['inningsPitched | 6_2/3', 'matchDate | July_31', 'pitcherRecord | 2-2', 'startsNumber | sixth', 'teamName | Boston', 'teamName | St._Louis']
He went 6 2/3 innings in his sixth start for Boston since being acquired at the July 31 trade deadline from St. Louis, where he was 2-2.
['batterName | Cespedes', 'batterName | Napoli', "batterName | Nava's", 'homeRunNumber | third', 'inningNumber | third', 'pitchResult | home_run', 'pitchResult | singled', 'pitchResult | walked']
Cespedes singled and Napoli walked in front of Nava's third home run in the third.
['batterName | Bogaerts', 'homeRunNumber | first', 'matchDate | July_29', 'strikingType | opposite-field_drive_to_right-center', 'teamName | Toronto']
Two batters later, Bogaerts sent an opposite-field drive to right-center for his first home run since July 29 against Toronto.
['battingAverage | .224', 'fielderPosition | shortstop', 'gameNumber | three', 'hitNumber | seven']
The shortstop, who entered hitting .224, has seven hits in his last three games.
['injuryType | concussion', 'matchDate | Saturday']
He was activated Saturday from the seven-day concussion disabled list.
['batterName | Brian_McCann', 'inningNumber | fifth', 'pitchResult | single', 'strikingType | bunt', 'teamName | Yankees']
Embarrassing baserunning cost the Yankees when they threatened to get back in the game after Brian McCann beat the shift with a bunt single in the fifth.
['batterName | Prado', "fielderName | Cespedes'", 'strikeTrajectory | in_left_field,_and_the_ball_short-hopped_the_wall', 'strikingType | drive']
Prado hit a drive over Cespedes' head in left field, and the ball short-hopped the wall.
['fielderName | Carlos_Beltran']
Carlos Beltran, however, got a bad read and thought the ball might be caught.
['baseNumber | second', 'baseNumber | third']
So he headed back toward second before reversing course and jogging into third.
['baseNumber | second', 'batterName | McCann', 'batterName | Prado']
McCann had to hold up at second as Prado charged unaware toward the bag.
['baseNumber | second', 'batterName | McCann']
He never even saw McCann standing on second until he was a few steps away.
['batterName | Prado']
That left Prado trapped between bases, and he soon gave up in a rundown.
['batterName | Jacoby_Ellsbury', 'onBaseNumber | loaded', 'pitchNumber | two', 'pitchResult | run', 'pitchResult | walked', 'pitcherName | Kelly', 'strikingType | lined_out']
Kelly walked his next two batters, forcing in a run, and Jacoby Ellsbury lined out with the bases loaded.
["batterName | Derek_Jeter's", 'pitchResult | single', 'scoreTally | 7-3', 'strikeTrajectory | infield']
Derek Jeter's infield single -- he was initially called out before a replay review -- made it 7-3.
['batterName | Gardner', 'pitcherName | Kelly', 'strikeNumber | third']
Kelly then threw a called third strike past Gardner, who flipped his bat in disgust and fired down his helmet with two hands.
['umpireName | Tim_Timmons', 'umpireType | plate_umpire']
He was immediately ejected by plate umpire Tim Timmons.
['batterName | McCann', 'inningNumber | ninth', 'matchDate | Aug._25', 'pitchResult | homered', 'pitcherName | Koji_Uehara']
McCann homered in the ninth off Koji Uehara, who had been rested since Aug. 25.
['managerName | Manny_Acta', 'pitcherName | 23-year-old_rookie_John_Lannan', 'teamName | Nationals']
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nationals manager Manny Acta sure expects a lot from 23-year-old rookie John Lannan.
['finalScore | 2-0', 'hasLostTeam | Chicago_Cubs', "hasWonTeam | Washington's", 'inningsPitched | seven', 'matchDate | Suday', 'pitcherName | Lannan', 'scoreNumber | shutout']
Consider Lannan had just thrown seven shutout innings in Washington's 2-0 win over the Chicago Cubs on Suday.
['managerName | Acta']
What did Acta say? "I've seen him better."
['hitNumber | four-hit', 'inningsPitched | 19', 'pitcherName | Lannan', 'pitcherRecord | 2-2', 'scoreNumber | scoreless']
Lannan (2-2) pitched four-hit ball in matching a career high for innings and extending his scoreless innings streak to 19.
['ERA | 2.64', 'finalScore | 7-0', 'hasLostTeam | Nationals', 'hasWonTeam | Cubs', 'matchDate | Saturday', 'winLossType | loss']
He lowered his ERA to 2.64 as the Nationals bounced back from a 7-0 loss to the Cubs Saturday.
['batterName | Ronny_Cedeno', 'inningNumber | fifth', 'pitchResult | singled', 'pitcherName | left-hander', 'strikeOutNumber | three', 'walkNumber | four']
The left-hander struck out three, walked four and didn't allow a hit until Ronny Cedeno singled to start the fifth.
['inningNumber | fifth', 'inningNumber | sixth', 'pitcherName | left-hander', 'startsNumber | 11th', 'teamName | Chicago']
The left-hander was making just his 11th career start and had to work out of some tough situations, especially when Chicago threatened in the fifth and sixth innings.
['pitcherName | Lannan']
But Lannan kept his poise and escaped trouble.
['fielderName | Wil_Nieves', 'fielderPosition | catcher', 'pitcherName | Lannan']
Lannan also credited catcher Wil Nieves for helping him.
['fielderName | Nieves', 'inningsPitched | seven', 'matchDate | April_22', "pitcherName | Lannan's", 'scoreNumber | shutout', 'startsNumber | three', 'teamName | Braves']
Nieves was behind the plate for Lannan's three most recent starts, including seven shutout innings against the Braves on April 22.
['hitNumber | hitless', 'pitcherName | Jon_Rauch', 'pitcherName | Luis_Ayala', 'scoreNumber | shutout']
Luis Ayala and Jon Rauch each pitch a hitless inning to complete the shutout.
['pitcherName | Rauch', 'pitcherSaveRecord | fourth']
Rauch finished for his fourth save.
['RBI | singles', 'batterName | Nieves', 'batterName | Wily_Mo_Pena', 'hitNumber | four', 'inningNumber | second', 'inningsPitched | six', 'pitchResultNumber | back-to-back', 'pitcherName | Lilly', 'pitcherRecord | 1-4', 'runNumber | two', 'startsNumber | 200th']
Lilly (1-4), making his 200th start, gave up two runs on four hits in six innings, with most of his trouble coming in the second inning when Wily Mo Pena and Nieves had back-to-back RBI singles.
['hitNumber | one', 'teamName | Washington']
Washington got only one hit the rest of the game.
['batterName | Nick_Johnson', 'pitchResult | leadoff_single']
Nick Johnson started the second-inning rally with a leadoff single.
['baseNumber | second', 'batterName | Johnson', 'batterName | Lastings_Milledge', 'batterName | Pena', 'battersFacedNumber | two', 'outNumber | two-out', 'pitchResult | brought_him_in', 'pitchResult | single', 'strikeTrajectory | to_left', 'strikingType | sacrifice']
Lastings Milledge moved Johnson to second with a sacrifice, and Pena brought him in two batters later with a two-out single to left.
["batterName | Nieves'", 'batterName | Pena', 'pitchResult | scored', 'pitchResult | single', 'pitchResult | went_to_second', 'throwDirection | home']
Pena went to second on the throw home and scored on Nieves' single.
['inningNumber | fifth', 'inningNumber | sixth', 'teamName | Chicago']
Chicago missed scoring chances in the fifth and sixth.
['batterName | Ryan_Theriot', 'inningNumber | fifth', 'onBaseNumber | loaded_the_bases', 'outNumber | one', 'pitchResult | double_play', 'strikingType | grounded', 'teamName | Cubs']
The Cubs loaded the bases with one out in the fifth, but Ryan Theriot grounded into a double play.
['batterName | Cedeno', 'batterName | Mark_DeRosa', 'inningNumber | sixth', 'onBaseNumber | second', 'onBaseNumber | third', 'outNumber | one', 'pitchResult | out', 'pitcherName | Lannan', 'strikingType | ground']
They put runners at second and third with one out in the sixth, but Lannan then got Mark DeRosa and Cedeno to ground out.
['pitchResult | stranded', 'pitchResultNumber | eight', 'teamName | Cubs']
The Cubs put runners on in seven of the nine innings and stranded eight.
['pitcherName | Chris_Carpenter']
ST. LOUIS -- Chris Carpenter liked what he saw right from the start.
['RBI | double', 'batterName | Albert_Pujols', 'finalScore | 3-1', 'hasLostTeam | Reds', 'hasWonTeam | St._Louis_Cardinals', 'hitNumber | three-hitter', 'inningsPitched | complete_game', 'matchDate | Thursday_night', 'pitchResult | homer', 'pitcherName | Carpenter', 'runNumber | two-run', "teamName | Cincinnati's", 'winLossType | beat']
Carpenter took advantage of Cincinnati's free swingers, pitching a three-hitter for his first complete game in more than two years, and Albert Pujols took care of the offense with a two-run homer and RBI double as the St. Louis Cardinals beat the Reds 3-1 on Thursday night.
['competitionName | National_League_Central', 'gameNumber | four-game', 'hasWonTeam | Florida_Marlins', 'teamName | Cardinals', 'teamName | Milwaukee', 'teamName | St._Louis', 'teamStandings | tie_for_first', 'winLossType | lost', 'winLossType | victory']
The victory gave St. Louis a split of the four-game series and put the Cardinals in a tie for first in the National League Central with Milwaukee, which lost to the Florida Marlins.
['inningsPitched | complete_game', 'locationPlayed | Houston', 'matchDate | September_11,_2006', 'pitcherName | Carpenter', 'pitcherRecord | 4-0', 'pitchesTotalThrown | 95']
Carpenter (4-0) needed just 95 pitches for his 26th complete game and first since September 11, 2006, at Houston.
['inningsPitched | 7_2/3', 'pitchResult | double_plays']
With the help of two double plays, he faced the minimum through 7 2/3 innings.
['ERA | 0.71', "pitcherName | Carpenter's"]
Carpenter's ERA rose to 0.71 ERA.
['batterName | Laynce_Nix', 'homeRunNumber | 18th', 'inningNumber | eighth', 'pitchResult | homer', 'strikeTrajectory | to_right_field']
Laynce Nix spoiled the shutout bid with his 18th homer to right field in the eighth.
['earnedRunsNumber | three', 'hitNumber | 14', 'injuryType | oblique_injury', 'inningsPitched | 28', 'pitcherName | Carpenter']
Since returning from the disabled list May 20 with an oblique injury, Carpenter has allowed three earned runs and 14 hits in 28 innings.
['batterName | Pujols', 'pitcherName | Carpenter']
For Pujols, it was another Carpenter gem that didn't command too much analysis.
["batterName | Nix's", 'pitchResult | retired', 'pitchResultNumber | 12', 'pitcherName | Carpenter']
Carpenter had retired 12 straight before Nix's hit.
['hitNumber | first', 'inningNumber | seventh', 'pitchResult | singled', 'strikeOutNumber | three', 'walkNumber | none']
He struck out three, walked none and singled in the seventh for his first hit of the year.
['batterName | Brandon_Phillips', 'batterName | Chris_Dickerson', 'inningNumber | first', 'inningNumber | third', 'pitchResult | double_plays', 'pitchResult | singles', 'pitchResultNumber | both', 'strikingType | ground']
He gave up singles to Chris Dickerson in the first and third, but got Brandon Phillips to ground into double plays both times to end the inning.
['inningsPitched | went_the_distance', 'pitcherName | Aaron_Harang', 'pitcherRecord | 5-6']
Aaron Harang (5-6) went the distance in losing his second straight.
['hitNumber | eight', 'inningsPitched | eight', 'strikeOutNumber | three', 'walkNumber | two']
He gave up eight hits, striking out three and walking two in eight innings.
['finalScore | 8-3', 'hitNumber | seven', 'inningsPitched | seven', 'locationPlayed | Busch', 'matchDate | May_9', 'strikeOutNumber | seven', 'teamName | Cardinals', 'winLossType | victory']
He handled the Cardinals well in a 8-3 victory May 9 at Busch, spreading seven hits in seven innings and striking out seven.
['batterName | Pujols', 'pitcherName | Harang']
This time around, Pujols didn't give Harang a chance to settle in.
['batterName | Pujols', 'batterName | Skip_Schumaker', 'homeRunNumber | 17th', 'inningNumber | third', 'outNumber | one', 'pitchResult | homer', 'pitchResult | singled', 'strikeTrajectory | to_left-center']
Pujols' 17th homer to left-center came one out after Skip Schumaker singled to lead off the third.
['batterName | Colby_Rasmus', 'batterName | Pujols', 'gameNumber | fifth', 'inningNumber | sixth', 'pitchResult | double', 'pitchResult | doubled', 'pitchResult | scored', 'runNumber | 48th', 'strikeTrajectory | off_the_left-field_wall']
He drove in his 48th run of the year with a double off the left-field wall that scored Colby Rasmus in the sixth, marking the fifth consecutive game in which Pujols has doubled.
['baseReachedNumber | at_least_twice', "batterName | Keith_Hernandez's", 'gameNumber | 15']
He has now reached base at least twice in 15 consecutive games to tie Keith Hernandez's streak in 1980.
['teamName | Cardinals']
They are the longest such streaks in 50 years for the Cardinals.
['atBatNumber | first', "batterName | Harang's", 'pitchResult | homer']
The homer came on Harang's first offering of the at-bat.
['gameNumber | seven-game', 'gameNumber | three-game', 'locationPlayed | Milwaukee', 'standingsGames | 2_1/2', 'teamName | Cardinals', 'teamName | Milwaukee', 'teamName | Reds', 'teamRecord | 2-5']
The Reds finished their seven-game road trip with a 2-5 record, including a three-game sweep at Milwaukee, putting them 2 1/2 games behind the Cardinals and Milwaukee.
['gameNumber | six-game', 'gameNumber | three-game', 'matchDate | Friday', 'teamName | Chicago']
They return home for a three-game set against Chicago starting Friday before a six-game road trip.
['managerName | Dusty_Baker', 'teamName | Cincinnati']
Cincinnati manager Dusty Baker said there's not reason to dwell on the recent slide.
['teamName | Colorado_Rockies']
PHOENIX (AP) -- The Colorado Rockies figured it was only a matter of time until their high-powered offense started producing.
['batterName | Clint_Barmes', 'batterName | Garrett_Atkins', 'batterName | Matt_Holliday', 'finalScore | 13-5', 'gameNumber | eight-game', 'hasLostTeam | Arizona', 'hasWonTeam | Rockies', 'matchDate | Sunday', 'pitchResult | homered', "teamName | Diamondbacks'", 'winLossType | routed', 'winLossType | win']
That time came on Sunday, when Clint Barmes, Matt Holliday and Garrett Atkins homered and the Rockies routed Arizona 13-5, snapping the Diamondbacks' eight-game win streak.
['batterName | Atkins', 'batterName | Holliday', 'competitionName | NL_West', 'gameNumber | six', 'hasWonTeam | Rockies', 'runNumber | three', 'winLossRecord | the', 'winLossType | beat']
Holliday and Atkins knocked in three runs apiece for the Rockies, who beat their NL West rivals for the first time in six meetings this year.
['competitionName | NL_championship', 'gameNumber | 12', 'hasLostTeam | Diamondbacks', 'hasWonTeam | Colorado', 'winLossRecord | 10', 'winLossRecord | four', 'winLossType | beat']
Colorado beat the Diamondbacks 10 of the last 12 meetings a year ago, including four straight in the NL championship series.
['matchDate | Sunday', 'scoreTally | 38-10', 'standingsGames | 5', 'teamName | Diamondbacks', 'teamName | Rockies', 'teamStandings | division-leading', 'winLossRecord | five', 'winLossType | dropped']
But the Rockies had dropped the first five meetings this season by a combined 38-10, and they entered Sunday 5 games behind the division-leading Diamondbacks.
['managerName | Clint_Hurdle']
Still, manager Clint Hurdle rejected the notion that his team played with a sense of desperation on a bright, 89-degree day in the desert.
['finalScore | 10-3', 'finalScore | 8-2', 'gameNumber | two', 'hasLostTeam | Colorado', 'hasWonTeam | Diamondbacks', 'winLossType | drubbed']
The Diamondbacks had drubbed Colorado 8-2 and 10-3 in the first two games of the series.
['teamName | Rockies']
But they suspected that the Rockies would eventually break out of their slump.
['fielderPosition | starting_pitcher', 'pitcherName | Aaron_Cook', 'teamName | Rockies']
The Rockies piled up plenty of support for starting pitcher Aaron Cook.
['hitNumber | eight', 'inningsPitched | six', 'pitcherName | Cook', 'pitcherRecord | 1-1', 'runNumber | three']
Cook (1-1) went six innings, allowing three runs on eight hits.
['strikeOutNumber | four', 'walkNumber | three']
He walked three and struck out four.
['pitchType | offspeed_pitches', 'pitchType | sinker', 'pitcherName | Cook']
Cook said he was able to use offspeed pitches to complement his trademark sinker.
['pitchResult | strikes', 'pitchResultNumber | 57', 'pitchesTotalThrown | 96']
He threw 96 pitches -- 57 for strikes -- before giving way to the bullpen.
['pitcherName | Cook', 'scoreTally | 2-0_lead']
Cook went to the mound for the first time with a 2-0 lead.
['batterName | Barmes', 'batterName | Willy_Taveras', 'homeRunNumber | first', 'pitchCount | 1-2', 'pitchResult | homer', 'pitchResult | single', 'pitcherName | Edgar_Gonzalez', 'pitcherRecord | 0-1', 'strikeTrajectory | 380_feet_to_left_field', 'strikeTrajectory | to_center']
After Willy Taveras led off the game with a single to center, Barmes hit a 1-2 delivery from Edgar Gonzalez (0-1) 380 feet to left field for his first homer.
['batterName | Barmes', 'inningNumber | seventh', 'onBaseNumber | bases_loaded', 'pitchResult | single', 'pitcherName | Juan_Cruz', 'runNumber | two-run', 'walkNumber | walked']
Barmes added a two-run single in the seventh off Juan Cruz, who had walked the bases loaded.
['batterHitsTries | 6-for-11', 'batterName | Barmes', 'batterName | Troy_Tulowitzki', 'hitNumber | three']
Barmes, who had three hits and is 6-for-11 this season, was given a start in place of Troy Tulowitzki.
['inningsPitched | three', 'managerName | Bob_Melvin', 'pitcherName | Gonzalez', 'teamName | Arizona']
Arizona manager Bob Melvin lifted Gonzalez after only three innings.
['fielderPosition | fifth_starter', 'hitNumber | on', 'pitcherName | Gonzalez', 'runNumber | three', "teamName | Diamondbacks'"]
Gonzalez, the Diamondbacks' fifth starter, gave up three runs on five hits.
['pitchResult | hit', 'pitchResultNumber | two', 'strikeOutNumber | one', 'walkNumber | two']
He walked two, hit two and struck out one.
['pitcherName | Gonzalez']
Gonzalez left without speaking to reporters.
["batterName | Yorvit_Torrealba's", 'inningNumber | fifth', 'pitchResult | double', 'pitcherName | Jailen_Peguero', 'runNumber | two-run', 'scoreTally | 5-1', 'teamName | Rockies']
Yorvit Torrealba's two-run double in the fifth off Jailen Peguero put the Rockies ahead 5-1.
['inningNumber | sixth', 'pitchResult | Salazar', 'pitchResult | triple', 'runNumber | two-run', 'scoreTally | 5-3', 'teamName | Diamondbacks']
Salazar hit a two-run triple in the sixth to pull the Diamondbacks to 5-3.
['inningNumber | eighth', 'inningNumber | ninth', 'inningNumber | seventh', 'runNumber | four', 'runNumber | two', 'teamName | Rockies']
But the Rockies responded with two runs in the seventh and eighth and four more in the ninth.
["batterName | Atkins'", 'inningNumber | eighth', 'pitcherName | Doug_Slaten', 'runNumber | two-run', 'scoreTally | 9-3']
Atkins' two-run shot off Doug Slaten made it 9-3 in the eighth.
['homeRunNumber | third', 'inningNumber | ninth', 'pitchResult | homer', 'pitcherName | Holliday', 'pitcherName | Tony_Pena', 'runNumber | three-run', 'strikeTrajectory | to_left']
Holliday added a three-run shot to left off Tony Pena in the ninth for his third homer.
['pitcherName | Max_Scherzer']
MIAMI -- Even when Max Scherzer eases up on the strikeouts, he can be plenty tough.
['teamName | Miami_Marlins']
Just ask the Miami Marlins.
['finalScore | 8-2', 'hasLostTeam | Miami', 'hasWonTeam | Washington_Nationals', 'inningsPitched | eight', 'matchDate | Sunday', 'pitcherName | Scherzer', 'runNumber | two', 'strikeOutNumber | eight', 'winLossType | beat']
Scherzer fanned eight -- a modest total by his recent standards -- and allowed only two runs in eight innings Sunday to help the Washington Nationals beat Miami 8-2.
['hitNumber | six', 'pitcherName | Scherzer', 'pitcherRecord | 5-3', 'pitchesTotalThrown | 103', 'walkNumber | none']
Scherzer (5-3) gave up six hits, walked none and threw 103 pitches.
['startsNumber | three', 'strikeOutNumber | 20', 'strikeOutNumber | 38', 'teamName | Detroit', 'teamName | Miami']
He has 38 strikeouts in his past three starts, including a record-tying 20 against Detroit, but relied mostly on weak contact rather than whiffs against Miami.
['managerName | Dusty_Baker', 'teamName | Nationals']
Nationals manager Dusty Baker agreed.
['batterName | Justin_Bour', 'gameNumber | as_many', 'homeRunNumber | ninth', 'homeRunNumber | second', 'inningNumber | seventh', 'pitchResult | homer', "pitcherName | Scherzer's", 'runNumber | two-run', 'scoreNumber | shutout', 'strikingType | changeup']
Justin Bour ended Scherzer's shutout bid by pulling a changeup for a two-run homer in the seventh, his ninth home run this season and his second in as many games.
['homeRunNumber | 14', 'homeRunNumber | nine', 'pitcherName | Scherzer', 'startsNumber | four']
Scherzer has allowed 14 homers this year, including nine in his past four starts.
['ERA | 3.80', 'pitcherName | three-time_All-Star']
Even so, with an uncharacteristically high ERA of 3.80, the three-time All-Star feels his year is headed in the right direction.
['gameNumber | three-game', 'hasWonTeam | Washington', 'teamRecord | 7-6', 'winLossType | won']
Washington won the three-game series and took a 7-6 edge in the season series.
['competitionName | NL_East', 'matchDate | Sept._19']
The NL East foes don't meet again until Sept. 19.
['RBI | two', 'batterName | Ben_Revere', 'battingAverage | .185', 'battingLineupNumber | leadoff', 'hitNumber | three', 'pitchResult | stolen_bases', 'pitchResultNumber | two', 'runNumber | two', 'teamName | Nationals']
Nationals leadoff batter Ben Revere had three hits, two runs, two RBI and his first two stolen bases of the year, and hiked his average to .185.