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Discount Smokes Dear Sir / Madam If you are fed up of being 'ripped off' by the British government every time you buy your tobacco, then you should visit our website, where you can now buy 4 cartons of cigarettes, or 40 pouches of rolling tobacco from as little as 170 Euros (approx 105 pounds), inclusive of delivery by registered air mail from our office in Spain. Why pay more??? Visit our website at http://www.cheapsmoking.com/?ID=2 Best regards Sales Department Cheap Smoking Spain xay1992351y
The 1807 Act abolished the slave trade in the British colonies but it did not abolish slavery itself. In the 1830s, a number of Acts were passed that fundamentally changed British society and the lives of millions of people living in British colonies. The Reform Act of 1832 brought an end to the old system whereby most MPs were allowed to buy their seats in Parliament. The new Parliament of 1833 included men (women were not as yet allowed to become MPs) who were connected with the new textile industries based in Britain. In August 1833, the Slave Emancipation Act was passed, giving all slaves in the British empire their freedom, albeit after a set period of years. Plantation owners received compensation for the 'loss of their slaves' in the form of a government grant. In contrast, enslaved people received no compensation and continued to face much hardship. They remained landless, and the wages offered on the plantations after emancipation were extremely low. The 1833 Act did not come into force until 1 August 1834. The first step was the freeing of all children under six. However, although the many thousands of enslaved people in the British West Indies were no longer legally slaves after 1 August 1834, they were still made to work as unpaid apprentices for their former masters. These masters continued to ill-treat and exploit them. Enslaved people in the British Caribbean finally gained their freedom at midnight on 31 July 1838. Return to the Slavery index page
In this lesson, we'll learn what a string is and what role quotation marks play in code. The definition of a string is quite simple; it's a set of characters. Let us imagine that we have these entries: Which of these are strings? In fact, all five of them are: 'Goodbye'everything is obvious, we've already worked with similar constructions and called them strings ' '— are also strings, but they only have one character each ''— is an empty string, so it has zero characters We consider anything inside quotation marks a string; even if it's just a space, a single character, or no characters at all. Above we wrote the strings in single quotes, but this is not the only way. You can also use double quotes: Now imagine you want to type the string Dragon's mother. The apostrophe before the letter s — is the same symbol as the single quote. Let's print it: # SyntaxError: invalid syntax This program won't work. From Python's point of view, the line started with a single quote and then ended after the word dragon. Next were the characters s mother without quotation marks, so it's not a string. And then there was a one line-opening quotation mark that was never closed: ` ). This code contains a syntax error – you can even tell by the way the code is highlighted. To avoid this error, we use double quotes. This version of the program will work correctly: Now the interpreter knows that the string started with a double quotation mark and must end with a double quotation mark. And the single quote inside has become the part of the string. It works the other way too. If you want to use double quotes inside a string, you should enclose the string in single quotes. And the number of quotation marks inside the string itself doesn't matter. Now imagine we want to create this string: Dragon's mother said "No" It has both single and double quotes. We need to somehow tell the interpreter that the quotation marks are one of the characters inside the string, not the beginning or the end of the string. The escape character is used for this: \ — a backslash. If we put \ in front of a quotation mark (single or double), the interpreter will recognize the quotation mark as an ordinary character inside the string, not the beginning or the end of the string: # We escape the quotation marks around No so that the interpreter # can recognize them as part of the string print("Dragon's mother said \"No\"") # => Dragon's mother said "No" Note that in the example above we didn't have to escape the single quote ('s) because the string itself was created with double quotes. If the string were written in single quotes, the escape character would be used before the apostrophe, not before the double quotes. If you need to put a backlash in the string, this rule still works. Like any other special character, it must be escaped: # => \ Write a program that prints: "Khal Drogo's favorite word is "athjahakar"" The program should display this exact phrase on the screen. Note the quotes at the beginning and the end of the phrase: "Khal Drogo's favorite word is "athjahakar"" The exercise doesn't pass checking. What to do? 😶 If you've reached a deadlock it's time to ask your question in the «Discussions». How ask a question correctly: - Be sure to attach the test output, without it it's almost impossible to figure out what went wrong, even if you show your code. It's complicated for developers to execute code in their heads, but having a mistake before their eyes most probably will be helpful. In my environment the code works, but not here 🤨 Tests are designed so that they test the solution in different ways and against different data. Often the solution works with one kind of input data but doesn't work with others. Check the «Tests» tab to figure this out, you can find hints at the error output. My code is different from the teacher's one 🤔 It's fine. 🙆 One task in programming can be solved in many different ways. If your code passed all tests, it complies with the task conditions. In some rare cases, the solution may be adjusted to the tests, but this can be seen immediately. I've read the lessons but nothing is clear 🙄 It's hard to make educational materials that will suit everyone. We do our best but there is always something to improve. If you see a material that is not clear to you, describe the problem in “Discussions”. It will be great if you'll write unclear points in the question form. Usually, we need a few days for corrections. By the way, you can participate in courses improvement. There is a link below to the lessons course code which you can edit right in your browser.
Never pay for the goodz again (8SimUgQ) --Boundary_(ID_57z4OPjIWZtVBINVV279ZQ) Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE <CENTER><table border=3D1 cellspacing=3D0 cellpadding=3D2 width=3D500= bordercolor=3D#928CC6 bgcolor=3D#0A0A5A><TR><TD><table border=3D0 ce= llspacing=3D0 cellpadding=3D2 width=3D490><TR><TD ALIGN=3Dcenter VALI= GN=3Dmiddle WIDTH=3D100% ql4HOr01><a href=3Dhttp://www.freepornsecret= s.net/bnr/3010098220 target=3D_blank><font color=3D#FFFF00 size=3D5 f= ace=3D"Arial, Verdana, Helvetica"><strong>GET FREE ACCESS TO X&nbsp;X= &nbsp;X&nbsp;</strong></font><BR 4qHTKe7><IMG SRC=3Dhttp://pr%65view.= freepornsecrets.net/images/logoheader_02.jpg BORDER=3D0><BR><BR><font= face=3D"Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif"><strong><font color= =3D"#FFFFFF" size=3D"6">GUARANTEED <font color=3D"#FFFF00">100% F= REE</font IDk2nKs> PASSWORDS<br> <font color=3D"#FFFF00">GET INTO = PAYSITES FOR FREE</font></font></strong><font color=3D"#FFFF00" size= =3D"6">!</font><BR><BR><font color=3D#FFFF00 size=3D5 face=3D"Arial, = Verdana, Helvetica" VlQ>Click Here to En&#116er!</A></TD></TR><TR><TD= ALIGN=3Dcenter VALIGN=3Dmiddle WIDTH=3D100%><a href=3Dhttp://www.fre= epornsecre%74s.net/bnr/3010098220 ta. 3YMLffs0V1go6Cnd --Boundary_(ID_57z4OPjIWZtVBINVV279ZQ)-- _______________________________________________ Crackmice mailing list Crackmice@crackmice.com http://crackmice.com/mailman/listinfo/crackmice
Seongwha's POV The dynamics in our group were sometimes confusing. Especially between me and Hongjoong. I'm his hyung,sure but he's also the leader so it's like we both have authority over each other I guess? The kids seem to have trouble with dynamics too, especially the 99z. Yeosang, I think, seems to forget sometimes that Yunho is his hyung as well as his friend. Wooyoung seems to forget that Yeosang is older than him too. Though this wasn't as big of a deal because they had been friends for 8 years so it was to be expected that Wooyoung would view Yeosang as a friend instead of a hyung. But none as much as me and Hongjoong. "Seongwha-hyung, have you eaten?" Hongjoong came into our room. I had been trying to focus on one of our recent dances to see where the group could improve and I had lost track of time. I found that I wasn't really hungry. Or maybe I was past hunger,it was hard to tell. "Oh yeah. I ate earlier" The lie escaped my lips before I could even think. Hongjoong gave me a strange look, like he didn't believe me and I didn't blame him. Considering I hadn't left our room since I woke up that morning, my lie was not that well constructed. "Okay, well try to come out at some point. We'd love your company" Hongjoong said and turned to leave. I couldn't believe he fell for that. Or was he just pretending because he couldn't say anything due to me being older. I lost track of time again and Wooyoung was bursting into my room, yelling about how we're going to be late. I had completely forgotten we had a practice scheduled that day. And I hadn't eaten a single thing. I wondered if I could maybe snag an energy drink or a protein bar before we left but that would look suspicious if our dear leader saw me. "Hyung, let's go!" Wooyoung urged me. I tried not to pass out with every step I took, my head swimming and the room was spinning like we were in a dryer machine. During practice, I was getting tired. Yeosang noticed and pulled Hongjoong aside. I didn't have to hear them to know what was being talked about. I loved Yeosang but his caring nature for the members was going to be my downfall today. Hongjoong looked at me and I knew it was over. "Seongwha-hyung, sit out!" Hongjoong called to me. It wasn't even a question. He wasn't asking me to sit out and take a break. Gone was the compliant dongsaeng I was used to, this time Hongjoong was using the leader voice he normally reserved for the kids. "I'm fine Joongie" I insisted, taking deep breaths to calm down so I could continue. It wouldn't be fair for me to take a break while the others practiced. "Please hyung. We'll all take a break if you want. We could use it" Mingi interjected. I appreciated his sweetness but I knew what he was hinting at. I didn't need a break. "Thank you Mingi, but I'm really fine" I declined the offer. Yunho pulled me over to the wall and sat down, bringing me down with him. And just like that, we were taking a break. But we couldn't for very long and soon, all of us were back to dancing. That's when things got worse. I don't know exactly what happened but I just remember moving too far to the side and bumping into Wooyoung and Yeosang, we all ended up on the floor and then I passed out.  When I came back to, the others were sitting down. Yunho had Yeosang in his lap and San was sitting with one arm around Jongho. Wooyoung was offering snacks to them and Hongjoong was nowhere to be seen. I didn't fail to notice how Jongho seemed to be clutching his wrist and Yeosang had one leg slung over the arm of the chair him and Yunho were sitting in, an ankle brace peeking out from under his jeans. I didn't have to ask to know what had happened.  "Hyung! Your awake" Yunho pointed out to the others. I winced at his loud volume and pressed a hand to my head.  "That's good. Cause you and I have some talking to do" I tensed at our leader's tone. That was really not good. I had only heard him use that tone one other time when we were trainees and Jongho refused to take a break. "Hongjoong-" I slowly stood up,turning around to meet Hongjoong's eyes. He looked like he wanted to murder me and I didn't blame it. Over the course of just one day, I had neglected my health,lied about it,refused to take a break and hurt two of my members as well as myself. I was screwed. "I don't want to hear it. You and I are going to talk when we get home" Hongjoong held up a hand to stop me. I had no choice in the matter so I didn't argue. Hongjoong wrapped a hand around my arm,supporting me as we walked out. I appreciated that. Even when he was angry,Hongjoong was still looking out for us. He really was a great leader. It didn't take half as long as I had wanted for us to get back to the dorms. The kids stayed in the living room and I wanted to do the same but Hongjoong stopped me from sitting down,instead motioning with his head to the hall where our rooms were. I felt my stomach drop; he wanted me to wait in our room. Hongjoong was sending me to our room like a little kid. I was waiting for only around ten minutes before the door opened and Hongjoong walked in. I didn't look up at him and he didn't make me. He sat down,seemingly comfortable in the uncomfortable silence that engulfed us. Hongjoong sat across from me for what felt like forever, his arms crossed. He didn't say a word, just stared at me. I squirmed in my seat a little, feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze. "When's the last time you ate?" He spoke firmly. That was the tone he used for the kids. Great. I'm sure it was hard for him, being the leader and trying to differentiate how to act with the kids versus with me. But still, I wish he wouldn't lump me into the same group as them. "Yesterday. Morning" I added in the last part when Hongjoong's glare deepened. He really knew how to make someone feel like a kid without even saying anything. Suddenly I understood why the kids got all panicky when they got on his bad side. "Seongwha!" Hongjoong stood up, outraged. I felt a burst of anger at his informality. Hongjoong was never informal towards me until now. "Yah! Watch who you are talking to!" I snapped. Hongjoong blushed and sat back down. Even though I was the one in trouble, he had no right to speak so informally and he knew it. "Sorry hyung. You just surprised me" Hongjoong hung his head, apologetically. "I know. I feel like I should apologize. I know I was setting a bad example and the kids could never know or they might try and do the same" I admitted. I knew I was right. This was something that could not be revealed to the 99z and Jongho. If Yeosang, Wooyoung or Mingi or even San were to know I did this, they would think it was okay to do the same and that was a problem I didn't want to cause. "Let me worry about that. They know the consequences of neglecting their health. You do too" Hongjoong reminded me. I felt my heart skip a beat. He couldn't mean....? No, Hongjoong wouldn't do that. Not my dongsaeng. I must have been quiet too long cause Hongjoong put a hand on my knee. "Hyung?" He tapped my arm, pulling me from my thoughts. He looked worried. I made him worried. "No" I shook my head. I wasn't going to let this happen. Not from him. It would be different if it was our manager, who was a little more than twenty years older than me and Hongjoong. But from our, my, leader who was younger than me if only by a few months, it was unthinkable. Except Hongjoong seemed to be thinking just that. "You don't think you deserve it? Are you going to try and tell me that right now? If you truly think so, look me in the eyes and tell me" Hongjoong leaned forward, waiting for me to look at him. I couldn't and apparently that was all the answer he needed. "Then you know what happens. If you are really uncomfortable, I will leave right now and talk to one of the senior groups or our manager. Just ask yourself if you would rather it come from me or them" And with that, Hongjoong got up and left, giving me time to think. In terms of comfort, I would rather face our manager or one of the senior groups. Without even thinking, I left the room and went back to the main part of our dorm. Yeosang, Wooyoung and San's room was across from ours but the door was closed. That was good. "Hongjoong please. Don't do this. I know it was wrong" I decided to take a different approach; even if it I knew it wouldn't work.  The kids all stared at me. I had completely forgotten they would still be here. Yeosang, my angel, proposed the idea of going out and herded all the others outside, sending me a comforting look before he too disappeared out the door. I don't know if that made me feel better or worse. "Sounds like you've made your decision then" Hongjoong crossed his arms and I felt my stomach twist. When did my little dongsaeng become so grown up? I could still remember when we were trainees, when we were young.  As much as I hated it, I wasn't going to fight against Honjoong. He was the leader even though I was older, he had every right to do this if he thought I was out of line. Just like I had a right to do the same if he got out of line. It was a mutual agreement and not one I would go back on now.  That didn't make me any more nervous when Hongjoong sat down and looked at me, waiting. My stomach was doing flip flops from the nerves but I pushed that aside and, rather slowly, walked over to stand at his side.  "I know I'm younger than you but I am the leader. The others look up to you so if they see you doing something that goes against our rules, the rules that I established, they'll think it's okay to do the same. Do you want them to think neglecting their health is okay?" Hongjoong's words were like a knife to my heart. Of course I didn't want my dongsaengs thinking this was okay! It wasn't. So why did I do it? I was smarter than this, always getting after the others when they skip a meal yet I didn't just skip one meal, I skipped three. I was a terrible person. Hongjoong seemed to read my thoughts because his expression softened and he pulled me down on the couch beside him. "Your not a bad person. You made a mistake, just like everyone else. The kids make mistakes all the time but that doesn't make them bad people. It makes them human,just like it makes you human. I'm not going to pretend I'm thrilled with your neglect of health or that I will push it aside because I won't. What you did was stupid,dangerous and hurt you and our babies. I don't understand why you did it either but I do understand that we're both still young and you and I are allowed to make mistakes. That way we can learn from them" Hongjoong was treating me like a little kid as he talked,petting my hair and whispering softly to me but I found that I didn't mind too much. "Just so you know, I'm only going to use my hand so long as you behave. If you don't, you'll get the brush. And mark my words,if this ever happens again, I'll use the belt and then turn you over to our manager" Hongjoong's sweet voice turned sour once again. I didn't want to even think about that. Our manager was strict and he looked out for us like we were his sons. If Hongjoong told him I wasn't eating,I would never sit down again. "I understand" I did understand. Hongjoong and I normally got punished together, the few times we did and that number had become less over the years yet I still remembered it well. The pain,the humiliation and the comfort that followed after. "Then you know what to do" Hongjoong replied. I nodded again but I couldn't bring myself to go over his knee. Hongjoong seemed to understand that and helped me over. It was a little awkward since he was almost half my height and most of my body was laying on the couch instead of his lap but somehow,it still worked. "Do you understand why I'm doing this?" Hongjoong asked me, his hand on my back. It was comforting but I knew why it was there. If I struggled or tried to get up,Hongjoong would stop me in a second. "Yes" I answered. "Tell me" He demanded. I knew he was going to say that. If there was one thing Hongjoong did everytime he ended up with someone over his knee, it was asking what they did wrong. "I didn't eat for a whole day which is bad for my health and I lied to you about it. I didn't say anything when I started feeling dizzy and that caused Yeosang and Jongho to get hurt" I listed,already knowing what Hongjoong wanted to hear. "Good. Then let's begin" Hongjoong didn't hesitate for another second. I jumped at the first smack,from surprise more than anything. Several more followed after that first one and I tried to remain composed,serious. Not let our leader know just how much this was affecting me. It wasn't that I didn't trust him to show emotion in front of him, I just didn't want to seem weak. "Let it out. Don't try to act tough" Hongjoong told me. I blinked back tears and shook my head. Hongjoong gave a deep sigh above me and then I felt my jeans slipping down to my knees. "No!" I threw a hand back,wanting to stop Hongjoong. "Do not tell me no! You know why your getting this and you know you deserve it so don't even try!" Hongjoong scolded. I finally felt my tears spill as I put my hand back down on the ground. "Put your hand back or try to stop this in any way again and I'll send you to get the brush. Do you want that?" Hongjoong moved his hand down to the stretch of skin between thigh and butt. "Ow! No, no!" I shook my head aggressively. Now I was just one bad move away from being sent for the brush. "Then stay still. We're nowhere near done" Hongjoong warned. I vowed to do just that but it was harder than anticipated and I found myself squirming again after a few minutes. "I'm sorry!" I yelled at a particularly hard smack to my legs. "I know and I'm sure you won't do it again. This is just to make sure of that" Hongjoong rubbed a gentle hand over my back,only making me cry even more. I didn't deserve his kindness. "Whatever your thinking, you need to stop thinking right now" Hongjoong warned, snapping his hand down in a stingy smack. I winced at that but pushed those thoughts from my head. I deserved this but I also knew that I would be showered with kindness when it was all over. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, it was stupid and dangerous and I'll never skip another meal again" I promised. And like that,Hongjoong stopped. He gave me a moment to compose myself before pulling me up to look at him. "It was extremely stupid but it's over. I never want to see or hear about you starving yourself ever again or I will make good on my promise, don't think I won't" He waved a finger at me. I knew he wouldn't break the promise of facing the belt and our manager if I did this again. "Don't worry. Thank you,Hongjoong" I blushed and hung my head. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I did the same. Quickly, I redressed myself, not wanting the kids to see me like this when they returned. Which was only a few minutes later. "Your alive!" Wooyoung joked,running to me. "Haha" Hongjoong elbowed our friend in the side. Yeosang came to stand beside me. I knew he was worried and probably felt guilty about leaving me alone. "Thank you Yeosangie. For getting them out of the house. I appreciate it very much" I pressed a kiss to his head and hugged my dongsaeng. "Are you okay hyung?" Yeosang asked me. "Sore,but otherwise okay. I promise" I assured him. Yeosang seemed to accept that answer and buried himself in my side. "Cuddle party!" Someone, I think Wooyoung or San,yelled and pushed us all onto the couch. I winced at the sting in my butt and somehow ended up laying on top of Hongjoong and Yunho, my feet in Yunho's lap and my head resting on a pillow in Hongjoong's lap. He played with my hair throughout the whole movie and I let him. None of us went to our rooms or our own beds that night but it didn't matter. We were together and I would always be thankful for this caring,comforting group of boys I got to be with.
In order for a chemical reaction to take place, the reactants must collide. The collision between the molecules in a chemical reaction provides the kinetic energy needed to break the necessary bonds so that new bonds can be formed. Sometimes, even if there is a collision, not enough kinetic energy is available to be transferred — the molecules aren’t moving fast enough. You can help the situation somewhat by heating the mixture of reactants. The temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules; raising the temperature increases the kinetic energy available to break bonds during collisions. The molecules must also collide in the right orientation, or hit at the right spot, in order for the reaction to occur. Here’s an example: Suppose you have an equation showing molecule A-B reacting with C to form C-A and B, like this: A-B + C→C-A + B The way this equation is written, the reaction requires that reactant C collide with A-B on the A end of the molecule. If it hits the B end, nothing will happen. The A end of this hypothetical molecule is called the reactive site, the place on the molecule that the collision must take place in order for the reaction to occur. If C collides at the A end of the molecule, then there’s a chance that enough energy can be transferred to break the A-B bond. After the A-B bond is broken, the C-A bond can be formed. The equation for this reaction process can be shown in this way: C~A~B→C-A + B So in order for this reaction to occur, there must be a collision between C and A-B at the reactive site. The collision between C and A-B has to transfer enough energy to break the A-B bond, allowing the C-A bond to form. Energy is required to break a bond between atoms. This example is a simple one. Many reactions are one-step, but many others require several steps in going from reactants to final products. In the process, several compounds may be formed that react with each other to give the final products. These compounds are called intermediates. An exothermic example of chemical reactions Imagine that the hypothetical reaction A-B + C→C-A + B is exothermic — a reaction in which heat is given off (released) when going from reactants to products. The reactants start off at a higher energy state than the products, so energy is released in going from reactants to products. In the diagram below, the activation energy for the reaction (the energy that you have to put in to get the reaction going) is shown as: The energy diagram shows the collision of C and A-B with the breaking of the A-B bond and the forming of the C-A bond at the top of an activation energy hill. This grouping of reactants at the top of the activation energy hill is sometimes called the transition state of the reaction. The difference in the energy level of the reactants and the energy level of the products is the amount of energy (heat) that is released in the reaction. An endothermic example of chemical reactions Suppose that the hypothetical reaction A-B + C→C-A + B is endothermic — a reaction in which heat is absorbed in going from reactants to products — so the reactants are at a lower energy state than the products. The following energy diagram shows this reaction. This diagram also shows that an activation energy is associated with the reaction. In going from reactants to products, you have to put in more energy initially to get the reaction started, and then you get that energy back out as the reaction proceeds. Notice that the transition state appears at the top of the activation energy hill — just like in the exothermic-reaction energy diagram. The difference is that, in going from reactants to products, energy (heat) must be absorbed in the endothermic example.
          <i>Vikram Malhotra  </i> <i> </i> <i>              Priya Sharma</i> <i>((So guys all the names are imagined and the pictures are taken from Pinterest 💞 .))</i> ______________________________________________________________ In the bustling city of Mumbai, there lived a wealthy and arrogant man named Vikram Malhotra. He was the heir to a vast business empire and had grown up with a sense of entitlement and superiority. Vikram was used to getting his way and had a reputation for being rude and dismissive towards others. On the other hand, there was a charming and kind-hearted girl named Priya Sharma. She was a simple girl from a middle-class family, but she had a heart of gold and a smile that could light up a room. Priya worked as a teacher at a local school and was loved by all her students for her warmth and compassion. <i> </i> <i>Bye pookies 💕</i> <i>Stay tuned for another part</i> <i>...</i>
The worksheet is designed to help children learn different ways of writing their names. It prompts the child to fill in blanks about the number of letters in their name and the starting letter, followed by lines to practice writing their name in uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and with the first letter capitalized. A colorful illustration of crayons in a holder adds an educational touch, indicating the writing task at hand. The worksheet is structured to guide children through various forms of their name, reinforcing letter recognition and the concept of capitalization. This worksheet teaches students the basics of letter case and the conventional use of uppercase and lowercase letters in writing their names. It helps them understand that while their name remains the same, it can be represented in different formats depending on the context. The practice of writing their name in all uppercase and all lowercase also helps to reinforce letter recognition and the differences in letter shapes. Additionally, by writing their name with only the first letter capitalized, students learn the standard format for names and proper nouns.
Boolean values and flow control You have seen integer and float data in the first part of the course. Well there are also other types of data very useful in programming languages and one of these are the Boolean values. The Boolean values are only two: Attention to the initial capital letter. the values true and false are not Boolean. In programming the availability of these values allows us to manage in a very simple way some operations such as conditions. In this second part of the course we will see how the conditions are a very important mechanism with which to control the flow of a program. We saw in the first part how the commands were executed one at a time. Interacting with the Python console gradually and changing the commands according to the results obtained. Well this however is not possible with the programs (let’s say more correctly that it is not correct). Indeed, programs must be able to make decisions on their own, and this can be done through assessments of conditions. If certain conditions are met the program will execute commands, otherwise it will execute others. This is the control of the flow of the program. Much of the second part of the course will be based on this concept. First, to build a condition we need a set of operators to make comparisons. For example, the equality operator == checks that two values, or variables, have the same value. If they have it, it will return True, otherwise False. However it will return a Boolean value. Here we have a condition. Continuing to work on the Python console. We test the functionality of the comparison operator Note: for simple assignments we can use multiple commands on the same line separating them with ‘;’. Be careful not to abuse this in order not to lower the legibility of the code. The comparison operator also works for string values Another operator is that of inequality,! =. This works exactly the opposite of the previous one, returning True if the values contained in the two variables are different, False otherwise. But there are not only these types of operators. In fact, the comparison operators>,> =, <and <= are used a lot with the numbers. This class of comparison operators allow us to set conditions to know if one number is greater or less than another.
DSM- dad BSM- brother images!!
"Wake up! *Wake up*!" My eyes opened to a blurred world, bouncing up and down around me. After a moment, I grabbed at the man shaking me and groaned. "What the hell are you doing, Rafi? Good God, man." "Samir, my friend, you must get up. We have to go, now." "What are you on about so early in the day? Back at the wicked leaf again, friend?" I rubbed my eyes vigorously. "Samir, something is happening. We must go-" Splintered wood exploded across the room, raining kindling on us both. A group of armed men in bright red sashes with gold scimitars at their hips were yelling in another language- Farsi, perhaps? Or Arabic? It was hard to pin, but understanding them wouldn't have mattered anyway. They dragged us at swordpoint to the central square, where thousands of other men had been gathered together. They all looked as confused and distraught as I felt, bitter nerves and a sinking, empty stomach. About ten minutes later, a loudphone crackled in our own language, though crudely. "Hello. There is no time. We have married into the Persian bloodline, and they will go to war with us." Rafi squeezed over to me, grasping my shoulder. "Chaos comes for us, friend. I hear the new Persian Queen murdered all four of her siblings to establish herself as heir." I ran my hands through my hair, clenching some, as the booming voice continued. "The democracy has been disbanded. This is an official monarchy now, and miscreants will be thrown in jail or executed quickly. "You will be fitted with equipment shortly and we march in three days. Don't worry, I have a few perks and because of my divine abilities, you will all be able to fight like trained warriors. "First we must destroy India. The madmen formed a democracy and... Things have become tumultuous. After that, I do not yet know. However, I do know the world will be ours, men. We just have to go out and steal it before it destroys itself." The crowd cheered, and I with them, despite being horridly confused and wanting to vomit. I'd just... moved on my own, screaming with agreement, a veil of bloodlust pulled over my eyes. The conscripted men began to stream out of the square, toward an armory looming above plaza buildings- it wasn't there the day before. Along the way, a radio's crackle caught my ear, and I paused briefly to listen. *"India has formed a democracy... Mohandas Gandhi... Rapid changes in the world climate... War elephants... President Gandhi put out a press release today... Play it now."* *"... Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS..."* the once peaceful, frail man screamed like a banshee. The world was falling apart. There were things in motion that would never become undone. And, somehow, overnight, it had become our job to keep things from fully unraveling. ---- */r/resonatingfury*
You have been specially selected to qualify for the following: Premium Vacation Package and Pentium PC Giveaway To review the details of the please click on the link with the confirmation number below: http://www.1chn.net/wintrip Confirmation Number#Lh340 Please confirm your entry within 24 hours of receipt of this confirmation. Wishing you a fun filled vacation! If you should have any additional questions or cann't connect to the site do not hesitate to contact me direct: mailto:vacation@btamail.net.cn?subject=Help!
Sonar Single Beam Echo sounding is the key method scientists use to map the seafloor today. The technique, first used by German scientists in the early 20th century, uses sound waves bounced off the ocean bottom. Echo sounders aboard ships have components called transducers that both transmit and receive sound waves. Transducers send a cone of sound down to the seafloor, which reflects back to the ship. Just like a flashlight beam, the cone of sound will focus on a relatively small area in places where the ocean is shallow, or spread out over the size of a football field when water depths reach 3,000 meters. The returned echo is received by the transducer, amplified electronically, and recorded on graphic recorders. The time taken for the sound to travel through the ocean and back is then used to calculate water depths. The faster the sound waves return, the smaller the water depths and the higher the elevation of the seafloor. Echo sounders repeatedly “ping” the seafloor as a ship moves along the surface, producing a continuous line showing ocean depths directly beneath the ship. In the early days of ocean exploration until as recently as 20 years ago, marine geologists wrote down individual readings from recorders, plotted them on navigation charts showing their ship’s position, and then drew contour lines joining points of equal depth. In this way, they produced “bathymetry maps” that displayed the ocean’s changing water depths (and hence changes in seafloor elevation). These charts were accurate only within about 20-50 m, but that was good enough for scientists to discover the mid-ocean ridge system in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Echo sounders use different frequencies of sound to find out different things about the seafloor. Scientists typically use echo sounders that transmit sound at 12 kiloHertz (kHz) to determine how far down the seafloor lies. However, they use a lower frequency (3.5 kHz) sound, which penetrates the seafloor, if they want to “see” accumulated layers of sediments below it.
BUSINESS ASSISTANCE Dear Sir. First, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, this is by virture of its nature as being utterly confidencial and top secret. all though i know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day.we have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction, let me start by introducing myself properly to you. I am the Manager Bills and Exchange of Foreign Remittance Department of Union Bank of NIgeria (U.B.N. Headquarters Lagos Nigeria) formally Union Bank of Switzerland(UBS-AG Zurich Switzerland). In accordance with Federal Government Policies on indiginalization Law on company and Allied matters of Jan 1977. I am writing you this letter to ask for your support and co-operation to carry out this transaction.We discovered an abandoned sum of US$7. 5 million(Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our Foreign customer who died along side his entire family in November 1997 in a plane crash. Since this development, we have advertised for his next of kin or any close relation to come forward to claim this money, but nobody came to apply for the claim.To this effect, I and two other officials in my department, have decided to look for a trusted foreign partner who can stand in as the next of kin to the deceased and claim this money. We need !a foreign partner to apply for the claim because of the fact that the customer was a foreigner and we don't want this money to go into the Banks Treasury as unclaimed fund. Every document to affect this process will emanate from my table and I will perfect every document to be in accordance with the banking law and guidelines, So you have nothing to worry about.We have agreed that 20% of the money will be for you, 10% for expenses incurred on both sides, 10% will be donated to the charity organization while 60% will be for my colleagues and I. If you are going to help me, indicate by replying this letter and putting in your BANK PARTICULARS, PRIVATE TELEPHONE AND FAX NUMBERS.I await your immediate reply to enable us start this transaction in earnest.Once I receive your reply, I will send you the Text of application for immediate application of Claim. Yours faithfully, DR MARKUS PHILLIPS. http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
*hyperventilating rn* IM SO HAPPIIIII  &gt;/////&lt;
Relationship --===_SecAtt_000_1fheucnqggtggp Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable URGENT PRIVATE & EXTREMELY CONFIDENTIAL Dear =2C With profound interest and in utmost confidence=2C I am soliciting your immediate assistance or co-operation as to enable us round up an opportunity within my capability as a result of the death of one of our contractor =28Beneficiary=29=2E You should not be surprised as to how I got your contact=2C you were highly recommended to me with the believe that you are competent=2C reliable=2C Trustworthy and confident=2E I am Dr=2E Bello Ahmed=2C Chief Auditor=2C Special Project and Foreign Contract Regularization and Disbursement=2C in the Office of the Auditor General of the Federation of Federal Republic of Nigeria=2E We work in hand with the Senate Committee on Foreign Contract Payment=2E Our duty is to ensure that all contractors are paid their contract sum in due time=2E This last payment quarter=2C a total of 30 contractors were short listed for payment and about 25 of them have been paid remaining about 5 =28Five=29=2C information reaching this office indicates that one among the remaining has been reported dead=2E His name is Mr=2E Gerrand Schwartz from Sweden=2C he died in the last Air France Concorde plane crash=2E Meanwhile he finished the execution of his contract December 19th 1999=2E But since his death=2C nobody has come forward to put a claim to his contract fund which is about US$15=2C500=2C000=2E00 Million =28fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand U=2ES Dollars=29 that is why I need your immediate assistance to expedite the transfer of the contract amount=2E With my position as a Director in the Department of Contract Regularisation and Disbursement=2C I will regularize all the necessary documents and present your company as the bona-fide beneficiary of this fund in as much as you respond within 48 hours for respect of this important message=2E Your unreserved cooperation in this business is just what we require for a successful and hitch =96 free transaction=2E Necessary measures to ensure a risk =96 free and fool proof transaction and confidentiality has been taken=2E Kindly signify your interest by replying via my personal e =96mail address above=2E Upon receipt of your positive reply we shall discuss on =281=29 Basic Program for Operation =282=29 Financial Status as to ascertain your capability=2E Upon completion of this transaction I have decided to give you 30% of the total sum=2C 60% of the fund which is our share will be used for investment in your company or in any other company of our choice=2E While10% has been mapped out to take care of any minor expenses incurred=2E Take note that this project will last for only 21 working days=2E I expect your response in time =28within 48 hours=29 as time is of great essence in this transaction=2E God Bless and Kind Regards=2C Dr=2E Bello Ahmed --===_SecAtt_000_1fheucnqggtggp Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="111111111111111111.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="111111111111111111.txt"
Mass extinctions were first identified by the obvious traces they left in the fossil record. In the strata corresponding to these time periods, the lower, older rock layer contains a great diversity of fossil life forms, while the younger layer immediately above is depauperate in comparison. Often, the rock layers bookending the mass extinction are noticeably different in their compositions. These changes in the rocks show the effects of environmental disturbances that triggered the mass extinction and sometimes hint at the catastrophic cause of the extinction. Such dramatic changes in adjacent rock layers make it clear that mass extinctions were geologically rapid and suggest that they were caused by catastrophic events (e.g., a period of intense volcanic activity). Exactly what do we mean by “geologically rapid?” Even in cases where a mass extinction seems to have been triggered by a near instantaneous event (e.g., a massive asteroid colliding with Earth), the impact of this event on Earth’s systems and biota may have taken much longer to play out. Figuring out exactly how much real time passed during a mass extinction is difficult and requires the use of state-of-the-art radioisotopic dating techniques. Using such techniques, geologists estimate that some of these massive extinctions took place in 200,000 years or less. Current techniques for dating such ancient rocks cannot pinpoint dates more specifically than this — so we can’t be sure if some mass extinctions took place in 150 years or 150,000 years. Either way, this represents a sudden event when compared to life’s 3.5 billion year history. For example, if you compressed the entire history of life into a human lifespan of 80 years, a mass extinction would zip by in less than a day! Teach your students about the geologic time scale: Understanding Geologic Time, a web-based module for grades 6-12.
<b>BEFORE THE STORY BEGINS</b> • This movie is kind of based off of the movie 365, it's a really good movie so I recommend it! • I used google translate for the French, I'm lazy sorry guys. • I will translate the French for you guys &lt;3 Massimo - Mafia leader Chloé - Girl in the story (obviously) <b>CREDITS</b> • Grammar and pre-reader: <b><a href="https://www.wattpad.com/user/S1mp4H0tppl">S1mp4H0tppl</a></b> <b>8:30 a.m.</b> I opened my eyes as I woke up in a cold sweat, I thought "Where am I?" I immediately sat up and looked around, thinking to myself "This isn't my house and this is definitely not my room!" I heard the doorknob rattling and the door suddenly opened and there he was; the mafia leader, he stood very tall with brown eyes and blond hair, dressed up very fancy as if he was going to a meeting. He said "Get dressed and go downstairs, my chef will make you breakfast and then we will discuss what you are doing in my house." He left the room and as he was shutting the door I got up and mumbled some curse words under my breath, I walked towards the bathroom, took a shower and then I went to his closet to put on some clothes I found that would somehow fit my style. <b>In the kitchen </b> I went to the kitchen island and sat down on a stool, I jumped when the chef asked me what I wanted to eat for breakfast, "Umm.. I would just like pancakes please." He made pancakes and set them down in front of me and he told me to enjoy them. I started eating them with such delight, as I was about to eat a part of one that's when I heard the mafia leader come down the stairs and sit next to me, his eyes started to widen, "Don't eat all of them at once, savor it." He said, shaking his head. I laughed at him and turned to the chef who was on his phone scrolling, I said "Merci pour les crêpes elles étaient délicieuses!" (Thank you for the pancakes, they were delicious) He turned to me, smiled and said "De rien." (Your welcome) The mafia leader asked the chef to get out of the kitchen and the chef said "Oui, désolé Massimo." As he left the room. I laughed at him as I was saying "Quel genre de nom est Massimo?" (What kind of name is Massimo?) He started getting mad and he turned to me and said "Comme c'est impoli de votre part!" (How rude of you) <b>.       .       . </b> <b>The contract</b> <b>9:30 p.m.</b> He started again, "So about that plan.. I made my guards look at your background check and your home life and come get you for a month, I'm afraid you will have to sign some contracts aswell." My eyes widened and I yelled "MY HOME LIFE??" He hushed me "Yes your home life; I keep tabs on everyone I search for, now be quiet so my neighbours don't get suspicious at you yelling at the top of your lungs." I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Fine. Why do you need my background check anyways? It's not like your the FBI.." He gulped. "No I'm not but I needed your background check so I can see what criminal record you have because it's referred to in the contract." "What kind of criminal record are you looking for?" He replied with "A criminal record that has multiple convictions for murder which is violating the R.C., section 2903.02." He scoffed. "Sooo.. does that mean I was convicted of murder?" She asked "You don't remember do you?" Sighed Massimo. "Well of course I don't remember, I slept all 10 years while I was incarcerated!" "You are excused, go clean your room and make your bed. Goodnight Chloé." Massimo said as he glared at her. "But-" "No buts. Get to bed, chop chop. Times ticking." She angrily huffed as she got down from the stool and started walking up the stairs, almost stomping. She got into her room and did as he said and she dozed off to sleep.
The TBA Doctor Walks the Walk on Diabetes This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_143B1F_01C25A7A.A80CB430 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The TBA Doctor Walks the Walk... On Diabetes! =20 =20 Case 1: Case 2: =20 ? Male age 37 ? Nonsmoker=20 ? $500,000 Face ? Type 1 Diabetic - Treated with Insulin Pump ? Diagnosed at age 23 ? Hospitalized in '95, '96 and '98 with "Diabetic Complications" ? Issued Standard ? Male age 51 ? Nonsmoker=20 ? $1,200,000 Face ? 6'0", 237lbs=20 ? Takes Micronase and Glucophage ? Issued Super Standard =09 Case 3: Case 4: =20 ? Female age 60 ? Nonsmoker=20 ? $2,000,000 Face ? 5'5", 165lbs=20 ? Insulin Dependent=20 ? Issued Super Standard ? Male age 45 ? Nonsmoker=20 ? $875,000 Face ? 6'4", 275lbs ? Diabetes Controlled by Diet ? Issued Super Standard =09 Click here to provide the details on your "tough case" <http://nettrac.ipipeline.com/askdoctor/doctor.asp?gaid=3D0162> =20 Call the Doctor with your case details! We've cured 1,000s of agents' "tough cases!" 800-624-4502 ext. 18=09 =97 or =97 Please fill out the form below for more information =20 Name: =09 E-mail: =20 Phone: =20 City: State: =20 =09 =20 Tennessee Brokerage Agency - www.TBA.com <http://www.tba.com> =20 We don't want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to. This is professional communication sent to insurance professionals. To be removed from this mailing list, DO NOT REPLY to this message. Instead, go here: http://www.InsuranceIQ.com/optout Legal Notice <http://www.insuranceiq.com/legal.htm> =20 ------=_NextPart_000_143B1F_01C25A7A.A80CB430 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html> <head> <title>The TBA Doctor Walks the Walk on Diabetes</title> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor=3D"#003333" text=3D"#000000"> <font face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <table width=3D"550" border=3D"1" align=3D"center" cellpadding=3D"0" = cellspacing=3D"0" bordercolor=3D"#000000" bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF"> <tr>=20 <td><img src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-101.gif" = alt=3D"The TBA Doctor Walks the Walk... On Diabetes!" width=3D"550" = height=3D"41"><br> <img src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-102.gif" = width=3D"278" height=3D"255"><img = src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-103.gif" width=3D"272" = height=3D"255"><br> <img src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-104.gif" = width=3D"278" height=3D"190"><img = src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-105.gif" width=3D"272" = height=3D"190">=20 <table width=3D"100%" cellpadding=3D"2" cellspacing=3D"2" = border=3D"0" bgcolor=3D"#ffffff"> <tr>=20 <td> <br>=20 <table width=3D"100%" border=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"4" = cellspacing=3D"0" bordercolor=3D"#000000"> <tr bgcolor=3D"#000066">=20 <td width=3D"50%"><b><font color=3D"#FFFFFF" = size=3D"2">Case 1:</font></b></td> <td width=3D"50%"><b><font color=3D"#FFFFFF" = size=3D"2">Case 2:</font></b></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor=3D"#FFFFCC">=20 <td width=3D"50%"><font size=3D"2">&#149;&nbsp;Male age = 37<br> &#149;&nbsp;Nonsmoker <br> &#149;&nbsp;$500,000 Face<br> &#149;&nbsp;Type 1 Diabetic - Treated with Insulin = Pump<br> &#149;&nbsp;Diagnosed at age 23<br> &#149;&nbsp;Hospitalized in '95, '96 and '98 with<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Diabetic Complications&quot;<br> &#149;&nbsp;<b><font color=3D"#FF0000">Issued = Standard</font></b></font> </td> <td width=3D"50%" valign=3D"top"><font = size=3D"2">&#149;&nbsp;Male age 51<br> &#149;&nbsp;Nonsmoker <br> &#149;&nbsp;$1,200,000 Face<br> &#149;&nbsp;6'0&quot;, 237lbs <br> &#149;&nbsp;Takes Micronase and Glucophage<br> &#149;&nbsp;<b><font color=3D"#FF0000">Issued Super = Standard</font></b></font> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor=3D"#000066">=20 <td><b><font color=3D"#FFFFFF" size=3D"2">Case = 3:</font></b></td> <td><b><font color=3D"#FFFFFF" size=3D"2">Case = 4:</font></b></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor=3D"#FFFFCC">=20 <td width=3D"50%"><font size=3D"2">&#149;&nbsp;Female = age 60<br> &#149;&nbsp;Nonsmoker <br> &#149;&nbsp;$2,000,000 Face<br> &#149;&nbsp;5'5&quot;, 165lbs <br> &#149;&nbsp;Insulin Dependent <br> &#149;&nbsp;<b><font color=3D"#FF0000">Issued Super = Standard</font></b></font> </td> <td width=3D"50%"><font size=3D"2">&#149;&nbsp;Male age = 45<br> &#149;&nbsp;Nonsmoker <br> &#149;&nbsp;$875,000 Face<br> &#149;&nbsp;6'4&quot;, 275lbs<br> &#149;&nbsp;Diabetes Controlled by Diet<br> &#149;&nbsp;<b><font color=3D"#FF0000">Issued Super = Standard</font></b></font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"center"><a = href=3D"http://nettrac.ipipeline.com/askdoctor/doctor.asp?gaid=3D0162"><i= mg src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-2.gif" alt=3D"Click = here to provide the details on your &quot;tough case&quot;" = width=3D"484" height=3D"106" border=3D"0"></a></td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td align=3D"center">=20 <b><font color=3D"#0000CC" size=3D"4">Call the Doctor with = your case details!<br> <font color=3D"#FF0000">We've cured 1,000s of agents' = &quot;tough cases!&quot;</font></font></b><br> <img src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/tba/0729/20020729-3.gif" = alt=3D"800-624-4502 ext. 18" width=3D"540" height=3D"101"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align=3D"center"><font size=3D"2">&#8212; or = &#8212;</font><br> <table width=3D"95%" bgcolor=3D"#000000"> <tr>=20 <form method=3D"post" = action=3D""> <td>=20 <table width=3D"100%" border=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" = cellpadding=3D"2" align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"#cccccc"> <tr>=20 <td colspan=3D"5" align=3D"center" = bgcolor=3D"#000066"><font color=3D"#FFFFFF" size=3D"2"><b>Please fill = out the form below for more information</b></font></td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td width=3D"15%" align=3D"right"><font = size=3D"2"><b>Name:</b></font></td> <td colspan=3D"3"> <input type=3D"text" = name=3D"contactname" size=3D"50"></td> <td rowspan=3D"5" valign=3D"middle" = align=3D"center"><img src=3D"http://iiq.us/images/q.gif" width=3D"43" = height=3D"50"></td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td width=3D"15%" align=3D"right"><font = size=3D"2"><b>E-mail:</b></font></td> <td colspan=3D"3"> <input type=3D"text" = name=3D"email" size=3D"50"></td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td width=3D"15%" align=3D"right"><font = size=3D"2"><b>Phone:</b></font></td> <td colspan=3D"3"> <input type=3D"text" = name=3D"phone" size=3D"50"></td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td width=3D"15%" align=3D"right"><font = size=3D"2"><b>City:</b></font></td> <td width=3D"30%"> <input type=3D"text" = name=3D"city" size=3D"20"></td> <td width=3D"15%" align=3D"right"><font = size=3D"2"><b>State:</b></font></td> <td width=3D"20%"> <input type=3D"text" = name=3D"state" size=3D"2"></td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td width=3D"15%" align=3D"right">&nbsp;</td> <td width=3D"30%" colspan=3D'3'>=20 <input type=3D"submit" name=3D"btnsubmit" = value=3D"Submit"> <input type=3D"hidden" = name=3D"hdnRecipientTxt" value=3D"impairedrisk@tba.com"> <input type=3D"hidden" name=3D"hdnSubjectTxt" = value=3D"TBA Diabetes Ad Inquiry">=20 </td> </tr> </table> </td> <input type=3D'hidden' name=3D'SentTo' value=3D'304704'> </form> </tr> </table> <br> <a href=3D"http://www.tba.com"><img = src=3D"" alt=3D"Tennessee = Brokerage Agency - www.TBA.com" width=3D"368" height=3D"106" = border=3D"0"></a>=20 </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr>=20 <td width=3D"100%" bgcolor=3D"#cccccc" align=3D"center"> <p><font = face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D"1">=20 We don't want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish = to. 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Education takes place within a social environment. To be successful in school, students must demonstrate not only academic competence, but social competence as well. Students are expected, among other things, to behave and act appropriately, cooperate with others, solve problems, resolve conflicts, and make good decisions, In academic lessons, students also are expected to communicate clearly, collaborate with peers to solve problems and complete tasks, and show manners—such as listening, waiting one’s turn, following directions, seeking help appropriately—when participating in group activities. In other words, without certain social skills, students may be unable to access the curriculum. When a student does not demonstrate appropriate social skills, it is important to ask, “Is it because the student can’t or won’t?” The answer to this question will determine which strategy to take. If the student won’t perform as expected, then a behavioral management strategy is needed. But, if the student cannot perform as expected, then the student will need to be taught the social skill in question. A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Social Skills shows teachers (K–8) how to teach social skills.
"The first spell I ever cast was entirely on accident. One second, I was recording my chemistry experiment for this class demo project, the next I'm on the ground looking up at a rift in the fabric of space-time." The lecture hall was watching me, waiting for the punchline. Then I went to the next slide and watched the largest and most embarrassing leap in the history of mankind's development. Laughter played out until I kept speaking with a palpable force of honesty. "Without this video, I myself never would have believed what had happened." I held up my hands. "And those of you watching will certainly say that that's just CGI. Those of you who know me will be able to assure the rest that my computer skills are even worse than my coordination, and you just saw how awful that is." "I understand that without real life proof, none of you will believe me, and so I intend to cast the spell here today. " From under the table I pulled out my box of supplies and began setting up. First my lab coat. Then the portable bunsen burner and flask holder. Distilled water. Magnesium chlorate. It was good that the set up took so long. "Over the past month, I and my friends have spent day and night attempting to recreate and then distill this process." "We have documented each attempt. We have researched every single thing we could imagine. The ritual does not depend on any astronomical or atmospheric conditions. The ritual does not depend on any innate property of the caster that we can identify. The ingredients do not have to be sourced from anywhere specifically, and the source of the heat does not matter." I sighed. "It does unfortunately matter. As soon as the solution reaches 93 degrees centigrade, I will begin the ritual. And before that happens I want to emphasize: Every. Single. Step. Matters." Some people were still chuckling, either at me or falsely believing they were privy to some prank I was pulling. I tuned them out and watched the thermometer rise. 91... 92... 93. It was the lowest we found that would still work. Showtime. My left hand flew forward to 'casually' backhand the flask as I spun around, pretending to slip on the floor. The flask went flying as I bit back a hiss and began the incantation. "Fugono!" Turning back around as if lunging for the burning projectile, I watched it shatter against the table as I proceeded to actually fall. Intentionally. Flinging my legs out from under me to the side, I kept speaking. "Shi-" An unenscribable gasping noise as I hit the ground with my side, arms still extended towards the glass. "-gahsinfabish!" Clenching my hands, I wrapped my arm around my actually bruised knee and spoke the final words, praying I hadn't messed anything up. "Gidameedit!" Laughter was cut off as an inky black portal opened in the air above the spilled and broken flask. I flung my hands back and scuttled away as if surprised, causing the second portal to appear under me. I fell through and landed on the remains of my experiment, but that was what my padded lab coat was for. Rolling off the debris, I took a few seconds to compose myself before standing up and looking towards my class. Professor Ward broke the awed silence by standing and surveying the portals. "Mr. Harris. This is... incredibly impressive." He tossed a pencil through and watched it come out the other. "And how long does it last for?" "Eleven minutes and five seconds. Give or take a second." "Fascinating. And... all that flailing was required?" "You may recall that there was quite a bit more in the original video." I was really glad that I didn't need to catch my sleeve on fire again. "This was as much as could be removed so far. I'm hoping to reduce it further." "Fantastic. Truly and simply fantastic." His elderly face gave me a bright smile and a knot of tension uncoiled inside of me. Prematurely. "It's a shame you didn't submit the protocol on time. As such, I'm afraid I can't give it higher than a B."
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<b>STUDENTS</b> Josie Saltzman <b>Age</b>: 16 <b>Hight</b>: 5'5 <b>Status</b>: Alive <b>Occupation</b>: Member of the Gemini Coven Student and Honor Council Member <b>Species</b>: Siphoner <b>Gender</b>: Female <b>Family</b>: Biological: Olivia Parker † (Maternal Aunt) Lucas Parker † (Maternal Uncle) Josette Laughlin † (Biological Mother) Alaric Saltzman (Father) Lizzie Saltzman (Twin Sister) Elena Gilbert (Step-Sister via Alaric) Via Surrogacy: Caroline Forbes (Surrogate Mother) Stefan Salvatore † (Late Step-Father via Caroline) Bill Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Grandfather) Elizabeth Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Grandmother) Hope Mikaelson <b>Age</b>: 17 Hight: 5'3 <b>Status</b>: alive <b>Occupation</b>: Member of the Crescent Wolf Pack Member of the North East Atlantic Pack Member of the New Orleans Witch Community Student and Honor Council Member (Tribrid Representative; Currently) <b>Species</b>: Tribrid (Witch, Werewolf) (currently) <b>Gender</b>: female <b>Family</b>: Dahlia † (Paternal Great-Aunt) Ansel † (Paternal Grandfather) Esther Mikaelson † (Paternal Grandmother) Mikael † (Paternal Step-Grandfather) Mary Dumas † (Step Great-Grandmother) Mr. Labonair † (Maternal Grandfather) Mrs. Labonair † (Maternal Grandmother) Niklaus Mikaelson † (Father) Hayley Marshall-Kenner † (Mother) Jackson Kenner † (Stepfather) Marcel Gerard (Adoptive Older Brother) Freya Mikaelson (Paternal Aunt) Keelin (Aunt) Finn Mikaelson † (Paternal Uncle) Elijah Mikaelson † (Paternal Uncle) Kol Mikaelson (Paternal Uncle) Davina Claire (Aunt) Rebekah Mikaelson (Paternal Aunt) Henrik Mikaelson † (Paternal Uncle) Freya's Unborn Son † (Paternal Cousin) Nik (Cousin) Lizzie Saltzman <b>Age</b>: 16 <b>Hight</b>: 5'9 <b>Status</b>: Alive <b>Occupation</b>: Member of the Gemini Coven Student <b>Species</b>: Siphoner <b>Gender</b>: female <b>Family</b>: Biological: Olivia Parker † (Maternal Aunt) Lucas Parker † (Maternal Uncle) Josette Laughlin † (Biological Mother) Alaric Saltzman (Father) Josie Saltzman (Twin Sister) Elena Gilbert (Step-Sister via Alaric) Via Surrogacy: Caroline Forbes (Surrogate Mother) Stefan Salvatore † (Late Step-Father via Caroline) Bill Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Grandfather) Elizabeth Forbes † (Surrogate Maternal Grandmother) Jed Tien <b>Age: </b>unknown <b>Hight:</b> 6'0 <b>Status: </b>Alive <b>Occupation:</b> Student Alpha of the Salvatore Boarding School Pack (Formerly) <b>Species: </b>Werewolf (Triggered) <b>Gender:</b> Male <b>Family</b>: Unnamed Father † Rafael Waithe <b>Age: </b>18 <b>Hight: </b>6'0 <b>Status:</b> Alive <b>Occupation:</b> Student and Honor Council Member (Werewolf Representative) Alpha of the Salvatore Boarding School Pack (Currently) <b>Species: </b>Werewolf (Triggered) <b>Gender:</b> Male <b>Family:</b> Walt (Biological Father) Lucia (Biological Mother) Unnamed Grandfather (Maternal Grandfather) Kurt (Foster Father) Hector Gonzales (Foster Father) Maria Gonzales (Foster Mother) Landon Kirby † (Foster Brother) Kaleb Hawkins <b>Age: </b>unknown <b>Hight:</b> 5'8 <b>Status:</b> undead <b>Occupation:</b> East Point High School Student (Formerly) Salvatore Boarding School Student and Honor Council Member (Currently/Vampire Representative) <b>Species: </b>Vampire (Currently) Human (Originally) <b>Gender: </b>Male <b>Family:</b> Unnamed Granddad Unnamed Father Unnamed Mother Earl (Uncle) Kym Hawkins (Sister) Milton Greasley <b>Age:</b> 17 <b>Hight:</b> 5'8 <b>Status: </b>Undead <b>Occupation:</b> Student President of the Student Activities Committee <b>Species:</b> Vampire (Currently) Human (Originally) <b>Gender: </b>Male <b>Family:</b> Unnamed Maternal Great-Grandfather Imogene † (Great-Nana) Unnamed Maternal Grandfather Terrance Greasley (Father) Veronica Greasley (Mother) Titan/ Alex Fisher <b>Age</b>: unknown (Cursed at seventeen) <b>Hight</b>: 9 ft <b>Status</b>: alive (Trapped in Malivore) <b>Occupation</b>: Solar Physicist (formerly) <b>Species</b>: supernatural gorilla Human ( formerly) <b>Family</b>: unknown <b>Gender</b>: male <b>ADULTS</b> <b><u>THE MIKAELSON'S</u></b> Davina Claire <b>Age:</b> 32 <b>Hight: </b>5'3 <b>Status: </b>Alive (Resurrected) <b>Occupation: </b>High School Student (Formerly) Member of the French Quarter Coven (Formerly) Harvest Witch (Formerly) Member of The Ancestors (Formerly) Regent of the New Orleans Witch Community (Formerly; Shunned) Member of The Sisters (Formerly) Gatekeeper of the Ancestral Magic of New Orleans (Currently) School counselor <b>Family:</b> Mary-Alice Claire † (Ancestor) Mr. Claire (Father) Mrs. Claire † (Mother) Kol Mikaelson (Husband) Mikael † (Father-in-Law) Esther Mikaelson † (Mother-in-Law) Freya Mikaelson (Sister-in-Law) Finn Mikaelson † (Brother-in-Law) Elijah Mikaelson † (Brother-in-Law) Niklaus Mikaelson † (Half Brother-in-Law) Rebekah Mikaelson (Sister-in-Law) Henrik Mikaelson † (Brother-in-Law) Hope Mikaelson (Niece/Through Kol) Keelin (Sister-in-Law) <b>Species:</b> Witch Ancestral Spirit (Formerly) <b>Gender:</b> Female Rebekah Mikaelson <b>Age: </b>unknown/1000+ <b>Hight:</b> 5'6 <b>Status:</b> undead <b>Occupation:</b> Noblewoman (1002-1700's) (Formerly) Nurse (1919) (Formerly) High School Student (Graduated) Guardian of Hope Mikaelson (Formerly) Prisoner (Formerly) School Teacher <b>Family:</b> Unnamed Paternal Grandfather † Mikael † (Father) Esther † (Mother) Dahlia † (Maternal Aunt) Freya Mikaelson (Older Sister) Finn Mikaelson † (Older Brother) Elijah Mikaelson † (Older Brother) Niklaus Mikaelson † (Older Maternal Half-Brother) Kol Mikaelson (Older Brother) Henrik Mikaelson † (Younger Brother) Freya's Unborn Son † (Nephew) Hope Mikaelson (Niece) Nik (Nephew) Davina Claire (Sister-in-Law) Keelin (Sister-in-Law) Alexander † (Ex-Fiancé) Marcel Gerard (Husband) <b>Species:</b> Witch (Untapped/Originally) Original Vampire (Currently) <b>Gender:</b> Female Freya Mikaelson <b>Age:</b> 30's-40's/1054 <b>Hight:</b> 59 Status: alive <b>Occupation:</b> Prisoner (Formerly) Member of the New Orleans Witch Community Mentor of Hope Mikaelson Member of The Faction (Currently) School Teacher <b>Family:</b> Unnamed Paternal Grandfather † Mikael † (Father) Esther † (Mother) Dahlia † (Maternal Aunt) Mathias † (Former Lover/She was pregnant with his unborn child) Unborn Son † Finn Mikaelson † (Younger Brother) Elijah Mikaelson † (Younger Brother) Niklaus Mikaelson † (Younger Maternal Half-Brother) Kol Mikaelson (Younger Brother) Rebekah Mikaelson (Younger Sister) Henrik Mikaelson † (Youngest Brother) Hope Mikaelson (Niece) Davina Claire (Sister-in-Law) Keelin (Wife) Nik (Son) <b>Species:</b> Witch <b>Gender:</b> Female Kol Mikaelson <b>Age:</b> unknown/1000+ <b>Hight:</b> 6'1 <b>Status:</b> undead <b>Occupation:</b> Nobleman (1002-1700's) (Formerly) Nomad (1300's-1700's) (Formerly) Member of The Ancestors (Formerly) <b>Family:</b> Unnamed Paternal Grandfather † Unnamed Maternal Grandparents † Mikael † (Father) Esther Mikaelson † (Mother) Dahlia † (Maternal Aunt) Freya Mikaelson (Older Sister) Finn Mikaelson † (Older Brother) Elijah Mikaelson † (Older Brother) Niklaus Mikaelson † (Older Maternal Half-brother) Rebekah Mikaelson (Younger Sister) Henrik Mikaelson † (Younger Brother) Freya's Unborn Son † (Nephew) Hope Mikaelson (Niece) Keelin (Sister-in-Law) Nik (Nephew) Davina Claire (Wife) Ms. Claire † (Mother-in-Law) <b>Species:</b> Witch (Originally) Original Vampire (Currently) Ghost (Formerly) Ancestral Spirit (Formerly) <b>Gender:</b> Male <b> </b> <b>THE SCHOOL STAFF</b> Alaric Saltzman <b>Age:</b> 52 <b>Hight:</b> 6'2 Status: Alive (Resurrected) <b>Occupation:</b> Vampire Hunter (Formerly) History Teacher (Formerly) Member of the Mystic Falls Town Council (Formerly) College Professor (Formerly) Leader of The Armory (Formerly) Headmaster <b>Family:</b> Alaric † (Great-Grandfather) Ed Saltzman (Father)[2] Dianne Saltzman (Mother)[2] Isobel Flemming † (Ex-Wife) Josette Laughlin † (Late Fiancée/Mother of his children) Caroline Forbes (Ex-Fiancée) Josie Saltzman (Daughter) Lizzie Saltzman (Daughter) Elena Gilbert (Legal Ward/Stepdaughter) Jeremy Gilbert (Legal Ward) <b>Species:</b> Human Enhanced Original Vampire (Purified/Formerly) Ghost (Formerly) <b>Gender:</b> Male Caroline Forbes <b>Age:</b> 17/36 <b>Hight:</b> 5'8 <b>Status:</b> undead <b>Occupation:</b> High School Student (Graduated) High School Cheerleading Team Captain (Formerly) College Student (Formerly) TV Producer (Formerly) Journalist (Formerly) Headmistress (Currently) <b>Family:</b> William Forbes † (Paternal Ancestor) Gerald Forbes † (Paternal Ancestor) Margaret Forbes † (Paternal Ancestor) Unnamed Grandmother 2 Unnamed Maternal Aunts Bill Forbes † (Father) Elizabeth Forbes † (Mother) Josie Saltzman (Surrogate Daughter) Lizzie Saltzman (Surrogate Daughter) Bob (Uncle) Mary (Aunt) Alaric Saltzman (Ex-Fiancé) Stefan Salvatore † (Late Husband) Damon Salvatore (Brother-In-Law) Elena Gilbert (Sister-In-Law) Giuseppe Salvatore † (Father-In-Law) Lillian Salvatore † (Mother-In-Law) Zachariah Salvatore † (Nephew-In-Law) Zachariah's Father † (Brother-In-Law) <b>Species:</b> Human (Originally) Vampire (Currently) <b>Gender:</b> Female Emma Tig <b>Age: </b>44 <b>Hight:</b> unknown <b>Status:</b> alive <b>Occupation:</b> Guidance Counselor and Honor Council  Member (Younger Student Representative) <b>Family:</b> Dorian Williams (Husband) <b>Species:</b> Witch <b>Gender:</b> Female
A lesson plan is a detailed outline of instruction that an educator has created to guide a lesson. It is a tool that helps teachers to be organized, stay on track, and ensure that they cover all of the necessary material in a given lesson. There are many different components that can be included in a lesson plan, and the specific details will depend on the subject being taught and the age group of the students. However, most lesson plans will include the following elements: - Objectives: The specific goals or outcomes that the teacher hopes to achieve with the lesson. These should be clear and measurable. - Materials: A list of any materials or resources that the teacher will need for the lesson, such as textbooks, worksheets, or manipulatives. - Introduction: An opening activity or warm-up that will engage the students and get them ready to learn. This could be a review of previous material, a discussion question, or a hands-on activity. - Body: The main content of the lesson, which could include lectures, discussions, demonstrations, or interactive activities. - Practice: Opportunities for students to apply what they have learned and practice using the new skills or knowledge. - Assessment: A way to evaluate how well the students have understood and retained the material. This could be a quiz, a written assignment, or a group project. - Conclusion: A closing activity that summarizes the key points of the lesson and provides a transition to the next topic. Creating a lesson plan takes time and careful thought, but it is a valuable investment that can help teachers to deliver effective and engaging instruction. By outlining the goals and objectives of the lesson, organizing the content and activities, and considering how to assess student learning, teachers can ensure that their lessons are well-structured and aligned with the broader curriculum goals. Be the first to know, Like our Facebook Page here Get notified Join Discord Server, HERE DOWNLOAD MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING TEACHING MATERIALS FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR - ALL NEW 2022-2023 Detailed Lesson Plans, DLLs - All New Self-Learning Modules for Grades 1-12 in All Subjects - Weekly Home Learning Plans 1st-4th Quarter in Complete Subjects for Grades 1-6 - Self Learning Modules for Grades 1-12 all Subjects All Quarters - Complete daily lesson log DLL G1-6 - Complete PowerPoint Lesson Plan G1-6 - Complete Learning and Teaching Materials for Junior – Senior High - Contextualize Lesson Plans for Kinder, Grades 1-10 - MELC’s for All Subjects - Official Workweek Plan Templates Disclaimer: This post is created for information, education and dissemination purposes only, NO copyright infringement intended, for more questions and inquiries contact us at email@example.com
I clicked my tape recorder as I walked from the garden over to the park. "Agent Arkin, investigating Incident SCP-4886 in a small town. Residents are terrified, most are in shock with what can best be described with blank faces. Upon request, I have had audiences with every member who has interacted with SCP-4886, whom, for lack of a better code name to share when communicating with residents, I am referring to as Untitled Goose. I am now approaching the park. I was told, that SCP-4886 likes to reside here and take things from them in seemingly impossible scenarios. Approaching with caution. I'm stopping the recording to pull out my camera and survey this scene as I did the garden." I placed my recorder on a nearby park bench and picked up my camera that hung around my neck, unmarked as the rest of my belongings. I snapped a few pictures that may be of interest. I goose feather next to the lake. A few footprints that were clearly from a goose. I saw something moving at a distance. I zoomed in to get a better look and saw one of the residents frantically waving her hands in my direction. I squinted and zoomed further but saw nothing of the ordinary around her. She kept pointing. I realized she was signaling me that something had approached-- "Honk!" I jumped and dropped my camera. Rather than catch on the strap, the camera fell completely to the floor and smashed the lens. I looked at my broken device in shock. Something had cut the strap. It had many cuts like it took many tries to get the cut just right. I looked up and saw it. The goose. It was a dazzling sheen of white, with a lifeless, brooding face. "Honk!" it repeated. It spun in a quick circle and waddled into the bushes next to the bench I was at. I went to grab my recorder, but my hand slapped an empty bench instead. I looked around a bit for it, but couldn't find it anywhere. How could I have misplaced-- "Honk!" it mocked me from the bush. "Impossible!" I said, before stopping myself. This was SCP, after all. I'd seen much more impossible come to pass. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened the voice memo app quickly. "I've made contact with SCP--" "Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!" "--4886, it seems to be playing--" "Honk! Honk honk honk! Honk honk!" "--me for a fool and has snatched my--" "Honk!! HONK HONK!!" "Will you stop the honking, you absurd creature!?" I screamed at the bush. It remained silent. I sighed, continuing, "It took my issued recorder. I am moving in to retrieve it from the bushes now. The pictures on my camera should still be good, as well. I'll apprehend SCP-4886 and return immediately." I paused the recording and walked slowly to the bushes. I tore them open to be greeted by nothing. Somehow it snuck away, even as I watched the bush. "Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!" It was coming from another bush now, just a few feet away from the lake. I ran toward it, not wanting to miss it this time. "Honk! Honk honk honk! Honk honk!" it repeated. It was odd how similar it was to what it sounded like just moments ago. I threw this bush open to see my recorder. I looked at it for a confusing moment, then whipped back to the park. "No!!" The goose was holding my camera in its beak above the lake. I put up my hands slowly, taking slow steps. "Just... give me back the camera, okay?" I said the most pleasant tone I could muster. "Honk!" it responded jovially, dropping my camera into the lake. I heard it submerge with a *plop.* "Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!" it cried as it ran from the park, wings back, almost with a skip in its step. I looked back to the recorder in the bush. At least I had the interviews from the locals to send back in terms of evidence. I rewound it a bit and pressed play. "Honk!" came the recording. My eyebrows came together. I thought I went back far enough. I rewound further. It clicked to the beginning of the recording. I pressed play. "Honk! Honk!" the recording sang. "Noo..." I whispered. I tried to rewind further, but it wouldn't. All I had was honks. It overwrote all of the day's recordings in moments. I looked up when a woman screamed in the distance, as SCP-4886 carried on its destruction of this small town. _____________________________________________________________ For more stories, come see /r/Nazer_The_Lazer!
Proper nouns worksheets explore this concept and help children differentiate between proper and common nouns. While doing this they will identify singular plural and collective nouns. Our nouns worksheets also cover plural nouns common and proper nouns possessive nouns collective nouns and abstract nouns. Proper nouns worksheet. Our proper nouns worksheet for children is provided in adobe pdf format to download or print by clicking the above link. Singular plural and collective nouns worksheet students will read 15 fun sentences themed around a class trip to the zoo. What is a proper noun. 1 l 1 b 2 l 2 a coventions of standard english demonstrate command of the conventions of standard english grammar and usage when writing or speaking. A proper noun names a special person place thing or idea. This is our proper and common nouns worksheet section. These grammar worksheets help kids learn to recognize and use nouns a noun is a word for a person place or thing. Proper nouns worksheets are a handy classroom tool or homework aid. A common noun names any person place thing or idea. Common nouns can be person place or thing but are not names of specific people places or things. B use common proper and possessive nouns a capitalize holidays product names and geographic names. A proper noun is a word that refers to a very specific object by name. Using these pages encourages self confidence while reading and writing new material. Names of people places and things. If the noun is proper re write the noun on the line using correct capitalization. These grade 1 grammar worksheets introduce proper nouns as the name of specific people places or things. Worksheets grammar grammar by topic nouns. Nouns worksheets proper and common nouns worksheets. A common noun is more general and less specific. The worksheet is a double sided a4 sheet with a straightforward explanation of proper nouns followed by three proper noun exercises which challenge younger kids to classify and identify proper nouns person place or thing. Then they will practice using singular plural and collective nouns in different contexts. Waterfall common noun niagara falls niagara falls 1. Common and proper nouns worksheet common core state standards. Proper nouns require a capital letter and refer directly to a person or place. A common noun is not capitalized. Topics include identifying basic nouns common and proper nouns singular and plural nouns and collective nouns. The grammar worksheets on this page can be used to help students understand nouns. Answer key common and proper nouns determine whether each noun is a common noun or a proper noun. Month common noun 3. It is always capitalized. These words are capitalized in english and include first last and brand names along with countries and cities among other things. If the noun is common write common noun on the line. Worksheets grammar grade 1 nouns proper nouns. Day common noun 4.
The work of this lesson connects to previous work because students have used strategies to multiply one-digit factors. Now, they have the opportunity to extend these strategies to the multiplication of teen numbers. Students may use area diagrams and expressions to represent multiplication strategies, which they used in the previous section. Students solve problems involving the multiplication of teen numbers, then make a poster of their work with a student who solved in a similar way. During the gallery walk, students see a variety of ways to represent and solve the problem (MP2). This will be helpful in the next lesson where students make sense of specific representations of multiplying within 100 when one factor is a teen number. - Multiply within 100, where one factor is a teen number, in a way that makes sense to them. - Multipliquemos algunos números del 11 al 19. Teacher Reflection Questions - Compare (1–5), Stage 2: Add and Subtract within 20 (Supporting) - How Close? (1–5), Stage 4: Add to 1,000 (Supporting) Print Formatted Materials Teachers with a valid work email address can click here to register or sign in for free access to Cool Down, Teacher Guide, and PowerPoint materials. |Student Task Statements |Lesson Cover Page |Teacher Presentation Materials
9.11. Objects and values¶ If we execute these assignment statements: a = 'banana' b = 'banana' we know that b both refer to a string, but we don’t know whether they refer to the same string. There are two In one case, b refer to two different objects that have the same value. In the second case, they refer to the To check whether two variables refer to the same object, you can use the In this example, Python only created one string object, and both b refer to it. But when you create two lists, you get two objects: In this case we would say that the two lists are equivalent, because they have the same elements, but not identical, because they are not the same object. If two objects are identical, they are also equivalent, but if they are equivalent, they are not necessarily identical. Until now, we have been using “object” and “value” interchangeably, but it is more precise to say that an object has a value. If you execute a = [1,2,3], a refers to a list object whose value is a particular sequence of elements. If another list has the same elements, we would say it has the same value.
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The accretion disc is formed when the material falls towards a stronger gravitational force. It could be a star or a black hole. The shape of the accretion disc can be flattened, circular, oval or irregular. These types of discs are found around different types of celestial bodies. They can also be found in very small regions of a few thousand kilometers around white dwarf and neutron stars. In addition, young stars undergoing the process of formation are also found in protoplanetary disks. If viewed on the scale of the Solar System, the largest accretion disk is found around the center of active galaxies. The accretion discs exist on a large scale and apparently there is some physical reason behind their formation. Since angular momentum is always conserved, small rotations in any falling material are magnified as it falls towards the star or black hole. It's like a swinging motion of ice skaters, who accelerate as they bring their arms inward. As these particles move towards the central source, collisions become more frequent due to the increase in the density of the particles. As a result, they heat up and release X-rays. This radiation is an important tool for astronomers, because black holes cannot be directly observed – not even light can escape the strength of their gravitational pull. X-rays emanating from the accretion disk can be observed and used to detect black holes.
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JJK- Jeon Jungkook "kookie"  -friends with people in high places    -sassy  MYG- Min Yoongi  -grumpy       -???????????/ PJM- Park Jimin "Mini" -sassy          -artist KTH- Kim Taehyung "TaeTae"  -popular musician     -weirdo :D KNJ- Kim Namjoon "moni" -model       -producer  KSJ- Kim Seokjin "Jin"  -owns worldwide clubs              -?????????? JHS- Jung Hoseok "Jhope or Hobi"  -famous rapper            -silly lil guy :D LFX- Lee Felix "Lixxie"  -chef           -singer HJS- Han Jisung  -bartender         -artist BCN - Bang Chan "Channie"  -Jungkook's body guard             -????????????? ------------------------------------------------------- :D
Welcome to the Club Priscilla watched as Vi packed up her desk. She jotted it down in her notebook. For weeks she’d watched different members of the office rush off suddenly in the middle of the day. But nobody seemed to think it was weird. There was never any explanation, and the women returned to work the next day like nothing had happened. There was no mention of it at all. Just, nothing. A time or two she could understand, but within her first two weeks she’d seen it happen a half dozen times. That was when she’d started taking notes. Three months later she had a list of a dozen different women who left the office without warning. Her pencil tapped against the notepad as she’d debated if human resources or her boss wanted to know. Maybe if she cleared out a little of the competition, she’d be able to move up faster. But first? She needed answers. What was going on. None of these women had kids, most weren’t even married. There had to be some connection. What was it? She shifted in her seat, pondering. She shifted in her chair, trying to get comfortable. After a minute she closed the notebook and squirmed. Something felt wrong, like her panties were too tight. She locked her purse drawer and headed for the bathroom. The sensation between her legs alternating between pinching and a pleasant rubbing. A very pleasant rubbing. The bathroom was thankfully empty as she ducked her way into a stall. Slipping the flimsy lock in place she hiked up her skirt and gave a slight gasp. The bulge of her mons was growing. Filling up the space between her hips as it swelled. She realized now why her panties felt tight, it was because they were! She quickly yanked down the boy short style panties she was wearing. This released the monstrous muff. Her hand shook as she reached down and ran her fingers over the rising tide of her muff. Slowly giving her a strange distended look from her tightly toned abs. The mound was not all that was growing though, she could see her cleft moving outward with it. Her lips growing monstrously large. Her clit throbbed, almost as large as a small cock, it pressed against her hood demanding. She fingered it slightly feeling the roaring sensation drive through her nerves like a runaway freight train. Below that her lips had grown, she could feel them pressing on her thighs. Worse, she could feel the air current, as little as it was from the small fan, on the large swaths of her inner lips that sat dangling between her pillowy outer lips. Even that slight stirring was driving her nuts. She leaned back against the wall of the stall, not daring to sit because of how far she dangled now. Her body wracked with cravings. A first she tried to ignore it, but now, the pounding of her blood, the throbbing of her clit, and the oozing dampness of her cunt were overwhelming her. She tried to shift only to feel her hips pop oddly. It felt good though, and she found her lips now less constrained by her narrow shape. It still looked like she was smuggling a football, or more, in her crotch. Trapped, her hormones demanding release. Her fear holding her still. She wanted so much; her fingers began to pull gently at the top of her hood releasing the nearly crimson pulsing pearl that was bigger than she could ever imagine. She ran sensitive fingers over even more sensitive flesh. Drips fell to the floor. She wanted more. She wanted to be filled. Nothing was available but her own fingers, and maybe her whole arm. She had only started to reach down to part her lips as the door opened. She froze. Two voices echoed in the small tiled room. “Hi Macey!” “What up girl?” Priscilla knew this voice. It had to be Jenna. “Did you see Vi?” Macey’s voice came to her now from a stall. “Yeah, she got out of here in a hurry today. I bet I know why. But did you see Pril?” In the stall Priscilla angrily mouthed her own name silently. She hated being called Pril. Jenna knew that too and took great care to call her it any time she could. “The new girl?” Macey sounded curious now. “That’s the one.” There was a slight gasp. “Oh, do you think?” “I think so. She had the look.” Jenna giggled. “Really? Oh good, maybe she’ll stop snooping on all of us now that she has her own problems to worry about.” Macey clearly had noticed the notebook. Priscilla had tried to be discrete, but clearly, she’d failed. She looked down at her swollen sex, still throbbing against her hands and prayed she’d not be noticed. “I can’t say I won’t mind her getting a bit of a tweek, she’s been a pain in the butt these last couple months. Eager beaver, I told Bruce the other day. She wants to climb the ladder without doing the work.” Jenna laughed, and the toilet flushed. “I know, right! Well, maybe she’ll learn a little something now that she’s gonna have her own problems. I wish I knew what she got. Vi still won’t fess up to anything going on, let alone why she disappears. I think she’s ashamed.” “No idea, but she’s always been kind of stand-offish. Come on, let’s get back and see if we can figure out what little princess Pril got.” Jenna cackled as the two washed their hands. “Does it smell like sex in here to you?” Marcy sniffed audibly. Priscilla froze, terrified she was about to be found. “Come to think of it, it does.” Jenna’s guffaw echoed in Priscilla’s ears, her cheeks burning with a mix of rage, embarrassment, and nervous fear. The conversation faded though, as the door opened and closed, letting Priscilla breathe a sigh of relief. The two women were gone, but she was angry now. They knew about what was going on, and they’d not told her intentionally. She glanced down to the pulsing mass, still dripping lightly. It was lewd and desperately wanted to be touched. The warmth of her insides was overcoming the rage of her anger. She wanted to stay mad, to focus on the women and what was happening, but her hormones wouldn’t let her. The swelling had finally seemed to subside though. It now stretched out in front of her, the tightness of her clit keeping the mass from sagging forward. Maybe four or five inches protruding forward. She could feel it pressing behind too. All told her gash was now longer than her hand, a measurement she got easily by slipping the whole of said hand into her folds. She could barely reach the back of her cunt, and the clit rubbed on her forearm. She shifted a foot and put it atop the pipe for a better angle, spreading her massive mound even wider. Inside she could feel the soft damp folds across her hand. The gap that was her opening to her vagina had swollen too. She slipped one, then two fingers in without even feeling the slightest stretch. Moments later she found herself with her hand easily up her entire cunt. What started in her mind as a little bit of scientific exploration quickly devolved into hedonistic pleasure as she let her hand pump in and out, her thick lips flapping against her forearm as she pressed down, her pelvic muscles clenching down on her fist. By this point she began rubbing her clit, it’s enormous head begging to be sucked, but all she could managed was to rub it. Gently at first, but in increasing fervor as she began to feel the orgasm building. She nearly felt when it came crashing down, her giant cunt convulsing as splattering bits of goo across the walls and toilet. She’d managed to bite down on her shirt sleeve but the moan was there as she crested over. Panting she dropped the fabric from her mouth and let her hand slide free. Freed of the compulsive horniness she tried to figure out what to do. Her skirt wouldn’t cover it, and sitting would be awkward at best. But she didn’t have any leave time to use. She didn’t want to lose her job. Hell, if she walked out now, she’d never learn what was going on and she might be stuck this way forever. She didn’t want that. Priscilla grabbed a handful of toilet paper and began wiping up. She’d made quite a mess. Slowly she got herself cleaned up enough that she risked putting her skirt back down. There was no way her panties would fit her now. The skirt slid down with some protest. Her wider hips and mound pressed tight against the fabric. The lewd bulge obvious to anyone. Still, she had to try to make it. She started by heading to the sink. She had to wash up. Her arm was coated in her own juices, not to mention her legs. Thankfully no one came in as she wiped away the last remaining vestiges of her own grool. Peeking out the door she saw most of the office was quiet, people were working and most had their heads down. Jenna at least wasn’t nearby, nor could she see Macey at her desk. Slowly she edged out of the bathroom hoping to move quickly but unobtrusively to her desk. For a moment she moved quickly, each breath a fear that she’d be noticed or stopped, and a deep sigh passed her lips as she slid into her chair. This, however, presented an entirely new problem. Her mound was now so massive it actually kept her butt from reaching the seat. Instead she could feel herself pressing down on the pillowy lips. She sifted uncomfortably. The position also forced her legs wider than she’d normally sit, as they wouldn’t close around the mound’s front, even if it was now tucked between her legs. She settled this by covering her lap with her coat. She could just claim her cold. She checked her computer. Damn it, she was gone almost an hour. She’d have to claim that as her lunch or work late. Though working late was starting to look appealing. Priscilla shook her head, not sure how she’d make it through the day. She could already feel the dampness again between her legs. She shifted a little and in a daring move stuck the panties she’d taken off up her cooch to catch the drips before re-adjusting the coat. Turning back to the computer she settled in to start another project. At least as long as she could focus. Her hand reached for her notes from the meeting, but brushed against a small post-it note she’d not left there before. She picked it up and slowly read it. All it read was: Welcome to the club.
In meteorology, the term "isotherm" refers to a contour line that connects points on a weather map that have equal temperatures at a given time. Just as contour lines on topographical maps are used to show gradients of elevation, isotherms are used to show gradients of temperature. Isotherms usually are shown in five- or 10-degree intervals on maps. The temperature differences they delineate are often indicated by different colors. The curve of an isotherm is shaped by variations in temperature across the area being mapped. Factors that affect temperature include elevation, the presence of bodies of water, ocean currents and latitude. Mountainous areas with higher elevation are usually colder than lower areas, causing isotherms around these areas to curve sharply. Isotherms also curve at ocean-land boundaries because of the mitigating effect that oceans have on extreme temperatures. Oceans have a higher specific heat than land, meaning that it takes more heat or cold to raise or lower their temperature, so mid-ocean temperatures tend to be more stable than inland temperatures. Temperature decreases as latitude increases, so isotherms generally show a steady gradient as one moves towards the poles. The Arctic Circle is often defined using the 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degree Celsius) July isotherm. Although this isotherm shifts based on climate factors, it usually curves across the upper parts of Russia and Canada during the month of July, circling the North Pole. The isotherm gradient can vary based on time of year. During the winter, there is a wider variation in solar radiation, and therefore temperature, between low and high latitudes. This means that isotherm gradient in winter months is globally “steeper” than in summer, and the isotherms on a map will appear closer together. In other words, the change in temperature across distance from the equator to the pole is greater in winter than in summer. The 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) isotherm is an important meteorological marker. This isotherm has great importance for weather forecasts, because it shows the temperature line at which rain will freeze into sleet or snow. By following this isotherm at different atmospheric pressures, forecasters can predict movement and accumulation of precipitation in a given area. The process that produces cloudiness and occasional extreme weather is known as temperature advection. Temperature advection occurs in regions that are baroclinic, meaning that winds are blowing across the isotherm gradient. Cold advection occurs when cold air is transported across isotherms to warmer areas, and warm advection occurs when warm air is transported to colder areas.
(F tf Dog) Alei is a very beautiful young woman and quite smart as well. With a musical voice and a kind personality she has won over every man she encountered without meaning to. Unfortunately her popularity made it hard for her to discern actual friends from boys just trying to get in her pants. It also kept her rather busy, trying to give all her friends their due attention while keeping up with her studies. This meant her little sister Anul was unfortunately left in the dust. When Anul was a little kid, she always played with her older sister. They were not just siblings- they were the best of friends too. Alei still tried to humor her little sister and talk whenever she had the time; when she had the time was not a rare occurrence. Alei is in college now while Anul is only in her 8th year of Low School. Alei dressed herself in front of the full body mirror on the back of her door. Her hair was to the small of her back and the color of honey. Her eyes are a forest green, and while she was not at all muscular, her body was tight and quite fit. Alei's breasts were a bit more than a handful each and pert teardrop shaped, with red-pink nipples. Her wings are quite large and framed in black with metallic cyan interior, and a few dots of pink. Alei is a Faerie, you see- living in the city of Anterra. Though it may look like a Victorian era human city- a single floor house was only as tall as the average humans' chest. Relatively, Alei was a good height for a female, but on a human scale she was only six inches tall. She wore a cable-knit sweater that was far over-sized for her. The collar hung off one of her shoulders exposing it bare, and the sleeves were so long her hand up to her fingertips was hidden. The bottom of the shirt covered her crotch and the upper part of her thighs. She had a loose black skirt on under that down to her knees, and thigh-high grey socks under that to keep her legs warm. It is autumn so while the forest around Anterra was alive with colors, the wind was also quite nippy. Alei nodded to herself in the mirror but then felt an odd sensation as she stepped away, about to leave to meet up with some friends on her day off. It almost felt like passing through the Surface of water. After a moment and nothing else odd happening, she shrugged and continued out the door. She walked down the hall and started down the stairs but slowed her walk. She could feel a heat building in her crotch, and her vagina started to gently clench on its own. It was like she were suddenly quite aroused... for no reason. Had someone cast a spell on her? That should not be possible- the house was warded, as are all Fae homes. They are an inherently magical society and tricksters by nature, so naturally all Fae structures are constructed with anti-magic security in mind. She placed a hand over her crotch and felt her labia throb! Well... that isn't normal. Her wings twitched in nervousness. Alei heard one of the downstairs door, but there was no reply when she called out. It was someone leaving, not entering. Well, that must have been her little sister heading out- she had the day off too. Alei was definitely not heading out with her vulva suddenly on turbo, so with a frustrated sigh she returned to her room to deal with it. Alei sat on the end of her bed and then plopped onto her back, sliding a hand down her skirt and then using her wrist to shove the waist of it down along with her panties. It was very sensitive, and she gasped softly at how good it felt to touch. It was like she had gone years without a lover. She wanted to be more worried and quizzical of the suddenness of it, but her pussy was too hungry and demanding at the moment. Her clit throbbed as she rubbed her labia and then slowly sunk her fingers in more with each pass. Her pinky and index remained resting on her labia, the ring and middle finger explored the depths. She was going to grab a tit under her shirt with her other hand but instead kicked herself further up the bed with her feet to grab the drawer on the nightstand and go for her vibrator wand. Boy did this thing kill batteries, but it also did its job real good. She turned it on and pressed it over her clitoral hood and then quickly turned over and shoved her face into the sheets to muffle herself after she let out a high pitched squeal that could break glassware. Her body was flat on the bed except her ass raised in the air, half exposed over her skirt. One hand diving into her increasingly wet hole while the other held the buzzing wand to her crotch. Her clit pressed into its hood and then popped out! It never did that on its own before, hers was rather small. Or, it was small- its not now. Her wings vibrated almost the same as the wand- micro movements at a very rapid pace. It was unintentionally raising her body temperature. She did not notice since they were busy in her crotch- but the nails on her fingers and toes all started to get a tiny bit more narrow and a LOT thicker. The thicker and blockier they got the darker they looked as the material became dense. Her nails went from clear to milky, grey, charcoal grey, and finally matte black entirely as they extended out, but did not get any sharper. The muscles in her crotch were already twitching wildly so she neglected the feeling of new muscle forming in the small of her back as her tail bone started to extend. With her forehead still pressed heavily into the bed, Alei looked down to see her clit swelling even larger! It felt almost itchy with how tight it was being pulled by internal pressure. If she took the vibrator away from it for even a second the itch drove her nuts. It looked like a fat Lima bean! Her ears felt hot and Alei's cheeks flushed bright red. The cartilage in her ears started to thin, but to make up for it their surface area started to grow, causing the ends to droop a bit because they were getting bigger than their own structure could support. Alei started to worry a bit when she seen pink dots appearing on her underside, looking like irritated skin at first, but far too uniform. They were like bug bites, but why all of a sudden? Her clitoral hood and labia started to engorge from arousal too, especially around her clit, causing it to billow outward. Which isn't something it would ever do normally. Her tail bone had extended even further by now, and the muscles growing in its base caused it to flick erratically. It was at least six inches long and still growing out slowly. Alei flopped over again onto her back, taking the soaked vibrator away for a moment to give herself time to breath- she is panting heavily. She rubbed the bumps on her stomach and they felt oddly sensitive, almost slightly pleasurable. They also started to stand up and the skin scrunched up and stiffened! They were nipples! Eight nipples, starting from just below her rib cage! She grabbed them one by one and rolled them between index and thumb till they were standing up stiff, and once they were all standing in attention she started to rub her palm up and down them. Her clit still throbbed below and itched for attention but her pussy was feeling oversensitive. She did not want to keep assaulting it with the vibrator at risk of rubbing herself raw with it. She reached back into the drawer and grabbed her dildo- it was a good size one too, but she had just been using the vibrator for a long while now so she has not seen the dildo for some time. She plunged the dildo in and was immediately surprised at how... little it did. It felt much smaller than she remembered it being. Her pussy had become spoiled by the vibrator and now it felt like the dildo could not do its job at all. She sat up shakily at the edge of the bed and was going to use the bed to hold it in place so she could work her crotch and nipples with her hands, but to her surprise the dildo popped entirely inside of her! It was so deep in her that her labia actually fully closed behind it, swallowing the toy like a snack! That wasn't normal! Her pussy isn't that big! Alei looked around and seen how tall the bed posts were compared to her and realized her entire body had grown! That is why the dildo did nothing for her, her entire vulva was bigger! Then her lust addled mind caused her to fixate on the large knob on the end of the bed post as she bit her lip in thought a moment. Her pussy kept clenching on its own so she actually had to reach into herself to try and fish out the devoured dildo to toss it aside. She put one foot on the bed and one on the floor and stood on her toes a second before pushing her pussy down on the bedpost knob and popped the entire thing inside of her! She cooed in pleasure and her legs trembled, causing her to slip a bit and the post rammed its way up into her way further than she would have thought. Alei started thrusting her hips back and forth, hooking the large knob inside of herself and rolling it back and forth. She still did not notice her tail- now almost down long enough to reach her knees it was covered in a dense fluff that was quickly growing in length and weight! The hairs were rapidly getting longer, trying to match the hair on her head exactly. Her labia got still fatter, turning a very dark pink, nearly red. Her pelvic floor suddenly shifted a bit, and Alei squeaked like a distressed mouse as her pussy was pulled further back, causing the bottom to squish out horizontally slightly. This also yanked the skin on her stomach and crotch tight for a moment before it was able to grow lax again, and it helped space out her clustered nipples better. The nipples on her breasts started to regress, and the coloration of the areola started to fade to a normal skin tone! The fur on her tail was so long it easily doubled the length of the tail, making it very bushy and as long as her legs are! Alei gasped and paused her aggressive thrusts and the squelching sounds of her wet pussy on the bed post when she heard the sound of splintering wood! She realized she was even bigger! Alei tried to pull off but stumbled. Rather than impale herself on the bed post, her pussy ripped it completely off! She fell back with the post still in her- she tore the corner of the bed off with just her vagina! The post fell out of her quickly- it wasn't even a good fit anymore. She looked around her room in a daze and realized she was as tall as the doorway itself! She is a giant! Well- a giant by Fae standards, she is still small enough for a human to pick up in one hand. When she turned her head to look around the noticed her changed ears- because now they were completely folded over themselves from their length! She closed her bedroom door to see the mirror on the back and gasped at her appearance! Her ears were large and floppy, and the fur had grown massively on their backs as well, making them blend in almost perfectly with her human hair! She then seen her tail and blunt black claws where nails should be. Well, this is a problem. She KNOWS someone cast a spell at her at this point. But if the building itself prevents spells from entering... that only leaves Anul to have cast the spell. She was inside of the house when the spell was cast, so the wards would not have stopped her. But why on Earth would Alei's own little sister do this to her? Where would she even learn about spells that can do this? She isn't even in High School yet! The itch in her angry clit was still there, but more subdued now. Her pussy was tender and she was tired from working herself over. Alei needed to find Anul to make her fix this! Unfortunately, that was Anul she heard leaving the house earlier- and Alei doesn't know exactly where she went. Alei put her clothes back in place the best she could. She had to hike the waist of her skirt higher than she would normally wear it so her tail did not get pinched behind her and could swish around under the fabric. Her panties below that were a bit further down, so the tail could go over those. Her swollen labia pressed into her panties uncomfortably but there was nothing she could do about that. Her nipples were almost invisible now, and her breasts were smaller, so she unclasped her bra and just tossed it off before heading out. Alei dashed downstairs and was about to go out the front door when she stopped and took a step back to look at the grinning face of her rival; Valeh. He sat with his legs crossed in the living room, a huge closed tome resting on the table in front of him. "My, my, I never knew you were so tall Alei." "Rather bold of you to be in here, you wretch. How the heck did you cast magic through the building?!" He shrugged as he stood up, and for a brief moment his form flickered. "I didn't." ".... Astral projection." "Using the tome your sister brought into the house as an anchor, yes. As for the spell itself, well, your sister did that. It seems your dear little sister was feeling abandoned by you. I told her I had a spell that would turn you into a beast of legendary loyalty, so that you would pay attention only to her." Alei realized the problem with that as her heart jumped. A creature of absolute loyalty... she is being turned into a dog. That is why her libido is going berserk- she is going into heat. The bigger problem however is size. If she were a human, she would be shrinking because even the largest breed of dog is still slightly smaller than a human. But even the tiniest breed of dog is still a LOT bigger than a Faerie. Alei grunted angrily and walked right through Valeh's projection to get to the tome on the table. "I will just reverse it myself." "Go right ahead. Just be careful you use the right reversal. You know; since you do not know exactly which transformation spell your little sister used. And I certainly won't tell." Valeh leaned toward her and whispered 'good luck' before her projection vanished. Dammit, she doesn't know what breed of dog she is turning into. Using a reversal spell on something you are not can cause parts of your normal body to also get undone, potentially removing vital organs. The only way for Alei to undo this is to track down her little sister. There is a nearby park that is pretty popular stop for everyone in the area- Anul often sits on a shaded bench there to read. If she is not there, then Alei has no idea- another disadvantage of not talking with her little sister as much anymore. Alei put on a button up scarf and dashed out the front door, but decided to scoot into a back alley rather than take the sidewalks to the park. Someone might see the tail waving around under her skirt. They might see her ears too, but that was less likely as they really did blend in perfectly with her hair. Everything looked just a bit off to her, because Alei's body was still growing so everything was smaller to her than she was accustomed to. She only made it through two alleyways, dashing across the street in between quickly so no one seen her, but then slowed and had to hold the wall for stability. Alei cried out as her voice became gravelly and her cry of surprise sounded more like a dog growl. Her spine and neck popped several times on their own and both became slightly longer. This caused her to have a forward lean when moving. Her skirt was starting to dig into her hips and her giant sweater started to fit her like a normal sweater. When Alei felt the sweater pulling out straight on her chest she immediately looked down and seen her breasts were entirely gone! Nipple and everything- her chest was blank. The fat nubs down her stomach were her only tits now. Alei walked further, now her steps heavier and more deliberate. She watched the stone blocks that made up the walls on either side of her, the line between stones sinking lower as she continued to grow. She stopped suddenly at the loud snap as the waist of her skirt finally gave up the ghost and fell away! She blushed at the bulge in her panties as Alei now seen how sopping wet they were. She pulled them away from herself and her eyes widened at the state of her engorged pussy. Her clit remained the size of a Lima bean in regard to the rest of her body, but the clitoral hood swelled to become a more direct extension of the labia- projecting far enough to swallow the clit once again and hide it from the outside world. The labia had swelled up so soft and fat that they turned from dark pink to a bruised pink-purple! Since she was forced into a state of being in heat, her labia would probably still grow even further out from her. She could not wear her panties over that huge puffy triangle without driving herself nuts. She slid her panties off and just kicked them to the side, but then wobbled and bopped her head on the wall in front of her! Alei suddenly lost balance, her shoes were tightening to her feet! Her toes and fingertips were tingling from increased blood pressure and she looked at her hands to see the skin there billowing out too! The tips of all her digits as well as the unified base of them all was swelling into plush bubbles of dense flesh- paw pads, to protect them against the hard ground. Alei did not want to have to take her shoes off too- but she supposed it was pretty trivial in comparison to her exposed privates, and she did not want to risk having her feet crushed if she doesn't remove them quick enough. She had to pull quite a bit to yank the shoes off and groaned at the sight of her blunt black claws all sticking out of the front of her socks. Alei walked awkwardly now, not only because the pads caused her feet to not sit right against the ground but because the bones inside were building a pressure. They were trying to change even more, but she had to get to the park as quickly as possible! She placed a hand on a BFI and gasped as she realized what it actually is! She thought she was putting her hand on a trash can or something to balance herself- the entire BFI was only up to her hips! She supposed it was a testament to how oversized her sweater had been, because it still fit. Her entire body felt like an inferno now- the growth made heat but her body was no longer capable of sweating to get rid of any of the heat! She was breathing deeply, letting some of the heat escape with the moisture of her mouth. Her jiggly soft labia progressed from bruise purple to glossy black now, and her lips also darkened and turned black to match. She let out a very canine whine as she fell to the side, leaning against the wall. Her clit kept throbbing inside her, her swollen pussy itchy and penetration was the only cure. It was impossible to concentrate! Valeh dashed past the alley ahead then doubled back as he realized she was there. Valeh was afraid she would find her sister before the spell took full hold, so he decided to track her down to try and slow her in person. He smiled and casually walked up to her, she was too dazed and hot to move or react. "Well, having troubles there Alei? That transformation looks like a real bitch." "Hnnn nee-need f-fuhuuuck." She looked at him blushing bright red. "Make it stoooop." "My! That is an unexpected offer, but sure. I did this to fuck you over after all- this is just more literal than I expected." She had grown so large there actually was not enough room for him to get around her, so he crouched and went under her instead. This would slow her down plenty long enough. He did not even bother unzipping as he looked at her giant plush cookie. It would be like throwing a pin down a hallway- her entire body was so large now that her triangular vulva was now as big as his entire torso! He was about to reach up and guide it down so he could do anything with it, but just then she slide along the wall and fell to all fours as the bones in her limbs made some muffled pops. Her arms and legs were getting a bit longer, and her soles and palms got a LOT longer! The holes on her socks tore further up now and finally they burst all the way off from her- even their elasticity has its limits. The thumbs on her hands and the big toe on her feet regressed, the joints fusing as the bones simplified and the digit was left behind as the others grew out- becoming dew claws. Her fingers squished shorter, and both fingers and toes swelled up fatter. They pushed against each other from lack of room now, making it difficult for them to move individually. She was on four paws now. As if to accentuate that fact, a fine pale sandy fur formed around her claws and slowly started to advance around the rest of her paws. Alei's tail was curled between her legs as she whimpered at her devolving hands and being forced onto all fours, but as soon as Valeh touched her pussy her tail shot up and started wagging involuntarily again. The long fur on the tail trailed behind it because of its length, it almost looked like a waving flag. Each plump labia felt like soft, hot rubber and was so meaty the labia alone could fill either of Valeh's hands. The pussy projected off from the body as an invitation when dogs are in heat- and stretch to follow the cock on the back thrust, refusing to let go. While the outer flesh was black, as Valeh stuck his entire arms into the opening and pulled them a bit apart, he seen the insides still faded back to pink. In the bottom corner of the triangle her bean-shaped clit still flexed. Because of her size the clit was larger than a football to Valeh. The moment he touched it with one arm, the pussy clenched and forced his other arm to let it pull shut again on his arm! Moisture pooled on the inside but could not escape the grip of the fat labia. He rubbed the smooth clit back and forth and her entire rear end moved up and down slightly following its motion. Alei's tongue started to hang out as it grew longer and became wide and flat as well- lolling out of her mouth over her bottom teeth like a carpet. The fur at the base of her tail started to slowly climb her back as a narrow stripe, but as it advanced up the base started to spread as well. Fur covered all four of her paws and started to fade in up her long limbs as well. Muffled snaps and cracks sounded from her face and she whimpered as her jaws started to stretch out and drag the rest of the face with it slowly, and then she abruptly barked. She grunt with frustration in her squatting position as her shoulders and thighs started to brush both walls at the same time! She was too lost in her lust to realize just how bad that was! She was incapable of turning around, and would be completely trapped if she did not move soon! Alei made several strange yips and grumbles that were almost words but not quite, and her teeth all grew sharper in her mouth as it continued to get longer! The bridge of her nose became wider, equalizing with her stretching face to lose definition and becoming just another part of her muzzle. She overgrew the alley entirely as the walls started to push in on her, and even Valeh was startled as she let out a loud bark abruptly, echoed with the sound of several cracking bone joints! Her rib cage suddenly became more narrow but projected further forward- momentarily knocking the air out of her lungs as an involuntary bark! This also narrowed her form slightly allowing her to move again. Fur started from her tail was now also spreading on her upper back by now, and her pubic hair had turned fur in her crotch and was spreading from the bottom. Long honey colored strands of hair started to fall from her head to the ground as pale sandy fur started to grow in its place! The fur on her elbows and her thighs grew a bit longer than anywhere else on her body, becoming wispy but still not nearly as long as the fur on her ears or tail. Alei stood up straight as her upper body was released from the grip of the wall but then her heart jumped as she felt Valeh start to slip from her pussy! Standing upright pulled it far too far off the ground for Valeh to reach so he was about to slide out- unable to grip properly on the wet soft skin. Alei backed up quickly, intending to pin Valeh against the wall behind her to hold him to her pussy but unintentionally slammed him against it hard enough to wind him! Her wet pussy squished out against his entire body, punning him in place! Alei's body started to grow even quicker now that her form was mostly lost. The black frame of her butterfly wings turned to dark brown to transition a bit better to her fur, fading to gold where the two met. Valeh could feel very easily how much she was growing, because the soft labia of her wet searing hot pussy spread even further around him, allowing him to move slightly in the Y shaped cleft. Her increasing size caused her butt to grind harder against the wall behind her though, and the entire structure started to shake a bit from the force of the giant dog grinding on it! Her thighs had a bit of breathing room in the T shaped crossing of alleys but her front legs got stuck quickly again by the walls on either side and ruptured the walls entirely suddenly! She was starting to demolish the buildings around her! She did not get to her sister in time- the heat was too much to stand. Even now her pussy burned and itched with need- she had a similar problem to when she used a dildo earlier; the toy she tried to use was now too tiny to do any work. Except this time the toy is Valeh. Alei's face still pushed even further forward, becoming even longer and narrow! The end of her nose turned a textured black and became cold and wet. A few hard to see whiskers sprouted around her mouth and two from either eyebrow- though the eyebrows no longer had any definition on her face against the rest of the fur consuming it from where her hair used to be. Her ears still made it look like she sort of had human hair though- and were a deeper tone than the rest of the fur, being closer to the honey her hair was. Alei has become a Saluki! A lean, tall breed with a long narrow face. Because of its slender figure and hair-looking ears, they have a very feminine aura. More and more Fae gathered onto the sidewalk at the end of the lane Alei faced down, shouting in anger and confusion. They startled her and caused her to try to back up- forgetting her crotch was already grinding against the wall behind her. Valeh had to take a deep breath as he was jammed completely inside of her pussy! Her giant dog rump smashed through the wall, then the top floor of the building collapsing an entire quarter of the structure with her ass alone! Even more Fae pored out from the surrounding buildings to try and see what the hell was going on. Among the gathering Fae was Anul! She heard the destruction her sister was causing from the park which was not at all that far away, and dashed over to see her. Only now did she realize the error she made in trusting Valeh. She grew up in Anterra, so she had never seen humans or dogs in the real world before. When Valeh had shown her the images in the spell book of this 'creature of loyalty', the image comparison had been of a dog to a human, not to a Fae. Anul had no idea dogs were this big, he was expecting to return home and then be able to play with her older sister in this form with undivided attention like it used to be. Never mind playing with her- she currently couldn't even do anything but cause property damage. Anul ran home to get the spell book to undo it. Alei lost her conscious thoughts to the hormonal daze and lifted her tushy back out of the ruin. Valeh popped his head out briefly to get a breath, but then was forced back in when she slammed her pussy back into a still standing section. Alei ground her pussy against the more solid chimney of the building but still snapped it in half all too easily. Once her butt smashed the building around it away though... it provided a vaguely phallic shape. She squished her pussy down on top of it, wiggling so the edges of the chimney were pressed on the inner curve of her pillowy labia and then thrust down! Valeh was hit by the chimney inside of her and forced even deeper into her body! The Fae who had been watching groaned and averted their eyes from the gigantic canine impaling herself on part of a building. Alei thrust up and down on the chimney which was just wide and long enough to scratch her itch. The clenching muscles of her pussy gripping the brick caused them to grind together and groan- threatening to collapse from the force. As she approached orgasm finally, Alei's legs shook and the strength started to drain from the electric pleasure firing through them! As she climaxed she slammed her rump down all the way to the ground, forcing the entire remaining chimney into her hungry hole! Valeh was shoved even deeper, getting slammed up against a giant dog cervix! After a short bit, Alei stood back up onto all fours, snapping the chimney off inside of her, but then relaxing her pussy finally and the loose bricks tumbled out of her along with a ton of natural lube. Finally, Valeh fell out gasping for breath and coughing up gobs of salty dog lube. Being crushed against her cervix by a chimney almost drown him in pussy! That ought to teach him to fuck with Alei! With the itch finally gone, the heat slowly started to cool, so her panting slowed. Alei plopped back down on her rump and lifted one leg so she could bend over and lick her pussy clean. Valeh slowly dragged himself away, none too pleased. His hair and clothing was so sodden with her juices that his body felt twice as heavy as it was. The other Fae were now so small compared to Alei that if her hearing had not become much sharper, she would not have even been able to hear them yelling in confused anger. She tucked her ears back; she did not want to be a bad girl. Alei sat and waited for any solid commands, but doing so crushed the corner off yet another building. She could not move at all without smashing something under her paws, so she just waited patiently for Anul to return. When Anul arrived, she had to command her older sister to speak before she could use the reversal spell. The giga dog barking immediately caused all the gathered Fae to scatter like ants in fear. Anul then turned her back to normal before anyone returned. Everyone had only seen her mostly dog already, so no one knew who she was to pin the property damage on her. Anul apologized a lot, but Alei knew it was Valeh's fault for tricking her, and a bit of her own fault for being too busy for her little sister in the first place. Alei promised she would do a better job of trying to make time to still play with Anul. Valeh had already learned his own lesson, nearly drowning in his own handiwork, so they doubted he would show his face anytime soon.
In the early primary grades, fractions are generally thought of as "a part" of a whole, and are used to express numbers less that one. Yet, fractions encompass much more mathematical territory than this. They can of course be larger than one. Methodology[edit | edit source] Generally speaking, the progression used when teaching fractions starts with the use of manipulatives and other visual representations that make connections to real life things: pizza, money, candy, etc. As children begin to be able to articulate these understandings both verbally and with mathematical expressions, more abstract models such as area rectangles, fraction bars and grids are introduced, permitting students to expand their understandings in more abstract ways. The Use of Manipulatives to Teach Fractions[edit | edit source] Candidates for manipulatives used to teach fractions are single objects or groups of the same object that can be divided equally. There are a number of commercially available "toys" that are designed just for this purpose, but these are not necessary for a resourceful teacher. Regardless, students should initially be making connections to things they "know", like pizza and candy. Origami[edit | edit source] By simply taking a square piece of paper and folding it in half; write the fraction ; fold in half again; write . Continue this process to create smaller fractions. Unfold the paper and trace lines where there are folds in the paper. Notice that in the case of the example, the manipulative (the folding paper) becomes a model (a more abstract visual representation) as students draw over the folds and fill in the values. Money[edit | edit source] As we all know, money is a great motivator (for any age). It is something all children are familiar and comfortable with, and perhaps most importantly - they want it! This doesn't mean you have to give it to them, but you can use it to leverage their interest. The use of money as a manipulative/model to teach fractions (and many other concepts in mathematics) has many advantages. Thankfully, most all currencies use a base ten system. Using change, the US dollar can be broken up into fourths (quarters), tenths, twentieths and hundredths, which makes it a perfect model to use for teaching decimals and even percentages as well. Fraction Bars[edit | edit source] From Manipulatives to Models[edit | edit source] While manipulatives offer a tactile and visual way for students to learn about fractions, models let them take their exploration to a higher level of abstraction, while still maintaining a visual aspect to their learning. Area Diagrams[edit | edit source] "Area diagrams" or "area rectangles" are perhaps one of the best ways for children to model fractions. They have the advantage of visually showing "how much" of the whole a fraction takes up, and will become an indespensible tool students will eventually use for modeling operations with fractions. Students should be encouraged to create their own area diagrams to reinforce their learning. "100 grids" are a type of area diagram commonly used to teach fractions. Because the fractions that 100 grids model at the single unit level are hundreths, they are usually introduced in the upper primary grades. Similar to the way that area rectangles can be used to model multiplication, 100 grids are a great way to model fractions and simultaneously facilitate students in making important connections to percentages and decimals. Be sure to have students demonstrate that they understand these connections by filling in the 100 grid and then writing down the equivalent expressions. Notice in the above example that children should be expected to always reduce fractions to simplest terms (if they know how). Equivalent Fractions[edit | edit source] Because fractions represent both division and ratios, it is important to introduce all of these concepts to their web, or schema, of mathematical understanding. Equivalent Fractions and Ratios[edit | edit source] When students create tables such as the ones below (based on the multiplication tables of the numbers 1 and 3, and the cost of a candy bar) they are exposed to the connection between fractions and ratios. In the table below, note that after division is used to "reduce" the ratio to ascertain the cost of a single candy bar, the rest of the table is much more easily completed: |Cost of Candy Bar(s) Using the Identity Property of Multiplicaton to Create Equivalent Fractions[edit | edit source] Students need to understand the reason that the methods they use to create equivalent fractions actually work. One very effective way to do this is for them to initially learn the Identity Property of Multiplication. Of course, we know that , but most primary grade students are not able to make the connection between this axiom in action and its corresponding abstract mathematical expression stated with variables, so we should first let children explore the ways they can represent the number : I.e., , or , or ... We can explain to students that if , and anything multiplied by one doesn't change its value, then shouldn't change it's value, but this is very difficult for many students to understand because of the level of abstraction. Models and visual representations become necessary. One very effective visual representation we can use is the Giant One. Students also need to be reminded of the fact that anything times 1 doesn't change its value (The Identity Property of Multiplication). The Giant One can be used to set up the equation, which helps students to visualize a way to find equivalent fractions. Students should draw these themselves to reinforce their understanding of the concept. Even students with poor motor skills can draw Giant Ones; it doesn't matter how neatly they are drawn: Using Area Rectangles to Create Equivalent Fractions[edit | edit source] As we have seen earlier, area rectangles have the advantage of visually showing students "how much" a fraction represents. And because it is possible to show a fraction using either horizontal or vertical lines, by using both horizontal and vertical lines it is possible to simultaneously show two superimposed fractions. Note how this exercise is executed almost in the same fashion as multiplying fractions, except that the second fraction, because it is equivalent to 1 is not filled in. The super-imposition of thirds and forths creates a total of 12 equal rectangles, or 12ths, and 9 filled in rectangles. Students should become adept at creating these. Students eventually should be able to look at the image on the right and know what equivalent fractions are being modeled. The same thing should be modeled with a Giant One problem to reinforce the connection: Basic Operations[edit | edit source] The more standard algorithms that most of us use to add, subtract, and multiply fractions, are to a child's perspective, a collection of rules, which at best "work", but at worst become all mixed up in students' minds. This is usually because these 'rules' have no underpinnings in the students' web of mathematical knowledge. In other words, if students don't understand why the "rules" for using these methods exist in the first place, it becomes very difficult to apply them at the right time, not to mention execute them consistently. For this reason, this "traditional" approach (just teaching them how to do things, but not why they are doing them the way they are) to teaching operations with fractions requires a "drill and kill" methodology. Thankfully, the contemporary approach to teaching these methods has students explore these concepts in many different ways at a fundamental level. Adding Fractions[edit | edit source] In the lowest grades, it may be best to only add fractions with a common denominator. This can be explained as "you can't add apples and oranges together", or, since those could be added together to get the total pieces of fruit, you could use an example of adding items which are even more different, like weeks and sheets of paper. For example, "if you have 2 weeks and 10 pieces of paper to make an art project, you don't add them together to get 12". In this analogy, the denominator of the fractions describes the type of fractions they are, which determines if they can be added. In later grades, students can convert one or both fractions to have a common denominator, before adding. This should wait until after multiplication of fractions has been taught, as this is a necessary step in finding a common denominator. Subtracting Fractions[edit | edit source] The same logic applies to teaching subtraction of fractions as addition, with one additional element; it is now possible to get a negative result. This can be explained with real world objects and "owing". For example, "if you said you would give your brother half a cookie, but only had a quarter cookie to give him, you still owe him another quarter cookie. This is the same as saying you now have a negative quarter cookie". Multiplying Fractions[edit | edit source] Most students when first confronted with the problem have difficulty understanding that the product of these numbers will be smaller than either of them. This is a natural conjecture, born of their years (not too many) of experience with multiplication. The use of the word "of" to describe multiplication needs to be used to realign their understanding. Children know that because five groups of six is thirty. Asking them "what of 100 is" helps them to better understand why multiplying with fractions changes their earlier understanding. As they begin to understand the implications of this they can then be introduced to the concept using two fractions. I.e., what is 1/2 of 1/2? At this point models should be used to reinforce their understanding of this. Area models can be very effective towards this end, where the area of the intersecting fractions represents the product. Students should be both asked to create these models from word problems as well as create word problems that fit with the model. For instance, 2/3 of the students in the class are wearing yellow shirts. 1/4 of the class goes to the library. What fraction of the class is wearing yellow shirts in the library? 2/3 of my garden was planted with yellow flowers, and 1/4 of all of the flowers were sold. What fraction of all of the flowers sold from the garden were probably yellow? Note that in this case the wording of the problem has created a lesson with a connection to probability. The image below models the problem using a 100 grid. Note that the use of a 100 grid permits the answers to problems to be expressed as fractions, decimals and even percentages (E.g., and 40% of 1/2.) Dividing Fractions[edit | edit source] Teaching students how to divide with fractions by simply showing them how to multiply the dividend and the reciprocal of the divisor offers practically no insight to their mathematical understanding.. because no connections have been made to what they already know about division. Before students learn to divide whole numbers, they need to understand how to multiply them. The same concept applies with fractions. Students should first explore division of whole numbers by fractions at a basic level. Models should be used whenever possible. For instance, the problem "How many 1/2s are there in 4? can be modeled with any graphic representation, such as. The next level of difficulty involves two numbers with fractions, such as can be found in the problem, "How many are there in ? Similar models can be used to explore division of fractions with different denominators. I.e., "How many are there in ? At this time students should also be exploring and learning how to find reciprocals. It will be necessary for them to understand what reciprocals do before they start to use them to accomplish division problems with fractions. Rulers[edit | edit source] The above method of teaching division with fractions can be accomplished with rulers as well. Most rulers that are incremented in inches provide fractions down to sixteenths. Rulers are a "real world" tool and familiarity with the specific fractions encountered when using a ruler have an exponential component. I.e, Division with Giant One[edit | edit source] Though to a teacher, it may at first seem complex, students who are comfortable with the Giant One find this method is useful if not preferable when first solving division problems that include fractions. The best way to teach this method is to start with a whole number dividend and express the problem as a fraction(which students understand is the same as division). Thus, the equation , turns into the fraction . Multiplying this fraction by a Giant One such that the number of the divisor of the bottom fraction is inserted into the Giant One creates a model like the one at right, which becomes . Division with two fractions requires the use of the reciprical of the divisor of the problem to be inserted into the Giant One: Eventually, students who use this method recognize that the top fracton of the problem is being multiplied by the reciprical of the bottom fraction. The process of discovering this "trick" for themselves gives them ownership of the larger conceptual understanding. In other words, students who learn to divide fractions in this way understand at a fundamental level "why" the trick works Adding fractions[edit | edit source] Fractions that have the same or "Common" denominator are called "Like" fractions. To add Like fractions together such as these: 1/3 + 2/3 = ? (one-third plus two-thirds equals what?) 1. Add the numerators (the top numbers): 1 + 2 = 3 (one plus two equals three) 2. Use the common denominator (the bottom numbers): All together it looks like this: 1/3 + 2/3 = 3/3 (one-third plus two-thirds equals three-thirds) 3. Then simplify the answer as much as you can by dividing the denominator into the numerator. 3/3 = 1 (three divided by three equals one) If the numerator is now larger than the denominator it might look like this: 4/5 + 3/5 = 7/5 (four-fifths plus three-fifths equals seven-fifths) 5 goes into 7 one time, with 2 left over. Put the remainder (2) over the denominator (5). 7/5 = 1 2/5 (seven-fifths equals one and two-fifths) To Add or Subtract fractions with different denominators, you must first convert them to equivalent fractions with common denominators.
Python is a robust and versatile programming language that allows users to create powerful programs and algorithms. It can be used to complete complex calculations, develop complex programs and applications, and solve math problems. One such use of Python is to calculate absolute values. In this article, we’ll discuss the absolute value function in Python, how to use it, and its advantages and challenges. What is an Absolute Value Function? An absolute value function is an arithmetic function that returns the absolute positive value of a number, regardless of its sign. For example, the absolute value of -5 is 5, while the absolute value of 5 is also 5. By adding a modulus symbol (|) to a number, you can indicate that you want the absolute value of it. This modulus symbol is also known as a “pipe” or “vertical bar”. The absolute value function is defined mathematically as a function “f” that returns the absolute value of any real number “x” is f(x) = |x|, where “|x|” means the absolute value of “x”. The absolute value function is used in many areas of mathematics, including calculus, linear algebra, and number theory. It is also used in computer programming, where it is often referred to as the “abs” function. In addition, the absolute value function is used in statistics to measure the distance between two points on a graph. Using Python to Calculate the Absolute Value Python has a built-in absolute value function called abs(). This function takes in any number as an argument and returns its absolute value. For example, the below code will print an absolute value of 5 for both 5 and -5: The absolute value of a number is the distance of the number from 0 on the number line. It is always a positive number, regardless of the sign of the number. For example, the absolute value of -5 is 5, and the absolute value of 5 is also 5. Understanding the Syntax of an Absolute Value Function The syntax of an absolute value function in Python is very straightforward. To calculate the absolute value of a number, simply call the abs() function with the number as the argument: Where “x” is the number whose absolute value you wish to calculate. The absolute value of a number is always a positive number, regardless of the sign of the number. For example, the absolute value of -5 is 5, and the absolute value of 5 is also 5. This makes absolute value functions useful for situations where you need to compare the magnitude of two numbers, regardless of their sign. Examples of Using Python to Calculate an Absolute Value Let’s look at some examples to gain a better understanding of how the absolute value function works in Python. The following examples assume that x = -2: # Example 1: Simple Absolute Value Calculation abs(-2) = 2 # Example 2: Applying the Absolute Value of a Negative Number in Another Expression (abs(-2) + 3) = 5 In addition to the examples above, you can also use the absolute value function to calculate the distance between two points on a number line. For example, if we have two points, x = -2 and y = 4, then the absolute value of the difference between them is abs(x – y) = abs(-2 – 4) = abs(-6) = 6. Advantages of Using Python for Calculating Absolutes Python makes it easy to calculate absolute values thanks to its built-in abs() function. It’s easy to use and requires no additional modules. This makes it an ideal tool for mathematicians and scientists who need to quickly and accurately calculate absolute values. In addition to its ease of use, Python is also a great choice for calculating absolute values because it is a highly versatile language. It can be used to create complex algorithms and programs, as well as to perform basic calculations. This makes it a great choice for a wide range of applications, from data analysis to game development. Challenges of Calculating Absolutes in Python One potential challenge when working with absolute values in Python is that it’s not always clear what type of variable you’re dealing with. It’s easy to accidentally pass an integer instead of a float, which can lead to unexpected results. To ensure correct results, you should always explicitly define your variables as the correct type. Troubleshooting Common Errors in Python Absolute Value Functions When working with absolute values in Python, it’s important to understand common errors and how to fix them. One common error is passing a non-numeric argument to abs(). This will result in a TypeError. To fix this, make sure your argument is a number and not a string or other data type. Another potential error is passing multiple arguments to the abs() function. This will also result in a TypeError, as abs() only takes one argument. To fix this, make sure you’re only passing one argument to abs(). It’s also important to note that the abs() function will only return a positive value, regardless of the argument passed. If you need to return a negative value, you’ll need to use a different function, such as the neg() function. Resources for Learning More About Python Absolute Value Functions If you’d like to learn more about Python absolute values, there are plenty of resources available. The official Python documentation includes detailed information on the abs() function, as well as examples and troubleshooting tips. Additionally, there are plenty of tutorials available online for those looking for a more hands-on approach to learning. For those who prefer a more visual approach to learning, there are also a number of video tutorials available. These tutorials provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the abs() function, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most out of it. Additionally, there are a number of online forums and discussion boards where you can ask questions and get help from experienced Python users.
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The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States. The Civil War officially abolished slavery, but it didn’t end discrimination against Black people—they continued to endure the devastating effects of racism, especially in the South. By the mid-20th century, Black Americans, along with many other Americans, mobilized and began an unprecedented fight for equality that spanned two decades. Jim Crow Laws During Reconstruction, Black people took on leadership roles like never before. They held public office and sought legislative changes for equality and the right to vote. In 1868, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution gave Black people equal protection under the law. In 1870, the 15th Amendment granted Black American men the right to vote. Still, many white Americans, especially those in the South, were unhappy that people they’d once enslaved were now on a more-or-less equal playing field. To marginalize Black people, keep them separate from white people and erase the progress they’d made during Reconstruction, “Jim Crow” laws were established in the South beginning in the late 19th century. Black people couldn’t use the same public facilities as white people, live in many of the same towns or go to the same schools. Interracial marriage was illegal, and most Black people couldn’t vote because they were unable to pass voter literacy tests. Jim Crow laws weren’t adopted in northern states; however, Black people still experienced discrimination at their jobs or when they tried to buy a house or get an education. To make matters worse, laws were passed in some states to limit voting rights for Black Americans. Moreover, southern segregation gained ground in 1896 when the U.S. Supreme Court declared in Plessy v. Ferguson that facilities for Black and white people could be “separate but equal." World War II and Civil Rights Prior to World War II, most Black people worked as low-wage farmers, factory workers, domestics or servants. By the early 1940s, war-related work was booming, but most Black Americans weren’t given better-paying jobs. They were also discouraged from joining the military. After thousands of Black people threatened to march on Washington to demand equal employment rights, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802 on June 25, 1941. It opened national defense jobs and other government jobs to all Americans regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. Black men and women served heroically in World War II, despite suffering segregation and discrimination during their deployment. The Tuskegee Airmen broke the racial barrier to become the first Black military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps and earned more than 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses. Yet many Black veterans were met with prejudice and scorn upon returning home. This was a stark contrast to why America had entered the war to begin with—to defend freedom and democracy in the world. As the Cold War began, President Harry Truman initiated a civil rights agenda, and in 1948 issued Executive Order 9981 to end discrimination in the military. These events helped set the stage for grass-roots initiatives to enact racial equality legislation and incite the civil rights movement. On December 1, 1955, a 42-year-old woman named Rosa Parks found a seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus after work. Segregation laws at the time stated Black passengers must sit in designated seats at the back of the bus, and Parks complied. When a white man got on the bus and couldn’t find a seat in the white section at the front of the bus, the bus driver instructed Parks and three other Black passengers to give up their seats. Parks refused and was arrested. As word of her arrest ignited outrage and support, Parks unwittingly became the “mother of the modern-day civil rights movement.” Black community leaders formed the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) led by Baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr., a role which would place him front and center in the fight for civil rights. Parks’ courage incited the MIA to stage a boycott of the Montgomery bus system. The Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted 381 days. On November 14, 1956, the Supreme Court ruled segregated seating was unconstitutional. Little Rock Nine In 1954, the civil rights movement gained momentum when the United States Supreme Court made segregation illegal in public schools in the case of Brown v. Board of Education. In 1957, Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas asked for volunteers from all-Black high schools to attend the formerly segregated school. On September 4, 1957, nine Black students, known as the Little Rock Nine, arrived at Central High School to begin classes but were instead met by the Arkansas National Guard (on order of Governor Orval Faubus) and a screaming, threatening mob. The Little Rock Nine tried again a couple of weeks later and made it inside, but had to be removed for their safety when violence ensued. Finally, President Dwight D. Eisenhower intervened and ordered federal troops to escort the Little Rock Nine to and from classes at Central High. Still, the students faced continual harassment and prejudice. Their efforts, however, brought much-needed attention to the issue of desegregation and fueled protests on both sides of the issue. Civil Rights Act of 1957 Even though all Americans had gained the right to vote, many southern states made it difficult for Black citizens. They often required prospective voters of color to take literacy tests that were confusing, misleading and nearly impossible to pass. Wanting to show a commitment to the civil rights movement and minimize racial tensions in the South, the Eisenhower administration pressured Congress to consider new civil rights legislation. On September 9, 1957, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 into law, the first major civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. It allowed federal prosecution of anyone who tried to prevent someone from voting. It also created a commission to investigate voter fraud. Sit-In at Woolworth's Lunch Counter Despite making some gains, Black Americans still experienced blatant prejudice in their daily lives. On February 1, 1960, four college students took a stand against segregation in Greensboro, North Carolina when they refused to leave a Woolworth’s lunch counter without being served. Over the next several days, hundreds of people joined their cause in what became known as the Greensboro sit-ins. After some were arrested and charged with trespassing, protesters launched a boycott of all segregated lunch counters until the owners caved and the original four students were finally served at the Woolworth’s lunch counter where they’d first stood their ground. Their efforts spearheaded peaceful sit-ins and demonstrations in dozens of cities and helped launch the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to encourage all students to get involved in the civil rights movement. It also caught the eye of young college graduate Stokely Carmichael, who joined the SNCC during the Freedom Summer of 1964 to register Black voters in Mississippi. In 1966, Carmichael became the chair of the SNCC, giving his famous speech in which he originated the phrase "Black power.” On May 4, 1961, 13 “Freedom Riders”—seven Black and six white activists–mounted a Greyhound bus in Washington, D.C., embarking on a bus tour of the American south to protest segregated bus terminals. They were testing the 1960 decision by the Supreme Court in Boynton v. Virginia that declared the segregation of interstate transportation facilities unconstitutional. Facing violence from both police officers and white protesters, the Freedom Rides drew international attention. On Mother’s Day 1961, the bus reached Anniston, Alabama, where a mob mounted the bus and threw a bomb into it. The Freedom Riders escaped the burning bus but were badly beaten. Photos of the bus engulfed in flames were widely circulated, and the group could not find a bus driver to take them further. U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (brother to President John F. Kennedy) negotiated with Alabama Governor John Patterson to find a suitable driver, and the Freedom Riders resumed their journey under police escort on May 20. But the officers left the group once they reached Montgomery, where a white mob brutally attacked the bus. Attorney General Kennedy responded to the riders—and a call from Martin Luther King Jr.—by sending federal marshals to Montgomery. On May 24, 1961, a group of Freedom Riders reached Jackson, Mississippi. Though met with hundreds of supporters, the group was arrested for trespassing in a “whites-only” facility and sentenced to 30 days in jail. Attorneys for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) brought the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, which reversed the convictions. Hundreds of new Freedom Riders were drawn to the cause, and the rides continued. In the fall of 1961, under pressure from the Kennedy administration, the Interstate Commerce Commission issued regulations prohibiting segregation in interstate transit terminals March on Washington Arguably one of the most famous events of the civil rights movement took place on August 28, 1963: the March on Washington. It was organized and attended by civil rights leaders such as A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin and Martin Luther King Jr. More than 200,000 people of all races congregated in Washington, D. C. for the peaceful march with the main purpose of forcing civil rights legislation and establishing job equality for everyone. The highlight of the march was King’s speech in which he continually stated, “I have a dream…” King’s “I Have a Dream” speech galvanized the national civil rights movement and became a slogan for equality and freedom. Civil Rights Act of 1964 King and other civil rights activists witnessed the signing. The law guaranteed equal employment for all, limited the use of voter literacy tests and allowed federal authorities to ensure public facilities were integrated. On March 7, 1965, the civil rights movement in Alabama took an especially violent turn as 600 peaceful demonstrators participated in the Selma to Montgomery march to protest the killing of Black civil rights activist Jimmie Lee Jackson by a white police officer and to encourage legislation to enforce the 15th amendment. As the protesters neared the Edmund Pettus Bridge, they were blocked by Alabama state and local police sent by Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, a vocal opponent of desegregation. Refusing to stand down, protesters moved forward and were viciously beaten and teargassed by police and dozens of protesters were hospitalized. The entire incident was televised and became known as “Bloody Sunday.” Some activists wanted to retaliate with violence, but King pushed for nonviolent protests and eventually gained federal protection for another march. Voting Rights Act of 1965 When President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law on August 6, 1965, he took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 several steps further. The new law banned all voter literacy tests and provided federal examiners in certain voting jurisdictions. It also allowed the attorney general to contest state and local poll taxes. As a result, poll taxes were later declared unconstitutional in Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections in 1966. Part of the Act was walked back decades later, in 2013, when a Supreme Court decision ruled that Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, holding that the constraints placed on certain states and federal review of states' voting procedures were outdated. Civil Rights Leaders Assassinated The civil rights movement had tragic consequences for two of its leaders in the late 1960s. On February 21, 1965, former Nation of Islam leader and Organization of Afro-American Unity founder Malcolm X was assassinated at a rally. On April 4, 1968, civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on his hotel room's balcony. Emotionally-charged looting and riots followed, putting even more pressure on the Johnson administration to push through additional civil rights laws. Fair Housing Act of 1968 The Fair Housing Act became law on April 11, 1968, just days after King’s assassination. It prevented housing discrimination based on race, sex, national origin and religion. It was also the last legislation enacted during the civil rights era. The civil rights movement was an empowering yet precarious time for Black Americans. The efforts of civil rights activists and countless protesters of all races brought about legislation to end segregation, Black voter suppression and discriminatory employment and housing practices. A Brief History of Jim Crow. Constitutional Rights Foundation. Civil Rights Act of 1957. Civil Rights Digital Library. Document for June 25th: Executive Order 8802: Prohibition of Discrimination in the Defense Industry. National Archives. Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit-In. African American Odyssey. Little Rock School Desegregation (1957). The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute Stanford. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute Stanford. Rosa Marie Parks Biography. Rosa and Raymond Parks. Selma, Alabama, (Bloody Sunday, March 7, 1965). BlackPast.org. The Civil Rights Movement (1919-1960s). National Humanities Center. The Little Rock Nine. National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site. Turning Point: World War II. Virginia Historical Society.
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We also represent investors <BR> who invest in them. <P> When you apply, you can help us contact Home Owners in your city and <BR> on the internet. <p> All you do is call or e-mail them or send a simple but Powerful letter and form <BR>to them to complete and return back to us. <p> If they have Real Estate Notes or Trust Deeds, we'll either buy them or refer<BR> them to our associates. <p> If the deal goes through, we pay you 10% of whatever net amount we made. </H5></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H4><STRONG>For example, if we made $10,000, you'll get 10% = $1000. <BR> Therefore if we do 10 deals in a month, you will take in an <BR> easy 10 x $1000 = $10,000!!! </FONT></H4></STRONG> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H4>Rake in Big Cash without any hard work, or large investment <BR>or special training! </H4></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> We'll give you all the resources needed to make the contacts, including <BR> the sales letter, the e-mail letter, the forms, and the phone script! </H5></FONT> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H2> The Real Estate Market</H2></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> One of the primary human needs is Security. Shelter. Home. House. <p> Wherever you go, there are homes, houses and buildings!<BR> Therefore Real Estate Market is huge! More than $500 billion <BR> in Usa alone!!! <p> That is why opportunities to create vast wealth is always available!!!<BR> <P> You may have heard that more than 56% of millionaires in Usa<BR> (and probably in other countries also) created their wealth through<BR> Real Estate investments! <p> Well, that is half the truth! </H5></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H3><STRONG>You Must know Millionaires "Jealously Guarded <BR> Real Estate Secrets, Before You May Succeed"!!! </FONT></H3></STRONG> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> The way to create vast Wealth in Real Estate is Not by buying Real<BR> Estate and holding it until it appreciates in value, then you sell it. <p> That is the hard way. You'll be bogged down by cash flow crunch<BR> and all the hassles with tenants and maintenance. <p> That is what the majority of Real Estate investors do. <BR> It is Not fun, and it can frustrate and wear you thin! </H5></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H2> Discover The "Millionaires' Secret" Of <BR> Creating Vast Wealth Through <BR> Real Estate Investments�</H2></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H4><FONT TYPE="ARIEL"><STRONG> The Smart, Fast, easy and highly profitable way to make <BR> Millions in Real Estate is to buy and sell Discounted <BR> Mortgages, Real Estate Notes and Trust Deeds<BR> from homeowners! </FONT></H4></STRONG> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> That is why we need you! By joining us, you'll help us<BR> contact homeowners in your city, and we and our associates will invest <BR> in them, and do all the work, while you get paid about 10% of the deal (or<BR> $1000/deal), without doing any hard work or large investment! </H5></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H2> How To Apply: </H2></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H3><FONT TYPE="ARIEL"><STRONG> This package: "Discount Mortgage Millionaire"<BR> (Dmm) program is almost "Free" !!! </FONT></H3></STRONG> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H3><STRONG>However, we must ask you to donate a token fee of $10. <BR>(This is voluntary)</FONT></H3></STRONG> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> This is our way to discourage those who are not serious. <BR>Our time is worth a lot of money. <p> We only want to hear from those who are serious! <p> If you're interested, please follow the simple steps below to apply. <p> Help us make contacts, and we'll spend our money to do the deal, and also <BR> compensate you handsomely (10% of whatever amount we make). It is a <BR> win-win relationship ! </H5></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H2> Application Steps: </H2></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H3><FONT TYPE="ARIEL"> (1) Write your Name, Address, E-mail address, Phone and fax <BR> (if any) on a piece of paper. </FONT></H3> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H3> Then Write the words: <BR> "$10 Donation" for Dmm program. </FONT></H3> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H3><FONT TYPE="ARIEL"> (2) Enclose $10 Usa Dollars in cash or money order (Usa only) <BR> and send it by Priority mail to the Name and Address below : <BR> (Customers from outside Usa, please buy and send <BR> Usa Dollars cash only) </FONT></H3> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H3> Mr. Benney, Ceo<BR> (Dmm Package) <BR> 328 Flatbush Ave., <BR> Suite 221<BR> Brooklyn, Ny 11238<BR> Usa <p> ******* <p> Phone: (718) 595 0529 <BR> (Please Mention "Dmm Program, Code B") </H3></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H3><FONT TYPE="ARIEL"> (3) After sending the "Donation", send an e-mail and notify <BR> us that you have sent it. </FONT></H3> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"> <H3> Include your full Name, and Phone. <P> And put these words in the subject space: <p> "Donation Sent for Dmm program, Code B"</H3></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#0000FF"><H3><FONT TYPE="ARIEL">Please Send the e-mail notice to: </FONT></H3><BR> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H3> polsew246@btamail.net.cn </H3></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H2> (4) What You Shall Receive: </H2></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H3>(a) You'll receive the "Discount Mortgage Millionaire" <BR> Dmm package, which gives you all the details on how this<BR> cash program works, including all the resources you need <BR> to make contacts for us. <p> When you order "Dmm eBook", you will have two choices: <p> (a) You can use our Real Estate Millionaire Cash Secret<BR> (Dmm ebook) to find the deals, do them yourself and<BR> keep all the money!<BR> Or<BR> (b) You can apply and become our Associate Mortgage<BR> Agent (Ama) and participate in our Millionaire<BR> "Real Estate Acquisition Plan" (Reap)! <p> (b) You'll also receive Free details on how to obtain<BR> another powerful program that we have: </FONT></H3><BR> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H3> "Quick Cash Secret Banking System, <BR> The Royal Road To Riches", (Qcsbs-rrr) </H3></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#008000"><H3>You'll discover the jealously guarded 2000 yrs old <BR> millionaire cash secret little known to the general public. <p> All you do is go to the "Secret Website" on the internet, <BR> we shall reveal, open a "special bank account", then <BR> click your mouse and enter a "Secret Code Number". <p> Then click your mouse again, and you'll start making <BR> money! It takes only minutes to do, and you can <BR> rake in $1,500/wk from this!!! <p> 100% legal and valid in all countries of the world. <BR> No hard work or special training or scam or <BR> large investment! </FONT></H3> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"> <H5> When you order the "Dmm package", you'll get all the <BR> details about this "Qcsbs-rrr" also, and we'll help you learn<BR> and also start using it to create true wealth and success! <P> Qcsbs Millionaire Cash System is the Fastest and Greatest way <BR> to make money on earth!!! <p> That is how we obtained the money we want to spend in Real<BR> Estate investments! <p> When you get Qcsbs, it will also help you to create powerful<BR> cash flow to acquire Real Estate and other assets fast!!! <p> When we get your "donation", we shall send you an e-mail <BR> to download this Dmm ebook from our storage site on the <BR> internet. So be sure your e-mail address is valid, and you <BR> notify us by e-mail after you send the $10 donation. <p> Please allow at least 2 weeks, after you send the donation<BR> so we may receive it. When we receive it, we'll send an e-mail <BR> to you to download the "Dmm eBook".<BR> <P> We look forward to working with you, to help you begin to<BR> acquire Real Estate and Cash flow, without any headaches<BR> hassles, or large investments!!! <p> Your time to stay at home and make money in Real Estate deals<BR> has come, so answer this special invitation today!!! <p> Thank you! <p> Mwc Investments, International (A Div. of Mwc) </H5></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H2> Deadline To Apply: </H2></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H4> This offer is valid for 1 week only. <p> Please apply within 1 week of getting this e-mail. <BR> If you fail, you may Not be accepted! <p> Therefore print this e-mail now!<BR> Then Read it many times to understand and agree<BR> to our offer and then place an order now! <p> You may get this e-mail only once. <BR> So, hurry to avoid missing this fabulous <BR> One-In-A-lifetime Real Estate, Easy, Fast Cash Opportunity! <p> Start today! In less than a year, you may be worth<BR> about $1,000,000!!! Come and join us now!!! </H4></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="FF0000"><H4> Unsubscribe Info: </H4></FONT> <p> <FONT COLOR ="#000000"><H5> This e-mail is Not intended for Washington State residents, and any<BR> other anti-internet commerce state. <p> If you're from any of these states, please delete this e-mail and don't respond. <BR> This offer is void wherever prohibited by law. <p> Your name is not in our database, therefore you may Not get another<BR> e-mail from us! <p> Our remove address is: removeme@easy.com <p> =============================End==================================== </H5></FONT> <HTML>
The Moon is constantly bombarded by the solid debris of the Solar System. Comets, asteroids and interplanetary dust, all containing varying amounts of water, have pounded the lunar surface for billions of years. Yet until recently, the Moon was considered to be barren and bone-dry. Rock and soil samples returned by the Apollo missions lacked any hydrous mineral phases or water-bearing weathering products. Since water is not stable on the Moon under ordinary conditions, what happens to it? New studies of lunar samples, along with results from several missions in recent years, have given us a revolutionary new picture of water on the Moon. Study of volcanic glass from the Apollo 15 landing site in 2008 demonstrated that tiny amounts of water (about 50 parts per million) are present in the interiors of these glasses, suggesting that the lunar mantle (whence they came) contains about ten times this amount. This was a startling result, considering the extreme dryness of other lunar samples. Because the Moon’s spin axis is nearly perpendicular (1.5° from vertical) to the ecliptic plane, the Sun is always on the horizon at the poles, keeping the floors of deep craters in permanent shadow. These dark areas only receive heat from the interior of the Moon and are extremely cold; recent measurements by the DIVINER instrument on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft indicate temperatures as cold as 25-35° C above absolute zero. Water molecules are trapped by the cold as soon as they find their way into these craters. Over the more than 4.5 billion years of lunar history, significant amounts of water could accumulate in many of these crater “cold traps” at the Moon’s poles. The first hint of water ice in these polar cold traps came from a radio experiment aboard the 1994 Clementine mapping mission orbiting the Moon. The polarization characteristics of echoes from the south pole were consistent with the presence of ice in the crater Shackleton. Four years later, the Lunar Prospector (LP) spacecraft carried an instrument designed to measure the amount and energy of neutrons given off the Moon’s surface. Hydrogen absorbs neutrons, so when LP investigators saw a decrease in the flux of medium-energy neutrons near the lunar poles, they concluded that excess amounts of hydrogen were present there. Although this observation is consistent with the presence of polar ice, neutron data alone do not tell us what form the hydrogen is in, and it was alternatively postulated that this enhancement was caused by excess solar wind hydrogen. The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument on the 2008-09 Indian Chandrayaan-1 mission collected reflectance spectra for most of the Moon. It found both water (H2O) and hydroxyl (OH) molecules, present either as a monolayer on lunar dust grains or bound into the mineral structures in surface materials, poleward of about 65° latitude at both poles. Moreover, the abundance of this surface water varies with time, being present in greater quantity in both local early morning and late evening and it increases in abundance with increasing latitude. These results were verified by observations from the Cassini and EPOXI spacecraft during separate flybys of the Moon. The new observations indicate significant quantities of water moving towards areas with lower mean surface temperatures and increasing in abundance with latitude. Taken all together, the results mean that water is being deposited (e.g., by comet impact) and/or created (e.g., by reduction of metal oxides in the surface by solar wind protons) and then transported to the poles. By this process, significant quantities of water ice could accumulate at the poles over geological time. Last October, the companion satellite to LRO, LCROSS, slammed the upper stage of its launch vehicle into the Moon’s south pole and observed the ejected material. Results show that both water vapor and ice particles were ejected from the LCROSS impact crater; initial analyses indicate that water is present at about the 5-10 wt.% level. The LCROSS impact site exhibits no anomalous radar behavior, suggesting that such an amount of water ice cannot be detected by radar. However, the results do indicate that significant amounts of lunar polar water may be present even in the absence of specific radar evidence for it. Spectra from this impact event show evidence for other volatile substances, including ammonia and simple carbon compounds. The presence of such material may indicate a cometary source for these volatile materials. Both poles were covered by radar images from the Mini-SAR instrument on Chandrayaan-1. Much of the north polar region displays backscattering properties typical for the ordinary Moon, but one group of craters in the region show elevated polarization enhancements in their interiors, but not in deposits exterior to their rims. Almost all of these anomalous craters are in permanent sun shadow and correlate with proposed locations of ice modeled on the basis of the Lunar Prospector neutron data. These relations suggest that the interiors of these craters contain nearly pure water ice, with approximately 600 million metric tonnes of ice present in over 40 small craters within 10 degrees of the pole. The south polar region shows similar relations, except that it has fewer anomalous craters than the north pole. Small areas of polarization enhancement are found in some craters, notably Shoemaker, Haworth and Faustini; these areas might be deposits of water ice. So water on the Moon is present in large quantity in at least four different “flavors.” Water was in the deep lunar interior 3.3 billion years ago, at concentration levels of a few hundred parts per million. This water would have been released during the eruption of lunar magma and could have made its way into the polar cold traps. Water is either being made or being deposited nearly continuously by impact all over the Moon. Most of this water is subsequently lost to space (e.g., by sputtering, ionization or thermal escape) but some is retained on the Moon. Any water arriving at a cold trap near the pole will be captured. Water, once in the polar areas, is stable as ice in the permanent darkness or where sublimation is prevented when buried by a thin layer of soil. Significant quantities of water may accumulate there; the LCROSS results suggest several to tens of weight percent water ice may exist in the polar soils. Finally, some of this migrating water apparently collects at rates high enough so that significant soil cannot mix with it during normal impact bombardment, as shown by the presence of relatively “pure” water ice deposits in selected lunar craters imaged by radar. A significant amount of water at the poles of the Moon is present, with many billions of metric tonnes at each pole (detailed estimates of the water reserves are in progress). Such an amount is more than enough to support both permanent, sustainable human presence on the Moon and for export to cislunar space. Water is useful as rocket fuel and energy storage (hydrogen and oxygen are the two most powerful chemical propellants known) and for life support (water and oxygen) in space. These new discoveries fundamentally alter our understanding of the Moon’s processes and history and highlight both it’s scientific value and utilization potential. The Moon is on the critical path to human expansion into the Solar System. Addendum. In the comments below, reader Pradeep Mohandas reminds me about the findings of the Moon Impact Probe, released from Chandrayaan-1, which discovered water vapor in very small concentrations in the space just above the Moon during its descent to the south pole. This exospheric water (i.e., water in extremely small concentrations) may be related to the time-variable water seen in the spectral data from M3, Cassini, and EPOXI -- in other words, it may represent water molecules in motion, migrating toward the poles. Work on the nature and processes of the lunar hydrosphere continues and I will keep you up to date on the latest research results on this new and exciting subtopic of lunar science.
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Mastering Definite Articles in Spanish: A PDF Worksheet Guide Definite articles play a crucial role in the Spanish language, as they indicate specificity and help identify nouns. Learning how to use definite articles correctly is essential for achieving fluency in Spanish. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive worksheet in PDF format that will guide you through the usage of definite articles in Spanish. The Importance of Definite Articles Definite articles, known as “artículos definidos” in Spanish, are words used to indicate specific nouns. In English, the definite article is “the.” In Spanish, there are four forms of definite articles, which agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify:Masculine singular: “El” – used before singular masculine nouns.Feminine singular: “La” – used before singular feminine nouns.Masculine plural: “Los” – used before plural masculine nouns.Feminine plural: “Las” – used before plural feminine nouns. Definite Articles in Spanish Worksheet (PDF) Click here to download the Definite Articles in Spanish Worksheet PDF: [Link to download the worksheet]This worksheet contains a variety of exercises to help you practice using definite articles correctly. It includes:Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate definite article (el, la, los, or las) based on the gender and number of the given noun.Multiple Choice: Choose the correct definite article from the options provided to complete the sentences.Identify the Definite Article: Identify the definite article used in the given sentences and underline it.Translate: Translate English sentences into Spanish, including the appropriate definite article.Paragraph Writing: Write a short paragraph using definite articles to describe specific objects or people.This worksheet is designed to reinforce your understanding of definite articles and their usage in various contexts. Practice completing the exercises and refer to the answer key provided at the end of the worksheet to check your responses. Understanding and using definite articles correctly is fundamental to speaking and writing Spanish accurately. By practicing with the Definite Articles in Spanish Worksheet provided in this article, you can enhance your grasp of definite articles and improve your overall language proficiency. Remember to pay attention to the gender and number agreement between the articles and nouns. Regular practice and exposure to the language will help you master the usage of definite articles with confidence. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!) This article has not yet been reviewed by our team Ap Spanish Language Unit 2 Reading Comprehension Answers The Character Of Cervantes Epic Spanish Tale 15 Minute Spanish Podcast 142 in Spanish
You saw daffy on a stripper pole shaking his ass (his ass is as flat as the earth btw) as you walk over you think to yourself "Ugh..What a whore!" Then you get an MALICIOUS idea. Your gonna kill his bitch ass, as he was your ex husband, he slept with bugs bunny, You remember how you were drinking tons of beer and how there were alot of beer bottles. (so fucking depressing ik/j) As you walk over to the pole where daffy was he began to notice you. And said "Y-Y/N!? W-WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" He said, sounding shocked as ever. You looked up at him and said "I'm here to kill you, Cheating bastard!" You said as you pulled out a carrot and shoved it up his ass. (Hehe haha funni dsaf reference!1!1) then you fucking shot his head as you continued shanking him with the carrot (Your mentally ill holy shit) You get done with the murder and walked away.
Sixth grade students have mastered the four operations of mathematics -- addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. By the end of the year, these middle school students have used these operations with decimals, fractions and negative numbers. At this point, math also involves reasoning, building on knowledge and observing; these skills are encouraged by higher level questions and participation from the students in a collaborative setting. Asking open questions is a way to provide an opportunity for your students to think critically. For example, asking the sixth grade students how many polygons they can make with an area of 24 units is an open question. A closed question with the same objective is to have a polygon drawn and ask them the area of that polygon. Open questions can have more than one answer, and differentiation occurs automatically with this type of question. The more advanced students search for many ways to construct the polygon and answer the question. Other students also try to find a polygon to meet the criteria, realize that finding the many answers is valued, and continue working. Discussion of the different ways to answer the open question adds value to the question in the sixth grade classroom. In Bloom's Taxonomy, a collection of verbs is divided into levels of thinking. Appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine and question are verbs from Bloom's "analyzing" level, which encourages critical thinking. For example, having your sixth graders compare the distances around various circles' circumferences to their diameter measurements is a great introduction to pi and the formula for the circumference of a circle. It is also a critical thinking question which promotes exploration. Great questions are wasted if wait time is not given for the answers. Too often teachers don't allow the students time to think and answer, blurting out the answer themselves or calling on another student. Some sixth grade students need more time to formulate their answers. Teachers should provide a few seconds of wait time for students to process the question and their answer. Math builds on prior lessons. Critical thinking questions should help the sixth grade students see those relationships and connections. Teachers should ask students how the problem they are working on is connected to something they learned previously. For example, when your sixth graders are learning about ratios, you can remind them of their study of similar triangles. By asking them to think of how ratio and similar triangles are connected, the students are led to review what they have already learned about similar shapes and apply it to the study of ratios. The teacher helps the students to see the relationship between the two concepts and to deepen their understanding through the connections. Susan Rickey started writing in 1994 with a technology feature article for the "Pioneer Press." She was the writer of the Klamath Forest Alliance newsletter, an environmental organization. Rickey obtained her teaching credential from California State University and acquired her Bachelor of Science from the University of Arkansas.
basically this is just rules-_- -Y'all can do requests:P -No, I will NOT do any Astrodude -Please dont ask for any Earthling x Earthling:(( -Please respect peoples opinion on requests or ships and dont start a drama in here-v- -Dont spam in chapters&gt;:( uhh that's all wait for the first chapter to publish XD
This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled How to Make a Decision and the theme of making decisions. Students learn vocabulary related to making decisions, talk about making decisions, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, talk about decision-making perspectives, analyse a short video, and reflect on the lesson. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Learning vocabulary related to making decisions, talking about making decisions, predicting the content of a short video, watching a short video, completing viewing notes, talking about decision-making perspectives, analysing a short video, and reflecting on the lesson Topic: Making decisions Language: Vocabulary related to making decisions Watch the short video.
In this lesson children will start using mathematical terms, such as positional language and color and shape names, categorizing items and start recognizing and creating increasingly complex patterns - Tell the children that they are going to explore patterns. - Ask the following questions to help them connect with the lesson: - What are patterns? - What are some examples of patterns? - Point out some patterns around the classroom. - Tell the children that they are going to become a “living pattern.” - Ask them to stand in a circle. Tell them to put their hands on their heads, then their toes, then their heads again, and their toes again. - Explain that this is a pattern and that parts of a pattern repeat, which means that once they understand the repeating order, they will know what comes next. - Try adding another element (e.g., heads, toes, nose). Call out the pattern a few times as the children follow along, then stop suddenly and ask what comes next. - Tell them that now they are “patterning pros!” - Tell the children that patterns can also consist of shapes and colors, and that they are going to build a food item that contains a pattern. - Show the printable model cards, pointing out the different patterns. - Ask each child to pick one of the cards and to replicate the food item shown. - If necessary, help them sort the bricks they need by color, shape, or both! - Facilitate a discussion about patterns. Talk about the different kinds of patterns in the food items (e.g., point out that the burger ingredients have a pattern of colors and shapes). - Consider asking questions like: - What kind of pattern does your menu item have? Does it repeat colors, shapes, or both? - How many colors or shapes are in your pattern? - How many times does your pattern repeat? - Encourage the children to create their own patterns. - Help them decide on colors and shapes they will use, gather the bricks, and build their patterns. Remind them that their bricks must repeat at least once in order for it to be a pattern. - If they are ready, encourage them to build more complex patterns using different shapes or patterns with more components (e.g., an “ABCD” pattern). Did You Notice? Observing the following skills can help you monitor whether the children are developing the necessary competencies in math. - Using mathematical terms, such as positional language and color and shape names - Categorizing by one or more attributes and comparing two or more objects - Recognizing and creating increasingly complex patterns - Sort by shape, size, and color - Practice making patterns - Recognize patterns For up to 5 Children The Mathematics guidelines from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and HeadStart have been used to develop the Café+ lessons. Please refer to the for an overview of the learning values referenced throughout this Teacher Guide. The learning goals listed at the end of each lesson can be used to determine whether or not each child is developing the relevant early math skills. These bullet points target specific skills or pieces of information that are practiced or presented during each lesson.
Weight Loss Secrets Of Doctors And Famous Stars!!..... <HTML><FONT PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" LANG="0">Dear Friend,<BR> <BR> This last summer, our family had a big reunion at a fabulous resort in Minnesota. &nbsp;The water was sapphire blue and the evergreens sang as the breeze rustled their limbs. &nbsp;We had such a great time renewing old friendships, seeing how everyone's children had grown, and catching up on everyone's lives. &nbsp;The last day we had a family picture taken, thinking that we'd all send them out as our Christmas cards.<BR> <BR> In October we got the proofs back so that we could pick our favorite picture. Everybody looked wonderful and the background was spectacular but I could not find myself in the picture. &nbsp;I looked and looked and finally got out a magnifying glass. &nbsp;To my horror, I found this dark curly headed woman with a face that looked like a stretched moon!!! &nbsp;Dear God it was me!!! &nbsp;My body resembled an inflated hot air balloon that would take off should a heavy wind arise... it was </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>HIDEOUS</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">! &nbsp;I had mirrors in my house but most of them were designed to only reflect &nbsp;from the waist up and I honestly hadn't noticed that my cheekbones had totally disappeared and that my face looked like a shapeless clump of flesh. &nbsp;I was always so happy that I didn't have a lot of wrinkles, &nbsp;but I didn't realize that I wasn't wrinkled because my skin was as stretched as tight as a bongo drum.<BR> <BR> Well, this situation was </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>NOT</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> acceptable. &nbsp;But I was at a loss as to what to do. &nbsp;My willpower, well, basically sucks and I had so-o-o much weight to lose that I wasn't sure I'd live long enough to get it all off. &nbsp;Plus, I hate diets and can only stick to them for a very short period of time before I fall off the food wagon. &nbsp;My goal to slim down seemed totally hopeless.<BR> <BR> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>AND THEN IT HAPPENED</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">. &nbsp;I received a brochure about a product called </FONT><FONT COLOR="#0080ff" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B><I><U>BERRY TRIM PLUS</U></I></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">. &nbsp;It seemed to contain everything I needed. &nbsp; It curbs your appetite, increases energy, burns fat at the fastest rate possible, no special diets are required, you don't have to exercise like a lunatic, it doesn't make you feel speeded, &nbsp;</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>AND IT 'S ALL NATURAL WITH NO ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">. &nbsp;It also was priced well below other products so I figured that if it didn't work I wouldn't be out much money. &nbsp;It is guaranteed, but I'm always too lazy to bother to send back the empty bottles so this diet supplement seemed perfect for me.<BR> <BR> It's been about 6 weeks now but I swear I'm beginning to look like that famous Cindy person that models. &nbsp;My cheekbones are absolutely glorious.. I swear I look like a new person and a good one at that. &nbsp;</FONT><FONT COLOR="#0080ff" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B><I><U>BERRY TRIM PLUS</U> </I></B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> also keeps your skin tight so you don't look like a Shar Pei with nasty folds of skin hanging all around after you lose the weight. <BR> <BR> I promise you that this product works. &nbsp;It does everything it promises and then some. &nbsp;Just losing the weight alone, makes you feel so much better and younger. &nbsp;It puts zest back into your life and assures you that you'll achieve your weight loss goals. &nbsp;In another few weeks I will reach my goal...something I had given up on. &nbsp;Also, </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>HLNA</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"></B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> offers an affiliate program so you might as well make a few bucks while losing those pounds. Please keep the faith and order this product </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"><B>NOW</B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> by clicking below.<BR> <BR> </FONT><b><a href="http://vfda.weedwaacker.com/index0625a.html"><font lang="0" color="#0000ff" size="5">CLICK HERE</font></a></b><font lang="0" color="#000000"><br> <br> </font><FONT COLOR="#000000" BACK="#ffffff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0"> Sincerely,</FONT> <p><font lang="0" color="#000000">Laurie<br> </font></p> <p><font lang="0" color="#000000"><br> <br> <font size="1">This message is brought to you by BerryTrim Affiliate# 3b3773c002ce47b<br> </font></font><font size="1">We apologize for any email you may have inadvertently received.<br> Please <a href="http://rmkid.weedwaacker.com">CLICK HERE</a> to be removed from future mailings.</font></p> </HTML>
Few texts have had as much of an impact on American history as President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. This presidential order, which was issued on January 1, 1863, in the midst of the Civil War’s crucible, was a turning point that not only changed the course of the fight but also set the stage for a profound change in the moral and social climate of the country. The Crisis’s Setting The United States was engaged in a bloody and polarizing Civil War at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation. With the Union struggling to hold on against Confederate states attempting to secede, the country was split apart. The deep social and economic divisions that had long marked American society—particularly with regard to the institution of slavery—exacerbated the conflict’s severity. Disagreements and Resistance The Emancipation Proclamation was not without controversy, as President Lincoln decided to issue it. Various sections opposed the pronouncement in a war already rife with political, economic, and regional tensions. Concerns about the possible economic effects of such a broad legislation were raised by some detractors, while others expressed fear of retaliation from neighboring states that continued to tolerate slavery. A Virtuous Crusade Emerges Despite these obstacles, President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation altered the essence of the war and was more than just a calculated military manoeuvre. It was also a moral and ethical stand. Lincoln’s proclamation that all slaves in Confederate-held territory would be regarded as free changed the focus of the war from a fight for reunification to a campaign against the institution.
The word “syntax” describes the rules we use to put words together to make sentences. It shows the relationship between words and their meaning in sentences. Why is syntax important? In English, for example, the basic order of a clause is subject-verb-object (SVO). If you change the order, it can change the meaning. “The dog bit the man” means something completely different from “the man bit the dog”. How do you teach syntax? Syntax was originally taught by separating a sentence into grammatical parts, such as subject, verb, etc. This process is called “parsing” a sentence. This can be useful but can be quite academic and not a very interesting exercise for learners. More engaging ways of focusing on syntax are ordering exercises using words or phrases, expanding simple sentences to make them more complex or reducing long sentences to simple ones. Examples of exercises that teach syntax The following video is taken from the Elementary level (A2) of the Net Languages General English course. Students look at the structure of subject questions and then do a word-order exercise. In the following grammar exercise, from the Upper Intermediate level (B2) of the Net Languages General English course, the information in four separate sentences is combined into one long sentence. Elements such as adjectives and nouns are identified, and then they are put in the new sentence in an order determined by the rules of syntax. Practical exercises like these help students remember and apply the rules of syntax to construct clear and effective questions and sentences when they write and speak in English.
This language lesson is designed for 6 to 12-year-old children. It guides the child to learn the meanings of the new words formed when a suffix is added to the base word. What is a Suffix? A suffix is a word or a letter that is placed at the end of another word. Adding a suffix changes the meaning of the base word and forms a new word. For example, ‘al’ means action, and when added at the end of denying becomes denial and changes its meaning. Watch this video to understand how a suffix can convert a word into a noun, verb, adverb, or adjective. It can also make a transition in the degree of an adjective or in the tense of a verb. The most common suffixes are S, ES, ED, and ING. These four suffixes are the most useful and important to learn as they are most frequently used in different language lessons. Encourage the child to practice the concept of suffixes with different English words and help them add new words to their vocabulary. For more language resources, visit: https://theglobalmontessorinetwork.org/language-lessons/ Video Created by: Sharmeen Niazi (Archgate Montessori Academy, Plano, TX) Elementary | Language | Suffixes: Lesson 1 (English) This video has been added and used with the author’s permission. It is also available on the author’s YouTube, here.
Type of Unit: Introduction Students should be able to: Solve and write numerical equations for whole number addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. Use parentheses to evaluate numerical expressions. Identify and use the properties of operations. In this unit, students are introduced to the rituals and routines that build a successful classroom math community and they are introduced to the basic features of the digital course that they will use throughout the year. An introductory card sort activity matches students with their partner for the week. Then over the course of the week, students learn about the lesson routines: Opening, Work Time, Ways of Thinking, Apply the Learning, Summary of the Math, and Reflection. Students learn how to present their work to the class, the importance of taking responsibility for their own learning, and how to effectively participate in the classroom math community. Students then work on Gallery problems to further explore the program’s technology resources and tools and learn how to organize their work. The mathematical work of the unit focuses on numerical expressions, including card sort activities in which students identify equivalent expressions and match an expression card to a word card that describes its meaning. Students use the properties of operations to identify equivalent expressions and to find unknown values in equations. Students participate in an icebreaker activity, finding a classmate whose card contains an expression equivalent to the expression on their own card. The resulting student pairs will be partners for this unit. Students spend time exploring the digital course. They learn new symbols for multiplication and detect possible errors in evaluating numeric expressions. The class discusses and decides upon norms for math class.Key ConceptsStudents evaluate numerical expressions and identify equivalent expressions. They explore why the order of operations affects calculation results and how to use parentheses to clearly describe the order of the operations.Goals and Learning ObjectivesEvaluate numerical expressions.Understand the reason for the order of operations and how to use parentheses in numerical expressions.Use the basic features of the application.Create and understand the classroom norms.Use mathematical reasoning to justify an answer.PreparationPrint out the Expressions Icebreaker cards. Select the number of pairs of Partner 1 and Partner 2 cards needed for your class. Shuffle the cards before distributing to students.Write on the board or chart paper: Find a classmate whose card has an expression that is equivalent to the expression on your card.Choose a hand signal or phrase for common activities, such as putting technology away and focusing on the teacher. Build coin expressions, then exchange them for variable expressions. Simplify and evaluate expressions until you are ready to test your understanding of equivalent expressions in the game!
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Binomial expressions are algebraic expressions with two terms. The name itself explains the nature of the algebraic expression. The chapter here involves the theorem, which is prominently used for binomial expansion. The process of expanding the two-term expression like (a+b) n raised to any power 'n' to obtain the individual terms is known as binomial expansion. The issue with the binomial expansion is that smaller power like 2, 3, 4 or 5 can be handled easily, but when the power increases, it causes issues to expand by common formula or continuous multiplication. Here the Binomial Theorem proves useful. In this chapter, learners get to know about the Binomial Theorem for positive integers. This theorem can be used to solve multiplication issues that are difficult to solve. This chapter covers the history, definition, and demonstration of the Binomial Theorem for positive integral indices. Some of the topics discussed in this chapter include the general and middle terms in binomial expansion and their basic applications. The middle term of any binomial expression and how to find them is also covered in this chapter. There are two methods for determining the midterm. The middle term in expanding (x + a) n is (n/2 + 1) the terms if n is even. In the expansion of (x + a) n , the intermediate terms are (n + 1) / 2nd term and (n + 3) / 2nd term if n is odd. Later in the chapter, the students will learn about multinomial expansion. The chapter provides an excellent calculation tool for the students, and it helps solve a lot of logical reasoning and technological and mathematics aptitude questions at a rapid pace. The concept that is covered in this chapter is mainly the Positive integral index binomial theorem. The binomial theorem has some significant implications, which are discussed in the chapter at a later stage. In a binomial extension, there is a general term and a middle term for which formula and derivations are given, along with solved and unsolved examples. Our professional faculty team has built the RD Sharma Class 11 Maths Solutions. These solutions also give students the method to confidently solve challenges, thus helping them develop their problem-solving abilities, critical for exam success.
.BIZ .INFO domain extensions Attention: Internet Domain Registrant The new top level domain names with extensions .BIZ, .INFO, .PRO, and .NAME have just been approved by global internet authorities and will be released soon, but don't wait until then to register. These domains are available NOW for pre-registration at: http://www.RegisterNewExtensions.net on a first come, first serve basis. "While .com names hold the most prestige, the next frontier is the new suffixes -.info, .biz, and .pro -likely to become available later this year..." -BUSINESS WEEK MAGAZINE, April 16, 2001. It is expected that over 3 million of these new domain names will be registered in the first few minutes when registration officially opens later this year. If your domain name is important to you, be prepared and pre-register now. Protect your domain name from cybersquatters and speculators. We have the premier pre-registration engine to help you to secure the domain you want. Over 250,000 names have already been queued into our list and good names are going fast. Do not wait until the last minute. Go to http://www.RegisterNewExtensions.net now to pre-register. ####################################################################### This message is sent in compliance with the new email bill section 301. Per Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618 and is not intended for residents in the State of WA, NV, CA & VA. If you have received this mailing in error, or do not wish to receive any further mailings pertaining to this topic, simply send email to: del_list_tld@yahoo.com. We respect all removal requests. #######################################################################
The raiding party crouched behind a rock just outside the inner sanctum of the dragon. They could see piles and piles of gold and other assorted treasures strewn about the inner cave. "OK, guys, here’s the plan." Said the Bard. "We go in there and bash the thing!" Interrupted the Barbarian almost too loudly. The Ranger quickly put his hand over the large man's mouth in an attempt to silence him. "Let's just call that 'Plan F'." Replied the Bard. "As in we will be if we try it your way." "OK, now, you," he pointed to the wizard, "Will have a spell ready to fly." "You," He pointed at the ranger, "Will have an accuracy buff that I will..." He didn't get to finish his sentence since the Barbarian let out a shout as he broke free of the Ranger and ran headlong into the dragon's lair. "Shit!" Exclaimed the Ranger. "We have a Leroy Jenkins!" The rest of the party scrambled to catch up to the Barbarian. As they rounded the rock, the dragon whipped it's head around to see who had so brazenly entered its home. Before the party was even halfway into the large chamber, the dragon was on it feet and raised itself to its full height. "Oh, hey!" It said cheerily. "I'm glad you're here!" This stopped the party in its tracks. "I'm sorry, what did you just say? Asked the Bard, completely stunned. "You're here for the treasure, right?" The dragon asked. "Yeah." Was all the Barbarian said. "Good, good!" Said the dragon excitedly. "Splendid. If nobody had shown up, I was just going to have to toss it all out myself." "I'm sorry, what's going on here?" Asked the Bard, trying to figure out what was going on. Usually, by this point, someone was in need of healing, and the scene would be utter chaos. "Well, I'm bored of all this gold, and I want to collect all new stuff." Explained the Dragon. "Soooo, is it just you lot then? Do you have transportation outside to carry everything?" "Well, we was just gonna bonk youse on the head and take what we can carry and not be here when youse woke back up." Offered the Barbarian. "Oh." Was all the Dragon said. "Well, now you don't have to." It said in a more cheery manner. "You can just take it all, I don't get bonked on the head, as you so eloquently put it, and my lair has room for my new interest. It's win/win." "Heeeey!" The Barbarian said. "Youse said two things for youse! That's an extra win for youse!" The Barbarian was readying himself to attack the Dragon when the Bard stepped in. "No, no!" He said to the large man, surprisedhe knew how much 'two' was. "You see, we all have to go back and get something big to carry it all." The Barbarian looked confused. "That means we all get a massive stack of treasure." He reasoned it out for the giant lunkhead. "So that's a win for each of us. That's six wins, and he only has two. We have more wins!" "Oh! I like having more wins!" He said excitedly. He then leaned in towards the Bard and whispered loud enough for all to hear. "Don't tell the Dragon. We don't want to get it angry." "Oh, of course not." The Bard agreed. The Bard then made a key locking motion in front of his mouth and the put the imaginary key in his breast pocket and patted it, and then turned to face the Dragon. "I'll tell you what, we are currently ill equipped to carry such a magnificent haul." He said. "We need to go back and get the necessary items. It should take about two days to empty it all. Would that be acceptable?" "Yes, yes!" The Dragon said as it started hopping from one foot to the other in childlike excitement. "Great!" Replied the Bard. The party turned to leave and get started with the removal of all the gold. Before he left, the Bard looked back at the Dragon. "Out of curiosity, what ARE you replacing your treasure with?" "Oh, the most wonderful thing ever!" The Dragon said with a gleam in its eye. "And that would be?" The dragon looked around to make sure nobody else was listening. It lowered its head down to meet the Bard face to face and whispered with a giggle: "Funko Pops!"
I left the planet in my own little spaceship. No one believed me when I told them I could not only reach outer space with this beauty, but also break the speed of light without turning into energy. So far, my first claim had been confirmed, and so it was time to confirm the second one. I grabbed the accelerator's handle, and after drawing a deep, lingering breath, I pushed it all the way to the maximum speed. In that moment, I got sucked into my seat, and the vast darkness of the universe turned into dashing lights of sundry colors. I attempted to move, but I couldn't. The pressure increased, and seized my chest, forbidding the oxygen to reach my lungs; my skin rippled visibly; my bones rattled; and all the while the speedometer's numbers went higher and higher. All of a sudden, the dashing lights turned into liquid-like, rainbow-colored tendrils, as if I were in a submarine moving through the depths of an iridescent ocean. The pressure remained, crushing, suffocating me slowly. But how beautiful this was. I clung on to every single sliver of life I could find within me. The speedometer didn't lie. I was going much faster than the speed of light, and I was still alive. I'd proved my point. All I had to do now was reduce the speed. I fought against the pressure, attempting to reach the accelerator's handle, but it was pointless, for I couldn't even move my arm a single millimeter. I cursed in my mind time and time again. How could I've been so stupid? Why didn't I take this into account? My body wouldn't resist it much long-- The tendrils of light disappeared. A blinding white plain appeared before me. The pressure faded too. My body loosened, and at last, I gasped. But when everything seemed calm and perfect, the spaceship went through the whiteness, as though it was a vast wall of paper. Beyond, a gargantuan, amorphous creature stared at me through myriad varicose eyes. It wrapped an enormous tentacle around the spaceship, and brought it closer to him. I unfastened myself, and clambered to my feet, desperate to find a way to survive. The fear clutched my throat. It smothered me. The walls creaked and cracked. Fissures ran like creeks across them. The floor trembled. The valves broke and hissed. There was nothing I could do now, and so, in a last attempt to understand what'd happened, I stared beyond the monster. There, I saw a computer. Smoke came out from a diminutive spot in the monitor. Perhaps, reality wasn't reality after all. -------------------------------- r/NoahElowyn -- Consider checking my sub if you enjoyed the story! I have many more stories over there.
Economics and Finance Lessons Lessons and worksheets for teaching, learning, and understanding elementary and basic economics and financial concepts and principles. Economics is all about making choices. Every day, we make many choices. Many people think that economics is about money when they hear it. Economics is more than money. Economics is about choosing between different options or alternatives. While some of these important decisions involve money, most don't. While most of your life decisions have little to no connection with money, they still fall under the umbrella of economics. Money is often a useful tool, that can be used to help you evaluate the things you care about and make decisions about them. Economics is about understanding why we make certain choices that seem to be the most economical or efficient. Elementary Economics Lessons This section includes elementary economic material for primary education, kindergarten through 6th grade. These lesson plans, lessons, and worksheets will introduce your students to very basic economic principles and consumer economics, while reinforcing other basic skills such as money recognition and math. This introduction to economics for early learners includes topics such as: what money is, where it comes from, and what we do with it. Earning money, spending money, and saving money. With the following lessons, and your review, students should understand goods and services, needs and wants, and the difference between producers and consumers. Basic Economics and Finance Lessons BASIC ECONOMICS AND FINANCE This section is for secondary education and others who want to understand basic economic principles. Here we include lessons and worksheets for teaching and understanding basic finance and economic concepts. Including time value of money, compound interest, supply and demand, and inflation. All about investing money and money management. Learn basic investing and financial concepts. Including stocks, interest, income statements. Buying stocks, calculating shares purchased, percentage change in share price, how to read a stock table. Security pricing. Back to more Money and Personal Finance lesson plans, worksheets
Hi friends! This is a collection of my one shots or short part series that just aren't long enough to be their own book. <b>This writing is intended for those 18 and up.</b> If you are not, I'm going to kindly ask you to click away. While I cannot moderate my readers and their ages, I CAN ask you to please respect this. <b>Content warnings</b> will be listed in the beginning of every piece. If you'd like to read more of my fic, I post other series here on wattpad and on <b>tumblr</b> under the username <b>1800titz</b>. Enjoy :)
UHHHHHH Hi! Im gonna do this cuz why not? Its been a really long time since ive done this. I had an old account that was used for creepy pasta shit but thats well and deleted. I do take requests. I do accept criticism but dont be a dick about it. Updates will probably not be the same. Though who knows because shit happens. Some will maybe be oneshots but I do kinda wanna have a chapter like thing going on. If you want smut I got you. I can do some smut. Kinky none kinky blah blah. The creepyness of welcome home will be added but ill have it cute to. No worrys. Yeah thats all I gotta say now. First real update for story part will happen soon. Thank you for your time.
What is a Reciprocal Pronoun? Each other and one another are called reciprocal pronouns. These pronouns are used to show two or more people are performing the same (mutual action) activity at the same time. In addition. The result and benefit of the action may be the same or different. How to use reciprocal pronouns? Each other and one another are only the two reciprocal pronouns in the English Language. Each other is used for two persons only. Like John and Khan are beating each other. So there were only two people and they were fighting. As a result, they bet on each other. The outcome of this action affects both of them. ‘One another is used for more than two persons. This means, that if any action is carried out by more than two persons at the same time it has an effect and results on all of them. Like the children were shouting at one another. Or the girls at the pool are throwing water at one another. For more detail visit this link. Check out more examples of reciprocal pronouns: - Kamran and Farhan gave gifts to each other. - That two cats bite each other. - The mother and daughter were greeting each other. - You should hug each other to finish the conflict. - All the members of the team appreciated one another. - Do they see one another on the ground? - The problem was solved by each other. - I don’t know why they abuse each other. - All the people are slapping one another in the party hall. - The rugby players were dribbling the one another. - I don’t see respecting each other nowadays between brothers. Check out the exercises given below for reciprocal pronouns. Use each other and one other correctly. - The two frank friends could only assist_____________ in hardships. - In the exam hall, they shared the cheating, with__________________________ . - America and Iran has a conflict with____________ for many years. - Both groups of the same category won over__________________ . - In the exam, the teachers must share the information with____________ . - How could they blame____________for being educated? - United people can stand for ____________. - The couples could not judge_____________ for many years. - The brothers and sisters agreed on ____________ decision. - The public must consent to _______________ thought to bring peace. - Islam teaches brotherhood to ___________________. - How to find______________ in the ground both friends said. Answers to the following reciprocal pronoun examples. The two frank friends could only assist each other in hardships. In the exam hall, they shared the cheating, with one another. America and Iran have had a conflict with each other for many years. Both groups of the same category won over each other. In the exam, the teachers must share the information with each other. How could they blame one another for being educated? United people can stand for one another. The couples could not judge each other for many years. The brothers and sisters agreed on each other’s decision. The public must consent to one other thought to bring peace. Islam teaches brotherhood to one another. How to find each other in the ground both friends said. More Pronouns: kinds of pronouns reciprocal pronouns exercises with answers, reciprocal pronoun exercise, reciprocal pronouns examples, each other one another exercise, each other and one another exercises,
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Commencing Our Discussion The First Civil Rights Act, enacted in 1866, stands as a remarkable milestone in United States history. It was the dawning of a new era in the country’s quest for racial equality, forming the cornerstone for several subsequent civil rights laws. The Genesis of the First Civil Rights Act Following the American Civil War, the country struggled to come to terms with its newfound tranquility and the resulting end of slavery. Amid this chaos, the First Civil Rights Act rose as a symbol of promise for African Americans. The act’s primary objective was to safeguard the rights of those emancipated from bondage, ensuring they received equal treatment before the law. Pathway to Ratification The road to ratification of the First Civil Rights Act was littered with political obstacles and fervent debates. However, staunch civil rights advocates like Senator Lyman Trumbull and Representative James F. Wilson remained relentless in their equality struggle. Significant Provisions of the First Civil Rights Act The First Civil Rights Act was an exhaustive piece of legislation. It assured all citizens, irrespective of race or prior servitude status, equal rights in contract making, litigation, providing evidence, and in purchasing, selling, and leasing property. Consequences and Influence The passage of the First Civil Rights Act bore extensive implications. It signified a monumental shift in American society and established a foundation for future civil rights movements. Hindrances and Disputes In spite of its noble purpose, the First Civil Rights Act encountered significant resistance. Many Southern states introduced Black Codes attempting to bypass the legislation and uphold their pre-war racial hierarchies. The Enduring Legacy of the First Civil Rights Act The legacy of the First Civil Rights Act is long-lasting and deep. It set the stage for later civil rights laws, including the pivotal 1964 Civil Rights Act. For more on this, read our exploration on pivotal moments in the civil rights movement: a detailed exploration. The First Civil Rights Act of 1866 emerged as a landmark legislation that took a significant stride towards racial equality in America. Its legacy continues to mold American society and stands as a testament to the nation’s unwavering quest for justice and equality.
This Stock Rumored to FLY SPECIAL SITUATION ALERTS HOT PICK OF THE YEAR Environmental Remediation Holding Corp. (OTCBB: ERHC) URGENT BUY: $ .17 SELL TARGET: $1.25 INVESTOR ALERT: ERHC enters into joint-venture license agreement with SCHLUMBERGER LTD (NYSE: SLB, $60) and BAKER HUGHES, INC. (NYSE: BHI, $40) for seismic data on some of the richest offshore oil blocks where ERHC controls a huge working interest! INVESTORS - WE HAVE FOUND THE HIDDEN GEM: (OTCBB: ERHC)! ERHC's joint-venture with SCHLUMBERGER and BAKER HUGHES puts them in world-class company with these leaders in oil exploration and reservoir imaging services. The involvement of SLB and BHI reinforces the $MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR VALUE that has been placed in this offshore drilling haven. ERHC's goal is to maximize shareholder value from existing contractual rights, making them a significant player in this region. THE BIG MONEY ROLLS IN: The seismic data from this joint-venture is being made available for further involvement by the LARGEST OIL COMPANIES IN THE WORLD over the next 2 weeks!! Bidding wars have already developed between major oil companies suchas: SHELL, CHEVRON/TEXACO, CONOCO, EXXON/MOBIL, PHILIPS, and MARATHON who are willing to pay $Hundreds of Millions to drill in these zones and partner with ERHC. STOCK SET TO EXPLODE ON EARNINGS BOOM: ERHC's exclusive right to participate in exploration and production along with OIL INDUSTRY GIANTS could be worth up to $FIFTY MILLION as these oil blocks are adjacent to Billion Barrel producing regions! SPECIAL SITUATION ALERTS' newsletter offers valuable research that builds your wealth. We target serious gains for serious investors with a 700% investment return on ERHC. DISCLAIMER: Certain statements contained in this newsletter may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by such terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "will", and "intend" or similar terms. We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer. This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities. No recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased, sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies. This is an independent electronic publication that was paid $10,000 by a third party for the electronic dissemination of this company information. Be advised that investments in companies profiled are considered to be high-risk and use of the information provided is for reading purposes only. If anyone decides to act as an investor they are advised not to invest without the proper advisement from an attorney or a registered financial broker, if any party decides to participate as an investor then it will be that investor's sole risk. Be advised that the purchase of such high-risk securities may resultin the loss of some or all of the investment. The publisher of this newsletter makes no warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or the completeness of the disclosure. Investors should not rely solely on the information presented. Rather, investors should use the information provided in this newsletter as a starting point for doing additional independent research on the profiled companies in order to allow the investor to form their own opinion regarding investing in the profiled companies. Factual statements made about the profiled companies are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. Investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk.
Words play a vital role in how we communicate, so it is in the right sense that we would want our computers to be able to work with words and sentences as well. In Python, something like a word or sentence is known as a string. A string is a sequence of characters contained within a pair of 'single quotes' or "double quotes". A string can contain any letters, numbers, symbols and spaces. In this post, our objective is to learn more about strings and how they are treated in Python. We will learn how to slice strings, select specific characters from strings, iterate through strings and use strings in conditional statements. Now let's zoom in. A string can be thought of as a list of characters. Like any other list, each character in a string has an index. Consider the string: name = 'Kwame' Specific letters from this string can be selected using the index. Let’s say we decide to select the first letter of the string. This would output: What about the third letter? Not only can a single character be selected from a string, but entire chunks of characters can also be selected. This can be done with the following syntax: This process is known as slicing. When a string is sliced, a new string that starts at the first_index and ends at (but excludes) the last_index is created. An example would be: This would result in: There can also have open-ended selections. If the first index isn't included, the slice starts at the beginning of the string and if we remove the second index the slice continues to the end of the string. Here are some examples: These lines result in: We can also concatenate, or combine, two existing strings together into a new string. Consider the following two strings: firstname = 'Nana' lastname = 'Yaw' A new string is formed by concatenating the above strings as follows: fullname = firstname + lastname The resulting concatenation will be: Notice that there are no spaces added here. We have to manually add in the spaces when concatenating strings if we want to include them. fullname = firstname + ' ' + lastname And the result is: Python comes with some built-in functions for working with strings. One of the most commonly used of these functions is len() and this returns the number of characters in a string: If you are taking the length of a string with spaces, the spaces are counted as well. len() comes in handy when we are trying to select characters from the end of a string which has an index of len(string_name) - 1. The following line of code will return the last character in the string. Because strings are lists, that means we can iterate through them using 'for' or 'while' loops. This opens up a whole range of possibilities of ways that can be manipulated to analyze strings. Let's take a look for letter in fullname: This will iterate through each letter in fullname word and will print it as follows: When we iterate through a string we perform an action with each character. By including conditional statements inside of these iterations, we can manipulate the characters extra. Let's analyze what the following code does: counter = 0 for letter in fullname: if letter == 'a': counter += 1 This code will count the number of 'a; in fullname. First, a counter is initialized to zero. The 'for' loop iterates through each character in fullname and compares it to the letter 'a'. Each time a character equals 'a' the code will increase the variable counter by one. Once all characters have been checked, the code will print the counter, telling us how many 'a' are in fullname. Another method to determine if a character is in a string is using the keyword 'in'. 'in' checks if one string is part of another string. Here is how the syntax looks like: substring in string This is a boolean expression that is True if the substring is in the string. Here is the link to the repo on GitHub
All species strive to survive above all else. We adapt, evolve, become immune to diseases, and are willing to travel great distances to find habitats suited to sustaining life. I’m sure that those who experienced the horrors of the zombie plague outbreak centuries ago couldn’t even begin to process how the rise of violent, undead creatures could possibly have been an evolution or adaptation for human survival. But now? As I stand face to face with one of the thousands of the technologically superior alien invaders pointing some form of death ray at me, I understood the advantage of humans still carrying the zombie virus quite clearly. “KLAR’NARK!” the monstrous alien practically spit at me, surely taunting my imminent demise. He aimed his weapon as what passed for a smile crossing his fanged, twisted face, and pulled the trigger without further hesitation. I felt an immense pain as a large chunk of my torso was blasted off my body. Falling to the ground, the alien stood over me, both he and I waiting for me for my inevitable death. And indeed, I felt my life slipping away from me. My body went cold, and the world went black, as my eyes closed for the last time. For the last time as a human being at least. Mere moments later my eyes snapped back open. I felt different, undoubtedly a changed being. My thoughts simplified, my body altered and awkward to move. But stand and live I did, as a risen zombie. The alien looked on in shock and horror as I rose and simple thoughts crossed my mind, “Kill. Consume. Survive.” Instinctively, I lunged at the creature standing before me. With one swift bite it’s neck was sliced open, disgusting black blood spraying from the gaping wound I had just created. It snarled and howled in immense pain and distress, but it was too stunned to put up much resistance. With two more ferocious bites it was dead, and now it relived the moment I had just experienced, slumping to the floor, it's life rapidly fading as it died. Unfortunately for it, its species had not evolved to have any form of life beyond death. Within minutes, I had fully consumed its body for sustenance, and was ready to move on, my immediate task complete. As strange as it sounds, in this moment, zombification truly was a gift. A second chance at life, another opportunity to fight back against the invaders overrunning our planet. I shambled off into the world with one goal in mind, to continue to survive by any means necessary. ___ Feel free to check out r/Ryter if you'd like to explore more of my stories (some featuring zombies of one kind or another) Written on my phone, sorry for any formatting issues or awful typos.
It’s calm here; and clean. A memory tugs at my soul: I’ve been here before. I know I've been here before. “Welcome back!” Says a voice from behind me. The World starts materializing from clouds. It’s not one specific color, but is color, you can feel it around you. I’m suddenly standing on something solid and obscured by fog. A cat glides towards me, his paws causing plumes of fog to swirl upwards. “Hello, cat?” I say, walking slowly towards it. “I’m not a cat, silly. I’m Peter!” The cat's voice was smooth like molasses, and held a southern twang. “What’s up with the accent?” I ask. “Something I’m just trying on,” said Peter, with a cheshire grin on his feline face. That was a good enough reason for Tom. “So, what am I doing here?” Asked Tom, as he motioned around him; he suddenly noticed a large golden wrought iron gate looming above them. Peter padded to him and jumped on his lap. “Here, we wait,” said Peter, as he purred loudly on Tom's lap. “For what?” Peter looked up at him and Tom noticed his reflection in his dilated eyes, which caused him to hastily look down at his tan forearms, and un-marked skin. He was young again. “Those that came before and left sooner, and those that came after and left later.” “Oh.” This worried Tom. He had not a single person in his life he thought would visit. No children, no siblings, parents gone and uninterested, most friends deserted. When he thought back on his life, he knew he lived it fine, but to say it plainly, Tom was alone. “I don’t think anyone is coming.” Said Tom in the silence. Peter continued purring and staring up at Tom, an indescribable expression on his face. “We’ll see.” Peter said plainly. Tom could wait there forever. Something about the place felt familiar. If he listened closely, he could almost hear music — not like any music he’d heard prior — but it was definitely music to his ears. Tom closed his eyes. “Ah, here we are.” Tom felt Peter jump off his lap, causing him to open up his eyes. From the fog, a figure emerged. Tall and lanky, with sandy hair. I lopsided grin shining on their face. “Jack?” “Hi Tom.” Tom stared back at his childhood friend, who was not a child anymore. They clasped hands and jumped around like two school boys. “I haven't seen you since you moved,” said Tom, hugging his old pal close to his heart. “It’s been ages, decades, maybe 5 decades?” “Longer for me pal,” said Jack, "I lived a long life. I was sad to hear how short yours was.” Tom shrugged, “that's okay. I missed you. I’m sorry I never wrote.” He looked down at Jacks feet, “ where's your wheelchair?” Tom asked. “I don’t need it here!” Jack expressed exuberantly. Moments passed where they just stood together, holding hands. Then Jack spoke up, “you were always my best friend. You treated me so kindly, when others didn't.” “I know,” said Tom, “and you were my best friend too, you taught me to fly among the stars in a sandbox, and how to be a pirate on a playground slide.” Tom felt wetness in his eyes, the place shined even brighter. “You going through?” Asked Jack, pointing to the gate with his thumb. Tom felt Peter rubbing against his legs, and looked down to see the cat staring back up at him, “Not yet.” “Okay, see you on the other side!” And Jack saluted Peter and yelled “All aboard comrades, the pirate express awaits!” and loped over to the gate, disappearing into the fog.
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MCLE Seminars <html> <head> <title>MCLE Seminars</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#990033" vlink="#000066" alink="#FF0000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top"> <p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Click <a href="http://www.askthelawyers.com/apps/remove.asp?email=webmaster@efi.ie">here</a> to be removed from our email list.</font></p> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><img src="http://www.attorneyconnectionsinc.com/email/top.gif" width="600" height="39"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="http://www.attorneyconnectionsinc.com/email/bar.gif" width="600" height="75"><br> <img src="http://www.attorneyconnectionsinc.com/email/pic.jpg" width="600" height="126"> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td width="300" align="left" valign="top"> <p><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font size="3">July 6-7 , 2002</font></b></font><font size="3"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br> Cost: <font color="#990000">$795<font size="1">*</font></font><br> Held at the HILTON Waikola Village, </font><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font size="3">Hawaii</font></b></font></b></font></p> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b><font color="#990033"> Register and pay by May 31 and recieve 10% off! 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A great reason to take a vacation!&quot;</b></i></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td height="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#333399"><font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333399"><b><i><font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333399"><b><i><font color="#FFFFFF"><font size="2">**** </font></font></i></b></font><font color="#FFFFFF">Limited Space Available <font size="2">****</font></font></i></b></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10"></td> </tr> </table> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left"> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td valign="middle" align="center"> <table width="100%" border="1" height="71" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#333399"> <tr> <td width="37" height="16" align="center" valign="middle"><b><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">Hours</font></b></td> <td width="219" height="16" valign="middle"><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000"><b><font size="2">Includes 12.5 hours of participatory:</font></b></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37" align="center" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">6.0</font></b></td> <td width="219" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000"> Ethics</font></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37" align="center" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">3.0</font></b></td> <td width="219" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">Substance Abuse</font></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37" align="center" valign="middle" height="5"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">1.5</font></b></td> <td width="219" valign="middle" height="5"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">Emotional Distress</font></b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37" align="center" height="3" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">1.0</font></b></td> <td width="219" height="3" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession</font></b></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="37" height="2" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">1.0</font></b></td> <td width="219" height="2" align="left" valign="middle"><b><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000">General Legal Education</font></b></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#990000"> <font size="2"><b>Audio Materials for remaining MCLE <br> credits will be available at the seminar.</b></font></font></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="middle" align="center"> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#333399"><b>Brought to you by:<br> </b></font><img src="http://www.attorneyconnectionsinc.com/email/logo.gif" width="250" height="117"></p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle"> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333399"><b><i><font size="4">Bar Approved Curriculum</font></i></b></font></p> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Approved by Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennesee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington State, and Wisconsin Bar Associations. Approval pending for Alabama and Minnesota.</font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#000099"> <p><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#FFFFFF"><b>Call <font size="4"> Attorney Connections</font> at <font size="4">(800) 221-8424</font> <br> to reserve your package today!</b></font> </p> <p><font color="#FFFFFF"><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">OR: </font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><a href="http://www.attorneyconnectionsinc.com/registration.htm" style="color:gold " target="_blank">Click here to print</a> the reservation form and fax to <font color="#FFCC99">(760) 731-7785</font>; or <br> mail to: Attorney Connections, P.O. Box 1533, Bonsall, CA 92003</font></b></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table><img src="http://www.askthelawyers.com/email.asp?email=webmaster@efi.ie&campaign=78" width="1" height="1"> </body> </html>
- building blocks - various toys English Language Arts/Language/L.PK.MA.5.a Demonstrate understanding of concepts by sorting common objects into categories (e.g., sort objects by color, shape, or texture). Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.4 Count many kinds of concrete objects and actions up to ten, using one-to-one correspondence, and accurately count as many as seven things in a scattered configuration. Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.5 Use comparative language, such as more/less, equal to, to compare and describe collections of objects. Head Start Outcomes: Approaches to Learning/Persistence and Attentiveness The ability to begin and finish activities with persistence and attention. PreK Learning Guidelines: Mathematics/Number Sense 1 Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts. Skills Focus: Counting, Comparing and Contrasting, Vocabulary Place a group of blocks on a table. Have children choose an object from the room and ask, How many blocks long is this <doll>? Help children place blocks along the object, and then count the blocks aloud slowly with children. Together, make a chart to compare the lengths of objects. Invite pairs of children to choose other objects and to take turns comparing the lengths of the objects by counting the blocks. Encourage children to use the terms longer and shorter in their descriptions. English Language Learners: Have children count with you in their home language as you raise your fingers one at a time. When children have said the number in their home language, say it in English and have them repeat it after you. Repeat as children gain mastery.
The structure of the language is known as its grammar. A good grasp of grammar enables people to speak and write clearly and concisely, and to understand all kinds of reading material. Words are the building blocks of language. Grammar is a set of rules that determines how these building blocks can be put together in different combinations to create well-formed sentences, phrases and clauses. Without the rules of grammar, words would be placed in a random order, and no one would be able to understand what anyone else was saying. Parts of Speech Words are grouped together according to the functions they perform in a sense. There are ten parts of speech in English. Nouns (or pronouns) and verbs are essential to structure of a sentence, but it’s the other parts of the speech, including adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions, that make a sentence meaningful and interesting. For example, “Farhan arrived.” This sentence contains all the essential parts of speech, but it’s not very informative. Another example, “My friend Farhan arrived early, so we went straight to the local market.” Non-essential parts of speech can be added to a sentence to make it more descriptive A sentence must also be correctly punctuated for it to make sense. Grammar explains which order to put words in, while punctuation marks such as commas and full stops indicate how the sentence should be read.
The main objectives of this lesson are to: - get familiar with the different uses of gerund, - suggest ways to achieve various goals using gerunds, - respond to opinions about weekend and free time activities. Students learn and apply four rules of using gerund. They do controlled, semi-controlled and free practice while talking about productive and unproductive activities. Students also predict ideas from a video and talk about their days off. VIDEO & USES OF GERUND The lesson starts with a warm-up activity in which students think about their last weekend. They also talk about being productive and unproductive on their days off. Then, students think about why some people don’t enjoy weekends and watch the video to compare their ideas. While watching the video for the second time, students tick ideas that the speaker mentions. After that, students find gerunds in statements and complete notes about the four uses of gerund (e.g. after prepositions, after phrasal verbs). Students do a controlled practice activity. They need to complete statements with correct forms of verbs. The statements are about days off and free time. Students also need to say which statements describe how they feel about their days off and give some details. Then, students look at some goals (e.g. improving your physical fitness) and complete sentences to describe how these goals can be achieved. The sentences cover the four uses of gerund. Finally, students choose two goals from a list and think of some productive and unproductive activities that might help them achieve the goals. This lesson also includes an additional task that you can use as homework or revision. In the task, students create sentences to practise different uses of gerund. The task is available in the teacher’s version of the worksheet. You can print it and hand it out to your students. It’s also included in the e-lesson plan. Subscribe to unlock these and many other Standalone lesson with the Premium plan Subscribe to unlock these and many other Standalone lesson with the Premium planSubscribe
Congratualtions zzzz8969 ! !! <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --> <html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <div align="center"> <p align="left"><font size="6" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#FF0033" face="Courier New, Courier, mono">You're A Winner!</font><font color="#0000FF" face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> </font></b></font><br> <br> <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4"><b>Dear Traveler,</b> </font></p> </div> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4"><b><font color="#000099" size="5">Congratulations</font><font color="#000099"> <font size="3">you may be one of our</font> LUCKY WINNERS!</font></b> </font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4">You may be spending your next vacation in beautiful <b><font color="#FF33CC">Orlando Florida</font></b>!</font></p> <ul> <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#FF0033"><b>6 days and 5 nights</b></font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#000099"> of accommodations in sunny Orlando Florida </font></li> <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#FF0033">Round trip</font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#000099"> <b> <font color="#000066">AIRFARE INCLUDED</font></b> <font color="#FF0033">for two</font></font></li> <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#000099">Rental car with <b><font color="#FF0033">UNLIMITED MILEAGE</font></b></font></li> <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#FF0033">2 day pass to</font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#000099"> <b>UNIVERSAL STUDIOS</b></font></li> <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#000099"><b><font color="#FF0033">$500</font></b> coupon book for meals and entertainment</font></li> <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4" color="#FF0033"><b>2 CASINO CRUISE tickets</b></font></li> </ul> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4">To claim your prize just visit our website <a href="">Click here</a><br> </font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4">Thanks for entering our contest and we look forward to seeing you soon. </font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4">Sincerely, </font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4">Jacqueline O'Connor<br> Director of Promotoins</font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono" size="4">P.S. You&#146;ve got to hurry. If you don&#146;t claim your vacation in the next 24 hours<br> it may be gone. Availability is limited. So don&#146;t wait, <a href="">Click here</a> today. </font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><br> <br> <br> </font></p> <p align="left">&nbsp;</p> <p align="left"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><br> <br> To be excluded from future promotions <a href="">Click here</a></font></p> </body> </html>
‘To what extent, was the Black Civil Rights Movement successful in bringing about social and political change for Black Americans between 1880 and 1990?’ Despite the 13th Amendment being passed in January 1865 declaring that slavery was illegal in the United States in reality it had no effect to solve racial issues as white superiority was maintained through legal loopholes. The creation of legally enforced segregated societies through the Jim Crow Laws treated Black Americans as second class citizens. Furthermore, the establishment of Black Codes in the Southern States were designed to keep the blacks inferior to whites economically, socially, politically and legally as they (1) ‘were excluded from occupations where they might be in competition with whites.’. In spite of this, Whites claimed that they saw Black Americans as ‘separate but equal, albeit the Supreme Court ruling that it was legitimate through the case of Plessey vs. Ferguson and ’this created a ’halfway house between slavery and freedom that satisfied no-one.’ The 15th Amendment gave black Americans the right to vote however due to ‘Literacy Tests,’ ‘Property Qualifications,’ and ‘Grandfather Clauses,’ it wasn’t feasible. Legal constraints were further aggravated and Southerners took this to advantage knowing that Federal authorities’ attitudes towards this cause were ambivalent. The Civil Rights Act off 9 April 1866 was made as a response to Black Codes. This ensured that all citizens of the US would enjoy equal treatment under the law. However in reality this wasn’t the case as the whites argued that it gave no reference to the right to vote. (2) ‘At the same time that the amendment was passed Congress authorised segregated black and white schooling in Washington, DC.’ This summarised the fact that the Congress wasn’t in favour of social and political integration and was in a sense an obstacle in the way of black Americans obtaining civil rights. The Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 gave Blacks significant power and this can be supported by Johnson saying that the South was beginning to become Africanised. Education for Blacks improved during the reconstruction era however due to a lack of funding and intimidation of groups such as KKK meant that by 1877, there was still 80% illiteracy among African-Americans. Legalised segregation meant that it blacks were deprived (3) ‘of their hard-earned civil rights and created a radical caste system that was to last until the 1950’s.’ During the early 20th century key pioneers such as Washington, Dubois, Wells and Garvey began to emerge who sought about real change for the Civil Rights cause. Leadership qualities in Blacks were being showcased for the first time and they adopted different tactics to achieve the (4) ‘ultimate goal’ which was equality for Blacks. Ida B. Wells was a pioneer of the early struggle and consequently established one of the first black civil rights movements the NAACP. The NAACP was to become extremely influential in the future of black civil rights and therefore its establishment was a key factor for Black civil rights. In the case of Dubois his prestigious post, publications and aberrations that blacks were a chosen people with qualities increased Black pride. Washington focused on accommodationism and avoided protests and aggression ass it would lead to alienation of the Whites. Washington however was frequently criticised by fellow black figures such as W.E.B Du Bois, who criticised his ‘soft’ approach towards whites. Washington favoured (5) ‘separate but equal’ and believed that blacks had to improve their economic position first and then civil rights would come. On the other hand Dubois sought (5) ‘rapid integration,’ Washington through his work at Tuskegee, (7) ‘increased the self-confidence and economic opportunities’ of black Americans. Violent aspects such as lynching were opposed by Wells and were adopted by subsequent activists. Garvey was the first person to bring about a (8) ‘Black mass movement in the USA, emphasising racial pride, self-respect and self-reliance,’ and his work influenced radical leaders such as Malcolm X. These ideas to bring about equality set the foundation for future civil rights activism. Consequently, Black Americans on the whole began to realise that they had to fight to gain social and political change for Black Americans.
Function operations are a cornerstone of algebra that involve adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing functions. Just as with numbers, these operations allow us to create new functions and discover their properties. The “Function Operations Worksheets” are designed to help students practice and master the art of performing operations with functions. Why Function Operations Matter Understanding function operations is critical for students as they delve into higher levels of math. These operations are not just abstract concepts; they have practical applications in calculus, engineering, physics, and economics. Learning how to manipulate functions prepares students for the complexities of these fields. How to Use the Worksheets The “Function Operations Worksheets” provide a series of problems that require the student to perform various operations with given functions. For instance: - Adding Functions: Students find the sum of two functions, like f(x)+g(x), by adding the corresponding outputs for each input value. - Subtracting Functions: Similar to addition, subtraction involves finding the difference between the outputs of two functions. - Multiplying Functions: This operation requires students to multiply the outputs of two functions together. - Dividing Functions: Students learn to divide one function by another, being careful to note where the denominator function does not equal zero (as division by zero is undefined). Each worksheet problem is structured to guide students through the necessary steps, offering practice in a controlled and focused manner. Problems are varied and increase in difficulty, encouraging students to apply their knowledge progressively. Benefits of the Worksheets - Targeted Practice: Each worksheet focuses on a specific operation, allowing students to concentrate on one skill at a time. - Detailed Examples: Problems are accompanied by detailed instructions, helping students understand the underlying principles of each operation. - Graduated Difficulty: The worksheets are designed to start with simpler problems and gradually introduce more complexity, making them suitable for learners at different levels. - Instant Feedback: By working through the exercises, students can immediately see the results of their operations, allowing for quick correction and understanding. Tips for Success - Understand the Notation: Make sure you’re comfortable with function notation and what it represents. This understanding is critical for performing the operations correctly. - Check for Domain Issues: Always consider the domain of the functions you’re working with, especially when dividing. Remember that you cannot have a zero in the denominator. - Practice Regularly: The more you practice, the more intuitive function operations will become. Regular practice will help solidify your understanding. - Work Step by Step: Take each problem step by step, and don’t rush. Each operation builds upon the previous one, so it’s important to understand each stage of the process. “Function Operations Worksheets” are an excellent tool for students to refine their algebra skills. By working through these worksheets, students can gain a strong understanding of function operations, setting them up for success in future mathematical endeavors. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refresh your skills, these worksheets are a valuable resource. Happy calculating!
A virion is a complete viral particle consisting of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein shell, constituting the infective form of a virus. - Illustrate the attributes of a virion - The virion shell or capsid protects the interior core that includes the genome and other proteins. After the virion binds to the surface of a specific host cell, its DNA or RNA is injected into the host cell and viral replication occurs, resulting in the spread of the infection to other host cells. - A virion is the infectious particle that is designed for transmitting the nucleic acid genome among hosts or host cells. - Virions are produced in the cytoplasm of complex viral ‘factories,’ the virus. - capsid: The outer protein shell of a virus. A virion is an entire virus particle consisting of an outer protein shell called a capsid and an inner core of nucleic acid (either ribonucleic or deoxyribonucleic acid—RNA or DNA). The core confers infectivity, and the capsid provides specificity to the virus. In some virions the capsid is further enveloped by a fatty membrane, in which case the virion can be inactivated by exposure to fat solvents such as ether and chloroform. Many virions are spheroidal—actually icosahedral (the capsid having 20 triangular faces)—with regularly arranged units called capsomeres, two to five or more along each side. The nucleic acid is densely coiled within. Other virions have a capsid consisting of an irregular number of surface spikes, with the nucleic acid loosely coiled within. Virions of most plant viruses are rod-shaped; the capsid is a naked cylinder (lacking a fatty membrane) within which lies a straight or helical rod of nucleic acid. Virion capsids are formed from identical protein subunits called capsomeres. Viruses can have a lipid “envelope” derived from the host cell membrane. The capsid is made from proteins encoded by the viral genome and its shape serves as the basis for morphological distinction. Virally coded protein subunits will self-assemble to form a capsid, in general requiring the presence of the virus genome. Complex viruses code for proteins that assist in the construction of their capsid. Proteins associated with nucleic acid are known as nucleoproteins, and the association of viral capsid proteins with viral nucleic acid is called a nucleocapsid. The capsid and entire virus structure can be mechanically (physically) probed through atomic force microscopy.
Have Tax Problems? [rjgu10] Have tax problems? Do you owe the IRS money? If your debt is $10,000 US or more, we can help! Our licensed agents can help you with both past and present tax debt. We have direct contacts with the IRS, so once your application is processed we can help you immediately without further delay. Also, as our client we can offer you other services and help with other problems such as: - Tax Preparation - Audits - Seizures - Bank Levies - Asset Protection - Audit Reconsideration - Trust Fund Penalty Defense - Penalty Appeals - Penalty Abatement - Wage Garnishments .. and more! To receive FREE information on tax help, please fill out the form below and return it to us. There are no obligations, and supplied information is kept strictly confidential. Please note that this offer only applies to US citizens. Application processing may take up to 10 business days. ********** Full Name: State: Phone Number: Time to Call: Estimated Tax Debt Size: ********** Thank you for your time. Note: If you wish to receive no further advertisements regarding this matter or any other, please reply to this e-mail with the word REMOVE in the subject.
How would you like to create your own DVD library? 4863d-5 ------=_NextPart_000_00B8_51E06B6A.C8586B31 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SGVyZSdzIHRoZSBob3R0ZXN0IHRoaW5nIGluIERWRHMuIE5vdyB5b3UgY2Fu IG1ha2UgYSBwZXJzb25hbCBiYWNrdXANCmNvcHkgb2YgYSBEVkQgcmlnaHQg b250byBDRC1SLiAgT3VyICJIb3QiIG5ldyBzb2Z0d2FyZSBlYXNpbHkgdGFr ZXMgeW91IHRocm91Z2gNCnRoZSBzdGVwcyB0byBtYWtlIGEgY29weSBvZiB5 b3VyIG93biBEVkRzLg0KDQpOT1cgSU5DTFVERUQgRk9SIEZSRUUhIENvcHkg UExBWVNUQVRJT04sIE1VU0lDL01QM3MgYW5kIGFsbCBTb2Z0d2FyZS4NCg0K LSBTdGVwIGJ5IFN0ZXAgSW50ZXJhY3RpdmUgSW5zdHJ1Y3Rpb25zIA0KLSBB bGwgU29mdHdhcmUgVG9vbHMgSW5jbHVkZWQgT24gQ0QgDQotIE5vIERWRCBC dXJuZXIgUmVxdWlyZWQgDQotIEZSRUUgTGl2ZSBUZWNobmljYWwgU3VwcG9y dCANCi0gMzAgRGF5IFJpc2sgRnJlZSBUcmlhbCBBdmFpbGFibGUgDQotIEZS RUUgRHZkIE1vdmllIG9mIHlvdXIgY2hvaWNlIChMSU1JVEVEIFRJTUUgT0ZG RVIhKQ0KDQpXZSBoYXZlIEFsbCB0aGUgc29mdHdhcmUgeW91IG5lZWQgdG8g Q09QWSB5b3VyIG93biBEVkQgTW92aWVzLg0KDQpodHRwOi8vc2FtLm1vdGhv c3QuY29tL3Bvcy9kdmQuaHRtDQorKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysr KysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysr KysrKysrDQpUaGlzIGVtYWlsIGhhcyBiZWVuIHNjcmVlbmVkIGFuZCBmaWx0 ZXJlZCBieSBvdXIgaW4gaG91c2UgIiJPUFQtT1VUIiIgc3lzdGVtIGluIA0K Y29tcGxpYW5jZSB3aXRoIHN0YXRlIGxhd3MuIElmIHlvdSB3aXNoIHRvICJP UFQtT1VUIiBmcm9tIHRoaXMgbWFpbGluZyBhcyB3ZWxsIA0KYXMgdGhlIGxp c3RzIG9mIHRob3VzYW5kcyAgb2Ygb3RoZXIgZW1haWwgcHJvdmlkZXJzIHBs ZWFzZSB2aXNpdCAgDQoNCmh0dHA6Ly9zYW0ubW90aG9zdC5jb20vcG9zL29w dG91dGQuaHRtbA0KKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysr KysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKysrKw0K ODQyOVpLWm01LTU4NGJsYW4yODI2enhhRDEtMTM4Qm1uVDYwOThUSWNvNy0y MjByaWtnMzYyMGw1Mg==
The 3D printing Process Lesson 2 follows on from ‘an introduction to 3D printing’ and is part of the beginners course in 3D printing and coding. In this lesson students will learn the process behind how 3D printers work, how the machines move in X,Y and Z directions based upon co-ordinates that are created from 3D models. This acts as a great link to Maths concepts. Your classes will also learn the difference between 2D and 3D shapes along with a basic overview of how models are prepared for 3D Printing e.g. design and export the file, slice the file and send to the 3D printer. Your students will also learn the difference between CAD and CAM and also the different ways of transferring files from a computer to a 3D Printer. As part of the lesson tasks there are exercises teaching your students how to draw 3D objects so they can understand how creating models for 3D printing involves visualising in 3D. The lesson task and homework task are designed to be self assessed or peer assessed. Answer sheets are clear and easy to understand allowing students to deepen their learning by engaging in assessment for learning. This also free’s up your time as a teacher. It is recommended that you base the lesson around the 3D printer in the classroom and print out the example STL files.
Verb conjugation allows you to express yourself more fully. You can share your ideas and experiences with others more freely. Verb conjugation is a practice in which verbs are altered from their base form in order to match the subject of each sentence, changing in accordance with person, number, tense and mood of its subject matter. Table of Contents Verbs form the core of every sentence, making conjugation one of the key tenets of English grammar. Conjugation involves changing a verb’s form to match its subject in speech or writing and can help clarify your message more precisely. Conjugating verbs shows who or what they refer to, as well as when an action occurred. Verb conjugation involves changing a verb’s form so it fits with its subject in terms of person, number, tense, aspect and mood. While this process may initially seem complex and overwhelming for students of English as newcomers to the language, with practice you will quickly be able to conjugate most English verbs without issue. First step of conjugating verbs is understanding the distinction between grammatical subjects and subjects of verbs. Grammatical subjects refers to nouns or pronouns that act as objects for verbs; these can be identified using subject-verb agreement rules. Example of Regular Verb: Work. For this verb, conjugating into its past tense requires adding “ed or d”, while present tense adds either “s or es”. Unfortunately, irregular verbs have more complex conjugation rules which you will have to memorize in order to use correctly. English grammar contains various conjugation patterns; some follow standard rules while others can have unique ones. Native English speakers usually take for granted that certain verbs will follow a consistent conjugation pattern for past and present tense conjugation – for instance “to work” always adds an “s” suffix in its present tense while taking either “d” or “s-ed” when in its past tense conjugation. Selecting the appropriate verb is vital for communicating effectively, and correctly conjugating verbs in sentences can make all the difference between an innocent inquiry and a convincing argument. Verb conjugation refers to the act of changing a verb’s form to match different aspects of a sentence, including person, number, tense and aspect. Conjugation also involves altering its spelling – some verbs end in “-ed or -d” while others may have completely different endings – in order to create meaningful sentences. Conjugation is an invaluable skill for English learners as it enables them to write effective and expressive sentences. English grammar features various tenses that require different conjugations rules; irregular verbs also vary in their conjugations depending on which tense they’re written in, such as being conjugated differently in past and present tenses of past or present tense, so learning how to conjugate verb forms correctly will help avoid common mistakes when writing English text. To conjugate a word correctly, one must understand its base form or infinitive form – created by adding “to” before each verb root verb – as well as know how to conjugate verbs based on their subjects; for example in simple past tense “he swam”, therefore its conjugation would be “-swam”. Certain words require specific conjugations rules while others follow an established pattern. Regular verbs tend to use suffixes such as -ed or -d for past tense verb conjugation, while irregular ones typically feature more irregular conjugation patterns. When choosing any verb for use in sentences, always match its subject in person and number to ensure seamless interpretation and avoid miscommunications. No matter your level of English knowledge or proficiency, conjugating verbs can be a challenging endeavor. Although conjugating correctly may seem tedious at first, doing it correctly will help prevent grammatical errors and make your writing clearer, as well as communicating your ideas more efficiently to readers. English contains three primary tenses that can be conjugated in various ways to express person, number and tense. Furthermore, many auxiliary verbs can also be conjugated to express different tenses; making this language very complex indeed! Therefore it’s crucial that writers know how to conjugate verbs correctly for accuracy when writing texts in English. Verb conjugation is an essential element of grammar that can drastically change the tone and meaning of any sentence. Conjugation involves changing a verb’s form to indicate person, number, mood and tense as well as agree with other words in a sentence; for instance if your verb is present tense adding an auxiliary verb can change it into past tense; this works similarly with “to be” becoming “is” then later “has been”. Selecting the proper auxiliary verb will make all the difference between clarity and confusion when creating clear sentences! English offers four verb moods: indicative, imperative, conditional and subjunctive. The indicative mood expresses facts, opinions or suggestions and can be used to ask questions; while imperatives and conditionals serve to make requests or commands. Finally, subjunctive is used when conveying statements contrary to facts or suggesting things contrary to reality. Mood refers to how someone feels about what they’re saying and its reception by others; its expression through verbs conveying emotion or silence. Contrarily, tense tells you when something occurred or will take place. Understanding mood can help you understand how to use verbs in sentences, while providing readers or listeners with crucial context information about the sentence in context. Understanding mood is an integral component of writing and speaking foreign languages; understanding its usage is paramount for successful language acquisition. Mood can be confusing, yet essential to learn about. Many languages contain multiple conjugation forms for one verb and it’s essential that you understand how to conjugate these correctly in order to express meaning clearly. Verb conjugation allows us to communicate more easily with others as well as deepening our knowledge of grammar through deeper comprehension of a particular language – speaking and writing in different grammatical styles including formal, informal and conversational forms requires mastering verb conjugation effectively. Conjugation refers to the process of altering verb forms to express different tenses, persons, numbers and moods. Learning conjugation when learning a foreign language is essential as it allows you to express ideas more naturally while also serving to indicate gender. Conjugation also offers additional protection in certain circumstances by signalling its application when necessary. Like English, Spanish features three simple tenses: present, past, and future. Each requires specific conjugations to convey its intended meaning; adding “-ed” to base verb forms typically conjugates it for past tense use while present and future require conjugating with modals instead. Conjugation can drastically change the meaning of verbs. For instance, conjugating “etre” can form the imperative, used for giving commands in present tense. But in passe compose, typically used when discussing temporary situations and discussing wishes or hypotheticals, conjugation forms the subjunctive which describes hypotheticals and wishes. Note that conjugation can change the tense of verbs depending on their usage – for instance, direct commands require adding “voir” at the end to make them more polite. If you need assistance conjugating, referring to a chart can be invaluable. Conjugation is essential to understanding Spanish, but can be challenging to master. Not all verbs follow traditional conjugation rules, causing learners to become disoriented. Irregular verbs require extra memorization because their conjugations varies for every tense and must be memorized individually. Keep in mind that conjugation does not always apply when working with reflexive verbs like “to be” (estar). For these verbs, use either the reflexive pronoun before conjugating estar or at the end of its gerund form – for instance you could say: “Combies tu mano” to instruct someone else to comb their hair.
All the FPE characters so ya don't have to search them (teehee) Creds to Kaaatie on youtube! <a href="https://www.wattpad.com/user/JayceyPaws_XX">JayceyPaws_XX</a>
Dont waste your TIME!!! Why? This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_NextPart_4756979720 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Looking for Property in Spain? Don_t waste your Time! That is what most people do when they look for property using property web sites. Why? Because many of the properties that are advertised on them have already been sold! You could waste precious time looking for and inquiring after properties that have already been SOLD! How Frustrating!!! The property market is moving very fast in Spain and frankly many estate agents do not have the time to update their web sites. What you need is a company that can find you property that is actually for sale and can present you with a selection of current properties that specifically fit your requirements. Just think of how much time and effort that would save you! Property finders Spain can do just that! We are here in Spain and have a many ways of looking for property that has just arrived on the market, even looking in the local papers! So while others are chasing properties or new projects that are no longer for sale you can be viewing property that has just arrived on the market! Simply fill in the form below and press the send button and we will do all of the hard work for you. Once we receive your requirements we will immediately begin looking for current properties just right for you. Property finders Form Property Type Villa Apartment Town House New building projects Plot of Land Number of bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Location Do you want a Sea View? Yes No Don`t care Mountain View Yes No Don`t care A property in the country A Property in or near a city Pool Yes, No Yes No Don`t care Price Range Are you planning to come to Spain in the next three months Yes, No? Yes No Name E mail address Telephone Number Country Code Let us find a property for you! ------_NextPart_4756979720 Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE <html> <head> <meta name=3D"GENERATOR" content=3D"Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name=3D"ProgId" content=3D"FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dwindows-1252"> <title>Looking for Property in Spain</title> <style> <!-- h1 {margin-bottom:.0001pt; text-align:center; page-break-after:avoid; font-size:28.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; margin-top:0cm} h2 {margin-bottom:.0001pt; text-align:center; page-break-after:avoid; font-size:28.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; margin-top:0cm} --> </style> </head> <BODY> <TABLE id=3DAutoNumber1 style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=3D#111111 cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"100%" border=3D0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=3D"100%"><IMG height=3D92 src=3D"http://www.secure-siteserver.com/flyer/logo2.jpg" width=3D757 border=3D0></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE id=3DAutoNumber2 style=3D"BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=3D#111111 height=3D83 cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D"101%" border=3D0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=3D"3%" bgColor=3D#0066cc height=3D21>&nbsp;</TD> <TD width=3D"74%" bgColor=3D#0066cc height=3D21>&nbsp;</TD> <TD width=3D"23%" bgColor=3D#0066cc height=3D21>&nbsp;</TD> <TD width=3D"2%" bgColor=3D#0066cc height=3D21>&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=3D"3%" bgColor=3D#0066cc height=3D36> <P style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">&nbsp;</P></TD> <TD width=3D"74%" height=3D36> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 28pt; COLOR: blue">Looking for Property in Spain?</SPAN></B></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt; COLOR: red; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><FONT face=3D"Arial Black">Don_t waste your Time!</FONT></SPAN></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">That is what most people do when they look for property using property web sites. <B><I><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: red">Why?</SPAN></I></B></SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">&nbsp;Because many of the properties that are advertised on them have<B> <I>already been sold!</I></B></SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">&nbsp;</SPAN></FONT><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt" face=3DArial>You could waste precious time looking for and inquiring after properties that <B>have already been SOLD!</B></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#ff0000><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">&nbsp;<FONT face=3D"Arial Black">How Frustrating!!!</FONT></SPAN></B></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">The property market is moving very fast in Spain and frankly many estate agents do not have the time to update their web sites.</SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">What you need is a company that can find you property that is actually for sale and can present you with a selection of current properties that specifically fit your requirements.</SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoBodyText2 style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px" align=3Dcenter><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt" face=3DArial>Just think of how much time and effort that would save you!</FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoBodyText2 style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px"><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt" face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">&nbsp;</SPAN><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"><FONT face=3D"Arial Black" color=3D#0000ff>Property finders Spain</FONT></SPAN></B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"> </SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">can do just that!</SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">We are here in Spain and have a many ways of looking for property that has just arrived on the market, <I>even looking in the local papers!</I> </SPAN></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><I><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt">So while others are chasing properties or new projects that are no longer for sale you can be viewing property that has just arrived on the market!</SPAN></I></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=3Dcenter><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt"></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P class=3DMsoBodyText3 style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px" align=3Dcenter><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt" face=3DArial><B>Simply fill in the form below and press the send button and we will do all of the hard work for you. </B></FONT></P> <P class=3DMsoBodyText3 style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px" align=3Dcenter><FONT style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt" face=3DArial><B></B></FONT>&nbsp;</P> <P style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px" align=3Dcenter><SPAN lang=3DEN-GB style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 17pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Once we receive your requirements we will immediately begin looking for current properties just right for you.</SPAN></P> <P style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">&nbsp;</P><!--webbot BOT=3D"GeneratedScript" PREVIEW=3D" " startspan --> <SCRIPT language=3DJavaScript type=3Dtext/javascript><!-- function FrontPage_Form1_Validator(theForm) { var checkOK =3D "0123456789-,."; var checkStr =3D theForm.Price_range.value; var allValid =3D true; var validGroups =3D true; var decPoints =3D 0; var allNum =3D ""; for (i =3D 0; i < checkStr.length; i++) { ch =3D checkStr.charAt(i); for (j =3D 0; j < checkOK.length; j++) if (ch =3D=3D checkOK.charAt(j)) break; if (j =3D=3D checkOK.length) { allValid =3D false; break; } if (ch =3D=3D ",") { allNum +=3D "."; decPoints++; } else if (ch =3D=3D "." && decPoints !=3D 0) { validGroups =3D false; break; } else if (ch !=3D ".") allNum +=3D ch; } if (!allValid) { alert("Please enter only digit characters in the \"Price_range\" field."); theForm.Price_range.focus(); return (false); } if (decPoints > 1 || !validGroups) { alert("Please enter a valid number in the \"Price_range\" field."); theForm.Price_range.focus(); return (false); } var checkOK =3D "0123456789-"; var checkStr =3D theForm.country_code.value; var allValid =3D true; var validGroups =3D true; var decPoints =3D 0; var allNum =3D ""; for (i =3D 0; i < checkStr.length; i++) { ch =3D checkStr.charAt(i); for (j =3D 0; j < checkOK.length; j++) if (ch =3D=3D checkOK.charAt(j)) break; if (j =3D=3D checkOK.length) { allValid =3D false; 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Infested in My Bed Fortune sighed softly as Billy slide into bed, the kobold's familiar scent making him feel happy and content even in his sleep. The fox-squirrel had fallen asleep waiting for his lover, and had become a little worried. But his fear was alleviated as his love's familiar hands encircled his chest in a loving embrace. And a second pair stroked the soft white fur on his belly. The kobold pressed up against his lover, but there were differences, things that weren't quite right that pulled Fortune out of his slumber. "Billy?" he asked softly, sleepily. The kobold nibbled an ear with gentle playfulness. "Yup, it's me, love," he virtually purred, "New and improved." "Improved?" Fortune brought a hand to the lower pair gripping his waist. Billy's smooth scales were no longer present, something smoother and more solid had replaced them. He felt the upper pair as well, finding the very same. His eyes widened, but he didn't feel afraid in the slightest, just confused. "And these are all yours?" he asked, trying to turn his head around to get a good look at his lover, but he found his view blocked by Billy's muzzle, the two kissing. Fortune tasted something sweet, and found a slow trickle of the substance being coaxed into his mouth from his lover's. It took away the little bit of fear he had, calming him, relaxing him and arousing him. Billy's presence against his back felt different, softer and smoother than his lithe and fit frame would allow. Fortune rolled over, still keeping the kiss locked; allowing his handpaws to explore the kobold's altered form. The fox-squirrel was puzzled as he discovered a plump, round belly set below a pair of breasts. Billy pulled away and stepped off the bed, his four arms spread wide, allowing the moonlight to reveal the extent of his transformation. Blue-purple chitin covered his arms and legs, his blue scales remaining everywhere else. His figure was altered by the presence of a pregnant looking belly, and large, milk filled breasts. But aside from those features, his general body shape still looked the same; definitely masculine. A pair of short, insectoid antennae poked up from his short, blonde hair. But aside from that, Billy was the same kobold that Fortune knew and loved. "What happened?" the fox-squirrel asked, a smile spreading across his face as the kobold slipped back into bed, now equipped with a far superior form for cuddling. Billy grinned, "It'd be easier to show you than tell you." Fortune grinned back, "Then show me." He said, eyes half-lidded. The kobold pulled his boyfriend tightly against him, giving Fortune's tail a gentle tug upward. "It went something like this..." he said, nuzzling his lover's neck. The fox-squirrel moaned as something warm and wet slithered against his rump. There was some stiffness to it, but it was very flexible; whatever it was slipped into Fortune's rump with ease. "She put her ovipositor in me, like I put mine into you." Billy said, his voice tight, trying to keep himself from moaning as he pushed his transformed cock deeper and deeper into his mate, far deeper than his true member could ever have gone. "It's like all sorts of things made into one, Fortune. It's a prehensile tentacle, it's a cock, it's a vagina, it's such a very useful thing. I love it. I can't wait for you to have one too." "Have one too?" Fortune asked, a little confused. Billy nodded and gave the fox-squirrel a gentle hug, "Uh huh. It doesn't hurt at all. I'm..." his blue scales turned purple as he blushed, "Kind of a queen. It's a bug thing. It means that I can lay eggs that make others like I am. It feels so good, Fortune, I couldn't wait to share it with... mmm.... you." Fortune felt something press against his backside that wasn't there a moment before. Something round, firm, about the size of a football, and poised to be forced into him through his tailhole. The kobold's chitinous hand wrapped around Fortune's canine member, caressing the fox-squirrel's sensitive knot, just the way he liked it. "Just relax, it won't hurt at all. When we kissed, I gave a little something to you that started your change, to allow you to take my egg inside of you." Billy explained. Fortune winced and clenched his teeth as he felt the tip of the egg inside Billy's.... ovipositor start to push into him. The kobold cried out and his climax forced the egg into his lover with an accompanying gush of seed. Queen or no, Billy was still a male, in part at least. The fox-squirrel moaned with delight, the egg had felt incredible going in. Billy's stroking increased in pace, Fortune joining his boyfriend in climax as he felt the egg's effects just beginning to work. His insides churned, shifting into a new, more efficient configuration, allowing room for a structure that had always been assent from his purely male form. The seed that had accompanied the egg into Fortune's body made this new part tingle, making its owner feel deliciously giddy. The new womb slowly began to swell as Fortune's first egg was fertilized and began to grow. His body began to change in more visible ways. Matching his boyfriend, the flesh around the fox-squirrel's nipples began to swell, pushing outward as new mammary glands filled with milk. Billy's upper hands caressed the new additions, making Fortune gasp. The lower pair caressed Fortune's still erect member. The pink-red flesh became translucent, the organ becoming more flexible. Fortune watched in fascination as it began to grow. It grew thicker, just a bit, but most of it was length. It grew longer, and longer, and longer. It was no longer kept rigid merely by blood flow, it would forever remain in a useable state, ready and eager at a moment's notice to slither into an awaiting lover and plant a transforming egg inside of them as well. Watching it change was like having a good two feet of cock that Fortune never knew he had slip out of his sheath. The portion that was his original member was noticeable only because of the knot that adorned it, the flesh darker than the rest of his new member. The fox-squirrel shivered as Billy's ovipositor pulled out of him, the purple length coiling around Fortune's own. Her felt his eyes tearing up involuntarily. It was such a sweet, loving gestured. Like a hug that only Billy and he would ever be able to share. "Mmm, that's as far as the off the shelf egg will get you, cutie." Billy said with two hands on Fortune's breasts, the other two stroking his lover's rounded, egg filled tummy. Fortune rolled over, meeting the kobold's gaze. His muzzle broke out into a huge grin, "Better give me the deluxe package then." He said with a giggle, giving Billy's ovi a playful rub. "If you insist." Billy said with an equally large grin. The kobold's member shifted position, still remaining curled around Fortune's, but the tip pieced the fox-squirrel's own, slowly making its way inside. It made him squirm and moan with delight. It was a whole new way to make love, and it felt so good. More and more of Billy's ovipositor entered his own, going deeper, deeper, deeper, until he felt it enter his womb. He felt his own member being drawn into Billy's sheath, the kobold's warmth rushing over his cock. This was a kind of intimacy that normal sex could never be able to rival. Penetrating and being penetrated at the same time, face to face, belly to belly, breast to breast with the love of your life. They kissed again, holding one another, their motions soft and gentle. This was a big moment, and both wished to savor it. As the second egg left Billy's womb, Fortune could feel its passage the entire way. Nearly his ovi's entire length was inside Billy, it felt so strange and so wonderful. The egg slipped from the kobold's body, for a moment suspended between the two of them in their ovipositors, before Fortune eagerly pulled it in. He wanted to take it slow, wanted to draw out the process to lengthen the pleasure. But his new and unfamiliar form wouldn't cooperate. Fortune felt Billy tense, his ovi constricting, forcing the egg into Fortune with a rapid pace, a thick, singular jet of seed making his insides tingle with delight, making more eggs. The transformation egg began its work, and Fortune could feel a pleasant warmth flow through him. The warmth moved around, and left a soft tingle in the places it moved on from. The tingle became a soft stretching sensation, and the fox-squirrel felt his new antennae pushing from his head. He had thought that they were just for show, but while still locked in a deep, sensual kiss, he heard Billy's voice in his head. ::We're telepathic now. Neat, huh?:: the kobold said. Billy's emotions and thoughts hit Fortune like a tsunami. He found himself lost among them, his mind awash with the kobold's love and desire for him. He quickly found that the way to prevent him from being overwhelmed was to open his own mind to his lover, letting the two tides of thought and feeling mix and swirl together, letting neither mind crash down upon the other. The kobold held Fortune's hands in his own, feeding the fox-squirrel the sensation that he felt as soft fur gave way to hard, smooth chitin. Fortune's insectoid hands gripped Billy's own upper pair, the kobold's lower pair caressing just to the side of the fox-squirrel's breasts. That was where the next changes occurred. The fox-squirrel's rib cage felt like jelly for a moment at it reshaped itself, new muscles forming to support Fortune's new arms. It felt like stretching a part of your body you had only just recently discovered, and upon flexing the unknown muscles, the new part simply appeared. The second pair of arms pushed outward quite quickly, the same mix of fur and chitin as the upper. Fortune held all four of Billy's hands tightly. His legs tingled, reforming to match the same pattern as his arms, fur to the middle joint, chitin beyond it. His body now mirroring the changes of his lover, Fortune's new form finally allowed him to climax. He could sense Billy's delight as the kobold's belly began to swell with more new eggs. The two lay in bed in tight embrace for quite some time, closer than they could ever have been before they had been granted such wonderful gifts. It was Fortune who spoke first, a grin on his foxy face. ::I think it would be wrong to keep this to ourselves:: the fox-squirrel said. Billy nodded his agreement, ::I know. I want to share this with so many people, but I have no idea where to start.:: ::I can think of a few names.:: Fortune said with a giggle, ::Quite a few names. But I think we'll need more eggs for the task.:: Billy rolled his eyes and gasped softly as Fortune's ovi began to milk his own. ::I've created a monster.:: he said with a mental sigh. ::Your monster, love, your monster.:: Fortune said, leaning down to lap at a breast. ::Now, let's see what all the fuss with these things is about.:: Billy moaned loudly as Fortune began to suckle. What a fun monster.
According to the aliens, we humans blew first contact way out of proportion. They came to Earth to tell us that we needed to slow down, and we had them trending around the world in seconds. The US Government, after over a hundred years of trying, had created an engine that folded space onto itself and leapt from one place to another, which allowed them to fly faster than the speed of light. Of course, the second we'd done that, the life we'd been searching for forever knocked on our door and handed us a speeding ticket. See, as it turned out, humans had been incredibly unlucky when it came to finding alien species. Every attempt to reach out, listen, call, or message had been a single degree off of finding a biodiverse Galactic community. In fact, the Galaxy at large had assumed that we knew about them but didn't want to talk. What else did you think about someone seemingly intentionally ignoring you? The first alien showing up on Earth to hand us a speeding ticket (to be paid in drinkable water, mind you) was a worldwide phenomenon. The eighth one to arrive with an infraction was just under #Earthday on Twitter, and once the Fotuan congress came to try and broadcast a PSA about intergalactic school zones to the planet, pretty much everyone on Earth considered it white noise. Plus, as it turned out, there was a whole Galactic Community, but we couldn't even join it because we didn't meet our sector's required planetary beautification initiatives. Everest was too high for our tallest mountain, and the Marianas Trench was too deep. Australia was much too brown overall because of the deserts, and what was that giant brick thing in China? In fact, it would have taken trillions of dollars to match all of the requirements for joining the Galactic Community. So we didn't, and everything was fine. Twenty days after the PSA debacle, a Miani administrator flew down to our atmosphere to administer a request, which would turn into fine after a week. \--- *Good Afternoon Earthlings* *The structure you know as the 'International Space Station' is 3 inches too large and breaks the Galactic Community's 'Non-Celestial Objects in Orbit' protocols. Please remove the station by the end of the week, or turn it into a planetary body.* *Yours,* *The Planet Owners Association.* \--- It took us a while to figure out what the hell that was. After all, we'd just been told that we couldn't join the galactic community, so we surely weren't violating their rules. It turned out that, even if we weren't members, we were still expected to uphold the protocols of the Planet Owners Association, which was bullshit. In the end, the world's governments, now combined to attempt to work with the aliens, ended up transferring the ISS to a moon-base or at least attempting to, but a week later, a Fotuan ship was in our atmosphere beaming a message to our leaders. \--- *Good Evening Earthlings,* *We noticed you're working on some celestial construction, but you didn't submit for a permit from the POA to work within space during prime hours of the day. Please limit your actions.* *Also, friendly reminder that you are only allowed to have 21 ships enter or leave your atmosphere every day. Anything greater is uncomfortable for your sector neighbours.* *Thanks!* *The Planet Owners Association.* \--- So we limited how many ships we flew into the atmosphere each day, which drastically slowed how quickly we could build a new moonbase. Some of the former leaders complained about bowing down to such a fundamentally annoying and petty order. Still, it was easier than declaring war on the Galaxy or whatever would happen if we didn't follow the rules they set out for us. For a year and a half, everything was going relatively well. Sure we were getting notes from the POA almost daily, but speaking to representatives and matching demands of the POA became a full-time job for thousands of humans. A new industry was created doing projects that seemed like an incredible waste of time, like digging a small trench through 3 cities in Canada. Everything was fine, of course, until the last letter. \--- *Good Evening Earthlings,* *During a routine colours inspection, we noticed that your oceans, when viewed from orbit, are on average #0F123F or 'Oxford Blue'. Please apply colourant to adjust this to at least #131853 'Royal blue dark,' or lighter.* *Thanks!* *The Planet Owners Association.* \--- The vote was unanimous. Humans were done with the POA, even if it meant war. As it turned out, there were no real consequences for breaking the rules that the POA suggested. There were a lot of passive-aggressive letters, sure, but we were free to ignore those. Most of the human race wanted to go to war anyway. &amp;#x200B; \--- &amp;#x200B; *If you would like to stick it to the POA, signups for the war are over at* /r/jacksonwrites
Students should rely on their prior knowledge from first grade related to generating a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120. Students will now apply this concept to find a number more than or less than a given number up to 1,200. Students could use objects such as base-ten blocks, drawings or pictorial models, hundreds chart, number line, or comparative language to generate a number more than or less than a given whole number. Complete the following statements and justify your solutions using place value models or a number line.a) 10 more than 239 is ________.b) 100 less than 524 is ________.c) ________ more than 352 is 362.d) Find a number that is more than 1023 and less than 1200. Click on the following links for more information. 2.2 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to understand how to represent and compare whole numbers, the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers, and relationships within the numeration system related to place value. The student is expected to:
HELLO $NAME Return-Path: <CashByNet@webmillion.com> Received: from [] (HELO webmillion.com) by mx12.cluster1.charter.net (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 3.5.9) with ESMTP id 4992751 for knb4menu@charter.net; Fri, 26 Apr 2002 08:09:39 -0400 Received: from es-wmstage1 [] by webmillion.com with ESMTP (SMTPD32-6.04) id ADFB9700C8; Fri, 26 Apr 2002 04:55:33 -0700 Received: from mail pickup service by es-wmstage1 with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Fri, 26 Apr 2002 02:12:54 -0700 From: "webMillion" <CashByNet@webmillion.com> To: <knb4menu@charter.net> Subject: Hello Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 02:12:54 -0700 X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4910.0300 Message-ID: <ES-WMSTAGE1Iv6Eybqf000016b6@es-wmstage1> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2002 09:12:54.0431 (UTC) FILETIME=[8C6632F0:01C1ED02] Copyright CashByNet 2000 (http://www.cashbynet.net) .If you're sick of scams, then read this, and do what it says. I WILL MAKE YOU A PROMISE. Read this email to the end, follow the instructions, and you won't have to worry about funding your retirement, having money to play, or making ends meet... EVER. I know what you are thinking. I never responded to one of these before either. Then one day I realized that I throw away $25 going to a movie for 2 hours with my wife, why not try investing this same $25 in a system that just might work. I don't know why that day I decided to take a chance, but I can't even come close to imagining if I hadn't - I guess I'd still be poor. Read on. It's true. Every word of it. It's legal, and it's ethical. Not only are you making money from your own business, you're helping other people achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Give it a shot, you'll see there is absolutely no way you won't get AT LEAST a modest return on your start up capital. Okay - here's the scoop on CashByNet (CBN): ================================================== Due to the popularity of this particular email business, and the business potential of the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program to see if it's legal, and if it really can make people money. Their findings proved that there are "absolutely NO LAWS prohibiting the participation in the program, and if people can follow a few simple instructions they are bound to make amazing returns with only $25 in startup costs." DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF POPULARITY & RESPECT THIS PROGRAM HAS ATTAINED, IT IS CURRENTLY WORKING BETTER THAN EVER. THE MORE PEOPLE WHO PARTICIPATE, THE BETTER OFF YOU BECOME, AND THE MORE INCOME YOU WILL MAKE. This is what one had to say: "I was approached many times before to participate in Cash By Net, but each time I passed on it. One day I decided that instead of going out that night, I would take the money I would have spent - invest it in this business, and see if it was as lucrative as everyone claimed. Two weeks went by . . . . nothing. Three weeks . . . . $50 dollars rolled in. At this point I was just relieved to get my money back. Then it happened - One week after this, I opened my mailbox to find $580 in $5 bills waiting for me. Its been about 8 months now, and I just bought a new Mercedes . . . black :) The startup costs are so small, and the time involved is less than 5 hours per week. Give it a shot - what do you have to lose?" Pam Hedland, South Bound Brook, New Jersey. ================================================== Another said: "Programs like this have been around for a long time but I never believed in them. But this year I won a $50 bet on the Patriots to win the Super Bowl. I got this email the following morning, and I felt like gambling. I spent $25 ordering the reports, and the other $25 paying a parking ticket. I followed the instructions meticulously - I thought I would at least get my original $25 back. As soon as I got the email out, not One week went by before I quadrupled my $25. I'd take that over the Patriots any day. I got excited, and that's when it started to explode. In less than 6 weeks I was already up $9500 bucks. It's been almost 4 months, and the flow hasn't stopped. On an average day, I get anwhere from $500 - $1500 in the mail. I always say that everything happens for a reason, and I feel that this was meant to be, maybe it is for you too. Just stick to the steps, do everything it says - and all of your hopes and dreams will be real - I promise." Greg Moran, Boston, MA. For more success stories and photos, go to http://www.cashbynet.net $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FOLLOW THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTION BELOW AND YOUR FINANCIAL DREAMS WILL COME TRUE, GUARANTEED. BE SURE TO SAVE A COPY OF THIS EMAIL AS A TEXT DOCUMENT FOR REFERENCE!!!! INSTRUCTIONS: =====Order all 5 reports from your personal CBN money list below ===== For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. === MAKE SURE YOU ORDER EACH OF THE 5 REPORTS === You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and redistribute them. YOUR TOTAL START UP INVESTMENT: $5 X 5 = $25.00. Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer. IMPORTANT - DO NOT ALTER THE NAMES OR SEQUENCE OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE LISTED NEXT TO EACH REPORT. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS 1-6 VERY CLOSELY OR YOU WILL LOSE OUT ON THE MAJORITY OF THE PROFIT WHICH IS DUE TO YOU!! Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you alter it. Remember, this method has been tested, and proved and if you alter it, it will NOT work !!! This is a legitimate BUSINESS. You are offering a product for sale and getting paid for it. Treat it as such and you will be VERY profitable in a short period of time, and have something many people can't - a profitable business enterprise (and more money to do WHATEVER YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT). For more information go to http://www.cashbynet.net ================================================== HERE IS YOUR PERSONAL CBN MONEY LIST : ================================================== REPORT# 1: 'The Insider's Guide To Advertising for Free On The Net Order Report #1 from: Chris King 905 HWY 321 NW PMB 131 Hickory, NC 28601 _______________________________________________________ REPORT # 2: The Insider's Guide To Sending Bulk Email On The Net Order Report # 2 from: Greg Ferris 264 S. Cienega Blvd. #1066 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA _______________________________________________________ REPORT # 3: Secret To Multilevel Marketing On The Net Order Report # 3 from : Tami C. Ickes 1667 Cumberland Road Bedford, PA 15522 USA _______________________________________________________ REPORT # 4: How To Become A Millionaire Using MLM & The Net Order Report # 4 from: B. Turner 60 McKerrell Way SE Calgery, Alberta, Canada T2Z 1R7 _______________________________________________________ REPORT #5: How To Send Out One Million Emails For Free Order Report # 5 From: J.Thomas 16 Spaulding Ave. Scituate, Ma. 02066 USA _______________________________________________________ ORDER EACH REPORT BY ITS NUMBER & NAME ONLY. Notes: Always send $5 USD cash for each Report. Checks NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, Write the NUMBER & the NAME of the Report you are ordering, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS, your name AND postal address. _______________________________________________________ PLEASE READ ON . . . ======================= IMPORTANT!! STEPS 1-6 ======================= 1.. After you have ordered all 5 reports from your CBN money list, take this original saved email and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune. 2.. Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5. 3.. Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 4.. Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3. 5.. Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2 6.. Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position. PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY! This is critical to YOUR success. ================================================== **** SAVE THE NEW MODIFIED EMAIL, AS THIS WILL BE THE OFFICIAL DOCUMENT WHICH YOU WILL SEND TO PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS. BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR NAME IN THE #1 POSITION AND THAT YOU DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES TO THIS DOCUMENT. THIS IS CRITICAL TO THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUR BUSINESS AND SUBSEQUENTLY THE SIZE OF YOUR PROFITS.**** As soon as you receive all 5 reports via email SAVE A COPY OF THEM! These are the products that your customers are paying for. Not only do these reports hold the secrets and instructions for your new venture, you will be redistributing them to customers when you receive payment. To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports will provide you with valuable marketing information on how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more. There are 2 Primary methods you will use to get this venture going: METHOD # 1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY ================================================== Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume You and those involved send out only 5,000 e-mails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 0.2% (2/10 of 1%) response (the response could be much better but lets just say it is only 0.2%). Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands e-mails instead of only 5,000 each). Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report # 1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That's=100 people responded and ordered Report # 2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report # 3. Those 1000 people send 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 5 million e-mail sent out. The 0.2% response is 10,000 orders for Report # 4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report # 5. THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH = $500,000.00 (half a million dollars). Your total income in this example is: 1..... $50 + 2..... $500 + 3..... $5,000 + 4..... $50,000 + 5.... $500,000 .... Grand Total=$555,550.00 REMEMBER, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone or half or even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000 e-mails each or more? THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE. VISIT CBN AT http://www.cashbynet.net/Calculator/ to plug in your own numbers and see the results. METHOD # 2: BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET ================================================== Advertising on the net is extremely inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the Internet will easily get a larger response than just emails alone. We strongly suggest you start with Method # 1 and add METHOD #2 as you begin to become more knowledgeable about the business and study the 5 reports. Remember to always provide same day service on all orders to ensure proper return on the back end - this means quicker profits for you. $$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$ Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success: === If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do. === After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100 orders or more for REPORT # 2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do. **ONCE YOU HAVE RECEIVED 100 OR MORE ORDERS FOR REPORT # 2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you, and the cash will continue to roll in ! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E-MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business !!! ================================================= FOLLOWING IS A NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF CASH BY NET: Cash By Net has become a very popular business for many sole proprietors. However, this program will only work if you are willing to put in the time and effort to make it work. This is not a program for everybody. If you are just a passer by, and don't have a personal vision of success, delete this now. Life all comes down to a few opportunities - this is one of them. Have the courage to be free, and have the drive to reach your goals. Before you start working with us, take 10 minutes and write down your personal goals. What do you want in 5 years? 1 year? 6 months? Be realistic - set your goals high enough so you will work hard to reach them. Remember: You are the owner of your own destiny, make these goals become reality - only you know what needs to be done. You now possess the ideas, information, materials, and opportunity to become financially independent and reach your highest dreams. I hope you come along for the ride, it's a wonderful world ahead. Copyright CashByNet 2000 ================================================= http://www.cashbynet.net The following message was sent to you as a valued webMillion member. If you wish to unsubscribe please click here: http://www.webmillion.com/remove_me.html?bl_id=9999
Free money from the government! Qualifying for a free cash grant is easy! $10,000 to over $500,000 in FREE Grant Money is Available NOW! ~ Never Repay ~ ~ No Credit Checks ~ ~ No Interest Charges ~ See if YOU meet the requirements! Visit our website at: http://1071396130/index2.htm This mailing is done by an independent marketing company. We apologize if this message has reached you in error. Save the Planet, Save the Trees! Advertise via E mail. No wasted paper! Delete with one simple keystroke! Less refuse in our Dumps! This is the new way of the new millennium! To be removed from hearing about all future products and services please send a separate email to: zapme013@aol.com
Shattered Shards: Tempest's Texts Tempest hummed happily to herself as she walked in the door, a bag filled with books upon one arm. One of her friends ran a used bookstore and always made sure to pluck certain volumes from the recent turn ins. People were still getting used to the way the new world worked, as well as settling into what were in some cases new homes and lands. The city of Port Haven was the result of two large cities, and their accompanying suburbs and outlying villages being fused and altered during the uniting of Earth and Aerth. Both cities had been called Port Haven, and they blended almost seamlessly. Somehow the street patterns from both cities matched up perfectly, Aerth's buildings transforming into a more modern function while Earth's urban landscape was toned down a little bit, the buildings taking on a more architectural construction to that of its doppelganger. What was more was that each urban sprawl was a mirror image of itself. Each Port Haven had gaps between habitation areas, but now they were filled by reversed duplicates of the other world's streets, buildings, and vegetation. The buildings even carried identical, though not mirrored, contents. They simply did not have mirrored residents. As a result nearly half the buildings in the Port Haven area outside the city center were abandoned. With the distribution routes for the grocery stores changed an effort had been made in the early days to go through each of the abandoned houses, removing nonperishable food items, and an effort was made to cook and distribute everything that would go bad eventually. The city had won the services of several dragons in exchange for the vast amount of frozen meat that would still have gone uneaten. One of them, a majestic silver dragoness, had set herself up in one of the mirrored castles, using her magics to preserve even more of the food, thus creating the city's largest food bank. Even now, almost a year later, people were still combing through the abandoned houses for things of worth and value. There were many square miles worth of empty homes, filled with possessions that no one would ever miss. People still made a living off the proceeds. Though there were some places that did not truly mirror the Port Haven of its origin, instead becoming a hybrid of the two, a mix of magic and technology. These places tended to be passed over by scavengers, for the contents were not quite of the other world, and thus a complete mystery to both populations of the city. But still, on occasion, folks would bring in what they found within one of these places. It was these books that Tempest was most interested in. Wizards of Aerth tended to write their tomes in unknown, archaic languages of their world, which made them impossible for Tempest properly study. But the tomes of magic that would be found in these hybrid homes and lairs would be in the archaic language of magic native to Earth's Port Haven, if it had originally been blessed with sorcery. Having been an English speaking community Port Haven would have gone with the traditional language suited perfectly to ominous chanting; that of Latin. Though Tempest didn't know Latin either, she had researched the lettering enough to be able to read it aloud if needs be. She had several entry-level texts on wizardry written in the common tongue from Aerth. Port Haven had lacked a mystical University, and most of the wizened spellcasters that resided there had become enthralled by the siren song of Matlock reruns, so they were of little use to a young woman who didn't know the first thing about spellcasting and sorcery. So Tempest had acquired all that she could, seeking to instruct herself in the entirely new area of research that had opened up with the uniting of the worlds. After all, she hadn't the slightest idea where the college she had been attending had ended up. The great event that reshaped seemingly all of creation had taken place while she had been visiting her friend Violet for the weekend. She'd moved into one of the ownerless homes and made her living going through others. Laws and regulations had been enacted to bring order to what was essentially city sponsored looting. Scavengers were not to be messy or destructive. They were to leave the mirrored businesses and residences they picked over in clean and livable conditions so that they could be used at any time for their intended purpose. Her home had been one of the blended ones, filled with devices that were half magic and half technology. Unfortunately, her home apparently had been one of the warrior and not a wizard. She still had a closet full of rather revealing pieces of polished leather and exquisitely detailed metal, she tried some of them on (and looked quite good in them,) but there were always extra matching pieces that didn't fit anywhere on a human body. Tempest's pet cat Chomper loved the place. Shelves, bookshelves, and indentations near the tops of the walls seemed just perfect for the feline to explore. He could walk around the entire house from an elevated position, which he often did. One of the contributing homes Tempest's house most definitely had belonged to a cat lover. Even beyond the catwalks was the entire shelf of one cupboard devoted to various types of catnip. It seemed that in both worlds people pampered their pets. In the few months that Tempest and Chomper had lived in the house the cat's attitude had improved greatly, displaying little of the bitey behavior that had given him his name. He was much more affectionate with Tempest and seemed to be far more energetic. It wasn't the world shift, as for the first few months when they had lived in Violet's apartment over the bookstore he'd been his usual, lazy blob of orange and cream self. Tempest rather liked the change. She set the bag on her worktable, running her fingers over the fur on Chomper's back as the feline curiously poked his head into the bag. The cat quickly withdrew his head and sneezed mightily several times due to the dust from the old books. He quickly moved to the cushion Tempest had placed near the spot she usually sat. Her feline companion seemed quite content to watch her work. At least until it was time for him to be fed. Tempest was rather grateful for Chomper's meal interruptions, as they reminded her that she needed sustenance as well. Without her cat to care for Tempest was rather sure that she wouldn't be taking as good of care of herself as she ought to have been. She removed the three dusty old tomes and set them gingerly down upon the table. She gave Chomper a quick rub on the ears before she cracked open the first book. Tempest flipped through the pages first, not bothering to read anything. She admired the occasional picture or diagram, but her primary purpose was to see if anything had been left between the pages of the tomes. She found the usual assortment of bookmarks, pieces of scrap paper, a few feathers, leaves, and a few pressed flowers. But in the last one she found something odd and rather interesting; a pair of very thin spectacles. They were quite flat and would not be comfortable being perched upon one's nose for a particular long period of time, but they looked like they had been very carefully constructed of the finest materials. The lenses seemed to sparkle and shimmer strangely when one held them just so in the light. Tempest placed them upon her nose and chuckled to herself. Her giggles stopped as she looked down at the books. All the letters and writing had a faint glow around them. The glow seemed to vary in color and intensity, some phrases appearing with a pure black miasma around them that completely obscured them from view. The writings closer to the front of each book were outlined in cooler, more vibrant colors; blues, pale greens, and grays that seemed to enhance the letters, making them appear clearer and easier to read. Instead of the Latin she expected the tomes were written using the modern English alphabet. Tempest gasped softly and flipped through the three books, seeking out the pages furthest in with the clearest writing and most welcoming colors. There was one page where an entire paragraph positively glowed with a swirling mix of blue and silver. Tempest found herself half reciting the words under her breath, trying to work out the pronunciation and cadence. Chomper's tail stopped swaying in amused contentment, instead going ramrod straight. The feline stared at his owner, seeming to almost stand at attention from a lying position. Tempest's eyes went over the text again and again, the volume of her voice rising each time until she was truly speaking with strange words aloud. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as she spoke. It didn't seem to be the words themselves that had power; some of them were even plain words of English. There were three words in a line, almost every line having three distinct syllables. They were arranged in a pattern that seemed just beyond Tempest's ability to make out at the moment, and she concentrated upon speaking the words. "Famterme BemilBeast Greacoiar Bepanver, Mycoion ComLome Lifeure Plfeof Lieasof DeWonery OfvoDer AndSorction BeForTo Bocoev-er meUndme ShSoare Bo-dyareUl InShIn TwoOneme BeOfMind AscoUs" Tempest chanted, a tangible sense of power filling the air. A spark of silver-blue energy leaped from Tempest to Chomper and back again. The white and tan feline's fur stood on end and he jumped from the table, dashing off into the kitchen. The sorceress in training was worried at first, but she heard the door to the cabinet beneath the oven open. Chomper had taken to retreating into that particular cupboard, which was usually warm due to all the frozen pizzas and instant lasagna Tempest made. It seemed that the cat had been more startled than anything and was tending to his staticky, puffed up fur. The self-taught spellcaster chuckled, thankfully her first spell didn't seem to have been any more than what would happen if she spent several minutes rubbing her feet on the carpet. She hadn't meant to actually invoke something, but the words had come so naturally to her lips. The words upon the page had changed color, the silver-blue now joined with a black center, obscuring the words. But now some of the words in the other tomes had changed in coloration. Once more Tempest flipped through them, and this time she found an entire page of blue and silver highlighted incantations in each one. She found her lips moving, instinctively forming the words that her eyes saw. The budding mage immediately put a stop to that, covering all but one paragraph in each book with pieces of paper or other books that she'd been reading. That immediately put an end to her mouth moving without her mind's consent. Only with things fully under control now did Tempest realize that she had actually taught herself how to perform magic, and had actually cast a spell without blowing something up. Chomper stomped back into the room, hopping up onto a pile of books and then onto the table. He plopped back down onto his cushion and directed an intense glare at his mistress. The cat gave a token struggle, as if making the appearance of trying to escape, without actually trying. Tempest laughed and set the kitty down, idly stroking him as she looked over the words in the four tomes, though only in a little piece at a time. She tried saying the words at her own pace; she could form the words easily, syllables rolling effortlessly from her tongue. But thankfully they carried with them no sense of the building power that had accompanied her recitation before. Tempest removed the enchanted glasses and placed them aside. The glow vanished when she took off the spectacles. She studied the notes and diagrams around each of the spells. It took about an hour as each of the tomes had been written by a different hand, each with their own rather strange ways of spelling and punctuating. The spells themselves seemed to have been written with great patience and care; the notes however seemed to be the typical writing of each tome's author. Each of the spells seemed to be an introductory ritual into the basics of the magic type described within each book. It would open up the caster to the specific types of energies used in the primary functions of each magical art. Though likely it would take a bit more research to determine what exactly the focuses of each tone were, and probably even more for Tempest to decide which one she would like to try. After all, traditionally mages seemed to focus on one particular area. She didn't think that it would let her use all four of the introductory rituals. Apparently tired of looking on Chomper decided to 'help' his mistress, striding proudly into the middle of the table and rolling onto the tomes. "Stop that you silly cat!" Tempest said the case of the giggles. Chomper nosed a few pieces of paper and swatted a few others with his paws before accidentally striking one of the marbles on the table which Tempest kept to help keep her hands busy while she read. If she wasn't paying attention she would tire out an arm twirling the hair on top of her head. Keeping a marble between her fingertips to roll around prevented this. It also gave Chomper something to chase after, which he did, upsetting several more bits of paper. Tempest found her gaze drawn to the words in one tone and once more she found herself reciting them aloud instinctively. She felt power building around her, but she found herself unable to stop as she began to cast the introductory ritual from the white, almost porcelain-like tome. "LaYouMasdess VodyIks OfidOfPray ToTheGodThe IMytenth; OnSetGoment EnTheFoal IslighPaot BreInsnders TheakInsAnd InBarrDoMe SoulMiiwn Awepinof TheakeDoone MaPowInwn DenyerMe" The budding mage shuddered as power surged through her, taking the form of reddish arcs of electrical energy. It surged inward from the tips of her fingers and toes, up her arms and legs, and across her torso. It seemed to gather in a ball just before and below her breasts. She found her hands moving to the glowing sphere, her fingers encircling it, stretching the energy more into a flat sheet. She made small motions with her fingers, directing the flow of energy, making it arc to her fingertips. It took on a familiar shape; that of a simple mask with no adornments. It was mostly flat and perfectly smooth, save for a raised line down the middle. Tempest bowed her head and brought the electric mask to her face. The energy vanished, flowing into her head, new knowledge taking root in her mind. It seemed to be opening her up, preparing her to welcome additional power within. Every cell in her body started to cry out in longing for something, an unknown quality that Tempest could not identify and could not provide. But still every fiber of her being called out. If she had read the first few pages, she would likely have avoided the tome entirely. It was the magical teachings of Szuyie, goddess of change, half breeds, hybrids, and adventurers with multiple specializations. By reciting the opening incantation of the Mistress of Masks, the goddess' power filled her, allowing her to take on more than she otherwise would have. What her spirit called out for was the power from other sources, seeking to draw upon them, weave them together into a new, hybrid whole. Tempest tried to end her spellcasting, to pull herself away from the table. But instead she found her gaze fixating on the words of power within the tome whose cover was wrapped in simple, raw leather. "BimilSpirOne Myndiit BeastChoMear FaOfsenTo SoAspectsOne FlulectsMine HiseshAsHis MyAspAsOne GrndConMe NaantTosciouss GrtureFeHim MiantToral EtressBeus BeterAndast MantwenalPet MissAndenBond" Silver-blue energy swirled around Tempest, and as Chomper leapt up on the table to return the errant marble it began to swirl around him as well. The sorceress could swear she heard the sounds of a tropical forest, the rich smell of greenery filling her nostrils. Her skin itched, as if there was something crawling all over it, or something crawling beneath it that wanted out. She felt the urge to hunt, to kill, to bat around small, furry prey before sinking her teeth into them. Her senses seemed to sharpen as the sounds and smells of the jungle faded away. She took a deep breath and felt much calmer. The slight smell of herbs and incense that always filled the house seemed to take an effect upon her. The longing within her faded a little bit, but her body still hungered for further power and potential for change. Tempest reached out and tried to slam close one of the tomes, but instead found herself pulling it closer as she ran her fingers over the many smooth, multicolored scales that were stitched to the book's binding. Some felt warm, others had an inherent chill to them, a few more made her fingertips tingle, and others felt slightly damp. Tempest had a guess as to what this one had been, the brightly colored scales the retained the nature of the beast they had come from, the lack of a metallic tint to any one of them, the five pointed star upon the cover; all of it pointed to being a tome of draconic sorcery. The book was one written by disciples of the Chromatic Queen, meant for spellcasters of draconic blood. Tempest knew that she lacked the heritage required, but had acquired the book anyway, hoping that it would at least give her some insight into magic. But even lacking something sinuous and scaly in her family tree, the words had been glowing with color of the spells that the glasses told her she could cast. She found her eyes fixating upon the third segment of the incantation. Her tongue seemed to almost slip forth from her lips as she spoke the spell, her tone and inflection slightly different, more growly and hissing, meant to emulate the dragons of whom this sort of spellcaster would seek to emulate. "OhofWingThe QuMajtheed SkeenesDepths LadyiesOftic Fiales,Mth VesllWight YoselThings, ScurWiIs CwonMeYours Malaws, drousWith FkeFMight TheillMeangs, OfourInour PTheSerto BlourDravant YoodYgons" It felt like several thick serpents had coiled around Tempest, their scales protruding and textured rather than smooth and flat like those of a proper snake. They encircled her arms and legs and seemed to pay close attention to her torso and breasts. She could almost feel a pair of soft feminine lips pressed against her own, a forked tongue slithering into her mouth to give a kiss and grant the draconic goddess' blessing. Tempest felt a pleasant chill spreading through her body, running up and down her spine in rapid succession. The cold seemed to burn her bones for a moment before the sensations stopped. The mage was short of breath now, raw power surging through her veins. Her immediate need for additional power had faded. She no longer needed to utilize more sources of magical knowledge. But the sheer potential building within her needed completion; needed a capstone to seal off the incantation. So she reached for the last tome; it was little more than a loose stack of papers within a bundle of soft, orange-red leather that felt absolutely delightful against Tempest's bare skin. She looked down at the page for the initiation spell; she wanted to stop but she also needed to complete the ritual. If she had known exactly what power she was invoking by using this tome's closing she would've tossed it aside and read from the one that had started the entire mess. "GraceOfChange GoeatYLife MissdessKryour PltressOfgar BlAltIsMy MyesserrTo BoFlinged Bedyesh,Upon Asmalein UnYoule, and MeiteSeeand FeMaWithFit FikeGiof Willmefrts YthMya MaourAllBody ThSerAndLusts WonrallveHeart LderToYou TooinsousYour" While the draconic recitation had resulted in the sensation of a pleasant kiss, this was more like a lustful frenzy between two extraordinarily eager lovers who had just gotten out of the public eye. Tempest moaned as an intense heat filled her loins. It felt like clawed hands were clutching her breasts, and something hot, hard, and leaking thick, sweet fluid was forced into her mouth, while something warm, soft, and heavy pressed against her rump and the back of her legs. Something soft and soaking seemed to enfold her like a cocoon and Tempest cried out as her very being was rocked with a sensation not unlike an orgasm without all the wet and sticky bits. Tempest fell to her knees and shivered, overwhelmed by the experience that she just had. The power that had built up around her seemed to have gone. Her cat jumped down from the table and rubbed against her, purring happily and not seeming to mind the small magical sparks that left between the two as he rubbed against her. The sorceress sighed and picked up Chomper with one hand, the other slamming each of the tomes closed and then picking up the leather one. "Okay Chomper," she said "let's see if we can find out what exactly I did to the both of us." She made her way to the living room and flopped down upon the sofa after placing her familiar atop it. Tempest didn't notice the result of the light itch at the base of her spine, but Chomper watched from his place perched atop the couch with what looked to be a smile upon his feline face. It seemed that the cat knew something that his mistress did not. He knew the next few minutes were going to be rather exciting for the both of them, but mostly Tempest. After she had been granted the power that she had petitioned from three goddesses and the nature spirit, Chomper was willing to bet that Tempest would be quite excited indeed. If her power acted upon him as well, and it should as the first incantation she cast had bound them completely as mistress and familiar, greatly strengthening the magical bond the two had shared since she began her magical studies. Chomper's tail swayed from side to side patiently as he watched a small nub form at the base of Tempest's spine. Pretty soon she would be having a tail of her own to sway. The impatient feline couldn't wait and decided to help his mistress' feline ascension along, leaning down from the back of the couch he extended one paw and began to bat at the new growth. Small sparks of energy passed between Chomper and Tempest as the cat did so. The sorceress was completely oblivious as she stared in wide-eyed wonder at the words before her. She could read them with ease and the spells contained within the book were ones that she would absolutely adore using. It was a naturalistic school of sorcery, based upon mutual strengthening of one's self and one's familiar. She had somehow known that Chomper had become her familiar, but until having read it in the book she had not known it consciously. She turned back with a grin and looked at the playful feline, "Hey Chompie!" She said with a giggle, "I guess you're my magical animal..." The word 'companion' died upon her lips as she saw her familiar playing with a good 2 feet worth of blue and silver furred, feline tail. Her blue and silver furred feline tail. Her blue and silver furred feline tail that was growing longer and longer by the instant. Tempest rolled over, sending her feline familiar to the floor. She spread her legs and gawked in bafflement at the new appendage. Her tail continued to rapidly grow, quickly reaching the length of 3 feet. She reached out cautiously with one hand and felt the fur. It was thick, lush, and wonderfully soft. It was also rather sensitive and it felt quite good to pet and caress; especially the underside. The soft strokes felt better the closer her tail was to her body. It made a gentle heat rise in her loins and she only managed to stop toying with her tail by noticing that by touching her tail the alterations to her body seemed to jump from it to her fingertips. She watched in fascination as her skin began to drain of color, turning white and then beginning to rapidly darken to an almost metallic shade of dark gray. Her palms blackened as their skin transformed into smooth, soft leather; the pads of her fingers gaining a covering much the same. Her nails darkened as well, taking on a slight navy tint as they grew outward into short claws. Tempest's fingers began to thicken even as her nails came to an end. The skin of her fingertips rapidly grew over her budding claws; they were triangular in cross-section, not quite like cats' claws, but they were still able to be retracted. She tried absently to rub off the altered color of her skin onto her shirt, but once more they seemed to make the change leap from location to location. Tempest let out a soft moan as a hot, stretching feeling came over the front of her body. It covered seemingly every inch of skin from just below her shoulders to just above her waist. Once more her skin turned pale; though unlike her hands it did not begin to darken, save in two pairs of points. One pair appeared just above her navel in the upper pair just below her rib cage. Tempest found herself fumbling for the clasp of her bra rather quickly as the garment rapidly became too tight for her inflating chest. She tossed it aside, paying no attention as Chomper playfully darted after it. The mage was more intent upon the transformation that she was undergoing. The sorceress supposed that the Familiar Tome was to blame, but magics meant to bind the human girl to her cat companion wouldn't explain the intense feelings of sensual pleasure and lust that were threatening to rapidly reduce her to a mewling masturbatory machine. She found even the slight pressure put on her breasts by her swiftly tightening T-shirt giving her a sort of sexual satisfaction. The feline-becoming found that the mightening of now mammoth mammaries was just the beginning. Beneath her bountiful breasts, centered around the four dark gray spots upon her skin, grew two additional pairs of erotic orbs. Her lowermost breasts were about half the size of her original pair, which had reached the size of soccer balls. Meant for a thinner frame, Tempest's T-shirt was pulled upward by her expanding tits, exposing her belly and the lowest pair of additions. It was becoming more and more difficult with each passing second for the spellcaster to keep her hands from exploring and enhancing the erotic sensations that filled her front. She stretched out on the sofa, the fingers of her right hand digging into the soft, plush flesh of her uppermost breast, her left cupping the lowermost, rubbing her thumb in slow circles over a silver-gray nipple. Such pleasure, so soft, warm, and pliable seemed to Tempest's fogged mind to be a worthwhile trade. Giving up a bit of her humanity for both magical power and physical pleasure seemed to be quite the bargain. She moaned and bucked her hips gently as she pleasured herself, her simple touches far more pleasurable than any sexual encounter she had experienced in her 25 years of life. A quiet tearing sound could be heard as the seams of her shirt slowly began to give way under their still-expanding burden. There was a muted pop as well, shortly followed by a soft clattering as the fly button of Tempest's shorts gave way. Her chest wasn't the only thing growing; her entire frame to be growing larger, more powerful, and shapelier. A feral mewl escaped Tempest's lips as her climax rocked her body. She arched her back, the crotch seam of her jean shorts digging into her loins as she did so. The faded denim darkened to a color not unlike the fur upon the increasingly feline female's tail as her juices flooded out from her sex in a hot, eager torrent. With the blissful release the subconscious defenses that the young mage had instinctively put into place came crumbling down. Her change was no longer limited to one particular area. The rest of her skin color fading, most of it becoming pure white only for a moment before darkening to the same slate gray of her hands and nipples. Soft pops and cracks came from her feet and legs as the bones reshaped themselves; her feet quickly became the paws of a powerful, upright, predatory huntress rather than the flat feet of a creature which had never needed to run to feed herself in her life. The symphony of transformation was joined by the tearing of her clothes as her chest continued to increase and new muscle padded her hips, thighs, and rump. It seemed a configuration that was equal parts powerful predator and exaggerated ideal of the feminine form. Tempest's T-shirt finally gave way under the strain of being pulled in two directions; the slow march forward had been joined by a sudden surge upon her back. At first it seemed that an additional pair of arms had burst from the near furless feline's shoulder blades, but the added muscles that appeared upon them, as well as on her chest, making her already massive bust seem almost ridiculous as it reached beachball size, marked them as something else entirely. The fingers of the new hands thickened tremendously, their claws several inches long and decidedly not retractable. After growing as wide as it seemed they possibly could the digits began to lengthen with incredible speed. As they lengthened a thick membrane appeared between the fingers, white on the front side and a dull navy blue upon the back. The winged catgirl shivered as a ticklish sensation engulfed her entire body. From dark gray skin extended her dark gray fur, adorned with navy stripes of an obviously tigerish nature. Tempest brought her creamy white-furred breast to her mouth and she began purring with delight as she began to run her newly elongated, slightly forked, sandpapery tongue over the lush, white fur. Her ears twitched as they grew larger, the strange folds of human ears giving way to the smooth, triangular ones of the feline that the girl had now become. As her face pushed forward into the muzzle of the tiger, Tempest's hair and eyes altered as well. What had once been simple brown became a stunning shade of metallic blue that showed hints of green when struck by the light. It suited the exotic, erotic creature that Tempest had become. The dragoncat's needful lust dulled for a moment as the last traces of her former form were sealed away. She lay upon the sofa panting, her gorgeous silver-gray, navy blue, and creamy white body completely naked save for a pair of too-tight, cum-soaked jean shorts seemed ready to give way at any time, and the red thong beneath them. She drew in a deep breath, the faint scents that had tickled her nose a little bit as a human now surged to her mind, her feline sense of smell able to identify most of them. Many were odors that stirred her lust once more, incenses that would heighten pleasure, prolong performance, and with a little bit of magic enhance the effects of the resulting climax. Many others had a faint scent of mint to them, these calmed Tempest down, made her want to purr, made her want to rub the source of the scent against her whiskers and to nibble upon the plant that the dried leaves came from. And beyond these there was another scent, one that was a familiar blend of feline, dragon, and human flavored with a hint of the strawberry shampoo Tempest used, as well as a permanent interweaving of milk and sex. It was a scent the tigress' new nose recognized, for it was her own. Though that left her confused as the scent absolutely saturated the place, as if she had been living here in her current form for several years. There was also another pair of feline scents; one was a smaller, weaker version of the other that was missing the delightful variety of additions and nuances that the stronger scent had. Tempest's eyes widened as she realized what she smelled; the scent of her familiar as he was now as well as the scent that it seemed Chomper would have once her kitty had become empowered as she had been. A nuance of the other-Chomper's scent made Tempest's eyes widen, the powerful scent of the Chomper that had lived here long enough to deeply infuse the house with permanent traces of his essence smelled of sex. Tempest's keen new nose could easily detect who it was that the other-cat had spent most of his time making love to; Tempest herself. The new feline yelped as Chomper leapt up onto her lap, an eruption of blue-silver sparks surrounding the two of them as his body met hers, linking the two of them together for a moment and allowing the spell of bonding to transfer a portion of the power that Tempest had drawn into herself to him. The two of them were as one; the transformation that Tempest had undergone would have effects upon Chomper as well. Already the small mask-and-mantled tabby was beginning to change, to grow. His orange-tan markings had begun to darken and lose their coloration, much as Tempest's skin had a few minutes before. As the cat nuzzled his mistress' leg, his fur quickly grew to match Tempest's own, though it retained his old pattern. Creamy white over most of his body, with his coloration upon his back and the base of his tail, tinting on the ears and the sides of his face, but stopping just short of his muzzle. He purred happily and met Tempest's gaze, metallic blue eyes with a hint of green meeting Tempest's own. Chomper's eyes gleamed with an innate intellect and mischief that his owner had not seen within them before. "N-no, Chompie, get down." Tempest whispered, gritting her teeth as she pulled her hands from her wondrous, oh so sensitive breasts to reach down and grab the feline, and toss him away. But instead she found herself cupping her familiar's face, stroking his fur, which felt heavenly on the smooth leather of her handpaws. The cat was double the size he'd originally been, and was growing larger by the second. He crept forward, placing broad paws upon Tempest's hips. The paws had altered a bit; she could feel them gripping more than they ought, halfway between hands and paws. The familiar let out a soft, purring growl, his head bowing downwards, taking the cuff of Tempest's shorts in his mouth. He tugged playfully upon them, apparently seeking access to what lay beneath. The tigress' loins began to ache with need once more, and she found herself longing for the now jaguar sized Chomper to fill her. It wouldn't be bad at all, Chomper would never hurt her, and the two of them were tied together very deeply on a spiritual level. He was almost a part of her after all; it would be more like masturbation than anything. Especially since they were halfway the same species, perhaps more. Tempest felt herself lifting her rump upwards, just a little bit. Before she could stop herself, Chomper had already managed to tug her too-tight shorts down several inches, exposing the bright red of her thong, which stood out incredibly against the white fur of her crotch. Chomper let out a soft growl of triumph and crawled upward several inches, resting his head upon his mistress' loins. The mage couldn't help herself, she wrapped her legs around her familiar's body, delighting in his warm presence against her own. Her kitty now likely weighed just as much as she did, more, actually. Tempest watched as Chomper's tail grew longer, thickening, retaining the fur but taking on a more reptilian shape. She hadn't gotten much of anything from the draconic portion of her power infusion, merely the wings; it looked like Chomper had gotten the rest. The thick-tailed cat ran his forked, sandpapery tongue over the soaked red triangle of cloth over Tempest's loins, drawing a soft yelp from her. She clenched her legs together, trying to stop herself from giving herself over to the former housecat. She shouldn't want him like that, and she most definitely shouldn't be trying to mentally make excuses for it, or even worse, fantasize about it. Tempest managed to scoot back into a seated position, rather than her former sprawl, but Chomper merely crawled forward and resumed his previous position. The tigress managed to get her legs beneath her in a crouch, but she had to open them to do so, the cat's tongue having free access to her netherlips, the thin string of fabric offering no protection to the probing tongue of the eager feline. He began to lap at her, each caress sending bolts of pleasure through Tempest's body. If a handful of licks were enough to make her purr like this, to make her lean into every motion, to bring her closer to climax with every second, what would Chomper's cock feel like inside her pussy? Chomper's body quivered, muscles and bones seeming to shift, making him more sleek, lithe, and serpentine. His neck and face extended just a little bit, and there was an odd alteration to his shoulders, chest, and hips, it wasn't something feline or draconic. Tempest couldn't quite place it. She reached down and gripped the cat by the ears, intending to yank him aside, but instead she found herself gleefully grinding into his oral caress, his tongue having wormed its way beneath her thong and was now intent on assaulting her clitoris with long, wriggling caresses. Something tickled Tempest's palms, and she looked downward to find her pet growing a metallic blue-green mane of hair, rather like her own. Though it wasn't a lion's mane, it seemed to be more like a human's hair. The tigress felt a tingle around her own neck, the fur upon her shoulders, neck, and between her breasts elongating, thickening, becoming a mane of her own. The transformative power, it seemed, had mixed thoroughly within Chomper, and was now flowing back into her. The pleasure from her loins seemed to intensify with each passing moment, as if there was more of her to lick as each second ticked by. Tempest's eyes widened as the stretching sensation that had filled her front, resulting in her formation of four additional breasts, appeared upon her sex. "No! Oh no!" she gasped as she felt the furred flesh of her netherlips puffing outward, the small nub of her clit indeed having more and more of it to lick with each passing second. Tempest leaned down, wrapping her arms around Chomper's midsection, her teeth clenched in a growl as she sought to toss him onto the floor and stop the alteration of her gender. But her handpaws encountered something they hadn't expected: hidden beneath Chomper's body was a pair of large, lush, heavy breasts, not as large as her own, but still wonderfully big and bountiful. The big cat purred as his... her mistress found herself instinctively caressing them. She moved one hand back, finding a second pair, and then a third. Her touch ended its journey between her familiar's legs. She found the hot, thick member that she'd been expecting, but behind it she felt a warm wetness that mimicked her own. What had been in the two tomes that did not have an obvious link? Tempest wondered. It didn't seem quite so bad now, her kitty and herself both being of the same dual gender. The alterations to Chomper's body made her seem... more humanoid, but without being upright. The feline continued to lap at her mistress' forming cock, several inches worth of erection now pressing at the thong, a heavy furred sheath and balls resting atop it as well. Tempest found herself willing it onwards, to continue to grow and swell, to thicken, lengthen, widen, to grant her even more sweet, delicious pleasure as Chomper's raspy tongue encircled it. Tempest cried out, half with pleasure and half with frustration. Her body and mind seemed to be fighting a dire war against one another; her flesh trying to convince her to give in, to succumb to the hungry ministrations of her familiar, her mind trying to sway her from mindless, bestial sex. Tears leaked from her abalone eyes as she found her will fading as she leaned back, her handpaws beginning to massage her plentiful breasts. Her nipples tingled, ached, throbbed, and the tigress began to stroke them to relieve the light pain, replacing it with wondrous pleasure. Her nipples were already erect, but they seemed to be growing, extending from her breasts millimeter by millimeter as Chomper continued to pleasure her. Her thong finally gave way and snapped, allowing the feral dragoncat to take Tempest's full, twelve inch length into her mouth. At this whatever power that continued to transform Tempest surged forth. Her nipples thickened and elongated, their shape changing. The tigress could only wince as she felt the shape changing to the bell-shaped head of a phallus. In a few moments she had her fingers wrapped around her new nipplecocks, one curled around the six-inch length that grew from her upper breast, the other around the slightly shorter cock that grew from a middle breast. She felt her breasts beginning to swell again, her balls, sheath, and cock growing as well. She didn't want to be some sexual freak of nature, but it all felt so good. Something like this would be tolerable, as good as it felt, but she wouldn't want anything else to change any further. She just wished she had some help to manage all of her dicknipples. "Wish granted," purred a soft, sensual voice. Chomper rose upwards, her rudimentary handpaws wrapping around two of Tempest's nipplecocks, her tongue trailing over one for a moment as she rose to plant a kiss upon her mistress' muzzle. Tempest's protests shattered, if her beloved familiar could talk and could read her mind, then there was no reason to fight her, to struggle against the pleasure that both of them wanted. She hugged Chomper to her, grinding against her pet, Chompie's soft, cream-white fur absolutely delicious against her throbbing nipples. She wrapped her wings around her sleek, sexy familiar, the creature carefully positioning herself, lowering her aching, feminine sex onto her mistress' member. The tigress could only cling to her pet, thrusting into her, grinding against her familiar's soft, sweet fur. She wasn't sure if this was the price that she would have to pay for her magic, or a benefit of having the mixed powers of four patrons as she did. She could feel the energies that had filled her body taking root in her mind, allowing her to have instinctive knowledge of the basics that she would need to hone her spellcasting. Fertility. Familiar. Fusion. Dragon. Well, judging from her body draconic might was the one area of magic that she was lacking in, and of course it would be the one that didn't quite fit in with the others. Though she knew that the majority of her power in that area would be when she mixed the draconic and familiar magics, letting the pure elemental energy empower her pet, rather than herself. Tempest opened her muzzle to let out a pleasured moan, only to find her maw filled with Chomper's forked tongue, entwining around her own. She hugged her lover tightly, their muzzles locked in a passionate kiss as their body ignited with the heat of incredible climax. A fire that was not put out by the fluid surge that gushed forth from Tempest. The continued swelling within her erogenous zones ceased, all seven of her cocks serving to direct the added mass outward. Thick stream of cum-like milk surged forth, most of the sweet semi-liquid coating Chomper's fur. Tempest could feel her familiar's belly swell from the sheer mass of the seed that poured into her. The more aroused and lustful she became, the more her cock, balls, tits, and nipples would grow, containing the sexual energy that any other being would simply radiate aware into the world around them, seeking to draw a lover or a mate. But Tempest didn't need to do that. Her lover and mate would be with her always, as they were bound together in their souls. "H-how big can I get?" Tempest panted. "I-I'm not sure, but I think we better take this to the shower before we ruin the carpet." Chomper replied. The tigress nodded, and managed to coax her still erect shaft from her familiar's sex. She stood and spread her wings, giggling and basking in the afterglow of her wondrous climax. Chomper took her mistress' tail in her mouth, and began tugging her to the bathroom. "Geez, and after all the clawing, dead mice, and litter box training, here I am getting YOU to not make a mess on the carpet." The familiar growled playfully. Tempest laughed and kneeled down to hug her familiar and mate, "Okay, first spell we learn; Summon Dirt Devil." Chomper sighed and tugged harder on her mistress' tail.
Faceclaim Sadie sink as Anastasia Williams Book: the story of the first daughter of the wine god Age: 15 Parents: dyonsus and unknown Slibings: Casper and Pollux Universe: pjo series Camper: year rounder Love interest: unknown Sexuality: bisexual ____________________________________ A/n: I'm in love with Sadie 😍 should I give her a love interest...  trust me she will be powerful later in the series Words: 64
Nexz Boy Group under JYP entertainment These are oneshots about them No smut bc just no This will all be platonic relationships and I won't dig to deep into this I might leave this book on hold until there actual debut so please bear with me. 😁 <b>Nexz members</b> <b>Yu</b> 18 turning 19 Like to dance loves hugging so geon and yuki <b>Tomoya</b> 18 Leader adorable Loves matching with hyui and messing with him <b>Haru</b> 18 like dancing bestfriends with seita and yu Might like hyui <b>So Geon(Ken)</b> 17 turning 18 Might be the baby girl of the group ngl might like yu? like dancing Slowly coming out his comfort zone <b>Seita</b> 17 turning 18 He is good at rapping dances for fun doesn't speak much <b>Hyui (yuhi)</b>16 turning 17 Also good at rapping Shy yet always hurt(don't worry babes we love you) supports all members in each shape and form <b>Yuki</b> 16 turning 17 Maknae spending a lot of time with yu and so geon recently has some good facial expressions ngl Baby if the group Adorable as always Again this is just an introduction I'm going to have a slight pause on this book until after the reality show begins or there debut so we can get to know the members even more this won't be a smut book mostly platonic and fluff so please bear with me I'm just getting the ball rolling and please don't think I'm weird for doing this I just think it would be cute 😭😚 &lt;3 creator total word count : 261 words :)
(F figure Inflation, Balloon TF) Lindsay glanced around to see if anyone was looking and then flapped the collar of her shirt to fan her pert C cup mounds in the summer heat. She would rather not be here, but her sister insisted she come to help pad the numbers. It is Lindsay's nephew's birthday party, and since it is her sister's kid; here she is to feign being entertained. One of her sister's friends is acting as the entertainment right now- Bethany has a bag of magic tricks and is showing them off to the kids who have gathered in a half circle in the grass. Lindsay was mostly just sipping on some punch while glancing around, trying to avoid eye contact. She isn't usually the social type and aside from her sister she doesn't really know anyone here. Her sister is the neat-and-clean type, always playing by the rules and always looking prim and proper; most of her friends were similar. Lindsay did not fit in in that regard. She wore her own band's band shirt, though the left sleeve was held on entirely by several safety pins. It is also at least two sizes too big for her, but having a loose top helped a lot with the heat. She normally went with short skirts too, but for a kid's birthday party she had the decency to wear the only skirt she has that actually covers her entire legs. Also at her sister's insistence she took out all her piercings and went with no makeup today. Bored and quietly humming melodies; Lindsay occupied herself trying to think of some new tunes for the band, because the record company was pressuring their leader to get some new tracks out soon- if not an album at least a single so the fans knew they were still alive. At the party she looks more like the cool babysitter rather than one of the adults. What caught her attention however was a bit Bethany was doing for the kids- pretending to strike her thumb which then became massively swollen and red. Lindsay narrowed her eyes at it, trying to see the optical illusion. Beth only pretend-hit herself, but her thumb is actually cartoonishly swollen. How the fuck? After her thumb returned to normal, one of the kids asked for a balloon- having been inspired by the swollen digit. Beth took out a regular balloon, but she took an inhumanly deep breath and her chest swelled to twice its size! She leaned forward and exhaled into the balloon, blowing it up entirely with a single breath to its limit and then it ruptured- bursting into seven smaller balloons that showered over the kids! Her chest returned to normal as soon as she exhaled again. This woman has the body of a cartoon character! No way. There is no way that is an illusion, she must have some sort of actual magic! Lindsay looked down at her own C cups and could feel her face heating up. Once Bethany finished her show for the kids, Lindsay snuck her way over to the other woman immediately. "Hey, Beth was it?" "Oh yea, you are Marcy's sister right? I heard lots about you!" Lindsay cocked her head. "... really?" "Ye-eeeeehnnnno, but I am sure she would talk about you lots if I asked!" "Right. Uhm... about your act-" "Oh! You were watching too? I always wanted to be an entertainer, but it is hard making a legitimate career out of it, and if you are working a regular job then you don't have any time to practice it... so, glad I could finally put my skills to good use! Been just sitting on those tricks for years! I tried using them in the office once to cheer the place up, but the boss got upset when I sneezed confetti everywhere." "At least it wasn't sparkles, that shit gets everywhere. But, I was interested in that uh... inflation trick. How... did you do that?" Bethany blushed. "O-oh, that one. That one is uh... let's just say it can be used for other things too." "Yea, that is kind of why I am asking." "Ooooh. Well, it is an aspect swap, actually. Transformation spells can't be done on the fly without any sort of catalyst, and turning even a part of yourself inanimate would, well, kill you. It makes YOU inanimate. I would be missing a thumb and two sweater puppies right now. BUT, if you swap aspects instead, the 'real you' is basically stored in limbo, and returns when the spell is canceled exactly how it was before the swap. Because it isn't truly changing you, but rather swapping aspects with something else." "Aspects of what?" "A balloon, silly!" "Is it... hard to do?" "Nope- well... n-no. The spell itself is a bit complex, but I can put it on myself and then control how much or how little I want on the fly without any additional runes or casting or anything. It links with your willpower to control the degree once the link is made." Lindsay blushed now. "I have always wanted better... curves. Could you show me the spell?" "Oh, I can do better than that! I have the spell in the back of my van I parked out front! I can put the link on you and then you can just adjust it however you want, whenever." The two of them made sure no one seen and slipped out of the party temporarily, going around front to all the parked vehicles. Lindsay cocked an eyebrow at the sight of the old white van Beth drove. "Why does it say 'free candy' on the side of your van??" "Oh- I got a lot of candy one Halloween but I don't really need it myself so I decided to give it out to the neighborhood kids! Turns out the paint I used to make that sign doesn't come off very easily, though." "You... know that is super creepy, right?" "What? What is creepy about candy?" "... never mind." Bethany activated the spell and directed it into Lindsay while at the same time cancelling the copy she had on herself. "I am super absent-minded, so I have to remind myself to take the spell off. There have been a few times where I just *fwoomp* like a half week later in the middle of work and realize- 'oops, spell is still on'." Since the spell is controlled by will- controlling it is as easy as simply wanting control it. Beth just warned her that if she inflates a lot of her body it might be difficult to control- because the human mind is technically incapable of truly multi-tasking, so she can only have full control of one part at a time. But that shouldn't ever come into play with Lindsay anyway, because she only intends to use it to enhance her bust a bit. Trait sharing is sort of like folding space; part of something else is now also part of your body, but your body technically did not transform, it just swapped an aspect for something else while putting its own former aspects into 'magical storage'. That means it cannot have any lasting side effects, because her body is technically unaltered. Of course; Lindsay thanked Beth but did not try to use her powers yet. Going back to a children's party with double-sized boobs would do more than raise eyebrows. Now though Lindsay was distracted plenty from the boring party with thoughts of what she will do later. She can make her boobs as big as she wants! Well... they had their limits, but the limit was well above what she would ever want anyway. Heck; she could make her tushy a bit rounder too if she wanted. After the party Lindsay walked home real quick, her breasts practically tingling in anticipation and her nipples already erect from her dirty thoughts. She has a small appearance with her band tonight after dark, and she wants time to toy with this before then. Lindsay looked at herself in the mirror with a giddy smile and looked at the curve of her breasts- barely visible in the loose fit band shirt. She leaned closer with her hands on the edge of the sink and concentrated- immediately feeling the results! She took a deep breath but unintentionally kept breathing in when her lungs were already full! She felt her breasts pull taut, tickling all the pleasure sensors in her skin and she could feel them growing! The sensation spread over a larger surface than it formerly even had for that to be possible. Her erect nipples slid against the fabric more and more as the fronts of her breasts pushed out into the shirt. Her C cups swelled into Ds, then DD, then E before she stopped! Unlike normally huge breasts- hers still held their shape perfectly fine in spite of the size increase. They felt heavier but actually it was just the weight being distributed further out from her center of gravity- their actual weight hasn't changed at all. Lindsay tossed her shirt off and just tapped the clip on her bra and it popped itself open from pressure! She slapped the bottom of her titties to bounce them in her palms and then grabbed them. She was afraid borrowing aspects from a balloon would make them more balloon-like, but they still felt perfectly like boobies. If anything they sort of felt even meatier, and a tad bit more solid- likely from internal pressure shoving their mass outward. The skin was more taut from being rapidly stretched too. She spent almost a solid hour kneading her tits in the mirror, practically drooling on herself. They are so bouncy and FULL! Her bras did not fit anymore like this but she couldn't care less. Even if her shirts all fit and you could see her nipples through the fabric- who cares? Her job is to play music and entertain the crowd- bigger tits only demand even more attention. With a smile and a nod she flipped her shirt back down and went to 'work' that night with a grin on her lips and a little extra bounce in her step... and shirt. Because her shirt is so baggy it was hard for anyone else to notice. Everyone seen something was off, but since breasts don't normally go up several cup sizes in a single day- everyone was just silently pondering if what they seen was real or just a trick of the light. Lindsay knew, and she loved it. The feeling of the weight tugging on her chest made her want to move around more; bounce them around for fun and to tease the audience, and that made her performance more energetic. She left the club that night from the back way with the rest of the band and broke off to head home herself. Lindsay had to reach up under her shirt and run the arm sleeve down her cleavage to collect the extra sweat from bouncing around in the club all night with her extra big boobs. Once at home again she shimmied out of her skirt and just tossed it on her floor since the floor was already covered in clothes, wrappers, and empty cans. She flopped down on her back on the bed and giggled at the sensation of her breasts rolling around from the movement under her shirt- rubbing the nipples against the fabric. That was one thing she noted- her nipples are still erect. They do not seem to ever go down now, they must be slightly inflated too. Lindsay gawked at her own cleavage through her too-big collar which was almost properly fitting now; she is deep in thought. Balloons can inflate AND deflate. Maybe she can go a bit bigger? And then just deflate them back if it is too big. Lindsay grinned wide as the gentle pressure and very soft, subtle automatic pleasure started to warm her bosom again. Her breasts firmed up a bit as the skin pulled tight from the growth and they swelled not just bigger but also rounder- starting to lose a bit of their teardrop shape. Normal breasts of this size absolutely could not hold that shape, their weight would make it impossible. Their weight did divide them in her laying position, but the shirt fabric did not allow them to fall far, and their weight is not enough to defy the tension of the fabric. Lindsay did not notice because her shirt is still on and her nipples are stuffed against it- but the edges of her areola started to soften a bit. The areola itself puffed up and started to project into a curve separate of the rest of the breast, but the formerly solid edges were being stretched giving them a tapered edge. She gasped as she stopped growing them- not even sure what bra size she was now... maybe there is no bra for this size. Her formerly loose top was now TIGHT! The bottom used to partially cover her crotch- now it only went as low as her ribs and was held so far off her body you could see the entire lower half of her boobs from under it! The shape of her swollen areola and big fat nipples was perfectly pressed into the front of the shirt- a line of fabric held furthest out from her caught between the nipple on either side. Lindsay was breathless- she had held her breath while she inflated her breasts unconsciously even though that was completely unnecessary. The weight of her boobs still had not changed at all. She grabbed them aggressively from the sides and squished them together as hard as she could before rolling either one around, and gasping the nipples through the fabric and yanking them! She moaned and squirmed and it did not take long for one of her hands to slip under her panties and clap down on her plump, blushing labia to tend to her drooling pussy. Because her breasts were increasing in size with air- her nerve count did not multiply, but all existing nerves are stretched closer to the surface and made all the easier to play with. Her breasts were also much more bouncy than before! She made herself orgasm quickly with a yelp of pleasure and rolled over, squashing her boobs half-under her into the soft bed. In the afterglow of her climax she drifted into sleep without fixing the size of her bust- they felt too comfortable on her. In Lindsay's sleep more fantasies played out, and caused her to moan softly and toss and turn quite a bit. She was on top of her blankets rather than under them and she still managed to knock most of them off the bed while she slept, while fanning her hair out across her pillows. When she woke up she gasped and grabbed her tits in shock- going from just starting to wake up to wide-awake almost instantly from shock! Lindsay remembered she forgot to shrink before going to sleep, and in her sleep she had grown still a bit larger! They had managed to pop out of her shirt which is scrunched up around her collar. Her areola were half-spheres of their own and her nipples were both longer and thicker than she had ever seen a human nipple be. Her breasts were also now entirely spherical, a shape only implants could pull off. Lindsay shook her head in worry with her heart hammering and squeezed her breasts inward- then air erupted from her nose and mouth, escaping her body! Her breasts started to regress, gaining a subtle teardrop shape to them and settling down to more human proportions... though still very huge. She stopped when they looked about the size they were yesterday at the show... or slightly bigger. The larger the size the harder subtle changes become to spot, so she has no idea what the exact measurements are- she is just eyeballing it. She flopped her shirt back over it. She had another show tonight, but it was late at night like usual. Lindsay could not keep her hands off herself for long. Every opportunity she had she idly grabbed onto her breasts to squish their bouncy flesh. She did a bit of lurking on the band page forum, grinning at all the people asking about her bust size because of last night's show. It might not be discussion on their music but any publicity is good publicity. Lindsay started to shift around in her computer chair- the thing is kind of old and the cushion on the seat isn't what it used to be; starting to hurt her butt. She paused at that thought; another sly smile creeping across her face. What if her butt IS the cushion? She cooed softly and her eyes squinted in bliss as she felt the pressure enter her butt and upper thighs! Yes! Blow her butt up like a balloon! Of course; of the many things balloons are known for- being sturdy isn't one of them, so at first the effect was hard to notice outwardly because it was fighting her entire body weight. She felt the change as a subtle pleasure but nothing seemed to actually happen for a few seconds. Then slowly she started to raise up a little higher! Her rump became a bit meatier and rounder! Venus dimples appeared on her lower back as the flesh around it swelled up subtly. Her butt had been rather flat before- it was looking nice and round now! Then a proper bubble-butt! She is wearing a knee-length skirt today but the fabric raises slightly above her knees now, pulled up by her increased size! Lindsay stands up and twirls around then bends over to look back at her new curves. Hell yea! She clapped a hand loudly onto either side of her rump and stood up straight suddenly from the feeling. Ooh... that felt... kind of good. Her butt never felt good to squeeze before. Her mind immediately drifted into the gutter and her hands wandered the globes of her butt. She parted the cheeks and pressed on her anus, humming in pleasure. Lindsay once again returned to bed- this time making use of a toy she kept hidden under it, and placing it in her enlarged butt while her hands worked her pussy! At the show that night; Lindsay drew in plenty of cheers for her appearance alone. Even with her mid-length skirt her enhanced butt was noticeable easily. The rest of the band was a little discouraged that her appearance was getting as much cheering as the actual music- but their bass guitarist secretly wears breastforms so they aren't really ones to talk. Everyone thinks she has G cup melons- she is actually flat chested. Lindsay was blowing kisses to some of the people in the audience and surprised herself that night between songs and had to dash to the bathroom real quick! She looked at her reflection and confirmed the feeling she felt just then- her lips now VERY plush and her black lipstick stretched thinner, causing a faint bit of her natural red lips to be seen through it! She unintentionally inflated her lips! Which is why she ran to the bathroom- she immediately took the ring out of her lower lip, now very afraid of hurting herself. Balloons and piercings do NOT mix. She also noted her breasts look a bit bigger than before- she may have inflated them a bit bigger unintentionally. Heh, maybe she is getting a little too into this. Oh well- aside from the brief panic attack there is no harm done. She ends up just keeping her enlarged lips the rest of the night- not like the audience minds. On her walk home she could not stop smiling. Fuck she is so hot- the audience was drooling over her and she is drooling over herself- almost literally. Her pussy is so moist she would be dripping if her panties didn't catch it. In the dark laneways she cuts through to get to her apartment she could not help but fondle her big titties. Not like anyone was around this time of night in the lanes and it is almost pitch black anyway. She inflated her breasts a little bit further just so she could feel the growth against her hands. She could feel the curvature start to round out with the increase in size. Fuuuck that is so hot. She squeezed them inward, feeling the hot rubbery flesh billow up between her fingers as she kneads them below her shirt. A little bit bigger- fill that shirt out! Bigger- feel the shirt lift off and stretch away from her actual body. Lindsay was panting now and slowed her walking to lean her back against a wall. What is she doing this HERE for? In the cool darkness of night? But... it felt really good. The cool night air kissing the exposed bottoms of her tits, lifting the heat off them before sweat can start collecting in her cleavage again. Lindsay knows she should not do any of this out here, but no one is around... and... the fact she is outside is also thrilling her! The fact someone COULD potentially see her made her heart race, and the increased blood flow from her pounding heart made her clit and nipples tingle! Goosebumps appeared across her tits as they inflated larger and larger! The fabric getting pushed up from lack of space, catching on the underside of her massive fat nipples for a moment before it popped free! Her shirt slingshot off her teats and flopped up onto her collar again, while her breasts heaved downward violently from the pressure release! Her nipples twacked back into place, jiggling aggressively for a moment. Oh no; her impossibly enormous tits are exposed to the open night air! Oh no; she likes it! "Fuck! I am such a horny bitch for my own titties~ I hope no one finds me..." She whispered to herself. "I hope someone does. N-no not really haha... or..." She bit her lip. She glanced around and tried to start moving toward home again, but made no attempt to pack her giant mams away again. It was like an optical illusion- her breasts looked big enough to anchor her to the ground permanently and render her immobile... she however can walk perfectly fine. If anything their weight is actually LESS than it is normally. They are inflated with not oxygen, but the dominant element contained in 'air'; nitrogen. Which is lighter than oxygen. She hummed at the feeling of her skin stretching- she was inflating even bigger but just a tiny bit, veeerry slowly. She snapped out of it and grabbed her boobs from the sides again. No! She has to stop! She loves the feeling of growing larger, but at this point they are so round they are starting to obscure most of her vision! They do not droop at all like breasts are meant to, so their curve is much too high up. Lindsay sort of wishes her body would try to resist a little more, because she loves the feeling of growing, but it is so easy to grow that she makes herself an unreasonable size too quickly. She squeezed her breasts in, causing air to escape from her throat again, but not as much as she wanted. Her breasts were not shrinking down as quickly as she was trying to. Knowing the reason why made her blush bright red. It is controlled by will power... she needs to shrink, but she doesn't WANT to shrink- so of course it is having trouble losing the extra size. "Oooh, come on girls, pack it up... shows over." She shoved in hard on her breasts as if the physical interaction was influencing the size whatsoever- but instead it caused something else entirely! Feeling the skin pull taut made her moan in pleasure and her breasts did indeed shrink much faster and return almost to her original, unaltered size! But at the exact same time the air didn't leave her body- instead her upper thighs and ass ballooned VERY quickly! Like a cartoon character she just shoved her existing mass somewhere else in her body! Her pussy immediately soaked the front of her panties and clenched so hard you probably could have popped open a walnut between her labia. She now had an extreme pear shaped body, her hip and thighs so rotund they doubled the width of her torso! Either of her big round asscheeks are big enough to pin a person under! Lindsay moaned loudly without meaning to and grabbed her butt cheeks now, kneading the flesh between her fingers. Oh no! They were inflating bigger, she likes the feeling too much! She thrust her hip back to mash her butt cheeks against the wall while she shoved down into them with her hands from above! Her heart started to pound harder on top of its rapid speed and almost hurt from a spike of panic when she realized something! She slipped her fingertips under the tightening waist of her skirt to feel the bare flesh and... she couldn't feel the pores. They were stretched flat, making her skin feel more like... rubber. Like the skin of a balloon! She glanced down around her side and immediately seen the difference- her skin color is a pale peach normally, but was a pastel pink on her butt! Wrong skin color- she is turning into a pink balloon! The fear immediately allowed her to will herself to shrink, and the air erupted from her mouth and nose for a half minute, as her proportions returned to normal! Lindsay reverted to her completely unaltered state out of fear of what she was doing to herself. Yikes... she never thought about that. If she keeps taking aspects from a balloon, she will start to resemble one in other ways too. She almost inflated herself so massive that her skin started to turn to rubber! She went to sleep pretty quickly that night but her dreams were still erotic and had her squirming around on the bed. Lindsay woke up an hour before noon- which is early for her- when she fell right off the side of her bed onto the floor... which is where most of her bedding was by then anyway. She woke up and immediately grabbed her boobs through her shirt in a panic, but settled down a bit when she seen them. The dream she was abruptly woken from; her breasts were so gigantically inflated that she was floating on the roof of her room, unable to touch down! Of course for that to work she would need to inflate with something considerably lighter- which she doesn't even when she is inflated. And she did indeed inflate herself while asleep again, but her breasts were around the G cup range, like her first deliberate inflation. Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief. Well that is fine- this is what she wants for her new look, this size is where she should be. She should really get her butt back too though. She regressed all changes yesterday in a panic, but she does want a bubble butt back. Lindsay started to get up but only got onto her hands and knees and then arched her back, putting her butt into the air as she smiled and inflated herself again. The cleft of her butt deepening as the cheeks rounded bigger and bigger. Her panties stretching and sinking into her crack, getting overwhelmed with her flesh. She stopped herself- consciously reminding herself not to get TOO big. If anything can get a little oversized it would be her bust. But in that thought she let herself slip a moment and a brief pulse of growth entered them. She moaned and then let a tiny bit more in. She let it in, in tiny pulses causing her to shiver from the sensation and all her skin return to goosebumps even though it was perfectly warm in her room. She reveled in the feeling of each pulse tickling her tissue from the inside out, shivering through her flesh like waves of gentle pleasure! Lindsay only did it in tiny bursts that were individually almost unnoticeable outwardly, but she sped up the intervals quickly and her resolve dissolved into nothingness! She moaned loudly and her will broke down entirely- her breasts slammed into the floor under her as they inflated tremendously! Her shirt was immediately yanked tight and stretched out. Her breasts filled the space between her and the floor, surpassing the length of her arms. The sides billowed out and shoved her arms out, causing her to collapse forward onto them, but they were inflating so quickly they shoved her torso up- holding her up on a mattress of her own tit flesh! Her areola became even more gradually faded at the edges, but the coloration of all the skin on her mammaries also started to shift... to pastel pink. She could hear the sound of stretching tissue as her breasts lifted her up further and further- leaning her torso back more into a sitting position to make room for themselves! Her nipples did not get longer but did get a bit thicker, now looking like half-spheres. The quiet sounds of expanding tissue started to get louder- and rise in pitch... sounding more like stretching rubber! She snapped out of it and forced herself to stop, her face scrunched up in an expression that was almost disgust. She REALLY did not want to stop. Her breasts are so pink they resemble a cow udder. The coloration of her nipple and areola is stretched so thin that it has almost turned to the same pink as the rest of the breast! The skin is very smooth, and feels so very rubbery! And THIN! Pushing in on it you can tell that most of the contents is air. She pushed in on her incredibly fat nipples and with a deep *thunk* sound they actually inverted entirely! In surprise she pulled her hand away and they immediately *thunked* back into their default position! Good lord, she has balloon tits! Lindsay groaned as she sat up onto her knees, trying to will herself to deflate back to something that at least resembled human boobs. Sitting upright- they are so big and round that the bottoms are only four or so inches off the floor, and the tops are so high that all she can see is boob unless she tilts her head up so far that all she can see is roof. But their weight is completely absent- they weight basically nothing and she can toss them around easily. Since nitrogen is lighter than oxygen, it counterbalances the organic tissue she does still have and essentially creates a body of zero weight- they neither sink nor float. She pushed in on them, trying to hug her arms around them the best she could- which was aided by the fact they mostly just contain air, so she can shove their surface inward quite far without causing any pain. She had to make sure she did not just blow up her ass again though into an ultra-peach. Like Bethany explained the other day- handling more than one body part is tricky though. She cannot fully concentrate on deflating AND actively thinking about not blowing her ass up even more, the best she can do is rapidly switch between the two thoughts. In bouncing between those two thoughts she unintentionally neglected the other possible options. She moaned and glanced around the side of her tits to see her stomach blowing up as her breasts compressed! Her conscious mind had been preoccupied so when her unconscious mind scanned quickly for where to ditch the air- instead of out of the body, it rapidly went through the other body parts it could end up in and stomach was the first on the list by random chance. Stomach is directly connected through to the mouth though- so it should be easy to get rid of there... right? Lindsay arched back and took a deep breath, focusing on the feeling and her breasts rapidly shrank and her normal skin color faded back in as her stomach billowed out rapidly! She giggled at the thought that she looks pregnant. Her will power stuttered again though as her belly pushed up on the underside of her breasts. Mmm, the feeling of the two taut surfaces rubbing together... oh no! Both her breasts and belly started to inflate more! "Nnnn-no! Control! I am not some blowup doll!" Lindsay went to push in on her breasts and properly will the air out of her, but immediately noticed the pressure shift down to her stomach. Well that was odd. Now that the changes are on a wider area of her body she doesn't actually need to will the shift- she can literally just push the air from one part to the other without instigating any new changes. She smiled a bit nervously. That does mean she can sort-of feel the pleasure of being stretched without blowing herself up any bigger- because if she remains the same percentage of balloon but shoves more air into the area it won't be able to stretch easily and hit its pressure cap- tugging on all her pleasure receptors. She is a bit too bouncy to be able to do that easily with her own arm strength though- so she walks over to the bed and shoves her stomach against one of the bed posts at the end of her bed. Then she puts her hands up on the top sides of her breasts. Lindsay shoved down into her tits, mashing them into her chest and her stomach ballooned forward but then she leaned further forward and the bed post squeezed into her gut, yanking its surface taut too! Her compressed stomach also put pressure on her pubic mound below. Lindsay let out a stuttered moan from the sensation and pushed even harder, shoving down rhythmically, massaging her insides with pressure in a way no normal human could. The pleasure caused her legs to become a bit weak however and she startled herself by slipping forward, ramming the bedpost against her harder than she intended- and the pressure erupted elsewhere! Like one of those tube-balloons you would use to make a balloon animal out of; her clit erupted from the top of her pussy at nearly thirty times the size it is supposed to be, yanking the surface tissue immediately taut and shiny! Her vision went white, and she was surprised her neighbors didn't call the police because she absolutely screamed from the instantaneous white-hot pleasure that exploded through her. She slumped back off the end of the bed and to the floor in a twitching, shuddering mass of uncontrolled muscle spasms as her pussy jet out bursts of natural lube all over the floor. Her clit looked like a foot-long sausage that was packed a little too full of meat. The surface was already impossibly smooth like rubber, but the coloration was more magenta than pastel pink. Lindsay did not move or even think for several minutes while her mind slowly faded back in from a complete sensory overload, then glanced nervously at her clit standing perfectly upright out of her pussy. "Holy... shit." She tried to touch it but immediately shuddered from the lightest touch against the stretched semi-rubberized skin. "H-h-h-h-oly FUCK, fuck-damn-shit! Tha-haaat is s-s-s-o sensitive. Oh my... I never thought... I guess... it sort of inflates naturally too. Just... nowhere near this." But if highschool biology taught her anything- which it didn't, but if it did- it would be that what you see of the clit is only the very tip of an organ that is actually rather large. There are two wing-like bulbs that branch from the glans of the clit that are completely unseen, below the surface. Their engorging is what causes the entire pussy to swell up and the labia to became extra projected and puffy when aroused. So what if she inflated the WHOLE clit? What if she inflated the labia too?? Rather than gain more mass, she pushed in on her stomach with both hands and shoved the air further down while using her will power to tell it where to go so it didn't end up in another random place on accident. Lindsay cooed in pleasure, and did not dare actually touch her pussy, because this time the pleasure from the swelling was not subtle. Her entire pubic mound became larger and puffier, and then it even felt as though she was being penetrated by something! The clitoris travels up a length of the vaginal passage- that is the portion of the passage that actually has detailed sensation; the rest does not. She is inflating the entire thing, so even the length along the passage is getting bigger which is shoving the wall of her vagina inward, but starting from the glans and working its way back in waves; so to her it feels like something sliding into her. As Lindsay's stomach flattened back down to normal, solid skin her hands slid lower till her fingertips pressed into the growing curve of her pubic mound off from her body. Her clit shook in pulses from when it throbbed- its mass now too loose and light, causing its movements to be exaggerated. Her pussy inflating was louder than other body parts because it is also wet and composed of many layers- so lots of different parts to rub and slap together. Her entire groin swelled up, plumper and rounder, even lighter and more rubbery than it already is by default. Her pussy opening vanished in the swelling mound and deepened as the outer labia became titanically pillow-like. It almost made it look like her clit got shorter because the flesh around the base swelled further out, re-covering the bottom portion. It looked like a gigantic peach between her legs, and then a split peach as her inner labia also suddenly got its portion of the air and swelled up as well; parting the outer labia. The contrast between the magenta interior labia and peach exterior started to vanish as the bigger they became the more pastel pink they both became. Projecting so far off from her the engorged sexual organ was the size of a small beach ball sitting between her legs! Lindsay could not stop prodding the base of it with her fingers and thrusting her hips, looking wide-eyed at her inflated pussy like a deer caught in headlights. She only shoved the air out of her stomach into it, so she still had to look down at her vulva through the valley of her own inflated cleavage. It drooled juice onto the floor under her, but as soon as the stretching sounds started to sound like rubber her nervousness returned and she stopped growing it. Because of how inflated the lips were it was hard to tell where her actual vaginal opening was- because the cleft through the middle looked outwardly just as deep as the gap between the inner and outer labia- so it kind of looked like she has three slits. It did not help that when they are inflated- they all look the same, and are the exact same color. Even her clit inflated still larger- its coloration turning to pastel pink to match the rest. It looked a bit darker at the base, but Lindsay's heart skipped a beat when she realized why. The coloration was the same the entire length- it looked darker at the base because her clit is so inflated that she can partially see light THROUGH it. The upper portion looked lighter because she was literally viewing a small amount of ambient light through the tissue. She gently touched it and shivered, then slowly grabbed into the fat bloated labia and her body shook the more she gripped it. Lindsay was able to bring herself to orgasm after orgasm with almost no movement at all! All the pleasure nerves were stretched out, and pulled to the surface! Inflating them like this caused most of their mass to be nitrogen, which means all the organic mass is stretched into a thin layer across the very surface- so it was almost like being able to touch more of her pussy at once than would normally be possible. She did not even need to penetrate herself- but did anyway just to see what it was like. Her outer pussy is so blown up that it swallowed her arm up to the halfway point on her forearm before she even got to her vaginal opening. Her clit is swollen so wide that her hand can barely close its fingers around it- but it is too sensitive to actually masturbate; just gripping it is more than enough. An hour, two, three, four... she kept telling herself just to cum once more to take the edge off, then kneaded her rubbery lips for so long in the afterglow that she worked herself up horny again, and again, and again. She even thrust it against the floor to get off once- since it projects so far off her body. Lindsay started to deflate her huge tits to her originally intended G cup proportions. She then started to deflate each individual part of her pussy even as she still pawed at it- trying to cut off her own procrastinating. Once it was normal again and the nerves were not all stretched paper thin her horniness went away easily. She was also exhausted at that point and passed out from masturbating herself like 21 times in a row. Lindsay ended up sleeping in- and was woken up by an angry phonecall from the band leader asking where the fuck she is. She slept all day! Lindsay still made the show but both the band leader and the club owner wasn't pleased with her being late. On the up-side, she noticed a familiar face in the audience while they were playing; Bethany had come to see the show- and was making no effort to hide the fact she was watching Lindsay's inflated melons bouncing around in her shirt! As G cups they still have a good bit of weight to them and bounce energetically with every little movement. From her recent escapades her shirt is stretched even bigger than it already was- so her G cup boobs had plenty of room to play in. After the show Bethany caught up with Lindsay and they walked back to her place. Beth asked her a lot of questions on what she has tried so far and how she is enjoying everything, but Lindsay only really told her a third of what all has actually happened- too embarrassed to give the full story. Bethany ended up following her halfway home to ask all her questions, so Lindsay just offered to have her over. Beth twirled around her, walking twice as energetically. "You can do all sortsa stuff with the balloon aspect too! Leap over tall buildings- bounce off otherwise fatal impacts- refill a car tires without needing a pump!" Lindsay thought about it for a moment, especially the impact one. "Oh yea, I never thought of that. If you can make your body more like rubber- something like a car crash wouldn't be able to hurt you, you'd just bend around the impact and then snap back into place again after. Rubber bones bend- not break." She nodded but then furrowed her brow. "How would you leap across a tall building though? Get someone to stretch your body out and then fire you over it like a rubber band? Haha." "You'd be lighter weight. Run and jump then balloonify yourself after you have the momentum- with zero overall weight it would cause you to just keep going in whatever direction you were already going in, as if you were in space. You can also use it to stretch yourself bigger to reach higher places!" Lindsay let her into the apartment- finally arriving with her in the dead of night. "Wait, so like... inflating your legs? Wouldn't that just make them wider?" "No, it makes them longer too, just not as much. You can do a little inflation on your entire body and it will make you bigger overall." "Really?!" "Yea! Oooh- try it, try it!" "Oh I don't know..." "Try iiiiiit! It is like, one of the best changes, you HAVE to experience it at least once!" Lindsay felt awkward doing it in front of Bethany, but did not want to be rude- Beth is the reason she has the ability to do it at all. She willed herself to inflate but rather than think of a specific body part she just thought of her pose- her overall figure. She felt an odd, gentle pressure deep inside herself, in places that cannot be touched directly, so she cannot identify what exactly they are. At first she looked herself over, willing more changes but not actually seeing any difference at first. Her thigh-high socks started to feel tighter, then her skirt, then her breasts rubbed on her loose shirt a bit more. She is getting bigger overall, just like Beth said. Tighter and tighter her clothes hugged her, and Beth kept motioning for her to keep going with a huge grin on her face. Lindsay was almost a foot taller before she noticed she was starting to look pudgy now too. It was starting to become outwardly apparent that she is inflating, not truly growing. Her curves got curvier and the dip of her joints became rounder and softer. Her fingers started to look like plump sausages! Lindsay stopped the inflation for now, and Beth immediately dashed forward and nudged her hard! Lindsay stumbled a bit, teetered and then very slowly stumbled back several steps... in slow motion. Beth giggled at the look on her face when Lindsay realized her body weight had drastically lowered! Her movements are slowed, including falling. She could remove both feet from the ground and have enough time to put them back before she hits the floor. She walks around the room and does little mini-hops like someone trying to walk on the surface of the moon. The movements of her arms feel weak too though. They are slower moving and lighter too, so her strength has less influence on the world around her- she would only be able to pick up half the weight she normally could. A balloon can't really push things around. It took her a bit to identify another difference- her thoughts. Her head was a tiny bit inflated too, which seems to have slowed her thoughts a bit. It literally made her a little bit air-headed. Bethany clapped as she watched the chubby, light weight Lindsay move around, before clapping her hands onto either side of the woman's butt! "You should blow up your butt again too! No reason to hold back, if you got it- flaunt it!" "W-woah, wait I... hmmmmnn..." It felt embarrassingly good to have Beth grab her ass aggressively like that. She remembered the other night; it feeling good to squeeze her inflated ass. It was like that now, except it did not really look that inflated because she had ballooned her overall body. She chuckled a bit and blushed but decided to go for it anyway. Lindsay's hips widened slowly and her butt cheeks and thighs rounded out more and more! Lighter, softer, bouncier! So round and smooth! Her skirt was being forced down in the back exposing more and more ass crack unintentionally. Bethany certainly did not mind, rubbing the growing cheeks and plunged her face into the exposed crack! "Woah!" Lindsay's entire body lurched forward- held still only by Beth's grip, unable to hold in place under her own power because of her lack of weight. She bent over and her butt increased even more in size as she moaned softly. Her breathing sped up and she started to pant from the sensations- but she did not notice at first that her entire body was inflating a tiny bit as well, much slower. Because she gave her entire body a little bit of balloon... her breathing was causing some of the air to linger- inflating her with her own breath. Lindsay was too caught up in the blissful feelings to realize how big she was making herself and snapped out of it when she hear her tight skirt rip and fling off of her! Her heart skipped a bit at the sight of her gigantic hips and ass. She went to pull away from the pleasure Beth was causing motorboating her giant ass- but could not. Lindsay's full legs wiggled under her to no effect- Bethany was holding her entire body up off the floor by a few inches with almost no effort! Lindsay's skin was looking so pink and so smooth! When Bethany ran her hands over the giant ass cheeks it sounded like someone petting a balloon. Her thighs were so massive there was two inches of compression where her stockings began on her lower legs! Beth was panting at this point now too, in arousal. She spun Lindsay around mid-air and plunged her face down onto her crotch! "Mmph! S-s-so hot! You are so sexy, I have to have more~!" Only with the force of Beth's face coming down onto her was Lindsay able to actually touch down on the floor! As soon as the floor braced under her, and her crotch shoved back into Beth's face; Lindsay immediately moaned loudly in pleasure and she unconsciously surged the inflation into her pussy again like before! The panties immediately snapped and her labia billowed up around Beth's face as the woman started to eat her out! Bethany squeezed Lindsay's thights into either side of her face, which REALLY pressurized the stockings and also caused Lindsay to speed up the inflation of her pussy unintentionally- because the pressure transferred up to her crotch from out of her legs. Her breasts inflated in a short burst and filled her shirt, but then she hugged them tightly and stopped herself. She did that because her first thought was she needed to stop inflating her pussy, so she instead inflated her tits, but that also isn't what she meant to do. Mid-inflation; even a momentary fraction of a thought is enough to trigger something. She tried to tell Bethany to stop and squirm out of her grip, but she was breathless from the constant and growing pleasure and her body is so light and airy that her movements influence very little. There is no weight behind them and so there is no force either. Beth popped her head out from the growing pussy to take a breath of air herself. She cupped the massively bloated labia and shoved inward, transferring the pressure into the clit and causing it to inflate out ahead of the rest! Lindsay shrieked in pleasure and kicked her legs frantically! Her entire body surged a bit bigger and for a moment she floated up off the floor and plopped slowly back down. Beth licked the giant fat clit and moved up a bit more, muttering about how sexy Lindsay is like this as if she were in a trance. She took a deep breath and kissed Lindsay's navel, blowing into it hard! Lindsay's stomach immediately started to balloon outward, rounding and filling! The pink blush from her crotch spreading up and corrupting more of her natural skin color! There is no actual opening in the navel obviously, so the breath Beth took is still trapped in her puffed out cheeks- but blowing against Lindsay created a pressure which triggered sensations and then thought in response; making Lindsay blow up her own stomach without meaning to! Lindsay went to bend over and grab her stomach to try and stop it from growing or shove the air elsewhere at least for now, but could not bend far enough over! The upper curve of her stomach pressed into the lower curve of her giant boobs and there was not enough room to bend completely over- she could not reach her own stomach! Lindsay was almost hyperventilating now- breathing heavily from the nonstop pleasure and ever-intensifying sensations, but also a bit of panic now on top of that from going well beyond anything she intended to do! It was now that she realized her entire body was slowly inflating on top of the individual changes! When she breaths in only a third of the air at most exits her mouth when she exhales! But she could not slow her breathing with her heart hammering the way it was! She can't suffocate herself, but also every time she breathes in, it gets trapped and inflates her a bit more! Her stockings slid further down her legs as they inflated to be even more cone shaped- her toes blimping up into fat spheres of their own. When the pink coloration overtook the nails, the nails on her toes stretched into obscurity against the rest of the toe as if it were not there at all. Her stomach looked overdue with sextuplets and her pussy is so severely inflated off the lower curve that it was three times the size of Beth's entire head. Even her anus inflated, becoming a fat doughnut shaped ring between her gigantic butt cheeks! Bethany climbed up onto Lindsay, bouncing a bit against her, off the floor. Her body was becoming so large she was turning into a human bouncy-castle! Beth wrapped her body around the huge dome of a belly, humping her wet pussy against the lower curve of the stomach, desperately horny. She reached up and grabbed Lindsay's breasts through the shirt though soon after. She squeezed aggressively and Lindsay shrieked again in sharp pleasure while practically gasping for breath- unintentionally causing her entire body to surge in size in small bursts. The air in her huge boobs was squeezed out from the grip, and shoved forward! The powerful pleasure and itchy tingling pressure together made it almost feel like someone had clamped her nipples to a car battery! Lindsay's areola exploded outward into three quarters of a sphere, off the front of her tits with the air her boobs used to contain! Her nipples became almost perfect spheres off the front of her areola as well, making her overall boobs look like a stack of progressively smaller bubbles... or like, a bottom-heavy snowman made of skin. Because this caused her bust to project WAY further forward, it yanked the front of her shirt tight between the giant nipples immediately and tore the shirt in the middle! Lindsay inflated her breasts in a surge, half trying to equalize the pleasure to escape the white-out levels, and half to become too taut and round for Bethany to grip like she was; forcing her hands to let go. Of course she also realized too late that it just made her bigger overall as well. Her boobs inflated well beyond what the shirt could take, yanking tight on the sides at first, but then the tear already made in the front exploded out and blew the entire shirt off her completely! Her breasts lurched forward from the pressure release so quickly that they smacked Beth in the face, knocking her off onto the floor again, giggling like a psychopath from being tit-slapped. Each boob only rocked bath and forth in front of her- they did not sag or even sit down against her chest, they are almost perfectly round! Once Beth let go the areola and nipples were pulled wider against the overall form of the boob, flattening their curvature. Both breast and nipple were the same pastel pink now so there was no definition from one and the other. Lindsay whimpered breathlessly, unable to stop breathing so rapidly in panic but doing so only made her bigger and panicked her more! She can only inhale now! When she attempts to exhale NOTHING comes out. Not only were her breasts sitting impossibly light on her chest, she realized her back is not even touching the floor. Only her butt and half her thighs are. Without anything to shove her down, she doesn't weight enough to actually sink to the floor on her own! Even her torso behind her breasts was inflating out, trying to equalize with her big tummy. Her pussy became more shallow as her internal organs also inflated, shoving outward with pressure which shortened her vagina as the bottom inflated outward toward the opening. Her pussy only grew larger, but it did not project as far out now- like the nipples on her breasts the curvature was being stretched out! Even the lips on her face felt inflated! Gotta stop, but don't want to... can't want to! So good, so... impossibly good. Pleasure everywhere, all the time- it doesn't stop, doesn't let up! It felt depressing to deflate, and so exhilarating to inflate! So wonderful to get bigger and rounder, fuller, tighter! The stretching sounds are getting worse- and their pitch raises as it sounds like stretching tissue and more like stretching rubber! Pressure on her pussy, in her pussy, in her tits, belly- everywhere! Everywhere being shoved out, stretched and massaged all at once, all by the same shared pressure! Her mind being inflated with pleasure, more and more of an airhead! Lindsay tried to reach for her boobs to rub them but her arms could not reach those either! Her fingers and arms were so inflated that they were difficult to bend at this point, and she is so light that her motor strength is almost entirely negated by her buoyancy. Beth seen her trying though, and immediately reached up and grabbed her nipples and pulled Lindsay's entire body upright by her tits, like it was nothing! Lindsay also went wide-eyed at another realization; Beth is a lot bigger than her now. She is both inflating and... shrinking? Oh no- she is shrinking because she is becoming even more like a balloon! A regular sized party balloon! Her entire body is pink! She tried to shake her head but her neck was too thick to allow it, she only made her rubbery skin squeak. "Behanhy, hi... heeeh.... haheh ha- oh!" She tried desperately to say something to Beth, to tell her to stop but her voice was almost entirely gone! Her voice was both extremely quiet and so breathy that she could not even understand her own words! Even moving her lips to try and speak made rubbery rubbing sounds, and her voice has degraded to sounding more like air escaping a balloon- though very little could escape her at this point. She has become in-only. When she breaths in her entire body wobbles a bit as the pressure shoves itself around in her. Every so often a limb or digit will pop and wobble as the curvature flattens and gets pulled even further out across her swelling body! Her boobs and belly are so massively inflated that she can partially see through them! Then her entire torso. Then her limbs are nothing more than wide bumps, crowned with tiny spheres that used to be her fingers and toes! Her pussy flattened out- the bottom of her womb now level with the opening from over inflation, so you could not even tell where her genitals even are- there is just two subtle strips of slightly projected rubber that are her labia, but they too are being stretched flat across her growing curve. Bethany cannot stop smiling, rubbing Lindsay's body, massaging the rubber her skin is turning into, squeezing her and watching the rest of her billow out from the pressure shift, then let go and let her wobble back into shape! The tingle of pressure and pleasure was everywhere on Lindsay now, all the time, she could not escape it! Her massively inflated lips stuck in an O shape now, she could not even try to move them anymore. Her throat was like a wide cone- wider than the head it supported. Her hair started to fall out as her skin devolved into rubber and her head itself inflated! Her attempts at movement only caused her form to rock gently and the rubber to squeak. She is so small now that Bethany is holding her up in two hands! More and more balloon! Rounder, fuller, tighter! Her facial features started to vanish into the curvature of her inflating head, which started to sink into her neck, which was sinking into her torso. Her limbs were just a soft curve, and then nothing at all. Then from her pinky up; her digits thunked in flat against the rest of her. Her enormous breasts were now nothing but soft extremely wide bumps, and they too were stretched around the curve of her spherical body! Her entire form now semi-transparent with pressure! She has no skin; Lindsay is entirely rubber! Her vision starts to fade to pink! Everything else looks pink now, but the same shade of pink, so she cannot tell one thing from another- everything just looks solid pink, she cannot see! She became a perfectly spherical balloon- there was not even a nozzle to inflate it or let air out, she is a completely uninterrupted, pastel pink sphere. She is very slightly lighter than air- so if you let her go she will start to rise very slowly. Bethany paused squishing Lindsay's form this way and that, looking a little bit nervous. "S-s-s-sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you, hehe. Well, I guess technically you did this to you. I can turn you back- perfectly good again." She bit her lip and pressed the balloon into her cleavage and shivering from the feeling of its taut smooth surface against her flesh. "Later. I just... I... I am sorry! I can't help it!" Bethany then shoved the balloon against her pussy and ground her wet pussy on the rubbery surface! Bethany has a balloon fetish- that is how she learned of this little parlor trick in the first place. She kept apologizing to Lindsay, even though Lindsay could not hear her. She can only feel at the moment- she cannot even think about what she feels till she is turned back. Time has no meaning to a balloon, and Beth uses that as justification as to why she will not turn her back right away. She gives the distinct impression of having already gone through this more than once before. How many of the balloons in that van of hers... are actually balloons?
In the fascinating world of chemistry, one of the essential skills students must master is the art of balancing chemical equations. The “Balancing Act Worksheets” provide an engaging and educational way for students to practice and perfect this skill. Why Balancing Chemical Equations Matters Atoms are immutable during chemical reactions, meaning they cannot be created or destroyed. This fundamental principle ensures that the number of atoms for each element remains constant throughout the reaction. Balancing chemical equations is not only a necessary skill for academic purposes but also a critical component of understanding how chemical processes occur in the real world. How to Use the Balancing Act Worksheets The worksheets are designed with a clear and concise format, providing an example followed by practice equations that increase in complexity. Here’s how students can use them effectively: - Start with the Basics: Begin by identifying the number of atoms for each element present in the reactants and products. - Pick the Right Element: Look for an element that has a different number of atoms on each side of the equation. - Adjust with Coefficients: Add coefficients in front of the compounds to balance the atoms. Remember, coefficients multiply the number of atoms in the entire compound, not just the element they precede. - Check Your Work: After you think you have balanced the equation, count the atoms for each element on both sides to ensure they match. By completing these worksheets, students will gain confidence in their balancing abilities. The worksheets are designed to challenge and refine their understanding of chemical reactions and stoichiometry.
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