7 values
Santorum abandona y se consolida Romney como el candidato republicano a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos
El candidato a la nominación presidencial por el Partido Republicano, el ex senador por Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, anunció que "la campaña por la nominación presidencial del Partido republicano ha acabado para mi". Durante una conferencia de prensa brindada este martes 10 de abril de 2012, en Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Santorum dijo que continuará luchando para derrotar al presidente Barack Obama y ganar el senado para el Partido Republicano. ​​​​​​​​​​La decisión anunciada por Santorum convertiría a Mitt Romney en el virtual "nominado". La campaña del ex gobernador de Massachusetts "fellicitó" a la campaña de Santorum pocos minutos después de concluida la rueda de prensa. Según los primeros informes de prensa, previo a la conferencia de prensa Santorum llamó a Mitt Romney para anunciarle que suspendía su campaña. Al hacer el anuncio Santorum recordó que ganó 11 estados y que fue el apoyo de los votantes lo que impulsó su campaña. === Noticias relacionadas === * * *
[ "Norteamérica", "Estados Unidos", "Política", "Democracia y elecciones", "Elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos de 2012", "Primarias presidenciales del Partido Republicano de 2012" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Santorum abandona y consolida a Romney como favorito", "text": "Santorum 2012 x Santorum 2012\n“El senador Santorum es un rival capaz y valioso, y lo felicito por la campaña que hizo”\nEl candidato a la nominación presidencial por el Partido Republicano, el ex senador por Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, anunció que \"la campaña por la nominación presidencial del Partido republicano ha acabado para mi\".Durante una conferencia de prensa brindada este martes 10 de abril de 2012, en Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Santorum dijo que continuará luchando para derrotar al presidente Barack Obama y ganar el senado para el Partido Republicano.​​​​​​​​​​La decisión anunciada por Santorum convertiría a Mitt Romney en el virtual \"nominado\". La campaña del ex gobernador de Massachhusetts \"fellicitó\" a la campaña de Santorum pocos minutos después de concluida la rueda de prensa.Según los primeros informes de prensa, previo a la conferencia de prensa Santorum llamó a Mitt Romney para anunciarle que suspendía su campaña. Al hacer el anuncio Santorum recordó que ganó 11 estados y que fue el apoyo de los votantes lo que impulsó su campaña.“Se ha comprobado que es una voz importante en nuestro partido y en la nación. Ambos reconocemos que lo que es más importante es dejar atrás los errores de los últimos tres años y poner a los Estados Unidos de regreso en el camino a la prosperidad”.El ex senador Santorum había cancelado algunos eventos de campaña para estar junto a su pequeña hija Isabella, de 3 años de edad, que estaba hospitalizada.“Hemos tenido una semana difícil, un viernes santo de pasión con la situación de nuestra hija” dijo en su conferencia de prensa, añadiendo que la decisión de retirarse la tomó en la mesa del comedor familiar de su casa en Virginia, el fin de semana.Durante las últimas semanas habían sido crecientes las presiones sobre Santorum para que abandonara la campaña por la nominación, abriendo el camino para la nominación de Mitt Romney.Satorum había informado inicialmente que seguiría en la campaña por lo menos hasta fines de abril hasta las primarias de su estado natal, Pennsylvania. Sin embargo la ventaja de la que disponía se había evaporado en los últimos días y Romney aparecía como líder en las encuestas.La \"suspensión\" de la campaña es un término técnico para decir que la campaña continúa pero sólo para poder recolectar algunos fondos que permitan solventar las deudas aún pendientes.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
2009-09-17: 70. rocznica napaści ZSRR na Polskę
Plik:Soviet invasion on Poland 1939.jpg|thumb|left|Agresja ZSRR na Polskę 1939 '''Mija 70. rocznica radzieckiej agresji na Polskę w czasie II wojny światowej. Dnia 17 września 1939 r. Armia Czerwona wkroczyła na wschodnie tereny Rzeczpospolitej, łamiąc obowiązujący od 1932 r. polsko-sowiecki pakt o nieagresji.''' W pierwszych godzinach wydarzeń sprzed 70 lat opór armii radzieckiej stawiły strażnice graniczne i żołnierze Korpusu Ochrony Pogranicza. Na mocy paktu Ribbentrop–Mołotow dokonał się akt agresji ZSRR nazywany przez wielu IV rozbiorem Polski. Wojska radzieckie przekroczyły wschodnie granice Polski przyspieszając klęskę kampanii wrześniowej i przypieczętowując losy naszego kraju na początku II wojny światowej. Skutki agresji sowieckiej były tragiczne – na terenach okupowanych przez ZSRR komuniści dopuścili się licznych zbrodni wojennych. Setki tysięcy Polaków oraz obywateli polskich innych narodowości zostało poddanych terrorowi. Na zajmowane obszary razem z sowieckim wojskiem wkraczały oddziały NKWD, które dokonywały aresztowań i wywózek do obozów jenieckich w Związku Radzieckim. W rocznicę tragicznych dla Polski wydarzeń na terenie całego kraju odbyły się uroczystości upamiętniające zajścia sprzed 70 lat. W Białymstoku gościł ostatni prezydent na uchodźstwie, Ryszard Kaczorowski. Z kolei w uroczystości otwarcia Alei Ofiar Katyńskich na terenie kampusu studenckiego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie wziął udział prezydent Lech Kaczyński. Jednoznacznie określił zbrodnię katyńską mianem ludobójstwa. Po uroczystości Lech Kaczyński, jako gość honorowy, wziął udział w inauguracji XVIII Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyków odbywającego się w Olsztynie. Następnie, podczas uroczystości na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie, prezydent po raz kolejny odnosił się do tragicznych wydarzeń katyńskich, przywołując decyzję o wymordowaniu 30 tys. Polaków:
[ "Europa", "Polska", "ZSRR", "Historia", "Rocznice", "Świat" ]
[ { "language": "pl", "title": "Obchody rocznicy napaści sowietów na Polskę", "text": "W czwartek minie 70 lat od dnia, w którym na zmagającą się z hitlerowskim najeźdźcą Polskę zdradziecko uderzyli sowieci. Centralne obchody tej pomijanej w czasach PRL rocznicy, zorganizowane zostaną właśnie w Białymstoku. Z tej okazji Instytut Pamięci Narodowej otworzy na Rynku Kościuszki okolicznościową wystawę\n\"O godzinie 4 rano wojska sowieckie wtargnęły na terytorium Polski, zajmując obszar przed Mołodecznym i idą pasem około 50 km\" donosiło w niedzielę 17 września 1939 roku londyńskie radio. A cytujący rozgłośnię dzień później Kurjer Wileński dodawał: \"Bohaterski żołnierz krwawi więc na dwóch frontach\".\nBiałostoczanie będą mogli wczuć się w atmosferę tamtych wrześniowych dni. Instytut Pamięci Narodowej przygotował reprint pierwszych dwóch stron liczącego 70 lat wydania Kurjera Wileńskiego. W okolicach Rynku Kościuszki okolicznościową publikację rozdawać będą w czwartek harcerze. Wydrukujemy ją też w lokalnym wydaniu Gazety Wyborczej. Pozostało 81% tekstu Wyczerpałeś już limit bezpłatnych artykułów w tym miesiącu Bądź na bieżąco - kup cyfrową Wyborczą Nieograniczony dostęp do serwisów informacyjnych, biznesowych, lokalnych i wszystkich magazynów Wyborczej Wypróbuj od 19,90 zł za miesiąc", "url": ",35235,7042343,Obchody_rocznicy_napasci_sowietow_na_Polske.html", "archive_url": ",35241,7042343,Obchody_rocznicy_napasci_sowietow_na_Polske.html" }, { "language": "pl", "title": "„Katyń to zemsta i akt wielkoruskiego szowinizmu”", "text": "Na uroczystościach na Skwerze Matki Sybiraczki w Warszawie prezydent Lech Kaczyński przypomniał, że polscy oficerowie zostali wymordowani decyzją z 5 marca 1940 roku, która - jak ocenił - w rzeczywistości była decyzją Stalina. - Jeżeli tego rodzaju akt, dotyczący według tej decyzji 30 tysięcy ludzi, nie jest aktem ludobójstwa, to się pytam, co nim jest? - powiedział.\nLech Kaczyński zadał kolejne pytanie: czy Katyń był aktem zemsty? - Tak, był. Rzeczywisty motyw to był odwet za rok 1920. Za innych ludzi, inne czasy - odpowiedział.\n- Czy nie był to akt wielkoruskiego szowinizmu? Tak, był - mówił.\nZobacz także: Prezydent: zbrodnia katyńska była ludobójstwem Prezydent: powinniśmy kontynuować proces upamiętniania ofiar Przedstawiciele Rodzin Katyńskich u prezydenta Minister Wypych: Nawet Rosjanie nazywali Katyń ludobójstwem\nPrezydent dodał, że świetnie rozumie potrzebę pojednania, ale - jak zauważył - narody jednać się mogą tylko i wyłącznie w prawdzie. - Szczególnie jeżeli jest to duży naród, tak jak polski - podkreślił.\nLech Kaczyński ocenił także, że pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow był paktem dwóch wyjątkowo agresywnych imperializmów i totalitaryzmów.\n- Polska nie ma powodów do odrabiania lekcji pokory - powtórzył Lech Kaczyński. Zdaniem prezydenta, w trakcie wojny Polska zachowała się tak, jak należało się zachować.\n- Niech lekcje pokory odrabiają ci, którym nie jedna taka lekcja się należy; w imię przyszłości - podkreślił Lech Kaczyński przed Pomnikiem Poległych i Pomordowanych na Wschodzie.\nJak zaznaczył, od historii nie da się uciec, a nasz świat to dla dziś żyjących pokoleń przede wszystkim przyszłość. - Ale nie da się jej od przeszłości oddzielić - uważa Lech Kaczyński.\nW jego opinii, pojednanie w Europie jest potrzebne, a podstawą tego pojednania musi być twarda niejednokrotnie prawda.\nPrezydent zwrócił uwagę, że lata 1939-41 to lata nie tylko mordu na oficerach (zbrodnia katyńska - PAP), ale także tysiące egzekucji działaczy politycznych. - W tym także działaczy lewicy, którzy w pierwszej chwili myśleli, że oto nadchodzą dobre czasy. Szybko się skończyły przed sowieckimi plutonami egzekucyjnymi - powiedział Lech Kaczyński.\nPodkreślił, że był to także okres niszczenia polskiej inteligencji i wywiezienia nie tysięcy, ale setek tysięcy ludzi do Kazachstanu, na Zabajkale, do republik w północnej Europie.\n- Taka jest prawda o tych czasach i jest w naszym interesie, także politycznym, żeby o tym pamiętać. Szczególnie wtedy, gdy 1 września, w 70. rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej, na Westerplatte, w miejscu, które jest symbolem, słyszymy o planie nowej architektury Europy - mówił prezydent. Dodał, że powinniśmy szukać Europy partnerskiej, w której - jak podkreślił - naszemu krajowi należy się miejsce wynikające z jego wielkości i historii. (PAP, inf. własna)", "url": ",844,katyn-to-zemsta-i-akt-wielkoruskiego-szowinizmu.html", "archive_url": ",844,katyn-to-zemsta-i-akt-wielkoruskiego-szowinizmu.html" }, { "language": "pl", "title": "\"Czy Katyń był aktem zemsty? Tak, był\"", "text": "\" Polska nie ma powodów do odrabiania lekcji pokory\"\nPrezydent zaznaczył, że polscy oficerowie \"zostali wymordowani\" decyzją z 5 marca 1940 roku, która - jak ocenił - \"w rzeczywistości była decyzją Stalina\". - Jeżeli tego rodzaju akt, dotyczący według tej decyzji 30 tysięcy ludzi, nie jest aktem ludobójstwa, to się pytam, co nim jest? - powiedział. Lech Kaczyński zadał kolejne pytanie: \"Czy Katyń był aktem zemsty?\" \"Tak, był. Rzeczywisty motyw to był odwet za rok 1920. Za innych ludzi, inne czasy\" - odpowiedział.\"Czy nie był to akt wielkoruskiego szowinizmu? Tak, był\" - kontynuował.Prezydent dodał, że świetnie rozumie potrzebę pojednania, ale - jak zauważył - \"narody jednać się mogą tylko i wyłącznie w prawdzie\". - Szczególnie jeżeli jest to duży naród, tak jak polski - podkreślił.Lech Kaczyński ocenił także, że pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow był paktem \"dwóch wyjątkowo agresywnych imperializmów i totalitaryzmów\".- Polska nie ma powodów do odrabiania lekcji pokory - mówił prezydent. - Niech lekcje pokory odrabiają ci, którym nie jedna taka lekcja się należy; w imię przyszłości - podkreślił Lech Kaczyński.Jak zaznaczył, od historii \"nie da się uciec\", a \"nasz świat to dla dziś żyjących pokoleń przede wszystkim przyszłość\". \"Ale nie da się jej od przeszłości oddzielić\" - uważa Lech Kaczyński.W jego opinii, pojednanie w Europie jest potrzebne, a \"podstawą tego pojednania musi być twarda niejednokrotnie prawda\".Prezydent zwrócił uwagę, że lata 1939-41 \"to lata nie tylko mordu na oficerach (zbrodnia katyńska), ale także tysiące egzekucji działaczy politycznych\". - W tym także działaczy lewicy, którzy w pierwszej chwili myśleli, że oto nadchodzą dobre czasy. Szybko się skończyły przed sowieckimi plutonami egzekucyjnymi - powiedział L. Kaczyński.Podkreślił, że był to także okres niszczenia polskiej inteligencji i wywiezienia \"nie tysięcy, ale setek tysięcy\" ludzi do Kazachstanu, na Zabajkale, do republik w północnej Europie\".- Taka jest prawda o tych czasach i jest w naszym interesie, także politycznym, żeby o tym pamiętać. Szczególnie wtedy, gdy 1 września, w 70. rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej, na Westerplatte, w miejscu, które jest symbolem, słyszymy o planie nowej architektury Europy - mówił prezydent. Dodał, że powinniśmy szukać Europy partnerskiej, w której - jak podkreślił - \"naszemu krajowi należy się miejsce wynikające z jego wielkości i historii\".", "url": ",80271,7051569,_Czy_Katyn_byl_aktem_zemsty__Tak__byl_.html", "archive_url": ",80271,7051569,_Czy_Katyn_byl_aktem_zemsty__Tak__byl_.html" }, { "language": "pl", "title": "Treść uchwały upamiętniającej 17 września 1939 r.", "text": "Golgota Wschodu\nTragedia całej Europy Środkowej\n\"Znamiona ludobójstwa\"\n17 września 1939 roku wojska ZSRR bez wypowiedzenia wojny dokonały agresji na terytorium Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, naruszając jej suwerenność i łamiąc zasady prawa międzynarodowego. Podstawę do inwazji Armii Czerwonej dał pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow zawarty 23 sierpnia 1939 r. między ZSRR i hitlerowskimi Niemcami . W ten sposób dokonano czwartego rozbioru Polski.Rzeczpospolita padła ofiarą dwóch totalitaryzmów: nazizmu i komunizmu. Wkroczenie Armii Czerwonej otworzyło kolejny, tragiczny rozdział w historii Polski i całej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Długa jest lista zbrodni i nieszczęść, które dotknęły wtedy wschodnie tereny II RP i obywateli polskich, którzy się tam znaleźli. Składa się na nią zbrodnia wojenna rozstrzelania przez NKWD ponad 20 tys. bezbronnych jeńców, polskich oficerów, wysiedlenie i zesłanie setek tysięcy obywateli Rzeczpospolitej. Osadzenie ich w nieludzkich warunkach w obozach i więzieniach oraz przymuszanie do niewolniczej pracy. Te sowieckie zbrodnie rozpoczęły szereg aktów przemocy, które składają się na tragedię Golgoty Wschodu.Polski los podzieliło wiele innych narodów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Suwerenność straciły: Litwa, Łotwa i Estonia. Zagrożona została integralność terytorialna i suwerenność Finlandii i Rumunii. Archipelag Gułag pochłonął setki tysięcy istnień ludzkich wszystkich narodów tego regionu, w tym wielu obywateli ZSRR.Organizacja systemu, długotrwałość i skala zjawiska nadała tym zbrodniom - w tym zbrodni katyńskiej - znamiona ludobójstwa. Sejm RP stoi na stanowisku, że pojednanie polsko-rosyjskie wymaga poszanowania historycznej prawdy. Nie wolno jej przemilczeć ani nią manipulować.Sejm RP potępia wszelkie próby fałszowania historii i apeluje do wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli w Federacji Rosyjskiej, o wspólne, solidarne działanie na rzecz ujawnienia i potępienia zbrodni czasów stalinowskich.", "url": ",80271,7042542,Tresc_uchwaly_upamietniajacej_17_wrzesnia_1939_r_.html", "archive_url": ",114873,7042542,Tresc_uchwaly_upamietniajacej_17_wrzesnia_1939_r_.html" } ]
Congreso de Guerrero elige a Rogelio Ortega Martínez como gobernador interino
Este domingo, el hasta hoy secretario general de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, , fue designado por el como gobernador interino, tras la licencia para abandonar el cargo solicitada y otorgada a en medio del caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos en . Con 39 votos a favor, seis votos en contra y cero abstenciones, el Congreso nombró a este sociólogo y académico de 59 años como suplente de Aguirre. Roller Arellano Sotelo y Alejandro Carabias Icaza, secretarios de la Mesa Directiva, fueron los encargados del conteo de los votos emitidos por el Congreso constituido en . Con esto, Ortega Martínez concluirá los 11 meses que faltaban del periodo para el que fue electo el exgobernador Aguirre. Desde la noche del día de ayer, la bancada del (PRD) presentó como su propuesta de gobernado a Ortega Martínez, que fue respaldado también por algunos diputados del (PRI). Laura Arizmendi Campos, presidenta de la Mesa Directiva del Congreso local, había citado a sesión ordinaria hasta el próximo martes, no obstante, la Comisión de Gobierno convocó para este domingo. Este sábado, el Congreso aprobó por unanimidad la solicitud de licencia de Ángel Aguirre, gobernador del estado, para retirase del cargo. Aguirre había alegado que pidió licencia "para favorecer un clima que ponga la atención en la solución" del caso de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos.
[ "Desaparición de los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa", "Educación", "Judicial", "Sociedad", "Política" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Rogelio Ortega es designado gobernador interino de Guerrero", "text": "El Congreso estatal designó al sociólogo y académico Salvador Ortega, como suplente del gobernador con licencia Ángel Aguirre\nDomingo, 26 de octubre de 2014 a las 10:58\n(CNNMéxico) — Salvador Rogelio Ortega Martínez fue designado este domingo gobernador interino de Guerrero tras la licencia solicitada por Ángel Aguirre en medio de la polémica por los 43 normalistas desaparecidos en la entidad.\nAnte los diputados locales, Ortega Martínez se comprometió a encontrar a los jóvenes normalistas y a hacer justicia por los seis muertos que dejaron los enfrentamientos del 26 de septiembre en Iguala.\n“Quiero manifestar a las madres, padres a los familiares de los 43 jóvenes desaparecidos que estoy con ellos, hermanado en la fe que mueve montañas, en la esperanza que nunca muere”, señaló.\nOrtega dijo que Guerrero necesita todos los recursos de las instituciones del Estado mexicano, por lo que dijo pedirá ayuda al presidente Enrique Peña Nieto.\n\"Es un momento que reclama el concurso de todas y todos los guerrerenses, pero en especial de quienes tienen una reponsabilidad ante la ciudadanía y el pueblo de Guerrero\", señaló el nuevo gobernador.\nLEE: Quién es Rogelio Ortega, el gobernador interino de Guerrero\nSe comprometió a trabajar junto con los normalistas en un diálogo \"abierto de cara a la sociedad para atender sus demandas\", además dijo, no se criminalizará la protesta social, sino se encaminará para lograr la solución pacífica de los conflictos.\n\"Nadie puede gobernar sin el apoyo del pueblo, nadie puede dar respuesta a las demandas de los guerrerenses sin la contitucion de una gran fuerza de todos y todas unidos\", dijo Ortega Martínez.\nOrtega Martínez se puso como plazo enero del próximo año para terminar con la crisis de ingobernabilidad, pues dijo, entonces iniciará el proceso de cambio de poderes, por lo que buscará que al terminar la gestión de su breve mandato se haya dado solución a los problemas del estado.\nPidió revisar \"con lupa\" a los candidatos para el proceso electoral del próximo año para que \"nunca más tengamos en Guerrero gobernantes como el que tuvimos en Iguala\", en referencia a José Luis Abarca, ligado al crimen organizado e involucrado en la desaparición de los normalistas.\nNombrado por la mayoría\nLos 45 diputados locales analizaron el caso de Gobernador interino, luego de que el sábado otorgaran por unanimidad la licencia a Ángel Aguirre Rivero para salir de la gubernatura.\nPor 39 votos a favor, 6 en contra y cero abstenciones, el Congreso estatal nombró al académico de 59 años para concluir los 11 meses que restaban del periodo para el que fue electo Aguirre.\nDesde la noche del sábado, la bancada del PRD –compuesta por 20 de los 45 diputados locales- presentaron como propuesta única a Ortega Martínez, misma que fue respaldada por algunos legisladores del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).\nLa presidenta de la Mesa Directiva del Congreso local, Laura Arizmendi Campos citó a sesión ordinaria hasta el martes, pero la Comisión de Gobierno convocó de manera extraordinaria para este domingo.\nAguirre dejó el cargo cuatro semanas después de que 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecieran en el municipio de Iguala y luego de las críticas que el hecho ha generado sobre su gestión.\n\"Para favorecer un clima político que ponga la atención y la solución de estas prioridades (la localización de los normalistas), el día de hoy, con fundamento en el artículo 84 de nuestra Constitución Política del estado de Guerrero, he decidido solicitar licencia al honorable Congreso del estado\", anunció Aguirre este jueves\nOrtega recibe apoyo por su nombramiento\nEl presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto deseó éxito a Ortega ante \"esta elevada responsabilidad\", y se comprometió a trabajar juntos para crear condiciones de seguridad y desarrollo para esta entidad azotada por la delincuencia organizada y uno de los más pobres del país.\nEl Congreso de Guerrero ha designado a Rogelio Ortega como Titular del Ejecutivo Estatal; todo el éxito en esta elevada responsabilidad. — Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) October 26, 2014\nCarlos Navarrete, presidente del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) – del que también es parte el exgobernador Aguirre – felicitó a través de Twitter al nuevo gobernador.\nUna cálida felicitación al Dr Rogelio Ortega por su nombramiento como Gobernador de Guerrero! Hijo de una maestra rural, hombre de bien! — Carlos Navarrete (@Navarretecarlos) octubre 26, 2014\nTras la toma de protesta del gobernador interino, los diputados locales coincidieron que el gobierno del estado debe resguardar los derechos humanos en la entidad, además urgieron una limpieza de las policías municipales con el fin de recuperar la gobernabilidad.\nA nombre de la fracción parlamentaria de Movimiento Ciudadano, Mario Ramos del Carmen calificó de positivo ese nombramiento y sostuvo que la postura que tienen no es en contra de la propuesta del gobernador interino porque el “esfuerzo” que hará será para mantener la paz social, pero reprochó que no se haya dado el procedimiento en términos legales.\n“Es este momento no conozco el dictamen. Habíamos acordado, antier, que íbamos a platicar, que nos íbamos a reunir para analizar la situación de la figura del Gobernador interino que íbamos a elegir, no se dieron las cosas, ayer se comunicaron o intentaron conmigo comunicarse, en el transcurso de la noche”.\nCon información de Laura Reyes", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Nombran a Rogelio Ortega gobernador de Guerrero", "text": "Guerrero\nCon 39 votos, seis votos en contra y cero abstenciones, el pleno del Congreso local nombró a Rogelio Salvador Ortega Martínez como gobernador interino del estado de Guerrero.\nLos diputados Roller Arellano Sotelo y Alejandro Carabias Icaza, secretarios de la Mesa Directiva, tuvieron bajo su responsabilidad el conteo de los votos emitidos por el Congreso local constituido en Colegio Electoral.\nLa votación, por indicación de la Orden del Día y acuerdo de la Comisión de Gobierno se desarrolló por cédula y en urna transparente.\nA las 11:40 horas del domingo 26 de octubre, el doctor en Ciencias Políticas Rogelio Ortega Martínez tomó protesta como gobernador interino del estado de Guerrero.\nEl ahora ex secretario general de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) llegó a la sala de Plenos del Poder Legislativo a las 11:30 horas, después de recibir el respaldo de 39 de 45 diputados presentes en la sesión.\nLo introdujeron al recinto los diputados Javier Taja del PRI, Jorge Camacho del PAN y Jesús Marcial Liborio del PRD en calidad de Comisión de Cortesía.\nSaludó a los diputados ubicados en la primera fila de curules, posteriormente a los integrantes de la Mesa Directiva y se declaró listo para tomar la protesta de rigor.\nA las 11:40, ya instalado en la tribuna protestó cumplir y hacer cumplir la Constitución General de la República, la Constitución Política del Estado y las leyes que de ellas emanan.\nDespués ya en calidad de titular del Poder Ejecutivo local estuvo en condiciones de escuchar el posicionamiento de las representaciones de partido y fracciones parlamentarias.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Guiné-Bissau: Encerrado processo de João Bernardo Vieira
Supremo Tribunal de Justiça encerrou um processo que envolvia o antigo Secretário de Estado de Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira. O Porta-voz do PAIGC era acusado de corrupção pelo Ministério Publico. Ele foi preso em Agosto de 2016 e mais tarde foi libertado.
[ "Crime, Direito e Justiça", "Política" ]
[ { "language": "pt", "title": "Guiné-Bissau: Encerrado processo de João Bernardo Vieira", "text": "Supremo Tribunal de Justiça encerra processo que envolve o antigo Secretário de Estado de Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira.\nO Porta-voz do PAIGC era acusado de corrupção pelo Ministério Publico. Fora preso, em Agosto do ano passado, e mais tarde libertado.\nAcompanhe a reportagem:", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "pt", "title": "Supremo Tribunal da Guiné-Bissau arquiva processo contra João Bernardo Vieira", "text": "Guiné-Bissau Supremo Tribunal da Guiné-Bissau arquiva processo contra João Bernardo Vieira Por\nJoão Bernardo Vieira\nO antigo Secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Telecomunicações, João Bernardo Vieira, foi ilibado pelo Supremo Tribunal de Justiça e consequente arquivamento do processo que pendia sobre o mesmo.\nOs 11 juízes da corte suprema guineense decidiram através do Acórdão nº 01/2017, de 02 de agosto, declarar a inconstitucionalidade material, a medida de coação de obrigação de apresentação periódica, bem como de outras medidas restritivas ou limitações dos direitos fundamentais constitucionais consagrados que haviam sido aplicados pelo Ministério Público ao antigo Secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Telecomunicações nos governos de Domingos Simões Pereira e de Carlos Correia.\nDesde agosto de 2016 João Bernardo Vieira foi alvo pelo Ministério Público de medidas de coação como termo de identidade e de residência com obrigação de apresentação periódica por suspeito de prática de atos de corrupção quando exercia as funções de Secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Telecomunicações, no primeiro governo do Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo- Verde (PAIGC) liderado por Domingos Simões Pereira.\nCom essa decisão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, que restabelece a sua liberdade, o também porta-voz do PAIGC pode agora intentar uma ação judicial contra o estado guineense por indemnização aos danos causados.\nTiago Seide\n© e-Global Notícias em Português", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Medizinnobelpreis für die Aufklärung des Riechens
Alfred Nobel Den Nobelpreis für Medizin und Physiologie erhielt in diesem Jahr das amerikanische Forscherduo Richard Axel und Linda B. Buck. Gemeinsam haben sie die genetische und physiologische Grundlage für den Prozeß der Geruchswahrnehmung aufklären können. Durch die Entdeckung und Bearbeitung von mehr als 1.000 Genen konnten sie erklären, wie der Mensch das enorme Spektrum von Gerüchen wahrnehmen kann.
[ "Themenportal Wissenschaft", "Medizinforschung", "Physiologie", "Wissenschaftler", "US-Personalie", "Genetik", "Medizin- und Physiologienobelpreis" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Medicine 2004", "text": "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004 \"for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system\" Richard Axel Linda B. Buck 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize USA USA Columbia University\nNew York, NY, USA; Howard Hughes Medical Institute\nFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center\nSeattle, WA, USA; Howard Hughes Medical Institute\nb. 1946 b. 1947", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin 2004", "text": "Richard Axel Den Medizin-Nobelpreis teilen sich in diesem Jahr die beiden US-Forscher Richard Axel und Linda Buck. Sie haben herausgefunden, wie der unbekannteste unserer fünf Sinne, der menschliche Geruchssinn funktioniert. Die beiden Wissenschaftler haben eine Familie von rund tausend Genen beschrieben und später erforscht, wie die Erbinformationen das Riechgewebe in der Nase aufbauen. Die Entdeckungen von Axel und Buck \"helfen zu verstehen, wie Menschen bewusst den Geruch von Flieder im Frühling erfahren und diese Erinnerung später abrufen können\", hieß es in einer Erklärung der Königlich Schwedischen Akademie in Stockholm. Der unbekannteste der fünf Sinne Mit einer Serie von Studien zeigten die beiden Wissenschaftler, wie der Körper etwa 10.000 verschiedene Gerüche identifizieren kann. 1991 beschrieben sie gemeinsam rund tausend Gene der Maus, die der Geruchswahrnehmung dienen. Die Gene dienen als Bauanleitung für die Rezeptoren der Riechzellen. Später zeigten beide Forscher, dass in jeder Riechzelle nur eines dieser Gene abgelesen wird. Jede Zelle des so genannten olfaktorischen Epithels in der Nase verfügt also nur über einen Rezeptortyp. Daher reagiert jede Zelle nur auf eine Gruppe chemisch verwandter Geruchsstoffe und das verschieden stark. Riechen mit Gefühl Das olfaktorische Epithel enthält Nervenzellen, die Impulse an das Geruchszentrum im vorderen Teil des Gehirns senden. Dieser Hirnteil ist zum einen mit der Hirnrinde verbunden, in der bewusste Gedanken gefasst werden. Zum anderen wird die Geruchsinformation an das limbische System weitergeleitet, das für Gefühlswahrnehmung zuständig ist. Auf diese Art können Menschen sich ihr Leben lang an einen von Oma gebackenen Geburtstagskuchen oder den Gestank verdorbener Muscheln erinnern. Aufklärung des Geruchs-Gedächtnisses Linda Buck Der 58-jährige Richard Axel ist Professor für Biochemie, molekulare Biophysik und Pathologie an der Columbia University in New York. Sein Spezialgebiet ist das Empfangen, Filtern und Verstehen von Sinneseindrücken durch das Gehirn. Die ein Jahr jüngere Linda Buck ist am Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle tätig. Sie hat zuletzt erforscht, wie das Gehirn von Säugetieren Gerüche und Pheromone unterscheidet, interpretiert und wahrnimmt. Mehr zum Thema Sinne bei BR-ONLINE Unsere fünf Sinne Fühler zur Welt Sehen, Hören, Riechen, Schmecken, Tasten - unzählige Eindrücke strömen täglich auf uns ein. Erst das menschliche Gehirn setzt sie zu einem sinnvollen Ganzen zusammen. mehr ...", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Dziś debiut giełdowy Facebooka
Grafika:NASDAQ.JPG|thumb|234px|Budynek NASDAQ na Times Square w Nowym Jorku Logo Facebooka. Grafika:Facebookheadquarters.jpg|thumb|left|Siedziba Facebook Inc. w Palo Alto w Kalifornii 18 maja br akcje spółki publicznej Facebook Inc. (FB) po raz pierwszy będą notowane na nowojorskim rynku giełdowym NASDAQ. Jest to najbardziej oczekiwany debiut na giełdzie NASDAQ od lat. W pierwotnej ofercie publicznej (IPO) akcje FB były oferowane po 38 dolarów. Zaoferowano ponad 421,2 mln akcji. FB z oferty publicznej pozyskał ok. 16 mld USD. Wartość firmy po wejściu na rynek kapitałowy wyniesie ponad 104 mld USD. Początek notowań FB na amerykańskim parkiecie o godzinie 15:30. Facebook to serwis społecznościowy stworzony przez Marka Zuckerberga z ponad 900 mln użytkowników z całego świata. Kurs na otwarciu wyniósł 42,05 dolara czyli 10,65 proc więcej niż cena emisyjna (38 dolarów), .
[ "Giełda", "Gospodarka", "Świat", "USA", "Internet", "Społeczeństwo" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Facebook Stalls in Public Debut After Record $16B in IPO", "text": "Facebook Inc. (FB) hovered near the initial public offering price in its trading debut, following a record IPO that made the social network more costly than almost every company in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. (SPX)\nThe shares rose 23 cents above the IPO price of $38 as of 4 p.m. in New York. Facebook sold 421.2 million shares to raise $16 billion yesterday, giving the company a $104.2 billion market value.\nUnderwriters bought Facebook’s stock to keep it from falling below the IPO price, people with knowledge of the matter said today. The offering valued the company at 107 times trailing 12-month earnings, more than every S&P 500 member except Inc. and Equity Residential. The performance disappointed some investors who expected a first-day pop.\n“They squeezed the lemon dry here,�? said Dan Veru, chief investment officer at Palisade Capital Management, who didn’t participate in the IPO. “They didn’t leave enough on the table. You want to price these things a little lower, so that the shares have better support in the aftermarket.�?\nThe bankers supported the stock after Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. faced difficulties delivering trade execution messages following the IPO, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the transactions are private. Facebook spokesman Jonathan Thaw declined to comment.\n100 Times Earnings\nThe U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said that it will review the incident to figure out its cause and any steps needed to address it.\nThe IPO price made Facebook, co-founded in 2004 by a then- teenage Mark Zuckerberg, the largest company to go public in the U.S. While Facebook has evolved from a Harvard University dorm- room project into a social network with more than 900 million users, revenue growth is poised to slow for a third straight year and advertising sales haven’t kept pace with user additions.\n“This is what happens when you price something around 100 times earnings,�? said Barry Ritholtz, chief executive officer at FusionIQ in New York. “If this closes poorly, there is nobody to blame but the company and the underwriters themselves.�?\nFacebook priced at the top end of its range of $34 to $38 a share, valuing it at about 26 times sales in the 12 months through March 31. As of yesterday, that was more than twice as much as AvalonBay Communities Inc. (AVB), currently the most costly company by that measure in the S&P 500.\nGM’s Offering\nFacebook shares opened at $42.05 today and initially surged as high as $45 before paring gains.\nAt $16 billion, Facebook’s sale surpassed that of General Motors Co., making it the second-largest in U.S. history, excluding so-called over-allotments, which let underwriters buy more shares at a later date, data compiled by Bloomberg show.\nGM raised $15.8 billion in November 2010, before expanding the sale to $18.1 billion when underwriters exercised the over- allotment option. Visa Inc. raised $17.9 billion in its 2008 IPO, the biggest in the U.S., and later expanded the sale to $19.7 billion. Facebook’s underwriters may buy an additional 63.2 million shares at the IPO price, which would enlarge the IPO to as much as $18.4 billion.\nFacebook’s offering price gave it a market capitalization almost double the $60 billion United Parcel Service Inc., previously the biggest company to complete an IPO, was valued at when it went public in 1999, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and Dealogic.\nIPO Performance\nFacebook stock is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol FB. The social network, led by 28-year-old CEO Zuckerberg, is the first company to complete a U.S. IPO in a week, after vacuum-pump maker Edwards Group Ltd. raised $100 million on May 10.\nThe 67 companies that completed U.S. IPOs this year before Facebook gained an average of 7.2 percent in public trading through yesterday, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Before today, six of the 10 best-performing newly listed U.S. stocks this year had been Internet or technology companies, led by Guidewire Software Inc., the provider of software to the insurance industry that gained 95 percent.\nFacebook’s IPO coincided with intensifying U.S. market turmoil. About $1 trillion had been erased from American equity values this month after speculation Greece will leave the euro region reversed the biggest first-quarter rally since 1998, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.\n$176 Million\nFacebook’s bankers, led by Morgan Stanley (MS), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Goldman Sachs (GS) Group Inc., may split about $176 million for managing the IPO after accepting a lower-than-average fee for their work. Facebook hired more than 30 underwriters, which also included Bank of America Corp., Barclays Plc, Allen & Co., Citigroup Inc., Credit Suisse Group AG, and Deutsche Bank AG.\nThey’ll get about 1.1 percent of what Facebook raised, said two people with knowledge of the matter, who declined to be identified because the rate is private.\nThe IPO price gave Facebook a market value about half the size of Google Inc. (GOOG), which was worth more than $200 billion as of yesterday. The search-engine operator’s value has jumped almost ninefold in the eight years since it went public. To hand its public owners the same returns after pricing at the top of its offering range, Facebook would have to be worth about $920 billion by 2020. Apple Inc., the most valuable company in the world, had a market value of about $496 billion as of yesterday.\nEclipsing Google\nFacebook’s offering eclipsed the 2004 IPO of Google, one of its chief competitors for online advertising. Google raised $1.9 billion in its initial share sale, including an over-allotment option. The shares sold at $85 apiece, giving Google a market value of about $23 billion, or about 10 times sales in the 12 months through June 30, 2004.\nFacebook boosted the deal’s size amid a two-week series of meetings where Zuckerberg, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman pitched the sale to investors across the U.S.\n“There’s hundreds of millions of people that want to emotionally buy this stock and most of them are going to have to buy it in the aftermarket,�? Jon Merriman, chief executive officer at investment firm Merriman Holdings Inc. in San Francisco, said before the stock began trading. “I’d like to see it season over a couple of months.�?\nInvestors’ Plans\nVenture capital firm Accel Partners, based in Palo Alto, California, planned to offer 49 million shares in the initial sale, while Goldman Sachs aimed to sell 28.7 million, according to terms Facebook disclosed this week. Digital Sky Technologies planned to sell 45.7 million shares, and Tiger Global Management planned to sell 23.4 million shares.\nFacebook executives and directors planned to sell 189.4 million shares. Including restricted stock units, options and common stock to be issued following the purchase of Instagram, the shares outstanding would total 2.74 billion.\nSome institutional investors had balked at buying into Facebook over concern about the site’s growth prospects, people with knowledge of the matter said last week. The social network generated sales of $3.7 billion last year, which are poised to rise 64 percent to $6.1 billion in 2012, according to researcher EMarketer Inc. Last month, Facebook said first-quarter profit fell to $205 million as sales growth slowed and marketing costs more than doubled.\nMobile Prospects\nFacebook is trying to adapt as more users access its site via mobile phones instead of the Web. That put pressure on company executives to articulate their mobile strategy as they marketed the stock to potential investors ahead of the IPO. Facebook has said it would add mobile advertising along with new ads to reach users when they log off the company’s website.\nFacebook still faces hurdles in traditional Web advertising. General Motors (GM), the world’s biggest automaker by vehicles sold, said this week it was halting display ads on Facebook, while maintaining brand-promotion pages.\n“It worries me about the pressures that will be on Facebook to create this new stream of revenue,�? John Chachas, managing partner at Methuselah Capital Advisors LP, said in an interview on Bloomberg Television. “A lot of what you do on Facebook is hanging out. That does not lend itself to the monetization question.�?\nTo contact the reporters on this story: Lee Spears in New York at; Sarah Frier in New York at\nTo contact the editor responsible for this story: Jennifer Sondag at\nPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Facebook, Inc. stock price", "text": "Save my stocks for next time\nEdit Symbol List\nEnter up to 25 symbols separated by commas or spaces in the text box below. These symbols will be available during your session for use on applicable pages.\nGo Now\nClear List\nDon't know the stock symbol? Use the symbol lookup tool.\nAlphabetize the sort order of my symbols", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Facebook Inc.", "text": "Ways to track Facebook Inc.\nBy clicking the \"Like\" button you will receive a daily update on FB (see sample below). MarketWatch will post an end-of-day news and price summary to your Facebook news feed. This is currently active on all US symbols and indexes.\nClicking \"Like\" again will remove the update for this symbol.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Québec solidaire adoptera la première partie de son premier programme politique
Françoise David Hier, Françoise David, la présidente et porte-parole de Québec solidaire, a rendu officiellement publique le cahier de synthèse des propositions pour leur premier programme politique. Il sera discuté en fin de semaine à l'École Mont-de-La Salle, à Laval. , a déclaré Françoise David. , a précisé le responsable aux orientations Simon Tremblay-Pepin. Le parti politique diffusera sur le web quelques moments du congrès sur son .
[ "Monde", "Amérique", "Amérique du Nord", "Canada", "Québec", "Laval", "Politique et conflits", "Politique", "Réunion" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "5e congrès de Québec solidaire: le cahier synthèse des propositions maintenant public", "text": "5e congrès de Québec solidaire: le cahier synthèse des propositions maintenant public\nMONTRÉAL, le 20 nov. /CNW Telbec/ - La présidente et porte-parole de Québec solidaire, accompagnée du responsable aux orientations Simon Tremblay-Pepin, a rendu officiellement public aujourd'hui le cahier synthèse regroupant les propositions qui seront discutées au congrès d'orientation qui se déroulera toute la fin de semaine à l'École Mont-de-La Salle, à Laval.\n\"Après avoir fait élire un premier député de gauche il y a un an, Québec solidaire marquera une nouvelle fois l'histoire politique du Québec ce week-end en adoptant la première partie de son tout premier programme politique. Quelle stratégie pour faire du Québec un pays ? Quel modèle de laïcité voulons-nous défendre ? Quelles institutions politiques devrions-nous avoir ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions fondamentales auxquelles nos militants et militantes seront appelés à répondre durant ce congrès d'orientation. Et signe que Québec solidaire est un parti bien en santé, les débats s'annoncent aussi nombreux qu'enrichissants\", a déclaré Françoise David.\n\"Ce congrès est l'aboutissement d'un vaste processus de démocratie participative. Il a débuté il y a plus d'un an par la formation de groupes composés de citoyens et de citoyennes, membres du parti ou non, à réfléchir au programme politique de QS. Leurs réflexions ont servi à alimenter le cahier synthèse que nous rendons public aujourd'hui\", a précisé le responsable aux orientations Simon Tremblay-Pepin.\nÀ l'issue de ce congrès, \"Québec solidaire proposera à la population une démarche claire, ouverte et hautement démocratique pour faire du Québec un pays démocratique, pluraliste et souverain\", a conclu Françoise David.\nDes invités-es de marque prendront la parole lors de l'ouverture du congrès ce soir. Entre autres invités-es :\n- Ghislain Picard, Chef régional de l'Assemblée des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador ; - Louise Laurin, ancienne présidente du Mouvement national des Québécois et Patriote de l'année 2005 ; - Alexandra Pierre, directrice de l'Association des aides familiales du Québec ; - Mercedez Roberge, présidente du Mouvement pour une démocratie nouvelle.\nPar ailleurs, Québec solidaire innovera une nouvelle fois en matière de Web 2.0. En effet, Québec solidaire présentera en webdiffusion des moments choisis du congrès de cette fin de semaine à l'adresse suivante :\nLe cahier synthèse est disponible à l'adresse suivante :\nRenseignements: Francis Boucher, communications, (514) 710-0466", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Apple launches new, faster iPhone
iPhone at Macworld 2007. Apple Computer today announced its latest iteration of their popular iPhone, the ''iPhone 3G S''. The new hardware, revealed at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference drew attention from the media and iPhone owners alike. Features new to the iPhone include an upgraded camera, which also allows users to record video and sound, as well as "voice control", which will allow users to control most features of the iPhone with their voice. The new phone will also come pre-loaded with the new iPhone 3.0 software, which will be available on June 17, two days before the phone launches. In addition to the new iPhone hardware, Apple also demonstrated some of the features of its new desktop operating system, Snow Leopard, and highlighted the new Safari 4.0 web browser. The iPhone 3G S will be available in a 16 GB and 32 GB models, retailing for US$199 and $299 respectively.
[ "North America", "United States", "Apple Inc.", "Science and technology", "Internet" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Apple launches iPhone 3GS at WWDC", "text": "The iPhone 3GS is around twice as fast as the current iPhone model, the iPhone 3G, and has a better battery life, and is available with more storage. The “S” suffix in the new iPhone model stands for “speed”, and the device will be available in the UK on June 19.\nPhil Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide product marketing at Apple, told delegates at the WWDC conference in San Francisco: “People expect a great phone with a great user experience. This is it. The iPhone 3GS is a really fast phone.”\nThe iPhone 3GS features an improved three-megapixel camera, as well as the ability to record video, which can be instantly shared to YouTube. Users will also be able to give their iPhone voice commands, telling it to dial a friend, or play a certain song. Users will be able to ask what song is playing, and the iPhone will read the song information aloud.\nIt will be available in 16GB and 32GB models, with prices starting at $199. Apple will continue to sell the 8GB iPhone 3G at a reduced price of $99.\nApple also unveiled more details of the new iPhone 3.0 software which will come with the iPhone 3GS, and be available as a free download to existing iPhone users.\nThe update, which will be available on June 17, brings copy and paste to the iPhone, as well as the ability to search for photos, emails and documents across the whole device.\nIt adds turn-by-turn directions to Google Maps, enabling the iPhone to be used as a sat nav device, and push-notifications, so users can be alerted whenever they receive a new instant message. It also means certain applications, such as sports applications, can instantly alert users whenever a goal is scored.\nUsers of the iPhone and iPod touch will also be able to download movies, television shows and audiobooks directly to their device from the iTunes store, and Apple has introduced parental controls to ensure youngsters cannot access inappropriate content.\nOne of the best new features is Find My iPhone, a new tracking service that allows iPhone owners to pinpoint the location of lost or stolen handsets, and even to remotely wipe their device.\nThe Find MyiPhone program enables iPhone owners to log on to any computer to find their lost or stolen iPhone. They can send a message to the iPhone so that it makes a “homing” noise, either to attract the attention of passers-by if it was dropped in the street, or make it easier to find which room at home the iPhone has been left in.\nIf the iPhone has been stolen, owners can remotely wipe the device via their computer to ensure thieves do not have access to their personal data.\nApple also announced improvements to its range of notebook computers, adding more memory and faster processors to the 15in MacBook Pro and introducing a new 13in MacBook Pro. Both laptops will boast up to seven hours of battery life, and an SD card slot, so that people can pop their memory card out of their digital camera and straight in to their computer to start editing and sharing photos.\nThe company also unveiled new details of its next-generation computer operating system, Snow Leopard. The software will take up 6GB less hard disk space than Apple’s current operating system, Leopard, and also features enhanced tools to make it quicker and easier for users to write emails, share videos, edit photos, and find important documents.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "iPhone 3GS Complete Feature Guide", "text": "As expected, the new Apple iPhone 3GS is out. We were right: The photos of the new iPhone were real. Here you have a comprehensive guide to the iPhone 3GS' new features:\nSpeed\nThe \"S\" stands for \"SPEED!\" And according to Apple, it is faster launching applications or rendering Web pages.\n• The iPhone 3GS has a new processor built-in. Apple claims that it is up to two times faster than the previous generation: Launching messages is 2.1 faster, load the NY Times in Safari: 2.9 times faster. It also consumes less, which has an impact on the improved battery life.\nCamera\nThis is one of the strong points of the iPhone 3GS, according to Apple. They increased the resolution to 3 megapixels, which—judging from the shots they showed-seems much better quality under all conditions.\n• 3 Megapixels sensor.\n• New camera, with auto focus, auto exposure, and auto white balance.\n• You can also tap to focus, changing white balance in the process. That is really neat, if you ask me.\n• Special macro and low light modes.\n• The camera also supports photo and video geotagging.\n• Any application can access all the camera functions now.\n• It supports video, 30 frames per second VGA with auto focus, auto white balance, and auto exposure.\n• You can trim the video shot just using your finger, then share it via MMS, email, MobileMe and YouTube.\nConnectivity\nThe other part of the \"S\" is the support for the faster 7.2 Mbps 3G standard, which in theory will deliver data faster to your iPhone.\n• Three band UMTS/HSDPA.\n• Four band GSM/EDGE.\n• Wi-Fi 802.11b/g.\n• Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR\nGraphics\n• The new iPhone 3GS includes new 3D graphics support in hardware. This means faster and more complicated 3D games.\n• Same 3.5-inch widescreen multitouch display, but this time it has a fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating. I wonder if it will withstand a full frontal Shake Shack burger attack.\nDesign\n• Same design as before, including the glossy finish of the back (so much for all the rumors about the matte back.)\n• Same size as the old iPhone 3G: 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.48 inches.\n• The weight increases a bit: One ounce to 4.8 ounces (135 grams vs 133 grams).\n• Greener materials: Arsenic-free glass, BDF-free, Mercury-free LCD.\nNew special features\n• It has a magnetometer, which works with a Compass application, third parties, and it is integrated into the new Google maps app, showing your orientation with a small semitransparent cone.\n• Voice control. You can now talk with your iPhone, Enterprise-style. You can instruct it to play similar songs to the one you are playing, or call people.\n• Nike + support built in.\n• Supports accessibility features, like zooming on text, inverting video, and voice over when you touch whatever text is on screen.\nBattery life\n• One of the more important new features is the increased battery life.\n• According to Apple, you will get up to 12 hours of talk time on 2G and 5 on 3G, with a up to 300 hour standby time.\n• On 3G, it will deliver 5 hours of internet use.\n• On Wi-Fi, Internet goes up to 9 hours.\n• Video playback is 10 hours vs 30 hours for audio.\nPrice and availability\n• $199 for 16GB version.\n• $299 for 32GB version.\n• Available on June 19th.\nIf you are \"a valued AT&T; customer,\" AT&T; offers an \"early iPhone upgrade with a new 2-yr commitment and an $18 upgrade fee.\" The price? $399.00 for the 16GB iPhone 3G S and $499.00 for the 32GB iPhone 3G S. It gets worse: For non-qualified customers, including existing AT&T; customers who want to upgrade from another phone or replace an iPhone 3G, the price with a new two-year agreement is $499 (8GB), $599 (16GB), or $699 (32GB).\nInsane. Way to go AT&T;.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Stronger, faster iPhone 3GS will hit stores June 19", "text": "(CNN) -- A new, faster version of the popular iPhone will hit stores June 19, Apple said Monday.\nThe new iPhone 3GS will have a camera that shoots video and zooms, among other new features.\nThe iPhone 3GS is billed as a more powerful, feature-laden follow-up to the 3G, which the company says revolutionized the way people use mobile phones.\nThe 3GS features a similar look to the current iPhone, complete with a sleek rectangular shape and a large touch screen. But the phone comes packed with new features inside, according to CNET reporter Erica Ogg, who blogged live from the event.\nOgg says the 3GS has a new camera that shoots video and zooms. A touch-screen feature also lets iPhone photographers tap the area of the photo they would like to put into focus, she says.\nThe new phone reportedly will have a longer battery life.\niPhone 3GS will be available in the United States on June 19 and will hit 80 countries by August, Ogg says.\nThe new iPhone carries a price tag similar to the old iPhone. A version with 16 gigabytes of storage will sell for $199 with a new contract; one with a 32-gigabyte storage capacity will cost $299. Watch's Dylan Tweney on Apple's big announcement »\nApple also said it has dropped the price of the current iPhone 3G to $99 ahead of the release of the 3GS. The $99 model features 8 gigabytes of storage.\nThe announcements came at Apple's much-anticipated Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, California. The annual event was attended by 5,000 Apple tech developers, Fortune reports.\nWWDC, as the conference is called, is known for its innovative announcements. Apple appeared to meet expectations of many tech bloggers, who had been awaiting a new iPhone model.\nPerhaps the only disappointment was that Apple CEO Steve Jobs did not make an appearance on stage. There had been speculation online that the popular tech figure would make a cameo at the event. Jobs has been on medical leave since January.\nApple also discussed a new iPhone operating system, version 3.0, which adds a cut-copy-paste feature to current iPhones. Apple said the new software adds 100 new features.\nOne of those getting the most buzz was the Find My iPhone feature, which will be available only for customers of Mobile Me, an Apple service that lets users sync e-mail and other data between computers and iPhones.\nIf you lose your phone, Mobile Me will display a Google Map that shows where your iPhone is, as long as it's turned on. You can then send a message to the phone, and it will sound an alarm, alerting nearby people to save it for you. If you think you've lost the phone permanently, you can remotely wipe all your data; if you find your missing phone later, you can plug it into iTunes and restore all your data.\nNew iPhone applications were also discussed. Apple has gotten widespread praise for the fact that independent developers can create programs for the iPhone.\nRead blogs from CNET and Fortune for details on the latest iPhone apps and other news from Monday's event.\nApple's laptops and computer operating systems were also discussed Monday.\nApple Senior Vice President Bertrand Serlet took the stage to demonstrate the company's newest operating system, called Snow Leopard. It will hit stores in September, although a \"near-final\" version was made available for developers Monday.\nSerlet also said that Apple's Safari 4 browser, which was released in beta in February, will ship Monday.\nApple marketing head Philip Schiller also unveiled a new version of a 15-inch MacBook Pro, which he said will feature up to seven hours of battery life. The unibody aluminum laptop boasts a new battery that can handle 1,000 recharges and should last five years before its life begins to diminish, he said.\nPhones remained the focus of the event, however.\nApple's phones are the second-best-selling consumer smartphones in the U.S., according to the NPD Group, an online market-research firm.\nSmartphones are a category of mobile phones that act kind of like personal computers, allowing people to surf the Internet, share photos and keep up with e-mail while on the move. About a quarter of all consumer phones sold from January to April of this year were smartphones, NPD says.\nThe iPhone faces new competition from the Palm Pre, a smartphone that debuted Friday and claims to combine Apple's popular touch screen with a more functional keyboard, like the one found on a popular business-class smartphone, the BlackBerry.\nCNN's Brandon Griggs contributed to this report.\nAll About Apple iPhone", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Northern Cyprus opposition party wins elections
The Turkish Cypriot's right-wing National Unity Party (UBP), has won the republic's elections on Sunday in a landslide, according to provisional results released by officials. With all votes having been counted, the UBP won 44.06% of all votes, garnering it a majority in Northern Cyprus' 50-seat parliament by provisional accounts. Incumbent Republican Turkish Party (CTP), an ally of the Turkish Cypriot's leader Mehmet Ali Talat, received the second most votes, taking 29% of the ballot. Election authorities estimated that voter turnout at the polls was about 81.3%. Around 162,000 people were eligible to vote. The Turkish Cypriot government is only officially recognized by Turkey. Cyprus has been divided for 35 years after Turkey invaded the island in 1974, following a coup by a group of people supporting reunification with Greece.
[ "Turkey", "Elections", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", "Mediterranean Sea" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Opposition wins north Cyprus vote", "text": "About 162,000 people were eligible to vote in the breakaway territory [AFP]\nAbout 162,000 people were eligible to vote in the breakaway territory [AFP]\nWith 100 per cent of the ballot counted, the right wing National Unity Party (UBP) clinched 44.06 per cent of the vote, giving it by provisional accounts an outright majority in the 50 seat parliament.\nThe opposition in northern Cyprus has won a landslide victory in elections that some analysts say will jeapordise efforts to reunite the ethnically divided island.\nIt was a stinging defeat for the ruling Republican Turkish Party (CTP), a key ally of Mehmet Ali Talat, the Turkish Cypriot leader.\nThe CTP, which bore the brunt of public discontent over a faltering economy and continued international isolation of the breakaway territory, took 29.25 per cent of the vote.\nAbout 162,000 people were eligible to vote for the 50-seat parliament in the breakaway territory, the administration of which is only recognised by Turkey.\nThe election outcome would not directly affect Talat, who began unity talks with Greek Cypriots in September.\nBut victory for the UBP is likely to limit Talat's ability to negotiate a settlement.\nCyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded in response to a coup\nby supporters of reunification with Greece.\nThe basis of the talks had been reuniting the island as a bizonal federation, though the UBP said it wanted a rethink of the process.\nPeace bid\nTalat has held talks with Dimitris Christofias, the Greek Cypriot president, which many have viewed as the most realistic attempts at a lasting peace in decades.\nTalat's Republican Turkish Party had 25 deputies in the last assembly, while the UBP had only 16.\nTalat said that regardless of who wins, the winner of the elections should not disrupt current peace negotiations.\n\"A government in [Northern Cyrpus] that seeks to scupper the talks will also be harming Turkey's EU accession process,\" he told Havadis, a Turkish Cypriot daily.\nThe UBP, led by Dervis Eroglu, had a 15 point lead over Talat's party. Eroglu said that a unified Cyprus should not be the only option and promised to appoint a representative to accompany Talat in negotiations with Christofias.\n\"Everything will be easier if it is universally accepted that we are a nation and that we have a state,\" Eroglu said.\nGreek Cypriots represent Cyprus in the European Union, and say they will not allow Turkey to join the bloc as long as the island remains divided.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Hardliners win Turkish Cypriot election", "text": "Turkish Cypriot hardliners secure resounding election victory in northern Cyprus, raising concern about about the future of peace talks with Greek Cypriots and Turkey's EU membership ambitions.\nThe right-wing National Unity Party (UBP) had around 44 percent of the vote, according to provisional results released by the Turkish Cypriot administration on Sunday, April 19.\nThe UBP advocates an outright two-state settlement on Cyprus, at odds with the federal model now being discussed by Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat and Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias.\nTalat's allies, the center-left Republican Turkish Party (CTP), were in second place with just over 29 percent of the vote.\nThe Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is only recognized by Ankara.\nAbout 160,000 people were eligible to vote in Sunday's election. Election officials estimated turnout at 81.3 percent.\nThe Turkish press said that up to 100,000 voters are settlers from the Turkish mainland with TRNC papers.\nA setback for reunification?\nIn the run-up to the vote, campaigning focused on the economy and reunification talks, with voters growing skeptical of President Talat's policy of reconciliation with Greek Cypriots.\nTalat will remain the chief negotiator for the Turkish Cypriots in the talks with Cyprus President Demetris Christofias, but the strong showing by nationalists is likely to weaken his bargaining position.\nThe aim of the current talks is to reunite the island as a bizonal federation. The UBP, however, says it wants a rethink of the process.\n\"We will continue to support negotiations,\" said UBP leader Dervis Eroglu. \"No one should say we are against them. We will put forward our views and discuss them within the framework of Turkey's foreign policy on Cyprus.\"\nIn an earlier interview with Turkey's Zaman newspaper, Eroglu was quoted as saying: \"Everything will be easier if it is universally accepted that we (Turkish Cypriots) are a nation and that we have a state.\"\nThe last attempt at a negotiated solution to the Cypriot problem collapsed five years ago when Turkish Cypriots voted in favor of a UN settlement plan which was then rejected by Greek Cypriot voters.\nA United Nations buffer zone currently separates the two communities.", "url": ",,4191043,00.html", "archive_url": ",,4191043,00.html" } ]
Canadian foreign affairs minister resigns amid controversy
Maxime Bernier, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, resigned after it was revealed that he left classified materials at an insecure location. Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Bernier's resignation in Ottawa on Monday. Maxime Bernier last September Bernier was once in a relationship with Julie Couillard, whose previous associations with the controversial Hells Angels biker group were reported in recent months. In an interview with French-language television network TVA, Couillard indicated that Bernier left behind some designated secret documents at her residence. She returned these to the federal government upon advice from a lawyer. Opposition politicians were critical of Harper and his handling of the matter, noting that until today the Prime Minister downplayed security concerns surrounding Bernier's relationship with Couillard. Negative reaction to Bernier's resignation quickly came from Liberal party house leader Ralph Goodale and NDP leader Jack Layton. Bernier has a track record of controversy as a member of the Harper government. Last week, he hastily promised Canadian military aircraft for relief efforts in cyclone-ravaged Burma, although the aircraft in question were already occupied elsewhere. The Canadian government was forced to rent a Russian aircraft to fulfill Bernier's promise. Bernier also received criticism earlier this year after he made public comments calling for the removal of an Afghanistan governor from office. David Emerson will assume Bernier's Foreign Affairs duties, at least for the short term.
[ "North America", "Politics and conflicts", "Canada" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Troubled Bernier quits over document breach", "text": "Troubled Bernier quits over document breach\nElizabeth Thompson and Mike Blanchfield, Canwest News Service Published: Monday, May 26, 2008\nOTTAWA - Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier has resigned after leaving NATO-summit documents in the home of his former girlfriend, Julie Couillard.\n\"She found it and she returned it,\" said a government source.\nThe package of documents was delivered to the Foreign Affairs department Sunday night.\nPrime Minister Stephen Harper announced Bernier's resignation at a hastily called news conference early Monday evening, in what is the most severe blow to his two-year minority government, but gave few details.\nA well-placed source said Bernier left his \"prep material\" for last month's NATO summit in Romania in Couillard's home.\nThe documents were a spokesperson's briefing book and another document, the contents of which the source would not disclose. But the source said they did not contain any sensitive financial information.\n\"They were not market sensitive; they were not anything that could move markets,\" said the source.\nShortly after the news conference, in an interview broadcast on the Quebec television station TVA, Couillard said in mid-April the minister had left a government document at her Laval, Que., home during a routine visit.\nShe would not elaborate on the contents of the document but said, in French, it \"was clear that the documents were not for her.\"\nCouillard said she had been advised by legal experts to return the documents to the government and that after hearing that she returned them to Foreign Affairs.\nDuring the interview Couillard said Bernier was aware in the midst of the public furore of their relationship that he had left the document behind at her home, but he had not called to retrieve it because they had stopped communicating.\n\"He isn't without knowledge of it, he's the one who left it at my place. He knows. But we haven't talked again since that event,\" she told the interviewer.\nAlso during the interview Couillard said experts examined her home and determined her home was under surveillance and the activities within the four walls were being tape recorded. She said she had her home checked after her burglar alarm behaved oddly and she was told a microphone had been placed in the boxspring of her bed.\n\"They didn't find any taperecorder but they found places where a microphone had been in the boxspring of my bed,\" she said, recounting how the electronic eavesdropping experts had shown her the staple marks and the tear left in her boxspring.\nThe allegation, if true, is bound to raise profound questions, including: was her residence bugged before or after her association with Bernier became known, and who placed the surveillance device .\nAt the Parliament Hill news conference, Harper said the minister's decision to resign came Monday afternoon after he realized he had left classified government documents in an insecure area.\n\"It is a very severe mistake for any minister,\" Harper told reporters outside the House of Commons during the conference - just hours before he was to fly to western Europe for a four-country trip. \"The minister had immediately acknowledged the gravity of his mistake.\"\nOpposition critics immediately pounced on the prime minister for leaving questions unanswered about the affair, and for expressing confidence in Bernier just hours earlier.\nThey had been calling for Bernier's resignation for weeks over a string of gaffes as well as questions about his former girlfriend's associations with Quebec biker gangs.\nAccording to a statement by the prime minister, Bernier became aware of the problem Sunday night and he tendered his resignation Monday afternoon.\nHarper said it was at that point he became aware of the \"security breach.\"\n\"The prime minister has been very dismissive of this situation for at least three weeks now,\" said Liberal House leader Ralph Goodale. \"The prime minister has been proven to be incorrect. That raises some question about his judgment.\"\nGoodale said Bernier has embarrassed Canada on the international stage.\nNDP Leader Jack Layton said Bernier's departure raises even more questions about the circumstances surrounding his conduct in the foreign affairs portfolio.\n\"This was clearly the straw that broke the camel's back on a series of incompetencies,\" said Layton. \"We have the bungle in Burma, we have all kinds of confusion around the governor of Kandahar, we've had the leak on trade deal that affected the U.S. presidency. It's been one thing after another.\"\nInternational Trade Minister David Emerson has assumed responsibility for foreign affairs.\nThe prime minister would not reveal any details about what the classified documents were about or where they were left.\nHe also did not mention who may have had contact with the classified information.\n\"This is a grave mistake. We're always expecting from the ministers to keep secret classified documents, government documents,\" Harper said, adding that this is a warning to all ministers.\nHe refuted any suggestions that Bernier's resignation had anything to do with Couillard.\n\"This is not to do with the minister's private life,\" Harper said. \"I'm very disappointed. I'm very disappointed for the government, disappointed for Maxime. It is very unfortunate.\"\nDuring the TVA interview, Couillard discussed how she had met Bernier and how the relationship \"fairly rapidly\" became intimate.\nAt one point, when he asked her to be his girlfriend, Bernier told her if she accepted she would have to be his girlfriend for at least a year because in his position he couldn't change girlfriends the way you change shirts.\nHowever, she denied ever asking to be present at any government meeting or ever suggesting changes to any of his speeches.\nCouillard recounted how she participated in private dinners with Harper and his wife and traveled with Bernier on official trips to Paris and to the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York City. It was at that meeting that she got to meet U.S. President George W. Bush at a reception Bush organized at the posh Waldorf Astoria Hotel and caught his eye.\n\"Well, well, well,\" Bush told Bernier, she recalled. \"Haven't you been keeping good company\"\nCouillard said it was fun meeting Bush but it wasn't worth the grief that she has suffered as a result of the media circus that descended on her after it was revealed that she had past connections to members of the Rockers biker gang.\nNow, all she wants to do is pick up the pieces of her career and her life and put it all behind her.\nEarlier Monday the government faced calls for tighter rules surrounding sensitive contracts following the revelation that Bernier's former girlfriend was part of a bid for an airport security contract, only a few years after being married to a member of a biker gang.\n\"This is about the possibility . . . of a link between organized crime and airport security in Montreal and the possibility of improper bidding for contracts relating to security,\" Deputy Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff told reporters. \"I don't care about her skirts, I don't care about her cleavage, I don't care about her past, I don't care about any of it, it is none of my business quite rightly. But this (security) stuff is not only my business, it is the business of all Canadians.\"\nSerge Menard, a former Quebec justice and public security minister who is now a Bloc Quebecois MP, echoed Ignatieff's concern about Couillard's involvement in a bid for a security contract at Montreal's airport.\nMenard said the Hells Angels have been known to place people in strategic positions and infiltrate organizations to further their illegal activities\n\"Even if she hasn't committed any infraction, she is a person who could represent a security risk,\" said Menard.\nThose comments came after Le Devoir reported Monday that Couillard, a registered real estate agent, also owns her own security firm and played an active role in a bid by a company owned by a former boyfriend to get a security contract from the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.\nWhile Robert Pepin's company, Agence d'investigations et de securite D.R.P, didn't get the 2004 contract, the company did have access to the information on security at Trudeau International Airport that was provided to those bidding on the contract.\nPepin, who split up with Couillard in 2005 and later committed suicide, is reported to have owed a large amount of money to a Hells Angels loan shark and had received threats in connection with the debt.\nIn February 2005, as her relationship with Pepin was breaking up, Couillard set up her own security company, Itek Global Solutions.\nCouillard was thrust into the headlines earlier this month when it was revealed that she was once married to a member of a Quebec biker gang in the late 1990's and dated another biker before that. At one point she was arrested in a raid carried out by the Wolverine squad investigating motorcycle gangs but was released without charges after being questioned.\n© Canwest News Service 2008", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Bernier quits cabinet post over security breach", "text": "Bernier quits cabinet post over security breach Foreign affairs minister departs ahead of ex-girlfriend's TV interview\nEmbattled Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier has resigned from cabinet over a security breach involving classified documents, Prime Minister Stephen Harper told reporters on Monday.\nPrime Minister Stephen Harper announces Monday that he has accepted the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)The resignation came ahead of Monday night's airing of a French-language television interview of Bernier's former girlfriend, Julie Couillard, in which she revealed the minister had left a secret document in her apartment sometime in April that she later returned to Foreign Affairs.\n\"Maxime came to my house, and the document stayed there,\" Couillard said during her interview with private television network TVA, without disclosing the contents of the document.\nHarper said he accepted Bernier's resignation after learning Monday that Bernier had inadvertently left the documents in an unsecured location.\n\"It's only this error. It's a very serious error for any minister,\" Harper said. \"The minister immediately recognized the gravity of that error.\"\nThe prime minister staunchly defended Bernier in recent weeks after he came under fire for his involvement with Couillard, who has been linked to the criminal biker underworld.\n\"Let me be clear: This is not to do with the minister's private life,\" Harper said Monday. \"What matters here is that rules respecting government classified documents were broken. Obviously it was not done on purpose … but it was clearly done and it has to be treated appropriately.\"\nHarper has asked Trade Minister David Emerson to assume the foreign affairs portfolio on an interim basis, while Heritage Minister Josée Verner will handle the Ministry of La Francophonie, which was also held by Bernier.\nBernier, 45, was elected to the House of Commons in January 2006 to represent the Quebec riding of Beauce and previously served as minister of industry in Harper's cabinet.\nPM 'has a lot of explaining to do': Goodale\nBernier has also been in a weakened position in recent weeks since a gaffe in April during a visit to Afghanistan, where he publicly suggested the removal of the governor of Kandahar.\nForeign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier responds to a question during question period in the House of Commons in Ottawa on Wednesday. (Tom Hanson/Canadian Press)Earlier this month, the federal government was forced to rent a Russian cargo jet to ship helicopters to Burma to deliver aid after Bernier publicly promised the Canadian military's new C-17 transports, none of which were immediately available, would handle the job.\nMontreal newspaper Le Devoir reported Monday that Couillard, who was once married to a biker, is the head of a high-tech firm that has been involved in airport security.\nLiberal MP Ralph Goodale said the prime minister \"has a lot of explaining to do\" after dismissing MPs' questions on the matter in recent weeks, which he said were always asked in a \"respectful and measured tone.\"\n\"The prime minister just swept them all aside and said, 'There's no problem here,' \" Goodale told reporters Monday. \"Obviously, tonight he's been proven incorrect.\"\nSpeaking to reporters after the announcement, Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe rejected Harper's contention that Bernier's resignation had nothing to do with Couillard's highly anticipated interview .\nDuceppe said many questions remain unanswered, including how \"people with very strange pasts\" can bid on government contracts for airport security.\nNDP Leader Jack Layton said it was about time that Bernier was replaced after committing a \"series of incompetencies.\"\n\"It's been one thing after another and why the prime minister didn't come forward with more information about this whole sordid mess is something he's going to have to answer for,\" he told reporters.\nFormer girlfriend was married to Rocker\nLe Devoir reported Monday that Couillard's business specializes in \"systems of high security technology\" that include security system installations and passenger security.\nThe information was provided to Le Devoir by a former employee at Couillard's firm.\nCouillard, 38, receives documents regarding airport security, according to the report.\nPublished reports have referred to court documents that say Couillard once married a member of the Rockers biker gang, and was a potential target of Hells Angels kingpin Maurice (Mom) Boucher while she dated another biker.\nCouillard has said she cut off ties with the underworld in 1999, and her romantic involvement with bikers is part of a distant past.\nShe started dating Bernier before he was sworn in as foreign affairs minister in 2007. They recently split up.\nCouillard said her name and reputation have been tarnished because of published reports documenting her past ties, but she is not ashamed of anything.\nWith files from the Canadian Press", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Embattled Bernier resigns", "text": " | Canada | Embattled Bernier resigns Embattled Bernier resigns\nVIDEO: Embattled Bernier resigns THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Maxime Bernier, accompanied by Julie Couillard, arrives to be sworn in as foreign affairs minister in August 2007.\nMay 26, 2008 10:43 PM\nLes Whittington\nOttawa Bureau\nOTTAWA–Prime Minister Stephen Harper tonight announced the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier, in advance of revelations by his ex-girlfriend that Bernier was careless in his handling of secret cabinet documents.\nBernier submitted his resignation a few hours before TVA in Montreal aired an interview with Julie Couillard, in which she said that the former minister left a government document in her apartment in April.\n\"It is a very serious mistake–regardless of who the minister is, regardless of personal life–to leave classified documents in an unsecured location,\" Harper told reporters in a hastily called news conference on Parliament Hill.\n\"The minister has recognized this error himself and offered to resign,\" the Prime Minister said.\nHarper, who has previously turned aside questions about Bernier and Couillard as an intrusion on the former minister's personal life, said, \"This is not to do with the minister's private life or the life of a private citizen.\"\nHe said Bernier would be replaced as foreign affairs minister on a temporary basis by Trade Minister David Emerson.\nBernier has been under fire for weeks because of his much-discussed past relationship with Couillard, who had links to biker gangs and organized crime, and for gaffes on foreign affairs issues.\nHe was chided last week for pledging the use of a Canadian Forces C-17 heavy-lift aircraft to take helicopters to Thailand to help in Burma cyclone relief. But it turned out that Canada had no aircraft of this kind available, and Ottawa had to spend almost $1 million to rent an aircraft to make good on Bernier's promise.\nEarlier this year, there were calls for his resignation after he set back Canada's efforts in Afghanistan by telling reporters during a scrum there that Asadullah Khalid, the governor of Kandahar province, needed to be replaced.\nBut Harper said Bernier had resigned only because of the issue of the security of cabinet documents.\n\"This is about one thing and that is a failure to uphold expected standards on government documents.\"\nOpposition MPs demanded that the government launch an investigation of the extent of security breaches committed by Bernier.\nCouillard said in the interview broadcast later Monday that Bernier left a government document behind in her apartment after a visit in mid-April.\nShe would not comment on the nature of the document except to say that it was addressed to Bernier and not to her.\n“Maxime came to see me and he left a document behind,” she said, explaining the document was left by accident.\nThe interview with the French-language TVA network had been taped Sunday.\nCouillard said when she found the document she contacted a lawyer for advice, who told her it was the property of the Canadian government.\n“The document was given back,” she said.\nShe insisted she was doing the interview to re-establish her dignity and credibility after intense media scrutiny following reports she had links to Quebec bikers.\nThe former model said she had never done anything wrong and never been convicted of any crime.\n“I’ve never been accused of any criminal wrongdoing,” she said in an English-language version of the TVA interview broadcast on, and denied that a man she used to live with was a biker.\n“I am definitely not a biker’s chick,” she said.\nCouillard, 38, first started dated Bernier in the summer 2007.\nThey reportedly vacationed together in the Caribbean in 2007 and she was seen with him in February at an Ottawa gala.\nCouillard lived with Gilles Giguere, a well-known Montreal crime figure for three years beginning in 1993. He was gunned down in 1996 when he decided to become a police informer after being arrested with a cache of submachine-guns and marijuana.\nIn 1997, she began dating and later married Stephane Sirois, who admitted to being an enforcer for the Rockers, a Hells Angels puppet club. He later turned informant and testified against a dozen of his former colleagues in a 2002 trial.\nCouillard and Sirois divorced in 1999.\nCouillard insisted that Giguere only knew Bob Savard, who knew Hells Angels kingpin Maurice (Mom) Boucher.\n“He was friends with Mr. Savard and Mr. Savard knew Maurice Boucher but both of them were not bikers.”\nGiguere was found murdered in a ditch after he became a police informant in 1996. Robert (Bob) Savard has been identified as a lieutenant to then-Hells boss Boucher.\nShe acknowledged husband Sirois was a biker when she met him but he left the gang at her insistence.\nShe said she told Bernier about her involvement with Giguere and Sirois shortly after she began dating him in the summer of 2007.\n“Maxime knew about it,” she said, noting he did not press her on the matter but seemed somewhat surprised.\nDuring the interview, Couillard talked about having tea with the wife of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and meeting U.S. President George W. Bush at a meeting of the United Nations general assembly.\nShe said Bush approached Bernier and her in a corridor and, glancing at her, jovially told Bernier, “Well, well, well, haven’t you been keeping good company.”\nwith files from The Canadian Press", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Championnat de France de rugby 2008-2009 : les nouvelles règles entreront en vigueur
Les nouvelles règles, établies par l'IRB fin 2007, entreront en vigueur à compter du 1 août prochain. Elles sont sensées apporter plus de dynamisme dans le jeu. Déjà applicables dans l'hémisphère sud dans le Super 14, elles sont aussi en vigueur dans le Tournoi des Tri-Nations qui se joue actuellement. Elles seront en phase de test pour 12 mois.
[ "Rugby à XV", "Championnat de France de Rugby à XV", "Championnat de France 2008-2009 de Rugby à XV", "Europe", "France", "Sport" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "France Rugby", "text": "Index > Actualité > Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 banner Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Author : Anonyme Article ID : 2604 Audience : Default Version 1.00 Reads : 516 Comme chaque année, la FFR introduit de nouvelles règles censées améliorer le jeu.\nLes règles appliquées partout\nARBITRES ASSISTANTS: Lorsqu’ils ont été désignés par un Organisateur de Match, les arbitres assistants peuvent aider l’arbitre par tout moyen nécessaire.\nNotre Avis : C'est vraiment la fin des bouffes en toute impunité ! Plus sérieusement nous sommes assez songeurs sur l'impartialité des ces 'assistants' qui officieront à des niveaux inférieurs.\nMAULS : Les joueurs en défense peuvent effondrer le maul. Les joueurs n’ont plus la nécessité d’avoir la tête et les épaules au dessus des hanches lors d’un maul.\nNotre Avis : On en parle depuis longtemps et là encore nous sommes assez septiques; Le maul était partie intégrante du rugby, certes peu spectaculaire pour le béotien mais apprécié des connaisseurs pour ses difficultés techniques. C'est la deuxième mort des gros packs ! Le maul servait aussi à regrouper les défenses et créer des espaces; Enfin c'est une prime à la défense au détriment de celui qui construit le jeu.\nMELEES ORDONNEES : La ligne de hors-jeu pour les non participants à la mêlée, hormis pour les demi de mêlée, se situe à 5 mètres derrière les pieds du partenaire le plus en arrière de la mêlée. Le demi de mêlée doit se tenir proche de la mêlée, s’il s’en éloigne il doit reculer à 5 mètres et y rester.\nNotre Avis : A priori une bonne règle puisqu'elle va créer des espaces et dynamiser le jeu qui en manquait parfois.\nTERRAIN DE JEU : Les poteaux de coin et les poteaux d’angle de touche de but et de ballon mort ne sont pas en touche de but. Lorsqu’un joueur est en possession du ballon et touche un poteau de coin, il n’est pas en touche de but, sauf si le ballon est en contact avec le poteau et avec le sol.\nNotre Avis : Si ça leur fait plaisir !.\nTOUCHE ET LANCER EN TOUCHE :\n- Lorsqu’un joueur capte le ballon à l’extérieur de ses 22 mètres et le passe, le projette ou le porte à l’intérieur de ses 22 mètres, et que celui-ci est botté directement en touche, la touche s’effectue en face de l’endroit où le ballon a été botté.\n- Lors d’une remise en jeu rapide, le ballon peut être lancé soit droit (perpendiculairement à la ligne de touche), soit en arrière (en direction de la ligne de but du lanceur), mais pas en avant (en direction de la ligne de but adverse).\n- Il n’y a pas de limite supérieure au nombre de participants d’un alignement, le minimum étant de 2 par équipe.\n- Le relayeur doit se tenir à 2 mètres de la ligne de remise en jeu.\n- Le vis à vis du lanceur n’est pas obligé de se tenir entre la ligne des 5 mètres et la ligne de touche. Il devra néanmoins respecter les règles du jeu.\n- Les soutiens peuvent agripper le sauteur avant le lancer.\n- Les soutiens peuvent soulever le sauteur.\nNotre Avis : Une série de règles visant à accélérer le jeu et à légaliser ce qui se fait déjà... très bien!\nLes règles appliquées dans certaines compétitions\nSANCTIONS : Pour toutes les fautes autres que les hors-jeu, les entrées latérales sur plaquage et les infractions à la règle 10 - jeu déloyal, la sanction est un Coup de Pied Franc.\nNotre Avis : A priori une bonne règle puisqu'elle va accélérer le jeu; le risque c'est qu'elle soit dénaturée par les défenses qui vont multiplier certaines fautes désormais moins sanctionnées.\nPLAQUAGE : Lorsque le ballon devient injouable lors d’un plaquage, l’équipe ne l’ayant pas mis en contact avec le sol bénéficie d’un Coup de Pied Franc.\nNotre Avis : Même chose, a priori une bonne règle puisqu'elle mais qui pourrait être dénaturée par les défenses.\nA.D.\nA plat Par conversation Emboîté Les + anciens en premier Les + récents en premier Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu. Les commentaires appartiennent à leurs auteurs. Nous ne sommes pas responsables de leur contenu.\nAuteur Conversation Anonyme Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09\n- la FFR ne décide (presque) rien, c'est l'IRB qui impose les nouvelles règles.\n- la FFR a décidé de ne pas appliquer la règle sur les effondrements de mauls.\nLe vis-à-vis du lanceur en touche DOIT se trouver dans les 5m et plus précisément à 2m de l'alignement !\nPour ce qui concerne les coups de pied en touche dans les 22, si un regroupement, un plaquage ou un maul intervient, le ballon peut être botté en touche directement.\nC'est bien d'annoncer des choses, c'est mieux de les vérifier :\nJacques de Ces infos sont partiellement fausses :- la FFR ne décide (presque) rien, c'est l'IRB qui impose les nouvelles règles.- la FFR a décidé de ne pas appliquer la règle sur les effondrements de mauls.Le vis-à-vis du lanceur en touche DOIT se trouver dans les 5m et plus précisément à 2m de l'alignement !Pour ce qui concerne les coups de pied en touche dans les 22, si un regroupement, un plaquage ou un maul intervient, le ballon peut être botté en touche directement.C'est bien d'annoncer des choses, c'est mieux de les vérifier : Jacques de\nAuteur Conversation Anonyme Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Peut on pietiner ceux qui écroule les mauls? genre traction avant! coach Jones\nLa régle la plus débile des 20 dernières années c'est l'assenceur. Oublié les vrais athletes qui décolé en terrain boueu pour capter à deux mains, Le rugby change trop les règles...bentôt cela ressemblera à du jeux à XIII\nAuteur Conversation Anonyme Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Re: Les nouvelles règles 2008/09 Pour le coup de pied direct en touche:\nSi le 9 est en dehors des 22, qu il fait une passe a un joueur dans les 22 et que ce dernier fait une autre passe, le dernier joueur peut il degager directement?", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "fr", "title": "Les nouvelles régles débarquent", "text": "L'IRB vient d'annoncer la mise en place au niveau planétaire des nouvelles règles dès le 1er août 2008 et ce pour une période test de 12 mois. Le Top 14 n'y échappe pas...\nPlus d'infos\nTreize des vingt-trois nouvelles règles actuellement à l'étude vont entrer en vigueur dès le 1er août prochain à l'échelle planétaire. Après deux ans de tests dans divers championnat (et notamment cette saison lors du Super 14), l'IRB a décidé de passer la vitesse supérieure. \"La décision du conseil d'entreprendre un essai global des règles expérimentales représente une étape importante pour l'avenir de ce jeu\", a déclaré le nouveau président de l'IRB Bernard Lapasset.\nLe Top 14 version 2008/2009 devra donc faire avec certaines nouvelles règles. Un attaquant pourra aplatir sur les poteaux de coin. Il sera impossible pour une équipe de dégager directement en touche même depuis ses 22 mètres si c'est elle qui a fait rentrer le ballon dans cette zone. Les défenseurs pourront défendre en écroulant les mauls. Lors d'une mêlée, les défenseurs devront se placer cinq mètres derrière celle-ci. Voici quelques nouveaux points de réglement auxquels il faudra s'habituer et ils pourraient être bien plus nombreux.\nEncore des désaccords...\nEn effet, les expérimentations en termes de sanctions (c'est-à-dire le recours au coup-franc en lieu et place de la pénalité) ne pourraient pas être mises en place partout dans l'hémisphère Nord. \"Elles seront essayées dans une compétition d'élite sélectionnée lors de la saison 2008-2009\".\nSi le président de l'IRB a reconnu qu'ils existaient encore quelques désaccords entre les législateurs et les membres du conseil dans certains compartiments du jeu, Bernard Lapasset a ajouté que le \"point important était qu'aucun membre n'avait rejeté catégoriquement les règles expérimentales mais que tous étaient conscients que de nouvelles considérations et des essais étaient nécessaires. C'est particulièrement vrai pour ce qui concerne les sanctions qui n'ont pas encore étaient essayées dans l'hémisphère Nord mais qui ont été reçues favorablement par les joueurs et les entraîneurs qui jouent avec elles dans l'hémisphère sud\", a précisé l'ancien président de la FFR.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Oberster US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter in Deutschland ist ausgereist
Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa) ist der oberste Mitarbeiter der amerikanischen Geheimdienste in Deutschland ausgereist. Der Geheimdienstler hatte nach der Aufdeckung eines zweiten möglichen Falls von Spionage gegen die Bundesregierung innerhalb weniger Tage, die Aufforderung der deutschen Regierung erhalten, das Land zu verlassen. Da er nicht zur Persona non grata erklärt worden war, hatte er mehr Zeit als die in jenem Fall üblichen 72 Stunden für die Ausreise und er folgte nach einer Woche nun lediglich einer „Bitte“ der Regierung. Wie die Tagesschau meldet, soll die Person über den Flughafen Frankfurt am Main ausgereist sein.
[ "Themenportal Politik", "Themenportal Europa", "Themenportal Nordamerika", "Themenportal Deutschland", "Themenportal Vereinigte Staaten", "Spionage", "Bundeswehr", "MAD", "BND", "CIA" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Nach Aufforderung der Bundesregierung US-Geheimdienstrepräsentant abgereist", "text": "Nach Aufforderung der Bundesregierung US-Geheimdienstrepräsentant abgereist\nStand: 17.07.2014 18:32 Uhr\nDer oberste US-Geheimdienstler in Deutschland ist der Aufforderung der Bundesregierung zur Ausreise gefolgt. Er verließ das Land vom Flughafen Frankfurt am Main aus.\nDie Bundesregierung hatte den Mann vor einer Woche zur Ausreise aufgefordert. Zuvor hatte der Generalbundesanwalt Ermittlungen gegen zwei mutmaßliche US-Spione der USA beim BND und im Verteidigungsministerium eingeleitet. Die Bundesregierung begründete die Aufforderung zur Ausreise aber auch mit den Spähaktionen des US-Geheimdienstes NSA, die vor einem Jahr bekannt geworden waren.\nOb der CIA-Vertreter in der US-Botschaft in Berlin die beiden mutmaßlichen Spione tatsächlich geführt hat, ist unklar. Wäre er der Aufforderung zur Ausreise nicht nachgekommen, wäre er von der Regierung zur unerwünschten Person erklärt worden. Dann hätte er innerhalb einer Frist - normalerweise 72 Stunden - zwingend das Land verlassen müssen.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "CIA-Repräsentant hat Deutschland verlassen", "text": "© dpa Das Hauptquartier der CIA in Langley: Für den „Station Chief“ der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin geht es zurück in die Heimat.\n© dpa Das Hauptquartier der CIA in Langley: Für den „Station Chief“ der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin geht es zurück in die Heimat.\nDer CIA-Repräsentant an der amerikanischen Botschaft in Berlin hat Deutschland verlassen. Das berichtet die Deutsche-Presse-Agentur. Der Geheimdienstler folgte demnach an diesem einer entsprechenden Aufforderung der Bundesregierung. Sie war die bislang deutlichste Reaktion der Bundesregierung auf die Spionageaffäre.\nDer CIA-Repräsentant war vor einer Woche zur Ausreise aufgefordert worden. Zuvor hatte der Generalbundesanwalt Ermittlungen gegen zwei mutmaßliche Spione der Vereinigten Staaten beim Bundesnachrichtendienst und im Verteidigungsministerium eingeleitet. Die Bundesregierung begründete die Aufforderung zur Ausreise aber auch mit den Spähaktionen des amerikanischen Geheimdienstes NSA, die vor einem Jahr bekannt geworden waren. Ob der CIA-Vertreter in der deutschen Botschaft in Berlin die beiden mutmaßlichen Spione tatsächlich geführt hat, ist allerdings unklar.\nMehr zum Thema\nUnterdessen warnen dührende Innenpolitiker der CDU davor, es mit der Kritik an Amerika zu übertreiben. „Bei aller berechtigten Kritik habe ich den Eindruck, dass es bei manchen Beiträgen mehr darum geht, eine antiamerikanische Stimmung zu bedienen“, sagte Clemens Binninger, der Vorsitzende des Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremiums, das für die Kontrolle der Geheimdienste zuständig ist, der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung (Freitagsausgabe). Er warnte auch vor überzogener Kritik an geheimdienstlicher Arbeit. Die Vorwürfe der amerikanischen Spionage gegen Deutschland müssten aufgeklärt werden. „Das darf aber nicht dazu führen, dass wir die Arbeit der Nachrichtendienste dämonisieren.“\n„Eine gewisse Hysterie“\nDer Vorsitzende des NSA-Untersuchungsausschusses, Patrick Sensburg, äußerte sich ähnlich. Die Debatte in Deutschland über die Aktivitäten der NSA sei von einer „gewissen Hysterie“ gezeichnet, sagte er der Zeitung. „Wir sollten möglichst neutral aufklären, was überhaupt an Spionageaktivitäten vorgefallen ist und nicht ständig nur die Amerikaner des Fehlverhaltens verdächtigen.“ Andere Länder spionierten viel mehr in Deutschland. Sensburg sagte, solange man nicht wisse, ob die amerikanische National Security Agency (NSA) etwa ein Handy abhöre, dürfe man das „nicht pauschal unterstellen, weil es in ein antiamerikanisches Bild passt.“\n( ) Permalink\nHier können Sie die Rechte an diesem Artikel erwerben\nWeitere Empfehlungen", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
El Villarreal confirma el fichaje de Sergio Asenjo
El y el confirmaron ayer el acuerdo entre ambos clubes para el traspaso del guardameta al Villarreal. La contratación del jugador venía siendo una de las prioridades del club amarillo para la próxima temporada, en la que deseaba contar con el jugador palentino como guardameta. Asenjo ya había disputado 35 partidos con el club la temporada anterior, en la que había sido cedido por el Atlético, y había manifestado su intención de permanecer en el ''submarino amarillo''. El futbolista jugará en el Villarreal las próximas cinco temporadas, y no se han hecho públicas las cifras del traspaso. Tras este fichaje, Asenjo deja el club madrileño, al que llegó en 2009 procedente del Valladolid, donde se había formado como futbolista y donde debutó en . El guardameta deja el equipo rojiblanco tras varios años en los que fue cedido, primero al y luego al Villarreal, y en los que tuvo dos graves lesiones, una en el mismo Atlético, y otra la temporada en el club malagueño.
[ "Villarreal Club de Fútbol", "España", "Fútbol", "Comunidad Valenciana", "Madrid" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "El Villarreal ficha a Asenjo hasta 2019", "text": "El Villarreal CF y el Club Atlético de Madrid han llegado a un acuerdo para el traspaso del portero Sergio Asenjo, que jugará en el club amarillo las próximas cinco temporadas. El meta palentino, que ha militado en calidad de cedido en las filas del Submarino durante la campaña 2013-2014, pasará así a formar parte de forma definitiva al proyecto del Villarreal, con el que ya ha disputado 35 partidos.\nAunque nacido en Palencia, Sergio Asenjo Andrés (28 de junio de 1989) entró a formar parte de las categorías inferiores del Real Valladolid cuando apenas contaba con 15 años. Crecido en la cantera del conjunto pucelano, Asenjo debutó en Primera División en la temporada 2007-08 precisamente contra el Villarreal y cuando apenas superaba la mayoría de edad. En las filas blanquivioletas se convierte en una de las grandes revelaciones de la temporada y en un codiciado objeto de deseo para el resto de clubes.\nEn el verano de 2009, el guardameta se incorpora al Atlético de Madrid y, tras disputar 15 encuentros, sufre una grave lesión de rodilla en mayo de 2010 que le mantuvo apartado de los terrenos de juego hasta noviembre del mismo año. En el mercado de invierno de diciembre de 2010, Asenjo se marcha cedido al Málaga CF. Pese a que encaja a la perfección en las filas del conjunto andaluz, sufre de nuevo una dura lesión en febrero de 2011. En la campaña 2011-12 regresa al Atlético de Madrid, club en el que ha permanecido hasta el momento.\nLa pasada temporada, Asenjo jugó cedido en el Submarino, con el que disputó 35 encuentros y se convirtió en un auténtico seguro bajo los palos (quinto en la clasificación del Trofeo Zamora). Con una agilidad y unos reflejos sobresalientes, el palentino es todo un seguro bajo los palos y muy fiable en el uno contra uno.\nPuedes descargar la ficha de Sergio Asenjo en el archivo adjunto a esta noticia que figura al pie de la página.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Niiranen bleibt beim HCR
miniatur Der HC Rychenberg Winterthur verlängert den Kontrakt mit dem Defensivspieler Niiranen um ein weiteres Jahr. Niiranen stiess im April 2013 zum Nationalliga A-Verein aus Winterthur. Seither absolvierte er 91 Spiele für den HCR und verbuchte 86 Skorerpunkte (38 Tore und Assists).
[ "Themenportal Sport", "Sport in der Schweiz", "Unihockey", "Veröffentlicht" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Niiranen bleibt beim HCR", "text": "Im April werden es vier Jahre her sein, dass der damals erst 22-jährige Niklas Niiranen vom finnischen Erstdivisionären Loviisan Tor zum HC Rychenberg gewechselt war. Er galt als physisch starker und technisch versierter Kreativverteidiger und entsprach damit den Vorstellungen seines neuen Trainers Rolf Kern: «Im modernen Unihockey werden spielstarke Verteidiger immer wichtiger.» In jener Zeit klopfte Niiranen auch bereits an die Tür der Nationalmannschaft und erlebte 2013 in Borås anlässlich der Finnkampen gegen Weltmeister Schweden seine Länderspiel-Premiere.\nObwohl ihn zwischenzeitlich eine langwierige Verletzung und ein Schicksalsschlag in seiner Familie zurückwarfen, wusste Niiranen in Winterthur die in ihn gesteckten Erwartungen vollauf zu erfüllen. Er akklimatisierte sich sehr schnell und tritt seither als cleverer Playmaker mit einem guten Auge für den Mitspieler und als laufstarke defensive Absicherung einer der drei Formation auf, ohne dass er dabei auf seinen Tordrang verzichten müsste. Die Statistik zeigt es: In nunmehr 91 Spielen für den HCR verbuchte er 86 Skorerpunkte (38 Tore und 48 Assists). Ein mehr als nur ordentlicher Wert für einen Verteidiger.\nGut integriert\nDass Niiranen seit seinem Debüt nichts mehr von den Verantwortlichen des finnischen Nationalteams gehört hat, schmälert seine Leistungen nicht und ficht ihn auch nicht an. Selbstverständlich würde er bei einem Aufgebot ernsthaft darüber nachdenken, erklärt er überzeugt, aber eigentlich passe der grosse zusätzliche Aufwand nicht zu seinem derzeitigen Lebensentwurf. Die Freundin, mit der er vor Kurzem zusammengezogen ist, und die gemeinsame berufliche Einbindung im Betrieb des früheren HCR-Spielers John Argüello sind ihm zu wichtig, als dass er daran etwas zu ändern hoffte. Sein in Finnland begonnenes Mathematik-Studium weiterzuführen, scheint momentan keine Priorität zu geniessen.\nSportchef Patrick Albrecht freut sich darüber, dass Niiranen eine fünfte Saison beim HCR folgen lassen wird: «Er ist ein Zweiwegverteidiger modernen Zuschnitts, sprich ein sehr guter Verteidiger, der auch immer wieder offensive Akzente setzt.» Niiranen sei aber nicht zuletzt auch ein «Super-Typ», einer, der sich mit seiner unprätentiösen, sympathischen Art grosser Beliebtheit im Verein erfreut. Was sein Trainer neben anderem ganz besonders am smarten Finnen schätzt, ist, dass «er sehr verlässlich ist, sprich einer ohne grosse Wellenbewegungen in seinen Leistungen.» Eine wichtige Eigenschaft, wenn es um die Jagd nach Trophäen geht.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Clôture du Salon international de l'Agriculture 2008
Vache pie-noire bretonne (salon international de l'Agriculture). La 45 édition du '''Salon international de l'Agriculture''' s'achève aujourd'hui à Paris, avec une affluence ayant atteint les 600 000 visiteurs, dont seulement un tiers de professionnels. Ce salon, surnommé '''' et rassemblant 1017 exposants, reste le plus important rassemblement de ce type dans le pays, et constitue un passage obligé pour de nombreuses personnalités politiques françaises, comme le Premier ministre François Fillon ou le Président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy. ;Visite de Nicolas Sarkozy Ce dernier a annoncé lors d'un discours - dérogeant à la tradition suivie par ses prédécesseurs, qui préféraient arpenter les allées du Salon - qu'il souhaitait l'ouverture de discussions sur l'avenir de la PAC après 2013, terme de l'accord sur son budget actuel d'une part, et d'autre part, son intention de ne pas approuver d'accord qui '''' lors des négociations en cours à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. Cependant, ce n'est pas ce discours qui a attiré l'attention des médias, mais plutôt l'échange vif qui s'est produit avec un visiteur et qui a vu Nicolas Sarkozy lui adresser un '''' après que le visiteur eut refusé de lui serrer la main en lui indiquant '' (sic.)'', et qui a été diffusé via une vidéo placée sur le site du journal ''Le Parisien''. 250px ;Conclusions L'événement se termine sur un satisfécit de son président, Christian Patria, qui a indiqué que ce Salon était ''''. Le Ministre français de l'Agriculture, Michel Barnier s'est lui félicité du '''' régnant selon lui dans le monde agricole, avec un meilleur prix de vente des céréales et une reprise des ventes de vin, malgré les interrogations persistantes quand au pouvoir d'achat et du décalage entre les prix de vente aux centrales d'achats et leur vente au grand public, différence qui mécontente les producteurs. Des producteurs provençaux de salades, pour marquer leur mécontentement, ont ainsi organisé une distribution gratuite de leurs produits au salon hier.
[ "Monde", "Europe", "France", "Paris", "Agriculture" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "plus de 600.000 entrées, Sarkozy veut refonder la PAC", "text": "Bilan du Salon de l'agriculture: plus de 600.000 entrées, Sarkozy veut refonder la PAC\nPARIS (AFP) — Le Salon international de l'agriculture a connu cette année encore le succès populaire avec plus de 600.000 visiteurs, à quatre mois de la présidence française de l'UE au cours de laquelle le président Nicolas Sarkozy veut lancer une refondation de la Politique agricole commune.\n\"Nous aurons enregistré plus de 600.000 entrées, dont seulement un tiers de professionnels, soit une légère augmentation par rapport à 2007 où nous étions juste en dessous de cette barre\", a déclaré à l'AFP Christian Patria, le président du salon.\nMême si on reste loin du record de 700.021 visiteurs atteint en 2004, la \"plus grande ferme de France\" a retrouvé son niveau moyen d'entrées après le trou de 2006 (500.000 visiteurs), dû à la crise aviaire et au mauvais temps.\nLe salon a été marqué par la visite du chef de l'Etat, qui contrairement à ses prédécesseurs ne s'est pas attardé dans les allées, mais a prononcé un discours.\nM. Sarkozy a répété sa volonté d'imposer, pendant la présidence française de l'Union européenne au second semestre, l'ouverture de discussions sur l'avenir de la PAC après 2013, terme de l'accord sur son budget actuel.\n\"Nous veillerons à ce que\" cette présidence \"soit l'occasion d'engager dès 2009 une véritable refondation des modalités de mise en oeuvre de la PAC dans notre pays\", a-t-il dit.\nIl a aussi affiché sa fermeté dans les négociations à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), assurant qu'il s'opposerait \"fermement\" à tout accord qui ne servirait \"pas les intérêts\" de la France, troisième puissance agricole mondiale.\n\"Les paroles, c'est une chose, les actes, c'est autre chose\", a dit Jean-Michel M. Lemétayer, le président de la FNSEA, résumant le sentiment des principaux dirigeants agricoles.\nSeule nouveauté: le président a annoncé que la France allait déposer auprès de l'Unesco une demande de classement de sa gastronomie au patrimoine de l'Humanité.\nMais son discours a été largement éclipsé par une algarade entre Nicolas Sarkozy et un visiteur, auquel le président a lancé: \"Casse-toi alors, pauvre con\". L'incident, filmé en vidéo, a suscité une polémique pendant plusieurs jours.\nParmi les nombreux politiques ayant sacrifié à la tradition d'une visite au salon de l'agriculture, l'ancien président Jacques Chirac, a pris son premier bain de foule depuis son départ de l'Elysée.\nLe ministre de l'Agriculture Michel Barnier s'est félicité du \"meilleur climat\" qui règne actuellement dans l'agriculture française, grâce notamment aux prix plus rémunérateurs des céréales et à un redressement des ventes de la viticulture.\nEt ce en dépit des crises que vivent plusieurs secteurs, notamment l'élevage, à cause de la flambée des prix de l'alimention animale.\nLes producteurs provençaux de salades, qui estiment eux aussi que leurs prix de vente sont en dessous de leurs prix de revient, ont exprimé leur mécontentement en organisant une distribution gratuite au salon samedi.\nM. Barnier a demandé à la Direction générale de la concurrence et de la consommation (DGCCRF) une \"enquête sur la répartition des marges\" de cette filière, qu'il juge \"inéquitable\".\nLa 46e édition du plus grand salon agricole d'Europe aura lieu du 21 février au 1er mars 2009.\nCopyright © 2013 AFP. Tous droits réservés. Plus »", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Royaume-Uni : études en cours pour une pilule contraceptive masculine
Une équipe de chercheurs d' a identifié le responsable de la production d'un sperme sain et fait des expériences sur des , montrant qu'un médicament agissant sur ce gène, le '''Katnal1''', peut, en effet, bloquer la . La , qui rapporte cette étude, indique que . Cependant, ces études pourraient aussi conduire aussi à luter contre l' masculine.
[ "Science et technologie", "Insolite", "Royaume-Uni" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "PARITÉ - Bientôt une pilule contraceptive pour les hommes ?", "text": "Les hommes devront-ils bientôt se plier à leur tour au rituel contraignant de la pilule contraceptive ? Des chercheurs d'Edimbourg ont en tout cas fait un pas dans cette direction, en identifiant le gène responsable de la production d'un sperme sain, rapporte la BBC. Des expériences menées sur des souris ont permis de montrer qu'un médicament qui agirait sur ce gène, baptisé Katnal1, pourrait en effet bloquer la fertilité.\nPour parvenir à ces résultats, les scientifiques écossais ont mené de vastes recherches sur la stérilité masculine. En modifiant le code génétique de souris, ils sont parvenus à les rendre infertiles. \"Les scientifiques espèrent qu'ils pourront mener une opération comparable chez l'humain pour arrêter le développement normal du sperme sans causer de dommages\", explique la BBC.\n\"Si nous parvenons à trouver un moyen de cibler ce gène, nous pourront peut-être développer une forme de contraception non hormonale\", analyse l'un des chercheurs de l'expérimentation, le Dr Lee Smith. \"Katnal1 n'intervient sur le sperme que dans les dernières étapes du développement, donc agir médicalement à ce niveau ne perturberait pas la production de sperme, et surtout la capacité à fabriquer du sperme\", explique-t-il. La découverte pourrait également permettre de découvrir des traitements pour lutter contre l'infertilité masculine.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Draft treaty to ban cluster bombs reached in New Zealand
B-1 Lancer releasing its payload of cluster bombs An international meeting in New Zealand has produced a draft treaty to ban cluster bombs. Campaigners say the meeting has given a decisive push to efforts to create a meaningful global agreement, however some say success is far from guaranteed. The draft accord drawn up in New Zealand declares that cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and that their production, stockpiling and use must be banned. The proposed accord has been named the "Wellington Declaration," after talks this week in the New Zealand capital involving 122 countries. The conference was organized by the Cluster Munitions Coalition, a network of 200 private organizations that includes leaders of the Nobel peace prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Activists hope the draft, which was signed by representatives of 82 of the attending nations, will be turned into a binding treaty at a follow-up meeting scheduled in Ireland in May. However, British negotiators have warned that tough discussions lie ahead before a binding treaty is finally signed. There is opposition to a global ban by the United States, Russia and China, as well as India, Pakistan and Israel. All are major producers of cluster munitions and none attended the Wellington summit. Washington opposes a ban because of the weapons' military effectiveness. But Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, says she believes an international ban on cluster bombs is inevitable. "If we, you know, have 80 countries that subscribe to it at the end of Dublin, that will be in terrific, and the signing will be in December and we will use all of that time to bring more countries on board," she said. "I think we're going to see a very exciting new treaty banning cluster munitions, demonstrating that even in this difficult time we can continue to ban weapons that are indiscriminate and cause untold civilian casualties and harm." Cluster bombs are designed to explode above the ground and release thousands of small bomblets primed to detonate on impact. Many do not explode immediately, and can lie in fields or villages, where they later kill and maim people who come across them. Efforts toward an international ban began in Norway last year. The meeting in Wellington, and May's follow-up in Ireland, are part of what is being called the "Oslo Process."
[ "United States", "Russia", "China", "India", "Pakistan", "Israel", "Politics and conflicts", "New Zealand", "Asia", "Europe", "Middle East", "North America", "Oceania" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Australia supports cluster bomb ban", "text": "February 22, 2008 - 3:20PM\nEighty-two countries including Australia have signed a declaration supporting a ban on the use of cluster bombs.\nAustralia signed after being accused of trying to water down measures to curb the use and stockpiling of the lethal weapons.\nThe so-called Wellington Declaration on Cluster Munitions indicates signatories' support for a ban on cluster weapons that cause unacceptable harm to civilians.\nOf the 122 countries invited to the Wellington conference, more were expected to sign the declaration in coming weeks.\nCountries that signed the document affirmed a ban on the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of the bombs, and called for a framework to care for survivors of cluster munitions.\nCluster bombs contain smaller bomblets that scatter over a wide area and can kill or maim civilians years after a conflict has ended.\nThe new document will be taken to a May meeting in Dublin, where delegates will aim to finalise the text of a draft treaty to be signed in Oslo in December.\nThis week's conference was held under a cloud because it was snubbed by many key nations who have stockpiles of cluster bombs, including the United States, China, India, Pakistan, Russia and Israel.\nAustralia's delegation was accused during the five-day meeting of aligning itself with countries including the UK, Canada, France, Germany and Japan that sought to water down proposals and undermine the aims of the treaty.\nFormer Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams said the group was part of a \"bad guys' cabal\" trying to frustrate the treaty process and water down key measures to appease the United States.\nThe Cluster Munition Coalition, which represents non-government organisations (NGOs) that work with cluster bomb victims, also attacked Australia and other countries.\nAustralia's head of delegation Caroline Millar said the criticisms were expected.\n\"It comes with the territory, mate. Basically, NGOs will criticise and so on, and that is up to them,\" Millar said.\n\"We think we have a very strong position. We have had a very clear unequivocal commitment to work with all states to achieve a ban on cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians,\" she said.\nMillar told the meeting on Friday that Australia would support the Wellington declaration, but was unhappy with some aspects of the conference.\n\"We regret that, as has been the case at previous meetings of the Oslo process, the level of transparency has at times been less than we would have expected from friends and partners,\" she told the meeting.\nOutstanding concerns Australia hoped to have addressed in Dublin included restrictions on defence forces working with allies such as the USA, which had not signed up.\nOther matters included defining what a cluster bomb is, and how to deal with stockpiles used for testing and training purposes, she said.\nDuring an often heated meeting on Friday, Canada said it was sick of being targeted for criticism.\n\"Countries such as my own and several close allies have been vilified in the press and in releases produced by the Cluster Munition Coalition,\" said Earl Turcotte, from the Canadian delegation.\n\"We have been accused of being agents of states not party (to the process), and trying to facilitate the use of cluster munitions by states not partied.\n\"We have been accused of 'trying to undermine an international treaty on cluster munitions'. Nothing, nothing, could be further from the truth.\"\nNew Zealand's Disarmament Minister Phil Goff said the meeting was a \"rousing success\" and he thought Australia felt as much need to advance the issue of cluster bombs as his own nation did.\n\"I am pleased that Australia is here and is participating, and I am confident that Australia will participate through to Dublin and will become part of the solution,\" Goff said.\nHe believed countries who had not come to Wellington would be under pressure to stop using the munitions eventually.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "82 countries sign Wellington Declaration on cluster munitions", "text": "WELLINGTON, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Eighty-two countries present at a cluster munitions conference in Wellington this week have signed the \"Wellington Declaration\", a crucial step toward a meaningful international treaty on cluster munitions, New Zealand Disarmament and Arms Control Minister Phil Goff said on Friday.\nThe week-long conference, which ended on Friday, was attended by officials from 103 countries. It has been a pivotal stage in the Oslo Process, which New Zealand and six other countries started last year following frustration at a lack of progress from the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Goff said in a press release.\n\"The Wellington Declaration creates political momentum and will form the basis of formal negotiations at a diplomatic conference in Dublin in May, which aims to create a treaty banning cluster munitions that cause unacceptable harm to civilians,\" he added.\nThe \"Wellington Declaration\" arising from talks this week has provided a draft treaty which its promoters hope will become legally binding at an international meeting in Dublin in May.\n\"Eighty-two countries have already signed and we believe the majority of remaining countries involved will follow suit,\" he said.\n\"We are closer than ever to a meaningful treaty which will save lives,\" Goff said.\nThe declaration says cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians and their use, production and transfer must be banned. It says a framework is needed so the survivors of cluster bombs are provided with care and rehabilitation.\nThe contentious issues were understood to involve possible exemptions to the ban for some types of cluster munitions, possible transition periods during which cluster bombs could still be used, and their use in joint military operations by states that are not part of a future treaty banning them.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "New Zealand Meeting Produces Draft Treaty Banning Cluster Bombs", "text": "An international meeting in New Zealand has produced a draft treaty to ban cluster bombs. Campaigners say the meeting has given a decisive push to efforts to create a meaningful global agreement, but as Phil Mercer reports from Sydney, success is far from guaranteed.\nMine Advisory Group official inspects a cluster bomb unit (File)\nThe draft accord drawn up in New Zealand declares that cluster bombs cause unacceptable harm to civilians, and that their production, stockpiling and use must be banned.The proposed accord has been named the \"Wellington Declaration,\" after talks this week in the New Zealand capital involving 122 countries. The conference was organized by the Cluster Munitions Coalition, a network of 200 private organizations that includes leaders of the Nobel peace prize-winning International Campaign to Ban Landmines.\nActivists hope the draft, which was signed by representatives of 82 of the attending nations, will be turned into a binding treaty at a follow-up meeting scheduled in Ireland in May.\nHowever, British negotiators have warned that tough discussions lie ahead before a binding treaty is finally signed.\nThere is opposition to a global ban by the United States, Russia and China, as well as India, Pakistan and Israel. All are major producers of cluster munitions and none attended the Wellington summit. Washington opposes a ban because of the weapons' military effectiveness.\nBut Jody Williams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban landmines, says she believes an international ban on cluster bombs is inevitable.\n\"If we, you know, have 80 countries that subscribe to it at the end of Dublin, that will be in terrific, and the signing will be in December and we will use all of that time to bring more countries on board,\" she said. \"I think we're going to see a very exciting new treaty banning cluster munitions, demonstrating that even in this difficult time we can continue to ban weapons that are indiscriminate and cause untold civilian casualties and harm.\"\nCluster bombs are designed to explode above the ground and release thousands of small bomblets primed to detonate on impact. Many do not explode immediately, and can lie in fields or villages, where they later kill and maim people who come across them.\nEfforts toward an international ban began in Norway last year. The meeting in Wellington, and May's follow-up in Ireland, are part of what is being called the \"Oslo Process.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anuncia un plan de 13.200 millones de pesos para afrontar la crisis
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: "La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde". La presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, lanzó un plan de estímulos financieros de 13.200 millones de pesos para reactivar el consumo, la inversión y evitar despidos. Entre las medidas se encuentran la baja de retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz, y reactivar varios sectores industriales. El objetivo global es reducir los efectos de la crisis financiera en el país. En una conferencia de prensa realizada en el auditorio de la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos, la mandataria anunció que destinará $3.500 millones para aumentar el consumo mediante de créditos de hasta $5.000. Además, brindará $3.100 millones para reactivar el alicaído mercado automotor. Se destinarán $650 millones para la fabricación de vehículos utilitarios. La mayoría de los créditos se harán a través del banco BICE. También habrán $1.700 millones para el sector agropecuario y $3.000 millones para para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Por su parte, la industria recibirá $1.250 millones por el plan. Las retenciones al trigo se reducirán del 28% al 23%, mientras que, en el caso del trigo, bajarán del 50% al 20%. "Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8% o al 9%, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno", dijo la Presidenta. Asimismo, la mandataria manifestó que los problemas que la Argentina enfrenta desde septiembre se debe al crack mundial que, según ella, "complicó la vida de los argentinos". Fernández de Kirchner también advirtió que "nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento". Eduardo Buzzi: "La Presidenta le sigue chupando la sangre al interior". === Repercusiones === El plan recibió el apoyo de empresarios y la industria. El presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Juan Carlos Lascurain, expresó su satisfacción y destacó: "Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas". Para Cristiano Ratazzi, presidente de Fiat Argentina, le "parece bien que sea un plan global". El titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), Osvaldo Cornide, señaló la importancia de la inclusión de las pymes en el proyecto. Sin embargo, el anuncio del campo no fue recibida con tanto optimismo. Sobre la baja de las retenciones, el titular de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, afirmó: "En materia agropecuaria estos anuncios, por lo menos para la zona central del país, (...) no tienen impacto, esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación. Al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores". Criticó que las medidas sean "unilaterales" y sentenció que la Presidenta "sigue chupando la sangre" a las zonas rurales. En cambio, Juan Gear, vicepresidente de la asociación agroindustrial Maizar, declaró: "Las medidas van en la dirección correcta, no se puede negar que algo había que hacer con las retenciones, porque con los niveles del 25 para el maíz y el 28 para trigo, con estos precios era insostenible". El economista y legislador Martín Hourest calificó de "raquítica" el plan previsto para el agro. "Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja", señaló.
[ "Crisis financiera", "Economía y Negocios", "Política", "Argentina", "Sudamérica" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "\"Plan C\" para estimular la producción y el consumo", "text": "ANUNCIO DE CFK POR $13.200 MILLONES \"Plan C\" para estimular la producción y el consumo El dinero irá a créditos para la compra de electrodomésticos y autos, la industria y el comercio exterior. Bajó 5 puntos las retenciones al trigo y maíz.\n13:50 | 04.12.2008\n\"El objetivo es apalancar el consumo y las exportaciones, los dos ejes del modelo económico que comenzó en el 2003\", explicó Cristina Fernández durante el acto en la Quinta de Olivos. (Télam)\nAnte un auditorio colmado de funcionarios del Gabinete nacional, gobernadores provinciales, legisladores, empresarios y dirigentes sindicales, la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció que destinará $13.200 millones para incentivar la actividad económica ante un posible clima recesión.\nEl plan C anunciado incluye $3.500 millones para financiar el consumo a través de créditos de hasta $ 5.000. Además, otorgará $ 3.100 millones para reactivar el sector de producción y venta de automóviles. La fabricación se vehículos utilitarios recibirá $ 650 millones. Para el sector agropecuario dispondrán $ 1.700 millones y para las pymes otros $ 3.000 millones. Al sector industrial destinará $ 1.250 millones.\nLa primera mandataria dijo que las medidas apuntan a sostener el nivel económico afectado por la crisis mundial, aunque advirtió que en particular los sectores empresariales tendrán que resignar parte de su rentabilidad, \"porque en la perinola tocó ahora que 'todos ponen'\".\nFernández, en su discurso desde la Quinta de Olivos, dijo que los fondos para préstamos para el consumo \"permitirán la existencia de 700 mil préstamos\" orientados a algunos rubros en particular, como \"la línea blanca\", entre otros.\n\"El objetivo es apalancar el consumo y las exportaciones, los dos ejes del modelo económico que comenzó en el 2003\", explicó.\nAdemás, la Presidenta anunció la reducción de las retenciones a exportaciones de trigo (de 28% a 23%) y de maíz (de 50% a 20%).\nCristina culpó \"al mundo por los problemas que tiene Argentina a partir de septiembre con el crack mundial. Así, complicó la vida de los argentinos\". En otro momento, reconoció que \"la tragedia mundial afectará a los argentinos y por eso es que el Gobierno está lanzando este plan de contingencia\".\nLa Presidenta destacó el avance de la economía y la reducción del empleo hasta iniciado el año 2008, cuando se evidenció la crisis internacional. “En estas cosas estábamos cuando de repente apareció el mundo”, consideró.\nAl aparecer la crisis financiera mundial, que impactó en el nivel de la actividad también en la Argentina, Cristina indicó que “apareció una forma de entender el ejercicio del capitalismo con un criterio antagónico al que nosotros desarrollábamos, que nos obliga a un encuentro como el de hoy”.\nLa jefa de Estado volvió a cuestionar la forma en que algunos medios difundieron la abrupta caída en producción y neta de automotores e ironizó: “Tenemos que tener la crisis más grande que los demás, es una cosa más bien para la psicología que para la economía”.\n“La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan”, graficó, al referir que todos los sectores de la economía serán afectados por el rigor de la coyuntura. “Lo menos que podemos pretender es que parte de esas formidables rentabilidades puedan ser destinadas para sostener la actividad y el empleo de los argentinos”.\nCÓMO SE REPARTIRÁ LA PLATA. Unos $ 3.500 millones, con préstamos de hasta $ 5.000, o sea 700.000 créditos, serán destinados a la línea blanca que cuenta con más de 50.000 trabajadores en toda la cadena de producción.\nOtros $ 1.250 millones irán para la industria entre prefinanciación de exportaciones y capital de trabajo (no están incluidos los $ 4.500 millones que ya prestó el Banco Nación a 10.000 pymes)\nUnos $ 3.100 millones estarán destinados al sector automotriz. “La idea es mantener el nivel de producción\", dijo la mandataria y pidió a los empresarios del rubro \"reducir los márgenes de rentabilidad para mantener la actividad y sostener la producción\". La fabricación de vehículos utilitarios recibirá otros $ 650 millones.\nPara el sector agropecuario otorgarán $ 1.700 millones y para las pymes $ 3.000 millones más.\nLos anuncios se inscriben en el paquete antirrecesivo de los Kirchner, una serie de medidas y gestos muchas veces contradictorios con los que el matrimonio presidencial viene intentando pilotear la crisis financiera internacional y la desconfianza local.\nEspacio de los lectores\nIMPORTANTE: Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pausibles de las sanciones legales que correspondan. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del REGLAMENTO será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar.\nsantafesino 0 años | A esto solo se le puede llamar manotazo de ahogado!!!!! como sabe que su imagen cayó hace rato por su soberbia de mier.. ahora quiere que los que la votaron vuelvan a creer en ella. la verdad que solo un ignorante podria hacer eso. y este pais esta lleno de esos.\nceleste 0 años | Excelente que exista un lugar como este para escribir lo que pensamos, y encima, nos lo publiquen!!!! Grazie mille!!!!! Llego a casa después de doce horas de cátedra, cansada y muchas veces un poco triste, pero para mí, este lugar tiene algo de Mallea ,\"Todos ellos y Ud. misma, han llegado a ese sitio que lame sin corroerlo el mar de la furia, de la persecución y de la adversidad. Cuántos ha llegado a esa bahía, a ese lugar de espera, a donde concentran su silencio y donde su fruto se prepara sin miedo a la tormenta.... Ahí están los que, de su fracaso han hecho un triunfo...\" Qué hermosa y qué profunda es la bahía! La Bahía de silencio de Eduardo Mallea. Los foristas deberíamos llamar a este espacio, La bahía. (no se enojen si el contenido no tiene nada que ver con el plan C)\nAlejandro 40 años | Se están despidiendo 6.000 tacheros, y el gobierno lanza un plan de financiar la compra de autos. Se ve que los K están lejos de comprender la realidad social.\nEL VILLERO 56 años | Otra vez al salvataje de los que mas tienen? Cuándo pensaran en los que nada tienen? Otra vez tenemos que ser los que paguemos los platos rotos? Disfruten mientras este pueblo este dormido, guay con ustedes, porque este pueblo algún día despertara y con la caveza de los que hoy nos garcan marcharan...", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Cristina presentó su \"plan de contingencia\" ante la crisis", "text": "La presidenta de la Nación, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció nuevas medidas económicas para afrontar la crisis financiera global, con consecuencias en el Argentina. En una conferencia desde Olivos, la primera mandataria señaló que el Estado aportará más de 13.000 millones de pesos para promover el consumo, la inversión, y preservar los puestos de trabajo.\n\"Ésta es una reunión que no me hubiese gustado tener que hacer\", señaló Fernández de Kirchner ante la comitiva de funcionarios públicos, dirigentes sindicales, gobernadores y empresarios que escuchan su discurso para presentar lo que considera \"un plan de contingencia\".\n\"Vamos a incentivar producción, la inversión, el trabajo, el empleo, y el consumo, destinando 13.300 millones de pesos en distintos instrumentos, algunos apuntando a la oferta, esto es a capital de trabajo a exportaciones a proyectos de inversión que mejoren también la competitividad; y otros destinados a apuntalar la demanda y el consumo\", indicó la primera mandataria.\nKirchner reconoció que se van a \"utilizar los canales de financiamiento, el ahorro público que ha dejado de ser administrado por las AFJP y que ha pasado al Estado\", lo que equivale a un monto de aproximadamente 7 mil millones de pesos. Para ello \"el sistema va a ser licitación a través del Mercado Abierto Electrónico (MAE), para darle transparencia absoluta al proceso, con tasa del 11 por ciento\", explicó.\n\"Estos planes no son para sostener la rentabilidad de un país que crece al 8 o al 9 por ciento, eso es imposible. Esta plata del Estado es el ahorro de todos los argentinos. La perinola ha caído para que todos pongan la parte que le corresponde poner a cada uno\", aseveró Cristina.\nEl objetivo es \"recrear un mercado de capitales que permita el acceso al crédito de los sectores vinculados a la producción\" y las colocaciones serán con tasa fija \"a un año para otorgar certeza al sistema de crédito\", afirmó Cristina.\nLa condición excluyente para poder acceder a cualquier línea de crédito, \"sea de financiación, proyectos de inversión, de trabajo, por parte de cualquier empresa, va a ser imprescindible que mantenga su planta de personal\".\n\"Nadie que considere a los trabajadores como variable de ajuste en la nómina de personal va a poder acceder a este tipo de financiamiento\", completó la mandataria.\nPréstamos para el consumo. La Presidenta anunció, entre otras medidas, que se destinarán 3.500 millones de pesos, con un máximo de hasta $5.000, para alentar el consumo. Serán unos 7.000 \"créditos orientados a sectores de línea blanca (electrodomésticos pequeños), una industria muy importante que tiene en toda la línea de valor, del que produce hasta que comercializa, unos 50 mil trabajadores\".\nLa industria \"propiamente dicha\" recibirá 1.250 millones de pesos y otros 3.100 millones irán a \"la industria automotriz, que ha tenido caídas mundiales muy importantes\" , reconoció la mandataria.\n\"Hoy leía, en letras de molde, como siempre, que ha caído\" la venta de automóviles, dijo la Presidenta y lo atribuyó a la necesidad de \"asustar un poco más, si hay crisis en el mundo, esta cosa de los argentinos de si hay crisis tener más que todo. Es una cosa más que para la economía, para la psicología\".\n\"Tenemos que fomentar la adquisición del primer 0 km. Moyano me contaba que en estos años de crecimiento le contaban los representantes locales, cómo había aumentado la compra de autos y motos usadas. Con este plan queremos que un sector pueda acceder a algo con lo que no contaba y seguir sosteniendo a un sector que entre obreros, autopartistas y comercialización representa a 150.000 trabajadores\".\nEl sector automotor es, sin embargo, uno de los más afectados por la incipiente crisis. La fabricación de utilitarios y camiones, por su parte, recibirá créditos por 650 millones de pesos.\nNoticias para el campo. El sector agropecuario podrá obtener \"1.700 millones de pesos para prefinanciación de exportaciones y capital de trabajo\", dijo la Presidente, aclarando que \"nadie piensa en prefinanciar la exportación de una gran multinacional, sino la de las pequeñas economías regionales.\"\nTambién anunció una baja del 5 por ciento para las retenciones a la exportación de granos, excepto para la soja. El trigo pagará una tasa de 25% y el maíz del 20%. Las retenciones bajarán, además, un punto porcentual extra por cada millón de toneladas que super el promedio de exportación de los granos, que para el trigo se calcula en 13 millones anuales, y en 15 millones para el maíz, según explicó la mandataria.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "El plan C tiene el guiño de banqueros y empresarios", "text": "APOYO PATRONAL A LAS MEDIDAS DE CFK El plan C tiene el guiño de banqueros y empresarios El nuevo paquete de medidas de incentivo a la producción que anunció la Presidenta fue bien recibido por la Unión Industrial, ADEBA y CAME.\n04.12.2008\nJuan Carlos Lascurain, presidente de Unión Industrial Argentina. (DYN)\nEl paquete de 13.200 millones de pesos destinado a mantener los niveles de producción y consumo interno anunciado por la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner fue recibido con optimismo entre los empresarios y banqueros amigos del Gobierno.\nAl respecto, Juan Carlos Lascurain, presidente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), dijo: \"Nos vamos con satisfacción. Lo más importante es la visión que tiene el Gobierno de que las medidas tienen muchas veces flexibilidad y deben ser monitoreadas\".\nCristiano Ratazzi, titular de Fiat, expresó que le \"parece bien que sea un plan global, que incentive a varios sectores y también al automotor, pero no tenemos todavía la instrumentación (del plan de autos) entonces es muy difícil dar una opinión. Estamos muy cerca de un acuerdo pero hay todavía detalles para ver\".\nNo obstante, Dante Álvarez, directivo de la Asociación de Concesionarios de Automotores de la República Argentina (ACARA), detalló que \"los autos serán de entre 30.000 y 40.000 pesos y estamos trabajando junto con el Gobierno para armar las herramientas que permitan instrumentarlo. Estos autos van a ser subsidiados por las terminales y concesionarias. Seguramente para el mes que viene empezaremos el año con el plan nuevo\".\nPor su parte, Osvaldo Cornide, titular de la Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME), dijo que \"el anuncio referido a las pymes es sumamente importante. Cuando se aproxima una crisis como la que estamos viviendo dar créditos a tasas bajas es un método acertado para incentivar el consumo y así garantizar la producción\".\nCon ese mismo tono optimista, el presidente de la Asociación de Bancos Argentinos (ADEBA), Jorge Brito, dijo que \"se lanza un paquete de un monto muy significativo destinado a financiar la producción y el consumo del mercado de bienes. Redundará sin duda en un importante aliento a las exportaciones\".\nEspacio de los lectores\nIMPORTANTE: Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pausibles de las sanciones legales que correspondan. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del REGLAMENTO será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar.\nMonica 39 años | Si, Pablo, el problema va a ser cuando lleguen al plan Z y todo siga peor que antes...\nPablo 41 años | Recuerdo que el plan B de la semana pasada también tenía guiños y miren ahora... ya vamos por el C, y después seguramente va a venir el D. Faltando algunas semanas, se puede pronosticar que a fin de año podríamos estar por el F.\nLuis 47 años | Les sugiero a los foristas que intenten ver una documental de libre acceso, ambientada en OTAWA sobre el GRUPO BILDERBERG que rige los destinos del mundo desde sus origenes en 1954 y cuya meta es lograr la universalizaciòn de un gobierno impuesto (posiblemente el anglo americano) a fines del 2030. En la reuniòn documentada se tocaron tres temas; 1) El precio del petróleo, 2) La guerra con IRAN 3) El Sr. Chavez, la crisis mundial debidamente planificada el. Su seguros integrantes son ROCKEFELLER, ROSTCHILD, Y ALGUNOS DEL GRUPO PRISA(FELIPE GONZALES, ESPERANZA AGUERRE, JUAN L. CEBRIAN). Todo comenzarìa con la combinaciòn de las SUBPRIME mas HIPOTECAS Y MAXIMO PRECIO DEL PETROLEO Y PROBLEMAS EN LA ALIMENTACIÒN. Parece ciencia ficciòn, pero es aparentemente verdad documentada.¿Què parte de ese plan estan dispuesto a realizar los banqueros y empresarios de estos lares? ¿Porque haràn un guiño a ese plan? \"Estamos mal pero vamos bien\" (¿Recuerdan?)\nBIGOTE 53 años | Todos los actores involucrados (trabajadores y empresarios), están conformes. Los únicos que reman para atrás son los periodistas y la oposición. Menos mal que Kirchner tiene una hermana. Sino nos quedamos sin opciones presidenciales.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Los economistas discrepan sobre el \"plan de contingencia K\"", "text": "El anuncio del plan de contingencia que anunció este mediodía la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner generó un impacto disímil entre los economistas. ¿De dónde saldrán los fondos?¿Por qué ahora el anuncio y no antes, cuando la crisis ya era una realidad palpable? ¿Por qué sólo se toca el tema retenciones y no se aborda la problemática del campo en su complejidad? Un giro interesante. Consultado por, el economista Eduardo Curia aseguró que \"desde hace unos días hay un giro interesante en el Gobierno en su percepción del reto que genera la crisis mundial\". \"En líneas generales, me parece que el Gobierno está avanzando en asumir la crisis con más rigor al dar mayor amplitud a las medidas. Claro que está en camino, ya que llega un poco demorado y entonces es una carrera contrarreloj\", dijo Curia. Fuente habitual de consulta del ministro de Planificacion, Julio De Vido, Curia destacó la baja en las retenciones. \"La posibilidad de bajar las retenciones es, por lo menos, un paso adelante\", dijo en torno al recorte del 5 por ciento en las alícuotas a la exportación de granos (excepto la soja) que anunció Fernández de Kirchner. Desconocen la recesión. José Luis Espert, de la consultora macroeconómica Espert & Asociados, expresó a que las medidas \"desconocen por completo que Argentina hoy ya está en recesión, no por falta de políticas oficiales que den dinamismo a la producción y el consumo sino por una violenta fuga de capitales debido a que estamos cerca del default y por el robo a los afiliados de las AFJP\". \"A esto hay que sumarle el desplome del ingreso disponible de los argentinos por la caída de los precios de nuestros commodities y las cantidades exportadas por la recesión mundial. Lo que debería haberse anunciado es una política de congelamiento del gasto público, de salarios y devaluar más rápido para que el sector privado no se derrumbe y el desempleo no explote en 2009\", concluyó. El error de subir y también de bajar retenciones.\"Es razonable que se diga que el mundo nos complicó, pero demuestra el pésimo nivel de diágnostico previo que tiene el Gobierno\", recalcó a Martín Hourest, economista y legislador porteño del bloque Igualdad Social.\nPara el edil, está claro que el kirchnerismo apunta a sostener los niveles de consumo, que pasa por incentivar el crédito para bienes durables, pero explicó que hay una \"ausencia notable en la redistribución oportunidades\". Además, analizó que \"si los ciudadanos ven en que su continuidad laboral está en vilo, es difícil que compren algo\". Hourest se preguntó si en vez de tomar este tipo de medidas, que acarrean un costo fiscal, \"no sería mejor universalizar las prestaciones, sea cual sea la condición del beneficiado, dar un subsidio universal a la infancia\".\nSobre la baja de retenciones, dijo que \"el Gobierno siguen insistiendo sobre un sólo punto de la hoja de balance\" y tildó de \"raquítica\" la estrategia de abordaje de los problemas del campo. \"Sabemos que los que están matando a los productores son sus proveedores y sus compradores. Entonces, el Gobierno se equivoca cuando sube las retenciones, pero también cuando las baja\", concluyó.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Buzzi contra el plan: \"Le siguen chupando la sangre al interior\"", "text": "Eduardo Buzzi fue durísimo con las medidas dictadas por el Gobierno. | Foto: Cedoc\nPara el presidente de la Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA), Eduardo Buzzi, el anuncio oficial de bajar a 5 puntos las retenciones a las exportaciones de trigo y maíz es \"insignificante\" y dijo que \"no va a resolver los problemas\" del sector agropecuario. Minutos después de escuchar las medidas que la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner presentó en Olivos, el ruralista santafesino fue contundente y lo minimizó: \"La reducción de retenciones no tendrá impacto\" en los productores y agregó que para los chacareros tienen \"200 hectáreas, las retenciones tendrían que ser cero punto\". La falta de diálogo del Gobierno con el campo fue otro de los puntos que Buzzi señaló y acusó a la administración CFK de tomar medidas \"unilaterales\" y no sentarse a conversar con el campo. De todas formas, destacó que la prefinanciación de exportaciones por 1.700 millones de pesos. \"No es una mala noticia\", porque \"a la producción de miel, lanas, arándanos y frutas necesitan apoyo para exportar\", marcó. \"Esto no va a influir, no va a mejorar la situación, al contrario, va a caer muy mal entre los productores, porque es tan insignificante mover retenciones en cinco puntos\", apuntó el titular de la FAA. Además, añadió que \"la exportación de trigo y maíz está cerrada\", y sostuvo que es \"un disparate mantener en 35 por ciento las retenciones de la soja\". \"Con estas medidas se le sigue chupando la sangre al interior del país, y se lo sigue poniendo anémico\", destacó Buzzi, quien alertó que \"todo el interior se sigue debilitando\".", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani for President
Rudy Giuliani Conservative evangelical preacher Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani's bid for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. Robertson said that he was supporting the former New York City mayor, despite their disagreements on social issues, because Giuliani was the best hope for the United States against "the blood lust of Islamic terrorists". Robertson said that Giuliani was a "proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead, and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans." Although Robertson's influence in the religious right is not as strong as it once was, his endorsement is still important to Republican candidates. Giuliani is pro-choice while Robertson is pro-life. Giuliani also favors extending rights to gays although does not favor allowing gay marriage. Giuliani has had a turbulent family life. Giuliani is on his third marriage and after one divorce was living with two gay roommates. The Religious Right in the United States, including Robertson, often emphasizes what they call traditional family values and frown on divorce and non-standard home arrangements. The religious right in the United States has been under stress in this election over whom to support. James Dobson, another prominent and controversial evangelical leader has warned that although the Religious Right has for a long time supported the Republican Party, they may vote for a third party candidate if the Republican Party Presidential candidate does not share their views on social issues.
[ "North America", "United States", "Politics and conflicts", "Elections", "2008 United States presidential election", "Rudy Giuliani", "Religion", "Christianity", "Republican Party (United States)", "Same-sex marriage" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Experts split on whether pope and Giuliani will meet", "text": "Experts split on whether pope and Giuliani will meet\nWhen Pope Benedict XVI travels to New York in April, he's expected to visit Ground Zero and Yankee Stadium -- places known for their connection to another famous Catholic, Rudy Giuliani.\nThe Vatican announced Monday that Benedict plans to travel to the United States for a five-day trip to Washington and New York. Given the Rudy-friendly itinerary, is there a chance the pontiff will grant an audience to Giuliani -- a lifelong Yankees fan known worldwide for his handling of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks?\nPapal experts say that while Giuliani would likely be invited along on Benedict's visit to Ground Zero, they disagree over whether he would be granted a private audience.\n\"I'm sure the pope would be happy to grant Giuliani an audience,\" said David Gibson, author of \"The Rule of Benedict,\" a biography of Pope Benedict XVI. \"If there was something at Ground Zero, I would be surprised if Giuliani were not there.\"\nBut Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, said he doubted the pope would grant a tete-a-tete with the former mayor. Although Giuliani may appear at an event with other officials, \"The pope normally deals with current government leaders -- not past leaders,\" Reese said.\nIf Giuliani is still a presidential candidate come April -- the Republican nominee should be chosen by then -- a papal meeting would lend a bit of gravitas to his bid. Still, if Hizzoner engineers an audience with His Holiness, the visit could backfire. After all, Giuliani is a candidate for the presidency -- not the priesthood. Although he attended Catholic schools all his life, he's on his third marriage, has an estranged relationship with his children and holds liberal views on abortion and gay rights. Such a public meeting might remind voters of his less-than-saintly past.\n\"He's walking a tightrope,\" Gibson said of Giuliani. \"If he appears to look like an altar boy, it's not going to play very well.\"\nGiuliani sometimes jokes on the campaign trail about his lapsed faith, telling a Missouri audience Monday that winning the endorsement of conservative preacher Pat Robertson was like \"going to confession.\"\nIf Giuliani is still a candidate in April, the chances for a meeting are also less likely, said Gibson. \"He [the pope] does not want to appear partisan.\"\nGiuliani's campaign had no comment.\nMore articles\nCopyright © 2007, Newsday Inc.", "url": ",0,5877624.story", "archive_url": ",0,5877624.story" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Pat Robertson endorses Giuliani", "text": "The televangelist says national security and federal spending worries should trump conservatives' concerns about the former New York mayor's support of abortion rights.\nRelated Stories - Giuliani embraces tough love\nWASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Rudolph W. Giuliani on Wednesday received the endorsement of televangelist Pat Robertson, who said the former New York mayor's promises to appoint conservative judges and protect Americans \"from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists\" should trump conservatives' concerns about Giuliani's support of abortion rights.Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani came one day after another prominent social conservative, Paul M. Weyrich, endorsed rival presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), a social conservative who ended his own presidential bid earlier this fall, said Wednesday that he would back his Senate colleague John McCain of Arizona.Taken together, the endorsements suggested that abortion may not prove to be a top-tier issue in the wide-open Republican race, and that top evangelical figures would divide their support among multiple contenders. Social conservatives have demonstrated a willingness to eschew longtime abortion opponents such as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee to back candidates who either favor abortion rights, as Giuliani does, or who are recent converts to the antiabortion cause, as is Romney.Robertson said national security and concerns about federal spending should be top priorities. \"To me, the overriding issue before the American people is the defense of our population from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists,\" he said. \"Our second goal should be the control of massive government waste and crushing federal deficits.\"Giuliani, appearing with Robertson at the National Press Club, said: \"His confidence in me means a lot. His experience and advice will be a great asset to me and my campaign.\"Asked about Robertson's endorsement, Romney, who was campaigning in South Carolina, touted the support of other social conservatives, including Bob Jones III, former president of the Christian conservative Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C.\"I can't get all the social conservatives to endorse my candidacy,\" he told reporters. \"I'm really pleased with the support I've got.\"Both Giuliani and Romney had aggressively sought Robertson's backing, with phone calls and appearances at Regent University, an evangelical Christian institution in Virginia Beach, Va., founded by Robertson in 1978. Robertson had leaned in Giuliani's direction since the former mayor's Regent speech, telling his Christian Broadcasting Network that Giuliani had been \"a smash.\"The two men said they had become friends when they traveled together to Israel a few years ago. Aides suggested that Theodore B. Olson, a former solicitor general in the Bush administration and a leading conservative legal figure, had made the endorsement happen.Olson is an advisor to Giuliani's campaign, and he introduced Robertson at a news conference called Wednesday morning in Washington to announce the endorsement.In appealing to social conservatives, Giuliani has made a pledge -- one of his campaign's \"12 commitments\" -- to appoint \"strict constructionist\" judges who claim to interpret the Constitution in the manner that its framers intended.Robertson indicated Wednesday he had been won over by this pledge. Giuliani, Robertson said, \"understands the need for a conservative judiciary, and with the help of the distinguished Ted Olson, who is here today, and other members of his team, has assured the American people that his choices for judicial appointments will be men and women who share the judicial philosophy of [Chief Justice] John Roberts and [Justice] Antonin Scalia.\"Robertson ran for president in 1988 and remains a key figure in the conservative movement, in part through his television network. But his influence has been diminished somewhat by the rise of younger leaders and his reputation for making comments that draw widespread ridicule.In recent years, he has called then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke a form of divine punishment for \"dividing God's land,\" and has called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. He later apologized for the Chavez comment.", "url": ",0,2060626.story?coll=la-politics-campaign", "archive_url": ",0,2060626.story?coll=la-politics-campaign" }, { "language": "en", "title": "The New York Times", "text": "Register for\n• Breaking news and award winning multimedia • New York Times newspaper articles • Arts & Dining reviews • Online Classifieds\nIt's free and it only takes a minute!\nMember ID or\nE-Mail Address: Password: Forgot Your Password? Remember me on this computer.", "url": "", "archive_url": "!dQ25dQ5BQ25Q5CiQ27Q20Q27Q5CQ20Q25dQ5BRQ5Cn8Q5CQ20Q7C.Y-p" } ]
Monster Pig killed by eleven-year old boy
The mainstream press has recently uncovered the story of a wild pig, nicknamed 'Monster Pig' killed on May 3, 2007, by an eleven year-old boy, Jamison Stone. The location is disclosed as a 2,500-acre commercial hunting preserve called Lost Creek Plantation, outside Anniston, Alabama. The wild hog weighed 1,051 lbs. and was 9 ft. 4 in. from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. The hog's head was mounted on an extra-large foam form and measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout. The balance of the hog is being turned into approximately 500 to 700 lbs of sausage. Jerry Cunningham, an Oxford taxidermist, said it was, "the Biggest thing I'd ever seen". Wildlife specialist Dr. Jim Armstrong commented on the size said, "You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so, Monster Pig that's a big pig". Stone said he shot the pig eight times using a Smith & Wesson Model 500 with a holographic scope and ported barrel firing 350-grain Hornady cartridges. Stone had to chase the hog for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. The web host for the official web site '''' advised Stone that the number of hits totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday, May 21st. Two previous record holders are Hogzilla a wild hog that was shot and killed in Alapaha, Georgia, on June 17, 2004, by Chris Griffin on Ken Holyoak's farm and hunting reserve. It was alleged to be 12 feet (3.6 meters) long and to weigh 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Its weight was later determined to be closer to 800 lbs. A second involved local news media that reported on January 5, 2007, an 1,100 pound (500 kg) hog was shot in Fayetteville, Georgia. The shooter was William Corsey, who hung the specimen from a tree in his yard. A spokesperson from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources said that large boars and feral hogs were common in South Georgia, but that no records are kept on them. The media latched on to the notion that this animal rivals the size of Hogzilla.
[ "Alabama", "Hunting", "United States", "North America", "Wackynews", "World records" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Boy shoots biggest boar", "text": "A WILD boar shot by an 11-year-old boy in Alabama was claimed to weigh a staggering 476kg and measure 2.74m from its snout to the end of its tail.\nIf these measurements are accurate, Jamison Stone's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in South Georgia in 2004.\nNational Geographic experts, who unearthed Hogzilla's remains, believe the animal weighed about 363kg and was 2.4m long.\nRegardless of the comparison, Jamison is revelling in the attention.\n\"It feels really good. It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big,\" he said.\nJamison said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-calibre revolver and chased it for three hours before finishing it off with a point-blank shot.\nTrees had to be cut down to bring Jamison's prize out of the woods.\nJamison's father, Mike Stone, is turning the beast into sausages.\n\"We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds (317kg),\" he said.\nJamison has been offered a small part in the new movie The Legend of Hogzilla.\n- AP", "url": ",21985,21798396-663,00.html", "archive_url": ",21985,21798396-663,00.html" }, { "language": "en", "title": "News", "text": "DELTA — It's real.\nAnd it's big.\nIt's a really big pig.\nSoon after the story began circulating on the Internet of 11-year-old Jamison Stone's harvest of a 1,051-pound feral hog in Delta, the doubters came out in droves.\nBut Jerry Cunningham, of Jerry's Taxidermy in Oxford, says he saw it right after it was taken. And he's the one currently in possession of the poker.\nCunningham was called on to handle the mounting of the animal. He said they told him it was a giant, and, after laying eyes on the animal, he says they weren't exaggerating.\n“Biggest thing I'd ever seen,” he said. “ It's huge.”\nAccording to Mike Stone, Jamison's father, the hog weighed 1,051 pounds.\nIt was weighed at the Clay County Farmer's Exchange in Lineville. Workers at the co-op verified that the scales used, basic truck scales, were recently certified by the state. However, no workers from the co-op were present when the hog was weighed.\nStone, a Pickensville resident, said the hog was also measured two different ways. Suspended from rear hoof to snout, he was 10 feet, 7 inches. From snout to tail, it was just more than 9 feet.\nThe only measurements that can currently be verified — because the hog is in post-processing mode — are sizes of the hog from the shoulder up, the method that the Stones are using to preserve their trophy. Cunningham will have to use those measurements to create a form for the mount, as prefab mounts do not come that big.\nThe circumference of the hog's head (across the ears) is 54 inches.\nAround its shoulders, it's 74 inches.\nAnd the length of its snout — from its eyes to the end of its nose — is 11 inches.\n“I couldn't believe it,” Jamison said after he first saw it. “It was the size of a cow. It was huge.”\nPerhaps as astounding as the size of the hog was how the story got out — or didn't. The old adage of news traveling fast in a small town wasn't quite the case.\nDriving around the dusty backroads of the rural community of Delta, story of the monster pig wasn't widely known. Even in nearby Lineville, the picture that appeared on the front page of Tuesday's Anniston Star was the first many people had heard about it. But in cyberspace, the news has traveled a great deal faster. And let's just say people have gone hog wild.\nIn attempts to do something nice for his young son, Mike Stone created a Web site,, to help show off his kill. He also created it to help cut down on the time of sending e-mail out to family and friends.\nHowever, the simple concept of the Web site has grown into much, much more.\nAt the site is a simple recount of the animal, its size and what was used to harvest the hog. It also includes pictures, a way to contact Jamison and some of the e-mails he received — good and bad.\nAccording to Stone, the host for the Web site ( said the number of requests — or hits — totaled 1,246,464 as of Monday.\nCalls have come all the way from California, where Jamison appeared on a radio talk show. According to Mike Stone and the Web site, Jamison has gotten words of congratulation from Rickey Medlocke of Lynyrd Skynyrd, country music star Kenny Chesney, Tom Knapp of Benelli firearms and Jerry Miculek of Smith & Wesson.\nThe hunt\nJust as it goes with skinning cats, there's more than one way to harvest a hog.\nSome track them with dogs. Some wait them out in tree stands, and others — braver ones — stalk-hunt the creatures.\nThe Stones, manned with guides Keith O'Neal and Chris Williams, chose the latter when purchasing the hunt from Eddy Borden of Lost Creek Plantation.\nIt wasn't Stone's first time hog hunting at the preserve. Not long before his son's harvest, he had taken a feral swine himself. At the time, he said he was quite proud of it.\n“It was about 600 pounds,” he said. “I thought it was massive at the time.”\nAfter using the stalk-hunting method, the weapon of choice was a modified .50-caliber pistol that had been modified with a holographic scope and a ported barrel to cut down on some its recoil. It was also packing a 350-grain Horaday bullet.\nThey ventured out and found the hog, and that's when the ordeal started.\nTo kill the massive beast, 16 shots were fired — all by Jamison. Approximately nine landed. They tracked — and sometimes were forced to avoid — the hog for more than three hours.\nJust how big again?\nThe elder Stone says all he really knew was it was a big pig. Just how big it was — with respect to records — he didn't know.\n“It was a pretty uneventful thing until the day after,” Mike Stone said. “I hadn't seen a lot of pigs up close. I didn't know it was a monster pig. I just knew it was a big as a cow.”\nIt wasn't until the day after the hunt when Stone received an e-mail from a friend informing him that, some time ago, Hogzilla had been found to be only 800 pounds (in a National Geographic documentary on the hog). Chris Griffin, who killed the Hogzilla, had said it was in excess of 1,000 pounds.\n“When all that happened, I looked over at my wife and said, 'This is a big deal,'” he said. “Hogzilla wasn't even as big as the one Jamison killed.”\nState records on feral swine are not kept by the Alabama Department of Conservation.\nAccording to biologists, pigs such as Hogzilla and this one are not the norm. Average free-roaming feral swine grow to modest sizes compared to this beast.\n“You might get a boar that weighs 300 or so,” said Dr. Jim Armstrong, Extension Wildlife Specialist and Associate Professor for Auburn University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. “That's a big pig.”", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Alabama Boy Kills 1,051-Pound Monster Pig, Bigger Than 'Hogzilla'", "text": "An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog that just may be the biggest pig ever found.\nJamison Stone's father says the hog his son killed weighed a 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.\nIf the claims are accurate, Jamison's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.\nClick here to see a big pic of the big pig.\nHogzilla originally was thought to weigh 1,000 pounds and measure 12 feet in length. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 800 pounds and was 8 feet long.\nAfter seeing the pig in person, taxidermist Jerry Cunningham told The Anniston Star it was \"the biggest thing I'd ever seen ... it's huge.\"\n(Story continues below)\nAdvertise Here Advertisements Advertisements\nThe Anniston Star reported that the feral hog was weighed at the Clay County Farmer's Exchange in Lineville. Workers at the co-op verified that the basic truck scales used were recently certified by the state. But no workers from the co-op were present when the hog was weighed.\nJamison is reveling in the attention over his pig, which has a Web site put up by his father — — that is generating Internet buzz.\n\"It feels really good,\" Jamison, of Pickensville, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. \"It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big.\"\nJamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Hogzilla II. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot.\nThrough it all there was the fear that the animal would turn and charge them, as wild boars have a reputation of doing.\n\"I was a little bit scared, a little bit excited,\" said Jamison, who just finished the sixth grade on the honor roll at Christian Heritage Academy, a small, private school.\nHis father said that, just to be extra safe, he and the guides had high-powered rifles aimed and ready to fire in case the beast with 5-inch tusks decided to charge.\nWith the pig finally dead in a creek bed on the 2,500-acre Lost Creek Plantation, a commercial hunting preserve in Delta, trees had to be cut down and a backhoe brought in to bring Jamison's prize out of the woods.\nIt was hauled on a truck to the Clay County Farmers Exchange in Lineville, where Jeff Kinder said they used his scale, which was recently calibrated, to weigh the hog.\nKinder, who didn't witness the weigh-in, said he was baffled to hear the reported weight of 1,051 pounds because his scale — an old, manual style with sliding weights — only measures to the nearest 10.\n\"I didn't quite understand that,\" he said.\nMike Stone said the scale balanced one notch past the 1,050-pound mark, and he thought it meant a weight of 1,051 pounds.\n\"It probably weighed 1,060 pounds. We were just afraid to change it once the story was out,\" he said.\nThe hog's head is now being mounted on an extra-large foam form by Cunningham of Jerry's Taxidermy in Oxford. Cunningham said the animal measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout.\nMike Stone is having sausage made from the rest of the animal. \"We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds,\" he said.\nJamison, meanwhile, has been offered a small part in \"The Legend of Hogzilla,\" a small-time horror flick based on the tale of the Georgia boar. The movie is holding casting calls with plans to begin filming in Georgia.\nThe Anniston Star reported that congratulatory calls have come all the way from California, where Jamison appeared on a radio talk show. Jamison apparently has gotten words of congratulation from Rickey Medlocke of Lynyrd Skynyrd, country music star Kenny Chesney, Tom Knapp of Benelli firearms and Jerry Miculek of Smith & Wesson.\nJamison is enjoying the newfound celebrity generated by the hog hunt, but he said he prefers hunting pheasants to monster pigs.\n\"They are a little less dangerous.\"\nThe Associated Press contributed to this report.", "url": ",2933,275524,00.html", "archive_url": ",2933,275524,00.html" }, { "language": "en", "title": "That's some pig: Boy, 11, shoots 1,051 pound hog", "text": "Story Highlights • Pig shot in Alabama outweighs Georgia's Hogzilla\n• Boy says: \"I probably won't ever kill anything else that big\"\n• He's been offered small part in horror movie based on Georgia pig\nAdjust font size:\nMONTGOMERY, Alabama (AP) -- Hogzilla is being made into a horror movie. But the sequel may be even bigger: Meet Monster Pig.\nAn 11-year-old boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9 feet 4, from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.\nIf the claims are accurate, Jamison Stone's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in South Georgia in 2004.\nHogzilla originally was thought to weigh 1,000 pounds and measure 12 feet long. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 800 pounds and was 8 feet long.\nRegardless of the comparison, Jamison is reveling in the attention over his pig.\n\"It feels really good,\" Jamison said. \"It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big.\"\nJamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Monster Pig. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot.\nThrough it all, there was the fear that the animal would turn and charge them, as wild boars have a reputation for doing.\n\"I was a little bit scared, a little bit excited,\" said Jamison, who lives in Pickensville on the Mississippi border. He just finished the sixth grade on the honor roll at Christian Heritage Academy, a small, private school.\nHis father said that, just to be extra safe, he and the guides had high-powered rifles aimed and ready to fire in case the beast, with 5-inch tusks, decided to charge.\nWith the animal finally dead in a creek bed on the 2,500-acre Lost Creek Plantation, a commercial hunting preserve in Delta, trees had to be cut down and a backhoe brought in to bring Jamison's prize out of the woods.\nIt was hauled on a truck to the Clay County Farmers Exchange in Lineville, where Jeff Kinder said they used his scale, recently calibrated, to weigh the hog.\nKinder's scale measures only to the nearest 10, but Mike Stone said it balanced one notch past the 1,050-pound mark.\n\"It probably weighed 1,060 pounds. We were just afraid to change it once the story was out,\" he said.\nThe hog's head is being mounted by Jerry Cunningham of Jerry's Taxidermy. Cunningham said the animal measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout.\n\"It's huge,\" he said. \"It's just the biggest thing I've ever seen.\"\nMike Stone is having sausage made from the rest of the animal. \"We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds,\" he said.\nJamison, meanwhile, has been offered a small part in \"The Legend of Hogzilla,\" a small-time horror flick based on the tale of the Georgia boar. The movie is holding casting calls with plans to begin filming in Georgia.\nJamison is enjoying the newfound celebrity generated by the hog hunt, but he said he prefers hunting pheasants to monster pigs: \"They are a little less dangerous.\"\nCopyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Gunners Den / Hunting Hogs", "text": "Hog Hunting Books: (\nWild Hog Hunting\nby Craig Marquette,\nDavid Sturkey\nPaperback\nList Price $17.00\n\"Everything you need to know to get your hog!\" Outdoor writer Jerry Hill says the authors \"have pooled their knowledge and hunting skills to pen the best hog hunting book on the market. Some of the photographs will light the hard-core hunter's fire!\"\nA practical guide to hunting wild boar in the United States. Chapters include wild pig biology, identification, wild hog habits, still hunting strategies, stand hunting strategies, trapping wild hogs, dogs and hogs, wild hog diseases, from last breath to ice box, from ice box to dinner table. Dozens of action photo's.\nHog Hunting Videos: (\nHog Hunting", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Drone smartphone app to help heart attack victims in remote areas announced
German non-profit organization Definetz announced on Friday the development of the 'Defikopter': a medical , launched by , designed to be able to fly to victims in remote areas quicker than an ambulance. File photo of an eight-armed drone. The Defikopter is to be launched by an app that sends out the coordinates of the victim. With the ability to fly at 70km per hour in all weather conditions, the eight-armed octocopter could reach any patient within a ten kilometre radius. The invention has received cautious praise from German medical services; the drone is still in the development and testing stage. Definetz and collaborating drone builder Height Tech have not issued any information about the release of the smartphone app or about when the drone will be available for medical services to purchase. "We'll have to see how much these drones can help," German emergency services union representative Marco König told ''''. German news site ''Mittelbayerische'' reports a price tag of 20,000 (26,000) apiece. One major problem Definetz faces is the law that requires all unmanned flying vehicles in Germany to be supervised. Another is that only members of the public who downloaded the app 'just in case' of an emergency, plus emergency workers with the app, could summon a drone. == Sources == * * category:Health category:Science and technology category:Germany
[ "Europe", "Aviation" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Drone could deliver defibrillators to heart attack victims", "text": "Drone Height Tech\nA German technology non-profit has put together an autonomous octocopter that can carry a defibrillator, aiming to get to patients faster than an ambulance.\nFredrich Nölle from Definetz presented the system in the town of Halle in North Rhine Westphalia. It's optimised for remote areas, and allows emergency services or the public to call a defibrillator in though a smartphone app that automatically sends GPS coordinates.\nThe drone has a range of 10km, and can fly at up to 70 kilometres per hour towards its destination in all weather conditions. It has a diameter of one metre and parachutes its payload when it arrives at the patient.\nIt was developed by Height Tech, a company that employs drones for many tasks including movie production, surveying, aerial photography and signal mast inspection.\nGerman emergency services praised the invention but warned people not to get their hopes up. \"We'll have to see how much these drones can help,\" Marco König from the German emergency services union told the Local.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Health from above: a drone to deliver defibrillators to heart attack victims", "text": "German non-profit group Definetz wants to make defibrillators readily available across its country so that any time someone has a heart attack, the life saving devices are within arms reach. And it's looking to drones to help it bring its vision to fruition. On Friday, the group announced the Defikopter, a concept device it designed with drone-maker Height Tech to fly defibrillators to emergency responders or the public by way of a GPS-enabled smartphone app.\nDefinetz says the Defikopter, which was developed over the last three months, can travel within a radius of 10 kilometers (about six miles), and fly at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour (about 43 miles per hour). While Definetz and Height Tech have announced their collaborative design, neither organization said if or when the Defikopter would be made available for sale, or when and if the corresponding smartphone app would be released to the public.\nThere are, of course, a few drawbacks to the drone concept. If built, the drone hardware would sell for about $26,000, according to the Mittelbayerische news site. Additionally, if the Defikopter and its app are made available, the Defikopter can only be hailed by someone who is with a heart attack victim and already has the app downloaded downloaded on their phone. The drone also can't run without supervision — the Die Glocke newspaper reports that German law requires that unmanned flying vehicles can only be flown if monitored by a human being. These limitations and restrictions could mean the Defikopter concept never makes it off the ground.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Claude Guéant attaqué par un Algérien pour diffamation
Un , Ali Belhadad, expulsé au début du mois sur décision du ministre français de l'Intérieur qui le présentait comme un islamiste radical, va demander l'abrogation de l'arrêté qui le concerne et attaquer le ministre pour , a-t-on appris auprès de son avocat vendredi. A. Belhadad selon un communiqué émit par son avocat, Maitre Eric Plouvier.
[ "Europe", "France", "Claude Guéant", "Justice", "Avril 2012 aux États-Unis|13" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Un Algérien attaque Guéant pour diffamation", "text": "Un Algérien, Ali Belhadad, expulsé début avril sur décision du ministre de l'Intérieur Claude Guéant qui le présentait comme un islamiste radical, va demander l'annulation de l'arrêté le concernant et attaquer le ministre en diffamation, a annoncé vendredi son avocat.\nM. Belhadad \"s'inscrit en faux contre le communiqué du ministère de l'Intérieur relatif à cette expulsion (..) dans lequel il est présenté à tort et contrairement à ce qui figure dans la motivation de l'arrêté, comme un +condamné pour son rôle dans les attentats de Marrakech en 1994+\", selon un communiqué diffusé par son avocat, Me Eric Plouvier.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Michigan student and California engineer sue Amazon for remote deletion of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'
Justin Gawronski and Antoine Bruguier sued on Thursday for remotely deleting their digital copies of George Orwell's ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' from their Kindle devices. The suit, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, argues in part that Amazon violated its terms of service, as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and Washington Consumer Protection Act. Gawronski, a Michigan high school senior, originally purchased both his Kindle and an e-book of the novel for his Advanced Placement English summer reading. He made regular annotations using the Kindle's facility, noting "If ... something ... catches my eye as I am reading, I just place a note there". After reading online that Amazon was deleting some copies of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'', he switched his Kindle on, and watched the copy he had purchased vanish. He later found that the notes he had written were effectively useless, stating, "all my notes refer back to nothing". He said he would probably have to re-read the entire book. Bruguier, a Silicon Valley engineer, also had his copy of ''Nineteen Eighty-Four'' remotely deleted. According to the complaint, Amazon sent him an email saying they were "writing to confirm that we have processed your refund." In response, Bruguier wrote that "I would like to keep the title 1984. I like this book." Amazon refused to allow him to do so, and said they would not provide any "additional insight or action". Eventually, Amazon wrote a new email justifying the deletion by claiming they had lacked the right to sell him the book. Bruguier noted in response that he was "annoyed by Amazon's deceit" and that he "thought that once purchased, the books were his." His emails also quoted the portion of Amazon's terms of service cited in the suit. Both clients are represented by KamberEdelson, and the lawsuit seeks class action status. Several classes are delineated, representing relevant sub-groupings of Kindle owners.
[ "Crime and law", "Science and technology", "United States", "", "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Lawsuit: Amazon Kindle Ate My Homework", "text": "An Orwellian gaffe involving the Kindle e-book reader just won’t go down the memory hole for\nKamberEdelson Justin Gawronski\nOn Thursday, a Chicago-based law firm filed a suit in federal court in Seattle against Amazon on behalf of Justin D. Gawronski, a 17-year-old Michigan high school senior. The suit, which seeks class-action status, claims that when the company wirelessly deleted a copy of George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” from Gawronski’s Kindle earlier this month, it also deleted the notes he had taken on the device for his homework.\nThe suit, which cites another plaintiff who also lost his copy of the Orwell classic, seeks to prevent Amazon from again deleting books from Kindles. It also seeks monetary relief for people like Gawronski who lost work from the incident.\nAmazon declined comment on the suit. The company, which refunded the purchase price of Orwell books to people whose copies it deleted, has already said it would not do it again. Last week, the company’s CEO Jeff Bezos apologized for the incident, calling it “stupid, thoughtless, and painfully out of line with our principles.”\nGawronski, a member of his high school’s debate team, says he got a Kindle earlier this summer because he knew he’d be reading a lot of books for his Advanced Placement English class. “If there’s something that catches my eye as I am reading, I just place a note there” using the Kindle’s keyboard, he said. Those notes are useful, he said, because “every 100 pages we have to write a 1-page summary and reflection of everything that we read,” he said.\nBut on July 20, when Gawronski turned on his Kindle, he watched his copy of “Nineteen Eighty-Four” disappear right before his eyes. “It was a bit ironic,” he said.\nAmazon didn’t delete the file containing Gawronski’s notes on the Kindle device. But since the book text “no longer exists, all my notes refer back to nothing,” he said. “I can’t really use it for much.”\nWhen he e-mailed Amazon’s customer service department for help, he received a message from the company saying they were sorry, but there was a copyright issue with the original book.\nHe filed the lawsuit, he said, because he wants to “help set a precedent so that Amazon doesn’t do this again” and to help move the industry forward. “When you think that you own something and don’t own it – that’s not how it should be,” he said.\nHis lawyer, Jay Edelson, of the firm of KamberEdelson, said he doesn’t see “any ambiguity at all” in the terms of service that accompany Kindle purchases that would have allowed Amazon to delete and refund a purchase. “People are given license for life,” he said. “You start to wonder how many companies have the ability to remote change data or delete things.”\nThe suit seeks relief from the class of all people who own a Kindle. “All of those people need the injunctive relief to prevent Amazon from doing this in the future,” said Edelson. The law firm pledges to donate any proceeds from the litigation to charity.\nGawronski hasn’t yet told his English teacher about the incident. But he figures he’s going to have to read the book again to finish his assignment.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Amazon Erases Orwell Books From Kindle", "text": "In George Orwell’s “1984,” government censors erase all traces of news articles embarrassing to Big Brother by sending them down an incineration chute called the “memory hole.”\nOn Friday, it was “1984” and another Orwell book, “Animal Farm,” that were dropped down the memory hole — by\nIn a move that angered customers and generated waves of online pique, Amazon remotely deleted some digital editions of the books from the Kindle devices of readers who had bought them.\nAn Amazon spokesman, Drew Herdener, said in an e-mail message that the books were added to the Kindle store by a company that did not have rights to them, using a self-service function. “When we were notified of this by the rights holder, we removed the illegal copies from our systems and from customers’ devices, and refunded customers,” he said.\nAmazon effectively acknowledged that the deletions were a bad idea. “We are changing our systems so that in the future we will not remove books from customers’ devices in these circumstances,” Mr. Herdener said.\nCustomers whose books were deleted indicated that MobileReference, a digital publisher, had sold them. An e-mail message to SoundTells, the company that owns MobileReference, was not immediately returned.\nDigital books bought for the Kindle are sent to it over a wireless network. Amazon can also use that network to synchronize electronic books between devices — and apparently to make them vanish.\nAn authorized digital edition of “1984” from its American publisher, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, was still available on the Kindle store Friday night, but there was no such version of “Animal Farm.”\nPeople who bought the rescinded editions of the books reacted with indignation, while acknowledging the literary ironies involved. “Of all the books to recall,” said Charles Slater, an executive with a sheet-music retailer in Philadelphia, who bought the digital edition of “1984” for 99 cents last month. “I never imagined that Amazon actually had the right, the authority or even the ability to delete something that I had already purchased.”\nAntoine Bruguier, an engineer in Silicon Valley, said he had noticed that his digital copy of “1984” appeared to be a scan of a paper edition of the book. “If this Kindle breaks, I won’t buy a new one, that’s for sure,” he said.\nAmazon appears to have deleted other purchased e-books from Kindles recently. Customers commenting on Web forums reported the disappearance of digital editions of the Harry Potter books and the novels of Ayn Rand over similar issues.\nAmazon’s published terms of service agreement for the Kindle does not appear to give the company the right to delete purchases after they have been made. It says Amazon grants customers the right to keep a “permanent copy of the applicable digital content.”\nRetailers of physical goods cannot, of course, force their way into a customer’s home to take back a purchase, no matter how bootlegged it turns out to be. Yet Amazon appears to maintain a unique tether to the digital content it sells for the Kindle.\n“It illustrates how few rights you have when you buy an e-book from Amazon,” said Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer for British Telecom and an expert on computer security and commerce. “As a Kindle owner, I’m frustrated. I can’t lend people books and I can’t sell books that I’ve already read, and now it turns out that I can’t even count on still having my books tomorrow.”\nJustin Gawronski, a 17-year-old from the Detroit area, was reading “1984” on his Kindle for a summer assignment and lost all his notes and annotations when the file vanished. “They didn’t just take a book back, they stole my work,” he said.\nOn the Internet, of course, there is no such thing as a memory hole. While the copyright on “1984” will not expire until 2044 in the United States, it has already expired in other countries, including Canada, Australia and Russia. Web sites in those countries offer digital copies of the book free to all comers.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Highlights from the '1984' lawsuit against Amazon", "text": "« Firefox hits a billion | Main | FCC asks Apple, AT&T;, Google about App Store's rejection of Google Voice » Highlights from the '1984' lawsuit against Amazon 12:35 PM, July 31, 2009 \"Kindling.\" Credit: oskay / Flickr Justin Gawronski and Antoine J. Bruguier are suing Amazon for having deleted their copies of George Orwell books from their Kindle readers, sans permission. The potential class-action lawsuit claims harm inflicted on the parties for rendering their notes \"useless\" -- causing some commentators to call it the \"Kindle ate my homework\" case. Here are a few highlighted quotes from the complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court in Seattle. -- \"[Plaintiffs] bring this class action complaint against defendants, Inc. and Amazon\nDigital Services, Inc., ... for their wrongful practice of remotely deleting digital content from their customers’ Amazon Kindle electronic book (“e-book”) reading devices and Kindle for iPhone applications.\" -- \"Amazon not only deleted the e-books,but also rendered useless any electronic notes and annotations that consumers had made within these e-books because the notes were no longer tied to the referenced or highlighted text. Amazon then refunded the purchase price to these consumers.\" -- \"Amazon never disclosed ... that it possessed the technological ability or right to remotely delete digital content purchased through the Kindle Store from Kindles or iPhones.\" -- \"As part of his studies of '1984,' Mr. Gawronski had made copious notes in the\nbook. After Amazon remotely deleted '1984,' those notes were rendered useless... ... because they no longer referenced the relevant parts of the book. The notes are still accessible on the Kindle 2 device in a file separate from the deleted book, but are of no value. For example, a note such as “remember this paragraph for your thesis” is useless if it does not actually reference a specific paragraph. By deleting '1984' from Mr. Gawronski’s Kindle 2, this is the position in which Amazon left him. Mr. Gawronski now needs to recreate all of his studies.\" -- \"On or about July 17, 2009, Mr. Bruguier contacted with the statement: 'I would like to keep the title 1984. I like this book.' On July 17, 2009 at 1:28 p.m., he received an email response to his comment from Customer Service, which stated in relevant part: “I understand that you’re upset, and I regret that we haven’t been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to offer any additional insight or action on these matters.” -- \"[Suit alleges that] Amazon violated [The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act] by intentionally accessing Plaintiffs’ Kindles, protected computers, without authorization, and as a result, caused damage to Plaintiffs’ Kindles by remotely deleting content stored on them. \" -- \"Amazon’s conduct has caused a loss to one or more persons during any one-year period aggregating at least $5,000 in value in real economic damages.\" -- \"Amazon’s unlawful access to Plaintiffs’ Kindles and digital content has also caused Plaintiffs irreparable injury. Unless restrained and enjoined, Amazon will continue to commit such acts.\"\n-- David Sarno\nTrackBack TrackBack URL for this entry:\n Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Highlights from the '1984' lawsuit against Amazon:", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Venture capital investment in Ireland soars by 35%
Ernest & Young's logo Venture capital investment in Ireland has leaped by 35% in the first quarter of 2005, according to a new report by Ernst & Young. The report found that Europe-wide venture capital investment increased by a healthy 19% on the same period in 2004. Total investment in Ireland was €42.11m (US$52.8m, £28.9m) for the first 3 months compared to €31.23m (US$39.1m, £21.4m) in the first quarter of last year. The report found that 85% of the capital was invested in the information technology sector; largely helped by a successful €15m fundraising by Corvil Networks. €880.3m (US$1.1bn, £605m) was raised throughout Europe in almost 200 separate deals, with €407.3m of that invested in the IT sector.
[ "Europe", "Ireland", "Economy and business" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Venture capital investment in Ireland increased 35%", "text": "The results for the first quarter of the European Venture Capital Report 2005 produced by Ernst & Young and Venture One, indicate that Ireland experienced a 35% increase in venture capital investment, from the €31.23 million in Q1 2004, to €42.11 million in Q1 2005.\nThe €42.11 million invested in the first quarter of 2005 is also an increase of 97% from the last quarter of 2004, when the amount invested was €21.37 million.\nInformation technology deals continue to dominate the Irish venture capital landscape, with seven of the eight deals completed and 85% of the total funds invested in this sector. The largest investment in Ireland was in Corvil Networks, a provider of a technology for measuring and controlling the bandwidth requirements of IP traffic flows. The company raised €15 million in a later stage round.\nIreland had a total of eight deals this quarter, down from ten deals in Q4 2004 and Q1 2004. As throughout 2004, Ireland retains its 7th place in the first quarter of 2005 for number of deals. In terms of amounts raised, Ireland has slipped down to 8th place, mainly due to increased venture capital activity in Denmark.\nIn Europe, venture capital investment increased by 19% to €880.3 million. Whilst the European investment figures are up on this period last year the deal flow in Europe has dropped to less than 200 deals, a 27%, decline\nGarry O’Rourke, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young Corporate Services Department, said: “These figures show that venture capitalists are directing their investments into those companies which seem to have the brightest future potential and in Ireland, specifically the IT sector. Across Europe, the fact that first-round deals are getting larger shows that VCs are optimistic about the growth potential of the current wave of new start-ups in Europe.”\nAccording to Steve Harmston, Director of International Research for Venture One, “We are seeing fewer deals but larger amounts invested in these deals. The overall median deal size in Europe reached its highest level in more than six years at €3 million, compared to €1.5 million in the same quarter of last year. Much of this increase can be attributed to larger investments in first round deals, where the median was €2.6 million, the highest amount since 1999 when Venture One began tracking the data.” The median size of later-round deals was €4 million, in comparison with €2 million in Q1 2004.\nBy industry, the amount invested into European information technology (IT) companies climbed upward, reaching a total of €407.3 million, an increase of 16% over this quarter a year ago. Gil Forer, global venture capital advisory group leader for Ernst & Young said: “While not reflected in the Irish figures for this quarter, the capital invested in the information-services segment nearly doubled from the first quarter of 2004 to reach €40 million. The majority of information-services companies are Internet-related, so the investment trend in this segment could indicate we are entering Internet 2.0 – with a resurgence of interest in online businesses.”\nThe 2004 trend of increased investment activity in seed and first-round deals declined this quarter. These deals represented one-third of the investments made in Q1 2004 and continued to grow throughout last year, but only represented 29% of the deal flow this quarter. They also accounted for only 20% of the capital invested, compared to 25% this quarter a year ago. In Ireland, this translates to a decline from €11.88 million to €6.55 million.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": " venture capital investment soars", "text": "Latest ENN headlines For the record 19 May Invest NI backed 3,700 firms in 2004 Mobile subscribers to join two billion club this year\nThat's according to first quarter results from Ernst & Young and Venture One's \"European Venture Capital Report 2005,\" which showed venture capital investment in Ireland increasing year-on-year from EUR31.23 million in the first quarter of 2004, to EUR42.11 million in the first three months of 2005.\nInformation technology deals continue to dominate the Irish venture capital landscape, with seven of the eight deals completed during the quarter focused on IT firms. In addition, 85 percent of the total funds invested in Ireland over the three months were concentrated in the sector.\nThe big winner during the quarter was Corvil Networks, a provider of technology for measuring and controlling the bandwidth requirements of IP traffic flows. The company raised EUR15 million in a later stage funding round.\nGrowth in the number of venture capital deals helped Ireland to retain its seventh position in the first quarter, while in terms of the amounts raised, Ireland dropped to eighth place, primarily due to the significant increase in venture capital activity in Denmark.\nEurope-wide venture capital investment increased by 19 percent to EUR880.3 million. While the European investment figures are up on the same period in 2004, the number of deals in Europe dropped to less than 200 deals, representing a 27 percent decline.\n\"These figures show that venture capitalists are directing their investments into those companies which seem to have the brightest future potential and in Ireland, specifically the IT sector. Across Europe, the fact that first-round deals are getting larger shows that VCs are optimistic about the growth potential of the current wave of new start-ups in Europe,\" said Garry O'Rourke, senior manager, Ernst & Young corporate services department.\nEuropean venture capital firms invested heavily in IT companies with the amount invested growing to EUR407.3 million, an increase of 16 percent year-on-year. Figures from the report suggested that there appears to be a resurgence of interest in online businesses with the amount of funding invested in internet-related companies in Europe reaching EUR40 million for the quarter.\nOn a country-by-country basis the UK had the highest number of deals, at 68 with EUR270.1 million invested. France held steady with 38 deals, the same as in the fourth quarter of 2004, with EUR106.5 million invested, a slight decrease of EUR5 million. Germany experienced a decrease in the number of deals to 26, with investment remaining steady at EUR141.8 million.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Fallece el cocodrilo conocido más grande del mundo
Espécimen de cocodrilo marino El cocodrilo llamado Longlong fue hallado muerto en Filipinas. Era considerado por el libro de los récords Guinness como el cocodrilo en cautiverio más grande del mundo con 6,4 metros de longitud y 1075 kilos de peso, certificación publicada en 2012. Capturado en septiembre de 2011 por más de 100 personas, quienes lo llevaron a tierra firme, era una atracción muy popular en Bunawan, al sur de Filipinas. El ejemplar de cocodrilo de agua salada conocido como Longlong falleció en Filipinas por problemas estomacales, padeciendo desde hace un mes de una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito. El alcalde de Bunawan dijo al diario ''Philippine Daily'' que los veterinarios examinarían al animal para practicarle una autopsia y determinar las causas de su muerte, y que esperaba que sea disecado para exhibirlo en el museo local. Los cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y se encuentran en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.
[ "Filipinas", "Asia" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Cocodrilo en cautiverio más grande del mundo fue hallado muerto en Filipinas", "text": "El cocodrilo de agua salada más grande del mundo falleció en Filipinas a raíz de problemas estomacales. El espécimen conocido como Lolong medía 6,4 metros y pesaba cerca de 1.075 kilos de peso.\nEl Libro Guinness de los récords declaró el pasado año a este cocodrilo de 6,4 metros de longitud y 1.075 kilos de peso, el más grande de entre los que están cautivos.\nEl reptil era una estrella antes de ser reconocido con el récord al tratarse de una atracción en la ciudad de Bunawan, en el sur de Filipinas.\nLolong, fue capturado en septiembre de 2011 por más de 100 personas que también participaron en su traslado a tierra firme. El reptil hace más de un mes padecía una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito.\nEl alcalde de Bunawan, Edwin Elorde, dijo al diario Philippine Daily, que los veterinarios examinarán al animal para determinar la causa de su muerte y que confía en que pueda ser disecado con el fin de que sea exhibido en el museo local.\nLos cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y habitan en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "PULSO", "text": "Encuentran muerto al cocodrilo más grande del mundo\nEFE | Ciencia | 11/02\nHERRAMIENTAS Tweet\nEl animal de 6,4 metos de largo y 1.075 kilos de peso murió en Filipinas, al parecer, por problemas estomacales.\nEl cocodrilo de agua salada más grande de entre los que viven en cautividad, de más de seis metros de largo y una tonelada de peso, murió en Filipinas a causa de problemas estomacales.\nLolong, como así se llamaba este reptil capturado en septiembre de 2011 en la provincia filipina de Agusan del Sur, fue encontrado muerto ayer domingo con su panza hacia arriba e inflada.\nEl Libro Guinness de los récords declaró el pasado año a este cocodrilo de 6,4 metros de longitud y 1.075 kilos de peso, el más grande de entre los que están cautivos.\nEl reptil era una estrella antes de ser reconocido con el récord al tratarse de una atracción en la ciudad de Bunawan, en el sur de Filipinas.\nMás de 100 personas participaron en la captura y transporte a tierra firme de este ejemplar, que desde hacía algo más de un mes padecía una gradual decoloración y pérdida de apetito.\nEl alcalde de Bunawan, Edwin Elorde, dijo al diario Philippine Daily, que los veterinarios examinarán al animal para determinar la causa de su muerte y que confía en que pueda ser disecado con el fin de que sea exhibido en el museo local.\nHasta la aparición de Lolong el cocodrilo cautivo mayor del mundo era un ejemplar australiano de 5,48 metros.\nLos cocodrilos de agua salada son los reptiles más grandes del mundo y habitan en las zonas pantanosas del sudeste de Asia y en el norte de Australia.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Unterlassene Hilfeleistung? Fahrer nach Unfall verbrannt
Auf der Autobahn A 2 bei Bielefeld hatte sich ein schwerer Unfall ereignet, als am 24. März in den frühen Morgenstunden ein Lieferwagen auf einen Lkw aufgefahren war. Der Fahrer des Lieferwagens konnte nicht gerettet werden, da sein Fahrzeug Feuer fing. Der Fahrer des Lkw, dessen Fahrzeug erst 80 Meter weiter zum Halten kam, konnte nur den Beifahrer zusammen mit einem anderen Ersthelfer retten. Er beklagte, es habe sonst niemand helfen wollen, obwohl das Unfallgeschehen für die Vorbeifahrenden deutlich gewesen sei.
[ "Themenportal Recht", "Themenportal Unfall" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Unterlassene Hilfeleistung bei A2-Unfall?", "text": "Kurz vor der Abfahrt Gütersloh-Spexard war in Fahrtrichtung Dortmund gegen 5:00 Uhr ein Ford Transit Lieferwagen auf einen Lkw aufgefahren und hatte Feuer gefangen.\nKomplett ausgebrannt\nDer Kleintransporter brannte völlig aus, der Fahrer starb in seinem Wagen. Ersthelfer konnten den Beifahrer jedoch retten. Schnell sprangen die Flammen auf den Anhänger des Lastwagens über, die Feuerwehr musste beide Fahrzeuge löschen.\nDie Unfallstelle am Kreuz Bielefeld\nDie Bergungs- und Aufräumarbeiten dauerten bis in die Vormittagsstunden, dadurch bildeten sich kilometerlange Rückstaus. Der Verkehr wurde ab dem Autobahnkreuz Bielefeld umgeleitet. Auch auf den Nebenstrecken im Kreis Gütersloh kam es deshalb in der Folge zu teils erheblichen Verkehrsbehinderungen.\nUnterlassene Hilfeleistung\nEs bildeten sich kilometerlange Staus\nEin Lastwagenfahrer, der als Ersthelfer kurz nach dem Unfall angehalten hatte, beklagte sich im Gespräch mit dem WDR, dass andere Autofahrer nicht gestoppt und nicht geholfen hätten. Sollte das minutenlang so gewesen sein, wären in dieser Zeit höchstwahrscheinlich Dutzende Fälle von unterlassener Hilfeleistung passiert.\nStand: 24.03.2016, 10:55", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Transporter-Fahrer bei Unfall getötet", "text": "A2: Transporter-Fahrer bei Unfall getötet\nGütersloh/Bielefeld (ei). Bei einem Unfall auf der Autobahn 2 in Richtung Dortmund kurz vor der Anschlussstelle Gütersloh ist am frühen Donnerstagmorgen kurz nach 5 Uhr ein Mann ums Leben gekommen. Die genaue Ursache des Unfalls war zunächst unklar.\nIn Fahrtrichtung Dortmund bildete sich nach dem Unfall ein mehrere Kilometer langer Stau auf der A 2.\nDer Fahrer eines britischen Transporters, ein polnischer Staatsbürger, war nach Angaben der Polizei rund 700 Meter vor der Anschlussstelle Gütersloh mit dem Ford Transit auf einen vorausfahrenden Anhänger eines Lastwagen aufgefahren. Beide waren auf dem rechten Fahrstreifen unterwegs. Der Fahrer des Lastzuges konnte sein Gefährt erst rund 200 Meter später auf dem Seitenstreifen zum Stehen bringen. Dabei fing der Kleinlaster Feuer, der Brand griff auch auf den Lkw-Anhänger über. Der Fahrer wurde offenbar in seinem Fahrzeug eingeklemmt und starb noch an der Unfallstelle. Sein Beifahrer konnte sich selber aus dem Fahrzeug befreien, er wurde mit leichten Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht.\nAuch der 27-jährige Lkw-Fahrer einer Spedition aus Niederkrüchten (Kreis Viersen) wurde leicht verletzt. Beide Verletzten wurden an der Unfallstelle durch den Notarzt sowie den Besatzungen mehrerer Rettungswagen behandelt.\nDa per Notruf zunächst keine genaue Unfallstelle bekannt war, wurden sowohl die Bielefelder als auch die Gütersloher Feuerwehr alarmiert. Als die ersten Kräfte des Löschzuges Spexard auf der Richtungsfahrbahn Hannover an dem brennenden Auto vorbei fuhren, konnten die übrigen Einsatzkräfte entgegen der Fahrtrichtung auf die Autobahn fahren.\nWährend der Bergungsarbeiten blieb die Autobahn in Fahrtrichtung Dortmund zunächst knapp drei Stunden komplett gesperrt. Die Polizei leitete im Autobahnkreuz mit der A33 den Verkehr ab. Später konnten die Verkehrsteilnehmer über den linken Fahrstreifen an der Unfallstelle vorbei fahren. Der Verkehr staute sich zwischenzeitlich auf einer Länge von sechs Kilometern.\nDer Ford Transit sowie den Anhänger des Lkw Mercedes stellte die Polizei sicher. Die Höhe des Schadens schätzt die Polizei auf rund 72.000 Euro.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Kenya : inauguration du plus grand parc éolien d'Afrique
Le président kényan a inauguré, ce vendredi 19 juillet 2019, le plus grand parc éolien d'Afrique. Installée près du dans le nord du pays, l'infrastructure fonctionne déjà depuis plusieurs mois, avec 365 éoliennes produisant 310 mégawatts pour 600 millions d'euros de budget. Ce parc, qui produit plus de 15% des besoins en électricité du pays, est un investissement à grande échelle dans les énergies renouvelables sur le continent.
[ "Afrique", "Afrique de l'Est", "Kenya", "Économie", "Énergie", "Électricité‎" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Le Kenya inaugure le plus grand parc éolien d’Afrique", "text": "Le président kényan Uhuru Kenyatta a inauguré vendredi le plus grand parc éolien d'Afrique, 365 éoliennes situées dans une zone semi-désertique du nord du Kenya et qui produisent plus de 15% des besoins en électricité du pays.\nConstruit dans une vallée aux paysages lunaires sur la rive est du lac Turkana, et dans un corridor naturel considéré comme un des endroits les plus venteux au monde, ce projet de 680 millions de dollars (600 millions d’euros) représente le plus grand investissement privé de l’histoire du Kenya.\n« Aujourd’hui, nous avons à nouveau haussé la barre pour le continent alors que nous inaugurons le plus grand parc éolien » d’Afrique, a déclaré le président Kenyatta lors d’une cérémonie sur le site du projet.\n« Sans aucun doute, le Kenya est en train de devenir un leader mondial en matière d’énergie renouvelable », a-t-il ajouté, au moment d’inaugurer ce projet qui a connu de nombreux contretemps, notamment lors des négociations en amont de la construction et pour la connexion du parc éolien au réseau électrique.\nBien plus ambitieux qu’ailleurs en Afrique, ce projet éolien est suivi de très près car vu comme un test pour les investissements à grande échelle dans les énergies renouvelables sur le continent, où la demande en énergie est de plus en plus grande sur fond de rapides croissances économique et démographique.\nLe parc éolien produit déjà 310 mégawatts, plus de 15% des besoins en électricité du pays, où le prix élevé du courant et le manque de fiabilité du réseau sont un frein au développement des manufactures.\n« Corridor du Turkana »\nLe Kenya produit déjà l’essentiel de son énergie grâce à l’hydroélectrique, la géothermie ou l’éolien, et ce nouveau parc s’inscrit dans le cadre de sa volonté de produire 100% de son énergie grâce à des sources renouvelables d’ici à 2020.\nLes défenseurs de l’environnement estiment toutefois que le gouvernement trahit cette volonté avec un projet de centrale à charbon sur la côte, dans le comté de Lamu, qui a toutefois été suspendu par la justice et est jugé inutile par de nombreux observateurs.\nL’installation des éoliennes, à un rythme de plus d’une éolienne par jour, a été achevée en avance sur le planning.\nHautes de près de 50 mètres et fabriquées par le Danois Vestas, elles ont été transportées par la route depuis le port de Mombasa, à quelque 1200 kilomètres de là. Le modèle d’éolienne a été dessiné pour que ses différentes pièces puissent s’emboîter « comme des poupées russes », et ainsi faciliter leur transport, selon Vestas.\nQuelque 200 kilomètres de piste ont été recouverts de tarmac, permettant de réduire drastiquement la durée du trajet. Plus de 2000 trajets ont finalement été nécessaires pour acheminer tout le matériel jusqu’au bord du lac Turkana, surnommé la « mer de Jade » pour ses célèbres reflets.\nCes éoliennes ont été spécialement conçues pour endurer les vents du « corridor du Turkana », formé par le relief et qui offre toute l’année des conditions de vent optimales. Au point d’être jusqu’à deux fois plus efficaces que pour des projets éoliens similaires en Europe et en Amérique.\n« C’est sans précédent, c’est un des endroits les plus venteux au monde, et ce de manière régulière », a décrit Rizwan Fazal, directeur exécutif du projet Lake Turkana Wind Power.\n« Signal fort »\nLe parc éolien a été achevé en mars 2017, mais n’a pu être connecté au réseau électrique kényan que 18 mois plus tard, en septembre 2018. En cause, des problèmes dans le financement de la ligne électrique ad hoc de 428 kilomètres, ainsi que pour l’acquisition de terrains pour la construire, des responsabilités incombant à l’Etat.\n« Le parc a été construit à temps, mais on ne peut opérer le projet que si on peut amener l’énergie au client », a souligné Catherine Collin, directrice pour l’Afrique de l’Est à la Banque européenne d’investissement.\nLe projet a bénéficié d’un prêt de 200 millions de dollars (178 millions d’euros) de l’Union européenne et du financement d’un consortium de sociétés européennes et africaines.\n« C’est clairement un jour historique », s’est lui réjoui Rizwan Fazal. « Cela envoie un signal fort au sujet du Kenya: nous sommes mûrs pour des projets de cette ampleur ».", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
U19-Mannschaft Schwedens erneut Unihockey-Weltmeister
Bei der Unihockey-Weltmeisterschaft für U19-Junioren in Kirchberg, Zuchwil, am 11. November 2007 ist erwartungsgemäß die schwedische Mannschaft Weltmeister geworden. Im Finale der A-WM konnte sich die schwedische Equipe gegen die Mannschaft Tschechiens klar mit 9:3 durchsetzen. Den dritten Platz sicherte sich die finnische Mannschaft im Spiel gegen Gastgeber Schweiz, der damit ohne Edelmetall das Turnier beendete. Die favorisierte deutsche U19-Mannschaft unter Bundestrainer Roland Fust spielte in der B-WM um den Aufstieg in die A-Gruppe und scheiterte erst im Finale gegen Dänemark nach langer Führung in den Schlussminuten. Dänemark konnte in den letzten fünf Minuten den Ausgleich erzielen und mit einem weiteren Tor das Endergebnis von 6:7 eine Minute vor Schluss drehen. Den dritten Platz in der B-WM belegt die Mannschaft aus Estland nach dem siegreichen Spiel gegen Österreich.
[ "Themenportal Sport", "Unihockey" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "World Junior Floorball Championship 2007", "text": "Final Tschechien - Schweden\nSchweden erneut U19-Weltmeister\nDer Favorit auf den Titel wurde seiner Rolle erneut gerecht. Nach Triumphen in den Jahren 2001 und 2005 holte das schwedische Team an der U19-Unihockey-Weltmeisterschaft in Kirchberg (BE) im Final gegen Tschechien zum dritten Mal Gold.\nAuch gegen den überraschenden Finalisten Tschechien liessen die Schweden nichts anbrennen. 9:3 endete das Finalspiel in der ausverkauften Sporthalle Grossmatt in Kirchberg vor 1300 Zuschauern. Schweden, die Unihockey-Nation Nummer eins, dominierte die U19-WM 2007. Nach den Titeln in den Jahren 2001 und 2005 spielten die Gelb-Blauen unschlagbar. Es überraschte deshalb nicht, dass der Top-Scorer des Turniers ein Schwede ist: Mit drei Toren und einem Assist im Final und zehn Toren sowie sechs Assists insgesamt an dieser WM wurde Schwedens Nummer 12, der linker Flügel Patrik Malmström Top-Scorer. „Ich bin zufrieden, der Topscorer zu sein, aber den Titel geholt zu haben macht mich noch glücklicher“, erklärte Patrik Malmström nach dem Match.\nEbenfalls zufrieden mit der Leistung ist Tschechien. „Wir erwarteten diesen Finaleinzug nicht und sind deshalb mehr als zufrieden mit der Silbermedaille“, sagte Tschechiens Captain Daniel Rob nach dem äusserst friedlichen Finalspiel. Es gab lediglich eine zwei Minuten-Strafe gegen den tschechischen Spieler Adam Stegl. „Schweden spielt auf einem anderen Niveau und war für uns nicht bezwingbar“, ergänzte Rob.\nTschechien - Schweden 3:9 (1:3, 1:5, 1:1)\nSporthalle Grossmatt, Kirchberg. 1300 Zuschauer. SR: Baumgartner/Kläsi\nTore: 4. Malmström (Thorsson) 0:1., 9. Lundgren (Stenberg) 0:2., 11. Lundgren (Norrman) 0:3., 13. Curney (Suchanek) 1:3., 21. Malmström (Nordgren) 1:4., 30. Malmström (Stenberg) 1:5., 32. Nordgren (Malmström) 1:6., 33. Jendrisak (Peska) 2:6., 34. Sundstedt (Eriksson) 2:7., 39. Stenberg (Nilsberth) 2:8., 46. Nilsson (Jämtdal) 2:9., 54. Jelinek (Vrana) 3:9.\nStrafen: Tschechien 1x2'; Schweden keine 2'", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Politicians begin campaigns for Flint, Michigan replacement mayor
Several candidates have announced their intent to run in the special Flint, Michigan mayoral primary election scheduled for May 5, 2009. The primary election was called to fill the remainder of resigning Mayor Don Williamson's term ending in 2011. The two candidates with the most votes will face off in the August special general election. Each candidate will need to collect at least 900 signatures of registered Flint electors in twenty day to qualify for the May 5, 2009 ballot. Genesee County, Michigan (orange). On the first day petitions were available, the City Clerk's office handed out petitions in the morning to Aron Gerics, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley and Brenda Clack. Gregory Eason, Waseem (Sam) Fakhoury, Theodore P. Jankowski, Eric Mays, Devona Watson and Darryl Buchanan picked up petitions later in the day. Stephanie Robb Martin, a Flint Board of Education Trustee was one of eight more potential candidates that pick up petitions since then. Darryl Buchanan, former City Administrator and "Deputy Mayor", announced he is the running for the office of Mayor on Tuesday February 17. Williamson just replaced Buchanan as City Administrator on February 4, keeping him from succeeding Williamson as Temporary Mayor upon his resignation. Buchanan served as the city ombudsman and councilor before becoming city administrator. He believes he has good relations with the city council and was critical of Williamson's combative relations with the council. Buchanan supporters believe that Buchanan has the experience for the position of mayor. While some residents and a political analyst, Bill Ballenger, editor of ''Inside Michigan Politics'', believes that his role in Williamson's administration and their friendship hurts his candidacy. Downtown Flint Sheldon Neeley, current city councilman for Ward 6, announced his candidacy. Neely stated he will open three offices last week. Already, Sheldon Neeley has returned his petitions Thursday with 1,100 signatures to the City Clerk's office. Dayne Walling, who narrowly lost to Don Williamson in the 2007 general election, previously announced that he was running if the recall election against Williamson was successful. On Thursday, Walling officially announced he was running at a "Working for Change" rally at the YMCA. Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack served as Michigan 34th District State Representative from 2002 to 2008 switching positions with former Flint Mayor Woodrow Stanley. Aron Gerics, a Mott Community College student and a Mott's Workforce Development Program program assistant, intends to run for mayor. As a write-in candidate for the 2008 49th District House seat election, Gerics lost to Lee Gonzales, D-Flint Twp, the incumbent. Gregory Eason is a former CEO for Jobs Central Inc. and a Williamson critic. Eric Mays is a political activist. Devona Watson is retiree and long time resident. Theodore P. Jankowski served in the Marines and produces a show for public access television. City Administrator and Temporary Mayor Michael Brown stated that he will not run as he wants to focus on city business, and is slated to deliver the annual state-of-the-city address. "He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over," Brown's communications director Bob Campbell said. "There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint." Additional public officials are considering entering the race including former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed and Councilman Scott Kincaid. State senator John Gleason D-Flushing is pondering a moving into the city to run. On Tuesday, March 3, Darryl Buchanan, Brenda Clack and Gregory Eason all turned in their completed nominations to the city clerk's office.
[ "North America", "United States", "Michigan", "Politics and conflicts", "Elections" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Temporary Mayor Michael Brown to deliver State of the City speech featuring deficit-reduction plan, minus flash of predecessor's speeches", "text": "Temporary Mayor Michael Brown to deliver State of the City speech featuring deficit-reduction plan, minus flash of predecessor's speeches\nby Kristin Longley | The Flint Journal Tuesday March 03, 2009, 4:41 PM\nFLINT, Michigan -- This year's State of the City address is expected to be remembered for what it won't be --¬†namely, a flashy production or platform for grand announcements.\nLess than one month after taking over the city's top post, Temporary Mayor Michael Brown will deliver a speech calling for a thoughtful deficit-reduction plan but void of any major proclamations.\nFlint Journal extras State of the City • The city of Flint's charter mandates that the mayor deliver a State of the City address each year. Temporary Mayor Michael Brown will give his speech at noon Thursday in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall, 1101 S. Saginaw St.\nIt will be the city of Flint's first public forum with Brown, who will wrestle with the city's estimated $14-million deficit until a new mayor is elected in August. Brown took over the post Feb. 16 after former Mayor Don Williamson -- facing a recall election -- resigned.\nWithout any name calling or grandstanding, Brown's address will focus on setting a new tone in City Hall and highlight Flint's diamonds in the rough, said Bob Campbell, Brown's communications director.\nThe temporary mayor will look forward, rather than backward, and stress the importance of collaboration. Brown, a former vice president at the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce, specifically asked that invitations be extended to the business community.\n\"He's not just keeping the seat warm until someone else takes over,\" Campbell said.\n\"There are some difficult decisions ahead, most notably in the area of the city's finances. He's all about the revival and renewal of the city of Flint.\"\nCity Council members expect Brown's speech to be a study in contrasts following several years of showy addresses from former Mayor Don Williamson. In the past, city council members have withheld applause at Williamson speeches, illustrating a deep divide that led to lawsuits between the two branches of city government.\nUsually including lofty initiatives, Williamson's speeches contained much pomp and fanfare. Past proposals from his addresses include a 6.9-mill property tax increase (which didn't happen) and an anti-crime task force (which still exists).\n\"This speech will be more about what's actually going on in the city,\" Council President Jim Ananich said. \"Rather than pie-in-the-sky ideas, it will be based on what we have the resources to do.\"\nWhile Brown's speech will not lay out a specific plan to improve the city's finances, it will touch on several city departments --¬†such as the fire department and economic development team --¬†and the challenges they may be facing, Campbell said. The finance team is still evaluating the financial condition of the city and gearing up to craft a realistic budget for the next fiscal year, he said.\nAside from the city's looming deficit, City Councilman Delrico Loyd said he hopes Brown touches on the city's alarming foreclosure and crime rates. He would like to see more resources devoted to the police department, he said.\n\"The new mayor will be openly transparent about the real issues the city is facing,\" he said. \"He doesn't have anything politically to gain.\"\nSome other points that Brown will mention: noteworthy accomplishments in the city's higher education arena, boosting city employee morale, greater transparency and accountability and cooperation among the city, other local municipalities and businesses.\n\"Yes, the city is facing a number of challenges, yet at the same time there are a number of terrific assets that other communities would love to have,\" Campbell said.\nSee more in Community: Flint", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Candidates kicking off campaigns to be Flint's next mayor", "text": "Candidates kicking off campaigns to be Flint's next mayor\nby Linda Angelo | The Flint Journal Thursday February 26, 2009, 5:55 PM\nFLINT, Michigan -- The race is on to become Flint's next mayor as two candidates took action Thursday to jump-start their campaigns.\nCouncilman Sheldon Neeley submitted about 1,100 signatures at the City Clerk's Office, while Dayne Walling officially announced his candidacy at a \"Working for Change\" rally.\nNeeley, who arrived at the Clerk's Office with his wife, Cynthia, is the first person to return petitions.\n\"We're going to continue collecting signatures, but we want people to know we are serious about this,\" Neeley said.\nA few blocks away, about 70 people gathered inside the gym at the YMCA to learn more about Walling, who narrowly lost his first bid for mayor in 2007.\n\"This campaign is not about me or just about you, it's about us and what we can do together for this whole community of Flint,\" he said. \"The change we seek requires we overcome the division between the older and younger folks, between east and west sides of town, the north end and the south end. We have to be a whole community.\"\nSo far, 18 individuals have taken out petitions from the Clerk's Office for the city's top job.\nFlint Board of Education member Stephanie Robb Martin is among the more recent individuals to throw her hat in the ring with other well-known types, including Brenda Clack, Darryl Buchanan, Gregory Eason and Eric Mays.\nThe winner will replace temporary Mayor Michael Brown, who took over when Don Williamson resigned.\nNeeley said he plans to work hard to be the person to succeed Williamson. He will open three campaign offices in the city with his headquarters located on Flushing Road.\n\"We need economic growth, recreation opportunities for young people and seniors, better jobs for our residents and less crime,\" he said.\nCandidates must have signatures of at least 900 Flint registered voters by 4 p.m. March 10 to be eligible for the May 5 primary election. The top two vote-getters in that race will face each other in the Aug. 4 general election.\nAt the Walling rally, people signed petitions as they walked into the gym where supporters wore black \"Walling for Mayor\" T-shirts and nibbled on nachos, veggies and cookies.\nLongtime Flint resident Rita Blower, 67, said she would like to see Walling become Flint's next mayor. She said she got to know Walling through her daughter, who went to school with him.\n\"He's got his head on straight,\" said Blower, a Flint resident for 36 years. \"He has a lot of good ideas. He's young and very dedicated.\"\nWalling told the crowd that vacant and abandoned properties need to be cleaned up and redeveloped, colleges and surrounding businesses and neighborhoods can be connected to create a Campus Commons and targeted police patrols should be formed to combat crime.\n\"We have been down before in Flint but we have never ever stayed down,\" he said. \"We get up and go to work and work for change.\"\nFlint resident Robert Weishaupt, 65, showed up at Walling's rally to hear some of the candidate's plans for the city.\n\"I want to learn more about him,\" he said. \"I've had enough of the Don.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Ten people pick up petitions to run for Flint mayor", "text": "Ten people pick up petitions to run for Flint mayor\nby Shannon Murphy | The Flint Journal Thursday February 19, 2009, 11:25 AM\nFLINT, Michigan -- They didn't waste any time.\nWithin 15 minutes of the Flint City Clerk's office opening Thursday morning, one person had already picked up nominating petitions to be the city's next mayor.\nFlint Journal extras Mayor's race Mayor's race Who picked up nominating petitions: • Darryl Buchanan • Brenda Clack • Gregory Eason • Waseem Fakhoury (Sam) • Aron Gerics • Theodore P. Jankowski • Eric Mays • Sheldon Neeley • Dayne Walling • Devona Watson\nWithin hours, half a dozen people already had filed through to get the paperwork.\nBy the end of the day -- the first the petitions were available -- 10 people had picked one up, declaring themselves potential candidates for the city's top job.\nThe winner will replace Temporary Mayor Michael Brown, who took over when Don Williamson resigned this month.\nThe filing deadline is 4 p.m. March 10.\n\"I've realized for the past few years, Flint has been held hostage to progress,\" said Brenda Clack, a Genesee County Commissioner and former state legislator who picked up a petition Thursday. \"I just can't take it anymore.\"\nMost of the names -- Clack, Darryl Buchanan, Dayne Walling, Sheldon Neeley, Eric Mays -- are the usual suspects in Flint politics.\nOthers, such as Aron Gerics, Gregory Eason and Devona Watson, are less known.\nAll have 20 days to get the signatures of at least 900 Flint registered voters to be eligible for the May 5 primary election. The top two vote-getters will face each other in the Aug. 4 general election.\nSo far, the list of candidates is no big surprise, said Paul Rozycki, a political science professor at Mott Community College.\n\"I guess it's a little surprising that so many people are lining up right off the bat,\" he said. \"But with time so tight, it's logical they wouldn't waste any time.\"\nRozycki said he wouldn't be surprised to see more than a dozen candidates, ranging from political veterans to rookies, in the race by the time petitions are due next month.\nCandidates include Buchanan, the former city administrator; Walling, a well-known former mayoral candidate; Neeley, a current city councilman; Eason, a Williamson opponent and former head of the former Jobs Central Inc.; Mays, a political activist; and Watson, a retired, long-time Flint resident.\nGerics, 28, was the first person to pick up a petition Thursday morning. This is only his second stab at a run for office, having lost as a write-in candidate for the 49th District House seat in November.\nGerics, a student at Mott Community College and a program assistant for Mott's Workforce Development Program, said he's running to get new blood in City Hall.\n\"I'm not here for the title,\" he said. \"I'm tired of people running because they want to be mayor. I'm running because I want to make sure this city I live in is where it was 50 years ago, a booming town.\"\nNeeley said his goal is to make Flint the \"best possible place to live,\" but is concerned that too many candidates could hurt that goal.\nHe hopes to meet with \"like-minded\" candidates and maybe narrow the field down to prevent splitting votes.\n\"It's up to the leadership to sit down and compromise,\" he said. \"I think the public is frustrated with the candidates because of so many that get in the race.\"\nJournal staff writer Sally York contributed to this report.\nSee more in Community: Flint", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Darryl Buchanan in running for Flint mayor", "text": "Darryl Buchanan in running for Flint mayor\nby David Harris and Shannon Murphy | The Flint Journal Tuesday February 17, 2009, 8:20 PM\nFLINT, Michigan -- Two weeks after he lost the chance to inherit the mayor's office, Deputy Mayor Darryl Buchanan announced Tuesday that he will try to get it the old fashioned way.\nBuchanan joins a growing field of contenders running for Flint mayor in the wake of Don Williamson's sudden resignation last week.\nAlready, Buchanan is taking steps to distance himself from the controversial Williamson.\n\"I'm not Mayor Williamson,\" Buchanan said. \"He may have been my teacher, but he's not me. This is an eagle that has left the nest.\"\nBuchanan had been in line to succeed Williamson as city administrator but was removed from the spot Feb. 4 in favor of Michael Brown, who took over as temporary mayor this week.\nThe sudden shift in power surprised many who thought Buchanan's close relationship with Williamson made him a natural to succeed him as mayor.\nWith about 30 friends and family by his side in a small, crowded room that used to be a beauty parlor on the city's north side, Buchanan said his previous experience as a city council member, ombudsman and administrator make him best qualified for the position.\nFlint Journal extras Flint Mayor Race A May 5 election will decide the top two candidates in the race to become Flint's mayor. In the running; A May 5 election will decide the top two candidates in the race to become Flint's mayor. In the running; • Darryl Buchanan, current deputy mayor and former city administrator, ombudsman and city council member • Sheldon Neeley, current city council member • Dayne Walling, ran unsuccessfully against Don Williamson in 2007 race Others have expressed interest in running include Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack, former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed, Councilman Scott Kincaid and political activist Eric Mays.\n\"Flint has seen many peaks and valleys,\" he said. \"We are in a valley unlike any other and we need leadership to guide us back to better times.\"\nBuchanan said the city's budget is the No. 1 number one issue facing Flint, although he didn't get into specifics as to how he would handle the problems.\nUnlike Williamson who frequently sparred with the Flint City Council, Buchanan said he has a good relationship with the council.\n\"There has been division, and I don't like it,\" he said.\nSupporter Christina Brown, 48, of Flint, has known Buchanan since childhood and believes he would be a fine mayor.\n\"He's smart, he has a master's degree and he has been in the administration,\" she said.\nFrances Gilcreast, president of the Flint branch of the NAACP, said Buchanan is qualified to run the city and \"understands the needs of the community.\"\nShe said Buchanan's previous positions within the city make him more than ready for the city's top job.\nBut not everyone thinks Buchanan's experience will help.\nResident Henry Bilal, who lives on the city's northside, said Buchanan is too closely connected with Williamson to be a viable candidate.\n\"It would be the same old policies the mayor had,\" Bilal said. \"I don't think he's shown any potential and he didn't show any leadership as city administrator.\"\nPolitical analyst Bill Ballenger, editor of Inside Michigan Politics, said Buchanan's alliance with the controversial former mayor could hurt him.\n\"Some will look at it that way and say Williamson was a bad dude and they don't want Buchanan in there because he's like Williamson,\" Ballenger said.\nHowever, Ballenger pointed out that Williamson won previous elections with a majority of the black vote and many still support him, which could lead to support of Buchanan.\nNorthside resident Robert Goodlow said he supports Buchanan running because of his past history in politics.\n\"When he was a councilman, he seemed like a stern guy who could make some good decisions,\" he said. \"He could bring some law and order to places that don't have it.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Flint mayoral race expected to have slew of contenders", "text": "FLINT, Michigan -- Help wanted: City seeks mayor who specializes in eliminating deficits and dealing with outspoken council members. Good people skills a plus. The first interview is the May 5 primary election.\nBe prepared for lots of competition, though.A slew of wannabe mayors are expected to surface in the next few weeks as potential candidates for the city of Flint's top elected position.\nMayor Don Williamson's resignation is effective at midnight today -- making way for a supercompetitive race to replace him.\nEven someone who doesn't live in Flint, state Sen. John Gleason D-Flushing, said he is considering establishing a residency in the city and running for the job.\nA May 5 primary will whittle the field down to the top two vote-getters, who will compete in an August general election to become Flint's next mayor. The winner will finish the remainder of Williamson's term, through 2011.\nWhoever wants to be the next mayor would have to slog through a tough but quick campaign and take over a city that's reeling financially.\nDayne Walling, who lost to Williamson in 2007, and Councilman Sheldon Neeley were the only candidates to announce they were running in the May 5 primary. Walling is opening a campaign office Monday, and Neeley is opening three campaign offices this week.\nOthers who are pondering a run include Genesee County Commissioner Brenda Clack, former County Commissioner Raynetta Speed, Councilman Scott Kincaid and resident and political activist Eric Mays.\nThe incoming temporary mayor, Michael Brown, said he is not interested in the job permanently, but that hasn't stopped people from speculating he will run anyway.\nBrown reiterated that he's not a candidate, saying it would be too distracting to run the city and a campaign at the same time.\n\"The proof will be in the pudding. I know what my intentions are, and people can choose to either believe it or not believe it,\" Brown said.\nOthers rumored to be interested are Deputy Mayor Darryl Buchanan and recall organizer Greg Eason.\nWilliamson announced his resignation Monday , less than three weeks before he would have faced a recall election.\nMore could throw their names into the ring. The initial election after Woodrow Stanley was recalled in 2002 attracted nearly 40 who said they would run, although that election was canceled by the state in the run-up to its takeover of the city.\n\"A lot of people will be coming out of the woodwork,\" said Flint resident Dee Smith, who worked on the Stanley recall.\nAnd resident Chris Del Morone, who watches city politics closely, said he believes the city needs fresh leadership.\n\"Flint is really lacking in leaders, someone that the community can really turn to,\" he said.\nPaul Rozycki, a Mott Community College political science professor, said the field as it stands now has so many black candidates that they would split up the black vote.\nRozycki said he expects some of the hopefuls to drop out.\n\"There's going to be a lot of negotiating taking place,\" Rozycki said.\nKincaid, who is white, said he would strongly consider running if Walling were the only white candidate to run. Brown and Gleason are also white, while the rest of the expected front-runners are black.\nRozycki said Clack and Walling strike him as the most obvious front-runners, although it's difficult to tell.\nClack was a state representative before winning a county commissioner seat late last year.\nShe said a lot of people have asked her to run, and she's considering it.\n\"I'm willing to be a catalyst for positive change in our city,\" Clack said. \"I enjoy tackling problems. I realize everything's not going to be peaches and cream.\"\nWalling, whose loss to Williamson in 2007 was narrow, passed on opportunities to say \"I told you so\" about the mayor's tenure. The city's finances have been in a free fall since 2007, and Flint is facing a multimillion-dollar deficit for the second year in a row.\n\"This election is giving Flint a chance to have a fresh start,\" Walling said. \"We need an economic development plan for all of the neighborhoods in the city, not just a few.\"\nNeeley said he's focusing on jobs and \"quality of life.\"\n\"This city needs a true leader,\" Neeley said. \"We can provide that leadership.\"\nSpeed, who lost a bid to become the Genesee County register of deeds in November, said a run for mayor is \"possible.\" She said she wants to help the city.\n\"I'm a lifelong resident of Flint, and I live in the house I grew up in,\" Speed said. \"Flint has always been in my heart.\"\nGleason said others have been lobbying for him to see what he could do to help the city. He said an outsider's perspective may be what Flint needs.\n\"There's a lot of challenges,\" Gleason said. \"I've always sought office where I thought I could really make a difference.\"\nRozycki said he would be surprised if Gleason ran because the move doesn't make much \"logical sense\" for the state senator, who would likely enjoy six more years in Lansing versus running as an outsider in the mayor's race.\nBuchanan, a former councilman, declined to comment. If he did run, Rozycki said the deputy mayor's candidacy would be something of a mystery. Buchanan is tied to Williamson, even though the mayor elbowed him out of the city administrator position shortly before he resigned.\n\"I don't know what kind of support he has in the community, other than the Don,\" Rozycki said, pointing out that Williamson's support may be tenuous. \"It seems (Buchanan) was really hung out to dry.\"\nWalling has a network of supporters and has been showing up at a lot of community events, Rozycki said.\nRozycki said Neeley also could be a viable candidate.\n\"He's got a good image, but he's kind of low-key,\" Rozycki said. \"I'm not sure how much support he has outside of his ward.\"\nMays said he is interested, but he wants to see who else is running. Mays lost an attempt to win the 1st Ward council seat in November.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Posthume Ehrungen für am S-Bahnhof Solln getöteten Unternehmer
Der von zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jugendlichen getötete Unternehmer Dominik Brunner erhält posthum Auszeichnungen für seine Zivilcourage. Brunner hatte am 12. September am Münchener S-Bahnhof Solln zunächst vier 13 bis 15 Jahre alte Jugendliche beschützt, die von den Tätern bedroht wurden, wobei er auch die Polizei verständigte. Der Unternehmer bemühte sich um die Deeskalation der Situation und bot den vier Bedrohten an, mit ihnen auszusteigen. Dabei wurde er von den 17 und 18 Jahre alten Tätern verfolgt, die ihn mit äußerster Brutalität zusammenschlugen und auf ihn eintraten. Wenige Stunden später erlag Brunner den Verletzungen. Die Täter wurden später unter Mordverdacht festgenommen. Nach Angaben des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer soll dem 50-jährigen Geschäftsmann posthum der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen werden. Brunner wurde wegen seines vorbildlichen Verhaltens am Mittwoch mit dem XY-Ehrenpreis der Fahndungssendung „Aktenzeichen XY… ungelöst“ ausgezeichnet. Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble würdigte dabei das vorbildliche Verhalten Brunners. Dabei stellte er auch die Frage, „ob die Passanten, die es offenbar auf dem S-Bahnhof gegeben hat, nicht vielleicht in sich gehen und denken; hätten sie sich so verhalten wie er, könnte Dominik Brunner noch leben“. Bundespräsident Horst Köhler überprüft nach Angaben der Bildzeitung derzeit, Dominik Brunner posthum den Bundesverdienstorden für Bürgersinn und Zivilcourage zu verleihen.
[ "Themenportal Recht", "Themenportal Arbeit und Soziales", "Bundesverdienstkreuz" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "S-Bahn-Opfer erhält posthum Verdienstorden", "text": "Das Land Bayern ehrt den in München mutmaßlich von zwei Jugendlichen getöteten Familienvater mit einem Verdienstorden. Die verdächtigen Jugendlichen hatten Tage zuvor bereits Rentner bedroht.\nMünchen -\nDem im Münchner S-Bahnhof Solln bei der Verteidigung von vier Kindern getöteten Geschäftsmann Dominik Brunner wird posthum der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen. Dies teilte Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer (CSU) am Mittwoch in München mit.In Berlin brachte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) nach den Worten eines Sprechers für die Regierung ihre Bestürzung zum Ausdruck. Brunner habe ein Beispiel für Zivilcourage und Mut gesetzt, weil er versucht habe, Kinder vor den gewalttätigen Jugendlichen zu schützen. Das bayerische Kabinett gedachte Brunners mit einer Gedenkminute.Nach Forderungen aus der CSU nach einer Verschärfung des Jugendstrafrechts verzichtet der Freistaat Bayern zunächst auf eine Bundesratsinitiative. Der Koalitionspartner FDP hatte solch eine Initiative abgelehnt. Eine Arbeitsgruppe soll über das weitere Vorgehen beraten, die Ergebnisse sollen aber erst nach der Bundestagswahl vorgestellt werden.Zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alte Jugendliche hatten Brunner am Samstag durch Tritte und Schläge so schwer verletzt, dass er kurz darauf starb. Bei der Münchner Polizei haben sich inzwischen 20 Zeugen des Angriffs gemeldet. Gegen keinen dieser Zeugen werde aber wegen unterlassener Hilfeleistung ermittelt.Zwei der drei festgenommenen jugendlichen Schläger hatten bereits wenige Tage zuvor einen Rentner bedroht, wie bekannt wurde. Die 17-Jährigen hätten Geld verlangt, bestätigte Oberstaatsanwältin Barbara Stockinger einen Zeitungsbericht. Die Polizei habe Ermittlungen eingeleitet, aber die beiden wieder laufen lassen müssen. Einer der zwei Jugendlichen war an dem Angriff auf Brunner beteiligt. Der andere war bei dem Angriff nicht mehr dabei, hatte zuvor aber als Erster eines der Kinder geschlagen. AFP/dpa(Erschienen im gedruckten Tagesspiegel vom 17.09.2009)", "url": ";art1117,2901491", "archive_url": ";art1117,2901491" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Das Sicherheitsportal", "text": "INTERVIEW - \"Wir setzen die Täter unter Druck\"\nIna-Maria Reize-Wildemann, Redaktionsleiterin der Deutschen Kriminal-Fachredaktion (DKF), erklärt Arbeitsweise und Ziele der erfolgreichen Fahndungssendung \"Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst\".\n(Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Bundesverdienstkreuz für Prügel-Opfer", "text": "Köhler lasse sich über den Fall des getöteten Dominik Brunner und den Fortgang der Ermittlungen laufend unterrichten, wurde der AP am Mittwoch aus dem Umfeld des Bundespräsidialamts ein entsprechender Vorabbericht der «Bild»-Zeitung bestätigt.\nEine ganze Reihe von Bürgern habe an das Bundespräsidialamt geschrieben und um die posthume Ehrung des getöteten Mannes gebeten. Der Sprecher des Bundespräsidenten, Martin Kothé, erklärte, zu Ordensangelegenheiten könne das Bundespräsidialamt grundsätzlich keine Stellungnahme abgeben.\nBereits in Bayern posthum Orden verliehen\nDie Zeitung berichtete, Köhler erwäge, dem getöteten Geschäftsmann nach Abschluss der Ermittlungen den Orden für Bürgersinn und Zivilcourage zu verleihen. Zuvor war dem Mann bereits der Bayerische Verdienstorden verliehen worden.\nDer 50-Jährige Mann war am Samstag von zwei 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jugendlichen mit mehr als 20 Faustschlägen und Fusstritten totgeprügelt worden, weil er vier Kinder vor einem Raubüberfall der beiden Täter schützen wollte.\n(dapd)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Deuxième débat télévisé entre Barack Obama et John McCain
Barack Obama John McCain À une trentaine de jours des élections présidentielles, Barack Obama et John McCain se sont retrouvés pour un deuxième débat, cette fois à Nashville dans le Tennessee. Selon des commentateurs, à la fin du débat, Barack Obama aurait réussi à faire basculer en sa faveur le léger écart dans les sondages qui existait entre les deux candidats grâce à des mesures plus posées et plus concrètes que celles proposées par les républicains. En outre John McCain, trop sûr de sa victoire, a commis quelques bavures qui firent mauvaise impression aussi bien sur ceux qui n’avaient pas encore fixé leur choix que sur certains de ses sympathisants. Les derniers sondages donnent Barack Obama en tête avec 50% des intentions de vote, contre 42% à McCain. Comme cela était prévisible, le débat a beaucoup porté sur l'économie. Et notamment sur la crise financière en cours, dont l’un des signes annonciateurs aura été l’effondrement du système hypothécaire américain. « Si je suis élu, a dit John McCain, j’instruirai le secrétaire au Trésor de racheter sans délai les hypothèques compromises et de renégocier la nouvelle valeur de ces maisons, revue à la baisse, pour permettre aux gens de rembourser leur prêts et de rester chez eux. La stabilisation des valeurs immobilières est un passage obligé pour renverser les tendances économiques actuelles et créer des emplois." Pour Barack Obama, la crise actuelle traduit la faillite de la politique économique conduite ces huit dernières années. « Il faut secourir les classes moyennes. Cela passera par une réduction des impôts, des mesures permettant aux propriétaires immobiliers de rester dans leurs maisons. Nous devons aider les gouvernements des États et les administrations locales à promouvoir des ponts et chaussées pour créer des emplois. » Le sénateur Obama a également promis de trouver une solution à la crise du système de santé et au problème d’énergie. Interrogé sur les principes sur lesquels les deux candidats fonderont leurs décisions militaires à des fins humanitaires ou autres, John McCain a cité l’exemple de l’intervention américaine au Liban sous Ronald Reagan. « À propos du Liban, j’ai tenu tête au président Reagan, mon héros, je lui ai demandé quel bénéfice nous pouvions attendre de l’envoi de marines dans ce pays, et lui ai recommandé de ne pas le faire. Il est passé outre et malheureusement près de 300 jeunes gens ont été tués. Il faut savoir tenir compte dans toute décision de l’impact bénéfique attendu et garder présent à l’esprit qu’on envoie le meilleur de ce que l’Amérique possède, le sang de l’Amérique, au devant du danger. » Barack Obama a cité quant à lui le génocide et le nettoyage ethnique comme des raisons suffisantes pour justifier une action militaire. « Quand il y a un génocide quelque part dans le monde, quand nous nous trouvons devant un cas de nettoyage ethnique, et que nous restons les bras croisés, cela nous diminue. Et j’estime que nous devons considérer qu’il est de notre intérêt d’intervenir partout où cela est possible. Vous devez aussi comprendre qu’il se passe des choses horribles dans le monde, et que nous ne pourrons pas être partout à la fois. » Les deux candidats se retrouveront le 15 octobre pour le troisième et dernier débat de cette course à la présidence.
[ "John McCain", "Barack Obama", "Politique américaine" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Deuxième débat McCain-Obama : de la retenue même dans les attaques", "text": "Deuxième débat McCain-Obama : de la retenue même dans les attaques\nCe débat, qui s’est tenu à Nashville dans le Tennessee, comportait un enjeu important pour le républicain John McCain, qui est légèrement devancé dans les sondages par le démocrate Barack Obama. Barack Obama, à gauche, et John McCain au débat de Nashville.\nComme cela était prévisible,on y a beaucoup parlé d’économie. Et notamment de la crise financière en cours, dont l’un des signes annonciateurs aura été l’effondement du système hypothécaire américain. « Si je suis élu, a dit John McCain, j’instruirai le secrétaire au Trésor de racheter sans délai les hypothèques compromises et de renégocier la nouvelle valeur de ces maisons, revue à la baisse, pour permettre aux gens de rembourser leur prêts et de rester chez eux. La stabilisation des valeurs immobilières est un passage obligé pour renverser les tendances économiques actuelles et créer des emplois.\"\nPour Barack Obama, la crise actuelle traduit la faillite de la politique économique conduite ces huit dernières années. « Il faut secourir les classes moyennes. Cela passera par une réduction des impôts, des mesures permettant aux propriétaires immobiliers de rester dans leurs maisons. Nous devons aider les gouvernements des Etats et les administrations locales à promouvoir des ponts et chaussées pour créer des emplois. » Le sénateur Obama a également promis de trouver une solution à la crise du système de santé et au problème d’énergie.\nInterrogé sur les principes sur lesquels les deux candidats fonderont leurs décisions militaires à des fins humanitaires ou autres, John McCain a cité l’exemple de l’intervention américaine au Liban sous Ronald Reagan. « A propos du Liban, j’ai tenu tête au président Reagan, mon héros, je lui ai demandé quel bénéfice nous pouvions attendre de l’envoi de marines dans ce pays, et lui ai recommandé de ne pas le faire. Il est passé outre et malheureusement près de 300 jeunes gens ont été tués. Il faut savoir tenir compte dans toute décision de l’impact bénéfique attendu et garder présent à l’esprit qu’on envoie le meilleur de ce que l’Amérique possède, le sang de l’Amérique, au devant du danger. »\nBarack Obama a cité quant à lui le génocide et le nettoyage ethnique comme des raisons suffisantes pour justifier une action militaire. « Quand il y a un génocide quelque part dans le monde, quand nous nous trouvons devant un cas de nettoyage ethnique, et que nous restons les bras croisés, cela nous diminue. Et j’estime que nous devons considérer qu’il est de notre intérêt d’intervenir partout où cela est possible. Vous devez aussi comprendre qu’il se passe des choses horribles dans le monde, et que nous ne pourrons pas être partout à la fois. »\nComme cela était prévisible,on y a beaucoup parlé d’économie. Et notamment de la crise financière en cours, dont l’un des signes annonciateurs aura été l’effondement du système hypothécaire américain. « Si je suis élu, a dit John McCain, j’instruirai le secrétaire au Trésor de racheter sans délai les hypothèques compromises et de renégocier la nouvelle valeur de ces maisons, revue à la baisse, pour permettre aux gens de rembourser leur prêts et de rester chez eux. La stabilisation des valeurs immobilières est un passage obligé pour renverser les tendances économiques actuelles et créer des emplois.\"Pour Barack Obama, la crise actuelle traduit la faillite de la politique économique conduite ces huit dernières années. « Il faut secourir les classes moyennes. Cela passera par une réduction des impôts, des mesures permettant aux propriétaires immobiliers de rester dans leurs maisons. Nous devons aider les gouvernements des Etats et les administrations locales à promouvoir des ponts et chaussées pour créer des emplois. » Le sénateur Obama a également promis de trouver une solution à la crise du système de santé et au problème d’énergie.Interrogé sur les principes sur lesquels les deux candidats fonderont leurs décisions militaires à des fins humanitaires ou autres, John McCain a cité l’exemple de l’intervention américaine au Liban sous Ronald Reagan. « A propos du Liban, j’ai tenu tête au président Reagan, mon héros, je lui ai demandé quel bénéfice nous pouvions attendre de l’envoi de marines dans ce pays, et lui ai recommandé de ne pas le faire. Il est passé outre et malheureusement près de 300 jeunes gens ont été tués. Il faut savoir tenir compte dans toute décision de l’impact bénéfique attendu et garder présent à l’esprit qu’on envoie le meilleur de ce que l’Amérique possède, le sang de l’Amérique, au devant du danger. »Barack Obama a cité quant à lui le génocide et le nettoyage ethnique comme des raisons suffisantes pour justifier une action militaire. « Quand il y a un génocide quelque part dans le monde, quand nous nous trouvons devant un cas de nettoyage ethnique, et que nous restons les bras croisés, cela nous diminue. Et j’estime que nous devons considérer qu’il est de notre intérêt d’intervenir partout où cela est possible. Vous devez aussi comprendre qu’il se passe des choses horribles dans le monde, et que nous ne pourrons pas être partout à la fois. » Les deux candidats se retrouveront le 15 octobre pour le dernier débat de cette course à la présidence.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
2006-09-14: Microsoft prawdopodobnie wykorzysta format ODF w Microsoft Office 2007
Microsoft ogłosił sponsorowanie projektu OpenDocument. Firma jest zainteresowana wykorzystanie formatu ODF w swoim nowym produkcie Office 2007. Microsoft wyraźnie przestraszył się konkurencji i pragnie swoim klientom umożliwić korzystanie również z formatu otwartych dokumentów.
[ "Informatyka", "Microsoft", "Oprogramowanie" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Peter Korn's Weblog", "text": "Tuesday July 11, 2006\nODF plug-in update: Microsoft funding a plug-in effort\nAs has been noted in the Wall Street Journal, in Network World and Tech World, in ZDNet, in computing in the UK, in warm tones from MSNBC, and with a more critical eye in Ars Technica, and with similar criticality in eWeek, Microsoft has announced their sponsorship of an open source project to develop an ODF plug-in to Office 2007. While this falls short of the approach I outlined in these pages at the outset of the ODF Accessibility issues in Massachusetts - namely of directly support for ODF in their Office suite - it demonstrates a recognition on their part of the importance of ODF, and at least some desire on their part to allow customers who pay for an upgrade to Microsoft Office 2007 to obtain an unsupported, third-party (but hey, it's open source so who can complain?) tool to be able to work with ODF files.\nIn addition to the many articles in the mainstream press about this move, I recommend reading Pamela Jones' analysis at Groklaw, and also Andy Updegrove's analysis at the Standards Blog, and finally (and most especially) Joanie Diggs' thoughts in the Carroll Center blog. While there are a number of concerns voiced about this move (Pamela is particularly suspicious about the second class status that this plug-in approach will be relegate ODF and PDF and all formats Microsoft might find competitive or threatening), I believe it validates Massachusetts' decision - and the decisions of many many other governments and companies and institutions worldwide - to move to the ISO standard Open Document file format. It further adds yet another option to the growing ranks of plug-ins to Microsoft Office that allow MS-Office users to remain with that application and yet read and write ODF files - something especially important to users of existing assistive technology applications which have been heavily customized to work well with MS-Office.\nJoanie Diggs quotes a section of the Microsoft press release in her blog about Microsoft's announcement, and asks for my comments.\nThe quote from the Microsoft press release is:\nOpen XML formats are also distinguished by their approach to accessibility support for disabled workers, file performance and flexibility to empower organizations to access and integrate their own XML data with the documents they use every day. In contrast, ODF focuses on more limited requirements, is architected very differently and is now under review in OASIS subcommittees to fill key gaps such as spreadsheet formulas, macro support and support for accessibility options. As a result, certain compromises and customer disclosures will be a necessary part of translating between the two formats.\nand the comment/question from Joanie:\nThat to me sounds like a bit of defensiveness on Microsoft’s part…. I’d be interested in hearing what the folks at OASIS have to say. Peter\nI personally see this less as defensiveness and more as disingenuousness. It is kinda like saying \"our encryption system is more secure because we didn't have invited security experts look at it\". Certainly Microsoft has had engineers working on accessibility for some time, and these folks may have done a thoughtful and capable job of ensuring that the MS-Office file formats contain everything that is needed to support accessibility (though, without an independent analysis, how can you be certain?). Likewise, as I've pointed out in these pages, the StarOffice/ folks who developed the XML file format that was the basis for ODF had been working on accessibility in StarOffice/ for over 5 years (with strong input from someone who helped write one of the first graphical screen readers for Windows), and much of ODF came from W3C specifications (e.g. SVG and xForms), which themselves went through a thorough accessibility review through the Web Accessibility Inititative processes.\nSo, does the existance of a group of accessibility experts, as part of an open process in an open standards body mean that the ODF file format better or worse than the MS-Office file format? Clearly it doesn't; it only means that accessibility is taken very seriously in ODF. To make an accessibility comparison of the two file formats, you need to undertake an independent review of ODF and the Microsoft Office file formats for accessibility, and see how they both fare. And it turns out, someone has already done that!\nDr. Cheiko Asakawa and and Rich Schwerdtfeger of IBM did a careful and thorough analysis of ODF and Microsoft Office file format accessibility. They found that Microsoft Office's file format failed to provide for relative font sizes, failed to encode table headers and logical tab orders in documents, and failed to provide label association for forms. Furthermore, outside of the accessibility context, the Microsoft Office file format provides no way to encode image maps (with or without appropriate ALT tags), or 3D shapes (both of which ODF provides for). Their analysis also found accessibility issues with ODF, all of which have been addressed in the ODF 1.1 proposal submitted to the ODF Technical Committee. So as I noted in late May, with these incorporated into ODF 1.1 later this year, ODF will be the most accessible document file format, bar none.\nSo, I guess in a way Microsoft was correct when they said in their press release \"certain compromises and customer disclosures will be a necessary part of translating between the two formats.\" At least when it applies to accessibility and ODF 1.1 later this year, exporting an ODF 1.1 file to Microsoft Office file format will mean a loss of some accessibility information, because there is simply no way to express that information in the Microsoft Office file format... Permalink", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Luxusgüterkonzern LVMH produziert kostenloses Desinfektionsmittel
Logo des Unernehmens mit Sitz in Paris Bernard Arnault, der Chef des größten Luxusgüterkonzerns der Welt, Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) lässt in drei der Kosmetik- und Parfümfabriken des Konzerns Desinfektionsmittel herstellen. Dieses soll anschließend kostenlos an Krankenhäuser und weitere medizinische Einrichtungen in ganz Frankreich verteilt werden. Ziel ist es, dem aufkommenden Mangel an Desinfektionsmittel in dem westeuropäischen Land im Zuge der Corona-Krise entgegen zu wirken. Geplant ist die Produktion von zwölf Tonnen pro Woche. Der LVMH-Konzern beinhaltet unter anderem die Marken Louis Vuitton, Moet Champagner, Dom Perrignon, Christian Dior und diverse hochpreisige Spirituosen-Marken. Bernard Arnault ist der derzeit reichste Europäer und weltweit auf Platz drei. Er machte bereits im Jahr 2019 mit einer Spende in Höhe von 200 Millionen Euro zum Wiederaufbau der abgebrannten Kathedrale Notre Dame in Paris auf sich aufmerksam.
[ "Themenportal Wirtschaft" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Antivirus-Programm Solidarität - Morning Briefing", "text": "Guten Morgen liebe Leserinnen und Leser,\nlassen Sie uns zu Beginn dieser Woche, die auch wieder monothematisch verlaufen wird, ruhig einmal grundsätzlich werden. Man kann, unter dem Strich, die Katastrophe „Coronavirus“ auch als eine Art unfreiwilliges soziales Experiment betrachten, das unsere Gesellschaft weit mehr verändern wird als Tagungen über „Disruption“ oder „Fridays-for-Future“-Demos. Wenn von heute an Deutschland die Grenzen zu vielen Ländern schließt, die Inseln in Nord- und Ostsee auf einmal gesperrt und die Schulen verwaist sind sowie Bayern den Katastrophenfall ausruft, beginnt auch ein ganz anderer Kampf. Es ist der Kampf um Solidarität im Kleinen, um den Zusammenhalt von Nachbarn, Freunden und Familie, um das Glück im Moment. Niemand gewinnt alleine gegen die Angst. Sozialkontakte müssen nicht vermieden, sondern intensiver gelebt werden – im Kleinen.\nGesten und Gedanken zählen, wenn sich so etwas wie eine Massen-Psychose ausbreitet. Ja, es gibt noch ein Leben jenseits des Death-Toll-Live-Tickers, es gibt ein Bewusstsein jenseits von Betroffenheitsberichten. Eine Qualität im öffentlichen Diskurs müsste beispielsweise auch darin bestehen, Chancen der Entschleunigung zu sehen. All die Aufmerksamkeitsseminare der Republik haben das nicht vermocht.\n(Foto: dpa) SAP-Mitbegründer Dietmar Hopp erteilte US-Präsident Donald Trump eine Absage, einen Impfstoff gegen das Coronavirus den USA exklusiv zur Verfügung zu stellen.\nZwei Beispiele, wofür eine herausgeforderte Gesellschaft fähig ist, zwei Beispiele, in denen Unternehmer eine Hauptrolle spielen. Ich meine zum einen Bernard Arnault und seinen Luxusgüterkonzern LVMH, der nun in drei seiner Parfüm- und Kosmetikfabriken Handdesinfektionsmittel produzieren lässt. Zwölf Tonnen in dieser Woche, die kostenlos an französische Gesundheitsstellen gehen, vor allem an 39 öffentliche Krankenhäuser.\nZum anderen geht es um Dietmar Hopp, als SAP-Mitgründer reich geworden, dessen Beteiligungsgesellschaft Dievini (Anteil Hopps: 80 Prozent) dem irrlichternden US-Präsidenten einen Korb gab. Donald Trump wollte Dievinis Tübinger Biotech-Firma Curevac überreden, den im Entstehen begriffenen Impfstoff gegen das Coronavirus exklusiv an die USA zu liefern – doch Hopp erklärte, das Serum solle Menschen „nicht nur regional, sondern solidarisch auf der ganzen Welt erreichen“.\nIn der aktuellen Geopolitik, erst recht, wenn sie quasi auf Leben und Tod betrieben wird, beweist sich ein Wort von Lord Palmerston, dem mächtigen britischen Premier im 19. Jahrhundert: Danach haben große Mächte auf Dauer weder permanente Freunde noch permanente Feinde, sondern nur permanente Interessen. Schon in Fragen der Digitalisierung, der Sicherheit, des Umweltschutzes und der Elektromobilität war zuletzt das Gebot deutscher und europäischer Souveränität ganz hoch auf die Agenda gerutscht, für die Covid-19-Bedrohung gilt das in besonderem Maße. Wirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) lobt Curevac: „Deutschland steht nicht zum Verkauf.“ Und der amerikanische Freund, könnte er hinzufügen, ist auch mal der amerikanische Feind.\nIn der Finanzkrise hat sich der US-Staat an Finanzunternehmen beteiligt. Gut möglich, dass sich diesmal, im Sars-CoV-2-Desaster, der deutsche Staat beispielsweise für Teilübernahmen von Luftfahrtfirmen entschließt. Die Lufthansa, die 70 Prozent der Flüge gestrichen hat und den Flugbetrieb womöglich weitgehend einstellt, redet mit der Bundesregierung ebenfalls über politische Hilfen. Dies wird heute beim „Branchendialog Luftfahrt“ mit Thomas Jarzombek, Luftfahrtkoordinator der Bundesregierung, eine große Rolle spielen. Die Industrie stehe vor „einer Krise globalen Ausmaßes wie nie zuvor“, sagt Alex Cruz, CEO von British Airways. Der Reisekonzern Tui beschloss gestern Nacht, Staatsgarantien zu beantragen. Die meisten eigenen Aktivitäten – einschließlich Hotelbetrieb, Kreuzfahrten und Pauschalreisen – sind bis auf Weiteres ausgesetzt.\nEuropas Kampf gegen das Virus wird heute im Mittelpunkt der Weltpresse stehen. EU-Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen will einen Vorschlag für einheitliche Kontrollmaßnahmen an den europäischen Grenzen machen. Die CDU-Politikerin ist besorgt, weil Warentransporte gefährdet und Tausende Bus- und Lkw-Fahrer gestrandet seien: „Wenn wir jetzt nicht handeln, werden Läden Schwierigkeiten bekommen, ihre Lager mit bestimmten Produkten zu füllen.“ Der Binnenmarkt müsse erhalten bleiben.\nNoch wichtiger als die zu erwartende Fensterrede ist eine Telefonkonferenz der Euro-Länder-Finanzminister. Nach unseren Erkenntnissen wollen sie eine Reform des Euro-Rettungsfonds ESM beschließen, der dann Kredite an Euro-Länder vergeben könnte. Auch soll eine Letztabsicherung für Banken („Backstop“) von 2024 auf 2021 vorgezogen werden.\nIn der Causa Corona hat Donald Trump bisher als Krisenmanager versagt. Hilfe bekommt er jetzt von einer Stelle, auf die er eingeprügelt hat wie auf ein Stück Eisen: von der Fed. Die US-Notenbank schleust nun zum zweiten Mal innerhalb von zwei Wochen den Zins herunter – um einen vollen Prozentpunkt auf null bis 0,25 Prozent. Die amerikanische Wirtschaft soll so vor den Folgen und Gefahren der Pandemie geschützt werden.\nDamit sind die USA endgültig in der Phalanx der Null-Zins-Größen Europa und Japan angekommen. Wirtschaftsprofessor Hans-Werner Sinn warnt im Handelsblatt-Gastkommentar: Die Welt schwimme ohnehin schon in Liquidität, noch mehr Zinssenkungen „würden vielleicht den Börsen helfen, doch zugleich einen Run auf Bargeld erzeugen“. Die Zentralbanken hätten „ihr Pulver bereits zur Unzeit verbraucht und sind verantwortlich für die Blase, die Corona nun platzen ließ.“\n(Foto: dpa) CSU-Chef Markus Söder konnte mit seiner Partei nur wenige Erfolge bei den Kommunalwahlen feiern.\nÜber die Klimakatastrophe, das Pariser Abkommen und Umweltschutz wurde zuletzt kaum noch geredet. Krisenzeiten sind Zeiten des politischen Establishments, weshalb es bei den Kommunalwahlen am Sonntag in den fünf größten bayerischen Städten zu Stichwahlen zwischen CSU und SPD kommt – ohne Beteiligung der Grünen, denen man vor Kurzem noch ganz andere Resultate zugetraut hatte. Ihre Erfolge seien „nicht messbar“, ereiferte sich Ministerpräsident Markus Söder, dessen CSU jedoch auch nur selten Triumphe feierte wie in Straubing, wo 73,25 Prozent zu Buche stehen.\nBlamabel für die Grünen, dass in München ihre Bewerberin gegen Kristina Frank (CSU) unterlag, die nun in der Stichwahl um den Oberbürgermeister-Posten gegen Platzhirsch Dieter Reiter (SPD) antritt. Berauschend für die Grünen dagegen, dass sie nun mit 28,8 Prozent stärkste Partei im Stadtrat ist, weit vor CSU (26,4 Prozent) und SPD (22,3 Prozent).\nUnd dann ist da noch Hans-Joachim Watzke, CEO von Borussia Dortmund, der wegen der Corona-Gefahr allerlei Fußball-Geisterspiele kommen sieht: „Niemand in der Bundesliga geht davon aus, dass wir die Saison mit Zuschauern zu Ende spielen. Ein normales Fußballspiel werden wir lange nicht erleben.“ Was das genau bedeutet, darüber reden die 36 Profiklubs der Deutschen Fußball-Liga (DFL) heute auf einer Krisensitzung. Sogar ein Abbruch der Saison, die immerhin noch neun Spieltage hat, erscheint realistisch, selbst wenn die Europameisterschaft im Juni ausfallen sollte.\nDass noch zwei Tranchen des üppig zahlenden Pay-TV-Betriebs Sky ausstehen, könnte die Branche so sehr schädigen, dass auch hier von kleineren Klubs Staatshilfen aufgerufen werden könnten. Insgesamt geht es um einen Droh-Schaden von 750 Millionen Euro bei einer Sache, die CSU-Grande Edmund Stoiber einmal „gesellschaftspolitisches Grundnahrungsmittel“ nannte. „Brot und Spiele“ funktioniert ohne Spiele nicht.\nIch wünsche Ihnen einen guten Start in die Woche, auch wenn sie deutliche Einschränkungen des sozialen Lebens bringt. Im Übrigen: „Die ständige Sorge um die Gesundheit ist auch eine Krankheit“ (Platon).\nEs grüßt Sie herzlich\nHans-Jürgen Jakobs\nSenior Editor\nHier können Sie das Morning Briefing abonnieren.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Bob Barr wins the Libertarian Party presidential nomination
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Bob Barr. At the in , Colorado former Republican Congressman Bob Barr (GA) was nominated as the presidential candidate for the party. He served in Congress from 1995–2003. Barr officially entered the race on May 12, two weeks before the convention amidst months of speculation. He won the nomination on the sixth ballot of the convention edging 324–276. was nominated as his running mate after losing on the fifth ballot and throwing his support to Barr. Barr's main opposition in the Libertarian race highlighted his vote in Congress in favor of the in 2001 following the September 11 attacks. He has since renounced the vote, and has worked to repeal the act. Barr's candidacy was also seen by Libertarian "radicals" as an attempt by conservatives to take over the party. Following his nomination Barr remarked that he "will not let the Libertarian Party down" and that it "will be a historic and positive campaign that will succeed." To detractors who say he will take votes away from Republican candidate John McCain, Barr stated that "If Senator McCain ... does not succeed in winning the presidency ... it will be because Senator McCain did not present, and his party did not present, a vision, an agenda, a platform and a series of programs that actually resonated positively with the American people." Party spokesman Andrew Davis described the situation among the electorate as "wanting and needing another choice" and stating that "that choice is Bob Barr." Barr's nomination made former Alaskan senator Mike Gravel — who recently switched from being a Democratic candidate to a Libertarian candidate for President back on March 25, 2008 — announce he is ending his political career. Gravel said, "I just ended my political career, from 15 years old to now, my political career is over, and it's no big deal. I'm a writer, I'm a lecturer, I'm going to push the issues of freedom and liberty. I'm going to push those issues until the day I die."
[ "North America", "United States", "Politics and conflicts", "Elections", "2008 United States presidential election", "John McCain", "Mike Gravel", "Libertarianism", "Bob Barr", "Libertarian Party (United States)", "Denver, Colorado", "Colorado" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "LP Nominates Barr/Root, Chooses Officers", "text": "Rep. Bob Barr defeated Mary Ruwart 324-276 on the sixth ballot to win the 2008 LP Presidential nomination. Wayne Root won a close race with Steve Kubby to win the Vice-Presidential nomination.\nChair Bill Redpath received 49% on the first ballot, compared to about 30% for Ruth Bennett and around 15% for Ernest Hancock. Somewhat surprisingly, Hancock’s voters did not go overwhelmingly for Bennett on the second ballot, and Redpath was re-elected with 57%.\nPresidential candidate Michael Jingozian was a surprise last-minute opponent to otherwise unopposed Vice Chair Chuck Moulton. Jingozian apparently rode his celebrity status to a first-ballot win of over 60%, perhaps assisted by a nomination speech by Secretary Bob Sullentrup. (Moulton declined to run for an at-large LNC seat, citing his recent matriculation at George Mason University in pursuit of a Ph.D. in economics, having just completed his Master’s five days ago.)\nAaron Starr received more than 60% of the vote over Carol McMahon to remain Treasurer, and Secretary Bob Sullentrup was re-elected by acclamation.\nRadicals won three of the five LNC at-large seats, as Dr. Mary Ruwart and R. Lee Wrights join returning incumbents Angela Keaton, Admiral Michael Colley, and Pat Dixon. Well-known and principled Libertarians were elected to fill the seven Judicial Committee seats: Ruth Bennett (subsequently elected Chair), David Nolan, Nick Sarwark, Allen Hacker, Tom Stevens, Travis Nicks, and Joe Cobb. Thus the LNC and Judicial Committee seemed well-prepared to ensure that our new presidential ticket will hew to the comprehensive principles of our repaired Platform.\nVote counts for most of the officer elections are here. The convention passed one substantive resolution, a brief one offered by Bruce Dovner citing Bush’s “lies” and “cronies” and demanding immediate withdrawal from Iraq.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Member Center", "text": "To continue, please log in or register: Already a member? Please log in:\nE-mail: Password: Remember me on this computer Forgot your password? If you have already created an account with Boston Globe services, you may log in with that user name and password. Not a member yet? Sign up for FREE! Benefits of membership: - Unlimited access to all and Boston Globe content\n- Participation in chats, message boards and blogs\n- E-Mail newsletters on topics ranging from the Sox to Shopping Member agreement | Privacy policy | Member FAQ", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Bob Barr and the PATRIOT Act", "text": "My colleague Tim Lee, blogging over at The Atlantic, raises the oft-repeated canard that Bob Barr's record on the USA PATRIOT Act is evidence of a longstanding unlibertarian track record, rendering his libertarian \"conversion\" suspect. What Lee and others fail to understand is that Congressman Barr was in fact the White House's chief legislative roadblock in their barreling PATRIOT through Congress. And that for his trouble, Barr earned the wrath of White House operatives like Karl Rove, which is what ultimately cast Barr from the Congress. (Thanks to Democrat gerrymandering in Georgia, Barr had to run against another incumbent Republican Congressman in the GOP primary, one who hadn't earned the ire of Rove's powerful machine.)\nIn 2001, Barr was the lead figure in the GOP-controlled House in pushing back against the PATRIOT Act, and ultimately suceeded in deleteing some text and forcing sunset clauses on the bill's worst provisions. Brad Jansen explains much of the background at American Spectator. More here. So when Barr started lobbying against PATRIOT Act abuses soon after leaving Congress, it was a continuation of his previous activities, not a reversal.\nAnd those who remember politics before Bush may recall Bill Clinton's own \"9/11\", the Oklahoma City bombing. Just as after 9/11, a wish list of Justice Department powers was pulled off the shelf and given to the Congress to pass as an \"anti-terror\" bill. Freshman Congressman Barr then, too, cut back and limiited as much of the bill as he could from his seat on the Judiciary Committee. If you don't remember this from following the news at the time, you can read Barr's book and check his wikipedia entry for references.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Libertarian Party picks Barr as US presidential candidate", "text": "Libertarian Party picks Barr as US presidential candidate\nWASHINGTON (AFP) — Former US congressman Bob Barr was chosen Sunday to be the Libertarian Party's candidate for November's presidential election, a move that could hurt Republican presumptive nominee John McCain.\n\"This team, this candidate will not let you down. This will be a historic and positive campaign that will succeed,\" Barr told supporters at the party's convention in Denver, Colorado, after being elected in six rounds of voting.\nThe former Republican representative for Georgia, who played a key role in the congressional impeachment of former president Bill Clinton, added: \"We have only 163 days to win this election. Do not waste one single day.\"\nThe 59-year-old told reporters earlier this month that he was running because no other presidential candidate understood the principles of fiscal conservatism and basic principles on which he said America was founded.\nBarr appeared unconcerned about damaging McCain's support among conservative voters.\n\"If Senator McCain ... does not succeed in winning the presidency ... it will be because Senator McCain did not present, and his party did not present, a vision, an agenda, a platform and a series of programs that actually resonated positively with the American people,\" he said.\nIndependent and third parties have faced a tough task in modern US election history of breaking the dominance of the Democratic and Republican parties, though several candidates have played a spoiler role.\nBarr said Sunday that he did not intend simply \"to make a point\" but to win, and party spokesman Andrew Davis said he was \"one of the strongest candidates in the party's 37-year history\" and would make an \"enormous impact.\"\n\"Republicans and Democrats have good reason to fear a candidate like Barr, who refuses to accept the 'business-as-usual' attitude of the current political establishment,\" Davis said.\n\"Americans want and need another choice, and that choice is Bob Barr.\"\nThe Libertarian Party stands for non-interference by the US government in the personal and business lives of Americans, and advocates lower taxes, a smaller government and more individual freedom.\nCopyright © 2013 AFP. All rights reserved. More »", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Political Insider", "text": "The entry titled \"That didn't take long,\" and any of the comments about it.\nHome > Political Insider > Archives > 2008 > May > 24 > Entry\nThat didn’t take long\nDenver - So maybe the gloves are coming off, after all.\nThe moderator just asked the candidates how they would deal with the Patriot Act and the Real ID Act, two major policy initiatives that are anathema to Libertarians.\nMary Ruwart indirectly hit Bob Barr on his support for the Patriot Act while in Congress. Barr now says he regrets that vote and opposes the Act. Steve Kubby, however, hit Barr square on over it.\nRuwart said “from day one” there were a few people who understood what the Patriot Act would do. “One was Ron Paul,” Ruwart said. “And one was myself. And most Libertarians.”\nBut Kubby made clear that Barr was supported the Patriot Act. “I’m not really clear what Bob Barr’s position is on the Patriot Act now and on Real ID,” Kubby said. “I know as Libertarians we recognize these are determined, rather cynical ways to track us and control us.”\nWhen Barr’s turn came, however, he didn’t respond in kind. He said both bills are “another manifestation in Washington when fear becomes the driving force behind all public policy,” he said.\nBut he added that he’s spent the past five years working to overturn the Patriot Act.\nHe said he’s been “working to take the USA Patriot Act, drive a stake through its heart, burn it, shoot it, burn it again ”\nAaron Gould Sheinin\nPermalink | Comments (3) | Post your comment | Categories: Aaron Gould Sheinin, Libertarian Convention", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
2009-03-17: Chiny przebudują stolicę Tybetu
Chińskie władze zapowiedziały, że do 2020 roku przebudują stolicę Tybetu. Plany zakładają, że w centrum Lhasy ma mieszkać 450 tysięcy mieszkańców. Organizacje pozarządowe mówią o chęci zniszczenia tradycyjnego charakteru miasta. Pojawiają się opinie, że „działania te mają rozmyć kulturowo Tybet, a także są jednym z elementów zaostrzania kontroli w regionie” – pisze Chiński rząd nie zgadza się z tymi oskarżeniami. Dziennik „China Daily” podaje, że w ciągu najbliższych lat Lhasa ma być „harmonijnym społecznie, ekologicznym, nowoczesnym miastem o barwnej kulturze i głębokich tradycjach etnicznych
[ "Chiny", "Świat", "Tybet" ]
[ { "language": "pl", "title": "Chiny przebudują stolicę Tybetu", "text": "Chiny przebudują stolicę Tybetu Autor: Małgorzata Podstawka\nChińskie władze zapowiedziały, że do 2020 roku przebudują stolicę Tybetu. Plany zakładają, że w centrum Lhasy ma mieszkać 450 tysięcy mieszkańców. Organizacje pozarządowe mówią o chęci zniszczenia tradycyjnego charakteru miasta.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "pl", "title": "Chiny zapowiadają \"nowoczesną przebudowę\" stolicy Tybetu", "text": "\"Nowoczesna przebudowa Lhasy\"\nChiny o \"pozytywnych zmianach\"\nW opinii mieszkających na wychodźstwie Tybetańczyków do Tybetu napływa coraz więcej Chińczyków narodowości Han, która w Państwie Środka stanowi większość. Za granicą pojawiają się opinie, że działania te mają rozmyć kulturowo Tybet , a także są jednym z elementów zaostrzania kontroli w regionie.Chińskie władze odrzucają te oskarżenia twierdząc, że na poprawę warunków życia w Tybecie wydano miliardy juanów z budżetu centralnego. Dziennik \"China Daily\" pisze, że do 2020 roku Lhasa ma się stać \" harmonijnym społecznie, ekologicznym, nowoczesnym miastem o barwnej kulturze o głębokich tradycjach etnicznych\". W centrum Lhasy ma mieszkać 450 tysięcy osób. Stolica Tybetu liczy teraz ok. 500 tys. mieszkańców, mniej więcej połowa z nich mieszka w centrum. \"China Daily\" pisząc o \"unowocześnianiu miasta\" podkreśla, że przed rozpoczęciem \"chińskich reform w Tybecie\" Lhasa liczyła zaledwie 40 tys. mieszkańców, z czego 4 tys. to byli żebracy.W chińskich mediach, szczególnie tych skierowanych do zagranicznych odbiorców trwa wielka ofensywa informowania o pozytywnych zmianach, które zaszły w Tybecie od momentu - jak określa się to w Chinach - \"pokojowego wyzwolenia\" tego regionu. Obecnie w stolicy Chin prezentowana jest przygotowana z rozmachem wystawa zatytułowana \"50. rocznica demokratycznych reform w Tybecie\".", "url": ",80277,6391709,Chiny_zapowiadaja__nowoczesna_przebudowe__stolicy.html", "archive_url": ",80277,6391709,Chiny_zapowiadaja__nowoczesna_przebudowe__stolicy.html" } ]
Eurovision : et le représentant de la France sera...
Ce sont des représentants de la nouvelle scène française qui ont été choisis pour représenter la France au concours de l''''Eurovision 2007''', rompant avec une certaine de chanteurs et/ou chanteuses à voix ... C'est l'information de la soirée d'hier dans le domaine de la chanson en France est la suivante : le groupe '''Fatals Picards''' a été choisi parmi dix groupes ou artistes (dont les Wampas, par exemple) par un vote des téléspectateurs lors d'une émission diffusée hier sur France 3, intitulée : ''Eurovision 2007, et si on gagnait ?''. Cette année, les organisateurs des sélections avaient indiqué vouloir offrir une assise plus solide à la candidature française, en se basant sur des groupes ou projets plus populaires et/ou plus connus ce qui contraste avec les années précédentes. Le groupe vainqueur, un des deux candidats proposés par France 3 (chaque chaîne du groupe France Télévision en proposant deux), se place dans cette catégorie (il en est déjà à son quatrième album et est actuellement en tournée en France) : il concourra donc sous les couleurs de la France avec sa chanson ''l'amour à la française''.
[ "culture", "Europe", "France", "Concours Eurovision de la chanson", "France Télévisions" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "France 3 Nord Pas de Calais Picardie : actualités du Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Aisne, Oise, Somme", "text": "Le vote s'est déroulé dans le cadre d'une émission diffusée sur France 3, hier soir, et dans laquelle les téléspectateurs étaient invités à s'exprimer. Le vote du public représentait ainsi 50% du vote final, celui des juges, l'autre moitié du vote.\nC'est finalement le groupe régional qui s'est imposé notamment face au groupe des Wampas, proposé par France 4. Longtemps réfractaires à toute médiatisation, les Fatals Picards se sont faits connaître par leurs multiples concerts, leurs textes humoristiques et leur ironie.\nCréé en 2000 par Ivan, le groupe a déjà sorti quatre albums : Navet Maria, Droit de Véto, Picardia Independenza, et Pamplemousse Mécanique, le dernier, sorti en janvier dernier.\nEn mai prochain, ils auront à coeur de séduire davantage le public européen que ne l'avait fait la représentante française en 2006. La France avait alors terminé avant avant dernière, juste devant Israël et Malte.\nVoir le site internet des Fatals Picards en cliquant ici .", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "", "text": "Les tirages au sort pour l'ordre de présentation des chansons en demi-finale et en finale ont été effectués. L'évènement était présenté par Sakis Rouvas et Maria Menounos, les présentateurs de l'Eurovision. Voici les résultats :\nDemi-finale :\n1 Arménie\n2 Bulgarie\n3 Slovénie\n4 Andorre\n5 Bélarus\n6 Albanie\n7 Belgique\n8 Irlande\n9 Chypre\n10 Monaco\n11 E.R.Y. Macédoine\n12 Pologne\n13 Russie\n14 Turquie\n15 Ukraine\n16 Finlande\n17 Pays-Bas\n18 Lituanie\n19 Portugal\n20 Suède\n21 Estonie\n22 Bosnie-Herzégovine\n23 Islande\nMaria Menounos & Sakis Rouvas\n©\nFinale :\n1 Suisse\n2 Moldavie\n3 Israël\n4 Lettonie\n5 Norvège\n6 Espagne\n7 Malte\n8 Allemagne\n9 Danemark\n10 Demi-finaliste\n11 Demi-finaliste\n12 Roumanie\n13 Demi-finaliste\n14 Demi-finaliste\n15 Royaume-Uni\n16 Grèce\n17 Demi-finaliste\n18 Demi-finaliste\n19 France\n20 Croatie\n21 Demi-finaliste\n22 Demi-finaliste\n23 Demi-finaliste\n24 Demi-finaliste\nUn autre tirage au sort a été effectué pour déterminer l'ordre dans lequel les pays annonceront leurs votes à la finale du 20 mai :\n1 Slovénie\n2 Andorre\n3 Roumanie\n4 Danemark\n5 Lettonie\n6 Portugal\n7 Suède\n8 Finlande\n9 Belgique\n10 Croatie\n11 Serbie Et Monténégro\n12 Norvège\n13 Estonie\n14 Irlande\n15 Malte\n16 Lituanie\n17 Chypre\n18 Pays-Bas\n19 Suisse\n20 Ukraine\n21 Russie\n22 Pologne\n23 Royaume-Uni\n24 Arménie\n25 France\n26 Bélarus\n27 Allemagne\n28 Espagne\n29 Moldavie\n30 Bosnie-Herzégovine\n31 Islande\n32 Monaco\n33 Israël\n34 Albanie\n35 Grèce\n36 Bulgarie\n37 E.R.Y. Macédoine\n38 Turquie", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "fr", "title": "France 3 Replay et Direct - Programmes, séries et vidéos", "text": "La France en vrai Blum et ses premières ministres diffusé le 08/03 53 min\nTeddy Teddy Riner possède déjà un palmarès inégalé... 85 min\nLa France en Vrai - Midi-Pyrénées Le sous-sol de nos démons diffusé le 22/02 53 min\nParis romantique, Paris érotique L'image de Paris comme capitale de l'amour semble aujourd'hui être une... diffusé le 01/03 95 min\nLa saga de nos montagnes, les Alpes La chaîne des Alpes est longtemps restée l'un des territoires les... diffusé le 22/02 94 min\nLa Ligne Bleue Ici tout est loin diffusé le 18/02 58 min\nplus que 2j", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Eurovision 2007", "text": "Vous devez activer Javascript pour visualiser les vidéos.\nInternet Explorer: Menu Outils/Options Internet, onglet Sécurité, Activer Active Scripting.\nFirefox: Menu Outils/Options, onglet \"Fonctionnalités Web\", Activer Javascript Parcours professionnel :\nFatals Picards se composent de cinq hommes, Ivan et Paul au chant, Laurent à la guitare, Jean-Marc à la batterie, et Yves à la basse. Pour définir la musique du groupe on peut dire qu’il s’agit d’un savant mélange entre du \"Boby Lapointe\" et \"Marcel et Son Orchestre\". Cette comparaison est surtout due aux paroles comiques, tirant même sur l’ironie.\nClassé dans la musique punk, le groupe gère une image assez décalée vis-à-vis des autres groupes musicaux. Pour preuve, le quintette se définit lui-même comme de la « punk pour les nuls ». Ce qui montre son humour et surtout son auto-dérision. Leur chansons abordent aussi un humour caricatural mettant en tête de liste de personnes malmenées, les rappeurs, les chanteurs humanitaires, les boys band, le reggae et les séries des années 80.\nFatals Picards joue beaucoup avec l’actualité musicale, surtout celle qui est liée au piratage. Sur scène, ils n’hésitent pas à évoquer ce problème, « si vous gravez mes CD, c’est comme si vous tuez des bébés chats ». Refusant toute médiatisation, la bande s’est fait connaître par le biais du bouche à oreille et surtout par les nombreux concerts qu’ils ont assurés.\nDepuis 2000, année de sa création, Fatals Picards a sorti quatre albums, à raison d’un opus tous les deux ans. Après Navet Maria, Droit de Véto, Picardia Independenza, c’est Pamplemousse Mécanique qui est le dernier sortie dans les bacs en janvier 2007.\nC’est leur histoire :\nComme leur nom l’indique les Fatals Picards sont aussi parisiens qu’Indochine. En hom-mage à la pensée moderne (la fleur) ils décident de fonder un groupe et de mélanger chanson et humour, ils ajoutent aussi d’autres ingrédients très utiles pour avoir du succès mais qu’ils ne peuvent bien évidemment pas divulguer.\nLe groupe est fondé officiellement en 2000 par Ivan. Il s’adjoint des comparses pour pouvoir conserver légalement la notion de groupe musical et bénéficier ainsi de nombreux avantages fiscaux, comme par exemple le co-voiturage. Les Fatals Picards commencent donc à creuser leur carrière un an après la fin du monde annoncée par Paco Rabanne, afin d’être bien sûrs que le prophète s’est vraiment fourvoyé et ne pas monter un groupe pour rien, quelques mois avant l’apocalypse.\nAprès avoir fait de nombreux concerts pendant 5 ans, il décident d’en faire d’autres, pour ne pas éveiller les soupçons du mage couturier. Conscients d’être perpétuellement épiés par le monde de la mode, le groupe prend de diverses formes passant d’un duo insolent à l’humour décalé à un quintet insolent à l’humour décalé.\nC’est maintenant une troupe de choc composée de cinq fiers gaillards : Ivan le chanteur fondateur, Laurent le guitariste, Jean-Marc le batteur-tourneur, Paul le deuxième chanteur (au cas où un des deux tombe en panne) et Yves le bassiste (parce qu’il en faut au moins un). Pas moins de 300 concerts à leur actif durant ces 5 ans, pas plus non plus, parce que quand même c’est pas mal de boulot et il faut savoir aussi conserver une vie privée palpitante.\nTrois albums sous le régime austère de l’autoproduction et leur propre structure de tournée Adone, les ont formés à tout endurer. Ils peuvent désormais retenir leur respiration pendant plus de 30 secondes, ils peuvent manger une demi-baguette en un repas (à deux), ils peuvent fermer les yeux pendant plus de 6 heures sans sourcilier ou presque. Leur maîtrise totale est encore plus flagrante sur scène où ils sont régulièrement applaudis à la fin de chaque chanson !\n2006 est une année cruciale pour eux, d’ailleurs la somme des chiffres de 2006 fait 8 ! Enfin reconnus par le monde du disque en signant chez Warner Music (d’ailleurs la somme des lettres de Warner Music fait 8 !) ils sont encouragés par la profession musicale à tenir tête aux couturiers et à continuer leurs spectacles emplis d’énergie, de surréalisme, de rire et aussi de spectateurs ! Car le public est grandissant pour les Fatals : 5 cm de plus que la moyenne nationale. Courrez vite aux concerts les Fatals avant qu’on ne puisse plus y voir que les nuques du public.\nSite : Eurovision sur Wikipedia", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Former WWE superstar Jeff Hardy arrested on major drug charges
WWE and TNA superstar Jeff Hardy Former World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Jeff Hardy has been arrested on five major drug charges. The former WWE Champion’s home was searched by police and they seized 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine and other items of drug paraphernalia. The estimated street value of the drugs is $2,500. Hardy's charges are listed as "felony trafficking in opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanour possession of drug paraphernalia." It is believed that Hardy is now back at his North Carolina home and his brother, fellow World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Matt Hardy, posting the $125,000 bail. The superstar released a statement on his Twitter page saying "A lot of exaggerations are out there today, don't believe everything you read 4 it is not true, I am at home and fine-thanks for your concern." Hardy only left the WWE two weeks ago when he lost a “Loser leaves WWE” match against CM Punk. During his tenure at WWE he was often surrounded by both controversy and personal issues. He was released in 2003 with him saying it was a “mutual decision” He returned in 2006 but was suspended twice for violations to the WWE wellness program. He also had a stint in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, where he was suspended and later released for missing shows. Hardy’s arrest comes less than a week after former WWE and WCW superstar Sean O'Haire was arrested on charges of misdemeanor battery and criminal trespass.
[ "North America", "United States", "Culture and entertainment", "Sports", "Wrestling", "Crime and law", "Mike Smith (Wikinewsie)", "Opium", "Cocaine", "World Wrestling Entertainment" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Hardy arrested for drug trafficking", "text": "WRESTLING superstar Jeff Hardy has been arrested on five major drugs charges - after a police raid at his home.\nThe Moore County Sheriff's Office confirmed that during a search of his house they seized 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine and other items of drug paraphernalia.\nThe estimated street value of the drugs seized was £1,500 ($2,500).\nThe three-time WWE world champion's charges are listed as \"felony trafficking in opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanour possession of drug paraphernalia.\"\nHardy is thought to now be back at his North Carolina home with his brother Matt posting the bail of £75,000 ($125,000).\nThe 32-year-old grappler was the subject of a joint investigation by officers from the Moore County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Unit, Moore County Sheriff's Office Select Enforcement Unit and the Fayetteville Police Department.\nThe full arrest report won't be made public until Monday.\nJeff - who only left the WWE two weeks ago - reacted angrily to the situation on his official Twitter page.\nHe said: \"A lot of exaggerations are out there today, don't believe everything you read 4 it is not true, I am at home and fine-thanks for your concern.\"\nHe later complained of the media's inaccurate reporting and denied Matt's involvement in the bail posting.\nJeff's career, particularly the last six years, have been riddled with controversy and personal issues. In 2003 he was released by WWE in what was seen as a mutual decision, with Jeff citing burn-out and needing to heal injuries, while WWE were said to be irked by a refusal to attend rehab to address drug issues and a lack of reliability in and out of the ring.\nHe spent a year out of wrestling before resurfacing in TNA in June 2005. He had a reasonably successful for a time, but found himself suspended in April 2006 for no-showing a PPV match with Raven.\nARRESTED ... wrestling star Jeff Hardy\nHe would return shortly afterwards, but was gone by the end of the year, once again failing to attend a major show.\nHe was given a second chance by WWE midway through 2006, and soon recaptured tag team gold with brother Matt as well as figuring in the intercontinental title picture.\nHardy missed the 2007 SummerSlam through what was believed to be his first 30-day suspension. His official website reported an injury which kept him out for a month, but Jim Ross' blog made comments which alluded to an enforced absence by the company, and not due to him being hurt.\nThe absence did not seem to affect his push, since by the Royal Rumble 2008 he was pitted against Randy Orton for the WWE championship. He was not successful, but was probably the most over wrestler in the company at that time.\nOnce again, though, he was blighted by his inability to stay out of trouble. He was suspended for sixty days for a wellness violation in March 2008, causing him to miss WrestleMania 24. The fact that this suspension was 60 days further indicated that his previous absence had been due to suspension.\nIn September last year he was refused permission to board a plane home after an event, but it did not result in any further action.\nEven after Hardy's turbulent year he won his first major title in December 2008 when he captured the WWE Title at Armageddon. He had has two further stints as World Champion since then.\nAdvertisement\nHis decision to leave the company again was leaked several months ago, with the exact date undetermined until just two weeks ago when he lost the title to CM Punk in a TLC match, then was defeated by Punk on Smackdown in a cage match where the loser was forced to leave WWE.\nIronically, CM Punk had used his rivalry with Hardy to turn heel, and used his Straightedge lifestyle, where he abstains from all drug and alcohol use, as a springboard to pompously chastise Jeff for his errant ways and his fans for cheering him for it.\nIt will be intriguing to see whether Punk follows up this incident to prove his point.\nWere Jeff Hardy still with WWE then it seems certain that they would have taken a dim view of this incident and immediately fired him.\nThere are revelations that they have already pulled a DVD set that was to be dedicated to the star's career.\nThis new revelation may have harmed his chances of ever returning to the company ever again, and is sure to disappoint his many legions of fans.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Breaking News: Former WWE Superstar Jeff Hardy Arrested For Drugs!", "text": "In one of the more shocking stories I have heard in some time, Jeff Hardy was arrested today on what is said to be 5 felonies. The report from and say that he was arrested this morning for this:\n\"262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine and items of drug paraphernalia.\"\nThey also said that he had \"an intent to sell\".\nFor those of you out there who are not drug lords, the estimated street value of the drugs are said to be $2,500. I personally didn't know and had to find the number.\nThe story came out a little earlier and many people thought it was fake, mainly because it doesn't make any sense. However, the Sheriffs Department there in Cartage, NC confirmed it, saying he was in fact arrested on drug related charges.\nThe bail was set at $125,000 and was payed by Matt Hardy, Jeff's older brother. Jeff is obviously free because he sent out a tweet on just a small time ago saying:\n\"Alot of exaggerations are out there today, don't believe everything you read 4 it is not true, I am at home and fine-thanks for your concern\"\nI personally think he is not trying to sell the drugs, quite frankly because he doesn't need to. I mean he still has a ton of WWE money and he left to take time off, if he needed the money he would have stuck around.\nAlso, its an estimated $2500, that is barely enough to get a used car people. If he wanted to sell, one would think he would have a ton of drugs on him.\nAlso, the steroids and pain killers kind of make no sense at this point. He never needed steroids, because his strength was never a part of his game. Of course, being anabolic, it probably is being used for pain not for getting bulked up.\nHowever, he is now done with wrestling and probably does not need to use such strong drugs for pain. If he did, he could have taken Tylenol, Aleve, or another over the counter drug.\nAnd if he did need higher grade pain killers, he would be smart enough to get a prescription for them. Vicodin is supposedly only available by prescription anyway, so he would have had to got them from a pharmacist or off the street. I guess he is taking House's supply.\nIn any case, getting drugs off the street is never good, because half the time is it a lesser grade knockoff of the actual drug. Hardy should know that, seeing as he got in trouble with the issue before. Some would say, how would you know something like this Joe?\nI don't personally have experience with this kind of thing as far as paying for illegal drugs on the street, but I have a few friends who happen to be police officers. Thanks for letting me know guys!\nThe cocaine is one thing I can understand, quite frankly because he was busted with it before. But it was a small amount, which probably means he had been using it and needed more.\nThis whole thing is probably over exaggerated. I think that if the bail was set that low, and the fact there is a bail period is an indication he didn't do anything as big as what is being reported.\nHe could probably get off on the prescription pain killers, and maybe the steroids if there is a prescription. But being caught with the cocaine is not good at all, especially because he has been busted before with it.\nAnd because the amount of drugs he had were only valued for a small $2500 means he will most likely go out on probation, community service, and a ton of fines. I personally don't see jail time, but it is possible there is more we don't know that will be revealed in he coming days.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Jeff Hardy Arrested For Drug Trafficking, Multiple Felonies", "text": "NEWS > WWE >\n| More WWE Posted in:\nBreaking News: Jeff Hardy Arrested For Drug Trafficking, Multiple Felonies\nBy\nSep 11, 2009 - 4:24:24 PM\nBy Michael Bluth Sep 11, 2009 - 4:24:24 PM\nFormer WWE superstar Jeff Hardy is in the Moore County jail this afternoon after being arrested on charges of trafficking in controlled prescription pills and possession of anabolic steriods.\nHardy, 32, was arrested on Friday after a search of his home yielded 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, powder cocaine and drug paraphernalia. His bail has been set at $125,000.\nA joint investigation by the Moore County Sheriff's Office narcotics and select enforcement units and the Fayetteville Police Department led to the arrest.\nThe charges against Jeff Hardy include:\n- Felony trafficking in opium\n- Two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance\n- Felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance\n- Felony possession of cocaine\n- Misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.\n** JEFF HARDY's MUGSHOT PICTURE: Taken Today, JUST POSTED [>] Source: Former WWE superstar Jeff Hardy is in the Moore County jail this afternoon after being arrested on charges of trafficking in controlled prescription pills and possession of anabolic steriods.Hardy, 32, was arrested on Friday after a search of his home yielded 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, powder cocaine and drug paraphernalia. His bail has been set at $125,000.A joint investigation by the Moore County Sheriff's Office narcotics and select enforcement units and the Fayetteville Police Department led to the arrest.The charges against Jeff Hardy include:- Felony trafficking in opium- Two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance- Felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance- Felony possession of cocaine- Misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Mr. Kennedy To TNA: Details On His Rumored Debut", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Ex-wrestler Sean O'Haire arrested", "text": "FORMER WWE and WCW grappler Sean O'Haire was arrested on Sunday.\nCops picked him up at 2.04am on charges of misdemeanor battery and criminal trespass in Savannah, Georgia.\nHe was released later the same day on a £2,785 bond.\nO'Haire, whose real name is Sean Christopher Haire, of late had been working as a professional bodyguard.\nThe 38-year-old left WWE in 2006 to focus on the fight game. His current MMA record stands at 5-2.\nO'Haire has previous arrests for assault in 1992, 2006 and in 2004 he hit headlines when he was found guilty of assaulting a woman in a night club.\nHe was also involved in a 2007 brawl in Hilton Head, South Carolina where his orbital bone was fractured, as well sustaining other injuries to his face and skull.\nO'Haire claimed that he was going to the aid of a friend but other witnesses claimed that he tried to start a fight with his alleged assailant, Juan Brantley.\nA few days prior to the altercation Brantley had filed a complaint with the local police department, stating that Haire had attempted to start a fight with him at another bar.\nHe is due to appear in court to answer these latest charges at the end of the month.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Four children among seven killed after police chase ends in crash in US
At least four children are among seven killed in Dinuba, California after a police chase ended in a crash. Map highlighting location of Dinuba, California within Tulare County. Reports say the crash happened around 2:45 p.m. (PDT) on Saturday in a rural area of Tulare County. Police were pursuing a suspect who, after refusing to stop, slammed into a GMC Sierra pickup truck carrying two adults and five children. Four of the children were ejected from the truck and died at the scene. The two adults and one child were taken to Community Regional Medical Center located in Fresno where they are being treated for minor to severe injuries. According to KFSN-TV, after the suspect slammed into the car, both vehicles landed against trees in a lemon tree orchard at the intersection of Avenue 424 and Road 120. Three people, including the suspect, were in the pursued car and died at the scene. Police are continuing to investigate the incident.
[ "North America", "United States", "California", "Crime and law", "Disasters and accidents" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Distance between Dinuba police car, Neon probed", "text": "The parents -- Carlos Salazar Jr., 29, and Jennifer Salazar, 26 -- were reported to be in critical condition Sunday.\n12:45 p.m.: The parents of the five children killed in a car crash Saturday are in fair condition, a spokeswoman for Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno said today.\n3:05 p.m.: The Tulare County Coroner's Office has identified the three people who were in the Dodge Neon and died Saturday in the collision with a pickup truck carrying an Orange Cove family near Orosi. The three occupants were Arthur Rivas, 19, of Dinuba; Richard Carrasco, 16, of Dinuba; and Oscar Esparza, 17, of San Diego. Authorities said Esparza was the driver. Five children in the pickup also died.\nTwo of those arrested were booked on suspicion of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and one was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. Four teens were cited for being under the influence of alcohol and curfew violations, and four traffic citations were issued to minors, officer Jesus Santillan said.\nFour Clovis police officers patrolled neighborhoods looking for parties from 7 p.m. Saturday until 2 a.m. Sunday.\nClovis police arrested three people and broke up 19 teen parties Saturday night in an operation targeting underage drinking.\nBoth youths ran, with one captured by police at the school's perimeter and the other in a backyard a short distance away.\nOfficers saw the youths moving and stacking stolen goods shortly after 10 a.m., and had set up a perimeter when one of the juveniles saw them.\nFresno police, responding to a burglar alarm, arrested two juveniles Sunday on suspicion of burglarizing Mayfair Elementary School at 3305 E. Home Ave.\nThe car ran a stop sign and slammed into a pickup carrying a couple and their five children. No one in the truck was wearing seat belts.\nDinuba police say the Dodge Neon that carried the fleeing suspects had been carjacked. When an officer tried to pull the vehicle over for a traffic infraction Saturday afternoon, it led authorities on a chase.\nA fifth child has died after a stolen car fleeing police in California's Central Valley crashed into a pickup, bringing the death toll to eight.\nThe four children were thrown from the truck, authorities said. None of the children in the truck were wearing seat belts or any restraints, California Highway Patrol Officer Felipe Martinez said.\nThe Dodge Neon was carjacked either late Friday or early Saturday in Selma, about 10 miles from Dinuba, where Saturday afternoon's crash took place, Dinuba police Sgt. Thaddeus Ashford said. No other details on the carjacking were available, he said.\nA stolen car fleeing from police ran a stop sign and slammed into a pickup in California's Central Valley, killing four young children in the truck and all three people in the car, police said Sunday.\nThe four children were thrown from the truck, authorities said. None of the children in the truck were wearing seat belts or any restraints, California Highway Patrol Officer Felipe Martinez said.\nThe Dodge Neon was carjacked either late Friday or early Saturday in Selma, about 10 miles from Dinuba, where Saturday afternoon's crash took place, Dinuba police Sgt. Thaddeus Ashford said. No other details on the carjacking were available, he said.\nA stolen car fleeing from police ran a stop sign and slammed into a pickup in California's Central Valley, killing four young children in the truck and all three people in the car, police said Sunday.\nFive people were killed and four injured when a double-trailer truck and a van carrying nine farmworkers collided at Manning and West avenues, south of Easton. One driver had run a stop sign.\nFive men were killed and nine others injured when a van carrying 12 farmworkers collided with a car occupied by two men on Highway 33 south of Bullard Avenue.\nSeven men were killed and another seven were injured when a van carrying a group of Buddhist monks from Thailand overturned on southbound Interstate 5 near Manning Avenue in rural Fresno County.\nEleven people died when a farmworker van carrying 12 Salvadorans to Fresno collided with a tractor-trailer rig while passing another vehicle in the fog on Highway 180, just east of Mendota.\nA collision killed 13 farmworkers when the van they were in collided with a tomato truck making a U-turn near Five Points.\nSeven Earlimart residents -- five of them children -- were killed east of Kettleman City when the driver missed a sharp turn on a rural road, struck an embankment and overturned in a canal.\nSaturday's crash near Orosi that killed eight -- five of them children -- was among the deadliest vehicle accidents in Valley history. Others include:\n11:45 a.m.: Dinuba's police chief said today his department is trying to determine exactly how closely a police car was following a Dodge Neon that crashed into a pickup on Saturday, killing eight people, including five children.\nChief James Olvera said he has \"unconfirmed\" reports that the Dinuba police car was about one-third of a mile away from the Neon when it ran a stop sign at Avenue 424 and Road 120 near Orosi, colliding with a southbound pickup carrying a family of seven from Orange Cove.\nOlvera said his department hopes to review dispatch tapes today and Tuesday to determine how closely the police car was following the Neon.\n\"The officer was engaged in the pursuit and I know he was some distance behind,\" Olvera said. \"As far as what distance, I don't know.\"\nOnly one police car was involved in the chase, Olvera said. He said the officer driving the car was Marcos Nunes, who he said has been with the department for several years.\nPaula Guzman, a woman who was following the pickup truck when it was struck, said Sunday that the police car ran the stop sign right after the Neon did and nearly hit her car.\nOlvera said he's not sure that happened.\n\"It doesn't seem possible because from what I understand, the officer was some distance behind [the Neon],\" he said. \"I'm not going to say it's not true, but I can't find supporting evidence to say whether that happened or not.\"\nThe chase started just before 2 p.m. after the Neon, which was heading eastbound on Avenue 424 -- also known as Nebraska Avenue -- ran a stop sign at Crawford Avenue, Olvera said. Officer Nunes pursued the car about 3.5 miles before it ran through the stop sign at Road 120.\nThe Neon was later determined to be stolen out of Selma, Dinuba police Sgt. Thad Ashford said Sunday.\nThe California Highway Patrol identified the children who were riding in the pickup and were killed in the accident as Jochelyn Grace Salazar, 7, Monique Janae Salazar, 4, Michael Alexander Salazar, 3, and Sienna Rose Salazar, 1. They died at the scene. Carlos Eric Salazar, 8, was pronounced dead a few hours later at a hospital.\nTheir parents, Carlos Salazar Jr., 29, and Jennifer Salazar, 26, were reported in critical condition Sunday at Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno.\nThree men in the Neon also were killed. Their names have not yet been made public because they were not carrying identification, CHP Officer Felipe Martinez said. The Tulare County Coroner's Office said this morning that it may release the names later today.\nThe Salazars were on their way to Orosi, where 8-year-old Carlos was to play in a youth football game, friends and relatives said.\nThe CHP said a preliminary investigation showed Carlos Salazar Jr. was driving a crew-cab pickup and that the impact from the collision caused the couple's five children to be thrown from the truck.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "8 Confirmed Dead, including 5 kids in Accident near Dinuba", "text": "Five children are dead and a family is torn apart.\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nLatest Update:\n- Five brothers and sisters all died as the accident crushed their parents' pickup.\n- The mother and father survived Saturday's accident.\nPlease watch video above for more details..\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe California Highway Patrol said a car fleeing from police ran a stop sign and slammed into a pickup, killing three people in the car and four young children in the truck.\nThe patrol says police in Dinuba, southeast of Fresno, were trying to stop the car Saturday afternoon for a traffic infraction.\nAdvertisement\nThe patrol said the truck was carrying two adults and their five children. Four of the children -- ages 1, 3, 4 and 7 -- were ejected and died at the scene. The fifth child -- age 8 -- and the parents were taken to a hospital. The adults were identified as 29-year-old Carlos Salazar Jr. and 26-year-old Jennifer Salazar of Orange Cove.\nAll three men in the car being chased were killed. Their identities and ages weren't known.\nMORE LOCAL NEWS | TWEET@ABC30 | FREE ABC30 WIDGET\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSign up for Breaking News Alerts\nBreaking News E-Mail Alerts | Text Message Alerts\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMore News on\nCalifornia/State | National/World | Weather | Entertainment | Business | Politics | Sports | Health Watch | Consumer Watch | Mr. Food |\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n(Copyright ©2009 KFSN-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Ministerpräsident Stoiber wurde erneut Großvater
Der bayerische Ministerpräsident Edmund Stoiber ist am Mittwoch um 18:44 Uhr zum dritten Mal Großvater geworden. Mutter seines Enkels ist seine Tochter Constanze, Vater ist Stoibers Schwiegersohn Jürgen Hausmann. Der Name des jüngsten Stoiber-Mitglieds wird Theresa Marie Hausmann lauten. Theresa kam im Klinikum Großhadern zur Welt. Sie war 51 Zentimeter groß, wog bei der Geburt 3.200 Gramm, hat braune Haare und einen Kopfumfang von 34,5 Zentimetern. Mutter und Kind sind wohlauf. Die Familie Stoiber äußerte große Freude über den Familienzuwachs. Sie haben bereits zwei Enkel, Benedict (4) und Johannes (6).
[ "Edmund Stoiber", "Geburt", "Vermischtes" ]
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Marchés financiers : la situation au 28 avril 2009
Les marchés ont enregistré un repli quasi général, allant de 0,10 % pour de Dow Jone à 2,67 % pour le Nikkei 225. Les Banques du CAC ont suivi la tendance générale avec des baisses de 2 à 3 %. Parmi les valeurs les plus fortement en baisse, on trouve Peugeot (-5,19 %), Renault (-5,21 %) ou encore Air Liquide (-5,55 %).
[ "Monde", "Europe", "Asie", "Amérique du Nord", "France", "Allemagne", "Royaume-Uni", "États-Unis", "Japon", "Économie", "Finance", "Bourse" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Cours du pétrole et du carburant en Euros", "text": "Cours multiples du pétrole, EUR et USD\nSituation le 15/09/2008\nCours de l'euro : 1.4369 $\nCours du pétrole (NY) : 99.05 $\nCours du pétrole en euros : 68.93 €\nPrix au litre (1 baril = 159 litres) : 0.43 €\nCours de l'or : 781.7 $\nCours de l'or en euros : 544.02 €\nCours du pétrole en or : 0.1267\nDernière mise à jour bourse le : 15/09/2008 à 6h52\n17098 nouveaux prix de carburant mis à jour depuis une semaine (dernier dpt : 29)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "fr", "title": "Cours Indice FTSE 100", "text": "Conformément à la loi Informatique et Liberté n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, nous nous engageons à informer les personnes qui fournissent des données nominatives sur notre site de leurs droits, notamment de leur droit d'accès et de rectification sur ces données nominatives. Nous nous engageons à prendre toutes précautions afin de préserver la sécurité de ces informations et notamment empêcher qu'elles ne soient déformées, endommagées ou communiquées à des tiers.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
'Incident' at East London tube station
Police briefly cordoned off Mile-End tube station in East London on Saturday morning. A man has been taken away and the alert has now been lifted. This is the latest of many security alerts in London, which is at a high state of alert. further details awaited.
[ "United Kingdom", "Crime and law", "London Underground" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Latest News & Headlines", "text": "U.S.\nYahoo News\nA group of House Democrats is mounting a renewed push to strip J. Edgar Hoover's name off the FBI headquarters in the wake of a powerful new film that highlights one of the bureau's worst abuses under his leadership: a secret, decades-long program known as COINTELPRO that was aimed at discrediting civil rights activists, and which ultimately led to the 1969 killing by law enforcement of Chicago Black Panther leader Fred Hampton. “You take a poll and I would bet 90 percent of the society has no clue what COINTELPRO was,” said Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, who, along with 22 co-sponsors, has reintroduced a bill to remove the longtime FBI director's name from the bureau's headquarters building in Washington, D.C. “This is an ugly part of our past that is not well known.”", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Aeropuertos del Reino Unido, Alemania y Emiratos Árabes se niegan a reabastecer de combustible a aviones iraníes
Aeropuertos del Reino Unido, Alemania y Emiratos Árabes se niegan a proveer combustible a aviones iraníes debido a las sanciones impuestas por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos a Teherán, declaró hoy el portavoz de la Asociación de Compañías Aéreas de Irán, Mehdi Aliyari. "A partir de la semana pasada, tras la adopción de las sanciones unilaterales de Washington contra Teherán, los aeropuertos de Reino Unido, Alemania y Emiratos Árabes se niegan a reabastecer de combustible a aviones iraníes", dijo Aliyari a la agencia de noticias iraní ISNA. El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU aprobó el 9 de junio una nueva resolución que endurece las sanciones contra Irán debido a que ésta nación se niega a detener el enriquecimiento de uranio. Ha sido ya la cuarta resolución aprobada por el Consejo de Seguridad después que Irán se negara a cumplir las exigencias internacionales relacionadas con su actual programa nuclear. Además, EE.UU. adoptó medidas unilaterales propias contra la República Islámica, que afectan al sector del petróleo y gas de Irán, así como a varias empresas sospechosas de estar relacionadas con los programas nucleares de Teherán. "Frente a esta situación, Irán se verá obligado a llenar al máximo posible los tanques de sus aviones dentro del país o construir depósitos de combustible en terceros países", comentó el portavoz de la Asociación de Compañía Aéreas de Irán.
[ "Asia", "Irán", "Emiratos Árabes Unidos", "Europa", "Alemania", "Reino Unido", "Transporte", "Política", "Oriente Medio" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "GB, Alemania y Emiratos desmienten negarse a repostar aviones iraníes", "text": "GB, Alemania y Emiratos desmienten negarse a repostar aviones iraníes\nTEHERÁN — Un responsable iraní anunció el lunes que los aeropuertos de Gran Bretaña, Alemania y los Emiratos Arabes Unidos rehúsan abastecer de combustible a los aviones iraníes de pasajeros después de las nuevas sanciones norteamericanas, pero esos tres países lo desmintieron.\n\"Desde la semana pasada, después de la adopción de las sanciones unilaterales norteamericanas contra Irán, los aeropuertos de Gran Bretaña, Alemania y los Emiratos Arabes Unidos se niegan a aprovisionar a los aviones iraníes\", declaró Mehdi Aliyari, secretario de la Asociación de Aerolíneas Iraníes, citado el lunes por la agencia ISNA.\nLa agencia oficial IRNA indicó por su parte que el aeropuerto de Kuwait hacía lo mismo.\nEsta fuente agregó que dicha medida se aplicaba desde el jueves pasado, en conformidad con \"la decisión del Congreso estadounidense que impone sanciones a la venta de productos combustibles a Irán\".\n\"Las compañías Iran Air (nacional) y Mahan (privada), que tienen numerosos vuelos hacia Europa, tuvieron problemas\", agregó.\nAliyari pidió a la Organización de la Aviación Civil Internacional (ICAO) que intervenga para declarar \"ilegal la aplicación de dichas sanciones\".\n\"El ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, la organización nacional de la aviación civil, el ministerio del Transporte (...) actuarán contra esta acción ilegal norteamericana\", agregó.\nEl jueves pasado, el presidente norteamericano Barack Obama promulgó una nueva serie de sanciones contra Irán votada por el Congreso, las más duras tomadas hasta la fecha por Estados Unidos, advirtiendo a las autoridades iraníes que si continúan con su programa nuclear incrementarán su aislamiento.\nEl texto firmado por Obama refuerza una legislación que ya estaba vigente, agregando una serie de nuevas sanciones económicas para tratar de persuadir a Irán de que abandone su polémico programa nuclear.\nEl texto está destinado a perturbar el aprovisionamiento de gasolina, queroseno y otros productos energéticos refinados de la República Islámica. Se agrega a la nueva resolución del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU adoptada el 9 de junio que refuerza las sanciones internacionales contra Irán.\nLa comunidad internacional sospecha que Irán, a pesar de sus reiterados desmentidos, trata de dotarse del arma atómica bajo la cobertura de un programa nuclear civil.\nUn miembro de la comisión parlamentaria de Relaciones Exteriores y Seguridad Nacional iraní, Heshmatolá Falahat Pishé, también citado por ISNA, pidió represalias contra los Emiratos Arabes Unidos, Gran Bretaña y Alemania.\n\"Nosotros consideramos que las sanciones de Estados Unidos están destinadas a perjudicar a los iraníes\", dijo. \"Debemos hacerle lo mismo a los Emiratos, a Gran Bretaña y a Alemania, cuyos aviones necesitan ser aprovisionados en Irán\", agregó.\n\"Si se perjudica el desarrollo y la seguridad de Irán, ningún país de la región podrá gozar de una seguridad duradera\", advirtió.\nSin embargo, las autoridades de los Emiratos, Gran Bretaña y Alemania negaron haber impuesto nuevas directivas respecto al aprovisionamiento de los aviones de línea iraníes que transitan por sus aeropuertos.\nEn Londres, un portavoz del gobierno dijo que éste no estaba \"informado de una negativa de carburante en el Reino Unido\".\nEn Dubái, un portavoz del aeropuerto internacional sostuvo que los aviones iraníes continuaban recibiendo el servicio de aprovisionamiento.\nSin embargo, una fuente vinculada al caso en Dubái señaló un problema con un \"proveedor internacional de carburante\" en varios aeropuertos del mundo, incluyendo los Emiratos, que se negó a repostar aviones iraníes. Pero \"los operadores de Iran Air tienen otras fuentes para aprovisionarse\", dijo esta fuente, que solicitó el anonimato.\nSegún el Financial Times Deutschland (FTD) del martes, la compañía petrolera británica BP no renovó un contrato de abastecimiento de combustible con las aerolíneas aéreas iraníes que expiraba a finales de junio, lo cual podría explicar las dificultades a las que estas últimas se enfrentan para repostar sus aviones.\nEl diario cita el ejemplo de un avión de Iran Air que tuvo que aterrizar en Viena porque no pudo llenar el tanque en el aeropuerto de Hamburgo.\nEn Berlín, el Ministerio del Transporte se limitó a afirmar que la negativa a repostar aviones de pasajeros no forma parte de las sanciones norteamericanas o de la ONU.\nSin embargo, la oficina alemana de la compañía nacional Iran Air desmintió que los aeropuertos de Alemania se negasen a efectuar dicho aprovisionamiento. \"Es incorrecto\", respondió a la AFP Mohamad Rajabi, el director de Iran Air, interrogado en Fráncfort.\nCopyright © 2013 AFP. Todos los derechos reservados. Más »", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Emmanuel Macron gana las elecciones presidenciales de Francia
El centrista proeuropeo , de 39 años de edad, fue elegido este domingo como presidente de Francia, al derrotar en la segunda vuelta de las a la ultraderechista . Macron del partido '''' —quien fungió como secretario general de la presidencia, así como ministro de Economía, en el gobierno saliente de — ganó con entre el 65,5 y 66,1% de los sufragios, frente a Le Pen del '''', quien solo alcanzó entre el 33,9% y el 34,5% del electorado. Con la victoria de Macron —el francés más joven en ganar una elección presidencial— se puso fin a la alternancia en el poder de dos grandes partidos tradicionales de izquierda y de derecha desde hacía medio siglo, por medio de ''En Marche!'', el cual fue fundado apenas el año pasado. Estas elecciones acapararon la atención del mundo entero y en especial de la Unión Europea, ya que sirvió como termómetro para medir las fuerzas populistas y los europeístas dentro del país galo, tras el triunfo del en el . Francia es actualmente la segunda economía más fuerte dentro de la UE, y con la victoria de Macron se asegura la permanencia de este país en el bloque. Más allá de la elección de nuevo presidente, Francia se alista para en junio de este mismo año celebrar sus .
[ "Francia", "Europa", "Democracia y elecciones", "Política", "Emmanuel Macron", "Marine Le Pen" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Emmanuel Macron, el nuevo presidente de Francia", "text": "París -\nActualizado a las 16:05\nEl centrista proeuropeo Emmanuel Macron, de 39 años, fue elegido este domingo presidente de Francia -el más joven de su historia.\n\"Combatiré las divisiones que nos lastran\", prometió este domingo el centrista Emmanuel Macron, ganador de las elecciones presidenciales en Francia, asegurando que ha escuchado \"la ira, ansiedad y dudas\" de sus compatriotas.\nCon entre el 65,5 y 66,1% de los sufragios, este exbanquero reemplazará al socialista François Hollande que renunció a presentarse por falta de apoyo popular y del que fue ministro de Economía, según estimaciones de institutos independientes.\n\"Sé cuáles son las divisiones de nuestra nación que han conducido a algunos a votos extremos, los respeto\", dijo Macron en un discurso en su cuartel general de campaña en París tras derrotar a la ultraderechista Marine Le Pen con alrededor del 65% de los votos.\nMacron gobernará en una Francia muy dividida políticamente entre las zonas urbanas (privilegiadas y reformistas) y las desheredadas (tentadas por los extremos). Tiene varios desafíos por delante como un desempleo endémico de 10%, la lucha antiterrorista y la crisis de la Unión Europea (UE).\n\"Mi responsabilidad será apaciguar los temores\", agregó el presidente electo, quien aseguró que también trabajará para \"reconstruir la relación entre Europa y los ciudadanos\".\n\"Amemos Francia, voy a servirla con humildad, entrega y determinación\", concluyó Macron, quien a sus 39 años se convierte en el más joven presidente de Francia con un nuevo partido, \"¡En Marcha!\".\nDerrota de Le pen\nAunque Marine Le Pen, de 48 años, pierde por amplio margen, no es una derrota en toda regla para ella ni para su partido -el Frente Nacional (FN)- que ha convencido a entre el 33,9% y el 34,5% del electorado con promesas en contra de la inmigración y el euro. No sólo eso, sino que se ha hecho un hueco entre las principales fuerzas políticas del panorama nacional.\nEn apenas un año, desde que fundó el movimiento centrista ¡En Marcha!, Macron se abrió paso en un país en el que dos grandes partidos tradicionales de izquierda y derecha se alternaban en el poder desde hacía medio siglo.\nSe los llevó por delante en la primera vuelta con un programa europeísta y liberal en temas económicos y sociales. Para la segunda partía con una ventaja holgada en las encuestas, reforzada en el debate con su rival, pero eso no le impidió un susto de último minuto, con un pirateo informático masivo de documentos cuyo origen se desconoce y que está siendo investigado por la justicia francesa.\nLea también: Emmanuel Macron, el exbanquero favorito para suceder al socialista François Hollande\nPara el mundo estas elecciones son un termómetro que mide la fuerza de los populistas y toma el pulso a la Unión Europea tras el triunfo del Brexit en el Reino Unido.\nLa apuesta política de Macron fue un éxito pero el siguiente paso es una incógnita. Francia no sólo elige presidente, sino que en junio celebra elecciones legislativas atenazadas por la incertidumbre.\nEl batacazo político de la derecha y de los socialistas en la primera vuelta y el paso de la extrema derecha a la segunda abre un interrogante: ¿será capaz Macron de conseguir una mayoría parlamentaria y evitar una cohabitación complicada pese a no disponer de maquinaria de partido?\nMarine Le Pen puede obtener bastantes más diputados de los dos que posee actualmente con su campaña contra la UE, la globalización, los inmigrantes y las \"élites\" en un país corroído por el desempleo y enlutado por una ola de atentados yihadistas.\nRetos\nEl hombre que ha zarandeado la política con un nuevo partido fascina a propios y extraños. No sólo por su juventud, sino por estar casado con una mujer 24 años mayor que él: Brigitte, la futura primera dama rubia y esbelta que fue su profesora de teatro y estuvo omnipresente en la campaña.\nLíderes mundiales de la talla de la canciller Ángela Merkel y del expresidente estadounidense Barack Obama apoyaron su programa, centrado en la divisa: \"una Francia abierta, confiada y conquistadora\" en \"una Europa protectora\".\nMacron será el presidente más joven de la historia de Francia, por delante de Luis Napoleón Bonaparte, quien tenía 40 años cuando fue elegido en 1848, y uno de los más jóvenes del mundo.\nTiene cinco años por delante para dirigir un Estado con armas nucleares, miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y motor, junto con Alemania, de la Unión Europea, cuya zona euro quiere dotar con un presupuesto, un parlamento y un ministro de Finanzas propio.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Landslide victory for Macron", "text": "After emerging to the strains of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy Emmanuel Macron climbed on to a stage in the courtyard of the Louvre to salute the thousands who gathered to celebrate his election victory CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON/EPA\nEmmanuel Macron won the French presidency last night, crushing Marine Le Pen, the far-right candidate, after a vicious contest that has ended decades of rule by established parties.\nMr Macron, 39, a pro-EU, free-trade proponent who made a bold pitch for power with no electoral experience, is France’s youngest new leader since Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799.\nThe victory marked a historic upheaval in the country’s political landscape and inflicted a reversal on the nationalist, anti-globalisation cause that has made inroads in the US and Europe.\nMr Macron, a former economy minister under President Hollande, was projected to win 65 per cent of the vote in the second-round run-off to Ms Le Pen’s 35 per cent.\nA low turnout of 74 per cent and a record…", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Macron Decisively Defeats Le Pen in French Presidential Race", "text": "Her loss provided further signs that the populist wave that swept Britain out of the European Union and Donald J. Trump into the White House may have crested in Europe, for now.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\n“I understand the divisions of our country that have led some to vote for extremists,” Mr. Macron said after the vote. “I understand the anger, the anxiety, the doubts that a great part among us have also expressed.”\nMr. Macron pledged to do all he could in his five-year term to bring France together. “I will do everything I can in the coming five years to make sure you never have a reason to vote for extremism again,” he said later Sunday evening, standing before the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre, once the main residence of France’s kings, as thousands of flag-waving supporters gathered in the courtyard to celebrate.\nBut the election results showed that many people chose not to vote for either candidate, signaling skepticism about his project. And Mr. Macron quickly made clear that he understood the magnitude of the task before him after an often angry campaign.\nVideo\n“It is my responsibility to hear and protect the most fragile,” he said.\nWith nearly 100 percent of the vote counted, Mr. Macron had 66 percent, compared with 34 percent for Ms. Le Pen, according to the official count from the Interior Ministry.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nThe outcome was a watershed for Ms. Le Pen’s party, the far-right National Front, giving it new legitimacy even though the results showed that the party remains anathema to much of the French electorate for its history of anti-Semitism, racism and Nazi nostalgia.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nAs significant for France and for Mr. Macron’s future, nearly 34 percent of eligible voters did not cast a ballot or cast a blank or null one, suggesting that a large number of people could not bring themselves to vote for him. The abstention rate was the highest since 1969.\nThat lack of support presaged a difficult road ahead as Mr. Macron tries to build a legislative majority to push through his program. French parliamentary elections are next month. Currently, he has no party in Parliament.\nAmong the odds stacked against Mr. Macron, a former economy minister in the departing Socialist government, are deep doubts about the merits of a market economy.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\n“We saw the emergence of very strong anticapitalist forces,” said Gaspard Koenig, the director of the French think tank Generation Libre.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\n“You have 50 percent of the electorate that reject the market economy in a very radical way,” Mr. Koenig added. “Thus, he must during the next five years convince people that there are alternatives to the destruction of capitalism that can help them.”\nThe runoff election was groundbreaking for being a choice between two political outsiders, as well as for its rancor and for an apparent attempt to sway the vote with the hacking of Macron campaign emails, similar to the attack directed at last year’s election in the United States.\nMs. Le Pen, 48, conceded the election not long after polls closed in France, saying voters had chosen “continuity,” denying Mr. Macron his outsider status and linking him to the departing Socialists.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nThe vote was a record for the National Front and, she said, a mandate for it to become a new “patriotic and republican alliance” that would be “the primary opposition force against the new president.”\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nMs. Le Pen earned 10.6 million votes, close to twice the number her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, received when he ran a losing presidential campaign against Jacques Chirac in 2002. The 34 percent of the vote Ms. Le Pen won was the highest share the French had ever given to her party.\nPlease verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address. Please re-enter. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. Sign Up Receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. View all New York Times newsletters.\nThe election was also the first in which the National Front candidate — rather than being a pariah who was shut out of debates and kept off the front pages of major newspapers, as happened in 2002 — was treated more like a normal candidate despite the party’s anti-Semitic and racist roots.\nAfter taking over the party leadership in 2011, Ms. Le Pen worked to distance the National Front from her father, its founder. Stéphane Ravier, a National Front senator and a close adviser to Ms. Le Pen, said the party needed to go further in remaking its identity.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\n“We will need to make some changes, do things differently,” he said in an interview as the returns came in. “We will have to talk about our positions on the euro with more pedagogy. We may also have to change the name of the party.”\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nIn her concession speech, Ms. Le Pen acknowledged that the party had to “profoundly” renew itself to become a “new political force.”\nMs. Le Pen clearly failed to persuade enough voters that her party had sufficiently changed. Many of the votes Mr. Macron received on Sunday were no doubt cast less in support of him than in rejection of her. Nearly the entire political establishment spoke out against a Le Pen presidency.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "ca", "title": "Macron promet defensar França i Europa després de guanyar Le Pen", "text": "Diumenge, 7 de maig del 2017 - 17:53 CEST\nFa ara cinc anys, François Hollande, va guanyar les eleccions amb la promesa de ser un «president normal» mentre l’esquerra ho celebrava amb una gran festa a La Bastilla. Ahir a la nit, a la plaça del Louvre, un espai neutral, «ni de dretes ni d’esquerres», va començar el que promet ser una aventura política extraordinària per la seva novetat. Emmanuel Macron, l’home que embolicat en la bandera europeista ha sacsejat la política francesa en només uns mesos, es convertirà aquesta setmana als 39 anys en el president més jove que ha tingut mai França, després de guanyar de forma contundent la ultradretana Marine Le Pen. Amb el 89% dels vots escrutats, Macron va aconseguir el 64,78% de les paperetes. La seva rival es va quedar en el 35,22%.\nReunides a la plaça del Louvre, davant de la famosa piràmide de vidre, milers de persones van acollir amb alegria l’entrada triomfal de Macron. Ho va fer amb els acords de l’Himne de l’alegria, l’europeu. «El que hem fet des de fa tants mesos no té precedent ni equivalent. Tothom deia que era impossible. ¡Perquè no coneixien França!», va declarar entre ovacions en un sentit discurs que va acabar entre les llàgrimes de la seva dona, Brigitte, i envoltat de tota la seva família.\nAbans, al quarter general d’En Marxa! (EM), el moviment que va fundar fa només un any, Macron va fer la seva primera declaració de la nit. Molt més institucional es va dirigir «a tots els ciutadans del país», també als votants de Le Pen, a qui va enviar una «salutació republicana».\nVa expressar el seu desig que la nova pàgina que s’obre a França amb la seva victòria sigui la de l’«esperança i confiança retrobada». I va tornar a abraçar la bandera europeista a l’afirmar que defensarà «França i Europa». Va prometre que treballarà per «regenerar la vida pública» i que la seva prioritat serà la lluita contra el terrorisme. Però sobretot va llançar un missatge als votants de Le Pen. Va assegurar haver entès «la còlera, l’ansietat i els dubtes» dels francesos i va prometre «lluitar contra les divisions que minen França».\nReconciliar aquestes dues Frances, amb profundes fractures –territorial, social, cultural i econòmica– que han posat en evidència les urnes serà la primera missió de Macron, que ha sigut elegit amb vot prestat –el de la «defensa de la República», com ell ha admès– amb una abstenció rècord d’entre el 25% i 27% –no es veia des del 1969– i un rècord de vots blancs o nuls del 12%.\nEL MILLOR RESULTAT DE L’FN\nLa victòria de Macron sobre Le Pen és contundent però no pot esborrar el fet que la candidata ultra ha aconseguit per al Front Nacional (FN) el millor resultat de la seva història: 11 milions de vots (5,5 milions en va aconseguir el seu pare en la segona volta el 2002), confirmant que el seu és un partit en contínua ascensió, amb vocació d’arribar al poder.\nAl país dels drets humans i les conquistes socials, el discurs excloent, antiimmigració i xenòfob del Front Nacional ha conquistat l’esperit de bona part dels francesos, sobretot entre els castigats per la globalització, seduïts per qui s’ha autobatejat com «la candidata del poble» davant del «candidat de les finances».\nMacron, amb un programa centrista, liberal en el terreny econòmic i també en el social i apuntalat amb mesures socials, tindrà una fèrria oposició, i no solament del Front Nacional. Després de negar-li el vot, el candidat de l’esquerra insubmisa, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, promet donar-li guerra. En la seva primera declaració després de conèixer el triomf de Macron va assegurar que el seu programa destruirà el «sistema social francès».\nEls sindicats ja han convocat una manifestació per avui mateix contra les polítiques del candidat. L’aprofundiment de la impopular reforma laboral que va aprovar François Hollande és una de les seves prioritats així que formi Govern aquesta setmana, amb què llançarà el primer missatge de la nova era. A l’Executiu hi vol integrar persones de la dreta i de l’esquerra. La meitat no procedirà del món de la política, sinó de la societat civil.\nLES ELECCIONS LEGISLATIVES\nLes batalles que haurà de mantenir el nou president seran en múltiples fronts. Al juny estan convocades eleccions legislatives i Macron s’haurà d’escarrassar per aconseguir la majoria en l’Assemblea amb En Marxa! i evitar una nova cohabitació. Però per poder-ho fer, el moviment haurà d’aconseguir en un altre temps rècord presentar 577 candidats a tot el territori nacional. Macron ha dit que desitja ser un «president que presideixi amb un primer ministre que governi». Però necessita que sigui dels seus.\nAmb un poder gairebé absolut (presidència, Assemblea i majoria de regions, departaments i grans ciutats) Hollande, el socialista que va arrencar tantes esperances amb la promesa d’arreglar els comptes públics i impulsar el creixement, llega una economia ranquejant\n–deute, dèficit i atur– i un país espantat pel terrorisme. Macron haurà de fer alguna cosa més que confiar en els astres que des del principi d’aquesta aventura l’han acompanyat per convertir-lo en el vuitè president de la Cinquena República quan fa únicament tres anys –abans que Hollande el nomenés ministre d’Economia– era un desconegut.\nLes seves polítiques hauran d’acabar amb les causes del desencant que han portat tants i tants ciutadans francesos a la indiferència i de la ràbia que ha fet a molts altres més votar l’extrema dreta, a la qual ja no n’hi ha prou de contenir-la, sinó que s’haurà de combatre. En cas contrari, el terreny haurà sigut adobat perquè d’aquí cinc anys el populisme més reaccionari porti la foscor al país de les llums i de la raó.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "La participación, decisiva en la disputa presidencial de Macron y Le Pen", "text": "Más de 45 millones de franceses están llamados este domingo a elegir entre dos modelos irreconciliables de país, en unas elecciones en las que el socioliberal Emmanuel Macron parte como claro favorito, pero cuyo resultado estará determinado por el nivel de participación.\nSi cerca del 80 % de los censados acuden a ejercer su derecho, como sucedió en la primera vuelta hace dos semanas, las encuestas auguran una holgada victoria por más de veinte puntos del centrista Macron frente a la ultraderechista Marine Le Pen.\nSin embargo, es una incógnita qué sucedería con una abstención alta acompañada por un aumento exponencial del voto en blanco, una circunstancia que se contempla por el rechazo que producen ambos candidatos en algunos sectores de la sociedad.\nLa campaña más bronca que se recuerda tuvo como corolario, en la noche del viernes al sábado, el anuncio de que una ingente cantidad de documentos internos del movimiento 'En Marcha', fundado por Macron, han sido pirateados y difundidos por las redes sociales.\nAunque el silencio obligatorio en la jornada de reflexión evitó que Le Pen pudiese utilizar políticamente la filtración de esos papeles, la noticia acabó de enfangar unos comicios que serán recordados por su acritud.\nLa única reacción del Frente Nacional (FN) llegó a cargo de su vicepresidente Florian Philippot, minutos antes de que llegara la medianoche y se impusiera la restricción, en un tuit en la red social Twitter el que se preguntó: ¿Enseñarán los #MacronLeaks cosas que el periodismo de investigación ha callado deliberadamente?\".\n'En Marcha' denunció que los archivos pirateados -como correos electrónicos, documentos contables o contratos- fueron obtenidos hace varias semanas \"gracias al 'hackeo' de direcciones de correo personales y profesionales de responsables del movimiento\".\nSegún el movimiento que el exministro de Economía creó hace ahora un año, los autores del pirateo hicieron circular documentos falsos junto a los auténticos para \"sembrar la duda y la desinformación\".\nPara la campaña \"macronista\", el robo es \"una tentativa de desestabilizar las elecciones presidenciales\", a imagen de lo que \"ya se vio en Estados Unidos en la última campaña\".\nEl pasado 26 de abril, \"En Marcha\" confirmó haber sido objeto de al menos cinco ciberataques realizados por profesionales y atribuidos al mismo grupo de piratas rusos, Pawn Storm, al que se responsabilizó de las filtraciones de correos de la campaña de la candidata demócrata en las elecciones estadounidenses, Hillary Clinton.\nEn una reacción fulminante, la Comisión Nacional de Control de la Campaña Presidencial (CNCCEP) recordó a todos los ciudadanos, y especialmente a los medios de comunicación, que la difusión de los documentos pirateados puede implicar la \"responsabilidad penal\" de sus autores.\nMientras, el todavía presidente François Hollande señaló que la agresión cibernética \"no quedará sin respuesta\", al tiempo que admitió que existía el riesgo de que algo así sucediera, \"pues ya ha ocurrido en otras partes\".\nMedidas de seguridad\nLas votaciones, que comenzaron ayer sábado en los territorios franceses de ultramar y en los consulados galos en el continente americano, estarán rodeadas por excepcionales medidas de seguridad, en la línea de las que se desplegaron en la primera vuelta.\nMás de 50.000 policías y gendarmes, apoyados por los 7.000 militares movilizados en el marco de la operación antiterrorista Sentinelle, velarán por que la segunda vuelta de las presidenciales se desarrolle en \"máximas condiciones de seguridad\".\nEl ataque perpetrado por un supuesto yihadista el 20 de abril en los Campos Elíseos de París, en el que murió un policía, y la detención este viernes de un presunto radicalizado que pretendía atentar contra una base militar en Normandía mantienen en estado de alerta absoluta a las fuerzas de seguridad.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Grzegorz Lato honorowym obywatelem Mielca
'''Mieleccy radni miejscy jednogłośnie nadali tytuł Honorowego Obywatela Miasta Mielca i .''' Kazimierski był wieloletnim wiceprezesem w latach 1967-1984. W tym czasie klub w i zdobył .''' Grzegorz Lato to były napastnik Stali Mielec, reprezentant Polski, mistrz olimpijski z Monachium oraz wicemistrz olimpijski z Montrealu, król strzelców Mistrzostw Świata w piłce nożnej z roku 1974. 'W latach 2008-2012 pełnił funkcję prezesa .''' Tytuły nadano z okazji obchodów 80-lecia powstania .
[ "Podkarpackie", "Sport", "Mielec" ]
[ { "language": "pl", "title": "Rada Miejska przyznała tytuły Honorowych Obywateli Miasta Mielca", "text": "Rada Miejska przyznała tytuły Honorowych Obywateli Miasta Mielca\n10:20, 02.12.2019 | K.S\nBez żadnych wątpliwości dotyczących osiągnięć i zasług zarówno Edwarda Kazimierskiego jak i Grzegorza Lato – Rada Miejska w Mielcu zdecydowała o przyznaniu obydwóm tytułu Honorowego Obywatelska Miasta Mielca. W dyskusji radnych nie brakowało jednak wątpliwości proceduralnych, że uchwała podejmowana jest bez regulaminu, konsultacji i jasnych zasad przyznawania tytułu.\nMiejscy radni jednogłośnie przyznali tytuł Honorowego Obywatela Miasta Mielca Edwardowi Kazimierskiemu i Grzegorzowi Lacie. Pierwszy był wieloletnim wiceprezesem Fabrycznego Klubu Sportowego Stal Mielec. To współtwórca sukcesów sportowych klubu, a także wierny kibic mieleckiego sportu. Grzegorz Lato to oczywiście były zawodnik Stali Mielec, reprezentant Polski, olimpijczyk, król strzelców Mistrzostw Świata w piłce nożnej z roku 1974, a także trener i działacz sportowy – pełnił funkcję prezesa PZPN.\nPomysł uhonorowania zarówno Edwarda Kazimierskiego jak i Grzegorza Lato wziął się z nadchodzącego jubileuszu 80-lecia FKS Stali Mielec. Miasto jest współorganizatorem okolicznościowej gali, stąd idea uhonorowania dwóch postaci związanych z klubem.\nPierwotnie radni w komisjach tematycznych, a później na sesji debatowali nad tym pomysłem. Wszyscy jednoznacznie podkreślali, że zasługi obydwu panów są niekwestionowane. Wątpliwości budził jednak sposób przyznawania im tytułów.\nMarek Zalotyński mówił, że tytuł Honorowego Obywatela Miasta Mielca przyznawany jest za wybitne zasługi dla miasta. - Przygotowując się do obchodów 550-rocznicy lokacji miasta i związanych z tym planowanych uroczystości winniśmy wypracować jasne, klarowne zasady związane z tym tytułem, bo jest to najwyższe wyróżnienie gminy. Powinniśmy zdefiniować je, przygotować i zastosować. Chcę powiedzieć, że nim przejdziemy do nadawania takich tytułów należy opracować ten dokument – mówił radny Marek Zalotyński, dodając że uchwały zostały przekazane bez stosownego „przygotowania i konsultacji społecznych, bez czasu na omówienie i wypracowanie wszystkich zasad”.\nWtórował mu Marian Kokoszka, wiceprzewodniczący Rady Miejskiej, który zwracał uwagę, że takie tytuły powinny być nadawane w konsensusie, wręcz poprzez aklamację. Tymczasem dzisiaj nie brakuje wątpliwości proceduralnych.\nFinalnie Bogdan Bieniek, przewodniczący Rady Miejskiej podkreślił, iż planując na obrady sesji punkt dotyczący uhonorowania Edwarda Kazimierskiego i Grzegorza Lato „nie miał wątpliwości, że obydwaj panowie wpiszą się w jakikolwiek regulamin”. Podkreślił też, że obaj są ikonami Mielca. Bieniek zapowiedział przy tym opracowanie przez miasto regulaminu określającego zasady przyznawania kolejnych takich tytułów w przyszłości.\nW głosowaniu wszyscy obecni na sali radni byli za przyznaniem tytułu Honorowego Obywatelstwa Miasta Mielca zarówno Edwardowi Kazimierskiemu, jak i Grzegorzu Lacie. Tytuły mają zostać wręczone podczas uroczystości 80-lecia FKS Stali Mielec zaplanowanej na 7 grudnia.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
China declares "the state shall employ nonpeaceful means"
China announces details of anti-secession law. China passed a new law that codifies a legal basis for authorising the use of military force to stop Taiwan from formally declaring its independence from the mainland. The anti-succession law was passed by the National People's Congress on March 8 in Beijing. The deputy chairman of the NPC told members gathered at the Great Hall of the People that, "If possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity." The broad language of the law does not specify any exact measures China might take, but its effect is to reinforce the mainland's long held position of a one-China principle. The Mainland Affairs Council in Taipei described the law as "malicious" and "crude". Taiwan views the development as violating international norms for peacefully resolving disputes. "This law exposes China's plot to impose armed force to swallow up Taiwan," read the council's written statement. "In essence, it has handed its military a blank check to unleash force against Taiwan." A Taiwanese Defence Ministry spokesperson announced that military exercises will be held this summer to practice defending against an attack. The White House had urged China to reconsider the law before it was passed. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said, "We view it as unhelpful - something that runs counter to recent trends toward a warming in cross-strait relations. We oppose any attempts to determine the future of Taiwan by anything other than peaceful means." China has always officially maintained that Taiwan, which split from the mainland in 1949, is a rogue territory which must eventually reunify with China. Just recently in a ‘four point guideline' set forth on March 5, 2005, Chinese President Hu Jintao said, "On no account shall the 1.3 billion Chinese people allow anyone to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will not have the slightest hesitation, falter or concession on the major principle issue of opposing secession. The 'Taiwan independence' secessionist forces must abandon their secessionist stand and stop all 'Taiwan independence' activities." Chinese opposition to a plan by Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian for a referendum on a new constitution that may violate Jintao's ‘four-point guideline' is seen in part as prompting the new law.
[ "Asia", "China", "Politics and conflicts", "Taiwan", "Hu Jintao" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "War talk between China, Taiwan", "text": "War talk between China, Taiwan\n08/03/2005 16:57 - (SA) Related Articles Quakes hit Taiwan 'US violates human rights' China pushes 'red tourism' Year of bloodshed predicted Taiwan 'forced' to offer $10m Chen sorry for snotty remark\nBeijing - China put forward a law on Tuesday authorising an attack if Taiwan moves toward formal independence, ratcheting up pressure on the self-ruled island while warning other countries not to interfere. Taiwan denounced the legislation as a \"blank check to invade\" and announced war games aimed at repelling an attack. The proposed anti-secession law, read out for the first time before the ceremonial National People's Congress, doesn't say what specific actions might invite a Chinese attack. \"If possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,\" Wang Zhaoguo, deputy chairman of the NPC's Standing Committee, told the nearly 3 000 NPC members gathered in the Great Hall of the People. Beijing claims Taiwan, split from China since 1949, as part of its territory. The communist mainland repeatedly has threatened to invade if Taiwan tries to make its independence permanent, and the new law doesn't impose any new conditions or make new threats. But it lays out for the first time legal requirements for military action. Building up weapons arsenal Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, which handles the island's China policy, said the law gives China's military \"a blank check to invade Taiwan\" and \"exposed the Chinese communists' attempt to use force to annex Taiwan and to be a regional power.\" The island's vice-president, Annette Lu, accused Beijing of violating international norms for peacefully resolving disputes, as Taipei prepared for an invasion. Large-scale military exercises would be held from mid-April to August, with troops practicing knocking down Chinese missiles and fighting communist commandos, said Taiwan's Defence Ministry spokesperson Liu Chih-chien. Mainland lawmakers immediately expressed support for the anti-secession measure, which is sure to be passed when they vote March 14. The NPC routinely approves all legislation already decided by Communist Party leaders. \"We must join hands and absolutely not allow Taiwan to separate from China,\" said Chang Houchun, a businessman and NPC member from southern China's Guangdong province. Chinese officials say the law was prompted in part by Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian's plans for a referendum on a new constitution for the island that Beijing worries might include a declaration of independence. China and Taiwan have no official ties and most direct travel and shipping between the two sides is banned. But Taiwanese companies have invested more than $100bn in the mainland and the two sides carry on thriving indirect trade. In an apparent attempt to calm Taiwanese public anxiety, Wang said the law promises that Chinese military forces would try to avoid harming Taiwanese civilians. He said the rights of Taiwanese on China's mainland also would be protected.\nDiscussion Forums | Newsletters | Photo Galleries | Earlier stories", "url": ",,2-10-1462_1673127,00.html", "archive_url": ",,2-10-1462_1673127,00.html" }, { "language": "en", "title": "MarketWatch: Stock Market News", "text": "J.C. Penney Co. Inc. said late Friday that it had filed a Chapter 11 petition for the reorganization of the company and entered into a restructuring agreement with lenders holding roughly 70% of a portion of the company's debt. Shares of J.C. Penney fell 29% in the extended session. \"The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for our families, our loved ones, our communities, and our country,\" J.C. Penney Chief Executive Jill Soltau said in a statement. \"As a result, the American retail industry has experienced a profoundly different new reality, requiring JCPenney to make difficult decisions in running our business to protect the safety of our associates and customers and the future of our company.\" The company said it would continue operations and that it had $500 million in cash as of the Chapter 11 filing date. It also said that it had received commitments for $900 million of debtor-in-possession financing from its existing debt holders. The company expects the money will be sufficient to meet its operational and restructuring needs. As part of its reorganization, J.C. Penney said it planned to close stores in phases, the first of which it will announce in the \"coming weeks.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Kansas City Breaking News, Crime & Sports | The Kansas City Star", "text": "Top headlines in your inbox\nSign up for Morning Rush and get all the news you need to start your day.\nRecaptcha\nSIGN UP\nThis site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
WikiLeaks da a conocer lista con los lugares más importantes para los Estados Unidos
En el marco de la polémica desatada por la filtración de ''cables'' del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el sitio web WikiLeaks reveló los lugares que podrían ser los de mayor interés para Estados Unidos. En general, estos sitios son puntos estratégicos en comunicaciones y con recursos naturales. Se trata de un cable, con fecha del 18 de febrero de 2009, que contiene mas de 300 focos de importancia en todo el mundo. El cable señala desde minas, empresas sumamente millonarias, satélites de comunicaciones, puntos importantes geográficos y oleoductos, según lo publicado en el diario británico ''The Times''. El cable señala como estratégicamente relevante, por ejemplo, al Estrecho de Gibraltar y al Instituto Grifols, ubicados en Barcelona. También, incluye laboratorios encargados de producir insulina en toda Europa, como los Laboratorios Sanofín. Los focos de importancia en África, sostiene WikiLeaks, se basan generalmente en ser ricos en recursos naturales: la lista comienza con una mina de cobalto en Congo, y continúa enumerando lugares en el resto del planeta, como el Medio Oriente y Turquía. "Este es el tipo de información que los terroristas quieren saber", declaró ultrajado el ex ministro de Relaciones Exteriores británico, Malcolm Rifkind. Según autoridades británicas, estos cables pueden afectar la salud pública, la economía y, sobre todo, la Seguridad Nacional de los Estados Unidos. Según publica WikiLeaks, el sitio más importante para los Estados Unidos sería el Gaseoducto de Nadym, ubicado en Siberia, puesto que serviría como vía de tránsito del gas entre Rusia y el resto del mundo. El cable corresponde a una serie de 250.000 documentos secretos que fueron filtrados por WikiLeaks. El fundador del sitio web, Julian Assange, podría enfrentar cargos que equivaldrían hasta 52 años de prisión.
[ "WikiLeaks", "Internet", "Política", "Estados Unidos", "Norteamérica", "Reino Unido", "España", "Europa", "Rusia", "República Democrática del Congo", "Julian Assange", "África", "Asia" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "WikiLeaks revela los sitios que más importan a Estados Unidos", "text": "Según los cables, el Gobierno de EU tendría especial interés en lugares estratégicos de comunicaciones y recursos naturales\nEl sitio web WikiLeaks publicó detalles de lugares en todo el mundo que Estados Unidos considera vitales para sus intereses, despertando críticas de que está ayudando a los militantes a identificar posibles blancos de ataque.Los detalles son parte de los 250 mil cables diplomáticos obtenidos por el sitio web que están comenzando a hacerse públicos.La lista comienza con una mina de cobalto en Kinshasa, Congo, y menciona varios lugares en Europa donde compañías farmacéuticas producen insulina, tratamientos para mordeduras de serpientes y vacunas contra la aftosa.En Oriente Medio, destaca que Qatar será la mayor fuente de gas natural licuado importado en el 2012 y también se refiere al complejo Abqaiq en Arabia Saudita, la mayor planta de procesamiento y estabilización de crudo del mundo, donde Al Qaeda montó un frustrado ataque en el 2006.Hubo advertencias de que la mención de tantos blancos sensibles en los cables filtrados pudiera ayudar a los militantes.El ex ministro de Relaciones Exteriores británico Malcolm Rifkind acusó a WikiLeaks de ser \"generalmente irresponsable, al borde de lo criminal\".\"Este es el tipo de información que los terroristas quieren saber\", dijo al diario The Times.El profesor Richard Aldrich, de la Warwick University, en el centro de Inglaterra, sostuvo que los datos tenían el potencial de colaborar con los militantes para hallar objetivos fáciles de atacar.\"Esencialmente, lo que le dice a los terroristas es que mientras que están atacando blancos fuertemente protegidos de un valor relativamente bajo, lo que podrían estar haciendo es atacar blancos de gran valor que están relativamente indefensos\", dijo a BBC News.\"Por eso, es el mensaje general el que tiene el potencial de cambiar el patrón de un número de grupos terroristas alrededor del mundo\", agregó.El cable describe detalles de complejos cuya pérdida podrían impactar en la salud pública, la economía o la seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos. Fue preparado luego de que el Departamento de Estado encargara a las misiones en el exterior una lista de ese tipo de sitios.El documento menciona lugares donde los cables de comunicación submarina llegan a rutas terrestres y de energía, incluyendo el oleoducto Baku-Tiflis-Ceyhan, que opera desde Azerbaiyán hasta Turquía.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Wikileaks publica la lista de lugares más importantes para EEUU", "text": "Los laboratorios Grifols, una de las empresas clave en el mundo para EEUU.\nWikileaks ha publicado lo que quizá represente la filtración más controvertida hasta el momento: una lista de las infraestructuras que EEUU considera claves en todo el mundo.\nEl cable, que data del 18 de febrero del año pasado, se trata de un compendio de más de 300 focos en todo el mundo. Empresas, minas, satélites de comunicaciones, puntos geográficos y oleoductos. Todo está en ese listado que ya ha sido catalogado por el diario británico The Times, como la \"lista de objetivos terroristas de Wikileaks\".\nEn España se pueden encontrar dos de esos puntos calientes del planeta: el Estrecho de Gibraltar y el Instituto Grifols de Barcelona, una farmacéutica que para EEUU es importante porque produce inmonoglobulina de uso intravenoso.\nDestaca en el listado la presencia de los laboratorios Sanofin en toda Europa, por su producción de insulina. También la importancia que tiene para Washington la industria armamentística alemana y las bases para submarinos en todo el mundo. Sobre África, EEUU se fija especialmente en las minas y los recursos naturales.\nEn el cable se puede comprobar cómo el gaseoducto de Nadym en Siberia es el \"más importante del mundo\", por servir de tránsito del gas entre Rusia y el resto del mundo.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "List of facilities 'vital to US security' leaked", "text": "List of facilities 'vital to US security' leaked\nThe cable asked missions to list all sites whose lose would damage the US\nA long list of key facilities around the world that the US describes as vital to its national security has been released by Wikileaks.\nThe US State Department in February 2009 asked all US missions abroad to list all installations whose loss could critically affect US national security.\nThe list includes pipelines, communication and transport hubs.\nSeveral UK sites are listed, including cable locations, satellite sites and BAE Systems plants.\nThis is probably the most controversial document yet from the Wikileaks organisation.\nThe definition of US national security revealed by the cable is broad and all embracing.\nIn addition to obvious pieces of strategic infrastructure like communications hubs, gas pipelines and so on, it contains, amongst other things, a cobalt mine in Congo, an anti-snake venom factory in Australia and an insulin plant in Denmark.\nThe US missions were asked to list all installations whose loss could critically impact the public health, economic security or national security of the United States.\nIn Britain, for example, the list ranges from Cornwall to Scotland, including key satellite communications sites and the places where trans-Atlantic cables make landfall.\nContinue reading the main story “ Start Quote What the list might do is to prompt potential attackers to look at a broader range of targets” End Quote\nA number of BAE Systems plants involved in joint weapons programmes with the Americans are listed, along with a marine engineering firm in Edinburgh which is said to be \"critical\" for nuclear powered submarines.\n'Targets for terror'\nThe geographical range of the document is extraordinary.\nIf the US sees itself as waging a \"global war on terror\" then this represents a global directory of the key installations and facilities - many of them medical or industrial - that are seen as being of vital importance to Washington.\nNo wonder then that the Times newspaper in London has published the story under the headline \"Wikileaks lists 'targets for terror' against the US\".\nSome locations are given unique billing. The Nadym gas pipeline junction in western Siberia, for example, is described as \"the most critical gas facility in the world\".\nContinue reading the main story The Main Leaks So Far Fears that terrorists may acquire Pakistani nuclear material\nSeveral Arab leaders urged attack on Iran over nuclear issue\nUS instructs spying on key UN officials\nChina's changing relationship with North Korea\nYemen approved US strikes on militants\nPersonal and embarrassing comments on world leaders\nAfghan leader Hamid Karzai freed dangerous detainees\nRussia is a \"virtual mafia state\" with widespread corruption and bribery\nAfghan President Hamid Karzai is \"paranoid and weak\"\nComments on the extent of alleged corruption in Afghanistan\nChinese leadership was 'behind hacking of Google'\nIt is a crucial transit point for Russian gas heading for western Europe.\nIn some cases, specific pharmaceutical plants or those making blood products are highlighted for their crucial importance to the global supply chain.\nOf course the critical question is that raised by the Times newspaper's headline: Is this really a listing of potential targets that might be of use to a terrorist?\nThe cable contains a simple listing. In many cases towns are noted as the location but not actual street addresses.\nThat, of course, is not going to hinder anyone with access to the internet.\nThere are also no details of security measures at any of the listed sites.\nWhat the list might do is to prompt potential attackers to look at a broader range of targets, especially given that the US authorities classify them as being so important.\nIt is not perhaps a major security breach, but many governments may see it as an unhelpful development.\nIt inevitably prompts the question as to exactly what positive benefit Wikileaks was intending in releasing this document.\nFormer UK Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind condemned the move.\n\"This is further evidence that they have been generally irresponsible, bordering on criminal,\" Mr Rifkind said. \"This is the kind of information terrorists are interested in knowing.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
France : la Chine s'intéresse à la Polynésie française
La dans l'océan Pacifique Un centre commercial chinois (le ) en 2010 Le 2 juin 2015, un communiqué de la présidence de Polynésie française annonce un nouveau partenariat, à la suite d'un accord signé l'année précédente : la société envisage de relier la à la . Les villes desservies seraient , puis , vers . Cet accord s'accompagne d'un partage de code avec , les deux sociétés desservent , au Japon. L'arrivée de touristes chinois est l'objectif fixé pour la période 2018-2020. ;Accord de coopération stratégique D'après le communiqué, Hainan Airlines . La création d'une société de droit local est prévue ; son objet social inclura notamment la .
[ "Chine", "France", "Tourisme", "Économie" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Hainan Airlines relierait la Chine à la Polynésie française", "text": "La compagnie aérienne Hainan Airlines devrait lancer des liaisons vers la Polynésie Française au départ de Pékin, Shanghai et à plus long terme Hong Kong, dans le cadre d’un partenariat passé avec le groupe HNA pour développer le tourisme dans le territoire.\nLe communiqué du 2 juin 2015 publié par la présidence de Polynésie française ne mentionne aucune date pour l’inauguration de ces liaisons, qui relieront à terme trois des plus importants aéroports chinois à Papeete-Faa’a. Les deux pays avaient signé l’année dernière un accord permettant la mise en place de 14 vols par semaine, et d’ici la fin de l’année huit vols charter vers Tahiti sont programmés par Caissa (filiale du groupe HNA). Un responsable de l’aviation civile chinoise cité par Polynésie 1ere explique que dans un premier temps, un accord de partage de codes entre Air Tahiti Nui, qui dessert Tokyo, et une compagnie chinoise reliant Pékin à la capitale japonaise permettrait déjà de développer le tourisme chinois vers les îles du Pacifique – dont l’objectif affiché est d’accueillir 300 000 touristes sur la période 2018-2020.\nL’accord de coopération stratégique va aussi permettre au groupe HNA de « déployer des moyens conséquents dans le cadre du développement touristique » de la Polynésie française. Il « dispose de la capacité financière pour investir dans des hôtels existants et réaliser un ou des projets de structures hôtelières et touristiques en Polynésie française, notamment sur le domaine d’Atimaono » précise le communiqué. Une société de droit local sera crée dans ce cadre, dont l’objet social comprendra notamment « recherche et actions liées à la construction ou au développement des projets touristiques, constructions et gestions des hébergements touristiques, constructions et gestions de lieux de divertissement, de centres commerciaux, activités de croisière ou encore agence de voyages ».\nHainan Airlines, classée 5 étoiles par Skytrax, dessert en Europe les villes de Berlin, Bruxelles, Rome, Moscou et St. Petersburg, plus Paris-CDG depuis septembre 2014 et où elle proposera cet été une troisième rotation hebdomadaire depuis Hangzhou via Xi’an. La plus grande compagnie privée chinoise propose aussi des vols vers la France en partage de codes, via Bruxelles avec Brussels Airlines, via Berlin avec Air Berlin, ou via Moscou avec Aeroflot ; elle dessert également St Petersburg.\nParmi les prochaines nouvelles liaisons de Hainan Airlines, on retiendra justement Tokyo-Haneda le 3 juillet prochain au départ de Pékin, des vols entre Shanghai et Boston ou Seattle, et en septembre un Pékin – Tel Aviv. Elle est sur le point de commander 30 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, qui viendraient s’ajouter vers 2021 aux douze 787-8 déjà achetés – dont huit sont en service, configurés pour accueillir 36 passagers en classe Affaires et 177 en classe Economie.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "fr", "title": "Signature d’un accord de coopération stratégique avec Hainan Airlines", "text": "CHINE, le 2 juin 2015. (COMMUNIQUE DE LA PRESIDENCE) Le président de la Polynésie française, Edouard Fritch, et le président de HNA (Hainan Airlines) tourisme, Zhang Ling, ont signé, mardi soir, à Pékin, un important accord de coopération stratégique. Celui-ci va permettre au groupe HNA de déployer des moyens conséquents dans le cadre du développement touristique de la Polynésie française.\nCe groupe dispose de la capacité financière pour investir dans des hôtels existants et réaliser un ou des projets de structures hôtelières et touristiques en Polynésie française, notamment sur le domaine d’Atimaono. HNA possède des compagnies aériennes (flotte de 500 appareils au total) et, dans le cadre de ce partenariat, il est ainsi prévu de mettre en œuvre une desserte aérienne directe entre la Chine et la Polynésie française.\nSelon les termes de l’accord de coopération stratégique, Hainan Airlines, quatrième compagnie aérienne la plus importante de Chine, et première compagnie aérienne privée de ce pays, s’engage à créer en Polynésie française une société de droit local dont l’objet social comprend notamment les points suivants : recherche et actions liées à la construction ou au développement des projets touristiques, constructions et gestions des hébergements touristiques, constructions et gestions de lieux de divertissement, de centres commerciaux, activités de croisière ou encore agence de voyages.\nLes perspectives de développement de Hainan Airlines permettent d’envisager une très forte croissance du tourisme chinois vers la Polynésie française, grâce à l’ouverture de lignes depuis Pékin, Shanghai et, plus tard, Hong Kong. Les touristes transportés par HNA vont ainsi permettre à la Polynésie d’atteindre son objectif de 300 000 touristes sur la période 2018-2020. D’ores-et-déjà, huit vols charter vers Tahiti sont programmés d’ici la fin de l’année, par le biais de Caissa, la société de HNA spécialisée dans les charters. La Polynésie compte également sur l’activité de croisière de ce groupe, un paquebot devant à terme être basé à Papeete pour effectuer des croisières dans les archipels polynésiens.\nA la demande du Pays, le groupe HNA s’engage en outre à recruter majoritairement des Polynésiens dans les diverses entreprises touristiques qui seront mises en place.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Ouzbékistan : le président Karimov dans un état de santé critique
A l'âge de 78 ans, le président ouzbek est dans un état de santé jugé critique par ses médecins. La semaine dernière, il avait été hospitalisé pour une ; son état se serait aggravé dans ces dernières 24 heures. Karimov est au pouvoir depuis 1989 et dirige l'Ouzbékistan depuis son indépendance, en 1991. L'année dernière, il avait été réélu pour 5 ans avec 90,4 % des voix.
[ "Asie", "Ouzbékistan", "Politique" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Ouzbékistan : le président Karimov se trouve dans un état de santé critique", "text": "Le président ouzbek, Islam Karimov, âgé de 78 ans, qui a été hospitalisé la semaine dernière à la suite d'une hémorragie cérébrale, se trouve dans un état de santé critique, ont annoncé ses médecins, vendredi.\nLe président de l'Ouzbékistan Islam Karimov est au plus mal. Le chef d’État, hospitalisé il y a pèrs d'une semaine, est dans un état critique, a annoncé vendredi 2 septembre le gouvernement dans un communiqué publié par le quotidien officiel Narodnoïe Slovo.\nL'état de santé de Karimov, qui est âgé de 78 ans, s'est nettement dégradé ces dernières vingt-quatre heures, précise le communiqué. \"Les médecins jugent (la situation) critique\", poursuit le communiqué.\nSon hospitalisation avait été annoncée dimanche par le gouvernement, qui n'avait fourni aucune explication.\nSa fille cadette, Lola Karimova-Tillyaeva, ambassadrice de son pays auprès de l'Unesco, à Paris, a précisé qu'il avait été victime d'une hémorragie cérébrale dans la matinée de samedi.\n>> À lire sur France 24 : \"La fille du président ouzbek dans le viseur de la justice française\"\nLes rumeurs sur son état de santé se sont depuis multipliées. La décision de la municipalité de Samarcande, sa ville natale, de charger en urgence ses employés de nettoyer les artères du centre-ville a été interprétée comme le signe de possibles préparatifs de funérailles nationales.\nAncien dirigeant local du Parti communiste, Karimov est au pouvoir depuis 1989 et préside l'ex-république soviétique d'Asie centrale depuis son indépendance, en 1991. Il a été réélu l'an dernier pour cinq ans avec 90,4 % des voix.\nAvec AFP\nPremière publication : 02/09/2016", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Oil spilled after ships collide in Singapore
Around 2500 tonnes of oil were spilled into the today after two ships collided. The two ships involved in the collision were the oil tanker MT Bunga Kelana 3 and the bulk ship MV Wally, which collided around thirteen kilometers south of Singapore. The tanker received an estimated ten meter gash on its left side, while the bulk ship sustained only minor damage. After the incident, both ships moved away from the spill and are now anchored. The oil slick has moved north, and is now now encompassing an estimated four square kilometers around six kilometers south of Singapore. Emergency teams from both Singapore and Malaysia have been mobilized, and around twenty vessels are taking part in the clean-up operations. Both containment booms and chemical dispersants are being used to clean up the oil. The spill is not expected to have any major effects on shipping; Victor Shum, an official from a consulting firm in Singapore, said that "if it is contained within an oil retaining booms, it may not disrupt shipping traffic. There is no comparison. That one has really no limit at this stage." Shum also expressed environmental concerns, saying that "certainly the concerns are there. Even if it is contained, it will take some time to clean up." No crew members from either of the ships involved were reported to be injured.
[ "Environment", "Asia", "Economy and business", "C628 (Wikinewsie)", "Oil spills", "Singapore" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Tanker, carrier collide off Singapore; lanes unaffected", "text": "SINGAPORE/KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - An oil tanker and a bulk carrier collided in waters between Malaysia and Singapore on Tuesday morning, spilling an estimated 2,500 tonnes of oil, but traffic in Asia’s busiest shipping lane was not affected.\nA close up view shows the damage on the Malaysian flagged MT Bunga Kelana 3 after a collision with a bulk carrier in the waters between Malaysia and Singapore May 25, 2010. REUTERS/Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency/Handout\nThe Malaysian flagged MT Bunga Kelana 3 was carrying about 62,000 tonnes of light crude oil, the country’s coast guard said.\nSingapore port authorities said the spill measured about 4 kilometers by 1 kilometer and was located 6 kilometers south of Singapore’s southeastern tip at 2:20 p.m. local time.\nSingapore and Malaysia activated oil-spill response companies and a clean-up operation involving 20 craft was under way. There were no reports of injuries among the 50 crew members.\nThe incident happened in the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) of the Singapore Strait, 13 kilometers (8 miles) from the tip of the island nation, the city-state’s Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) said.\nThe spill, equivalent to about 18,000 barrels, is dwarfed by the approximately 175,000 barrels of oil that has poured into the Gulf of Mexico since the deadly April 20 offshore explosion that sank the Deepwater Horizon rig.\nIt was less than a tenth the size of Singapore’s worst such oil spill since the MPA was created. As much as 29,000 tonnes of heavy marine fuel oil leaked into Singapore waters from the tanker Evoikos in 1997 after it collided with the Orapin Global tanker.\n“This is a relatively small amount in the general scheme of things, and it is not like the Gulf of Mexico, which is continuing to leak,” said Victor Shum from oil consultancy Purvin & Gertz in Singapore.\n“If it is contained within an oil retaining booms, it may not disrupt shipping traffic. There is no comparison. That one has really no limit at this stage.”\nIn terms of the impact of Singapore’s spill on the environment, Shum said: “I think certainly the concerns are there. Even if it is contained, it will take some time to clean up.” The 1997 Evoikos spill took three weeks to clean up.\nSingapore and Malaysia were applying oil dispersants and containment booms for the clean up, MPA said.\nAbout 40 percent of global trade passes through the Malacca Strait between Malaysia and Indonesia’s Sumatra. Singapore, the world’s largest bunkering port and Asia’s top oil-trading hub, lies at the southeastern end of the waterway.\nThe collision was between the tanker and the MV Waily, a bulk carrier registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines, which suffered minor damage, the Malaysian coast guard said. Both vessels are anchored away from the incident’s site.\n10-METER GASH\nThe collision caused a 10-meter gash on the left side of the tanker, the coast guard said. The vessel was carrying Bintulu condensate and light crude, said Paul Lovell, head of corporate communications at AET Tanker Holdings Sdn Bhd.\nAET, which owns and manages the vessel, is a wholly owned subsidiary of transport and energy company MISC Bhd, a unit of Malaysian national oil firm Petronas.\n“She was carrying two types of cargo, some condensate and some very light crude, it was about 40 percent condensate and about 60 percent light crude on the vessel at the time of the incident,” Lovell said.\n“It looks as though the spill would have been from the very light crude, the exact amount I can’t tell you.” The spokesman could not say who owned the oil.\nMISC on its website lists the Bunga Kelana 3 as an Aframax class tanker built in 1998 with a dead weight tonnage of 105,784. (", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Oil leaks from tanker collision off Singapore", "text": "Emergency teams are working to contain a crude oil spill after two ships - a tanker and a bulk carrier - collided in waters off Singapore.\nPort officials said no injuries had been reported but the Malaysian-registered tanker had ruptured one of its tanks.\nAn estimated 2,000 tonnes of crude oil are leaking into the sea.\nThe collision happened in the Strait of Singapore, one of the most important shipping lanes in the world.\nSingapore's Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) said the Malaysian-registered tanker Bunga Kelana 3 was damaged in a collision with the MV Wally, registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines.\nThe Bunga Kelana 3 was carrying light crude oil and condensate.\n\"The collision caused a 10-metre (yard) tear in the left side of the tanker and 2,000 metric tonnes of crude oil has spilled into the sea where the collision occurred,\" Cmdr Abdul Hadib bin Abdul Wahab of the Malaysian Coastguard told Reuters.\nBoth ships are anchored off Singapore as work continues to contain and clean up the oil spill.\nThe Malaysia-based operators of the tanker, AET, said booms were being placed around the vessel to contain the spill.\nSalvage operators said the oil could damage the local environment but that the speed of the response had reduced the impact.\n\"I think it can be controlled - 2,00r who asked not to be named told the AFP news agency.\nThere was no reported effect on shipping traffic in the Strait of Singapore, one of the world's busiest sea lanes, connecting trade routes from Asia to Africa and Europe.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Cambridge, MA, landmark "Gas With a Smile" requests waiver in conversion to Hess Express
Gas With a Smile, purveyors of gasoline and repair services at 2055 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge, MA, USA Gas With a Smile, an independent gas station on Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge has filed with the city for a hearing with the license commission to amend its license to do business as Hess Express. According to the Cambridge Department of Human Services, the Christos Poutahides No. 6 Family Limited Partnership, which owns the station, has asked that they be allowed not to offer repair services at the site. A hearing will be held on March 29, 2005, at the Lombardi Municipal Building at 831 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge. According to a guide published by the city, a "Garage and Gasoline License" is required "for a commercial or residential parking garage with space for 3 vehicles or more to keep and store flammables." Gas With a Smile was shut down by the city fire department in 1999 for failing to upgrade its underground gas tanks to comply with federal regulations passed 10 years earlier. Hess Express gas stations are owned by Amerada Hess, which operates approximately 1250 gas stations on the eastern seaboard of the United States. A closer shot of the sign advertising the service station's business
[ "Cambridge, Massachusetts", "Massachusetts", "United States", "North America", "Published" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "City of Cambridge Department of Human Services Event Detail", "text": "License Commission General Hearing Tuesday, March 29\n6:00 PM TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 2005 AT SIX O’CLOCK MICHAEL J. LOMBARDI MUNICIPAL BUILDING 831 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, BASEMENT CONFERENCE ROOM Disciplinary Continuation hearing from January 25, 2005- Clonmacnois Inc., d/b/a The Plough & Stars, George F. Crowley, Manager, holder of an All Alcoholic Beverages as a Restaurant license at 912 Massachusetts Avenue, for an update on a resolution to the noise issues. (follow-up investigative report is available). Decision Disciplinary 2046 Restaurant Corporation d/b/a Spirit, Christopher Fitzsimons, Manager, holder of an All Alcoholic Beverages as Restaurant license at 2046 Massachusetts Avenue, due to Liquor Field Investigation on February 3, 2005, whereby a woman was provided Alcohol and that she was 20 years old (under the legal age limit, able to procure alcoholic beverages). See detailed Investigative report. Decision Application Bernard Hicks for a Used Car Dealer Class II license at 98 River Street for office only. (wholesale and retail sales- no vehicles on premises). Decision Application Sandro Worldwide, d/b/a Sandro Transportation Service, for a Limousine/Livery license at 19 Lincoln Way, for an office and the garaging of one vehicle at same address. Decision Application George Makrigianis, c/o Rudy Corp. d/b/a Pizza Ring, Katherine Ferrari, Manager, for a Common Victualer license to be exercised on the first floor at 212 Western Avenue, total occupancy will be 18 persons (standing), hours of operation will be from 11:00a.m. to 2:00a.m., seven days per week. March 29, 2005 Hearing Page 2 Decision Application Wilson Cambridge Realty Trust, holder of a Garage & Gasoline license at 38-40 Smith Place, to amend its license to increase to 6,000 gallons of compressed gas (to be stored in portable trailer in a secure tank farm aboveground), from 3,532 gallons already licensed, for a total increase of 2,468 gallons. Decision Application Mid-West Grill, Inc. d/b/a Mid West Grill, Gilmar Pinto, Manager, holder of a Wine & Malt Beverages as a Restaurant license at 1124 Cambridge Street, for an increase in capacity from 97 to 125. This is Cap Area No. 7. Decision Application Aurora, LLC by its Manager Thomas Bursh d/b/a Flat Patties, Rubin Garza, Manager for a Common Victualer license to be exercised on the first floor at 81 Mt. Auburn Street, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight on Sun., Mon., Tues., & Wed. and from 7:00a.m. to 2:00a.m. on Thurs., Fri., & Sat., and to have a total occupancy of 29 persons. Applicant has also applied for an Entertainment license to include Audio Tape Machine/CD only Playing Background Music Below Ordinary Conversation Level. Decision Application University Wine Shop at Harvard Square, Inc. d/b/a University Wine Shop at Harvard Square, Kelli A. White, Manager, holder of an All Alcoholic Beverages as a Package Store six day license at 991B Massachusetts Avenue, for a transfer of its license to Kapsco, Inc. d/b/a University Wine Cellar, Marilyn Carter, Manager, at said address. Applicant has also applied to open on Sunday from 12:00 noon to 8:00p.m. Decision Application Brew Moon Colorado, Inc. d/b/a Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery, Timothy Cleland, Manager, holder of an All Alcoholic Beverages as a Restaurant license at 50 Church Street, for a transfer of license to H2 Ventures Inc. d/b/a Phatt Boys, Scott Harford, Manager, at said address. The seating capacity will be 274 and total occupancy of 304. Applicant has also applied for Pledge of License and an Entertainment license to include, Live Musical Instruments and/or Live Vocalists, with Amplification, Disc Jockey, one pool table, 16 television sets, and Audio March 29, 2005 Hearing Page 3 Tape Machine/CD which may play music Below, At or Above Conversation Level. Decision Application The Christos Poutahides No. 6 Family Limited Partnership d/b/a Gas with a Smile, holder of a Garage & Gasoline license at 2055 Massachusetts Avenue to amend its license to be a, self-service gas station and convenience store under a new d/b/a Hess/Hess Express. Applicant has also applied for a waiver of certain requirements to be a self-service gas station and convenience store (requirement for a bay or other indoor area for the minor repair, ordinary service, and ordinary maintenance of a motor vehicle, and the requirement of an on-site auto-mechanic. Applicant has also applied to amend this license as follows: increase to 30,000 gallon of gasoline and 10,000 gallons of diesel to be stored in underground tanks, from 16,000 gallons of gasoline already licensed. Decision Application Carlos Pimentel, Mario Pimentel and Robert Pimentel, Co-Partners d/b/a C.L.M. Auto Sales, have applied for a Used Car Dealer Class II license at 320 Webster Avenue for an office and four cars. Decision Ratifications Medallion 42 Brent Taxi, Inc., Debtor; Progressive Credit Union, Creditor Medallion 229 J.K. Cab, Inc., Debtor; Medallion Funding Corp., Creditor Medallion 120 Alewife T. Cab, Inc., Debtor; Medallion Funding Corp, Creditor Medallion’s 169 and 179 Carol’s Cab, Inc., Debtor; Medallion Funding Corp, Creditor Medallion’s 56 an 212 Katherine’s Cab, Inc., Debtor; Medallion Funding Corp, Creditor Medallion 224 Ril-Tul Cab, Inc., Debtor; Progressive Credit Union, Creditor Medallion 72 Muller Cab, Inc., Debtor; Progressive Credit Union, Creditor Medallion 215 RJO Cab, Inc., Debtor; Progressive Credit Union, Creditor Ellen Fitzgerald Watson Executive Assistant Contact: Ellen Watson Phone: 617 349-6140 TTY: 617 349-6112", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Championnat d'Angleterre du Premiership de rugby 2008-2009 : les résultats de la vingtième journée
Le championnat d'Angleterre continue, lui aussi, sur sa lancée en disputant sa vingtième journée. Elle a été marquée par la victoire des Harlequins à Bath, confortant ainsi sa première place. Résultats complets de la ème journée de Premiership Bath Rugby 3 - 19 '''Harlequins''' '''London Irish''' 38 - 21 Bristol Rugby '''Northampton Saints''' 40 - 22 Gloucester RFC '''Worcester Rugby''' 22 - 8 Saracens '''Leicester Tigers''' 37 - 31 Sale Sharks London Wasps Newcastle Falcons Classement général du Premiership d'Angleterre Class. Club Pts J G N P B pp pc +- 1. 61 20 13 1 6 7 482 347 135 2. 61 20 13 1 6 7 493 385 108 3. 60 20 11 1 8 14 502 350 152 4. 57 20 11 2 7 9 491 409 82 5. 56 20 12 0 8 8 426 401 25 6. 52 20 11 0 9 8 395 386 9 7. 46 20 9 0 11 10 406 398 8 8. 44 20 9 1 10 6 404 393 11 9. 42 19 9 1 9 4 330 398 10. 39 19 8 0 11 7 349 389 11. 30 20 6 2 12 2 320 492 12. 17 20 2 1 17 7 278 528 + Source : Wikinews
[ "Rugby à XV", "Championnat de Premiership de Rugby à XV", "Championnat de Premiership 2008-2009 de Rugby à XV", "Angleterre", "Europe", "Sport" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Fixtures & Results", "text": "Premiership Fixture List Comprehensive Fixture List Fixture Grid Fixtures and Results 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 Time Home\nAway Venue TV / Att\nRound 1 14:15 Bath Rugby 29 - 15 Worcester Warriors Recreation Ground 10,010 Report 15:30 Harlequins 35 - 27 London Irish Twickenham 39,400 Report 18:00 London Wasps 19 - 29 Saracens Twickenham 39,400 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 13 - 26 Leicester Tigers Memorial Stadium 8,125 Report 15:00 Leeds Carnegie 24 - 49 Gloucester Rugby Headingley Carnegie 10,674 Report 15:00 Newcastle Falcons 33 - 12 Sale Sharks Kingston Park 5,859 Report Round 2 15:00 Leicester Tigers 26 - 16 Bath Rugby Welford Road 17,059 Report 17:00 Harlequins 39 - 15 Leeds Carnegie Twickenham Stoop 7,459 Report 17:00 Worcester Warriors 24 - 24 London Wasps Sixways 7,105 Report 15:00 London Irish 19 - 0 Newcastle Falcons Madejski Stadium 6,800 Report 15:00 Sale Sharks 20 - 6 Bristol Rugby Edgeley Park 6,402 Report 15:00 Saracens 31 - 38 Gloucester Rugby Vicarage Road 6,976 Report Round 3 14:15 Bath Rugby 21 - 19 Sale Sharks Recreation Ground 10,105 Report 18:00 Gloucester Rugby 29 - 7 Worcester Warriors Kingsholm 15,781 Report 18:00 Newcastle Falcons 19 - 12 Harlequins Kingston Park 6,478 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 14 - 11 London Irish Memorial Stadium 6,751 Report 15:00 Leeds Carnegie 7 - 31 Saracens Headingley Carnegie 9,620 Report 15:00 London Wasps 17 - 20 Leicester Tigers Adams Park 7,313 Report Round 4 19:45 Sale Sharks 16 - 0 London Wasps Edgeley Park 7,368 Report 20:00 London Irish 20 - 22 Bath Rugby Madejski Stadium 8,092 Report 20:00 Newcastle Falcons 21 - 19 Leeds Carnegie Kingston Park 6,847 Report 16:00 Harlequins 24 - 18 Bristol Rugby Twickenham Stoop 7,732 Report 17:00 Worcester Warriors 16 - 21 Saracens Sixways 8,863 Report 18:00 Leicester Tigers 17 - 30 Gloucester Rugby Welford Road 17,101 Report Round 5 20:00 Leeds Carnegie 26 - 21 Worcester Warriors Headingley Carnegie 4,516 Report 12:30 Bath Rugby 25 - 10 Harlequins Recreation Ground 10,142 Report 15:00 Gloucester Rugby 31 - 12 Sale Sharks Kingsholm 14,075 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 23 - 16 Newcastle Falcons Memorial Stadium 6,829 Report 15:00 London Wasps 28 - 14 London Irish Adams Park 6,629 Report 15:00 Saracens 26 - 19 Leicester Tigers Vicarage Road 7,427 Report Round 6 19:45 Sale Sharks 34 - 30 Saracens Edgeley Park 7,051 Report 15:00 Harlequins 26 - 25 London Wasps Twickenham Stoop 10,115 Report 15:00 Leicester Tigers 28 - 20 Worcester Warriors Welford Road 16,219 Report 14:00 Newcastle Falcons 20 - 33 Bath Rugby Kingston Park 5,592 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 39 - 13 Leeds Carnegie Memorial Stadium 6,439 Report 16:00 London Irish 15 - 10 Gloucester Rugby Madejski Stadium 7,582 Report Round 7 20:00 Worcester Warriors 15 - 34 Sale Sharks Sixways 10,197 Report 14:15 Bath Rugby 28 - 13 Bristol Rugby Recreation Ground 10,600 Report 14:45 Leeds Carnegie 6 - 29 Leicester Tigers Headingley Carnegie 9,496 Report 15:00 Gloucester Rugby 27 - 25 Harlequins Kingsholm 13,506 Report 15:00 London Wasps 35 - 12 Newcastle Falcons Adams Park 9,502 Report 15:00 Saracens 24 - 20 London Irish Vicarage Road 9,020 Report Round 8 14:15 Bath Rugby 41 - 10 Leeds Carnegie Recreation Ground 10,600 Report 14:45 Bristol Rugby 23 - 23 London Wasps Memorial Stadium 9,926 Report 15:00 Harlequins 20 - 27 Saracens Twickenham Stoop 11,672 Report 14:45 Sale Sharks 20 - 14 Leicester Tigers Edgeley Park 10,872 Report 15:00 London Irish 23 - 16 Worcester Warriors Madejski Stadium 9,266 Report 15:00 Newcastle Falcons 13 - 20 Gloucester Rugby Kingston Park 9,612 Report Round 9 14:45 Leicester Tigers 25 - 17 London Irish Welford Road 17,498 Report 14:45 London Wasps 25 - 10 Bath Rugby Adams Park 10,000 Report 15:00 Gloucester Rugby 27 - 0 Bristol Rugby Kingsholm 16,500 Report 15:00 Worcester Warriors 7 - 10 Harlequins Sixways 10,197 Report 15:00 Leeds Carnegie 20 - 34 Sale Sharks Headingley Carnegie 11,116 Report 16:00 Saracens 19 - 22 Newcastle Falcons Vicarage Road 17,223 Report Round 10 20:00 Bath Rugby 10 - 5 Gloucester Rugby Recreation Ground 10,600 Report 15:00 London Wasps 25 - 17 Leeds Carnegie Adams Park 7,667 Report 13:15 Harlequins 13 - 42 Leicester Tigers Twickenham Stoop 12,605 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 18 - 3 Saracens Memorial Stadium 8,129 Report 15:00 London Irish 20 - 12 Sale Sharks Madejski Stadium 9,744 Report 15:00 Newcastle Falcons 15 - 12 Worcester Warriors Kingston Park 7,219 Report Round 11 20:00 Sale Sharks 20 - 13 Harlequins Edgeley Park 10,216 Report 15:00 Gloucester Rugby 18 - 17 London Wasps Kingsholm 16,200 Report 15:00 Leicester Tigers 41 - 14 Newcastle Falcons Welford Road 17,498 Report 15:00 Worcester Warriors 25 - 5 Bristol Rugby Sixways 9,822 Report 13:30 Saracens 26 - 20 Bath Rugby Vicarage Road 9,952 Report 15:00 Leeds Carnegie 24 - 26 London Irish Headingley Carnegie 4,886 Report Round 17 15:00 Gloucester Rugby 13 - 20 Leicester Tigers Kingsholm 12,597 Report 15:00 Saracens 19 - 6 Worcester Warriors Vicarage Road 6,739 Report Round 12 19:45 Sale Sharks 29 - 3 Leeds Carnegie Edgeley Park 8,006 Report 14:45 Bath Rugby 34 - 42 London Wasps Recreation Ground 10,600 Report 15:00 Harlequins 36 - 15 Worcester Warriors Twickenham Stoop 10,363 Report 13:45 London Irish 22 - 13 Leicester Tigers Madejski Stadium 10,559 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 29 - 26 Gloucester Rugby Memorial Stadium 11,418 Report 15:00 Newcastle Falcons 16 - 14 Saracens Kingston Park 8,266 Report Round 13 20:00 Worcester Warriors 11 - 12 London Irish Sixways 10,197 Report 15:00 Gloucester Rugby 28 - 20 Newcastle Falcons Kingsholm 13,047 Report 15:00 Leicester Tigers 11 - 14 Sale Sharks Welford Road 17,498 Report 15:00 London Wasps 32 - 30 Bristol Rugby Adams Park 8,583 Report 15:00 Leeds Carnegie 15 - 34 Bath Rugby Headingley Carnegie 4,859 Report 18:05 Saracens 6 - 15 Harlequins Vicarage Road 6,553 Report Round 14 19:45 Sale Sharks 15 - 22 Worcester Warriors Edgeley Park 7,862 Report 20:00 Newcastle Falcons P - P London Wasps Kingston Park\n13:30 London Irish 27 - 24 Saracens Madejski Stadium 8,298 Report 14:45 Harlequins 30 - 25 Gloucester Rugby Twickenham Stoop 12,638 Report 15:00 Leicester Tigers 34 - 21 Leeds Carnegie Welford Road 17,002 Report 15:00 Bristol Rugby 9 - 19 Bath Rugby Ashton Gate 16,234 Report Round 15 13:00 Bath Rugby v Newcastle Falcons Recreation Ground\n15:00 Worcester Warriors v Leicester Tigers Sixways\n17:30 Gloucester Rugby v London Irish Kingsholm Sky\n15:00 Leeds Carnegie v Bristol Rugby Headingley Carnegie\n15:00 London Wasps v Harlequins Adams Park\n15:00 Saracens v Sale Sharks Vicarage Road\nRound 16 19:45 Sale Sharks v Gloucester Rugby Edgeley Park\n15:00 Leicester Tigers v Saracens Welford Road\n13:00 Worcester Warriors v Leeds Carnegie Sixways Sky\n15:00 Harlequins v Bath Rugby Twickenham Stoop\n15:00 London Irish v London Wasps Madejski Stadium Sky\n15:00 Newcastle Falcons v Bristol Rugby Kingston Park\nRound 17 19:00 Leeds Carnegie v Newcastle Falcons Headingley Carnegie Sky\n14:15 Bath Rugby v London Irish Recreation Ground\n15:00 Bristol Rugby v Harlequins Memorial Stadium\nRound 18 19:45 Sale Sharks v Bath Rugby Edgeley Park\n15:00 Harlequins v Newcastle Falcons Twickenham Stoop\n15:00 Leicester Tigers v London Wasps Welford Road\n15:00 Worcester Warriors v Gloucester Rugby Sixways\n15:00 London Irish v Bristol Rugby Madejski Stadium\n15:00 Saracens v Leeds Carnegie Vicarage Road\nRound 19 19:30 Bristol Rugby v Sale Sharks Memorial Stadium\n14:15 Bath Rugby v Leicester Tigers Recreation Ground\n15:00 Gloucester Rugby v Saracens Kingsholm\n15:00 Leeds Carnegie v Harlequins Headingley Carnegie\n15:00 London Wasps v Worcester Warriors Adams Park\n15:00 Newcastle Falcons v London Irish Kingston Park\nRound 17 19:30 London Wasps v Sale Sharks Adams Park\nRound 20 19:45 Sale Sharks v Newcastle Falcons Edgeley Park\n15:00 Gloucester Rugby v Leeds Carnegie Kingsholm\n15:00 Leicester Tigers v Bristol Rugby Welford Road\n15:00 London Irish v Harlequins Madejski Stadium\n15:00 Worcester Warriors v Bath Rugby Sixways\n15:00 Saracens v London Wasps Vicarage Road\nRound 21 14:15 Bath Rugby v Saracens Recreation Ground\n15:00 Bristol Rugby v Worcester Warriors Memorial Stadium\n15:00 Harlequins v Sale Sharks Twickenham Stoop\n15:00 London Irish v Leeds Carnegie Madejski Stadium\n15:00 London Wasps v Gloucester Rugby Adams Park\n15:00 Newcastle Falcons v Leicester Tigers Kingston Park\nRound 22 15:00 Gloucester Rugby v Bath Rugby Kingsholm\n15:00 Leeds Carnegie v London Wasps Headingley Carnegie\n15:00 Leicester Tigers v Harlequins Welford Road\n15:00 Sale Sharks v London Irish Edgeley Park\n15:00 Saracens v Bristol Rugby Vicarage Road\n15:00 Worcester Warriors v Newcastle Falcons Sixways\nGUINNESS PREMIERSHIP SEMI FINALS TBC\nv\nTBA Sky\nTBC\nv\nTBA Sky\nGUINNESS PREMIERSHIP FINAL TBC\nv\nTwickenham Sky\nE-mail this page Back to webpage", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Thai junta partially lifts political ban
Political parties in Thailand have regained some of their freedoms, following an agreement on Tuesday by the government's military-appointed Cabinet. As a result of the deal, parties are now allowed to meet and hold activities, opening the way for elections that are tentatively planned for December. However, a ban on forming new political parties remains in effect, until at least next week. Government spokesman Nattawat Suthiyothin said a bill on new parties would be forwarded to the National Legislative Assembly. And the Cabinet says that the ban on leaders of dissolved political parties remains in effect. Political gatherings and activities had been banned by the junta since the military's overthrow of the civilian government in September of last year. But in the face of recent protests, the military's ruling body, the Council for National Security, agreed on Monday to recommend that political activities be allowed. The move by the Cabinet comes six days after a Constitutional Tribunal in which the former ruling party, Thai Rak Thai was ordered dissolved and its leaders, including ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra banned from politics for five years. Thai Rak Thai was found guilty of violations in the April 2006 general election. Another prominent party, the opposition Democrat Party, was also on trial, but was allowed to remain intact. Though the junta has outlawed political gatherings, demonstrations have still been tolerated in Bangkok. One of the largest came on Saturday, when 6,000 supporters of a satellite television station, PTV, held a rally. The pro-Thaksin PTV has been taken off the air by the junta, as have several pro-Thaksin websites. The junta also ordered that text messages be sent to mobile-phone subscribers, asking them to stay away from demonstrations. But the junta has shown signs of moving the nation back towards the democratic process, with the leader of the coup, Council for National Security chairman General Sonthi Boonyaratglin suggesting an amnesty for the banned political leaders. The idea was widely criticized, though, and Sonthi later retracted his statement, saying the amnesty notion had been proposed by the National Legislative Assembly.
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "World", "Thailand", "Thaksin Shinawatra" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "", "text": "We are unable to locate the page you requested. The page may have moved or may no longer be available You may also want to try our search\nto locate news and information on SEARCH:\nWe appreciate your help. For incorrectly linked articles or features please contact our Customer Care team.We appreciate your help.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Thai govt prepares for December election", "text": "Thailand's interim government has lifted a ban on political party activities imposed last September when the military ousted the elected administration.\nGovernment Spokesman Yongyuth Maiyalarb said the action, which will allow parties to prepare for a general election tentatively scheduled for December, was approved at Tuesday's weekly Cabinet meeting.\nThe lifting of the ban, effective immediately, came six days after a court ordered the dissolution of the Thai Rak Thai Party of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Ban on political activity 'to go'", "text": "JUNTA MOVE\nBan on political activity 'to go'\nCNS agrees time is ripe; Sonthi to propose two alternatives to Cabinet today\nThe Council for National Security (CNS) yesterday agreed to lift a ban on political activities and the registration of new parties and will propose the matter to the Cabinet for discussion at its meeting today. Speaking after a three-hour-meeting of the CNS, spokesman Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd said junta chief Sonthi Boonyaratglin would propose legal procedures to lift the ban to the Cabinet. The junta's Announcements No 15 and 27, issued shortly after the military coup in September last year, bar politicians from conducting any political activities and from setting up new political parties. \"We agreed to allow political parties to resume their activities in order to give them a chance to present themselves as political choices to the people ahead of the general election,\" Samsern said. The junta will not intervene in any political activities and will allow parties to have full political freedom, he added. \"We believe the people have sound political judgement. It's up to the parties to offer them attractive and useful policies,\" he said. Members of the Thai Rak Thai party might not benefit from the lifting of the ban as they won't be able to conduct political activities in the party's name following its dissolution by the Constitution Tribunal last week. Samsern said Sonthi would propose two legal alternatives for lifting the political ban: the Cabinet could either propose a bill to the National Legislative Assembly (NLA), which would take time, or issue a resolution to lift the ban immediately. The decision will be left to the government and the National Legislative Assembly, Sansern said. A CNS official said that another option would be for at least 25 members of the NLA to propose a bill of their own to lift the CNS ban. Sonthi will append reports on the current political situation, including an assessment of the ongoing anti-junta protests, for the Cabinet to consider along with the proposal to lift the political ban. The junta has estimated that 10,000 people at most would join the anti-junta protest, Samsern said. He will also propose a campaign for the national referendum on the new constitution to the Cabinet, the spokesman said. The junta's move follows Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont's promise last week following the dissolution of the Thai Rak Thai that the ban on political activities might be lifted soon in order to improve the political atmosphere. Meanwhile, National Legislative Assembly speaker Meechai Ruchuphan warned yesterday that repealing Announcement No 27 would result in doing away with the five-year ban from elections handed down by the Constitution Tribunal. \"It's like issuing a new law that benefits the wrongdoers,\" said Meechai, a legal expert. Justice Minister Charnchai Likhitjittha said yesterday that an order issued by coup makers was tantamount to a law, so repealing one would require an Act to be passed, not simply a Cabinet resolution. \"To my understanding, the prime minister's statement that a Cabinet resolution could revoke the CDR announcement wasn't correct,\" he said, referring to the CNS by its former name - the Council for Democratic Reform. \"He probably meant that once the idea is approved by the Cabinet, it must be proposed to the National Legislative Assembly to revoke the announcement,\" Charnchai said, adding Surayud had not discussed the matter with him as yet. About 30 former Thai Rak Thai members led by Pongthep Thepkanchana yesterday called on the government to lift the political ban to enable them to register a new party. Also, political parties needed sufficient time to prepare for the general election scheduled for December, the group said. Pongthep insisted the appeal was made in the public interest rather than for the benefit of the 111 party executives who were banned from assuming political posts for five years. The group also submitted a petition to the Election Commission, asking it to cooperate with the government in lifting the ban. Panya Thiewsangwan, Piyanart Srivalo The Nation", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "6,000 protest against junta", "text": "6,000 protest against junta\nPTV leader and former MP Veera Musigapong said the rallies were now a \"public movement\" in which other pro-democracy groups were welcome to join.\nHe said its goals were clear - to oust the Council for National Security\n(CNS). Supporters waved paper flags and banners calling for the CNS to \"get out\", while others raised photographs of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and called for his return to the country.\nThe former MPs attending included Ekkaporn Rakkwamsuk, Pimpa Chanprasong and Waipot Arpornrat.\nThe Metropolitan Police yesterday warned PTV leaders that demonstrators were prohibited from the streets and sent 450 officers to the protest site.\nPTV leaders reportedly planned to lead the rally on a march to Army headquarters about three kilometres away.\nYesterday's assembly followed another on Thursday near the Royal Plaza, to which 3,000 people came.\nIt demanded the removal of the CNS and criticised Wednesday's Constitution Tribunal decision to dissolve the Thai Rak Thai and ban its 111 executives from the electoral process for five years.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
2007-06-26: Lublin: „Windziarz” ponownie został skierowany do szpitala psychiatrycznego
right Rafał W. (30 lat), który uszkadzał mechanizmy wind w Lublinie trafi ponownie do szpitala psychiatrycznego na przymusowe leczenie - zadecydował 25 czerwca Sad Okręgowy w Lublinie. Rafał W. tak uszkadzał mechanizmy wind, że otwierały sie drzwi chociaż nie było kabiny. Został zatrzymany przez osoby mieszkające w bloku przy ulicy Nowomiejskiej. Oskarżono go o narażanie życia innych ludzi. Rafał W. przebywał w zakładzie psychiatrycznym już pięć lat. Pierwsze windy zaczął uszkadzać w latach 90. Policja ujęła go w 1998 roku jednak nie trafił do zakładu karnego ponieważ lekarze uznali go za niepoczytalnego. Po pięciu latach lekarze doszli do wniosku, że stan mężczyzny uległ poprawie i został on wypisany ze szpitala. Wzrosła również liczba uszkodzonych wind.
[ "Lublin", "Polska", "Prawo i przestępczość" ]
[ { "language": "pl", "title": "wiadomości, informacje, aktualności, artykuły, wydarzenia", "text": "Informujemy, że w dniu 25 maja 2018 r. na terenie całej Unii Europejskiej, w tym także w Polsce, wejdzie w życie Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego w sprawie ochrony danych osobowych. W związku z tym chcielibyśmy Ci przekazać kilka informacji na temat zasad przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych przez administratora portalu – spółkę Corner Media sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Lublinie.\nBardzo prosimy, zapoznaj się z tymi informacjami uważnie, są to bowiem sprawy bardzo istotne. Jeśli jesteś osobą małoletnią poniżej 16. roku życia, koniecznie przekaż tą wiadomość swoim opiekunom, którzy następnie powinni wytłumaczyć Ci, o co w niej chodzi i dlaczego się do Ciebie zwracamy.\nCzym jest RODO?\nRODO to potoczna nazwa Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE. W Polsce będzie ono obowiązywało od 25 maja 2018 r. Akt ten wprowadza nowy standard ochrony danych osobowych, nakładając na podmioty przetwarzające te dane (administratorów danych) szereg obowiązków, w tym obowiązek poinformowania Ciebie o sposobie przetwarzania Twoich danych, celach w jakich Twoje dane są przetwarzane oraz o uprawnieniach przysługujących Ci w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych przez administratora danych.\nAdministrator danych\nAdministratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Corner Media Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Lublinie, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 54, 20-002 Lublin, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego przez Sąd Rejonowy Lublin – Wschód z siedzibą w Świdniku, VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, za numerem KRS 0000507517, NIP 7123286919, kapitał zakładowy – 50.000,00. PLN\nMożesz się z nami skontaktować zarówno pod adresem:\nCorner Media Spółka z o.o.\nul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 54\n20-002 Lublinie\njak i mailowo:\noraz telefonicznie: 81 46-26-800\nRodzaj przetwarzanych danych osobowych\nPrzetwarzamy dane osobowe podane przez Ciebie podczas procesu rejestracji konta na portalu, a także dane, które są zbierane podczas korzystania przez Ciebie z tego portalu. Chodzi o dane zbierane i zapisywane w plikach cookies. Więcej na temat plików cookies przeczytasz w naszej polityce prywatności.\nPamiętaj, rejestracja konta na portalu nie jest obowiązkowa. Nie masz także obowiązku podawania nam swoich prawdziwych danych podczas procesu rejestracji, jak również nie musisz podawać nam wszystkich danych, o które pytamy. Może się jednak zdarzyć tak, że nie posiadając Twoich wszystkich danych albo nie posiadając Twoich prawdziwych danych, nie będziemy w stanie świadczyć Ci wszystkich usług, które oferujemy oraz wywiązać się z wszystkich obowiązków określonych w regulaminie portalu (np. zapewnić Ci odpowiedniego bezpieczeństwa w zakresie odzyskania danych dostępowych do konta).\nCel przetwarzania danych osobowych\nGłównym celem przetwarzania przez nas Twoich danych jest zapewnienie Ci pełnej funkcjonalności działania serwisu, dostępu do usług świadczonych przez nas w ramach tego serwisu, zapewniania Ci bezpieczeństwa podczas korzystania z serwisu (np. w przypadku prób nadużyć) oraz wywiązanie się przez nas z obowiązków umownych wynikających z regulaminu portalu\nDodatkowy cel przetwarzania danych osobowych to tzw. marketing własny, tj. przetwarzanie danych wyłącznie na nasze wewnętrzne potrzeby w celach analitycznych, badawczych, statystycznych, w szczególności poprzez dążenie do jak najpełniejszego dostosowania treści wyświetlanych na naszych stronach do Twoich preferencji i zainteresowań.\nPonadto, o ile wyrazisz na to zgodę, będziemy mogli przetwarzać Twoje dane osobowe w celach marketingowych (marketing zewnętrzny), w tym przekazywać Twoje dane podmiotom z nami współpracującym – agencjom reklamowym i naszym partnerom handlowym. Pamiętaj, że zgoda na przetwarzanie Twoich danych w celach marketingowych jest całkowicie dobrowolna i możesz ją w każdej chwili wycofać.\nPamiętaj także, że jeżeli jesteś osobą małoletnią, która nie ukończyła 16. roku życia, przesyłanie informacji w celach marketingowych może nastąpić wyłącznie po wyrażeniu zgody przez Twojego rodzica lub opiekuna.\nPodstawy prawne przetwarzania danych\nTwoje dane osobowe mogą być przetwarzane wyłącznie zgodnie z określonymi w obecnie obowiązujących przepisach podstawami prawnymi. W zależności od celu przetwarzania danych możemy wyróżnić trzy główne podstawy prawne przetwarzania danych.\nPierwszą podstawą przetwarzania danych jest niezbędność do wykonania umów o świadczenie usług. Mamy z nią do czynienia wtedy, gdy przetwarzanie danych jest niezbędne w celu zapewnienia Ci sprawnego, bezpiecznego korzystania z naszego serwisu wraz z jego wszystkimi funkcjonalnościami. Umowy o świadczenie usług to regulaminy, w tym regulamin portalu, który akceptujesz decydując się na korzystanie z naszego serwisu.\nDrugą podstawą przetwarzania danych jest uzasadniony interes administratora danych. Mamy z nim do czynienia w przypadku prowadzenia pomiarów statystycznych oraz działań z zakresu marketingu własnego przez administratora danych.\nWreszcie, trzecią przesłanką przetwarzania danych jest Twoja dobrowolna i świadoma zgoda. Na jej podstawie Twoje dane mogą być wykorzystywane w celach marketingowych, a także w celu profilowania.\nPamiętaj, zgody udzielasz w pełni dobrowolnie. Masz także prawo do cofnięcia udzielonej zgody na przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych w dowolnym momencie. Wycofanie zgody nie będzie miało jednak wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem.\nPodmioty, którym możemy przekazywać dane\nCo do zasady Twoje dane osobowe będą przez nas wykorzystywane wyłącznie na nasz własny użytek.\nW pewnych sytuacjach możemy jednak przekazać Twoje dane podmiotom z nami współpracującym: – naszym partnerom handlowym, podwykonawcom oferowanych przez nas usług, agencjom marketingowym.\nDodatkowo, w przypadkach ściśle określonych w przepisach prawa, będziemy zobligowani przekazać Twoje dane podmiotom uprawnionym do ich uzyskania na podstawie obecnie obowiązujących przepisów prawa (np. policji czy prokuraturze), pod warunkiem oczywiście, iż wystąpią do nas z takim żądaniem, powołując się na określoną podstawę prawną.\nOkres przechowywania danych\nTwoje dane osobowe będą przechowywane tak długo, jak będzie to niezbędne do zapewnienia Ci dostępu do usług oferowanych przez serwis Oczywiście, możesz w każdym czasie złożyć wniosek o zaprzestanie przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych, ich zmianę lub usunięcie.\nInformacje o prawach przysługujących osobie, której dane dotyczą\nMusisz wiedzieć, że niezależnie od tego, na jakiej podstawie przetwarzamy Twoje dane, masz zawsze prawo dostępu do nich oraz ich poprawiania. Możesz również w każdym momencie żądać ich usunięcia lub cofnąć albo ograniczyć wcześniej udzieloną zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych, przy czym wycofanie danej zgody nie wpływa na administratora danych do przetwarzania danych w celu określonym w danej zgodzie do chwili jej wycofania.\nMasz również prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych.\nMożesz też zażądać od administratora danych osobowych przeniesienia Twoich danych lub uzyskania kopii Twoich danych, z tym jednak zastrzeżeniem, że prawo to nie może wpływać niekorzystnie na prawa i wolności innych osób. Administrator danych będzie realizował Twoje żądania w zakresie posiadanych możliwości technicznych.\nInformacje o prawie do wniesienia skargi\nOrganem nadzorczym nad administratorem danych osobowych jest Generalny Inspektor Danych Osobowych, do którego masz prawo wnieść skargę za każdym razem, gdy Twoje dane będą przetwarzane w sposób w Twojej ocenie nieprawidłowy.\nInformacje o tym, czy podanie danych jest wymogiem ustawowym lub umownym, czy jesteś zobowiązany do ich podania\nNie jesteś zobowiązany do podawania nam swoich danych osobowych ani wyrażania zgody na ich przetwarzanie, z tym jednak zastrzeżeniem, że ich podanie może okazać się niezbędne dla korzystania z określonych funkcjonalności serwisu.\nJest także możliwe, że jeśli nie wyrazisz zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych lub cofniesz wcześniej udzieloną zgodę, nie będziemy mogli zapewnić Ci dostępu do niektórych oferowanych przez nas usług, przy czym zawsze w takim wypadku zostaniesz o tym poinformowany.\nInformacje o profilowaniu\nCzym jest profilowanie? To zbieranie wszelkich informacji, które pozwalają bezpośrednio lub pośrednio zidentyfikować osobę, która jest poddawana profilowaniu. Profilowanie odbywa się najczęściej przy użyciu systemów informatycznych, w sposób zautomatyzowany, za pomocą specjalnych algorytmów uwzględniających określone wcześniej kryteria. Wyniki profilowania mogą być wykorzystywane do celów marketingowych, np. w celu spersonalizowania reklamy kierowanej do danego użytkownika lub przygotowania oferty uwzględniającej jego potrzeby lub preferencje.\nOświadczamy, że na chwilę obecną nie profilujemy Twoich danych. Jeśli jednak zaczniemy, zostaniesz o tym uprzednio poinformowany i będziesz miał prawo nie wyrazić na to zgody.\nBardzo prosimy o uważne zapoznanie się z powyższymi informacjami. Gdy już to zrobisz, kliknij przycisk Zapoznałem się z informacją. Przejdź do serwisu.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
France : manifestation pour la paix en Ukraine à Paris
thumb thumb Le dimanche 22 juin 2014, environ 400 manifestants étaient réunis place de la République à Paris à l’initiative du collectif « France-Russie-Ukraine : dialogue » pour promouvoir une sortie de crise pacifique à la guerre en Ukraine. Les manifestants, principalement des Russes, des Ukrainiens et des Français étaient venus avec divers slogans écrits en français, en russe ou en anglais : « La guerre n'est pas une solution », « France-Donbass solidarité », « Sauvez les gens du Donbass », « Ne tuez pas notre peuple », « Non à la guerre », « Sauvez les enfants du Donbass ». Des images de blessés et de mutilés ont été exposées au public. Un appel aux belligérants a été lu en français et en russe. Cet appel a demandé notamment un cessez-le-feu immédiat, l’arrêt des attaques contre les civils, l’ouverture de corridors humanitaires, la présence d’observateurs internationaux et la baisse de l’hystérie nationaliste et la propagande de guerre dans les médias. Ainsi, le porte-parole du rassemblement a déclaré : « Devant ce drame, nous considérons que les peuples de Russie, d’Ukraine et des autres pays d’Europe doivent se prononcer pour une sortie de la crise pacifique privilégiant le dialogue plutôt que les armes. ». Ensuite, des Ukrainiens ont témoigné des difficultés rencontrées par leur famille dans les zones de conflit. Étaient présents des membres du Parti de Gauche, du collectif « Russie-France : Secours d’urgence », de l’association « France-Russie » et de l’association d’« amitié France-Ukraine ». Le choix du 22 juin pour le rassemblement était symbolique : en effet, c'est le jour du lancement de l’invasion nazie de l’URSS, qui entraina la mort de millions de Soviétiques.
[ "Ukraine", "Russie", "Paris", "Crise ukrainienne de 2014", "Manifestation", "Juin 2014 en France|22" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Radio :", "text": "Manifestation contre la guerre en Ukraine à Paris\nCe dimanche à Paris, place de la République, s’est tenu un rassemblement contre la guerre en Ukraine. Les participants manifestaient pour demander une solution pacifique au conflit qui déchire l’Ukraine.\nLes principales revendications étaient de prononcer un cessez-le-feu immédiat, l’envoi d’observateurs indépendants et l’ouverture de corridors humanitaires pour approvisionner les civils ou leur permettre de sortir de la zone de conflit. Djordje Kuzmanovic membre du bureau national du Parti de Gauche et l’un des organisateurs de ce rassemblement, est ravi de l’ampleur prise par cet événement :\nLa Voix de la Russie : Comment s’est déroulée cette manifestation pour la paix en Ukraine, pour le dialogue et pour la désescalade des violences ?\nDjordje Kuzmanovic : Ca s’est très bien déroulé, à notre grande surprise, avec beaucoup plus de participants, que nous avions prévu, parce que c’est le premier rassemblement de ce type qu’on fait à Paris.\nLVdlR : Il y avait combien de personnes ?\nDjordje Kuzmanovic : De 350 à 400 environ. Pour un premier rassemblement et compte tenu du peu de couverture médiatique que nos positions peuvent avoir c’est assez intéressant et ça permet de poser un jalon et de préparer de futurs rassemblements.\nLVdlR : Quel était le message que vous vouliez passer principalement ?\nDjordje Kuzmanovic : Principalement c’est un message de paix en Ukraine et en particulier l’arrêt des attaques contre les civils de l’Est de l’Ukraine. Pour ce faire nous avions une grande demande, c’est une zone d’exclusion aérienne au dessus des villes de l’Est de l’Ukraine et également des corridors humanitaires pour que les civils puissent sortir et que la nourriture et les médicaments puissent être acheminés.\nLVdlR : Racontez-nous en un peu plus sur le rassemblement lui même, qui y participait ? Il y avait des Ukrainiens, des Russes, des Français ?\nDjordje Kuzmanovic : En majorité c’étaient des franco-russes, mais il y avait des Russes, des Ukrainiens et des Français tout simplement. Il y avait différentes organisations politiques, on avait des membres du Parti Communiste Français, des membres du Parti de Gauche et d’autres membres de partis plus à droite. On avait des citoyens non encartés et des associations, l’association France-Russie, l’association d’amitié France-Ukraine, plusieurs associations de ce type là.\nLVdlR : Vous, les organisateurs vous vous revendiquez d’un mouvement, d’un parti politique ?\nDjordje Kuzmanovic : Non, là on a fait un rassemblement citoyen, ce qui était compliqué à organiser puisqu’on a mis nos avis personnels de coté et on est arrivé à un texte, le plus acceptable pour tout le monde. Certains peuvent le trouver pas assez engagé mais il permet de rassembler largement autour de la thématique de la paix, de l’arrêt des combats, des corridors humanitaires et des zones d’exclusions aériennes. Maintenant chacun est dans des organisations politiques où on a des engagements qui sont différents, moi je suis dans le Parti de Gauche et nous avons une position sur l’Ukraine qui est très en opposition à l’OTAN, nous sommes pour la sortie de l’OTAN, donc on va plus loin sur certaines questions.\nLVdlR : Le futur de vos mouvements, comment ça va se passer ? Vous allez organiser d’autres manifestations à Paris ?\nDjordje Kuzmanovic :On va organiser bientôt une conférence débat, on a quelques personnalités dont on attend la réponse et va attendre de voir quelles vont être les évolutions sur le terrain et si il y a de quelconques négociations qui se mettent en place entre le gouvernement et les forces autonomistes de l’Est de l’Ukraine. En fonction de ce qui se passe, on réagira en fonction des circonstances. S’il y a une vraie volonté du gouvernement à Kiev d’organiser quelque chose qui tend vers la paix, on soutiendra et si ce n’est pas le cas on fera d’autres manifestations en soutien à la population civile à l’Est de l’Ukraine. /N", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "fr", "title": "Rassemblement contre la guerre en Ukraine à Paris", "text": "Quoi? Un rassemblement contre la guerre en Ukraine à Paris\nQui? Organisateurs : citoyens français, russes et ukrainiens, collectifs « Russie-France : Secours d’urgence », « Dialogue russo-ukrainien ».\nQuand ? Le 22 juin à 12h\nOù ? Place de la République, Paris\nAppel diffusés par les organisateurs du rassemblement contre la guerre en Ukraine à Paris:\nLa guerre en Ukraine continue.\nLa population civile de l’Ukraine de l’Est en paie le principal tribut. Les morts se comptent désormais par centaines, des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été contraintes à quitter leurs maisons, les infrastructures des villes assiégées sont systématiquement détruites lors des combats par les tirs d’artillerie et les frappes aériennes.\nChaque nouveau jour de guerre rajoute de nouveaux noms à la liste de morts, chaque nouveau jour de guerre attise la haine.\nNous faisons face à une nouvelle catastrophe humanitaire en Europe.\nL’Europe est à nouveau confrontée à des crimes de guerre. Les zones où la violence armée s’exerce s’étendent. L’ultranationalisme est exacerbé. La propagation des armes est massive, que ce soit des armes légères ou des missiles sol-air ; cela ne peut conduire qu’à une extension du banditisme et du terrorisme dans toute la région. Tous ces facteurs font planer la menace d’une intensification de la guerre.\nDevant ce drame, nous considérons que les peuples de Russie, d’Ukraine et des autres pays d’Europe doivent se prononcer pour une sortie de la crise pacifique privilégiant le dialogue plutôt que les armes.\nTelle est la motivation principale de notre rassemblement. Il se tiendra un jour symbolique pour tous les habitants de l’espace post-soviétique – le 22 juin, jour de deuil, car jour du lancement de l’invasion nazie de l’URSS. Cette nouvelle phase de la 2ème guerre mondiale entraîna la mort de 27 millions de Soviétiques.\nNous considérons dès lors indispensable de :\n- Soutenir les forces politiques et sociales qui agissent aujourd’hui en Ukraine et en Russie en faveur de l’arrêt des hostilités et d’appeler la société civile française et européenne à leur assurer tout le soutien nécessaire dans cette tâche immense.\n- Exiger du gouvernement français, des autres pays européens et des Etats-Unis de se prononcer pour une solution pacifique à la crise en appelant à l’arrêt immédiat des combats.\n- Appeler les médias européens, russes et ukrainiens à une couverture plus objective et suivie de la crise ukrainienne.\n- Se prononcer pour l’organisation d’enquêtes internationales permettant d’établir les responsabilités dans les crimes de guerre commis en ce moment même ainsi que ceux ayant conduit au déclanchement de la guerre que ce soit sur le Maïdan, à Odessa ou dans les régions de l’est de l’Ukraine.\nAux belligérants, nous demandons de :\n- Conclure un cessez-le-feu immédiatement. Il est nécessaire d’arrêter les combats, et avant tout d’exiger l’arrêt des frappes aériennes et des tirs d’artillerie aveugles contre des villes et des villages de l’Est ukrainien. A cette fin nous demandons aux Etats européens, à la France et à l’Allemagne en premier lieu, d’exiger une zone d’exclusion aérienne au-dessus des villes ukrainiennes. Enfin, les troupes doivent s’éloigner des zones de peuplement de civils.\n- Créer des couloirs humanitaires permettant l’évacuation des civils et l’acheminement de l’aide humanitaire et médicale dans les zones de combat.\n- Accepter la présence d’observateurs internationaux qui feront respecter les conditions d’un cessez-le-feu et la présence des ONGs pour procurer l’aide aux populations civiles.\n- Commencer les pourparlers sur la sortie politique de la crise, avec l’aide des médiateurs reconnus par toutes les parties du conflit.\n- Faire baisser l’hystérie nationaliste et la propagande de guerre dans les médias.\nNous invitons à participer à notre rassemblement tous les gens de bonne volonté qui n’acceptent pas la violence comme moyen de résolution des crises, les nationalismes et le militarisme. Nous espérons que tous ensemble nous pourrons faire revivre les valeurs humanistes intangibles qui nous permettront de sortir de cette crise : le droit à la vie, le dialogue, la solidarité, la paix.\nContacts: Mail :\nFacebook :\nОбъяснения организаторов митинга против войны в Украине в Париже:\nЧто? Митинг против войны в Украине\nКто? Французские, российские, украинские граждане и активисты, коллектив «Россия-Франция: скорая помощь», коллектив «Русско-украинский диалог».\nКогда? 22 июня 2014 , 12.00.\nГде? Париж, площадь Республики\nВойна в Украине продолжается.\nПогибшие исчисляются уже сотнями, тысячи людей стали беженцами. Мирное население востока Украины несет тяжелые потери. Каждый новый день войны добавляет новые имена к списку погибших, каждый новый день войны все больше разжигает ненависть. На постсоветском пространстве возникла новая зона гуманитарной катастрофы, очаг вооруженного насилия и ультранационализма. Идет массовое расползание оружия (не только стрелкового, но и зенитных ракет) с перспективой распространения бандитизма и терроризма. Угроза выхода войны на еще более тяжелый, межгосударственный уровень – более чем реальна.\nЕвропа стоит перед лицом новой гуманитарной катастрофы.\nВ этой ситуации мы считаем, что народы России, Украины и других стран должны решительно высказаться за выход из кризиса через мирный диалог, а не через продолжение военных действий.\nЭтому будет посвящен наш митинг, который мы собираем в символическую для всех жителей постсоветского пространства дату – 22 июня, день скорби, день начала Отечественной войны (1941-1945), унесшей более 27 миллионов жизней граждан СССР.\nМы считаем необходимым :\n- Поддержать политические и общественные силы, выступающие в Украине и России за прекращение войны и призвать гражданское общество Франции и Европы оказать им всемерную поддержку.\n- Потребовать у правительства Франции и других правительств стран ЕС высказаться в поддержку мирного разрешения кризиса в Украине и немедленное прекращение военных действий.\n- Призвать европейские, украинские и российские масс-медиа к более объективному освещению событий в Украине.\n- Призвать к проведению независимого международного расследования для установления ответственности за военные преступления и действия, приведшие к войне, включая события на Майдане в Киеве, в Одессе и на востоке Украины.\nМы хотим также высказать наши требования к воюющим сторонам:\n- Немедленно заключить перемирие и прекратить военные действия, в первую очередь – авиационные и артиллерийские обстрелы жилых кварталов населенных пунктов Донецкой и Луганской областей, отвести вооруженные подразделения от линии противостояния. Поэтому мы настаиваем на создании над территориями Луганской и Донецкой областей бесполетной зоны.\n- Создать гуманитарные коридоры для эвакуации мирного населения и обеспечения доставки медицинской помощи, медикаментов и продовольствия для мирного населения в зоне военных действий\n- Допустить межгосударственные организации и НГО, в том числе международные, для оказания помощи мирному населению и надзора за соблюдением условий перемирия.\n- Начать переговоры о мирном политическом разрешении кризиса в Украине, с привлечением посредников, признанных всеми сторонами конфликта.\n- Принять меры по снижению националистической истерии и пропаганды в СМИ.\nМы призываем к участию в нашей акции всех людей доброй воли, всех, кто не приемлет шовинизм, милитаризм, насилие как средство разрешения конфликтов. Мы будем благодарны вам за сотрудничество и распространение информации о нашем выступлении и надеемся, что совместными усилиями мы сможем вернуться к вечным ценностям, которые помогут прекратить конфликт – право на жизнь, диалог, солидарность, взаимопомощь, мир.\nКонтакты:\nFacebook :", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "ru", "title": "Акции протеста против войны на Украине прошли сразу в нескольких европейских столицах", "text": "Акции протеста против войны на Украине прошли сразу в нескольких европейских столицах\nСотни жителей Праги, среди которых были политики и общественные деятели, выступили за немедленное прекращение насилия. От своего правительства участники митинга потребовали осудить убийства ни в чём неповинных людей и другие противоправные действия Киева.\nСотни жителей Праги, среди которых были политики и общественные деятели, выступили за немедленное прекращение насилия. От своего правительства участники митинга потребовали осудить убийства ни в чём неповинных людей и другие противоправные действия Киева.\nПо мнению протестующих, ситуация на Украине может обернуться распространением фашизма по всей Европе. Демонстранты также выразили недовольство тем, как эти события освещаются в европейских, и в частности чешских СМИ.\n\"В Восточной Украине погибают люди, но все молчат. Политики молчат, чешские СМИ молчат. Они утаивают эти страшные новости. Но мы отказываемся молчать, потому что мы не бесчувственные люди\", - отмечает Зденек Кратхвил.\n\"Ложь и агрессию на юго-востоке Украины нужно остановить. Там наступает фашизм. И если мы сейчас не дадим ему отпор, он заполонит всю Европу\", - считает Радмила Земанова.\nВ Париже прошла аналогичная акция. Помимо требований о прекращении боевых действий и создании гуманитарных коридоров для вывода мирного населения из-под обстрелов там звучали призывы к независимому международному расследованию. Митингующие заявили о необходимости привлечь к ответственности виновных в украинском кризисе.\nЭтот материал показался интересным? Поделиться:", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
2007-11-14: Sonda Rosetta wykonała drugi przelot koło Ziemi
Europejska sonda Rosetta wykonała wczoraj wieczorem, o 21:57 czasu środkowoeuropejskiego, manewr zbliżenia z Ziemią. Wykonanie tego manewru, zwanego katapultą grawitacyjną, zwiększyło jej prędkość bez zużywania paliwa. Zbliżenie nastąpiło nad Oceanem Spokojnym, nad punktem o współrzędnych geograficznych 63°46' S i 74°35' W. Sonda zbliżyła się do Ziemi na odległość 5 295 km i miała wtedy prędkość 12,5 km/s. Był to trzeci taki manewr Rosetty, drugi wykonany z pomocą grawitacji Ziemi. Sonda przebyła już 3 miliardy kilometrów z ponad 7 miliardow jakie ma przelecieć nim dotrze do komety 67/P Czuriumow-Gierasimienko, którą ma badać. Zbliżenie z Ziemią zostało wykorzystane do wykonania zdjęć powierzchni naszej planety, zbadania jej atmosfery i magnetosfery oraz poszukiwania meteorów. Po północy, 14 listopada, do godz. 11 tego samego dnia, Rosetta będzie obserwowała Księżyc. Od 15 do 20 listopada będzie przyglądała się układowi Ziemia-Księżyc. Sonda powróci w okolice Ziemi raz jeszcze, w listopadzie 2009 roku, aby wykonać kolejny manewr katapulty grawitacyjnej. W między czasie odwiedzi asteroidę 2867 Šteins, leżącą w pasie planetoid.
[ "Astronautyka", "Nauka" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Rosetta Swing-By A Success", "text": "Rosetta Swing-By A Success\nRosetta will be back in our neighbourhood, and will swing by Earth for the last time in November 2009. But before that, as it crosses the asteroid belt, Rosetta will grab the opportunity to study asteroid Steins during a fly-by in September 2008.\nby Staff Writers\nParis, France (ESA) Nov 14, 2007\nAn important milestone has just been accomplished as Rosetta successfully swung by Earth at 21:57 CET. The spacecraft will now be catapulted towards the outer Solar System with its newly-gained energy before coming back to Earth for another boost.\nAs mission operators waited for the fully automated manoeuvre to be carried out, Rosetta flew directly above 63 46' south and 74 35' west, at 21:57 CET (above the Pacific ocean, south-west of Chile). Rosetta whizzed past 5295 km overhead, at a velocity of 45 000 km/h (12.5 km/s). Europe's comet chaser has now flown a little over 3 thousand million km of its 7.1 thousand-million-km journey on its way to its destination comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This was the third planetary swing-by for Rosetta and its second swing-by of Earth.\nScience close to Earth\nAround closest approach, Rosetta took a good look at Earth for observations of its atmosphere and magnetosphere, imaged urban regions, and looked for meteors from space. Shortly before midnight, Rosetta will turn to observe the Moon until about 11:00 CET tomorrow, 14 November. Following this, on 15, 16, 18 and 20 November, Rosetta will observe the Earth-Moon system from a distance, on its outbound trajectory.\nScientists are now eagerly awaiting some of the first data to become available during the course of the night.\nRosetta will be back in our neighbourhood, and will swing by Earth for the last time in November 2009. But before that, as it crosses the asteroid belt, Rosetta will grab the opportunity to study asteroid Steins during a fly-by in September 2008.\nTune in early tomorrow morning: we will be publishing pictures and results as soon as they become available, throughout the day on 14 November.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Morre o Príncipe Philip, marido da Rainha Elizabeth do Reino Unido
O anúncio oficial da morte publicado em frente ao Palácio de Holyroodhouse, Edimburgo Philip e Elizabeth em 2015, numa das últimas aparições públicas oficiais do Príncipe Morreu esta manhã, no Castelo de Windsor, o , marido da do Reino Unido. O anúncio foi feito no website e nas redes sociais da Casa Real britânica e dizia que Philip havia falecido pacificamente. O Príncipe tinha 99 anos de idade e completaria 100 no próximo mês de junho. Recentemente, entre 16 de fevereiro e 16 de março, ele esteve 28 dias internado, inicialmente para tratar uma infecção, tendo necessitado, posteriormente, de uma cirurgia cardíaca. Philip e Elizabeth se casaram na Abadia de Westminster no dia 20 de novembro de 1947 e tiveram quatro filhos: , que é o herdeiro do trono, Anne, Andrew e Edward. O Príncipe, que também detinha o título de Duque de Edimburgo, havia se aposentado em setembro de 2017.
[ "Família real britânica", "Monarquia, Realeza e Nobreza", "Reino Unido", "Celebridades", "Obituário" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "The Royal Family on Twitter", "text": "Tweet with a location\nYou can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications. You always have the option to delete your Tweet location history. Learn more", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Announcement of the death of The Duke of Edinburgh", "text": "It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen announces the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.\nHis Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle.\nFurther announcements will be made in due course.\nThe Royal Family join with people around the world in mourning his loss.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "pt", "title": "Príncipe Philip morre aos 99", "text": "Príncipe Philip participou do casamento do neto Harry e Meghan Merkle, em 19 de maio de 2018 — Foto: Gareth Fuller / AFP\n1 de 1 Príncipe Philip participou do casamento do neto Harry e Meghan Merkle, em 19 de maio de 2018 — Foto: Gareth Fuller / AFP\nO príncipe Philip, marido da rainha Elizabeth II, morreu aos 99, disse nesta sexta-feira (9) o Palácio de Buckingham.\nO Príncipe Philip da Grécia e da Dinamarca, bisneto da rainha Victoria (como a própria rainha Elizabeth II), nasceu em uma mesa de cozinha na ilha de Corfu, em 10 de junho de 1921.\nPouco mais de um ano depois, em dezembro de 1922, foi retirado da ilha em uma caixa de laranjas com o restante da família em um navio britânico, quando o tio, o rei Constantino I da Grécia, avô da rainha da Espanha, teve que partir para o exílio.\nApós uma infância errante e uma longa estadia em um pensionato austero da Escócia, ingressou na Marinha britânica e teve participação ativa na Segunda Guerra Mundial.\nDepois do casamento, em 1947, com a então jovem princesa Elizabeth, Philip Mountbatten foi enviado a Malta, mas a meteórica ascensão militar foi interrompida pela subida ao trono da esposa, em 1952, o que o obrigou a renunciar à carreira.\n\"Estando casado com a rainha me parecia que deveria servi-la da melhor maneira possível\", disse certa vez numa entrevista à ITV.\nEspontaneidade inadequada\nDesde então, ele desempenhava um papel secundário ao lado da monarca, a qual acompanhava em visitas oficiais, mas vinha sendo alvo constante da imprensa devido a comentários, ao mesmo tempo, espontâneos e inadequados -- e muitas vezes racistas.\nEm 1986, por exemplo, aconselhou estudantes britânicos na China a não permanecerem muito tempo no país se não quisessem terminar com os \"olhos rasgados\".\nDurante uma visita à Austrália em 2002 perguntou a um aborígene se \"ainda disparava flechas\". Em uma ocasião, um menino disse que gostaria de ser astronauta e o duque respondeu: \"Nunca poderá voar, está muito gordo\".\nÀ ativista paquistanesa Malala Yousafzai, que quase morreu em um ataque dos talibãs por defender o direito de educação das meninas, disse que \"os pais enviam as crianças para a escola porque não as querem em casa\".\nAo ser questionado se gostaria de visitar a União Soviética, respondeu: \"Eu gostaria muito de ir à Rússia, mas os bastardos assassinaram metade da minha família\" (em referência ao destino dos Romanov).\nA um professor de auto-escola escocês, o príncipe perguntou: \"Como você faz para manter os nativos suficientemente longe da bebida para aprová-los no exame?\"\nApesar de tudo, ganhou a simpatia dos britânicos com o trabalho de incentivador de quase 800 organizações.\nCasamento sólido\nElizabeth e Philip casaram-se no dia 20 de novembro de 1947. Eles se conheceram em 1939, quando Philip da Grécia tinha 18 anos e a então princesa, 13. A futura rainha, apelidada de\n\"Lilibet\", contou mais tarde que sentiu amor à primeira vista pelo louro alto de olhos azuis. Ele, por sua vez, nunca confessou se o sentimento foi recíproco.\n\"É a atração dos opostos: ela é séria, tímida, introvertida; ele, ao contrário, gosta de gente e da vida social, sendo muito divertido. Enfim, se complementam\", assinalou Marc Roche, autor da biografia \"A última rainha\".\nCom a prematura morte do rei George VI, Elizabeth subiu ao trono aos 25 anos. Philip tornou-se príncipe consorte, à sombra da esposa; foi até obrigado a mudar o sobrenome, Mountbatten, porque, segundo Winston Churchill, soava muito alemão, numa época de guerra.\n\"O príncipe Philip é o único homem em todo o mundo que trata a rainha como um simples ser humano\", contou certa vez o ex-secretário privado de Elizabeth II, Lord Charteris. \"É o único que se pode permitir. E isso agrada a ela\", acrescentou.\nA solidez da \"associação\" que formaram contribuiu, em boa medida, para a estabilidade da monarquia britânica nas últimas seis décadas.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "pt", "title": "Morreu o príncipe Philip, duque de Edimburgo", "text": "O duque de Edimburgo, marido da rainha Isabel II, morreu esta sexta-feira, dia 9 de abril, segundo avança a Casa Real. O príncipe Philip tinha 99 anos.\n“É com profunda tristeza que Sua Majestade a Rainha anunciou a morte do seu amado marido, Sua Alteza Real, o Príncipe Philip, Duque de Edimburgo. Sua Alteza Real faleceu pacificamente esta manhã no Castelo de Windsor”, refere o comunicado.\nIt is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen has announced the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.\nHis Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle. — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) April 9, 2021\nAfastado dos deveres reais desde 2017, o príncipe Philip cumpriu quase 70 anos ao serviço da Coroa britânica, tendo marcado presença em 22.219 atos oficiais a solo e feito 5496 discursos.\nNascido a 10 de junho de 1921, na ilha grega de Corfu, o príncipe Philip Mountbatten, foi o consorte mais velho e de maior reinado na história da monarquia britânica, sendo também o homem com maior longevidade da família real.\nFilho do príncipe André da Grécia e Dinamarca e da princesa Alice de Battenberg, tinha quatro irmãs mais velhas, Margareth, Teodora, Sophie e Cecilie. Após o rei Constantino I da Grécia, tio de Philip, ter sido obrigado a abdicar do trono do seu país em setembro de 1922, a família viveu no exílio e o duque de Edimburgo passou a infância e juventude em França, Inglaterra, na Alemanha e na Escócia, países onde fez a sua formação académica. Juntou-se à Marinha Real Britânica em 1939, tendo servido na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nesse ano conheceu a então princesa Isabel durante uma visita à Escola Naval de Dartmouth. Reza a história que os dois já se tinham encontrado uma vez, cinco anos antes, no casamento da duquesa de Kent, numa altura em que Isabel era ainda muito nova (teria apenas oito anos).\nDepois da guerra, em 1946, pediu a mão de Isabel em casamento ao rei Jorge VI. O noivado foi anunciado no ano seguinte e o enlace aconteceria a 20 de novembro de 1947, na Abadia de Westminster, perante cerca de dois mil convidados, tendo sido também transmitido pela rádio.\nA 6 de fevereiro de 1952 morre o rei Jorge VI e a princesa Isabel sobe ao trono, com o nome de Isabel II. A coroação aconteceu a 2 de junho de 1953 e Philip tornou-se, então, príncipe consorte, título que manteve até à sua morte, passando a ter o tratamento de Sua Alteza Real, o Príncipe Philip, Duque de Edimburgo. Para sempre ficará imortalizada a frase “Sou o único homem no país que não pode dar o seu nome aos próprios filhos”, proferida quando a rainha tomou a decisão de manter a casa real com o nome de Casa de Windsor, pelo qual é conhecida até aos dias de hoje.\nO casal real teve quatro filhos. A 14 de novembro de 1948 nasce o príncipe Carlos, herdeiro do trono, e dois anos depois a ainda princesa Isabel e o príncipe Philip dão as boas-vindas à única filha mulher, Ana, que adquiriu o título de Princesa Real quando a mãe subiu ao trono. Dez anos mais tarde, em 1960, nasce o príncipe André, duque de York, e em 1964 a rainha e o duque voltam a ser pais de outro menino, Eduardo, conde de Wessex.\nAo longo da sua vida, Philip serviu a Coroa Britânica não só em muitos atos a solo, mas também ao lado da rainha Isabel II, participando em cerimónias de Abertura do Parlamento, receções oficiais e viagens de Estado. Em maio de 2017, prestes a completar 96 anos, o palácio de Buckingham anunciava que o príncipe se iria retirar da vida pública a partir do outono desse mesmo ano, um anúncio algo repentino e que, na época, gerou especulações por parte dos britânicos sobre o estado de saúde do duque.\nJá retirado da vida pública, o duque de Edimburgo voltou a ser notícia mais recentemente, em janeiro de 2019, quando se viu envolvido num aparatoso acidente de viação, depois de o carro que conduzia, um jipe Land Rover Freelander, ter colidido com outro veículo e capotado. Apesar do susto, o marido da rainha saiu ileso e os ocupantes da outra viatura sofreram apenas ferimentos ligeiros.\nDe recordar que o duque de Edimburgo esteve recentemente internado um mês, tendo dado entrada no hospital King Edward VII no passado dia 16 de fevereiro, por ordem do seu médico, como medida de precaução, depois de se ter sentido mal. Mais tarde, a 1 de março, foi transferido para o Saint Bartolomew’s Hospital, para prosseguir com o tratamento, tendo sido operado ao coração no dia 4. Dias mais tarde regressou à primeira unidade de saúde onde esteve internado, de onde teve alta a 16 de março\nNo vídeo, recorde a infância atribulada do príncipe Philip.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
UN inspectors banned from North Korean nuclear facility
The Yongbyon nuclear facility. North Korea has banned nuclear inspectors from the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from inspecting its nuclear facility, the . This comes after N. Korean officials said the facility would begin to reprocess plutonium which could begin in as little as a week. "From here on, the IAEA inspectors will have no further access to the reprocessing plant," said the U.N. in a statement on its website. "The DPRK has also informed the IAEA inspectors that they plan to introduce nuclear material to the reprocessing plant in one week's time," added the statement. The U.N. finished removing their security seals and surveillance equipment from the plant on Thursday. , the U.S. Secretary of State, has urged N. Korea to dismantle their facility and return to six-party talks, but has refused and no new talks are scheduled to take place. "We strongly urge the North to reconsider these steps and come back immediately into compliance with its obligations," said Rice, referring to an agreement reached during the last round of six-party talks. N. Korea restarted its nuclear program when the U.S. failed to follow through with its agreement to take North Korea off the national list of state-sponsored terrorism supporters.
[ "United Nations", "Politics and conflicts", "North Korea", "United States", "IAEA", "Nuclear proliferation", "Asia", "North America", "Science and technology", "Nuclear waste and reprocessing", "Korean Peninsula" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Removed: news agency feed article", "text": "The article that you tried to access, which was part of a feed supplied by a news agency, is no longer on available on the Guardian site.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "N. Korea bars inspectors from nuclear plant", "text": "A satellite image of the nuclear site at Yongbyon. (Space Imaging Asia, via the Associated Press)\nN. Korea bars inspectors from nuclear plant\nWASHINGTON: North Korea's move to resume the reprocessing of plutonium, perhaps as soon as next week, left the country on the verge of restarting a nuclear weapons program whose shutdown had been portrayed by the White House as a significant diplomatic achievement.\nSecretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday that the United States still hoped to preserve a hard-won agreement that called for the North to dismantle its nuclear reactor. But North Korea has refused to resume talks, and no new ones are planned.\nThe International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna announced Wednesday that North Korea had barred international inspectors from a reprocessing plant at its nuclear reactor complex in Yongbyon. The agency said that North Korea, which tested its first nuclear device in 2006 and is believed to have enough plutonium for at least six nuclear bombs, intended to resume production of nuclear weapons-grade fuel there within a week.\nWhile reversible in theory, any resumption of nuclear work would violate the terms of the agreement, which was announced with fanfare in June and solidified, it appeared, by North Korea's public demolition of a cooling tower at Yongbyon.\nNorth Korea's actions have at best returned negotiations to where they stood months ago, leaving little time for a resolution before the next American administration takes office in January.\nSenior Bush administration officials said Wednesday that they believed that North Korea was engaging in transparent brinkmanship to extract concessions as the United States sought to cement the country's commitment to give up its nuclear weapons with a strict and intrusive verification system.\n\"They don't have a lot of ways to get leverage, and this is one of them,\" one Bush administration official who was involved in the negotiations said of North Korea's move. The official, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss diplomatic efforts and internal administration assessments.\nNorth Korea's actions are likely to provide fodder to conservative critics of the administration, who say that North Korea has no intention of giving up its nuclear program and that it is blackmailing the United States and its negotiating partners to subsidize North Korea's failing economy.\nBut its elaborately choreographed violation of the agreement in publicly announced steps over the past few weeks could also be part of a tough negotiating stance that North Korea feels is necessary to obtain the security guarantees and financial aid the country was promised as part of the nuclear accord.\nNorth Korea's negotiators have strenuously complained that the Bush administration has yet to fulfill its promise to remove North Korea from a list of state sponsors of terrorism, as President George W. Bush announced in June that he was prepared to do, and instead has made new demands.\nThose include requiring North Korea to accept the verification system before the United States would carry out reciprocal steps, a condition that a senior administration official acknowledged was not put in writing.\n\"It is, I think, more serious than just brinkmanship on the part of the North Koreans,\" said Charles Pritchard, a former ambassador and special envoy for talks with North Korea who is now president of the Korean Economic Institute in Washington. \"They're trying to recoup what they've given away for nothing, from their point of view.\"\nIf North Korea follows through, it would be the second time the country resumed production of the material for nuclear weapons during Bush's time in office. In acting now, when the White House is already consumed with a financial crisis, North Korea may be adopting a strategy similar to one it employed at the beginning of 2003, when it restarted its nuclear program just as the United States was preparing to invade Iraq.\nComplicating the matter is uncertainty over the health of North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-il, who administration officials said Wednesday had a stroke last month that debilitated him physically and possibly mentally. That has raised concerns that hard-liners may be acting forcefully to demonstrate that North Korea faces no leadership crisis during Kim's illness.\nAmerican and European officials, trying to assess the seriousness of the North Korean intentions, noted that so far, experts who have been overseeing the dismantling of North Korea's nuclear program, including some Americans, had not yet been expelled from the country. \"We don't see the tensions on the ground,\" the senior administration official said.\nThe reprocessing plant, which turns spent nuclear fuel rods into weapons-grade plutonium, is the most secret part of the Yongbyon nuclear complex. Its reactivation would be significant, even though the main reactor has been partly dismantled under the agreement.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "IAEA Removes Seals from Plant in Yongbyon", "text": "IAEA Press Releases\nPress Release 2008/13\nIAEA Removes Seals from Plant in Yongbyon\n24 September 2008 | Following is a statement to the media by IAEA Spokesperson Melissa Fleming on the situation in the DPRK:\n\"As the Director General reported to the Board on Monday, the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea, the DPRK, asked the IAEA to remove seals and surveillance from the reprocessing plant in Yongbyon.\nThis work was completed today. There are no more IAEA seals and surveillance equipment in place at the reprocessing facility.\nThe DPRK has also informed the IAEA inspectors that they plan to introduce nuclear material to the reprocessing plant in one week´s time.\nThey further stated that from here on the IAEA inspectors will have no further access to the reprocessing plant.\"\nRelated Resources:\n» Video: Press Briefing - IAEA Removes Seals from Plant in Yongbyon\n» IAEA Board of Governors\n» In Focus: IAEA and DPRK\nPress Contact\nMelissa Fleming\nHead, Media & Outreach Section and Spokesperson\nDivision of Public Information\n[43-1] 2600-21275\n[43] 699-165-21275 (mobile)\nAbout the IAEA\nThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) serves as the world's foremost intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Established as an autonomous organization under the United Nations (UN) in 1957, the IAEA carries out programmes to maximize the useful contribution of nuclear technology to society while verifying its peaceful use.\nNOTE TO EDITORS: For additional information visit the Press Section of the IAEA's website (, or call the IAEA's Division of Public Information at (431) 2600-21270.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Polizeipräsident Jürgen Mathies weist Vorwürfe der GRÜNEN-Sprecherin zurück
Simone Peter - seit Oktober 2013 eine der beiden Bundesvorsitzenden der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Der Kölner Polizeipräsident Jürgen Mathies hat die Vorwürfe von Simone Peter, einer der beiden Bundessprecher von Bündnis 90 / Grüne, und Kommentare in sozialen Netzwerken wegen der Überprüfung von Personen in der Silvesternacht 2016/2017 zurückgewiesen. Er sprach ausdrücklich den Vorwurf des „racial profiling“ an, wonach rassische Merkmale für die Ermittlung von Tätern verwendet worden seien. Peter hatte kritisiert, es wären Personen „alleine aufgrund ihres Aussehens“ überprüft worden. Mathies dagegen erklärte, es sei vor allem um das Verhalten der Männer gegangen. Es sei mit drohenden Straftaten zu rechnen gewesen. Nach Angaben der Bundespolizei seien „hochaggressive Gruppen“ nach Köln unterwegs gewesen, von denen sich viele zuvor über Smartphones für 22 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof verabredet hätten. Mit einem Einsatz von 1700 Beamten und einem ausgeklügelten Sicherheitskonzept sei es gelungen, Ereignisse in einem Ausmaß wie Silvester 2015/2016 zu verhindern. In einer aktuellen Erklärung verglich Jürgen Mathies die Stadt Köln sogar mit New York. Offenbar habe die deutsche Stadt auf Migranten aus Nordafrika eine ähnliche Anziehungskraft wie die Stadt in den USA auf uns Europäer. Jürgen Mathies ist seit Januar 2016 Polizeipräsident in Köln. Er löste nach den Vorfällen in der Silvesternacht 2015/16 den vormaligen Polizeipräsidenten Wolfgang Albers ab.
[ "Themenportal Deutschland", "Themenportal Politik", "Themenportal Recht", "Simone Peter", "Jürgen Mathies" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Simone Peter kritisiert Polizei nach Silvester", "text": "In diesem Jahr gelang es der Polizei mit massiven Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, für eine friedliche Silvesterfeier in Köln zu sorgen. Trotzdem wird sie nun von der Grünen-Chefin kritisiert: Es stelle sich die Frage nach der Verhältnis- und Rechtmäßigkeit, „wenn insgesamt rund 1000 Personen alleine aufgrund ihres Aussehens überprüft und teilweise festgesetzt wurden“, sagte Simone Peter.\nMir stellen sich angesichts dieser Äußerung auch ein paar Fragen: In welcher Welt leben Sie eigentlich, Frau Peter? Wo waren Sie in der ersten Januarwoche des vergangenen Jahres, als immer mehr schockierende Schilderungen von Frauen bekannt wurden, denen auf der Domplatte an die Brüste und zwischen die Beine gefasst worden war, deren Röcke hochgeschoben und denen zum Teil Finger in die Scheide eingeführt wurden?\nUnd wo waren Sie, als die Ermittler die Schilderungen der Opfer und Zeugen bestätigten, wonach es sich bei den Tatverdächtigen vor allem um Männer nordafrikanischen und arabischen Aussehens handelte? Die meisten Verdächtigen stammen aus Nordafrika.\nBedeutet das, dass alle Männer aus Nordafrika widerliche Grapscher sind? Natürlich nicht! Bedeutet es, dass Nordafrikaner in Köln nicht Silvester feiern dürfen? Auch nicht. Es bedeutet jedoch, dass es geradezu die Pflicht der Polizei ist, besonders aufmerksam zu sein, wenn Personen aus dieser Gruppe in großer Menge auf den Domplatz drängen. Denn so fing es auch 2015 an.\nWas sonst sollen die Beamten vor Ort tun?\nLaut Bundespolizei kamen am vergangenen Samstagabend mehr als 1000 „fahndungsrelevante Personen“ allein zum Hauptbahnhof. Grünen-Chefin Peter stört sich daran, dass die Personen „alleine aufgrund ihres Aussehens“ überprüft wurden. Das stimmt so nicht. So betonte der Kölner Polizeipräsident Jürgen Mathies, dass es vor allem um das Verhalten der Männer gegangen sei: „Der ganz überwiegende Teil war so, dass mit drohenden Straftaten zu rechnen war.“\nWas können die Beamten vor Ort denn tun? Sich die Silvestergäste anschauen und ihr Verhalten beobachten. Wenn ihnen jemand verdächtig vorkommt, reagieren sie. Nicht etwa, indem sie jeden wegsperren, dessen Gesicht ihnen nicht passt. Erstmal fragen die Beamten schlicht, was die Person denn vorhat. Besteht dann noch Zweifel an der Redlichkeit der Absichten, erfolgt eine Personenüberprüfung.\nDie Polizei rechnete viele der Anwesenden jener „Klientel zu, die im vorigen Jahr diese großen Probleme gemacht hat“, sagte ein Sprecher. Die Bundespolizei hatte zuvor aus den Zügen berichtet, dass „hochaggressive Gruppen“ nach Köln unterwegs seien. Laut Bundespolizei hatten sich viele von ihnen vorher via Smartphones für 22 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof verabredet.\nIm Video: Einsatzkräfte in Köln: \"Bei kontrollierten Personen war mit Straftaten zu rechnen\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Dieter Bohlen ab sofort nicht mehr bei DSDS dabei
Das langjährige Jury-Mitglied von „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“, der frühere Popmusiker Dieter Bohlen, wird bereits bei der Finalrunde der diesjährigen Staffel nicht mehr mitwirken. Das teilte RTL mit. Bereits seit einigen Wochen war bekannt, dass Bohlens Vertrag nicht verlängert wird. Nun meldete sich Bohlen krank. 300px Dieter Bohlen (2006) Der TV-Sender suche nach Ersatz, doch werden Maite Kelly und Mike Singer beim Halbfinale am 27. März ohne dritten Juror sein. Das Finale soll am 3. April stattfinden. „Wir bedauern Dieters krankheitsbedingte Absage sehr und wünschen ihm alles Gute und eine schnelle Genesung. Die neun Final-Teilnehmer müssen jetzt ohne Dieters Begleitung um den Sieg singen“, teilte RTL-Unterhaltungsdirektor Kai Sturm in der RTL-Pressemitteilung mit. Bohlen war langjähriger Juror der 2002 angelaufenen Castingshow und stand wegen seiner Boshaftigkeit gegenüber Teilnehmern häufig in der Kritik. Bohlen ist nicht das erste Jurymitglied, das RTL in der laufenden Saison abhanden gekommen ist. Wegen seiner Verschwörungstheorien zur COVID-19-Pandemie hatte sich Michael Wendler zurückgezogen. Heftige Proteste gegen einen Nazivergleich von Wendler führten dazu, dass RTL Wendler aus den bereits produzierten Sendungen herausschneiden ließ.
[ "Themenportal Deutschland", "Themenportal Medien", "Vermischtes", "RTL", "Dieter Bohlen" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Dieter Bohlen steigt sofort bei DSDS aus", "text": "Finale ohne den scheidenden Juror Dieter Bohlen steigt sofort bei DSDS aus\nDieter Bohlen wird nicht mehr bis zum Ende der aktuellen Staffel von »Deutschland sucht den Superstar« dabei sein – er habe sich krank gemeldet. RTL sucht nach Ersatz, vorerst machen Maite Kelly und Mike Singer allein weiter.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Dieter Bohlen sagt Jury-Auftritt bei \"DSDS\"-Liveshows krankheitsbedingt ab", "text": "Die beiden Live-Shows der aktuellen \"DSDS\"-Staffel werden ohne Dieter Bohlen stattfinden. Dieser habe \"leider krankheitsbedingt kurzfristig abgesagt\", erklärte der Sender RTL.\nDie \"DSDS\"-Jury bestehe somit nur aus Maite Kelly und Mike Singer. Derzeit wird RTL zufolge die Möglichkeit geprüft, ob es einen dritten Juror geben wird. Das ist aber noch unklar.\nRTL-Unterhaltungschef Kai Sturm sagte zum Fehlen Bohlens: „Wir bedauern Dieters krankheitsbedingte Absage sehr und wünschen ihm alles Gute und eine schnelle Genesung. Die neun Final-Teilnehmer müssen jetzt ohne Dieters Begleitung um den Sieg singen. Dafür sind sie bestens vorbereitet. Maite und Mike haben bislang einen sehr guten Job gemacht und werden auch die Live-Shows allein stemmen.“\nBohlen-Aus nach 20 Jahren bei \"DSDS\"\nRTL hatte bereits vor rund zwei Wochen verkündet, dass Bohlens Zeit als Juror bei \"DSDS\" nach fast 20 Jahren endet. Nach der aktuellen Staffel sollen andere das Kommando übernehmen. Eigentlich war aber geplant, dass der Musikproduzent noch einmal in Live-Shows über die Kandidaten urteilen soll. Das \"DSDS\"-Halbfinale findet am Samstag (27. März), das Finale eine Woche später (3. April) statt.\nLesen Sie auch zum Thema Dieter Bohlen:\n19 Jahre, 18 Staffeln lang war er das Zugpferd von \"DSDS\", das Showpony in der ersten Reihe: Pop-Titan Dieter Bohlen prägte die RTL-Castingshow wie kein anderer. Nun verlässt er die Jury, nach fast zwei Jahrzehnten - und wird noch nicht einmal eine Abschieds-Show bekommen. Was bleibt nun von \"Deutschland sucht den Superstar\"? Eine Annäherung.\nPatrizia Reggiani ließ 1995 ihren Ehemann, den Chef des Gucci-Imperiums, von Auftragskillern ermorden. 18 Jahre saß sie dafür im Gefängnis. Nun brach die Witwe erstmals ihre Schweigen. Sie habe Maurizio Gucci nie gehasst, sei aber sehr wütend auf ihn gewesen.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Tsvangirai campaign rallies banned in Zimbabwe
Police in Zimbabwe have stopped opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai (MDC) en route to a campaign rally. His convoy was then escorted to a police station in Esigodini. "Tsvangirai and other MDC leaders were detained again in Umzingwane. They are being taken to Esigodini police station," said MDC spokesperson Nelson Chamisa. Wayne Bvudzijena, a spokesman for the police, said that he was not aware of this incident, but added that roadblocks are used by the police to conduct weapons searches. "Tsvangirai and his convoy are not immune to search," he said. "They can be searched at any roadblock they pass." Afterwards, the government banned political rallies in support of Tsvangirai, effectively ending his campaigning. Officials said the decision was made to protect the safety of Tsvangirai and MDC party leaders. George Sibotshiwe, a spokesperson for Tsvangirai, called the ban "a clear indication that the regime will do everything necessary to remain in power," and said its justification was "nonsense." Earlier today, Tsvangirai was prevented from attending a rally at a mine near Zimbabwe's second-largest city, Bulawayo, when police blocked the road. "One of our leading vehicles was stopped, then the rest of us were stopped as well. We tried to get an explanation from the police and they said we should have told them in advance that Mr Tsvangirai was going to visit," said Lovemore Moyo, MDC chairman, to AFP. "They then turned us back and we had to use a smaller road to get back to the main road. We are now proceeding." "We were unable to speak at the mine as we heard at the gate, there were ZANU-PF activists blocking the entrance. We only managed to speak to our local councillors," Moyo said. Also today, the government announced a ban on all foreign aid groups operating in the country. Some groups, including CARE International had already been banned earlier this week. "I hereby instruct all PVOs/NGOs to suspend all field operations until further notice," said social welfare minister Nicholas Goche in a statement. James Elder, a spokesperson for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), called it "completely unacceptable and hugely concerning. Hundreds of thousands of children are in need of immediate assistance. With the onset of the winter in Zimbabwe, the timing is critical for children who are among the most vulnerable and most in need of support." US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer called on President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa to pressure Mugabe "not to starve the population and to allow international organizations to function." "It's unbelievable that the government will actually kick out the organizations which are providing services to the people," Frazer said. Rupert Colville, spokesperson for the United Nations' High Commissioner for Human Rights told Voice of America that halting food aid is unconscionable in the opinion of Louise Arbour. "To deprive people of food because of an election is a complete perversion of democracy. How can you possibly deprive people with food and then ask for a democratic vote?" Colville said. Speaking at the United Nations Headquarters, the Zimbabwean ambassador Boniface Chidyauskiku said that the government was not using food as a tool in the election. "There is no use of food as a political weapon. It is the other way around. It is the relief agencies, followed by the U.S. government, that have been using food as a political weapon," Chidyauskiku said to the Associated Press. "They have gone out into the countryside and they have been telling Zimbabweans that if you don't vote for the opposition, if you don't change your vote, there's no food for you." Yesterday, United States and United Kingdom diplomats were stopped in their vehicles in an incident the US called "outrageous" and said that they were threatened with being burned alive in their cars. "Basically, the police told them they were not going anywhere unless they got out of the car," said deputy information minister Bright Matonga. "The police told them they should respect the laws of the country unless they have something to hide." Two days ago, Tsvangirai was detained for several hours before being released without charges.
[ "Africa", "Zimbabwe", "Politics and conflicts", "Elections", "Robert Mugabe" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "All Zimbabwe opposition rallies banned", "text": "Morgan Tsvangirai, president of the main opposition party in Zimbabwe, talks to people during his campaign trail in Esigodini about 80 km from Bulawayo, Friday, June, 6, 2008. Tsvangirai was briefly arrested during his campaigning after police said they had not sanctioned his campaign. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)\nAll Zimbabwe opposition rallies banned\nHARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Just three weeks before Zimbabwe's presidential runoff, Robert Mugabe is giving the opposition little room to campaign — detaining its candidate, banning rallies and attacking diplomats who try to investigate political violence.\nEven food is being used as a weapon, American and British officials said, with a ban on aid agencies ensuring that the poorest Zimbabweans must turn to Mugabe for help even if they blame him for the collapse of the economy. The government denied the allegations.\nOpposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai out-polled Mugabe and two other candidates in the first round of voting March 29, but did not get the simple majority necessary to avoid a runoff. In recent days, it has become increasingly clear that Mugabe does not plan to let Tsvangirai come close to toppling him in the June 27 runoff.\nTsvangirai tried to campaign around Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second-largest city, on Friday, but he was stopped at two roadblocks. At the second, he was ordered to go to a police station about 30 miles from Bulawayo.\nAbout two hours later, he and reporters with him were allowed to leave the station. They drove back to Bulawayo under police escort.\nHis spokesman, George Sibotshiwe, said Tsvangirai was questioned by police for 25 minutes and was told that all party rallies in Zimbabwe had been banned indefinitely.\n\"We are dismayed that our president has not been allowed to access the Zimbabwean people at a crucial stage in this campaign,\" Sibotshiwe said.\nTsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change said police had banned its rallies out of concern for the safety of Tsvangirai and other party leaders. Sibotshiwe called the justification \"nonsense,\" and said the ban was \"a clear indication that the regime will do everything necessary to remain in power.\"\nPolice spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena said in an interview with The Associated Press that \"people are free to campaign as they choose,\" but he said Tsvangirai had consistently broken the law by failing to notify police of his rallies.\n\"For now, we are just warning him,\" Bvudzijena said, \"but sooner or later he might end up being arrested.\"\nTsvangirai left the country soon after the first round of voting, and his party has said he was the target of a military assassination plot. He has survived at least three previous attempts on his life. Tsvangirai returned to Zimbabwe in late May to campaign for the runoff.\nThe government-controlled media has focused on Mugabe and ZANU-PF, all but ignoring Tsvangirai's campaign, raising the question of whether Zimbabweans in isolated rural areas even know the opposition leader has returned.\nTsvangirai's party, blaming state agents, says at least 60 of its supporters have been killed in the past two months.\nThe latest setback for Tsvangirai came as U.N. aid agencies said they were deeply concerned that Zimbabwe has ordered aid groups to halt operations. Millions of Zimbabweans depend on international groups for food, medicine and other aid as the economy crumbles. Without the private agencies, impoverished Zimbabweans will be dependent on the government and Mugabe's party, both of which distribute food and other aid.\nU.S. Ambassador James McGee said Zimbabwean authorities were now supplying food mostly to Mugabe supporters. In a videoconference to reporters in Washington from Harare, McGee said the U.S. Embassy has evidence that the government is offering food to opposition members only if they turn in identification that would allow them to vote.\nState Department spokesman Sean McCormack referred to the tactics that McGee described as \"a vicious attempt to use food as a political weapon.\"\nAt the United Nations, Zimbabwe Ambassador Boniface Chidyauskiku denied those charges.\n\"There is no use of food as a political weapon. It is the other way around. It is the relief agencies, followed by the U.S. government, that have been using food as a political weapon,\" Chidyauskiku told the AP.\n\"They have gone out into the countryside and they have been telling Zimbabweans that if you don't vote for the opposition, if you don't change your vote, there's no food for you,\" he said. \"So it is the United States using food as a political weapon to effect a regime change in Zimbabwe. This is why we have suspended the activity.\"\nOn Thursday, aid groups in Zimbabwe were sent a memorandum from social welfare minister Nicholas Goche ordering an indefinite suspension of field work.\nAid deliveries to more than 4 million people in the country will be severely hampered by the decision, said Elisabeth Byrs, a spokeswoman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. More than half of Zimbabwe's population lives on less than $1 a day and life expectancy is only 35 years, according to the U.N.\nU.N. agencies generally carry out their operations in the country with the help of other aid groups, Byrs said.\n\"These restrictions are also coming at a time when food security in Zimbabwe is deteriorating, leaving an increasing number of people vulnerable,\" she said.\nPoor rain recently has increased the risk of drought, and farmers lack seeds, Byrs said.\nGoche's memorandum to the United Nations and other aid groups did not mention government claims that aid was distributed to favored recipients or opposition supporters, or that civic and human rights groups registered as voluntary organizations were campaigning against Mugabe.\nEarlier this week, the aid organization CARE International said it had been ordered to halt operations pending an investigation of allegations it was campaigning for the opposition. CARE denies the allegation.\nByrs said the suspension of CARE's activities alone would immediately affect half a million Zimbabweans.\nOn Thursday, a group of often violent Mugabe loyalists waylaid a convoy of U.S. and British diplomats investigating political violence, beating a local staffer, slashing tires and threatening to burn the envoys, the U.S. Embassy said.\nMugabe frequently accuses Britain and the United States of plotting to topple him and return Zimbabwe to colonial rule.\nMugabe has led Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980 and was once hailed as a liberator who promoted racial reconciliation and economic empowerment.\nBut he has been accused of clinging to power through election fraud and intimidation, and of destroying his country's economy through the seizure of white-owned farms.\nCarolyn Norris, an Africa specialist at Human Rights Watch, called the move against aid groups part of an \"extreme campaign of violence and torture\" for people who voted for Tsvangirai's party.\n\"We don't know if this will convince people to vote\" for Mugabe, Norris said, adding Zimbabwe's population \"seems determined to vote how it wants to.\"\nTsvangirai also said he expected Mugabe's crackdown to backfire, saying Thursday: \"If Mugabe did not hear the voice in March, he's going to hear a much louder voice that people no longer enjoy their confidence in this government.\"\nAssociated Press writers John Heilprin at the United Nations and Eliane Engeler in Geneva contributed to this report.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Zimbabwe aid ban puts many in peril", "text": "By Farai Sevenzo\nHarare\nBasic foods are fast becoming beyond the reach of even those with jobs In the week in which world leaders met in Rome to discuss an ongoing global food crisis, will Zimbabwe's own food crisis be exacerbated by the announcement that aid groups and non-governmental organisations should stop operations at once and re-apply for their permits? Put together the facts - a recurring poor harvest of basic cereals like maize and wheat; persistent droughts; a farming infrastructure which has been in renewal or chaos; economic inflation beating even the projected figures - and you can see that this country is seriously in need of the kind of assistance these groups have been told to stop providing. And there are many of them, all channelling food for the needy throughout Zimbabwe from the UN, the World Food Programme (WFP) and elsewhere. A quick look through the Harare phonebook will reveal the existence of Save The Children UK, Save The Children US, Save The Children Norway, Care International and Christian Aid - all operating in Zimbabwe. No-one will talk for fear of jeopardising access to people who still need help\nUSAid doctor The country directors of these organisations have become strangely reticent on the nature of their work, who they are feeding and where. A call to Save the Children Norway, in the capital's Five Avenue, has one begging for anonymity and then clamming up. \"No comment at this stage, please,\" he says. See map of food shortages in Zimbabwe Efforts to talk to others proved just as fruitless. \"No-one will talk for fear of jeopardising access to people who still need help,\" explains an doctor with the US Agency for International Development (USAid). \"We don't know what the ban means, so we won't say anything at the moment.\" Inaccessible countryside The charge against them is that they have been campaigning for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) under the pretext of distributing aid. Zimbabwe's government said aid agencies were helping the opposition Aid in Zimbabwe's case encompasses hospitals and their medicines, the care of orphans, Aids, schools, water and the search for it in the shadow of drought. And while undertaking all these tasks, it is the government's contention that medics are neglecting polio immunisation programmes in favour of distributing MDC campaign matter. Large parts of the countryside have become inaccessible to the media and to international agencies as roadblocks controlled by pro-government militias have sprung up. Opposition supporters have meanwhile lost relatives and limbs in a post-election campaign of incredible brutality. The Red Cross had begun to treat the victims, many of whom have horrific injuries. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. USAid had been distributing tents in areas as far afield as Mhondoro. The handing out of basic foodstuffs like cooking oil and maize meal was many residents' only lifeline. Late on Thursday evening, a moneychanger sent a text around to his usual clients: \"110 million to the US.\" The implications of this are enormous for the 80% of Zimbabwe's population that is unemployed - everything is pegged to a currency industrialists can believe in. Bread, flour, maize meal, cooking oil are fast becoming beyond the reach of the workers with jobs, and impossible for the millions still waiting to harvest their crops. 'Burnt to death' Tinei Munetsi is an MDC officer in the village of Ngezi, in Mohondoro. We are not allowed to campaign in these areas, and the government is doing everything to disrupt our president's campaign\nTinei Munetsi\nMovement for Democratic Change \"Look,\" he says. \"I know the donor agencies have been stopped from working. But in my area, we are still dealing with the violence. \"This Friday afternoon, Amai Chipiro, our organising secretary's wife, was burned to death in her hut. \"We are not allowed to campaign in these areas, and the government is doing everything to disrupt our president's [Morgan Tsvangirai] campaign. \"How do you suppose the agencies would campaign on our behalf?\" Failed crops and new farmers who prefer the cash crops of tobacco and cotton mean the work of the banned agencies is needed now more than ever. But the business of politics will take the front pages until the presidential run-off election between Mr Tsvangirai and President Robert Mugabe on 27 June.\nReturn to top\nE-mail this to a friend Printable version Bookmark with: Delicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon What are these?", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "UN Condemns Decision to Halt Aid in Zimbabwe", "text": "The United Nations is lending its voice to widespread international condemnation of the decision by the Zimbabwean government of Robert Mugabe to suspend the delivery of aid by private agencies in the country. The United Nations says halting their work will hamper the UN's humanitarian operations as well. Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from Geneva.\nZimbabwean woman puts maize into bag in Domboshawa, 23 April 2008\nThe United Nations warns President Robert Mugabe's decision to halt aid will have serious repercussions for the people of Zimbabwe. It says non-governmental agencies are key implementing partners and without their assistance, the United Nations will not be able to deliver the food, water and other essential relief to the desperate millions in Zimbabwe.\nSpokeswoman for the U.N. Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance, Elizabeth Byrs, tells VOA over one-third of the population - or more than four million people - are in need of assistance.\n\"According to the Food and Agricultural Organization, with poor rainfall and lack of seeds, it means that this year's harvest will be worse than in 2007. It is already of concern. So, if we cannot have our implementing partners on board, it means that these people will not get the appropriate assistance,\" said Byrs.\nMore than half of Zimbabwe's population lives on less than one dollar a day. More than 1.5 million people have HIV/AIDS, with more than 3,000 dying every week.\nThe United Nations warns more people will become malnourished and sick. Some may even die if they are forced to live on starvation rations.\nThe Zimbabwean authorities say they have halted aid because the agencies are supporting the opposition movement. The agencies deny this accusation. The United Nations says these restrictions go against fundamental humanitarian principles.\nLouise Arbour, 2 June 2008\nU.N. Human Rights spokesman, Rupert Colville, tells VOA the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, considers this action to be totally unconscionable.\n\"To deprive people of food because of an election is a complete perversion of democracy. How can you possibly deprive people with food and then ask for a democratic vote. And, not just food, but all the other aid that Zimbabweans need and are getting from international aid agencies. This is very important. So, to just postpone it for two or three weeks because an election is taking place simply is not acceptable,\" said Colville.\nColville says the government might be in violation of international human rights law, especially the international covenant on civil and political rights. He says humanitarian aid must not be politicized.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Police ban Tsvangirai rallies", "text": "Police ban Tsvangirai rallies\nPolice have stopped the election campaign of Robert Mugabe's main rival in its tracks.\nJust weeks before the run-off ballot for Zimbabwe's presidency, Morgan Tsvangirai was detained at an official roadblock then told all his party's rallies across the country had been banned indefinitely.\nMr Tsvangirai's campaign to unseat Mugabe has already been hit by violence and intimidation.\nThe latest setback came as UN aid agencies said they were deeply concerned because aid groups have been ordered to halt operations, a move that could hamper food deliveries.\nWithout private aid groups impoverished Zimbabweans will be dependent on the government and Mugabe's party, both of which distribute food and other aid. And some observers fear that food may be delivered only to confirmed Mugabe supporters.\nMr Tsvangirai had been trying to campaign around Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second largest city. He was stopped at two roadblocks, and the second time ordered to go to a police station about 30 miles away.\nTwo hours later he was allowed to leave and drive back to Bulawayo under police escort.\nHis spokesman said Mr Tsvangirai was questioned by police at the station for 25 minutes, and was told that all party rallies in the country had been banned indefinitely.\n\"We are dismayed that our president has not been allowed to access the Zimbabwean people at a crucial stage in this campaign,\" he said.\nMr Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change party said police told officials rallies had been banned out of concern for the safety of him and other party leaders. The spokesman said the justification was \"nonsense,\" and the ban was \"a clear indication that the regime will do everything necessary to remain in power\".", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Mugabe suspends foreign aid agencies' work in Zimbabwe", "text": "The Zimbabwean government has banned all work by foreign aid agencies, accusing them of campaigning for opposition parties during the country's disputed presidential elections in March.\nLast week, Robert Mugabe banned some groups, but yesterday's announcement covers all overseas organisations working in the country.\nIn a public statement, Zimbabwe's social welfare minister, Nicholas Goche, said: \"I hereby instruct all PVOs (private voluntary organisations)/NGOs to suspend all field operations until further notice.\"\nThe decision came as security forces yesterday detained and harassed UK and US diplomats trying to investigate violence against the opposition.\nZimbabwe's ambassador to Britain, Gabriel Machinga, was summoned to the Foreign Office to explain why the diplomats, who were travelling in two separate convoys, had been stopped at roadblocks north of the capital, Harare.\nDavid Miliband, the foreign secretary, condemned what he called a \"serious incident\" but said no violence had been directed at the UK personnel.\n\"It gives us a window into the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans, because this sort of intimidation is something that is suffered daily, especially by those who are working with opposition groups,\" he said in a statement. \"It's a window into lives that in some cases are marked by brutal intimidation, by torture and, in 53 cases that have been documented over the last few weeks, by death.\"\nBritain's ambassador to Harare, Andrew Pocock, told the Guardian there had been \"no particular argy-bargy\". But the US ambassador, James McGee, said in a CNN interview that the convoy carrying American officials had been stopped by Zimbabwean \"war veterans who threatened to burn our people alive in the car if they did not leave the vehicles\".\nIn Washington, the state department called the detention and harassment of the US diplomats \"absolutely outrageous\" and indicative of the \"repression and violence\" Zimbabwe's government was willing to use against its own people.\nThe official explanation from Harare was that the diplomats had been attending a rally of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).\n\"There was a fight there. Police were called in. The diplomats fled from the scene,\" Zimbabwe's deputy information minister, Bright Matonga, told Sky News. \"On their way back to Harare, they were stopped at a police roadblock. They were asked to disembark ... They refused, and basically the police told them they were not going anywhere unless they got out of the car. The police told them they should respect the laws of the country, unless they have something to hide.\"\nMatonga later told South African Radio 702 that the diplomats had addressed the MDC rally. Pocock said: \"We were in a place where there's been violence. They didn't want us to see it. This is a warning to us to keep our noses out of it.\"\nThe British ambassador said there had been two separate incidents involving two convoys, one with American diplomats and the other with \"British embassy defence staff\" - thus accounting for the differences in the British and American accounts of what happened.\nThe Americans were held for up to five hours at Bindura, 50 miles from Harare. The US embassy spokesman, Paul Engelstad, told the Associated Press the attackers beat a Zimbabwean employed by the US and slashed the tyres of some cars. He blamed the attack on Mugabe's government, which it accuses of trying to intimidate supporters of the MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, ahead of the June 27 run-off.\n\"Now what they are trying to do is intimidate diplomats from travelling to the countryside to witness the violence being perpetrated against the population,\" McGee said. \"We do believe this is coming directly from the top.\"\nDiplomats are meant to have protection and immunity under the Vienna convention.\nEarlier, the South African government said Tsvangirai had been released by police following his arrest at a roadblock on Wednesday, after the intervention of the president, Thabo Mbeki.\nA spokesman for Mbeki said the MDC had contacted the Mbeki to tell him about the arrest. \"Immediately thereafter, president Mbeki contacted the Zimbabwean government and appealed to them to release Mr Tsvangirai,\" he said.\nMiliband said: \"The message that needs to go out today is a very strong one ... It's about two different visions for the future of Zimbabwe.\n\"It's very important that the international community plays its role by ensuring that for the election on June 27 there are international monitors, properly accredited, who are able to ensure that despite the ravages in Zimbabwe ... there is an election that allows the democratic will of the Zimbabwean people to be heard loud and to be heard clear.\"\nThe shadow foreign secretary, William Hague, condemned the diplomats' treatment. \"This is a flagrant breach of Zimbabwe's obligations, under international convention, to protect diplomatic staff on their territory.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Zimbabwe opposition leader stopped again by police", "text": "Zimbabwe opposition leader stopped again by police\nHARARE (AFP) — Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was briefly stopped on Friday at a police checkpoint as he tried to attend a pre-election rally at a mine in the southwest of the country, a top aide said.\nTsvangirai and his entourage were held up for around 20 minutes close to How mine, near the southern city of Bulawayo, where he was scheduled to address supporters of his Movement for Democratic Change, party chairman Lovemore Moyo told AFP.\n\"One of our leading vehicles was stopped, then the rest of us were stopped as well. We tried to get an explanation from the police and they said we should have told them in advance that Mr Tsvangirai was going to visit,\" Moyo, who was travelling with Tsvangirai, told AFP.\n\"They then turned us back and we had to use a smaller road to get back to the main road. We are now proceeding.\"\nMoyo said that although Tsvangirai had since been able to do two walkabouts, he had been unable to address the miners.\n\"We were unable to speak at the mine as we heard at the gate (that) there were ZANU-PF (ruling party) activists blocking the entrance. We only managed to speak to our local councillors.\"\nThe incident came only two days after Tsvangirai, hoping to topple Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in a run-off election in three weeks' time, was detained for nearly nine hours by police without charge.\n\"Our view is we are in a struggle. We have encountered similar harassment as they tried to block our campaign. It's not something new.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Business & Financial News, U.S & International Breaking News", "text": "Former altar boy alleges abuser wanted sex in St. Peter's at Vatican trial\nThe alleged victim of sexual abuse in a youth seminary in the Vatican said in court on Wednesday that his abuser wanted to have sex in a bathroom behind an altar in St. Peter's Basilica but he resisted the advances.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Diplomats charge harassment in crackdown", "text": "Diplomats charge harassment in crackdown\nHARARE, Zimbabwe, June 6 (UPI) -- U.S. and British diplomats report threats and other harassment in Zimbabwe amid government banning of all work by foreign aid agencies.\nU.S. Ambassador James McGee said in an Harare interview that a convoy carrying U.S. officials had been stopped and detained by Zimbabwean security forces \"who threatened to burn our people alive in the car if they did not leave the vehicles,\" the Guardian, a British newspaper, reported.\nThe Americans, who said they were trying to investigate reported violence against opposition parties, were held for several hours at Bindura, 50 miles from Harare.\nThe U.S. State Department called the detention and harassment \"absolutely outrageous.\"\nZimbabwe's government, in issuing its total ban, accused the foreign aid agencies of campaigning for opposition parties in the country's disputed presidential election. President Robert Mugabe faces a June 27 runoff against the opposition's Morgan Tsvangirai.\nZimbabwe's deputy information minister, Bright Matonga, said the diplomats were stopped at a roadblock on their way back to Harare and refused a request to disembark.\n\"Basically, the police told them they were not going anywhere unless they got out of the car,\" Matonga said. \"The police told them they should respect the laws of the country unless they have something to hide.\"\nMatonga later said the diplomats had addressed the opposition rally.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Russie : Victoire du parti de Vladimir Poutine aux élections législatives
Vladimir Poutine confirme sa place incontournable sur l'échiquier politique russe. Sans réelle surprise, Russie unie, le parti du président russe Vladimir Poutine, remporte largement les élections législatives qui se sont tenues le dimanche 2 décembre dans le pays. Selon des sondages à la sortie des urnes, la formation obtient plus de 60 % des suffrages, contre 37,5 % en 2003. Alors que la participation dépasse 60 % des inscrits, le Parti communiste de la Fédération de Russie, mené par Guennadi Ziouganov, devient la première force d'opposition du pays en totalisant 11 %. Seuls deux autres partis, le Parti démocrate-libéral de Russie (droite nationaliste) et Russie juste (gauche, proche de Vladimir Poutine), parviennent à obtenir des sièges dans la nouvelle assemblée, outre de rares députés indépendants. L'Iabloko et le SPS ne recueillent respectivement que 2,8 % et 1,6 % des suffrages. Russie unie et Russie juste obtiennent ainsi 348 sièges sur 450 à la Douma, la chambre basse du parlement en Russie. Cette écrasante majorité (plus des deux tiers des sièges) lui permettra de modifier facilement la constitution. Selon le président de Russie unie, Boris Gryzlov, . Ce dernier, qui devrait, comme le veut la constitution, démissionner en mai prochain à la fin de son second mandat présidentiel, sort donc renforcé de ce scrutin. Vladimir Poutine, qui a toujours refuser toute ingérence étrangère dans les affaires internes russes, en particulier sur les questions de démocratie et de respect des droits de l'homme, confirme sa place incontournable sur l'échiquier politique russe. Plusieurs partis d'opposition ont dénoncé des irrégularités, qui ont été rejetées par le président de la commission centrale des élections. Les petits partis dénoncent également le nouveau système électoral, mis en place lors de cette élection : un scrutin de liste intégral a remplacé un mode de scrutin mélangeant à part égale scrutin de liste et scrutin par circonscriptions. Dans le même temps, le pourcentage minimal de voix nécessaire pour entrer à la Douma a été relevé de 5 % à 7 %.
[ "Élections", "Russie", "Asie", "Politique", "Politique russe" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Poutine appelle les Russes à voter pour son parti", "text": "Vladimir Poutine a appelé jeudi les Russes à voter pour son parti, Russie unie, aux législatives de dimanche\nLe président russe, tête de liste de son parti, a affirmé qu'il s'agissait d'un choix de \"stabilité et de continuité\" en opposition au chaos des années 1990.\nIl a répété plusieurs fois qu'il ne tenterait pas, en exploitant des failles juridiques, de se maintenir au pouvoir pour un troisième mandat de quatre ans, ce que la Constitution lui interdit.\nDans un message télévisé diffusé sur les chaînes publiques Rossia et Pervyi Kanal, Vladimir Poutine a critiqué les libéraux et affirmé: \"Nous ne pouvons pas permettre le retour au pouvoir de ceux qui ont déjà tenté, sans succès, de diriger le pays.\"\nS'il affirme ne pas vouloir se maintenir à la présidence, contre la Constitution, il a estimé qu'une confortable victoire de Russie unie lui donnerait un \"droit moral\" à peser sur la vie politique russe après la fin de son mandat.\nLes sondages donnent environ les deux tiers des voix à Russie unie pour les législatives de dimanche. Un parti doit avoir 7% des voix pour pouvoir envoyer des députés à la Douma. Les communistes de Ziouganov devraient être représentés mais pas les petits partis libéraux, très critiques à l'égard du Kremlin.\nBerezovski condamné\nLa justice russe a condamné jeudi par contumace le milliardaire russe exilé Boris Berezovski à six ans de prison pour \"vol\" par escroquerie de 6,1 millions d'euros à la compagnie aérienne russe Aeroflot.\nAncienne éminence grise du Kremlin sous Boris Eltsine, tombé en disgrâce avec l'arrivée au pouvoir de Vladimir Poutine, Boris Berezovski a obtenu le statut de réfugié politique en Grande-Bretagne en 2003. La Russie a cherché à plusieurs reprises sans succès à obtenir son extradition et l'a inculpé en autres de \"tentative de coup d'Etat\".\nLes partis en lice Russie unie\nLe parti de Vladimir Poutine, dont la devise est \"Le plan de Poutine, la victoire de la Russie\", prône une politique nationaliste et le capitalisme d'Etat. Il est crédité d'au moins 60% des voix dans les sondages.\nLe Parti communiste de Guennadi Ziouganov, héritier du PCUS, est la première force d'opposition en Russie. Il défend une revalorisation des retraites et des salaires et un rôle accru de l'Etat dans l'Economie. Il est crédité d'un peu plus de 7%.\nLe Parti démocrate-libéral de Russie, ultranationaliste anti-occidental, s'appuie essentiellement sur le charisme de son leader, Vladimir Jirinovski. Il vote en général dans le sens du Kremlin à la Douma. Il est crédité de 7% des voix.\nRussie juste, parti \"d'opposition de gauche\", propose d'importantes augmentations des salaires et des retraites, à financer par le Fonds de stabilisation, tirée des revenus pétroliers. Ce parti, qui vise à attirer une partie de l'électorat communiste dans les rangs favorables au Kremlin, est à 5,5% dans les sondages.\nLe Parti agraire, émanation du Parti communiste, prône la hausse des taxes sur les importations de nourriture pour protéger les producteurs russes. Le dernier sondage les créditait de 2% des suffrages.\nIabloko, emmené par l'économiste Grigori Iavlinski, critique ouvertement les atteintes aux droits civiques et aux libertés démocratiques dont se rend coupable, selon lui, le gouvernement du président Poutine. Un sondage publié cette semaine crédite ce parti de 0,9% des suffrages.\nL'Union des forces de droite (SPS) prône la libéralisation de l'économie et la défense des droits civiques. Son principal soutien est Anatoli Tchoubaïs, PDG de l'entreprise d'électricité RAO. Poutine l'a accusé de vouloir revenir au capitalisme sauvage des années 1990 (0,7% des suffrages).", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "fr", "title": "Le parti de Vladimir Poutine remporte les législatives, l'opposition crie à la fraude", "text": "e parti du président russe Vladimir Poutine, Russie unie, a remporté une victoire écrasante aux législatives russes organisées dimanche 2 décembre. Russie unie obtient 64,1% des voix, selon des résultats partiels établis après un dépouillement de 79,4 % des bulletins et publiés lundi matin par la Commission électorale centrale. Avec un tel score, Vladimir Poutine est assuré de garder un pouvoir, en exerçant une influence sur le Parlement et sur le gouvernement à l'issue de la présidentielle de mars 2008, à laquelle il ne peut se présenter. Le taux de participation, un des enjeux du scrutin, s'établit à près de 62 %.Le Parti communiste est deuxième avec 11,6 % des voix, devenant la principale force d'opposition du pays, suivi des ultranationalistes proches du Kremlin (LDPR) de Vladimir Jirinovski avec 8,2 % et de Russie juste, autre parti proche du pouvoir, avec 7,8 %. Ainsi, quatre partis franchissent la barre des 7 % nécessaires pour avoir des élus : Russie unie, le PC, le LDPR et Russie juste. e parti du président russe Vladimir Poutine, Russie unie, a remporté une victoire écrasante aux législatives russes organisées dimanche 2 décembre. Russie unie obtient 64,1% des voix, selon des résultats partiels établis après un dépouillement de 79,4 % des bulletins et publiés lundi matin par la Commission électorale centrale. Avec un tel score, Vladimir Poutine est assuré de garder un pouvoir, en exerçant une influence sur le Parlement et sur le gouvernement à l'issue de la présidentielle de mars 2008, à laquelle il ne peut se présenter. Le taux de participation, un des enjeux du scrutin, s'établit à près de 62 %.Le Parti communiste est deuxième avec 11,6 % des voix, devenant la principale force d'opposition du pays, suivi des ultranationalistes proches du Kremlin (LDPR) de Vladimir Jirinovski avec 8,2 % et de Russie juste, autre parti proche du pouvoir, avec 7,8 %. Ainsi, quatre partis franchissent la barre des 7 % nécessaires pour avoir des élus : Russie unie, le PC, le LDPR et Russie juste.\nVladimir Poutine : \"Voter pour les gens à qui vous faites confiance\" Après s'être rendu au bureau de vote 2074, au sud-ouest de Moscou, le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a appelé les électeurs russes à \"voter pour les gens à qui vous faites confiance\". \"Dieu merci, la campagne électorale est terminée. Je suis sûr que l'électeur a déterminé ses préférences, il faut maintenant venir et voter pour le parti dont le programme vous semble convaincant\", a-t-il poursuivi.\n[-] fermer\nLes deux partis de l'opposition réformatrice et libérale, Iabloko de Grigori Iavlinski et SPS (Union des forces de droite), ne décrochent respectivement que 1,6 % et 1 %.\nSelon un sondage de sortie des urnes réalisé par l'institut public VTSIOM, le bloc pro-Kremlin obtiendrait une majorité plus que confortable de 348 sièges sur 450 à la Douma, soit plus que les 301 nécessaires pour modifier la Constitution, ce qui était, du point de vue des analystes, l'un des principaux objectifs du Kremlin. \"LA VAGUE DE VIOLATIONS DÉPASSE TOUTES LES NORMES\" Boris Gryzlov, chef de Russie unie, s'est félicité du résultat du scrutin, le qualifiant de \"référendum de soutien à la politique de Vladimir Poutine\". \"On peut dire que Vladimir Poutine a remporté une victoire (...). Ce vote a confirmé que Vladimir Poutine est notre leader national. Sa politique va se poursuivre\", a indiqué M. Gryzlov peu de temps après la publication des premiers résultats. Il a reconnu qu'\"il y a eu des violations\" lors du vote. \"Mais la question est de savoir si elles ont eu un impact sur le résultat final et la réponse est non.\"\nDe leur côté, les partis d'opposition, ainsi que la plus importante organisation russe d'observation des élections, Golos, ont annoncé avoir déjà constaté de nombreuses violations dans le déroulement du scrutin. Le Parti communiste russe a annoncé, avant même la publication des premiers résultats officiels, qu'il contesterait en justice les résultats des élections législatives.\"La vague de violations dépasse toutes les normes\", a déclaré Vadim Soloviev, chef du service juridique du parti. Golos, qui observe les élections par l'intermédiaire de quelque 2 500 \"correspondants\" de sa revue La Voix citoyenne, a signalé, pendant la journée de dimanche, des fraudes systématiques : nombreux bourrages d'urnes, entraves à son travail et abus dans l'utilisation des urnes mobiles.\"Ce ne sont pas des incidents isolés. Les plaintes viennent de toute la Russie\", a dit son directeur adjoint, Grigori Melkonians.\n\"L'ENTERREMENT DE LA DÉMOCRATIE\"\nEn début de journée, Garry Kasparov, le chef de la coalition d'opposition L'Autre Russie, et Boris Nemtsov, numéro deux sur la liste du parti libéral SPS (Union des forces de droite), avaient exprimé leur colère, évoquant également de nombreuses fraudes. \"Ce sont les élections les plus malhonnêtes de l'histoire de la Russie (...) : des centaines d'opposants ont été arrêtés, 25 millions d'exemplaires du journal du parti ont été saisis\", a affirmé M. Nemtsov, également candidat à la présidentielle de 2008.\n\"Boycotter les élections est un signe de faiblesse\", a lancé pour sa part M. Kasparov. \"Ces élections sont bien sûr truquées depuis le début. Beaucoup de forces politiques tant de droite que de gauche en ont été exclues, car elles ne répondaient pas aux critères de loyauté requis\", a-t-il déclaré, ajoutant qu'il s'était rendu aux urnes mais avait \"abîmé [son] bulletin et écrit L'Autre Russie [dessus]\". Lundi, Garry Kasparov ira \"déposer des fleurs à la Commission électorale\" : \"Ce sera le jour de l'enterrement de la démocratie\", a-t-il ajouté. En début de journée, Garry Kasparov, le chef de la coalition d'opposition L'Autre Russie, et Boris Nemtsov, numéro deux sur la liste du parti libéral SPS (Union des forces de droite), avaient exprimé leur colère, évoquant également de nombreuses fraudes.(...), a affirmé M. Nemtsov, également candidat à la présidentielle de 2008., a lancé pour sa part M. Kasparov., a-t-il déclaré, ajoutant qu'il s'était rendu aux urnes mais avait[son][dessus]. Lundi, Garry Kasparov ira, a-t-il ajouté. \"Le pouvoir exécutif a organisé ces élections de telle manière qu'il a quasiment élu ce Parlement\", a déclaré sur la radio indépendante Echo de Moscou Kimmo Kiljunen, vice-président de l'Assemblée parlementaire de l'OSCE, venu observer le scrutin.\"Il n'y a pas eu de discussions politiques\", a déploré M.Kiljunen, qui a ajouté :\"A chaque fois que j'entends [des chiffres comme] 99 % de participation, cela me pose un important problème car je sais que dans une situation normale il est impossible que tout le monde vote.\"\nA l'étranger, la transparence du scrutin a aussi été mise en doute. La Maison Blanche a ainsi appelé les autorités russes à \"enquêter\" sur les accusations de violations qui auraient marqué les législatives. Le numéro deux de la Commission électorale russe, Nikolaï Konkine, a promis que \"toutes les plaintes seront minutieusement étudiées\". A l'étranger, la transparence du scrutin a aussi été mise en doute. La Maison Blanche a ainsi appelé les autorités russes àsur les accusations de violations qui auraient marqué les législatives. Le numéro deux de la Commission électorale russe, Nikolaï Konkine, a promis que", "url": ",1-0@2-3214,36-985022,0.html", "archive_url": ",1-0@2-3214,36-985022,0.html" } ]
Copa Europeia de Rugby 2016-2017: os Saracens conservam o título deles
A Copa Europeia de Rugby, Copa Heineken, teve a sua final, em 13 de maio de 2017. Os Saracens derrotam Clermont por 28 a 17 e conservaram o título deles.
[ "Rugby", "Copa Européia de Rugby 2016-2017|F3", "Europa", "França", "Inglaterra", "País de Gales", "Escócia", "Irlanda do Norte", "República da Irlanda", "Itália", "Desporto" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Site Officiel : Calendrier & Résultats de la Champions Cup", "text": "Cliquez ici pour télécharger ce calendrier Les coups d'envoi sont en heure locale 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1995-1996 Journée 1 Journée 2 Journée 3 Journée 4 Journée 5 Journée 6 Phases de poule Phases finales Heure Locale Phase\nDomicile Domicile Rés Visiteur Visiteur\nStade TV/Spect\n19:45 P2\nHarlequins Quins v Castres Olympique Castres\nThe Twickenham Stoop BT Sport / beIN Détail 13:00 P1\nSale Sharks Sharks v Munster Rugby Munster\nAJ Bell Stadium Sky Sports Détail 15:15 P1\nSaracens Saracens v ASM Clermont Auvergne ASM Clermont\nAllianz Park BT Sport / beIN Détail 15:15 P4\nGlasgow Warriors Glasgow v Bath Rugby Bath\nScotstoun Stadium BT Sport Détail 18:15 P5\nRacing Métro 92 Racing Métro v Northampton Saints Saints\nStade Yves-du-Manoir Sky Sports / beIN Détail 19:45 P3\nLeicester Tigers Tigers v Ulster Rugby Ulster\nWelford Road BT Sport Détail 13:00 P5\nOspreys Ospreys v Benetton Treviso Treviso\nLiberty Stadium Sky Sports Détail 14:00 P4\nToulouse Toulouse v Montpellier Montpellier\nStade Ernest Wallon Sky Sports / beIN Détail 16:15 P3\nRC Toulon Toulon v Scarlets Scarlets\nStade Félix Mayol Sky Sports / BeIN / FR2 Détail 17:15 P2\nLeinster Rugby Leinster v Wasps Wasps\nRDS Arena BT Sport Détail", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
König Juan Carlos und Königin Sophia werden zum siebten Mal Großeltern
Juan Carlos und Sophia '''Madrid (Spanien), 08.05.2005''' – König Juan Carlos und Königin Sophia werden zum siebten Mal Großeltern. Dies wurde heute durch ein offizielles Kommuniqué des Königshauses bekannt gegeben. Der spanische Thronfolger Felipe und seine Frau Prinzessin Letizia erwarten Nachwuchs. Die Frau des Kronprinzen, Letizia, durch ihre Heirat zur Prinzessin von Asturien ernannt, ist im dritten Monat schwanger. Die ehemalige Fernsehmoderatorin erwartet ihr erstes Kind im November. Mit der heutigen Bekanntgabe des freudigen Ereignisses zwei Wochen vor dem ersten Hochzeitstag am 22. Mai des Paares wurden wochenlange Spekulationen beendet. Die Spanier sind glücklich, denn sie machten sich Sorgen um die Prinzessin, als Letizia in den letzten Monaten immer mehr abmagerte. Die 33-jährige Letizia möchte ihr Baby in Madrid zur Welt bringen. Es wird der siebte Enkel von König Juan Carlos und Königin Sophia sein und nach Felipe an zweiter Stelle der spanischen Thronfolge stehen. Wird es allerdings ein Mädchen, muss es in der Thronfolge zurückgesetzt werden, falls Felipe und Letizia noch einen Sohn bekommen sollten. Die spanische Verfassung sieht vor, dass der älteste männliche Nachkomme des Königshauses König wird. Das Kind erhält nach der Geburt nach spanischer Tradition den Titel „Infant (oder Infantin) von Spanien“. Felipe hat noch zwei ältere Schwestern: Die 41-jährige Elena und die 39-jährige Cristina. Cristina ist mit dem baskischen Ex-Handballspieler Iñaki Urdangarin verheiratet und erwartet in diesem Sommer ihr viertes Kind. Elena hat bereits zwei Kinder.
[ "08.05.2005", "Madrid", "Thronfolge", "Grundgesetz", "Staats- und Verfassungsrecht", "Geburt", "Sophia von Griechenland", "Juan Carlos I. (Spanien)", "Felipe von Spanien", "Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano", "Elena von Spanien", "Cristina von Spanien", "Iñaki Urdangarin" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "", "text": "Österreich hat Deutschland heute aufgefordert, die Schließung der Balkan-Route für Flüchtlinge zu unterstützen. „Ich kann nur dabei bleiben, dass wir auch die deutsche Kanzlerin (Angela Merkel, Anm.) ersuchen, eine klare Sprache an den Tag zu legen“, sagte Kanzler Werner Faymann (SPÖ) nach dem Ministerrat. Vizekanzler Reinhold Mitterlehner (ÖVP) betonte, „dass die Balkan-Route geschlossen bleiben muss“.\nFaymann erwartet von Deutschland eine Klarstellung, „dass sich niemand aussuchen kann, wo er hinkommt“. Ansonsten werde es weiterhin starken Druck auf die Balkan-Route und auf andere „Ausweichrouten“ geben. Entsprechende Kontrollen an der Brenner-Grenze (zu Italien) würden vom Innenministerium vorbereitet.\nDen Flüchtlingen müsse klar werden, dass sie auch andere Angebote annehmen müssen, verwies Faymann auf die aus seiner Sicht mangelnde Bereitschaft, „Relocation“-Angebote nach Frankreich oder Portugal anzunehmen.\nEnde der Politik des „Durchwinkens“ erwartet\nAuch Mitterlehner sieht Deutschland in einer „Schlüsselrolle“. Man müsse die Lösung der Flüchtlingskrise jetzt vorbereiten, denn bei einem stärkeren Andrang im Sommer wäre das „unmöglich“, so der ÖVP-Chef. Faymann sagte, dass Österreich nicht riskieren wolle, neuerlich zum „Wartezimmer“ für nach Deutschland drängende Flüchtlinge zu werden.\nVom Europäischen Rat am Donnerstag und Freitag erwartet Faymann Unterstützung für das Ende der Politik des „Durchwinkens“. Eine Einigung mit der Türkei über eine bessere Grenzsicherung würde der Kanzler zwar begrüßen, betonte aber, keine inhaltlichen Zugeständnisse bei Visafreiheit und EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen machen zu wollen.\nAllenfalls könne man die Geschwindigkeit der Gespräche steigern: „Es gibt hier keine inhaltlichen Zugeständnisse. Die Zugeständnisse beziehen sich auf den Faktor Zeit, auf die Intensität der Diskussion und auf finanzielle Unterstützung, nicht für die türkische Regierung, sondern für die Flüchtlinge.“", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Spanisches Königshaus: Prinzessin Letizia erwartet erstes Kind", "text": "08. Mai 2005 Druckversion | Versenden | Leserbrief\nSPANISCHES KÖNIGSHAUS\nPrinzessin Letizia erwartet erstes Kind\nSpanien ist im Baby-Glück: Ein Jahr nach der Hochzeit von Kronprinz Felipe und Letizia erwarten die Thronfolger im November ihr erstes Kind.\nAP Prinz Felipe und Letizia: Nachwuchs im November\nAuch Felipe hat zwei ältere Schwestern, die 41-jährige Elena und die 39-jährige Cristina. Cristina, die mit dem baskischen Ex-Handballspieler Inaki Urdangarin, verheiratet ist, erwartet im Frühsommer ihr viertes Kind; Elena hat zwei Kinder.\nLetizia, eine bekannte Fernsehjournalistin, und Felipe hatten im November 2003 ihre Verlobung bekanntgegeben. Für die meisten Spanier kam die Nachricht überraschend, war doch den wenigsten bekannt, dass der Prinz und die Moderatorin ein Paar waren. Die beiden hatten sich 2002 bei einer Dinnerparty kennengelernt.\nNicht überall stieß die Verbindung auf Wohlwollen: Zum einen war Letizia bürgerlich, zum anderen hatte sie bereits eine Kurzehe hinter sich und war geschieden. Viel Freunde machte sich die junge Frau dann, als sie sich nach dem Terroranschlag in Madrid am 11. März 2004 mit Königin Sophia um Verletzte und Angehörige von Opfern kümmerte.\nDer Anschlag überschattete auch die Traumhochzeit am 22. Mai in der Madrider Almudena-Kathedrale, zu der Europas gesamter Hochadel eingeladen war. Felipe galt bis zu seiner Verlobung als einer der begehrtesten Junggesellen weltweit. Seit der Hochzeit läuft ihm, was das Interesse der Klatschpresse angeht, allerdings seine Frau den Rang ab.\nKindersegen beim europäischen Hochadel\nLetizia und Felipe sind nur eines der europäischen Thronfolgerpaare, die sich auf Nachwuchs freuen. Ende April hatte das dänische Königshaus bekanntgegeben, dass Kronprinz Frederik und seine Frau Mary Ende Oktober ihr erstes Kind erwarten. Frederik und Mary hatten gut eine Woche vor Felipe und Letizia geheiratet. Auch Mette-Marit, die Frau des norwegischen Thronfolgers Haakon, ist schwanger. Ihr Baby soll im Dezember zur Welt kommen. Mette-Marit und Haakon, die 2001 heirateten, haben bereits die Tochter Ingrid Alexandra.\nBereits Mitte Juli soll das zweite Kind des niederländischen Thronfolgerpaares Maxima und Willem Alexander geboren werden. Das erste Kind des seit 2002 verheirateten Paares, Prinzessin Catharina-Amalia, wurde am 7. Dezember 2003 geboren.\n© SPIEGEL ONLINE 2005\nAlle Rechte vorbehalten\nVervielfältigung nur mit Genehmigung der SPIEGELnet GmbH", "url": ",1518,355140,00.html", "archive_url": ",1518,355140,00.html" } ]
Propuesta de aplicar la Sharia para resolver asuntos familiares en Ontario genera protestas
El Proyecto estudiado actualmente por el Premier de la Provincia canadiense de Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, genera protestas en esa ciudad y en diferentes partes del mundo. El proyecto permitiría el establecimiento de tribunales basados en la Sharia o ley tradicional islámica, de la misma manera que existen cuerpos de arbitraje judíos y católicos utilizados voluntariamente desde 1991. El Premier ha prometido que la aplicación de la Sharia en Canadá no representará un retroceso en los derechos de la mujer. La principal crítica al proyecto viene del peligro que esto supondría para los derechos de la mujer en Canadá. Se cita el caso de Irán donde en los 27 años de aplicación de esta ley los derechos de la mujer se han reducido notablemente, particularmente en los asuntos familiares, en donde estos cuerpos de arbitraje actuarían. Según los críticos del proyecto, independientemente del carácter voluntario de estos cuerpos de arbitraje, la mujer musulmana se sentiría socialmente obligada a someterse a ellos, perdiendo así su carácter de igual con respecto a su esposo, que le brinda la ley Canadiense. En defensa de la aplicación de la Sharia, se argumenta que el haber sido mal utilizada en algunas ocasiones no excluye su uso en Canadá, al igual que cuando se pone en prisión a un inocente no se excluye una ley. Se han organizado protestas en Totonto, Montreal y Otawa. Otras protestas se realizarán en Waterloo y Victoria y en Europa, particularmente en Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Estocolmo, Goteborg, Londres y París. Anteriormente la Asamblea de la Provincia de Quebec decidió por unanimidad condenar los esfuerzos de creación de tribunales islámicos en la provincia y en el resto de Canadá. Hace algunos meses al jurista de origen iraní y Premio Nobel de la Paz, Shirin Ebadi explicó con referencia a este proyecto que la ley tradicional musulmana es sujeta a amplia interpretación y teme que se su aplicación llevará a muchas injusticias.
[ "Judicial", "Mujer e Infancia", "Sociedad", "Religión", "Norteamérica", "Canadá", "Islam" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Ontario Premier rejects use of Shariah law", "text": "Premier Dalton McGuinty said today Ontario will reject the use of Shariah law and will move to prohibit all religious-based tribunals to settle family disputes such as divorce.\nHis announcement comes after hundreds of demonstrators around the world this week protested a proposal to let Ontario residents use Islamic law for settling family disputes.\nA woman argues with Joanne Siska during a protest against Sharia law in Toronto, Sep. 8, 2005. (CP PHOTO/Adrian Wyld)\nOntario Premier Dalton McGuinty was reacting to a recommendation, by former NDP attorney general Marion Boyd, to allow Muslims to establish Shariah-based tribunals similar to Jewish and Catholic arbitration bodies\n\"We will not tolerate the interference of religion in our justice system,\" said Homa Arjomand, who organized a protest in Toronto that drew hundreds of people Thursday.\nThe protests were generally peaceful, but on the outskirts of the Toronto demonstration, pro-Shariah activist Mubin Shaikh and his wife, Joanne Sijka, verbally sparred with protesters. Shaikh said the misuse of Shariah doesn't mean it should be excluded from Canadian civil law. \"Abuse of the process is not a proof against a process, just as people wrongfully imprisoned is not a proof against Canadian law,\" Shaikh said.\nIn Montreal around 100 people gathered Thursday to protest the tribunals. In Ottawa more than 100 others, mostly women, protested in the rain in front of the parliament building.\nAnd in the western German city of Dusseldorf, about 25 people protested at the Canadian consulate.\n\"If the Shariah is used in Canada, I also feel threatened here,\" said protester Nasrin Ramzanali, who said there should be a clear separation of church and state.\nOther protests were planned this week in Waterloo and Victoria, and in Europe in Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Stockholm, Goteborg, London and Paris.\nOntario has allowed Catholic and Jewish faith-based tribunals to settle family law matters on a voluntary basis since 1991, but the practice got little attention until Muslim leaders demanded the same rights.\nAccording to the latest census in 2001, some 600,000 Muslims live in Canada, just over 100,000 of them in Quebec.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "World news from The Times and the Sunday Times", "text": "A PROPOSAL to allow Canadians to use Muslim religious law, or Sharia, to settle family disputes has provoked protests near and far.\nAbout 25 people demonstrated at the Canadian Consulate in Düsseldorf and a similar number made their feelings known at the Canadian Embassy in The Hague.\nHoma Arjomand, who organised a protest that attracted about 300 people in Toronto, said: “The rise of Sharia in Canada . . . is a threat. Women’s rights are not negotiable and we will not tolerate the interference of religion in our justice system.”\nOntario has allowed Catholic and Jewish faith-based tribunals to settle family-law matters on a voluntary basis since 1991. The practice drew little attention until Muslim leaders demanded the same rights. Canadian politicians must decide whether to exclude one religion or to scrap the religion-based family courts altogether.", "url": ",,3-1773713,00.html", "archive_url": ",,3-1773713,00.html" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Paper Chase: Nobel Peace Prize winner speaks out against Islamic tribunals in Canada", "text": "[JURIST] Shirin Ebadi [Wikipedia profile], a human-rights lawyer who won the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, spoke out Monday against the introduction of special Islamic tribunals in Canada. A Muslim group in Ontario proposed setting up the tribunals to settle family disputes among members of the Islamic community there. Ebadi complained [Globe and Mail report] that traditional Muslim law is open to broad interpretation, and feared injustices would result. In response, Quebec has already preemptively banned such courts [Globe and Mail report], a move supported [Daily Times (Pakistan) report] by the Canadian Council of Muslim Women [advocacy website]. Ontario has yet to decide whether to establish them.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Californie : déficit de 20 milliards de dollars
Localisation de l'État de Californie aux États-Unis d'Amérique Malgré un déficit de 19,9 milliards de dollars, le gouverneur de Californie, , refuse de mettre en place une augmentation des impôts, alors que l'État est au bord de la faillite. Le gouverneur espère encore une aide de la part de Washington mais, sans aide, des réductions de dépenses sont prévues dans le domaine de l'enseignement, de la santé, des prestations sociales, ainsi que dans les services publics. , a déclaré M. Schwarzenegger. L'intention de réduire les dépenses se heurte pourtant à la résistance des opposants démocrates. Les Démocrates, qui disposent de la majorité au Parlement, reprochent au gouverneur d'avoir déjà rejetés les propositions, répondent à leur tour : , a estimé la présidente de la commission des finances au Sénat, Denise Ducheny.
[ "Amérique", "Amérique du Nord", "États-Unis", "Californie", "Politique et conflits", "Politique", "Politique américaine", "Économie", "Finance", "Impôts et taxes", "Arnold Schwarzenegger" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Schwarzenegger ruft Budgetnotstand aus", "text": "Milliardendefizit soll mit umfassendem Sparplan abgebaut werden\nLos Angeles - Angesichts des Milliardendefizits des bevölkerungsreichsten US-Staates Kalifornien hat Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger den Haushaltsnotstand ausgerufen. Zugleich schlug der Republikaner am Freitag Sparmaßnahmen vor, um den angehäuften Schuldenberg von 19,9 Milliarden Dollar (14 Milliarden Euro) abzubauen. \"Da wir in ein neues Jahr budgetpolitischer Herausforderungen starten, müssen wir uns sofort auf die Prioritäten unseres Staates konzentrieren und vor allem an die Kalifornier denken\", erklärte Schwarzenegger und berief eine außerordentliche Parlamentssitzung ein. Kalifornien als reichster US-Staat leidet besonders stark unter der Immobilien- und Wirtschaftskrise.\nAlle Staatsausgaben müssten überprüft werden, forderte Schwarzenegger. Während etwa bei Gefängnissen insbesondere durch niedrigere Zuschüsse für die medizinische Versorgung der Häftlinge gespart werden solle, wolle er die Bildung jedoch von Einsparungen ausnehmen. Die Sparpläne des Gouverneurs sehen unter anderem vor, die Gehälter für Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Dienst um fünf Prozent zu kürzen und ihre Beitragszahlungen in ihre Pensionsfonds um fünf Prozent zu erhöhen. Im Gegenzug sollten die Staatsbediensteten ab 30. Juni ihre Arbeit wieder im vollen Umfang aufnehmen, schlug Schwarzenegger vor. Wegen der Wirtschaftskrise müssen sie seit vergangenen Jahr drei Tage pro Monat unbezahlten Urlaub nehmen.\nSchulden\nSchwarzenegger will außerdem 6,9 Milliarden Dollar (4,83 Mrd. Euro) von den US-Bundesbehörden zurückfordern, die diese Kalifornien schuldeten. Wenn sie nicht zahlten, müsse er die Ausgaben zur Gesundheitsversorgung von benachteiligten Kindern, armen Familien und psychisch Kranken kürzen. Außerdem müssten die Gehälter im öffentlichen Dienst dann um weitere fünf Prozent gesenkt werden, drohte der Gouverneur. Schwarzeneggers Sanierungsplan sieht aber auch die Aussetzung geplanter Steuererhöhungen im zweiten Halbjahr 2010 sowie die Senkung der Steuern auf Benzin vor.\nErst im vergangenen Jahr hatte Kalifornien in einer akuten Finanzkrise gesteckt und eine rigide Sparpolitik zum Abbau eines Defizits von 26 Milliarden beschlossen. Wenn Kalifornien ein eigenständiger Staat wäre, wäre er die achtgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt. (APA)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Christian Wulff ist Nachfolger von Horst Köhler im Amt des Bundespräsidenten Deutschlands
Christian Wulff (Aufnahme vom November 2009) Die Bundesversammlung hat am 30. Juni den bisherigen Ministerpräsidenten Christian Wulff (CDU) zum Nachfolger des zurückgetretenen Horst Köhler (CDU) gewählt. Wulff setzte sich nach einem neunstündigen Wahlmarathon im dritten Wahlgang gegen den parteilosen Joachim Gauck durch, der von SPD und Grünen ins Rennen um das höchste deutsche Staatsamt geschickt wurde. Unmittelbar nach der Wahl trat Wulff von seinem Amt als Ministerpräsident Niedersachsens zurück. Im dritten Wahlgang erhielt Wulff 625 Stimmen. Joachim Gauck erhielt 494 Stimmen, 121 Wahlmänner und Wahlfrauen enthielten sich der Stimmabgabe. Gauck erhielt im dritten Wahlgang 32 Stimmen mehr als das rot-grüne Bundespräsidentenwahlzweckbündnis Vertreter in die Bundesversammlung entsendete. In seiner Antrittsrede sagte der zehnte Bundespräsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, er trete dafür ein, dass die Menschen in Deutschland „aufeinander zugehen statt aneinander vorbei zu leben“. Wulff dankte seinem Gegenkandidaten Gauck für den „fairen Wettbewerb um das Präsidentenamt“. Dieser gratulierte Wulff zur Wahl und bezeichnete das Abstimmverhalten der Linkspartei im letzten Wahlgang als „trauriges Kapitel“. Der dritte Wahlgang, in dem die einfache Mehrheit der Stimmen ausgereicht hätte, erzielte Wulff die absolute Mehrheit. Der Wahlgang war notwendig geworden, weil er in den beiden ersten Wahlgängen die da erforderliche absolute Mehrheit von 623 Stimmen verfehlt hatte. Im ersten Wahlgang bekam der von CDU/CSU und FDP vorgeschlagene Wulff 600 Stimmen, Gauck erhielt 499 Stimmen. Die von der Linkspartei vorgeschlagene ehemalige ARD-Journalistin Luc Jochimsen erhielt 126 Stimmen. NPD-Kandidat Frank Rennicke wurde von drei Delegierten gewählt, aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach die Stimmen aller NPD-Wahlleute in der Bundesversammlung. Beobachter stuften das schlechte Ergebnis für Wulff als Schlappe für die von Angela Merkel geführte Bundesregierung ein, da mindestens 44 eigene Delegierte dem Wunschkandidat der Bundeskanzlerin im ersten Wahlgang die Stimme verweigerten. Das Abstimmungsergebnis des zweiten Wahlgangs sorgte auch nicht für ein eindeutiges Ergebnis: 615 Delegierte sprachen sich für Wulff aus, für den früheren Präsidenten der Stasi-Unterlagen-Behörde stimmten 490 Wahlleute, und Jochimsen erhielt 123 Stimmen. Somit musste ein dritter Wahlgang die Entscheidung bringen. Gauck hätte sich gegen Wulff nur durchsetzen können, wenn er die Stimmen der Linkspartei erhalten hätte. SPD, Grüne und Linkspartei verhandelten über eine Unterstützung Gaucks durch die Linkspartei, doch schließlich teilte Bundestagsfraktionschef Gregor Gysi mit, dass man Jochimsen als eigene Kandidatin zurückziehe, jedoch keine Empfehlung zugunsten Gaucks äußere. Der SPD-Vorsitzende Sigmar Gabriel stellte dazu später fest, „dass die Linkspartei sich nicht von ihrem SED- und Stasi-Erbe befreien konnte“. Der neue Bundespräsident wurde am Freitag, dem 2. Juli vereidigt.
[ "Themenportal Politik", "Themenportal Deutschland", "Deutscher Bundespräsident", "Christian Wulff", "Joachim Gauck", "Politik in Deutschland" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Bundesversammlung wählt Wulff zum Bundespräsidenten", "text": "Bundespräsidentenwahl\nBundesversammlung wählt Wulff zum Bundespräsidenten\nStundenlange Zitter-Partie für Kanzlerin Merkel: Erst im dritten Wahlgang hat die Bundesversammlung den Koalitionskandidaten Wulff zum Bundespräsidenten gewählt.\n© Hannibal/dpa\nDie Bundesversammlung hat den bisherigen niedersächsischen Ministerpräsidenten Christian Wulff (CDU) zum Bundespräsidenten gewählt. Im dritten Wahlgang erreichte Wulff 625 Stimmen und damit die absolute Mehrheit. Sein von SPD und Grünen aufgestellter Mitbewerber Joachim Gauck kam auf 494 Stimmen, 121 Delegierte enthielten sich. Damit erhielt Gauck 32 Stimmen mehr, als das rot-grüne Lager an Delegierten aufbot. Wulff, der unmittelbar nach der Verkündung des Ergebnisses sein Amt als Regierungschef in Hannover niederlegte, tritt die Nachfolge von Horst Köhler an.\nAnzeige\nDer gewählte Bundespräsident dankte in einer kurzen Ansprache seinem Amtsvorgänger und dem Kandidaten Gauck für einen \"fairen Wettbewerb um das Präsidentenamt\". Als eine Priorität seiner Amtszeit nannte er die innere Einheit des Landes. Er wünsche sich, dass die Deutschen \"aufeinander zugehen statt aneinander vorbei zu leben.\"\nGauck sagte nach der Wahl, er sei zuversichtlich, dass Wulff in seinem neuen Amt Erfolg haben werde. Er stünde dem neuen Bundespräsidenten \"selbstverständlich\" als Gesprächspartner zur Verfügung. Gauck selbst wolle weiterhin helfen, die Distanz zwischen Bürgern und Politikern zu verringern. \"Bleiben sie dran\", forderte er die Fernsehzuschauer zur politischen Teilhabe auf. Das Verhalten der Linkspartei nannte er ein \"trauriges Kapitel\".\nWulffs Wahl waren dramatische Stunden vorausgegangen. Der Kandidat von Union und FDP erreichte im ersten Wahlgang nur 600 Stimmen und verfehlte damit die in diesem Wahlgang erforderliche absolute Mehrheit von 623 Stimmen deutlich. Gauck kam auf 499 Stimmen, für die linke Kandidatin Luc Jochimsen stimmten 126 Delegierte – drei mehr, als die Linke Wahlleute hat. Der Kandidat der rechtsextremen NPD, Frank Rennicke, erhielt die drei Stimmen der NPD-Wahlleute.\nMehr zum Thema | |\nWeil die Regierungsparteien nominell über eine Mehrheit von 644 Wahlleuten verfügen – 44 schwarz-gelbe Wahlleute also nicht für Wulff stimmten – war das Ergebnis als Ohrfeige für die Bundesregierung gewertet worden.\nAuch im zweiten Wahlgang erreichte Wulff nicht die absolute Mehrheit. Nur 615 Delegierte stimmten für den bisherigen niedersächsischen Ministerpräsidenten. Gauck kam auf 490, Jochimsen auf 123 Stimmen.\nIm dritten Wahlgang, in dem die einfache Mehrheit zur Präsidentenkür reichte, war Gauck auf die Stimmen der Linken angewiesen. Zwischen SPD, Grünen und Linkspartei begannen nun intensive Verhandlungen. Schließlich verkündete Linken-Fraktionschef Gregor Gysi, seine Partei werde zwar ihre Kandidatin zurückziehen und die Abstimmung für die linken Delegierten freigeben, aber keine Empfehlung für Gauck aussprechen. Damit war für Wulff der Weg ins Schloss Bellevue frei.\nSPD-Chef Gabriel sagte nach der Wahl, es sei deutlich geworden, \"dass die Linkspartei sich nicht von ihrem SED- und Stasi-Erbe befreien konnte\".\nAus der Koalitionsspitze waren erleichterte Reaktionen zu hören. Die Kanzlerin sagte, die Wahl habe deutlich gemacht, dass hinter Christian Wulff \"eine große Mehrheit\" stünde, \"die er auch in der Bevölkerung finden wird\". Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP) sprach von einem \"überzeugenden Vertrauensbeweis\" für Wulff. Die Wahl sei ein \"Lehrstück der Demokratie\" gewesen. Weniger begeistert war CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer, der sich \"dankbar\" zeigte, dass \"im dritten Wahlgang die Bedeutung dieser Versammlung von der Mehrheit der Versammelten erkannt wurde\".\nDie Wahl war nötig geworden, weil Köhler vor einem Monat überraschend zurückgetreten war, nachdem es heftige Kritik an seinen Interview-Äußerungen zu Afghanistan gegeben hatte. Er hatte darin für Kritiker den Eindruck erweckt, auch wirtschaftliche Gründe könnten einen Krieg rechtfertigen.\nLesen Sie hier mehr aus dem Ressort Deutschland.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Bundespräsident Wulff lässt die Deutschen hoffen", "text": "Christian Wulff ist als Bundespräsident vereidigt. Zwei Drittel der Deutschen glauben, dass er seine Arbeit gut machen wird.\nvon Thomas Vitzthum\nChristian Wulff will ein Brückenbauer sein. In seiner ersten Rede nach der Wahl zum Bundespräsidenten sagte er: „Mir ist es wichtig, Verbindungen zu schaffen zwischen Jung und Alt, zwischen Menschen aus Ost und West, Einheimischen und Zugewanderten, Arbeitgebern, Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitslosen, Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung.“\nZuvor war Wulff durch Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert im Beisein der Vertreter beider deutscher Kammern vereidigt worden. Dabei benötigte er einen zweiten Anlauf. Wulff las aus der Urfassung des Grundgesetzes und vergaß in der Eidesformel das entscheidende Wörtchen „Ich“. Er stockte, entschuldigte sich und setzte noch einmal an.\nVideo weiter blättern Warum gibt es einen Bundespräsidenten?\nWährend seiner Ansprache hielt sich Wulff eng an das Manuskript. Nur selten blickte er auf, etwa als er den auf der Tribüne sitzenden Joachim Gauck, den ihm unterlegenen Kandidaten für das Amt des Bundespräsidenten, aufforderte, weiter von seiner Liebe für die Freiheit zu erzählen.\n1 von 9\nvon zurück blättern\nweiter blättern Der Amtsantritt von Christian Wulff Foto: AFP Das neue Staatsoberhaupt wurde vor dem Schloss mit militärischen Ehren empfangen, und das... Foto: REUTERS ...Wetter spielte dabei auch mit. Foto: AFP Neue Hausherren für das Schloss Bellevue: Bundespräsident Christian Wulff - frisch vereidigt - und seine Frau Bettina. Foto: AFP Zuvor war Wulff im Bundestag vereidigt worden. Bei der Zeremonie... Foto: REUTERS ...saßen Wulff und seine Frau Bettina (l.) neben dem vorherigen Amtsinhaber Horst Köhler und dessen Frau Eva Luise. Foto: AFP Für Köhlers Verdienste während seiner Zeit als Bundespräsident gab es Applaus. Auch... Foto: REUTERS ...Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und Vizekanzler Guido Westerwelle waren im Bundestag dabei. Foto: REUTERS In seiner Antrittsrede unterstrich Wulff unter anderem die Bedeutung der Integration für Deutschland. Foto: dpa-infografik GmbH/DPA Wulff ist der zehnte Bundespräsident.\nEinen Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit erkennt Wulff in der Integration der in Deutschland lebenden Ausländer und Menschen mit ausländischen Wurzeln. Er erinnerte an die erste türkischstämmige Ministerin Deutschlands, Aygül Özkan, die er im April zur Sozialministerin Niedersachsens gemacht hatte. Wulff mahnte an, dass jeder unabhängig von Herkunft und Wohlstand die gleichen Bildungschancen erhalten müsse. Die Deutschen müssten offen sein für die Zusammenarbeit mit allen Teilen der Welt. „Das können wir schon hier bei uns einüben, in unserer Bundesrepublik, in unserer bunten Republik Deutschland.“\nDer Amtseid Das sagt der Bundespräsident Die Formel für den Amtseid des Bundespräsidenten ist in Artikel 56 des Grundgesetzes festgelegt. Vor den versammelten Mitgliedern des Bundestages und des Bundesrates sagt das gewählte Staatsoberhaupt: „Ich schwöre, dass ich meine Kraft dem Wohle des deutschen Volkes widmen, seinen Nutzen mehren, Schaden von ihm wenden, das Grundgesetz und die Gesetze des Bundes wahren und verteidigen, meine Pflichten gewissenhaft erfüllen und Gerechtigkeit gegen jedermann üben werde. So wahr mir Gott helfe.“ Der Eid kann auch ohne die abschließende religiöse Beteuerung geleistet werden.\nÄhnlich wie sein Amtsvorgänger Horst Köhler sprach sich Wulff dafür aus, die Verursacher der Bankenkrise zur Verantwortung zu ziehen und die Finanzmärkte zu regulieren. Einen Kontrapunkt zu Köhler setzte Wulff, indem er die Politik ausdrücklich für ihre Arbeit lobte. „Die Parteien sind besser als ihr Ruf“, sagte er. Gerade die Reaktion der schwarz-gelben und der Großen Koalition auf die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise habe sich als richtig herausgestellt. Laut Wulff stünden die Situation auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und die sich belebende Konjunktur dafür ein.\nHorst Köhler war bei der einstündigen Zeremonie dabei. Alle Redner dankten ihm und würdigten vor allem sein Engagement für Afrika. Köhler wirkte erschöpft und rang häufig mit den Tränen. Norbert Lammert erwähnte seine außerordentliche Beliebtheit in der Bevölkerung.\n1 von 6\nvon zurück blättern\nweiter blättern Die Bürger glauben an Christian Wulff Foto: Infratest dimap Der Deutschlandtrend Juli steht ganz im Zeichen der Bundespräsidentenwahl. Dass diese einen Neustart der Koalition ermöglicht, glauben laut der Umfrage nur wenige Bürger. Hingegen ist... Foto: Infratest dimap ...eine deutliche Mehrheit davon überzeugt, dass das neue Staatsoberhaupt Christian Wulff seinen Job gut machen wird. Foto: Infratest dimap Mehr als 80 Prozent der Deutschen finden den CDU-Politiker sympathisch. Dass er über den Parteien stehen wird, bezweifeln aber viele. Foto: Infratest dimap Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg bleibt der beliebteste Politiker. Aufsteiger des Monats ist SPD-Fraktionschef Frank-Walter Steinmeier.\n*Vergleich zum Dezember 2009 **kein Vergleichswert Foto: Infratest dimap Wenn es um die Kompetenzen der verschiedenen Parteien geht, zeigt sich: Mehr als ein Viertel der Deutschen bezweifeln, dass irgendeine Partei eine gute Haushalts- und Finanzpolitik betreiben kann. Foto: Infratest dimap Bei der Sonntagsfrage gibt es relativ wenig Veränderungen - was die FDP nicht freuen dürfte: Sie stagniert bei fünf Prozent.\nChristian Wulff hat offenbar gute Voraussetzungen, Köhlers Beliebtheitswerte schnell zu erreichen. Im Deutschlandtrend von Infratest dimap im Auftrag der ARD-Tagesthemen und der WELT äußern 72 Prozent der befragten Bürger die Erwartung, Wulff werde ein guter Präsident. Nur neun Prozent glauben das nicht. Wulff ist ein Sympathieträger, 82 Prozent nennen ihn „symphatisch“. 74 Prozent halten ihn für eine glaubwürdige Figur und 66 Prozent dabei für volksnah. Damit sehen sich bereits mit der ersten Umfrage nach seiner Wahl diejenigen widerlegt, die glaubten, das nüchterne Temperament des Niedersachsen würde einer breiten Popularität im Wege stehen. 58 Prozent sagen, mit Wulff sei der Richtige gewählt worden. Nur für 35 Prozent wäre Gauck der bessere Präsident gewesen.\nDass Wulff drei Wahlgänge benötigte, um ins Amt zu gelangen, ist in den Augen der Bürger vor allem ein Problem von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel. 68 Prozent sprechen von einer Blamage und 62 Prozent sind überzeugt, dass die Koalition aus Union und FDP nicht mehr lange halten werde.\n1 von 17\nvon zurück blättern\nweiter blättern Tweets zu Wulffs Vereidigung Wie schon der Ablauf der Bundesversammlugn, so wird auch die Verabschiedung von Horst Köhler und die Vereidigung des neuen Bundespräsidenten Christian Wulff von vielen Twitter-Nutzern begleitet. WELT ONLINE dokumentiert die spannendsten und unterhaltsamsten Tweets zum Thema. SchnabelRabe::\nWarum muss ich immer an Tofu denken wenn ich den #Wulff reden höre? mchlpchl:\nAch, ich soll Ihnen übrigens auch die besten Grüße vom Osterhasen übermitteln, Herr Bundespräsident #Wulff ... #vereidigung hans_g_kegel:\n30 Minuten her ... ich glaub ich kann mich schon an keinen Satz mehr aus #Wulff s Antrittsrede erinnern ... hmm ... Feminister:\nich warte die ganze Zeit, dass er sagt, \"und jetzt bitte Gesangbuch Seite 375\" Was für ein Langeweiler! #Antrittsrede #bpw #wulff gubXbs:\nDie Antrittsrede von Hr. #Wulff nehme ich das nächste Mal, wenn ich nicht einschlafen kann. bembel:\n#Wulff lobt die frühere Regierung, die Große Koalition und #Merkel muß einmal tief durchatmen ... #Antrittsrede numberfivealive:\nGibt es bei der Vereidigung nicht die Floskel \"...möge für immer schweigen\"? #Wulff FensterRentner:\nKinners, ich guck gerad den Bundesköter inne Glotze. Der schnarcht sich da aber wat zusammen. Ker, tu ma wat Temperament inne Stimme. #wulff mchlpchl:\ndreimal Götterbezug in 10 Minuten. hach ne wat schön. #vereidigung #bp #wulff #bundesrat #bundestag brueckswelt:\n#Wulff im ersten Anlauf als #Bundespräsident vereidigt Louischneid:\nUps, #Wulff macht den #Obama. #VersprecherbeiVereidigung marcundm:\nReden sollte er aber nicht so oft halten, konnte der Vorgänger besser #wulff HerrFloyd:\n#Spielaufstellung: Mit der Nr.1: #Bundespräsident #Wulff, mit der Nr.2: Bundespräsident Böhrnsen und mit der Nr.3: Bundespräsident Köhler NikSput:\nWulff hat es für morgen vorgemacht: 2 spannende Halbzeiten, souveräner Sieg in der Verlängerung. wilhelmmike:\nGibts hier schon nen Putsch? Alles voller Bundeswehr am Amtssitz des Bundespraesidenten! #bpw eklaus:\nGerücht: Schloss Bellevue wird in Twitter Gewinnspiel verlost, um neuen Schlossbesitzer & Gartenpartys zu finanzieren :-) #fun #wulff #bpw\nBundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert hat vor der Vereidigung des neuen Bundespräsidenten dem vorherigen Amtsinhaber Horst Köhler gedankt. Lesen Sie hier seine gesamte Rede.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Hosni Mubarak afirma que no será candidato para las elecciones de septiembre en Egipto
Hosni Mubarak Hosni Mubarak, Presidente de Egipto, declaró a la prensa el día de hoy que ante la evidente falta de apoyo hacia su gobierno, no será candidato a las elecciones convocadas para septiembre de este año, Mubarak afirma que no renunciará y se irá del cargo hasta que su periodo como Presidente finalice. El comunicado se da a conocer en medio de una marcha en la que se calculan hay más de 2 millones de personas exigiendo la salida del Presidente Mubarak que lleva más de 30 años en el puesto. También dijo que este tipo de protestas son solo una forma "barata" de intentar tener el control político de Egipto. La decisión alegró a más de uno de los manifestantes, sin embargo estos continúan firmes en su intención de que Hosni Mubarak deje el puesto como Presidente hoy mismo. Mubarak declaró que hoy más que nunca está dispuesto a finalizar sus más de 30 años de gobierno para asegurar la paz de la nación así como criticó a diversos grupos políticos que según él, no quisieron establecer un dialogo para no llegar a la crisis en la que se encuentra Egipto en este momento.
[ "Primavera árabe", "Crisis política en Egipto de 2011", "Política", "Sociedad", "Egipto", "Oriente Medio", "África", "Hosni Mubarak" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Hosni Mubarak: 'Será la Historia la que me juzgue'", "text": "Ante las decenas de miles de egipcios que siguen ocupando la céntrica Plaza de Tahrir en El Cairo pidiendo su salida, y la falta de apoyo exterior, el presidente egipcio, Hosni Mubarak, ha anunciado que no se presentará a las próximas elecciones presidenciales.\nA pesar de la decepción y frustración de los egipcios ante la permanencia de Mubarak, el Ejército ha pedido a los ciudadanos que vuelvan a sus casas para que reine la normalidad. \"Las Fuerzas Armadas le están pidiendo... Ustedes comenzaron a salir a la calle para expresar sus demandas y ahora son los únicos capaces de restaurar la vida normal\", manifestó un portavoz del Ejército en la televisión estatal.\nEn un emocional discurso, con múltiples referencias a su trayectoria personal como soldado que había luchado por la libertad del país, Mubarak intentó presentarse como un hombre que \"nunca ha buscado ocupar un cargo de tanta responsabilidad y poder\", a la vez que argumentaba que era el único con \"legitimidad\" para liderar el proceso de transición.\nMubarak también se esforzó en presentar los últimos días como una época de pánico y caos, insistiendo en que \"las manifestaciones que inicialmente fueron actos pacíficos celebrando la libertad de expresión han sido explotados por quienes quieren acabar con la legitimidad constitucional\". Además, calificó a éstos como personas que se dedican a atacar \"misiones diplomáticas, propiedades públicas y privadas\".\n\"Los incidentes de los últimos días nos han obligado a escoger entre el caos y la estabilidad\", declaró el presidente egipcio a través de la televisión estatal. \"Yo inmediatamente respondí a las peticiones del pueblo con la formación de un nuevo gobierno; instruí al vicepresidente para que contactara con la oposición para materializar estas demandas\".\n\"Sin embargo, ciertas fuerzas políticas han ignorado estos intentos de establecer un diálogo\", dijo Mubarak, haciendo referencia a la oposición. \"En este momento decisivo, ellos han rechazado nuestra oferta\".\nIntentando apaciguar al pueblo sin hacer daño a su sentido del honor propio, Mubarak aseguró que -pese a los 30 años que lleva en el cargo- \"nunca\" había pensado en presentarse a los próximos comicios electorales. \"Hoy estoy más dispuesto aún a abandonar mi cargo para asegurar la paz del país\".\nSin embargo, ese abandonó tendrá que esperar. El mandatario aseguró que no abandonará su cargo, ya que su deber es liderar \"el proceso, como dicta la Constitución\".\nAunque apeló al Parlamento para debatir las enmiendas 66 y 67 de la Constitución -las que limitan la participación de ciertos partidos políticos-, Mubarak dejó claro que no tiene intención de dejar el proceso de transición en manos de otros, y que no tiene previsto abandonar el país.\n\"Éste es mi país. Éste es el país que siempre he defendido, el país por el que he luchado y cuya tierra, soberanía e intereses he defendido. Y moriré en esta tierra\".\nMensaje personal de Obama\nLa declaración de Mubarak se hizo inevitable con la desaparición de su apoyo exterior. A última hora de la tarde de ayer, se conoció el factor clave en el asunto: la Casa Blanca dio a conocer, a través de un mensaje comunicado en persona al presidente egipcio, la retirada del apoyo de Barack Obama al régimen.\nFuentes diplomáticas indican que el enviado especial del Departamento de Estado, Frank G. Wisner, hizo llegar a Mubarak un mensaje de Obama, a través del cual el presidente estadounidense le decía que no debía presentarse a los comicios presidenciales del próximo otoño.\nDe ser así, el mensaje implica un cambio fundamental en la posición de Estados Unidos -el aliado más importante de Mubarak- ante las revueltas que han conmocionado el país durante la última semana, y cuyo objetivo fundamental es el fin del mandato del presidente egipcio.\nWisner, un ex embajador estadounidense en Egipto y antiguo mediador en los conflictos de los Balcanes, dio a entender a Mubarak que tiene que abrir el paso a un proceso de transición que culmine con elecciones \"libres y democráticas\" en septiembre.\nEl proceso de transición\nTodavía no se conoce si la \"transición\" que pide la Casa Blanca será llevada a cabo por un gobierno compuesto por los líderes de la oposición -quizá bajo la dirección del 'candidato' preferido de Washington, Mohamed El Baradei-, o por un gobierno formado por miembros del actual régimen, liderado por el nuevo vicepresidente, Omar Suleiman, como dicta la Constitución del país. La oposición ya ha indicado que no tiene interés en formar parte de un gobierno liderado por personas vinculadas a Mubarak.\nEntretanto, las decenas de miles de egipcios de todas las edades, religiones y clases sociales que se concentran en la Plaza de Tahrir permanecen contínuamente en la calle. La reacción al mensaje del presidente fue de absoluto rechazo. Y coreaban: \"¡Que se vaya!\". Una noche más, se ignoró el toque de queda y, entre un ambiente festivo y patriótico, muchos levantaron tiendas de campaña en la calle y pasaron la noche al aire libre, esperando el final de la era Mubarak.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Man alleged to be former US prisoner faces 21 charges in Gambia
A man living in Gambia, who has allegedly escaped from prison in the United States, is now facing 21 charges in his home country. He pleaded 'not guilty' to all the charges. The charges range from money laundering to forgery, impersonation and unlawful possession of a Gambian passport. The defendant uses a variety of different names including Christopher Badjie, Christopher Bah, Sulayman Badjie, Joseph Moneke, Bantou Coli and Gerard Charles Hendrik Van Derwatt. ''The Point'', a Gambain newspaper, claims that his real name is Christopher Badgie. One of the charges against the defendant is relating to the alleged defrauding of a woman in Windsor, United Kingdom. It has been claimed that she was tricked into paying GBP650,000 with the belief that she would receive diamonds in return. Another charge against the defendant says that he was unlawfully possessing a Gambian passport and identity card. The defendant has been granted bail for the court case, which continued yesterday.
[ "Africa", "Gambia", "United States", "Crime and law", "Politics and conflicts" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Escaped US prisoner Faces 21 Charges in The Gambia", "text": "One Christopher Badgie, who was alleged to have escaped from lawful custody in the\nUnited States\n, is facing twenty-one criminal charges for related offences in The Gambia.\nHe was last Thursday arraigned before Magistrate B.Y. Camara of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court to answer charges preferred against him. He vehemently denied the charges.\nThe particulars of offence in count eleven stated that the accused, while under lawful custody in the United States , illegally escaped from prison custody and thereby committed an offence.\nIn count 6, the accused is alleged, on diverse dates between 2006 and 2008, while using fake names to conceal the nature or sources thereof, transported into diverse accounts in the Gambia from the United Kingdom the total sum of 150,000 pounds being proceeds of unlawful activities and thereby committed an offence.\nCount 7 states that the accused on diverse dates in 2007, in Banjul and other places in The Gambia, converted 52,006.43 pounds into Gambian Dalasis in order to conceal or disguise the unlawful origin of the resources and thereby committed an offence.\nThe particulars in count 9 read that the accused, Christopher Badgie, on diverse dates in 2007 at Banjul or other places in The Gambia, procured or induced Faburama Badjie to open a bank account with Trust Bank into which he received 98, 000 pounds being the proceeds of his unlawful activities in the United Kingdom and thereby committed an offence.\nCount 10 also also alleged that the accused on diverse dates in 2007, with intent to defraud, obtained the sum of 650,000 pounds from one Mrs X of Windsor, UK on the pretext that he would supply her with diamonds and thereby committed an offence.\nHe was also from count 1 to 5 charged with money laundering, one count of obtaining property by false pretence, three counts of unlawful possession of a Gambian passport, three counts of unlawful possession of Gambian National ID cards, two counts of forgery of official documents, one count of impersonation, and one count of uttering false documents.\nHe was since granted court bail in the sum of D500, 000 with two Gambians as sureties who must meet the bail condition.\nThe case continues today.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Notorious 'Criminal' Faces Judge on 21 Counts (Page 1 of 1)", "text": ">\nUse our pull-down menus to find more stories -- Regions/Countries -- Africa Central Africa East Africa North Africa Southern Africa West Africa --- Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo-Brazzaville Congo-Kinshasa Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland São Tomé and Príncipe Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Western Sahara Zambia Zimbabwe -- Topics -- AGOA AIDS Africa on the Move Agribusiness Aid and Assistance Arms and Armies Arts Athletics Banking Book Reviews Books Business Capital Flows Children Climate Commodities Company Conflict Construction Crime Currencies Debt Ecotourism Editorials Education Energy Environment Food and Agriculture From allAfrica's Reporters Game Parks Health Healthcare and Medical Human Rights ICT Infrastructure Investment Labour Land Issues Latest Legal Affairs Malaria Manufacturing Media Migration Mining Music Music Reviews NEPAD NGO Oceans Olympics Peacekeeping Petroleum Polio Pregnancy and Childbirth Privatization Refugees Religion Science Soccer Sport Stock Markets Sustainable Development Terrorism Trade Transport Travel Tuberculosis Urban Issues Water Wildlife Women World Cup --- Central Africa Business East Africa Business North Africa Business Southern Africa Business West Africa Business --- Asia, Australia, and Africa Europe and Africa International Organisations Latin America and Africa Middle East and Africa U.S., Canada and Africa --- From AllAfrica Photo Essays Special Reports\nweb\ Enter your search terms Submit search form OR subscribers use AllAfrica's premium search engine\nGambia: Notorious 'Criminal' Faces Judge on 21 Counts\nEmail This Page\nPrint This Page\nComment on this article\nVisit The Publisher's Site\nSanna Jawara\nOne man bearing five names such as Christopher Badjie, Sulayman Badjie, Joseph Moneke, Christopher Bah, Bantou Coli or Gerard Charles Hendrik Van Derwatt is charged with 21 counts of criminal offences.\nThe 21 counts of criminal offences preferred against the suspected notorious criminal ranged from money laundering ,forgery , impersonation , uttering false document , unlawful possession of Gambian passport, unlawful possession of Gambian ID card among other counts all contrary to laws of the Gambia.\nMr Christopher Badjie alias the four other subsequent names is facing a total of 5 counts on money laundering contrary to section 17 (2) a of the money laundering act No. 9 of 2003, one count of transporting money into the Gambia contrary to section 19 (b) (i) of the money laundering act No. 9 of 2003, one count on conversion of property contrary to section 22 (1) (a) (i) of the criminal code cap 10 volume laws of the Gambia 1990, one count on obtaining of property by false pretence contrary to section 288 of the criminal code cap 10 volume iii laws of the Gambia, one count of procuring or inducing another person to commit an offence contrary to section 24 (c) of the criminal code, one count of obtaining money by false pretence contrary to section 288 of the criminal code, one count on escaping from lawful custody contrary to section 108 of the criminal code, 3 counts of unlawful possession of Gambian passport contrary to section 31 (i) of the immigration act cap 16.02 volume iii laws of the Gambia 1990, 3\ncounts of unlawful possession of Gambian ID card contrary to section 31 (i) of the immigration act 16.02 volume iii laws of the Gambia, 2 counts of forgery of official documents contrary to section 324 of the criminal code, one count of impersonation contrary to section 353 of the criminal code and one count of uttering false documents 328 of the criminal code cap 10 volume iii laws of the Gambia 1990.\nMr Christopher Badjie is expected to appear before principal magistrate BY Camara of the Banjul magistrates court today 9th April 2008.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Chickens at a Norfolk farm to be culled after testing positive for bird flu
35,000 chickens at Witford Lodge Farm at Norfolk, England are to be culled after some chickens found dead tested positive for bird flu. Further tests are being carried out to establish which strain of the virus it was, but preliminary results suggest it is not the H5N1 strain, but is instead the H7N7 strain. The birds are being culled as a precautionary measure. The H7N7 strain can be transmitted to humans, but not as easily or as lethally as the H5N1 strain. Previous outbreaks of the H7N7 strain include one from 2003 in the Netherlands, which infected more than 80 people and led to the death of one vet. So far the only positive test for H5N1 in the UK has been a dead swan found in Fife.
[ "Health", "Avian Flu", "Europe", "United Kingdom", "England", "Norfolk", "Influenza", "Disease", "Infectious disease" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Chicken cull after bird flu find", "text": "Farmers have been told to keep up high standards of biosecurity\nThe dead chickens were found on Witford Lodge Farm in North Tuddenham, about 13 miles (20km) west of Norwich.\nThe government's chief vet said it was likely to be the H7 strain, virulent among chickens but less of a threat to humans than the H5N1 variant.\nDr Debby Reynolds added she did not know where the flu had come from.\nLast month a swan in Cellardyke, Fife, tested positive for H5N1 - the only confirmed case in the UK so far.\nDr Reynolds said there was no evidence of the H5N1 strain in the chickens from the Norfolk farm.\nThere is a risk to the human population amongst those who are in very close contact with infected birds\nHealth Protection Agency East Anglian director Dr Sue Ibbotson\nDennis Foreman, director of Banham Poultry Ltd, the company which owns Witford Lodge Farm, said the number of dead birds had been \"minimal\".\n\"As a company we don't want this but at the end of the day it happened and we have got to deal with it professionally,\" he said.\n\"With the help of Defra we think we are in safe hands.\"\nAn outbreak of an H7 variation, called H7N7, in the Netherlands led the Dutch government to order the slaughter of more than 30 million birds in 2003.\nThe cases in Norfolk were found in samples taken from chickens on the farm, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said.\nThe birds at the farm are used to produce eggs that are hatched elsewhere, to create more chickens.\nMovement restrictions are in place on the affected farm, with no movements allowed on or off the premises except under licence from the veterinary inspectors, a Defra spokesman said.\nThe same restrictions apply at 30 other premises in Norfolk owned by the company as a precautionary measure.\nThe spokesman said the possibility of introducing an exclusion zone was not being ruled out but any decision would await the findings of tests.\n'Highly precautionary'\nDr Reynolds said poultry should be \"fed and given water indoors and the highest standards of biosecurity should be maintained at the moment\".\nEarlier she told the BBC she expected further test results to reveal more about the bird flu strain over the next 24 hours.\nQUICK GUIDE\nBird flu\nShe said no decision had been taken on whether to destroy poultry on neighbouring farms, adding the slaughter was a \"highly precautionary\" measure to ensure there was no spread of the disease.\n\"The other investigation is, where did it come from? And at this stage we don't know the answer to that,\" she said.\nPaul Leveridge, who has a farm with around 15,000 ducks just two miles from Witford Lodge, said it was a stressful time for farmers.\nThe National Farmers' Union has said it expected restrictions to be enforced in the area and said the farm should be compensated for the loss of flock.\nHuman health\nDefra has stressed that there was no confirmation the virus had health implications for humans.\nThe 2003 outbreak of H7N7 in the Netherlands infected more than 80 people and led to the death of one vet.\nThe H5N1 virus has killed more than 100 people in Asia.\nBut neither strain poses a large-scale threat to humans as bird flu cannot pass easily from one person to another.\nHumans also have to have extremely close contact with infected birds, particularly their faeces, in the first place to catch it.\nHowever, some experts fear the H5N1 virus could mutate and trigger a flu pandemic, potentially putting millions of human lives at risk.\nProf Hugh Pennington, a professor of bacteriology at Aberdeen University, said while the H7 strain was \"nasty for the birds\", it was \"not a public health threat to humans\".\n\"It's basically a virus that kills chickens and has been around for many, many years.\n\"It's there in wild birds probably, circulating throughout the world and occasionally we get an outbreak in this country,\" he told the Today programme.\nThe policy of killing the flock was the best option for controlling the virus, he said.\nHealth Protection Agency East Anglian director Dr Sue Ibbotson said about a dozen workers - plus staff involved in the destruction of the birds - were being monitored and offered anti-viral drugs.\n\"People who became infected could suffer flu-like symptoms or eye irritations. There is no need for panic,\" she added.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Independent Online Edition > This Britain", "text": "The farm at the centre of the latest bird flu outbreak was named today as Witford Lodge Farm at Hockering, Norfolk.\nPolice officers stood guard at the entrance to the farm after a number of dead chickens tested positive for the virus.\nAll of the 35,000 chickens at the farm will now be slaughtered, as bio-security measures are put in place to prevent the spread of the virus.\nTests are being carried out today to establish the exact strain of the virus but preliminary test results show that it was likely to be the H7 strain rather than H5N1, which has been responsible for the deaths of more than 100 people, mainly in Asia.\n\"Preliminary tests have indicated that the avian influenza virus is present in samples of chickens found dead on a poultry farm near Dereham in Norfolk,\" said the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs last night.\n\"Further tests are being carried out to determine the strain of the virus.\n\"The preliminary test results show that it is likely to be the H7 strain of avian influenza and not H5N1.\n\"As a precautionary measure, birds on the premises will be slaughtered on suspicion of an avian notifiable disease.\"\nThe spokeswoman added that restrictions had been placed on the firm, and that further action may be taken when the additional laboratory results were known.\nLast month a wild swan that was found dead in the harbour of a coastal town in Scotland was found to have died of avian flu.\nThat bird, which was discovered in Cellardyke, Fife, tested positive for the deadly H5N1 version of the virus\nAlthough hundreds of wild birds have been tested in the last few months, the swan in Fife remains the only case of H5N1 to have been discovered in the UK.\nWhile H7 versions of the disease can be highly pathogenic among poultry, and have crossed the species barrier to humans, outbreaks in people have been less serious than those of H5N1.\nSome experts fear the H5N1 virus could mutate and develop into a flu pandemic which could put millions of lives at risk.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
ABC News anchorman Peter Jennings diagnosed with lung cancer
'''April 7, 2005''' ABC News anchorman Peter Jennings was diagnosed this week with lung cancer. Despite beginning out-patient treatment next week which will involve chemotherapy, Jennings will continue to front ABC's 'World News Tonight' show, "to the extent he can do so comfortably", says ABC News. "Almost 10 million Americans are living with cancer," Jennings told ABC staff on Tuesday. "I am sure I will learn from them how to cope with the facts of life that none of us anticipated." The 66-year-old anchor man, who gave up smoking several years ago, added: "I hope it goes without saying that a journalist who doesn't value deeply the audience's loyalty should be in another line of work." Jennings began his career at ABC News in 1964 and in 1983 was made senior editor and anchor of ''World News Tonight''. Due to ill health, he was unable to work during his network's special report on the recent death of Pope John Paul II.
[ "April 7, 2005", "United States", "North America", "Culture and entertainment", "Published", "ABC News (United States)" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Peter Jennings Diagnosed With Lung Cancer", "text": "Peter Jennings Diagnosed With Lung Cancer\n'World News Tonight' Anchor to Begin Chemotherapy\nNEW YORK, April 5, 2005 --\nABC News \"World News Tonight\" anchor Peter Jennings has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and will begin outpatient treatment next week.\nJennings is expected to continue anchoring the news during the chemotherapy \"to the extent he can do so comfortably,\" ABC News President David Westin wrote in an e-mail today to the network's news staff. Charlie Gibson, Elizabeth Vargas and others will be substituting for Jennings as necessary.\n\"He's already bringing to this new challenge the courage and strength we've seen so often in his reporting from the field and in anchoring ABC News,\" Westin wrote.\nJennings told \"World News Tonight\" senior staffers about his illness today.\n\"Almost 10 million Americans are living with cancer,\" Jennings wrote. \"I am sure I will learn from them how to cope with the facts of life that none of us anticipated.\"\nAppearing on World News Tonight, Jennings told viewers he had been a smoker until about 20 years ago, but had slipped and smoked after the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001.\nHe thanked viewers for an outpouring of support, and said he had been surprised at how quickly people learned of his illness and reached out to offer their support.\n\"I hope it goes without saying that journalist who doesn't value deeply the audience's loyalty should be in another line of work,\" he said.\nJennings was named anchor and senior editor of \"World News Tonight\" in 1983. He has been working for ABC News since 1964.\nIn his more than 40 years with ABC News, Jennings has been honored with many awards for news reporting including 14 national Emmys, two Peabody Awards, several Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Awards and several Overseas Press Club Awards.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Four found dead at flat in Gibraltar
Gibraltar, seen from the air. From file. The bodies of two adults and two children were found yesterday at a flat in Gibraltar in a possible murder-suicide. Two young girls, one aged four and the other only six weeks, were found stabbed alongside a British 31-year-old male and a Spanish 37-year-old female. said despite opening up a crime investigation on the deaths they do not currently believe anyone else was involved. Police said an apartment letting agency staff member notified them about the property where the bodies were discovered. Police responded to the flat, in the Boschetti's Steps area, at around 11:35 local time. Police said "They got no answer from within but noticed that the house was locked from inside and that sent a few alarm bells ringing and they decided to call the police... At the moment what we are doing is trying to get as much background information from both the Spanish and the UK sides of the family." Police also said the family were not permanent residents in Gibraltar and had entered the British overseas territory only days ago. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office said they too were looking into the incident. According to the Spanish newspaper , police sources believe the older girl is the woman's daughter but not the man's. Police confirmed “It is believed that all the deceased belong to the same family". As relatives of the deceased are being sought, the names of the victims have not yet been released. , the , spoke of his shock after hearing about the deaths. "As a husband and father, I — like no doubt all Gibraltarians and residents of Gibraltar — am in total shock to hear about this terrible crime... Gibraltarians are not accustomed to witness this type of incident in our peaceful and law abiding community. Words will fail us all at a moment like this and all we can do is keep the victims and their families in our thoughts." Due to the incident he ordered be adjourned until Wednesday. == Sources == * * *
[ "Crime and law", "Gibraltar", "United Kingdom", "Spain", "Europe", "Foreign and Commonwealth Office", "Mike Smith (Wikinewsie)", "Royal Gibraltar Police" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Family of four found dead in Gibraltar flat", "text": "Royal Gibraltar Police said they were working to establish the cause of death\nA family of four has been found dead in a flat in Gibraltar, police in the British territory have said.\nA 31-year-old British man, a 37-year-old Spanish woman, a girl aged four and another who was six weeks old were found in the Boschetti's Steps area.\nRoyal Gibraltar Police said an investigation was being conducted by serious crime officers but they were not looking for anyone else involved.\nA spokesman for the Foreign Office said it was looking into the reports.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Gibraltar couple and two children found stabbed to death", "text": "A couple and two children, including a baby, have been found dead with stab wounds in an apparent murder-suicide in an apartment in Gibraltar.\nPolice in the British overseas territory were called to the property in the Boschetti’s Steps area at 11.35am on Monday.\nThey found a 31-year-old British man, a a 37-year-old Spanish woman, a four-year-old girl and a six-week-old girl.\nSpanish media reported that the family had been living in Spain and had only recently arrived in Gibraltar. The British man involved was originally from Liverpool, according to police sources quoted by El Mundo newspaper.\nThe newspaper said the four-year-old girl was believed to be the woman’s daughter from a previous relationship, while the baby had been born in Spain.\nDetectives and forensic officers are working in the flat and the area remains cordoned off.\nA spokesman for the Royal Gibraltar police said: “It is believed that all the deceased belong to the same family.\n“However, there are still inquiries being conducted to locate close relatives of the family and as you may understand it is for this reason that the identities of the deceased are not being disclosed.”\nThe spokesman said he understood that next of kin in the UK have been informed of the tragedy.\nAsked how the police were alerted, he said: “A member of staff of the company that was letting out the flat, which is a rental property, attended the residence.\n“They got no answer from within but noticed that the house was locked from inside and that sent a few alarm bells ringing and they decided to call the police.\n“At this present moment in time, a full investigation is being conducted by officers of the serious crime unit to establish the cause surrounding the untimely deaths of this young family and are encouraging anyone who maybe able to support the investigation to contact the duty officer of the Royal Gibraltar police.\n— GBC News (@GBCNewsroom) .@RGPolice tell journalists natural causes ruled out in #BoschettiSteps, but it's too soon to speculate whether this was a multiple homicide\n“Presently, we are not looking for anyone involved in this very unfortunate event, but the investigation will be thorough and detailed drawing in on the expertise of other professionals.\n“Her Majesty’s coroner has already been informed and has visited the scene.”\nPolice commissioner Eddie Yome declined to comment on the cause of death, saying it would be speculation at this stage. “These are unexplained deaths but they are not from natural causes,” he told a press conference.\n“We are not looking for anyone involved in this very unfortunate event, but the investigation will be thorough and detailed, drawing on the expertise of other professionals,” he said.\nA spokesman for the Foreign Office said: “We are looking into reports that British nationals may be involved in an incident in Gibraltar. We stand ready to provide consular assistance.”\nA police spokesman added: “These people had only been in Gibraltar for a few days, I think it was either last Thursday or Friday that they arrived.\n“We are trying to discover if they were here in transit to the UK or whether they were planning on staying for any length of time in Gibraltar.”\nGibraltar’s chief minister, Fabian Picardo, described the violent deaths as an “aberration” and adjourned the parliamentary session, saying the discovery of the bodies meant that “today is not a day for gladiatorial political games”.\nPicardo added: “Gibraltarians are not accustomed to witness this type of incident in our peaceful and law-abiding community. Words will fail us all at a moment like this and all we can do is keep the victims and their families in our thoughts and put our full trust in the rule of law so that justice prevails.”", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Gibraltar stabbing: British man found dead alongside Spanish partner and two children", "text": "The couple and two children were found lifeless in a rented apartment off Governors Street, in the Boschetti's Steps area of the British Overseas Territory.\nPolice who attended the residence at around 11:35 this morning found the bodies of a 31-year-old British man, a 37-year-old Spanish woman, a four-year old girl of Spanish nationality and a six-week-old baby girl.\nOfficers have told the El Mundo newspaper that the British man was from Liverpool, while the four-year-old girl was believed to be the woman's daughter from a previous relationship. The baby is believed to have been born in Spain, the newspaper reported.\nThe family had been living in Spain before recently moving to Gibraltar, according to Spanish media.\nDetectives and forensic teams, including a coroner, are investigating the flat, which has been cordoned off.\nA spokesman for the Royal Gibraltar Police force said that the deceased are believed to belong to the same family.\nHe added that officers are working to \"establish the cause surrounding the untimely deaths of this young family and are encouraging anyone who maybe able to support the investigation to contact the duty officer of the Royal Gibraltar Police.\"\n\"Presently, we are not looking for anyone involved in this very unfortunate event, but the investigation will be thorough and detailed drawing in on the expertise of other professionals,\" he said.\nThe family's relatives are being sought before their names are publicly released, he added.\nAdditional reporting by PA", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Iran and Russia: Economic discussions to start December 11
It is reported that The Head of RosAtom Russia’s Federal Atomic Agency, Sergei Kiriyenko, will meet Iran’s Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, in Tehran December 11 to discuss economic affairs of mutual interest. Kiriyenko, former Russian Prime Minister, had proposed in February this year, that Russia would provide Iran with enriched uranium for its nuclear power plants, thus avoiding the need for Iran to build plants that might be used for weapon production. Since then there have been Security Council resolutions and threats of economic sanctions against Iran which has persisted in building an enrichment plant. Russia has been building a light water reactor for Iran at Bushehr but there have been delays in completion, ‘for technical reasons’. The original reactors at Busheh, contracted to be built by Siemens in 1975, were bombed in 1985 and 1988 by Iraq. Now, having trained Iranian troops in their use, Russia is delivering a consignment of Tor-M1 missiles to Iran. These are ground to air missiles for defence purposes with a range of about 18,000 feet.
[ "Science and technology", "Iran", "Russia", "Politics and conflicts", "Tehran", "Asia", "Europe", "Energy", "Nuclear power", "Nuclear proliferation", "Economy and business" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "CCTV International", "text": "Russia delivers defensive weapons to Iran\nRussia has started delivering its Tor-M1 air defense missiles to Iran.\nRussian officials say the missiles are purely defensive weapons with a limited range. The Tor-M1 system can identify up to 48 targets, simultaneously firing at two of them as high as 6,000 meters. The deal involves conventional weapons, and does not violate any international agreements. Russian media reports that the Iranian soldiers who will operate the systems were trained inside Russia.\nEditor:Lu Yuying", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "The Last Word: Sergei Kiriyenko", "text": "By Owen Matthews Newsweek International\nFeb. 20, 2006 issue - Sergei Kiriyenko may hold the key to re-solving the Iranian nuclear crisis. The former Russian prime minister and the head of RosAtom, the Russian nuclear agency, will meet a delegation from Tehran this week to discuss a proposed deal whereby Moscow would provide Iran with enriched uranium for its nuclear plants, including a Russian-built reactor at Bushehr. Tehran\nStory continues below ↓ advertisement advertisement\noriginally rejected the plan, but with possible Security Council action looming, has recently revived its prospects. NEWSWEEK's Owen Matthews spoke with Kiriyenko, who hopes the deal will also bolster Russia's profitable nuclear industry, in Moscow. Excerpts:\nWhat's the status of your offer to Iran?\nRussia has already made one agreement with Iran to return their spent nuclear fuel to Russia. That guarantees that no plutonium can be extracted from the fuel. Second, we've put a proposal on the table to jointly create an enterprise for enriching uranium on Russian territory. The conditions of such a joint venture would be that Iran would contribute to its funding. In return it [will have] guaranteed supplies of enriched uranium—but not access to enrichment technology. So we will take uranium, enrich it here and send [the Iranians] ready fuel. And after it's been used, we take it back. That means that we keep control of two of the most sensitive technological stages. Thus there will be no danger that the development of atomic energy in Iran—or in any other country—will become a proliferation threat.\nWill the Iranians accept?\nThe proposal is on the table. Our talks are at the stage of concrete legal, technical and financial details. For our part, Russia is completely ready to create such an enrichment enterprise—we have the plant locations for it and a draft contract. We are ready technologically, financially and organizationally. Our offer's terms are clear and open to the international community. To accept it or not is up to Iran, and I can't tell you what they will say.\nThe IAEA has reported that Iran has deliberately concealed important parts of its nuclear program from inspectors. Do you believe that Tehran's nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes?\nI don't think it's a question of believing. International security and international law cannot be based on personal trust. We think that any country in the world which conforms to international norms and is inspected by the IAEA has the right to develop atomic energy. Period. No one has the right to deny anyone else that right. At the same time, Russia's attitude to Iran, or to any other country, is that they are categorically not allowed to violate the principles of nonproliferation. We believe that the proposals made by Russia today allow a resolution to the Iranian problem.\nHow can you make sure that nuclear-energy technology stays separate from weapons technology?\nThose countries which do not have nuclear-energy programs want access to cheap energy. Not to let them have access to cheap energy is a violation of international law. It's discrimination. Our position is that we have to help these countries escape from energy poverty—but at the same time it is our responsibility to prevent any threat of nuclear proliferation. We need to establish some kind of ground rules for dealing with these situations. Otherwise we will have situations like we have with Iran with other countries. It's the responsibility of countries with a full nuclear fuel cycle to agree on a coordinated structure, not just to find a solution on a case-by-case basis.\nSuch as?\n[Russian President] Vladimir Putin made a suggestion for four kinds of international cooperation: the creation of international uranium-enrichment centers of the sort we have proposed to Iran; international centers for reprocessing and storing spent nuclear fuel; centers for training and certifying nuclear-power-plant staff, and to have an international research effort to find new nuclear-energy technologies which are proliferation resistant. Many of those ideas were echoed by the president of the United States.\nDo you mean the United States should build uranium-enrichment centers, too?\nThese international centers must be just that—international. It would be very good if the United States could provide such centers on its territory. There are several other countries [that] could participate, too. That way, potential users of nuclear energy would have a choice.\nWill Russia have many more customers for its nuclear technology?\nWe don't think existing energy sources based on fossil fuel can sustain such rapid world economic growth. The world's balance of energy production will shift toward atomic energy, the only energy source we have available to us which is capable of keeping pace with the scale of growth of demand for electricity which the world economy needs.\n© 2007 Newsweek, Inc.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos están vivos, afirma en narcomanta el lugarteniente del líder de Guerreros Unidos
En una presuntamente firmada por ''El Gil'', señalado por el Gobierno Mexicano como lugarteniente del líder del grupo criminal Guerreros Unidos, Sidronio Casarrubias Salgado, se advirtió que los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos en México están vivos. A poco más de un mes de la desaparición, la manta blanca con tinta negra apareció en una reja ubicada a un costado del 27 Batallón Militar en . En el mensaje, ''El Gil'' da nombres de funcionarios estatales, delegados federales y de alcaldes de presuntamente relacionados con Guerreros Unidos. Además señala que está dispuesto a entregarse cuando el Gobierno detenga al 80% de la estructura principal del grupo criminal conformado por alcaldes de Guerrero y , además de Federico Figueroa, el hermano del cantante . También asegura que la detención de Casarrubias Salgado "de nada sirve" pues la mayoría de los operadores del grupo continúan libres. Por ello, ''El Gil'' instó a actuar contra alcaldes y directores de Seguridad Pública de , , , , y . Además de un capitán y teniente del 27 Batallón identificados como Barbosa y Crespo; Héctor Vicario y al resto de los hermanos de Mario Casarrubias, fundador de la organización; contra los miembros de ''Los Peques'' o ''Los Tilos'', señalados como brazos armados de Guerreros Unidos. Respecto a la manta, Tomás Zerón de Lucio, director de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal (AIC) de la (PGR), afirmó que la manta ya está en poder de las autoridades y que su personal está investigándola. Rogelio Ortega Martínez, gobernador interino de Guerrero, ha declarado que "hay indicios" de que los 43 jóvenes podrían estar vivos. "A mí me han dicho, y eso me da optimismo, los propios muchachos de Ayotzinapa que hay evidencias de que los desaparecidos están vivos", declaró a ''Grupo Imagen''. No obstante, Zerón de Lucio dijo que Ortega Martínez podría tener información "con la cual no contamos nosotros", sin embargo, declaró que el Gobierno no puede garantizar si los desaparecidos están vivos o no.
[ "Desaparición de los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa", "Educación", "Judicial", "Sociedad", "Política" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "“El cabo Gil” alerta en narcomanta que los normalistas “están vivos”", "text": "CHILPANCINGO, Gro. (apro).- Una manta firmada presuntamente por “El Cabo Gil”, señalado por el gobierno federal como lugarteniente del líder del grupo delictivo Guerreros Unidos, Sidronio Casaríais Salgado, advierte que los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos “están vivos”.\nTambién señala que está dispuesto a entregarse a las autoridades hasta que el gobierno federal detenga al 80 por ciento de la estructura principal de esta banda criminal conformada presuntamente por alcaldes de la zona norte de Guerrero y el sur de Morelos, así como por Federico Figueroa, el hermano del cantautor Joan Sebastian.\nEsta mañana fue reportado el hallazgo de una manta colocada en la reja principal de la preparatoria 24 de Febrero en la colonia San José, ubicada sobre la carretera federal Iguala-Taxco, entre la comandancia de la Policía Federal (PF) y el cuartel del 41 Batallón de Infantería.\nEl mensaje escrito con letras negras fue dirigido al presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, a quien indican que “de nada sirve” la detención de Sidronio Casarrubias Salgado porque la mayoría de los operadores del grupo Guerreros Unidos siguen libres.\nPor ello, “El Cabo Gil” pide que se actúe en contra de los alcaldes y directores de Seguridad Pública de los municipios de Taxco de Alarcón, Huitzuco, Tepecoacuilco, Apaxtla, Teloloapan y Cocula.\nAdemás, contra un capitán y un teniente del 27 Batallón de Infantería, identificados sólo como Barbosa y Crespo; también señala a Federico Figueroa, al actual delegado de Sedatu en la entidad, Héctor Vicario, y al resto de los hermanos del capo fundador de la organización, Mario Casarrubias, y los miembros de Los Peques o Los Tilos, señalados como uno de los brazos armados de la banda delincuencial.\n“Señor presidente Peña Nieto, dice que va a dar con los culpables, su policía no hace nada. Dónde están los directores de seguridad que le dimos; los presidentes de los municipios coludidos con Guerreros Unidos siguen operando normalmente en algunos de ellos. Agárrelos y no los suelten hasta ser bien investigados, no son pendejos para hecharse (sic) la soga al cuello ellos solos”, refiere una parte del mensaje de la manta.\nLuego advierte que “Todos ellos recibían su nómina para desaparecer gente y secuestrar; cheque cómo también en todos los municipios hay fosas; le exigimos que capture a los culpables”.\nLuego “El Cabo Gil” condiciona su entrega:\n“Ahí están sus nombres señor presidente de la república, ya que tenga un 80% detenidos de ellos, yo me entregaré; menos no, y les diré tal y como fueron y son las cosas y a lo que nos dedicamos, porque no nada más yo soy el culpable.\n“Los mandos y jefes son los Casarrubias y Los Tilos (Marranas Negras o Peques). No confundan a la comunidad, digan las cosas como son y los estudiantes están vivos. Atte. Gil”, concluye el mensaje que fue retirado por la PF.\nEl gobierno federal señala a “El Cabo Gil” como el enlace directo entre las policías de Iguala y Cocula con el grupo Guerreros Unidos y, de acuerdo con la declaración ministerial de Sidronio Casarrubias, fue quien ordenó la detención de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa la noche del 26 de septiembre.\nHasta el momento las autoridades no han fijado una postura sobre este mensaje atribuido a “El Cabo Gil”, quien se encuentra prófugo y se le considera “pieza clave” para aclarar la suerte de los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Una manta abona a la incertidumbre por los 43 normalistas desaparecidos", "text": "El mensaje encontrado en Iguala, presuntamente vinculado con el crimen organizado, señala que los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa están vivos\nLa manta que apareció este jueves en Iguala en la que se asegura que los normalistas de Ayotzinapa están vivos (Especial).\nIGUALA, Guerrero (CNNMéxico) — Una manta que fue instalada este jueves en Iguala y que presuntamente está vinculada con el crimen organizado, señala que los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos desde el pasado 26 de septiembre están vivos.\nA 34 días de los hechos violentos, la manta de color blanco con texto escrito en tinta negra apareció en la reja de un terreno ubicado a un costado del 27 Batallón Militar, en el municipio de Iguala.\nDicha manta está firmada por el Gil, quien fue identificado el pasado 22 de octubre por la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), como el lugarteniente del grupo criminal Guerreros Unidos, que dirigía Sidronio Casarrubias, detenido en el Penal El Altiplano por los delitos de delincuencia organizada y portación de arma de fuego de uso exclusivo del Ejército.\nEl Gil, según la PGR, fue quien recibió el 26 de septiembre a los normalistas de manos de los agentes municipales de Iguala y Cocula.\nLa manta\nEl texto de la manta localizada en el centro del municipio de Iguala está dirigido al presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto, y da nombres de funcionarios estatales, delegados federales y de alcaldes de Guerrero presuntamente vinculados con la organización criminal Guerreros Unidos.\nSegún el firmante, cuando el gobierno federal tenga detenido al 80% de la lista de funcionarios que aparece en la manta, se entregará para declarar cómo fueron los hechos del 26 y 27 de septiembre, en el municipio de Iguala.\n“Ahí están sus nombres señor Presidente de la República, ya que tenga el 80% de los detenidos de ellos yo me entregaré, menos no, y le diré tal y como fueron y son las cosas, y a lo que nos dedicamos, porque no nada más yo soy culpable, los mandos y los jefes son los hermanos Casarrubias y los Tilos (marranas negras o peques) no Abarca, no confundan a la comunidad, díganlas como son, y los estudiantes están vivos”, se lee en el último párrafo de la manta.\nDe los nombres de presidentes municipales, funcionarios estatales, federales y del 27 Batallón del Ejército que aparecen en la manta se afirma que “todos recibían su nómina” a cambio de “desaparecer gente y secuestrar”, como muestra de ello son las fosas que están apareciendo en “todos los municipios”, apunta el mensaje.\nLa manta agrega que los policías de ocho municipios de Guerrero están vinculados con el grupo criminal Guerreros Unidos.\nRespecto a la aparición de esta manta, el director de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal (AIC) de la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), Tomás Zerón de Lucio, manifestó que ya está en poder de las autoridades y que “nuestro personal se encuentra investigándola”.\n¿Están vivos?\nEl gobernador interino de Guerrero, Rogelio Ortega Martínez, ha declarado en al menos dos ocasiones que “hay indicios” de que los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos desde hace 34 días, podrían estar vivos.\n“A mí me han dicho, y eso me da optimismo, los propios muchachos de Ayotzinapa que hay evidencias de que los desaparecidos están vivos”, dijo Ortega Martínez en un entrevista radiofónica con Grupo Imagen.\nIncluso precisó que los propios normalistas de Ayotzinapa le relataron que el día de los hechos violentos en el municipio de Iguala se separaron en dos grupos: “uno avanzó hacia la Sierra rumbo al mar, digamos a Acapulco, y otros a lindes de Guerrero, Estado de México y Morelos\".\nLa segunda referencia la hizo la tarde del jueves, después de la presentación del Plan Nuevo Guerrero con funcionarios del gabinete federal en el puerto de Acapulco, en donde CNNMéxico cuestionó con base en qué decía que los 43 normalistas están con vida.\n\"Así lo creo\", se limitó a contestar.\nEn conferencia de prensa a nivel nacional, el director de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal respondió que el gobernador de Guerrero pudiera tener información “con la cual no contamos nosotros”, pero afirmó que el gobierno federal no puede garantizar si los estudiantes siguen o no con vida.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Aktion „Lebendiges Deutsch“ angelaufen
Der Begriff „no-go-area“ soll eingedeutscht werden. Dafür setzte sich in dieser Woche die Aktion „Lebendiges Deutsch“ ein. Jeder Internet-Benutzer kann bis zum 14. August 2006 auf der Website unter der Rubrik „Wörter des Monats“ Vorschläge einreichen. Die bisherigen Aufrufe der Aktion „Lebendiges Deutsch“ haben eine gute Resonanz erhalten. Auch im Juli 2006 wurde schon ein anderes deutsches Wort gesucht. Der Begriff „Event“ sollte übersetzt werden. Insgesamt wurden bei der Aktion 1.268 Vorschläge eingereicht. Einige der Vorschläge lauteten: „Hingeher“, Ereignis, Feier, Party oder Sause. Mitglieder der Aktion „Lebendiges Deutsch“ sind Lehrer, Autoren und Journalisten sowie Teilnehmer des Vereins „Verein deutsche Sprache“.
[ "Themenportal Kultur", "Kultur in Deutschland", "Themenportal Sprache", "Deutsche Sprache", "Sprachkultur", "Veröffentlicht" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "STIFTUNG DEUTSCHE SPRACHE", "text": "Aktion „Lebendiges Deutsch“\nWas wollen wir? Wir wollen versuchen, unsere Landsleute für jenes unbefangene Ver-trauen in ihre Muttersprache zu gewinnen, wie es Engländern und Franzosen, Spaniern und Italienern selbstverständlich ist.\nAls Beitrag dazu werden wir von nun an jeden Monat drei Vorschläge machen oder erbitten, welche griffigen und treffenden deutschen Wörter an die Stelle englischer Wörter treten können, wenn die überflüssig, hässlich oder nicht allgemein verständlich sind.\nWir sind keine Puristen, keine Fremdwort-Jäger, keine Bilderstürmer. Wir bejahen die Bereicherung des Deutschen durch fremde Sprachen; und manche Importe gerade aus dem Englischen begrüßen wir. Unsere Initiative richtet sich allein gegen die schiere Anglomanie, gegen das Übermaß.\nWir sollten aufhören, uns für die deutsche Sprache zu genieren. Sie ist eine der großen Kultursprachen des Abendlands, die meistgesprochene Sprache in der Europäischen Union und nach Englisch und Spanisch die meistgelernte Fremdsprache der Welt – ja sie ist das Sammelbecken der Weltliteratur: Seit 200 Jahren werden in keine andere Sprache so viele Bücher übersetzt wie in die deutsche, und laut Unesco-Statistik ist das noch heute so.\nRezützeln wir also unsere Muttersprache! „Rezützeln“: Das ist die Aussprache, die der unsägliche Import recyceln uns nach deutscher Sprechgewohnheit nahelegt. Bereiten wir das Deutsche wieder auf! Versuchen wir, den Müll in frische, bunte Wörter zu verwandeln.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Iranian diplomat abducted in Pakistan
Peshawar District (highlighted in yellow) is in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Atharzadeh has been kidnapped by armed men in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar on Thursday morning, police have said. The diplomat's car was ambushed in the tribal region bordering Afghanistan. Atharzadeh was heading from home to office with his guard when the car was ambushed in Hayatabad, a neighbourhood near the Khyber Agency region bordering Afghanistan. The guard was killed in the attack. The Iranian consulate in Peshawar confirmed that the commercial attaché had been kidnapped. Iran's ambassador to Islamabad, Mashallah Shakeri, said the embassy is taking serious and appropriate measures to identify the kidnappers and release the diplomat. Shakeri held the Pakistani government responsible for the safety of foreign diplomats in the country, calling on Islamabad to work in full co-operation with the Iranians and help release the attaché.
[ "Iran", "Politics and conflicts", "Federally Administered Tribal Areas", "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa", "Peshawar", "Pakistan" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Iran diplomat kidnapped, insecurity mounts in Pakistan", "text": "Policemen keep watch at the site where a U.S national was gunned down, in Peshawar November 12, 2008.\nPolicemen carry the body of a police guard, who was killed as gunman kidnapped an Iranian diplomat, during his funeral in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar, November 13, 2008.\nA policeman stands next to the car belonging to an Iranian diplomat who was kidnapped in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar November 13, 2008.\nA policeman looks into the car belonging to an Iranian diplomat who was kidnapped in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar November 13, 2008.\nPeople perform prayers for a police guard, who was killed as gunman kidnapped an Iranian diplomat, during his funeral in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar November 13, 2008.\nA bullet hole is seen in the windshield of the car belonging to an Iranian diplomat after he was kidnapped in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar November 13, 2008.\nA policeman looks into the car belonging to an Iranian diplomat after he was kidnapped in the Hayatabad area of Peshawar, November 13, 2008.\nPESHAWAR, Pakistan Gunmen abducted an Iranian diplomat in Peshawar on Thursday, a day after a U.S. aid worker was shot dead in the city on the front line of an Islamist insurgency sweeping northwest Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan.\nSuspicion for the kidnapping will inevitably fall on the Taliban and affiliated Sunni Muslim militant groups such as al Qaeda, who hate Shi'ite Muslims and predominantly Shi'ite Iran almost as much as they hate the West.\nCriminal gangs using religion as a cover are also active in the area.\nSpiraling violence has raised fears that nuclear-armed Pakistan could slide into chaos unless the 7-month-old civilian government, also faced with a potentially crippling economic crisis, and the army can throttle the militant threat.\nPakistan's support is seen as vital to the West's efforts to defeat al Qaeda globally and the Taliban in Afghanistan.\nThe Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed that its Peshawar consulate's commercial attache Heshmatollah Attarzadeh Niyaki had been kidnapped. A policeman assigned to guard him was shot and killed trying to resist the assailants, police said.\n\"On hearing gun shots, I rushed out of my home and saw the body of the guard lying there,\" Abid Hussain, a neighbor of the diplomat, told Reuters.\n\"By that time Attarzadeh had been taken away.\"\nThe Iranian diplomat was on his way to the consulate from his home when his car was ambushed in Hayatabad, a neighborhood bordering the Khyber tribal region.\nU.S. aid worker Steve Vance and his driver were killed outside the home where Vance lived with his wife and five children in Peshawar on Wednesday.\nIn late August, three members of the U.S. consulate in Peshawar escaped unhurt after gunmen ambushed their vehicle.\nPeshawar is the last city on the road to the Khyber Pass, the main land route to Afghanistan. Militants seized 13 trucks laden with supplies for Western forces on the road on Monday.\nU.S. State Department spokesman Robert Wood said in Washington late on Wednesday that the consulate in Peshawar had put out a notification urging employees and other Americans in the area to stay at home or in their offices until further notice.\nAfghanistan's ambassador-designate was kidnapped in Hayatabad on September 22, and there has been a rash of other kidnappings in recent weeks, including a Polish engineer snatched in the nearby city of Attock last month.\nIran's state radio quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi condemning the kidnapping as \"a terrorist act,\" while Iran's Student News Agency (ISNA) reported the ministry had summoned Pakistan's envoy in Tehran to protest the inadequate protection provided for its diplomat.\nBAD BLOOD\nPeshawar became a den of spies and jihadis in the 1980s when the United States and Saudi Arabia covertly funded a mujahideen guerrilla war to expel the Soviet army from Afghanistan.\nTo this day, Pakistani officials, usually privately, voice suspicions that neighboring countries are stirring trouble in the tribal lands as they compete for influence in Afghanistan.\nPakistan also has a history of sectarian violence between militants from the majority Sunni and minority Shi'ite sects.\nThousands of people have been killed since the 1980s. Earlier this year, almost 200 people were killed in sectarian clashes that erupted in the Kurram tribal region.\nA scare gripped Peshawar earlier this year after supposed Taliban fighters were spotted driving into the city in daylight to intimidate video shop owners and barbers, targeted because of the Taliban's strict interpretation of Islam.\nSecurity forces subsequently launched punitive operations in adjoining tribal areas targeting gangs said to have been using Islamist zeal to mask their criminal activities.\nMilitants have retaliated against a military offensive in the Bajaur tribal region, while a series of U.S. missile strikes in the Waziristan tribal region have added to tensions.\nTwo suicide attacks earlier this week in Peshawar and a nearby town underlined the mounting sense of insecurity.\nThe World Food Programme said in a statement that the worsening security situation and banditry were hampering relief efforts in Pakistan and Afghanistan.\n(Additional reporting by Zeeshan Haider and Alamgir Bitani; Writing by Simon Cameron-Moore; Editing by Paul Tait and Valerie Lee)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Iran envoy abducted in Pakistan", "text": "The diplomat's car was hit by bullets Gunmen have kidnapped a diplomat from Iran and killed his guard in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say. The Iranian diplomat is a commercial attache at the consulate. The incident happened a day after an American aid worker and his driver were shot dead as they travelled to work in a suburb of the city. Violence has surged in the north-west in recent months with a wave of attacks blamed on Islamist militants. A police officer told the AFP news agency that the diplomat, named as Heshmatollah Atharzadeh, was travelling to the consulate in Peshawar when the gunmen attacked his car. \"The attackers sprayed bullets, forcing the car to stop and then dragged out the diplomat while his police guard was killed,\" Banaras Khan said. Iran's foreign ministry has condemned the kidnapping as \"a terrorist act\" and summoned Pakistan's ambassador to discuss the incident. Worsening security The gunmen took away the diplomat in a separate vehicle, another policeman said.\nTaleban bring new fear to Peshawar Authorities have cordoned off the city's main road and are trying to trace the diplomat. In a similar incident two months ago, unknown gunmen kidnapped Afghan consul-general, Abdul Khaliq Farahi, from the same locality after killing his driver. Mr Farahi is still missing. On Tuesday, American aid worker Stephen Vance and his driver were killed just outside their office in the University Town area in Peshawar. It is still not clear who the attackers were. Mr Vance worked for Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) International, which is working to implement US-funded projects to help develop the troubled tribal belt. Areas close to Peshawar - the biggest city in north-west Pakistan - are known to be Taleban and al-Qaeda strongholds. The region has been hit by several bombings and suicide attacks recently. On Tuesday, a suicide bomber walked up to the gate of a stadium in Peshawar and blew himself up. The attack happened as the governor of North-West Frontier Province left after a sports tournament. He was unhurt but at least one man was killed and three people were injured. The BBC's Mark Dummett in Islamabad says that the security situation across Pakistan has steadily worsened over the past few years, with Taleban militants holding sway over a large stretch of North-West Frontier Province. But our correspondent says attacks on foreigners in Pakistan are rare. Across the border in Afghanistan aid workers and other foreigners have increasingly been targeted in recent months. Gunmen attacked the car of a US diplomat in Peshawar in August, but she was unhurt.\nBookmark with: Delicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Eisspuren im Marskrater
Der Marsexpress (künstlerische Darstellung) Der Mars-Orbiter Mars Express hat ein Foto zur Erde geschickt, auf dem Spuren von Eis in einem 20 Kilometer großen Mars-Krater zu sehen sind. Die Entdeckung wurde in der Region Hephaestus Fossae in der Tiefebene Utopia Planitia gemacht. Das Foto gelang mit einer hochauflösenden Stereokamera (HRSC), die eine Auflösung von 16 Metern pro Bildpunkt besitzt. Auffällig ist, dass der Krater mit weichem Material umgeben ist. Forscher glauben, dass nach einem Meteoriteneinschlag ein unterirdisches Reservoir mit Eis getroffen wurde. Das getroffene Eis wurde hinausgeschleudert und vermischte sich mit dem umliegenden Bodenmaterial. Vergleichsmessungen an kleineren Kratern ergaben, dass der Meteorit anscheinend eine bestimmte Tiefe erreichen muss, um auf das Wasser-/Eisreservoir zu treffen. Bei kleineren Kratern dringt der Meteorit nicht so tief in den Boden.
[ "Themenportal Wissenschaft", "Mars", "Mars Express", "Planetologie" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Mars-Krater verraten begrabenes Eis", "text": "Der europäische Satellit \"Mars Express\" hat erneut beeindruckende Fotos vom Roten Planeten zur Erde geschickt. Die 3D-Bilder zeigen gewaltige Einschlagskrater - und verraten auch Eisvorkommen unter der Oberfläche.\nEs muss ein infernalischer Anblick gewesen sein: Vor vielen Jahrtausenden krachte ein Meteorit auf den Mars und riss ein Loch von 20 Kilometern Durchmesser in die Oberfläche des Planeten. Gewaltige Gesteinsbrocken wurden weggesprengt, stürzten wieder herunter und schlugen ihrerseits kleinere Sekundärkrater.\nKRATER AUF DEM MARS: METEORIT TRAF AUF EIS\nFotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (6 Bilder)\nJetzt hat die europäische Raumsonde \"Mars Express\" mit ihrer an der Freien Universität Berlin entwickelten HRSC-Kamera das Gebiet ins Visier genommen. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass bei dem Einschlag in ferner Vergangenheit offenbar nicht nur Gestein aufgewirbelt wurde, sondern auch Wasser.\nDie Region Hephaestus Fossae, benannt nach dem griechischen Feuergott Hephaistos, ist von längst ausgetrockneten Kanälen durchzogen. Wie sie entstanden sind, ist nach Angaben des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) noch nicht endgültig geklärt. Vieles spricht jedoch dafür, dass Eis in Hohlräumen unter der Oberfläche eine Rolle gespielt hat.\nDer 20-Kilometer-Krater auf dem jüngsten \"Mars Express\"-Foto liegt genau in einem solchen Kanal - und seine Umgebung ist verräterisch. Bei gewöhnlichen Meteoriteneinschlägen wird Gesteinsmaterial weggesprengt und geht strahlenförmig in der Umgebung nieder. In diesem Fall aber ist der Krater von einem Ring aus offenbar weicherem Material umgeben. Er sieht aus, als hätte jemand einen gewaltigen Stein in matschigen Boden geworfen.\nExperten gehen davon aus, dass sich der größte Teil des auf dem Mars gefrorenen Wassers in Hohlräumen unter der Oberfläche befindet. Und möglicherweise wurde bei dem nun fotografierten Krater ein solches Reservoir getroffen. Die Kanäle in der Umgebung lassen das vermuten, so das DLR. In diesem Fall wären nicht nur dicke Gesteinsbrocken weggeflogen, sondern es hätten sich - bedingt durch die Hitze, die bei einem solchen Einschlag entsteht - auch große Eismengen verflüssigt und sich mit dem Erdreich zu einer matschigen Melange verbunden.\nDie kleinen Krater zeigen hingegen keine Auswurfdecken mit Fließformen. Das lege den Verdacht nahe, dass sie nicht tief genug reichten, um ebenfalls auf Eis zu treffen. Deshalb ist es nach Meinung der beteiligten Forscher möglich, anhand der unterschiedlichen Einschlagskrater abzuschätzen, in welcher Tiefe sich ein Eisreservoir befindet.\nmbe", "url": ",1518,628797,00.html", "archive_url": ",1518,628797,00.html" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Einschlag ins Wasser", "text": "Browse > Home Planeten / Einschlag ins Wasser\nEinschlag ins Wasser\nMeteoriteneinschläge auf dem Mars müssen keine staubtrockene Angelegenheit sein. Das belegt eine Aufnahme der europäischen Sonde Mars Express. Darauf zu sehen ist ein gut 20 Kilometer weiter Krater, bei dessen jäher Entstehung weicher, verflüssigter Untergrund regelrecht in die Umgebung schwappte.\nRampart-Krater sind von lappenförmigen Auswurfdecken umgeben. Bild: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)\nDas Material bildete regelrechte Lappen, die um den Krater herum angeordnet sind und sich teils überschneiden. Diese Auswurfdecken sowie ausgedehnte Kanalsysteme in der Region sprächen für das Vorhandensein gefrorenen Wassers im Untergrund, so das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt in einer Mitteilung.\nDer Krater liegt in der weiten Tiefebene Utopia Planitia und dort in der von kanalartigen Vertiefungen durchzogenen Region Hephaestus Fossae. Die hochauflösende Stereokamera (HRSC) an Bord von Mars Express hatte diese Region mit einer Auflösung von rund 16 Metern pro Bildpunkt abgelichtet. Da die Kamera gleichzeitig unter verschiedenen Winkeln auf den Mars blickt, können aus ihren Daten dreidimensionale Geländemodelle berechnet werden.\nZahlreiche kleinere, bis zu 2,8 Kilometer weite Krater in Hephaestus Fossae weisen keine vergleichbaren Auswurfdecken auf. Möglicherweise gingen die zugehörigen Einschläge nicht tief genug, um das Eis im Untergrund zu erreichen. Sollte diese Vermutung zutreffen, könnte anhand der Kratergrößen wiederum auf die Tiefe geschlossen werden, in der die Eisreservoirs lagen - und vielleicht auch heute noch liegen.\nForschung: Ralf Jaumann und Gerhard Neukum, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, und Institut für Planetenforschung, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Berlin; und andere\nWWW:\nDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt\n- HRSC on Mars Express\nMars\nRampart Crater\nLesen Sie dazu im Scienceticker:\nReines Mars-Eis\nMarskrater stand zwei Mal unter Wasser\nEin zugefrorener See auf dem Mars", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
La PGR promete detener al exalcalde de Iguala, acusado de ordenar el ataque contra los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa
Este martes, , titular de la (PGR), se comprometió a que el gobierno federal capture a José Luis Abarca, exalcalde de , señalado como el autor intelectual del ataque y desaparición de los 43 estudiantes de la Normal de Ayotzinapa. No obstante, ante las preguntas sobre cuándo habrá resultados concretos, Murillo Karam señaló: "prefiero la tardanza ligada a la verdad". "Estamos usando todos los medios de inteligencia que tenemos y yo aseguro, no sé en cuento tiempo, pero aseguro que estará en la cárcel. Está clara su responsabilidad. Para la procuraduría es un caso ya hecho", aseguró en rueda de prensa. Asimismo, informó que los forenses trabajan en el basurero del municipio de , donde fue hallada una nueva fosa clandestina, y que no se revelarán detalles hasta tener datos precisos. En la conferencia, Murillo Karam afirmó que un juez ya giró las órdenes de aprehensión contra Abarca y su esposa, María de los Ángeles Pineda, señalados como operadores del grupo criminal Guerreros Unidos, además de Felipe Flores, secretario de Seguridad Pública de Iguala.
[ { "language": "es", "title": "La PGR promete atrapar y encarcelar al exalcalde de Iguala", "text": "El gobierno usa todos sus recursos para dar con el presunto responsable de la desaparición de los normalistas, dijo el procurador\nMartes, 28 de octubre de 2014 a las 17:35\nJunto con otros funcionarios federales, Murillo Karam viajó este martes al estado de Guerrero (Cuartoscuro/Archivo).\nCIUDAD DE MÉXICO (CNNMéxico) — El procurador general de la República, Jesús Murillo Karam, se comprometió este martes a que el gobierno federal atrape y encarcele al exalcalde de Iguala, José Luis Abarca, señalado como autor intelectual de la desaparición de 43 estudiantes normalistas el pasado 26 de septiembre.\n\"Estamos usando todos los medios de inteligencia que tenemos y yo aseguro, no sé en cuánto tiempo, pero aseguro que estará en la cárcel. Está clara su responsabilidad. Para la procuraduría es un caso ya hecho\", dijo Murillo Karam en rueda de prensa, tras la primera reunión entre el gabinete federal de seguridad y el gobernador interino de Guerrero, Rogelio Ortega.\nEn el encuentro con medios, el procurador informó que un juez ya concedió órdenes de aprehensión contra Abarca y su esposa, María de los Ángeles Pineda, ambos señalados como operadores del grupo delictivo Guerreros Unidos, así como contra el secretario de Seguridad Pública de Iguala, Felipe Flores.\nCon relación a la más reciente fosa clandestina encontrada el lunes en el municipio de Cocula, Murillo Karam señaló que funcionarios mantienen trabajos periciales en la zona y que no dará más detalles sobre el tema hasta tener datos precisos.\nLa fosa fue localizada luego de la detención de integrantes de Guerreros Unidos que declararon haber participado directamente en la desaparición de los normalistas, después de que se los entregaron policías municipales de Iguala y Cocula.\nHasta ahora, las autoridades han encontrado 38 cadáveres en varias fosas, pero los análisis que han realizado concluyen que ninguno de ellos corresponde a los estudiantes desaparecidos.\nLa seguridad en Tierra Caliente\nPor otro lado, durante la reunión entre el gabinete federal de seguridad y el gobernador interino, ambas partes acordaron acciones conjuntas para dar seguridad a los 17 municipios guerrerenses de Tierra Caliente, al puerto de Acapulco y a Chilpancingo, la capital de Guerrero.\nLas medidas se sintetizan en cuatro estrategias: 1) mantener la búsqueda de los normalistas, 2) continuar con las investigaciones para encontrar a los responsables, 3) crear policías confiables y 4) abrir el diálogo con los sectores sociales inconformes.\nEl secretario de Gobernación, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, informó que 10,000 elementos de la Policía Federal, el Ejército, la Marina y la PGR se encuentran en Guerrero con motivo de este caso.\nDurante su intervención, el gobernador interino señaló que su gobierno no \"criminalizará\" las protestas sociales que ha generado la desaparición de los normalistas. Sin embargo, llamó a que estas manifestaciones se realicen en el marco de la ley.\n\"Nadie por encima de la ley, nadie que rebase la legalidad, nadie puede atentar contra terceros\", dijo Ortega.\nLa declaración se produce luego de que algunas protestas derivaran la semana pasada en daños a edificios públicos y comercios. Uno de los inmuebles afectados fue la alcaldía de Iguala, que un grupo de manifestantes incendió.\nOrtega asumió el gobierno de Guerrero apenas este domingo, después de que el gobernador Ángel Aguirre pidiera licencia ante las críticas a su desempeño en el caso de los normalistas desaparecidos. Ortega se reunió con el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto el lunes y pidió apoyo para su entidad.\nLaura Reyes contribuyó con este reporte.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Covid-19: Brasil teve mais mortes no final de semana do que os próximos 3 países do ranking juntos
O Brasil registrou no final de semana 4.359 mortes por . Foram 2.535 no sábado (10/04) e 1.824 ontem (11/04). O número é superior à soma dos três próximos países da lista do Worldometer com mais mortes, por dia, juntos. No sábado, Índia, Polônia e Estados Unidos registraram, respectivamente, 838, 749 e 702 óbitos pela doença, totalizando 2.289 fatalidades. Ontem, Índia, Rússia e Itália registraram, respectivamente também, 904, 337 e 331 mortes, totalizando 1.572 óbitos. Na soma, estes países registraram 3.861 mortes no final de semana, portanto, 498 a menos que o Brasil. '''Cenário crítico''' A Fiocruz alertou na semana passada, em dois Boletins, que "a pandemia pode permanecer em níveis críticos ao longo do mês de abril", com destaque para as regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste. No último Boletim, divulgado no dia 09, a Fundação também alertou para o rejuvenescimento da pandemia no Brasil. Entre as faixas etárias de 30 a 39, de 40 a 49, e 50 a 59, os casos de covid aumentaram 1.218,33%, 1.217,95% e 1.144,94% respectivamente nas últimas semanas. "É um momento bastante crítico e grave da pandemia", enfatizaram os pesquisadores da Fiocruz.
[ "COVID-19", "Sáude", "Pandemias" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Coronavirus Toll: Cases & Deaths by Country, Historical Data Chart", "text": "A pathogen’s harmfulness is determined by the combination of Ro (reproductive number) and the case fatality rate.\nHow contagious is coronavirus? (Reproductive Number (Ro) of 2019-nCoV)\nThe novel coronavirus' reproductive number (Ro, pronounced R-nought or r-zero), which measures how rapidly a disease spreads, is estimated between 2.0 and 3.1, according to preliminary studies [5][6]. Another study provided a similar estimate of 2.6 with an uncertainty range of: 1.5-3.5[7]. The WHO noted on January 23 that human-to-human transmission was occurring and a preliminary R0 estimate of 1.4-2.5[13].\nFor comparison, the RO for the common flu is 1.3 and for SARS it was 2.0.\nRo represents the average number of people who will catch the disease from a single infected person, so if R0 for coronavirus is 3.8, it means that on average every case of Wuhan coronavirus would create between 2 and 3 new cases.\nFatality Rate (case fatality ratio or CFR) of 2019-nCoV\nThe novel coronavirus' case fatality rate is currently estimated at around 3%[9] (between 2% and 4%).\nFor comparison, the case fatality rate with seasonal flu is less than 0.01% (1 death per every 10,000 cases)[7].Fatality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.\nIncubation Period (how long it takes for symptoms to appear)\nThe Wuhan novel coronavirus appears to be contagious before symptoms appear, as it is estimated to have an incubation period of 10 to 14 days, according to Ma Xiaowei, the director of China’s National Health Commission[11].\nThe United States' CDC estimates the incubation period for 2019-nCoV to be between 2 and 14 days [10].\nThis means that symptoms of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14, during which the virus is contagious but the patient does not display any symptom.\nWHO Risk Assessment\nChina: Very High\nRegion: High\nGlobal: High\nNot a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)\nThe WHO hasn't declared the outbreak an international health emergency. The WHO emergency committee has convened twice [13] (on January 22, and January 23) and has twice declined to make such a declaration.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "pt", "title": "Agência Fiocruz de Notícias", "text": "O mais novo Boletim Extraordinário do Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz alerta que a pandemia pode permanecer em níveis críticos ao longo do mês de abril, prolongando a crise sanitária e colapso nos serviços e sistemas de saúde nos estados e capitais brasileiras. A análise mostra que o vírus Sars-CoV-2 e suas variantes permanecem em circulação intensa em todo o país. Além disso, a sobrecarga dos hospitais, observada pela ocupação de leitos de UTI, também se mantêm alta.\n“Ao longo da última Semana Epidemiológica 13, houve uma aceleração da transmissão de Covid-19 no Brasil. Devido ao acúmulo de casos, diversos deles graves, advindos da exposição ao vírus ainda no mês de março, o vírus permanece em circulação intensa em todo o país”, explicam os pesquisadores. Segundo os dados, foi observado ainda um novo aumento da taxa de letalidade, de 3,3 para 4,2%. Este indicador se encontrava em torno de 2,0% no final de 2020. Os pesquisadores do Boletim alertam que esse crescimento pode ser consequência da falta de capacidade de se diagnosticar, correta e oportunamente, os casos graves, somado à sobrecarga dos hospitais.\nCom base neste cenário e a partir da premissa de que o “essencial é proteger à saúde e salvar vidas”, os pesquisadores do Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz, responsáveis pelo estudo, defendem que é fundamental neste momento a adoção ou a continuidade de medidas urgentes, que envolvem a contenção das taxas de transmissão e crescimento de casos através de medidas bloqueio ou lockdown, seguidas das de mitigação, com o objetivo reduzir a velocidade da propagação. Tendo como referência a Carta dos Secretários Estaduais de Saúde à Nação Brasileira, publicada pelo Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde (Conass) em 1 de março de 2021, a análise aponta para a necessidade de maior rigor nas medidas de restrição das atividades não essenciais para todos estados, capitais e regiões de saúde que tenham uma taxa ocupação de leitos acima de 85% e tendência de elevação no número de casos e óbitos.\nPara que se alcance os resultados esperados, o estudo destaca que essas medidas de bloqueio precisam ter pelo menos 14 dias de duração e, em algumas situações, mais tempo, dependendo da amplitude do rigor da aplicação. Na visão dos pesquisadores, é fundamental a adoção de medidas combinadas e complexas, assim como a coerência e a convergência dos poderes do Estado (Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário), bem como dos diferentes níveis de governo (municipais, estaduais e federal), em favor destas medidas de bloqueio.\n“Coerência e convergência são fundamentais neste momento de crise para que as medidas de bloqueio sejam efetivamente adotadas de forma a sair do estado de colapso de saúde e progredir para uma etapa de medidas de mitigação da pandemia, diminuindo o número de mortes, casos e taxas de transmissão e efetivamente salvando vidas”, afirmam.\nDentre as medidas de bloqueio propostas, estão a proibição de eventos presenciais, como shows, congressos, atividades religiosas, esportivas e correlatas em todo território nacional; a suspensão das atividades presenciais de todos os níveis da educação do país; o toque de recolher nacional a partir das 20h até as 6h da manhã e durante os finais de semana; o fechamento das praias e bares; a adoção de trabalho remoto sempre que possível, tanto no setor público quanto no privado; a instituição de barreiras sanitárias nacionais e internacionais, considerados o fechamento dos aeroportos e do transporte interestadual; a adoção de medidas para redução da superlotação nos transportes coletivos urbanos; a ampliação da testagem e acompanhamento dos testados, com isolamento dos casos suspeitos e monitoramento dos contatos.\nOs resultados da investigação apontam ainda que é fundamental insistir nos esforços para o fortalecimento da rede de serviços de saúde, incluindo os diferentes níveis de atenção e de vigilância, com ampla testagem, compra e ampliação da produção de vacinas, e aceleração da vacinação. “É imprescindível ainda garantir condições para que a população possa se manter em casa protegida, limitando a circulação de pessoas nas cidades apenas para a execução de atividades verdadeiramente essenciais”, orientam os pesquisadores.\nLeitos de UTI para Covid-19\nEntre os dias 29 de março e 5 de abril de 2021, as taxas de ocupação de leitos de UTI Covid-19 para adultos no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) apresentaram reduções em Roraima (de 62% para 49%), Amapá (de 100% para 91%), Maranhão (de 88% para 80%), Paraíba (de 84% para 77%) e Rio Grande do Sul (de 95% para 90%). Na direção oposta, destaca-se piora em Sergipe, com a taxa subindo de 86% para 95%. Exceto por essas mudanças, os dados obtidos em 5 de abril de 2021 ainda indicam relativa estabilidade do indicador, em níveis muito críticos, na maior parte dos estados e no Distrito Federal. Acesse o Boletim completo para mais dados.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "pt", "title": "Agência Fiocruz de Notícias", "text": "Divulgado nesta sexta-feira (9/4), o Boletim Fiocruz Observatório Covid-19 mostra que, segundo o perfil demográfico, as faixas etárias de 30 a 39, de 40 a 49, e 50 a 59 anos continuaram sendo aquelas com aumento mais notável de casos da enfermidade: respectivamente, 1.218,33%, 1.217,95% e 1.144,94%. Além da manutenção do rejuvenescimento da pandemia no Brasil, a comparação entre a Semana Epidemiológica 1 (3 a 9 de janeiro de 2021) e a 12 (21 a 27 de março) sinalizou um aumento global da doença de 701,58%.\nPara os óbitos, a comparação entre as semanas epidemiológicas 1 e 12 mostrou um crescimento global de 468,57%. As faixas que mantiveram crescimento superior ao global foram 20 a 29 (872,73%); 30 a 39 (813,95%); 40 a 49 (880,72%); 50 a 59 (877,46%); e 60 a 69 anos (566,46%).\nResponsáveis pelo Boletim, os pesquisadores do Observatório Covid-19 Fiocruz verificaram que a faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos, que durante a Semana Epidemiológica (SE) 10 teve aumento inferior ao aumento global (256%), após uma atualização dos dados, passou a apresentar crescimento de 876% naquela semana (7 a 13 de março). Agora na análise mais recente (SE 12), o crescimento foi de 740,80%, também maior do que a média global (701,58%).\nIncidência e mortalidade\nAs maiores taxas de incidência de Covid-19, como mostra o Boletim, foram observadas nos estados de Rondônia, Amapá, Tocantins, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso e no Distrito Federal.\nJá as taxas de mortalidade mais elevadas foram verificadas nos estados do Rondônia, Tocantins, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás e no Distrito Federal. Esse padrão coloca as regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste como críticas para as próximas semanas, o que pode ser agravado pela saturação do sistema de saúde nesses estados.\nImunização\nQuanto à imunização, os pesquisadores observam que o Brasil ainda está distante dos valores necessários para que o país tenha “uma situação de maior controle’. As primeiras doses das vacinas foram disponibilizadas pelo Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI), até o período em análise, para 13% da população acima de 18 anos e as segundas doses para apenas 3,68%.\nMedidas eficazes\nComo exemplo de boas soluções contra o avanço da pandemia no Brasil, a análise traz as medidas de bloqueio adotadas em Fortaleza, na região metropolitana de Salvador e no município de Araraquara. Os impactos positivos dessas medidas em países como Itália e Espanha também são citados no documento.\nEnfrentamento da pandemia\nSegundo o Boletim, múltiplos fatores contribuíram para este novo patamar da pandemia. Para enfrentar o atual cenário, os pesquisadores ressaltam que é fundamental a combinação de diferentes medidas, envolvendo as não-farmacológicas, o sistema de saúde e as políticas e ações de proteção e assistência social para redução da vulnerabilidade e do impacto social.\n“É preciso que haja convergência e integração dos diferentes poderes do Estado brasileiro (Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário), assim como os diferentes níveis de governo (municipais, estaduais e federal), com participação das empresas, instituições e organizações da sociedade civil (de nível local ao nacional) para o enfrentamento deste momento bastante crítico e grave da pandemia”, alertam.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Siena, completato il quadro del prossimo Palio di Provenzano
Sono Drago, Bruco e Istrice le tre contrade che insieme a Oca, Chiocciola, Valdimontone, Lupa, Civetta, Tartuca e Pantera prenderanno parte al Palio di Siena del 2 luglio prossimo. Si è infatti conclusa pochi minuti dopo le 19, alla presenza di un folto pubblico di contradaioli, la cerimonia dell'esposizione delle bandiere delle 3 contrade alle trifore del primo piano di Palazzo Pubblico, che affaccia sulla nota Piazza del Campo della cittadina toscana; poco prima si era tenuta appunto l'estrazione delle tre contrade mancanti per definire il quadro delle partecipanti alla prossima Carriera. Le 7 contrade rimanenti sono invece quelle che parteciperanno ''di diritto'' al Palio di luglio 2012.
[ "Europa", "Italia", "Siena", "Ippica", "Cultura e società", "Palio di Siena - luglio 2011" ]
[ { "language": "it", "title": "Il Palio di Siena - Regolamento Palio - Cap III - Dei sorteggi preparatori e del mossiere", "text": "Capitolo 3 - Dei sorteggi preparatori e del mossiere\nArticolo 20\nPer effettuare il sorteggio delle Contrade previsto, per i Palii ordinari, dal terzo comma dell'art. 4, l'autorità Comunale, non meno di venti giorni prima del 2 luglio e del 16 agosto, di regola nel pomeriggio di un giorno festivo, convoca in una Sala dei Palazzo Municipale i Capitani di tutte le Contrade, salvo le eccezioni di cui all'art. 29.\nDi tale adunanza viene dato avviso al pubblico. Essa è legale qualunque sia il numero delle Contrade rappresentate e viene presieduta dal Sindaco, o da un Assessore a ciò delegato, assistito dai competenti funzionari dei Comune.\nÈ vietato a chiunque altro di assistere all'adunanza, sotto pena di nullità delle operazioni.\nArticolo 21\nAperta l'adunanza, datone annuncio al pubblico con gli squilli dei Trombetti di Palazzo e verificata la legittima rappresentanza delle Contrade intervenute, il Presidente dà comunicazione e fa prendere atto delle esclusioni per punizioni tuttora in corso e delle eventuali rinunce a partecipare alla corsa o all'esperimento della sorte, che siano tempestivamente pervenute. Colloca poi in apposita urna i nomi di tutte le Contrade ad eccezione di quelle rinunciatarie scritti in tessere che egli chiude in altrettante custodie identiche tra loro e quindi ne estrae tante quante debbono essere le Contrade da sorteggiarsi per completare il numero di dieci.\nI Capitani delle Contrade estratte si recano al banco della presidenza per cooperare all'effettuazione dei sorteggio.\nIl Presidente sostituisce di diritto i rappresentanti delle Contrade che siano assenti, salvo che essi non intervengano, in corso di seduta, in tempo utile per esercitare le loro funzioni.\nArticolo 22\nIl Presidente ed i Capitani delle Contrade sorteggiate nella estrazione di cui all'articolo precedente prendono anzitutto cognizione di quelle fra le quali deve essere effettuato il sorteggio, ivi comprese le Contrade soggette ad esclusione con punizione in corso e lo stesso Presidente ne chiude le tessere contenenti i relativi nomi in altrettante custodie identiche tra loro, ponendole in una seconda urna, in modo a tutti palese. Terminata tale operazione il Capitano della Contrada designata per prima dalla sorte estrae un nome, rimettendo al Presidente la custodia chiusa e questi l'apre e pubblica il contenuto, mostrando palesemente la tessera estratta.\nSuccessivamente, e con le stesse modalità, il Capitano della Contrada che la sorte ha designata per seconda, procede alla estrazione di un'altra Contrada, il cui nome viene nello stesso modo pubblicato, e si continua così finché non ne siano estratte tante da completare il numero di dieci necessario per il Palio.\nQualora venga estratta una Contrada che abbia in corso un provvedimento disciplinare di esclusione essa verrà a questo punto eliminata, scontando così la punizione, e si procederà all'immediato sorteggio di altra Contrada.\nDel sorteggio della Contrada esclusa viene data notizia al pubblico mediante esposizione della bandiera ad una finestra del secondo piano del Palazzo Municipale prima dell'esposizione delle altre bandiere delle Contrade successivamente estratte e partecipanti al Palio.\nNel caso di sopraggiunta impossibilità a partecipare al Palio da parte di una Contrada non si procede all'ulteriore convocazione dei Capitani, ma avranno diritto a correre le Contrade nel rispetto dell'ordine di sorteggio di cui al successivo art. 23.\nArticolo 23\nCompletato il numero delle dieci Contrade che debbono correre il Palio, il Presidente continua l'estrazione delle Contrade rimaste nell'urna, pubblicando man mano il nome di ciascuna di esse.\nQueste ultime hanno diritto di partecipare al Palio corrispondente dell'anno immediatamente successivo, insieme a quelle che avessero rinunciato al diritto di correre, o al sorteggio, ai sensi dell'art. 6 e a quelle per le quali cesserà la punizione dell'esclusione.\nArticolo 24\nI sorteggi di cui agli artt. 22 e 23 valgono anche per determinare l'ordine delle Comparse nel Corteo Storico che precede la corsa del Palio, come specificato nell'art. 77. Quando per le rinunce di cui all'art. 6 non si debba far luogo all'estrazione a sorte per completare il numero delle dieci Contrade partecipanti alla corsa, il sorteggio tra queste viene effettuato dal Presidente, all'unico scopo di stabilire l'ordine delle rispettive Comparse nel Corteo Storico.\nArticolo 25\nPer il sorteggio previsto dall'ultimo comma dell'Art. 6 si osservano le norme contenute negli artt. 21 e 22.\nL'ordine nel Corteo Storico delle Comparse delle Contrade le quali hanno acquisito il diritto di correre in forza del suddetto art. 6, comma ultimo, viene determinato con apposito s orteggio, da effettuarsi subito dopo quello eseguito per completare il numero delle dieci partecipanti alla corsa.\nArticolo 26\nTerminate le operazioni di sorteggio, le bandiere delle Contrade estratte per partecipare alla corsa, vengono esposte nell'ordine di estrazione, alle finestre del primo piano del Palazzo Municipale, dove già, fino dal mattino, debbono trovarsi quelle delle Contrade che partecipano di diritto alla corsa stessa. Nel caso di cui al comma secondo dell'art. 24, le bandiere verranno esposte solo per render nota la disposizione delle Comparse nel Corteo Storico.\nMan mano che le bandiere delle Contrade estratte vengono esposte alle finestre. sono salutate dagli squilli dei Trombetti di Palazzo. Alle finestre del secondo piano del Palazzo Municipale, salutate all'inizio ed alla fine dagli squilli dei Trombetti, vengono esposte le bandiere delle Contrade che non partecipano al Palio, in ordine di estrazione ad eccezione di quelle escluse per punizione, che dovranno comunque essere collocate, in ordine alfabetico, agli ultimi posti.\nArticolo 27\nQuando sia stato deliberato un Palio straordinario il Sindaco convoca i Capitani delle Contrade che non siano ritenute rinunciatarie in base all'art. 2 non meno di dieci giorni prima della data fissata per il Palio stesso dandone anche avviso al pubblico per procedere al sorteggio delle dieci che debbono prendere parte alla corsa, come è prescritto nell'ultimo comma dell'art. 4.\nDato l'annuncio al pubblico dell'inizio della seduta con gli squilli dei Trombetti di Palazzo, il presidente colloca nell'urna soltanto i nomi delle Contrade ad esclusione di quelle che hanno rinunciato con le modalità stabilite per i Palii ordinari.\nQuindi ne estrae la prima, il Capitano di questa la seconda e così di seguito, fino al completamento delle dieci occorrenti per la corsa.\nL'ordine di estrazione determina quello di partecipazione delle rispettive comparse al Corteo Storico e pertanto il sorteggio deve continuare fino ad esaurimento delle Contrade.\nAnche in questo sorteggio il Presidente sostituisce i Capitani delle Contrade assenti, come stabilisce l'ultimo comma dell'art. 21.\nQualora venga estratta una Contrada che abbia in corso una punizione di esclusione questa verrà a questo punto eliminata, scontando così la punizione, e si procederà all'immediato sorteggio di altra Contrada.\nDel sorteggio della Contrada esclusa viene data notizia al pubblico mediante esposizione della bandiera ad una finestra del secondo piano dei Palazzo Munic ipale in conformità a quanto previsto per i Palii ordinari.\nArticolo 28\nTerminate le operazioni di sorteggio, le bandiere delle dieci Contrade che debbono partecipare alla corsa vengono esposte, salutate singolarmente dagli squilli dei Trombetti di Palazzo, nell'ordine di estrazione, alle finestre del primo piano del Palazzo Comunale.\nAlle finestre del secondo piano del Palazzo vengono esposte le bandiere delle Contrade non partecipanti al Palio con le stesse modalità previste dall'art. 26 ultimo comma.\nArticolo 29\nAlle adunanze ed ai sorteggi di cui agli articoli da 20 a 27 non possono, per alcun motivo, prendere parte le Contrade che abbiano fatto rinunce di cui all'art. 6 per i Palii ordinari e all'art. 2 per i Palii straordinari, dovendo le rispettive Comparse partecipare solo ai Corteo Storico nell'ordine stabilito dall'art. 77.\nArticolo 30\nEsaurite tutte queste formalità per un Palio ordinario o straordinario, i Capitani delle dieci Contrade partecipanti alla corsa rimangono adunati per ricevere dall'Autorità Municipale comunicazioni di quanto essa ritenga opportuno disporre, o render noto circa lo svolgimento della corsa stessa e per la proposta di nomina del Mossiere.\nArticolo 31\nLa nomina del Mossiere spetta all'Amministrazione Comunale, su proposta fatta dai Capitani.\nOve i Capitani non facciano alcuna proposta, o se questa non venga accolta, o se manchi l'accettazione da parte della persona o persone designate, l'amministrazione Comunale procede alla nomina d'ufficio.\nArticolo 32\nNelle adunanze convocate per i Palii ordinari o straordinari, i Capitani possono fare osservazioni, raccomandazioni e proposte solo per la corsa formante oggetto della riunione, esclusa ogni questione d'indole generale.\nArticolo 33\nOgni questione che possa sorgere deve venire esaminata e risolta seduta stante con votazioni a semplice maggioranza.\nIl Presidente è investito di pieni poteri per la disciplina dell'adunanza. In caso di disordini, può espellere chi li abbia provocati o rinviare, o sciogliere la riunione.\nIl processo verbale deve essere seduta stante redatto dal funzionario comunale che disimpegna le mansioni di Segretario e venire letto, approvato e firmato prima che la seduta sia tolta. La fine della seduta viene annunciata al pubblico dagli squilli dei Trombetti di Palazzo.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Torneio das Seis Nações 2018: resultados do segundo dia
O Torneio das Seis Nações, teve o seu segundo dia, ocorrendo nos dias 10 e 11 de fevereiro de 2018. Os resultados da jornada  '''Irlanda''' 56 – 19  Itália  '''Inglaterra''' 12 – 6  Gales  '''Escócia''' 32 – 26  França Classificação geral do Torneio Class. País Pts J G E P BO BD pf pc dif e+ e- e± 1.   9 2 2 0 0 1 0 71 32 39 8 4 4 2.   9 2 2 0 0 1 0 58 21 37 9 2 7 3.   6 2 1 0 1 1 1 40 19 21 4 3 1 4.   4 2 1 0 1 0 0 39 3 6 5.   2 2 0 0 2 0 2 39 3 2 1 6.   0 2 0 0 2 0 0 34 5 15 + Fonte: Wikinotícias
[ "Europa", "França", "Inglaterra", "Escócia", "Irlanda", "País de Gales", "Itália", "Desporto", "Rugby", "Torneio das Seis Nações", "Torneio das Seis Nações 2018|02" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "RBS 6 Nations Fixtures & Results", "text": "Download this fixture list 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1995-1996 1994-1995 1993-1994 1992-1993 1991-1992 1990-1991 1989-1990 1988-1989 1987-1988 1986-1987 1985-1986 1984-1985 1983-1984 1982-1983 1981-1982 1980-1981 1979-1980 1978-1979 1977-1978 1976-1977 1975-1976 1974-1975 1973-1974 1972-1973 1971-1972 1970-1971 1969-1970 1968-1969 1967-1968 1966-1967 1965-1966 1964-1965 1963-1964 1962-1963 1961-1962 1960-1961 1959-1960 1958-1959 1957-1958 1956-1957 1955-1956 1954-1955 1953-1954 1952-1953 1951-1952 1950-1951 1949-1950 1948-1949 1947-1948 1946-1947 1938-1939 1937-1938 1936-1937 1935-1936 1934-1935 1933-1934 1932-1933 1931-1932 1930-1931 1929-1930 1928-1929 1927-1928 1926-1927 1925-1926 1924-1925 1923-1924 1922-1923 1921-1922 1920-1921 1919-1920 1913-1914 1912-1913 1911-1912 1910-1911 1909-1910 1908-1909 1907-1908 1906-1907 1905-1906 1904-1905 1903-1904 1902-1903 1901-1902 1900-1901 1899-1900 1898-1899 1897-1898 1896-1897 1895-1896 1894-1895 1893-1894 1892-1893 1891-1892 1890-1891 1889-1890 1888-1889 1887-1888 1886-1887 1885-1886 1884-1885 1883-1884 1882-1883 Time (Local) (GMT)\nHome Home Score Away Away\nVenue\nTV/Att\n14:25 14:25 Scotland Sco v Ireland Ire BT Murrayfield\nMore 16:50 16:50 England Eng v France Fra Twickenham Stadium\nMore 15:00 14:00 Italy Ita v Wales Wal Stadio Olimpico\nMore 15:25 14:25 Italy Ita v Ireland Ire Stadio Olimpico\nMore 16:50\nWales Wal v England Eng MiIllennium Stadium\nMore 16:00 15:00 France Fra v Scotland Sco Stade de France\nMore 14:25 14:25 Scotland Sco v Wales Wal BT Murrayfield\nMore 16:50 16:50 Ireland Ire v France Fra Aviva Stadium\nMore 15:00 15:00 England Eng v Italy Ita Twickenham Stadium\nMore 20:05\nWales Wal v Ireland Ire MiIllennium Stadium\nMore 14:30 13:30 Italy Ita v France Fra Stadio Olimpico\nMore 16:00 16:00 England Eng v Scotland Sco Twickenham Stadium\nMore 12:30 12:30 Scotland Sco v Italy Ita BT Murrayfield\nMore 15:45 14:45 France Fra v Wales Wal Stade de France\nMore 17:00 17:00 Ireland Ire v England Eng Aviva Stadium\nMore", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Death toll, vehicle count rise in California truck pileup
So far, three people (including a baby) have been killed, and at least ten others were injured when two semi trucks collided in a tunnel on Interstate 5 (Newhall Pass) between Los Angeles and Santa Clarita California, United States in the late evening of October 12, setting off a chain reaction pileup that involved between 28 and 30 semi trucks and one passenger car. The wreck caused a massive fire that burned for over six hours. It was previously believed that only 13 semi trucks were involved. "The fire burned in a very intense state for approximately four hours and basically consumed everything that was burnable," said John Tripp the Fire Chief for L.A. county. As a result of the crash, the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a declaration of a state of emergency for Los Angeles County. The debris has been removed and officials say that a full inspection will have to be done on the tunnel before it can be used again because the structure of the tunnel has been compromised. The tunnel passed inspection in June of 2006. "The walls of the tunnel are fairly heavily damaged. None of the rebar appears to be melted, damaged at this point in time. But it's completely separated from the walls in a number of areas, so we lose vertical support when that happens," said California Department of Transportation official, Doug Failing. Tripp added that more bodies could be buried in the wreckage, saying "...we're going to have to do a very methodical search. There could be unfortunately more people that were not able to escape." So far authorities have yet to identify the three people who were killed. A full investigation is being conducted into what caused the crash.
[ "Disasters and accidents", "United States", "California", "Arnold Schwarzenegger" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "State of Emergency After 29-Vehicle Pileup", "text": "A multi-vehicle collision on California's Interstate 5 ignited an inferno that burned for several hours. (ABC News)\nGov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles County today after a freeway pile-up blazed for hours, killed at least three people and shut down a major traffic artery.\nThe chain-reaction accident that ignited the inferno occurred Friday night in a tunnel on Interstate 5 at the Antelope Valley Freeway north of Los Angeles. It's one of the nation's busiest highways, a major route connecting northern and southern California as well as a major commuting road for Los Angeles.\nThe crash caused an intense fire, damaging the freeway structure and closing the interstate.\nThree are confirmed dead, including an infant, and at least 10 others were injured.\nAt least 29 vehicles were involved in the crash -- including six big-rig trucks.\nFlames burned for so long that bits of concrete exploded onto the highway and trucks were reduced to charred skeletons. The vehicles burned at an estimated 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit for six hours.\n\"The fire burned in a very intense state for approximately four hours and basically consumed everything that was burnable,\" said John Tripp of the Los Angeles County Fire Department.\nTruck drivers like Tony White, who use the tunnel regularly, were not surprised it was the site of a devastating pileup.\n\"The tunnel is very dangerous for the four-wheelers and the truckers,\" White said.\nWhen it's raining, like it was Friday night when the crash happened, drivers said the roadway gets slick.\n\"It stresses me out to go through that part,\" White said, \"because I'm always waiting for something to happen.\"\nToday investigators picked through the scorched wreckage of the big-rig trucks, including tire rims and truck axles, hoping to pinpoint what caused the pileup. Engineers got their first good look at the walls and ceiling of the burned 550-foot-long underpass.\nMeanwhile, commuters are bracing for a traffic nightmare at the start of the work week.\nWith miles of Interstate 5 shut down, traffic has been snarled on surrounding roads all weekend as drivers looked for alternative routes. One driver told ABC News it took him three hours to go five miles.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Interstate 5 is back in business", "text": "Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times Deborah Harris, chief media relations officer for Caltrans in Los Angeles, makes a phone call from a median on a closed section of the I-5 Sunday afternoon in Santa Clarita. Interstate 5 is back in business Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times Deborah Harris, chief media relations officer for Caltrans in Los Angeles, makes a phone call from a median on a closed section of the I-5 Sunday afternoon in Santa Clarita. Lanes reopen after Friday's deadly tunnel crash, but it will be months before the route returns to normal.\nCalifornia Highway Patrol spokesman John Lutz said all main lanes on both sides of the freeway were open, while the truck tunnel where Friday's deadly crash occurred remained closed.\nEmail Us Share your story and commute plans Photo Gallery Photo Gallery Pileup on I-5 Related Stories - BOTTLENECK BLOG: Commuter guide for I-5 closure - At least 3 dead in I-5 crash; freeway closed - 'There's no escape route' in tunnel - Motorists can choose from several alternate routes FOR THE RECORD:\nI-5 closure: An article in Monday's Section A about plans to reopen Interstate 5 near Santa Clarita said most of the goods arriving through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are hauled by rail. Most port cargo is hauled by trucks. —\nLutz, who was speaking from near the scene of the crash, said congestion in the area was light and traffic was moving smoothly.\n\"Traffic is moving wonderfully,\" Lutz said. \"It's smooth and light.\"\nLutz said he was expecting the morning commute to be somewhat more congested than normal, as the truck traffic that normally takes the tunnel would be using the main freeway lanes along with car traffic.\n\"It'll be a little tight on the southbound side,\" Lutz said.\nThe reopening of one of the area's main arterial roads came quicker than expected.\nSpeaking Sunday, Douglas Failing, regional director for the California Department of Transportation, said it probably would be months before the agency could reopen the southbound truck tunnel lanes where more than two dozen trucks crashed and burned late Friday. In the meantime, he said, the road will be more congested.\nOfficials warned commuters and truckers to expect delays of as much as two hours when workweek traffic resumes today, and urged them to take alternative routes or public transportation.\nMetrolink, the commuter rail line, said it would put additional cars onto its trains leaving Lancaster in the predawn hours today, and that extra trains would operate the rest of the day.\nEven so, railroad officials offered this advice to riders: Bring a book, wear comfortable shoes and prepare to stand.\nThree people died in the Friday night pileup, which occurred just south of the intersection of I-5 and California 14, the Antelope Valley Freeway.\nIt was not clear what caused the chain-reaction crash Friday, and the California Highway Patrol said its investigation into the accident would be lengthy. Heavy-equipment crews finished pulling the wreckage of 30 commercial vehicles and one passenger car out of the tunnel early Sunday, allowing inspectors to go to work to determine the extent of the damage. The scene they found was sobering.\nThe tunnel was charred and still smoldering, the roadway pocked, the ceiling blistered. The highway's asphalt shoulders resembled a solidified lava flow. Sections of concrete walls had peeled away, exposing steel reinforcement bars, some of which appeared to be askew.\n\"The structural integrity of the sidewalls has been compromised,\" Failing said.\nHe said inspectors had taken core samples of concrete and steel, and would examine them microscopically to determine the extent to which they might have been weakened.\n\"The samples will let us know the strength of the wall,\" he said.\nAs a cautionary move, Caltrans crews will also put beams in the middle of the tunnel to reinforce concrete girders running across the top.\nTransportation officials reopened Interstate 5 early Monday after a fiery tunnel crash closed the freeway over the weekend.California Highway Patrol spokesman John Lutz said all main lanes on both sides of the freeway were open, while the truck tunnel where Friday's deadly crash occurred remained closed.I-5 closure: An article in Monday's Section A about plans to reopen Interstate 5 near Santa Clarita said most of the goods arriving through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are hauled by rail. Most port cargo is hauled by trucks. —Lutz, who was speaking from near the scene of the crash, said congestion in the area was light and traffic was moving smoothly.\"Traffic is moving wonderfully,\" Lutz said. \"It's smooth and light.\"Lutz said he was expecting the morning commute to be somewhat more congested than normal, as the truck traffic that normally takes the tunnel would be using the main freeway lanes along with car traffic.\"It'll be a little tight on the southbound side,\" Lutz said.The reopening of one of the area's main arterial roads came quicker than expected.Speaking Sunday, Douglas Failing, regional director for the California Department of Transportation, said it probably would be months before the agency could reopen the southbound truck tunnel lanes where more than two dozen trucks crashed and burned late Friday. In the meantime, he said, the road will be more congested.Officials warned commuters and truckers to expect delays of as much as two hours when workweek traffic resumes today, and urged them to take alternative routes or public transportation.Metrolink, the commuter rail line, said it would put additional cars onto its trains leaving Lancaster in the predawn hours today, and that extra trains would operate the rest of the day.Even so, railroad officials offered this advice to riders: Bring a book, wear comfortable shoes and prepare to stand.Three people died in the Friday night pileup, which occurred just south of the intersection of I-5 and California 14, the Antelope Valley Freeway.It was not clear what caused the chain-reaction crash Friday, and the California Highway Patrol said its investigation into the accident would be lengthy. Heavy-equipment crews finished pulling the wreckage of 30 commercial vehicles and one passenger car out of the tunnel early Sunday, allowing inspectors to go to work to determine the extent of the damage. The scene they found was sobering.The tunnel was charred and still smoldering, the roadway pocked, the ceiling blistered. The highway's asphalt shoulders resembled a solidified lava flow. Sections of concrete walls had peeled away, exposing steel reinforcement bars, some of which appeared to be askew.\"The structural integrity of the sidewalls has been compromised,\" Failing said.He said inspectors had taken core samples of concrete and steel, and would examine them microscopically to determine the extent to which they might have been weakened.\"The samples will let us know the strength of the wall,\" he said.As a cautionary move, Caltrans crews will also put beams in the middle of the tunnel to reinforce concrete girders running across the top.\nSINGLE PAGE 1 2 >>\nPost Comment\nDiscussion\nHow are you coping with the closure of Interstate 5 in Santa Clarita?\nSubmitted by: Laura\n9:40 PM PDT, Oct 22, 2007 2. the government representatives (city,state and federal) all all corrupt. Bought off by developers who finance their campaigns\nSubmitted by: edsam\n4:26 PM PDT, Oct 22, 2007 3. Now there are fires here. We are forced to evacuate, but we cant get out. We have 250,000 living here, and no way to get out.\nSubmitted by: edsam\n4:23 PM PDT, Oct 22, 2007 1. What highways are close??Submitted by: Laura9:40 PM PDT, Oct 22, 20072. the government representatives (city,state and federal) all all corrupt. Bought off by developers who finance their campaignsSubmitted by: edsam4:26 PM PDT, Oct 22, 20073. Now there are fires here. We are forced to evacuate, but we cant get out. We have 250,000 living here, and no way to get out.Submitted by: edsam4:23 PM PDT, Oct 22, 2007 Read all 443 comments\nCalifornia and the world. Get The Times from $1.35 a week. Subscribe now.\nLiving Vicariously Bill Lobdell seeks enlightenment at a sacred chant and song workshop.", "url": ",0,4243752.story?coll=la-home-local", "archive_url": ",0,4243752.story?coll=la-home-local" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Office of the Governor", "text": "10/14/2007 GAAS:817:07 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Print Version | Email / Share Close E-mail\nSocial Web\nDigg\nFurl\nNetscape\nYahoo!\nTechnorati\nGoogle\nNewsvine\nBlinkList\nreddit\nBlogmarks\nma.gnolia\nWindows Live\nTailrank Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims State of Emergency in Los Angeles County Due to Major Truck Collision, Intense Fire, Freeway Damage Governor Schwarzenegger today proclaimed a State of Emergency in Los Angeles County in response to the major traffic collision that occurred on Friday night in the trucks-only tunnel on Interstate 5 at the Antelope Valley Freeway in northern Los Angeles County. The accident caused an intense fire, damaging the freeway structure and closing the Interstate. It also caused the death of three individuals and serious injuries to others.\nThe Governor’s emergency proclamation allows the state Office of Emergency Services (OES) to deploy emergency personnel, equipment and facilities and provide local government assistance under the authority of the California Disaster Assistance Act. Below is the full text:\nPROCLAMATION OF STATE OF EMERGENCY\nWHEREAS on October 12, 2007, a major traffic collision occurred in the trucks-only tunnel on Interstate 5 at the Antelope Valley Freeway in northern Los Angeles County resulting in an intense fire; and\nWHEREAS the fire created conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property including the death of three individuals, numerous serious injuries and damage to the interstate freeway; and\nWHEREAS wreckage from 28 semi-trucks and one passenger vehicle resulted in a large disastrous fire that caused the closure of Interstate 5 and damaged the freeway structure; and\nWHEREAS Interstate 5 is California’s primary transportation artery between northern and southern California and an essential part of the nation’s critical infrastructure; and\nWHEREAS Interstate 5 remains closed and such closure is impacting the statewide economy and public safety; and\nWHEREAS on October 14, 2007, Los Angeles County issued a declaration of a local emergency, and requested that I issue a state proclamation of emergency throughout Los Angeles County as a result of the fire and freeway damage; and\nWHEREAS the circumstances of this situation, by reason of their magnitude, are beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of any single county, city and county, or city and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat; and\nWHEREAS strict compliance with all statutes, rules and regulations prescribing procedures for the conduct of certain state business, specifically the award and administration of state contracts, would hinder and delay the completion of investigation, technical analysis, and repair work; and\nWHEREAS under the provision of section 8558(b) of the California Government Code, I find that conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist due to these events. Governor Schwarzenegger today proclaimed a State of Emergency in Los Angeles County in response to the major traffic collision that occurred on Friday night in the trucks-only tunnel on Interstate 5 at the Antelope Valley Freeway in northern Los Angeles County. The accident caused an intense fire, damaging the freeway structure and closing the Interstate. It also caused the death of three individuals and serious injuries to others.The Governor’s emergency proclamation allows the state Office of Emergency Services (OES) to deploy emergency personnel, equipment and facilities and provide local government assistance under the authority of the California Disaster Assistance Act. Below is the full text:on October 12, 2007, a major traffic collision occurred in the trucks-only tunnel on Interstate 5 at the Antelope Valley Freeway in northern Los Angeles County resulting in an intense fire; andthe fire created conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property including the death of three individuals, numerous serious injuries and damage to the interstate freeway; andwreckage from 28 semi-trucks and one passenger vehicle resulted in a large disastrous fire that caused the closure of Interstate 5 and damaged the freeway structure; andInterstate 5 is California’s primary transportation artery between northern and southern California and an essential part of the nation’s critical infrastructure; andInterstate 5 remains closed and such closure is impacting the statewide economy and public safety; andon October 14, 2007, Los Angeles County issued a declaration of a local emergency, and requested that I issue a state proclamation of emergency throughout Los Angeles County as a result of the fire and freeway damage; andthe circumstances of this situation, by reason of their magnitude, are beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of any single county, city and county, or city and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat; andstrict compliance with all statutes, rules and regulations prescribing procedures for the conduct of certain state business, specifically the award and administration of state contracts, would hinder and delay the completion of investigation, technical analysis, and repair work; andunder the provision of section 8558(b) of the California Government Code, I find that conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist due to these events. NOW, THEREFORE, I, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor of the State of California, in accordance with the authority vested in me by the California Emergency Services Act, and in particular, section 8625 of the California Government Code, HEREBY PROCLAIM A STATE OF EMERGENCY to exist within the County of Los Angeles.\nIT IS HEREBY ORDERED that that all agencies of the state government utilize and employ state personnel, equipment and facilities for the performance of any and all activities consistent with the direction of my Office of Emergency Services (OES) and the State Emergency Plan, and that OES provide local government assistance under the authority of the California Disaster Assistance Act.\nIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the operation of all statutes, rules and regulations as they apply to contracts for the investigation, analysis and repair of damage to roadways shall be hereby suspended for the purpose of facilitating the reopening and restoration of the transportation structures damaged by this emergency. California Department of Transportation officers shall exercise sound discretion to apply the suspension to ensure that the suspension of statutes, rules and regulations serves the purpose of accelerating the reopening and restoration of the transportation structures damaged by this emergency.\nI FURTHER DIRECT that as soon as hereafter possible, this proclamation be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and notice be given of this proclamation.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 14th day of October 2007. __________________________________ ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER Governor of California ATTEST: __________________________________ DEBRA BOWEN Secretary of State", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Nach Informationsleck – Berliner Schüler müssen Mathematik-Prüfung wiederholen
Irgendwie waren die Schüler von einem Dutzend Berliner Schulen vorab an die Prüfungsaufgaben der Mathematikprüfungen für den mittleren Schulabschluss gekommen. Jetzt müssen alle Schüler noch einmal getestet werden. Der Nachschreibetermin ist am 23. Juni 2008. 28.000 Schüler von 346 Schulen sind betroffen. Nachschreiben dürfen auch Schüler des Abschlussjahrgangs der Sekundarstufe II in Nordrhein-Westfalen, die Abschlussarbeiten der Leistungskurse waren sehr schlecht ausgefallen. Der Grund hier: zu hoher Schwierigkeitsgrad und fehlerhafte Aufgabenformulierung. Etwa ein Dutzend Berliner Schüler soll an Informationen über die Prüfungsaufgaben gelangt sein. Unklar ist, wie viele Schüler tatsächlich die bekannt gewordenen Informationen auch benutzt haben. Aus Gründen der Gleichbehandlung sah die Behörde jedoch keine andere Möglichkeit als die Wiederholung der Abschlussarbeit. Dazu sagte Staatssekretär Eckart R. Schlemm: „Wir müssen für gleiche Chancen für alle sorgen. Wenn auch nur ein Fall von Vorabveröffentlichung bekannt wird, muss die gesamte Prüfung wiederholt werden. Da letztlich nicht genau festzustellen sein wird, wer in welchem Umfang über Vorabinformationen verfügt hat, müssen leider alle Schülerinnen und Schüler an der Wiederholungsprüfung teilnehmen.“ Wo sich das Informationsleck genau befindet, ist offenbar noch unklar. Die Behörde hat Anzeige gegen Unbekannt erstattet. Nicht besser ergeht es den Schülern des Abschlussjahrgangs der Sekundarstufe II in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ebenfalls betroffen ist das Fach Mathematik. Die vor zwei Monaten geschriebenen Prüfungsklausuren können auf Wunsch noch einmal geschrieben werden. Grund ist hier aber kein Informationsleck, sondern ein viel zu hoher Schwierigkeitsgrad der gestellten Aufgaben. Das entschied jetzt die Schulministerin Barbara Sommer. Ein Vertreter der Lehrerschaft sieht das ähnlich. Andreas Merkendorf, Vorstandsreferent beim NRW-Philologenverband, ist der Auffassung, die Aufgaben für die Mathematik-Leistungskurse seien „zu umfangreich und von den Schülern nicht zu bewältigen gewesen“. Schüler seien durch „unlogische Schlüsse und fehlende Angaben“ in die Irre geleitet worden, so der Verbandssprecher der Gymnasiallehrer. Alle Schüler, die mit ihrer Punktzahl nicht zufrieden sind, haben die Gelegenheit die Arbeit am 17. Juni nachzuschreiben. Die GEW in Nordrhein-Westfalen zieht das Zentralabitur in dem Bundesland grundsätzlich in Zweifel. Die notwendig gewordenen Nachprüfungen in den Leistungskursen seien als Hinweis zu interpretieren, dass „etwas gründlich schiefgelaufen“ sei.
[ "Vermischtes", "Themenportal Deutschland", "Schulwesen" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Mathematik-Prüfung wird wiederholt", "text": "Mathematik-Prüfung wird wiederholt\nBerlin, 11.06.2008 Ca. 28 000 Berliner Schülerinnen und Schüler an 346 Schulen müssen ihre Mathematikarbeiten für den diesjährigen Mittleren Schulabschluss am 23. Juni 2008 wiederholen. Im Laufe der Prüfungen, die heute stattfanden, wurde festgestellt, dass Schülerinnen und Schüler von fast einem Dutzend Schulen vorab in den Besitz der Aufgaben gekommen waren.\nBislang liegen der Bildungsverwaltung keine Erkenntnisse vor, auf welchem Wege die Aufgaben an die Öffentlichkeit gekommen sind. Deshalb hat die Bildungsverwaltung Anzeige gegen Unbekannt erstattet.\nStaatssekretär Eckart R. Schlemm: \"Wir müssen für gleiche Chancen für alle sorgen. Wenn auch nur ein Fall von Vorabveröffentlichung bekannt wird, muss die gesamte Prüfung wiederholt werden. Da letztlich nicht genau festzustellen sein wird, wer in welchem Umfang über Vorabinformationen verfügt hat, müssen leider alle Schülerinnen und Schüler an der Wiederholungsprüfung teilnehmen. Ich bedaure, dass sich so viele Jugendliche bei der heutigen Klausur vergeblich angestrengt haben.\nDiejenigen, die sich unbefugterweise die Aufgaben verschafft und sie – ob kostenlos oder gegen Entgelt - in Umlauf gebracht haben, haben vielen Schülerinnen und Schülern sehr geschadet.\"\nPressekontakt zu dieser Meldung", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Mathe-Chaos mit Folgen", "text": "Panne beim Abitur in NRW: Die vor zwei Monaten abgelegten Prüfungsklausuren in Mathematik werden neu geschrieben, weil sie für Kursgruppen einiger Schulen zu schwierig waren. Einige Aufgaben waren offenbar gar nicht lösbar.\nDie Mathe-Klausur ist der reine Wahnsinn, seitenlange Texte und Zahlenkolonnen. Man liest, blättert vor und zurück – die Zeit läuft ab, die Lösungsbögen bleiben weiß: Ein Albtraum, der viele Abiturienten lebenslang verfolgt, wird jetzt in Nordrhein-Westfalen wahr. Die vor zwei Monaten abgelegten Abiturprüfungsklausuren in Mathematik werden am 17. Juni neu geschrieben, weil sie für Kursgruppen einiger Schulen zu schwierig waren, verfügte jetzt Schulministerin Barbara Sommer. Nachschreiben können alle, die mit ihrer Punktzahl nicht zufrieden sind. Das bedeutet nicht nur eine Belastung für die Betroffenen. Die Panne stellt aus der Sicht von Kritikern auch das vor einem Jahr eingeführte Zentralabitur in Frage.Was stimmte nicht mit den Klausuren? Sie wurden zwar nach Angaben des NRW-Bildungsministeriums von vielen Schülern gut bewältigt, fielen aber an etlichen Schulen so schlecht aus, dass eine Wiederholung gerechtfertigt sei. Die Aufgaben für den Mathe-Leistungskurs seien „zu umfangreich und von den Schülern nicht zu bewältigen gewesen“, sagt Andreas Merkendorf, Vorstandsreferent beim NRW-Philologenverband, der Vereinigung der Gymnasiallehrer. Schüler hätten geklagt, dass sie allein eine von vier Klausurstunden dafür gebraucht hätten, die komplexen Aufgabenstellungen überhaupt zu überblicken. Und zwei der Aufgaben seien dann „nicht lösbar“ gewesen.Im ersten Aufgabenkomplex für die Leistungskurse sollten die Schüler geometrische Berechnungen zu einem Oktaeder anstellen, der in einem Würfel „einbeschrieben“ war (siehe Grafik). Die Dicke des Oktaeders sollte berechnet, Koordinaten der Eckpunkte sowie Schnittpunkte bestimmt und schließlich das Volumen einer abgeschnittenen Pyramide ermittelt werden. In dieser Aufgabe hätten „unlogische Schlüsse und fehlende Angaben die Schüler irregeleitet“, sagt Merkendorf. Die Grundkurse erhielten laut Ministerium eine „abgespeckte“ Version.Die zweite Aufgabe kam aus der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung: „Der deutsche Basketball-Profi Dirk Nowitzki spielt in der amerikanischen Profiliga NBA beim Club Dallas Mavericks. In der Saison 2006/2007 erzielte er bei Freiwürfen eine Trefferquote von 90,4 %.“ Zu lösen waren dann Aufgaben zu Trefferquoten in verschiedenen Situationen. Der Bonner Mathe-Professor Peter Koepke stellte in einem Gutachten fest, dass eine entscheidende Angabe fehle, die die Schüler selbst hätten einsetzen müssen. Das könne man nicht verlangen. Das Ministerium hält dem Klausuren entgegen, in denen die volle Punktzahl erzielt wurde.Die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft fordert die Abschaffung des NRW-Zentralabiturs. Es sei „mit Zeitdruck und wenig Ressourcen“ eingeführt worden. Wenn ganze Leistungskurse in die Nachprüfungen müssten, sei „etwas gründlich schiefgelaufen“. Es werde jetzt nach Ursachen für die Schwierigkeiten gesucht, sagt ein Ministeriums-Sprecher. Aber das stelle das Zentralabitur nicht infrage. Es sei eingeführt worden, um gleiche Standards für alle Schulen zu sichern. Ohne Zentralabitur würde die Diskussion um „leichte Schulen, schwere Schulen“ neu aufflammen.(Erschienen im gedruckten Tagesspiegel vom 11.06.2008)", "url": ";art304,2548364", "archive_url": ";art304,2548364" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Schule: 28 000 Berliner Schüler müssen Mathematik-Prüfung wiederholen", "text": "Wenn Sie eine Webseite unseres Internetauftritts aufrufen, die den Button enthält, baut Ihr Browser eine direkte Verbindung mit den Servern von Facebook auf. Der Inhalt des Plugins wird von Facebook direkt an Ihren Browser übermittelt und von diesem in die Webseite eingebunden. Für weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz klicken Sie auf das i.\nWenn Sie eine Webseite unseres Internetauftritts aufrufen, die den Button enthält, baut Ihr Browser eine direkte Verbindung mit den Servern von Facebook auf. Der Inhalt des Plugins wird von Facebook direkt an Ihren Browser übermittelt und von diesem in die Webseite eingebunden. Für weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz klicken Sie auf das i.\nBerlins Schüler müssen noch mal ihre Mathe-Prüfung schreiben. Ein dutzend Schüler hatte die Aufgaben zum mittleren Schulabschluss vorher erhalten. Jetzt müssen 28 000 Schüler nachschreiben.\nWeil einige Berliner Schüler bereits vor einer Mathematik-Prüfung die Aufgaben kannten, müssen nun alle 28.000 Jugendlichen die Arbeit für den diesjährigen Mittleren Schulabschluss wiederholen. Während der Prüfung am Mittwoch sei festgestellt worden, dass Schüler von fast einem Dutzend Schulen vorab in den Besitz der Aufgaben gekommen seien, teilte die Senatsverwaltung für Bildung mit.\nBislang gebe es keine Erkenntnisse, wie die Aufgaben an die Öffentlichkeit gekommen seien, hieß es weiter. Deshalb habe die Verwaltung Anzeige gegen Unbekannt erstattet. Die Prüfung soll nun an den 346 Schulen am 23. Juni wiederholt werden.\nStaatssekretär Eckart Schlemm begründete die Wiederholung damit, es müssten für alle gleiche Chancen gelten. „Wenn nur ein Fall von Vorabveröffentlichung bekannt wird, muss die gesamte Prüfung wiederholt werden.“", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
New York Giants upset New England Patriots' quest for perfect season
200px The New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots 17-14 to win Super Bowl XLII at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, Sunday night. A touchdown by the New York Giants in the last seconds of the very tight game disrupted the New England Patriots' quest for a perfect, undefeated season. The Patriots attained the lead early in the second quarter, and regained it with 2:42 left in the 4th quarter, losing it only when the game-winning touchdown was scored by Plaxico Burress with 35 seconds left to play. "The drive at the end there were so many clutch plays by so many guys. It is an unbelievable game and an unbelievable feeling," said Giants quarterback Eli Manning. The first quarter started off with a 16 play drive by the Giants which took up nearly 10 minutes and ended in a field goal. Three seconds into the second quarter, the Patriots answered back with a 1 yard run from Laurence Maroney after a pass interference call. The third quarter of the game was scoreless. With 11:05 remaining in the fourth quarter, Eli Manning threw a five yard pass to David Tyree, making the score 10-7. The Patriots then made the score 14-10 on a seven yard pass from Tom Brady to Randy Moss. MVP Eli Manning The next drive for the Giants proved to be the winning one, with Tyree catching a pass that led the team to the Patriots' 24 yard line; Plaxico Burress' following touchdown reception was enough to regain the lead and win the game. Eli Manning was named the Super Bowl Most Valuable Player and was awarded the Pete Rozell Trophy. "This is the greatest feeling in professional sports. For us to come out and win a world championship tonight -- nobody gave us a shot," said Plaxico Burress.
[ "North America", "United States", "Culture and entertainment", "Sports", "Football (American)", "National Football League" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "NFL Game Center: Game Recap", "text": "Associated Press\nMatt Slocum / Associated Press David Tyree hoists the football after his touchdown in the fourth quarter gives the Giants the lead.\nGLENDALE, Ariz. -- The Giants had the perfect answer for the suddenly imperfect Patriots: a big, bad defense and an improbable comeback led by their own Mr. Cool quarterback, Eli Manning.\nIn one of the biggest upsets in Super Bowl history, New York shattered New England's unbeaten season 17-14 Sunday night as Manning hit Plaxico Burress on a 13-yard fade with 35 seconds left. It was the Giants' 11th straight victory on the road and the first time the Patriots tasted defeat in more than a year.\nIt was the most bitter of losses, too, because 12-point favorite New England (18-1) was one play from winning and getting the ultimate revenge for being penalized for illegally taping opponents' defensive signals in the season-opener against the New York Jets.\nBut its defense couldn't stop a final, frantic 12-play, 83-yard drive that featured a spectacular leaping catch by David Tyree, who had scored New York's first touchdown on the opening drive of the fourth quarter.\n\"It's the greatest feeling in professional sports,\" Burress said before bursting into tears.\n\"That's a position you want to be in,\" said Manning, who followed older brother Peyton's MVP performance last year with one of his own. \"You can't write a better script. There were so many big plays on that drive.\"\nAnd now the 1972 Miami Dolphins can pop another bottle of champagne in celebration of a record still intact, the only perfect season in the Super Bowl era.\nThe Patriots were done in not so much by the pressure of the first unbeaten season in 35 years as by the pressure of a smothering Giants pass rush. Tom Brady, the league's Most Valuable Player and winner of his first three Super Bowls, was sacked five times, hurried a dozen more and at one point wound up on his knees, his hands on his hips following one of many poor throws in New England's lowest scoring game of the season.\n\"They played well,\" Patriots coach Bill Belichick said. \"They made some plays. We made some plays. They just made a few more. We played as hard as we could. We just couldn't make enough plays.\"\nHardly a familiar position for the record-setting Patriots and their megastar quarterback. And a totally strange outcome for a team that seemed destined for historic glory.\nDavid helps slay Goliath\nKnown more for his special teams skills, David Tyree came up big in Super Bowl XLII. He scored the Giants' first TD, and his 32-yard reception in the fourth quarter helped set up the winning score.\n» The miracle play\n» Video: Tyree's big catch | TD reception Known more for his special teams skills, David Tyree came up big in Super Bowl XLII. He scored the Giants' first TD, and his 32-yard reception in the fourth quarter helped set up the winning score.\nOddly, it was a loss to the Patriots that sparked New York's stunning run to its third Super Bowl and sixth NFL title. New England won 38-35 in Week 17 as the Patriots became the first team in 35 years to go spotless through the regular season. But by playing hard in a meaningless game for them, the Giants (14-6) gained something of a swagger and Manning found his footing.\nTheir growing confidence carried them through playoff victories at Tampa Bay, Dallas and Green Bay, and then past the mightiest opponent of all.\nNot that the Patriots were very mighty this day. They even conceded with 1 second on the clock as coach Bill Belichick ran across the field to shake the hand of jubilant Giants coach Tom Coughlin, then headed to the locker room, ignoring the final kneeldown.\nThat it was Manning taking that knee was stunning. He not only matched his brother's achievement of last year with the Indianapolis Colts, but he showed the brilliant precision late in the game usually associated with, well, Brady.\nPeyton Manning was seen in a luxury box jumping up and pumping both fists when Burress, who didn't practice all week because of injuries, caught the winning score.\n\"We just hung in there on offense, kept executing,\" said Burress, who wasn't far off on the 23-17 prediction he made a few days ago. \"It came down to one play and we made it.\"\nThe Giants became the first NFC wild card team to win a Super Bowl; four AFC teams have done it. They also are the second wild-card champions in three years, following the Pittsburgh Steelers after the 2005 season.\nThe upset also could be viewed as a source of revenge not only for the Giants, but for the other NFL teams over Spygate back in September. That cheating scandal made headlines again late in Super Bowl week, and could have placed an infinite cloud over New England's perfection.\nUntil the frantic fourth quarter, the only scoring came on the game's first two drives.\nThe Giants did almost exactly what they sought with the opening kickoff, using up nearly 10 minutes to go 63 yards. Almost exactly, but not quite, because they settled for a 32-yard field goal after converting four third downs on the 16-play series. The 9:59 drive was the longest in Super Bowl history.\nThat 3-0 lead lasted for the rest of the quarter, but only because the Patriots were stopped at New York's 1 as the period expired. On the next play, Laurence Maroney scored.\nNew England's 12-play drive was aided by a 16-yard pass interference penalty on linebacker Antonio Pierce in the end zone. It began with Maroney's 43-yard kickoff runback.\nIt was the fewest possessions in the first quarter of a Super Bowl.\nNew York's first series of the second quarter looked dangerous after Amani Toomer's lunging sideline catch for 38 yards. But rookie Steve Smith mishandled Manning's throw at the New England 10, Ellis Hobbs intercepted and returned it 23 yards.\nThose are opportunities teams can't waste against a strong opponent, let alone the Patriots. It was Manning's first interception of the postseason, albeit entirely not his fault; the last was by Hobbs in the season finale.\nThe Giants survived rookie Ahmad Bradshaw's fumble, which he recovered, on their next series, because their league-leading pass rush came alive when the Patriots got the ball back. New York sacked Brady on successive plays, forcing a punt, but the Giants' were hurt by an illegal batting of the ball penalty on Bradshaw after reaching the New England 25.\nOfficial site links ... The Giants had the perfectly game plan for defeating the Patriots as they sprung one of the greast upsets in NFL history, if not the greatest. Eli Manning was selected as Super Bowl XLII's MVP. More ...\nThe Patriots were nearly perfect, but their bid of perfection fell one game short as the More ... The Giants had the perfectly game plan for defeating the Patriots as they sprung one of the greast upsets in NFL history, if not the greatest. Eli Manning was selected as Super Bowl XLII's MVP.The Patriots were nearly perfect, but their bid of perfection fell one game short as the New York Giants prevailed in Super Bowl XLII. This was the first Super Bowl loss for Tom Brady.\nJustin Tuck's second sack, in the final seconds of the half, forced a fumble recovered by New York teammate Osi Umenyiora. The Giants' celebrated defensive line controlled much of the half, holding the most prolific offense in NFL history to a measly 81 yards and seven points. New England had the ball only 10:33.\nBut New York's mistakes left it with just three -- and there are no moral victories in Super Bowls.\nSo the Giants got a real one as the maturing Manning hung in to find Tyree for a 5-yard touchdown to cap an 80-yard drive for a 10-7 lead.\nPressed unlike they are accustomed to, the Patriots responded with their own 80-yard march as Brady finally got some time. Randy Moss, who caught a record 23 of Brady's record 50 TD throws this year, took a 6-yard pass when cornerback Corey Webster fell, and with a mere 2:42 remaining, the first 19-0 season was right there.\nEli and the Giants snatched it away.\nCopyright 2008 by The Associated Press", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "New England Patriots 14-17 New York Giants", "text": "The New York Giants produced perhaps the biggest upset in Super Bowl history last night, with a stunning 17-14 victory over the New England Patriots in Phoenix.\nThe Patriots were one win away from an undefeated season, a standard that has only been achieved once before in the NFL - by the 1972 Miami Dolphins - and began the game as 5-1 on favourites. Plaxico Burress's touchdown with 35 seconds remaining, however, ended those hopes.\nThe Giants quarterback Eli Manning was awarded the Super Bowl MVP award, but the real stars of the game were the Giants' defensive linemen, who helped restrict the usually free-scoring Pats to just 14 points. The Patriots has scored at least 20 points in every game of their 18-0 run to the Super Bowl, but a remarkably resolute New York side held firm throughout.\nThe early exchanges gave little hint of the largely attritional fare that was to come. The Giants received the kick-off and moved downfield for a field goal on their first drive, but the Patriots responded on their first possession with Laurence Maroney running in for a touchdown from a yard out.\nThat score was in the opening moments of the second quarter and gave the Patriots a 7-3 lead. What followed was intriguing, if a little low-key. The Giants were able to put pressure on the Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, denying him the time to find his favoured receivers, but on offense the New Yorkers struggled to make an impact in the New England half.\nHeading towards the fourth quarter with the score still 7-3, thoughts turned to another record - that of the lowest-scoring Super Bowl. Again the Dolphins hold that title, with their 14-7 victory over Washington in January 1973. With 11 minutes to go, however, Manning threaded a pass David Tyree in the endzone to put the Giants 10-7 ahead.\nBack came the Patriots again. Randy Moss created space in the endzone after a near-immaculate drive orchestrated by Brady and New England were 14-10 up with 2.42 left on the clock.\nThat meant a make-or-break final drive for the Giants. Brandon Jacobs squeaked through on a fourth down with 1.22 remaining, then moments later Manning produced the play of the match. New York's chance seemed to have gone, with the Patriots defensive linemen clawing at the quarterback's jersey, but Manning wriggled free and found Tyree downfield to set up a 1st and 10 on the Patriots 24-yard line.\nA few plays later Burress flumoxed the cornerback Ellis Hobbs and found himself free in the endzone. Manning hit his man and the Giants held firm on New England's final possession to seal a remarkable victory.\n· Read Paolo Bandini's verdict on Super Bowl XLII by clicking here.", "url": ",,2252075,00.html", "archive_url": ",,2252075,00.html" } ]
Canada acquits man wrongly jailed for over a decade over teen girl's murder
Canadian authorities have dropped charges against 38-year-old Kyle Unger, who has served more than a decade in jail for a murder he did not commit. Hair from 16-year-old Brigitte Grenier's body was used to convict him and has since been linked to someone else. Downtown Winnipeg seen from the The Forks The case began at a rock concert near Winnipeg on June 23, 1990. Grenier attended the concert but then failed to return home. Her naked body was recovered from a nearby creek the following day in the grounds of the Roseisle ski resort that hosted the event. She had been beaten and sexually assaulted. Unger later confessed to an undercover police officer posing as a drug dealer, and was charged alongside Timothy Houlahan. Both were found guilty, with Unger's conviction helped by male hair recovered from the victim, which a forensics expert testified had come from the innocent man. Unger, who had been imprisoned since being charged in 1991, was sentenced on February 29, 1992 to a minimum of 25 years imprisonment. The following year the Manitoba Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear it. In 1994 Houlahan's conviction was overturned and he was released on bail pending a retrial; the 21-year-old chose instead to take his own life. In 2003 the area's Forensic Evidence Review Committee (FERC) began to look at cases involving hair samples. The next year authorities reported that they were able to relocate the hair used in the Grenier case, which they had previously believed to have been destroyed. Several months afterwards FERC said that the hair was not Unger's. It would be another year before Justice Holly Beard ruled in November 2005 that Unger should be released while his case was reviewed. On November 24, 2005 he was set free after nearly 14 years wrongly imprisoned. The review was completed this year and in March the conviction was overturned. A retrial was ordered by Federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson. However, prosecutors today decided that a retrial was highly unlikely to result in a conviction owing to the fact that no physical evidence links Unger to the slaying. He was formally acquitted of first-degree murder today. Grenier's family have maintained that they believe in his guilt. "It's the first day of the rest of my life, a new beginning," Unger said after leaving court today. He now lives in British Columbia. He said he was not angry over what happened to him, just upset. "When you feed off anger it just takes more from you. They already took my younger years away from me, why let them have my mind?" He says of his confession to the men he thought were gangsters that it was because he wanted to work for them: "When you're young, naive and desperate for money, they hold a lot of promises to you, so you say and do what you have to do to survive, just like in prison." "Right now we are joyful that the man has an acquittal," said Unger's lawyer, Hersh Wolch. "This is a momentous day. The (justice) minister ... rarely sends the matter to a retrial. Rarely. Tell me of one. And then an acquittal? It's virtually unheard of. It is unheard of. So this is huge." Manitoba's Attorney General Dave Chomiak says he will not be compensated despite his wrongful conviction because of his false confession. Prosecutor George Dangerfield, who convicted the pair in 1992, is having his cases reviewed owing to being involved in two previous separate miscarriages of justice — wrongful murder convictions against Thomas Sophonow and James Driskell.
[ "Crime and law", "Canada", "North America", "Iain Macdonald (Wikinewsie)" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Kyle Unger acquitted in 1990 murder", "text": "After 17 long years, Kyle Unger is enjoying his first full day free of the spectre of being a convicted murderer.\n\"It's the first day of the rest of my life, it's a new beginning,\" Unger said outside court, minutes after he was formally acquitted of the 1990 murder of 16-year-old Brigitte Grenier.\n\"The hardest part (has been) waiting for it to come to an end. It's been a long journey, a long time in coming. It's surreal almost.\"\nUnger's lawyer Hersh Wolch touted his client's acquittal as the first of its kind in Canada. Other wrongful convictions have resulted in new trials or the charges being stayed, not acquittals, he said.\n\"We have a historic day today,\" Wolch said.\nUnger, 38, has been free on bail since November 2005 when his lawyers argued hair evidence linking Unger to the crime scene has since been proven false and should pave the way for an acquittal or new trial.\nLast March, federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson quashed Unger's murder conviction and ordered a new trial. Manitoba assistant deputy attorney general Don Slough said yesterday DNA testing conducted earlier this year produced no trace linking Unger to the crime scene, leaving Unger's confession to undercover police as the only evidence against him.\n\"Taking into account these circumstances, a group of very experienced Crown attorneys has reviewed the file and it is their conclusion that it would be unsafe to retry Unger on the available evidence,\" Slough said.\nJustice Glenn Joyal acquitted Unger and said he will face no further court action in the matter.\n\"There is nothing further I can say but good luck,\" Joyal said.\nGrenier was killed at an outdoor rock concert near Roseisle, Man., in June 1990. The teen's nude and beaten body was discovered in a shallow creek. Unger and co-accused Timothy Lawrence Houlahan both pleaded not guilty but were convicted of first-degree murder.\nHoulahan had his conviction overturned and was released on bail in 1994. He later committed suicide.\nIn a statement to police following his arrest, Houlahan, then 17, identified Unger as Grenier's killer. Houlahan claimed Unger viciously attacked Grenier after Houlahan had sex with her and commanded him to punch her. Unger then order Houlahan to help him hide Grenier's body, Houlahan said.\n\"Houlahan's statement and his indication of Unger's involvement exerted a significant influence over the police and the prosecution's view of the case,\" Slough said yesterday.\nUnger's prosecution was led by retired Crown attorney George Dangerfield, who also prosecuted the wrongful murder convictions of Thomas Sophonow and James Driskell.\nThe murder charge against Unger was initially stayed following a preliminary hearing in late 1990. Police launched a \"Mister Big\" undercover investigation after a jailhouse informant claimed Unger confessed to the murder. The confession was later discredited after it was revealed Unger could not have made the confession when the informant said he did.\nIn a Mister Big sting, police officers pose as members of a criminal gang who then entice a target to join their organization. The price of membership is a confession to a major crime.\nUnger confessed to the murder and was rearrested June 21, 1991.\nAddressing the court yesterday, Slough appeared to lay at least some of the blame for the wrongful conviction at Unger's feet.\n\"Without Unger's willingness to confess to the horrific murder of a person he described as a friend, there was no case against him,\" Slough said. \"It has been suggested that the Crown's case against him is improbable and that his confession was inconsistent with the known facts. Those arguments were made to the jury and rejected.\"\nWolch said prosecutors in the case were guilty of \"one of the worst cases of tunnel-vision ever committed. It has all the hallmarks of what causes a wrongful conviction.\"\nCASE HISTORY\nHere's a timeline of events surrounding the murder of Brigitte Grenier, 16, and prosecution of Kyle Unger:\n- June 24, 1990: Grenier's body is found in a creek on the grounds of a Roseisle ski resort, where she attended a rock concert a night earlier.\n- Feb. 29, 1992: Unger and co-accused Timothy Houlahan, who both pleaded not guilty, are convicted of first-degree murder. Unger is sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.\n- July 27, 1993: Manitoba Court of Appeal dismisses Unger's appeal.\n- Dec. 2, 1993: Supreme Court of Canada denies Unger's appeal.\n- 1994: Houlahan, 21, is released after his conviction is overturned. He commits suicide while on bail. His charges are stayed.\n- April 2003: The provincial Forensic Evidence Review Committee (FERC) begins reviewing homicide cases where a not guilty plea was entered and hair evidence was relied upon to secure a conviction.\n- May 7, 2004: RCMP announce a strand of hair found on Grenier's sweater has been located in its archives. Once thought to be destroyed, it is tested against Unger's DNA.\n- Sept. 15, 2004: FERC says hair is not Unger's. The federal justice department later begins a review of Unger's conviction.\n- Nov. 4, 2005: Manitoba Queen's Bench Justice Holly Beard rules Unger should be released while review is pending.\n- Nov. 24, 2005: Unger released after nearly 14 years in prison.\n- March 11, 2009: Federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson quashes Unger's conviction and orders a new trial upon completion of the review.\n- Oct. 23, 2009: Manitoba assistant deputy attorney general Don Slough announces the Crown has no physical evidence linking Unger to the murder and will not retry him. Crown Manitoba Associate Chief Justice Glenn Joyal formally acquits Unger of first-degree murder.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Encuentran muerto al hermano de Servando Gómez "La Tuta"
Municipio de Lázaro Cárdenas en el estado de Michoacán Localizan cuerpo en el municipio Lázaro Cárdenas en Michoacán, es identificado como hermano de ''. En un fraccionamiento del puerto michoacano fue localizado el cuerpo de un varón que presentaba una sola herida en la boca por arma de fuego. Al realizar las diligencias, el comisionado para la Seguridad y el Desarrollo Integral de Michoacán, Alfredo Castillo, ha declarado que es occiso es hermano de Servando Gómez y se presume que fue por el deceso. Aun se encuentran indagando a cual de los hermanos pertenece el cuerpo. Servando Gómez es líder del grupo delictivo de los y sus hermanos son los terratenientes en los diversos municipios del estado.
[ "Norteamérica", "México", "Judicial", "Obituario", "Sociedad" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Confirman muerte del hermano de La Tuta; se habría suicidado", "text": "Imagen de las afueras del fraccionamiento Los Tulipanes, en el puerto de Lázaro Cárdenas, donde vivía desde hace un mes el hermano de Servando Gómez.\nLÁZARO CÁRDENAS, Mich. 20 de septiembre.– En esta ciudad fue localizado sin vida Aquiles Gómez Martínez, a quien autoridades locales ubican como hermano de Servando Gómez Martínez, presunto líder del grupo criminal conocido como Los Caballeros Templarios.\nLa Procuraduría de Justicia de Michoacán informó que el cadáver fue localizado en una casa habitación del fraccionamiento Tulipanes, de aquella ciudad porteña, alrededor de las 5:00 horas de de ayer, mientras personal de la Policía Federal realizaba una acción operativa en la zona cuando escucharon un disparo de arma de fuego que provenía del departamento marcado con el número 92.\nLos agentes federales inspeccionaron la vivienda y localizaron en una de las recamaras el cadáver. En el lugar también se encontró una pistola calibre 9 milímetros, dos cargadores abastecidos con balas del mismo calibre y una caja con 50 cartuchos útiles. La víctima presentaba una herida producida por proyectil de arma de fuego a la altura del paladar con salida en la zona occipital.\nLa dependencia encargada de la procuración de justicia en la entidad señaló que la prueba de rodizonato de sodio practicada en las manos del hoy occiso arrojó positivo en una extremidad, por lo que a consideración de la autoridad afianza la hipótesis de que Aquiles Gómez, al verse acorralado por los policías federales, determinó quitarse la vida.\nTras realizar las primeras diligencias el cadáver fue trasladado al Servicio Médico Forense de la localidad para practicar la necropsia de ley.\nLas autoridades correspondientes dispusieron el aseguramiento precautorio del inmueble y de un vehículo tipo Smart, color verde. Según la versión de vecinos, Aquiles Gómez Martínez habitaba en el fraccionamiento Los Tulipanes desde hace aproximadamente un mes, frecuentemente se le veía acompañado por una persona del sexo femenino y un menor de edad.\nLa muerte de esta persona originó una gran movilización de dependencias de seguridad pública, Ejército, Marina y Protección Civil; autoridades estatales confirmaron que de acuerdo con los indicios recabados en el lugar, Aquiles Gómez Martínez es hermano de Servando Gómez Martínez, La Tuta, el capo más buscado de México.\nEl comisionado para la Seguridad y Desarrollo Integral de Michoacán, Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, confirmó primero a un medio radiofónico nacional el parentesco entre Servando Gómez Martínez y Aquiles Gómez Martínez, y fue hasta después de las 17:00 horas que a través de un comunicado de la PGJE se confirmó el parentesco.\nEn Michoacán sigue la búsqueda exhaustiva de Servando Gómez Martínez, La Tuta, a quien se le busca principalmente en las demarcaciones de la Tierra Caliente.\nEn los operativos de búsqueda participan efectivos de la Policía Federal, Ejército, Estatal e integrantes de la Fuerza Rural de municipios como Buenavista y Tepalcatepec.\nLas exautodefensas aseguran que en los dispositivos de seguridad han recorrido principalmente localidades alejadas y de difícil acceso donde pudiera estar oculto el capo.\nTras el capo\nEl cabecilla de Los Caballeros Templarios es perseguido entre los barrancos de la Tierra Caliente.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Eleven HIV/AIDS patient-protestors detained in Myanmar
Myanmar authorities detained 11 HIV/AIDS patients for three days in a Yangon hospital following the group's recent demonstrations calling for the release of detained HIV/AIDS activist Phyu Phyu Thinn. The patients were being detained at Waybargi Infectious Diseases Hospital on the outskirts of Yangon. "The patients were given a series of tests and all of them were freed Friday," Yazar, a colleague of Phyu Phyu Thinn and a supporter of the National League for Democracy, was quoted as saying by Associated Press. "Three of the patients were given ARV (anti-retroviral) treatment and all of them were provided with cash to return to their homes in their districts," said Yazar, who like many Myanmar people only has one name. Phyu Phyu Thinn, 35, a supporter of the NLD, was arrested on May 21 for organizing a prayer campaign for the release of Suu Kyi, the NLD's leader. A prominent HIV/AIDS activist, Phyu Phyu Thinn has suggested HIV/AIDS is far worse in Myanmar than the ruling State Peace and Development Council cares to admit. She runs a small clinic, and has worked to help HIV/AIDS patients through education, counseling, housing and arranging for medical care. Yazar said the patients were taken from their homes to the hospital on Tuesday after being told they would receive proper treatment. "The authorities made necessary preparations in advance at the hospital to confine them in isolation as 'political patients'," Myint Thein of the National League for Democracy (NLD) was quoted as saying by Reuters. "These 11 people had been holding prayers at pagodas for the release of Phyu Phyu Thinn since May 23." Yazar, who like many Myanmar people has only one name, told the ''Irrawaddy'' newsmagazine that two HIV/AIDS patients in Yangon died in the days after Phyu Phyu Thinn's arrest. He said she was assisting them obtain medicine, and her arrest might have affected their condition. In 2005, UNAIDS said HIV/AIDS in Myanmar was "a very serious epidemic," with 360,000 men, women and children, or 1.3 percent of adults, estimated to be infected. ===Another activist released=== Meanwhile, the junta has released prominent democracy activist Su Su Nway for health reasons. Su Su Nway was among around 40 demonstrators who were arrested on May 15 during a prayer rally in Yangon, calling for Suu Kyi's release. Su Su Nway became ill after she was taken to jail, and was then taken to hospital. Armed guards had been watching her, but were removed yesterday, according to the NLD. Myanmar, also known as Burma, has been under military control since 1962. After a landslide election win by Suu Kyi and the NLD in 1990, the military refused to give up power, and has kept Suu Kyi under house arrest for most of the time since then.
[ "Myanmar", "Politics and conflicts", "AIDS", "Health", "Asia", "Infectious disease", "Disease" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Myanmar detains 11 HIV patients for prayer vigil", "text": "YANGON, June 8 (Reuters) - Myanmar's military junta has detained 11 HIV patients in a hospital for holding a prayer vigil seeking the release of a prominent health activist, the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) said on Friday.\nThe group have been confined at the Waybargi Infectious Diseases Hospital on the outskirts of the former Burma's main city, Yangon, NLD spokesman U Myint Thein said.\n\"The authorities made necessary preparations in advance at the hospital to confine them in isolation as 'political patients',\" he said. \"These 11 people had been holding prayers at pagodas for the release of Phyu Phyu Thinn since May 23.\"\nPhyu Phyu Thinn, a 35-year-old NLD member and activist who has suggested Myanmar's HIV/AIDS crisis is far worse than the junta admits, was arrested on May 21 for organising a prayer campaign for the release of NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi.\nNobel peace laureate Suu Kyi, whose party won a landslide election victory in 1990 only to be denied power by the military, has spent more than 11 of the last 17 years in prison or under house arrest.\nHer latest period of detention began in mid-2003.\nUNAIDS described the HIV/AIDS situation in Myanmar in 2005 as \"a very serious epidemic\", with 360,000 men, women and children, or 1.3 percent of adults, estimated to be infected.\nMyanmar has been under military rule since 1962, during which time its economy has collapsed. Washington describes the current junta, believed to be holding 1,100 political prisoners, as an \"outpost of tyranny\" and a threat to international security.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "The Irrawaddy News Magazine Online Edition", "text": "HIV/AIDS Patients Detained in Rangoon\nBy Aye Lae\nJune 7, 2007\nEmail Article Print Article Eleven HIV/AIDS patients in Burma have been detained since Tuesday in Rangoon following the group's demonstrations calling for the release of a prominent HIV/AIDS activist who was arrested earlier by authorities, according to a Rangoon-based activist. The patients are being detained in a room of the Weibagi Hospital, a contagious disease hospital, in Rangoon, according to Yarzar, an HIV/AIDS activist. The patients were taken from their homes to the hospital Tuesday after being told they would receive proper treatment, Yazar told The Irrawaddy. They then learned that they were being detained in the hospital. Yarzar said the patients had held demonstrations from May 22 to 27 in Rangoon pagodas wearing white shirts and red ribbons while praying for the release of prominent HIV/AIDS activist Phyu Phyu Thin, who was arrested o­n May 21. Police gave no reason for her arrest and have not disclosed where she is being held. Phyu Phyu Thin worked to help about 30 HIV/AIDS patients through education, counseling, housing and arranging for medical care. She is a member of the National League for Democracy. Yazar, a colleague of Phyu Phyu Thin, said two HIV/AIDS patients in Rangoon died days after Phyu Phyu Thin's arrest. He said she was assisting them obtain medicine, and her arrest might have affected their condition. The prominent pro-democracy activist Min Ko Naing told The Associated Press that her arrest was a blow to HIV/AIDS victims who regard Phyu Phyu Thin as a “mountain of hope.” He said she had not violated any laws. Yazar said that some of the detained patients are being investigated by authorities. Write comments on this story Read comments/letters Latest Articles:\nJunta Orders Monk Curfew at Some Monasteries\nThe Burmese military government has limited alms rounds to one hour and ordered a curfew at some monasteries across Burma, following increased tension between the authorities and monks.\nILO Demands Release of Burmese Labor Activists\nThe International Labour Organization called on Wednesday for the immediate release of six Burmese labor activists who were sentenced to life imprisonment last week on charges of bringing the regime in contempt.\nFamilies Ask ICRC to Locate Detainees’ Whereabouts\nMembers of the families of activists detained in recent demonstrations have appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross to help them discover where the detainees are being held after an inconclusive visit to Insein prison on Tuesday.\nLone Demonstrator Gets Four Year Jail Term\nA court in Taunggok Township, Arakan State, yesterday sentenced a lone protester to four years imprisonment hours after he was arrested for displaying a placard demanding the excommunication from the Buddhist faith of junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe.\nUS Calls on Burma to Give Access to Detained Activists\nThe US called on Burma on Tuesday to give international humanitarian organizations access to activists detained in recent demonstrations.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Burma Releases Prominent Rights Activist", "text": "Burma Releases Prominent Rights Activist\nOpposition officials in Burma say a prominent human rights activist has been released from custody after spending two and a half weeks in detention.\nThe opposition National League for Democracy says Su Su Nway was released on health grounds and remains in the hospital for an unknown medical condition. It said armed guards had been watching her since her hospitalization, but were removed Thursday.\nSu Su Nway was arrested with a group of pro-democracy activists in Rangoon on May 15. The protesters were demanding the release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi,\nSu Su Nway won an unprecedented victory in Burmese courts in 2005 against village officials after she and her neighbors were forced to repair a road without pay.\nShe was arrested shortly after her legal victory for allegedly threatening and swearing at authorities and served nine months in prison.\nSome information for this report was provided by AP.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Etihad steigt bei Air Berlin ein
Was vor ein paar Jahren schon im Gespräch war, gelang nun. Die arabische Fluggesellschaft Etihad erhöht ihren Anteil an Air Berlin für 73 Millionen Euro von 2,99 auf 29,21 Prozent. Die Scheichs wollen vom Streckennetz Air Berlin's profitieren. Für die angeschlagene Fluggesellschaft Air Berlin ist dies eine wirtschaftliche Entlastung. Air Berlin schreibt seit 2008 rote Zahlen. Der seit Sommer laufende Sanierungsprozess, der seit September vom Ex-Bahnchef Mehdorn geleitet wird, konnte das Geschäftsergebnis noch nicht verbessern. Gemeinsam werden Etihad und Air Berlin 240 Städte in 77 Ländern bedienen. Ärgern dürfte dies vor allem die größte deutsche Fluggesellschaft, die Lufthansa. Durch die zweitgrößte deutsche Fluggesellschaft Air Berlin kann Etihad sich jetzt im europäischen Markt breit machen. Ab Januar 2012 soll Air Berlin von Berlin aus das Golf-Emirat Abu-Dhabi anfliegen. Von dort gibt es die Möglichkeit, nach Asien oder Australien zu kommen. Air Berlin strebt eine Mitgliedschaft in der größten Luftfahrt-Allianz Oneworld an der auch British Airways angehört. Konkurrent Lufthansa ist Mitglied der zweitgrößten Allianz Star Alliance.
[ "Themenportal Wirtschaft", "Air Berlin", "Etihad Airways", "Luftfahrt allg." ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Neuer Großaktionär: Etihad steigt bei Air Berlin ein", "text": "_\nEtihad will offenbar bei Air Berlin einsteigen. Quelle: AP\nFrankfurt . Rettung aus dem Morgenland: Die arabische Fluggesellschaft Etihad kauft sich im großen Stil bei Air Berlin ein. Deutschlands zweitgrößte Airline erhält so eine dringend benötigte Geldspritze und Konzernchef Hartmut Mehdorn mehr Zeit für die Sanierung. Etihad wiederum schafft sich einen Brückenkopf in Europa. Ärgern dürfte das die Lufthansa : Einer ihrer größten Konkurrenten aus dem Golf macht sich nun in Deutschland breit. Etihad werde ihre Aktienbeteiligung an Air Berlin für 73 Millionen Euro auf 29 Prozent aufstocken, teilten die beiden Gesellschaften am Montag mit. Air Berlin werde dazu neue Aktien ausgeben. Die Araber, die bereits drei Prozent an Air Berlin halten, legen pro neuem Anteilsschein 2,31 Euro auf den Tisch.\nAnzeige\nDabei bleibt es aber nicht: Etihad räumt den Berlinern noch ein 200 Millionen Euro schweres Darlehen ein. Es sei nicht geplant, den Anteil an Air Berlin auszubauen, sagte Etihad-Chef James Hogan in einem Reuters-Interview.\nKommentar : Mehdorns großer Befreiungsschlag bei Air Berlin Es ist der große Befreiungsschlag von Hartmut Mehdorn: Etihad steigt bei Air Berlin ein. Damit hat Deutschlands zweitgrößte Airline Zeit, sich in Ruhe um all die Probleme zu kümmern.\n„Die strategische Partnerschaft mit Etihad Airways eröffnet einzigartige Möglichkeiten für die Zukunft unseres Unternehmens“, sagte Air-Berlin-Chef Mehdorn. \"Es ist eine fantastische Chance, die wir haben. Ich bin richtig ein Stück euphorisch.\" Es gebe hier kaum \"Dinge, die nicht zusammenpassen\". Die Zusammenarbeit werde weit über eine Partnerschaft hinausgehen: \"Wir arbeiten wie eine vernetzte Airline.\" Die Entscheidung für Etihad sei einstimmig im Board gefallen. Mehdorn sieht kein Ende der Schrumpfkur bei der Air Berlin. Mit Etihad sei Air Berlin keine weiche Coach ins Zimmer gestellt worden: \"Wir lassen nicht nach\", sagte Mehdorn. \"Unsere Effizienzbemühungen werden eher verstärkt.\" Als erstes werde Air Berlin ab Januar von der deutschen Hauptstadt das Golf-Emirat Abu Dhabi anfliegen, aus dem Etihad kommt. Von dort hätten Reisende viele Möglichkeiten, nach Asien oder Australien zu kommen. Zudem sei geplant, die Vielfliegerprogramme zu koordinieren und gemeinsam Flüge anzubieten. Das neue Streckennetz der beiden Airlines umfasse 240 Städte in 77 Ländern. Air Berlin erhofft sich durch die Zusammenarbeit im kommenden Jahr Einsparungen von 35 bis 40 Millionen Euro.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Araber auf dem Vormarsch: Die fliegende Bedrohung aus dem Nahen Osten", "text": "Mit Etihad beteiligt sich erstmals ein Rivale vom Golf an einer europäischen Passagierfluglinie. Es ist der zweite Vorstoß binnen wenigen Monaten: Im Sommer hatte sich Qatar Airways mit 35 Prozent an der größten unabhängigen Frachtfluggesellschaft in Europa, Cargolux, eingekauft.\nDie Herrscher der Miniwüstenstaaten wollen ihre Unabhängigkeit vom Öl verringern und investieren daher kräftig in die Luftfahrt. Ihr Kalkül: Sie wollen ihre Emirate zu internationalen Drehkreuzen ausbauen und die Passagierströme aus Europa weglocken. So entsteht in Dubai aktuell ein Megaflughafen der 150 Millionen Passagiere abfertigen können soll - das sind doppelt so viele, wie jährlich in Europas größten Flughafen, London-Heathrow, starten und landen. Auch Etihad investiert nur 80 Kilometer von Dubai entfernt in einen neuen Flughafen, der immerhin 40 Millionen Fluggäste fassen soll. Der Vorteil der neuen Airports: Es gibt dort weniger Gesetzesvorgaben, Abgaben, wie Personalkosten, sind geringer.\nEntsprechend leidenschaftlich wehrt sich Europas Nummer eins, die Lufthansa. Mit scharfem Lobbying versuchen die Deutschen den Einfluss der Araber zu begrenzen. Die bilateralen Luftverkehrsabkommen schreiben vor, dass Rivalen aus der Golfregion in Deutschland maximal vier Flughäfen anfliegen dürfen. Vor allem Emirates pocht darauf, diese Vorgaben zu lockern. Ein Vorhaben, das die Lufthansa unbedingt verhindern will.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Scheichs prüfen Einstieg bei Air Berlin", "text": "Die Fluggesellschaft Etihad Airways erwägt nach Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung, als Investor bei Air Berlin einzusteigen.\nBranchenkreisen zufolge beschäftigt sich die Führungsspitze bei Etihad seit Wochen intensiv mit den Plänen, hat aber noch keine Entscheidung getroffen. Auch der Aufsichtsrat des Staatsunternehmens aus Abu Dhabi ist dem Vernehmen nach noch nicht mit den Plänen befasst worden.\nBild vergrößern Bekommt Air Berlin einen neuen Investor? (© Foto: dpa)\nEtihad ist offenbar aus mehreren Gründen an Air Berlin interessiert. Einerseits könnte die deutsche Fluggesellschaft mit Zubringerdiensten Passagiere für die eigenen Langstreckenflüge beisteuern. Der Status als Anteilseigner bei Air Berlin würde Etihad, so das Kalkül, auch in eine bessere Verhandlungsposition für neue Verkehrsrechte nach Deutschland bringen, gegen die Konkurrent Lufthansa vor und hinter den Kulissen vehement kämpft. Und Air Berlin ist derzeit billig zu haben: Das gesamte Unternehmen kostet derzeit an der Börse 281 Millionen Euro, ungefähr so viel wie ein Airbus A380. Ein Etihad-Sprecher sagte auf Anfrage, das Unternehmen kommentiere \"aus Prinzip Gerüchte und Spekulationen nicht\". Auch Air Berlin will sich nicht äußern.\nVorbild Emirates\nANZEIGE\nEtihad Airways wurde 2003 vom Emirat Abu Dhabi gegründet und versucht seither, den Erfolg des Nachbarn Emirates zu wiederholen. Derzeit betreibt Etihad eine Flotte von 39 Langstreckenflugzeugen, hat aber rund 100 weitere Maschinen bestellt. Etihad-Chef James Hogan hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das Unternehmen 2010 erstmals in die schwarzen Zahlen zu führen. Doch ob dies angesichts der starken Expansion, die mitten in eine weltweite Rezession fällt, gelingen wird, bezweifeln immer mehr Fachleute. Etihad veröffentlicht keine Finanzdaten. In Unternehmenskreisen heißt es aber, die Fluggesellschaft habe alleine im Jahr 2007 einen Verlust von mehr als einer Milliarde US-Dollar gemacht. Der Aufsichtsrat soll Hogan deswegen derzeit zunehmend unter Druck setzen.\nOb eine Zusammenarbeit von Etihad und Air Berlin wirklich gut funktionieren könnte, bezweifeln Insider. Etihad fliegt in Deutschland nur Frankfurt und München an, Air Berlin ist aber in Düsseldorf und Berlin besonders stark vertreten und betreibt ansonsten ein vergleichsweise breit aufgefächertes Streckennetz. Die Airline hatte Anfang des Jahres versucht, sich mit neuen Langstreckenflügen direkt gegen ihren größeren Konkurrenten Lufthansa zu stellen, musste das Projekt aber nach kurzer Zeit wegen hoher Anlaufverluste wieder einstellen.\nEin Einstieg von Etihad würde bedeuten, dass sich Air Berlin strategisch erneut in diese Richtung und weg vom alten Kerngeschäft der Ferienflüge bewegen müsste.Nichtsdestoweniger könnte Air Berlin einen weiteren finanzstarken Investor gut gebrauchen - alleine, um das Vertrauen in die eigene Finanzkraft zu verbessern. Der Geschäftsmann Leonard Blawatnik, ein Amerikaner russischer Herkunft, hält seit diesem Jahr 18,94 Prozent an der Fluggesellschaft.\nUnklar ist, ob Etihad eine Mehrheit an Air Berlin anstrebt. Dies wäre zwar wegen besserer Kontrolle sinnvoll, ist aber rechtlich problematisch. Air Berlin droht dann - als mehrheitlich nicht-deutsches Unternehmen - Verkehrsrechte zu verlieren. Abkommen zwischen Deutschland und den betroffenen Staaten müssten neu verhandelt werden.\n(SZ vom 19.12.2008/mel)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Neuer Investor bei Air Berlin: Etihad erhöht auf 29 Prozent", "text": "Vor drei Jahren ist das Geschäft kurz vor der Unterschrift geplatzt, diesmal hat es geklappt: Die Fluggesellschaft Etihad aus Abu Dhabi steigt als größter Einzelaktionär bei Air Berlin ein. Für andere deutsche Fluglinien wie die Lufthansa ist das ein Ärgernis. Und auch die Finanzaufsicht mischt sich ein.\nLange hat die angeschlagene Fluggesellschaft Air Berlin nach einem finanzstarken Partner gesucht, nun hat sie ihn gefunden: Die arabische Airline Etihad aus Abu Dhabi wird ihre Anteile an der zweitgrößten deutschen Fluggesellschaft von derzeit 2,99 Prozent auf 29,21 Prozent erhöhen, teilte Air Berlin am Montag in London mit. Beide Unternehmen hätten eine umfassende strategische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart.\nBild vergrößern Die Fluglinie Etihad aus Abu Dhabi erhöht ihren Anteil an der deutschen Nummer zwei, Air Berlin, auf 29,21 Prozent. Bisher hatten die Araber knapp drei Prozent gehalten. (© dapd)\nAnzeige\nDamit wird Etihad größter Einzelaktionär der angeschlagenen Fluglinie. Weiter soll der Anteil in den kommenden zwei Jahren nicht steigen. Beide Gesellschaften wollen auch im eigentlichen Geschäft zusammenarbeiten. Die Kooperation soll im kommenden Jahr Einsparmöglichkeiten von 35 bis 40 Millionen Euro mit sich bringen.\nInsgesamt soll Etihad demnach rund 31,6 Millionen neuer Aktien zu einem Preis von 2,31 pro Stück zeichnen. Damit wird die arabische Fluggesellschaft größter Einzelaktionär der Berliner. Air Berlin fließen rund 73 Millionen Euro zu. Außerdem hätten sich die Araber dazu verpflichtet, die Anteile mindestens zwei Jahre zu halten und keine weiteren Anteile zu erwerben, hieß es.\nDiesen Vorgang wird die Finanzaufsicht BaFin nun untersuchen. \"Wir schauen uns das an\", sagte eine Sprecherin der Bonner Behörde. Für eine formelle Prüfung sei es zu früh. Insidern zufolge geht es unter anderem um die Frage, ob die Araber mit einem Dementi vor zwei Wochen die Kapitalmärkte in die Irre geführt haben könnten. Ein Etihad-Sprecher hatte damals einen Medienbericht über einen kurz bevorstehenden Einstieg per Email kommentiert: \"Der ganze Bericht ist fehlerhaft.\"\nBis Frühjahr 2012 solle Air Berlin Mitglied des Luftfahrtbündnisses Oneworld werden, meldete die Fluggesellschaft. Andere deutsche Fluglinien wie die Lufthansa hatten in den vergangenen Jahren verhindern wollen, dass arabische Gesellschaften wie Emirates, Qatar Airways und Etihad mehr Verkehrsrechte bekommen. Sie befürchten, dass ihnen dadurch das Langstreckengeschäft von Deutschland in die arabischen Länder abgegraben wird.\n600 Millionen Euro Schulden\nDie wirtschaftliche Lage von Air Berlin hatte sich in den vergangenen Monaten immer weiter verschlechtert: Die Fluggesellschaft hatte in den Jahren 2008 bis 2010 bereits Verluste ausgewiesen, seit Beginn des Jahres drückte zusätzlich die Luftverkehrsabgabe auf das Ergebnis. Bis Ende September 2011 betrug der operative Verlust schon 123 Millionen Euro, insgesamt hat Air Berlin Schulden in Höhe von 600 Millionen Euro angehäuft.\nEtihad, die nationale Fluggesellschaft Abu Dhabis, stand 2008 schon einmal kurz vor dem Einstieg bei Air Berlin. Damals platzte das Geschäft aber kurz vor der endgültigen Einigung. Etihad selbst wurde erst 2003 gegründet und ist seither, finanziert vom Emirat Abu Dhabi, auf einem steilen Expansionskurs. Die Airline macht aber immer noch Verluste in Milliardenhöhe.\nGespräche mit Etihad als möglichem neuen Investor hat Hartmut Mehdorn, 69, seit September Unternehmenschef der Flugggesellschaft, im November aufgenommen. Der vorherige Air-Berlin-Chef und Firmengründer Joachim Hunold hatte sich bis dahin immer gegen einen Verkauf gewehrt.\nDie Air-Berlin-Aktie befindet sich bislang überwiegend im Streubesitz. Zu den größten Aktionären gehören die ESAS Holding, die im Besitz der Sabanci-Familie ist, mit gut 16 Prozent und der Investor Hans-Joachim Knieps mit mehr als sieben Prozent.\n(dapd/afp/aper/grc)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Premiers résultats aux Jeux olympiques
left Deux jours avant la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques d'été de 2008 à Pékin, les premières compétitions ont débuté à 15 heures, heure locale.. Les matches de poules de football féminin ont opposé les équipes des groupes E, F et G (les groupes A à D sont ceux de leur collègues masculins). Dans le groupe E, le Canada a battu l'Argentine 2-1, tandis que la Chine s'imposait à la Suède par le même score. Dans le groupe F, Allemagne et Brésil se sont séparés sur un score vierge, 0-0. La Corée du Nord a vaincu le Nigeria 1 à 0. Dans le groupe G, Japon et Nouvelle-Zélande n'ont pu se départager sur le score de 2 à 2. La Norvège a gagné son match contre les États-Unis par 2 buts à 0. Douze équipes participent à la compétition : les deux équipes classées première et deuxième de chaque poule ainsi que les deux meilleures équipes parmi celles qui finissent troisièmes de leur poule se qualifient pour les quarts de finale à élimination directe. C'est la quatrième édition du tournoi olympique de football féminin. Les footballeuses des États-Unis sont les championnes sortantes.
[ "Football", "Football féminin", "Asie", "Pékin" ]
[ { "language": "fr", "title": "Format de la compétition de football", "text": "Tournoi masculin\nPhase de poules\nLes seize équipes participant au tournoi olympique masculin seront réparties en quatre poules de quatre équipes chacun.\nLe groupement des équipes sera fait par la commission d'organisation de la FIFA au cours d'une séance publique, par tirage au sort et par répartition des têtes de série, en tenant compte, dans la mesure du possible, des facteurs sportifs et géographiques.\nLes équipes des quatre poules seront réparties comme suit:\nPoule A Poule B Poule C Poule D\nA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1\nA 2 B 2 C 2 D 2\nA 3 B 3 C 3 D 3\nA 4 B 4 C 4 D 4\nLe système de jeu sera celui de championnat. Chaque équipe affrontera les trois autres équipes de la même poule. Un match gagné rapporte trois points, un match nul un point et un match perdu zéro point.\nLe classement des équipes d'une même poule est déterminé selon les critères suivants :\na) le plus de points obtenus dans tous les matchs de poules ;\nb) la différence de buts dans tous les matchs de poules ;\nc) le plus de buts marqués dans tous les matchs de poules\nEn cas d'égalité entre deux équipes ou plus, d'après les trois critères susmentionnés, les critères suivants s'appliqueront pour les départager:\nd) le plus de points obtenus dans tous les matchs de poules entre les équipes concernées ;\ne) la différence de buts dans tous les matchs de poules entre les équipes concernées;\nf ) le plus de buts marqués dans tous les matchs de poules entre les équipes concernées ;\ng) système de points de fair-play selon lequel le nombre de cartons jaunes et rouges reçus par les équipes est pris en considération;\nh) tirage au sort effectué par la commission d'organisation de la FIFA\nLes équipes classées première et deuxième de chaque poule se qualifient pour les quarts de finale.\nLes matchs de poules se dérouleront selon un calendrier établi conjointement par la commission d'organisation de la FIFA et le BOCOG.\nLes deux derniers matchs de chaque poule seront disputés simultanément.\nQuarts de finale\nLes huit équipes qualifiées à l'issu de la phase de poules disputeront les quarts de finale comme suit :\n1er A vs 2e B = vainqueur 1\n1er B vs 2e A = vainqueur 2\n1er C vs 2e D = vainqueur 3\n1er D vs 2e C = vainqueur 4\nLes matchs seront disputés selon un système d'élimination directe.\nDemi-finales\nLes vainqueurs des quarts de finale disputeront les demi-finales comme suit:\nVainqueur 1 vs Vainqueur 3\nVainqueur 2 vs Vainqueur 4\nLes matchs seront disputés selon un système d'élimination directe.\nFinale et match pour la troisième place\n1. Les vainqueurs des demi-finales se qualifieront pour la finale.\n2. Les perdants des demi-finales se disputeront la troisième place.\n3. Si le match pour la troisième place n'est pas disputé directement avant la finale et s'achève sur un score nul à l'issue des 90 minutes réglementaires, il conviendra de recourir aux prolongations (deux périodes de 15 minutes chacune), suivies si nécessaire de l'épreuve des tirs au but afin de déterminer le vainqueur. Cependant, s'il est disputé directement avant la finale et s'achève sur un score nul à l'issue des 90 minutes réglementaires, les prolongations ne seront pas jouées et le vainqueur sera déterminé directement par l'épreuve des tirs au but.\n4. Si à l'issue des 90 minutes réglementaires la finale s'achève sur un score nul, il conviendra de recourir aux prolongations (2 périodes de 15 minutes chacune), suivies si nécessaire par l'épreuve des tirs au but pour déterminer le vainqueur.\nTournoi féminin\nPhase de poules\nLes douze équipes participant au tournoi olympique féminin seront réparties en trois poules de quatre équipes chacun.\nLe groupement des équipes sera fait par la commission d'organisation de la FIFA au cours d'une séance publique, par tirage au sort et par répartition des têtes de série, en tenant compte, dans la mesure du\npossible, des facteurs sportifs et géographiques.\nLes équipes des trois poules seront réparties comme suit:\nPoule E Poule F Poule G\nE 1 F 1 G 1\nE 2 F 2 G 2\nE 3 F 3 G 3\nE 4 F 4 G 4\nLe système de jeu sera celui de championnat. Chaque équipe affrontera les trois autres équipes de la même poule. Un match gagné rapporte trois points, un match nul un point et un match perdu zéro point.\nLe classement des équipes d'une même poule est déterminé selon les critères suivants :\na) le plus de points obtenus dans tous les matchs de poules ;\nb) la différence de buts dans tous les matchs de poules ;\nc) le plus de buts marqués dans tous les matchs de poules.\nEn cas d'égalité entre deux équipes ou plus, d'après les trois critères susmentionnés, les critères suivants s'appliqueront pour les départager :\nd) le plus de points obtenus dans tous les matchs de poules entre les équipes concernées ;\ne) la différence de buts dans tous les matchs de poules entre les equips concernées;\nf ) le plus de buts marqués dans tous les matchs de poules entre les équipes concernées ;\ng) système de points de fair-play selon lequel le nombre de cartons jaunes et rouges reçus par les équipes est pris en considération;\nh) tirage au sort par la commission d'organisation de la FIFA,\nLes deux équipes classées première et deuxième de chaque poule ainsi que les deux meilleures équipes parmi celles qui finissent troisièmes de leur poule se qualifient pour les quarts de finale.\nLes deux meilleures équipes finissent troisièmes de leur poule sont déterminées comme suit :\na) le plus de points obtenus dans tous les matchs de poules;\nb) la différence de buts de tous les matchs de poules;\nc) le plus de buts marqués dans tous les matchs de poules;\nd) système de points de fair-play selon lequel le nombre de cartons jaunes et rouges reçus par les équipes est pris en considération;\ne) tirage au sort par la commission d'organisation de la FIFA,\nQuarts de finales\nLes huit équipes qualifiées à l'issue de la phase de poules disputeront les quarts de finale comme suit :\n1er E vs 3e F ou G = Vainqueur 1\n1er F vs 2eG = Vainqueur 2\n1er G vs 3e E ou F = Vainqueur 3\n2e E vs 2e F = Vainqueur 4\nLes matchs seront disputés selon un système d'élimination directe.\nDemi-finales\nLes quatre vainqueurs des quarts de finale disputeront les demi-finales comme suit:\nVainqueur 1 vs Vainqueur 3\nVainqueur 2 vs Vainqueur 4\nLes matchs seront disputés selon un système d'élimination directe.\nFinale et match pour la troisième place\n1. Les vainqueurs des demi-finales se qualifieront pour la finale.\n2. Les perdants des demi-finales disputeront la troisième place.\n3. Si le match pour la troisième place n'est pas disputé directement avant la finale et s'achève sur un score nul à l'issue des 90 minutes réglementaires, il conviendra de recourir aux prolongations (deux périodes de 15 minutes chacune), suivies si nécessaire de l'épreuve des tirs aux but afin de déterminer le vainqueur. Cependant, s'il est disputé directement avant la finale et s'achève sur un score nul à l'issue des 90 minutes réglementaires, les prolongations ne seront pas jouées et le vainqueur sera déterminé directement par l'épreuve des tirs au but.\n4. Si à l'issue des 90 minutes réglementaires la finale s'achève sur un score nul, il conviendra de recourir aux prolongations (deux périodes de 15 minutes chacune), suivies si nécessaire par l'épreuve des tirs au but pour déterminer le vainqueur.\nDurée des matchs\nChaque match est constitué de deux périodes de 45 minutes chacune séparées par une pause de 15 minutes.\nLors des matchs éliminatoires, en cas d'égalité après 90 minutes réglementaires, une prolongation de deux périodes de 15 minutes chacune sera jouée, suivie si nécessaire par des tirs au buts afin de déterminer le vainqueur.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Bundesverdienstkreuz für FIFA-Präsident Joseph Blatter
Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat FIFA-Präsident Joseph Blatter das Bundesverdienstkreuz überreicht. Die Ehrung fand gestern im Berliner Bundeskanzleramt statt. Der 70-jährige Schweizer Blatter war sichtlich gerührt und bedankte sich bei Deutschland als dem Gastgeberland der Fußball-WM 2006. Umgekehrt bedankte sich Merkel bei der FIFA und dem Nationalen Organisationskomitee (NOK) mit den Worten: „Die FIFA hat durch die Vergabe der WM ein großes Vertrauen in uns Deutsche gesetzt. Dafür möchte ich mich bedanken. Deshalb habe ich im Auftrag von Bundespräsident Horst Köhler Herrn Blatter das Bundesverdienstkreuz verliehen.“ Gleichzeitig begann die FIFA heute Abend um 18 Uhr am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin mit der Werbung für die nächste Fußballweltmeisterschaft im Jahr 2010 in Südafrika. Erstmals wurde offiziell das Emblem der südafrikanischen WM präsentiert. Teilnehmer der abendlichen Veranstaltung sind neben Blatter der südafrikanische Präsident Thabo Mbeki. Auch der ehemalige Fußballstar und jetzige Politiker in Liberia, George Weah, ist dabei. Musikalisch wird das Fest von der Berliner Musikband „Wir sind Helden“ begleitet.
[ "Joseph Blatter", "Angela Merkel", "Bundesverdienstkreuz", "Veröffentlicht" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Zeremonie in Berlin: Südafrika verspricht die „erfolgreichste WM“", "text": "Zeremonie in Berlin\nSüdafrika verspricht die „erfolgreichste WM“\nVorgeschmack auf das Turnier in vier Jahren 07. Juli 2006\nDie hoch gelobte deutsche Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft ist noch nicht zu Ende, da überraschte Südafrikas Präsident Thabo Mbeki am Freitag mit einem Superlativ. „Wir werden 2010 Gastgeber für die erfolgreichste WM sein. Das Land wird sein Versprechen halten“, sagte das Staatsoberhaupt zwei Tage vor dem Finale 2006 bei einer Afrika-Feier vor 800 geladenen Gästen im Berliner „Tempodrom“.\nIn Anwesenheit von UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan, Fifa-Präsident Joseph Blatter und des Chefs des deutschen WM-Organisationskomitees, Franz Beckenbauer, wurde das Logo für das Turnier in vier Jahren enthüllt. Folkloristisch, schwungvoll und mit moderner Grafik gestaltet zeigt es vor dem Hintergrund afrikanischer Fahnen einen stilisierten schwarzen Fußballer, der einen Fallrückzieher vollführt. Tänze, Feuerwerk und Märchen Eingerahmt wurde die Präsentation von einem afrikanischen Showspektakel mit Tänzen, Feuerwerk und der Märchenerzählerin Gina Mlophe, die Geschichten über „Mama Africa“ darbot. Den afrikanischen Fußball repräsentierten die Stars vergangener Jahre George Weah (Liberia), Abedi Pelé (Ghana) und Roger Milla (Kamerun). Großes Lob zollte Kofi Annan den Organisatoren der WM 2006. Die Deutschen hätten zwar nicht das Finale erreicht, „aber sie haben dadurch gewonnen, daß sie die beste Weltmeisterschaft organisiert haben. Ihre Mannschaft hat die ganze Nation begeistert“. Fußball sei eine „universelle Sprache, und sie beherrschen diese Sprache“, sagte er. Laut Blatter soll der Weltpolitiker aus Ghana bei der Vorbereitung der WM 2010 eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Nach Jahrzehnten voller Probleme und Auseinandersetzungen komme die WM 2010 „zum richtigen Zeitpunkt nach Afrika“, sagte Mbeki. Er lobte das Auftreten der afrikanischen Teams bei der Deutschland-WM und hofft, daß der World Cup 2010 „in Afrika bleibt“. Das südafrikanische Staatsoberhaupt zeigte sich erfreut über die von Beckenbauer zugesagte Unterstützung: „Wir brauchen Deutschlands Hilfe.“ Seine Rede beendete er auf Deutsch mit dem Satz: „Kommen Sie 2010 nach Afrika.“ „Wir brauchen Deutschlands Hilfe“ Blatter sprach von einem „Tag der Freude und Hoffnung“. Vor dem Hintergrund kritischer Stimmen über den Stand der Vorbereitungen vier Jahre vor der nächsten WM sagte der Präsident des Welt- Fußballverbandes: „Wir vertrauen Südafrika.“ Die von ihm stark geförderte erstmalige Austragung des Weltcups in Afrika nannte er einen Akt der „Gerechtigkeit für den afrikanischen Kontinent“. Die WM 2010 wird in neun Städten und zehn Stadien veranstaltet. Die Fifa hatte im März Johannesburg (zwei Stadien), Kapstadt, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Nelspruit, Pretoria, Bloemfontain, Rustenburg und Polokwane als Austragungsorte festgelegt. Als große Probleme werden der Transport und die Kriminalität angesehen. Text: FAZ.NET mit Material von dpa\nBildmaterial: dpa\nBeitrag kommentieren Lesermeinungen zum Beitrag [1]\nVorfreude auf 2010 07.07.2006, 23:03", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Sport-Nachrichten, Live Berichte, Videos und mehr!", "text": "Am 31. Mai spätestens um Mitternacht muss Joachim Löw seinen endgültigen Kader für die EM 2016 in Frankreich benennen. Wie ist die Situation in den einzelnen Mannschaftsteilen? Wer muss um seine … Mehr »\nSPOX - vor 4 Stunden", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Aktuelle Nachrichten, News, Hintergründe & Videos", "text": "Ausgangssperre, Inzidenzwert-Fokus, Eingriffe in die Schulpolitik – in den Ländern formiert sich Widerstand gegen die Pläne des Bundes, mehr Macht an sich zu ziehen. Der Ton ist unerbittlich, wann eine Änderung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes beschlossen wird, ist komplett offen.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
U.S. Pentagon conference says weapons entered Iraq from Iran
Donald Rumsfeld. File photo of press conference 2005-06-27. Photo by Cherie A. Thurlby In a televised press briefing Tuesday, Secretary of Defense stood by a press release from the Pentagon on Monday that reported explosives and bombs crossed into from across the border. A weapons cache was said to have been intercepted. "It is true that weapons, clearly, unambiguously from Iran have been found in Iraq," Rumsfeld said today. Evidence reportedly indicated the quality and sophistication of the weapons was such that they may have been manufactured in Iran, but Rumsfeld was unable or unwilling to describe the weapons further. Timing of the Pentagon release coincides with the controversy over Iran restarting its nuclear facilities. Rumsfeld, with the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs, , said the effort in Iraq was aimed at inciting civil war, since they realize they cannot directly defeat the coalition. Speaking on the issue of border crossings of troops and munitions from and Iran, Rumsfeld implied that those nations don't want progress in to be made in Iraq. He said, "... what are the Iranians doing? Are they going to be helpful or unhelpful? ... same with the Syrians... are they being helpful or unhelpful?" The two cited progress by the Iraqi government in working toward the August 15 deadline for drafting a new constitution. In a nod to the possibility that the deadline will be missed, it was said that the constitution could be amended, and that voting on ratification would occur in October of this year, with a general election to follow in December. Myers referred to a shift in the participation in the process, saying, "All indications are that the Sunni leadership in Iraq has made a fundamental decision that they want to be part of the process." They reasserted previous statements that there is no clear time-table for an Iraqi withdrawal because it depends on the situation at the time. "The drawdowns that will occur eventually will obviously be based on those conditions." Rumsfeld said. Further questions by reporters intending to pin down a clear withdrawal time-line were rebuffed. Myers said, "You have economic progress that has to be made; you have political progress that has to be made." He added that "173,000 Iraqi security forces" are in place in the country, but along with work on the country's infrastructure, much remains to be done with the training and equipping of their security forces.
[ "Politics and conflicts", "United States", "Middle East", "Nuclear proliferation", "Sunni Islam", "Constitution of Iraq", "Iraq", "Iran", "Syria" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Bush voices suspicions over Iran's nuclear intentions", "text": "Bush voices suspicions over Iran's nuclear intentions By Judy Keen and Barbara Slavin, USA TODAY CRAWFORD, Texas — President Bush said Tuesday that he is \"very deeply suspicious\" of Iran's nuclear ambitions but has been told its new president is willing to resume negotiations aimed at preventing Iran from producing nuclear weapons. Answering questions from reporters at his ranch after meeting with his economic team, Bush said he had just learned that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had said he would reopen discussions with Great Britain, France and Germany. \"That's a positive development,\" Bush said. (Related video: Bush discusses Iran) AP Bush In Tehran, Ahmadinejad said he had new ideas to resolve the impasse and was ready to continue talks. But he called the latest proposal by the European countries \"an insult to the Iranian nation.\" Iran rejected on Monday the offer to provide an outside source of nuclear fuel for power plants. In return, the European proposal calls for Iran to give up its nuclear fuel program. Bush spoke as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, held an emergency session on Iran's resumption of a program to make nuclear fuel. On Monday, Iran restarted the process of turning raw uranium into uranium hexafluoride gas, which can be enriched into fuel for power plants or bombs. The agency's 35-member board is considering a resolution calling on Iran to suspend the program again and return to talks. A vote is likely this week. \"We need to get back to negotiations and avoid the escalation,\" said Mark Gwozdecky, a spokesman for the IAEA in Vienna. Further complicating the situation: The Bush administration has not decided whether to give Iran's new president a visa to address a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly in September. Iran hid much of its nuclear program from the U.N. agency for two decades. It is believed to be several years away from building bombs. Bush met with economic advisers, including Treasury Secretary John Snow, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Budget Director Joshua Bolten, Council of Economic Adviser Chairman Ben Bernanke and National Economic Council Director Al Hubbard. \"Americans have more money in their pocket, and that's good news.\" Bush said, citing 200,000 jobs created in July and economic growth in the second quarter of a 3.4% annual rate. He didn't respond directly to a question about interest rate increases. After he spoke, the Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates for the 10th consecutive time. The increase of a quarter of a percentage point brings the rates to their highest level in four years. \"Rising interest rates, rising debt and fewer good-paying jobs are making it harder for America's families to make ends meet,\" Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean said in a statement. \"The president should use his Texas vacation to spend time overhauling his economic policies, not staging photo-ops.\" Bush said he's more concerned about energy prices and health care costs than he is about rising interest rates: \"Those are the two areas that we see as having a greater effect on ... the future of economic growth.\" Bush also said he'll renew efforts this fall for passage of an overhaul of Social Security and limits in cash awards in medical liability lawsuits. He said he looks forward to recommendations due next month from a presidential panel studying ways to simplify the tax code. The panel said last month that the alternative minimum tax — which was meant to ensure that the wealthy pay their fair share but now affects many middle-class taxpayers — should be abolished. If it is, the administration presumably will have to find ways to replace the $1.2 trillion the tax would collect over the next decade. Contributing: Slavin reported from Washington; with wire reports Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Hamas takes victory in Gaza elections
Hamas, a radical islamist party, has won by a large majority in the Gaza Strip council elections held last month. Hamas won 75 out of the 118 seats, with Fatah, the party of Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas only managing to secure 39 seats. Of the ten council areas in Gaza, Hamas has control of seven. Fathiya Barghouti Rheime, a 30-year-old high school teacher, and mother of two, was one of the seven Hamas mayors elected in the Gaza strip. She has become the second female mayor of a Palestinian community, and the first ever elected one. "It's a sign of change," she said "I'm deeply concerned about transmitting the picture of the active Islamic woman to the world, to wipe away the blemish of the veil." In the West Bank, Female candidates won 52 of 306 seats. Two and a half times the number of seats that had been reserved for women.
[ "Israel", "Elections", "Mahmoud Abbas", "Hamas", "West Bank", "Fatah" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Hamas wins Gaza Strip council vote", "text": "Voters rejected Fatah's corrupt image and endorsed Hamas for its opposition to Israel and for providing welfare, schools and nurseries to the impoverished residents of the territory. Hamas won 75 out of 118 seats, leaving Fatah with 39.\nThe result will strengthen those in Hamas who want to reduce its military activities and concentrate on politics, although the group has not yet announced its intention to stand in legislative elections this year.\nThe militant group has agreed to suspend attacks on Israel while Mr Abbas attempts to restart peace negotiations. Yesterday, Palestinian police were deployed in the centre and south of the Gaza Strip to prevent attacks on Jewish settlements.\nFollowing a call by Mr Abbas for a ceasefire, Israel said yesterday it was sharply reducing its military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.\nThousands of Hamas supporters took to the streets of Gaza yesterday to celebrate the victory. Chanting \"Hamas is the real way for reform and rebuilding\", the supporters waved green flags and distributed sweets.\nMuhir al-Masri, a Hamas spokesman, said: \"Our people have a consensus on the choice of jihad and resistance and the election has underscored that concept.\"", "url": ",2763,1401295,00.html", "archive_url": ",2763,1401295,00.html" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Democracy's New Face: Radical and Female", "text": "Washington Post Foreign Service\nSaturday, January 29, 2005; Page A01\nBEIT RIMA, West Bank -- Fathiya Barghouti Rheime sees herself as the new face of Islam in the democratic Middle East espoused so fervently by President Bush.\nShe is a 30-year-old high school teacher, mother of a 9-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son. She describes herself as a \"very religious\" Muslim. She wears the hejab, a scarf wrapped tightly over her head. She does not shake hands with men outside of her family.\nTwo weeks ago, Rheime became the first woman ever elected mayor of a Palestinian community, an achievement that stunned many residents in this traditional, patriarchal society.\n\"It's a sign of change, a quantum leap,\" Rheime said while sitting in her newly painted office with blank white walls and peach draperies. \"I'm deeply concerned about transmitting the picture of the active Islamic woman to the world, to wipe away the blemish of the veil.\"\nShe won public office with support from voters who do not fit Bush's conception of democracy in the Middle East: backers of the Islamic Resistance Movement, known as Hamas, which the U.S. government has designated a terrorist group, and people who consider her jailed husband a patriot because he drove the getaway car in the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi in October 2001.\nRheime's victory exemplifies the contradictions between Western views of democracy and its actual practice in a Middle Eastern environment.\nThe results of Palestinian municipal elections in the West Bank last month, the first in 29 years, revealed a potentially fundamental shift in Palestinian politics. Islamic candidates, most of them members of Hamas who did not openly declare their association for fear of arrest or harassment by Israeli troops, won about 35 percent of all local council races. In Gaza on Thursday, Hamas won elections to control seven of 10 town councils.\nFemale candidates claimed 52 of 306 open seats in the West Bank -- nearly 17 percent of the elected positions and more than 2 1/2 times the quota that had been reserved for women in an effort to broaden their representation in a male-dominated society.\nLike Rheime, many of the winning female candidates drew support from the Islamic movement. Though she ran as an independent for a seat on the council representing the West Bani Zaid Municipality, she was also listed on the Islamic parties' ticket.\nFive other Islamic candidates won seats on the 13-member council in the Dec. 23 vote, including another woman, Raidah Rimawi. One Islamic candidate ran -- and won -- from his Israeli jail cell. Another winning Islamic councilman was arrested at his house by Israeli troops three weeks after the election. Both are being held without charge under administrative detention, according to fellow council members.\nThe Fatah movement, the dominant Palestinian political party founded by longtime Palestinian leader and icon Yasser Arafat, who died in November, claimed five seats. Only one member of the former all-Fatah council sought reelection. He lost. Rheime was elected mayor by the council on Jan. 16 with a seven-vote majority -- the five Islamic members, a communist and a socialist.\nRheime and her Islamic party colleagues on the council -- two of whom are distant relatives -- believe that convincing the West to change its perception of Islam is just as critical as repairing potholes and improving the drinking water for the residents of this bucolic but economically ravaged voting district of 6,000 people, located barely 20 miles west of the skyscrapers of affluent Tel Aviv.\nSaed Rheime, 34-year-old imam of a local mosque who holds a masters degree in theology, is Islamic in his politics and ideology and embraces his party's campaign slogan, \"Islam is the solution.\" He won more votes than any other council member in West Bani Zaid .", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Video of kidnapped BBC journalist released
Alan Johnston in an undated BBC photo A video has been released by the captors of Alan Johnston, the BBC Gaza correspondent who was kidnapped on March 12, 2007. Johnston has been missing longer than any foreigner kidnapped in the Gaza Strip. Johnston was shown in the video to be wearing a red sweatshirt, and seemed to be in good health. The video appeared on the internet site Al-Ekhlaas, often used by Islamic militants. It bears the logo of the Army of Islam, the Palestinian militant group that had been believed to be holding the 45-year-old reporter, and opened with Arabic chanting and verses from the Quran. In the video Johnston stated: "They the captors have fed me well, there has been no violence towards me at all and I'm in good health." Johnson called for an end to Western sanctions against Palestine and also blamed Israel for all the problems that the Palestinian people was enduring. The BBC made a petition for Johnston's release, and has now been signed by over 130,000 people. The video ended with Johnston about to outline conditions for his release, only to have the tape cut away to an as yet unidentified voice in Arabic demanding freedom for Islamic prisoners, including a radical cleric with ties to al-Qaeda imprisoned in Britain.
[ "World", "Crime and law", "Politics and conflicts", "Europe", "United Kingdom", "Middle East", "Israel" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Palestinians 'united' on Johnston", "text": "The video shows Alan in apparently good health\nSaeb Erekat, adviser to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, said military action would be justified to free him.\nHis comments followed the release on Friday of a video of Mr Johnston, the first since his abduction on 12 March.\nMr Johnston's parents welcomed the video, in which he says he is in good health and is being treated well.\nGraham and Margaret Johnston said the video, reportedly posted on the internet by the Army of Islam group, had given them \"renewed hope\".\n\"He looked well,\" Mr Johnston's father said. \"Apparently he has been well cared for as he said, although I have to say it is very distressing to see him in such circumstances.\"\n\"I would just hope this maybe is the end game. We hope and pray it is.\"\nPrime Minister Tony Blair, on a visit to South Africa, said the British government was doing everything it possibly could to secure his release.\nA BBC statement read: \"This is a highly distressing time for them and for his friends and his colleagues. We repeat our call for his immediate release.\"\nDemands\nOn the video, Mr Johnston, seated and wearing a red sweatshirt, said his captors had treated him very well.\n\"They have fed me well, there has been no violence towards me at all and I'm in good health,\" he said.\nHe also called for an end to Western sanctions that have been imposed on the Palestinian government.\n\"Everyday there are Palestinians arrested, imprisoned for no reason. People are killed on a daily basis. The economic suffering is terrible, especially here in Gaza.\"\nMr Johnston also said the British government was working to occupy Muslim lands, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, against the will of the people there.\nAt the end of the tape, the Army of Islam demanded the release of Abu Qatada, a Palestinian-born Islamic cleric who is suspected of close links to al-Qaeda and is currently held by the UK government as a threat to national security.\n'Military operation'\nIn an interview with BBC's Newsnight programme, Mr Erekat said he believed the video was a \"proof of life\", but also that the BBC journalist was speaking under duress.\nARMY OF ISLAM FACTS Small, Islamist armed group operating in Gaza Splinter group of the Popular Resistance Committees Seeks liberation of Palestine and an Islamic state Influenced by, but not affiliated with, al-Qaeda Led by Mumtaz Dugmush, also known as Abu Muhammad, a member of a powerful clan One of three groups allegedly holding captured Israeli soldier Cpl Gilad Shalit\nVideo: Full transcript\n\"To have him say what he said today in a tape which was circulated the world over, I believe this harms the Palestinian cause,\" he said.\nMr Erekat said the Palestinian Authority did not know anything about the Army of Islam, or its alleged leaders, the Dugmush clan.\n\"These people are nothing more than gangsters,\" he added. \"I don't think they are linked to anyone.\"\nNevertheless, he said Mr Abbas was exerting pressure on his cabinet and all the Palestinian factions to ensure Mr Johnston's release.\n\"Fatah, Hamas, all the factions, the president, the prime minister, in this particular case, they see eye to eye,\" Mr Erekat said.\n\"We are all unified as far as condemning this despicable and shameful act.\"\nMr Erekat said the current situation could not be tolerated and that the government simply had to act.\n\"We must really determine where his location is, and then move... even if it takes a military or a security operation,\" he said.\nMr Johnston, 45, was the only Western reporter permanently based in Gaza and his abduction has triggered appeals for his release from lawmakers and rights groups around the world.\nMore than 130,000 people have now signed an online petition calling for his release.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "999 Unable to process request at this time -- error 999", "text": "Unfortunately we are unable to process your request at this time. This error is usually temporary. Please try again later. If you continue to experience this error, it may be caused by one of the following: You may want to scan your system for spyware and viruses, as they may interfere with your ability to connect to Yahoo!. For detailed information on spyware and virus protection, please visit the Yahoo! Security Center.\nThis problem may be due to unusual network activity coming from your Internet Service Provider. We recommend that you report this problem to them. While this error is usually temporary, if it continues and the above solutions don't resolve your problem, please let us know. Return to Yahoo!", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Intervención de Estados Unidos en Citigroup y estímulos fiscales en el Reino Unido disparan las bolsas al alza
} El gobierno de Estados Unidos actuó para proteger al gigante bancario Citigroup, invirtiendo 20.000 millones de dólares en la compañía mediante la compra de activos a cambio de acciones preferenciales. Las acciones de Citigroup habían perdido el 60% de su valor la semana pasada. La acción, anunciada el domingo de tarde por el Departamento del Tesoro, la Reserva Federal y la Corporación Federal de Seguros de Depósitos, también incluye la protección contra la posibilidad de enormes pérdidas de hasta 306.000 millones de dólares en préstamos de alto riesgo y títulos respaldados por hipotecas. La inversión de 20.000 millones de dólares proviene de los 700.000 millones de dólares aprobados por el Congreso en octubre para asistir en la crisis financiera. Por su parte, el Ministro de Finanzas del Reino Unido ha anunciado un nuevo plan de estímulos fiscales por valor de 23.400 millones de euros, cerca del 1% del PIB del país, y un descenso del tipo medio del IVA de 2,5 puntos, pasando del 17,5% al 15%. La medida británica es vista con buenos ojos por Nicolas Sarkozy en Francia y José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero en España, aunque con matices, pero rechazada por la canciller alemana Angela Merkel, quien señaló en la cumbre franco-británica que tenía lugar en París que "una reducción general del IVA puede ser la respuesta apropiada para ciertos países pero no es una medida adecuada para Alemania y Francia". Alemania, sin embargo, estudia, al igual que franceses y españoles, una acción conjunta para salvar a las empresas de automoción. Las noticias de Estados Unidos y Londres han animado a las bolsas europeas y americanas. El Dax alemán ganaba un 10,13% al cierre, el CAC-40 parisino un 10,09%, el FTSE británico un 9,84%, el Ibex 35 un 8,13%, el Eurostoxx un 9,35% y el Mib de Milán un 7,37%. Por su parte, el mercado Dow Jones estadounidense se alzaba un 3,61%, animado también por el futuro nombramiento de Timothy Geithner para el Departamento del tesoro con Barack Obama. Las acciones de Citigroup subían el 54% a las 17:30 horas, UTC.
[ "Economía y Negocios", "Crisis financiera", "Barack Obama", "Estados Unidos", "Norteamérica", "Francia", "España", "Reino Unido", "Europa", "Unión Europea" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "Wall Street aplaude el rescate de Citigroup", "text": "El plan de rescate de Citigroup anunciado la pasada madrugada por las autoridades estadounidenses ha animado a Wall Street en una jornada de ganancias en todas las bolsas europeas. La Bolsa de Nueva York, que ya cerró con subidas el viernes a raíz de la filtración del nombre del futuro Departamento del Tesoro, Timothy Geithner, ha cerrado la sesión de este lunes con un alza del 4,71% en el índice Dow Jones y del 5,96% en el mercado Nasdaq, empujada también por las ganancias registradas en toda Europa y tras el anuncio de BarackObama sobre quiénes formarán su equipo económico. Las acciones de Citigroup han sido precisamente las que más han subido: un 53.75%, para quedar en 5,95 dólares por título.\nPor su parte, el Ibex 35 ha dejado atrás las pérdidas de la semana pasada para subir en la jornada del lunes un 8,13%, la cuarta mayor del año, y para quedarse en 8.622,62 puntos, en un día marcado por el plan de rescate de Citigroup y las subidas en los mercados europeos, animados a última hora por los planes del Gobierno británico, que prevé estímulos fiscales por valor del 1% del PIB.\nLas mayores subidas fueron para Gamesa (22,08%), seguido de Acciona (16,72%), OHL (15,42%) e Iberdrola (14,26%). En el sector financiero, Bankinter ganó un 11,20%, por delante de BBVA (9,78%), Santander (9,23%) y Banco Popular (6,82%).\nLa euforia bursátil se ha extendido por toda Europa, con el Dax alemán ganando un 10,13% al cierre, el CAC-40 parisino un 10,09%, el Eurostoxx un 9,35% y el Mib de Milán un 7,37%. El FTSE de Londres ha cerrado con una subida del 9,84%, su mejor resultado en 20 años muy animado por las medidas anunciadas por el ministro Alistair Darling para afrontar la crisis.\nDudas sobre la capacidad de Lukoil\nPor otro lado, siguen las declaraciones y reacciones sobre la compra de Repsol por Lukoil. Desde el ámbito político, el portavoz económico del PP ha insistido en las críticas al Gobierno por no impedir la posible entrada de Lukoil en la principal petrolera española al asegurar que \"si hay que salvar la cara a alguien -en referencia a Sacyr- que no sea a cambio de que se le parta la cara a todos los españoles\".\nEl descenso de este lunes de Sacyr, que ha perdido casi un 5%, está motivado, según los analistas, como los de Ibersecurities, en las dificultades de que se alcance el precio de 27 euros por acción que se anunció al cierre del viernes, dada la caída del precio del petróleo y la mala situación del mercado de deuda. La petrolera rusa ha sondeado a las entidades financiadoras de Sacyr sobre la posibilidad de que le presten 5.200 millones de euros para pagar su entrada en Repsol YPF, el mismo importe que concedieron a la constructora para comprar su participación en 2006.\nEn la misma línea, analistas citados por el diario financiero ruso Védomosti dudan de que la mayor petrolera del país disponga del capital necesario para cerrar la compra. Las deudas a corto plazo de la compañía privada, ascendían a 2.300 millones de dólares a mitad de año. Según esas fuentes, dispondría en esa fecha de 1.600 millones de dólares de capital.\nAntes de la apertura en Europa, las bolsas asiáticas cerraban en números rojos. Con el paqué de Tokio cerrado por festivo, el principal indicador coreano, el Kospi, cedió más de un 3%.\nFortis afirma que la entrada de Lukoil podría permitir a Criteria alcanzar el 50% en Gas Natural El acuerdo de venta de una participación del 29,9% de Sacyr Vallehermoso y Criteria en Repsol a la rusa Lukoil implicaría de manera colateral una salida parcial o total de la petrolera de Gas Natural, con la posibilidad para el holding de participadas de La Caixa de elevar su participación en la gasista hasta el 49,9% sin necesidad de lanzar una oferta pública de adquisición (OPA) de acciones, según un informe de Fortis. Criteria y Repsol, los dos principales accionistas de Gas Natural con una participación del 37,5% y del 30,85% respectivamente, tienen un pacto de control y gobierno en la gasista. Sin embargo, Criteria no estaría interesado en que Lukoil tuviera una participación importante en Gas Natural, considerando además la actual operación de compra de Unión Fenosa por la gasista, las inferencias en la gestión diaria de la compañía, así como las implicaciones geoestratégicas de un control en Gas Natural, según el analista de la entidad.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Washington invertirá cerca de 16.000 millones de euros para salvar a Citigroup", "text": "El Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos ha anunciado este lunes que invertirá 20.000 millones de dólares (más de 15.800 millones de euros) en el gigante financiero Citigroup, que atraviesa serios problemas económicos tras el descalabro de sus títulos en Bolsa, por medio del plan de rescate de activos a cambio de acciones preferenciales. El Tesoro y la Reserva Federal han justificado el plan de rescate, que además de ayudar a uno de los bancos más importantes del país y del mundo prevé hacerse con participaciones preferentes del a misma, por la necesidad de recuperar la confianza en el sistema financiero y en las instituciones financieras norteamericanas. Por el momento, la medida ha alcanzado su objetivo y ha impulsado al Dow Jones y a los principales parqués europeos al alza, al tiempo que las acciones de la entidad subían un 53.75% en Wall Street.\nAntes de esta ayuda, el que fuera el mayor banco por capitalización bursátil del mundo hasta 2006, cuando fue superado por Bank of America, y que cuenta con casi dos billones de euros en activos, perdió la semana pasada más de un 70% de su valor en Bolsa hasta cerrar en 3,77 dólares por acción, muy lejos de los 57,50 dólares que llegaron a costar cuando marcaron su máximo histórico en agosto de 2000.\nPlan complejo\nAdemás, el plan establece que Washington suministre protección contra pérdidas, junto con la Corporación de Seguros de Depósitos Federales, sobre unos 306.000 millones de dólares (alrededor de 242.000 millones de euros) contra eventuales pérdidas en préstamos y valores respaldados por bienes raíces inmobiliarios y comerciales -activos tóxicos-, que seguirán perteneciendo al balance de Citigoup, duramente castigado por los inversores con unas pérdidas acumuladas de 20.000 millones de dólares (más de 15.800 millones de euros) en los últimos cuatro trimestres.\nPara completar el paquete, el Tesoro ha asegurado que la Reserva Federal está preparada para atajar cualquier riesgo adicional a través de una oferta de préstamo sin aval de recursos, todo ello con el objetivo de evitar una situación como la provocada por la quiebra de Lehman Brothers en septiembre.\nEl compromiso alcanzado pretende dar al Citigroup \"un conjunto de garantías, acceso a la liquidez y el capital\", porque el Gobierno \"se ha comprometido a apoyar la estabilidad del mercado financiero, requisito previo para el restablecimiento de un vigoroso crecimiento económico\", indica la Fed a través de un comunicado hecho público la pasada madrugada tras las negociaciones a contrarreloj del fin de semana.\nSegún ha indicado The New York Times en su edición electrónica, el plan aplicado al Citigroup \"podría servir de modelo para otros bancos\"y marcaría un cambio en la oscilante misión de rescate financiero del Gobierno. El Departamento del Tesoro había propuesto adquirir los activos tóxicos de los bancos, pero en un giro a su estrategia comenzó a inyectar capitales directamente a las instituciones financieras, recuerda el periódico.\nEl coloso financiero presidido desde noviembre de 2007 por Vikram Pandit era hace apenas dos años el banco más poderoso del mundo con 200 millones de clientes y ahora atraviesa por un momento crítico junto a los bancos de inversión Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers y Merrill Lynch, el gigante asegurador AIG o la automovilística General Motors, que lucha por evitar la bancarrota. En este sentido, el rescate supone un nuevo esfuerzo del Gobierno para relanzar la industria financiera del país, del que Citigroup ha sido una de sus principales figuras desde su fundación en 1812, y proteger a los contribuyentes y a la economía\" nacionales.\nHasta ahora, Citigroup, que la semana pasada anunció que despedirá a 50.000 trabajadores, se había negado a que Washington saliera en su rescate tras un primer plan de ayuda fallido por valor de 25.000 millones de dólares (unos20.000 millones), ya que aseguraba disponer del colchón de capital (50.000 millones de dólares) y de la liquidez para absorber futuras pérdidas originadas por la crisis y proteger sus depósitos.\nCambio en la dirección\nEs muy probable que, con la aplicación del plan de rescate, se proceda también a un cambio en el equipo de gestión del banco, que claramente no cuenta con el respeto de Wall Street, informa Sandro Pozzi.\nAnte la dificultad de superar las turbulencias, el presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, está acelerando la formación de su equipo económicopara fijar un plan que puede ascender a 700.000 millones. En esta dinámica, este lunes ha anunciado el nombramiento de Timothy Geithner como próximo secretario del Tesoro, con lo que se trata de enviar a los mercados financieros mundiales y a la economía en general el mensaje de que la nueva Administración está ya manos a la obra en la elaboraciónde las medidas que se precisan para sacar al capitalismo del shock depresivo en el que vive.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Reino Unido dedicará el 1% del PIB a salir de la crisis", "text": "El ministro de Economía británico, Alistair Darling, ha avanzado un plan de estímulos fiscales para aliviar la situación de la economía británica por valor de 20.000 millones de libras (más de 23.400 millones de euros), cerca del 1% del PIB británico. Darling explicó el plan ante el Parlamento durante la presentación de los presupuestos preliminares del Estado para el curso 2009-2010, muy esperados en esta ocasión debido a la actual crisis económica.\nAdemás, Darling ha anunciado un descenso del IVA británico, que pasa del 17,5% al 15% en una medida destinada a relanzar la economía y que estará en vigor hasta 2009, cuando se prevé que la situación económica mejore, en una medida que ya había sido anunciada por los laboristas. El gobierno laborista también ha anunciado una disminución de las previsiones de crecimiento de la economía de las islas, que crecerá este año un 0,75% y pasará a decrecer entre el 0,75% y el 1,50% en 2009 en lo que será la mayor contracción desde 1991. En marzo, los datos del propio Darling preveían un crecimiento de entre el 2,25% y el 2,75% para Reino Unido. \"Confío en que la ralentización sea más corta de lo que hubiese sido si no se hubiesen adoptado estas medidas\", ha asegurado el ministro. Entre las medidas fiscales se encuentra una subida de los impuestos (del 40% al 45%) a las rentas más altas (176.400euros) a partir de 2011, con lo que se rompe, además, con un compromiso electoral.\nSarkozy calcula que las medidas de Washington serán \"efectivas\" entre finales de marzo y principios de abril.\nPara compensar en parte los efectos de la reducción temporal del IVA, los presupuestos británicos contemplan un incremento de los impuestos al alcohol y el tabaco a partir de diciembre de 2009, así como un aumento de dos peniques por litro en las tasas al combustible desde el 1 de diciembre de 2008. Con estas medidas y el aumento del déficit, hasta el 8%, el gobierno espera tener los suficientes recursos como para afrontar los peores momentos de la crisis. El anuncio ha animado a las bolsas europeas, que ya subían gracias al rescate de Citigroup, que han registrado una jornada de fuertes subidas.\nMerkel y Sarkozy, en contra\nSobre estos planes, la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, ha rechazado desde París adoptar rebajas del IVA para atajar la crisis al igual que ha anunciado Reino Unido. \"Una reducción general del IVA puede ser la respuesta apropiada para ciertos países pero no es una medida adecuada para Francia y Alemania\", ha asegurado la dirigente tras entrevistarse con el presidente Nicolas Sarkozy en el marco de las negociaciones sobre el plan de choque que deben acordar esta semana los países de la UE en el Consejo Europeo.\nEn la misma línea, Merkel ha advertido contra las prisas y los efectos perjudiciales que tendría acordar un plan económico de forma \"precipitada\" ya que las informaciones de las que se dispone a día de hoy \"no son siempre fáciles\" de interpretar y se corre el riesgo de confundir \"acción y precipitación\". Por este motivo, han abogado por medidas de relanzamiento económico \"apropiados para cada país en función de su situación\" y coordinados con el resto de la UE. Ambos países quieren que Europa entre en el \"camino de la coordinación\", ha declarado por su parte Sarkozy, que también comparte la visión de Merkel sobre la rebaja de este impuesto.\nOtro punto en común entre ambos líderes ha sido su apuesta por la industria del automóvil. \"No dejaremos caer a la industria del automóvil\". De este lado, según el presidente francés, no se puede encontrar \"en una situación con un régimen de ayudas de Estado\" que imponga no ayudar a los fabricantes de automóviles europeos y, al mismo tiempo, \"ponerles obligaciones suplementarias para fabricar vehículos limpios\", mientras los estadounidenses lanzan un plan de ayudas de 25.000 millones de dólares a sus tres gigantes de la automoción.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Policía anuncia el rescate de tres mujeres cautivas en Londres durante 30 años
Foto de archivo del icónico letrero en la actual sede de la Policía Metropolitana de Londres. La anunció ayer que condujeron una operación el mes pasado para rescatar a tres mujeres que estuvieron en estado de durante treinta años en una casa en , en el sur de Londres. Fueron liberadas el pasado 25 de octubre después de que una de las mujeres reportó su situación a una organización sin fines de lucro que trataba con casos de . La policía declaró: "La policía fue contactada en octubre por después de que recibieron una llamada de una mujer que declaraba haber sido mantenida contra su voluntad en una casa en Londres durante más de 30 años. Investigaciones posteriores de la policía revelaron la ubicación de la casa y con la ayuda de negociaciones sensibles conducidas por la organización de caridad las tres mujeres, una de 69 años, una de 57 años, y una de 30 años, fueron rescatadas." Las tres mujeres declararon haber sido mantenidas en cautiverio por dos personas de 67 años, un hombre y una mujer, que fueron arrestados y liberados bajo fianza hasta enero. La mujer de 30 años "no ha tenido contacto con el mundo exterior", dijo la policía. La policía llamó a este el caso más grave de esclavitud en la historia moderna de Gran Bretaña. Freedom Charity, la organización sin fines de lucro que reportó el caso a la policía, fue contactada por la mujer irlandesa, que había visto un documental en el canal que trataba sobre los matrimonios forzados. Una semana después realizó la llamada, y luego de posteriores investigaciones por parte de la policía, las mujeres fueron liberadas. El Detective Inspector Kevin Hyland, de la unidad de trata de personas de la Policía Metropolitana, dijo que nunca habían "visto algo de esta magnitud antes" y dijo que las mujeres estaban "altamente traumadas".
[ "Londres", "Judicial", "Europa" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "'Slave' women rescued: Three held in 'horrific conditions'", "text": "'Slave' women rescued: Three held in 'horrific conditions'\nPlease turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.\nContinue reading the main story Related Stories\nThree women rescued from a house after allegedly being held as slaves for 30 years were kept in \"horrific conditions\", a charity has said.\nFreedom Charity said it had been called by a woman who said she and two others were being held in south London.\nA Malaysian woman, 69, an Irish woman, 57, and a Briton, 30, were rescued on 25 October, it emerged on Thursday.\nA 67-year-old man and woman, understood to be married, were arrested in Lambeth and later bailed until January.\nDetective Inspector Kevin Hyland, from the Metropolitan Police's human trafficking unit, said: \"This is the very early stages of a complicated and sensitive investigation.\n\"These women are highly traumatised, having been held in servitude for at least 30 years with no real exposure to the outside world, and, trying to find out exactly what has happened over three decades will understandably take some time.\"\nThe women were found following delicate phone conversations between the charity and the 57-year-old, who had secretly gained access to a phone.\n'Ordinary street'\nShe first called on October 18 and there followed a number of phone conversations over a week.\nThe three women eventually left the property when the occupants of the house were not around, the charity said.\nPlease turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.\nThey were met by police and representatives from the group, and were then moved to a safe location.\nSpeaking to the BBC, Aneeta Prem, founder of Freedom Charity, said it was investigating how the women had remained hidden for so long.\n\"In a very busy capital city we often don't know our neighbours. We're looking at people who were kept against their will in an ordinary residential street in central London,\" she said.\n'Incredibly emotional'\nMs Prem said of the initial contact with the Irish woman: \"She said she had been held against her will.\nContinue reading the main story Freedom Charity Launched in December 2010 to help children suffering from forced marriage or \"honour\" violence or at risk\nFounded by London magistrate Aneeta Prem, who wrote a children's book about forced marriage which is recommended by the government\nDesigned an app with the Metropolitan Police to help young people at risk of forced marriage\nAlso works with the Home Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office\nHas called on the government to keep records of children who do not return to school after summer holidays in order to monitor forced marriages\n\"She was able to use a phone but that was done in a very secret way, the people in the house didn't know she had it.\n\"It was a process of just over a week where there was lots of phone calls and they gained the trust of the charity, and by doing that they felt confident to reveal enough information, and obviously the police were involved, and they managed to walk out of the house when nobody was around.\n\"We were waiting for them with the police and we managed to get them to a place of safety.\n\"They have absolutely nothing now and as a charity we're trying to support them.\n\"It was a very emotional time. When we got the message they were outside the front door, the whole call centre erupted in cheers and there were tears, and everyone was incredibly emotional to know we had helped to rescue three ladies who had been held in such horrific conditions.\"\n'Some freedom'\nThe 30-year-old had spent her whole life in captivity, police believe, and officers are trying to establish whether she was born in the house.\nIt is not yet known if the women are related.\nOfficers said the arrested couple were not British nationals and it was \"very unlikely\" that the alleged victims were related to them because of their nationalities.\nDet Insp Hyland said they had \"never seen anything of this magnitude before\".\nHe added that the women had had controlled lives and spent most of their time indoors, but they had some freedom.\nPolice said the facts behind the situation were being established slowly as specialist workers were assisting the women.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "London slaves: three women freed after 30 years' captivity", "text": "Three women have walked to freedom from a south London house where they were held for 30 years in what police described as the worst case of modern-day slavery ever uncovered in Britain.\nPolice said on Thursday the youngest woman, a 30-year-old British citizen, had had \"no contact with the outside world\" and was probably born in captivity, possibly within the house in Lambeth.\nAll three women – a 69-year-old from Malaysia, a 57-year-old from Ireland and the British woman – were described as \"deeply traumatised\", and were being looked after by specialists.\nThe extraordinary story of how the women were rescued from three decades of fear and enslavement within an \"ordinary house in an ordinary street\" in south London emerged on Thursday after the Metropolitan police's human trafficking unit arrested an unnamed man and woman, both 67, at the same property in Lambeth, at 7.30am.\nThe pair, who are not British citizens, were bailed early on Friday morning until a date in January. They were arrested on suspicion of being involved in forced labour and domestic servitude, contrary to Section 71 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009.\nThe arrest was the final act in a highly sensitive, secretive investigation aimed first at rescuing the women and then getting evidence to detain the suspects.\nIt began when the Irish woman made an audacious telephone call for help last month. She acted after seeing a television documentary and watching the founder of an organisation called the Freedom Charity being interviewed.\nAneeta Prem, the founder of the organisation, said it was a news interview she carried out after a documentary that led to the call for help. \"The Irish lady saw me on TV and the name of the charity was a catalyst. That is exactly what they wanted, they wanted freedom,\" she said.\nThe charity contacted the police. Tense negotiations took place over a week during secret telephone calls that the women were able to make from the house, before – in a carefully choreographed rescue – the three women were able to walk out of the property on 25 October, where officers were waiting.\nThey were taken into specialist care, and over days and weeks they were coaxed into talking about what had happened to them. Detective Inspector Kevin Hyland, who leads the Met's human trafficking unit, said what had been uncovered in the home was like nothing the police had ever experienced before.\n\"In London we have investigated cases where people have been held in servitude or forced labour for up to 10 years, but 30 years is quite extraordinary and not something we have seen before,\" he said.\nHe added the youngest victim had probably spent her whole life \"under the control or in the company of these people\".\nHyland said the three women were highly traumatised and were being kept in a place of safety. He said it had taken time following their rescue for them to be able to talk to the police.\n\"There's a lot of difficulties with the victims,\" he said. \"These are deeply traumatised people and we are getting professional help to establish the events that have happened to them.\n\"It's been a very difficult process to establish the facts, one that we haven't experienced before.\n\"When we had established the facts we conducted the arrests.\n\"We've established that all three women were held in this situation for at least 30 years.\n\"They had limited freedom, there was some controlled freedom but their lives were allegedly one of domestic servants or forced labour. They were living in a normal community, but that's not unusual for cases of servitude, trafficking or forced labour.\"\nMore details of the rescue emerged later on Thursday. The Met police said the initial call to the charity was made by the Irish captive on 18 October, after the women had watched a documentary about forced marriage.\nThe woman told the helpline she had been held against her will in a house in London for more than 30 years. She also said there were two others with her.\nThe charity passed the information on to the police and detectives began to investigate to establish the exact location where the women were being held.\nAt the same time, workers from the Freedom Charity maintained contact with the women in a series of secret phone calls.\nThe call to the charity came through some time after the TV documentary was broadcast.\nPrem said her workers treated \"every call as a last chance\" and immediately sought to help the women. \"We gained their trust over a period of telephone calls when they could telephone. That had to be done in secret,\" she said.\n\"They were very brave to carry on with that. It was very difficult for them to get to the telephone. They gave us set times when they were able to speak to us.\"\nThe rescue was planned for 25 October when arrangements were made to meet them at an agreed location.\nTwo of the women – the 30-year-old and 57-year-old – walked out of the house and met the charity workers and the police as planned. They then identified the location where they had been held and the police moved in to rescue the eldest woman from the property on the same day.\nDescribing the conditions the women have been living in, Prem said: \"They felt they were in massive danger.\" Their alleged captors were the \"heads of the family\" and the women were \"absolutely terrified\" of them.\n\"They were living lives of domestic servitude,\" she said. \"They did have rooms that they could use but they were really restricted about what they could do and could never leave the front door.\"\nPrem told BBC Newsnight: \"They are very distressed about what's happened but they're making steady process. I've spent a great deal of time with them and think they're making as much progress as we can expect them to. It's been very difficult for them.\"\nDescribing the moment they walked out of the house, Prem said: \"They threw their arms around me and thanked me for work we have done … it was a very, very emotional time.\"\nThe case has echoes of abductions of three woman by Ariel Castro in Ohio in the US in 2002 and 2004, and of the Elisabeth Fritzl and Natascha Kampusch incarcerations in Austria.\nOn 25 October the rescue operation came to fruition, and the women were able to walk to freedom without their captors realising. \"It was planned that they would be able to walk out of the property. The police were on standby,\" said Prem. \"I don't believe the neighbours knew anything about it at all. It was just an ordinary house in an ordinary street.\"\nIn the offices of the charity, the workers were elated when the call confirming they were safe came through. \"When we found out that they came out of that house, there were huge cheers here that they were safe,\" said Prem.\nDespite her work on so-called \"honour\" crimes and forced marriages, she – like the police – had never seen enslavement of this magnitude.\n\"We have had no experience of anything like this before. We have spoken to other people around this and it's out of our comfort zones,\" she said.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Three women rescued after 'decades of slavery' in south London home", "text": "Three \"highly traumatised\" women have been rescued from a house in south London where they appear to have been held captive for three decades, Scotland Yard has said.\nA 69-year-old Malaysian woman, a 57-year-old Irish woman and a 30-year-old British woman were all rescued from the residential address on Thursday morning by detectives from the Metropolitan police human trafficking unit.\nTwo suspects – a 67-year-old man and a 67-year-old woman – were arrested at the address under the investigation into slavery and domestic servitude, the force said in a statement.\nScotland Yard said: \"Police were contacted in October by Freedom Charity after they had received a call from a woman stating she had been held against her will in a house in London for more than 30 years.\n\"Further inquiries by police revealed the location of the house and with the help of sensitive negotiations conducted by the charity the three women, a 69-year-old Malaysian woman, a 57-year-old Irish woman and a 30-year-old British woman, were all rescued.\n\"All three women, who were highly traumatised, were taken to a place of safety where they remain.\"\nAneeta Prem, founder of the Freedom Charity, said the three women were in effect kept in \"domestic slavery\" and felt they were not allowed to leave the house because of their fear of their alleged captors.\nThere did not appear to any sexual element to the alleged captivity, Prem added.\n\"One of the key things that has come up is that these three ladies were absolutely terrified by these people,\" she told Sky News.\nPrem said one of the woman called the charity's helpline, which led to a week of calls before the operation to release them. The contact was in secret because \"they felt like they were in massive danger\", Prem said. \"With the help of the police we were able to get them out.\"\nThe address where they were found was \"just an ordinary house in an ordinary street that wouldn't raise any concerns with anybody else\", she said, adding that neighbours did not appear to have known anything.\nThe three presumed victims had access to their own rooms but were \"very restricted on everything they could do\", Prem said.\nThe women were all together in a place of safety and were doing well, she added.\nPrem said there was concern that the women would not in the end want to leave \"because obviously 30 years, being held in a very difficult situation, you become very institutionalised to a very bad way of living, so we had to ensure that when they were going to come out they didn't then decide they were going to go back in\".\nAt a police press conference officers said they believed the 30-year-old woman who was rescued had lived in the house her entire life against her will, had no contact with outside world that most would consider normal. The three women were kept under a strong degree of control, officers said. Reports said the house concerned was in the Lambeth borough area of south London.\nDetective Inspector Kevin Hyland, from the Met police's Human Trafficking Unit, said: \"We applaud the actions of Freedom Charity and are working in partnership to support these victims who appear to have been held for over 30 years. We have launched an extensive investigation to establish the facts surrounding these very serious allegations.\"\nHe added: \"A television documentary on forced marriages relating to the work of the Freedom Charity was the catalyst that prompted one of the victims to call for help and led to their rescue.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "How tiny charity uncovered Britain's most extreme case of domestic slavery", "text": "The Freedom Charity volunteer staffing the organisation's 24-hour helpline one day in October would not have been expecting the startling phone call that would lead to the uncovering of what the Metropolitan police would call the most extreme case of domestic slavery they have seen.\nThe tiny charity specialises in going into schools to deliver talks about how to recognise the signs of forced marriage.\nIt encourages calls to its helpline from predominantly south Asian youngsters worried they are being pushed into marriage against their will, or fearful of becoming the victim of so-called \"honour crimes\".\nBut the volunteer knew exactly how to respond.\nAlthough the story she heard – of three women held captive in a south London house for 30 years – seemed on a scale that was hard to believe, she recognised the telltale signs of fear and coercion.\nThe women had watched an ITV documentary about forced marriage which featured the work of Freedom Charity.\nAccording to the charity's chair, Lord Harris of Haringey, that gave the captives the confidence to make the initial contact.\n\"One of the women saw the programme and clearly thought 'they look like nice, safe people' and made the call.\"\nMore calls followed over the next few days as the helpline operators patiently built up a rapport with the nervous women.\nWhen the three of them walked free from the house to the safety of waiting police officers in late October, at the conclusion of an operation planned with \"utmost sensitivity and secrecy\", there were cheers at Freedom Charity.\n\"There were lots of tears and hugging,\" said charity founder Aneeta Prem.\nExtraordinary as this particular case was, enforced domestic slavery is not unique in the UK, although it is often hard to detect, hidden as it is behind closed doors on ordinary streets in ordinary towns and cities.\nDetective Inspector Kevin Hyland's specialist police unit receives reports of 200 slavery cases a year. \"We've dealt with cases, and convicted people, who've kept children in houses in similar circumstances – it's something we would bring to the attention of communities that it does happen,\" he said.\nKatie Barker, UK community action coordinator at the charity Stop the Traffik, says that trafficking is one of world's fastest growing crimes, and more common in the UK than people may think.\n\"It's always shocking. But,\" she added \"we were not necessarily surprised\" as reports of the story of the three women emerged. \"We know that this goes on.\"\nThis case involved three women: one British and aged 30, thought to have been held at the house in Lambeth all her life; a 57-year old from Ireland; and a 69-year-old from Malaysia.\n\"Anyone can be trafficked,\" says Barker. \"It does not matter where you are from or what your background is.\n\"It's about vulnerability: coercion is a major part of trafficking. If people can be exploited, then someone will exploit them.\" The Walk Free Foundation estimates there are between 4,300 and 4,600 slaves in the UK.\nIn the three months since April there were 383 referrals to the Home Office trafficking database, comprising individuals from 51 countries of origin.\nExperts warn that as the referral mechanism is dependent on self-reporting, the figure may be higher.\nThe most common \"exploitation types\" for both adults and minors found to have been trafficked were domestic servitude and labour exploitation, although significant numbers of referrals involved trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation.\nA series of recent court cases have shed some light on the phenomenon. In one of the most high profile examples, in July last year, four members of a family, described by police as \"an organised criminal group\", were found guilty at Luton crown court of forcing destitute men into servitude.\nTommy Sr, James-John, Patrick and Josie Connors were convicted of controlling, exploiting, verbally abusing and beating the men for financial gain and face a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison.\nMany of the victims were homeless and addicted to alcohol or drugs. They had been recruited in soup kitchens and outside dole offices and promised cash payments for manual labour.\nOnce in the family's grip they were forced to work up to 19 hours a day for no pay while being routinely abused, underfed and housed in filthy sheds and horse boxes.\nA pre-dawn raid in September freed 23 men from the Greenacres caravan site at Little Billington near Leighton Buzzard. Convictions followed under section 71 of the 2009 Coroners and Justice Act, which outlaws slavery and servitude.\nA report this year by the Centre for Social Justice thinktank, entitled It Happens Here, warned that despite William Wilberforce's abolition campaign over 200 years ago, there are still slaves in Britain.\nMany cases, it said, do not involve international trafficking: \"Increasingly we are seeing that UK nationals are also forced into modern slavery, without crossing any international border.\"", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Congresista estadounidense está en coma farmacológico
Lugar donde ocurrió el tiroteo, cercado por la policía. En Estados Unidos continúa la expectativa por el estado de salud de la congresista demócrata Gabrielle Giffords, que sufrió una herida de bala y actualmente se encuentra en coma inducido por fármacos. El atentado ocurrió el sábado, donde murieron 6 personas, y otras 12 resultaron heridas. left La congresista, internada en el Centro Médico Universitario de Tucson, ingresó ayer con una herida de bala en la cabeza.Se le practicó una cirugía de emergencia, y se supo que la bala impacto de frente, atravesó el cerebro y salió por detrás. Los médicos son optimistas, y Giffords pudo responder a estímulos, abrió y cerró los ojos, aunque no habló. ;Identifican al autor de los hechos El agresor fue identificado como Jared Lee Loughner, de unos 22 años, quien aparentemente tendría un pasado "traumático". Loughner está acusado de asesinato e intento de asesinato. El juez federal John McCarthy Roll y un miembro del equipo de Giffords, Gabriel Zimmerman, resultaron muertos. Se sospecha que el atacante no actuó solo, y suponen que el objetivo era la congresista, Loughner hizo unos 20 disparos antes de llegar a ella, acertándole un disparo en la cabeza desde 1,5 metros. Luego intentó huir, pero fue derribado por dos personas que se encontraban en el lugar, y luego detenido por agentes de policía.
[ "Norteamérica", "Estados Unidos", "Arizona", "Judicial", "Tiroteo de Tucson de 2011" ]
[ { "language": "es", "title": "EE.UU: la congresista permanece en coma farmacológico", "text": "Sábado 8 de enero de 2011 | 17:21 (actualizado hace 2 días)\nVigilia en Arizona Foto: AFP\nPHOENIX, EE.UU.- La congresista de Estados Unidos, Gabrielle Giffords, peleaba por su vida esta mañana, después de que ayer un hombre le disparara en la cabeza y matara a otras seis personas, entre ellas a un juez federal, mientras asistía a un acto político en Tucson.\nLa legisladora demócrata de 40 años se encuentra en estado crítico y los médicos señalaron que tenían un optimismo cauto sobre sus posibilidades de supervivencia. La bala de 9 milímetros -disparada con un arma semiautomática- entró por la parte frontal de la cabeza de la congresista, le atravesó el cerebro, y salió por la parte posterior.\nSegún Darcy Slaten, portavoz del Centro Médico Universitario, donde Gifford se encuentra internada, los doctores sometieron a la congresista a una prueba de escáner TAC (tomografía axial computarizada) y su situación no se modificó en las últimas horas. Tras ser invertenida, se encuentra en coma farmacológico.\nEl daño que presenta es por la bala y el trayecto que provocó la bala, que se movió hacia el lado izquierdo, el que controla los sentidos y el habla. \"La intervención estuvo orientada a quitarle la presión del cerebro generada por la bala. Pero resultó exitoso\", dijeron los médicos en conferencia de prensa.\nPersonas auxiliadas - Foto: AP Foto 1 de 14\n\"Debido al tipo de heridas que presenta la congresista no podemos hablar menos que de semanas para su recuperación. De todos modos no lo podemos precisar. Ella respondió a pedidos muy simples como abrir o cerrar los ojos, pero aún no habla\", explicaron.\n\"Cuando uno recibe una herida de bala en la cabeza las chances de vivir son muy pequeñas. Aquí estamos muy optimistas porque la paciente está con vida\", agregaron.\nEl sospechoso, identificado como Jared Lee Loughner, de 22 años, disparó a quemarropa con una pistola semiautomática afuera de un supermercado en la tarde del sábado. Fue atrapado y arrojado al suelo por dos transeúntes después del tiroteo. En el hecho murieron seis personas y oras doce resultaron heridas.\nClarence Dupnik, uno de los oficiales a cargo de la investigación, informó que el sospechoso \"tiene un pasado algo traumático\" y planteó que desde la fuerza creen que \"no actuó solo\". Añadió, también, que alimentan la hipótesis de que Giffords era el objetivo del hombre armado.\nAdemás, lamentó que las amenazas contra los políticos del país sean cada vez más comunes y afirmó que él mismo las ha recibido.\nLa policía de Tucson indicó que el sospechoso intentó huir, pero fue atrapado por un transeúnte y detenido por los agentes. Andrea Gooden, una testigo que estaba en una oficina enfrente de la tienda de comestibles, dijo a Fox News que vio gente salir corriendo del lugar y gritando, antes de que llegaran la policía y los bomberos dos minutos más tarde.\nPor otro lado, agregó, que el asesino disparó contra Giffords desde una distancia corta cuando esta se dirigía a un grupo de simpatizantes. Otra testigo dijo a CNN que escuchó entre 15 y 20 disparos y vio gente corriendo y gritando antes de que llegara la policía y camiones de los bomberos dos minutos más tarde. Imágenes mostraban paramédicos corriendo con camillas hacia helicópteros desde el lugar del crimen.\nEl hecho conmovió a Washington, donde el Congreso suspendió una votación clave sobre la reforma a la salud la próxima semana. Luego de una amarga campaña electoral el año pasado, algunos sugieren que la fuerte retórica de los políticos pudo haber jugado un papel en el tiroteo.\nAcusación. Loughner fue acusado de cinco cargos de asesinato o intento de asesinato. Así consta en el escrito de acusación que ha sido formulado contra Loughner, que mañana tiene previsto comparecer ante un juez, según informó la cadena CNN.\nLos cargos son tres, por intento de asesinato de un funcionario público, como son la congresista Gabrielle Giffords y dos de los miembros de su equipo que resultaron heridos, Pam Simon y Ron Barber, que también permanecen hospitalizados.\nLos otros dos cargos son por asesinato en primer grado, uno por la muerte del juez federal John Roll, y otro por Gabriel Zimmerman, uno de los directores del equipo de la congresista.\nEn una comparecencia esta mañana, el director de la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), Robert Mueller, indicó que estos cargos son solo el principio, y que Loughner podría ser procesado bajo la ley que persigue el terrorismo doméstico.\nLa investigación. Según reporta el sitio del diario The New York Times, el magistrado federal, John Roll, que murió en el ataque, llevaba varios casos de inmigrantes y la legisladora era una férrea crítica de la ley de inimigración de Arizona, que busca perseguir, identificar y deportar a los inmigrantes ilegales. Sin embargo, ella presionó para que se aumente el número de tropas que custodian la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos, y está en favor de que la legalización de los inmigrantes esté condicionada a la verificación de antecedentes penales, el pago de impuestos y el aprendizaje de inglés. De acuerdo a sus familiares, como publicó el sitio, la mujer ya habia varias amenazas en los últimos años.\nJared L. Loughner, el presunto agresor Foto: AP /\nQuién es la legisladora. Giffords, reelecta en la votación del 2 de noviembre, estaba enfocada en una reforma a la inmigración, temas militares, investigaciones relacionadas con células madre y energías alternativas mientras servía en el Congreso. Esta casada con Mark Kelly, un astronauta de la NASA que debe comandar la tripulación del transbordador Endeavour, en principio el último vuelo de esas naves previsto para la primavera boreal.\nAgencias AFP, Reuters, EFE y AP", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "es", "title": "Congresista de EEUU queda gravemente herida, seis personas mueren a raíz de atentado", "text": "La congresista Gabrielle Giffords recibió anoche una herida grave, seis personas perecieron y otras nueve se encuentran en estado de diverso grado de gravedad tras un atentado cometido en Tucson, Arizona, informaron medios noticiosos.\nEl incidente ocurrió durante una reunión de Giffords con los electores. Según testigos presenciales, de la muchedumbre salió un hombre y empezó a disparar indiscriminadamente.\nAnteriormente, muchos medios informaron de la muerte de Giffords. Pero según datos de última hora, la congresista internada recuperó el conocimiento y ya habló con su marido Mark Kelly, quien llegó del Centro Espacial de Huston. Astronauta y capitán de la aviación naval, Kelly encabezará el abril próximo la última misión del shuttle Endeavor.\nAunque el estado de Giffords es grave, los médicos valoran con optimismo sus perspectivas de convalecer, aunque señalan que la recuperación de la salud llevará tiempo y que las próximas 24 horas serán de importancia crítica.\nGiffrods es miembro del Partido Demócrata. Durante su actividad en la Cámara de Representantes del Congreso se impuso como partidaria activa de desarrollar fuentes renovables de energía. Defendió el derecho de los estadounidenses a portar armas. En más de una ocasión reconoció tenerlas ella y se opuso bruscamente a las iniciativas de prohibir la venta de armas.\nLa policía logró detener al atacante, un tal Jared Lee Loughner, de 22 años. Según jueces de instrucción, Loughner llegó a la reunión con el fin de matar a Giffords. Hizo unos 20 disparos hacia los reunidos y luego dio un balazo en la cabeza de la congresista desde distancia de unos 1,5 metros.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Europäisches Parlament gibt 3,4 Milliarden Euro für Aufbau des Satellitensystems „Galileo“ frei
Dem Aufbau eines eigenständigen europäischen Satellitennavigationssystems unter der Projektbezeichnung „Galileo“ steht nun nichts mehr im Weg. Das Europäische Parlament gab heute die Mittel frei, damit bereits im Sommer die Ausschreibungen für den Aufbau von „Galileo“ auf den Weg gebracht werden können. Mit dem EU-Ministerrat wurde im Vorfeld bereits eine Einigung erzielt, so dass dieser nur noch formal zustimmen muss. Bild:Gioveasignal.png|thumb|250px|Das erste 2006 ausgesandte Giove-Signal im L1-Frequenzband (1575.42 MHz) „Galileo“, das in Konkurrenz zum bereits bestehenden US-amerikanischen GPS-System entwickelt wird, soll in der Endausbaustufe im Jahr 2013 aus insgesamt 30 Satelliten und mehreren Bodenstationen bestehen. Im Gegensatz zum GPS, das unter der Kontrolle des US-Verteidigungsministeriums steht, soll „Galileo“ genauere Positionsbestimmungen ermöglichen, die vor allem vom Verkehrswesen abgefragt werden. Federführend für die Realisierung des Projekts ist die Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA). Viele europäische Firmen hoffen auf einen Zuschlag für die Ausführung bestimmter Teile des Projekts, unter anderem in den Bereichen Systemplanung, Aufbau und Konstruktion von Bodenstationen, Kontrollsystem und Satellitenbau. Der Versuch der Europäischen Union, ein Konsortium von Firmen an der Finanzierung des Satellitennavigationssystems zu beteiligen, war im vergangenen Jahr gescheitert. Die politischen Entscheidungsträger innerhalb der Europäischen Union hatten daraufhin beschlossen, „Galileo“ in eigener Regie weiterzuverfolgen. Die auf 3,4 Milliarden Euro geschätzten Kosten des Projekts sollen nun allein aus Steuermitteln aufgebracht werden. Schon am kommenden Sonntag, den 27. April soll ein weiterer Schritt zum Aufbau des Systems getan werden. Vom russischen Weltraumbahnhof Baiqongyr soll dann mit Hilfe einer russischen Trägerrakete ein zweiter Testsatellit mit der Bezeichnung GIOVE B ins All befördert werden. „GIOVE A“ war bereits 2005 gestartet worden.
[ "Themenportal Wissenschaft", "Themenportal Politik", "Themenportal Wirtschaft", "Themenportal Europa", "Themenportal Europäische Union", "Wirtschaft in Europa", "Wirtschaft in der Europäischen Union", "Politik in der Europäischen Union", "Raumfahrt allg.", "Unbemannte Raumfahrt", "ESA", "Galileo (Satellitennavigation)" ]
[ { "language": "de", "title": "Klares Ja zum Satellitensystem Galileo", "text": "23. April 2008, 16:32\nKlares Ja zum Satellitensystem Galileo\nDer Aufbau des EU-Satellitennavigationssystems Galileo kann beginnen. Das EU-Parlament gab in Strassburg mit grosser Mehrheit grünes Licht.\nDie EU-Kommission will noch vor der Sommerpause zusammen mit der Europäischen Raumfahrtagentur Esa die Aufträge für das 3,4 Milliarden Euro teure Vorhaben ausschreiben. Nachdem die ursprünglich geplante Zusammenarbeit mit einem Industriekonsortium gescheitert war, beschloss die EU, Galileo in eigener Regie aufzubauen. Die Schweiz strebt als Esa-Mitglied bei Galileo eine direkte Beteiligung an.\nZahlreiche offene Fragen\nEin konkretes Verhandlungsmandat des Bundesrates liegt laut dem Integrationsbüro (IB) jedoch noch nicht vor. Laut dem IB-Experten Lukas Gresch muss insbesondere abgeklärt werden, welche Vorteile sich aus einer direkten Beteiligung ergäben - und zu welchen Kosten.\nWie genau die Beschaffungsregeln aussehen und wie sich Industriebetriebe aus Drittstaaten als Subunternehmer beim Galileo-Aufbau beteiligen könnten, ist gemäss Gresch noch nicht vollständig klar. Auch gebe es noch offene Fragen zu Haftung und Exportkontrolle, die bei einem weiteren Sondierungsgespräch geklärt werden müssten.\n2013 als Zieldatum\nBetriebsbereit soll das europäische Navigationssystem, das 30 Satelliten und mehrere Bodenstationen umfassen wird, im Jahr 2013 sein. Die Europäische Union will mit dem Prestigeprojekt dem amerikanischen Navigationssystem GPS Konkurrenz machen. An diesem Wochenende soll der zweite Test-Satellit vom Weltraumbahnhof Baikonur in Kasachstan ins All geschossen werden.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "de", "title": "Grünes Licht für Galileo-Ausschreibungen", "text": "Artikel-Services\nSatellitennavigation\nGrünes Licht für Galileo-Ausschreibungen\nDas europäische Satellitensystem Galileo soll ab dem Jahr 2013 dem amerikanischen GPS Konkurrenz machen. Am Sonntag startet der zweite Testsatellit ins All. Das Europaparlament hat jetzt den Weg für neue Ausschreibungen der Aufträge freigemacht.\n23. April 2008\nDer Aufbau des geplanten europäischen Satellitennavigationssystems Galileo kann beginnen. Das Europäische Parlament stimmte am Mittwoch einer Verordnung über die Finanzierung und Auftragsvergabe des Milliardenprojekts zu. Zuvor war ein Kompromiss mit dem EU-Ministerrat vereinbart worden, der das Programm jetzt nur noch formal auf den Weg bringen muss. Galileo soll bis 2013 in Betrieb genommen werden.\nDie Europäische Kommission will die Aufträge zum Aufbau des Systems noch bis zur Sommerpause ausschreiben. Aufträge werden für die Systemplanung, die Bodeneinrichtungen, das Kontrollsystem, den Satellitenbau sowie für Start und Betrieb der Satelliten vergeben. Mindestens 40 rozent eines Pakets müssen an Subunternehmer vergeben werden. Mit dieser Form der Auftragsvergabe soll unter anderem erreicht werden, dass Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Mitgliedstaaten zum Zuge kommen. Deutsche Unternehmen rechnen sich unter anderem gute Chancen bei Kontrollzentren und Satellitenbau aus. Gute Chancen auf einen Auftrag für den Satellitenbau hat die EADS-Tochter Astrium, die bereits einen Testsatelliten für das System konstruierte.\nFinanziert wird das aus 30 Satelliten bestehende System aus dem EU-Haushalt. Für Aufbau und Testbetrieb wurden 3,4 Mrd EUR veranschlagt. Galileo soll den Europäern die Unabhängigkeit von dem US-Navigationssystem GPS bringen. Dessen zivile Nutzung kann theoretisch jederzeit vom US-Verteidigungsministerium eingeschränkt werden. Zudem soll Galileo genauere Positionsbestimmungen im Straßen-, See-, Luft- und Schienenverkehr ermöglichen. Am Sonntag wird im kasachischen Baikonur der zweite Galileo-Testsatellit Giove-B ins All gebracht.\nVoll funktionsfähig wird Galileo aber frühestens in fünf Jahren sein. Ursprünglich sollte das Satelliten-Navigationssystem schon dieses Jahr in Betrieb gehen, nach langen Querelen zwischen den beteiligten Unternehmen und der Politik wird nun Mitte 2013 als Startdatum angepeilt. An den vier ersten der insgesamt 30 Satelliten für das endgültige System wird bereits gebaut.\nText: FAZ.NET\nBildmaterial: AFP", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Five dead after bar attack in Bamako, Mali
The attack took place in the capital city of Bamako Five people, including two Europeans, have been killed by gunmen during an attack on a bar in , the capital city of Mali, early on Sunday morning. At least nine others were injured during the attack in which the assailants used machine guns and grenades. Three Malians, a French national, and a Belgian security official who was working for the European Union were killed. At least three Swiss nationals, including soldiers, are amongst the wounded. Local newspaper ''al-Akhbar'' reported , an Islamic extremist group, say they are behind the shooting. Gunmen attacked the La Terrasse bar shortly at around 1:00a.m. French soldiers were on-scene soon after the attack had started. Commenting for the BBC, Alex Duval-Smith said "When I arrived there about an hour after the attack, there was a white body bag on the floor. A dozen Malian police were at the scene, including an inspector who used tables and stools to cordon off the bar. A witness said the attackers had sped off in a vehicle and on a motorbike and that one had shouted ''". al-Murabitun hold territory in Northern Mali. According to the they are "newly-formed". French President François Hollande said the shooting was "cowardly" and spoke to , the President of Mali. During the conversation he offered Mali "the aid of France" to fight extremism. The French Embassy in Bamako has warned its citizens living in the city to be on high alert. This is believed to be the first attack by a Islamist group in the capital city. In 2013 French troops aided in displacing Islamist forces from towns in Northern Mali. Mali still has around 1,000 serving French soldiers stationed in the country. == Sources == * * *
[ "Mali", "Africa", "France", "Belgium", "Switzerland", "Europe", "Politics and conflicts", "Crime and law", "Military", "François Hollande", "Mike Smith (Wikinewsie)", "European Union", "Religion", "Islam", "Ibrahim Boubacar Keita" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Report: Jihadist group says it carried out attack that killed five at Mali bar", "text": "Story highlights A jihadist group claims responsibility in an audio recording, news agency reports\nThe Malian government calls the shooting a \"terrorist act\"\nOne French citizen, one Belgian and three Malians are killed\n(CNN) A shooting at a bar popular with expatriates in Mali on Saturday killed five people, including French and Belgian citizens, authorities said.\nOne French citizen, one Belgian and three Malians were killed in the attack in the capital of Bamako, said Gabriel Toure, director of a local hospital.\nAn additional eight people were wounded, he said.\nAuthorities called the shooting a \"criminal and terrorist act.\"\n\"Mali remains committed to seeking peace and will not be intimidated by those who have no other motives than to do away (with) the prospects of peace and harmony amongst the Malians,\" the government said in a statement.\nA North African jihadist group, al-Murabitun, claimed responsibility for the attack, according to Mauritanian news agency Al Akhbar. The purported claim came in an audio message in which the group said it carried out the attack in retaliation for the killing of one of its leaders, Al Akhbar said.\n\"Al-Murabitun may be considered a regional competitor to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM),\" according to the Jamestown Foundation, a Washington-based research and analysis firm. The U.S. State Department said in January that al-Murabitun is a \"newly-formed\" militant group that has presence in northern Mali.\nFrench Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said the victim from his country was 31 years old.\nFrench President Francois Hollande released a statement condemning the attack.\nU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his condolences to the victims' families in a news conference in Paris on Saturday.\n\"This is an act of cowardice,\" he said. \"But an act of opening fire in a restaurant filled with innocent civilians -- in the end, that only strengthens our resolve to fight terrorism in all of its forms, wherever it exists.\"\nThe French Embassy in Bamako warned its citizens to be on alert if they go out in public.\nThough it's unclear whether any rebel group is responsible for the attack, Malian forces have battled Islamist militants in the northern part of the nation for years.\nFabius said the Malian government was interrogating some suspects.\nMali plunged into chaos after soldiers staged a coup three years ago. As a result, Tuareg fighters capitalized on the power vacuum to launch an insurgency that ended with their takeover of the north.\nAfter the Tuareg fighters seized the region, a power struggle erupted with local Islamist radicals. The extremists toppled the tribe and seized control of a large piece of northern Mali, an area the size of France.\nSince then, the nation has battled various rebel factions, mostly in the northern region, with the help of French and African forces.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Mali nightclub attack kills five in Bamako", "text": "Mali nightclub attack kills five in Bamako\nMali's conflict with separatist Tuareg rebels has been complicated by the rise of Islamist militant groups\nFive people have been killed in a machine-gun and grenade attack on a nightclub in Mali's capital Bamako.\nA BBC correspondent at the scene said a French national was shot dead at the bar. Two Malian men were killed as the gunmen fled the scene.\nA Belgian man died when a grenade was thrown at his car in a nearby street. A third European died in hospital.\nWitnesses said the attackers shouted \"God is Great\" in Arabic (\"Allahu Akbar\").\nA senior intelligence official told Reuters news agency that two people connected to the incident had been arrested.\nFrench President Francois Hollande strongly condemned Saturday's \"cowardly attack\".\nQuick escape\nThe BBC's Alex Duval Smith in Bamako says that French soldiers arrived quickly after the attack on Saturday. They confirmed that the man killed at the bar was a French national.\nThe Malian army has been fighting Islamist militants for years\nOur correspondent says that one of the Malian victims is believed to have been a police officer, the other a security guard.\nA witness told the BBC that he saw four men flee the scene in a vehicle and one on a motorbike.\nEight more people were wounded in the attack, a source at the Gabriel Toure hospital told AFP news agency.\nIslamist militants have been fighting the Malian army for a number of years.\nFrench and African troops intervened in Mali in January 2013 to stop the southern advance of al-Qaeda-linked fighters on the capital, Bamako.\nThe fighters were eventually expelled from towns across the north, but both nomadic Tuareg rebels and other Islamist militant groups have remained active.\nThe Malian government signed a ceasefire deal with an alliance of Tuareg rebels in the country's troubled north in February.\nNorthern Mali has been a flashpoint of conflict since Mali's independence from French rule in 1960, with Tuareg rebels campaigning for independence or more autonomy.\nThe conflict has become more complex with emergence of jihadi groups, which roam freely across parts of the Sahara desert.\nAre you in the area? Do you have any information you would like to share? You can email us at\nIf you are happy to speak further to a BBC journalist please include a contact telephone number.\nHave your say", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Five dead including Frenchman and Belgian in Mali restaurant terror attack", "text": "A hooded assailant has killed five people including a Frenchman and a Belgian in a gun and grenade attack on a nightclub popular with expatriates in Mali’s capital Bamako.\nA policeman, a security guard and a young woman were the three Malians who died.\nThe attacker shouted “Allahu akbar” (Arabic for ‘God is great’) as he burst into the nightclub, La Terrasse, at about one am and sprayed bullets from an automatic rifle, witnesses said.\nFrench troops intervened in the west African country two years ago against groups linked with al-Qaeda.\nThe Frenchman was shot dead in the first-floor bar. The Belgian, a security officer with the European Union delegation in Bamako, was killed in front of his house in a nearby street as the attacker made his getaway in a car driven by an accomplice who also wore a hood concealing his face, police said.\nAs they drove away, the attacker hurled a grenade at a police car, killing the policeman.\nNine people were wounded, including two Swiss soldiers serving as UN experts, who were described as being in “stable but critical condition”, and a Swiss woman.\nTwo suspects were arrested, police said.\nNo group has claimed responsibility. French troops intervened in Mali two years ago against extremists linked with al-Qaeda who had overrun more than half of the west African country.\nFrench troops rushed to the nightclub minutes after the attack and the area was cordoned off by Malian soldiers while they searched for unexploded grenades.\nA local resident told France Info radio that gunfire continued for at least 10 minutes. “I saw a flash, I heard shooting and saw people running in all directions,” he said.\nThe French embassy advised French residents of Bamako to stay at home where possible and to exercise caution if they went out. More than 6,000 French citizens live in the city.\nFrench and Belgian leaders condemned what President François Hollande described as a “cowardly attack”. Mr Hollande said he had offered the Malian president, Ibrahim Boubakar Keita, “the aid of France” to combat extremism.\nThree months after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, the French prime minister, Manuel Valls, said he was “horrified” by the attack in Bamako. “We will never yield,” he said in a tweet.\nFrance, the former colonial power in Mali and several other north and west African countries, has 3,000 troops in the region whose role is to prevent jihadist groups from seizing territory.\nFrench forces intervened in Mali in January 2013 after Islamist groups took control of the vast deserts in the north of the country, imposed sharia law, and started advancing towards the capital in the more fertile south.\nThe French drove them out of towns in the north, including Timbuktu, but the Islamists continue to roam across the desert and carry out attacks. However, this is the first such violence for years in the capital. About 1,000 French soldiers are still based in Mali.\nThe country faces a threat not only from Islamists but also from several northern-based Tuareg rebel groups demanding independence or more autonomy.\nThe government signed a cease-fire with a Tuareg rebel alliance last weekend.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Copa Mundial de Rugby 2007: Sudáfrica 59 - 7 Samoa
Sudáfrica contra Samoa. El seleccionado de Sudáfrica venció en su primer encuentro contra el seleccionado de Samoa por 59–7 en París. Luego de las demostraciones de Nueva Zelanda (76–14 contra Italia) y de Australia (91–3 contra Japón), Sudáfrica, la tercera representante del Tri-Nations, demuestra del su supremacía del mismo modo luego de su victoria frente a Samoa. Mientras más avanzaba el partido, la influencia de Springbocks en el juego era cada vez más preponderante. Los sudafricanos se llevaron el partido marcando ocho tries (entre ellas, cuatro de Haban) contra uno de Samoa. Sudáfrica se enfrentara a Inglaterra en su próximo partido el 14 de septiembre mientras que Samoa se enfrentará a las islas Tonga el 16 de septiembre.
[ "Rugby", "Copa Mundial de Rugby 2007", "Deportes", "Europa", "Samoa", "Oceanía", "Sudáfrica", "África" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "South Africa 59-7 Samoa", "text": "By James Standley\nFlying wing Habana scored four tries for South Africa\nSouth Africa (21) 59\nTries: Habana 4, Montgomery 2, Fourie, Pietersen\nCons: Montgomery 5\nPens: Montgomery 3 Habana 4, Montgomery 2, Fourie, PietersenMontgomery 5Montgomery 3 Samoa (7) 7\nTries: Williams\nCons: Williams\nSouth Africa survived a brutal first-half battering by Samoa as they opened their World Cup campaign with an impressive victory in Paris.\nThe Springboks took a 9-0 lead before Samoa scored the first try of the match through Gavin Williams.\nBryan Habana and Percy Montgomery tries gave the Boks a 21-7 half-time lead.\nAnd further tries from Jaque Fourie, Montgomery, Habana - who claimed a second-half hat-trick - and JP Pietersen wrapped up a fine win.\nWith two of the most physical teams on the planet taking the field at the Parc des Princes the match always promised to be a bash-fest and so it proved as they combined to put on a thrilling opening 40 minutes.\nMan for man the Samoans could match their Springbok counterparts for power but in the tight phases of the game, the scrum and the line-out, the Springboks had a clear edge.\n606: DEBATE\nAnd it meant that, once they had weathered a ferocious opening half from the Samoans, the Springboks had control of the game.\nThe fired-up Samoans gave it a lash from the first whistle.\nFormer Leicester number eight Henry Tuilagi produced some ferocious charges, but poor discipline allowed Montgomery to make them pay with three penalties in the opening 15 minutes.\nThe opening 40 minutes was the most physical so far in France\nThe Pacific islanders' inability to secure their own ball at the line-out was costing them dear but when they finally managed some decent possession they opened the scoring with a superb try.\nQuick ball off the top was spun wide to inside centre Jerry Meafou and the timing of his pass sprung Williams through the South Africa midfield.\nThe Connacht centre outpaced the cover to score under the posts and he added the conversion to make it 9-7 to the Boks.\nThe quicker the pace of the game, the more dangerous Samoa looked, but the quickest man on the pitch was South Africa flyer Habana and his first real contribution to the game saw the Boks stretch clear.\nYou could see a lot of nerves from both sides early on the way they finished it off in the second half is a huge positive\nSouth Africa coach Jake White\nWhen he took Fourie's pass as the Boks attacked down the blind-side of a ruck there looked to be little on.\nBut the electric Blue Bulls winger carved infield before breaking free of a tackle and scything through the remaining defence for a superb solo try.\nMontgomery missed the fairly simple conversion but South Africa were soon back on the attack and after a series of attacking scrums Montgomery blasted through the final defender for the Springboks' second try.\nThe veteran full-back added the conversion to make it 21-7 at the break but Samoa came desperately close to cutting the gap when Iosefa Fekori plunged over straight after the restart, only to be pulled back for offside.\nLima is the first player to appear in five World Cups but was injured after producing a dangerous tackle\nSpringboks centre Jean de Villiers was helped off the field with an arm injury and was replaced by Francois Steyn.\nCoach Jake White later suggested the 26-year-old was a major doubt for the match against England on Friday, and possibly the whole tournament.\nIf Samoa's try had been awarded, they might still have been in with a shout but within little more than 10 minutes South Africa had cut loose with a quickfire try treble.\nFourie cut back against the grain to burst through the midfield and open his account for the tournament before Montgomery finished off a sweeping passing move to cross out wide.\nHabana then collected his second spectacular long-range score of the match, beating three men on a dazzling run to the line, and two Montgomery conversions meant South Africa suddenly led 40-7 after an hour's play.\nThe burst of scoring knocked the stuffing out of the Samoans and the pride they would have taken in the sight of 35-year-old Brian Lima coming on as a replacement would soon have evaporated.\nWhen he took the field Lima became the first man to play in five World Cups, but he soon got a high tackle horribly wrong, conceding a penalty in the process, and was helped groggily from the field.\nAs the game went on South Africa were happy not to pick up any injuries, while Habana confirmed his status as the world's most dangerous finisher with two more tries.\nMontgomery converted the first effort and the Springboks will head into Friday's encounter with faltering world champions England brim full of confidence.\n\"You could see a lot of nerves out there from both sides early on but all credit to our boys.\n\"The way they finished it off in the second half is a huge positive for us going forward in the competition.\"\n\"It seemed everything went against us and that try would have lifted us.\n\"We are that type of team, we need to have our tails up and if we had scored then I think it could have been a totally different story.\n\"I'm not saying we would've won but we wouldn't have conceded so many points.\"\nSouth Africa: Montgomery; Pietersen, Fourie, De Villiers, Habana; James, Du Preez; Du Randt, Smit, Van der Linde, Bakkies Botha, Matfield, Burger, Smith, Rossouw.\nReplacements: Du Plessis, BJ Botha, Muller, Van den Berg, Januarie, Pretorius, Steyn.\nSamoa: Lemi; Faatau, Williams, Meafou, A Tuilaga; Sapolu Fuimaono, Poluleuligaga; H Tuilagi, Setiti (capt), Leo; Thompson, Fekori, Johnston, Schwalger, Va'a.\nReplacments: Fuga, Lealamanua, Vaeluaga, Purdie, Sevealii, Crichton, Lima.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Atlantis docks, astronauts ready for spacewalk
Space Shuttle ''Atlantis'' docked with the International Space Station yesterday, and astronauts James Reilly and Danny Olivas were planning their first spacewalk today. The shuttle docked at 3:36 p.m. EDT (1736 UTC) yesterday, doing an end-over-end flip over South America to let the International Space Station crew photograph the shuttle's heat shield. Called the "Rotational Pitch Maneuver", the move is now routine. In today's spacewalk, scheduled for 17:53 UTC today, Reilly and Olivas, with the help of a giant robotic arm, will install a new set of solar panels to the station. After lift-off on Friday from Kennedy Space Center, ''Atlantis'' suffered a triangular four-inch by six-inch (10 centimeter by 15 centimeter) tear on a thermal blanket that protects the left side maneuvering rocket pod. Also, small pieces of foam broke off from its external fuel tanks. Mission chairman John Shannon said he was "leaning toward" ordering another spacewalk so that the tear in the blanket could be repaired.
[ "NASA", "Space", "United States", "International Space Station", "Space Shuttle Atlantis", "Extra-vehicular activity" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "Breaking News from Melbourne and Victoria", "text": "How Bellyache crafted a whole generation of NRL coaches An incredible 25 current head or assistant coaches have been somehow influenced by Craig Bellamy. One of them is Brad Arthur, who confronts his old boss on Thursday night.\nRobbo: Dimma most uncelebrated coaching great ever Alastair Clarkson is widely considered a footy genius for changing footy but it’s about time Richmond coach Damien Hardwick received the same accolade, Mark Robinson writes.\nDrug code twist: Will player secrecy be stripped? The controversial shroud of secrecy surrounding players’ drug strikes will again be front and centre as part of a ‘contemporary look’ at the league’s ageing illicit drug code.", "url": ",21985,21886106-24331,00.html", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Shannon leaning toward spacewalk repair of blanket", "text": "Shannon leaning toward spacewalk repair of blanket\nBY WILLIAM HARWOOD\nSTORY WRITTEN FOR CBS NEWS \"SPACE PLACE\" & USED WITH PERMISSION\nPosted: June 10, 2007\nConcern about possible re-entry heat damage to the underlying structure of the shuttle Atlantis' left-side maneuvering rocket pod under a pulled-up insulation blanket may prompt a simple spacewalk repair job, the chairman of NASA's Mission Management Team said today.\nThis view of the blanket was taken by the shuttle inspection boom. Credit: NASA\nThe front edge of the blanket in question apparently pulled away from adjacent heat-shield tiles by the swift flow of air passing over it during the early stages of launch Friday. John Shannon told reporters that engineers studying the protruding triangular 4-inch by 6-inch blanket are concerned about the possible effects of re-entry heating on the graphite epoxy honeycomb structure of the shuttle's left Orbital Maneuvering System pod. Shuttles have safely returned to Earth on several occasions with broken or lost tiles and lost blankets on the OMS pods. But in some cases, the underlying structure was damaged and required repairs. \"We have actually damaged that on several of those flights where you had some heat effects,\" Shannon said. \"When we talked to the engineering guys and the structural team, they were a little bit uncomfortable today. And the reason they were uncomfortable was because if you get down to that honeycomb, that structural area, you're losing some margin, you're not exactly in the flight parameters you expect to go fly.\" He said it was difficult to accurately predict what sort of damage might occur because engineers cannot tell how much underlying insulation might have pulled away with the blanket. \"Because we do not want to damage flight hardware, we sent off a (team of engineers) to work with the EVA, the spacewalk team, to go assess some options. The simplest is we would just tuck that blanket back down and fill that cavity back up. And they're talking about different ways to maybe secure it. \"We did not judge what the right answer was, we're going to let that spacewalk team go off and assess that and they'll come back to me tomorrow and lay out options, pros and cons, and then we'll decide A) if we want to do anything with this blanket and then if we do want to do something, what is the right course of action.\"\nThis graphic shows previous shuttle flights with OMS pod damage. Credit: NASA\nDuring the region of peak heating, the upper surfaces of the OMS pods experience 700 to 1,000 degree Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes. During that period, the shuttle is at such high altitudes that very little aerodynamic pressure is present. \"You have the heating of the vehicle in this area that goes up and is significant for 15- to 20-minute period of time but you really don't have any aerodynamic loads on it at that time, it's very, very low dynamic pressure on that blanket area,\" Shannon said. \"So after you get through the high heating area, then you start to pick up aerodynamic loads. \"What does that mean to you? Well, what it means is whatever condition you start re-entry in with that cavity, or that blanket, it's going to pretty much stay in that configuration throughout the high-heating time frame. Then it might change, it might pull up more, whatever, in a time when you don't really care very much.\" Shannon said he was not leaning one way or the other toward ordering a repair, saying \"tomorrow I'll have a better idea of what the different options are.\" But a few minutes later he said, \"I think after seeing the effect on the graphite epoxy honeycomb on some (past flights) I'm leaning may be a little bit toward doing it, but we have to hear what the options are.\" Because engineers don't know exactly what sort of heat damage to expect, \"I would just like to kind of avoid that whole scenario altogether and tuck that blanket back down. And I'm expecting the team to come in and give me some ideas of how to do that and then we'll see where it fits in the timeline. If we can accommodate it, I think that's probably what we'll do.\" The Atlantis astronauts plan spacewalks Monday, Wednesday and Friday to activate and configure a new solar array and to carry out a variety of other tasks. If a repair job is added, it likely would occur during the third spacewalk, after the high-priority work to complete the activation of the new solar arrays.\nAdditional coverage for subscribers:\nVIDEO: SHUTTLE CREW WELCOMED ABOARD STATION PLAY\nVIDEO: ATLANTIS DOCKS WITH THE SPACE STATION PLAY\nVIDEO: WATCH THE RENDEZVOUS BACKFLIP MANUEVER PLAY\nVIDEO: FLIGHT DAY 2 HIGHLIGHTS MOVIE PLAY\nVIDEO: SATURDAY'S MISSION STATUS BRIEFING PLAY\nVIDEO: FLIGHT DAY 1 HIGHLIGHTS MOVIE PLAY\nVIDEO: INSIDE MISSION CONTROL DURING LAUNCH PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: VIEW FROM COMPLEX 41 PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: PAD PERIMETER PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: THE VAB ROOF PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: THE PRESS SITE PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: UCS-23 TRACKER PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: PAD FRONT CAMERA PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: CAMERA AT THE BEACH PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH OF ATLANTIS! PLAY\nVIDEO: FULL LENGTH MOVIE OF ASCENT TO ORBIT PLAY\nVIDEO: EXTERNAL TANK ONBOARD VIDEO CAMERA PLAY\nVIDEO: POST-LAUNCH PRESS CONFERENCE PLAY\nVIDEO: ASTRONAUTS DEPART QUARTERS FOR THE PAD PLAY\nVIDEO: PAD'S ROTATING SERVICE STRUCTURE RETRACTED PLAY\nVIDEO: HIGHLIGHTS FROM ATLANTIS' LAUNCH CAMPAIGN PLAY\nVIDEO: HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAYLOAD'S LAUNCH CAMPAIGN PLAY\nMORE: STS-117 VIDEO COVERAGE\nSUBSCRIBE NOW\nApollo 1 DVD\nThis tribute DVD features over 4.5 hours of material about the Apollo 1 tragedy and the crewmembers lost in the pad accident.\nChoose your store:\nU.S.\nSTS-118 patch\nThis is the official astronaut patch of space shuttle Endeavour's STS-118 mission to the International Space Station. The crew features Barbara Morgan, the former Idaho teacher and now NASA's first Educator Mission Specialist.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide\nUser presentations, software demos, and technology experts‹all at the 2007 AGI User Exchange this Aug. 28-29 in Washington, D.C.. Register today at!\\nLargest selection and the best prices anywhere in the world. Free shipping on select items. is the largest dealer of both Meade and Celestron Telescopes. Visit or call toll free 1-800-303-5873.\nProject Orion\nThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA's first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.\nChoose your store:\nU.S.\nFallen Heroes special patch\nThis special 12-inch embroidered patch commemorates the U.S. astronauts who made the ultimate sacrifice, honoring the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide\nNext shuttle!\nThe official crew patch for the next space shuttle mission. The Atlantis crew will install new solar wings on the space station in June.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Atlantis set to arrive at the space station today", "text": "Atlantis arrives at the station after smooth rendezvous\nBY WILLIAM HARWOOD\nSTORY WRITTEN FOR CBS NEWS \"SPACE PLACE\" & USED WITH PERMISSION\nPosted: June 10, 2007; Updated after truss handoff\nCommander Rick Sturckow guided the shuttle Atlantis to a picture-perfect docking with the international space station today after a dramatic end-over-end flip across the heart of South America to let the station crew photograph the shuttle's fragile heat shield.\nCredit: NASA TV/Spaceflight Now\nUsing a joystick on the shuttle's aft flight deck, Sturckow deftly closed out a trouble-free two-day rendezvous with a gentle docking at 3:36 p.m. EDT as the two spacecraft sailed high above the east coast of Australia northeast of Sydney. \"ISS and Houston, from Atlantis. Capture confirmed,\" a shuttle astronaut radioed as the docking systems engaged. A few minutes later, hooks and latches were activated to firmly pull the two spacecraft together. After leak checks to make sure the interface is airtight, hatches were opened and the station crew welcomed their shuttle colleagues aboard a little past 5 p.m. \"Atlantis. Arriving,\" station flier Sunita Williams said, following naval tradition and ringing the ship's bell in the Destiny laboratory module. The shuttle crew then floated into the station to hugs, smiles and handshakes. Running three months late because of hail damage to the shuttle's external fuel tank, Atlantis brought two welcome additions to the international lab complex: A $367 million set of solar panels and a fresh crew member - Clay Anderson - to replace Williams. Launched to the outpost last December aboard shuttle Discovery, Williams will set a new space endurance record for female astronauts and cosmonauts when she lands aboard Atlantis June 19 after 192 days off planet. \"Great job today, Atlantis, on the rendezvous,\" astronaut Terry Virts radioed from mission control. \"Very nice approach. And welcome to your new home, Clay.\" \"Thanks a lot, Houston,\" Sturckow replied. Lead flight director Cathy Koerner was elated. \"What a great day to be in the space business,\" she told reporters later. \"We had just a picture-perfect rendezvous and docking today and I could not have asked for smoother operations between the flight control team and the crew on orbit. We made this look easy. To put that in perspective for you, on how not easy it really is, we took a quarter-million-pound vehicle today and we connected it with about a half-million-pound (space station) and we did all that at 17,500 mph.\" Today's rendezvous and docking included a now-routine but nonetheless spectacular rotational pitch maneuver, or RPM, a key element in NASA's post-Columbia focus on assessing the health of the orbiter's heat shield before a crew commits to re-entry. Spectacular video beamed down from the space station showed Atlantis performing a graceful pirouette 600 feet directly below the laboratory, a slow-motion back flip against the backdrop of the Brazilian rain forest racing past 220 miles below. There were no obvious signs of anything unusual, but engineers are just beginning their assessment of zoomed-in digital photographs shot by station commander Fyodor Yurchikhin and flight engineer Oleg Kotov. \"Right now, the team is looking at the approach photography that you saw the station crew take,\" said John Shannon, chairman of NASA's mission management team. \"I was just up in the imagery lab and nothing really jumped out at us.\" Engineers plan to work through the night to analyze the photos and determine whether any additional, \"focused\" inspections might be needed. After completing the pitch maneuver, Sturckow piloted Atlantis in a slow loop up to a point about 300 feet directly in front of the station with the shuttle's nose pointing toward deep space and its open payload bay toward a docking port on the front of the Destiny laboratory module. From there, he flew the shuttle straight in for docking. On most flights, rendezvous and docking would be the highlight of a busy day in space. But for Atlantis' crew, docking kicked off an equally busy afternoon of work to pull the 36,000-pound S3/S4 solar array truss segment from the shuttle's cargo bay so it could be handed off to the station's robot arm and safely \"parked\" overnight. The arm-to-arm handoff was completed around 8:30 p.m. The massive segment will be attached to the right side of the station's main power truss on Monday just before the start of a spacewalk by Jim Reilly and Danny Olivas to make critical electrical connections and prepare the new arrays for deployment Tuesday. Once extended, the panels will stretch 240 feet from tip to tip. An identical set of arrays was attached to the left side of the main power truss last September. The new arrays, and the relocation of a third set of solar panels later this year, are required to generate the power needed to support the long-awaited delivery of European and Japanese research modules late this year and early next. Atlantis' crew plans spacewalks Monday, Wednesday and Friday to complete the outfitting and activation of the new S3/S4 solar array segment and to perform a variety of other assembly tasks. They also will assist, if necessary, work to retract the P6-2B solar panel so the arrays can be moved to the left end of the power truss later this year. One wild card in the crew's flight plan is what, if anything, NASA managers might decide to do about a pulled-up insulation blanket on the upper section of Atlantis' left-side Orbital Maneuvering System rocket pod. Engineers have not yet completed their assessment of the blanket or what techniques spacewalking astronauts might employ to address the problem.\nAdditional coverage for subscribers:\nVIDEO: SHUTTLE CREW WELCOMED ABOARD STATION PLAY\nVIDEO: ATLANTIS DOCKS WITH THE SPACE STATION PLAY\nVIDEO: WATCH THE RENDEZVOUS BACKFLIP MANUEVER PLAY\nVIDEO: FLIGHT DAY 2 HIGHLIGHTS MOVIE PLAY\nVIDEO: SATURDAY'S MISSION STATUS BRIEFING PLAY\nVIDEO: FLIGHT DAY 1 HIGHLIGHTS MOVIE PLAY\nVIDEO: INSIDE MISSION CONTROL DURING LAUNCH PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: VIEW FROM COMPLEX 41 PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: PAD PERIMETER PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: THE VAB ROOF PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: THE PRESS SITE PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: UCS-23 TRACKER PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: PAD FRONT CAMERA PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH REPLAY: CAMERA AT THE BEACH PLAY\nVIDEO: LAUNCH OF ATLANTIS! PLAY\nVIDEO: FULL LENGTH MOVIE OF ASCENT TO ORBIT PLAY\nVIDEO: EXTERNAL TANK ONBOARD VIDEO CAMERA PLAY\nVIDEO: POST-LAUNCH PRESS CONFERENCE PLAY\nVIDEO: ASTRONAUTS DEPART QUARTERS FOR THE PAD PLAY\nVIDEO: PAD'S ROTATING SERVICE STRUCTURE RETRACTED PLAY\nVIDEO: HIGHLIGHTS FROM ATLANTIS' LAUNCH CAMPAIGN PLAY\nVIDEO: HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PAYLOAD'S LAUNCH CAMPAIGN PLAY\nMORE: STS-117 VIDEO COVERAGE\nSUBSCRIBE NOW\nSTS-118 patch\nThis is the official astronaut patch of space shuttle Endeavour's STS-118 mission to the International Space Station. The crew features Barbara Morgan, the former Idaho teacher and now NASA's first Educator Mission Specialist.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide\nX-15 DVD set\nThe X-15 rocket plane pushed the boundaries of aerospace with trips out to mach 6.7 and altitudes of over 350,000 feet. This 3 DVD collection contains over 10 hours of material, the largest ever assembled and will allow you to experience the proud legacy of the X-15.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide\nUser presentations, software demos, and technology experts‹all at the 2007 AGI User Exchange this Aug. 28-29 in Washington, D.C.. Register today at!\\nLargest selection and the best prices anywhere in the world. Free shipping on select items. is the largest dealer of both Meade and Celestron Telescopes. Visit or call toll free 1-800-303-5873.\nNext shuttle!\nThe official crew patch for the next space shuttle mission. The Atlantis crew will install new solar wings on the space station in June.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide\nAres patch\nThe Ares Project will develop two new rockets to launch astronauts back to the Moon under NASA's Vision for Exploration. The Ares 1 will employ a single space shuttle solid rocket booster to loft the Orion crew capsule. The gigantic Ares 5 will haul the equipment and cargo needed for such lunar voyages. This is the Ares emblem.\nChoose your store:\nU.S.\nFallen Heroes special patch\nThis special 12-inch embroidered patch commemorates the U.S. astronauts who made the ultimate sacrifice, honoring the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia.\nChoose your store:\nU.S. - U.K. - E.U. - Worldwide", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]
Xu Caihou, former Chinese general, dies aged 71
Xu pictured at the Pentagon in October 2009. , a former Chinese general who was once the second in command within the , died yesterday, according to Chinese state news agency . Xu, 71, was due to be prosecuted over charges. The cause of death was announced as . In 2012 Xu resigned from the executive committee of the . In 2013 he retired from the position of Vice Chairman. In June last year, despite no charges announced against Xu at the time, his general's rank was revoked. The government said they started investigating Xu last March over claims of corruption and in October he admitted to accepting "massive" bribes as payment in assisting people to gain promotions. Due to his death the charges against him are to be dropped but anything gained illegally by Xu is to be dealt with under Chinese law. Military officials have been investigated more regularly in recent years as the Chinese government try to crack down on army corruption. == Sources == * * *
[ "China", "Asia", "Politics and conflicts", "Crime and law", "Obituaries", "Military", "Mike Smith (Wikinewsie)", "Cancer", "Disease", "Health" ]
[ { "language": "en", "title": "China's former PLA number 2 Xu Caihou dies of cancer amid graft probe", "text": "Disgraced former People’s Liberation Army No 2 Xu Caihou died of bladder cancer on Sunday, Xinhua reported late that night.\nHe was 71.\nXu, a former vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission, was facing prosecution for corruption after coming under investigation last year. He was the most senior PLA general to be probed for graft.\nXinhua said military prosecutors had decided to drop the charges against the general, but would continue to process his alleged illicit financial gains in accordance with the law.\nMilitary prosecutors wrapped up their investigation of Xu's graft case in October, accusing him of taking advantage of his position to help others gain promotions. In return, he allegedly accepted huge bribes personally and through his family.\nXu was expelled from the Communist Party in June.\nSince President Xi Jinping extended his anti-graft campaign to the military, 16 senior officers, including Xu, have been detained in the last year for suspected graft.\nAnd early this month, the People's Liberation Army announced that another 14 officers, many of them major generals, had also come under investigation. Among them is Guo Zhenggang, son of Xu's counterpart Guo Boxiong.\nMainland media and military representatives on the sidelines of the just finished annual parliamentary sessions in Beijing named Guo Boxiong in relation to his son's case, prompting speculation over the fate of the father.\nIt is unclear if Xu's death and the end of his prosecution will affect Guo Boxiong.", "url": "", "archive_url": "" }, { "language": "en", "title": "Disgraced former top Chinese officer dies of cancer: Xinhua", "text": "General Xu Caihou listens to national anthems during a welcome ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington, in this October 27, 2009 file photo.\nBEIJING One of the most senior Chinese military officers to be accused of corruption has died of cancer, the state news agency Xinhua said on Monday, sparing the government what could have been an embarrassing trial.\nXu Caihou retired as vice chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission in 2013 and from the ruling Communist Party's decision-making Politburo in 2012.\nIn a brief statement released shortly after midnight, Xinhua said that Xu had died in hospital on Sunday of multiple organ failure bought on by bladder cancer after efforts to save him failed.\nHis illness had previously been reported by the government.\nThough he has died, his \"illegal gains\" will still be dealt with in accordance with the law, the report added, without providing further details. China's Defence Ministry carried the same Xinhua report on its website.\nIt was not immediately possible to reach family members for comment.\nPresident Xi Jinping heads the Central Military Commission, which controls the 2.3 million-strong armed forces, the world's largest, and has made weeding out corruption in the military a top goal.\nThe government said in October than Xu had confessed to taking \"massive\" bribes in exchange for help in promotions.\nXu had been under investigation since last March, state media said\nThe party leadership had faced a dilemma over whether to prosecute Xu because of his cancer, sources have said.\nHis death means the ruling Communist Party will not have to risk the embarrassment that could have come from a trial and the details of graft in the highest echelons of power that it might have revealed, though the trial likely would have been held behind closed doors.\nBut China is also investigating a second former top military officer on suspicion of corruption, two independent sources told Reuters recently, as Xi widens his campaign against deep-rooted graft.\nGuo Boxiong, 72, was another vice chairman of the Central Military Commission until he stepped down in 2012. The government has yet to confirm this probe.\nServing and retired military officers have said graft in the armed forces is so pervasive that it could undermine China's ability to wage war.\nChina intensified its crackdown on corruption in the military in the late 1990s, banning the People's Liberation Army from engaging in business. But the military has been involved in commercial dealings in recent years due to a lack of checks and balances, military analysts have said.\n(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Kevin Liffey)", "url": "", "archive_url": "" } ]