import random from typing import Optional, Sequence import numpy as np import torch from datasets.utils import Rays, namedtuple_map from import collate, default_collate_fn_map from nerfacc.estimators.occ_grid import OccGridEstimator from nerfacc.estimators.prop_net import PropNetEstimator from nerfacc.grid import ray_aabb_intersect, traverse_grids from nerfacc.volrend import ( accumulate_along_rays_, render_weight_from_density, rendering, ) Rays = collections.namedtuple("Rays", ("origins", "viewdirs")) def namedtuple_map(fn, tup): """Apply `fn` to each element of `tup` and cast to `tup`'s namedtuple.""" return type(tup)(*(None if x is None else fn(x) for x in tup)) class OccGridEstimator(AbstractEstimator): """Occupancy grid transmittance estimator for spatial skipping. References: "Instant Neural Graphics Primitives." Args: roi_aabb: The axis-aligned bounding box of the region of interest. Useful for mapping the 3D space to the grid. resolution: The resolution of the grid. If an integer is given, the grid is assumed to be a cube. Otherwise, a list or a tensor of shape (3,) is expected. Default: 128. levels: The number of levels of the grid. Default: 1. """ DIM: int = 3 def __init__( self, roi_aabb: Union[List[int], Tensor], resolution: Union[int, List[int], Tensor] = 128, levels: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__() if "contraction_type" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "`contraction_type` is not supported anymore for nerfacc >= 0.4.0." ) # check the resolution is legal if isinstance(resolution, int): resolution = [resolution] * self.DIM if isinstance(resolution, (list, tuple)): resolution = torch.tensor(resolution, dtype=torch.int32) assert isinstance(resolution, Tensor), f"Invalid type: {resolution}!" assert resolution.shape[0] == self.DIM, f"Invalid shape: {resolution}!" # check the roi_aabb is legal if isinstance(roi_aabb, (list, tuple)): roi_aabb = torch.tensor(roi_aabb, dtype=torch.float32) assert isinstance(roi_aabb, Tensor), f"Invalid type: {roi_aabb}!" assert roi_aabb.shape[0] == self.DIM * 2, f"Invalid shape: {roi_aabb}!" # multiple levels of aabbs aabbs = torch.stack( [_enlarge_aabb(roi_aabb, 2**i) for i in range(levels)], dim=0 ) # total number of voxels self.cells_per_lvl = int( self.levels = levels # Buffers self.register_buffer("resolution", resolution) # [3] self.register_buffer("aabbs", aabbs) # [n_aabbs, 6] self.register_buffer( "occs", torch.zeros(self.levels * self.cells_per_lvl) ) self.register_buffer( "binaries", torch.zeros([levels] + resolution.tolist(), dtype=torch.bool), ) # Grid coords & indices grid_coords = _meshgrid3d(resolution).reshape( self.cells_per_lvl, self.DIM ) self.register_buffer("grid_coords", grid_coords, persistent=False) grid_indices = torch.arange(self.cells_per_lvl) self.register_buffer("grid_indices", grid_indices, persistent=False) def sampling( self, # rays rays_o: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] # sigma/alpha function for skipping invisible space sigma_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, alpha_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, near_plane: float = 0.0, far_plane: float = 1e10, t_min: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] t_max: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] # rendering options render_step_size: float = 1e-3, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, stratified: bool = False, cone_angle: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Sampling with spatial skipping. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: rays_o: Ray origins of shape (n_rays, 3). rays_d: Normalized ray directions of shape (n_rays, 3). sigma_fn: Optional. If provided, the marching will skip the invisible space by evaluating the density along the ray with `sigma_fn`. It should be a function that takes in samples {t_starts (N,), t_ends (N,), ray indices (N,)} and returns the post-activation density values (N,). You should only provide either `sigma_fn` or `alpha_fn`. alpha_fn: Optional. If provided, the marching will skip the invisible space by evaluating the density along the ray with `alpha_fn`. It should be a function that takes in samples {t_starts (N,), t_ends (N,), ray indices (N,)} and returns the post-activation opacity values (N,). You should only provide either `sigma_fn` or `alpha_fn`. near_plane: Optional. Near plane distance. Default: 0.0. far_plane: Optional. Far plane distance. Default: 1e10. t_min: Optional. Per-ray minimum distance. Tensor with shape (n_rays). If provided, the marching will start from maximum of t_min and near_plane. t_max: Optional. Per-ray maximum distance. Tensor with shape (n_rays). If provided, the marching will stop by minimum of t_max and far_plane. render_step_size: Step size for marching. Default: 1e-3. early_stop_eps: Early stop threshold for skipping invisible space. Default: 1e-4. alpha_thre: Alpha threshold for skipping empty space. Default: 0.0. stratified: Whether to use stratified sampling. Default: False. cone_angle: Cone angle for linearly-increased step size. 0. means constant step size. Default: 0.0. Returns: A tuple of {LongTensor, Tensor, Tensor}: - **ray_indices**: Ray index of each sample. IntTensor with shape (n_samples). - **t_starts**: Per-sample start distance. Tensor with shape (n_samples,). - **t_ends**: Per-sample end distance. Tensor with shape (n_samples,). Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = grid.sampling( >>> rays_o, rays_d, render_step_size=1e-3) >>> t_mid = (t_starts + t_ends) / 2.0 >>> sample_locs = rays_o[ray_indices] + t_mid * rays_d[ray_indices] """ near_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=near_plane) far_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=far_plane) if t_min is not None: near_planes = torch.clamp(near_planes, min=t_min) if t_max is not None: far_planes = torch.clamp(far_planes, max=t_max) if stratified: near_planes += torch.rand_like(near_planes) * render_step_size intervals, samples, _ = traverse_grids( rays_o, rays_d, self.binaries, self.aabbs, near_planes=near_planes, far_planes=far_planes, step_size=render_step_size, cone_angle=cone_angle, ) t_starts = intervals.vals[intervals.is_left] t_ends = intervals.vals[intervals.is_right] ray_indices = samples.ray_indices packed_info = samples.packed_info # skip invisible space if (alpha_thre > 0.0 or early_stop_eps > 0.0) and ( sigma_fn is not None or alpha_fn is not None ): alpha_thre = min(alpha_thre, self.occs.mean().item()) # Compute visibility of the samples, and filter out invisible samples if sigma_fn is not None: if t_starts.shape[0] != 0: sigmas = sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) else: sigmas = torch.empty((0,), device=t_starts.device) assert ( sigmas.shape == t_starts.shape ), "sigmas must have shape of (N,)! Got {}".format(sigmas.shape) masks = render_visibility_from_density( t_starts=t_starts, t_ends=t_ends, sigmas=sigmas, packed_info=packed_info, early_stop_eps=early_stop_eps, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) elif alpha_fn is not None: if t_starts.shape[0] != 0: alphas = alpha_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) else: alphas = torch.empty((0,), device=t_starts.device) assert ( alphas.shape == t_starts.shape ), "alphas must have shape of (N,)! Got {}".format(alphas.shape) masks = render_visibility_from_alpha( alphas=alphas, packed_info=packed_info, early_stop_eps=early_stop_eps, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = ( ray_indices[masks], t_starts[masks], t_ends[masks], ) return ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends def update_every_n_steps( self, step: int, occ_eval_fn: Callable, occ_thre: float = 1e-2, ema_decay: float = 0.95, warmup_steps: int = 256, n: int = 16, ) -> None: """Update the estimator every n steps during training. Args: step: Current training step. occ_eval_fn: A function that takes in sample locations :math:`(N, 3)` and returns the occupancy values :math:`(N, 1)` at those locations. occ_thre: Threshold used to binarize the occupancy grid. Default: 1e-2. ema_decay: The decay rate for EMA updates. Default: 0.95. warmup_steps: Sample all cells during the warmup stage. After the warmup stage we change the sampling strategy to 1/4 uniformly sampled cells together with 1/4 occupied cells. Default: 256. n: Update the grid every n steps. Default: 16. """ if not raise RuntimeError( "You should only call this function only during training. " "Please call _update() directly if you want to update the " "field during inference." ) if step % n == 0 and self._update( step=step, occ_eval_fn=occ_eval_fn, occ_thre=occ_thre, ema_decay=ema_decay, warmup_steps=warmup_steps, ) # adapted from def mark_invisible_cells( self, K: Tensor, c2w: Tensor, width: int, height: int, near_plane: float = 0.0, chunk: int = 32**3, ) -> None: """Mark the cells that aren't covered by the cameras with density -1. Should only be executed once before training starts. Args: K: Camera intrinsics of shape (N, 3, 3) or (1, 3, 3). c2w: Camera to world poses of shape (N, 3, 4) or (N, 4, 4). width: Image width in pixels height: Image height in pixels near_plane: Near plane distance chunk: The chunk size to split the cells (to avoid OOM) """ assert K.dim() == 3 and K.shape[1:] == (3, 3) assert c2w.dim() == 3 and ( c2w.shape[1:] == (3, 4) or c2w.shape[1:] == (4, 4) ) assert K.shape[0] == c2w.shape[0] or K.shape[0] == 1 N_cams = c2w.shape[0] w2c_R = c2w[:, :3, :3].transpose(2, 1) # (N_cams, 3, 3) w2c_T = -w2c_R @ c2w[:, :3, 3:] # (N_cams, 3, 1) lvl_indices = self._get_all_cells() for lvl, indices in enumerate(lvl_indices): grid_coords = self.grid_coords[indices] for i in range(0, len(indices), chunk): x = grid_coords[i : i + chunk] / (self.resolution - 1) indices_chunk = indices[i : i + chunk] # voxel coordinates [0, 1]^3 -> world xyzs_w = ( self.aabbs[lvl, :3] + x * (self.aabbs[lvl, 3:] - self.aabbs[lvl, :3]) ).T xyzs_c = w2c_R @ xyzs_w + w2c_T # (N_cams, 3, chunk) uvd = K @ xyzs_c # (N_cams, 3, chunk) uv = uvd[:, :2] / uvd[:, 2:] # (N_cams, 2, chunk) in_image = ( (uvd[:, 2] >= 0) & (uv[:, 0] >= 0) & (uv[:, 0] < width) & (uv[:, 1] >= 0) & (uv[:, 1] < height) ) covered_by_cam = ( uvd[:, 2] >= near_plane ) & in_image # (N_cams, chunk) # if the cell is visible by at least one camera count = covered_by_cam.sum(0) / N_cams too_near_to_cam = ( uvd[:, 2] < near_plane ) & in_image # (N, chunk) # if the cell is too close (in front) to any camera too_near_to_any_cam = too_near_to_cam.any(0) # a valid cell should be visible by at least one camera and not too close to any camera valid_mask = (count > 0) & (~too_near_to_any_cam) cell_ids_base = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl self.occs[cell_ids_base + indices_chunk] = torch.where( valid_mask, 0.0, -1.0 ) def _get_all_cells(self) -> List[Tensor]: """Returns all cells of the grid.""" lvl_indices = [] for lvl in range(self.levels): # filter out the cells with -1 density (non-visible to any camera) cell_ids = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl + self.grid_indices indices = self.grid_indices[self.occs[cell_ids] >= 0.0] lvl_indices.append(indices) return lvl_indices def _sample_uniform_and_occupied_cells(self, n: int) -> List[Tensor]: """Samples both n uniform and occupied cells.""" lvl_indices = [] for lvl in range(self.levels): uniform_indices = torch.randint( self.cells_per_lvl, (n,), device=self.device ) # filter out the cells with -1 density (non-visible to any camera) cell_ids = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl + uniform_indices uniform_indices = uniform_indices[self.occs[cell_ids] >= 0.0] occupied_indices = torch.nonzero(self.binaries[lvl].flatten())[:, 0] if n < len(occupied_indices): selector = torch.randint( len(occupied_indices), (n,), device=self.device ) occupied_indices = occupied_indices[selector] indices =[uniform_indices, occupied_indices], dim=0) lvl_indices.append(indices) return lvl_indices def _update( self, step: int, occ_eval_fn: Callable, occ_thre: float = 0.01, ema_decay: float = 0.95, warmup_steps: int = 256, ) -> None: """Update the occ field in the EMA way.""" # sample cells if step < warmup_steps: lvl_indices = self._get_all_cells() else: N = self.cells_per_lvl // 4 lvl_indices = self._sample_uniform_and_occupied_cells(N) for lvl, indices in enumerate(lvl_indices): # infer occupancy: density * step_size grid_coords = self.grid_coords[indices] x = ( grid_coords + torch.rand_like(grid_coords, dtype=torch.float32) ) / self.resolution # voxel coordinates [0, 1]^3 -> world x = self.aabbs[lvl, :3] + x * ( self.aabbs[lvl, 3:] - self.aabbs[lvl, :3] ) occ = occ_eval_fn(x).squeeze(-1) # ema update cell_ids = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl + indices self.occs[cell_ids] = torch.maximum( self.occs[cell_ids] * ema_decay, occ ) # suppose to use scatter max but emperically it is almost the same. # self.occs, _ = scatter_max( # occ, indices, dim=0, out=self.occs * ema_decay # ) thre = torch.clamp(self.occs[self.occs >= 0].mean(), max=occ_thre) self.binaries = (self.occs > thre).view(self.binaries.shape) def ray_aabb_intersect( rays_o: Tensor, rays_d: Tensor, aabbs: Tensor, near_plane: float = -float("inf"), far_plane: float = float("inf"), miss_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Ray-AABB intersection. Args: rays_o: (n_rays, 3) Ray origins. rays_d: (n_rays, 3) Normalized ray directions. aabbs: (m, 6) Axis-aligned bounding boxes {xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax}. near_plane: Optional. Near plane. Default to -infinity. far_plane: Optional. Far plane. Default to infinity. miss_value: Optional. Value to use for tmin and tmax when there is no intersection. Default to infinity. Returns: A tuple of {Tensor, Tensor, BoolTensor}: - **t_mins**: (n_rays, m) tmin for each ray-AABB pair. - **t_maxs**: (n_rays, m) tmax for each ray-AABB pair. - **hits**: (n_rays, m) whether each ray-AABB pair intersects. """ assert rays_o.ndim == 2 and rays_o.shape[-1] == 3 assert rays_d.ndim == 2 and rays_d.shape[-1] == 3 assert aabbs.ndim == 2 and aabbs.shape[-1] == 6 t_mins, t_maxs, hits = _C.ray_aabb_intersect( rays_o.contiguous(), rays_d.contiguous(), aabbs.contiguous(), near_plane, far_plane, miss_value, ) return t_mins, t_maxs, hits def traverse_grids( # rays rays_o: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] # grids binaries: Tensor, # [m, resx, resy, resz] aabbs: Tensor, # [m, 6] # options near_planes: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] far_planes: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] step_size: Optional[float] = 1e-3, cone_angle: Optional[float] = 0.0, traverse_steps_limit: Optional[int] = None, over_allocate: Optional[bool] = False, rays_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] # pre-compute intersections t_sorted: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays, n_grids * 2] t_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays, n_grids * 2] hits: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays, n_grids] ) -> Tuple[RayIntervals, RaySamples, Tensor]: """Ray Traversal within Multiple Grids. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: rays_o: (n_rays, 3) Ray origins. rays_d: (n_rays, 3) Normalized ray directions. binary_grids: (m, resx, resy, resz) Multiple binary grids with the same resolution. aabbs: (m, 6) Axis-aligned bounding boxes {xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax}. near_planes: Optional. (n_rays,) Near planes for the traversal to start. Default to 0. far_planes: Optional. (n_rays,) Far planes for the traversal to end. Default to infinity. step_size: Optional. Step size for ray traversal. Default to 1e-3. cone_angle: Optional. Cone angle for linearly-increased step size. 0. means constant step size. Default: 0.0. traverse_steps_limit: Optional. Maximum number of samples per ray. over_allocate: Optional. Whether to over-allocate the memory for the outputs. rays_mask: Optional. (n_rays,) Skip some rays if given. t_sorted: Optional. (n_rays, n_grids * 2) Pre-computed sorted t values for each ray-grid pair. Default to None. t_indices: Optional. (n_rays, n_grids * 2) Pre-computed sorted t indices for each ray-grid pair. Default to None. hits: Optional. (n_rays, n_grids) Pre-computed hit flags for each ray-grid pair. Default to None. Returns: A :class:`RayIntervals` object containing the intervals of the ray traversal, and a :class:`RaySamples` object containing the samples within each interval. t :class:`Tensor` of shape (n_rays,) containing the terminated t values for each ray. """ if near_planes is None: near_planes = torch.zeros_like(rays_o[:, 0]) if far_planes is None: far_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[:, 0], float("inf")) if rays_mask is None: rays_mask = torch.ones_like(rays_o[:, 0], dtype=torch.bool) if traverse_steps_limit is None: traverse_steps_limit = -1 if over_allocate: assert ( traverse_steps_limit > 0 ), "traverse_steps_limit must be set if over_allocate is True." if t_sorted is None or t_indices is None or hits is None: # Compute ray aabb intersection for all levels of grid. [n_rays, m] t_mins, t_maxs, hits = ray_aabb_intersect(rays_o, rays_d, aabbs) # Sort the t values for each ray. [n_rays, m] t_sorted, t_indices = torch.sort([t_mins, t_maxs], dim=-1), dim=-1 ) # Traverse the grids. intervals, samples, termination_planes = _C.traverse_grids( # rays rays_o.contiguous(), # [n_rays, 3] rays_d.contiguous(), # [n_rays, 3] rays_mask.contiguous(), # [n_rays] # grids binaries.contiguous(), # [m, resx, resy, resz] aabbs.contiguous(), # [m, 6] # intersections t_sorted.contiguous(), # [n_rays, m * 2] t_indices.contiguous(), # [n_rays, m * 2] hits.contiguous(), # [n_rays, m] # options near_planes.contiguous(), # [n_rays] far_planes.contiguous(), # [n_rays] step_size, cone_angle, True, True, True, traverse_steps_limit, over_allocate, ) return ( RayIntervals._from_cpp(intervals), RaySamples._from_cpp(samples), termination_planes, ) def render_weight_from_density( t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, sigmas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Compute rendering weights :math:`w_i` from density :math:`\\sigma_i` and interval :math:`\\delta_i`. .. math:: w_i = T_i(1 - exp(-\\sigma_i\delta_i)), \\quad\\textrm{where}\\quad T_i = exp(-\\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\\sigma_j\delta_j) This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: t_starts: The start time of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). t_ends: The end time of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). sigmas: The density values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: The rendering weights, transmittance and opacities, both with the same shape as `sigmas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> t_starts = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], device="cuda") >>> t_ends = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], device="cuda") >>> sigmas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> weights, transmittance, alphas = render_weight_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices) weights: [0.33, 0.37, 0.03, 0.55, 0.04, 0.00, 0.59] transmittance: [1.00, 0.67, 0.30, 1.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.00] alphas: [0.33, 0.55, 0.095, 0.55, 0.095, 0.00, 0.59] """ trans, alphas = render_transmittance_from_density( t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, packed_info, ray_indices, n_rays, prefix_trans ) weights = trans * alphas return weights, trans, alphas def accumulate_along_rays_( weights: Tensor, values: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, outputs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> None: """Accumulate volumetric values along the ray. Inplace version of :func:`accumulate_along_rays`. """ if values is None: src = weights[..., None] else: assert values.dim() == weights.dim() + 1 assert weights.shape == values.shape[:-1] src = weights[..., None] * values if ray_indices is not None: assert weights.dim() == 1, "weights must be flattened" assert ( outputs.dim() == 2 and outputs.shape[-1] == src.shape[-1] ), "outputs must be of shape (n_rays, D)" outputs.index_add_(0, ray_indices, src) else: outputs.add_(src.sum(dim=-2)) The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `render_image_with_occgrid_test` function. Write a Python function `def render_image_with_occgrid_test( max_samples: int, # scene radiance_field: torch.nn.Module, estimator: OccGridEstimator, rays: Rays, # rendering options near_plane: float = 0.0, far_plane: float = 1e10, render_step_size: float = 1e-3, render_bkgd: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cone_angle: float = 0.0, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, # only useful for dnerf timestamps: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, )` to solve the following problem: Render the pixels of an image. Here is the function: def render_image_with_occgrid_test( max_samples: int, # scene radiance_field: torch.nn.Module, estimator: OccGridEstimator, rays: Rays, # rendering options near_plane: float = 0.0, far_plane: float = 1e10, render_step_size: float = 1e-3, render_bkgd: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cone_angle: float = 0.0, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, # only useful for dnerf timestamps: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): """Render the pixels of an image.""" rays_shape = if len(rays_shape) == 3: height, width, _ = rays_shape num_rays = height * width rays = namedtuple_map( lambda r: r.reshape([num_rays] + list(r.shape[2:])), rays ) else: num_rays, _ = rays_shape def rgb_sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices): t_origins =[ray_indices] t_dirs = rays.viewdirs[ray_indices] positions = ( t_origins + t_dirs * (t_starts[:, None] + t_ends[:, None]) / 2.0 ) if timestamps is not None: # dnerf t = ( timestamps[ray_indices] if else timestamps.expand_as(positions[:, :1]) ) rgbs, sigmas = radiance_field(positions, t, t_dirs) else: rgbs, sigmas = radiance_field(positions, t_dirs) return rgbs, sigmas.squeeze(-1) device = opacity = torch.zeros(num_rays, 1, device=device) depth = torch.zeros(num_rays, 1, device=device) rgb = torch.zeros(num_rays, 3, device=device) ray_mask = torch.ones(num_rays, device=device).bool() # 1 for synthetic scenes, 4 for real scenes min_samples = 1 if cone_angle == 0 else 4 iter_samples = total_samples = 0 rays_o = rays_d = rays.viewdirs near_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=near_plane) far_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=far_plane) t_mins, t_maxs, hits = ray_aabb_intersect(rays_o, rays_d, estimator.aabbs) n_grids = estimator.binaries.size(0) if n_grids > 1: t_sorted, t_indices = torch.sort([t_mins, t_maxs], -1), -1) else: t_sorted =[t_mins, t_maxs], -1) t_indices = torch.arange( 0, n_grids * 2, device=t_mins.device, dtype=torch.int64 ).expand(num_rays, n_grids * 2) opc_thre = 1 - early_stop_eps while iter_samples < max_samples: n_alive = ray_mask.sum().item() if n_alive == 0: break # the number of samples to add on each ray n_samples = max(min(num_rays // n_alive, 64), min_samples) iter_samples += n_samples # ray marching (intervals, samples, termination_planes) = traverse_grids( # rays rays_o, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d, # [n_rays, 3] # grids estimator.binaries, # [m, resx, resy, resz] estimator.aabbs, # [m, 6] # options near_planes, # [n_rays] far_planes, # [n_rays] render_step_size, cone_angle, n_samples, True, ray_mask, # pre-compute intersections t_sorted, # [n_rays, m*2] t_indices, # [n_rays, m*2] hits, # [n_rays, m] ) t_starts = intervals.vals[intervals.is_left] t_ends = intervals.vals[intervals.is_right] ray_indices = samples.ray_indices[samples.is_valid] packed_info = samples.packed_info # get rgb and sigma from radiance field rgbs, sigmas = rgb_sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) # volume rendering using native cuda scan weights, _, alphas = render_weight_from_density( t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices, n_rays=num_rays, prefix_trans=1 - opacity[ray_indices].squeeze(-1), ) if alpha_thre > 0: vis_mask = alphas >= alpha_thre ray_indices, rgbs, weights, t_starts, t_ends = ( ray_indices[vis_mask], rgbs[vis_mask], weights[vis_mask], t_starts[vis_mask], t_ends[vis_mask], ) accumulate_along_rays_( weights, values=rgbs, ray_indices=ray_indices, outputs=rgb, ) accumulate_along_rays_( weights, values=None, ray_indices=ray_indices, outputs=opacity, ) accumulate_along_rays_( weights, values=(t_starts + t_ends)[..., None] / 2.0, ray_indices=ray_indices, outputs=depth, ) # update near_planes using termination planes near_planes = termination_planes # update rays status ray_mask = torch.logical_and( # early stopping opacity.view(-1) <= opc_thre, # remove rays that have reached the far plane packed_info[:, 1] == n_samples, ) total_samples += ray_indices.shape[0] rgb = rgb + render_bkgd * (1.0 - opacity) depth = depth / opacity.clamp_min(torch.finfo(rgbs.dtype).eps) return ( rgb.view((*rays_shape[:-1], -1)), opacity.view((*rays_shape[:-1], -1)), depth.view((*rays_shape[:-1], -1)), total_samples, )
Render the pixels of an image.
from typing import Callable, List, Union import numpy as np import torch from torch.autograd import Function from torch.cuda.amp import custom_bwd, custom_fwd def contract_to_unisphere( x: torch.Tensor, aabb: torch.Tensor, ord: Union[str, int] = 2, # ord: Union[float, int] = float("inf"), eps: float = 1e-6, derivative: bool = False, ): aabb_min, aabb_max = torch.split(aabb, 3, dim=-1) x = (x - aabb_min) / (aabb_max - aabb_min) x = x * 2 - 1 # aabb is at [-1, 1] mag = torch.linalg.norm(x, ord=ord, dim=-1, keepdim=True) mask = mag.squeeze(-1) > 1 if derivative: dev = (2 * mag - 1) / mag**2 + 2 * x**2 * ( 1 / mag**3 - (2 * mag - 1) / mag**4 ) dev[~mask] = 1.0 dev = torch.clamp(dev, min=eps) return dev else: x[mask] = (2 - 1 / mag[mask]) * (x[mask] / mag[mask]) x = x / 4 + 0.5 # [-inf, inf] is at [0, 1] return x
import argparse import pathlib import time import imageio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import tqdm from datasets.nerf_synthetic import SubjectLoader from lpips import LPIPS from radiance_fields.mlp import VanillaNeRFRadianceField from examples.utils import ( NERF_SYNTHETIC_SCENES, render_image_with_occgrid, set_random_seed, ) from nerfacc.estimators.occ_grid import OccGridEstimator render_step_size = 5e-3 radiance_field = VanillaNeRFRadianceField().to(device) def occ_eval_fn(x): density = radiance_field.query_density(x) return density * render_step_size
import argparse import math import pathlib import time import imageio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import tqdm from lpips import LPIPS from radiance_fields.ngp import NGPRadianceField from examples.utils import ( MIPNERF360_UNBOUNDED_SCENES, NERF_SYNTHETIC_SCENES, render_image_with_occgrid, render_image_with_occgrid_test, set_random_seed, ) from nerfacc.estimators.occ_grid import OccGridEstimator class NGPRadianceField(torch.nn.Module): """Instance-NGP Radiance Field""" def __init__( self, aabb: Union[torch.Tensor, List[float]], num_dim: int = 3, use_viewdirs: bool = True, density_activation: Callable = lambda x: trunc_exp(x - 1), unbounded: bool = False, base_resolution: int = 16, max_resolution: int = 4096, geo_feat_dim: int = 15, n_levels: int = 16, log2_hashmap_size: int = 19, ) -> None: super().__init__() if not isinstance(aabb, torch.Tensor): aabb = torch.tensor(aabb, dtype=torch.float32) # Turns out rectangle aabb will leads to uneven collision so bad performance. # We enforce a cube aabb here. center = (aabb[..., :num_dim] + aabb[..., num_dim:]) / 2.0 size = (aabb[..., num_dim:] - aabb[..., :num_dim]).max() aabb =[center - size / 2.0, center + size / 2.0], dim=-1) self.register_buffer("aabb", aabb) self.num_dim = num_dim self.use_viewdirs = use_viewdirs self.density_activation = density_activation self.unbounded = unbounded self.base_resolution = base_resolution self.max_resolution = max_resolution self.geo_feat_dim = geo_feat_dim self.n_levels = n_levels self.log2_hashmap_size = log2_hashmap_size per_level_scale = np.exp( (np.log(max_resolution) - np.log(base_resolution)) / (n_levels - 1) ).tolist() if self.use_viewdirs: self.direction_encoding = tcnn.Encoding( n_input_dims=num_dim, encoding_config={ "otype": "Composite", "nested": [ { "n_dims_to_encode": 3, "otype": "SphericalHarmonics", "degree": 4, }, # {"otype": "Identity", "n_bins": 4, "degree": 4}, ], }, ) self.mlp_base = tcnn.NetworkWithInputEncoding( n_input_dims=num_dim, n_output_dims=1 + self.geo_feat_dim, encoding_config={ "otype": "HashGrid", "n_levels": n_levels, "n_features_per_level": 2, "log2_hashmap_size": log2_hashmap_size, "base_resolution": base_resolution, "per_level_scale": per_level_scale, }, network_config={ "otype": "FullyFusedMLP", "activation": "ReLU", "output_activation": "None", "n_neurons": 64, "n_hidden_layers": 1, }, ) if self.geo_feat_dim > 0: self.mlp_head = tcnn.Network( n_input_dims=( ( self.direction_encoding.n_output_dims if self.use_viewdirs else 0 ) + self.geo_feat_dim ), n_output_dims=3, network_config={ "otype": "FullyFusedMLP", "activation": "ReLU", "output_activation": "None", "n_neurons": 64, "n_hidden_layers": 2, }, ) def query_density(self, x, return_feat: bool = False): if self.unbounded: x = contract_to_unisphere(x, self.aabb) else: aabb_min, aabb_max = torch.split(self.aabb, self.num_dim, dim=-1) x = (x - aabb_min) / (aabb_max - aabb_min) selector = ((x > 0.0) & (x < 1.0)).all(dim=-1) x = ( self.mlp_base(x.view(-1, self.num_dim)) .view(list(x.shape[:-1]) + [1 + self.geo_feat_dim]) .to(x) ) density_before_activation, base_mlp_out = torch.split( x, [1, self.geo_feat_dim], dim=-1 ) density = ( self.density_activation(density_before_activation) * selector[..., None] ) if return_feat: return density, base_mlp_out else: return density def _query_rgb(self, dir, embedding, apply_act: bool = True): # tcnn requires directions in the range [0, 1] if self.use_viewdirs: dir = (dir + 1.0) / 2.0 d = self.direction_encoding(dir.reshape(-1, dir.shape[-1])) h =[d, embedding.reshape(-1, self.geo_feat_dim)], dim=-1) else: h = embedding.reshape(-1, self.geo_feat_dim) rgb = ( self.mlp_head(h) .reshape(list(embedding.shape[:-1]) + [3]) .to(embedding) ) if apply_act: rgb = torch.sigmoid(rgb) return rgb def forward( self, positions: torch.Tensor, directions: torch.Tensor = None, ): if self.use_viewdirs and (directions is not None): assert ( positions.shape == directions.shape ), f"{positions.shape} v.s. {directions.shape}" density, embedding = self.query_density(positions, return_feat=True) rgb = self._query_rgb(directions, embedding=embedding) return rgb, density # type: ignore MIPNERF360_UNBOUNDED_SCENES = [ "garden", "bicycle", "bonsai", "counter", "kitchen", "room", "stump", ] def set_random_seed(seed): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) def render_image_with_occgrid( # scene radiance_field: torch.nn.Module, estimator: OccGridEstimator, rays: Rays, # rendering options near_plane: float = 0.0, far_plane: float = 1e10, render_step_size: float = 1e-3, render_bkgd: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cone_angle: float = 0.0, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, # test options test_chunk_size: int = 8192, # only useful for dnerf timestamps: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): """Render the pixels of an image.""" rays_shape = if len(rays_shape) == 3: height, width, _ = rays_shape num_rays = height * width rays = namedtuple_map( lambda r: r.reshape([num_rays] + list(r.shape[2:])), rays ) else: num_rays, _ = rays_shape results = [] chunk = ( torch.iinfo(torch.int32).max if else test_chunk_size ) for i in range(0, num_rays, chunk): chunk_rays = namedtuple_map(lambda r: r[i : i + chunk], rays) rays_o = rays_d = chunk_rays.viewdirs def sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices): if t_starts.shape[0] == 0: sigmas = torch.empty((0, 1), device=t_starts.device) else: t_origins = rays_o[ray_indices] t_dirs = rays_d[ray_indices] positions = ( t_origins + t_dirs * (t_starts + t_ends)[:, None] / 2.0 ) if timestamps is not None: # dnerf t = ( timestamps[ray_indices] if else timestamps.expand_as(positions[:, :1]) ) sigmas = radiance_field.query_density(positions, t) else: sigmas = radiance_field.query_density(positions) return sigmas.squeeze(-1) def rgb_sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices): if t_starts.shape[0] == 0: rgbs = torch.empty((0, 3), device=t_starts.device) sigmas = torch.empty((0, 1), device=t_starts.device) else: t_origins = rays_o[ray_indices] t_dirs = rays_d[ray_indices] positions = ( t_origins + t_dirs * (t_starts + t_ends)[:, None] / 2.0 ) if timestamps is not None: # dnerf t = ( timestamps[ray_indices] if else timestamps.expand_as(positions[:, :1]) ) rgbs, sigmas = radiance_field(positions, t, t_dirs) else: rgbs, sigmas = radiance_field(positions, t_dirs) return rgbs, sigmas.squeeze(-1) ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = estimator.sampling( rays_o, rays_d, sigma_fn=sigma_fn, near_plane=near_plane, far_plane=far_plane, render_step_size=render_step_size,, cone_angle=cone_angle, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) rgb, opacity, depth, extras = rendering( t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices, n_rays=rays_o.shape[0], rgb_sigma_fn=rgb_sigma_fn, render_bkgd=render_bkgd, ) chunk_results = [rgb, opacity, depth, len(t_starts)] results.append(chunk_results) colors, opacities, depths, n_rendering_samples = [, dim=0) if isinstance(r[0], torch.Tensor) else r for r in zip(*results) ] return ( colors.view((*rays_shape[:-1], -1)), opacities.view((*rays_shape[:-1], -1)), depths.view((*rays_shape[:-1], -1)), sum(n_rendering_samples), ) class OccGridEstimator(AbstractEstimator): """Occupancy grid transmittance estimator for spatial skipping. References: "Instant Neural Graphics Primitives." Args: roi_aabb: The axis-aligned bounding box of the region of interest. Useful for mapping the 3D space to the grid. resolution: The resolution of the grid. If an integer is given, the grid is assumed to be a cube. Otherwise, a list or a tensor of shape (3,) is expected. Default: 128. levels: The number of levels of the grid. Default: 1. """ DIM: int = 3 def __init__( self, roi_aabb: Union[List[int], Tensor], resolution: Union[int, List[int], Tensor] = 128, levels: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__() if "contraction_type" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "`contraction_type` is not supported anymore for nerfacc >= 0.4.0." ) # check the resolution is legal if isinstance(resolution, int): resolution = [resolution] * self.DIM if isinstance(resolution, (list, tuple)): resolution = torch.tensor(resolution, dtype=torch.int32) assert isinstance(resolution, Tensor), f"Invalid type: {resolution}!" assert resolution.shape[0] == self.DIM, f"Invalid shape: {resolution}!" # check the roi_aabb is legal if isinstance(roi_aabb, (list, tuple)): roi_aabb = torch.tensor(roi_aabb, dtype=torch.float32) assert isinstance(roi_aabb, Tensor), f"Invalid type: {roi_aabb}!" assert roi_aabb.shape[0] == self.DIM * 2, f"Invalid shape: {roi_aabb}!" # multiple levels of aabbs aabbs = torch.stack( [_enlarge_aabb(roi_aabb, 2**i) for i in range(levels)], dim=0 ) # total number of voxels self.cells_per_lvl = int( self.levels = levels # Buffers self.register_buffer("resolution", resolution) # [3] self.register_buffer("aabbs", aabbs) # [n_aabbs, 6] self.register_buffer( "occs", torch.zeros(self.levels * self.cells_per_lvl) ) self.register_buffer( "binaries", torch.zeros([levels] + resolution.tolist(), dtype=torch.bool), ) # Grid coords & indices grid_coords = _meshgrid3d(resolution).reshape( self.cells_per_lvl, self.DIM ) self.register_buffer("grid_coords", grid_coords, persistent=False) grid_indices = torch.arange(self.cells_per_lvl) self.register_buffer("grid_indices", grid_indices, persistent=False) def sampling( self, # rays rays_o: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] # sigma/alpha function for skipping invisible space sigma_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, alpha_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, near_plane: float = 0.0, far_plane: float = 1e10, t_min: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] t_max: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] # rendering options render_step_size: float = 1e-3, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, stratified: bool = False, cone_angle: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Sampling with spatial skipping. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: rays_o: Ray origins of shape (n_rays, 3). rays_d: Normalized ray directions of shape (n_rays, 3). sigma_fn: Optional. If provided, the marching will skip the invisible space by evaluating the density along the ray with `sigma_fn`. It should be a function that takes in samples {t_starts (N,), t_ends (N,), ray indices (N,)} and returns the post-activation density values (N,). You should only provide either `sigma_fn` or `alpha_fn`. alpha_fn: Optional. If provided, the marching will skip the invisible space by evaluating the density along the ray with `alpha_fn`. It should be a function that takes in samples {t_starts (N,), t_ends (N,), ray indices (N,)} and returns the post-activation opacity values (N,). You should only provide either `sigma_fn` or `alpha_fn`. near_plane: Optional. Near plane distance. Default: 0.0. far_plane: Optional. Far plane distance. Default: 1e10. t_min: Optional. Per-ray minimum distance. Tensor with shape (n_rays). If provided, the marching will start from maximum of t_min and near_plane. t_max: Optional. Per-ray maximum distance. Tensor with shape (n_rays). If provided, the marching will stop by minimum of t_max and far_plane. render_step_size: Step size for marching. Default: 1e-3. early_stop_eps: Early stop threshold for skipping invisible space. Default: 1e-4. alpha_thre: Alpha threshold for skipping empty space. Default: 0.0. stratified: Whether to use stratified sampling. Default: False. cone_angle: Cone angle for linearly-increased step size. 0. means constant step size. Default: 0.0. Returns: A tuple of {LongTensor, Tensor, Tensor}: - **ray_indices**: Ray index of each sample. IntTensor with shape (n_samples). - **t_starts**: Per-sample start distance. Tensor with shape (n_samples,). - **t_ends**: Per-sample end distance. Tensor with shape (n_samples,). Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = grid.sampling( >>> rays_o, rays_d, render_step_size=1e-3) >>> t_mid = (t_starts + t_ends) / 2.0 >>> sample_locs = rays_o[ray_indices] + t_mid * rays_d[ray_indices] """ near_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=near_plane) far_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=far_plane) if t_min is not None: near_planes = torch.clamp(near_planes, min=t_min) if t_max is not None: far_planes = torch.clamp(far_planes, max=t_max) if stratified: near_planes += torch.rand_like(near_planes) * render_step_size intervals, samples, _ = traverse_grids( rays_o, rays_d, self.binaries, self.aabbs, near_planes=near_planes, far_planes=far_planes, step_size=render_step_size, cone_angle=cone_angle, ) t_starts = intervals.vals[intervals.is_left] t_ends = intervals.vals[intervals.is_right] ray_indices = samples.ray_indices packed_info = samples.packed_info # skip invisible space if (alpha_thre > 0.0 or early_stop_eps > 0.0) and ( sigma_fn is not None or alpha_fn is not None ): alpha_thre = min(alpha_thre, self.occs.mean().item()) # Compute visibility of the samples, and filter out invisible samples if sigma_fn is not None: if t_starts.shape[0] != 0: sigmas = sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) else: sigmas = torch.empty((0,), device=t_starts.device) assert ( sigmas.shape == t_starts.shape ), "sigmas must have shape of (N,)! Got {}".format(sigmas.shape) masks = render_visibility_from_density( t_starts=t_starts, t_ends=t_ends, sigmas=sigmas, packed_info=packed_info, early_stop_eps=early_stop_eps, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) elif alpha_fn is not None: if t_starts.shape[0] != 0: alphas = alpha_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) else: alphas = torch.empty((0,), device=t_starts.device) assert ( alphas.shape == t_starts.shape ), "alphas must have shape of (N,)! Got {}".format(alphas.shape) masks = render_visibility_from_alpha( alphas=alphas, packed_info=packed_info, early_stop_eps=early_stop_eps, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = ( ray_indices[masks], t_starts[masks], t_ends[masks], ) return ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends def update_every_n_steps( self, step: int, occ_eval_fn: Callable, occ_thre: float = 1e-2, ema_decay: float = 0.95, warmup_steps: int = 256, n: int = 16, ) -> None: """Update the estimator every n steps during training. Args: step: Current training step. occ_eval_fn: A function that takes in sample locations :math:`(N, 3)` and returns the occupancy values :math:`(N, 1)` at those locations. occ_thre: Threshold used to binarize the occupancy grid. Default: 1e-2. ema_decay: The decay rate for EMA updates. Default: 0.95. warmup_steps: Sample all cells during the warmup stage. After the warmup stage we change the sampling strategy to 1/4 uniformly sampled cells together with 1/4 occupied cells. Default: 256. n: Update the grid every n steps. Default: 16. """ if not raise RuntimeError( "You should only call this function only during training. " "Please call _update() directly if you want to update the " "field during inference." ) if step % n == 0 and self._update( step=step, occ_eval_fn=occ_eval_fn, occ_thre=occ_thre, ema_decay=ema_decay, warmup_steps=warmup_steps, ) # adapted from def mark_invisible_cells( self, K: Tensor, c2w: Tensor, width: int, height: int, near_plane: float = 0.0, chunk: int = 32**3, ) -> None: """Mark the cells that aren't covered by the cameras with density -1. Should only be executed once before training starts. Args: K: Camera intrinsics of shape (N, 3, 3) or (1, 3, 3). c2w: Camera to world poses of shape (N, 3, 4) or (N, 4, 4). width: Image width in pixels height: Image height in pixels near_plane: Near plane distance chunk: The chunk size to split the cells (to avoid OOM) """ assert K.dim() == 3 and K.shape[1:] == (3, 3) assert c2w.dim() == 3 and ( c2w.shape[1:] == (3, 4) or c2w.shape[1:] == (4, 4) ) assert K.shape[0] == c2w.shape[0] or K.shape[0] == 1 N_cams = c2w.shape[0] w2c_R = c2w[:, :3, :3].transpose(2, 1) # (N_cams, 3, 3) w2c_T = -w2c_R @ c2w[:, :3, 3:] # (N_cams, 3, 1) lvl_indices = self._get_all_cells() for lvl, indices in enumerate(lvl_indices): grid_coords = self.grid_coords[indices] for i in range(0, len(indices), chunk): x = grid_coords[i : i + chunk] / (self.resolution - 1) indices_chunk = indices[i : i + chunk] # voxel coordinates [0, 1]^3 -> world xyzs_w = ( self.aabbs[lvl, :3] + x * (self.aabbs[lvl, 3:] - self.aabbs[lvl, :3]) ).T xyzs_c = w2c_R @ xyzs_w + w2c_T # (N_cams, 3, chunk) uvd = K @ xyzs_c # (N_cams, 3, chunk) uv = uvd[:, :2] / uvd[:, 2:] # (N_cams, 2, chunk) in_image = ( (uvd[:, 2] >= 0) & (uv[:, 0] >= 0) & (uv[:, 0] < width) & (uv[:, 1] >= 0) & (uv[:, 1] < height) ) covered_by_cam = ( uvd[:, 2] >= near_plane ) & in_image # (N_cams, chunk) # if the cell is visible by at least one camera count = covered_by_cam.sum(0) / N_cams too_near_to_cam = ( uvd[:, 2] < near_plane ) & in_image # (N, chunk) # if the cell is too close (in front) to any camera too_near_to_any_cam = too_near_to_cam.any(0) # a valid cell should be visible by at least one camera and not too close to any camera valid_mask = (count > 0) & (~too_near_to_any_cam) cell_ids_base = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl self.occs[cell_ids_base + indices_chunk] = torch.where( valid_mask, 0.0, -1.0 ) def _get_all_cells(self) -> List[Tensor]: """Returns all cells of the grid.""" lvl_indices = [] for lvl in range(self.levels): # filter out the cells with -1 density (non-visible to any camera) cell_ids = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl + self.grid_indices indices = self.grid_indices[self.occs[cell_ids] >= 0.0] lvl_indices.append(indices) return lvl_indices def _sample_uniform_and_occupied_cells(self, n: int) -> List[Tensor]: """Samples both n uniform and occupied cells.""" lvl_indices = [] for lvl in range(self.levels): uniform_indices = torch.randint( self.cells_per_lvl, (n,), device=self.device ) # filter out the cells with -1 density (non-visible to any camera) cell_ids = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl + uniform_indices uniform_indices = uniform_indices[self.occs[cell_ids] >= 0.0] occupied_indices = torch.nonzero(self.binaries[lvl].flatten())[:, 0] if n < len(occupied_indices): selector = torch.randint( len(occupied_indices), (n,), device=self.device ) occupied_indices = occupied_indices[selector] indices =[uniform_indices, occupied_indices], dim=0) lvl_indices.append(indices) return lvl_indices def _update( self, step: int, occ_eval_fn: Callable, occ_thre: float = 0.01, ema_decay: float = 0.95, warmup_steps: int = 256, ) -> None: """Update the occ field in the EMA way.""" # sample cells if step < warmup_steps: lvl_indices = self._get_all_cells() else: N = self.cells_per_lvl // 4 lvl_indices = self._sample_uniform_and_occupied_cells(N) for lvl, indices in enumerate(lvl_indices): # infer occupancy: density * step_size grid_coords = self.grid_coords[indices] x = ( grid_coords + torch.rand_like(grid_coords, dtype=torch.float32) ) / self.resolution # voxel coordinates [0, 1]^3 -> world x = self.aabbs[lvl, :3] + x * ( self.aabbs[lvl, 3:] - self.aabbs[lvl, :3] ) occ = occ_eval_fn(x).squeeze(-1) # ema update cell_ids = lvl * self.cells_per_lvl + indices self.occs[cell_ids] = torch.maximum( self.occs[cell_ids] * ema_decay, occ ) # suppose to use scatter max but emperically it is almost the same. # self.occs, _ = scatter_max( # occ, indices, dim=0, out=self.occs * ema_decay # ) thre = torch.clamp(self.occs[self.occs >= 0].mean(), max=occ_thre) self.binaries = (self.occs > thre).view(self.binaries.shape) class SubjectLoader( """Single subject data loader for training and evaluation.""" SPLITS = ["train", "test"] SUBJECT_IDS = [ "garden", "bicycle", "bonsai", "counter", "kitchen", "room", "stump", ] OPENGL_CAMERA = False def __init__( self, subject_id: str, root_fp: str, split: str, color_bkgd_aug: str = "white", num_rays: int = None, near: float = None, far: float = None, batch_over_images: bool = True, factor: int = 1, device: str = "cpu", ): super().__init__() assert split in self.SPLITS, "%s" % split assert subject_id in self.SUBJECT_IDS, "%s" % subject_id assert color_bkgd_aug in ["white", "black", "random"] self.split = split self.num_rays = num_rays self.near = near self.far = far = (num_rays is not None) and ( split in ["train", "trainval"] ) self.color_bkgd_aug = color_bkgd_aug self.batch_over_images = batch_over_images self.images, self.camtoworlds, self.K, split_indices = _load_colmap( root_fp, subject_id, factor ) # normalize the scene T, sscale = similarity_from_cameras( self.camtoworlds, strict_scaling=False ) self.camtoworlds = np.einsum("nij, ki -> nkj", self.camtoworlds, T) self.camtoworlds[:, :3, 3] *= sscale # split indices = split_indices[split] self.images = self.images[indices] self.camtoworlds = self.camtoworlds[indices] # to tensor self.images = torch.from_numpy(self.images).to(torch.uint8).to(device) self.camtoworlds = ( torch.from_numpy(self.camtoworlds).to(torch.float32).to(device) ) self.K = torch.tensor(self.K).to(torch.float32).to(device) self.height, self.width = self.images.shape[1:3] self.g = torch.Generator(device=device) self.g.manual_seed(42) def __len__(self): return len(self.images) def __getitem__(self, index): data = self.fetch_data(index) data = self.preprocess(data) return data def preprocess(self, data): """Process the fetched / cached data with randomness.""" pixels, rays = data["rgb"], data["rays"] if if self.color_bkgd_aug == "random": color_bkgd = torch.rand( 3, device=self.images.device, generator=self.g ) elif self.color_bkgd_aug == "white": color_bkgd = torch.ones(3, device=self.images.device) elif self.color_bkgd_aug == "black": color_bkgd = torch.zeros(3, device=self.images.device) else: # just use white during inference color_bkgd = torch.ones(3, device=self.images.device) return { "pixels": pixels, # [n_rays, 3] or [h, w, 3] "rays": rays, # [n_rays,] or [h, w] "color_bkgd": color_bkgd, # [3,] **{k: v for k, v in data.items() if k not in ["rgb", "rays"]}, } def update_num_rays(self, num_rays): self.num_rays = num_rays def fetch_data(self, index): """Fetch the data (it maybe cached for multiple batches).""" num_rays = self.num_rays if if self.batch_over_images: image_id = torch.randint( 0, len(self.images), size=(num_rays,), device=self.images.device, generator=self.g, ) else: image_id = [index] * num_rays x = torch.randint( 0, self.width, size=(num_rays,), device=self.images.device, generator=self.g, ) y = torch.randint( 0, self.height, size=(num_rays,), device=self.images.device, generator=self.g, ) else: image_id = [index] x, y = torch.meshgrid( torch.arange(self.width, device=self.images.device), torch.arange(self.height, device=self.images.device), indexing="xy", ) x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() # generate rays rgb = self.images[image_id, y, x] / 255.0 # (num_rays, 3) c2w = self.camtoworlds[image_id] # (num_rays, 3, 4) camera_dirs = F.pad( torch.stack( [ (x - self.K[0, 2] + 0.5) / self.K[0, 0], (y - self.K[1, 2] + 0.5) / self.K[1, 1] * (-1.0 if self.OPENGL_CAMERA else 1.0), ], dim=-1, ), (0, 1), value=(-1.0 if self.OPENGL_CAMERA else 1.0), ) # [num_rays, 3] # [num_rays, 3] directions = (camera_dirs[:, None, :] * c2w[:, :3, :3]).sum(dim=-1) origins = torch.broadcast_to(c2w[:, :3, -1], directions.shape) viewdirs = directions / torch.linalg.norm( directions, dim=-1, keepdims=True ) if origins = torch.reshape(origins, (num_rays, 3)) viewdirs = torch.reshape(viewdirs, (num_rays, 3)) rgb = torch.reshape(rgb, (num_rays, 3)) else: origins = torch.reshape(origins, (self.height, self.width, 3)) viewdirs = torch.reshape(viewdirs, (self.height, self.width, 3)) rgb = torch.reshape(rgb, (self.height, self.width, 3)) rays = Rays(origins=origins, viewdirs=viewdirs) return { "rgb": rgb, # [h, w, 3] or [num_rays, 3] "rays": rays, # [h, w, 3] or [num_rays, 3] } class SubjectLoader( """Single subject data loader for training and evaluation.""" SPLITS = ["train", "val", "trainval", "test"] SUBJECT_IDS = [ "chair", "drums", "ficus", "hotdog", "lego", "materials", "mic", "ship", ] WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 800 NEAR, FAR = 2.0, 6.0 OPENGL_CAMERA = True def __init__( self, subject_id: str, root_fp: str, split: str, color_bkgd_aug: str = "white", num_rays: int = None, near: float = None, far: float = None, batch_over_images: bool = True, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), ): super().__init__() assert split in self.SPLITS, "%s" % split assert subject_id in self.SUBJECT_IDS, "%s" % subject_id assert color_bkgd_aug in ["white", "black", "random"] self.split = split self.num_rays = num_rays self.near = self.NEAR if near is None else near self.far = self.FAR if far is None else far = (num_rays is not None) and ( split in ["train", "trainval"] ) self.color_bkgd_aug = color_bkgd_aug self.batch_over_images = batch_over_images if split == "trainval": _images_train, _camtoworlds_train, _focal_train = _load_renderings( root_fp, subject_id, "train" ) _images_val, _camtoworlds_val, _focal_val = _load_renderings( root_fp, subject_id, "val" ) self.images = np.concatenate([_images_train, _images_val]) self.camtoworlds = np.concatenate( [_camtoworlds_train, _camtoworlds_val] ) self.focal = _focal_train else: self.images, self.camtoworlds, self.focal = _load_renderings( root_fp, subject_id, split ) self.images = torch.from_numpy(self.images).to(torch.uint8) self.camtoworlds = torch.from_numpy(self.camtoworlds).to(torch.float32) self.K = torch.tensor( [ [self.focal, 0, self.WIDTH / 2.0], [0, self.focal, self.HEIGHT / 2.0], [0, 0, 1], ], dtype=torch.float32, ) # (3, 3) self.images = self.camtoworlds = self.K = assert self.images.shape[1:3] == (self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH) self.g = torch.Generator(device=device) self.g.manual_seed(42) def __len__(self): return len(self.images) def __getitem__(self, index): data = self.fetch_data(index) data = self.preprocess(data) return data def preprocess(self, data): """Process the fetched / cached data with randomness.""" rgba, rays = data["rgba"], data["rays"] pixels, alpha = torch.split(rgba, [3, 1], dim=-1) if if self.color_bkgd_aug == "random": color_bkgd = torch.rand( 3, device=self.images.device, generator=self.g ) elif self.color_bkgd_aug == "white": color_bkgd = torch.ones(3, device=self.images.device) elif self.color_bkgd_aug == "black": color_bkgd = torch.zeros(3, device=self.images.device) else: # just use white during inference color_bkgd = torch.ones(3, device=self.images.device) pixels = pixels * alpha + color_bkgd * (1.0 - alpha) return { "pixels": pixels, # [n_rays, 3] or [h, w, 3] "rays": rays, # [n_rays,] or [h, w] "color_bkgd": color_bkgd, # [3,] **{k: v for k, v in data.items() if k not in ["rgba", "rays"]}, } def update_num_rays(self, num_rays): self.num_rays = num_rays def fetch_data(self, index): """Fetch the data (it maybe cached for multiple batches).""" num_rays = self.num_rays if if self.batch_over_images: image_id = torch.randint( 0, len(self.images), size=(num_rays,), device=self.images.device, generator=self.g, ) else: image_id = [index] * num_rays x = torch.randint( 0, self.WIDTH, size=(num_rays,), device=self.images.device, generator=self.g, ) y = torch.randint( 0, self.HEIGHT, size=(num_rays,), device=self.images.device, generator=self.g, ) else: image_id = [index] x, y = torch.meshgrid( torch.arange(self.WIDTH, device=self.images.device), torch.arange(self.HEIGHT, device=self.images.device), indexing="xy", ) x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() # generate rays rgba = self.images[image_id, y, x] / 255.0 # (num_rays, 4) c2w = self.camtoworlds[image_id] # (num_rays, 3, 4) camera_dirs = F.pad( torch.stack( [ (x - self.K[0, 2] + 0.5) / self.K[0, 0], (y - self.K[1, 2] + 0.5) / self.K[1, 1] * (-1.0 if self.OPENGL_CAMERA else 1.0), ], dim=-1, ), (0, 1), value=(-1.0 if self.OPENGL_CAMERA else 1.0), ) # [num_rays, 3] # [n_cams, height, width, 3] directions = (camera_dirs[:, None, :] * c2w[:, :3, :3]).sum(dim=-1) origins = torch.broadcast_to(c2w[:, :3, -1], directions.shape) viewdirs = directions / torch.linalg.norm( directions, dim=-1, keepdims=True ) if origins = torch.reshape(origins, (num_rays, 3)) viewdirs = torch.reshape(viewdirs, (num_rays, 3)) rgba = torch.reshape(rgba, (num_rays, 4)) else: origins = torch.reshape(origins, (self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH, 3)) viewdirs = torch.reshape(viewdirs, (self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH, 3)) rgba = torch.reshape(rgba, (self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH, 4)) rays = Rays(origins=origins, viewdirs=viewdirs) return { "rgba": rgba, # [h, w, 4] or [num_rays, 4] "rays": rays, # [h, w, 3] or [num_rays, 3] } class VDBEstimator(AbstractEstimator): """Occupancy Estimator Using A VDB.""" def __init__(self, init_grid: GridBatch, device="cuda:0") -> None: super().__init__() assert fVDB_ENABLED, "Please install fVDB to use this class." assert len(init_grid) == 1, "Only support one grid for now." # Create a mutable grid from the initial grid. self.grid = sparse_grid_from_ijk( init_grid.ijk, voxel_sizes=init_grid.voxel_sizes,, mutable=True, ).to(device) # The buffer for float occupancy values self.occs = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.zeros([self.grid.total_voxels], device=device), requires_grad=False, ) def state_dict(self): state_dict = super().state_dict() state_dict["grid"] = self.grid state_dict["occs"] = self.occs.state_dict() return state_dict def load_state_dict( self, state_dict: Mapping[str, Any], strict: bool = True ): init_grid = state_dict["grid"] self.grid = sparse_grid_from_ijk( init_grid.ijk, voxel_sizes=init_grid.voxel_sizes,, mutable=True, ) remaining_state_dict = { k: v for k, v in state_dict.items() if k not in ["grid", "occs"] } super().load_state_dict(remaining_state_dict, strict=strict) def to(self, device: Union[str, torch.device]): self.grid = self.occs = super().to(device) return self def sampling( self, # rays rays_o: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] # sigma/alpha function for skipping invisible space sigma_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, alpha_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, near_plane: float = 0.0, far_plane: float = 1e10, t_min: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] t_max: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] # rendering options render_step_size: float = 1e-3, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, stratified: bool = False, cone_angle: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Sampling with spatial skipping. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: rays_o: Ray origins of shape (n_rays, 3). rays_d: Normalized ray directions of shape (n_rays, 3). sigma_fn: Optional. If provided, the marching will skip the invisible space by evaluating the density along the ray with `sigma_fn`. It should be a function that takes in samples {t_starts (N,), t_ends (N,), ray indices (N,)} and returns the post-activation density values (N,). You should only provide either `sigma_fn` or `alpha_fn`. alpha_fn: Optional. If provided, the marching will skip the invisible space by evaluating the density along the ray with `alpha_fn`. It should be a function that takes in samples {t_starts (N,), t_ends (N,), ray indices (N,)} and returns the post-activation opacity values (N,). You should only provide either `sigma_fn` or `alpha_fn`. near_plane: Optional. Near plane distance. Default: 0.0. far_plane: Optional. Far plane distance. Default: 1e10. t_min: Optional. Per-ray minimum distance. Tensor with shape (n_rays). If provided, the marching will start from maximum of t_min and near_plane. t_max: Optional. Per-ray maximum distance. Tensor with shape (n_rays). If provided, the marching will stop by minimum of t_max and far_plane. render_step_size: Step size for marching. Default: 1e-3. early_stop_eps: Early stop threshold for skipping invisible space. Default: 1e-4. alpha_thre: Alpha threshold for skipping empty space. Default: 0.0. stratified: Whether to use stratified sampling. Default: False. cone_angle: Cone angle for linearly-increased step size. 0. means constant step size. Default: 0.0. Returns: A tuple of {LongTensor, Tensor, Tensor}: - **ray_indices**: Ray index of each sample. IntTensor with shape (n_samples). - **t_starts**: Per-sample start distance. Tensor with shape (n_samples,). - **t_ends**: Per-sample end distance. Tensor with shape (n_samples,). Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = grid.sampling( >>> rays_o, rays_d, render_step_size=1e-3) >>> t_mid = (t_starts + t_ends) / 2.0 >>> sample_locs = rays_o[ray_indices] + t_mid * rays_d[ray_indices] """ near_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=near_plane) far_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[..., 0], fill_value=far_plane) if t_min is not None: near_planes = torch.clamp(near_planes, min=t_min) if t_max is not None: far_planes = torch.clamp(far_planes, max=t_max) if stratified: near_planes += torch.rand_like(near_planes) * render_step_size t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices = traverse_vdbs( rays_o, rays_d, self.grid, near_planes=near_planes, far_planes=far_planes, step_size=render_step_size, cone_angle=cone_angle, ) # skip invisible space if (alpha_thre > 0.0 or early_stop_eps > 0.0) and ( sigma_fn is not None or alpha_fn is not None ): alpha_thre = min(alpha_thre, self.occs.mean().item()) n_rays = rays_o.shape[0] # Compute visibility of the samples, and filter out invisible samples if sigma_fn is not None: if t_starts.shape[0] != 0: sigmas = sigma_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) else: sigmas = torch.empty((0,), device=t_starts.device) assert ( sigmas.shape == t_starts.shape ), "sigmas must have shape of (N,)! Got {}".format(sigmas.shape) masks = render_visibility_from_density( t_starts=t_starts, t_ends=t_ends, sigmas=sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices, n_rays=n_rays, early_stop_eps=early_stop_eps, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) elif alpha_fn is not None: if t_starts.shape[0] != 0: alphas = alpha_fn(t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices) else: alphas = torch.empty((0,), device=t_starts.device) assert ( alphas.shape == t_starts.shape ), "alphas must have shape of (N,)! Got {}".format(alphas.shape) masks = render_visibility_from_alpha( alphas=alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices, n_rays=n_rays, early_stop_eps=early_stop_eps, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends = ( ray_indices[masks], t_starts[masks], t_ends[masks], ) return ray_indices, t_starts, t_ends def update_every_n_steps( self, step: int, occ_eval_fn: Callable, occ_thre: float = 1e-2, ema_decay: float = 0.95, warmup_steps: int = 256, n: int = 16, ) -> None: """Update the estimator every n steps during training. Args: step: Current training step. occ_eval_fn: A function that takes in sample locations :math:`(N, 3)` and returns the occupancy values :math:`(N, 1)` at those locations. occ_thre: Threshold used to binarize the occupancy grid. Default: 1e-2. ema_decay: The decay rate for EMA updates. Default: 0.95. warmup_steps: Sample all cells during the warmup stage. After the warmup stage we change the sampling strategy to 1/4 uniformly sampled cells together with 1/4 occupied cells. Default: 256. n: Update the grid every n steps. Default: 16. """ if not raise RuntimeError( "You should only call this function only during training. " "Please call _update() directly if you want to update the " "field during inference." ) if step % n == 0 and self._update( step=step, occ_eval_fn=occ_eval_fn, occ_thre=occ_thre, ema_decay=ema_decay, warmup_steps=warmup_steps, ) def _get_all_cells(self) -> List[Tensor]: """Returns all cells of the grid.""" return self.grid.ijk.jdata def _sample_uniform_and_occupied_cells(self) -> List[Tensor]: """Samples both n uniform and occupied cells.""" n = self.grid.total_voxels // 4 uniform_selector = torch.randint( 0, self.grid.total_voxels, (n,), device=self.device ) uniform_ijks = self.grid.ijk.jdata[uniform_selector] occupied_ijks = self.grid.ijk_enabled.jdata if n < len(occupied_ijks): occupied_selector = torch.randint( 0, len(occupied_ijks), (n,), device=self.device ) occupied_ijks = occupied_ijks[occupied_selector] ijks =[uniform_ijks, occupied_ijks], dim=0) return ijks def _update( self, step: int, occ_eval_fn: Callable, occ_thre: float = 0.01, ema_decay: float = 0.95, warmup_steps: int = 256, ) -> None: """Update the occ field in the EMA way.""" # sample cells if step < warmup_steps: ijks = self._get_all_cells() else: ijks = self._sample_uniform_and_occupied_cells() # update the occ buffer grid_coords = ijks - 0.5 + torch.rand_like(ijks, dtype=torch.float32) x = self.grid.grid_to_world(grid_coords).jdata occ = occ_eval_fn(x).squeeze(-1) index = self.grid.ijk_to_index(ijks).jdata self.occs[index] = torch.maximum(self.occs[index] * ema_decay, occ) # update the grid thre = torch.clamp(self.occs.mean(), max=occ_thre) active = self.occs[index] >= thre _ijks = ijks[active] if len(_ijks) > 0: self.grid.enable_ijk(_ijks) _ijks = ijks[~active] if len(_ijks) > 0: self.grid.disable_ijk(_ijks) def run(args): device = "cuda:0" set_random_seed(42) if args.scene in MIPNERF360_UNBOUNDED_SCENES: from datasets.nerf_360_v2 import SubjectLoader # training parameters max_steps = 20000 init_batch_size = 1024 target_sample_batch_size = 1 << 18 weight_decay = 0.0 # scene parameters aabb = torch.tensor([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], device=device) near_plane = 0.2 far_plane = 1.0e10 # dataset parameters train_dataset_kwargs = {"color_bkgd_aug": "random", "factor": 4} test_dataset_kwargs = {"factor": 4} # model parameters grid_resolution = 128 grid_nlvl = 4 # render parameters render_step_size = 1e-3 alpha_thre = 1e-2 cone_angle = 0.004 else: from datasets.nerf_synthetic import SubjectLoader # training parameters max_steps = 20000 init_batch_size = 1024 target_sample_batch_size = 1 << 18 weight_decay = ( 1e-5 if args.scene in ["materials", "ficus", "drums"] else 1e-6 ) # scene parameters aabb = torch.tensor([-1.5, -1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5], device=device) near_plane = 0.0 far_plane = 1.0e10 # dataset parameters train_dataset_kwargs = {} test_dataset_kwargs = {} # model parameters grid_resolution = 128 grid_nlvl = 1 # render parameters render_step_size = 5e-3 alpha_thre = 0.0 cone_angle = 0.0 train_dataset = SubjectLoader( subject_id=args.scene, root_fp=args.data_root, split=args.train_split, num_rays=init_batch_size, device=device, **train_dataset_kwargs, ) test_dataset = SubjectLoader( subject_id=args.scene, root_fp=args.data_root, split="test", num_rays=None, device=device, **test_dataset_kwargs, ) if args.vdb: from fvdb import sparse_grid_from_dense from nerfacc.estimators.vdb import VDBEstimator assert grid_nlvl == 1, "VDBEstimator only supports grid_nlvl=1" voxel_sizes = (aabb[3:] - aabb[:3]) / grid_resolution origins = aabb[:3] + voxel_sizes / 2 grid = sparse_grid_from_dense( 1, (grid_resolution, grid_resolution, grid_resolution), voxel_sizes=voxel_sizes, origins=origins, ) estimator = VDBEstimator(grid).to(device) estimator.aabbs = [aabb] else: estimator = OccGridEstimator( roi_aabb=aabb, resolution=grid_resolution, levels=grid_nlvl ).to(device) # setup the radiance field we want to train. grad_scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler(2**10) radiance_field = NGPRadianceField(aabb=estimator.aabbs[-1]).to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( radiance_field.parameters(), lr=1e-2, eps=1e-15, weight_decay=weight_decay, ) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ChainedScheduler( [ torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LinearLR( optimizer, start_factor=0.01, total_iters=100 ), torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=[ max_steps // 2, max_steps * 3 // 4, max_steps * 9 // 10, ], gamma=0.33, ), ] ) lpips_net = LPIPS(net="vgg").to(device) lpips_norm_fn = lambda x: x[None, ...].permute(0, 3, 1, 2) * 2 - 1 lpips_fn = lambda x, y: lpips_net(lpips_norm_fn(x), lpips_norm_fn(y)).mean() # training tic = time.time() for step in range(max_steps + 1): radiance_field.train() estimator.train() i = torch.randint(0, len(train_dataset), (1,)).item() data = train_dataset[i] render_bkgd = data["color_bkgd"] rays = data["rays"] pixels = data["pixels"] def occ_eval_fn(x): density = radiance_field.query_density(x) return density * render_step_size # update occupancy grid estimator.update_every_n_steps( step=step, occ_eval_fn=occ_eval_fn, occ_thre=1e-2, ) # render rgb, acc, depth, n_rendering_samples = render_image_with_occgrid( radiance_field, estimator, rays, # rendering options near_plane=near_plane, render_step_size=render_step_size, render_bkgd=render_bkgd, cone_angle=cone_angle, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) if n_rendering_samples == 0: continue if target_sample_batch_size > 0: # dynamic batch size for rays to keep sample batch size constant. num_rays = len(pixels) num_rays = int( num_rays * (target_sample_batch_size / float(n_rendering_samples)) ) train_dataset.update_num_rays(num_rays) # compute loss loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(rgb, pixels) optimizer.zero_grad() # do not unscale it because we are using Adam. grad_scaler.scale(loss).backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step() if step % 10000 == 0: elapsed_time = time.time() - tic loss = F.mse_loss(rgb, pixels) psnr = -10.0 * torch.log(loss) / np.log(10.0) print( f"elapsed_time={elapsed_time:.2f}s | step={step} | " f"loss={loss:.5f} | psnr={psnr:.2f} | " f"n_rendering_samples={n_rendering_samples:d} | num_rays={len(pixels):d} | " f"max_depth={depth.max():.3f} | " ) if step > 0 and step % max_steps == 0: # evaluation radiance_field.eval() estimator.eval() psnrs = [] lpips = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(len(test_dataset))): data = test_dataset[i] render_bkgd = data["color_bkgd"] rays = data["rays"] pixels = data["pixels"] # rendering # rgb, acc, depth, _ = render_image_with_occgrid_test( # 1024, # # scene # radiance_field, # estimator, # rays, # # rendering options # near_plane=near_plane, # render_step_size=render_step_size, # render_bkgd=render_bkgd, # cone_angle=cone_angle, # alpha_thre=alpha_thre, # ) rgb, acc, depth, _ = render_image_with_occgrid( radiance_field, estimator, rays, # rendering options near_plane=near_plane, render_step_size=render_step_size, render_bkgd=render_bkgd, cone_angle=cone_angle, alpha_thre=alpha_thre, ) mse = F.mse_loss(rgb, pixels) psnr = -10.0 * torch.log(mse) / np.log(10.0) psnrs.append(psnr.item()) lpips.append(lpips_fn(rgb, pixels).item()) # if i == 0: # imageio.imwrite( # "rgb_test.png", # (rgb.cpu().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8), # ) # imageio.imwrite( # "rgb_error.png", # ( # (rgb - pixels).norm(dim=-1).cpu().numpy() * 255 # ).astype(np.uint8), # ) psnr_avg = sum(psnrs) / len(psnrs) lpips_avg = sum(lpips) / len(lpips) print(f"evaluation: psnr_avg={psnr_avg}, lpips_avg={lpips_avg}")
import collections import os import sys import imageio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import tqdm from .utils import Rays from scene_manager import SceneManager def _load_colmap(root_fp: str, subject_id: str, factor: int = 1): assert factor in [1, 2, 4, 8] data_dir = os.path.join(root_fp, subject_id) colmap_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "sparse/0/") manager = SceneManager(colmap_dir) manager.load_cameras() manager.load_images() # Assume shared intrinsics between all cameras. cam = manager.cameras[1] fx, fy, cx, cy = cam.fx, cam.fy,, K = np.array([[fx, 0, cx], [0, fy, cy], [0, 0, 1]]) K[:2, :] /= factor # Extract extrinsic matrices in world-to-camera format. imdata = manager.images w2c_mats = [] bottom = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 4) for k in imdata: im = imdata[k] rot = im.R() trans = im.tvec.reshape(3, 1) w2c = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([rot, trans], 1), bottom], axis=0) w2c_mats.append(w2c) w2c_mats = np.stack(w2c_mats, axis=0) # Convert extrinsics to camera-to-world. camtoworlds = np.linalg.inv(w2c_mats) # Image names from COLMAP. No need for permuting the poses according to # image names anymore. image_names = [imdata[k].name for k in imdata] # # Switch from COLMAP (right, down, fwd) to Nerf (right, up, back) frame. # poses = poses @ np.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]) # Get distortion parameters. type_ = cam.camera_type if type_ == 0 or type_ == "SIMPLE_PINHOLE": params = None camtype = "perspective" elif type_ == 1 or type_ == "PINHOLE": params = None camtype = "perspective" if type_ == 2 or type_ == "SIMPLE_RADIAL": params = {k: 0.0 for k in ["k1", "k2", "k3", "p1", "p2"]} params["k1"] = cam.k1 camtype = "perspective" elif type_ == 3 or type_ == "RADIAL": params = {k: 0.0 for k in ["k1", "k2", "k3", "p1", "p2"]} params["k1"] = cam.k1 params["k2"] = cam.k2 camtype = "perspective" elif type_ == 4 or type_ == "OPENCV": params = {k: 0.0 for k in ["k1", "k2", "k3", "p1", "p2"]} params["k1"] = cam.k1 params["k2"] = cam.k2 params["p1"] = cam.p1 params["p2"] = cam.p2 camtype = "perspective" elif type_ == 5 or type_ == "OPENCV_FISHEYE": params = {k: 0.0 for k in ["k1", "k2", "k3", "k4"]} params["k1"] = cam.k1 params["k2"] = cam.k2 params["k3"] = cam.k3 params["k4"] = cam.k4 camtype = "fisheye" assert params is None, "Only support pinhole camera model." # Previous Nerf results were generated with images sorted by filename, # ensure metrics are reported on the same test set. inds = np.argsort(image_names) image_names = [image_names[i] for i in inds] camtoworlds = camtoworlds[inds] # Load images. if factor > 1: image_dir_suffix = f"_{factor}" else: image_dir_suffix = "" colmap_image_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "images") image_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "images" + image_dir_suffix) for d in [image_dir, colmap_image_dir]: if not os.path.exists(d): raise ValueError(f"Image folder {d} does not exist.") # Downsampled images may have different names vs images used for COLMAP, # so we need to map between the two sorted lists of files. colmap_files = sorted(os.listdir(colmap_image_dir)) image_files = sorted(os.listdir(image_dir)) colmap_to_image = dict(zip(colmap_files, image_files)) image_paths = [ os.path.join(image_dir, colmap_to_image[f]) for f in image_names ] print("loading images") images = [imageio.imread(x) for x in tqdm.tqdm(image_paths)] images = np.stack(images, axis=0) # Select the split. all_indices = np.arange(images.shape[0]) split_indices = { "test": all_indices[all_indices % 8 == 0], "train": all_indices[all_indices % 8 != 0], } return images, camtoworlds, K, split_indices
import collections import os import sys import imageio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import tqdm from .utils import Rays from scene_manager import SceneManager The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `similarity_from_cameras` function. Write a Python function `def similarity_from_cameras(c2w, strict_scaling)` to solve the following problem: reference: nerf-factory Get a similarity transform to normalize dataset from c2w (OpenCV convention) cameras :param c2w: (N, 4) :return T (4,4) , scale (float) Here is the function: def similarity_from_cameras(c2w, strict_scaling): """ reference: nerf-factory Get a similarity transform to normalize dataset from c2w (OpenCV convention) cameras :param c2w: (N, 4) :return T (4,4) , scale (float) """ t = c2w[:, :3, 3] R = c2w[:, :3, :3] # (1) Rotate the world so that z+ is the up axis # we estimate the up axis by averaging the camera up axes ups = np.sum(R * np.array([0, -1.0, 0]), axis=-1) world_up = np.mean(ups, axis=0) world_up /= np.linalg.norm(world_up) up_camspace = np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]) c = (up_camspace * world_up).sum() cross = np.cross(world_up, up_camspace) skew = np.array( [ [0.0, -cross[2], cross[1]], [cross[2], 0.0, -cross[0]], [-cross[1], cross[0], 0.0], ] ) if c > -1: R_align = np.eye(3) + skew + (skew @ skew) * 1 / (1 + c) else: # In the unlikely case the original data has y+ up axis, # rotate 180-deg about x axis R_align = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) # R_align = np.eye(3) # DEBUG R = R_align @ R fwds = np.sum(R * np.array([0, 0.0, 1.0]), axis=-1) t = (R_align @ t[..., None])[..., 0] # (2) Recenter the scene using camera center rays # find the closest point to the origin for each camera's center ray nearest = t + (fwds * -t).sum(-1)[:, None] * fwds # median for more robustness translate = -np.median(nearest, axis=0) # translate = -np.mean(t, axis=0) # DEBUG transform = np.eye(4) transform[:3, 3] = translate transform[:3, :3] = R_align # (3) Rescale the scene using camera distances scale_fn = np.max if strict_scaling else np.median scale = 1.0 / scale_fn(np.linalg.norm(t + translate, axis=-1)) return transform, scale
reference: nerf-factory Get a similarity transform to normalize dataset from c2w (OpenCV convention) cameras :param c2w: (N, 4) :return T (4,4) , scale (float)
import collections import json import os import imageio.v2 as imageio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from .utils import Rays The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_load_renderings` function. Write a Python function `def _load_renderings(root_fp: str, subject_id: str, split: str)` to solve the following problem: Load images from disk. Here is the function: def _load_renderings(root_fp: str, subject_id: str, split: str): """Load images from disk.""" if not root_fp.startswith("/"): # allow relative path. e.g., "./data/nerf_synthetic/" root_fp = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", root_fp, ) data_dir = os.path.join(root_fp, subject_id) with open( os.path.join(data_dir, "transforms_{}.json".format(split)), "r" ) as fp: meta = json.load(fp) images = [] camtoworlds = [] for i in range(len(meta["frames"])): frame = meta["frames"][i] fname = os.path.join(data_dir, frame["file_path"] + ".png") rgba = imageio.imread(fname) camtoworlds.append(frame["transform_matrix"]) images.append(rgba) images = np.stack(images, axis=0) camtoworlds = np.stack(camtoworlds, axis=0) h, w = images.shape[1:3] camera_angle_x = float(meta["camera_angle_x"]) focal = 0.5 * w / np.tan(0.5 * camera_angle_x) return images, camtoworlds, focal
Load images from disk.
import json import os import imageio.v2 as imageio import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from .utils import Rays The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_load_renderings` function. Write a Python function `def _load_renderings(root_fp: str, subject_id: str, split: str)` to solve the following problem: Load images from disk. Here is the function: def _load_renderings(root_fp: str, subject_id: str, split: str): """Load images from disk.""" if not root_fp.startswith("/"): # allow relative path. e.g., "./data/dnerf_synthetic/" root_fp = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", root_fp, ) data_dir = os.path.join(root_fp, subject_id) with open( os.path.join(data_dir, "transforms_{}.json".format(split)), "r" ) as fp: meta = json.load(fp) images = [] camtoworlds = [] timestamps = [] for i in range(len(meta["frames"])): frame = meta["frames"][i] fname = os.path.join(data_dir, frame["file_path"] + ".png") rgba = imageio.imread(fname) timestamp = ( frame["time"] if "time" in frame else float(i) / (len(meta["frames"]) - 1) ) timestamps.append(timestamp) camtoworlds.append(frame["transform_matrix"]) images.append(rgba) images = np.stack(images, axis=0) camtoworlds = np.stack(camtoworlds, axis=0) timestamps = np.stack(timestamps, axis=0) h, w = images.shape[1:3] camera_angle_x = float(meta["camera_angle_x"]) focal = 0.5 * w / np.tan(0.5 * camera_angle_x) return images, camtoworlds, focal, timestamps
Load images from disk.
import glob import json import os import shutil from subprocess import DEVNULL, call from rich.console import Console from torch.utils.cpp_extension import _get_build_directory, load The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `cuda_toolkit_available` function. Write a Python function `def cuda_toolkit_available()` to solve the following problem: Check if the nvcc is avaiable on the machine. Here is the function: def cuda_toolkit_available(): """Check if the nvcc is avaiable on the machine.""" try: call(["nvcc"], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False
Check if the nvcc is avaiable on the machine.
import glob import json import os import shutil from subprocess import DEVNULL, call from rich.console import Console from torch.utils.cpp_extension import _get_build_directory, load The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `cuda_toolkit_version` function. Write a Python function `def cuda_toolkit_version()` to solve the following problem: Get the cuda toolkit version. Here is the function: def cuda_toolkit_version(): """Get the cuda toolkit version.""" cuda_home = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(shutil.which("nvcc")), "..") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cuda_home, "version.txt")): with open(os.path.join(cuda_home, "version.txt")) as f: cuda_version =[-1] elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(cuda_home, "version.json")): with open(os.path.join(cuda_home, "version.json")) as f: cuda_version = json.load(f)["cuda"]["version"] else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the cuda version.") return cuda_version
Get the cuda toolkit version.
from typing import Tuple, Union import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .data_specs import RayIntervals, RaySamples class RaySamples: """Ray samples that supports batched and flattened data. Note: When `vals` is flattened, either `packed_info` or `ray_indices` must be provided. Args: vals: Batched data with shape (n_rays, n_samples) or flattened data with shape (all_samples,) packed_info: Optional. A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in flattened `vals`, with in total n_rays chunks. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. ray_indices: Optional. A tensor of shape (all_samples,) that specifies the ray index of each sample. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> # Batched data >>> ray_samples = RaySamples(torch.rand(10, 100)) >>> # Flattened data >>> ray_samples = RaySamples( >>> torch.rand(1000), >>> packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 100], [100, 200], [300, 700]]), >>> ) """ vals: torch.Tensor packed_info: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ray_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None is_valid: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None def _to_cpp(self): """ Generate object to pass to C++ """ spec = _C.RaySegmentsSpec() spec.vals = self.vals.contiguous() if self.packed_info is not None: spec.chunk_starts = self.packed_info[:, 0].contiguous() if self.chunk_cnts is not None: spec.chunk_cnts = self.packed_info[:, 1].contiguous() if self.ray_indices is not None: spec.ray_indices = self.ray_indices.contiguous() return spec def _from_cpp(cls, spec): """ Generate object from C++ """ if spec.chunk_starts is not None and spec.chunk_cnts is not None: packed_info = torch.stack([spec.chunk_starts, spec.chunk_cnts], -1) else: packed_info = None ray_indices = spec.ray_indices if spec.is_valid is not None: is_valid = spec.is_valid else: is_valid = None vals = spec.vals return cls( vals=vals, packed_info=packed_info, ray_indices=ray_indices, is_valid=is_valid, ) def device(self) -> torch.device: return self.vals.device class RayIntervals: """Ray intervals that supports batched and flattened data. Each interval is defined by two edges (left and right). The attribute `vals` stores the edges of all intervals along the rays. The attributes `is_left` and `is_right` are for indicating whether each edge is a left or right edge. This class unifies the representation of both continuous and non-continuous ray intervals. Note: When `vals` is flattened, either `packed_info` or `ray_indices` must be provided. Also both `is_left` and `is_right` must be provided. Args: vals: Batched data with shape (n_rays, n_edges) or flattened data with shape (all_edges,) packed_info: Optional. A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in flattened `vals`, with in total n_rays chunks. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. ray_indices: Optional. A tensor of shape (all_edges,) that specifies the ray index of each edge. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. is_left: Optional. A boolen tensor of shape (all_edges,) that specifies whether each edge is a left edge. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. is_right: Optional. A boolen tensor of shape (all_edges,) that specifies whether each edge is a right edge. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> # Batched data >>> ray_intervals = RayIntervals(torch.rand(10, 100)) >>> # Flattened data >>> ray_intervals = RayIntervals( >>> torch.rand(6), >>> packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 0], [2, 4]]), >>> is_left=torch.tensor([True, False, True, True, True, False]), >>> is_right=torch.tensor([False, True, False, True, True, True]), >>> ) """ vals: torch.Tensor packed_info: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ray_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None is_left: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None is_right: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None def _to_cpp(self): """ Generate object to pass to C++ """ spec = _C.RaySegmentsSpec() spec.vals = self.vals.contiguous() if self.packed_info is not None: spec.chunk_starts = self.packed_info[:, 0].contiguous() if self.packed_info is not None: spec.chunk_cnts = self.packed_info[:, 1].contiguous() if self.ray_indices is not None: spec.ray_indices = self.ray_indices.contiguous() if self.is_left is not None: spec.is_left = self.is_left.contiguous() if self.is_right is not None: spec.is_right = self.is_right.contiguous() return spec def _from_cpp(cls, spec): """ Generate object from C++ """ if spec.chunk_starts is not None and spec.chunk_cnts is not None: packed_info = torch.stack([spec.chunk_starts, spec.chunk_cnts], -1) else: packed_info = None ray_indices = spec.ray_indices is_left = spec.is_left is_right = spec.is_right return cls( vals=spec.vals, packed_info=packed_info, ray_indices=ray_indices, is_left=is_left, is_right=is_right, ) def device(self) -> torch.device: return self.vals.device The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `importance_sampling` function. Write a Python function `def importance_sampling( intervals: RayIntervals, cdfs: Tensor, n_intervals_per_ray: Union[Tensor, int], stratified: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[RayIntervals, RaySamples]` to solve the following problem: Importance sampling that supports flattened tensor. Given a set of intervals and the corresponding CDFs at the interval edges, this function performs inverse transform sampling to create a new set of intervals and samples. Stratified sampling is also supported. Args: intervals: A :class:`RayIntervals` object that specifies the edges of the intervals along the rays. cdfs: The CDFs at the interval edges. It has the same shape as `intervals.vals`. n_intervals_per_ray: Resample each ray to have this many intervals. If it is a tensor, it must be of shape (n_rays,). If it is an int, it is broadcasted to all rays. stratified: If True, perform stratified sampling. Returns: A tuple of {:class:`RayIntervals`, :class:`RaySamples`}: - **intervals**: A :class:`RayIntervals` object. If `n_intervals_per_ray` is an int, \ `intervals.vals` will has the shape of (n_rays, n_intervals_per_ray + 1). \ If `n_intervals_per_ray` is a tensor, we assume each ray results \ in a different number of intervals. In this case, `intervals.vals` \ will has the shape of (all_edges,), the attributes `packed_info`, \ `ray_indices`, `is_left` and `is_right` will be accessable. - **samples**: A :class:`RaySamples` object. If `n_intervals_per_ray` is an int, \ `samples.vals` will has the shape of (n_rays, n_intervals_per_ray). \ If `n_intervals_per_ray` is a tensor, we assume each ray results \ in a different number of intervals. In this case, `samples.vals` \ will has the shape of (all_samples,), the attributes `packed_info` and \ `ray_indices` will be accessable. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> intervals = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> cdfs = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0], device="cuda") >>> n_intervals_per_ray = 2 >>> intervals, samples = importance_sampling(intervals, cdfs, n_intervals_per_ray) >>> intervals.vals tensor([[0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000], [0.0000, 1.0000, 2.0000]], device='cuda:0') >>> samples.vals tensor([[0.2500, 0.7500], [0.5000, 1.5000]], device='cuda:0') Here is the function: def importance_sampling( intervals: RayIntervals, cdfs: Tensor, n_intervals_per_ray: Union[Tensor, int], stratified: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[RayIntervals, RaySamples]: """Importance sampling that supports flattened tensor. Given a set of intervals and the corresponding CDFs at the interval edges, this function performs inverse transform sampling to create a new set of intervals and samples. Stratified sampling is also supported. Args: intervals: A :class:`RayIntervals` object that specifies the edges of the intervals along the rays. cdfs: The CDFs at the interval edges. It has the same shape as `intervals.vals`. n_intervals_per_ray: Resample each ray to have this many intervals. If it is a tensor, it must be of shape (n_rays,). If it is an int, it is broadcasted to all rays. stratified: If True, perform stratified sampling. Returns: A tuple of {:class:`RayIntervals`, :class:`RaySamples`}: - **intervals**: A :class:`RayIntervals` object. If `n_intervals_per_ray` is an int, \ `intervals.vals` will has the shape of (n_rays, n_intervals_per_ray + 1). \ If `n_intervals_per_ray` is a tensor, we assume each ray results \ in a different number of intervals. In this case, `intervals.vals` \ will has the shape of (all_edges,), the attributes `packed_info`, \ `ray_indices`, `is_left` and `is_right` will be accessable. - **samples**: A :class:`RaySamples` object. If `n_intervals_per_ray` is an int, \ `samples.vals` will has the shape of (n_rays, n_intervals_per_ray). \ If `n_intervals_per_ray` is a tensor, we assume each ray results \ in a different number of intervals. In this case, `samples.vals` \ will has the shape of (all_samples,), the attributes `packed_info` and \ `ray_indices` will be accessable. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> intervals = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> cdfs = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0], device="cuda") >>> n_intervals_per_ray = 2 >>> intervals, samples = importance_sampling(intervals, cdfs, n_intervals_per_ray) >>> intervals.vals tensor([[0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000], [0.0000, 1.0000, 2.0000]], device='cuda:0') >>> samples.vals tensor([[0.2500, 0.7500], [0.5000, 1.5000]], device='cuda:0') """ if isinstance(n_intervals_per_ray, Tensor): n_intervals_per_ray = n_intervals_per_ray.contiguous() intervals, samples = _C.importance_sampling( intervals._to_cpp(), cdfs.contiguous(), n_intervals_per_ray, stratified, ) return RayIntervals._from_cpp(intervals), RaySamples._from_cpp(samples)
Importance sampling that supports flattened tensor. Given a set of intervals and the corresponding CDFs at the interval edges, this function performs inverse transform sampling to create a new set of intervals and samples. Stratified sampling is also supported. Args: intervals: A :class:`RayIntervals` object that specifies the edges of the intervals along the rays. cdfs: The CDFs at the interval edges. It has the same shape as `intervals.vals`. n_intervals_per_ray: Resample each ray to have this many intervals. If it is a tensor, it must be of shape (n_rays,). If it is an int, it is broadcasted to all rays. stratified: If True, perform stratified sampling. Returns: A tuple of {:class:`RayIntervals`, :class:`RaySamples`}: - **intervals**: A :class:`RayIntervals` object. If `n_intervals_per_ray` is an int, \ `intervals.vals` will has the shape of (n_rays, n_intervals_per_ray + 1). \ If `n_intervals_per_ray` is a tensor, we assume each ray results \ in a different number of intervals. In this case, `intervals.vals` \ will has the shape of (all_edges,), the attributes `packed_info`, \ `ray_indices`, `is_left` and `is_right` will be accessable. - **samples**: A :class:`RaySamples` object. If `n_intervals_per_ray` is an int, \ `samples.vals` will has the shape of (n_rays, n_intervals_per_ray). \ If `n_intervals_per_ray` is a tensor, we assume each ray results \ in a different number of intervals. In this case, `samples.vals` \ will has the shape of (all_samples,), the attributes `packed_info` and \ `ray_indices` will be accessable. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> intervals = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> cdfs = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0], device="cuda") >>> n_intervals_per_ray = 2 >>> intervals, samples = importance_sampling(intervals, cdfs, n_intervals_per_ray) >>> intervals.vals tensor([[0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000], [0.0000, 1.0000, 2.0000]], device='cuda:0') >>> samples.vals tensor([[0.2500, 0.7500], [0.5000, 1.5000]], device='cuda:0')
from typing import Tuple, Union import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .data_specs import RayIntervals, RaySamples def searchsorted( sorted_sequence: Union[RayIntervals, RaySamples], values: Union[RayIntervals, RaySamples], ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Searchsorted that supports flattened tensor. This function returns {`ids_left`, `ids_right`} such that: `sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_left) <= values.vals < sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_right)` Note: When values is out of range of sorted_sequence, we return the corresponding ids as if the values is clipped to the range of sorted_sequence. See the example below. Args: sorted_sequence: A :class:`RayIntervals` or :class:`RaySamples` object. We assume the `sorted_sequence.vals` is acendingly sorted for each ray. values: A :class:`RayIntervals` or :class:`RaySamples` object. Returns: A tuple of LongTensor: - **ids_left**: A LongTensor with the same shape as `values.vals`. - **ids_right**: A LongTensor with the same shape as `values.vals`. Example: >>> sorted_sequence = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> values = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.5, 1.5, 2.5], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 1], [1, 2]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> ids_left, ids_right = searchsorted(sorted_sequence, values) >>> ids_left tensor([0, 3, 3], device='cuda:0') >>> ids_right tensor([1, 4, 4], device='cuda:0') >>> sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_left) tensor([0., 1., 1.], device='cuda:0') >>> sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_right) tensor([1., 2., 2.], device='cuda:0') """ ids_left, ids_right = _C.searchsorted( values._to_cpp(), sorted_sequence._to_cpp() ) return ids_left, ids_right The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_sample_from_weighted` function. Write a Python function `def _sample_from_weighted( bins: Tensor, weights: Tensor, num_samples: int, stratified: bool = False, vmin: float = -torch.inf, vmax: float = torch.inf, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]` to solve the following problem: Args: bins: (..., B + 1). weights: (..., B). Returns: samples: (..., S + 1). Here is the function: def _sample_from_weighted( bins: Tensor, weights: Tensor, num_samples: int, stratified: bool = False, vmin: float = -torch.inf, vmax: float = torch.inf, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: import torch.nn.functional as F """ Args: bins: (..., B + 1). weights: (..., B). Returns: samples: (..., S + 1). """ B = weights.shape[-1] S = num_samples assert bins.shape[-1] == B + 1 dtype, device = bins.dtype, bins.device eps = torch.finfo(weights.dtype).eps # (..., B). pdf = F.normalize(weights, p=1, dim=-1) # (..., B + 1). cdf = [ torch.zeros_like(pdf[..., :1]), torch.cumsum(pdf[..., :-1], dim=-1), torch.ones_like(pdf[..., :1]), ], dim=-1, ) # (..., S). Sample positions between [0, 1). if not stratified: pad = 1 / (2 * S) # Get the center of each pdf bins. u = torch.linspace(pad, 1 - pad - eps, S, dtype=dtype, device=device) u = u.broadcast_to(bins.shape[:-1] + (S,)) else: # `u` is in [0, 1) --- it can be zero, but it can never be 1. u_max = eps + (1 - eps) / S max_jitter = (1 - u_max) / (S - 1) - eps # Only perform one jittering per ray (`single_jitter` in the original # implementation.) u = ( torch.linspace(0, 1 - u_max, S, dtype=dtype, device=device) + torch.rand( *bins.shape[:-1], 1, dtype=dtype, device=device, ) * max_jitter ) # (..., S). ceil = torch.searchsorted(cdf.contiguous(), u.contiguous(), side="right") floor = ceil - 1 # (..., S * 2). inds =[floor, ceil], dim=-1) # (..., S). cdf0, cdf1 = cdf.gather(-1, inds).split(S, dim=-1) b0, b1 = bins.gather(-1, inds).split(S, dim=-1) # (..., S). Linear interpolation in 1D. t = (u - cdf0) / torch.clamp(cdf1 - cdf0, min=eps) # Sample centers. centers = b0 + t * (b1 - b0) samples = (centers[..., 1:] + centers[..., :-1]) / 2 samples = [ (2 * centers[..., :1] - samples[..., :1]).clamp_min(vmin), samples, (2 * centers[..., -1:] - samples[..., -1:]).clamp_max(vmax), ], dim=-1, ) return samples, centers
Args: bins: (..., B + 1). weights: (..., B). Returns: samples: (..., S + 1).
from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `opencv_lens_undistortion` function. Write a Python function `def opencv_lens_undistortion( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6, iters: int = 10 ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Undistort the opencv distortion. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., N) or (N) OpenCV distortion parameters. We support N = 0, 1, 2, 4, 8. If N = 0, we return the input uv directly. If N = 1, we assume the input is {k1}. If N = 2, we assume the input is {k1, k2}. If N = 4, we assume the input is {k1, k2, p1, p2}. If N = 8, we assume the input is {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6}. Returns: (..., 2) undistorted UV coordinates. Here is the function: def opencv_lens_undistortion( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6, iters: int = 10 ) -> Tensor: """Undistort the opencv distortion. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., N) or (N) OpenCV distortion parameters. We support N = 0, 1, 2, 4, 8. If N = 0, we return the input uv directly. If N = 1, we assume the input is {k1}. If N = 2, we assume the input is {k1, k2}. If N = 4, we assume the input is {k1, k2, p1, p2}. If N = 8, we assume the input is {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6}. Returns: (..., 2) undistorted UV coordinates. """ assert uv.shape[-1] == 2 assert params.shape[-1] in [0, 1, 2, 4, 8] if params.shape[-1] == 0: return uv elif params.shape[-1] < 8: params = F.pad(params, (0, 8 - params.shape[-1]), "constant", 0) assert params.shape[-1] == 8 batch_shape = uv.shape[:-1] params = torch.broadcast_to(params, batch_shape + (params.shape[-1],)) return _C.opencv_lens_undistortion( uv.contiguous(), params.contiguous(), eps, iters )
Undistort the opencv distortion. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., N) or (N) OpenCV distortion parameters. We support N = 0, 1, 2, 4, 8. If N = 0, we return the input uv directly. If N = 1, we assume the input is {k1}. If N = 2, we assume the input is {k1, k2}. If N = 4, we assume the input is {k1, k2, p1, p2}. If N = 8, we assume the input is {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6}. Returns: (..., 2) undistorted UV coordinates.
from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `opencv_lens_undistortion_fisheye` function. Write a Python function `def opencv_lens_undistortion_fisheye( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6, iters: int = 10 ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Undistort the opencv distortion of {k1, k2, k3, k4}. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., 4) or (4) OpenCV distortion parameters. Returns: (..., 2) undistorted UV coordinates. Here is the function: def opencv_lens_undistortion_fisheye( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6, iters: int = 10 ) -> Tensor: """Undistort the opencv distortion of {k1, k2, k3, k4}. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., 4) or (4) OpenCV distortion parameters. Returns: (..., 2) undistorted UV coordinates. """ assert uv.shape[-1] == 2 assert params.shape[-1] == 4 batch_shape = uv.shape[:-1] params = torch.broadcast_to(params, batch_shape + (params.shape[-1],)) return _C.opencv_lens_undistortion_fisheye( uv.contiguous(), params.contiguous(), eps, iters )
Undistort the opencv distortion of {k1, k2, k3, k4}. Note: This function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., 4) or (4) OpenCV distortion parameters. Returns: (..., 2) undistorted UV coordinates.
from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_opencv_lens_distortion` function. Write a Python function `def _opencv_lens_distortion(uv: Tensor, params: Tensor) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: The opencv camera distortion of {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6}. See for more details. Here is the function: def _opencv_lens_distortion(uv: Tensor, params: Tensor) -> Tensor: """The opencv camera distortion of {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6}. See for more details. """ k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6 = torch.unbind(params, dim=-1) s1, s2, s3, s4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 u, v = torch.unbind(uv, dim=-1) r2 = u * u + v * v r4 = r2**2 r6 = r4 * r2 ratial = (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r4 + k3 * r6) / ( 1 + k4 * r2 + k5 * r4 + k6 * r6 ) fx = 2 * p1 * u * v + p2 * (r2 + 2 * u * u) + s1 * r2 + s2 * r4 fy = 2 * p2 * u * v + p1 * (r2 + 2 * v * v) + s3 * r2 + s4 * r4 return torch.stack([u * ratial + fx, v * ratial + fy], dim=-1)
The opencv camera distortion of {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6}. See for more details.
from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_opencv_lens_distortion_fisheye` function. Write a Python function `def _opencv_lens_distortion_fisheye( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-10 ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: The opencv camera distortion of {k1, k2, k3, p1, p2}. See for more details. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., 4) or (4) OpenCV distortion parameters. Returns: (..., 2) distorted UV coordinates. Here is the function: def _opencv_lens_distortion_fisheye( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-10 ) -> Tensor: """The opencv camera distortion of {k1, k2, k3, p1, p2}. See for more details. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., 4) or (4) OpenCV distortion parameters. Returns: (..., 2) distorted UV coordinates. """ assert params.shape[-1] == 4, f"Invalid params shape: {params.shape}" k1, k2, k3, k4 = torch.unbind(params, dim=-1) u, v = torch.unbind(uv, dim=-1) r = torch.sqrt(u * u + v * v) theta = torch.atan(r) theta_d = theta * ( 1 + k1 * theta**2 + k2 * theta**4 + k3 * theta**6 + k4 * theta**8 ) scale = theta_d / torch.clamp(r, min=eps) return uv * scale[..., None]
The opencv camera distortion of {k1, k2, k3, p1, p2}. See for more details. Args: uv: (..., 2) UV coordinates. params: (..., 4) or (4) OpenCV distortion parameters. Returns: (..., 2) distorted UV coordinates.
from typing import Tuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C def _compute_residual_and_jacobian( x: Tensor, y: Tensor, xd: Tensor, yd: Tensor, params: Tensor ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: assert params.shape[-1] == 8 k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6 = torch.unbind(params, dim=-1) # let r(x, y) = x^2 + y^2; # alpha(x, y) = 1 + k1 * r(x, y) + k2 * r(x, y) ^2 + k3 * r(x, y)^3; # beta(x, y) = 1 + k4 * r(x, y) + k5 * r(x, y) ^2 + k6 * r(x, y)^3; # d(x, y) = alpha(x, y) / beta(x, y); r = x * x + y * y alpha = 1.0 + r * (k1 + r * (k2 + r * k3)) beta = 1.0 + r * (k4 + r * (k5 + r * k6)) d = alpha / beta # The perfect projection is: # xd = x * d(x, y) + 2 * p1 * x * y + p2 * (r(x, y) + 2 * x^2); # yd = y * d(x, y) + 2 * p2 * x * y + p1 * (r(x, y) + 2 * y^2); # # Let's define # # fx(x, y) = x * d(x, y) + 2 * p1 * x * y + p2 * (r(x, y) + 2 * x^2) - xd; # fy(x, y) = y * d(x, y) + 2 * p2 * x * y + p1 * (r(x, y) + 2 * y^2) - yd; # # We are looking for a solution that satisfies # fx(x, y) = fy(x, y) = 0; fx = d * x + 2 * p1 * x * y + p2 * (r + 2 * x * x) - xd fy = d * y + 2 * p2 * x * y + p1 * (r + 2 * y * y) - yd # Compute derivative of alpha, beta over r. alpha_r = k1 + r * (2.0 * k2 + r * (3.0 * k3)) beta_r = k4 + r * (2.0 * k5 + r * (3.0 * k6)) # Compute derivative of d over [x, y] d_r = (alpha_r * beta - alpha * beta_r) / (beta * beta) d_x = 2.0 * x * d_r d_y = 2.0 * y * d_r # Compute derivative of fx over x and y. fx_x = d + d_x * x + 2.0 * p1 * y + 6.0 * p2 * x fx_y = d_y * x + 2.0 * p1 * x + 2.0 * p2 * y # Compute derivative of fy over x and y. fy_x = d_x * y + 2.0 * p2 * y + 2.0 * p1 * x fy_y = d + d_y * y + 2.0 * p2 * x + 6.0 * p1 * y return fx, fy, fx_x, fx_y, fy_x, fy_y The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_opencv_lens_undistortion` function. Write a Python function `def _opencv_lens_undistortion( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6, iters: int = 10 ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Same as opencv_lens_undistortion(), but native PyTorch. Took from with bug fix and modification. Here is the function: def _opencv_lens_undistortion( uv: Tensor, params: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6, iters: int = 10 ) -> Tensor: """Same as opencv_lens_undistortion(), but native PyTorch. Took from with bug fix and modification. """ assert uv.shape[-1] == 2 assert params.shape[-1] in [0, 1, 2, 4, 8] if params.shape[-1] == 0: return uv elif params.shape[-1] < 8: params = F.pad(params, (0, 8 - params.shape[-1]), "constant", 0.0) assert params.shape[-1] == 8 # Initialize from the distorted point. x, y = x0, y0 = torch.unbind(uv, dim=-1) zeros = torch.zeros_like(x) for _ in range(iters): fx, fy, fx_x, fx_y, fy_x, fy_y = _compute_residual_and_jacobian( x=x, y=y, xd=x0, yd=y0, params=params ) denominator = fy_x * fx_y - fx_x * fy_y mask = torch.abs(denominator) > eps x_numerator = fx * fy_y - fy * fx_y y_numerator = fy * fx_x - fx * fy_x step_x = torch.where(mask, x_numerator / denominator, zeros) step_y = torch.where(mask, y_numerator / denominator, zeros) x = x + step_x y = y + step_y return torch.stack([x, y], dim=-1)
Same as opencv_lens_undistortion(), but native PyTorch. Took from with bug fix and modification.
from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .data_specs import RayIntervals, RaySamples The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_ray_aabb_intersect` function. Write a Python function `def _ray_aabb_intersect( rays_o: Tensor, rays_d: Tensor, aabbs: Tensor, near_plane: float = -float("inf"), far_plane: float = float("inf"), miss_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]` to solve the following problem: Ray-AABB intersection. Functionally the same with `ray_aabb_intersect()`, but slower with pure Pytorch. Here is the function: def _ray_aabb_intersect( rays_o: Tensor, rays_d: Tensor, aabbs: Tensor, near_plane: float = -float("inf"), far_plane: float = float("inf"), miss_value: float = float("inf"), ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Ray-AABB intersection. Functionally the same with `ray_aabb_intersect()`, but slower with pure Pytorch. """ # Compute the minimum and maximum bounds of the AABBs aabb_min = aabbs[:, :3] aabb_max = aabbs[:, 3:] # Compute the intersection distances between the ray and each of the six AABB planes t1 = (aabb_min[None, :, :] - rays_o[:, None, :]) / rays_d[:, None, :] t2 = (aabb_max[None, :, :] - rays_o[:, None, :]) / rays_d[:, None, :] # Compute the maximum tmin and minimum tmax for each AABB t_mins = torch.max(torch.min(t1, t2), dim=-1)[0] t_maxs = torch.min(torch.max(t1, t2), dim=-1)[0] # Compute whether each ray-AABB pair intersects hits = (t_maxs > t_mins) & (t_maxs > 0) # Clip the tmin and tmax values to the near and far planes t_mins = torch.clamp(t_mins, min=near_plane, max=far_plane) t_maxs = torch.clamp(t_maxs, min=near_plane, max=far_plane) # Set the tmin and tmax values to miss_value if there is no intersection t_mins = torch.where(hits, t_mins, miss_value) t_maxs = torch.where(hits, t_maxs, miss_value) return t_mins, t_maxs, hits
Ray-AABB intersection. Functionally the same with `ray_aabb_intersect()`, but slower with pure Pytorch.
from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .data_specs import RayIntervals, RaySamples def _enlarge_aabb(aabb, factor: float) -> Tensor: center = (aabb[:3] + aabb[3:]) / 2 extent = (aabb[3:] - aabb[:3]) / 2 return[center - extent * factor, center + extent * factor])
from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .data_specs import RayIntervals, RaySamples The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_query` function. Write a Python function `def _query(x: Tensor, data: Tensor, base_aabb: Tensor) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Query the grid values at the given points. This function assumes the aabbs of multiple grids are 2x scaled. Args: x: (N, 3) tensor of points to query. data: (m, resx, resy, resz) tensor of grid values base_aabb: (6,) aabb of base level grid. Here is the function: def _query(x: Tensor, data: Tensor, base_aabb: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Query the grid values at the given points. This function assumes the aabbs of multiple grids are 2x scaled. Args: x: (N, 3) tensor of points to query. data: (m, resx, resy, resz) tensor of grid values base_aabb: (6,) aabb of base level grid. """ # normalize so that the base_aabb is [0, 1]^3 aabb_min, aabb_max = torch.split(base_aabb, 3, dim=0) x_norm = (x - aabb_min) / (aabb_max - aabb_min) # if maxval is almost zero, it will trigger frexpf to output 0 # for exponent, which is not what we want. maxval = (x_norm - 0.5).abs().max(dim=-1).values maxval = torch.clamp(maxval, min=0.1) # compute the mip level exponent = torch.frexp(maxval)[1].long() mip = torch.clamp(exponent + 1, min=0) selector = mip < data.shape[0] # use the mip to re-normalize all points to [0, 1]. scale = 2**mip x_unit = (x_norm - 0.5) / scale[:, None] + 0.5 # map to the grid index resolution = torch.tensor(data.shape[1:], device=x.device) ix = (x_unit * resolution).long() ix = torch.clamp(ix, max=resolution - 1) mip = torch.clamp(mip, max=data.shape[0] - 1) return data[mip, ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1], ix[:, 2]] * selector, selector
Query the grid values at the given points. This function assumes the aabbs of multiple grids are 2x scaled. Args: x: (N, 3) tensor of points to query. data: (m, resx, resy, resz) tensor of grid values base_aabb: (6,) aabb of base level grid.
from torch import Tensor from .scan import exclusive_sum from .volrend import accumulate_along_rays def exclusive_sum( inputs: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Exclusive Sum that supports flattened tensor. Similar to :func:`nerfacc.inclusive_sum`, but computes the exclusive sum. Args: inputs: The tensor to be summed. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the sum is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The exclusive sum with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> exclusive_sum(inputs, packed_info) tensor([ 0., 1., 0., 3., 7., 0., 6., 13., 21.], device='cuda:0') """ if indices is not None and packed_info is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of `indices` and `packed_info` can be specified." ) if indices is not None: assert ( indices.dim() == 1 and indices.shape == inputs.shape ), "indices must be 1-D with the same shape as inputs." if _C.is_cub_available(): # Use CUB if available outputs = _ExclusiveSumCUB.apply(indices, inputs) else: warnings.warn( "Passing in `indices` without CUB available is slow. Considering passing in `packed_info` instead." ) packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices=indices) if packed_info is not None: assert inputs.dim() == 1, "inputs must be flattened." assert ( packed_info.dim() == 2 and packed_info.shape[-1] == 2 ), "packed_info must be 2-D with shape (B, 2)." chunk_starts, chunk_cnts = packed_info.unbind(dim=-1) outputs = _ExclusiveSum.apply(chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, False) if indices is None and packed_info is None: # Batched exclusive sum on the last dimension. outputs = torch.cumsum( [torch.zeros_like(inputs[..., :1]), inputs[..., :-1]], dim=-1 ), dim=-1, ) return outputs def accumulate_along_rays( weights: Tensor, values: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Accumulate volumetric values along the ray. This function supports both batched inputs and flattened inputs with `ray_indices` and `n_rays` provided. Note: This function is differentiable to `weights` and `values`. Args: weights: Weights to be accumulated. If `ray_indices` not provided, `weights` must be batched with shape (n_rays, n_samples). Else it must be flattened with shape (all_samples,). values: Values to be accumulated. If `ray_indices` not provided, `values` must be batched with shape (n_rays, n_samples, D). Else it must be flattened with shape (all_samples, D). None means we accumulate weights along rays. Default: None. ray_indices: Ray indices of the samples with shape (all_samples,). If provided, `weights` must be a flattened tensor with shape (all_samples,) and values (if not None) must be a flattened tensor with shape (all_samples, D). Default: None. n_rays: Number of rays. Should be provided together with `ray_indices`. Default: None. Returns: Accumulated values with shape (n_rays, D). If `values` is not given we return the accumulated weights, in which case D == 1. Examples: .. code-block:: python # Rendering: accumulate rgbs, opacities, and depths along the rays. colors = accumulate_along_rays(weights, rgbs, ray_indices, n_rays) opacities = accumulate_along_rays(weights, None, ray_indices, n_rays) depths = accumulate_along_rays( weights, (t_starts + t_ends)[:, None] / 2.0, ray_indices, n_rays, ) # (n_rays, 3), (n_rays, 1), (n_rays, 1) print(colors.shape, opacities.shape, depths.shape) """ if values is None: src = weights[..., None] else: assert values.dim() == weights.dim() + 1 assert weights.shape == values.shape[:-1] src = weights[..., None] * values if ray_indices is not None: assert n_rays is not None, "n_rays must be provided" assert weights.dim() == 1, "weights must be flattened" outputs = torch.zeros( (n_rays, src.shape[-1]), device=src.device, dtype=src.dtype ) outputs.index_add_(0, ray_indices, src) else: outputs = torch.sum(src, dim=-2) return outputs The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `distortion` function. Write a Python function `def distortion( weights: Tensor, t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, ray_indices: Tensor, n_rays: int, ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Distortion Regularization proposed in Mip-NeRF 360. Args: weights: The flattened weights of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) t_starts: The start points of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) t_ends: The end points of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) ray_indices: The ray indices of the samples. LongTensor with shape (n_samples,) n_rays: The total number of rays. Returns: The per-ray distortion loss with the shape (n_rays, 1). Here is the function: def distortion( weights: Tensor, t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, ray_indices: Tensor, n_rays: int, ) -> Tensor: """Distortion Regularization proposed in Mip-NeRF 360. Args: weights: The flattened weights of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) t_starts: The start points of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) t_ends: The end points of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) ray_indices: The ray indices of the samples. LongTensor with shape (n_samples,) n_rays: The total number of rays. Returns: The per-ray distortion loss with the shape (n_rays, 1). """ assert ( weights.shape == t_starts.shape == t_ends.shape == ray_indices.shape ), ( f"the shape of the inputs are not the same: " f"weights {weights.shape}, t_starts {t_starts.shape}, " f"t_ends {t_ends.shape}, ray_indices {ray_indices.shape}" ) t_mids = 0.5 * (t_starts + t_ends) t_deltas = t_ends - t_starts loss_uni = (1 / 3) * (t_deltas * weights.pow(2)) loss_bi_0 = weights * t_mids * exclusive_sum(weights, indices=ray_indices) loss_bi_1 = weights * exclusive_sum(weights * t_mids, indices=ray_indices) loss_bi = 2 * (loss_bi_0 - loss_bi_1) loss = loss_uni + loss_bi loss = accumulate_along_rays(loss, None, ray_indices, n_rays) return loss
Distortion Regularization proposed in Mip-NeRF 360. Args: weights: The flattened weights of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) t_starts: The start points of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) t_ends: The end points of the samples. Shape (n_samples,) ray_indices: The ray indices of the samples. LongTensor with shape (n_samples,) n_rays: The total number of rays. Returns: The per-ray distortion loss with the shape (n_rays, 1).
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from torch import Tensor from ..grid import _enlarge_aabb, traverse_grids from ..volrend import ( render_visibility_from_alpha, render_visibility_from_density, ) from .base import AbstractEstimator The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_meshgrid3d` function. Write a Python function `def _meshgrid3d( res: Tensor, device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu" ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Create 3D grid coordinates. Here is the function: def _meshgrid3d( res: Tensor, device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu" ) -> Tensor: """Create 3D grid coordinates.""" assert len(res) == 3 res = res.tolist() return torch.stack( torch.meshgrid( [ torch.arange(res[0], dtype=torch.long), torch.arange(res[1], dtype=torch.long), torch.arange(res[2], dtype=torch.long), ], indexing="ij", ), dim=-1, ).to(device)
Create 3D grid coordinates.
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from ..data_specs import RayIntervals from ..pdf import importance_sampling, searchsorted from ..volrend import render_transmittance_from_density from .base import AbstractEstimator def get_proposal_requires_grad_fn( target: float = 5.0, num_steps: int = 1000 ) -> Callable: schedule = lambda s: min(s / num_steps, 1.0) * target steps_since_last_grad = 0 def proposal_requires_grad_fn(step: int) -> bool: nonlocal steps_since_last_grad target_steps_since_last_grad = schedule(step) requires_grad = steps_since_last_grad > target_steps_since_last_grad if requires_grad: steps_since_last_grad = 0 steps_since_last_grad += 1 return requires_grad return proposal_requires_grad_fn
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from ..data_specs import RayIntervals from ..pdf import importance_sampling, searchsorted from ..volrend import render_transmittance_from_density from .base import AbstractEstimator def _transform_stot( transform_type: Literal["uniform", "lindisp"], s_vals: torch.Tensor, t_min: torch.Tensor, t_max: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: if transform_type == "uniform": _contract_fn, _icontract_fn = lambda x: x, lambda x: x elif transform_type == "lindisp": _contract_fn, _icontract_fn = lambda x: 1 / x, lambda x: 1 / x else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown transform_type: {transform_type}") s_min, s_max = _contract_fn(t_min), _contract_fn(t_max) icontract_fn = lambda s: _icontract_fn(s * s_max + (1 - s) * s_min) return icontract_fn(s_vals)
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from ..data_specs import RayIntervals from ..pdf import importance_sampling, searchsorted from ..volrend import render_transmittance_from_density from .base import AbstractEstimator class RayIntervals: """Ray intervals that supports batched and flattened data. Each interval is defined by two edges (left and right). The attribute `vals` stores the edges of all intervals along the rays. The attributes `is_left` and `is_right` are for indicating whether each edge is a left or right edge. This class unifies the representation of both continuous and non-continuous ray intervals. Note: When `vals` is flattened, either `packed_info` or `ray_indices` must be provided. Also both `is_left` and `is_right` must be provided. Args: vals: Batched data with shape (n_rays, n_edges) or flattened data with shape (all_edges,) packed_info: Optional. A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in flattened `vals`, with in total n_rays chunks. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. ray_indices: Optional. A tensor of shape (all_edges,) that specifies the ray index of each edge. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. is_left: Optional. A boolen tensor of shape (all_edges,) that specifies whether each edge is a left edge. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. is_right: Optional. A boolen tensor of shape (all_edges,) that specifies whether each edge is a right edge. Only needed when `vals` is flattened. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> # Batched data >>> ray_intervals = RayIntervals(torch.rand(10, 100)) >>> # Flattened data >>> ray_intervals = RayIntervals( >>> torch.rand(6), >>> packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 0], [2, 4]]), >>> is_left=torch.tensor([True, False, True, True, True, False]), >>> is_right=torch.tensor([False, True, False, True, True, True]), >>> ) """ vals: torch.Tensor packed_info: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ray_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None is_left: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None is_right: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None def _to_cpp(self): """ Generate object to pass to C++ """ spec = _C.RaySegmentsSpec() spec.vals = self.vals.contiguous() if self.packed_info is not None: spec.chunk_starts = self.packed_info[:, 0].contiguous() if self.packed_info is not None: spec.chunk_cnts = self.packed_info[:, 1].contiguous() if self.ray_indices is not None: spec.ray_indices = self.ray_indices.contiguous() if self.is_left is not None: spec.is_left = self.is_left.contiguous() if self.is_right is not None: spec.is_right = self.is_right.contiguous() return spec def _from_cpp(cls, spec): """ Generate object from C++ """ if spec.chunk_starts is not None and spec.chunk_cnts is not None: packed_info = torch.stack([spec.chunk_starts, spec.chunk_cnts], -1) else: packed_info = None ray_indices = spec.ray_indices is_left = spec.is_left is_right = spec.is_right return cls( vals=spec.vals, packed_info=packed_info, ray_indices=ray_indices, is_left=is_left, is_right=is_right, ) def device(self) -> torch.device: return self.vals.device def searchsorted( sorted_sequence: Union[RayIntervals, RaySamples], values: Union[RayIntervals, RaySamples], ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Searchsorted that supports flattened tensor. This function returns {`ids_left`, `ids_right`} such that: `sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_left) <= values.vals < sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_right)` Note: When values is out of range of sorted_sequence, we return the corresponding ids as if the values is clipped to the range of sorted_sequence. See the example below. Args: sorted_sequence: A :class:`RayIntervals` or :class:`RaySamples` object. We assume the `sorted_sequence.vals` is acendingly sorted for each ray. values: A :class:`RayIntervals` or :class:`RaySamples` object. Returns: A tuple of LongTensor: - **ids_left**: A LongTensor with the same shape as `values.vals`. - **ids_right**: A LongTensor with the same shape as `values.vals`. Example: >>> sorted_sequence = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> values = RayIntervals( ... vals=torch.tensor([0.5, 1.5, 2.5], device="cuda"), ... packed_info=torch.tensor([[0, 1], [1, 2]], device="cuda"), ... ) >>> ids_left, ids_right = searchsorted(sorted_sequence, values) >>> ids_left tensor([0, 3, 3], device='cuda:0') >>> ids_right tensor([1, 4, 4], device='cuda:0') >>> sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_left) tensor([0., 1., 1.], device='cuda:0') >>> sorted_sequence.vals.gather(-1, ids_right) tensor([1., 2., 2.], device='cuda:0') """ ids_left, ids_right = _C.searchsorted( values._to_cpp(), sorted_sequence._to_cpp() ) return ids_left, ids_right def _pdf_loss( segments_query: RayIntervals, cdfs_query: torch.Tensor, segments_key: RayIntervals, cdfs_key: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-7, ) -> torch.Tensor: ids_left, ids_right = searchsorted(segments_key, segments_query) if segments_query.vals.dim() > 1: w = cdfs_query[..., 1:] - cdfs_query[..., :-1] ids_left = ids_left[..., :-1] ids_right = ids_right[..., 1:] else: # TODO: not tested for this branch. assert segments_query.is_left is not None assert segments_query.is_right is not None w = ( cdfs_query[segments_query.is_right] - cdfs_query[segments_query.is_left] ) ids_left = ids_left[segments_query.is_left] ids_right = ids_right[segments_query.is_right] w_outer = cdfs_key.gather(-1, ids_right) - cdfs_key.gather(-1, ids_left) return torch.clip(w - w_outer, min=0) ** 2 / (w + eps)
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from ..data_specs import RayIntervals from ..pdf import importance_sampling, searchsorted from ..volrend import render_transmittance_from_density from .base import AbstractEstimator def _outer( t0_starts: torch.Tensor, t0_ends: torch.Tensor, t1_starts: torch.Tensor, t1_ends: torch.Tensor, y1: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: t0_starts: (..., S0). t0_ends: (..., S0). t1_starts: (..., S1). t1_ends: (..., S1). y1: (..., S1). """ cy1 = [torch.zeros_like(y1[..., :1]), torch.cumsum(y1, dim=-1)], dim=-1 ) idx_lo = ( torch.searchsorted( t1_starts.contiguous(), t0_starts.contiguous(), side="right" ) - 1 ) idx_lo = torch.clamp(idx_lo, min=0, max=y1.shape[-1] - 1) idx_hi = torch.searchsorted( t1_ends.contiguous(), t0_ends.contiguous(), side="right" ) idx_hi = torch.clamp(idx_hi, min=0, max=y1.shape[-1] - 1) cy1_lo = torch.take_along_dim(cy1[..., :-1], idx_lo, dim=-1) cy1_hi = torch.take_along_dim(cy1[..., 1:], idx_hi, dim=-1) y0_outer = cy1_hi - cy1_lo return y0_outer The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `_lossfun_outer` function. Write a Python function `def _lossfun_outer( t: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor, t_env: torch.Tensor, w_env: torch.Tensor, )` to solve the following problem: Args: t: interval edges, (..., S + 1). w: weights, (..., S). t_env: interval edges of the upper bound enveloping historgram, (..., S + 1). w_env: weights that should upper bound the inner (t,w) histogram, (..., S). Here is the function: def _lossfun_outer( t: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor, t_env: torch.Tensor, w_env: torch.Tensor, ): """ Args: t: interval edges, (..., S + 1). w: weights, (..., S). t_env: interval edges of the upper bound enveloping historgram, (..., S + 1). w_env: weights that should upper bound the inner (t,w) histogram, (..., S). """ eps = torch.finfo(t.dtype).eps w_outer = _outer( t[..., :-1], t[..., 1:], t_env[..., :-1], t_env[..., 1:], w_env ) return torch.clip(w - w_outer, min=0) ** 2 / (w + eps)
Args: t: interval edges, (..., S + 1). w: weights, (..., S). t_env: interval edges of the upper bound enveloping historgram, (..., S + 1). w_env: weights that should upper bound the inner (t,w) histogram, (..., S).
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union fVDB_ENABLED = True import torch from torch import Tensor from nerfacc.estimators.base import AbstractEstimator from nerfacc.volrend import ( render_visibility_from_alpha, render_visibility_from_density, ) The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `traverse_vdbs` function. Write a Python function `def traverse_vdbs( # rays rays_o: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] # grids grids: GridBatch, # options near_planes: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] far_planes: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] step_size: Optional[float] = 1e-3, cone_angle: Optional[float] = 0.0, )` to solve the following problem: Traverse the fVDB grids. Here is the function: def traverse_vdbs( # rays rays_o: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] rays_d: Tensor, # [n_rays, 3] # grids grids: GridBatch, # options near_planes: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] far_planes: Optional[Tensor] = None, # [n_rays] step_size: Optional[float] = 1e-3, cone_angle: Optional[float] = 0.0, ): """Traverse the fVDB grids.""" assert fVDB_ENABLED, "Please install fVDB to use this function." assert len(grids) == 1, "Only support one grid for now." if near_planes is None: near_planes = torch.zeros_like(rays_o[:, 0]) if far_planes is None: far_planes = torch.full_like(rays_o[:, 0], float("inf")) _, indices, intervals = grids.uniform_ray_samples( rays_o, rays_d, near_planes, far_planes, step_size, cone_angle, # Use the midpoint of the sample intervals to determine occupancy. include_end_segments=False, ) t_starts, t_ends = torch.unbind(intervals.jdata, dim=-1) ray_indices = indices.jdata.long() # TODO(ruilongli): In fvdb, we would like to restrain the endpoints of the sample # intervals to be within the grid boundaries. return t_starts, t_ends, ray_indices
Traverse the fVDB grids.
import math from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch from torch import Tensor from ..grid import _enlarge_aabb from ..volrend import ( render_visibility_from_alpha, render_visibility_from_density, ) from .base import AbstractEstimator def occ_eval_fn(x): return torch.rand(len(x), 1)
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from .cuda import is_cub_available from .pack import pack_info from .scan import exclusive_prod, exclusive_sum def render_transmittance_from_alpha( alphas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Compute transmittance :math:`T_i` from alpha :math:`\\alpha_i`. .. math:: T_i = \\prod_{j=1}^{i-1}(1-\\alpha_j) This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: The rendering transmittance with the same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> alphas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance = render_transmittance_from_alpha(alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices) tensor([1.0, 0.6, 0.12, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0]) """ # FIXME Try not to use exclusive_prod because: # 1. torch.cumprod is much slower than torch.cumsum # 2. exclusive_prod gradient on input == 0 is not correct. if not is_cub_available() and packed_info is None: # Convert ray indices to packed info packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices, n_rays) ray_indices = None trans = exclusive_prod( 1 - alphas, packed_info=packed_info, indices=ray_indices ) if prefix_trans is not None: trans *= prefix_trans return trans The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `render_visibility_from_alpha` function. Write a Python function `def render_visibility_from_alpha( alphas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Compute visibility from opacity :math:`\\alpha_i`. In this function, we first compute the transmittance from the sample opacity. The transmittance is then used to filter out occluded samples. And opacity is used to filter out transparent samples. The function returns a boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible (`transmittance > early_stop_eps` and `opacity > alpha_thre`). This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. early_stop_eps: The early stopping threshold on transmittance. alpha_thre: The threshold on opacity. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: A boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible. Same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> alphas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance = render_transmittance_from_alpha(alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices) tensor([1.0, 0.6, 0.12, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> visibility = render_visibility_from_alpha( >>> alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices, early_stop_eps=0.3, alpha_thre=0.2) tensor([True, True, False, True, False, False, True]) Here is the function: def render_visibility_from_alpha( alphas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Compute visibility from opacity :math:`\\alpha_i`. In this function, we first compute the transmittance from the sample opacity. The transmittance is then used to filter out occluded samples. And opacity is used to filter out transparent samples. The function returns a boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible (`transmittance > early_stop_eps` and `opacity > alpha_thre`). This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. early_stop_eps: The early stopping threshold on transmittance. alpha_thre: The threshold on opacity. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: A boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible. Same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> alphas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance = render_transmittance_from_alpha(alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices) tensor([1.0, 0.6, 0.12, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> visibility = render_visibility_from_alpha( >>> alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices, early_stop_eps=0.3, alpha_thre=0.2) tensor([True, True, False, True, False, False, True]) """ trans = render_transmittance_from_alpha( alphas, packed_info, ray_indices, n_rays, prefix_trans ) vis = trans >= early_stop_eps if alpha_thre > 0: vis = vis & (alphas >= alpha_thre) return vis
Compute visibility from opacity :math:`\\alpha_i`. In this function, we first compute the transmittance from the sample opacity. The transmittance is then used to filter out occluded samples. And opacity is used to filter out transparent samples. The function returns a boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible (`transmittance > early_stop_eps` and `opacity > alpha_thre`). This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. early_stop_eps: The early stopping threshold on transmittance. alpha_thre: The threshold on opacity. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: A boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible. Same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> alphas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance = render_transmittance_from_alpha(alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices) tensor([1.0, 0.6, 0.12, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> visibility = render_visibility_from_alpha( >>> alphas, ray_indices=ray_indices, early_stop_eps=0.3, alpha_thre=0.2) tensor([True, True, False, True, False, False, True])
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import Tensor from .cuda import is_cub_available from .pack import pack_info from .scan import exclusive_prod, exclusive_sum def render_transmittance_from_density( t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, sigmas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Compute transmittance :math:`T_i` from density :math:`\\sigma_i`. .. math:: T_i = exp(-\\sum_{j=1}^{i-1}\\sigma_j\delta_j) This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: t_starts: Where the frustum-shape sample starts along a ray. Tensor with \ shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). t_ends: Where the frustum-shape sample ends along a ray. Tensor with \ shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). sigmas: The density values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: The rendering transmittance and opacities, both with the same shape as `sigmas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> t_starts = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], device="cuda") >>> t_ends = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], device="cuda") >>> sigmas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance, alphas = render_transmittance_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices) transmittance: [1.00, 0.67, 0.30, 1.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.00] alphas: [0.33, 0.55, 0.095, 0.55, 0.095, 0.00, 0.59] """ if not is_cub_available() and packed_info is None: # Convert ray indices to packed info packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices, n_rays) ray_indices = None sigmas_dt = sigmas * (t_ends - t_starts) alphas = 1.0 - torch.exp(-sigmas_dt) trans = torch.exp( -exclusive_sum(sigmas_dt, packed_info=packed_info, indices=ray_indices) ) if prefix_trans is not None: trans = trans * prefix_trans return trans, alphas The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `render_visibility_from_density` function. Write a Python function `def render_visibility_from_density( t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, sigmas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Compute visibility from density :math:`\\sigma_i` and interval :math:`\\delta_i`. In this function, we first compute the transmittance and opacity from the sample density. The transmittance is then used to filter out occluded samples. And opacity is used to filter out transparent samples. The function returns a boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible (`transmittance > early_stop_eps` and `opacity > alpha_thre`). This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. early_stop_eps: The early stopping threshold on transmittance. alpha_thre: The threshold on opacity. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: A boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible. Same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> t_starts = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], device="cuda") >>> t_ends = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], device="cuda") >>> sigmas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance, alphas = render_transmittance_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices) transmittance: [1.00, 0.67, 0.30, 1.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.00] alphas: [0.33, 0.55, 0.095, 0.55, 0.095, 0.00, 0.59] >>> visibility = render_visibility_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices, early_stop_eps=0.3, alpha_thre=0.2) tensor([True, True, False, True, False, False, True]) Here is the function: def render_visibility_from_density( t_starts: Tensor, t_ends: Tensor, sigmas: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, ray_indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, n_rays: Optional[int] = None, early_stop_eps: float = 1e-4, alpha_thre: float = 0.0, prefix_trans: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Compute visibility from density :math:`\\sigma_i` and interval :math:`\\delta_i`. In this function, we first compute the transmittance and opacity from the sample density. The transmittance is then used to filter out occluded samples. And opacity is used to filter out transparent samples. The function returns a boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible (`transmittance > early_stop_eps` and `opacity > alpha_thre`). This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. early_stop_eps: The early stopping threshold on transmittance. alpha_thre: The threshold on opacity. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: A boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible. Same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> t_starts = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], device="cuda") >>> t_ends = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], device="cuda") >>> sigmas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance, alphas = render_transmittance_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices) transmittance: [1.00, 0.67, 0.30, 1.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.00] alphas: [0.33, 0.55, 0.095, 0.55, 0.095, 0.00, 0.59] >>> visibility = render_visibility_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices, early_stop_eps=0.3, alpha_thre=0.2) tensor([True, True, False, True, False, False, True]) """ trans, alphas = render_transmittance_from_density( t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, packed_info, ray_indices, n_rays, prefix_trans ) vis = trans >= early_stop_eps if alpha_thre > 0: vis = vis & (alphas >= alpha_thre) return vis
Compute visibility from density :math:`\\sigma_i` and interval :math:`\\delta_i`. In this function, we first compute the transmittance and opacity from the sample density. The transmittance is then used to filter out occluded samples. And opacity is used to filter out transparent samples. The function returns a boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible (`transmittance > early_stop_eps` and `opacity > alpha_thre`). This function supports both batched and flattened input tensor. For flattened input tensor, either (`packed_info`) or (`ray_indices` and `n_rays`) should be provided. Args: alphas: The opacity values of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,) or (n_rays, n_samples). packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened samples, with in total n_rays chunks. Useful for flattened input. ray_indices: Ray indices of the flattened samples. LongTensor with shape (all_samples). n_rays: Number of rays. Only useful when `ray_indices` is provided. early_stop_eps: The early stopping threshold on transmittance. alpha_thre: The threshold on opacity. prefix_trans: The pre-computed transmittance of the samples. Tensor with shape (all_samples,). Returns: A boolean tensor indicating which samples are visible. Same shape as `alphas`. Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> t_starts = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], device="cuda") >>> t_ends = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0], device="cuda") >>> sigmas = torch.tensor([0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 0.9], device="cuda") >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> transmittance, alphas = render_transmittance_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices) transmittance: [1.00, 0.67, 0.30, 1.00, 0.45, 1.00, 1.00] alphas: [0.33, 0.55, 0.095, 0.55, 0.095, 0.00, 0.59] >>> visibility = render_visibility_from_density( >>> t_starts, t_ends, sigmas, ray_indices=ray_indices, early_stop_eps=0.3, alpha_thre=0.2) tensor([True, True, False, True, False, False, True])
import warnings from typing import Optional import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .pack import pack_info class _InclusiveSum(torch.autograd.Function): """Inclusive Sum on a Flattened Tensor.""" def forward(ctx, chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, normalize: bool = False): chunk_starts = chunk_starts.contiguous() chunk_cnts = chunk_cnts.contiguous() inputs = inputs.contiguous() outputs = _C.inclusive_sum( chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, normalize, False ) if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]: ctx.normalize = normalize ctx.save_for_backward(chunk_starts, chunk_cnts) return outputs def backward(ctx, grad_outputs): grad_outputs = grad_outputs.contiguous() chunk_starts, chunk_cnts = ctx.saved_tensors normalize = ctx.normalize assert normalize == False, "Only support backward for normalize==False." grad_inputs = _C.inclusive_sum( chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, grad_outputs, normalize, True ) return None, None, grad_inputs, None class _InclusiveSumCUB(torch.autograd.Function): """Inclusive Sum on a Flattened Tensor with CUB.""" def forward(ctx, indices, inputs): indices = indices.contiguous() inputs = inputs.contiguous() outputs = _C.inclusive_sum_cub(indices, inputs, False) if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]: ctx.save_for_backward(indices) return outputs def backward(ctx, grad_outputs): grad_outputs = grad_outputs.contiguous() (indices,) = ctx.saved_tensors grad_inputs = _C.inclusive_sum_cub(indices, grad_outputs, True) return None, grad_inputs def pack_info(ray_indices: Tensor, n_rays: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: """Pack `ray_indices` to `packed_info`. Useful for converting per sample data to per ray data. Note: this function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: ray_indices: Ray indices of the samples. LongTensor with shape (n_sample). n_rays: Number of rays. If None, it is inferred from `ray_indices`. Default is None. Returns: A LongTensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices, n_rays=3) >>> packed_info tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device='cuda:0') """ assert ( ray_indices.dim() == 1 ), "ray_indices must be a 1D tensor with shape (n_samples)." if ray_indices.is_cuda: device = ray_indices.device dtype = ray_indices.dtype if n_rays is None: n_rays = ray_indices.max().item() + 1 chunk_cnts = torch.zeros((n_rays,), device=device, dtype=dtype) chunk_cnts.index_add_(0, ray_indices, torch.ones_like(ray_indices)) chunk_starts = chunk_cnts.cumsum(dim=0, dtype=dtype) - chunk_cnts packed_info = torch.stack([chunk_starts, chunk_cnts], dim=-1) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only support cuda inputs.") return packed_info The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `inclusive_sum` function. Write a Python function `def inclusive_sum( inputs: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Inclusive Sum that supports flattened tensor. This function is equivalent to `torch.cumsum(inputs, dim=-1)`, but allows for a flattened input tensor and a `packed_info` tensor that specifies the chunks in the flattened input. Args: inputs: The tensor to be summed. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the sum is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The inclusive sum with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> inclusive_sum(inputs, packed_info) tensor([ 1., 3., 3., 7., 12., 6., 13., 21., 30.], device='cuda:0') Here is the function: def inclusive_sum( inputs: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Inclusive Sum that supports flattened tensor. This function is equivalent to `torch.cumsum(inputs, dim=-1)`, but allows for a flattened input tensor and a `packed_info` tensor that specifies the chunks in the flattened input. Args: inputs: The tensor to be summed. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the sum is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The inclusive sum with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> inclusive_sum(inputs, packed_info) tensor([ 1., 3., 3., 7., 12., 6., 13., 21., 30.], device='cuda:0') """ if indices is not None and packed_info is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of `indices` and `packed_info` can be specified." ) if indices is not None: assert ( indices.dim() == 1 and indices.shape == inputs.shape ), "indices must be 1-D with the same shape as inputs." if _C.is_cub_available(): # Use CUB if available outputs = _InclusiveSumCUB.apply(indices, inputs) else: warnings.warn( "Passing in `indices` without CUB available is slow. Considering passing in `packed_info` instead." ) packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices=indices) if packed_info is not None: assert inputs.dim() == 1, "inputs must be flattened." assert ( packed_info.dim() == 2 and packed_info.shape[-1] == 2 ), "packed_info must be 2-D with shape (B, 2)." chunk_starts, chunk_cnts = packed_info.unbind(dim=-1) outputs = _InclusiveSum.apply(chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, False) if indices is None and packed_info is None: # Batched inclusive sum on the last dimension. outputs = torch.cumsum(inputs, dim=-1) return outputs
Inclusive Sum that supports flattened tensor. This function is equivalent to `torch.cumsum(inputs, dim=-1)`, but allows for a flattened input tensor and a `packed_info` tensor that specifies the chunks in the flattened input. Args: inputs: The tensor to be summed. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the sum is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The inclusive sum with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> inclusive_sum(inputs, packed_info) tensor([ 1., 3., 3., 7., 12., 6., 13., 21., 30.], device='cuda:0')
import warnings from typing import Optional import torch from torch import Tensor from . import cuda as _C from .pack import pack_info class _InclusiveProd(torch.autograd.Function): """Inclusive Product on a Flattened Tensor.""" def forward(ctx, chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs): chunk_starts = chunk_starts.contiguous() chunk_cnts = chunk_cnts.contiguous() inputs = inputs.contiguous() outputs = _C.inclusive_prod_forward(chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs) if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]: ctx.save_for_backward(chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, outputs) return outputs def backward(ctx, grad_outputs): grad_outputs = grad_outputs.contiguous() chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, outputs = ctx.saved_tensors grad_inputs = _C.inclusive_prod_backward( chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs, outputs, grad_outputs ) return None, None, grad_inputs class _InclusiveProdCUB(torch.autograd.Function): """Inclusive Product on a Flattened Tensor with CUB.""" def forward(ctx, indices, inputs): indices = indices.contiguous() inputs = inputs.contiguous() outputs = _C.inclusive_prod_cub_forward(indices, inputs) if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]: ctx.save_for_backward(indices, inputs, outputs) return outputs def backward(ctx, grad_outputs): grad_outputs = grad_outputs.contiguous() indices, inputs, outputs = ctx.saved_tensors grad_inputs = _C.inclusive_prod_cub_backward( indices, inputs, outputs, grad_outputs ) return None, grad_inputs def pack_info(ray_indices: Tensor, n_rays: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: """Pack `ray_indices` to `packed_info`. Useful for converting per sample data to per ray data. Note: this function is not differentiable to any inputs. Args: ray_indices: Ray indices of the samples. LongTensor with shape (n_sample). n_rays: Number of rays. If None, it is inferred from `ray_indices`. Default is None. Returns: A LongTensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> ray_indices = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices, n_rays=3) >>> packed_info tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device='cuda:0') """ assert ( ray_indices.dim() == 1 ), "ray_indices must be a 1D tensor with shape (n_samples)." if ray_indices.is_cuda: device = ray_indices.device dtype = ray_indices.dtype if n_rays is None: n_rays = ray_indices.max().item() + 1 chunk_cnts = torch.zeros((n_rays,), device=device, dtype=dtype) chunk_cnts.index_add_(0, ray_indices, torch.ones_like(ray_indices)) chunk_starts = chunk_cnts.cumsum(dim=0, dtype=dtype) - chunk_cnts packed_info = torch.stack([chunk_starts, chunk_cnts], dim=-1) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only support cuda inputs.") return packed_info The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `inclusive_prod` function. Write a Python function `def inclusive_prod( inputs: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor` to solve the following problem: Inclusive Product that supports flattened tensor. This function is equivalent to `torch.cumprod(inputs, dim=-1)`, but allows for a flattened input tensor and a `packed_info` tensor that specifies the chunks in the flattened input. Args: inputs: The tensor to be producted. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the product is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The inclusive product with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> inclusive_prod(inputs, packed_info) tensor([1., 2., 3., 12., 60., 6., 42., 336., 3024.], device='cuda:0') Here is the function: def inclusive_prod( inputs: Tensor, packed_info: Optional[Tensor] = None, indices: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: """Inclusive Product that supports flattened tensor. This function is equivalent to `torch.cumprod(inputs, dim=-1)`, but allows for a flattened input tensor and a `packed_info` tensor that specifies the chunks in the flattened input. Args: inputs: The tensor to be producted. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the product is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The inclusive product with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> inclusive_prod(inputs, packed_info) tensor([1., 2., 3., 12., 60., 6., 42., 336., 3024.], device='cuda:0') """ if indices is not None and packed_info is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of `indices` and `packed_info` can be specified." ) if indices is not None: assert ( indices.dim() == 1 and indices.shape == inputs.shape ), "indices must be 1-D with the same shape as inputs." if _C.is_cub_available(): # Use CUB if available outputs = _InclusiveProdCUB.apply(indices, inputs) else: warnings.warn( "Passing in `indices` without CUB available is slow. Considering passing in `packed_info` instead." ) packed_info = pack_info(ray_indices=indices) if packed_info is not None: assert inputs.dim() == 1, "inputs must be flattened." assert ( packed_info.dim() == 2 and packed_info.shape[-1] == 2 ), "packed_info must be 2-D with shape (B, 2)." chunk_starts, chunk_cnts = packed_info.unbind(dim=-1) outputs = _InclusiveProd.apply(chunk_starts, chunk_cnts, inputs) if indices is None and packed_info is None: # Batched inclusive product on the last dimension. outputs = torch.cumprod(inputs, dim=-1) return outputs
Inclusive Product that supports flattened tensor. This function is equivalent to `torch.cumprod(inputs, dim=-1)`, but allows for a flattened input tensor and a `packed_info` tensor that specifies the chunks in the flattened input. Args: inputs: The tensor to be producted. Can be either a N-D tensor, or a flattened tensor with either `packed_info` or `indices` specified. packed_info: A tensor of shape (n_rays, 2) that specifies the start and count of each chunk in the flattened input tensor, with in total n_rays chunks. If None, the input is assumed to be a N-D tensor and the product is computed along the last dimension. Default is None. indices: A flattened tensor with the same shape as `inputs`. Returns: The inclusive product with the same shape as the input tensor. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> inputs = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.], device="cuda") >>> packed_info = torch.tensor([[0, 2], [2, 3], [5, 4]], device="cuda") >>> inclusive_prod(inputs, packed_info) tensor([1., 2., 3., 12., 60., 6., 42., 336., 3024.], device='cuda:0')
import subprocess import yaml from rich.console import Console from import Style console = Console(width=120) LOCAL_TESTS = [ "Run license checks", "Run isort", "Run Black", "Python Pylint", "Test with pytest", ] def run_command(command: str) -> bool: """Run a command kill actions if it fails Args: command: command to run continue_on_fail: whether to continue running commands if the current one fails. """ ret_code =, shell=True) if ret_code != 0: console.print(f"[bold red]Error: `{command}` failed.") return ret_code == 0 The provided code snippet includes necessary dependencies for implementing the `run_github_actions_file` function. Write a Python function `def run_github_actions_file(filename: str)` to solve the following problem: Run a github actions file locally. Args: filename: Which yml github actions file to run. Here is the function: def run_github_actions_file(filename: str): """Run a github actions file locally. Args: filename: Which yml github actions file to run. """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: my_dict = yaml.safe_load(f) steps = my_dict["jobs"]["build"]["steps"] success = True for step in steps: if "name" in step and step["name"] in LOCAL_TESTS: compressed = step["run"].replace("\n", ";").replace("\\", "") compressed = compressed.replace("--check", "") curr_command = f"{compressed}" console.line() console.rule(f"[bold green]Running: {curr_command}") success = success and run_command(curr_command) else: skip_name = step["name"] if "name" in step else step["uses"] console.print(f"Skipping {skip_name}") # Code Testing console.line() console.rule("[bold green]Running pytest") success = success and run_command("pytest") # Add checks for building documentation console.line() console.rule("[bold green]Building Documentation") success = success and run_command( "cd docs/; make clean; make html SPHINXOPTS='-W;'" ) if success: console.line() console.rule(characters="=") console.print( "[bold green]:TADA: :TADA: :TADA: ALL CHECKS PASSED :TADA: :TADA: :TADA:", justify="center", ) console.rule(characters="=") else: console.line() console.rule(characters="=", style=Style(color="red")) console.print( "[bold red]:skull: :skull: :skull: ERRORS FOUND :skull: :skull: :skull:", justify="center", ) console.rule(characters="=", style=Style(color="red"))
Run a github actions file locally. Args: filename: Which yml github actions file to run.
from data_provider.data_loader import Dataset_ETT_hour, Dataset_ETT_minute, Dataset_Custom, Dataset_Pred from import DataLoader data_dict = { 'ETTh1': Dataset_ETT_hour, 'ETTh2': Dataset_ETT_hour, 'ETTm1': Dataset_ETT_minute, 'ETTm2': Dataset_ETT_minute, 'custom': Dataset_Custom, } class Dataset_Pred(Dataset): def __init__(self, root_path, flag='pred', size=None, features='S', data_path='ETTh1.csv', target='OT', scale=True, inverse=False, timeenc=0, freq='15min', cols=None, train_only=False): # size [seq_len, label_len, pred_len] # info if size == None: self.seq_len = 24 * 4 * 4 self.label_len = 24 * 4 self.pred_len = 24 * 4 else: self.seq_len = size[0] self.label_len = size[1] self.pred_len = size[2] # init assert flag in ['pred'] self.features = features = target self.scale = scale self.inverse = inverse self.timeenc = timeenc self.freq = freq self.cols = cols self.root_path = root_path self.data_path = data_path self.__read_data__() def __read_data__(self): self.scaler = StandardScaler() df_raw = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.data_path)) ''' df_raw.columns: ['date', ...(other features), target feature] ''' if self.cols: cols = self.cols.copy() else: cols = list(df_raw.columns) self.cols = cols.copy() cols.remove('date') if self.features == 'S': cols.remove( border1 = len(df_raw) - self.seq_len border2 = len(df_raw) if self.features == 'M' or self.features == 'MS': df_raw = df_raw[['date'] + cols] cols_data = df_raw.columns[1:] df_data = df_raw[cols_data] elif self.features == 'S': df_raw = df_raw[['date'] + cols + []] df_data = df_raw[[]] if self.scale: data = self.scaler.transform(df_data.values) else: data = df_data.values tmp_stamp = df_raw[['date']][border1:border2] tmp_stamp['date'] = pd.to_datetime( pred_dates = pd.date_range([-1], periods=self.pred_len + 1, freq=self.freq) df_stamp = pd.DataFrame(columns=['date']) = list( + list(pred_dates[1:]) self.future_dates = list(pred_dates[1:]) if self.timeenc == 0: df_stamp['month'] = row: row.month, 1) df_stamp['day'] = row:, 1) df_stamp['weekday'] = row: row.weekday(), 1) df_stamp['hour'] = row: row.hour, 1) df_stamp['minute'] = row: row.minute, 1) df_stamp['minute'] = x: x // 15) data_stamp = df_stamp.drop(['date'], 1).values elif self.timeenc == 1: data_stamp = time_features(pd.to_datetime(df_stamp['date'].values), freq=self.freq) data_stamp = data_stamp.transpose(1, 0) self.data_x = data[border1:border2] if self.inverse: self.data_y = df_data.values[border1:border2] else: self.data_y = data[border1:border2] self.data_stamp = data_stamp def __getitem__(self, index): s_begin = index s_end = s_begin + self.seq_len r_begin = s_end - self.label_len r_end = r_begin + self.label_len + self.pred_len seq_x = self.data_x[s_begin:s_end] if self.inverse: seq_y = self.data_x[r_begin:r_begin + self.label_len] else: seq_y = self.data_y[r_begin:r_begin + self.label_len] seq_x_mark = self.data_stamp[s_begin:s_end] seq_y_mark = self.data_stamp[r_begin:r_end] return seq_x, seq_y, seq_x_mark, seq_y_mark def __len__(self): return len(self.data_x) - self.seq_len + 1 def inverse_transform(self, data): return self.scaler.inverse_transform(data) def data_provider(args, flag): Data = data_dict[] timeenc = 0 if args.embed != 'timeF' else 1 train_only = args.train_only if flag == 'test': shuffle_flag = False drop_last = False batch_size = args.batch_size freq = args.freq elif flag == 'pred': shuffle_flag = False drop_last = False batch_size = 1 freq = args.freq Data = Dataset_Pred else: shuffle_flag = True drop_last = True batch_size = args.batch_size freq = args.freq data_set = Data( root_path=args.root_path, data_path=args.data_path, flag=flag, size=[args.seq_len, args.label_len, args.pred_len], features=args.features,, timeenc=timeenc, freq=freq, train_only=train_only ) print(flag, len(data_set)) data_loader = DataLoader( data_set, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle_flag, num_workers=args.num_workers, drop_last=drop_last) return data_set, data_loader
import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np from functools import partial from scipy.special import eval_legendre from sympy import Poly, legendre, Symbol, chebyshevt def legendreDer(k, x): def get_phi_psi(k, base): def get_filter(base, k): def psi(psi1, psi2, i, inp): mask = (inp<=0.5) * 1.0 return psi1[i](inp) * mask + psi2[i](inp) * (1-mask) if base not in ['legendre', 'chebyshev']: raise Exception('Base not supported') x = Symbol('x') H0 = np.zeros((k,k)) H1 = np.zeros((k,k)) G0 = np.zeros((k,k)) G1 = np.zeros((k,k)) PHI0 = np.zeros((k,k)) PHI1 = np.zeros((k,k)) phi, psi1, psi2 = get_phi_psi(k, base) if base == 'legendre': roots = Poly(legendre(k, 2*x-1)).all_roots() x_m = np.array([rt.evalf(20) for rt in roots]).astype(np.float64) wm = 1/k/legendreDer(k,2*x_m-1)/eval_legendre(k-1,2*x_m-1) for ki in range(k): for kpi in range(k): H0[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * phi[ki](x_m/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() G0[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * psi(psi1, psi2, ki, x_m/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() H1[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * phi[ki]((x_m+1)/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() G1[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * psi(psi1, psi2, ki, (x_m+1)/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() PHI0 = np.eye(k) PHI1 = np.eye(k) elif base == 'chebyshev': x = Symbol('x') kUse = 2*k roots = Poly(chebyshevt(kUse, 2*x-1)).all_roots() x_m = np.array([rt.evalf(20) for rt in roots]).astype(np.float64) # x_m[x_m==0.5] = 0.5 + 1e-8 # add small noise to avoid the case of 0.5 belonging to both phi(2x) and phi(2x-1) # not needed for our purpose here, we use even k always to avoid wm = np.pi / kUse / 2 for ki in range(k): for kpi in range(k): H0[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * phi[ki](x_m/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() G0[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * psi(psi1, psi2, ki, x_m/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() H1[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * phi[ki]((x_m+1)/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() G1[ki, kpi] = 1/np.sqrt(2) * (wm * psi(psi1, psi2, ki, (x_m+1)/2) * phi[kpi](x_m)).sum() PHI0[ki, kpi] = (wm * phi[ki](2*x_m) * phi[kpi](2*x_m)).sum() * 2 PHI1[ki, kpi] = (wm * phi[ki](2*x_m-1) * phi[kpi](2*x_m-1)).sum() * 2 PHI0[np.abs(PHI0)<1e-8] = 0 PHI1[np.abs(PHI1)<1e-8] = 0 H0[np.abs(H0)<1e-8] = 0 H1[np.abs(H1)<1e-8] = 0 G0[np.abs(G0)<1e-8] = 0 G1[np.abs(G1)<1e-8] = 0 return H0, H1, G0, G1, PHI0, PHI1
import numpy as np def RSE(pred, true): def CORR(pred, true): def MAE(pred, true): def MSE(pred, true): def RMSE(pred, true): def MAPE(pred, true): def MSPE(pred, true): def metric2(pred, true): mae = MAE(pred, true) mse = MSE(pred, true) rmse = RMSE(pred, true) mape = MAPE(pred, true) mspe = MSPE(pred, true) rse = RSE(pred, true) corr = CORR(pred, true) return mae, mse, rmse, mape, mspe, rse, corr
import numpy as np import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, args): # lr = args.learning_rate * (0.2 ** (epoch // 2)) if args.lradj == 'type1': lr_adjust = {epoch: args.learning_rate * (0.5 ** ((epoch - 1) // 1))} elif args.lradj == 'type2': lr_adjust = { 2: 5e-5, 4: 1e-5, 6: 5e-6, 8: 1e-6, 10: 5e-7, 15: 1e-7, 20: 5e-8 } elif args.lradj == '3': lr_adjust = {epoch: args.learning_rate if epoch < 10 else args.learning_rate*0.1} elif args.lradj == '4': lr_adjust = {epoch: args.learning_rate if epoch < 15 else args.learning_rate*0.1} elif args.lradj == '5': lr_adjust = {epoch: args.learning_rate if epoch < 25 else args.learning_rate*0.1} elif args.lradj == '6': lr_adjust = {epoch: args.learning_rate if epoch < 5 else args.learning_rate*0.1} if epoch in lr_adjust.keys(): lr = lr_adjust[epoch] for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr print('Updating learning rate to {}'.format(lr))
import numpy as np def RSE(pred, true): return np.sqrt(np.sum((true - pred) ** 2)) / np.sqrt(np.sum((true - true.mean()) ** 2)) def CORR(pred, true): u = ((true - true.mean(0)) * (pred - pred.mean(0))).sum(0) d = np.sqrt(((true - true.mean(0)) ** 2 * (pred - pred.mean(0)) ** 2).sum(0)) d += 1e-12 return 0.01*(u / d).mean(-1) def MAE(pred, true): return np.mean(np.abs(pred - true)) def MSE(pred, true): return np.mean((pred - true) ** 2) def RMSE(pred, true): return np.sqrt(MSE(pred, true)) def MAPE(pred, true): return np.mean(np.abs((pred - true) / true)) def MSPE(pred, true): return np.mean(np.square((pred - true) / true)) def metric(pred, true): mae = MAE(pred, true) mse = MSE(pred, true) rmse = RMSE(pred, true) mape = MAPE(pred, true) mspe = MSPE(pred, true) rse = RSE(pred, true) corr = CORR(pred, true) return mae, mse, rmse, mape, mspe, rse, corr