0]\n set [offset y v] to [-5]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [win? v] to [0]\nreset\nset size to (60) %\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nswitch costume to (3a v)\nbroadcast (start! v)\n\ndefine Set Costume\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [20]>>>> then\n switch costume to (2a v)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (4a v)\n end\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-20]>>>> then\n switch costume to (1a v)\n if <<<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (5a v)\n end\n else\n switch costume to (3a v)\n if <<<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <mouse down?>> or <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (6a v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [mode v]\nreset\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<<[collisions v] contains [f]?> and <(MODE) = [play]>> and <(win?) = [0]>> then\n set [win? v] to [1]\n broadcast (win v)\n set [play-pause v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\n@mask\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@select\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [@id v] to [0]\nrepeat (9)\n change [@id v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset [@id v] to [e]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [null]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <<(MODE) = [edit]> and <not <(@ID) = [null]>>> then\n show\n if <(@ID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (join [g] (((theme) * (2)) + (1)))\n go to x: (-215) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (join [l] ((round ((timer) * (6))) mod (2)))\n go to x: (-179) y: (-165)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [current block v] to [l]\n end\n else\n if <(@ID) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (join [w] (([floor v] of ((timer) * (6)) ) mod (2)))\n go to x: (-143) y: (-165)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [current block v] to [l]\n end\n else\n if <(@ID) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (s1 v)\n go to x: (-108) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [e]> then\n switch costume to (eraser v)\n go to x: (72) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [5]> then\n switch costume to (c1 v)\n go to x: (14) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [6]> then\n go to x: (42) y: (-165)\n if <[type v] contains [f]?> then\n switch costume to (f2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (f1 v)\n end\n else\n if <(@ID) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (b1 v)\n go to x: (-77) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (p1 v)\n go to x: (-47) y: (-165)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (n1 v)\n go to x: (-16) y: (-165)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [current block v] to (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))\n end\n if <(current block) = (letter (1) of (costume [name v]))> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n else\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (32.5)\n else\n set [ghost v] effect to (65)\n end\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (88) %\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@UI\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ui_menu1 v] to [0]\nset [walljump v] to [0]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [@id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [c]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\n switch costume to (join [walljump] (walljump))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-4)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [walljump v] to ((1) - (walljump))\n switch costume to (join [walljump] (walljump))\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\nif <(@ID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (theme v)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (-4)\n if <<mouse down?> and <<(y pos_menu) > [-0.6]> or <(y pos_menu) < [-59.4]>>> then\n set [ui_menu1 v] to ((1) - (UI_menu1))\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n else\n set [ui_menu1 v] to [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(@ID) = [c]> then\n switch costume to (cover v)\n else\n if <(@ID) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (menu0000 v)\n set [y pos_menu v] to [-60]\n go to [back v] layer\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <(UI_menu1) = [1]> then\n change [y pos_menu v] by (((20) - (y pos_menu)) / (5))\n else\n change [y pos_menu v] by (((-60) - (y pos_menu)) / (5))\n end\n if <(y pos_menu) > [-0.5]> then\n switch costume to (h0 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (menu1000 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [theme v] to [0]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (h1 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (menu0100 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [theme v] to [1]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (h2 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (menu0010 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [theme v] to [2]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (h3 v)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n switch costume to (menu0001 v)\n if <mouse down?> then\n set [theme v] to [3]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (menu0000 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n switch costume to (menu0000 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\n if <(@ID) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (y pos_menu)\n end\nelse\n hide\nend\n\n@buttons\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [@id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [m]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [u]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [r]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [2]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n switch costume to (export v)\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (export v) and wait\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [front v] layer\nif <(@ID) = [3]> then\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [play]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [click v] to [1]\n broadcast (edit v) and wait\n else\n set [click v] to [0]\n end\n else\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (play v) and wait\n end\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(@ID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (import v)\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (import v) and wait\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@ID) = [m]> then\n switch costume to (menu v)\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n if <(round ([x vel v] of [menu v])) = [0]> then\n set [ui_menu2 v] to ((1) - (UI_menu2))\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\n else\n set [ui_menu2 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@ID) = [u]> then\n switch costume to (undo v)\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (undo v) and wait\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@ID) = [r]> then\n switch costume to (redo v)\n forever\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (redo v) and wait\n wait until <not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>>\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(@ID) = [3]> then\n if <(MODE) = [play]> then\n show\n switch costume to (return v)\n else\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\n switch costume to (play v)\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\nend\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (4)\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nend\nif <(@ID) = [u]> then\n if <(history_current) > [1]> then\n switch costume to (undo v)\n else\n switch costume to (undo2 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\nelse\n if <(@ID) = [r]> then\n if <(history_current) < (length of [history v])> then\n switch costume to (redo v)\n else\n switch costume to (redo2 v)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@fade\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nset [mode v] to [play]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (mode v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [edit v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nset [mode v] to [edit]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nbroadcast (mode v)\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [preview v]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nset [mode v] to [preview]\nwait (0.7) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ui_menu2 v] to [0]\nset [mobile? v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-100) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (menu v)\nset [@id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [@id v] to [99]\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(UI_menu2) = [1]> then\n set [x vel v] to ((((30) - (x position)) / (9)) + ((x vel) * (0.74)))\nelse\n set [x vel v] to (((-100) - (x position)) / (5))\nend\nchange x by (x vel)\nif <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (4)\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(@id) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (del v)\n forever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> and <(MODE) = [edit]>> then\n broadcast (delete all v) and wait\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(@id) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (mobile0 v)\n forever\n switch costume to (join [mobile] (mobile?))\n if <<(MODE) = [edit]> and <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> then\n set [mobile? v] to ((1) - (mobile?))\n switch costume to (join [mobile] (mobile?))\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@id) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (gotoxy v)\n forever\n if <<(MODE) = [edit]> and <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>> then\n broadcast (go to v) and wait\n wait until <not <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>>>\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@mask_preview\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n wait (0) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(MODE) = [preview]> then\n set y to (-17)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n set size to (100) %\nelse\n change y by (((-6) - (y position)) / (4))\n switch costume to (sizer v)\n if <(MODE) = [play]> then\n change size by (((230) - (size)) / (12))\n if <(size) > [216]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n end\n else\n change size by (((175) - (size)) / (11))\n if <(size) > [173]> then\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n end\n switch costume to (mask preview v)\nend\n\n@UI_preview\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (edit v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nforever\n if <(MODE) = [preview]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [mode v] to [edit]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (play v)\nforever\n if <(MODE) = [preview]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [mode v] to [play]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (1) layers\nif <(MODE) = [preview]> then\n set y to (0)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nelse\n change y by (((y position) - (80)) / (12))\n if <(y position) < [-80]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n end\nend\nif <not <(MODE) = [play]>> then\n set [previous menu v] to (MODE)\nend\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (4)\nelse\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\nend\n\n@MOBILE_UI\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (176) y: (91)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n if <<(mobile?) = [1]> and <(MODE) = [edit]>> then\n show\n set [size_velocity v] to (((size_velocity) * (0.77)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size_velocity)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n switch costume to (hitbox1 v)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [mobile_click?????? v] to [1]\n switch costume to (main1 v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox2 v)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [mobile_click?????? v] to [2]\n switch costume to (main2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox3 v)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [mobile_click?????? v] to [3]\n switch costume to (main3 v)\n else\n switch costume to (hitbox4 v)\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n set [mobile_click?????? v] to [4]\n switch costume to (main4 v)\n else\n set [mobile_click?????? v] to [0]\n switch costume to (main0 v)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (((0) - (size)) / (6))\n if <(size) < [10]> then\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\n@invalid\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [invalid v]\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) < [12]>\n change y by (((11) - (y position)) / (6))\nend\nwait (2.5) seconds\nrepeat until <(y position) > [49.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (8)) / (5))\nend\nhide\n\n@current block\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (g1 v)\nforever\n switch costume to (join (current block) [1])\n repeat until <not <(letter (1) of (costume [name v])) = (current block)>>\n set [y v v] to (((y v) * (0.78)) + (((0) - (y position)) / (9)))\n change y by (y v)\n end\n repeat (6)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\n end\n set y to (-50)\n clear graphic effects\nend\n\n@sign_text\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nif <(MODE) = [edit]> then\n mouse\nelse\n if <(MODE) = [play]> then\n if <[collisions v] contains [n]?> then\n go to x: ((item (item # of [n] in [collisions v]) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((item (item # of [n] in [collisions v]) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y))\n say (item (item # of [n] in [collisions v]) of [sign_text v])\n else\n say []\n end\n else\n say []\n end\nend\n\ndefine mouse\nset [c2 v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<(c2) > (length of [x v])> or <<((round (((mouse x) + (SCROLL X)) / (30))) * (30)) = (item (c2) of [x v])> and <((round (((mouse y) + (SCROLL Y)) / (30))) * (30)) = (item (c2) of [y v])>>>\n change [c2 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(item (c2) of [sign_text v]) = []> then\n say []\nelse\n go to x: ((item (c2) of [x v]) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((item (c2) of [y v]) - (SCROLL Y))\n say (join (item (c2) of [sign_text v]) [ \(press "e" to edit\)])\n if <<key (e v) pressed?> and <(ASK_WAIT) = [0]>> then\n set [ask_wait v] to [1]\n set [sign# v] to (c2)\n broadcast (rename v)\n end\nend\nif <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [g]\nelse\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [l]\n else\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [w]\n else\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [s]\n else\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [b]\n else\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [p]\n else\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [n]\n else\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [c]\n else\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [f]\n else\n if <key (0 v) pressed?> then\n set [current block v] to [e]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <key (r v) pressed?> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\n set [scroll y v] to [30]\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\n@win\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (120)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nshow\nrepeat until <([abs v] of ((((-1) - (y position)) / (9)) + ((yvel) * (0.8))) ) < [0.03]>\n set [yvel v] to ((((-1) - (y position)) / (10)) + ((yvel) * (0.84)))\n change y by (yvel)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-15)\nend\nwait until <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>\nset [play-pause v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(y position) < [-150]>\n change y by (((y position) - (6)) / (3))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [edit v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <(username) = [stratfordjames]> then\n show variable [☁ %c_data v]\nelse\n hide variable [☁ %c_data v]\nend\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.1)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (150) %\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(size) < [100.3]>\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (8))\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-15)\nend\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.1) seconds\nchange [☁ %c_data v] by (1)\n\n@main-menu\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (100) %\nset [mode v] to [0]\nset [id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nshow\nset [id v] to [99]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [@wait v] to [0]\nset size to (0) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (100)\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (new v)\n forever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (hide v)\n set [mode v] to [edit]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nelse\n if <[1] = (id)> then\n switch costume to (load v)\n forever\n if <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>> then\n broadcast (import v) and wait\n if <(import) = [invalid]> then\n set [mode v] to [edit]\n else\n set [mode v] to [preview]\n end\n broadcast (hide v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(id) < [5]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (5))\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (13)\n change size by (((110) - (size)) / (8))\n else\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (8))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hide v]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (main1 v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (main1 v)\n wait (0) seconds\n repeat (5)\n next costume\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n switch costume to (main1 v)\n wait (pick random (2) to (5)) seconds\nend\n\n
DISCLAIMER:\nYes, I know, I know! Bleach kills plants. Look, I just wanted to add some kind of ridiculous thing into this. So no hate comments regarding this issue. PLEASE. And the guy isn't even a plant. Also, another thing I'm asked a lot is to add more levels, and sorry, but I won't. I really can't be bothered, but I'll be making some longer and harder platformers soon. ^^ OKAY ONE MORE THING!! I. DID. NOT. SPELL. WELL. WRONG. It's meant to say welp! D:\n\nUPDATE LOG:\n29/05/2019: Removed invisible platform from level 9\n\nHey, welcome to Nature Platformer!\nGrass = ground\nMud = death\nLitter = death\nBleach = bouncy\nWords = sort of helpful\nArrow keys to move.\nHave fun! <3\n\nEdit 29/05/2019: Woohoo, curated by @guineapigluv2! Thank you so much for the love and support! <33 I won't be replying to every single comment but please remember I read every last one of them! Let's get this top loved ^^\n\nEdit 04/06/2019: My curation has ended, but... 12k views??! This is unreal! Thank you all so so so SO much! <33
Stranded 3 | Scrolling Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Wallpaper v] until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\ndefine wall sensing bug\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (movin platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\nend\n\ndefine reset\nset [xvel v] to [0]\nset [yvel v] to [0]\ngo to x: (-216) y: (40)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nreset\n\ndefine setup platformer\nset [health v] to [7]\nset [gravity v] to [10]\nset [jump force v] to [15]\nset [speed v] to [1.5]\nset [scene v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nforever\n Show Health (health) of [7] offset y [-40]\n if <(health) < [1]> then\n start sound [thump soft v]\n broadcast (__Screen Wipe v)\n set [scene v] to [1]\n set [health v] to [7]\n end\n left and right controls\n wall sensing bug\n wall sensing bug\n wall sensing bug\n wall sensing bug\n walljumping/sensing\n wall sensing\n jumping\n if <(x position) > [239]> then\n broadcast (__Screen Wipe v)\n broadcast (Next Level v) and wait\n change [scene v] by (1)\n end\n if <<touching (lava v)?> or <touching (spikes v)?>> then\n start sound [Wood Tap v]\n change [health v] by (-1)\n reset\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n start sound [jump1 v]\n set [yvel v] to [20]\n end\nend\n\ndefine left and right controls\nif <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(x position) > (mouse x)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by ((speed) - ((speed) * (2)))\n set [direction v] to [-90]\nend\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> then\n change [xvel v] by (speed)\n set [direction v] to [90]\nend\nset [xvel v] to ((xvel) * (0.85))\nchange x by (xvel)\n\ndefine walljumping/sensing\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (movin platformer v)?>> then\n change y by (-4)\n change x by ((xvel) * (-1))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(xvel) > ((gravity) + ((gravity) - ((gravity) * (2))))> then\n set [xvel v] to (round ((gravity) - ((gravity) * (2))))\n else\n set [xvel v] to (round (gravity))\n end\n set [yvel v] to ((gravity) + ((gravity) - ((gravity) / (2))))\n else\n set [xvel v] to ((gravity) + ((gravity) - ((gravity) * (2))))\n end\nend\n\ndefine wall sensing\nchange [yvel v] by ((((gravity) + ((gravity) - ((gravity) * (2)))) + (1)) * (-1))\nchange y by (yvel)\nif <<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (movin platformer v)?>> then\n change y by ((yvel) - ((yvel) * (2)))\n set [yvel v] to ((gravity) + ((gravity) - ((gravity) * (2))))\nend\nchange y by (-1)\n\ndefine jumping\nif <<<touching (ground v)?> or <touching (movin platformer v)?>> and <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n start sound [jump1 v]\n set [yvel v] to (jump force)\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [run v]\nforever\n broadcast (forever loop v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [forever loop v]\npoint in direction (direction)\nset [x v] to (round (x position))\nset [y v] to (round (y position))\n\ndefine Show Health (health) of (max) offset y (y)\nadd (x position) to [healths v]\nadd ((y position) + (y)) to [healths v]\nadd ((health) / (max)) to [healths v]\ncreate clone of (health bar v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to ([costume name v] of [thanks v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nreset\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ndelete all of [healths v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nreset\nsetup platformer\nbroadcast (run v)\nbroadcast (Next Level v)\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (Scene)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(costume [number v]) = [15]> then\n broadcast (eliminate skip v)\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (Scene)\nend\n\n@Thanks\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nwait until <(Actions \(love/fave\)) = [2]>\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (50)\nreset timer\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (red v)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by ((y position) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nswitch costume to (blue v)\nreset timer\nrepeat until <(timer) > [3.5]>\n change y by (((y position) - (-100)) / (-15))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (red v)\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [actions \(love/fave\) v] to [0]\nforever\n set [touching v] to [none]\n Detect [love] at [-201] [-220]\n Detect [fave] at [-201] [-220]\nend\n\ndefine Detect (thing) at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset size to (27000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thing)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [love]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [love]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [fave]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [fave]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Love and fave reminder\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (5) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (1) seconds\nforever\n if <(Actions \(love/fave\)) < [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n go to x: (0) y: (150)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n repeat (11)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (7)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (6)\n change y by (-2)\n end\n wait (5) seconds\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n repeat (17)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\n wait (pick random (10) to (20)) seconds\n else\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\n@Particles\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (5)\n change y by (5)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [eliminate skip v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set size to (pick random (120) to (70)) %\n go to x: (pick random (-233) to (40)) y: (pick random (-165) to (-90))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\n@Health Bar\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [backward v] (213) layers\nhide\ndelete all of [healths v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset x to (item (1) of [healths v])\nset y to (item (2) of [healths v])\nswitch costume to ((10) * (item (3) of [healths v]))\ndelete (1) of [healths v]\ndelete (1) of [healths v]\ndelete (1) of [healths v]\nif <not <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n show\n wait (0) seconds\nend\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Show Health (health) of (max) offset y (y)\nadd (x position) to [healths v]\nadd ((y position) + (y)) to [healths v]\nadd ((health) / (max)) to [healths v]\ncreate clone of (health bar v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nwait (8) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [eliminate skip v]\nhide\n\n@Thumbnail2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n
Gobo's world ✦ Multiplayer cloud scrolling platformer\n> comment down _gobo_\n\nif the "play" button doesn't disappear, press green flag again\n\nRESHARED 03/24/2020\n\n✦ INSTRUCTIONS: (readme)\narrow keys or tap to move\nt to chat\nn to toggle other players name\nr to restart\n\nThere are 4 hidden stations. How many of them could you find?\nCould you finish the whole game?\n\n✦ INFORMATION: You are playing as Gobo and are travelling through different biomes. On your way there are 4 hidden stations where you can change your player into another member of the "Scratch family" (Nano, Giga etc). \n\nIf you choose "Multiplayer", you can see other players playing and you are able to chat with them. If you choose "Singleplayer", you can't see other players (and other players can't see you) and you can't chat with them.\n\n✦ FAQ\n(frequently asked questions)\n\nQ: Can I chat on mobile?\nA: Sorry but no\n\nQ: Can I use turbo mode?\nA: Of course no\n\nQ: I can't see anyone\nA: Only you are playing or you chose "Singleplayer" or you're still a New Scratcher\n\nQ: Can you check out my game?\nA: Please don't advertise (lol)\n\nmade of 2500+ blocks\n\nCredits ©\nMusic: @-xaf- Plugged and @-xaf- Kaled FOLLOW HIM! He makes awesome music\nMusic: Tobu Candyland\nMusic: Some sounds are borrowed from @Lucasliu9595\nGobo / Nano / Giga / Tera art from Scratch Sprite Library\nAll other art by me\nGobo walk animation in the beginning by @yukss\nBasic multiplayer cloud engine by @cloud-mutliplayer\nThanks to @griffpatch's scrolling platformer tutorial on YouTube\nAll other code by me\n\nEnjoy!
Pacman Platformer
@Stage\n\n@Blank\n\n@Cube\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (cube v)\nshow\nforever\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n set [jump v] to [0]\n go to x: (-210) y: (-20)\n repeat until <<(x position) > [240]> or <<<(y position) < [-180]> or <(y position) = [-180]>> or <touching (spikes v)?>>>\n change [x speed v] by (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<(mouse x) > ((x position) + (15))> and <mouse down?>>> or <key (d v) pressed?>> - <<<<(mouse x) < ((x position) + (-15))> and <mouse down?>> or <key (left arrow v) pressed?>> or <key (a v) pressed?>>)\n set [x speed v] to ((X Speed) * (0.9))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (round (X Speed))\n if <touching (floor2 v)?> then\n change x by (round ((X Speed) * (-1)))\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(X Speed) > [0]> then\n set [x speed v] to [-8]\n else\n set [x speed v] to [8]\n end\n set [jump v] to [0]\n else\n set [x speed v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [y speed v] by (-1)\n change y by (Y Speed)\n if <touching (floor2 v)?> then\n change y by ((Y Speed) * (-1))\n if <(Y Speed) < [0]> then\n set [jump v] to [0]\n end\n set [y speed v] to [0]\n end\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(Jump) = [0]> then\n set [y speed v] to [15]\n set [jump v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n broadcast (Next Bild v)\n broadcast (Next Level v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (cube v)\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [golden v]\nset [color v] effect to (0)\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (0.5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [skip v]\ngo to x: (-210) y: (-20)\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next bild v]\nnext costume\n\n@Figur1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (kostüm1 v)\nset [werbe stopp 🛑 v] to [0]\nhide\nforever\n if <not <(Werbe Stopp 🛑) = [1]>> then\n show\n wait (2) seconds\n hide\n wait (pick random (10) to (20)) seconds\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [golden v]\nset [werbe stopp 🛑 v] to [1]\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nforever\n wait (0.9999999999999999999999999999999999) seconds\nend\n\nchange [☁ world record time v] by (1)\n\n@Floor2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [nervt v] to [1]\nwait until <(nervt) = [0]>\nwait until <(time end) = [1]>\nif <(☁ time) > (time)> then\n set [☁ time v] to (time)\n set [☁ players v] to (username)\nend\nif <(☁ time) = [0]> then\n set [☁ time v] to [63]\n set [☁ players v] to [drachenzahn123]\nend\n\nreset timer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [☁ time v]\nhide variable [☁ players v]\nset [time v] to [0]\nset [time end v] to [0]\nset [nervt v] to [0]\nwait until <(costume [name v]) = [15]>\nshow variable [☁ time v]\nset [time end v] to [1]\nshow variable [☁ players v]\n\nrepeat until \nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat until <(time end) = [1]>\n wait (0.9999999999999999999999999) seconds\n change [time v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next bild v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\nend\n\nset [☁ time v] to [132]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [☁ time v] to (☁ time)\n\n@Figur2\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n hide\n go to x: (250) y: (pick random (50) to (150))\n wait (pick random (2.5) to (15)) seconds\n show\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (3))\n repeat until <[-250] > (x position)>\n change x by (-4)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nrepeat (8)\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Figur3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Figur4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat until <(time end) = [1]>\n if <<key (x v) pressed?> or <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> then\n broadcast (Next Bild v)\n change [time v] by (10)\n broadcast (Skip v)\n wait (10) seconds\n end\nend\n\n@Text Engine\n\ndefine Write Text (text) At X: (x) Y: (y) | Width: (width) Size: (size) Colour: (clr) Brightness: (bright)\nset size to (size) %\nset [color v] effect to (clr)\nset [brightness v] effect to (bright)\nset [i v] to [1]\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nforever\n Position\n set [new i v] to (i)\n repeat until <<(letter (new i) of (text)) = [ ]> or <(new i) > (length of (text))>>\n set [id v] to (letter (new i) of (text))\n switch costume to (id)\n change x by (10)\n change [new i v] by (((item (costume [number v]) of [letter width v]) - (2)) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n if <(x position) > ((x) + (width))> then\n set [x v] to (x)\n change [y v] by (0)\n end\n repeat until <(letter (i) of (text)) = [ ]>\n Position\n set [id v] to (letter (i) of (text))\n if <<(x position) > ((x) + ((width) + (30)))> or <(id) = [|]>> then\n set [x v] to (x)\n change [y v] by ((-22) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n if <not <(id) = [|]>> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (id)\n change [x v] by (((item (costume [number v]) of [letter width v]) - (2)) * ((size) / (100)))\n end\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <(i) > (length of (text))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [x v] by (((item (length of [letter width v]) of [letter width v]) - (2)) * ((size) / (100)))\n change [i v] by (1)\n if <(i) > (length of (text))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (id)\ngo to [front v] layer\nPosition\nchange y by ()\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat ([floor v] of ((i) / (1.4)) )\nrepeat (20)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-5)\n change y by ()\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nforever\n Position\nend\n\nwhen I receive [delete text clones v]\ndelete this clone\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: (x) y: (160)\n\ndefine Next slide\nchange [_slide v] by (1)\nbroadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v) and wait\nbroadcast (_NEXT SLIDE v)\n\nwhen I receive [_next slide v]\nbroadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v) and wait\nstart sound [High Whoosh v]\n\ndefine back Slide\nchange [_slide v] by (-1)\nbroadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v) and wait\nbroadcast (_NEXT SLIDE v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [_slide v] to [1]\nbroadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v) and wait\nbroadcast (_NEXT SLIDE v)\n\nforever\n if <mouse down?> then\n if <(mouse x) > [0]> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n Next slide\n else\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n back Slide\n end\n else\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (right arrow v) pressed?>>\n Next slide\n else\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n wait until <not <key (left arrow v) pressed?>>\n back Slide\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(_SLIDE) = [1]> then\n Write Text (time) At X: [-190] Y: [] | Width: [] Size: [120] Colour: [0] Brightness: []\n wait (1) seconds\n broadcast (DELETE TEXT CLONES v)\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (intro v)\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nstop [this script v]\n\nif <(_SLIDE) > [0]> then\n\n@detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [actions \(love/fave\) v] to [0]\nforever\n set [touching v] to [none]\n Detect [love] at [-201] [-220]\n Detect [fave] at [-201] [-220]\nend\n\ndefine Detect (thing) at (x) (y)\nswitch costume to (empty v)\nset size to (27000) %\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (thing)\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [touching v] to (costume [name v])\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [love]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [love]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <(touching) = [fave]>\n wait (0.2) seconds\n if <(touching) = [fave]> then\n change [actions \(love/fave\) v] by (1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait until <(Actions \(love/fave\)) = [2]>\nbroadcast (Golden v)\n\nif then\nend\n\n
▼ Arrow keys to move\n★ Read what to do in the project\n\nUPDATE 24/01/16: 93 views? In one week?\nUPDATE 1/08/16: 316 views?! Holy cow!\nAnd 58 likes!\nUPDATE 23/08/16: 502 views?! OMG!!!\nAnd 86 LIKES!!!!!!!!!! Howwww?! Thank you sooooo much!\nUPDATE 28/08/16 92 likes! I'm obsessed with updating!\nUPDATE 120 likes! Thanks so much! (And 824 views! XD)\nUPDATE 30/12/16 220 likes! Thank you so much!\nUPDATE 25/3/17 366 likes! This is amazing! Thank you!\nUPDATE 31/8/17 We are almost at 5000 views! That is insane! Thank you all so much!\nUPDATE 7/10/17 Thank you for 5000 views and 600 likes!
escape! 2 (a platformer)
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [背景変更 v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景3 v)\n\nwhen I receive [背景変更2 v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [サムネgo v]\nswitch backdrop to (背景2 v)\nforever\n play sound [https___scratch v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (背景1 v)\n\n@player\n\ndefine 初期設定\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ngo to x: (-173) y: (-70)\nset size to (50) %\nswitch costume to (前 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [本当にスタート v]\nshow\n初期設定\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <key (d v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (前 v)\n change [x v] by (1)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>> or <key (a v) pressed?>>> then\n switch costume to (後ろ v)\n change [x v] by (-1)\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.89))\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n if <(x) < [0]> then\n set [x v] to [10]\n else\n set [x v] to [-10]\n end\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n change y by ((y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>> or <key (w v) pressed?>>> then\n if <touching (stage v)?> then\n set [y v] to [15]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <[240] < (x position)> then\n broadcast (new stage v)\n 初期設定\n end\n if <touching (障害物 v)?> then\n 初期設定\n end\n if <(y position) = [-193]> then\n 初期設定\n end\nend\n\n@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [new stage v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n broadcast (背景変更 v)\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [18]> then\n broadcast (背景変更2 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [本当にスタート v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@障害物\n\nwhen I receive [new stage v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [本当にスタート v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen I receive [サムネgo v]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n change [color v] effect by (25)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-25)\nend\nrepeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (25)\nend\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nbroadcast (本当にスタート v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen I receive [本当にスタート v]\nshow\nforever\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [logo]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (logo v)\n repeat until <[101] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n repeat until <[66] > (size)>\n change size by (((65) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((90) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n end\n repeat (7)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (-12)) degrees\n switch costume to (logo v)\n end\n hide\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (square2 v)\n set [cloneid v] to [square3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [kirbyzaz]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back3]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n repeat (8)\n set [clone_size v] to [50]\n set [cloneid v] to [square1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [cloneid v] to [back2]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]size v)\n switch costume to (square1 v)\n wait (0.561) seconds\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]spin v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [360]\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (1200) %\n switch costume to (blackbar4 v)\n repeat until <[175] > (size)>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((174) - (size)) / (6.9))\n change [clone_dir v] by (((65) - (clone_dir)) / (6.9))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n end\n set [clone_dir v] to [0.5]\n repeat (15)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change [clone_dir v] by ((clone_dir) / (2))\n change size by (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back v)\n turn right ((clone_dir) / (12)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar3 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar3 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar3 v)\n show\n end\n broadcast (\[INTRO\]end v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat until <(timer) > [9]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((-125) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\n repeat until <(timer) > [10]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (blackbar2 v)\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nreset timer\nstart sound [Foxsky - Kirby Smash v]\nwait (0.7) seconds\nhide\nset [cloneid v] to [b1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [b2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.3) seconds\nset [cloneid v] to [back]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [cloneid v] to [logo]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square1]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((clone_size) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (((clone_dir) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back2]> then\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n clear graphic effects\n set [ghost v] effect to (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n repeat (25)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n set [s v] to [90]\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [back v] layer\n change [clone_dir v] by (((s) - (clone_dir)) / (5))\n point in direction (clone_dir)\n switch costume to (back3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square3]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * ((2.25) * (2.25))) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [square2]> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n show\n set [clone_cos v] to (costume [number v])\n set size to (0) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n repeat until <(size) > [100]>\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n end\n repeat until <(size) > [1500]>\n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by ((((clone_size) * (2.25)) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ((((clone_dir) * (2.25)) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\n switch costume to (clone_cos)\n turn right (0.1) degrees\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif < (cloneID) contains [square]?> then\n if <[350] < (clone_dir)> then\n set [clone_dir v] to [0]\n end\n change [clone_size v] by ((clone_size) * (1.5))\n change [clone_dir v] by (22.5)\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [back3]> then\n change [s v] by (90)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]spin v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to (pick random (5) to (10))\n change size by (30)\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(cloneID) = [kirbyzaz]> then\n show\n set [clone_dir v] to [90]\n point in direction (90)\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (bit v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n \n switch costume to (bit v)\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n switch costume to (yourname v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]size v]\nif <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [2]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\nif <(cloneID) = [b2]> then\n set [clone_cos v] to [-5]\n repeat (35)\n set [clone_cos v] to (((clone_cos) * (0.75)) + (((90) - (direction)) * (0.3)))\n turn right (clone_cos) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [\[intro\]end v]\nif <<(cloneID) = [b1]> or <(cloneID) = [b2]>> then\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(cloneID) = [b1]> then\n change y by (1.5)\n repeat until <(y position) > [200]>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar1 v)\n end\n else\n change y by (-1.5)\n repeat until <[-200] > (y position)>\n switch costume to (back2 v)\n change y by ((y position) / (3))\n switch costume to (blackbar3 v)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nelse\n hide\n broadcast (サムネgo v)\n delete this clone\nend\n\n
---------------------------------------------------------------------\nUse arrows to move (↑ to jump, ← & →)\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nTouch the right wall to get to the next level\n---------------------------------------------------------------------
Among Us Platformer!
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Frozen Droplets v] until done\n stop all sounds\n play sound [Firefly Lullaby v] until done\n stop all sounds\n play sound [Amidst the Mists v] until done\n stop all sounds\nend\n\n@Lava/Spick\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [2]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [3]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [5]> or <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n change y by (([cos v] of ((timer) * (560)) ) * (2))\n end\n if <(Level) = [4]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n show\n end\n if <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n change x by (([cos v] of ((timer) * (560)) ) * (2))\n end\n if <(Level) = [13]> then\n hide\n end\n if <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [14]> then\n show\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n end\n if <(Level) = [15]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (-33)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (up v)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (down v)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n switch costume to (down v)\n end\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (center v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (right2 v)\n end\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> and <key (up arrow v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (right3 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <not <key (any v) pressed?>> then\n wait (4) seconds\n switch costume to (center v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n switch costume to (center2 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n switch costume to (center3 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n switch costume to (center4 v)\n wait (0.07) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\nset size to (40) %\nshow\nset volume to (100) %\nchange volume by (-85)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nswitch backdrop to (1 v)\ngo to x: (-220) y: (-30)\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(x position) < (mouse x)>> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n change [the thing: cool part 1 v] by (1)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n else\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> then\n change [the thing: cool part 1 v] by (-1)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n end\n set [the thing: cool part 1 v] to ((the thing: cool part 1) * (0.9))\n change x by (the thing: cool part 1)\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change x by ((the thing: cool part 1) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <(the thing: cool part 1) > [0]> then\n set [the thing: cool part 1 v] to [-5]\n else\n set [the thing: cool part 1 v] to [5]\n end\n set [the thing: cool part 2 v] to [10]\n else\n set [the thing: cool part 2 v] to [0]\n end\n end\n change [the thing: cool part 2 v] by (-1)\n change y by (the thing: cool part 2)\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n change y by ((the thing: cool part 2) * (-1))\n set [the thing: cool part 2 v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#00cccc)?>> then\n if <touching color (#ff8cc9)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(y position) < (mouse y)>>> then\n set [the thing: cool part 2 v] to [17]\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<touching (lava/spick v)?> or <(y position) < [-170]>> or <touching (sprite3 v)?>> then\n change [lives v] by (-1)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n go to x: (-220) y: (-30)\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0) seconds\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [236]> then\n go to x: (-220) y: (-30)\n change [level v] by (1)\n change [again useless v] by (1)\n broadcast (next level v)\n switch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\n end\nend\n\nif <touching color (#eeff00)?> then\n set [yv v] to [26]\nend\n\nif <touching color (#808080)?> then\n go to x: (-198) y: (-45)\nend\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change [color v] effect by (5)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag hit v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n change x by (10)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set x to (-163)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (2) seconds\n switch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\n set size to (pick random (25) to (50)) %\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n change x by (10)\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n set x to (-163)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait (4) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\n@Sprite3\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n show\n say [HAHAHAHAHAHA] for (2) seconds\n say [get ready to lose] for (2) seconds\n say [Fight] for (1) seconds\n go to x: (156) y: (10)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n wait (3) seconds\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (161) y: (87)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-190) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-190) y: (250)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (161) y: (87)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-190) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-190) y: (250)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (161) y: (87)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-190) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-190) y: (250)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (161) y: (87)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-190) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-190) y: (250)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (161) y: (87)\n glide (0.5) secs to x: (-190) y: (0)\n glide (1) secs to x: (-190) y: (250)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n say [Ok, You win] for (2) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nset [level v] to [20]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n change y by (-10)\nend\n\nwait (3) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset x to (pick random (-190) to (190))\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-180]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [21]> then\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-180]> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n hide\n end\n if <not <touching (player v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n if <(answer) = [IDK]> then\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n end\n if <(answer) = [On a journey]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n if <(answer) = [hi]> then\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n end\n if <(answer) = [no]> then\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green Flag hit v)\n\nwhen I receive [green flag hit v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n show\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n ask [Say "Hi"] and wait\n ask [Where are you going \(say "on a journey" or "IDK"] and wait\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Sprite5\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [16]> then\n show\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n end\n if <not <touching (player v)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [17]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag hit v]\n\n@Sprite6\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n if <(Level) = [20]> then\n show\n wait (20) seconds\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag hit v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [green flag hit v]\nhide\n\n@level\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n
このゲームは2/24に公開されたものです\n新作絶対見ようね圧\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/949792920\n本当は2/24日に公開されたものです。(毎日のように報告乱用されてる...)\n( ᐛ )ではなく、(ΦωΦ)を流行らせよう!(((\n (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)も流行らせよう!()\n報告乱用で消えたけど復活!!\nPlease don't advertise here.\n宣伝やめてください。\nたまにウィザーの攻撃がバグることがあります\n※本当は先週出す予定の作品でした((((\n❤と⭐を押せば無敵になれます!(一回無敵になれる機能を削除したけど消されたから報告乱用だということが証明できたので)\n”Press ❤ and ⭐ to become invincible!\n今回はネザーのマインクラフトプラットフォーマー(6)を作りました!!\n❤と⭐、フォロー、拡散をよろしくお願いします。\n《操作方法》\n矢印キーまたはタップで操作します。\nスペースキーまたはタップで剣を振れます。\n敵に当たると死にます()\n《クレジット(足りなかったら言ってください)》\nBGM:@-xaf-\n一部コスチューム:@kuri-pa-2
Sunshine | Platformer 3 #games
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (title card v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nswitch backdrop to (level1 v)\n\n@teeny\n\nwhen I receive [turbo mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-134) y: (-70)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(y position) < [-175]> then\n go to x: (-134) y: (-70)\n set [xv v] to [0]\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.85))\n change x by (xv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-5)\n change x by ((-1) * (xv))\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> and <not <(xv) = [0]>>> then\n set [mode v] to [walljump]\n set [yv v] to [8]\n set [xv v] to (((xv) / ([abs v] of (xv) )) * (-10))\n else\n set [mode v] to [wallslide]\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n if <(yv) = [-3]> then\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (right arrow v) pressed?>> then\n set [mode v] to [run]\n else\n if <([abs v] of (xv) ) > [.1]> then\n set [mode v] to [skid]\n else\n set [mode v] to [stand]\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [mode v] to [jump]\n set [yv v] to [9]\n end\n end\n if <<<<(mode) = [jump]> or <(mode) = [walljump]>> and <(yv) < [0]>> or <<<(mode) = [run]> or <(mode) = [skid]>> and <(yv) < [-3]>>> then\n set [mode v] to [fall]\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <(yv) > [-15]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (-1)\n if <not <touching color (#000008)?>> then\n change y by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (2)\n change y by (yv)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by (-2)\n if <touching color (#000008)?> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n set [yv v] to [-3]\n end\n change y by (2)\n end\n if <(x position) > [275]> then\n change [page v] by (1)\n switch backdrop to (next backdrop v)\n go to x: (-134) y: (-70)\n end\n if <touching color (#20ff00)?> then\n broadcast (Finished!!! v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [page v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nforever\n play sound [TheFatRat - Telescope.mp3 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen [a v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\n@title\n\nwhen I receive [turbo mode v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@start\n\ndefine logo\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n if <mouse down?> then\n else\n set [size v] to (((size) * (0.7)) + (((100) - (size)) / (6)))\n change size by (size)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nlogo\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (start v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [turbo mode v]\nhide\n\n@timer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide variable [timer v]\nset [timer v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow variable [timer v]\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n change [timer v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [finished!!! v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nhide\n\n@intro\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (60)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\nwait (2) seconds\nbroadcast (intro v)\nrepeat (60)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\nend\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [intro v]\nhide\n\n@Highscore\n\nwhen I receive [finished!!! v]\nforever\n if <(timer) < (☁ highscore)> then\n set [☁ highscore v] to (timer)\n end\nend\n\n@Turbo Detector 2.0\n\ndefine Turbo mode detector\nreset timer\nrepeat (10)\n move (0) steps\nend\nif <(timer) > [0.1]> then\n set [turbo mode? v] to [false]\nelse\n set [turbo mode? v] to [true]\n switch backdrop to (turbo mode v)\n broadcast (turbo mode v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n Turbo mode detector\nend\n\n
----------------------------------Story-----------------------------------\n\nTheres a bug in your game thats destroying your levels and the only way to stop it is to play the game and fix the levels yourself (Pls send me animations or other things that I could use for the story also if your gonna make an animation it should match the style of the game.)\n\n---------------Instructions PLEASE READ------------------------\n\nThis is meant for 2 people as it much more fun that way\nArrow Keys or WASD to move\nFill in the Empty box in the level and press space to proceed to the next level\n\nTo turn on Mobile controls 2 player or turn off the death FX \ngo to Settings. Also pressing pause gives you a menu where you can skip the level restart or go to the menu\n\nAlso when using the skip button wait till your character spawns in the next level to press it again or the game breaks if the game does break clicking the menu button or the green flag is really the only way to fix it.\nAlso touching anything orange or red kills you\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scrolling platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Popsicle v] until done\nend\n\n@Platform プラットフォーム\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [level v] to [1]\nfirst [300]\nforever\n program\nend\n\ndefine first (size)\nswitch costume to (nil v)\nset size to (size) %\nset [size v] to (size)\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\npoint in direction (105)\ngo to x: (0) y: (-500)\n\ndefine program\nchange [y v] by (1)\nif <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [angle v] by (0.2)\nend\nif <<key (a v) pressed?> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>>> then\n change [angle v] by (-0.2)\nend\nset [angle v] to ((Angle) * (0.8))\nturn left (Angle) degrees\nrepeat (8)\n if <touching (player プレイヤー v)?> then\n change y by (-1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (player プレイヤー v)?> then\n change y by (8)\n turn right (Angle) degrees\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[20] < (mouse y)>>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <[0] < (Angle)> then\n set [angle v] to [-1.5]\n else\n set [angle v] to [1.5]\n end\n set [y v] to [-10]\n else\n set [angle v] to [0]\n end\nend\nchange y by (Y)\nif <touching (player プレイヤー v)?> then\n change y by ((Y) * (-1))\n set [y v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <touching (player プレイヤー v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[20] < (mouse y)>>> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n set [y v] to [-12]\n end\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nset [angle / 角度 v] to (round (direction))\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nfirst [320]\n\n@player プレイヤー\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nset [ok v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>>> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\n if <touching (enemy 敵 v)?> then\n start sound [crashed oof v]\n broadcast (Reset v)\n end\n if <touching (jumping platform ジャンプ台 v)?> then\n start sound [smw_spring_jump @ToadfanSchool v]\n set [y v] to [-18]\n wait until <not <touching (jumping platform ジャンプ台 v)?>>\n end\n if <touching (goal ゴール v)?> then\n if <(ok) = [0]> then\n start sound [High Whoosh v]\n set [ok v] to [1]\n broadcast (Reset v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Enemy 敵\n\ndefine Set hack size to (size)\nswitch costume to (nil v)\nset size to (size) %\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nSet hack size to (size)\nforever\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\n go to (platform プラットフォーム v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [platform プラットフォーム v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nSet hack size to (size)\n\n@ \n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@jumping platform ジャンプ台\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nSet hack size to (size)\nforever\n go to (platform プラットフォーム v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [platform プラットフォーム v])\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\nend\n\ndefine Set hack size to (size)\nswitch costume to (nil v)\nset size to (size) %\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nSet hack size to (size)\n\n@Goal ゴール\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nSet hack size to (size)\nforever\n go to (platform プラットフォーム v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [platform プラットフォーム v])\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\nend\n\ndefine Set hack size to (size)\nswitch costume to (nil v)\nset size to (size) %\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nSet hack size to (size)\n\n@text 文字\n\ndefine Set hack size to (size)\nswitch costume to (nil v)\nset size to (size) %\nswitch costume to ((level) + (1))\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nSet hack size to (size)\nforever\n switch costume to ((level) + (1))\n go to (platform プラットフォーム v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [platform プラットフォーム v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nSet hack size to (size)\n\n@  \n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
Welcome to Toxic Zone!\n________________________\nThere are 16 levels to complete and they are all possible!\n\nInstructions:\n- Use the arrow keys or WAD to move.\n- You can do double jumps and avoid toxic liquid!\n- Aim with the mouse pointer, click to shoot and press the down arrow or E to reload.\n- Press R to restart.\n- Try to complete all levels as fast as you can!
☁ The Lab - Multiplayer Platformer ☁ #Games #all
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nset [pitch v] effect to (0)\nforever\n if <key (m v) pressed?> then\n forever\n set [pitch v] effect to (50)\n end\n else\n clear sound effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [128_BPM124 v] until done\n play sound [DL6YaC-OH8I_128 v] until done\n play sound [CkDT4KgDtb8_128 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hp1,2 v]\nset [pan left/right v] effect to (50)\n\n@サムネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (サムネ v)\ngo to x: (23) y: (-4)\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nbroadcast (スタート v)\n\n@プレイヤー\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to x: (-104) y: (42)\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nset [ふむ v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\ngo to x: (-104) y: (42)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [ふむ v] to [0]\nshow\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nforever\n repeat until <(HP) < [1]>\n change [y v] by (-1)\n change y by (y)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by ((0) - (y))\n set [y v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-2)\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<[1] < (mouse y)> and <mouse down?>>>> and <touching (地面 v)?>> then\n start sound [Jump v]\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n set [y v] to [16]\n end\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <<(mouse y) < [0]> and <mouse down?>>>> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n end\n end\n if <(HP) < [1]> then\n broadcast (停止 v)\n set [消える v] to (y position)\n repeat (30)\n change [pixelate v] effect by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (3)\n change [whirl v] effect by (25)\n end\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチュームの番号)\nhide variable [hp v]\nhide variable [y v]\nset [hp v] to [5]\nforever\n repeat until <(HP) < [1]>\n if <<touching (障害物 v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n if <(スコア) < [1]> then\n set [スコア v] to [0]\n else\n change [スコア v] by (-1)\n end\n else\n 動き\n end\n end\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hp減 v]\nchange [hp v] by (-1)\nwait (1) seconds\n\nwhen I receive [hp回復 v]\nchange [hp v] by (1)\n\ndefine 動き\npoint in direction (90)\nturn right (15) degrees\nwait (0.05) seconds\nturn left (15) degrees\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nforever\n if <<touching (障害物 v)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> then\n broadcast (HP減 v)\n start sound [Oops v]\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.7) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hp1,2 v]\nset [pan left/right v] effect to (50)\n\n@地面\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nshow\ngo to x: (-18) y: (-65)\nrepeat (70)\n change y by (0.9)\nend\ngo to x: (15) y: (-2)\nbroadcast (プレイヤー登場 v)\nforever\n if <(x position) < [-31]> then\n go to x: (15) y: (-2)\n else\n change x by ((x) + (-2))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-18) y: (-65)\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@日光\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\nhide variable [太陽 v]\nset [太陽 v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n point in direction ((太陽) * (8))\n change [太陽 v] by (0.1)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set size to (50) %\n else\n set size to (100) %\n end\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nnext costume\n\n@障害物\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nhide variable [スコア v]\nset [スコア v] to [0]\nset [x v] to [-5]\nhide\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (350) y: (-76)\nforever\n if <(HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n else\n wait (pick random (1.51) to (2.6)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(ミッション) = [1]> then\n repeat (pick random (3) to (3))\n create clone of (バネ v)\n wait (pick random (1.51) to (3)) seconds\n create clone of (コイン v)\n end\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [x v] by (-0.05)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (350) y: (-76)\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (13))\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n repeat (20)\n point in direction ((太陽) * (40))\n change x by (x)\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n point in direction ((太陽) * (40))\n change x by (x)\n end\n change [スコア v] by (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [ 12]> then\n go to x: (237) y: (-61)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (20)\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n change y by (-2)\n end\n end\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (x)\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n change y by (-2)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (x)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (x)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-10)\nend\nchange [スコア v] by (1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [x v]\nhide\nforever\n change [x v] by (-0.005)\n if <(x) < [-14]> then\n set [x v] to [-14]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@HP\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\ngo to x: (-153) y: (108)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nforever\n switch costume to (HP)\n if <(HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [hp v] to [5]\nhide variable [hp v]\nforever\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n broadcast (HP1,2 v)\n set [pan left/right v] effect to (50)\n else\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nforever\n if <(HP) > [5]> then\n set [hp v] to [5]\n end\n if <(HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n if <<(costume [number v]) = [2]> or <(costume [number v]) = [1]>> then\n go to x: (-153) y: (108)\n repeat (10)\n change y by (pick random (-2) to (2))\n change x by (pick random (-2) to (2))\n end\n go to x: (-153) y: (108)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [hp減 v]\nrepeat (pick random (2) to (3))\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\n@植物\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nhide\ngo to x: (241) y: (28)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nforever\n wait (pick random (2) to (7)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nswitch costume to (pick random (1) to (4))\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change x by (-7)\n end\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (80) %\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\nstop [this script v]\n\n@回復アイテム\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nforever\n hide\n if <(HP) < [3]> then\n wait (pick random (5) to (10)) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(HP) < [1]> then\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\n else\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (204) y: (-11)\nset size to (50) %\nshow\nforever\n change x by (-10)\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching (障害物 v)?>> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n broadcast (HP回復 v)\n start sound [つぶれる v]\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\nhide\nstop [this script v]\n\n@結果\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\ngo to x: (-15) y: (22)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nshow variable [☁ ハイスコア v]\nshow variable [スコア v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [☁ ハイスコア v]\nhide variable [スコア v]\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\nif <(☁ ハイスコア) < (スコア)> then\n set [☁ ハイスコア v] to (スコア)\n show variable [☁ ハイスコア v]\nend\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [☁ ハイスコア v]\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(☁ ハイスコア) < (スコア)> then\n broadcast (ハイスコア更新中 v)\n set [☁ ハイスコア v] to (スコア)\n end\nend\n\nadd [なにか] to [ランキング、ranking v]\n\n@宣伝\n\nwhen I receive [プレイヤー登場 v]\nhide\nset size to (50) %\nforever\n wait (10) seconds\n switch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n show\n repeat (1)\n go to x: (7) y: (107)\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (9)\n change x by (((323) - (x position)) / (4))\n start sound [文字表示の衝撃音1 v]\n end\n go to x: (-229) y: (113)\n repeat (10)\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (4))\n start sound [文字表示の衝撃音1 v]\n end\n end\n repeat (80)\n change [ghost v] effect by (1)\n end\n clear graphic effects\n hide\n wait (20) seconds\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [星 v]\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (60)\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nswitch costume to (コスチューム1 v)\n\n@星\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n broadcast (星 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [星 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nchange [スコア v] by (1)\n\n@コイン\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n set [ミッション v] to [0]\n wait (120) seconds\n set [ミッション v] to [1]\n wait (120) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to x: (230) y: (20)\nset size to (50) %\nswitch costume to (コイン v)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (-10)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (-10)\nend\nchange [スコア v] by (1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [スタート v]\nforever\n if <(ミッション) > [1]> then\n set [ミッション v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nchange [スコア v] by (1)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n change [スコア v] by (10)\n hide\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@バネ\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset size to (30) %\ngo to x: (240) y: (-61)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nrepeat (20)\n change x by (x)\nend\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change x by (x)\nend\nchange [スコア v] by (1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <touching (プレイヤー v)?> then\n switch costume to (コスチューム3 v)\n set [y v] to [20]\n wait (0.05) seconds\n else\n switch costume to (コスチューム2 v)\n end\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (111) y: (143)\n\nwhen I receive [ハイスコア更新中 v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\nhide\n\n@終わり\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nwait (0.3) seconds\nforever\n go to (プレイヤー v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [停止 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (3)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset y to (消える)\nshow\npoint in direction (pick random (-190) to (200))\nrepeat (4)\n turn right (1) degrees\nend\nrepeat (4)\n change [ghost v] effect by (25)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\n
=====Info=====\nThe Red Ninja: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/401255085/\nThe Red Ninja 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/402521703/\nThe Red Ninja 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/404940060/\nThe Red Ninja 5: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406739724/\nAre you ready for another epic adventure? Grab your katana, ninja stars, arrows and axes, and let’s go!\nCan we keep the love-view ratio above 25 this time?\n=====Disclaimer=====\nIt might lag occasionally on slow devices because of too many clones, but still, enjoy! This is also mobile friendly.\nFor less lag go to Forkphorus.github.io/#402980379\n=====Controls=====\nMove and Swim || Arrow keys or mobile tap\nShoot || Space or “Use weapon” button\nSwitch Weapon || Z or “Switch weapon” button\nAll levels are possible!
Cat Caves [arguably non euclidean platformer]
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\nset volume to (150) %\nforever\n play sound [Tobu - Seven v] until done\nend\n\n@Blank\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [chat v]\nadd [Hi!] to [chat v]\nadd [Come with me!] to [chat v]\nadd [Ok!] to [chat v]\nadd [Nice!] to [chat v]\nadd [Look at me!] to [chat v]\nadd [Hard!] to [chat v]\nadd [lol] to [chat v]\nadd [Bye!] to [chat v]\nadd [No thank you.] to [chat v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow list [chat v]\nset [is the chat open v] to [0]\nforever\n if <<key (t v) pressed?> or <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(is the chat open) = [1]> then\n set [is the chat open v] to [0]\n else\n set [is the chat open v] to [1]\n end\n wait until <<not <<touching (mouse-pointer v)?> and <mouse down?>>> and <not <key (t v) pressed?>>>\n end\n Chat\nend\n\ndefine Chat\nif <(is the chat open) = [1]> then\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [1]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Hi!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [2]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Come with me!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [3]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Ok!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [4]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Nice!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [5]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Look at me!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (6 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [6]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Be careful!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (7 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [7]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [lol]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (8 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [8]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [Bye!]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n if <key (9 v) pressed?> then\n set [chat v] to [9]\n say (item (CHAT) of [chat v])\n wait (2) seconds\n say [No thanks.]\n set [chat v] to [0]\n else\n set [chat v] to [0]\n say (username)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine write (val) to encoded\nset [letter # v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (val))\n set [encoded v] to (join (encoded) (item # of (letter (letter #) of (val)) in [code v]))\n change [letter # v] by (1)\nend\nset [encoded v] to (join (encoded) [00])\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(MY PLAYER #) > [0]> then\n send cloud data\n end\nend\n\ndefine set cloud # (player) to (value)\nif <(player) = [1]> then\n set [☁ p1 v] to (value)\nelse\n if <(player) = [2]> then\n set [☁ p2 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [3]> then\n set [☁ p3 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [4]> then\n set [☁ p4 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [5]> then\n set [☁ p5 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [6]> then\n set [☁ p6 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [7]> then\n set [☁ p7 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [8]> then\n set [☁ p8 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [9]> then\n set [☁ p9 v] to (value)\n else\n if <(player) = [10]> then\n set [☁ p10 v] to (value)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine send cloud data\nset [encoded v] to []\nwrite (costume [number v]) to encoded\nwrite (username) to encoded\nwrite (round ((timer) * (10))) to encoded\nwrite (Player: x) to encoded\nwrite (Player: y) to encoded\nwrite (CHAT) to encoded\nset cloud # (MY PLAYER #) to (encoded)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Green flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Play Game v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [play game v]\nset [level v] to [1]\nforever\n broadcast (Reset v) and wait\n broadcast (Setup v) and wait\n Reset\n repeat until <(EXIT) > []>\n Tick\n broadcast (Tick v)\n end\n if <(EXIT) = [win]> then\n Game - Win\n else\n set [exit v] to []\n end\nend\n\ndefine Reset\nif <(CHECKPOINT) = [0]> then\n set [player: x v] to [-100]\n set [player: y v] to [-60]\n set [scroll y v] to (Player: y)\n set [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\nelse\n if <(CHECKPOINT) = [1]> then\n set [player: x v] to [986]\n set [player: y v] to [-69]\n set [scroll y v] to (Player: y)\n set [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\n else\n if <(CHECKPOINT) = [2]> then\n set [player: x v] to [3399]\n set [player: y v] to [52]\n set [scroll y v] to (Player: y)\n set [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\n else\n if <(CHECKPOINT) = [3]> then\n set [player: x v] to [3363]\n set [player: y v] to [-137]\n set [scroll y v] to (Player: y)\n set [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nset [sx v] to [0]\nset [sy v] to [0]\nset [in air v] to [5]\nset [timout v] to [0]\nset [exit v] to []\nset rotation style [left-right v]\nshow\n\ndefine Tick\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.65))\nelse\n change [sx v] by ((2) * (<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> - <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>))\n set [sx v] to ((sx) * (0.75))\nend\nif <([abs v] of (sx) ) > [0.9]> then\n Change Player x by (round (sx))\nend\nif <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(in air) < [3]> then\n if <(sy) > [-2]> then\n set [sy v] to [14]\n end\n end\nend\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [sy v] to [23]\nend\nif <touching (ladder v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (6)\n end\n if <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (20)) < (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n change [player: y v] by (-6)\n end\n set [sy v] to [0]\nelse\n if <(sy) > [-20]> then\n change [sy v] by (-1.3)\n end\nend\nChange player y by (sy)\n Test - Die\nchange [scroll x v] by (round (((Player: x) - (SCROLL X)) / (5)))\nif <(SCROLL X) < [0]> then\n set [scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nchange [scroll y v] by (round (((Player: y) - (SCROLL Y)) / (10)))\nif <(SCROLL Y) < [0]> then\n set [scroll y v] to [0]\nend\nPosition\nif <(Player: y) < [-180]> then\n set [exit v] to [die]\nend\nif <<<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) - (20)) > (x position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse x) + (20)) < (x position)> and <mouse down?>>>> or <<<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> or <<<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) + (20)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>>>> then\n set [timout v] to [0]\nelse\n change [timout v] by (1)\nend\nif <(timout) > [999]> then\n broadcast (timeout v)\n hide\nend\nif <touching (end v)?> then\n broadcast (win v)\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Change Player x by (sx)\nchange [player: x v] by (sx)\nPosition\nif <touching (platforms v)?> then\n repeat (8)\n change [player: y v] by (1)\n Position\n if <not <touching (platforms v)?>> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [player: y v] by (-8)\n if <touching (platforms v)?> then\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> or <<((mouse y) - (5)) > (y position)> and <mouse down?>>> then\n if <(sx) > [0]> then\n set [sx v] to [-16]\n else\n set [sx v] to [16]\n end\n set [sy v] to [12]\n end\n Position\n end\n repeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n change [player: x v] by ((([abs v] of (sx) ) / (sx)) * (-1))\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Change player y by (sy)\nchange [player: y v] by (sy)\nchange [in air v] by (1)\nPosition\nrepeat until <not <touching (platforms v)?>>\n change [player: y v] by ((([abs v] of (sy) ) / (sy)) * (-1))\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n set [in air v] to [0]\n end\n Position\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\nif <touching (jump_through v)?> then\n if <(sy) < [0]> then\n change [player: y v] by ((sy) * (-1))\n set [sy v] to [0]\n set [in air v] to [0]\n Position\n end\nend\n\ndefine Position\ngo to x: ((Player: x) - (SCROLL X)) y: ((Player: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine Test - Die\nif <<<touching (spinning wheel of death v)?> or <touching (danger v)?>> and <not <(username) = [Weirdify]>>> then\n broadcast (die v)\n set [exit v] to [die]\n Reset\nend\n\ndefine Game - Win\nrepeat (50)\n point towards (exit v)\n turn right (65) degrees\n move ((distance to [exit v]) / (2)) steps\n change size by (-1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\nend\nhide\nchange [level v] by (1)\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (blue v)\nforever\n if < (shop) contains [red]?> then\n switch costume to (middle2 v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [green]?> then\n switch costume to (middle3 v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [PurpleHat]?> then\n switch costume to (middle4 v)\n end\n if < (shop) contains [BlueCrown]?> then\n switch costume to (middle5 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [max players v] to [10]\nset [my player # v] to [0]\nset [connect v] to [Connecting]\nbroadcast (setup opponents v) and wait\nbroadcast (join game v) and wait\nif <(MY PLAYER #) > [0]> then\n set [connect v] to [Connected]\nelse\n set [connect v] to [Full]\nend\nbroadcast (begin v)\n\nset [scroll x v] to (Player: x)\n\nwhen I receive [die v]\nplay sound [ダメージ v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>> then\n switch costume to (middle5 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(username) = [TinyDxde]> then\nend\n\nswitch costume to (middle6 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<key (t v) pressed?> and <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n switch costume to (middle6 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Opponents\n\ndefine Decode chat (#)\nif <(#) = [0]> then\n\ndefine begin decode of (encoded)\nset [encoded v] to (encoded)\nset [letter # v] to [1]\n\ndefine value = read from encoded\nset [value v] to []\nforever\n set [idx v] to (join (letter (letter #) of (encoded)) (letter ((letter #) + (1)) of (encoded)))\n change [letter # v] by (2)\n if <(idx) < [1]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [value v] to (join (value) (item (idx) of [code v]))\nend\n\ndefine setup players\nhide\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (50)\nset [offline v] to [100]\nset [player # v] to [1]\npoint in direction (90)\nrepeat ((MAX PLAYERS) - (1))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [player # v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nforever\n if <(MY PLAYER #) = (player #)> then\n set [offline v] to [100]\n else\n tick\n end\nend\n\ndefine value = cloud # (player #)\nif <(player #) = [1]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P1)\nelse\n if <(player #) = [2]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P2)\n else\n if <(player #) = [3]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P3)\n else\n if <(player #) = [4]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P4)\n else\n if <(player #) = [5]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P5)\n else\n if <(player #) = [6]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P6)\n else\n if <(player #) = [7]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P7)\n else\n if <(player #) = [8]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P8)\n else\n if <(player #) = [9]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P9)\n else\n if <(player #) = [10]> then\n set [value v] to (☁ P10)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [decode chat v]\nDecode chat (value)\n\ndefine tick\nvalue = cloud # (player #)\nif <(join (value) [A]) = (last value)> then\n change [offline v] by (1)\n if <(offline) = [100]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [last value v] to (join (value) [A])\n if <(offline) > [99]> then\n show\n end\n set [offline v] to [0]\nend\nbegin decode of (value)\nvalue = read from encoded\nswitch costume to (value)\nvalue = read from encoded\nif <<<(y position) < [-160]> or <[160] < (y position)>> or <<(x position) < [-220]> or <[220] < (x position)>>> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n go to [front v] layer\n point towards (player v)\n switch costume to (arrow v)\n if on edge, bounce\n think []\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nelse\n set rotation style [don't rotate v]\n point in direction (90)\n set [ghost v] effect to (10)\n if <(names?) = [0]> then\n think []\n else\n think (value)\n end\nend\nvalue = read from encoded\nvalue = read from encoded\nset x to ((value) - (SCROLL X))\nvalue = read from encoded\nset y to ((value) - (SCROLL Y))\nvalue = read from encoded\nbroadcast (Decode chat v)\n\nwhen I receive [join game v]\nvalue = cloud # (player #)\nset [last value v] to (join (value) [A])\nwait (3) seconds\nvalue = cloud # (player #)\nif <(join (value) [A]) = (last value)> then\n set [my player # v] to (player #)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup opponents v]\nsetup players\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [names? v] to [1]\nforever\n if <key (n v) pressed?> then\n if <(names?) = [0]> then\n set [names? v] to [1]\n else\n set [names? v] to [0]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Connnect\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (connecting v)\ngo to x: (170) y: (130)\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(CONNECT) = [Connected]> then\n switch costume to (connected v)\n play sound [Connect v] until done\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(CONNECT) = [Full]> then\n switch costume to (full v)\n else\n switch costume to (connecting v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nclear graphic effects\nswitch costume to (timeout v)\nshow\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen I receive [timeout v]\nplay sound [Disconnect v] until done\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo [forward v] (2) layers\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Platforms\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\nset [ghost v] effect to (99)\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Platforms_Art3\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [platforms_art3: x v] to [0]\nset [platforms_art3: y v] to [0]\nset [w v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\nClone at [480] [0] moving: []\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition (((Platforms_Art3: x) - (SCROLL X)) - (([sin v] of (Effects) ) * (w))) ((Platforms_Art3: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y) moving: (w)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [platforms_art3: x v] by (x)\nchange [platforms_art3: y v] by (y)\nset [w v] to (w)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nclear graphic effects\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [spikes x v] to [0]\nset [spikes y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nset [spikes x v] to [-99999]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((Spikes x) - (SCROLL X)) ((Spikes y) - (SCROLL Y))\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\n\ngo to [back v] layer\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [spikes x v] by (x)\nchange [spikes y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Chat\n\ndefine GO\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [the shop is open v] to [0]\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n GO\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nset [the shop is open v] to [1]\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\nend\nwait until <(is the chat open) = [0]>\n\nrepeat (10)\n set size to ((size) + (((0) - (size)) / (3))) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [119]>\n change [size v] by (.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Chat Open v)\n hide\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat close v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nshow\nset [the shop is open v] to [0]\n\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nset [is the chat open v] to [1]\n\nshow\n\n@Jump_Through\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [] []\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((x) - (SCROLL X)) ((y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [x v] by (x)\nchange [y v] by (y)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@Background particles\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [speed v] to (pick random (1) to (5))\nshow\nset size to (pick random (30) to (150)) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (pick random (60) to (92))\ngo to (random position v)\nset x to (260)\npoint in direction (pick random (-60) to (-105))\nrepeat until <<(x position) < [-239]> or <(y position) > [179]>>\n move (speed) steps\n turn right (pick random (-1) to (1.0)) degrees\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@shop\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n set size to (0) %\n wait until <(the shop is open) = [1]>\n repeat (10)\n set size to ((size) + (((100) - (size)) / (3))) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait until <(the shop is open) = [0]>\n repeat (10)\n set size to ((size) + (((0) - (size)) / (3))) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\nend\n\ndefine GO\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n GO\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [the shop is open v] to [0]\nset [shop v] to []\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(the shop is open) = [1]> then\n if <<<key (1 v) pressed?> and <(COINS) > [4]>> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [2]>>> then\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [red])\n change [coins v] by (-5)\n wait until <not <key (1 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <<<key (2 v) pressed?> and <(COINS) > [9]>> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [3]>>> then\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [green])\n change [coins v] by (-10)\n wait until <not <key (2 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <<<key (3 v) pressed?> and <(COINS) > [19]>> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [4]>>> then\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [PurpleHat])\n change [coins v] by (-20)\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <<<key (4 v) pressed?> and <(COINS) > [29]>> and <not <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [5]>>> then\n set [shop v] to (join (shop) [BlueCrown])\n change [coins v] by (-30)\n wait until <not <key (4 v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shop open v]\nshow\nset [the shop is open v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nhide\n\n@Coins\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n change [effects v] by (1)\n set size to ((8000) / ((80) + (([sin v] of (Effects) ) * (9)))) %\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((coin x) - (SCROLL X)) ((coin y) - (SCROLL Y))\nif <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (coin v)\n change [coins v] by (1)\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nset [coins v] to [0]\nset [coin x v] to [0]\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [coin y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [-150] [-60]\nClone at [-150] [-30]\nClone at [100] [20]\nClone at [130] [20]\nClone at [350] [50]\nClone at [380] [50]\nClone at [420] [-30]\nClone at [740] [30]\nClone at [710] [30]\nClone at [878] [90]\nClone at [1135] [70]\nClone at [1155] [70]\nClone at [1420] [-65]\nClone at [1420] [-30]\nClone at [1659] [20]\nClone at [1659] [5]\nClone at [2096] [35]\nClone at [2066] [20]\nClone at [2436] [29]\nClone at [2720] [25]\nClone at [2700] [25]\nClone at [2691] [40]\nClone at [3086] [35]\nClone at [3575] [5]\nClone at [4045] [70]\nClone at [4188] [50]\nClone at [4500] [50]\nClone at [4733] [-40]\nClone at [4766] [-40]\nset [coin x v] to [-99999]\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\nset [coin x v] to (x)\nset [coin y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nif <(tick) > [0]> then\n next costume\n set [tick v] to [0]\nelse\n change [tick v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [coin v]\nplay sound [Coin v] until done\n\n@Coin_counter\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (120) %\nset [clone# v] to [1]\nrepeat (30)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone# v] by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n go to x: (((clone#) * (15)) - (-170)) y: (155)\n if <(length of (COINS)) < (clone#)> then\n hide\n else\n show\n switch costume to (letter (clone#) of (COINS))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@_shadow\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\ngo [backward v] (2) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\nset [shadow x v] to [0]\nset [shadow y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [0] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nClone at [480] [0]\nset [shadow x v] to [-99999]\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nposition ((shadow x) - (SCROLL X)) ((shadow y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\nchange [shadow x v] by (x)\nchange [shadow y v] by (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\n\n@end\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch costume to (2 v)\nposition ((end: x) - (SCROLL X)) ((end: y) - (SCROLL Y))\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n show\nelse\n hide\nend\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nhide\npoint in direction (90)\nset [coins v] to [0]\nset [end: x v] to [0]\nset [tick v] to [0]\nset [end: y v] to [0]\nswitch costume to (1 v)\nClone at [5425] [-61]\n\ndefine Clone at (x) (y)\nset [end: x v] to (x)\nset [end: y v] to (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\n@win\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nplay sound [minecraft song v] until done\nstop all sounds\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nforever\n go [forward v] (1) layers\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@Detector\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait (0.2) seconds\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nwait until <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>>\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (FREE REWARDS v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-15) y: (0)\n set [loved__ v] to [0]\n switch costume to (love v)\n forever\n set [love? v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [loved__ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n switch costume to (fave v)\n set [faved___ v] to [0]\n forever\n set [fav v] to <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n set [faved___ v] to [1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@+10 coins for love and fav\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [faved___ v] to [0]\nset [loved__ v] to [0]\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n wait (0.01) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n wait (3) seconds\n hide\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nif <<(LOVED__) = [1]> and <(FAVED___) = [1]>> then\n change [coins v] by (10)\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [free rewards v]\nchange [coins v] by (10)\n\nwhen I receive [free rewards v]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(username) = [TinyDxde]> then\nend\n\nset [coins v] to [50]\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@Chat Button\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [119]>\n change [size v] by (.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Chat Open v)\n hide\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nelse\n repeat until <(size) < [101]>\n set [size v] to [-.8]\n change [size v] by (-.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [size v] to [.8]\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-193) y: (-156)\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [119]>\n change [size v] by (.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Chat Open v)\n hide\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nelse\nend\n\nrepeat until <(size) < [101]>\n set [size v] to [-.8]\n change [size v] by (-.9)\n change size by (size)\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat close v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\n if <(timer) > [.00000000000001]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\n@Chat X\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (-53) y: (125)\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat close v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [chat open v]\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n broadcast (Chat Close v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [chat close v]\nset [is the chat open v] to [0]\n\n@Shop Button\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n repeat until <(size) > [119]>\n change [size v] by (.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (Shop open v)\n hide\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n end\nelse\n repeat until <(size) < [101]>\n set [size v] to [-.8]\n change [size v] by (-.9)\n change size by (size)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop open v]\nshow\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nchange [ghost v] effect by (100)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-131) y: (-156)\n\nwhen I receive [win v]\nhide\n\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n reset timer\n if <(timer) > [.00000000000001]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [begin v]\nset [size v] to [.8]\nshow\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\nend\n\n@Shop X\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (178) y: (102)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shop open v]\nshow\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [shop close v]\nset [the shop is open v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [shop open v]\nforever\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n broadcast (Shop Close v)\n end\nend\n\n@TB (By @-Ekdaukin)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n set [タイマー v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (タイマー)\nstart sound [minecraft song v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-40) y: (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (100)\n set [縦 v] to [35]\n set [横 v] to [20]\n repeat (10)\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n set [縦 v] to (((縦) * (0.75)) + (((0) - (x position)) / (8.5)))\n set [横 v] to (((横) * (0.75)) + (((0) - (y position)) / (7)))\n change x by (縦)\n change y by (横)\n end\n repeat (20)\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n set [縦 v] to (((縦) * (0.75)) + (((0) - (x position)) / (8.5)))\n set [横 v] to (((横) * (0.75)) + (((0) - (y position)) / (5)))\n change x by (縦)\n change y by (横)\n end\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (タイマー)\nif <not <(♡&☆) = [11]>> then\n broadcast (♡&☆ v)\nend\nforever\n set [タイマー v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (download - 2023-03-02t161643 v)\n\nwhen I receive [タイムアウト v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nswitch costume to (download - 2023-03-02t161643 v)\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen [timer v] > (タイマー)\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\n\nbroadcast (\[outro\] Template v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [\[outro\] end v]\n\nplay sound [FreshmanSound - Fear \( Cinematic Horror Thriller Trailer Dark\) v] until done\n\n
           \n         ۩ Monumental ۩\n\n\n          UnstripedZebra
Minecraft Platformer マインクラフト プラットフォーマー
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [test v]\nswitch backdrop to (artboard 1 copy@2x v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nif <not <<(username) = [griffpatch]> or <(username) = [griffpatch_tutor]>>> then\n stop [all v]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [message - show v]\nswitch backdrop to (reload v)\n\n@Blank\n\n@Game\n\ndefine fix player\nset [t v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n change [@player x v] by (item (t) of [fix v])\n change [t v] by (1)\n change [@player y v] by (item (t) of [fix v])\n change [t v] by (1)\n Check Collide\n if <(touch) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nchange [@player x v] by (item (t) of [fix v])\nchange [t v] by (1)\nchange [@player y v] by (item (t) of [fix v])\nset [t v] to [1]\nrepeat (8)\n change [@player x v] by ((item (t) of [fix v]) * (2))\n change [t v] by (1)\n change [@player y v] by ((item (t) of [fix v]) * (2))\n change [t v] by (1)\n Check Collide\n if <(touch) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nchange [@player x v] by ((item (t) of [fix v]) * (2))\nchange [t v] by (1)\nchange [@player y v] by (((item (t) of [fix v]) * (2)) - (1))\n\ndefine Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (dx) (dy) limit: (limit)\nset [lim v] to [1]\nrepeat until <<(lim) > (limit)> or <(touch) < [100]>>\n change [@player x v] by (dx)\n change [@player y v] by (dy)\n change [lim v] by (1)\n Check Collide\nend\nif <(lim) > (limit)> then\n change [@player x v] by ((0) - ((dx) * (limit)))\n change [@player y v] by ((0) - ((dy) * (limit)))\n if <<(@Player SX) = [0]> or <not <(dx) = [0]>>> then\n set [@player die v] to [1]\n else\n Check Collide\n if <(@Player SX) > []> then\n if <(@Player SX) > [0.01]> then\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (-1) (0) limit: (24)\n else\n if <(@Player SX) < [-0.01]> then\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (1) (0) limit: (24)\n end\n end\n end\n set [@player sx v] to [0]\n end\n set [lim v] to [999]\nend\n\ndefine Check Collide\ngo to x: (round ((@Player X) - (@Scroll X))) y: (round ((@Player Y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nif <touching (level v)?> then\n set [touch v] to [101]\nelse\n if <touching (moving platform v)?> then\n set [touch v] to [102]\n else\n set [touch v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Scroll Level\nchange [@scroll x v] by (round (((@Player X) - (@Scroll X)) * (0.1)))\nif <(@Scroll X) < [0]> then\n set [@scroll x v] to [0]\nend\nchange [@scroll y v] by (round (((@Player Y) - (@Scroll Y)) * (0.1)))\nif <(@Scroll Y) < [0]> then\n set [@scroll y v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Player Tick\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <key (space v) pressed?>>> then\n change [jump key v] by (1)\nelse\n set [jump key v] to [0]\nend\nset [pushed sx v] to [0]\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n set [key left right v] to [1]\nelse\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n set [key left right v] to [-1]\n else\n set [key left right v] to [0]\n end\nend\nPlayer Tick - Fix Up\nPlayer Tick - Crouch / Jump Key\nPlayer Tick - Up / Down\nPlayer Tick - Left / Right\n\ndefine Reset Player\nset [@player x v] to (@Spawn X)\nset [@player y v] to (@Spawn Y)\nset [@scroll x v] to (@Player X)\nset [@scroll y v] to (@Player Y)\nset [@player sx v] to [0]\nset [@player sy v] to [0]\nset [@falling v] to [0]\nset [@walking v] to [-1]\nset [@player die v] to [0]\nset [@player mode v] to [0]\nset [onground v] to [100]\nScroll Level\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [debug v] to [0]\ndelete all of [emoji spawn v]\nif <<(username) = [griffpatch_tutor]> or <(username) = [griffpatch]>> then\n set [reload v] to [26]\n set [☁ online v] to (reload)\nelse\n if <not <(reload) = (☁ ONLINE)>> then\n broadcast (Message - Show v) and wait\n end\nend\nbroadcast (Green Flag v) and wait\nbroadcast (Cloud - Setup v) and wait\nset [frame v] to [0]\nset [fps time v] to [1]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nset [@level v] to [1]\nset [@totalflags v] to [0]\nset [@timer v] to [0]\nset [@player dir v] to [90]\nset [@spawn x v] to [-180]\nset [@spawn y v] to [32]\nset [clock v] to [0]\nReset Player\nbroadcast (setup level v) and wait\nbroadcast (game loop tick v) and wait\ngo to [front v] layer\nbroadcast (pre game loop v)\nrepeat until <not <(reload) = (☁ ONLINE)>>\n broadcast (Player - pre-move v)\n broadcast (Player - Begin Frame v)\n broadcast (game loop tick v)\n broadcast (Cloud - tick v)\n broadcast (Players - Tick v)\nend\nbroadcast (Message - Show v) and wait\n\nwhen I receive [player - pre-move v]\nset [active players v] to [1]\nset [@platform sx v] to []\nset [@platform sy v] to []\nchange [@timer v] by (1)\nif <<not <(@Player X) = [-180]>> and <(FLAG COUNT) > [0]>> then\n change [clock v] by (1)\nend\nShow Time (clock)\nchange [mouse inactive v] by (1)\nif <not <<(mouse x) = (mouse x)> and <(mouse y) = (mouse y)>>> then\n set [mouse x v] to (mouse x)\n set [mouse y v] to (mouse y)\n set [mouse inactive v] to [0]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player - begin frame v]\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nif <(@Player Die) = [0]> then\n Player Tick\n if <(@Player Y) < [-200]> then\n set [@player die v] to [25]\n end\nelse\n change [@player die v] by (1)\n if <(@Player Die) > [60]> then\n Reset Player\n end\nend\nif <<key (q v) pressed?> and <key (r v) pressed?>> then\n set [@spawn x v] to [-180]\n set [@spawn y v] to [32]\n set [clock v] to [0]\n Reset Player\n broadcast (Reset v)\nend\nif <(@crouching) = [2]> then\n Check Slide []\nelse\n Slope Detect\nend\nScroll Level\n\ndefine Show Time (frame)\nset [t v] to ([floor v] of (((frame) / (30)) * (10)) )\nset [time v] to ((t) mod (10))\nset [t v] to ([floor v] of ((t) / (10)) )\nset [time v] to (join [.] (TIME))\nset [time v] to (join ((t) mod (10)) (TIME))\nset [t v] to ([floor v] of ((t) / (10)) )\nset [time v] to (join ((t) mod (6)) (TIME))\nset [t v] to ([floor v] of ((t) / (6)) )\nset [time v] to (join ['] (TIME))\nset [time v] to (join ((t) mod (10)) (TIME))\nset [t v] to ([floor v] of ((t) / (10)) )\nset [time v] to (join ((t) mod (10)) (TIME))\nif <(t) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [time v] to (join [:] (TIME))\nset [time v] to (join ((t) mod (10)) (TIME))\nset [t v] to ([floor v] of ((t) / (10)) )\nset [time v] to (join ((t) mod (10)) (TIME))\n\ndefine Slope Detect\ngo to x: (round ((@Player X) - (@Scroll X))) y: (round ((@Player Y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nif <<(@Falling) > [1]> or <(@walking) > [-1]>> then\n set [@slope v] to [0]\nelse\n switch costume to (slope0 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [0]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-4 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-4]\n else\n switch costume to (slope4 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [4]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-3 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-3]\n else\n switch costume to (slope3 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [3]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-2 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-2]\n else\n switch costume to (slope2 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [2]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-1 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-1]\n else\n switch costume to (slope1 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [1]\n else\n set [@slope v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\n\ndefine Player Tick - Fix Up\nif <(on platform) = []> then\n Check Collide\n if <(touch) = [102]> then\n set [pushed sx v] to (@Player X)\n change [@player x v] by (@Platform SX)\n Check Collide\n if <(touch) > [100]> then\n if <(touch) = [102]> then\n fix player\n else\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (0) (1) limit: (([abs v] of (@Platform SX) ) + (2))\n if <(@Player Die) > [0]> then\n set [pushed sx v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [@player sy v] to [0]\n set [@falling v] to [0]\n end\n end\n set [pushed sx v] to ((@Player X) - (pushed sx))\n set [@platform sx v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player Tick - Crouch / Jump Key\nset [t v] to <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (s v) pressed?> or <key (z v) pressed?>>>\nif <<(t) = [true]> and <<(@Falling) < [3]> or <(@crouching) > [1]>>> then\n set [@on wall v] to [0]\n Check Slide ((@Player SX) / ([abs v] of (@Player SX) ))\n if <<not <(key left right) = [0]>> and <([abs v] of (@Player SX) ) > [2]>> then\n if <([abs v] of (@Slope) ) > [1]> then\n if <<(@Slope) < [0]> = <(@Player SX) < [0]>> then\n set [@crouching v] to [2]\n end\n end\n end\n if <(@crouching) < [2]> then\n if <([abs v] of (@Slope) ) < [2]> then\n set [@crouching v] to [1]\n else\n if <(@crouching) > [0]> then\n set [@crouching v] to [-3]\n end\n if <(@crouching) < [0]> then\n change [@crouching v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(@crouching) > [0]> then\n set [@crouching v] to [-3]\n end\n if <(@crouching) < [0]> then\n change [@crouching v] by (1)\n end\n if <<(t) = [true]> and <(@On Wall) > [0]>> then\n set [@on wall v] to [0]\n end\nend\nif <<(JUMP KEY) > [0]> and <(@Falling) < [3]>> then\n set [@falling v] to [3]\n set [onground v] to [0]\n if <<not <(@crouching) = [0]>> and <(JUMP KEY) < [2]>> then\n if <<not <(key left right) = [0]>> and <([abs v] of (@Player SX) ) > [1]>> then\n accelerate ((7) * ((@Player SX) / ([abs v] of (@Player SX) ))) percent [1]\n set [@player sy v] to [10]\n set [@player mode v] to [long jump]\n else\n set [@player sy v] to [17]\n set [@player mode v] to [High jump]\n end\n else\n set [@player sy v] to [14]\n set [@player mode v] to [jump]\n end\nelse\n if <(@On Wall) > [0]> then\n if <(JUMP KEY) = [1]> then\n Wall Kick / Jump\n else\n if <<(JUMP KEY) > [0]> and <((key left right) * (-90)) = (@Player Dir)>> then\n Wall Kick / Jump\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Player Tick - Up / Down\nif <(@Player SY) > [-16]> then\n if <<(@Player Mode) = [long jump]> and <(@Player SY) > [-10]>> then\n change [@player sy v] by (-0.6)\n else\n if <<(@On Wall) > [0]> and <(@Player SY) < [1]>> then\n change [@player sy v] by (((-5) - (@Player SY)) * (0.1))\n else\n change [@player sy v] by (-1.2)\n end\n end\nend\nif <<(@Player SY) < [-8]> and <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(FLAG COUNT) < [1]>>> then\n set [@player mode v] to [Parachute]\nend\nif <(@Player Mode) = [Parachute]> then\n set [@player sy v] to ((@Player SY) * (0.6))\n if <not <key (space v) pressed?>> then\n set [@player mode v] to []\n end\nend\nchange [@player y v] by (@Player SY)\nif <not <(on platform) = []>> then\n change [@player y v] by (-5)\n Check Collide\n if <not <(touch) = [102]>> then\n change [@player y v] by (5)\n end\nend\nset [on platform v] to [0]\nCheck Collide\nif <(touch) = [102]> then\n set [on platform v] to (@Platform SX)\nelse\n set [on platform v] to []\nend\nchange [onground v] by (1)\nif <(onGround) > [4]> then\n set [@player mode v] to []\nend\nif <(touch) > [100]> then\n if <<(@Player Mode) = [Long Jump]> or <(@Player Mode) = [Wall Jump]>> then\n set [@player mode v] to []\n end\n if <(@Player SY) > [0]> then\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (0) (-1) limit: (22)\n if <(@Player Die) > [0]> then\n set [@player die v] to [0]\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (0) (1) limit: (22)\n set [@player sy v] to ((@Player SY) / (2))\n set [@falling v] to [0]\n else\n set [@falling v] to [3]\n set [@player sy v] to [0]\n end\n set [onground v] to [0]\n else\n if <(@Player Mode) = [Parachute]> then\n set [@player mode v] to []\n end\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (0) (1) limit: (22)\n if <(@Player Die) > [0]> then\n set [@player die v] to [0]\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (0) (-1) limit: (22)\n set [@falling v] to [3]\n set [@player sy v] to ((@Platform SY) - (2))\n else\n set [@player sy v] to ((@Player SY) / (2))\n set [@falling v] to [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n set [onground v] to [0]\n change [@falling v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Player Tick - Left / Right\nif <<<(@Player Mode) = [long jump]> or <(@Player Mode) = [Wall jump]>> and <(@Player SY) > [5]>> then\nelse\n if <<(@Player Mode) = [Wall jump]> and <(@Player SY) < [-6]>> then\n set [@player mode v] to []\n end\n if <<not <(key left right) = [0]>> and <<(@crouching) = [0]> and <(@On Wall) = [0]>>> then\n if <<<(@Player Mode) = [long jump]> or <(@Player Mode) = [Wall jump]>> and <(@Player SY) > [-15]>> then\n accelerate (((key left right) * (7)) + (on platform)) percent [0.02]\n else\n set [@player dir v] to ((key left right) * (90))\n accelerate (((key left right) * (7)) + (on platform)) percent [0.2]\n change [@walking v] by (1)\n end\n else\n if <<<(@Player Mode) = [long jump]> or <(@Player Mode) = [Wall jump]>> and <(@Player SY) > [-15]>> then\n accelerate ((0) + (on platform)) percent [0.02]\n else\n set [@walking v] to [-1]\n if <([abs v] of ((@Player SX) - (on platform)) ) > [1]> then\n if <(@crouching) > [0]> then\n if <<(@crouching) = [2]> and <(@Falling) < [2]>> then\n accelerate ((on platform) + ((@Slope) * (4))) percent [0.05]\n else\n accelerate (on platform) percent [0.25]\n end\n else\n accelerate (on platform) percent [0.35]\n end\n else\n set [@player sx v] to (on platform)\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [@player x v] by (@Player SX)\nCheck Collide\nif <(touch) > [100]> then\n if <<(@Player Mode) = [Long Jump]> or <(@Player Mode) = [Wall Jump]>> then\n set [@player mode v] to []\n end\n Move Out Of Collision dir x,y: (0) (1) limit: (round ((([abs v] of (@Player SX) ) * (2)) + (2)))\n if <<(lim) > [2]> and <(lim) < [999]>> then\n set [@player sx v] to ((@Player SX) * (0.6))\n Check Still On Wall\n else\n if <<(@Falling) > [2]> and <(@Player SY) < [6]>> then\n if <not <(@Player Mode) = [Parachute]>> then\n change [@on wall v] by (1)\n set [@player mode v] to []\n end\n else\n set [@on wall v] to [0]\n end\n end\nelse\n Check Still On Wall\nend\nif <not <(pushed sx) = [0]>> then\n accelerate (pushed sx) percent [0.5]\nend\n\ndefine Check Still On Wall\nif <(@On Wall) = [0]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <(@Falling) < [1]> then\n set [@on wall v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange [@player x v] by ((@Player Dir) / (45))\nCheck Collide\nchange [@player x v] by ((@Player Dir) / (-45))\nif <(touch) = [0]> then\n set [@on wall v] to [0]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine Wall Kick / Jump\nset [@falling v] to [3]\nset [onground v] to [0]\nset [@player dir v] to ((-1) * (@Player Dir))\nset [@player sx v] to ((7) * ((@Player Dir) / ([abs v] of (@Player Dir) )))\nset [@player sy v] to [14]\nset [@player mode v] to [wall jump]\nset [@crouching v] to [0]\nset [@on wall v] to [0]\n\ndefine Check Slide (dir1)\nswitch costume to (hitbox v)\nset [t v] to (@Player Y)\ngo to x: (round ((@Player X) - (@Scroll X))) y: (round ((@Player Y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nrepeat ((4) + ([abs v] of (@Player SX) ))\n change [@player y v] by (-1)\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n change [@player y v] by (1)\n switch costume to (slope0 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [0]\n set [@crouching v] to [0]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-8 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [0]\n set [@crouching v] to [0]\n else\n switch costume to (slope8 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [0]\n set [@crouching v] to [0]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-4 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-4]\n else\n switch costume to (slope4 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [4]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-3 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-3]\n else\n switch costume to (slope3 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [3]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-2 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-2]\n else\n switch costume to (slope2 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [2]\n else\n switch costume to (slope-1 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [-1]\n else\n switch costume to (slope1 v)\n if <not <<touching (level v)?> or <touching (moving platform v)?>>> then\n set [@slope v] to [1]\n else\n set [@slope v] to [0]\n set [@crouching v] to [0]\n set [@player y v] to (t)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n if <not <(t) = (@Player Y)>> then\n set [@falling v] to [0]\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nset [@slope v] to [0]\nset [@player y v] to (t)\n\nif <not <(@Slope) = [0]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\ndefine accelerate (target) percent (friction)\nset [lim v] to (((target) - (@Player SX)) * (friction))\nif <<(@Falling) < [3]> or <(key left right) = [0]>> then\n change [@player sx v] by (lim)\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <<(key left right) > [0]> = <(lim) > [0]>> then\n change [@player sx v] by (lim)\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nchange [@player sx v] by (((((key left right) * (7)) + (on platform)) - (@Player SX)) * (0.02))\n\nchange [@player sx v] by (((10) - (@Player SX)) * (0.02))\n\nchange [@player sx v] by (((10) - (@Player SX)) * (0.1))\n\nchange [@player sx v] by (((10) - (@Player SX)) * (0.35))\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Set Costume (costume#)\nif <not <(costume#) = (costume [number v])>> then\n switch costume to (costume#)\n if <(costume#) = [14]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n else\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\nset rotation style [left-right v]\ndelete all of [record v]\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [game loop tick v]\ngo to x: (round ((@Player X) - (@Scroll X))) y: (round ((@Player Y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nif <(@Player Die) = [0]> then\n if <(last Die) > [0]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n end\n if <<(@Player Mode) = [Long Jump]> or <(@Player Mode) = [Wall Jump]>> then\n Set Costume (14)\n turn right ((20) * ((@Player SX) / ([abs v] of (@Player SX) ))) degrees\n change y by (12)\n else\n if <<(@Player Mode) = [High Jump]> and <(@Falling) > [2]>> then\n if <(@Player SY) > [12]> then\n Set Costume (2)\n else\n set [t v] to (item ((round (((12) - (@Player SY)) / (1.3))) + (1)) of [flip costumes v])\n if <(t) > []> then\n Set Costume (t)\n else\n Set Costume (4)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@On Wall) > [0]> then\n Set Costume (20)\n else\n if <(@Player Mode) = [Parachute]> then\n Set Costume (13)\n else\n if <(@crouching) > [0]> then\n if <(@crouching) = [2]> then\n Set Costume (21)\n else\n Set Costume (8)\n end\n else\n if <(@Falling) > [2]> then\n if <(@Player SY) > [0]> then\n Set Costume (2)\n else\n if <(@Player SY) > [-2]> then\n Set Costume (3)\n else\n Set Costume (4)\n end\n end\n else\n if <(@walking) < [0]> then\n if <(@Slope) = [0]> then\n Set Costume (1)\n else\n if <(@Slope) < [0]> then\n set [@player dir v] to [90]\n Set Costume ((8) + ([abs v] of (@Slope) ))\n else\n set [@player dir v] to [-90]\n Set Costume ((8) + ([abs v] of (@Slope) ))\n end\n end\n else\n if <((@walking) mod (9)) < [3]> then\n Set Costume (5)\n else\n if <((@walking) mod (9)) < [6]> then\n Set Costume (6)\n else\n Set Costume (7)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <not <(@Player Dir) = (direction)>> then\n point in direction (@Player Dir)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(@Player Die) < [25]> then\n set size to ((size) + (10)) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change [@player y v] by (-1)\n else\n change [ghost v] effect by (100)\n end\n set [last die v] to [1]\nend\nif <((@timer) mod (2)) = [0]> then\n add (round (@Player X)) to [record v]\n add (round (@Player Y)) to [record v]\n if <(@Player Die) > [0]> then\n add [0] to [record v]\n else\n if <(@Player Emoji) > [0]> then\n add ((@Player Emoji) + (100)) to [record v]\n set [@player emoji v] to []\n else\n if <(direction) < [0]> then\n add ((0) - (costume [number v])) to [record v]\n else\n add (costume [number v]) to [record v]\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Cloud Players\n\nwhen I receive [players - tick v]\nif <(pid) > [0]> then\n Player Tick (item (pid) of [player names v])\nend\n\ndefine Player Tick (name)\nif <not <(name) = (username)>> then\n set [username v] to (name)\n set [¬inactive v] to [0]\n delete all of [parsenext v]\n set [parsestr v] to []\n set [lastframestart v] to []\n if <(name) = []> then\n hide\n else\n init\n end\nend\nif <(name) = []> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nchange [active players v] by (1)\nif <(item (pid) of [pdata v]) > []> then\n if <not <(skip) < [7]>> then\n set [parsestr v] to []\n end\n set [skip v] to [0]\n set [¬inactive v] to [0]\n add (item (pid) of [pdata v]) to [parsenext v]\n add (item (pid) of [pidx v]) to [parsenext v]\n replace item (pid) of [pdata v] with []\n if <(length of [parsenext v]) > [12]> then\n repeat until <(length of [parsenext v]) < [7]>\n delete (1) of [parsenext v]\n delete (1) of [parsenext v]\n end\n if <((((¬frame) - (@timer)) + (0)) mod (SYNC FRAMES)) = [0]> then\n skip forward (¬frame)\n else\n set [parsestr v] to []\n end\n end\n if <(parseStr) = []> then\n Catch up\n end\nend\nif <(parseStr) > []> then\n if <((((¬frame) - (@timer)) + (0)) mod (SYNC FRAMES)) = [0]> then\n change [¬frame v] by (1)\n if <(skip) < [7]> then\n if <((¬frame) mod (2)) = [0]> then\n Process Tick [2]\n else\n change [~x v] by (sx)\n change [~y v] by (sy)\n end\n else\n change [parseidx v] by (3)\n end\n end\nelse\n change [¬inactive v] by (1)\n if <(¬inactive) > [30]> then\n replace item (pid) of [player names v] with []\n hide\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nif <(costume) = [0]> then\n set size to ((size) + (10)) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n position ((~x) - (@Scroll X)) ((~y) - (@Scroll Y))\nelse\n Set Costume ([abs v] of (costume) )\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n if <(costume [number v]) = [14]> then\n turn right ((20) * ((sx) / ([abs v] of (sx) ))) degrees\n position ((~x) - (@Scroll X)) (((~y) - (@Scroll Y)) + (12))\n else\n if <<(costume) < [0]> = <(direction) > [0]>> then\n point in direction ((0) - (direction))\n end\n position ((~x) - (@Scroll X)) ((~y) - (@Scroll Y))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nchange [clones v] by (1)\nset [pid v] to (CLONES)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nset [action v] to []\nset [team v] to []\nset [color v] to [0xff7000]\nset [immune v] to [0]\nset [costume v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [green flag v]\nset [color v] effect to (-110)\nhide\nset [show names v] to [2]\nset [pid v] to [0]\nset [clones v] to [0]\nset [username v] to (username)\nset [action v] to []\nset [team v] to []\nset [lastcmd v] to []\nset [immune v] to [0]\ninit\n\ndefine init\nset [¬frame v] to [0]\nset [skip v] to [0]\nif <<(username) = [griffpatch]> or <(username) = [griffpatch_tutor]>> then\n set [color v] effect to (15)\nelse\n set [color v] effect to (-110)\nend\n\ndefine Read Number\nset [?val v] to []\nrepeat (letter (parseIdx) of (parseStr))\n change [parseidx v] by (1)\n set [?val v] to (join (?Val) (letter (parseIdx) of (parseStr)))\nend\nif <(letter (1) of (?Val)) = [0]> then\n set [?val v] to ((0) - (?Val))\nend\nchange [parseidx v] by (1)\n\ndefine Read Change\nset [?val v] to (join (letter (parseIdx) of (parseStr)) (letter ((parseIdx) + (1)) of (parseStr)))\nchange [parseidx v] by (2)\nif <(?Val) = [0]> then\n Read Number\nelse\n change [?val v] by (-50)\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\nshow\nif <<([abs v] of (x) ) > [250]> or <([abs v] of (y) ) > [190]>> then\n if <(skip) < [1]> then\n set [skip v] to ([ceiling v] of ((([abs v] of (x) ) + ([abs v] of (y) )) / (180)) )\n end\n switch costume to (offscreen v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n set size to (100) %\n set [_i v] to (((y) / ([abs v] of (x) )) * (235))\n if <([abs v] of (_i) ) < [175]> then\n go to x: ((235) * ((x) / ([abs v] of (x) ))) y: (_i)\n else\n set [_i v] to (((x) / ([abs v] of (y) )) * (175))\n go to x: (_i) y: ((175) * ((y) / ([abs v] of (y) )))\n end\nelse\n set [skip v] to [0]\n if <(costume) = [0]> then\n go to x: (round (x)) y: (round (y))\n else\n go to x: (round (x)) y: (round (y))\n if <not <(size) = [100]>> then\n set size to (100) %\n end\n end\n if <<(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [50]> and <(MOUSE INACTIVE) < [45]>> then\n if <(name time) < [1]> then\n say (username)\n end\n set [name time v] to [30]\n end\nend\nif <(name time) > [0]> then\n change [name time v] by (-1)\n if <not <(name time) > [0]>> then\n say []\n end\nend\n\ndefine Process Tick (rate)\nrepeat until <(parseIdx) < (length of (parseStr))>\n if <(length of [parsenext v]) = [0]> then\n set [parsestr v] to []\n stop [this script v]\n end\n Catch up\nend\nRead Change\nset [sx v] to ((?Val) / (rate))\nchange [~x v] by (sx)\nRead Change\nset [sy v] to ((?Val) / (rate))\nchange [~y v] by (sy)\nRead Change\nif <(?Val) > [100]> then\n add (?Val) to [emoji spawn v]\n add (~x) to [emoji spawn v]\n add (~y) to [emoji spawn v]\nelse\n set [costume v] to (?Val)\nend\n\ndefine Catch up\nset [parsestr v] to (item (3) of [parsenext v])\nset [parseidx v] to (item (4) of [parsenext v])\nRead Number\nrepeat until <<(?Val) > (¬frame)> or <(?Val) = []>>\n delete (1) of [parsenext v]\n delete (1) of [parsenext v]\n set [parsestr v] to (item (3) of [parsenext v])\n set [parseidx v] to (item (4) of [parsenext v])\n Read Number\nend\nset [parsestr v] to (item (1) of [parsenext v])\nset [parseidx v] to (item (2) of [parsenext v])\ndelete (1) of [parsenext v]\ndelete (1) of [parsenext v]\nRead Number\nif <not <(lastFrameStart) < (?Val)>> then\n set [parsestr v] to []\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [lastframestart v] to (?Val)\nif <(?Val) < (¬frame)> then\n set [_i v] to ((¬frame) - (?Val))\n Read Number\n set [~x v] to (?Val)\n Read Number\n set [~y v] to (?Val)\n Read Change\n repeat ([floor v] of (((_i) / (2)) - (1)) )\n Read Change\n if <(?Val) = []> then\n Catch up\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [~x v] by (?Val)\n Read Change\n change [~y v] by (?Val)\n Read Change\n end\n set [costume v] to (?Val)\n set [sx v] to [0]\n set [sy v] to [0]\nelse\n set [¬frame v] to (?Val)\n Read Number\n set [~x v] to (?Val)\n Read Number\n set [~y v] to (?Val)\n Read Change\n set [costume v] to (?Val)\n set [sx v] to [0]\n set [sy v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine skip forward (from frame)\nCatch up\nset [¬frame v] to ((lastFrameStart) + ((from frame) mod (SYNC FRAMES)))\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\nwait (0.05) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\n\ndefine Set Costume (costume#)\nif <not <(costume#) = (costume [number v])>> then\n switch costume to (costume#)\n if <(costume#) = [14]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n else\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n end\nend\n\n@Level\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (l1 x0 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (0) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x1 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (1) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x1b y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (2) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x2 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (3) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x2 y1 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (2) (1)\nswitch costume to (l1 x1 y4 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (2) (2)\nswitch costume to (l1 x3 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (3.7) (0.5)\nswitch costume to (l1 x4 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (4.9) (0.5)\nswitch costume to (l1 x5 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (5.6) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x6 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (6.6) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x6 y0 b v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (7.7) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x7 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (8.5) (0)\nswitch costume to (l1 x7 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (8.5) (0.84)\nswitch costume to (l1 x4 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (9.35) (0.88)\nswitch costume to (l1 x5 y0 v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (10.0) (0.4)\nswitch costume to (end v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (10.7) (0.4)\nswitch costume to (l0x0x v)\nSetup2 [12] [0]\nswitch costume to (l0x1x v)\nSetup2 [13] [0]\nset [showing v] to [-1]\n\ndefine setup clone at x,y: (x) (y)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [showing v] to [0]\nset [x v] to (round ((x) * (460)))\nset [y v] to (round ((y) * (340)))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <(showing) = [0]> then\n set [showing v] to [1]\n show\n end\nelse\n if <(showing) = [1]> then\n set [showing v] to [0]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game loop tick v]\nif <(showing) > [-1]> then\n position (round ((x) - (@Scroll X))) (round ((y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [test v]\nset [@player x v] to ((13) * (460))\nset [@scroll x v] to (@Player X)\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Test v)\n\ndefine Setup2 (x) (y)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [showing v] to [0]\nset [x v] to (round ((x) * (464)))\nset [y v] to (round ((y) * (344)))\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\n@moving platform\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\nswitch costume to (barrier v)\nsetup clone at x,y: (50) (14) typ [1] width [20] time [0]\nsetup clone at x,y: (110) (14) typ [1] width [20] time [0.5]\nsetup clone at x,y: (540) (200) typ [3] width [60] time [0.2]\nsetup clone at x,y: (540) (200) typ [3] width [60] time [0.7]\nsetup clone at x,y: (1046) (0) typ [10] width [40] time [0.08]\nsetup clone at x,y: (3414) (14) typ [4] width [60] time [0.8]\nsetup clone at x,y: (3912) (0) typ [11] width [40] time [0.8]\nset [showing v] to [-1]\n\ndefine move to (x) (y)\nif <([abs v] of ((@Player X) - (x)) ) < (width)> then\n if <([abs v] of ((@Player Y) - (y)) ) < (height)> then\n set [@platform sx v] to ((x) - (x))\n set [@platform sy v] to ((y) - (y))\n end\nend\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\n\ndefine setup clone at x,y: (x) (y) typ (typ) width (width) time (time)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [typ v] to (typ)\nset [time iterations v] to [1]\nset [width v] to (width)\nset [ox v] to (x)\nset [oy v] to (y)\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [time v] to (time)\nset [showing v] to [0]\nset [height v] to [48]\nif <(typ) < [10]> then\n if <(typ) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (barrier v)\n else\n switch costume to (barrier2 v)\n if <(typ) = [3]> then\n set [time iterations v] to [2]\n else\n if <(typ) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (stomper v)\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n switch costume to (lift1 v)\n set [height v] to [1000]\nend\npre move (@timer)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <(showing) = [0]> then\n set [showing v] to [1]\n show\n end\nelse\n if <(showing) = [1]> then\n set [showing v] to [0]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [player - pre-move v]\nif <(showing) > [-1]> then\n pre move ((((@timer) / ((SYNC FRAMES) * (time iterations))) + (time)) mod (1))\n position (round ((x) - (@Scroll X))) (round ((y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nend\n\ndefine moving platform? (timer)\nif <(typ) = [1]> then\n move to (ox) (round ((oy) + ((20) + ((20) * ([sin v] of (([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) * (90)) )))))\nelse\n if <(typ) = [2]> then\n move to (round ((ox) + ((64) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) * (64))))) (oy)\n else\n if <(typ) = [3]> then\n move to (round ((ox) + ((128) + (([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) * (128))))) (round ((oy) + ((0) + (([cos v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) * (90)))))\n else\n if <(typ) = [4]> then\n move to (ox) (round ((oy) + ((24) + ((24) * ([sin v] of (([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) * (90)) )))))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n move to (ox) (round ((oy) + (([abs v] of ((timer) - (0.5)) ) * (80))))\nend\n\ndefine barrier (percent) run length (len)\nif <(percent) < [0.15]> then\n move to (round ((ox) + ((percent) * (len)))) (round ((oy) - (((0.15) - (percent)) * (800))))\nelse\n if <(percent) > [0.85]> then\n move to (round ((ox) + ((percent) * (len)))) (round ((oy) - (((percent) - (0.85)) * (800))))\n else\n move to (round ((ox) + ((percent) * (len)))) (round (oy))\n end\nend\nset [ox v] to (round ((7.9) * (460)))\n\nwhen I receive [game loop tick v]\nif <(showing) > [-1]> then\n position (round ((x) - (@Scroll X))) (round ((y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nend\n\ndefine move lift (timer)\nif <(typ) = [10]> then\n move to (ox) ((round ((oy) + ((timer) * (96)))) + ((96) * ([floor v] of ((@Scroll Y) / (96)) )))\nelse\n move to (ox) ((round ((oy) + ((48) + ((48) * ([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ))))) + ((96) * ([floor v] of ((@Scroll Y) / (96)) )))\nend\n\ndefine pre move (time)\nif <(typ) > [0]> then\n if <(typ) < [10]> then\n moving platform? (time)\n else\n if <(typ) < [20]> then\n move lift (time)\n end\n end\nend\n\nmove to (ox) (round ((oy) + ((20) + ((20) * ([sin v] of (([sin v] of ((timer) * (360)) ) * (90)) )))))\n\nsetup clone at x,y: (3414) (14) typ [4] width [60] time [0.92]\nsetup clone at x,y: (3912) (0) typ [11] width [40] time [0.92]\n\n@background\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\ngo [backward v] (1000) layers\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [showing v] to [0]\nshow\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [x v] to [470]\n\nwhen I receive [game loop tick v]\nif <(showing) = [0]> then\n position (round ((x) - (((@Scroll X) * (0.75)) mod (470)))) ((0) - ((@Scroll Y) * (0.75)))\nelse\n position (round ((0) - (((@Scroll X) * (0.75)) mod (192)))) ((0) - (((@Scroll Y) * (0.75)) mod (192)))\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\nwhen I receive [test v]\nif then\n delete this clone\nend\nset [showing v] to [1]\nswitch costume to (artboard 1 copy 3 v)\n\n@Edge Fade\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [test v]\nhide\n\n@Check Points\n\ndefine setup clone at x,y: (x) (y)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nset [showing v] to [0]\nset [x v] to (x)\nset [y v] to (y)\nset [spawn y v] to (y)\nchange [@totalflags v] by (1)\nchange [flag count v] by (1)\nset [flag id v] to (FLAG COUNT)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [game loop tick v]\nif <(showing) > [-1]> then\n position (round ((x) - (@Scroll X))) (round ((y) - (@Scroll Y)))\n if <(showing) > [25]> then\n set [showing v] to [-2]\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [setup level v]\nsetup\n\ndefine on screen\nif <((@timer) mod (5)) = [0]> then\n next costume\nend\nif <touching (game v)?> then\n set [showing v] to [2]\n set [@spawn x v] to (x)\n set [@spawn y v] to (y)\n change [@totalflags v] by (-1)\n if <(flag id) = [1]> then\n set [flag count v] to [0]\n end\n if <(flag id) = (FLAG COUNT)> then\n set [flag count v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\nif <<(flag id) = [1]> and <(FLAG COUNT) > [1]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <(showing) < [2]> then\n if <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <(showing) = [0]> then\n set [showing v] to [1]\n show\n end\n on screen\n else\n if <(showing) = [1]> then\n set [showing v] to [0]\n hide\n end\n end\nelse\n set size to ((size) + (15)) %\n change [ghost v] effect by (4)\n change [y v] by (5)\n change [showing v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\nif <(showing) = [-1]> then\n setup\nelse\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine setup\nswitch costume to (l1 x0 y0 v)\nset [flag count v] to [0]\nsetup clone at x,y: (-137) (32)\nsetup clone at x,y: (457) (-54)\nsetup clone at x,y: (1198) (63)\nsetup clone at x,y: (2483) (62)\nsetup clone at x,y: (3705) (-54)\nsetup clone at x,y: (4779) (48)\nset [showing v] to [-1]\n\n@Cloud\n\ndefine Cloud Tick\nProcess Cloud [1] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD1))\nProcess Cloud [2] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD2))\nProcess Cloud [3] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD3))\nProcess Cloud [4] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD4))\nProcess Cloud [5] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD5))\nProcess Cloud [6] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD6))\nProcess Cloud [7] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD7))\nProcess Cloud [8] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD8))\nProcess Cloud [9] (join [=] (☁ CLOUD9))\nif <<(timer) < (next post)> or <((@timer) mod (2)) = [1]>> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [next post v] to ((timer) + (pick random (0.5) to (0.7)))\nEncode Player\nset [_i v] to (pick random (1) to (length of [cloud data v]))\nif <(_i) < [5]> then\n if <(_i) < [3]> then\n if <(_i) < [2]> then\n set [☁ cloud1 v] to (parseStr)\n else\n set [☁ cloud2 v] to (parseStr)\n end\n else\n if <(_i) < [4]> then\n set [☁ cloud3 v] to (parseStr)\n else\n set [☁ cloud4 v] to (parseStr)\n end\n end\nelse\n if <(_i) < [7]> then\n if <(_i) < [6]> then\n set [☁ cloud5 v] to (parseStr)\n else\n set [☁ cloud6 v] to (parseStr)\n end\n else\n if <(_i) < [8]> then\n set [☁ cloud7 v] to (parseStr)\n else\n if <(_i) < [9]> then\n set [☁ cloud8 v] to (parseStr)\n else\n set [☁ cloud9 v] to (parseStr)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Write Number (val)\nif <(val) < [0]> then\n if <(val) < [-99999999]> then\n set [?val v] to [0]\n else\n set [?val v] to (join [0] ([abs v] of (round (val)) ))\n end\nelse\n if <(val) > [99999999]> then\n set [?val v] to [0]\n else\n set [?val v] to (round (val))\n end\nend\nset [parsestr v] to (join (parseStr) (join (length of (?Val)) (?Val)))\n\ndefine Init Reader (text)\nset [parsestr v] to (text)\nset [parseidx v] to [1]\n\ndefine Write String (txt)\nWrite Number (length of (txt))\nset [?val v] to []\nset [i3 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (txt))\n set [i2 v] to (item # of (letter (i3) of (txt)) in [_encode v])\n if <(i2) < [10]> then\n set [?val v] to (join (?Val) (join [0] (i2)))\n else\n set [?val v] to (join (?Val) (i2))\n end\n change [i3 v] by (1)\nend\nset [parsestr v] to (join (parseStr) (?Val))\n\ndefine Skip String\nRead Number\nchange [parseidx v] by ((?Val) * (2))\n\ndefine Read String\nRead Number\nif <((parseIdx) + ((?Val) * (2))) > ((length of (parseStr)) + (1))> then\n set [i2 v] to ((((length of (parseStr)) + (1)) - (parseIdx)) / (2))\nelse\n set [i2 v] to (?Val)\nend\nset [?val v] to []\nrepeat (i2)\n set [i2 v] to (join (letter (parseIdx) of (parseStr)) (letter ((parseIdx) + (1)) of (parseStr)))\n set [?val v] to (join (?Val) (item (i2) of [_encode v]))\n change [parseidx v] by (2)\nend\n\nset [_chars v] to [ !"#$%&'\(\)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~]\n\ndefine Read Number\nset [?val v] to []\nrepeat (letter (parseIdx) of (parseStr))\n change [parseidx v] by (1)\n set [?val v] to (join (?Val) (letter (parseIdx) of (parseStr)))\nend\nif <(letter (1) of (?Val)) = [0]> then\n set [?val v] to ((0) - (?Val))\nend\nchange [parseidx v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [cloud - setup v]\nhide variable [tag player v]\nset [show names v] to [0]\nshow list [player names v]\ndelete all of [player names v]\ndelete all of [pidx v]\ndelete all of [pdata v]\ndelete all of [say v]\nInit Reader []\nWrite String (username)\nset [encoded name v] to (parseStr)\nset [next post v] to ((timer) + (0.2))\nInit Cloud Data\nif <(TEST) > [0]> then\n add (username) to [player names v]\n add [] to [pidx v]\n add [] to [pdata v]\nend\n\ndefine Process Cloud (id) (var)\nif <(var) = (item (id) of [cloud data v])> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nreplace item (id) of [cloud data v] with (var)\nInit Reader (var)\nchange [parseidx v] by (1)\nRead String\nif <(?Val) = (username)> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [pid v] to (item # of (?Val) in [player names v])\nif <(pid) = [0]> then\n set [pid v] to (item # of [] in [player names v])\n if <(pid) = [0]> then\n add (?Val) to [player names v]\n add [] to [pidx v]\n add [] to [pdata v]\n set [pid v] to (length of [player names v])\n create clone of (cloud players v)\n else\n replace item (pid) of [player names v] with (?Val)\n end\nend\nreplace item (pid) of [pidx v] with (parseIdx)\nreplace item (pid) of [pdata v] with (parseStr)\n\nwhen I receive [cloud - tick v]\nCloud Tick\n\ndefine Init Cloud Data\ndelete all of [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD1)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD2)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD3)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD4)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD5)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD6)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD7)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD8)) to [cloud data v]\nadd (join [=] (☁ CLOUD9)) to [cloud data v]\n\ndefine Encode Player\nInit Reader (Encoded Name)\nset [i2 v] to (((length of [record v]) / (3)) - (1))\nWrite Number ((@timer) - ((i2) * (2)))\nset [nx v] to (item (1) of [record v])\nset [ny v] to (item (2) of [record v])\nWrite Number (nx)\nWrite Number (ny)\nWrite Change (item (3) of [record v])\nset [_i v] to [4]\nrepeat (i2)\n set [lx v] to (nx)\n set [ly v] to (ny)\n set [nx v] to (item (_i) of [record v])\n set [ny v] to (item ((_i) + (1)) of [record v])\n Write Change ((nx) - (lx))\n Write Change ((ny) - (ly))\n Write Change (item ((_i) + (2)) of [record v])\n change [_i v] by (3)\nend\nrepeat ((length of [record v]) - ((3) * (15)))\n delete (1) of [record v]\nend\n\ndefine Write Change (val)\nif <([abs v] of (val) ) < [50]> then\n if <(val) < [-40]> then\n set [parsestr v] to (join (parseStr) (join [0] ((val) + (50))))\n else\n set [parsestr v] to (join (parseStr) ((val) + (50)))\n end\nelse\n set [parsestr v] to (join (parseStr) [00])\n Write Number (val)\nend\n\nwhen [n v] key pressed\nif <(show names) > [0]> then\n set [show names v] to [0]\n show list [player names v]\nelse\n set [show names v] to [1]\n hide list [player names v]\nend\n\n@Music\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [sync frames v] to [63]\nif <not <(username) = [griffpatch]>> then\n forever\n play sound [906563_Twenty-Six-O-Eight-Loop v] until done\n end\nend\n\n@YouTube\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.06) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (0.06) seconds\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (10) seconds\nhide\n\n@Emoji\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (40) %\nhide\nset [id v] to []\nset [e frame v] to [0]\nset [@player emoji v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [pre game loop v]\nforever\n wait until <<key (e v) pressed?> or <key (r v) pressed?>>\n set [@player emoji v] to [0]\n if <key (r v) pressed?> then\n spawn ui [34] [60]\n else\n spawn ui [1] [33]\n end\n hide\n wait until <not <<key (e v) pressed?> or <key (r v) pressed?>>>\n set [@player emoji v] to []\n wait (0.4) seconds\nend\n\ndefine spawn ui (from) (to)\nset [id v] to [0]\nset size to (40) %\nclear graphic effects\nset y to (-75)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nswitch costume to (from)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nrepeat (3)\n set x to (((11) - (1)) * (-20))\n repeat (11)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <(costume [number v]) = (to)> then\n set [id v] to []\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change x by (40)\n next costume\n end\n change y by (-40)\nend\nset [id v] to []\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(id) = [0]> then\n UI\nelse\n set size to (20) %\n change [y v] by (22)\n position (round ((x) - (@Scroll X))) (round ((y) - (@Scroll Y)))\n repeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\n change size by (4)\n end\n wait (1.5) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change size by (-5)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine UI\nset size to (40) %\nrepeat (5)\n change size by (4)\n change y by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-20)\nend\nrepeat until <not <(@Player Emoji) = [0]>>\n if <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n if <(size) < [90]> then\n change size by (10)\n end\n else\n if <(size) > [60]> then\n change size by (-5)\n end\n end\nend\nif <(distance to [mouse-pointer v]) < [20]> then\n set [@player emoji v] to (costume [number v])\n set [id v] to [1]\n set [x v] to (@Player X)\n set [y v] to (@Player Y)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n set [id v] to []\nend\nrepeat (5)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n change y by (-1)\n change size by (-4)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [game loop tick v]\nif <(id) > [0]> then\n change [y v] by (1)\n position (round ((x) - (@Scroll X))) (round ((y) - (@Scroll Y)))\nelse\n if <(id) = []> then\n spawn emoji\n end\nend\n\ndefine spawn emoji\nset [id v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(length of [emoji spawn v]) = [0]>\n set [x v] to (item (2) of [emoji spawn v])\n set [y v] to (item (3) of [emoji spawn v])\n if <<([abs v] of ((x) - (@Scroll X)) ) < [280]> and <([abs v] of ((y) - (@Scroll Y)) ) < [200]>> then\n switch costume to ((item (1) of [emoji spawn v]) - (100))\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n delete (1) of [emoji spawn v]\n delete (1) of [emoji spawn v]\n delete (1) of [emoji spawn v]\nend\nset [id v] to []\n\ndefine position (x) (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nif <<(x) = (x position)> and <(y) = (y position)>> then\n if <(showing) = [0]> then\n set [showing v] to [1]\n show\n end\nelse\n if <(showing) = [1]> then\n set [showing v] to [0]\n hide\n end\nend\n\n
▶️ Move with WASD or Arrow Keys. Press space, f, or j to dash. Run towards a wall to slide on it and jump to wall jump! \n\n❤️ + ⭐ if you liked this game!\nFollow me for more games!\n\nMore Controls:\nPress Q + R to reset\nPress e to show data\nThe cloud variables show who won the game https://scratch.mit.edu/cloudmonitor/955448624/\n\n⭐ Try to get 3 stars! You have to collect all coins, blue coins, and beat the platformer in less than 45 seconds.\n⚡Challenge: Try to do all of them at once for the blue star! \n\n▶️ Credits\nInspired by @Animator180 and @freder1\nScratch Cat costumes by @griffpatch\n\nMusic:\nTobu - Candyland\n\nThanks for 1st on trending all and games
Journal 3 [A platformer]
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [shape of you v] until done\nend\n\n@ \n\n@わく\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [fisheye v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to ( v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n if <(死亡フラグ) = [0]> then\n go to x: (pick random (-0.1) to (0.2)) y: (pick random (-0.5) to (1))\n set [fisheye v] effect to (pick random (1) to (10))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\n\n@player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (200)\nset [死亡フラグ v] to [0]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (join (色) [通常])\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nset [x v] to [0]\nset [y v] to [0]\nstart sound [落ちる v]\nforever\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <<<mouse down?> and <[0] < (mouse x)>> or <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (d v) pressed?> or <(横) = [1]>>>> then\n change [x v] by (1)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (join (色) [よこ])\n else\n if <<<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [0]>> or <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (any v) pressed?> or <(横) = [-1]>>>> then\n change [x v] by (-1)\n point in direction (-90)\n switch costume to (join (色) [よこ])\n else\n switch costume to (join (色) [通常])\n end\n end\n set [x v] to ((x) * (0.9))\n change x by (x)\n change [x v] by (pick random (-0.5) to (0.5))\n if <touching (地面 v)?> then\n start sound [死 v]\n broadcast (死 v)\n set [死亡フラグ v] to [1]\n stop [this script v]\n else\n set [死亡フラグ v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [待機 v]\nif <(色) = [0]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\nelse\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\nend\nstart sound [登場 v]\nshow\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [80]>\n change y by (((80) - (y position)) / (5))\n switch costume to (join (色) [通常])\nend\nbroadcast (game start v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (join (色) [クローン])\nset size to (100) %\nrepeat (10)\n change size by (-3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (20)\n change y by (8)\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (join (色) [しゅうりょー])\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (5) layers\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) = [0]>\n change y by (((-20) - (y position)) / (8))\n change x by (((0) - (x position)) / (8))\n switch costume to (join (色) [しゅうりょー])\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nforever\n wait (pick random (3) to (8)) seconds\n change [x v] by (pick random (-4) to (4))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [あああ v]\n\n\n\nwhen flag clicked\nclear graphic effects\n\n@数字スプライト3さむねさむねだ\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (250) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (letter (クローン) of (m))\n go to x: ((-35) + ((((クローン) - (1)) * (size)) * (0.12))) y: (([y position v] of [スプライト3 v]) + (25))\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\nset [m v] to (round (m))\nhide\nset x to (0)\nset [クローン v] to [0]\nrepeat (50)\n change [クローン v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [m v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nrepeat until <(死亡フラグ) = [1]>\n change [m v] by ((round (y)) / (20))\n if <(☁ 世界記録) < (round (m))> then\n set [☁ 世界記録 v] to (round (m))\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (game start v)\n\n@スプライト3\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [forward v] (5) layers\nshow\nrepeat until <(y position) = [0]>\n change y by (((0) - (y position)) / (8))\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-500)\n\n@スプライト2\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (4 v)\nclear graphic effects\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [待機 v]\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [待ち v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait (1) seconds\nset [フラグ v] to [1]\nrepeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\nbroadcast (待機 v)\n\n@数字スプライト3さむねさむねだ2\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\nset [☁ 世界記録 v] to (round (☁ 世界記録))\nhide\nset x to (0)\nset [クローン v] to [0]\nrepeat (50)\n change [クローン v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nrepeat until <(死亡フラグ) = [1]>\n change [m v] by ((round (y)) / (20))\n if <(☁ 世界記録) < (round (m))> then\n set [☁ 世界記録 v] to (round (m))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset size to (250) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (letter (クローン) of (☁ 世界記録))\n go to x: ((-35) + ((((クローン) - (1)) * (size)) * (0.12))) y: (([y position v] of [スプライト3 v]) - (75))\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\nif <((☁ 世界記録) - (1)) < (m)> then\n broadcast (世界記録樹立 v)\nend\n\n@スプライト1\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen flag clicked\ndelete all of [クラウド v]\nrepeat (9)\n add [00] to [クラウド v]\nend\nadd [A] to [クラウド v]\nadd [B] to [クラウド v]\nadd [C] to [クラウド v]\nadd [D] to [クラウド v]\nadd [E] to [クラウド v]\nadd [F] to [クラウド v]\nadd [G] to [クラウド v]\nadd [H] to [クラウド v]\nadd [I] to [クラウド v]\nadd [J] to [クラウド v]\nadd [K] to [クラウド v]\nadd [L] to [クラウド v]\nadd [M] to [クラウド v]\nadd [N] to [クラウド v]\nadd [O] to [クラウド v]\nadd [P] to [クラウド v]\nadd [Q] to [クラウド v]\nadd [R] to [クラウド v]\nadd [S] to [クラウド v]\nadd [T] to [クラウド v]\nadd [U] to [クラウド v]\nadd [V] to [クラウド v]\nadd [W] to [クラウド v]\nadd [X] to [クラウド v]\nadd [Y] to [クラウド v]\nadd [Z] to [クラウド v]\nadd [0] to [クラウド v]\nadd [1] to [クラウド v]\nadd [2] to [クラウド v]\nadd [3] to [クラウド v]\nadd [4] to [クラウド v]\nadd [5] to [クラウド v]\nadd [6] to [クラウド v]\nadd [7] to [クラウド v]\nadd [8] to [クラウド v]\nadd [9] to [クラウド v]\nadd [_] to [クラウド v]\nadd [-] to [クラウド v]\nadd [ ] to [クラウド v]\n\nwhen I receive [世界記録樹立 v]\n\nwhen I receive [世界記録樹立 v]\nset [ユーザー名memo v] to []\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (20)\n change [i v] by (1)\n set [ユーザー名memo v] to (join (ユーザー名memo) (item # of (letter (i) of (username)) in [クラウド v]))\nend\nset [☁ 世界記録ユーザー v] to (ユーザー名memo)\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nwait (2) seconds\ngo to x: (-100) y: (-120)\nset size to (70) %\nset [j v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (ユーザー名))\n change [j v] by (1)\n go [forward v] (10) layers\n switch costume to (letter (j) of (ユーザー名))\n show\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n hide\n move (15) steps\nend\nswitch costume to (様 v)\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\n\nset [☁ 世界記録ユーザー v] to []\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nset [☁ 世界記録ユーザー v] to []\n\nset [☁ 世界記録 v] to [0]\n\nset [☁ 世界記録 v] to [3530]\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ユーザー名 v] to []\nset [i v] to [0]\nrepeat (20)\n change [i v] by (2)\n set [ユーザー名 v] to (join (ユーザー名) (item (join (letter ((i) - (1)) of (☁ 世界記録ユーザー)) (letter (i) of (☁ 世界記録ユーザー))) of [クラウド v]))\nend\nhide\n\n@スプライト8\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [謎ダンス v] to [0]\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n switch costume to (色)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((140) - (size)) / (5))\n else\n change size by (((120) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((揺れる) * (8)) ) * (5)) + (-88))\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((揺れる) * (10)) ) * (5))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [待ち v]\nwait (1) seconds\nhide\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nwhen I receive [待ち v]\nif <(costume [number v]) = [8]> then\n set [謎ダンス v] to [1]\nend\n\n@数字\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo [forward v] (30) layers\nset size to (250) %\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (letter (クローン) of (お金))\n go to x: ((-35) + ((((クローン) - (1)) * (size)) * (0.12))) y: (0)\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\nhide\nrepeat (50)\n change [クローン v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\n\nchange [お金 v] by (1)\n\nset [お金 v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [死 v]\nchange [お金 v] by (1)\n\nset [☁ 世界記録 v] to []\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\nwait (0.5) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Inferno v] until done\nend\n\n@スプライト7\n\nwhen flag clicked\nreset timer\nset size to (100) %\nshow\nclear graphic effects\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((130) - (size)) / (5))\n turn right ([cos v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) degrees\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (待ち v)\n repeat (10)\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((揺れる) * (8)) ) * (10)) + (-88))\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((揺れる) * (10)) ) * (5))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n end\n else\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n set y to ((([sin v] of ((揺れる) * (8)) ) * (10)) + (-88))\n point in direction (([sin v] of ((揺れる) * (10)) ) * (5))\nend\n\nturn right ([cos v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) degrees\n\nwhen I receive [待ち v]\nrepeat (10)\n change volume by (-10)\nend\nwait (0) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\nturn right ([cos v] of ((timer) * (800)) ) degrees\n\npoint in direction (90)\nreset timer\n\nstop [this script v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [128_BPM124 v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@スプライト11\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nset [揺れる v] to [0]\nforever\n set y to ((50) + (([sin v] of ((10) * (揺れる)) ) * (10)))\n change [揺れる v] by (1)\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (5))\n else\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [待ち v]\nwait (1.5) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\n@地面\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset drag mode [not draggable v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (345)\nforever\n if <(死亡フラグ) = [0]> then\n if <[334] < (y position)> then\n set y to (-335)\n switch costume to (pick random (2) to (11))\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n end\n change y by (y)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [game start v]\npoint in direction (90)\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [y v] to [8]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nforever\n if <(死亡フラグ) = [0]> then\n if <[334] < (y position)> then\n set y to (-335)\n switch costume to (pick random (2) to (11))\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n end\n change y by (y)\n change [y v] by (0.001)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (2 v)\n\nwhen I receive [待機 v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\npoint in direction (0)\nforever\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (5)) degrees\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\n\n@スプライト4\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n
PLEASE NO ADVERTIZING\n\nWelcome to Sunshine 2!\nThe time I share this project, it is officially summer! YAY!\nI just made this for fun! Its part 2 of the game I made in December!\n\nAll levels are hard lol\n\nSlug Fest!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/533657164\n\nLETS GET MY YT CHANNEL TO 200 SUBS!\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoX7oYD5o2f7wHkmTrbXeg\n\n★Instructions★\nUse arrow keys or WASD to move. There are 11 levels.\nI added - Different grounds, orbs, Small O Meters, Trampolines, and shoot backs (The 3 Backwards arrows)\nFYI - The shoot backs don't activate when you are small!\n\n★Credits★\n@-SapphirreDemon- for some player code\n@sulkii for the music!\n@TheFunkyPanda for the clouds!\n\nRest by me!\n\nTell me if there are any bugs but I am sure there are none.\n\nMusic: - Creo - Place On Fire Cut\n\n#games #games #art #all #all
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 #3
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n play sound [Avenza - Loch Ness \(Original Mix\) v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-25)\nset [level v] to [1]\nset [x velocity v] to [0]\nset [y velocity v] to [0]\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (999) layers\n X velocity\n Y velocity\n Collision and Wall Jump\n Trail\n Death\n Trampoline Jump\n Level Change\nend\n\ndefine X velocity\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n change [x velocity v] by (-1)\nend\nset [x velocity v] to ((X velocity) * (.9))\nchange x by (X velocity)\n\ndefine Collision and Wall Jump\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change x by ((X velocity) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n Wall jump\n end\n change [x velocity v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [y velocity v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Y velocity)\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by ((Y velocity) * (-1))\n set [y velocity v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\n\ndefine Y velocity\nif <touching (ground v)?> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n change [y velocity v] by (17)\n end\nend\nchange y by (1)\n\ndefine Wall jump\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> then\n if <(X velocity) > [0]> then\n set [x velocity v] to [-7]\n else\n set [x velocity v] to [7]\n end\n set [y velocity v] to [10]\nelse\n set [x velocity v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine Trail\ncreate clone of (trail v)\n\ndefine Death\nif <touching (spikes. lava, holes, etc. v)?> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-25)\nend\n\ndefine Trampoline Jump\nif <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n if <(Y velocity) < [0]> then\n set [y velocity v] to [18]\n end\nend\n\ndefine Level Change\nif <(x position) > [235]> then\n if <(LEVEL) < [10]> then\n go to x: (-190) y: (-25)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nforever\n set rotation style [all around v]\n if <(X velocity) < [0]> then\n switch costume to (car3 v)\n else\n switch costume to (car2 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Y velocity) > [1]> then\n turn right (1) degrees\n else\n if <(Y velocity) < [-1]> then\n turn left (1) degrees\n end\n if <(Y velocity) = [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset v]\ngo to x: (-190) y: (-25)\n\n@Trail\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to (player v)\nif <([costume # v] of [player v]) = [3]> then\n change x by ([size v] of [player v])\nelse\n change x by ((0) - ([size v] of [player v]))\nend\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (10) layers\nshow\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nset size to ([size v] of [player v]) %\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n change size by ((0) - (([size v] of [player v]) / (20)))\nend\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@Parallax\n\nwhen I receive [lateupdate v]\nset size to (100) %\nif <(clone) = [no]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n change [scroll x v] by ((-1) * (SPEED))\n delete all of [order v]\n broadcast (order sprites v)\nelse\n set x to (x)\n switch costume to (costume)\n set [x v] to ((((SCROLL X) / (parallax)) mod (mod)) + (offset))\n set y to (0)\nend\nswitch costume to (costume)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [scroll x v] to [0]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone v] to [yes]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [parallax v] to [3]\nclones [1]\nset [parallax v] to [4]\nclones [2]\nset [parallax v] to [5]\nclones [3]\nset [parallax v] to [6]\nclones [4]\nset [parallax v] to [1.5]\nclones [5]\n\ndefine clones (costume)\nhide\nset [clone v] to [no]\nset [costume v] to (costume)\nset [mod v] to [480]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [mod v] to [-480]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [order sprites v]\norder sprite by (parallax)\n\ndefine order sprite by (z position)\nset [i v] to [1]\nrepeat until <not <(z position) < (item (i) of [order v])>>\n change [i v] by (1)\nend\ninsert (z position) at (i) of [order v] \ngo [forward v] ((i) - (1)) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (lateupdate v)\n\n@back\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\nend\n\n@PTE Ultra+\n\ndefine INTERNAL | calcWW (text) (cspace) (width) (space) (x) (offset)\ndelete all of [_temp0 v]\ndelete all of [_temp1 v]\ndelete all of [_temp2 v]\nset [_i3 v] to [1]\nset [_i4 v] to (space)\nset [_i5 v] to [0]\nset [_i8 v] to [0]\nset [_i9 v] to [0]\nrepeat (length of (text))\n set [_i6 v] to (letter (_i3) of (text))\n if <(_i6) = [ ]> then\n add [1] to [_temp2 v]\n if <((_i5) + (_i4)) > (width)> then\n add ((_i9) - (1)) to [_temp0 v]\n add ((x) + ((offset) * (_i5))) to [_temp1 v]\n set [_i5 v] to (_i4)\n set [_i4 v] to (space)\n set [_i9 v] to ((_i8) + (1))\n else\n change [_i5 v] by (_i4)\n set [_i4 v] to (space)\n change [_i9 v] by ((_i8) + (1))\n end\n set [_i8 v] to [0]\n else\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (_i6)?> then\n switch costume to (_i6)\n set [_i7 v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n set [_i7 v] to (item # of (_i6) in [_chars v])\n end\n if <not <(_i7) = [0]>> then\n add (_i7) to [_temp2 v]\n set [_i7 v] to ((item (_i7) of [_charwidths v]) + (cspace))\n if <((_i4) + (_i7)) > (width)> then\n add ((_i9) - (1)) to [_temp0 v]\n add ((x) + ((offset) * (_i5))) to [_temp1 v]\n set [_i5 v] to (_i4)\n set [_i4 v] to ((space) + (_i7))\n set [_i9 v] to ((_i8) + (1))\n set [_i8 v] to [1]\n add (item (last) of [_temp2 v]) to [_temp2 v]\n else\n change [_i4 v] by (_i7)\n change [_i8 v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\nend\nif <(_i8) = [0]> then\n if <not <(_i9) = [0]>> then\n add ((_i9) - (1)) to [_temp0 v]\n add ((x) + ((offset) * (_i5))) to [_temp1 v]\n end\nelse\n if <((_i5) + (_i4)) > (width)> then\n add ((_i9) - (1)) to [_temp0 v]\n add ((x) + ((offset) * (_i5))) to [_temp1 v]\n add (_i8) to [_temp0 v]\n add ((x) + ((offset) * (_i4))) to [_temp1 v]\n else\n add ((_i9) + (_i8)) to [_temp0 v]\n add ((x) + ((offset) * ((_i5) + (_i4)))) to [_temp1 v]\n end\nend\nrepeat until <<not <(item (1) of [_temp0 v]) < [1]>> or <(length of [_temp0 v]) < [1]>>\n delete (1) of [_temp0 v]\n delete (1) of [_temp1 v]\nend\nrepeat until <<not <(item (last) of [_temp0 v]) < [1]>> or <(length of [_temp0 v]) < [1]>>\n delete (last) of [_temp0 v]\n delete (last) of [_temp1 v]\nend\n\ndefine Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) WSU (w) (s) (u) CSpace (cspace) Align (align) Text (text)\nSlow Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) WSU (w) (s) (u) CSpace (cspace) Align (align) Text (text)\n\ndefine Slow Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) WSU (w) (s) (u) CSpace (cspace) Align (align) Text (text)\npen up\nset pen color to ((((65536) * (round (r))) + ((256) * (round (g)))) + (round (b)))\nset [_x v] to (x)\nset [_i0 v] to ((0.01) * (size))\nset [_i1 v] to ([abs v] of ((0.125) * ((w) * (size))) )\nif <<(size) = (round (size))> and <not <(w) < [0]>>> then\n if <<((round (_i1)) mod (2)) = [0]> and <not <(_i1) < [0.5]>>> then\n set [_y v] to (round (y))\n else\n set [_y v] to (([floor v] of (y) ) + (0.5))\n end\nelse\n set [_y v] to (y)\nend\nif <(w) < [0]> then\n set [_i2 v] to ((0.125) * (size))\nelse\n set [_i2 v] to (_i1)\nend\nINTERNAL | printText (text) (_y) (_i0) ((width) * (_i0)) ([tan v] of (s) ) ((_i0) * (u)) (((cspace) * ((0.475) * ((size) / ([log v] of (((size) + (1.01)) * ((size) + (1.01))) )))) + (_i2)) (align) ([ceiling v] of ((0.15) * ([sqrt v] of ((width) * ((size) * (size))) )) ) ((1) / (([ceiling v] of ((0.15) * ([sqrt v] of ((width) * ((size) * (size))) )) ) + (1))) (_i1) ((_i1) + (1)) (((0.6) + ((0.4) * <([floor v] of ((u) / (100)) ) = [0]>)) * (_i1)) ((0.09375) * (size))\n\ndefine WW Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) WW Width (ww width) WSU (w) (s) (u) CSpace (cspace) LSpace (lspace) Align (align) Text (text)\nWW Slow Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) WW Width (ww width) WSU (w) (s) (u) CSpace (cspace) LSpace (lspace) Align (align) Text (text)\n\ndefine WW Slow Print | Pos (x) (y) Size (size) Width (width) RGB (r) (g) (b) WW Width (ww width) WSU (w) (s) (u) CSpace (cspace) LSpace (lspace) Align (align) Text (text)\npen up\nset pen color to ((((65536) * (round (r))) + ((256) * (round (g)))) + (round (b)))\nset [_i0 v] to ((0.01) * (size))\nset [_i1 v] to ([abs v] of ((0.125) * ((w) * (size))) )\nif <<(size) = (round (size))> and <not <(w) < [0]>>> then\n if <<((round (_i1)) mod (2)) = [0]> and <not <(_i1) < [0.5]>>> then\n set [_y v] to (round (y))\n else\n set [_y v] to (([floor v] of (y) ) + (0.5))\n end\nelse\n set [_y v] to (y)\nend\nif <(w) < [0]> then\n set [_i2 v] to ((0.125) * (size))\nelse\n set [_i2 v] to (_i1)\nend\nset [_i3 v] to (((100) / (size)) / (width))\nset [_i4 v] to ((_i3) * (((cspace) * ((0.475) * ((size) / ([log v] of (((size) + (1.01)) * ((size) + (1.01))) )))) + (_i2)))\nif <(align) = [r]> then\n set [_i5 v] to ((-1) * (_i0))\nelse\n if <(align) = [c]> then\n set [_i5 v] to ((-0.5) * (_i0))\n else\n set [_i5 v] to [0]\n end\nend\nset [_i5 v] to ((width) * (_i5))\nset [_i6 v] to ((item (1) of [_charwidths v]) + (_i4))\nINTERNAL | calcWW (text) (_i4) (((_i3) * (ww width)) + ((_i6) + (_i4))) (_i6) ((x) - ((_i5) * ((_i6) + (_i4)))) (_i5)\nINTERNAL | printWW (_i0) ((width) * (_i0)) ([tan v] of (s) ) ((_i0) * (u)) <not <(u) = [0]>> (((cspace) * ((0.475) * ((size) / ([log v] of (((size) + (1.01)) * ((size) + (1.01))) )))) + (_i2)) (round ((((-0.65) * ((lspace) * (size))) - (size)) - (_i2))) ([ceiling v] of ((0.15) * ([sqrt v] of ((width) * ((size) * (size))) )) ) ((1) / (([ceiling v] of ((0.15) * ([sqrt v] of ((width) * ((size) * (size))) )) ) + (1))) (_i1) ((_i1) + (1)) (((0.6) + ((0.4) * <([floor v] of ((u) / (100)) ) = [0]>)) * (_i1)) ((0.09375) * (size))\n\ndefine INTERNAL | drawBezier (x2) (y2) (x3) (y3) (qual) (dt)\nINTERNAL | bezier (((x3) - ((2) * (x2))) + (x position)) ((2) * ((x2) - (x position))) (x position) (((y3) - ((2) * (y2))) + (y position)) ((2) * ((y2) - (y position))) (y position) (qual) (dt)\ngo to x: (x3) y: (y3)\n\ndefine INTERNAL | bezier (cx1) (cx2) (x1) (cy1) (cy2) (y1) (qual) (dt)\nset [_i4 v] to [0]\nrepeat (qual)\n change [_i4 v] by (dt)\n go to x: (((_i4) * (((_i4) * (cx1)) + (cx2))) + (x1)) y: (((_i4) * (((_i4) * (cy1)) + (cy2))) + (y1))\nend\n\ndefine Newlines | # of Lines (lines) Size (size) Weight (w) LSpace (lspace)\nif <(w) < [0]> then\n change [_y v] by ((lines) * (round ((((-0.65) * ((lspace) * (size))) - (size)) - ((0.125) * (size)))))\nelse\n change [_y v] by ((lines) * (round ((((-0.65) * ((lspace) * (size))) - (size)) - ((0.125) * ((w) * (size))))))\nend\nif <<(size) = (round (size))> and <not <(w) < [0]>>> then\n if <<((round ((0.125) * ((w) * (size)))) mod (2)) = [0]> and <not <((0.125) * ((w) * (size))) < [0.5]>>> then\n set [_y v] to (round (_y))\n else\n set [_y v] to (([floor v] of (_y) ) + (0.5))\n end\nend\n\ndefine INTERNAL | printWW (height) (width) (slant) (underline) <hasundr> (cspace) (lspace) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight) (underlwt) (underloffset)\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nset [_i1 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [_temp0 v])\n set [_x v] to (item (_i0) of [_temp1 v])\n repeat (item (_i0) of [_temp0 v])\n INTERNAL | printChar (item (_i1) of [_temp2 v]) (height) (width) (_x) (_y) (slant) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight)\n change [_x v] by (cspace)\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i1 v] by (1)\n if <hasundr> then\n set pen size to (underlwt)\n go to x: ((((_x) - (cspace)) + ((slant) * (underline))) + (underloffset)) y: ((_y) + (underline))\n pen down\n set x to (((item (_i0) of [_temp1 v]) + ((slant) * (underline))) - (underloffset))\n pen up\n end\n change [_y v] by (lspace)\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\nchange [_y v] by ((-1) * (lspace))\ndelete all of [_temp2 v]\n\ndefine INTERNAL | printText (text) (y) (height) (width) (slant) (underline) (space) (align) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight) (underlwt) (underloffset)\nif <<(align) = [c]> or <(align) = [r]>> then\n delete all of [_temp0 v]\n set [_i0 v] to [1]\n set [_i1 v] to [0]\n repeat (length of (text))\n set [_i2 v] to (letter (_i0) of (text))\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (_i2)?> then\n switch costume to (_i2)\n change [_i1 v] by (((width) * (item (costume [number v]) of [_charwidths v])) + (space))\n add (costume [number v]) to [_temp0 v]\n else\n set [_i2 v] to (item # of (_i2) in [_chars v])\n if <not <(_i2) = [0]>> then\n change [_i1 v] by (((width) * (item (_i2) of [_charwidths v])) + (space))\n add (_i2) to [_temp0 v]\n end\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n if <(align) = [c]> then\n change [_x v] by ((-0.5) * ((_i1) - (space)))\n else\n change [_x v] by ((-1) * ((_i1) - (space)))\n end\n set [_i6 v] to (_x)\n set [_i0 v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [_temp0 v])\n INTERNAL | printChar (item (_i0) of [_temp0 v]) (height) (width) (_x) (y) (slant) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight)\n change [_x v] by (space)\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n set [_i6 v] to (_x)\n set [_i0 v] to [1]\n repeat (length of (text))\n set [_i7 v] to (letter (_i0) of (text))\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (_i7)?> then\n switch costume to (_i7)\n INTERNAL | printChar (costume [number v]) (height) (width) (_x) (y) (slant) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight)\n change [_x v] by (space)\n else\n set [_i7 v] to (item # of (_i7) in [_chars v])\n if <not <(_i7) = [0]>> then\n INTERNAL | printChar (_i7) (height) (width) (_x) (y) (slant) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight)\n change [_x v] by (space)\n end\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\nend\nif <not <(underline) = [0]>> then\n set pen size to (underlwt)\n go to x: ((((_x) - (space)) + ((slant) * (underline))) + (underloffset)) y: ((y) + (underline))\n pen down\n set x to (((_i6) + ((slant) * (underline))) - (underloffset))\n pen up\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nswitch costume to (sizebypass v)\nset size to (50000) %\nswitch costume to (pte ultra+ v)\n\ndefine INTERNAL | loadFont (font)\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(_i0) > (length of (font))>\n set [_i1 v] to (letter (_i0) of (font))\n if <[_chars v] contains (_i1)?> then\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (_i1)?> then\n switch costume to (_i1)\n set [_i4 v] to (costume [number v])\n else\n set [_i4 v] to (item # of (_i1) in [_chars v])\n end\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (_i1)?> then\n switch costume to (_i1)\n if <(costume [number v]) > [27]> then\n set [_i2 v] to (item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v])\n set [_i5 v] to (item (_i2) of [_chardata v])\n replace item (_i2) of [_chardata v] with []\n set [_i3 v] to ((item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v]) + (1))\n replace item (_i2) of [_chardata v] with (_i5)\n else\n set [_i3 v] to ((item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v]) + (1))\n end\n else\n set [_i3 v] to ((item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v]) + (1))\n end\n else\n add (_i1) to [_chars v]\n add [0] to [_charids v]\n add [0] to [_charwidths v]\n add (join [_] (_i1)) to [_chardata v]\n set [_i3 v] to ((length of [_chardata v]) + (1))\n set [_i4 v] to (length of [_chars v])\n end\n add [_] to [_chardata v]\n change [_i0 v] by (2)\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n replace item (_i4) of [_charwidths v] with ((1) * (_i2))\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert (round (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with (round (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n repeat (round (_i2))\n repeat (2)\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert ((1) * (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with ((1) * (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n end\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert (round (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with (round (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n repeat (round (_i2))\n if <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [b]> then\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert [b] at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with [b]\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n change [_i0 v] by (2)\n repeat (4)\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert ((1) * (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with ((1) * (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n end\n else\n repeat (2)\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert ((1) * (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with ((1) * (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert (round (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with (round (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n repeat (round (_i2))\n repeat (2)\n set [_i2 v] to []\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font)) = [ ]>\n set [_i2 v] to (join (_i2) (letter (_i0) of (font)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (1) of (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) = [_]> then\n insert ((1) * (_i2)) at (_i3) of [_chardata v] \n else\n replace item (_i3) of [_chardata v] with ((1) * (_i2))\n end\n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n end\n end\n delete (last) of [_chardata v]\nend\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of [_chars v])\n set [_i1 v] to (item (_i0) of [_chars v])\n if < [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] contains (_i1)?> then\n switch costume to (_i1)\n if <(costume [number v]) > [27]> then\n set [_i2 v] to (item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v])\n set [_i3 v] to (item (_i2) of [_chardata v])\n replace item (_i2) of [_chardata v] with []\n replace item (_i0) of [_charids v] with ((item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v]) + (2))\n replace item (_i2) of [_chardata v] with (_i3)\n else\n replace item (_i0) of [_charids v] with ((item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v]) + (2))\n end\n else\n replace item (_i0) of [_charids v] with ((item # of (join [_] (_i1)) in [_chardata v]) + (2))\n end\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine Import Font | Data (font data)\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nrepeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [{]>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\nchange [_i0 v] by (1)\nrepeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\[]>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\nchange [_i0 v] by (1)\nset [_i1 v] to []\nrepeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\]]>\n set [_i1 v] to (join (_i1) (letter (_i0) of (font data)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\nchange [_i0 v] by (1)\nset [_i6 v] to (_i1)\ndelete all of [_temp0 v]\nchange [_i0 v] by (1)\nrepeat until <<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\[]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [}]>>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\nrepeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [}]>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n delete all of [_temp1 v]\n add (letter (_i0) of (font data)) to [_temp0 v]\n change [_i0 v] by (2)\n set [_i1 v] to []\n repeat until <<<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [,]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [;]>> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\]]>>\n set [_i1 v] to (join (_i1) (letter (_i0) of (font data)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n add (_i1) to [_temp0 v]\n set [_i2 v] to ((length of [_temp0 v]) + (1))\n set [_i3 v] to [0]\n repeat until <<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\(]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\]]>>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\]]>\n set [_i4 v] to ((length of [_temp0 v]) + (3))\n set [_i5 v] to [0]\n repeat until <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\)]>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n if <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [b]> then\n add [b] to [_temp0 v]\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n repeat (4)\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n set [_i1 v] to []\n repeat until <<<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [,]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [;]>> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\)]>>\n set [_i1 v] to (join (_i1) (letter (_i0) of (font data)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n add (_i1) to [_temp0 v]\n end\n else\n change [_i0 v] by (-1)\n repeat (2)\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n set [_i1 v] to []\n repeat until <<<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [,]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [;]>> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\)]>>\n set [_i1 v] to (join (_i1) (letter (_i0) of (font data)))\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n add (_i1) to [_temp0 v]\n end\n end\n change [_i5 v] by (1)\n end\n if <(_i5) = [1]> then\n add (item ((length of [_temp0 v]) - (1)) of [_temp0 v]) to [_temp1 v]\n add (item (last) of [_temp0 v]) to [_temp1 v]\n delete (last) of [_temp0 v]\n delete (last) of [_temp0 v]\n else\n insert ((_i5) - (1)) at (_i4) of [_temp0 v] \n change [_i3 v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\(]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\]]>>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\n end\n insert (_i3) at (_i2) of [_temp0 v] \n insert (round ((length of [_temp1 v]) / (2))) at (1) of [_temp1 v] \n repeat (length of [_temp1 v])\n add (item (1) of [_temp1 v]) to [_temp0 v]\n delete (1) of [_temp1 v]\n end\n repeat until <<(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [\[]> or <(letter (_i0) of (font data)) = [}]>>\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\n end\nend\nadd [] to [_temp0 v]\nset [_i0 v] to (item # of (_i6) in [_fonts v])\nif <((_i0) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n replace item ((_i0) + (1)) of [_fonts v] with (_temp0)\nelse\n add (_i6) to [_fonts v]\n add (_temp0) to [_fonts v]\nend\ndelete all of [_temp0 v]\n\ndefine Load Font | Name (font)\nset [_i0 v] to (item # of (font) in [_fonts v])\nif <((_i0) mod (2)) = [1]> then\n INTERNAL | loadFont (item ((_i0) + (1)) of [_fonts v])\nend\n\ndefine Reset Character Data\ndelete all of [_chars v]\ndelete all of [_charids v]\ndelete all of [_charwidths v]\ndelete all of [_chardata v]\nset [_i0 v] to [1]\nrepeat (53)\n set [_i1 v] to (letter (_i0) of [ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ])\n add (_i1) to [_chars v]\n add ((length of [_chardata v]) + (3)) to [_charids v]\n add [0] to [_charwidths v]\n add (join [_] (_i1)) to [_chardata v]\n add [0] to [_chardata v]\n change [_i0 v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine INTERNAL | printChar (num) (height) (width) (x) (y) (slant) (bezqual) (bezdt) (weight) (dotweight)\nchange [_x v] by ((width) * (item (num) of [_charwidths v]))\nset [_i3 v] to (item (num) of [_charids v])\nset pen size to (weight)\nrepeat (item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chardata v])\n set [_i4 v] to ((height) * (item ((_i3) + (1)) of [_chardata v]))\n go to x: ((x) + (((width) * (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) + ((slant) * (_i4)))) y: ((y) + (_i4))\n pen down\n change [_i3 v] by (3)\n repeat (item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chardata v])\n if <(item (_i3) of [_chardata v]) = [b]> then\n set [_i4 v] to ((height) * (item ((_i3) + (2)) of [_chardata v]))\n set [_i5 v] to ((height) * (item ((_i3) + (4)) of [_chardata v]))\n INTERNAL | drawBezier ((x) + (((width) * (item ((_i3) + (1)) of [_chardata v])) + ((slant) * (_i4)))) ((y) + (_i4)) ((x) + (((width) * (item ((_i3) + (3)) of [_chardata v])) + ((slant) * (_i5)))) ((y) + (_i5)) (bezqual) (bezdt)\n change [_i3 v] by (5)\n else\n set [_i4 v] to ((height) * (item ((_i3) + (1)) of [_chardata v]))\n go to x: ((x) + (((width) * (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) + ((slant) * (_i4)))) y: ((y) + (_i4))\n change [_i3 v] by (2)\n end\n end\n pen up\nend\nset pen size to (dotweight)\nchange [_i3 v] by (1)\nrepeat (item ((_i3) - (1)) of [_chardata v])\n set [_i4 v] to ((height) * (item ((_i3) + (1)) of [_chardata v]))\n go to x: ((x) + (((width) * (item (_i3) of [_chardata v])) + ((slant) * (_i4)))) y: ((y) + (_i4))\n pen down\n pen up\n change [_i3 v] by (2)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nReset Character Data\nLoad Font | Name [Parabolic]\nforever\n erase all\n if <(LEVEL) = [1]> then\n Print | Pos (-220) (140) Size (25) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text [Hello!]\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [2]> then\n Print | Pos (-220) (140) Size (25) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text [You're a car!]\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [3]> then\n Print | Pos (-220) (140) Size (20) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text [Avoid the orange traffic cones!]\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [4]> then\n Print | Pos (-220) (140) Size (25) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text []\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [5]> then\n Print | Pos (-220) (140) Size (25) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text [Avoid lava!]\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [10]> then\n Print | Pos (-120) (0) Size (15) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text [Love, favorite and follow!]\n end\n if <(LEVEL) = [7]> then\n Print | Pos (-220) (140) Size (12) Width (1) RGB (0) (0) (0) WSU (1) (0) (0) CSpace (1) Align [l] Text [This is not the last level, trust me!]\n end\nend\n\n@Spikes. Lava, Holes, etc.\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n switch costume to (LEVEL)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Love fave\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n wait (pick random (10) to (15)) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: (50)\n show\n go to [front v] layer\n start sound [pop v]\n repeat (9)\n change y by (-6)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (3)\n end\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (2.7) seconds\n repeat (15)\n change y by (7)\n end\n hide\nend\n\n@Time\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nreset timer\nset [time v] to [0]\nforever\n set [time v] to (timer)\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (TIME)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\nend\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (reset v)\n\n
✿ Welcome to "Sunset - Platformer" ✿\n\n ✿ Controls: Press space to start playing ✿\n➤ Use the arrow keys or WASD to move your character \n➤ 15 admirable levels!\n➤ Make sure to play with headphones :)\n\nIf your player breaks, double-tap the flag!\n\nPlease like, follow, and fav to support me :D\n\nIf you want to talk to me, join my studio! Link down below!\nhttps://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27433923/\n\nMassive thanks to: \n@isaac1221 for background design\n\nTags: #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #games #trending #all #platformer #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #trending #all #games \n#art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #art #animations #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #games #trending #all #platformer #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #trending #all #games #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #games #trending #all #platformer #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #platformer #trending #all #games #trending #all #games
Kawaii Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext backdrop\n\n@Music\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset volume to (150) %\nstart sound [Sounds of the Boreal Forest v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nstop all sounds\nset volume to (100) %\nforever\n play sound [AJR - Bummerland \(Official Video\) v] until done\n wait (1) seconds\n play sound [The Entertainment's Here v] until done\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (90) %\nset [time wait v] to [5]\n\nwhen I receive [sound v]\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [sound on v]\nset volume to (100) %\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\n\nwait (1) seconds\nset volume to (0) %\nwait (1) seconds\nset volume to (100) %\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (95) y: (-27)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nforever\n go to [front v] layer\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.03)\ngo to x: (95) y: (-1000)\nrepeat until <(round (y position)) = [-27]>\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n change y by (((1) - (y position)) / (5))\nend\nset y to (-27)\n\n@Player\n\ndefine reset\ngo to [front v] layer\nclear graphic effects\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-50)\npoint in direction (90)\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset [x v v] to [0]\nset [y v v] to [0]\nset size to (80) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nset [change? v] to [1]\nreset\nset [change? v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nset [level v] to [1]\ngo to [front v] layer\nset [dead? v] to [0]\nset size to (80) %\nreset\nforever\n if <<<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n change [x v v] by (.9)\n end\n if <<<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < (x position)>>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n change [x v v] by (-.9)\n end\n set [x v v] to ((X v) * (0.9))\n change x by (X v)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <touching (ground v)?> then\n change y by (2)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (rocks v)?> or <touching (moving ground v)?>>> then\n change x by ((X v) * (-2))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n if <(X v) > [0]> then\n set [x v v] to [-5]\n else\n set [x v v] to [5]\n end\n set [y v v] to [13]\n else\n set [x v v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change [y v v] by (-0.8)\n change y by (Y v)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (rocks v)?> or <touching (moving ground v)?>>> then\n change y by ((Y v) * (-1))\n set [y v v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <<touching (ground v)?> or <<touching (rocks v)?> or <touching (moving ground v)?>>> then\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<key (w v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > ((y position) + (20))>>>> then\n set [y v v] to [12]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n if <<<<<touching (gears v)?> or <touching (danger v)?>> or <touching (killer wheel2 v)?>> or <touching (lightning v)?>> and <(dead?) = [0]>> then\n Spin off screen\n end\n if <touching (trampoline v)?> then\n set [y v v] to [19]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nforever\n set [direction v] to (direction)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nset [change? v] to [0]\nforever\n if <touching (flag v)?> then\n start sound [Ding Sound Effect v]\n broadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\n change [level v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nforever\n if <(y position) = [-179]> then\n Spin off screen\n end\nend\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nif <(dead?) = [0]> then\n reset\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nshow\n\ndefine Spin off screen\nset [dead? v] to [1]\nchange [player death v] by (1)\nrepeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\nend\nreset\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (center v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <<touching (danger v)?> or <touching (gears v)?>> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-65)\n end\n if <touching (moving danger v)?> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-65)\n end\n if <touching (water death v)?> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (80)\n else\n clear graphic effects\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nbroadcast (Start v)\n\nwhen [1 v] key pressed\nnext costume\n\n@Ground\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Wheat\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [how fast of wheat - test v] to [0.2]\nwait (0.03) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\ngo to x: (-90) y: (-60)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nwait (0.1) seconds\nforever\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n repeat (4)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n repeat (3)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (How Fast of Wheat - TEST) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\nrepeat (20)\n change y by (2.5)\nend\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-90) y: (-5)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-5)\nend\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-400) y: (40)\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-5)\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <<(Level) = [5]> or <(Level) = [6]>> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-5)\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-20)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-40) y: (130)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-205) y: (40)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-370) y: (70)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n hide\nend\nif <(Level) = [12]> then\n show\n go to x: (-40) y: (40)\n wait (0.03) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Stuff\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (1) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (10)\n change y by (1)\nend\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (36) y: (18)\ngo to [back v] layer\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\nif <(Level) = [7]> then\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Clouds\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (320)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nhide\nwait (0.5) seconds\nshow\nrepeat (12)\n change y by (-5)\nend\nset [cloud id v] to [1]\nwait (0.1) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud id v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud id v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud id v] by (1)\nwait (0.1) seconds\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nchange [cloud id v] by (1)\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nforever\n repeat (12)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (12)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Cloud ID) = [1]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n hide\n go to x: (-100) y: (150)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (pick random (10) to (17))\n change y by (-4)\n end\n forever\n repeat (12)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (12)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Cloud ID) = [2]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n hide\n go to x: (-200) y: (150)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (pick random (10) to (17))\n change y by (-4)\n end\n forever\n repeat (12)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (12)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Cloud ID) = [3]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n hide\n go to x: (175) y: (150)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (pick random (10) to (17))\n change y by (-4)\n end\n forever\n repeat (12)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (12)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Cloud ID) = [4]> then\n set [ghost v] effect to (20)\n hide\n go to x: (250) y: (150)\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n show\n repeat (pick random (7) to (10))\n change y by (-4)\n end\n forever\n repeat (12)\n change y by (1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n repeat (12)\n change y by (-1)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Intro\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (CloneID) contains [Tile]?> then\n set size to (0) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (15)\n switch costume to (square v)\n show\n repeat until <(round (size)) = (round (80))>\n change size by (((80) - (size)) / (5))\n end\n wait (4) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine Tiles\nset [cloneid v] to [Tile]\nrepeat (10)\n change x by (60)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\nend\nset x to (-350)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Square]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (0) %\n point in direction (45)\n repeat (15)\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (4)) degrees\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((600) - (size)) / (4))\n switch costume to (square2 v)\n end\n wait (4) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (Start intro v)\n\ndefine Smooth Glide to x (x) y (y) Speed (s)\nrepeat until <<(round (x position)) = (x)> and <(round (y position)) = (y)>>\n change x by (((x) - (x position)) / (s))\n change y by (((y) - (y position)) / (s))\nend\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\n\ndefine BounceToSize (size)\nrepeat (35)\n set [movement v] to (((movement) * (.8)) + (((size) - (size)) * (.3)))\n change size by (movement)\nend\n\ndefine Make a clone of : (#)\nset [cloneid v] to (#)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\ndefine Clone Particles\nset [cloneid v] to [Particle]\nrepeat (75)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn right (15) degrees\nend\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Explosion]> then\n if <(Explosion type) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n switch costume to (circle explosion 1 v)\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (-10)\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (12)\n next costume\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n repeat (9)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n next costume\n change size by (((100) - (size)) / (4))\n wait (.05) seconds\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine Explosion at (x) (y) (type)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [cloneid v] to [Explosion]\nset [explosion type v] to (type)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Circle]> then\n switch costume to (circle v)\n show\n set size to (0) %\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (18)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((2000) - (size)) / (10))\n switch costume to (circle v)\n end\n wait (0.3) seconds\n repeat (30)\n switch costume to (blank v)\n change size by (((size) - (2000)) / (15))\n switch costume to (circle v)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Right arrow]> then\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n switch costume to (right arrow v)\n go to x: (500) y: (0)\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [0] Speed [5]\n wait (2.8) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Logo]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n show\n switch costume to (logo v)\n bouncy thing from [-500] [100]\n wait (2.8) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Logo2]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n show\n switch costume to (logo2 v)\n bouncy thing from [500] [100]\n wait (2.8) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\ndefine bouncy thing from (y) (speed)\nshow\nset size to (250) %\npoint in direction (0)\nset [direction vel. v] to [0]\nset [y vel. v] to [0]\nset y to (y)\nrepeat (speed)\n set [y vel. v] to (((y Vel.) * (.8)) + (((0) - (y position)) / (9)))\n set [direction vel. v] to (((Direction Vel.) * (.9)) + (((90) - (direction)) / (9)))\n change y by (y Vel.)\n turn right (Direction Vel.) degrees\n change size by (((70) - (size)) / (9))\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [OC]> then\n set size to (100) %\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n switch costume to (oc v)\n show\n set x to (150)\n bouncy thing from [500] []\n wait (1) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start intro v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nstart sound [Unknown Brain - Dancing On The Moon \(ft Luke Burr\) - \[NCS Release\] v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\ngo to x: (0) y: (-150)\nrepeat (4)\n Make a clone of : [Square]\n change [brightness v] effect by (-10)\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\ngo to x: (300) y: (210)\nMake a clone of : [Oc part 1]\nrepeat (6)\n Tiles\n change y by (-70)\nend\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nMake a clone of : [Logo]\nClone Particles\nMake a clone of : [Logo2]\nExpluso group\nwait (0.5) seconds\nExpluso group\nwait (0.5) seconds\nExpluso group\nwait (0.7) seconds\nrepeat (3)\n Make a clone of : [Right arrow]\n change [brightness v] effect by (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\nwait (0.2) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter h]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter e]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter n]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter r]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nExpluso group\nMake a clone of : [Letter y]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter w]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter o]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter l]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter f]\nwait (0.05) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Letter e2]\nwait (0.3) seconds\nExpluso group\nMake a clone of : [LOGO YEEEET]\nMake a clone of : [OC YEEET]\nwait (1) seconds\nMake a clone of : [Circle]\nchange [brightness v] effect by (5)\nwait (1) seconds\nbroadcast (Intro done v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Particle]> then\n show\n switch costume to (particle v)\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (80) %\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n set [color v] effect to (pick random (-10) to (0))\n set [brightness v] effect to (pick random (-10) to (10))\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (5) layers\n set [var 1 v] to (pick random (10) to (15))\n set [var 2 v] to (pick random (2) to (7))\n turn right (pick random (-10) to (10)) degrees\n show\n repeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n move (Var 1) steps\n change y by (Var 2)\n change [var 2 v] by (-0.4)\n set [var 1 v] to ((Var 1) * (0.95))\n end\n repeat (10)\n move (Var 1) steps\n change y by (Var 2)\n change [var 2 v] by (-0.4)\n set [var 1 v] to ((Var 1) * (0.95))\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Explosion]> then\n if <(Explosion type) = [2]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n show\n switch costume to (6 line explosion 1 v)\n set [color v] effect to (20)\n set size to (0) %\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n change size by (((150) - (size)) / (4))\n end\n repeat (5)\n go to [front v] layer\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n next costume\n change size by (((150) - (size)) / (4))\n set [color v] effect to (20)\n wait (.05) seconds\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\ndefine Expluso group\nExplosion at [160] [120] [1]\nExplosion at [-160] [120] [1]\nExplosion at [160] [-120] [1]\nExplosion at [-160] [-120] [1]\nExplosion at [0] [0] [2]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter h]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter h v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Right arrow]> then\n repeat (10)\n set size to (100) %\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif < (CloneID) contains [Letter]?> then\n forever\n switch costume to (CloneID)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n end\nend\n\ndefine Letter thing\nset size to (0) %\npoint in direction (45)\nrepeat until <(round (direction)) = (round (90))>\n turn right (((90) - (direction)) / (4)) degrees\n change size by (((150) - (size)) / (5))\nend\nSmooth Glide to x [10] y [120] Speed [5]\nwait (1.2) seconds\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter e]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter e v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter n]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter n v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter r]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter r v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter y]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter y v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter w]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter w v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter o]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter o v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter l]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter l v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter f]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter f v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\ndefine Get ready for letter thing\npoint in direction (90)\nswitch costume to (poshack v)\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\ngo to [back v] layer\ngo [forward v] (1) layers\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (200) %\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [LOGO YEEEET]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n go to x: (-80) y: (0)\n show\n switch costume to (logo part 3 v)\n bouncy thing from [-500] [70]\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [OC YEEET]> then\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n set size to (150) %\n show\n go to x: (120) y: (-40)\n switch costume to (oc v)\n BounceToSize [70]\n wait (1) seconds\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <<(CloneID) = [OC YEEET]> or <(CloneID) = [LOGO YEEEET]>> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (3) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Letter e2]> then\n Get ready for letter thing\n switch costume to ( letter e2 v)\n Letter thing\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Circle]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n go [forward v] (141414) layers\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Oc part 1]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (500)\n show\n set size to (50) %\n switch costume to (oc2 v)\n set [color v] effect to (0)\n set [brightness v] effect to (0)\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [110] Speed [10]\n repeat (7)\n next costume\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n Smooth Glide to x [0] y [500] Speed [20]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Oc part 1]> then\n forever\n go to [front v] layer\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(CloneID) = [Oc part 1]> then\n wait (2) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Sound\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n broadcast (Sound v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n broadcast (Sound On v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((60) - (size)) / (3))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (3))\n end\nend\n\n@Water Death\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (36) y: (-33)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\nforever\n repeat (5)\n change y by (-1)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\n repeat (5)\n change y by (1)\n end\n wait (0.1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(Level) = [10]> then\n go to [front v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n wait (0.01) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\nend\n\n@Sun\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset size to (100) %\ngo to [back v] layer\npoint in direction (90)\nset rotation style [all around v]\ngo to x: (142) y: (112)\nset [ghost v] effect to (20)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.03) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (1.5)\n end\n wait (0.03) seconds\n repeat (10)\n change size by (-1.5)\n end\n wait (0.03) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nif <(Level) = [11]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\nelse\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\n@Flag\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nswitch costume to (green flag v)\nforever\n set x to (0)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0.1) seconds\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\n@Rocks\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nshow\nwait (1) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\nif <(Level) = [1]> then\n go [backward v] (2) layers\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n wait (1) seconds\n go [forward v] (1) layers\nend\n\n@Skip\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (Time Wait) seconds\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (NEXT LEVEL v)\nchange [level v] by (1)\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <([costume # v] of [ground v]) = [12]> then\n change volume by (-10)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <(volume) = [90]> then\n hide\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nforever\n if <touching (mouse-pointer v)?> then\n change size by (((60) - (size)) / (3))\n point in direction (90)\n else\n change size by (((40) - (size)) / (3))\n end\nend\n\n@Danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (36) y: (28)\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(Level) = [3]> then\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [4]> then\n go [forward v] (5) layers\nend\nif <(Level) = [5]> then\n go to [back v] layer\nend\nif <(Level) = [6]> then\n wait (0.1) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\n go [forward v] (2) layers\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nwait (0.011) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nshow\nforever\n repeat (10)\n change y by (0.5)\n end\n repeat (10)\n change y by (-0.5)\n end\nend\n\n@Moving danger\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n wait (0.03) seconds\n set [clone id moving enemy v] to [1]\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [clone id moving enemy v] by (1)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n go to x: (-23) y: (10)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n repeat (26)\n change x by (4)\n end\n repeat (26)\n change x by (-4)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\nset [clone id moving enemy v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clone ID Moving Enemy) = [1]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-134) y: (-29)\n wait (0.45) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n repeat (19)\n change x by (4)\n end\n repeat (19)\n change x by (-4)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\nif <(Clone ID Moving Enemy) = [2]> then\n if <(costume [number v]) = [5]> then\n go to x: (115) y: (48)\n wait (1) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [6]>\n repeat (25)\n change x by (4)\n end\n repeat (25)\n change x by (-4)\n end\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\n@Moving ground\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [next level v]\nnext costume\nif <(costume [number v]) = [7]> then\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n go to x: (22) y: (-32)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [8]>\n repeat (40)\n change x by (-4)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (40)\n change x by (4)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [9]> then\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n go to x: (-130) y: (-100)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [10]>\n repeat (60)\n change x by (3)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n repeat (60)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\nend\nif <(costume [number v]) = [11]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n wait (0.02) seconds\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume11 v)\n go to x: (170) y: (-77)\n repeat until <(costume [number v]) = [12]>\n repeat (85)\n change x by (-3)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n point in direction (-90)\n repeat (85)\n change x by (3)\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n point in direction (90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start v]\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\n\n@Bird\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\ngo to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\nforever\n repeat (6)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nset [bird flight speed v] to [0.1]\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <(x position) < [-248]> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\n show\n end\n change x by (-2)\nend\n\n@Bird2\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (5) seconds\ngo to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\nforever\n repeat (6)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n next costume\n end\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume9 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume8 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume7 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume6 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume5 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n wait (Bird Flight Speed) seconds\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ghost v] effect to (30)\nset [bird flight speed v] to [0.1]\nhide\nwait (3) seconds\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen I receive [intro done v]\nwait (5) seconds\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nforever\n if <(x position) < [-248]> then\n hide\n wait (1) seconds\n go to x: (251) y: (pick random (21) to (176))\n show\n end\n change x by (-2.5)\nend\n\n
このゲームの本当の共有日:3/10くらい?(((\n❤と⭐数が2000を超えたのでアップデートしました!!(コインを追加した\n❤と⭐4000超えたらまたアップデートします!\nI will update again when ❤ and ⭐ exceed 4000!\nアップデートしました!\nアップデート内容\n・ステージ増量\n・ノコノコ追加\n・ファイヤーフラワー追加\n・次のステージに行くと敵が消えるようにした\n今回はマリオプラットフォーマーを作りました!!\n❤と⭐、フォロー、拡散をよろしくお願いします。\n《操作方法》\n矢印キーまたはタップで操作します。\nクリボーは踏むかファイヤーで倒せます\nノコノコは踏んでも甲羅になるだけです(ファイヤーだと倒せます)\n敵に当たると死にます\n《クレジット(足りなかったら言ってください)》\nBGM:NCS\n一部コスチューム、効果音:@Will_Wam
Returning: A Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait (1) seconds\n play sound [2 AM - Animal Crossing Wild World v] until done\nend\n\n@Player\n\ndefine Tick\nif <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (1)\nend\nif <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n change [xv v] by (-1)\nend\nchange x by (Xv)\nset [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\nif <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change y by (1)\n if <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change y by (-5)\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <(Xv) > [0]> then\n set [xv v] to [-10]\n else\n set [xv v] to [10]\n end\n set [yv v] to [15]\n else\n set [xv v] to [0]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange y by (Yv)\nif <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\nchange y by (-1)\nif <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n if <<touching color (#8eda65)?> or <<touching color (#dab16f)?> or <touching color (#b0b1b0)?>>> then\n set [yv v] to [13]\n end\nend\nif <touching color (#ff46b2)?> then\n set [yv v] to [18]\nend\nif <<touching color (#ff3a3a)?> or <<touching color (#efefef)?> or <touching color (#e6e6e6)?>>> then\n go to x: (-215) y: (49)\nend\nchange y by (1)\nif <touching color (#48a769)?> then\n broadcast (YOU WIN! v)\n go to x: (-170) y: (13)\n hide\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n stop [this script v]\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (-215) y: (49)\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nforever\n Tick\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\nswitch costume to (normal v)\nforever\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> then\n switch costume to (right v)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> then\n switch costume to (left v)\n end\n if <<<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) < [-10]>>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (up left v)\n end\n if <<<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse x) > [10]>>> and <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>>> then\n switch costume to (up right v)\n end\n if <<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <<mouse down?> and <(mouse y) > (y position)>>> then\n switch costume to (up v)\n end\nend\n\n@select\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n Go to mouse pointer\nend\n\ndefine Go to mouse pointer\nrepeat until <(S/T) = [S]>\n if <(select) = [ground middle]> then\n switch costume to (ground middle v)\n end\n if <(select) = [ground top]> then\n switch costume to (ground top v)\n end\n if <(select) = [tree]> then\n switch costume to (tree v)\n end\n if <(select) = [stone]> then\n switch costume to (stone v)\n end\n if <(select) = [spikes]> then\n switch costume to (spikes v)\n end\n if <(select) = [saws]> then\n switch costume to (saws v)\n end\n if <(select) = [trampoline]> then\n switch costume to (trampoline v)\n end\n if <(select) = [lava]> then\n switch costume to (lava v)\n end\n if <(select) = [end point]> then\n switch costume to (end point v)\n end\n show\n go to (mouse-pointer v)\n blocky effect\n if <mouse down?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n if <touching (screen v)?> then\n hide\n else\n show\n end\n set [ghost v] effect to (35)\nend\n\ndefine blocky effect\ngo to x: ((round ((x position) / (30))) * (30)) y: ((round ((y position) / (30))) * (30))\n\nwhen I receive [erase all v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n show\n set [ghost v] effect to (0)\n go to [back v] layer\n if <touching (screen v)?> then\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@ground middle\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [ground middle]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@ground top\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [ground top]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@tree\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [tree]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@stone\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [stone]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@spikes\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [spikes]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@saws\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [saws]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@Trampoline\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [trampoline]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@lava\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [lava]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@end point\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nset [select v] to [end point]\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\n@guide\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch costume to (snip v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen [c v] key pressed\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\n\n@backdrop\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nnext backdrop\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\nwhen flag clicked\nshow\n\n@play?\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\nset [s/t v] to [T]\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nbroadcast (Start engine v)\nset [s/t v] to [S]\nhide\n\n@screen\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [back v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nhide\n\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@erase all\n\nwhen this sprite clicked\nbroadcast (erase all v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start engine v]\nstart sound [recording2 v]\nhide\n\n@Sprite1\n\nwhen I receive [you win! v]\nshow\ngo to x: (449) y: (0)\nglide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)\nwait (1) seconds\nstop [all v]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@Sprite2\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (10)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\n\n@ideas\n\n
Arrow keys to move and jump\nতততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত\nTry to reach the end!\nতততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত\n❤ and ⭐ for RAINBOW CHARACTER!\nতততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত\nYou are Glow, a small adventurer on a conquest to find the treasure you have heard rumors about. As you venture you will find secrets and pass dangerous levels as you progress on your way to finding the big prize at the end! What will happen next? Comment what you think!\nতততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত\nTemplate by JoelGalaxyKing
Stickman Adventures 3 || Platformer
@Stage\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop3 v)\nforever\n play sound [floodwaters music v] until done\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop2 v)\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (reset level v)\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\n\nchange [game level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (reset level v)\n\nwhen [o v] key pressed\n\nchange [game level v] by (-1)\nbroadcast (reset level v)\n\n@Player\n\ndefine rise\nif <(water) = [1]> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\nelse\n change [yv v] by (-1)\nend\nchange [in air? v] by (1)\nchange y by (yv)\nrepeat until <not <<touching (levelhitbox v)?> or <touching (block v)?>>>\n if <(yv) > [0]> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n else\n set [in air? v] to [0]\n if <(water) = [1]> then\n change y by (0.1)\n else\n change y by (1)\n end\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine change x by (x)\nset [x change v] to (x)\nchange x by (x)\nrepeat (3)\n if <<touching (levelhitbox v)?> or <touching (block v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <<touching (levelhitbox v)?> or <touching (block v)?>> then\n set [xv v] to [0]\n change y by (-3)\n change x by ((-1) * (x))\nend\n\ndefine check for water\nset [water v] to [0]\nset [speed v] to [3.5]\nset [jump height v] to [9]\nif <touching (water v)?> then\n go to [back v] layer\n if <(time since bounce?) > [20]> then\n set [jump height v] to [1.2]\n set [speed v] to [2]\n set [water v] to [1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine begin\nset [game level v] to [1]\ngo to x: (-200) y: (-96)\nset size to (40) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [in air? v] to [0]\nset [water v] to [0]\nbroadcast (reset level v)\nshow\n\ndefine set animations\nchange [frame v] by (0.3)\nif <(frame) > [2.5]> then\n set [frame v] to [0.5]\nend\n\ndefine set correct costume\nswitch costume to (player v)\nif <([abs v] of (x change) ) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (round (frame))\nend\nif <(in air?) > [1]> then\n if <(yv) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (jump v)\n else\n switch costume to (fall v)\n end\nend\nif <(water) = [1]> then\n if <([abs v] of (x change) ) > [0]> then\n switch costume to ((round (frame)) + (4))\n end\nend\n\nswitch costume to (swim v)\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset x to (-224)\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-200) y: (-96)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [2]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-72)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [3]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-6)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [4]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-39)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [5]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-45)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [6]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-165)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [7]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (24)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [8]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-160)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [9]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-147)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [10]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (38)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [11]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-9)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [12]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-54)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [13]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-73)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [14]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-128)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [15]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-80)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [16]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-161)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [17]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (102)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [18]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-168)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [19]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (133)\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [20]> then\n go to x: (-224) y: (-157)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nbegin\nforever\n change [time since bounce? v] by (1)\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (2) layers\n set [x change v] to [0]\n if <<key (right arrow v) pressed?> or <key (d v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (90)\n change x by (speed)\n end\n if <<key (left arrow v) pressed?> or <key (a v) pressed?>> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change x by ((-1) * (speed))\n end\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.93))\n if <(in air?) = [0]> then\n set [xv v] to ((xv) * (0.4))\n end\n determine x velocity (xv)\n rise\n if <<<key (up arrow v) pressed?> or <key (w v) pressed?>> and <<(in air?) < [3]> or <(water) = [1]>>> then\n if <(water) = [0]> then\n set [yv v] to (jump height)\n else\n change [yv v] by (jump height)\n end\n end\n if <(water) = [1]> then\n if <<key (down arrow v) pressed?> or <key (s v) pressed?>> then\n change [yv v] by ((-6) * (jump height))\n end\n if <(yv) < [0]> then\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.2))\n else\n set [yv v] to ((yv) * (0.9))\n end\n end\n check for water\n if <<touching (spikes v)?> or <(y position) < [-208]>> then\n broadcast (reset level v)\n end\n if <(x position) > [240]> then\n change [game level v] by (1)\n broadcast (reset level v)\n end\n if <(x position) < [-235]> then\n set x to (-235)\n end\n set animations\n set correct costume\n broadcast (TICK v) and wait\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [bounce player v]\nset [time since bounce? v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [20]\n\nwhen I receive [bounce player right v]\nset [yv v] to [15]\nset [xv v] to [22]\nset [time since bounce? v] to [0]\n\ndefine determine x velocity (x)\nchange x by (x)\nrepeat (6)\n if <<touching (levelhitbox v)?> or <touching (block v)?>> then\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <<touching (levelhitbox v)?> or <touching (block v)?>> then\n change y by (-6)\n change x by ((-1) * (x))\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bounce player left v]\nset [time since bounce? v] to [0]\nset [yv v] to [15]\nset [xv v] to [-22]\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen [o v] key pressed\nif <(GAME LEVEL) > [1]> then\n broadcast (reset level v)\n change [game level v] by (-1)\n broadcast (reset level v)\n broadcast (TICK v)\nend\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\nif <(GAME LEVEL) < [20]> then\n change [game level v] by (1)\n broadcast (reset level v)\n broadcast (TICK v)\nend\n\n@level\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nshow\ngo to (levelhitbox v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (9) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [levelhitbox v])\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@levelhitbox\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nshow\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (GAME LEVEL)\ngo to [back v] layer\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@water\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nset y to (4)\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset x to (0)\nshow\nif <(y position) > [3]> then\n set [change y v] to [-0.2]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-3]> then\n set [change y v] to [0.2]\nend\nchange y by (change y)\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [levelhitbox v])\nset [ghost v] effect to (60)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (11) layers\nset size to (101) %\n\nif <(y position) > [3]> then\n set [change y v] to [-0.2]\nend\nif <(y position) < [-3]> then\n set [change y v] to [0.2]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@rain\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset x to (42)\nset size to (120) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nswitch costume to (rain type)\nset [brightness v] effect to (100)\nif <(rain type) = [1]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (14) layers\n set [ghost v] effect to (95)\n change [y v] by (-3)\n set y to (y)\n change x by (-0.5)\n if <(y) < [-420]> then\n set x to (42)\n set [y v] to [432]\n set y to (y)\n end\nend\nif <(rain type) = [2]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n set [ghost v] effect to (97)\n change [y v] by (-2)\n set y to (y)\n change x by (-0.3)\n if <(y) < [-420]> then\n set x to (42)\n set [y v] to [432]\n set y to (y)\n end\nend\n\ndefine create rain (#)\nset [rain type v] to (#)\nset [y v] to [432]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [y v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\ncreate rain [1]\ncreate rain [2]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@top thing\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (12) layers\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Enemy\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nset size to (40) %\nif <(clone?) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (hitbox v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n change [var changer v] by (1)\n if <(var changer) > (pick random (100) to (150))> then\n set [movement type v] to (pick random (1) to (4))\n set [var changer v] to [0]\n if <(movement type) = [4]> then\n set [frame2 v] to [7]\n end\n end\n if <(x position) > [230]> then\n set [movement type v] to [2]\n end\n if <(x position) < [-230]> then\n set [movement type v] to [1]\n end\n set [x change v] to [0]\n set [speed v] to [1]\n if <(movement type) = [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n change x by (speed)\n end\n if <(movement type) = [2]> then\n point in direction (-90)\n change x by ((-1) * (speed))\n end\n rise\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n broadcast (reset level v)\n end\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n set animations\n set correct costume\nend\n\ndefine change x by (x)\nset [x change v] to (x)\nchange x by (x)\nrepeat (3)\n if <touching (levelhitbox v)?> then\n change y by (1)\n end\nend\nif <touching (levelhitbox v)?> then\n change y by (-3)\n change x by ((-1) * (x))\nend\n\ndefine rise\nchange [yv v] by (-1)\nchange [in air? v] by (1)\nchange y by (yv)\nrepeat until <not <touching (levelhitbox v)?>>\n if <(yv) > [0]> then\n change y by ((-1) * (yv))\n else\n set [in air? v] to [0]\n change y by (1)\n end\n set [yv v] to [0]\nend\n\ndefine set correct costume\nswitch costume to (slime2 v)\nif <([abs v] of (x change) ) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (frame)\nend\nif <(movement type) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (frame2)\nend\n\ndefine set animations\nchange [frame v] by (0.5)\nif <(frame) > [6.5]> then\n set [frame v] to [1.5]\nend\nchange [frame2 v] by (0.3)\nif <(frame2) > [15.5]> then\n set [frame2 v] to [7]\n if <(movement type) = [4]> then\n set [movement type v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [clone? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\ngo to [back v] layer\nset [clone? v] to [1]\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nset [yv v] to [0]\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [8]> then\n goo beast at X [40] Y [-135]\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [14]> then\n goo beast at X [188] Y [-70]\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [16]> then\n goo beast at X [-180] Y [16]\nend\n\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [10]> then\n goo beast at X [43] Y [-153]\n goo beast at X [142] Y [-142]\nend\n\ndefine goo beast at X (x) Y (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Spikes\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nshow\ngo to (levelhitbox v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (11) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [levelhitbox v])\nset size to (101) %\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@light\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nreset timer\nif <([ended? v] of [ending v]) = [0]> then\n switch costume to (superzoom v)\n set size to (200) %\n switch costume to (light v)\n go to (player v)\n hide\n go to [front v] layer\n if <[darkness levels v] contains (GAME LEVEL)?> then\n show\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end v]\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nswitch costume to (light2 v)\nshow\ngo to [front v] layer\nrepeat (80)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-1.25)\nend\nbroadcast (END GAME v)\nforever\n reset timer\nend\n\nwhen [timer v] > (0.2)\nswitch costume to (thumbnail v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (100) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\n\n@story\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to x: (0) y: (-380)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nshow\nrepeat (900)\n change y by (1)\n if <mouse down?> then\n broadcast (START GAME v)\n repeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2.5)\n change y by (1)\n end\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\nbroadcast (START GAME v)\nrepeat (40)\n change [ghost v] effect by (2.5)\n change y by (1)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [start game v]\nwait (5) seconds\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@bouncy\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nhide\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [10]> then\n bounce at X [79] Y [-162] type? [1]\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [15]> then\n bounce at X [50] Y [-90] type? [1]\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [16]> then\n bounce at X [167] Y [-147] type? [1]\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [17]> then\n bounce at X [-200] Y [-80] type? [2]\n bounce at X [75] Y [-111] type? [1]\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [18]> then\n bounce at X [-28] Y [-80] type? [3]\n bounce at X [-232] Y [30] type? [2]\n bounce at X [119] Y [-107] type? [1]\n bounce at X [5] Y [34] type? [2]\nend\n\ndefine bounce at X (x) Y (y) type? (#)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [type? v] to (#)\nset [clone? v] to [false]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [clone? v] to [true]\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(clone?) = [true]> then\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (14) layers\n if <(bounced?) > [2]> then\n switch costume to (1 v)\n end\n change [bounced? v] by (1)\n if <(type?) = [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <<([y position v] of [player v]) > ((y position) + (6))> and <([yv v] of [player v]) < [0]>>> then\n set [bounced? v] to [0]\n switch costume to (2 v)\n broadcast (bounce player v)\n end\n end\n if <(type?) = [2]> then\n point in direction (180)\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <([x position v] of [player v]) > ((x position) + (15))>> then\n set [bounced? v] to [0]\n switch costume to (2 v)\n broadcast (bounce player right v)\n end\n end\n if <(type?) = [3]> then\n point in direction (0)\n if <<touching (player v)?> and <([x position v] of [player v]) < ((x position) - (15))>> then\n set [bounced? v] to [0]\n switch costume to (2 v)\n broadcast (bounce player left v)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@KEY\n\ndefine key at X (x) Y (y)\ngo to x: (x) y: (y)\nset [cloner? v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nset [key collected v] to [true]\nrepeat (1)\n delete this clone\nend\nif <(GAME LEVEL) = [19]> then\n key at X [-53] Y [-27]\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nset [cloner? v] to [0]\nset [touched player? v] to [0]\nset [ghost effect v] to [0]\nset [key collected v] to [false]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (40) %\nshow\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nif <(cloner?) = [0]> then\n if <(distance to [player v]) < [35]> then\n set [touched player? v] to [true]\n end\n if <(touched player?) = [true]> then\n change [ghost effect v] by (5)\n change y by (2)\n turn right (2) degrees\n set [ghost v] effect to (ghost effect)\n change size by (-1)\n if <(ghost effect) > [95]> then\n set [key collected v] to [true]\n delete this clone\n end\n else\n set [ghost effect v] to [0]\n if <(size) > [48]> then\n set [size changer? v] to [-0.2]\n end\n if <(size) < [40]> then\n set [size changer? v] to [0.2]\n end\n change size by (size changer?)\n turn right (1) degrees\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@block\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nshow\ngo to (levelhitbox v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo [backward v] (10) layers\nset [ghost v] effect to (0)\nswitch costume to ([costume # v] of [levelhitbox v])\nif <(KEY COLLECTED) = [true]> then\n change [ghost effect v] by (5)\n if <(ghost effect) > [95]> then\n hide\n end\nelse\n set [ghost effect v] to [0]\nend\nset [ghost v] effect to (ghost effect)\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\nset [ghost effect v] to [0]\n\n@ending\n\nwhen I receive [tick v]\nhide\nif <(ended?) = [0]> then\n if <(GAME LEVEL) = [20]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <(GAME LEVEL) = [20]> then\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n show\n go to x: (0) y: (0)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (12) layers\n if <touching (player v)?> then\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n if <key (e v) pressed?> then\n set [tick counter v] to [0]\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n set [ended? v] to [1]\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n change [tick counter v] by (1)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-3)\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n go to [front v] layer\n go [backward v] (1) layers\n show\n if <<key (any v) pressed?> and <(tick counter) > [20]>> then\n broadcast (end v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [reset level v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to (player v)\nchange y by (55)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [ended? v] to [0]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [end game v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n
PART 2 IS OUT!: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/596517364/\nINSTRUCTIONS:\nuse arrow keys, down arrow to duck. avoid spikes, saws, lava and the evil king's minions. when you see the big red guy that you can't jump over go to the door to go inside. at the end when you find your buddies go to them to continue.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHint: Konami code.
Cooperation v1.2 (A Platformer) #Games
@Stage\n\nwhen [r v] key pressed\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nwait until <not <key (r v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen [a v] key pressed\nchange [level v] by (1)\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nwait until <not <key (a v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen [s v] key pressed\nchange [level v] by (-1)\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nwait until <not <key (a v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset volume to (100) %\nset [level v] to [1]\nhide variable [boss hp v]\nhide variable [hp v]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v)\nforever\n play sound [the ninja reg v] until done\nend\n\nset [mini spears v] to [10]\n\nset [ninja stars v] to [10]\n\nwhen [o v] key pressed\nset [level v] to [4]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [6]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [14]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [25]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [29]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [weapon amount v] to [5]\nwait until <not <key (o v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen [p v] key pressed\nstop [other scripts in stage v]\nforever\n play sound [dub doctah EPICEPICEPICEPIC v] until done\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nset volume to (100) %\nstop [other scripts in stage v]\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [120638 - 8 bit battle v] until done\nend\n\nset volume to (0) %\n\nwhen I receive [refresh level v]\nset [number en ninj setter v] to [0]\nset [target amount v] to [0]\nset [ninja stars v] to [0]\nset [mini spears v] to [0]\nset [spears v] to [5]\ndelete (all) of [y enemy ninjas v]\ndelete (all) of [x enemy ninjas v]\nset [delete clones v] to [1]\nwait (0.005) seconds\nset [delete clones v] to [0]\nswitch backdrop to ((Level) + (1))\n\nwhen I receive [wow.. uh.. u won v]\nrepeat (100)\n change volume by (-1)\nend\nstop [other scripts in stage v]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nset volume to (100) %\nstop [other scripts in stage v]\nstop all sounds\nforever\n play sound [aup thing v] until done\nend\n\nwhen [u v] key pressed\nset [lev before v] to (Level)\nset [level v] to [4]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [6]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [14]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [level v] to [25]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nset [weapon amount v] to [5]\nset [level v] to (lev before)\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v) and wait\nbroadcast (Hide sword v) and wait\nwait until <not <key (u v) pressed?>>\n\nwhen [i v] key pressed\nset [level v] to [30]\nbroadcast (Refresh Level v)\n\n@The ninja\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <color (#ffe9cc) is touching (#82c8ff)?> then\n change [yv v] by (0.4)\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n set [yv v] to [7]\n else\n change [yv v] by (0.6)\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n set [yv v] to ((Yv) * (0.9))\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.1)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (0.1)\n end\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [yv v] by (-0.4)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\npoint in direction (90)\nset [weapon amount v] to [0]\nshow\nforever\n set [nusdna nblkc dfv lkjasdvb lkajdsfvlkjb v] to (direction)\n switch costume to (the ninja2 v)\n point in direction (90)\n if <(y position) < [-180]> then\n broadcast (refresh level v) and wait\n end\n if <(x position) > [235]> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n broadcast (refresh level v) and wait\n end\n change [yv v] by (-0.5)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (0.7)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n change [xv v] by (-0.7)\n end\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) * (0.9))\n change x by (Xv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((Xv) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (Yv)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((Yv) * (-1))\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n change y by (-1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [10]\n end\n end\n change y by (1)\n point in direction (nusdna nblkc dfv lkjasdvb lkajdsfvLKJB)\n switch costume to (the ninja v)\n if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n point in direction (-90)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [refresh level v]\nhide\nwait (0.05) seconds\ngo to x: (item (Level) of [start x v]) y: (item (Level) of [start y v])\nset [yv v] to [0]\nset [xv v] to [0]\nshow\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n wait until <color (#ffe9cc) is touching (#82c8ff)?>\n wait until <<not <color (#ffe9cc) is touching (#82c8ff)?>> and <not <touching (katana v)?>>>\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n start sound [recording1 v]\n set [yv v] to [7]\n end\nend\n\nwhen [y v] key pressed\nif <key (t v) pressed?> then\n if <(length of [start y v]) > ((Level) - (1))> then\n replace item (Level) of [start x v] with (mouse x)\n replace item (Level) of [start y v] with (mouse y)\n else\n add (mouse x) to [start x v]\n add (mouse y) to [start y v]\n end\n broadcast (refresh level v)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Moving platform\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop2 v]\ngo to x: (17) y: (-58)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop4 v]\ngo to x: (7) y: (-59)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (74) y: (-173)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (-172) y: (-22)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\ngo to x: (186) y: (-169)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\ngo to x: (-167) y: (-12)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-119) y: (-69)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-167) y: (49)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\ngo to x: (172) y: (-160)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop18 v]\ngo to x: (145) y: (145)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop19 v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (108)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-168) y: (-6)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (145) y: (18)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop23 v]\ngo to x: (76) y: (73)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-109) y: (-1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop25 v]\ngo to x: (-196) y: (159)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\ngo to x: (80) y: (-165)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nshow\nforever\n change x by (4)\n repeat until <touching color (#000000)?>\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (grappling hook v)?> then\n broadcast (grapple move right v)\n end\n change y by (3)\n change x by (4)\n change y by (3)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [4.5]\n end\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\n change x by (-4)\n repeat until <touching color (#000000)?>\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (grappling hook v)?> then\n broadcast (grapple move left v)\n end\n change y by (3)\n change x by (-4)\n change y by (3)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n set [xv v] to [-4.5]\n end\n change y by (-3)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n end\n wait (0.5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (-66) y: (-79)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (96) y: (0)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-185) y: (79)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nset [xv v] to [7]\n\nset [xv v] to [-7]\n\n@Shurikens/knives\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (-86) y: (-45)\nswitch costume to (hover v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (-108) y: (-109)\nswitch costume to (hover v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-28) y: (-85)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (-23) y: (-59)\nswitch costume to (hover v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-23) y: (20)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-23) y: (98)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\nswitch costume to (hover v)\ngo to x: (-172) y: (91)\nchange x by (30)\nrepeat (5)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change x by (35)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop20 v]\ngo to x: (-62) y: (-6)\nswitch costume to (hover v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\ngo to x: (-50) y: (-118)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-75) y: (-130)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-25) y: (-130)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop22 v]\ngo to x: (-214) y: (67)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-214) y: (17)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop23 v]\ngo to x: (-197) y: (-126)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (195) y: (-126)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop24 v]\ngo to x: (54) y: (136)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-26) y: (136)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop25 v]\ngo to x: (-37) y: (121)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-7) y: (121)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (23) y: (121)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (53) y: (121)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-67) y: (121)\nswitch costume to (hover 2 v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n set [@gotten v] to [1]\n wait until <not <touching (the ninja v)?>>\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n show\n forever\n repeat (20)\n turn right (0) degrees\n change y by (0.2)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [mini spears v] by (1)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n start sound [recording1 v]\n repeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [@gotten v] to [0]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (0) degrees\n change y by (-0.2)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [mini spears v] by (1)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n start sound [recording1 v]\n repeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n set [@gotten v] to [0]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nset [gotten v] to [0]\nset [@gotten v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Mini Spears) < [3]> then\n if <(@GOTTEN) = [0]> then\n go to x: (187) y: (-91)\n switch costume to (hover 2 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n if <(Ninja stars) < [6]> then\n if <(Gotten) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-195) y: (-147)\n switch costume to (hover v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n end\n end\n wait (5) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n set [gotten v] to [1]\n wait until <not <touching (the ninja v)?>>\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point in direction (90)\n clear graphic effects\n show\n forever\n repeat (20)\n turn right (5) degrees\n change y by (0.2)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [ninja stars v] by (1)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n start sound [recording1 v]\n repeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n turn right (20) degrees\n end\n set [gotten v] to [0]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n turn right (5) degrees\n change y by (-0.2)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [ninja stars v] by (1)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n start sound [recording1 v]\n repeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n turn right (20) degrees\n end\n set [gotten v] to [0]\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\nset [weapon amount v] to [4]\nset [weapon selected v] to [4]\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop20 v]\nset [weapon amount v] to [3]\nset [weapon selected v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [4]> then\n start sound [ninja katana2 v]\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set rotation style [all around v]\n turn left (0) degrees\n repeat until <<<touching color (#7f7f7f)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (boss fight v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n if <touching (boss fight v)?> then\n broadcast (Bossie Got hit v)\n change [boss hp v] by (-0.5)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n move (-5) steps\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n move (-5) steps\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n move (-5) steps\n end\n end\n end\n move (5) steps\n set [spear yv v] to [0]\n repeat (50)\n if <not <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n change [spear yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Spear Yv)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon selected) = [1]> then\n if <(Ninja stars) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (shoot v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [ninja stars v] by (-1)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon selected) = [4]> then\n if <(Mini Spears) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (hover 3 v)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n go to (the ninja v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [the ninja v])\n turn right (10) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn left (5) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn left (5) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n turn left (5) degrees\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [mini spears v] by (-1)\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [2]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n go to (the ninja v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [the ninja v])\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set rotation style [all around v]\n start sound [ninja katana v]\n if <(direction) = [90]> then\n repeat until <<<touching color (#7f7f7f)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (boss fight v)?>>\n change x by (10)\n turn right (25) degrees\n end\n if <touching (boss fight v)?> then\n broadcast (Bossie Got hit v)\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n change x by (-5)\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n change x by (-5)\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n change x by (-5)\n end\n end\n change x by (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [ninja star yv v] to [0]\n repeat (50)\n if <not <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n change [ninja star yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (ninja star Yv)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n repeat until <<<touching color (#7f7f7f)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (boss fight v)?>>\n change x by (-10)\n turn right (25) degrees\n end\n if <touching (boss fight v)?> then\n broadcast (Bossie Got hit v)\n change [boss hp v] by (-1)\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n change x by (5)\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n change x by (5)\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n change x by (5)\n end\n end\n change x by (-5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [ninja star yv v] to [0]\n repeat (50)\n if <not <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n change [ninja star yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (ninja star Yv)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Walls\n\nwhen flag clicked\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [refresh level v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop6 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop2 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop20 v]\nswitch costume to (backdrop3 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop22 v]\nswitch costume to (costume2 v)\nclear graphic effects\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\nend\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop23 v]\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop25 v]\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop28 v]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop29 v]\nswitch costume to (costume6 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nswitch costume to (costume7 v)\nclear graphic effects\nshow\nwait until <(Target amount) > [0]>\nwait until <(Target amount) < [1]>\nrepeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Targets\n\nwhen flag clicked\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\ngo to x: (74) y: (-2)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\ngo to x: (-201) y: (90)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-201) y: (49)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop9 v]\ngo to x: (-226) y: (-53)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-226) y: (29)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-226) y: (107)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop20 v]\ngo to x: (21) y: (50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop21 v]\ngo to x: (-229) y: (137)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop22 v]\ngo to x: (221) y: (106)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (221) y: (56)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (221) y: (6)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop23 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-219) y: (8)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (218) y: (8)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop25 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (64) y: (81)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (64) y: (41)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (64) y: (1)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (64) y: (-39)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (64) y: (-79)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (64) y: (-119)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop28 v]\nswitch costume to (costume5 v)\ngo to x: (-57) y: (143)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (70) y: (143)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (-178) y: (25)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop29 v]\nswitch costume to (costume1 v)\ngo to x: (210) y: (-14)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\ngo to [front v] layer\nchange [target amount v] by (1)\nshow\nwait until <<<touching color (#333633)?> or <touching color (#373937)?>> or <touching color (#2b2d2b)?>>\nstart sound [recording3 v]\nrepeat (3)\n next costume\n wait (0.05) seconds\nend\nhide\nchange [target amount v] by (-1)\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Weapon\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [weapon selected v] to [1]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop5 v]\nset [ninja stars v] to [0]\nswitch costume to ((Ninja stars) + (1))\nshow\nforever\n if <(Weapon selected) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (costume10 v)\n end\n if <(Weapon selected) = [1]> then\n switch costume to ((Ninja stars) + (1))\n end\n if <(Weapon selected) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (costume12 v)\n end\n if <(Weapon selected) = [4]> then\n switch costume to ((Mini Spears) + (13))\n end\n if <(Weapon selected) = [5]> then\n switch costume to ((Spears) + (23))\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nforever\n if <key (z v) pressed?> then\n change [weapon selected v] by (1)\n if <(Weapon selected) > (Weapon amount)> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [1]\n end\n if <(Weapon selected) = [2]> then\n broadcast (GRGRGRGRGRGLAKSDMNF:LKNSD:LVCN v)\n end\n wait until <not <key (z v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (1 v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon amount) > [0]> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [1]\n end\n wait until <not <key (1 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (2 v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon amount) > [1]> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [2]\n broadcast (GRGRGRGRGRGLAKSDMNF:LKNSD:LVCN v)\n end\n wait until <not <key (2 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (3 v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon amount) > [2]> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [3]\n end\n wait until <not <key (3 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (4 v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon amount) > [3]> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [4]\n end\n wait until <not <key (4 v) pressed?>>\n end\n if <key (5 v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon amount) > [4]> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [5]\n end\n wait until <not <key (5 v) pressed?>>\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [grgrgrgrgrglaksdmnf:lknsd:lvcn v]\nswitch costume to (costume10 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume3 v)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\nswitch backdrop to (backdrop1 v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nhide variable [boss hp v]\nhide variable [hp v]\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nshow\nswitch costume to (costume4 v)\nclear graphic effects\ngo to [front v] layer\n\n@katana\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop7 v]\nbroadcast (able to use sword v)\nset [weapon selected v] to [1]\nset [weapon amount v] to [1]\nwait until <not <touching (the ninja v)?>>\nclear graphic effects\nset rotation style [all around v]\nswitch costume to (hover v)\nset size to (50) %\ngo to x: (-47) y: (-44)\npoint in direction (10)\nshow\nforever\n repeat (20)\n change y by (0.2)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n set [weapon amount v] to [2]\n broadcast (grgrgrgrgrglaksdmnf:lknsd:lvcn v)\n switch costume to (swing v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change y by (-0.2)\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (10)\n change y by (3)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n hide\n set [weapon amount v] to [2]\n broadcast (grgrgrgrgrglaksdmnf:lknsd:lvcn v)\n switch costume to (swing v)\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\nswitch costume to (swing v)\nset [weapon amount v] to [2]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (able to use sword v)\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [able to use sword v]\nforever\n if <(Weapon selected) = [2]> then\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n go to (the ninja v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [the ninja v])\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n change y by (20)\n show\n start sound [ninja katana v]\n repeat (8)\n turn right (40) degrees\n go to (the ninja v)\n if <touching (boss fight v)?> then\n change [boss hp v] by (-0.2)\n end\n end\n hide\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop6 v]\nswitch costume to (hover v)\nset [weapon amount v] to [1]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nswitch costume to (swing v)\nset [weapon amount v] to [5]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (able to use sword v)\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [hide sword v]\nswitch costume to (swing v)\nset [weapon amount v] to [5]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nbroadcast (able to use sword v)\nhide\n\n@Piranhas\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nforever\n if <(delete clones) = [1]> then\n delete this clone\n end\n if <<touching color (#333533)?> or <touching (katana v)?>> then\n start sound [recording2 v]\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n repeat (20)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n change size by (-5)\n turn right (15) degrees\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop8 v]\ngo to x: (118) y: (-83)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-24) y: (-120)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nshow\npoint in direction (90)\npoint in direction (pick random (-180) to (180))\nforever\n change x by (fishie X)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (1)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by ((fishie X) * (-1))\n change x by (-1)\n change y by (-5)\n change x by (1)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (fishie Y)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by ((fishie Y) * (-1))\n set [fishie y v] to [0]\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n if <(distance to [the ninja v]) < [100]> then\n point towards (the ninja v)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [fishie y v] to (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (3))\n set [fishie x v] to (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (3))\n else\n turn right (pick random (1) to (-2)) degrees\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n set [fishie y v] to (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (0.5))\n set [fishie x v] to (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (0.5))\n end\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n broadcast (refresh level v)\n end\n if <not <touching color (#82c8ff)?>> then\n set [fishie y v] to [-2]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop12 v]\ngo to x: (87) y: (-107)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (16) y: (-99)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-28) y: (-88)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-27) y: (15)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop20 v]\ngo to x: (-59) y: (-33)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-80) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-38) y: (-50)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop24 v]\ngo to x: (12) y: (-12)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (50) y: (-71)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (158) y: (-62)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (197) y: (-20)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (117) y: (-18)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-80) y: (-96)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (219) y: (-114)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Enemy ninjas\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwait (0.05) seconds\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [1]> then\n change [number en ninj setter v] by (1)\n set [en ninj numb v] to (Number En Ninj setter)\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n add (x position) to [x enemy ninjas v]\n add (y position) to [y enemy ninjas v]\n show\n repeat until <(delete clones) = [1]>\n point towards (the ninja v)\n if <touching color (#2a2e2a)?> then\n delete (1) of [y enemy ninjas v]\n delete (1) of [x enemy ninjas v]\n set rotation style [all around v]\n if <(direction) > [0]> then\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (9)\n turn right (-10) degrees\n end\n else\n point in direction (90)\n repeat (9)\n turn right (10) degrees\n end\n end\n repeat (20)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I receive [there are ninjas, make them shoot. v]\ndelete (all) of [y enemy ninjas v]\ndelete (all) of [x enemy ninjas v]\nwait (1) seconds\nset [ninja's number for shot v] to [0]\nrepeat until <(delete clones) = [1]>\n set [ninja's number for shot v] to [1]\n repeat (length of [x enemy ninjas v])\n go to x: (item (ninja's number for shot) of [x enemy ninjas v]) y: (item (ninja's number for shot) of [y enemy ninjas v])\n change y by (20)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n change [ninja's number for shot v] by (1)\n end\n wait (1) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop10 v]\nbroadcast (There are ninjas, make them shoot. v)\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to x: (117) y: (-103)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop11 v]\nbroadcast (There are ninjas, make them shoot. v)\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to x: (88) y: (97)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-102) y: (-63)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop22 v]\nbroadcast (There are ninjas, make them shoot. v)\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to x: (208) y: (-86)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop13 v]\nbroadcast (There are ninjas, make them shoot. v)\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to x: (221) y: (-143)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (-229) y: (-7)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\ngo to x: (196) y: (56)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop17 v]\nbroadcast (There are ninjas, make them shoot. v)\nwait (0) seconds\ngo to x: (-198) y: (34)\nswitch costume to (enemy v)\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(costume [number v]) = [3]> then\n show\n point towards (the ninja v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat until <<<<<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <touching color (#020202)?>> or <touching (katana v)?>> or <touching color (#333633)?>> or <touching color (#2a2e2a)?>>\n move (7) steps\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n broadcast (Refresh Level v)\n end\n end\n if <touching (katana v)?> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n turn right (180) degrees\n repeat until <<<touching color (#7a7a73)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching color (#020202)?>>\n move (7) steps\n end\n move (7) steps\n wait (0.05) seconds\n delete this clone\n else\n if <<touching color (#333633)?> or <touching color (#2a2e2a)?>> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n turn right (pick random (170) to (190)) degrees\n repeat until <<<touching color (#7a7a73)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching color (#020202)?>>\n move (7) steps\n end\n wait (0.05) seconds\n delete this clone\n else\n set [mini knife yv v] to [0]\n repeat (20)\n if <not <touching color (#020202)?>> then\n point in direction (180)\n change [mini knife yv v] by (-0.5)\n end\n change y by (mini knife Yv)\n change [ghost v] effect by (5)\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\n@Grappling Hook\n\ngo to x: (That grapple X) y: (That Grapple Y)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nerase all\n\nwhen I receive [allow grapple v]\nhide\nerase all\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon selected) = [3]> then\n set [grapple got moved v] to [0]\n set pen size to (2)\n set pen color to (#e1a91a)\n set pen shade to (25)\n pen up\n erase all\n set size to (60) %\n set [grappled v] to [0]\n show\n go to (the ninja v)\n detect ground\n if <<touching (_edge_ v)?> or <not <touching color (#000000)?>>> then\n else\n set [that grapple y v] to (y position)\n set [that grapple x v] to (x position)\n pen up\n erase all\n go to (the ninja v)\n pen down\n set [grapple amount got there v] to [0]\n go to (the ninja v)\n repeat until <(y position) > (That Grapple Y)>\n pen up\n erase all\n go to x: (That grapple X) y: (That Grapple Y)\n point towards (the ninja v)\n turn right (180) degrees\n go to (the ninja v)\n pen down\n move (Grapple amount got there) steps\n change [grapple amount got there v] by (30)\n point in direction (90)\n end\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-10)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change y by (-10)\n end\n end\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n set [grappled v] to [1]\n wait until <<not <key (space v) pressed?>> or <not <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>>>>\n wait until <<<key (space v) pressed?> and <(Weapon selected) = [3]>> or <not <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>>>>\n set [yv v] to [3]\n else\n end\n end\n set [grappled v] to [0]\n hide\n erase all\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine detect ground\nset [grapple distance/tiem v] to [0]\nrepeat until <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change y by (3)\n change [grapple distance/tiem v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop15 v]\nset [weapon amount v] to [3]\nset [weapon selected v] to [3]\nforever\n stop [other scripts in sprite v]\n set [grappled v] to [0]\n hide\n erase all\n broadcast (Allow grapple v)\n wait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\n wait until <(delete clones) = [0]>\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop14 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nset [weapon amount v] to [2]\nif <(Weapon selected) = [3]> then\n set [weapon selected v] to [1]\nend\n\nwhen I receive [grapple move left v]\nchange [grapple got moved v] by (-4)\n\nwhen I receive [grapple move right v]\nchange [grapple got moved v] by (4)\n\ndefine bruh just grapple\npen up\ngo to (the ninja v)\npen down\ngo to x: ((That grapple X) + (Grapple got moved)) y: (That Grapple Y)\n\nwhen I receive [allow grapple v]\nforever\n if <(Grappled) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n erase all\n set [xv v] to ((Xv) + (((x position) - ([x position v] of [the ninja v])) / (50)))\n if <(Xv) > [15]> then\n set [xv v] to [15]\n end\n if <(Xv) < [-15]> then\n set [xv v] to [-15]\n end\n if <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [4]\n else\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n set [yv v] to [-4]\n else\n set [yv v] to [0.5]\n end\n end\n pen up\n go to (the ninja v)\n pen down\n go to x: ((That grapple X) + (Grapple got moved)) y: (That Grapple Y)\n change y by (5)\n if <([y position v] of [the ninja v]) > (y position)> then\n set [yv v] to [0]\n end\n else\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [grpal arldy v]\nrepeat until <<not <(Grappled) = [1]>> or <(BOSSISGRPLIN'BRUH) = [0]>>\n bruh just grapple\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwait (1) seconds\n\n@Spear\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop26 v]\nset [weapon amount v] to [5]\nset [weapon selected v] to [5]\nforever\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n if <(Weapon selected) = [5]> then\n if <(Spears) > [0]> then\n switch costume to (spin v)\n show\n repeat until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\n turn right (2.5) degrees\n go to (the ninja v)\n if <key (space v) pressed?> then\n turn right (2.5) degrees\n go to (the ninja v)\n end\n end\n start sound [recording2 v]\n change [spears v] by (-1)\n hide\n create clone of (_myself_ v)\n else\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop25 v]\nset [weapon amount v] to [4]\nset [weapon selected v] to [4]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nswitch costume to (fly v)\nshow\nrepeat until <<<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n move (10) steps\nend\nmove (3) steps\nwait (0.1) seconds\nmove (-3) steps\nif <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n repeat (2)\n move (10) steps\n end\n delete this clone\nend\nmove (-3) steps\nif <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n move (-3) steps\n end\n end\nend\nmove (3) steps\nswitch costume to (platform v)\nforever\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n set [long spear yv v] to [0]\n repeat until <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change [long spear yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Long spear Yv)\n if <(direction) > [0]> then\n turn right (((180) - (direction)) / (30)) degrees\n else\n turn right (((direction) - (180)) / (30)) degrees\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-3)\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n@Boss fight\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nchange [target amount v] by (1)\nset [boss hp v] to [10]\nset [hp v] to [10]\ngo to x: (7) y: (95)\npoint in direction (90)\nshow\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nswitch costume to (boss2 v)\nwait (2) seconds\nsay [Powering on...] for (3) seconds\nswitch costume to (boss v)\nwait (1) seconds\npoint in direction (-90)\nwait (1) seconds\nsay [..You are not my master.. YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!] for (4) seconds\nforever\n repeat (pick random (50) to (100))\n point towards (the ninja v)\n if <(distance to [the ninja v]) < [40]> then\n set [clonetype for boss mves v] to [1]\n create clone of (boss movedsd becsuasd idt idsflna odsin en wulekr v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n if <<([y position v] of [the ninja v]) < ((y position) + (20))> and <([y position v] of [the ninja v]) > ((y position) - (20))>> then\n set [clonetype for boss mves v] to [4]\n create clone of (boss movedsd becsuasd idt idsflna odsin en wulekr v)\n wait (0.5) seconds\n end\n end\n set [boss move bruh v] to (pick random (1) to (3))\n broadcast (BOSS MOVE BRUH v) and wait\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss move bruh v]\nif <(BOSS MOVE BRUH) = [1]> then\n point in direction (90)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n turn right (30) degrees\n change y by (4)\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n wait (1) seconds\n if <(x position) = [-183]> then\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (7) y: (135)\n else\n go to x: (194) y: (30)\n end\n else\n if <(x position) = [7]> then\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-183) y: (77)\n else\n go to x: (194) y: (30)\n end\n else\n if <(pick random (1) to (2)) = [1]> then\n go to x: (7) y: (135)\n else\n go to x: (-183) y: (77)\n end\n end\n end\n set rotation style [all around v]\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n turn right (-30) degrees\n change y by (-4)\n end\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n clear graphic effects\n point towards (the ninja v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [bossie got hit v]\nchange [ghost v] effect by (50)\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (-10)\nend\nrepeat (2)\n change size by (10)\nend\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nwait (2) seconds\nset rotation style [all around v]\nrepeat (20)\n turn right (pick random (-2) to (2)) degrees\n set size to (pick random (103) to (100)) %\n wait (0.025) seconds\n turn right (pick random (-2) to (2)) degrees\n set size to (pick random (97) to (100)) %\n wait (0.025) seconds\nend\nset size to (100) %\nset rotation style [left-right v]\npoint in direction (90)\n\nwhen I receive [boss move bruh v]\nshow\nif <(BOSS MOVE BRUH) = [3]> then\n point towards (the ninja v)\n set [clonetype for boss mves v] to [3]\n repeat (pick random (3) to (6))\n create clone of (boss movedsd becsuasd idt idsflna odsin en wulekr v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\n turn right (pick random (-10) to (10)) degrees\n end\nend\n\nset [boss hp v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [wow.. uh.. u won v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nclear graphic effects\nset size to (100) %\nset [boss yv v] to [8]\nset rotation style [all around v]\nrepeat until <touching (_edge_ v)?>\n change [boss yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Boss Yv)\n turn right (20) degrees\nend\nrepeat (3)\n change [boss yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Boss Yv)\n turn right (20) degrees\nend\nhide\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [boss move bruh v]\nif <(BOSS MOVE BRUH) = [3]> then\n set [clonetype for boss mves v] to [3]\n create clone of (boss movedsd becsuasd idt idsflna odsin en wulekr v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\nwhen I receive [boss move bruh v]\nif <(BOSS MOVE BRUH) = [2]> then\n set [clonetype for boss mves v] to [2]\n create clone of (boss movedsd becsuasd idt idsflna odsin en wulekr v)\n wait (0.3) seconds\nend\n\n@BOSS MOVEDSD BECSUASD IDT IDSFLNA ODSIN EN WULEKR\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clonetype for boss mves) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (knife v)\n go to (boss fight v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [boss fight v])\n start sound [knife v]\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set rotation style [all around v]\n turn left (0) degrees\n repeat until <<<<touching color (#7f7f7f)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (the ninja v)?>> or <touching (katana v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [hp v] by (-1)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [the ninja v])> then\n set [xv v] to [-3]\n else\n set [xv v] to [3]\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n move (-5) steps\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n move (-5) steps\n if <touching color (#7f7f7f)?> then\n move (-5) steps\n end\n end\n end\n move (5) steps\n set [spear yv v] to [0]\n repeat (50)\n if <not <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n change [spear yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Spear Yv)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clonetype for boss mves) = [4]> then\n set rotation style [left-right v]\n go to (boss fight v)\n switch costume to (surkin v)\n point in direction ([direction v] of [boss fight v])\n clear graphic effects\n show\n set rotation style [all around v]\n start sound [ninja star v]\n if <<(direction) < [180]> and <(direction) > [0]>> then\n repeat until <<<<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (the ninja v)?>> or <touching (katana v)?>>\n change x by (10)\n turn right (25) degrees\n end\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [hp v] by (-1)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [the ninja v])> then\n set [xv v] to [-3]\n else\n set [xv v] to [3]\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by (-5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by (-5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by (-5)\n end\n end\n change x by (5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [ninja star yv v] to [0]\n repeat (50)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change [ninja star yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (ninja star Yv)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n else\n repeat until <<<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (the ninja v)?>>\n change x by (-10)\n turn right (25) degrees\n end\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [hp v] by (-1)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [the ninja v])> then\n set [xv v] to [-3]\n else\n set [xv v] to [3]\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n delete this clone\n else\n wait (0.05) seconds\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by (5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by (5)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change x by (5)\n end\n end\n change x by (-5)\n wait (0.1) seconds\n set [ninja star yv v] to [0]\n repeat (50)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n change [ninja star yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (ninja star Yv)\n end\n change [ghost v] effect by (2)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n delete this clone\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clonetype for boss mves) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (katana v)\n go to (boss fight v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n clear graphic effects\n set size to (100) %\n change y by (0)\n show\n start sound [ninja katana v]\n repeat (8)\n turn right (40) degrees\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n change [hp v] by (-0.2)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <(x position) > ([x position v] of [the ninja v])> then\n change [xv v] by (-3)\n else\n change [xv v] by (3)\n end\n end\n end\n hide\n wait until <not <key (space v) pressed?>>\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Clonetype for boss mves) = [2]> then\n go to (boss fight v)\n set rotation style [all around v]\n point towards (the ninja v)\n switch costume to (fly v)\n clear graphic effects\n show\n start sound [Spear v]\n repeat until <<<<touching color (#7f7f7f)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>> or <touching (the ninja v)?>> or <touching (katana v)?>>\n move (10) steps\n end\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <touching (the ninja v)?> then\n move (-3) steps\n end\n end\n end\n move (3) steps\n change [hp v] by (-2)\n set [yv v] to [6]\n if <([x position v] of [the ninja v]) > (x position)> then\n set [xv v] to [6]\n else\n set [xv v] to [-6]\n end\n delete this clone\n else\n move (3) steps\n wait (0.1) seconds\n move (-3) steps\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n repeat (2)\n move (10) steps\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n move (-3) steps\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n move (-3) steps\n if <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching color (#7f7f7f)?>> then\n move (-3) steps\n end\n end\n end\n move (3) steps\n switch costume to (platform v)\n repeat (30)\n if <not <touching color (#000000)?>> then\n set [long spear yv v] to [0]\n repeat until <<touching color (#000000)?> or <touching (_edge_ v)?>>\n change [long spear yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Long spear Yv)\n if <(direction) > [0]> then\n turn right (((180) - (direction)) / (30)) degrees\n else\n turn right (((direction) - (180)) / (30)) degrees\n end\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n if <touching color (#000000)?> then\n change y by (3)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n change y by (-3)\n end\n if <touching (_edge_ v)?> then\n repeat (2)\n change [long spear yv v] by (-0.5)\n change y by (Long spear Yv)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\n end\n end\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (10)\n end\n delete this clone\n end\nend\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nwait until <(delete clones) = [1]>\ndelete this clone\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop30 v]\nshow variable [hp v]\nshow variable [boss hp v]\nrepeat until <(delete clones) = [1]>\n if <(HP) < [0.01]> then\n broadcast (Refresh Level v)\n end\n if <(Boss HP) < [0.01]> then\n broadcast (Wow.. uh.. u won v) and wait\n change [target amount v] by (-1)\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\nbroadcast (Wow.. uh.. u won v)\n\nwhen backdrop switches to [backdrop31 v]\nstop [other scripts in sprite v]\nhide\n\n
Welcome to a little project I worked on called "Journal". You play as a kids drawing as you explore his notebook. He communicates to you by writing in his journal, however he has a secret. Play this easy lighthearted platformer with simple WASD or Arrow keys to move.
☘| Platformer Creator
@Stage\n\ndefine create block (x) (y) (z) (type)\nadd (x) to [block - x v]\nadd (y) to [block - y v]\nadd (z) to [block - z v]\nadd (type) to [block - type v]\nadd (join (x) (join (join [:] (y)) (join [:] (z)))) to [block - search v]\n\ndefine Fill (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (type)\nset [stage: loop1iterator v] to (x1)\nrepeat (((x2) - (x1)) + (1))\n set [stage: loop2iterator v] to (y1)\n repeat (((y2) - (y1)) + (1))\n set [stage: loop3iterator v] to (z1)\n repeat (((z2) - (z1)) + (1))\n create block (Stage: loop1Iterator) (Stage: loop2Iterator) (Stage: loop3Iterator) (type)\n change [stage: loop3iterator v] by (1)\n end\n change [stage: loop2iterator v] by (1)\n end\n change [stage: loop1iterator v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine generate map\ndelete all of [block - x v]\ndelete all of [block - y v]\ndelete all of [block - z v]\ndelete all of [block - type v]\ndelete all of [block - search v]\nif <(level) = [1]> then\n setSpawn [0.5] [0.5] [0] [0] [0]\n 3x3 platform [0] [0] [-1]\n Fill [0] [2] [-1] [0] [8] [-1] [platform]\n Next Level Platform [0] [10] [-1]\n set [difficulty v] to [EASY]\nend\nif <(level) = [2]> then\n 3x3 platform [0] [0] [-1]\n Fill [0] [2] [-1] [0] [8] [-1] [platform]\n Next Level Platform [0] [10] [-1]\n create block [0] [3] [0] [death]\n create block [0] [7] [0] [death]\nend\nif <(level) = [3]> then\n 3x3 platform [0] [0] [-1]\n Fill [0] [2] [-1] [0] [3] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [1] [3] [-1] [3] [3] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [3] [4] [-1] [3] [5] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [-3] [6] [-1] [3] [6] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [-3] [7] [-1] [-3] [9] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [-3] [10] [-1] [-1] [10] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [0] [10] [-1] [0] [11] [-1] [platform]\n Next Level Platform [0] [13] [-1]\nend\nif <(level) = [4]> then\n 3x3 platform [0] [0] [-1]\n Fill [-1] [3] [-1] [1] [3] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [5] [0] [1] [5] [0] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [7] [1] [1] [7] [1] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [9] [2] [1] [9] [2] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [11] [1] [1] [11] [1] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [13] [0] [1] [13] [0] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [15] [-1] [1] [15] [-1] [platform]\n Next Level Platform [0] [18] [-1]\nend\nif <(level) = [5]> then\n setSpawn [1] [1] [0] [0] [0]\n 4x4 platform [0.5] [0.5] [-1]\n Fill [-1] [3] [-1] [0] [4] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [1] [3] [-1] [2] [4] [-1] [death]\n Fill [-1] [5] [-1] [0] [6] [-1] [death]\n Fill [1] [5] [-1] [2] [6] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [7] [-1] [0] [8] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [1] [7] [-1] [2] [8] [-1] [death]\n Fill [-1] [9] [-1] [0] [10] [-1] [death]\n Fill [1] [9] [-1] [2] [10] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [11] [-1] [0] [12] [-1] [platform]\n Fill [1] [11] [-1] [2] [12] [-1] [death]\n Fill [-1] [13] [-1] [0] [14] [-1] [death]\n Fill [1] [13] [-1] [2] [14] [-1] [platform]\n 4x4 Next Level Platform [0.5] [16.5] [-1]\nend\nif <(level) = [6]> then\n setSpawn [0.5] [0.5] [0] [0] [0]\n 3x3 platform [0] [0] [-1]\n Fill [-1] [5] [0] [1] [7] [0] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [12] [0] [1] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [-5] [12] [0] [-5] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [-9] [12] [0] [-9] [14] [0] [platform]\n Next Level Platform [-14] [13] [0]\n set [difficulty v] to [MEDIUM]\nend\nif <(level) = [7]> then\n 3x3 platform [0] [0] [-1]\n Fill [-1] [5] [0] [1] [7] [0] [platform]\n Fill [-1] [12] [0] [1] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [5] [12] [0] [5] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [9] [12] [0] [9] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [13] [12] [0] [15] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [17] [12] [1] [17] [14] [3] [death]\n Fill [19] [11] [0] [21] [15] [0] [platform]\n Fill [25] [12] [0] [25] [14] [0] [platform]\n Fill [28] [12] [0] [28] [14] [0] [platform]\n Next Level Platform [32] [13] [0]\n set [difficulty v] to [HARD]\nend\nif <(level) > [7]> then\n Fill [-5] [-3] [-1] [5] [7] [-1] [barrier]\n Fill [-5] [-4] [0] [5] [-4] [10] [barrier]\n Fill [-5] [8] [0] [5] [8] [10] [barrier]\n Fill [-6] [-3] [0] [-6] [7] [10] [barrier]\n Fill [6] [-3] [0] [6] [7] [10] [barrier]\n create block [0] [2] [0] [platform]\n create block [1] [4] [1] [platform]\n create block [-1] [5] [2] [platform]\nend\nset [player - z v] to [-15]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nerase all\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [fps v]\nhide variable [start v]\nhide variable [difficulty v]\nset [start v] to [-1]\nset [level v] to [1]\ngenerate map\nwait until <(start) = [1]>\nbroadcast (FinishedLoading v)\nwait until <(level) > [7]>\nhide variable [level v]\nhide variable [difficulty v]\n\nwhen I receive [finishedloading v]\nshow variable [fps v]\nshow variable [level v]\nshow variable [difficulty v]\nforever\n if <<(Player - Z) < [-10]> or <<[touching v] contains [death]?> or <<(Player - Feet Z-) = [death]> or <<(Player - Head Z+) = [death]> or <<(Player - Feet X-) = [death]> or <<(Player - Feet X+) = [death]> or <<(Player - Feet Y-) = [death]> or <<(Player - Feet Y+) = [death]> or <<(Player - Head X-) = [death]> or <<(Player - Head X+) = [death]> or <<(Player - Head Y-) = [death]> or <(Player - Head Y+) = [death]>>>>>>>>>>>> then\n set [player - x v] to (Spawn - X)\n set [player - y v] to (Spawn - Y)\n set [player - z v] to (Spawn - Z)\n set [player - xv v] to [0]\n set [player - yv v] to [0]\n set [player - zv v] to [0]\n set [player - pitch v] to (Spawn - Pitch)\n set [player - yaw v] to (Spawn - Yaw)\n end\n if <<(Player - Feet Z-) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Head Z+) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Feet X-) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Feet X+) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Feet Y-) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Feet Y+) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Head X-) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Head X+) = [goal]> or <<(Player - Head Y-) = [goal]> or <(Player - Head Y+) = [goal]>>>>>>>>>> then\n change [level v] by (1)\n generate map\n end\nend\n\nwhen [m v] key pressed\nset [muted v] to (() - (muted))\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide variable [muted v]\nset [muted v] to [-1]\nforever\n if <(muted) = [-1]> then\n set volume to (50) %\n else\n set volume to (0) %\n end\nend\n\ndefine Next Level Platform (x) (y) (z)\ncreate block (x) (y) (z) [goal]\nFill ((x) - (1)) ((y) - (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) - (1)) (z) [platform]\nFill ((x) - (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) [platform]\ncreate block ((x) + (1)) (y) (z) [platform]\ncreate block ((x) - (1)) (y) (z) [platform]\n\ndefine 3x3 platform (x) (y) (z)\nFill ((x) - (1)) ((y) - (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) [platform]\n\ndefine setSpawn (x) (y) (z) (pitch) (yaw)\nset [spawn - x v] to (x)\nset [spawn - y v] to (y)\nset [spawn - z v] to (z)\nset [spawn - pitch v] to (pitch)\nset [spawn - yaw v] to (yaw)\n\ndefine 4x4 platform (x) (y) (z)\nFill ((x) - (1.5)) ((y) - (1.5)) (z) ((x) + (1.5)) ((y) + (1.5)) (z) [platform]\n\ndefine 4x4 Next Level Platform (x) (y) (z)\nFill ((x) - (0.5)) ((y) - (0.5)) (z) ((x) + (0.5)) ((y) + (0.5)) (z) [goal]\nFill ((x) - (1.5)) ((y) - (1.5)) (z) ((x) + (1.5)) ((y) - (1.5)) (z) [platform]\nFill ((x) - (1.5)) ((y) + (1.5)) (z) ((x) + (1.5)) ((y) + (1.5)) (z) [platform]\nFill ((x) - (1.5)) ((y) - (0.5)) (z) ((x) - (1.5)) ((y) + (0.5)) (z) [platform]\nFill ((x) + (1.5)) ((y) - (0.5)) (z) ((x) + (1.5)) ((y) + (0.5)) (z) [platform]\n\nwhen flag clicked\nwait (0.75) seconds\nforever\n play sound [Tomás Novoa - Géminis \(2021\) v] until done\nend\n\n@Lag Reducer?\n\n@Engine\n\ndefine generateBlockDistances\nset [renderorder - iterator v] to [1]\ndelete all of [block - distance v]\ndelete all of [block - render order calc v]\nrepeat (length of [block - x v])\n set [gbd - x△ v] to ((item (RenderOrder - Iterator) of [block - x v]) - (Player - X))\n set [gbd - y△ v] to ((item (RenderOrder - Iterator) of [block - y v]) - (Player - Y))\n set [gbd - z△ v] to ((item (RenderOrder - Iterator) of [block - z v]) - (Player - Z))\n add (((GBD - X△) * (GBD - X△)) + (((GBD - Y△) * (GBD - Y△)) + ((GBD - Z△) * (GBD - Z△)))) to [block - distance v]\n add (RenderOrder - Iterator) to [block - render order calc v]\n change [renderorder - iterator v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine fill (ax) (ay) (bx) (by) (cx) (cy) resolution: (res)\nset [lena v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((bx) - (cx)) * ((bx) - (cx))) + (((by) - (cy)) * ((by) - (cy)))) )\nset [lenb v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((ax) - (cx)) * ((ax) - (cx))) + (((ay) - (cy)) * ((ay) - (cy)))) )\nset [lenc v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((ax) - (bx)) * ((ax) - (bx))) + (((ay) - (by)) * ((ay) - (by)))) )\nset [peri v] to ((1) / (((lena) + (lenb)) + (lenc)))\nset [incx v] to (((((lena) * (ax)) + ((lenb) * (bx))) + ((lenc) * (cx))) * (peri))\nset [incy v] to (((((lena) * (ay)) + ((lenb) * (by))) + ((lenc) * (cy))) * (peri))\nset [ind v] to ([sqrt v] of ((((((lenb) + (lenc)) - (lena)) * (((lenc) + (lena)) - (lenb))) * (((lena) + (lenb)) - (lenc))) * (peri)) )\nset [aox v] to ((incx) - (ax))\nset [aoy v] to ((incy) - (ay))\nset [box v] to ((incx) - (bx))\nset [boy v] to ((incy) - (by))\nset [cox v] to ((incx) - (cx))\nset [coy v] to ((incy) - (cy))\nif <<(lena) < (lenb)> and <(lena) < (lenc)>> then\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Aox) * (Aox)) + ((Aoy) * (Aoy))) )\nelse\n if <<(lenb) > (lena)> or <(lenb) > (lenc)>> then\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Cox) * (Cox)) + ((Coy) * (Coy))) )\n else\n set [td v] to ([sqrt v] of (((Box) * (Box)) + ((Boy) * (Boy))) )\n end\nend\nset [rate v] to ((((td) * (2)) - (ind)) / ((td) * (4)))\nset [td v] to ((1) + (0))\ngo to x: (round (incx)) y: (round (incy))\nset pen size to (ind)\npen down\nrepeat ([ceiling v] of (([log v] of ((res) / (ind)) ) / ([log v] of (rate) )) )\n set [td v] to ((td) * (rate))\n set pen size to ((ind) * (td))\n go to x: (((Aox) * (td)) + (ax)) y: (((Aoy) * (td)) + (ay))\n go to x: (((Box) * (td)) + (bx)) y: (((Boy) * (td)) + (by))\n go to x: (((Cox) * (td)) + (cx)) y: (((Coy) * (td)) + (cy))\n go to x: (((Aox) * (td)) + (ax)) y: (((Aoy) * (td)) + (ay))\nend\npen up\n\ndefine quicksort (lowerbound) (upperbound)\nset [lower v] to (lowerbound)\nset [upper v] to (upperbound)\nset [pivot v] to (item ([floor v] of (((lowerbound) + (upperbound)) / (2)) ) of [block - distance v])\nrepeat until <(lower) > (upper)>\n repeat until <not <(item (lower) of [block - distance v]) < (pivot)>>\n change [lower v] by (1)\n end\n repeat until <not <(item (upper) of [block - distance v]) > (pivot)>>\n change [upper v] by (-1)\n end\n if <not <(lower) > (upper)>> then\n set [tempswap v] to (item (lower) of [block - distance v])\n replace item (lower) of [block - distance v] with (item (upper) of [block - distance v])\n replace item (upper) of [block - distance v] with (tempSwap)\n set [tempswap v] to (item (lower) of [block - render order calc v])\n replace item (lower) of [block - render order calc v] with (item (upper) of [block - render order calc v])\n replace item (upper) of [block - render order calc v] with (tempSwap)\n change [lower v] by (1)\n change [upper v] by (-1)\n end\nend\nif <(lowerbound) < (upper)> then\n quicksort (lowerbound) (upper)\nend\nif <(lower) < (upperbound)> then\n quicksort (lower) (upperbound)\nend\nset [renderorder - iterator v] to [1]\nif <(length of [block - render order calc v]) = (length of [block - render order v])> then\n repeat (length of [block - render order calc v])\n replace item (RenderOrder - Iterator) of [block - render order v] with (item (RenderOrder - Iterator) of [block - render order calc v])\n change [renderorder - iterator v] by (1)\n end\nelse\n delete all of [block - render order v]\n repeat (length of [block - render order calc v])\n add (item (RenderOrder - Iterator) of [block - render order calc v]) to [block - render order v]\n change [renderorder - iterator v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine drawSpinningCrystal (x) (y) (z) (objectsize) (speed) (pensize)\npoint in direction ((timer) * (speed))\nrepeat (4)\n 3D point -> 2D point (x) (y) ((z) - (objectsize))\n if <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [x1 v] to (2D - X)\n set [y1 v] to (2D - Y)\n 3D point -> 2D point ((x) + (([cos v] of (direction) ) * (objectsize))) ((y) + (([sin v] of (direction) ) * (objectsize))) (z)\n if <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [x2 v] to (2D - X)\n set [y2 v] to (2D - Y)\n 3D point -> 2D point (x) (y) ((z) + (objectsize))\n if <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [x3 v] to (2D - X)\n set [y3 v] to (2D - Y)\n 3D point -> 2D point ((x) + (([cos v] of ((direction) + (90)) ) * (objectsize))) ((y) + (([sin v] of ((direction) + (90)) ) * (objectsize))) (z)\n if <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n set [x4 v] to (2D - X)\n set [y4 v] to (2D - Y)\n set [pensize v] to ([ceiling v] of ((3) / ([sqrt v] of (((((x) - (Rendered Player - X)) * ((x) - (Rendered Player - X))) + (((y) - (Rendered Player - Y)) * ((y) - (Rendered Player - Y)))) + (((z) - (Rendered Player - Z)) * ((z) - (Rendered Player - Z)))) )) )\n if <(Render - Filler?) = [1]> then\n set pen color to (#5bf530)\n fill (X1) (Y1) (X2) (Y2) (X4) (Y4) resolution: (penSize)\n fill (X3) (Y3) (X2) (Y2) (X4) (Y4) resolution: (penSize)\n set pen color to (#1c4e0f)\n end\n drawLine - 2D (X1) (Y1) (X2) (Y2) (penSize)\n drawLine - 2D (X2) (Y2) (X3) (Y3) (penSize)\n drawLine - 2D (X2) (Y2) (X4) (Y4) (penSize)\n turn right (90) degrees\nend\nset pen color to (#5bf530)\n\ndefine drawCube (x) (y) (z) (type)\nif <not <<(type) = [barrier]> or <(type) = [0]>>> then\n if <(type) = [goal]> then\n set pen color to (#5bf530)\n drawSpinningCrystal ((x) + (0.5)) ((y) + (0.5)) ((z) + (2.5)) [0.5] [200] [3]\n else\n if <(type) = [death]> then\n set pen color to (#ff4c4c)\n else\n if <(type) = [platform]> then\n set pen color to (#989898)\n else\n set pen color to (#ff9ac0)\n end\n end\n end\n getBlock ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (Setting - Camera Z Offset))\n set [block - x+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\n getBlock ((x) - (1)) (y) ((z) + (Setting - Camera Z Offset))\n set [block - x- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\n getBlock (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (Setting - Camera Z Offset))\n set [block - y+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\n getBlock (x) ((y) - (1)) ((z) + (Setting - Camera Z Offset))\n set [block - y- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\n getBlock (x) (y) (((z) + (1)) + (Setting - Camera Z Offset))\n set [block - z+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\n getBlock (x) (y) (((z) - (1)) + (Setting - Camera Z Offset))\n set [block - z- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\n if <<(Rendered Player - X) > ((x) + (1))> and <<(Block - X+) = [air]> or <(Block - X+) = [barrier]>>> then\n set [blockface x+ render? v] to [1]\n drawFace ((x) + (1)) (y) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1))\n else\n set [blockface x+ render? v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(Rendered Player - X) < (x)> and <<(Block - X-) = [air]> or <(Block - X-) = [barrier]>>> then\n set [blockface x- render? v] to [1]\n drawFace (x) (y) (z) (x) ((y) + (1)) (z) (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) (x) (y) ((z) + (1))\n else\n set [blockface x- render? v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(Rendered Player - Y) < (y)> and <<(Block - Y-) = [air]> or <(Block - Y-) = [barrier]>>> then\n set [blockface y- render? v] to [1]\n drawFace ((x) + (1)) (y) (z) ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1)) (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) (x) (y) (z)\n else\n set [blockface y- render? v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(Rendered Player - Y) > ((y) + (1))> and <<(Block - Y+) = [air]> or <(Block - Y+) = [barrier]>>> then\n set [blockface y+ render? v] to [1]\n drawFace ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) (x) ((y) + (1)) (z)\n else\n set [blockface y+ render? v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(Rendered Player - Z) > ((z) + (0.5))> and <<(Block - Z+) = [air]> or <(Block - Z+) = [barrier]>>> then\n set [blockface z+ render? v] to [1]\n drawFace ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1))\n else\n set [blockface z+ render? v] to [0]\n end\n if <<(Rendered Player - Z) < ((z) + (0.5))> and <<(Block - Z-) = [air]> or <(Block - Z-) = [barrier]>>> then\n set [blockface z- render? v] to [1]\n drawFace ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) (x) ((y) + (1)) (z) (x) (y) (z) ((x) + (1)) (y) (z)\n else\n set [blockface z- render? v] to [0]\n end\n set pen color to (#3e3e3e)\n if <<(Blockface X+ Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Y- Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D ((x) + (1)) (y) (z) ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X+ Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Y+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X+ Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Z+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X+ Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Z- Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D ((x) + (1)) (y) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Y+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) ((y) + (1)) (z) (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Y- Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) (y) (z) (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Z+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface X- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Z- Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) (y) (z) (x) ((y) + (1)) (z) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface Y- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Z- Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) (y) (z) ((x) + (1)) (y) (z) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface Y- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Z+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) (y) ((z) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) (y) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface Z+ Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Y+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) ((z) + (1)) [-1]\n end\n if <<(Blockface Z- Render?) = [1]> or <(Blockface Y+ Render?) = [1]>> then\n drawLine - 3D (x) ((y) + (1)) (z) ((x) + (1)) ((y) + (1)) (z) [-1]\n end\nend\n\ndefine renderFrame\nerase all\ngenerateBlockDistances\nquicksort (1) (length of [block - x v])\nset [rendered player - pitch v] to (Player - Pitch)\nset [rendered player - yaw v] to (Player - Yaw)\nset [rendered player - x v] to (Player - X)\nset [rendered player - y v] to (Player - Y)\nset [rendered player - z v] to (Player - Z)\nset [sin x v] to ([sin v] of (Rendered Player - Pitch) )\nset [cos x v] to ([cos v] of (Rendered Player - Pitch) )\nset [sin y v] to ([sin v] of (() - (Rendered Player - Yaw)) )\nset [cos y v] to ([cos v] of (() - (Rendered Player - Yaw)) )\nset [drawer - blockselector v] to (length of [block - x v])\nrepeat (length of [block - x v])\n set [drawer - renderorderblock v] to (item (Drawer - BlockSelector) of [block - render order v])\n drawCube ((item (Drawer - RenderOrderBlock) of [block - x v]) - (Setting - Camera X Offset)) ((item (Drawer - RenderOrderBlock) of [block - y v]) - (Setting - Camera Y Offset)) ((item (Drawer - RenderOrderBlock) of [block - z v]) - (Setting - Camera Z Offset)) (item (Drawer - RenderOrderBlock) of [block - type v])\n change [drawer - blockselector v] by (-1)\nend\n\ndefine getBlock (x) (y) (z)\nset [type v] to (join ([floor v] of (x) ) (join (join [:] ([floor v] of (y) )) (join [:] ([floor v] of (z) ))))\nset [blocknumber v] to (item # of (join ([floor v] of (x) ) (join (join [:] ([floor v] of (y) )) (join [:] ([floor v] of (z) )))) in [block - search v])\nif <(BlockNumber) = [0]> then\n set [blocktypereturn v] to [air]\nelse\n set [blocktypereturn v] to (item (BlockNumber) of [block - type v])\nend\n\nwhen I receive [finishedloading v]\nshow variable [timer v]\nshow variable [render - filler? v]\nreset timer\nset [lastruntimemovement v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(lastRunTime) < (Runtime Controller)> then\n PlayerVelocity\n if <(Controls) = [1]> then\n CameraVelocity\n Camera Movement\n end\n Camera Restrictions\n Player Movement\n set [lastruntimemovement v] to (timer)\n if <(level) < [8]> then\n set [timer v] to (timer)\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine PlayerVelocity\nif <<(Controls) = [0]> or <(Controls) = [1]>> then\n if <key (w v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - Yv) = [1]>> then\n if <(Player - Yv) > [1]> then\n set [player - yv v] to [1]\n else\n change [player - yv v] by ((4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <key (s v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - Yv) = [-1]>> then\n if <(Player - Yv) < [-1]> then\n set [player - yv v] to [-1]\n else\n change [player - yv v] by ((-4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(Player - Yv) = [0]>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Player - Yv) ) < ((4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))> then\n set [player - yv v] to [0]\n else\n change [player - yv v] by (((Player - Yv) / ([abs v] of (Player - Yv) )) * ((-5) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <key (a v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - Xv) = [1]>> then\n if <(Player - Xv) > [1]> then\n set [player - xv v] to [1]\n else\n change [player - xv v] by ((-4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <key (d v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - Xv) = [-1]>> then\n if <(Player - Xv) < [-1]> then\n set [player - xv v] to [-1]\n else\n change [player - xv v] by ((4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(Player - Xv) = [0]>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Player - Xv) ) < ((4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))> then\n set [player - xv v] to [0]\n else\n change [player - xv v] by (((Player - Xv) / ([abs v] of (Player - Xv) )) * ((-4) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if <(Player - \[Z- Collision\]) = [true]> then\n if <<key (space v) pressed?> and <(Player - \[Z+ Collision\]) = [false]>> then\n set [player - zv v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <not <(Player - Zv) = [-1]>> then\n if <(Player - Zv) < [-5]> then\n set [player - zv v] to [-5]\n else\n change [player - zv v] by ((-2) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n end\nelse\n set [player - yv v] to (Control - Movement Y)\n set [player - xv v] to (Control - Movement X)\n if <(Player - \[Z- Collision\]) = [true]> then\n if <<(Control - Jump?) = [true]> and <(Player - \[Z+ Collision\]) = [false]>> then\n set [player - zv v] to [1]\n end\n else\n if <not <(Player - Zv) = [-1]>> then\n if <(Player - Zv) < [-5]> then\n set [player - zv v] to [-5]\n else\n change [player - zv v] by ((-2) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine CameraVelocity\nif <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - YawV) = [1]>> then\n if <(Player - YawV) > [1]> then\n set [player - yawv v] to [1]\n else\n change [player - yawv v] by ((5) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - YawV) = [-1]>> then\n if <(Player - YawV) < [-1]> then\n set [player - yawv v] to [-1]\n else\n change [player - yawv v] by ((-5) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(Player - YawV) = [0]>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Player - YawV) ) < ((10) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))> then\n set [player - yawv v] to [0]\n else\n change [player - yawv v] by (((Player - YawV) / ([abs v] of (Player - YawV) )) * ((-10) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\n end\n end\n end\nend\nif <key (up arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - PitchV) = [1]>> then\n if <(Player - PitchV) > [1]> then\n set [player - pitchv v] to [1]\n else\n change [player - pitchv v] by ((5) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\nelse\n if <key (down arrow v) pressed?> then\n if <not <(Player - PitchV) = [-1]>> then\n if <(Player - PitchV) < [-1]> then\n set [player - pitchv v] to [-1]\n else\n change [player - pitchv v] by ((-5) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))\n end\n end\n else\n if <not <(Player - PitchV) = [0]>> then\n if <([abs v] of (Player - PitchV) ) < ((10) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement)))> then\n set [player - pitchv v] to [0]\n else\n change [player - pitchv v] by (((Player - PitchV) / ([abs v] of (Player - PitchV) )) * ((-10) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\ndefine Camera Movement\nchange [player - yaw v] by ((Player - YawV) * ((180) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\nchange [player - pitch v] by ((Player - PitchV) * ((180) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\n\ndefine Player Movement\nchange [player - x v] by (((Player - Yv) * (((6) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))) * ([sin v] of (Player - Yaw) ))) + ((Player - Xv) * (((3) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))) * ([sin v] of ((Player - Yaw) + (90)) ))))\nchange [player - y v] by (((Player - Yv) * (((6) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))) * ([cos v] of (Player - Yaw) ))) + ((Player - Xv) * (((3) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))) * ([cos v] of ((Player - Yaw) + (90)) ))))\nchange [player - z v] by ((Player - Zv) * ((5) * ((timer) - (lastRunTimeMovement))))\ncheckCollision\nif <(Player - \[Z- Collision\]) = [true]> then\n set [player - z v] to ([ceiling v] of ((Player - Z) - (0.25)) )\n set [player - zv v] to [0]\n checkCollision\nelse\n if <(Player - \[Z+ Collision\]) = [true]> then\n set [player - z v] to (([floor v] of (Player - Z) ) + (0.2))\n set [player - zv v] to [0]\n checkCollision\n end\nend\nif <not <<(Player - Feet X+) = [air]> and <<(Player - Torso X+) = [air]> and <(Player - Head X+) = [air]>>>> then\n set [player - x v] to (([ceiling v] of (Player - X) ) - (0.5))\n set [player - xv v] to [0]\n checkCollision\nelse\n if <not <<(Player - Feet X-) = [air]> and <<(Player - Torso X-) = [air]> and <(Player - Head X-) = [air]>>>> then\n set [player - x v] to (([floor v] of (Player - X) ) + (0.5))\n set [player - xv v] to [0]\n checkCollision\n end\nend\nif <not <<(Player - Feet Y+) = [air]> and <<(Player - Torso Y+) = [air]> and <(Player - Head Y+) = [air]>>>> then\n set [player - y v] to (([ceiling v] of (Player - Y) ) - (0.5))\n set [player - yv v] to [0]\nelse\n if <not <<(Player - Feet Y-) = [air]> and <<(Player - Torso Y-) = [air]> and <(Player - Head Y-) = [air]>>>> then\n set [player - y v] to (([floor v] of (Player - Y) ) + (0.5))\n set [player - yv v] to [0]\n end\nend\n\ndefine checkCollision\nset [player - feet z- last check v] to (Player - Feet Z-)\ngetBlock (Player - X) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) - (0.01))\nset [player - feet z- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (1.81))\nset [player - head z+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock ((Player - X) + (0.49)) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (0.1))\nset [player - feet x+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock ((Player - X) + (0.49)) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (0.9))\nset [player - torso x+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock ((Player - X) + (0.49)) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (1.8))\nset [player - head x+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock ((Player - X) - (0.49)) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (0.1))\nset [player - feet x- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock ((Player - X) - (0.49)) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (0.9))\nset [player - torso x- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock ((Player - X) - (0.49)) (Player - Y) ((Player - Z) + (1.8))\nset [player - head x- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) ((Player - Y) + (0.49)) ((Player - Z) + (0.1))\nset [player - feet y+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) ((Player - Y) + (0.49)) ((Player - Z) + (0.9))\nset [player - torso y+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) ((Player - Y) + (0.49)) ((Player - Z) + (1.8))\nset [player - head y+ v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) ((Player - Y) - (0.49)) ((Player - Z) + (0.1))\nset [player - feet y- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) ((Player - Y) - (0.49)) ((Player - Z) + (0.9))\nset [player - torso y- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ngetBlock (Player - X) ((Player - Y) - (0.49)) ((Player - Z) + (1.8))\nset [player - head y- v] to (BlockTypeReturn)\ndelete all of [touching v]\nset [player - \[z- collision\] v] to [false]\nset [player - \[z+ collision\] v] to [false]\nset [collisioniteratori v] to [-0.25]\nrepeat (2)\n set [collisioniteratorj v] to [-0.25]\n repeat (2)\n getBlock ((Player - X) - (collisionIteratorI)) ((Player - Y) - (collisionIteratorJ)) ((Player - Z) - (0.01))\n add (BlockTypeReturn) to [touching v]\n if <not <(BlockTypeReturn) = [air]>> then\n set [player - \[z- collision\] v] to [true]\n end\n change [collisioniteratorj v] by (0.5)\n end\n change [collisioniteratori v] by (0.5)\nend\nset [collisioniteratori v] to [-0.25]\nrepeat (2)\n set [collisioniteratorj v] to [-0.25]\n repeat (2)\n getBlock ((Player - X) - (collisionIteratorI)) ((Player - Y) - (collisionIteratorJ)) ((Player - Z) + (1.81))\n add (BlockTypeReturn) to [touching v]\n if <not <(BlockTypeReturn) = [air]>> then\n set [player - \[z+ collision\] v] to [true]\n end\n change [collisioniteratorj v] by (0.5)\n end\n change [collisioniteratori v] by (0.5)\nend\n\ndefine drawLine - 3D (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (pensize)\n3D point -> 2D point (x1) (y1) (z1)\nset [x1 v] to (2D - X)\nset [y1 v] to (2D - Y)\nif <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n3D point -> 2D point (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [x2 v] to (2D - X)\nset [y2 v] to (2D - Y)\nif <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nif <not <(pensize) = [-1]>> then\n set [pensize v] to (pensize)\nelse\n set [pensize v] to ([ceiling v] of ((10) / (([sqrt v] of (((((x1) - (Rendered Player - X)) * ((x1) - (Rendered Player - X))) + (((y1) - (Rendered Player - Y)) * ((y1) - (Rendered Player - Y)))) + (((z1) - (Rendered Player - Z)) * ((z1) - (Rendered Player - Z)))) ) + ([sqrt v] of (((((x2) - (Rendered Player - X)) * ((x2) - (Rendered Player - X))) + (((y2) - (Rendered Player - Y)) * ((y2) - (Rendered Player - Y)))) + (((z2) - (Rendered Player - Z)) * ((z2) - (Rendered Player - Z)))) ))) )\nend\ndrawLine - 2D (X1) (Y1) (X2) (Y2) (penSize)\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset size to (join [Infinity] []) %\nset [ghost v] effect to (100)\nhide variable [setting - fps limit v]\nhide variable [runtime controller v]\nhide variable [setting - camera x offset v]\nhide variable [setting - camera y offset v]\nhide variable [setting - camera z offset v]\nhide variable [setting - fov v]\nhide variable [player - x v]\nhide variable [player - y v]\nhide variable [player - z v]\nhide variable [lastruntime v]\nhide variable [lastruntimemovement v]\nhide variable [linedensity v]\nhide variable [line pixel iterator v]\nhide variable [block - yaw offset v]\nhide variable [block - pitch offset v]\nhide variable [drawer - blockselector v]\nhide variable [lastruntime v]\nhide variable [player - pitch v]\nhide variable [player - yaw v]\nhide variable [player - xv v]\nhide variable [player - yv v]\nhide variable [player - zv v]\nhide variable [player - pitchv v]\nhide variable [player - yawv v]\nhide variable [timer v]\nhide variable [render - filler? v]\nset [setting - view factor v] to [100]\nset [player - pitch v] to [0]\nset [player - yaw v] to [0]\nset [player - x v] to [0.5]\nset [player - y v] to [0.5]\nset [player - z v] to [0]\nset [player - pitchv v] to [0]\nset [player - yawv v] to [0]\nset [player - xv v] to [0]\nset [player - yv v] to [0]\nset [player - zv v] to [0]\nset [line pixel iterator v] to [0]\nset [lastruntime v] to [0]\nset [setting - camera x offset v] to [0]\nset [setting - camera y offset v] to [0]\nset [setting - camera z offset v] to [1.5]\nset [setting - view factor v] to [120]\nset [setting - fps limit v] to [30]\nforever\n renderFrame\nend\n\ndefine drawFace (x1) (y1) (z1) (x2) (y2) (z2) (x3) (y3) (z3) (x4) (y4) (z4)\n3D point -> 2D point (x1) (y1) (z1)\nset [x1 v] to (2D - X)\nset [y1 v] to (2D - Y)\nif <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n3D point -> 2D point (x3) (y3) (z3)\nset [x2 v] to (2D - X)\nset [y2 v] to (2D - Y)\nif <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n3D point -> 2D point (x2) (y2) (z2)\nset [x3 v] to (2D - X)\nset [y3 v] to (2D - Y)\nif <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\n3D point -> 2D point (x4) (y4) (z4)\nset [x4 v] to (2D - X)\nset [y4 v] to (2D - Y)\nif <(2D - Visible?) = [false]> then\n stop [this script v]\nend\nset [pensize v] to ([ceiling v] of ((10) / (([sqrt v] of (((((x1) - (Rendered Player - X)) * ((x1) - (Rendered Player - X))) + (((y1) - (Rendered Player - Y)) * ((y1) - (Rendered Player - Y)))) + (((z1) - (Rendered Player - Z)) * ((z1) - (Rendered Player - Z)))) ) + ([sqrt v] of (((((x2) - (Rendered Player - X)) * ((x2) - (Rendered Player - X))) + (((y2) - (Rendered Player - Y)) * ((y2) - (Rendered Player - Y)))) + (((z2) - (Rendered Player - Z)) * ((z2) - (Rendered Player - Z)))) ))) )\nif <(Render - Filler?) = [0]> then\n drawLine - 2D (X1) (Y1) (X2) (Y2) (penSize)\n drawLine - 2D (X3) (Y3) (X4) (Y4) (penSize)\nelse\n fill (X1) (Y1) (X2) (Y2) (X3) (Y3) resolution: (penSize)\n fill (X2) (Y2) (X1) (Y1) (X4) (Y4) resolution: (penSize)\nend\n\ndefine drawLine - 2D (x1) (y1) (x2) (y2) (pensize)\nset pen size to (pensize)\ngo to x: (x1) y: (y1)\npen down\ngo to x: (x2) y: (y2)\npen up\n\ndefine set3DPoints (x) (y) (z)\nset [3d - x v] to (x)\nset [3d - y v] to (y)\nset [3d - z v] to (z)\n\ndefine 3D point -> 2D point (x) (y) (z)\nset3DPoints ((x) - (Rendered Player - X)) ((y) - (Rendered Player - Y)) ((z) - (Rendered Player - Z))\nset3DPoints (((3D - Y) * (sin Y)) + ((3D - X) * (cos Y))) (((3D - Y) * (cos Y)) - ((3D - X) * (sin Y))) (3D - Z)\nset3DPoints (3D - X) (((3D - Z) * (sin X)) + ((3D - Y) * (cos X))) (((3D - Z) * (cos X)) - ((3D - Y) * (sin X)))\nset [2d - visible? v] to <(3D - Y) > [0]>\nset [2d - x v] to ((Setting - View Factor) * ((3D - X) / (3D - Y)))\nset [2d - y v] to ((Setting - View Factor) * ((3D - Z) / (3D - Y)))\n\ndefine Camera Restrictions\nif <(Player - Pitch) > [75]> then\n set [player - pitch v] to [75]\nend\nif <(Player - Pitch) < [-75]> then\n set [player - pitch v] to [-75]\nend\nif <(Player - Yaw) > [180]> then\n set [player - yaw v] to ((-180) + ((Player - Yaw) - (180)))\nend\nif <(Player - Yaw) < [-180]> then\n set [player - yaw v] to ((180) + ((Player - Yaw) + (180)))\nend\n\n@brokenStudios\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\npoint in direction (90)\nhide variable [clone id v]\nset [clone id v] to [0]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [clone id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\n\nwhen I receive [animation finalize v]\nwait (1) seconds\nif <(clone id) = [2]> then\n go to x: (0) y: (-130)\n switch costume to (costume3 v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (10)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-10)\n end\n broadcast (End Animation v)\nend\n\nwhen I receive [end animation v]\nwait until <mouse down?>\nset [start v] to [1]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(clone id) = [0]> then\n go to x: (-70) y: (180)\n switch costume to (costume1 v)\n wait (0.75) seconds\n show\n glide (0.2) secs to x: (-70) y: (70)\nend\nif <(clone id) = [1]> then\n go to x: (-72.5) y: (180)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (costume2 v)\n wait (0.78) seconds\n show\n glide (0.1) secs to x: (-72.5) y: (70)\n set [c v] to [0]\n repeat (18)\n change [c v] by (0.1)\n turn right (20) degrees\n change y by ((-10) * ((1) + ((c) * (1.33))))\n end\n hide\n wait (0.8) seconds\n go to x: (-72.5) y: (70)\n point in direction (90)\n broadcast (Animation Finalize v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (100)\n show\n repeat (15)\n change [ghost v] effect by (-7.5)\n end\nend\nif <(clone id) = [3]> then\n go to [back v] layer\n switch costume to (costume4 v)\n show\nend\n\nwhen I receive [finishedloading v]\nwait (0.01) seconds\nhide\n\n@FPS\n\nwhen flag clicked\nset [count v] to [0]\nset [lastupdate v] to (timer)\nforever\n change [count v] by (1)\n if <((LastUpdate) + (1)) < (timer)> then\n set [fps v] to (Count)\n set [count v] to [0]\n set [lastupdate v] to (timer)\n end\nend\n\n@Tutorial\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nswitch costume to (level 1 v)\nset [polarity v] to [1]\nset [animationrotation v] to [0]\nset [tutorialvisible? v] to [1]\nset [translationpolarity v] to [1]\nset [animationtranslation v] to [0]\n\nwhen I receive [finishedloading v]\nshow\nforever\n wait (0.01) seconds\n go to x: (0) y: ((100) + (animationTRANSLATION))\n point in direction ((90) + ((animationROTATION) * (0.25)))\n change [animationrotation v] by (polarity)\n change [animationtranslation v] by (TranslationPolarity)\n if <([abs v] of (animationROTATION) ) > [7]> then\n set [polarity v] to ((0) - (polarity))\n end\n if <([abs v] of (animationTRANSLATION) ) > [5]> then\n set [translationpolarity v] to ((0) - (TranslationPolarity))\n end\n if <not <(level) = (lastCheckLevel)>> then\n switch costume to (no tutorial v)\n if <(level) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (level 1 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (level 2 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [3]> then\n switch costume to (level 3 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [4]> then\n switch costume to (level 4 v)\n end\n if <(level) = [8]> then\n switch costume to (level 8 v)\n set [tutorialvisible? v] to [1]\n broadcast (runFinished v)\n broadcast (update highscores v)\n end\n end\n if <(TutorialVisible?) = [1]> then\n show\n else\n hide\n end\n set [lastchecklevel v] to (level)\nend\n\nwhen [t v] key pressed\nset [tutorialvisible? v] to ((0) - (TutorialVisible?))\n\n@Leaderboard\n\nwhen I receive [initialise highscores v]\nget username\nset [all characters v] to [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_]\ndelete all of [all characters v]\nset [index v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (all characters))\n add (letter (index) of (all characters)) to [all characters v]\n change [index v] by (1)\nend\nset [high score number v] to [5]\ndelete all of [high scores v]\ndelete all of [high score names v]\nrepeat (high score number)\n add [ScratchCat] to [high score names v]\n add [100] to [high scores v]\nend\ndecode high scores\n\nwhen I receive [update highscores v]\nset [updated? v] to [false]\ndecode high scores\nset [index v] to [1]\nrepeat (high score number)\n if <(round ((timer) * (100))) < (item (index) of [high scores v])> then\n set [updated? v] to [true]\n insert (round ((timer) * (100))) at (index) of [high scores v] \n insert (username) at (index) of [high score names v] \n change [index v] by (1)\n repeat until <(index) > (high score number)>\n if <(item (index) of [high score names v]) = (username)> then\n delete (index) of [high score names v]\n delete (index) of [high scores v]\n encode high scores\n stop [this script v]\n end\n change [index v] by (1)\n end\n delete ((high score number) + (1)) of [high scores v]\n delete ((high score number) + (1)) of [high score names v]\n encode high scores\n stop [this script v]\n else\n if <(item (index) of [high score names v]) = (username)> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\n end\n change [index v] by (1)\nend\n\ndefine get username\nset [username v] to []\nset [index v] to [1]\nrepeat (20)\n set [username v] to (join (username) (letter (index) of (username)))\n change [index v] by (1)\n if <(index) > (length of (username))> then\n stop [this script v]\n end\nend\n\ndefine encode high scores\nif <(connected?) = [true]> then\n set [cloud data v] to []\n set [highscore index v] to [1]\n repeat (high score number)\n encode name (item (highscore index) of [high score names v])\n encode score (item (highscore index) of [high scores v])\n change [highscore index v] by (1)\n end\n set [☁ highscores v] to (cloud data)\nend\ndecode high scores\n\ndefine encode name (name)\nset [index v] to [1]\nrepeat (length of (name))\n set [character v] to (letter (index) of (name))\n set [character number v] to (item # of (character) in [all characters v])\n if <(character number) < [10]> then\n set [character number v] to (join [0] (character number))\n end\n set [cloud data v] to (join (cloud data) (character number))\n change [index v] by (1)\nend\nrepeat ((20) - (length of (name)))\n set [cloud data v] to (join (cloud data) [00])\nend\n\ndefine encode score (score)\nset [score v] to ((score) mod (100000))\nrepeat until <(length of (score)) = [5]>\n set [score v] to (join [0] (score))\nend\nset [cloud data v] to (join (cloud data) (score))\n\ndefine decode high scores\nset [cloud data v] to (☁ Highscores)\nif <(cloud data) = [0]> then\n set [connected? v] to [false]\nelse\n set [index v] to [1]\n set [connected? v] to [true]\n set [highscore index v] to [1]\n repeat (high score number)\n decode name\n decode score\n replace item (highscore index) of [high score names v] with (decoded name)\n replace item (highscore index) of [high scores v] with (decoded score)\n change [highscore index v] by (1)\n end\nend\n\ndefine decode name\nset [decoded name v] to []\nrepeat (20)\n set [character number v] to (join (letter (index) of (cloud data)) (letter ((index) + (1)) of (cloud data)))\n if <(character number) > [0]> then\n set [character v] to (item (character number) of [all characters v])\n set [decoded name v] to (join (decoded name) (character))\n end\n change [index v] by (2)\nend\n\ndefine decode score\nset [decoded score v] to []\nrepeat (5)\n set [decoded score v] to (join (decoded score) (letter (index) of (cloud data)))\n change [index v] by (1)\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nbroadcast (initialise highscores v)\n\n@Touchscreen\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\nhide variable [controls v]\nhide variable [control name v]\nset [touchscreen - mousedownleftfield v] to [false]\nset [touchscreen - joystick x v] to [-170]\nset [touchscreen - joystick y v] to [-80]\nset [controls - id v] to [1]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [controls - id v] to [2]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [controls - id v] to [3]\ncreate clone of (_myself_ v)\nset [controls v] to [0]\nforever\n if <(Controls) = [0]> then\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouseDownPrevious?) = [false]>> then\n set [control - last recorded mouse x v] to (mouse x)\n set [control - last recorded mouse y v] to (mouse y)\n repeat until <<not <mouse down?>> or <<((mouse x) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse X)) > [100]> or <((mouse y) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse Y)) > [100]>>>\n change [player - yaw v] by (((mouse x) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse X)) * (0.75))\n change [player - pitch v] by (((mouse y) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse Y)) * (0.75))\n set [control - last recorded mouse x v] to (mouse x)\n set [control - last recorded mouse y v] to (mouse y)\n end\n end\n set [mousedownprevious? v] to <mouse down?>\n end\n if <(Controls) = [2]> then\n set [touchscreen - show? v] to [true]\n if <<mouse down?> and <(mouseDownPrevious?) = [false]>> then\n if <(mouse x) < [0]> then\n set [touchscreen - mousedownleftfield v] to [true]\n set [touchscreen - joystick x v] to (mouse x)\n set [touchscreen - joystick y v] to (mouse y)\n if <(Touchscreen - Joystick X) < [-180]> then\n set [touchscreen - joystick x v] to [-180]\n end\n if <(Touchscreen - Joystick X) > [-45]> then\n set [touchscreen - joystick x v] to [-45]\n end\n if <(Touchscreen - Joystick Y) < [-120]> then\n set [touchscreen - joystick y v] to [-120]\n end\n if <(Touchscreen - Joystick Y) > [0]> then\n set [touchscreen - joystick y v] to [0]\n end\n wait until <not <mouse down?>>\n set [touchscreen - mousedownleftfield v] to [false]\n set [touchscreen - joystick x v] to [-170]\n set [touchscreen - joystick y v] to [-80]\n else\n set [control - last recorded mouse x v] to (mouse x)\n set [control - last recorded mouse y v] to (mouse y)\n repeat until <<not <mouse down?>> or <<((mouse x) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse X)) > [100]> or <((mouse y) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse Y)) > [100]>>>\n change [player - yaw v] by (((mouse x) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse X)) * (0.75))\n change [player - pitch v] by (((mouse y) - (Control - Last Recorded Mouse Y)) * (0.75))\n set [control - last recorded mouse x v] to (mouse x)\n set [control - last recorded mouse y v] to (mouse y)\n end\n end\n end\n set [mousedownprevious? v] to <mouse down?>\n else\n set [touchscreen - show? v] to [false]\n end\nend\n\nwhen I receive [finishedloading v]\nshow variable [controls v]\nshow variable [control name v]\n\nwhen I start as a clone\nif <(Controls - ID) = [1]> then\n switch costume to (outer circle v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (75)\n forever\n if <(Touchscreen - Show?) = [true]> then\n show\n go to x: (Touchscreen - Joystick X) y: (Touchscreen - Joystick Y)\n point towards (mouse-pointer v)\n set [touchscreen - joystick direction v] to (direction)\n point in direction (90)\n set [control - distancetomouse v] to (distance to [mouse-pointer v])\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Controls - ID) = [2]> then\n switch costume to (inner circle v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n if <(Touchscreen - Show?) = [true]> then\n show\n if <(Touchscreen - MouseDownLeftField) = [true]> then\n if <(Control - DistanceToMouse) < [50]> then\n go to x: (mouse x) y: (mouse y)\n set [control - movement x v] to (((mouse x) - (Touchscreen - Joystick X)) / (50))\n set [control - movement y v] to (((mouse y) - (Touchscreen - Joystick Y)) / (50))\n else\n go to x: ((Touchscreen - Joystick X) + (([cos v] of ((Touchscreen - Joystick Direction) - (90)) ) * (50))) y: ((Touchscreen - Joystick Y) + (([sin v] of ((Touchscreen - Joystick Direction) + (90)) ) * (50)))\n set [control - movement x v] to ([cos v] of ((Touchscreen - Joystick Direction) - (90)) )\n set [control - movement y v] to ([sin v] of ((Touchscreen - Joystick Direction) + (90)) )\n end\n else\n go to x: (Touchscreen - Joystick X) y: (Touchscreen - Joystick Y)\n set [control - movement x v] to [0]\n set [control - movement y v] to [0]\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\nif <(Controls - ID) = [3]> then\n go to x: (180) y: (-50)\n point in direction (90)\n switch costume to (jump v)\n set [ghost v] effect to (25)\n go to [front v] layer\n forever\n if <(Touchscreen - Show?) = [true]> then\n show\n if <<mouse down?> and <touching (mouse-pointer v)?>> then\n set [control - jump? v] to [true]\n else\n set [control - jump? v] to [false]\n end\n else\n hide\n end\n end\nend\n\nwhen flag clicked\nforever\n if <(Controls) = [0]> then\n set [control name v] to [Keyboard & Mouse]\n else\n if <(Controls) = [1]> then\n set [control name v] to [ Keyboard Only ]\n else\n set [control name v] to [ Touchscreen ]\n end\n end\nend\n\n@Thumbnail\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\n@crosshair\n\nwhen flag clicked\nhide\n\nwhen I receive [finishedloading v]\ngo to [front v] layer\ngo to x: (0) y: (0)\nset size to (50) %\nshow\n\n
- I reshared this to make some MAJOR changes...\n 1. Create new orange enemies that throw bombs;\n 2. Modify the thumbnail;\n 3. Add the fact that I will make a part 6\n=====Info=====\nThe Red Ninja: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/401255085/\nThe Red Ninja 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/402521703/\nThe Red Ninja 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/402980379/\nThe Red Ninja 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/404940060/\n=====Disclaimer=====\nIt might lag occasionally on slow devices because of too many clones, but still, enjoy! This is also mobile friendly.\nFor less lag go to Forkphorus.github.io/#406739724\n=====Controls=====\nMove and Swim || Arrow keys or mobile tap\nShoot || Space or “Use weapon” button\nSwitch Weapon || Z or “Switch weapon” button\nSkip level || S\nAll levels are possible on both mobile and computer!