stringlengths 1
| historical_title
stringlengths 10
16858552 | Same substrings in string c# |
50481226 | Best way to WebAPI.Core Model Validation in every method |
10941657 | C#: creating files, recursively creating directories |
9126892 | what's the difference B/w Events and Methods In C# |
2016206 | C#: Why is this TryParseExact failing? |
1620947 | How could i Drag and Drop DataGridView Rows under each other ? |
3299283 | How to check if an userControl is in front of others in C#? |
1155410 | Distinct Values in C# Dictionary |
4261041 | c# - which objects does the garbage collector not clean up? |
459560 | Initialize data on Assembly load |
1993494 | C# generics - without wildcards by design? |
794332 | Migrating Handles from VB.NET to C# |
40780157 | Ho to add a custom code analyzer to a project without nuget or VSIX? |
3900371 | Calling a webservice from C# with HTTP POST |
23789647 | WPF merge grid columns |
26123907 | C# convert RTF string to XAML string |
3345553 | How do you convert 3 bytes into a 24bit number in C#? |
12897082 | How to read Excel OpenXML (C#) |
1477740 | C# File.Create , can't delete file afterwards... |
1189728 | Why can't I use LINQ on ListView.SelectedItems |
6733845 | C# Convert a 64Base byte[] -> byte[] |
7580145 | Draw a Fill Rectangle |
17939856 | Differnce between define dictionary |
1359384 | Will bad things happen to me if I name my arrays, collections, lists, enumerables, etc. just the plural of what it contains? |
5631618 | c# app.cofig file |
4463706 | .NET Windows Service - Cannot write to Registry Key - UnauthroizedAccessException |
4964663 | C# Why does this code cause Excel to not close properly? |
11431793 | Convert.ToInt32 rounds to the nearest even number? |
2659214 | A Question about .net Rfc2898DeriveBytes class? |
15443739 | What is the simplest way to write the contents of a StringBuilder to a text file on in .NET 1.1? |
15617068 | c# does Timer.stop timer.start restart the interval countdown? |
34729430 | string interning in .Net |
26021197 | Lasy loading without locks in multithread application |
13815028 | Why do i use volatile get the diffrent result? |
24103101 | Suspending event not raising on Windows Phone 8.1 using WinRT |
10294302 | How merge two Task results in a third task? |
3230830 | Bitmap operations in C# using a mask |
7356205 | Remove file extension from a string of a file? |
5332084 | Tool generating code explanation from the given code |
1262246 | ASP.NET / C#: Web service not serializing abstract base class |
5260682 | Difference between an Exchange Server and a SMTP server? |
9403782 | WPF: First underscore in a DataGridColumnHeader gets removed |
8832589 | check and uncheck the checkbox in repeater control using javascript |
17940315 | find all strings starts with @@ and ends with @@ in long string |
5893937 | How to make DateTime independet from the current culture? |
1293273 | storing temporay data for application |
2332053 | c# Console.WriteLine problems. |
1118811 | in c#, when we are writing a method which gets for example 6 parameter and we want to break the parameters in 3 lines, how could we break the lines? |
4290203 | Simple C#: why assigning null in ternary operator fails: no implicit conversion between null and int? |
5453338 | ASP.NET MVC 3 Redirect From Action Filter Attribute |
4044796 | C# explicitly implementing an interface with an abstract method |
5710485 | C# Use of unassigned local variable |
4191079 | Stringbuilder vs String.Concat |
19262845 | Covariance and Contravariance - simple explanation? |
15405180 | How do I solve this StackOverflowException? |
23372045 | Why cant I write if (object is HashSet<>) but its okay if I write (object.GetType() == typeof(HashSet<>)) |
14692376 | C# Net.Mail causing exchange server issues |
8256996 | how do I add attribute comments for a method in c# |
681459 | C# Correct paramName for ArgumentException in Property Setter |
3171405 | What does "OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel" actually do? - WCF, C#.NET |
10878500 | WPF ListView Grouping does not update when bound property is changed |
31291008 | System.Net.Http.HttpClient vs Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient |
7970276 | Reading from RavenDb immediatly after writing to it returns inconsistant data |
5125373 | About chaging datatype of the field in the sql programatically |
31289043 | language specific dlls copied to bin directory |
12014872 | Why do you need a private setter in a property? |
4455428 | Difference between IQuerable, ICollection ,IList & IDictionary interface |
2483604 | Using IoC and Dependency Injection, how do I wrap an existing implementation with a new layer of implementation without changing existing code so as not to violate the Open-Closed principle? |
49411520 | Sharing logger between different .NET fameworks |
4254339 | How to loop through the all the files in a directory in c # .net? |
12382831 | install an assebly to GAC uisng c# |
22683040 | How to check all properties of an object whether null or empty in C#? |
38139838 | new keyword will be used to hide the |
38357864 | C# - How to conditionally deserialize JSON object based on another JSON property? |
17313632 | Self referencing loop detected - Getting back data from WebApi to the browser with Entity Framework 5 |
5816776 | In c#, is foreach purely a “syntactic sugar”? Or is there anything deeper about it? |
1554689 | How can I specify < 0 [ zero ] in switch case(C#) |
12946073 | C# Ambiguity in Word Interop code |
8459755 | Best Practices for ArgumentException vs. ArgumentNullException? |
11311570 | Decimal.TryParse don't parse my decimal values |
8389803 | Insert Data into database in C# |
1142828 | add timer to windows form |
4800446 | Decare a variable using a Type variable |
512166 | (C#)The foreach identifier and closures |
9953132 | What is the difference betwenn Dispatcher.BeginInvoke and Tast.Factory.StartNew |
21152630 | Unable to debug managed code using visual studio 2013 (please note 2012 works) |
3702418 | where Generic list for value type is stored on heap or stack? |
38205606 | C# Nullables propagation parenthesis needed |
36499297 | C# - What should an async method do if a Task is conditionally executed? |
4554136 | How does DateTime.Now.Tick exactly work? |
1815492 | C#/.NET: How to determine whether an exception is being handled? |
2867470 | DateTime Subtract in C# |
12903262 | Portable class library:recommended replacement for [Serializable] |
12831332 | Dotnetopenauth realm issue |
21654669 | How I can avoid repeating code with model is valid in asp mvc using action filters? |
47086472 | Should I define `Id` property in addition to the corresponding `navigation property`? |
44356052 | Minimal Footprint ASP.NET Core WebAPI |
42621948 | List all Files and Folders from Google Drive using .net sdk v3 |
18663605 | LINQ Select from a datarow with apostrophe conflict C# |
3914443 | one main try catch in method calling methods that dont implement a try-catch |