Beth signed up for her school's spelling bee.
She spelt every word right and won.
Beth spent 2 months working hard to prepare for the bee.
[ "Beth spent 2 months working hard to prepare for the bee." ]
Frank bought a vintage bicycle at a neighbor's yard sale.
After a few days, Frank was finished and the bike was like new.
Frank was able to restore the old bike.
[ "Frank was able to restore the old bike." ]
Marcy was the kind of person who liked order and predictability.
She was delighted to find she liked it even more than her usual!
Marcy had to choose something new one day.
[ "Marcy had to choose something new one day." ]
Emily loved to paint.
Emily always closed the door to her studio after that.
Emily painted daily after work.
[ "Emily painted daily after work." ]
Mike wanted to buy a bike for a long time.
Mike's family members finally let him keep the bike.
Mike borrowed one from his family.
[ "Mike borrowed one from his family." ]
Tim's class had a short story contest.
Tim ended up winning the contest.
Tim spent every night for two weeks working on his story.
[ "Tim spent every night for two weeks working on his story." ]
Ben wore the colors of the Confederate Army.
He was sent back to the front with a wooden prosthesis.
He was injured in a war.
[ "He was injured in a war." ]
Last year I was feeling very depressed because I lost my job.
Imagine the joy I felt when I jackpotted, winning $1400 that night!
I bought a lottery ticket to cheer up.
[ "I bought a lottery ticket to cheer up." ]
Jerry had always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
Jerry decided to play his guitar for his friends.
Jerry took guitar lessons.
[ "Jerry took guitar lessons." ]
The boat was all set and ready to leave the dock.
Jed had such a great time and knew that his brothers did as well.
Jed and his brothers got in the boat and went sailing.
[ "Jed and his brothers got in the boat and went sailing." ]
Today, Clark was on a normal walk through his neighborhood.
The kitten become one of Clark's best friends.
Clark saw a little kitten on the walk.
[ "Clark saw a little kitten on the walk." ]
Jeff won the lottery when his numbers were announced.
Jeff returned to the restaurant for his wallet, but he lost his money.
Jeff's wallet got stolen while he wasn't looking.
[ "Jeff's wallet got stolen while he wasn't looking." ]
Ferdy is at the poker game.
Ferdy is not very happy and hits the man.
The man next to him cheats at cards.
[ "The man next to him cheats at cards." ]
I went to the candy store yesterday.
When I tasted it it tasted bad.
I bought several bags of candy in the clearance section without looking at the expiration date.
[ "I bought several bags of candy in the clearance section without looking at the expiration date." ]
Zumba sent me a coupon for myself and one to share with a friend.
Later on she excitedly told me she bought the pants for me, too!
I saw Zumba buying a cool pair of pants.
[ "I saw Zumba buying a cool pair of pants." ]
Miles was a soccer player.
His leg was wounded but he felt proud of himself!
he scored a goal but hurt his leg.
[ "he scored a goal but hurt his leg." ]
Sister Jean hit me with a ruler.
I told Sister Jean if she did I'd break her arm.
She threatened to hit me every day.
[ "She threatened to hit me every day." ]
Timmy was watching the morning news.
His teacher showed the news segment in class afterwards.
Timmy saw his school featured on the news .
[ "Timmy saw his school featured on the news ." ]
Maddie was in tenth grade.
Her answer was Sacramento, she had to retake geography twice.
Maddie studied for her test.
[ "Maddie studied for her test." ]
Bob asked Sue out on a date.
Sue was upset and did not go back out with Bob.
Bob made Sue mad on the date.
[ "Bob made Sue mad on the date." ]
Ophelia was getting sick of her loud city neighborhood.
However, occasionally, she found herself missing the city life.
Ophelia decided to move to a more quiet town.
[ "Ophelia decided to move to a more quiet town." ]
Horatio has spent months looking for work.
Horatio feels great that he has finally found a job.
He was offered a well paying position.
[ "He was offered a well paying position." ]
Tim decided to get his own business.
The billboard ended up getting him many customers.
Tim got a billboard.
[ "Tim got a billboard." ]
Neil was exploring Amish countryside.
Neil thought their culture sounded quaint and beautiful!
Neil spent some time there.
[ "Neil spent some time there." ]
I went to Camp as a child.
I was so freaked out, I called my mom to come get me.
I had bad memories at camp and our senior trip was to the same camp site.
[ "I had bad memories at camp and our senior trip was to the same camp site." ]
Linda was drinking bottled water.
Linda was too suspicious and threw all of her bottled water away.
Linda's water tasted bad and she didn't know why.
[ "Linda's water tasted bad and she didn't know why." ]
Every night I dreamt about a man in a blue box.
I head to the door and see the man in the blue box has come for me.
There was always a knock before I heard his footsteps.
[ "There was always a knock before I heard his footsteps." ]
Our neighbor's child was two when we met.
Her mother said she has a strange napping habit.
We only saw the child at night.
[ "We only saw the child at night." ]
It was a warm day and the gas was cheap.
I wish I could go back to when everything wasn't so cold and expensive.
Then winter came and gas was difficult to mine.
[ "Then winter came and gas was difficult to mine." ]
At work we ran out of gravy mix.
However, I ended up burning the gravy.
We managed to find more.
[ "We managed to find more." ]
Dave loved to write.
They sold really well and now Dave has a lot of money and fame.
Dave wrote a bestselling children's series.
[ "Dave wrote a bestselling children's series." ]
The Taylors wanted to take a vacation.
They made the decision to go to Pigeon Forge.
they looked through some pamphlets to see what place sounded good.
[ "they looked through some pamphlets to see what place sounded good." ]
It is spring time and the grass is turning green.
Now I have green grass with yellow flowers.
I did not put down weed killer.
[ "I did not put down weed killer." ]
I had lots of imaginary friends when I was little.
She thinks I have Dissociative Identity Disorder.
I told this to my psychatrist.
[ "I told this to my psychatrist." ]
Martin didn't like doing his homework.
When test time came Martin had no know of the material and failed.
Martin decided to copy off his friend.
[ "Martin decided to copy off his friend." ]
Charles found a job in the least likely place.
He walked up to Charles and asked him what did he do for work?
Charles had a friend who saw him at a party.
[ "Charles had a friend who saw him at a party." ]
Chuck was bored with the everyday meals he always cooked.
It was good that he liked it because no one else did.
Chuck experimented with a new kind of chili made with white beans and pineapple.
[ "Chuck experimented with a new kind of chili made with white beans and pineapple." ]
A bus was driven by a mean old man.
He gave them a mean face causing the people to take the next bus.
He was very rude to the people about to get on the bus.
[ "He was very rude to the people about to get on the bus." ]
Gina had cracked one of her shell earrings.
She found her left earring had broken, and only half of it remained.
She noticed one was missing and looked for it.
[ "She noticed one was missing and looked for it." ]
Amy has been pregnant for nine months.
Amy and her husband love the new child very much.
Amy went into labor and had the baby.
[ "Amy went into labor and had the baby." ]
I went outside to check the mail.
I walked to the address and gave it to the owner, who thanked me.
I realized I had received my neighbors mail.
[ "I realized I had received my neighbors mail." ]
Charlie wanted to be a police officer in Hawaii.
Charlie vowed to change things if he was ever made chief.
Charlie was disappointed with police culture after joining.
[ "Charlie was disappointed with police culture after joining." ]
Tom was a doctor for ten Year's.
He's having a hard time finding more insurance now.
Tom left his job.
[ "Tom left his job." ]
Tina walked into English class.
She was not ready.
Tina had a test she hadn't studied for today.
[ "Tina had a test she hadn't studied for today." ]
I finished a collection of short stories today.
I wrote my 50,000th word tonight!
My collection has gotten quite long.
[ "My collection has gotten quite long." ]
My daughter's good friend is pregnant.
They finally found out they are having a girl.
She went to determine her gender.
[ "She went to determine her gender." ]
Josh really wanted to get into law school.
Josh finally got accepted into law school the next year.
Josh decided to apply to 10 different schools to increase his chances.
[ "Josh decided to apply to 10 different schools to increase his chances." ]
All Tim's life, he wanted to make music.
Tim became a professional musician.
Tim decided to take up guitar.
[ "Tim decided to take up guitar." ]
Meg wanted to be on the school softball team with her friends.
Meg made the team!
Meg worked really hard on her skills.
[ "Meg worked really hard on her skills." ]
John's classmate made peanut butter cookies.
Quickly, he administered his Epi-Pen treatment.
John had an allergic reaction to the cookies.
[ "John had an allergic reaction to the cookies." ]
Marie had to work on her birthday.
All of her friends had planned a surprise birthday party for her.
Marie was disappointed she couldn't spend it with her friends.
[ "Marie was disappointed she couldn't spend it with her friends." ]
John was on a walk through town, when a man came running behind him.
The woman was very grateful, and they became friends.
John grabbed the man, who had just robbed a woman.
[ "John grabbed the man, who had just robbed a woman." ]
The county inspectors visited our trailer park.
Then John and I built a really stable set of handrails for my steps.
They said that John and I needed new handrails.
[ "They said that John and I needed new handrails." ]
I needed to buy a new part for my computer.
I fixed the issue, and then bought the part with no problem.
There was a problem with the new part.
[ "There was a problem with the new part." ]
Annie wanted to adopt a dog.
Annie decided to adopt Rex.
Annie went to the shelter and met some dogs.
[ "Annie went to the shelter and met some dogs." ]
Jason had never been a great baseball player.
Jason was very happy he had practiced so much.
Senior year he improved and made the team.
[ "Senior year he improved and made the team." ]
Wendy thought a dark tan would complement her prom dress.
Wendy held out her hand and saw her palm was vivid orange.
Wendy decided to get a spray tan.
[ "Wendy decided to get a spray tan." ]
Max's little sister insisted on making sugar cookies by herself.
At least they tasted good!
Max's sister changed the recipe because she didn't have some ingredients.
[ "Max's sister changed the recipe because she didn't have some ingredients." ]
Sammy bought a number of illegal fireworks online.
Soon the police showed up and Sammy's fun was over.
The site was a set up by the police.
[ "The site was a set up by the police." ]
Bob was trying to sleep.
He turned it on and slept warmly.
Bob felt cold so he grabbed a heating blanket.
[ "Bob felt cold so he grabbed a heating blanket." ]
Avery and Connor are two kids who live in my building.
As I left I complimented their mom about the kids' helpfulness.
They carried some of my shopping up to my apartment.
[ "They carried some of my shopping up to my apartment." ]
Gina looked up at the icy hill through her windshield.
She was still stuck and would need to try again.
Gina's car had skidded off the road and she was trapped in a ditch.
[ "Gina's car had skidded off the road and she was trapped in a ditch." ]
Gustav had to mail a package at the post office.
Gustav got his package out at the last second.
He went to the post office.
[ "He went to the post office." ]
Jake sprained his ankle while playing soccer.
Jake sighed in relief.
The doctor said it was just a minor sprain.
[ "The doctor said it was just a minor sprain." ]
Mark wanted to buy a new laptop.
He got it within a couple of days and was really happy.
He ordered one online.
[ "He ordered one online." ]
Betty was hunting to feed her family.
Betty smiled, knowing her family would eat tonight.
She was cooking all the afternoon.
[ "She was cooking all the afternoon." ]
The next day was the collection day for recycling.
Jim brought his empty bucket back into his house for next week.
Jim put the recycling bucket to the street to get picked up.
[ "Jim put the recycling bucket to the street to get picked up." ]
Rita plays tennis.
Rita can now serve without faults.
Rita got herself a tennis trainer.
[ "Rita got herself a tennis trainer." ]
Ben bought a dog crate for an upcoming airline trip.
She was really upset when the store would not take the return.
Her dog did not like the crate so she decided to return it.
[ "Her dog did not like the crate so she decided to return it." ]
My sister in law is trying to save money.
She was glad to hear that.
My sister's dinner was paid for.
[ "My sister's dinner was paid for." ]
Tammy trained hard for a marathon.
This motivated her to try another one.
Tammy finished with a decent time.
[ "Tammy finished with a decent time." ]
Daniel's car breaks down on the highway.
Daniel pays a lot of money to have his car fixed.
Daniel then takes the car to a mechanic.
[ "Daniel then takes the car to a mechanic." ]
Chuck was driving down the road.
He didn't really need to go that way anyway.
The road was under construction so Chuck had to detour.
[ "The road was under construction so Chuck had to detour." ]
I have a big pet dog.
Now he won't eat anything else except biscuits!
My brother fed him bisquits.
[ "My brother fed him bisquits." ]
Today was a very hot day.
I woke up with a sunburn.
I lied sleeping in the sun for two hours.
[ "I lied sleeping in the sun for two hours." ]
The boat was traveling for a long time.
The boat picked it up and helped keep the ocean clean.
The boat saw some trash floating in the ocean.
[ "The boat saw some trash floating in the ocean." ]
Ava was visiting the nature preserve.
Soon chickadees were landing on her palm to eat!
Ava brought bird seed.
[ "Ava brought bird seed." ]
It was girl's night out and Tammy was ready to party.
They all commented on how pretty she looked.
Tammy dressed up special for the night.
[ "Tammy dressed up special for the night." ]
Gus forgot to take his lunch to school.
It was even better than the lunch he left at home.
Gus's gave him his lunch.
[ "Gus's gave him his lunch." ]
Tim lit a cigarette before bed one night.
Tim knew he was lucky he hadn't caused a house fire.
Tim's bed caught fire while he was smoking.
[ "Tim's bed caught fire while he was smoking." ]
Boris had a baseball game coming up.
His team won the game because Boris hit the winning home run.
Boris hit the home run.
[ "Boris hit the home run." ]
George was told that he failed his class.
During the first exam, he ended up with an A.
So, he buckled down and studied for the next test.
[ "So, he buckled down and studied for the next test." ]
Ryan hiked to school in the snow.
Ryan played in the snow all night.
Ryan loved snow days.
[ "Ryan loved snow days." ]
Duke loved music.
He began buying individual songs on iTunes and loved it.
Duke did not love every song on an album.
[ "Duke did not love every song on an album." ]
Vladimir realized he had not left his home in two days.
He decided he would never go so long without leaving the house.
Vladimir felt really lazy.
[ "Vladimir felt really lazy." ]
Missy was in Gym class.
She made it to the top of the rope.
Missy decided to climb the rope.
[ "Missy decided to climb the rope." ]
Matt and his girlfriend went on a trip.
They went to a store and bought more food.
Matt and his girlfriend quickly ran out of food.
[ "Matt and his girlfriend quickly ran out of food." ]
Kelly adopted a dog from the pound.
Kelly realized this is why the dog was so fat.
The dog ate a lot of food every day.
[ "The dog ate a lot of food every day." ]
A man wanted to learn how to play every instrument.
He then moved on to the oboe and the tambourine.
The man played the piano.
[ "The man played the piano." ]
Kelly was eating sourdough bread.
She pushed the tooth and off it came.
The bread was sticking badly to her teeth.
[ "The bread was sticking badly to her teeth." ]
Sam wanted to become an actor.
Sam ended up being happy without being an actor.
Sam was not hired at her tryouts.
[ "Sam was not hired at her tryouts." ]
Jane was walking downstairs.
She immediately sat on the ground.
Jane fell on the last step.
[ "Jane fell on the last step." ]
Jimmy was a sophomore in college.
It got so bad that within weeks he decided to leave the school.
Jimmy had a hard time learning the topics.
[ "Jimmy had a hard time learning the topics." ]
Molly's sons needed to go the dentists office.
When the boys were done, they got to choose some prizes.
The boys had a routine cleaning.
[ "The boys had a routine cleaning." ]
When I woke up in the morning, I was exhausted.
After the coffee I got my energy back.
I decided to get some coffee.
[ "I decided to get some coffee." ]
Sara had a lot of time until her show came on.
Finally her show came on and she was happy for the rest of the day.
She was impatient and she watched the last episode over and over.
[ "She was impatient and she watched the last episode over and over." ]
Albert liked a girl that never liked him back.
Albert forgave her and the two began to date.
One day the girl asked Albert to a dance.
[ "One day the girl asked Albert to a dance." ]
Rocket was the nickname of Jose.
Jose was embarrassed that he had lost.
Jose ran as fast as he could but still lost.
[ "Jose ran as fast as he could but still lost." ]
Tina collected old newspapers.
This limited her collection and made it more manageable and exclusive.
She reduced it to a particular subject.
[ "She reduced it to a particular subject." ]
James had earned some money doing yard work.
To his surprise, he had found a special edition card in his pack.
James bought a pack of pokemon cards.
[ "James bought a pack of pokemon cards." ]